Anavar effects on creatine

Creatine Awareness

2013.05.11 23:32 monkfishbandana Creatine Awareness

/Creatine is a community of users and/or addicts of the dangerous substance, creatine. Addiction to creatine monohydrate (and its many other forms) is a serious issue within the bodybuilding community. Here, together, we can fight it.

2024.04.29 02:25 Legitimate_Tap_9852 How to tell how the bulk is going

How to tell how the bulk is going
Note this is me in the morning not flexing at all. Also, I am 18, and a beginner. I’m on my 2nd month of training.
Hey, I’m having a super hard time figuring out if I am gaining too much fat on a bulk. Essentially, photos from a month ago look the same (sadly, I am flexing in them so I can’t compare it to this one from this morning) but I feel like I have gained more body fat in my stomach, especially at night. At night my skin feels flabby and then I wake up it’s pretty tight again which doesn’t rly make sense to me. I have gained weight, however I did start creatine and before this I was eating a very low calorie diet (like 1200-1500 and I was losing a lot of weight now I’m at 2500). I’m making good progress in the gym, but I’m worried I’m overdoing it. Does anyone have any tips for keeping track of bodyfat besides pictures because they just don’t seem to be different whatsoever even as my weight increases. I am pretty anxious about my bodyfat and I don’t want to gain a shit ton so I want to go slow.
Also- 1 note- I do eat a lot of fiber (I just happen to enjoy a lot of foods that have a shit ton of it, so probably at least 30g a day). Would that make my stomach look worse at night or cause any effect to my skin?
submitted by Legitimate_Tap_9852 to GregDoucette [link] [comments]

2024.04.28 22:44 DeusVult771 Is trt safe ? Gym owner told us it is very safe

gym owner told us that testostorone is very safe if injected in moderation and would then have no side effects. now, Im not going to hop on roids or anything Im just wondering, im only 21. Does it cause hair loss? I see a lot of buff people at the gym (not massive like ronnie but like very big that u know they use steroids) and most of them are balding.
or is he just bs to try to sell us stuff? I know that tren and anavar are very very dangerous but for test I have no idea.
submitted by DeusVult771 to Testosterone [link] [comments]

2024.04.28 12:59 Individual-Green9570 The Complex Reality of Anabolic Steroids in Athletics

The pursuit of athletic excellence embodies dedication, perseverance, and the desire to push one's limits. Athletes of all levels engage in sports for the thrill of competition and the satisfaction of realizing their full potential. However, amidst this pursuit, a darker reality lurks - the temptation to win at any cost. This article explores the multifaceted world of anabolic steroids in athletics, shedding light on their uses, misconceptions, and the profound health risks they pose.
Understanding Anabolic Steroids:
Anabolic steroids, colloquially known as "roids," are potent prescription drugs categorized as controlled substances due to their potential for abuse. Often used in high doses to enhance athletic performance, these steroids are distinct from steroid medications like prednisone or hydrocortisone, which serve legitimate medical purposes such as treating asthma or inflammation. Anabolic steroids, derived from testosterone, stimulate muscle growth and body mass, mirroring the effects of the body's natural male hormone. However, it's crucial to recognize that while steroids may enhance physical attributes, they cannot improve an athlete's inherent skills or agility, which are influenced by various factors like genetics, age, and training regimen.
Legitimate Uses and Risks:
When administered properly under medical supervision, anabolic steroids have legitimate therapeutic uses in treating conditions such as blood disorders, arthritis, and certain cancers. However, their potential for severe side effects demands cautious prescription and close monitoring by healthcare professionals. Both federal and state laws mandate that anabolic steroids be prescribed only after a thorough examination by an authorized prescriber, highlighting the gravity of their potential risks.
The Culture of Abuse:
Despite stringent regulations and the condemnation of steroid use by reputable medical organizations and athletic associations, the abuse of anabolic steroids persists within certain circles of athletes. Fueled by the belief that steroids enhance competitiveness and performance, some individuals resort to these drugs to achieve lean muscle mass, aggression, and increased body weight. The practice of "stacking," combining multiple steroids or adding other substances like stimulants, underscores the dangerous misconception that greater strength or muscle size can be attained at any cost.
The Role of Supplements:
In the quest for physical enhancement, many athletes turn to over-the-counter dietary supplements as alternatives to steroids. While some supplements, like creatine, claim to build muscle and improve strength without the side effects of steroids, their safety and efficacy remain contentious. Manufacturers tout their benefits, yet these supplements are not subject to the same rigorous regulations as drugs and may pose risks, particularly when abused or combined with other substances.
The Harsh Reality:
The misuse of anabolic steroids carries profound health risks that extend far beyond the realm of athletic competition. From cardiovascular complications and liver damage to psychological effects and gastrointestinal issues, the toll of steroid abuse on the body can be devastating. While the full extent of these consequences remains uncertain, healthcare providers have observed a range of alarming problems associated with steroid misuse, underscoring the urgent need for education, awareness, and intervention.
The allure of anabolic steroids in athletics is undeniable, promising enhanced performance and physical prowess. However, beneath this facade lies a perilous path fraught with health risks, legal ramifications, and ethical dilemmas. As athletes, coaches, and healthcare professionals, it is imperative to confront the realities of steroid abuse, prioritizing the long-term well-being and integrity of athletes above short-term gains. Only through comprehensive education, vigilant oversight, and a commitment to ethical competition can we safeguard the spirit of sportsmanship and uphold the true essence of athletic excellence.
submitted by Individual-Green9570 to u/Individual-Green9570 [link] [comments]

