Sci-fi city name generator

SF, fantasy, post-apocalypse, and other genre visual arts

2011.05.05 23:03 1point618 SF, fantasy, post-apocalypse, and other genre visual arts

SF, fantasy, and post-apocalypse visual arts. Explore the visual aspects of imagined worlds. All speculative visual arts are welcome, from space vistas to fantasy landscapes to ruined cities to psychedelic paintings to dreaded monsters to f'ing dinosaurs!

2014.08.14 21:33 embermage Cities: Skylines

A community-led subreddit for Cities: Skylines and Cities: Skylines II, the city-builder games from Colossal Order.

2020.10.29 23:58 CocoWithAHintOfMeth NCSChargen

This is the subreddit for posting character sheets for Night City Stories. Check out the Useful Resources sidebar below for more information.

2024.05.14 16:09 Rangerborn14 ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'pymysql'

I've been running a code that generates a login page for a desktop app. By logging in succesfully, the user would be sent to the main UI of the app (""). However, everytime I tried to log in, it gives me an error about 'pymysql' not being found, even though I already have it installed. The error is caused by a file named "", which is used to show what user has been using the app lately:
from PyQt5 import QtCore, QtGui, QtWidgets from PyQt5.QtWidgets import QDialog, QVBoxLayout, QTableWidget, QTableWidgetItem import pymysql class ActividadWindow(QDialog): def __init__(self): super().__init__() self.setWindowTitle("Actividad de Usuarios") self.setGeometry(100, 100, 400, 300) # Ajusta el tamaño según tus necesidades self.layout = QVBoxLayout() self.tableWidget = QTableWidget() self.layout.addWidget(self.tableWidget) self.setLayout(self.layout) # Conectar a la base de datos y cargar datos en la tabla self.cargar_datos() def cargar_datos(self): conexion = pymysql.connect(host='', user='root', password='password', database='test') cursor = conexion.cursor() cursor.execute("SELECT * FROM actividad") datos = cursor.fetchall() self.tableWidget.setRowCount(len(datos)) self.tableWidget.setColumnCount(len(datos[0])) encabezados = [description[0] for description in cursor.description] self.tableWidget.setHorizontalHeaderLabels(encabezados) for fila, dato_fila in enumerate(datos): for columna, dato in enumerate(dato_fila): self.tableWidget.setItem(fila, columna, QTableWidgetItem(str(dato))) conexion.close() 
What's strange is that when I run the "" file, it all runs smoothly. It's only when I run from the login page code that the error is happening. Here's the code of the login page for reference:
from tkinter import * from PIL import Image, ImageTk from tkinter import messagebox import pymysql import subprocess import psutil from datetime import datetime windows=Tk() windows.title('AquaSense Login') windows.geometry('490x240+500+100') # windows.resizable(0,0) #forgot password def forgot_password(): windows.destroy() import forgotpassword #Button Definition process def create_one(): windows.destroy() import Registration2 def login(): if idEntry.get() == '' or passwdEntry.get() == '': messagebox.showerror('Alert', 'Please enter all entry fields!') else: db = pymysql.connect(host='', user='root', password='password', database='test') cur = db.cursor() queryActi = 'use testP' cur.execute(queryActi) queryActi='create table if not exists Actividad (actId int auto_increment primary key not null, userId int,FOREIGN KEY (userId) REFERENCES personaldata(id),fecha DATETIME) ' \ cur.execute(queryActi) query = 'select * FROM personaldata where passwrd=%s AND username=%s' cur.execute(query, (passwdEntry.get(),idEntry.get(),)) roles = cur.fetchone() if roles == None: messagebox.showerror('Alert!', 'Incorrect username or password') return else: login_time ='%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S') user_id = roles[0] # Assuming the ID is the first column in personaldata table insert_query = 'insert into Actividad (userId, fecha) VALUES ( %s, %s)' cur.execute(insert_query, (user_id, login_time)) db.commit() messagebox.showinfo('success', 'Login Successful') # clear screen idEntry.delete(0, END) passwdEntry.delete(0, END) main_running = False for proc in psutil.process_iter(): if '' in main_running = True break if not main_running: # Launch the PyQt main page script using subprocess subprocess.Popen(['python', '']) # Close the original tkinter login window windows.destroy() #username def on_entry(e): idEntry.delete(0, END) def on_password(e): name=idEntry.get() if name == '': idEntry.insert(0,'username') #password def on_enter(e): passwdEntry.delete(0, END) def on_Leave(e): password = passwdEntry.get() if password == '': passwdEntry.insert(0, 'password') #for hiding data on the entry fields by clicking on the check box def show(): passwdEntry.configure(show='*') check.configure(command=hide, text='') def hide(): passwdEntry.configure(show='') check.configure(command=show, text='') frame=Frame(windows, width=700, height=400, bg='light blue'),y=0) LogoImage=PhotoImage(file= r'C:\Users\UserPC\Downloads\Personal_Registration_Form-main\Personal_Registration_Form\user (1).png') idlabel=Label(frame, text='Nombre', fg='black', image=LogoImage, compound=LEFT, bg='light blue', font=('Calibre', 14, 'bold')) idlabel.grid(row=1, column=0, pady=20, padx=1) passwordImage=PhotoImage(file= r'C:\Users\UserPC\Downloads\Personal_Registration_Form-main\Personal_Registration_Form\padlock.png') passwdlabel=Label(frame, image=passwordImage, compound=LEFT,fg='black', bg='light blue', text=' Contraseña', font=('Calibre', 14, 'bold')) passwdlabel.grid(row=3, column=0, pady=10, padx=3), y=70) idEntry=Entry(frame, width=39, bd=3) idEntry.grid(row=1,column=2,columnspan=2, padx=57) passwdEntry=Entry(frame, width=39, bd=3) passwdEntry.grid(row=3, column=2, columnspan=2) #application of erasable text on the entry fields idEntry.insert(0, "username") idEntry.bind('', on_entry) idEntry.bind('', on_password) passwdEntry.insert(0, "password") passwdEntry.bind('', on_enter) passwdEntry.bind('', on_Leave) #btn loginbtn=Button(frame, text='LOGIN', bg='#7f7fff', pady=10, width=23,fg='white', font=('open sans', 9, 'bold'), cursor='hand2', border=0, borderwidth=5, command=login) loginbtn.grid(row=9, columnspan=5, pady=30) donthaveacctLabel=Label(frame, text='¿No tienes una cuenta?', fg='black', bg='light blue', pady=4, font=('Calibre', 9, 'bold')) createnewacct = Button(frame, width=15, text='Registrate', border=0, bg='white', cursor='hand2', fg='black', font=('Calibre', 8, 'bold'), command=create_one), y=179) forgtpw=Button(frame, text='¿Olvidaste la contraseña?', fg='black',border=0, cursor='hand2', bg='light blue', font=('Calibre', 9, 'bold'), command=forgot_password),y=102) check = Checkbutton(frame, text='', command=show, bg='light blue'), y=83) ico ='C:\Users\UserPC\Downloads\Personal_Registration_Form-main\Personal_Registration_Form\icon (1).png') photo = ImageTk.PhotoImage(ico) windows.wm_iconphoto(False, photo) windows.resizable(False,False) windows.mainloop() 
Anyone knows what's causing this?
submitted by Rangerborn14 to learnpython [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 16:03 TheRocketshipTree Guiding Hand question

