Brief history snowboarding

Brief History

2014.04.25 23:39 ragnar_lordbrok Brief History

This is a place for brief history of anything and everything.

2016.11.12 13:24 meguskus Wild Westernish Pictures

North American wild western images, including but not limited to: cowboys, indigenous peoples, farming, outlaws, loggers, miners, vaqueros, rednecks, roughnecks, ranchers, soldiers, mountain men, surveyors, pioneers, homesteads, scouts, trailblazers and /or everyday life.

2011.08.28 07:07 Artrw AskHistorians

The Portal for Public History. Please read the rules before participating, as we remove all comments which break the rules. Answers must be in-depth and comprehensive, or they will be removed.

2024.05.13 23:07 PhasersOnStunn ANVS - Annovis Bio Inc.

ANVS - Annovis Bio Inc.
Good evening team!
The case for Annovis Bio, Inc.(ANVS) is a strong one. I’ll try to be brief, but will link resources for those who would like to further investigate on their own.
Annovis Bio Inc. is a pharmaceutical company developing a revolutionary drug platform to treat Alzheimer’s, Parkingson’s and other neurodegenerative disorders. Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s are the 2 largest unmet treatment needs of the ageing population. The catalyst associated with this piece is the company’s Phase 3 - Parkinson’s Disease trial, which the company will report results for in June of this year.
Why did the value of this stock drop so dramatically? There was a delay in presenting the findings of the study due to an anomaly in patient blood tests, which has now been explained to the satisfaction of the FDA. The delay caused a panic selloff and some shorting, which is what initially tipped me off to this chart. With the FDA’s approval of the data and the past findings in Phase II showing an increase in motor speed and control, it appears the stock is ready for a huge comeback.
It’s also worth mentioning for those that are interested in a long term investment that the company is at various trial stages for multiple neurodegenerative conditions (see below graphic) and Buntanetap is the only drug so far to show improvement in cognition in Alzheimer’s patients and motor function in Parkinson’s patients.
What role do Neurotoxic Proteins play in degenerative disorders and diseases?
Does Buntanetap show improvement?
Investment Highlights:
On the technical side, the stock seems to have already hit the bottom and bounced back, beginning a new upward trend:
The stock has a 1 year price target of $23, which I feel is going to be hit fairly quickly once the Phase III Parkinson’s results are disclosed.
For those interested in short squeeze potential:
As previously stated, the main catalyst for this stock is expected in June, exact date is not specified. It could be a slow grind up, or investors may become aware of this opportunity and decide to jump in early.
I have decided not to cross post any of my picks. I’m only going to post them in PhaserTargetRange and let the history of my picks speak for themselves and allow this tiny at the moment subreddit to grow naturally based on performance only.
Please perform your own research before investing in anything.
Company Website:
Annovis Bio
(Excellent) Management Team:
PowerPoint Presentation (
Our Science:
Understanding the tests referred to in the studies:
Weschsler Adult Intelligence Scale: 4th Edition (WISC-IV) Pearson (
MDS-Unified Parkinson's Disease Rating Scale (MDS-UPDRS) (
Interview with CEO:
#330 - Dr. Maria Maccecchini, CEO at Annovis Bio (
submitted by PhasersOnStunn to PhaserTargetRange [link] [comments]

2024.05.13 22:49 Even-Information8114 Noise nuisance/ASB. Does anyone know/have experience in what the councils duties should be and do I need a solicitor at this point?

Please keep in mind that I have the opposite of infinite funds. I also wondering what to ask a solicitor, or what they can do exactly as otherwise I'm going in blind. I've lost all faith in my council to do anything for me. I'm based in England btw.
To give a brief history, In 2019, a family moved in above me and they are very noisy. They make noise until 4-5am in the morning. My flat is a bedsit and the noise proofing in this building is terrible so the noise they make comes through the floor very loudly (IE: it sounds like living inside of a drum). This disturbs my sleep and the situation is frankly making me suicidal at points. I have been fighting with the housing association and the council to try and do something about the problem, but they basically refuse to do anything and have washed their hands of the issue.
The council's Environmental protection team did install a microphone to record the noise. I didn’t receive a proper report back, just an email stating that the only noise observed was from my bedsit, with examples. I asked for a copy of the recorded noises. When I received them I could hear the noises I had recorded and challenged the team on this. To cut a very long story short they said while there was some noise but there wasn't enough noise to count as a statutory nuisance. My housing officer refuses to acknowledge the 2nd statement from the team and continually states that no noises were found.
In the end I’ve been told to take private action against the residents, but I have been unable to do this due to my mental health issues and other disabilities and lack of a lawyer.
I have been through the complaints procedures regarding this, but in both the 1st and 2nd stage complaints they have basically ignored everything. I have taken these results to the ombudsman.
I opened another ASB case with my housing officer and have access to an ASB app. I uploaded many recordings of the noise I experienced, but I was told that it cannot be substantiated that the noise is coming from the family above me, or that there wasn’t sufficient evidence. When I asked for clarification none was given. This lasted 6 months and my housing officer closed my case claiming I admitted to making the noise. Quite frankly I’m at my wit’s end with all of this.
Is there anything I can do to get them to actually take some action to fix the problem? (IE: either moving me, fixing the sound proofing in the building somehow or getting the family to be more quiet at night)
submitted by Even-Information8114 to LegalAdviceUK [link] [comments]

2024.05.13 22:39 PakistanArmyBall [Death and Asteroids] The Republic of Prometheus: A light in the dark or an inferno

