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Moving to Japan - Everything you wanted to know (and probably a bit more)

2016.08.20 13:54 chason Moving to Japan - Everything you wanted to know (and probably a bit more)

So you want to move to Japan, but you're confused about where to even begin? You've found the right place. Whatever your reasons for coming to Japan (or if you're not sure if Japan is right for you) we can help. Before posting, please read the wiki — especially the visa page.

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2009.03.25 21:26 s_reed Touhou Project

Girls are now preparing, please wait warmly and have some tea. This subreddit is devoted to sharing the wonderful Touhou series with the Reddit community.

2024.05.13 06:00 AutoModerator Weekly Advice Thread 13/05/2024

Welcome to the WAT, summoner! Post questions regarding team composition, content progression, game mechanics, or anything else in this thread. If you are able to help your fellow summoners, please take some time to contribute to the community and answer some questions yourself as well!
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Beginner friendly/farmable PvE teams

  • GB10: Vero (L), (2A) Kro, Shannon, Belladeon, Darion or Vero (L), Fran, Loren, (2A) Kro, Shannon/Lapis
  • GB12: Vero (L), (2A) Kro, Shannon, Belladeon, Darion or Vero (L), Fran, Loren, 2A Kro, Shannon/Lapis/AkhamamiSigmarus
  • DB12: Verde (L), Vero, Loren, 2A Spectra, Fran/2A Raoq
  • PB12: Verde (L), (2A) Belladeon, 2A Raoq, 2A Kro, 2A Kahli/Riley/Eirgar (L -> R -> Boss)
  • SB12: Fran, Loren, 2A Kro, 2A Raoq, Ling Ling
  • NB12: Fran + 4 multihit DDs: Pick from Icaru/Raoq/Kro, Kung Fu Girls, Loren, twins (Shaina, Sabrina, Talia), Abigail, Scarlett (unawakened)
  • SRB12: Verde (L), Shaina, Sieq, Astar, 2A Raoq
  • ToA(H): Fran (L), Vero (also possible L), 2A Spectra, Mav, + Loren/Shannon/Mellia/Tyron
  • R5 solo teams: Check this thread
  • R5 stat minimum: You need 25k HP and 1.5k DEF for FL units and 20k HP and 0.8-1k DEF for BL units. Healers and your cleanser should have 100% RES after lead.
  • Rift unit options: Xiao Lin, Theomars, Fran, Colleen, and 2A Kro can be used in most of your rift teams. FL Mav/Bernard is good for Water rift and Lapis is good for Fire and Dark rifts. Twins are great in all rifts.
You still need appropriate rune quality and turn order! Do not expect to beat a dungeon just by having these units.

Common speed teams

  • R5 solo teams: Check this thread. If you pick a BJ5 version, also make sure to read this BJ5 guide
  • GB12: Teshar (L), Luna, Prilea, Shamann, Konamiya
  • DB12: Shaina (L), Julie, Kyle, Liam, Konamiya
  • NB12: Abigail (L), 2A Icaru, 2A Raoq, Astar, 2A Shamann
  • PB12: Eirgar (L), 2A Raoq, 2A Icaru, 2A Kro, Fuco
  • SB12: 2A Sath, Mellia, Mellia, 2A Tatu, dot unit/Lushen
  • SRB12: Verde (L), Shaina, Sieq, Astar, 2A Raoq

PvE accuracy requirements

Accuracy Area(s)
0% Rifts
15% R5, Predator
25% SB10, PB10
35% GB12, NB12, SRB10, Dimensional Hole
45% ToA(H)
55% GB10, NB10, ToA Hell
65% DB12, DB10

General tips and answers to Frequently Asked Questions:

  • NEVER feed non-farmable monsters! (you can feed dupes for skill ups)
  • Save your devilmons! In general you do not want to give devilmon to 4* units, Sigmarus and Jeanne are the best early game candidates. Veromos does not need devilmon.
  • Best summon stone targets: Tyron, Lushen, Shaina, Sabrina, Talia. For PvP Khmun, Skogul, Galleon.
  • Check the events for free energy, mana, and other beneficial stuff. To find the current event pages use the button below the energy/mana counter in-game.
  • Lapis can farm Faimon Hell on the free 6* level 15 vampire/revenge runes provided by the challenges. She should be your first 5* and probably 6* as well.
  • Shield sets can reduce the HP/DEF requirements on other units and multiple shield sets will stack to form one larger total shield. Each set contributes a shield equal to 15% of the base HP of the monster they are equipped on.
  • White artifacts from B2 are cheap to upgrade and can give you a massive stat boost early.
  • Hall of Heroes (HoH) should be attempted as high as you can climb. Reps like Rica or Verad can help a lot. Mid/late game players can get 5 extra copies of the HoH monster using almighty scroll pieces after each floor at the small cost of 2000 guild points for each extra monster.
  • Most nat 5*s are PvP exclusive and should be set aside in storage till you make some progress on PvE. Some exceptions are CC units like Rica for ToA, cleansers like Anavel for starter R5, and Perna for rifts.
  • Dimensional hole energy should be spent as soon as possible, always try to stay under the energy cap (recharge rate: 1 per 2h). 2A Kro first, then Spectra or Raoq.
  • Need advice on RTA? Check this post first
  • Looking for ToA Hell guidance? Take a look at this FAQ post.
  • Mock Battle Guide

Tools you should know about

  • Swarfarm provides a bestiary for monster stats and data logs.
  • SWGT provides various tools, statistics and analytics for players and guilds. Siege/Guild Battle, Labyrinth, Leaderboards, Defenses/Counters, Artifact Monster Finder, Speed Tick Calculators, Gem/Grind Optimizers and more!
  • SWOP is a rune optimizer and speed tuning tool.
  • sw-tools.net provides a speed tuning tool and other calculators.
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2024.05.13 01:09 MLGZedEradicator Reminder: Durability isn't a Static Property; It's the Blow you DON'T see coming that's most likely to knock you out; Superheavyweights are not Invincible

Reminder: Durability isn't a Static Property; It's the Blow you DON'T see coming that's most likely to knock you out; Superheavyweights are not Invincible
"When boxers or MMA practitioners get knocked out by a punch it’s usually from one they didn’t see coming. The counterpunch is a deadly strike in combat because at the very moment you think you are punching them, they’re hitting you. Its effectiveness is partly down to surprise, and often you get a double impact because the attacker is moving forward into the punch of the counter attacker – a perfect example of ‘using their own force against them’."
"I believe the answer is to do with jin and the subconscious mind. When you can see a punch coming, your brain can – in the fractions of a second you have available, – make subtle postural adjustments so that the force is absorbed by your body better against the ground. This is similar to the idea of a jin path to the ground we’ve already talked about. I believe we automatically and subconsciously do this in response to any impact we can see coming. When we can’t see that punch coming it’s more damaging because we are not ‘in position’ to receive it as well."
Essentially, people defend against blows they can't outright evade or block by either tensing their muscles at the moment of impact, or by by "riding" with the punch to reduce the force (relaxing muscles and moving away from the punch or twisting your neck etc.
But firstly, people can't remain tense 24/7 in a fight in every muscle, it takes too much energy/stamina (which is why Kiryu just waited for the moment that Ohma could no longer remain tense in their fight, and Mark Myers eventually got tired too), on top of slowing your movements down, so it's something experienced fighters usually only deploy discretely and not continously during a fight.
And secondly, you're obviously not always gonna have enough time to roll with a punch or relax muscles at impact.
This brings me to the point about Superheavyweights.
It's noted for example Waka had to Clench his muscles at the moment of impact to defend against Muteba's spear, and if he didn't, he would have lost. Just simply having strong muscles in general helps a lot, but they aren't enough in every situation if you aren't on guard and ALSO actively tensing them.
This was foreshadowed by Waka himself back during Muteba vs Seki. Waka is obviously> Seki in durability, but specifically notes that if Muteba's level of attack can decisively put down Seki, then in the same conditions (striking from outside awareness), it's probable it can put down Waka too. This makes sense, given Seki is a heavyweight while Waka is a Superheavy weight (about a 115 pound difference), and Nicholas Le Banner said that the average middleweight and the average heavyweight aren't massively different in durability ( and irl it seems the average heavyweight is 250-260 lbs, while the average middle weight is 160 pounds, again around a 100 lb difference).
Moreover, It's noted that Kuroki's Blows when amped by expertly and precisely striking from outside of awareness is > Gaolang's AND Waka's blows who Kanoh had managed to survive against still managed due to subtly diverting their impact and tensing etc.
So when you see Ohma, ON-GUARD for Wakatsuki's liver blow and using indestructible to guard against it ( thus excercising his maximum durability potential), you can't compare that to Julius getting hit from outside of his awareness ( who is OFF-GUARD due to directing too much of his attention at the fake blast core and thus at his lowest possible durability), it's comparing apples to oranges. You need to compare apples with apples and oranges with oranges. Technique is important, hitting a person at the right time and at the right angle and striking them in a vital point when they're off-guard is more important than simple raw power.
This is the same issue people neglect with Lolong vs Toa Mudo, where not only is Lolong using a precisely timed counter from outside of awareness which creates a "car crash" effect, Lolong is clearly depicted as very physically strong for his weight class, owing to his particularly fast and thus high kinetic energy punches, combined with other potential factors like above average bone density in his hands and arms allowing for more devastating impacts.
submitted by MLGZedEradicator to Kengan_Ashura [link] [comments]

2024.05.12 20:03 Efficient-Forever341 In memory of... (Do You remember who died on May 13, 2014 in Chicago Fire?)

