Leann rimes but i you love do

Petty Revenge

2012.11.01 23:04 Azuaron Petty Revenge

For all your stories of small victories over those who've wronged you.

2015.02.22 21:33 Nuke_The_Moon UNBGBBIIVCHIDCTIICBG

Upvoted Not Because Girl, But Because It Is Very Cool; However, I Do Concede That I Initially Clicked Because Girl.

2016.09.09 07:40 Lulu018 MomForAMinute For those who need a role model or mother figure

We are Mother Geese to our loving Ducklings. When you need understanding, congratulations, praise, or advice from a mother figure, but don't have one IRL able or willing to provide that for you -- we are here for you. We support you and love you unconditionally!

2024.05.15 18:02 TsUNaMyWaVe Watching Everything From The Beginning, Part 16: Micronesia - Fans vs. Favorites

TL;DR: A mostly-new viewer sharing her thoughts on S16, and hoping to continue to do so with the next seasons.
Previous posts:
Seasons 1-10 Seasons 11-20
Borneo Guatemala
The Australian Outback Exile Island
Africa Cook Islands
Marquesas Fiji
Thailand China
The Amazon
Pearl Islands
It has been… almost 1.5 years since the last time I watched Survivor. I can't believe it has been so long – the longest break I ever had between seasons since I first started this project (in 2020?? Woah). It has been so long, that even seeing James and Amanda felt nostalgic for me, even though they were fresh out from last season, lol. Another advantage – if I knew anything about this season before, I 100% forgot about it. Got to experience it as cleanly as one could – I literally knew nothing about who the winner or what the elimination order was. Let's get to it!
The game: not gonna lie, I was a little bit wary of the main gimmick of fans vs. favorites. I thought about how unfair it was, not just experience wise but also because the fans are probably just gonna be starstruck and unable to play against their faves. Luckily, I was wrong. It was actually way more balanced than I expected it to be. Sure, the faves had better shelter and better food and better everything, but I feel like this is a common situation in survivor, that one tribe is better off than the other, so that was okay.
Having 2 medical evacuations and 1 quit was wild. I feel like Survivor was always dangerous, so it should actually be surprising that something like that didn't happen until now. I really felt bad for Penner and James, hopefully they get to play again.
Having two people going to exile island each time in the pre-merge was an interesting choice, but nothing really interesting came out of it.
The end game though… oh boy. I actually thought that having 3 people leave would help production, because they had 20 people over 39 days. But ofc they were prepared and didn't like the quits, which is probably why we got the weird 8 jurors-2 finalist thing. I am not against the concept as a concept, but it did feel like a low blow that the contestants didn't know about it. And also as I said I think it should have been final 3 as always but they had to adjust.
So yeah let's talk about that FTC. I once again came in rooting for Amanda, and once again saw how bad at FTCs she is. Girl, please… at first I was a bit surprised that she lost, I felt like Parv had way more enemies in the jury. But then I read here in the subreddit about the full content of Eliza's question that we saw nothing from, and well… it made more sense. (Btw thank you Eliza for kind of bringing in fallen comrades, it was the best. Ah, I missed Eliza and I'm so glad she was in this season!)
So Amanda lost again, and Parv won, and I guess now I understand what's the big buzz around her that I didn't get when I watched cook islands, lol.
Might as well mention the blindside since this was all Jeff could think of. Idk personally I'm not too impressed with blindsides, like sure yeah it's a cool move but it's way less drama inducing than when the person actually knows they are going to go lol. Tbh I was so mad that Ozzy got rid of Ami and Eliza that I was happy he got blindsided, lol.
The challenges and set: I know I am nearing the time when the set doesn't matter, but I thought I had a few more seasons of grace, especially after how amazing China was. I guess I was wrong. Well, the set in general was very lacking and most of the challenges were super generic, but the huge money wheel was cool, as was that village visit. I'll take what I can get.
But when it comes to actual entertainment the challenges were gold. I think aside from that gun shooting one which was kinda boring, the others were fantastic. A challenge is what gave birth to the iconic Joel-Chet moment, Amanda showed once again that she is a challenge beast that can't win the actual game, we saw Ozzy being defeated by a fan etc etc. Also the one with the cage going underwater is definitely a favorite of mine that I will be happy to see again no matter what season.
The challenge with the survivor trivia questions felt kind of rigged though, lol. Of course Erik will win that one… or even just a fan in general. That wheel with the logos on it was super cool, though!
The cast: in this kind of season, this should be the core, right? Well, I don't think it was the strongest cast ever but they did very well. From the favorites, the only ones I was super excited about were Ami and Eliza (where are my Vanuatu comrades at?), and as I said earlier I was really bummed when they were voted out. I also liked seeing James, Amanda and Yau Man back. The rest I wasn't big about but it's basically because I almost never ended up liking the big names players, and the big names players are the ones that get to return, so… lol.
Also, is it just me or was Ami way less cut throat this time? Was it because Leann wasn't there? lol
Anyway, the fans had some highlights too, of course. I'd say mainly the Tracy-Chet-Kathy trio, the Natalise-Alexis duo the Erik and James the dummies. Each group had their own fun little storyline that also got woven brilliantly with the favorites, so it was definitely enjoyable to follow. I just feel like it was… more story driven than character driven, if it makes sense?
Though the small character moments we did get were gold. Jason and the f'ing stick, Erik giving up the necklace, Natalie opening up out of nowhere as an evil witch… over at the favorite side I actually feel it was more lacking – maybe it was because I already knew all of them before, I'm not sure. But I generally felt like their personality traits shone less, maybe aside from Parv who now I can realize got edited in a way she would be accepted as a winner (oh btw I'm definitely fine with her winning). I guess Cirie also got some of her usual Cirie-style confessionals, but she also got a lot of gameplay ones so yeah.
I wasn't attached to anyone personally so that's probably why I was slightly less invested, even though I enjoyed everyone a lot.
I read somewhere in the subreddit that this season was supposed to be AS2, but they didn't have enough big players to bring so they changed to fans vs. favorites. I think it was a good decision overall if I look at it objectively, but personally there are quite a few "smaller" players that I would have loved to see again lol.
Oh and I forgot to mention it earlier but I guess it also matches this category – once again I hated how they changed the opening for every ep and removed voted out people. Stop it. Stop doing it. Just put the full opening every time, it's not so hard!
And that's it for FvF! I might be a little rusty in summarizing my thoughts, but I'm sure I'll get right on track for the next season. THE NEXT SEASON!!! GABON!!!
Haha I might as well mention again that Gabon was actually kind of the only season I watched fully before, around the time it aired (maybe a little bit later because I watched it on cable TV in my country, and I'm sure we weren't 100% caught up, but the timeline match). I don't remember it in full details obviously but I do remember quite a lot – and I'm excited to see if it holds up and how much nostalgia I have for it lol. I'm definitely excited to see Sugar again!
Thanks for reading!
*English is not my native language.
submitted by TsUNaMyWaVe to survivor [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 14:43 LazySnake7 From Under the Ice - Chapter 2

(Thanks to SpacePaladin for creating NOP)
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Memory Transcription Subject: Elder Researcher Slira of the Vyr Exploration Initiative
Date [standardised Vyr time]: Day 102/321, Year 110
I remembered when they drilled to the top of Rime.I had been studying to be a computer engineer at the time, only a single course away from graduating. My home city of Frozen Perch had been chosen for the project, something that no local really paid any mind to. Almost no one believed there was anything to find within Rime’s depths, for she didn’t have any of the gifts her Sisters did. There was no ore or soil like Stone had, no warmth or light like Glow’s magma. Even Abyss held corrupted treasures of Tide’s life which members of her Second and Third Church used with enthusiasm to survive and thrive in places were the very water would crush you to nothing.
We all knew they’d give up after drilling up for a few kilometres and Vyrkind would be content that nothing lay above our heads up Rime’s endless ice, that reality was only so big and that we had explored almost everything that exists besides for some patches within the dark deeps.
I admit, I didn’t have much passion for my career of choice. I’d likely end up as a system admin somewhere, managing networks and improving what we already had, never creating anything new because we already built everything we needed.Born too late to explore the world…
When the engineers working on the drill reported that the ice was thinning, that they were getting faint signals from beyond… curiosity and passion ignited in my soul, in the soul of nearly every vyr that lived and breathed.The drilling project went from a boring little science project only a choice few geologists and industrialists held any hope for to a global event which caught the eye of all vyrkind.
I remember lying in my nest, surrounded by pillows and swaddled in blankets while my eyes were glued to a livestream of drill’s progress. My tail was playing with a tassel of a stuffed toy, which if I remembered rightly was modelled after my first pet, a grumpy but sweet crab named Admiral Cookpot.I remember the smell of burnt squid, because my father had been cooking a meal at the time and got distracted by world events, same as me. The only sound in my room was the tideheater’s propeller whirring softly.
I was too scared to breathe, worried that if I was too loud I’d scare away the most interesting thing that had ever happened in my entire life.And when the drill finally pierced the top layer of Rime I and every Vyr caught our first sight of a world beyond our little planet. The sky a black void so unlike that of Abyss, my eyes filled with the light of thousands, millions of…
A luminous field as beautiful as any glittering reef or magma vent, uncountable jewels and embers. I stared at them for over an hour, until the blazing personification of Glow herself arose from beneath the horizon, which I’d later learn… no, discover was our own personal star.
I knew what I’d dedicate my life to then and there. My life’s mission would be to uncover the secrets of this strange new realm beyond Rime, which scientists named and priests baptised as Space.
It has been many rotations around our star (now named Beacon) since I was a young college student. I got a degree in physics and with my computer simulations I managed to not only chart the movement of celestial bodies, but predict their movements as surely as the currents. I hadn’t intended to become one of the founding mothers of the field of Astrophysics but I was more than happy to lead the charge, to explore this new frontier as thoroughly as possible.
Now I was being invited to a meeting of some of the most important people in my country, perhaps of vyrkind. Sure, I had spoken to some of them before, but only over text or video chat. Only ever about theories and possibilities.
Now it would be in a physical location, all in one big room, still about theories but now much more tangible, life altering things. And I wasn’t going to be an advisor or a consultant. Just as some people were seen as leaders of armies, planners of cities or managing agricultural regions, I was being invited as our foremost expert on… Space.
It was funny and terrifying how one can wake up one morning and suddenly realise you are a world leader, responsible for guiding the fates of every creature you or anyone else had ever met.
As scared and nervous as I was, this was no time for imposter syndrome. I was one of the oldest, most experienced astrophysicists on the planet. Of course I was, I helped invent it dammit! I was still as passionate about Space as the day I started, because it was the first time we realised what a day was. I had worked with members of fields related to mine for so long I was practically an expert at those too, including engineering.There is no one more qualified to do this than I, Elder Researcher Slira! Vyrkind needed me!

Great, now I also feel nervous about being too arrogant. Still, I managed to clear some of my self-doubt and packed my bags. I had an elevator to catch.
Castle Yarshu was absolutely filled with people, busier than I’ve ever seen it before. Normally it’s just a museum, filled with old relics from the time of the last Forge Lords. Technically it’s owned by the Ka’lai Militia though and their leader has made sure to keep it well renovated. It is that very leader, General Taraksus, that has invited us all to the Castle’s massive Roundhall, filled with trophies and spoils of conquests that exist only in memory.The hall’s centre stage was covered in posts, perches and seats for the over one hundred representatives the General had invited, with boxy camera drones jetting here and there to capture the discussion for all to see.Around the hall Vyr crowded and swarmed to get a look at us, even clinging to the pillars and ceiling to see the “action”. The castle and our meeting was open to the public after all, and anyone could enter as long as occupancy allowed and they brought nothing dangerous with them besides their claws and fangs.
From my perch I spy Taraksus sitting atop the old Forge Lord’s throne, on its headrest to be precise, discussing something with a fellow general curled up on the armrest and an aide lying at the foot. The seat itself was filled with a sponge-stuffed dummy dressed to fit any monarch, albeit with a sign around its neck with a slur word written on it in a language few speak anymore.
Taraksus themself wasn’t too impressive a sight, well below the size average for females and decently above it for males. Their only ornamentation was a black stripe painted over his head to create a striking contrast as it went over their eyes, and a chain which held a few dozen metal strips, each with the name of a fallen comrade written on it. Or so I hear.
Taraksus ends his conversation and takes up a spear from a guard, the rear of which he uses to stamp the ground.
“Pipe down you lot! I’m calling this meeting to order!” Their voice pierced through the cacophony with a clarity that surprised me.
“As ridiculous as it feels to say, we’ve been contacted by aliens. You all saw the translation broadcasted live from our friends over at the VEI. Suffice to say the contents of their message to us is… concerning. I’ve already forwarded recommendations to our R&D sectors to start working on designs for military spacecraft. Certainly not something I or most anyone else here thought or hoped would ever be needed. I’m hoping that the consensus we reach here will keep that true. Before any of that however I call upon one of the most prominent members of the aforementioned VEI, Elder Slira, to clue us in on the nature of what we face and go over her team’s conclusions.”
I quickly check the notes on my portable computer which my assistant Neeran had so kindly organised for me before erecting myself on my perch.
I could feel everyone’s eyes on me, coupled with the near oppressive silence. I took a steady breath, trying to gather my courage. “You can do it Slira!” echoed a voice from the back of the hall. The chuckles that followed was evidence enough that I hadn’t imagined it, and I felt some of my fears dissipate.
“Greetings, vyr from across the world. I’ll jump right to the meat of the issue and start with an analysis of the ‘Sivkit’ that spoke to us. One of the most startling discoveries we uncovered in our investigation was the incredibly high possibility of them breathing… gas.”
I spotted the ears of more than a few vyr shoot up in shock, including those of the stout administrator of the Vrental Commune’s heartlands, Ireni.
Gasbreathers? Surely such a thing is not possible?”
“The footage clearly indicates a lack of liquid, and the sivkit’s chest is clearly contracting and expanding in a manner that indicates breathing. We could be wrong, but likely we are looking at an organism that defies our current understanding of how complex life can develop.”
I typed away at my computer, bringing up my second point.
“Next we have their next statement, something about us being Arxur…”
A delegate I do not recognise raises a claw.
“Do we know who these Arxur are? The Sivkit seemed ready to bolt at the idea of them.”
“We currently have no information on the Arxur. All we can extrapolate is that they are another sapient alien species, that we resemble them somewhat except for our eyes and that they represent a clear threat to the Sivkit. Also, for whatever reason, the sivkit mistook us for a prey species because our eyes are on the side of our heads…”

“That’s… no, I don't have a way to soften that, that’s stupid as shit.”
“It’s… not scientifically correct, no. But it made them mistake us for fellow kindred among the stars, their captain even going so far to gift us translator technology.”
“Was it a mistake?” Taraksus asks, seemingly in thought. “I mean clearly they mistook us for something we are not, but is it impossible for us to be kindred?”
I understood his question, and sadly had no real answer.
“I don’t know General. The kind of friendship you describe is a two-way street, and if they are not willing then there is nothing we can do. But that does not mean we can’t do anything about it. Diplomat Zhara, your turn.”
A vyr across the stage from me straightens herself. Her body is wrapped in colourful fabrics and her various bits of jewellery show a clear love of ornamentation and precious stones.
“Thank you Elder. The Sivkit Captain promised to return at a time less than [3 weeks] away. Irrelevant of any bigger picture, he seems to care mostly about establishing relations with us and getting access to the deposits on our planetary neighbour Turqo. Whether for personal wealth or aiding his kin, who’s to say. He seems to assume we are part of a larger civilisation, likely unable to sense us underneath all the ice and mistaking our surface city for some kind of local outpost. Whatever the case may be, our diplomatic strategy is simple: lie through our fangs and trade metal.”
An uneasy murmur fills the hall.
“I know, lying may come back to bite us. But we need to be cautious, we know nothing about these aliens and if pretending to be a larger civilisation of peaceful herbivores will put them at ease then so be it. In addition my friends in the industrial sector tell me we don’t have any need for such a vast amount of heavy metals, so mining the deposit and trading the resources to the Sivkit for what they have in abundance seems good business. It will also help further the ‘small mining outpost’ facade and aid us in getting more information about who these ‘meat-eating humans’ are.”
“Excellent! We’re right on time!”
A gasp passes through the crowd. My eyes dart around and my ears swivel every which way, trying to identify the source of the shout. The crowd of onlookers to my left were making way, clearly shocked at… some new arrivals? What under Rime…?
Two vyr had entered the hall.
The first was a small male, their body wiry and covered in scars. Even the tip of their flat tale had a V-shaped chunk cut out of it. A sash of black cloth covered in white pictograms was wrapped around his chest, and attached to the sash was a broad, bladed weapon almost comically large for him. The second was a rather average female, still almost twice the size of the male. Black robes and a hood hid her form, though I noticed a pair of silver reading glasses sitting on her snout and a… by Glow, was that a fucking tome? An actual book, with thick kelp-fibre pages and bound in Nesis bark.
My brain almost refused to recognise the two, but finally sense overruled logic. The male was Krattron, and the female was Kahltrak. The highest authorities of the Second and Third Churches of the Abyss respectively.
Krattron swam up to the stage, eyes brimming with what I could only describe as maniacal glee.
“Greetings, children of Vyrkind! When do we set out to hunt the demons of Void?”
Kahltrak follows shortly behind. I would have been able to hear her sigh from the surface.
“Hello delegates. We’ve come to pledge our aid, and to discuss how we shall be dealing with our enemies.”
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submitted by LazySnake7 to NatureofPredators [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 13:57 Ceylon_Rose02 Problem player takes campaign hostage

This story takes place over the course of about 2 ish years so details may get a little jumbled, so please bare with me. Let me start this story by setting the stage and important characters.
Dm - pretty okay guy but a little hot headed at times (This is mildly important)
Me - warlock fighter multi class
K - monk and problem player
There are a few other players but they don't really play too much of a role in this story, so I'll bring them up as needed.
We were playing Rime of the Frostmaiden, my first long term campign and the first character that I geniunely enjoyed and charished. Like I said above, I was playing an Aasimar warlock fighter, who was in the rime escaping a bounty on her head and was making ends meet by smuggling goods in and out of the ten towns. I loved her so much.
The campign starts and everything is fine for the most part, there are some in character disagreements but it was all in good fun, or so I thought. K's character constantly called my character evil for worshipping the Raven queen (hexblade warlock), before any of the problems actually start to arise its non stop and I quote, "Your a smelly stinky warlock drow!" I worked with my dm when making my charcter, and we decied that she was techinally a half helf, her fatehr being a dark elf. The only thing that made her stand out as anything else was the fact that she was well over six feet tall and build like a brick shit house.
I found out after these first few sessions that this player was the kind to run ahead of the party, without telling anyone in character, and get into trouble. The first time this happened and they showed their true colors was when we were exploring a mineshaft and turns out there was a Grell hiding in there under the specific condition, written IN THE BOOK mind you, that it would only come out if someone were in the room ALONE. Can you guess who found it and almost died as a result? If you guessed K, then you would be right. After a battle and K almost going down, almost, they start to raise hell and say that it wasn't fair and they couldn't do anything (The grell had them grappled and held in the air the majority of the fight while everyone else peppered it with spells). The DMm had to tell them that it wasn't an encounter that he made, that it was in the book and supposed to be there.
We continue with our sessioned and what not, having an occational out burst from K about the game being too hard from them splitting the party and running off. Things do start to bubble when the dm punishes K in game for their antics. For example, they start acting out of line with their gods beleifs and their god stops talking to/interacting with them, to which K whines and throws a fit over. A few more issues that we run into along the way include, but are not limited to
The major two events that earn this post its title goes as follow, in this order.
My charcter was assasinated.
Her past caught up with her and she was killed, bled out in the middle of the tundra. But the dm and I talked about this, and it was meant to happen. You see, the dm sent me some cool prostetic homebrew that I really wanted to use. So we made a plan for my character to get killed, lose an arm in the process and be brought back as a reborn with an arm made of magic from the Raven Queen. What I wasn't expecting was the dm to give me a choice in letting my character die or taking the reserection in exchange for soemthing. The original trade would have been that she comes back to life but no matter what she or her father did, she and him would forever have their fates severed and couldnt do anything to save eachother.
This is a deal my character would not have taken, and I would have let her stayed dead to keep in charcter. But the dm threw me a bone and gave me a different deal instead. To which every time she died here after, she would have to stay dead for a longer and longer time, each time. Like that stop motion Pinoccio moive if you've seen it. While the dm and I were talking about it, I thought it would be funny to just roll new stats to keep everyone on their toes as we ended session before I made my decision.
Que K absolutly losing their mind in our general chat, saying that if my character dies then they wanted a new character too. The only reason this would be an issue was because we had lost a lot of the original party, K and myself being the only characters left. The Dm had even stated a while before that if we lost all the pcs that he would consider ending the campign, as no ones character would have the same inititave to act and all that. So K threaning to make a new character because I might make a new character, made things more complicated. I had put almost a year of my time at this point and didn't want it to go down the drain because of this. Which also plays into why the dm game be an easier deal for my character to take for her life back.
They had an actual break down over this, why? I still have no clue.
The second event was a dragon encounter. An Adult Black Dragon that was destorying the Ten Towns.
It was the most high stakes encounter we had ever had at that point, and everyone was stressed to say the least. My self and the artificer cast fly on eachother so we can actually reach the dragon who keeps doing fly by breath attacks. After almost an hour and a half of combat we finally slay the dragon, with myself landing the final blow. I was fucking estatic! My first dragon encounter and was the one to kill it. K however, wasn't happy.
Imeadiatly they start screaming about how they couldn't land a hit on the dragon and were useless for the fight. Saying that the Dm ran the encounter wrong, which upset the dm who was once again running a written encounter from the module. They kept screaming over the vc while we all tried to calm them down. It ended with the relativly calm barbarian pc who snapped and went off on them. There was so much yelling and fighting that I just left. I heard from the dm after the fact that K threatened to leave, which I guess they thought would work like it had in the past, but everyone who was left in vc told them to go ahead.
They stayed and we continued to have issues with them threatening to kill off their character if things didn't go their way or they weren't the mvp of every session. Needless to say, the dm kicked them after a few more sessions.
submitted by Ceylon_Rose02 to rpghorrorstories [link] [comments]

