Slogans for chaplain


2010.01.26 19:23 blisstonia 30 ROCK

Guess which subreddit thinks gesturing with one's thumbs is for poor people, is immortal, has TWO BAD KNEES, is beautiful but doesn't know it, and hasn't cried once today? THIS ONE. A sub-reddit for the fans and critics of the show 30 Rock. Discussion of the show, pictures from the show and anything else 30 Rock related.

2011.11.05 05:23 newsyneighbor Slogans for the front lines.


2022.04.28 01:52 letter-writing-crank Out For Smokes Podcast

A podcast with life advice for when your dad leaves for smokes. Hosted by Mike Recine, Scott Chaplain, and Sean P. McCarthy. New episodes Mondays (Patreon) and Fridays (Soundcloud).

2024.04.21 17:44 Dimma-enkum The Historical Origins of National Socialism

Disclaimer I don’t subscribe to this ideology nor do I intend to promote it, I just wanted to place to summarize the historical origins of this movement
No other political ideology is invoked as often as Nazism. It is often used simply as a synonym for evil. When having to discuss what it is or especially where it comes from, the vast majority of even well educated people get it factually wrong.
There are reason for this happening. Since it’s so highly politicized as the ultimate evil, everyone tries to paint it as the ideology as they oppose. Conservatives argue that it is leftist, which is wrong, and progressives try to paint it as a variant of laissez faire capitalism, which is also wrong. Actual Neo-Nazis tend to be extremely uneducated so you’ll find absolutely nothing of historical worth in their screeds.
This lack of knowledge inspired me to to dedicated myself to go through the major texts and speeches of early Nazi & Proto-Nazi leaders and historical sources mostly Richard J Evans and Ian Kershaw describing the early figures to get a correct picture of its origins. In this long post, I will go through the major figures that were fundamental in shaping this ideology. I will only give a general summarized version of their ideas that are specifically relevant to the ideology, I won’t explain their other notable contributions or dwell on minor figures.
Since I will focus on the origins, I will go through the 19th century up to the early 1930s in Germany and Austria. I will not get into French National Socialism that was contemporary to this movement or Italian fascism, which greatly influenced the Nazis in later years. Also, I won’t get into later developments in Spain, Romania or Chile.
Earliest influences
The most distant predecessor of fascism could be found in the now forgotten figure of Johann Gottlieb Fichte at the beginning of the 19th century. While he is definitely not a fascist in any sense of the word, he was the ultimate source of influence on all the range of different ideologues that ended creating Nazism. If you pinpoint all the influences of all the following figures in reverse chronological order, you’ll end up with Fichte.
While, the man is mainly known today for being a fervent disciple of Immanuel Kant and his German idealist philosophy, he also preached ideas that echoed National Socialism. He was the first major German nationalist and his desire for an ethnically pure German state would sometimes result in antisemitism and racism, though he denounced violence. His ideas advocating for a guild like system and opposed free trade and the global market. Lastly, he also advocated for socially conservative mores of the time which today might seem fascist. He was definitely a nationalist and a sort of proto-Socialist.
He had a direct influenced German nationalists of the 1820s and 1830s. None of these leaders were at all fascistic and can be best described as “liberal” and “progressive”. One of them however, Wilhelm Heinrich Riehl, greater influenced later Nazi thought. Riehl emphasized the German’s natural tie to their land and celebrated the lifestyle of farmers. This idea was the ultimate origin of “Blood and Soil” thought.
In the aftermath of the failed German revolutions of 1848, many nationalists grew disillusioned with their movement and started to look towards Prussia as their savior. They also began scapegoating Jews. Chief amongst these were Richard Wagner, Bruno Bauer and Wilhelm Marr. The composer Richard Wagner was amongst the very first to attack Jews not on religious or anti-capitalist grounds but rather on a strictly racial basis. He would argue that Jews as a race were alien to the German people and therefore genetically could never fit in. Wagner later in his life would befriend another very important figure, Arthur de Gobineau. While racism had already existed, Gobineau was the first to consider race to be the most important driving force in nature. He also popularized the “Aryan master race” theory that postulated that blond Germanic race was superior to all other races. Wagner combined this with his racial antisemitic worldview which was missing in Gobineau’s writing. The Hegelian Bruno Bauer, previously a friend of Jews including Karl Marx, followed Wagner steps and was the first to popularize the term “Jewish Question”. He would also connect his antisemitism with his general hatred of religion. The anarchist Wilhelm Marr invented the term “antisemitism” to define his ideology which he combined with anti-capitalism, although he would later renounce it. It should be noted, the antisemitism at this point was much more tame than what came later by the 1870s.
The start of the movement in Germany 1870-1890
Previously antisemitism was not very well known, this changed in 1879 when Adolf Stoecker, the German court chaplain to Kaiser, gave a speech denouncing Jews. He started a very publicized party that combined traditionalist social views, progressive ideas on labor with antisemitism. He combined his religious antisemitism with the previous discussed racial science. The prominent liberal nationalist politician Heinrich von Treitschke joined Stoecker in on the denunciation of the Jews. His slogans were later used by the Nazis.
Another important figure during this time was Eugen Dühring. In his heyday, he was one of the most popular socialists in all of Germany. His brand resembled Friedrich List and preached “class collaboration” which infuriated Marxists. Engels attacked him in his most famous book, “Anti-Dühring”. Nietzsche also joined in to berate him. By 1880, he was thoroughly discredited amongst socialists. This drove him mad and soon became an obsessively anti-Marxist and later a fervent antisemite and racist. His antisemitism was possibly the most extreme up until now. He full on endorsed exterminating all Jews and inferior races. Theodor Herzl, previously a big fan, was so shocked by Dühring’s screeds that he started the Zionist movement.
These ideologues attracted a small group known as the “Berlin movement” in the 1880s. Out of it came various small antisemitic political parties and figures. The most notable political party was the German Social Party.
Their ideology came to be known as “völkisch”. All the original founders of the Nazi were deeply involved in this movement.
The most notable include conservative historian Paul de Lagarde, one of the most quoted and celebrated ideologues amongst Nazis. Indeed his viewpoints were undistinguishable from those held by Hitler. He was also notable for being one of the first to openly advocate for genocide. Another notable figure was Theodor Fritsch, a disciple of Dühring. He was the first to combine occultism with this ideology. He started a secret society known as Germanenorden. The Munich branch of this society was known as Thule-Gesellschaft. This was the main sponsor of the DAP, the predecessor of the Nazi party.
In the 1890s an even more influential figure emerged. Houston Stewart Chamberlain was a British aristocrat who came to despise his country. He became a mega fan of Wagner and moved to Germany to marry his daughter. Once there, he immersed himself in the völkisch movement which became very closely related to the Wagner fan club. Chamberlain compiled all the ideas of this movement and added emphasis on race science, antisemitism and advocacy for absolute monarchy in his 1899 book The Foundations of the Nineteenth Century. This book sold extensively worldwide. This book did more than anyone else before to bring the ideas of the movement to the mainstream. Goebbels and Alfred Rosenberg, the chief Nazi philosopher, claimed to have been turned into activists after reading this book. Chamberlain later on became the first celebrity to endorse the Nazi and became a close confident of Hitler. The Pan German League, an organization that promoted German colonization, became supporters when it got taken over by influential Völkisch activist Heinrich Klass, who further popularized this ideology.
Further developments in Austria and the founding of the party
In Austria an equally important politician came to prominence. * Georg Ritter von Schönerer* started off as left leaning centrist politician. Throughout the 1870s he became an aggressive advocate for the interests of ethnic Germans, started agitating against the Catholic house of Habsburg and an ardent defender of the Protestant house of Hohenzollern. Influenced by the völkisch movement as well as Dühring, he became openly racist against Slavs and Jews. He glamorized the ancient pagan past of the German people winning him the support of pagan esotericists like Guido Von List who exerted much influence on the previously mentioned Thule-Gesellschaft.
Schönerer adopted socially conservative attitudes while advocating for economic benefits for ethnic Germans. The mayor of Vienna, Karl Lueger adopted this rhetoric but used it to promote a conservative catholic viewpoint rather than German ethnonationalism. Both politicians had a profound influence on Hitler. In Mein Kampf, he explained that his party intended to use “Lueger tactics” for a “Schönerer” goal. Hitler also copied various customs previously associated with Schönerer such as calling himself führer and exclaiming “heil”. They also both had great success amongst a segment of working class German in Austria who explicitly saw themselves as racially superior to other ethnicities. Several anti-Marxist unions became nexuses of Schönerer support. They eventually formed a single party known as the German Workers Party in 1903 in Bohemia.
16 years later in Munich, local Völkisch activist Anton Drexler and journalist member of the previously mentioned Thule-Gesellschaft Karl Harrer founded a party by same name with the same principles.
Under guidance of economic theoretician Rudolf Jung the party in Bohemia adopted the name German National Socialist Workers Party (DNSAP) and came up with a syncretic party platform which he expanded upon in his book “the Nationalist Socialist”. Jung explained he advocated for a “third camp” that rejected the two more popular political currents of the day: leftism and catholic conservatism. Instead he advocated for German nationalism, anti-Slavic racism, anti-Catholicism and a sort of class collaborative socialism that was a supposed midpoint between capitalism and Marxism.
The Munich party followed suit the next year and named itself the National Socialist German Workers Party (NSDAP) and came up with a very similar program known as the 25 points. The name turned out to be controversial from the very start because it had the word “Socialist”. The co-founder Harrer resigned because he didn’t want to associate with anything with such a label. Local socialist parties were mad they were using such a name so they would refer to the party as “Nazi”. Nazi was a slang word for country hillbilly originating from a shortened of a common name in rural Bavaria “Ignaz”.
The early days party chief ideologues were Gottfried Feder and Alfred Rosenberg. Feder lead the “Socialist” faction taking his cues from the aforementioned Jung while Rosenberg lead the “Nationalist” faction taking cues from Chamberlain.
Adolf Hitler attended one of Feder’s lectures as an informant. He strongly related with Feder’s antisemitic rhetoric and immediately became a full party member. He proved so charismatic, he was soon promoted to being the new party leader. Under him the party emphasized antisemitism over everything else and aligned itself closer to Rosenberg’s views rather than Feder. They saw the Italian fascists as their ideological brothers and therefore they copied their unicolor uniform (they used brown shirts instead of black one), their salute as well as rhetorics.
In 1922 Mussolini organized a mass demonstration and coup which proved successful. The following year, Hitler enlisted the help of WW1 infantry general Erich Ludendorff to do the same in Munich. This was an utter failure and resulted in a 1 year incarceration for Hitler.
While in jail, Rosenberg became the leader of the party. While he was the intellectual leader, Rosenberg lacked any charisma. This allowed other party members to rise up. The Strasser brothers, Otto Strasser and Gregor Strasser, became the leaders of the northern division of the party. They veneered away from the original 25 points and further developed socialism to appeal to workers and even proposed an entirely new party program. This new plan included vast nationalization and wealth distribution.
Hitler, now de-facto leader of the southern division, went in the opposite direction. He greatly downplayed socialism and committed only to minimum wage and paid sick leave for workers. He also further emphasized the party’s dedication to a racial worldview.
As the two divisions emerged, Hitler convened a meeting in Bamberg on the 14 February 1926. He rejected any changes to the party’s mission and attacked the Strasser brothers for turning the party into a Bolshevik party. From then on, Hitler was the sole leader. The brown shirt SA paramilitary remained loyal to the original program while the black shirt SS remained exclusively loyal to the party leader.
By the late 20s, the Nazi party went from fringe to the mainstream and had amassed support from reactionary capitalists like Emil Kirdrorf, Albert Vögler, Gustav Krupp and Fritz Thyssen. Hitler got intense pressure to break clean with the party’s socialist past. The arch-capitalist Hjalmar Schacht was named the party’s chief economist and his first move was firing the original economist Feder.
To protest these changes, Otto Strasser created the Black Front, a party claiming to be the true inheritors of National Socialism, in 1930. Once Hitler was elected in 1933, this was one of the very first parties to be banned. The very following year, the infamous “night of the long knives” purge took place that resulted in the murder or es ape of all party members that still pushed for socialism.
submitted by Dimma-enkum to stupidpol [link] [comments]

2024.01.11 02:21 aeiouicup Chapters 25, 26, 27, & 28 (The Capitol Hill vote and the aftermath of the riot/insurrection/disruptive tourist thingamajig wherein Howie and the others flee on the only plane allowed to fly)

