243400 short bock

Generational Punter

2024.05.12 19:29 Lukas0525 Generational Punter

Generational Punter submitted by Lukas0525 to Madden [link] [comments]

2024.05.08 00:33 shakraaan Betriebliche Altersvorsorge loswerden

Moin zusammen, Ich wurde zum 31.5. von meinem AG gekündigt (keine Angst, habe mir eine solide Abfindung zahlen lassen, damit sie mich loswerden) und hatte dort seit Ende 2015 eine bAV von der Debeka laufen, zu der der AG 40€ zugeschossen hat. (Und nur diese Option angeboten hat) Long Story Short, ich hab genug Finanztipp in den letzten 2 Jahren geschaut um mittlerweile voll auf den heiligen Gral zu setzen und habe jetzt natürlich gar keinen Bock, diese Geldverliermaschine privat voll zahlend weiterlaufen zu lassen (was mir eben eingetrudelte Dokumente der Debeka so schön nahelegen) oder mein bereits eingezahltes Geld die nächsten 30 Jahre bis zum Renteneintritt vor sich hin gammeln zu lassen, selbst wenn ich erstmal Verlust beim Verkauf machen sollte.
Daher würd ich diese gerne loswerden und voll in ETFs geben. Jetzt hab ich ein paar Fragen, bei denen ihr mir vielleicht weiterhelfen könnt: Option 1: Kündigung & Rückkauf: Sehe ich als die klassische Option, allerdings blicke ich bei den Rückkauftabellen in meinem letzten Dokument 0 durch da das grandios schlecht erklärt ist wann ich was bekomme, es sollten aber nach Abzügen ca. 15.000€ sein. Dazu aber noch die Frage, da das nirgendwo erwähnt wird, eine Kündigung ist grundsätzlich ohne Probleme möglich, richtig? Und wenn ja, was kann ich ca. erwarten als Steuerlast auf die roundabout 15k?
Option 2: Verkaufen: Die Option hab ich jetzt auch mehrfach gesehen, könnt ihr mir da mitgeben, rentiert sich das grundsätzlich? Was wäre der Vorteil zum Rückkauf und auf was muss ich achten?
Und zum Verlauf, da die Kündigung ja etwas dauern wird jetzt erstmal ohne Enddatum pausieren, und anschließend kündigen, richtig?
Weitere Optionen wären natürlich stillegen und bei neuem AG wieder weitermachen oder komplett stilllegen. Beides keine Favoriten von mir, wie erwähnt, es sei denn jemand macht mir hier klar, dass das die beste Option ist. Denn bei einem neuen AG, bietet der einen Zuschuss an, würde ich mich definitiv für ein ETF Modell entscheiden, oder, wenn möglich, meine ebenso noch aus vorigem Arbeitsverhältnis laufende BU einbringen, und sagen wir so, selbst wenn Steuer und Verkaufsverlust einiges fressen, ich bin mir recht sicher, mit dem Geld mehr Anfangen zu können als eine Rente kn 30 Jahren in Höhe von 71€ 😅
Sonst bin ich auch sehr happy über jegliche Tipps oder Erfahrungen mit dem Thema, da mir das ganze Thema doch sehr kompliziert vorkommt.
Vielen Dank euch schonmal!
submitted by shakraaan to Finanzen [link] [comments]

2024.05.02 11:21 butter-lee (일기) 며칠전 지하철에서...

(일기) 며칠전 지하철에서...
며칠전 지하철 에서
어떤 여자가 탑승을 했는데
옷을 너무 이쁘게 잘 입었더라고~
전체적인 느낌은 루즈한 핏으로 남자옷을 입은듯한
적절한 오버룩 이 였으며 , 마무리 로 검정색 더비 슈즈
를 신었는데 진짜.. 머릿속에서 그 여자가 입은 전체적인 코디가
며칠동안 계~속 너무 ... 미친듯이... 잔상에 남는거야...

그래서 진짜 어디갈때 마다 서치 서치 서치 서치...
밥먹다가도 서치서치서치 ...
퇴근길에도 서치서치서치...
자다가 벌떡일어나서 서치 서치 서치....

연두색 반바지 서치서치서치...
초록색 오버반바지 서치서치서치 ...
여자 브랜드 서치서치서치...
완두콩 반바지 서치서치서치...

그렇게 며칠을 미친듯이 검색을 하다보니까...
딱...이거더 라고 ㅎㅎㅎ 그냥 이대로 입은듯했어
니트는 긴팔이였는데... 그건 죽어도 못찾겠더라구
디스트로이드 긴팔 회색니트였는데...


이 브랜드 ? 생소한데...
그냥 만들어 버릴까봐...
니트 조끼도 있던데 너무 이쁘더라...


submitted by butter-lee to MensShoesReps [link] [comments]

2024.05.01 22:07 ghostgabe81 Respect Baragon (Toho's Godzilla Franchise, Composite)

Baragon is a kaiju appearing in the greater Godzilla Franchise. Although debuting as a villainous monster in an unrelated movie, he was soon absorbed into the Godzilla series and has made sporatic appearances (mostly in spin-off and tie in media) ever since. Despite his lack of presence, his unique burrowing ability, agility, and very cute design have made him and fan favorite to many.
This Thread was a collab with u/Ultim8_Lifeform. Thank you so much.

Showa Baragon

Baragon was a subterranean monster that would come to the surface at night to feed on livestock and people. Due to low visibility, these deaths were blamed on Frankenstein. He was later drawn to an attempt to capture Frankenstein, leading to a fight between the two monsters. Baragon lost that fight, but later appeared in Monsterland in 1999.
Flame Breath

GMK Baragon

Baragon is one of Japan's Guardian monsters. He awakened in 2001 in response to the resurrection of Godzilla, and moved to defend the land. He was the first to encounter Godzilla, a fight which he lost badly. However his spirit helped to delay Godzilla's final assault, granted the JSDF pivotal time to defeat him.
Source- Movie, Godzilla, Mothra and King Ghidorah: Giant Monsters All-Out Attack

Get Going! Godzilland

Baragon is one of Godzilla's friends living on Monster Island
Source: Get Going! Godzilland OVA 2

Godzilla Island

Baragon is one of the monsters living on Godzilla Island. He helps Godzilla and the G-Guard defend the planet against aliens and other hostile monsters
Source: Television


Baragon is one of the monsters living on Godzi Godzi Island, a friend of the Three Godzilla Brothers
Sources: Television

Pipeworks Godzilla Games

Baragon is an Earth Defender monster with a special connection to the surface of the Earth. He first began helping defend the planet in the second Vortaak invasion, and participated in the battle against their third invasion and Spacegodzilla's Crystal Incursion.
Sources: Video Games

Marc Cerasini Novels

Baragon is an unknown species of dinosaur hibernating underground in Montana. It was mutated by uranium deposits in a coal mine near its resting place, and was awakened in 2004 when the mine was flooded in an attempt to sabotage it. Baragon began eating herds of cattle and attacked a local town, but was driven off (though not defeated) by a Blackfoot medicine man. He was finally confronted by the newly built Mechagodzilla, and sealed back underground.
Source- Novel, Godzilla vs the Robot Monsters

Who's Afraid of Godzilla?

Baragon is a kaiju living on Monster Island. Although initially afraid of Godzilla, he soon warms up to him after Godzilla saves the island from Gigan and Megalon.
Source- Picture book, Who's Afraid of Godzilla?

Rulers of Earth

Baragon is a "Fire" monster native to Earth. He attacked Paris, but was quickly apprehended by Mechagodzilla and taken to the Monster Islands. He was captured during the Trilopod assault on the Islands, but was freed by King Caesar and participated in the final battle against the Cyrog and Trilopods.
Source- Comic, Godzilla: Rulers of Earth (Issue number provided for each feat)

Rage Across Time

Baragon was one of the kaiju battling for dominance during the Mesozoic era. He was seemingly killed by the meteor shower caused by Kaiser Ghidorah that killed the rest of the dinosaurs.
Source- Comic, Godzilla: Rage Across Time #5
Flame Breath
submitted by ghostgabe81 to respectthreads [link] [comments]

2024.04.29 11:59 Menxr Yassin und Mädness bringen ein 11-Track-Kollaboalbum raus

Yassin und Mädness bringen ein 11-Track-Kollaboalbum raus submitted by Menxr to GermanRap [link] [comments]

2024.04.26 19:03 FIGJAM17 Katie McCabe TOTS SBC

submitted by FIGJAM17 to EASportsFC [link] [comments]

2024.04.26 00:14 mildandwild420 Got this 2016 Macbook Pro from a family member. I am pretty sure this is a screen hardware issue, is that correct?

