Things to say to a bf on the phone

A place to discuss all things related to the Indian Stock Market!

2014.02.24 08:05 UnfinishedSentenc_ A place to discuss all things related to the Indian Stock Market!

If it affects the Stock Markets we discuss it here.

2016.08.19 05:13 AssuredlyAThrowAway Discussion of things related to piracy on the PS Vita

All references to piracy in this subreddit should be translated to "game backups".

2012.10.04 09:21 AdrianBrony The place to share the things that scare your socks a bit loose.

Come across something in your life that freaked you out? Something scary enough to increase your heart rate, or grow half a goosebump? Share your shudder-inducing content with us!

2024.06.07 22:43 EnvironmentMinute171 Daycare behavior - 3 year old

My son just turned 3 in May. Until recently, he has been a super easy going. Hitting all his milestones and overall very happy. The only thing I’ve noticed between him and other kids is that his speech is still a little jumbled. Not that he can’t say the words, but it’s just hard to understand sometimes. He can understand us just fine.
About 2 months ago, he started to hit what we’ve seen called “threenager” and until now have chalked it up to that. He started having meltdowns that were hard for us as first time parents to manage. There were a lot of meltdowns that have included yelling, telling us no, he would hit and push objects around but never threw anything at anyone or hit anyone. We started to learn that most of this was around transition time from activity to activity. He doesn’t like when the current party ends and that’s when he has a hard time. We learned for us that we need to give him cues it’s going to end - 1 more time on the slide, pick only 2 books before bedtime, not 1 apple juice. He works well with us when we give him those warnings. He also responds well to a few minutes of timeouts or us letting him know we are going to stop talking until he can speak nicely to us. It takes him a few minutes in most case, but he will come back around and apologize when we ask him to.
About a month ago, however, daycare came to us saying they were experiencing that too and his main teacher in his center (his class has about 26 kids) also said it was mostly during transition. We felt confident giving them our techniques - give him the amount of times he has left so he knows the end is coming.
Earlier this week, I came to pick him up and he was just starting to read a book. I sat down at the table and said finish your book before we go. One of his teachers made a snide comment about “Liam needs to finish his book, we all know how he’ll be if we don’t” which made me feel terrible. Then today, we got a message saying he now appears to be peeing his pants on purpose when he is angry with teachers and essentially that the tips are w gave for redirection aren’t working. I happened to be off early and picked him up early, in which he was the only kid not sleeping at nap time and crying. I pulled him into the hallway and said “why are you crying” to which he replied “I wanted a book” and I said “did they give you a book?” And he said “i wanted to get own myself”. We left after that and I sent a follow up asking daycare for more info, but haven’t heard back yet.
All of this to say, we have experienced some things of these things at home, but in the last month it has been extremely manageable and never has he peed in retaliation to being angry. They are saying he is smart and sweet, but they need more suggestions on how to help him. I’m starting to wonder how to help myself. I’m not sure if anyone else has experienced this in a school/daycare setting or believes that this is unusual behavior? He is due for a checkup, but feeling a little lost since what is happening at school isn’t seemingly as bad or happening at home. Daycare is being nice, but very vocal.
submitted by EnvironmentMinute171 to toddlers [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 22:43 chiaseed_rgood4u Annoying ass family?

I have a mother that has a superiority complex, a dad with a superiority complex and a brother with a superiority complex.
Constantly, I am TASKED with managing the house and taking care of my brother, who keep in mind is TWO FREAKING WHOLE YEARS OLDER THAN ME, as if he is a three year old just learning how to speak. Like COME ON? He doesn't even know how to make SOUP. SOUP. Not even from fresh, store bought, individual ingredients from the crevices of the freshness of earth. No. I'm talking about the canned soup. The soup that even has a stupid little tab so you can open it, and pour it into a bowl and shove it in a microwave. To him, it's like asking him Consommé Devilish dish, with a side of Béarnaise sauce. Noodles? Nope. A grilled cheese? Nope. EGGS? SCRAMBLED EGGS THAT IS LITERALLY A TWO STEP PROCESS? Nope. He genuinely thinks that when he wakes up food is going to magically appear on the dining table, and if it's not, everyone (ESPECIALLY ME) will just drop EVERYTHING they're doing, hailing him, giving him his stupid crown and then basically saying "Yes sire, everything you have ever desired or even wished for will be here for you." Like WHAT DO YOU MEAN????
DON'T EVEN get me started on my parents. Honestly the difference in treatment I get is ASTONISHING. My parents expect me to study, play sports, clean the house and excel in everything everywhere all at ONCE. If I even suggest hanging out with my friends, they instantly get all, "Why? Why do you need to hangout with your friends? I swore you hung out with them a few weeks ago?" Or "I can't I'm busy." Even today omg, I wanted to hangout with my friends after-school. It wasn't even like going to someone's house or pulling up at a park or something, NO we all just wanted to walk around and talk about LIFE. I called my dad, expecting a positive reaction but he instantly said NO, saying that he was "Busy, and that he had ALOT of work to do." But did you know? If my brother asked the same thing, he would have just asked him to be at home by a certain time and have fun. Okay so why not me? I cannot genuinely be tweaking rn, like this is acc so stupid, and then thing is, I can't even BLOODY PROTEST, because I get my ass BEAT, and phone taken away.
Even my mum, omg I don't want to sound like an ass daughter but genuinely I just want to beat her and slap some sense into her even if it takes me HOURS, DAYS, WEEKS, MONTHS EVEN YEARS. One time, I had food tech. It required me to bring bread, and I had asked my mum to please by new bread because the bread in the fridge was already past it's due date and was starting to look and smell off. And she looked at me as if I had asked her to march to Buckingham Palace and go on a death mission to blow up the royal family. She said "No, you can still use it," (as we both looked at the VISIBLY ROTTING BREAD) and as I protested she simply said, "Fine don't do the practical then, I don't care," threatening to take away my phone away again.
And I don't even know why it's just me. My brother tells me to shut up all the time. It's tiring, yet when I say shut up back, suddenly I have committed 37261719 war crimes and my parents tell me it's "Girls like me who get hated on because of their smart mouths." Like WHAT?? My brother , has literally told my mother to be quiet before. Which is MAD DISRESPECTFUL, and she was just like "Hey, come on now! Anyways 😋☺️😊" and she was chuckling as if some funny joke had been told. Yet if I was to even contemplate saying the same thing, my phone would have magically disappeared out of my hand, I would have been receiving the back of a hand, and handed a mean mouthing saying I'm "The WORST daughter I've ever had, you have disgusting manners but you know what I don't blame you. I blame myself for raising you like this."
My parents think I don't remember. On days when they are calm I do EVERYTHING FOR THEM. EVEN CLEANING THEIR ROOM. I don't see my brother get into that room and clean it? And all the time they just joke saying "I know you will take care of us when your older, and we can always count on you." Like no, once I'm eighteen trust I will be out that door and I will NEVER , EVER look back, so you can come crawling back to me and tell me how exactly sorry you are.
Anyways that's just me tho
submitted by chiaseed_rgood4u to teenagers [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 22:42 LarryRump The recent banning of the “this is beekmantown”website.

This is a post regarding the banning of the so called “bully” website after a sensitive parent decided to call the police over a website dedicated to posting images of discourteous students and commenting on them, they were not happy that their child was featured on this website, keep in mind that the images posted on this website, are images taken in a public setting, a public setting with its own cameras plastered everywhere, nothing about anything was private and in fact worse things have been said in person rather than on this website that only a few people knew about. However this did not stop people who used their real names on this website from getting in trouble and receiving consequences up to suspension, and in fact is the basis of the new phone policy proposed by dusty relation.
submitted by LarryRump to Beekmantown [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 22:42 wxmco Won $3,000 on first day before verification, account now deactivated...

I signed up yesterday, depo $25, and got the match bonus for a total of $52. I didn't verify, even though my friend said I should before I start playing (because why should that matter if they allow me to play with my depo before I verify...why not verify after I have something to redeem) turns out I ran my first depo up to $3,200 after playing for 5 hours :) Then my account was deactivated. Now I can't log in.
Within the first hour of playing I was up $150 or so and tried verifying, but my PC webcam was not cooperating with the website, so I exited out of that although I had submitted the front and back of my Driver's license. I tried to click the redeem again to start the verify process again, but when I did, I was prompted that my verification process had started and to wait...
Just a moment or so later I noticed an email saying that my account is under review for security reasons and to click a link given in the email to submit the 4 requested documents (front & back of ID, selfie with ID, and proof of residence like mail). I then successfully submitted all those documents (mind you, this was within the first hour of playing when I was only up $200 give or take)
After all this, I continued to then play for 4 hours (total around 5), slowly working my way up to $3,200 before my account was deactivated. It wasn't until then that I really began to dig into the email they sent me regarding my verification and I noticed they said my account was temporarily blocked in that same email that requested the 4 documents to be submitted.
"It has come to our attention that your account is due for a routine security measure check. In order for us to do this, we have temporarily blocked your account for the time being.
We would like to request a few documents that will be helpful in our review of your account:"
ALSO, I did noticed during my 5 hours of play, and bouncing from slot to slot after winning, that after clicking 1 or 2 new slot I was alerted that my account was deactivated, but I simply clicked "back" on my browser (playing on PC entire time) and chose a different slot & I was able to I figured it was just particular slots I tried (this was before I noticed the email saying my account temporarily blocked).
My friend told me her account was deactivated the first day she signed up, and she wasn't even able to play at all, although she was able to purchase SC coins (also she did everything on her phone while I did everything on PC).
I've sent support a ticket last night when this occurred, and just 1 more today as a follow up & don't plan on sending another unless I get no response for 3-4 business days.
TL;DR - I signed up via PC website, depo $25, played for 5 hours, and got up to $3,200 before my account was deactivated. Submitted verification via email they sent in the first hour of playing, in which that email said I was temporarily blocked for review, but I was able to play for several hours before deactivation.
Do I just wait 3 or 4 business days to hear back from Support? Anyone else have this issue? I could really use this money to repair my car & pay off some credit card debt...I hope all turns out well-I was ready to turn that 3k into 5 or more :p
submitted by wxmco to ChumbaCasino [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 22:42 AdComprehensive314 I’m going to use my old pc as nas for my home.

