Mom helps son


2023.03.26 21:52 Bubbly-Discussion-26 bangla_mom_son


2022.05.09 10:27 Subject-Low9531 Only Mom Son Memes

Welcome to onlymomsonmemes , this is a subreddit intended to cater audience who have mom son incest fantasy. The purpose of this subreddit is entertainment please don't get offended !!

2008.03.25 00:30 Reddit Parenting - For those with kids of any age!

/Parenting is the place to discuss the ins and out as well as ups and downs of child-rearing. From the early stages of pregnancy to when your teenagers are finally ready to leave the nest (even if they don't want to) we're here to help you through this crazy thing called parenting. You can get advice on potty training, talk about breastfeeding, discuss how to get your baby to sleep or ask if that one weird thing your kid does is normal.

2024.06.07 21:25 TheMonygame Private DC Community

Peace of the Lord to you all.
Long story short, I am starting a Discord community with Rich/skillful Christians so that we can collaborate and grow as Christians to be God's strongest soldier. If you want to join this please message me with what skills you have (would be nice if it is within business or anything that can help with business things) u/TheMonygame .
I hope I will gather a lot of Christians who are like minded, God bless you all in name of the Father and The Son and The Holy Spirit, Amen.
submitted by TheMonygame to Christianity [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 21:24 mythrowawaypdx Please help, I complain all the time and have more negative thoughts than not. How can I change?

I have been very isolated lately and it’s made me more self aware of my flaws. I realized that in my daily life I complain constantly. My life is stressful ATM but there are things to be greatful for. I don’t have to complain all the time, it’s like a knee jerk response. My mom was abusive and a chronic complainer, my dad as well so maybe I got it from my abusive parents? I no longer speak to them. Please help as this has been a lifelong struggle. I’ve improved slightly but still have issues overall.
submitted by mythrowawaypdx to DecidingToBeBetter [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 21:24 Peculiar_but_Hot Can you guys help me with selecting a degree?

I need help I'm so lost
Me F 22 moved to Romania just recently last month from and Asian country, We were in a bad place back in that country not career wise but family wise, really abusive people anyways we moved here with our mom. So I been wanting to get into a University for my bachelor's which I will try my best to apply for scholarship since I'm broke and cannot afford it. My bf is a Dr and he suggested that maybe I can study in the healthcare field since there's a job security in it. I wanted to become a therapist and I thought for that I only had to get a bachelor's in psychology but now that I'm researching I found out after getting a bachelor's I need to get a Master's degree in Clinical psychology and after that a PHD or PsyD in order for me to become a licensed therapist??? I cannot afford that it's going to take 7 to 9 years if I pursue that. I also was searching a bit and found out that to become a nurse you only need a Bachelor's degree and an exam after you graduate in order for you to practice as a registered nurse. They also get paid well. The issue is I'm an artistic person, I love painting, traveling and my dream job is to be a Cabin crew but I can't afford to follow my dreams... It's a bit saddening but it is what it is, anyways please suggest me a good degree in which there's a career stability and if anyone's in Iași Romania hit me up and we can meetup since I only moved here and have 0 friends lol it's kinda lonely.
submitted by Peculiar_but_Hot to careerguidance [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 21:23 Yurii_S_Kh “The most powerful answer to the problem of evil in the world is Christ Himself.” - Bishop Job of Stuttgart on the path to Orthodoxy, Vladyka Mark and theodicy

