Biomes tundra pitchers

Wild Bacchus(?) and Aquila(?) speculations, and praying this next FFF is the reveal

2024.05.30 21:05 THEMUFFINMAN1227 Wild Bacchus(?) and Aquila(?) speculations, and praying this next FFF is the reveal

I know these threads have been done before but I am going so crazy from not knowing what the next planet is so I need to coffer with my fellow engineers, and who doesn't love a bit of wild speculation from time to time.
EDIT: the new planet teaser dropped (yay!) so I'm going to strikethrough things that no longer seem right and italics stuff I think I got close on.
I know the names Bacchus and Aquilo are placeholders and speculation but they sound convincing and I think "jungle planet" and "ice planet" are clear enough sci-fi tropes that those also seem very convincing. Sorry seablock fans and boat lovers, I'm not putting my money on ocean planet.
So far the planets have all had a few things:
-unique landscape and worldgen that makes them seem alien.
-new "threats." so far only hints but my guess is a big lava worm on vulcanus and killer robots on fulgora (they said it was lifeless, not uninhabited). I think there's also a good chance these locals will force you to redo typical defenses, I doubt a lava worm is gong to care about flamethrower turrets. Maybe kill bots can shrug off a laser turret.
-specific high tier tech is being gated behind going to those planets to force you to adapt elsewhere if they weren't your first stop. This includes new tech that will only be revealed in the expansion such as the allusion to "tesla items" being unlocked on fulgora
-a new logistical challenge to expansion that disrupts standard blueprints i.e. no cityblocks or bus bases, at least until later in the game. For vulcanus the lava and cliffs encourage elevated trains and pipe spaghetti, For fulgora the plateaus encourage many smaller bases with their own logistics and electrical network.
-a new logistical challenge for generating power: Lightning collectors on fulgora and plenty of heat but no water on vulcanus
-two new resources: scrap and holmium from fulgora and tungsten and calcite for vulcanus.
-two new buildings that are also useful on any other planet: fulgora unlocks recycler and EM plant, vulcanus unlocks foundry and big electric miner
-new mechanics that let you skip steps to getting back into space: EM plant makes blue circuits easy and foundry makes LDS easy.
-something extra that keeps the planet from just being a mining outpost: Infinite copper and iron lava from vulcanus and infinite scrap goodies from fulgora.
I've seen plenty of people nit pick about various parts of this approach, but I think this sums up Wube's general design ethos for the expansion and I think that makes it a safe bet the last two planets will follow suit.
My predictions For Bacchus
-The unique selling point is it is a jungle planet. but I also think there's a good chance it will be the COMBAT PLANET. I think a lot of new weapons will be developed to deal with some very big bugs here, and perhaps the artillery turret will be gated behind this planet. People have been thinking the jungle might try to overgrow your base, I am betting it will be like rampant biters up in here. Maybe it will be both. World gen will probably be something like, highlands, lowlands, swamp, with one of these areas being relatively "safe" to start your base in.
-The expansion logistical challenge is going to be just cutting back the overgrowth. Maybe there will be some mechanic requiring cutting/burning it back constantly, or perhaps trees are just extra hard to cut down. You have to be careful though because attacking the forest spawns a ton of hostiles and ramps up the evolution.
-For power, the main issue is going to be managing your pollution until you can beat off any attack. Efficiency modules to the rescue. There's plenty of wood to burn and not much room for solar panels, but can your perimeter wall handle it? I bet stone will be super scarce on this planet.
-At least one of the new resources is going to be some kind of biomass thingy, which can be refined into carbon or oil products. I have no idea about a second one but I would bet that is going to be the one that goes into science. It will probably be a mineral you mine, SE's vitamelange seems a little too...fantastical for the vanilla game's tone imo.
-Likewise, one of the two new buildings is the green one from the Christmas postcard. Many people have speculated it's a super chem plant/refinery and I agree. As for the other, again, I have no idea. I think it will be at least as interesting as the recycler, so I'm hoping something more complicated than a super pumpjack. I don't think it will be a farm/greenhouse, that'd be too much of an overhaul and too many new products. At most I could imagine a machine that grows trees in a radius around itself.
-The last thing missing from rocket parts is the fuel. I think super chem plant is going to have a way to turn crude oil directly into rocket fuel or something similar to that. I would bet it also shortcuts other oil products in the same way the other super buildings do for other intermediates. I could also see a reverse cracking recipe being made available so it's easier to get water on our two, so far, very dry planets.
-Idk what they're going to do to keep you coming back to this place. it can't just be oil products because you need those in huge quantities, and what, you're going to build rockets just to ship rocket fuel? Seems unlikely when Fulgora has the oil ocean. Maybe ammo for the really good weapons is made here? Maybe this is your explosives factory? I'm sure Wube has a plan.
-My last lingering question for a jungle planet is WHERE do you get basic resources like iron, copper and stone. I just can't believe it's from a magical iron plate tree or something like that, doesn't feel like the vibe of factorio.
My predictions For Aquila:
-Unique selling point is it's an ice planet, something like Titan with oceans of liquid methane to get your oil products from. I wouldn't be surprised if these became oceans of petroleum or light oil to avoid making a new intermediate, and to require "reverse cracking". Biomes will be something like glaciers/chasms, petrol oceans and a nice flat tundra to build your starter base on.
-maybe this is where that mindflayer alien thing will show up?
-I think the logistical challenge is going to be keeping your base warm like in frostpunk. Steam and fluid temperature is already part of the game but practically nothing is done with it yet. Assemblers have inputs for fluids, so maybe if you don't have a steam pipe you get a huge penalty to your speed. I've noticed the two new super buildings also have fluid inputs, as do both electric miners. That certainly sounds like a difficult challenge of pipe spaghetti that will break up your typical late game blueprints and force you to design the factory anew.
-Power challenge is going to involve mining/processing enough ice to keep the steam banks topped off. Sure you can plop down boilers everywhere but now you've got a burner base that is very very hungry for fuel.
-New resources...mineable ice? Maybe you can mine it right out of the ground anywhere on the glacier biome? The other will be some kind of sci-fi metal or titanium or something, idk.
-No idea what new buildings could be. Some people have said it might be a supercomputer. Maybe this is the one building that intakes water as coolant and exhausts steam as a waste product. It could just be a super lab that chews through research at blinding speeds, that could be useful on any other planet. As for a second one, idk, another curveball like the recycler I hope. Someone else on the forums said it could actually be an upgrade for the rocket silo, such as a spaceport or space elevator. Also very useful on any other planet.
-As to what keeps you coming back to this planet it's probably going to be where you can easily mine/refine some of the really new lategame stuff, whatever that ends up being. It is the last planet so if Wube has anything crazy it's a fair bet here is the place to mass produce it. Super bots? Bigger trains? 4x4 turbo-inserters? Who knows what those guys are thinking.
-Again I have to wonder where the iron, copper and stone will come from. Wube has said they don't want the game to feel tedious but if it's an ice ball I'm stumped. Could be interesting if you had to get it all from asteroid mining on your space platforms. Then again, this is the lategame planet, maybe it will be a test of your rocket logistics and you just have to ship in boat loads of raw materials.
submitted by THEMUFFINMAN1227 to factorio [link] [comments]

2024.05.30 15:30 ThinkerIce What are your rotwood predictions?