In memory of Leslie Shay
10 years ago, on May 13, 2014, Leslie Shay (played by Lauren German), the fan-favorite character of the NBC studio's series Chicago Fire, died in the finale of the second season. True, viewers only learned about this when the third season started. The death of the character was followed by an uproar from the audience, the popularity of the series (which had been on the rise until then) and the number of viewers decreased, because many people stopped watching the series due to Shay's death, including the author of this post (I reached the end of the third season). Due to the anniversary, I started researching on the Internet to better understand why Shay's character was destined for this fate, and using quite a few references and also abundant with spoilers, I will share with everyone what I came up with in this post. I will also write my own opinion.
(I apologize for any grammatical errors, I did not write the post in English and I created the English version with the help of Google Translate)
Shay's character probably doesn't need to be introduced to anyone, but if you do, this link nicely summarizes why everyone loved her so much.
When I started researching the topic, I read that despite the fact that Chicago Fire is already in its 13th season, Shay remains one of the most loved and most missed characters to this day. However, later, when I wrote the post, I could not find the source again, if anyone can send a link to this topic, please do so.
It is clear that if the series loses such a popular character, it will have an impact and will shake the viewers. Well, it turns out, more than anything in the show's 13 seasons. I found a lot of sources to prove this:
People's Choice Awards, USA, 2015 / Favorite TV Character We Miss Most
In the above category, Shay made it to the top 5, which no one else did later.
Most shocking TV deaths of all time
Shay is also included in the top 100 list above, as well as two other characters from the entire One Chicago franchise, Elias Koteas as Alvin Olinsky and Yuri Sardarov as Otis. Thus, Shay was on a list with the likes of Teri Bauer (24), Lance Sweets (Bones), Bobby Ewing (Dallas) or Ned Stark (GoT)
And this is what ChatGPT answered when it was asked which of the characters in Chicago Fire had the most heartbreaking death (short quote from the answer):
"The most heartbreaking character death was definitely Leslie Shay. Oh, it was gut-wrenching! Shay, played by the incredibly talented Lauren German, was such a beloved and integral member of Firehouse 51....."
If I use the Google Search service, the answer to this search will also be Shay:
Question: "chicago fire most heartbreaking death"
Answer: "Leslie Shay died in a fire"
Searching the internet, it became clear to me that it wasn't just Shay's death that shocked viewers, but also the fact that the show's creators made the decision to get rid of Shay's character. This decision raised many questions and problems, which I will go through below. There are a lot of posts and articles on the internet about why Lauren German left the series, but in fact they were all based on a single, otherwise amazingly short interview that was made with Matt Olmstead. I found this at this link:
If anyone has seen or read other interviews or other information, please share them.
I read a lot of comments under the link above, and I would like to thank everyone for expressing their opinions there. I read a lot of things in the comments that I didn't even think of at first, but it's good that they brought them to my attention, because I completely agreed with them.
  1. The creators of the series killed off the third female character in 2 seasons, who was also one of the main characters.
  2. Killing a character directly just for the sake of dramatic effect is already quite a boring solution
  3. Olmstead praised Lauren German's talent a lot in the interview, but then why didn't the producers try to keep the actress?
  4. Olmstead stated that there will be no flashbacks involving Shay. But in the first episode there were 4 (from Severide, Dawson and Boden)
  5. The LGBT community also received a slap in the face, as an openly lesbian character was killed off. This is also a solution that has been seen many times and is boring.
  6. Shay and Severide's relationship was one of the prominent aspects of the series, which made it worth watching, in fact, according to many, it was such a novel and well-constructed thread that the creators of the series were praised for this. After Shay's death, without the dynamism of their relationship, the series became boring.
  7. Opinions also suggested that perhaps the goal was to attract the right target audience with Shay's lesbian character, but they no longer wanted to retain this group of viewers, so it was a harsh decision made from a business point of view by the creators
  8. Olmstead defended the decision by saying that they could bring more and more storylines into the series, while without Shay's character, the exact opposite was true.
  9. He also claimed that all the characters were assessed on equal footing when the decision was made. In comparison, they immediately replaced Shay with a new character who looked like her, was not a lesbian like Shay, and was 10 years younger. Because Lauren German was born in 1978, Kara Killmer in 1988. The message of this change was extremely bad in the eyes of the viewers
  10. There was a commenter who suggested that the change was made so that the new character could be romantically involved with one of the male characters, and this actually happened during the third season when Brett and Cruz got together
  11. If the purpose of Shay's death was to show how unpredictable life is, they should have paid much more attention to the details. The first part of the third season is full of mistakes and unrealistic solutions
  12. It is strange that the interview only mentions in a few sentences what Lauren said to the fact that the creators of the series essentially fired her. In connection with this, it occurred to me that something else could have been behind the decision, which was never made public, but of course this is just a hunch.
  13. As far as I know, Lauren German was the only main character in the history of Chicago Fire who did not leave the series by her own decision
There were many other strange things about Shay's death that could be found by searching the internet. I will also go through these in order.
Let's return briefly to the fact that the popularity of the series decreased during the third season. This can be checked here
Based on this, it can be definitely stated that whoever made this decision, for whatever reason, caused damage to the series.
The data:
First season, ranking 51, number of viewers 7.78M
Second season, ranking 31, number of viewers 9.70M
Third season, ranking 47, number of viewers 9.65M
The first season brought good numbers, and it can be seen from the data that its popularity increased for the next season. However, the ranking of the series dropped almost to the initial level by the third season, and although the number of viewers did not decrease so significantly, the reason for this is probably that, in addition to the viewers who left, there were still those who only joined at that time. Another interesting fact is that the third season is the only one where Dick Wolf is mentioned as showrunner. It is possible that during the third season he wanted to be more involved in the development of the story, and it was his decision to pull something unexpected in the series, so Shay's death is due to him. Here is a show-like interview with the whole team, in which I found it strange that Dick Wolf was given the central place on the stage.
It was as if they suggested that he was the most important person. It can be imagined that he always had the final say in making decisions. As a counter-example, I saw an interview with the actors of The Avengers, where one of the directors was present, and the Russo brother remained nicely in the background, since everyone was interested in the actors, Iron Man, and Thor, etc. However, this was not the case in this interview. Obviously, I'm not a behavioral researcher, so I can't draw important conclusions from a single interview.
Of course, it is also easy to imagine that the writing team made an independent decision, but did not count on how much the omission of Shay's character would turn fans away from the series. Thus, Dick Wolf was the savior when he was forced to intervene personally in shaping the story to mitigate the damage. Of course, it is also possible that these events and what I wrote about the video above have absolutely nothing to do with each other.
It's also strange how many storylines with negative outcomes were connected to Shay's character during the first 2 seasons. She was seriously injured several times (the ambulance accident in the first season, the hospital bombing in the second season), and she went through several crises in her personal life. Her first love, Clarice, left her, and months later she broke Shay's heart a second time. Devon tricked and robbed her. When Severide and Shay wanted a baby, she failed to conceive. A patient of her, Daryl, whom she sympathized with, committed suicide in front of her eyes, and Shay also fell into depression after that, while her paramedic partner and friend, Dawson, did not care about Shay's mental breakdown at all. During the two seasons, she was almost hit by a car, almost shot, stabbed with a syringe, which could have been contagious, and there must have been other cases that I left out of the list. Then came the third season, where basically the firefighters who were inside a huge explosion were not hurt at all, while Shay, who was on the ground floor of the building, died in this explosion. On the part of the writers, this amount of negativism was perhaps already excessive and quite unrealistic (like the case of Doctor Romano in ER, who was hit by the helicopter). It's like the creators didn't really like the character, or didn't want to do anything with her other than build viewers' empathy / sympathy for Shay so they could switch it to a dramatic twist when the time was right. But that's the opposite of good storytelling in my view. My opinion is that the reason for Shay's popularity is not to be found in the "grateful" storylines written for her, because we will find it only and exclusively in the fantastic performance of Lauren German
It's very strange that Leslie Shay was a main character in the first 2 seasons, but if you look at the Instagram page of the series (more specifically, the entire One Chicago franchise), you can see that Shay's character received very little attention.
At the time of writing this post, there were 3588 posts on the site. I took the trouble to check if my hunch was right and scrolled through to the posts about the first 3 seasons.
Number of pictures where Shay is clearly visible among many people in a group picture: 15
Number of photos where Shay is with 1-2 other people: 27
Number of photos featuring only Shay: 6
Yes, I didn't write a bad number, among 3588 pictures a total of 6 individual photos were given to one of the main characters of the first 2 seasons of the series, perhaps the most popular character of the series to date. Although Lauren German is a famously reclusive actress, she even has more selfies on her Instagram than that
It's also very strange that in the third season they introduced a storyline that says Shay's death was caused by arson. Unfortunately, the execution of all this was extremely clumsy and illogical for me. It was already revealed during the first 2 seasons that Shay's parents are divorced, they live in two separate cities, and that she has no sisters. You could tell this from the fact that when Severide and Shay talked about who would take care of their baby if something happened to both of them, Dawson's name immediately came up. It's illogical that Shay wouldn't have said her sister. In fact, the whole thread felt more like a readjusting to placate fans who would channel their frustration and anger over Shay's death onto the arsonist in the story - instead of the show's writers.
It occurred to me that maybe Lauren's relationship with her colleagues was not good, and for the sake of peace, the creators got rid of the character. This suggestion is probably the furthest from reality, I have a lot of hits that prove that Lauren maintained a very good relationship with her co-stars even later. Here are some examples of this
Trees R fun
Shayveride back together
S03 E14
From Lauren's Insta
In real life, Kinney is grieving the loss of his costar, too.
"I miss her like crazy," he said about Lauren German. "She was a great scene partner. Great actor. Someone to work with and someone to confide in. It was an honest relationship. We hung out off the stages, too. I didn’t take that too easy.”
It's also interesting that I've been able to find almost nothing online about what Lauren thought about what happened to Leslie Shay's character. What we do know from Matt Olmstead's interview is that she joked that she wasn’t going to miss the Chicago winters (she’s a California girl). Other than that, this is the only reaction from Lauren that can still be found, it's completely professional and polite, and perhaps it's no coincidence that she thanked the fans the most for their support
"Hello beautiful people! I want to say thank you to NBC, Dick Wolf and the entire team for letting me be a part of such an amazing experience. I have to say I've never been around a more gifted, special, heartfelt, funny and loving cast and crew as with the CF gang. The show gave me so many priceless gifts. I'm forever grateful. I mostly want to thank the fans for their support and love on this journey. You all are so beautiful. It was a great honor to portray Shay. I love her: her spirit, her flaws, her honesty. And most of all she brought me the most genuine & meaningful interactions with you all, the fans, & my heart swells with gratitude. Thank you, thank you! So much love to you all.”
I just found this article, which for some reason didn't come up amongst the search results for the past few weeks.
In this article, Lauren told a sweet story that I believe happened during the filming of the pilot episode of Lucifer:
Given her time on “Chicago Fire,” guest starring on “Chicago P.D.” and now on “Lucifer,” has German changed the way she reads about or watches crime stories in the news?
“I think so, but mainly I think my experiences have made me have even more respect for first responders than I did before I went to Chicago. Sure, I always respected them and paid attention when I’d see a fire truck going by or hear about the cops getting the bad guy.
“But after the training we went through with the firemen and paramedics in Chicago — plus now having worked with homicide detectives to prepare for ‘Lucifer’ — I can’t tell you how much I respect these guys and women.”
German found herself the butt of a few jokes during the filming of a huge scene in Los Angeles near the Dolby Theatre — the site of the annual Oscars show.
“There were helicopters flying overhead, there was all this commotion, but we also had real firemen there. It wasn’t too long after I left ‘Chicago Fire,’ so they were yelling at me, ‘You went to the dark side!’ They were really kidding me about going from playing a paramedic to playing detective.
“Of course the cops on the scene were yelling just the opposite — telling me, ‘No! You’ve come to the bright side!’ I loved that, because that’s the fun friendly competition between the firemen and police officers. It’s kind of like Army vs. Navy.
“But of course, at the end of the day, everyone’s on the same team. These people are my heroes.”
In addition, she also talked about her previous work here, based on which it can be stated that the rumors that she wanted to quit are completely unfounded (I considered this suggestion so unfounded that I didn't even include it in my post). She also confirmed what was also discussed in point E).
German did admit she misses “the whole Chicago crew I worked with — and the wonderful fans in Chicago too. Everyone in your town is so great.”
The actress said she considers co-star Monica Raymund “my best girlfriend” and also keeps up with fellow “Chicago Fire” castmates Taylor Kinney and Jesse Spencer “quite a bit.”
“In fact just the other day, Monica asked me that after I wrap [the initial 13 episodes of] ‘Lucifer’ to come over [to Chicago] for a few days and hang out with those guys. So I may do that around the end of February.”
If so, it’s likely German and her “Chicago Fire” pals will make a beeline to the Palm restaurant on East Wacker Drive.
“Taylor and Jesse and I lived in the same building [on the New East Side], and we’d go to the Palm like three times a week. It was so cozy there. We even had our own regular little booth!”
End of update
In regards to the oddities above, I can even imagine that Lauren's agent or agents had a hard time agreeing on a possible contract extension, and because of this, the creators preferred to get rid of the character of Shay. If that was the case, we will never know. However, if the decision-making really took place in the way and according to the criteria as stated in the Matt Olmstead interview, then it can be seen in retrospect that this was an extremely bad decision by the studio and that the writing team made a huge mistake
I am slowly coming to the end of my research, but before that I would like to discuss the mistakes that the writers made in the first part of the third season - perhaps these mistakes could indicate that they were very hasty during the implementation, or that they did not think through at all how to put together such an episode well. When an average viewer saw this episode for the first time, the shock was guaranteed by it (believe me, it HITS HARD), in this way the creators achieved their goal, but it was enough later to think about what happened, and the shock was already replaced by completely legitimate indignation of the viewing public.
Regarding the mistakes, for the sake of fairness, I also have to say that I consider 4 things to be extremely outstanding from the first 2 seasons of the series:
The visual implementation of the series was amazingly fantastic, as if you were watching a 45-minute movie, and it still stands today. I don't know if this changed after the third season, but I assume not, since the series is still active today
Atli Örvarsson's music
The actors Jesse Spencer, Taylor Kinney, Monica Raymund, Lauren German, Charlie Barnett, David Eigenberg, Eamonn Walker, Joe Minoso, Yuriy Sardarov, Christian Stolte were all fantastic in their roles
The writers did something really brilliant when they built Severide and Shay's relationship. The way these two people moved mountains just out of love as a friend to help the other was simply wonderful. The relationship between the two of them was central to the show, which is why it was so painful and infuriating at the same time that the writers didn't think it was important enough to keep it going after 2 seasons. So I didn't consider the series important enough to continue watching after the third season either, or to start anything else from the One Chicago group.
Mistakes in S03 E01:
Devon's character:
  • In the last 2 episodes of the second season, it was revealed that Devon might not be as a bad person as we thought. The writers hinted at the possibility that maybe Shay could finally find her happiness with her. Whether Devon had really changed, whether she was telling the truth, was never revealed after Shay's death.
Shay's death:
  • Why didn't the paramedics wear helmets when they entered a potentially dangerous building? In other episodes, the characters paid attention to this, but here they generously forgot about it
  • During the first flashback, we saw that they started to treat an injured person. When the explosion occurred and Shay was lying on the ground, the injured person was disappeared.
  • The firefighter (played by Preston James Hillier) who ran into the building before the explosion also disappeared
  • In the flashback, we saw that Dawson was thrown backwards by the shock wave of the explosion before the ceiling collapsed. Shay, on the other hand, sat still, unaffected by the shock wave
  • The firefighting team was in the middle of the explosion, the only injury in comparison was a broken leg. Andy Darden died instantly in the Pilot episode, according to the script, when a house fire started in a similar way.
  • Shay's CPR was interrupted to take her to the ambulance. At the same time, the one who could have taken care of her was Dawson, who was next to her, and Shay herself, maybe even Mills, who had a broken leg. So why was it important to take Shay to the ambulance, if not because it gave the scene a dramatic, albeit illogical, ending?
  • Several people (e.g. Cruz, Otis) in the episode did not behave like those who recently lost a friend, and this could not be the fault of the actors, but rather of the script. The situation was similarly strange in the Pilot episode after Darden's death
  • Shay said that she has a good relationship with her parents, so it's very strange that they didn't apply for Shay's things, but Casey and Severide collected them a month and a half after Shay's death. Not to mention the later invented sister
  • When Severide looked at a photo of Shay before playing the video, it can be seen that the creators did not bother to take a real photo, but instead used a screenshot from the first season.
  • It's quite unlikely that Dawson would pick up a diary a month and a half later that still had Shay's signature on it, and the signatures were completely different
Again, in the interest of fairness, Severide's flashbacks, Severide and Shay's video were flawless. Just like the gesture of putting Shay's name on the ambulance door in the middle of the season was a great idea from the writers
Final thoughts:
This is how far I've come in my research. Unfortunately, I didn't find any reassuring answers, only strange things. If there was something else in the background why Shay's character had to die, it will probably never be revealed. If the whole truth was told in the Matt Olmstead interview, then in my opinion the creators of Chicago Fire made the biggest mistake of their lives by firing Lauren and letting the Shayveride friendship vanish. Plus, Leslie Shay's character didn't deserve such fate. Anyway, the first 2 seasons were a fantastic experience for me.
Although Lauren couldn't have known it at the time, she was doing very well, because after being unemployed, she auditioned for the role of Chloe Decker in the series Lucifer. Here she joined the team that involved Tom Ellis, Kevin Alejandro, D.B. Woodside, Lesley-Ann Brandt, Rachael Harris, Scarlett Estevez, and later Aimee Garcia, Tricia Helfer, Tom Welling, Inbar Lavi, Rebecca De Mornay, Dennis Haysbert and Brianna Hildebrand. The rest, as they say, is history. Lucifer was the biggest series of 2021 by racking a whopping 18.3 billion minutes of streaming across the year making the series the most-streamed show not just on Netflix, but among the entire crop of streaming originals. Lucifer was voted the best fantasy series of 2021 also, and Lauren German became very, very worldwide-famous.
After Lucifer ended, Lauren retired from acting, making her last appearance in November 2023 at an event in Chicago, the Heaven and Hell Convention. Here, of course, she was hilarious again, or to put it stylistically, funny as hell, and she simply proved why she was the actress who played Leslie Shay back then
Here are a few links at the end
My favorite fan video commemorating the Shayveride friendship
Others have written their opinions before me on the Leslie Shay topic, e.g. a great post
A little fun
Still a little fun
Thank you for reading through!
(this post is free to use and redistribute, but please at least credit the source! Thanks)
Do You remember Leslie Shay?
View Poll
submitted by Efficient-Forever341 to ChicagoFireNBC [link] [comments]

2024.05.09 17:14 holiobung The marks on houses

The marks on houses
People often ask what the marks on the homes mean. While I’ve seen it answered, I just want to share a pic of its use IRL.
Go to page 39 of the FEMA US&R Rescue Field Operations Guide.
submitted by holiobung to thelastofus [link] [comments]

2024.05.08 04:43 Dooz_Can Pokemon Scrambled Scarlet by Dooz (IN HIGHLY ACTIVE DEVELOPMENT!)

https://imgur.com/a/brsPmiw Useless link so that reddit uses the right pic for the thumbnail
Get ready for a lot of text. I encourage you to just check out the YT/Doc links as well. Those are much more visual/audio oriented for people who prefer that over raw text.
I'm sure some of you reading this are familiar with my work already on Gen 7 (Sweltering Sun) and I have been working immensely on a huge Gen 9 hack- Pokemon Scrambled Scarlet. (Should also work for Violet) Namesake is explained more in my videos/in my discord, but the TLDR is it's an egglocke based hack where you pre-load eggs in and those are your encounters. More info down below/on my YT. (Also, the name is referencing how things are "scrambled" around)
I also have tons of details in channels regarding how much this will differ from Sweltering Sun for the better. Still has the same core philosophy of reworking moves and every Pokemon:
My hacks aren't for everyone- but if you're open minded to super thorough/in depth changes/reworks for moves and Pokemon in as a whole- and a hack you can play over and over and over again for an experience you've never had before with tons of effort put into it- this is for you!
I also have people working on a GBA version of this for people who are fans but can't play due to hardware limitations on PC/Modded switch. If you're interested in helping them with that, join my discord!
I hate doing these types of posts because I put so much effort into explaining things on my Discord/YouTube Channel and hate having to condense it into a post for other forums: So I'm just going to plug and link all of those, and copy paste stuff from my YT descriptions. Even that information isn't perfectly phrased or formatted and there's more I wish I could say, but I have videos explaining things in depth too.
Figured it's better to post something than nothing, even if it's just a bunch of exposition and text explanations linking to actual videos/documentation where you can see things for yourself. I'll make a bit of a nicemore in depth post when the hack is actually out though.
If you want to reach me quickefaster, join my Discord community I'm extremely active on there and post live progress updates and you can get way more details on the project in there + you get to join the growing community.

Documentation Link:

(Incredibly thorough, many of your questions will likely be answered on there, very easy to navigate)
Preview of mon changes documentation. Every mon has sections like this. (It's heavily zoomed out so I could fit both for 1 pic for this post, you can zoom in and each mon has a nice organized section)
(Much easier to explain if you just take a look and read through it, context is in YT vid descriptions/linked here/in my discord/etc)

Youtube Channel Link:

I make (and am currently still releasing daily) in depth videos for every single Pokemon Change, a 2+ hour video on move changes-several videos explaining the basics of the hack, and much more.

Youtube Bio/Basic Info on this hack

I make Pokemon ROM Hacks with the objective of reimagining and rebalancing EVERY single Pokemon to be unique, fun to use, and most importantly: GREAT for the WHOLE GAME! NO box checks, NO bad encounters, can use ANY Pokemon you want- ALL WHILE STILL MAKING LOGICAL SENSE FOR THE MONS! Moves are massively reworked too! None of the buffs are balanced around competitive- the overwhelming majority would be absurd in that context. Pokemon won't outclass one another. Not your typical ROM hack with minor "buffs" and changes, or minimal thought put into balancing and Pokemon Changes- it's a huge passion project- so supporting me by subbing, liking, commenting and sharing my content/hack would be really appreciated if you do enjoy it. Literal thousands on thousands of hours have gone into my hacks, and I hope to deliver a unique, superior experience to that of mainstream ROM hacks you find nowadays.

Background Info on the hack:

Balancing Philosophy/Approach:

(you can play casually, but for more experienced players teamlocked would be good to try)

Teamlocked Rules/Explanation

Designed for Replaying/Multiple Game Paths/QOL

Eggs/Gameplay Info

INTENDED (not required) Rules

If you actually read all of this, shoutout to you. You'll definitely like the hack if you did. Give everything a look! Appreciate it everyone!
submitted by Dooz_Can to PokemonROMhacks [link] [comments]

2024.05.06 06:00 AutoModerator Weekly Advice Thread 06/05/2024

Welcome to the WAT, summoner! Post questions regarding team composition, content progression, game mechanics, or anything else in this thread. If you are able to help your fellow summoners, please take some time to contribute to the community and answer some questions yourself as well!
A lot of helpful guides and resources can be found in the subreddit mega wiki.

If you ask a question please give ALL relevant information!

  • Your monster box: Upload a screenshot to Reddit directly or an image hosting site like imgur or use swarfarm. Sort your box by "Grade" and try to include all 4*s and LD nat 3*s.
  • Your current progression: Where you currently are in the game, what your teams are, what content you need help with and what you have tried so far.
  • For ToA, which enemies are on the floor you're stuck on.
  • For PvP, indicate what rank you are trying to achieve, i.e. currently F3 want to get C1 Arena. For RTA also share your rank percentage.
The less people have to ask you to clarify or look up to help you, the more likely you will get a (fast) response.