“The most powerful answer to the problem of evil in the world is Christ Himself.” - Bishop Job of Stuttgart on the path to Orthodoxy, Vladyka Mark and theodicy
Tatiana Veselkina
Named John at birth, he was baptized John in honor of the Baptist of the Lord. In monasticism he was named Joseph in honor of the Joseph the Betrothed, and in monasticism - Job in honor of St. Job of Pochaev, one of the saints especially revered by the Russian Church Abroad, who became the patron saint of publishing in the Russian dispersion. From the Slovakian town of Laromiroff came the printing house of St. Job of Pochaev, which still exists today. This is how the publishing business began, thanks to which for many years the Jordanville printing house supplied books and other printed products to the faithful in the historical homeland.
Bishop Job of Stuttgart (Bandmann)
We recorded this interview on the second day after the episcopal ordination of Vladyka Job (Bandmann).
“I am lucky to have bishop-colleagues,” I thought. And in general, this is the first bishop whom I interviewed just one day after his consecration, when he was not yet accustomed to the address “Vladyka” and remarked: “If someone from behind says: ‘Vladyka Job!’, I think: who is it? Who is it addressed to?”
In general, this chiarotony should have taken place two years ago in the monastery of St. Job of Pochaev in Munich, two years after the death of Archbishop Agapit (Horacek) of Stuttgart, also a hereditary journalist, who was dearly loved by his Russian flock in Germany. The meeting of the Council of Bishops of the Russian Church Abroad and the celebrations dedicated to the 100th anniversary of its foundation were also to be held there. But the virus closed the road. And so in the interval between virus waves, when it seemed that the virus had receded, the traditional crowded - except for last year - celebration in honor of the Kursk Root Icon of the Mother of God was timed to coincide with both the meeting of the Synod (no longer online, but “in-person”) and the hierarchal chastening, which in the presence of the Guide of the Russian Dispersion, as parishioners noted, was “solemn to the point of tears”.
“In what language shall we write the interview?” - I ask the Vladyka. His native language is German, his second language is English, and Russian is his third. We started in Russian, and if anything happened, we decided that we would switch to English. “If anything” did not happen. Vladyka Job answered wonderfully in Russian, with the familiar timbre and intonation of Metropolitan Mark of Berlin and Germany, next to whom, starting with his acquaintance as a teenager, he has been with for 24 years.
  • The only child of my parents, I was born in Berlin, where we lived for most of my life. My dad made reports and documentaries, mostly on automotive subjects. He was looking for interesting subjects for his films, and one day during summer vacation he took me on a shoot and we went to America. There we traveled 4,000 kilometers along the famous US 66 route.
Road 66 was opened back in 1926 and back then it started in Chicago, went through the states of Missouri, Kansas, Oklahoma, Texas, New Mexico, Arizona, and ended in Los Angeles, California. At that time, my dad was making a movie about the major shopping malls in the United States. Later, my mother started making movies too. Only already on religious themes.
About the apartment temple and baptism on the Jordan
John Bandmann with his parents
  • Was mom a person of faith?
  • My mom came from the former East Germany, where atheism was taught in schools. She recalled that as a child she believed in God, which is natural for children, until she was told that God was not to be believed in, just like Santa Claus. She was saddened, and already in the West it was important for her to find an answer to the question: where is God, where is the truth? And she actively searched for Him almost all her life.
We did not find the Truth and continued our search, and through trips to Greece and the Holy Land we came to Orthodoxy
When I was about 12-13 years old, I also took part in her search, and together with her we first converted to Catholicism, but noticing that we did not reach the roots of Christianity and did not find the Truth, we continued our search, and through trips to Greece and the Holy Land came to Orthodoxy.
I was very impressed by the trip to the Holy Land, I was about 14-15 years old at that time. We decided to go on a pilgrimage without a specific plan, with backpacks, and there to orient ourselves on the spot: how God will lead us. In the same way we traveled around Greece. It was an interesting form of travel, helping us to get to know the country and people well.
On Mount Sinai in Egypt, where we were going to meet the dawn, we slept in a tent we had brought with us. It was very cold, we got very cold and at night we got up and went to one of the houses on the top and asked the owners for blankets.
At Sinai in the Catherine Monastery we met one monk who was the keeper of the ossuary. He used to be a Catholic, then converted to Orthodoxy and for us in the monastery library he found books in German - the life of St. Sergius of Radonezh and two books on Orthodoxy - and made us photocopies.
He also gave us the address of the Monastery of St. Job of Pochaev in Munich, which he knew about because Vladyka Mark came every year with pilgrims to the Holy Land.
Monastery of St. Job of Pochaev in Munich
I was still a schoolboy, and my mother brought me to the monastery to get acquainted. For two weeks I helped there: I made incense, candles, and watched how the monks lived. After the monastery I decided to become Orthodox. My mother also decided to be baptized with me.
After the monastery I decided to become Orthodox.
Vladyka Mark told us about Orthodox parishes in Germany of different jurisdictions - Serbian, Romanian, Greek - and advised us to go to their services and choose one that would be to our liking, but did not force us to go to Russian parishes abroad. However, my mother and I decided to go where God had originally led us.
In Berlin, we began to go every Sunday to a small church that was located in an ordinary apartment. There was not even a regular choir. We immediately took everything seriously and it was already clear to us that we would not only pray, but also help at the parish.
The parish was Russian-speaking, and at first we did not understand anything, everything was difficult for us. We immediately began to learn Russian, and a parishioner helped us with Russian and Church Slavonic so that we could read on the choir. We learned singing, we learned the Typikon, and I also served in the altar, and then I began to sing on the choir. We understood that Orthodoxy can be learned through living tradition, not only through books.
Already after entering the monastery, I thanked God for bringing me to Orthodoxy, to which I decided to devote my life, because at that time nothing in the world attracted me.
  • When did the baptism itself take place?
My mother and I were baptized by Vladyka Mark at the Jordan River
  • In 1998 Vladyka Mark offered us to go on a pilgrimage trip to the Holy Land, and there on the Jordan the Vladyka baptized my mother and me. God arranged everything for us very simply. He pointed me to the monastery and to Vladyka Mark, who became my second - spiritual - father.
My own father was not particularly pleased, because he always hoped that I would be of “use” to society. But now, as it often happens, he has accepted it.
  • Finished school and went to a monastery?
  • After school we in Germany are obliged to serve in the army for six months or to pass social service, which I chose. I served in a home for the disabled not far from the monastery in Munich, not intending to enter it at that time. And I lived in the convent.
During the service I realized that I wanted to stay in the monastery. My decision was hard for my mother, but she accepted my choice, blessed me and decided to drive me from Berlin to Munich herself. It was the year 2003.
Kursk Root Icon of the Most Holy Mother of God
At that time, the Kursk Root Icon of the Blessed Virgin Mary was in Berlin, and when the local bishop heard that we were going to Munich, he asked us to take the icon with us. And so I went to the monastery in the car on my knees with the icon. Six hundred kilometers of the way, about 8 hours we drove. Then I realized that it was the Most Holy Mother of God who brought me to the monastery.
The next day I was sent to obedience in the candle workshop. There on the wall I also saw the Kursk-Korena icon. And years later, during the festive liturgy on the day of commemoration of the icon “The Sign”, when the icon itself was in the church, I was elevated to the episcopal dignity in Her house, in the Cathedral of the Sign in New York.
  • Let us return to your arrival at the monastery. How much time passed from the time of your arrival there to your tonsure?
  • Vladyka Mark immediately told me to enter the theological faculty at the University of Munich. I asked for six months to get used to monastic life, and then I went to study. Even though I had been and lived in the monastery, I still had to adjust to the monastery in my new capacity.
Monk Job (Bandmann)
In connection with my studies, I was a novice and then a monk for quite a long time. I was tonsured into monasticism in 2006 with the name Joseph in honor of Joseph the Betrothed, and ten years later I was tonsured into monasticism with the name Job in honor of St. Job of Pochaev. In the same year I was ordained a deacon, and almost two years later I became a hieromonk.
  • To what obedience were you assigned?
  • In our monastery it is customary to fulfill all obediences. I was regent of the monastery choir, editor of the Orthodox magazine “Der Bote” (“The Messenger”), did layout and preparation for printing of Orthodox literature, but in the end my main obedience was to work in the printing house as a printer. In our publishing house we have a full circle of preparation and printing of books, except for hard binding.
Our printing house publishes books in Russian, German and English. There was a period when we only republished books: we republished the textbook on dogmatic theology by Protopresbyter Michael Pomazansky, the book by Fr. Seraphim Rose's book “The Soul after Death,” and a collection of reports in German by the famous professor John Ponagopoulos.
We distribute our books at parishes in Germany, and in recent years through an online store, almost half of whose catalog is taken up by our books. Unfortunately, it is not a monastery store, because we don't even have a separate room for a bookstore. In fact, the monastery has long since become small for our needs.....
About asceticism and using the head for its intended purpose
  • Vladyka, tell us more about the monastery....
  • Now we have 8 monks and novices from different countries. There are Germans, Russians from Kazakhstan, Ukrainians. One of our fellow monks is currently living in a hermitage in France.
The monastery has existed since 1945, when after the war the brethren gathered from Russian refugees and rented a house in which we still ascend.
In 1980. Vladyka Mark introduced the Athonite statutes to the monastery
This is the only men's monastery in Western Europe where the liturgy is celebrated daily. Vladyka Mark, when he became bishop in 1980, brought his colleague - then a novice and later Archbishop Agapit - to the monastery and introduced the Athonite statutes.
Our main labor is in publishing. We also make candles, incense, we have a small jewelry workshop and apiary.
The motto of our monastery is the Latin phrase that was the motto and spiritual basis of the monastic statutes written by St. Benedict of Nursia - “Ora et labora” (“Pray and labor”). St. Benedict believed in the necessity of combining prayer and work in monastic conditions, that is, combining contemplation and action.
Brethen of St Job of Pochaev monastery in Munich
We get up at half past four in the morning, from 4 to 8 a.m. we serve midnight, Matins and Liturgy. After breakfast and obedience - at 12 noon - rest. After dinner - cell prayer. In the evening - at 18:00 - Vespers and at 20:00 - Vespers. Between the services - work. It is a very difficult rhythm, not everyone can withstand it. I think my brethren will agree that the most difficult thing is to get up early in the morning. But it is not difficult at all for Vladyka Mark, our most faithful monk.
Vladyka Mark used to be able to return from a trip at 1:00 a.m. and at 4:00 a.m. he was already serving. This is a role model for me. Asceticism helps in the kind of monastic life that Vladyka Mark has chosen for himself. He has practically no hobbies other than translations. He mainly translates the works of his spiritual father, St. Justin (Popovich), from Serbian into Russian and German at the same time. We have already published his translations.
  • If you were asked what kind of rector Vladyka Mark is, what traits of his character would you first of all note?
Vladyka Mark is an ascetic. Absolute. Very strict about himself
  • He is an ascetic. Absolute. Very strict with regard to himself and he strictly educates us, but he always does it with love.
Vladyka is a man of a different generation than the rest of the brethren. He is now in his 80s, he lived through World War II as a boy, saw socialism in East Germany, starved. He has been through terrible times, and all this has affected him. Sometimes we do not understand why he can react harshly if we throw something away, because he himself survived the famine. But Vladyka understands that we are different generations and he gives us leniency.
Mark, Metropolitan of Berlin and All Germany
  • Does he treat you as monks, children or... how?
  • From the very beginning Vladyka has perceived us all as responsible adults and always expects that we can take care of our own basic needs, that we as adults understand the responsibility for our souls and for our salvation. This may be unusual for monastic life. After all, there are spiritual fathers who determine everything for the novice and completely forbid him to think for himself.
Since Vladyka Mark deals with the diocese, parishes and cannot follow our every step, he always relies on us. In fact, this is very helpful. But it depends, of course, on what kind of novice is of character and disposition. Not everyone succeeds. There are people who need to be shown and pointed out, and we, brothers, help and support each other in everything.
  • Vladyka, can you call your monastery Russian Orthodox? Or how would you characterize it?
  • Exactly so: it is a Russian monastery. True, I don't know how many monasteries in Russia have such an Athonite charter as ours.
Job (Bandmann), bishop of Stuttgart
  • What worldly activities are allowed in your monastery?
  • As in all monasteries nowadays, it is difficult for us to define how and how much we can use the various possibilities of the Internet and social networks. At least we rely on the prudence of the brethren and do not forbid these things.
  • What social network can you be found on?
  • I have an open account on Instagram.
  • What are your hobbies?
I write music, mostly liturgical
  • I have many monastic obediences, which are my hobbies, you could say. Music, for example. In the monastery I was a regent and now I sometimes regent, I try to give a voice to future singers. I write music, mostly liturgical music. But I write such difficult things that we cannot sing in our monastery. I am waiting for a worthy choir! I also love photography.
  • What kind of secular music do you allow yourself to listen to?
  • I believe that one should not be limited by genres, but rather by the time of listening and the emotionality of the piece of music. There is music that disturbs the soul too much, excites its low feelings and even openly provokes evil, works against God and faith. Such music would not be recommended for anyone to listen to.
  • What do you read from secular literature?
  • I very rarely read, and if I do, I read science fiction, novels with philosophical or psychological overtones, for example, Dostoevsky, Herman Hesse.
About a worthy castle for a Russian monastery
Seifridsberg Castle
  • Vladyka, do pilgrims come to you for spiritual help?
  • Constantly, all the cells are occupied.
  • And specifically to you? Do you have spiritual children?
  • Not many. God has not sent me such people who would ask for spiritual children, and I do not consider myself an elder. I have some experience, but it is not for me to judge whether I can help a person as a real spiritual father. I am a little afraid of that. There are people who come and ask. I can give advice, but, of course, not in the way that Vladyka Mark does, for example.
In general, you need to be a saint, like John of Kronstadt or the elders of Optina, who could look into people's souls and see their past and future. But I cannot dispose of people's lives in this way.
  • Lately the monastery cannot accept all the pilgrims, but now you have found a place absolutely suitable for the monastery, where you can expand ...
  • We tried for a long time to agree with the Munich city administration to expand the monastery on our present site. But they did not want to understand us.
Originally the monastery was located in a relatively isolated area on rented land. As time went on, houses were built around it, and young people began to gather in the nearby parks at night and disturb the brethren, who already had only 10 p.m. to 3 a.m. to rest. Not only was garbage thrown onto the monastery grounds, but there were even a few arson attacks. As a result, our garage almost completely burned down.
We found a place that is perfect for a monastery. This is Seifriedsberg Castle
And finally we found a place that is perfect for a monastery because it is located in a secluded place and surrounded by nature. This is Seifridsberg Castle. Now we have to buy it. And then it will be monastery property.
The first mention of the castle dates back to 1251. It was built by Bishop Siegfried III, Count von Rehberg. The castle consists of a three-storey main building and a side wing. The main building and the entrance are connected by a wall with a tiled roof, forming an enclosed courtyard.
In 1851, a forest park was laid out in front of the palace, in which shrubs and trees from all over the world were planted, including a ginkgo tree known for its healing properties, sequoias, rhododendron bushes, which are now more than 100 years old and are a natural wonder when they bloom in May and June.
Seifridsberg Castle
The castle is conveniently located an hour's drive from Munich, and the number of brethren will hopefully increase. We will finally be able to build a real church instead of a house church, a monastic building for the brethren, a hotel for pilgrims, additional workshops, and further development of our production. We also plan to place there a diocesan center, a center for youth missionary work, an educational center for courses for clergy.
Both financially and in terms of the sheer size of the area and what needs to be done, neither our monastery nor our diocese has ever undertaken such a large project before.
The Russian Church Abroad is not a wealthy church at all, and we continue to bargain with the owners of the castle and the grounds. We have also established a fund through which we intend to raise money for the purchase and renovation, which will be expensive. To carry it out we will need volunteers in addition to specialists.
  • How much money will be needed to buy the castle?
  • Approximately 2.5 million euros, the renovation will cost at least 1.5 million or even more. And only then can we plan the move. It won't be easy for the monastery.
Vladyka Mark has entrusted me with this project, and I am working on it at the same time as I am completing my doctoral thesis.
  • On the topic?
  • “Theodicy in the New Testament” - why is there evil and suffering on earth?
On communicating “face to face” with God and the headship of men
Christ the Pantocrator. Mosaic
  • Remind me, what does the word “theodicy” mean?
  • It is a set of religious and philosophical doctrines designed to justify the governance of the universe by a good God, despite the presence of evil in the world: the so-called problem of evil.
I wanted to find an answer to this question in the New Testament, because I have been familiar with this subject since childhood, because it is a favorite question of people who do not believe. I came to faith and had many conversations and debates with my unbelieving friends on this subject. It was important for me to find the answer myself and explain it to them.
During my studies, I realized that while the Old Testament is present on this subject and even attempts to give answers, it does not solve the problem as a whole. But in the holy fathers and in Christian literature this subject is not so much covered. This means that the problem is solved through the New Testament, through Christ.
I think that the strongest answer that God has given us is Christ. He not only suffered, but overcame both suffering and death. The apostle Paul writes very well about this in his letter to the Romans: “Christ Jesus died, but He also rose again: He is at the right hand of God, He also makes intercession for us” (Romans 8:34).
After the resurrection of Christ, everything is defeated: suffering, the devil, death, and human corruption
In his epistle he addresses the Christians of Rome, who were mostly Gentiles, and speaks a lot about the “truth of God” which is received by faith. This truth is inherent in God and is manifested in all His actions. God reaches out His divine hand to man and gives this truth, this answer, through faith. He shows that after the resurrection of Christ all things are conquered: suffering, the devil, death, and human corruption.
This may not be clear to us now, but gradually we begin to feel the grace that draws us into a new world where evil, suffering, and death themselves will be absent. “If with your mouth you confess Jesus as Lord and believe in your heart that God raised Him from the dead, you will be saved, for with the heart you believe unto righteousness, and with the mouth you confess unto salvation” (Rom. 10: 9-10).
  • So man can only get the answer to this question after he comes to the true God, as he meets Him personally?
  • Yes. God did not just give the answer as a written explanation, He gave us Christ. That is the answer. God has shown that every person can personally meet Christ the Savior and personally receive Him into his life and into his heart. And the more sincerely we do this, the more the question of the presence of evil and suffering in the world will no longer exist for us.
Bishop Job (Bandmann) of Stuttgart
  • What are the paths that lead a person to a personal encounter with God? Or are these paths inscrutable and the way to a personal encounter is the whole life of a believer? Can God come into a person's heart unexpectedly?
If you are not interested in God, what kind of personal meeting can we talk about?
  • There is one way, and that is prayer. Prayer is communication with God. If you are not interested in God, what personal meeting can we talk about? And this prayerful fellowship is higher than thinking or talking about God, that is, “theologizing.” That's why we must set our whole life on prayer and build our life around it. Although any child can pray, perfect unceasing prayer, which no longer needs words, no longer needs ideas, is a “face-to-face” communication with God, and is the result of a person's great feat and endeavor.
  • A person goes to church, reads spiritual books, confesses and receives communion regularly, and even teaches others. Is it possible to determine whether this person lives with God? What, in your opinion, are the signs of a “man of God”?
  • Hardly anyone dares to evaluate a person's spirituality from the outside. Even in confession one cannot always see what is really going on in the soul. Some may show, of course, obvious holiness, which cannot be hidden from the one who knows how to recognize it, but this is an exception. And a rare one at that.
  • Do you teach the Law of God to young people?
I teach Orthodoxy to high school children
  • In some schools in Germany, where there are many Orthodox children, they hire a special teacher. I teach Orthodoxy to high school children in different schools. Now I have 13 people in my class - these are children of parishioners, but in the current conditions of coronavirus and restrictions, of course, this is not all who could and wanted to go to class.
  • And how is the monastery itself living during the pandemic?
  • One of the temptations of Jesus Christ in the desert was to use spiritual power and neglect danger: “Throw yourself down and the angels will catch you.” But that's not about us. We try to live peacefully and without unnecessary fear. But it is easier for us than it is for the laity to cope with this situation. Before the quarantine, it was as if we were living in quarantine: our temple and workplace are located where our cells are.
  • Vladyka, what, in your opinion, will be the most difficult for you as a bishop at first?
  • I think everything at the beginning will not be easy. Everything is new, even though I have lived close to the bishop for a long time and theoretically understand what the bishop does. They say that traveling to parishes is exhausting and draining, but I think it also gives a lot of grace and strength. At least for me, it won't be the worst thing.
  • Now I will list several qualities of human character: education, humility, asceticism, wisdom, kindness, sense of humor. In what order do you think they are important for a bishop?
  • Wisdom, prudence are the main helpers in everything. Then, in my opinion, humility and asceticism. A bishop cannot do without education. And the final place is shared, I think, by kindness and a sense of humor.
And the main thing for a bishop, despite the fact that he has to deal with paperwork, real estate and money, is that he is in direct contact with people. And first of all, he must see what kind of person is in front of him, what this person is capable of, how he can be led and how not; what to entrust, what obedience to direct him to, how to behave towards him and how not to behave. This, I think, is the most important and the most difficult.
Bishop Job (Bandmann) of Stuttgart
spoke with Tatiana Veselkina
submitted by Yurii_S_Kh to SophiaWisdomOfGod [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 21:22 GreninjaDeter I am really bored, so, I put Pokemon Reborn characters and Pokemon Insurgence characters together to see who would become friends.

