Nose sores that won t heal

All things nature

2018.07.16 20:33 Kunphen All things nature

Information, appreciation, discussion, links to articles, websites, images, videos, from reputable sites - content that supports and celebrates nature, her creatures, interspecies relationships, and their protection for future generations. Thinking ahead for the next 5 billion years.

2015.12.05 20:17 formerly_dead_inside Repentant Betrayers

A space for those who have cheated on their spouses and are now fully committed to repentance, rebuilding trust, and repairing their marriages/relationships.

2016.02.16 12:12 Dryfasting

Live off of your fat. Dry fasting is a type of fasting where individuals abstain from both food and water for a certain period. Unlike traditional fasting, which restricts food and caloric intake, dry fasting requires the body to rely on its internal water reserves and metabolic reactions for energy. Learn why religions speak highly of dry fasting, and why people swear by its healing effects on the body. This subreddit does not provide medical advice.

2024.05.16 19:06 Yellow_perroquet I think I need an advice

Hello Reddit fellas. So there’s this situation. Firstly I had just one parrot (kakariki male) and he was alone for about a half of a year. Then we bought him a friend, a girl cockatiel but she was in the store with another cockatiel but we only took her in because we thought two parrots at home was enough. Well that was a mistake because since that she looked super lonely. So we got another two cockatiels. A couple because we didn’t want to make the same mistake, however the first cockatiel was still lonely and the male from the couple started plucking feathers from both of the female tiels. So we decided to take them apart (like the couple together and the first two) and the couple will take my uncle now in care. And now we were in a pet store and saw a female tiel alone in the cage, when seller just told us that they’ve sold the male. And there is the question, should we take in the tiel from the store (so we won’t leave there alone like we did before - really horrible mistake) or is it too dangerous to have two females? (Like if they could hurt each other or?) I feel so bad for the cockatiel at the store T-T (sorry for the long post), any advice helpful
submitted by Yellow_perroquet to cockatiel [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 19:05 unlawfuldissolve Where can I buy reasonably priced young women’s clothing that isn’t terrible quality?

Hi I’m 20 and I’ve shopped in Penneys all my life, but honestly over the last few years I’ve noticed the quality of their clothing has gradually become atrocious.
I’m looking for suggestions on clothes shops that are higher quality than Penneys, and still reasonably priced (think H&M sorta price range, not too high like Urban Outfitters). Also places that carry clothes more suited to my age, not for older women.
I’ve spent some time learning about fabrics recently, so I now have a better idea of which fabrics are best for what I need, so I always read the fabric labels when shopping, and this has helped me avoid certain items, but it hasn’t fixed things entirely.
I’m finding that I buy almost an entire new wardrobe, and in 6 months time, a large portion of the clothes are just in an abysmal state. And I’m washing them as close to the instructions as possible, but they still end up almost unwearable.
Not to mention the sizing is a mess. I will purposely buy a size smaller in a top because I can see that my normal size has been made too large, and yet somehow they’ve made the shoulders massive like it’s a men’s top, and I don’t have narrow shoulders.
Also I won’t touch online shopping because I like to see and feel things before I buy.
submitted by unlawfuldissolve to AskIreland [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 19:04 Artistic-Unicorn AITA for not giving more money to my cousin's wedding as a MoH

