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Assassination Classroom / Ansatsu Kyōshitsu

2014.07.22 19:44 Nightstar1994 Assassination Classroom / Ansatsu Kyōshitsu

The subreddit to discuss Assassination Classroom (Ansatsu Kyōshitsu; 暗殺教室), a Japanese manga series written and illustrated by Yūsei Matsui.

2015.02.09 20:58 xatoho Divine Interaction Simulation Join our Discord Community! Often, like in books, movies, and music, we find references to the occult, arcane, magickal and otherwise mystical teachings in video games, OR interactive simulation. Whether it be story, gameplay, imagery, or some other facet that we do not quite understand it. What strange powers and sentiences may reside behind the unfathomable sea of 1 and 0 we may never know. With a subtle eye we may divine some sort of pattern through the madness.

2022.08.16 19:39 OkVariety6275 neoliberal gaming book club

Gaming Book Club for the arrneoliberal GAMING ping community.

2024.05.20 01:06 M4C4BRO BIBLIOTECA MT


Biblioteca MT 1-MentalismoMentalismo-13 escalones del mentalismo-Arte de ler mentes-Henrik Fexeus-O mentalista-Tricks of the mind - Derren Brown-Absolute Magic-Derren Brown-Pure effect-Derren Brown-Easy mentalism-Practical Mental magic-Theodore AnnemannPsiquiatria-Manual de psiquiatria portugues-Cinema e LoucuraPsicologia-Psicologia Facil - Ana Merces Bahia BockPNL-Introdução à programação neurolinguística-Joseph 0'Connor e John Seymour-despertar do gigante interior-PNL Programacao Neurolinguistic - Steve Andreas-Usando Sua Mente (PNL) Richard Bandler-PNL: A Nova Tecnologia do SucessoNeurociência-Neurociências - Desvendando o sistema nervoso Bear, M. F., Connors, B. W., & Paradiso, M. A.,-As bases biologicas do comportamento-marcus brandao-Truques da mente-Stephen L.Macknik & Susana martinez-Condecom Sandra Blakeslee-Subliminar - Leonard MlodinowHipnose-Hipnoterapia Ericksoniana Passo a Passo-Sofia Bauer-hipnose - dicas, métodos e técnicas-o homem de fevereiro-erickson-Manual hipnose completo-fabio puentes-Hackeando mentes - Marcelo Maia-A Realidade é Plástica- Anthony JacquinSedução-Como se dar bem com as Mulheres - Ron Louis e David Copeland-A Arte Natural da Sedução - Richard La Ruina-Manual de Artes Venusianas-O Jogo-Neil Strauss-O livro negro da sedução-Biblia da seduçãoMicroexpressões-linguagem das Emocoes-Paul Ekman-O código de Ekman -A.Freitas Magalhães-Inteligência visual-Amy E.HermanPersuasão-As Armas da Persuasao - Robert B. Cialdini-Manual de Persuasão do FBI - Jack ShaferInterpretação-A preparação do Ator-StanislavskiMemorização-Mentes Geniais - Alberto Dell isola-Mentes BrilhantesArgumentação-A Arte de Argumentar-tratado de argumentação a nova retórica-Chaim Perelman-logica juridica-chaim perelman-Argumentação Juridica-Vitor Gabriel-schopenhauer - como vencer um debate - dialetica eristica-schoppenhauer - do pensar por si-Oratória-Reinaldo Polito-Introducao a retorica-Olivier Reboul-How to Argue & Win Every Time- Gerry SpenceRedação-tecnicas basicas de redacao-branca granaticPedagogia-A encantadora de BebesAdestramento-Adestramento Inteligente-Como Criar o Cão Perfeito Desde - Cesar MillanMotivação-Magica de Pensar Grande-David J SchwartzAMitologia-Mitologia Greco-Romana - René Ménard-Os Mitos Gregos-Robert GravesMágica-Ultimate secrets of card magic-Expert card technique -Jean Hugard & Frederick BraueMagia & Ocultismo A.Alquimia -Alquimia-Marie Louise Von Franz -Psicologia e Alquimia-C.G. Jung -Alquimia E A Imagição Ativa -Marie Louise Von Franz -Anatomia da psique alquimia B.Astrologia -Astrologia e Mitologia-Ariel Guttman e Kenneth Johnson -Curso Básico de Astrologia-MARION D. MARCH & JOAN McEVERS -A Astrologia e a Psique Moderna-DANE RUDHYAR -A Astrologia dos ciganos-Maria Helena Farelli C.Tarot -Tarô de Marselha-Paul Marteau -Tarô Dicionário & Compêndio Jana Riley -O Tarô e a Viagem do Herói-Hajo Banzhaf D.Magia -Dogma e Ritual da Alta Magia -Eliphas Lévi -O Livro Do Prazer-Austin Osman Spare -Lex Satanicus -Curso de magia-J. R. R. Abrahão -A Magia Do Vodu-Maria Helena Farelli -A Bíblia Satânica - Anton LaVey -O livro da Lei - Aleister Crowley2-TradingTrade-Apostila aprenda a investir na bolsa corretora xp-OPERANDO NO MERCADO COM MT4-Analise Fundamentalista-Os supersinais da analise técnica-Investir cada vez melhor-Sobreviva na bolsa-Aprenda a operar-Manual do pequeno investidor em - Fabio AlmeidaTransações imobiliarias-apostila TTI-como montar uma imobiliaria-dominio da venda imobiliariaEconomia-Freakonomics-SuperFreakonomics O Lado Oculto do Dia a Dia - Steven D. Levitt-Curso basico de macroeconomia-Historia Pensamento economico-manual de Economia da USP-Economia nua e crua - Charles WheelanADM-Manual do CEO-O CEO é o limiteEstratégia-os axiomas de Zurique-Pai rico pai pobre-investimentos O segredo de George Soros e Warren Buffet-O X da questão-Investimentos inteligentes - Gustavo CerbasiHistória-Sonho Grande-A jogada do seculo-Michael Lewis-Bumerangue-Michael Lewis-Flash Boys-Michael Lewis-O homem que roubou Portugal-Os Genios dos Negocios-Peter-Krass-Golpes bilionarios-kari nars-A ascensao do dinheiro - Niall Ferguson-A bola de neve-Alice Schroeder-crash-uma breve histria da economia-O Lobo de Wall Street - Jordan Belfort-O Sequestro da America - Charles H. Ferguson-Por que sai do Goldman Sachs - Greg Smith3-CiênciaMedicina———1-AnatomiaAnatomia Humana Basica Dangeloe FattiniAtlas de Anatomia Humana NetterAtlas Fotográfico de Anatomia - YokochiGrays p. estudant.Anatomia Moore orientada para a clínica2-FisiologiaFisiologia Humana - Dee Unglaub Silverthorn3-PatologiaBogliolo Patologia4-HistologiaHistologia Básica - Junqueira e Carneiro5-Biologia celularBiologia Celular e Molecular -Junqueira & Carneiro6-BioquímicaBioquímica Médica Básica de Marks7-Bioestatística8-Embriologiaembriologia clinica Moore9-MicrobiologiaMicrobiologia Medica - Patrick Murray10-ImunologiaMurphy - Imunobiologia De Janeway11-GenéticaGriffiths - Introdução à Genética12-ParasitologiaParasitologia Humana Neves13-RadiologiaFundamentos de Radiologia e Diagnóstico por imagemTratado de Técnica Radiológica - Bontrager14-FarmacologiaFarmacologia Básica Clínica Bertram Katzung Goodman - Farmacologia15-SemiologiaSemiologia Medica - PortoSemiologia BatesExame Clínico-PortoSemiologia médica - mario lópezSemiologia Médica - Rocco16-Clínica GeralHarrison - Medicina InternaCecil17-Urgência e EmergênciaATLSManual APH18-PediatriaBlackbook PediatriaNelson Tratado de Pediatria19-Ginecologia e ObstetríciaObstetricía RezendeObstetricia BasicaRotinas Em ObstetriciaGinecologia FundamentalRotinas em Ginecologia20-NeurologiaA Neurologia que todo médico deve saber - NitriniNeurociências - Bear, M. F., Connors, B. W., & Paradiso, M. A.Cem bilhoes de neuroniosNeuropsicologia - Roger Gil21-PsiquiatriaCompêndio de Psiquiatria - KaplanManual De Psiquiatria Portugues22-Cirurgia geralCirurgia ambulatorial - SavassiManual de técnica cirúrgica para a graduaçãoPropedeutica CirurgicaRuy Garcia - Tecnica Operatória e Cirurgia ExperimentalSabiston - Tratado de CirurgiaTECNICA CIRÚRGICA Goff23-CardiologiaCardiologia para Clinico GeralSerrano - Tratado de Cardiologia SOCESP24-Exames LaboratoriasExames Laboratoriais - Nemer, Neves e FerreiraMedicina Laboratorial para o ClínicoRenato Failace - Hemograma - Manual De Interpretação25-DiversosManual de Medicina Legal - Delton Croce JuniorFundamentos em Toxicologia de Casarett e DoullWilliams - Tratado de EndocrinologiaCurrent ReumatologiaDermatologia - Azulay & AzulayNefrologia - RiellaPneumologia - Série No ConsultórioAndrew Holtz - A ciência médica de HouseOnde não há medicoBiologiaQuimicaRotinas de enfermagemEngenharia———--Princípios de Mecatrônica-João Maurício RosárioFísica,Astronomia e Cosmologia———————————–-50 Ideias de Fisica Que Precisa - Joanne Baker-Física Moderna para iniciados, interessados e aficionados-O Universo Numa Casca de Noz-Stephen Hawking-Breve história do tempo-Stephen Hawking-O universo elegante - Brian Greene-A Realidade Oculta - Brian Greene-O Tecido do Cosmo - Brian Greene-Fisica do futuro - Michio Kaku-Hiperespaco - Michio Kaku-Mundos Paralelos - Michio Kaku-Batendo a porta do ceu - Lisa Randall-O cerne da matéria-Cosmos - Carl Sagan-El grande diseno-Stephen Hawking-E SE Respostas científicas para perguntas absurdas - Randall MunroeMatemática———--50 Ideias de Matematica Que Pre - Tony Crilly-17 Equacoes Que Mudaram o Mundo - Ian Stewart-20.000 léguas matemáticas-As maravilhas da matemática-Introdução a filosofia da matemática-O diabo dos numeros-O andar do bebado-Em busca do infinito-Os misterios dos numeros-Sera que Deus joga dados-Simetria matematica-A Matemática nos Tribunais - Leila Schneps, Coralie Colmez-Mathemagics How to Look Like a Genius Without Really Trying Mantesh Marked-Mania de matemática
-The Numbers Behind NUMB3RS-Keith Devlin & Gary LordenBiologia——–-50 Ideias Genetica - Mark Henderson-O Maior Espetáculo da Terra As Evidências da Evolução-Richard Dawkins-POR QUE A EVOLUÇÃO É UMA VERDADE -Jerry A. CoyneLógica——-A Arte de Pensar Claramente - Rolf Dobelli-Tratado Lógico Filosófico-Wittgeinstein-Pinóquio no País dos Paradoxos-Raciocínio Lógico e Matemática para Concursos CESPE/UNB-Raciocínio Lógico Passo A Passo -Cabral,Luiz Claudio; Nunes, Mauro César-Pense Como um Freak_ Como Pensa - Steven D. Levitt-Guia das falácias de Stephen Downes-Lógica jurídica-Chaim Perelman-Modal Logic for Open Minds - Johan van Benthem-Philosophical Perspectives on Infinity-Graham OppyBibliografia do CombateAMT-C 23-1 - Tiro Das Armas Portáteis- 1ª Parte - Fuzil-EB-C 23-1 - Tiro Das Armas Portáteis- 2ª Parte - Pistola-EB-Caderno de Instrução do Fuzil de Assalto 5,56 IA2 (EB70-CI-11.405)-EB-Catálogo de Armas-Rodrigo Pereira Larizzatti-C 5-37 Minas e Armadilhas-EB-IP-23-90 Morteiro 81 mm ROYAL ORDNANCE-EB-IP 23-34 Lança-Rojão 84mm(AT-4)-MCRP 3-01B Pistol Marksmanship - USMC-MCRP 3-01A Rifle Marksmanship U.S. Marine CorpsAssault-CI 7-5-2 Combate em área edificada-EB-CI 21-75 Patrulhas-EB-Manual de Conduta de Patrulha-PMESP-Apostila Instrução Tática Individual -FNSP-The Hunter’s page-Rodrigo Pereira Larizzatti-In0531 Combat in built up areas-Us ArmySniping-IP 21-2 Caçador-EB-CI 21-2-1 contra caçadores-EB-The Ultimate Sniper -Maj.John Plaster-B-GL-392-005/FP-001 Sniping -Canada-FM 3-22.10 FM 23 10 SNIPER TRAINING AND OPERATIONS-MCWP 3-15-3 Sniping-USMC-MI6-028 Tiradores de élite-Ejército de Tierra(Espanha)-Atirador de elite-Carlos DavidArtes Marciais-C 20-50 luta-EB-Ringue Master-Boxing-Edwin Haislet-Gracie Jiu-Jitsu - Thomas de Soto-A Biblia do MMA- Anderson Silva-Krav Maga-Kobi Lichtenstein-FM 3-25.150 Combatives-US Army-MCRP 3-02 Close Combat-US Marine Corps-Wrestling for Fighting The Natural Way-Randy Couture, Erich Krauss, Glen Cordoza e Eric Hendrikx-GET TOUGH! -W.E.FAIRBAIRN-Ninjutsu - Arte da resistencia-Mystic Art of the Ninja - Stephen Hayes-Ninja Combat Method - Stephen Hayes-Secrets from the Ninja Grandmaster-Stephen K. Hayes & Masaaki Hatsumi-The Way of the Ninja: Secret Techniques - Masaaki HatsumiTFM & Alimentação-EB20-MC-10.350 Treinamento Físico Militar-EB-Guia dos movimentos de musculação-Frédéric Delavier-Musculação além do anabolismo-Waldemar Marques Guimarães Neto-MD42-M-03 Manual de Alimentação das Forças Armadas-EBEsgrima-Manual de Ensino de Esgrima -Volume 1- FLORETE (EB60-ME-25.401)-EB-Manual de Ensino de Esgrima - Volume 2 – Espada (EB60-25.502)-EB-C 20-51-Esgrima-EBSobrevivência-IP 21-80-sobrevência na selva-EB-Fm 21 76 Survival manual- us army-SERE-FASOTRAGRUPAC /LANT 1520-8 (REV 1-99)APH & Medicina-MANUAL DE ATENDIMENTO PRÉ-HOSPITALAR-CBMDF-PROTOCOLO DE SUPORTE BÁSICO DA VIDA-CBMGO-ATLS Advanced Trauma Life Support-Colégio Americano de Cirurgiões Comitê de Trauma-Manual de Diagnóstico e Tratamento de Acidentes por Animais Peçonhentos-FUNASARastreamento-SIGN AND THE ART OF TRACKING-Christian Nellemann with Jack Kearney and Stig Nårstad-SAS Tracking Handbook-Barry Davies-The art of tracking the origin of science-LiebenbergManuais-cgcfn 1003 manual basico do fuzileiro naval-cgcfn 1004 combatente anfibio-Manual Operacional Do Policial Civil SPTécnicas Militares-C 22-5 ordem unida-EB-C-21-74 Instrução Individual-Exército Brasileiro(EB)-EB70-MC-10.233 Defesa QBN-EB-EB70-CI-11.002 CÃO DE GUERRA-EB-C-6-199 Topografia-EB-C-5-40 Camuflagem-EB-Manual de Operações de Choque-The Ultimate Parkour & Freerunning Book-Jan Witfeld, Ilona E. Gerling& Alexander PachApronto Operacional-EB70-CI-11.404 Caderno de Instrução de Aprestamento e Apronto Operacional-EB-Guia do Aluno Comanf-Marinha do Brasil-Orientação Cioesp - EB-Orientação Cigs - EB-Orientação Cam(Curso Avançado de Montanhismo) - EB-Orientação PQD - EBExplosivos-C 5-37 Minas e Armadilhas-EB-FM 5-25 Explosives & Demolitions-U.S.Army-TM 31-210 Improvised Munitions Handbook-U.S.Army-TM 9-1910 Military Explosives-US Army-TM 9-1300-214 Military Explosives-US Army-The Anarchist Cookbook-William Powell-Guerilla Arsenal- David Harber-The Anarchist Arsenal-David Harber-The Advanced Anarchist Arsenal-David Harber-The Preparatory Manual of Explosives-Jared B.Ledgard-Kitchen Improvised Fertilizer Explosives-Tim Lewis-Homemade Semtex-Seymour Lecker-Science of Revolutionary Warfare-Johann Most-The Explosives Course-Abu Khabab al-Masri(Midhat Mursi)-Ragnar’s Homemade Detonators-Ragnar BensonMergulho-B-GL-361-007/FP-001 Combat Diving-National Defense Canada-MANUAL DE NATAÇÃO EsEFEx-EB-U.S. Navy Diving Manual SS521-AG-PRO-010-MANUAL DE OPERAÇÕES DE MERGULHO-CBMESP-A Guide to Public Safety Diving-North Carolina PSD Standards-Manual Operacional de Bombeiros-CBMGO-FM 3-05.212 Special Forces Waterborne Operations-US Army-MULTI-SERVICE TACTICS, TECHNIQUES,AND PROCEDURES FORMILITARY DIVING OPERATIONS-Headquarters of the Army, Marine Corps, Navy, Air Force, andCoast Guard USParaquedismo-CADERNO DE INSTRUÇÃO DE TREINAMENTO E TÉCNICA BÁSICA DO PARAQUEDISTA MILITAR EB70-CI-11.001 -EB-MANUAL TÉCNICO DO MESTRE DE SALTO PARAQUEDISTA-EB-Manual Técnico de Salto Livre (EB60-MT-34.405)-EBEquitação-Manual Técnico Equitação (EB60- MT-26.401)-EB-Manual Equitação da Federação Paulista de HipismoOperações-M016 Manual Tecnica Esqui-Ejército de Tierra(Espanha)-Ci9011 Assalto Aeromóvel e Infiltração aeromóvel-EB-Cold Region Operations ATTP 3-97.11/MCRP 3-35.1D (FM 31-70 and FM 31-71)-US Army-MOUNTAIN OPERATIONS FM 3-97.6 (90-6)-US Army-DESERT OPERATIONS-FM 90-3/FMFM 7-27-US Army-Jungle Operations-FM 90-5-US Army-MILITARY MOUNTAINEERING FM 3-97.61(TC 90-6-1)-US ArmyEspionagem-CIA-Manual Oficial truques e espionagem-H.Keith Melton-Techiques of the professional pickpocket-Wayne B.Yeager-Curso de Introdução à Atividade de Inteligência – CIAI-CGISistemas de armasA.Aeronaves-Art of the kill-Pete Bonanni-Natops Flight Manual F16-Natops Flight Manual F18-Natops Flight Manual F14-FLIGHT MANUAL EuroFighter v1-TM 1-1520-251-10 HELICOPTER, ATTACK,AH-64D LONGBOW APACHE-DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY USB.Submarinos-Conocimientos submarinos S-70-Armada EspañolaC.Barcos-Manual de Marinero y del Soldado de infantería de Marina-Armada Española-Manual de policiamento fluvial-PPMPA (Pará)D.Cavalaria-IP 17-82 - A VIATURA BLINDADA DE COMBATE - CARRO DE COMBATE LEOPARD 1 A1-EB-Manual M113-Exército PortuguêsE.Artilharia-SERVIÇO DA PEÇA DO OBUSEIRO 155 mm M109 A3-EBRocketry-Fundamentals of Guided Missiles-S. R. Mohan-AFM 52-31 Guided Missile Fundamentals-Department of the Air Force-Advances in Missile Guidance, Control, and EstimationGunsmithing-Gunsmithing at Home Lock Stock & Barrel- John E.Traister-Building Firearms-Harold HoffmanArmas Nucleares-U.S. Nuclear Weapons - The Secret History Hardcover-Chuck Hansen-Swords of Armageddon - Chuck Hansen-Dark Sun: The Making of the Hydrogen Bomb-Richard Rhodes-The Making of the Atomic Bomb-Richard Rhodes-Atomic Accidents: A History of Nuclear Meltdowns and Disasters- James MahaffeyEngenharia Naval-SNAME Ship Design & Construction-Engineering Economics and Ship Design - BuxtonEstratégia militar-Field Manual of Military Operations (FM 3–0)-United States Army-Manual de Campanha C 124-1 - Estratégia-EB-As grandes estratégias - John Lewis GaddisCriminalística-Techniques of Crime Scene investigation-Barry A.J Fisher-Procedimento operacional padrão:Perícia Criminal-Ministério da Justiça BR-Manual de orientação de quesitos da perícia criminal-DPF-Introduction to Criminalistics-Barry A.J Fisher,William J.Tilstone e Catherine Woytowicz-Fundamentals of forensic science- Max M. Houck & Jay A. Siegel-Ciências Forenses-Alberi Espindula,Gustavo Caminoto Geiser e Jesus Antonio VelhoA.Localística-Practical Crime Scene Processing and InvestigationB.Balística-Hanbook of Firearms and Ballistics-Brian J.HeardC.Hematologia Forense-Interpretation of Bloodstain Evidence at Crime Scenes-Stuart H.James & William G.Eckert-Bloodstain Pattern Analysis -Tom Bevel & Ross M. GardnerMedicina Legal-Medicina Legal-Genival Veloso-Manual técnico-operacional para os médicos-legistas do Estado de São Paulo-Manual de Medicina Legal - Delton Croce Junior-Manual de Técnicas em Necropsia médico-legal-Luiz Carlos L.Prestes Jr. &Roger AncillottiPsicologia ForenseA.Perfil-Serial Killer louco ou cruel-Ilana Casoy-Mentes Perigosas - O Psicopata - Ana Beatriz Barbosa SilvaB.Microexpressões-Linguagem das Emoções-Paul Ekman-O código de Ekman -A.Freitas Magalhães-Inteligência visual-Amy E.HermanC.Persuasão-As Armas da Persuasao - Robert B. Cialdini-Manual de Persuasão do FBI - Jack Shafer-Oratória-Reinaldo PolitoD.Adestramento-Adestramento Inteligente-Como Criar o Cao Perfeito Desde - Cesar MillanE.Motivação-Magica de Pensar Grande-David J SchwartzALógica-Raciocínio Lógico Passo A Passo -Cabral,Luiz Claudio; Nunes, Mauro CésarHistória-The illustrated guide to the world’s top counter-terrorist forces-Samuel M.Katz-Bushido (o Código do Samurai)-Daidoji Yuzan-DA GUERRA-CARL VON CLAUSEWITZ-A Arte da guerra-Sun Tzu-O Livro dos Cinco Anéis-Miyamoto Musashi-Charlie Oscar Tango-Eduardo Betini e Fabiano Tomazi-Oscar Alfa-Fabiano Tomazi-Elite da tropa- André Batista, Rodrigo Pimentel e Luiz Eduardo Soares-Falcão Negro em Perigo-Mark Bowden-Não há dia fácil-Mark Owen-Seal team six -Howard E.Wasdin & Stephen Templin-Diário de um policial-Diógenes Lucca-COE Comandos e Operações Especiais-por Luis Augusto Pacheco Ambar (Autor), Guto Ambar (Fotógrafo)-Matar ou Morrer-Conte Lopes-Rota 66-Caco Barcellos-Thoughts of a Sniper-Vasily Zaitsev-O diário de Guantánamo- Mohamedou Ould SlahiCrime Organizado-A Guerra: a ascensão do PCC e o mundo do crime no Brasil-Bruno Paes Manso e Camila Nunes Dias-Laços de Sangue. A História Secreta do PCC-Marcio Sergio Christino & Claudio Tognolli-Quatrocentos Contra um (uma Historia do Comando Vermelho)- William da Silva LimaFicção-Shibumi-Trevanian-Tom Clancy - A Caçada ao Outubro Vermelho-Tom Clancy - A Soma de Todos os Medos-Tom Clancy Morto ou Vivo-Scarpetta - Patricia Cornwell-Dexter - Design de um Assassino - Jeff Lindsay-Querido e Devotado Dexter - Jeff Lindsay-Duplo Dexter - Jeff LindsayDocumentários-Guerreiro Mais Mortal-Sniper: Deadliest Missions(Sniper:Atiradores de Elite (BR))-Generais em guerra-National Geographic-SAS Survival Secrets-Arma Humana (Human Weapon)-The History Channel-Por Dentro do Mossad-Duki Dror-Terrorismo atentados frustrados - Netflix-Medalha de honra-Netflix-The secrets of seal team six(Secretos de los SEALS VI(espanhol))-COMBATES AÉREOS(Dogfights)-History Channel-Preparados para o fim do mundo -National Geographic-À Prova de Tudo(Man vs. Wild)-Bear Grylls-No Pior Dos Casos-Bear Grylls-A vida em um milhão de anos-NatGeoFilmes-Falcão Negro em Perigo-Ridley Scott-Até o Limite da Honra-Ridley Scott-13 Horas: Os Soldados Secretos de Benghazi-Michael Bay-Sniper Americano- Clint Eastwood-Rede de Mentiras-Ridley Scott-Rota Comando-Elias Junior-S.W.A.T. - Comando Especial-Clark Johnson-Tropa de Elite-José Padilha-A Hora Mais Escura-Kathryn Bigelow-44 Minutos-Yves Simoneau-Beasts of No Nation-Cary Fukunaga-Ameaça Terrorista-Gregor Jordan-Círculo de Fogo (Enemy at the Gates)-Missão Impossível(Saga)-A Identidade Bourne-Doug Liman-Colombiana-Olivier MegatonSéries-Band of Brothers-Phil Alden Robinson et al-White Collar-Jeff Eastin-Generation Kill- Iraque 40 dias de horror-Patrick Norris et al-Polícia 24h-Diego Guebel-Operação de Risco- Carla Albuquerque & Eduardo OliveiraGames-Arma 3-Insurgency-Tom Clancy’s Splinter Cell: Blacklist-Tom Clancy’s Rainbow Six: Vegas-Tom Clancy’s Ghost Recon: Future Soldier-Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare-Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare-Tom Clancy’s H.A.W.X-ACE COMBAT 7: SKIES UNKNOWN-Microsoft Flight Simulator-X-Plane 11-Ship Simulator Extremes-UBoat-World of Warships4-ArteSadismo-120 dias de sodoma-Justine-Marques de Sade-O orgasmo multiplo do homem-Sexo Tântrico - Alicia Gallotti-Dossiê do beijo5-CeticismoAteísmo-God The Failed Hypothesis- Victor J. Stenger-The Miracle of Theism Arguments for and Against the Existence of God- J L Mackie-The Non Existence of God-Nicholas-Everitt-Arguing About Gods-Graham Oppy-Iron Chariots Wiki-Arguing for Atheism-Robin Le Poidevin-O relojoeiro cego-Dawkins-Atheism: A Philosophical Justification Michael Martin-Logic and Theism - Jordan Sobel-The Cambridge Companion to Atheism - Michael Martin-Irreligion -John Allen Paulos-A Cosmological Argument for a Self-Caused-Quentin SmithCeticismo-The Skeptic’s Dictionary- Robert Todd Carroll-The Skeptic Encyclopedia of Pseudoscience - Michael Shermer-An Encyclopedia of claims,frauds,and Hoaxes ofthe Occult and Supernatural- James Randi-O Mundo Assombrado pelos Demonios-Carl Sagan-Cerebro e Crenca - Michael Shermer-Por que as Pessoas Acreditam em - Michael Shermer-Pura Picaretagem - Daniel Bezerra6-Budismo-A Doutrina de Buda-contos zen budistas-O cérebro de Buda-O Livro de ouro do Zen -David Scott & Tony DoubledayBIBLIOTECA MT
submitted by M4C4BRO to u/M4C4BRO [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 18:51 Cookie_Doodle Any Linux person can tell me what the problem here is?