Beginner friendly/farmable PvE teams

Note: Recommended progression path is currently being update for the Reloaded Update. But you should still follow the general path of beating Giant's, then ToA, then the rest.
  • GB10: Vero (L), Fran, Loren, (2A) Kro, Shannon/Lapis
  • GB12: Vero (L), Fran, Loren, 2A Kro, Shannon/Lapis/AkhamamiSigmarus
  • DB10: Verde (L), Vero, Fran, Loren, Spectra (2A)
  • DB12: Verde (L), Vero, Fran, Loren, Spectra (2A)
  • PB10: Verde (L), Colleen/Fran, 2A Raoq, 2A Kro, 2A Spectra/Yen/Pang. You can also use 2A Jultan to tank the boss (on multiple Will sets).
  • SB10: Fran, Loren, 2A Kro, 2A Raoq, Ling Ling
  • NB10: Lapis (L), Colleen/Fran, Loren, 2A Raoq, 2A Kro/Raoq (NB10 guide). Twins are a much better choice and should be used if possible. You can also directly use Tricaru.
  • SRB10: Verde (L), Shaina, Sieq, Astar, 2A Raoq
  • ToA(H): Fran (L), Lapis, Verde, Loren, Vero/2A Kro/2A Spectra. Use Tyron if you have him. 2A Sath/Thrain are good options if you want to go for a dot team, do not use Baretta as he's terribly outdated.
  • R5: Front Line: Xiong Fei, Darion Back Line: Colleen, 2A Kro, Tesa, Theo/Xiao Lin/Belladeon
  • R5 solo teams: Check this thread
  • R5 stat minimum: You need 25k HP and 1.5k DEF for FL units and 20k HP and 0.8-1k DEF for BL units. Healers and your cleanser should have 100% RES after lead.
  • Rift unit options: Xiao Lin, Theomars, Fran, Colleen, and 2A Kro can be used in most of your rift teams. FL Mav/Bernard is good for Water rift and Lapis is good for Fire and Dark rifts. Twins are great in all rifts.
You still need appropriate rune quality and turn order! Do not expect to beat a dungeon just by having these units.

Common speed teams

  • R5 - BJ5: Colleen, Baleygr, Janssen, Dagora, Loren, lead unit (BJ5 guide)
  • R5 solo teams: Check this thread
  • DB12: Verde (L), Vero, Loren, 2A Spectra, 2A Kro/Lyn/2A Shamann/...
  • GB12: Akhamamir (L), Galleon, Lyn, Vero, 2A Kro/2A Roid/Riley/Shannon/...
  • NB10 - Tricaru: Either add Astar or replace Verde with her (on vamp, same stats). Adding Astar and Lushen to clear waves first also works.
  • PB10 - Tricaru: Kill towers first (usually L>R>B but some people reported R>L>B working better for them).
  • SB10 - dots dots dots: 2A Sath, Mellia, Mellia, 2A Tatu, dot unit/Lushen
  • SRB10: Verde (L), Shaina, Sieq, Astar, 2A Raoq
  • DB10 - Tricaru: Verde (L), 2A Icaru, 2A Icaru, 2A Icaru (guide (Note: DEF requirement is 3300)) (Cheatsheet) (Calculator)
  • GB10 - dots dots dots: 2A Sath, Mellia, Mellia, 2A Tatu, dot unit/Lushen (guide)

PvE accuracy requirements

Accuracy Area(s)
0% Rifts
15% R5, Predator
25% SB10, PB10
35% GB12, NB12, SRB10, Dimensional Hole
45% ToA(H)
55% GB10, NB10, ToA Hell
65% DB12, DB10

General tips and answers to Frequently Asked Questions:

  • NEVER feed non-farmable monsters! (you can feed dupes for skill ups)
  • Save your devilmons! In general you do not want to give devilmon to 4* units, Sigmarus and Jeanne are the best early game candidates. Veromos does not need devilmon.
  • Best summon stone targets: Tyron, Lushen, Shaina, Sabrina, Talia. For PvP Khmun, Skogul, Galleon.
  • Check the events for free energy, mana, and other beneficial stuff. To find the current event pages use the button below the energy/mana counter in-game.
  • Lapis can farm Faimon Hell on the free 6* level 15 vampire/revenge runes provided by the challenges. She should be your first 5* and probably 6* as well.
  • Shield sets can reduce the HP/DEF requirements on other units and multiple shield sets will stack to form one larger total shield. Each set contributes a shield equal to 15% of the base HP of the monster they are equipped on.
  • White artifacts from B2 are cheap to upgrade and can give you a massive stat boost early.
  • Hall of Heroes (HoH) should be attempted as high as you can climb. Reps like Rica or Verad can help a lot. Mid/late game players can get 5 extra copies of the HoH monster using almighty scroll pieces after each floor at the small cost of 2000 guild points for each extra monster.
  • Most nat 5*s are PvP exclusive and should be set aside in storage till you make some progress on PvE. Some exceptions are CC units like Rica for ToA, cleansers like Anavel for starter R5, and Perna for rifts.
  • Dimensional hole energy should be spent as soon as possible, always try to stay under the energy cap (recharge rate: 1 per 2h). 2A Kro first, then Spectra or Raoq.
  • Need advice on RTA? Check this post first
  • Looking for ToA Hell guidance? Take a look at this FAQ post.
  • Mock Battle Guide

Tools you should know about

  • Swarfarm provides a bestiary for monster stats and data logs.
  • SWGT provides various tools, statistics and analytics for players and guilds. Siege/Guild Battle, Labyrinth, Leaderboards, Defenses/Counters, Artifact Monster Finder, Speed Tick Calculators, Gem/Grind Optimizers and more!
  • SWOP is a rune optimizer and speed tuning tool.
  • sw-tools.net provides a speed tuning tool and other calculators.
For more information please check out the more exhaustive FAQ.
If you see someone using monster icons, you can learn how to use them yourself: https://www.reddit.com/summonerswawiki/icons .
To set your user flair please visit the Reddit website (do not use the mobile app) and edit it there (example picture).
submitted by AutoModerator to summonerswar [link] [comments]

2024.05.03 00:24 lAmMediocre [MILD SPOILERS] First proper run down the drain, and a whole lotta fun had!

After a run lasting roughly 32 days, my character has finally succumbed to the cataclysm. How you may ask? None other then the trials and tribulations faced on a first proper lab raid. I was on a long voyage to the refuge center, almost 5 cities away, so I loaded up a Police van with goodies that I had been stockpiling in my evac shelter, and set off.
Very, very quickly, my police van had struggled to keep up with the onslaught of undead, so I needed to swap out cars, fast. I drove past the first city, major damages taken to the vehicle, and had stopped at the first POI i saw, a Golf Course! There was a vehicle that would accompany the next part of my journey, the most important part. I swapped my battery with this, this time, only taking loot that would actually be useful, giving me much more room for stuff, and set off in my brand new Sedan!
And then I immediately crashed it denting the hood...
But that's fine! It happens!
I continued my journey and stumbled across a FEMA camp, and after a quick inspection, decided i WANTED what they had. I drove to a nearby evac shelter, stopped the car, and set out on foot with a makeshift knife spear I had quickly cobbled together.
Once I arrived, it was as simple as using the fence to my advantage, as all I needed to do was stab the occasional Zed that stumbled towards me through the fence. I did have occasional outside troubles, arising from a nearby anthill, but nothing I couldn't handle. Then I bit off a bit more then i can chew, as i somehow managed to attract every single Zed inside that camp. I quickly retreated back to the evac shelter, and climbed up a downspout seeing as i was being pursued quite...effectively. I stood up there, on the gutter for some time watching more and more pile up on the edge of the building, and decided it was time for some action. With my spear, I stabbed down from the roof, into the skulls of the Soldier Zombies clambering for a piece of my flesh. A few close calls with Caustic ones later nearly costing my life, and i was free from the dead, over 50 laid dead around the evac shelter after a whole night of resting, fighting, and repeating.
The spoils were immense. At this stage, my armor had consisted of nothing other then some riot gear I had taken from the undead some time ago when I was still based at my starting evac shelter. But here? Here was when i took up some proper gear.
A Heavy Ballistic Vest with its associated attachment points connected, extending its protection to my limbs. Brand new ballistic plates added to bolster my defense, a MOLLE webbing belt for extra storage, a Helmet, and some gloves, and my very first proper firearm, a MK18 CQBR Rifle along with some extra magazines for my newly acquired magazine pouch, and a fair amount of ammo looted from the rest of the bodies.
The FEMA camp itself had some spoils as well, most notably a M240 Machine Gun with a unreasonably high amount of ammo just sitting there. I loaded up my Sedan, and set off once again.
Deciding to not wreck my sedan through a city horde again, i decided to take a longer route around through some rural roads where I found a pickup truck! I swapped batteries yet again, and made way with my new vehicle, bolstering significantly better storage capacity.
I made a quick pitstop at an airport, refueled, took off and found something that i had only ever heard murmured about from time to time. A lab. Curiosity sunk its fangs into me, and i pulled my truck beside the accursed building. I entered through the front and found out quickly I'd need an ID to access it, but luckily for me, i had passed a coupe shaped ID along the road just moments ago!
With a careful...swiping of my ID card, I opened the "hidden" door on the back of the building and stood on the elevator, in a mix of excitement and fear. I entered, Rifle on a sling, spare knife in my vest, and a tonfa in my hand.
I was immediately greeted by a scientist...not living of course, and quickly dispatched them. I proceeded through the building, finding nothing out of the ordinary until I saw another locked door, with reinforced glass on either side. I couldn't make out much of the interior, but I saw some....creatures. Krecks were clawing at the glass, and in the back flew a strange mass of flesh...a Flying Polyp. The glass protected me so i decided i would explore the rest of the building and return to this strange room later.
I took some time clearing out the rest of the rooms, finding some small dormitories and various cabinets filled to the brim with various chemicals, as well as strange samples of genetic material from various creatures. I decided to return back to the hall with the beasts, thinking they'd still be locked behind the door, however i was sorely mistaken.
I'm unsure how it got there, but upon returning to that hall, I found it clouded in a thick, hazy gas. My curiosity getting the better of me, i decided to don my gas mask, and wade through the fog only to be pushed to the ground by a foul beast, a Nuckalavee. Panicked, and in a daze, i quickly dropped my tonfa, opting to wield my rifle in which, with a quick flip of a switch, set the thing to full auto as I let the ballistics echo through the halls. Half a mag down, and the beast was slain, dissipating back into the hell where it came, but not without leaving me terribly wounded. I staggered into a nearby storage room, threw my gun to the floor and quickly dealt with my bleeding wounds. After tending to them, and popping a good amount of tramadol, I spent the next 6 hours waiting, hearing the noises outside go from the gasps of the undead, to a strange tittering of metal clanking on the ground. I quickly decided I had waited enough. I had no more rations or water in my vest, and dehydration was starting to set in.
I grabbed my gun from the floor, reloaded and exited into the hall where i had learned that the area where the Krecks were hadn't even been destroyed. The centaur came from elsewhere it seemed. I passed by one of the windows, where a gaze pierced my mental. A quick look yielded the answer of what had done so. I ran down the hall, past the window, not wanting to bear witness to the creature where I had found out that the Polyp from before had found a way out, and was now floating in the hall. In desperation, I raised my rifle, and unloaded a solid 15 rounds into the beast until it had too returned to the void. I stumbled through the hallway, and finally made it back to the elevator, where i had chosen to rest for the night, and try again in the morning.
Wounds healed, armor checked, and guns reloaded, I headed down into the laboratory one more time. I spent some time getting off the elevator, gun in hand, as i slowly pied a corner, only to suddenly be grabbed from the darkness as a myriad of tentacles bit at my flesh, gnawing deep only to feast upon my blood. The gun fell to the floor, and I struggled to retrieve my knife from my vest, only for that too to fall. Hypovolemic shock was setting in as I tried to grab my rifle again, to no avail. I escaped from the grasp for a mere moment, stumbling into a table where I had soon after collapsed, my face pale as my heart stopped beating.
832 creatures had fell to my hands, but my own life was added to that list as well as I was truly, and utterly, unprepared.
TL;DR: Had a good run, found a lab, thought i could raid it, i could not. Star Vampires are scary. Had lots of fun :)
submitted by lAmMediocre to cataclysmdda [link] [comments]

2024.05.02 21:29 funnystoryaboutthat2 PTMO

Hi all, I'm and Army Reserve Captain thinking about applying to PTMO, DCSS, and OCS. I have three years of active service with the Army as a field artillery officer. I left the Army because my dad was dying of cancer and my wife (also Army) was SA'd. So that sucked. The personal situation is much better and my family is fully supportive.
I understand that I'll probably take a reduction in rank to O-2. I'm currently a professional firefighter. I have a BA, MS, a bunch of FEMA certs, and very good officer evaluations.
I know that 9 times out of 10, most things can be answered with "needs of the service." That said, can anyone give me a down and dirty about PTMO and life as a junior officer in the USCG? The recruiter said that I'd likely start out at a ship and do at least a year doing that and patrol. I've also been told they like sticking former Army Officers from PTMO in logistics roles which I'm not super thrilled about.
I'm pretty interested in the Response Ashore career field but Afloat is also very interesting to me. Unfortunately I'm too old for Aviation. Thanks in advance!
submitted by funnystoryaboutthat2 to uscg [link] [comments]

2024.05.02 12:02 nofilter_coffee How to get help on r/ModSupport!

How to get help on ModSupport!
Hiya! I’m u/nofilter_coffee, and my role is to ensure Indian Mods have the proper resources to succeed on Reddit! Today, I’m here to share a resource on how Indian Mods can receive direct Admin support and a peer-to-peer Helper Program in ModSupport!

Admin Support via ModSupport modmail:

To get Admin support via ModSupport modmail, click here
When you have questions with sensitive information such as mentions of other users or subreddits, appeals of safety actions, or requests to unban your subreddit, you can modmail ModSupport directly for Admin support from our Mod Support team.
Your message may prompt an automatic response from our Modmail Answer Bot with Mod Help Center articles that might answer your question. If these articles do not answer your question, you can simply respond back with “more help” and an admin will assist you directly.
The US-based Mod Support Mod Support team aims to respond to requests within a day but there may be a delay if there is a high volume of requests.
For these specific support needs, please use these links:
  • Review of Safety team actions: use this link to submit your request if you reported posts or comments and disagree with a response you received stating the reported content doesn’t violate Reddit’s Content Policy.
  • Appeal a banned subreddit: use this link to submit your request

Moderator Support via Posts into ModsSupport:

To get support from your fellow moderators, post your question into ModSupport
When you have questions about mod tools, best practices for common Moderator challenges, or are seeking general advice, you can post directly into ModSupport to get answers from your fellow mods.
Participate in the Mod Helper Program in ModSupport! This program awards helpful Mods with trophies based on lifetime comment karma in ModSupport, all with the goal of empowering Mods to get quick answers from other Mods and build connections between them.
Since ModSupport is an active community with other English-speaking Mods, we encourage you all to post there for support. IndianMods is still the main hub for Indian Mods to connect and learn from each other’s unique experiences in their local communities.
Any comment karma you earn in ModSupport will count toward earning trophies. Trophies will be distributed within the first two weeks of the following month and will appear on your profile.
Karma Trophy
100 Helper Level 1
250 Helper Level 2
500 Helper Level 3
750 Helper Level 4
1,000 Helper Level 5

submitted by nofilter_coffee to IndianMods [link] [comments]

2024.05.01 09:39 FatalisticFeline-47 How the All-Rock Showcases Work

How the All-Rock Showcases Work
TLDR They’re all scored like they are Nosepass
This produces the following ranges:
Graph of the top 25 Rock-type Pokémon, with their associated potential range of scores. Scores only XXL can reach with their bonus are on the rightmost thin line, above-average scores are in the colored middle, and the left edge of the colored bar is the score of an Average specimen for that species.
This is an Onix showcase.
You can use my Calculator for scoring these All-Rock showcases now. The evolution tool won’t be of much use this time, but it’s still there!

Unreleased Pokémon

Both Stakataka and Stonjourner are very heavy, and could offer competition in lower-density formats. Staka in particular is a strong current 2nd place and potentially first in the future. Unfortunately this showcase is happening less than a month before its release…

What Could’ve Been

Welcome back to my mathematical ramblings about how different baselines affect showcase scores, now with more greek letters. Feel free to skip the math and just look at the graphic, but if there’s any questions you have about scoring let me know!
Our Compass-nosed friend is on the denser side of things (λ=653), cementing Onix in its untouchable throne of rocks. Onix is nearly twice as tall as the next rock (8.8m vs Stakataka’s 5.5m). But Staka has almost 4x the weight, so is that enough to make it score better in some situations? What about close situations, like Aggron or Tyrantrum?

