Profuse diarrhea

Cytotec/misoprostol reactions for IUD insertion

2024.05.07 22:17 sanDy_Cheexs Cytotec/misoprostol reactions for IUD insertion

2 years ago I got the paraguard inserted and was prescribed cervix softening medication, cytotec, and prescribed Vicodin. The next morning after the insertion I was puking profusely and had diarrhea (sorry gross i know). Fast forward to now, I had to get my paraguard removed and I am considering kyleena. I don’t want to have those reactions again ^ for the insertion and my new doctor said those reactions were likely from the Vicodin and not the cytotec. So she would prescribe Xanax and cytotec instead, but when I research adverse side effects of cytotec vomit and diarrhea come up. Has anyone else experienced this with cytotec/misoprostol? And /or Vicodin?
submitted by sanDy_Cheexs to birthcontrol [link] [comments]

2024.05.07 16:23 easyy66 My story, with a lot of questions.

I'm desperate, sad and clueless. I hope by typing out my story I will feel somewhat relieved, and maybe I'll get some more answers.
Mei 2020, initial sickness Covid was on the news, and there where warnings everywhere to keep your distance. We heard about lockdowns in other countries, but in the Netherlands, there wasn't one. I came home one day and noticed I had a mild headache. I thought I might lie down for a bit. In 30 minutes, I grew intensely cold and started shaking profusely. I put on 2 sweaters and 3 t-shirts and lied down in bed with blankets. I would shake for 60 more minutes or so. All of a sudden, I got dizzy and weak, and I started throwing up. I throwed up so much it quickly became just yellow slime. For the next 2 weeks I was bed ridden. Dizzy, nauseous, couldn't stand on my feet for more than 10 seconds. I have never felt so sick in my life. I was 26 at that time. I also remember there where 2 or 3 days where my breathing was hindered. I thought this was weird but didn't give it much thought because it cleared up after a few days. 3 weeks after me being sick the lockdowns where in play.
3 months later, Lockdown and testing Eventually I recovered albeit weak. I noticed I had to sleep some more and working out didn't feel the same anymore. My muscles felt tired, but a different kind of tired than soreness. They felt shaky and filed with air. It didn't feel I recovered for a 100%. This was about 3 months later. I also slept more but I thought this might be because of the lockdown. I tried contacting the doctors but because of the lockdowns and start of pandemic, I couldn't. I couldn't get tested, and my first antibody test was 2 years later in 2022. Could not get is sooner.
Weird symptoms for from that day since that day I got so sick I kept getting these weird symptoms. They would come and go but some would stay persistent.
List of symptoms - Tired which sleep doesn't fix. - Muscle tiredness (Not soreness from training! different kind of tiredness) - Weird lip rash. Lips would also get swollen. Pus would come out - GI symptoms. These are frequent. I would get diarrhea or nauseas if I would over-exert myself. The same feeling I had in Mei 2020. never had this before. - Extreme bloating. Very occasional. - Dizziness', dreamlike state. I would forget a lot of things or just didn't register them. - blackouts. The kind like when you stand up to quickly and everything turns black. I would have this all the time even when just sitting down. - Joint pains, all the time, especially when sleeping. Both elbows and both knees. - Terrible and I mean terrible stomach aches. It hurts so bad. This would come and go every 3 months. It's the worst pain ever. Gastroscopy came out fine though and stool test too.
All of these symptoms were non-existent before Mei 2020. The difference is day and night.
Things I tried Everything I tried the last 4 years didn't help. If anything, it's getting worse. I went from going to the gym 6 times a week, to 5 , to 4, to eventually none. I strongly feel that exercise is making my symptoms worse. This has been going on for 4 years. I went to the doctors and told them my story. Went to specialists like medical doctors, had a gastroscopy, blood tests, stool tests, urine tests, more blood tests etc. Everything came out clear. Even the dermatologists didn't know what was up with my lip. Nothing is working. They itch, becomes red and swollen and pus coming out. This is all year round, 24/7 for 4 years now.
Naturopath. I did a stool microbiome test. I had some dysbiosis but nothing to crazy. I fixed a lot of it with Oregano Oil, N-acetyl (NAC) and pre, pro-biotics. Did a retest and it came out much better, but symptoms where still getting worse. (even the GI symptoms)
I was a kickbox teacher, 2 times in the week. I loved it. I quit because my body couldn't handle it anymore. I also don't exercise myself for 8 months now. Still feel tired and muscles are tired. So, the muscle tiredness wasn't overtraining.
I let my boss now what was up. He understood and I could get a lot of sick days. Also, during flare ups, I would be pale, and my face would become skinny (although not losing weight), so my colleagues and boss could clearly see I was sick.
The doctors told me they couldn't find anything these 4 years. As healthy as you can get, they told me. They told me it's all in my head and I should see a psychologist. Although I did make an appointment with one, I'm 100% sure my symptoms aren't psychosomatic. The only thing in life that is getting me down is the sickness. I want to gym again, go out with friends, go to work, go to festivals. I haven't in 2 years now because the symptoms are debilitating. Some days I can't stand on my legs for more than 10 minutes or I will collapse. I used to squat 180kg !! and all of a sudden, I can't keep staying on my legs for more than 10 minutes.
The doctors told me it's not Long covid, because I don't have trouble breathing. They basically told me it's all in my head. I'm not sure if it's long covid either but telling me repeatedly it's all in my head and I just have to live with it made me cry multiple times. I'm now a male of 29 years old, I never cry but a statement like that just gutted me. Everyone who knows me can tell I look sick, and I don't look right. I don't feel right either. These 4 years have been the worst of my life. I saw my whole life slipping through my finger, while everyone continued theirs. I wanted so much but couldn't. I tried to ignore the symptoms, but they would just get worse. I can't go to the doctors anymore because they basically stonewalled me. I'm not a suicidal person but the thought is actually becoming a lesser of two evils debate. This is the reason I made an appointment with a psychologist, because I don't know how to live my new life.
Today As of now, I don't leave the house anymore. I don't go to work. I'm probably going to need a disability check because I'm so tired and weak all the time.
I'm not depressed yet, but just really sad and overwhelmed. I miss my old life and it's clear to me I'm never going to get it back. I miss working out, I miss work, I must just be able to walk through the park on a nice day.
Thank you for reading this if you made it this far. I wish you all the best and I wouldn't want to wish this condition on my worst enemy. Maybe this isn't appropriate in this group, because I'm not sure if it's Long covid. It seems though this is the only place where people would understand. I know it's against rule #5 but you guys can tell me what you think. Just a "regular" case of ME/CFS or Long covid? I'm open to any suggestion.
submitted by easyy66 to covidlonghaulers [link] [comments]

2024.05.04 05:33 These-Adeptness4837 25m Drug addict scare

So on Monday I met up with a couple in their late 30’s. Already know how horrible of a decision this was regret it. Long story short I performed: oral-anal sex oral-vaginal sex And sliding my penis across the vagina unprotected for -10 seconds (no penetration)
After all of this they started to smoke meth and this was all I had done.
48 hours after on Wednesday i had woke up and vomitted, later on in the day I started to get chills and was profusely sweating I have some scratchiness while swallowing but it’s very very mild like a 1/10 to 2/10 but had no fever
72 hours after on Thursday I went to urgent care got all tests done flu/COVID were negative Std ones that have come back are negative but know to do 3 week 3 month tests
96 hours today was 4th day and I started to get random stomach pains and would have to rush to tHe bathroom to poop. This happened 4-5 times and it wasn’t diarrhea but when I wiped it was very wet like diarrhea, now I just had done a full bloody poop and am scared should I go back to urgent care again?
Does anyone know what this could be if an std or just another regular illness?
submitted by These-Adeptness4837 to STD [link] [comments]