[Death and Asteroids] The Republic of Prometheus: A light in the dark or an inferno
Some quick memes to give an idea of their culture and broader actions
From the flames of Prometheus rises Mankind forged anew
“Hear the sum of the whole matter in the compass of one brief word — every art possessed by man comes from Prometheus.”
The History of the Promethean Republic was one born out of tragedy as millions looked onwards into space in shuttles to the outerworlds of UN colonized space with the promise of new life and settlement freshly dripping from their ears. When they arrived they were betrayed by these honeyed words as enmasse they were enslaved and subjected to mutilation and augmentation on a scale never before seen. The cries of millions silenced by the chatters of trillions of others in the stars.
These betrayed were historians, mothers, fathers and scientists hoping to explore new frontiers only to be subjected to this by corrupt or rogue UN governors and industrialists looking to make a quick buck off of an “efficient” work force. They hoped to scrape away their free will and ability to rebel and leave only obedient and subservient “automatons” who while less physically capable than the cheaper robot would be more adaptive. Amongst those who betrayed them however was a man known as “Charon” who horrified at the deeds of his fellows set out to right what went wrong and bring the millions of people annihilated back.
He would succeed but not in his lifetime as the title was merely one passed on to others like him. The various Charons subtly sifted through code and memories to try and identify what little he could bring back. It took the Galactic civil war between the LIS and UN to give them the right time to act. And so the cyborgs arose unleashing a massacre not seen since the French Revolution upon their slave masters after decades of encountering others they would realize that humanity was unlike them having retained their flesh and minds while also unwilling to accept them back into the fold.
So emerged the Republic of Prometheus which would stand as the Cyborgs attempted to recover what they could of themselves and others. Some had awoken from their slavery to find their young children they took with them on their trip dead killed by their unrepentant slave drivers who saw little use or thrown into orphanages by the few with any semblance of a moral compass. Many tears were shed as children fled from their mangled parents and their steel husks as they said a rambling name that sounded semi-intelligible for their own. Prometheans disgraced and horrified vowed to stay in isolation in the hopes that maybe their children would have been better off without them.
A myth of the “Republic of the Dead” emerged as the centuries went on of a region of space where the dead still walked.
The prometheans eventually began to rebuild themselves and forge a new society one built around some semblance of patriotism and liberty. Eventually they developed from their faulty memories and eventually their own capabilities means of communication amongst each other via cybernetics with that the need for election dissipated as referendums took their place. The Prometheians could be regarded as of now as either the first cyber-democracy or perhaps a democratic technocracy.
This would not dissipate as they founded their state religion, the cult of Libertas. By this point Charon and Prometheus had merged in their minds as one being with Prometheus developing into god in their eyes as the one who struck down betrayers and uphold oaths. By this point of course Charon had long perished having left to his home planet after the insurrection. Prometheus is a loving albeit harsh father who intends to force humanity to advance as one and despises “parasites” who prey on the week and advance only for themselves.
He did leave them three principles: -The Principle of Spartacus(Unity), which was to uphold and embrace all members into their community in exchange for fully loyalty. It has also been interpreted as communal openness or universal brotherhood. -The Principle of Brown(Liberation), to end injustice wherever it may be and to liberate the people. It has also been interpreted as loyalty to god’s equality. -The Principle of Prometheus(Knowledge), the easiest to understand is to actively study the world both scientific, historical and cultural as well as to disseminate it beyond.
While on paper positive the cult has by this point expanded to mandate cybernetics, worship of the three principles and universal mandatory service as well as a notoriously loose code of ethics. Notably including hiding information regarding medical research from participants till after the study has occurred, coercion via pay and even including prisoner coercion. When questioned they would merely state the individual has no free will as no man has accomplished anything by themselves with deviations from community norms often shunned. There is also the issue of the void whom many have started to regard as the personification of Prometheus to be freed while others denounce it as the being that had brought this corruption to the world and must remain imprisoned as per its punishment.
It is not without its progress as work on stem cells previously slowed by regulation and cybernetics have exploded leading to a population regarded by many as technically immortal and without pain. Food is surprisingly abundant thanks to advances in Hydroponics and lower demand thanks to how far some augmented have went.
The army is entirely adhoc largely composed of self-funded and organized militia charged with rooting out slavery, banditry and hostile forces at home. They would often engage in expeditions with state approval to liberate planets dominated by slavers and leave after transitioning power to the oppressed albeit often with a hefty booty of loot. These newly liberated planets deemed to be in the Promethean security network would find themselves guaranteed by the Republic and offered annexation at a later date pending referendum. However in case of invasion or an offensive war the state bureaucracy following a referendum authorizing it would select a Supreme Commander who would then select his subordinates who would then assume control of the various militias.
Politically the dominant faction is the isolationists but two increasingly vocal interventionist factions have emerged: The Blues and Greens. Blues support a diplomatic approach gradually uniting the various planets underneath a cybernetic democracy and supplying technology as well as economic aid to develop them and build goodwill. Greens view humanity has squandered their inheritance and that their “elders” must take charge to guide them back to glory at all cost.
Glory to Prometheus, Spartacus and Brown!
submitted by PakistanArmyBall to WorldBuildingMemes [link] [comments]

2024.05.13 22:32 More-Long1518 im not sure if i have vaginismus

Hi ! This is my first ever post , not sure what to expect Me and my boyfriend have been together for almost 2 years now and things are amazing, genuinely happy, healthy relationship. I started taking contraceptive pills about a year ago after a doctor recommended it for severe period cramps and for 6 months i was dealing with severe symptoms like extreme mood swings and vaginal dryness ( which made sex painful) so i switched to a different pill that has been working amazing up until 2 months ago when i started having these weird pains around the entrance of the vagina . I was very confused because the pain was only present as penetration happened and only at the entrance, everything else felt as usual. I brushed it off and we took things very slowly. Recently I’ve been experiencing this pain to a whole new level and made sex almost impossible. Its a really weird sensation, like it didn’t fit anymore. It took a really big toll on my mental health. Luckily my boyfriend was amazing and tried to help me as much as i could. I started lacking the libido and the ability to feel horny because I would constantly think about the pain . We tried doing it this past weekend after a month and it was the worst pain i ever felt, but I really wanted to push myself, because i would only feel pain at the entrance and everything else felt normal and pleasant. I don’t know what to do , besides making a doctors appointment, but i have a bad history of doctors brushing me off fast after giving me brief instructions and treatments that didn’t work . Any advice?
submitted by More-Long1518 to vaginismus [link] [comments]

2024.05.13 22:16 Fine_Economy989 I love sex, but my (20F) sexual habits are starting to break my heart