Got this 2016 Macbook Pro from a family member. I am pretty sure this is a screen hardware issue, is that correct?
I’m confident in my ability to replace the screen, just wanted to make sure before I ordered a replacement.
submitted by mildandwild420 to mac [link] [comments]

2024.04.22 06:25 NitroFish44 [WTS] [US] Modern and Vintage, both Fountain and Machined pens! Wahl-Eversharp, Sailor, GVFC, Ensso, Sheaffer, Levenger, Umburry, Franklin-Christoph, Machine Era, Selmy

Hey there everybody! This is a continuation of my last sale with a few additional pens added in, including a couple of my beloved Wahls! As always, these pens write fantastically but simply aren’t used enough to justify holding on to. As I continue to curate my collection, I’m doing my best to make sure I sell pens that don’t get enough use. It’s hard to let them go but they’ll make somebody excellent writers!
Verification and photos: https://imgur.com/a/iQQC0DH Please note: there may be ink on the nibs in the photos as a result of my testing them. Rest assured, all nibs are in great shape Also, unfortunately Imgur is acting screwy tonight. It wouldn’t let me label my posts with pen identification as I normally do. I fought with it for 2hrs just to get the photos uploaded :-( I will update this as soon as it will allow me to do so.
-All sub rules in effect. PayPal G&S is the only acceptable form of payment! -Please post on this listing first, then PM with your PayPal email and I’ll get an invoice sent out ASAP. Users that indicate firm intention through messaging to purchase a pen will get priority for a given pen, irrespective of “pm” order in the thread.
-The cost of shipping is higher than ever. All packages ship with full value insurance-absolutely no exceptions. Shipping will be a flat rate of $10. I’m happy to combine shipping if you purchase multiple items.
Vintage Pens below
[D for vintage] Wahl-Eversharp Equipoised in black celluloid. Lever filling pen w/14k Fine “Signature” Semi-Flex nib $175+shipping
Another fantastic Wahl, the Equiposied is almost futuristic looking with its sleek tapered body. This is another pen I’ve kept pretty much for the nib alone(this pen is a duplicate for me), and it certainly doesn’t disappoint. It’s wet, smooth, and has some give with pressure applied. I have several of these pens and love their ergonomics and nibs. It’s hard to go wrong with any Wahl, specifically pens like this where the nib is confirmed to be awesome! I can guarantee you that this pen will become a cherished writer within your collection for many years to come! It’s in pretty good shape with just a bit of brassing on its trim and normal microscratching/desk wear from being enjoyed through the years….nothing excessive. Overall, a great vintage Wahl ready to write for decades into the future!
[Parts] Wahl-Eversharp ringtop in Lazulitic celluloid w/14k Fine Signature, flexible nib $125+shipping
I’ve labeled this gorgeous pen as [parts], but it is a fully functional pen. There is a crack in the barrel at the threads(pictured in the gallery) that has been stable during my ownership over the course of several years. The cap threads with no issue whatsoever. What’s special about this pen, aside from the beautiful Lazulitic celluloid, is its nib. The pen truly is a wonderful writer! I purchased the pen with an eye to harvest its nib once the crack became unmanageable, however that never came to pass as the crack today looks just as it did the day I received the pen. It would be a shame to simply yank the nib and lose another precious artifact of a bygone era. This pen is sure to please, both the eye and the hand!
[B] Selmy Maki-e pen. Cartridge converter w/Fine SS Schmidt nib $125+shipping
This pen was my first foray into Maki-e. Let me tell you, this pen really impressed me! So much so that it was a tough decision to let it go. It’s beautiful, in great condition, and has a wonderful nib! What’s not to like? The gold and silver powder used in the design of the pen really pops. A gorgeous pen that’s sure to please when put to paper!
[parts with NO NIB or B++ with 14k F SIG nib listed below] Franklin Christoph 46 in Antique Glass w/ or w/out 14k Fine SIG nib $110+shipping(body only, no nib), or $245+shipping(w/14k F SIG nib)
Franklin-Christoph is one of my favorite modern pen makers. I especially love their transparent, demonstrator type materials! This 46 in Antique Glass is no exception. The 46 is one of my favorite models in their lineup as it is very ergonomic . This pen is available nibless, or, with the excellent 14k Fine SIG nib listed below. I’ve put the nib on the pen in the verification photos. The 46 will accommodate any #6 Jowo screw-in nib unit you’d like to install.
[A2] Franklin Christoph(Jowo) Rhodium plated 14k Fine SIG nib $140+shipping
SIG nibs are among my favorite modern stub nibs to use. They write fantastically and are the perfect blend of line variation and smoothness! The variability in downstroke width, dependent on angle to the page, is a really cool plus. This particular nib is a true gem, wet and smooth with great line variation and is sure to become a favorite for your daily use! A great match for the pen above, but will go in any pen that accepts screw-in #6 Jowo nibs.
[A2] Acriv acrylic Pocket pen w/Titanium Med nib $35+shipping
This is from the Indian brand Davidaria. I’ve owned several of their Acriv pens. This one is a pocket pen that is much like a Schon Pocket 6 in that the cap screws onto the back making it into what is essentially, a full size pen. Being a true pocket pen, this is a short international cartridge pen only. This pen is like new and writes very well. The in-house all Titanium nib is smooth and wet.
[A2] Leonardo Officina Italiana Furore in Galaxy Blue acrylic(Silver trim)cartridge converter pen w/14k Fine nib $295+shipping
This is a gorgeous Furore in the now discontinued and hard to find Galaxy Blue acrylic, which is breathtakingly beautiful. The pen has rhodium plated silver trim and is in excellent, like new condition. The 14k Fine nib is smooth, beautifully wet, and writes very well! It was a tough decision to include this pen in the sale because I really like this model as a whole, however I ultimately decided to keep my Furore Grande. Suffice to say, I will not be disappointed if there are no takers lol.
[A2] Graf von Faber Castell Guilloche in Burned Orange w/18k Fine nib $265+shipping
I absolutely adore GVFC/FC nibs. They are seriously awesome writers! If you’ve never tried a gold nib from GVFC, man are you missing out! They’re perfectly wet, quite soft, and have a great feel against the paper. If you like FC’s stainless nibs found on Looms and HEXO’s, you’ll fall in love with their gold nib variants! I love this pen, but I’ve only inked it up once as I slowly move more and more toward hardcore vintage pen usage. It needs to go to a home where it’ll be used consistently because it is that good. A great, great everyday writer….
[B] Levenger Aero D w/Med. SS nib $50+shipping
This was a Levenger pen made with real lacquer coated Carbon Fiber! It’s very high quality and doesn’t look obviously fake like a lot of the other “Carbon Fiber” pens that simply have stickers affixed to look like CF. Its shiny carbon fiber is quite beautiful, but I think I’ve inked it only a couple times during my ownership. The medium nib is fantastic! Quite honestly, I was surprised at how nicely it writes. Nice and wet and very smooth….writes under its own weight, etc. The only “issue” with this pen is a few chips to the nib coating from capping/uncapping, which seems to happen with these dark nib coatings. Aside from that however, this pen is in excellent condition and is ready to write! This is the type pen that you write with and think, “wow, how is this possible?!”. I can’t say enough about this pens nib….
[parts due to NO NIB otherwise B+] Ensso Piuma Full Titanium cartridge converter pen $95+shipping
Ensso makes beautiful, extremely high quality pens. I love these Piuma models for daily writing, but especially for daily carry! I have 4 Titanium models of this pen and decided to sell a couple of them. It has a couple minor micro scratches but aside from that, it’s in great condition. It’s full Titanium so you could throw it off a cliff and it would survive! It’ll accept any #6 Bock nib unit you’d like to use via screw in nib units. Ti Piumas are the perfect weight, have great ergo’s, and are supremely comfortable to write with! I don’t normally prefer metal sections, however the section on this pen is extremely comfortable and isn’t slippery in the slightest. Their indestructible nature make them perfect for daily carry. If you like metal pens but don’t like for them to weigh a lot, this is the pen for you!
SOLD SOLD SOLD[A1] Machine Era Field Pen Twist $95+shipping
This is a tank of a pen! I use machined pens at work because I can’t use my beloved Fountain Pens. This pen is the original version that I believe has been discontinued, and it is in perfect condition. I use my Tiscribes at work so this pen has never been used. The mechanism is very smooth and is built to last.
SOLD SOLD SOLD[D for vintage] Lot of 2 Sheaffer Craftsman Lever filling pens w/14k nibs $45+shipping
I don’t have many Sheaffers. However, the ones I do own, I absolutely adore because they write incredibly well. These 2 pens here are not an exception to that general rule, as they’re great writers. One pen has a Sheaffer 33 nib with a custom ground stub nib on it. The other houses a #5 Feather touch fine nib. The pen with the Sheaffer 33 nib has a crack at the section threads that’s been stable through my ownership. The other pen is in good condition but does have a personalization on it. These are great writing pens but I never use them. I figured it best to sell them together in a bit of a 2 for 1 kinda thing. A great, fairly inexpensive way to get into vintage pens, both with 14k gold nibs!
SOLD SOLD SOLD[A1] Umburry Expressor in Double Blast finish w/Venom Clip, Titanium machined pen(Parker style refill) **$235+shipping
This is a very unique, extraordinarily fidget friendly pen! Take a look at the video in the gallery showing me playing with the mechanism. This mech is pretty addicting and is quite fun to play with. What surprised me the most however, were the ergo’s of the pen. It’s flat out very comfortable in hand. The bolt works almost like a light switch in that you push in and up or down in one fluid motion to expel and retract the tip. This pen has the awesome, quite desirable venom clip on it also. The only way to get this clip currently is by purchasing this particular model with it included on the pen and it is not in stock on the manufacturer website. The last restock sold out in 5mins so is grab this one if you’s like to get one. I like the pen(specifically the bolt mechanism lol), but it isn’t really my style so I’m moving it along
SOLD SOLD SOLD[D for vintage] Wahl-Eversharp Doric in Brown Shell Celluloid. Lever filling pen w/14k Fine Manifold nib $180+shipping
If you’ve been around this sub long enough, you know the Doric is my favorite pen design of all time. The art deco styling just does it for me and I have a large Doric collection as a result. That said, I write with every pen and I own and this pen is one that I just don’t use. One huge plus is that it’s a lever filling variant which is much more user friendly to service than its vacuum filling brothers and sisters. The nib on the pen is absolutely fantastic and is worth the price of admission alone! It’s very consistent, wet, and smooth against the paper. The pen is in truly excellent condition save for a very small chip to the cap lip pictured in the gallery(no cracks). This could be repaired by simply sanding the cap lip down a millimeter or 2 but I’ve left it alone up until now. Overall, this is a stunningly beautiful pen with no crazing or cracks that has an excellent nib!
SOLD SOLD SOLD[D for parts due to no nib, but A1 otherwise] Sailor 1911 Black Luster pen body$100+shipping**
This is a brand new Black Luster body that I don’t have an extra nib for. It’s flawless and beautiful, however I moved the nib to an Imperial Black body. I really like the metal section as it gives the pen a completely different feel compared to the feel of most Sailors. This is a fairly inexpensive way to have a Black Luster if you have an extra nib since these pens are very expensive.
submitted by NitroFish44 to Pen_Swap [link] [comments]