Originally I wanted to do a VS fight inbetween characters, but then I realized powerscaling sucks, and putting characters from different fangames against one another in fights might be either really one sided or boring to figure out.
So I decided to see who would become friends if the cast of Pokemon Insurgence interacted with the cast of Pokemon Reborn.
I love both of these games and I did this only because I have kept combining both of these games together in my mind ever since I've first finished Reborn, I basically love these games too much for me to ever let go of them and I will forever find ways of combining the games together whenever I can.
I also did this post just for the fun of it so please don't try to chop my head off with an axe if you dislike some of the things I said here.
Of course I'll give some much needed context and background to each character in Insurgence so you guys can understand how I thought this out.


Orion is the first gym leader of the torren region, the fire/grass gym leader who specializes in a sun team, who was often bullied for being friends with a seemingly inanimate white rock, which later turned out to be Reshiram.
Orion here, I would imagine would get particularly well with Anna, due to the fact they are both rather young, and both have been rather made fun of or not be taken seriously in what they see or say.
Anna with her whole...............whole character and Orion with his rock. Due to these same reasons, I'd think he'd also get along with Luna.


Xavier is the second gym leader of pokemon Insurgence, a master in bug and poison types, with a mega beedrill as his ace, he doesn't really do a lot, he mostly just hangs around, and isn't really important to the plot, he is mostly just a layed back dude who loves nature and smokes marijuana, and was actually once a pokemon ranger before being a gym leader.
I'd think he'd get along well with Blake, maybe the 2 go for a smoke or 2, chill out, play some call of duty or something.
I'd also think he would get along with Laura due to both of them being rather big fans of nature.


Uhhhhhhh, a meat rider......ok East is the third gym leader in the game, and his only purpose, is to be loyal to a cult leader....and die after losing against the player character.....I'd think he'd get along well with El and that's about it.
Look, I'm one of the biggest pokemon insurgence fans, I played this game a minimum of 20 times, but this character gets 1 scene in the whole game before they die.


Harmony is the 4th gym leader of the game, a polite madam that specializes in Normal and Fairy types, in the game she appear to warn Orion before a cult tries to steal his white rock, and she herself is traumatized at seeing her father get turned into a deoxys hybrid by her previous friend who became a cult leader......Insurgence.
I would find her easily able to get along with Laura, due to both of them really matching in personalities, as well as her getting along well with Julia, Florinia, Amaria and Titania, since I do think she could REALLY get along just fine with all 4 of them.
I would also think she would get along with Adrienn due to both of them being fairy type leaders as well as.....genuinely nice people trying to do better.


Anastasia is the 5th gym leader of the torren region, specializing in steel and electric types, she is also known to do shady deals for MONEY!!!!! Yeah she made a Zekrom armor for a cult member to make his Zekrom stronger......yeah that's something that happens.
I'd honestly find her being able to get along well with Evelynn due to both of them being mechanics and both of them helping terrorists :DDDD (Although ones motive was way better than the others)


Diana is the 6th gym leader of torren, specializing in Ghost and Psychic types, being a lover to the 7th gym leader Calreath (before he dies). has a Cresselia, and is a sibling to the Cult leader Persephone, once you finish her quest in the post game, she stops being a gym leader and becomes a pokemon researcher alongside the regions professor.
Diana would most likely get along well with Shelly, due to the fact both took up pokemon studying in the future and both of them having rather shaky relationships with their Siblings.
Whilst I also see her befriending potentially Julia due to her personality wise not being too different from her dead lover.
I'd also think she might get along with Serra and reason it's just a gut feeling on this one.


Calreath is the 7th gym leader of the torren region, lover of Diana, being chosen by Manaphy, and specializing in electric, water and dragon types, dying only because the cult leader Zenith made him fall into the depths of the infernal base when he could.
Calreath as a personality is very joyful, very happy, i'd think he'd honestly get along well with a lot of people, I think Hardy, Julia, Terra, Lin, Blake and Cain might be some of the first characters I think off in this matter.....that would have been if he was ALIVE but woopsie daisies.