2024.05.13 20:19 ikieneng My fanfiction - Episode 2

My fanfiction - Episode 2
The next part is here! This episode is actually so long that I'm going to split it, so today, you're only getting part 1 of 3.
DISCLAIMERS (the same ones as before)
The point of this fanfiction is not to be a straight-up continuation of events with the same themes, intensity, and tone. If you go into it with those expectations, you are probably not going to like it. Rather, it’s supposed to be how I wish things went if these events were real life. The resolution you want for a real-life situation isn’t often the right choice for a show, but it can be incredibly beautiful. Think of what you’re about to read to be a separate show then.
Episode 1 of this fanfiction begins after the episode “2:00” (season 2 episode 4), so it replaces the episode “Cake” and the ones that follow it. This fanfiction expects you to have seen the entirety of seasons 1 and 2, so you should watch those first.
I myself bursting into the story here. The narrator and me are the same. While my character is like 95% real me, don’t take events about my life described here as facts. Some aspects of my life have been changed for the story. In my head, I started writing like an “alternate me” character in 2016, fulfilling a lot of the things that I wish I had in life, adding that to my story. I’m not really from Ukraine. I speak fluent Ukrainian as a foreign language, I started learning it in 2014, and I’ve talked to tons of people from there, but I’m not from Ukraine. I also don’t have as much money as I do in the story. I wish lmao.
If you want to post your own fanfiction, feel free to do so! To get your own post flair for your fanfic, and to appear in the side bar, please message me.
Part 1 (day 1)
So I'd be scheduled to work with Sean in the kitchen again, maybe a few days later, and Leanne would be "allowed" out of the attic again and have some time in the kitchen with me, like with Tobe in the real show (which Dorothy only started to allow because her strategy of pure torture and isolation wasn't working...). Julian would be there to watch us while Dorothy is at work (it would be around 10-11 AM) and Sean is shopping for new parts for the dishwasher.
This time, we’d be told to cook something for Sean, following his recipe, maybe filling squid with a mix of mashed vegetables and spices.
This time, we’d be told to cook something for Sean, following his recipe, maybe filling squid with a mix of mashed vegetables and spices.
With Julian there, we’d be pretty limited in the things we can talk about, but the air would be noticeably lighter because of my gift for Leanne that neither of us can talk about yet, and you could tell on her face and especially in her eyes how much that has touched her. I’d imagine we’d talk about the stuff either of us likes to cook. She’d tell me that she doesn’t actually cook that much on her own. I’d be surprised and ask what she likes to eat, and she’d open one of the drawers and show me the cans upon cans of tomato soup and tell me she likes to just warm up a can every day and add some side dish on the plate, like toast, and something to drink, usually just water. She’d be a bit embarrassed about it because her experience is that people think that’s weird, but I’d tell her that I think that’s cute, and she could tell on my face that I mean it. I’d tell her how I eat obscene amounts of Ben & Jerry’s, even more so in the summer, and how her eating so much tomato soup reminds me of that, and I’d tell her how I drink sooo much Cola Zero that I’ve built up a lot of resistance to caffeine. “I can drink a whole two liter bottle, take my meds, and then go to bed just like that” (Side note: Coca Cola’s US website actually lists a two liter bottle among their sizes. Is that correct?) She’d be amazed and almost not believe me, but I’d show her my almost empty two-liter bottle in my backpack, with a little bit of condensed water from my fridge still on the outside, and she’d look at me with big eyes, bewildered and amazed, and we’d both chuckle before Julian tells us to stop. Quite confused, I’d ask why, like, what’s wrong with us laughing, and he’d tell us something like me not being there to have fun. I’d ask “Mister… What’s your surname?” - “Pearce” - “Do you have employees, Mister Pearce?” - “My father does, and I wouldn’t hire you anyway.” - “Oh, good, I wasn’t going to apply for a job with you in the first place. I can’t say I’m surprised that nobody wants to work for you.”
Leanne would be proud that I’m sticking it like that to Julian, and before he even has a chance to reply, she’d ask him “Could you please get us some wheat flour from the basement?” - “You want me to get you a fucking bottle, too?” - “Two would be nice.” - (Julian rolls his eyes) “I think I’d get two for myself, so I don’t lose it with you both!”, and he goes into the basement. As soon as Leanne can hear the door shut, she would suddenly tell me to fill up a bag she takes out from under the sink with ALL of the water bottles in the kitchen and a lot of the food in there that can be eaten as is and doesn't require cooking, and she’d tell me to do the same with my backpack, quietly go up to the attic, and hide there, so I can’t be seen if Julian comes upstairs, anticipating that she will be left alone in there again for days without food. I'd be confused at first, but she'd frantically beg me to do it immediately, and I'd trust her, I’d nod and say “okay” and do it. Julian would come back, and she'd pretend that I left. Julian would command her around again to finish up in the kitchen, and soon after, he'd lock her in the attic again, not knowing that I'm there.
I'd be shocked and really confused and concerned after realizing he just locked us in, and in that moment, she'd come to me, begging me on her knees to get her out of there, crying. At first, I’d just look around in shock with my jaw dropped, but then, I'd just hug her and just comfort her and let her know I'll do it. I'd feel so sorry for her... I wouldn’t know yet how long she’s been locked up for and why, but that wouldn’t matter for me to decide to help her. Really confused, I’d ask her to tell me what’s going on and why she’s locked up there. I’d be so shocked.
Once she’s calmed down enough after begging me to help her in full desperation, we’d sit down on the mattress. She’d tell me the full story - from the moment she first arrived at the Turners' in season 1 to now, including Dorothy’s brutal acts of violence and the pranks Julian and Sean played on her in season 1 to drive her out of the house, but she'd only mention the Church of Lesser Saints in passing as that's another really painful and complex topic she doesn't want to get into, and she wouldn't tell me about reanimating the doll yet because she knows how unbelievable the truth sounds (she tries not to let anyone know about her powers anyway). She'd stop several times while telling me all that because it's so hurtful, and I'd just comfort her and hug her . She’d cry out that it’s her fault and that she never should have come back. I’d just tell her that none of this is her fault and that she didn’t “come back” because she was taken against her will. “You can’t blame yourself for any of that. It’s not like they gave you a choice. It’s not your fault.” I’d tell her that she deserves none of the things they’ve done to her, I’d be absolutely horrified by them. She’d tell me about Sean’s visits to her, how he stopped coming upstairs after she was buried alive,
and how he told her stories about Dorothy to try and make her (Leanne) feel sorry for her (Dorothy), so she can tell him where Jericho is. “I told him that Jericho died, and he just said nothing and stood up and got out after a while. He knows that there’s nothing I can do…” While she cries on my shoulder, I’d just comfort her, rubbing her back, and just express my absolute shock at the things she’s telling me and just try to make her feel at least a little bit better. I’d be like “Those are the worst things I’ve ever heard… He actually defends her? Like, he got you out of a hole in the ground and still told you that she’s ‘ not a bad person ’?” Leanne would nod. “Oh my God, what a piece of shit… What an absolute piece of shit… I’m so sorry you’re going through that… She’s trying to kill you, she’s starving you, she forces you to use the bucket, and… Oh my God, I’m so sorry…”
I’d just let her cry for a little while as I’m comforting her. I’d cry myself, just so shocked and horrified and scared. Unsure if that’s what she wants to do, she’d ask me if I’m going to call the police. I’d ask her how long she thinks we’ll be in here, and she’d say she doesn’t know. “Do you think someone will come up here before tonight?”, and she’d shake her head. “Mr. and Mrs. Turner don’t come up during the day anymore”. I’d suggest we wait until everyone’s asleep tonight and then try to find a way out. She’d say that she’s already tried everything, and I’d be like “Of course, but now, we got a lot more options because you’re not alone up here anyway. Like, okay, that’s gonna sound really hard, and it probably is, but I can try to step up on your shoulders and reach the skylight, stuff like that. If we can sneak out without them knowing, that’s probably a lot safer for you than calling the police while we’re unarmed and the Turners are not. And the last thing you need right now is another traumatic situation”. She’d look up at me, surprised that I’m even considering her well-being like this. “And if we don’t manage to get out tonight, we can still come up with a plan. What do you say?” And she’d smile and nod. I’d smile back and rub her back and say “Heeey, it’s gonna be alright. I’m getting you out of here! Until tonight, let’s just make the best of it!”, and she’d smile really hard at that, which would really touch me, seeing her smile like that because she has hope now, and she’d almost cry.
“So how did you like the cake?”, I’d randomly ask her. She’d look me directly in the eyes and tell me how delicious it was, full of joy, and show me the porcelain baby and say that she wants to keep it. I’d be like “I told you you’re special!” with a big smile and embrace her over the shoulders as she’s smiling back. She’d go “Thank you so much, Daria!”, and I’d be like “Of course!”
I’d then go “Hey, let’s eat some of this stuff! You must be starving!”, and we’d divide the food and water we got upstairs, dividing it into rations for three days (just to be sure…), making her ration for today a bit bigger because she hasn’t eaten in days. Because calling the police would create a dangerous situation for us (and it’s not like there are any lengths the Turners wouldn’t go to), we’d keep that as a last resort if we run out of food, “but let’s see what we can do tonight”. Among the food in my backpack would be every single can of tomato soup from the kitchen and a can opener 😊 Even though it’s cold, the soup would be like heaven to her! And I’d be like “Mmm! Hey, honestly, this is way better than I expected!” - “You like it?” - “Yeah! I thought it might be a bit dull, but there’s, like, what’s in here? I think there’s some celery, definitely some salt, and there are some chunkier bits, like, yeah, this is pretty good!” This is her comfort and favorite food, and because it’s such a rare choice, I don’t think anyone has ever told her that they like it (even the way Dorothy said “You do love that soup, don’t you?” in season 1 kinda communicated that she found it odd or weird),
and she’d love hearing that! I’d ask her if she’s ever had Ben & Jerry’s, and she’d say she hasn’t. “I’m gonna give you some when we’re out of here, you’re gonna love it! My favorite flavor is Cookie Dough S’Wich Up, it’s like vanilla ice cream mixed with cookie dough, Oreo pieces, and brownie pieces, and also some chocolatey stuff mixed in with the vanilla in some spots!”, and that would sound great to her, she’d look forward to it. And I’d give her the rest of my Cola Zero. She’s probably had some before, but right now, she’d enjoy every bit of it.
I’d take out my two phones at some point (I actually do have two - an iPhone 15 Pro Max and a Samsung Galaxy S5 Mini lmao, but there was no 15 Pro Max at this time, so I’d have an iPhone 13 Pro Max here) and give her the Samsung because, like, we don’t really know for sure if anyone will come upstairs before tonight. I’d add my own number as a contact as well and add her as a contact on my iPhone under the number of the Samsung phone, so this way, she can call the police herself if the Turners find me upstairs with her, and the police can find out where I am if anything happens to me, and vice-versa.
After we’re done eating, knowing that we’re left with like ten to eleven hours until we can try to get out, we’d just sit there on the mattress saying nothing for a few seconds. Breaking the silence, I’d look around a bit and ask “Did the attic look the way it did when you… you know, or did you decorate it like this?”
She’d say she did. “It’s beautiful, especially with the lights and stuff! You’ve got a good eye!”, and she’d smile a bit in embarrassment. I’d be like “Hey, I mean it! No need to be embarrassed!” and then say “Have you heard about, like, I don’t know what to call it, but some department stores have LED chains that you can stick to surfaces and control the color of with a remote. Most of them can even fade back and forth between colors. When we’re out of here, if you want, I can show you some. If you already like these lights, you’re gonna love them!”, and she’d smile and say that that sounds great! I’d show her some on my phone, and we’d imagine putting them up around us and talk about our ideas that we couldn’t realize because we obviously just wanna get out of there, and we’d talk about where we’re gonna go once we are. I’d suggest my place, a small rental house like twelve minutes by bike from there that’s technically in East Lansdowne, where we can stay at least for a little while, and she’d say she’d love to, but to please take her somewhere safe where the Turners can’t find her, somewhere far away, certainly not this close to them. I’d suggest going to a hotel, and that would sound great to her. We’ll probably have to go to my place first just to get my stuff, but yeah, we can go to a hotel from there. I’d again just reassure her that it’s gonna be alright.
She’d bring up that I told her I’ve spent an exchange year in California, and I’d say that yes, I’ve spent a year in San Diego and add “Still the best year of my life.” She’d ask why, and in her own words, she’d say that we talked so much about HER life, and she wants to know some more about me. I’d tell her I wasn’t the first one in my family to do a student exchange year. My sister went to Denmark from 2008 to 2009. “You got a sister?”, Leanne would ask, and I’d tell her I got two and ask about her family, and she’d tell me she’s an only child. I’d tell her my sisters moved out, or rather, they were forced out, in 2007 (I think) and 2012, so I was alone with my parents for several years, which felt a lot longer. “Time already flies by at twenty-three now”. And anyway, at the time, I thought my mother, who did most of the “parenting”, wanted to make me happy by letting me go abroad for a year, but in retrospect, it’s pretty obvious that she just wanted to be rid of me for a year, the same as when my sister went to Denmark. In retrospect, I remember how many arguments she and my sister had after she came back, which was partly because she definitely enjoyed being rid of her for a year, and then, she had to “deal” with her again. Leanne and me would just lock eyes, and I’d say “We both got terrible moms” and chuckle because of it while still having sad expressions on our faces.
I’d say “Anyway, my first choice were the US, and I got placed with a family in San Diego, California, or [sãn ˈd̪je.ɣ̞o] in Spanish”. Surprised, she’d ask “You speak Spanish, too??”, and I’d be like “Yeah, but not back then”, and in awe, she’d ask how many languages I speak. I’d answer her in each language before saying what language I was just speaking in - fluent Ukrainian, English, and R*ssian, rather good Spanish, some French and Dutch, and I’ve forgotten most of the Finnish and Azeri that I used to know, and I’d show her on Google Maps where that’s even spoken. She’d be really impressed ahaha, and a bit embarrassed about herself. I’d be like “Hey, it’s okay, you don’t need to compare yourself to anyone. Life’s not a competition”, and that would be a really important lesson in life for her, certainly very different from how she’s been taught to think before, especially by her mother and by the Turners. She seems pretty smart anyway, and when I tell her that, she’d be really surprised and flat-out say no, and I’d be like “You’re super resourceful in the kitchen, like, you can come up with solutions to problems pretty quickly, you’re great at remembering details, and you already know that you got lots of special skills! I’d say you’re pretty smart!”, and she’d smile again before making a sadder face and telling me that she never went to school because the Church never let her. I’d be like “That’s… That’s horrible. If you want, there are YouTube channels out there that maybe you can use to learn about all the stuff you missed out on”, and she’d nod a little with a bit of a smile. “Doesn’t say anything about your intelligence anyway. Credentials are only credentials, and school is pretty terrible at telling you how smart you are.”
Back on talking about California, I’d tell her about my year there from August 2014 to August 2015. While there, I didn’t even realize how free I was all of a sudden because I was away from my parents for the first long time in my life. I changed a lot in that year because I didn’t have them look over my shoulder and judge my every move anymore. My mother even took me by the hand outside up until I left for America, and suddenly, I could socialize with whomever I wanted, I could stay outside of the home after school, like, AT ALL, the family I was with, they actually cared, like, I could talk to them, I could just ask when I needed stuff, and they didn’t force their restrictive values and stuff on me, I could just be me, y’know? I’d tell her that my time in California was also the first time I had a girlfriend (a little hint there ahaha), which my parents would have gone ballistic over if they found out. Leanne would ask if her and me still speak, and I’d be like “No, not in a very long time”, and she’d ask about the family I stayed with in San Diego, if we’re still speaking, and I’d be like “Oh yeah, we do. They know about where I live now, about a lot of the things that’s happened in my life since 2015, and yeah. We actually talked just a few days ago.”
“If it’s not too personal”, I’d ask, “do you still talk to your parents?”, and she’d shake her head and say she doesn’t, and that she doesn’t wanna talk about that, maybe another day, and I’d be like “Okay” and respect that.
Back on talking about California, I’d say “ignorance is bliss”, so to come back from America a year later (we already moved to Kyiv City before I left for America), where nothing had changed, with how much I had changed in that year without realizing it, my home life became horrible as a result. I suddenly realized that my parents having loud arguments several times a week is NOT normal, and I began to realize that my mother probably never cared so much about me and my autism diagnosis (which I got in 2006) because she loved me, but because she used it to cash in benefits for it all these years. I have no idea how much she received, but one time, I saw the bank statements of my parents’ shared account, and there were the equivalent of like $8000-$9000 in there, while I only received the equivalent of like $30 per month as an allowance. For years, a health inspector would come by once a year to check up on me (mostly by just talking to my mother) for continuing the granting of the money she exploited me for, and for years, she'd taught me to act like - literally - the most mentally disabled person ever during those check-ups, either ignoring the inspector completely and acting like they're not there at all, or cowering up in a corner and pretending I'm terrified. This way, she cashed in the money that's granted for the care of people whose level of disability is comparable to that of late-stage dementia patients… While the government was already struggling financially! Living in a normal environment for a year really changed me, and I didn't notice it until I came back, when I finally stopped playing along, which would make everything worse for how I was treated, and just one month later was when my parents broke up and decided they wanted a divorce, which made my world crumble even more than it already had.
If I didn’t have feelings for her, I’d probably just call the police, but because I do like her in that way already, I’d just go the extra mile and comfort her and ask her if she can tell me what’s going on and stuff, assuring her that I’ll get her out of there.
If Leanne was a completely different person and I didn't have feelings for her, I'd probably call the police, but when you're slowly starting to fall in love with somebody, you just wanna make sure they're safe and be really careful about this. I haven't gotten to a lot of the stuff in my life yet because it's a long story, but with how Leanne and me both went through parental abuse, parents who worked really hard to make us feel horrible, strict religious abusive upbringings, horrible punishments when we left religion, feeling so left behind in our development because of our upbringings and struggling to succeed in the wider world as a result (it's so hard to actually find someone who understands what that's like. I feel so much comfort and understanding knowing that Leanne can really relate to this!), and falling into the traps of other people who used our lack of experience and agency, we both went through so many similar things in different ways, and I'd think we'd bond soooo much over that, knowing and feeling how much we both understand each other through the similar things we went through, that would bring both of us so much comfort! I think we'd not just be great, but great for each other, not only through our similar experiences, but also through our similar personalities and values, like how we're not fitting in with people. I love her peculiarities so much that people just call weird, like how she eats sooooo much canned tomato soup, how she arranges everything so tidily, like her plates or her food in the kitchen, or how she keeps bugs she tries to reanimate.
Something I'd notice so easily at this point in the story already are the ADORABLE ways she reacts to things with her face and verbally! Some examples of what I mean by that are her short pauses before she speaks if she doesn't know how to answer right away,
how she answers non-verbally sometimes like smiling and nodding instead of saying yes,