2024.05.03 21:58 Ok-Dust-513 34m with compounding symptoms

One month and four weeks ago I started to have ice cold legs that don’t go numb but only increase in pain (especially the feet). I had worked out doing strenuous full body exercises for 7 days 3-4 hours a day with about 15-30 second breaks in between. I knew I hurt my back at some point but kept exercising through that time thinking I would get better. Quite some time prior to this I was diagnosed with two thoracic discs T9-10, T10-T11 both penetrating the thecal sac/dura mater, one slightly deforming the spinal cord and a lumbar herniation no nerve compression.
The next symptom was left side abdominal pain, with fresh red blood in a single stool believed to be colitis by the ER. I’ve been sweating bullets for the majority of this time all over, drinking plenty of water but my urine goes from crystal clear to a dark yellow/brownish color in just a few hours. My body started to feel ice cold all over and has remained so. The abdominal pain has spread to my right side, feelings of chronic constipation mixed with a lot of diarrhea which has looked like sludge this whole time and sticks to the toilet. 26 lb weight loss in one month with muscle rigidity going to my neck just below my skull, chest pains, constantly coughing up particles from lungs, my head has just started feeling really cold with bad jaw pain and the muscles on either side of head. Sweating profusely, shaking is making me freeze it’s hard to regulate between hot and cold temperatures or rather feel the difference. The pain in the abdomen has spread to the right side.
No fever, checked on a daily basis blood pressure seems fairly stable. Pretty bad chest pains on a regular basis. History of chronic sinusitis, polyneuropathy, fibromyalgia, pilonidal disease of the left side, history of alcoholism in remission for two and a half years, chronic bronchitis, COPD, had pneumonia one time when I was a child, fatty liver disease. Negative for COVID, chest X-rays clear. CBC normal with mild WBC elevation. Stopped transcranial magnetic stimulation around the time my legs started freezing at the beginning of all this with too much pain to come in for daily appointments. Very tight spasming in the low to mid back. Have been evaluated by the ER but they don’t exactly check foot to head. Could use some guidance, thank you.
submitted by Ok-Dust-513 to AskDocs [link] [comments]

2024.05.03 16:36 RT_456 I feel this is a great summary of POTS. I've saved it to my phone in case any doctor tries to BS me again.

submitted by RT_456 to POTS [link] [comments]

2024.04.26 09:33 dysteach-MT My mom passed tonight.

I don’t want to trigger anyone- so don’t read if your mental health is fragile right now.
My mom (81) was diagnosed with Stage 4 Pancreatic Cancer in August of 2023. She had had breast cancer in 2015, and had a horrible time with chemo, so she decided to not do palliative chemo and let it take its course. I respect and stand by her decision 100%. She is the bravest and strongest woman I’ve ever known. She passed, in her bed, in her own way, at 7:49 this evening. I was there, one of us stayed with her until we asked hospice to call the funeral home, and I am wearing her wedding ring now.
She was not in any pain, she was peaceful, she was comfortable in her own bed, at home. Marijuana: pure THC gummies (she took 1/2 of a 10g gummy about 9:00 in the morning, and by 10:00 she would be hungry, by 11:00 she’d take a nap). She also used Wana Fall Asleep Gummies. At the end, we used a liquid THC & CBD tincture, when she asked for it. Both my parents strongly oppose MJ, but it is legal here. Her oncologist and primary care heavily recommended it, and the hospice nurses at the end. She preferred it over other anti nausea options at the end.
Hospice nurses: Fucking amazing, rockstars, they don’t get paid enough, and the Lord will reward them mightily.
The Ugly: in the early months, the fucking right wing assholes convinced my parents (who are also right wing) that dog de-wormer would cure her. The girl that came to explain to them how to use them, how to contact the vet for information, etc. was covered with scabs/meth head like (trust me, I fucking know). My dad gave her $500 and thanked her profusely. After she started taking it twice a day, her diarrhea increased dramatically, but when my mom said she didn’t want to take it anymore, my dad pushed it. I don’t know how much he paid the “prescribing vet”.
The horrible ugly: I am sitting at my rented cabin (my MS kicked in due to stress) with my stuff in another town all alone. I am safe-I’ve talked to my therapist, my landlord is my best friend since I was 3 yrs old- but I have been completely shut out by my father and brother. It’s a long complicated family history, but having my brother accuse and tell me he blames me for causing my MS by smoking. WTF. My father telling me I was not allowed to ask the doctors any questions, and, 4 days ago, me asking my father if I could stay with my mom that night, and he said No, I don’t need you. I asked mom if she wanted me to stay with her that night, and she said, “Yes, but he won’t let you.”
I don’t want to type this shit, but that hurts, so bad.
I take comfort knowing I didn’t leave her alone when she passed. I held her hand, talked to her, prayed over her, until they came, unlike my brother and dad.
Peace be with all of you during this time. Pancreatic Cancer Sucks Major Ass. Pray to your God, spend as much time as you can just being with your loved one. And take care of yourself, too.
submitted by dysteach-MT to pancreaticcancer [link] [comments]

2024.04.21 21:16 Moonphase_watch Abdominal Distress!