Adam is the final gym leader of insurgence, the dark type specialist, the prior augur (which meant the protector of the region, strongest trainer in the region, and chosen by Arceus to guide a crystal holding his power), he was also chosen by Hoopa and is the protagonists father.
Before the story starts, Adam was forced into a corner by The second augur, Jaern and Persephone into a dream realm, made up in his sons mind to keep him locked there, after which he almost died via having a Gengar use dream eater on his child to make them forget completely about him.
I'd think Adam would get along pretty well with Amethyst, for the reason that they are both the previous strongest trainer in their region.
I would also think he would get along well with Noel and Anastasia, probably seeing a bit of his own child within them, on that note I think he would also get along well with Radomus, probably being able to share the pain he had when his whole life fell apart together with Radomus.
I'd also think he might get along well with Lin! Both of them are fans of hydreigon (He has a mega Hydreigon on him), and Adam might be a good father figure for Lin!


Damian is the first rival in pokemon insurgence, starting out together with you as someone who was adopted, later in the game he gets chosen by Shaymin, helps defeat the second augur, gaining at least a bit of a backbone before losing it to his friend telling him his step mother was right about him (when she said he was just a child and he wasn't ready for a pokemon yet), gets abducted by the deoxys man previously mentioned, finds out his mother is Audrey, leader of the abyssal cult, sees his mother potentially die infront of his eyes, only to get told he's gonna make the world better, gets healed in the postgame, helps save his mother and finally decides he wants to help people.
Alright, first things first, I find him to be likely to become really good friends with Taka, not only due to the similarities, Taka being the son of Sol and Damian the son of Audrey, but also because they would just make good friends.
Other than that, I find him likely able to befriend Lumi and Evelynn, not through any particular reason I just really think he would, and perhaps he could also befriend Amaria, I feel like he would really be able to do that.


Nora is the second rival of the game, chosen by celebi at the start of her journey, going off on her friend telling him his step mother was right about him then immediately feeling remorse upon her actions, trying the whole game to fix this only to see her friend get infected with a Deoxys virus and disappear from her life, then proceed to become seemingly irrelevant for the rest of the game..........yup....she does nothing else........she's just there....
As a person she's likely to become friends with quite a lot of the characters in reborn, Anna, Noel, Shelly, Cain, Victoria, Luna, Sera, Heather (although that is debatable), since she really is quite friendly in the game just.,...kinda pushed aside after the 6th badge.


Jaern is the second augur, in the story he uses his reputation and political power as the second augur to make himself seem like an unkillable god when in reality he's weaker than Fern, he sacrifices the 3rd gym leader to summon rayquaza, only for him to suck ass at using the most broken pokemon in existence.
Honestly the only person that he might get along with would be Fern, but only to annoy one another.


Audrey is the leader of the abyssal cult, mother of Damian, and is obsessed with raising the ocean levels due to a Tentacruel evolution that occured a long time ago when Kyogre was rampaging through hoenn.
As a character she might get along with possibly Serra due to both of them being parents (although one better than the other)
And Amaria only and only because she is a water type specialist


So on short, he's a cocky cult leader that worships groudon, that almost succeeded at taking over the region after selling people fake vaccine shots.....look the game finished in 2016-2017-2018, it was before covid, the developer is pro Vaccination ok? This was just an unfortunate plotline he wrote into the game.
But nah, I don't think anyone would be a fan of Zenith, like literally no one, this guy just sucks.


Persephone is the leader of the darkrai cult, she's responsible for the player losing their memory, she's the sister of Diana and is a bit insane in trying to catch Darkrai, and hating her sister due to the fact that Diana and Persephone, when they were young they were under the influence of Zenith, and were part of the Infernal cult, Diana leaving Persephone alone under Zenith's control and leaving Persephone to lose her mind and dying for revenge both on her sister and Zenith.
I feel like she might not be able to befriend...anyone, maybe just Sapphira because both of them are striven by the need to get back at those who hurt them, but nothing more.


Taen is the underling of Reukra, the leader of the perfection cult, he spent the majority of this game trying to make the original dragon and failed.
He might only and only be able to get along semi well with Sigmund, maybe finding respect in his experiments....which....if you were to get along with Sigmund, there might be something wrong with you.
Someone else he might find appreciation for is Evelynn, due to the fact she created the pulse machine, and so he would probably be very interested in how the machines work and how Evelynn made them, basically a worse Florina.


Reukra is the champion and leader of the perfection cult, he has only 1 thing keeping him forward in life, the search for perfection, he made delta pokemon (which in Insurgence are mostly man made variations of already existing pokemon, ex: a grimer made out of sand), he made mega evolutions, armors, tried with the original dragon, remade mewtwo, and almost succeded in finding the Perfect team.
As for who he would get along with, I think he might forge a friendship with Sol, Sol wanting a perfect world and him striving for perfection, it goes hand in hand.
Another one he might find enjoyment for is Lyn, not Lyn as in Lyn, but in Lyn the doll, most likely being fascinated by how she's able to win fights like that, studying her matches and seeing what he can try to do to have that synergy, that perfect team he's striving for.......when he doesn't know her matches are already decided to be won.

The Player

The player is the player..........they are likely to become good friends with everyone from reborn, most likely the doll as well

Quick Mentions

Gail - He is a protestor...he has a zygarde...he might get along with Sandy
Nyx - She is someone that tried to bring Giratina back to power (long story short instead of Arceus creating the universe, Giratina created it, Arceus overthrow them, took their power and Giratina was seen as the devil). she might be able to befriend Lyn...or maybe not since Giratina is pretty anti Arceus.
The E4 - They have no appearences in the game nor any major personalities to speak off, they...they are nothing, really.
King Vesryn - He's one of the first ever pokemon trainers, king of the Vesryn and Aroma regions, both of which are regions from pokemon Omicron and Zeta, another game that the developer, Suzerain, worked on, and he might get along with possibly Elias.
TheSuzerain - Ok this is technically cheating, but the developer suzerain, inserted himself within Insurgence as the character Suzerain, being one of the 8 timeless, which are really strong trainers across the pokemon verse (Cynthia, Steven stone, Red, Dawn, N, Alain, King Vesryn and Suzerain), but...due to both of them being technically self inserts...I would like to think Amethyst would get along with him :DDDD


Boredom does something to humans...I am one of them, this was done because for one...I just wanted to put my thoughts on this out in the open.
And second I was really bored, and thought this will be a fun time waster, and it was, be sure to tell me what you guys think, and enjoy your day.
submitted by GreninjaDeter to PokemonReborn [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 21:22 AccomplishedAd6542 CPA Study Spots and Ritual

I took REG Monday and I'm a 4am study person. But work would give me random half days in Fridays to go study and I would go into a local hookah lounge. For months I've popped in here at noon with two computers, bag and headphones.
Hopefully my last exam was Monday. Today I took a half day because like every exam.. I seem to get a sick kid or event immediately after. My son has been running fever and my mom was in the hospital pretty critical condition from he health.
Everyone is fine , happy , healthy . But I needed a moment, so came to my old study spot.
Entirr staff was asking my how my exam went, if I was done.. how weird I looked without all my stuff. And I told them I won't know til Jul 31.
It was so funny and nice to know these people who don't know me felt like they have been here it with me. I always tipped good but if I pass, feel like I need to come celebrate here and bring them a little gift .
And cool study spots??
submitted by AccomplishedAd6542 to CPA [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 21:22 SnooBooks6506 Is it just a my community thing, or is there actually men who do a lot of the work that a lot of the women on here say only women do?

So I (16F) live with my mom (43F) and stepdad (64M) (I'm in the US so legally required but I wouldn't wish otherwise anyways) and I'm always reading on this sub about how men are always leeching off of women's free labor and housework all the time, but in my life, even with my real dad, the man of the household is almost always contributing the most (money, food, cooking, cleaning, childcare), whether it's free labor or resources, and all the guys I've ever dated seriously have always insisted on doing these things too (and I know I haven't actually seen them in action but I've seen how they treat their houses and families) and I don't know if I'm just lucky with the men I have in my life but I feel like as a woman I see all of these people on here complaining about doing everything when the women in my community don't do half of what the men do and it makes me feel so out of place.
Also, before anyone argues that my mom probably does more than I see, no, half the time she's at work or sleeping, she rarely takes care of me or my siblings nor does she really talk to us that much, if I need something or have issues with ANYTHING (including lady stuff ( my stepdad's a medical professional)) I go to my stepdad, the only stuff I ever really go to my mom for is stuff like Appointments because my stepdad doesn't have legal custody of me so he can't help with that.
So is it just a my community thing or do men contribute more that what the women on here give them credit for (and I'm not saying all men or women, just a decent portion of them)
submitted by SnooBooks6506 to TwoXChromosomes [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 21:21 StarDustJinx Nothing works and nothing gets better, no, it's not fully my fault, no, i don't have to justify myself to you and it's fucking selfish of you to try to keep me alive

