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Synesthetes Unite!

2011.09.05 08:29 itsallonme Synesthetes Unite!

Welcome to the Synesthesia Subreddit! It's estimated that around 4% of the world’s population are synesthetes: people with a neurological trait that enables them to enjoy additional perceptions in response to certain sensory or conceptual stimuli such as hearing sounds or music, tasting food or perceiving numbers or letters. There are many different types of synesthesia and we discuss all of them on this sub.

2008.05.31 00:30 /r/Sprint: Now With T-Mobile!

As of April 1st, 2020, Sprint is now part of T-Mobile! Welcome to the Sprint subreddit where we discuss news, user feedback, phone updates, tips and tricks, technical advice, and Customer Care experiences.

2014.05.29 05:38 graphictank Phans of Phox

PHOX is a six-piece indie pop band from Baraboo, Wisconsin. Don't drink the water.

2024.05.14 06:25 Expensive-Emu-9614 Free rubox site actually works

Free rubox site actually works submitted by Expensive-Emu-9614 to ROBLOXExploiting [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 06:24 WideTimothy Stuff to know about MIT protest demands, research freedom, and military contracts

A week ago, someone asked why “divestment from IDF contracts is so difficult.” After the actions, suspensions, and arrests of last week, I have also wondered why protestors and MIT’s administration did not reach an agreement. Here’s an effort to explain it.
I’m looking to read the protest demands carefully and generously, then consider MIT’s constraints generously. My conclusion is that if the core demands had broad support on campus—and I can't say whether they do or do not—I still think there are principled and consistent reasons MIT could not meet them as stated.
Please add anything I’ve missed about the SAGE and MIT positions in the comments. Factual corrections or additional details are appreciated!
(If you’re here for hot takes, you’re in the wrong thread. I’m not asserting what MIT should do about the demands, sharing opinions about student protests, or MIT's response. Please feel welcome to share your opinions about these in other posts about these topics.)
The demands
The core demands of the Scientists against the Genocide Encampment (SAGE) are:
  1. The immediate termination of two active faculty contracts with the Israel Ministry of Defense (IMoD)
  2. A ban on future faculty contracts with IMoD.[1]
The protestors identified these contracts in the MIT Brown Books, which provide detailed information about all sponsored research projects on campus. SAGE states specific concerns about an active research project on “autonomous robotic swarms,” which they say can be used to “target Gazan citizens or American protestors.”[1] I have not found specific stated concerns about the other project, “Field-capable Bacterial Biosensors with Hyperspectral Reporters for Remote Detection of Analytes of Interest.”[3]
The demands propose to terminate current funding, but would not stop the existing projects themselves. SAGE states the two active projects can proceed with alternative funding.[2] SAGE negotiators have said a process to limit human rights risks or restrict foreign military research would only be satisfactory if it terminated these contracts with immediate effect.[2]
Two pieces of information about these demands have been widely misreported. First, the contracts appear to be funded by the U.S. Department of Defense (DoD), not IMoD.[4] As the “direct sponsor,” IMoD chooses which research proposals to fund at U.S. universities. DoD involvement does not appear to be an important consideration to SAGE. I suspect, but don't know for certain, that ending contracts with a primary government funder could have material complications for MIT.
Second, SAGE has said that “more than $11M” has been funded through DoD/IMoD since 2015.[1][3] But once multi-year awards are deduplicated in the data they have published, they amount since 2015 is closer to $3.4 million.[4] The cost of SAGE’s core demands—which is the unspent balance of the two remaining grants—is not publicly reported by SAGE or MIT. However, this direct cost does not seem to be a material issue for either side.
Conflict between the core demands and MIT’s research policy
Meeting protestors’ central demands would require MIT to do something it has not done before: electively ban faculty from collaborating with a specific sponsor. Doing so conflicts with the MIT faculty’s longstanding position on “research freedom,” which A) lets faculty freely choose collaborators and topics and B) limits university intervention when researchers face criticism of their work.[5][6]
Consistent with research freedom, MIT has not previously banned sponsors or terminated research contracts except when required by U.S. law. For example, when many MIT faculty demanded that MIT sever ties with the Saudi kingdom after the murder of Jamal Khashoggi, MIT did not terminate Saudi government-affiliated research contracts.[5] MIT has similarly rejected calls to stop faculty research contracts with fossil fuel industry partners.
MIT’s faculty and administration have taken analogous public positions favoring “research openness,” including with sponsor countries criticized for human rights concerns like Russia and China.[5][6] These positions assert that science requires open collaboration even during foreign policy conflicts. MIT recently reaffirmed its position on openness as Congress considered limitations on U.S.-China research collaboration.[7]
SAGE argues that academic freedom was disregarded in February 2022, when MIT terminated a $100M/year collaboration agreement with Russia’s Skoltech after the Russian army invaded Ukraine.[1][8] However, as a corporate partnership between MIT and Skoltech, the agreement did not implicate research freedom principles as SAGE’s demands do.[8] MIT continues to allow faculty to work with Russian sponsors and collaborators, although U.S. State Department sanctions now restrict research collaborations with many Russian institutions, including Skoltech.[9]
The Saudi and Skoltech decisions show MIT's stubborn commitment to faculty research freedom, even when human rights concerns are broadly held in the MIT community. MIT exercises more discretion over non-research funding, like direct support and gifts. But unless required by U.S. law or foreign policy, MIT seems unlikely to create tailored bans on research sponsors.
Existing restrictions on campus research
MIT’s existing rules for campus research limit how military-sponsored research can be conducted. All projects must be basic research and publishable without restriction. They cannot require students to participate in classified research and cannot exclude researchers by country of origin.[10] These limits functionally limit the military projects MIT can host on campus, but not the collaborators or subjects faculty can choose. (See [11] for similar reasoning made during 1970s student movements against military research.)
For sponsors in some countries, MIT applies an “elevated-risk review” to the content of faculty research proposals when sponsors could present “human rights risks, U.S. national security risks, and economic competitiveness risks.”[12] MIT publishes limited information about these reviews, but they can apparently result in project modifications, contract limitations, or a refusal of MIT support.[4][12] Risk reviews are not applied to approved research contracts, for which “the bar for administrative intervention to terminate such projects should be set very high.”[4]
A content-independent ban on IMOD contracts does not seem compatible with a process focused on content-specific risks.
Since broadening these reviews would inherently limit research freedom, doing so would normally involve faculty consultation. But getting faculty governance involved means that changes could not occur with immediate effect.
Sources and further reading
[1] SAGE website
[2] SAGE final proposal to MIT administration
[3] MIT Graduate Students for Palestine, “No more MIT research for Israel’s Ministry of Defense,” The Tech, 10 May 2024
[4] SAGE data extracts of MIT Brown Book research contracts
[5] Richard Lester, "Review and Reassessment of MIT’s Relationship to the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia" (2019)
[6] MIT Faculty, "MIT Statement on Freedom of Expression and Academic Freedom" (2022)
[7] Maria Zuber, “Written Testimony to House Committee on Science, Space and Technology” (2021)
[8] Phillip Martin, “[MIT abandons Russian high-tech campus partnership in light of Ukraine invasion](\]” WGBH News (2022)
[9] “Information Regarding Informal Research Collaborations with Peers at Russian Institutions” MIT VPR (2022)
[10] MIT Policy & Procedures 14.2 (“Open Research and Free Interchange of Information”)
[11] Harvey Brooks on research freedom, protests, and military contracts at MIT (1973)
[12] MIT VPR, “Elevated risk project review process” (2019)
submitted by WideTimothy to mit [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 06:21 gluten_kills Excerpt from Academic Textbook on SIBO