I can feel a long post coming in the air tonight... 🎶
It was a few months ago when my fiance proposed!! We went on a trip, he proposed when we were alone in a beautiful place and I was extremely happy on this day, it was one of the best days of my life. But... the next day was a disaster! I called my cousin, lets call her Gina, and told her that I was getting married, I called because she was one of my best friends and we have been close all my life. Gina lives in a different city from me, but we managed to get together often, she stayed with me for a year after college and generally I thought we had a bf-cousin relationship.
I was always in a better position than her financially but I've always given her everything I could, I'd buy her clothes, I've been paying her drinks and meals whenever we got out and always trying to make her feel welcomed and safe.
l called to tell her the news but I specifically asked her not to tell my parents until I was home from the trip. I wanted to have the pleasure to tell that I am getting married to my parents myself. I am a lonely child and my parents were waiting this moment for a long time since I am kind of "old" in their minds. As you have guessed Gina CALLED my parents before I could return from the trip and tell them...
What a b*tch!!!
We had no idea, we were so happy, when we returned from the trip we first went to my in laws who are really lovely people!! His mother baked and neighbors were coming and my SIL came all wishing us the best and everybody where happy about us.
After that we went to my parents to announce the news and I was very excited.
Their reaction was I quote "ok nice, now please send an email for me (something related to their work)"
I was devastated, I had a panic attack and left crying at that moment. Actually I opened the door and stormed out while my fiance was trying to catch our cat that went running behind me. We saved the cat!!🐈
My parents didn't speak to me for 3 days and they were very mad. Remember, I didn't know that Gina blabbed about me and I thought that they were just indifferent or didn't liked my fiance.
After 3 days my mum called and informed me that Gina told them before I could return from the trip and they were angry because my first thought was to tell my friends that I am going to get married and not to my parents!! Personally idk why they were so shocked, since we aren't so close and I think my best friends ( including Gina) as more of my family (and the cat).
Gina didn't have the right to tell, I texted her but she avoided me and then I was so mad I didn't speak to her for three weeks.
I went to her city to straight things out and when I got there, she hides behind her fiance. He was mad with me for not contacting them for 3 weeks ( i think he just found something to grab on ) and I asked my cousin directly why you spoke to my parents when I told you not to and she didn't speak back to me. Her "lawyer" did the indictment and I said to him to stay out of this and that Gina can speak her mind without his "help and guidance". Finally she started talking and without the presence of our dear "lawyer", among other things she said that her fiance announced that they were getting married to facebook first!! And that was the way her parents found out see where this is going right?? She was frustrated that she didn't have the time to announce this to her parents properly and i don't know why in this f** world but maybe she thought that I had to pass through the same sh*t.
I left silently because really I didn't want to lose a cousin over this, a mess that I didn't initiated.
Now regarding her wedding, Gina is not well financially so she struggles with the wedding costs and also she asked me to be her MoH, really I think it's because she doesn't have other friends, she hangouts only with the friends of her fiance. I accepted of course before all this happened and I planned and saved to give Gina 5.000$ for her wedding. After this story, I only gave her 500$ which she thanked me a week later with just a typical "Thanks".
Everyone is expecting, because i am more financially stable than my cousins ( Gina and her brothers), to support my cousin at her wedding, but I am f** tired. I am tired of giving everything I can, since I was little, so they don't feel less or unequal, I was trying always to be very careful with that balance. All I ever had in mind was their best interest and considered them the brothers and sisters I never had.
I recently gave my cousin ( her brother ) a car without asking for money and even paid for his insurance and other costs and he didn't even had time for coffee. I asked him 3 times to go for coffee or dinner, that I would pay, just to celebrate his new car and he never came.
When I think of my proposal I get all teary because that day I won a husband but lost a friend and cousin.
I've always dreamed that Gina would have the best wedding but now my heart can't reach the generosity I thought I had, plus when i went to her city she didn't come to greet me.
This is how you slowly become the bad relative, the Scrooge McDuck relative who doesnt ever give to other relatives.
Also my fiance is furious with all of them. And the cat, the cat is mad with all of us.
I dont want to be the MoH but she doesn't have any other friends (and I don't like the groom) If I resing all the other relatives will wonder why I am not her MoH since we had been very close.
Thank you and sorry for the long post!!!
Ps: I am used to that kind of behavior from my parents so it doesn't matter anymore!!
submitted by Artistic-Unicorn to AITAH [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 19:04 TemporaryMomentary Mom won’t understand disability just because she has it too

I (20) was born with EDS. Hyper flexible variety. My mother (45) has it, my sisters (16 & 21) have it, we’ve all got it. We agreed mine is the worst of all of us and I can get diagnosed first so the rest of the family will have family history. I literally use a wheelchair for it when I’m out of the house.
The problem is that my mom is also obsessive about cleanliness (and I’m allowed to call it as I see it because I have diagnosed obsessive compulsive disorder) and I’ve tried my hardest to explain to her why sometimes I need to focus on things other than cleaning so I can get things done in my adult life (work, education, hobbies if I’m lucky) but she blows up at me for not cleaning an entire room in a single night.
I understand that part of this stems from her refusal to take care of her own health first. She’ll complain about back pain all day, huff about it when I say I can’t pick something up for her because my back hurts too, and then still spend time hunched over arranging things in the kitchen. I would be fine with that, because it’s her body and her life, if she didn’t make it my problem.
I accept when I ask her to grab me something while she’s bent over and she refuses on account of her pain, so why isn’t “I slipped a disc in my back barely a month ago and when I bend down it feels like it’s going to happen again” a valid excuse for me? Why are there double standards?
When I first got my wheelchair for surgery she doted on me and insisted on pushing me everywhere. Now that I use it for my EDS suddenly it’s too bulky and annoying, I roll myself too slowly, I don’t even need it. Then she gets mad at me for being stiff and sore and immobile the next day. It makes me feel like I’m crazy.
Right now I’m having a particularly busy period in my education and I’ve dropped all my hobbies to focus on writing for it, everything hurts even on medication, and she’s still sending me increasingly pissed off messages about how I didn’t clean up enough for her like a cleaning-based bill collector. I asked her to give me something more specific to work with than just general “everything is dirty and you need to clean” and she just sent me a rant again.
What the hell am I supposed to do? She’s the one who gets worried about money when I say I’m not sure if I can stay in school because of my health. I don’t know if she’s narcissistic clinically speaking, I know that can come up as an issue sometimes. I don’t care if it’s NPD or all of the other mental and physical health problems she won’t address that make her treat me like this but I’m stressed and pissed off regardless.
submitted by TemporaryMomentary to NarcissisticMothers [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 19:04 Mysterious_Piece5532 Best way to reduce scars?

