Photos of people without clothes


2021.05.07 17:49 Bllursed IAmTheMainCharacter

Videos/photos of people acting like they are the center of the world

2012.02.01 20:57 brucial WTF Stock Photos

Stock photos that make you go WTF!?

2014.11.24 19:03 Fuck YOU In Particular - Not him, nor her; just you.

The home of photos, GIFs, and videos of people/things taking comical injuries/beatings/general physical discomfort, while being singled out.

2024.05.15 00:19 adstrict4527 Copper's identity shouldn't be mechanical, it should be PRECISION! (Copper Wrench, Chisel, Hammer, Magnifying Glass, Camera and more!)

Sure, I'd love for copper to conduct electricity and be used in lots of technological ways... but it seems like Mojang has made it clear that this isn't copper's identity.
Redstone and Iron are already heavily technology/electricity themed.
Sure we could replace iron with copper in redstone crafting recipes like many people have suggested... but the fact that Mojang DID NOT do this for the new Auto Crafter, sticking with iron in the recipe, tells us that they DON'T want copper to be just another mechanical ore to replace iron.

So then what is Copper's identity?

Copper is obviously a very versatile building block, but it's still very situational and doesn't justify how extremely common it is especially in the early game. But having it related to building is a good start, what else do we got?
Copper is also used to craft the Brush and Spyglass. What do these 2 tools have in common?
Unlike other tools in the game, they aren't used to destroy or attack... they're used to unlock new PRECISE ways to interact with the world.
This should be copper's main identity! Iron, Gold, Diamond, Netherite tools all focus on strength and speed, but Copper allows for more precision in the way you alter and observe the world!

New Copper Tools for PRECISE building:

New Copper Tools for PRECISE interactions with the world:

If you look through my post history you'll see I've been on a non-stop quest to find the perfect use for this extremely common but not extremely useful ore! How'd I do?
submitted by adstrict4527 to minecraftsuggestions [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 00:19 SheWasUnderwhelmed Wound/burn/irritation from my Apple Watch

Last week Thursday when I took my Apple Watch off before going to bed I noticed a red welt about the size of a nickel on my skin under the watch face. It was mildly irritated, but did not itch, so I didn’t think anything of it, put a small bit of healing balm over it and went to bed. In the morning when I went to put my watch on I noticed it was blistered and quite red, so I didn’t put my watch on. As the day went on and I watched, it looked like a burn. There was zero irritation around the spot, other than some redness, nothing extending like a rash or anything indicative of an allergic reaction, no hives and no itch. It wasn’t painful, but was sore to the touch. Being human, I googled “Apple Watch wound” and the photos that came up all looked exactly like what was on my wrist and said their watch had burned them.
So I reached out to Apple, assuming there must be something malfunctioning on the watch itself. When I gave the reason for my call I was immediately told I’d need to speak to a “senior safety technician” and was transferred. He was nice enough, but asked me about a dozen questions about the “irritation spot” (he never used the word burn or wound), my personal medical history (any history of allergies, eczema, or skin conditions) and asked for photos of the wound as well as a clear photo of the front and back of my watch. I was told he’d send the report to their advanced engineering department for investigation. I found it a little odd that they didn’t have me do any kind of diagnostics with the watch, but he told me someone would call me back Tuesday and I thought maybe that was when we’d go through some diagnostic steps.
Cut to today, the same person called me back to tell me it had been determined that what likely happened is I’m having an allergic reaction to something in the watch itself, and/or some kind of irritant got onto the back of the watch and I need to clean it “better”. I’m a little offended because I wasn’t seeking their opinion on the wound itself, if it gets concerning I’ll reach out to an actual doctor, not an engineering technician who is only looking at a photo.
I told him I am only reaching out to Apple to have them investigate potential issues with the actual watch, and I find it unreasonable that they can tell me there’s nothing wrong with the watch because they looked at a picture of the front and back, and didn’t check it in person or run any kind of diagnostics. He said if it made me feel better, he’d set me up with an in person appointment at an Apple Store to have the watch checked in person.
I am concerned that they are going to look at the watch and claim there is nothing wrong with it. I haven’t been wearing it because I want to let the spot heal, which it is, and I know that I can’t operate on what if’s. I guess what I’m looking for is advice on anything I should or shouldn’t do or say. I don’t want to forfeit any future liability against them should something happen again with the same watch, but I also am not looking to start some huge class action lawsuit. I honestly just want to be able to wear and use my watch again without worrying that it’s going to harm me. I just get the feeling they won’t admit to any kind of problem with the watch because then they’d be admitting liability to the wound, and I’m stuck with a watch I either can’t wear anymore or will wear but it’ll potentially continue to cause physical issues.
I did not go to the doctor, because it’s a mild wound and doesn’t appear infected. It’s healing and I’m keeping it clean.
Watch is an Apple Watch series 9 45mm GPS purchased from Apple in September 2023. I wear it with a braided solo loop band purchased with the watch and I always wear it in the same spot on my left wrist, for about 12-14 hours per day since I got it without any issues or signs of skin irritation. I do not sleep, shower, swim, or exercise with it on. Prior to this I had a series 6 that I wore the same way on the same wrist for about 2-3 years. I did try wearing it on my right wrist the day after this happened, and noticed a red spot where the face makes contact after about an hour so I took it off. I will say, though, it’s much more snug on my right wrist than my left. The watch is still under warranty with Apple Care+. I clean it about once a week with a microfiber cloth, and do not use any kind of cleaning agents on it.
I am located in Michigan, if that matters.
Thank you so much for any guidance in advance! I know this was long, I just wanted to give any and all details that could be important.
submitted by SheWasUnderwhelmed to legaladvice [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 00:19 debt_haver I have growing legal debt and will have student debt soon. 45k in savings, how to navigate?

throwaway account <3, NY Metropolitan Area based
Hello personalfinance!
I am currently a senior in college that is looking down the barrel of some relatively (?) serious debt that I would like help navigating. Let me lay out my situation as best I can below:
Got into some legal trouble last year, and it is still pending, so lawyer fees will likely increase, but right now they are sitting at just over $22k. I did not take out a loan, but this was money lent to me by my father. We sent a retainer of $25k that we have been eating at, but with the case pending this could end up being anywhere from $25k to $50k. We have not sorted out a payment plan yet, as the focus was and has been on making sure I am legally okay.
Despite being a senior in college, I am returning in the fall to finish some classes I need to graduate. Tuition + living (and food) expenses are looking to be around just above $17k. The bulk of that ($14k) is really my tuition. I will be subletting from a friend on campus so my living expenses are already far lower than the norm for my university/area. My 4 years of college have already been covered, I just have to cover my remaining semester. This is an upcoming cost, and not something I have paid for yet, but will have to come end of summer.
Those are my two financial stressors at this point in time. As for income and savings, lets dig in:
I plan to work at least one job this summer. I am currently interviewing for positions in NYC doing software engineering and data science. I am entering the final rounds of interviews at several companies, and I hope *knock on wood* to receive offers from 2 of them. If that is the case, I will work both, one full-time, and one part time. I have already talked to the (prospective) part-time company about this, and they have told me if I get a full-time offer from them, they would still take me part time. With that said, I do not have wages for either.
I also plan to work in the fall. I have started applying for positions, but most of my job search has been focused on this summer for now. I would love to find a computer science adjacent role for next fall, but if I cannot, I will at the very least find an on campus lower wage position, to have some income. After graduating in December I plan to find a full time position somewhere and be salaried where I can start earning real sustained income.
The real meat of my question though, is that I have $45k sitting in a fidelity account that has been earning interest (variable based on rates). This account has been continually added to by my parents as I grew up. The purpose of the account is to start off my life/career with a good sized fund to keep adding to and use a solid foundation for savings moving forward. As I look down the barrel of more debt, I am wondering what is the best way to deal with this. I understand it is hard to say with certainty without having a total value and payment plan setup for my legal debt, but I hope I can still get some valuable advice.
For example, is it more advantageous to take out however much is needed and cover my tuition and legal fees, or is it better to pay those off over time while that $45k keeps working for me? I feel like people are always anti-debt (for obvious reasons), but I also know that there are cases where leaving your money in the market may be more beneficial.
Anyway, thank you very much in advance, I will answer comments as best I can and edit this is I missed anything big.
tl;dr I have $22k in legal debt lent to me by my father. Case on going, legal debt will likely increase, but not more than $50k. I have to pay $17k in tuition/housing fees for next fall (final classes before December graduation). Have income prospects, but nothing locked in at the moment. Have 45k in savings account accruing interest. Spend savings or other options??
submitted by debt_haver to personalfinance [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 00:19 shdjvjvxjv An incident with someone who has a “chronic invisible illness” really shook me up