The following short section comes from a book entitle "Microbial Inhabitants of Humans," written my Michael Wilson in 2005. I thought that some of you may find it helpful.
Contaminated small bowel syndrome:
In comparison with the large intestine, the number of microbes in the small intestine is very small. This is due to a combination of factors, including the low pH of the region, the rapid peristalsis which reduces transit time, and local host defenses. Impairment of any of these results in an increase in the microbial population, and the is known as "contaminated small bowel syndrome" or "bacterial overgrowth syndrome". The major causes include anatomical abnormalities o the gut, gut obstruction, disordered gut motility, reduced gastric acidity, and infection of the biliary duct.
The main symptoms associated with the syndrome include steatorrhoea (increased faecal fat) and vitamin B12 deficiency. The increased microbial load in the small intestine results in rapid deconjugation of bile salts, creating water-insoluble free bile acids which are not reabsorbed and recycled. This eventually depletes the levels of bile salts in the small intestine so that micelle formation does not take place. Consequently, fat is not absorbed and is excreted.
The small intestine is an important site of vitamin B12 absorption. This vitamin binds to intrinsic factor produced by the stomach, and the resulting complex is then absorbed. However, the vitamin is also needed by many bacterial species, and large numbers of bacteria will rapidly reduce its concentration, thus depriving the host of this important dietary constituent. Vitamin B12 deficiency ultimately leads to megaloblastic anaemia.
Other maifestations of the syndrome include carbohydrate malabsorption, hypoproteinaemia, and diarrhea. Treatment involves the surgical correction of any abnormalities, the administration of antibiotics, and vitamin supplementation.
submitted by gluten_kills to SIBO [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 06:11 Drwhoodinii I LOVE NetGalley

I've read so many free books because of NetGalley. For other's getting into it. It's super helpful if you have an ABA number. My ratio is like 40% because I got SOOO excited and requested all the titles and then I was super honest and told them that when I chose "not to review" and I still feel like I get approved to read a lot of titles. It's an AMAZING site.
submitted by Drwhoodinii to NetGalleyCommunity [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 06:02 Choice_Evidence1983 I found my sister who disappeared from everyone more than 15 years ago after she ran away from home