My personal predictions include: 1. New NPCs: 1.1 A food vendor who maybe comes to town on certain days and sells food and tonics. 1.2 An Apothetecary who probably lets us make potions and/or elixirs 1.3 A refiner who lets us do something. 1.4 Lunn. Cook's tool. 2. A week mechanic (I got that from the strings.lua file) with specific things on different days (maybe). 3. Seed mechanic. (Also from the strings.lua file). Maybe it has random enemies spawn or different locations? 4. New locations and different names for current ones, idk I haven't played all the locations yet (Again from the strings.lua file) 4.1 A tundra location. Maybe some deer boss? 4.2 A volcano location. It's mentioned by the fella who sells us potions: "Thanks for stopping by the finest little caravan this ssside of the volcano!" so it's either something that separates parts of the world or a possib;e location. 5. More equipment stats like "LIFETIME" "The amount of time until this item is inedible." and "LUCK" "The chance of good things happening to you." Maybe it's realted to something secret? 6. New resources: tonic = "{name.konjur} Pearls"
Sources: STRINGS.LOCATIONS: bandi_swamp "A marshland whose plantlife once attracted as many alchemists as it currently does insects.\n\n{name.npc_scout} warns that a rascal with a malicious streak has staked its claim on the territory in the years since." - Probably reffering to Blisterbane bog thatcher_swamp, no description. Another swap? An unused swamp? No idea. treemon_forest "Years of {name.konjur} corruption have turned these once-peaceful woods into a gnarled den of monsters.\n\n{name.npc_scout} believes a single powerful {name.rot} is driving the overgrowth that plagues the forest." - most likely the Great Rotwood Forest owlitzer_forest "A secluded grove with a dreamlike air, cradled in the depths of the {name.treemon_forest}.\n\n{name.npc_scout} has made note of a massive nest located at its center." - Nocturne Grove, duh. sedament_tundra, no description. STRING.BIOMES: Town, forest, swamp, desert, coral, tundra, volcano, crystal FOOD_POWER_EXPLANATION = "WHEN CONSUMED, GAIN<#LIGHT_TEXT>%s:", TONIC_POWER_EXPLANATION = "WHEN YOU DRINK, GAIN<#LIGHT_TEXT>%s:", npc_scout = "Flitt", --they/them
npc\_dojo\_master = "Toot", --he/him npc\_apothecary = "Kuma", --she/her npc\_refiner = "Lottie", --she/her npc\_blacksmith = "Hamish", --he/him npc\_armorsmith = "Berna", --she/her npc\_cook = "Glorabelle", --she/her npc\_lunn = "Lunn", --he/him, glorabelle's tool 
"WRAP_EMPTY_TT = "This item doesn't have a wrap applied.\nA wrap can be fashioned to this item by an artisan.","
submitted by ThinkerIce to Rotwoodgame [link] [comments]

2024.05.30 05:55 xxTPMBTI We have Deviljho as an invading monster, same as banbaro, and it have revealed that we will have tundra biome and an elder dragon, Velkhana is invading elder dragon who appears in tundra, will we have whole map as 10+players velkhana siege?

It isn't siege, I am foreigner, sorry, but it's whole area so I might say.
submitted by xxTPMBTI to MHNowGame [link] [comments]

2024.05.30 04:42 Accurate-Broccoli-77 Earth: A Comprehensive Encyclopedia

Earth: A Comprehensive Encyclopedia
Sol Solar System
Earth, the third planet from the Sun in the Sol Solar System, is a terrestrial world that serves as the cradle of human civilization and a hub for various intergalactic nations. As a member of the Orion-Cygnus Arm Galactic Sector and the Sol Regional Cluster, Earth plays a crucial role in the Intergalactic Federation. This comprehensive encyclopedia article provides an in-depth exploration of Earth's geographical layout, biosphere, sentient species, technology, and history.

Geographical Layout

Earth Map
Earth's surface is dominated by the supercontinent UniTerra, formed in the aftermath of cataclysmic environmental upheavals in the 2800s. UniTerra is encircled by four major oceans - the Northern, Eastern, Southern, and Western Oceans - and is characterized by diverse landscapes including towering mountain ranges like the Dac'rima Mountains, lush rainforests such as the Kouko Vallis Rainforest, vast grasslands like the Canidae Grasslands, and the rugged Cyggel Peninsula.
Other significant landmasses include the large subcontinent island of Tungol in the southwest, home to human holdouts maintaining traditional lifestyles, and numerous archipelagos like the Mereswijn Islands associated with Cetacean cities and the Nautilus Archipelago home to Cephalopod settlements. The polar regions contain the ice-covered landmasses of Arcturia in the north and Antarkos in the south.
UniTerra is divided into several distinct regions, each with unique characteristics:
  • The Heartland Region in the center is the political, economic and cultural core. It includes major Lumen-dominated nations like Concordia and Promethea.
  • The Orion Region along the eastern coast is a maritime trade and commerce hub.
  • The western Zephyrus Region is a center of industry, technology and innovation.
  • The northern Boreas Region is known for its rugged wilderness and natural resources.
  • The diverse southern Austral Region is a hub of agriculture, mining, culture and art.


Kouko Vallis Rainforests
Earth's biosphere has flourished in the era of Lumen stewardship, with carefully managed climates and reintroduced species leading to dramatically enlarged flora and fauna compared to the modern human era. Many plants have attained near-immortal lifespans, with bushes, ferns and fungi commonly reaching 10-20 feet tall and trees growing thousands of feet high.
Animals have also grown much larger, resembling the megafauna of Earth's ice ages, with most species exceeding 10 feet in height. Stable environments and abundant food have made the animals more docile in temperament. Domesticated crops and livestock are incredibly nutritious, flavorful and fast-growing.
Earth hosts an incredible diversity of biomes, each with distinctive ecosystems:
  • Tropical Rainforests like the Kouko Vallis are hubs of biodiversity with towering Gigantum Arborae trees, Melodica Symbiotica flowers, and fauna like Harmony Sprites and Titan Chimeras.
  • Temperate Forests feature deciduous Florae Terrascale trees and fauna like Cynogigas Scavacius.
  • Grasslands like the Canidae are vast open habitats for many species.
  • Deserts like the Arenae Vastitas are harsh but host specialized life like Succulentus Gigantus and Lacerta Sabulosus.
  • Tundra like the Frigidus Planitiae have low-growing vegetation and cold-adapted species like Ursus Glacialis and Cryophila Muscosa.
  • Aquatic Ecosystems in the oceans support rich marine life, especially around the coral reefs and kelp forests near the Cetacean and Cephalopod cities.

Sentient Species

Earth is home to a diverse array of sentient species that have evolved rapidly since the 4280 era, aided by Lumen biotechnology and genetic manipulation:
  • Lumens are the most advanced, having evolved from humans around 7800. About 100,000 Lumens remain on Earth, mostly in the cities of Calloo, Ge and Tellus, overseeing the development of other species.
  • Canines have a civilization in the southwest grasslands culturally and technologically akin to 19th century humans. They are territorial and loyal to their packs.
  • Felines inhabit the Cycgel Peninsula on the eastern coast, with a culture valuing class and ritual, and an economic relationship with Cephalopods.
  • Primates live in the northern Kouko Vallis rainforests and have developed to a 20th century human level through close contact with Lumens, adopting clothing and some technology.
  • Swine are nomadic foraging tribes culturally similar to 19th century humans, famous for their secret underground cavern complex pilgrimages.
  • Cephalopods have advanced to 22nd century human-equivalent technology with undersea cities, spacecraft, and a complex spying/trade relationship with Lumens and Felines.
  • Cetaceans have three large undersea city networks and have attained 21st century human-equivalent culture and technology.
Aside from Lumens, the populations of these species number in the millions. The 10,000 or so humans who refuse to evolve live in isolation on Tungol Island. All the sentient species are represented through an Earth Council established in 23,697 to coordinate planetary affairs.

Technology and Infrastructure

Under Lumen stewardship, Earth's technology and infrastructure has been engineered to be sustainable and harmoniously integrated with nature. The climate and weather are carefully regulated through Lumen geocontrol systems. Cities and transit networks are built with organic architecture and clean energy to minimize eco-footprints. Past industrial areas have been reclaimed by wilderness.
Despite appearing indistinguishable from nature, the planet is embedded with advanced Lumen technology providing the inhabitants with functionalities like photosynthetic energy absorption, seismic stabilization, and circumnavigation of pollutants. Lumen tech also accelerates the growth and enrichment of the biosphere.