An animated graphic of the Rock showcase scores over the whole range of potential Densities. Notice the new variable being used 👀
The answer is Yes! With an un-dense enough baseline, Staka will score higher than Onix. No!, for any other released species.
You may notice Onix very low in the rankings for tiny densities, but it’s important to note that these are Theoretical. We’re bounded in reality by the least dense rock: Corsola (λ=55) still has Onix in the #1 released spot. Despite the corsola scaling being very weight-heavy, that doesn’t mean it’s 100% weight. Onix still has so much excess height over its peers that it makes up for being slightly lighter. Can we quantify this gap? And wait, what’s this λ?
If we do a little bit of rearranging of the points formula, we find the relative contributions of height = weight when ρ*6.66*Height = Weight. You can interpret this as “with a pokemon of density ρ, the points gained from 1 meter of height are equivalent to the points gained from 6.66*ρ kg of weight”. (The exact coefficient depends on the XXL potential of the species in question).
So I’d like to propose a new variable (hopefully the last one): λ, the Adjusted Density, which is the number satisfying “1m = λkg” for each pokemon. It embodies the same concept of ρ, but properly adjusts for the XXL modifier and scoring quirks, and has a clear and applicable meaning. Now I can say that these densities range from Haunter (0.4 kg/m) to Mudsdale (2596 kg/m) [with Cosmoem being an exception at 70,000].
We can now approach this question equipped with λ. Let’s compare Onix to Aggron. The average Onix is 8.8m & 210kg, and Aggron 2.11m & 360kg. In order for the typical Aggron to beat an Onix, the density has to allow 150kg to beat 6.65m, which means λ≤22.6. But this is way less dense than any rock, so Onix will always be better.
But if we instead look at Stakataka (5.5m & 820kg), the threshold becomes easier: 3.3m vs 610kg means we only need λ≤185 for Staka to perform better. For comparing the largest XLs, the threshold will be 1.83x higher (due to how weight vs height scale). So a decent baseline to have both Onix and Staka ranking the same would be around λ=350, eg Kleavor.
Instead, we got Nosepass (λ=653) and these one-sided Onix contests.

Previous Analyses

[Fairy] [Dragon] [All] [Electric] [Grass] [Psychic] [Bug] [Ground]
  • An eligible mega can be entered, but won’t score any better than before their mega evolution.
  • Scores will differ from single-species and other typed showcases, due to using a different baseline scaling. Relative rankings may also vary between multi-species showcases.
  • In the charts shown above, some species will have no rightmost thin line. This means the XL variant of the species has a higher potential score than XXL. See here for my explanation.
  • ρ = Pokemon Density = Average Weight / Height, for a given species.
  • λ = Adjusted Density = The kg of Weight needed to score as much as 1 m of Height, for a given species.
Thanks to members of the Silph Research Group for providing really resourceful data.
submitted by FatalisticFeline-47 to TheSilphRoad [link] [comments]

2024.04.29 20:26 Cdn_citizen [WTS][ON][MARKHAM][Group Post/Reposted ] BONUS EVENT ACTIVE! AEGs, GBBRs, GBB Pistols, Parts, Accessories & More. Collectors' items and used items available. Open to reasonable offers. Additional details in post. Shipping or Pick Up available. Thanks for looking!

Backed by Community Request, our Spring event is live! Details here. Participation is optional. Also, a bolded price beside an item means it's reduced.

Thank you to those that share our posts, you are true guardians of Airsoft!
This post is from a group of collectors'/players', 40 and counting. To be clear, this is not a store but a mega thread of items. Reposted every week.
For all the great traders out there, thank you!
All Reasonable offers will be accepted.
Only trade of interest is a Inokatsu MK46.
Guns will only be sold to adults.
'PD' means Pending Deal. Crossed off items are sold.
Pick up available in Markham, Yorkdale, Fairview Mall(Toronto) or STC.
Negotiations are to be done prior to a meet. Offers on trades are good for 24 hours. If 24 hours has passed and no deal is made then the deal is off.
For shipped items, if payment info is exchanged but no payment is made within 24 hours, the deal is off.
EMT for shipped items or cash for pick ups.
Traders must agree in writing to the price and payment method before meeting up.
If you are not comfortable trading in person in a public parking lot with security cameras and plate scanners then shipping is recommended.
Questions will always be answered. Those who comment will be given priority.
+SHIPPING $$ means shipping cost is not included in the price. All trades are final.
All rifles include shipping/delivery costs.
- - - -

Freebies donated by our group

Grab one of these items for free when picking up an item(s) from the post. When the freebie(s) has been successfully claimed, it will be removed from the list. No holds on Freebies, first come first serve.
Only users who comment and proceed with a trade will receive the requested item.
Brand Product Price Pictures
Valken Echo Googles FREE with any item pics
Rpro Red Dot PROP FREE with any item pics
Rpro Sight Protector FREE with $70+ pics
Valken RDA20 FREE with $100+ pics
AI Gungas Kit FREE with $130+ pics
Rpro APL FREE with $200+ pics
FMA PEQ15 FREE with $220 pics
KWC 1911 FREE with $280+ pics
Rpro T2 FREE with $290+ pics
HFC Launcher FREE with $300+ pics
KWC PT99 FREE with $300+ pics
KWC SW40 FREE with $340+ pics
AI BURSTXL FREE with $370+ pics
KWC M17 FREE with $400+ pics
Madbull XM203 FREE with $500+ pics
KWC Deagle FREE with $500+ pics
KJW P09 FREE with $620+ pics
WE xDm FREE with $620+ pics
VFC M&P9 FREE with $720+ pics
KJW SP01ACCU FREE with $850+ pics
VFC G17G4 FREE with $960+ pics
TM PX4 FREE with $980+ pics
- - - -

Collectors Pieces/Wall Hangers

Items in this section were not fielded. Tested and working.
Brand Product Price Pictures
WE L85 $650 pics
- MSK $600 pics
- CQBR Kit2 $550 pics
- M416 Kit $950 pics
- M4 STRIKE $580 pics
- M4 MB DD 7" FDE $600 $500 pics
- M4 SWS $680 pics
- M4 RIS kit $720 pics
- 416 $580 $500 pics
- 416 CQB PKG #1 $700 pics
- 416 CQB PKG #2 $700 pics
- 416 CQB $600 pics
- CQBR KIT $650 pics
- PDWL BK $600 $520 pics
- SCARL Kit $600 pics
- SCARL BK $540 pics
- - - -
KWA MP7 Kit $630 pics
KWC UZI $270 pics
GHK COLT M4 RIS 14'5"(2019) $1100 pics
G&G SMC9 Kit $700 pics

Brand Product Price Pictures
TM 5.1 $360 pics
- P226E2 2mags $240 pics
- G17 w/2mags $400 pics
- M&P9 $340 pics
- G17G3 $280 pics
- M9 Chrome $400 pics
- MEU $320 pics
- 1911 Series '70 $320 pics
- USP $420 pics
- USPC Kit $480 pics
- USPC Kit2 $400 pics
- 5-7 $350 pics
- xDm $230 pics
- 5.1 Kit $500 pics
- PX4 $300 pics
- G17 Custom DE $320 pics
- G17G3 w/2mags $370 $300 pics
- M9A1 $350 pics
- M92F Military $280 pics
- XDM $230 $190 pics
- - - -
WE Luger Kit $300 pics
- PX4 DT Kit $350 pics
- G17 Kit2 $330 pics
- G17 Kit4 $300 pics
- G17 Kit $400 pics
- G18C Kit $400 pics
- G18C G4 $300 pics
- G18C $240 pics
- G19 Kit $370 pics
- G19 G4 $250 pics
- G23 Kit $360 pics
- G23 G4 BK $230 pics
- G26C ADV Tan $240 $210 pics
- G33ADV Kit $300 pics
- G35 BK/GD $250 pics
- G35DT Kit $340 pics
- G17 Dual $360 pics
- Luger w/SIL $250 $200 pics
- Luger SV $250 pics
- P38 SV $240 pics
- F228 Kit $290 pics
- F229R Kit2 $300 pics
- F229 $190 pics
- F226 DT $240 pics
- F226 w/4mags $300 pics
- F229 Kit $320 pics
- F226E2 $220 pics
- F226 TAN $230 pics
- P-Virus $250 pics
- M902 $260 pics
- M9A1 w/SIL $250 pics
- M9 Navy TN/BK $220 $200 pics
- 1911 Kit $300 pics
- MEU BK w/SIL $250 pics
- MEU SV Kit $300 pics
- KIMBER Kit $300 pics
- KIMBER $230 pics
- 1911DT Kit $320 pics
- M&P9 BK/GD Kit $350 pics
- M&P9DT $250 $200 pics
- - - -
VFC M&P9T Kit $320 pics
- M&P9C $240 pics
- M&P9DT $250 pics
- M&P9 w/case $300 pics
- G17G4 Kit $500 pics
- G17G4 w/DOCTER $340 $300 pics
- G17G4 $300 pics
- G17G5 $340 $320 pics
- PPQ M2 w/2mags $320 pics
- FNX45B Silenced $350 pics
- FNX45DT Kit $380 pics
- - - -
KJW KP06 2mags $230 pics
- 1911 Kit $300 pics
- KP07 Kit $400 pics
- G23 Kit $320 pics
- M9 CO2 $200 $160 pics
- M9A1 Kit $300 pics
- M9 4mags $280 pics
- KP09 Kit $250 pics
- P09 BK $170 pics
- P09 Kit $320 pics
- P09 TAN $200 pics
- KP05 $190 pics
- KP05 Tanio w/3mags $260 pics
- SP01 UGSR $220 $180 pics
- SP01 ACCU Kit $350 pics
- KP01 Kit $350 pics
- KP01 Kit $290 pics
- KP01E2 $180 pics
- - - -
KWC SW40 $130 pics
- 1911 TAC DT 2mags $180 pics
- 1911B $170 pics
- 1911 L.E. $200 $160 pics
- 1911 w/3mags $220 pics
- 1911 $160 pics
- MEU $180 pics
- P08 $180 pics
- 24/7 $160 $130 pics
- DEAGLE BK $180 pics
- DEAGLE SV $190 $160 pics
- KCB89 $200 pics
- M712 $180 $150 pics
- SW40 $150 pics
- M17 $180 pics
- PT99 $170 pics
- - - -
AW NE3002 $250 pics
- 5.1 Custom $280 pics
- HX1005 $260 $200 pics
- HX1101 2mags $280 pics
- HX1102 $250 $200 pics
- HX1105 $230 pics
- HX2003 Kit $320 pics
- NE2002 $230 pics
- HX2302 $250 pics
- HX2402 $300 $250 pics
- HX2601 $290 pics
- VX0111 $250 $220 pics
- - - -
EMG STI/ TTI JW3 $400 pics
- SAI 4.3 BK $300 $260 pics
- SAI 5.1 SV $280 pics
- SAI BLU $300 pics
- SAI 5.1 BK $300 pics
- - - -
KSC Auto9 $340 pics
Marushin FN 5-7 $250 pics
KWA MK23 $320 pics
- USP MATCH $390 pics
- MK23 Kit $450 pics
- HK45 w/2mags $340 pics
G&G GTP9 TAN $210 pics
- GPM92 Kit $450 pics
Umarex SAA Antique $390 pics

AEGS (Collectors Pieces/Wall Hangers)
Brand Product Price Pictures
G&G AR15 SBR8 $630 pics
- M14 EBR-L $780 $700 pics
- TR-418 $630 pics
- Wildhog 9" $370 $330 pics
- SRL TAN $330 pics
- GC Predator BK $450 pics
- - - -
VFC HK416 $750 pics
- HK416 Kit $900 pics
- HK417 Kit $800 pics
- 416CQB Kit $600 pics
- VR16 RIS II $630 pics
- SABER MOD1 Kit $600 pics
- Avalon Calibur Carbine DT Kit $780 pics
- Calibur CQC $440 pics
- AVALON Calibur CQC $560 pics
- Calibur Carbine Kit $500 pics
- VR16 Kit #2 $440 $360 pics
- MK12 MOD1 (SPR) $670 pics
- Fighter MK2 Kit2 $460 pics
- Fighter MK2 Kit3 $550 $500 pics
- SCAR-H CQC $600 pics
- SCAR-L $550 pics
- SCAR-L TAN $560 $500 pics
- VR16 Saber CQB $420 $380 pics
- M4A1 $350 pics
- VR16 RIS $400 $330 pics
- M4 SOPMOD $440 pics
- XCR-C Metal $500 $400 pics
- - - -
KRYTAC Vector LE $1050 pics
- LVOA-S BK Kit $600 pics
- VECTOR BK Kit $1200 pics
- LVOA-C CG $600 pics
- LMG PDW $1100 pics
- PDW Kit $420 pics
- SPR-M FDE $620 pics
- Vector DT Kit $1100 pics
- LVOA SBR DT $565 $500 pics
- SPR MK2 FG $550 pics
- PDW FDE Kit $580 pics
- SPPDW $570 $500 pics
- TR47 $680 pics
- REC7 BK $730 $630 pics
- LVOA-S BK PKG $600 pics
- LVOA-S FG $560 pics
- LVOA-S FDE $600 pics
- LMG-E $850 pics
- - - -
G&P Sentry DE $600 pics
- TMR 10" $450 pics
- Rapid Fire $600 pics
- Defender $580 pics
- M4 Ball Medium $450 $400 pics
- QRF $480 pics
- MOE Carbine $570 pics
- - - -
ASG Scorpion Evo 3A1 $600 pics
- - - -
KWA SR10 Kit $520 pics
- KR12 $330 pics
- KM4 RIS $460 $400 pics
- SR12 $580 $500 pics
- SR10 $500 pics
- - - -
KA COLT MK18 $400 pics
- B.R.O. 15" $500 pics
- M7 $430 $380 pics
- CAA M4 $400 pics
- - - -
ARES M4 DMR Kit $500 pics
- AM014 Kit $500 pics
- OCTAARMS KM03 $430 pics
- AM014 BK $420 pics
Magpul PTS PDR-C $1300 pics


The guns below are used. They are tested for functionality and leaks.
GAS Rifles
Brand Product Price Pictures
WE SCARL Kit $480 pics
- M4A1 RIS Kit $720 pics
- M4 LVOA w/4mags $560 pics
GAS Pistols(+SHIPPING $$)
Brand Product Price Pictures
TM G17G3 Kit2 $300 pics
- G18C Kit $520 pics
- PX4 w/2 mags $330 pics
- P226E2 w/2 mags $250 pics
- G17G3 $280 pics
- G17G3 4mags $460 pics
- G17G3 Kit $500 $420 pics
- - - -
WE G18C Kit $280 pics
- G17G3 Kit3 $350 pics
- G17G3 Kit2 $280 pics
- G17G3 Kit $380 pics
- 1911 BK Kit $300 pics
- MEU TAN kit $300 $250 pics
- 1911 7mags $300 $260 pics
- M9 Navy Kit $260 pics
- M9 Navy 3mags $250 $200 pics
- F229 Kit $250 pics
- F226E2 Kit#1 $300 pics
- F226E2 3mags $240 pics
- xDm Kit $200 pics
- xDm Comp 2mags $230 pics
- - - -
VFC G17 Kit3 $250 pics
- FNX45BK $220 pics
- G19G3 Kit $270 pics
- G17G4 Kit2 $310 pics
- G17G4 Kit $340 pics
- G17G4 3mags $400 $300 pics
- FNX45 TAN w/2mags $325 pics
- - - -
KJW 1911 OD w/2mags $160 pics
- M9 $150 pics
- M9 Elite $150 pics
- KP-01 $150 pics
- - - -
KWC M&P9 $140 pics
- PT99 3mags $150 pics
- PT99 w/2 lowers $160 pics
- 1911 4mags $200 pics
- 1911 4mags $250 $180 pics
- 1911 2mags $170 pics
- 1911 2mags $160 pics
- M92 $130 pics
- M92 4mags #2 $200 pics
- M92 4mags $220 $180 pics
- Luger $150 pics
- Deagle 4mags $240 $200 pics
- Deagle Kit $270 pics
- M17 2mags #2 $150 pics
- M17 $130 pics
- M&P9 Kit $250 pics
- SW40 $120 pics
- - - -
AW HX1004 Kit $260 pics
- HX2502 Kit $350 pics
- HX1002 Kit $300 pics
- HX1004 kit $240 pics
- - - -
KWA HK45 $250 $220 pics
Brand Product Price Pictures
Krytac LVOA-C $330 pics
- LVOA-S Kit $550 $420 pics
- LVOA-C FG Kit $650 $520 pics
- LVOA w/3 mags $500 pics
- CRB MK2 Kit $540 pics
- SPR MK2 DT Kit $450 pics
- SPR MK2 Kit $550 $420 pics
- Vector PKG $950 pics
- GPR CC $500 pics
- LMG $750 pics
- - - -
G&P LMT Kit $350 pics
VFC VR16 TE1 Kit $420 pics
- XCR-C(Metal) Kit $450 $380 pics
KA BRO 15" Kit $420 pics
- VIS CQB $360 pics
G&G SRL DST Kit $400 $340 pics
ARES M4 15" KeyMod $290 pics
- OCTA ARMS KM15 Kit $400 pics
E&C EC106 $350 pics