Had a horrible reaction to the pain medications after surgery and I’m now on my 6th day of a maculopapular rash over my ENTIRE body. My back is the worst but I’m in a half-leg cast and basically have to be on my back the entire time with my leg in the air.
Last time I had an allergic reaction like this, the scars were crazy! Deep reddish-purple splotches. And that was just my back! This is everywhere!!!
The doctors won’t give me steroid cream because they said it may interfere with my wounds healing. The antihistamines they’ve prescribed haven’t worked.
Please help!
submitted by Mysterious_Piece5532 to Allergies [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 19:04 Usual-Ad-3597 I’ve built 20%+ conversion rate landing pages. Here’s how, with examples included.

Hi, my name is Luis.
I’ve built landing pages for SaaS companies that convert 20%+ of cold ad traffic into paying customers. In my agency we charge up to $10k for a single landing page (based on initial fee + performance fee).
Here’s some advice on how to increase your landing page conversion rate.
At the end of the day, paid ads are the best acquisition channel for a startup (it is scalable, predictable and automated), but it has become fu***ng expensive.
You can’t make ads cheaper, but you can turn a 2% CR landing page into a 20% CR landing page to make your ads profitable (and you already know what profitable ads mean: More customers, more revenue, more profit, more investors, more cash, etc.).
Based on what I've seen, high-converting lading pages follow three rules. But, first of all, if I've been able to build 10%, 25% and even 40% conversion rate landing pages is because I understand what drives conversion. Let me explain.
Do you know why they say that the money is in the follow-up? Because the difference between someone who doesn’t know about your product and a buyer is FREQUENCY.
Frequency drives conversion.
Why are retargeting ads so powerful? Because what they really are is a frequency campaign. Constant exposure to THE SAME ONE THING again and again and again.

Conversion rule #1: One big idea or message.

How you communicate your product is crucial. Communicating your product goes way beyond features and benefits. You need a big idea or message.
Sales pages with a conversion rate of 10%+ convey ONE (and only ONE) big idea. And they do it repeatedly—again and again and again and again and again and again.
My headlines refer to my idea, the body text talks about my big idea, my visuals depict my idea, my Q&A centers around my idea, the testimonials I include are the ones that mention my big idea, etc.
A big idea / big message is easy to remember and gets stuck more easily in our brain through repetition.
Which one is easier to remember?
"Focusing without distraction on a cognitively demanding task for an extended period…"
"deep work.”

Conversion rule #2: No options, no distractions.

That means no pricing plans, no bar menu, no about us page, no links, no “join our email list,” etc. Only one page, where the only way of getting out is by clicking a CTA button that takes you to the sign-up or a demo call.
When it comes to your offer, there are numerous variables to consider: Free trial or no free trial? 7-day or 30-day trial? Pricing? Plans? Features? Cc required or not required? Etc.
I would really love to advise you on exactly what to offer, but I don’t know your product, your industry, your competitors, etc. I can only say that each option has its pros and cons.
For example, free trials without a credit card requirement tend to convert better, but they also attract less committed users (most of those people won’t even try your product).
I’m not stating that one is definitively better than the other. What I’m trying to convey is that you need to test different variables. What works for another company might not work for you, and vice versa.
Remember: Options kill conversion.
So forget about pricing plans. Create ONE compelling offer designed for customer acquisition.

Conversion rule #3: Easy to read.

Headlines, headlines, headlines...
The rest of the copy doesn’t really matter. Convey your big idea through your headlines. Literally.
I should be able to understand your product solely by reading your headlines. The rest of the copy should sell your big idea again and again and again. People are lazy and will scan your page (via headlines) for 10 seconds, before deciding if they understand what your product is about. If they like it, they will keep reading.
So, don’t use typical, vague marketing headlines.
Headlines you don’t want:
“Powered by AI”
Headlines you want (specific):
“Save 300 hours per month thanks to our customizable AI.”

Easy to read. Easy to remember. Full frequency. No distractions.

Those are the building blocks of a great sales page.