This might sound really stupid but I’m 16 years old and I thought it would be really cool to use my old pc as nas but I was wondering about a few things:Will I be able to connect my phone to it or use it for my phone.and Will other people on the same network be able to connect to it with their phones.
I thought it would be a really cool project but I dont know much about nas and just want to know if I would be able to connect it to my phone and how would I do that.
submitted by AdComprehensive314 to homelab [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 22:42 dHallman111000 Phone privacy. Where to draw the line? (Gf 23f) (Me 23m)

My girlfriend and I have been together for about 2 and a half years. In the beginning she was really jealous and paranoid from her past she would constantly want to see my phone know who I'm texting and all that. I would let her I have nothing to hide she has my passwords and a fingerprint for my phone. I wanted to ease her mind and help her understand I'm not that kinda guy. She would also let me in her phone I was never really paranoid about it just wanted it to be fair. Honestly alot of her paranoia about it kinda rubbed off on me. I would also hear stories about how the person cheating is usually the one to accuse the other of cheating. And ya know shit would get stuck in my head. Then it all kinda blew off she had trust in me and I trusted her
Fast forward to about 2 months ago. She was acting kinda suss I still trusted her but she would be Facetimeing people but not around me and would sometimes make up excuses for me not to come down to her house. So I kinda did get a little jealous and one day asked to see her phone and she would refuse. So that kinda made a argument. And she still refuses to let me even touch her phone.
(After we moved in together) I asked to use her flashlight one night cause my phone was dead and I needed a flashlight at the time. I could tell she was worried the whole time I held it she wouldn't even let me just hit the button to turn it off when I was done she just snatched it away. And most recently my phone took a shit and didn't work. I came home from work and she was in the middle getting a tattoo the guy tattooing her was sitting at my desk chair. I wanted to go on my PC to look at my email so I could track when my new phone was gonna be here cause it was coming in that day. So I asked her if I could log in my email on her phone to see it. Of course I wasn't allowed. But this is how she worded it. No just wait until he's done he's almost done and you can go on your computer. Okay so I went in the other room and sat and waited. Mind you i came home early from work cause she was supposed to have a job interview that day I had to drive her to. Which she canceled. So I was trying to get back to work as soon as I could. I was kinda in a time crunch. So I waited until she was done. He went outside in his car and she said she's gonna go hangout with him for a bit. Then is when I kinda blew up and I shouldn't have. I told her to just go move in with him and get tf out my house. And was also complaining about not letting me use her phone. Without saying much of anything she starts packing gets in the car with him and leaves, at this point I'm going mental rolling on the floor in my own sorrow cause I knew I shouldn't of said any of that and I couldn't take it back and I just hated the fuck outta myself plus she just left with some random dude... I calm down a bit and go back to work. After work. We are texting I'm trying to apologize and asking her to come back. She wants me to come down there cause she left some stuff behind. I go down there with the stuff and we talk about what happend. I apologize for my wrongs and she just hold me while I cry. Then she makes us food. And then decides she wants to come back. Then the day after go back down cause she needs to clear her head. And now it's today.
I am tired. I still kinda trust her. Idk I honestly just don't know anymore. She says she loves me and she'll come back Sunday or whenever she feels less "brain foggy." do I try. Do I keep trying with all this. None of this sounds right when I type it and it makes me kinda realize that I shouldn't even be with her at this point but we are technically still together. Idk. This is all just weird what's y'all's thoughts
submitted by dHallman111000 to relationship_advice [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 22:42 Common_Positive_5181 How do I even come out to my bf at this point

Late 20’s for both of us. My bf is bi and I’ve known that since our first date. I’m also bi (woman) but have never told him. He’s had multiple sexual experiences with men. The only thing I’ve done is made out with a woman. We’re over a year into our relationship and the more time that goes by the less and less I want to come out to him. Few reasons why.
I am very monogamous and if I ever feel sexually attracted to a woman (or any other person for that matter) I deal with it 😏 privately and don’t let it interfere with our relationship. He’s kinda jealous and if I were talking about how much I want to fuck someone who isn’t him he wouldn’t appreciate that. He apparently doesn’t have these same reservations. He always tells me when he finds someone hot, waxes poetic about dick, tells me he’d like a threesome. I offer to try and “scratch the itch” with pegging or other things but he always says “it’s different, you wouldn’t understand”. I do understand though but I am monogamous and wouldn’t say these things to a partner. Most recently one his birthday he kept joking-but-not-joking about me gifting him a hall pass for a guy. I feel like if I told him I was bi it would make him push me into not being monogamous. Or he’d see it as a license to say more things that make me uncomfortable.
Another reason is that the one time I’ve hinted at being bi as a way to start coming out he completely shut it down. Literally laughed at the idea I could be bi or into women in any way. We’ve gotten into this dynamic of him showing me gay memes or talking about gay shows and him being like “haha you don’t get it”. He bi in a very Reddit way of “everyone is hot everyone wants a threesome”which is not me At All. And the long it goes on the more I feel like this is gonna explode..
I want to come out to him. I want him to know that we have that in common and have that shared experience. But the more he talks about it the less safe I feel coming out to him. He’s made comment about how he’s glad we’re both not bi so we’re not (as he calls it) heterosexual ex with extra steps. Like how am I supposed to come out after that???
Thank you to anyone who’s read up will this point. Any advice is appreciated. Idk what I’m gonna do
submitted by Common_Positive_5181 to rant [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 22:41 BGodInspired How Can Storing God's Word in Your Heart Transform Your Life?

The Power of Hidden Wisdom: Understanding Psalm 119:11

Imagine a treasure chest buried deep within, accessible only through diligent searching and unwavering purpose. The Bible often describes its wisdom and teachings this way, inviting us to seek God’s truth as a precious treasure—one such gem is found in Psalm 119:11. “I have hidden your word in my heart that I might not sin against you,” the Psalmist declares, highlighting a powerful principle for faith-filled living.

Embracing the Word in Our Hearts

Psalm 119:11 underscores the importance of grounding ourselves in the Scriptures. The act of hiding God’s word in our hearts isn’t merely about memory but encompasses living out God’s teachings daily.
Reflect on a time when a Bible verse helped you in a challenging situation. How did it influence your decisions and feelings?

Practical Ways to Hide God’s Word in Your Heart

Understanding the value of Scripture is one thing, but how do we practically “hide” it in our hearts? Here are some effective strategies:
  1. Daily Scripture Reading: Make Bible reading a daily habit. Start with a verse, a chapter, or a specific book and meditate on its teachings.
  2. Memorization: Memorize verses that speak to you. Write them on note cards or set them as reminders on your phone.
  3. Reflection and Journaling: Take time to reflect on what you’ve read and write down insights. Journaling helps cement these truths in your heart.
  4. Application: Consider how you can apply Scripture to daily life. Practical application helps to internalize God’s word deeply.
Which strategy resonates with you the most? How do you plan to incorporate it into your routine?

The Impact of God’s Word on Our Lives

When we embed God’s word in our hearts, it produces a multitude of positive effects:
What’s a favorite Bible verse that has been impactful in your life? How has it guided you through your personal journeys?

Taking the Next Step

Psalm 119:11 isn’t just about hiding God’s word, but letting it transform us from the inside out. As you embark on this journey of internalizing Scripture, remember that it’s a lifelong process, one that brings immense spiritual growth and closeness to God.
In conclusion, I challenge you to start today: pick a verse, reflect on it, and think about ways to apply it to your life. If you’ve found this post helpful, please share your thoughts or experiences in the comments. How has God’s word influenced your life? Let’s journey together in making His word a living part of our daily walk.
Embrace the treasure within the Scriptures, and let their wisdom guide and strengthen you today and always!
Remember to share this post with others who might benefit from delving deeper into the word of God. Let’s spread the encouragement far and wide!
If you want to want to research more Bible Answers on your own, please try our Bible Answers GPT. It’s easy to get lost in the interesting responses you’ll find… every search is like a new treasure hunt 🙂
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2024.06.07 22:41 Silver_Recording_280 No one would photograph the royal children???

No one would photograph the royal children???
Lots of posts about the fictitious visits Kate has been making ‘out and about’ (and apparently she was seen in Next yesterday???) And lots of people defending the fact there are no photos by saying the British public are extremely respectful and wouldn’t dream of whipping out their phones to take a picture. This picture was taken by a member of the public in a pub after William and George attended a football match…every single person in the pub taking photos on their phones…
submitted by Silver_Recording_280 to KateMiddletonMissing [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 22:41 ewright28 Someone please Photoshop in a pregnant Asian lady unloading groceries with a crane being built in the background on the phone. And a text bubble saying "time for you to go live on YouTube" over the wojack. I cant Photoshop for shit. Please add my u/ with your for credit.

Someone please Photoshop in a pregnant Asian lady unloading groceries with a crane being built in the background on the phone. And a text bubble saying
Again please add my u/ and your u/ for meme credit.
submitted by ewright28 to UNSUBSCRIBEpodcast [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 22:41 buttermaster04 Which deck would win?