link to prev. chapters 21-24
Chapter 25 - A Job to Do
“Wait for the show.”
- John McCain
“It’s gonna be wild.”
- President Donald Trump
A commotion arose as they approached Goodwealth’s office. The protester-insurrectionist-tourist groups were getting closer. Around the corners, their disgruntled chorus of rumbling voices echoed off the polished stone of the capitol building.
“Better hurry,” Frank said.
“You sure you want to read this thing?” Goodwealth asked. “Sounds like we don’t have much time.”
“I should at least take a look at it,” Howie said. “Right?”
“If you insist,” Goodwealth said. “Ah, here’s my office.”
The sign above the door said ‘majority leader’.
“Wait, this is your office?” Howie asked. “You’re a senator, too?”
“Me? Oh yes. So many roles I can barely keep track.”
“You’re just a nighttime proxy for a shadowcaster,” Frank said. “He’s filling in for tonight.”
When they got past the office’s antechamber, they saw one of the guest-protester-rioter-insurrectionists was already in there with his feet up on the desk. They shooed him out and Frank opened drawers searching for his whip.
Still, how do you do everything?” Howie asked. “You have so many jobs.”
“Oh, I just go where I’m needed,” Goodwealth said. “Just trying to help.”
“How can you be an expert in so many things?” Howie asked.
Frank rolled his eyes.
“Well, really, it’s all one thing,” Goodwealth explained. “Leadership is like players on baseball team. If you know who to hire and who to fire, it’s like doing pretty much any job.”
“What position on a baseball team hires and fires?”
“The owner, of course,” Goodwealth said.
“Are they technically a player, though?” Howie asked.
“Oh, the most important player,” Goodwealth said. “That’s business. That’s capitalism.”
“Do you know how you’re voting?” Frank asked.
“Yes. I mean, I’m voting yes,” Warren Goodwealth said.
“Correct,” Frank said. “If you don’t get it right, then Charlie -”
“Right, right. Let’s not upset my brother,” Goodwealth said. “No need to get him involved. You know you don’t need a literal whip to whip votes.”
“But it makes it so much more fun,” Frank said. “Ah, here it is.” He pulled a box from a cabinet. He opened it up and removed the whip. “Vintage,” Frank said, “from Strom’s great-grandad.” He unfurled the whip and took a bow. “Ta ta,” he said.
As he left, they could hear him yell down the hallway “okay who’s a ‘no’?”
An aide walked through the door after him. They struggled through the door pushing a hand trolley with giant stacks of paper.
“What’s that?” Howie asked.
“The bill,” the Aide said. “Someone said you wanted to read it? This is volume one. Volume two is still printing but it should be finished by the time you’re done.”
“Thank you,” Goodwealth said. “Well, you wanted to read it, here it is.”
“How is anyone expected to read this?” Howie asked.
Goodwealth shrugged.
“They’re not,” he said. “But some of crazy ones try. What made you want to read it?”
“I was trying to learn some details,” Howie said.
“Oh, you don’t need to learn details,” Goodwealth said.
“But surely someone is familiar with the details,” Howie insisted. “If not Senators, then who?”
He had never said ‘surely’ in conversation but he wanted to disagree while being polite.
“Most of the people who know details get paid enough to sign an NDA,” Frank said. “None of us benefit when voters know too much. Like, take this aide, here - what’s your name?”
“Are you looking for a job in the private sector, after your little stint here?” Goodwealth asked.
“Sure!” Jonathan said.
“Are you familiar with political arbitrage?” Goodwealth asked.
“Oh sure,” Jonathan said. “That’s what Milton Summers taught us. You arbitrage the difference between the simplicity of slogans and the complexity of the courtroom - between voters and donors.”
“Arbitrage?” Howie asked.
“An opportunity to make money,” Goodwealth said.
“So we make money from voters not knowing things?”
Goodwealth and Jonathan glanced at each other and laughed.
“Well, it’s not exactly a conspiracy,” Goodwealth said, “but we try to keep the details behind a paywall.”
“I really admire your work with the Founding Fathers Foundation,” Jonathan told Goodwealth.
“Oh, that foundation helps me keep the arbitrage as wide as possible,” Goodwealth said.
“But it’s a nonprofit,” Howie said. “You make money from donations?”
“Jonathan, you seem like a bright kid - you wanna take this?” Goodwealth asked.
“It’s the Paradox of Capitalism,” Jonathan said.
“Nonprofits defend capitalism,” Goodwealth said. “But if we declared how much profit they made for us, we might have to pay taxes on it.”
“Which,” Jonathan covered his mouth and looked around as if he was about to tell a secret, “kind of defeats the whole point.”
Goodwealth chuckled again.
“You’ve got a great future, Jonathan,” he said.
“Thank you, Mr. Goodwealth,” he said. “I’ll go get the rest.”
“So, now that you’ve seen it,” Goodwealth said, “you want to head to the vote?”
Howie took a look at the title page. It was long but one part said ‘ value the dollar based on certain quantities of freshwater and other purposes..’. He also saw something about a ‘rule against perpetuities’.
“I don’t want to disappoint the Management Party,” Howie said, “but I’m not sure it’s the right thing to do to vote for this giant bill without actually reading it.”
Goodwealth put his arm around Howie.
“Look, it gets easier,” he said. “But you have to realize this is a job, like any other. And it has bosses, like any other.”
“Right. The people,” Howie said.
“No, son, I mean the donors,” Goodwealth said. “You’re a kind of middleman. You rule the people but you work for the donors. Once you realize that, it’s much easier. To the donors, you sell legislation, access, power, wealth. But to the voters, you’re selling a feeling. It’s the feeling of America, Howie, and you’ve got to make it feel good. Now, let’s go vote the way we were told.”
Chapter 26 - The Vote
“If this election were overturned by mere allegations from the losing side, our democracy would enter a death spiral. We’d never see the whole nation accept an election again. Every four years would be a scramble for power at any cost.”
- Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, 1/6/21
“We are all domestic terrorists.”
- banner at Conservative Political Action Conference, Dallas, August 2022
Just a short distance from the Majority Leader’s office was the Senate chamber. Aides opened the vast oak doors as Howie and Goodwealth approached.
Inside, they walked on squishy blue carpet. Everything was masterfully dusted. The polished wood reflected a stately vision of the world.
“Here’s where you sit,” Goodwealth said. “After you vote, then I’ll vote on behalf of all the shadowcasters and we’ll get this thing over the top.”
As Howie sat at Strom’s old desk, he ran his hands along the edges and felt carvings underneath. He took a look but wished he didn’t because the things carved under the desk were so offensive.
In the corner of the room there was yelling as Frank violently whipped Senators. Goodwealth approached and tried gentle persuasion, laying his hand on a senator’s back.
Amid the tumult and threat of the protester-rioter-insurrectionists, and with Goodwealth being so friendly, Howie decided that he would vote yes on the omnibus bill. He did want stability. He believed in Management. He believed that widespread suffering in the short term would be made right by the invisible hand until everything worked out for everyone in the long term. He believed that the Free Marketⓒ would eventually lead to ProgressTM and the Best of All Possible Worldsⓡ.
The Senators in the corner begged for their punishment to stop. They promised to vote yes. Frank held back his whip and shook their hands. Goodwealth thanked them and began walking toward the dais at the front of the room. He would be the President Pro Tempore of the Senate, which meant that he would stand at the podium and control the evening’s proceedings.
His gavel lay ready on the podium. He banged it once. That was always his favorite part.
“The Senate will come to order,” he said. “The Chaplain, Ms. Jhumpa LeGunn, will lead the senate in prayer.”
Jhumpa stood at the top of the center aisle holding a candle. The lights came down until the flame was the only light in the room. Like the pillars, her old-school, analog light was a throwback to time long past.
She bowed her head and lowered her eyes while she walked to the front of the chamber down the aisle that divided the two parties. Since the release of her bible, she had been approved as a chaplain to emcee religious ceremonies. Only the most devout Resurrectionists voted against her appointment. Most Senators were able to support her primary article of faith: the supreme virtue of success.
She stood in front of the dais and lifted her head. As she spoke her voice rang through the hall. She kept it brief.
“Heavenly Father,” she began, “please continue to bestow upon us your great bounty and instruct us in the virtue of selfishness that we may be guided by your invisible hand to help others by helping ourselves.”
The ‘amen’ resounded throughout the chamber.
The lights came back up and everyone turned to the flag while Goodwealth led the pledge of allegiance. A contingent of lawmakers made a point of yelling out ‘under GOD’ during the relevant portion.
“..indivisible, with liberty and justice for all,” everyone murmured.
“The Senate will now consider the SOFA Act,” Goodwealth said, “the Settled Once and For All Act, wherein citizens of the United States will sit back and let management run things.”
Lawmakers cheered. It was a staple of the genre for a law’s acronym to also state its purpose. It was as close as politics got to poetry.
The workers of the Senate began performing the ceremony.
“Senator, do I have any additional time left?”
“There’s no additional time,” said Goodwealth.
“I ask for the yeas and nays.”
“Is there a sufficient second?”
“There is,” Goodwealth affirmed. “I will call the roll.”
But there was a hush in the chamber. The proceedings were delayed as everyone noticed the Prince arrive in the Senate gallery, looking down on the lawmakers from above. He was a heavy investor in the personal equity of America’s workers and its value depended on the outcome of the vote.
Goodwealth cleared his throat and began reciting names.
“Mr. Asness?”
There was a vague noise of a crowd through the walls.
“Mr. Bohner?”
There were more delays between the names. The vote took forever. Even at this late hour, with so many attempts to pass the bill, there was wrangling and cajoling and whipping on the Senate floor. The truth was, the Senators failed to agree because their donors failed to agree. Too many radicals had become rich and too many rich had become radicals. America’s wealthy had fractured into factions and each had its own facts.
Meanwhile, the swelling of the noise outside the chamber grew louder. Goodwealth raised his voice. Just a few more moments and he would be able to record the vote for all the Punxsutawney senators and put the SOFA Act over the top.
“Mr. Cockburn?” He asked.
But the protesters were too loud. He had to repeat it.
Howie stepped onto the floor in front of the Senate clerk. He looked up toward Goodwealth, who winked at him.
But before Howie could vote, an ominous mix of silence and shouting overtook the chamber.
“Hold it! Hold it!” Security said. “Stay down!”
Through the walls, those in the chamber listened intently to the muffled anger of the mob. Security shouted commands. Senators murmured questions and reassurances.
Suddenly the doors were thrown open and protesters burst into the Senate chamber. There was the crack and pop of shots fired near the door.
“We have to get out!” The Master at Arms called. “This way!”
“No! Finish the vote!” Frank yelled.
Several protesters were shot near the door and several backed off but those behind them in the hallway shouted, incensed by the crack of the guns. The mob moved forward, climbing over its own fallen. One guy carried zip ties. Another had horns on his head. They were ex-soldiers and ex-airmen weighed down by bad memories and bad debt. They had grown up being taught a kind of deal and they felt the terms had been broken.
Howie followed security as they escaped. It was a mass of bodies and pushing and confusion and he tried to keep up and keep his feet beneath him as they rushed down a staircase to an undisclosed location.
Chapter 26 - Another Escape
Notably, delays in raising the debt limit have occurred in 10 of the last 11 fiscal years.
- Government Accountability Office Financial Audit, November, 2021
We have lowered our long-term sovereign credit rating on the United States of America..
- S+P Global, 8/5/2011
Some called them protesters, some called them rioters, and some called them rude guests, but one thing was sure: after they had entered the chamber, the Senators were not able to complete the vote on the omnibus bill to fund the government and establish the Personal Equity Program.
The interlopers chanted as they roamed.
“Sold us out!”
“Stop the steal!”
“Eat the rich!”
“Hang Goodwealth!”
Shots were fired. Reporters and lawmakers hid in whatever nooks and crannies they could find.
Amid the chaos, one of the able-bodied senators who voted Punxsatawney stood still in the middle of the chamber, like a deer, and hoped no one would notice him. He was quickly tackled and zip-tied.
Things were going poorly outside the chamber, too. All over the world, global elites had been waiting for the outcome of the vote with trepidation. Investors everywhere knew it was a decisive moment for AmericaTM.
When they saw that the vote didn’t go through, they sold everything they had that was American. They sold treasury bonds and interest rates spiked. They sold stocks and the Fortune 500 fell. They sold dollars themselves, exchanging the currency for whatever other currencies they could; exchange rates plummeted.
Nobody honestly expected the United States to finally default. They had come close so many times, and always came back from the brink. The congressional deadlocks that had been so dramatic had become as prosaic as moon landings in the 1970s, or criminal executions.
But now it was happening. The Senators could not get back into the chamber. It was too late. The interest payments that guaranteed the value of trillions of dollars of American bonds were suspended. Nobody knew what anything was worth. It was panic.
Goodwealth stared at his phone and absentmindedly nodded when security asked if they should bring Howie.
“Oh god,” he said into his phone screen.
“What?” Howie asked, as they were ushered through the hallways.
Goodwealth looked up from his phone like he was waking up from a bad dream.
“The dollar is diving,” he said. “Nobody knows what it’s worth if it can’t buy weapons or oil.”
“What about water?” Howie said. “Wasn’t that supposed to back the value of the dollar?”
“Only if we used the Great Lakes as collateral,” Goodwealth said, “which would mean declaring war on Canada. It was all in the omnibus bill.”
Dollar-denominated oil prices were spiking. When the vote failed, Prince Embièss Embeezee followed through on his threat to apportion oil production in such a way that some would be salable in Chinese Yuan, for the time being, given the uncertainty surrounding the value of the dollar.
It didn’t just affect wealthy people. Regular people on the street were affected, too. ATM withdrawals got restricted. Inflation spiked in a panic. The money in people’s pockets was becoming worthless.
But if they owned anything else besides money, they were extremely wealthy. Hyperinflation turned property owners into millionaires. Prices rose minute by minute, hour by hour.
The chaos spread. The Texas legislature voted to secede from the union. Eastern Oregon joined Greater Idaho. There was an invasion on the border. State Legislatures all over the country triggered a constitutional convention and pledged to meet the following Monday to reconsider the Union. All these things had been set in motion by the official default.
Americans had thought they were safe. They thought they lived in the world’s richest country, but really they just lived in the country with the world’s richest people. Those who hadn’t already done so were on the way to their jets to get the hell out.
But for now, Howie and the other lawmakers just tried to survive. They followed security through the corridors and dodged angry voices.
Some of the security couldn’t be trusted. Goodwealth wouldn’t follow the regular secret service. He followed his personal security instead.
“Where are we going?” Howie asked.
“Underground train system,” Goodwealth said. “And then we’ll have to find the Prince.”
The painted walls turned to blank concrete and they finally arrived at a small underground train meant to shuttle Senators and staff between capitol hill office buildings. Lots of Senators were already packed in.
They argued.
“Let us on!” One senator yelled.
“The train would be bigger if you voted for my public transit bill!”
“Well maybe I would have voted for it if you used my state’s fossil fuels!”
“It’s underground, moron.”
“Yeah, where the exhaust don’t cause a greenhouse effect. So what’s your point?”
They would have kept arguing but more protester-rioter-tourists hunted them down. One guy wore confederate flag pajamas. Another guy had a fake viking helmet with horns. Others just wore tattered clothes and looked like zombies. They stumbled forward, covered in untreated sores caused by intravenous drugs.
Protesters protested. Marauders marauded. The tunnel was partially blocked.
“What do we do?” Howie asked.
Security and capitol police bought them some time by fighting the capitol trespassers. Another gunshot rang out and the trespassers stepped back.
“This way!” Security yelled.
They went through a narrow concrete hallway, busted open a metal fireproof door, and got to an underground parking garage where a large black SUV waited.
“Thanks, boys,” Goodwealth said.
He got into the backseat and moved over to make room for Howie.
They sped off.
Chapter 27 - The Final Flight
America was paralyzed by terror, and for forty-eight hours, virtually no one could fly. No one, that is, except the Saudis.
- Craig Unger, ‘House of Bush, House of Saud', 2004
‘The odyssey of the small LearJet 35 is part of a larger controversy over the hasty exodus from the United States in the days immediately after 9/11 of members of the Saudi royal family and relatives of Osama bin Laden.’
- Jean Heller, St. Petersburg Times, 6/9/04
As they drove and swerved and sped, Goodwealth reached into his center console and handed Howie a bottle of water.
“Sorry your first time at the capitol had to be so raucous,” he said in his perpetually genial manner, “but the American voter remains spirited! The tree of liberty is pruned by blood. Is that how it goes? We need a specialist, someone who knows quotes.”
“Are we going to your plane?” Howie asked.
“Me? No!” Goodwealth said. “I ruined the black leather of our guy at the FAA. He’s trying to reassert himself by grounding my plane. No no, the only one authorized to fly right now is Prince Embièss Embeezee. I’m sure he’s also on his way.”
They tried to rush to the airport as best as they could but the roads around the capitol were strewn with debris, protesters, and police. A street would seem clear until a mob came around a corner. Howie watched out the window but he also watched live news on a screen built into the back seat.
The driver worked through traffic. The sun had set. Dusk had settled. Outside the window, anarchy reigned. Dancing, orange-lit faces floated over barrels of fire. Some people danced, some people walked, and some people on the verge of overdosing did their best just to stand. Drugs were sold on the sidewalk and sex was sold off of it. The paranoid dreams and furious frustrations of the populace were woven into a gordian knot of implacable revolution.
Some of the protesters knelt down and tried to repair a rolling gallows that had lost its wheel on a cracked sidewalk which wasn't maintained due to budget cuts. The gallows leaned but the noose pulled straight down.
Further along, a militia member helped another militia member fasten body armor around his vast girth.
There were pops and sudden loud thuds against the car. They were being shot!
“Don’t worry, we’re bulletproof,” Goodwealth explained to Howie. “Feel free to run a few over,” he told his driver. The SUV bumped uncertainly over flesh. “We fixed that law last week,” Goodwealth said.
The driver eventually got them to the outskirts of the protest and past a police checkpoint on the road to the airport.
“Martial law,” the cop at the checkpoint said. “Liberals, am I right?” He shook his head.
They got on the highway and drove past the sign that marked the turnoff for departing flights.
“Where are we going?” Howie asked.
But Goodwealth was silent. His thumbs kept dancing over his phone. Its glow lit his furrowed face.
“I just need a moment,” Goodwealth said. “Lot of price changes, right now. Obviously my positions at the Fed, Treasury, and my own fund enable me to see large parts of the financial market but surprises do happen.”
All over the world, desperate sellers would take almost any price for their American assets. They wanted Yuan, oil, copper, Euro, nickel, gold - anything more real than a dollar. The intertwined legal layers of references and counter-references - assets, equity, and obligations - fell apart when the ability of the American treasury to make timely payments was yanked out from the bottom of the global financial pyramid.
It would be a hell of a thing to reset the world’s accountants.
They reached a service road that surrounded the airport, just outside a razor-wire fence. Through another security checkpoint, there was a large plane parked on the runway. It was decorated with a sports logo.
“Football teams can fly?” Howie asked.
“No, that’s the Prince’s plane,” Goodwealth said.
They waited at the end of a line of SUV’s to get through another checkpoint. Finally, it was their turn.
“Password?” The security guard asked.
“One is ok, two is no way,” Goodwealth said.
The guard waved them through.
One or two of what? Howie wondered.
The Prince’s large personal airliner was surrounded on the tarmac by premium luxury vehicles whose gleaming surfaces reflected the tall floodlights of the airfield. Drivers assisted their wealthy clients with luggage. Two staircases ascended up to the plane: the one in the front was nearly all women and the one in the back had men in suits who bumped elbows with each other as they jostled to get inside.
Goodwealth and Howie parked and got in line for the back staircase. They greeted the other passengers who were also relieved to have made it onto what was basically an evacuation plane.
Frank Rove was ahead of them.
“I guess you didn’t end up having to read the bill, eh?”
“It would have been impossible,” Howie said. “I barely got past the title.”
Frank laughed.
“Told ya it didn’t matter,” he said.
Behind them, someone got in an argument at the fence. Their SUV was asked to pull over for a search. The guard asked the driver to set the vehicle’s transmission in park. Instead of searching the vehicle they merely shot at it. The engine revved as the dead driver’s foot pressed against the gas. A guard leaned through the window and turned the key.
“Last plane out of Saigon,” Goodwealth said.
“Or Kabul,” Frank said.
He made a show of checking the plane’s wheel. The man laughed. Howie didn’t know why.
It was Jhumpa, calling to Howie from the front staircase. They waved to each other before she entered the plane.
Howie felt the warm glow of her approval as he followed Goodwealth inside. They were the last ones in. Behind them, security tried to shut the door.
“We’re full!”
“No! No! We’re here! One is okay, two is no way!”
“Sorry, we’re full,” the guard said.
Some arms tried to reach through as they kept trying to shut the door. So the security guard flung it back open and shot his weapon outside. The remaining businessmen fled down the staircase.
The men sat down as the plane rumbled down the runway before smoothly lifting into the air.
They reached cruising altitude and kept accelerating, faster and faster, until plane passed the sound barrier. Dogs on the ground below barked for hours as America’s Mississippi basin was pummeled by the Prince’s sonic boom.
When the fasten seatbelt sign turned off, everyone got up at once. One of the Prince’s assistants yelled at the men in suits.
“Alright, its not a long flight so we must hurry!”
Everyone lined up and followed the man. He was the assistant to the prince’s Groom of the Stool.
“Where are we flying to?” Howie asked.
“Las Vegas,” Goodwealth said. “We still have the convention. The Prince has a lot invested in the Management Party and he’ll want to see it through.”
Howie didn’t know they would end up in Vegas! He’d never been. He hoped it lived up to the hype.
As they followed the Groom’s assistant further into the plane, Howie noticed the wall fixtures and sconces gradually becoming fancier and fancier. Howie knew they were fancy because they were unrecognizable and pleasing. This wasn’t sophisticated airline plastic like the front of the plane. The carpet eventually became an oak floor and then eventually stone.
The line stopped and Howie heard the sound of velcro and saw Warren Goodwealth putting on kneepads.
Chapter 28 - The Pump of Fidelity
‘People who say that in 1980 the Arabs will own the world are wrong.’
- Walter Wriston, CEO of Citibank, 1974
Prince Muhammad will have the pleasure of an American president bending the knee.
- The Economist, 6/16/2022
"Why are you putting on kneepads?" Howie asked.
The group of powerful men looked at each other uncertainly.
“The marble floor in the ensuite throne room is very unforgiving on the knees,” Warren Goodwealth told him. “But you’re still young. You’ll probably be alright.”
“I have to get on my knees?” Howie asked.
“Of course.”
“It’s how we do the pump of fidelity,” another said.
“What’s the pump of fidelity?” Howie asked.
“It’s like an obeisance.”
“A supplication.”
“An intimate fist bump.”
“But instead of your fist, you use your mouth.”
“Like a sex thing?” Howie asked.
“No, no, no - it’s just a little touching between bros.”
“But it’s not gay.”
Gay is haram.”
“It’s just something the Prince likes.”
“It sounds weird,” Howie said. “Why does he like it?”
They all looked at each other as if it was obvious.
“Because we don’t.”
“Do I have to do it?” Howie asked.
“You don’t have to,” Goodwealth said. “Nobody’s making you do anything, but I highly recommend it. I’ve done it many times, hence the kneepads. You see, it’s all part of the circuit, Howie. We pay the Prince for oil and he circulates all those dollars back to America. In return, we pay the pump.”
“Just a single stroke,” someone said.
“Like a golf stroke?” Howie asked. He knew golf was popular among rich people. He was nervous about learning how to play it.
“No, no, this is different.”
“Just one pump, up and down.”
Une pipe singulaire.”
“The littlest blowjob.”
“But it’s not a sex thing?” Howie asked.
“Ugh! No!”
“You do it on his toe.”
“We demonstrate fidelity by sucking on his toes.”
“The toebeisance.”
“A toejob.”
“His toe? He’s into toes?” Howie asked.
“It’s a cultural thing, because of the robes and sandals.”
“Acclimation to floor-length clothing has turned the feet into an erogenous zone.”
“An obsession.”
“He likes his toe sucked.”
“But all powerful people have, like, a performative thing, a way to demonstrate loyalty. Your father did it too, in his own way.”
“But with state and local. Small ball.”
They moved forward in line.
“It’s not difficult,” Goodwealth said. “All the prince wants is one pump, to show fidelity. Just one suck on his big toe: down, then up.”
“Don’t cycle twice. One pump is about power, but two makes its sexual.”
“It’s a religious nuance.”
“One is ok, two is no way.”
They moved further up in line and turned a corner.
More businessmen waited in an anteroom. Some of them appeared to be preparing for an athletic competition. They stretched and bounced and touched their own toes. They took rapid, shallow breaths. One jumped up and down as if preparing for a great effort. Another loosened his jaw.
An usher dressed in robes appeared in the antechamber where the businessmen prepared. They followed him silently into a dark room. He led the way with a candle around the outer edge of the room. It was very large. It took up the entire width of the plane’s fuselage and what might have been thirty or forty rows of its length. This was Prince Embièss Embeezee’s ensuite throne room.
Translucent overhead panels gradually brightened with a calming pale light and revealed a central throne elevated on a marble plinth. In spite of the weak light, the polished gold of the chair shone brightly. Its surface reflected the ring of men arrayed neatly around it.
The line was cut as another door opened. From it, the Prince entered. His light robes were sustained gently behind him on the air. Another attendant led him, this one more formal than the first. He wore understated robes with shimmering thread. He held the Prince’s hand while the monarch climbed up onto the throne. He lazily scrolled his electronic tablet and seemed to not pay attention to the proceedings.
From the center, the formal assistant turned to speak to everyone in the room. He had a beard that nearly touched the floor and a hat that nearly touched the ceiling. This was the Groom of the Stool.
The first usher stepped towards the middle of the room and blew out his candle.
“Hark! Silence! Hear ye the Royal Groom of the Stool!”
The Groom spoke from his spot next to the throne. His voice was nasally.
“Yea, we shall get down to business,” the Groom said. “Ye shall bestow a single stroke upon the Prince, in the ceremony of the Pump of Fidelity. The line is long. There are many, many, many westerners from free democratic countries, who take pride in their institutions, who denigrate the monarchy behind our back, and yet who desire the wealth which the prince has the power to bestow. Given that there are so many sniveling fools from the western democracies-”
“Don’t forget china!”
“-and China..”
“Woo! And Europe!”
“Yes, Europe. I kind of already said that but yeah, you’re all great. All over the world, you’re all great. The Prince appreciates your journey or whatever-”
“Thank you master,” one said.
“Thank you,” another said.
The Prince ignored them and scrolled his tablet while he slouched in his throne. His leg was hanging over the side of the chair.
“Sure. Calm down. Relax,” the Groom said. “For any newcomers, I’ll clarify that we must limit you to one stroke, so make it good. Plus, I think we can agree, for religious reasons but also as a bunch of straight dudes, that more than one pump is gay. Also, lately I’ve seen newcomers allegedly try to ‘learn by watching’. Ancient custom holds that watching is also gay. We require all to participate. And a reminder: it’s one and done. We’re not trying to be here all day. The line is very long. None of you are impressive when you keep going. You just show that you can’t follow direction. Okay?”
The room nodded and murmured its approval.
“My bad,” admitted one overachiever.
Frank Rove felt singled out. He had previously suggested watching.
“And this part is vital,” the Groom of the Stool continued. “No teeth! No teeth on the toe. If this is your first time, be careful! Toe-sucking videos make it look easy. Be not tricked! What is small to the untrained eye can be large in the untrained mouth.”
“He’s right, guys.”
“We take it for granted.”
“As usual, the movies make it look easy.”
“Silence!” The Groom clapped. “Let us begin!”
A musician sat unobtrusively in the corner and played a violin with a single string. The music was plaintive and ancient.
The first supplicant, an Ivy League MBA who had practiced the pump as a fraternity pledge, gently rolled up the bottom of the Prince’s robe, performed a deliberate, thorough pump, and moved on.
“Practice sucking your thumb,” Goodwealth whispered to Howie. “And kinda make a taco with your tongue.”
Howie could see the men ahead of him sucking their thumb, in preparation, lips wrapped around their teeth in a pantomime of surprise.
“Ehz hwat wight?” Someone asked, fumbling through their words while their thumb was in their mouth.
The line moved quickly. The Groom of the Stool kept it breezy. He was an excellent master of ceremonies. Each supplicant quickly knelt before the Prince and carefully performed their task. The prince was so accustomed to westerners fellating his toe that while receiving his separate pumps, he scrolled his electronic tablet. Everyone assumed he was taking notes on their performance; they wanted to believe that their hard work and sacrifice meant something. But he was staring at photos of his harem and plotting against dissidents.
Having arrived last, Howie and Goodwealth were nearly at the end of the line. It would be Howie’s turn, soon. Goodwealth was ahead of him.
The old billionaire knelt, took a deep breath, and leaned down toward the Prince’s foot. He was skillful. Finally, someone got the Monarch’s attention. He looked up from his tablet as Goodwealth gave a slow, sensuous, premeditated pump on that big toe. The Prince began trembling, showing Goodwealth more enthusiasm than he had for any of the others. He cried out and Goodwealth gagged as his entire foot went into the supplicant’s mouth. After swishing it around for a moment, the Prince was still.
Goodwealth stood up, caught his breath, and wiped his mouth.
“I did it!” He said.
The Groom of the Stool stepped forward.
“If you deliver, we deliver,” he said.
He slapped Goodwealth across the mouth and handed him a blank check.
All around, the most powerful men in the world began clapping. Some cheered.
They were all there to deliver for each other. They were comrades.
“The prince will now need time to recharge!” The Groom of the Stool said.
The prince had relaxed fully and dozed off. In his full relaxation, he dropped his tablet to the ground and began to go to the bathroom where he sat. He had never been potty trained because that would have required telling him ‘no’. Anyone who told the Prince ‘no’ tended to get dismembered.
And so, the Groom of the Stool led several attendants to change the Prince’s diaper. They performed with crisp efficiency, as if they had done it a thousand times. They wrapped him in a fresh diaper to prepare him for public display in Las Vegas.
Howie turned to the wealthy men next to him, after everyone had cheered.
“Looks like I got lucky,” Howie said. He had been next in line.
The room stopped. The murmurs of celebration, congratulation, and affirmation ceased. The silence in the room was abrasive and cold. The musician with his single string stopped playing. The only sound was the distant low whir of the plane’s engine.
“Lucky?” The Groom of the Stool looked up from tamping the Prince’s thigh to confront Howie. “Lucky? Want you not the privilege of paying the pump?”
“Oh, no! That’s not what I meant,” Howie said. “It’s just that, since we’re landing, and he just finished, you know, I mean I’d prefer not to, is all. It’s just not my thing.”
The Groom of the Stool would have none of it.
Prefer? Westerner, you are on the Prince’s plane escaping your own capitol. Prefer? He is in charge now, not just for you but for everyone!”
“I’m sorry, I just -”
“Suck!” The Groom shrieked. “Suuuck!”
The western businessmen joined in the Groom of the Stool’s hysteria.
“Suck! Suck! Suck!” They chanted.
They showed their devotion to the Prince by using Howie as their whipping boy.
“Get down on your knees!” The Groom of the Stool shrieked frantically.
The Prince woke up from dozing as Howie was roughly forced down to the floor. Goodwealth was right - the marble flooring was very tough on the knees.
“This one has not performed the pump!” The Groom said.
Prince Embièss Embezee used one hand to beckon for his tablet while the other gestured toward Howie and then down to his foot.
“You will perform the pump!” the Groom of the Stool said.
“Just do it, Howie,” Goodwealth said, as he moved his mouth and tried to clear the grit. “It’s not so bad.”
But just as the fresh diaper was about to be unstrapped, the airplane shook. The ding of a fasten seatbelt sign came on. It was long-standing policy not to allow a toejob when the light was on, for fear of unpleasant teeth.
“This is your captain speaking,” the pilot said. “An unknown aircraft just buzzed past us. We’re experiencing rough air. Just gonna turn on the fasten seat belt sign.”
“Past us?” The Prince asked. “Is there a faster plane? Who has a faster plane than me?”
Frank saw his opportunity to get out of the throne room and avoid any further toe-sucking.
“My liege, I’m at your service,” Frank Rove said. “Allow me to remove this impertinent one.”
The Prince waved his hand for them to leave. He had a new concern on his mind.
Frank was relieved. He had carefully positioned himself last in line, just behind Howie.
link to following ch's 29-32
submitted by aeiouicup to puddlehead [link] [comments]