They’re a nice person. A very preachy, kind of annoying person that will talk my ear off about really stupid shit, but for the most part nice. They’re always talking about their various chronic invisible illnesses (fibro, MS, etc), as well. I’ve always been curious about those types, whether it was actually real most of the time. Of course it is for some, and I know that women are more inclined to suffer from autoimmune diseases (most likely due to hormone levels), but it’s those who are the most histrionic about it that make me want to be a little more discerning lol.
This person started displaying some pretty concerning behavior recently though. Red flags went up for me immediately, but others seemed to be taking them seriously. Next I heard about them is that they went missing for half a day due to having an episode, and from what I heard, it was a surprise to their family and friends.
I did some light research and found that schizophrenia symptoms almost parallel the symptoms of most of these invisible chronic illnesses. That’s just really scary to me. It’s made me wonder how many people who claim to have these diseases are the real deal and how many are suffering from mental illness. Either way, I guess they are sick after all? Are these people self-diagnosing and just neglecting to seek mental help, or are they going to the doctor and getting a diagnosis for their symptoms without a psych evaluation? Either way it makes me sad and worried that people aren’t getting the help they really need. Not everyone is privy to what red flags look like in these situations and are taking things at face value so as to not come off as insensitive or dismissive or offensive, and that’s a huge problem not just regarding this issue but others as well. We need to call things that are clearly mental illness out for what they are. Maybe I’m being preachy and annoying myself by posting this lol, but it’s been on my mind.
I’m really sad for the person who’s been suffering from these issues and didn’t get the proper help until things got out of hand.
submitted by shdjvjvxjv to rspod [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 00:17 apagandolasluces Some thoughts as I finish playing BD/SP for anyone who cares to read!

I grew up playing gen 3 and gen 4 mostly, that was kind of my Pokemon golden age, so I was pretty excited to get into playing the 'remakes'. It took a while, but I got there! Mostly positive experience, but theres some stuff I really just don't get.
Overall, I enjoyed BD. It feels very much like the OG Diamond, just looks a bit better (depending on who you ask). And while this similarity is a good thing, it's also my biggest gripe with the game.
There's lots of different ways you see the game industry describe these sorts of games: remaster, remake, definitive edition etc. Pokemon tend to avoid such titles, but this is very much a remaster in my opinion rather than a remake, and certainly NOT a definitive gen 4 experience, and I really think 'definitive' should be what these Pokemon 'remake' games aim for.
Here's some of my issues with it.
Issue 1: I do not understand why a definitive experience isn't given to the player in these 'remake' games, in particular I'm talking about 'Event' Pokemon, and meaningful new content (one and the same in many ways).
I hate the idea of 'Event' Pokemon. I always have. Where I grew up, we didn't have access to Event Pokemon. So Deoxys, Darkrai, Shaymin, Arceus etc. were always out of reach for me, and it always bugged me as a kid. How does a game like this get created, and the developers don't take every opportunity to truly make this a definitive version of generation 4? This game should have standalone events in the base game for Darkrai, Shaymin, & Arceus.
I get you can transfer them easily now with Home, and from Legends: Arceus save data you can get the Azure flute, I do get that - but it's not the same, and a separate game shouldn't be a requirement. I just do not understand why they can't make these games the definitive experience they should be, it just feels so outdated and unfair to players to have Darkrai/Shaymin events time bound and never repeated (and who the hell wants to just get a legendary off a mystery gift, it sucks. Whatever if its a shiny variant or something, but for the regular Pokemon? Trash). Just put them in the base game, or for goodness sake even make it purchasable on the Nintendo store if you really want, I'd honestly pay 4.99 for a Shaymin/Darkrai event add-on (though that too shouldn't be necessary).
I just feel the game would've been so much more satisfying and 'complete' if there were events included for these previously unobtainable Pokemon. It feels lazy and just not in the best interests of the player, or the game.
I give ORAS some credit with this in terms of how they handled Deoxys, overall I thoroughly enjoyed that and it did give me that satisfaction that I never got when playing RSE. I say 'some' because I still don't understand why Jirachi wasn't given the same treatment. The same applies to the likes of Mew in FRLG, Celebi in HGSS. I just don't get it.
Issue 2: We are so beyond Pokemon games needing difficulty options. Look, I know the games are for kids but Nintendo surely know their audience by now, a lot of people have grown up with these games and will continue to play them, at least allow us the choice of a challenge.
This game is a piece of cake. I casually strolled through it without any sort of trouble, skipped numerous trainer battles (of which their are honestly so many it becomes draining and takes away from the fun), and still didn't experience any sort of challenge until Cynthia's Milotic made me somewhat consider a tactical move choice.
Exp. Share completely kills the difficulty. Is there a way to turn it off? I had a quick check and couldn't find one. If there is, well I rescind this point, if not, then the point stands.
Issue 3: Something that will likely never happen, but I really wish for the remakes they would just focus on the third entry in the gen. For example, instead of BDSP, just focus on a Platinum definitive experience. Emerald, Crystal, if and when they do B/W I truly hope they incorporate the story of both BW & BW2 into one game if at all possible, a truly definitive experience of gen 5 (though, I won't hold my breath).
Issue 4: Is it just me, or does the Pokemon art style lack something? I've been staring and staring and I feel like it's the lack of black edges/outlines. Obviously, sprites had it. But we even saw it through Gen 6/7. I think since SwSh, the lack of those outlines really takes away from the designs - but look, this is just a personal take. I don't hate it, I just feel like something's missing.
I'd love to hear some other views on it, the above is by no means gospel, just some thoughts I found when I finished playing. Some satisfaction, but some disappointment in a big missed opportunity.
submitted by apagandolasluces to pokemon [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 00:17 PyroIsSpai Are UFOs impacted by energies and gravitational anomalies generated by fault lines? A few new clues and questions from a claimed UFO Program leaker on a similar subreddit.

0. High level summary

I propose that fault lines may play a significant and under documented role in what is happening with UFOs and specifically the impact of fault lines on some number of UFO related crashes. I suspect energetic effects from fault lines and gravity effects from mass variances in fault lines (especially while active) impact UFO/NHI navigational systems. They may do things like routing around, or via, fault lines.

1. A new leaker: Dijkstra's algorithm and Diablo Canyon.

On May 13th, 2024, a claimed leaker on UFO/NHI related programs posted on /Aliens with details on their history with the "Program".
It's a huge volume of data but one very particular passage instantly stuck out to me:
"The craft use a system that originally befuddled generations of researchers, but it's essentially a 3D dijkstra algorithm. It finds points around the craft, and chooses the most efficient possible route through space time to get to that point. Some of the parameters it uses to gauge efficiency are totally unknown to us and are a serious point of contention. It's not autonomy, but rather obstacle avoidance not unlike what you would see in a self-driving car. But, the self driving car could go through air, space and water without worrying about what medium its in. Additionally, the algo accounts for the crafts place in time."
And then this surprising sentence shortly after:
"Although the algo is extremely effective, Nuclear explosions and experiments somehow interfere with this navigation. Craft particularly avoid Diablo Canyon, even if we put something they really want there."
So, this Dijkstra's algorithm and Diablo Canyon.
I can find not one single prior reference to this anywhere, ever, in all of Ufology prior to that Reddit post.
I think this is entirely new, or new to the Internet for UFO topics.
In a 3D version of Dijkstra's algorithm, the algorithm extends from two-dimensional plane navigation to three-dimensional environments, making it suitable for applications such as drone flight paths, underwater vehicle navigation, or spacecraft trajectory planning. The algorithm begins at a starting node, exploring all neighboring nodes and continuously updating the shortest known distances from the start to each node, considering all possible paths. By repeating this process until the destination node is reached, the algorithm ensures that the path with the minimal total distance or cost is selected, taking into account the complexities of moving through 3D space. So, we have the introduction of a known means of navigation, that does 4D (by inclusion of a temporal parameter) mapping in this model.
Then we have the inclusion of Diablo Canyon -- but there are six of these in North America. Three of these are very close to government sites.
Which could the leaker be talking about? And why is it interesting in the context of UFOs?
Why would a UFO avoid a canyon?