Any Linux person can tell me what the problem here is? submitted by Cookie_Doodle to SteamDeck [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 01:03 CactusHoarder Wearing US 38DDD, Calculator Recommends UK 38F

Hello all! As most here are, I'm on a quest to find a bra that fits. I'm gifted and I'm wanting to make it easier to deal with and feel more confident.
Currently I wear a 38DDD, with my favorite being Stunning Support Full Coverage by Soma. Most other bras, are far too shallow and cause awful squishing and spillover. This one is a little too narrow and the wrong shape for my roots(?). I wish it was more supportive on the sides. I have to pull my breasts in from the sides, up from the bottom to sit properly, and then the top part down to avoid the bump on top.
The measurements I took, paying attention to the guide: Loose Underbust: 38" Snug Underbust: 37" Tight Underbust: 32" Standing Bust: 45" Leaning Bust: 46" Lying Bust: 43"
I think I'd describe my breasts as top heavy, projected, and wide set.
I'm not sure if those measurements seem reasonable given the problems I'm having, but I appreciate any input or advice! Happy to give additional information if I missed any.
submitted by CactusHoarder to ABraThatFits [link] [comments]

2024.05.13 10:52 TocharianX Orthodox councils have erred, making Orthodoxy untrue

This is going to be a long one. Firstly, the Confession of Dositheus, a confession ratified by the Pan-Orthodox Council of Jerusalem in 1672 and signed by all Patriarchs since the Council of Crete in 2016, says the following in its second decree (you can read it here ):
"but the Catholic Church, as never having spoken, or speaking from herself, but from the Spirit of God – who being her teacher, she is ever unfailingly rich – it is impossible for her to in any wise err, or to at all deceive, or be deceived; but like the Divine Scriptures, is infallible, and hath perpetual authority." (Confession of Dositheus, Decree 2)
However, it appears as if the Orthodox Church has erred in at least two places in its councils. Firstly, the Council of Jassy in 1642 ratified the Confession of Peter Moghila, which states the following in its 104th decree ( ):
"The ointment of chrism is the second mystery; and this had its beginning at the time when the Holy Spirit came down from heaven and rested upon the Apostles, and sealed them with his divine grace, that they might preach the faith of Christ steadfastly and without ceasing. Of this blessing and divine assistance hath every one need who becometh a Christian; and as then the Holy Spirit came down in the visible form of fire and bestowed his grace, or gifts, upon the Apostles, so now, when the priest anointeth the newly baptised person with the holy oil, he becomes endued from above with the gifts of the Holy Spirit: As appears from the words which the priest (as appointed) useth in the celebration of this Mystery; namely, the seal of the gift of the Holy Spirit, Amen. As if he should say, By the anointing of this holy ointment thou art sealed and confirmed into the gifts of the Holy Spirit, which thou dost receive for a confirmation of thy Christian faith. Agreeable hereto are the words of the Apostle (2 Cor. 1.21), He which establisheth us with you in Christ, and hath anointed us, is God: Who hath also sealed us, and given the Earnest of the Spirit in our hearts. This Anointing, or rather the bestowing the Efficacy of this Unction, was done in the times of the Apostles by laying on of hands; according to the Scripture (Acts 8.17), Then laid they their hands on them, and they received the Holy Ghost. This was afterwards performed by anointing with ointment, as we learn from St Dionysius the Areopagite, who was the Disciple of St Paul (Ecclesiastical Hierarchy, chs. 2 and 4)."
^ The text above clearly attributes the work of Pseudo-Dionysius to Dionysius the Areopagite as mentioned in the book of acts. By citing Ecclesiastical Hierarchy here, it is saying that this text was written by a disciple of the historical Paul. The problem is that scholarship is unanimous that the works of Pseudo-Dionysius are dependant on Proclus, who wrote in the late 5th century. Even if this is not true, we do not have any unambiguous mentions of the work of Dionysius before the sixth century, which would be odd if he was a prominent apostle, who, according to Church tradition, later became the Bishop of Athens. Furthermore, this work, Ecclesiastical Hierarchy, contains references to ecclesiastical structures that were not present in the first century. Furthermore, Pseudo-Dionysius contains references to theurgy, yet this term first appears in the Chaldean Oracles, the earliest of which were written in the third century. There are no references to theurgy from the first century.
A= 'we learn [that it was performed by anointing with oitment] from St Dionysius the Areopagite, who was the Disciple of St Paul'
B= St Dionysius the Areopagite was the Disciple of St Paul
A ⊨ B
B = false
A is false
Below I have attached some resources on Pseudo-Dionysius the Areopagite:
It is considered completely untenable that he was a disciple of St. Paul by modern scholarship. Regarding earlier texts that seem to mention him, modern scholarship has shown that instead, Pseudo-Dionysius was dependant on these: "Until more recently more credit was given to other lines of evidence on which Franz Hipler endeavoured to support his entirely new thesis, to the effect that the author of the writings lived about the year 375 in Egypt, as Abbot of Rhinokorura. Hipler's attempts, however, at removing the textual difficulties, ekleipsis, adelphotheos, soma, proved to be unsuccessful. In fact, those very passages in which Hipler thought that the Fathers had made use of the Areopagite (e.g., in Gregory of Nazianzus and Jerome) do not tell in favor of this hypothesis; on the contrary, they are much better explained if the converse be assumed, namely, that Pseudo-Dionysius drew from them. Hipler himself, convinced by the results of recent research, has abandoned his opinion." (Catholic Encyclopedia)
Note that the letter describing the reception of the Confession of Peter Moghila describes it as such:
"…vested with the most full and plenary power of the whole sacred Synod; he went into Moldavia, as we have said, together with Porphyrius; whither also, sent from the Russians, came Isaias Trophinus, and Conovicius, and Xenovicius; men truly excellent, adorned with all kind of learning and liberal knowledge. These three taking God only for their guide and master, who is the giver of all knowledge, and of all true holiness and understanding, brought the book to this excellent conclusion; having by much mutual disquisition and disputation thoroughly purged it from all foreign doctrines and defilements of novelty, and then forthwith he sent it to the most holy four orthodox patriarchs, the successors in the seats of the Apostles, to be reviewed and considered of. They also confirmed it with their approbation, as containing the true and genuine doctrines, and in nothing departing from the sincere and catholic faith of the Greeks, and declared it to be pure and uncorrupt; by the universal judgement, determination and consent of all, and furthermore by their own proper subscription, and of their clergy as appears hereunto annexed, they decreed and confirmed it; and entitled it, not only of the Russians, but by a more universal Appellation, The orthodox Confession of all the Greeks. Yet however, this book as it was but lately to be had in print among the Russians, so among the Greeks it was only to be had in manuscripts, and that but very rarely. Whereupon, the Lord Panagiota, Interpreter to his imperial Majesty of the East and West, a person of wisdom and piety, and entirely devoted to true religion; as he is most regardful and affectionate of our Greek nation, and zealous contender for the orthodox faith; among his many other magnificent works and public employments, wherein he is daily and hourly engaged, he willingly undertook the care and patronage of this also; and caused this book to be printed at his own expense in our and the latin languages, that every one, who was desirous to increase in piety, might without any expense (for he caused the copies to be distributed to all gratis) be provided with a book, from when as from a source of pure and living water, and out of the genuine fountain of salvation draw the sacred doctrine of our Church, unpolluted with the muddy and foreign opinions of sectaries. And now, let no one marvel, that this book is expressed in a plain style, and unadorned with eloquence; seeing that thereby, it is not only fitted for the learned, but the unlearned multitude also. For the wise and prudent reader ought not to regard the unfinished manner of expression, but the truth of the words and thoughts." (Prefatory Letter of Patriarch Nectarius of Jerusalem)
The above quote can once again be found here:
This letter describes the way in which the Confession was declared as ‘containing the true and genuine doctrines, and in nothing departing from the sincere and catholic faith of the Greeks, and declared it to be pure and uncorrupt; by the universal judgement, determination and consent of all’ by the patriarchs who signed off on it. As such, it seems that it was viewed as infallible.
The Pan-Orthodox Synod of Jerusalem, in ratifying the Confession of Peter Moghila, says this: "And only some six or seven years ago at the most there was published a book intituled The Orthodox Confession of the Eastern Church, which the IVTost Holy Metropolitan, Peter of Kieff, compiled ; and which was revised* and corrected, where revision and correction were needed, at the instance of the Synod of Jassy, by the Protosyncellus and Preacher of the Great Church at Constantinople, Meletius Syrigus, from Crete. And this the Eastern Church hath entirely received, and doth receive ; and the same was published" (Dositheus et al. 2011: pp. 15)
You can find this text on internet archive:
Dositheos, Robertson James Nathaniel William Beauchamp, and Cyril Lucaris. The acts and decrees of the synod of jerusalem: Sometimes called the Council of Bethlehem, Holden under Dositheus, patriarch of jerusalem in 1672. Charleston, SC: BiblioLife, 2011.
The Holy Spirit didn't lead the Synod of Jassy to correct the authorship of the Dionysian corpus? This part implies that correction and revision were not needed in decree 104 of the Confession of Peter Moghila, and, furthermore, that the Church entirely receives the confession as dogmatic.
Secondly, the Horos of the Photian Council of 879, considered the eighth ecumenical council by Orthodox Christians, says this (read it here ):
"Jointly sanctifying and preserving intact the venerable and divine teaching of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, which has been established in the bosom of our mind, with unhesitating resolve and purity of faith, as well as the sacred ordinances and canonical stipulations of his holy disciples and Apostles with an unwavering judgment, and indeed, those Seven holy and ecumenical Synods which were directed by the inspiration of the one and the same Holy Spirit and effected the [Christian] preaching, and jointly guarding with a most honest and unshakeable resolve the canonical institutions invulnerable and unfalsified, we expel those who removed themselves from the Church, and embrace and regard worthy of receiving those of the same faith or teachers of orthodoxy to whom honor and sacred respect is due as they themselves ordered."
In this statement, there is an entailment that the disciples have sacred ordinances and canonical stipulations.
The entailment is as follows:
We expel those… → ([we are] Jointly sanctifying and preserving intact… the sacred ordinances and canonical stipulations of his holy disciples and Apostles with an unwavering judgment (based on sentence structure) → The Apostles have canonical stipulations)
Here, the structure of the sentence shows that "we expel those who removed themselves from the Church, and embrace and regard worthy of receiving those of the same faith or teachers of orthodoxy to whom honor and sacred respect is due as they themselves ordered" is dependent upon 'jointly sanctifying and preserving in tact...the sacred ordinances and canonical stipulations of his holy disciples and Apostles'
A = 'we expel those who removed themselves from the Church, and embrace and regard worthy of receiving those of the same faith or teachers of orthodoxy to whom honor and sacred respect is due as they themselves ordered.'
The sentence structure indicates that this entails (⊨) B:
B = [we are] Jointly sanctifying and preserving intact… the sacred ordinances and canonical stipulations of his holy disciples and Apostles with an unwavering judgment
C= The Apostles have canonical stipulations
A ⊨ (B ⊨ C) = (A ˄ B) ⊨ C
For example, if I say 'keeping in mind the letter that Obama wrote me, I will do x', this entails that Obama wrote me a letter. If my statement entails something false, the statement is false: If p is false and q is true or p is true and q is false, the statement is still false.
P. Q. P + Q
So lets say that p + q is '(we are) Jointly sanctifying and preserving intact...the sacred ordinances and canonical stipulations of his holy disciples and Apostles with an unwavering judgment'
p = (we are) Jointly sanctifying and preserving intact...the sacred ordinances...of his holy disciples and Apostles with an unwavering judgment
q= (we are) Jointly sanctifying and preserving intact...canonical stipulations of his holy disciples and Apostles with an unwavering judgment'
Even if the Disciples have ordinances, if p+q =B above (based on the text) and q entails C then if C is false q is false and p + q is also false.
B = p+q
B ⊨ C
p+q ⊨ C
p C
q ⊨ C
C= false
q = false
p + q = false
A ⊨ B and B = p + q
A ⊨ (p + q)
A = false
The problem is, it is considered completely untenable that the canons of the apostles actually go back to the apostles, as they quote canons from the Council of Antioch in 341 and reference a type of Church hierarchy not present in authentic writings from the first century written by presumed successors of the apostles. They are also not mentioned before the 4th century, which is very suspect for a canonical collection supposedly left by the apostles to help govern the Church. If the council of Antioch is instead dependent on the canons, why does it not cite them? If there are other canons that go back to the Apostles, where are they, and what is the evidence that they do? Certainly no other canonical collection states that it has a directly apostolic origin. Thus, it can be said that the Horos of the Eighth Ecumenical Council entails something false, which means in no ambiguous terms that it has erred.
Note that the statement from the Confession of Dositheus reads: "it is impossible for her to in any wise err, or to at all deceive, or be deceived; but like the Divine Scriptures, is infallible, and hath perpetual authority" (Decree 2) and again "In like manner the Church is taught indeed by the Life-giving Spirit, but through the medium of the holy Fathers and Doctors (whose rule is acknowledged to be the Holy and Ecumenical Synods; for we shall not cease to say this ten thousand times); and, therefore, not only are we persuaded, but do profess as true and undoubtedly certain, that it is impossible for the Catholic Church to err, or at all be deceived, or ever to choose falsehood instead of truth. For the All-holy Spirit continually operating through the holy Fathers and Leaders faithfully ministering, delivers the Church from error of every kind." (Decree 12)
If we call the second quote above x, it seems that x entails the truth of all other binding statements the church has made. Statement A from further above is binding because of its presence in a Horos (definition) from an ecumenical council.
Horoi from Ecumenical Councils are binding and infallible
A is a Horos
A is binding and infallible
x from decree 12 ⊨ A
A is false
x is false
You can read the following sources on the Canons of the 'Apostles' and why scholarship is unanimous as to their status as a forgery or fraud:
Note that 'canonical stipulations of his holy disciples and Apostles' is not the name of a document, and, if the statement should be analyzed [canonical] [stipulations] rather than [canonical stipulations], why would there be stipulations of the Apostles that wouldn't be canonical if they are the guardians of Church tradition received from Christ?
From these two arguments, it is clear that the Orthodox Church has erred and been deceived into thinking that forgeries are legitimate and actually originate from their pseudonymous attributions. Error and deception are just what the Holy Spirit was supposed to prevent according to the Pan-Orthodox and binding Confession of Dositheus. If a pan-Orthodox council signed by all Patriarchs with the same authority as other ecumenical councils as per i.e. the acts of the seventh ecumenical council ( ) can be wrong, how can anything in Orthodox tradition be trusted? Keep in mind these are not disciplinary canons either, the texts cited are meant to be a binding confession of faith (for the Confession of Peter Moghila), and the definition (Horos) of an ecumenical council (the Horos of the Photian Council of 879). On the ecumenical status of the latter in the east, see and
On the ecumenical status of the Council of Jassy see
The Photian Council was also ecumenical in Rome for a while before they opted to go with the earlier robber council as the legitimate one, so this post may also falsify Roman Catholicism.
submitted by TocharianX to DebateReligion [link] [comments]

2024.05.11 09:58 Ilikepc64 Second build for a friend

Second build for a friend submitted by Ilikepc64 to pcmasterrace [link] [comments]

2024.05.10 01:58 TornkeS JoJo's Bizarre OC Tournament #7: R2M21 - Sonika Singha and Windy vs ???