2023.09.24 14:54 ddmegen1 My General Army Philosophy - Part 2 of 8

This is the second part of a eight-part post of the things I’ve learned, or discovered, or come to terms with about the Army over my 35 year career. I share them with you to grok as a form of catharsis through which I may leave the service having at least vented my spleen about issues I’ve struggled with over the years. For what it’s worth, I’m a Military Intelligence CW5.
Part 2 – Army Psychology
Everything that affects you in the Army that isn’t a bullet entering your body is the results of the effects of psychology or sociology – good or bad. The Army is made up of people, and that is the problem. However, if you learn enough about what makes people tick, and learn enough about the wisdom of the crowd you can at least come to terms with what you see.
No one enlists in the Army because everything in their life is going right…
I was given that gem of a quip by a mid-grade NCO when I was a private, and as I talked to Soldiers over the course of my career it has held true to a great extent. Escaping from Nowheresville, getting out of a dead-end job, ditching a bad relationship, not enough scratch for college, dissatisfaction with life in general – these are the reasons most of whom I’ve talked gave as to why they joined. It is very infrequent that someone says they joined because the felt some kind of burning patriotic desire to enlist. This is why the Army is heterogeneous – we all have the same problems, and the Army is often seen as a solution. It’s also why many Soldiers enter the Army with emotional or psychological baggage. To paraphrase John Winger, “we’re all mutts and stupid enough to enlist in the Army.” This baggage brings with it a lot of what you see in the character of a unit.
It’s different for officers – almost the opposite, in fact. Officers don’t enlist, they commission and serve “at the pleasure of the Commander in Chief.” They still have contractual obligations related to the amount of time they must serve, but have much less say in the path of their own careers. But in general Officers join because they want to, and see it as a calling or a profession, or as a means to an end. While some may join to pay off college debt or the like, many do actually join because they want to be a Soldier and love the lifestyle, at least at the beginning. Once you become a company man, though, a different calculus takes hold.
In the end, if you work at it, it is possible to solve your problems by joining the Army, and to make a career out of it if you can bear it, but you cannot make a life out of it because in the end you will be cashiered one way or another.
…because the Army is only something to do until you figure out what you want to do with your life…
Do your four years and fly. Or, do ten and bail. Or, do fifteen and scoot. When it is time to go, go. You will know when that is. The Army gives you a great start for getting on with life. If you play your cards right, pay attention and learn when at training, and don’t spend all your money on booze, strippers, and that stupid fucking tricked-out Jeep Wrangler. You should leave the Army with cash and skills and education, and the GI Bill. When you figure out what it is you want to do with your life, be it as a Specialist, a SFC, or a Major, submit your paperwork when eligible to do so in IPPS-A and start transition. The “Army” doesn’t care if you stay or go no matter what the retention folks tell you. We are all replaceable.
Under the very best of circumstances, generally, you can only serve in the Army, at max and by making the grade, until you are 62. There are exceptions, of course. I saw a COL at Bliss CRC who was like 72 years old, but he was an orthopedic surgeon going over for his, like, tenth rotation into Afghanistan. But exceptions don’t make the rule. Only a very few make it past 30 years due to RCP, and chances are it won’t be you. And since 67 is the new 62 as far as social security is concerned you still have many earning years to go after you retire. So, since the Army kicks us all to the curb eventually it is probably best to simply not consider the Army your one and only life career.
What I mean here is to have an escape plan. Easier said than done, I get it. I am nearing the end and only have a fuzzy idea of what my life will be post-uniform. But I do know I still will have to earn a paycheck to make up for what I lose to retirement. There is no guaranteed soft landing from ETSing, and Army retirement isn’t about waking up late and going fishing, in both cases it’s about income replacement. This is not encouragement to have one foot out the door at all times, rather, it is encouragement to make the most of the opportunities the Army gives you for education, certification, and life skills. I’ve been in the Army my entire adult life and it is my understanding that its hard out there in the civilian world.
…but don’t kill yourself if it’s not working out…
We all have our opinions on why the suicide rate is climbing in the Armed Services – the Army especially. My two cents are that I think its tied to a number of things that are endemic to society at large. Isolation, the emotional emptiness of social media, doubt about our future, and possibly most poignantly, the upending of our cultural landscape. When you combine this with a high peacetime optempo and the toxicity that optempo brings to leadership it creates in many places a fine culture of depression, anger, and loneliness.
Army life is lonely; you will make great friends here and adapt to a new culture within the ranks, but we all leave the comfort of home and separate from our base to be here. When thrust into a supportive environment, its easy to thrive. When tossed into an uncaring, dismissive, or toxic environment its easy to become lost, despondent, and at risk, especially if you’ve never learned to cope.
I’ll talk later about the Army as a microcosm of American society at large and how we are a reflection pool for our polity, but suffice it to say now that the Army’s complexity when it comes to is diverse population when coupled with its sheer size make solving the depression and suicide problem as a “push down from the top” solution very unlikely to succeed. This is not something we can slogan, buy, or order our way out of.
Its hard to feel seen or valued in an institution as large as the Army, and when depression hits a Soldier there is no real good mechanism in place for us to identify it. The military lifestyle is not big on reflection, measured contemplation, and navel-gazing. By nature, the military looks ahead and pushes its members to strive towards “mission accomplishment.” But whatever that phrase may mean at any given time, it is the elusive carrot we chase. When someone misses their stride and falls to the side, they face the impact of a very unforgiving culture that devalues emotional liability and they will find it hard to catch up and rejoin the crowd.
If this is you, my friend, seek help. The Army is hurting you for whatever reason, but we can’t fix the Army. We can help you, though. If you feel that the Army doesn’t care about you, remember that the Army isn’t a person, it is an institution…it can’t reach out to you. Go to your first line, go to the chaplain, go to Mental Health (I did), go to your battle buddy, or your SO, or your family, or to me. If you think no one cares out there, think again.
The Army is huge and impersonal, and its a crap shoot where you land
The character of your unit is determined first and foremost by the character of its leadership. The character of unit leadership is first and foremost determined by the character of the food chain. The character of the food chain is solely determined by the senior rater. One person in a position of authority with a shitty attitude can destroy a units character, morale, and performance.
Command positions can be especially poisonous to a unit, and there seems to be a 50/50 chance that an otherwise solid, caring, and conscientious captain, lieutenant colonel, or colonel will go completely batshit crazy when they assume command. I've observed this many, many times where an otherwise functional unit loses cohesion as a new commander falls slowly into a Sobel-ean frame of mind only to revert back to their normal, pre-command personality once out of the position. Often this mania is the result of the pressure of command or the misunderstanding the requirements from their rating chain, or the rating chain itself being unreasonably crazy.
The senior NCO of a unit can be equally as poisonous as a commander, especially of that commander is weak in asserting their leadership. A 1SG or CSM with a chip on their shoulder is one of the worst things that can happen to a unit, and selection to those ranks is based on a squishy set of factors related to experience, leadership, and their NCOER averages. Like any senior rank, the pool is limited to those who chose to stay. Take from that what you will.
Either way, its a crap shoot where you are assigned. There are now 11 Divisions, 4 Corps, and 6 ASCCs you can be assigned to, all with innumerable brigades, battalions, and companies, all commanded by officers and managed by NCOs who were selected by some form of assignment mill. This means two things: 1) you may land in a great unit with great morale or you may land in an awful unit with terrible morale, or somewhere in between, and 2) PCS/ETS is a great cure-all; eventually either you or the person causing the problem will leave.
The point of all of this is that understanding the root of a problem sometimes makes it easier to deal with. The root of all Army problems is people. Use what you know about what makes people tick and what influences groups to at least understand what is going on. You are better at psychoanalysis than you might think. You are, after all, human.
Part 3 tomorrow.
I'll take an Italian Sub from the local Giant/KrogeKing Soopers, a bag of cheetohs, and some tap water.
submitted by ddmegen1 to army [link] [comments]