Hello everyone, I like many others have multiple decks one that have stuck around and ones that have been taken apart and been remade into different decks, my two most favorite being [[The first sliver]] and [[Teysa, opulent oligarch]] they both play very differently and I had a thought experiment and I encourage everyone do to the same, if you were cloned (because who else better to play your deck) with all the knowledge of your deck and opposing deck, no god hands and average keep hands, being able to play commander on curve/average turn which deck of yours would come out on top?
TLDR: which of your decks if they all fought each other would win?
If start with mine Teysa usually gets off to a very early start on turn 1 or 2 they are usually meant for early game pingers, either a [[Pulse tracker]] played on turn 1 or a [[Sanctum of stone fangs ]] played on 2 to
then play Teysa on turn 3 deal 1 dmg to each opponent and start the game plan going of making clues.
The first sliver is either playing land passing with the occasional ramp or artifact to help but does very but I’m going to say it’s on curve which usually is what happens so for the first 5 turns it’s playing lands and passing, Teysa on turns 4-5 can have many combinations but let’s say those turns are dedicated to cracking clues and getting spirits. on turn 4 I can crack 2 clues 1 on my turn and 1 on my opponents turn draw 2 cards and get 2 spirits and on end step of my turn get more clues, on turn 5 same thing generally with 1 mana open.
Ultimately on turn 5 the first sliver would come out of the command zone, while Teysa has already 4 spirits and around 5 clues and has drawn 4 cards which can be anything from removal to slow down effects or even ways to get more clues/spirits.
Turn 6 is where everything goes crazy though if not removed the first sliver is going to start cascading into other slivers with a plethora of different effects and abilities or into other spells that are not very useful, while Teysa keeps chugging getting clues and spirits while thinking of getting more or removing things.
This where I’ll stop as there are too many variables but it’s definitely fun to think about how the first sliver is obviously more powerful in terms of raw power but can they get off the ground before they are stopped from Teysa what about your decks?
submitted by buttermaster04 to EDH [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 22:41 StuartLittleHater69 I feel so bad for Mahmoud

From the beginning of this HEA season nicole’s been treating this visit as some sort of “payback”. It is so uncomfortable. Admittedly I skipped most of their scenes in The Other Way, but I always felt Nicole was exhausting, and obviously they both didn’t want to back down. Nicole acts like an entitled,oblivious American, and it’s infuriating. She seemingly NEVER thinks about his POV. Watching the v short clip of them in the car and seeing him talk, idk he seemed to be communicating as best he could. (I work with many Hindu doctors from India and they accidentally offend people often, but 99% of the time if really is a language barrier) He is PHYSICALLY uncomfortable so many times. I know it’s extremely edited but from what I saw in no way did he ogle at the Islam girl at the pier.He literally explains that she is the first Islam women he saw since being in US!! When he said at the pier how letting her wear short sleeves was a big thing, it made me so sad. He might be dealing with MASSIVE religious guilt . (I say might bc I am not Islam and don’t know enough about him to make that claim) Thinking about how he could be feeling (eg SCARED bc he knows how she is and he has no where to go, GUILT bc of the religious beliefs, SAD bc he moved fucking countries away, OVERWHELMED bc how suffocating Nicole is) and it makes me feel so bad for him bc he is STUCK with Nicole. He is having to be extremely dependent on Nicole and with how much of a controlling,abusive twat she is that’s TERRIBLE to think about. And also not to be a dick but even by American “normal” (and boring) standards Nicole IS a little fuckin weird with her ugly ass haircut and “fashion” so god forbid Mahmoud is overwhelmed and a bit weirded out by everything. and if my partner made their friends hug me i would be swinging, that was so unbelievably unacceptable not to even mention how disrespectful to his religion!!! Anyways yeah Im sure this all was said a million times but Im baked and watching it and had to rant.
submitted by StuartLittleHater69 to 90DayFiance [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 22:41 ConnectRespond8574 ISHOWMEAT

My friend (15M) was borrowing my (15M) phone. While he was on it he saw my photos and the first two pictures were some DPs i had taken the night before. He thought I was sending it to beat ass weird girl I used to talk to (which would be very embarrassing) but i didn't send it to her. I told him I traded with some random girl from a different school when in reality I didn't really have a reason to take them. Things have been awkward recently since then and Im conflicted. Should I tell him the truth that I didn't send them to anyone even though he wont believe me or should I do/say something else?
submitted by ConnectRespond8574 to Advice [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 22:41 perfik09 Just sharing my biggest win at a tournament.

Many years ago, I think probably 5 world cups ago (06 maybe) I figured that the best bet you can make on a big tournament is to bet on a tie when it is the quarter finals. In the world cup especially the late stages often went to OT then many times on penalties. I was shy with my bet but scored $6000 assuming Italy would also win. Not saying it is a sure thing but maybe a 3 of 4 would bring results. I will be trying this on at the Euros this year again but FWIW it hasn't brought me much luck since but I am probably still playing with the profits from that because I have tiny little betting balls... lol. Just recalling a fond memory.
submitted by perfik09 to SoccerBetting [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 22:41 x69_Aarav Today in Connaught place

Hey guys , I am a Delhi boi who was born n raised in Delhi. So today I went to CP-mandir after a long time , and dont feel right about it. First of all there is no hygiene!? And why tf are there stalls here and there bro this is a place to worship ?! Get your stalls out of here, if any of y'all have went to a gurudwara you guys would know how clean they are. And 2nd thing is that the people , oh gosh are they terrible , I saw around 30 people just using there phones in the mandir and around 20 of them were just aunties clicking selfies🤡. I am a Hindu myself and an atheist on top of that too , but bro if you are following your religion atleast also learn to respect it smh. Also why is the gov not doing anything for the poor people that are just there waiting for there meals baised on luck , sitting there like " koi hamare liye Aaj daan kar dega " Bro like , I'm speechless. And 3rd thing is like people are putting 2-3 ₹500 notes in the "daan box" , I know I am in no position to say this and may also get a lot of hate , but I guess if they just give that same money to a poor guy he might be happy and may get a weeks meal of it. Like I asked my dad about it -" why do we give money like this? " And he was looking like I ate beef sitting ina mandir, I said " bhagwan ko paise thodi na chahiye hamari chize poori karne ke liye " and bro just ignored me. He gave me 2- ₹500 notes to put in the box and I just secretly put 1 in the box and another in my pocket. I later gave it to a child near a icecream vendor and told them to buy food with it. They took it to there parents and the joy on there faces were just as they are back alive. Idk why people donate so much money in the "daan box" thinking as if it's for the betterment of the mandir , even tho only the pujari eat from eat. What's your opinions??
submitted by x69_Aarav to india [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 22:40 That_One_Dude053 So... I've rewatched Galaxy and I have mixed feelings....

A lot of you probably agree with this already but Galaxy was the weakest Go season, and the worst season behind Ares imo.
So I've decided to give it a rewatch and to see if my thoughts on have changed, and ,frankly, it did. Kind of.
Let's start with the first 20 episodes. Those episodes are easily my favourite in the whole season because of the slow pace and the more character focused plots we got in them.
This is probably a hot take, but I like the Earth Eleven as characters more than I like Go Raimon. Not saying that Go Raimon aren't great on their own right, but EE feel more like actual people with lives outside of soccer.
I found myself smiling way more often than usual during the small character moments we got in Galaxy than I did in the previous two Go seasons combined.
Unfortunately, the season kinda took a nose dive after the first 20 episodes. The overreaching plot was kinda boring, and the opponent teams are unmemorable as ever except for a few exceptions such as Storm Wolf and Faram Dite.
I can't stress how I felt nothing when the alien team captains arrived to aid the EE in the final match. They just exist and nothing else.
But what about the main characters you might ask? Tsurugi was GOATed in this season. Likely my favourite during this season.
Tenma was also not as irritating as usual. It was actually refreshing that Galaxy allowed Tenma to actually be a captain instead of telling him to be one. A problem I had with the end of GO1 and most of CS is we were constantly told that Tenma is a good captain but we only rarely saw him actually captain a team without someone else telling him what to do. Galaxy fixes that issue and shows Tenma has actually learnt how to be a leader on his own right. Now that's what I call character development.
Shindou and Shinsuke are also there. They were honestly the most forgettable characters in this season. I liked Shinsuke's mini arc and his performance in the final match but, besides that, I don't really have anything to say. Shindou got reduced to a satellite character for Ibuki's development, and briefly regressed to his as a character during the first few episodes.
As always, Kageyama stole the show every time he was on screen. I wasn't too keen on the choice of bringing him back during my first watch, but now I found his presence one of the few things that carried the plot heavy episodes. This man is actually insane even when he's supposedly a good guy, and I appreciate that.
Ozrock and Ixal Fleet were decent antagonists. They have sympathic motivates, cool Hissatsus, and a memorable match against the main team. What else could you wish for from an IE antagonist?
Something I also appreciated is how this season had the closest thing to OG football feel. Say what you want about Souls, but they were a breath of fresh air after the gimmick slugfest that was CS. I did appreciate how they weren't as overused as Keshins and Mixi-Max.
So, let's address the big elephant in the room: what do I think of Galaxy now.
Honestly, I might prefer it over CS when it comes to the actual football matches and character focused moments, even though I think CS had a stronger overreaching plot. Still, both are better than Ares imo.
Sorry, this rant was long and all over the place, guys. This is my first time doing this. Tell me your thoughts on Galaxy in the comments, and let's see if we agree or disagree.
submitted by That_One_Dude053 to inazumaeleven [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 22:40 Dicerson1 Air Hard - Part 1