History and Evolution

Earth has undergone dramatic transformations, from the cataclysmic events of 2878 that reshaped the continents, to the emergence of Lumens and other sentient species, and the establishment of a sustainable eco-techno civilization:
  • 2878: Global cataclysms reshape Earth's surface into the UniTerra supercontinent.
  • 4280: Lumen biotech and genetic manipulation accelerates the development of the Canines, Felines, Primates, Swine, Cephalopods and Cetaceans species and cultures.
  • 6,000: Humans establish the first off-world colony on Mars.
  • 7,800: Lumens emerge as an advanced evolution of humans.
  • 23,697: The Earth Council is formed with representation from all the sentient species.
  • 28,000: Lumen galactic colonization reduces their Earth population to 100,000 mainly overseeing Earth as a sanctuary for the development of the other sentient species.
Chrono-Biogenesis Project


Once the homeworld of human civilization, Earth has been dramatically transformed into a carefully engineered sanctuary for diverse sentient species and a model of sustainable symbiosis between advanced technology and nature. Governed by a representative Earth Council under the guiding stewardship of Lumens, the myriad species inhabiting the supercontinent of UniTerra and its seas are embarking on their own cultural and technological journeys. As a shining jewel of the galaxy, Earth stands as an inspiring example of the heights life and civilization can reach through the power of unity, foresight, and respect for the natural cosmos.
© Kyle Barrett 2024. All rights reserved.
submitted by Accurate-Broccoli-77 to LumenUniverse [link] [comments]

2024.05.28 19:39 Thewanderingmage357 Human adaptability to Hostile environs?

Short Version:
I'm worldbuilding for DnD and I'm looking for resources. What's a cool way humans have survived in hostile places as a society? Bigger than familial and tribal, prefer long-standing ethnic groups or cultures. As many sources for this info as you can think of. Looking for these environments mostly, but other sources are welcome as I might use them later:
Mountains (oxygen-thin levels of mountains, lack of arable soil),
Deserts (not taiga or tundra, traditional hot-in-the-day desert),
Wetlands (level of wet=mostly impassable to large groups, difficult to navigate without water vehicles like rowboats or better),
tropical rainforests, mountainous jungle regions, etc. (tbh, I'm sure there are other, better examples out there, but the best adaptation I know of this is remnants of steppe farming in machu picchu. I'm sure there are better.)
Canyons, chasms, etc. (I'm aware of the Navajo settlement remains in the grand canyon, but haven't found much outside of that)
Any sources you have come across like this? Any directions to cool research rabbit holes I can jump down?
Longer explanation:
Yes, I've been googling for 3 hours to find a starting point of reference that gets me where I need to go. No, I haven't found what I'm looking for. Most are way too general for what I'm looking for or so small and specific that they can only support small tribal groups or populations in total under 1000. I'm worldbuilding for fantasy and making a desert within an area between mountains (hence the desert, rainshadow and all) akin to a subcontinent shaped like a caldera between the mountains (yes, historical and geothermic reasons, etc). There are a few passages out of the desert through the mountain ranges that converge here, forming trade routes and the main roads to the outskirts of their area. The biomes on the other side of these mountains are mostly hostile in the opposite ways, either overgrown with vegetation tropical-rainforest style, or shadowed valleys as though when the mountains rose the land around them fell, etc., canyons and fissures in the earth, possibly a patch of active volcanoes somewhere around here, etc.
So, I'm worldbuilding, and I'm trying to figure out technological and cultural adaptations within moderate to large societies that develop in natural settings that are above average difficulty to survive in and adapt to. Societies that were built and continued to exist for a significant amount of time (let's set a benchmark minimum of a handful of centuries, longer is good too). Stuff about historical or even recent societies with a standard level of tech that can safely be said to be pre-industrial. Bear in mind, I'm including in 'technology" things like clothes, weapons, potable water collection and storage, basic shelter construction adapted to the environment. Technically a knife or flint spear is technology. So is an aqueduct. So is a fire pit. These exist not in nature, but because we have shaped nature to our purposes. Thus, tech.
Part of the results of this will determine what other humanoid species hedge out humans in this area, what competition occurs, and what adaptations emerge as part of my worldbuilding. Thanks!
submitted by Thewanderingmage357 to worldbuilding [link] [comments]

2024.05.28 01:26 RedFlame096 Fishing

When your fishing and you get the tundra surface fish quest, can you catch that fish in a hallowed tundra biome? Because the only tundra i have is 100% hallow.
submitted by RedFlame096 to Terraria [link] [comments]

2024.05.27 06:12 DerF5Tiger Snowy Forest + Tundra

Snowy Forest + Tundra
Found a huge cave and the Snowy Tundra and the biome where Ashen Wolves spawn. 8463359258207997216
submitted by DerF5Tiger to minecraftseeds [link] [comments]

2024.05.25 18:55 YzrtSushi anyone take apes makeup this week?

if so what did u put for the frq what is this biome and it was north, North America. I was between taiga and tundra went with taiga
And what did u put for the last 2 points in the 3rd frq (math section)?
any other questions comment below I can say what i put
submitted by YzrtSushi to APStudents [link] [comments]

2024.05.25 15:14 Quinnmoran What I think needs to change (objectively)

I think that we need to go back in time a bit. I don’t like having to unlock the nether. We should use the older biome setup, where everything is unlocked: plains, desert, tundra, cave, nether, mesa, jungle, ocean, moon, mars, volcano, twilight forest, end (in that order). Also, why is volcano now called lava fields? Change that back as well. Keep the deep caverns. (If this post gets 500 upvotes, I will try to convince my entire school to download PickCrafter.)
submitted by Quinnmoran to pickcrafter [link] [comments]

2024.05.24 21:49 Calm-Stress9541 [PC] [Unknown] Game about what I remember is a kangaroo escaping from different enemies on a platform

I genuinely am not sure when this came out, I played it around 2010 when I was 4 years old with my mom but if I had to estimate it'd be early 2000s.
My mom and I remember that you played as a kangaroo on a platform collecting something and that the game had 3 biomes/levels: First level a forest in which you elude what we remember being a frog; second level some tundra/frozen type area where we remember a ghost with certainty and a third level which I recall being a desert with skeletons and electricity as hazards
submitted by Calm-Stress9541 to tipofmyjoystick [link] [comments]

2024.05.24 21:39 Niegil Public Testing: Realm Rework Update #2, Fog of War Removal and more