Now, I know what you are thinking…

“Everything here resonates with me except ‘no pricing plans’. Can you clarify what you mean?“
My response…
  1. Build a second landing page: A dedicated landing page where you’ll be driving ad traffic to and which is designed for conversion.
  2. This page should target one specific group of people.
  3. Put together ONE single offer: One price point, one set of features and an incentive to sign up TODAY.
  4. Want to target another group of people with another messaging/price point/set of features? Go ahead. But, don’t offer 3 plans that will generate friction and create confusion when your CTA is a free trial, bc people will choose the most basic plan in 99% of the cases.
“Would you be ok with sharing landing pages that are at 20% or more? I’m a visual learner so would be cool to see something tangible.”
Yes, click here?node-id=0%3A1&t=2RNjGZslsPF1E3TG-1) (Figma file with 3 pages built by me and my team).
“Where do all these ideas come from? I’m curious to see your entire approach. ”
Here you'll find a $35 guide that I’m selling profitably through ads. I want to give it to this community for free. Inside, you’ll find my entire approach and philosophy to make paid ads profitable.

Last but not least

If you've read all this and come this far, you can comment your landing page, and I'll do my best to review it for free :)
I only hope this post was helpful. Let’s make paid ads for SaaS startups great again!
Thanks, Luis.
My LinkedIn in case you want to know more about me or even connect.
submitted by Usual-Ad-3597 to SaaS [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 19:04 64Sleepy Need opinions on spray guns

I’m 20 and I’ve been in autobody since 16 and I’m looking at getting into buying a quality gun that won’t break the bank something that will last and I can buy parts for if something breaks I’ve recently looked at these 3 guns any opinions on these guys or recommendations to get another gun is helpful
submitted by 64Sleepy to AutoPaint [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 19:03 krakenxx Help with shadowplay

Help with shadowplay
Ever since I started using my second monitor, every time I go into a game and want to clip something I am unable to because when I’m in the game window the shadowplay button will appear on and off and it won’t clip anything in the game. I’ve tried enabling and disabling the privacy setting, and it captures my desktop just fine. It only exclusively happens when I have a game in full screen or borderless. I also tried unplugging my 2nd monitor but that doesn’t work either. I’m stuck here and I don’t want to have to think about the possibility of it being broken.
submitted by krakenxx to nvidia [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 19:03 No-Library-8143 She broke off our engagement over a stupid comment

So as the title says my(31m) fiancé(27f) broke off our engagement over a stupid fight. She was arguing with me about not doing chores she thought were important when I was doing the ones I felt were higher on the list. During this fight she brought up how she’s questioned having a kid with me because she’s had stressful pregnancies with her other children and didn’t want that again and how it wouldn’t be good for the baby if she was stressed like that. I perceived that as I was being guilt tripped about a nonexistent child and she was saying I was going to be the cause of anything happening to it. To me this argument seemed to be done with when she was kissing me, touching me, and was wanting me to stay home from work to have sex. Boy was I wrong. For the last four days she’s been holding on to being angry about those dumb comments I made. Instead of trying to talk things out, she breaks off the engagement. She won’t talk to me, started separating our things, and any chance we have to even talk about anything she calls her sister and stays on the phone with her. I’m angry and trying not to be a dick. I just don’t understand how you can say you want to marry me a week ago to having one argument and that’s suddenly over with? Seems like bullshit to me.
TLDR; fiancé and I got in a fight over chores, talked about unborn nonexistent child, I brought up how I perceived that conversation, and now the engagement has been broken off
submitted by No-Library-8143 to relationships [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 19:03 Puzzleheaded-Try2557 Worried about partner’s ex coworker.

I’ll start by saying I haven’t broached the topic with my partner yet as I’m waiting to see him tonight and only today did this start to really bother me.
First, I had never heard of the ex coworker, a direct report of his I’ll call S, until a month ago. We’ve been together for a year. My partner will go by P.
S sent P a screenshot of recommendations for a trip he and I are taking this weekend. I noticed he cut off her greeting which included the bottom tip of a pink heart. They had dinner yesterday along with another of his ex coworkers. The cut off heart was weird because he could have cut it out completely if he wanted to (unless it’s different on android but I doubt it) so now I’m like maybe it wasn’t him being sneaky or idk my mind does things to crazy make me!
I find it strange that I found out about her when he mysteriously referred to “a friend” a month ago who texted him an event instead of saying their name. So I asked and discovered S.
They took walks together with only each other during Covid but he states he would never do anything with a direct report as it’s unethical.
He sent me a photo of them all 3 out the other day and I thought their arms and shoulders were a little close for comfort but whatever I thought.
Now I’m suspicious. He considers my trust issues a “red flag” (his words). I have a strong inclination to jealousy and envy.
I plan to approach him today and ask if she’s maybe interested in him. I’m not the prettiest girl in the room but my partner is very attracted to me, however I can tell based on me and his dating history that he’s not focused on looks. My point here is she’s not attractive at all, which I sound like a jerk saying but it’s pretty much objectively true. Again he’s focused on personality so I won’t rule it out.
My hunch is he kept her from me because he knows I’m jealous. I feel he keeps her around because she likes him and it gives him an ego boost. My worst fear is that he’s interested in her.
We are celebrating our one year together this weekend and I fear that he’s into her. I will tell him I trust him but I don’t know this woman’s intentions. I will also ask if he mentioned our trip, for which she made the suggestions in the email, is actually an anniversary trip. I think that could be telling.
submitted by Puzzleheaded-Try2557 to datingoverforty [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 19:02 Lilhobo_76 Denied