I love sex. I am a really sexual being and prefer to do it quite often. However I am not really relationship material at the moment (BPD and a host of other mental illnesses I need to work on before that), so I have sex with a lot of men that really mean nothing to me.
When I first started doing it, it was fine. I will decide I wanted to have sex that night, go on a dating app or wherever, and find someone to fuck. I try to pick people I at least like as a person, but I find emotional connection extremely rare for me. Usually we don’t see each other more than once and it’s just a quick fuck to both of us. Whatever.
Recently I had a brief exclusive relationship where we had a great sex life and that has changed my feelings towards sex. When we broke up, I thought okay I can go back to having sex with randos and I will at least be fine in that department. But now that I know how much emotional connection betters sex, it just hurts me to only be a hookup to someone. Plus I am just outgrowing my ability to view sex as completely meaningless.
I have also realized the way men I sleep with talk to me kinda disturbs me. They compliment my body and tell me I am pretty and that’s nice, used to be enough validation for me, but I want more. I want someone to actually see who I am and appreciate it beyond just what I look like. I have also realized that a lot of people don’t have respect for their casual sex partners, they like to push their limits with what I will accept and I am really scared of men so it is hard for me to tell them no.
The thing is, I am not sure I am a person that is easy to appreciate. I have some really good friendships so I don’t think I am completely unloveable but man am I not relationship material. Not because I am a bad person or anything, I just struggle with controlling my emotions and it can be a lot for people to deal with. My ex and I broke up because he “wasn’t equipped” to deal with someone who had problems like mine. Did it nicely and acknowledged that my problems come from a long history of trauma, but damn it still hurt. Being with him had made me think that maybe it was possible for a normal, stable person to want me, but I was wrong.
So I won’t be in a relationship for a while until I am better, or maybe I will get lucky and meet someone willing to stick with me as I grow. Doubt that though. My issue is that I am a person who really needs sex. I thrive off the validation it gives me and just have a really high sex drive. Clearly my relationship with it is fucked not denying that.
But what now? I want to have sex and be satisfied but I don’t want to watch my body count keep increasing as I sleep with men who don’t care about me. I guess the ideal is a consistent FWB but men don’t really want that with me.
Do I just quit having sex until I am fixed? Are there people willing to deal with my emotional issues?
I guess I have given up on loving or being loved, only time I’ve ever come close to either he beat me and did a host of other horrific shit. I don’t want to give up sex though.
submitted by Fine_Economy989 to LifeAdvice [link] [comments]

2024.05.13 22:16 Artistic_Victory A hungry bear does not dance A House Divided Alternate Elections