Brand Product Price Pictures
GHK G5 Barrel+Hop up $60 pics
VFC G17G4 Lower $130 pics
- G17G4 Externals $150 pics
WE Apache Mag $30 pics
- M4 Lower $150 pics
- SCAR-L Barrel+Sight $45 pics
- G18C Parts $60 pics
- G17 Slide/Barrel $95 pics
- 1911 Silver Frame $100 $75 pics
TM 5.1 Midframe $140 pics
- G17 BBU w/Nozzle $65 pics
- - - -
ASG Scorpion Internals $60 pics
- Scorpion GB $65 pics
G&G V2 GB $60 pics
- V2 GB#2 $50 pics
G&P V2 GB $65 pics
Krytac PDW FG Upper $110 pics
- M4 Lower $50 pics
- 5" Barrel $40 pics
- V2 GB $65 $50 pics
Brand Product Price Pictures
AW 5.1 Lower $120 pics
Ratech WE NPAS $25 pics
TNT H.L.R. Bucking 60 $30 pics
SI AR Enhanced Grip $40 pics
DP GhostRing2(TMG17) $30 pics
SLR 2x VFC G17 EXT Baseplates $100 pics
G&P 870 Piston Set 150% $40 pics
SPEED 5.1 Comp Trigger Gold $40 pics
AIP G17 Spring Guide $22 pics
WE G17 Upper $100 pics
- G17 Lower $85 pics
- Apache Lower $220 pics
- G18C Slide $50 pics
- 5.1 Parts $40 pics
TM G19G3 Internals+Slide $170 pics
Guarder TM G17 Barrel $65 pics
- TM 5.1 Nozzle $40 pics
9Ball M92F Sights $110 $70 pics
- PX4 Sights $100 pics
- XDM Sights $90 pics
- 5.1 Sights $120 pics
- 5.1 Inner $50 pics
A1A G17RB1 Kit $330 pics
- SAI G19 Slide/Barrel $190 pics
- G17 Parts $45 pics
AM 1911 Hopup $110 pics
AM Edge BBU $65 pics
AM 5.1 Hammer and Searset $70 $50 pics
AM .45ACP 5.1 Gold $170 pics
Cowcow TM Buckings $20 pics
- 5.1 Barrel BK $120 pics
- 5.1 Tornado SV $180 pics
- 4.3 Gold $125 pics
- - - -
Maxx M4A-PRO $100 pics
Madbull 363mm Inner $35 pics
A1A M4 CNC Hopup $25 pics
Airtech PDW EXT $35 pics
G&P KAC AMBI Release $60 pics
- M4 Externals $300 pics
- STONER RAS $170 pics
Laylax Vector KeyMod(L) $220 pics
MadBull NSR 7" $110 pics
- MK18 RISII BK $165 pics
- Noveske 10A $155 $120 pics
VFC VR16 Receiver Set $250 pics
- 14.5" Outer $70 pics
- HK416 Stock $65 pics
- V2 GB $100 pics
- 12" Quad Rail $100 pics
- QRS Stock $65 pics
G&G ETU 2.0 $75 pics
- GOSV3 Tan Stock $65 pics
Magpul Paraclip $30 pics
- Rail Light Mount $45 pics
Magpul PTS MOE Pistol FDE $40 pics
- RSA Mount $50 pics
- CTR Black $110 pics
KRYTAC Vector Rail $135 pics
- LVOA-C Rail $150 pics
- M4 Receiver Set $160 pics
- PDW Stock $120 pics
SHS 32:1 $40 $25 pics
- 16:1 $40 pics
Prometheus 280mm Barrel $75 pics
- 155mm Vector Barrel $90 pics
G&P M170 Devil $65 pics
SIEGETEK Cyclone 14.09 Ratio $220 pics
- 10.78 GS $220 pics
BTC Chimera MK2 $150 pics


Type Brand Product Price Pictures
Sight SIG ROMEO5 $270 pics
- Firefield 1x22 $100 pics
- VORTEX SPARCII $300 pics
- AIMSPORTS 2-7x32 $90 pics
- AIMSPORTS 4X ACOG $125 $90 pics
- AIMSPORTS 4x32 $55 pics
- LANCER 3-9x32 $65 pics
- NCSTAR 4x32 w/laser $110 pics
- NCSTAR 4x32 $140 pics
- NCSTAR 4x30 $65 $50 pics
- Rpro LCO $95 pics
- Rpro M3 Offset $65 pics
- Rpro ACOG 4x $150 pics
- Rpro 3x Barlow $100 $70 pics
- Rpro MRO $80 pics
- Rpro Doctor $40 pics
- Rpro 552+3X Magnifier $150 pics
- Rpro Reflex w/Laser $85 $50 pics
- Sniper ACOG 4x $110 pics
- - - -
Tracer Xcortech XT301 $90 pics
- - X3300W $150 pics
- G&G Midnight Hawk $115 $90 pics
- - Battleowl $140 pics
- Acetech LighterS $95 pics
- - - -
FlashHider 6mmProShop 16mm+ 14mm- $30 pics
- 6mmProShop 16mm+ Thread Pro $30 pics
- E&L AK74U $25 pics
- Madbull DNTC04 SV $35 pics
- - - -
Suppressor CYMA KAC QD $70 pics
- CYMA LaRue $65 pics
- Krytac HPS4G $100 pics
- 5KU 556Mini $80 pics
- - MP7 $120 pics
- - 556RC $85 pics
- WE Makarov $35 pics
- Rpro PD 7" KAC $70 pics
- Rpro SF 556 $100 pics
- G&G Pistol 14mm - $40 pics
- - SS100 $35 pics
- Krytac KRISS $65 pics
- G&P Zombie QD 14mm + $120 pics
- Madbull Blackside $65 pics
- - SWR 6" $90 pics
- - KAC 7" FDE $120 pics
- - 7" K.A.C. 14mm + $110 pics
- - 5" KAC FDE $120 pics
- - Gemtech $65 pics
- - - -
Launcher G&P M203 Navy L $270 pics
- - M203 MIL $270 pics
- MBull XM203L OD $170 pics
- MBull XM203S BK $180 pics
- SPIKE'S HAVOC 12" $250 pics
- - - -
Light TM CQX Micro $100 pics
- Element M600P $75 pics
- - EX108BK $105 pics
- - M600W $90 pics
- - EX108 $55 pics
- FMA PEQ15 Tan w/IR $75 $60 pics
- Rpro X300U $140 pics
- Rpro X400 $150 pics
- Rpro M720V $140 pics
- Rpro SBAL-PL $140 $110 pics
- G&P GP800 w/switch $180 pics
- G&P DBAL $320 pics
- - - -
Tool Magpul 5xMagpul FDE $25 pics
- XCORTECH X3500 $110 pics
- - - -
Grip Rpro SI Keymod $25 pics
- Rpro Red Keymod $30 pics
- SI Cobra $35 pics
- Rpro PK2 Metal AK $40 pics
- UTG Light $50 pics
- Rpro MVG $15 pics
Bipod ATLAS PSR $120 pics
- - - -
Mount CYMA M14 $30 pics
- Rpro MP5 $25 pics
Covers SI KeyMod FDE $15 pics
Type Brand Product Price Pictures
Silencer Rpro KAC 5" $55 pics
- Rpro Navy Seals $45 pics
Launcher ZOXNA Shower $60 $50 pics
- HFC HG-138 $55 pics
- Madbull XM203L TAN $120 $100 pics
Light Rpro M910 $70 pics
- OPSMEN FAST501 $80 $40 pics
- Rpro M600W $55 pics
Sight TM Micro Pro $70 pics
Magazines (N)ew or (U)sed (+SHIPPING $$)
Brand Product Price Pictures
TM MEU(U) $45 pics
- 2xG17(U) $65 pics
- 2x5.1(U) $80 pics
- P226(U) $40 pics
- 1911A1 #2(U) $40 pics
- 5.1(N) $45 pics
- M9(N) $50 pics
- 5.1 EXT(U) $65 pics
- 4.3 BK(U) $30 pics
- 4.3 SV(N) $40 pics
- USP-C(U) $35 pics
- USP(Leaky) $20 pics
- 1911A1(U) $40 pics
- PX4(U) $45 pics
- 5.1 EXT(U) $50 pics
- 2x4.3(U) $75 pics
- G19(U) $40 pics
- G17(U) $35 pics
- 2xG17(N) $55 Each pics
- 2xG19(N) $55 Each pics
- - - -
WE 2xG17(U)#3 $40 pics
- 5.1(U) $25 pics
- F226(N) $25 pics
- 3x1911(U) $50 pics
- SCARH(U) $65 pics
- 3xG17(U)#2 $80 pics
- 3xG17(U) $80 pics
- G17(N) $38 Each pics
- 2xG17(U) $55 pics
- 2xG17#2(U) - pics
- G17 EXT(N) $60 Each pics
- 3xG26(N) $100 pics
- 3x5.1EXT(N) $60 Each pics
- 5.1(N) $40 Each pics
- 2x5.1(U) $50 pics
- 2x5.1#2(U) $55 pics
- 2x5.1CO2 $42 Each pics
- 3x1911(U) $60 pics
- 5x1911A1(U) $140 pics
- 2xLuger(N) $35 Each pics
- M&P9(N) $35 pics
- 3xTT33(N) $35 Each pics
- P-Virus(N) $55 Each pics
- F226(N) $35 Each pics
- 3xM14(N) $70 Each pics
- 2xG39(N) $140 pics
- 2xP90(N) $70 Each pics
- SVD(N) $105 Each pics
- PMC(N) $85 pics
- - - -
VFC MP7(U) $40 pics
- MP7(U)#2 $65 pics
- M&P9(U) $35 pics
- G19(U) $40 pics
- 2xG17G5(N) $70 Each pics
- G17G4(N) $60 Each $50 Each pics
- 2xFNX45T(N) $55 Each pics
- PPQ(U) $40 pics
- - - -
KJW KP01 CO2(U) $30 pics
- KP06(N) $40 pics
- KP09(U) $30 pics
- 2xKP09(N) $40 Each pics
- 2xP09(N) $40 Each pics
- 2xM4(U) $65 pics
- KP-01 Gas(N) $35 pics
- KC-02 Long(U) $40 pics
- 3xKP-05 Gas(N) $40 Each pics
- 2xKC02(U) $80 pics
- - - -
KWC 2x1911(U) $35 pics
- 2x1911 EXT(N) $60 Each pics
- 2xM17(U) $50 pics
- M17(N) $40 Each pics
- M92 EXT(U) $55 pics
- 1911 EXT(U) $30 pics
- M92(U) $25 pics
- - - -
AW 5.1 BK(N) $40 pics
- 5.1 BK(U) $30 pics
KWA 2xMP7(U) $120 pics
- HK45(U) $50 pics
- USP Match(U) $45 pics
- USP Match#2(U) $40 pics
G&G 2xGTP9(N) $45 Each pics
- SMC9(N) $80 Each pics
Marusen FN57(N) $50 Each pics
GHK Gmag(N) $115 pics
- - - -
AI 3xCyclone(U) $110 pics
- 3x40Mike(U) $200 pics
- Burst(U) $45 pics
- 2x40MIKE(U) $140 pics
- Cyclone Kit(U) $110 pics
- 40MIKE(U) LEAKY $50 pics
- Burst XL(U) $50 pics
- MasterMike(U) $75 pics
- - - -
Zparts 2xERAZ OG(N) $65 Each pics
KIMERA JR2(N) $50 pics
SHS 2x40mm(U) $70 pics
G&P 3x40mm Capped $160 pics
Madbull 2xM433(N) $100 pics
- 2xM381(U) $160 pics
- 2x922A1(N) $100 Each pics
King Arms 2xM583A1(N) $80 Each pics
Brand Product Price Pictures
Krytac 3xVector 40rd(N) $40 Each pics
Proarms 4xM4 Mids(N) $65 pics
VFC 3xQRS Mids(N) $95 pics
G&G 3xTinted M4(N) $70 pics
- 2xG2H .308 Mids(N) $40 pics
- M4 Drum(N) $170 pics
- ARP9 Short(N) $25 Each pics
- M4 Mids(N) $20 Each pics
CYMA 4xM4 Mids(U) $35 pics
- 3xM4(U) $20 pics
- AK Mids(N) $18 Each pics
- MP5 Mids $25 Each pics
- 3xP90 Mids(N) $30 Each pics
- 5xM4 Mids(N) $14 Each pics
Bluebox 4xM4(N) $60 pics
- M4 Black(N) $15 Each pics
- AK-47 Mids(N) $17 Each pics
Madbull 5xAWM Tan Mids(N) $95 pics
- 5xTROY Mids(N) $100 pics
Dytac 4xCamo M4 Mids(U) $50 pics
- 3xHEXMAG BK(N) $22 Each pics
- 2xHEXMAG(U) $30 pics
JG 2xP90 300rds(N) $50 pics
Modify 2xXTC TAN(N) $45 pics
submitted by Cdn_citizen to airsoftmarketcanada [link] [comments]

2024.04.29 20:17 maki2306 The feeling of being looked down upon by an IITian

nobody talks about how some (not all) IITians can be so mean and hurtful (the boys mostly, again, not all, some rare cases)
they hold little to no regard for others passions and pursuits. even though we've studied the same HC Verma, the same Cengage, the same Irodov they think of you lesser than. they always remind you of where they study at, where you study at, and why you cannot let down you gaurd in front of them
im a BSc student at BHU, and a few meters away from my college stands the godly IIT BHU
now IIT BHU was not always IIT BHU. it only became so in 2012. but something else happend in 2012. a divide. Institue of Technology BHU got an extra "I" in its name, got an extra wall between the rest of BHU and itself
and so did the people
not everybody wants to do btech. not everybody wants the IIT tag. they simply cannot comprehend it
a guy asked me out recently. i did not know he was the next google CEO and was studying at IIT
i declined. because i have a boyfriend.
and it probably did something to his ego. because upon rejection he gave me his college name. i said i don't really care, my answer still does not budge. he then asks me
"so you have a guy ? what does he do ?"
" BSc statistics "
"where does you boyfriend study at ?"
"DU "
he bursts out laughing. he laughs and something in my shatters. my self esteem probably.
"so a BSc grad who's not going to get a job and a BSc grad who is not going to get a job. you guys suit eachother"
and he walks away
he walks away with his laptop, his expensive looking shoes and airpods.
he walks into the IIT BHU gate, leaving me wondering if my worth would have been higher for i had given JEE
would the world not laugh at me, if i did not choose a course i love and chose a course the world loves
it was not easy making it into BHU. i gave up LSR to be here beacuse i cannot afford delhi.
but will someone from an IIT uderstand ? because DU is nothing to him
because i am nothing
i am not an IITian, thus i am nothing
edit - a lot of people asked me why i did not prepare for JEE, it was bcs i liked biology. i had pcmb in 12th and so my parents gave me only two options, NEET or JEE. i somehow convinced them ill prepare for NEET along with BSc (i won't, i like bio but not the field of medicine) and rn ive been preparing for CAT (who knows, i might end up in an IIT for an MBA xD)
and about BHU cut offs for CUET, it depends on your category and the faculty you apply for. but you cannot go below 97 percentile for popular courses. and for humanities they only count 50 percent of your section I language test marks, and 100 percent of your section III general test marks
submitted by maki2306 to indiasocial [link] [comments]

2024.04.29 06:00 AutoModerator Weekly Advice Thread 29/04/2024

Welcome to the WAT, summoner! Post questions regarding team composition, content progression, game mechanics, or anything else in this thread. If you are able to help your fellow summoners, please take some time to contribute to the community and answer some questions yourself as well!
A lot of helpful guides and resources can be found in the subreddit mega wiki.

If you ask a question please give ALL relevant information!

  • Your monster box: Upload a screenshot to Reddit directly or an image hosting site like imgur or use swarfarm. Sort your box by "Grade" and try to include all 4*s and LD nat 3*s.
  • Your current progression: Where you currently are in the game, what your teams are, what content you need help with and what you have tried so far.
  • For ToA, which enemies are on the floor you're stuck on.
  • For PvP, indicate what rank you are trying to achieve, i.e. currently F3 want to get C1 Arena. For RTA also share your rank percentage.
The less people have to ask you to clarify or look up to help you, the more likely you will get a (fast) response.