I am NOT OOP, OOP is u/MediumGrouchy5547
Originally posted to TrueOffMyChest
I found my sister who disappeared from everyone more than 15 years ago after she ran away from home
Trigger Warnings: abandonment, depression, self-harm, eating disorder, possible mental health issues
Editor’s Note: TCA stands for trastornos de la conducta alimentaria which translates into “eating disorder”
Rastafarian: a religious movement
Original Post: April 26, 2024
I'm really happy and confused and I really don't know if I can talk about this with friends and family but I need to share my experience with someone because I missed my sister. I don't need or want any advice since no one really knows the situation to be able to give a good advice without assuming things they don't know and it's weird to read people talking about my sister like if they know what she lived, I just want to share this and I know a lot of people have had experiences like this too so maybe someone can relate.
When I was 10 years old my older sister who was 22 at that time disappeared after leaving a note to our parents saying that she's okay and just wants to start over her life.
My sister was always a lonely but outgoing person, she always told me that she enjoyed solitude from time to time and noisy things took away from her quality of life because tbh it was loud LOUD where we lived and it was annoying even for me (we lived in a dangerous neighborhood so it wasn't too safe and she hated not being able to go for a walk at night or do things at night alone), she was depressed and I remember seeing her suffering from severe anxiety attacks, she used to hit herself to stop them and she had a strong TCA that triggered those things. She suffered from other mental issues as well and talked freely about that, she talked about those things in front of me and these are things that leave a mark on you.
She was the favorite of the whole family although mi parents never out pressure on her, they always let us do our life (my brother who was 19 at that time knows that, my sister was the golden child), my grandfather always made it clear that she is his favorite granddaughter, even now. She was the calm but funny kind of person, she was the closest to my parents and uncles so when she disappeared from one day to the next no one understood what was going on.
Even my sister had never traveled alone except to go to work and she always notified my mother that she was okay for safety reasons. She left a long note clarifying that she doesn't want to be searched but she loves us. It was a big blow for the family, I remember my mother wanting to report to the police but they said that my sister was not a minor and the note said that she left by her own so they can't do anything.
In a way, my other brother knew that this would happen at some point, since our sister mentioned a lot that she wanted to leave everything and go live in the countryside or become a nun and live in a calm place without any worries but nobody took her seriously about that. She was always the kind of person who did things without telling anyone, she liked her solitude sometimes even if she was always friendly.
The first months and weeks were strange, it wasn't that she had passed away but that she disappeared because she wanted to, I remember my mother missing her because they always shared the afternoons together.
I also missed her a lot, Even years later my family missed her and at Christmas or her birthday someone would always say "maybe she'll show up now" or we would wonder how she's doing or if she was alive.
Back to the present. I'm on vacation in the south of my country (This part of my country is very expensive for a tourist and I am the only one in my family who was able to come now that I am an adult), it's a place full of villages and while I was exploring I came to a place where they sold typical handicrafts of the place.
While shopping I can swear that the first thing I saw was my sister looking at some crafts on a shelf, she looked more adult but obviously I recognized her instantly, we are really similar after all.
I didn't really knew how to react after so many years and I didn't know how she would react, but I went over and said her name. What I didn't expected was that she would smile instantly when she saw me and called me by my nickname. I thought she had escaped because she didn't wanted anything to do with the family even if in the note she said she loves us, but she was greeting me as if nothing had happened.
She told me that she didn't expected to see me there and asked me if I was on vacation, she said that the village used to be not so touristy but now more people started to go and many villagers opened stores for the tourists. I was upset, I was angry with her for leaving us and pretending that nothing happened but I couldn't react so I just asked her if she lives in that town and she said yes, It's a place filled with old people.
We talked for a few seconds, she asked me what I'm studying and if everyone at home is okay, she told me I'm taller and thinner. Then she gave me a kiss on the cheek and told me that if I have a few days off I can go visit her but she doesn't have a cell phone so she told me that she's almost everyday there. My sister also told me to send hugs to our parents.
I'm confused and full of questions about her, she doesn't even wants to hide, she didn't looked or talked to me like someone who wanted to run away from something and hide. She was just happy to see me and happy to know that we were all good.
But I also feel resentment for her when I think about all that our parents and grandparents suffered when she disappeared, making my mother feel that she was a bad mother because she couldn't protect her.
But I'm ambivalent as I'm also happy to know that she's okay and that she doesn't hate me or the family but I'm also confused, Her behavior wasn't that of someone who is hiding or who doesn't want to know anything about her past, she was just happy to hear about us.
Edit: I'm sorry but there are people who clearly don't read the post, there are literally people saying that I didn't even knew my sister and commenting as if they knew her and taking things for granted about her life, there are even people saying that they don't understand why I'm 'angry' (it's just a feeling, a normal feeling, it's not that I hate her and I will treat her badly, god. Nor will I talk to my family without talking to her first, at what point in the post did I say that I'm going to expose her? I'm never going to treat her badly either because I have no reason to do so, It's crazy how half the comments draw silly conclusions) with my sister when i literally say it up there, even if my English is bad because it's not my first language, just read the post before you want to get a few likes for some unnecessary advice.
Additional Information from OOP on his sister’s note
OOP: My sister in the note said that she loves our parents, my brother was 19 when our sister left and he himself knows how much our parents loved and supported her when she was having a hard time with herself but the outside always affected her badly.
I was ten years old but I wasn't a baby and I remember what the family dynamic was like, I remember the feeling of my family, my parents are not narcissists and my sister loved them and they love who's my sister, she just had her own problems.
How could a parent miss the idea of their children? There's not a day when my parents don't miss everything about my sister, they miss sharing the day with her, my father even missed when she was cranky. My parents always let us go our own way and I can assure you that they never pressured us to be what they wanted us to be, I don't even know what they want us to be.
Relevant Comments
Mil1512: Is your sister neurodivergent?
With the hitting herself when struggling with anxiety and enjoying solitude.
I'm neurodivergent and my family live in another country. I honestly forget to talk to them most of the time and only really do because my mum messages me first. If she didn't we just wouldn't talk. Not due to any hate or anything, I'm just happy doing my own thing.
OOP: She's not. My sister had a lot of self-destructive behaviors and hurting herself was one of them when she felt 'fat', she also had eating disorders and panic attacks because of that. I don't remember too much but she did other things to not eat besides hitting herself, she was very open about her TCA and yes, she has a diagnosis from a professional.
My sister was always in touch with my mother and everyone in text, she always used to keep in touch when she was going out until the day she left, now she doesn't even have a phone. In her note she just said that she wanted to leave everything
mikuzgrl: It almost seems like the sister has been in contact with someone for a while and thinks news is being passed back and forth.
OOP: I never thought about that but I don't think so, seeing how my parents miss her I think the first thing the family would do would be to at least tell my father that she is okay :/
Can people just stop with the aggressive messages? Weirdos: May 1, 2024
I understand that many reflect their personal traumas in this site, but I literally received passive-aggressive messages calling me idiot or even telling me that I would hate my sister if she were neurodivergent or claiming that my parents abused her.
What's wrong with y'all? Go to a psychologist and stop reflecting your unresolved traumas in the story of a person you don't even know. Go out and touch grass and talk to a real person instead of literally sending private messages like that.
I didn't asked for any advice and just wanted to share my story because that's the point of that subreddit, but many took it the wrong way and decided to turn something positive into a way to fight.
I don't even understand why out of nowhere I started getting those kinds of messages or if someone share that post on a weird place.
Editor’s Note: TLP is trastorno límite de la personalidad which translates into Borderline Personality Disorder
Update: May 7, 2024
On sunday I finally found my sister again, she was selling things in the park with other stands, all of them are rastafari, not hippies or a sect. I walked over and she greeted me just as happily, we talked a couple of things and my sister told me that she doesn't have a cell phone so it was impossible for her to tell me that she wouldn't be there on Saturday.
I spent the afternoon with her at her stand and after that we went to her house, she lives alone (and sometimes with her friends). We talked for a while and at one point she broke down and hugged me, saying she was trying to stay calm all this time and didn't knew how to react because she didn't wanted to make me cry too bc she remembered that I was really sensitive but she couldn't hold it anymore. We cried and talked a lot.
My sister was tired of people, she said that our house was her safe place but hated the idea of having to work everyday and I didn't wanted to study anything, she was our parents' golden child, so they let her do whatever she wanted, but she knew that at some point she had to make something of her life. She was tired of how stupid and empty everyone was, of the politicians, of the TV showing empty things, of the noise everywhere outside when she wanted peace, even sleeping in our home was stressful for everyone because of the noises outside during the weekends when she wanted to be alone to smoke and listen music (tbh, In my memories as a child I didn't remember the obvious smell of joints that my sister had all the time)
That added to the pressure that society put on her to be physically perfect make her want to leave everything behind.
She didn't wanted to die but realized that my parents were miserable when they saw her being miserable, this is something I didn't know, but my sister said that our father had two jobs to be able to pay for her psychologist and medication, also my father used to spoil her a lot with the only food she eat without guilty. Running away was like dying symbolically.
My sister says that although our parents always supported her, she felt like a failture for not being able to improve and always relapsing, she felt bad to see our father working so hard and also wanted to live according to her spiritual mentality, free from all that is toxic in society.
All of those things make her ran away from everything, she felt like a burden and also didn't wanted to live a life working and miserable like everyone.
Sis told me that she never contacted us because she doesn't wants to have a cell phone and a trip to our province is too expensive to her because it's basically going from one end of the country to the other.
She hates capitalist society with all her soul and doesn't even have a TV. My sister said that she is much better now away from the city. My sister told me that she wants to talk to our parents but doesn't knows what to say and we don't want to give them parents a shock since our dad was sick a few days ago and is recovering from dengue.
I'm writing this with her beside me and doesn't understand what's the point of this site (The last social network she used was fotolog in 2007) but said that she doesn't mind if I post this. She wanted to write something but said she doesn't like writing in English haha
My sister was reading the comments and wants me to clarify that she never suffered any kind of a abuse, she has a lot of friends and never had any problem with anyone but likes to be alone from time to time to meditate.
And she's not neurodivergent (She said her behavior was normal because of her TLP), suffers from ED, borderline personality disorder and see a psychologist twice a month.
During her adolescence, the blogs Ana and mia were trendy, her friends had that 'aesthetic' and she was popular in fotolog (according to my sister, at that time it was taken as an aesthetic and even a book about that was really popular between teens, maybe someone from my country knows Abzurdah?). She hated going out when she felt fat, she couldn't have imperfections like cuts on her arms so she hurt herself with a rubber band when she overate, something she read in those blogs. Now she's in a good weight but it took her really long to not relapse again. It's been a long recovery for her and once you're anorexic you never stop being anorexic, she's always afraid of relapsing.
So that's it for now, we don't know how we're going to talk with our parents without making them freak out. And also my sister after seeing the comments on the post saw other reddit posts and said that her life is definitely better without a cell phone, she says that things like fotolog was the beginning of all evil haha
Relevant Comments
OOP on his sister being involved with Rastafari
OOP: Idk how it is in other countries to be honest, my sister doesn't live in community and there are no camps, she's one of the few who has a house because most of them prefer to travel around the country.
I really think it's impossible for them to be 100% Rastafarian here tbh because we are from South America and the Rastafarian community here is obviously totally different from the REAL Rastafarians, they just follow most of the philosophy
Edit: for example, my sister doesn't consider herself Rastafarian but she share some points of the philosophy they have, I don't know how the rest of them thinks