2. Energy fields, UFO navigation and "fault lines" in gravity.

There are numerous reports and stories of things like claimed lasers, directed energy weapons/fields, and even allegedly things like RADAR having some manner of detecable impact on navigational capabilities of UFOs/NHI craft. The lore is full of this topic over time, and it aligns substantially with the scientific backgrounds of people known to be involved, like Sean M. Kirkpatrick.
This caught my eye as I've been doing a lot of reading on certain much lesser-known effects of fault lines, after I learned that the home and neighborhood I lived in as a child, where a group of us saw a "saucer", was literally sat atop a small land mass completely encircled like an island by fault lines. This is not unique--there are others. But this was a wild surprise to me, and especially when the flight path of the ship we saw... once I saw the fault lines path/heading...
It was the same route. The thing we saw, once I saw the fault line maps... it was like looking at a snippet of a Google Maps route that the UFO took, for the duration of our experience seeing it. I did not know this for decades.
For the curious, the bread crumb that led down this path was not this whistleblower, fault lines, or my own experience. It was studying Lagrange Points.
What's a Lagrange point?
Positions in space where the gravitational forces of two large bodies, like Earth and the Moon, balance out the centripetal force felt by a smaller object, allowing it to remain in a stable position relative to the two larger bodies. Think of it like the mid-way point between any two bodies with mass that impact gravity. Earth/Jupiter. JupiteSun. Earth moon/Neptune. You/your cat. It's not a 50/50 thing; if you are and your cat are 10 feet away, it's not 5-foot between you. It's also impacted by gravity from other bodies within range (and range is infinite because gravity is, no matter how infinitesimal at long distances).
There is even conceptually such a place, even if it's trivial in variation, between galaxies.
Keep in mind: there are specifically named 3D mapped always-moving (as Earth/moon for example) always-in-motion Lagrange points for the Earth and Moon. Five total--but those are just the optimal ones. There would be a relative band of space where overall the gravity between bodies is more balanced.
Almost like a fault line in gravity, huh?
That, the fault line discovery related to my experience, and my (then) unrelated fault line research which was pure curiosity unrelated to UFOs... at first.

3. Piezoelectrics, Electrokinetics, and Gravitational anomalies.

So we have a new claimed 4D mapping/navigational tool by NHI UFOs, and that they go out of their way to avoid some "Diablo canyon" no matter what we do. We know definitively there are places where gravity can have relative weak spots, due to the balancing of gravitational waves/forces/mass between bodies. All bodies with mass produce gravity... including tectonic plates.
But that's not all they produce in terms of energy.
Fault lines can generate three different distinct effects beyond seismic (shaking/motion) impacts on the world.
They are:
Stress-induced Piezoelectric Effects
Stress-induced piezoelectric effects refer to the generation of electrical charges in certain crystalline materials, such as quartz, when mechanical stress is applied. These effects are caused by tectonic stress and strain in the Earth's crust, which deforms the crystalline structures, generating electric fields. At the surface, these effects can disrupt local power grids, cause voltage fluctuations, and affect sensitive electronic equipment. In the atmosphere, piezoelectric effects can lead to changes in the ionosphere, affecting radio signal propagation and GPS accuracy up to altitudes of around 600 km. In space, the impacts are typically observed as changes in ionospheric electron density, detected by satellites in low Earth orbit (LEO), such as those at altitudes up to 1,200 km.
Additional reading:
Electrokinetic Effects
Electrokinetic effects are electrical phenomena that occur when a fluid (such as groundwater) moves through a porous medium (like soil or rock) under the influence of a pressure gradient. These effects are caused by the movement of ionized fluids through the Earth's subsurface, which can be influenced by tectonic activity, fluid injection, or natural fluid migration. At the surface, electrokinetic effects can alter groundwater flow, impact water supply systems, and cause electrical disturbances in subsurface sensors. In the atmosphere, these effects are less direct but can influence humidity and ionization levels, which may affect weather radar and communication systems. In space, electrokinetic effects are typically not directly observed; however, related ionospheric disturbances from fluid movement in the Earth's crust can be detected by satellites at altitudes up to 1,200 km.
Additional reading:
Gravity Anomalies
Gravity anomalies are variations in the Earth's gravitational field caused by differences in the distribution of mass within the Earth. These anomalies are caused by subsurface geological structures such as mountains, valleys, fault lines, and varying rock densities. On the surface, gravity anomalies can affect precise geodetic measurements, influence surveying accuracy, and impact construction projects that rely on gravitational data. In the atmosphere, gravity anomalies can slightly influence the flight paths of aircraft and atmospheric satellites, but these effects are generally minimal. In space, gravity anomalies are detected by satellites like the GRACE mission at altitudes of around 500 km, affecting satellite orbit calculations and providing data on Earth's subsurface structures and water distribution.
Additional reading:

4. The impact of fault lines on UFOs.

Disturbances related to stress-induced piezoelectric effects, electrokinetic effects, and gravity anomalies have been observed and recorded at various altitudes. Here are some notable examples across different categories:
A) Stress-induced Piezoelectric Effects
  • High-altitude Observations: Piezoelectric effects typically influence ground-based systems such as power grids and sensors. There is limited data on their direct impact at high altitudes. However, atmospheric electrical phenomena, such as changes in the ionosphere related to seismic activity, have been noted up to several hundred kilometers above the Earth's surface. These are often detected by satellites in low Earth orbit.
B) Electrokinetic Effects
  • High-altitude Observations: Electrokinetic effects primarily affect subsurface and near-surface fluid dynamics. There is no significant evidence of direct electrokinetic phenomena being observed at high altitudes. However, related atmospheric effects, such as changes in humidity or ionization, can indirectly influence atmospheric layers.
C) Gravity Anomalies
  • High-altitude Observations: Gravity anomalies have been detected at high altitudes, including by aircraft and satellites. Gravity Recovery and Climate Experiment (GRACE) satellites, for example, operate at altitudes of approximately 500 km and have provided detailed maps of gravity anomalies across the Earth.

Specific High-altitude Observations

  1. Ionospheric Disturbances Related to Seismic Activity:
    • Altitude: Up to 600 km.
    • Impact: Changes in electron density in the ionosphere, detected by satellites.
  2. Gravity Anomalies Detected by GRACE Satellites:
    • Altitude: Approximately 500 km.
    • Impact: Detailed mapping of Earth's gravity field, revealing variations due to tectonic and other geological processes.


  • Stress-induced Piezoelectric Effects: Up to ionospheric altitudes (~600 km) via indirect atmospheric electrical phenomena.
  • Electrokinetic Effects: Primarily near-surface, with no significant direct high-altitude observations.
  • Gravity Anomalies: Up to satellite altitudes (~500 km), with significant observations by GRACE and similar missions.
Reports say that the navigational apparatus of UFOs can be impacted by energy fields, implying this plays a role in their crashing. Similar claims revolved around electromagnetic fields.

5. Why would UFOs avoid "Diablo Canyon"?

We need to know which one it is. The most likely based on the intersection of fault lines; fault lines with impacts; and near proximity to notable UFO-related locations--Vandenburg and Los Alamos--leaves us with New Mexico and the nuclear power planet.
Here are all nearby relevant fault lines for each.
This section took a substantial amount of digging/cross referencing over weeks. I had begun this for a fiction/story idea that didn't pan out, and did not save the litany of sources I read. This is a summary.