2022.11.11 19:25 BlancheFromage Is it "fair" to try and slip indoctrination past by claiming it's just "entertainment"? Just copying the Evangelical Christian liars?

There is quite a history in Evangelical Christianity of a "talk circuit" where speakers visit different churches to tell stories share their testimony for purposes of inspiring, affirming that the audience's beliefs are Good and Right, and hopefully persuading any visitors ("guests") to convert. As these speakers are PAID for their appearances, there is quite a bit of money to be made in this way if you can make it big - some make it their career.
These speakers are typically straight-up bullshit peddlers.
My favorite was Tony "The Tiger" Anthony - yes, that's right: Anthony Anthony (not even his real name) - who got into some significant trouble for all HIS lies a few years ago. It was highly entertaining watching it go down. A rising star on the Evangelical Christian speech circuit, he wrote a book "Taming the Tiger", apparently, and I think there was a sequel as well. Anyhow:
Tony Anthony kind of blew in from nowhere to catapult into stardom about ten years ago with his testimony. And wow, it had all the elements that should have made Christians’ ears perk up and their eyes squint in doubt: martial arts goodness, white tigers, murders, the Mafia, exotic locales, important people, and of course a super-dramatic turnaround at the weirdest possible time as he discovered that Christianity was true. Rather than make Christians even more determined to verify these preposterous stories, the dramatic elements that Anthony fantasized into print just titillated his audiences and made them want more–and he was happy to provide. Thanks to the money pouring in, he was able to evangelize all over the world, and his interviews were broadcast to adoring fans.
Well, mostly his audience was adoring fans. There were some detractors, even early on. His book read like a fiction novel, they said, and they were right. The martial arts details sounded really off, they said, and they were right. There was no evidence for a single thing he was saying about his life, they said, and they were sort of right–there was evidence, but the evidence disproved his story (such as his insistence that his kung-fu grandmaster grandfather had taken him to China at the age of four, when his grandfather was neither a grandmaster nor even alive when Anthony was born). Heck, even the name he used, Tony Anthony, wasn’t his real birth name, and he’d been using a false date of birth that made his story completely ludicrous. (Source) And of course, just like all the other Christians in the Cult of “Before” Stories, Tony Anthony claimed to have committed horrific crimes like murder–but nobody seemed interested in holding him accountable for those crimes or even investigating them.
There is no statute of limitations on murder; you'd think that, given that here's a guy standing up in front of a church full of good tough-on-crime Christians AND CONFESSING TO MURDER, SOMEONE would notify the police!
But no.
Some people are much more interested in just being entertained by a scandalous story than in honesty or integrity or truth or reality or anything like that. These hate-filled intolerant religions like Christianity and SGI tend to have that effect on their members, somehow...
One of the larger martial arts websites and fan groups, Bullshido, had a long-running thread starting in 2007 debunking him and his claims. It’s pretty good reading, if you have some time and like hearing martial artists shoot the breeze:
Just analyzing his speech off the bat, it feels like he's a typical pathological liar.
The Christians who listened all breathless to his accounts and believed him could have saved themselves a lot of time and effort and money if they’d just read the Bullshido thread. Not many evangelicals probably know much about martial arts, which is clearly something Tony Anthony was counting on, but martial artists do, and they watch a lot of martial arts movies and TV shows and read a lot of books about martial artists. So when he describes in his book an incident wherein he lifted a super-hot cauldron with his wrists and carried it around, these guys immediately realized he was describing a scene from the TV series “Kung Fu.”
You can see that clip here.
They knew how to check out his claims of holding multiple world championships in Kung Fu. They also knew that there is no such thing as the “IKFF” he describes belonging to, another thing that evangelicals wouldn’t likely know anything about either. (For that matter, martial arts groups don’t normally function like Mission Impossible spy rings, sending their members off to be trained and assigning them jobs to do.)
heh heh That "assigning them jobs to do" bit reminds me of the "homework assignments" sequence from "Fight Club"...
"Both the Evangelical Alliance and Avanti Ministries take serious note of the findings of the report and, as a result, Avanti has concluded that it is not appropriate to continue to support Taming the Tiger." The alliance launched its investigation after a director of Avanti, Mike Hancock, resigned. An online blog, Crosswire, explained how Hancock had become sceptical after demanding proof of Anthony's claims.
"I understood that I had a moral and ethical responsibility to ensure that his story could be thoroughly verified," Hancock told the blog. "I was unable to persuade my fellow directors of the need to do this. I therefore resigned from Avanti and pursued the search for truth with other like-minded Christians," he said. Source
David Buick, a French-based prison chaplain, who also took part in the investigation, said: "I became concerned that somebody speaking in schools and prisons worldwide about their transformed life could be making much of their story up, and decided to find out more. For followers of Jesus, love and truth are supposed to go hand in hand. Checking out fantastic claims is a vital part of genuine faith, and our findings show how important it is that we do just that." Source

“A devious and manipulative man” – judge

SOME of us believe the truth matters. There are obviously a few religionists who care. Just not in SGI, apparently.
That he has a perennial and long-standing problem with being truthful and honest seems quite clear to me.
There's more here. Tony Anthony is one of my top most-entertaining religious-addict idiots, but suddenly, a new contender has emerged.
He's figured out a way to cash in on both Jesus AND Kung fu. - about Tony Anthony
"She's hoping to somehow cash in on both SGI AND pervy sex!"
Is stating that it's "just entertainment" every once in a while (only when confronted with the dishonesty and deceit, of course) enough to EXCUSE indoctrination attempts from being challenged as such? As simply being a clumsy attempt at sneaky indoctrination? Tony Anthony's books were pulled from shelves and removed from publication; his foundation was shuttered; he lost ALL his endorsements.
I understand SGI is terribly dull and the poor bored SGI members are borderline desperate for something, anything, to spice things up. But bored enough that they now welcome and embrace LIES?
Entertainment or indoctrination? In the Ikeda cult, there IS no "entertainment" without indoctrination! Shouldn't that be DISCLOSED up front so as to not mislead the unwitting and unwary?
Televangelists go on TV and lie and lie and lie - and make lots of money doing it! Does that make it okay? Is it okay to LIE as long as your audience wants to hear your lies and you get what YOU want out of it (for the narcissist - a platform, attention, acknowledgment, praise, the ability to embarrass exponentially more people by springing awkward sexual references on them unawares, etc.)?
I’ve been out long enough that I’ve seen a dozen Tony Anthonys come and go. I know that Christians are not as a group any more trustworthy than anybody else, and that they tend to be a little gullible when it comes to outrageous claims. But imagine what a tender new convert would think. Or someone who is uncertain about their faith. Why can’t Christianity come up with true stories? Why are Christians so eager to believe lies if they’re really cool lies? Why the reliance on untruths and falsehoods to convert people? Why can’t they police themselves and be aware of the massive incentives they present to lie (and the massive penalties they present to those questioning the lies)? When I was struggling to hold onto my faith, liars were a big impact on me–not because they were “bad Christians” but because they made me question everything about my chosen religion. Source
The EXACT same accusations can be made against the SGI - see here and here and here and here. Are ALL religionists so shady?
While it is not a ‘crime’ to deceive readers in this way it does show an elasticity with the truth. Source
Is that a "good" thing for society? To have more people with more elastic approaches to the truth? Is THIS one of the "benefits" of SGI members' "human revolution" - that they become more willing to LIE? Are the rest of us supposed to want MORE PATHOLOGICAL LIARS in our communities?
Who am I kidding? We all know cult members never play fair, and Ikeda cult members are just as bad as any of the rest. None of us should be surprised with how frantically the SGI is copying the Christians these days. Especially the ones who apparently get off on failure and the more public the better - there's no bar too low!
submitted by BlancheFromage to sgiwhistleblowers [link] [comments]

2022.02.17 20:23 hclvyj "Let’s talk about the elephant in the room: Black men are attacking Asian Americans. But—is that the real elephant?"

I understand this might not sit well with a lot of folks, but it also might be helpful for some others so I thought I'd share. I asked J.S Park, a Korean American hospital chaplain and author, if I could share this after I saw the post on Instagram. It's long, but worth the read. Here's the original IG post if that's easier. \*editing for clarification: These are not my words. They are J.S. Park's words and I just wanted to share with the AA reddit community*** ///
Let’s talk about the elephant in the room:
Black men are attacking Asian Americans.
But—is that the real elephant?
Each week I’m told Black men are solely responsible for the hate crimes against AAPI.
Is that true? No**.** Elephants are hard to talk about, but fingers are already pointed at Black men daily.What’s the real elephant?The wedge between minority groups often traces back to *white supremacy* in America—and I know, this immediately provokes defensiveness.
Before you dismiss this: Consider if you really want to see change, confronting your own discomfort is the first and necessary step.
We must see history as it is.
White supremacy* is not as obvious as hoods and hateful slogans, but an ingrained culture like poison in the water, inherited from laws, language, inaction, and inertia.
To see ourselvesas we want to bewe must see historyas it really is.
Here’s one case study of tragedy reflective of how *white supremacy* operates.
The most infamous incident of apparent Black and Asian violence in America is the LA Riots of 1992.It seemed Korean-owned businesses were targeted by the Black community.
If we go further back, this animosity seemingly began in March 1991 when Korean store owner Soon Ja Du shot and killed 15 year old Latasha Harlins for shoplifting. She was not. (To be sure, I unequivocally condemn this horrific murder.)
But was that the catalyst? We have to go further back. White store owners left “diversifying neighborhoods” (i.e. Black) in the area and sold their buildings only to Korean Americans.
White owned media soon portrayed Korean store owners as greedy and opportunistic while portraying Black neighbors as untrustworthy criminals.
White owned media since the 1940s has continually perpetuated the “model minority” myth against Asian immigrants, which was then leveraged against the Black community:
“See them? Be like them.” Unfortunately some Asian Americans bought into this too.
A New York Times article in 1966 by William Peterson captured this portrayal, claiming Japanese Americans rose above prejudice but not Black Americans. (Not too long after Japanese Americans were “freed” from internment camps.)
Back again to the LA Riots: Many know the LAPD only protected white suburbs and did not answer Korean store owners who dialed 911. Also, 64% of the rioters were not Black, but the media portrayed it as a completely Black-Asian conflict.
Both obvious and ingrained forces of *white supremacy* forged tensions between Black and Asian communities and has not stopped.
In hindsight both communities recognized, “It’s not you vs. me. They hate us.”
But was and is white supremacy intentional? That’s almost besides the point. It’s a cultural reflex, old guard and old money passed down, and as I’ve said, poison in the water. Did you put it there? Maybe not. But those in power look away. The marginalized cannot. And we’re all sick from it.
If this is a stretch: Many Americans are quick to discuss original sin but deflect from ongoing sin. Somehow the sin of Adam impacts us today but the slave trade, Jim Crow laws, internment camps, and the Chinese Exclusion Act have no effect ...?
Consider also that 75-90% of hate crimes against AAPI are carried out by white individuals. Certain regions over-report against Black men and under-report white men. As always, videos of violent Black men are easily sensationalized but white aggressors are “troubled” with backstories.
The result of \white supremacy* is marginalized groups end up in a social Hunger Games.* They fight for scraps to survive. This survival trauma is passed down minus context: marginalized groups forget they were surviving white supremacy but believe they have to fight each other.
This ends up in blame-shifted violence between the marginalized. Systemic oppression is a powder keg that keeps these groups powerless.
The animosity deepens with statements like “China Virus.” In attackers’ minds, they essentially make an informed decision built on an accumulation of anti-Asian racist narratives. Annihilation—murder—is the inevitable result of dehumanization.
And it serves *white supremacy* to keep minorities marginalized. See the 1965 Filipino walk-out led by Larry Itliong. Local Mexican workers were hired to replace them but Itliong had leaders Cesar Chavez and Dolores Huerta join together. This led to more rights for both groups.
Does \white supremacy* remove the individual responsibility of marginalized individuals?* In my opinion, no. But can racial violence in these communities be solved by simple behavioral change? Also no. It requires dismantling and reconstructing all our systems and narratives.
Does naming \white supremacy* mean I hate white people or blame them for all racism? No. Of course not. But can it be acknowledged today that historical racism led by white folks is perpetuated by inaction and it requires their platforms for change? Yes. It is a must.Am I saying that white people are responsible any time an Asian person is hurt or killed? No. But I am saying a history of \white supremacy* is the source and perpetuation of marginalized minority groups, and that to remove the poison from the water, it will require all of us—especially those in power—to repair these waters.
So when you express anti-Black racism, ask:
How does this fix anything? It does not. It only continues a destructive, deceptive narrative that
  1. keeps friction between marginalized groups
  2. keeps power with the powerful, 3)removes power from the marginalized.It’s violence upon violence.
Note that *white supremacy* is rooted in anti-Black racism. The model minority myth against Asians was specifically leveraged against the Black community. Intentionally or not, *white supremacy* runs on this engine: “When they fight, we prosper.” The end result is what we see today.
Often white folks hate any mention of *white supremacy.* It’s “gaslighting, old news, fake news, woke liberal propaganda, Kafka trap” or whatever intellectualizing to dodge. Okay. Fine. But if you’re a POC and you buy into anti-Black rhetoric, you’re buying into white supremacy too.
If you’re offended by any of this, I get it. I have tried to be as fair as possible. Yet it is hard to mince words about *white supremacy* when you are surviving it (or dying from it) everyday. Perhaps you may hear the words of Resmaa Menakem from his book My Grandmother’s Hands, page 268.
“I also don’t give a rat’s ass how guilty—or how offended and falsely accused—you feel. (As a therapist, I’d better not. If I did, I’d need to find a new line of work.) What I do care about is what you do with your life now. Are you treating all human beings with genuine regard? Are you calling out evil and immorality when you encounter it? Are you serving your fellow human beings? Are you acting out of the best parts of yourself? Are you working with other white people to develop culture and dismantle all forms of white-body supremacy?”
In the end, none of this is a thought experiment.
This is our daily experience.
It is our awful and terrible loss.
I grieve and lament and I’m enraged at these murders. My anger is for these women and their families. My anger is at unjust narratives and systems that keep this happening.
Please know this. I see the dead and dying every week at the hospital. Victims of violent crimes too. You would do everything you could to prevent it.
And until you confront the root of the problem, you are only shock-scrolling over tragedies and superimposing false narratives that will keep this happening. If you ask “How could this happen” or “It’s Black people’s fault,” you are not helping.
I am for solidarity.Black Lives and Asian Lives,with each other at the finish line.
submitted by hclvyj to asianamerican [link] [comments]