The results are in for Match 19. The winner is…
Bony limbs swarmed Charlie from all sides. She was locked in. Her clones couldn’t escape, and neither could she.
She could hear the rhythmic steps of the Middleman approaching her. Her fists pounded on Helena’s skeletal constructs, her shouts ringing out throughout the bazaar..
They were on top of her. Their Stand reeled its claws back, before jabbing forwards. Charlie grimaced as a clone burst from her back—a last ditch effort to escape. She swapped its position with hers, but it wasn’t enough. Sharp fingers plowed into her gut as the rest of the hand followed. Muscles clenched in agony as blood dripped down to the floor. She gasped in pain, falling over and clutching at herself once they crudely ripped their stand’s hand back out. It wasn’t a mortal wound, she thought—her little maneuver may have just saved her life…

Helena Beats, with a score of 70 to Charlie Hoosier's 56!

Category Winner Point Totals Comments
Popularity Helena Beats 20 (8+0.5+2) - 10 (3+0.5+2) When the dust settled, Helena was left standing with a popularity lead!
Quality Helena Beats 19 (6 7 6) - 18 (6 6 6) Reasoning
JoJolity Helena Beats 21 (7 7 7) - 18 (6 6 6) Reasoning
Conduct Tie 10-10 Nothing to report!
…And on the other side of the stage, Helena just watched with shaking breaths. It was exhilarating, seeing death like this up close. The Middleman turned to look at her, and her heart basically stopped. They trundled forth, slowly and certainly. She felt almost embarrassed to stand in the same room as someone who embodied the end so succinctly, like she was a poser.
Soon enough, they were face to face. Their features were almost invisible in the shadow of sundown. Nothing besides their sharp eyes. A low chuckle escaped from them as they brought a hand up to Helena’s face, stroking it. She remained deathly still, as if a single twitch would cause them to attack. It wasn’t so unreasonable—they just might.
“Tell the world what happened here. Turn this place into a grave, or I will come back—and it will become a mausoleum.”
Helena’s eyes widened. Not because of the threat of mass murder, she didn’t really care about that. It was the smell. The Middleman smelled like something, and it was right on the tip of her nose…
It was train tracks. They smelled like train tracks. She recognized the smell from some of Dr. Mali’s teachings—a local rail corporation used a specific in-house chemical mixture to clean their rail lines and fill in any scratches. He had samples of it around occasionally—he had been investigating it for damaging properties. She might have a lead on who they might be.
Just as she made the connection, she blinked—and the Middleman was gone. Disappeared into thin air.
Then it was just her, the death surrounding her.
The results are in for Match 20. The winner is…
In the midst of the military base, this intricately constructed hive, people moved in all their patterns, a thousand interlocking pieces. In a way, it reminded Disco of ants or bees. This was not an insult, a comparison to something lesser. If anything, it was a compliment. Even when these people had stripped nature from this place, it still existed inside of them.
It had been fine to exist with them, to trace those patterns, to join the hive for a while. Disco had already gotten useful information just by speaking with the soldiers and the workers, to the point where she wondered if she still needed to follow Zafar. Yet, as she pondered that question, something drew her to a shadowed corner. Something familiar. There it was.
In the midst of the military base, Disco stopped for a moment, unseen by any eye near or far.
She paused at a crevice somewhere deep inside this building, strange geometry obscuring its position to any passerby. It was clear that nobody came through here much.
Nobody except-
The lights flickered again, as they had every now and again. One of the many powers of that panther, Dried Donuts, which she had informed her ‘fellow soldiers’ all about.
However, she wasn’t expecting the cat herself to be standing at the end of the hall. For a moment, Disco tensed, wondering if the animal knew why she was here, if she was here to sabotage her efforts directly. But DD just gave her a toothy smile, a text ringing out on Disco’s phone.
[when im away i totes miss the mountain too!! >w<]
Disco tilted her head for a moment, unsure what the panther meant. “Too?”
[idk! u just remind me of home. epic trolling btw! theyre totes after me now! but im 2 sneaky 4 them!! Owo]
Disco couldn’t help but chuckle to herself. In a way, perhaps the feeling was mutual. The spirit of the land, the marsh this place once was, it lived on within them both. This place, with all its war, and conflict, and retribution, how had it convinced them they were enemies? How silly was that?
“After all that time gossiping about your powers, I can’t help but gain a new respect for them.”
[ya!! DD is super cool n your ddoors are super cool 2! it was fun playing with u! gg!]
“Playing, hm?” It then occurred to Disco, that even with the stakes so high, it had been fun.
[mr military is gonna split soon! i m gonna make a big blackout! we could race? :3]
Disco considered it a moment, and then shook her head. Zafar would notice if they both tailed him. At this point, Disco wasn’t sure that she would make it there first, and even if she did, it could put the panther in danger. Still, stepping back wasn’t so bad. Disco could keep her place inside the hive, disturbing those patterns from within, while Dried Donuts went on to target the queen. Evergreen had learned to extend their branches…why stop now?
“You go ahead,” she smiled. “I have something else I need to do.”
Dried Donuts nodded, tail swishing happily.
[okie! next time! bai ddisco!!]
That was when the lights cut out, and the panther bounded down the hall. Yet, Disco did not need it to guide her. She knew where it was. She knew what she had to do. She turned to the crevice and…
She reached out.
”We’re no strangers to love…”

Dried Donuts, with a score of 77 to Disco D. Lune’s 72!

Category Winner Point Totals Comments
Popularity Dried Donuts 20 (6+2.5+2) - 10 (1+2.5+2) Dried Donuts started strong and held onto a commanding lead!
Quality Disco D. Lune 22 (8 7 7) - 25 (9 8 8) Reasoning
JoJolity Disco D. Lune 25 (8 8 9) - 27 (9 9 9) Reasoning
Conduct Tie 10-10 Nothing to report!
Scenario: ???? — ??:??PM
Celebrating a complete mission and a shiny new achievement, Dried Donuts slunk through this meeting place, well out of sight. The panther could hear the sounds of discussion already going on from the hall that the general was walking to. She didn’t have to worry about how she was going to sneak in when the door swung open from the inside—a man started to step out, pausing as he spotted Zafar reaching the door. The brief moment was enough for D.D. to sneak past the pair and into the room, where she started to get a good look at all the figures in the room. There were a few who she didn’t recognise but could tell must be ‘important’ humans.
Zafar entered the hall, the door closing shut behind him as he took a seat, pulling out a handgun and holding it against the table. A few members reacted in fear—the rest barely reacted to it.
“Wha—” one member sputtered. “What are you doing?!”
Zafar chuckled. “Not all of us here have Stands—while we have provided some glasses for that reason, I have access to one through the perfection of an ancient firearm-focused martial art. And it’s very much necessary for this next part…for today we’re being visited by someone who only visits with their Stand...I introduce to you 「Diamond Life」.
A bony hand burst up from the center of the table, finding its footing before dragging the rest of its body upwards, the Stand’s horned crown phasing through first as this skeletal alien pulled itself into full view. Those who were seeing it for the first time were terrified—“Has it been here the whole time?”—and D.D. was no exception. This thing mortified her: as the internet would say, its vibes were rancid, unnatural, and her senses were going nuts just being near.
The panther could feel her cloak slipping. Her instincts were beginning to interfere, she couldn’t stay, she had to go. She’d seen enough anyways…though she didn’t mind taking a poorly placed guest list as she went.
She didn’t need to text these guys, swiping the book would send her message:
[l8ter suckas!!! >:3c]
Scenario: Soma’s Cup, Mist City — 5:36 PM
The afternoon sun shone across the streets of Mist City, gleaming along the green shade of a van parked outside of a cafe. It wasn’t often that PINDROP and the Moonbeam Riders had met together to share information on their investigations into the Metropolis Suite and their Middleman, but with the information that allies of theirs had acquired from spying upon a meeting of their enemy it was necessary—Soma’s Cup serving as a more private meeting place as public, overt meetings were much riskier now.
Corkboards laid upon a few tables, the two groups stood somewhat awkwardly around the information they each had gathered: PINDROP’s wide web of information, looking through chains of command and where money flows to gather a list of suspects; and the Riders’ deeper investigations into various individuals and locale, hoping to figure out what drove these people, why they would assassinate Paris Aco.
However, there were some things to address first: while the two groups had become allies, it seemed that recently they managed to get into a couple of fights recently: while the first resolved itself easily, the second was still somewhat sore in Drippy’s mind. Yet, no matter how many glares she sent towards the riders, their members seemed undeterred. After all, through their work with Gioia Arancini, they had gained a recent victory against the Suite. Now, they just had to keep up their momentum. When it came to such a vital campaign, all who could help were welcome in their coalition. Even former enemies.
Though you couldn’t tell that the two groups had fought by looking at Inago and Sonika. The two had taken the reins of the meeting, excitedly going back and forth comparing information. The fire in their hearts blazed brightly, stirring even the most reluctant members of their groups.
“Yes, this will be helpful,” Sonika continued on, only pausing her speech to take a sip of coffee. “But what is the important thing we must remember?”
She paused, as if waiting for everyone else to answer on cue. When no one did, she took another long sip, and then smacked her mug down on the table.
“That’s right! We must remember to follow the money. Sure, there are various people doing the dirty work, but that’s just the work. When we see who pays them, when we follow the money…we find people with their fingers in all sorts of industries. That man, Xenagoras, he’s our prime example. We can’t spend all our time chasing their various guards, employees, and confidants, we need to dig right down to the root.”
Inago nodded along, still relieved that Cage the Elephant was gone, that his pale city had crumbled. “There’s a few complications that have sprung from his defeat,” he noted. “For all his faults, Xenagoras was dedicated to keeping the Hymnal Bazaar afloat. It would need new management, and there’s no telling what kind it could get. Not only that, there’s also that man in the mountain.”
“Right—while this ‘Spanda’ figure’s interference once provided cover for some illegal construction, it interfered with construction broadly. With him gone, the Suite has lost and gained opportunities.” Sonika moved her hand towards the latest addition to the boards. “...which brings us to the reason we called this meeting: a list of figures who had been spotted at a meeting.”
“Media, railways, politics…they really have their hands in everything.” Angelino noted, peering over the list and the new connections that had been made.
“The railway…” Yankee murmured to himself, before speaking up. “Paris Aco believed they were involved, didn’t she? Wasn’t that long before she died as well. Maybe the answer to why the Middleman was called on her lies there?”
“Makes sense!” Luna remarked. “It helps that a friend of ours managed to find some conversations between Sing Now! and the railway CEO a week before her death—that has to be something.”
“I would imagine that tracks through the mountain could be what they attempt towards next,” Sonika noted, refocusing the conversation. “But we have no leads as to who would even be willing to work on such a project.”
“It’s not the sort of thing that could exactly be easily presented to the city’s Planning Board,” Inago stated. “While Zhengqi does associate with Mahimit, tearing apart the mountain isn’t something he’d be down for.”
Windy spoke up in agreement. “I remember back at the Gala I was at that the fella really cared about the environment. ‘Tis a shame that his pa’s one of the Suite—he seemed a swell guy too.”
“Zafar Singh, right?” Arizona asked, leaning back against a wall as she listened on. “Heard he runs the army base here—must be, ah, pretty big in their ranks. Maybe he knows about who the Middleman is?”
“Perhaps…” Inago pondered, before turning to the guest in their midst. “Ajay, what do you think of this?”
The welder looked up as he put down his phone, having finished a call while the others were discussing their findings. He had come to the cafe at the right time, seeking someone to discuss the worrying events happening recently only to walk into the two detective groups setting up shop.
“Well, Mahi would be willing to discuss the topic—just called them now actually, they want to meet up!”
“Wha—really?” Sonika asked. “You called them right before—sigh well, it’s a good lead to follow.”
“Agreed,” Inago spoke, stretching as he stepped away from the corkboards. “Ajay, would it be ok if me and Sonika came with you?”
“Actually—” Windy stepped down from her seat. “May I come as well? I want to see if the poor fella’s doing ok, and maybe figure out why his pa would be in the Suite.”
“Sure thing!” Ajay smiled. “Anyone else want to join us?”
Scenario: Port Konwar — 8:56 PM
Night had fallen on Rakin City, the moonlight shining on the green paint of the BigTop as it drove through Port Konwar. The streets were quiet, with only a few people prowling about who’d yet to return home, and even less the closer the group got to their destination. The docks seemed to drift further and further into silence, until the dusk was all that awaited them.
“—and that over there should be where they said to meet up.” Ajay noted, pointing out the locale in question to Jon who began to turn the van towards it: a construction site, another building designed for the utility it serves the city.
“Are you certain?” Sonika asked as she looked past the two at their destination. “Not ideal for a secret meetup, isn’t it? Wouldn’t call it the safest place...”
“Nobody would stumble in on you, at least,” Jon noted, pulling the van up next to a motorcycle parked nearby. “You guys, uh, g-got the recording gear ready? The BigTop should be set up, s-so I can write up a copy of anything important in case things go, ah, south.”
“Are ya certain that’s necessary?” Windy asked from further back in the van. “Fella’s a pretty swell guy from what I’ve seen of him. Y’really think we’ll be having any trouble?”
“Better safe than sorry,” Sonika sighed. Exiting the van, she watched as those who had come along for this interview started filing out: Drippy leaving at a brisk pace, eager for this to reveal something about the Middleman who had been plaguing her thoughts, followed by Inago and then Ajay—once Windy hopped out alongside them, the PI stepped out and shut the BigTop’s door behind them.
For a moment, Sonika paused, inhaling crisp night air. Port Konwar’s air was thick with the smell of the water just nearby. Her thoughts were crowded, as they always were. Everyone here was pretty confident that something good would come of the lead they were chasing. If the architect’s father, Zafar, was actually a member of the Suite as they’d been informed, this’d be huge. Why didn’t she feel that same excitement?
Steric had informed her of the situation with the late Mrs. Aco’s daughter, currently taken in by an associate of his (something about a lawyer?). Maybe that was what gave her pause. That gruesome murder, everything surrounding it. It made her feel a little-
Windy tugged on her sleeve, and she let out a breath she didn’t realize she was holding in. She nodded, stuffing her hands in her pockets and moving forward.
It didn’t take the group long to reach the center of the construction site, striding past concrete bricks and wooden beams, keeping an eye out for the architect they were to meet. Drippy was the first to spot someone within the construction site, but this did not appear to be Mahimit: the figure was sitting atop some lone concrete bricks, the lower part of their face somewhat obscured by the high collar of a long-coat, and their eyes covered by shades a deep red.
She held her arm out to stop the others as she summoned her Stand in her other, the bone blade of her longsword pointing right at the person in front of them. “The hell are you?” She called out.
Inago was quick to recognise the figure: “That’s Hira!” The statement was greeted with silence. “They’re mainly known as Tamas. Vigilantes always wind up with a few names. Last I heard, they’d gone missing.”
“Do you types just all know each other?” Drippy raised an eyebrow, lowering her blade slightly.
Like her PINDROP ally, Sonika was also on guard, the metallic figure of 「Chain Of Prospit」 manifesting beside her as the moonlight shone on its golden armor. “Then why are they here, and now?”
The one of the group unperturbed by this was Ajay, a brief look of curiosity before he sidestepped past the armored Stand and walked forward with a grin on his face. “Hey Mon-Ami, we’re here! Hope we didn’t make you wait!”
The entire group turned to their guide in confusion, but they all realized one by one what exactly the situation was.
Mahimit was Tamas.
Windy’s grin dropped, but only slightly. Even if it was somber news, she always made sure to smile in times of distress. ’He was such a lovely fella’, she thought to herself. ’I suppose that makes sense given what I’ve heard of Tamas’s approach. But what could drive ‘em to such violence? His dad seemed nice too, but I’m not sure what else could be the reason why…
Drippy lowered her sword, but she wasn’t any less wary. Vigilante types were always a violent bunch, and she couldn’t afford to keep her guard down for even a moment. The name wasn’t unfamiliar to her, though. Even beyond her job at PINDROP keeping her up to date on the city’s affairs, Susie herself had only kind things to say about the guy. Apparently he was an associate of Rasna’s to some degree. She didn’t really know if she liked the sound of that.
Sonika, shocked as she was, kept focused—this new piece of the puzzle meant so much. Her mind flicked through its own internal reasonings at bullet speed, as it always did when a new clue appeared. ’So Mahimit is also Tamas…didn’t Titan mention something about blackmail? He said it was about his position in the City Planning Board, but having a powerful Stand User in their pocket might also be another reason to…didn’t Tamas disappear roughly about the time Mahi would have been blackmailed? For that matter, who would even want to? The influence he has now in the planning board is a good thing to have, su…re…
Something clicked into place, and Sonika’s eyes widened.
“Oh, shit.”
Scenario: One Month Ago, Mahimit Rākin’s Apartment, Mist City — 10:25PM
Mahimit had come back from another night out on the streets as Tamas, but like a phantom that Stand had appeared in his living room while his back was turned. He stepped backwards, nearly tripping on their own feet. He put his arms up in defense, his hands blocking its inky stare. “「D-Diamond Life」,” they stammered, doing everything to force a smile. “A p-pleasure to…see you.” They were lying through their teeth, naturally. Ghoulish appearance aside, an audience with them was rare; for it to show up on its own time…
Mahimit gulped. “It’s rather late. What brings you by?”
The Stand said nothing, only placing a claw onto the edge of the sofa, faint scratching from each step as it moved from towards the window. Mahi froze as it finally turned its head to the glass pane.
“How long has it been?” It hissed.
“W-what do you mean?”
“Ah, it would have been about three years, now. Is that right?” The Stand turned its head to the architect. “Yes, I remember now. The day your father brought you along to one of our gatherings.” A breeze blew into the room, jostling the loose cloth hanging on its rigid body. “How the time passes us by.”
Mahi’s eyes shot to the floor as they dug into their palms. Had it only been that long? It felt like an eternity since they joined the Suite. He never much cared for most of their company, but it wasn’t like he wasn’t getting anything out of this. They may have initially joined at the request of Zafar, but there were undeniable benefits. Few he grew to enjoy, as much as he loathed to admit even that. Mahi looked back up, the Stand peering out of the window.
“I never got the chance to…thank you,” he nearly choked on the words. “—I’ve been able to do amazing things through the board that—”
“You studied in Tamil Nadu, yes?” it said sharply. “That’s what Zafar told me anyways.”
The blood running through Mahimit’s veins was ice cold.
“I hear it was quite a dangerous place back then,” the Stand shook its split head. “It takes a lot of vigilance to make it in an area like that. A trait that has served you well in the few years I’ve known you.”
Mahi felt an intense aura seeping throughout the room. What was it talking about? Why bring all this up? He frowned, uncomfortable with where this was going.
“Having lived there, surely you’ve heard of Hira?”
Mahi’s eyes widened. His eyes darted back to the couch, only to find that 「Diamond Life」 was already holding their coat in its jagged grip, a hole in the shoulder where a knife cut through before they could transform. Their heart sank to the floor.
“You did know Hira originally operated there, correct?” The Stand continued, tracing its finger over the coat linings. “Though they have recently found a home in Rākinnagarh, the mysterious “Rider Tamas” watched over a small city within the region.” Seemingly from nowhere, it produced a newspaper and tossed it into Mahimit’s chest. Unrolling it revealed a grainy image of a shape atop a three story building. A figure, looming over the city, something billowing around them, obscuring their form. “TAMAS, HERO OR MENACE?”
「Diamond Life」 shook its head. “Courtesy of one troublesome tiger. It came at no small cost.”
Mahimit’s hands shook violently as they read over the contents of the print. Though, they weren’t really reading it, they just couldn’t bear to look up from the page. It knew. 「Diamond Life」 knew everything. Their identity, their values. Their true self…If it knew about Tamas, then surely it would’ve made the connection to their actions against Binay’s group. Their collusion with VULTURE. Hira had been a thorn in the side for the Metropolis Suite for the better part of a year. This wasn’t something that could be ignored.
Mahimit lowered the paper, their eyes wide with energy. “So, what now? Is this why you’ve come? To tie up loose ends?”
「Diamond Life」 took a step towards them. And then another. “You know, when most people refer to ‘tying loose ends’, they often mean to rip out the thread entirely.”
The stand poked its claw through the hole in Hira’s coat, pinching a loose snag, staring intently at it. “Of course, sometimes one must act quickly to remove the string. It’s important to prevent the cloth from snagging on anything. It could bring about untold damage.”
It took another step towards Mahimit, its chilling aura suffocating them. “However, this is ultimately shortsighted. Ripping the string will only hurt the quality of the cloth, giving way to future snags, which inevitably leads to an unstable material.”
As it spoke, it ran a single claw through the hole, taking the loose strands of string through the shoulder in a circular motion as it circled behind Mahimit, causing another shudder to shoot through his body.
“W-what are you doing?”
“According to the tailors of Assam, if you truly want to preserve a piece of clothing, it's best to string the thread back through the reverse side of the cloth. It’s often best to use a blunt needle to smooth the snag out. It’s a delicate process, but I’ve come to find it’s well worth it.” As it spoke, it slowly placed its claws onto the architect’s shoulders, one claw at a time.
“I’m sure you’d agree.”
Mahimit flinched at the touch, turning around to find that the Stand had vanished. Confused, he touched his fingers to his shoulders, feeling the weight of his coat resting upon them. Running his hand against the right sleeve, they were stunned to find that the hole was gone, with only a tiny stitch to remember it by. Despite this miracle, however, Mahimit couldn’t shake the creeping dread that was ebbing in their chest. This was no mere gift. It was a warning. And if they stepped out of line…No. It wouldn’t come to that. It couldn’t.
Mahimit inhaled, and exhaled, and inhaled, and exhaled.
“Who... did you bring with you?” His eyes moved from Ajay to the people behind him.
“Some friends.” Ajay nodded. “They’re good people. They wanna help you out as much as I do. I promise you that much.”
Inhale. Exhale. Inhale. Exhale.
“If it’s not too much trouble...” Sonika cleared her throat, offering a hand. “We’d like to take you somewhere safer. It’s a bit risky out here.”
Inhale. Exhale. Inhale. Exhale.
“Get out.” Mahimit grit their teeth, nails digging into the soft flesh of their palms. “I-I’ll tell you everything, just, get out of here, now.”
Ajay’s reassuring smile faltered. “Mon-Ami, what’re you-”
Mahimit shoved the man away, panic overtaking those practiced breaths. They took a moment to calm themselves. Inhale. Exhale. Inhale. Ex-