A hungry bear does not dance A House Divided Alternate Elections
A hungry bear does not dance
Patriarchal Cathedral of St. Alexander Nevsky, created in 1913. The city of Sofia went through changes according to the vicissitudes of Bulgarian history. Many rulers ruled it and each of them left their special stamp on the soul of the city. The large Jewish community that lived in the city also left evidence of a glorious past.
The Bulgarian people are one of the oldest peoples in Europe, with a cultural continuity of 1300 years. Information about Jewish settlements in Macedonia dates back to the time of Gaius Caligula and in the Nicopolis district a Latin inscription was found that testifies to the existence of a Jewish community in the 2nd century. There are not many other peoples on the European continent that formed so early and preserved their language, their religion, and their national tradition. The English, for example, completed their consolidation into one nation only after the Norman conquest in the XI century, and the Germans and Italians in the XIX century. The formation of the Bulgarian people was the first swallow that heralded the golden age of the Slavic peoples and kingdoms; In Russia a century later the inner Principality of Kyivan Rus was created, and in the Balkans two centuries later the kingdoms of the Bosnian Serbs and Croats were formed. The word Bulgarian itself means "to do good". Bulgarians have three important characteristics according to their own myth - from the Thracians they believe they received the sympathy for mysticism, from local Turks they bred with their fighting ability, courage and determination, and from the Slavs - patience as a way of life and mutual guarantee to each other and to other Slavic nations.
However, this wonderful cultural continuity was disrupted with the Ottoman occupation in the 14th century - which succeeded in destroying the local aristocracy, destroying the cities and fortresses, and deeply damaged the original organic Bulgarian culture while preventing for a time the formation of the Christian urban culture that developed in the same period in Western Europe. Therefore, unlike in Italy, England and France, ancient cities from the Middle Ages were unfortunately not preserved to modern times. In addition, Bulgaria did not experience the Renaissance, the Baroque, the Enlightenment period, and only in 1878, upon gaining independence, did it begin to rediscover its powerful roots.
In the years following independence, Bulgaria became increasingly militaristic and was often referred to as the "Prussia of the Balkans", in regards to its desire to change the Berlin Treaty through warfare, when the division of territories in the Balkans by the Concert of Europe regardless of ethnic composition led to a wave of discontent not only in Bulgaria, but also in the nations who were her neighbors and Bulgaria strived with relative success to manage the power relations compared to the other Christian countries of the region.
The defeat of the Ottomans in the Turco-Italian War, and the feeling that this was the time when Christian territories could be conquered from the Ottomans, led some of the Balkan countries to create the Balkan League, in which Bulgaria served as a central player. The First Balkan War began when Montenegro declared war on the Ottoman Empire, and a few days later the other members of the League officially joined the war. During the war, the Allies managed to conquer large parts of the reminder of Ottoman Europe, with Bulgaria in particular suffering huge losses in combat operations.
These territories were taken from the Empire in the Treaty of London that ended the war. However, League members failed to reach an agreement regarding the division of the various territories, and against this background, the Second Balkan War broke out.
In the second war, Bulgaria fought against the other members of the league. The war against Bulgaria was even joined by Romania, which was afraid of a large-scale Bulgarian sphere of influence. At the end of the war, in the Bucharest Agreement, all of Bulgaria's gains from the previous war were completely erased, except for a coastal strip near the Aegean Sea that remained in its hands. Part of the Dobruja region passed from Bulgarian control to Romania, Greece received the territories of Thessaloniki and Serbia received Macedonia. As a result of these changes, the main power in the Balkans shifted from Bulgaria to Serbia.
Thus when the Great War began Bulgaria joined the German Alliance with the hope of receiving territorial gains, and indeed it was generously rewarded by the Germans following the end of the war – with most of Serbia being transferred to the Bulgarian Tsardom and the entire Black Sea coast taken from Romania back to Bulgaria at the International Peace Conference of the Hague. The new territories brought new hope to the Bulgarian people, who prospered in these post-war days due to an economic alliance with Mitteleuropa, and as result, the Bulgarians did not bother to hide their sympathy for the Germans, even after the 1929 German economic crash and when it seemed that the established world order was beginning to crumble as more and more powers became Integralist and avowed anti-German. At that time, the reported German pogroms did not affect the Bulgarian domestic policy - which continued to allow a rich cultural life for Bulgarian Jews.
As a token of gratitude to the Germans and out of fear of a non-German Europe that would be hostile to them, the Bulgarians quickly and almost automatically joined the German side in World War II. In retrospect, contrary to the results of the Great War, the Tsardom got the short end of the stick and suffered a colossal defeat.
Although the Bŭlgarska armiya was relatively well equipped for the Serbian and Albanian threats and even advanced directly to the Serbian city of Niš, difficult terrain conditions soon made the front static along with reports of abuse of Serbian prisoners of war. The Greek declaration of war on Bulgaria which concerned many was merely only the beginning of bad tidings, each one greater than the other.
Eventually Romania declared war as well almost a year into the start of World War II. The Bulgarian army simply could not deploy on so many fronts and received encirclements one after another, as the Romanian invasion was unrestrained and ruthless. In less than a month and a half afterwards, all of Bulgaria was conquered. With no other option, the Bulgarian government announced unconditional surrender to the Pact of Iron.
A new puppet government was established which received all administrative dictates from Paris and Bucharest while the Tsar was found dead by suicide, in a clear indication of the national situation.
Pact soldiers were allowed to loot whatever they needed, and Bulgarian national historical works were transferred to other countries. It was the darkest period of the Bulgarian people, who experienced quite a few tragedies in the past.
And an even darker period for the Bulgarian Jews, when in 1944 the government approved the request of Russia and Romania to transfer 11,343 Jews to "labor camps" after a preliminary "deportation" of 9,000 other Jews (the extermination of the Jews in the Holocaust often received such titles, although those who ''discussed'' the request knew what it was truly about – an extermination camp).
However, hope can be found even in the most difficult moments. As the Germans eventually got closer to Bulgaria, the Bulgarian people revived the guerrilla action against the local Pact forces. Bulgarian public figures protested after the expulsion of the Jews of 1944, among them the Bulgarian Orthodox Church, bishops and parliamentarians and managed to prevent the deportation to extermination camps of about 48,000 more Jews before the liberation of Bulgaria by the Kaiserliche deutsche Armee while the survival rate of the Jewish population in Bulgaria was among the highest of controlled Pact nations. On February 1, 1945, hundreds of Bulgarian Pact collaborators were executed by German forces in an event that received international condemnation and Bulgarian silence. Bulgaria emerged from the war with a terrible sense of loss.
The brief period of complete German military occupation ended sooner than expected, when both the Americans and the Germans reached agreements on the re-creation of the Tsardom with Macedonia once again returned to Bulgaria in the Treaty of Aachen. In those days, Bulgaria still needed German economic and military support to prevent anarchy and enable basic functioning and so it suffered after Operation Halfmoon despite not being classified as an enemy nation for the purposes of the operation. Therefore, it did not show any opposition to the American soldiers who came to manage and start the rehabilitation of the region, and cooperated with them as Secretary of State Grew was able to finally settle the territorial disputes that led to almost a century of tensions and wars in the region with virtually all (devastated) Balkan countries signed the Sofia Agreements in exchange for participation in the ''Grew plan'', as they formally committed to ceasing and ending any territorial claims and opened full diplomatic relations with each other.
“Efectul știrii este mai important decât adevărul ei.”
In 1901, the Italian Guglielmo Marconi reached his great achievement – a telegraph transmission from Europe across the Atlantic Ocean to America.
The German-Jewish Gustav Ludwig Hertz has already proved that electricity can pass through electromagnetic waves, those waves whose frequencies span across the spectrum from X-ray waves to UV waves, microwaves, and radio waves. Hertz conducted an experiment on the subject, got the frequency unit named after him, and has been able to transmit sounds not only through an electric cable (ie telegraph) but through the air (wireless telegraph). The last breakthrough was made by a Serbian genius named Nikola Tesla who demonstrated the system to the public in 1903.
A wireless telegraph does what a cable telegraph does – it transmits a message from point to point. What will make it a world changer is the human understanding that this technological ability can be used not only from a transmitting point to a receiving point, but from a transmitting point to dozens of receiving points at the same time and later tens of millions of receiving points. This is how the radio was born. The radio and the wireless telegraph are technically very similar and thus the radio was a natural continuation of the telegraph with the help of inventors and entrepreneurs (a famous story is of David Sarnoff, an American Jew who worked for Marconi's telegraph company that also sold radios and insisted despite his boss's refusal to broadcast the 1920 World Series, which became the largest and most successful mass broadcast of that time and helped for the public to get used to the radio. It is also worth noting that he already suggested in 1915 that the company change its branding to the ''Radio Corporation of America'' and sell music boxes to consumers, but the process took place only after General Electric bought the company).
Telegraph connected points; The radio connected audiences. Those who sat on an isolated farm, those who worked in a factory, those who relaxed in the living room of their homes, suddenly everyone had the ability to hear at the same time leaders’ speeches, classical music (and later rock and roll), they heard dictators, declarations of war and peace. Historical events were reported as quickly as possible on the evening news. The world with the radio will become more accessible to the masses.
In 1925, Scottish inventor John Logie Baird managed to produce a device that transmitted images of moving figures clearly and not just voices. In 1937 the RCA conducted its first television broadcast, while the first television receivers sold were physically large and took up space in the home living room like a piece of furniture and the viewing screen was small. During this period there were still no long broadcast hours and on certain days there were only special broadcasts. These broadcasts content was scarce and included mainly news and coverage of special events, such as various sports events.
World War II significantly slowed down the development of the television broadcasting industry. All technological effort was directed to the war effort. Only after the war did the industry begin to gather momentum again. Starting in 1947, a dramatic development can be seen in the amount and variety of commercial television broadcasts in the US and, along with it, in the rest of the developed world (together with a significant reduction in the price of the television compared to the pre-war world). A variety of comedy, drama and thriller programs aired alongside editions of news, entertainment, and other leisure programs. The American people began to buy televisions in droves, and this only encouraged the industry to invest in more reliable models and more continuous broadcasts.

submitted by Artistic_Victory to Presidentialpoll [link] [comments]

2024.05.13 21:45 The_Bear_Jew Looking For A Producer With Financing Ties For Feature

Hello, I have a feature script that has placed in a number of competitions with a great director attache who has a history of doing commercial work, independent features and had a short film premiere at Cannes.
My background is in children's animation so I am looking for someone with more knowledge of the indie film world to help bring in initial financing before we approach talent via the director's connections to get an attachment, which we will then leverage to get an MG. Here is a brief pitch for the project.
TITLE: Hunter, Father
LOGLINE: A father with anger issues tries to reconnect with his estranged teenage son over the course of a camping trip, but their tenuous bond is pushed to a breaking point when they come face to face with a unicorn and he tries to kill it while his son attempts to stop him.
You can find more details about the project here:
Look forward to connecting.
submitted by The_Bear_Jew to FILMPRODUCERS [link] [comments]