A) Diablo Canyon Power Plant, California

  • Hosgri Fault Zone

    • Location: Offshore, running parallel to the coast near the power plant.
    • Stress-induced Piezoelectric Effects
      • Specific Locations: Documented near Avila Beach and Montaña de Oro State Park.
      • Relative Strength: Moderate compared to other equivalent faults in California, such as the San Andreas Fault. The presence of quartz in the fault gouge enhances the piezoelectric effect, making it comparable to effects observed in the Garlock Fault.
    • Electrokinetic Effects
      • Specific Locations: Recorded near Diablo Canyon Power Plant and Morro Bay.
      • Relative Strength: Comparable to electrokinetic effects seen in the Hayward Fault in California due to similar fluid movement dynamics.
    • Gravity Anomalies
      • Specific Locations: Detected offshore near Point Buchon and Diablo Canyon Power Plant.
      • Relative Strength: Significant compared to other coastal fault zones, with variations similar to those found in the Cascadia Subduction Zone.
  • San Andreas Fault

    • Location: Approximately 10 miles inland from the power plant at its closest point.
    • Stress-induced Piezoelectric Effects
      • Specific Locations: Parkfield, California and Hollister, California.
      • Relative Strength: High, as the San Andreas Fault is one of the most studied and active fault lines globally. The piezoelectric effects are significant and comparable to those seen in other major fault systems worldwide.
    • Electrokinetic Effects
      • Specific Locations: San Juan Bautista, California and Carrizo Plain National Monument.
      • Relative Strength: Significant, due to extensive fluid movement and high seismic activity. Comparable to effects observed in the Wasatch Fault Zone.
    • Gravity Anomalies
      • Specific Locations: Palmdale, California and San Bernardino, California.
      • Relative Strength: Very high, with anomalies providing critical insights into fault mechanics. Similar to those in the New Madrid Seismic Zone.
  • Shoreline Fault

    • Location: Discovered in 2008, runs very close to the plant, offshore and parallel to the coastline.
    • Length: Approximately 25 miles.
    • Within 5 miles: The Shoreline Fault comes within 5 miles of the Diablo Canyon Power Plant.
    • Stress-induced Piezoelectric Effects
      • Specific Locations: Nearshore areas close to Diablo Canyon Power Plant.
      • Relative Strength: Potential effects are moderate, with less documentation compared to major faults.
    • Electrokinetic Effects
      • Specific Locations: Offshore areas near the power plant.
      • Relative Strength: Comparable to minor faults in coastal regions.
    • Gravity Anomalies
      • Specific Locations: Offshore near Diablo Cove.
      • Relative Strength: Minor, indicating subtle density changes.
  • Los Osos Fault

    • Location: Within 10 miles of the power plant.
    • Stress-induced Piezoelectric Effects
      • Specific Locations: Los Osos Valley.
      • Relative Strength: Minor compared to major faults but notable within the local context.
    • Electrokinetic Effects
      • Specific Locations: Areas with significant groundwater flow near Los Osos.
      • Relative Strength: Comparable to small, groundwater-rich fault zones.
    • Gravity Anomalies
      • Specific Locations: Los Osos Valley.
      • Relative Strength: Minor anomalies detected.

B) Diablo Canyon, New Mexico

  • Embudo Fault

    • Location: Within 20 miles of Diablo Canyon.
    • Stress-induced Piezoelectric Effects
      • Specific Locations: Near Dixon and Pilar, New Mexico.
      • Relative Strength: Moderate compared to other faults in the Rio Grande Rift. Similar effects to those observed in the East African Rift.
    • Electrokinetic Effects
      • Specific Locations: Near Embudo, New Mexico.
      • Relative Strength: Moderate, consistent with other active rift zones with significant groundwater interaction.
    • Gravity Anomalies
      • Specific Locations: Near the town of Española, New Mexico.
      • Relative Strength: Significant, providing insight into the rift's complex tectonic structure. Comparable to anomalies in the Basin and Range Province.
  • Pajarito Fault

    • Location: Within 20 miles of Diablo Canyon.
    • Stress-induced Piezoelectric Effects
      • Specific Locations: Near Los Alamos, New Mexico.
      • Relative Strength: High, due to active seismicity and the presence of stress.
    • Electrokinetic Effects
      • Specific Locations: Near White Rock, New Mexico.
      • Relative Strength: Significant, due to active groundwater flow in the region.
    • Gravity Anomalies
      • Specific Locations: Near Los Alamos National Laboratory.
      • Relative Strength: Notable, with detailed mapping providing insights into fault mechanics.

6. Conclusion

Simply, some variables on the navigational systems of the UFO craft which rely on precise 4-dimensional mapping for their navigational system, with implied near real time adjustments across all parameters, are negatively impacted by unexpected or significant enough to not be able to compensate for impacts from native Earth effects generated by tectonic plate actions, in specific key locations.
I'd often suspected if there was something like this related to the handful of known crashes, and them seeming to be concentrated in certain areas. With this leaker, we see another few possible pieces of a puzzle filling.
Are they legitimate? We obviously can't tell, today. But this new data sure does align with:
  1. Reports of the USA trying to "bait" UFOs.
  2. Reports of the USA utilizing nuclear facilities to this end.
  3. UFO engagement with nuclear sites.
  4. UFOs reportedly avoiding certain areas, not limited to prior crash locations.
  5. UFOs reportedly being seen over time in the same places or repeated routes/locations.
  6. The USA getting big into gravity research along these lines (gravity scanners for military).
  7. Elizondo references to LIGO.
  8. And more beyond, that I'm sure more of you can recite from memory than I could.
Maybe this has some part of the genesis of the mythology of ley lines, because ancient humans couldn't possibly on their own know all these things. Were they just energetically charged fault lines that had some manner of intersection over time with UFOs?
If anyone wants to run with this or research equivalent sites in other parts of the world and their intersection with UFOs/UAPs, this may be a worthwhile rabbit hole for pursuit.
submitted by PyroIsSpai to UFOs [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 00:16 laurierose53 Tapered without Problems

I was on Cymbalta 90 mg for 3 years. I just tapered off to 60 mg for 3 weeks and then 30 mg for 3 weeks. This week I’m completely off without any problems. I am also on a high dose of Gabapentin - 900 mg 3 times a day, so 2700 mg. Do u think the gabapentin is why I didn’t have withdrawal problems? Just wondering if people who don’t have problems were also on other meds that could help with withdrawal.
submitted by laurierose53 to cymbaltasafetaper [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 00:16 Educational-Wolf6858 How do we get over childhood trauma?

The older I get the more I realize how fucked up my life is or was when is as between the age of 9-17. I am now 19f.
With my dad abusing me mentally and physically to where my neighbor sexually assaulted me & my two younger sisters, to older men sexually assaulting me, say my physiotherapists or my tutor. To me being attracted to older men & older men only. To now fearing to let my siblings grow up without me being able to protect them in any kind of way. It’s hunting me down. All of it and I don’t know what to do about it.
I’ve been to so many therapists or authority people but it doesn’t help, it never helped and I am just tired of speaking to different people about it, over and over and over again. It’s just tiring. I can’t keep up anymore.
submitted by Educational-Wolf6858 to TrueOffMyChest [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 00:16 Prestigious-One-3079 Elvanse - no side effects. Anyone else like this?

Is anyone else experiencing 0 side effects on elvanse? After reading so many comments about people hating it for various reasons, anger, jitters, no appetite, high heart rate and blood pressure, insomnia etcetera I am really surprised that I feel nothing. I don’t feel it hit me, I don’t feel it wear off, I don’t get that “crash” people speak of. I can drink all the coffee I used to without a problem and my bp still sits around 109/65 pulse usually sits in the 50s but can be in the low 40s when sleeping or as high as 160 when training hard. Notable effects, quiet mind and I now sleep all night long which is new to me as I used to get 3 or 4 hours a night I’m on 70mg
submitted by Prestigious-One-3079 to ADHDUK [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 00:15 Grimm What's the deal with Pacific Amphitheatre tickets this year?