2024.04.21 18:15 ImProfessionalGamer Melt any in game boss under minute base tutorial

Hi everybody. I love dps side of rpg games, so I wanted to share some general info how to kill SBQ or Earle in very short amount of time with basically any weapon. I would appreciate any additions to the guide or feedback in comments.
Essential Preparations:
Optimised Earle Run Example:
Being a bloodied buid character with essential preps done, being on a team with someone mutated and having Strange in Numbers perk, wearing a full set of ultra light unyielding armor (or in power armor) and any weapon with high damage and large capacity magazine, having Revenant perk, eat a tato salad or HP food buff to kill yourself and get 50% dmg boost for 2 minutes, gain max adrenaline (use boatfly syringer to kill 3 wendigos and 3 boatflies before falling down to Earle cave), then use chem and alcohol buff, if you run in power armor and/or non bloodied build use Nuka Dark before liquid courage and vice versa if otherwise. Finally, adjust your rads to get health lower than 20% by using spoiled milk or dirty water (or similar) and spamming coffee or birthday cake slice and gain infinite ap for 25 seconds, then hit Earle with Endagerol stringer, now all preps and buffs are COMPLETE. Use your main weapon in VATS and hold your crit button. You may need to spam coffee/cake after 25 seconds again, but with most good weapons it’s just 4-5 would be enough.
PS. For Collosal Problem just when you fall down run to the tunnel by the wall on the left from Earle’s spawn nest and you will be protected from Earle’s melee attacks and aoe fire damage, really the best place to set records. If you use cremator, like I did check the spot in the video of AA25 cremator against Earle. PSS. Here’s another run with Q50c railway. I am now planning to run Earle in unarmed power armor build, haven’t decided on the perks and buffs yet, but will definitely try soon in future.
submitted by ImProfessionalGamer to fo76 [link] [comments]

2024.04.19 19:44 McStaken Something Sentimental questline or: How to cheese Earle in less than 5 minutes, an essay.