2024.05.13 21:43 Financial_Swing_280 Desiring but also feeling repulsed at love

Hello all, I (21M) desire but also feel repulsed at the thought of love, or getting close to someone. To give a very short rundown of my "love life" history, which spans almost 2 years now. The first 2 girls were egotistical, narcissistic, some of the most toxic people you could meet. Back then I had A LOT of insecurities so I never stood up for myself, nor did I leave. I was used a lot, abused in some cases and they both ended up being the ones leaving. The next "relationship", which was my first real relationship as the other 2 were just friends, that relationship was mostly fine, but it ended out of no where and left me wondering what even happened and why it ended. I never got closure on that. And the last one after that, my most recent one, which ended 5 months ago, I was catfished. I soon found out but stayed friends with her because I felt bad and also didn't want her to hurt herself. A little after finding out she catfished me about 3 months ago, I thought I could love this version of her and did for a very brief moment, but soon stopped and all together started feeling disgusted at love, but I still envied it a lot. Even now, I'm talking to this girl, as friends, and there's some flirting back and forth but just the thought of loving her makes me feel sick. It's not her, she's gorgeous and has a great personality, I'm just getting repulsed at the feeling of liking someone, getting jealous, or just thinking about it. But I envy love so bad.
Does anyone know the feeling or have any advice?
submitted by Financial_Swing_280 to Advice [link] [comments]

2024.05.13 21:42 Vridiantoast Nova Wars tie in, part 22.1

Good afternoon everyone! I’m dumb and Mis-titled again. I swear I’ll remember next time.
Once again I return bearing this little conglomeration of words called a short story based in Ralt’s universe. If you missed the First Part, or the last part, I suggest going back and reading that.
“Repairs took some time. The Wings of Freedom needed another full overhaul, as did most of the heavily damaged that returned. Thankfully, Admiral Hanson had been busy, and reinforced us with even more cruisers, as well as rotating in new constructions to keep capital ship numbers. In place of the Wings of Freedom, a new Columbia class Battlestar entered the formation. The Ares was supposed to be a temporary addition before being rostered to the home guard. Instead, both the Wings of Freedom and the Talons of Security would end up staying, with my new ship becoming the Poseidon, the second new vessel that would complete at the end of the week. Two more Columbia class Battlestars would be laid down once the heavily damaged ConFed Navy ships that had made it to the system could be moved to make space.
On the day we were supposed to head back into the fray, I was woken by a message from CIC. Admiral Hanson wanted myself and Admiral Bannon present for the laying down of a brand new class of vessel. I decided to take a mark twenty Viper, and launched from the Poseidon a few minutes later. The slipway I arrived to was twice as large as what held the Columbia class vessels in production. I landed, and was presented with the opportunity to lay the keel for what would become the Mercury class Battlestar Hades. Admiral Bannon would get the opportunity to help lay the keel for the sister ship, the Zeus, and afterwords he gave a wonderful speech. Soon after the celebration, the task force reconvened to head back into the fray, giving the dockyard a nice parade as we formed up.
The task force could finally be called a small fleet. The Ares and Poseidon were now supported by no less than six Artemis and Valkyrie class Battlestars each, as well as a hefty support flotilla of ninety light cruisers and the support flotilla reaching fifty vessels. With the number of fighter groups present from both groups, Vipers could take on medium clusters on their own, and even large clusters could be whittled down if we weren’t ambushed. At the same time, FleetCom decided to send us another stack of PowerPoints. I decided to let the Poseidon’s Digital Sentience, who went by Percy of all things, sort through the headache and coalesce the information. He called in all the digital sentiences from the fleet, and they all went through the data together during the crew’s normal sleep cycle. By the time I woke up, another day of grueling PowerPoints awaited the fleet. Was the information important? Yes. However, the entire fleet grumbled as they entered briefing rooms. By lunchtime, all focus turned to learning everything they could about the enemy. Dry as the PowerPoints were, the information that every vessel’s digital sentience presented was incredibly important. According to Percy, the original data was so spread out and basic the men would have fallen asleep before the second hour. I wasn’t going to test that theory.
I had started talking with my two mantid buddies, 434 and 636, and began to learn more history from them. I gathered stories from their early lives, before they volunteered to go into cryo during the last months of the Atrenka conflicts. I heard stories about my childhood heroes, as well as the truth behind legends long forgotten. The legends of the Detainee, Legion, Vuxten, Trucker, and many more were retold from the views of the Mantid workers. It was only then I truly understood how things had changed in Telkan society, and from then on I never desired to go back to live on my homeworld. I desired to make a new home, a better home than what I had grown up with. That started with making sure the Mar-gite didn’t consume my new home, or onyone else, ever again.
The fleet formed up at our next target system soon after. I wish I could say we strolled over the first few planets like last time, but instead we were met with a massive force. Two moon sized clusters floated in orbit of the outermost gas giant. My first thought upon seeing the radar signature was that it was going to be one hell of a battle.”
(Next chapter link)
Fleet makeup spreadsheet
submitted by Vridiantoast to HFY [link] [comments]

2024.05.13 21:40 under_cooked_onions How to find the ideal team name.

There has been a lot of discourse surrounding the name and mascot vote for the team, and I wanted to lay out what I believe makes a good team name, as well as which of the popular choices best fit.
For this purpose, I’ll use the most common names I see thrown around as potential favorites from what was included in the official vote:

1 The name should have ties to the location of the team

I understand that there are a number of teams that don’t have any connection to where they are based out of, but that doesn’t change the fact that it’s a somewhat dumb argument to make. For the vast majority of teams, the name has some reason. It can be something historical like the Jazz being passed on from New Orleans and is now part of Utah’s history even though we don’t have a raging jazz scene. It can be tied in with the local wildlife or geographical surroundings of the area like the Coyotes were in Arizona. I could go on with more examples, but the point is:
We are choosing a new name to represent Utah’s NHL team, and that name should represent Utah.
From this requirement, we can narrow down the list to the following possible names:

2 The name should be unique to the major professional sports

I understand that some (looking at you Colorado) are up in arms about their precious Lacrosse teams that are already using the names Mammoth and Outlaws. Unfortunately, It’s going to be near impossible to find a name that is good, and hasn’t been used somewhere before. As long as we’re keeping it unique within the major leagues, it doesn’t really matter if some lacrosse, ultimate frisbee, or your cousin's little league team shares a name. The Utah NHL team would immediately become the most popular team with those names. The vast majority of people you’d ask would have never heard of any of those teams before. Not a knock on the sport itself, but sharing a name with a lacrosse team is an absolute non issue. It’s just not popular enough to make a difference. If anything, maybe it helps draw some attention to the existing team.
They left out names that people really like (Raptors) because it’s already in use for a large professional team. You have to draw the line somewhere, because it’s going to be too hard to have a 100% original name that checks all the boxes.
None of the names remaining are already in use among the 4 major leagues, so we can just move on.