submitted by Choice_Evidence1983 to BestofRedditorUpdates [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 05:56 finchestech What is a CTA?

A Call to Action (CTA) is a directive used on websites to guide visitors towards a specific action. This directive can take the form of a button, link, or text, with common prompts including "Buy Now", "Learn More", or "Sign Up". Designed to be visually striking, CTAs are strategically placed to catch the eye and engage visitors immediately.
How does a CTA generate more leads?
Increases Engagement
A CTA directs visitors to take the next step, enhancing their engagement with the website. By encouraging actions such as signing up or subscribing, the site can capture valuable information like email addresses, increasing interaction opportunities.
Clarifies the Action Required
Clear CTAs remove any ambiguity about what the visitor should do next. By providing straightforward directions, they help channel visitors towards actions that align with their interests, thus boosting conversion probabilities.
Inspires Immediate Action
Effective CTAs often incorporate urgent language, such as "Offer Ends Soon!", to provoke immediate responses from users. This urgency taps into the visitor's impulse to act quickly, leveraging time-sensitive offers.
Highlights Benefits
Well-crafted CTAs not only instruct but also highlight compelling benefits, like "Get a Free Trial". By clearly stating what the visitor stands to gain, CTAs make the proposition more attractive and motivate further action.
Optimizes the Visitor's Journey
CTAs can be customized to fit different stages of a visitor's journey on the website, ensuring relevance and timeliness. This tailored approach significantly enhances the likelihood of converting visitors into leads.
Facilitates Testing and Improvements
By analyzing the performance of various CTAs, businesses can refine their strategies to better meet their objectives. Testing different designs and messages allows for optimization based on real user responses, which can lead to more effective lead generation tactics.
submitted by finchestech to u/finchestech [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 05:50 Strong_Deer_3075 Low on 100mg c/week? Low responder?

Was prescribed 200mg test c/ 2 weeks. 3 times of injection site sore quads and tried 100/week. Soreness all but gone now. Had 3 month labs drawn last week and came back free 26, total at 271, psa 0.3, estrogen 18, fsh 5.3. Am I doing something wrong? I have been doing more yard work (20+ hours a week) and walking 3-4 hrs a week. Can exercise and work lower total T that much in 5 days after a shot? 57 years old 6' 4" 260 with 15% body fat. I am sleeping better, have less joint pain, and can keep my younger wife saying she's past good in bed.
submitted by Strong_Deer_3075 to Testosterone [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 05:46 Only-Mango-3424 Some wallpapers I collected since I'm customizing my desktop

Some wallpapers I collected since I'm customizing my desktop submitted by Only-Mango-3424 to gurrenlagann [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 05:33 Consistent-Raccoon51 Really upset with myself…. I relapsed.