Hi guys! I have been having severe digestive health problems for the past two months, and I could really use your input on my situation. I know there are some really smart people on this discussion forum, and I need help and guidance so much.
To give some background, I’ve struggled with bloating and indigestion for many years, which was never relieved by antacids like tums. This basically consisted of lots of burping and belching, fullness in the abdomen after eating (I used to falsely think the bloating was weight gain), and also some gnawing stomach pain and indigestion after meals which was not helped by OTC antacids like Tums. In my family, we have a habit of not going to doctors except in very rare instances like acute ear infection, so I never saw a primary care physician for this indigestion during the past 5-10 years it had been going on.
About two months ago, everything changed. I had an explosion of gastrointestinal symptoms unlike anything I’ve ever experienced before. It all began with a peculiar feeling of extreme fullness in my abdomen which occurred most of the day and was present with or without eating. I also began to feel nauseated and to have chronic acid reflux and / or chronic silent acid reflux, which is not an issue I have really dealt with in the past. Despite feeling feverish and ill at ease, my thermometer never showed an actual fever temperature elevation. Over the next couple of weeks, the fullness in the abdomen reached a tipping point that felt almost life threatening. It felt like someone hooked me up to a workshop air compressor and turned it on. There was an insane amount of abdominal pressure and an explosion of IBS-like symptoms such as: fowl smelling gas, generalized yucky feeling in the abdomen, loud gurgling and croaking noises in the intestines, irregular bowl movements like constipation or diarrhea, pain around the sternum that comes and goes, burping and flatulence a thousand times a day, strongly colored urine, severe fatigue, etc. I also developed night sweats. I would frequently wake up in the middle of the night sweating profusely or else shivering and feeling very cold. I should have headed to the emergency room immediately, but I had foolishly let my health insurance expire thinking that I was very healthy and unlikely to have any severe illness. So, I went to the walk-in urgent care clinic a few times instead and got put on 40 MG Omeprazole by a nurse practitioner. Omeprazole did nothing for me initially, but it gradually started to mask the acid reflux a decent amount. Next, I got on insurance and scheduled a visit with an actual doctor at the same local clinic. The doctor did a complete blood count, which showed everything as normal save for mild elevations in hematocrit, hemoglobin, and blood urea nitrogen.
Next, I did an upper endoscopy through an endoscopy clinic in a big city near my small home town. A GI doctor performed the test, and I was told that I would have a chance to speak with him about my case before and after the test, but he acted like he was just trying to hurry to get the next person in so that he could make more money, and he barely let me say two words about what had been going on. The endoscopy was very normal, except for a small amount of inflammation around the esophageal junction due to reflux. Two biopsies were taken, which came back normal. There was no sign of a hiatal hernia on this test or on a barium swallow, which I did later.
Prior to the GI symptom explosion, I had been drinking raw, unpasteurized cow’s milk from a family farm outside of town. I began to wonder if I had gotten a viral, parasitic, or bacterial infection from drinking that milk. So, I did a GI panel at the walk-in clinic, which came back negative. I eventually ended up taking Amoxicillin for an issue unrelated to these GI issues, and that did not help with the stomach problems, so I think it is pretty unlikely to be related to bacteria. Sometimes I still wonder if I could have parasites that the panel missed, but thinking back on it, it doesn’t seem likely that the cow’s milk would be contaminated with parasites as the lady who sells it is clean and conscientious. I have long since removed the milk from my diet, just to be sure. My primary care doctor got tired of dealing with me, and basically told me that my symptoms were all in my head. I replaced her with a new doctor, explained my situation, and prepared for more testing.
Overtime, my symptoms began to temporarily change dramatically. I began to have severe itching in my hands and feet, and my face, hands, and feet would turn bright red. I developed all of the symptoms associated with Polycythemia Vera, including: itchiness after a warm bath, headaches, heavy bleeding from small cuts, blurry vision, numbness in the extremities, dizziness, ringing in the ears, night sweats, shortness of breath, etc. I kept feeling like I was going to have a stroke, and I landed in the ER. My hematocrit was measured at 57% this time and hemoglobin at 19, which was pretty substantially elevated. The ER doctor suspected Polycythemia as a potential cause. He put me on an IV and did some testing before eventually sending me home. I did a test for JAK2, even though my new primary care doctor thought the condition to be so rare as to not even be worth testing for. The test came back negative for the JAK2 gene mutations, and the severe PV symptoms faded over time for the most part.
During the time that all of this was happening, my parents were traveling to social events in Kentucky. They met a gentleman at the dinner table one night, who said that had recently experienced a similar explosion of GI symptoms, which turned out to be related his gallbladder. I asked my primary care doctor for an abdominal ultrasound to check for stones. The test found 5mm stones, but they were adherent to the GB wall and could also represent benign polyps. Next, he ordered a HIDA scan, where my ejection fraction was measured at 39%. The radiology report from the HIDA scan said that anything below 35-40% may be considered abnormal depending on the institution, so he rated my ejection fraction as borderline between working or not working. I was referred to a general surgeon who looked at my tests, and listened closely to my case history. He thinks that my symptoms are likely related to a dysfunctional gallbladder and wants to do cholestectomy. I’m scheduled for the surgery in a few days.
Though medical literature can be conflicting, it seems like he’s not wrong. Here’s a link from Cleveland Clinic, for example:
Biliary Dyskinesia: Symptoms, Causes & Treatment (
What are the symptoms of biliary dyskinesia?
Typical symptoms of biliary dyskinesia include:
Some people also report:
· To check your gallbladder function, healthcare providers add another step to the test called a cholecystokinin check. Cholecystokinin is the hormone that tells your gallbladder to contract and eject bile into your bile ducts. Your technician will inject cholecystokinin into your vein and follow up with another series of images as your gallbladder contracts. They’ll observe and take measurements.
· Your healthcare provider will ask you to confirm that you feel biliary pain when your gallbladder contracts. They’ll also measure your gallbladder “ejection fraction,” which is how much bile your gallbladder ejects when it contracts. If your ejection fraction is less than 40%, and if no medications or hormone therapies can explain your reduced gallbladder motility, they’ll diagnose gallbladder biliary dyskinesia.
I hate to lose an organ unless it is really necessary, so I finally got in to a gastroenterologist a few days ago to get a second opinion about my whole situation. I was extremely disappointed with him. He was dull and disinterested acting. He really didn’t take time to listen to anything I said. He held his eyes down at the floor while he talked and he said my test results looked normal, to remove my gallbladder would be pointless, and that any further testing is also likely to be a waste of time. He said that I may have some kind of viral infection, and that I should just give up on the whole thing. I have no intentions of listening to him, because I really believe that something is wrong with me, and I don’t think it’s going to go away on its own. I am not hypochondriac and have rarely ever visited doctors prior to these recent events. I found out many family members in my family tree have had gallbladder disease. I think I should go ahead and have my gallbladder removed given my test findings.
The only other major tests I haven’t had done yet are abdominal CT scan and colonoscopy. I would like to get those two tests done in order to make sure I have a very extensive health care workup. I would also like to repeat a parasite test, as there have been times when it genuinely looks like I am passing worms in my stool.
Before all of these symptoms began, I had been doing some very vigorous abdominal exercises, including 200 pushups per day with no rest period. I would like to get an abdominal CT scan with oral contrast to make sure that I didn’t displace or kink something in the abdomen.
One more thing I’d like to mention is that throughout this time the color of my urine has dramatically changed. It is bright yellow no matter how much water I drink. In the past, I would notice yellow urine when I would wake up in the morning before drinking any water that day, but now I notice that no matter how much water I drink my urine is always bright yellow. My urinalysis showed blood urea nitrogen / creatinine mildly elevated, but nothing else.
Please give me some input guys!!! This is eroding my natural teeth and making it impossible to function! I am missing work and time with friends on a regular basis and suffering a lot!
Tests I’ve had performed so far: Complete Blood Count, Comprehensive Metabolic Panel, Urinalysis, Gastrointestinal Panel, Peripheral Smear, Chest X-Ray, Upper Endoscopy, Abdominal Ultrasound, JAK2 gene test, HIDA Scan, Barium
submitted by Moonphase_watch to AskDocs [link] [comments]

2024.04.21 21:12 Moonphase_watch Gallbladder Biliary Dyskinesia???