copy pasted from discord
We have a Public Testing Session today! So go jump onto the Testing Servers and check out some of our changes and a new feature.
You can find the changes to the Realm Rework Open Beta in the ⁠realm-rework-info Channel. Additionally, you can open the shop in-game to check out the new "Voucher Code" System. Just use one of the following codes and check if you receive the items in your giftchest.
Voucher 1 - Code: 123HH5
Voucher 2 - Code: 1CD8A7 (250 Gold)
Voucher 3 - Code: BC37GB (Battle Pass)
As part of the ongoing tests on Fog of War removal, we are going to roll out the extended view distance to all areas of the game. This includes:
Nexus Daily Quest Room Bazaar Vault Realm Dungeons 
There is also a toggle in the options to turn yourself back to classic view distance if you do encounter any problems caused by the new system.
A Few Dungeons have Upcoming Event activated & the portals are present in Nexus.
Realm Rework Changes:
  • Animations were added for locked beacons and an animation for when their beacon guardian is defeated
  • Fixed error that would occur near the "X marks the Treasure" setpiece
  • Fixed problem where Coral Reef enemies and objects would spawn in the sprite forest instead of Sprite enemies.
  • Sentient monolith changes:
    • targeted lasers telegraph for a bit longer
    • there is now a few second delay between attack changes
    • there is a longer delay between meteors
    • reduced visual clutter of rune trails
    • rage phase now has a delay before protectors start shooting
    • reduced number of protector minions
    • reduced spawn rate of protectors
    • protectors now do 'contact damage' rather than leaving lingering bullets
    • increased inactive period of siphons if you disable them
    • reduced how frequently siphons shoot
    • siphons can now drop loot when the encounter is over
    • reduced hp of siphons and protectors
    • removed hp scaling from protectors and reduced hp scaling for siphons
    • when armored siphon is active it will spawn a giga protector that guides the small protectors, otherwise when inactive the small protectors no longer intrude the inner arena
    • reduced bullet density of rage phase
    • monolith rage laser is now telegraphed at the start
    • no new protectors are spawned in the rage phase
    • protectors should now be properly killable in rage phase
  • Fixed Sanguine Blade not having an XP bonus
  • Added a class bias to all O2 tiered drops.
  • EncounteSetpiece have had their lootables, BXP, and XP updated.
  • Updated Cloak of the Deeps Tooltip to properly reflect what it does (50mp drain/sec rather than 25)
  • Improved drop chances of dungeons across Adept and Veteran biomes
  • Fix for the engraving boost mod only working for Kogbold Steamworks
  • Skeletal Centipede body segments are now paralyzed immune.
  • Balance changes to Bloodroot Heart :
    • reduced initial speed of blood wave projectiles
    • reduced frequency of blood waves during the immune response phase
    • increased cooldown between respawning white blood cell minions
    • reduced hp scaling of white blood cells
    • reduced general bullet density
  • Carp emperor should now properly have a chance to spawn when fishing.
  • Removed ability for Biome UTs to be placed in the Pet Saddle Bag.
  • Encounters should now properly spawn in the City biome.
  • Replaced placeholder art on many encounters and setpieces
  • Corsair Crab should now properly spawn in the Deep Sea biome
  • Fixed biome UTs being able to show up for dismantle in the ST forge
  • Fractal blades now require an item from Fungal / Crystal to be able to be forged.
  • Mysterious Crystal can now spawn in the new realm
  • Candy Gnome can now spawn in the new realm
  • Projectiles updated for all adept and veteran enemies for better visual contrast against the ground the enemy spawns in.
  • All Setpieces respawn after sometime
  • Updated Runic Tundra and Carboniferous beacon guardians fight and loot.
Misc bug Fixes and QoL
  • Jagged Hatchet now can be used for forging ST weapons
  • Hallways art fixed in 3D, Pcave, and DDocks
  • Tomb of the Ancients now only requires 3 sarcs to be killed to activate the bosses
  • Treasure sarcs can drop greater pots (the actuals sarc not the jars)
  • Normal sarcs have a small chance of dropping life pots
  • Hivemind Mace can now additionally drop from KBQ.
  • Reduced HP of enemies in the Third Dimension and Ocean Trench.
  • Reduced spawn rate of Deep Sea Beast in the Ocean Trench boss fight
  • Fixed teleporting issue in The Shatters
submitted by Niegil to RotMG [link] [comments]

2024.05.24 09:13 Ok-Kick-8876 Since we hadn't had a real new title in 16 years, I've got an idea.

What if we had a Burnout Roguelike?

At its core, it is one long rage mode game. Of course, you'd add many roguelike elements to it, making a roguelike racing game (probably the first of its kind.) As with many other roguelike games, you will have many locations/biomes to travel to as you progress to different levels. It would be from LA canals, American urban interstates, rolling farmland plains, harsh tundras, mountain switchbacks, you name it. You would start with a beater old car, as you progress through the game adding permanent upgrades to your car, which would pass on to new cars you find throughout the game. Find and use powerups scattered across the maps which would temporarily boost your attributes from speed, durability, and more. At some point, you'd encounter a boss, that equals or even surpasses your power, and you would defeat it by combining your skill and power. When you die, you die for good, starting from the very beginning. You'd at least keep a few permanent upgrades, after all, it is a Roguelike.
submitted by Ok-Kick-8876 to Burnout [link] [comments]

2024.05.23 12:53 peekefoo How can I find an arctic flower?

![img](vs69m6o0o52d1 " I've been looking all over the minimap, but I still can't find him. This also happens in other regions. ")
submitted by peekefoo to soulash [link] [comments]

2024.05.23 06:37 Far-Air-183 been unable to play consistently without errors after moving my mod list to 1.5, not sure what's causing it