2024.04.27 15:49 dymnom Is this too many supplements for a someone who is under 15?

I take these for athletic reasons and to maximize my height potential. I know I don't absolutely need these things but I believe it is best to start young. I've been taking these for about 2 months and only effect I've noticed is a bit of bloating but that's normal from what I heard. Should I lower or take away anything that might be negative for my health, keeping my age in mind?
D3 - 5000IU
K2 - 100MCG
Creatine - 5G
Fish oil - 1000mg (300mg omega3)
Zinc 15mg + Copper 2mg, taking both every other day
And lastly planning on taking 2000mg L-Arginine twice per day.
submitted by dymnom to Supplements [link] [comments]

2024.04.27 08:37 Illustrious_Row3651 10 Best Nootropics For Focus & Concentration in 2024

** This is an overview/preview from my article right here **

TLDR: Top 10 Nootropics for Focus & Concentration in 2024

As a biohacker passionate about nootropics, I've researched extensively to find the best compounds for optimizing focus and concentration.
Here are my top 10 picks backed by scientific evidence:
  1. Vyvamind: Powerful natural stimulant that enhances focus, clarity, and motivation without the crash or side effects of synthetic nootropics.
  2. Caffeine: The most widely consumed psychoactive substance, caffeine improves alertness, attention, and reaction time. Combine with L-theanine to smooth out jitters.
  3. Modafinil: Prescription drug that promotes wakefulness and concentration. Highly effective but requires a doctor's supervision.
  4. Adrafinil: Over-the-counter prodrug of modafinil that increases focus and reduces fatigue. Doesn't require a prescription but may be hard on the liver with prolonged use.
  5. Noopept: Potent synthetic nootropic that boosts focus, memory, and overall cognitive function at very low doses. Fast-acting and well-tolerated.
  6. Phenylpiracetam: Stimulant-like racetam that enhances focus, mental energy, and cold tolerance. Stronger than piracetam with a longer half-life.
  7. Piracetam: The original racetam nootropic that improves focus, memory, and verbal fluency. Subtle effects but very safe and well-researched.
  8. Choline: Essential nutrient that optimizes acetylcholine, the neurotransmitter of focus and memory. Take with racetams for synergistic effects.
  9. Acetyl L-Carnitine: Amino acid that shuttles fatty acids into mitochondria for energy production. Supports mental clarity, focus, and brain health.
  10. Creatine: Popular sports supplement that also benefits cognitive function, including focus, memory, and processing speed. Safe and well-tolerated.
    ** This is an overview/preview from my article right here **
submitted by Illustrious_Row3651 to EffectiveNootropics [link] [comments]

2024.04.27 01:01 unstable_cat1803 hot take - people are exaggerating about creatine

i’ll preface this by saving i do take creatine. i’m aware of the numerous studies showing its benefits. however, i’ve seen so many people exaggerating it on tiktok. many people exaggerating it’s benefits acting like their muscles have doubled in size purely due to creatine. and on the other hand there’s people in the comments who are so scared of it acting like it’s some sort of steroid or some other performance enhancement drug talking about all these made up side effects. i know people chatting shit on the internet and exaggerating is nothing new but setting unrealistic expectations for gym progress is a real pet peeve of mine. influencers trying to sell creatine acting like their 5 years of gym progress is purely down to creatine is so annoying and the people believing it too. there’s just so much information in the fitness space
sorry rant over
submitted by unstable_cat1803 to beginnerfitness [link] [comments]

2024.04.26 23:00 mimegallow Can someone smarter than me tell me if these BCAA sups are compatible?