the way she moves her eyes when something's awkward,

that is SO INCREDIBLY CUTE, I adore it so much, it adds so much to her personality! I'd notice that so hard already and absolutely adore it!
And even though we wouldn't know much about each other yet, we'd already notice and really like these things about each other. And up there, when I tell her a little bit about my life like I just have, she'd really feel for me, too and comfort me back, and that is honestly so wonderful to imagine for me ❤️ She'd sit there next to me and listen a lot and look at me, and embrace me a little bit. She wouldn't really know how to do that yet because it's not something that people ever did for me or taught her to do for others until I just came along, but she'd now know how good that feels and do it for me, too, as best as she knows how, and that's the best thing about it!
Late that night, when we think that everyone else is almost certainly asleep, we'd try to find anything we can in the room to get through the door of the attic without being loud enough to wake anyone up (because then, we'd both be screwed), but there would be nothing we could do to get out right then and there without the Turners waking up. If there was, Leanne would have been long gone already. We’re both twigs lol, so we’d step up on each other’s shoulders to try and reach the skylight, but it would be too high. We’d look for long solid objects to try and reach the skylight, but anything we find wouldn’t be enough. I’d double-check the door to the other part of the attic, and it would be locked. Smashing any doors would wake everyone up at night and make them come upstairs during the day. The window is locked, and it’s way too high for a safe fall anyway. So we'd make plans. If, in three days, we're still locked up, we will call the police because we'd have no other choice, but if Sean or someone else comes in by then, Leanne would be ""given"" a few hours out of the attic again, and they would leave the attic unlocked like they did before
because they'd think no one else is in there, and I would leave all the rations in the attic, sneak out of the attic, and leave through the basement. I'd leave the Samsung phone with her, so that she can reach me after I get out of there and prepare to get HER out of there. The plan would be for me to go home, taker a shower, type up everything I've seen into a PDF file addressed to the police, and send the PDF file to one of my internet friends (I actually have such a hard time making friends, another way in which Leanne and I are so similar and would really get each other). (I’m changing his name for this story for privacy reasons) I'd probably choose my friend Liam for this. I'd tell him that if I'm not back online telling him I'm safe in 24 hours, that he should then open the PDF file and call the Philadelphia police and read it all out to them. If I lived in America, I'd definitely get a gun lol. In Pennsylvania, I'd actually be able to just go buy one, I'd pass the requirements of the instant background checks. I'd get my gun, pack up everything we'd need for the next couple of weeks, and get a taxi to like one block away from the Turners', and with my gun for intimidation (considering that they're holding her hostage, this would probably fall under acting in defense of a third party), lock the Turners in the bathroom, have Leanne come downstairs, and leave with her, get to the taxi, and drive off, out of Philly, and be safe from the Turners for now.
But we'd leave the details for the next day. By this point, I'd need to tell her about some of my medical conditions, like night terrors, which usually fade during one's youth, but for me, they never did, so that she's prepared if they happen and doesn't get too freaked out, and so she knows that they're completely triggerless and can happen to me even after the best of days. I’d tell her that people don’t usually remember their night terrors at all, so she knows that I will act like nothing happened in the morning because I literally won't remember, it's only sometimes that I know that SOMETHING scary happened, but I rarely ever remember the night terrors themselves at all), and also so she knows to make sure I won't hurt myself or her if I have an episode, and also because it's a safety issue in this situation, to make sure that the Turners don't hear me, because if they did, we’d be screwed. And I'd have to tell her about my PTSD (because of the war in Ukraine, I’d tell her I’d lived through the first three days of it), which gives me nightmares, and to please wake me up if she notices I'm having those. We'd share the tiny mattress and covers that are up there, say good night, and fall asleep next to each other! Because I wouldn't have my meds, she'd fall asleep first, and I'd just look at her for a while 😊
submitted by ikieneng to teamleanne [link] [comments]

2024.05.10 04:06 MotherBike My Wishlist for Season 33

Nathan Chen (Olympic Figure Skater) I think he would still be a brilliant casting as we haven't had an male Skater in quite some time now. Since he's on the shorter aide I'm partnering him with Witney.
Xunami Muse (Drag Queen & Reality TV Star) If you saw my post on the DWTS simulation you'll notice Xunami Muse won with Daniella and I do not for a second doubt the partnership would be electric irl.
Melanie Martinez (Singer Songwriter) Deena loves a controversial casting, so I went with Melanie Martinez and we haven't had a contestant from the Voice yet to my knowledge I'd partner her with Sasha.
Quvenzhané Wallis (Actress and Author) An accomplished young lady of 20 who was the youngest person in history to be Nominated for Best Actress at the Oscars I'd have to partner her with Ezra.
Matthew Olshefski (Social Media Star & Viral Violinist) Matt and Paul's content reached me in early 2023, but I think they would be an interesting cast for the social media stars of the season, Matthew's kinda tall, maybe 6'0 so I'd partner him with Britt.
Paul Castle (Social Media Star & Children's Author) Paul would be quite an interesting contestant as he's about 95% blind, only having vision through a tiny pinhole, so having his partnered up I'd feel more comfortable giving him a very decorated female pro teacher so I'm choosing Karina.
Auli'i Cravalho (Actress) Having just appeared in Mean Girls this would be unusual if she wasn't casted as there's a lot of interesting discourse surrounding the movie, but more importantly with Moana 2 on the way it seems criminal not to consider her. She's getting Louis because in my headcannon he seems more logical than Pasha.
Taylor Tomlinson (Comedienne & Late Night Host) After Midnight has become a guilty pleasure of mine lately, and if she actually where to say yes my gut tells me she'd be with Gleb.
Zachary Quinto (Actor) I think he'd practically run away with the competition as he has the Trekkies behind him and for that alone I'm partnering him with Koko because it would be a great way to show her teaching abilities with a well beloved celebrity.
Mehcad Brooks (Actor and Retired Model) I think it's about time we looked for more models who have rhythm and Mehcad has rhythm for days, but he's pretty tall so it's probably best to give him Peta.
Grace Jones (Supermodel & Singer) This casting would be sensational as she's still going strong, and how iconic would it be if she was partnered with Val!!!
Leanne Morgan (Comedienne) Bit more on the conservative side, but it wouldn't be DWTS if we didn't have one every now and then. She's pretty tall, so by process of elimination she's with Alan.
Moises Arias (Actor) With the Fallout series receiving favorable reviews and his Disney connection this would be a fun casting but honestly the best I can come up with for his partner is Kamri Peterson I think.
Matt Bellamy (Lead Singer of Muse) I like the idea of Matt on the show, but it seems unlikely yet I'll partner him in this hypothetical with Rylee.
Who would you want to see this year?
submitted by MotherBike to dancingwiththestars [link] [comments]

2024.05.09 19:59 Phantomcelebi My entitled boss fired me for not wanting to quit my second job.

This is an old story but I was reminded of this when I read a Gen X is the worse post. I am 36(f) but this happened when I was 18. Things may seem off but remember this was the early 2000's. That time was a crazy time. For this I will call my boss main boss EB for entitled boss and second boss NB for nice boss.
When i was 18 my 37(m) EB was a tyrant.He lived life on easy mode. College was cheap for him and he didn't have to pay because his dad could covered it. His business was even started on him having advantages over his employees in life. He couldn't see that though cause he felt he "worked for it."
He did not get how his millennial employees were struggling with what we were paid. We were getting paid 5 dollars an hour. Which I know for a fact was below minimum wage at the time. I didn't complain though cause i needed a job living in NY is expensive but it is hard to leave NY when your family is broke.
At the time I just started college. He knew that and agreed to me having Friday, Saturday and Sunday off. So i can go to school and have atleast one day to myself. I needed to save towards paying off student loans and eventually getting my own place. My parents were not bad but could not afford paying for me to go to college and covering basic expenses.
Lucky for me I did get a scholarship and grants but it did not cover everything. So I needed a job. Part of my money went to household expenses and my needs. Along with attempting to save for my future. So I got this job.I thought since my boss agreed to this and was younger I wouldn't have issues. I though it would be okay but I was wrong.
My EB worked the younger employees to the bone. We only had 10 minute breaks for meals and barely got any time for ourselves. Bathroom trips were even timed. He had no sympathy. Even if a woman was pregnant. We were scared of upsetting him. Because he would go from friendly to crazy at the drop of a dime.
One girl who worked there quit. She wanting more than one day to bury her grandmother. He told her "Why are you crying? Your grandma was old. When I lost my grandparents I didn't even take a day off. I just kept working. Kids now are too sensitive. The real world isn't going to coddle you sweetheart. One day or your fired" She tossed her name badge at him and left. That girl was brave.
I noticed that even with my regular hours I was struggling to get by. So I looked for small gigs I can do on my work days that wouldn't conflict with my work hours. So I found one that worked. I worked part time at a small craft store in my neighborhood. It was after my main job hours and by my house. My main job was a like 711 btw.
I kept it hush cause I knew if this guy knew I was working somewhere else he would get mad that I requested three days off during the week. However a regular of our store let it slip while she thanked me. He knew now that I was working at the craft store as well. So the EB had a melt down.
During my break he called me to the office. He demanded I quit my second job to be on call for my main one. He wanted me to work longer hours but wouldn't give me a raise or overtime to compensate for the extra time I might have been working. Which was not guaranteed by the way. I needed guaranteed money.
So what incentive did i have to quit my second job? I needed extra money. My NB was paying me 6.50 for Three hours 4 days a week. When I said "No, I need the job for basic expenses." My EB said
"Don't you live with your parents? Kind of pathetic. What expenses do you have? When i was your age I already had my first home and was paying a mortgage. You just work here and go to college. Wait till you have to pay a mortgage and take care of kids. So YOU either quit or your fired"
I was annoyed. He was not paying me extra he was not entitled to my time. He used up my only break to tell me to be broke cause he thinks i am leaching off my parents. I said "no, EB I will not quit if you aren't giving me steady hours or a pay increase why should i leave my second job?" Idk why he didn't get I am an adult. I had to pay towards my student loans, my phone, transportation and food. He had no sympathy and after that shift he fired me.
He expected me to bend to him but i didn't. He was an a**hole and made my life hell even after I was fired. I couldn't even put that place on my resume cause if I did he would tell potential employers i am lazy and stole food. So i put the NB(55f at the time) as my previous employer.
She was a much nicer person. I told her what happened she gave me a little more hours at the craft store and that helped till the end of the semester. When i was looking for work she gave me a good recommendation. She was the sweetest woman [RIP Leanne]. Not all Boomers are amazing but my NB and my parents were super stars in my eyes. They all helped me have a better life.
I had to pause my education. Because it took a while to get a new job. I needed to save up to continue. Eventually found a better paying job at a clinic. My NB wished me good luck in my future. Years later I was about 28 and I see this guy's store for sale. I was so happy when I saw that guys store shut down.
I asked around and my old coworker said. "No body wanted to work for him because he was such a jerk. He started hiring undocumented workers and got in trouble for that. His wife left him for cheating on her with a 20 year old. He got fined so much he had to sell his home just to cover the fines and alimony." Apparently he moved in with his parents.
I laughed cause this guy gave me hell for living with my parents. He was now divorced and living off of his Boomer parents. This was hilarious. By then I was a pastry chef making good money in Manhattan. So the universe was saying here you go girl.
I saw it as Karma. I was told I could sue him but at the time I really didn't have the time or money to do that. But fate made this man feel it in the end. So I let it all go and moved forward. Now I am in my own place with my loving partner. I am almost the same age as my EB was when I was fired. God knows I will never treat kids the way my EB treated me.
submitted by Phantomcelebi to EntitledPeople [link] [comments]

2024.05.08 21:18 MoonyDropps my favorite songs this year (so far!)

my favorite songs this year (so far!) submitted by MoonyDropps to Journaling [link] [comments]

2024.05.06 15:31 TELMxWILSON Huge week with over 150 new releases! Shy FX, Friction, ShockOne, DJ Sofa, Tim Reaper, Burr Oak, Dossa and more.. Review of Stellar Audio’s stellar new compilation [+weekly updated Spotify playlist] New Music Monday! (Week 19)

Weekly updated Spotify Playlist H2L: New Drum & Bass
Soundcloud Playlist H2L: New Drum & Bass Soundcloud
Youtube Playlist H2L: New Drum & Bass Youtube
Youtube Music Playlist H2L: New Drum & Bass YT Music
Apple Music Playlist H2L: New Drum & Bass Apple Music
Retroactive Playlist H2L: Retroactive New DnB
Last Week's list http://reddit.com/1cfxe4p
Follow us on Instagram TELMxWILSON, lefuniname, voynich

Picks Of The Week (by u/lefuniname)

1. Various Artists - Venus Remixed EP 💎 [Stellar Audio]

Recommended if you like: Puzzle, Vici, Cuepric
You guys remember how obsessed I am with Austrian sound wizard Puzzle right? Long-time readers with very good memory will remember how much I raved about his debut EP True Colours back in early 2021, but even those with slightly worse memory might recall my massive enjoyment of his double single on Deep Within in 2023. Ever since Jonas started incorporating his own, wonderful vocals into his fire(le) productions, whether on Empathy Audio, High Tea, or his various collaborations with man like [BORDERS] on FUTURE (might come back to this in a few weeks), I think I've become what scientists call a Super Stan.
Today, however, we take a look at what other talented producers of the techy spheres of the genre have created out of Puzzle's stunningly three-tracking original, the Venus EP on Stellar Audio, back in 2022. If you thought his originals were sick already, you better fasten your seatbelts for what his personally curated remixers managed to do with it, on Venus Remixed, this week's Hidden Gem Of The Week™!
Track 1: Puzzle - Flimmer VIP
As a bit of an appetizer for this rather filling 6 course meal, Jonas goes first and shows off his VIP of the original EP's opener, Flimmer. Inspired by the modern trends of our time, this slight rework takes your usual drop expectations und pulls the rug out from underneath you, not only faking you out, but then hitting you with another short but super hype-inducing buildup, before firing off a fully supercharged version of the original, with each blast of energy going crazier and crazier until things calm down a bit again.
Track 2: Puzzle - Flimmer (Sign Remix)
That's not all the Flimmer action we're getting on here though! For this first third-party remix, Jonas got Estonian multi-talent and -parent Stanislav Bōtskovski, better known as Sign, to sign onto the project. With releases on Sinful Maze, Surveillance Music, In The Lab, VALE and All172Things, he has basically been part of all my favourite underground labels since his debut in 2020, so it's almost surprising it took me so long to talk about him on here! Alongside said label-hosted mayhem-causing madness, he's also been very busy delivering one crazy self-release after the other, sometimes the normal way as Sign, sometimes the collaborative way as ESSENTIE with DMTR, sometimes the more out-there way as PHONEBOT with just his trusty smartphone DAW. However, since said side project took off, he not only gained a whole new appreciation for the flexibility mobile production provides (especially after having another kid), he also realised he could produce tunes just as well on the go as in his studio, so he hit the off switch on poor PHONEBŌT and assimilated the remains into his Sign project.
In fact, this very remix used to be a phonebotleg, until it was turned into the official remix it is now! And who could blame Puzzle for wanting this one included on the package? Not only are the vibes on point during the subdued buildup, the way it launches into this extra groovy, syncopated version of the synth lead, with extra spicy rhythmic pew-pew action happening in the response, is just addictive!
Track 3: Puzzle - Flimmer (Impartial Remix)
For those still holding on to that flimmer of hope for a proper new remix, I've got great news: London-born-and-based Luka Kljutic, aka Impartial took a crack at it too! As Empathee, back when he was just a young lad, his massively filthy jump up selections were already tearing up dancefloors wherever he went, as evidenced by his entries to the Next Hype DJ competitions back in 2017/2018. Over time, he grew to love the more deep and dark roller type beats though, not just for his entry to the Beastwang competition, but also his very own productions, the first of which arrived in late 2018. However, he wasn't quite happy with the branding he had chosen for himself as a teenager and with the arrival of his very first bootleg, of Mura Masa's Lovesick, he took the opportunity to present a brand new him: Impartial! Another couple free downloads later, the Impartial project would go through a bit of a hiatus period though, only picking back up again in 2021 with his bootleg of Concept of Thought's Misty Blue, after which the flood gates of sickness were properly opened. Not only did we get his Stellar Audio debut on the acclaimed Accretion VA EP, Luka also delivered his out-of-this-world (but inside-this-solar-system) Mercury four-tracker, featured on VISION Radio (but regrettably not on here), and his contribution to Soulvent's Soul Music 2022 compilation.
Since then, it has become a little quiet on the release front again, save for a couple free downloads here and there, but luckily, this drought ends now, with, in my opinion, his best work to date, which is saying something! After so much Flimmering, you kind of get desensitised to the catchy melody, leading to multiple remixes in a row risking a sort of "blending into each other" effect, but Luka put so much work into creating unique variations of the lead, even the most worn-down ears will start paying attention again. Not only does the intro take the melody and turn it into an actual orchestral arrangement, full of aggressive strings and all sorts of rhythmic drum action, the evolution the original's call-and-response takes during the drop is simply staggering. The sound design during the relatively subdued calls is so tasty, the way the energy is cranked up to 11 on the response is so satisfying, the back-and-forth between the suave snappy drums and more heavy-hitting ones is just so damn cool, and the energy explosion in the second drop rounds the progression off so perfectly, that this remix has instantly become one of my favourite tunes of the year. Honestly insane.
Track 4: Puzzle - Glow (Moekel Remix)
Jonas didn't just reach out across the European continent for his remix candidates though, he knew he had a couple sick ones right at home too, starting with my go-to underrated artist for years now, Moekel! Straight outta Graz, Austria, Michael has been gracing the scene with one uniquely vibey and/or heavy release after the other, with me covering him a bunch of times along the way. Since last time we talked about him on here in 2022, he's expanded his reach into the scene a lot, finding success on wonderful labels like onesevenfour, DIVIDID (via the WeAreHumans compilation), and now Stellar! For this wonderful collision of two worlds I adore, Moekel brought out some of his finest technical work yet: we've got the pounding 4x4 hype buildup letting us know that this version of Glow is gonna be more in-your-face, the vibey vocals being chopped up and turned into a staccato synth feast for the senses, proper electric energy emitting from the distorted laserbeams in the second half and just an all-around stimulating, forward-driving energy. Moekelicious!
Track 5: Puzzle - Beam (Dub Ten Remix)
Don't worry, we've got more Austriathletes to marvel at on here: Certified Ty-roller Dub Ten has also contri- and de-buted! Since we talked about his most wonderful debut release on here last year, the Empathy Audio ambassador has not just been delivering all sorts of sick singles and even his debut EP on the home label, he has also spread his wings and flown over to the Yamatai and Flexout (or XOU, technically) camps with some rather big chunes - and now, he's adding Stellar to his label rollerdex (intended)! For this joyous occasion, Gabriel took on the synth whirlwind Beam and turned it into a proper club banger. Allow me to explain what the hell I mean with that: Not only did he reign in the synths a bit and packaged them up with an intensely rattling growl for some catchy back-and-forthery, he also managed to bring down the whole crazy emotional energy a bunch of notches by turning the synths into these gloomy versions of themselves, leading to a way more sinister overall atmosphere. Not to mention the aggressive drums and the down-turning bassline that'll make you feel like the plane you're sitting in has just entered a nosedive, filling you with a sense of dread - in a good way! I give this one a Dub Ten outta Ten!
Track 6: Puzzle - Beam (TEK-DIF Remix)
For our last stop here, we've got a name my fellow subreddit enjoyers will surely have seen roaming around a bunch: TEK-DIF! Consisting of Connor Simcox, who used to DJ solo as Simmo and won a The Office-themed pub quiz once, and James Canning, who is too private for me to find anything out about, this Nottingham-based duo has not just been grinding on the production front since at least 2019 now, Connor has also been hitting the promo grind all over the relevant subreddits ever since they joined forces, which is how I first found out about them back in 2020! After a slew of already rather sick self-releases (Inversion is my fav from that era), they landed their debut EP on Forest Biz, and just a year later, their contribution to the woodland venture's Nocturna compilation, Intrepid, got premiered on VISION Radio! They had already been around for a while, but over the next couple years the dynamic duo entrenched themselves into the scene more and more, racking up all sorts of unique, sometimes even multi-genre, releases across Breakbeats & Basslines, Impact Music and the aforementioned tree enterprise, and guest mixes on Subtle and Reprezent's radio shows - eventually landing on Puzzle's radar, leading to their Stellar debut!
They, too, chose to rework the synth firework Beam, but they took a (tek-)different approach. With an emphasis on breaks, in that it both features a lot of wild, breaky drum action and the synths take little breaks in between the onslaught, Connor and James offer not just this package's most rhythmically interesting take on Puzzle's originals, with the rather large bombshell explosions going off everywhere they also manage to rattle you to your very core all at once. Very sick stuff!
Turns out Puzzle isn't just amazing at picking out and putting together incredible sounds to turn them into insanely creative end results, he is almost even better at doing the same with remixers. Of course, this kind of techy sound is rather niche and underground, hence the Hidden Gem status, but as far as I'm concerned, this package is just one instant classic remix after the other. I love all of this so much.
Other techy things from this week: - SiLi - The Journey LP ❤️ (couldn't fit it in anymore sadly) - Dossa - Mamunabu (his solo debut!) - Neezko - Muttnik / Zikade 💎 (from last week but still!) - Rido - Keep Austin Weird - Refracta - Forgotten (Notlost) (that part is part of the actual title and not from me)