I'm trying to use the spell Guiding Hand to find a moving island/turtle. The temple/city on the turtle is well known, and the turtle makes stops in major ports for diplomatic reasons and supply runs. My question is whether or not this spell would apply to a moving landmark the same as a stationary one. The turtle has been mapped, both maps of the turtle and maps including the turtle exist.
Guiding Hand (UA)
Source: Unearthed Arcana 36 - Starter Spells
1st-level divination (ritual)
Casting Time: 1 minute Range: 5 feet Components: V, S Duration: Concentration, up to 8 hours
You create a Tiny incorporeal hand of shimmering light in an unoccupied space you can see within range. The hand exists for the duration, but it disappears if you teleport or you travel to a different plane of existence.
When the hand appears, you name one major landmark, such as a city, mountain, castle, or battlefield on the same plane of existence as you. Someone in history must have visited the site and mapped it. If the landmark appears on no map in existence, the spell fails. Otherwise, whenever you move toward the hand, it moves away from you at the same speed you moved, and it moves in the direction of the landmark, always remaining 5 feet away from you.
If you don’t move toward the hand, it remains in place until you do and beckons for you to follow once every 1d4 minutes.
Could this spell be used to guide me to the island/turtle? It moves, but it's also mapped. (I know this would probably fall to the DM to decide, my DM asked and we're curious as to what other people think)
submitted by TheRocketshipTree to DnD [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 16:01 space4rentt [MAIN] Loop Coaster (10303) - 101 spots at $5/ea