Well after 2 weeks gamble free I found a new site I could try some slots on and gambled 60$ total. Which in a way I’m proud of because my old self would relapse and lose 500 to a grand that I don’t have and then be negative in my bank account. I’m just very upset because now I have to restart my no gambling streak lol. And what’s crazy is…. The whole time gambling I was like why am I doing this? This is dumb… I literally have so much debt, but then the other half of me was like what if I hit! I could use an extra few 100 for bills! Anyways just wanted to vent and little and I’m only 2 days gamble free now. Going to try really hard and not let that happen again even if it was for only a little amount.
submitted by Consistent-Raccoon51 to GamblingRecovery [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 05:04 Leather_Ad_8430 SAHM left in another man’s house with no money

I have a consultation with an attorney tomorrow regarding child custody, child support and divorce.
To sum up this nightmare I’m living, my husband and I- along with our three children have been living with a friend of his for nearly two years. I’m a SAHM to our three kids- ages 1, 3 and 5. He is a delivery truck driver who makes around 100k/year. We mutually agreed that we are both miserable and want a divorce. My reasons being he spent $600 at a strip club on lap dances while I was home caring for his children (baby was 2 months at the time), found out he was googling free hook up sites and backpages when out of town for work, calls me a bitch constantly, found out he’s had a porn addiction since we got together 6 years ago and that’s the reason the man never want to have sex with me etc etc etc..
He refuses to take accountability or go to marriage counseling. Just wants me to “forgive and forget” and pretend everything is fine. Okay so fast forward- he drained our bank account to move into a townhouse leaving us to live with his friend who is a 49 year old male. We are 25 and 26. He cannot have the kids overnight due to his work schedule so our current agreement is 2 week day evenings from 4:00pm- 6:30pm and every other weekend.
One minute he is civil and the next he is making confusing comments to our 5 year old, calling me a bitch, telling me he’s going to cut off access to our bank account, deactivate my phone, etc. This behavior is typically caused by alcohol.. but the point is, he has become unpredictable.
We cannot agree on anything when it comes to what amount of money he will give me weekly. He just keeps saying I need to get a job… yet I have the kids 80% of the time so I literally can’t get a job at this point! Wants to put them in daycare but everywhere around us is waitlisted AND that would be an additional 2k a month that he cannot afford now that he is paying rent at his new townhouse. REASON IVE BEEN A SAHM!
He agreed to get our current agreement notorized tomorrow to protect both of us bc of the laws in NC. I need him to sign this so I know he has to bring my kids back before filing for child support bc I know it will get ugly..
I am so lost and honestly just needing some reassurance that he can’t do this to me and his kids
submitted by Leather_Ad_8430 to legaladvice [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 05:03 notoriousbck Anyone diagnosed with Gastroduodenal or Jejunal Crohn's that did not show up on MRI ?

I posted about this awhile back and did not get much response but I am gaslighting myself and need people who have gone through this or similar to help me be objective.
I will Try to keep this brief but it's a lot.
-long history of stricturing Crohn's of terminal ileum diagnosed in 2006. First resection Sept 2018, Last resection in April 2022. Surgeon told me he found Crohn's high up in small bowel, could not remove safely, hoped new biologic (Stelara) would take care of it.
-6 month delay in starting Stelara due to GI F up (forgot to send preauthorization)
-July 2022 began having severe upper gastric pain (under ribs and belly button) after even the smallest amount of food, followed by severe nausea and often vomiting. Within half hour multiple liquid BM's undigested food and insane amount of fluid. Began to eat less and less, moved to soft diet, and finally to complete liquids in August 2023
-July 2023-Oct 2023- Weight loss of 20 lbs over 3 month period. Many ER visits needed for rehydration and IV anti emetics and pain meds as could not keep down any oral meds. GI did colonoscopy but only found microscopic Crohn's in anastomosis site (he only took 2 biopsies from that area and nowhere else). CT's done in hospital showed thickening of wall of ascending colon, and collapsed bowel, free fluid in peritoneum. GI dismissed as "not reliable". Fecal Cal slightly elevated. Constant low grade anemia. After 4th ER visit in Oct 2023 they did a high res Ultrasound and I was admitted by surgery department. However, as I was urgent but not emergent, there were no beds available. Was given choice of staying in ER and receiving IV steroids, or going home and following up with GI. Chose home and was given Entocort. Entocort slowed down bowel from 30-50 bm's a day to ten. Did not help pain, nausea, vomiting, lack of ability to eat. After several desperate emails where I begged for help, said I wanted to die-GI ordered urgent MRI, would not change meds or give prednisone without "proof".
-November 2023-Began to experience fatigue like never before. Could hardly keep eyes open. This would be followed by severe upper gastric pain, nausea, vomiting and diarrhea that went on for days, followed by constipation for 1-2 days and severe bloating, only on the left side of belly which would be rock hard and hot to the touch. Then the diarrhea cycle woud begin again. Always pure liquid, sometimes black, always tons of mucous.
-Went to Mexico to visit my parents for the holidays where I usually feel better but still could not eat. Injecting myself with IM Gravol (anti emetic) just to keep fluids down. I lived off of chicken broth with rice. Saw GI in private hospital. Ordered full workup. Blood found in stool. 3 D CT ordered (could not find a vein for IV after 5 nurses, two doctors, and a radiologist with a vein finder so only had oral contrast) showed inflammation in small bowel, thickening of the ascending colon wall 11 mm, and inflammation of ileum. He wanted to send me to special IBD hospital in Mexico City for MRI but it would have cost 2500$ so I decided to wait till I got home to Canada where it would be free. Treated me with antibiotics for IBS (only available in Mexico and Germany) Zero improvement. I lived off of electrolyte drinks.
-Jan 29th 2024 returned to hospital because I could not keep any oral meds in (pills would be in toilet) also pain was 9/10, high fever, vomiting. Admitted again, but no beds. Left AMA with another prescription for Entocort.
-Feb 12 2024- High fever followed by two days of 40 plus liquid BM's, some of them bloody, all of them black. Husband insisted back to ER where I was admitted immediately. Cortisol levels 11 (close to adrenal failure) very low potassium. Doc said if we'd waited I likely would have died from heart event. Spent 8 + weeks in hospital having every kind of test imaginable. NOTHING showed on MRI, inflammation on CT, lower scope clear, upper endoscopy showed inflammation in esophagus, stomach, and duodenum. Negative for H Pylori, negative for celiac. Started on 150 mg of hydrocortisone for low cortisol to rescue my organs. MRI of brain showed small tumour on pituitary. Endocrinologist did ACTH test and was unhappy, kept me on 40 mg of hydrocortisone IV. PICC line insertion went awry when they Discovered I had complete stenosis of veins and needed port catheter surgically implanted. Was on TPN for 5 weeks. Needed pain meds and anti emetics every 4 hours or severe vomiting and diarrhea would ensue. 30-50 liquid bm's continued (they made me write down everything I ingested and every time I had a BM. They tested me for everything. No blood, NO CDiff, no parasites, no infection. High fever 104.5 plus delirium and CRP shot up to 50. Continued Anemia, blood work all over the place, even with TPN I needed potassium and sodium boluses 3 times a day.
-Requested pill endoscopy, GI said no Crohn's, no need for test. Suggested psych evaluation for a fucking eating disorder. Endocrinologist disagreed, said starvation and whatever disease process was causing symptoms was causing my cortisol issue. Psych diagnosed medical PTSD and generalized anxiety disorder (no shit) but NO eating disorder. Fired GI and hired IBD specialist from another city. Re ran all tests, CT showed huge diverticulum on duodenum otherwise clear. Was going to be moved to a ward from a private room. Had a panic attack because I could not share a bathroom and was not about to use a commode. Asked to be discharged after nearly 9 weeks. They were so overcrowded and basically did not know what else to do to help me, so they let me go even though I was still on TPN and NPO. Got a 5 minute instruction on how to insert a butterfly catheter for pain meds, and let go.
-Present-3 weeks later, still on liquid diet, (Boost drinks, blended oatmeal, yoghurt and soup) still on sub q and IM meds. Finally got new IBD doc to order capsule endoscopy and is treating me for SIBO (never been tested) plus set me up with nutritionist and psychologist for support. MRI repeated- totally clear.
I FEEL CRAZY. This is the sickest I have ever felt. It's been almost a year since I chewed food. The pain under my ribs just to the left of my belly button is now constant, whether I eat or not, pain meds barely take the edge off. Sometimes it's so intense I can hardly breathe. I keep passing out on the toilet. I projectile vomit daily, even using Gravol and Pantoprozole, the bile acid is awful. I've been doing tons of research and have learned that GDC and Jejunal Crohn's are extremely hard to diagnose. I have every single symptom and fit the criteria. Does this sound familiar to anyone????
submitted by notoriousbck to CrohnsDisease [link] [comments]