DISCLAIMER: This is a friendly reminder to all noobs/non-noobs that are struggling with this particular boss. This is not a post looking for advice or a dick measuring contest about how fast you can kill him (but if it was, 36 seconds is my record ;) ) . This is (hopefully) a post for someone struggling with or about to complete and use to help them. This is also not the only way to cheese Earle, just the one that I particularly use. If a commenter uses a different build/combo they are welcome to post it here.
First things first: You somehow picked up a quest called Something Sentimental. If you haven't, or don't know where it is, you can find it at Foundation. Maggie is the quest giver and she stands at the power armour stations near Ward's security shack. She will ask you to investigate Monongah Mine for sentimental items of her fathers and helpfully suggests that a nuke might loosen the heavy rock blocking the mine shaft over there.... Okie dokie, Maggie!
I will not go into the specifics of launching a nuke, that is for an entirely different time, but I will talk about the best placement. Which is entirely up to you, really. As long as the mine symbol is fully covered in the red ring, it will spawn A Colossal Problem. You can centre that nuke on the mine itself, but as a helpful tip: if you can get the mine symbol just inside the red ring, but on the outer edge of the nuke itself, it will make escaping later a lot easier.
Now we have the quest, we have our target, the next thing I'm going to discuss is your set up. I run bloodied crit build commando, which means low health overall for a massive damage and action point bonus with a specialisation in VATS critical shots but a general commando build will work too. At the very least you will need the following perk cards in the following special stats.
Perception: Commando 3 star, expert commando 3 star, master commando 3 star, concentrated fire 1 star
Agility: Gun Fu 3 star
Luck: Better criticals 3 star
As for guns, a regular Fixer or Handmade isn't going to do very much for Earle, this boss actually doesn't have a lot of health, what makes him so tough to penetrate is his resistances. Oddly enough VATS critical shots bypass a hefty chunk of his resistances so you can do maximum effectiveness. I recommend automatic Railway rifles for this reason, as by design they hit like a train (har har) but they are so unwieldy outside of vats that using them as a normal weapon is out of the question. By the time you've finished firing your clip you will be teaching that ceiling a lesson it wont forget in a hurry. They can only be effective with VATS. A decent railway to take in will undoubtedly be a quad, as that legendary stat increases the clip size on any weapon it's attached to, which is another drawback to the railway rifle as a standard railway will only hold 10 spikes. a quad allows you to hold up to 40, which is a boon as you will spend less time reloading.
Our next gun isn't technically a gun at all, its a syringer. Specifically an Endangerol syringer. You acquire this from following the main questline through the Raiders. Endangerol frenzies an enemy but lowers its resistance by 25% per person that shoots it for 2 minutes. If 4 people each shoot Earle just once his damage resistance drops by 100%. It will need to be reapplied after 2 minutes but that is hardly a hassle. Dropping Earle's resistance is a huge boon in the fight to come.
Next we are going to discuss food, drink, and chem/magazine buffs.
If you, like I have, have chosen to mutate to become a herbivore, you will note that all plant based items will become twice as powerful. It should be noted here, that you cannot mutate to become a herbivore AND a carnivore, you must pick one or the other, and if you choose to switch, the current mutation must be removed before the new one can be taken. That said, Herbivore has its uses. Specifically in the crit damage field. One blight soup that would give 50% crit damage to a normal individual will give 100% additive bonus to herbivores.
Canned coffee is a must for a prolonged VATS battle as up to three cans can stack to boost your AP when out of VATS quickly and efficiently. (Blackberry honey crisp increases your AP regeneration and it stacks with canned coffee but can be a pain to craft if you don't own the cookie jar from the Atom Shop)
Ballistic Bock is a good drink to use as well. It's classed as an alcohol so you cant stack it with Liquid courage as you can only have one alcohol in effect at any given time. While Liquid courage makes you immune to Earle's scream, it isn't that important as you can simply stay out of his scream range. The Ballistic Bock recipe is one of the rewards from the daily Tipsy Taste Test given by Biv in Morgantown. When consumed it will give you +15% damage using ballistic weapons at -15% weapon durability. Your gun will break faster, so have some repair kits on hand if you're going to use this item!
Overdrive is the preferred chem for most VATS users as it adds 30% critical damage bonus when active. It's just a pain to craft/find in vendors.
Guns and Bullets 3 also gives you +100% crit damage bonus on ballistic weaponry, and it stacks with everything else. Honourable shout out to Tales From The West Virginial Hills 1 magazine! As Earle is technically a Wendigo, this magazine works very well on him for an additional 15% damage against wendigos.
Small guns bobbleheads are stackable with this too, for +20% ballistic gun damage.
So, lets do some quick maths here:
Better criticals perk card: 100% crit damage
Commando perk card: +30% base damage
Expert commando perk card: +30% base damage
Master commando: +30% base damage
Blight soup with Herbivore:+100 crit damage
Ballistic bock: +15% base damage
Overdrive: +30% crit damage
Guns and bullets 3: +100% crit damage
Small guns bobblehead: +20% crit/base damage = 410% increase in base/crit damage overall.
Not too shabby. So, when ACP launches and you head into the mine, you will have 4 minutes of prep time before the shaft collapses, allowing you to fight that big beastie. To complete your quest for Maggie, you will need to pick up a holotape that should be directly in front of you upon fast travelling to the event. It sits on a barrel right at the end of the short corridor, beside an oil lamp. Once you've picked it up you can head deeper into the mine and wait. Other people should be joining you. In the last minute to 30 seconds of the timer use all your buffs and check your guns are loaded. Equip the syringer.
When the shaft collapses, dont just rush blindly into the hole as you'll fall, hit the floor and be downed outside of power armour. There are ledges you can fall to that will get you down safely.
Now, shoot Earle with your syringer and switch to your railway. Use vats and concentrated fire to target the screeching head. Hold down your trigger and your crit button simultaneously and watch your damage numbers go through the roof. You should start chipping his health almost instantly. If your un out of AP, chug some more coffee and go again,. Be wary of staying out of his screaming range and the baby wendigos he spawns. You have added difficulty by burning debris potentially opening up on top of you but with some careful manoeuvring you can stay safe.
Once Earle is dead, start taking out the baby wendigos and scoop your loot! If you die now, you will transported out into the nuke zone. Once you have scooped you could run up the shaft as your diamond marker tells you to, fighting wendigos and mad robots along the way, but it's just as useful to stay put until the timer runs out, as you will be transported to the entrance entirely unharmed. This is not Lode bearing, where you lose your hard earned junk if you outstay your welcome.
Here is where nuke placement comes in handy. If you have placed it right, you should be able to escape the radiation made by your nuke by simply running/waddling far enough away with limited rads gained.
Congratulations on cheesing Earle! Take your hard earned holotape back to Maggie for a modest reward, all things considered.
It may be a while before you see Earle again, it may be a day later. That's entirely up to you!
Stay safe, Wastelanders.
submitted by McStaken to fo76 [link] [comments]

2024.04.16 21:16 Mysterious-Grape8425 Ebonite Pen for Less Than 10$ (And A Rant)

Ebonite Pen for Less Than 10$ (And A Rant)
​ Click Aristrocrat Half Ebonite Pen. This is more like a rant than a review. This pen is available from click in India for Inr 700 which is around 8.5 Usd. I got interested in this pen due to its ebonite body (the cap is plastic) and raving review about its plastic counterpart which is half the price of this one and how that is the best beginner fountain pen available in India right now.
Part 1: I ordered the pen with broad nib and it was delivered promptly. But the real story starts from there. The broad nib was very smooth but came with baby's bottom, so was unusable as it skipped parts of letters when writing. As they come with easily swappable nib units like Jowo and Bock, I ordered a medium and fine nib unit immediately. (each cost about 3$)
Part 2: The medium nib was scratchy and don't get me started with the fine nib. It was beyond usable. I tried smoothing the medium nib with nail buffer but failed. Partly because I am a novice in nib tuning and the other part belongs to the quality of the nib itself. In my opinion a beginner pen should not require people to tune it at all.
Part 3: As I was going to stop using the pen anyway, I thought of something interesting. And after playing around with the broad nib for a while with a nail buffer, I not only managed to remove the baby's bottom, but also turned it into a medium stub (sort of). That suddenly made the pen very desirable for me with the slight added character to my writings. Also now the nib didn't skip any parts of the writings. But the story was far from over.
Part 4: The broad nib (now medium stub) started gushing the ink like crazy. For the first time in my very short life I perfectly understood what people meant when they said their pen was writing like a fire hose. It was literally that. My page overflowed with ink and it was uncontrollable. Even holding the nib at hand for sometime made the pen drop ink droplets on the page. (Yeah Really) Frustrated with all that, I decided to throw it away. But suddenly I remembered that the medium nib wrote very dry. Then, maybe it was the feed, not the nib that was the problem.
Part 5: I finally managed to pull out the nibs and feeds from the units and interchanged the nibs with the feeds. Although the added flow of the other feed didn't help the medium nib even a bit, but the broad nib came under control. The result? A beautiful medium stub nib with an ebonite body and usable grip. (don't forget the smelly grip section. My guess is some sort of vegetal resins)
Conclusion: Am I happy with the pen? For the time being, yes. Will I recommend this pen to someone? Hell no. A beginner pen should be something that pulls people into this hobby, not away from it. This pen fails miserably. There are lots of other pens at this price point, that are way better than this one. The platinum preppy is kind of sorcery right now at the price point. We can get Kanwrite Desire in India which comes at the same price point as this Ebonite Aristrocrat and a much much better pen. Yeah the Desire is made of cheap plastic but the writing experience is even better than pens like kakuno or explorer. A pen with such terrible nibs is no way a beginner friendly pen. (I tried different nibs and yeah, feeds of the same pen, all of them had some sorts of issues.)
P.s. How does the medium stub look? This is my second ever nib tuning and first ever medium stub. I am kind happy that things turned out this way.
submitted by Mysterious-Grape8425 to fountainpens [link] [comments]

2024.04.12 04:33 Smart-Job-5937 {I failed so ill just try again -> Jee Adv prep Day 5/50 (10/04/24)} Struggling with Dizziness and Distractions: A Day of Unexpected Challenges

{I failed so ill just try again -> Jee Adv prep Day 5/50 (10/04/24)} Struggling with Dizziness and Distractions: A Day of Unexpected Challenges submitted by Smart-Job-5937 to JEEAdv24dailyupdates [link] [comments]

2024.04.09 19:05 FIGJAM17 Philip Billing Moments SBC

submitted by FIGJAM17 to EASportsFC [link] [comments]