Beginner friendly/farmable PvE teams

Note: Recommended progression path is currently being update for the Reloaded Update. But you should still follow the general path of beating Giant's, then ToA, then the rest.
  • GB10: Vero (L), Fran, Loren, (2A) Kro, Shannon/Lapis
  • GB12: Vero (L), Fran, Loren, 2A Kro, Shannon/Lapis/AkhamamiSigmarus
  • DB10: Verde (L), Vero, Fran, Loren, Spectra (2A)
  • DB12: Verde (L), Vero, Fran, Loren, Spectra (2A)
  • PB10: Verde (L), Colleen/Fran, 2A Raoq, 2A Kro, 2A Spectra/Yen/Pang. You can also use 2A Jultan to tank the boss (on multiple Will sets).
  • SB10: Fran, Loren, 2A Kro, 2A Raoq, Ling Ling
  • NB10: Lapis (L), Colleen/Fran, Loren, 2A Raoq, 2A Kro/Raoq (NB10 guide). Twins are a much better choice and should be used if possible. You can also directly use Tricaru.
  • SRB10: Verde (L), Shaina, Sieq, Astar, 2A Raoq
  • ToA(H): Fran (L), Lapis, Verde, Loren, Vero/2A Kro/2A Spectra. Use Tyron if you have him. 2A Sath/Thrain are good options if you want to go for a dot team, do not use Baretta as he's terribly outdated.
  • R5: Front Line: Xiong Fei, Darion Back Line: Colleen, 2A Kro, Tesa, Theo/Xiao Lin/Belladeon
  • R5 solo teams: Check this thread
  • R5 stat minimum: You need 25k HP and 1.5k DEF for FL units and 20k HP and 0.8-1k DEF for BL units. Healers and your cleanser should have 100% RES after lead.
  • Rift unit options: Xiao Lin, Theomars, Fran, Colleen, and 2A Kro can be used in most of your rift teams. FL Mav/Bernard is good for Water rift and Lapis is good for Fire and Dark rifts. Twins are great in all rifts.
You still need appropriate rune quality and turn order! Do not expect to beat a dungeon just by having these units.

Common speed teams

  • R5 - BJ5: Colleen, Baleygr, Janssen, Dagora, Loren, lead unit (BJ5 guide)
  • R5 solo teams: Check this thread
  • DB12: Verde (L), Vero, Loren, 2A Spectra, 2A Kro/Lyn/2A Shamann/...
  • GB12: Akhamamir (L), Galleon, Lyn, Vero, 2A Kro/2A Roid/Riley/Shannon/...
  • NB10 - Tricaru: Either add Astar or replace Verde with her (on vamp, same stats). Adding Astar and Lushen to clear waves first also works.
  • PB10 - Tricaru: Kill towers first (usually L>R>B but some people reported R>L>B working better for them).
  • SB10 - dots dots dots: 2A Sath, Mellia, Mellia, 2A Tatu, dot unit/Lushen
  • SRB10: Verde (L), Shaina, Sieq, Astar, 2A Raoq
  • DB10 - Tricaru: Verde (L), 2A Icaru, 2A Icaru, 2A Icaru (guide (Note: DEF requirement is 3300)) (Cheatsheet) (Calculator)
  • GB10 - dots dots dots: 2A Sath, Mellia, Mellia, 2A Tatu, dot unit/Lushen (guide)

PvE accuracy requirements

Accuracy Area(s)
0% Rifts
15% R5, Predator
25% SB10, PB10
35% GB12, NB12, SRB10, Dimensional Hole
45% ToA(H)
55% GB10, NB10, ToA Hell
65% DB12, DB10

General tips and answers to Frequently Asked Questions:

  • NEVER feed non-farmable monsters! (you can feed dupes for skill ups)
  • Save your devilmons! In general you do not want to give devilmon to 4* units, Sigmarus and Jeanne are the best early game candidates. Veromos does not need devilmon.
  • Best summon stone targets: Tyron, Lushen, Shaina, Sabrina, Talia. For PvP Khmun, Skogul, Galleon.
  • Check the events for free energy, mana, and other beneficial stuff. To find the current event pages use the button below the energy/mana counter in-game.
  • Lapis can farm Faimon Hell on the free 6* level 15 vampire/revenge runes provided by the challenges. She should be your first 5* and probably 6* as well.
  • Shield sets can reduce the HP/DEF requirements on other units and multiple shield sets will stack to form one larger total shield. Each set contributes a shield equal to 15% of the base HP of the monster they are equipped on.
  • White artifacts from B2 are cheap to upgrade and can give you a massive stat boost early.
  • Hall of Heroes (HoH) should be attempted as high as you can climb. Reps like Rica or Verad can help a lot. Mid/late game players can get 5 extra copies of the HoH monster using almighty scroll pieces after each floor at the small cost of 2000 guild points for each extra monster.
  • Most nat 5*s are PvP exclusive and should be set aside in storage till you make some progress on PvE. Some exceptions are CC units like Rica for ToA, cleansers like Anavel for starter R5, and Perna for rifts.
  • Dimensional hole energy should be spent as soon as possible, always try to stay under the energy cap (recharge rate: 1 per 2h). 2A Kro first, then Spectra or Raoq.
  • Need advice on RTA? Check this post first
  • Looking for ToA Hell guidance? Take a look at this FAQ post.
  • Mock Battle Guide

Tools you should know about

  • Swarfarm provides a bestiary for monster stats and data logs.
  • SWGT provides various tools, statistics and analytics for players and guilds. Siege/Guild Battle, Labyrinth, Leaderboards, Defenses/Counters, Artifact Monster Finder, Speed Tick Calculators, Gem/Grind Optimizers and more!
  • SWOP is a rune optimizer and speed tuning tool.
  • sw-tools.net provides a speed tuning tool and other calculators.
For more information please check out the more exhaustive FAQ.
If you see someone using monster icons, you can learn how to use them yourself: https://www.reddit.com/summonerswawiki/icons .
To set your user flair please visit the Reddit website (do not use the mobile app) and edit it there (example picture).
submitted by AutoModerator to summonerswar [link] [comments]

2024.04.27 04:16 krb501 Is a Twister Pod safe or no?

I live in a mobile home in an area that sometimes gets tornado warnings, and I developed a very strong phobia of severe weather, so I finally gave in and called a storm shelter dealer and requested they install a storm shelter. At first, I wanted to install a below ground shelter, but I was informed by the county and the contractor that the ground in the area was too hard to dig more than a few feet, so I opted for an above ground shelter.
My curiosity's gotten the best of me, though, and I wondered if it could really withstand an EF5 tornado, so I started doing some research. A lot of people seem to think I got scammed, and now I'm questioning if it's even safe at all.
It's certainly not enough to alleviate my storm anxiety, and it kind of feels like a tin can; it's echoey and I've used it during severe storm warnings, and I can hear everything going on outside--the hail pounding the carport and the winds blowing things around. Honestly, I'm terrified. I keep imagining what would happen if I got unlucky and got hit directly by an EF4 or even 5. I'm not even sure the thing could survive getting a car rammed into it, let alone actually protect me from all of the craziness that happens in a strong tornado.
Still, though, it claims to be tested by the Texas Wind Institute and has a FEMA compliancy sticker (but it's only valid if installed properly and inspected.) I'm still freaked out, though, and really, I'd like to figure out how to put in an underground shelter. I know it would be difficult because of the hard ground, but storm season always gives me a lot of anxiety. I'm afraid I might hurt myself while fleeing some imaginary threat or not take a real threat seriously.
Does anyone have any advice or reassurance? What would you do if you were in my situation?
Edit: I just remembered something worrying. I'm not a builder, and when the contractor asked me how much rebar to put in, I answered none, because I assumed he was talking about anchoring, and this shelter doesn't work like that--the anchor bolts are put in after the concrete slab is laid. I really should have done my research, because rebar is what gives concrete its strength! I asked him to talk to the storm shelter company when he asked me questions I didn't know the answers to, but he always defaulted to me, for some reason, and I think I probably gave him very wrong instructions. This is why I should have had an engineer to supervise the work. I have so many uncertainties about that storm shelter floating around in my head right now that I'm feeling sick.
submitted by krb501 to tornado [link] [comments]

2024.04.26 04:52 Cow-puncher77 Rookie

So got a new neighbor a few years ago. Old man died, they broke up the place, he bought part of it and built a grass airstrip. Seems nice enough. Airline pilot. Has his little stunt plane he likes to fly around in. Has cleaned up the place and built a nice hangar and huuuuge front gate.
Now, his flying is pretty annoying. Open pipes on a 9 cylinder radial engine, what could be annoying, right? Add the constant verticals, dives, hammerheads, and barrel rolls, all at about 1000 to 2500 feet over your head.
Yea, anyway. One day, he’s pulling his stunts, up and down, all around, and suddenly he cuts his motor. Then there’s a loud “THWUMP.” I normally keep him tuned out, but that last part really gave me pause… so I stepped out and around the shop to look North. There’s a big plume of black smoke rising in the North pasture. Damn. Now, why the hell he had to crash on me, I can’t answer. He’s got near a thousand acres of his own. But there he was. So here I go.
Interesting 911 call. They were very interested to hear a plane had crashed. Dispatched me to the wrong county because of the tower location. Got transferred, gave a bunch of details, but then the VFD Chief called me. He’s really who I wanted anyway. Excused myself from the phone call as I switched over, much to the protest of the 911 operator, who was rather insistent I couldn’t hang up on her. Having proved her wrong, I got the chief lined out where I’d meet him, and got two brush rigs in to put out the fire.
The neighbor was filming a training video and had a helicopter with him, who landed and grabbed him, taking him to a nearby hospital. Then the dispatcher called me back. Kinda rude, honestly. Told me I couldn’t hang up on her, but when I tried to apologize, she had to keep catching an attitude. So I hung up on her, again. She called back. Told me I couldn’t hang up on her. I asked her if she wanted to bet money on that. Told her I appreciated her help, but I was busy with deputies and troopers on scene. Like moths to a flame, well, a burning plane, the deputies did come.
Among the 3 state troopers, the 4 local police officers from 2 local municipalities, FEMA officer, 2 fire marshals, and a Texas Ranger, there were 3 county deputies who showed up, too. Among those deputies was a rookie. Fresh meat. A tenderfoot. He was having fun filling out all the paperwork. But his allergies were giving him fits. The thigh high ragweed in bloom wasn’t helping, I’m sure. Me being the good guy I am, I offered him a sly smile and some advice.
“You want a home remedy for that sneezing and sniffling?”
“Uh. Yea, sure.”
“Here, take some of this,” as I grabbed a handful of the ragweed bloom, “and rub it good between your palms, and rub it under you nose and eyes.”
I almost had him sold. He was reaching for it, but the choking chortle from his Lt behind him made him suspicious. He glanced at me, I could hold my poker face, but neither of the others could. He knew I almost had him. So we all laughed.
“Sorry, Rookie, but as you know, it goes around. I had to try. It’ll be your turn in a few years.”
“Aww, man, you almost had me. What is that stuff?”
“That would be ragweed, and prolly what’s giving you fits to begin with. I did intend on giving you a Benadryl shortly after.” and I pulled the bottle out of my truck door. “I’ll still offer it to you.”
“Aw, That’s just wrong, man. But I’d still appreciate that.” as he reached for the bottle in my hand.
There was a while after where I was hoping he didn’t pull me over somewhere. Joke mighta been on me, then. Still worth it.
submitted by Cow-puncher77 to FuckeryUniveristy [link] [comments]

2024.04.22 19:01 AjaxMontaine22 Predictive Mock Draft Based on GM/Mock Trends

Happy draft week fellow addicts,

Like most of you, I spend a stupid amount of time trying to construct the perfect mock draft that prioritizes team needs, drafts the best players, and makes the fan bases happy. Also like most of you, when draft day comes I throw that perfectly constructed mock draft in the trash, because it is ruined after pick five. So, I decided to take a March Madness approach to mock draft creation by looking at team trends, historical mock draft trends, and playing the numbers game to try and get the perfect mock draft. I’m sure these picks will make 50% of people happy, and 50% of people really unhappy. If nothing else, take this as an exercise on the incoming team disappointment most of us will feel.

Here are the factors considered when constructing this mock draft:

Combining all of this information, I’ll have some specific metrics to reach in each segment of picks to try and best play the numbers game. I’ve also included the first picks for Carolina, Houston, and Cleveland, because they deserve some love too.

Picks 1-10 Metrics

1.01 Chicago Bears (via CAR) - Caleb Williams, QB, USC

1.02 Washington Commanders - Jayden Daniels, QB, LSU

1.03 New England Patriots - Drake Maye, QB, UNC

1.04 Arizona Cardinals - Marvin Harrison Jr., WR, Ohio State

1.05 Trade! Minnesota Vikings - J.J. McCarthy, QB, Michigan

1.06 New York Giants - Malik Nabers, WR, LSU

1.07 Tennessee Titans - Olu Fashanu, OT, Penn State

1.08 Atlanta Falcons - Rome Odunze, WR, Washington

1.09 Chicago Bears - Joe Alt, OT, Notre Dame

1.10 New York Jets - Taliese Fuaga, OT, Oregon State

Picks 11-20 Metrics

1.11 Los Angeles Chargers - Brock Bowers, TE, Georgia

1.12 Denver Broncos - Jared Verse, DE, Florida State

1.13 Las Vegas Raiders - J.C. Latham, OT, Alabama

1.14 New Orleans Saints - Dallas Turner, DE, Alabama

1.15 Indianapolis Colts - Quinyon Mitchell, CB, Toledo

1.16 Seattle Seahawks - Jer’Zhan Newton, DT, Illinois

1.17 Jacksonville Jaguars - Brian Thomas Jr., WR, LSU

1.18 Cincinnati Bengals - Byron Murphy III, DT, Texas

1.19 Los Angeles Rams - Cooper DeJean, CB, Iowa

1.20 Pittsburgh Steelers - Amarius Mims, OT, Georgia

Picks 21-32 Metrics

1.21 Miami Dolphins - Laiatu Latu, DE, UCLA

1.22 Philadelphia Eagles - Tyler Guyton, OT, Oklahoma

1.23 Los Angeles Chargers (via CLE via HOU via MIN) - Terrion Arnold, CB, Alabama

1.24 Dallas Cowboys - Kingsley Suamataia, OT, BYU

1.25 Green Bay Packers - Edgerrin Cooper, LB, Texas A&M

1.26 Tampa Bay Buccaneers - Chris Braswell, DE, Alabama

1.27 Arizona Cardinals (via HOU) - Darius Robinson, DL, Missouri

1.28 Buffalo Bills - Adonai Mitchell, WR, Texas

1.29 Detroit Lions - Jackson Powers-Johnson, IOL, Oregon

1.30 Baltimore Ravens - Graham Barton, IOL, Duke
1.31 San Francisco 49ers - Xavier Worthy, WR, Texas

1.32 Kansas City Chiefs - Jordan Morgan, OT, Arizona

Bonus Picks:
2.33 Carolina Panthers - Troy Franklin, WR, Oregon
2.42 Houston Texans (via MIN) - Kris Jenkins Jr., DT, Michigan
2.54 Cleveland Browns - Junior Colson, LB, Michigan

Players Inside Top 32 Outside of RD 1 (6/5.6):

submitted by AjaxMontaine22 to NFL_Draft [link] [comments]

2024.04.22 06:00 AutoModerator Weekly Advice Thread 22/04/2024

Welcome to the WAT, summoner! Post questions regarding team composition, content progression, game mechanics, or anything else in this thread. If you are able to help your fellow summoners, please take some time to contribute to the community and answer some questions yourself as well!
A lot of helpful guides and resources can be found in the subreddit mega wiki.

If you ask a question please give ALL relevant information!

  • Your monster box: Upload a screenshot to Reddit directly or an image hosting site like imgur or use swarfarm. Sort your box by "Grade" and try to include all 4*s and LD nat 3*s.
  • Your current progression: Where you currently are in the game, what your teams are, what content you need help with and what you have tried so far.
  • For ToA, which enemies are on the floor you're stuck on.
  • For PvP, indicate what rank you are trying to achieve, i.e. currently F3 want to get C1 Arena. For RTA also share your rank percentage.
The less people have to ask you to clarify or look up to help you, the more likely you will get a (fast) response.

Beginner friendly/farmable PvE teams

Note: Recommended progression path is currently being update for the Reloaded Update. But you should still follow the general path of beating Giant's, then ToA, then the rest.
  • GB10: Vero (L), Fran, Loren, (2A) Kro, Shannon/Lapis
  • GB12: Vero (L), Fran, Loren, 2A Kro, Shannon/Lapis/AkhamamiSigmarus
  • DB10: Verde (L), Vero, Fran, Loren, Spectra (2A)
  • DB12: Verde (L), Vero, Fran, Loren, Spectra (2A)
  • PB10: Verde (L), Colleen/Fran, 2A Raoq, 2A Kro, 2A Spectra/Yen/Pang. You can also use 2A Jultan to tank the boss (on multiple Will sets).
  • SB10: Fran, Loren, 2A Kro, 2A Raoq, Ling Ling
  • NB10: Lapis (L), Colleen/Fran, Loren, 2A Raoq, 2A Kro/Raoq (NB10 guide). Twins are a much better choice and should be used if possible. You can also directly use Tricaru.
  • SRB10: Verde (L), Shaina, Sieq, Astar, 2A Raoq
  • ToA(H): Fran (L), Lapis, Verde, Loren, Vero/2A Kro/2A Spectra. Use Tyron if you have him. 2A Sath/Thrain are good options if you want to go for a dot team, do not use Baretta as he's terribly outdated.
  • R5: Front Line: Xiong Fei, Darion Back Line: Colleen, 2A Kro, Tesa, Theo/Xiao Lin/Belladeon
  • R5 solo teams: Check this thread
  • R5 stat minimum: You need 25k HP and 1.5k DEF for FL units and 20k HP and 0.8-1k DEF for BL units. Healers and your cleanser should have 100% RES after lead.
  • Rift unit options: Xiao Lin, Theomars, Fran, Colleen, and 2A Kro can be used in most of your rift teams. FL Mav/Bernard is good for Water rift and Lapis is good for Fire and Dark rifts. Twins are great in all rifts.
You still need appropriate rune quality and turn order! Do not expect to beat a dungeon just by having these units.

