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"Torch is not able to use GPU"

2024.05.14 20:02 CG-07 "Torch is not able to use GPU"

These are the steps I followed to install the program
  1. Download and install Python (I am sure I have activated the add python to path option)
  2. Download and install Git
  3. Download and install stable diffusion through CMD (this is the Github link: https://github.com/AUTOMATIC1111/stable-diffusion-webui )
but when I try running webui-user.bat, I get the following error:
venv "D:\Stable Diffusion\stable-diffusion-webui\venv\Scripts\Python.exe" Python 3.10.6 (tags/v3.10.6:9c7b4bd, Aug 1 2022, 21:53:49) [MSC v.1932 64 bit (AMD64)] Version: v1.9.3 Commit hash: 1c0a0c4c26f78c32095ebc7f8af82f5c04fca8c0 Traceback (most recent call last): File "D:\Stable Diffusion\stable-diffusion-webui\launch.py", line 48, in  main() File "D:\Stable Diffusion\stable-diffusion-webui\launch.py", line 39, in main prepare_environment() File "D:\Stable Diffusion\stable-diffusion-webui\modules\launch_utils.py", line 386, in prepare_environment raise RuntimeError( RuntimeError: Torch is not able to use GPU; add --skip-torch-cuda-test to COMMANDLINE_ARGS variable to disable this check Press any key to continue . . . 

Solution methods that I tried but did not work

01.- I tried to edit the code in the webui-user.bat file to:
u/echo off set PYTHON= set GIT= set VENV_DIR= set COMMANDLINE_ARGS= --skip-torch-cuda-test to COMMANDLINE_ARGS call webui.bat 
but after that I got the following error
venv "D:\Stable Diffusion\stable-diffusion-webui\venv\Scripts\Python.exe" Python 3.10.6 (tags/v3.10.6:9c7b4bd, Aug 1 2022, 21:53:49) [MSC v.1932 64 bit (AMD64)] Version: v1.9.3 Commit hash: 1c0a0c4c26f78c32095ebc7f8af82f5c04fca8c0 Installing clip Installing open_clip Installing requirements Launching Web UI with arguments: --skip-torch-cuda-test to COMMANDLINE_ARGS D:\Stable Diffusion\stable-diffusion-webui\venv\lib\site-packages\torch\cuda\__init__.py:740: UserWarning: CUDA initialization: The NVIDIA driver on your system is too old (found version 11010). Please update your GPU driver by downloading and installing a new version from the URL: http://www.nvidia.com/Download/index.aspx Alternatively, go to: https://pytorch.org to install a PyTorch version that has been compiled with your version of the CUDA driver. (Triggered internally at ..\c10\cuda\CUDAFunctions.cpp:108.) return torch._C._cuda_getDeviceCount() if nvml_count < 0 else nvml_count no module 'xformers'. Processing without... no module 'xformers'. Processing without... usage: launch.py [-h] [--update-all-extensions] [--skip-python-version-check] [--skip-torch-cuda-test] [--reinstall-xformers] [--reinstall-torch] [--update-check] [--test-server] [--log-startup] [--skip-prepare-environment] [--skip-install] [--dump-sysinfo] [--loglevel LOGLEVEL] [--do-not-download-clip] [--data-dir DATA_DIR] [--config CONFIG] [--ckpt CKPT] [--ckpt-dir CKPT_DIR] [--vae-dir VAE_DIR] [--gfpgan-dir GFPGAN_DIR] [--gfpgan-model GFPGAN_MODEL] [--no-half] [--no-half-vae] [--no-progressbar-hiding] [--max-batch-count MAX_BATCH_COUNT] [--embeddings-dir EMBEDDINGS_DIR] [--textual-inversion-templates-dir TEXTUAL_INVERSION_TEMPLATES_DIR] [--hypernetwork-dir HYPERNETWORK_DIR] [--localizations-dir LOCALIZATIONS_DIR] [--allow-code] [--medvram] [--medvram-sdxl] [--lowvram] [--lowram] [--always-batch-cond-uncond] [--unload-gfpgan] [--precision {full,autocast}] [--upcast-sampling] [--share] [--ngrok NGROK] [--ngrok-region NGROK_REGION] [--ngrok-options NGROK_OPTIONS] [--enable-insecure-extension-access] [--codeformer-models-path CODEFORMER_MODELS_PATH] [--gfpgan-models-path GFPGAN_MODELS_PATH] [--esrgan-models-path ESRGAN_MODELS_PATH] [--bsrgan-models-path BSRGAN_MODELS_PATH] [--realesrgan-models-path REALESRGAN_MODELS_PATH] [--dat-models-path DAT_MODELS_PATH] [--clip-models-path CLIP_MODELS_PATH] [--xformers] [--force-enable-xformers] [--xformers-flash-attention] [--deepdanbooru] [--opt-split-attention] [--opt-sub-quad-attention] [--sub-quad-q-chunk-size SUB_QUAD_Q_CHUNK_SIZE] [--sub-quad-kv-chunk-size SUB_QUAD_KV_CHUNK_SIZE] [--sub-quad-chunk-threshold SUB_QUAD_CHUNK_THRESHOLD] [--opt-split-attention-invokeai] [--opt-split-attention-v1] [--opt-sdp-attention] [--opt-sdp-no-mem-attention] [--disable-opt-split-attention] [--disable-nan-check] [--use-cpu USE_CPU [USE_CPU ...]] [--use-ipex] [--disable-model-loading-ram-optimization] [--listen] [--port PORT] [--show-negative-prompt] [--ui-config-file UI_CONFIG_FILE] [--hide-ui-dir-config] [--freeze-settings] [--freeze-settings-in-sections FREEZE_SETTINGS_IN_SECTIONS] [--freeze-specific-settings FREEZE_SPECIFIC_SETTINGS] [--ui-settings-file UI_SETTINGS_FILE] [--gradio-debug] [--gradio-auth GRADIO_AUTH] [--gradio-auth-path GRADIO_AUTH_PATH] [--gradio-img2img-tool GRADIO_IMG2IMG_TOOL] [--gradio-inpaint-tool GRADIO_INPAINT_TOOL] [--gradio-allowed-path GRADIO_ALLOWED_PATH] [--opt-channelslast] [--styles-file STYLES_FILE] [--autolaunch] [--theme THEME] [--use-textbox-seed] [--disable-console-progressbars] [--enable-console-prompts] [--vae-path VAE_PATH] [--disable-safe-unpickle] [--api] [--api-auth API_AUTH] [--api-log] [--nowebui] [--ui-debug-mode] [--device-id DEVICE_ID] [--administrator] [--cors-allow-origins CORS_ALLOW_ORIGINS] [--cors-allow-origins-regex CORS_ALLOW_ORIGINS_REGEX] [--tls-keyfile TLS_KEYFILE] [--tls-certfile TLS_CERTFILE] [--disable-tls-verify] [--server-name SERVER_NAME] [--gradio-queue] [--no-gradio-queue] [--skip-version-check] [--no-hashing] [--no-download-sd-model] [--subpath SUBPATH] [--add-stop-route] [--api-server-stop] [--timeout-keep-alive TIMEOUT_KEEP_ALIVE] [--disable-all-extensions] [--disable-extra-extensions] [--skip-load-model-at-start] [--unix-filenames-sanitization] [--filenames-max-length FILENAMES_MAX_LENGTH] [--no-prompt-history] [--ldsr-models-path LDSR_MODELS_PATH] [--lora-dir LORA_DIR] [--lyco-dir-backcompat LYCO_DIR_BACKCOMPAT] [--scunet-models-path SCUNET_MODELS_PATH] [--swinir-models-path SWINIR_MODELS_PATH] launch.py: error: unrecognized arguments: to COMMANDLINE_ARGS Press any key to continue . . . 
02.- I also tried the following method but it didn't work:
I hope you can help me and thank you in advance for responding.
submitted by CG-07 to StableDiffusion [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 19:08 MightBeneficial3302 Generation Uranium's Strategic Growth in the Uranium Sector (TSXV:GEN, FSE:W85)

Generation Uranium's Strategic Growth in the Uranium Sector (TSXV:GEN, FSE:W85)

Discover Generation Uranium (TSXV:GEN, FSE:W85). Generation Uranium is strategically centered on the exploration and development of uranium, a pivotal element in the nuclear energy sector. Anticipated to undergo significant growth, this resource is poised to become increasingly crucial over the next decade due to the expansive surge in the nuclear power and clean energy industries.
● Valued at CAD $6.27 million with a stock price of $0.26;
● Upsizes its private placement and closed $1,000,000 in the first tranche;
● Uranium prices have quadrupled since 2020.

Discover the Yath Project, Generation Uranium’s Flagship Asset

Generation Uranium (TSXV:GEN, FSE:W85) is strategically focused on the exploration and development of its wholly-owned Yath Project, situated in the prolific and under-explored Thelon Basin in Nunavut, Canada. Positioned along the trend from the significant 43 million lbs Lac 50 uranium deposit, currently advanced by Latitude Uranium and under acquisition by ATHA Energy Corp, the project emphasizes the potential of this stable mining jurisdiction.
● Occupies a prime location in a significant uranium-rich basin, enhancing its exploration potential;
● Previous explorations have indicated high-grade uranium deposits, underscoring the area's richness;
● The site exhibits promising targets for near-term drilling, indicating potential for rapid development and value realization.
The project is advantageously situated at the intersection of two sub-basins, the Yathkyed Basin and the Angikuni Basin. This unique location within the globally recognized unconformity basin of Thelon, Nunavut, mirrors the proven economic viability seen in other famous locations like Athabasca, Saskatchewan, and McArthur, Australia.
● The project area has recorded historical high-grade mineralization at the surface, with notable findings including 9.81%, 3.95%, and 2.14% U3O8 in surface boulders.
● Spanning 85km², the Yath Project shares boundaries with other advancing uranium projects, highlighting its strategic significance.
● Several strong gravity anomalies correlate with clay alterations along the unconformity, which have been validated by drilling and warrant further exploration.

Generation Uranium Increases Private Placement Offering

Generation Uranium (TSXV:GEN, FSE:W85) has announced an expansion of its previously publicized non-brokered private placement. Initially set for 4,000,000 units, the offering has been increased to 5,000,000 units, aiming to raise a total of CAD$1,250,000. The first tranche closed successfully, issuing 4,000,000 units at $0.25 each, accumulating CAD$1,000,000. Each unit consists of one common share and a warrant, which allows the purchase of an additional share at $0.45 within 24 months. Notably, a prominent natural resource fund from New York and Toronto has participated among other subscribers.
Key Highlights:
● Expanded from 4,000,000 to 5,000,000 units
● Raised CAD $1,000,000 in the first tranche
● Significant participation from major New York and Toronto fund

Generation Uranium Launches on the Frankfurt Stock Exchange

The company recently announced its listing on the Frankfurt Stock Exchange under the ticker symbol "W85". This milestone was achieved on April 26th, marking a pivotal moment in Generation's drive to penetrate European investment circles. The Frankfurt Stock Exchange, renowned for processing approximately 90% of all securities transactions in Germany, plays a crucial role in elevating the Company's profile and extending its reach to an expansive network of international investors.
● Newly listed as "W85" on the FSE
● Trading commenced on April 26th
● Strategically enhancing global investor engagement

The Strategic Imperative for North American Uranium Production

As global energy demands shift towards cleaner and more sustainable sources, the importance of bolstering North American uranium production is increasingly evident. Domestic production not only ensures energy security by reducing reliance on imports—which accounted for over 90% of U.S. uranium needs in recent years—but also supports the nuclear energy sector critical for achieving carbon neutrality. Enhancing local production capabilities can mitigate the risks associated with geopolitical tensions and supply disruptions, especially as the global market tightens with the nuclear sector's expected growth.
● Reduces reliance on imports, which recently covered over 90% of U.S. uranium needs.
● Aids the maintenance and growth of nuclear infrastructure essential for clean energy targets.

The Pivotal Role of Nuclear Energy in Global Energy Transition

Nuclear energy stands as a cornerstone in the global shift towards sustainable and low-carbon energy sources. Offering a reliable and substantial power output, nuclear plants are integral to reducing greenhouse gas emissions. According to the International Energy Agency (IEA), nuclear power avoids about 2 billion tonnes of CO2 emissionseach year by displacing fossil fuel-based electricity generation. As countries worldwide aim to meet stringent climate targets, nuclear energy provides a stable and scalable solution that complements intermittent renewable sources like solar and wind.
● Nuclear power prevents approximately 2 billion tonnes of CO2 emissions annually.
● Provides a continuous, large-scale power supply, crucial for supporting the grid stability alongside renewable sources.
● Essential for achieving ambitious global carbon neutrality goals, offering significant capacity without the geographical limitations of some renewables.

Generation Uranium’s Strategic Expansion and Market Impact

Generation Uranium (TSXV:GEN, FSE:W85) stands as a dynamic leader in the uranium sector, capitalizing on significant opportunities within the global shift towards sustainable energy. The company's extensive efforts in exploring and developing the Yath Project in Canada's Thelon Basin illustrate its commitment to enhancing North American uranium production. With the increasing global reliance on nuclear energy as a clean and stable power source, Generation Uranium’s strategic moves—including its recent listing on the Frankfurt Stock Exchange and the expansion of its private placement—align perfectly with the anticipated growth in uranium demand.
Robust Market Positioning: By increasing its private placement and listing on the Frankfurt Stock Exchange, Generation Uranium is poised for substantial growth, aiming to enhance global visibility and investor engagement.
Strategic Asset Development: The exploration of the high-potential Yath Project is set to bolster the company’s resource base, supporting the broader nuclear power sector’s expansion.
Contribution to Clean Energy Goals: As the world increasingly turns to nuclear energy to meet CO2 reduction targets, Generation Uranium’s role becomes ever more critical in ensuring a stable, low-carbon energy future.
submitted by MightBeneficial3302 to SmallCap_MiningStocks [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 19:08 MightBeneficial3302 Generation Uranium's Strategic Growth in the Uranium Sector (TSXV:GEN, FSE:W85)

Discover Generation Uranium (TSXV:GEN, FSE:W85). Generation Uranium is strategically centered on the exploration and development of uranium, a pivotal element in the nuclear energy sector. Anticipated to undergo significant growth, this resource is poised to become increasingly crucial over the next decade due to the expansive surge in the nuclear power and clean energy industries.
● Valued at CAD $6.27 million with a stock price of $0.26;
● Upsizes its private placement and closed $1,000,000 in the first tranche;
● Uranium prices have quadrupled since 2020.

Discover the Yath Project, Generation Uranium’s Flagship Asset

Generation Uranium (TSXV:GEN, FSE:W85) is strategically focused on the exploration and development of its wholly-owned Yath Project, situated in the prolific and under-explored Thelon Basin in Nunavut, Canada. Positioned along the trend from the significant 43 million lbs Lac 50 uranium deposit, currently advanced by Latitude Uranium and under acquisition by ATHA Energy Corp, the project emphasizes the potential of this stable mining jurisdiction.
● Occupies a prime location in a significant uranium-rich basin, enhancing its exploration potential;
● Previous explorations have indicated high-grade uranium deposits, underscoring the area's richness;
● The site exhibits promising targets for near-term drilling, indicating potential for rapid development and value realization.
The project is advantageously situated at the intersection of two sub-basins, the Yathkyed Basin and the Angikuni Basin. This unique location within the globally recognized unconformity basin of Thelon, Nunavut, mirrors the proven economic viability seen in other famous locations like Athabasca, Saskatchewan, and McArthur, Australia.
● The project area has recorded historical high-grade mineralization at the surface, with notable findings including 9.81%, 3.95%, and 2.14% U3O8 in surface boulders.
● Spanning 85km², the Yath Project shares boundaries with other advancing uranium projects, highlighting its strategic significance.
● Several strong gravity anomalies correlate with clay alterations along the unconformity, which have been validated by drilling and warrant further exploration.