3 The name should be cool and provide a unique branding opportunity

This one is more self explanatory. It can come down to opinion, but since it’s my post, I’ll give mine. I think all of these are unique, but Mountaineers feels like the branding would be easy to fall short. It has potential, but there’s also a chance to get something really boring and generic. The others feel more fool proof, so we’ll remove Mountaineers here.

4 The name should flow of the tongue nicely

This one is an awkward one to qualify one name over the other. None of the remaining names have a real alliteration, Yeti being the closest as the start of Utah and Yeti have a similar sound. Utah Outlaws has a near rhyme with the -ah and -law.
While those fit the best, I don’t feel that any are serious offenders of coming out of the mouth awkwardly. For the sake of narrowing the list down, I’ll remove Black Diamonds since it’s just a little bit of a mouthful.
This leaves the list here, with Outlaws having a slight edge in this category:
From here, it’s just a matter of choosing your favorite of the remaining names.
The last point really could be finding the name that feels the most "classic". New team names usually stand out from the rest of the league that has old names, established in history. Look at the Oilers compared to the Kraken. It doesn't quite feel right.
To me, Swarm sounds a little XFL/WNBAish. I wouldn’t hate it, but I think it’s the worst of the remaining names.
Mammoth is cool and fits the “cold” theme that they are apparently in love with based off the other names, but the name that I feel check all of the boxes the best is clearly Outlaws.
Classic sounding name with historical ties to Utah, feels like it should already be a team in one of the 4 major leagues but is somehow still available to be claimed and uniquely used, is easy and cool branding, and rhymes with Utah to make it come off the tongue easily. It can also be shortened to “Laws” which is equally cool.
Please vote accordingly.
Tl;dr There are some decent options, but Outlaws checks all the boxes.
submitted by under_cooked_onions to Utah_Hockey [link] [comments]

2024.05.13 21:23 SeaWasabi130 Diss me, you’ll never hear a reply for it😳

Diss me, you’ll never hear a reply for it😳
That didn’t age well “drizzy”
submitted by SeaWasabi130 to KendrickLamar [link] [comments]

2024.05.13 21:08 UABSocialBehaviorLab [Mod Approved] University of Alabama at Birmingham Research Study

"Determining the Role of Social Reward Learning in Social Anhedonia in First-Episode Psychosis Using Motivational Interviewing as a Probe in a Perturbation-Based Neuroimaging Approach"
Principal Investigator: Junghee Lee, Ph.D.
What is this study about?
The primary purpose of this study is to explore a better way of measuring social anhedonia, the inability to feel pleasure related to social interaction, with tasks designed to measure how individuals respond to social rewards and to examine whether brief sessions of psychosocial training can change performance on those tasks.
Who can participate?
We are looking for those with first episode psychosis. You may be eligible for the study if you are between 18-35 years old, have no neurological problems, and have no history of problematic drug or alcohol use in the past 6 months. Participation in this research is voluntary.
Due to the study requiring in-person visits, you should be located near Birmingham, Alabama.
What will happen in the study?
Interview (up to 2 hours): Answer questions about your mental health and medical history and substance use history, etc.
Assessments (about 2 hours): Respond to objects that are presented on a computer screen, answer questions about your personality, and take tests that measure your mental abilities.
Skills Training (three 45-minute sessions): Discuss various obstacles with a member of the research team, as well as how to improve upon them.
MRI Scans (about 1.5 hours): Lie down still and perform a social information processing task in the MRI scanner before and after skills training sessions.
Total study participation may take place over multiple sessions.
Do participants receive compensation?
Participants will receive $25 for each hour participated. Total compensation could be up to $363.
For more information, please call the lab at 205-934-8203 or email us at []( and please feel free to review our lab website
submitted by UABSocialBehaviorLab to paranoidschizophrenia [link] [comments]

2024.05.13 21:08 UABSocialBehaviorLab [Mod Approved] University of Alabama at Birmingham Research Study

"Determining the Role of Social Reward Learning in Social Anhedonia in First-Episode Psychosis Using Motivational Interviewing as a Probe in a Perturbation-Based Neuroimaging Approach"
Principal Investigator: Junghee Lee, Ph.D.
What is this study about?
The primary purpose of this study is to explore a better way of measuring social anhedonia, the inability to feel pleasure related to social interaction, with tasks designed to measure how individuals respond to social rewards and to examine whether brief sessions of psychosocial training can change performance on those tasks.
Who can participate?
We are looking for those with first episode psychosis. You may be eligible for the study if you are between 18-35 years old, have no neurological problems, and have no history of problematic drug or alcohol use in the past 6 months. Participation in this research is voluntary.
Due to the study requiring in-person visits, you should be located near Birmingham, Alabama.
What will happen in the study?
Interview (up to 2 hours): Answer questions about your mental health and medical history and substance use history, etc.
Assessments (about 2 hours): Respond to objects that are presented on a computer screen, answer questions about your personality, and take tests that measure your mental abilities.
Skills Training (three 45-minute sessions): Discuss various obstacles with a member of the research team, as well as how to improve upon them.
MRI Scans (about 1.5 hours): Lie down still and perform a social information processing task in the MRI scanner before and after skills training sessions.
Total study participation may take place over multiple sessions.
Do participants receive compensation?
Participants will receive $25 for each hour participated. Total compensation could be up to $363.
For more information, please call the lab at 205-934-8203 or email us at []( and please feel free to review our lab website
submitted by UABSocialBehaviorLab to MRI [link] [comments]

2024.05.13 21:07 UABSocialBehaviorLab [Mod Approved] University of Alabama at Birmingham Research Study