Common speed teams

  • R5 - BJ5: Colleen, Baleygr, Janssen, Dagora, Loren, lead unit (BJ5 guide)
  • R5 solo teams: Check this thread
  • DB12: Verde (L), Vero, Loren, 2A Spectra, 2A Kro/Lyn/2A Shamann/...
  • GB12: Akhamamir (L), Galleon, Lyn, Vero, 2A Kro/2A Roid/Riley/Shannon/...
  • NB10 - Tricaru: Either add Astar or replace Verde with her (on vamp, same stats). Adding Astar and Lushen to clear waves first also works.
  • PB10 - Tricaru: Kill towers first (usually L>R>B but some people reported R>L>B working better for them).
  • SB10 - dots dots dots: 2A Sath, Mellia, Mellia, 2A Tatu, dot unit/Lushen
  • SRB10: Verde (L), Shaina, Sieq, Astar, 2A Raoq
  • DB10 - Tricaru: Verde (L), 2A Icaru, 2A Icaru, 2A Icaru (guide (Note: DEF requirement is 3300)) (Cheatsheet) (Calculator)
  • GB10 - dots dots dots: 2A Sath, Mellia, Mellia, 2A Tatu, dot unit/Lushen (guide)

PvE accuracy requirements

Accuracy Area(s)
0% Rifts
15% R5, Predator
25% SB10, PB10
35% GB12, NB12, SRB10, Dimensional Hole
45% ToA(H)
55% GB10, NB10, ToA Hell
65% DB12, DB10

General tips and answers to Frequently Asked Questions:

  • NEVER feed non-farmable monsters! (you can feed dupes for skill ups)
  • Save your devilmons! In general you do not want to give devilmon to 4* units, Sigmarus and Jeanne are the best early game candidates. Veromos does not need devilmon.
  • Best summon stone targets: Tyron, Lushen, Shaina, Sabrina, Talia. For PvP Khmun, Skogul, Galleon.
  • Check the events for free energy, mana, and other beneficial stuff. To find the current event pages use the button below the energy/mana counter in-game.
  • Lapis can farm Faimon Hell on the free 6* level 15 vampire/revenge runes provided by the challenges. She should be your first 5* and probably 6* as well.
  • Shield sets can reduce the HP/DEF requirements on other units and multiple shield sets will stack to form one larger total shield. Each set contributes a shield equal to 15% of the base HP of the monster they are equipped on.
  • White artifacts from B2 are cheap to upgrade and can give you a massive stat boost early.
  • Hall of Heroes (HoH) should be attempted as high as you can climb. Reps like Rica or Verad can help a lot. Mid/late game players can get 5 extra copies of the HoH monster using almighty scroll pieces after each floor at the small cost of 2000 guild points for each extra monster.
  • Most nat 5*s are PvP exclusive and should be set aside in storage till you make some progress on PvE. Some exceptions are CC units like Rica for ToA, cleansers like Anavel for starter R5, and Perna for rifts.
  • Dimensional hole energy should be spent as soon as possible, always try to stay under the energy cap (recharge rate: 1 per 2h). 2A Kro first, then Spectra or Raoq.
  • Need advice on RTA? Check this post first
  • Looking for ToA Hell guidance? Take a look at this FAQ post.
  • Mock Battle Guide

Tools you should know about

  • Swarfarm provides a bestiary for monster stats and data logs.
  • SWGT provides various tools, statistics and analytics for players and guilds. Siege/Guild Battle, Labyrinth, Leaderboards, Defenses/Counters, Artifact Monster Finder, Speed Tick Calculators, Gem/Grind Optimizers and more!
  • SWOP is a rune optimizer and speed tuning tool.
  • sw-tools.net provides a speed tuning tool and other calculators.
For more information please check out the more exhaustive FAQ.
If you see someone using monster icons, you can learn how to use them yourself: https://www.reddit.com/summonerswawiki/icons .
To set your user flair please visit the Reddit website (do not use the mobile app) and edit it there (example picture).
submitted by AutoModerator to summonerswar [link] [comments]

2024.04.21 06:25 Devin43G Insurance failed to cancel my flood insurance when I requested it to be canceled.

October 11th 2023. I entered my local agents building to cancel my flood insurance (that I have through them through fema) after paying off my cheap house. I was told I need to come back the next day to sign papers. I going the next day. And I do.
December. Two months go by. And no refund for the remaining 4 months of my term. I call my agent. And no answer. I call the customer service number online. And am informed it was never fully canceled. That my agent didn't click one button. I enter my insurance agents office that Friday. (My only day off that they are open) My agent is not there. But the other person is. I inform her. And she told me she will let the agent know next week. The agent calls me the next week and apologize and says the large company was hacked and that he will resubmit. Maybe a week later. I get another call and he tells me that apparently he submitted the wrong one. And that I'd need to come in and sign a new paper. So, I come in the next Friday and sign it. February. Still no refund. I call the customer service. They say it isn't canceled still. And that he needs to click a button... I go into the office the next Friday and inform the other person in the office. She tells me she will leave the agent a note. January February. Life gets busy and I forget about it till March. March 8th. By now my policy has ended in Febuary. Noooo refund. Call the customer service. He needs to click a button. I go in again on a Friday. He's not there on Fridays. I talk to her. She informs me she has told him numerous times. She's apologizing. Tells me she will tell him again. April 11th. No refund. Call customer service. They say I haven't not had a policy since 2014. I call the agents office the next day and inform the other person what I had heard. She knows that they are wrong. I know they are wrong. April15th a Monday! I call customer service. Still not canceled for October 11th they tell me it ended in Febuary due to non payment. I inform them that that is okay. Tell them a short story about whats going on. And tbey say okay. Its a Monday! The agent is working. The other person is off this day. I call 3 times in the afternoon. And no answers. After 3 rings. It goes to voice mail. I leave work early and I go the the neighboring towns office and talk to someone there. Informed them quickly about what's going on and asked them to do it. She tells me she will contact the female in my local agents office about it on Tuesday. Tuesday. April 16th. The lady in my local agents office calls me and tells me that she herself. Got the agents log in information. Signed in on his computer. Went in while having customer service on the phone, and clicked the button that the agent has been needing to click. Thursday. April 18th. The agent calls me. Tells me that flood(fema) won't refund me, because WE took to long. He tells me that he's going to try and get me my money some way. And he will start making calls. April 14th. Friday. I enter my agents office. He's not there because he doesn't work Fridays. I talk to the other person and ask for the documents that I signed. She says she will send them to me when she finds them. Then we proceed to talk for over an hour about the bs I've been going through with trying to cancel my flood policy. We learn about each others lives. We get along great. She's super nice. She even shit talks the agent. Tells me he doesn't work Fridays. That he only works one full day. And has 3 half days so he can go substitute at the school and teach P.E at the kindergarten. Less than an hour later. She sends me an email with my signed documents. Says she will keep me informed. Still waiting.
Now I'll tell you about the agent and Is history. 2019. I'm buying the house in this small town of 4k people. And i choose them for insurance since im already going through them since at the time I had car insurance through them. I get off one graveyard shift. Get to the office by 830. Hours are 830 to 430 at this time. No one is in office. 15-30 min later go by and the agent shows up. Gets out of his pickup with his kid and I give him shit for being late. He then tells me off. I apologize. Baffled by the situation. I go in with him. We talk for a few min. I leave. April 2019. I buy the house. Insurance checks it out. Then insurance informs me that I need a new roof on a part of the Noth side. I call my agent. And he tells me "it's that one side on the north side" I climb up see the worst side on the north side. And i get a buddy to help me roof it two weeks before the deadline. I call the agent and tell him it's done. He says he will come by and take pictures of it and send it in. The day before the deadline. He shows up and takes pictures. The next day. I get a letter in the mail, that my insurance has canceled me because I missed my deadline. And I also received the rest of the year refund check. I call a new insurance company. Get insurance through them. Cancel my car insurance through the orginal insurance company, and I send off my refund check to my mortgage company.
Since the day I gave him shit for being late. He has not been very helpful....
So. If I don't get my refund. What can I do? I'm suepr lost. And I don't even know what to research.
submitted by Devin43G to legaladvice [link] [comments]

2024.04.20 06:38 semiurge D20x5 Vampire Hunters

D20 This vampire hunter came to the hunt
1 after their spouse was turned by a jealous bloodsucker.
2 being initiated into their family's tradition.
3 after they lost a child to a hungry bloodsucker.
4 after being attacked while stargazing in a park.
5 while working at a blood bank that was used as a pantry by bloodsuckers.
6 as an urban explorer, after stumbling on a hibernating bloodsucker.
7 while they worked as a farmhand, and witnessed livestock being drained dry.
8 thanks to a mystic vision after a nervous breakdown.
9 as the dissatisfied former servant of a vampire who turned on their master.
10 after investigating a prospective client's suspicious finances led them to the discovery of immortal undead.
11 because they were a serial killer who didn't like the competition.
12 as a conspiracy debunking podcaster who stumbled onto a vampiric conspiracy they couldn't debunk.
13 as a vampire blood addict, unsatisfied with the pittance they were given by their dealer.
14 wanting to be turned into a vampire, attempting to coerce one into turning them.
15 after being raised in a blood cult that worshiped a vampire as an angelic being.
16 as a historian who came across primary source records which couldn't be explained in any other way than by the existence of immortal bloodsuckers.
17 by way of an abusive mentor who hoped to use them as bait.
18 while working as an EMT, after seeing a turned victim burned to death by the sun.
19 while working on a tanker ship which was unbeknownst to them transporting a vampire, which preyed on the crew.
20 while they were homeless, defending their community against predators of various stripes.
D20 This vampire hunter lives
1 in a houseboat anchored in the middle of a river.
2 in a cabin in the artic circle for the sunny half of that region's year.
3 a totally cloistered life, ordering everything online, doing all their investigation online, only leaving their home to hunt.
4 in an old church that was partially-converted into a nightclub that was never opened.
5 on the road, in a tricked-out RV.
6 inside a steel panic room in a dilapidated house they've largely withdrawn from.
7 in a shed in a suburb they picked for having one of the highest rates of gun ownership in the country.
8 bouncing between squats and communes, trying to convince crustpunks to bash vampires under the pretense that they are fascists.
9 in a trailer by a marijuana grow-op they use to raise funds for their hunting.
10 in prison most of the time, for their many and varied crimes.
11 on the couches of fellow hunters, as a sort of mercenary paid in places to stay.
12 by camping on public land.y
13 a double life, with a normal job by day, hunting by night, and abusing stimulants to sustain their ability to do so.
14 on donations from people they've saved.
15 in the alley behind a YMCA.
16 off pawning the property of their prey and gambling.
17 in a ruined castle which belonged to one of their quarry.
18 in the sewers, a local legend.
19 out of a garage in a slumlord's house, who is willing to overlook a lot so long as the rent comes in on time.
20 in a shack in the middle of a heavily booby-trapped field.
D20 This vampire hunter's missing
1 their empathy for anything that looks human - they love animals though.
2 their canine teeth - pulled out with their own pliers.
3 a chunk out of their neck - the scar's got ragged edges.
4 a credit score - they're trying to stay off the grid as much as possible.
5 an eyeball - that socket's been caved in.
6 some veins, tendons, and flesh from a wrist - that hand's stiffer than they'd like.
7 any extended family - they've been picked off by vampires over the years.
8 a good chunk of their memories - the result of a blow to the head.
9 their fingernails - chewed away from stress.
10 their hair - shaven off to remove a potential grip.
11 one leg below the knee - torn away.
12 their ability to make small talk - they get very serious, very fast.
13 their hygiene - their thoughts are occupied by other things.
14 a normal sleep cycle - they're able to sleep and wake up pretty much wherever and whenever.
15 any hope for the future - they're depressingly nihilistic.
16 a strong immune system - they're prone to sicknesses.
17 any fear for their own death or injury.
18 a lot of blood-iron - they're chronically anemic.
19 solid risk assessment - they're prone to lashing out at anyone who gets close to them.
20 a few of the fingers off their hand - bitten off.
D20 This vampire hunter's preferred weapon
1 is a silver-edged scimitar.
2 is hawthorn stakes with reinforced cores of carbon steel.
3 is a string of garlic bulbs wielded like a whip.
4 is an axe with a reservoir of holy oil within its handle that can set its head ablaze.
5 is bombs, set off remotely.
6 is a high-powered UV spotlight.
7 is a squirt-gun filled with holy water.
8 is homemade grenades loaded with crumbled communion wafers.
9 is syringes of their own poisoned blood.
10 is a revolver they got blessed by a monk, priest, imam, and rabbi.
11 is a boar spear.
12 is a harpoon gun.
13 is a shotgun loaded up with bits & bobs.
14 is a sledgehammer with nails welded to it.
15 is an oil can wielded with a flare gun.
16 is a dwindling supply of claymores (the explosive kind) they got off an ex-military buddy.
17 is a macuahuitl edged with pliered-out vampire teeth instead of obsidian.
18 is a pair of uzis.
19 is spools of razor wire.
20 is a Shaolin spade.
D20 This vampire hunter believes vampires
1 are unfortunate victims of a mutagenic virus.
2 are descendants of the Biblical Cain.
3 are hemophagic alien invaders.
4 are biological robots performing blood tests and experiments on people.
5 are possessed by demons.
6 are in control of several branches of the government.
7 put additives in processed food to keep people stupid.
8 are a curse created by the Aztec empire in its waning days to keep the blood sacrifices flowing.
9 are a natural and ancient sub-species of homo sapiens that evolved to prey on other humans.
10 are the feeding appendages of higher-dimensional ultraterrestrials.
11 are infected with a bloodborne bacterial hivemind.
12 are Mother Earth's answer to human overpopulation.
13 are corpses animated by unrestful ghosts.
14 used to be much more varied, but that Western vampires ate all the other kinds in a dark mirror of colonialism.
15 are only weeks away from using FEMA to herd people into blood-harvesting camps.
16 are kind of hot, but would never admit this.
17 tell stories about how cool and dangerous they are as a hunter.
18 come from a parallel Earth, and are invading this one since they drank up their own.
19 are critters from the inner surface of the hollow Earth that wear human skins as disguises.
20 are the adrenochrome-harvesting servitors of shadowy billionaires.
submitted by semiurge to u/semiurge [link] [comments]

2024.04.19 23:34 CaptainCarlz Mediation went (kind of) in our favor, so why do I feel so upset?