They blinked a few times. Looked away from the floor. Saw Ajay collapsed, blood pouring from a bullet wound on his shoulder, eyes wide from shock. The people behind him were immediately panicking, but they didn’t care. That bullet hole. Straight through the shoulder, clean and precise, like a knife through butter. A perfect shot, not intended to kill, but to disarm. It always had to be perfect.
Zafar was watching from somewhere. Of course he was. Of course he would fire, take this away from them. Of course he would be watching Mahi now. Of course he would see the chipped nail polish frantically washed off every morning before anyone could see. The cheap lipstick that they could never spend too much on because they always wound up throwing it away out of fear. Of course he would see these stupid tears-
Mahimit’s breath hitched.
Their father would be there to take this away from them, as he had always been. He was a tall, vast man, who commanded your respect, no matter how much you hated him. He knew what was right. His choice was yours. What he wanted would be what occurred, simple as.
And right now, what he wanted was a perfect son who would help with his work.
Mahimit screamed, his voice reverberating through the construction site, Stand manifesting as it tried to keep them together, a hole ripping in his body. The costume he’d worn so fondly ripped itself to shreds, something pulling itself out from the hole and staring him down. For just a moment, Mahimit stared back, before the all-consuming despair washed over his reason.
The loud click of a reload was all that he heard as he rose to his feet.
He didn’t tell his body to stand—it seemed to do that on its own, puppeteered by the figure snaking out from his chest.
Tamas had simply become another thing that was no longer his.
“Shit!” Drippy cursed as she deflected another strike from Mahimit’s Stand, gritting her teeth. She glanced backwards, watching as Inago slung the unconscious Ajay over his shoulder. That was the cue to get going, now. She barely had time to reel backwards before another bullet went sailing past her, almost blowing her damn arm off.
”GO, GO, GO!” The group was on the retreat in the blink of an eye, Inago throwing up another diamond barrier in time to block another one of the Stand’s frenzied strikes. He felt his bones rattle at the impact—this thing was tough, and it was mad.
A massive concrete pillar served as a damn fine bit of cover, and Mahimit seemed too distracted to follow. That wouldn’t last, though; the second the architect came to his senses, they’d need to get into action. They needed a plan, now.
Windy kept watch, her smaller body allowing her some strength. Inago set himself to stabilizing Ajay, and Sonika just sort of...sat there. Drippy watched in awe as their fearless leader spaced out, clearly too lost in thought to be of much strategic assistance. She’d been weird for a while now, but this was the last time to be having some sort of crisis.
Drippy groaned. She needed to figure this out, then. She was half a mind to march over there and show that architect the works, but...
She couldn’t help recalling the words of a certain ex-gang leader. They were swords, and they carried violence wherever they went, or something. She didn’t quite remember how it went, but, well, this wasn’t the kind of situation where the violent types would be able to do much. This guy didn’t need to be hit with swords, he needed some combat therapy, and she was the last person who’d be able to give it.
She glanced between her comrades, and groaned again.
“Al-RIGHT!” Drippy rose to her feet. “Fedora boy!”
“Inago.” Inago sighed.
“Whatever! We’re tracking down the sniper!” She turned to Sonika. “Boss, you and the puppet can deal with this shit! We’ll be off!”
Inago barely had time to protest before Drippy was dragging him off to find Zafar, Leaving Sonika and Windy alone behind the pillar.
“Looks like it’s the two of us, then!” Windy grinned, balling felt into fist. “No worries! We can get this one done lickety-split!”
Sonika didn’t respond
“Uh... Miss detective?”
“Ah, sorry.” Sonika shook her head to clear her thoughts, but trouble still creased her brow. She stared at the water in front of her, visible through the bars of a fence. “...Did you hear the way that kid screamed?”
“Was awfully loud, wasn’t it? Woulda made my eardrums pop! If I had any.” Windy offered a smile and a chuckle. Sonika didn’t take it.
“It was just, so...” She sighed. “What good can we even do, here, huh? What’s the point in any of this?”
“The point?” Windy tilted her head to the side. What a strange question! “The point is that we’re helpin’ people, ain’t it? Get this done, and we’ll be one step closer to helping a lot of people. That’s what we’re here for.”
Sonika chuckled, and Windy smiled at that.
“Our help hasn’t done a damn thing, kid.” The detective rose to her feet. “No matter how hard I try, how many cases I solve, that…beast is going to kill someone else. It’ll keep happening. Even if we stop him, throw him behind bars or whatever, will that stop any of this? It’s all...” Sonika’s crisis of faith wasn’t new. It had boiled, brewing just underneath her skin. Her hands shook at the thought of Rakin’s plight—and her own hopelessness before it. She was just a detective. She couldn’t stop this train of death, no matter how hard she—
A ball of yarn hit her square in the jaw, sending her stumbling back.
She turned to face an uncharacteristically furious Windy. She gaped, awestruck. She didn’t even know Windy could be mad. The muppet was so mad, in fact, that she had to take a few seconds to huff and calm herself down so she could actually speak.
“...First off.” Windy jabbed a thumb into her chest. “I’m pretty sure I’m just about as old as you, buddy!
Sonika blinked a few times.
“Secondly!” Windy crossed her arms. “You think I’m naive, don’tcha?! I get it! I am pretty naive! I really do think that if we just keep tryin’ and tryin’ and tryin’ we’ll get everything fixed up and everyone’ll hold hands and sing and dance! Sue me! But y’know what?!” Windy huffed again, placing her hands on her hips. “I don’t care if that’s unrealistic! Cause that’s just what I want! I don’t care if it’s hard! I don’t care if things are bad! Cause if I’ve got somethin’ to work towards, then I can put on a smile and keep doing it and doing it and doing it till I do make a difference! We’ve always been working at the impossible!”
“If it’s impossible, then...What’s the point of trying?”
Windy grinned. “Pal, you’re having a conversation with a talking muppet. Words like that don’t mean a dang thing anymore!” She pointed at Sonika, grin widening. “Even the impossible’s possible, if you believe it is! That’s what it means to be a hero-ah.”
In a mere instant, Tamas was upon them, the arms of his Stand hurtling towards Windy, aiming to rip a hole right through her. The muppet froze up like a deer in headlights.
“Aw, shoo-”


A chain unfurled from the pillar, barely blocking off Tamas’s strike, forcing it back. Sonika pushed a hand through her hair, exhaling, her Stand shining bright behind her.
“I’m a pretty old woman, y’know.” She smirked, flipping open her notepad. “You really think I can be so naive?”
“You’d better!” Windy hopped onto her shoulder, cracking her knuckles, somehow. “You can’t make miracles happen if you don’t believe in ‘em!”
Sonika nodded. Truth be told, she didn’t really know how much this would help, but one case at a time. That’s how she’d always done it.
“Alright, Windy.” Sonika put on the best smile she could. For now, it’d be enough. “Let’s see your miracle.”
”Open the game!”
Location: A building in the first stages of its construction. The map is 24 x 30 meters, with each square being 1x1 meter. At the bottom of the map is a trailer filled with documentation of the jobs that the construction company have done over the past few years in the area. The red squares are large tool boxes and storage boxes for various construction tools. Blue squares on the building itself are window frames, roughly a meter off the ground, while the walls themselves are made of poured concrete.
The yellow is a backhoe, and the brown areas are large piles of dirt, excavated to pour the foundations of the building. The piles have been moved around, with some partially on current sections of the foundation, and stand 3m high. The walls of the building are similarly high; work has not finished on the first story.
A sniper loyal to Metropolis is located somewhere to the north of the map with a sniper rifle; while the rounds they currently have loaded are not able to penetrate through concrete, dirt, or other significant cover, they can harm Stands. They will take about ten seconds to reload and get a bead on a player, and will prioritize shooting Windy, attempting to use the force of the bullets to disorient her, hurt her, and/or knock her out of the arena.
Goal: RETIRE your opponents! Notably for Windy, a ring out will also be considered a RETIRE, as she’s forced away from contributing to the fight!
Additional Information: Marked on the map in orange are several exclamation points. These are points of interest that Sonika can use to clue in where exactly the sniper is shooting from and call in their position to Ol’ Drippy and Inago via phone. Once this is done, the sniper will stop shooting after a minute, as they’ll be tied up with the other two.
Team Combatant JoJolity
Moondrop Detective Agency Sonika Singha ”I’ll try to get closer while I go up the side of the hill. Look for the moment it fires.” This sniper absolutely can’t be left to dictate the pace of this fight. Solve the case of the sniper’s nest and call them out to your comrades!
Moondrop Detective Agency Windy “Charlotte, my assistant, if you’d help me introduce you to everyone…” All of this carnage happening around you… this isn’t how things should be! Things don’t have to be this way! All of this pain and suffering, it’s all meaningless! Through your words and actions during the fight, prove that there’s another, better path, and set an example of it!
The Metropolis Suite Mahimit “Hira” Rākin “Speaking to someone’s heart is an amazing thing, but sometimes… ‘garbage’ gets left over.” What else is left for you, really? Through your actions in this fight, do your best to make your father proud!
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submitted by TornkeS to StardustCrusaders [link] [comments]

2024.05.09 21:38 elbatpeccaacceptable SAE mark XXX & XXXIB

1975 SAE preamp and power amp. Sounds so good!
submitted by elbatpeccaacceptable to vintageaudio [link] [comments]

2024.05.09 21:19 pro_charlatan A case for the many

This will repurpose arguments for an Ishvara and make a case stating why polytheism is more plausible.
Argument 1
The first ground is “effect” (kārya).[2] The idea is that all the objects of the world must have a cause, because they are of the nature of effects, like a pot. That all the objects of the world are effects follows from the fact that they are made up of parts. There are a few things such as, atoms, space, time, self etc., which are not made up of parts and they are all eternal, without any cause. But all other things of the world, like mountains and seas, the sun and the moon, the stars and the planet, must be the effects of some cause, since they are composite in nature. But an effect is not produced only by the material cause. There must be also an intelligent cause (kartā) for all these effects. Without the supervision of an intelligent cause material causes cannot produce any effect by themselves. An agent again means one who has direct knowledge of the material causes and has also the will and the effort to produce an effect. The material causes of the things of the world include many objects which are beyond normal conception. Thus ordinary persons like ourselves cannot have a direct knowledge of them and handle them to produce an effect. So we have to admit an agent who is all-powerful, omniscient and capable of handling all kinds of material causes. This agent is God.
Though this argument indicates the possibility of an intelligent cause , it cannot impel that it needs to be one. If we have to stop the causal chain at 1(because this being existent must also have a cause by its own axioms) then why not at 3, 5 or 33 ? Having multiple gods can also relax the constraint of an entity being all powerful (something that we have never observed for any entity in our day to day life) . All ot needs is a pantheon that can complement each other. Polytheism has fewer assumptions hence making it more plausible while still satisfying the need of this argument
Argument 2
The second ground is “action” (āyojana).[3] Action here naturally means a special form of action, and not action in general. The Nyāya system advocates the theory of atomism. All the composite things of the world are ultimately composed of atoms. Nyāya also believes in cosmic dissolution (pralaya). This world comes to an end at a certain period and again the world is created. At the time of dissolution all composite things are reduced to their ultimate parts, i.e. atoms. When a new creation starts, conjunction between two atoms occurs due to movement and a dyad is produced. Then, gradually, conjunctions among parts are produced and the various things of the world appear. At the time of dissolution only the atoms, disjoined from one another, remain. When movement is produced in them they combine with one another. But the atoms are unconscious by nature. They cannot move by themselves. They can have movements and get into conjunction with one another only if there is an intelligent being behind them. Without the effort of such a being there cannot be any movement in the atoms. For example, the body moves only because it is guided by the effort of the self conjoined with it. This being who at the start of creation produces movement in the atoms is the extraordinary and all-powerful agent, namely, God.
To me this isnt argument for a sentient god just an omnipresent force but I suppose if i must use modern lingo - this talks of viewing a single field as a god Currently we do not have a theory of everything and the QFT talks of 12 basic fields superimposing on one another.. so yeah if fields must be taken as a God then polytheism is the way to go.
Argument 3
The third ground is behavior of the elder (pada). The word pada is to be taken in this special sense.[5] We find that some persons are expert in making, e.g. a jar. People employ sentences which convey coherent meanings. It is also found that boys use a particular script fort writing. All this would not be possible without a teacher. A person becomes expert in making a jar only when he is taught by an experienced teacher. Similarly, somebody must teach a person how to compose a meaningful statement. A child identifies letters and can write them if it is guided by a learned person. When creation is already going on there is no problem in this regard. A person may be guided in his different activities by his father or some learned elder. But at the start of new creation there is no ordinary person to teach the different arts etc. If nobody has sufficient knowledge in the arts who will teach the people? In fact, in that case there can be no tradition of the artisans etc. To explain this fact it is to be admitted that in that first period of creation there is at least one person who knows all the art etc. and teaches the people. The beginning is made by him and then the process can go on. This person must be omniscient and none other than God.
Maybe people figured out gew things by random tinkering. This has even less force than the previous arguments but even if one needs a teacher then again as in argument one why not have more than 1 teacher specializing in different things. This has the same advantage of not requiring an omniscient entity(something not observed in any entity in our day to day world) and hence is a simpler hypothesis.
Argument 4
The fourth ground is “validity”[6] (pratyaya= prāmāṇya). The idea is as follows. There is no doubt that the statements of the scripture are valid. The Mīmāṃsā says that the scripture is intrinsically valid and no other factor is necessary to establish its validity. But the Nyāya does not accept this view. In every case validity depends upon some additional factors. In the case of verbal testimony this factor is the reliability of the speaker. A statement becomes valid if its speaker is reliable, free from defects. When a person knows a thing properly and communicates it correctly, his statement is accepted as valid. This is true of each and every statement, whether it is an ordinary statement or a scriptural statement. But the speaker must have a direct knowledge of the things he is speaking about. In the scripture there are many statements which speak about things which are of such nature that no ordinary person can have direct knowledge about them. Thus an extraordinary speaker has to be admitted for the scripture and he is God
Again this doesn't imply the existence of a single reliable revealer of sacred texts. The scriptures speak of various things and sometimes they even seem to contradict each other. This is infact difficult to resolve if one assumes a single God but it is easier to solve in a polytheistic world. The seeming contradictions arise because they are revealed through multiple sources and these sources express their own viewpoints even on the same subject and hence can differ.
Argument 5
The unmoved mover argument: things in the world are in motion, something can only be caused to move by a mover, therefore everything in the world must be moved by an unmoved mover.
This suffers from the same limitations as argument 1. Why stop at one and not 3,5, or 33 unmoved movers . Either there is no unmoved mover or there can be more than one,
Argument 6
The final cause argument: things in the world act for an end or purpose, but only an intelligent being can direct itself towards a purpose, so there must be an intelligent being that directs things towards their purpose.
Someone hasn't heard of teamwork. There are also a plurality of things and a plurality of beings can direct these diverse entities.
Argument 7
The degree argument: there are degrees of goodness and perfection among things, and something of a maximum degree must be the cause of things of a lower degree, so there must be a supremely good and perfect cause for all good things.
This argument presupposes that the degrees of goodness has an upperbound. Why must the entitites satisfying the upper bound have to be singular ? Does perfection require it to be a singular entity ? Do perfect entities even exist outside our imaginations - the answer is no. Perfection doesn't imply existence and even if it did the notions of what perfection entails are probably as varied as the number of humans so if at all perfection implies existence then multiple existences are what it would bring forth each maximizing a different but mutually incompatible criterias.
Argument 8
intelligent design
A lot many more complex tasks in this world are not the sole product of a single indivual and is a crystallization of twam work and brainstorming. So polytheism with multiple gods is more plausible. Even a painting is a result of the painter and the object that he/she portrays. The painter themselves are dependent on others even those outside their specie without which their existence isn't possible.
Argument 9
There is no possibility of two Ishwaras owing to impossibility of vyavahara if there were many Ishwaras due to their free wills contradicting
An all powerful one must also have the power to co-operate hence making vyavahara feasible. Destruction occurs in our daily experience, sometime they are catastrophic. This is hard to explain if we assume an all-powerful controller but can be side stepped by assuming it as stemming from cooperation lapses.
Ishvara has to be one because it is Brahman viewed through the lens of Maya which is the totality of all possible prisms.
This is hard to argue against since it is axiomatic. Ishvara is then as fictitious as other plural superimpositions onto Brahman. I dont have a problem as long as one accepts this fact.
Brahman is one.
Brahman is also many. It is all of existence.
The world is God
You are a polytheist par excellence. Polytheism is divinity is restricted to N entities, by extending N to all of existence you have created the largest pantheon ever possible.
God is world + something more
Then this is similar to an enterprise. A legal fiction/abstract notion where the previous notion of world as God is combined is combined with another entity with properties transcending the world. It is an example of henotheism(the transcendent entity being superior to imannnent plurality for some reason ) with the largest pantheon in existence.
A case from Karma
If one believes in the reality of the law of karma and personal agency then there cannot exist an ishvara because it's omniscience and temporal transcendence will negate it. If one still believes in divinity then polytheism is better option as compared to a belief in a limited single God since his other attributes related to being a creator etc rests on it being limitless.
A case from evil
A single good and perfect being cannot create a world with evil. You will have to renounce goodness if you want to maintain perfection else renounce perfection if one wants to preserve goodness. But evil can be explained away as stemming from co-operation lapses while maintaining a polytheistic pantheon as good and each entity perfect in their specific task.
A case from probability
If a proof for divinity exists then the proof that it establishes existence alone is more probable than it establishing existence and uniqueness both. P(A and B) <= P(A)
A case against one God many forms i.e A case from universals and particulars
Has there been any entity in the world of experience denoting such a property ? What we observe are many things unique in themselves sharing a common property like humans and carbon, molecules of H20 and continuous flow. Such a thing can be stated only by ignoring the difference for the universal. But acceptance of both can only be explained through a pantheon with their divinity being the same nature(the universal) but this divinity is no entity just like how the common human common property to think is no entity. We have scriptural evidence for this in the verse
Mahat devanam asuratva ekam - great is the one nature of the gods. Which is again illustrated by the different devas being associated with different devas. The rishis identified something in each deva that they found in others but they didn't negate their individuality for this common property.
Polytheism of the upanishads and a personal note
In multiple upanishads(and in the brahmanas as well) they seem to repeatedly assert the equivalence between the devatas and the processes that sustain us. So when we feel a flash of insight that inches us closer towards truth, light and prosperity/immortality we are perceiving Soma in action. With each breath we perceive vayu renewing our existence. When we hear transformative words we feel the grace of brhaspati. When we restrain ourselves it is Indra lending us his strength, when we are overcome with emotions - it is rudra who shows us the path to normalcy. When we are able to coordinate our entire physique to accomplish a task, it is through the pervasion of vishnu. So all the devas are directly perceptible and self evident. Whatever is within is also without and there are equivalence between the devas and the external world these external manifestations are again directly evident.
Through science we know them even better. We call them with different names. Just because our knowledge has improved about the processes that sustains us there is no reason to look down on them afterall we wouldn't be alive without their proper functioning. I am happy to know my gods better. If someone asks me where are my gods and whether I can prove their existence- the answer is - I can as described in the previous paragraph. I can confidently state that I am gnostic theist without sounding delusional.
Thank you note
My sincere thanks to all monotheists across the eons for providing these arguments with additional unempirical assumptions of omniscience , omnipotence etc, relaxing all of which makes polytheism even more plausible.
this post is dedicated to the 33
submitted by pro_charlatan to hinduism [link] [comments]