2024.04.03 18:03 TybotheRckstr Unpredictable Boil off rate

Hey all!
I’m having an issue where I either boil off way too much water or not enough water.
I have only been doing 1.4gal batches and keeps coming short of my target. My set up is a Digiboil 35L 110w, BIAB, no sparge w/neoprene jacket.
I did an Australian sparkling ale that came in under by 10 points so I adjusted with some sugar. Then I tried brewing a bock but I kept the lid on (which I now know is a no-no) during the boil. This caused it to boil off way too much water and my gravity was super high. So I topped off the fermenter to get 1.4. Last night I brewed a Pilsner and it ended up being 20 points short (this one I left the lid on after mash to bring to boil temp faster and then took it off at the start of the boil) And having about 1/4 of a gallon extra water left over.
I think one of the issues I had is that when I finish my mash and check my pre boil gravity, it is insanely high. But I think I need to stir it up to get a more accurate reading. (Last night my pre boil was 1.060 and post boil was 1.036)
Any tips would be greatly appreciated, and if you need more info let me know. Thanks everyone!
submitted by TybotheRckstr to Homebrewing [link] [comments]

2024.04.02 20:07 cheungster [chrome] Cannot edit my own post as moderator via desktop site, but can on mobile

Hi I just made a post on the subreddit I moderate and cannot find a way to edit it from within the website, although the option is available on the reddit app.
These are my options at the top of the post:
And these are the the options at the bottom of the post
Here's a screenshot from the app


Am I missing something? Thank you.

submitted by cheungster to bugs [link] [comments]

2024.04.01 00:19 JulieTortitoPurrito Sierra at Tahoe Honest Trail Map, post fire edition

Sierra at Tahoe Honest Trail Map, post fire edition submitted by JulieTortitoPurrito to tahoe [link] [comments]

2024.03.31 23:58 NitroFish44 [WTS] [US] Large sale, Modern and Vintage, both Fountain and Machined pens! Waterman, Montblanc, Parker, GVFC, Ensso, Sheaffer, Regalia Writing Labs, Levenger, Umburry, Fellhoelter, Franklin-Christoph