2021.08.13 22:00 IronMansPsychologist I've met the personification of why I left christianity

For context: I was raised Episcopalian and left the church over 10 years ago. It caused a lot of family drama that I could spend hours talking about. Needless to say, I have 0 desire to revisit that part of my life.
I currently work at a public university with no religious affiliation in their sexual assault response program. We had a meeting with all of the departments that fall under the student services umbrella, and it was led by someone who both serves as the chaplain and as the director of health and wellness (note: many staff members wear multiple hats like this). For the first hour-ish, it was fine. The leader had guest speakers come in and talk, and they were somewhat interesting. They then led us through a group activity centered around self-care, and during the debrief, completely shifted into what I call "preacher mode": they started talking in depth about how it related to a story in the Bible, and they quoted scripture from memory. This went on for a decent amount of time, and then he led the entire group in a closing prayer. Obviously I didn't participate (I'm pretty sure I was the only one), and I can't tell if he noticed I was staring daggers at him the whole time.
This person is one of the most arrogant people I've ever met. They have pulled this at at least one other meeting, and I've been at this job less than 6 months. Even when not in "preacher mode", they made comments out-loud about how certain things they said should be included in upcoming sermons. They also have habitually praised themself for coming up with "catchy" slogans and acronyms for stuff (most of the time they're borderline ridiculous) and for being a great leader when I've never once seen them actually take control of a situation. They are not responsive at all, even though they are a "high-up" person and I was specifically told to go to them for help when other people weren't being responsive. Even when not in "preacher mode" and when I get a response from them, their emails are borderline incomprehensible because (I think) they're trying to sound and prove they're smart. I've yet to see any form of self-awareness from this person, and I doubt I ever will. The entire university seems to indulge them, and they all seem to think he's great (or at the very least go along with what he does).
I'm thankful I already put in my notice for this job and I'm counting down the days, but I'm severely concerned for the students. This person is "taking over" my job (just doing minimal project management since nothing was really planned for the fall due to COVID), and I fear that the students I would've worked with who are coming to the program for help with trauma are going to suffer if they go to them for help. Even if I was staying longer, I never got formal onboarding, so I don't even know what the right process would be for raising these concerns.
submitted by IronMansPsychologist to exchristian [link] [comments]

2020.04.30 18:38 IrishmanErrant [F] Martyrmakers +1+: My first attempt at custom prose! C&C Always welcome

+++Shepherds Ad Astra Strike Cruiser "Crown Begets Misery"+++
+++Stationkeeping Orbit Above Imperial Mining-World "Akkadi Secundus"+++
Inquisitor Renata Saffitz Levant gripped either side of the briefing table; the dull green of her power-armored fingers gently illuminated by the phosphorescent display. The auxiliary tactical bridge of the "Crown Begets Misery", though already awash with incense and the appropriately reverent scrolls and designed with Astartes commanders in mind, was made somehow more cramped and disquieting by the presence of the Inquisitor and her retinue. Her retainer-thrall, "Violence Well Becomes A Righteous Cause" Samsara-8-Azure, stood hunched and moody in a corner, idly flickering power through it's array of blades in a show of quiet resentment at being required to attend to such tedium as operations planning. Levant turned to it after a particularly showy display of deep-red incandescence, silenced the petulant thing with a look, and without comment turned back to the display. She gestured over the control panel, and pict-captures of the compound stitched themselves into a composite image, sigils indicating breachpoints, concentrated population centers, and probable ambush vectors scattering themselves like so many sparks across the map.
"What do you make of this, Captain?"
A subsection of the compound enlarged itself; what appeared to be a grouping of hab-blocks, laundry drying along the guylines for a massive vox-caster antenna array in the upper left. Banners emblazoned with brightly colored insignia and slogans were caught mid-wave flying from poles mounted to the roof of each structure. It was these slogans that had initially flagged the organization for closer scrutiny; the vox-casts of the "Akkadi Citizens Brotherhood" garnered a Proto-Heresy Rating of greater than Lambda-4 by routine Arbites wavelength dredge-sweeps. Subsequent Inquisition augury had indicated an unacceptably high likelihood of heretical breakout within 3 Standard Years, and as such the deployment order had been made.
Shepherds Ad Astra Third Company Captain Mytiades, standing respectfully to the right and behind the Inquisitor, leaned forward imperceptibly, servo-drivers in his Phobos armor whining. Seven feet tall and clad in the Bone-and-Brown ceramite of his chapter, Mytiades was nevertheless often completely silent, and had an unnerving ability to fade from the notice of unwary companions. He tapped the screen; a blurred section of the image had failed to resolve itself, likely due to issues with the finicky machine spirit of the data-stitcher. The smudges were clearly mechanical, and were distinctly reminiscent of defensive gun emplacements.
"Hmmmm. Vague. These sight lines here, and here-" he indicated, "should be cleared first, Inquisitor."
"Agreed. No sense in charging down the heathen gunline. Establishing the cordon is our first priority; I don't want to spend any more time on mop-up than I have to. I'll take the APC through these western habs and burn them out, as usual. And police those throne-damned tunnels. Emperor willing, that ought to be enough to avoid another Zemesh Prime."
Mytiades suppressed a wince, recalling the grueling two week "one-degree" pacification needed on the Hive World after the First Section had neglected to consider drainage sumps as a possible outlet for fleeing cultists. Inquisitor Levant had been more than displeased, taking every opportunity to detail how the blunder had cost them not only time on Zemesh Prime, but allowed fully three other cults to mature past the limits of successful first-order neutralization. Mobilizing Guard Regiments to re-establish control over non-compliant worlds was precisely the kind of waste the Shepherds Ad Astra had been chartered to prevent. First Section Lieutenant Gennada was desperate now to redeem himself here on Akkadi, having taken on redemption duty exceeding even that which the Company's Chaplain had demanded. Restored to his rank after single-handedly keeping a pack of rabid Ogryns from breaking through into the general menial population corridor, Levant had been nevertheless loath to allow him more than the shortest possible leash.
Dimly pulsing red-orange lumen indicators intruded on the final planning session; distant klaxons signalling that the drop was prepared and awaiting word. Samsara-8-Azure was out the door already, dingy ivory cloak whirling over grey-green cybernetics and plating. The Inquisitor and the Captain turned in unison, striding between the armored bulkheads and blessed seals protecting the auxiliary tactical bridge towards the drop hangar. Captain Mytiades felt, difficult though non-Astartes emotions were to interpret, a distinct aura of grim frustration from his commander, but with an undercurrent of worry. The Inquisitor had more on her mind than some bog-standard backwater proto-rebels or Chapter discipline, he thought. The pair were saluted as they passed the mustering barracks for the 44th Bakuzan "Choirboys" detached alongside Inquisitor Levant, and the carapace-armored platoon fell into lockstep behind them.
Adamant hangar doors ground open, and the passageway was flooded instantly with promethium smog, the clanging of ammo-slave servitors, and the high-pitched whine of dropship engines spinning up to launch thrust. Levant paused, a moment, and breathed in deeply. Her Rosette was bathed in the floodlights through the doorway, ivory, gold, and crimson shining pearl-bright.
"Through us, the Emperor watches, Mytiades. Through us, the Emperor protects.
Thanks everyone for reading! I wanted to try my hand at writing some fluff and proper fiction for my custom chapter of Astartes the "Shepherds Ad Astra", and thought I would throw it up for a little critique!
I haven't had much in the way of experience writing dialogue, and I think it will come off as stilted for a good long time, but I get so much joy out of writing bullshit 40k-y jargon that I still manage to have a good time.
Please don't hesitate to ask anything if something crosses your mind!
submitted by IrishmanErrant to 40kLore [link] [comments]

2020.03.11 15:45 RosbergThe8th Homebrew - Regarding codex divergence in chapter organization

I've finally gotten around to making my estranged DA successor, and I'm wondering if I'll have to push them over the line to renegade due to their organization being somewhat orthodox.
The premise was to make a highly decentralized chapter, one on the opposite end of the spectrum to those like the Minotaurs. A chapter that never deploys in full force, and is generally only ever seen operating in smaller squads/cells.
The thought was that while they have a chapter master his role will be a more discreet one, only ever summoning the chapter to gather en-masse on unique and rare occasions. Rather than receiving tasks from atop the command chain in traditional manner the tasks will flow through chaplains. These chaplains will maintain a network of sanctuaries and hideouts throughout the galaxy, and once a squad/cell has finished a task they will return to the nearest such sanctuary to rest, restock and eventually find a contract to pursue.
These contracts could vary wildly, and while many might be official requests for aid or bounties, others might simply be rumours of relics or enticing mysteries, quests to be sought out by the brave and/or foolish.
This organization isn't particularly harmful, and it's likely the chapter would be very secretive about their inner workings so it's not like they're shouting their divergence from the rooftops but I'm not familiar enough with the nuances of the codex restrictions so I'm asking any and all experts if this is something they'd get in trouble for or if no one will really care as long as they don't go too far over the 1000 limit.
Also, any insights, criticisms or questions regarding the chapter are more than welcome.
Edit - After realizing certain similarities I'm very tempted to steal a motto for the chapter by copying the A-team slogan.
submitted by RosbergThe8th to 40kLore [link] [comments]

2019.06.22 04:54 Ainsoph777 Documenting Jesuit trained and Catholic Chiefs of Police

The Police are huge part of the control mechanism the Jesuits and the financial powers have put in place to socially manage there exploitative system of domination and control. The Police are not here to "protect and serve" at all. They actually have absoultey no obligation to protect anyone at all--as the Jesuit educated/Catholic lawyers who dominate the U.S. Supreme Court have ruled! :
Police in the United States were created primarily to manage slaves in the south, and break up strikes and labor protesters--to protect the private property of the financial elite and Rome . Peter J Doeswyck in his book Catholic Victory in 1960, speaks on how Rome uses the Police for its own ends.

" Getting back to the “dictatorship of fear and reprisal” of the old democratic bosses, the first thing it imposed on a city was a Roman Catholic police force. This police force controlled and still controls the Catholic underworld and collects from it mil¬ lions of dollars to perpetuate itself in office. It is not a coincidence that in Chicago, a city of prostitutes, bookmakers and gangsters, the Catholic bishop receives car license plate no. 1 to indicate that he is the first citizen of that city. Underworld slayings, though often forecast by our newspapers, are never solved by such police departments. Illegal gambling is exhibited publicly in the streets. Sometimes the Catholic police and the Catholic underworld clash when the first tries to extort too much money from the latter. “Three hundred of the city’s biggest bookies,” reported the New York papers, “shut down their telephone services and went on strike against the exorbitant shakedowns by police officials” (N. Y. Daily News, Feb. 7, 1947). Statistics show that in that year (1947) New York City was 79% non Catholic, but its police force was 62.8% Catholic, while the higher-ups in that department were 80% Catholic. Once it is in control of a city, this gangster element makes the Catholic bishop its first citizen. It is an ordinary thing in New York to find 100 policemen at the steps of St. Patrick’s during a society wedding or funeral, while not a single one at the door of Rockefeller Center. The cathedral holds 2,000 people, the center 70,000. Not only cities, but Protestant towns and counties often have Roman Catholic chiefs and sheriffs. In places where mayors are elected and the chief of police appointed, the Romanists usually make a deal with the Protestant candidates and promise the Catholic vote if one of their men will be appointed as chief. In certain fields the chief of police has more power than a mayor and even more power than the President of the United States. It is a fact that every citizen and newspaper dares to attack the policies of the President and call him names, but no local citizen or local paper dares to attack the chief of police, unless City Hall and the papers and the public attempt to oust the chief in a united drive. Because of their power, these Catholic chiefs can perpetuate themselves in office and make a farce out of democracy. Like the bishops, who maintain a file of all scandals of their priests in order to keep them under subjection, most of our police departments in our bigger cities maintain files of men who have no police records but are potential, political opponents. Like the Jesuits, who own the state-controlled houses of prostitution in Spain and secretly register their patrons, many of our police departments have and are still controlling our houses of prostitution and gambling establishments, and are using hundreds of detectives to trail political opponents. Wiretapping and bugging are the order of the day. Private detectives, invariably “ex¬ police officers” or “bad Catholics”, have access, direct or indirect, to all police files and can blackmail almost any citizen. We have also a situation in Washington where only a handful of senators are still able to express their personal views without fearing the hand of blackmailers. "

During the reign on the Catholic Fascist Ustashi's in Croatia whom massacred over 900,000 --led by the Jesuit trained fuhrer Ante Pavelic , and Jesuit trained Archbishop of Zagbreb Aloysius Stepiniac. A Jesuit Priest , Dragutin Kamber S.J. became a chief of Police in the city of Doboj Bosnia. Edmund Paris has some greats insights in his 1962 book Genocide in Satellite Croatia.
" the Jesuit priest, Dragutin (Charles) Kamber, now in the United States, sworn Ustashi and Chief of Police at Doboj (Central Bosnia), who alone was responsible for various noted crimes such as the “liquidation” of the Serbian clergy of that region and 300 Orthodox Serbs of that city with another 250 courtmartialed in his district on his orders. Also there was confiscation of Jewish property. Published in the newspaper Novi List on August 16, 1941, Dr. Kamber said of the Nazis who were in Doboj:
"We [Ustashi] love you sincerely as friends; we respect you highly; and all of us are sorry, deeply sorry, that you must part. We love youl We love you because you carry in your hands the most powerful sword that has ever been forged in the history of mankind. You are brothers and manly knights by your behavior and by your deeds. The Paradise to which the Germans are going needs no better propagandists than the soldiers of Germany, this German Army. We respect you because you are fighting to give political and social justice to all of Europe. With the blood and the bones of precious German soldiers, the flower of Germany, you are building the foundations of a happy world for future generations."
In a Sarajevo newspaper, called Osvit, Kamber on December 18, 1942 wrote: “Why do I want the Germans and their Allies Italy, Hungary, Bulgaria, etc., to win? Because without the Germans our nation would die and we would have no Independent State of Croatia. From the international point of view the Germans and the Ustashi have the same enemies.”
Father Charles (Dragutin) Kamber is now in the U.S.A. He is writing in many Croatian newspapers all over the world, especially in Danica (Chicago). He is teaching the Ustashi in exile how to fight on for the Independent State Croatia, by new methods. He has written a booklet on how to behave in the world even though still an Ustasha (once an Ustasha—an Ustasha till death was the Ustashi’s slogan). The booklet has the title, “Problems and Methods to Be Used in the Fight to Free Croatia.”