2024.05.09 08:27 yxlen Recommend animes with adult ikemen! (Based on my list of favorites)

I’ve been searching and searching and I need recommendations from y’all.
I have a specific preference for hot male anime characters. I don’t know how exactly to describe their looks and traits in words, so I’m going to lay out examples!
I love pretty boy characters who feel like they’re in their 20s/30s, or at least don’t scream teenage high schooler. Big points for traditional Japanese garbs/robes/kimonos/yukatas. The guys in Hakuoki are basically perfection in my eyes.
— Characters I love —
Shigure Soma - Fruits Basket
Hatsuharu Soma - Fruits Basket (young but he has a mature vibe and look)
Goto Satori - JJK
Hak - Yona of the Dawn
Hatake Kakashi, Uchiha Itachi - Naruto
All the men - Hakuoki
Shi Seiran, Ri Kouyuu - Saiunkoku Monogatari
Loid Forger - Spy x Family
Ban - Seven Deadly Sins
Guren Ichinose - Seraph of the End
Archer (older Emiya) - Fate/Zero
Kaname Kuran - Vampire Knight
Abel Knightroad - Trinity Blood

🔍 Which other animes would you recommend?


Update: Here is the compiled list of all the wonderful recommendations in this thread. Super grateful 💜
  1. Millionaire Detective (The Millionaire Detective Balance: Unlimited)
  2. Psycho-Pass
  3. Showa Genroku Rakugo Shinju
  4. IDOLiSH7
  5. Yubisaki to Renren
  6. Barakamon
  7. Fushigi Yuugi
  8. Legend of the Galactic Heroes: Die Neue These
  9. Hanasakeru Seishounen
  10. Kobato
  11. Samurai Flamenco
  12. Buddy Daddies (Oji-sama to Neko)
  13. The Yakuza's Guide to Babysitting (Gokushufudo)
  14. The Case Files of Jeweler Richard (Housekisho Richard-shi no Nazo Kantei)
  15. Ooku
  16. The Saint's Magic is Omnipotent (Seijo no Maryoku wa Bannou Desu)
  17. Haruka: Beyond the Stream of Time (Harukanaru Toki no Naka de)
  18. Tsurune
  19. Touken Ranbu
  20. Kudo Kiyoka - My Happy Marriage
  21. Rurouni Kenshin
  22. Dororo
  23. Kusuriya no Hitorigoto (The Apothecary Diaries)
  24. Kamisama Kiss
  25. A Sign of Affection
  26. Hametsu no Oukoku (The Kingdoms of Ruin)
  27. Gintama
  28. Princess Mononoke
  29. Howl's Moving Castle
  30. Gantz
  31. Darker than Black
  32. Koori Zokusei Danshi to Cool na Douryou Joshi
  33. Golden Kamuy
  34. K Project
  35. Bleach
  36. Black Butler (Kuroshitsuji)
  37. Magi
  38. Saiyuki
  39. Uragiri wa Boku no Namae wo Shitteiru
  40. 07-Ghost
  41. Food Wars (Shokugeki no Soma)
  42. Inuyasha
  43. Brave 10
  44. Vanitas No Carte
  45. Castlevania
  46. Baccano
  47. Moriarty the Patriot
  48. Joker Game
  49. World Trigger
  50. Ryman's Club
  51. Bungou Stray Dogs
  52. Yotsuiro Biyori
  53. Laughing Under The Clouds
  54. Bakumatsu (almost a clone of Hakuoki)
submitted by yxlen to anime [link] [comments]

2024.05.09 01:29 dosceroseis WTS: Soma Cosmos, Digitakt MK1, Empress Zoia, CBA Mood MK1, Organelle, Organelle M, Landscape HC-TT, & much more!

Just thinning the herd! I priced all of these according to what the “Price Guide” on said was a “great value”. Everything is in mint condition. The Cosmos and Digitakt both come with their respective Decksavers & the Mood comes in its original box.
Organelle M = $550 Digitakt = $540 Empress Zoia = $400 Soma Cosmos = $580 CBA Mood MK1 = $280 Organelle = $380 Landscape HC-TT = $240 Voodoo Lab Pedal Power 3 Plus = $220 Voodoo Lab Pedal Power x4 = $70 RJM Mini Effect Gizmo X = $350 Pioneer DDJ-FLX10 w/ soft case = $1500
I’m also selling my rackmount setup:
2x Samson S-patch Plus patchbay— 1 for $100, 2 for $150
Furman M-8DX power conditioner = $100
Black Lion Audio PG-2 power conditioner = $250
U-phoria UMC1820 = $200
I’m located in the Seattle area if anyone wants to meet locally!
submitted by dosceroseis to Gear4Sale [link] [comments]

2024.05.04 19:52 bobux-man Guia para iniciantes em solarpunk.

Traduzido deste post no solarpunk.
Bem-vindo ao SolarpunkBrasil! Essa thread está aqui para lhe dar uma rápida visão geral do que é solarpunk, alguns conceitos que entram em conflito com solarpunk e como você pode se envolver.

O que é solarpunk?

Solarpunk é um gênero estético e literário que cresceu a partir de movimentos sociais existentes. Fundamentalmente, solarpunk consiste em imaginar possíveis bons futuros e trabalhar para criá-los: assim como a Terra é composta de diferentes biomas, não existe um futuro solarpunk definitivo. Um futuro solarpunk é aquele em que aproveitamos a tecnologia para cuidar de todos os humanos, para restaurar e cuidar dos ecossistemas que nos rodeiam. Solarpunk também visa minar os sistemas atualmente existentes que colocam em risco o futuro que estamos trabalhando para criar.
Solarpunk é coletivista: trata-se de trabalhar juntos para o bem comum. Solarpunk é polifônico: não se pode falar pelos outros Solarpunks, apenas dialogar e estar em coro com eles. Embora Solarpunk pareça utópico, ele está fundamentado na realidade e não ocorre sem luta. A estética do Solarpunk muda dependendo de quão longe você olha no futuro.

Conceitos Conflitantes


Muitas das sugestões a seguir vieram de uma postagem feita por briar_bun. Leia o post original aqui!

Nível Um

Nota do tradutor; o mapa linkado no post original sobre zoológicos do mundo ainda não inclui o Brasil. Outra opção é este artigo da Wikipédia.
Nota do tradutor; isto é um "Farmers' Market", não existe página da Wikipédia lusófona sobre isto, mas resumidamente são pequenas feiras onde pequenos fazendeiros locais podem diretamente vender seu produto para os consumidores.

Nível dois

Nota do tradutor; O sub é anglófono, então leia também a página da Wikipédia sobre o assunto. É basicamente quando alguém planta algo em lugares que não pertence a ele. Geralmente é feito de noite e em áreas abandonadas pelo seu dono, ou em cidades sem muitas árvores. Alguns fazem coisas mais simples e discretas, como jogar umas sementes de flores na rachadura da calçada, ou passear pela cidade de skate e espalhar sementes pequenas dentro de um saleiro, e alguns fazem coisas maiores, como se vestir em roupas "hi vis", cavar seus próprios buracos e plantar mudas ou sementes de árvores que crescem rápido ou fixam nitrogênio ou produzem frutas que alimentem os pássaros. Geralmente plantas nativas são priorizadas.
Nota do tradutor; Infelizmente, o Brasil é extremamente carro-cêntrico, temos apenas umas duas linhas de trem para passageiros no quinto maior país do mundo (EFC e EFVM), muitas cidades não possuem ciclovias, e ônibus e metrô só é coisa de cidade grande. Então, como o post original disse, contate o seus políticos locais e o governo da sua cidade, e se puder, concorra ao cargo de prefeito ou vereador da sua cidade.
Nota do tradutor; Na minha experiência, "compostar" não é um verbo muito utilizado no Brasil, então deixarei este vídeo do YouTube dando um tutorial bem básico de como fazer isso. Resumidamente, compostagem é quando você torna lixo orgânico em adubo/fertilizante. A primeira coisa que você pode fazer é separar o seu lixo orgânico (cascas de frutas, cascas de ovos, restos de comida no seu prato, o pó do café, etc) do resto do seu lixo. É só ter duas latas de lixo, e jogar o que for orgânico em apenas uma delas. Aí você pode, como detalhado no post original, doar para algum jardim/jardineiro que precise mais, ou se tiver o seu próprio jardim você pode salvar para você mesmo, ou se quiser só enterre no meio do mato, tanto faz. Este lixo então será quebrado e decomposto por processos naturais, como fungos, minhocas e outros animais, e então os nutrientes voltarão ao solo, que agora poderão ser usados pelas plantas.
Nota do tradutor; Outra coisa mencionada foram hortas/jardins comunitários (community gardens). Estes não parecem ser muito comuns no Brasil, as que existem são recentes e apenas presentes nas cidades grandes, então considere abrir a sua própria horta comunitária se tiver um lote vazio em uma cidade, ou se você vive em uma cidade pequena, pense em contatar o governo da sua cidade sobre abrir uma horta comunitária pública. E alguém por favor traduza a página da Wikipédia sobre community gardening para a Wikipédia lusófona.

Nível Três

Nota do tradutor; Esta organização parece ser norte-americana, se alguém conhece alternativas brasileiras/sul-americanas, por favor compartilhe.
Nota do tradutor; Estas empresas só parecem trabalhar nos Estados Unidos. A Loop também tem operações na França e Japão, então é possível que eles operem no Brasil no futuro, mas no momento parece que estamos sem opção. Se conhece alguma alternativa brasileira, por favor compartilhe. Ou, quem sabe, talvez comece sua própria empresa. O primeiro a fazer isso não terá concorrência, só falta saber se há demanda no povo brasileiro para tal negócio.
Nota do tradutor; Empresa americana/estadounidense.

Nível Quatro

Nota do tradutor; Só passando para adicionar que muitos/a maioria dos municípios têm websites, que geralmente tem uma aba de "contato".
Nota do tradutor; Confesso que não sabia bem traduzir, mas acredito que a tradução de "poll worker" seja "mesário".
Nota do tradutor; Confesso que nem sabia o que era um makerspace, mas aparentemente parece ser um lugar onde as pessoas se juntam para criaconstruir coisas, usando artesanato tradicional e/ou tecnologia, geralmente para aprender novas habilidades e compartilhar suas criações. Geralmente são organizados em bibliotecas públicas, escolas, e coisas parecidas.
Nota do tradutor; Organização americana.

Para moradores de apartamentos

Nota do tradutor; Não é terrivelmente necessário no Brasil, já que o voto é compulsório, e o governo já vai mais ou menos fazer este trabalho de lembrar as pessoas de votar.

Para proprietários de casa

Nota do tradutor; Só passando para expressar o quanto eu acho isto importante para solarpunk, instalar painéis solares. Tipo, está no nome, solarpunk.
Nota do tradutor; Empresa americana, o nome traduz para "Pequena Biblioteca Gratuita".

Fim do post original, últimas notas do tradutor

Primeiro, quero enfatizar o quão importante é se envolver com política.
Não precisa se candidatar a um cargo político, mas por favor vote responsávelmente, pesquise os candidatos de cada eleição, especialmente as municipais, contate políticos locais e governos locais, informe seus parentes e amigos sobre fake news, candidatos corruptos, etc.
Também quero compartilhar alguns outros subreddits brasileiros, que não são necessariamente relacionados a solarpunk, mas que podem ter alguns interesses em comum. Estes são:
Sintam-se à vontade para adicionar mais à lista. Ou para compartilhar algum desses subs no Brasil, quando for apropriado, claro.
E alguns comentários do post original que eu decidi traduzir:
De solardeveloper:
"Você está confundindo capitalismo com imperialismo/colonialismo. Um conceito e uma dinâmica económica que antecede o capitalismo em muitos milhares de anos. Este é um erro tão comum que, neste momento, o capitalismo se transformou num espantalho inespecífico de tudo o que as pessoas não gostam na geopolítica moderna. O capitalismo é literalmente apenas uma teoria de como a riqueza é criada, usando o estudo de caso de por que a Inglaterra do século XVIII era mais rica do que a França do século XVIII. Elementos desta teoria são a base de cada modelo económico moderno, incluindo aqueles defendidos pela lista de leitura solarpunk." 
De PhantomoftheWolves:
"um bom resumo, mas não acho que solarpunk seja apenas sobre se tornar vegano Claro que o veganismo tem os seus benefícios, mas também tem os seus problemas. e sim, a pecuária como a conhecemos não é boa para o meio ambiente, mas isso não significa que devemos eliminá-la totalmente acredito que solarpunk é ter um equilíbrio harmonioso entre tecnologia e natureza. quando vejo pessoas neste subreddit promovendo o veganismo como a solução definitiva para as mudanças climáticas, estremeço. não existe uma solução "tamanho único" para as mudanças climáticas e o solarpunk supostamente consiste em diferentes culturas e métodos se unindo para mudar o mundo para melhor em vez de tirarmos os bezerros das mães para que possamos ter todo o leite, por que não tirarmos 25% do leite, as vacas entrando no celeiro de ordenha de manhã e à noite (não naqueles carrosséis móveis; aparentemente eles não gostam deles), sendo ordenhados um por um por um ordenhador que pode detectar se o leite contém sangue e rejeita o lote enquanto seus bezerros são examinados e podem circular livremente pelo celeiro. o pequeno rebanho passa o resto do dia pastando em campos de flores silvestres nativas e forrageando nas florestas próximas antes de retornar para passar a noite sob o olhar atento de fiéis cães guardiões do gado. A IA só é usada para vacas que têm dificuldades em engravidar naturalmente e vacas que tiveram um parto difícil ou que a gravidez não chegou a termo têm tempo para se recuperar. se você quer se tornar vegano, tudo bem, mais poder para você, mas por favor respeite a vontade de quem não quer. Agricultura industrial não é solarpunk confiar puramente no veganismo para resolver as mudanças climáticas não é solarpunk agricultura sustentável, vegetal e animal, é" 
De soy_el_capitan:
"Existem talvez quatro pontos aqui relacionados à tecnologia. Você poderia ter copiado e colado isto de uma lista de “como se tornar um ambientalista”. Não me interpretem mal, adoro todas as ideias e sugestões, e isso me deu algumas coisas para trabalhar, mas parece que isso está inclinado para o lado verde do solarpunk e nem perto de ser equilibrado com o lado avançado da tecnologia do solarpunk ." 
De [deleted]:
"Resumo muito bom, um pouco longo, mas bom. A única coisa que eu mudaria é que você defina o capitalismo como uma economia de mercado em branco. As economias de mercado não são inerentemente más, na minha opinião. O que faz do capitalismo um tipo especial de economia de mercado é a forma como distribui os activos: meios de produção e rendimento, isto é baseado no capital. A causa do problema é que a capacidade de acumular capital se baseia vagamente no capital que você já acumulou, e isso leva à necessidade de crescer infinitamente para permanecer na corrida. As economias de mercado socialistas poderiam ser a solução, porque o que falhou no passado foi o modelo de economia planejada e não o socialismo." 
Também quero recomendar para que todos que ainda não saibam, aprendam Inglês. Realmente abre portas, e a maioria da comunidade solarpunk ainda é exclusivamente anglófona.
Para aqueles que já falam, eu recomendo o canal Andrewism.
E assistam Dear Alice, um curto vídeo, especificamente a edição desmercantilizada, por Waffle To The Left. Não é necessário saber falar inglês, pois não há diálogo.
Espero que isso seja suficiente. Acho que estou traduzindo já faz umas duas horas, trabalho devagar e não me considero fluente.
Sintam-se à vontade para dar feedback ou adicionar coisas que eu esqueci.
submitted by bobux-man to SolarpunkBrasil [link] [comments]

2024.05.02 00:28 ItsNoOne0 „Arthouse Games“?