Generation Uranium Increases Private Placement Offering

Generation Uranium (TSXV:GEN, FSE:W85) has announced an expansion of its previously publicized non-brokered private placement. Initially set for 4,000,000 units, the offering has been increased to 5,000,000 units, aiming to raise a total of CAD$1,250,000. The first tranche closed successfully, issuing 4,000,000 units at $0.25 each, accumulating CAD$1,000,000. Each unit consists of one common share and a warrant, which allows the purchase of an additional share at $0.45 within 24 months. Notably, a prominent natural resource fund from New York and Toronto has participated among other subscribers.
Key Highlights:
● Expanded from 4,000,000 to 5,000,000 units
● Raised CAD $1,000,000 in the first tranche
● Significant participation from major New York and Toronto fund

Generation Uranium Launches on the Frankfurt Stock Exchange

The company recently announced its listing on the Frankfurt Stock Exchange under the ticker symbol "W85". This milestone was achieved on April 26th, marking a pivotal moment in Generation's drive to penetrate European investment circles. The Frankfurt Stock Exchange, renowned for processing approximately 90% of all securities transactions in Germany, plays a crucial role in elevating the Company's profile and extending its reach to an expansive network of international investors.
● Newly listed as "W85" on the FSE
● Trading commenced on April 26th
● Strategically enhancing global investor engagement

The Strategic Imperative for North American Uranium Production

As global energy demands shift towards cleaner and more sustainable sources, the importance of bolstering North American uranium production is increasingly evident. Domestic production not only ensures energy security by reducing reliance on imports—which accounted for over 90% of U.S. uranium needs in recent years—but also supports the nuclear energy sector critical for achieving carbon neutrality. Enhancing local production capabilities can mitigate the risks associated with geopolitical tensions and supply disruptions, especially as the global market tightens with the nuclear sector's expected growth.
● Reduces reliance on imports, which recently covered over 90% of U.S. uranium needs.
● Aids the maintenance and growth of nuclear infrastructure essential for clean energy targets.

The Pivotal Role of Nuclear Energy in Global Energy Transition

Nuclear energy stands as a cornerstone in the global shift towards sustainable and low-carbon energy sources. Offering a reliable and substantial power output, nuclear plants are integral to reducing greenhouse gas emissions. According to the International Energy Agency (IEA), nuclear power avoids about 2 billion tonnes of CO2 emissionseach year by displacing fossil fuel-based electricity generation. As countries worldwide aim to meet stringent climate targets, nuclear energy provides a stable and scalable solution that complements intermittent renewable sources like solar and wind.
● Nuclear power prevents approximately 2 billion tonnes of CO2 emissions annually.
● Provides a continuous, large-scale power supply, crucial for supporting the grid stability alongside renewable sources.
● Essential for achieving ambitious global carbon neutrality goals, offering significant capacity without the geographical limitations of some renewables.

Generation Uranium’s Strategic Expansion and Market Impact

Generation Uranium (TSXV:GEN, FSE:W85) stands as a dynamic leader in the uranium sector, capitalizing on significant opportunities within the global shift towards sustainable energy. The company's extensive efforts in exploring and developing the Yath Project in Canada's Thelon Basin illustrate its commitment to enhancing North American uranium production. With the increasing global reliance on nuclear energy as a clean and stable power source, Generation Uranium’s strategic moves—including its recent listing on the Frankfurt Stock Exchange and the expansion of its private placement—align perfectly with the anticipated growth in uranium demand.
Robust Market Positioning: By increasing its private placement and listing on the Frankfurt Stock Exchange, Generation Uranium is poised for substantial growth, aiming to enhance global visibility and investor engagement.
Strategic Asset Development: The exploration of the high-potential Yath Project is set to bolster the company’s resource base, supporting the broader nuclear power sector’s expansion.
Contribution to Clean Energy Goals: As the world increasingly turns to nuclear energy to meet CO2 reduction targets, Generation Uranium’s role becomes ever more critical in ensuring a stable, low-carbon energy future.
submitted by MightBeneficial3302 to DueDiligence [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 18:58 emeraldshimmer123 Recommendation for The 5 Best Air Purifiers on Reddit to Buy Now - Reviewed

Recommendation for The 5 Best Air Purifiers on Reddit to Buy Now - Reviewed

The 5 Best Air Purifiers for Home, Kids, Pets, and Clean, Fresh Air
This complete Guide will help you choose the Best one to Buy.

1. Coway Airmega 400 True HEPA Air Purifier - Best Overall Air Purifier

Coway Airmega 400 True HEPA Air Purifier excels in removing smoke, pollen, and dust particles, achieving a remarkable 99% removal rate in just 30 minutes on its highest setting. This purifier is powerful enough to clean large rooms, yet quiet enough to operate near sleeping areas. Around $349


2. Medify MA-112 Air Purifier- Best Air Purifier for Allergies

The Medify MA-112 Air Purifier is a powerhouse designed to provide exceptional air purification for large spaces. With a coverage area of up to 4,455 square feet in just one hour, this purifier is perfect for homes, offices, schools, and commercial settings. It features a True HEPA H13 filter that captures 99.9% of airborne particles as small as 0.1 microns, including smoke, pollen, pet dander, and odors. Depending the the unit and size. Price around $60 to $550

3.MORENTO Air Purifier - Best Budget-friendly Air Purifier

The MORENTO Air Purifier is an excellent choice for large rooms up to 1,076 square feet. It boasts a double-sided air inlet and a True HEPA filter that removes 99.97% of airborne particles, including pet hair and allergens. With an ultra-quiet operation of just 24dB, this purifier is ideal for bedrooms and living areas. Its air quality sensor and PM2.5 display provide real-time monitoring, ensuring optimal air quality. Around $130 to 250

4. BlueAir Blue Pure 311i Max - Best Air Purifier for Smoke and Odors

The BlueAir Blue Pure 311i Max combines performance and convenience with its voice controls, air quality indicator, and pollution-detecting particle sensor. It can quickly and effectively remove airborne particles, making it an excellent choice for various living spaces. Around $300

5. LEVOIT Air Purifier - Best Air Purifier for Large Rooms

The LEVOIT Air Purifiers for Home Large Room Up to 3175 Sq. that captures pet hair, dander, dust, and other allergens. Its high torque motor and large coverage area make it suitable for larger rooms or open spaces, while its sleep mode and quiet operation are ideal for bedrooms or nurseries.
When choosing an air purifier, consider factors such as room size, filter type, noise level, and energy efficiency. Investing in a high-quality air purifier can significantly improve indoor air quality, providing a healthier and more comfortable living environment Around $250
Good Runner Ups

  1. Winix 5500-2 Air Purifier with True HEPA, PlasmaWave and Odor Reducing Washable AOC Carbon Filter Medium Around $150
  2. PuroAir HEPA 14 Air Purifier for Home - Covers 1,115 Sq Ft - Air Purifier for Allergies - For Large Rooms - Filters Around $160
My recommendation is to go with the Medify or the Conway. They are really good units that can cover the needs of your home
***Prices are subject to change.

How to Pick the Right Air Purifier. Things to consider

Consider the Pollutants You Want to Target:

  • Allergens: Look for a purifier with a True HEPA filter, which captures particles as small as 0.3 microns, including dust, pollen, and pet dander.
  • Smoke and odors: Opt for a purifier with an activated carbon filter, which tackles smoke, cooking smells, and volatile organic compounds (VOCs).
  • Bacteria and viruses: Some purifiers use UV light or plasma ionization to kill airborne pathogens. However, their effectiveness and safety for long-term use are debated. Consider these features supplemental, not a replacement for true HEPA filtration.
Choose the Right Size for Your Space:

  • Air purifier capacity is measured in Clean Air Delivery Rate (CADR). Higher CADR indicates faster air cleaning in a larger room.
  • The Association of Home Appliance Manufacturers (AHAM) certifies CADR for smoke, dust, and pollen. Look for a CADR rating that covers your room size for the target pollutants.
  • A general rule: Choose a CADR at least 2/3 the square footage of the room. For example, a 300 CADR purifier is suitable for a 150 sq. ft. room.
Think About Noise Level and Energy Efficiency:

  • Air purifiers run continuously, so noise level is important. Look for models with decibel (dB) ratings that suit your preferences. Lower dB indicates quieter operation.
  • Energy Star certified purifiers use less energy, saving you money on electricity bills.
Additional Features to Consider:

  • Replacement filter costs: Factor in the cost and frequency of filter replacements. True HEPA filters typically need replacing every 6-12 months.
  • Smart features: Some purifiers offer Wi-Fi connectivity, allowing control through apps for scheduling, filter monitoring, and air quality checks.
  • Auto mode: This feature automatically adjusts fan speed based on air quality sensor readings.

What are the Benefits of Using Air Purifiers

Breathing clean air is essential for maintaining good health, and air purifiers offer a powerful tool to improve the quality of the air you breathe indoors. Here are some key benefits you can experience by using an air purifier:

  • Improved Respiratory Health: Air purifiers significantly reduce airborne pollutants like dust, pollen, pet dander, and smoke. This can be especially beneficial for people suffering from allergies, asthma, or other respiratory issues. By removing these irritants, air purifiers can ease congestion, coughing, and difficulty breathing, allowing you to breathe easier and experience improved overall respiratory health.
  • Reduced Allergens and Dust: If you struggle with seasonal allergies or dust sensitivity, air purifiers can be a game-changer. HEPA filters effectively capture allergens as small as 0.3 microns, including pollen, dust mites, and pet dander. This can significantly reduce allergy symptoms like itchy eyes, runny nose, and sneezing, leading to a more comfortable and allergy-free living environment.
  • Relief from Pet Dander and Smoke: Pet dander is a common allergen for many people, and air purifiers with HEPA filters can effectively remove it from the air. This can alleviate allergy symptoms triggered by pets and improve overall indoor air quality for pet owners and non-pet owners alike. Additionally, air purifiers with activated carbon filters can help reduce smoke particles and odors, providing relief for those living in areas with wildfires or those exposed to secondhand smoke.
  • Improved Sleep Quality: Clean air plays a vital role in getting a good night's sleep. Allergens and pollutants can disrupt sleep patterns by causing congestion, coughing, and difficulty breathing. Air purifiers can help by removing these irritants, creating a cleaner and more comfortable sleeping environment. This can lead to deeper, more restful sleep, leaving you feeling more energized and refreshed in the morning.
  • Reduced Risk of Airborne Illnesses: While air purifiers cannot eliminate viruses and bacteria entirely, some models with additional features like UV light or plasma ionization may help reduce their spread. Combined with other measures like proper ventilation and hygiene, air purifiers can contribute to a healthier indoor environment by potentially reducing the risk of airborne illnesses.
Other Related Topic Searches.
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submitted by emeraldshimmer123 to ConsumerAdvice [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 17:56 DANJCOLEMAN1991 Sound Like ASIAN KUNG-FU GENERATION Pt.1: Masafumi Gotoh (2024 version)


ASIAN KUNG-FU GENERATION, Zepp Tokyo for \"Quarter-Century Tour\"
^(\This article is an updated version of my "Sound Like" article from 2021. I have reposted this article due to difficulties editing the original version*, and have included additional information and recommendations based on the increased popularity of amp simulator pedals*)*
Hello fellow musicians and Ajikan fans!
I have been a fan of ASIAN KUNG-FU GENERATION for roughly 16 years and as a guitarist was greatly inspired by the band's alt rock sound.
After a few years of research I have written a series of "sound like" articles for ASIAN KUNG-FU GENERATION. The purpose of these articles is to provide context on how the band create their signature sound, and to support beginning musicians or tribute acts who may wish to replicate it.
At the end of each article I have drafted a Budget Rig, which you could use for both at home and in a live environment. I have also provided some general amp settings to tweak and try, which are based on the band's live sound and be can used to help replicate their tones.
This is a 3-part series and if you enjoy this article I would recommend checking out the other articles:
Sound Like ASIAN KUNG-FU GENERATION Pt.2: Kensuke Kita (2024 version) : AsianKungFuGeneration (reddit.com)
ASIAN KUNG-FU GENERATION Sound Like Part 3: Yamada : AsianKungFuGeneration (reddit.com)
Please note that the article focuses on the band's live sound, which will be different to the albums and can vary depending on the venue. Also (and is a cliché every musician and instrument will have small differences, so bear that in mind!)
To help you recognise the individual guitar tones, Gotch's guitar parts are normally panned to the left earphone and Kita's are panned to the right earphone on the band's albums. (On 2016's Sol-Fa, Hometown and some of the Planet Folks singles the panning was swapped, with Gotch instead in the right ear and Kita on the left)

Masafumi Gotoh

Gotch live at the 02 Islington, London, 2013
Let's start off with lead singer and rhythm guitarist Masafumi Gotoh, or "Gotch" for short. Gotch's was massively influenced by the 90's alternative rock, Power Pop and the Britpop scene, and has previously highlighted Oasis, Weezer and Number Girl as key inspirations.
As Ajikan's main songwriter, Gotch follows the principle of "less is more" - keeping the arrangements simple for listeners, but combining pop hooks & traditional Asian melodies with the band's punk rock and indie influences.
Gotch's playing style follows this principle, as he primarily uses chord shapes, bar chords or repeated phrases to anchor the band. (The simple approach also makes it easier for Gotch to sing while performing)
Occasionally, Gotch will use "octave chords" (more on octave chords below) or play riffs with open strings notes, to add further depth. A good example of this is the opening riffs to Easter, where he plays an open D string while also playing the 3rd and 5th fret of the A string.
Octave Chords: Octave chords is famously used in punk rock and alt rock riffs, and is when you play the same note in two different octaves. Try play a bar chord on the 4th fret of the A string, and lifting your ring finger off the D string. You should get a "C# octave chord" and will recognise it from the intro of Haruka Kanata. Octave chords are used in many Ajikan songs and by many bands, so they are good to practice!
In more recent albums, Gotch has also experimented with moving chord shapes across the fretboard. For good examples, check out the opening of Caterpillar or the bridge section of Kouya Wo Aruke.
Gotch's guitar tends to be lower in the overall mix, with Kita acting as the band's lead guitarist and Gotch as the anchor for each song. However, Gotch tends to improvise with ambient sounds during live performances and occasionally will take on the lead role in songs like Hold Me Tight.


When it comes to guitars Gotch almost exclusively plays Gibson Les Paul Jr's with P-90 pickups, and has been his preferred guitar since 2004. The P-90 pickups have a bright midrange sound in comparison to the muddier humbucker sound, which makes them better suited for Gotch's focus on chords.
Gotch main guitar is the 1959 Gibson Les Paul Special
The Les Paul Jr is also lighter and have less sustain and power compared to a normal Les Paul, which leaves space for the other instruments to stand out in the mix.
Gotch's main guitar is a 1959 Gibson Les Paul Special, which he plays in E Standard tuning and uses for both recording and live performances. Gotch also uses a 1961 Gibson Les Paul Jr (with the pickguard missing) or a 2000 Gibson Les Paul DC (with a gloss yellow finish) for songs in Eb/D# tuning, such as After Dark or Soredewa, Mata Ashita.
Gotch's is also famous for using a 1975 Gibson Marauder during the band's early years. Gotch has mostly retired the guitar (due to the "lack of volume" for larger venues), but it regularly appears in MV's, band merchandise and occasionally during special events, such as the 10th anniversary shows in Yokohama.
Gotch's Gibson Marauder
Gotch occasionally uses a few rarer guitars live, such as the Gibson Custom Les Paul Junior John Lennon model (Gotch has number 54 of 300 such guitars made), and is normally played with a capo for songs such as Maigo Inu To Ame No Beat.
Gotch has also used a Gibson Hummingbird for acoustic numbers, and can be seen used in Eizo Sakushin Shu Vol.6 for the band's performance of Kaigan Doori. Gotch likes to use Tortex Flex .88mm & Tortex Flex Triangle .88mm guitar picks, which he swaps between depending on the song.
If you are looking to sound like Gotch, the best place to start would be a Les Paul Jr guitar with P-90 pickups.