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submitted by YummyHotDogMyTomeh to CryptoDose [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 05:00 Satta_Matka_Guessing Call-7205628278 Satta Matka Dpboss Matka Guessing Satta Matta Matka 420 Satta 143 Satta Matta Matka 143 Kalyan Chart Final Ank Kalyan Final ank Main Bazar Chart Kalyan Penal Chart Final Matka सत्ता मटका सट्टा मटका

Call-7205628278 Satta Matka Dpboss Matka Guessing Satta Matta Matka 420 Satta 143 Satta Matta Matka 143 Kalyan Chart Final Ank Kalyan Final ank Main Bazar Chart Kalyan Penal Chart Final Matka सत्ता मटका सट्टा मटका
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submitted by Satta_Matka_Guessing to u/Satta_Matka_Guessing [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 04:53 hyjug17 rant about r/rant (TW: Transphobia)

About 2 days ago there was a post on rant titled 'Why did you haven ruin it Rowling? And why won't you please just stop?' talking about how JKR's transphobic views ruined HP for younger generations, and unsurprisingly, there was a shit ton of transphobia in the comments, ranging from ignorant nostalgia blind millennials to literal bigots. These were the top comments, btw. Any reply agreeing with OP's statement or calling out other people in the thread for their bigotry was downvoted to hell. Mine included.
What makes this even worse is that the mods didn't do shit for 2 days! And even then, only the non-bigoted comments were removed! I was banned just because I condemned the mods for sitting on their asses and twiddling their thumbs.
It's crazy that they even let any of the TERF shit fly, cause they have multiple rules stating that
"***This is an anti-free speech Anti-Alt-right/Nazi/Right Conservatives, a Pro-LGBT community that supports Black Lives Matter. If you don't like it, post somewhere else.*** What does this mean, you ask. It means: Nazis, Bigots, Racists, Trolls will be banned & punted to the Admins. **We reserve the right to moderate at our discretion.**"
"Personal attacks, slurs, bigotry, etc. are not permitted"
"All other site-wide rules are strictly enforced"
"We stand against disinformation/misinformation"
So not only are the moderators of rant hypocrites, they're also fucking LIARS.
Meanwhile, I have been banned for being an ally and calling them out on their stank shit.
rant is NOT a pro-LGBT community, it's a community littered with subhuman trash that disguises itself as a safe space for the oppressed because it's the "politically correct" thing to do.
TBH the sub was always shit anyway. You can't even rant without your post being removed.
(Y'know. The LITERAL point of the sub???)
submitted by hyjug17 to Rants [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 04:53 Due-Establishment506 Experience the Ultimate Premier League Getaway with CruiseForTheTravel

Experience the Ultimate Premier League Getaway with CruiseForTheTravel
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Visit CruiseForTheTravel to unlock amazing travel deals and start planning your trip to the game! Experience the Ultimate Premier League Getaway with CruiseForTheTravel
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Make your Tottenham vs. Man City experience one to remember with CruiseForTheTravel. Book your ultimate Premier League getaway today with CruiseForTheTravel!
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submitted by Due-Establishment506 to u/Due-Establishment506 [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 04:41 fib_seq We Need to Talk About the Gloam Eyed Queen