Can someone smarter than me tell me if these BCAA sups are compatible?
Hi all. These 3 are in my post gym shake… Just not sure if I take too many of these if I’m harming rather than helping. 1) My protein powder (which I generally choose on the basis of a large BCAA list). 2) Amino jar A. 3) Amino jar B
All input welcomed. 🙏 Thank you for always teaching me.
submitted by mimegallow to veganfitness [link] [comments]

2024.04.26 22:47 cahilfilozof07 can psoriasis use creatin to gain?

hello guys, i am 17 years old. i have psoriasis on my all skin for 10 years. i also do calisthenics and interested in sports. i think i need to gain more strength. did anyone have skin disorder use creatin, bcaa, supplements etc? Have you experienced any side effects?
submitted by cahilfilozof07 to CalisthenicsCulture [link] [comments]

2024.04.26 19:16 WittyEvaluator Creatine Side Hustle: Good Gains or Pain Trains? 🚂💪

Hey, fitness fam! 👋 Jumping on here to stir up a little chat about our dear old friend: creatine. Anyone here felt a bit off after scooping into this muscle magic? Let's dish out some real talk! 🗣️👂

What's the scoop on creatine?

Creatine is like the gym's open secret, right? Boosts energy, helps with those gains... but sometimes, it feels like it’s punching back. 😤 Anyone else feeling a bit of a backlash from this powerhouse?

My Experiences: Not Always Smooth Sailing

What’s Up with the Side Effects?

From what I’ve gathered, while creatine can turn you into a beast mode champ, it’s not all flex and no fret. These side effects? Pretty common, but usually not a deal-breaker.

Your Two Cents: Yay or Nay?

Let’s Chat: Creatine - Keep or Kick?

Drop your stories, tips, or even your rants below. Let's see if creatine is the gym buddy we deserve, or if it’s time to ghost it. 👻💪
P.S.: If you’ve got a friend who’s thinking about the creatine leap, tag 'em here! Maybe we can save a soul... or pump up a new one! 😏
TL;DR: Creatine can be awesome for gains, but sometimes, it’s a pain. Got any tips or tales? Share below! 👇
submitted by WittyEvaluator to RedditRealTalk [link] [comments]

2024.04.26 08:47 healthmedicinet Health Daily News April 25 2024

DAY: APRIL 25 2024

submitted by healthmedicinet to u/healthmedicinet [link] [comments]

2024.04.26 03:39 Hot-Cockroach-345 Quick question

Not creatine related, but rather pre workout. Is there a cheap and effective pre workout on the market? I don’t know how I feel about paying 35-45 bucks for 30 servings.
submitted by Hot-Cockroach-345 to Creatine [link] [comments]

2024.04.25 11:49 dannepro Creatine side effects

So I have tried taking creatine on and off for like 10 years but every time I try I get side effects almost immediately which I didn’t think was because of the creatine at first but I have tested several times now and it is 100% the creatine. It is the only supplement I take. When I don’t take it I feel normal.
I take 5g per day. I have tested Creatine monohydrate, Creapure, micronized creatine, creatine HCL. I get side effects from all of them.
The positive effects: + More buff because of the water retention + More social and cognitive benefits (I still get brain fog 2 - 3 times every day though)
The weird thing is that the brain fog usually happens after a meal which makes me think creatine is doing something to my blood glucose? I eat the same stuff every day and the same amounts of each meal. I track all my calories. When I don’t take creatine I don’t get brain fog after a meal.
I have also been thinking it could be that creatine is worsening an electrolyte imbalance but I’m not so sure because in Cronometer I get 100%+ RDI of all vitamins and minerals. Magnesium I get 500 - 600 mg for example.
People will say “just stop taking it then”. Well yes but I want to understand why this happens and I really like the cognitive benefits and the “fullness” it makes to the muscles.
Anyone else this happens with?
submitted by dannepro to Biohackers [link] [comments]

2024.04.25 09:54 Sorin61 Creatine supplementation research fails to support the theoretical basis for an effect on cognition

submitted by Sorin61 to ScientificNutrition [link] [comments]

2024.04.25 04:09 Zealousideal_Fun472 Has been over a year with little relief losing hope I’ll ever be better or lead a normal life.