ive tried removing several mods (such as rocketman lol) and it hasn't fixed anything in later colonies.
i also experience an issue with pawns being stuck standing at random times when constructing/growing something
its really frustrating cause i cant find anything pointing to any specific mod, so im hoping someone might be able to help with either of these issues
Soyuz caught this error. Please don't report this to the RocketMan team unless you're certain RocketMan caused this error. with error System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
[Ref E4802E1] Duplicate stacktrace, see ref for original
UnityEngine.StackTraceUtility:ExtractStackTrace ()
(wrapper dynamic-method) MonoMod.Utils.DynamicMethodDefinition:Verse.Log.Error_Patch6 (string)
RocketMan.Logger:Debug (string,System.Exception,string)
Soyuz.Patches.Pawn_Tick_Patch:Finalizer (Verse.Pawn,System.Exception)
(wrapper dynamic-method) MonoMod.Utils.DynamicMethodDefinition:Verse.Pawn.Tick_Patch3 (Verse.Pawn)
Verse.TickList:Tick ()
(wrapper dynamic-method) MonoMod.Utils.DynamicMethodDefinition:Verse.TickManager.DoSingleTick_Patch5 (Verse.TickManager)
Verse.TickManager:TickManagerUpdate ()
(wrapper dynamic-method) MonoMod.Utils.DynamicMethodDefinition:Verse.Game.UpdatePlay_Patch5 (Verse.Game)
(wrapper dynamic-method) MonoMod.Utils.DynamicMethodDefinition:Verse.Root_Play.Update_Patch1 (Verse.Root_Play)
Vanilla Backgrounds Expanded
Character Editor
EdB Prepare Carefully
1-2-3 Personalities M1
ANDH - Animals Nuzzling Detects Horrors
Vanilla Expanded Framework
Vanilla Apparel Expanded
Vanilla Apparel Expanded — Accessories
ATH's Retexture Female Apparel
Muzzle Flash
Aerocraft Framework
Air Generator
Allies are Helpful
Allow Tool
Alpha Prefabs
Ambient Rim
Ancient Armory
Graphic Chair Overhaul 2
Hide Behind Tall Building
Vanilla Achievements Expanded
Vanilla Fishing Expanded
Vanilla Races Expanded - Android
ReGrowth: Core
Vanilla Factions Expanded - Empire
Vanilla Textures Expanded
Animal Variety Coats
Auto-Cut Blight
Automatic Night Owl
Basic Double Doors
Beautiful Outdoors
Better Gene Inheritance
Better Kibble
Better ground-penetrating scanner
Geological Landforms
Biome Transitions
Bionic icons
Blood Animations
Blood Color Genes
Vehicle Framework
Boats (Continued)
Bulk Components
Careful Raids
Carry Capacity Fixed (Continued)
Childhood Backstories
Chill the F*** Out
Vanilla Psycasts Expanded
Alpha Animals
Alpha Biomes
Vanilla Plants Expanded
Clean Textures
Colored deep resources
Conduit Deconstruct (continued)
Crop Rotation
Cuter Biotech Cat/Dog Ear Replacer
Damage Indicators [1.5]
Designator Shapes
Det's Xenotypes - Stoneborn
Diagonal Walls 2
Diverse Mechanoid War Procedure
Divine Order
Do Something for Idle
Do Your F****** Research
Dormitories (Not Barracks)
Draftable Animals
Dub's Paint Shop
Common Sense
Dubs Break Mod
Dubs Mint Menus
Dubs Performance Analyzer
Dynamic Diplomacy - Continued
Dynamic Trade Interface
Dynamic's Traits
Vanilla Furniture Expanded - Art
EGI Holograms and Projectors
EPOE 1.4/1.5 Update (Expanded Prosthetics and Organ Engineering)
Endling (Last Of Their Kind)
Enhanced Beliefs
Erin's Decorations
XML Extensions
Humanoid Alien Races
TDS Bug Fixes
TD Find Lib
Everybody Gets One
Faster Smoothing
Floors Are (Almost) Worthless
Food Poisoning Stack Fix (Continued)
Fortifications - Neolithic
Full Gun Sell Price
Get Out Of My Chair!
Gideon's Quality Surgeon Reborn
Glowing eyes genes
Go Explore!
Go the Fork to Sleep
Gradient Hair
GradientHair invisible bald pawns fix
Graphics Settings+
Grazing Lands
Guards For Me
Hard Times: Hair and Beards
Hardworking animals 1.5 - Forked
Vanilla Furniture Expanded
Hospitality: Casino
Cash Register
Hospitality: Storefront
Hospitality: Vending machines
I Clearly Have Enough! (Continued)
Inspired Conversion
Integrated Creep Joiners
Integrated Genes
Interaction Bubbles
Just Put It Over There
Keep Bed Ownership
Keep Mortars Ready
Vanilla Furniture Expanded - Architect
Layered Wall Destruction
Level Up!
Machines of War
Vanilla Skills Expanded
Mad Skills
Make sterile tile beautiful again
Engine Industries
Mechanization - MobileWorker
Performance Optimizer
Melee Animation
Modded Weapon Sound Replacement
Monoblock Chair
More Sculpture
More Vanilla Biomes
Nightmare Core
Mushrooms is ok
My Little Planet
Natural Paths
No One Left Behind
No Sleep Disturbed
Non-Flammable Metal (1.0-1.5)
Not My Fault
Not Overhead Meal
VGP Vegetable Garden
Vanilla Animals Expanded — Endangered
Vanilla Brewing Expanded
Vanilla Weapons Expanded
Vanilla Weapons Expanded - Laser
Vanilla Factions Expanded - Pirates
Not a Weapon
OverflowingFlowers - English Translation
Parka Retexture
Peer Pressure
Pharmacist Temporary 1.5 Update
Prepare Procedurally
Priority Treatment Ressurected
Vanilla Furniture Expanded - Security
Projectile Bullet Retexture
Quality Colors 1.5 - Forked
RPG Style Inventory Revamped
RT Fuse
Range Finder
ReGrowth: Arid
ReGrowth: Boreal
ReGrowth: ReTextures
ReGrowth: Swamp
ReGrowth: Temperate
ReGrowth: Tropical
ReGrowth: Tundra
ReSplice: Core
Realistic Planets Continued
Realistic Rooms Rewritten
Reasonable Components 1.5
Recipe icons (Continued)
Relations Tab
Replace Stuff
RimNauts 2
RimPy Mod Manager Database
RimThunder - Mobile Infantry
RimTraits - General Traits
RimTraits - Medieval Talents
Rimsenal - Core
Rimsenal - Security Pack
Rimsenal - Storytellers Pack
Rimsenal - Hair pack
Rimsenal Hair Retextured
Rimsenal Style Pack - Murica
Rimsenal Style Pack - Sophian
Rimsenal Style Pack - Techist
Rimsenal Style Pack - Urbworld
Romance On The Rim
Roo's Birthmarks and Blemishes
Roo's HD Accessory Hairstyles
Roo's HD Dreadlock Hairstyles
Roo's HD Hairstyles
Roo's HD Royalty Hairstyles
SRTS Expanded
Safe Temperature
Search and Destroy (Unofficial Update)
Settlement quests
Show Mod Updates
Silk Road
Vanilla Cooking Expanded
Vanilla Furniture Expanded - Power
Vanilla Furniture Expanded - Production
Appliances Expanded
Vanilla Brewing Expanded - Coffees and Teas
Vanilla Factions Expanded - Settlers
Simple FX: Smoke
Vanilla Factions Expanded - Ancients
Vanilla Factions Expanded - Classical
Simple FX: Smoke Patches
Simple FX: Vapor
Simple sidearms
Smart Medicine
Smarter Construction
Snap Out!
Stack gap
Steve's Doors
Stored Research
The Birds and the Bees (UNOFFICIAL 1.5)
The Dead Man's Switch
The Profaned
Tilled Soil
Alpha Genes
Adaptive Storage Framework
Vanilla Furniture Expanded - Props and Decor
Vanilla Furniture Expanded - Spacer Module
Reel's Expanded Storage
RimFridge: Now with Shelves!
LWM's Deep Storage
Vanilla Factions Expanded - Mechanoids
Alpha Mechs
Vanilla Books Expanded
Vanilla Ideology Expanded - Memes and Structures
Alpha Memes
Biotech Expansion - Core
Biotech Expansion - Mythic
Rimsenal - Feral Faction Pack
Rimsenal Factions
Rimsenal Xenotype Pack - Askbarn
Vanilla Fishing Expanded - Fishing Treasures AddOn
Vanilla Races Expanded - Highmate
Vanilla Races Expanded - Hussar
Vanilla Races Expanded - Lycanthrope
Vanilla Races Expanded - Saurid
Vanilla Races Expanded - Waster
Vanilla Traits Expanded
Vanilla Vehicles Expanded
Too Many Mods - Compats and Rebalances
Trait Rarity Colors
Trait and Backstory Icons
Traits Plus
Turret Vanilla Retexture and Restyle
Ugh You Got Me
Urns Are Varied
VPE - No Tilled Soil
VRE Android Factions
Vanilla Animals Expanded
Vanilla Animals Expanded — Royal Animals
Vanilla Animals Expanded — Waste Animals
Vanilla Armour Expanded
Vanilla Backstories Expanded
Vanilla Base Generation Expanded
Vanilla Cooking Expanded - Stews
Vanilla Cooking Expanded - Sushi
Vanilla Events Expanded
Vanilla Furniture Expanded - Farming
Vanilla Genetics Expanded
Vanilla Hair Expanded
Vanilla Ideology Expanded - Dryads
Vanilla Ideology Expanded - Hats and Rags
Vanilla Ideology Expanded - Icons and Symbols
Vanilla Ideology Expanded - Relics and Artifacts
Vanilla Ideology Expanded - Splits and Schisms
Vanilla Outposts Expanded
Vanilla Outposts Expanded: Additional Outposts
Vanilla Outposts Expanded: Delivery Logistics
Vanilla Persona Weapons Expanded
Vanilla Plants Expanded - More Plants
Vanilla Plants Expanded - Mushrooms
Vanilla Plants Expanded - Succulents
Vanilla Psycasts Expanded - Hemosage
Vanilla Psycasts Expanded - Puppeteer
Vanilla Races Expanded - Custom Icons
Vanilla Races Expanded - Genie
Vanilla Races Expanded - Phytokin
Vanilla Races Expanded - Sanguophage
Vanilla Temperature Expanded
Vanilla Trading Expanded
Vanilla Vehicles Expanded - Tier 3
Vanilla Weapons Expanded - Coilguns
Vanilla Weapons Expanded - Heavy Weapons
Vanilla Weapons Expanded - Quickdraw
Vanilla Weapons Expanded - Frontier
Vanilla Weapons Expanded - Grenades
Vanilla Weapons Expanded - Makeshift
Vanilla Weapons Expanded - Non-Lethal
Vanilla Weapons Expanded - Tribal
Vehicle Framework Expanded - Classic Mechs
Visit Settlements
Wall Light
Wall light Relic
Dubs Rimatomics
Warhammer 40.000 - Core
Warhammer 40.000 - Genes
We Are United
Weapon Racks
What's That Mod
What's for sale?
[JDS] Simple Storage
Pick Up And Haul
While You're Up (with add-on for PUAH)
Won hair_women
Xeva's Rimhair
Yayo's Animation (Continued)
Yayo's Combat 3 (Continued)
[FSF] Better Camp Loot
[FSF] Filth Vanishes With Rain And Time
[RH2] Faction: Militaires Sans Frontieres
[RH2] Storyteller: Paz Peaceful
[SR]Factional War - Continued
[T] MoreFloors 1.4
RocketMan - Performance Mod
submitted by Far-Air-183 to RimWorld [link] [comments]