Hi there! So basically I love Arthouse movies like A24 or some classics like Ingmar Bergman. I am looking for games that evoke similar feelings and are similarly „crazy“/creative. Overall I want to play games that TRULY feel like art and not some grindy, repetitive, fetch quest games (so probably no AAA games). Some that I found are:
Disco Elysium (completed)
Samorost 1 (completed)
The Beginners Guide (completed)
Firewatch (completed)
INSIDE (completed)
Little Nightmares (completed)
SOMA (completed)
Killer 7 (currently playing)
Maybe even something like Alan Wake 1, with it’s interesting story/storytelling.
Just to be clear I am talking about those „video-essay-potential“ kind of games. Just games with a lot of depth or distinctive artstyle, that are really unique.
submitted by ItsNoOne0 to gamingsuggestions [link] [comments]

2024.04.30 02:04 Frequent_Ad6684 Danmachi Gods With LOTM Honorific ~ Made By Copilot In Windows (Preview)

Danmachi Gods With LOTM Honorific
Make Danmachi ??? An Honorific Like The One In Lord Of The Mysteries Kind
Aeshma, the Scheming Trickster �
May his enigmatic plots and hidden machinations shape both realms! 🔍🎭
Alecto, the Shadowblade �
May her veiled strikes and whispered vengeance echo through the abyss! 🗡️🌑
Apate, the Veiled Illusionist �
May her hidden deceptions and enigmatic guises confound both gods and mortals! 🎭🌌
Apollo, the Radiant Sunlord �
May his brilliance illuminate both realms and secrets! ☀️🔍
Ares, the Warlord of Clashing Blades �
May his battle cries echo across both realms! ⚔️🌌
Artemis, the Celestial Huntress �
May her arrows of destiny always find their mark! 🏹🌌
Astraea, the Celestial Harmonist �
May her melodies resonate across both realms! 🎶🌌
Baldr, the Illuminated Sage �
May his wisdom and light guide both mortals and gods! 🔥✨
Bheara, the Whispering Frost �
May her icy breath weave both secrets and frost-kissed dreams! ❄️🌬️
Brigid, the Ethereal Songweaver �
May her melodies echo through both realms, weaving dreams and forgotten memories! 🎶🌌
Demeter, the Harvest Guardian �
May her golden fields yield both sustenance and secrets! 🌾🌞
Dian Cecht, the Silver Artificer �
May his crafted miracles mend both flesh and fate! 🔨🌿
Dionysus, the Revelry Enchanter �
May his wine-soaked mysteries intoxicate both gods and mortals! 🍷🌿
Freya, the Enchantress of Desires �
May her allure and hidden ambitions weave intricate spells! 🔮❤️
Ganesha, the Benevolent Patron �
May his wisdom and generosity guide both mortals and immortals! 🐘🌿
Hephaestus, the Divine Smith �
May her forge-fires shape both metal and destiny! 🔥🛠️
Hermes, the Whisperer of Secrets �
May his clandestine messages echo through the hidden realms! 📜🕊️
Hestia, the Eternal Hearthkeeper �
May her warmth and unwavering devotion continue to light the way! 🔥🏠
Ishtar, the Allure Weaver �
May her veils of mystery and desire ensnare both mortals and gods! 💫🌹
Loki, the Enigma Weaver �
May her cunning and mysterious ways continue to shape the threads of fate! 🕊️🔮
Osiris, the Eternal Judge �
May his scales of justice weigh both mortal deeds and divine destinies! ⚖️🌌
Soma, the Divine Winemaker �
May his intoxicating creations flow like the elixir of gods! 🍷🌿
Takemikazuchi, the Thunderblade �
May his lightning strike true and forge destiny’s path! ⚡🗡️
Why I Could Not Do All The Gods/Heroes
Sobek, the Crocodile Guardian �
May his scales of protection shield both land and water! 🐊🌿
What I Wanted ^^^
Sobek, the Crocodile Guardian with a mystical title inspired by the style found in Lord of the Mysteries:
“The Scaled Sentinel of the Nile, The Keeper of Ancient Waters, The Silent Watcher in the Reeds.”
May this honorific resonate with the primordial power of crocodiles and the sacred balance they maintain! 🌟🐊🌿
What I Got ^^^
Its Different It Wont Fit With The Rest
submitted by Frequent_Ad6684 to LordofTheMysteries [link] [comments]

2024.04.22 10:40 Bull_among_men Notes I made during my Elizabeth fight. (P3FES)

For those who will need it in future.
I used Orpheus telos with thunder reign, Unshaken will, salvation, high counter and max stats.
For equipment , I used Armor of light and shoes of light(from messiah) and divine pillar (from alliat)
I used Quintessence bow (chi you+ nihil weapon) as my weapon.
I used 20 beads, 5 bead chains(because I ran out of beads), 4 soma, 1 dis poison, pack 20 or so homonculi.
Most of the damage I did came from high counter skill on my Orpheus telos. (Almost 6k-7k worth of damage).
Now for the guide:
She attacks twice.
This battle is almost impossible without high counter skill on your persona.
Use a calculator to calculate damage you do to her.
Vishnu+Ananta( or Valkyrie +Odin if you want to spice things up) and Satan+Helel are mandatory for this fight.
When I say "it's game over", it means you messed up and now she'll spam Megidolaon.
Elizabeth attack pattern:
Surt>Jack Frost>Thor>Chu chulainn>Metatron>Alice>Nebiros>Masakado
She will randomly attack physically with each persona (except for Masakado)
Almighty attacks (except for Armageddon) are useless.
Surt is immune to strike and drains fire.
Jack Frost is immune to pierce(bow isn't helpful) and drains ice.
Thor is immune to Strike and Pierce and drains elec.
Chu Chulainn is immune to Pierce and drains wind.
Metatron is immune to Fire, Ice, Elec and Wind (needs homonculus).(You can attack using a physical weapon or phys skill)
Alice is immune to Fire, Ice, Elec and Wind.(Needs homonculus).(You can attack using a physical weapon or phys skill)
Nebiros resists everything , use infinity after his turn.
Masakado is immune to everything except for almighty
Use salvation (if poisoned), heal,mind charge whatever after his turn.
Once she goes below 10000 health she will switch to pixie and use diaharan , so ,you have to use Armageddon when she reaches below 10k . But she has two actions per turn, so only way to deny her healing is to deny her a turn.
In order to win, once she is close to 10k you have to use Soma to replenish your SP, then wait until you counter her physical attack, and then switch to satan or helel and use Armageddon.
If she replenishes her health without you using Armageddon(if you use Armageddon and she doesn't die,then it's game over) then you have to fight til her health reaches 10k once again,this time game gives you a leeway of 1k HP, meaning that Elizabeth will not heal herself unless her HP goes below 9k, that means you don't need high counter this time , once you get her below 10k just, replenish your SP and use Armageddon. (Unlike the previous time this doesn't depend on RNG, but is not recommended because if you exceed 10 cycles(8 × 10=80 ± 1 turns, it's game over))
submitted by Bull_among_men to persona3FES [link] [comments]

2024.04.19 22:43 joeesmhoo Complete media chronlogical timeline

Hey guys I formed this together for myself. Just wondering if anyone sees any issues or such please let me know
Halo 4 Terminal 1 - War 107,000BCE
Halo 4 Terminal 2 - Lord of Admirals 107,000BCE
Halo 4 Terminal 3 - Charum Hakkor 106,000BCE
Halo 4 Terminal 4 - Flood 106,000BCE
Soma The Painter (SS) 97,700BCE
Halo: Cryptum (Book) 97,446BCE
Halo: Primordium (Book) 97,446BCE
Defender of the Storm (SS)
Halo: The Flood Adjunct 6 (Book)
Halo: Silentium (Book) 97,446BCE
Halo 4 Terminal 5 - Knights 97,446BCE
Halo 4 Terminal 6 - Justice 97,446BCE
Halo 4 Terminal 7 - Cryptum 97,446BCE
The Cradle of Life (H3 Marketing) 97,446BCE
Halo CEA Terminal 2 - Halo 97,446BCE
Rebirth (Audiobook) 97,446BCE
Promises to Keep (SS) 97,446BCE
Untitled Fractures Story (SS) 97,446BCE
Halo CEA Terminal 4 - The Silent Cartographer 40,000BCE
Halo CEA Terminal 5 - Assault on the Control Room 40,000BCE
Halo CEA Terminal 6 - 343 Guilty Spark 40,000BCE
Halo CEA Terminal 7 - The Library 40,000BCE
Halo CEA Terminal 8 - Two Betrayals 40,000BCE
The Duel (Short Film) 2142
Halo Reach Data Pad 1 2310
Halo Reach Data Pad 2 2362
Halo Reach Data Pad 3 2381
Halo Reach Data Pad 4 2415
Halo Reach Data Pad 5 2491
Halo Reach Data Pad 6 2491
Halo Reach Data Pad 7 2508
Halo: Fall of Reach - Boot Camp (Comic 1)2513-2517
Halo: Fall of Reach - Boot Camp (Comic 2)2517-2525
Halo: The Fall of Reach Animated Series (Show)Act1 2517-2519, Act2-3 2525
Pariah (SS)2517-2528
Halo: Contact Harvest (Book) 2524-2525
Halo: Fall of Reach - Boot Camp (Comic 3-4)2525
Halo Reach Data Pad 8 2525
Halo Reach Data Pad 9 2525
Halo: Collateral Damage (Comic) December 2525
Halo Reach Data Pad 10 2525
Halo Reach Data Pad 11 2525
Halo Reach Data Pad 12 2525
Halo: Silent Storm (Novel) March - April 2526
Halo 4: Forward Unto Dawn (Movie)March - April 2526
Halo: Oblivion (Book) June 2526
Halo: The Fall of Reach Adjunct 1 (Book)
Halo Reach Data Pad 13 2528
Halo Reach Data Pad 14 2530
I Kissed a Boy Once (Halo Wars Strategy Guide)2530
Spirit of Bloody Fire, Cutter Bloody Hell (Halo Wars Strategy Guide)2530
I Have a Bridge to Look after here (Halo Wars Strategy Guide)2531
Privilege (Halo Wars Strategy Guide)2531
The Day Before (Halo Wars Strategy Guide)2531
Sit Down and Strap in (Halo Wars Strategy Guide)2531
Homecoming (Short Film)2531
Attacks (Halo Wars Strategy Guide)2531
Halo Wars Genesis (Comic)2525-2531
Halo Wars (VG) 2531
Halo Reach Data Pad 15 2531
Prototype (Short Film) 2532
Midnight in the Heart of Midlothian (SS) 2532
Birth of a Spartan (AD) 2533
Halo Reach Data Pad 16 2535
Halo: The Cole Protocol (Book) 2535
Halo: Rise of Atriox Issue 1 (Comic)
Something Has Happened (Comic) 2537
Halo: The Fall of Reach Adjunct 4 (Book)
Halo: First Strike Adjunct 1 (Book)
Halo: The Fall of Reach Adjunct 2 (Book)
Halo: Fall of Reach - Boot Camp (Comic)
Halo: The Fall of Reach Adjunct 3 (Book)
The Babysitter (Short Film) 2542
The Package (Short Film) 2544
Halo Reach Data Pad 17 2547
Halo: Battleborn (Book) 2548
Halo: Meridian Divide (Book) 2549
Cortana and Solipsil (Conversation) 2550
Halo: Winter Contention (SS) 2551
Headhunters (SS) 2551
Halo: Rise of Atriox Issue 2-3 (Comic)
Halo 2A Terminal 14 - Beholden 2551-2552
Halo Reach Data Pad 18 2552
Halo Reach Data Pad 19 2552
Halo: Helljumpers (Comic) January 2552
Deliver Hope (Trailer) April 2552
Blunt Instruments (SS) July 2552
Halo: Blood Line (Comic) July 2552
Halo: Fall of Reach - Covenant (Comic1 2525, 2 2525-2552, 3-4 2552)
Halo: The Fall of Reach Adjunct 7 (Book)
Halo Reach (VG) 2552
Halo The Fall of Reach (Book)Sect1 2517, Sect2 2517-2525, Sect 3-6 2552
Halo: Fall of Reach - Invasion (Comic)
Halo: The Fall of Reach Adjunct 5 (Book)
Halo: The Fall of Reach Adjunct 6 (Book)
Unggoy Conversation August 2552
Transmissions August 2552
Halo First Strike (Book) August-September 2552
Dirt (SS)September 2552
Stomping on the Heels of a Fuss (SS)
Black Box from Sacred Promise (convo)September 2552
343 Guilty Spark LogSeptember 2552
The Flood BookSeptember 2552
Halo CE (VG) September 2552
Halo Fireteam Raven (VG) September 2552
HALO CEA Terminal 1 - The Pillar of Autumn September 2552
HALO CEA Terminal 3 - The Truth of ReconciliationSeptember 2552
Breaking Quarantine (Comic) September 2552
The Last Voyage of the Infinite Succor (Comic) September 2552
Halo: The Flood Adjuncts 2, 4 and 5
HALO CEA Terminal 9 - Keyes
HALO CEA Terminal 10 - The Maw
HALO CEA Terminal 11 - Threshold
Halo 2A Terminal 4 - Monitor report: Heresy indeed
Halo 2A Terminal 5 -Monitor report: Containment
Halo 2A Terminal 7 - Monitor report: Unequal Union
Halo 2A Terminal 9 - Monitor report: Divine Inspiration
Halo 2A Terminal 11- Monitor report: Age of Doubt
Halo 2A Terminal 13 - Monitor report: False Journey
Halo 2A Terminal 1 - ONI file: : Target Profile
Halo 2A Terminal 2 - ONI file: : Honor Bound
Halo 2A Terminal 3 - ONI file: : Particular Justice
Letter from Supposition (convo Book)
Sangheili Conversation (Convo book)September 2552
Letter from Truth(Convo Book) October 2552
Armor Testing (SC)October 2552
Letter to the master Chief (convo book)October 2552
Halo 2A terminal 15 - unyielding October 2552
I Love Bees (Audio Drama)
Halo 2 (VG) Oct-Nov 2552
Another Day at the Beach (Short Film)October 2552
Palace Hotel (SS)October 2552
Second Sunrise over New Mombasa (SC)October 2552
Sadie’s Story (Meta game) October 2552
Halo 3: ODST (VG) 2552
The Mona Lisa (SS)October 2552
Halo: The Flood Adjunct 1
Halo 2A Terminal 6 - Covenant Record: Will of the prophets
Halo 2A Terminal 8 - Covenant Record: Taming the hunters
Halo 2A Terminal 10 - Covenant Record: Unggoy rebellion
Halo 2A Terminal 12 - Covenant Record: The Great Schism
Wages of Sin (SS)November 2552
Halo: First Strike Adjunct 3
Halo: Ghost of Onyx (Book) Sec1 2531, Sec 2 2531-2551, Sec 3 2552
Halo: Uprising (Comic)November 2552
Human Weakness (SS)November 2552
Halo: Landfall (Web Series)November 2552
Halo 3 (VG) 2552-2553
The Impossible Life and the Possible Death of Preston J. Cole (SS)December 2552
Halo: Glasslands (Book) 2553
Halo: Initiation (Comic)2553
From the Office of DR. William Arthur Iqbal (SS)2553
Halo: Shadow of Intent (Novella)2553
Breaking Strain (SS)2553
Halo: The Thursday War (Book) 2553
Halo: Mortal Dictata (Book) 2553
Halo: last Light (Book)2553
A Necessarily Truth (SS) 2553
Halo: Retribution (Book)2553
Duality (SS)
Hunting Party (SC)
Halo: Rise of Atriox Issue ⅘ (Comic)
Tug O War (SS)
Petra (SS)2553
Lesson Learned (SS)March 2554
Halo: Hunters in the Dark (Book)2555
Halo: New Blood (Book) Ends in 2555
Halo Nightfall (Show)2556
Origins (Short Film)2556
Anarosa (SS) March 2556
Into the Fire (SS)January 2557
Halo: Smoke and Shadow (Novella)January 2557
Halo: Broken Circle (Book)Prologue 860BCE, Part 1 851-850BCE, Part 2 2552
Halo: Lone Wolf (Comic)
The Glass Horizon (Comic)
Halo: Saturn Devouring his Son (SS) 2556
Halo 4 (VG) July 2557
Halo Spartan Assualt (VG) 2557
Halo: Spartan Strike (VG)2557
The Next 72 Hours (Escalation 8-10 Comic)
Halo: Epitaph (Book)
Dominion Splinter (Comic)
Halo: Renegades (Book) 2557
Halo: Saints Testimony (SS)January 2558
Knight Takes Bishop (Comic)January 2558
On the Brink (Comic) January 2558
Spartan Ops (VG) Feb-March 2558
Halo: Vertical Umbridge (SS) Febuary 2558
Halo: Escalation 1-7 (Comic)
Fireteam Majestic Poker Night (SS)
The Fall of New Phoenix (Comic)
Hunt the Truth Season 1 (Audio Drama)2558
Exposure (escalation 11-12 Comic)
The Janus Key (escalation 13-16 Comic)2558
The Absolute Record (escalation 19-24 Comic)2558
Oasis (SS)July 2558
Halo: Envoy (Book) September 2558
Halo: Legacy of Onyx (Book)September-Oct 2558
Halo: Official Spartan Field Manual (Book)
Hunt the Truth Season 2 (Audio Drama)Oct 2558
Halo 5: Guardians (VG) October 2558
What Remains (SS)Oct 2558
Halo: Bad Blood (Book) 2558
Halo: Sunrise of Sanghelios (SS)
Undefeated (Comic)2558
Rossbach’s World (SS)2558
Halo: Point of Light (Book)
Halo Mythos (Reference Book)
Halo Wars 2 (VG) 2559
Halo Wars 2 - Operation Spearbreaker (VG) 1 Month Later
Halo: Fireside (SS)
Halo Wars 2 - Awakening the Nightmare (VG) 5 Months After Spearbreaker
The Return (SS)
Sacrifice (SS)
Halo Infinite: Memory Agent (Audio Drama)
Halo: Shadows of Reach (Book) October 2559
Halo: Divine Wind (Book) October 2559
Halo: Outcasts (Book) November 2559
Halo Infinite Season 2: Lone Wolves (VG)
Halo Infinite Season 3: Echoes Within (VG)
Halo: Battle for the Blood-Moon (SS)
Halo: Hippocratica (SS)
Halo: The Rubicon Protocol (Book)December 2559
Halo: Trial of Reckoning (SS)
Halo Infinite (VG) 2560
Precipice (SS)
Halo Encyclopedia 2022 (Book)
Believe (AD) 2610
submitted by joeesmhoo to HaloStory [link] [comments]

2024.04.14 19:57 Humble-Moose-7532 Best Penis pump - How to Choose The Best Penis Pump for You