Day/Time: 5/14 10am
Item name: Loop Coaster (10303)
Lego Price: $400 + $27 tax
Shipping: $78 [UPS 22 x 20 x 10, 17lbs, Philly to Bel-Air (19020 - 90077)]
Raffle Total/Spots: $505, 101 spots @ $5
Price justification:
Call spots: Yes
Spot limit per person: N
Duration of spot limit: N/A
Location(Country): USA
Will ship international: Yes. Winners outside of the contiguous 48 United States will pay difference in shipping quote.
Timestamp pics:
Description: Fun getaway for your lego city .
Payment required w/in 10 minutes of raffle filling.
PayPal payments are to be Friends and Family only with NO COMMENTS. CashApp payments should have NO COMMENTS. Comments will result in a permanent ban

PayPal Info: PM for gpay or pp
Cash App Info:

Tip BlobAndHisBoy
Number of vacant slots: 101
Number of unpaid users: 0
Number of unpaid slots: 0
This slot list is created and updated by The EDC Raffle Tool by BlobAndHisBoy.

submitted by space4rentt to lego_raffles [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 16:00 AutoModerator Today's Discussion - 14 May 2024


ACFC Twitter list
Master ticket index thread
ACFC schedule via Google calendar
How to Watch ACFC games according to NWSL
Home game themes and Giveaways
Individual player profiles thread
Angel City FC v Houston Dash Pre-Match
Angel City FC v Houston Dash Live match
Angel City FC v Houston Dash Post Match
Angel City FC v Houston Dash Next Day
Angel City FC v Houston Dash Rate
Good Morning,
What are we yelling about?
Talk about whatever you want.
This is an ideal thread for you to make general inquiries about things that are commonly asked, like how is the shade on the East stand at 3pm? Or where are the ADA bathrooms? As well, low effort posts can be directed here as comments in order to keep sub organized and conversation centralized for other users. Consider this the Town Square, or AngelCityFC Reddit's very own Starbucks.
AngelCity FC Reddit Classifieds: seeking a user to make (this) Daily Discussion post three times weekly for the duration of the year. Expectations will be to demonstrate consistency. If interested please contact moderators via modmail.
submitted by AutoModerator to AngelCityFC [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 15:58 Impossible-Rich-3931 Worrying about my boy being neutered in dirty vets office

Worrying about my boy being neutered in dirty vets office
So this is my second cat, I’ve had my first girl for 2.5 years almost and she’s probably around 3.5 years old I’m guessing. I got her spayed the first 6 months I had her, I lived in AZ at the time and used the humane society, it was very clean inside and like a normal vet hospital with the larger waiting rooms and even put a name rage collar on her at the front. No odor or other animals, like I was comfortable leaving her there even though I was able to come back and get her same day after the surgery cause it was so early and I did. Well now I live in OK, in a smaller town with only a couple vet options, and an overflowing humane society which doesn’t have monthly spay and neuter deals like there was in AZ. So my parents recommended a dr here cause of the price and reliability. Well I walk in with my I’m assuming 8-9 month old boy that I’ve had since October, also my parents are the ones who set up the appointment for me cause we are hurting on money rn(I’m pregnant and out of a job, so one income is hard). So I just kinda trust my parents that it’s ok, but I walk in the door and I’m hit with a wall of animal stink, there is no waiting room just a small little office and check in desk thing, and she had me come take him back to the cages and so I walked through the back with her and they had around 4-5 cats walking about and a large dog, in that room area it’s like I could tell the dr and family live in that building as well kinda just based off the furniture there for the “pets” of theirs just roaming. Never put a name tags on him, the kennels looked alright but some at the top were obviously junk storage and weren’t the cleanest. As well as one of her roaming cats in there had what looked like and eye infection, like not even her animals all seemed 100%, unless she took it in recently and is treating it. I didn’t look around too much and didn’t see a room that would be for surgery and it makes me anxious based on the lack of obvious cleanliness when I brought him to the back kennels. Also I can’t pick him up the same day I have to wait till tomorrow, and so it’s making my momma heart feel so bad for leaving him overnight and he’s not a year yet and will think we have him up maybe, all I know is he’ll be scared tonight. I’m primarily concerned about the condition of the clinic and where this procedure will take place cause I really would hate for him to get an infection and potentially worse cause of the lack of sterilizing and keeping up with the clinic. We will see when I pick him up tomorrow but I don’t know if I’ll be receiving pain meds or anything for cleaning the site either like I did for my girl, I just feel like a bad cat parent for letting him have surgery there cause I wouldn’t take any sick pet there I feel it’s so dirty and unprofessional feeling at least from what I’m used to back in AZ, I imagine even the bigger cities here will have nicer vets but because I’m in such a small town we don’t have really any options. Just hoping and wishing that all goes well and he isn’t being put at risk for a bad infection or anything. Is there anything I can do at home after I get him to help reduce possible infections and maybe pain management if that possible.
submitted by Impossible-Rich-3931 to cats [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 15:57 labradorite14 Testing product names