What's the deal with Pacific Amphitheatre tickets this year?
I always look forward to the summer concerts at PacAmp. But this year they are using a different ticket vendor ( which is OK as I don't like how TicketmasteLiveNation seem to have a monopoly on most concerts. But they have decided to force people to purchase reserved parking with the better seats at a cost of $35 and you can only purchase 2 of these tickets at a time. This forces you to make multiple purchases if your group is larger than 2 meaning you have to purchase multiple reserved parking even if you don't need it.
I'm also wondering if this is a shady way to raise ticket prices without sharing it with the artists. Assuming they get a percentage of the box office but not parking.
I'm just curious if there is anyone who has the inside scoop or has read anything about the changes this year.
submitted by Grimm to orangecounty [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 00:15 HesCoined “hahaha. 😝 Thats not my job, thats YOUR job! haha 👹”

middle aged woman calls us this morning requesting a refill on Gabapentin (you already know where this is going) “OK!” , I reassure her that it will be taken care of.
“what is the prescribers NUMBER you have FOR MY PRESCRIPTION?” she cries out.
“XXX-XXX-XXXX is the number we have on file for your prescriber.”
“ NO NO NO NO NO NO NO! “ she actively screams into the phone. “You have to use XXX-XXX-XXXX as the updated phone number. You know, im really getting tired of this pharmacy & im scared you guys are gonna mess something up! This is the second time ive called! Whats going on?”
at this point im over it & dont feel like going tit for tat so I tell her : “OK well contact your doctor, is that all?”
(🙄🙄🙄!!!) Her: “But how will I know when its ready?”
Me: you should receive a text message when your doctor sends over your RX but theres nothing we can do about it at this moment. You can try calling him to expedite the process since we have 60+ refill calls to work on, but thats all I can tell you right now.
maniacally The middle ager!!! : “HAHAHA 😝 thats not my job. HAHAHAHAHA, thats YOUR job! 😝👹”
hahaha you silly, silly, silly, SILLY lady! the jokes actually on you because I get to go home after this & relax. Im not the one who needs the Gabapentin- my nerves are fine. Youre the one who’s gonna have to go without (since youre so above advocating for yourself)
Whats wrong with these people? NO! unless youre actively on fire or dying, im not gonna stop what im doing for another patient because you “NEED” to be prioritized.
Take you and your gabapentin somewhere else. we dont wanna deal with you & your shitty ass prescriber.
Needless to say, I didnt get around to calling her doctor because there was so much to do. Despite prematurely warning her to contact MDs office & make them aware she was OUT of her gabapentin, since we were backed up, she refused….. Now when she has anxiety or pain tonight & tomorrow- guess whos fault shes gonna make it? 😍 🎉 mine!!!!! slay!!!!!
submitted by HesCoined to PharmacyTechnician [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 00:15 gweezer Question: How are the airlocks in DS9 named?

The episode Babel (DS9 S01E05) starts with O'Brian trying to help some people stuck in an airlock. I want to know the name of that airlock, or the airlock naming scheme on the station. There's nothing in the episode naming it, so unless there's something I missed, or something was mentioned behind the scenes, were making up our own name!
So are there any other scenes that name the air locks? Are they named by number or ship section? Any insight would be valued!
(Why? My boyfriend and I have an inside joke that that's his favorite episode because he uses the first clip to experiment with video editing. I want to get him an "Airlock #??" sign for his enclosed entryway - which he calls his airlock. It's a dumb joke, but I can't pull it off without a number!)
submitted by gweezer to startrek [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 00:15 businessnewstv How to accept credit card payments for your Science Tutoring Business

Introduction to accepting credit card payments

In today's digital age, accepting credit card payments has become an essential aspect of running a successful business. This holds true not only for large corporations but also for small businesses, such as science tutoring services. By offering the convenience and security of credit card payments, science tutors can attract more customers and provide a seamless payment experience. In this article, we will explore how science tutors can utilize Square, a leading payment processing platform, to accept credit card payments and enhance their tutoring business.

Benefits of accepting credit card payments

Accepting credit card payments for your Science Tutoring Business with Square offers several benefits. Firstly, it provides convenience to your customers by allowing them to pay using their preferred method of payment. This can lead to increased customer satisfaction and loyalty. Secondly, accepting credit card payments can help you attract more customers, as many people prefer to pay with their credit cards for the added security and rewards. Additionally, accepting credit card payments can streamline your business operations by reducing the need for cash handling and manual record-keeping. This can save you time and effort, allowing you to focus on providing quality tutoring services. Lastly, accepting credit card payments with Square can also help you build trust and credibility with your customers, as Square is a trusted and widely recognized payment processor. Overall, accepting credit card payments can enhance the professionalism and efficiency of your Science Tutoring Business, ultimately leading to increased revenue and growth.

Choosing Square as a payment processor

Choosing Square as a payment processor for your Science Tutoring Business is a wise decision. Square offers a range of benefits that make it an ideal choice for accepting credit card payments. One of the key advantages of using Square is that it provides a free business bank account. This means that you can easily manage your finances and keep track of your transactions without incurring any additional costs. By having a free business bank account with Square, you can streamline your payment processes and ensure that your Science Tutoring Business runs smoothly. With Square, you can focus on providing quality tutoring services while Square takes care of your payment processing needs.

Setting up a Square account

Creating a Square account

To start accepting credit card payments for your Science Tutoring Business, you need to create a Square account. Square is a leading payment processing platform that allows businesses to securely accept credit card payments online. Creating a Square account is a simple and straightforward process that can be done entirely online. By creating a Square account, you will gain access to a wide range of features and tools that will help streamline your payment processing and make it easier for your customers to pay for your tutoring services. To create a Square account, visit the Square website and follow the step-by-step instructions. Once your account is set up, you can start accepting credit card payments from your students and grow your tutoring business with ease.

Verifying your identity

Verifying your identity is an essential step when it comes to accepting credit card payments for your Science Tutoring Business with Square. In order to ensure the security and legitimacy of transactions, Square requires all merchants to go through a thorough identity verification process. This process involves providing valid identification documents and verifying the information provided. By verifying your identity, you can gain the trust and confidence of your customers, as they know that their payments are being processed by a reputable and trustworthy business. Additionally, it helps Square in preventing fraudulent activities and maintaining a safe payment environment for both merchants and customers.

Linking your bank account

Linking your bank account is a crucial step in accepting credit card payments for your Science Tutoring Business with Square. By linking your bank account, you can seamlessly transfer funds from your Square account to your bank account, ensuring a smooth and efficient payment process. Additionally, linking your bank account provides an added layer of security, as Square's advanced encryption technology ensures the safety of your financial information. With the convenience and peace of mind that comes with linking your bank account, you can confidently accept credit card payments and focus on providing exceptional science tutoring services to your students.

Integrating Square with your Science Tutoring Business

Installing the Square Point of Sale app

To power your business and accept credit card payments for your Science Tutoring Business, you will need to install the Square Point of Sale app. The Square Point of Sale app is a powerful tool that allows you to easily accept credit card payments from your customers. By installing this app, you can provide a convenient and secure way for your customers to pay for your tutoring services. With the Square Point of Sale app, you can streamline your payment process and ensure that you never miss out on a sale. Install the Square Point of Sale app today and start accepting credit card payments for your Science Tutoring Business.

Setting up your products and services

Setting up your products and services is an essential step when it comes to accepting credit card payments for your Science Tutoring Business with Square. By properly organizing and categorizing your offerings, you can streamline the payment process and provide a seamless experience for your customers. Tailoring services to meet the specific needs of your students will ensure that they receive personalized attention and achieve their academic goals. With Square's user-friendly interface, you can easily create and manage different tutoring packages, such as individual sessions, group classes, or specialized workshops. Additionally, Square's secure payment processing system allows you to accept credit card payments with confidence, providing convenience and peace of mind for both you and your customers. By offering the option to pay with credit cards, you can expand your customer base and attract more students who prefer the convenience and security of electronic payments. Embrace the power of Square and enhance the payment experience for your Science Tutoring Business today!

Customizing your payment options

When it comes to customizing your payment options for your Science Tutoring Business with Square, there are a few important factors to consider. One of these factors is logo design tips. A well-designed logo can help establish your brand identity and make your business more recognizable to potential customers. With Square, you have the flexibility to upload your own logo or choose from a selection of pre-designed logos. If you're looking for logo design tips, Square provides resources and guidance to help you create a professional and eye-catching logo that represents your Science Tutoring Business effectively. Whether you're a graphic design expert or a novice, Square's logo design options make it easy to customize your payment options and create a cohesive brand image for your Science Tutoring Business.

Accepting credit card payments with Square

Processing credit card payments

Processing credit card payments is a crucial aspect of running a successful Science Tutoring Business. As a business expert in the field, it is important to ensure that your payment processing system is efficient, reliable, and secure. With Square, you can accept credit card payments seamlessly, allowing your customers to pay for your tutoring services with ease. Square provides a user-friendly interface that simplifies the payment process, making it convenient for both you and your customers. Additionally, Square offers advanced security features, such as encryption and fraud detection, to protect sensitive customer information. By utilizing Square's payment processing services, you can streamline your business operations and provide a seamless payment experience for your customers.