The strange creature draws its weapon, and every Florb in the room freezes. We've all seen just what this terrifying device is capable of firsthand when it used it to slay the Grobulan pirates who had boarded our vessel. It was a massacre, their screams still echo in my mind. I could do nought but watch in bloodied horror as their bodies simply detonated in a shower of blue fluid. And the noise... the horrible horrible noise. One would expect a weapon of such terrifying power to be matched by an equally powerful roar, but this one's report is far more fluidchilling. Almost silent, except for a high pitched whine as its motors spin to unfathomable speeds within fractions of a second- delivering its lethal payload at a fraction the speed of sound itself yet despite this, the projectile is almost entirely silent. At least until impact. Never did I think a soft 'plink' could instill such fear within me. But when it is accompanied by such death... how could it not? And the plink was only when it missed and struck a nearby object instead! I dare not describe the noise of a direct hit, suffice to say it is the stuff of nightmare.
At the least, it certainly appears fearsome. Ergonomically designed, seeming to my eyes to be tailored to the creature's unique physical composition. One end is flaired into a flat shape which it braces against what it has informed me during my earlier medical operation to be its 'shoulder'. No doubt to handle the certainly vicious recoil such a mortifying tool must produce- though it gives no physical signs of such recoil during firing, I can only assume its physical strength must be beyond measure. The main body of the weapon is as black as the void, which makes its surface difficult for my eyes to truly discern- not that I believe my mind could handle whatever arcane horrors must make up its mechanical composition. What is all too easy to see, however, is the other end of it. Bright orange, as the surface of a lower main sequence star- appropriate, given its sheer power. One could liken it to the force of a star itself, and though such a likening would yet be metaphorical I could think of a few who may yet truly believe it if they bore witness to its effect.
"Take me back. Now." The room's translator intoned with mechanical apathy. It was a rushed job, and certainly imperfect- intonations and inflections are always the most difficult thing to encode into a translator so sometimes when a new one pops up it doesn't know what to do with it and just goes flat. This is the first time it's used this particular tone, but we all knew exactly what it intended, given that it now points the weapon of our salvation against us. As the captain pleaded with it to reconsider her offer, I thought back to how this mess began...
I am aboard the FLB Bright Future. An exploratory vessel plying the deepest reaches of unexplored space on a mission to discover valid hyperlane anchor points. Ours is a most vital task, for without the anchors, travel on the scale necessary to support intragalactic infrastructure was simply impossible. And without such infrastructure, new sources of valuable chemical resources could not be tapped to support the growth of the Florbus Combine. It is a long mission, as traveling without a hyperlane is a task of many years even with the most powerful warp engine. Folding spacetime from within the bubble is a monumental and extremely energy intensive task, which is why we need the anchors. With an exorbitantly large external structure, a self-stable bubble can be formed with relative ease around other objects, and from there a smaller engine can focus instead on pushing it- though the bubble will break on its own eventually, which limits how far a given vessel can travel, and cannot be broken from within; thus necessitating a different anchor at the destination. Further still spacetime bubbles of any sort are extremely sensitive to gravitational forces, which makes sense of course as gravity is essentially a fluctuation within spacetime itself. Thus, the 'hyperlane' was born. Areas of the galaxy where such fluctuations are either weak enough to be ignored, or predictable enough to be utilized for ever faster travel.
And so, the task of exploratory vessels such as the Bright Future is twofold. To ply the depths of unexplored space, analyzing the gravitational patterns and identifying prime locations for Hyperlane anchors. Far enough away from the next nearest to be cost effective, as simply building an anchor in every single star system is out of the question, but close enough to minimize the risks of unwary vessels overestimating their distance and ending up trapped in the depths of the void. Though most vessels do have a warp engine, most commercial organizations rely upon the anchors so greatly that such engines are often only barely strong enough to guide a bubble formed by an anchor. It is rare for a non-specialized vessel to be capable of self-bubbled travel, especially since such an engine is often extremely expensive to fabricate and to power. Nearly 90% of the Bright Future's fusion drive is dedicated to the task, necessitating minimal life support functions and stasis pods when in use.
I am the lead medical officer of the FLB Bright Future, Plorp Ruffaloo. Yes, yes, hold your awe. I am well aware of the nobility of my name, but I care little for such things. I refuse to ride upon my father's coat-tentacles, which is why I volunteered for such a common position instead of seeking the employment of cutting edge research facilities. Besides, I always felt that the best research is that done outside of a stuffy and controlled laboratory. Science is exploration, of a sort, if one is not adventurous in their pursuit of it than any discovery they make is bound to be pedestrian or extraordinarily slow to achieve. Out here, I get to study the anatomies of new and exciting creatures discovered upon the worlds we encounter. The array of life is truly astonishing.
Which is why I am currently utterly flabbergasted at the sight before me. Never in my days have I encountered a creature so... perplexing. Preliminary examination reveals that it's body is, astoundingly, supported by some kind of rigid internal structure, not unlike the hollow structures inside of Freeanas, that my medical scanning equipment cannot penetrate. However, by my reckoning I would need a vessel-grade device to create rays powerful enough to examine the internal structure of these supports, it is as if the thing is made of some manner of rock or crystal! What on Florbulus could drive such an adaptation? I do understand that the gravity of the world upon which it was discovered is significantly higher than average for life bearing planets, but surely this is too much?
"What could these creatures being doing, to necessitate such internal durability..." I mused to myself. I jumped when Hark Manyfred responded, I had forgotten he was here still, "From what I saw, doc, fighting a war."
My cephalus paled. A war? So then the long-distance scanners were true? This is an intelligent species? I suppose I should have gathered from the relatively obvious artificial accoutrement it came with but, well, I was more focused on the gaping wound in its abdomen at the time. When lieutenant Manyfred brought the creature in, it appeared to have been struck by some kind of object- a small piece of lead, which was astonishingly almost flattened. For such a material to deform so severely, whatever sent it flying must have been extraordinarily powerful. I struggled greatly to perform surgery, even the creature's flesh seems to be supernaturally durable. I had to make use of a laser cutter typically reserved for cutting through military armor just to create an opening large enough to fit extraction tools through. It took the strength of I and all three of my attending to ply the object free from its form- as it appeared to have been lodged inside one of those very dense supporting structures.
As I recalled this, it all suddenly made sense. A high gravity planet, intelligent, with extremely dense internal structures, and fighting a war. This is a soldier! Heavily augmented with some kind of organic implant. The lead must be... dear gods, a weapon? Fashioned specifically to tear through flesh with ease, if its saw-blade shape is anything to go by. Or perhaps... could the lead have deformed after impact with the structure, rather than having been shaped? If that was the case then its original shape... some kind of pointed volume? Aerodynamic... it was FIRED*? They use lead projectiles as a weapon? I must make a report of this, the captain will want to-*
*"*Ugh... my head..." IT SPEAKS? Actually, wait, that must be the translator. The ship is equipped with embedded translators in each room to save the burden of carrying a computational box on the person, though the fact that its working already must mean...
*"*Dr. Tryn? I take it you have already deciphered their language?" I call over my communication device.
"Yes, Dr. Ruffaloo," Dr. Tryn began, he is the ship's communications officer, a Freeana, and also an expert in xenolinguistics for exactly this situation- first contact, "Once we entered orbit I had discovered that the strange EM waves were, in fact, not due to the local star. But rather artificial constructions! A massive communications network scaling the entire planet, though nowhere beyond it except for what appear to be a handful of very small orbital outpo-"
"Yes, yes, Dr. Tryn. I understand you're excited. But if you truly wish to study their language more, I believe you would have better luck speaking with our guest," I know him too well, and frankly was not eager to handle initial outreach with a patient who had just awoken from such a horrendous wound. I did not need to keep my device on to know that his assistants were plugging their auditory cavities to protect themselves from his excited shrill.
In barely 2 minutes, Dr. Tryn burst through the doorway in an exhausted huff. Thankfully the patient didn't seem to take notice of where exactly it was just yet, its oculars have yet to unshield themselves. I prepared to greet my colleague but he seemed disinterested in me, as I should expect.
"Arghcke Thee Awoken?" I heard, which caused me to realize that I was actually awake and not at home in bed. Fuck. I've gotta get up, that asshole could still be- "OW!" Shit, the gunshot, I must-
Where the hell am I. I'm pretty sure I was just at an airsoft field, in the middle of a match when some psycho brought his dad's real fucking gun instead. Bastard even painted the damned thing's barrel and made sure to hide it. What the fuck was he thinking? But right now I'm looking at... a... what the hell is it? It looks like a cross between a fish and a bird. It's got feathers, and what looks like a beak. But then its shiny, and has big 'ol fish eyes and weird looking neck-gill thingies, like Abraham from Hellboy. Next to it is.. an Octopus? But its huge*, like three times the size of a person. And also wearing a doctor's outfit. What the actual-*
Ow. I'm reminded that I was just shot in the leg. Even the slightest movement hurts like hell, but when I looked down I couldn't see an entry wound. Or any blood for that matter, nor did it feel like I had shards of thigh bone stabbing me from the inside. It was just... really sore.
*"*Me Cogitates Its Wakefulness, Medical Officer Tryn," The Octopus spoke. It spoke. Holy shit these are aliens. Holy shit. Fuck. Uh, oh no? Oh yes? I don't know, actually. I mean, they don't seem like the 'take me to your leader and prepare for anal probing' type... They apparently even bothered to fix my leg and, presumably, save me from that gun toting maniac. Looking around I see they even brought my stuff with me, though it's locked up in some kind of transparent locker. Not that an airsoft M4 would be particularly useful against an advanced alien species. Their words are weird, but the fact that I can hear anything even remotely coherent means they have some kind of translation thingy going on. Though either its really bad or they do just have a strange manner of speaking. Is... no way is this actually first contact? That would explain the crappy translation, at least, it would mean they've had hardly any time at all to decipher my language. I should try...
"Uh, yes? I am awake. Uh, hi?" I make my best attempt at a greeting, but they all jump back when I raise my hand in a lazy wave. Oh yeah, first contact, shit. Can't make any sudden movements, in fact they probably- OH JESUS THAT'S A SHARK. YEP. THAT IS A GOD DAMN SHARK PERSON RIGHT THERE.
Ohkay. Ohkay. Calm down. Aliens. Yes. Just aliens, maybe its a nice shark person? Maybe he's a doctor- no. He's definitely got some kind of weapon. Vaguely gun shaped, but strangely very round like a banana. But with a lightshow on the side of it. A laser maybe? Anyways, yes, he must be the guard. Makes sense. New species, no clue what they're capable of. Far as they know I got retractable claws or acid spit or something. No sudden moves, or King Shark over there might rip me in half or... distingrate me with that fancy gun, I guess.
The bird-fish, I think the Octopus called it Medical Officer Tryn? But the Octopus is the one wearing the outfit... ohhh bad translation, right. Medical Officer is probably an attempt to translate Doctor? Which means the bird-fish is a Doctor, but not necessarily a medical one. Or maybe he is and doctor's just dress like that and the Octopus back there is a nurse or something. Anyways, the Doctor seemed to fiddle with something in the wall, and then spoke again, "There, that should be better. I always forget to account for the more common bands. Now, I would ask if you are awake again, but I think that much is obvious. Greetings! I am Doctor Ooliueaette Trynishidianafore. But my colleagues often refer to me a Dr. Tryn, I am the communications officer. This is Doctor Plorp Ruffaloo our shipboard medical professional, and the one behind you is lieutenant Hark Manyfred, the on who retrieved you from your endangered state. We are currently aboard the FLB Bright Future, which is a spacefaring exploratory vessel under the command of the Florbus Combine. I hope you do not mind, but I took the liberty of exploring the rudimentary communications systems of your world, and discovered quite the interesting stock of conceptual fictions! I've not yet poured through them all, but I believe you are well familiar with most civilized structural concepts."
The bird-fi, er, Dr. Tryn seemed... happy? I couldn't be too sure, whatever is doing the translation appears to be attempting to mimic tone and inflections but, well, I guess its still a bit too new at this. In any case, I think the doctor here is excited. Also the Shark guy is the one that saved me? Cool. Wait, he said he looked through our 'rudimentary communications systems'? Oh dear god no, he's seen the internet. This could be bad.
"Listen, uh, what you saw on the internet, just know that it alot of, uh, well not really true stuff. I mean, its not the best image of humanity-" I began, when the doctor interrupted me
"Oh! Don't worry too much! As I said I've yet to pour through most of what I recovered, and when I performed my initial sweep I had yet to fully flesh out the translations. Currently I only have saved information related to a few keywords. This isn't my first first contact, you know! I'm well aware of how.. shall we say, odd some species' public communications networks can be. To protect myself from whatever horrors may have been conjured by nascent- what did you say, humanity? I was very conservative in my retrievals. In any case, there will always be time later to do a more thorough exploration when sufficient context has been gained."
Oh thank god. I raised a hand to my chest, only to notice that it was incredibly easy. Far too easy, in fact. As if I weighed almost nothing...
Oh day! What a joyous day! First contact! It has been so many years since the last one, I had begun to lose hope that I would see another in what time I have left. I could not help but sing a joyous song on the way, though for the sake of our new guest I had to restrain myself before entering. There is no telling if they are sensitive to sound, I would not want to accidentally deafen a brand new species! I am so very pleased to know that the translation is working correctly, it won't be long before it's heard every possible phoneme and intonation. Perhaps in just a few days we'll be able to converse as if we shared the same native tongue!
Not to mention, they are remarkably calm! Normally first contact can be a rather hectic affair, filled with songs of fear or anger. But not this one! It seems I was correct in my observation that his people have long since theorized spaceflight, and even the possibility of alien species. I was afraid for a moment that the fictions I'd discovered were obscure resources known to only a few, or perhaps they are and he is one of those few. In any case, this is looking to be a very smooth first contact! Those are the best, as it gives me the greatest amount of time to converse for the sake of improving the translator and truly exploring the depths of their culture and history in the most engaging way possible: conversation!
*"*Now! What do your people call you- actually, first, do your people also utilize individual-specific names, or titles?" A beginners question, but an all-too-important one. A great deal of cultural differences can arise from something so seemingly small as the usage of names.
"Ugh, yes, we have names. Mine's Duncan. Duncan Euler, no not that- oh, you... probably wouldn't know who Euler was. Anyways, yeah. That's my name." It spoke, the words did come off a little flat in the translator but I could hear the subtle variations that the translator couldn't overwrite! Wonderful! Their species seems to make use of intonations and inflections, and the name, two names, a first and last. Just like most species, lending further creedence to Metacognitive Binomial theory. I'll have to make a note of that later, for now...
"And what is it you do, Duncan Euler? I mean to say, your profession or trade? For what societal purpose do you serve?" Another quite important question, by knowing the station of the subject we know what their perspective of their own society might be. Naturally you cannot learn all there is to know from a single individual, especially in more fracturous societies where so little as a place of birth can be the difference between ancestral hatred or familial piety.
"I believe he is a soldier, Dr. Tryn," Dr. Ruffaloo spoke up, which does annoy me somewhat. I understand his desire to hasten things stems from his people's general anxiety towards prolonged contact, but seriously! Long, drawn out conversations are the best. He should know how rude he is being!
*Duncan spoke up now, thankfully, "*Actually, no, I-"
BOOM. The entire vessel is suddenly rocked by what sounds like some kind of explosion. I and the others are tossed to a far wall with agonizing force, I feel as several of my hollow bones shatter from the impact. The pain is excrutiating. It cannot end like this! I had too much to live for! I wasn't... done... talking......
Fuck. That was loud, and painful. Not really in the "oh no all my bones broke" sort of way, but more like tripping on something and then faceplanting sort of way. Except I fell backwards, into the wall, and although I didn't feel anything break, that doesn't mean nothing did. At the very least I'm gonna have one hell of a bruise on my back. This, at least, confirmed my suspicions. I bounced off that wall like a superball, gravity on this ship is really weak. Walking is going to be a bitch and a half. Though given the explosion I don't think walking is going to be my main worry, what hell is happening?
"HULL BREACH DETECTED," A drone of a voice rang out, must be some kind of ship board AI? "SEALING CABINS. SEAL SUCCESSFUL. REPRESURR-" BOOM. Another explosion, but smaller this time- I was able to catch myself just fine. I look over to where the other are and- oh god. Dr. Tryn is... jesus. Like a bird that flew into a window at full speed. I guess.. I mean he does look like a bird, so I guess he had hollow bones. Which means that first explosion must have... I'm gonna be sick. He seemed so nice, too. Thankfully the Sharkman and the Octopus seemed to have taken that a little better, squishy bodies I guess probably helps with shock absorption.
I get the point, and immediately begin shutting out the AI voice. Of course this happens. Textbook sci-fi. First contact interrupted by some kind of violent enemy. What is it? Soldiers? Don't tell me they came out here as explorers in the middle of some kind of Galactic warzone? No, that doctor seemed far too smart for these aliens to be naive. Must be Pirates, or maybe Mercenaries of some kind. The only question then, is why? What value could an Exploration ship hold for Pirates? Well, stupid question I guess. He also said "under the command of the Florbus Combine". Military ship. Military ships have military weapons. Of course pirates would want something like that if they got a chance, and I guess these ones decided a first-fucking-contact was theirs.
I go for the locker with my stuff, I doubt an airsoft gun is going to be helpful against space-age technology but you never know. Maybe I can use it to make a distracting noise, or maybe they won't be able to tell it isn't a real weapon and I can do some kind of bluff with it. Worst case, it's heavy- real metal. I liked the heft, and I'm sure a pirate's face probably won't. The Octopus and the Sharkman seemed to still be recovering, I guess it hit them a bit harder than I thought. But I didn't have any kind of medical expertise, especially for alien anatomy, so I didn't really bother to check on them. I smashed the glass window of the locker they put my stuff in- wasn't about to bother fiddling with some kind of locking mechanism and risk activating something.
It... didn't hurt? Its not actually glass, just some kind of thick transparent film. Really easy to break through, in fact. Tore like some kind of gel. Eh, whatever. Got my airsoft gun, wielding it as seriously as I could so any pirate that saw me might think its real and think twice before starting a gunfight. I glanced over at the Octopus, I think its name was Dr. Ruffaloo? Funny name. Its color changed, it was a shade of blue before but now its a sort of maroon color. Its.. I think those are its eyes, are locked on me. I guess it saw me get my stuff, was it really that surprising though? It wasn't exactly made of anything- oh dear god.
Light gravity, weak security locker. Someone fucking died from that toss. Is... is this a space orcs thing? Am I some kind of like, monster beast to these people? Noooo, no way. That mother fucker over there is a SHARK for fucks sake and bit like a tank to boot, ain't NO WAY I'm stronger than him. It must not have been a secure locker, I mean what kind of security locker is fucking transparent? Yes, that's it. Doc Oc over there is just scared cuz my little act is a bit too good- he did say he thought I was a soldier, so to him I'm a trained killer getting ready for my morning commute. The fake military fatigues certainly help, I think. I call out to King Shark, er, Hark Manyfred I think his name was?
*"*Hey, Big Guy get up. Alexa up there said we got intruders. I don't know what that disco banana you got does, but if its what I think it is we're gonna have to throw a party for the uninvited guests."
He just groaned, then looked up at me confused. Too much metaphor I guess, translator must've garbled it.
*"*Pick up your weapon and get ready for a fight." I corrected.
He just nodded, and seemed to take a similar stance as mine. Good, glad to know 'lieutenant' wasn't a mistranslation. At least someone here is professionally trained.
I could scarcely believe my oculars. This, 'Duncan' individual just tore through a security locker as if it were made of primitive writing scrap. Not to mention the detonation, he was thrown to the wall as all of us and stood up from it like nothing happened. Even lieutenant Hark was rendered unconscious for a few moments, my brain has no functions for losing consciousness so I was sharply aware of everything that transpired. Dr. Tryn even... he... he may have been an annoying colleague, but he was a good friend. What am I going to tell his mate? I... I have to avoid thinking about it, for now. Right now we have bigger problems. If those intruders were willing to toss the vessel that fiercely, our lives are certainly the least of their concerns. Dr. Tryn was far from the only Freeana on the ship, and there's no telling how much more viscious the impact was in other parts of the vessel.
The creature, or rather, Duncan, spoke something but the Translator failed. That impact must have jumbled it a bit. What it said next, however, was crystal clear- redundant computer must have come online.
"Pick up your weapon and get ready for a fight," It said. So it IS a soldier, I knew it. Then that strange device it holds must be a weapon of some kind. Dear lord... don't tell me it fires lead projectiles like the one I extracted from it? I must warn him, if he fires something like that aboard this ship it could rip a hole to the void, or puncture a vital fuel reserve. The ship has systems for handling such occurences, but they can only do so much- especially if other events have already activated them.
*I began, "*Please! Do not use that weapon aboard this vessel! Such a heavy projectile will surely-"
"Oh, uh, yeah, don't worry about it. It's not real. Just a toy." It said. A toy? So... it isn't a soldier? Oh no... this is not good. That leaves Hark as the only one here capable of defending himself, and if a firefight breaks out in my medical facility it could severely damage the equipment and leave me unable to treat the wounded.
*"*Lieutenant! You must fight outside of this chamber! If any of my equipment is damaged in a fight, it could turn out poorly for us all!" He simply grunts and nods at me. Grobulan fighting instinct must have kicked in already, he cannot speak. It likely takes all of his willpower just to avoid turning on us- but it is precisely his extreme degree of self control that earned him his position upon this vessel, and indeed in the Florban military in general despite his people's reputation. In fact, if my suspicion is correct, Grobulan pirates tend to be very keen on explosive weaponry when it comes to naval combat. For exactly the reason that it turns the insides of any vessel struck into a bloody mess, perfect for activating their instincts and turning them into some of the most terrifying fighters in the galaxy when they inevitably board. And judging from the screams coming from the hallway, I'd say my suspicions are terribly, terribly correct.
We're all going to die.
-End of Part 1-
submitted by Dicerson1 to humansarespaceorcs [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 22:40 SuccessfulRecord4784 I (f20) feel like I’m falling out of love with my bf (m19) and I don’t know if my expectations are just too high