Tomorrow will be 9 years from when my vet husband dropped dead from a brain aneurysm. This week I found out our DIC claim was denied- I waited so many years to file (because they weren’t acknowledging the effects of burn pits yet) and then was delayed due to lost medical records.
My husband was the kind of guy who said “I came home in one piece, I don’t need anything (service connection)” so he was 0% when he died.
He had signs of bleeding issues (nose bleeds that came from up in his brain and couldn’t be stopped) after he’d done a few burn-pit-location deployments, and had some stroke symptoms in the years following his separation.
I know that it is very likely the chemicals from the burn pits affected him physically, and I believe he’d still be alive if it weren’t for his deployments (he also had osa that he didn’t service connect).
It sucks because if he were still alive, he’d be able to claim some of his medical issues, but because he’s dead his issues are being written off :(
submitted by Lilhobo_76 to VeteransBenefits [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 19:02 Ol2501 XPMSE2 successfully deleted an actor. Prisoner. Have a nice day.

When I start a new game this message is the first thing to pop up on the top left corner of my screen. The thing is that it doesn’t appear once or twice, but like 5 times right after character creation, and then after other mods load it shows up again a couple times at least.
XPMSSE is being overwritten by “XPMSSE - Nemesis - papyrus stack fix” and by D-Won skeleton since it’s necessary for maximum carnage. Everything works properly, both for my character and npcs, so it really is just a message that makes no sense to me.
Anyone knows what it means and if I should worry about it?? Also, they are all the latest update available.
submitted by Ol2501 to skyrimmods [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 19:02 u2op goth fuel 💀

blackberry apple aka goth gf. hmm... i never got to try it when it was first around, but it isn’t bad as some people say. it’s very light unless i added too much water by accident. gotta drink it more to have an actual opinion on it :)
tastes exactly what the flavor says it is, i get a little more apple than blackberry though. 70% apple / 30% blackberry?
edit - used less water in my 2nd serving and now i’m getting more of that tartness from the blackberry. my tongue is black. hopefully my sh*t won’t turn green lol
submitted by u2op to GFUEL [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 19:01 LegitTVPotato Tournament of Fan Favorites ... lol

I know viewers are getting tired of watching tournaments and the same players, but I would be down to watch all my favorites competing.
Who would you want to see? What is your criteria?
Here are the ones that come to mind for me:
Sam (do I really need to mention a last name? I will never get tired of seeing Sam) Matt Mattea Ken (I know he can't, but let me dream ... it's like Fantasy Jeopardy League)
I'm not sure who I'd pick for the last 2 spots (or 3, for those who insist on bursting my bubble 😆). Maybe Victoria, although I haven't seen that much of her (I'm not current on the show). Possibly comedian Ike Barinholz who won Celebrity Jeopardy and also made it to the semifinals in the Tournament of Champions (color me shocked ... and impressed). Cris Pannullo perhaps. Maybe others can help me decide.
For me, I based it on who looks like a lot of FUN, has a quick wit, and is great at the game.
submitted by LegitTVPotato to Jeopardy [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 19:01 drowsy-god Giving him his keys back.

I really need help. My ex and I met in 2021. From day 1, we were deeply connected. I really felt loved by him and loved him back. We had a lot of issues in the past, but I believed we made it this time. We were talking about marriage and kids just a month ago.
Due to a lot of stressors in our lives like new jobs, we started to argue often. And after we argued one time, he abruptly left me over text. Wouldn’t call me, wouldn’t meet up. I feel ashamed to say I begged him to meet and talk because I was shocked. We saw each other 3 weeks ago and we keep arguing. We are broken up and he doesn’t want to talk about it. So I stop talking, then he says he misses me, he asks me if I’m talking to anyone new. All of this is really confusing to me because I haven’t even processed what happened yet.
Tomorrow, he wants to meet at his place so I can give him his keys back. I said we could meet if he is willing to talk about our relationship, but he doesn’t want to talk. He said he won’t change his mind and he is tired of talking about it. But said he wants to see me because he misses me. I said I miss him too, but I don’t want to see him yet if he doesn’t want to talk because I believe it will cause me a lot of pain. So I offered to pack his keys and other things nicely and put them in the entrance of my apartment complex so that he can pick them up. It’s really safe and there’s security so he’s not concerned about them being stolen.
But he doesn’t want my solution and acts as if I’m refusing to give him back his keys. What should I do? Did I come up with a stupid idea?
submitted by drowsy-god to BreakUps [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 19:01 Adorable-Print7543 Update :)