2024.05.23 00:37 JoelCanon [JB CM SEPT ß-5/10] Septenary 'Fundamentals Extended 1.3'

[JB CM SEPT ß-1/10] Septenary REDDIT
[JB CM SEPT ß-2/10] Septenary 'Fundamentals’ REDDIT
[JB CM SEPT ß-3/10] Septenary 'Fundamentals Extended 1.1’ REDDIT
[JB CM SEPT ß-4/10] Septenary 'Fundamentals Extended 1.2’ REDDIT
CM Septenary DRIVE
Hello and good day to all the world builders of /worldbuilding. How’s everyone been? As always I hope the answer is good. Today I’ll continue on my endeavor in sharing one of my works I call ‘Septenary.’ As the name ‘Septenary’ suggests this series involves things that are in groups of seven. As for what the significance of groups of seven might be, that is as follows.
I first got hooked on this idea of groups of sevens because seven seems to be this magic number that groups naturally form around, and in particular these groups of seven were complete and all encompassing regarding the particular subject matter they were explaining. Think of the seven deadly sins. This is a list of sins that theoretically could be able to describe any other type of sinful act or deed that could ever exist or be considered. You might have to stretch the definition a little bit but generally speaking you should be able to explain any sort of immoral actions or behaviors with the list of seven deadly sins.
So when it came to my own project that’s really what my goal in my mind was to create a list of septenaries which could all together be combined to account for everything there after. The problem is that even while I was working on this project I knew how limiting this sort of restriction was, and I’m at least somewhat self aware enough of my own work to know that it was a ludicrous idea. But still I went on because I enjoyed working on it and figured maybe I can figure some other use for all the work I’d done after I had finished it. I wouldn’t be sharing this otherwise but the mere fact that I have put so much time into this and that it’s actually 100% completed has been enough inspiration to at least share what I’ve done so far.
CM SEPT 2 Fundamentals Extended 1.3 SHEET COLOR
CM SEPT 2 Fundamentals Extended 1.3 SHEET GRAYSCALE
Today we’ll be exploring the ‘Environment’ septenary (1.3) which is the third group in the ‘Fundamentals’ septenary. This list was problematic because as I just explained, limiting yourself to a min/max of 7 entries per list is unnecessarily restrictive. While there are a lot of things that might work in a group of seven does not necessarily translate when discussing things in actual reality. This was very apparent when working on the ‘Environment’ septenary, as seemingly mother nature does not adhere to any sort of preconceived standard or convention of any sort.
So bearing all that in mind with the ‘Environment’ group I had to fudge some of the descriptions to make it work right. They are not all accurate... but ideally they are all complete and hopefully offer at least a peek into a complete view of all the environment types you could realistically think of. The goal in mind wasn’t necessarily to create a complete list of environments and geographical features that one might encounter as much as it was created as a starting point to act as inspiration for further more specific or refined ideas. There are at least a few more than just seven different environment types and features, but with a bit of artistic liberty and creativity and some mixing and matching these final seven categories were chosen for this particular septenary.
This description for this category was originally going to be ‘Space,’ but even that was too specific for what was wanted for this category. Generally speaking the term ‘space’ refers to outer space or the vacuum of space which is only one part of the cosmos. What if one were wanting to interact or engage with something further than just the empty space of the universe? For that reason ‘cosmos’ seemed like a more appropriate term for this application because it could arguably describe any sort of outer planetary or intergalactic phenomenon. You could be on a moon, or orbiting a star, floating through a nebula, or whatever type of galactic experience one might have in mind.
Taking all of that into consideration it’s then a bit of a clever move to describe the ‘Cosmos’ category with things related to lunar environments. Hypothetically if you want something to take place in space then what do you do? Well, just put them on the moon! And while that’s creating a solution for a problem that doesn’t exist, the idea of having some sort of physical environment where there otherwise would just be empty space opens up a large avenue for potential space related ventures or creations.
‘Volcanic’ as a description for this group was thrown in there just because it had nowhere else to go. Arguably though it’s a good fit because there are many moons out there that are known or speculated to have striking volcanic features. ‘Caverns’ was selected for similar reasons, only in this case it was more of a filler than it needed to be a proper description.
The decision to make ‘Cityscape’ over ‘City’ as the main description type in the ‘Environment’ septenary was an interesting one. Much like with ‘cosmos’ and ‘space’ the term ‘city’ was considered too specific. ‘Cityscape’ is much more overarching and all encompassing because it entails anything city related. This is fine because arguably ‘city’ works as a better description for biomes than it does ‘cityscape,’ because something that has cityscape features might not be a city in itself.
There are actually very few (almost exactly a few) oceanic type biomes and features. You got the ocean, coasts, and maybe islands if you’re stretching it because you could still include that in the coast description. ‘Bay’ was a description that was favored as a description for a while but was nixed because of this reason. While arguably bays are one of the more prominent oceanic features in the world there are many other types of coastal oceanic features which could all just be explained with the word ‘coast.’
‘Falls’ or ‘waterfalls’ is not really an appropriate decision for this group because you typically see waterfalls inland more than you do out in the ocean. So that one was a creative liberty because you’d have to get pretty creative to try and describe a waterfall out in the ocean. ‘Reef’ was another one of those clever moments because instead of saying ‘underwater’ as a biome/feature ‘reef’ could instead be said which would seamlessly bring the context matter underwater in a more natural setting.
This again was another particularly clever use of how these descriptions and definitions can be stretched to generally explain anything else. Say there’s another “world creator” type thing similar to what’s being presented here. Typically mountainous regions compared to tundra regions might be two separate ideas, and instead with ‘highland’ that’s able to describe both of those at the same time. One might say, “oh well why’d you include fjords and icebergs huh? Those aren’t highland features.” Well... maybe not high in altitude, but high in latitude at least it is seemingly appropriate still.
This is the first one where it could be said that ‘terra’ was not a particularly clever use of the word. Terra means land... so, y’know that pretty much describes 100% of the world that isn’t ocean. The issue when coming up with a single word to encompass everything it needed to define is that there’s a stark difference from ‘forest,’ to ‘valley’ and ‘hills,’ and to ‘rivers’ and ‘lakes.’ You might be able to find a word that would describe two or three of those but you’d be hard pressed to find a better word to describe them all than just ‘land.’
‘Arid’ was chosen as the description for this group because there were too few words available to describe desert features without actually saying ‘desert.’ Arid could arguably also be used to describe the ‘plateaus’ and ‘canyons’ features which also arguably would not be as well suited to be defined under ‘desert.’ Flats is again a particularly clever use of the word because it defines a broader spectrum of ideas than just something that’s typically attributed to deserts.
Once again this is a considerably clever use of the word (“Clever” count: 5) ‘lowland’ because to be honest I kinda just ran out of words at this point. It was a stroke of luck coming across this one because I’d still be trying to figure out a word to describe the environment type this is. This group was sort of the odd one out in the ‘Environment’ septenary, there wasn’t a real strong seventh environment type that could be designated to this spot. Eventually lowland was considered the perfect fit for this description.
{Arid} + {Lowland}
These two were problematic when considering where ‘plateaus’ and ‘canyons’ feature descriptions should go. Arid originally was ‘desert,’ and lowland was originally ‘plains.’ While plateaus and canyons are arguably features you could have in either a desert or plain that also meant giving extra definitions to one group and taking away potential descriptions from the other. Some creative liberties were taken, and the current compromise was found.
Y'know, of all the things about the work I’ve done on the ‘Septenary’ project that make me feel like a lunatic nothing has made me feel more like one than the ‘Environment’ sub-septenary. Even for myself in my private work when I might be saying, “oh but look at these septenaries and how clever they are” I always knew with the ‘Environment’ group that I was completely misguided. Still, I was determined to finish the project partly because I enjoyed it but also because I felt I had to after a certain point with all the work I put into it. Now that it’s done though I can say, “well, that was definitely one of the times of my life” and move forward with something that might actually be more applicable to what I’m trying to accomplish.
Still, I can’t help but feel the ‘Environment’ sub-septenary is a complete and all encompassing idea much like I was first describing at the beginning of this post. Even that being the case it still feels like I’m missing something... but every time I try to venture further into what I might be missing I come up with nothing. So while I always encourage people to question or critique my work I especially encourage it with this one because I dunno, am I missing something here? I’d love to know, but just please be gentle this is my first time (posting content like this).
submitted by JoelCanon to worldbuilding [link] [comments]