After originally touring with a Roland JC-22, Gotch has almost exclusively played Fender amplifiers since 2004. Gotch uses two amps when playing live, one for his "clean" sound and the other for his "heavy" sound.
The band's often implement a "quiet/loud" dynamic into their song writing, so Gotch will often switch between his amps during live performances, using a custom made footswitch on his pedalboard. (A good example of this is Mustang or Solanin)
For his clean tone, Gotch uses a Fender 65' Twin Custom Twin 15. It can be heard on Korogaru Iwa, Kimi ni Asa Ga Furu, Solanin and Wonder Future. Occasionally, Gotch will combine the Twin Reverb with a boost pedal or overdrive pedal for more clarity, with Wonder Future a good examples of this.
(1) Fender '65 Twin Custom 15 (clean tone), (2) Fender Vibro-King Custom, (3) Fender Super-Sonic 60 Head (which uses the Vibro-King as a speaker), (4) Fender '63 Spring Reverb (which runs in between the pedal board and the Super-Sonic 60, and is toggled on or off by a switch)
For his heavier tone, Gotch primarily uses a Fender Vibro-King Custom for recording and appears in most of the band's MV's. The Vibro-King/Twin Reverb was Gotch's main setup during the 2000's and can be seen together on Eizo Sakushin Shu Vol. 6.
In 2009 Gotch started to use a Fender Super-Sonic 60 Amp Head and still uses it now. Until 2022, Gotch would use Vibro-King as a "cabinet", acting as the speaker unit for the Super-Sonic. Gotch now uses a Shinos & L Rocket Head for live shows, but has kept the Vibro-king for recording sessions and MVs.
Since 2022 Gotch has used Shinos & L Rocket amp & cabinet instead of the Fender Vibro-King
Gotch "heavy" amps for songs such as Re:Re:, Haruka Kanata and Rewrite. It is important to note that Gotch prefers to use his amps to create his distorted tone, but will occasionally add an overdrive pedal for heavier tracks such as Blood Circulator & Easter.
Alongside the Twin Reverb and Super-Sonic, Gotch is known to use a Fender 63' Spring Reverb Unit. This unit only runs into the Super-Sonic and is used for additional reverb to "thicken the sound". Gotch can control the 63' Reverb with a on/off switch on his pedal board.
Other notable amps that Gotch has used are the Matchless C30 & Bad Cat 30R Head. Both have been used exclusively for recording, most notably on Wonder Future. Gotch is also known to use VOX AC15 amps for recording.
Gotch's '63 Spring Reverb Unit, along with a selection of Vortex Flex .88m picks
In terms of mics, Gotch seems to use a Shure SM57 for his Fender Twin Reverb and a Shure SM58 on his Vibro-King or Shinos Rocket. When you are trying to emulate his sound with modelling or profiling amps, it is worth experimenting with mic positioning and different mics.
If you want to replicate Gotch's amp sound then you should look to replicate his Fender amps. However the Vibro-King is a key component and are unfortunately rare, notoriously loud and expensive. For that reason, I have put together some alternatives that should get you close.


During Ajikan's early years, Gotch combined a Roland JC-22 with a ProCo RAT to create the "quiet/loud" dynamic of the band's early records. After buying the Fender Vibro-King in 2004, Gotch no longer required the RAT, but kept a simplified pedalboard to achieve certain tones for live performances.
Gotch's 2004 pedalboard, which includes the ProCo RAT and Ibanez TS9 Tube Screamer
We will cover two different pedalboards that Gotch has used during the band's career. Regardless of which pedal board you look at, Gotch's has always included an overdrive or boost pedal, a phase pedal and a delay pedal.
The boost/overdrive is used to "lift" his clean sound during ballads (Solanin, Wonder Future) or to thicken his sound for heavier tracks. (Senseless, Dororo) Gotch will normally set the drive or gain low and the volume high.
The phaser is a more sparingly used pedal to add texture and colour, but can be heard on Shinkokyū, Blue Train and Rewrite. I will include more detail on Gotch's use of delay in the sections below.
Gotch's "Classic" Pedalboard
Gotch \"classic\" pedalboard, used between 2006-2013, with Gotch's custom made footswitch on the bottom left to control the amps
Gotch started to use this "classic" board during the Fanclub tour and continued to do so until the 10th Anniversary shows in 2013. This would be the easier and more affordable board to replicate for newcomers.
Gotch's setup started with a BOSS TU-3 tuner, which he also used as a "mute" pedal in between songs. From there, his chain would run into the Ibanez TS808 Tube Screamer, the BOSS PH-2 Super Phaser and the BOSS DD-20 Giga Delay. During the Magic Disk tour, Gotch also added a Custom Audio Tremolo.
The BOSS DD-20 *has been Gotch's main delay pedal for twenty years and is set to "warp". On the warp setting, Gotch can keep his foot on the pedal to create swells of delays. Gotch's standard setting is 173-179bpm (beats per minute on 1/4 notes and then he has 4 presets. These are 137bpm on 1/4 (for) Blackout, 154bpm on 1/4 (for) Kakato de Ai o Uchinarase, 177 on 1/2 (for) Solanin and the intro of Siren and 177bpm on 1/4 (for the 2nd half of) Siren)
Gotch also included two footswitches for his board; The first one was a handmade footswitch, which he used to swap between the Twin Reverb and the Vibro-King/Super-Sonic. The other footswitch was a BOSS FS-5L, which he used to control the '63 Spring Reverb Unit.
Gotch's "Modern" Pedalboard
Gotch's \"modern\" pedal board.【Pedal List】(1) api/TranZformer GT (compressoequalizer) (2) BOSS/TU-3 (tuner) (3) Spaceman Effects/Atlas III (preamp) (4) BOSS/DD-6 (delay) (5) Spaceman Effects/Voyager I (tremolo) (6) EarthQuaker Devices/Avalanche Run (delay/reverb) (7) Mu-Tron/Mu-FX Phasor 2X (phaser) (8) Caroline Guitar Company/KILOBYTE (9) BOSS/DD-20 (delay) (10) Handmade/Line Selector (11) FAT/514.D (booster)(12) strymon/Zuma R300 (power supply) (13)BOSS/EV-30 (Expression Pedal) (14) BOSS/FS-5L (foot switch)
During the recording of Wonder Future and his first solo album (Can't Be Forever Young), Gotch began to experiment more with boutique pedals, and has resulted in a more complex board since 2014, allowing more ambient experiments on the band's records and during live performances.
Gotch has added a API Tranzformer GT to the start of his chain, only using the E.Q. section and tweaking the settings for each venue.
Gotch's "Modern" board now includes a variety of delay and reverb pedals, such as the Earthquaker Device Avalanche Run and the Caroline Kilobyte Lo-Fi Delay. These are combined with his DD-20 to create the ambient sounds heard on Empathy & the outro of Demachiyanagi Parallel Universe.
The BOSS DD-6 Digital Delay is set to the "reverse" mode and is used during the intro of Re:Re: and the bridge of Rewrite. Gotch has removed the Tube-Screamer from his board and has experimented with multiple alternative pedals, which includes the Xotic Effects AC Plus and JHS Superbolt.
He currently uses the Atlas III Preamp Booster and the FAT 514.D for his overdrive sounds. The 514.D only runs to the Super-Sonic to help "thicken" the distorted tone of the Super-Sonic.
Gotch has also replaced the Super Phaser with the MU-FX Phasor 2x and is using a Voyager I Spaceman for his tremolo. (UCLA & No Name are good references for the tremolo) Finally, Gotch has added an BOSS EV-30 expression pedal, which he uses to control the delay of the Avalanche Run.
If you are looking to replicate Gotch's pedalboard, the best place to start would be a phaser, delay and a boost/overdrive pedal, which would cover most of Ajikan's Discography.

Sound Like Gotch...On a Budget

Now that you are up to speed on what Gotch uses for his guitar rig, we can start to look at replicating his sound. The idea of this section is to offer affordable suggestions to replicate Gotch's tone that can be used for home use and for small live venues.
I would like to highlight that I am just writing as a fan and the equipment I recommend are purely my own recommendations. I do not have any sponsors (I wish I did sometimes) and if you find alternatives that work for you, go for it!
Gotch performing in 2022, during the Quarter Century shows in Yokohama
To buy Gotch's current pedal board alone would cost roughly £2,500 and would be unrealistic for most readers to purchase, however there are options that can get us close to Gotch's tone without breaking the bank.
The key elements to this rig are:
Let's start with the guitar, which is both important for the P-90 tone. You should always feel comfortable when playing the guitar you pick, so I recommend trying out the guitar when possible before buying.
As an affordable guitar, I would suggest looking at the Epiphone Les Paul Jr. It is the entry level price for Gibson guitars (Epiphone would be the equivalent to "Squier" for Fender) and includes P-90 pickups as the standard setup. You can buy one for around £380 and should also be fairly easy to modify & similar to Gotch's sound.
Epiphone Les Paul Junior
If you do have a higher budget to work with, I would recommend the Gibson Les Paul Special Tribute DC. These were released in 2019 and you can normally find a 2nd hand version for roughly £650 - £800. (It is also the guitar I currently use!) Failing that, you can also look at the Gibson Les Paul Special for around £800.
Gibson Les Paul Special Tribute DC
We are looking to replicate Gotch's Fender amps, so the affordable option to start with would be the Fender Mustang GTX. The newer Mustang amps are an improvement on the original and have simulations of the Twin Reverb, the Vibro-King and the Super-Sonic.
The GTX 50 (which has a smaller speaker) is roughly £390 and the GTX 100 (which includes a footswitch) is about £510, but you should be able to find both versions for a reduced cost second hand.
Fender Mustang GTX 100
If you do have a higher budget or prefer to use a tube amp, I would recommend going for the Fender Super-Sonic Combo or the Fender Hot Rod Deluxe for a solid distorted Fender tone.
Alternatively, you could consider the Fender Blues Junior, Fender Tone Master Twin-Reverb or Roland JC, and combine them with a ProCo RAT to replicate the tones from Houkai Amplifier and Kimi Tsunagi Five M.
To keep the list of suggestions short and simple, we will use Gotch's "classic" board as a reference and will cover most of the band's discography.
For a budget rig, I would recommend the Ibanez Tube-Screamer Mini, which is a miniature version of the standard Ibanez Tube-Screamer and sound great for the price. You could pair this up with a Boss Phase Shifter and a BOSS DD-6 Delay for around £309 brand new to get a very similar Gotch board. (You could buy them for as low as £110 combined on the 2nd hand market)
The Tube Screamer Mini is a cheap, effective overdrive pedal based on the classic TS808
For a more expensive pedalboard, the JHS Superbolt V2 was used by Gotch extensively between 2015-2019 and was once described by Gotch as "the Ajikan sound" on his blog. You could also buy the TS808 Tube Screamer that Gotch actually used for many years or the JHS Bonsai 9 which emulates multiple tube screamers.
For modulation sounds (phase, tremolo) the AmpliTube X-Vibe is one of many great multi-effect pedal on the market. If you have the money for it, you could buy a BOSS DD-20 second hand or the BOSS DD-200 to emulate Gotch's delay sound.
If you decided to go with the Mustang GTX, you would also have a selection of effects built into the amp.
THE TONE MASTER PRO? (and amp simulators)
As a final recommendation, Fender have recently released the Tone Master Pro (TMP), which is a multi effects and amp simulator.
It can be used as a device for home recording, but also as multi effects pedal in front of a standard amp or as your main amplifier when played through a IR cabinet. (I'll go into more detail in a bit!) The TMP are not cheap at £1400, so I would only advise buying one if you plan to use it as your main amp and effects board.
If you have the budget and was starting your rig from scratch I would consider checking it out, as it includes great simulations of the Twin Reverb and Vibro-King. They are also easy to transport & the Fender IR cabinets only weigh 12.5kg. (For comparison, my VOX AC15 weighs 30kg and is a nightmare to transport for shows)
The TMP is Fender's first amp simulator pedal and from what I understand the Quad Cortex DSP, the Line 6 Helix series and the Headrush Pedalboard are more popular choices. However, for the purpose of "sounding like Gotch", I would start with the TMP for its Fender selection and simplicity
The Fender Tone Master Pro can be used to simulate multiple amps & as a pedalboard for live performances
If you decide to buy a Amp Simulator Pedal, there are 3 common ways to use it for band practices & live settings. (Outside of just using headphones or running straight to front of house at a venue:
Option 1: Only use the effects on the Amp Simulator and run it into a standard amp. (Make sure to not use the cabinets settings within the pedal when doing this. You could still use the amp settings, however they may clash with the physical amps and do not always sound great
Option 2: Use the Amp Simulator as your main amp and combining with a standard guitar cabinet. In order to do this, you will need to buy a separate power amp pedal to run in between the amp simulator and the guitar cabinet. (Otherwise you will not have any volume or oomph when you play through the cabinet\*)*
Option 3: Buy a IR Cabinet. The difference between this and Option 2 is that you would not need to buy a separate power amp pedal to run into the speaker. The Fender FR-10/12 & Line 6 Powercab are good examples.