To start, there is Daniel Isom who was chief of police in St. Louis ( October 6, 2008 – December 4th, 2013 ) whom was trained by the Jesuits at Saint Louis University and by the Catholic dominated FBI as-well. "He joined the St. Louis Police Department on August 29, 1988. During his career, he served in patrol, investigations, training, and internal affairs positions. Promoted through the ranks, finally to Major in 2007, he worked as the Special Projects Assistant to the Police Commissioner until his promotion to Police Commissioner.He previously served as an adjunct professor at Harris Stowe State University and an instructor at St. Louis Community College where he taught criminal justice, criminology, and public safety courses.He has received an associate degree in Criminal Justice from Forest Park Community College-St. Louis, a Bachelor's, Master's and a Ph.D. in Criminology and Criminal Justice, all from the University of Missouri-St. Louis. He also holds a Masters in Public Administration from St. Louis University (Jesuit)..... He is a graduate of the FBI National Academy, the Police Executive Forum Senior Management Institute and the FBI National Executives Institute. "
Isom's Jesuit training surely helped with the fascist militarized policing which occurred in Ferguson. " In August 2014, he was appointed as Director of the Missouri Department of Public Safety in the Cabinet of Governor Jay Nixon.[4] On November 18, 2014, Missouri Gov. Jay Nixon appointed the Ferguson Commission – a volunteer group of 16 diverse community leaders to listen to and engage with area organizations, national thought leaders, institutions, experts and citizens.[5] Isom was appointed as a commissioner and served as the co-chair of the commission task force on police community relations."

U. Reneé Hall, the current police chief of Dallas was trained by Jesuits at the University of Detroit Mercy.

"Chief U. Reneé Hall is the 29th Chief of Police for the City of Dallas, Texas. She is the first woman to ever hold this position. During her brief tenure with the Dallas Police Department, Chief Hall has made prominent steps to transform the department to reflect 21st Century Policing by streamlining the department’s organizational structure to improve efficient workflow between units, and strengthen effective policy processes. Chief Hall has prioritized community engagement and outreach by connecting with officers in the field, meeting with Dallas community groups, professional leaders, and local organizations...... Her educational accomplishments include completion of the FBI National Academy, Major Cities Chiefs Executive Leadership Institute (PELI IV), two Masters of Science degrees in Security Administration and Intelligence Analysis, from the University of Detroit Mercy (Jesuit), and a Bachelor of Science degree in Criminal Justice from Grambling State University. Chief Hall is a proud member of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Incorporated and The International Women’s Forum (IWF). "

William D. Gore, the current sheriff of San Diego County was trained by Jesuits at the University of Seattle.

" William D. Gore became the 29th Sheriff of San Diego County on July 3, 2009. Sheriff Gore oversees one of the largest Sheriff’s Departments in the nation with 4,300 employees, an annual budget of more than $850 million, and a service area of over 4,400 square miles including a 60-mile international border. Along with patrol and investigative operations, his department provides air support, search and rescue service, and forensic support for the San Diego region. His department operates seven detention facilities countywide and provides security to nine courthouses..... Sheriff Gore’s law enforcement career spans over 47 years. He spent 32 years in the FBI, where he rose to the level of Assistant Director. He served as Special Agent in Charge (SAC) of the Seattle and San Diego Field Divisions, where he implemented the FBI Cyber Crime Squad and Joint Terrorism Task Force. .....A San Diego native, Sheriff Gore holds a Bachelor of Arts degree from the University of San Diego(Catholic) and a Master's degree in Public Administration from Seattle University(Jesuit). Sheriff Gore's family is rich in law enforcement experience. His father and older brother were a part of the San Diego Police Department and his middle brother was a San Diego County Deputy Sheriff. His wife was one of the first female FBI agents in the United States."
How fitting then that the seal of San Diego County has a Roman Fasces right in the center! :,_California.png
Gregory Ahern, current Sheriff of Alameda County is Catholic educated.
" Gregory Ahern was born September 1957 in Oakland, California. A lifelong resident of Alameda County, he graduated from Moreau Catholic High School in Hayward in 1975. He went on to earn a Bachelor's Degree in Economics and Business Administration from Saint Mary's College(Catholic, ran by De Salle Brothers) in Moraga. Sheriff Ahern was hired as a Deputy Sheriff in 1980, was promoted to Sergeant in 1986, promoted to Lieutenant in 2000, promoted to Captain in 2003, promoted to Commander in 2005, and promoted to Assistant Sheriff in 2006. On June 6, 2006, Gregory J. Ahern was elected Sheriff and became the 22nd Sheriff of Alameda County on January 8, 2007."

Aminta Granera Sacasa, a former chief of Nicaragua national police(September 5, 2006 until April 27, 2018.) was trained by Jesuits at Georgetown and became a nun! " Sacasa is a former Sandinista revolutionary and the former Director General of the National Police of Nicaragua.... She was the chief of the National Police [1] Aminta Granera Sacasa was born 18 September 1952 in León), Nicaragua. After studies at Georgetown University(Jesuit) in the United States, Granera decided to become a nun and began her novitiate with the Sisters of the Assumption in Guatemala City.[1].... However, the police under her tenure also drew allegations of human rights violations and repression of Ortega's critics.[2]Grenera resigned as chief of National Police on April 28, 2018, in the face of mass protests across Nicaragua, dozens of deaths and widespread criticism of the police response.[2]"

Greg Suhr a former Chief of Police in San Francisco was trained by the Jesuits at the Univeristy of San Francisco--as have many police chiefs of San Francisco--Suhr was given an Alemany award in 2018 by the Jesuit school.
" Greg Suhr is a native son (5th Generation) of our beloved City of San Francisco. He rose through the ranks over his nearly 35-year career through his exemplary leadership skills, and his ability to build trust in diverse communities to become the San Francisco Police Department's 42nd Chief of Police..... Chief Suhr retired from the SFPD in May of 2016 after nearly 35 years of service. He and his wife, Wendy, currently own and operate Suhr Consulting Group, LLC....
Education BS 1988 University of San Francisco(Jesuit)
In April 2014 the journal for the San Francisco police were proud to announce under Jesuit trained Chief Suhr's watch that a new Catholic chaplain had been hired to join the force.
" Deputy Chief David Shinn swore in our newest chaplain Father Michael Quinn on St Patrick’s Day March 17. The ceremony was held in the Police Commission hearing room at the Hall of Justice. Father Mike is a Roman Catholic priest and a true San Franciscan. He was raised in Eureka Valley attending Most Holy Redeemer School with his twin brother. He graduated from Riordan High School in 1970 and went on to earn an accounting degree at USF(Jesuit) . **He worked for the IRS, AC Transit and did forensic accounting at his own firm before entering St Patrick’s Seminary in 2003.**He was ordained in 2009 and assisted at Holy Name and St. Brendan’s Parishes before being named pastor of Star of the Sea Parish in Sausalito. Father Mike trained and volunteered at San Francisco Suicide Prevention and is active in marriage counseling....."

Raymond Kelly, who was the 37th and 41st Police Commissioner of New York City ( September 1, 1992 – January 1, 1994 / January 1, 2002 – December 31, 2013 ) is currently a board member at the Catholic Alfred E. Smith foundation!
" With fifty years in public service, including fourteen years as police commissioner of the City of New York, Raymond W. Kelly is one of the world’s most well-known and highly esteemed leaders in law enforcement. Kelly was appointed police commissioner in January 2002 by Mayor Michael Bloomberg, making Kelly the longest serving police commissioner in the city’s history, as well as the first to hold the post for a second, separate tenure. He also served as police commissioner under Mayor David N. Dinkins.In Commissioner Kelly’s distinguished career he has also served as senior managing director of global corporate security at Bear, Stearns & Co. Inc., commissioner of the U.S. Customs Service, undersecretary for enforcement at the U.S. Treasury Department, and vice president for the Americas of Interpol.Commissioner Kelly holds a BBA from Manhattan College(Catholic), a JD from St. John’s University School of Law(Catholic), an LLM from New York University Graduate School of Law, and an MPA from the Kennedy School of Government at Harvard University. In addition, Commissioner Kelly retired as a colonel from the Marine Corps Reserves after 30 years of service. Kelly is a Distinguished Visiting Fellow at the Council on Foreign Relations and a member of the advisory board of the Counter Extremism Project. He also serves on the board of Hain Celestial Group and is on the advisory board of Applied DNA Sciences. In September 2006, Commissioner Kelly was awarded France’s highest decoration, the Légion d’honneur, by then French Minister of the Interior Nicholas Sarkozy."
Kelly was the leading advocate behind New York's disastrous stop and frisk policing. :
Raymond Kelly, whom had a postion at Interpol , the " International Criminal Police Organization" that uses a Roman military wreath on its logo, was in good company with his fellow papists representing the United States there. In fact the first Americans to serve as Secretary General of Interpol and President are directly connected to Rome. These being Mark John Simpson, and Ronald Noble.
"Mark John Richard Simpson (February 13, 1932 – February 10, 2017) was the first U.S. Interpol President (1984–1988)and was the sixteenth Director of the United States Secret Service (1981–1992).[1]#citenote-1) Born in 1932, Simpson served in the United States Army, graduated from Loyola College) in Montreal (Jesuit) before attending Portia Law School.[[2]]( joined the Secret Service in 1962 during his time at Portia Law (graduating in 1964 and was elected as his Law School President) and became Special Agent with the Presidential Protective Division in 1978.[[3]]( After retiring as Director in 1992, Simpson became a commissioner in the United States Parole Commission for 2 terms.[[3]]("
" Ronald Kenneth "Ron" Noble (born September 24, 1956)is an American law enforcement officer who served as the secretary-general of the International Criminal Police Organization (Interpol) from 3 November 2000 – 7 November 2014 . He became the organization's first American and youngest secretary-general at the time of his appointment. Prior to his time there, he worked as a public servant in various U.S. government agencies, including the District Court for the Eastern District of Pennsylvania, the Department of Justice and the Treasury. ..In 1993, Noble was appointed as the Under Secretary of the Treasury for Enforcement, being placed in charge of the Secret Service, the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, and Firearms (ATF), the Customs Service Office of Enforcement, the Federal Law Enforcement Training Center, the Office of Foreign Assets Control and the Financial Crimes Enforcement Network.[4][9] He was head of the department's "Waco Administrative Review Team", which produced a report on the ATF's actions against the Branch Davidians, leading to the Waco siege.[10] "..... Awards: Hilal-e-Pakistan (2011) Order of St. Gregory the Great(Papal Knighthood), Chevalier (Knight) of the Legion of Honour .... In 1998, with the support of Attorney General Janet Reno and FBI directorLouis Freeh (Opus Dei), Noble applied to become the secretary-general of Interpol and succeed incumbent Raymond Kendall.[3] "

To be continued...

David Clarke, often known as the Fox News Sheriff--whom is always advocating for more invasive militarized policing was trained by Jesuits at Marquette Univeristy Highschool. Clarke was the 64th sheriff of Milwaukee county ( March 19, 2002 – August 31, 2017).
" Clarke was born in Milwaukee, one of five children of Jeri and David Clarke Sr.[5]#citenote-milmag-5) His father was a paratrooper with the 2nd Ranger Infantry Company). Clarke Jr. attended Marquette University High School (Jesuit).... Clarke frequently appeared as a guest on Fox News through February 2018 and was a speaker at the 2016 Republican National Convention. He resigned as sheriff in August 2017.[[4]]( A vocal supporter of President Donald Trump, Clarke was considered for a role in the Trump Administration. After resigning as Sheriff of Milwaukee County, Clarke joined the super PAC America First Action as a spokesman and senior advisor, serving until February 2019. ......Clarke's career was not without controversy; in 1994, the mother of a 15-year-old boy filed a complaint alleging that Clarke used excessive force when arresting her son. According to public documents, Clarke was returning from a vacation when he spotted five teenagers heaving rocks at passing cars. Clarke chased down the teens, drew his service revolver and ordered them to lie on the ground. He admitted to using his foot to turn one boy over as he searched for weapons. The boy’s mother claimed Clarke put a gun to her son’s head and kicked him in the side, causing bruised ribs that required medical attention. However, the Fire and Police Commission ruled there was insufficient evidence to charge Clarke and dismissed the case.[[5]]( "
That is because Police are hired thugs for Rome and Corporations, and have full immunity.
"Clarke has called for the suspension of habeas corpus in the United States in a December 2015 appearance on his radio program, where he asserted that there were "hundreds of thousands" or "maybe a million" people who "have pledged allegiance or are supporting ISIS, giving aid and comfort," and stated that "our commander in chief ought to utilize Article I, Section 9" to imprison them at the Guantanamo Bay detention camp "and hold them indefinitely under a suspension of habeas corpus."

In the Case of Morgan vs. District of Columbia in 1983, the court ruled that " Absent a special relationship between police department and victim, liability for failure to protect individual citizens from crime does not generally lie against police officials, who occupy positions necessarily fraught with discretion in the administration of justice. Appellants do not fall within the narrow exception to this longstanding rule. Furthermore, the facts of this case, as a matter of law, cannot support a finding of negligence by the city. "

The Los Angeles Police Department--who has zero duty and obligation to protect citizens of Los Angeles, gave the biggest protective motorcade in the history of the department to Pope John Paul 2 on his 1987 trip to LA!! They must of had a "special relationship" with the Pope. Quoting from the LAPD website :
" 1987 Pope John Paul II Visit
Never before in the history of the Department has a single individual been afforded the level of security that was provided to the Pope during his September 1987 visit. Preparations were initiated long before his arrival at Los Angeles International Airport. His travels earlier in the year had been observed in person by LAPD Operations-Headquarters Bureau staff in Germany, Miami, San Antonio, and Phoenix...... In addition to patrol officers, specialists from Metropolitan Division, bomb experts, motor officers, detectives, the Mounted Patrol, Air Support helicopters and even volunteer ham radio operators, participated in the security operations. Thanks to their diligence, only minor incidents involving confiscated weapons and detained suspects occurred. Personnel representing other agencies exhibited exemplary cooperation with local law enforcement. The Pope’s concern for children and youth was amply revealed when, joined by then First Lady Nancy Reagan, he spoke to the youngsters at the diocesan school and to 6,000 teenagers at the Universal Amphitheater. .... Some Additional Interesting Facts about the Pope’s Visit: 5,800 officers were used; 2,416 along the motorcade parade route, including 49 motor, 55 mounted and 104 Metropolitan Division personnel. The parade was witnessed by 300,000 spectators. An additional 170,000 attended the outdoor masses. 4,000 55-gallon drums were stationed every 20 feet along the parade route, each filled with water, capped and sealed; 35 miles of rope was strung from drum to drum and 10,000 wooden barricades placed in between. 4,250 feet of five-foot chain link fence was installed at the Coliseum. Air Support Division deployed 11 helicopters and one fixed wing airplane over the concerned territory for a total of 127 airborne hours."
Darryl Francis Gates who was chief of Police of LA when the Pope came to visit was given a Papal Visit ribbon! Gates is credited for the creation of modern day SWAT teams!

" Daryl Gates (born Darrel Francis Gates;[3] August 30, 1926 – April 16, 2010) was the Chief of the Los Angeles Police Department (LAPD) from 1978 to 1992. His length of tenure was second only to that of William H. Parker). As chief of police, he took a hardline, aggressive, paramilitary approach to law enforcement. ... Awards📷 Police Meritorious Unit Citation📷 Police Meritorious Service Medal1984 Summer Olympics Ribbon📷 1987 Papal Visit Ribbon📷 1992 Civil Disturbance Ribbon "

Danielle Outlaw, current cheif of police in Portland was trained by Jesuits at the Univeristy of San Francisco.

"Danielle Outlaw (born 1975)[1][3][4] currently serves as chief of police for the Portland Police Bureau, in the U.S. state of Oregon. She is the first African American woman to head the bureau,[1] and was appointed by mayor Ted Wheeler in 2017.[5] Outlaw previously worked for the Oakland Police Department, where she served as deputy chief from 2013 until 2017.[2][4] Danielle Outlaw was born in 1975. Her father and mother worked with the California Department of Transportation and AT&T. She attended the Holy Names High School) in Oakland, California(Catholic).[4] She didn't have a good perception of the Oakland police during her childhood. In high school, as part of a career exploration program, Outlaw visited the Oakland Police Department, and had the opportunity to patrol with officers, change her perception of the police, and find out that those in the police force are just like her.[4]Before she graduated from theUniversity of San Francisco(Jesuit) with a Bachelor of Arts in sociology, followed by a Master of Business Administration from Pepperdine University. Outlaw entered the Pepperdine Grazio Business School to differentiate herself from people in her field. In addition, Chief Outlaw was the recipient of the Oakland Black Officers' Association Trailblazer Award, the Holy Names High School Alumnae Association Citation for Service and the 2015 Police Executive Research Forum, which also known as PERF, Gary P. Hayes Award"
"Outlaw said she remembers being shut inside her Catholic school, Holy Names High School, during the protests in Oakland. “They put chains on the doors to keep us inside, to prevent us from walking out and marching,” she said."