New Releases

General DnB / Mixed


Jump up in comments due to post character limit.

submitted by TELMxWILSON to DnB [link] [comments]

2024.05.05 20:59 Moonstruck_Medusa TTPD Fleetwood Mac and Beatles connections

I'm not super great at compiling information, so you gotta follow me on this because it's a lot of jumping around, but it's all related! I word-vomited this into the mod group chat a few days ago, so at the end of this post I'll add some additional info that came up in responses from the others to help me piece this together!
This all started with me listening to The Prophecy on repeat because it reminded me of another song, but I hadn't been able to figure out what. It clicked today--it's Landslide by Fleetwood Mac. Then when I Googled the two songs together, I found someone that actually did a mashup, so I'm know I'm not crazy on that lol. Also, I know she's not credited but I SWEAR I hear Stevie's voice on the backing vocals at the end of The Propechy, like from 3:50 on. Although that's likely me just being insane lmao. But they're friends, Taylor also mentions Stevie Nicks in Clara Bow, and Stevie wrote a poem for TTPD, so that might not be that far-fetched (I read online that there are cases of prominent vocalists providing backing vocals for other artists while remaining uncredited to avoid conflicts with their own recording agreements and etc so maybe??)
ANYWAY. So in the middle of doing a Fleetwood Mac deep dive after that, I found out that their first #1 single in the UK in 1968 was an instrumental song called Albatross. It was composed by Peter Green, who originally formed Fleetwood Mac but left the band in 1970. And it was inspired by him reading Rime of the Ancient Mariner as a child. This would have been before Stevie joined the band, but it's still something interesting to note!
That song went on to inspire The Beatles to write a song called Sun King for their album Abbey Road in 1969, which is another bizarre Beatles connection. u/maidof_mischief has a great post with some more Beatles connections! One other big connection I've found is that The Beatles had a set of compilation albums called Anthology, which were 3 separate double-albums.
Some additional points that were added by others in the group chat were:
• It does actually appear that Stevie was sampled on The Prophecy, as there have been a number of people on TikTok discussing it
• Stevie also has connections to the name Robin. A quick summary is that her best friend Robin Snyder Anderson died of leukemia right after giving birth, and Stevie ended up marrying Robin's husband soon after because she was determined to help take care of the baby. It ended in divorce because they got married out of grief instead of love.
• I don't have any info on this, but Stevie also apparently ran a writing group with some artists pre-Covid. Harry Styles and Brandi Carlisle were mentioned to be in it. If anyone has info on this, I'd love to hear more!
So what does it all mean? Hell if I know. But it is interesting. If you have more connections to add or more info on anything mentioned, I'd love to hear it! Again, sorry this is kind of just a mess of information. I need to hire someone to organize my thoughts for me lol.
submitted by Moonstruck_Medusa to GaylorSwift [link] [comments]

2024.05.04 22:09 Former_Discussion_11 Black identity crisis here🥴

Hi 👋🏽 I could use some help figuring out something. So I'm a 18 year old male who grew up in Minnesota. I lived in Columbia heights for most of my early life. I grew up in a pretty mixed neighborhood with somali, Ethiopian, Asian and white American neighbors. I grew up in a pretty suburban area btw. I never really thought about race and my parents were from the older generation so most of the time they never really brought it up. My dad had some weird view on African American people seeing their culture as toxic and sometimes threw racial slurs at me like negro. I guess since I didn't know enough African American people on a personal level I developed a sort of anxiety around them. I internalized my dad's view of African American people and just recently realized this so I try to spend more time around them to dismantle these views. It's an ongoing struggle that I'm ashamed to admit. I think when I start to spend more time around people different than me I begin to become more comfortable with people who are different than I guess. I don't know if I have internalized racism, xenophobia or anti blackness. I also went to a very predominantly somali school which has some staff member of different races I guess. However I always knew I was black but it was never something I thought about. I never felt racially profiled either. So when I was about 13 my family moved to somalia which had very different social constructs. If your familiar with somali identity politics people will look at your hair (jileec/jareemadhibaan) or maybe your facial features and the clan you came from. I didn't realize this then but I was part of the default majority. Except that maybe I had like 3b hair and lighter skin with slightly middle eastern looking features. I never felt that I was different than the people around me but they seemed to perceive me differently(apparently I was considered good looking by somali standards but average by american standards). I've been asked if I have a white parent or am arab. But I've taken a DNA test to find I'm 100% somali. I just happen to get the complexion from my dad. So when I came back to America when I was 17 I had a little bit of an identity crisis because for the first rime in my life I realized people would profile me based on my skin colour. Blackness was never something I discussed with family so it was new to me. At first because of my internalized anti blackness I rejected the label of "black" Insisting I was somali. Then I realized in America I would always be considered black and that there is a difference between race and ethnicity. I also realized blackness is pretty lit actually and the forms of music, culture and expression that comes from blackness is something to be proud of. However when I look at myself in the mirror and look and mainstream somali black culture I can't help but wonder where do I fit in? What does blackness mean for me? I noticed people identify me more by my religion than race so am I actually perceived and accepted as black. I mentioned that I've been racially profiled as black but in somali black spaces It feels questioned. I don't know. Do y'all have any advice or insights that could help? I would love to hear from everyone. Jazakallahukhairan
submitted by Former_Discussion_11 to Somali [link] [comments]

2024.05.04 21:16 Goldbaersche [H] A newly formatted list including many older and less mainstream Choice Leftovers [W] FUNgeon bundle levtovers: Going Under, Devil Spire, Siralim Ultimate, Lunacid and MythForce

Hello again!
Here is my IGS rep page:
More trading rep you can find here. I have more than 5 successful trades ons sgs but I never bothered to flair all of them up.
I want the games in the title. Otherwise check my wishlist.
I am based in Europe.
Heres the Choices I got:
December 2019 – 8 choices remaining:
Ancestors Legacy
Phantom Doctrine
Dead in Vinland
Horizon Chase Turbo
Dark Future: Blood Red States
X-Morph: Defense
Aegis Defenders
Desert Child
January 2020 – 1 choice remaining including:
Bad North: Jotunn Edition
Whispers of a Machine
Mages of Mystralia
February 2020 – 8 Choices remaining:
Pathfinder: Kingmaker Enhanced Plus Edition
Book of Demons
Okami HD will probably keep
Shenzhen I/O
Project Warlock
The Hex
Warstone TD
Night Call
March 2020 – 6 Choices remaining:
Fell Seal: Arbiter's Mark
Battle Chasers: Nightwar
AI War 2
April 2020 – 8 Choices remaining:
This is the police 2
Opus Magnum
Raiden V: Directors Cut
Driftland: The Magic Revival
Turok 2: Seeds of Evil
The Bard's Tale IV: Directors Cut
Shoppe Keep 2
Capitalism 2
Train Valley 2
May 2020 - 5 Choices remaining:
Niche - A genetics Survival Game
Warhammer 40,000 Gladius - Relics Of War
Heave Ho
Chess Ultra
June 2020 – 7 Choices remaining:
Felix the Reaper
Men Of War 2 Assault Squad 2 - Warchest Edition
Stygian: Reign Of The Old Ones
Remnants Of Naezith
The Stillness of the Wind
The King's Bird
July 2020 – 7 Choices remaining:
Void Bastards
Yuppie Psycho
Beat Hazard 2
Sigma Theory: Global Cold War
Metal Unit
Don't Escape: 4 Days to Survive
Verlet Swing
August 2020 Choice - 4 Choices remaining:
Hello Neighbor + Hide and Seek Collection
Genesis Alpha One Deluxe Edition
American Fugitive
September 2020 Games - 5 Choices remaining:
Fun with Ragdolls: The Game
Lethal League Blaze
Evoland Legendary Edition
Yooka-Laylee and the impossible Lair
The Occupation
October 2020 Games:
Fae Tactics
Sunless Bundle (Sunless Skies + Sunless Sea)
Iron Danger
Shadows Awakening
The Suicide of Rachel Foster
Goat of Duty
The Uncertain: Last Quiet Day
November 2020 Humble Choice:
Darksiders III
Yakuza Kiwami 2 will probably keep
Little Misfortune
Smile for Me
Rover Mechanic Simulator
Townsmen – A Kingdom Rebuilt
June 2021 Choice:
Stubbs the Zombie in Rebel without a Pulse
Going Under
Panzer Paladin
Milky Way – The Vampire Star
Paw Paw Paw
July 2021 Choice – 9 Choices remaining:
Yakuza 3 Remastered will probably keep
The Surge 2
Nimbatus: The Space Drone Constructor
Kill it with fire
Bee Simulator
S.W.I.N.E. HD Remaster
Deadly Days
ADOM (Ancient Domains of Mystery)
October 2021:
Katana Zero
Amnesia Rebirth
John Wick Hex
Guts and Glory
Ring of Pain
Garage: Bad Trip
The Textorcist
Tools Up
Hiveswap Friendsim
Black Future '88
Syberia 3
March 2022 Choice:
Desperados III
Dark Pictures Anthology: Man of Medan
Red Solstice 2: Survivors
Police Stories
Evan's Remains
May 2022 Choice
Battle for Bikini Bottom Rehydrated
Surviving the Aftermath
If found...
Genesis Noir
June 2022 Choice
Phoenix Point: Year One Edition
Call of the Sea
Siege Survival: Gloria Victis
I am Fish
Superhot: Mind Control Delete
July 2022 Choice
Deep Rock Galactic will probably keep
Legend of Keepers
Lawn Mowing Simulator
Banners of Ruin
Yes, Your Grace
Atom RPG Trudograd
August 2022 Choice
The Ascent
Hotwheels Unleashed
A Plague Tale: Innocence will probably keep
In Sound Mind
Mind Scanners
Emily is Away <3
October 2022 Choice
Dark Pictures Anthology: Little Hope
Disciples: Liberation
Maid Of Sker
Epic Chef
Railroad Corporation
Golf Gang
November 2022 Choice
Kingdoms of Amalur Re-Reckoning - Fate Edition
Shadow Tactics: Aiko's Choice
Eldest Souls
Morbid: The Seven Acolytes
December 2022 Choice - Complete
Wasteland 3
First Class Trouble
Where the water tastes like wine
Blade Assault
Super Magbot
January 2023 Choice
Tribes of Midgard
Encased: A Sci-Fi Post-Apocalyptic RPG
OlliOlliWorld Rad Edition
Grow: Song of the Evertree
Conan Chop Chop
Hokko Life
February 2023 Choice
Thronebreaker: The Witcher Tales
Shady Part of Me
Fobia - St. Dinfna Hotel
Five Dates
Humble Choice March
Edge of Eternity
Hero's Hour
Rogue Lords
Demon Turf
Golden Light
Monster Crown
April '23 Choice
Aliens: Fireteam Elite
Life is Strange 2 Complete Edition
The Life and Suffering of Sir Brante
Monster Prom 2: Monster Camp
Founders' Fortune
May '23 Choice - Complete
Warhammer 40,000: Chaos Gate - Daemonhunters
Spiritfarer: Farewell Edition
Bendy and the Dark Revival
Operation: Tango
Windjammers 2
Builder Simulator
Behind the Frame: The Finest Scenery
The invisible Hand
June '23 Choice
Curse of the dead Gods
Honey, I joined a cult
Eternal Threads
Turbo Golf Racing
Meeple Station
July '23 Choice
Yakuza 4 Remastered might keep
Kraken Academy
Merchant of the Skies
Ozymandias: Bronze Age Empire Sim
Shotgun King: The Final Checkmate
August '23 Choice - Complete
Chivalry 2 Epic Edition
Road 96
Trek to Yomi
Arcade Paradise
SuchART: Genius Artist Simulator
Tin Can
Hot Brass
September '23 Choice
Deceive Inc.
The Forgotten City
Aces & Adventures
Patch Quest
Who Pressed Mute On Uncle Marcus
Autonauts vs Piratebots
October '23
The Quarry Deluxe Edition
Dark Pictures Anthology: House of Ashes
Rebel Inc: Escalation
Spirit of the Island
Lords and Villeins
A Juggler's Tale
Mr. Prepper
November '23
Hardspace: Shipbreaker
Friends vs Friends
The Legend of Tianding
SCP: Secret Files
December '23 Complete
Expeditions: Rome
Midnight Fight Express
Elex 2
Nobody saves the World
The Gunk
The Pale Beyond
Last Call BBS
From Space
January '24
Two Point Campus
Aragami 2
The Red Lantern
Hell Pie
Twin Mirror
February '24 Choice
SCORN might keep
Destroy all Humans 2 Reprobed
Beacon Pines
There is no Light: Enhanced Edition
Children of Silentown
Snowtopia: Ski Resort Builder
March '24 Choice
Warhammer Age Of Sigmar: Realms of Ruin
Saints Row
Citizen Sleeper
Black Skylands
Destroyer: The U-Boat Hunter
In case you missed it: Gems of 2022
Haiku, the Robot
Zero Sievert
Submerged: Hidden Depths
Controller'd Chaos
Destroy All Humans!
Ghostbusters: The Video Game Remastered
Rain on Your Parade
Humble Heroines: Warriors, Dreams and God Slayers Bundle - Holiday Encore
Control Ultimate Edition
Syberia: The World Before
Praey for the Gods
Hellblade: Senua's Sacrifice
Call of the Sea
Batora: Lost Haven
Best of Boomer Shoters; Bigger and Boomier
Forgive Me Father
The Citadel
Wrath: Aeon of Ruin
Nightmare Reaper
Stuff mostly bundled before the introduction of choice:
11-11 Memories Retold
60 Parsecs!
AaaaaAAaaaAAAaaAAAAaAAAAA!!! for the Awesome
Aarklash: Legacy
Abyss Odyssey
Acceleration of SUGURI 2
Action Henk
The Adventure Pals
Alan Wake's American Nightmare World Wide
Almost There: The Platformer
Among the Sleep - Enhanced Edition
Anomaly 2
ARMA: Cold War Assault
Army Men RTS
Ashes of the Singularity: Escalation
Assassin's Creed® (Uplay)
Assassin's Creed® Origins (Uplay)
Avernum 2: Crystal Souls
Avernum 3: Ruined World
Aviary Attorney
Bad Hotel
Bastion Steam Key
Batman - The Enemy Within Shadows Mode
Batman™: Arkham Asylum GOTY
Batman: The Enemy Within - The Telltale Series
Battle Chef Brigade
BATTLETECH - Flashpoint
BATTLETECH - Shadow Hawk Pack
Bear With Me - Collector's Edition
Beholder 2
Best Buds vs Bad Guys
Black the Fall
Bleed 2
Chroma Squad
CivCity: Rome
Cortex Command Steam Key
Crazy Machines 3
Cthulhu Realms - Full Version
Cultist Simulator
Cursed Castilla (Maldita Castilla EX)
Darkside Detective
Deep Sky Derelicts
Do Not Feed the Monkeys
Double Cross
Duke Nukem Forever
Duke Nukem Forever Hail to the Icons
Duke Nukem Forever The Doctor Who Cloned Me
Dungeon of the Endless
Dungeons 2
Dungeons 3
The Dwarves
Endless Space - Collection
EVE Online: Rifter Ship Skin
EVE Online: Trial Key
FIA European Truck Racing Championship
Fight'N Rage
Finding Paradise
The First Tree
Fish Fillets 2
Fluffy Horde
Forged Battalion
Full Metal Furies
Full Throttle Remastered
Furious Angels
Gabriel Knight® 3: Blood of the Sacred, Blood of the Damned
Galaxy on Fire 2™ Full HD
Ghost of a Tale
Gish Steam Key
God's Trigger
The Golf Club™ 2019 featuring PGA TOUR
Golf With Your Friends - OST
Gratuitous Space Battles and Cave Story+ Steam Key
Gratuitous Space Battles Multiplayer Key
GRAV (Early Access)
Gray Matter
GRID - 2019
GRIP: Combat Racing
GRIP: Combat Racing Artifex DLC
GRIP: Combat Racing - Artifex Car Pack
Guacamelee! 2
Halcyon 6: Starbase Commander (LIGHTSPEED EDITION)
Hard Reset Redux
Heat Signature
Hero Academy
Hero Academy Gold Pack Content Code
The Hex
Hidden & Dangerous 2: Courage Under Fire
Hidden & Dangerous: Action Pack
Hidden Folks
HITMAN 2 - Gold Edition
Holy Potatoes! We're in Space?!
How to Survive
How to Survive 2
Humble Frozenbyte Bundle Desura Key
Humble Indie Bundle #2 Desura Key
Humble Indie Bundle #3 Desura Key
Humble Indie Bundle #3 Desura Key
I'm not a Monster
Immortal Planet
Interplanetary: Enhanced Edition
Jack Lumber
The Journey Down: Chapter Three
Ken Follett's The Pillars of the Earth
Killing Floor
Lara Croft GO
Laser League
Last Day of June
Late Shift
Layers of Fear
Legacy of Dorn: Herald of Oblivion
LEGO Batman
LEGO Harry Potter: Years 1-4
Lethal League
Love is Dead
Magicka: Wizard Wars E3 Robe
Magrunner: Dark Pulse
The Masterplan
Mega Man Legacy Collection
METAL GEAR SOLID V: The Definitive Experience DLC
Monaco: What's Yours Is Mine
Monster Prom
Monster Slayers + Advanced Classes Unlocker DLC + Fire and Steel Expansion
The Mooseman
NAIRI: Tower of Shirin
NBA Playgrounds
The Norwood Suite
Old Man's Journey
Override: Mech City Brawl
Pathologic Classic HD
Perfect Universe
Planet Alpha
Planet Coaster - World's Fair Pack
Police Quest Collection
Pool Panic
Purrfect Date - Visual Novel/Dating Simulator
Q.U.B.E. 2
Railroad Tycoon 3
Railroad Tycoon II Platinum
Rain of Reflections: Chapter 1
Rapture Rejects
Rapture Rejects - Humble Exclusive "Safari Outfit" DLC
Red Faction Guerrilla Re-Mars-tered
Regions of Ruin
Regular Human Basketball
Resident Evil Revelations
Risen 3 – Titan Lords
Road Redemption
Rock of Ages 2: Bigger & Boulder™
Running with Rifles
Saints Row IV Game of the Century Edition (only redeemable in Germany :()
Schrödinger’s Cat And The Raiders Of The Lost Quark
Serial Cleaner
SEUM: Speedrunners from Hell
Shadowrun Returns
She Remembered Caterpillars
Shiness: The Lightning Kingdom
Sid Meier's Civilization® III: Complete
Sid Meier's Civilization VI
Sid Meier's Railroads!
Silence of the Sleep
The Sims 3 Key (Origin)
Sins of a Solar Empire: Trinity
Sleeping Dogs (German region lock)
SMITE - Almighty Zeus
Sniper Elite
Sniper Elite 4
Solar 2
Sonic Mania
The Spiral Scouts
Star Wars™ Knights of the Old Republic™
State of Mind
Steel Rats
Super Daryl Deluxe
Super Life of Pixel
Surviving Mars
Sword Legacy Omen
Swords and Soldiers 2 Shawarmageddon
Tangledeep Soundtrack for Steam
The Testament of Sherlock Holmes
Throne of Lies® The Online Game of Deceit
Tom Clancy's The Division™ (Uplay)
Tom Clancy's The Division™ - Survival (Uplay)
Tomb Raider
Tomb Raider II
Tomb Raider III
Total War: Rome II - Nomadic Tribes Culture Pack
Tower of Guns
The Town of Light
Train Valley 2
Tropico 4: Collectors Bundle
TT Isle of Man
Uurnog Uurnlimited
Velocity 2X
Vikings - Wolves of Midgard
The Walking Dead - 400 Days
The Walking Dead: A New Frontier
The Walking Dead: Final Season
The Walking Dead: Michonne - A Telltale Miniseries
Warframe Booster Pack
Warhammer® 40,000: Dawn of War® - Game of the Year Edition
Warhammer 40,000: Kill Team
Warhammer 40,000: Mechanicus
Warhammer: End Times - Vermintide
Westerado: Double Barreled
White Noise 2
White Noise 2
Worms Revolution GOLD
Wurm Unlimited
WWE 2K Battlegrounds
WWE 2K BATTLEGROUNDS - Ultimate Brawlers Pass
Yoku's Island Express
Yomawari: Night Alone
Zeno Clash
Zeno Clash 2
Zombie Night Terror
submitted by Goldbaersche to SteamGameSwap [link] [comments]