Recommended Amp Settings

The following amp settings are based on photos gathered from live performances or from photos of Gotch's social media. Every amp will slightly differ based on your guitar or playing style, so you may need to tweak with your settings to find the right blend.
My personal advice is to not put the gain too high and to start with getting the treble and bass settings where you feel comfortable, before tweaking the mids. The P-90s have a strong midrange attack, so bear that in mind as well.
Gotch's Vibro-King and Super-Sonic
Fender '65 Twin Custom 15:
(Plugged into Vibrato 1) Vol: 3, Treble: 3.5-4, Mid: 6.5, Bass: 3.5
Fender Super-Sonic 60 Head:
Channel 1: Vol: 3.5, Treble: 4-4.5, Bass: 5
Channel 2: Vintage setting ON, Gain 1: 4, Gain 2: 0, Treble: 5-5.5, Bass: 4.5-5, Mid: 5.5, Vol: 5.5-6
Fender Vibro-King Custom (as cabinet):
Plug into the speaker input at the back of the amp, with FAT switch on.
Fender Vibro-King Custom (as amplifier):
(FAT ON) Vol: 3, Treble: 4.5, Bass: 4, Mid: 5.5 (Based on Eizo Sakushin Shu Vol.6 settings)
(FAT ON) Vol: 4.5 Treble: 4 Bass: 5 Mid: 4.5
Shinos & L Rocket Head:
Gain: 7, Treble: 8, Bass: 3, Reverb: 0, Master: 7


I hope this has been helpful for you guys, as it has been on my bucket list for some time! Please provide some feedback as it is always appreciated and if you would like more details about the effect settings let me know.
submitted by DANJCOLEMAN1991 to AsianKungFuGeneration [link] [comments]

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Starpoint Gemini Warlords
Star Wars Knights of the old Republic 2
Star Wars The Force Unleashed
Star Wolves
star trek bridge crew
State of Decay 2: Juggernaut Edition - only for good offers
Stealth 2: A Game of Clones
Steel Rats
Stick it to The Man!
Stick Fight: The Game
Stirring Abyss
Strikey Sisters
Stronghold Crusader 2
Stygian: Reign of the Old Ones
Styx: Master of Shadows
Sudden Strike 4
Suffer The Night
Summer in Mara
Superhot VR
Super 3-D Noah's Ark
Super Mutant Alien Assault
Super Panda Adventures
Super Rude Bear Resurrection
Super Star Path
Survivalist: Invisible Strain
Switchball HD
Sword of the Necromancer
Syberia 3
Syberia 3
System Shock Enhanced Edition
Tiny Tales: Heart of the Forest
Team Sonic Racing
tekken 7
Telefrag VR
Tesla Force
Teslagrad Remastered
Testament of Sherlock Holmes
The Adventure Pals
The Amazing American Circus
The Assembly
The Big Con
The Black Heart
The Coma 2: Vicious Sisters
The Crow's Eye
The Darkside Detective
The Deed
The Deed II
The Deed: Dynasty
The Dungeon Beneath
The Emerald Maiden: Symphony of Dream
The Escapists
The Fan
The Final Station
The Flame in the Flood
The Horror Of Salazar House
The Inner World
The Invisible Hand
The Last Crown: Midnight Horror
The Last Tinker: City of Colors
The Long Dark: Survival Edition
The Lost Crown
The Long Reach
The Knight Witch
The Metronomicon - The Deluxe Edition
The Myth Seekers 2: The Sunken City
The Myth Seekers: The Legacy of Vulcan
The Next Penelope
The Oil Blue: Steam Legacy Edition
The Secret Order 5: The Buried Kingdom
The Secret Order 6: Bloodline
The Secret Order 7: Shadow Breach
The Smurfs - Mission Vileaf
The Spectrum Retreat
The Textorcist: The Story of Ray Bibbia
The Town of Light
The Walking Dead: A New Frontier
The Walking Dead – Season 1
The Walking Dead: 400 Days DLC
The Walking Dead: Season Two
The Walking Dead: The Final Season
The Wild Eight
The Whispered World Special Edition
They Always Run
They Bleed Pixels
Think of the Children
This War of Mine
Through the Woods
The USB Stick Found in the Grass
Ticket to Ride
Tilt Brush
Time on Frog Island
Time Loader
Time Mysteries 3: The Final Enigma
Tiny Tales: Heart of the Forest
tiny & Tall: Gleipnir
Titan Quest Anniversary Edition
Toejam & Earl: Back in the Groove
Tomb Raider GOTY Edition
Tom Clancy's The Division Uplay + Survival dlc
Total War: MEDIEVAL II Definitive Edition
Totally Reliable Delivery Service
Tower of Time
Total War: ROME II - Caesar in Gaul
Toybox Turbos
Toy Tinker Simulator
Tracks - The Train Set Game
Treasure Hunter Simulator
Trine 2: Complete Story
Trine 3
Trine 4
Tropico 4
Tyrant's Blessing
UFO: Afterlight
Ultimate Zombie Defense
Undead Horde
Unexplored 2: The Wayfarer's Legacy
Unto The End
Vambrace: Cold Soul
Vampire of the Sands
Vampire Survivors
Vanishing Realms
Velocity Ultra
Viking Saga New World
Viking Saga The Cursed Ring
Voidship: The Long Journey
walking dead the new frontier
War Solution - Casual Math Game
war tech fighters
Wasteland 2: Director s Cut - Classic Edition
Wayout 2: Hex
Wayward Souls
We Are Alright
When In Rome
White Night
White Noise 2
Witch it
Without Within 3
World Keepers Last Resort
World Ship Simulator
Worms Blast
Worms Crazy Golf
Worms Pinball
Worms Revolution
Worms Rumble
Wounded - The Beginning
Verdant Skies
XBlaze Code: Embryo
X-Com 2
X-Com Chimera Squad
X-Morph: Defense Complete Pack
Xpand Rally
Yakuza Kiwami 2
Yakuza 3 Remastered
Yesterday Origins"
Yet Another Zombie Defense HD
Yoku's Island Express
Yono and the Celestial Elephants
Zarya-1: Mystery on the Moon
Zombie Derby 2
Zombie Night Terror
submitted by marcoxnt93 to indiegameswap [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 17:46 marcoxnt93 [H] A lot games [W] Offers

7 Wonders: Magical Mystery Tour
7 Wonders: Treasures of Seven
9 Years of Shadows
12 is Better Than 6
911 Operator
A Blind Legend
Aarklash: Legacy
Acorn Assault: Rodent Revolution
Achtung! Cthulhu Tactics
Agatha Christie - The ABC Murders
Agent in Depth
age of wonders 3
Agents of Mayhem
Alien Spidy
AI War 2
A Juggler's Tale
Alchemist's Castle
Alchemy Garden
Almost There: The Platformer
Alter Army"
Akka Arrh
American Fugitive
A Musical Story
Ancestors Legacy
Ancient Enemy
An Elder Scrolls Legend: Battlespire
Anomaly Defenders
Anomaly: Warzone Earth
Aragami 2
Arcade Spirits
Arena Renovation
Armada 2526 Gold Edition
Arma X
Arx Fatalis
Ary and the Secret of Seasons
Ascension to the Throne
Ashina: The Red Witch
Atari Vault
Attack of the Earthlings
Axiom Verge
Back 4 Blood - Only for good offers
Band of Defenders"
Banners of Ruin
Batman: Arkham Knight Premium Edition
Batman: Arkham Origins
Battle Academy 2: Eastern Front
Battle vs Chess
Bionic Commando: Rearmed
BioShock Infinite
Bizango Blast
BLACKHOLE: Complete Edition
Blacksad: Under the Skin
Blitzkrieg Anthology
Blood Bowl 2
Borderlands Game of the Year Enhanced
Borderlands handsome collection
Bots Are Stupid
Bot Vice
Breakout: Recharged
Brunch Club
Broken Age
Brothers: A Tale of Two Sons
Bunker Punks
Call of Cthulhu®: Dark Corners of the Earth
Call of Juarez
Carmageddon max damage
Cats and the Other Lives
Caverns of Mars: Recharged
Caveman World: Mountains of Unga Boonga
Centipede: Recharged
Chambers of Devious Design
Chess Ultra
Chicken Assassin: Reloaded
Children of Morta
Chaos on Deponia
Circuit Breakers
City Siege: Faction Island
Close to the Sun
Clunky Hero
Colt Canyon
Constructor Classic 1997
Conglomerate 451
Cookie Cutter
Cook Serve Delicious
Cook Serve Delicious! 3?!
Corridor Z
Cosmic Express
Craft Keep VR
Crazy Belts
Creeping Terror
Creepy Tale
Crown Champion: Legends of the Arena
CTU: Counter Terrorism Unit
Cubicle Quest
Cursed Sight
Cybarian: The Time Travelling Warrior
Darkest Dungeon
Dark Strokes The Legend of the Snow Kingdom Collectors Edition
Darkness Within 2: The Dark Lineage
Danger Scavenger
Day of Infamy
Dead Age
Dead Age 2
Dead by daylight
Dead End Job
Deadlight: Director's Cut
Dead Island Definitive Edition
Dead Space 3 Origin key
Dear Esther: Landmark Edition
Death Squared
Death to Spies: Moment of Truth
Degrees of Separation
Detached: Non-VR Edition
Deus Ex: Invisible War
Devil Daggers
Devil's Hunt
DIG - Deep In Galaxies
Dimension Drifter
Dirt Rally 2.0 - Only for good offers
dirt 5 - Only for good offers
Divide By Sheep
DmC Devil May Cry
Doodle Derby
DOOM (1993)
Dorke and Ymp
Doorways: Holy Mountains of Flesh
Double Dragon IV
Doughlings Arcade
Doughlings Invasion
Draw Slasher
DreamWorks Dragons: Legends of the Nine Realms
Driftland: The Magic Revival
Drink More Glurp
Dub Dash
Duke Nukem Forever
Dungeons 3
Dust to the End
DV: Rings of Saturn
Eagle Island
Elven Legacy Collection
Endless Fables 3: Dark Moor
Epistory - Typing Chronicles
Escape Dead Island
Escape Game Fort Boyard
Escape from Naraka
Eternal Edge +
Eternity: The Last Unicorn
Etherlords I & II
Eventide 3: Legacy of Legends
eXperience 112
f1 2019 Anniversary - ONLY FOR VERY GOOD OFFERS
Family Mysteries 3: Criminal Mindset
Family Mysteries: Poisonous Promises
Fantasy Blacksmith
Farming World
Farm Frenzy: Refreshed
Final Doom
Flashing Lights Police Fire EMS
Filthy Animals Heist Simulator
Flying Tigers: Shadows Over China - Deluxe Edition
Fractured Minds
Freaking Meatbags
Frog Detective 2: The Case of the Invisible Wizard
Frick, Inc.
For the People
Formula Carr Racing
Funk of Titans
Furious Angels
Fury Unleashed
Game Dev Studio
Gas Station Simulator
Generation Zero
Ghost Files: The Face of Guilt
Ghost Files 2: Memory of a Crime
Ghost Files: The Face of Guilt
Gigantosaurus: Dino Kart
God’s Trigger
Go Home Dinosaurs
Going Under
Golden Light
Golf Gang
Goodbye Deponia
Grand Mountain Adventure: Wonderlands
Grey Goo Definitive Edition
Grid Ultimate Edition
Grim Legends 2: Song of the Dark Swan
Grim Legends: The Forsaken Bride
GRIP: Combat Racing
GRIP: Combat Racing - Cygon Garage Kit
GRIP: Combat Racing - Nyvoss Garage Kit
GRIP: Combat Racing - Terra Garage Kit
GRIP: Combat Racing - Vintek Garage Kit
Groundhog Day: Like Father Like Son
GTA VICE CITY - only for very good offers
Guilty Gear X2 #Reload
Guns & Fishes
Guns of Icarus Alliance
Hack 'n' Slash
Haegemonia: The Solon Heritage
Hauma - A Detective Noir Story
Hero of the Kingdom
Hero of the Kingdom III
Hero of the Kingdom: The Lost Tales 1
Hero of the Kingdom: The Lost Tales 2
Heroes of the Monkey Tavern
Heroes of Hellas 3: Athens
Heroes of Hellas Origins: Part One
Hidden Memory - Neko's Life
Hidden Object 6in1 bundle
Hidden Object Bundle 5 in 1
Hidden Shapes - Trick or Cats
Hiveswap Friendsim
Hitman Absolution
Holiday Bonus GOLD
Holy Potatoes! A Weapon Shop?!
Homebrew - Patent Unknown
Home Sweet Home
Home Sweet Home EP2
Horizon Shift
Hospital Tycoon
Hyperdrive Massacre
Hyperspace Invaders II: Pixel Edition
I am not a Monster: First Contact
Icewind Dale: Enhanced Edition
In Between
Inside My Radio
Internet Cafe Simulator
Interrogation: You will be deceived
Interplanetary: Enhanced Edition
Into the Pit
In Other Waters
Iron Commando - Koutetsu no Senshi
Iron Danger
Iron Lung
Iron Marines
Island Tribe
Izmir: An Independence Simulator
Jane Angel: Templar Mystery
Jewel Match Atlantis Solitaire - Collector's Edition
Jewel Match Solitaire 2 Collector's Edition
Jewel Match Solitaire L'Amour
Jewel Match Solitaire Winterscapes
Just Cause 3
Just Die Already
Just Ignore Them
Kaichu - The Kaiju Dating Sim
Kao the Kangaroo (2000 re-release)
Kerbal Space Program
Killing Floor 2
Killer is Dead - Nightmare Edition
Kitaria Fables
Kingdom Rush
King Oddball
Knight's Retreat
Koala Kids
Konung 2
Lacuna – A Sci-Fi Noir Adventure
Landlord's Super
Laser Disco Defenders
Last Oasis
Last Word
Lead and Gold: Gangs of the Wild West
Legend of Keepers: Career of a Dungeon Manager
Lego Marvel 2 Deluxe
Looking for Aliens
Lost Words: Beyond the Page
Lovecraft's Untold Stories + OST + Artbook
Lords and Villeins
Lust for Darkness
Lust from Beyond - M Edition
Luxor 3
Machinika Museum
Mad Experiments: Escape Room
Mad Max
Mad Tracks
Magenta Horizon
Magrunner: Dark Pulse
Mask of the Rose
Mass Effect 2
Mechs & Mercs: Black Talons
Medieval Kingdom Wars
Men of War: Assault Squad - Game of the Year Edition
Men of War: Red Tide
Meow Express
Metal Unit
Metro last light redux
Metro Redux Bundle
Micro Machines World Series
Middle-earth : Shadow of Mordor Goty
Middle-earth: Shadow of War Definitive Edition
Midnight Mysteries 3: Devil on the Mississippi
Midnight Protocol
Mini Ninjas
Mini Thief
Minute of Islands
MirrorMoon EP
Mob Rule Classic
Modern Tales: Age of Invention
Moon Hunters
Moss Destruction
MotoGP 15
Mortal Kombat XL
Mortal Kombat 11 Ultimate
Mount & blade
Mr. Run and Jump
MXGP - The Official Motocross Videogame
My Big Sister
Nadia Was Here
Nigate Tale
Neon Chrome
Neurodeck : Psychological Deckbuilder
NEXT JUMP: Shmup Tactics
Ninjin: Clash of Carrots
Nobodies: Murder Cleaner
Noir Chronicles: City of Crime
Noitu Love 2: Devolution
Nongunz: Doppelganger Edition
Northern Tale
Non-Stop Raiders
Now You See - A Hand Painted Horror Adventure
OlliOlli World
Old School Musical
Omen Exitio: Plague
Orbital Bullet
Orbital Racer
Oriental Empires
Orn the tiny forest sprite
Orwell: Ignorance is Strength
Outcast - Second Contact
Out of Reach: Treasure Royale
Out of Space
Overlord: Ultimate Evil Collection
Pang Adventures
Painkiller Hell & Damnation
Paper Beast - Folded Edition
Paper Fire Rookie
Paper Planet
Pathfinder: Kingmaker
Persian Nights 2: The Moonlight Veil
Pathfinder Wrath
Paw Patrol: On A Roll!
Paw Paw Paw
Peachleaf Pirates
Persian Nights: Sands of Wonders
pillars of eternity
Pill Baby
Pirate Pop Plus
Pizza Express
Pixel Heroes: Byte & Magic
PixelJunk™ Monsters Ultimate + Shooter Bundle
Planet TD
Plebby Quest: The Crusades
Planet Zoo
Police Stories
Post Master
portal knights
Post Void
Prehistoric Tales
Primal Carnage: Extinction
pro cycling manager 2019
Project Chemistry
Professor Lupo: Ocean
Prophecy I - The Viking Child
Quantum Replica
Quake 2
Quake Live
Raining Blobs
Rainbow Billy: The Curse of the Leviathan
Railway Empire
Radio Commander
Rebel Galaxy
Rebel Galaxy Outlaw
Rebel Inc
Recon Control
Red Faction®: Armageddon™
Red Faction Guerrilla Re-Mars-tered
Regency Solitaire
Regular Human Basketball
Regions of Ruin
Remnants of Naezith
Renfield: Bring Your Own Blood
Resident Evil 0 HD REMASTER
Resident Evil Revelations 2 Deluxe Edition
Resort Boss: Golf
Return to Mysterious Island
Richard & Alice
Rise of Insanity
Rising Dusk
River City Girls
River City Melee Mach
Road to Guangdong
Roads of Rome 3
Roarr! Jurassic Edition
Rogue Heroes: Ruins of Tasos
Rym 9000
S.W.I.N.E. HD Remaster
Safety First!
Satellite Reign
Satellite Rush
Savage Lands
Save Jesus
Say No! More
Scheming Through The Zombie Apocalypse: The Beginning
Sea Horizon
Serial Cleaner
Sentience: The Android's Tale
SEARCH PARTY: Director's Cut
SEUM: Speedrunners from Hell
Severed Steel
Shadowrun Returns
Shadows: Awakening
Shantae: Risky's Revenge - Director's Cut
Shooting Stars!
Shoppe Keep
Shutter 2
Shred! 2 - ft Sam Pilgrim
Sid Meier Civilization V
Sid Meier Civilization VI
Siege Survival: Gloria Victis
sim city 4
Sir Whoopass™: Immortal Death
Sky Break
Slain: Back from Hell
Slinger VR
Smart Factory Tycoon
Sniper Elite 4 Deluxe Edition
sonic all stars transformed collection
Sonic and SEGA All Stars Racing
Sonic Forces
Sonic the Hedgehog 4 - Episode I
Sonic the Hedgehog 4 - Episode II
Sorry, James
Soul Searching
Space Robinson: Hardcore Roguelike Actio
Sparkle 2
Spiritual Warfare & Wisdom Tree Collection
Spirit Hunter: NG
Spirit of the Isand
Spooky Bonus
Spring Bonus
S.T.A.L.K.E.R.: Clear Sky
Starpoint Gemini Warlords
Star Wars Knights of the old Republic 2
Star Wars The Force Unleashed
Star Wolves
star trek bridge crew
State of Decay 2: Juggernaut Edition - only for good offers
Stealth 2: A Game of Clones
Steel Rats
Stick it to The Man!
Stick Fight: The Game
Stirring Abyss
Strikey Sisters
Stronghold Crusader 2
Stygian: Reign of the Old Ones
Styx: Master of Shadows
Sudden Strike 4
Suffer The Night
Summer in Mara
Superhot VR
Super 3-D Noah's Ark
Super Mutant Alien Assault
Super Panda Adventures
Super Rude Bear Resurrection
Super Star Path
Survivalist: Invisible Strain
Switchball HD
Sword of the Necromancer
Syberia 3
Syberia 3
System Shock Enhanced Edition
Tiny Tales: Heart of the Forest
Team Sonic Racing
tekken 7
Telefrag VR
Tesla Force
Teslagrad Remastered
Testament of Sherlock Holmes
The Adventure Pals
The Amazing American Circus
The Assembly
The Big Con
The Black Heart
The Coma 2: Vicious Sisters
The Crow's Eye
The Darkside Detective
The Deed
The Deed II
The Deed: Dynasty
The Dungeon Beneath
The Emerald Maiden: Symphony of Dream
The Escapists
The Fan
The Final Station
The Flame in the Flood
The Horror Of Salazar House
The Inner World
The Invisible Hand
The Last Crown: Midnight Horror
The Last Tinker: City of Colors
The Long Dark: Survival Edition
The Lost Crown
The Long Reach
The Knight Witch
The Metronomicon - The Deluxe Edition
The Myth Seekers 2: The Sunken City
The Myth Seekers: The Legacy of Vulcan
The Next Penelope
The Oil Blue: Steam Legacy Edition
The Secret Order 5: The Buried Kingdom
The Secret Order 6: Bloodline
The Secret Order 7: Shadow Breach
The Smurfs - Mission Vileaf
The Spectrum Retreat
The Textorcist: The Story of Ray Bibbia
The Town of Light
The Walking Dead: A New Frontier
The Walking Dead – Season 1
The Walking Dead: 400 Days DLC
The Walking Dead: Season Two
The Walking Dead: The Final Season
The Wild Eight
The Whispered World Special Edition
They Always Run
They Bleed Pixels
Think of the Children
This War of Mine
Through the Woods
The USB Stick Found in the Grass
Ticket to Ride
Tilt Brush
Time on Frog Island
Time Loader
Time Mysteries 3: The Final Enigma
Tiny Tales: Heart of the Forest
tiny & Tall: Gleipnir
Titan Quest Anniversary Edition
Toejam & Earl: Back in the Groove
Tomb Raider GOTY Edition
Tom Clancy's The Division Uplay + Survival dlc
Total War: MEDIEVAL II Definitive Edition
Totally Reliable Delivery Service
Tower of Time
Total War: ROME II - Caesar in Gaul
Toybox Turbos
Toy Tinker Simulator
Tracks - The Train Set Game
Treasure Hunter Simulator
Trine 2: Complete Story
Trine 3
Trine 4
Tropico 4
Tyrant's Blessing
UFO: Afterlight
Ultimate Zombie Defense
Undead Horde
Unexplored 2: The Wayfarer's Legacy
Unto The End
Vambrace: Cold Soul
Vampire of the Sands
Vampire Survivors
Vanishing Realms
Velocity Ultra
Viking Saga New World
Viking Saga The Cursed Ring
Voidship: The Long Journey
walking dead the new frontier
War Solution - Casual Math Game
war tech fighters
Wasteland 2: Director s Cut - Classic Edition
Wayout 2: Hex
Wayward Souls
We Are Alright
When In Rome
White Night
White Noise 2
Witch it
Without Within 3
World Keepers Last Resort
World Ship Simulator
Worms Blast
Worms Crazy Golf
Worms Pinball
Worms Revolution
Worms Rumble
Wounded - The Beginning
Verdant Skies
XBlaze Code: Embryo
X-Com 2
X-Com Chimera Squad
X-Morph: Defense Complete Pack
Xpand Rally
Yakuza Kiwami 2
Yakuza 3 Remastered
Yesterday Origins"
Yet Another Zombie Defense HD
Yoku's Island Express
Yono and the Celestial Elephants
Zarya-1: Mystery on the Moon
Zombie Derby 2
Zombie Night Terror
submitted by marcoxnt93 to GameTrade [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 17:46 marcoxnt93 [H] A lot games [W] Offers