Anne Kirkpatrick, current police chief of Oakland was trained by Jesuits at Seattle University.

" Anne Kirkpatrick is the Chief of the Oakland Police Department. Kirkpatrick was appointed Chief by Mayor Libby Schaafon January 4, 2017.[1]#citenote-1) She was the former police chief in the city of Spokane, Washington and was leading organizational development inside the Chicago Police Department.[[2]]( She was sworn in as Oakland police chief on February 27, 2017.[[2]]("
" Born and raised in Memphis, Kirkpatrick moved across the country for law school because she wanted to keep working as a police officer, and it was one of the few part-time programs available at the time. She studied in her patrol car during lunch breaks - as long as she wasn't interrupted by a DUI or domestic disturbance call. In admiration of her dedication to both work and education, her Redmond colleagues named her Officer of the Year the same year she graduated from Seattle University School of Law (then University of Puget Sound School of Law(Jesuit)). "
William McManus, current police chief of San Antonio is Catholic and was educated at Catholic Villanova. McManus has been taking some heat lately for releasing 12 illegal immigrants to a Catholic Shelter! The Vatican is behind the agenda of the mass invasion of latino roman catholics into the United States from the south.

" Bill McManus was appointed San Antonio’s Police Chief in March 2006. He oversees a department of more than 2,000 sworn officers and more than 800 civilian positions.... McManus has over 40 years of experience in law enforcement. He previously served as the Chief of Police for the Minneapolis Police Department where he rebuilt the departmental infrastructure and provided new direction and leadership to a 1,200-member department. McManus also has served as the Chief of Police in Dayton, Ohio, from 2001 to 2003. He started his career in law enforcement in 1975 with the Metropolitan Police Department in Washington, D.C., where he served in a full range of patrol and investigative assignments that included internal and criminal investigations, narcotics, and tactical positions. McManus also served as Assistant Chief of Police for the Washington D.C. Metropolitan Police Department from 1998 to 2001.....
"Mayor Ron Nirenberg and City Manager Sheryl Sculley blasted the San Antonio Police Officers Association over its latest call for Police Chief William McManus to be placed on administrative leave while the attorney general's office investigates claims he violated Texas' law banning sanctuary cities last December. On December 23, 2017, officers released 12 undocumented immigrants found in a tractor-trailer to a local Catholic shelter. Previously, McManus, who was at the scene, said his officers didn't have the jurisdiction to detain them and that a Homeland Security agent on the scene also declined to take them into custody."
submitted by Ainsoph777 to conspiracy [link] [comments]

2019.06.22 00:08 Ainsoph777 Documenting Jesuit trained and Catholic Chiefs of Police

The Police are huge part of the control mechanism the Jesuits and the financial powers have put in place to socially manage there exploitative system of domination and control. The Police are not here to "protect and serve" at all. They actually have absoultey no obligation to protect anyone at all--as the Jesuit educated/Catholic lawyers who dominate the U.S. Supreme Court have ruled! :

Police in the United States were created primarily to manage slaves in the south, and break up strikes and labor protesters--to protect the private property of the financial elite and Rome . Peter J Doeswyck in his book Catholic Victory in 1960, speaks on how Rome uses the Police for its own ends.

" Getting back to the “dictatorship of fear and reprisal” of the old democratic bosses, the first thing it imposed on a city was a Roman Catholic police force. This police force controlled and still controls the Catholic underworld and collects from it mil¬ lions of dollars to perpetuate itself in office. It is not a coincidence that in Chicago, a city of prostitutes, bookmakers and gangsters, the Catholic bishop receives car license plate no. 1 to indicate that he is the first citizen of that city. Underworld slayings, though often forecast by our newspapers, are never solved by such police departments. Illegal gambling is exhibited publicly in the streets. Sometimes the Catholic police and the Catholic underworld clash when the first tries to extort too much money from the latter. “Three hundred of the city’s biggest bookies,” reported the New York papers, “shut down their telephone services and went on strike against the exorbitant shakedowns by police officials” (N. Y. Daily News, Feb. 7, 1947). Statistics show that in that year (1947) New York City was 79% non Catholic, but its police force was 62.8% Catholic, while the higher-ups in that department were 80% Catholic. Once it is in control of a city, this gangster element makes the Catholic bishop its first citizen. It is an ordinary thing in New York to find 100 policemen at the steps of St. Patrick’s during a society wedding or funeral, while not a single one at the door of Rockefeller Center. The cathedral holds 2,000 people, the center 70,000. Not only cities, but Protestant towns and counties often have Roman Catholic chiefs and sheriffs. In places where mayors are elected and the chief of police appointed, the Romanists usually make a deal with the Protestant candidates and promise the Catholic vote if one of their men will be appointed as chief. In certain fields the chief of police has more power than a mayor and even more power than the President of the United States. It is a fact that every citizen and newspaper dares to attack the policies of the President and call him names, but no local citizen or local paper dares to attack the chief of police, unless City Hall and the papers and the public attempt to oust the chief in a united drive. Because of their power, these Catholic chiefs can perpetuate themselves in office and make a farce out of democracy. Like the bishops, who maintain a file of all scandals of their priests in order to keep them under subjection, most of our police departments in our bigger cities maintain files of men who have no police records but are potential, political opponents. Like the Jesuits, who own the state-controlled houses of prostitution in Spain and secretly register their patrons, many of our police departments have and are still controlling our houses of prostitution and gambling establishments, and are using hundreds of detectives to trail political opponents. Wiretapping and bugging are the order of the day. Private detectives, invariably “ex¬ police officers” or “bad Catholics”, have access, direct or indirect, to all police files and can blackmail almost any citizen. We have also a situation in Washington where only a handful of senators are still able to express their personal views without fearing the hand of blackmailers. "

During the reign on the Catholic Fascist Ustashi's in Croatia whom massacred over 900,000 --led by the Jesuit trained fuhrer Ante Pavelic , and Jesuit trained Archbishop of Zagbreb Aloysius Stepiniac. A Jesuit Priest , Dragutin Kamber S.J. became a chief of Police in the city of Doboj Bosnia. Edmund Paris has some greats insights in his 1962 book Genocide in Satellite Croatia.

" the Jesuit priest, Dragutin (Charles) Kamber, now in the United States, sworn Ustashi and Chief of Police at Doboj (Central Bosnia), who alone was responsible for various noted crimes such as the “liquidation” of the Serbian clergy of that region and 300 Orthodox Serbs of that city with another 250 courtmartialed in his district on his orders. Also there was confiscation of Jewish property. Published in the newspaper Novi List on August 16, 1941, Dr. Kamber said of the Nazis who were in Doboj:
"We [Ustashi] love you sincerely as friends; we respect you highly; and all of us are sorry, deeply sorry, that you must part. We love youl We love you because you carry in your hands the most powerful sword that has ever been forged in the history of mankind. You are brothers and manly knights by your behavior and by your deeds. The Paradise to which the Germans are going needs no better propagandists than the soldiers of Germany, this German Army. We respect you because you are fighting to give political and social justice to all of Europe. With the blood and the bones of precious German soldiers, the flower of Germany, you are building the foundations of a happy world for future generations."
In a Sarajevo newspaper, called Osvit, Kamber on December 18, 1942 wrote: “Why do I want the Germans and their Allies Italy, Hungary, Bulgaria, etc., to win? Because without the Germans our nation would die and we would have no Independent State of Croatia. From the international point of view the Germans and the Ustashi have the same enemies.”
Father Charles (Dragutin) Kamber is now in the U.S.A. He is writing in many Croatian newspapers all over the world, especially in Danica (Chicago). He is teaching the Ustashi in exile how to fight on for the Independent State Croatia, by new methods. He has written a booklet on how to behave in the world even though still an Ustasha (once an Ustasha—an Ustasha till death was the Ustashi’s slogan). The booklet has the title, “Problems and Methods to Be Used in the Fight to Free Croatia.”

To start, there is Daniel Isom who was chief of police in St. Louis ( October 6, 2008 – December 4th, 2013 ) whom was trained by the Jesuits at Saint Louis University and by the Catholic dominated FBI as-well. "He joined the St. Louis Police Department on August 29, 1988. During his career, he served in patrol, investigations, training, and internal affairs positions. Promoted through the ranks, finally to Major in 2007, he worked as the Special Projects Assistant to the Police Commissioner until his promotion to Police Commissioner.He previously served as an adjunct professor at Harris Stowe State University and an instructor at St. Louis Community College where he taught criminal justice, criminology, and public safety courses.He has received an associate degree in Criminal Justice from Forest Park Community College-St. Louis, a Bachelor's, Master's and a Ph.D. in Criminology and Criminal Justice, all from the University of Missouri-St. Louis. He also holds a Masters in Public Administration from St. Louis University (Jesuit)..... He is a graduate of the FBI National Academy, the Police Executive Forum Senior Management Institute and the FBI National Executives Institute. "
Isom's Jesuit training surely helped with the fascist militarized policing which occurred in Ferguson. " In August 2014, he was appointed as Director of the Missouri Department of Public Safety in the Cabinet of Governor Jay Nixon.[4] On November 18, 2014, Missouri Gov. Jay Nixon appointed the Ferguson Commission – a volunteer group of 16 diverse community leaders to listen to and engage with area organizations, national thought leaders, institutions, experts and citizens.[5] Isom was appointed as a commissioner and served as the co-chair of the commission task force on police community relations."

U. Reneé Hall, the current police chief of Dallas was trained by Jesuits at the University of Detroit Mercy.

"Chief U. Reneé Hall is the 29th Chief of Police for the City of Dallas, Texas. She is the first woman to ever hold this position. During her brief tenure with the Dallas Police Department, Chief Hall has made prominent steps to transform the department to reflect 21st Century Policing by streamlining the department’s organizational structure to improve efficient workflow between units, and strengthen effective policy processes. Chief Hall has prioritized community engagement and outreach by connecting with officers in the field, meeting with Dallas community groups, professional leaders, and local organizations...... Her educational accomplishments include completion of the FBI National Academy, Major Cities Chiefs Executive Leadership Institute (PELI IV), two Masters of Science degrees in Security Administration and Intelligence Analysis, from the University of Detroit Mercy (Jesuit), and a Bachelor of Science degree in Criminal Justice from Grambling State University. Chief Hall is a proud member of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Incorporated and The International Women’s Forum (IWF). "

William D. Gore, the current sheriff of San Diego County was trained by Jesuits at the University of Seattle.

" William D. Gore became the 29th Sheriff of San Diego County on July 3, 2009. Sheriff Gore oversees one of the largest Sheriff’s Departments in the nation with 4,300 employees, an annual budget of more than $850 million, and a service area of over 4,400 square miles including a 60-mile international border. Along with patrol and investigative operations, his department provides air support, search and rescue service, and forensic support for the San Diego region. His department operates seven detention facilities countywide and provides security to nine courthouses..... Sheriff Gore’s law enforcement career spans over 47 years. He spent 32 years in the FBI, where he rose to the level of Assistant Director. He served as Special Agent in Charge (SAC) of the Seattle and San Diego Field Divisions, where he implemented the FBI Cyber Crime Squad and Joint Terrorism Task Force. .....A San Diego native, Sheriff Gore holds a Bachelor of Arts degree from the University of San Diego(Catholic) and a Master's degree in Public Administration from Seattle University(Jesuit). Sheriff Gore's family is rich in law enforcement experience. His father and older brother were a part of the San Diego Police Department and his middle brother was a San Diego County Deputy Sheriff. His wife was one of the first female FBI agents in the United States."

How fitting then that the seal of San Diego County has a Roman Fasces right in the center! :,_California.png

Gregory Ahern, current Sheriff of Alameda County is Catholic educated.

" Gregory Ahern was born September 1957 in Oakland, California. A lifelong resident of Alameda County, he graduated from Moreau Catholic High School in Hayward in 1975. He went on to earn a Bachelor's Degree in Economics and Business Administration from Saint Mary's College(Catholic, ran by De Salle Brothers) in Moraga. Sheriff Ahern was hired as a Deputy Sheriff in 1980, was promoted to Sergeant in 1986, promoted to Lieutenant in 2000, promoted to Captain in 2003, promoted to Commander in 2005, and promoted to Assistant Sheriff in 2006. On June 6, 2006, Gregory J. Ahern was elected Sheriff and became the 22nd Sheriff of Alameda County on January 8, 2007."

Aminta Granera Sacasa, a former chief of Nicaragua national police(September 5, 2006 until April 27, 2018.) was trained by Jesuits at Georgetown and became a nun! " Sacasa is a former Sandinista revolutionary and the former Director General of the National Police of Nicaragua.... She was the chief of the National Police [1] Aminta Granera Sacasa was born 18 September 1952 in León), Nicaragua. After studies at Georgetown University(Jesuit) in the United States, Granera decided to become a nun and began her novitiate with the Sisters of the Assumption in Guatemala City.[1].... However, the police under her tenure also drew allegations of human rights violations and repression of Ortega's critics.[2]Grenera resigned as chief of National Police on April 28, 2018, in the face of mass protests across Nicaragua, dozens of deaths and widespread criticism of the police response.[2]"

Greg Suhr a former Chief of Police in San Francisco was trained by the Jesuits at the Univeristy of San Francisco--as have many police chiefs of San Francisco--Suhr was given an Alemany award in 2018 by the Jesuit school.

" Greg Suhr is a native son (5th Generation) of our beloved City of San Francisco. He rose through the ranks over his nearly 35-year career through his exemplary leadership skills, and his ability to build trust in diverse communities to become the San Francisco Police Department's 42nd Chief of Police..... Chief Suhr retired from the SFPD in May of 2016 after nearly 35 years of service. He and his wife, Wendy, currently own and operate Suhr Consulting Group, LLC....
Education BS 1988 University of San Francisco(Jesuit)

In April 2014 the journal for the San Francisco police were proud to announce under Jesuit trained Chief Suhr's watch that a new Catholic chaplain had been hired to join the force.

" Deputy Chief David Shinn swore in our newest chaplain Father Michael Quinn on St Patrick’s Day March 17. The ceremony was held in the Police Commission hearing room at the Hall of Justice. Father Mike is a Roman Catholic priest and a true San Franciscan. He was raised in Eureka Valley attending Most Holy Redeemer School with his twin brother. He graduated from Riordan High School in 1970 and went on to earn an accounting degree at USF(Jesuit) . He worked for the IRS, AC Transit and did forensic accounting at his own firm before entering St Patrick’s Seminary in 2003. He was ordained in 2009 and assisted at Holy Name and St. Brendan’s Parishes before being named pastor of Star of the Sea Parish in Sausalito. Father Mike trained and volunteered at San Francisco Suicide Prevention and is active in marriage counseling....."

Raymond Kelly, who was the 37th and 41st Police Commissioner of New York City ( September 1, 1992 – January 1, 1994 / January 1, 2002 – December 31, 2013 ) is currently a board member at the Catholic Alfred E. Smith foundation!

" With fifty years in public service, including fourteen years as police commissioner of the City of New York, Raymond W. Kelly is one of the world’s most well-known and highly esteemed leaders in law enforcement. Kelly was appointed police commissioner in January 2002 by Mayor Michael Bloomberg, making Kelly the longest serving police commissioner in the city’s history, as well as the first to hold the post for a second, separate tenure. He also served as police commissioner under Mayor David N. Dinkins.In Commissioner Kelly’s distinguished career he has also served as senior managing director of global corporate security at Bear, Stearns & Co. Inc., commissioner of the U.S. Customs Service, undersecretary for enforcement at the U.S. Treasury Department, and vice president for the Americas of Interpol. Commissioner Kelly holds a BBA from Manhattan College(Catholic), a JD from St. John’s University School of Law(Catholic), an LLM from New York University Graduate School of Law, and an MPA from the Kennedy School of Government at Harvard University. In addition, Commissioner Kelly retired as a colonel from the Marine Corps Reserves after 30 years of service. Kelly is a Distinguished Visiting Fellow at the Council on Foreign Relations and a member of the advisory board of the Counter Extremism Project. He also serves on the board of Hain Celestial Group and is on the advisory board of Applied DNA Sciences. In September 2006, Commissioner Kelly was awarded France’s highest decoration, the Légion d’honneur, by then French Minister of the Interior Nicholas Sarkozy."