When it comes to choosing a penis pump, it's essential to consider various factors to ensure you find the best option for your needs. While you don't need a prescription to purchase a penis pump, consulting with your professional can provide valuable guidance, especially if you're a beginner.
Choosing the best penis pump for you involves considering several factors to ensure effectiveness, safety, and comfort.
Here's a guide to help you make an informed decision: Type of Pump: Penis pumps come in various types, including manual, battery-operated, and hydro pumps. Manual pumps require you to create suction by hand, while battery-operated pumps offer automated suction. Hydro pumps use water to create suction and are often considered gentler and more effective for some users.
Size and Fit: Ensure that the pump is the right size for your penis. Most pumps come with sizing guidelines to help you choose the appropriate size. A proper fit is essential for effective suction and comfort during use. Pressure Control: Look for a pump with adjustable pressure settings to customize the intensity of suction. This allows you to start with lower pressure and gradually increase as needed, reducing the risk of discomfort or injury. Safety Features: Choose a pump with safety features such as pressure release valves or quick-release mechanisms. These features help prevent over-pumping and reduce the risk of injury or discomfort. Comfort and Material: Opt for a pump made from high-quality materials that are comfortable and safe for use on the skin. Soft, hypoallergenic materials like silicone or medical-grade plastics are ideal for ensuring comfort during use. Brand Reputation and Reviews: Research the brand reputation and read customer reviews to gauge the effectiveness and reliability of the pump. Look for pumps from reputable manufacturers known for producing high-quality products and providing excellent customer support. Price and Warranty: Compare prices and consider the overall value offered by different pumps. While cost is a factor, prioritize quality and effectiveness over affordability to ensure you're investing in a safe and reliable device. Additionally, check if the pump comes with a warranty for added peace of mind. Now, let's take a look at some top penis pumps on the market: Best Hydro Penis Pump: Bathmate HydroXtreme : This water pump is easy to use and offers both hydro and non-hydro functionality. It comes with accessories for easier maintenance and cleaning. Best Penis Air Pump for Fun: LoveHoney Pumped Up: This air pump includes a bullet vibrator for added stimulation and enjoyment. It's designed to fit most men and offers adjustable vibration speeds. Best Automatic Penis Pump: Calexotics Optimum: This electric pump offers adjustable pressure settings and a built-in timer for convenience. It's rechargeable and provides precise control over vacuum suction. Medical penis pumps Medical-grade penis pumps are designed to address erectile dysfunction (ED) and are often recommended or prescribed by professionals. Here are a few examples of medical penis pumps: Vacuum Erection Device (VED): This is a type of medical penis pump that uses a vacuum to draw blood into the penis, creating an erection. It consists of a cylinder that fits over the penis, a pump to create the vacuum, and a constriction ring or band that is placed around the base of the penis to maintain the erection. Some popular VED brands include Encore, Pos-T-Vac, and Vacurect. SomaTherapy-ED: SomaTherapy-ED is a medical-grade vacuum therapy system designed to treat ED. It utilizes a unique ergonomic design and patented one-touch pump for ease of use. SomaTherapy-ED pumps are available in different models to accommodate various penis sizes and patient needs. Osbon Erecaid: The Osbon Erecaid is a clinically proven vacuum therapy system for the treatment of ED. It features a discreet and portable design, along with a range of accessories and options to customize the device to the patient's preferences. Rejoyn Medical Grade Vacuum Erection System: Rejoyn offers a medical-grade vacuum erection system that is FDA-approved for the treatment of ED. It includes a vacuum pump, cylinder, tension rings, and lubricant for ease of use and effective results.
Best overall Penis Pump The Bathmate Hydromax is my top recommendation for penis pumps. There are several reasons why I prefer it over vacuum pumps. Firstly, the Hydromax offers enhanced comfort due to its water-based design. This feature reduces the risk of discomfort or injury during pumping sessions. Another advantage is the range of sizes available. With options catering to penile lengths from 1 to 10 inches, you're more likely to find a model that fits comfortably and effectively. Moreover, the water-based design allows for a gentler and more gradual increase in pressure compared to traditional vacuum pumps. This can result in a more comfortable experience and may reduce the risk of adverse effects. Overall, the Bathmate Hydromax provides a superior user experience and is highly recommended for anyone seeking a comfortable and effective penis pumping solution.
........................................................................................................... When you're thinking about getting a Bathmate, it's best to go straight to the official website Here: .
While there might be other places selling them, you'll get the peace of mind of guaranteed support and knowing you're getting the real deal when you buy from the official site . Buying your Bathmate from the official site is crucial for several reasons: Authenticity: The official site guarantees that you're purchasing a genuine Bathmate product.
There's no risk of receiving counterfeit or inferior-quality items. Customer Support: Official retailers offer dedicated customer support to assist you with any inquiries, concerns, or issues you may have before, during, or after your purchase. Warranty and Guarantee: When you buy from the official site, you're eligible for warranties and guarantees provided by Bathmate. This ensures that you're covered in case of any product defects or malfunctions. Safety: Purchasing from authorized sources ensures that the product meets safety standards and regulations. You can trust that the materials used are of high quality and safe for use. Privacy and Security: Official websites prioritize your privacy and security, ensuring that your personal and financial information is handled securely during the purchasing process. Overall, buying from the official Bathmate site offers peace of mind, quality assurance, and reliable customer service, making it the best choice for your purchase.
submitted by Humble-Moose-7532 to bestpenispump [link] [comments]

2024.04.14 15:26 Yuican48 Event Report: Gridman Universe Show

As the archive is now, or is about to be, down, I'm just going to summarise here. I mostly listened to it as it was broadcast, and then took my notes on another watch a couple of days ago.
Pre-Show The archive is in total about 3 1/2 hours, but the show doesn't start until about 45 minutes in. After about the 5 minute mark they started running adverts for Oishi Masayoshi’s discography, then his Tokyo Dome City Hall concert which featured the Gridman Universe suits for the relevant songs, it then switched to advertising Uchida Maaya’s discography, then the CM for AVIOT Collab. I haven't seen the updated CM before, but aside from the original wave with Rikka, Yume, Akane, Chise, Borr, Nidaime (and implicit secret Anosillus), it also mentions the newer voices available or perhaps coming up, Yuta, Utsumi, Gridman, Calibur, Alexis, Rex, Yomogi, Koyomi and Knight, as well as pair voices for Yuta and Gridman, Yuta and Rikka, and Yomogi and Yume. It then runs the CM for the Figma of Gridman (Universe Fighter), The GATTAI Sounderous (come on Good Smile, give us a to scale Alexis) followed by the CM for the Renewal The GATTAI Full Power Gridman, and then smaller acknowledgment of the gold plated The GATTAI Goldburn, King Gridman, Gridman Sigma. It follows with info on UNION:CREATIVE’s Black Collection statues, Akane (New Order) statue, something based on the swimsuit covers of the Heroine Archive. Trigger promote a Gridman Universe Storyboard book. We’re now 15 minutes into the archive and return to waiting. At the half hour mark the whole CM sequence runs again for ten minutes, then 5 minutes more dead air.
Show Starts The event properly begins with an MV set to “all this human 2023” that abridgedly retells the movie, with distorted flashbacks to the 2 anime seasons. This leads into all the attendees walking on stage, starting with Shintani Mayumi (Rikka Mama) Mimori Suzuko (Namiko) and Kito Akari (Hass), then Hamano Daiki (Gauma/Rex), Suzumura Kenichi (Knight) and Takahashi Karin (Nidaime), Umehara Yuichiro (Yamanaka Koyomi) and Anzai Chika (Asukagawa Chise) + Wakayama Shion (Minami Yume) and Enoki Junya (Asanaka Yomogi), Ueno Reina (Shinjo Akane) and Inada Tetsu (Alexis Kerib) + Hirose Yuya (Hibiki Yuta) and Miyamoto Yume (Takarada Rikka), Uchida Maaya (Hike) + Oishi Masayoshi, Midorikawa Hikaru (Gridman). Everyone is wearing a Gridman Universe Show t-shirt, accented by other clothing, and I know there's been some swapping of colours between people but I don't know who wore what previously aside from the main 9, the exception is Oishi, who's going for the Juuga joke again. Everyone did some sort of pose as they came out (in particular Ueda initiated making a hand heart with Inada, so Hirose attempted to replicate it only for Miyamoto to do the thumbs up, and Midorikawa briefly basks in applause before making a heartHirose then leads the cast in introducing themselves before we move to the first Script Reading.
The World of 5000 Years Ago Nidaime informs Knight and Rex that Alexis Kerib has reappeared after his seeming destruction at the end of Gridman Universe…5,000 years ago. Rex asks how they can even get there, but Nidaime explains Sounderous’ Maximum Zero Drive can get them there, and so they travel back to Gauma's time. After some jokes they spot Hime. She is with an attendant, Namiko, and discussing a suitor of Hime's, as they eavesdrop Rex gets periodic emotional damage, but I can't tell if from Hime having another suitor or because Namika keeps calling him old. The conversation is interrupted by the arrival of “Alexia Kekebab”, despite Rex pointing him out Knight and Nidaime seem fooled. Alexia annoys Namiko by calling her “the help” while making overtures to Hime, to politely acts disinterestedly, as he crosses the line more and more until Namika snaps at him, eventually annoying him to the point he transforms back into Alexis Kerib. With an “Access Code:Dynazenon”, Gridknight and Dynazenon engage Alexis, eventually forcing him back with a Gridknight Storm and Dynazenon Full Burst. Alexis then reappears. I don't really know what the explanation is, the word “gained” gets used but I’m getting nothing from translators. Alexis reveals his ultimate weapon, Hime shocked as he pulls out this eras ultimate weapon, the Daikaiju Weapon Dynamic Cannon. Gridknight shields Dynazenon from the Dynamic Alexis Fire. Rex, is distraught at his loss. At that point Hime recognises his voice. Dynazenon tries to deny it, but Hime can tell it's him, and manages to motivate him, and Dynazenoj attacks with what Nidaime calls the power of Cleopatra, Himiko, Jeanne d’Arc and I think others. Dynazenon holding Alexis gives Gridknight the opening to stab Alexis with his own swords, defeating him. With Alexis defeated, Nidaime announces she’ll be using the Fixer Beam to advert any damage to this era, giving Gau-, Rex a moment as she and Knight go to do so. With only Uchida, Hamano and Dynazenon left on stage. Hime is amused by Gauma having come back from the future, asking him how it is, and saying she is glad the Gauma she loves is still around in the future. Realising that once the Fixer Beam is finished Hime will forget all that happened this day, Rex declares his love to her before leaving.
Interlude Uchida performs Strobe Memory, followed by youthful beautiful. I’m not going over the talks seriously, I’ll just note the groupings. 1st group: Inada, Suzumura, Hamano, Uchida, Mimori, Takahashi. 2nd group: Kito, Miyamoto, Midorikawa, Hirose, Ueno, Shintani. 3rd group: Wakayama, Enoki, Oishi, Umehara, Anzai
Both Sides, Now Utsumi has gone missing from the world, Rikka Mama having had no help from the police, and the Gridman Alliance and Gauma Team have reunited to try and solve it. Akane confirms there's no sign of him in her world, and Gridman has searched Hyper World. Hass, who has had things vaguely explained to her, tries to pray to God or the Hyper Agent, and is actually distraught, her tears affecting the others a bit. Yuta confirms he also isn't at the Gridman Universe Show, having thought it was the sort of place he'd definitely go to, and Hass has appealed online. Chise might have asked the Eugenecists unsuccessfully? Gridman feels responsible, this possibly being an aftereffect of the Gridman Universe, but that's refuted, and Mama has a bit of a panic, then scolds Koyomi when he says something, he starts trying to blame this on Gridman creating them again, but Mama points out for this world it's actually Akane's fault. Rex, the Gridknight Alliance and Neon Genesis Junior High Students have also been unavailable. Akane calls out her secret weapon, an Artificial Human, and evolution of the earlier Alexis Smart Speaker, which in no way resembles Khan Digifer (Gridman notes the resemblance but can't place it) to properly guide the AI, Yomogi volunteers to use his Kaiju User abilities, for Utsumi's sake, though Yume isn't happy about it. Using Instance Domination he controls it, but then becomes possessed by the Evil Will of the AI. As it raves we get more worries from the cast. Yuta and Gridman prepare to rescue Yomogi with an Access Flash. Gridman (Universe Fighter) engages the Robot, but it manages to be evenly matched to him, shaking off the Grid Beam thanks to copying him, sending a more powerful one back, and then as everyone tries to process what is happening, he calls upon his master, Mad Origin (1st form) (Canna Nobutoshi voices him remotely) and demands a rematch with Gridman, and is easily overpowers him and drains his energy. Things seem hopeless until a voice calls out in support of Gridman. The voice of Sho Utsumi (Saito Soma also voices Utsumi remotely). Hass demands to know where he's been, as she can't see him, turns out he really did try to go the the Gridman Universe Show, but the same Gainen term had something to do with whatever happened. He explains that he’s wound up in a position similar to that of Ultraman King in during Geed. Akane is the only one to understand what that means. Utsumi explains they need to follow the principles of Hero Shows, and have the audience cheer Gridman. Gridman stands, and after more words to Hass, Utsumi has everyone call out the Access Code: GRIDMAN. The audience powers up Gridman, allowing him to appear as Prima Fighter and Denkou Chojin as well. Together a Tri-Fixer Beam allows them to free Yomogi and destroy the robot, but Mad Origin returns to have his vengeance. Gridknight and Dynazenon arrive, having just come from 5000 years ago. Gauma and Yomogi have a bit of back and forth as Knight assessed the situation, before Yume scolds Yomogi for the risk he took, and then the Gauma Team declare Battle Go! The 5 heroes together battle and defeat Mad Origin, and he is finished with a Tri-Grid Finish. The extra 2 Gridman fade, and Utsumi cheers for the battle, before Hass complains about his worrying her. I guess either they're being open with their relationship now, or this situation has revealed it. Yuta and Rikka scold Utsumi for making a girl cry, and Rikka says goodbye to Akane before the 4 of them all return home. As Gauma talks with Koyomi he and Knight get in an argument, only to both turn on Koyomi when he says something, probably about them getting along, before those 3 leave. Mama talks with the remaining kids, telling them to communicate, Chise manages to get Yomogi to just admit he loves Yume’s butt and I think he asks what denier her stockings are. So we now know some of Yomogi’s fetishes I guess. Mama watches the 3 go and wonders what the kids are up to these days before leaving. With Gridman on the stage, Midorikawa and Ueno are the only ones left. Akane properly greets Gridman, and tells him how she used to hate how heroes like him always defeated the Kaiju, but she understands now why they do it, and apologises, and says she's glad she has her friends now. Gridman either says he considers her a friend as well, or asks if she would consider him one. Ueno steps on stage with Gridman, and says properly to him something she's wanted to say for a long time, and thanks him. Gridman and Akane do a Cross Touch, and then Gridman leads Ueno off stage.
We end off with Oishi Masayoshi’s performance. Starting with Imperfect, he recruited audience member Rian to Air Guitar for Union as Tom-H@ck isn't there, and finally Uni-verse, with everyone coming back in stage for the last chorus. There's a few more closing remarks, and then the event ends.
So sadly no news of another project, be it anime, manga, novel, movie or otherwise. I hope we get more someday, but I don't mind waiting. I'll end off with the question of, if there is another series on the horizon, do you have any thoughts about what it should be based on?
submitted by Yuican48 to SSSSGRIDMAN [link] [comments]

2024.04.09 22:32 ForgedMeaning Martyr - Starting Fresh

So, I've been bitten by the inspiration bug. It's been a long time since I went and engaged in TTRPG development, but I want to make something, both regarding a setting and a cobbled game system. Considering the state of my physical and mental health, I likely will need assistance to get it properly going, so I'm hoping this community can help with that. With that out of the way, I'll first begin with the setting, since it will be informing some of ideas I have for the system.
Inspired by the likes of Signalis, SOMA, Beyond Citadel, and such similar, Martyr takes place one thousand years into the future, after the precipice of the "Rapture" has fallen. Humanity has been near-completely subjugated by an entity modeling itself after the Abrahamic God, its physical form created by cultists in deep space during an earlier interstellar period. The very world itself has been corrupted into a bio-mechanical horror, the phrase "in the bowels of the earth" being literal in this age. Before this tragedy took place all those centuries before, though, something similar to the vessel the false idol responsible for this perversion of creation was created. These are the Martyrs, supernatural cyborgs put into stasis that would one day reawaken to, if nothing else, attempt to end Rapture, and slay the self-proclaimed "God."
In Martyr, a tri-stat system has been decided upon that, like anything else, is open to change. PCs and NPCs will be defined by these stats, which are Flesh, Spirit, and Machine. Flesh is functionally similar to a "Body" attribute, and is currently what determines effectiveness with most melee weapons, supplemental ranged weapons such as javelins or bows, and strength/finesse concepts. Machine is functionally similar to a "Mind" attribute, and is currently what determines effectiveness with most advanced ranged weapons such as firearms, energy weapons, and supplemental gadgetry, such as drones or hacking devices. Spirit is functionally similar to both a "Social" and "Soul" attribute, determining effectiveness with supernatural abilities, communication with both the living and the dead, and resisting supernatural harm. A d6 or d10 dice pool system is the basis for resolution as of the moment, with critical successes/failures on the player side but not on the NPC side.
Expect play to be about exploring the devastation and perversion of the earth, of the torment and stagnation of mankind, of "Big Picture" goals like destroying infrastructure or gathering allies amidst the hellish ruination. I will be taking notes from Blades In The Dark, since it bears some good ideas that can flow well into modeling this system, such as the rules regarding being a ghost.
The GM, on another note, is known as the Mourning Star, a spiritual entity that guides the Martyrs into making the world a better place, to be moments of respite for those who have suffered for so, so long. Hopefully, all of this makes sense.
P.S. Not sure which flair to tag this with. / P.P.S. I am looking for suggestions and prodding at the ideas given.
submitted by ForgedMeaning to RPGdesign [link] [comments]

2024.04.09 02:02 ForgedMeaning Martyr - Starting Fresh

So, I've been bitten by the inspiration bug. It's been a long time since I went and engaged in TTRPG development, but I want to make something, both regarding a setting and a cobbled game system. Considering the state of my physical and mental health, I likely will need assistance to get it properly going, so I'm hoping this community can help with that. With that out of the way, I'll first begin with the setting, since it will be informing some of ideas I have for the system.
Inspired by the likes of Signalis, SOMA, Beyond Citadel, and such similar, Martyr takes place one thousand years into the future, after the precipice of the "Rapture" has fallen. Humanity has been near-completely subjugated by an entity modeling itself after the Abrahamic God, its physical form created by cultists in deep space during an earlier interstellar period. The very world itself has been corrupted into a bio-mechanical horror, the phrase "in the bowels of the earth" being literal in this age. Before this tragedy took place all those centuries before, though, something similar to the vessel the false idol responsible for this perversion of creation was created. These are the Martyrs, supernatural cyborgs put into stasis that would one day reawaken to, if nothing else, attempt to end Rapture, and slay the self-proclaimed "God."
In Martyr, a tri-stat system has been decided upon that, like anything else, is open to change. PCs and NPCs will be defined by these stats, which are Flesh, Spirit, and Machine. Flesh is functionally similar to a "Body" attribute, and is currently what determines effectiveness with most melee weapons, supplemental ranged weapons such as javelins or bows, and strength/finesse concepts. Machine is functionally similar to a "Mind" attribute, and is currently what determines effectiveness with most advanced ranged weapons such as firearms, energy weapons, and supplemental gadgetry, such as drones or hacking devices. Spirit is functionally similar to both a "Social" and "Soul" attribute, determining effectiveness with supernatural abilities, communication with both the living and the dead, and resisting supernatural harm. A d6 or d10 dice pool system is the basis for resolution as of the moment, with critical successes/failures on the player side but not on the NPC side.
Expect play to be about exploring the devastation and perversion of the earth, of the torment and stagnation of mankind, of "Big Picture" goals like destroying infrastructure or gathering allies amidst the hellish ruination. I will be taking notes from Blades In The Dark, since it bears some good ideas that can flow well into modeling this system, such as the rules regarding being a ghost.
The GM, on another note, is known as the Mourning Star, a spiritual entity that guides the Martyrs into making the world a better place, to be moments of respite for those who have suffered for so, so long. Hopefully, all of this makes sense.
Edit: I made a post in RPGdesign that is more refined than what I initially wrote down here. As such, I've copy/pasted it over the original one here.
submitted by ForgedMeaning to rpg [link] [comments]

2024.04.02 07:11 katesteel_1210 What are some safe and best homestays near Kovalam beach in Kerala, India?