Accepting contactless payments

Accepting contactless payments is an essential aspect of enhancing the quality of life in group homes. By enabling residents to conveniently and securely make payments using their credit cards, it streamlines the payment process and eliminates the need for cash transactions. This not only improves efficiency but also promotes a safer and more hygienic environment. With contactless payments, residents can easily pay for their tutoring services, ensuring seamless transactions and a hassle-free experience. Embracing this modern payment method through Square empowers science tutoring businesses to provide a convenient and accessible payment solution for their clients, ultimately enhancing the overall experience and satisfaction of both residents and tutors.

Handling refunds and disputes

Handling refunds and disputes is an essential aspect of running a successful Science Tutoring Business with Square. As a business owner, it is important to have a clear and fair refund policy in place to address any customer concerns or dissatisfaction. In the event of a dispute, it is crucial to handle it promptly and professionally to maintain customer trust and reputation. Square provides a robust system for managing refunds and disputes, ensuring that both the business and the customer are protected. By utilizing Square's secure payment processing platform, Science Tutoring Business owners can confidently accept credit card payments and effectively manage any potential refund or dispute situations.

Managing your Square transactions

Viewing transaction history

To view the transaction history of your Science Tutoring Business with Square, you can easily access this information through your Square account. Simply log in to your account and navigate to the 'Transactions' tab. Here, you will be able to see a comprehensive list of all the credit card payments that have been processed for your business. This feature allows you to track and monitor your financial transactions, ensuring transparency and accuracy in your records. By regularly reviewing your transaction history, you can gain valuable insights into your business's cash flow and make informed decisions to optimize your Science Tutoring Business's financial performance.

Generating reports and analytics

Generating reports and analytics is a crucial aspect of managing a Science Tutoring Business with Square. By utilizing the robust reporting features offered by Square, business owners can gain valuable insights into their financial performance, customer behavior, and sales trends. These reports provide comprehensive data on various metrics, such as revenue, transaction volume, and customer demographics, enabling business owners to make informed decisions and optimize their operations. With Square's analytics tools, Science Tutoring Business owners can track the effectiveness of marketing campaigns, identify areas for improvement, and measure the success of different pricing strategies. By regularly analyzing and interpreting these reports, business owners can drive growth, enhance customer satisfaction, and maximize profitability in their Science Tutoring Business.

Managing customer information

Managing customer information is a crucial aspect of business leadership. As a science tutoring business owner, it is essential to have a systematic approach to collecting, organizing, and utilizing customer information. By effectively managing customer information, you can personalize your services, track customer progress, and provide a seamless experience. With Square, a leading payment processing platform, you can easily accept credit card payments and efficiently manage customer data. Square's robust features allow you to securely store customer information, including contact details, payment history, and preferences. This enables you to maintain a comprehensive customer database and effectively communicate with your clients. With Square's user-friendly interface, you can effortlessly update customer information, track interactions, and analyze data to make informed business decisions. By prioritizing the management of customer information, you can enhance your science tutoring business's efficiency, customer satisfaction, and overall success.


Summary of the benefits of using Square

Square is an excellent payment processing solution for science tutoring businesses looking to accept credit card payments. With its user-friendly interface and robust features, Square provides numerous benefits that can streamline your payment process. First and foremost, Square offers secure and PCI-compliant transactions, ensuring the safety of your customers' sensitive information. Additionally, Square provides transparent pricing with no hidden fees, allowing you to easily understand and manage your payment processing costs. Furthermore, Square offers seamless integration with various accounting and bookkeeping software, making it effortless to track and reconcile your transactions. Lastly, Square provides exceptional customer support, ensuring that any issues or concerns you may have are promptly addressed. Overall, utilizing Square for accepting credit card payments can greatly enhance the efficiency and professionalism of your science tutoring business.

Tips for maximizing your credit card payment acceptance

Accepting online payments is crucial for maximizing your credit card payment acceptance. Online payment solutions like Square make it easy for customers to pay for your science tutoring services conveniently and securely. With Square, you can accept credit card payments online, allowing your customers to pay from the comfort of their own homes. This not only increases convenience for your customers but also expands your reach to potential students who prefer online transactions. By offering online payment options, you can attract more customers and streamline your payment process, ultimately maximizing your credit card payment acceptance.

Final thoughts on accepting credit card payments with Square

Accepting credit card payments for your Science Tutoring Business with Square can be a game-changer. With Square's user-friendly platform and secure payment processing, you can easily provide your customers with a convenient and reliable way to pay for your tutoring services. Square offers a range of features and tools to help you manage your payments, track your earnings, and streamline your business operations. Whether you're just starting out or looking to expand your tutoring business, Square can help you accept credit card payments with ease. So, why wait? Start accepting credit card payments with Square today and take your Science Tutoring Business to new heights!
In conclusion, Square Instant Access is the perfect solution for small businesses looking for instant funds. With Square Instant Access, you no longer have to struggle to get the funds you need to grow your business. Say goodbye to lengthy loan applications and waiting periods. Square offers a seamless and efficient way to access funds, allowing you to focus on what really matters - running and expanding your small business. Don't miss out on this opportunity! Visit our website to learn more about Square Instant Access and start growing your business today.
submitted by businessnewstv to u/businessnewstv [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 00:15 CanIBorrowYourShovel DIY repair for Blue Ella /w dead battery (walkthrough inside)

Sorry for the lack of photos, but this one is easy to follow since the repair was so simple. This should be the same for all of the blue headphones with an internal amp
The blue ella has been discontinued, so it's selling for about $110 on amazon, down from its $700 MSRP. If anyone saw my review, I think they're easily the best closed backs under $200 by a country mile right now, with the ability to be used without the internal amp, with it to just cleanly amplify a weak source (amazing for my miyoo mini which has a stupidly weak amp) or with an "analogue" EQ mode that bumps the sub bass and warms it up a bit. I've been using them and adoring them, they're superb gaming cans. HOWEVER, I noticed the amplifier battery was lasting an absolutely wretchedly short amount of time, like 45 minutes. Turns out a battery powered device sitting in a box for like 7 years means the battery isn't gonna be very happy.
However, the repair was dirt cheap and super, SUPER easy. The battery is a very standard 3.7v, 1000mAh unit with the standard charging PCB covered in capton take inside the right earcup. I ordered a replacement one off amazon for $9 along with a $4 roll of double sided electrical tape. The replacement battery is 5x34x50mm, but the original is about 4x36x60 with another 1mm thickness of double sided adhesive foam. But the new battery fits just fine with some double sided tape that isn't 1mm (I used 1mm tape and it was a hair thick, but still worked. regular double sided tape is ideal) and the repair was a snap, only requiring a spudger or something to gently pry the earcup off (a butter knife would work) a t5 torx bit, and two little dots with a soldering iron (you should also get some solder and a little flux, some isopropyl alcohol and a Q tip to clean up the flux) and a pair of pliers or flush cuts to snip the connector off the replacement battery and strip back some wire. A pair of tweezers would be helpful too.
Firstly, remove the earcups (do both sides since it's easy and makes accessing the rest much easier) by gently placing the spudger or device between the brown of the earcup pad and the black plastic trim, and prying until it pops, then just work around, they'll pop right off. The bezel is very sturdy but be mindful of not nicking the pleather cups, they are glued to the frames and replacement pads are only really available through a custom pad maker like Vesper.
Now all we need to work on is the right side. Unscrew the 6 long T5 torx screws holding the driver and its bezel in place. The two short t5 screws just hold the bezel to the driver and can be left in place - removing them makes the whole thing a bit more unwieldy. The driver and bezel come right off, there's no adhesive. Don't lose the foam pad that goes between the driver and the rest of the earcup. Now remove the 2 t5 screws on the little cross brace that holds the battery down and set it aside.
Now we can remove the old battery - Safety dictates that you desolder the battery first - just follow the super obvious two wires to the board, make note or take a picture of which is red and which is black, and desolder them. The solder joints on mine were quite aged, so a touch of flux and fresh solder was necessary, but this is about as easy as soldering work gets. Once the battery is desoldered, use your spudger or pry tool to gently pry on the sides of the battery to release the adhesive. it's not super strong adhesive and mine came free with minimal effort.
Now place some double sided tape on the replacement battery and put the replacement battery in its place. the little battery "tray" makes lining it up easy. Align it the same way the old battery was, with just tape on one side. My new battery had a JST connector, so I snipped it off and stripped the wires back about 2mm. Tin your wires by touching them with some flux and fresh solder. Then I used some tweezers to hold the wire down while I soldered them in. Wipe up any excess flux with a little isopropyl alcohol on a Q-tip, make sure the solder didn't bridge between the positive and negative, and put it back together! Don't forget the little cross brace that clamps the battery down first, then orient the foam/drivebezel pack in place and screw it down. Pop the ear cups back on by pressing down on their very outside edge to make 'em clip into place. Charge it up and enjoy!
(one piece of advice when screwing screws back into plastic - when you put the screw into the hole, first turn it backwards until you feel a little bump or click, and THEN drive it in. This prevents cross-threading and accidentally chewing up the threads. And be mindful of not over-tightening. They aren't going to come loose on their own very easily, plastic is a lot grippier than screwing metal into metal, so you don't need to torque anything down.)
If your amp switch ever starts to get wonky, I also discovered in my disassembly adventure that the knob just engages with a regular slider switch like a gameboy uses. You can just touch some contact cleaner in that switch if it ever gets weird.
Overall, I was really impressed at how easy they are to repair and how pleasantly standard the battery is. I was worried that maybe I'd only ever just use them unamplified (which isn't too hard, as I understand they're fostex T50 drivers) but for maybe... 15 minutes of work start to finish, they're as good as new.
Now I just need to see how long these vinyl pads last before I have to get vesper audio to make me some proper leather replacements. I hate pleather.
submitted by CanIBorrowYourShovel to headphones [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 00:14 TearsOfLA 15 is a great ending point