Hey there everybody! I hope everyone has had a fantastic Easter weekend(for those that celebrate). Here’s another group of pens ready for new homes. It was incredibly hard to let go of some of these. There’s quite the variety, from modern machined pens, to stalwarts of vintage pen collections everywhere! A little something for everybody!
Verification and photos: https://imgur.com/a/wh2F33S Please note: there may be ink on the nibs in the photos as a result of my testing them. Rest assured, all nibs are in great shape
-All sub rules in effect. PayPal G&S is the only acceptable form of payment! -Please post on this listing first, then PM with your PayPal email and I’ll get an invoice sent out ASAP. Users that indicate firm intention through messaging to purchase a pen will get priority for a given pen, irrespective of “pm” order in the thread.
-The cost of shipping is higher than ever. All packages ship with full value insurance-absolutely no exceptions. Shipping will be a flat rate of $10. I’m happy to combine shipping if you purchase multiple items.
[A1] Umburry Expressor in Double Blast finish w/Venom Clip, Titanium machined pen(Parker style refill) $235+shipping
This is a very unique, extraordinarily fidget friendly pen! What surprised me the most however, were the ergo’s of the pen. It’s flat out very comfortable to hold. Of course, the bolt is really fun to play with and it is very fidgetable! The bolt works sort of like a light switch in that you push in and up or down in one fluid motion to expel and retract the tip. This pen has the awesome, quite desirable venom clip on it also. The only way to get this clip currently is by purchasing this particular model with it included on the pen and nothing is in stock on the manufacturer website. I like the pen, specifically the bolt mechanism, but it isn’t really my style so I’m moving it along.
Vintage Pens below
[D for vintage] Lot of 2 Sheaffer Craftsman Lever filling pens w/14k nibs $50+shipping
I don’t have many Sheaffers. However, the ones I do own, I absolutely adore because they write incredibly well. These 2 pens here are not an exception to that general rule, as they’re great writers. One pen has a Sheaffer 33 nib with a custom ground stub nib on it. The other houses a #5 Feather touch fine nib. The pen with the Sheaffer 33 nib has a crack at the section threads that’s been stable through my ownership. The other pen is in good condition but does have a personalization on it. These are great writing pens but I never use them. I figured it best to sell them together in a bit of a 2 for 1 kinda thing. A great, fairly inexpensive way to get into vintage pens, both with 14k gold nibs!
[A2] Franklin Christoph(Jowo) Rhodium plated 14k Fine SIG nib $140+shipping
Another SIG nib, this one in 14k gold, this nib is sure to please! SIG nibs are among my favorite modern stub nibs to use. They write fantastically and are the perfect blend of line variation and smoothness! The variability in downstroke width, dependent on angle to the page, is a really cool plus. This particular nib is a true gem, wet and smooth with great line variation and is sure to become a favorite for your daily use!
[A2] Acriv acrylic Pocket pen w/Titanium Med nib $35+shipping
This is from the Indian brand Davidaria. I’ve owned several of their Acriv pens. This one is a pocket pen that is much like a Schon Pocket 6 in that the cap screws onto the back making what is essentially, a full size pen. Being a true pocket pen, this is a short international cartridge pen only. This pen is like new and writes very well. The in-house made, all Titanium nib is smooth and wet.
[A2] Leonardo Officina Italiana Furore in Galaxy Blue acrylic(Silver trim)cartridge converter pen w/14k Fine nib $350+shipping
This is a gorgeous Furore in the now discontinued and hard to find Galaxy Blue acrylic, which is breathtakingly beautiful. The pen has rhodium plated silver trim and is in excellent, like new condition. The 14k Fine nib is smooth, beautifully wet, and writes very well! It was a really tough decision to include this pen because I really like this model as a whole, however I ultimately decided to keep my Furore Grande and let this one go. Suffice to say, I will not be disappointed if there are no takers lol
[A2] Graf von Faber Castell Guilloche in Burned Orange w/18k Fine nib $275+shipping
I absolutely adore GVFC/FC nibs. They are seriously awesome writers! If you’ve never tried a gold nib from GVFC, man are you missing out! They’re perfectly wet, quite soft, and have a great feel against the paper. If you like FC’s stainless nibs found on Looms, HEXO’s, or the like, you’ll fall in love with their gold nib variants! I love this pen, but I’ve only inked it up once as I slowly move more and more toward hardcore vintage pen usage. It needs to go to a home where it’ll be used consistently because it is that good. A great, great everyday writer….
[B] Levenger Aero D w/Med. SS nib $55+shipping
This was a Levenger pen made with real lacquer coated Carbon Fiber! It’s very high quality and doesn’t look obviously fake like a lot of the other “Carbon Fiber” pens that simply have stickers affixed to look like CF. Its shiny carbon fiber is quite beautiful, but I think I’ve inked it a couple times during my ownership. The medium nib is fantastic! Quite honestly, I was surprised at how nicely it writes. Nice and wet and very smooth….writes under its own weight, etc. The only “issue” with this pen is a few chips to the nib coating, which seems to happen with these dark nib coatings. Aside from that however, this pen is in excellent condition and is ready to write! This is the type pen that you wrote with and think, “wow, how is this possible?!”. I can’t say enough about this pens nib….
[parts due to NO NIB otherwise B+] Ensso Piuma Full Titanium cartridge converter pen $95+shipping
Ensso makes beautiful, extremely high quality pens. I love these Piuma models for daily carry! I have 4 Titanium models of this pen and decided to sell a couple of them. It has a couple minor micro scratches but aside from that, it’s in great condition. It’ll accept any #6 Bock nib unit you’d like to use via screw in nib units. Piumas are the perfect weight, have great ergo’s and are supremely comfortable to write with! I don’t normally prefer metal sections, however the section on this pen isn’t slippery in the slightest. They’re also indestructible and are perfect for daily carry. If you like metal pens but don’t like for them to weigh a lot, this is the pen for you. The other 2 Ti Piumas I have won’t be going anywhere, but this pen is ready for it’s new home :-)
SOLD SOLD SOLD[A1] Galen Leather Old School molded 3-pen case $40+shipping
This is a brand new case that has never housed a single pen. It has the insert that keep your pens from hitting each otherubbing together. I use a Lochby roll-up if I travel with my pens so this case has sat in its box, with all factory paperwork, unused :-( Galen Leather quality is off the charts. I really like this case, but I’ll never use it, so it’s listed here.
SOLD SOLD SOLD[A1] Full-size Fellhoelter Tibolt(Capt. Axel Tuxedo w/dog tag included) Titanium machined pen(G2 Parker style refill)$125+shipping
This is a tank of a pen! I use machined pens at work because I can’t use my beloved Fountain Pens. This pen has never been used and it is perfect. I have another Tibolt I use regularly and they’re great pens. The machinig is on another level! The tolerances are very tight and you can feel that when handling and actuating the pen. You could throw this thing off a cliff and it would survive!
SOLD SOLD SOLD[B] Regalia Writing Labs(Jowo) Crossflex nib, EF SS Superflexible nib $205+shipping
If you’re a fan of modern flexible nibs, this nib, and its creator, Ralph Reyes, need no introduction. This is a ridiculously flexible modern nib! While I think it’s a bit ambitious, Ralph claims up to 3mm of line variation. The nib is quite soft though. In fact, they don’t come any flexier, as it relates to modern nibs. I purchased this nib in a quest to find a modern nib with vintage like flex. This nib is certainly ready to satisfy your flex nib urges but I haven’t used it much because of my penchant for vintage pens. Make no mistake however, this is a very capable, awesome flexible nib for a modern Jowo #6 nib compatible pen!
SOLD SOLD SOLD[D for vintage] Pelikan 140 w/14k Fine Seni flexible nib $155+shipping
Vintage Pelikan’s don’t get the credit they deserve here in the US imo. They’re absolutely awesome pens! This 140 is in great condition, save for a little brassing on its trim. The Fine nib is smooth and flexible, providing plenty of writing fun with a little pressure. The best thing about Pelikan, both vintage and modern for that matter, is their removable nibs. Simply screw the nib out of the section and rinse the barrel and nib. No need to operate the piston a bazillion times when cleaning. This completely eliminates what I think is the biggest drawback to a piston filler pen. This operation makes changing inks a breeze! An awesome pen and an equally adept writer!
SOLD SOLD SOLD[D for vintage] Waterman Taperite w/14k EF semi-flexible nib $125+shipping
Next up is a beautiful Waterman Taperite. Were this not a vintage pen, I’d have no issue rating its condition as A2! It’s in remarkably good condition and has stood the test of time quite gracefully. As most Watwrmans do, It also writes very, very well, with plenty of flex to add character to your writing. This would be a very good pen for a beginner flex writer as the nib is quite communicative as you traverse its range of flex. The Taperite is a legendary model and its reputation as a reliable, superb writing pen is well deserved. An elegant yet simple pen, but a wonderful writer!
SOLD SOLD SOLD[D for vintage] Montblanc 149(late ‘70’s) w/14k Fine semi-flexible nib $425+shipping
If you’ve been looking for a 149, this is the one! I’m no MB expert but I guess this is a sought after variant with 14kt nib/ebonite feed. The result of this combo yields a smooth, wet, quite bouncy nib! I’ve always wanted to like 149’s and I’ve owned a couple, including this pens twin. However, I find that I just don’t use them that much. These are large pens with huge nibs and they don’t fit my hand like my other vintage OS pens. This particular pen is in beautiful condition with awesome trim, a very smooth piston, and has only been inked with the very conservative Waterman Black. Take a look at the pics in the gallery and I think you’ll agree that it looks as if it was new! If it was not a vintage pen, I’d probably rate it a B+++ as I see no scratches, dents, or marks of any kind. These late ‘70’s 14kt nib 149 variants are known for being fairly flexible and this pen is true to form. A legendary pen, a wonderful writer, and a pen that is in great condition!
SOLD SOLD SOLD[A2] Franklin Christoph(Jowo) SS Medium SIG nib $40+shipping
I have many SIG nibs in all point sizes and I love them all. This is an extra that I dipped before listing to make sure it writes well. If you like stubs and/or Italics, you simply must try this nib! Audrey Matteson does a wonderful job grinding these in the style of the late legendary, Jim Rouse.
SOLD SOLD SOLD[D for vintage] Parker Green Striped Laid-tone Duofold button filling pen w/14k XF Flexible nib $150+shipping
This is a beautiful little pen with a really awesome, truly expressive nib, which is quite unusual for a Duofold! As they say, this one is all about the nib, even though the pen is in good vintage condition overall with some brassing to its trim. The cap can be a bit finicky sometimes. 95% of the time it closes securely, however, sometimes you have to play with it. This is a very small price to pay for the nib on this pen however. It is a really fun writing experience, an experience quite uncommon when using a Parker.
SOLD SOLD SOLD[D for vintage] Parker Duofold Jr Streamlined in Jade celluloid w/14k Broad Factory Stub semi-flexible nib $165+shipping
This Jade celluloid Duofold Jr has an awesome semi-flex Broad factory stub! I have many Duofolds with stubs and am only parting with this pen because I’m trying to reduce the size of my collection. While the Jade celluloid is discolored, a fate that a lot of pens made from this material succumb to, I still find the pen to be particularly beautiful. Aside from the discoloration of the celluloid, it is in excellent condition. Its nib is smooth and the semi-flexibility in conjunction with the stub point adds a real wow factor to your script. The nib is truly wonderful! Most folks here know how crazy I am about vintage stub nibs. IMO, when you put a nib like this to paper, there is not a more fun writing experience to be had! Of course vintage Stubs are much more difficult to find than normal point nibs. You must try one at some point in your FP journey
SOLD SOLD SOLD[A1] Karas Kustoms Mini-K in Brass cartridge converter pen w/SS EF nib $60+shipping
This is a brand new pen that has never been handled until I took it out of its plastic wrapping today to take pics of it. If you like a fairly substantial pocket pen, this pen is perfect for you. It has a #5 Bock EF nib and is ready to go! I don’t believe these are being made any more so here’s your shot if you’ve wanted one in the past.
SOLD SOLD SOLD[D for vintage] Parker Blue Striped Duofold button filling pen w/14k F Flexible nib $175+shipping
This is the brother of the pen above but in Blue. This pens nib is even more expressive than its sister, a real treat to put to paper! It also has some wear to its trim but the cap closes like the day it was new on this one. Beautiful, truly awesome pen!! The nibs on these 2 pens are out of this world, a rarity for most Parker’s of this vintage….buy both of these pens together @$310+shipping**
SOLD SOLD SOLD[D for vintage] Sheaffer Imperial(?) cartridge converter pen w/14k inlaid BB nib $110+shipping
This is another pen with an excellent nib. You don’t have to be an expert to see that this pen has a honkin BB nib on it! The tipping on this pen is enormous and would make for a fantastic canvas if you’re looking to do some type of custom grind. It’s a wet, smooth, beautiful writer as is however, if BB is your speed :-)
SOLD SOLD SOLD[B] PENBBS 456 w/18k Omas EF nib $155+shipping
PENBBS makes great pens and this 456 is no exception. Theres a bit more than meets the eye with this particular pen however….I like transplanting gold nibs into their pens. It’s normally a smooth operation and typically they write like factory nibs when you’re done! The large, vintage Omas 18k nib currently on this pen is a great example! Omas is legendary for several reasons, not the least of which is the production of fantastic nibs. This nib is exceptionally smooth, beautifully wet, and writes perfectly as if it was meant to reside in this pen. A pen with a nib that will not disappoint!
WITHDRAWN FROM SALE[D for vintage] Parker Parkette lever filling pen w/14k Factory semi-flex stub nib $170+shipping
I’ve had this pen in the “sell” pile several times and haven’t included it until now, and I still don’t know that I want to sell it :-( The reason I’m having a hard time deciding whether to let it go is that It’s a really awesome pen….I do have several other Parkettes though. From the beautiful celluloid, to the magnificent factory semi flex stub nib, this pen is fantastic in every way! The Parker 44 nib on this pen is pretty special, and quite uncommon in reality, as these pens typically don’t have flexible nibs. Aside from a little brassing on some of the trim, it’s in great vintage condition and is ready to write.
submitted by NitroFish44 to Pen_Swap [link] [comments]