I’m male 21 and a student athlete in school so I exercise often. About 5’8” 165lbs I have been feeling like this for the past year it’s different from the anxiety I experience 3 years ago I just want to feel better my quality of life is horrible I want to get back to being the best version of myself. My relationship with friends family and my self are suffering. Any recommendations or help would be appreciated.
Current symptoms -feeling out of it all the time -INTENSE headache/ head pressure ALL TIME 24/7 -poor memory difficulty concentrating, focus, can’t think straight difficulty having conversation -fatigue -sluggish -tingling in hands -can feel like blood pumping in body especially when trying to sleep -Nausea -hard to fall asleep and hard to get up -Never feel relaxed -throwing up -cough
Still mange to do daily needs go to class and exercise and go to practice and do hw Started 6 months ago gotten to the point I’m at now and has gotten progressively worse been to ER twice
abnormal blood work. So I have a Nucleated RBC of 0.1 listed as abnormal, A high EOS absolute of 1.1, a low MPV, TSH gotten High as 8, High cholesterol
Been on Ssri lexapro for just over 3 years upped dose from 5 to 10 mg 6 months ago with little effect now back on 5mg Started Levothyroxine 25mcg beginning of February this year for hypothyroidism now up to 50mcg MRI and CT was clear
Currently take -lexapro 5mg -levothyroxine 50mg -creatine 5mg -magnesium 400mg (to sleep) -fish oil -men’s multivitamin 1 a day
Bad habits -zyn -drink at social occasions at most 1-2times a week
submitted by Zealousideal_Fun472 to AskDocs [link] [comments]

2024.04.25 01:15 tyler_s921 Creatine

At the beginning of the year, I started working out again, as I'm 24 and haven't worked out consistently since high school. I've always been kind of self-conscious of how skinny I am, so I'm trying to bulk up, along with just becoming stronger and maintaining my athletic abilities. I'm currently using a mass gainer to help me reach my daily calorie intake. After doing some research, I've decided I want ti start taking creatine. I'm not well versed in this area, so I have a couple questions, if anyone can help me out:
  1. Is it unhealthy to be taking a mass gainer and creatine at the same time? Will I see any adverse effects?
  2. I workout in the morning before work, 3 days a week. Should I be taking creatine every day, or just in gym days?
  3. Should I be taking creatine in cycles? I was thinking I'd do 6 weeks on, 2 weeks off, so I am on a 2 month cycle. Or should I stick with it until I want to stop taking it?
  4. How much is healthy to take per day? For reference, I'm 5' 7" and 135 lbs. The product I'm looking at getting has 5 grams per serving (one scoop). Is this too much for me?
I really appreciate the time anyone takes to answer these questions, even if you only have the knowledge to answer just one.
submitted by tyler_s921 to Supplements [link] [comments]

2024.04.24 23:24 adrianapaola333 Acne recommendations

So my journey with acne started when I got an IUD, prior to that I didn’t get much acne even during my teens years (21 years old now) I would get some cystic acne but nothing too bad. After the IUD I would get huge cystic acne so I was put on a round of antibiotics (skin was great during that time) then once I got off it I was put on a sulfur facial wash, clyindimicin w/ benzoyl peroxide, and adapalene w/ benzoyl peroxide. It worked but was drying. So my doctor switched my face wash to an over the counter cerave face wash (the green one) and switched out the adapalene w/ the benzoyl peroxide for tretinoin. At this point skin wasn’t as clear and started going down hill. So I started spiro. My white head acne and clogged pores were the worst they ever were with spiro so i stopped after two months, i know for full benefit you should wait a while but I couldn’t take the small clustered acne that I would get with the spiro. Not only that but I also have wanted to try taking creatine and spiro with creatine isn’t recommended. I will say on the spiro I would get cystic acne but not nearly as deep. Now I’m at the point where I’m using clyindimicin and adapalene with the normal face wash and I will use the micro exfoliating foam from dermalogica. I have seen crazy improvement with the acne cluster white heads I would get with the spiro but low key getting a few cystic pimples. My scars are way better with this routine but I really want clear skin again….
I don’t know what else to try or to do. Acne has been such a huge struggle for me. I have pretty much tried everything except accutane bc I’ve heard of miscarriages being a side effect among other things. No I am not expecting to have a baby any time soon but still am not sure about the accutane. If you have or are on accutane I’d love to know your thoughts and any other important information related to accutane. If there are any recommendations even if you can just relate leave me a comment. I am open to trying whatever may work.
submitted by adrianapaola333 to acne [link] [comments]