Hi all, My company sells training programs and we're developing a new one. The name marketing has come up with is very long and the board shut it down and wants the name tested. The goal of this testing is to validate or invalidate the chosen name, as well as generate ideas for a different name.
This is an unusual task for me so I'm wondering if anyone has suggestions? We are using UserTesting and my general plan is to provide ~5 options (the chosen one and 4 backup options from marketing) and ask testers what they think each program is about/contains. Then have them choose which training they'd pick.
Any other ideas of how to test this to get results I can present? TIA
submitted by labradorite14 to UXResearch [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 15:56 SignalPractical4526 Need help with OAuth - New to Flet, New to Dev

Hi All,
I am a noobie developer. I am trying to implement google oauth for my app but I am not sure what the issue is, it just doesnt work. For experimentation purposes I tried with github also but I face the same problem.
  1. I created the Oauth concent screen with the appropriate test users and scope
  2. I generated the necessary credentials with the appropriate origin and redirect URL
  3. Very rightly added the creds to my code
  4. Created my program (see below)
  5. I run the program, site at http://localhost:8550 runs, I click on the button and I am redirected to google
  6. I authenticate and agree and then I am redirected to the site http://localhost:8550/api/oauth/redirect
  7. Redirect URL looks like this : http://localhost:8550/api/oauth/redirect?state=yrn7z2dqtAt76WLGUL7LEg&code=4/0AdLIrYfzkcG1tQYc4mXRSFyxAUacsW78HgU4sdqWN-ogIgmJwZJAma4WBVY4WrEckFLFVA&scope=email+profile+openid+
but after this nothing happens. The on_login() function simply remains untouched, nothing is printed, this is probably because the authentication is not complete. But others seem to be getting this to work with the exact same code.
import flet from flet import * from flet.auth.providers import GoogleOAuthProvider clientID = "" clientSecret = "GOCSPX-UwIdBmnIyu2bayHFtejMXXXXXXXX" def main(page: Page): provider = GoogleOAuthProvider( client_id=clientID, client_secret=clientSecret, redirect_url="http://localhost:8550/api/oauth/redirect", ) resulttxt=Column() def logingoogle(e): page.login(provider, scope=["", ""]) def on_login(e): print(page.auth.user) resulttxt.controls.append( Column([ Text(f"name : {page.auth.user['name']}"), Text(f"email : {page.auth.user['email']}"), ]) ) page.update() page.on_login = on_login page.add( Column([ Text("Login Google", size=30), ElevatedButton("Sign google", bgcolor="blue", color="white", on_click=logingoogle ), resulttxt ]) ), port=8550, view=WEB_BROWSER) 
The tutorial I followed is :
I tried using other oauth provider like Github, but same issue. I am redirected to the page with code after that nothing happens.
I am not sure if this will help, I am doing this on a mac m1. I have also tried with both chrome and firefox.
submitted by SignalPractical4526 to flet [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 15:53 fran478952361walker Something to help you with your English GCSEs