"Determining the Role of Social Reward Learning in Social Anhedonia in First-Episode Psychosis Using Motivational Interviewing as a Probe in a Perturbation-Based Neuroimaging Approach"
Principal Investigator: Junghee Lee, Ph.D.
What is this study about?
The primary purpose of this study is to explore a better way of measuring social anhedonia, the inability to feel pleasure related to social interaction, with tasks designed to measure how individuals respond to social rewards and to examine whether brief sessions of psychosocial training can change performance on those tasks.
Who can participate?
We are looking for those with first episode psychosis. You may be eligible for the study if you are between 18-35 years old, have no neurological problems, and have no history of problematic drug or alcohol use in the past 6 months. Participation in this research is voluntary.
Due to the study requiring in-person visits, you should be located near Birmingham, Alabama.
What will happen in the study?
Interview (up to 2 hours): Answer questions about your mental health and medical history and substance use history, etc.
Assessments (about 2 hours): Respond to objects that are presented on a computer screen, answer questions about your personality, and take tests that measure your mental abilities.
Skills Training (three 45-minute sessions): Discuss various obstacles with a member of the research team, as well as how to improve upon them.
MRI Scans (about 1.5 hours): Lie down still and perform a social information processing task in the MRI scanner before and after skills training sessions.
Total study participation may take place over multiple sessions.
Do participants receive compensation?
Participants will receive $25 for each hour participated. Total compensation could be up to $363.
For more information, please call the lab at 205-934-8203 or email us at []( and please feel free to review our lab website
submitted by UABSocialBehaviorLab to anhedonia [link] [comments]

2024.05.13 21:07 UABSocialBehaviorLab University of Alabama at Birmingham Research Study

"Determining the Role of Social Reward Learning in Social Anhedonia in First-Episode Psychosis Using Motivational Interviewing as a Probe in a Perturbation-Based Neuroimaging Approach"
Principal Investigator: Junghee Lee, Ph.D.
What is this study about?
The primary purpose of this study is to explore a better way of measuring social anhedonia, the inability to feel pleasure related to social interaction, with tasks designed to measure how individuals respond to social rewards and to examine whether brief sessions of psychosocial training can change performance on those tasks.
Who can participate?
We are looking for those with first episode psychosis. You may be eligible for the study if you are between 18-35 years old, have no neurological problems, and have no history of problematic drug or alcohol use in the past 6 months. Participation in this research is voluntary.
Due to the study requiring in-person visits, you should be located near Birmingham, Alabama.
What will happen in the study?
Interview (up to 2 hours): Answer questions about your mental health and medical history and substance use history, etc.
Assessments (about 2 hours): Respond to objects that are presented on a computer screen, answer questions about your personality, and take tests that measure your mental abilities.
Skills Training (three 45-minute sessions): Discuss various obstacles with a member of the research team, as well as how to improve upon them.
MRI Scans (about 1.5 hours): Lie down still and perform a social information processing task in the MRI scanner before and after skills training sessions.
Total study participation may take place over multiple sessions.
Do participants receive compensation?
Participants will receive $25 for each hour participated. Total compensation could be up to $363.
For more information, please call the lab at 205-934-8203 or email us at []( and please feel free to review our lab website
submitted by UABSocialBehaviorLab to HelpMeResearch [link] [comments]

2024.05.13 21:06 UABSocialBehaviorLab University of Alabama at Birmingham Research Study

"Determining the Role of Social Reward Learning in Social Anhedonia in First-Episode Psychosis Using Motivational Interviewing as a Probe in a Perturbation-Based Neuroimaging Approach"
Principal Investigator: Junghee Lee, Ph.D.
What is this study about?
The primary purpose of this study is to explore a better way of measuring social anhedonia, the inability to feel pleasure related to social interaction, with tasks designed to measure how individuals respond to social rewards and to examine whether brief sessions of psychosocial training can change performance on those tasks.
Who can participate?
We are looking for those with first episode psychosis. You may be eligible for the study if you are between 18-35 years old, have no neurological problems, and have no history of problematic drug or alcohol use in the past 6 months. Participation in this research is voluntary.
Due to the study requiring in-person visits, you should be located near Birmingham, Alabama.
What will happen in the study?
Interview (up to 2 hours): Answer questions about your mental health and medical history and substance use history, etc.
Assessments (about 2 hours): Respond to objects that are presented on a computer screen, answer questions about your personality, and take tests that measure your mental abilities.
Skills Training (three 45-minute sessions): Discuss various obstacles with a member of the research team, as well as how to improve upon them.
MRI Scans (about 1.5 hours): Lie down still and perform a social information processing task in the MRI scanner before and after skills training sessions.
Total study participation may take place over multiple sessions.
Do participants receive compensation?
Participants will receive $25 for each hour participated. Total compensation could be up to $363.
For more information, please call the lab at 205-934-8203 or email us at []( and please feel free to review our lab website
submitted by UABSocialBehaviorLab to psychosisresearch [link] [comments]

2024.05.13 21:06 UABSocialBehaviorLab [Mod Approved] University of Alabama at Birmingham Research Study

"Determining the Role of Social Reward Learning in Social Anhedonia in First-Episode Psychosis Using Motivational Interviewing as a Probe in a Perturbation-Based Neuroimaging Approach"
Principal Investigator: Junghee Lee, Ph.D.
What is this study about?
The primary purpose of this study is to explore a better way of measuring social anhedonia, the inability to feel pleasure related to social interaction, with tasks designed to measure how individuals respond to social rewards and to examine whether brief sessions of psychosocial training can change performance on those tasks.
Who can participate?
We are looking for those with first episode psychosis. You may be eligible for the study if you are between 18-35 years old, have no neurological problems, and have no history of problematic drug or alcohol use in the past 6 months. Participation in this research is voluntary.
Due to the study requiring in-person visits, you should be located near Birmingham, Alabama.
What will happen in the study?
Interview (up to 2 hours): Answer questions about your mental health and medical history and substance use history, etc.
Assessments (about 2 hours): Respond to objects that are presented on a computer screen, answer questions about your personality, and take tests that measure your mental abilities.
Skills Training (three 45-minute sessions): Discuss various obstacles with a member of the research team, as well as how to improve upon them.
MRI Scans (about 1.5 hours): Lie down still and perform a social information processing task in the MRI scanner before and after skills training sessions.
Total study participation may take place over multiple sessions.
Do participants receive compensation?
Participants will receive $25 for each hour participated. Total compensation could be up to $363.
For more information, please call the lab at 205-934-8203 or email us at []( and please feel free to review our lab website
submitted by UABSocialBehaviorLab to schizoaffective [link] [comments]

2024.05.13 21:06 UABSocialBehaviorLab [Mod Approved] University of Alabama at Birmingham Research Study