2024.05.04 21:16 Goldbaersche [H] A newly formatted list including many older and less mainstream Choice Leftovers [W] FUNgeon bundle levtovers: Going Under, Devil Spire, Siralim Ultimate, Lunacid and MythForce

Hello again!
Here is my IGS rep page:
More trading rep you can find here. I have more than 5 successful trades ons sgs but I never bothered to flair all of them up.
I want the games in the title. Otherwise check my wishlist.
I am based in Europe.
Heres the Choices I got:
December 2019 – 8 choices remaining:
Ancestors Legacy
Phantom Doctrine
Dead in Vinland
Horizon Chase Turbo
Dark Future: Blood Red States
X-Morph: Defense
Aegis Defenders
Desert Child
January 2020 – 1 choice remaining including:
Bad North: Jotunn Edition
Whispers of a Machine
Mages of Mystralia
February 2020 – 8 Choices remaining:
Pathfinder: Kingmaker Enhanced Plus Edition
Book of Demons
Okami HD will probably keep
Shenzhen I/O
Project Warlock
The Hex
Warstone TD
Night Call
March 2020 – 6 Choices remaining:
Fell Seal: Arbiter's Mark
Battle Chasers: Nightwar
AI War 2
April 2020 – 8 Choices remaining:
This is the police 2
Opus Magnum
Raiden V: Directors Cut
Driftland: The Magic Revival
Turok 2: Seeds of Evil
The Bard's Tale IV: Directors Cut
Shoppe Keep 2
Capitalism 2
Train Valley 2
May 2020 - 5 Choices remaining:
Niche - A genetics Survival Game
Warhammer 40,000 Gladius - Relics Of War
Heave Ho
Chess Ultra
June 2020 – 7 Choices remaining:
Felix the Reaper
Men Of War 2 Assault Squad 2 - Warchest Edition
Stygian: Reign Of The Old Ones
Remnants Of Naezith
The Stillness of the Wind
The King's Bird
July 2020 – 7 Choices remaining:
Void Bastards
Yuppie Psycho
Beat Hazard 2
Sigma Theory: Global Cold War
Metal Unit
Don't Escape: 4 Days to Survive
Verlet Swing
August 2020 Choice - 4 Choices remaining:
Hello Neighbor + Hide and Seek Collection
Genesis Alpha One Deluxe Edition
American Fugitive
September 2020 Games - 5 Choices remaining:
Fun with Ragdolls: The Game
Lethal League Blaze
Evoland Legendary Edition
Yooka-Laylee and the impossible Lair
The Occupation
October 2020 Games:
Fae Tactics
Sunless Bundle (Sunless Skies + Sunless Sea)
Iron Danger
Shadows Awakening
The Suicide of Rachel Foster
Goat of Duty
The Uncertain: Last Quiet Day
November 2020 Humble Choice:
Darksiders III
Yakuza Kiwami 2 will probably keep
Little Misfortune
Smile for Me
Rover Mechanic Simulator
Townsmen – A Kingdom Rebuilt
June 2021 Choice:
Stubbs the Zombie in Rebel without a Pulse
Going Under
Panzer Paladin
Milky Way – The Vampire Star
Paw Paw Paw
July 2021 Choice – 9 Choices remaining:
Yakuza 3 Remastered will probably keep
The Surge 2
Nimbatus: The Space Drone Constructor
Kill it with fire
Bee Simulator
S.W.I.N.E. HD Remaster
Deadly Days
ADOM (Ancient Domains of Mystery)
October 2021:
Katana Zero
Amnesia Rebirth
John Wick Hex
Guts and Glory
Ring of Pain
Garage: Bad Trip
The Textorcist
Tools Up
Hiveswap Friendsim
Black Future '88
Syberia 3
March 2022 Choice:
Desperados III
Dark Pictures Anthology: Man of Medan
Red Solstice 2: Survivors
Police Stories
Evan's Remains
May 2022 Choice
Battle for Bikini Bottom Rehydrated
Surviving the Aftermath
If found...
Genesis Noir
June 2022 Choice
Phoenix Point: Year One Edition
Call of the Sea
Siege Survival: Gloria Victis
I am Fish
Superhot: Mind Control Delete
July 2022 Choice
Deep Rock Galactic will probably keep
Legend of Keepers
Lawn Mowing Simulator
Banners of Ruin
Yes, Your Grace
Atom RPG Trudograd
August 2022 Choice
The Ascent
Hotwheels Unleashed
A Plague Tale: Innocence will probably keep
In Sound Mind
Mind Scanners
Emily is Away <3
October 2022 Choice
Dark Pictures Anthology: Little Hope
Disciples: Liberation
Maid Of Sker
Epic Chef
Railroad Corporation
Golf Gang
November 2022 Choice
Kingdoms of Amalur Re-Reckoning - Fate Edition
Shadow Tactics: Aiko's Choice
Eldest Souls
Morbid: The Seven Acolytes
December 2022 Choice - Complete
Wasteland 3
First Class Trouble
Where the water tastes like wine
Blade Assault
Super Magbot
January 2023 Choice
Tribes of Midgard
Encased: A Sci-Fi Post-Apocalyptic RPG
OlliOlliWorld Rad Edition
Grow: Song of the Evertree
Conan Chop Chop
Hokko Life
February 2023 Choice
Thronebreaker: The Witcher Tales
Shady Part of Me
Fobia - St. Dinfna Hotel
Five Dates
Humble Choice March
Edge of Eternity
Hero's Hour
Rogue Lords
Demon Turf
Golden Light
Monster Crown
April '23 Choice
Aliens: Fireteam Elite
Life is Strange 2 Complete Edition
The Life and Suffering of Sir Brante
Monster Prom 2: Monster Camp
Founders' Fortune
May '23 Choice - Complete
Warhammer 40,000: Chaos Gate - Daemonhunters
Spiritfarer: Farewell Edition
Bendy and the Dark Revival
Operation: Tango
Windjammers 2
Builder Simulator
Behind the Frame: The Finest Scenery
The invisible Hand
June '23 Choice
Curse of the dead Gods
Honey, I joined a cult
Eternal Threads
Turbo Golf Racing
Meeple Station
July '23 Choice
Yakuza 4 Remastered might keep
Kraken Academy
Merchant of the Skies
Ozymandias: Bronze Age Empire Sim
Shotgun King: The Final Checkmate
August '23 Choice - Complete
Chivalry 2 Epic Edition
Road 96
Trek to Yomi
Arcade Paradise
SuchART: Genius Artist Simulator
Tin Can
Hot Brass
September '23 Choice
Deceive Inc.
The Forgotten City
Aces & Adventures
Patch Quest
Who Pressed Mute On Uncle Marcus
Autonauts vs Piratebots
October '23
The Quarry Deluxe Edition
Dark Pictures Anthology: House of Ashes
Rebel Inc: Escalation
Spirit of the Island
Lords and Villeins
A Juggler's Tale
Mr. Prepper
November '23
Hardspace: Shipbreaker
Friends vs Friends
The Legend of Tianding
SCP: Secret Files
December '23 Complete
Expeditions: Rome
Midnight Fight Express
Elex 2
Nobody saves the World
The Gunk
The Pale Beyond
Last Call BBS
From Space
January '24
Two Point Campus
Aragami 2
The Red Lantern
Hell Pie
Twin Mirror
February '24 Choice
SCORN might keep
Destroy all Humans 2 Reprobed
Beacon Pines
There is no Light: Enhanced Edition
Children of Silentown
Snowtopia: Ski Resort Builder
March '24 Choice
Warhammer Age Of Sigmar: Realms of Ruin
Saints Row
Citizen Sleeper
Black Skylands
Destroyer: The U-Boat Hunter
In case you missed it: Gems of 2022
Haiku, the Robot
Zero Sievert
Submerged: Hidden Depths
Controller'd Chaos
Destroy All Humans!
Ghostbusters: The Video Game Remastered
Rain on Your Parade
Humble Heroines: Warriors, Dreams and God Slayers Bundle - Holiday Encore
Control Ultimate Edition
Syberia: The World Before
Praey for the Gods
Hellblade: Senua's Sacrifice
Call of the Sea
Batora: Lost Haven
Best of Boomer Shoters; Bigger and Boomier
Forgive Me Father
The Citadel
Wrath: Aeon of Ruin
Nightmare Reaper
Stuff mostly bundled before the introduction of choice:
11-11 Memories Retold
60 Parsecs!
AaaaaAAaaaAAAaaAAAAaAAAAA!!! for the Awesome
Aarklash: Legacy
Abyss Odyssey
Acceleration of SUGURI 2
Action Henk
The Adventure Pals
Alan Wake's American Nightmare World Wide
Almost There: The Platformer
Among the Sleep - Enhanced Edition
Anomaly 2
ARMA: Cold War Assault
Army Men RTS
Ashes of the Singularity: Escalation
Assassin's Creed® (Uplay)
Assassin's Creed® Origins (Uplay)
Avernum 2: Crystal Souls
Avernum 3: Ruined World
Aviary Attorney
Bad Hotel
Bastion Steam Key
Batman - The Enemy Within Shadows Mode
Batman™: Arkham Asylum GOTY
Batman: The Enemy Within - The Telltale Series
Battle Chef Brigade
BATTLETECH - Flashpoint
BATTLETECH - Shadow Hawk Pack
Bear With Me - Collector's Edition
Beholder 2
Best Buds vs Bad Guys
Black the Fall
Bleed 2
Chroma Squad
CivCity: Rome
Cortex Command Steam Key
Crazy Machines 3
Cthulhu Realms - Full Version
Cultist Simulator
Cursed Castilla (Maldita Castilla EX)
Darkside Detective
Deep Sky Derelicts
Do Not Feed the Monkeys
Double Cross
Duke Nukem Forever
Duke Nukem Forever Hail to the Icons
Duke Nukem Forever The Doctor Who Cloned Me
Dungeon of the Endless
Dungeons 2
Dungeons 3
The Dwarves
Endless Space - Collection
EVE Online: Rifter Ship Skin
EVE Online: Trial Key
FIA European Truck Racing Championship
Fight'N Rage
Finding Paradise
The First Tree
Fish Fillets 2
Fluffy Horde
Forged Battalion
Full Metal Furies
Full Throttle Remastered
Furious Angels
Gabriel Knight® 3: Blood of the Sacred, Blood of the Damned
Galaxy on Fire 2™ Full HD
Ghost of a Tale
Gish Steam Key
God's Trigger
The Golf Club™ 2019 featuring PGA TOUR
Golf With Your Friends - OST
Gratuitous Space Battles and Cave Story+ Steam Key
Gratuitous Space Battles Multiplayer Key
GRAV (Early Access)
Gray Matter
GRID - 2019
GRIP: Combat Racing
GRIP: Combat Racing Artifex DLC
GRIP: Combat Racing - Artifex Car Pack
Guacamelee! 2
Halcyon 6: Starbase Commander (LIGHTSPEED EDITION)
Hard Reset Redux
Heat Signature
Hero Academy
Hero Academy Gold Pack Content Code
The Hex
Hidden & Dangerous 2: Courage Under Fire
Hidden & Dangerous: Action Pack
Hidden Folks
HITMAN 2 - Gold Edition
Holy Potatoes! We're in Space?!
How to Survive
How to Survive 2
Humble Frozenbyte Bundle Desura Key
Humble Indie Bundle #2 Desura Key
Humble Indie Bundle #3 Desura Key
Humble Indie Bundle #3 Desura Key
I'm not a Monster
Immortal Planet
Interplanetary: Enhanced Edition
Jack Lumber
The Journey Down: Chapter Three
Ken Follett's The Pillars of the Earth
Killing Floor
Lara Croft GO
Laser League
Last Day of June
Late Shift
Layers of Fear
Legacy of Dorn: Herald of Oblivion
LEGO Batman
LEGO Harry Potter: Years 1-4
Lethal League
Love is Dead
Magicka: Wizard Wars E3 Robe
Magrunner: Dark Pulse
The Masterplan
Mega Man Legacy Collection
METAL GEAR SOLID V: The Definitive Experience DLC
Monaco: What's Yours Is Mine
Monster Prom
Monster Slayers + Advanced Classes Unlocker DLC + Fire and Steel Expansion
The Mooseman
NAIRI: Tower of Shirin
NBA Playgrounds
The Norwood Suite
Old Man's Journey
Override: Mech City Brawl
Pathologic Classic HD
Perfect Universe
Planet Alpha
Planet Coaster - World's Fair Pack
Police Quest Collection
Pool Panic
Purrfect Date - Visual Novel/Dating Simulator
Q.U.B.E. 2
Railroad Tycoon 3
Railroad Tycoon II Platinum
Rain of Reflections: Chapter 1
Rapture Rejects
Rapture Rejects - Humble Exclusive "Safari Outfit" DLC
Red Faction Guerrilla Re-Mars-tered
Regions of Ruin
Regular Human Basketball
Resident Evil Revelations
Risen 3 – Titan Lords
Road Redemption
Rock of Ages 2: Bigger & Boulder™
Running with Rifles
Saints Row IV Game of the Century Edition (only redeemable in Germany :()
Schrödinger’s Cat And The Raiders Of The Lost Quark
Serial Cleaner
SEUM: Speedrunners from Hell
Shadowrun Returns
She Remembered Caterpillars
Shiness: The Lightning Kingdom
Sid Meier's Civilization® III: Complete
Sid Meier's Civilization VI
Sid Meier's Railroads!
Silence of the Sleep
The Sims 3 Key (Origin)
Sins of a Solar Empire: Trinity
Sleeping Dogs (German region lock)
SMITE - Almighty Zeus
Sniper Elite
Sniper Elite 4
Solar 2
Sonic Mania
The Spiral Scouts
Star Wars™ Knights of the Old Republic™
State of Mind
Steel Rats
Super Daryl Deluxe
Super Life of Pixel
Surviving Mars
Sword Legacy Omen
Swords and Soldiers 2 Shawarmageddon
Tangledeep Soundtrack for Steam
The Testament of Sherlock Holmes
Throne of Lies® The Online Game of Deceit
Tom Clancy's The Division™ (Uplay)
Tom Clancy's The Division™ - Survival (Uplay)
Tomb Raider
Tomb Raider II
Tomb Raider III
Total War: Rome II - Nomadic Tribes Culture Pack
Tower of Guns
The Town of Light
Train Valley 2
Tropico 4: Collectors Bundle
TT Isle of Man
Uurnog Uurnlimited
Velocity 2X
Vikings - Wolves of Midgard
The Walking Dead - 400 Days
The Walking Dead: A New Frontier
The Walking Dead: Final Season
The Walking Dead: Michonne - A Telltale Miniseries
Warframe Booster Pack
Warhammer® 40,000: Dawn of War® - Game of the Year Edition
Warhammer 40,000: Kill Team
Warhammer 40,000: Mechanicus
Warhammer: End Times - Vermintide
Westerado: Double Barreled
White Noise 2
White Noise 2
Worms Revolution GOLD
Wurm Unlimited
WWE 2K Battlegrounds
WWE 2K BATTLEGROUNDS - Ultimate Brawlers Pass
Yoku's Island Express
Yomawari: Night Alone
Zeno Clash
Zeno Clash 2
Zombie Night Terror
submitted by Goldbaersche to indiegameswap [link] [comments]

2024.05.02 22:30 Bitch_Please_LOL Best way to deal stagger damage?

I just beat the game, then I bought and beat Echoes of the Fallen and The Rising Tide.
100% I loved all of the base game and the DLC.
But if I could get help with the game and take it from a 9.5 to a 10/10 game, it's the stagger damage and how to deal more of it.
Are there any good Eikonic powers that melt stagger bars?
I used the same setup for the entire game and DLC:
Phoenix with Ignition and Flames of the Phoenix Shiva with Rime and Diamond Dust Bahamut with Giga flare and the flame breath move.
I was thinking of doing my first New Game Plus mode on Final Fantasy mode so any tips would be most appreciated!
Thank you.
submitted by Bitch_Please_LOL to FFXVI [link] [comments]