Hi sorry I haven’t updated in a while about my toe sooo here it is. Thank you everyone for your concern about me and the advice you all gave me,it was so helpful and I appreciate it so much :) My toenail had to get removed and yeah it’s gross. My toenail is healing back but slowly and it’s still sensitive. I’m just happy that’s it’s almost summer break and that I can swim and not worry about my toe too much
submitted by Adorable-Print7543 to AdviceForTeens [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 19:01 SoChenXing Tub refinishing mistakes

I refinished my tub, by myself, it looked great, but I think I put way too many coats like 4. I was pretty sore and soaked in it but I’m thinking I should’ve waited a couple weeks. The paint is peeling a ton. I’m trying to figure out what to do, could I use pool paint? I love blue, so that would be neat, or Could I use some type of cement paint? I need something very durable. I thought I saw a cement tub kit years ago but can’t find one anywhere. I thought about getting a second hand walk in tub and attempting to cut mine out, trying to avoid a complete retiling of floor and bath walls if possible.
submitted by SoChenXing to HomeImprovement [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 19:01 SmoreOfBabylon Summary of Announced Updates for Patch 7.0 (Dawntrail) from Today's Live Letter (LL 81)

Here is a summary of the announced upcoming game updates for patch 7.0 (Dawntrail expansion) from today’s Live Letter (LL 81). The information below is complied mainly from the officially translated live stream of the event, as well as FFXIV Discord's translation channel coverage of the event. The stream can be watched in full [here[(
There was a fair amount of gameplay footage shown of the new content (particularly of the new/updated job actions and two brand new jobs), but I only pulled a few points of relevant information from it, rather than summarizing it all. But, as usual, please let me know if I missed anything major!
Patch 7.0: Dawntrail
Officially releases on July 2, 2024
Early access period for pre-orders begins Friday, June 28, 2024; 48-hour pre-launch maintenance beings Wednesday, June 26th
Job Updates
Job Actions Trailer:
Note: Today’s presentation was not meant to be a detailed breakdown of ALL planned job changes and additions, just a basic overview of some of the noteworthy adjustments. Full gameplay will be previewed during the current media tour, with complete details on all of the job adjustments, potency changes, etc. to come with the patch notes for 7.0 after launch maintenance begins.
Action Change Settings - To address button bloat, allows you to individual choose whether or not specific changing actions will be replaced b their follow-up counterparts upon execution
Adjustments to Tanks
  • Rampart and job-specific 30% damage reduction abilities will be upgraded in the 90s level range
  • Reprisal’s duration will be increased to 15 seconds in the 90s level range
  • The second and third executions of Atonement have been changed to new actions with separate animations (the Atonement button will change to these actions automatically, so button presses will remain the same)
  • A new action that can be executed after Blade of Valor will be added
  • In order to execute Goring Blade, you will need to have Fight or Flight activated
  • A new action, which can be executed after three executions of Fell Cleave or Decimate while Inner Release is active, will be added
  • A new action that can be executed after Primal Rend will be added
  • Visual effects and animation of Inner Chaos will be adjusted
Dark Knight
  • To reduce the number of inputs during burst damage phases, Blood Weapon will upgrade into Delirium, and the effects of Blood Weapon will be added to Deliirium
  • A new action that can be executed after Living Shadow will be added
  • A new action that can be executed after Fated Circle (via Continuation) will be added
  • A new 3-step combo that can be executed after Bloodfest will be added (no cartridge cost)
Adjustments to Melee DPS
  • Second Wind’s potency will be increased in the 90s level range
  • Feint’s duration will be increased to 15 seconds in the 90s level range
  • Basic combo mechanics will no longer center around maintaining a buff or DoT; instead, performing actions in a certain order will increase the next action’s potency. Adjustments will be
  • Can accumulate up to a total of ten chakra while Brotherhood is active, to prevent chakra overflow
  • There will be a potency buff to Six-Sided Star if executed while you have ten chakra stacks
  • To reduce positional requirements for the single-target combo, the 5th combo action has been changed to a new non-directional action, Drakesbane (Fang and Claw/Wheeling Thrust will change to Drakesbane, so input execution will remain the same
  • To facilitate maximum damage output at the beginning of a battle, Life of the Dragon will be available without accumulating Dragon Gauge
  • To reduce the number of inputs during burst damage phases, certain actions will be removed or adjusted
  • Huton’s effect has been moved to a trait and will always be active (Huton will be changed to an AoE attack which grants the effect of Hidden)
  • Actions which extend the duration of Huton’s effect will be adjusted in accordance with the above change
  • Due to these adjustments, the Windmill logo in the job gauge will be removed
  • To simplify recast management, Tsubame-gaeshi will be changed to be executable after Meikyo Shisui
  • Hakaze, Tenka Goten, and Midare Setsugekka will be upgraded into new actions
  • Traits will be added that shorten the recast time for Hissastsu: Guren and Hissastsu: Senei
  • Plentiful Harvest’s effect will no longer increase the Shroud Gauge by 50, and instead will allow execution of Enshroud (now can be used when gauge is at 51 or more without waste)
  • A new action that can be executed while Enshrouded will be added
  • Hells’ Ingress and Hell’s Egress will have reduced cool down when Enhanced Harpe is activated
  • Link to Viper job overview and gameplay demonstration in the livestream
  • A fast-paced job that fluidly shifts between dual-wield blades and double-bladed strikes
  • Has a similar total number of actions as other jobs, but is designed so that fewer actions need to be set on the hotbar
  • Executing actions will build a job gauge, which can then be expended in an enhanced “Awaken” phase
  • When applying buffs to yourself as well as debuffs to the enemy, certain other actions will be enhanced depending on which buffs/debuffs are active
  • In addition to close-range melee attacks, there are also some long-range attacks available should you need to fight from afar
    Adjustments to Ranged Physical DPS
  • Second Wind’s healing potency will be increased in the 90s level range
  • Damage reduction of job-0specific defensive abilities will be increased to 15% in the 90s level range