He is my first REAL boyfriend I’ve ever had. We’ve been dating for 2 years, met in highschool and started dating after graduating. I feel like our entire relationship has just been mediocre. My parents were not keen to him at first, not because he did anything but because he was a boy, and now absolutely love him. They have the ‘invite him out and suggest I tag along’ type of love. All my friends like being around him. He cares about me. We have plans for the future together. I should be happy right? But I feel like the longer we’re together the less effort he puts into us. He loves reading and writing but has only written one thing for me, when I’ve made so much art for him and use him as my muse and he says how much he appreciates me but I want the same effort. I have planned all of our big dates that don’t involve staying at home or being local. Every single time we have spent the night out of town was because of my plans. Which I have talked to him about but he still barely asks me to hang out and when we do it’s because I ask. And he is always happy to hang out. I have never been shut down by him and we end up having a good time but I want him to plan some things. When we talk about things that are bothering me he just tells me he’s sorry and is quiet and doesn’t genuinely LISTEN or ask questions. When we were getting into some childhood stuff and I was asking about him he told me he wish i asked him more about himself so I put an effort into asking more about him but then he tells me “I like that you just tell me and I don’t have to ask”. So now I limit the infodumping bc that just hurt me a little extra for some reason. The only things he brings up for conversation is movies, games, and music we never get past anything surface level unless I bring it up. I tell him i love physical touch and him running his hands through my hair and I do what I would want for him too just to lead by example. When he says it’s nice I would hint more that I enjoy it too. Nothing. I tell him I love calling, I call him all the time and he always answers but I tell him if called me some more too it would be nice. Nothing so I slow down on our calls now we don’t call at all. Little things like this happen over and over again and he never listens. He’s also my first 👀 and our bedroom life is just as mediocre for me. It’s not like he doesn’t try for my pleasure he just doesn’t listen to what turns me on and what I want, he goes above and beyond on what he thinks I would like? All these little things are adding up and I really don’t know how to work on this with him. I also don’t know if I’m just in my head and overthinking things. Am I right to be frustrated with this or are there any things I can do to work on our relationship? Are we just not compatible anymore? If so how do I even go about that??
tldr: I feel like my boyfriend doesn’t put enough effort into me or am I just freaking for no reason? I’m in too deep send help
submitted by SuccessfulRecord4784 to relationships [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 22:40 lotusmaglite Freezing after Season Unending