2024.05.02 20:50 Ok-Oil-6435 Resentment towards husband growing

I married my husband last September. Up until that point, our relationship was amazing. I would wake up most mornings and look at him asleep next to me in shock, wondering how I was so lucky that I get to wake up next to such a wonderful human being. He was kind, thoughtful, interested in my thoughts, communicative, sensitive and our partnership made both of us stronger. We would constantly be planning things for one another, i never had a doubt that he lovee me. Our motto was "we are greater than the sum of our parts" as a friend once told us in reference to our relationship.
In September, he started a new job that would require long hours (~14 hours a day) and a night a week spent at work. We had discussed this and agreed that we can make it work for the time being until he gets it in order and within 3 months, he would pull back to having regular hours. I supported him completely, as this was the opportunity of a lifetime for him. Even offered to move my job to an objectively worse location so it would be easier for him.
Within that time, I made sure that he was distraction free. I took care of all the household chores, making appointments, helping with his work over the weekends and when he comes back from work, waking up at 5am with him every morning to make breakfast and spend some time with him, as we has so little of it, having dinner ready when he was home, giving him back rubs after work and hearing him talk about his day. (INFO: I also work full time and have a stressful job in tech).
During this time, he did nothing for me, and i wasn't upset and expected it as i knew how stressed and tired he had to be. I was upset a few of times during this period when he would come home and engage with his phone too long (1.5+ hours) without saving time to connect with me, but those were resolved quite quickly with him putting down his phone and spending quality time before bed.
Three months come and go, and I start a conversation with him about the long work hours and if the plan is still to pull back to normal hours. His response was completely unlike him. It boiled down to he doesn't have a clue as to when work hours would return to normal and that life is uncertain. The way he responded made me feel like a wall was put up between us and he wasn't relaying all the information. I then asked him if we can at least make future plans (I'm talking even a few months from that point, nothing immediate) so we have something to look forward to together. He said no, that he doesn't have the ability to set time aside as he doesn't know what the future holds/when he'll be free.
After this, we discussed in marriage counseling (didn't have issues to get a counselor, was a preemptive measure since a year into our relationship, recommended by a friend) that we should make a plan for one day every weekend to have something to look forward to. We did this the first weekend and it worked like a charm! I wasn't as sad throughout the week bc I knew we'd get to spend time together on Saturday.
Come Friday night, he comes home 4 hours later than expected (11pm) and tells me plans have changed and he has to work, but I can come with him if I want to. No rescheduling our date, no apology for not letting me know earlier despite having found out at lunch time on that day. I was upset but understanding, and asked him to let me know earlier next time and to please reschedule the date so that i know it means something to him. He said he would and I went to work with him the following day so we could at least have lunch together when he had breaks.
Fast forward a week and he does the same thing. Not only this but he stops messaging me to let me know when he'll be home hours late, or whether or not he is working weekends. I pleaded for him to let me know when he's going to be late as it feels disrespectful of my time. I'm excited to see him even if it's for a short while and feel hurt when it doesn't seem like he thinks about me throughout the day or misses me even.
As it keeps happening, I get increasingly more upset because it's a recurring behavior and I am constantly feeling unloved and unimportant to the man who once treated me like I treat him. I continue doing exactly what I had before - treat him well, do all the household tasks, have dinner ready, wake up with him.
Now when I tell him "hey you didn't message me again today that you'd be late" it starts turning into defensiveness, "oh well i forgot, I was busy, cut me a break". I was crying one night when he got home because it was 10pm and he was supposed to tell me so I could make alternate plans. I was upset and told him i didn't want to talk and he turned off my TV. I told him to turn it back on and he laughed at me saying what im doing is ridiculous and left to his room. He would then tell me every rime I was upset about the same thing, that he "just didn't have time and doesn't think he ever will remember to let me know or just to remember to reschedule plans)
I got really sick one week and was having trouble breathing. He went to work and asked me to message him if it got worse. It did get worse and I messaged him. He didn't respond to me for 4 hours and went to a work team building event that involved being at a bar and drinking. I called him crying and yelling after that much time had passed and he came home yelling at me telling me I'm being dramatic.
One night he came home at the time he said he would, and we were having a connecting moment - he was laying on me and we were looking into each other's eyes. I thought to myself "finally, a connection". And he jumped up to go write some stuff down that he just realized for work that wouldnt even be necessary for a few months. I was sad and asked him to be more considerate of the little time we have together. He said he would, but the next morning after I made him pancakes, and cuddled with him, he brought up that my skin picking is gross (something he's known I've done and has told me was ok since the beginning of our relationship, and he does it as well.). I was overcome with emotions and started crying and yelling at him about how could he say this to me. He argued about it for hours (this was Saturday morning) and the next day said he didn't know where that came from. 2 weeks later he almost said it again but I stopped him saying "please don't, you're going to do irreversible damage". He later thanked me and said that it truly doesn't bother him/he doesn't know what he would say that, none the less argue his point for hours.
Now it's been months that have passed. Hes since applogized for how he treated me and has pulled back on his work hours (3 months since the arguments started).We planned to got on vacation as it would help us reconnect. During this vacation, he keeps getting snippy with me when I make mistakes with directions on maps (gps wasn't working well in that area) and telling me I'm not paying attention in rude ways, while he is also making mistakes himself, and I am being kind about it. I tried setting a good example by saying every time "it's OK honey, well get the next train" or "it happens don't worry" while touching his arm. He usually likes when I take pictures of him, and now all of a sudden isn't stoked on it and says no often. On the last day, I had enough and stopped trying to up my mood to make it a nice trip. By this point he realizes I'm unhappy and sets up a plan for us to go do something I would like. When we come back to the hotel he asked if I was ok and I asked if he had the bandwidth to talk about it (otherwise can wait until we're back at home). He says yes and I break down and cry, telling him how unloved I feel with examples of why/what triggered it. He seems to genuinely understand and says he'll work on it.
The next day, as we're headed for the airport, there is no affection, no kind works, nothing. He doesn't talk to me at all. I started having a panic attack as something felt off and I thought for sure something bad was coming. I started hyperventilating on the train and we had to get off. He doesn't touch me whatsoever, just asks "ready to go?" .
We get to the airport 2 hours later and I asked him if we could hug or have some affection/reassurance that everything is OK. He says no. I literally begged him. It was a 10 hour flight and I'm still going in and out of panic.
I reached a boiling point and told him I wanted a divorce. At the time I thought it may have been an in the moment thing, but realize that this isn't the marriage I want. I want the person I married back. I told him sorry immediately after saying it and he said sorry, what's done is done, you said it and we're going to do it.
After getting off the plane, he asked if that's what I wanted and that he'd give me another chance to make up for something else he said that alluded to divorce before. I told him that this isn't a game and that if he wants to divorce, there are no chances, the marriage is over.
He asked me "please don't divorce me, I don't know what I'd do without you". We talked in the car and he said he'd listen to me more when I tell him about my needs/concerns without becoming defensive and saying mean things.
This still continues for a few days after but he's gotten better since with some "hiccups" he calls them, every few days or so. But "it's better than before!" He says. When I bring up that things are still different in the way that he interacts with me/love and connection he says that these are habits that have built up in him over time due to the state of our relationship and it'll take time to get back to normal. But I still feel upset as I'm giving it my all despite feeling wronged, and it feels like the effort on his end has been lacking.
I feel cheated. Like the loving beautiful relationship we had before and the foundation of trust and love we were built on had come crashing down for the last 5 months and I'm still in shock as to how this can happen.
He's been nicer to me lately. He listens when I talk to him and is more reassuring. But so many of the loving gestures, no matter how small, are all gone and meant so much to me. I have to keep reminding him to not speak with me in a demanding tone, to not check the time and angrily remind me how long we've been talking every time we discuss things.
I threw him a party for our anniversary, which I told him meant a lot to me even last year. Spent days preparing to make it special for him. He didn't didn't anything for me and said sorry for not doing anything. I told him it's important to me, and to please do something even if it's not on the date. I asked this three times since then (two weeks ago) and still nothing.
I feel crushed. The resentment is seething at this point. The last two days I've stopped doing nice things for him. I don't know what else to do. It hurts and it feels like my body has been on fire for the past 5 months. I've been doing poorly at work since it's hard to focus now, all I can think about is how wronged I feel and how the life that we have planned may have no future. I feel so unappreciated and unloved, and I didn't see any of this coming.
I've asked him several times if he feels any resentment towards me or if I could do anything better for him/if there's something I'm not doing that he'd like, the answer has been a genuine no. That he loves me and I treat him better than he's ever been treated and that I'm the sweetest person he's ever met. (Last week was the last time he said this)
Anyone have any ideas? I'm at the point of desperation to solve the growing resentment in me and to get our marriage back on track.
EDIT : Just to note, the long work hours aren't the primary issue here. I also have a demanding job that I need to travel for at times and is unpredictable, but we've set boundaries in place, because he wasn't comfortable with me leaving more than 3-4 days at a time. I've let him know even before the issues started, that if he needed more time with irregular hours, it's OK. But it's the different treatment, being mean and dismissive/defensive, not looping me in on decisions or what's going on with scheduling etc is the real issue. When he wasn't able to set time for us to do things together even months away, he said it in anger. He had 2 vacation weeks he was allowed to take but chose work as the most important priority. "I made a commitment to them.". I begged and said "you also made a commitment to me a few months ago". Setting aside a three day weekend wouldn't have taken much from his work. It was that he seemed to not want to do it without telling me as much. It was very confusing for me, not knowing where this came from. I thought it was a mistake and would stop happening at some point when he came to his senses, but the realization came to him after three months, throughout which I was confused and got into a severe depression.
submitted by Ok-Oil-6435 to Marriage [link] [comments]

2024.05.02 02:28 UhOhIShitted How Many Spells Can You Actually Put in Your Spellbook?

I decided I wanted to play a Scribes Wizard. It’s my first time playing a Wizard, and I am deeply excited about it. A little too excited, in all likelihood. I decided I had one major goal in this campaign: acquire every Wizard spell. This seemed like a good, stereotypical goal for my first Wizard. I then proceeded to make a spreadsheet which outlines every single Wizard spell, that way I could track which ones I had and which ones I didn’t.
And then I started roleplaying a Wizard irl. Why stop at Wizard spells? My thirst for knowledge grew. I had to find more. I had to get more spells. I had to commandeer the job of every spellcaster or I would not be satisfied. Thus, I set out on my quest to see just how many spells I could get RAW.
So, how many Wizard spells can you put in your spellbook?
This is a surprisingly tough question. Lots of moving parts. First, we need to determine how many spells are actually in D&D. I decided to count only officially published WoTC books. Thus, no partnered content such as Humblewood Campaign Setting, Tal’Dorei Campaign Setting Reborn, etc. Wildemount does count as far as I’m concerned. In addition to this, I’m gonna say that UA spells are not allowed. As a final addendum before we get to the meat of the post, I don’t care that spellbooks only have 100 pages. I’ll just find more paper, learn to bind books, and shove the new pages in my spellbook as needed.
Next: How many spells are there? This is, again, surprisingly difficult to answer. All the spellbook compendiums are incomplete, as far as I can tell. D&D Beyond has partnered content. It’s kind of a mess to figure this out. I think I got them all, but I would absolutely love for someone to correct me if I’m missing any. I don’t think I can share my spreadsheet for legal reasons, but I certainly can share the number of spells in each book. If I’m wrong, please tell me. Note that I’m not counting just Wizard spells, I’m counting every spell. Cantrips are included in these numbers.
Acquisitions Incorporated: 7
The Book of Many Things: 3*
Explorer’s Guide to Wildemount: 15
Fizban’s Treasury of Dragons: 7
Guildmaster’s Guide to Ravnica: 1**
Icewind Dale: Rime of the Frostmaiden: 2***
Lost Laboratory of Kwalish: 3
Planescape: Adventures in the Multiverse: 2
Player’s Handbook: 361
Spelljammer: Adventures in Space: 2
Strixhaven: a Curriculum of Chaos: 5
Tasha’s Cauldron of Everything: 21
Xanathar’s Guide to Everything: 96
*TBoMT has three spells which are also found in the PHB (Mordenkainen’s Magnificent Mansion, Otiluke’s Resilient Sphere, and Tasha’s Hideous Laughter). These three spells are omitted from the Book of Many Things’s total.
**Ravnica has one spell, Chaos Bolt, which is also found in Xanathar’s Guide. Chaos Bolt is omitted from Ravnica’s total.
***Icewind Dale has one spell, Blade of Disaster, which also appears in Tasha’s Cauldron of Everything. Blade of Disaster is omitted from Icewind Dale’s total.
You may notice that the Sword Coast Adventurer’s Guide and the Elemental Evil Player’s Companion are not present on the list. This is because all of their spells are also printed in Tasha’s Cauldron and Xanathar’s Guide, so I omitted them for simplicity.
So, let’s add up our numbers. All told, I count 525 officially published, fifth edition spells. I hope I’m not wrong, but I’m sure I am. Feel free to correct me.
With that out of the way, we have to ask the question: what can we put in our spellbook? The answer is very, very clear. The PHB specifies that you can only put Wizard spells in your spellbook, and they must be of a level which you can cast. You can do this from a few sources, such as a scroll or another Wizard’s spellbook. Of particular note is that you cannot copy spells from a Warlock’s Book of Shadows, a Ritual Caster’s Ritual Book (unless they chose Wizard when they took the feat), etc. You can also copy a spell which you have prepared so long as it is a Wizard spell. Thus, the answer should be very, very simple. How many of the 525 spells are on the Wizard spell list?
361, assuming our Wizard is of the Chronurgy or Graviturgy subclass. So, that should be it, right? Wrong.
Firstly, we can’t actually add that many to our spellbook, as the spells must be leveled. No cantrips can go in the book. Given that Wizard works in a way that causes you to “know” all cantrips at the same time, you could just say you have them all, but I’m a purist on the Spellbook. Thus, let’s remove all the Cantrips. There are 31 cantrips on the Wizard spell list, so we can narrow our number down to 330. That is a very, very respectable number. But we need more. A lot more.
Our next option for spellbook expansion is to gain spells from other classes. Doing the math, there are, by my count, 148 leveled spells which are not on the Wizard spell list. How do we acquire as many of those spells as we possibly can?
First things first, we need them to be added to the Wizard spell list. We are specifically hunting for wordage such as “They count as Wizard spells for you” or “Are added to your class’s spell list.” We are hunting for ways to make non-Wizard spells into Wizard spells so we can have the most complete spellbook in the multiverse. Thus, things like multiclassing and spellcasting feats don't help us. Let’s look at some of the methods available to us.
Method 1: Dragonmarks
If we select a Dragonmarked race during character creation, we can gain access to nine spells. The text explicitly states that they are added to our spell list, so they can be added to the book for free on level up or via learning them from some other source, such as a scroll. The question is: which Dragonmark gives us the most spells that we don’t already get?
As it turns out, two of the Dragonmarks would give us 9 spells which aren’t on the Wizard list. The Mark of Handling gives us primarily Druid/Ranger spells, with some Cleric mixed in. The Mark of Healing gives us a bunch of Cleric/Paladin spells. Which one should you pick? Can’t decide yet. There’s math to be done.
Method 2: Guilds of Ravnica
If we take one of these bad boys as our background, we gain some spells. The amount is actually inconsistent from Guild to Guild, which is a bit frustrating. Regardless, we stand to gain the most from the Selesnya background, which gives us mostly Druid/Ranger spells. 10 unique leveled spells, plus Druidcraft as an added bonus. In conjunction with the Dragonmarks, the most optimal decision is to take the Mark of Healing and the Selesnya Guild. If we combine these two, we get 18 unique spells added to our Wizard spell list. Only one such spell is on both lists, that being Aura of Life, so this is pretty tough to beat. That’s 348 spells in the book. That’s a huge number. Let’s push it a little more.
Method 3: Tasha’s Magic Items
There are several magic items which can serve as spellbooks listed in Tasha’s Cauldron of Everything. These books specifically say that they contain a number of spells inside, which count as wizard spells for you while you’re attuned to the book. There are, unfortunately, very few non-wizard spells in these books. But any number counts. You can attune to the book, transcribe the spell, and then leave the book in a ditch. Though it states you have to be attuned to the book for them to count as Wizard spells, that doesn’t matter for us. We don’t need to be able to prepare the spells. We just want them in the book. Thus, here’s what we can add:
Enthrall from the Heart Weaver’s Primer
Find the Path from the Astromancy Archive
Word of Recall from the Atlas of Endless Horizons
I think that’s all of them, though it’s possible I’ve missed some. Of course, even past these three, getting one of these books is a massive boon to a character like this, as they can use it to gain a lot of spells really fast, and for really cheap considering that they become prepared.
Now, we have 351 spells in our spellbook. It’s at this time that we have to consult the dark arts of acquiring spells.
Method 4: Another look at Dragonmarks
Ok, so what if a Wizard NPC or PC who took a different Ravnica background than yours gave you their spellbook to transcribe spells from? No dice. The backgrounds specifically state that their unique spells are added to the Wizard spell list for them and them alone. Thus, you can’t add someone else’s Ravnica spells to your spell list.
But what about Dragonmarks? Let’s look at what they say:
“If you have the Spellcasting or Pact Magic class features, the spells on the Mark of (insert Dragonmark) are added to the spell list of your spellcasting class.”
There’s a reason I called this method part of the dark arts. RAI, you very clearly cannot transcribe a non-Wizard spell a Wizard got from a Dragonmark into your spellbook. But RAW? It’s iffy. Common sense says that you can’t do it, but a convincing enough player could twist this to mean otherwise. Clearly, this doesn’t specify that it only works for the person with the Dragonmark like the Ravnica backgrounds do. In addition, the Theurgy subclass (a scrapped UA class) specified that its abilities to grant non-Wizard spells only works for you. The precedent has been set that such features specify if the spells are only Wizard spells. Dragonmarks don’t specify this. Thus, they’re mine for the taking. Obviously, this comes with a lot of potential problems. The extreme of this viewpoint is that any character getting a Dragonmark makes every spell on their list a Wizard spell for every Wizard. This is obviously not how this should work. But sometimes, you have to crack a few souls to make a phylactery. If we get the DM to agree to this clearly false ruling, we can bring our spellbook up to 389 spells, if I did my math right. That’s a massive jump. But it doesn’t even really matter. It’s a super iffy ruling, and we don’t need iffy rulings. We have the dark arts.
Method 5: Ask the DM nicely
The DMG specifies an optional rule, wherein the DM can change any class’s spell list as they see fit. Just ask the DM to add every spell in the game to the Wizard spell list. Sleep with the DM. Buy the DM gifts. Agree to not interrupt the BBEG’s monologue. Do whatever it takes to get them to do this, and every spell can be yours. While we’re on this, Wildemount also says that the DM can grant Wizards the Dunamancy spells even if they don’t normally qualify for it if they so choose. So pick a different subclass. I recommend Scribes, that way your spellbook is always safe. However, you may be asking yourself: what do I do if the DM says no?
My friend, you’re a Wizard. And Wizards don’t obey mortal laws.
Method 6: Cast Wish
Simply Wish for every spell to be added to your specific spell list. If you want to be extra careful, say something like: “I wish the following spells would be added to my personal spell list:” and then list every non-Wizard spell. This is well within the bounds of Wish, in my opinion. And who cares if you can never cast Wish again? It’s in your spellbook. Nothing other than an asshole/angry DM can take it from you now. But there is one more method. It’s the darkest of dark arts.
Method 7: Just Add the Spells to your Spellbook Companion App Anyway
Who’s gonna notice?
In all seriousness, don’t do this. What worked for me was simply asking my DM about it. He had home brewed a system where I can make Arcana checks to learn spells from NPCs. In return, I won’t be casting most of the non-Wizard spells so as to not break the campaign, and also because my character thinks other casters are beneath Wizards, so why would he use worse magic? Either way, just be rational. If you want every spell in D&D, that’s a call between you and the DM. But if you want as many spells as you can get without seeking out miswordings or optional rules, the maximum I think you can put in your book is 351.
Before I end this, here’s a quick note on the Theurgy Wizard. It’s an UA subclass which lets you pick a Cleric subclass. You then get to add the domain spells of that subclass to your spellbook as Wizard spells instead of the normal ones you get on leveling up. After you get all the Domain spells you can acquire at your level, you can add any spell from the Cleric list to your spellbook instead. I’m not sure if this would give you more spells than our Dragonmarked, Selesnya, spellbook-finding Chronurge, but I suspect it might. My initial thoughts on it are to take the Healing mark still, and then get all the other Cleric spells which are otherwise impossible to get via leveling up. Not sure if it’s the best mathematical idea, as I’ve not crunched numbers on it. This would also likely involve another look at all Dragonmarks and Ravnica backgrounds to determine the optimal combo, which already took a lot of work to do for regular Wizard shenanigans. I might if demand is high enough, though.
Regardless, If I missed any potential methods, let me know in the comments and I’ll edit this post accordingly. Thank you all for reading!
submitted by UhOhIShitted to DnD [link] [comments]

2024.05.01 08:40 SytherSnake 🚨Hello Zoil🚨 I created more sub alerts for the contest! 💖 (LOOK AT THIS WHEN MY NAME COMES UP IN THE SUB ALERT COMPETITION!!)💖


1.https://youtu.be/Ruf5B1CODyc?si=DJZNyov5-Abta5to (Zoil falling)
2.https://youtu.be/4ibSJeSFkus?si=0Ab7BGAt_kDgWrNF (Caseoh low teir god)
3.https://youtu.be/TJ2IHvX3UFA?si=_GNFPehkC43tlE6C (Spinning woman) [ 5+ more subs or 10+ ✨]
4.https://youtu.be/yb4hJmfo4HI?si=2RRRKvooGcJ6Y2sX (speed holding his laugh)
5.https://youtu.be/9xaGiJMJv34?si=-cSpHpDeZMZXGGxk (Lobotomy Zoil griffin)
6.https://youtu.be/vG6wfaSeLmY?si=97iAz6oXYv7AyOij (Rime bee)
7.https://youtu.be/X5KWLVM0ewg?si=SxhFtohI85xcQwD_ (you are now subbed to Zoil!)
8.https://youtu.be/hcHa5Ct0G9A?si=D5A56bx2J82oSqqo (Yakuza dancing)
9.https://youtu.be/muQ-nE21nnU?si=LUr1lSaEK2tA0w9D (Fan Cam 📸) [maybe a rare?]
  1. https://youtu.be/JmfKrcccYL4?si=DzN4PSh9rrtlidGJ (It come with eggwuhhh)
11.https://youtu.be/ioWDzh9MWFQ?si=jq_7WFj0fAUm7dSy (Eric having a good day!)
12.https://youtu.be/PpO2gJMrLmc?si=d3jyVm4oX5VH0oMz (To all my haters)
13.https://youtu.be/kxdHCGHFNO0?si=g8a3miD0bvBMiV0C (cat eating cheeseburger)
14.https://youtu.be/Y9zS-g_fjR0?si=eWrn5r62-i3CvJxH (The level of dissrespect)
15.https://youtu.be/HZhNXU3Rhbs?si=Q7vZBR7CrXzGQwAf (You got me ok?)
16.https://youtu.be/TbmuFj2OuPI?si=36fXpUs0UnFzP_9s (Zoil's daily trauma session)
17.https://youtu.be/-sQOQQrqWEU?si=fva170mYZ2QR91O8 (Senny fan cam?)
18.https://youtu.be/hy1elJiEN-g?si=LABg94Y37n95Ai8K (CHAT WHO IS HE TALKING TO?)
(bonus) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K9OMclyTyD4 (roblox money)

Extra links:
Much love for the community 💖 & for Zoil 💖
submitted by SytherSnake to Zoil [link] [comments]

2024.04.28 03:22 OfficialChzBrgr Coyote Ugly

Coyote Ugly submitted by OfficialChzBrgr to u/OfficialChzBrgr [link] [comments]