2024.05.22 09:57 whenuleavethestoveon Alaskan tide pool-inspired taiga exhibits

Alaskan tide pool-inspired taiga exhibits
There aren't any taiga or tundra exhibit animals in the game rn, which always frustrates me, since I love making zoos in those biomes. For some inspo on potential taiga exhibit animals, I found a great resource online covering Alaskan tide pool fauna and highlighted a few creatures that might be good matches for exhibits. Thoughts?
submitted by whenuleavethestoveon to PlanetZoo [link] [comments]

2024.05.22 07:30 Itchy-Assumption3803 Wizard with a Gun

Wizard with a Gun is Verified!![](

Better Together

Take your co-op wizardry to arcane new heights in Better Together, a free content update for Wizard with a Gun that brings, at long last, four-player co-op!
Journey to the Shatter with up to three fellow Gunmancers in your crew, choosing from four new preset difficulty levels. Or create your own custom difficulty mode, tweaking variables to make the game harder or easier. Wizard with a Gun has never been more accessible—or more challenging.
Back at the Tower, unlock the Library—a new building—to unearth fascinating lore about the Shatter, Chaos, and the many other mysteries of Wizard With a Gun’s fractured world. Rebuild the Voidskimmer sky ship with materials gathered by hunting down rare bounty enemies. Then open the doorway to the Oculus and experience the thrilling conclusion to the main story of Wizard with a Gun.
Brace yourself for a fresh, challenging experience where greater firepower brings greater rewards. So grab your posse, mount up, and get ready to battle Wizard With a Gun’s most dangerous challenges to date!

Bounty of Guns

New enemies invade the Shatter! Hunt down and dispatch these scoundrels with an expanded arsenal in Bounty of Guns, a free content expansion for Wizard with a Gun.
As you scour through the increasingly dangerous Shatter, pick up lucrative Bounties to earn special rewards. But beware, they come with increasingly difficult challenges. Your new foes move faster, hit harder, and possess special attacks. Defeat them to fulfill the Bounties, then claim your reward from the Bounty Mechana and unlock extraordinary new weapons.
An expanded arsenal of weapons awaits you in Bounty of Guns, with more than 50 new guns, including new weapon types such as a minigun, mortar, and a two-handed SMG, each with unique properties, powders, and uses. Store your newly acquired arms and show them off on Gun Mounts, a new piece of furniture for your Tower.
The Bounty of Guns update also introduces four new mini-bosses, each unique to their own biome, while Ambush Events randomly trigger as you explore the Overworld. Good luck, gunslingers. You'll need it.\_with\_a\_Gun\_\_Bounty\_Hunter\_Pack

About the Game

Wizard with a Gun is an online cooperative sandbox survival game set in a magical wilderness wrought with dangerous creatures and arcane mysteries. Embark on a journey alone or with a friend to collect, craft, and outfit your wizard however you see fit as you explore the unknown. Carefully design weapons, bullets, and furnishings for your tower home but try not to burn it all down as the magic you wield escalates beyond your control...

![]( Weapon Customization

Collect resources from the world and craft unique enchanted ammunition for your arsenal of guns. Combine elements for intended or suprising effects that alter the shot, blast radius, bullet trail, and even the status of the creature in your crosshairs

![]( Whimsical Wizards

Create a dazzling wardrobe for your magic wielder from robes and hats to armor and accessories - functional and fashionable in a way that's sure to impress.

![]( Generated Biomes

Explore and uncover new sections of the world filled with deserts, swamps, tundra, and prairies - all loosely floating together through space and time after the world was fractured. Unleash cosmic power from the safety of your tower to reset the world and emerge once again to find a new layout to once familiar lands.

![]( Adventuring

Survive alone or with a wizard friend in online cooperative play to combine resources, magic, and creativity in your tower building. Or just watch it all burn down together - the choice is yours.

![]( Gameplay

Experiment with new spell combinations and find out how they affect enemies and the world around you the hard way. Creative arrangements can lead to powerful creations that overwhelm your foes while untethered amalgamations can be a recipe for disaster!

Links:View Wizard with a GunBuy it on\_alt\_assets\_2.jpg?t=1715717604
submitted by Itchy-Assumption3803 to decknewsunofficial [link] [comments]

2024.05.22 05:57 UncomfyUnicorn If your player character was Herobrine, what would be the signs they were in the world?

Herobrine removes leaves and digs tunnels, mine would drain rivers with dams of red sand and turn any water in tundra or iceberg biomes to ice. Like you’d go to the river and dig a hole to fish and it would be ice all the way down.
submitted by UncomfyUnicorn to Minecraft2 [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 08:18 HopefulSprinkles6361 Types of Natives

I am having some trouble worldbuilding for a group of natives in my medieval fantasy setting. One of the big decisions I need to make is deciding on what kind of tribe they should be like. I am curious about the advantages of different tribes when it comes to storytelling purposes.
The situation I am trying to go with is the idea of different tribes of natives. They share the same culture but are generally fighting each other. One of the groups ends up allying themselves with a group of colonizers. Things get a little messy later when those colonists have a civil war and the rise of an organized bandit syndicate.
Outland itself is very similar to Australia in both size and climate. In the sense that it is basically a single continent with a bunch of different biomes such as jungles, desert, forests, and tundras. The colonists themselves refer to the natives as Outlanders and that is what I will be calling them from this point forward.
The Outlanders themselves don't have domesticated animals of any kind until the colonizers arrive. However, despite that I do imagine them outnumbering the colonists at least for much of the conflict. For the sake of discussion we'll assume everyone involved is human. Things will get complicated if I have to explain the races.
If it is relevant there are a few major dangers in the Outland. One of them is an animal called Krero which exist primarily in the jungles where there are massive amounts of wildlife. The Krero act like army ants about the size of dogs, swarming over an area and attacking anything they can find with overwhelming numbers. Then after eating all animals they can get for a while they will leave and setup somewhere else.
There are two types of tribes I am considering to use for the Outlanders. The first is a migratory tribe which would move around for a while and then settle for a not insignificant amount of time before moving again. The second is a more agricultural sedentary tribe that is heavily reliant on farming although they don't build great cities.
I am curious, what are some advantages and disadvantages between these two types of tribes? I am looking for some insight that may help break the tie in this decision.
submitted by HopefulSprinkles6361 to worldbuilding [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 17:41 AEDyssonance The Biome Chart for Wyrlde

TLDR: i posted some things previously about how I was developing out my biomes, and thought I would share the chart that came out of it.
So, here is the revision to the overall biomes I did, as part of the larger project of determine the number and type of larger life forms present and how they all fit into the broader ecology of Wyrlde.
The chart lists the Biomes that are present (revised from even my prior note), and organizes them according to the latitude that they exist in (or how they affect the surrounding biome, in some cases).
It then gives the Biomass for that region (which is "grams of carbon per cubic meter over a year net"), the general temperature range information, the amount of rainfall, and then, because I not only am using the world fro an active game, I also like to roll dice when writing so that I have the sense of randomness for certain things, it also includes a relatively random chance for an encounter with a "Critter" or large lifeform, as well as the chances for the storm. I use a 30 sided die for this, because I like to work in 3's, and the die is decent enough.