2024.03.30 09:44 JulieTortitoPurrito Sierra at Tahoe Honest Trail Map, post Caldor Fire (reup hi-res)

Sierra at Tahoe Honest Trail Map, post Caldor Fire (reup hi-res) submitted by JulieTortitoPurrito to skiing [link] [comments]

2024.03.30 09:05 JulieTortitoPurrito test2

test2 submitted by JulieTortitoPurrito to u/JulieTortitoPurrito [link] [comments]

2024.03.30 01:54 liquiddaisies Sharing a Few Projects

Sharing a Few Projects
Just wanted to share a few projects that I’ve done in Illustrator for some typography and graphic design classes that I’m in this semester.
submitted by liquiddaisies to AdobeIllustrator [link] [comments]

2024.03.27 19:18 taRxheel [WTS] REDUCED! Culling the Collection - Pilot, Waterman, Karas Esterbrook, and more

All pens listed have been reduced!
For your consideration today, I have a bonanza of pens that are no longer sparking joy and thus need new homes. All include original box, papers, and a converter unless noted otherwise. Offers welcome, PayPal G&S only, comment before DM, all sub rules apply. Shipping is not included but will be as economical as possible. I’m in the US but willing to ship internationally at cost.
Verification - Note: I'm reusing last week's verification, some of which have been sold. Remaining pens are listed below.
Thanks for looking!
submitted by taRxheel to Pen_Swap [link] [comments]

2024.03.25 23:30 CaptainYew Graphic Novel & Manga Bingo Card with Reviews

Graphic Novel & Manga Bingo Card with Reviews
I have finished my third card! While completing my Hard Mode Card, and my Must-Be-Normal Card, I got the idea to try to complete a Graphic Novel & Manga Card. Now, I realize this is against the rules, but since I already completed two cards where I did follow all the rules, I thought it could be fun to do this challenge. For this challenge, all books had to be some sort of graphic novel, comic, or manga.
I also achieved Library Mode and Hero Mode, which means I got all of my books from the library, and I wrote reviews for all of them here on Fantasy. Since manga and graphic novels often are series, I decided to try to read the entire series and not just the first volume. That made this card considerably harder. Since I received all of my books from the library, this slowed my process down when it came to some series (i.e., the library had not purchased the latest volume yet). For the vast majority of the squares, I read all of the volumes which are out. If I did not, then I would specify it in my "info" section. Only one series have I decided to DNF.
Overall, I did really enjoy this experience. Several of the books I read became new favorites, and I am considering trying this challenge again next year. We will see! Please feel free to ask any questions you have in the chat.
If you are new to Fantasy, you can learn more about the 2023 Bingo Challenge here.


Graphic Novel & Manga Card


Title with a Title: The Apothecary Diaries by Natsu Hyuuga and Nekokurage
  • Info: Ongoing with 11 volumes out. I have read the first 10.
  • Keywords: Seinen Manga / Mystery / Alternate World which is vaguely based on Ancient China / Inner Court of the Palace / Palace Intrigue / Awesome Female MC
  • Review: Highly recommend! I find the characters very dynamic, and the mysteries, palace intrigue, and setting very interesting. I think it is a series that would appeal to a wide array of people. It doesn’t have any noticeable fantastical elements - it is speculative due to its alternate world setting.

Superheroes: Magical Boy by The Kao
  • Info: Complete with 2 volumes.
  • Keywords: Young Adult Graphic Novel / Transboy MC / Magical Boy not Magical Girl / Nod to Magical Girl Tropes like Sailor Moon / Superheroes
  • Review: Highly recommend! This is a great coming of age story, following an MC who has grown up in a family where everyone is a magical girl. But how can he be a magical girl when he knows he is a boy? Lots of fun!

Bottom of the TBR: The Girl from the Other Side: Siuil, a Run by Nagabe
  • Info: Complete with 12 volumes.
  • Keywords: Shonen Manga / Visually distinct and beautiful / Mystery / Found Family / Weird Cursed Beings / Separation Between Inside and Outside
  • Review: A favorite of mine. A cursed being called Teacher cares for an abandoned girl named Shiva. But how did Teacher get cursed? And is something special about Shiva? Extremely engaging mystery, with gothic fairytale vibes.

Magical Realism: The Many Deaths of Laila Starr by Ram V and Philipe Andrade
  • Info: Standalone omnibus of 5 issues.
  • Keywords: Graphic Novels / Magical Realism in Comic Form / Mumbai, India / Hindu Mythology / Art has nice color palette / Death is fired and becomes mortal / Life and Death / Queer
  • Review: Incredibly unique. Death is fired from her job because it is predicted that a human will one day discover immortality. As Death tries to thwart the individual who discovers immortality, she learns a lot about mortal life and death along the way. A story which will make you think.

Young Adult: Natsume’s Book of Friends by Yuki Midorikawa
  • Info: Ongoing with 29 volumes. I read the first 15.
  • Keywords: Shoujo Manga / Cozy Slice of Life Fantasy / Tons of Heart / All the whimsy / Rural Life / A boy is able to see yokai / Learning how to make friends / Helping people
  • Review: An absolutely favorite of mine. We follow a boy named Natsume and his “bodyguard cat” Madara as Natsume learns to trust others and helps the humans and yokai around him. Everyone should read this.

Mundane Jobs: The Savior’s Book Café Story in Another World by Kyouka Izumi, Ouimiya, and Reiko Sakurada
  • Info: Complete with 5 volumes.
  • Keywords: Josei Manga / Isekai or Portal Fantasy / MC is the magical savior but spends her time running a book café / MC is a woman in her 30s / MxF Romance / Cozy Fantasy
  • Review: This was super cute! Near the end of volume 2 I didn’t like the pacing, but that fixed itself as the story continued. We follow our MC Tsukina as she falls in love, runs a book café, and occasionally (secretly) saves her country. Recommend if you want a cozy story, an “older” MC, and a sweet, subtle love story.

Published in the 2000s: Fullmetal Alchemist by Hiromu Arakawa
  • Info: Complete with 27 volumes.
  • Keywords: Shonen Manga / Absolutely Classic / Alternate world with alchemy / MC is trying to rescue his brother’s body / MC lost his arm and leg / Unique and well-written cast of characters / So much horrible things under the surface / War and genocide / Despite the tags is not graphic with gore
  • Review: In my opinion, the best “classic shonen” ever written. We follow a genius boy alchemist (Edward) and his brother (Alphonse) whose soul is trapped in a suit of armor as they try to find a way to recover Alphonse’s body. But as they continue on this journey, horrible things come to light. They end up having to team up with a wide array of unique characters to save their country.

Murder Mysteries by Neil Gaiman and P. Craig Russell
  • Info: Standalone.
  • Keywords: Graphic Novel / Angels / First murder happens / Archangel is assigned to investigate / Contemplative / Creation and God’s Purpose
  • Review: Very unique graphic novel. Based on a short story by Neil Gaiman, this story follows the first murder investigation, as an angel is found dead. Recommend to anyone who wants something different, or read Good Omens and wants something more (but a bit more contemplation and much less whimsy).

Short Stories: Through the Woods by Emily Carroll
  • Info: Standalone.
  • Keywords: Young Adult Graphic Novel / Gothic Fairy Tales / Short stories / Horror friendly to those who don’t like gore / Stunning art style
  • Review: I absolutely love this and highly recommend it. A collection of gothic and creepy short stories with a fairy tale edge, it is a perfect read for an October night.

Horror: Petshop of Horrors by Akino Matsuri
  • Info: Complete with 10 volumes.
  • Keywords: Josei Manga / Gothic with horror undertones / Found Family / ‘90s LA Chinatown / Pet Shop with mythical creatures as pets / If you don’t follow your contract, you may die…
  • Review: I really enjoyed this manga series. We follow our MC Count D, who works at a mysterious pet shop. Some of his clients who come to his pet shop, however, have some moral failing. If they follow their contract, then nothing bad will happen, but people seem to struggle with following their contract… This story oscillates between its more horror-side and found family-side. Which sounds like a weird combination, but somehow it works. Recommend to those interested in stories with mythical beings and some light horror.