  • Mage’s Ballad, Army’s Paeon, and the Wanderer’s Minuet will be changed into buffing actions which do not attack enemies
  • Pitch Perfect will be changed into an AoE attack for ease of use in encounters with multiple enemies
  • Single-target and AoE procs (Straight Shot Ready/Shadow Bite Ready) will be merged into one proc for better ease of use
  • Barrel Stabilizer will no longer increase Heat Gauger by 50, and instead will allow execution of Hypercharge (can now be used when gauge is at 51 without waste)
  • A new trait which accumulates charges for Drill will be added
  • A new action that can be executed after Flourish will be added
  • A new action which consumes Esprit and can be executed after Technical Finish will be added
  • Certain skills currently triggered by Standard Step may now be executed without having to go through the step actions
Adjustments to Magical Ranged DPS
  • Swiftcast’s recast will be reduced to 40 seconds in the 90s level range
  • Addle’s duration will be increased to 15 seconds in the 90s level range
Black Mage
  • Various adjustments will be made to streamline certain aspects of the job, such as restoring MP upon landing ice spells while Umbral Ice is active, instead of passively over time
  • A new action which repositions Ley Lines beneath the caster once will be added
  • Solar Bahamut, a new summon akin to Bahamut and Phoenix, will be added (new summon rotation will be: Solar Bahamut - Bahamut - Solar Bahamut - Phoenix)
  • A new attack action that can be executed after Searing Light will be added
  • Summoner will keep Resurrection for Dawntrail, but may have it removed in 8.0
Red Mage
  • Manafication will no longer increase Black Mana and White Mana by 50, and will instead allow the execution of enchanted swordplay actions without cost (can now be executed while mana is at 51 or more without waste)
  • The AoE enchanted swordplay combo beginning with Enchanted Moulinet will now consume a total of 50 Black Mana and White Mana, similar to its single-target counterpart
  • Whenever Embolden is executed, an attack ability will be enabled
  • Link to Pictomancer overview and gameplay demonstration in the livestream (I found this job much easier to understand by watching the demonstration, BTW)
  • Job actions centered around Aether Hue elemental attacks (Red = Flare, Green = Aero, Blue = Water) and Motifs (Creature, Weapon, and Landscape)
  • Aether Hue attacks build a gauge that can be expended on White elemental Holy attacks as well as Subtractive Pallette, which upgrades your other elemental attacks to higher-potency elements.
  • Creature Motif involves rendering parts of a creature (eg. a Moogle) via attacks that will eventually summon the creature for a higher-powered attack
  • Weapon Motif is a fast triple-cast combo
  • Landscape Motif is a longer-cast action that deals damage to enemy and grants buffs to self and party members
Adjustments to Healers
  • Swiftcast’s recast time will be reduced top 40 seconds in the 90s level range
White Mage
  • A new action allowing the caster to quickly move forward will be added
  • A new AoE attack, which can be executed up to 3 times after Presence of Mind, will be added
  • New trait that increases Tetragrammaton stack number will be added
  • Seraphism, a new action which changes the caster’s appearance and enhances healing magicks, will be added
  • A new AoE attack that can be executed after Chain Stratagem will be added; it will include a DoT
  • A new trait that reduces recast time for Recitation will be added
  • The card system will no longer be RNG based, and will instead simultaneously draw cards with offensive, defensive, and curative effects
  • Every 60 seconds, you can draw one set of four cards (divided under Lord of Crowns or Lady of Crowns), each card having different effects, and you can use the cards in that set depending on your situational needs
  • Astrodyne will be removed with the discontinuation of astrosigns
  • New trait that increases Essential Dignity stack number will be added
  • Eukrasia will now enhance Dyskrasia II into Eukrasian Dyskrasia, an AoE attack which deals damage over time to enemies within range
  • A new party buff, which heals party members whenever the caster casts a spell, will be added (basically a ranged version of Kardion, but will only be in effect for a limited amount of time)
  • New trait that reduces the recast time of Soteria will be added
PvP Updates
  • Viper and Pictomancer will be added to PvP in 7.0
  • New PvP actions, action adjustments, and adjustments to existing PvP maps are currently planned for 7.1
  • Crystalline Conflict ranked matches will;; be in preseason between 7.0 and 7.1 (rankings will not be updated, but tiers and Crystal Credit will be affected by wins and losses
New Characters
  • Two new NPCs that will appear in the Dawntrail MSQ were discussed: Bakool Ja Ja and Koana, who will both be competing for the throne of Tural. Bakool Ja Ja is a two-headed Mamool Ja, similar to Gulool Ja Ja, and Koana is the male Miqo’te from the Dawntrail poster.
    Other Information
  • Benchmark software/graphics update: Some adjustments have been made based on feedback on the original benchmark. These include adjustments to lighting in the character creator, as well as corrections to graphical oddities in character models (addressing things like Keeper of the Moon Miqo’te teeth and Lalafell mouths/teeth). These adjustments will be incorporated into a new benchmark available for download, in addition to the game itself with Dawntrail. Information about a release date for the new benchmark will be announced later.
  • Free Fantasia: Starting in 7.0, there will be a new NPC in Ul’dah with a low level quest that can be completed for one free Fantasia per character.
  • In addition, using a Fantasia will now grant a 60 minute period during which you can make additional adjustments to your character after re-entering the game world if you are not satisfied with how the adjustments look in game. There is no limit to how many additional times you can tweak your character within this 60 minute period.
  • Fall Guys collaboration event returns from May 23rd to June 10th
  • Mountain Dew promotional event (US only): enter codes found under caps of specially marked Man. Dew products to receive points that can be redeemed for rewards, including in-game rewards such as a “Mountain Zu” mount and a consumable drink item.
  • Preorders now open for new merchandise on the Square Enix store
  • Immerse Gamepack version 2.2 available now:
  • KFC promotional event is returning to Japan; details to be announced later
  • Next Live Letter (LL 82), summarizing upcoming additions for 7.0, scheduled for June 14th
submitted by SmoreOfBabylon to ffxiv [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 19:01 BeautifulAlert5740 Which club has the highest potential of being the newest super lig winner?