2024.04.26 16:46 CE-Nex The Atmoran Totems: How Orkey Came to the Sky

...thus Shor sat past the eastern coasts upon the glacier of Hjalfyrakketoth, star-searching for the signs of the coming Twilight Ald was to bring again. Though he sat in the guise of his totem, with fur stained dark by the ebony veins in the cave he was born in. And behind him were nine mighty tails, casting eight shadows that rose into Totems of their own.
And the Hawk came down on crystal winds, bearing rime and frost, saying, "The western holds have been brought down into the sea, devoured by the Serpent in its mindless starvation. Something must be done."
The Whale responded by motioning towards the sky. "By your command, I shall dive deep and lace the bedrock with clouds, bringing the lands to the sky so that they may breathe again."
Tsun shook his head furiously, admonsihing his brother. "They have been washed cold in the ice water. Not even the Earth will remember itself, let alone the reflection in the Sky."
Shor nodded. "Stuhn speaks true, Totem Bear. The ripples in the Sea have warped the image. There is nothing to be gained from raising a distorted memory."
Tsun and Stuhn looked at one another in momentary confusion, but they had become glass and it was normal for them to trade seats at the Moot.
The Great Bearded Oak shook, it's leaves changing shape and color with the inflection of its words, while its roots dug deep into the inky black murk. And she said, "Then let us bind the Serpent in the Sky. There are ten tribes to the south, let three of their number bear the burden. To aid them, we shall assign three thanes to each."
Shor flattened his ears in consideration, but from the corner of his eye he saw the Owl halt his ink-wing quill and refuse to write these words in the records of the Moot. The Fox narrowed its eyes and bared its teeth with an earth-trembling growl.
The Hawk and Moth flapped their wings furiously and the She-Wolf snarled, for all three were protective of the hearth. And as one they said, "Be silent, Woodland-Man! Your stories are bereft of beginnings and ends, for authorship is the domain of Ald and he shares it with Shor alone, who in turn grants it to our children. Be content with having a watchful eye."
The Totems shifted, and from shadowed boughs crawled forth the Mother-Spider, whose eyes numbered the Secrets she had been tasked to safe-gaurd. "Not all words belong to the dead, Shor son of Shor. By right, I too will have some. For I am bed-wife to your Father down below."
Shor snorted in contempt. "Say your piece, widow of my Father-Self. But know no lies you spin will fall on earnest ears. I know what sideways words you used to lure the Son of mine Father to the Snake Mount. And there, three-fold was he struck down, until he too bore the tail-mouth tusk and stole for himself his Father's rites of hunger and cycles. This tragedy is of your making."
The Great-Spider clicked her pincers. "The Serpent has no hands, thus it brings only terror. Its phosphorescent light has no warmth, thus it radiates naught but coldness. It hungers for a warmth it can never have, so you must drown it in the cold of Ald's House of Eternity."
And Jhunal said, "To make truth out of lies is contradiction. But when the equations are made free to interpret, so too is history."
Shor shook his scaled-mane so, for he disliked logic-talk, but said to the Hawk nevertheless, "Go. Take Jhunal's writings to Ald, and let him remember something new."
And Kyne flew past the endless seas, behind the stars and the dark that held them fast, and beyond all knowings until she had reached the White Wastes which are known only to Scribes and Children. And there is writ Ald's name. Heaven's font from which he begets himself that is Eternity.
"By thine command, I have come to you, Father-Husband, to pass the runes-writings."
And the Time-Eater took them and made of them Scrolls that were inumerable and impossible. "And what boon would you ask in return, daughter-self?"
"Orkey's venom pulses now in the veins of the begotten. I ask you spare the children, beloved Father."
Eternity's Eye fell upon Kyne. "All beginnings have an ending, so I have ordained. Orkey can do naught else for that is how We made him. The children shall be transient guests in the House of We. But I shall tie Orkey into knots and I shall task you to guide the departed across the scaled-paths."
Kyne frowned, for she was not fond of Shor's love of things circular. "That is not Freedom, Father-Beloved. Cycle anon cycle, a kaleidescope back to your blessed name. A Prison."
"Nay, but a thing greater. And I have named it hope."
Alduin said no more, reaching into the center instead. And his hand was the firmament, the Heavens and the Earths, and he grabbed the Serpent and drowned him smiling in the depths of ancient memory.
And Shor looked upon the Serpent constellation and said, "As above, so below."
submitted by CE-Nex to teslore [link] [comments]

2024.04.25 23:29 UraniumFever29 A ballad of bad luck, PvP and questionable decisions

The usual Stuff: English is not my first language, first post, long time lurker, tl;dr below, you know the drill. This is the tragic (and pretty long) story of a campaign that started with problems, then completely derailed several times and finally ended with a burning wreck. The whole thing happened about 7 years ago and most of the group were relatively new to the hobby and relatively young (16-19). The story took place in a self-written set of rules, which later worked quite well, but still had some problems at the time. Fortunately, most of the drama was limited to in-game stuff, but it was still quite the journey.
The extensive cast: - Gold, our DM. Still quite inexperienced at the time, but has my massive respect for how he somehow kept this adventure on course for quite a long time despite all the disasters. - Uranium (me), creator of the rulebook. Initially played a mad scientist serving a sinister sea deity in this round. I wouldn't blame myself for some of the events to come, but I definitely wasn't innocent either. So, That Guy. - Mercury, initially played my Doctor's rather dim but extremely battle-hardened Henchman. A bit to enthusiastic about killing other player characters at the time. That Guy. - Helium, played a very very edgy necromancer. Had a pretty strong tendency to overestimate himself. His character was the partner of Silver's character. That Guy. - Arsenic, played a druid for a short time, but then switched to an evil paladin who belonged to the same deity as my doctor. Had amazingly good dice at important moments, but strangely would avoid to roll them openly at any cost. That Guy. - Silver, played an elven archer. His character was the necromancer's partner. - Iron, played a dwarven warrior who became the party leader. Apparently his dice luck was stolen by Arsenic. - Copper, played a Naga necromancer on a secret mission for her order. Not the best secret agent.
Prologue - The stage Gold has the adventure loosely based on the Icewinddale trilogy, but ported to our homebrew world and with a few changes. In an icy region, an evil wizard was up to mischief, and there was also a conflict between barbarians and a group of fanatical inquisitors.
The game was played online via Discord. However, dice rolls were initially made with real dice without a cam, so you couldn't see the rolls of other players. Also, only the players who were currently in the scene with their characters were present in the voice channel.
The group met up on the journey through the icy wasteland, with each character having their own goals and some of us working for competing organizations. Arsenic joined the group later. The first section of this story is mainly characterized by our edgy necromancer.

Act 1 - The somewhat inglorious death of the Chosen One The Necromancer of Helium had an... “interesting” backstory. Born to simple farmers, one day his village was attacked by necromancers. His parents were tortured and killed in front of him, which the youngster naturally took as proof of their weakness and joined the necromancers. It also turned out that he had enormous magical potential and was chosen by a prophecy to one day rule the whole world!
In the end, however, he fell madly in love with a prisoner of his necromancer family, the elf of Silver. As a result, he not only destroyed the other necromancers himself to save her, but also an elite squad of the Inquisition. To put this in perspective, this is roughly equivalent to a level 1 wizard in D&D single-handedly crushing a few liches and then two dozen level 10 paladins.
The main problem was that his Necromancer behaved as if he was the Chosen One with unlimited power, even within the adventure. Unfortunately, the reality was somewhat different. The rules allowed a great deal of freedom when creating characters. Helium took advantage of this and gave his necromancer extremely high values in intelligence, magic and charisma.
In theory, this allowed him to cast very powerful spells at the start - but he had very few points left at character creation. Therefore, although he had the potential to cast powerful spells, he only knew two very simple spells, a spell to torture defenseless targets and a healing spell. The second and even bigger problem was his HP.
In this rulebook, characters had 70 HP by default. Tanks could start at 90-100, but you could also spare some HP and go to 60-50 if you were brave. Helium, however, had so ruthlessly maxed his stats that greater sacrifices were necessary. And so he started with 30 HP. Without wearing any armor. And the only weapon he used was a short sword.
The first encounter consisted of a fight against two mountain trolls, who were pretty strong opponents for this level. Even a character with normal HP had the potential to be at least knocked out in one hit. Fortunately, I had a secret biological weapon at my disposal: my trusty Henchmen. He had its stats distributed in such a way that he was perfect for fighting and doing physical work. My character, who was basically a kind of tank mage, took care of the rest.
The Henchmen was so strong that he defeated one of the two mountain trolls on his own. However, Helium couldn't let that stand, as his character was the mighty Chosen One and therefore threw himself into close combat against the second troll. Iron's dwarf warrior tried to support him, but unfortunately he slipped on the snow due to a crit fail and managed to inflict more damage on himself than any of us took from the troll.
The necromancer did no damage at all, but fortunately wasn't hit either, before the second troll was quickly reduced to rubble by the Focus Fire of the rest of the group.
So the journey continued, and just before the next town we decided to rest for the night in a cave. Here Helium had a wonderful idea: he wanted to get Henchmen drunk and gave him a strong drink. Now that Henchmen was even more animalistic than before, the necromancer tried to train him as a kind of dancing bear. Henchmen refused this service, so the necromancer did the only logical thing: he used his torture spell on him. This didn't have much effect, except that it made Henchmen angry and he threw a stone at the necromancer.
It was a critical hit. The high strength of the Henchmen resulted in a damage of 45. Including armor, this would have been painful for a normal character, but not too serious. For the necromancer without armor and with 30 maximum HP, this meant instant death.
Gold tried to save the day and the necromancer was merely knocked out. But it didn't matter, because Helium said this was “bullshit” and left the round on the spot without ever returning. Silver might have had reason to turn against us in terms of RP, but he was a grown-up and mainly let his archer mourn her lover, so there was no further PvP. For the time being.
Unfortunately, after this speed run to death was over, things really got going. In the next round, Arsenic joined our group and this was the moment when the real horror began.

Act 2 - Arson, shit on the doorstep and another character death When we arrived in the city, we met Arsenic's first character, a pyromaniac druid. His first act was to set fire to a passenger ship just leaving the harbor. Not that there were any of his enemies on this ship, he just set it on fire to see what would happen. Likeable guy.
Unfortunately, the character was too boring for him. So in the very next round he switched to a paladin of the same god that my evil scientist served. However, this had the unfortunate consequence that Gold had actually planned a whole not unimportant druid subplot, which was now simply awkwardly there, but to which none of our characters had a relationship anymore.
The town was quickly attacked by a horde of undead. Our dwarven warrior led us into battle and fought a duel with an undead sabre-toothed tiger. Unfortunately, a critical failure during the attack caused him to sink his own axe into his leg in the very first round of battle. This not only caused a lot of damage, but also left him unable to move. Several attempts on his part to pull out the axe failed despite his high strength value because his D20 was apparently incapable of rolling more than a 5. Meanwhile, the poor dwarf was mauled by the saber-toothed tiger for several rounds, but barely survived due to his high HP.
In the end, the attack was repulsed and the dwarf was declared the leader of our expedition because of his bravery - and probably also because he was the only one of our characters who didn't seem like a psychopath. So we had our first rest in the town, where we all spent the night in a cozy tavern - and after that, things went downhill very quickly...
Arsenic's character stayed awake longer than the others, got completely drunk and robbed the innkeeper. He then defecated in front of the door to my doctor's tavern room. So the next morning, my character was in for a rather unpleasant surprise. In retrospect, however, my choice of words was not a particularly good idea: “If we catch the bastard who did this, he's going to die.” For Mercury this wish was his command and when he identified Arsenic's paladin as the culprit, he didn't hesitate for long.
My doctor began to engage the paladin in a fistfight. Meanwhile, the Henchmen jumped on the Paladin from behind and tried to strangle him with a garrote. The paladin then drew his two-handed sword and tried to cut our characters to pieces. However, he was no match for the Henchmen and was finally knocked unconscious by my doctor.
We decided to feed the paladin to three captured trolls in the marketplace. To this end, the paladin was bound, gagged and dragged to the cage. Gold's attempt to subtly appeal to diplomacy was skillfully ignored by us. The moment we opened the door, however, the paladin cast a spell that freed him. This was strange because as the author of the rulebook I was very sure that this spell required free hands, Gold was of the same opinion but Arsenic insisted that he had written the spell out and it didn't say anything about free hands. So Gold looked at the character sheet and sure enough, no mention of free hands.
So the second fight broke out, while the captured trolls escaped and ran amok in the city. Our fight ended relatively quickly due to the fact that the Paladin miraculously rolled 4 critical successes in a row and killed the Henchmen with three maximum damage hits. Amazing coincidences do happen.
While the madness was going on outside, the rest of the players were still in the tavern in another voice channel, passing the time with RP. Copper made his grand entrance here. His character was on a secret mission and knew about a number of powerful Naga artifacts hidden in the region. The Naga was supposed to secretly (!) recover them and secure them for her people. So the logical conclusion was to tell this in detail to all the other characters from other factions, while the DM was not there to intervene.
As the battle broke out outside, the rest of the group joined us. My doctor and the paladin were arrested. The naga now had the brilliant idea of how to fight the trolls: By summoning a horde of skeletons! So now trolls, skeletons and the town guard were fighting each other in the village. A short time later, we found ourselves back at the gates of the town, with the request never to return.
I decided to retire my doctor as I felt pretty bad about the situation afterwards as my action had completely derailed the session. I apologized to Gold and built a new character that was less confrontational.
After the round, we looked at the spell in the rulebook. It clearly stated that you need free hands. This passage had mysteriously disappeared from Arsenic's character sheet... when asked, he couldn't explain how this had happened.
Act 3 - A grave, a turncoat, an inquisitor and an explosive finale After the massacre in the village, the group calmed down a little for a while. Arsenic and Copper canceled most of the appointments at short notice, which is why their characters acted as NPCs most of the time. Mercury had chosen an alchemist as his new character, who could create various different potions and items. My new character was a vampire who practised a forbidden school of magic and was characterized above all by an absurdly high charisma value.
Our path led us to a tomb in which a powerful artifact was hidden, as we now knew thanks to our talkative Naga. Before that, however, we came across a horde of barbarians who worshipped the tomb as a shrine. My vampire took over the negotiations and learned that an Inquisition force had landed on the coast and was on its way here. I convinced the barbarians to let us enter the tomb to retrieve the artifact so that we could destroy the Inquisition soldiers together.
There was some fighting and puzzling in the tomb until we finally encountered a powerful undead. Since both my character and myself are cowards, I brought a strategic retreat into play, but the group disagreed. The Paladin of Arsenic had stayed behind as an NPC at the tomb entrance to stand guard. So I decided to at least alert him and made my way to the entrance. There, however, I didn't come across barbarians and the paladin, but a Grand Inquisitor and his army of elite soldiers.
I decided to change my faith and told our benevolent Grand Inquisitor that the barbarians had forced us to desecrate the tomb. In reality, of course, I was an agent of the Church, sent out on a secret mission to investigate the situation on the ground. Fortunately, the Grand Inquisitor was a good fighter, but not too bright, so he didn't realize that this was a complete lie, nor that my character was a vampire. So I became the Inquisitor's personal advisor and was separated from the rest of the group for most of the remaining time.
The group inside was able to defeat the undead. When they came out of the tomb, my character and the Grand Inquisitor had already disappeared. Not some of the lesser inquisitors, though. As Mercury's and Silver's characters had both had bad experiences with the Inquisition, they decided to launch a surprise attack, which was successful.
After the inquisitors were dead, another tomb was looted. Here the group fought a frost dragon, and Copper's naga fell to the ground. Iron's warrior dwarf tried to drag the necromancer off the battlefield, but he lost a tug-of-war with the dragon to a bad dice roll, resulting in him suddenly only holding half of the naga.
Shortly afterwards, the group was captured by the Inquisition. My vampire was able to convince the Inquisitor to spare the group. Only the Paladin of Arsenic, who was also captured, insisted on a duel against the Grand Inquisitor. However, after a new rule was introduced that throws must be made in public, he strangely canceled at short notice.
The heretical paladin was thus executed. In the meantime, however, the evil mage behind the undead had captured my now NPC doctor and had him breed an army of henchmen-troll hybrids. So it came down to an epic battle between the Inquisition and that troll army.
In the meantime, we had collected some artifacts. As a magical advisor to the Inquisition, it was now up to my character to identify them. Unfortunately, I didn't succeed with all of them, and the naga who knew more was known to have become dragon fodder. On the one hand, there was a kind of magical crystal sphere, and on the other, a shell-shaped bowl had been found on the evil paladin. So I had an idea. What would happen if you put the ball in the sphere?
Well, i found out several things: 1. the sphere only fitted into the shell very well by chance 2. the two artifacts were dedicated to different deities who absolutely disliked each other 3. the sphere was the magical equivalent of an atomic bomb
The ensuing explosion not only tore my character into several pieces, but also half the army's camp. At the same time, the released spell drove all living creatures for miles that did not pass a saving throw insane, so that the entire Inquisition army was wiped out within a few minutes.
Since my character was a vampire, he barely survived despite massive damage, but was unconscious. Iron's dwarf warrior, meanwhile, wandered the battlefield grievously wounded and decided it was time to end it. He would dispatch my vampire and himself with his axe in a final fit of insanity - but before he could do so, he failed a Constitution roll and collapsed from his wounds.
And with that, not only was the whole region presumably doomed, but the adventure ended.
Helium never played in any of our groups again.
Both I and all the other members of the group cut all ties with Arsenic after he said some very questionable things in voice chats. In addition, at some point before he said in connection with the adventure: “It's not cheating if you don't get caught.“
Copper didn't play in any of our rounds again either, but as far as I know this was mainly due to the fact that he turned to other hobbies.
The rest of the cast still play together today.
After the adventure, Mercury set himself the questionable goal of killing another player character. He tried this three more times, with his characters losing out twice. The third time he was successful. He hasn't initiated PvP since then.
I myself have not participated in any PvP since the adventure. I now only try to play characters that aren't quite as vicious or cowardly as the ones in this round. At least the vicious part I think I manage quite well.
Iron still suffers a Vietnam trauma as soon as you mention his dwarf warrior. His characters have never touched a battle axe again.
Silver is still a very good and relaxed player with great RP
Years later, Gold got the chance to try his Icewinddale dream adventure again with Rime of the Frostmaiden. This time it worked much better and it was one of the best rounds we've had so far.
We have now banned PvP from our rounds - and in memory of this adventure, I think that's for the best.
The End
How the hell do I summarize this now? Well, let's give it a try:
Tl;dr A group of characters sets out into the ice desert. Half of them die from PvP. The round is completely derailed several times. The DM somehow tries to keep the whole thing on track. In the end, OP accidentally blows up the entire party.
submitted by UraniumFever29 to rpghorrorstories [link] [comments]