"Determining the Role of Social Reward Learning in Social Anhedonia in First-Episode Psychosis Using Motivational Interviewing as a Probe in a Perturbation-Based Neuroimaging Approach"
Principal Investigator: Junghee Lee, Ph.D.
What is this study about?
The primary purpose of this study is to explore a better way of measuring social anhedonia, the inability to feel pleasure related to social interaction, with tasks designed to measure how individuals respond to social rewards and to examine whether brief sessions of psychosocial training can change performance on those tasks.
Who can participate?
We are looking for those with first episode psychosis. You may be eligible for the study if you are between 18-35 years old, have no neurological problems, and have no history of problematic drug or alcohol use in the past 6 months. Participation in this research is voluntary.
Due to the study requiring in-person visits, you should be located near Birmingham, Alabama.
What will happen in the study?
Interview (up to 2 hours): Answer questions about your mental health and medical history and substance use history, etc.
Assessments (about 2 hours): Respond to objects that are presented on a computer screen, answer questions about your personality, and take tests that measure your mental abilities.
Skills Training (three 45-minute sessions): Discuss various obstacles with a member of the research team, as well as how to improve upon them.
MRI Scans (about 1.5 hours): Lie down still and perform a social information processing task in the MRI scanner before and after skills training sessions.
Total study participation may take place over multiple sessions.
Do participants receive compensation?
Participants will receive $25 for each hour participated. Total compensation could be up to $363.
For more information, please call the lab at 205-934-8203 or email us at []( and please feel free to review our lab website
submitted by UABSocialBehaviorLab to schizophrenia [link] [comments]

2024.05.13 21:05 UABSocialBehaviorLab [Mod Approved] UAB Research Study

"Determining the Role of Social Reward Learning in Social Anhedonia in First-Episode Psychosis Using Motivational Interviewing as a Probe in a Perturbation-Based Neuroimaging Approach"
Principal Investigator: Junghee Lee, Ph.D.
What is this study about?
The primary purpose of this study is to explore a better way of measuring social anhedonia, the inability to feel pleasure related to social interaction, with tasks designed to measure how individuals respond to social rewards and to examine whether brief sessions of psychosocial training can change performance on those tasks.
Who can participate?
We are looking for those with first episode psychosis. You may be eligible for the study if you are between 18-35 years old, have no neurological problems, and have no history of problematic drug or alcohol use in the past 6 months. Participation in this research is voluntary.
Due to the study requiring in-person visits, you should be located near Birmingham, Alabama.
What will happen in the study?
Interview (up to 2 hours): Answer questions about your mental health and medical history and substance use history, etc.
Assessments (about 2 hours): Respond to objects that are presented on a computer screen, answer questions about your personality, and take tests that measure your mental abilities.
Skills Training (three 45-minute sessions): Discuss various obstacles with a member of the research team, as well as how to improve upon them.
MRI Scans (about 1.5 hours): Lie down still and perform a social information processing task in the MRI scanner before and after skills training sessions.
Total study participation may take place over multiple sessions.
Do participants receive compensation?
Participants will receive $25 for each hour participated. Total compensation could be up to $363.
For more information, please call the lab at 205-934-8203 or email us at []( and please feel free to review our lab website
submitted by UABSocialBehaviorLab to UAB [link] [comments]

2024.05.13 21:03 UABSocialBehaviorLab [Mod Approved] University of Alabama at Birmingham Research Study

"Determining the Role of Social Reward Learning in Social Anhedonia in First-Episode Psychosis Using Motivational Interviewing as a Probe in a Perturbation-Based Neuroimaging Approach"
Principal Investigator: Junghee Lee, Ph.D.
What is this study about?
The primary purpose of this study is to explore a better way of measuring social anhedonia, the inability to feel pleasure related to social interaction, with tasks designed to measure how individuals respond to social rewards and to examine whether brief sessions of psychosocial training can change performance on those tasks.
Who can participate?
We are looking for those with first episode psychosis. You may be eligible for the study if you are between 18-35 years old, have no neurological problems, and have no history of problematic drug or alcohol use in the past 6 months. Participation in this research is voluntary.
Due to the study requiring in-person visits, you should be located near Birmingham, Alabama.
What will happen in the study?
Interview (up to 2 hours): Answer questions about your mental health and medical history and substance use history, etc.
Assessments (about 2 hours): Respond to objects that are presented on a computer screen, answer questions about your personality, and take tests that measure your mental abilities.
Skills Training (three 45-minute sessions): Discuss various obstacles with a member of the research team, as well as how to improve upon them.
MRI Scans (about 1.5 hours): Lie down still and perform a social information processing task in the MRI scanner before and after skills training sessions.
Total study participation may take place over multiple sessions.
Do participants receive compensation?
Participants will receive $25 for each hour participated. Total compensation could be up to $363.
For more information, please call the lab at 205-934-8203 or email us at []( and please feel free to review our lab website
submitted by UABSocialBehaviorLab to ParticipantRecruit [link] [comments]

2024.05.13 20:44 Bitter_Gene9888 A Brief Save History Map

A Brief Save History Map
After deciding the other month the wall of my Office needed jazzing up, I finally got my C.D. Feirense badge today to bring my save history map up to date. Pride of place on the wall right next to my Galway United shirt - the save I'll be taking from game to game forever now.
Several saves are missing because there just wasn't the space to fit them into the map. I am especially sorry to my historic 12/13 Vauxhall Motors save. Wish I'd had this idea years ago because I wouldn't have 1) had so many Tranmere Rovers saves 2) had so many North-West saves and 3) had so many English saves.
Definitely helped show my western and central Europe bias though (I'd always been unofficially trying to do the Big 5 Leagues over time). Need to branch out in future saves and try and get some further-flung European saves going.
submitted by Bitter_Gene9888 to footballmanagergames [link] [comments]

2024.05.13 20:21 JPisaBrony 31 [M4F] Minnesota / USA - looking for the love of my life

I am looking for the love of my life. someone who will truly love me for who I am. someone who wants to work through our differences and issues together. someone values commitment, communication, adaptability, loyalty, and honesty as much as I do. someone who wants to put in as much effort as I do. someone I can love back just as much because when I love someone, I really love them.
I don't expect us to have all of the same interests and we should have some different ones so that we can learn from each other. what matters most to me is that we have similar core values and relationship goals. I do still have my preferences and those are:
for a brief overview of myself, I am a typical computer nerd that likes tech a lot. I like to learn about tech-related things such as programming and linux. I also like watching anime / movies / tv shows / youtube / playing video games / 3d printing / playing board games / making art such as vector art / 3d art / pixel art / drawings / paintings / hiking / bike riding / fishing / and snowboarding. I am mostly a homebody but I do a few things outside with other people from time to time.
If this post piqued your interest and you would like to get to know me better, then you should reach out. I am looking forward to meeting you.
submitted by JPisaBrony to R4R30Plus [link] [comments]