As the title says, my game freezes a few hours (game time) after Season Unending. Whether I continue playing or just wait 12 hours, it crashes somewhere in there. Of course, because it's a freeze and not a crash, Crash Logger gives me nothing.
In the past, Royal Armory has been fingered as the culprit (and since patched), but I'm not running Royal Armory, so I figure it must be something similar, involving one of the NPCs attending the meeting at High Hrothgar. Below is my load order. Any ideas?
(PS: Running Skyrim ver 1.6.640; all mods compatible with it)
Automatically generated by Vortex
BOS Master Occlusion.esm
Unofficial Skyrim Special Edition Patch.esp
unofficial skyrim creation club content patch.esl
Landscape and Water Fixes.esp
Lanterns Of Skyrim II.esm
Lightened Skyrim - merged.esp
Skyrim Extended Cut - Saints and Seducers.esp
RealisticWaterTwo - Resources.esm
Better Dynamic Snow SE - DisableRefs.esm
Environs Master Plugin.esp
High Poly Head.esm
Schlongs of Skyrim - Core.esm
iWant Widgets.esl
SkyUI Weapons Pack Keywords.esl
Attack Speed Framework.esp
Better Dynamic Snow SE.esp
Armor of Intrigue.esp
The Great Cities - Minor Cities and Towns.esp
Resources - The Great Cities.esp
The Great City of Winterhold v4.esp
TGC Winterhold - The Great Cities patch.esp
COTN - Winterhold.esp
TGCotN Winterhold.esp
TGCoW standalone - COTN Winterhold - city and castle patch.esp
DBM_BSHeartlandPatch - Main.esp
Relationship Dialogue Overhaul.esp
AI Overhaul.esp
Bandit War.esp
Environs - Abandoned Abodes.esp
The Great City of Solitude.esp
Immersive Encounters.esp
Lanterns Of Falskaar.esp
Immersive Weapons.esp
Odin - Skyrim Magic Overhaul.esp
The Brotherhood of Old.esp
Environs - Kolskeggr.esp
Riften Docks Overhaul.esp
Environs - Shrines of Talos.esp
TG Alternative Endings.esp
TGCotN Winterhold - AI Overhaul patch.esp
ECSS - Staff of Sheogorath Patch.esp
JK's The Ragged Flagon.esp
JKs Ragged Flagon - OTG Patch.esp
TGC Winterhold - LoS II Patch.esp
Spaghetti's Towns - AIO.esp
Winterhold docks.esp
TGCotN Winterhold - UCoW patch.esp
Landscape and Water Fixes - Patch - Tundra Homested.esp
Falskaar - Boat Location.esp
Landscape and Water Fixes - Patch - Farming.esp
Markarth - City of Stone.esp
Environs - Greenwood Shack.esp
Immersive Patrols II.esp
Environs - Whiterun Watchtower.esp
ECSS - Shadowrend Patch.esp
Convenient Horses.esp
RTDocks - Lanterns of Skyrim II.esp
Environs - Tundra Farmhouse.esp
Elysium Estate - LOS II Patch.esp
Falskaar - Bug Fixes.esp
TGC Winterhold - LOTD patch.esp
TGC Winterhold - LAWF Patch.esp
LoS II - TGCoR - SLaWF patch.esp
Lanterns Of Wyrmstooth.esp
WTCause - Oblivion Gate.esp
TGC Winterhold - CFTO patch.esp
Winterhold Docks - CFTO patchy patch.esp
Environs - Hroggars House.esp
Environs - Riften Warehouse.esp
Spaghetti's Orc Strongholds - AIO.esp
LoS II - Bruma patch.esp
BSHeartland - No Custom Map Markers.esp
Immersive Encounters - The Great City of Solitude Patch.esp
RTDocks - Shadowfoot.esp
CFTO - The Great City of Solitude Patch.esp
Opulent Thieves Guild - USSEP Patch.esp
Environs - Riften Warehouse - Riften Docks Overhaul Patch.esp
Environs - Riften Warehouse - Riften Docks Pathways Patch.esp
Environs - Riften Warehouse - Riften Southwoods Patch.esp
LoS II - SMIM patch.esp
Environs - Shrines of Talos - Lanterns of Skyrim II Patch.esp
TGC Solitude CC Fishing Patch.esp
LoS II - Obscure College of Winterhold patch.esp
USSEP - The Great City of Solitude Patch.esp
TGC Winterhold - TBoO Patch.esp
LoS II - USSEP patch.esp
RTDocks - CFTO.esp
TGC Winterhold - CFTO Lanterns patch.esp
Landscape and Water Fixes - Patch - Alternative Armors - Elven Hunter.esp
TGC Winterhold - CFTO Covered Carriages patch.esp
Opulent Thieves Guild - FPS Fix.esp
Cathedral Landscapes.esp
Grass FPS Booster - CathedralConcept.esp
Forgotten City - Delayed Start.esp
RTDocks - High Poly Head.esp
No Camera Filters - Survival Edition.esp
Mod Manager Menu Disabled.esp
Mannequins Behave.esp
Use Telekinesis on Traps.esp
Crimson Ranger Armor.esp
Hunters Not Bandits.esp
HearthFires Display Case Fix SE.esp
EEKs Noble Whiterun Door.esp
SkyrimsGotTalent - Free Movement.esp
Forsworn and Thalmor Lines Expansion.esp
Bandit Lines Expansion.esp
Spaghetti's Cities - Windhelm.esp
Spaghetti's Cities - Markarth.esp
AI Overhaul - Artefakes Patch.esp
ArteFake - Legacy.esp
USSEP-Immersive Weapons Patch.esp
IA CBBE Patch.esp
Bandit War - Bruma.esp
Vanilla hair remake SMP NPCs.esp
Environs - Abandoned Abodes - Legacy of the Dragonborn.esp
TGC Winterhold - CC Nchuanthumz patch.esp
[xPatch] Better Dynamic Snow - Landscape and Water Fixes.esp
[xPatch] Better Dynamic Snow - BlendedRoads.esp
Convenient Horses Anniversary Edition Patch.esp
Azurite Weathers.esp
Falskaar - Better Dynamic Snow Patch.esp
Falskaar - Bruma Patch.esp
Asuras Guard [Armor].esp
Toccata as Elisif.esp
ECSS - Ruin's Edge Patch.esp
Landscape and Water Fixes - Patch - Hendraheim.esp
Landscape and Water Fixes - patch - LoS II.esp
SDA CC Umbra Patch.esp
SDA Convenient Horses Patch.esp
SDA No To Nocturnal Patch.esp
Schlongs of Skyrim.esp
SOS - VectorPlexus Regular Addon.esp
SoS Uncloaked.esp
New Vaermina Statue.esp
New Falmer Statue fixes.esp
PsBoss's Statuettes Crafting.esp
Animals Swim.esp
Dynamic Activation Key.esp
Dynamic Activation Key - MCM.esp
EVE - Ghostly Instruments Fix.esp
TDM Target Lock Fix - Bristleback.esp
Racemenu Outfit Toggle.esp
Dynamic Things Alternative.esp
buy and sell torches.esp
stuck on screen fix.esp
RDO - CRF + USSEP Patch.esp
RDO - USSEP Patch.esp
Whiterun Watchtower Doesnt Start Broken - Siberpunks Cut.esp
No follow while talking.esp
Werebeasts Dont Talk.esp
Civil War Lines Expansion.esp
Civil War Lines Expansion - No Guard Idles Patch.esp
Vampire Lines Expansion.esp
Additional Dremora Faces.esp
Additional Dremora Faces - Odin Patch.esp
Dremora Lines Expansion.esp
Palaces Castles Enhanced.esp
PCE - AI Overhaul Patch.esp
PCE - No Custom Music patch.esp
PCE - USSEP Patch.esp
PCE - RDO Patch.esp
PCE - CC - Civil War Champions Patch.esp
PCE - ICOW Patch.esp
PCE - TBoO Patch.esp
PCE - CC - Dragon Plate Patch.esp
PCE - CC - Lords Mail Patch.esp
PCE - SDA Patch.esp
PCE - Marked Droppable Barenziah Stones.esp
Alternate Start - Live Another Life.esp
PCE - Live Another Life Patch.esp
TGC Winterhold - Alternate Start patch.esp
Bijin AIO.esp
Bijin AIO - Hair Physics.esp
Bijin Warmaidens.esp
Bijin NPCs.esp
Bijin AIO - Hair Physics - AI Overhaul Patch.esp
Bijin Wives.esp
SDA NFF Patch.esp
RealisticWaterTwo - Alt Volcanic Watercolor.esp
Amorous Adventures Text and Player Dialogue Revision (No Quest Edits).esp
AA Elisif Start Dialogue Only in Blue Palace.esp
AA Plus Rewrite.esp
PCE - RW2 Patch.esp
RealisticWaterTwo - Myrwatch Patch.esp
RWT Forge Water for Elysium Estate - Patch.esp
RealisticWaterTwo - Beyond Skyrim Bruma.esp
RealisticWaterTwo - Falskaar.esp
RealisticWaterTwo - Waves - Falskaar.esp
RealisticWaterTwo - Waves - Wyrmstooth.esp
SexLab-AmorousAdventures - Script Fix.esp
SDA-AA Patch.esp
submitted by lotusmaglite to skyrimmods [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 22:40 D-Biggest_Wheel Everything We So Far Know About Nerona Imu - A Mega Post