I wrote this scene all by myself. It is from one of my stories I have written called 'Ve Laer Thrtu'. Why don't you give some English practice a go for your exams?
Choose one of the questions to answer or do both if you wish to. :)
WARNING: You can share my work as a link, but please do NOT steal it and transmit it as your own.
Question 1: How is Brownfield Site presented as a mysterious place?
Question 2: How is Shellina presented as a character?
Dislocated from the beautiful sights and attractions of London was somewhere far from everyone's sight. Somewhere most unpleasant.
Brownfield Site.
Here you will find the nastiest of all people. The murderers. The manipulators. The monstrous. The mockers. Everywhere and everyone were filled with the minds of a brainwashed robot.
Hardly a soul had ever left this part of London. No one took care of it properly. The Brownfieldian people had their own language as well as English and often loved to talk about money, reputation, school examinations and jobs. Basically every day things twenty-four seven. Naturally, this was their culture. Most people loved talking about these things and believed that it was their only chance of survival and meaning in life.
The Brownfieldians were not particularly talented at creating houses and buildings either. Nearly all of them looked like ruins. A few in the corner had a roof made out of wrecked concrete that collapsed almost every day and the windows were easily breakable. The ground was also filled with nothing but eroded rock and brown paper was everywhere.
Passing all the buildings with destroyed glass, contaminated walls and smoked chimneys, the only attraction was the Quivince House. The pure golden metal shone like the sea in the sunlight whilst the purple-patterned waves rippled like reflections of water. No trees except one without leaves was spotted in the very front of the entrance. It could reach as tall as the new loft extension which was spent for ten thousand small pieces of gold metal found from underground.
Floating into the loft through the window, this is the place of where one would find an abandoned girl. Very tall, very slim, but highly against the rules and regulations of Brownfield Site.
Her name was Shellina Quivince. She was the daughter of the two Quivince parents who also had three sons. Every day, she was often lost in her own head, making up stories and music on the inside as Brownfield Site completely lacked the resources to create music.
Often, she would reflect upon why Brownfield Site was the way it was, the brutalities and nonsense behind it, how everyone there seemed to act like brainwashed idiots and why they conformed to such expectations. It all seemed stupid to her and she believed that everyone in her generation were being treated like robotic slaves.
When she was six, she had discovered a top secret underground room below her school, filled with dozens of books and a beautiful chandelier glistening above. There she found answers to what the real world was truly like and she compared it to Brownfield Site. This is the reason to how she started challenging the norms and her deepest passion she had hidden so well from her parents was to discover the truth behind it. Not to mention that she wanted to escape too since most Brownfieldians were banned from leaving Brownfield Site. Yet barely anyone knew why and it was never talked about to mark respect to the main authority figures.
The one thing Shellina was against the very most was the examination expectations. If a single soul was to fail any exam, they were to be doomed into working in the underground mines for the rest of their lives. Very few souls managed to pass them all and live a rich life like the Quivinces.
Despite this, Shellina wanted equality between all people and dreamed of outsmarting her parents capitalistic wishes...
submitted by fran478952361walker to GCSE [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 15:49 rio90degrees (Ohio) Does owning a few rental properties in a business name count toward asset limit?

If I own a few rental properties in a business name is that a counted asset?
They generate below the income limit...but Idk about the asset limits.
submitted by rio90degrees to Medicaid [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 15:47 brokensaint82 [FO4] Issues with graphical glitches and weird texture stretching