7 Wonders: Magical Mystery Tour
7 Wonders: Treasures of Seven
9 Years of Shadows
12 is Better Than 6
911 Operator
A Blind Legend
Aarklash: Legacy
Acorn Assault: Rodent Revolution
Achtung! Cthulhu Tactics
Agatha Christie - The ABC Murders
Agent in Depth
age of wonders 3
Agents of Mayhem
Alien Spidy
AI War 2
A Juggler's Tale
Alchemist's Castle
Alchemy Garden
Almost There: The Platformer
Alter Army"
Akka Arrh
American Fugitive
A Musical Story
Ancestors Legacy
Ancient Enemy
An Elder Scrolls Legend: Battlespire
Anomaly Defenders
Anomaly: Warzone Earth
Aragami 2
Arcade Spirits
Arena Renovation
Armada 2526 Gold Edition
Arma X
Arx Fatalis
Ary and the Secret of Seasons
Ascension to the Throne
Ashina: The Red Witch
Atari Vault
Attack of the Earthlings
Axiom Verge
Back 4 Blood - Only for good offers
Band of Defenders"
Banners of Ruin
Batman: Arkham Knight Premium Edition
Batman: Arkham Origins
Battle Academy 2: Eastern Front
Battle vs Chess
Bionic Commando: Rearmed
BioShock Infinite
Bizango Blast
BLACKHOLE: Complete Edition
Blacksad: Under the Skin
Blitzkrieg Anthology
Blood Bowl 2
Borderlands Game of the Year Enhanced
Borderlands handsome collection
Bots Are Stupid
Bot Vice
Breakout: Recharged
Brunch Club
Broken Age
Brothers: A Tale of Two Sons
Bunker Punks
Call of Cthulhu®: Dark Corners of the Earth
Call of Juarez
Carmageddon max damage
Cats and the Other Lives
Caverns of Mars: Recharged
Caveman World: Mountains of Unga Boonga
Centipede: Recharged
Chambers of Devious Design
Chess Ultra
Chicken Assassin: Reloaded
Children of Morta
Chaos on Deponia
Circuit Breakers
City Siege: Faction Island
Close to the Sun
Clunky Hero
Colt Canyon
Constructor Classic 1997
Conglomerate 451
Cookie Cutter
Cook Serve Delicious
Cook Serve Delicious! 3?!
Corridor Z
Cosmic Express
Craft Keep VR
Crazy Belts
Creeping Terror
Creepy Tale
Crown Champion: Legends of the Arena
CTU: Counter Terrorism Unit
Cubicle Quest
Cursed Sight
Cybarian: The Time Travelling Warrior
Darkest Dungeon
Dark Strokes The Legend of the Snow Kingdom Collectors Edition
Darkness Within 2: The Dark Lineage
Danger Scavenger
Day of Infamy
Dead Age
Dead Age 2
Dead by daylight
Dead End Job
Deadlight: Director's Cut
Dead Island Definitive Edition
Dead Space 3 Origin key
Dear Esther: Landmark Edition
Death Squared
Death to Spies: Moment of Truth
Degrees of Separation
Detached: Non-VR Edition
Deus Ex: Invisible War
Devil Daggers
Devil's Hunt
DIG - Deep In Galaxies
Dimension Drifter
Dirt Rally 2.0 - Only for good offers
dirt 5 - Only for good offers
Divide By Sheep
DmC Devil May Cry
Doodle Derby
DOOM (1993)
Dorke and Ymp
Doorways: Holy Mountains of Flesh
Double Dragon IV
Doughlings Arcade
Doughlings Invasion
Draw Slasher
DreamWorks Dragons: Legends of the Nine Realms
Driftland: The Magic Revival
Drink More Glurp
Dub Dash
Duke Nukem Forever
Dungeons 3
Dust to the End
DV: Rings of Saturn
Eagle Island
Elven Legacy Collection
Endless Fables 3: Dark Moor
Epistory - Typing Chronicles
Escape Dead Island
Escape Game Fort Boyard
Escape from Naraka
Eternal Edge +
Eternity: The Last Unicorn
Etherlords I & II
Eventide 3: Legacy of Legends
eXperience 112
f1 2019 Anniversary - ONLY FOR VERY GOOD OFFERS
Family Mysteries 3: Criminal Mindset
Family Mysteries: Poisonous Promises
Fantasy Blacksmith
Farming World
Farm Frenzy: Refreshed
Final Doom
Flashing Lights Police Fire EMS
Filthy Animals Heist Simulator
Flying Tigers: Shadows Over China - Deluxe Edition
Fractured Minds
Freaking Meatbags
Frog Detective 2: The Case of the Invisible Wizard
Frick, Inc.
For the People
Formula Carr Racing
Funk of Titans
Furious Angels
Fury Unleashed
Game Dev Studio
Gas Station Simulator
Generation Zero
Ghost Files: The Face of Guilt
Ghost Files 2: Memory of a Crime
Ghost Files: The Face of Guilt
Gigantosaurus: Dino Kart
God’s Trigger
Go Home Dinosaurs
Going Under
Golden Light
Golf Gang
Goodbye Deponia
Grand Mountain Adventure: Wonderlands
Grey Goo Definitive Edition
Grid Ultimate Edition
Grim Legends 2: Song of the Dark Swan
Grim Legends: The Forsaken Bride
GRIP: Combat Racing
GRIP: Combat Racing - Cygon Garage Kit
GRIP: Combat Racing - Nyvoss Garage Kit
GRIP: Combat Racing - Terra Garage Kit
GRIP: Combat Racing - Vintek Garage Kit
Groundhog Day: Like Father Like Son
GTA VICE CITY - only for very good offers
Guilty Gear X2 #Reload
Guns & Fishes
Guns of Icarus Alliance
Hack 'n' Slash
Haegemonia: The Solon Heritage
Hauma - A Detective Noir Story
Hero of the Kingdom
Hero of the Kingdom III
Hero of the Kingdom: The Lost Tales 1
Hero of the Kingdom: The Lost Tales 2
Heroes of the Monkey Tavern
Heroes of Hellas 3: Athens
Heroes of Hellas Origins: Part One
Hidden Memory - Neko's Life
Hidden Object 6in1 bundle
Hidden Object Bundle 5 in 1
Hidden Shapes - Trick or Cats
Hiveswap Friendsim
Hitman Absolution
Holiday Bonus GOLD
Holy Potatoes! A Weapon Shop?!
Homebrew - Patent Unknown
Home Sweet Home
Home Sweet Home EP2
Horizon Shift
Hospital Tycoon
Hyperdrive Massacre
Hyperspace Invaders II: Pixel Edition
I am not a Monster: First Contact
Icewind Dale: Enhanced Edition
In Between
Inside My Radio
Internet Cafe Simulator
Interrogation: You will be deceived
Interplanetary: Enhanced Edition
Into the Pit
In Other Waters
Iron Commando - Koutetsu no Senshi
Iron Danger
Iron Lung
Iron Marines
Island Tribe
Izmir: An Independence Simulator
Jane Angel: Templar Mystery
Jewel Match Atlantis Solitaire - Collector's Edition
Jewel Match Solitaire 2 Collector's Edition
Jewel Match Solitaire L'Amour
Jewel Match Solitaire Winterscapes
Just Cause 3
Just Die Already
Just Ignore Them
Kaichu - The Kaiju Dating Sim
Kao the Kangaroo (2000 re-release)
Kerbal Space Program
Killing Floor 2
Killer is Dead - Nightmare Edition
Kitaria Fables
Kingdom Rush
King Oddball
Knight's Retreat
Koala Kids
Konung 2
Lacuna – A Sci-Fi Noir Adventure
Landlord's Super
Laser Disco Defenders
Last Oasis
Last Word
Lead and Gold: Gangs of the Wild West
Legend of Keepers: Career of a Dungeon Manager
Lego Marvel 2 Deluxe
Looking for Aliens
Lost Words: Beyond the Page
Lovecraft's Untold Stories + OST + Artbook
Lords and Villeins
Lust for Darkness
Lust from Beyond - M Edition
Luxor 3
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submitted by marcoxnt93 to SteamGameSwap [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 14:25 HelloEnfys Building Management - Invoice Query

Sorry if my terminology is incorrect.
I live in a block of flats, and we received the annual building services, and in the price breakdown it has been noted that someone in the building works “backstage” and we have been invoiced monthly for this “concierge” service. Myself and others have asked for a breakdown of the services that we are paying hundreds of pounds for per month, but are not getting responses. We have withheld payment until we receive a breakdown of costs.
On my invoice there was also a £75 fee for an Amazon voucher. When I messaged the building management company querying what this was for, the response was “this gift card was a salary bonus for xyz”.
The management company have not been open with what services have been provided and I am unsure how professional/legal it is for each flat to pay a £75 salary bonus for a service that the management company will not breakdown for us. The only response is that this individual “allows the cleaners in the building when required” and “hands out keys when required”.
I am writing to ask if anyone could help with any knowledge of the legality of the salary bonus and concierge service that no one was aware of until we got the bill and the company are refusing to break down.
I hope I have made sense, but can answer any further questions.
submitted by HelloEnfys to HousingUK [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 14:12 syzuhair1 NCAT consolation hearing update

I posted on another thread with details about the NCAT concilliation hearing. Just adding to that with the new angle that REA came to hearing today as following : When I said you (REA) did not provide me opportunity to do outgoing inspection with you. She said after handing over the keys you lose that option. I quoted fair trading. She said we sent you email when u gave us notice period that we will be attenind the property after 2-3 days of vacating. Its your job to ask for outgoing inspection together request. I moved out on Friday and she conducted the inspection on Monday. Claims that the tenants were moving next day in so she sent the cleaners to do the cleaning. I said than why on my request she allowed me to meet at the property on 2 hours notice and when I showed u agreed to giving me access to property the following day. She said u did not pick up the keys and instead went to property which was illegal. I said I did not get keys because the work was conducted from outside of property and I had your permission that I could pick up keys and attend property. To which she said its still illegal. She was super annoyed when I said I sent you photos and videos of the issue resolved. She gave me her own set of photos where the patio(deck) scratch area was negligble. The consolation person from NCAT did ask her that do you have proof when was the last time patio was polished and how old is the patio to which she said she doesnt.
Consolation NCAT person said what is your offer. I said to her I can offer agent 22 dollars if she insist on fixing the flysceeen autoclose system which is the cost of whole thing from bunning. The agent counter offered for me to pay 700 for the patio deck sanding and polishing to which i said no. The NCAT hearing date will be set after she provide me evidence and than I will have one week to responsd with my evidence. NCAT consolation person said that it involves costs ( for real estate agent the landlord paying for their salaries to attend the hearing) while for me its taking time off work and making arrangements and all. And the bond will be stuck for 2 3 months since there is backlog of hearing in penrith nsw CCD. I said no problem I will go ahead with the NCAT hearing
submitted by syzuhair1 to shitrentals [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 12:34 Nabeel-Pervaiz-Ahmed Mold Inspections: A Comprehensive Guide to a Healthy Home

Mold in your home isn't just an eyesore—it can be a health hazard and a structural concern. Whether you're dealing with a musty odor, unexplained allergies, or visible signs of mold, getting a mold inspection is the first step toward a safer, healthier living space. In this guide, we'll explore the ins and outs of Mold in your home isn't just an eyesore—it can be a health hazard and a structural concern. Whether you're dealing with a musty odor, unexplained allergies, or visible signs of mold, getting a mold inspection is the first step toward a safer, healthier living space. In this guide, we'll explore the ins and outs of mold inspections, why they're essential, how they're conducted, and what to do if you find mold in your home.mold inspections

Introduction to Mold Inspections

Mold inspections are assessments performed to detect the presence of mold in a building. They are usually carried out by professionals trained to identify mold inspection near me and its potential sources. However, there are also ways you can inspect for mold yourself. The goal is to identify mold early to prevent health risks and structural damage.