Chapter 1116 didn’t reveal much new information, so I decided to use this opportunity, and the break week, to talk about the increasingly more important character that is Imu, the Supreme Ruler of the World who sits on the Empty Throne. You might be wondering what there is to talk about a character whose appearance we don’t even know, but, after doing some extensive research, I found out there is surprisingly a lot to them. Or rather, a lot that we can infer thanks to their many appearances, and the reveal of their surname - Nerona.

Imu Carries the Name of a Real World Emperor

When creating the many rulers we see throughout the story of One Piece, Oda has more often than not based the Kings, and their Kingdoms, on real life countries. This is probably the most noticeable with the 50 Monarchs that could be seen attending the latest Levely, as they are all pretty much an amalgamation of the stereotypes of the countries they are meant to represent:
But more interestingly are the “First Twenty”; the twenty kingdoms that formed what is now known as The World Government, and the countries that inspired them. So far, we have learned about 3 of them:
First is the Donquixote family, and the Dressrosa Kingdom, which are inspired by the country of Spain; particularly, the autonomous communities of Andalusia and Catalonia. The family name itself comes from the titular character of the Don Quixote novel, one of the best-selling (Spanish) novels of all time.
Then we have the Nefertari family, and the Alabasta Kingdom, which are inspired by the modern day Middle East and Ancient Egypt. The Nefertari name most likely comes from the 14th century Queen of Egypt, Nefertiti, who is believed to have been a “female King”, for a brief period of time (sounds familiar, right?).
And finally, with Nerona Imu, and the Nerona family, they may be inspired by ancient Rome.
The last name “Nerona” might be a reference to Nero’s Torches (Polish: Pochodnie Nerona), a painting by Henryk Siemiradzki, which depicts a group of early Christian martyrs about to be burned alive as the alleged perpetrators of the Great Fire of Rome, during the reign of Emperor Nero. This comparison is particularly interesting because of the relationship between another two Egyptian and Roman rulers, Cleopatra and Caesar.

Book of Genesis

I’ve written about the Biblical influence Oda has been using for his story, especially recently in relation to Imu, Gorōsei, and the “Great Flood”, and when Ivankov speculates about Nerona family and Imu, he uses a book titled “Genesis”.
This is likely a reference to the "Book of Genesis”, the first book of the Hebrew Bible and the Christian Old Testament, which details the creation of the universe. Imu is someone referred to as “Creator” by the Five Elders, which feeds into the idea of Imu being this godlike figure. An interesting thing about the full name of “Nerona Imu” is that, when written in katakana, it can be combined to form the kanji meaning “God” and “Budhha”.
When combined, the two Kanji characters (神 and 仏) form 神仏 (“Shinbutsu”), the word that is generally used to refer to the collective notion of all deities.
The first time we see Imu they are surrounded by flowers and trees, in a room that looks like a garden, called the “Room of Flowers”. A famous story from the aforementioned Book of Genesis is the story of Adam and Eve, eating the forbidden fruit (of knowledge of good and evil), and subsequently being banished from the Garden of Eden. Considering the importance fruit (Devil Fruit) and trees (Treasure Tree Adam and Sunlight Tree Eve) have, it's very likely Imu’s story itself has some heavy connection to the origin of Devil Fruits.
One thing I find particularly interesting about Imu comes from their connection to the Gorōsei - the Five Elder Stars. Where every member of the 5 Elder Stars is named after a planet in our system, alongside the 3 ancient weapons, Imu’s name so far has no meaning that connects it to our solar system. However, if we read the name in reverse, it reads “Umi”, the Japanese word for the ocean. This also tracks with another reading of the name Imu: Yamm.
“Chaos Monster and Sun God”
Yamm) comes from the Semitic word for the ‘sea’, and is an Ugaritic God of the Sea that is presented as the candidate for the position of “King of the Gods”. Yamm is consistently depicted as tyrannical, angry, violent and harsh. In the aforementioned Hebrew Bible - the one where the Book of Genesis comes from - Yam also appears and is the enemy of Yahweh, who is (the) God. Additionally, Yam is mentioned in Ancient Egypt as someone feared by the Egyptian seafarers throughout their travels, kind of like how the Pirates “fear” the Navy that is trying to stop them.

The Immortal Imu

The one other tree mentioned in the Garden of Eden, is the Tree of (Eternal) Life), which grants immortality to those who eat from it, and, while not directly stated, it’s beyond heavily implied that Imu is immortal. When talking about them, Ivankov wonders if the Imu that sits on the Empty Throne is perhaps the same Saint Imu who once ruled the Nerona family, 800 years ago, insinuating their immortality.
Furthermore, there has been a long-running theory about the Gorōsei themselves being immortal, and the short flashback to the God Valley seemingly confirms this, with Saturn looking exactly the same ~40 years ago as he does in the present. I know Imu isn’t the same as the Gorōsei, but it would be weird if his servants were immortal while they weren’t. Lastly, Doflamingo’s number one priority before trying to take over the Mary Geoise, and become the ruler of the World, was to make Law use the Ope Ope no Mi to perform the “Perennial Youth Operation” on him, which might very well stem from the fact that the current ruler is immortal.
Reminder that Doflamingo is aware of Imu’s existence as he had insinuated their existence a couple of times, and openly stated he had witnessed the “Treasure of Mary Geoise”.