I've been rewatching and achieving the series before the site goes down tomorrow, and I've for a long time been "13 is the best ending", but watching through 15, it is a really good ending point. It provides closure not only on chorus, but their actions with freelancer and the lives it ruined, it brought the consequences out of the canyon and showed how it impacted the galaxy at large.
It also showed an alternate path the story could have gone down. The Blues and Reds are what would have happened if the crew chose violence and vengeance, holding on to grudges, and taking the fight beyond freelancer. It puts into perspective that our crew may be stupid, but they are actually good people who made a positive impact on the world around them.
It also provided character closure without invalidating the end of 13. We don't see the fight, and we don't know how it went, all we get is Tucker saying "it was badass, then it was over, and he was gone." We get to see the process of grief that even though they won, they lost their friend, and while they are still sad, they can keep going. The finale with church is touching too; the sentiment behind "don't say goodbye" is nice, but there comes a time when something truly is gone, and it's ok to say goodbye. Epsilon learned it in the memory unit, caboose learned it here, and they don't disservice church's sacrifice by bringing him back.
We even get closure on some beloved side characters. Sister reunites with grif, the chorus group is doing well for themselves, doc airs his incredibly justified grievances, we learn the existence and fate of a number of freelancers, as well as more of their interpersonal dynamics that we missed in 9/10, and locus shows that he really is trying desperately to be better, even when it is hard. We got the Multiplayer character from bgc back, and they were just as funny as they were originally, with an awesome callback to "the beast". Vic is there too, and our favourite insane computer program has some of the beat joke lines since bgc. The only one that we really missed out on was Junior, which would have been great with the whole "Tucker has child support" joke.
It's not a perfect season by any means but what season doesnt have any flaws at all? The process server fell a little flat, it was a good joke, but the buildup was way too much for so little payoff. Carolina and Wash being way too trusting of the Blues and Reds is a little out of character, and the Blues and Reds even allowing Andrew's to be around was kinda dumb (but in character because they are still idiot sim trooper in the end). Donut getting zapped at the end as the setup for the next 2 seasons can be ignored as it isn't left as a cliffhanger to draw you into them, it's just a thing that happens.
The season overall left the story in a good place. There will always be a crowd, I used to be included, that says showing anything afterward devalues the meaning of 13, but living past trauma and sacrifice is why the sacrifice happened at all, and dealing with grief in the aftermath of tragedy is a part of life, and leads to great storytelling opportunities in media, and this was no different. I didn't finish 15 clamoring for more, I didn't feel dissatisfied with the characters or their arcs, I didn't feel like there was something missing. It wrapped it up neatly, and the only part that really gets left behind by finishing here is Washs trauma, which I liked in later seasons, but can be fanon "American Graffiti ending"-ed to flush it out.
submitted by TearsOfLA to RedvsBlue [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 00:14 FlurryBurger [QCrit] The Light Treaders MG Graphic Novel 178 pages 9000 words.

Hello! I have completed my graphic novel and am currently illustrating it. I have queried several agents and am collecting rejections. I finally received some feedback from an agent that was helpful and she gave some tips on what a synopsis should look like. I have rewritten my synopsis and am headed back to query tracker to give this another go. Before I do, I would appreciate some critiques and feedback.
Sometimes they ask for a manuscript and art work and I provide that as well when requested.
Thanks for your help!
Query: The Light Treaders, Fantasy Graphic Novel for Upper Middle Grade
My name is [Me] and I have written and am currently illustrating a graphic novel titled The Light Treaders.
There are so many agents to choose from it can be quite overwhelming! I read through the profiles on WEBSITE and your profile feels like the best fit for my book and my personality.
The Light Treaders is full of heart, humor, mystery and adventure. Parents and teachers will find that the young women in this story work together and lift up each other even while doubting themselves. The Light Treaders is aimed for upper middle grade readers. The characters solve problems, fight monsters, make jokes, find confidence, discover weakness all while becoming friends.
The Light Treaders is similar to The Adventure Zone series except that it is for children and the main characters are female. Kids that like Amulet, The Babysitters Club, and Phoebe and Her Unicorn will like The Light Treaders.
The book comes to about 178 pages with an average of 8 panels per page, and around 9000 words. I have created a dummy graphic novel with sketches, texts and frames in place. I also have about 15 pages where all the art work is completed. I would love to send pdfs showing my work at your request.
Here is a short synopsis of my book:
Nayel has been working in Ruthie Lanes Tavern since she was a young girl. Ruthie Lane is like a grandmother to her. Life is easy and comfortable in the village of Varistham.
An older man with white hair opens the door calling for Ruthie. Graham and Ruthie greet each with a hug like old friends. Graham introduces his friends, two young women about Nayels age, Daphne and Brianna.
Graham explains that the queen is very ill and he is looking for a book that could possibly cure her. It is located in the Codex Caverns. Brianna and Daphne are going to help him retrieve it.
Graham convinces Ruthie and Nayel that she should go in his place. Nayel isn't sure she wants to go. What can she offer? After talking to Ruthie, she agrees to go.
The three get to know each other as they travel. Daphne is an open book. Brianna, not so much.
While in The Wounded Woods they encounter flying snakes and bullying berry bushes before they come across a dilapidated cottage in a meadow. As it turns out, this cottage was Nayels childhood home. Nayel tells the story of how she ended up living in Ruthie Lanes Tavern.
The cottage looks as though it has been ransacked. They retrieve one Nayels mother's books of healing. Nayel tries reading one of the spells and she might not be useless after all.
They arrive at The Angry Oak and escape but not without some cuts and bruises.
The three find the cavern and they discover that they need to solve a riddle written near the door in order to enter. A theme that will repeat throughout the cavern.
They go through multiple chambers with locked doors each with a challenge they have to get past in order to get to the next room revealing each woman's strengths and weaknesses.
They meet Boonbert, a little Piddletroll and he becomes their guide. He acts put off by this act of kindness and calls them a bunch of inexperienced, overly ambitious, underprepared sunlight treaders, but he is secretly very grateful.
They acquire the book they need with Boonberts help and escape the cavern. Boonbert comes along but needs to avoid sunlight so he stays in Nayels bag during the day.
Boonbert guides the trio home, reveals a little bit of the Wounded Woods mysteries and they make their way back to Varistham.
They reunite with Lucy, Graham and Ruthie at the Tavern and tell of their adventure.
Graham tells them that he would like their help in gathering the ingredients listed in the book so that they can finally heal the queen.
Nayel agrees to go with her new friends and says goodbye to Ruthie Lane for now.
The group teleports to a classroom filled with students. Graham announces to the class that he has found the people that are going to help the queen. He asks the trio to introduce themselves and they call themselves “The Light Treaders”!
I hope you enjoy what you read and I'm looking forward to hearing from you.
Thanks so much,
submitted by FlurryBurger to PubTips [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 00:14 Puzzleheaded_Bat9172 Self training/ Flying tips for PSD for OCD