Why Mold Inspections Are Important

Mold isn't just unsightly—it can pose significant risks to both your health and the structure of your home. Here's why mold inspections are crucial:

Health Risks of Mold

Mold spores can trigger allergies, respiratory issues, and other health problems. If left unchecked, they can worsen asthma, cause skin irritations, and even lead to serious illnesses.

Structural Damage from Mold

Mold can weaken building materials like wood, drywall, and insulation. Over time, this can lead to costly repairs and even structural failure if the mold spreads extensively.

Common Signs of Mold in Your Home

Detecting mold early is key to preventing its spread. Here are some common signs that you might have a mold problem:
Visual Clues
Mold can appear as black, green, white, or even orange spots or patches. It often grows in damp areas, like bathrooms, basements, or around leaky pipes.
Odors and Smells
A musty or earthy odor is a strong indicator of mold. If you notice this smell, it's time to investigate further.
Health Symptoms
If you or your family experience unexplained allergies, respiratory issues, or frequent headaches, it could be a sign of mold exposure.

How to Conduct a Mold Inspection

You can perform a preliminary mold inspection yourself or hire a professional. Here's what you need to know:
DIY Methods
Start by checking areas prone to moisture, like bathrooms, basements, and kitchens. Look for visual signs of mold and use your nose to detect any unusual smells. You can also purchase mold test kits, but their accuracy varies.
Professional Mold Inspectors
Professionals use specialized equipment and techniques to identify mold and its sources. They can also test air quality to determine if mold spores are present.

What to Expect During a Professional Mold Inspection

If you decide to hire a professional, here's what typically happens during a mold inspection:
The Process
The inspector will conduct a thorough visual examination, focusing on areas with moisture or visible mold. They may also take samples for laboratory testing to identify the type of mold present.
Tools and Techniques Used
Professionals use thermal cameras, moisture meters, and air quality monitors to detect mold and its sources. These tools help them identify hidden mold and areas at risk of mold growth.

Understanding Mold Types

Knowing the type of mold in your home can help determine the appropriate course of action. Here are some common types of mold:
Black Mold
Black mold, or Stachybotrys, is one of the most toxic molds. It's often found in damp areas and can cause severe health problems.
Other Common Household Molds
Other types of mold include Aspergillus, Cladosporium, and Penicillium. While not as toxic as black mold, they can still cause health issues and damage to your home.

Preventing Mold in Your Home

Prevention is the best way to avoid the problems caused by mold. Here's how you can keep mold at bay:
Controlling Moisture
Mold thrives in moist environments. Fix leaks promptly, keep gutters clean, and use dehumidifiers in damp areas to reduce moisture levels.
Proper Ventilation
Ensure your home has adequate ventilation, especially in areas prone to moisture like bathrooms and kitchens. Exhaust fans and open windows can help keep air flowing.

Dealing with Mold if Found

If you find mold in your home, it's essential to act quickly to prevent its spread. Here's what you can do:
DIY Removal
Small patches of mold can often be removed with household cleaners and proper safety equipment. Always wear gloves and a mask, and ventilate the area while cleaning.

When to Call the Experts

For larger mold infestations or if the mold is in hard-to-reach places, it's best to call an Alhumd Inspections professional. They have the expertise and equipment to safely remove mold without spreading spores.

Cost of Mold Inspections and Remediation

The cost of mold inspections and remediation can vary depending on several factors. Here's what you need to know:
Factors Affecting Cost
The size of the affected area, the type of mold, and the severity of the infestation all impact the cost. Professional mold inspections typically range from $200 to $600, while remediation can cost anywhere from a few hundred to several thousand dollars.
Ways to Save Money
To save money, address moisture issues promptly, and consider DIY mold inspections before calling in professionals. Regular home maintenance can also help prevent costly mold problems.


Mold inspections are essential for maintaining a healthy home. By identifying mold early and taking the appropriate steps to remove it, you can prevent health risks and structural damage. Remember to control moisture, ensure proper ventilation, and conduct regular inspections to keep mold at bay.

Alhumd Inspections

Best Mold inspectors in the USA at an Affordable Price and offer 20$ in the first home inspection. Call us today (667) 686 -7281


How often should I conduct a mold inspection?
It's a good idea to inspect for mold at least once a year or after significant water damage, such as flooding or roof leaks.
Can I use bleach to clean mold?
While bleach can kill mold on non-porous surfaces, it's not always effective on porous materials like drywall. It's best to use mold-specific cleaning products or seek professional advice.
Is mold always visible?
No, mold can grow in hidden areas like behind walls or under flooring. That's why it's crucial to look for other signs like musty odors or unexplained health symptoms.
What should I do if I find black mold?
If you find black mold, it's best to call a professional for removal. Black mold can be toxic, and improper removal can spread spores.
Can mold grow in dry climates?
Yes, mold can grow in dry climates if there's enough moisture from leaks, condensation, or poor ventilation. Always address moisture issues promptly to prevent mold growth.
, why they're essential, how they're conducted, and what to do if you find mold in your home.

Introduction to Mold Inspections

Mold inspections are assessments performed to detect the presence of mold in a building. They are usually carried out by professionals trained to identify mold inspection near me and its potential sources. However, there are also ways you can inspect for mold yourself. The goal is to identify mold early to prevent health risks and structural damage.

Why Mold Inspections Are Important

Mold isn't just unsightly—it can pose significant risks to both your health and the structure of your home. Here's why mold inspections are crucial:

Health Risks of Mold

Mold spores can trigger allergies, respiratory issues, and other health problems. If left unchecked, they can worsen asthma, cause skin irritations, and even lead to serious illnesses.

Structural Damage from Mold

Mold can weaken building materials like wood, drywall, and insulation. Over time, this can lead to costly repairs and even structural failure if the mold spreads extensively.

Common Signs of Mold in Your Home

Detecting mold early is key to preventing its spread. Here are some common signs that you might have a mold problem:
Visual Clues
Mold can appear as black, green, white, or even orange spots or patches. It often grows in damp areas, like bathrooms, basements, or around leaky pipes.
Odors and Smells
A musty or earthy odor is a strong indicator of mold. If you notice this smell, it's time to investigate further.
Health Symptoms
If you or your family experience unexplained allergies, respiratory issues, or frequent headaches, it could be a sign of mold exposure.

How to Conduct a Mold Inspection

You can perform a preliminary mold inspection yourself or hire a professional. Here's what you need to know:
DIY Methods
Start by checking areas prone to moisture, like bathrooms, basements, and kitchens. Look for visual signs of mold and use your nose to detect any unusual smells. You can also purchase mold test kits, but their accuracy varies.
Professional Mold Inspectors
Professionals use specialized equipment and techniques to identify mold and its sources. They can also test air quality to determine if mold spores are present.

What to Expect During a Professional Mold Inspection

If you decide to hire a professional, here's what typically happens during a mold inspection:
The Process
The inspector will conduct a thorough visual examination, focusing on areas with moisture or visible mold. They may also take samples for laboratory testing to identify the type of mold present.
Tools and Techniques Used
Professionals use thermal cameras, moisture meters, and air quality monitors to detect mold and its sources. These tools help them identify hidden mold and areas at risk of mold growth.

Understanding Mold Types

Knowing the type of mold in your home can help determine the appropriate course of action. Here are some common types of mold:
Black Mold
Black mold, or Stachybotrys, is one of the most toxic molds. It's often found in damp areas and can cause severe health problems.
Other Common Household Molds
Other types of mold include Aspergillus, Cladosporium, and Penicillium. While not as toxic as black mold, they can still cause health issues and damage to your home.

Preventing Mold in Your Home

Prevention is the best way to avoid the problems caused by mold. Here's how you can keep mold at bay:
Controlling Moisture
Mold thrives in moist environments. Fix leaks promptly, keep gutters clean, and use dehumidifiers in damp areas to reduce moisture levels.
Proper Ventilation
Ensure your home has adequate ventilation, especially in areas prone to moisture like bathrooms and kitchens. Exhaust fans and open windows can help keep air flowing.

Dealing with Mold if Found

If you find mold in your home, it's essential to act quickly to prevent its spread. Here's what you can do:
DIY Removal
Small patches of mold can often be removed with household cleaners and proper safety equipment. Always wear gloves and a mask, and ventilate the area while cleaning.

When to Call the Experts

For larger mold infestations or if the mold is in hard-to-reach places, it's best to call an Alhumd Inspections professional. They have the expertise and equipment to safely remove mold without spreading spores.

Cost of Mold Inspections and Remediation

The cost of mold inspections and remediation can vary depending on several factors. Here's what you need to know:
Factors Affecting Cost
The size of the affected area, the type of mold, and the severity of the infestation all impact the cost. Professional mold inspections typically range from $200 to $600, while remediation can cost anywhere from a few hundred to several thousand dollars.
Ways to Save Money
To save money, address moisture issues promptly, and consider DIY mold inspections before calling in professionals. Regular home maintenance can also help prevent costly mold problems.


Mold inspections are essential for maintaining a healthy home. By identifying mold early and taking the appropriate steps to remove it, you can prevent health risks and structural damage. Remember to control moisture, ensure proper ventilation, and conduct regular inspections to keep mold at bay.

Alhumd Inspections

Best Mold inspectors in the USA at an Affordable Price and offer 20$ in the first home inspection. Call us today (667) 686 -7281


How often should I conduct a mold inspection?
It's a good idea to inspect for mold at least once a year or after significant water damage, such as flooding or roof leaks.
Can I use bleach to clean mold?
While bleach can kill mold on non-porous surfaces, it's not always effective on porous materials like drywall. It's best to use mold-specific cleaning products or seek professional advice.
Is mold always visible?
No, mold can grow in hidden areas like behind walls or under flooring. That's why it's crucial to look for other signs like musty odors or unexplained health symptoms.
What should I do if I find black mold?
If you find black mold, it's best to call a professional for removal. Black mold can be toxic, and improper removal can spread spores.
Can mold grow in dry climates?
Yes, mold can grow in dry climates if there's enough moisture from leaks, condensation, or poor ventilation. Always address moisture issues promptly to prevent mold growth.
submitted by Nabeel-Pervaiz-Ahmed to u/Nabeel-Pervaiz-Ahmed [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 11:18 Hungry_Claim_4150 Am I in the wrong?