Kelly was the leading advocate behind New York's disastrous stop and frisk policing. :

Raymond Kelly, whom had a postion at Interpol , the " International Criminal Police Organization" that uses a Roman military wreath on its logo, was in good company with his fellow papists representing the United States there. In fact the first Americans to serve as Secretary General of Interpol and President are directly connected to Rome. These being Mark John Simpson, and Ronald Noble.

"Mark John Richard Simpson (February 13, 1932 – February 10, 2017) was the first U.S. Interpol President (1984–1988) and was the sixteenth Director of the United States Secret Service (1981–1992).[1]#citenote-1) Born in 1932, Simpson served in the United States Army, graduated from Loyola College) in Montreal (Jesuit) before attending Portia Law School.[[2]]( Simpson joined the Secret Service in 1962 during his time at Portia Law (graduating in 1964 and was elected as his Law School President) and became Special Agent with the Presidential Protective Division in 1978.[[3]]( After retiring as Director in 1992, Simpson became a commissioner in the United States Parole Commission for 2 terms.[[3]]("

" Ronald Kenneth "Ron" Noble (born September 24, 1956)is an American law enforcement officer who served as the secretary-general of the International Criminal Police Organization (Interpol) from 3 November 2000 – 7 November 2014 . He became the organization's first American and youngest secretary-general at the time of his appointment. Prior to his time there, he worked as a public servant in various U.S. government agencies, including the District Court for the Eastern District of Pennsylvania, the Department of Justice and the Treasury. ..In 1993, Noble was appointed as the Under Secretary of the Treasury for Enforcement, being placed in charge of the Secret Service, the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, and Firearms (ATF), the Customs Service Office of Enforcement, the Federal Law Enforcement Training Center, the Office of Foreign Assets Control and the Financial Crimes Enforcement Network.[4][9] He was head of the department's "Waco Administrative Review Team", which produced a report on the ATF's actions against the Branch Davidians, leading to the Waco siege.[10] "..... Awards: Hilal-e-Pakistan (2011) Order of St. Gregory the Great(Papal Knighthood), Chevalier (Knight) of the Legion of Honour .... In 1998, with the support of Attorney General Janet Reno and FBI director Louis Freeh (Opus Dei), Noble applied to become the secretary-general of Interpol and succeed incumbent Raymond Kendall.[3] "

To be continued...

David Clarke, often known as the Fox News Sheriff--whom is always advocating for more invasive militarized policing was trained by Jesuits at Marquette Univeristy Highschool. Clarke was the 64th sheriff of Milwaukee county ( March 19, 2002 – August 31, 2017).

" Clarke was born in Milwaukee, one of five children of Jeri and David Clarke Sr.[5]#citenote-milmag-5) His father was a paratrooper with the 2nd Ranger Infantry Company). Clarke Jr. attended Marquette University High School (Jesuit).... Clarke frequently appeared as a guest on Fox News through February 2018 and was a speaker at the 2016 Republican National Convention. He resigned as sheriff in August 2017.[[4]]( A vocal supporter of President Donald Trump, Clarke was considered for a role in the Trump Administration. After resigning as Sheriff of Milwaukee County, Clarke joined the super PAC America First Action as a spokesman and senior advisor, serving until February 2019. ......Clarke's career was not without controversy; in 1994, the mother of a 15-year-old boy filed a complaint alleging that Clarke used excessive force when arresting her son. According to public documents, Clarke was returning from a vacation when he spotted five teenagers heaving rocks at passing cars. Clarke chased down the teens, drew his service revolver and ordered them to lie on the ground. He admitted to using his foot to turn one boy over as he searched for weapons. The boy’s mother claimed Clarke put a gun to her son’s head and kicked him in the side, causing bruised ribs that required medical attention. However, the Fire and Police Commission ruled there was insufficient evidence to charge Clarke and dismissed the case.[[5]]( "
That is because Police are hired thugs for Rome and Corporations, and have full immunity.
"Clarke has called for the suspension of habeas corpus in the United States in a December 2015 appearance on his radio program, where he asserted that there were "hundreds of thousands" or "maybe a million" people who "have pledged allegiance or are supporting ISIS, giving aid and comfort," and stated that "our commander in chief ought to utilize Article I, Section 9" to imprison them at the Guantanamo Bay detention camp "and hold them indefinitely under a suspension of habeas corpus."

In the Case of Morgan vs. District of Columbia in 1983, the court ruled that " Absent a special relationship between police department and victim, liability for failure to protect individual citizens from crime does not generally lie against police officials, who occupy positions necessarily fraught with discretion in the administration of justice. Appellants do not fall within the narrow exception to this longstanding rule. Furthermore, the facts of this case, as a matter of law, cannot support a finding of negligence by the city. "

The Los Angeles Police Department--who has zero duty and obligation to protect citizens of Los Angeles, gave the biggest protective motorcade in the history of the department to Pope John Paul 2 on his 1987 trip to LA!! They must of had a "special relationship" with the Pope. Quoting from the LAPD website :

" 1987 Pope John Paul II Visit
Never before in the history of the Department has a single individual been afforded the level of security that was provided to the Pope during his September 1987 visit. Preparations were initiated long before his arrival at Los Angeles International Airport. His travels earlier in the year had been observed in person by LAPD Operations-Headquarters Bureau staff in Germany, Miami, San Antonio, and Phoenix...... In addition to patrol officers, specialists from Metropolitan Division, bomb experts, motor officers, detectives, the Mounted Patrol, Air Support helicopters and even volunteer ham radio operators, participated in the security operations. Thanks to their diligence, only minor incidents involving confiscated weapons and detained suspects occurred. Personnel representing other agencies exhibited exemplary cooperation with local law enforcement. The Pope’s concern for children and youth was amply revealed when, joined by then First Lady Nancy Reagan, he spoke to the youngsters at the diocesan school and to 6,000 teenagers at the Universal Amphitheater. .... Some Additional Interesting Facts about the Pope’s Visit: 5,800 officers were used; 2,416 along the motorcade parade route, including 49 motor, 55 mounted and 104 Metropolitan Division personnel. The parade was witnessed by 300,000 spectators. An additional 170,000 attended the outdoor masses. 4,000 55-gallon drums were stationed every 20 feet along the parade route, each filled with water, capped and sealed; 35 miles of rope was strung from drum to drum and 10,000 wooden barricades placed in between. 4,250 feet of five-foot chain link fence was installed at the Coliseum. Air Support Division deployed 11 helicopters and one fixed wing airplane over the concerned territory for a total of 127 airborne hours."

Darryl Francis Gates who was chief of Police of LA when the Pope came to visit was given a Papal Visit ribbon! Gates is credited for the creation of modern day SWAT teams!

" Daryl Gates (born Darrel Francis Gates;[3] August 30, 1926 – April 16, 2010) was the Chief of the Los Angeles Police Department (LAPD) from 1978 to 1992. His length of tenure was second only to that of William H. Parker). As chief of police, he took a hardline, aggressive, paramilitary approach to law enforcement. ... Awards📷 Police Meritorious Unit Citation📷 Police Meritorious Service Medal1984 Summer Olympics Ribbon📷 1987 Papal Visit Ribbon📷 1992 Civil Disturbance Ribbon "

Danielle Outlaw, current cheif of police in Portland was trained by Jesuits at the Univeristy of San Francisco.

"Danielle Outlaw (born 1975)[1][3][4] currently serves as chief of police for the Portland Police Bureau, in the U.S. state of Oregon. She is the first African American woman to head the bureau,[1] and was appointed by mayor Ted Wheeler in 2017.[5] Outlaw previously worked for the Oakland Police Department, where she served as deputy chief from 2013 until 2017.[2][4] Danielle Outlaw was born in 1975. Her father and mother worked with the California Department of Transportation and AT&T. She attended the Holy Names High School) in Oakland, California(Catholic).[4] She didn't have a good perception of the Oakland police during her childhood. In high school, as part of a career exploration program, Outlaw visited the Oakland Police Department, and had the opportunity to patrol with officers, change her perception of the police, and find out that those in the police force are just like her.[4]Before she graduated from the University of San Francisco(Jesuit) with a Bachelor of Arts in sociology, followed by a Master of Business Administration from Pepperdine University. Outlaw entered the Pepperdine Grazio Business School to differentiate herself from people in her field. In addition, Chief Outlaw was the recipient of the Oakland Black Officers' Association Trailblazer Award, the Holy Names High School Alumnae Association Citation for Service and the 2015 Police Executive Research Forum, which also known as PERF, Gary P. Hayes Award"

"Outlaw said she remembers being shut inside her Catholic school, Holy Names High School, during the protests in Oakland. “They put chains on the doors to keep us inside, to prevent us from walking out and marching,” she said."

Anne Kirkpatrick, current police chief of Oakland was trained by Jesuits at Seattle University.

" Anne Kirkpatrick is the Chief of the Oakland Police Department. Kirkpatrick was appointed Chief by Mayor Libby Schaaf on January 4, 2017.[1]#citenote-1) She was the former police chief in the city of Spokane, Washington and was leading organizational development inside the Chicago Police Department.[[2]]( She was sworn in as Oakland police chief on February 27, 2017.[[2]]( "

" Born and raised in Memphis, Kirkpatrick moved across the country for law school because she wanted to keep working as a police officer, and it was one of the few part-time programs available at the time. She studied in her patrol car during lunch breaks - as long as she wasn't interrupted by a DUI or domestic disturbance call. In admiration of her dedication to both work and education, her Redmond colleagues named her Officer of the Year the same year she graduated from Seattle University School of Law (then University of Puget Sound School of Law(Jesuit)). "

William McManus, current police chief of San Antonio is Catholic and was educated at Catholic Villanova. McManus has been taking some heat lately for releasing 12 illegal immigrants to a Catholic Shelter! The Vatican is behind the agenda of the mass invasion of latino roman catholics into the United States from the south.

" Bill McManus was appointed San Antonio’s Police Chief in March 2006. He oversees a department of more than 2,000 sworn officers and more than 800 civilian positions.... McManus has over 40 years of experience in law enforcement. He previously served as the Chief of Police for the Minneapolis Police Department where he rebuilt the departmental infrastructure and provided new direction and leadership to a 1,200-member department. McManus also has served as the Chief of Police in Dayton, Ohio, from 2001 to 2003. He started his career in law enforcement in 1975 with the Metropolitan Police Department in Washington, D.C., where he served in a full range of patrol and investigative assignments that included internal and criminal investigations, narcotics, and tactical positions. McManus also served as Assistant Chief of Police for the Washington D.C. Metropolitan Police Department from 1998 to 2001.....

"Mayor Ron Nirenberg and City Manager Sheryl Sculley blasted the San Antonio Police Officers Association over its latest call for Police Chief William McManus to be placed on administrative leave while the attorney general's office investigates claims he violated Texas' law banning sanctuary cities last December. On December 23, 2017, officers released 12 undocumented immigrants found in a tractor-trailer to a local Catholic shelter. Previously, McManus, who was at the scene, said his officers didn't have the jurisdiction to detain them and that a Homeland Security agent on the scene also declined to take them into custody."
submitted by Ainsoph777 to Jesuitworldorder [link] [comments]

2018.01.30 22:55 theorywheel Pot of Incense in the Fellow Craft Degree

This year I was installed as an officer for the first time in my Lodge, being a progressive line (and due to my own particular proclivities) I was installed as Chaplain. I didn't realize when I asked that it's the 'lowest' position in the line, in my opinion it's probably the most underappreciated so it's been a personal goal for the year to bring more of the spiritual and "esoteric" elements into the ritual. That being said, my Lodge has more of a social character with a median member age of roughly 50-60, I'm 25 (raised 8 months ago) and the first "Masonic" text I read was Hall's "Lost Keys of Freemasonry", so there's not just the age but also the 'flavor' gap. I love my Lodge and a lot of the guys there so rather than demitting I figure I would just "Be the Difference" (GL slogan of 2017), so to speak.
I attended a conference on "esoterics" at the end of last year and the first paper was all about the use of incense in Degrees to aid in the atmosphere, spiritual connection and also to create a memory that's tied to the olfactory nerve (considering it's one of the main triggers for memory). If you're hoodwinked, your primary sense is deprived of input so it would make sense to imprint the memory using as many of the other senses as possible, right?
I've picked Dragon's Blood, Frankincense, and Sandalwood/Amber for the EA, FC, and MM respectively. I'm not going to detail the symbolism but last night was my first night actually firing up some resin and circumambulating while waving the censer or pot of incense around. The candidate was into it, so was I and the WM, but some other brothers I'm not so sure. It was the FC so if you've heard the lecture you know why this is the perfect Degree to bust out the incense for. There was a lot of seemingly exaggerated coughing or sniffling, a few weird looks, it didn't help that the WM hadn't introduced the concept to the Lodge beforehand (my WM is also really behind the idea of introducing as much symbolism as possible). Asking the WM after, he loved it and we're definitely doing it for the EA on Saturday.
Next, we'll see if I can convince the one detractor that a Chamber of reflection is a good idea for the EA, fingers crossed! My questions are really: 1) Do any of you have experience with incense in the Degrees? Details and advice are super appreciated! 2) What do ya'll think of youngenewer and/or millennial Masons taking charge of ritual work? 3) What is the view of "esoterics" in your Lodge? How would you go about changing it if you had a desire to do so?
tl;dr I'm trying to work more esoteric and meaningful stuff into the ritual at my Lodge. Some are displeased (seemingly) at the use of incense. Questions in last paragraph.
submitted by theorywheel to freemasonry [link] [comments]

2016.12.08 00:23 ComradeFrunze New Catholicism Part 1

"Do not suppose that I have come to bring peace to the earth. I did not come to bring peace, but a sword." Matt. 10:34
The Babineaux siblings, like most Cajuns, were raised as Catholics. All 3 of them were named after Christian figures. Pierre after Saint Peter, Marie after the Virgin Mary, and Jean-Baptiste after Saint John the Baptist.
Even as they radicalized, they did not lose their faith. Much of the early WRML recruitment campaigns used religious imagery and slogans.
Joseph Bercegeay, a Deacon from St. Martinville and a Catholic Chaplain in Babineaux’s regiment, began writing political books in 1975 during the war, and quickly became the forefront of the New Catholicism Movement.
Christ the Revolutionary (Le Christ RévolutionnaireChristus Saturninus) - Bercegeay explains the need for revolutionary Christian actions and the evidence of Revolutionary and Socialist politics in the Bible. Bercegeay also explains the need for feminist, anti-racist and pro-LGBT thought in a “New Christianity”, as well as the opposition to the Organized Church and the theory that Christianity was “degenerated” after the ruling class adopted it. - 1975
Christ the Philosopher (Le Christ PhilosopheChristus Philosophus ) - Bercegeay reconciles Marxism with the Christian faith, as well as reconciling it with other Leftist philosophies. - 1976
Christ the King (Le Christ le Roi Christus Regem) - Bercegeay reconciles Socialism with the theological arguments of Christianity, including the writings of the Apostles, Saints and other Christian Theologians. -1978 *The usual Latin term for Christ the King is Christus Rex, however, due to Bercegeay revolutionary context for King, he changed the term to Regem.
Bercegeay’s New Catholicism spread rapidly throughout the Catholic communities in America, specifically Louisiana. Bercegeay officially became a priest in 1979. He travelled to USAR-controlled Chicago in the same year in order to do mass.
However, his second Chicago-based mass would be his last. On November 11, 1979 in Saint Clement Catholic Church in Chicago, Los Angeles-born, U.S. Loyalist Frederick Fairfield entered the church with a M1911 pistol, taking it out and shooting Father Bercegeay five times. Without even checking if Bercegeay was killed, Fairfield ran out of the church with some of the church-goers following close behind. After seeing the commotion, a group of Chicago Red Guards subdued and arrested Fairfield.
Bercegeay was pronounced dead later that day, at age 33. He is buried in St. Martin de Tours Catholic Cemetery in St. Martinville, Louisiana S.A.R.
Father Bercegeay became a Martyr in the New-Catholic movement, later being described as Saint Joseph of Teche. Bercegeay would later be officially canonized as a Saint by the Catholic Church in 1996, 17 years after his death and 12 years after the institution of Vatican III.
submitted by ComradeFrunze to socialistamerica [link] [comments]