Hi everyone! I have a legitimate ESA but I just got a dachshund puppy and really want to work to train her into a PSD. I understand that there’s no service dog registry but I was curious on how you all mitigate the issue of having people believe whether your dog is a service dog or not. I have pretty debilitating OCD and often don’t leave the house/function normally when it’s flaring up. I’ve learned that the only thing that differentiates a good day from a bad day (OCD wise) is constantly having a dog around. The only way I’m able to make it out to the store or go drop off mail is if I have her with me. I need her to be able to calm me in moments like those since no humans are able to, not even my therapists. Without her, I spend most of my days lost in intrusive thoughts or feeling like a zombie just living every day in and out without purpose. She just gets it. Anyways, I know many people lie about SDs and I know they’re allowed to ask what the task she’s trained for is. I’ve discussed with my therapists and they mentioned that my condition is more than enough reason to have a PSD and I noted that the ADA deems anyone with my condition as able to have a service dog. How has everyone gone about letting airlines/outside places know about their PSD and how would you recommend letting them know with the least complications/fuss? Would it be helpful to carry around a letter from my therapist noting the need for a PSD or would this further harm everyone who is turned down places because they think that you need a certificate or note of some sort? thank you so much in advance!!!
submitted by Puzzleheaded_Bat9172 to service_dogs [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 00:14 PlutoHash [PASS] D330 - Data Systems Administration

Heyo, just wanted to write up a little post for this hellish course since I managed to pass in 6 days without touching that GodForsakenTextBook.
First things first, I was dreading this class so much and that probably made it worse. As soon as I saw someone mention they passed without reading the book, that was my path and I was sticking to it (unless I failed.) I planned to spend maybe 3 weeks on this class but after I passed the PA I said fuck it. Was not planning on retaining anything from here.
Main thing I did was follow this post, so I:
The OA:
Sucked. It was similar to the PA, but also not. It was like I was familiar with a lot of the stuff in the questions, but since I didn't read the book I was either a little lost or tottally clueless. Long story short, the PA and the quizlet cards definitely gave me enough info to pass, but a lot of it seemed like stuff that was probably in the book, but I didn't read it! I reviewed the Exam Essentials and notes from webmastersmith (link below). I was certain I failed by the time I was done, so if you feel the same when testing, you might be OK, go with your gut. In my case, I did okay on everything but the Backup and Restore section (UNSATISFACTORY), so you should also probably review that (Yalaholm has a linkedin video on that too, or maybe skim those chapters of the book, idk.)
I also used notes from webmastersmith too.
This method worked for me and at least a couple other people I saw post on reddit. Basically watch the LinkedIn videos and drill quizlets (I did learn mode and test mode mostly) till you pretty much know them all or most by heart. It got to a point where I didn't know if I was solidifying the knowledge, or remembering the placement of answers on Quizlet. Take PA, if it's a strong score you should be in a good spot. My OA, while similar in some ways content-wise, felt different/more challenging, due to many questions based on things I probably missed not reading the book, so maybe skimming through the chapters can't hurt. GOOD LUCK!
submitted by PlutoHash to WGUIT [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 00:14 ThoroughlyOrange 31[F4M] NJ/NY/PA- How do birds learn to fly?

They wing it!
Hi I’m Kim. Kimberly for long. Met someone on here a few months ago, really liked them, was online dating them, got completely ghosted. So I’m looking for some sort of distraction since it doesn’t seem like I’ll get an explanation. Screw you, Matt.
I’m 31, please also be at least 31. I live in NJ. That’s in the USA. We definitely need to click. If I like you, we definitely need to video chat and we definitely need to be able to meet.
A bit about me, you ask? Certainly! I have 2 cats and one dog. I enjoy theatre, and I’m a decent singer. I’m mellow, kind, and caring. Sarcastic. Also humble (this is a joke). Love some lively banter and quick wit. I love listening to people, especially when they speak of their passions. I love learning! I’m sure I can learn a lot from here!
I’m 5’8 (and I like being able to look up at my partner). My hair is naturally blonde, though currently it’s bright red. Blue eyes. 17 tattoos. Music and concerts are fun. I love theatre. I love performing. I like other people to cook for me. Please also be around my age.
Hopefully this is enough to at least pique your interest! Please reach out on dm or chat. If you send me a joke and a nice intro about yourself, I’ll probably respond. I’m open to photos after we talk. If you just say ‘hi’, I definitely won’t.
submitted by ThoroughlyOrange to r4r [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 00:14 Wide_Flight_6309 When does is become toxic

Hi lovely humans,
Been practicing for a while and kind of my whole life without knowing. I’ve always been ‘lucky’, have been winning concert tickets, so many things, a lot of opportunities for years since I’ve been a kid.
I have started consciously manifesting since last year summer and it cured an illness, got the sp, etc.
There is a but coming. All in all the financial situation is consistent, at times jumpy and it is causing real stress being freelance. I manifest opportunities and beginning of this year it was all perfect (many years), I knew it would all just continue and be wholesome. Promise, no doubts, I felt comfortable. Now for the past months it has been so tough and I kept on being relaxed (meditating every day for 3 years now), knowing it’ll be fine. Respectfully, when you can’t pay rent, all is crashing and nothing has happened in months I am wondering if this is just some toxic positivity?
I beg you, please don’t say self concept, we love ourselves so much! I am aware most people are here for SP, this was easy.
I am looking for honest opinions when people took a step back because manifesting and being in 4D too much actually seemed… non productive?
Really appreciate any thoughts. x
submitted by Wide_Flight_6309 to NevilleGoddard2 [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 00:13 MikeyKoopa Yagluth/Torn spirit

For start, I am not dead or needing body rescue.
I have found some areas of Mistlands and beat few Seekers, Seeker Soldiers and even those wizards. You know, Mistlands has mist and it is annoying go to area without Wisp stuff. And only way make those is beat Yagluth.
I have two different options:
  1. Ask people help me take down Yagluth so I could start get stuff for Mistlands
  2. Someone giving me same stuff and maybe walk with me at some Mistlands areas to show details and such.
These are some thoughts my current situation on game where I am at right now.
submitted by MikeyKoopa to ValheimRescues [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 00:13 Regular_Role384 Chinese show - episode 5 - Not quite getting it

Hello! I'm currently watching the Chinese show (haven't watched the American one nor read the book, so I woud appreciate if you could clarify without giving spoilers) and by episode 5, where I am now, I'm a bit confused with some things: why exactly is professor Wang so anxious and agitated? I feel like considering what has happened in the story so far, it would make sense for a person to be confused, looking for answers and everything, but a lot of times he seems like, utterly and completely disturbed by every little thing that happens. For example, when he's discovering the numbers on the photos a couple episodes earlier, he's barely started diving into the plot and he's already talking back to his wife rather abruptly. I understand that there's an environment of weird things happening, and he knows some of the scientists who have killed themselves, but it still looks to me as, I don't know, overacting? What I would expect from this character by this point would be something like Robert Langdon from the Dan Brown movies, you know? Like, finding out stuff, getting more and curious, but not like, getting dangerously close to schizophrenic, which is the vibe here. Am I just getting the whole thing wrong, or maybe the character is supposed to be like, just "peculiar" like this and I should just accept it....also, on a different matter, how did he get that the whole numbers on his eyes plot was caused by the Frontiers of Science group? I didn't get why he called their leader super angry and all.
I apologize in advance if my questions are too dumb haha I'm watching the show with English subtitles, and even though I consider myself fluent in the language, it is my second language and because of the amount of science-related terms and explanations I believe I could be not completely understanding everything that goes on. It's also my first Chinese show.
submitted by Regular_Role384 to threebodyproblem [link] [comments]