To start off with I live in a house share of 3 individuals and a dog, we are previous childhood friends. One flatmate is extremely antisocial and I am trying to figure out if I have been gaslit.
To give some context I’ve been living with my flatmates partner against my will since September 2023. Both me and my other flatmate tried to make clear we were uncomfortable about this months ago. He is extremely messy and had previously punched other men whilst drunk on more than one occasion. We gave these as reasons for us not wanting to be left alone with him in the house. Instead he was given a house key and it took months for this to be readdressed, any discussions we had were forgotten and messages we would send were ignored. In April 2024 we have been told his housing situation was “tricky” and that the flatmate in question needed him here as he was her only support system. She did not give the option of him moving out but instead told us he might be moving out in May 2024. In those 6 months we have been forced to pay his food bill for weeks (we previously had a communal food supply and had to separate and label our food because she kept feeding him without any contribution ) We have had to clean up continually for them both (both of them are very messy and often left spaces needing to be cleaned before being used.) We are told that because food is now separate bringing this up as an example of her disrespect is unacceptable. I have brought up that it is still extra labor in having to clean more often, and spend more money for cleaning products and was told that isn’t true and that they contribute fairly ( Since discussions of us feeling extremely used he has occasionally replaced coffee and toilet paper, paid bills once as of April 2024, does the dishes and occasionally does the bins) we are the ones doing most of the cleaning and always have done so this is an unfair split of labour in my opinion (the dog is also hers so we are cleaning up after 2 adults and a dog)
Neither of them have attempted to communicate over anything, my flatmates partner turned up one day with his dad and moved his things, when I told my flatmate this was not cool they laughed in my face and made a dismissive joke. Neither of them communicated to us that he had been thrown out of his previous house and would be living here. We would just find him in the house when we were under the impression we were home alone.
I realise I could have spoken to him directly, but for some reason was convinced that it would be snakey towards my flatmate to confront him and ask him why he felt so comfortable to dump his labour onto myself and my other flatmate as a 28yr old grown man, so instead everybody in the house just avoided each other with a very passive aggressive environment, in which we all participated in silent treatment. At its peak myself and the flatmate in question would be shoulder barging each other, which is very toxic and sad.
So far the reason given for him not ever cleaning up after himself was that he did not think it would be appropriate and we created a passive aggressive environment. ( We were very angry in this period, I myself even snapped on occasions where I raised my voice at my flatmate saying cruel things which I am ashamed of. This was in response to me feeling as though I was being used as a personal maid)
To give some more context to my own shitty behaviour spaces in the house were regularly left to a point of being unusable, unless we did it ourselves. This involved a months long flea infestation that was so severe you could not be in the house without being jumped on, we repeatedly tried to address this until the point we just dealt with it ourselves. I have had my TV broken when my flatmate was partying with friends which took months to even be acknowledged and not be told that it was not the right time to ask about it. Myself and my other flatmate have had to buy a separate fridge as we literally could not get our food into the houses shared fridge because we were left little space and were still having to regularly clean out others mouldy food. The dog is extremely reactive, he has anxiety and is often only given 2 or 3 short walks a week and spends the majority of his time in one bedroom, so being in the house with him means constant barking and he has been quite destructive. For months she would leave her dog whilst out partying and ignored all messages trying to bring up this forced labour.
Around this time something in me just broke, I actively tried to be petty and use a tit for tat mentality in how I treated her. This involved a lack of care for her items, refusing to do any labour for her, separating every single little thing, giving each other silent treatment. My OCD had been badly triggered after living in a flea infested house, this caused me to go into overdrive with cleaning where I would snap at any little mess. This was too much from me and it was a little controlling, but the situation was then reframed as me being “controlling” and not allowing my flatmate to ever relax in their house, rather than ever returning to the original upset of forced labour.
(I am going to give an example of a game she enjoyed playing with me here to try and explain what I feel has been done to me. She used to come over and start playfully hitting me, she would then ignore me saying no or stop, then when I blew up she would say don’t talk to me like that and frame it as me being angry and shouting at her inappropriately. I have had to address this with her and she has not played this game with me again, but I’ve seen her do it to someone else since and laugh in their face whilst visibly upsetting them, so I know they still enjoy doing it to others. Though just a silly game, this comfortability with ignoring a no and their ability to genuinely convince herself she hasn’t been given a boundary is one that bleeds into real life. )
On one occasion during an argument regarding labour I shouted at her to ‘fuck off back to neglecting your dog’ and I’m sure there were other things I probably said in an attempt to hurt her as much as I was hurting. I take zero pride in this and am deeply ashamed that I lowered myself to that behaviour. She herself belittled me in front of shared friends telling me “you never do anything for me you only do things for others you do nothing for me” over and over until I left the room. We had a huge row where she came down mid shower (as the hot water goes if multiple taps are on) whilst I was doing her dishes as the kitchen was a complete shit hole. I then told her no I’m not going to stop because i need to use my kitchen, and she told me i was disgusting for banning her from showering I told her she was disgusting for leaving the house as she did (I’m not exactly sure my exact words) she then told me “‘theres no room talking to you when ur like this”. Neither of us were right in this but I am giving it as an example of how toxic it is in the house.
A few days following this I said that if she refuses to discuss anything when she is leaving the house unusable for others and her partner is freeloading that I would report her to the landlord (I am not working on logic at this time but because I have been in fight or flight for months) she then told me it was disgusting to threaten her with homelessness and that she would never do something like that to me. I did not mean it as an intimidation tactic or maybe I did I’m not sure, it’s hard to think logically after being ignored over months.
After the threat I made to contact the landlord we discussed all of this, some of which she acknowledged, we both made an effort to apologise. However she tried to diminish the labour her and her partner purposefully used us for, would not give specifics about him moving out, and refused to apologise for belittling telling me she did not remember and it is not something she would ever say so she doesn’t know what I expect her to do. They told me I was not paying extra or doing more labour with an additional person living here. They have since cleaned the garden of bags of shit and dirty underwear that were left out for months, and made small efforts to be cleaner. However most of the house labour still falls onto us. (Some more context they very recently were injured and no longer can clean right now. This I understand completely however I would be lying if I didn’t feel burdened and obligated to now have to do that labour, or to help them with basic tasks when I can barely look at them without feeling sick, also I am still doing labour for her partner).
We have tried to meet her on every level for a very long time, previously we have had discussions about asking her when she is free rather than just dropping things on her, using a house chat, using a cleaning chart. We have tried to compromise and she has ignored all of these after agreeing to them. When I have gone to ask if she is free I have had her snap ‘what now’ I have seen her roll her eyes to others regarding a cleaning chart she agreed to because others were tired of cleaning for her, ignored all messages in the house chat.
My property has been repeatedly damaged or not taken care of as has others. I’ve had to spend over £100 easily. I am so tired of being ignored, laughed at or given no response at all to continual lack of consideration for others and their boundaries. My reactivity does need to be worked on, yes. However theres only so far people can be pushed before they snap, and I’m terrified that I’m going to break again.
When I’ve discussed this with others who have lived with her to see if they noticed this pattern of behaviour they knew exactly what I was talking about, which worries me.
To sum up I do not feel safe in this house, my back is permanently against the wall as I am just waiting for the next boundary violation at this point. This has already happened in truth as we recently received a letter saying we were overdue for council tax which threatened court if not paid off, I paid off mine and I didn’t bother to ask my flatmate to send over the remaining owed money as I am fed up of having all communication ignored and did not want to wait for her to be bothered to send me the money. If there is something that needs her attention you often need to ask for it to be done over and over which again is labour in the first place. As far as I’m aware this bill is still overdue as I have been completely ignored regarding it.
I do not think she truly realises that she has deeply traumatised myself and my flatmate through giving us no autonomy over who lives in this house or leaving us to care for her dog. My OCD is still pretty bad and being in this house or around her makes my skin crawl. So I guess I am wondering if I have been gaslit? Taking my own toxic behaviour into account I do not know whether I can criticise her or if I am being hypocritical in labelling her as toxic. My memory is too foggy to remember a lot of what has actually happened, but I have this of strong feeling of disillusionment that will not leave. I am stuck in this house until October 2024, and I am trying to just get on with it, but I can’t stop obsessing over what has happened, sometimes it’s all I can think about. I feel too guilty or snakey to contact the landlord as she is a longtime friend and I am afraid she will badmouth me to others if I do so. She is my childhood friend and everything in me is telling me that this isn’t how a friend should treat you. I am desperate to be free of this situation but we have been friends since childhood and she is currently injured and also experiencing a bereavement so I feel obligated to just leave her be. Should I still be trying to meet her needs or do I need to be selfish and remove this person from my life?
submitted by Hungry_Claim_4150 to FriendshipAdvice [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 10:46 Adventurous-City-981 Battery Stocks 2024: Navigating the EV Revolution's Power Play

The electric vehicle (EV) revolution is accelerating, driven by the demand for cleaner transportation. Central to this shift is battery technology, making the battery industry a focal point for innovation and investment. Several key battery stocks stand out for investors in 2024:
  1. Albemarle Corporation (ALB): A leader in lithium mining and processing, vital for lithium-ion batteries. ALB's growth and partnerships with EV giants like Tesla make it a stable entry into the booming lithium market.
  2. Panasonic Corporation (PCRFY): Known for consumer electronics, Panasonic is a major player in EV battery production, especially through its collaboration with Tesla. Panasonic's innovation and reliability make it a strong contender for investors.
  3. QuantumScape Corporation (QS): Pioneering solid-state battery technology, QS offers faster charging, longer lifespans, and improved safety over traditional batteries. QS presents a high-risk, high-reward opportunity in battery innovation.
  4. Solid Power, Inc. (SLDP): Another key player in solid-state batteries, SLDP's partnerships with automakers like Ford and BMW validate its technology. SLDP offers a chance to invest in transformative battery tech.
  5. FREYR Battery ASA (FREY): Focused on lithium-ion battery storage for renewable energy, FREYR is well-positioned in the growing renewable energy market, providing efficient storage solutions.
Investing in the battery sector requires assessing technology stages, market dynamics, and diversification. Careful research and financial advice are crucial. With the potential for significant growth, the battery sector promises an electrifying future for investors.
submitted by Adventurous-City-981 to financialsignals [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 09:09 King2021721 ASUS launches the ROG Ally X PC handheld with a significantly upgraded battery and improved UI.

ASUS has released a YouTube video titled “The next ROG Ally is coming soon” in which it announces the launch of the new ROG Ally X gaming handheld, and confirms more details in an interview with The Verge.
The ROG Ally X isn't a next-generation upgrade to an existing product, but it directly addresses more key areas of gamer demand for ROG handhelds.
The ASUS ROG Ally X boasts a higher-end Ryzen Z1 Extreme APU than its predecessor, which is the chip of choice for 8-core handhelds, with 16 threads at up to 5.1 GHz, 12 RDNA 3 compute units, and 24 MB of cache.The APU's power can be adjusted between 9W and 30W, and with the ROG Ally X's upgraded cooling system. gamers can expect even better performance.
In terms of battery and storage, the ROG Ally X has seen major improvements. Battery capacity has been boosted by 30-40% and gaming time is twice as long as the previous generation. Storage supports NVMe M.2 2280 SSDs, so users can upgrade more easily. The Ally X also supports LPDDR5X-7500 standard memory, which will be more than the previous generation, although the exact capacity has not been announced. This means gamers can have more flexibility in allocating memory to the GPU without compromising CPU performance.
The size remains the same as the previous generation, with a 7-inch Full HD screen, 120Hz refresh rate and 500 nits maximum brightness.
In addition to the hardware upgrades, ASUS also announced the release of the Armory Crate SE 1.5 software update. The new version has a cleaner and more intuitive UI, with new useful features such as quick access to the game favorites list. Users can customize the main UI to rearrange blocks, decide which games to display, and share custom button mappings and game settings with other users.The Armoury Crate SE 1.5 update will also be rolled out to original ROG Ally owners in July.
The ROG Ally X will be available in black and starting prices will also be offered.The 2023 model of the ROG Ally will also remain on sale with a possible price cut.
ASUS is expected to officially launch the ROG Ally X on June 2, 2024 at Computex 2024.
submitted by King2021721 to u/King2021721 [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 08:49 Netsol98 Transforming Mathura: The Rise of Sewage Treatment Plant Manufacturing

Mathura, a city steeped in historical and religious significance, is undergoing a modern transformation that promises to enhance its environmental sustainability and public health. Known as the birthplace of Lord Krishna, Mathura is now making headlines for a different reason: its burgeoning sewage treatment plant (STP) manufacturing industry.

A New Chapter for Mathura

Historically, Mathura has been a city of pilgrimage and tourism, drawing millions of visitors annually to its sacred temples and ghats along the Yamuna River. However, this influx of people has also contributed to environmental challenges, particularly in terms of water pollution and waste management. The Yamuna River, which holds religious significance, has suffered from severe pollution due to untreated sewage discharge, industrial effluents, and solid waste.
Recognizing the urgent need to address these environmental concerns, both the government and private sectors have initiated various projects to improve the city’s waste management infrastructure. Central to these efforts is the development of sewage treatment plants, which play a crucial role in treating wastewater before it is released into natural water bodies.

Government Initiatives and Investments

The government has been a pivotal player in promoting the establishment of STPs in Mathura. Under the Namami Gange Programme, which aims to clean and rejuvenate the Ganga and its tributaries, significant investments have been made to install and upgrade sewage treatment facilities in the city. The Mathura-Vrindavan STP project, in particular, has garnered attention as a model for public-private partnership in environmental management.
This initiative, supported by the National Mission for Clean Ganga (NMCG), has led to the construction of advanced sewage treatment plants that incorporate modern technologies such as anaerobic digestion, activated sludge processes, and membrane bioreactors. These technologies ensure that the treated water meets stringent quality standards, reducing the environmental impact on the Yamuna River.

Rise of the Manufacturing Industry

The increased demand for sewage treatment plants has spurred the growth of a local manufacturing industry dedicated to producing these essential systems. Mathura is now home to several companies specializing in the design, production, and installation of STPs. This industrial growth has not only provided a boost to the local economy but has also positioned Mathura as a key player in India’s environmental technology sector.
Local manufacturers are focusing on innovation and efficiency, developing compact and cost-effective STP solutions that can be deployed in urban and rural areas alike. These companies are leveraging advancements in engineering and technology to create systems that are not only effective in treating wastewater but also energy-efficient and easy to maintain.

Economic and Social Benefits

The rise of STP manufacturing in Mathura has brought multiple benefits to the city. Economically, it has created jobs and business opportunities, contributing to the region’s development. Skilled workers, engineers, and technicians are now in demand, leading to improved livelihoods and economic stability for many families.
Socially, the establishment of effective sewage treatment infrastructure has had a positive impact on public health. By reducing the pollution levels in the Yamuna River, the risk of waterborne diseases has decreased, improving the overall quality of life for residents. Additionally, cleaner water bodies enhance the aesthetic and recreational value of the city, potentially attracting more tourists and boosting the local economy further.

Future Prospects

Looking ahead, Mathura’s transformation into a hub for STP manufacturing is expected to continue. With increasing awareness of environmental issues and government support for sustainable initiatives, the demand for sewage treatment solutions is likely to rise. Mathura’s manufacturers are well-positioned to meet this demand, driving further innovation and growth in the sector.
In conclusion, Mathura’s journey from a historic city grappling with environmental challenges to a modern hub of Sewage Treatment Plant Manufacturer in Mathura is a testament to the power of strategic investment and innovation. As the city continues to embrace sustainable practices, it not only preserves its rich cultural heritage but also paves the way for a cleaner, healthier future.
submitted by Netsol98 to u/Netsol98 [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 08:30 caltexlubricants TECHRON – DOES YOUR FUEL ADDITIVE HAS WHAT IT TAKES?

As your engine burns fuel, carbon builds up in the fuel injectors and inside the combustion chambers. When you shut your vehicle off, little droplets of fuel will evaporate where they rest, leaving behind minute traces of degraded fuel. This grunge develops over time and depletes your engine’s ability to run efficiently. Fuel system cleaners and specifically fuel injector cleaners removes this grunge and buildup out of your injectors and the fuel system of your engine, increasing your engine’s efficiency and restore lost performance.
So, if there is one question that is uppermost on the minds of automotive company owners or car owners, it is whether their car be it a test car or used car- are using the right fuel additive that ensures the optimum performance of the car even after running for over a considerable period.
This is where it has been proven that Techron concentrate plus can make a difference. Before delving into the benefits of using Techron concentrate plus, it is crucial to understand the problems that automotive company owners or car owners face.
While some of the common challenges that these car owners discuss are: poor acceleration; pinging of the car; cold start problems; reduced fuel economy, it is often ignorance that there are no products strong enough to make a difference, especially in cleaning the fuel injectors, combustion chambers, valves, etc. in the engine.
Then there is another myth that when you drive your car and can hear the engine making sounds, and can feel that the drive is not smooth enough, there is a tendency to first think of taking your car to a mechanic. Yet more often than not, the problem lies in inferior fuel and fuel without an effective detergent. This problem can be resolved by using a high-performing fuel system cleaner (comment: TCP has been used above & to be consistent, it should be fuel system cleaner).
The best thing about Techron Concentrate Plus is that it not only debunks these myths but also delivers more than it promises. This product is a great option when looking to clean your entire fuel system. Not only will it target the fuel injectors, but will also clean and restore carburetors, combustion chambers, and intake valves. The Techron Concentrate Plus formula won’t harm oxygen sensors or affect catalytic converters and is safe for all gasoline engines.
Techron Concentrate Plus maximizes your fuel economy by keeping your fuel system free of buildup and deposits. It restores older vehicle horse-power by cleaning the fuel system. Additionally, it conserves your key fuel system engine parts from deposit buildup and enhances cold starts and sustains stored fuel in the gas tank for up to one year. While it resolves engine knocking or pinging and reduces spark plug fouling, rough idling, engine hesitation and engine surge issues, it also lessens vehicle emissions.
It is crucial to remember that most modern engines are created with airtight engineering tolerances and designed to be at their best when they are clean and deposit-free. The fuel system is often overlooked during routine maintenance by most car owners and motorists. Stop using other fuel additives in the marketplace, stick to Techron Concentrate Plus formula to clean your entire fuel system regularly. Use with every 3,000 to 5,000 miles to improve fuel consumption for up to a year.

Tags:[Automotive Trends](),[Engine Oil](),[Fuel Economy](),[Passenger car oils](),[Engine Protection]()
This article was written by Chevron technologists in collaboration with industry experts and global thought leaders.
submitted by caltexlubricants to u/caltexlubricants [link] [comments]


The construction industry is the backbone of infrastructure development, playing a crucial role in the region. Every breakdown can result in delays and unexpected costs. Behind the scenes, the efficiency and longevity of heavy machinery and equipment are reliant on lubricants and diesel fuels. This is where Caltex Middle East’s construction lubricants and diesel fuels make a difference. They are formulated to help boost reliability across your fleet and equipment, thereby helping you keep your critical project timelines on track.