We Need to Talk About the Gloam Eyed Queen
"Oh look, it's another wannabe Tarnished Archeologist" you say. Well, you're just gonna have to get past it because we need to talk about the Gloam Eyed Queen.
For this we will start at the end and move backwards. The Gloam Eyed Queen is the thread that stitches together much of the unspoken lore. We begin in the lord of chaos ending, where we meet the Queen herself. The word 'gloam' means twilight. The dusky time when the sun sets, and stars start to appear. Gloam. Eyed.
The Gloam Eyed Queen
Now, this character that we see and hear. She sounds like Melina. She looks like a bizzaro wartime version of Melina. But is she Melina? No dear reader, she is not. The Gloam eyed Queen is not Melina.
Visually Melina has a brown right eye, a sealed shut left eye, and brown hair. The image we see of the GeQ is markedly different. A milky right eye, twilight in the left, and much darker hair with...whisps of silvegrey. Importantly, the Melina who helps the tarnished is only a remanat of the spirit of Melina. 'Burned and bodiless'. Ageless. Unchanging in death. The GeQ is not Melina with a makeover, she is a different person.
The GeQ is a Numen. Born in another land and migrated to the Lands Between (like Marika, but we'll get to that). Melina explicitly states she was 'born at the foot of the Erdtree'. Melina was born, at the earliest, the end of the Crucible age or the start of the age of the Erdtree. The GeQ ruled begining in the crucible age, before Melina was born. This again is proof that the GeQ is not Melina.
The Gloam Eyed Queen is not Melina
So where do we go from here? Who is Melina then?
Is Melina a child of Marika? I mean, she was born at the foot of the Erdtree where her mother gave her her purpose, right? Well, we need to consider that this may not be what she is referring to. In all the dialog from Melina in the Churches of Marika, she never refers to Marika as her mother. Markia's children are the demigods. They are known and discussed throughout the Lands Between. Gideon, the (not quite so) all knowing has extensive records on the demigods and is searching for them so he can find the shards of the Elden Ring. Morgot shows the thrones of his siblings, and calls them by name. But neither one mentions Melina. Melina is not a scion of Marika. So who else would have a child brought to the foot of the sacred and holy Erdtree? Could it be the previous Queen? Who ruled perhaps into the spawning of the Erdtree at the waning of the Crucible? Now the visual similarities start to make sense. Melina is the Gloam eyed Queen's daughter. Born at the Erdtrtee, given purpose by her mother to burn it to the ground, razing the symbol of her Usurper [GRRM loves nothing more than a userper].
Melina, who first presents herself reminiscent of a godskin apostle
The one who walks alongside flame, Shall one day meet the road of Destined Death.
Who carries a miniature godskin peeler
Melina's Blade of Calling
Who looks like the GeQ, who sounds like her, who had a birth that only royalty would.
Ok, so assuming that's true, can we strengthen the ties even further? I think we can. Lets shift to the night of the black knives. The firstborn of the new queen is murdered by a conspiracy. From the black knife armor, "The assassins that carried out the deeds of the Night of the Black Knives were all women, and rumored to be Numen who had close ties with Marika herself." So we have Numen assassins, after a Numen Queen is deposed by another Numen. This was revenge by the GeQ. It's not a stretch to assume that a newly arrived people in a foreign land would maintain close relationships. Even close enough that the GeQ and Marika were equals [possibly even friends?] until the GeQ's ascension to Queendom. Marika of the Golden Order, and the GeQ who ruled Destined Death. They seem like the perfect match. Yin and Yang. Then Marika usurped the throne [from the monument in Altus Plateau: 'The First Defense of Leyndell. A sovereign alliance rots from within. Traces yet remain of bloody conspiracy"]. Once Marika usurped the throne, the GeQ used her contacts within the Numen [known, possibly trusted by Marika], to develop a plot to assassinate her golden son.
But wait, didn't Ranni lead the assassination? Well, yes, but now we get to the Snow Witch. Ranni's mentor who lives through a forest in a cold, snowy land. Ranni's mother sent her through the forest in the Forbidden Lands, and to the Mountaintops of the Giants to be trained by the Snow Witch. The lore never says the GeQ was killed, simply that she was defeated. Once defeated, where could she go? Where would she be safe from the new Order? Where is the order's influence the weakest? The Queen of Destined Death headed to the mountaintops where the death rite birds, skeletons, and ancient enemies of the Order still survived. Even sites of grace - the symbols of the Order's influence - are rare in this walled off part of the world.
From the Snow Witch Set: Once worn by the snowy crone who the young Ranni encountered deep in the woods. She was a witch, and well versed in cold sorceries. It is said that the doll that houses Ranni's soul was modeled after her. That old witch was Ranni's secret mentor. The doll that houses Ranni's soul. We do not ever see Ranni during the whole game. Only the doll modeled after the snow witch.
Gloam Eyed Queen and Snow Witch
It's not a perfect copy, but it's darn close for a doll.
Edit because I forgot an important bit: So once Marika's son is murdered, what does she do? She shatters the elden ring for the purpose of removing the Gloam Eyed Queen's influence - Destined Death - from it once and for all.
So, summary/TLDR:
During the Gloam Eyed Queen's rule, she sired a daughter - Melina. Melina along with the Godskins were the equivalent of Marika's tarnished. Her enforcers. The Gloam Eyed Queen was then usurped by Marika and fled into exile. She hid in the mountains and was forgotten, only to become the Snow Witch. Rennala knew of her whereabouts and after being betrayed by Radagon, sent her daughter Ranni to be the GeQ's disciple. Together, they plotted the night of the black knives using Numen who were close to Marika, but still loyal to the GeQ. The GeQ for revenge, and Ranni to be free of the fingers. This caused the shattering as Marika needed to end the GeQ's influence.
What say you fellow tarnished?
submitted by fib_seq to Eldenring [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 04:41 St_Augustine_Discord Live Music and Events Tuesday May 14th

Live Music

Romanza: North Florida Saxophone Quartet

Romanza Festivale presents the North Florida Saxophone Quartet as they perform a variety of familiar music in a live concert in the Courtyard of St. Cyprian's Episcopal Church, on Sunday, May 14, 2024, beginning at 6:30 p.m.
The four saxophonists have each played with various ensembles worldwide, and North Florida music lovers have been delighted that each has made playing in this quartet a priority. They choose music from several genres — from classical to Disney — to create a lively show that audiences always enjoy. While the members of the North Florida Saxophone Quartet certainly focus on the sax, all of them are proficient with other woodwind instruments, such as the flute, oboe, clarinet, and bassoon.
Guests are asked to bring lawn chairs.
Admission: Free.
When: Sunday, May 14, 2024, from 6:30 to 7:30 p.m.
Where: St. Cyprian's Episcopal Church, 37 Lovett St. in downtown St. Augustine. The concert happens in the courtyard and attendees are encouraged to bring their portable chairs.
This event is part of the Romanza Festivale of Music and the Arts, an annual festival of two weeks of historical, cultural, and creative events celebrating all things St. Augustine. From May 3 -19, the nation's oldest city will be jam-packed with music and dance concerts, living history events and historical tours, live theater, and art exhibits.