Imu’s Appearance

While the blob of darkness that is Imu’s silhouette doesn’t tell us much about their appearance, the silhouette we see them assume after Sabo’s attack does.
We see Imu’s round eyes take more of a triangle appearance, and Imu takes a bestial, yet still humanoid, form of what could be described as Dragon. Perhaps this is where the “Celestial Dragon” name comes from, since the names that Oda comes up with can often be quite literal (for example, “Big Mom” is quite literally both a “mom” and “big”, but also figuratively a “big mom” due to the size of her family). Imu chomps on Sabo’s flame, seemingly unbothered by the fire, before we see them come down from the throne, massive in appearance. There are a couple of deities that could tie nicely in what little we see from this appearance, with the prime suspect being Tiamat.
Tiamat is a Babylonian personification of the primordial sea who is generally depicted as a dragon, and, while this is the general depiction, the most frequent depiction of Tiamat is, interestingly, as a woman (with some additional features, such as a tail). I say interestingly because there has been some debate around Imu’s gender, and the likelihood of them being a woman. I know the likelihood of this being the case is pretty low now, since the way the Elders refer to Imu (“Sei”) is the way the male Celestial Dragons are called (female Celestial Dragons are called “Gū”).
Tiamat is often paralleled with Sea Deities from other mythologies, which includes the Jörmungandr - the World Serpent from Nordic Mythology that is so big it encircles the world (like the Red Line does) - and Leviathan - the Sea Serpent from the Hebrew Bible - which represents a Demon that is the personification of Envy.

Nefertari D. Lililth

Imu’s obsession with Lili, and in turn with Vivi, has been so apparent that it has reached the point of ridicule. They literally have a giant picture of, what I assume is, Neferari Lili in the Room of Flowers.
If the twist isn’t that Lili and Imu are the same person, then there is a certain envy that I feel Imu might have toward Lili, and her family/ancestors. When we see Imu in the Room of Flowers, we see them cutting up the pictures/wanted posters of four people:
  1. First is Luffy, who we now know is Joyboy, in possession of the Nika fruit.
  2. Second is Shirahoshi, who we know is one of the Ancient Weapons (Poseidon).
  3. Third is Blackbeard, who we don’t know exactly how he ties into this whole thing, other than to assume it was due to his “special lineage”.
And the last one is Vivi, who we now know was due to her connection to Lili. Besides Lili’s name being interesting because it carries the will of D, there is also the official English translation of it, “Lily”, the flower, while the etymology of the name could be tied to “Lilith”.
“Lady Lilith” by Dante Gabriel Rossetti (1866-1868 1872-1873)
Lilith is a female figure in Mesopotamian and Jewish mythology, theorized to be the first wife of Adam and a primordial she-demon. Lilith is cited as having been "banished" from the Garden of Eden for not complying with and obeying Adam. There is way too much stuff about Lilith, from all kinds of religions, that could be said here, but I think the most important information to mention is her connection to Adam, due to the nature of recent (biblical) developments in the story. With Imu taking this omnipotent God role in the story, Lili being the one to not comply with the rest of the 20 Kings in forming the World Government, does make her similar to Lilith; especially considering she spread the Poneglyphs around the world, and especially if we consider Joyboy as the “Adam” equivalent in the One Piece.

The Many Saints of Mary Geoise

Those who inhabit the “Holy Land” of Mary Geoise - the Celestial Dragons - are all called “Saints”: Saint Charloss, Saint Garling, Saint Saturn, etc. The meaning of the term saint depends on the context and denomination. In doctrines like Catholic and Orthodox Christianity, all of those in Heaven are considered to be saints, but some are considered worthy of greater honor or emulation. What is interesting about this is that Imu isn’t referred to as “Saint Imu” by the Five Elders.
The Imu from Nerona family, mentioned by the Ivankov, is referred to as “Saint Imu”, but the one we see in the present isn’t. This is likely because Imu ascended above the “mere” rank of a saint, once they took the Empty Throne, and became something akin to God (the Creator). Hence, why the name of those who judge even the saints, is “God’s Knights”; they enforce the will of God. There appears to be a hierarchy going around here, with the “Saints”, “God’s Knights” (most likely meant to be the Angels), and the “Creator”.


Big thanks to u/mitzbitz16 for their post regarding the meaning of the Nerona Imu name
submitted by D-Biggest_Wheel to OnePieceSpoilers [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 22:39 Potatoskewer22 [24/M] - Searching for the "one" isn't easy or quick but hey! Patience is a virtue..... or something like that

You know what they say, if at first you don't succeed....... ehhhh something or another. You get the point!
(P.S. pictures of me on my profile)
Searching for the "one" isnt easy, but what can we do aye? First things first, to throw some random bits of info out there about me! (Info dump incoming 😂)
I'm 24 and biracial! Half Irish and half African/northern Indian, and I'm living in the UK!
I'm approximately 6'0"-6'1" in height and id say an average/kept build. I also have somewhat long-ish hair for a guy, going near my shoulders, it's naturally straight! I also have a well kept somewhat shorter and neat beard :) I also have very fair skin. I guess I took physically more from one side of my heritage 😂🤌 I'm also a Muslim lad! So just putting that out there too for the sake of it.
I do enjoy binging on junk food but between my high metabolism and my physically active job working as an electrician (which I'm trying to fully establish myself in) I tend to never put any weight on 🤷
So! What am I looking for? Well it's a long shot. I'd like to imagine something like the female version of myself. My other half. Someone I find attractive, kind, easy going, fun to get along with, can hold a conversation without making it feel like a one sided effort and chore. Etc!
Important note!!!
IF you are not from the UK. Be aware relocating doesn't appear to be an option for me currently 😅 so bear that in mind please. I am open to a potential long distance but again. There's that.
I guess I'm the hopeless romantic type. Fantasising about soulmates, something real, serious, natural and everything great. Is that easy to obtain these days? Bruh. HECK no 😭 but can a guy try? Well, here's to hoping I suppose. Guess only time will tell
Anyone between the ages of 20 - 29 is welcome! (Won't go lower than 20! But I may go higher than 29) Anyone who wants to actually get to know each other and dreams about something sincere and real! (With some fun stupidity and jokes thrown in there of course, that banter is a must🗿👍)
I like a woman with a little bit of confidence ya know? Probably one of the most attractive personality traits, who can hold a conversation and engage with the other person you know? Nothing more off putting than someone who gives single worded dead replies lol
Here's a bit more about me. My hobbies! my hobbies are various. I'd argue I'm an ambivert. Though my main hobbies lean towards something a little more introverted. You have hiking and the likes as well as going out with friends and driving around at night with them, but then you also have gaming which is a huge hobby of mine!! Well probably the thing I do most consistently
So yeah! There's my shot being let out. I'd say I consider myself to be an honest and open book and would like someone who is open, honest and genuine in the same way!
Oh! And my preferred platform is Snap! Though I have one or two other things (:
So. Here's to hoping!
submitted by Potatoskewer22 to MeetNewPeopleHere [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 22:39 Dickonstruction Can we stop with the "it is sold by weight" comments?

TL;DR: Don't be an asshole, you are not special and you aren't really contributing
This is a rant on a subset of this sub that thinks they are smarter than everyone else. If this does not belong here, remove it.
So, all of us have better things to do than do a detailed inspection of literally every single thing we purchase. This is a fact, even of most people on this sub.
When deceptive packaging is employed, it aims to deceive even those who would notice differently sized packaging unless they look at weight. That's why the package size is larger, rather than having it proportionally shrunk down and therefore more apparent. It also makes the product look more competitive for new buyers.
Some products go from 250g to 200g and members of this sub only notice this once they come home. Both 200g and 250g make sense as package sizes, unlike stuff like 116g and 89g which are blatantly, obviously, shrinkflated from a value like 150g or 100g.
There are people trained in psychology, specifically employed to decide which VALUE they want to display so that there's the least chance the customers notice something's off. There is a whole skillset here, and average customers (which are their target, btw, not smartasses on this sub) aren't outsmarting people whose entire job description is to screw you over.
Those deceptive packages are DESIGNED to gaslight you into believing it was 200g all along. That the reality of a 250g version is just a figment of your imagination. Worse, they'll even often try to hide weight for a while, showing it in dark brown font on a light brown background, then a few months later, putting it in bold black to establish it.
And you know what?
It is just statistics. Deceptive packaging DOES work, else they would not be employing such a disgusting technique. It is possible to scam even people who look at weight this way, if the values roughly make sense, or they are misremembering something.
So, the next time you think you are really smart and comment "it is sold by weight" with a smirk on your face, remember that this sub IS, in fact, all about how the corporations are fucking us over by continuously giving us less while asking for more, and deceptive packaging is just one technique in their portfolio.
You are not being smart, if anything, the fact you are trying to appear that way implies you are not convinced of it yourself so you need to seek validation.
Saying it is sold by weight does not change that, and you are literally playing into the corporations' hands by blaming the victim.
And even if you are more savvy than the average consumer, do realize that by people getting fucked over on average, those products at those prices gain a deeper foothold in the market, so it is not all about you, it is about society at large, and you are also a victim of this even when you choose not to purchase shrinkflated products, because prices of non shrinkflated products will go up due to market shifts. And it is not those people's fault either, because corporations get to abuse the law of big numbers to make any action by a minority entirely irrelevant.
What, you're going to vote with your wallet? that's cute, when 11 people of this sub do it, and there's 250 million consumers purchasing the product every day. It doesn't work by design, you are not special, your contribution doesn't amount to anything UNLESS you have reach and are able promote this idea in a non-offensive, kind way, which I doubt if you are already the one blaming the victim.
Rant off.
submitted by Dickonstruction to shrinkflation [link] [comments]