What are some safe and best homestays near Kovalam beach in Kerala, India?
Nestled along the picturesque coastline of the Arabian Sea, Kovalam Beach in Kerala, India, is renowned for its pristine shores, azure waters, and laid-back ambiance. For travelers seeking an authentic and immersive experience, homestays offer a unique opportunity to delve deeper into the local culture and lifestyle while enjoying the natural splendor of this coastal paradise. With safety as a paramount concern, here are some of the best homestays near Kovalam Beach, including both beachside retreats and idyllic village escapes.
1. The Beach Homestays:
a. Pappukutty Beach Resort:
Situated just a stone's throw away from the shimmering sands of Kovalam Beach, Pappukutty Beach Resort offers a tranquil haven amidst the bustling coastal scene. The homely ambiance, warm hospitality, and stunning sea views make it a top choice for travelers seeking a serene retreat. With well-appointed rooms, delectable local cuisine, and personalized service, guests can unwind in comfort while immersing themselves in the coastal charm of Kerala.
b. Soma Palmshore Beach Resort:
Located along the renowned Light House Beach in Kovalam, Soma beach homestays in kerala combines luxury with authenticity, offering guests a blend of modern amenities and traditional Kerala hospitality. The resort's spacious cottages and villas boast panoramic views of the Arabian Sea, inviting guests to relax and rejuvenate in style. From indulging in authentic Ayurvedic treatments to savoring fresh seafood delicacies, every aspect of the stay promises an unforgettable experience by the beach.
c. Hill & Sea View Beach Resort:
Tucked away amidst lush greenery overlooking the pristine shores of Kovalam Beach, Hill & Sea View Beach Resort offers a tranquil retreat away from the tourist crowds. The resort's cozy cottages, adorned with traditional décor, provide a cozy sanctuary for travelers seeking peace and relaxation. With a focus on sustainability and eco-friendly practices, guests can enjoy a guilt-free stay while soaking in the natural beauty of Kerala's coastline.
2. Kerala Village Homestays:
a. Niraamaya Retreats Backwaters & Beyond, Kumarakom:
Escape the hustle and bustle of city life and immerse yourself in the rustic charm of Kerala's backwaters at Niraamaya Retreats Backwaters & Beyond in Kumarakom. Nestled amidst verdant coconut groves and swaying palms, this boutique homestay offers a glimpse into traditional village life while ensuring modern comforts and amenities. Guests can partake in activities such as canoeing through the serene backwaters, exploring nearby villages, or simply unwinding by the infinity pool overlooking the tranquil Vembanad Lake.
b. Coconut Lagoon, Kumarakom:
Embrace the essence of rural Kerala at Coconut Lagoon, a heritage homestay nestled on the banks of the picturesque Vembanad Lake in Kumarakom. Set amidst lush tropical gardens and winding waterways, this eco-friendly resort offers charming cottages and heritage villas inspired by traditional Kerala architecture. Guests can experience authentic village life through activities such as pottery-making workshops, guided birdwatching tours, or cruising on a traditional houseboat through the enchanting backwaters.
c. Philipkutty's Farm, Kumarakom:
For a truly immersive village experience, look no further than Philipkutty's Farm in Kumarakom. Situated on a secluded island amidst the backwaters of Vembanad Lake, this family-run homestay offers guests a glimpse into the agricultural heritage of Kerala. Guests can engage in hands-on experiences such as harvesting organic produce from the farm, learning traditional cooking techniques, or cruising on a private houseboat to explore the tranquil waterways of the backwaters.
In conclusion, whether you seek the serenity of a beachside retreat or the charm of a Kerala village homestay, Kovalam Beach and its surroundings offer a plethora of safe and best accommodation options to suit every traveler's preference. From waking up to the sound of waves crashing against the shore to exploring the verdant backwaters and lush landscapes of Kerala's countryside, a stay at these homestays promises an unforgettable journey of discovery and relaxation amidst the natural splendor of 'God's Own Country.'
submitted by katesteel_1210 to u/katesteel_1210 [link] [comments]

2024.04.01 21:19 blackcondorjr Exhaustive timeline of Survivor/Killer arrivals in the realm

Get ready for a lot of "____ is taken into the Entity's realm"
Please note that time doesn't flow linearly with the DBD multiverse and also there is no single world that the Entity draws Survivors and Killers from. All dates and events are best estimates based on charactelocation pages from the DBD Fandom Wiki, as well as certain respective licensed Fandom wiki sites (e.g. Silent Hill, Resident Evil). Additional credit to AZHYMOVS' video on the topic for filling certain gaps. For certain characters, if a specific timespan is not designated and the vibes match, I determined them as being taken from the year that their chapter was released.
~3100 BC- Pharoah Eddie is taken into the Entity’s realm.
~1700 BC- Adiris becomes the High Priestess of Babylon during a deadly plague, eventually succumbing to sickness herself. After praying for salvation, she enters the Entity’s realm and accepts the Entity as her new god.
600-500 BC- The Minotaur is taken into the Entity’s realm.
~19 BC- Charon, the Ferryman of the Underworld, is taken into the Entity’s realm.
~845 AD- An Armored Titan is taken into the Entity’s realm from the Attack on Titan universe.
~854- A War Hammer Titan is taken into the Entity’s realm from the Attack on Titan universe.
12th Century- The Krampus is taken into the Entity’s realm.
1300- The events of Army of Darkness take place.
1391- Vittorio Toscano desperately draws sigils on a dungeon floor to provide an escape to a "world of endless peace and compassion", where he's taken into the Entity’s realm. As Tarhos Kovacs and his Guardia Compagnia (Alejandro Santiago, Durkos Malecek, and Sander Rault) lay waste to an attacking army, they are taken into the Entity's realm. Additionally, The Draugr is taken into the Entity's Realm.
17th Century- Victor Deshayes is seemingly reanimated by the Entity and he is taken into the Entity's realm, only for his sister Charlotte Deshayes to follow suit to protect him.
~1755- The Baba Yaga is taken into the Entity’s realm.
1840-50s- Talbot Grimes scrawls his research regarding the "soul chemical" into the floor and walls of an opium den before being taken into the Entity's realm.
1850-60s- Kazan Yamaoka embarks on a journey to kill a lord who called him "Oni-Yamaoka". Hordes of angered townspeople attack Kazan and leave him to die inside a stone mill, where he is taken into the Entity’s realm.
Samurai Eddie is taken into the Entity’s realm.
1870s- Caleb Quinn and the Hellshire Gang storm Hellshire Penitentiary. After vengeance is taken on the new owner and the warden, Caleb enters into the Entity’s realm.
1871- The Jabberwock is taken into the Entity’s realm from the Alice in Wonderland universe.
Post WWI- Having gone mad inside the Crotus Prenn Asylum and asphyxiated every patient within her ward, Sally Smithson is taken into the Entity’s realm.
Anna survives in the Red Forest and ambushes anyone who wanders within her territory; after many encounters with German soldiers in her woods, Anna is taken into the Entity’s realm.
1920-30s- Evan MacMillan helps his father lead over a hundred miners into the tunnels to their deaths; after presumably killing his father, Evan is taken into the Entity’s realm.
1960s- Otto Stamper leads a cult on the Garden of Joy called the Fold, manipulating his followers until they collapse into violence; their collective hidden hatred and fears amalgamate into “the Dredge”, who eventually enters the Entity’s realm.
1972- Max Thompson Jr. takes revenge on his neglectful parents, slaughtering them as well as any free-roaming animals on Coldwind Farm before being taken into the Entity’s realm.
1973- The events of The Texas Chain Saw Massacre take place; Bubba Sawyer AKA Leatherface is taken into the Entity’s realm after his family's killing spree.
Late 1970s- While drifting across the United States and luring victims in by pretending to be part of traveling circus groups, Jeffrey Hawk is taken into the Entity’s realm. Presumably, Kate Denson is also taken into the Entity's realm within this time period.
1978- The events of Halloween take place; Laurie Strode is taken into the Entity’s realm after surviving Halloween night in Haddonfield, only for Michael Myers to follow her.
1980s- Naughty Bear is taken into the Entity’s realm.
Philip Ojomo discovers his boss tricked him into killing people via the car crusher at Autohaven Wreckers; for this, Philip throws his boss in the crusher and after taking his spine, he is taken into the Entity’s realm.
1981- The events of The Evil Dead and Evil Dead 2 take place.
1983- The events of Stranger Things season 1 take place; the Demogorgon is taken into the Entity’s realm before being disintegrated by Eleven.
While conducting "experimental interrogation" methods under Otto Stamper's guidance in the CIA’s MKAwakening program, Dr. Herman Carter is taken into the Entity’s realm after lethally torturing the entire Lery's Memorial Institute staff (even Stamper).
The events of Silent Hill take place; Lisa Garland and Cybil Bennett are taken into the Entity’s realm.
1984- The events of Stranger Things season 2 take place.
1985- The events of Stranger Things season 3 take place; Nancy Wheeler is taken into the Entity’s realm when trying to investigate Hawkins National Laboratory. When Steve Harrington and Jonathan Byers go looking for Nancy, they are also taken into the Entity's realm.
1987- The events of Hellraiser take place.
1988- The events of Child’s Play take place.
1990- The events of Child’s Play 2 take place. Charles Lee Ray AKA Chucky is taken into the Entity’s realm while pursuing Andy Barclay in a toy factory.
1993- Danny Johnson reads his article about his previous Ghost Face killings in Roseville, Florida, where he delightfully accepts the Entity's invitation into its realm.
The events of Silent Hill 2 take place; Pyramid Head, James Sunderland, and Maria are taken into the Entity’s realm.
1996- The Legion (Frank Morrison, Julie Kostenko, Joey Lavoie, and Susie) venture into the Entity’s realm after burying a body at Mount Ormond Resort.
1998- The events of Ringu take place.
The events of Child’s Play 3 take place.
The events of Bride of Chucky take place. Tiffany and a reconstructed Chucky are taken into the Entity’s realm.
The events of Resident Evil 0 take place.
The events of Resident Evil take place; Chris Redfield is taken into the Entity’s realm upon entering a mansion while escaping monstrous dogs.
The first half of Resident Evil 3 takes place; Jill Valentine and Carlos Oliveira are taken into the Entity's realm while escaping the Nemesis-T Type, only for the Nemesis and two zombies to follow her inside.
The events of Resident Evil 2 take place; HUNK and Dr. William Birkin are taken into the Entity’s realm.
The second half of Resident Evil 3 takes place; Leon Kennedy and Claire Redfield are taken into the Fog upon investigating the Umbrella Corporation in Raccoon City. Rebecca Chambers is also taken into the Entity's realm while in an underground Umbrella facility.
2000- The events of Silent Hill 3 take place; three months later, Cheryl Mason receives a strange phone call while working in a crisis intervention center and is taken into the Entity’s realm.
2004- The events of AVP: Alien vs. Predator take place; a battle-damaged Xenomorph is taken into the Entity’s realm after avoiding being hunted by a Predator.
The events of Resident Evil 4 take place; Ada Wong is taken into the Entity's realm after crippling Los Illuminados.
The events of Saw take place; Detective David Tapp is taken into the Entity’s realm before succumbing to his gunshot wound.
2004/2005- The events of Saw X take place.
2005- The events of Saw II take place.
The events of Saw III take place; Amanda Young is taken into the Entity’s realm before bleeding out inside the Gideon Meat Packing Plant.
2009- The events of Resident Evil 5 take place; Albert Wesker exposes himself to Uroboros, where he is taken into the Entity's realm. Sheva Alomar is taken into the Entity’s realm while trying to stop Uroboros from being unleashed.
The events of Left 4 Dead take place; William “Bill” Overbeck is taken into the Entity’s realm before dying to a zombie horde.
2010- The events of A Nightmare on Elm Street take place; shortly after his "death", Freddy Krueger kills Nancy Holbrook's mother and later Nancy herself. Despite Quentin Smith's best efforts to stay awake, Freddy pulls him into the dream world-- only for the two to be taken into the Entity's realm.
The events of Alan Wake take place.
2013- The events of Evil Dead take place.
2015- The events of Ash vs Evil Dead season 1 take place.
2016- Dwight Fairfield goes on a company retreat in the woods, only to awaken alone; he is taken into the Entity's realm while trying to find his way out of the forest.
Meg Thomas goes on a jog through the woods, only to be taken into the Entity's realm.
Claudette Morel ventures into a nearby forest, where she is taken into the Entity's realm.
While living in the woods, you'll never guess what happened to Jake Park.
The events of Ash vs Evil Dead season 2 take place; Ashy Slashy is taken into the Entity’s realm.
Lisa Sherwood is captured and tortured by Backwater Swamp cannibals, using the last of her energy to etch symbols into the floor; the symbols give her the bloodlust necessary to take violent revenge upon her captors and the Entity takes her into its realm. Ace Visconti is also presumably taken into the Entity's realm within this time period.
2017- The Mordeo is taken into the Entity’s realm from the Crypt Monster Universe.
As Feng Min's professional gaming performance slips, she develops a drinking habit-- eventually awakening in the Entity’s realm.
The Birch Witch is taken into the Entity's realm from the Crypt Monster Universe.
The Look-See is taken into the Entity’s realm from the Crypt Monster Universe.
David King is taken into the Entity's realm, disappearing without any explanation.
2018- The events of Ash vs Evil Dead season 3 take place. Ash Williams is accidentally sent into the Entity’s realm after mispronouncing Sumerian rites.
Adam Francis is taken into the Entity’s realm before being killed in a train accident. Later, Rin Yamaoka is viciously attacked by her father with a katana, nearly killing her; her growing rage causes her to accept the Entity's invitation to its realm.
On a nostalgia trip, Jeff Johansen visits Mount Ormond Resort to check out the mural he painted decades ago, only to be taken into the Entity’s realm.
2019- After a botched televised interview, Jane Romero drives toward her father's house while drowsy, awakening in the Entity's realm.
During a street race, a mysterious Fog surrounds Yui Kimura's scooter and she enters into the Entity’s realm.
2020- Zarina Kassir tours Hellshire Penitentiary while investigating the "Mad Mick Massacre" and is taken into the Entity's realm once she reaches the dead warden's cell.
A collection of Robbie the Rabbit costumes from the Silent Hill universe is given to the Legion.
Felix Richter revisits an abandoned opium den where his father among others had been taken by the Entity, only to enter its realm himself after seeing his father reappear within a Fog.
Elodie Rakoto searches a catacomb for the engraved skull belonging to Charlotte Deshayes' mother, only to be taken into the Entity's realm.
2021- Ji-Woon Hak subdues Yun-Jin Lee and other Mightee One Entertainment board members with nitrous oxide, mutilating everyone but Yun-Jin to use their cries of pain as instrumentals; as Ji-Woon prepares to kill Yun-Jin, they both are taken into the Entity’s realm.
Pinhead and the Chatterer are summoned into the Entity’s realm after Dwight Fairfield solves the Lament Configuration.
Mikaela Reid is taken into the Entity’s realm while onstage reading a horror story, baffling witnesses; her disappearance is believed to be a result of her investigating the Unknown. When Sable Ward tries to investigate her disappearance, she is confronted by the Fog and chooses to enter the Entity’s realm to find her friend.
Nea Karlsson is taken into the Entity’s realm while trying to tag Crotus Prenn Asylum with graffiti.
A hooded figure attacks Carmina Mora, cutting off her hands and tongue in retaliation for her activism; as a murder of crows devour the figure's flesh, she is taken into the Entity's realm. Jonah Vasquez is also taken into the Entity’s realm after deciphering a number sequence that led him to the Forsaken Boneyard.
2022- Yoichi Asakawa investigates the disappearances of a few of his students, believing Sadako Yamamura's curse is behind them; while approaching the coastside resort, a storm sweeps Yoichi into the Fog and frees Sadako-- taking them both into the Entity’s realm.
Haddie Kaur investigates an allegedly haunted WWII bunker and sees a vision of her parents' car accident before being taken into the Entity’s realm.
The uniforms belonging to Eren Yeager, Hange Zoe, Levi Ackerman, Mikasa Ackerman, Annie Leonhart, Armin Arlert, Historia Reiss, and Kenny Ackerman from the Attack on Titan universe, are given to Dwight Fairfield, Zarina Kassir, Jake Park, Yui Kimura, Meg Thomas, Felix Richter, Kate Denson, and Ace Visconti respectively.
2023- Thalita Lyra and Renato Lyra witness Adriana Imai mercilessly kill a "survival tour" guide, leading Adriana to make them her next prey; during the chase toward the beach, they are all taken into the Entity’s realm.
Nicolas Cage is lured by Pauline Stamper to a remote island under the guise of filming a movie called “Descend Beyond”, where he is taken into the Entity’s realm.
The events of Alan Wake 2 take place. In an attempt to escape the Dark Place, Alan Wake writes an ending where a mysterious Fog allows his protagonists to escape; as the Fog manifests itself, Alan runs into the murkiness-- out of the Dark Place, into the Entity's realm. Saga Anderson and Rose Marigold are also taken into the Entity’s realm.
Tubarão is taken into the Entity’s realm from the Rainbow Six Siege universe while sailing on his family boat; additionally, the uniforms belonging to Blitz and Wamai are given to Felix Richter and Adam Francis respectively.
2024- An amalgamation of Eddie the Heads is taken into the Entity’s realm.
Iron Maiden tour shirts are given to Dwight Fairfield, Meg Thomas, Claudette Morel, Jake Park, Nea Karlsson, Ace Visconti, Feng Min, David King, Kate Denson, Adam Francis, Jeff Johansen, Jane Romero, Yui Kimura, Zarina Kassir, Felix Richter, Elodie Rakoto, Yun-Jin Lee, Mikaela Reid, Jonah Vasquez, Haddie Kaur, Vittorio Toscano, Thalita Lyra, Renato Lyra, and Gabriel Soma.
The Unknown tries to claim another victim while she researches its history in addition to the Entity's activity, only to be taken into the Entity’s realm against its will.
Slipknot masks are given to Philip Ojomo, Caleb Quinn, Dr. Herman Carter, Jeffrey Hawk, Max Thompson Jr, Talbot Grimes, and Evan MacMillan; a Slipknot-inspired outfit is also given to Frank Morrison.
2050- Stranger Eddie is taken into the Entity’s realm.
2089-2093- The events of Prometheus take place.
2104- The events of Alien: Covenant take place.
2122- The events of Alien take place; Ellen Ripley manages to eject a Xenomorph from her escape pod into the vacuum of space, where the Entity takes it into its realm. As Ellen rests inside her hypersleep chamber, she too is taken into the Entity's realm along with Jonesy.
2179- The events of Aliens take place; a Xenomorph Queen is taken into the Entity’s realm.
The events of Alien 3 take place.
2313- HUX-A7-13 slaughters the human crew on Dvarka, where Gabriel Soma manages to escape its clutches by igniting its body; as HUX chases after Gabriel, they both are taken into the Entity’s realm.
2379-2381- The events of Alien Resurrection take place; Ripley 8 and a Xenomorph clone are taken into the Entity’s realm.
Feel free to add or correct anything I have listed here, enjoy!
submitted by blackcondorjr to deadbydaylight [link] [comments]

2024.03.31 04:56 Alarming-Drawer8407 Looking for a molded and/or lined (is that the same thing?) t-shirt bra that I can wear everyday. 32DDD/G US or 32E/F UK, not 100% certain about my shape. Located in US.

I've only just begun my BraThatFits journey and I honestly don't know where to begin with trying bras, the list on the beginners guide is overwhelming when I'm not entirely certain about my shape.
I spent 2hrs in a Soma fitting room last Sunday and the fitters there were very nice, but I still ended up feeling completely disheartened and cried in the car on my way home. Literally nothing ever seems to fit me right, and before finding this sub, I had always figured it was because my boobs seemed to have the width of a D cup but the fullness of a B or C.
Calculator says I am 32DDD/G US or 32E/F UK. Measurements:
Underbust loose = 83.25cm
Underbust snug = 81cm
Underbust tight = 75cm
Standing bust = 96cm
Leaning bust = 105cm
Lying bust = 94.5cm
Breastfed 1 kid for almost 15mths, stopped a little over 3mths ago.
I think I'm projected, but not sure? I think I'm definitely center-full. I think right boob is bottom-full. Left boob seems borderline even or just slightly bottom-full but not as bottom-full as righty. 🤷‍♀️
Root size - jeez I'm still struggling with this one. I think a shorter root but not sure. Truly can't tell if wide or narrow root. I started crying (again haha 🫠) about my root shape so I stopped trying to work this out.
Currently still wearing my awful nursing/pumping bras from Target, but I did end up buying a couple of bras from Soma (even though I know they don't fit right and they're not comfortable) which are in linked photos below.
Soma Essentials Unlined Lace Trim Plunge 34DD:
Soma Vanishing 360 Perfect Coverage Lace Trim 32DD:
Please give me some direction/suggestions for starting my bra search. Really hoping to find a comfortable T-shirt bra (lined/molded) that gives me a nice shape and I can wear everyday. Amazon Prime preferred while I'm still so early in my search, but any other vendor that also has an easy online purchase & return process is fine too.
I'm (obviously) very new to this and still very sensitive about this unfamiliar new-Mom body of mine, so please be kind. Thank you so much for your help!!!
submitted by Alarming-Drawer8407 to ABraThatFits [link] [comments]