Hi guys! I have been having severe digestive health problems for the past two months, and I could really use your input on my situation. I know there are some really smart people on this discussion forum, and I need help and guidance so much.
To give some background, I’ve struggled with bloating and indigestion for many years, which was never relieved by antacids like tums. This basically consisted of lots of burping and belching, fullness in the abdomen after eating (I used to falsely think the bloating was weight gain), and also some gnawing stomach pain and indigestion after meals which was not helped by OTC antacids like Tums. In my family, we have a habit of not going to doctors except in very rare instances like acute ear infection, so I never saw a primary care physician for this indigestion during the past 5-10 years it had been going on.
About two months ago, everything changed. I had an explosion of gastrointestinal symptoms unlike anything I’ve ever experienced before. It all began with a peculiar feeling of extreme fullness in my abdomen which occurred most of the day and was present with or without eating. I also began to feel nauseated and to have chronic acid reflux and / or chronic silent acid reflux, which is not an issue I have really dealt with in the past. Despite feeling feverish and ill at ease, my thermometer never showed an actual fever temperature elevation. Over the next couple of weeks, the fullness in the abdomen reached a tipping point that felt almost life threatening. It felt like someone hooked me up to a workshop air compressor and turned it on. There was an insane amount of abdominal pressure and an explosion of IBS-like symptoms such as: fowl smelling gas, generalized yucky feeling in the abdomen, loud gurgling and croaking noises in the intestines, irregular bowl movements like constipation or diarrhea, pain around the sternum that comes and goes, burping and flatulence a thousand times a day, strongly colored urine, severe fatigue, etc. I also developed night sweats. I would frequently wake up in the middle of the night sweating profusely or else shivering and feeling very cold. I should have headed to the emergency room immediately, but I had foolishly let my health insurance expire thinking that I was very healthy and unlikely to have any severe illness. So, I went to the walk-in urgent care clinic a few times instead and got put on 40 MG Omeprazole by a nurse practitioner. Omeprazole did nothing for me initially, but it gradually started to mask the acid reflux a decent amount. Next, I got on insurance and scheduled a visit with an actual doctor at the same local clinic. The doctor did a complete blood count, which showed everything as normal save for mild elevations in hematocrit, hemoglobin, and blood urea nitrogen.
Next, I did an upper endoscopy through an endoscopy clinic in a big city near my small home town. A GI doctor performed the test, and I was told that I would have a chance to speak with him about my case before and after the test, but he acted like he was just trying to hurry to get the next person in so that he could make more money, and he barely let me say two words about what had been going on. The endoscopy was very normal, except for a small amount of inflammation around the esophageal junction due to reflux. Two biopsies were taken, which came back normal. There was no sign of a hiatal hernia on this test or on a barium swallow, which I did later.
Prior to the GI symptom explosion, I had been drinking raw, unpasteurized cow’s milk from a family farm outside of town. I began to wonder if I had gotten a viral, parasitic, or bacterial infection from drinking that milk. So, I did a GI panel at the walk-in clinic, which came back negative. I eventually ended up taking Amoxicillin for an issue unrelated to these GI issues, and that did not help with the stomach problems, so I think it is pretty unlikely to be related to bacteria. Sometimes I still wonder if I could have parasites that the panel missed, but thinking back on it, it doesn’t seem likely that the cow’s milk would be contaminated with parasites as the lady who sells it is clean and conscientious. I have long since removed the milk from my diet, just to be sure. My primary care doctor got tired of dealing with me, and basically told me that my symptoms were all in my head. I replaced her with a new doctor, explained my situation, and prepared for more testing.
Overtime, my symptoms began to temporarily change dramatically. I began to have severe itching in my hands and feet, and my face, hands, and feet would turn bright red. I developed all of the symptoms associated with Polycythemia Vera, including: itchiness after a warm bath, headaches, heavy bleeding from small cuts, blurry vision, numbness in the extremities, dizziness, ringing in the ears, night sweats, shortness of breath, etc. I kept feeling like I was going to have a stroke, and I landed in the ER. My hematocrit was measured at 57% this time and hemoglobin at 19, which was pretty substantially elevated. The ER doctor suspected Polycythemia as a potential cause. He put me on an IV and did some testing before eventually sending me home. I did a test for JAK2, even though my new primary care doctor thought the condition to be so rare as to not even be worth testing for. The test came back negative for the JAK2 gene mutations, and the severe PV symptoms faded over time for the most part.
During the time that all of this was happening, my parents were traveling to social events in Kentucky. They met a gentleman at the dinner table one night, who said that had recently experienced a similar explosion of GI symptoms, which turned out to be related his gallbladder. I asked my primary care doctor for an abdominal ultrasound to check for stones. The test found 5mm stones, but they were adherent to the GB wall and could also represent benign polyps. Next, he ordered a HIDA scan, where my ejection fraction was measured at 39%. The radiology report from the HIDA scan said that anything below 35-40% may be considered abnormal depending on the institution, so he rated my ejection fraction as borderline between working or not working. I was referred to a general surgeon who looked at my tests, and listened closely to my case history. He thinks that my symptoms are likely related to a dysfunctional gallbladder and wants to do cholestectomy. I’m scheduled for the surgery in a few days.
Though medical literature can be conflicting, it seems like he’s not wrong. Here’s a link from Cleveland Clinic, for example:
Biliary Dyskinesia: Symptoms, Causes & Treatment (
What are the symptoms of biliary dyskinesia?
Typical symptoms of biliary dyskinesia include:
Some people also report:
· To check your gallbladder function, healthcare providers add another step to the test called a cholecystokinin check. Cholecystokinin is the hormone that tells your gallbladder to contract and eject bile into your bile ducts. Your technician will inject cholecystokinin into your vein and follow up with another series of images as your gallbladder contracts. They’ll observe and take measurements.
· Your healthcare provider will ask you to confirm that you feel biliary pain when your gallbladder contracts. They’ll also measure your gallbladder “ejection fraction,” which is how much bile your gallbladder ejects when it contracts. If your ejection fraction is less than 40%, and if no medications or hormone therapies can explain your reduced gallbladder motility, they’ll diagnose gallbladder biliary dyskinesia.
I hate to lose an organ unless it is really necessary, so I finally got in to a gastroenterologist a few days ago to get a second opinion about my whole situation. I was extremely disappointed with him. He was dull and disinterested acting. He really didn’t take time to listen to anything I said. He held his eyes down at the floor while he talked and he said my test results looked normal, to remove my gallbladder would be pointless, and that any further testing is also likely to be a waste of time. He said that I may have some kind of viral infection, and that I should just give up on the whole thing. I have no intentions of listening to him, because I really believe that something is wrong with me, and I don’t think it’s going to go away on its own. I am not hypochondriac and have rarely ever visited doctors prior to these recent events. I found out many family members in my family tree have had gallbladder disease. I think I should go ahead and have my gallbladder removed given my test findings.
The only other major tests I haven’t had done yet are abdominal CT scan and colonoscopy. I would like to get those two tests done in order to make sure I have a very extensive health care workup. I would also like to repeat a parasite test, as there have been times when it genuinely looks like I am passing worms in my stool.
Before all of these symptoms began, I had been doing some very vigorous abdominal exercises, including 200 pushups per day with no rest period. I would like to get an abdominal CT scan with oral contrast to make sure that I didn’t displace or kink something in the abdomen.
One more thing I’d like to mention is that throughout this time the color of my urine has dramatically changed. It is bright yellow no matter how much water I drink. In the past, I would notice yellow urine when I would wake up in the morning before drinking any water that day, but now I notice that no matter how much water I drink my urine is always bright yellow. My urinalysis showed blood urea nitrogen / creatinine mildly elevated, but nothing else.
Please give me some input guys!!! This is eroding my natural teeth and making it impossible to function! I am missing work and time with friends on a regular basis and suffering a lot!
Tests I’ve had performed so far: Complete Blood Count, Comprehensive Metabolic Panel, Urinalysis, Gastrointestinal Panel, Peripheral Smear, Chest X-Ray, Upper Endoscopy, Abdominal Ultrasound, JAK2 gene test, HIDA Scan, Barium Swallow
submitted by Moonphase_watch to gallbladders [link] [comments]

2024.04.14 18:54 Desperate_Box_7442 Week One

Last night, I woke up with insane stomach cramps in the middle of the night. My stomach was making crazy noises and I could like feel my intensines contracting and relaxing. I was profusely sweating. I ended up calling into work bc I literally could not get off the toilet. I had that type of diarrhea where you're crying on the toilet and praying to God.
Yesterday I ate pizza, and the day before I went out to brunch with friends and I had a Mimosa. I broke the rules, I know.
Are my stomach issues to blame because of the alcohol and pizza?? Or is this more of a warning sign of something bigger?
submitted by Desperate_Box_7442 to Semaglutide [link] [comments]