[FO4] Issues with graphical glitches and weird texture stretching

Weird black boxes and texture stretching

Just black void

As you can see in the pictures I get these black boxes either going through houses and such, as well as taking the screen over eventually. This is on a fresh install of the game with the updates installed. Is this just an issue with the latest updates borking my game and I should wait until F4SE and others are up to date or are there conflicting mods that are causing this? All mods are up to date and my load order is as follows:
Unofficial Fallout 4 Patch.esp
Wetness Shader Fix.esp
Armorsmith Extended.esp
Melee Replacer.esp
MAIM Distributor.esp
MAIM 2.esp
HAIA With Crafting.esp
Reverb and Ambiance Overhaul.esp
Vivid Weathers - FO4.esp
Vivid Weathers - FO4 - Quest.esp
USP .45_by_tooun.esp
[SS2 Addon] SimSettlements SuperStructures.esp
FO4 NPCs Travel.esp
PMC Operators Pack.esp
Homemaker - Unlocked Institute Objects.esp
OMEGA - MutantMenagerieFH IAF Patch.esp
Vault-Tec Armor Redux - Modular Expansion & Fixes.esp
Vivid Weathers - FO4 - Far Harbor.esp
Vivid Weathers - Nuka World.esp
VividFallout - AiO - BestChoice.esp
Radiant Clouds and Fogs.esp
Glowing Animals Emit Light.esp
dD-Enhanced Blood Basic.esp
Special Ops Goggles.esp
Multiple Floors Sandboxing.esp
Desert Punk Raiders.esp
Synth Overhaul.esp
Synth Overhaul - Black Patch.esp
Synth Overhaul - No level requirements Patch.esp
Project Reality Footsteps FO4.esp
Realistic Miniguns.esp
Lots More Male Hairstyles.esp
Lots More Facial Hair.esp
PA-Quick Animations.esp
Insignificant Object Remover.esp
AWKCR - Mod Power Armor Engine Glitch Fix.esp
More Power Armour Mods.esp
Consistent Power Armor Overhaul.esp
Brotherhood Power Armor Overhaul.esp
More Power Armour Mods - Automatron.esp
AnS Wearable Backpacks and Pouches.esp
AnS Wearable Backpacks and Pouches - Power Armor Carry Capacity.esp
AnS Wearable Backpacks and Pouches - AWKCR Power Armor.esp
Stimpaks help you breathe.esp
Live Dismemberment - Brutal.esp
Live Dismemberment - Insane-o.esp
Live Dismemberment - Liebermode.esp
Live Dismemberment - Mental.esp
Live Dismemberment - Mind-Blowing.esp
Live Dismemberment - POSTAL.esp
Live Dismemberment - Regular.esp
MAIM 2 - Dismemberment Patch.esp
MAIM 2 - Russian Stimpak Patch.esp
MAIM 2 - Stimpaks Help You Breathe Patch.esp
Clean Pause Menu.esp
BF1 Animations - Double Barrel Shotgun v2.3.esp
fn five-seven v3.0.esp
IAF - Far Harbor & Nuka World.esp
AnS Wearable Backpacks and Pouches - Ballistic Weave.esp
AnS Wearable Backpacks and Pouches - No Crafting Perks.esp
AnS Wearable Backpacks and Pouches - AWKCR.esp
M1Garand - AWKCR-VIS-VW.esp
Chem Lab Restoration Project - AWKCR AE CW.esp
OMEGA - MutantMenagerie IAF Patch.esp
dD-Realistic Ragdoll Force.esp
SS2_XDI Patch.esp
move that workbench!.esp
[MW2R] Shadow Company.esp
Scrap Everything - Ultimate Edition.esp
Pip-Boy Flashlight.esp
submitted by brokensaint82 to FalloutMods [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 15:44 OlDocSlothington ADV U.S. Road Trip Link List

A lot of people have been asking about them, so here's a list of all the road trip content Winston and Matt have made in the U.S. so far. Special thanks to Dragunilla and Yudi for putting this together.



We Found The BEST Chinese Breakfast in the USA (California) February 2018
Chinese Hot Pot in the USA is AMAZING! (Rowland Heights, California) February 2018
Can You Get REAL Peking Duck in the USA? (Rowland Heights, California) February 2018
This is The BEST Chinese Food We've Had in America! (Newport Beach, California) March 2018
Chinese BBQ is NOT What you Think! (South El Monte, California) March 2018
Yelp Is WRONG! San Fran's Best Dim Sum is NOT Authentic! (San Fransisco, California) March 2018
China's Weirdest Cuisine is Also AMAZING! (San Fransisco, California) March 2018
What is "Muslim" Food in China? (Union City, California) April 2018
We Try China's SPICIEST Food (Redwood City, California) April 2018


China's Doping Swim Champ Gets Busted (Moreno Valley, Riverside, California) March 2020
Are We Too Harsh on China? (Palm Springs, California) April 2020
Second Generation Rich RUIN China's Image (Las Vegas, Nevada) April 2020
Did China Make us Right or Left Wing? (Riverside Country, California) August 2020
Our Most Awkward Experiences in China (California) October 2020
A Chinese Guy Confronted Us in Public - What Did He Say? (Las Vegas, Nevada) November 2020
China's Gonna HATE What We Found in the Desert (Liberty Sculpture Park, Yermo, California) November 2020
We Went to Hollywood During the Most SEVERE LOCKDOWN (Hollywood, California) January 2021
China's SUPER RICH are SUPER POOR (Beverly Hills, California) February 2021
Proof Wuhan Lab Manipulated Coronaviruses (California) March 2021
Our Response to the Pro-CCP YouTuber Shills (California) March 2021
submitted by OlDocSlothington to ADVChina [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 15:43 asciipip Best Practices for Font Specimen Images?