2024.04.24 19:50 PsycheSpacePonderer Natty or nah?

Natty or nah?
Okay so this is a question for my gym rat dudes. I’ve been on T for two weeks (fkn finally) and been back in the gym for about 6 months. Been trying to get as much gains as possible with just high protein diet and creatine. It’s too soon to have any effects for T yet but am I still going to be considered natty in a few months when I start reaping the benefits? 😂 this might be a stupid question but its been in my head for a hot minute and who better to ask than you guys?
submitted by PsycheSpacePonderer to FTMOver30 [link] [comments]

2024.04.24 07:02 MurdaTrades 3 Weeks on RINVOQ

Whats up everyone. After 3 weeks I think its safe to say I got my life back.

Heres a little back story: I am now 21
I was diagnosed in 2021 at the age of 18 after taking the infamous "shot" not gonna say exactly what it was but you can tell what I am talking about. Mesalamine did the trick first 2 days I took it and I was in remission. I got 1 flare afterwards lost like 15lbs but a short course of prednisone did the trick and I was back and mesalamine did its thing.
In 2022 I was in the best shape of my life I was about 160 7% body fat and was built like a 180 pounder. I was getting told to even compete it was nuts. I caught a bad cold and very sick then my mesalamine failed me and I went into this insane flare-up and got hospitalized for the first time due to my UC. Lost 35lb in a week and a half and hopped back on prednisone after thinking I would never hop back on it. I since then would slowly taper down from 60mg to 15mg and would start running into issues again. This happened over and over. I was literally bed ridden.
I hopped on Zeposia but didn't know if it was working or not due to me being on 40mg of prednisone so I had to taper off again and I committed fully down to 0 this time. Boom another insane flare-up that I could have stopped earlier, but my mom tried to convince me it was "withdrawals from the steroids" I knew it wasn't but I tried to hold out to see if it would kick and it never did. I then hopped back on prednisone and was on 40mgs for ab another 5 months.
At this point, I have been on prednisone for basically a year straight at a high dose. My face became a literal sphere. Not to sound full of myself at all, but I went from having the sharpest jawline and a face structure carved out of stone to this puffy stung by a bee chipmunk look. I couldn't take any videos of myself let alone look in the mirror.
I saw a specialist in NY and paid top dollar just to get an opinion from him and he said right away to try biologics and I looked at him and said I do not have any more time to "test and see if this fails and then test again" that process to get approved is insane and could be another year to see if something works I didn't want to do it. He looked at me and said if I could get my hands on RINVOQ then that's what he recommends to everyone and he has had a lot of success with his patients who took it. So I worked some magic and I got through the system and made it happen without failing a biologic because my insurance requires me to "fail" a biologic first before I can try Rinvoq its absolutely stupid how they won't let you take the best option first instead they went you to be a test dummy. Anyway, I got my hands on the Rinvoq and came off the steroids the week I started. For the first time in forever, I am off prednisone and Do not have any side effects.
Its been almost 3 weeks now and I feel great. No stomach pain nothing, stools are completely normal. The only side effect I have been having is this crazy fatigue/energy dump throughout the day, but I assume that will go away as I get off this loading dose next month. I am worried about the acne but so far I have not ran into any issues with that and hopefully will not because my skin just cleared up from the prednisone and I never had acne in my life.
I am still trying to get rid of this moon face that prednisone gave me its very annoying usually it would be gone already, but after being on roids for a year I guess it would take longer. I've seen some people mention weight gain on Rinvoq so I have been just eating a meal a day and drinking a gallon of water with my creatine and hitting the gym like a mad man, I am almost pushing weight like I used to again :). Still need to get my physique back
I would recommend giving Rinvoq a try if you are stuck and don't know what to do. It's given me my life back so far and hopefully it stays like this. For anyone who is on it and is a gym freak like me how is your physique while on rinvoq? Ive heard people get this stomach fat from weight gain, but the way im doing things rn im in a huge caloric deficit. Let me know how things are for you and your experiences. Apologies for the long post appreciate you if you made it to the end.
Also did your moon faces go away after hopping on rinvoq?
submitted by MurdaTrades to UlcerativeColitis [link] [comments]