Title. I'm so fucking sick and tired of having to prove people that geniunely nothing is getting better in my life and has absolutely no fucking chance of doing so. People either who don't know me, who straight up lies to me of things getting better and every SINGLE TIME it has gone worse. It was never good. It NEVER was.
I am born as the wrong gender, even doctors told them that i may be questioning my gender and they didn't fucking care . Thanks to them I never got the hormones or the therapy or the surgery I needed and my body torments me every single fucking day. I'm never comfortable on my own skin and it's too late for me to do things like bone structure changes with hormones or voice changing. I will never fucking pass thanks to them. Add that to the fact that I have ADHD and BPD (that got mistreated with wrong medicine so it got worse) also asthma. I can't even breathe properly.
They were also incredibly incompatible. They got divorced when I was 9 and I had to suffer as a source of they can take their hatred for each other. Both are gaslighting but my mom especially, along with being abusive. She constantly hit and attacked me, kicked me out of home and when i defended myself turned everyone in that family against me as if i'm the abuser. She fucking stalked me and made me so paranoid that i couldn't walk out of home and ruined an entire semester. My dad is always emotionally unavalabile. I always have to speak twice just for him to act like hes fucking listening.
The only friends group I had in my life (i was never accepted in the rest or just straight up got bullied) left me to die in 2021 because i was "in every drama" because i wanted to actively fix the fights that were happening. I'm sure nobody sees me as a human being, let alone a friend. Thanks to this and my mom stalking me I failed my college, the one thing in my life i actually achieved was GONE thanks to them, and because i couldn't bring myself to lose it i never quitted, so there's a big debt on me from that as well.
I was always broke, and i'm so fucking sick and tired of never having enough to eat. I hate that I can't afford emergency ward or medicine because my goverment's system decided to fuck me over and not let me change where i live currently from online (because of that i can't go to file i have no earnings so i can get cheap healthcare) and i can't afford two tickets. I can't get therapy. And to those who'll go "get a job, lol", nobody wants a college dropout trans person with no qualities and mental/physical health issues, especially in a country where they want me dead.
After all that, I only had my pc to occupy me. I did also recently started to learn coding, to get my life mended a bit and to move out from my terrible household. I also only had games as my only hobby (again, monetary issues lol). A game that I really wanted to play got out this week. Something I geniunely kept myself alive for. I even promised that after that I was going to fully commit to the coding.
Guess when did my pc decided to eat shit and die. And do you know the worst part? I can't fix it myself, after going everywhere i found out that it can't be fixed (for a reasonable price, they say "just get a different pc at this point"), I can't get any money by working or anything (see above), I can't even BEG for it, since my country has no proper way to send money.
All this happening in ONE WEEK. One week when I wanted it not to happen. I don't believe for a single second it's just a bad coincidence.
That's geniunely the final fucking straw for me. I don't care if it's stupid, selfish or fucking whatever. I can't have anything good going on in my life for a single day. And when I say this to say farewell to people the amount of downplaying, lying, avoiding, clowning I endure about it is just funny. People claim how it's "gonna get better" and then suggest stuff that's basically toxic positivity at it's worst (i've geniunely heard someone say "just steal a pc if it means that much to you"). People just want to fucking keep me alive because THEY want me to be around, or because THEY don't want to suffer or feel guilty of my suicide Nobody stops and fucking thinks what will happen to me if I stay alive. What other terrible shit I have to endure. They won't feel guilty about it. And they don't even fucking try to help about the situation. They just offer fake hopeful words and toxic positivity or yell at me for being selfish or dare me to kill myself.
I can't fucking take it anymore. I geniunely can't. Everything i do i end up at fault and when other people do wrong or even if i do nothing wrong i'm still the one at fault. I don't want to live in this fucking nightmare anymore. And I won't.
I'm killing myself and that's geniunely my final decision this time. I don't want to wake up in the morning and prepare myself to suffer something terrible every single fucking day. I don't want to be a miserable piece of shit every day, progresively worse one at that. I don't want to live a fucking life where my feelings thoughts and actions mean nothing.
submitted by StarDustJinx to offmychest [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 21:20 Feeling_Ad_6775 Question about applying for my mum's PIP

My mother claims Employment and Support Allowance, and she claims a disability component with it (it's labelled as "disability income guarantee"). Recently, I graduated from university, and I’ve got a part-time job working from home, as I need to stay at home with my mom to help her with daily activities.
The issue is that because I’m no longer a full-time student, deductions are made to her ESA, Housing Benefit and Council Tax Support. I was recommended by the local authority to apply for my mother PIP so, she won’t have her benefits deducted as a result of me working.
I want to ask if my mother’s PIP claim fails or is rejected, would that have an impact on her other benefits? Not that if her PIP claims fail, then her other benefits ESA, HB and CT support also ends…
Also, to be clear, I’ve already googled this and asked the advisor on the phone, but it is my mother that has to claim PIP and not myself for deductions to not be made?
Please let me know, thank you.
submitted by Feeling_Ad_6775 to DWPhelp [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 21:20 mythrowawaypdx Please help, I complain all the time and have more negative thoughts than not. How can I change?

I have been very isolated lately and it’s made me more self aware of my flaws. I realized that in my daily life I complain constantly. My life is stressful ATM but there are things to be greatful for. I don’t have to complain all the time, it’s like a knee jerk response. My mom was abusive and a chronic complainer, my dad as well so maybe I got it from my abusive parents? I no longer speak to them. Please help as this has been a lifelong struggle. I’ve improved slightly but still have issues overall.
submitted by mythrowawaypdx to spirituality [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 21:20 ThrowRA137137137 I’m 29 almost 30, am I getting too old for kids and a family?

I just got out of an almost 8 year relationship, one I was very happy and committed too but sadly she was not. I put my whole body and soul into it, and was planning on proposing very soon. I waited so long because I told her I wanted to save all the money to buy a house outright and be in a financial position that we could have kids and not have to worry about money or about her having to work (if she wanted to be a stay at home mom). I worked super hard and finally got to that point, only to get left behind.
As I try to heal from the breakup, I’ve been getting very anxious that the life I had envisioned for myself will never come to fruition. My family was already nagging me the last couple years “what are you waiting for, you’re not getting any younger” and now I have to completely restart. I know it will take me many months (if not years) to get over this and be able to move on fully. I’m worried all the “good girls” have been scooped up, and that by time I heal and trust another women, if I’m lucky enough to find one that I actually am crazy about, it will be many years down the road.
I know it’s a bit dramatic to say it’s too late, as I know that’s not necessarily the case but realistically I feel like it’s an odds game and one that I’m losing. I’ve been on dating apps and well my self esteem probably isn’t getting boosted there, and I’m probably not ready to date anyways. I’m not super attractive but I am a really nice, hard working dude but the only potential matches I get are of women who, no offense, are very large and or have kids and just don’t interest me.
Any advice to help me get out of this mindset? Someone tell me I’m being dramatic and I’m still young and it will all be good.
submitted by ThrowRA137137137 to Advice [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 21:20 WalmPhiskey My anti medicine MIL is insane.

My anti medicine MIL is insane.
My 2 year old son started having troubles breathing last night so I took him to the hospital, as a responsible parent does, and my MIL started arguing with me about his rescue inhaler. I have asthma since childhood and my inhaler has saved my life countless times, but MEDICINE IS BAD. She was livid when she found out I had him Covid vaxxed on top of his regular scheduled vaccines.
submitted by WalmPhiskey to insaneparents [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 21:20 Ok_Apple_7115 Aita for not taking care of my parents in their old age and telling them to call their perfect son to do so?

Growing my parents had rough marriage. It was fighting constantly,shouting matches that either handed in one of them crying or the cops begin called. They woudl avoid each other as much which in turn ment neglecting me since they didn’t want to be in the same room I had to pick one or none.
I hated them for that, it felt they they hated each other more than they loved me. I had to beg them for hours on end to show up and when they said yes they both wouldn’t saying they though the other one woudl show. I stopped doing so when I was around 12-14. They didn’t don’t seem to care which gutted me but what would have been the point of trying.
Well when I was 16 my dad ended up having a stroke he didn’t die and it didn’t have much negative affect on him but it was a scare, my mom for the first time was crying I’ve ruin and holding and kissing him, I guess that’s how they started to “reconnect.” Because they started trying to pretend to be a good couple and goof parents which pissed ‘‘em off.
they tried apologizing and tried showing up for me but quickly stopped when she got pregnant with my baby brother. Then now they were the perfect parents they showed up were affectionate everything I wanted he got so easily. I fucking hated him and even now though it’s not his fault I can’t stand him.
I didn’t bond with him which “sadden” my parents but I didn’t care, I went to college to another country and cut contact with them.
Now our contact is minimal more for my kids(4 of them) but not a lot. They don’t commute here and I’m not going to lose hours making money for them so it’s strained which my mom makes comment all the times about “wanting to see her grandkids.” But she can just come here is she wants whenever I tell her this she says they can’t afford it and expect me to pay which I would never.
Now onto the problem, last January i bough a really big family home 6 bed 4 baths my kids and wife love it it’s beside really nice schools and is a gorgeous house, it has an in law suit which most of these houses have.
My parents and brother didn’t find out till last week/I keep my life offline and the house looks similar to our old one so looking at my wife’s socials you’d think it’s the same one.
When they did found out they were shocked and pretended to be happy for me for a bit before they started complaining about all their health issues they were facings, I told them if they think I’ll move them in their stupid. That sent them off and they called me heartless and cold for still holding all those “past mistakes” onto them. My mom asked if I was fine knowing she could die and my kids wouldn’t be able to say bye to her i told her that’s her own problem.
I told them they have their perfect son right there and they can only expect him to take care of them never me. Kept yelling and I just cut the phone. I’ve ignored their calls and messages.
My wife is on my side, I told my friends and some of them think I’m begin fo cruel to them, aita?
submitted by Ok_Apple_7115 to AITA_WIBTA_PUBLIC [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 21:16 MAHMOTAKEAPIXTURE24 Timmay’s future MIL is in the hospital with an illness and I wonder if Plexus played a part in that?🤔

Timmay’s future MIL is in the hospital with an illness and I wonder if Plexus played a part in that?🤔 submitted by MAHMOTAKEAPIXTURE24 to FreeTheRodlets [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 21:16 Accomplished_Air882 Main Complaints