I like the style of small font specimen images used on a lot of Wikipedia articles. There are a lot of examples in the third column in the list of serif typefaces. I'm trying to put together a program to generate images for my local fonts as an aid to keeping myself organized. Here's an example of what I have at the moment.
But I have a few questions that hopefully people here can answer.
submitted by asciipip to typography [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 15:43 CruiseEast Hey you! Yeah you dawg, tell me what you think about my new song! :)

To whoever is seeing this, hello! My name is Cruise East, I’m from a cold, run down, drugged out city in the middle of buttfuck nowhere. I’ve been making music since i was 17, I’m 23 now.
I recently just quietly released my first new single this year on SoundCloud which is meant to debut and showcase my new sound and identity as an artist.
As far as I’m aware, nobody besides myself and my closest friends have ever heard this song. Hopefully some of you may be willing to give me a listen, and maybe i can become your new diamond in the rough ;)
Much love and gratitude to this whole community.
Please let me know what you think.
submitted by CruiseEast to ThisIsOurMusic [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 15:42 melechtric Build error help

Hello all,
I am working on my first Next.JS app and I am stuck with the following error:
You are attempting to export "metadata" from a component marked with "use client", which is disallowed. Either remove the export, or the "use client" directive.
Below is my code. I have seen a previous post in this forum related to this but I could not apply it to my problem. Amy help would be appreciatted.
import { Inter } from 'next/font/google' import './globals.css' import Footer from '@/components/Footer'; import dynamic from 'next/dynamic'; import { Metadata } from 'next'; const inter = Inter({ subsets: ['latin'] }) export const metadata: Metadata = { title: 'My App', description: 'Generated by Next.js', }; const DynamicNavbar = dynamic(() => import('@/components/Navbar'), { ssr: false }); export default function RootLayout({ children }: { children: React.ReactNode }) { return (    
); }
submitted by melechtric to nextjs [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 15:40 Rhomaios On this day: The demise of the Cypriot peasant revolt

On this day 1427 the largest peasant revolt in the history of Cyprus ended in decisive defeat for the native Cypriots. Their leader, a man by the name of Alexis, who was declared king by his fellow peasants ("Re" being the Cypriot phonetic rendering of the French "Rey") was captured on the 12th of May, tortured and hanged by the Frankish authorities of the island. But let's provide some much needed context first.
Cyprus by the mid 1400s had been ruled by the Frankish dynasty of the Lusignans for over 200 years. This came about after a local Byzantine Doux/governor by the name of Isaakios Komnenos broke away from the Byzantine empire and declared himself Basileus of Cyprus. He ruled as a tyrant, before being deposed by Richard the Lionheart on the latter's way to the Holy Land to partake in the 3rd Crusade. Richard's wife and sister crashed on Cyprus after their ship encountered and storm, and were thusly mistreated by the tyrannical Isaakios. Upon Richard's arrival, the English army easily overwhelmed Isaakios' forces and took Limassol, then Nicosia. Isaakios who was immensely unpopular met no support from the locals, and was subsequently captured. Richard would then grant the island to the Knights Templar of Jerusalem, before they sold the island to the Frankish feudal lord Guy de Lusignan in 1192.
The Frankish domination of Cyprus is part of the broader Frankokratia ("Frankish rule") of Byzantine lands that lasted 2-3 centuries, albeit Cyprus happened to fall earlier than most other regions (who came under Frankish/Venetian rule after the 1204 sack of Constantinople). During this period, feudalism was introduced to the Roman/Greek population that had no experience under the more centralized Byzantine administration. The vast majority of native Cypriots would become serfs, the local Orthodox church was relegated to second-class status, the Archbishopric of Cyprus was dissolved, and many churches, state land and other property was granted to the newly incoming ruling caste of Franks and other Catholics.
Serfs in Cyprus were largely belonging to two classes: First were the "δουλοπάροικοι" who much like other serfs in mainland Europe had no freedom of movement, didn't own the land they worked, paid annual rent to their local feudal lord from their agricultural yields, and generally lived in abject poverty with no hope of social mobility. The second class were the "φραγκομάτοι" who still had largely the same freedoms as the δουλοπάροικοι, but could engage in more jobs such as crafts, and were allowed to have their own independent income not belonging to a feudal lord.
Periodically over the centuries, the Pope in Rome would send papal legates to proselytize and forcefully convert the local Orthodox Cypriots to Catholicism, albeit with limited success. With the fall of the Crusader states of the Outremer by the 12th century, Cyprus would become a safe haven for fleeing Catholics and other Christians who were in communion with Rome. Further feudal estates were established, dispossessing even more of the native Cypriots. Attempts at rebellion sometimes were made, but not to any significant effect.
By the 15th century, the strength and prestige of the Frankish kingdom of Cyprus had waned and the local lords had to vie for power with ambitious new powers in the eastern Mediterranean such as the Genoese and the Venetians. The Genoese in particular would lead a direct attack against Cyprus in the late 14th century, leading them to capture and control the important city of Famagusta. Cyprus would resort to piracy as one of its major sources of revenue and slaves, which prompted a response by the Mameluks of Egypt. Sultan Sayf ad-Din Barsbay embarked towards the island, raiding the southern coasts before moving inland. He met the then king of Cyprus Janus in battle at Choirokoitia on July the 7th, and crushed the Frankish armies. After a diplomatic episode, Janus was captured by the Mameluks to be paraded and humiliated in the Mameluk capital of Cairo, while the royal family fled and fortified in Keryneia. At the same time, epidemics and locusts infestations were recorded all over the island, leading to widespread death and starvation.
Within this turbulent political climate, a peasant named Alexis from the village of Kato Milia (speculated to be the village Milia in what is now the occupied part of the Famagusta district) who was the horse keeper of the king's messengers took advantage of the his greater freedom to move around the island and became the de facto figurehead of the native Cypriot population who rose up in rebellion against their feudal lords. He set up camp in Lefkonoiko, while the local peasants appointed captains in other major regions of the island (Lefka, Limassol, the mountains, Peristerona and Morphou). The peasants looted the granaries and storage rooms of the lords, sharing the contents between themselves, while they murdered any feudal lords and Latin clergy they came across, appropriating and sharing their lands among the native population. The Cypriot serfs were now effectively ruling themselves and started reorganizing the portions of the island they controlled with remarkable levels of popular participation, despite retaining structures from the extant monarchical administration of the island (evident by electing Alexis as a king).
The Franks of Cyprus received reinforcements and military assistance from other western European kingdoms, and most notably various Knight Orders. The Knights of St. John who had their base at Rhodes during that period proved particularly instrumental in suppressing the rebellion. After about 10 months of immense resistance, they captured Alexis on the 12th of May 1427 and executed him. Other Frankish forces stormed the various peasant strongholds, and recaptured Nicosia, executing all prisoners. The peasant revolt quickly concluded after that, and with the arrival of Janus within a few days from Egypt (after a massive ransom was paid to the Mameluks), the revolt was effectively over.
The revolt of Re Alexis (undeservedly) remains largely obscure today both in Cyprus and general historical education. It is however one of the earliest and most remarkable cases of popular revolt with explicit intent at serf emancipation and the abolition of feudalism. It can be argued that the fleeting nature of the historical commentary on Re Alexis by hostile sources (such as Machairas) and the general fading into obscurity of the peasant revolt were in part an effort to diminish the impact of the initial success of said revolt, discourage the locals from attempting that again, and eventually making them forget about the associated events.
submitted by Rhomaios to cyprus [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 15:36 ketchup-hair [F4A] "Hey book-lady, are you ready to marry me yet?" (Action-romance set in an alternate universe)