Biome Chart

BiomeBiomass ProductivityEncd30Avg Yearly LowMax Yearly LowAvg Yearly TempAvg Yearly HighMax Yearly HighAvg Yearly RainfallStorm D30
Frigid These biomes are always very cold, and are based in altitude or proximity to the Arctic Circle. Note that passes in Wyrlde through Mountains are often in Alpine areas.
Arctic501-20-30-15-10011 Alpine5004-40-50-30-20-10105 Taiga34023025404538754 Tundra140120-20253038102
Steppe Cold, Cool, Warm, and Hot Steppes. These are generally rough country, hilly, rocky, and windy; transitional areas.
Moor1,00095040505060502 Scrubland1,100105545586070603 Chaparral1,200106555687080603 Veldt1,300117565788090603
Grassland Cold, Cool, Warm, and Hot Grasslands. They may have small thickets or stand alone trees near riparian areas or where water is easily reached.
Heath1,500123020305060452 Prairie1,750143525506070653 Meadow1,800150-10406575854 Savanna1,6501370607580901106
Forest Cold, Cool, Warm, and Hot Wooded biomes. Wyrlde does not appear to have any temperate rainforests.
Timberland340230254045381754 Woodland1,25011423249556520012 Rainforest2,00018706070809027518 Jungle2,50021706070809032523
Wetland Cold, Cool, Warm, and Hot Wetlands.
Bog1,500125040556070704 Fen2,000185545606575756 Marsh2,500216050687590805 Swamp3,000256555738095905
Sylvan Sometimes called Mediterranean, these are areas where the weather is much kinder to the needs of people.
Arcadian1,480122525505565453 Bucolic1,750143525506070453 Idyl1,750143525506070454 Sylvan1,980184535506575455
Sheltered Small pockets where the unique terrain creates a distinct microbiome.
Glen78066050606070252 Dale96586050606070252 Vale1,327116050606070252 Cove1,480126050606070252
Riparian Where water meets the land, the biome is always different fro the area around it.
Stream1,80015-10-15-5-2+5---- Lake2,00017-10-15-5------25 Oasis1,75014-10-15-5-2+5---- Shoreline1,85015-10-15-10-5-5252
Deserts Cold, Cool, Warm, and Hot Arid regions, divided bytheir underlying nature.
Barrens201-40-50-30-20-1021 Badlands40145407010011051 Aridlands30150457595120102 Sand Sea10140357310513061
Croft Areas settled and impact by the presence of people.
Agrarian2,000-5-------5------ Range1,560-2-5-----10------ Settled650-7--+3+5+3+3---- Ruined1,100+1-5----+2+2----
Agarthan Underground Spaces
Caverns650+26555656575---- Agartha1500+3706580100110--1
Oceanic Surface and below, by general climate.
Ocean, Littoral, F5004-10-15-10-5-5252 Ocean, Littoral, C125010-10-15-5-4-4504 Ocean, Littoral, W160014-10-15+5-3-3758 Ocean, Littoral, H225018-10-15+5-2-210016 Ocean, Benthic, F5004-10-15-10-5-525-- Ocean, Benthic, C125010-10-15-5-4-450-- Ocean, Benthic, W160014-10-15+5-3-375-- Ocean, Benthic, H225018-10-15+5-2-2100--
Now, I did things this way because as I go through the animals, I am generally seeking to establish a few broad "types" of animal, and then demonstrate a bit of variation according to the latitude of the biome. What that means is that I want to have "foxes" -- so there will be a version of a fox that exists in most of the biomes, adapted to the particular biome (so I have a larger speciation profile).
That will carry over in a lot of ways, across trophic levels and throughout the foodwebs, which are also being created as a whole. For the food webs, i am going to use a variation on the larger model, with a 20 part web and 5, 7, or 9 trophic levels.
For those wondering what the hell those are, well, a foodweb is "the circle of life" -- what eats what, in a cycle. The parts are based in that, and I will have 20 creatures in each foodweb and at least three foodwebs in most biomes. The trophic level is the stuff that gives us Predators and prey, and where they sit within a foodweb -- the apex predator concept comes from that. Also, I am not an ecologist, so if an ecologist corrects me, they are probably right, but I am doing this for world and this is how it works there.
Since my world is a fantasy style one, I also have magical creatures and assorted horrible stuff out there, and this is going to help me to determine when and how they appear, as well, so that I have a stronger sense of how the ecology of the planet works, even with the disruptive influence of these problem critters.
I know it’s boring, but I just feel really good about, so thought I would share.
————— - - - Context Basis - - - —————
Wyrlde is a complex planet with a structured ecology maintained both inherently and through divine grace.
The study of this larger natural world, and in particular of the Boonies (as places beyond the settled lands are known), is of ongoing and persistent interest and importance as the scholars seek to understand the way that the world functions.
As part of the series of discussions that have been taking place, the scholar Disōnans has given her detailed accounting of her studies over the last decade, spent within the boonies and through the Empire, herein as reported to this most illustrious body, in the fair hopes of it proving useful to other explorers, especially in light of the future Expedition.
submitted by AEDyssonance to worldbuilding [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 16:29 0718534D12 XB1: Would like help finding a massive desert/mese/badlands biome continent that's surrounded by ocean.

This is my first post in this group (if memory serves), been playing MC since 360 and always thought it would awesome to have a survival world in a world like this. I'm on XB1 Bedrock 1.20; hopefully I can get all this out without skipping a beat and/or mucking up what I'm attemptingto describe. Ideally the continent would be around 10k X 10k or larger, surrounded by ocean with no other land another 10k for difficulty purposes, have no trees other than a few sparse oases and a mixed up jungle/swamp/mangrove (preferably in the southern that turns into a snow biome (no spruce, please), and a snow drift plain/tundra in the North, all else would be any and every type of desert (save for the badlands w all th oaks and Savannah)...and flat, alotta flat, but not 100%; think Outback lol.

There were actually 4 worlds on the marketplace that were very similar to what I'm looking for, only thing is they don't update and were probably user created on PC. The world's are as follows for reference, if I remember the names correctly, it's been a while:

Australia (may've been Outback), Wasteland and Under the Dome 1 & 2.

There were a couple other similar ones, but those are off the top of my head, hope they help a bit. If need be, I can draw a sketch of what I'm looking for as well. I realize this is probably a near impossible seed request, but I figured this place would be a good one to ask around and see what be found. Thanks in advance for any help in this endeavor.
submitted by 0718534D12 to minecraftseeds [link] [comments]

2024.05.13 13:55 piratepixie I need only friends from sandstorm, sun, savanna and tundra biomes!

279108705406 Sandstorm is the only one i'm missing, but the others are low too <3
submitted by piratepixie to PokemonGoFriends [link] [comments]