Let's start a thread for main complaints. I'll start. My main complaints are:
Anyone else?
submitted by Accomplished_Air882 to Stepmom [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 21:14 InternationalAd8636 AITA for wanting to live with my dad and leave my mom

Me (15f) is writing this down right now cause for a long time i had thoughts of just leavin my mom to stay with my dad. My mom is a great mom she tried her best but that not the problem it her old husband that the problem and my brother is the problem as well my brother (9m) is currently living with his dad let him his dad aj for now
aj was in my life until i was 8-7 years old and everyday when i am reminded of aj i just get an ick everything i see my brother i hate my brother and not a sibling hate like i generally hate my brother and this is why
Ever since my mom married aj my mom basically stopped caring for me she would feed me and bathe me and stuff but she would always be by aj side everything was about aj soon aj got my mom pregnant and my brother was soon born
i was happy at first to have a sibling that actually lives with me but over time i hated it because everything was about him now .. my mom on the weekends would take me to my dad house while she has the weekend with my brother and her husband aj
my dad is a kind man but he drinks a lot he would drink around me but he never hitted me or yelled at him or even pushed me aside my dad made everything about me
My dad never hitted me but aj did he wasnt even my father and he still hitted me, he forced me to eat food and my mom didnt care my mom just let it happen i told my mom that aj hitted me on my butt so hard i couldnt sit down cause how bad it hurted i remember crying so much that i fell asleep starved cause i didnt wanna go downstairs and see aj face
Aj forced me to call him daddy I never called my dad , daddy
i hated aj and my brother so much that at a young age i thought killing myself would set me free from even seeing aj
So i tried to do it , i tried to kill myself , but since im here typing this the attempt didn’t work so after a few years of AJ, and my mom dating ages got an abusive with my mom, hitting her yelling at her and hitting me yelling at me, but never at his son, my brother, my mom’s first boy, so what my mom did is she ran away with me and my brother we became homeless we went to the homeless shelters and AJ was stalking my mom finding my mom stealing from my mom and even trying to hurt my mom while we ran away. My mom tried her best after from moving to different houses in different parts. Ages still found us. I never finished 3rd grade. Because the amount of times we had to move because of aj I never made friends I never had a normal childhood like other people did. I soon gain social anxiety. And nightmares I remember I tried to tell my dad that AJ was hitting me, but when I told my aunt first, my dad sister she told me to not tell him and I asked why and she told me that my dad would kill him meaning I would never see him again, so I kept quiet this running and hiding and moving because of AJ‘s been happening my whole life last year in 2022 my brother told his school that my mom abuses him just because he wanted to see his dad, so CPS and DCYF came to my mom’s house, and I was questioned my brother was questioned. My mom was questioned, and my mom went to court. She told the court that AJ could have custody of my brother now this is where hell starts because I hated my brother ever since he was born I can’t stand being in the room with him. I can’t stay in a room with him because he makes me so mad so every time my mom told me to watch him I would but I always stay in my room I would sleep the whole day just so I can ignore my brother until my mom gets home now. My mom doesn’t get home until eight or 9 o’clock at night. Meaning I don’t cook for my brother until my mom gets home my brother ever since I first watched him always eat bread just bread because I wouldn’t cook for him now I know I’m in the wrong on this because I am the asshole for not feeding my brother when I did watch him but I hated him so I figured if I ignored him and I never talk to him and I just act like he’s not there. He would hate me too, but no, he never did he never hated me. When I went to Puerto Rico for my summer break every year he would call me and ask me when I was coming back just so I could watch him and I told him I might stay here forever and he got upset but I told him to give the phone back to mom and he did every year on summer vacation when I went to Puerto Rico to see my family he would call me and ask me when I was coming back in 2022 near December my brother stayed with his dad My mom gave full custody to AJ and ever since he getting custody AJ went to court testified for domestic violence against my mom say my mom abused him and my brother this year in 2023 my brother told CPS that I sexually assaulted him. My brother is nine years old and he likes cars he likes games. He likes talking to people and he loves my mom but when I heard my brother, my own brother called CPS and dcyf that I touched him I cried I cried so much, because even though I hated him, and I couldn’t stand being in the same room as him, he went and told a lie after I heard that I wanted to leave my mom because this all started because of my mom is my mom never married AJ never created my brother I I wouldn’t have these problems. I was never dragged into these problems after I heard with my brother told those people I never hated my brother more, if I ever see my brother, I would cry because I’m related to that thing I don’t even wanna call him my brother because he really isn’t. He don’t consider him as family, so am I the asshole for wanting to live with my dad and leave my mom
submitted by InternationalAd8636 to u/InternationalAd8636 [link] [comments]


Hello guys this is gonna be a long post...since I barely have friends who care about me ...I can't get to see a third party view
So I am boy(18) and i live with my parents,my father is a very successful person with a very good government job and my mother is a teacher of coding languages in an engineering college,she previously worked as BCA,bsc degree college
Since I was born my father and mother were away from home for most part of the time,but after I got into the 3rd grade my parents were having lots of arguments and my mother was pregnant so she left the house and went to her mother's house ,and she left me with my dad...for context my dad is a very scary person he always shows dominance and treats me like a good for nothing kid, and for 9 months I was very scared at my very house, but even tho he is very obnoxious at that period he was a bit nice to me,i felt very left out since my mother didn't even consider asking me if I'll come with her ,she just went away
And after she returned,she was not the same person the very little love I used to get from her just stopped,it felt like she was just the maid of my house she would only talk to me about food she stopped helping me with my studies even if I failed she used to reason it with kids should learn to study by themselves and then my father and mother threw me to a corner they used to say awful stuff regarding how I'm so bad at studies,i should be greatful that they didn't disown me i agree that I was bad at studies but I used to try my best...I was restricted from going out for more than 1 hour, no tv, and they used to make sit and study for the whole day
I guess they were atleast ok till here
But then I started my highschool.... everything was bad at highschool my dad picked a highschool that had timings of 9 am to 5 pm and mon-sat and Sunday half was pure torture my dad used to expect me to come home and study 12 hours to crack jee exam because his all friends son's are doing that...I was terrible at this jee thing...i hated it with every cell I had in my was pure torture 9 hours daily....and I had to keep the expectations to study and score in jee and regular highschool exams...yeah both have different teachers and different syllabus
My parents used to make fun of me and talk shit about me which I used to hate very much,and then I stopped talking with them...I used to hate them,and then the depres kicked was very bad...I tried to UA myself, because of academic pressure and the nearing exams,they used to have parent teacher meetings my parents used to insult me and shoutt at me infront of my classmates and my teachers it was very embarrisinghe told me how he is going to kick me out of his house tomorrow I just didn't see a point anymore to live,life was true hell but I put A lot of efforts ,I used to sleep at 5am and wake at 11pm and I used to study non stop it was a lot of dedication and hardwork I finished highschool and got respectable 80% and I failed in jee mains...well
My father's mother visited us and was staying,since my exams were over I was going out for walks with my friends at 10 pm and come back at 12pm my grandmother didn't like that she complain that to my father behind my back... And then my father said very awful stuff to me,he said how awful son I was,how I suck at studies,how I don't deserve this life,how I'm pathetic,how I'm not hardworking,and I'm punishing him by being his son and I was very broken at this point he told me if I don't want to live in his house with rules i should leave only one thing occurred to me "who am I doing this all for, who am I putting so much effort for" after he left,I started ugly crying I woke up my mother and I just said I don't want to stay here anymore I don't feel safe here,i don't want to live anymore how they both are torturing me and how much trauma it caused mother seemed like she understood but that was an mistake, i told her to take a ticket to grandmother's house she said sure give my 1-2 days,i trusted her but she betrayed me she didn't do anything she just made herself in the clear and joined my father's side...she would dail say I'll make buy a train ticket but she was just bluffing I was totally heartbroken I had no one to rely on, I don't have friends even my parents don't feel like my parents,no body understood me i felt alone I felt lonely,but then my mom's father stepped in and he buyed me a ticket ,I was 17 and i travelled alone for 24 hours for the first time in a train
I then did nothing at there and was just coping but I had to come back for college... I accepted my fate and after getting a job ill block my parents was my for college my father refused to give any money and my mother had saved some money specifically for my college but recently she buyed a very priced property blew all the savings and is in a heavy loan and now she expects My grandparents to spend money by selling their land ...I feel this is very wrong,why did my mom buy a property so suddenly just before my college,i want her to pay my college fund..even if that meant cancelling the property... I want her to choose me .. atleast for once in my life ..i cannot accept this reality
I wish I had paren who chose me anytime over these silly marks, properties and my mother doesn't give me a penny and says to use my savings ... I want to joina programin cource of not much money,she is saying she can't afford that,I feel backstabbed by my parents ...aita?
submitted by Winter_Investment316 to AITAH [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 21:13 Sola_Sista_94 Little Junko: Parts Nine and Ten (Fanfic)

Kiki made her way to the beauty salon that Kyoko had given her the address to. When she arrived, she didn't see Junko or Kimiko inside. Kiki looked around, so sure that they'd be there. Just as she thought about leaving, she saw two girls, one tall, one really short, in matching outfits leaving the bathroom. Kiki's eyes nearly jumped out of her skull, realizing that the little girl was Kimiko. They were both wearing black boleros with leopard cuffs over white tank tops, very short denim shorts, and massive, black, fluffy legwarmers over some black, heeled ankle boots. Kimiko's piled-up hair hair was crimped and dyed light brown. On her fingernails were red, long fake nails. She even wore light makeup with long, fake lashes. Kiki walked over to them in disbelief.
"Kimiko?! " she exclaimed in horror and disbelief. Kimiko curled her lip in disgust at Kiki, as if Kiki were a mold stain on the wall.