2025 Pin Up Paws Calendar Contest

Art in Public Spaces Exhibition

Senior Yoga

I am unable to post the sources because they are getting flagged as spam since they are all similar in name. So please visit this site for the list.
Written out urls here

For future events please visit the Discord.
submitted by St_Augustine_Discord to StAugustine [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 04:41 St_Augustine_Discord Live Music and Events Tuesday May 14th

Live Music

Romanza: North Florida Saxophone Quartet

Romanza Festivale presents the North Florida Saxophone Quartet as they perform a variety of familiar music in a live concert in the Courtyard of St. Cyprian's Episcopal Church, on Sunday, May 14, 2024, beginning at 6:30 p.m.
The four saxophonists have each played with various ensembles worldwide, and North Florida music lovers have been delighted that each has made playing in this quartet a priority. They choose music from several genres — from classical to Disney — to create a lively show that audiences always enjoy. While the members of the North Florida Saxophone Quartet certainly focus on the sax, all of them are proficient with other woodwind instruments, such as the flute, oboe, clarinet, and bassoon.
Guests are asked to bring lawn chairs.
Admission: Free.
When: Sunday, May 14, 2024, from 6:30 to 7:30 p.m.
Where: St. Cyprian's Episcopal Church, 37 Lovett St. in downtown St. Augustine. The concert happens in the courtyard and attendees are encouraged to bring their portable chairs.
This event is part of the Romanza Festivale of Music and the Arts, an annual festival of two weeks of historical, cultural, and creative events celebrating all things St. Augustine. From May 3 -19, the nation's oldest city will be jam-packed with music and dance concerts, living history events and historical tours, live theater, and art exhibits.

2025 Pin Up Paws Calendar Contest

Art in Public Spaces Exhibition

Senior Yoga

I am unable to post the sources because they are getting flagged as spam since they are all similar in name. So please visit this site for the list.
Written out urls here

For future events please visit the Discord.
submitted by St_Augustine_Discord to StAugustineBeach [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 04:39 Living-Log-9161 [HIRING] One time data entry gig

[HIRING] One time data entry gig
Attention to detail is very important for this gig. Please read the entire post and follow the instructions. I won't be responding to folks who don't follow the instructions.


I'm looking for someone to go through this site and make a spreadsheet including all of the companies, their careers page, and if possible, narrowed down for remote US jobs. You can see an example below: I took this site:
And added it to the spreadsheet like this:
The idea is that I should be able to go through and click the links, getting right to the careers page for US remote jobs really quickly.


  • You can live anywhere, though if you're not physically in the US in the US, a VPN is necessary (I suggest this free one, if you don't have one), so you'll be digitally in the US.
  • Have your own working computer and Internet
  • Communicate via Slack
  • Have access to Google Sheets
  • Deadline is 2 weeks after hire. This can be changed for the right person. The actual hours that you work are flexible.
  • Good internet searching skills
  • Excellent English reading skills (native/near native) to allow you to navigate the sites
  • Include otter in your message
  • So-so English writing skills, to fill out the spreadsheet and make notes
  • Attention to detail


Please provide me a bid in US Dollars for the entire project. No hourly rates, please. Once we agree on a price, I'll pay 10% up front, 40% at the half way point, and 50% upon completion.

Next steps:

Please comment on this post, and send me a chat after doing so. In your chat, tell me your bid for the whole project, how you'd like to be paid, if a two week deadline works for you, and what methods of payment you can accept.
submitted by Living-Log-9161 to VirtualAssistant4Hire [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 04:19 getsmart- Show prep

Our announcers currently use the Bullsheet for show prep. Like everyone we’re having to watch every dollar. What are your top recommended sites to use for show prep that are for free?
*They do use other sites as well, but if I cancel the Bullsheet I need to make sure they have other resources readily available.
submitted by getsmart- to RadioPros [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 04:08 fkit-imdown Itinerary for ~9 day trip, is it too packed?

I'm from California, and we are visiting Ireland early June. We will have our own car. This is our rough intinerary, and after reading several other suggestions, are we driving way too much, and won't be able to experience and take in the sights? I'm used to having packed days and driving a decent amount and seeing the sites quickly. We're not the type to sit at different sites for hours...
Day 1 – Dublin – walk around the town
Day 2 – Ballinastoe Woods, lunch near blarney castle, Kinsale, Drive to stay in Killarney
Day 3 – Torc Waterfall, Ring of Kerry (part of it), end in Portmagee/Skellig
Day 4 – Great Skellig (Skellig Michael Voyage), Coomanaspig pass? Then drive to Dingle
Day 5 – Dingle peninsula, conor pass waterfall, dunquin pier, - drive to and stay in Miltown bay
Day 6 – Cliffs of moher, Kylemore abbey, Victorian walled garden, drive to Glen/Sligo and stay
Day 7 – Glencar waterfall, seaweed baths, glenveagh castle, drive near giants causeway bay, staying in Portstewart/Coleraine area.
Day 8 – Giants causeway, carrick-a-rede bridge, dark hedges, drive and stay in Dublin
Day 9 – finishing up stuff in Dublin
Are there any things that we're missing that are must see, or things that we can consider passing?
I was reading that whatever google maps says add about 25-50% of the time, which I just realized might be more than I thought.
Thank you for any suggestions. I'm free to make edits to answer whatever questions.
submitted by fkit-imdown to irishtourism [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 04:07 GGtheEng Poker Theory Books for Beginners

I’m pretty new to poker with all my experience coming from free to play apps such as monopoly poker and a few cash games with my buddies.
I’d like to try my luck on some real online sites, but would like to learn some theory before I lose the house.
Does anyone have any poker theory book recommendations for a player like myself?
Preferably something that starts right at the basics and progresses from there.
Thanks reddit
submitted by GGtheEng to poker [link] [comments]