2024.04.23 22:20 RealisticBat616 will HMB or Creatine have any effects (Good or Bad) on a Diabetic?

My little brother is trying to put on mass but as a type one diabetic has a hard time retaining muscle due to the fact that is body is constantly going into catabolic stats when high or low. So will HMB or Creatine have any effects that will differ from a normal persons?
submitted by RealisticBat616 to Supplements [link] [comments]

2024.04.23 19:38 Material_Constant_15 Personal Experience with Nutricost Creatine Monohydrate Powder

Personal Experience with Nutricost Creatine Monohydrate Powder
I've been on the lookout for effective supplements to enhance my exercise routine, and I recently gave Nutricost's Creatine Monohydrate Powder a try. I must say, I'm quite impressed with what it brings to the table. Here’s why it could be a great addition to your workout arsenal.
The product shines with its purity—no additives or fillers here, which is essential for those who are particular about their supplement intake. The powder mixes smoothly too, avoiding the unwelcome gritty texture that can come with other supplements.
I chose the unflavored version and appreciated its versatility. It’s nearly tasteless, effortlessly mixing into my shakes without changing their flavor. For those who prefer flavored options, Nutricost also provides choices like Blue Raspberry and Watermelon.
Performance-wise, I observed significant enhancements in the intensity of my workouts and my recovery periods. Known for boosting muscle strength and energy, this creatine powder lives up to its reputation. My workouts feel more effective, and my muscles recover quicker than before.
Additionally, the economic aspect is hard to overlook. With 200 servings in one bottle, the value is fantastic. The commitment to being non-GMO, gluten-free, and manufactured in a GMP-compliant facility further assures its quality and safety.
In summary, Nutricost's Creatine Monohydrate Powder delivers on its promises—efficient, simple, and reliable. If you’re considering creatine for the first time or thinking about switching brands, this product is certainly worth a try. It’s quickly become a key part of my fitness routine, supporting me to push further and recover swiftly while maintaining my health standards.
submitted by Material_Constant_15 to u/Material_Constant_15 [link] [comments]

2024.04.23 18:09 omifloof007 Creatine and brain fog: how long does it take?

Having read lots of positive comments about creatine on this sub, I've decided to take it to help with brain fog and strength training. I'm not doing the loading period as I'd read that people felt bloated on it. (Should I reconsider?)
If you've used creatine for brain fog, how long did it take before you noticed an effect? Did you brain fog disappear completely? Any other effects, positive or negative, I should look out for? Thanks so much!
submitted by omifloof007 to Menopause [link] [comments]

2024.04.23 15:07 ingredientsonline Unveiling the Power of L-Lysine Mono HCl Powder in Sports Nutrition

Athletes and fitness enthusiasts are always on the lookout for ways to improve their performance, recover faster, and maintain their overall well-being. In the world of sports nutrition, there are countless supplements to choose from, but one hidden gem that often goes unnoticed is L-Lysine Mono HCl Powder. While it may not be as popular as protein powders or creatine, L-Lysine offers a wide range of benefits that can have a profound impact on athletic performance and recovery.
Here are some of the benefits of L-Lysine Mono HCI Powder:
In conclusion, L-Lysine Mono HCl Powder is a powerful asset in sports nutrition that offers benefits beyond being just an amino acid. It can help with muscle recovery, immune system support, joint health, and overall performance. Whether you're a professional athlete or a fitness enthusiast, adding L-Lysine to your supplement routine could help you achieve your athletic goals. Explore the potential of L-Lysine and elevate your fitness journey.

#LLysineMonoHCIPowder #OrganicIngredients #IngredientsOnline
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