"Yeah, so?" she scoffed. "You got a problem?"
"Well, considering I'm not the one who's dressed like a floozy, no!" Kiki cried. Kimiko rolled her eyes.
"Nyeh...joke's on you. I don't have the flu," she replied, misinterpreting Kiki's words. "Now, move it. There's something me and Big Sis Junko have to take care of."
"That's riiight," Junko sang in a low voice, eyeing Kiki with an ominous grin. She placed her hands on Kimiko's shoulders. "Let's go, Kimiko." Kimiko reached into her backpack and pulled out a small, silver wand with a light green crystal at the end. Kiki gasped. She didn't know much about magic, but she figured that it must have been Kimiko's wand. With one last evil grin at Kiki, Kimiko followed Junko out of the hair salon. It was too late! Kimiko had undoubtedly informed Junko about her magic, about Himiko's magic! Kiki was aware that the situation was now out of her control. She needed to fight magic with magic, and she knew just where to go.
"Nyeeeh...Kimiko, wake up already!" Himiko growled, nudging Kimiko's doppelganger. "I don't care if you're ignoring me! Stop ignoring me and get out of bed!"
"Maybe she's sick," Tomiko suggested.
"Or maybe she's just being stubborn, like a bratty teenager!" Himiko huffed, throwing her hands on her hips. " can you be seven years old and a teenager at the same time?!"

"Nee-heehee...just ask Kaito," Kokichi said, walking into the living room. "He may be a teenager, but he sure as heck has the brain of a seven-year-old!" He gave Himiko a kiss on her cheek. "What's the matter, Monkey Buns?"
"Kimiko is acting up again!" Himiko answered. "Nyeh...Kokichi, if we ever end up having kids, remind me not to get a teenager!"
"Yeah...they're not a very good breed of children," Kokichi joked with a cheeky grin. "They're super moody, socially awkward, and difficult to keep on a leash."
"I don't know whether to laugh, or be offended," Tomiko said.
"Nee-heehee...I usually have that effect on people," Kokichi said proudly.
"Hey!" Himiko cried, turning Kimiko's doppelganger over. "Th-This isn't Kimiko!"
"What do you mean?" Kokichi asked, raising a brow. He looked closer at the doppelganger. "It looks like her to me." Tomiko smacked Kimiko's copy. It didn't move.
"It's a doppelganger," she breathed in disbelief. "She created a doppelganger of herself! It'll only do what Kimiko tells it to do." Himiko's eyes widened.
"Oh, no!" she cried. "That means she's not here!"
"She must have sneaked away to...'go to the park,' as she so eloquently put it yesterday," Kokichi said. Himiko looked worriedly at him.
"Do you think that was a lie?" she asked in a small voice.

"No," Kokichi replied, shaking his head. "I know that was a lie."
"W-Why didn't you say anything?!" Himiko cried.
"Chibi-Kichi said she wanted to handle it," Kokichi replied.
"And you just let her do that?!" Himiko cried.
"Well, I didn't do anything about it, either, Himiko," Kokichi pointed out. "You could have just asked Chibi-Kichi yourself what was going on."
"Well, you're the brains in our relationship!" Himiko exclaimed. "You can't expect me to figure that out!"
"As the oldest of Kimiko and me...yeah, we kinda have to expect you to figure that out," Tomiko interjected. Himiko shot a glare at Tomiko, who shrank back under the covers.
"Tomiko does have a point, Himiko," Kokichi said firmly. "You need to take responsibility as the oldest sister when your mom and grandma aren't around. You're their leader, so whatever happens to them, you're mostly to blame." Himiko looked at him in disbelief. Kokichi held up his hands. "I'm only speaking from experience. As the Supreme Leader, I had to learn that, too. But, it's true. As the oldest, you can't expect your sisters to lead themselves. You have to be the example. As the one in charge, you're responsible for their well-being. If you don't know what Kimiko is doing while she's out of the house, it's not her fault if she gets into trouble, it's yours. You have to be more involved with her." Himiko listened silently and nodded her head grimly when he finished speaking.
"'re right," she mumbled. "So...what do we do, now? Should we go over to Kiki's house?" Before Kokichi could answer, they heard the doorbell ringing repeatedly. Kokichi ran over to the door and answered it. Kiki was on the other side, panting her little lungs out as if she just ran a marathon.
"Kiki!" Kokichi exclaimed. Himiko and Tomiko joined Kokichi at his sides. Kokichi knelt down and held Kiki's shoulders. "What's wrong?"
"W-Where's Kimiko?!" Himiko demanded.
" talk," Kiki panted. "!" She closed her eyes, suddenly feeling light-headed and fell forward into Kokichi's arms. Kokichi picked her up.
"Kiki...where's Kimiko?" he asked, gently nudging her. Kiki cracked her eyes open.
"With...Junko..." she said. Kokichi and Himiko's eyes widened with horror.
"JUNKO?! " they cried simultaneously.
Part Ten
Kokichi and Himiko stepped outside with Kiki still in Kokichi's arms. The once sunny, blue sky had taken a dark, foreboding green turn. The clouds became charcoal black. The air became eerily silent. No wind. No warmth. The temperature around them dropped to the point where they could see their breath.
"Welp, either the forecast for today was wrong, or Junko suddenly knew how to control the weather," Kokichi joked wryly. They looked over in the distance towards the city. Right above the tallest building, the clouds were swirling like inky snakes curling around their prey. Flashes of green lightning streaked upwards towards the sky.
"And Kimiko's with her," Himiko whispered in horror, shuddering as she rubbed her arms with her hands to generate heat. "What is Junko doing to her? How is Junko doing all of this?"
"She's using Kimiko's magic," Kiki replied grimly. Kokichi and Himiko gasped.

"W-What...are you talking about?" Himiko stammered nervously. "Kimiko doesn't have mag-"
"I know about your guys' magic," Kiki interrupted. "Kimiko told me about it. But, that's not important right now." Kiki explained everything, even the reason why Kimiko started acting up in the first place. She told them how manipulative Junko was. She told them about meeting up with Kyoko and figuring out Junko's plot for revenge. Kokichi couldn't help but smile proudly at her as he listened. Kiki turned to Himiko. "Right now, Junko's using Kimiko to lure you over to her, so she can get rid of you, especially since she doesn't think you'll fight Kimiko." Himiko shuddered, turning to Kokichi with wide eyes.
"We have to go, Himiko," Kokichi said firmly. "Junko already knows about your magic. Who knows what else she'll use Kimiko for? We have to stop her. For Kimiko's sake." Himiko put on a brave face and nodded.
"Right!" she said. "Let's go!"
"We can take the Mischief Maker," Kokichi said, referring to the moped that Miu had invented for them. Kokichi put Kiki down. "Stay here, Chibi-Kichi, alright? I don't want you getting hurt."
"Okay, Kokichi," Kiki nodded. "Be careful." Kokichi kissed her forehead and hopped up onto the Mischief Maker with Himiko right behind him. Then, they drove off towards the tallest skyscraper in the city. Kiki watched as they rode away. She didn't want to disobey Kokichi, but she couldn't sit there and do nothing. Her gut was telling her to follow them, and so she decided to do just that.
Once Kokichi and Himiko arrived at the skyscraper, they hurriedly entered it, and took the elevator to the roof. The elevator doors opened to a horrific sight: Kimiko with an evil grin with Junko standing behind her with an equally menacing grin. Himiko gaped at her sister's overall appearance that matched Junko's
"Glad you could make it," Junko said. "We've been expecting you, haven't we, Kimiko?"
"Nyeh...that's right, Big Sis Junko," Kimiko answered. Himiko slowly approached Kimiko.
"Kimiko...don't do this," she said, pleading with her sister. "Please, come with me."
Why? So you two can break Kimiko's heart again?" Junko asked. She grabbed Kimiko's shoulders and crouched down to her level, murmuring in her ear. "Remember how you felt when you saw them kissing, Kimiko? How they totally left you out, and didn't even care about you? They don't care about you. Kokichi only tries to be nice because he thinks you're annoying." Kimiko glared at Kokichi, her eyes filled with hatred.
"Kimiko, that's not true," Kokichi said firmly. "Don't believe her."
"Why should Himiko, the ugly sister, get Kokichi all to herself?" Junko continued. "Don't you think you deserve better, Kimiko?"
"Leave her alone!! Get away from her!!" Himiko yelled furiously. She ran towards Junko and Kimiko. Kimiko aimed her wand at Himiko, causing Himiko to stop dead in her tracks.
"Ah-ah-ah..." Junko said, wagging her finger at Himiko. "One more step, and your sister here will end you." Kimiko grinned evilly at Himiko. Tears formed in Himiko's eyes.
"K-Kimiko..." she whispered.
"You never loved me," Kimiko growled, her indignant voice stinging Himiko. "You wanted everything for yourself. You wanted Kokichi for yourself. I loved him and you took him away from me!"
"Kimiko, no!" Himiko cried. "I do love you! I really do! I just want what's best for you!"
"Kokichi's what's best for me," Kimiko said.
"Kimiko, if you think I'm what's best for you, will you listen to me?" Kokichi said. Kimiko turned to Kokichi, now aiming her wand at him. Kokichi held up his hands. "Listen to me, Kimiko. I'm sorry I hurt your feelings. I didn't mean to."
"He's lying," Junko hissed in Kimiko's ear.
"Don't listen to Junko, Kimiko," Kokichi said firmly.
"He's just trying to be nice again," Junko continued. "He doesn't care about you at all!" Tears fell from Kimiko's eyes.
"'re lying!" she cried.
"No, Kimiko, I'm not," Kokichi said. "Junko is the one who's lying to you. You're nicer than this, Kimiko! Remember when we played beauty salon, and you did my hair and nails? Remember when I took you next door to see the puppet show? Remember that? It was fun, right?" Kimiko lowered her wand a bit.
"Those were all lies," Junko said quickly. "He was actually annoyed that he had to deal with you. He'd rather spend time with Himiko instead of you." Kimiko became blinded with rage all over again.
"I HATE YOU!!" she screeched at Kokichi. "LEAVE ME ALONE!!" Green, magical energy formed around her wand, and she shot it straight at Kokichi. He held up his arms, blocking his face, then slowly opened his eyes, realizing that he hadn't been hit. Instead, Himiko stood in front of him, holding up her Guardian Mage staff. She had blocked Kimiko's attack.
"That's enough!" Himiko demanded.
" you're going to fight your sister after all?" Junko said with an evil grin. "I must admit, I didn't expect that." Himiko's lip quivered, but she forced herself to lift her chin and remain calm.
"I'm not going to fight her," Himiko said. "I'm going to make you give her over to me, if it's the last thing I ever do!"
"I don't think you have a choice," Junko sneered. "If you're not willing to fight your sister, I guess you've already lost. She is my protector, after all. She'd do anything to protect me, won't you, Kimiko?"
"Yes, Big Sis Junko," Kimiko replied obediently, glaring at Himiko. Junko narrowed her eyes at Himiko, her grin menacing and deadly.