I’m talking about a club that hasn’t won the super lig yet, is there any universe where a new squad wins the title? And if so which team would it be?
submitted by BeautifulAlert5740 to superlig [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 19:00 juliebeean Fact Finding

Hello, I know I have the right to have a shop steward present during fact findings and I won’t speak to management without one. Although, my shop steward said that she can be there for the fact finding via phone call …. Does anyone know anything about this? I thought they had to be physically present. I can’t find nothing in the contract regarding this. USPS RCA
submitted by juliebeean to USPS [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 19:00 Expensive-Beyond-251 withdrawal from PhD consequences and statistics

Hi all! Got an acceptance for PhD in ML today, but before signing it would like to know about the withdrawal statistics. Cause it’s said that if you are withdrawn from the program, then you have to pay back all the expenses (stipend, tuition fees, etc). Which is quite a big amount of money.
I have lots of friends who dropped out from PhD from other universities in other countries. So I guess dropping out is a common thing for PhD students. How often this occurs in MBZUAI? What if some unexpected stuff happens and I won’t be able to continue my studies (due to serious health problems or something like that)
submitted by Expensive-Beyond-251 to MBZUAI [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 19:00 Jhalpert08 Should I change tactics or refine?

So I’m stuck on Hellions Intonement challenge. My current tactics involve basically quakaga with magnify, magic focus and quick cast on Aerith, along with a bunch of magic buffing and some other elemental spells.
Barret to tank and heal and has limit support
Cloud has limit siphon and the enhanced expeditionary to get a quick level 3 if needed.
So I either spam quakaga for a quick kill or if that won’t work I use fire to take advantage of weakness and follow up asap with finishing touch.
So this usually gets me reliably to the White terror bit and he usually kills me before I can effectively do much.
I managed to get through once and then got smashed in the next round.
Anyhow, I’ve tried other tactics like burmal form spam with ATB Ward or yuffie quadcasting etc, I can never get past the first fight, no idea why I can’t pull these off.
So I dunno now, should I refine and practice with my current method and push through or would you change tactics and try a different approach?
submitted by Jhalpert08 to FinalFantasyVII [link] [comments]