Two years ago, BM and I were really close. After the last custody fight, we really tried hard to all get along for my SS(10). We were doing holidays together, talking a lot, and it really felt like BM and I were good friends and I could trust her. Big mistake. My husband, while he supported my decision to build that relationship, did not trust her and felt like we were opening ourselves up to more manipulation, and he was right. My husband and I started arguing a lot and, looking back, it was all because of her influence. About two years ago, it was the worst, and I was too involved to see it was due to her manipulation. She started slowly trying to get me to leave my husband, first talking about how he should treat me better and shouldn't get mad that we were friends (he never was mad, he just didn't want her so involved in our lives), and it eventually got to the point that she was convincing me to divorce him. She even made the comment, "You can always come live with us so you can still be in SS life." Her family is a trainwreck, and there's no way I'd ever want to live with her, but with the arguments between me and my hubs, I felt so alone and like she was the only one there for me.
It all came to a head when, after another argument, she filed a CPS report for domestic violence and the same day filed for full custody and child support. She lost primary when SS was 2, and hasn't improved her life much since then. Come to find out, anytime we would argue (in our bathroom behind 2 locked doors and well after the kids were in bed), she told SS to take the watch we got him, get as close to our argument as he could, and call her so she could hear what was going on. She was having her child wake up at 2 in the morning to spy on us, then used that to file this bogus report that we were physically abusing our kids. CPS, of course, found absolutely nothing, but SS said BM would routinely tell him that he was going to live with her full time now, my husband would only see him supervised for 2 hours a month, and that they were going to move to a different state, etc., etc. Needless to say, it was chaos. SS would have panic attacks all the time, and it was not a good time for us.
We got a lawyer, got ready to go to court, got all of our ducks in a row, then...nothing. She never sent in her stuff, she kept trying to be buddy buddy with us, and we always kept one arms distance. All communication was through a group text with them as well as both step parents. After she filed the suit and CPS report, she tried to bully my husband into only speaking with her, calling me "Mrs. XXX" instead of my name. My husband basically said "She has been in his life since he was 1 year old, his primary residence is in her home, and she is just as involved in his life as I am. She will be included in communication regarding SS."
Things calmed down for a while, but we always had this custody suit hanging over our head, and finally they had mediation on Wednesday. Hubs wanted her to lose overnight stays on school nights since SS always comes back exhausted and would sleep from 4pm through the night if we let him, but she refused to give up any more time. I have had horrible anxiety from this for so long, as well as SS, so hubs compromised to save us the stress of going to court. She hasn't had to pay any child support in the last almost 6 years, since she decided that my husband could have exclusive rights to his education as long as child support was taken off the table, and we don't need the money. It hasn't stopped her from trying to butt her way in by setting up conferences with his teachers without his knowledge. She has even signed him up for extracurricular activities and just put my contact info, which she is 100% not allowed to do. Unfortunately, folders are sent home the day she has him each week, so we never got to see anything that was sent home, so we arranged with his teacher to hand it to me when I came to pick up my daughter from school that day.
After everything was settled, she now has to pay $300/month, summer visitation is every other week, both parents have to see the papers that are sent home from school, and all communication goes through AppClose. However, her lawyer added at the last minute that only the biological parents can communicate, which my husband wasn't informed of. He has so much trauma and anxiety from her actions in the past that he gets flustered when dealing with her, and I have always been a kind of go between since I can mediate between them. While it isn't that big of a deal now that everything is communicated through an app, I can't help but feel like she did this intentionally to alienate me from the discussions. Hubs has assured me that he will not respond to her until we have both discussed it and I am there to see the discussion, but I know how she is, and she finds every opportunity to try to shut me out.
It doesn't matter to her that I have been the main mother figure in his life after she screwed up her own life and lost custody, and SS has physically spent more time with me than he ever has with her. She is HC, and if my husband doesn't answer right away, she gets insistent, bordering on harassment. She's even cornered hubs right before a soccer game that he was coaching to talk about SS's behavior. All of this leads to high levels of stress for him, and it takes a while for him to shake it off. I am tired of seeing him so on edge, which was the whole reason that I was the middleman. I could calm him down, and word his responses in a way that was polite, even when he didn't want to be.
Since SS's teacher hadn't been informed of anything yet, I still went to pick up his folder from his teacher the next day, and not even 2 hours later, her lawyer sent an email that his folder wasn't sent home with SS, which was clearly a violation of the mediation agreement. I just want to scream. She never gave a shit about his education until she didn't have a say, and now she's trying to weasel her way back in. Not paying child support was more important to her than having an opinion on it when he was 5. Why does she care now? She didn't even think about registering him for kindergarten until a week before school started and she asked if I had done that yet.
Deep down I know the mediation was a good thing. We don't have to drag this out in court (the first 2 times were a nightmare), and all communication will be documented now, but I can't help but feel like she got her way, which was to alienate me and make my husband feel isolated. I know I can't control her actions, but it just feels like a huge slap in the face after everything I have done for SS that should have been her responsibility, but she was too busy getting DWIs and stripping to care about his future.
submitted by CaptainCarlz to stepparents [link] [comments]

2024.04.19 07:48 LivePerspective9000 NAVIMOW H 2024 VS. 2023 - WHAT'S NEW?

The mowing season has already begun and we believe that you have noticed Navimow H has some new features since last summer. We have been constantly updating your Navimow and released several new versions in the past 6 months. In case you missed what's been updated, here's a brief reminder:
  1. Multi-Zone ManagementNow you can cutomize the mowing settings for each zone: cutting heights, mowing directions, enable or disable Edge Mowing and EdgeVision. Just go to 'Map Management' select a zone and tap 'Edit'.● Mowing Directions: You can select up to six mowing directions for each zone. In certain narrow areas, a specific mowing direction may reduce mowing efficiency or induce more slippage, you can remove such unfavorable directions.● Customize Mowing Schedules for Each Zone: For example, now you can set up a schedule for Area A and Area B in the morning, and Area C in the afternoon. A Mowing Cycle switch is also available, you can decide whether the mower needs to start from scratch after the mowing progress reaches 100% within the scheduled hours.● If you want to mow one specific zone, choose it on the home page and click "Start".● The Edge Mowing Switch: If the boundary in one specific zone is cluttered with obstacles, you can either choose to switch off Edge Mowing or enable EdgeVision to reduce the risk of the mower getting stuck.
  2. Doodle: Your Lawn, Your CanvasHeart, diamond or a cat face, you can set up a pattern and lasting timing, and you will get a personalized doodle in your yard.
  3. Mowing reportsHow does Navimow perform after one day/week/ month's work? You can now clearly see it in the app and use this information as a reference to set up your mowing schedule. Go to Settings > MOWER > Mowing reports to check it out.
What's more:● New Status on the Mower Display: Your Navimow now displays 'IDLE' when it has no ongoing tasks; displays a two-digit number indicating the progress in percentage during manual mowing; and displays 'AUTO' during scheduled mowing.
● You can now manually select a time zone and enable the Daylight Saving Time mode.
● Navimow H now goes back to work until the battery is charged to 90%, which has increased from the previous 85%. With more power, Navimow will work longer with one charge.
● The nighttime brightness level for the lights on both the charging station and the mower can be adjusted. The lights will get dark at night, and get back to normal in the day.
● You can now check the status for maintenance and replacement suggestions for the blades and other parts in ‘Parts maintenance’.
● Tap and hold the MOW button on the app to clear the mowing progress and start again.
● 4 more languages are now supported in the app: Hungarian, Croatian, Romanian, and Slovenian.If you need more details about those updates, please refer to the following two Release notes. If you have any questions, feel free to search for answers in our 'Help and feedback' section in the app, or live chat with one of our service agents for help:Navimow H V1.5.0: https://segway-navimow.my.site.com/hc/s/article/Navimow-H-V1-5-0-Firmware-App-Release-Note-updated-2023-10?language=deNavimow H V2.0.0: https://segway-navimow.my.site.com/hc/s/article/Navimow-H-V2-0-0-Firmware-App-Release-Note-updated-2024-02?language=deNavimow H V2.1.0: https://segway-navimow.my.site.com/hc/s/article/Navimow-H-V2-1-0-Firmware-und-App-Versionshinweise-aktualisiert-2024-04?language=de0:00 / 0:080:04 / 0:090:00 / 0:060:00 / 0:06📷📷
submitted by LivePerspective9000 to Navimow_Segway [link] [comments]

2024.04.17 02:06 Maraxen Transmitting data wirelessly using HC-12

Hello, I'm currently working on a project that involves two stations: a transmitter and a receiver. Please keep in mind that I'm a beginner.
On the transmitter side, I'm using an ESP32, HC-12 433MHz module, GPS NEO-6M module, BME280 sensor, and a microSD card reader. The goal is to send data from the GPS and BME280 to the receiver twice a second and output it to the serial monitor.
I managed to create code for both stations that works as intended, but there are a few issues bothering me. Firstly, I haven't been able to figure out how to properly set the delay so that it sends the data twice a second. Secondly, when I disconnect the microSD card while the ESP32 is running, the interval between each attempt to send data becomes much longer. I resolved this by creating an if statement that disables writing to the microSD after I type a command in the serial monitor. But I'm still curious if there's a better way to handle this issue and what causes this behavior.
Additionally, I noticed that on the transmitter side, it's able to output the data with a delay set to 100ms four times a second, but the receiver only receives three lines of data.
Finally, I would appreciate it if you could review my code and suggest improvements to take a different approach or make it more readable.
Is someone able to solve these problems for me and send me the solution with explanation? If that's too much could someone please tell me where should I look for the answer?
Here's the code for the transmitter.

//tx #include  #include  #include  #include  #include  #include  #include  #include  #include  #include  #define RXD2 16 //(RX2) #define TXD2 17 //(TX2) #define SDA_PIN 21 #define SCL_PIN 22 #define pinSet 4 //set #define SD_CS_PIN 5 #define HC12 Serial2 //Hardware serial 2 on the ESP32 static const int RXPin = 14, TXPin = 12; static const uint32_t GPSBaud = 9600; char serialZnak; char HC12Znak; String serialZprava = ""; String HC12Zprava = ""; boolean serialKonecZpravy = false; boolean HC12KonecZpravy = false; boolean communicationEnabled = true; boolean sdEnabled = true; // Flag to control communication unsigned long lastTransmissionTime = 0; Adafruit_BME280 bme; TinyGPSPlus gps; SoftwareSerial ss(RXPin, TXPin); File dataFile; void setup() { Serial.begin(9600); Wire.begin(SDA_PIN, SCL_PIN); if (!bme.begin(0x76, &Wire)) { Serial.println("BME280 sensor not found. Check wiring!"); while (1); } if (!SD.begin(SD_CS_PIN)) { Serial.println("SD card initialization failed"); sdEnabled = false; return; } dataFile = SD.open("/data.csv", FILE_WRITE); if (!dataFile) { Serial.println("Error opening data.csv"); } else { // Check if file is empty if (dataFile.size() == 0) { // Write header to the file dataFile.println("Temperature;Humidity;Pressure;Latitude;Longitude;Time;Speed;Altitude;"); } dataFile.close(); // Close the file after writing header } pinMode(pinSet, OUTPUT); digitalWrite(pinSet, HIGH); delay(80); HC12.begin(9600, SERIAL_8N1, RXD2, TXD2); ss.begin(GPSBaud); } void loop() { unsigned long currentTime = millis(); while (HC12.available()) { HC12Znak = HC12.read(); HC12Zprava += char(HC12Znak); if (HC12Znak == '\n') { HC12KonecZpravy = true; } } while (Serial.available()) { serialZnak = Serial.read(); serialZprava += char(serialZnak); if (serialZnak == '\n') { serialKonecZpravy = true; } } if (serialKonecZpravy) { if (serialZprava.startsWith("COM+ON")) { communicationEnabled = true; Serial.println("Communication enabled."); HC12.println("Communication enabled."); } else if (serialZprava.startsWith("COM+OFF")) { communicationEnabled = false; Serial.println("Communication disabled."); HC12.println("Communication disabled."); } else if (serialZprava.startsWith("COM+SD+ON")) { sdEnabled = true; Serial.println("SD enabled."); HC12.println("COM+OFF"); } else if (serialZprava.startsWith("COM+SD+OFF")) { sdEnabled = false; Serial.println("SD disabled."); HC12.println("COM+OFF"); } else if (serialZprava.startsWith("AT")) { HC12.print(serialZprava); delay(100); digitalWrite(pinSet, LOW); delay(100); Serial.print(serialZprava); HC12.print(serialZprava); delay(500); digitalWrite(pinSet, HIGH); delay(100); } else { HC12.print(serialZprava); } serialZprava = ""; serialKonecZpravy = false; } if (HC12KonecZpravy) { if (HC12Zprava.startsWith("COM+ON")) { communicationEnabled = true; Serial.println("Communication enabled."); } else if (HC12Zprava.startsWith("COM+OFF")) { communicationEnabled = false; Serial.println("Communication disabled."); } else if (HC12Zprava.startsWith("AT")) { // nastavení konfiguračního módu s pauzou pro zpracování digitalWrite(pinSet, LOW); delay(100); // vytištění konfigurační zprávy po sériové lince pro kontrolu Serial.print(serialZprava); // nastavení konfigurace pro lokálně připojený modul s pauzou pro zpracování HC12.print(HC12Zprava); delay(500); digitalWrite(pinSet, HIGH); // přechod zpět do transparentního módu s pauzou na zpracování delay(100); // odeslání informace do druhého modulu o úspěšném novém nastavení HC12.println("Vzdalena konfigurace probehla v poradku!"); } else { Serial.print(HC12Zprava); } HC12Zprava = ""; HC12KonecZpravy = false; } if (communicationEnabled && currentTime - lastTransmissionTime >= 100) { if (ss.available() > 0) { if (gps.encode(ss.read())) { if (gps.location.isValid()) { // Transmit data via HC12 transmitDataHC12(); // Write data to SD card if (sdEnabled) { writeDataToFile(); } // Print data to Serial printDataToSerial(); lastTransmissionTime = currentTime; } else { Serial.println(F("INVALID")); } } } } } void transmitDataHC12() { // Code to transmit data via HC12 HC12.print(bme.readTemperature()); HC12.print(";"); HC12.print(bme.readHumidity()); HC12.print(";"); HC12.print(bme.readPressure() / 100.0F); HC12.print(";"); HC12.print(gps.location.lat(), 6); HC12.print(F(";")); HC12.print(gps.location.lng(), 6); HC12.print(F(";")); HC12.print(gps.time.hour()); HC12.print(F(":")); HC12.print(gps.time.minute()); HC12.print(F(":")); HC12.print(gps.time.second()); HC12.print(F(".")); HC12.print(gps.time.centisecond()); HC12.print(";"); HC12.print(gps.speed.kmph()); HC12.print(";"); HC12.print(gps.altitude.meters()); HC12.println(); } void writeDataToFile() { // Write data to the file dataFile = SD.open("/data.csv", FILE_APPEND); if (dataFile) { dataFile.print(bme.readTemperature()); dataFile.print(";"); dataFile.print(bme.readHumidity()); dataFile.print(";"); dataFile.print(bme.readPressure() / 100.0F); dataFile.print(";"); dataFile.print(gps.location.lat(), 6); dataFile.print(F(";")); dataFile.print(gps.location.lng(), 6); dataFile.print(F(";")); dataFile.print(gps.time.hour()); dataFile.print(F(":")); dataFile.print(gps.time.minute()); dataFile.print(F(":")); dataFile.print(gps.time.second()); dataFile.print(F(".")); dataFile.print(gps.time.centisecond()); dataFile.print(";"); dataFile.print(gps.speed.kmph()); dataFile.print(";"); dataFile.print(gps.altitude.meters()); dataFile.println(); dataFile.close(); } else { dataFile.close(); } } void printDataToSerial() { // Print data to Serial Serial.print(bme.readTemperature()); Serial.print(";"); Serial.print(bme.readHumidity()); Serial.print(";"); Serial.print(bme.readPressure() / 100.0F); Serial.print(";"); Serial.print(gps.location.lat(), 6); Serial.print(F(";")); Serial.print(gps.location.lng(), 6); Serial.print(F(";")); Serial.print(gps.time.hour()); Serial.print(F(":")); Serial.print(gps.time.minute()); Serial.print(F(":")); Serial.print(gps.time.second()); Serial.print(F(".")); Serial.print(gps.time.centisecond()); Serial.print(";"); Serial.print(gps.speed.kmph()); Serial.print(";"); Serial.print(gps.altitude.meters()); Serial.println(); } 

And here is the code for the receiver.
//rx #define RXD2 16 //(RX2) #define TXD2 17 //(TX2) #define pinSet 4 //set #define HC12 Serial2 //Hardware serial 2 on the ESP32 char serialZnak; char HC12Znak; String serialZprava = ""; String HC12Zprava = ""; //to co mi vyplivne HC-12 boolean serialKonecZpravy = false; boolean HC12KonecZpravy = false; void setup() { // nastavení pinu Set jako výstupního pinMode(pinSet, OUTPUT); // nastavení transparentního módu pro komunikaci digitalWrite(pinSet, HIGH); // pauza pro spolehlivé nastavení módu delay(80); // zahájení komunikace po sériové lince Serial.begin(9600); // zahájení komunikace s modulem HC-12 HC12.begin(9600, SERIAL_8N1, RXD2, TXD2); // Serial port to HC12 } void loop() { while (HC12.available()) { HC12Znak = HC12.read(); HC12Zprava += char(HC12Znak); if (HC12Znak == '\n') { HC12KonecZpravy = true; } } while (Serial.available()) { serialZnak = Serial.read(); serialZprava += char(serialZnak); if (serialZnak == '\n') { serialKonecZpravy = true; } } if (serialKonecZpravy) { if (serialZprava.startsWith("COM+ON")) { Serial.println("Communication enabled."); HC12.println("COM+ON"); } else if (serialZprava.startsWith("COM+OFF")) { Serial.println("Communication disabled."); HC12.println("COM+OFF"); } else if (serialZprava.startsWith("AT")) { HC12.print(serialZprava); delay(100); digitalWrite(pinSet, LOW); delay(100); Serial.print(serialZprava); HC12.print(serialZprava); delay(500); digitalWrite(pinSet, HIGH); delay(100); } else { HC12.print(serialZprava); } serialZprava = ""; serialKonecZpravy = false; } if (HC12KonecZpravy) { if (HC12Zprava.startsWith("AT")) { digitalWrite(pinSet, LOW); delay(100); Serial.print(serialZprava); HC12.print(HC12Zprava); delay(500); digitalWrite(pinSet, HIGH); delay(100); HC12.println("Vzdalena konfigurace probehla v poradku!"); } else { Serial.print(HC12Zprava); } HC12Zprava = ""; HC12KonecZpravy = false; } } 

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