2024.04.13 01:35 jlQuN My Aunt’s Wedding Gone Horribly Wrong

Hello all! Excited to share this absolutely bonkers story that happened four months ago here. It’s a wild ride.
My aunt (54F) recently got married to my uncle (58M). They’ve been dating for twelve years and I’m so glad she has him. He’s truly a kind soul and they’re perfect together. They had a December wedding and it was…a total shit show. They got engaged four years ago during Covid and my aunt started planning for the wedding in 2022. She consulted with family to make the wedding perfect.
Now. She had a few rules: no kids, no pets, and silence your phones during the ceremony. The inner circle agreed to this and saw no problems. And yes, Auntie didn’t want children because she had indeed seen horror gremlin children at weddings. Now. No pets? Seems odd, right? Well. Here is the foreshadowing. My grannie (aunt’s mom) has this dog. Like, this tiny little brown yorkie named Georgie that is NINE HUNDRED YEARS OLD. It’s genuinely impressive how long this dog has been alive for. And grandma brings Georgie everywhere. Grocery store, mahjong, the toilet. Literally everywhere. And my aunt KNEW she would bring this dog to the wedding. The thing is…Georgie is old. And so are his bowels. You see why she doesn’t want the dog there. Grandma receives this message and flips. Started screaming at my aunt and mom that Georgie had to be allowed to come or she wasn’t showing up. My mom is trying to calm grandma down, my aunt is trying not to lose her mind that grandma STILL wants Georgie to come. Grandma finally agrees. No Georgie.
Then came the RSVPs. Not one, not two, but FIFTEEN people RSVPd late. And not like, a day late. Seven of those fifteen texted my aunt less than two weeks before the wedding to say they were coming. My poor aunt is a people pleaser, and she said it was okay. I would have told them not to come. So now seating has to be adjusted, catering needs to be adjusted. Great.
Finally, wedding day rolls around. Venue is beautiful (inside, because…December) and everyone is pulling up in pretty dresses. First, I noticed that my grandma was nowhere to be found. Second, I saw how busy the bar was. The ceremony is JUST about to begin and grandma rolls up. With that goddang dog. She brought Georgie. Who she said was not coming. My aunt looks livid, my uncle’s trying to calm her down, and my grandma parades up to the front and plops down on her seat. Joy. The vows are exchanged and it goes beautifully. Reception begins and the bar is open and people start tossing down drinks like it’s their last day on Earth. In literally a half an hour, we had 10 really drunk people and another 25 moderately drunk people. Can you see where this is going?
Fistfight!!! Yeah. Two of the guests apparently developed issues with each other’s “attitudes” and started beating each other up. They knock the food over, glasses are smashing, the whole shebang. My aunt is absolutely horrified. My uncle turned paler than the vampires in Twilight. It was bad. Bad enough that the police were called to separate them and end that little situation. And it gets worse.
Wedding reception continues. Shaky, but still managing. One little dog decides to change all of that. Mr. Georgie decides to have explosive diarrhea all throughout the reception hall! It was genuinely the most shocking thing I have ever witnessed. My grandma is screaming about her poor baby and my aunt’s wedding is now effectively ruined. The smell was SO bad. We had to evacuate the reception hall for them to clean up because it was literally a biohazard. The wedding concluded with my grandmother’s dog crapping all over the floor. My aunt was sobbing. They didn’t even get to cut the cake.
Anyways. My aunt is still married! She still loved her husband. My uncle felt terrible and asked if she wanted another wedding. She declined, but they did extend their honeymoon by another week. My aunt has limited contact with my grandmother, as have I to an extent. I thought it was so selfish and rude to bring Georgie when she was explicitly asked not to. She’s codependent on him too much. The fist-fighters did not get charged with any crime. They did profusely apologize to my aunt and uncle, who accepted graciously. I hope you enjoyed reading about the fiasco. I hope I will never see a wedding like that again and that you all never see something like it either!
submitted by jlQuN to CharlotteDobreYouTube [link] [comments]

2024.04.10 02:33 squishyturd My worst enemy is my stomach and bladder

TL:DR - I’m close to being off of alcohol but the nausea, cramps, and shaking are too much
Hospital gave me Librium, I managed to cut my drinking in half or more from 750ml vodka to whatever it is now which is at least half of that. However, I’m still always nauseous. I’ve been using weed and the Librium but the Librium is all gone. Weed helps a lot, but not with anxiety or shaking. Every morning I wake up with cramps and have to take a nauseating diarrhea shit. Nausea, cramps/diarrhea, and shaking, and profuse sweating as well. Those are the only symptoms I have left. I feel like I’m so close to being okay. Did anything help yall with any of this?
submitted by squishyturd to Crippled_Alcoholics [link] [comments]

2024.04.09 00:59 FondaInHerHonda GERD/Hiatal Hernia/17w/Unbearable pain.

Hey ya’ll I’m a 37f on my 3rd pregnancy. I’m writing to see if anyone has experienced what I’m going through. For refernce I have never had GI issues with any of my pregnancies nor outside of being pregnant. I’m 5’0 tall and weigh 145lbs.
About 2 weeks ago I came down with a GI bug that caused 12 hours of profuse diarrhea, chills w/low grade temp, nausea, and intense abdominal cramping. After that initial 12 hours I was left with 8/10 burning pain at my sternum, radiating to my upper and lower back. The pain was worse at night and cause me to not sleep for 7 days. I went to GI and was told I have GERD w/ a possible hiatal hernia. I was put on PROTONIX 40mg twice a day, carafate 4 times a day and was told I could take Pepcid at night if I needed to. The pain improved which I was hopeful about and to be honest I got a little comfortable with that and broke the rules (eating late or eating fatty foods) which then caused the pain to come back despite taking the meds.
The pain is intense burning and causes me to almost feel weak to the point where I feel like I can’t support my torso. I find myself leaning on things and just looking for any kind of way to support myself without using my back. The pain is not as strong as before but it will basically leave me unable to function normally for the duration of the day.
I have been a nurse for 14 years, 3 of which were in labor and delivery and I have NEVER seen someone in this much pain from reflux (minus older adults who think they are having a heart attack.) I think I have a decent pain tolerance.
Has anyone else had this happen to them this bad where even a tiny slip up makes their day miserable? Is there anything else I can do? (I am aware of lifestyle changes etc and plan on following them more strictly)
Thanks 💜
submitted by FondaInHerHonda to pregnant [link] [comments]

2024.04.06 06:03 Resident_Republic19 19mo sick for over 2 weeks with no signs of recovery in sight ( TW: Emetophobia, germs, and just general bodily excrements)

Don’t want advice but Would love to hear from other parents who have experienced this or are currently going through it too with their babe - apologies now for the long post 🙃
For context, my LO started daycare for the first time around the 19th of March (while he was on the last stretch of getting rid of an ear infection) and within 2 days he was back home sick with a SEVERE stomach bug. I’m talking like he was throwing up so much the whole night it started, he ended up waking every 15-30 minutes to dry heave the rest of that night on top of some very frequent diarrhea. Took him to his pediatrician the following morning and heard the usual “plenty of clear fluids, rest and monitor his symptoms”. After that he was fine for around 24-48 hours and we thought he was getting better until he starts throwing up again in his sleep along with more diarrhea. We didn’t notice a fever or any other symptoms so we started chalking it up to “stress, anxiety from daycare and a new routine, severe allergies, etc” because it was happening so infrequently that him still having an active tummy bug didn’t make sense to us. This continues for the rest of the week -but ONLY at night. Did not have any issues at daycare or when we would bring him home but after he would get put to bed, we would either hear him vomit on the monitor or even more terrifyingly- would make absolutely no noise and we wouldn’t know until the next morning. We very quickly decided to move him to our bed once these symptoms started luckily so we were able to catch it at night going forward. The past Sunday is when it got worse, again. We were getting him cleaned up after dinner and he profusely vomits 5 times consecutively and proceeds to have a sickly bowel movement. We took him to the ER that night and he was given multiple rounds of fluids, had blood tests and cultures drawn, and a round of some anti nausea. Results came back positive later that day for “Rhino or Enterovirus” and we got in with his pediatrician again and she told us the same as last and that it was “probably on its way out, give it a couple of days and see how he’s doing. If it gets worse call me back, try to get a stool sample if you can (to rule out bacterial)” well, he did not have any issues that whole day, or the following three until we woke up this morning to more diarrhea and vomiting. He went on to puke once more today and had the absolute worst diarrhea i have ever seen in my life 4-5 more times. We finally were able to get a sample so now I’m just waiting to call his Dr office back in the morning to see if their lab team is available and if not we’ll have to wait till either Sunday night or Monday to collect another sample. I’m at a loss right now. My poor baby cannot catch a break and we are trying everything. Clear fluids, electrolyte drinks when necessary, very bland mild diet if he’s been able to hold anything down for 8+ hours, anti nausea medication, warm baths to try and settle his stomach, i don’t know what else to do. He is so miserable and it’s not getting better and I’m terrified for his long term health. Trying to balance feeling beyond worried for him with being very overwhelmed and defeated with a touch of some intense mom guilt for not being more hyper-vigilant.
TL;DR my kid can’t stop puking and pooping his brains out and basically nothing is helping
submitted by Resident_Republic19 to toddlers [link] [comments]

2024.04.05 20:48 lchne Would Chlorambucil cause my cat unnecessary pain?