Self or Indie Published: Heavenly Delusion by Masakazu Ishiguro
  • Info: Ongoing with 6 volumes out. I’ve read the first two.
  • Keywords: Seinen Manga / Science Fiction / Post Apocalyptic / Two storylines / Storyline 1 is two teenagers traveling around post-apocalyptic Japan fighting “man-eaters” / storyline 2 follows an isolated school of genetically engineered teenagers who are isolated from the rest of the world.
  • Review: To be honest, I decided this manga was not for me and have decided to not continue with it. It does have some interesting sci-fi elements, but the plot was all over the place and I felt one of the characters was objectified in a weird way. However, many people do like it, so give it a try if you are interested in some weird sci-fi.

Middle East: Squire by Sara Alfageeh and Madia Shammas
  • Info: Standalone.
  • Keyword: Young Adult Graphic Novel / Alternate world with a vaguely historical Arab setting / Coming of age story / Teenage girl dreams of becoming a Squire and Knight / But what does it mean to be in the military / Discrimination
  • Review: I found the art, ideas, and characters to be beautiful in this story, although I think the plot was rushed at the end and felt a little messy and predictable. We follow a girl named Aiza who dreams of becoming a Squire and fighting in the military. To do so, however, she needs to hide her ethnic background, and along the way she realizes the real military experience is not like being a Knight in a story. I still recommend it even with the pacing issues.

Published in 2023: Stories of the Islands by Clar Angkasa
  • Info: Standalone
  • Keyword: Middle Grade Graphic Novel / Short Story Collection / Indonesian Folklore / Feminist Retellings / Retelling of “Keong Max,” “Bawang Merah Bawang Putih,” and “Timun Mas” / Really beautiful art / Each story has its own color palette
  • Review: I really enjoyed reading this beautiful collection of short stories. Based off of Indonesian folklore, these feminist retellings are depicted with truly gorgeous art.

Kakuriyo: Bed & Breakfast for Spirits by Waco Ioka
  • Info: Ongoing with 8 volumes
  • Keyword: Shoujo Manga / Spirit World / Food / Cozy Fantasy / Maybe a romance will happen
  • Review: This cozy, laid-back fantasy manga series follows a girl named Aoi, who needs to pay off her grandfather’s debt to the owner of a spirit inn. But instead of marrying the owner, she decides to start a restaurant. Cute, with a real emphasis on food. But the plot really just meanders along. So although I enjoyed it, I would only casually recommend it.

POC Author: My Happy Marriage by Akumi Agitogi and Rito Kohsaka
  • Info: Ongoing with 5 volumes, I’ve read the first 4.
  • Keywords: Shoujo Manga / Historical-ish Japan with magic / Cinderella-esque / MxF romance / Plot is ramping up
  • Review: In this series we follow Miyo, who is married off to Kiyoka, who is described as being a very scary man. Mistreated by her family due to her lack of magical gift, Miyo finds Kiyoka to be a much kinder man than he seems. But as Miyo becomes used to her fiancé, mysterious and dangerous events seem to be going on in the background. I have really enjoyed this series so far, and I highly recommend it.

Book Club or Readalong: Supergirl: Woman of Tomorrow by Tom King, Bilquis Evely, and Mat Lopes
  • Info: Standalone Omnibus, consisting of 8 issues
  • Keywords: Superhero story / Science Fiction / Space Travel / On a quest to save a dog / Revenge / Feminist / Hugo nominated
  • Review: I am very new to reading superhero comics, but I really enjoyed this one. We follow Supergirl as she travels across the universe with a girl on a quest for revenge. I highly recommend it to people who enjoy science fiction and space operas. The art was stunning as well.

Novella: Fangs by Sarah Andersen
  • Info: Standalone
  • Keywords: Graphic Novel / Cute / Cozy / Vampire and Werewolf are in love / Slice of life / Relationship humor
  • Review: This was a super cute short graphic novel, which follows the daily life of a vampire and werewolf couple. Read if you want something that is cute in a different way.

Mythical Beast: The Fox & Little Tanuki by Mi Tagawa
  • Info: Ongoing with 6 volumes
  • Keywords: Shoujo Manga / Fantasy / All main characters are spirit creatures / Found Family / Japanese mythology / Foxes, Wolves, and Tanuki
  • Review: We follow a black fox named Senzou, who is allowed to leave his imprisonment if he becomes a mentor to a tanuki cub named Manpachi. However, was Senzou truly guilty of the crime which originally imprisoned him? What secrets are beneath the surface? I absolutely love this series, and I cannot help but wonder why no one is talking about it.

Elemental Magic: Pretty Guardian Sailor Moon Eternal Edition by Naoko Takeuchi
  • Info: Complete at 10 omnibuses. I have read the first 7.
  • Keywords: Shoujo Manga / Classic / Magical Girl / Science Fantasy / ‘90s Japan / MxF romance / Queer Elements
  • Review: “Fighting evil by moonlight. Winning love by daylight. Never running from a real fight. She is the one named Sailor Moon.” I am a bit too young to have watched the TV show, and I didn’t have cable anyway. But a few times I stayed over at my grandma’s house, I was able to watch this show, and I have been curious about it ever since. Reading it… my feelings on it are complex. Sometimes I really enjoy it. Other times, I really don’t. I plan on finishing it, and I am really glad I have read it, but I definitely don’t agree on some of the decisions the author made. [With that said, I am really happy about the queer elements of the manga].

Retelling: Hollow by Shannon Watters, Branden Boyer-White, and Berenice Nelle
  • Info: Standalone
  • Keywords: Young Adult Graphic Novel / Queer Retelling of the Legend of Sleepy Hollow / Urban Fantasy / Paranormal / Fun
  • Review: I found this to be a fun story to read around Halloween time. Not much to say besides the fact that it is a fun and queer retelling of the Legend of Sleepy Hollow.

Queernorm: Tea Dragon Series by Kay O’Neill
  • Info: Complete with three volumes
  • Keywords: Middle Grade Graphic Novel / Tea Dragons / AMAZING art / Queer / Coming of age / Found family / Cozy
  • Review: One of my favorite reads. We follow Greta, who is learning about the dying art of tea dragon care-taking from tea shop owners Hesekiel and Erik, and their ward Minette. The art in this story is amazing - you could rip off any random page in the book and frame it. I highly recommend it for anyone in a cozy mood.

Coastal/Island: The Girl from the Sea by Molly Knox Ostertag
  • Info: Standalone
  • Keywords: Young Adult Graphic Novel / LGBTQIA+ / Lesbian Romance / Selkie / Environmental Activism / Coming of age
  • Review: This super cute graphic novel follows Morgan, who is a human girl coming to terms with her sexuality, and Keltie, a selkie girl who wants to save her home. Recommend for queer coming of age shenanigans.

Druids: The Sprite and the Gardener by Rii Abrego and Joe Whitt
  • Info: Standalone
  • Keywords: Middle Grade Graphic Novel / Short / Whimsical / Nature sprites / Cozy Fantasy / Gardening
  • Review: In this story we follow a sprite named Wisteria, who wishes to learn how to garden, and in the process helps become friends with a human. I recommend if you want something very short and sweet.

Robots: Yokohama Kaidashi Kikou Deluxe Edition by Hitoshi Ashinano
  • Info: Ongoing with 4 omnibuses. I’ve read the first 2.
  • Keywords: Seinen Manga / Cozy Science Fiction / Classic / MC is a robot / Quiet life after an apocalypse / Friendship
  • Review: This quiet slice of life story follows Alpha, a robot, who runs a small, rural cafe. Although we have hints that this is post apocalypse, the story is really focused on slow living. I recommend it if you are in the mood for something cozy.

Sequel: Witch Hat Atelier Kitchen by Hiromi Sato and Kamome Shirahama
  • Info: Ongoing with 2 volumes.
  • Keywords: Seinen Manga / Companion series to Witch Hat Atelier / Cozy Fantasy / Focus on cooking / Actual recipes are included
  • Review: Are you a fan of Witch Hat Atelier? [You should be, it’s amazing]. Do you desire more content? Do you miss the cozy found family days? Then this series is for you! We follow Qifrey and Olruggio as they cook various dishes. Recipes are included, as well as plenty of cozy moments between the Atelier gang. I recommend it if you are a fan of the original series and/or you enjoy cooking.

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