"Destroy her," she murmured in Kimiko's ear.
submitted by Sola_Sista_94 to danganronpa [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 21:13 LAKidC My 16 month old doesn’t walk , talk or take food to his mouth .

Hello everyone . My son is 16 months and does not talk at all no dada , mama , no animal sounds just whines or cries when he’s upset or wants something . He doesn’t point for anything he wants or needs . We read to him and sing and he does enjoy it but he doesn’t engage or try to repeat any of the words no matter how much we try for him to . He’s also not walking , he crawls all over the place and stands along the couch , table or anything he can balance himself on but he’s but still not walking . He’s on the baby walker a lot we try to help him walk but after a short while he’s crying and just wants to crawl on his own . He eats everything . He’s a great eater but does not put food to his mouth . He puts his bottle , pacifier and toys to his mouth on his own just fine but won’t do food . My daughter accomplished all these miles stones really early on and I know now to compare but now that he’s at 16 months I am getting a bit concerned about him not accomplishing this milestones by now . Just want to see if anyone has had similar experience? Maybe some advice ? Thanks in advance .
submitted by LAKidC to toddlers [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 21:13 Gameyster Had this plant for a couple years. No idea what it is. Can you help me identify it? Can you also give me advice on how to take care of it?

Had this plant for a couple years. No idea what it is. Can you help me identify it? Can you also give me advice on how to take care of it?
TLDR: What is this plant? It grew from a random leaf picked up off the floor of a random garden center. I tried apps but I'm not 100% sure they're right. If you know, can you also give me tips for its care? Am I caring for it right? I'm a newbie for plants.
Background if you wanna read about it: (Sorry if it's long.)
My mother likes to take random leaves from the floors of random places that sell plants sometimes like Lowe's. They usually grew up to be pothos. I believe this one came from a garden center. I don't remember the name. It's certainly not a pothos and we had no idea what it is.
My mom passed in December, so it's just me taking care of the plants now. I'm pretty much a newbie. Recently I overwatered and killed her snake plant, which I felt really bad about. I decided to look online on how I can improve. Today I repotted my first plant and decided to repot this one too because it's kind of tall and maybe it needs more room? Then I remembered I should probs try to figure out what the heck it is.
My mom dubbed it \"the alien plant\" because she thought it was the strangest thing, like how it emerges out of like a skin-like covering thing like in this pic.
Have I tried using an app?
Yes, I did. I tried an app called PictureThis. I think it's great, but I don't 100% trust its identifications since it keeps saying my Draconscale Alocasia is Heart of Jesus. It keeps saying this is a fatboy philodendron or a philodendron imperial green. It keeps alternating between the two, so I don't know which one it is. I'm also not 100% sure it's right because the leaf shape doesn't seem to match in my opinion. I just want to make sure.
I think it's leaves are uniquely shaped? That might help with identifying it right?
It also seems like a second one grew at some point. For a long time I thought it was just a separate branch or something. Should I separate them and put them in their own pots?
If you know what it is, can you also give me care tips? It seems to be doing fine as is but I just want to make sure. It's pretty tall and it falls over without the plastic support poles I put. Am I supposed to be doing that?
I heard from a friend that Reddit is a great place to ask questions so that's why I'm here. I was actually surprised I had an account. I guess I made one years ago and never used it til now.
Sorry if this is long and messy. This is my first post ever
submitted by Gameyster to whatsthisplant [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 21:13 Bruh_Gamer99 I had this long and weird dream, and I wrote it all down in my notes app

“I went into a virtual reality game where I was with my mom setting up a computer for my sister and it was an ultra widescreen iMac. It was really low quality and kept playing seven nation army. Then I was inside a tv show and I was at some school and I was playing dungeons and dragons. I was getting mad because the rules of the game were being ageist, because my character would die if they were a child. Then the dungeon master asked for some brushes(?), but I remembered I had chewed on them so they were no longer usable. I lied and said I took them home to paint them, and my brother chewed on them. Then the dm said i didn’t need to take them home to paint, because they have a feature to change colors automatically. She yelled at me and called me all sorts of names and kicked me out. I got really pissed and tried to beat her with a chair. I then ran out. She chased me. The police came and I surrendered. We all got on the ground. Then there was a flashback and it was revealed I attached a c4 to the dungeon master girl and so I activated it with a remote. It blew up and I ran off. It was revealed in another flashback that when I was getting dressed I put a Jetpack in my tuxedo. I flew off with my brother and exited the tv show. I thought about how I would try watching the rest of the tv show sometime, because the plot about using gadgets to trick people interested me. But then I thought that the rest of the show wasn’t like that and it was just about some kid being a smartass to teachers. Then I flew into Disney world where I would meet up with my sister. But then I remembered I had no money and couldn’t be here. I went up to a security guard and he told me i needed to pay to be in the park, or pay for a hotel. I left the park after some other guard told me where the exit was. I found a truck and the truck driver recognized me. Then I went on some ride up the hill.At the end of it I went into some underwater building. There was some author there giving a speech about statistics and guns. Then he took out a .22 rifle and shot the glass wall. There were giant bullet holes but no water came through. Then he shot it a bunch of times and water came gushing through. It filled all the way to the top and kept coming though. It kept pouring and pouring in. The pressure kept building up but I just wouldn’t die. I felt water going into my mouth and nose, but I was still alive and breathing somewhat. I called for the authors name and screamed for help, but no response. I kept screaming, but I just couldn’t die. I was stuck for eternity. Then I heard a beeping sound and woke up. ”
the fuck was that?
submitted by Bruh_Gamer99 to thisdreamihad [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 21:12 Different-Hornet-954 Bitchy Mom

I've been sick for 3 days and stayed home for 2 and struggled to convince my mom to let me stay home today. For context l'm very often sick like almost every months I have something that is so bad I need to stay home. At least half of them are lung related since it's very polluted where I live (as in I need to use a nebuliser.) I'm underweight (my whole life) and can never gain weight but my mom always jokes about how she's jealous, I have a very weak immune system. My mom has become more and more blantantly transphobic, she used to just be skeptical of surgeries but now she's falling into TERF rethoric. She always was difficult to let me stay home when I'm sick even with fevers and the school having a policy to not send your kid to school sick. Today after staying home an extra day than the doctor said yesterday. I still feel very sick; feverish, coughing and plain exhausted. I tried at first hinting subtly to my mom that I can't go to school by saying how I feel but as always she ignored it and told me to get ready. So l end up telling her directly and then she suddenly starts going on about "I'm a woman and I'm still strong! No body wants a sick dog, you're always sick!" So I get obviously angry and also confused why she's bringing gender into it and I tell her that maybe l'm always sick becaus she never lets me fully recover. Then out of fucking nowhere she goes "And you're the one who wants all those surgeries."
I lose it. That's the first time she's been so blatantly transphobic in a completely unrelated argument. She was 100% just trying to hurt my feelings. I'm so riled up by her constant misgendering and deadnaming plus this that I start calling her every curse on the planet and I tell her that respect goes both ways after she pulls out the respect your elders card again. But she somehow says she's not disrespecting me??? My mother is completely delusional she told me just a day before that she doesn't know shit about trans healthcare after she called it experimental and I disproved that. So she told me I just don't pray enough??? I try to entertain her saying I do pray but god isn't going to do it for me, then she says it's because I don't pray at church which is literally unsafe for me as I pass but she always misgendering me automatically outing me but she lies to herself saying that I'm androgynous enough and that people are tolerant of masculine girls (homosexuality is crime in this great country she decided to come work at). Anyway, after she left cus she hates when I cry. I'm now having the worst panic attack of my life. I couldn't breathe and I broke something for the first time ver out of pure rage (I hid it in the trash so she won't see) plus I had to hold back hitting my mom because she so fucking smug and know it all. I also puked my entire breakfast and I'm shaking right now as I write this.
TDLR: My transphobic mom who always sends me to school sick said "but you want all those trans surgeries" and insinuated I'm too weak. After I stood my ground since I'm still sick and told her l'm not going. I broke something and had a panic attack the second she left.
Help? Btw my dad is out of town and he's usually more supportive one for me.
submitted by Different-Hornet-954 to FTMventing [link] [comments]