2024.04.19 01:19 ikieneng Dorothy is to blame for the dynamic with Leanne

There's a huge aspect to the whole dynamic between Leanne and Dorothy that I never see getting brought up, but it's actually so important.
Leanne came to the house and took her role as an employee, and she treated Dorothy that way, like one would expect of her. She didn't even call her by her first name until Dorothy insisted that she call her Dorothy. In the same conversation (while Leanne is in her bed with Dorothy talking to her after passing out from the eel torture), Dorothy tells her "You and I are gonna be best friends! As of now!", so of course, Leanne starts treating her as her best friend. If you're an employer and you cross that line, you gotta live by your word and live with the consequences. You certainly CANNOT blame your nanny for treating you as more than just your employer after saying that.
As soon as it's not convenient to her anymore, Dorothy disregards that promise she made and comes up with a lie to send Leanne on this whole setup to get her out of the house, so she can have sex with Sean. All of a sudden, Leanne doesn't matter to her anymore at all, not just in that moment, but throughout the whole rest of season 1. You're a horrible "best friend", Dorothy. Like Leanne said, "If she wanted me out of the house, she could have just asked". Of course, Leanne feels hurt by this. Who wouldn't if their best friend suddenly doesn't care anymore?
And somehow, she tops all of that again. At the end of season 2, Leanne says "We're going to be a family now". Because that's the end of the scene, we don't actually get to hear Dorothy's and Sean's reply, but it's strongly implied that they said some form of yes, because whenever Leanne brings up that they're a family now, nobody corrects her. The prime example of this is in S3E2, after Leanne comes downstairs and sees the preparations for the gettogether. Leanne says "We're a family. We're supposed to be making these decisions together.", and Dorothy replies "Yes, you're right about that. I should have talked to you about this first. And I'm sorry. We won't go through with it if you don't feel comfortable. BUT..." - and there it is - "BUT", just saying all the rest to try and get Leanne to agree to the gettogether. Anyway, the point is that Dorothy says "Yes, you're right about that", acknowledging that they promised to be a family. Now that that's established:
People don't realize what a huge promise it is to agree to be someone's family. You can't make that promise and then not live with the consequences. Of course, Leanne then treats Dorothy as her mom. After all, they agreed to it. And the Turners meant none of it, especially Dorothy. They treat her as if nothing happened with Josephine. They treat Leanne as if she's crazy for being afraid, and they never acknowledge the reality of the situation. The most important aspect of Leanne's fear in the first half of season 3 is that her fear is justified! There are tons of people out there just waiting for the right moment to brutally murder her. But let's leave the door open. Let's have tons of strangers come into our house without vetting a single one of them. When the Asian mom at the gettogether (who doesn't get a name) literally GOES INTO LEANNE'S ROOM (even without the threat of the Church of Lesser Saints looming over their heads, if a guest who isn't even staying the night just decides to go into another part of the house at all and enters someone's room, that alone would be reason enough to throw her out immediately and tell her to never come back. "I didn't know this was your room" - then why did you go in there??) and fishes around under her bed, Julian takes her aside and acts like LEANNE is crazy for being afraid and freaking out. The Turners are living on another planet of reality entire...
There's so much more in between that I could list. The way I would talk to Leanne about this, and the way I do talk about it in my fanfic is this (when I get to writing that part. It's several episodes ahead of what I'm writing right now): "Of course! You are absolutely right to be afraid. Let's stay here until you're ready. Take your time, we do not need to rush this, and yeah, every time we go outside, that's a huge risk. Don't let them control you forever though. Don't let them take all the joys in life away from you that you can't enjoy if we stay in here forever. That's the way I see it. If and when you're ready to go outside, let's be vigilant, and let's not go outside unarmed for sure. Let's just not let them control what we can and cannot enjoy in life forever. They're not worth it. Take your time, because you're right to be afraid". Just compare that to the Turners, who don't even take her fear seriously, making it worse as a result and then blame her for it.
Dorothy's reaction to Leanne getting attacked and almost murdered is the boiling point. When she confronts Leanne about it in S3E6, she acts all concerned, but then, she TRIES TO GET RID OF HER! What a way to treat your adopted daughter after she survived an attempt on her life! And she can't even say that she wants her to leave because she knows how horrible that is, and if she said it, she'd have to admit how selfish her actions are. But no, she comes up with this whole elaborate scheme to send Leanne to a dancing school, all smiling cheerfully while she spins it like she's doing it for Leanne. That's how Dorothy decides to deal with an attempt on her daughter's life. Leanne is so hurt by this, you can see it in her eyes the entire time, and who wouldn't be? She deserves some true love and an end to all these fake promises, for fuck's sake... It honestly feels so incredibly satisfying to see her finally stand up to the way she gets treated by them when she brings back the doll. Something like this was long overdue. I would have broken much earlier if I was in her shoes.
Again and again, Dorothy makes these huge promises, which naturally changes the way Leanne treats her, and as soon as it's not convenient anymore, Dorothy stops to care. DOROTHY created this dynamic. She constantly made it that way by making these huge promises to Leanne and then blaming her for her different expectations, like being treated as a daughter instead of just a nanny. This never gets brought up in debates, which is really saying something about the way team Dorothy just doesn't see Leanne with any kind of nuance.
"I'm not your fucking mother! I'm not your friend, I am your boss! And you are just a sad and delusional girl who needs help!" - This line has me boiling. I want to punch Dorothy in the face so bad when she says this. Fuck off, Dorothy! If you see it that way, then why did YOU promise her to be her friend and her mother?? And now, you're blaming HER? YOU agreed to these things and violently shoved Leanne aside again almost immediately. YOU gave her new expectations again and again and couldn't live with the consequences because YOU never lived up to your word. And now, you have the guts to actually blame her for it all to her face, like SHE did something wrong??
Absolutely screw Dorothy. This is HER fault, NOT Leanne's.
submitted by ikieneng to teamleanne [link] [comments]

2024.04.16 23:28 weker [Online][GMT+1][5E] or [Other][M,Tu,W,F][LGBTQ+] Experienced RP focused player looking for a new (Potential + 1 Player)

[Status: Still Looking]
About Me
Hi I'm Mika, I'm a 31 year old guy (He/They) from England. I'm your general uber nerdy guy who will happily talk about the various shows, games, and other such random facts. I'd generally like to think of myself both as pretty open and empathetic, even with relatively new people I meet as being autistic I try to make sure I'm not over stepping or overlooking things.
For a few things that I like, in terms of Podcasts some of my favourites are: Dimension 20, Dungeon's & Daddies, and Three Black Halflings: Outlaws and Obelisks. For TV and Movies: Garth Marenghi's Darkplace, The Night is Short Walk on Girl, Princess Jellyfish, Swiss Army Man, and Dead Alive. In general I like a lot of absurd media that has a blend of genres, is a little odd, or does a good job of recreating old ideas in an interesting way.
TTRPG Experience
Ever since Uni I've been into TTRPGs where I started out with 3.5, then dabbled in PF1, but the hobby really exploded for me when I got into 5E and various PBTA based games. Ever since then TTRPGs have been a key hobby of mine where I'm basically always in a game if not a few be that on the DMs side or the players. Currently, I have two different groups, one that I DM and one that I don't, that have gone on for several years now though I have on occasion had 4 at once without any issue (As said, it's very much my main hobby now). While I'm not looking to start another campaign, I'm often happy if given a decent bit of notice to do one-shots and such to cover for a DM if say a DM needs a break.
I've played through Rime of the Frostmaiden, Tomb of Annihilation, got to 7th level in Empire of the Ghoul, and got a few levels into Curse of Strahd twice (I would be very interested in doing this module again however.)
Schedule & + 1 Player
I'm GMT+1/BST or simply UK time. I work from 8-5PM working from home. We have shift rotations that have me sometimes working as late as 8PM or 10PM, however I'm in a team of over a dozen people and we only need one to work these days in the week, so generally I should only work one of each of these shifts every dozen weeks, or slightly more if I get unlucky covering others for holiday.
In general, I'm looking for a session that starts at 7PM GMT+1 give or take an hour that starts either on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, or Friday. I'm rarely late or miss a session and tend to give multiple warnings if for some reason I will be missing a session, but I normally encourage others to continue without me regardless of if I'm delayed or won't be able to attend.
As noted above, I do have a friend I'd potentially like to join with. While my app is solo if the game is on Monday or Friday and there is room, if after a voice interview, I will get them to contact the DM for a voice interview as well. If you get on well with me, it'd be a surprise if you don't get on well with them as well.
Type of Game / Group I'm Looking For
Roleplay focused games are where I find the most joy, I enjoy all parts of TTRPGs and DnD in general from combat, to exploration, to even some of the number crunching just so long as it's all tied together with role-play and story. I'm very much a player who will thrive in a game where the DM will just let the session be taken up by the PCs exploring a festival and all its various activities and interactions. I by no means expect DMs that are Brennan Lee Mulligan or Matt Mercer so I don't expect every single detail written out, but a DM who can improv a bit to follow the player's interests and actions goes a long way, after all a lot of what makes those proffesional DnD groups so good isn't the DM but the whole groups ability to bounce verbally between each other.
I'm a big fan of detailed worlds, as a DM I've really come to love exploring and making use of unique stuff in settings. If you tell me that there are groups of dinosaur riding halflings, sewer dwelling kobold cults, an Order of divine good aligned necromancers, those are all the things I tend to levitate towards as I love making use of the distinctive stuff in settings.
Tonally I like a group that has a good bit of banter, not excessive to the point it interrupts the game, but I like in jokes forming, moments of levity when things have been serious for a while, but also know to keep it serious when it's in a serious moment. Groups that baulk at the idea of asking for pronouns, using consent forms, or are a bit too into quoting Space Marines from 40k likely aren't for me.
Free Games Only, no hassle to those that do just I like to feel like friends with the groups I play and founding that off money ain't for me. Mostly mentioning this since every app I've made I've been covertly PMed about paid games.
As mentioned above, I've played Curse of Strahd twice. Both times ended abruptly for various reasons but I'd adore to play it again to finally complete it. I'd happily go over what I've played so far and either promise to try avoid meta-ing it or have it be modified or shimmered around so it ends up fresh again for me as well. The potential +1 player would also adore to play it for the first time as well, as gothic is very much their thing.
Me as a Player, Warts and All
I'm a very proactive player, in part due to my experiences as a DM. When the group enters a tavern, I'll give it a few seconds to see if others jump in before jumping in to an action myself. If a player is too quiet, I might give them a nudge by having my character interact with them. If we don't have a clear quest, I will often make use of my character's drives and interests to create one. While I don't make notes I tend to have a very good memory for the sessions, with the exclusion of names, DMs using lot of named pictures for NPCs helps a lot but with session recaps I'm often one of the reliable fallback people to ask except in regard to names that haven't been hammered in yet. I try to lessen the stress on a DM when possible, since I'm all too aware of how taxing one role is compared to another. I tend to focus a lot on ensuring the whole group are having fun, so while I try play to my character I also will tend to lean things if they potentially look like they'd mess up something for another player, like if my character was a vengeance paladin that wanted to kill an evil demon but another player needed to talk to them firs for their own personal storyline, I'd try to restrain them rather than just executing them outright.
While I often talk about mechanics, my focus is often in terms of how fun it is. You won't hear me making characters that are all about doing the most damage possible, however you might hear me talking about all the various cool things a character could do while also fitting narratively. While my focus is mostly a mix of fun and narrative themes for characters, I do still care for optimization to some degree, I'll often pick feats often over ASI+ past 16 in the key stat but playing a wizard with a 12 int just isn't very fun when everything fails all the time.
I am on the autistic spectrum, so while I can go on about my various hyperfixations I keep a lid on it easily enough in session, and even then out of session it's not that bad. I can sometimes struggle to figure when to interject when I want to ask something, though this doesn't tend to lead to me interrupting so much as the occasional "Ah-" "Uhm" where I will try to say something but then instantly realize that the conversation is still continuing. I'm all for homebrew on the rules so long as it's not suddenly revealing fall damage does 4x as much damage right when I've jumped off a cliff, thinking it was 20d6 at worst. If people are debating a rule or overlook something I will often try to mention it for better or worse, though I'll always defer to the DMs call to keep the flow of a session going, maybe mentioning it afterwards to the DM if I think it's an issue. The worst I get maybe is in fights that are super intense, if I'm with players that aren't quite as versed in fights I can maybe get a bit more butting in with those pointing out missed rules thing, however in my 4 years playing with one group that's never really been pointed out as a big issue. Finally, as an experienced DM I know a lot of monsters and things in the game already, I'm good at avoiding meta-ing however I do get irked by people who go heavy-handed with it, like fucking over a Turn Undead casting by doing a weak aoe or spreading out attacks on multiple CCed targets.
My Characters
As said before, I tend to create characters that are inspired from the setting, though I have a good bunch that are designed loosely. I tend to write large backstories where I litter with various bits of potential narrative bait so most my PCs don't tend to have bland lives, this is partly because I like to give DMs a lot to work with but also create enough so I'm never to sure which Chekov gun a DM will potentially use in the plot.
My characters tend to be a bit larger than life, often with a bit of whimsy to them conceptually, though still treated seriously. So while I played a Goblin Paladin who became a paladin because he saw a few too many books and players making him idolize knights like superheroes, he was still a character that escaped hobgoblin servitude and wasn't just played for jokes 24/7. I've also played a half elf noble having a mid life crisis where he went to Chult to become a swashbuckler, in doing so while he returned to his family routes he did so by screwing over a decent part of his family, yet despite this he had a vibe that was sort of like Lord Flashheart mixed with Nigel Thornberry and he was often times one of the people leading the group, at times he was the character that'd be covered in his own blood and quip saying "Don't worry, I think I've still got half the blood inside" He was also a common character to sit down with someone on a camp watch shift and try talk someone through their problems and woes.
Almost Done
Hopefully not too much of a taxing read. As mentioned above, I'd want to have a voice call before I'm invited to any discord servers and before the session 0 as I just want to make sure the vibe is right, it can be more you asking questions or just chatting the shit.
Once I've found a game I will update the status at the top.
submitted by weker to lfg [link] [comments]

2024.04.16 23:27 weker [Online][GMT+1][5E] or [Other][M,Tu,W,F][LGBTQ+] Experienced RP focused player looking for a new (Potential + 1 Player)

[Status: Still Looking]
About Me
Hi I'm Mika, I'm a 31 year old guy (He/They) from England. I'm your general uber nerdy guy who will happily talk about the various shows, games, and other such random facts. I'd generally like to think of myself both as pretty open and empathetic, even with relatively new people I meet as being autistic I try to make sure I'm not over stepping or overlooking things.
For a few things that I like, in terms of Podcasts some of my favourites are: Dimension 20, Dungeon's & Daddies, and Three Black Halflings: Outlaws and Obelisks. For TV and Movies: Garth Marenghi's Darkplace, The Night is Short Walk on Girl, Princess Jellyfish, Swiss Army Man, and Dead Alive. In general I like a lot of absurd media that has a blend of genres, is a little odd, or does a good job of recreating old ideas in an interesting way.
TTRPG Experience
Ever since Uni I've been into TTRPGs where I started out with 3.5, then dabbled in PF1, but the hobby really exploded for me when I got into 5E and various PBTA based games. Ever since then TTRPGs have been a key hobby of mine where I'm basically always in a game if not a few be that on the DMs side or the players. Currently, I have two different groups, one that I DM and one that I don't, that have gone on for several years now though I have on occasion had 4 at once without any issue (As said, it's very much my main hobby now). While I'm not looking to start another campaign, I'm often happy if given a decent bit of notice to do one-shots and such to cover for a DM if say a DM needs a break.
I've played through Rime of the Frostmaiden, Tomb of Annihilation, got to 7th level in Empire of the Ghoul, and got a few levels into Curse of Strahd twice (I would be very interested in doing this module again however.)
Schedule & + 1 Player
I'm GMT+1/BST or simply UK time. I work from 8-5PM working from home. We have shift rotations that have me sometimes working as late as 8PM or 10PM, however I'm in a team of over a dozen people and we only need one to work these days in the week, so generally I should only work one of each of these shifts every dozen weeks, or slightly more if I get unlucky covering others for holiday.
In general, I'm looking for a session that starts at 7PM GMT+1 give or take an hour that starts either on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, or Friday. I'm rarely late or miss a session and tend to give multiple warnings if for some reason I will be missing a session, but I normally encourage others to continue without me regardless of if I'm delayed or won't be able to attend.
As noted above, I do have a friend I'd potentially like to join with. While my app is solo if the game is on Monday or Friday and there is room, if after a voice interview, I will get them to contact the DM for a voice interview as well. If you get on well with me, it'd be a surprise if you don't get on well with them as well.
Type of Game / Group I'm Looking For
Roleplay focused games are where I find the most joy, I enjoy all parts of TTRPGs and DnD in general from combat, to exploration, to even some of the number crunching just so long as it's all tied together with role-play and story. I'm very much a player who will thrive in a game where the DM will just let the session be taken up by the PCs exploring a festival and all its various activities and interactions. I by no means expect DMs that are Brennan Lee Mulligan or Matt Mercer so I don't expect every single detail written out, but a DM who can improv a bit to follow the player's interests and actions goes a long way, after all a lot of what makes those proffesional DnD groups so good isn't the DM but the whole groups ability to bounce verbally between each other.
I'm a big fan of detailed worlds, as a DM I've really come to love exploring and making use of unique stuff in settings. If you tell me that there are groups of dinosaur riding halflings, sewer dwelling kobold cults, an Order of divine good aligned necromancers, those are all the things I tend to levitate towards as I love making use of the distinctive stuff in settings.
Tonally I like a group that has a good bit of banter, not excessive to the point it interrupts the game, but I like in jokes forming, moments of levity when things have been serious for a while, but also know to keep it serious when it's in a serious moment. Groups that baulk at the idea of asking for pronouns, using consent forms, or are a bit too into quoting Space Marines from 40k likely aren't for me.
Free Games Only, no hassle to those that do just I like to feel like friends with the groups I play and founding that off money ain't for me. Mostly mentioning this since every app I've made I've been covertly PMed about paid games.
As mentioned above, I've played Curse of Strahd twice. Both times ended abruptly for various reasons but I'd adore to play it again to finally complete it. I'd happily go over what I've played so far and either promise to try avoid meta-ing it or have it be modified or shimmered around so it ends up fresh again for me as well. The potential +1 player would also adore to play it for the first time as well, as gothic is very much their thing.
Me as a Player, Warts and All
I'm a very proactive player, in part due to my experiences as a DM. When the group enters a tavern, I'll give it a few seconds to see if others jump in before jumping in to an action myself. If a player is too quiet, I might give them a nudge by having my character interact with them. If we don't have a clear quest, I will often make use of my character's drives and interests to create one. While I don't make notes I tend to have a very good memory for the sessions, with the exclusion of names, DMs using lot of named pictures for NPCs helps a lot but with session recaps I'm often one of the reliable fallback people to ask except in regard to names that haven't been hammered in yet. I try to lessen the stress on a DM when possible, since I'm all too aware of how taxing one role is compared to another. I tend to focus a lot on ensuring the whole group are having fun, so while I try play to my character I also will tend to lean things if they potentially look like they'd mess up something for another player, like if my character was a vengeance paladin that wanted to kill an evil demon but another player needed to talk to them firs for their own personal storyline, I'd try to restrain them rather than just executing them outright.
While I often talk about mechanics, my focus is often in terms of how fun it is. You won't hear me making characters that are all about doing the most damage possible, however you might hear me talking about all the various cool things a character could do while also fitting narratively. While my focus is mostly a mix of fun and narrative themes for characters, I do still care for optimization to some degree, I'll often pick feats often over ASI+ past 16 in the key stat but playing a wizard with a 12 int just isn't very fun when everything fails all the time.
I am on the autistic spectrum, so while I can go on about my various hyperfixations I keep a lid on it easily enough in session, and even then out of session it's not that bad. I can sometimes struggle to figure when to interject when I want to ask something, though this doesn't tend to lead to me interrupting so much as the occasional "Ah-" "Uhm" where I will try to say something but then instantly realize that the conversation is still continuing. I'm all for homebrew on the rules so long as it's not suddenly revealing fall damage does 4x as much damage right when I've jumped off a cliff, thinking it was 20d6 at worst. If people are debating a rule or overlook something I will often try to mention it for better or worse, though I'll always defer to the DMs call to keep the flow of a session going, maybe mentioning it afterwards to the DM if I think it's an issue. The worst I get maybe is in fights that are super intense, if I'm with players that aren't quite as versed in fights I can maybe get a bit more butting in with those pointing out missed rules thing, however in my 4 years playing with one group that's never really been pointed out as a big issue. Finally, as an experienced DM I know a lot of monsters and things in the game already, I'm good at avoiding meta-ing however I do get irked by people who go heavy-handed with it, like fucking over a Turn Undead casting by doing a weak aoe or spreading out attacks on multiple CCed targets.
My Characters
As said before, I tend to create characters that are inspired from the setting, though I have a good bunch that are designed loosely. I tend to write large backstories where I litter with various bits of potential narrative bait so most my PCs don't tend to have bland lives, this is partly because I like to give DMs a lot to work with but also create enough so I'm never to sure which Chekov gun a DM will potentially use in the plot.
My characters tend to be a bit larger than life, often with a bit of whimsy to them conceptually, though still treated seriously. So while I played a Goblin Paladin who became a paladin because he saw a few too many books and players making him idolize knights like superheroes, he was still a character that escaped hobgoblin servitude and wasn't just played for jokes 24/7. I've also played a half elf noble having a mid life crisis where he went to Chult to become a swashbuckler, in doing so while he returned to his family routes he did so by screwing over a decent part of his family, yet despite this he had a vibe that was sort of like Lord Flashheart mixed with Nigel Thornberry and he was often times one of the people leading the group, at times he was the character that'd be covered in his own blood and quip saying "Don't worry, I think I've still got half the blood inside" He was also a common character to sit down with someone on a camp watch shift and try talk someone through their problems and woes.
Almost Done
Hopefully not too much of a taxing read. As mentioned above, I'd want to have a voice call before I'm invited to any discord servers and before the session 0 as I just want to make sure the vibe is right, it can be more you asking questions or just chatting the shit.
Once I've found a game I will update the status at the top.
submitted by weker to LFG_Europe [link] [comments]