Species: Cat Age: 13 Sex/Neuter status: F/Spayed Breed: American Shorthair Body weight: 5.2lbs History: Vet suspected IBD in 2019 and suggested novel protein diet. Had her on venison for a while, which seemed to help some of her gastro issues. Then around 2021 she experienced a flare-up of diarrhea and chronic vomiting daily. Took her to a new vet who also suspected IBD and prescribed Prednisolone, Cerenia, and B12 injections. The meds worked instantly and she gained lots of lost weight back and stopped vomiting completely. She got up to 8lbs in 2021. Eventually Pred was slowly tapered from 5mg twice daily to 2.5mg every other day. Early 2023 she began losing weight. Vet did blood tests and found her potassium levels were too low, so prescribed supplement on top of continuing the same Pred dose. Six months later, new blood tests showed her potassium levels were still low. We continued the same treatments. In March of this year, she started vomiting frequently again and lost her appetite. New tests showed signs of Pancreatitis and an ultrasound showed "profuse thickening throughout the intestine". The vet suspected lymphoma or severe IBD and did not seem optimistic, but prescribed Maropitant, Mirataz, Buprenorphine (in case of Pancreatitis pain) and a higher Pred dose. Since then she's been very up and down, but still rapidly losing weight. Clinical signs: Vomiting, diarrhea, slow gut, abdominal pain, loss of appetite, rapid weight loss, hair loss, dehydration Duration: Off and on since 2019, but current flare-up since early March Your general location: UK
Sorry this is going to be a long one...
I've tried everything—Prednisolone, potassium, B12, pancreatic digestive enzymes, probiotics, anti-nausea and appetite stimulants, a million different diets—and in the past she's always bounced back from even the most violent flare-ups but this one feels different. She's lost so much weight in such a short amount of time (8lbs in 2021, 7lbs in 2023, currently a little over 5 lbs) and now she's not eating even the most palatable food, and even with all the appetite stimulants helping her out. Over the past month and a half, I've taken her to the vet a handful of times to get subcutaneous fluids and Pred + anti-nausea injections. The injections seem much more effective than the pills, which makes me think she's not absorbing anything she takes orally. The last time she was sedated at the vet, she threw up undigested food even though she hadn't eaten anything in 9 hours, which deeply concerned the vet.
I don't want to do the surgical biopsy for a cancer diagnosis and the vet agrees that it would be too much for her. The vet has mentioned Chlorambucil a few times, but implies that such an aggressive treatment isn't worth it. But then what else is there to do? Just give up and say goodbye? I don't know what to do. On one hand of course I don't want my cat to suffer, and I certainly don't want her to starve to death. But some days she's so bright and seems so happy. She still wants to cuddle and play, and she purrs all the time. Then other times she sleeps all day or hunches uncomfortably. Do I say goodbye or do I try Chlorambucil? The vet will not really advise on this decision and I'm desperately seeking honest opinions on the treatment. Does it cause pain and discomfort? Does it suppress appetite and cause nausea? The last thing I want to do is cause my cat pain and suffering, but I also want to do everything in my power to help her recover in the gentlest way possible.
Please if any vets can offer insight, or anyone who has had a similar experience with their cat can tell me more about the treatment, I'd really appreciate it. I'm so heartbroken and feel completely lost.
submitted by lchne to AskVet [link] [comments]

2024.04.01 08:56 deadpool_331 Wubby saved me from getting a ticket

So a few hours ago I was driving home from uni and as per usual traffic picked up however unlike other times traffic was super bad, like maybe moving 1 mph every 20 minutes. So like every other brain dead tik tok scrolling subway surfer watching zoomer I opened up my phone. Now originally I was just going to put on some music but seeing how bad traffic was and how I didn't have Spotify premium I decided that it would just be easier to put on some youtube videos to pass the time, and I thought what would be better than some wubby sleep aid. So in my infinite wisdom I slapped on the playlist put it in picture-in-picture, opened a gps app and then put it in my window mount. An hour goes by and I'm enjoying my funny wubby moments while traffic starts to slowly move again when I suddenly hear a tap on my window that scared the ever loving shit out of me, what I would see next damn near made me shit my pants and have a heart attack. I turned over to see an old state trooper, dude looked to be in his 60s he had all white hair, a huge mustache and a look that bore through my soul. I turned down the volume and rolled down the window to ask him what the problem was and he asked me what was on my phone, so in a panic I blurted out "Oh that's a caretaker camera" he immediately asked me to explain what I meant realizing that I was fucked if I didn't keep it up I continued by telling the state trooper that I was the care taker of a mentally deficient man named Dennis who because he required 24/7 monitoring had multiple cameras installed in a house provided to him by the state. The officer then asked if I could turn up the radio because wubby was freaking out and I can only assume he thought he was gonna catch me in a lie, as I turn it up I realize that the video is on the iross diarrhea story and right as I notice that wubby starts talking about coating the floor in shit and before he mentions target I mute the volume and throw my head in my hands and start muttering about how "I gotta clean that mess again" and profusely apologizing to the trooper about him having to hear about that. The trooper almost instantly changed his demeanor and told me that "going back to that was punishment enough" and let me go on my way. After that whole ordeal traffic began to pick up and I got my ass put of there. I just want to say thank you Wubby for being such an amazing streamer and saving my broke ass from having to pay a huge ticket with your incredible talents.
submitted by deadpool_331 to PaymoneyWubby [link] [comments]

2024.03.29 01:01 Specialist-Bunch-296 First Injection of Tirz 4 days agon - SO SICK and getting sicker

Update: I woke up at 3am with the same symptoms and no improvement. Drove myself to the ER. Got 2 liters of fluids, Zofran, Reglan, pepcid, benadryl and Phenergan because I was also having a delayed allergic reaction to the tirz or to one of the other meds. Came home around 8:30am and slept the entire day again. Their thought is also that I am either extra sensitive/allergic to tirz or that the clinic mixed up my starter dose with someone else's larger dose. The allergic rash and hives are starting to fade. I am bummed that this route may not work for me and definitely wary of GLP-1s in general now because my husband and I just can't lose this much time because of a shot.
Help! I had my first ever injection of tirz 2.5 four days ago. Have never been on a GLP-1 before. Using for weight loss due to some conditions unrelated to eating habits, and I am not diabetic. I am getting progressively sicker with every passing day. Today, I was unable to get up to take my kids to school because of profuse vomiting and diarrhea. I slept the entire day, only waking up to throw up or have it come out the other end. When I threw up, there were still bits of vegetables and lentils from a soup I'd had for lunch 48hrs before!!
I am unable to eat at all. The thought of food and even the sound of containers and packaging makes me want to vomit. Even water is giving me indigestion. Zofran, tums, omperazole, etc are not touching it.
I have not eaten but 6 saltine crackers today, and can barely keep water down. It threatens to come up if I even consider trying to eat. I can feel the crackers sitting in my stomach 4hrs later as the discomfort returns. My abdomen is very bloated and tender.
I know some people have a hard time adjusting, but does this seem excessive and a little scary? Should I call the doctor? I expected some discomfort and all, but I did not expect for each passing day to get worse.
submitted by Specialist-Bunch-296 to Tirzeglutide [link] [comments]

2024.03.28 21:20 wholesomesoybean I think I had a UC flare??