The Stand-Out Features of Caltex SolutionsCaltex Solutions are tailored to meet your construction needs. Reasons are numerous:
  • Achieving More Efficient Turnarounds is among our key objectives. When your equipment runs smoother and more reliably, your overall operation becomes more efficient. Caltex Middle East’s diesel fuels are clean and water-free while its lubricants are formulated to help you extend drain intervals in coordination with your turnaround schedule.
  • Caltex is always working to keeping your projects on track. You can now reduce costly delays caused by breakdowns using its premium diesel and lubricant products that are formulated to protect critical equipment components from extreme temperatures and harsh conditions.
  • Applying the best practices is of importance to Caltex Middle East. Their construction specialists can perform a reliability assessment to help improve your lubrication practices so you can maximize reliability, minimize costs and optimize performance.
Caltex Middle East’s Construction Product SolutionsCaltex Middle East’s Delo® products are designed for complete protection for construction equipment while delivering world-class protection, performance and maximum operational reliability in a wide range of operating conditions. Some of the notable Delo products include:
Delo® Gold Ultra SAE 15W-40:A multigrade, heavy-duty diesel engine oil that is specifically designed to lubricate a wide range of engines requiring API CI-4 or ACEA E7 performance lubricants. Formulated with ISOSYN® technology, Delo® Gold Ultra SAE 15W-40 reduces maintenance; prolongs engine life; preserves full power and performance and extends oil and filter service intervals.

Delo Fleetpro:
A heavy-duty diesel engine oil specifically formulated to meet API CH-4, Delo Fleet Pro works well for construction equipment. It offers wide temperature operation; and maintains oil drain, engine life and performance.
Delo® 400 MGX SAE 15W-40:This API CJ-4 heavy duty diesel engine oil is specifically formulated for on-highway and off-highway applications using either High Sulfur or Low Sulfur Diesel. It provides minimized operating costs; exceptional soot dispersancy and wear control; excellent emission control system life and managed inventory costs. To conclude, in the dynamic world of construction, where time is money and efficiency are key, the role of lubricants and diesel fuels cannot be overstated. As technology advances, the development of specialized lubricants and cleaner, more efficient diesel fuels continues to drive progress in the construction industry. Caltex understands and prioritizes the maintenance and proper use of these essential components, and through its suite of Delo solutions can ensure the reliability and longevity of their equipment, ultimately contributing to the success of their projects and the sustainable development of infrastructure.

Tags:[Diesel](),[Lubricants](),[Off Highway](),[Oil](),[Heavy Duty](),[Construction]()This article was written by Chevron technologists in collaboration with industry experts and global thought leaders.
submitted by caltexlubricants to u/caltexlubricants [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 08:14 NienNine Looking for an Interactive CLI Library

Hi all,
As the title says I am looking for an Interactive CLI Library. I have looked at at bullet and prompt-toolkit however they both appear to be missing the prompt style I am looking for. I am looking for a prompt that looks like this:
Select Choice 1) Do something 1 2) Do something 2 3) Do something 3 Enter selection: 
Specifically I am looking for a library which will allow the user to select an option using both the arrow keys and by using a numeric key press, though if I had to choose one over the other I would choose the numeric way. I have looked at bullet and prompt-toolkit and while they have the option to create the menus that respond to arrow input I have yet to find an example of a combo, or numeric key press one. I guess I could use their basic take any prompt, but then I would have to write all the input validation code and loops along with having to deal with formatting the choices. I have already written my own hacked together CLI for the app but I have reason to re-write it and was hoping to do it in a much cleaner manner using a library.
Edit: to be clear I am looking for a library which will allow me to do this, but also clear the terminal buffer after each attempt so it does not clutter the terminal:
def create_list_prompt(options): # Create text string for prompt prompt_string = "Choose a selection between ({}-{}):\n".format(1, len(options)) selection_dict = {} for index, option in enumerate(options): prompt_string += "{}) {}.\n".format(index + 1, option) selection_dict[index + 1] = option valid = False emergency_exit = ['e', 'x'] result = None while not valid: result = input(prompt_string) # Strip whitespace, turn to lowercase for easier checking result = result.strip().lower() if result.isnumeric(): # only allow numeric result = int(result) if len(options) >= result >= 1: # Verify input value is within allowable range valid = True elif result in emergency_exit: # User wants to abort, return none return None # If all else fails inform user of error and try again if not valid: print("\nInvalid selection, to exit out of this prompt type 'x'") return result, selection_dict[int(result)] 
Thanks in advance!
submitted by NienNine to learnpython [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 08:10 SolarSolutionCompany What Is The Power Output Of A Solar Panel

Solar panels are marvels of modern engineering, silently transforming sunlight into usable electricity. But what exactly is the power output of a solar panel? How much energy can you realistically expect from these sleek, sun-soaking rectangles?
This comprehensive guide will demystify solar panel power output, explaining the key concepts, influencing factors, and how it translates to meeting your energy demands.

Watts and Kilowatts: The Language of Solar Power

Like light bulbs, solar panels are rated in watts (W). This measurement indicates their maximum power production under ideal conditions, known as peak sun.

Standard Solar Panel Wattage

Modern residential solar panelstypically range from 250 to 450 watts per panel. This means a single panel could power several small appliances or a significant portion of a larger one. However, most homes need multiple panels to cover their entire energy needs.

Factors Affecting Solar Panel Output

The power output of a solar panel isn't static; it's influenced by several factors:

From Watts to Kilowatt-Hours: Your Solar Energy Production

The amount of electricity your solar panels generate over time is measured in kilowatt-hours (kWh). This is the unit you see on your electricity bill.
To estimate your annual production, consider:

  1. Your System Size: The total wattage of all your panels combined (e.g., a 6 kW system has 6,000 watts).
  2. Peak Sun Hours: The average daily hours of direct sunlight in your location.
  3. Panel Efficiency: This will vary based on the specific model.
A solar professional can provide a more accurate estimate tailored to your location and system.

Matching Output to Your Needs

The goal is to match your solar panel system's output to your home's energy consumption. Factors to consider include:


Read more: The Best Time to Install Solar Panels: A Strategic Guide for Savings and Sunshine


Understanding solar panel power output is key to making informed decisions about your renewable energy journey. With the right knowledge and guidance, you can harness the sun's power to significantly reduce or eliminate your reliance on the grid, save money, and contribute to a cleaner environment.
submitted by SolarSolutionCompany to u/SolarSolutionCompany [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 07:31 PyTsRs I made a QR code API as a service with the most advanced features with 5-50x better price than the others for you

Hi, I'm Liam - the creator of QR-API.com that just launched on PH: https://www.producthunt.com/posts/qr-api-com.
Looking at existing QR code API solutions, I see that either they are too expensive - subscription plan only give you a few thousands requests per month, or too simple - no advanced styling for QR code. So, I decided to enhance the experience of QR code API to the next level: most powerful features and keep building, with 5-50x better price, no monthly subscription - pay credits for what you need.
Currently, the bellow features are working: - API for static QR code - Log, track and export report for API requests - Upload and manage logos - Multiple API keys, set specific limit quota for each key - Save QR code config as preset (template), make endpoint cleaner And I plan to bring more features: - Bulk QR codes generate - More advanced templates: QR code embeded in vCard, WiFi sticker,... - QR code reader - Nocode platforms integration
This is my first public indie product (actually the first is a bitly clone, but I don't think I will public it), I hope you can try it and give me feedback with free 1000 quota. Love to hear from you all.
PS: I have some discount for you, too: PH50OFF (first 10 purchases) and PH30OFF (first 50 purchases).
submitted by PyTsRs to SideProject [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 06:57 allstarh2osystem Exploring the Environmental Impacts of Reverse Osmosis Systems: Unveiling the Hidden Costs

Exploring the Environmental Impacts of Reverse Osmosis Systems: Unveiling the Hidden Costs
Reverse osmosis (RO) systems have become increasingly popular for purifying water, promising clean and safe drinking water. However, behind the veil of purity lies a less discussed aspect - the environmental impacts of these systems. In this article, we delve into the hidden costs associated with reverse osmosis systems, shedding light on their environmental consequences.
Understanding Reverse Osmosis Systems
Before delving into the environmental impacts, let's first understand how reverse osmosis systems work. Allstar Water Systems specializes in RO systems designed to remove impurities and contaminants from water. Through a semi-permeable membrane, water is filtered, leaving behind pollutants, minerals, and salts, resulting in clean drinking water.
Visit us at https://allstarh2o.com/ or call us at (888) 777-3777.
Advantages of Reverse Osmosis Systems
Reverse osmosis systems offer several advantages, making them a popular choice for water purification:
  1. Removal of Contaminants: RO systems effectively remove a wide range of contaminants, including bacteria, viruses, heavy metals, and dissolved solids, ensuring safe and clean drinking water.
  2. Improved Taste and Odor: By removing impurities and chemicals that cause unpleasant taste and odor, reverse osmosis systems enhance the overall quality of drinking water, providing a refreshing taste.
  3. Compact and Space-Saving: RO systems are typically compact and can be installed under the sink or in confined spaces, making them suitable for residential and commercial applications where space is limited.
  4. Cost-Effective: While the initial investment may be higher compared to other water filtration methods, the long-term cost-effectiveness of RO systems lies in their low maintenance requirements and reduced need for bottled water.
  5. Customizable Filtration: Allstar Water Systems offers customizable RO systems tailored to meet specific water quality requirements, allowing customers to address unique purification needs effectively.
Disadvantages of Reverse Osmosis Systems
Despite their advantages, reverse osmosis systems also have some limitations and drawbacks:
  1. Wastewater Generation: As mentioned earlier, RO systems generate wastewater during the filtration process, resulting in water wastage. Allstar Water Systems acknowledges this issue and continues to explore solutions to minimize wastewater production.
  2. Removal of Beneficial Minerals: While RO systems effectively remove contaminants, they also strip water of beneficial minerals such as calcium and magnesium. Allstar Water Systems offers remineralization options to address this concern and restore essential minerals to purified water.
  3. Energy Consumption: The energy-intensive nature of reverse osmosis systems contributes to carbon emissions and environmental impact. Allstar Water Systems is committed to implementing energy-efficient technologies to reduce the environmental footprint of its RO systems.
  4. pH Imbalance: Purified water from RO systems tends to be slightly acidic due to the removal of alkaline minerals. Allstar Water Systems offers pH balancing solutions to ensure that purified water is safe and balanced for consumption.
The Environmental Toll of RO Systems
While reverse osmosis systems provide clean water, they come with a significant environmental cost. Allstar Water Systems, like many providers, utilizes energy-intensive processes to operate these systems. The high pressure required to force water through the membrane demands substantial energy consumption, contributing to carbon emissions and environmental degradation.
Energy Consumption and Carbon Footprint
Allstar Water Systems acknowledges the energy-intensive nature of reverse osmosis systems. The constant operation of pumps and motors consumes a considerable amount of electricity, adding to the carbon footprint. As consumers strive for cleaner water, they inadvertently contribute to greenhouse gas emissions, exacerbating climate change.
Waste Water Generation
Another often overlooked aspect is the generation of wastewater during the filtration process. For every gallon of purified water produced, Allstar Water Systems generates several gallons of wastewater containing concentrated contaminants and pollutants. Proper disposal of this wastewater poses environmental challenges, especially in regions with limited water resources.
Impact on Aquatic Ecosystems
The discharge of concentrated brine into water bodies poses a threat to aquatic ecosystems. Allstar Water Systems acknowledges the importance of mitigating this impact and implements strategies to minimize harm. However, the cumulative effect of widespread RO system usage can disrupt the balance of aquatic environments, affecting marine life and biodiversity.
Resource Depletion
In addition to energy consumption, reverse osmosis systems contribute to resource depletion. The production of membranes, essential components of RO systems, requires significant amounts of raw materials, including plastics and chemicals. Allstar Water Systems recognizes the need for sustainable practices and continually explores alternatives to mitigate resource depletion.
Addressing the Environmental Concerns
Despite the environmental challenges, Allstar Water Systems remains committed to providing clean water solutions while minimizing ecological impact. By investing in energy-efficient technologies and exploring sustainable alternatives, the company aims to reduce its carbon footprint and promote environmental stewardship.
Environmental Considerations in Reverse Osmosis Systems
While reverse osmosis systems offer undeniable benefits in water purification, it's crucial to examine their environmental implications comprehensively. Allstar Water Systems acknowledges the importance of balancing water quality with environmental sustainability and actively addresses key environmental considerations associated with RO systems:
  1. Energy Efficiency: Allstar Water Systems is committed to enhancing the energy efficiency of its reverse osmosis systems. By investing in energy-efficient pumps, motors, and membranes, the company aims to minimize electricity consumption and reduce its carbon footprint. Additionally, Allstar Water Systems explores renewable energy sources such as solar power to power its RO systems, further mitigating environmental impact.
  2. Waste Reduction: Recognizing the challenge of wastewater generation in RO systems, Allstar Water Systems implements strategies to reduce waste and maximize water recovery. Advanced water recovery systems and brine concentration technologies are utilized to minimize wastewater discharge and optimize resource utilization. By reducing waste generation, Allstar Water Systems minimizes its environmental footprint and promotes sustainable water management practices.
  3. Material Sustainability: Allstar Water Systems prioritizes material sustainability in the design and manufacturing of its reverse osmosis systems. The company sources environmentally friendly materials and components, minimizing environmental degradation throughout the product lifecycle. Additionally, Allstar Water Systems explores alternative materials and recycling initiatives to reduce resource consumption and minimize waste generation.
  4. Lifecycle Assessment: Allstar Water Systems conducts comprehensive lifecycle assessments of its reverse osmosis systems to evaluate their environmental impact holistically. By analyzing the environmental footprint of each stage, from manufacturing and operation to disposal, the company identifies opportunities for improvement and innovation. Continuous refinement of product design and manufacturing processes ensures that Allstar Water Systems delivers environmentally responsible water purification solutions.
  5. Environmental Stewardship: As a responsible corporate citizen, Allstar Water Systems is committed to environmental stewardship and conservation efforts. The company actively participates in community initiatives, environmental advocacy programs, and conservation projects to protect natural resources and promote environmental awareness. By engaging with stakeholders and fostering partnerships, Allstar Water Systems contributes to a sustainable future for generations to come.
Reverse osmosis systems offer a convenient solution for obtaining clean drinking water, but their environmental impacts cannot be ignored. Allstar Water Systems recognizes the importance of addressing these concerns and strives to balance water purification with environmental responsibility. As consumers, it's crucial to be aware of the hidden costs associated with RO systems and advocate for sustainable water management practices. For more information on Allstar Water Systems and our commitment to environmental sustainability, visit www.allstarh2o.com or contact us at (888) 777-3777.
submitted by allstarh2osystem to u/allstarh2osystem [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 05:50 darklord451616 Laptop, Camera Sling bag suggestions India

Hi folks, long time lurker here, I am looking for suggestions for a Sling bag, which has space to hold the following
  1. Macbook 14 inch
  2. APSC Mirrorless camera with 18 55 lens (Fuji XS10, XS20)
  3. Medium Size power brick with international adaptor
  4. Keys
  5. Wallet
  6. Sunglasses
  7. Small things such as TWS, lens cleaners etc
Does a bag like this exist, I would also like to say, I am from India, so not many brands are for sale here. Prefer neutral colors like Gray, Tan and black
submitted by darklord451616 to ManyBaggers [link] [comments]