Long time lurker, first time poster! I essentially self-diagnosed myself with IBS for about 4 years despite the bloody mucus in my stool telling me otherwise (hehe, I'm a med student so I should know better). I finally got a colonoscopy and biopsies last month confirming my diagnosis of UC with a calprotectin of 308. I started on budesonide and mesalamine and things started improving the first week and a half!! Then this profuse yellow/green diarrhea started despite not eating and I thought it was some bad cheese I ate but after 4 days, I couldn't keep up with the rehydration. I was going to the bathroom multiple times and hour and the abdominal cramps were getting intense. I finally went to the ED, only after my mom and my bf's mom insisted, where I was eventually admitted. They started me on IV fluids and I swear I shat it out immediately, it was so bizarre. I've never had diarrhea like this. I started vomiting the next day so they started me on prednisone and I quickly went back to feeling like a normal person and not running to the bathroom damn near every hour.
My calprotectin in the hospital was 2340 which really surprised me because I always thought UC flares were really bloody but this was pure liquid with maybe some mucus (sorry about the details). A lot of my friends with UC have had bloody flare ups and I know people can experience flares differently, but I was curious if anyone has had a similar experience.
It's also odd that if this was a flare that it started shortly after I started treating it. Could be stress too, medical school and the unfortunate timing of my parent's potential divorce is certainly not helping!
Anyway, thanks for letting me overshare. <3
submitted by wholesomesoybean to UlcerativeColitis [link] [comments]

2024.03.28 17:07 theworldman626 Puppy's Rough Week and Unexplained Hematuria

Species: Dog
Age: 6 Months
Sex/Neuter status: Male/Unneutered
Breed: GSD/Husky/American Staffordshire Terrier Mix
Body weight: Around 40 lbs.
History: Eight days ago on Wednesday, my puppy presented to Urgent Care with significant hypersalivation, large volume diarrhea, and vomiting that instantly started appearing out of nowhere within the span of hour while he was sunbathing after a walk. On examination and after x-ray, vet noted that "colon appears gas distended" and that "fluid and gas-filled GI tract consistent with functional ileus. Enteritis/colitis would be considered most likely." He was given subcutaneous fluid therapy, Benadryl for possible allergic reaction, and Cerenia. He then tested positive for Giardia and Roundworm. Given Fenbendazole to take for five days (until Sunday). Negative for Parvo.
On Saturday while still on dewormer, a dog came up to him on walk and, although I attempted to keep distance, the strange dog bit my puppy above his left eye. He was yelping and crying and bleeding profusely from site, running down into eye. He had a 1 cm full-thickness puncture wound to the eyebrow with moderate amount of regional swelling. Doctor still noted moderate amount of salivation. Eye strain test returned negative for any damage to the eye. Placed on a short course of antibiotics (Clavamox) to be administered for 5 days (1 day overlap with dewormer).
On Sunday, puppy then started presenting with blood in his urine and other symptoms, including frequent urination, frequent attempts at urination (will try to pee and pee after everything has been evacuated), inspecting/scratching around his penis, and peeing inside the house (he is long potty trained). No lethargy and same desire for food continues.
On Tuesday, fecal test was negative for further parasites. The urinalysis confirmed there was blood in urine. There was no unusually high WBC count and kidney function normal. No crystals or stones. There is a type of stone, I was told, that would not appear on x-ray. I brought up possibility of hernia (perhaps from attempting to dislodge from bite?), but vet believes there is no indication of hernia. A urine culture was not performed because he was on antibiotics.
We are going to come in for blood test and test for tick borne diseases. Did not rule out auto-immune reactions.
Puppy has now had unexplained hematuria for 4 days.
Duration: 4 days
Your general location: Los Angeles, CA
• Should I consider asking for an ultrasound to rule out any stones/crystals that would not appear on x-ray?
• Should I be asking for a urine culture now that he has completed his course of antibiotics? Is there a way to have a UTI that is resistant to antibiotics? It is strange that his "UTI-like" symptoms only instantly began appearing once he started on Clavamox.
• Is there any way the hematuria can be drug induced (e.g., dewormer, clavamox, etc.)? Parasite induced?
• Is there any way this is not a very serious condition? I am starting to freak out a bit.
submitted by theworldman626 to AskVet [link] [comments]

2024.03.20 17:42 Standard_of_Care Adderall

Adderall is a combination of mixed amphetamine salts containing four salts of amphetamine.
The mixture is composed of equal parts racemic amphetamine and dextroamphetamine, which produces a (3:1) ratio between dextroamphetamine and levoamphetamine, the two enantiomers of amphetamine.
Adderall is used in the treatment of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) and narcolepsy, as an athletic performance enhancer, cognitive enhancer, appetite suppressant, and recreationally as a euphoriant.
It is a central nervous system (CNS) stimulant of the phenethylamine class.
Adderall tradename.
Routes of administration:
Oral, insufflation, rectal, sublingual
Class drug CNS stimulant.
US: Schedule II
Adderall is effective in treating the symptoms of ADHD and narcolepsy.
It causes emotional and cognitive effects such as euphoria, loss of sex drive, increased wakefulness, improves cognitive control, induces physical effects such as a faster reaction time, fatigue resistance, and increased muscle strength.
In larger doses of Adderall can impair cognitive control, cause rapid muscle breakdown, provoke panic attacks, or induce a psychosis, delusions, or hallucinations.
Adderall side effects vary widely: most commonly include insomnia, dry mouth, loss of appetite, and weight loss.
The risk of addiction or dependence is insignificant when used as prescribed at fairly low daily doses, such as those used for treating ADHD.
Use of Adderall in larger daily doses poses a significant risks: addiction or dependence due to the pronounced reinforcing effects that are present at high doses.
Recreational doses of amphetamines are generally much larger than prescribed therapeutic doses, carrying a far greater risk of serious adverse effects.
The two amphetamine enantiomers that compose Adderall are levoamphetamine and dextroamphetamine alleviate the symptoms of ADHD and narcolepsy by increasing the activity of the neurotransmitters norepinephrine and dopamine in the brain
They interact with human trace amine-associated receptor 1 (hTAAR1) and vesicular monoamine transporter 2 (VMAT2) in neurons.
Dextroamphetamine is a more potent CNS stimulant than levoamphetamine.
Levoamphetamine has slightly stronger cardiovascular and peripheral effects and a longer elimination half-life than dextroamphetamine.
Adderall’s active ingredient, amphetamine, shares many chemical and pharmacological properties with the human trace amines, particularly phenethylamine and N-methylphenethylamine.
With ADHD, amphetamines at therapeutic dosages appear to improve brain development and nerve growth.
Long-term treatment with amphetamine decreases abnormalities in brain structure and function found in ADHD, and improves function in several parts of the brain, such as the right caudate nucleus of the basal ganglia.
Safety and effectiveness of long-term continuous amphetamine use for the treatment of ADHD has been established.
Continuous stimulant therapy for the treatment of ADHD demonstrate treatment effectiveness and safety: reducing symptoms of ADHD, hyperactivity, inattention, and impulsivity, enhancing quality of life and academic achievement, and producing improvements in a large number of functional outcomes across 9 categories of outcomes related to academics, antisocial behavior, driving, non-medicinal drug use, obesity, occupation, self-esteem, service use and social function.
A controlled trial of amphetamine treatment for ADHD in children found an average increase of 4.5 IQ points, continued increases in attention, and continued decreases in disruptive behaviors and hyperactivity.
Lifetime stimulant therapy during childhood is continuously effective for controlling ADHD symptoms and reduces the risk of developing a substance use disorder as an adult.
Psychostimulants like methylphenidate and amphetamine are effective in treating ADHD because they increase neurotransmitter activity in these systems.
Approximately 80% of those who use these stimulants see improvements in ADHD symptoms.
Children with ADHD who use stimulant medications generally have better relationships with peers and family members, perform better in school, are less distractible and impulsive, and have longer attention spans.
Adderall is available as immediate-release tablets or two different extended-release formulations.
A systematic review and a meta-analysis found that, when used at low doses, amphetamine produces modest improvements in cognition, including working memory, long-term episodic memory, inhibitory control, and some aspects of attention, in normal healthy adults.
The cognition-enhancing effects of amphetamine are partially mediated through the indirect activation of both dopamine receptor D1 and adrenoceptor α2 in the prefrontal cortex.
Low doses of amphetamine improve memory consolidation, in turn leading to improved recall of information.
Amphetamine enhances cortical network efficiency, improving working memory in all individuals.
Amphetamines and other ADHD stimulants also improve motivation to perform a task, and increase arousal.
It promotes goal-directed behavior.
Stimulants can improve performance on difficult and boring tasks and are used by some students as a study and test-taking aid
5–35% of college students use ADHD stimulants.
High amphetamine doses that are above the therapeutic range can interfere with working memory and other aspects of cognitive control.
In healthy people amphetamines has been shown to increase muscle strength, acceleration, athletic performance in anaerobic conditions, and endurance, while improving reaction time.
Amphetamine improves endurance and reaction time primarily through reuptake inhibition and release of dopamine in the central nervous system.
Amphetamine and other dopaminergic drugs also increase power output at fixed levels of perceived exertion by overriding a safety switch, thus allowing the core temperature limit to increase in order to access a reserve capacity that is normally off-limits.
At therapeutic doses, the adverse effects of amphetamine do not impede athletic performance.
At much higher doses, amphetamines can induce effects that severely impair performance, such as rapid muscle breakdown and elevated body temperature.
Adderall has been banned by all major league sports societies.
Adderall has high potential for misuse as a recreational drug.
Adderall tablets can either be swallowed, crushed and snorted, or dissolved in water and injected.
Intravenous injection into the bloodstream can be dangerous because insoluble fillers within the tablets can block small blood vessels.
Students use Adderall for study purposes.
Risk factors for misusing ADHD stimulants recreationally include: possessing deviant personality characteristics, inadequate accommodation of disability, basing one’s self-worth on external validation, low self-efficacy, earning poor grades, and having an untreated mental health disorder.
Amphetamines like Adderall are contraindicated in people with a history of drug abuse, cardiovascular disease, severe agitation, or severe anxiety. in individuals with advanced arteriosclerosis, glaucoma, hyperthyroidism and moderate to severe hypertension.
Should not be taken with monoamine oxidase inhibitors (MAOIs).
Patients with anorexia nervosa, bipolar disorder, depression, hypertension, liver or kidney problems, mania, psychosis, Raynaud’s phenomenon, seizures, thyroid problems, tics, or Tourette syndrome should be monitored for symptoms while taking amphetamine.
The amount of substance consumed is the primary factor in determining the likelihood and severity of side effects of adderall.
Recreational use of Adderall generally involves far larger doses and is therefore significantly more dangerous.
Side effects:
Cardiovascular side effects can include hypertension or hypotension from a vasovagal response, Raynaud’s phenomenon and tachycardia.
Sexual side effects in males may include erectile dysfunction, frequent erections, or prolonged erections.
Gastrointestinal side effects may include abdominal pain, constipation, diarrhea, and nausea.
Other potential physical side effects include appetite loss, blurred vision, dry mouth, excessive grinding of the teeth, nosebleed, profuse sweating, rhinitis medicamentosa, reduced seizure threshold, tics and weight loss.
Dangerous physical side effects are rare at typical pharmaceutical doses.
The most common psychological side effects of amphetamine include increased alertness, apprehension, concentration, initiative, self-confidence and sociability, mood swings, insomnia or wakefulness, and decreased sense of fatigue.
Less commonly anxiety, change in libido, grandiosity, irritability, repetitive or obsessive behaviors, and restlessness effects are seen.
Side effects depend on the user’s personality and their current mental state.
Amphetamine psychosis of delusions and paranoia can occur in heavy drug users.
Psychosis can also occur rarely, at therapeutic doses during long-term therapy.
submitted by Standard_of_Care to u/Standard_of_Care [link] [comments]

2024.03.19 17:03 LowYogurt6075 Sharp bowel pain, sweating, blurred vision, almost passed out...

I'm on week 3 of 0.50 Wegovy and I woke up last night with a very sharp pain in my bowels, so I went to the bathroom thinking it was probably constipation. I got there and had a series of weird diarrhea like episodes, then I started to sweat profusely and felt like I was about to pass out. My vision got very blurry too. The whole thing lasted about 5 minutes. I've had very mild side effects otherwise.
I still think it was constipation, and the pain sent me to a weird place. Nothing I've ever experienced though.. any insight?
submitted by LowYogurt6075 to Semaglutide [link] [comments]

2024.03.16 16:40 error41801 Eoe or something else?

I've had EOE since birth and not very many symptoms outside of choking and acid reflux. I had my appendix removed at 7 years old. My GI at the time said that has nothing to do with my EOE but I think otherwise. Then at 16 I started to have severe abdominal pain that had me doubled over crying on the floor. I scared the shit out of many many EMTs. I would go to the hospital and they would take half a glance at me, say you're fine quit whining, and try to discharge me. I'd put up a fight and say that something needs to be done about this pain and they'd say here's an enema if you insist. Now at 23 years old I still have choking and acid reflux. But now I have cycles of diarrhea and constipation back to back non-stop. No normal bowel movements. I regurgitate my food multiple times a day. I have chronic abdominal pain that is a constant 3/10. that might seems like it's not too bad but it leaves me semi non-functional. because of this I've had to take a work from home job because I cant stand anymore for more than an hour. some days it's like 15 minutes and then I have to find somewhere to sit or lay down. I spend most of my days sitting or laying down because of the pain. I've considered using a wheelchair But of course I feel stigma being so young and using the mobility aid for a gastrointestinal issue. I can't eat half the time because everything makes me nauseous and everything that I do eat makes me feel like I am stuffed to the max. even if it's just a couple crackers. if I do eat I have immediate diarrhea, like food drops into my stomach and my intestines decide to release every bit of poop it has stored inside violently. sometimes nothing comes out and I just have to sit on the toilet while my intestines violently spasm and I start profusely sweating doubled over in pain until if finally subsides to it's normal level pain. tmi, but I also feel a lot of soreness and sensitivity on my anus when this happens. I don't know if that's like a "normal" thing that happens during bowel movements, but I thought it was important to note. I just can't do that when I'm working or out and not inches from a toilet. So it limits me from going out because if I don't go immediately then I become incontinent. I've been told I have IBS and was put on bentyl. It never actually helped with the pain and it just sedated me. in my opinion IBS is a lazy diagnosis. Doctors give you that diagnosis when they've given up on trying to find the root cause. which is frustrating because you think that it's hard for you to figure out how to help me. it's even fucking harder for me to deal with the symptoms and condition. So I'm still looking for a more precise diagnosis and I wonder if this has to do with my EOE or if it's another condition. I would like anybody that has any thoughts on this to chime in
submitted by error41801 to EosinophilicE [link] [comments]

2024.03.15 22:53 Lexirose39 Is this a milk allergy?!

F22 110lbs Medications: Vyvanse 70mg Duloxtine 60 mg BC clonidine 0.2 (at night for sleep) Ativan as needed for panic attacks
These past 2 months I’ve experienced symptoms that are similar to an allergic reaction. I’ve always been sensitive to dairy in general BUT it was only a problem if I were to drink a glass of milk (which I never did because I don’t like the taste). However, as of recent, when I consume dairy in any form, 6 hours later, I have a very sudden onset of vomiting that is quickly followed by diarrhea. When this takes place, I start to sweat profusely, and can hardly stand, so I often need to sit on the floor because my body cannot support my weight. I usually experience hives and get incredibly itchy and red. After this my heart rate quickens and I become super dizzy, and can hardly support myself, as I bump into everything. Then, I start to shake uncontrollably, almost as if I was freezing.
This seems to resolve within 3 hours or so but it really scares me every time it happens. I don’t think an intolerance would cause this severe of issues and honestly at this point I’m worried to eat anything. Sounds like an allergic reaction but it being 6 hours after consumption seems a little delayed.
I hope someone can help me!
submitted by Lexirose39 to AskDocs [link] [comments]