Hello! Just to get some maintenance out of the way: my name is Alice, and I've been rping for upwards of 7 years now. I'd like to think I'm rather experienced and detailed, and I ask potential partners to be okay with writing at least two 'good' paragraphs per reply (I can easily do more and will match your length!). Aside from that, I rp in 3rd person exclusively and am looking for someone interested in heavy worldbuilding and a somewhat cheesy romance! Now, onto the plot!
In this alternate universe, Japan did not win World War 2, but they were not bombed. Avoiding this cataclysmic setback in their growth has led it to once again operate as a potential global superpower, however due to their involvement in the war they are essentially cut off from the rest of the world, forcing them to rely on their own power. Nuclear energy runs the city, but thanks to the setbacks endured by losing the war, the already-conservative Japan has fallen back into a futile government, led over by an unseen Emperor ruling with a rumored band of secret police. Most of the buildings have not been updated since the war, and societal gender rolls have been enforced to an almost draconian degree in an attempt to restate Japan with its former glory and life. Rebellions are everywhere, but the Shogun is maintaining order... for now.
None of this matters much to your character though. They're too busy finding books to sell to the pretty young lady who runs the book shop- the one who cares for her young sister and the elderly neighbors next door, the one with a stony face that's so scary it keeps most others away, the one who isn't even married yet! In their eyes she's the perfect wife for them, and so they keep bringing her books with the hopes that one of them will be the one which will melt her heart. She always seems rather reserved, like she's hiding something, but she's so beautiful they have to at least try!
What will happen when this hopeless romantic accidentally gets sucked into her double life she's tried so hard to hide away? With tensions rising and their country on the verge of collapse, will they finally get this scary, pretty girl scary girl agree to get married? Or will they both die without ever being given the chance?
submitted by ketchup-hair to RoleplayPartnerSearch [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 15:32 doshimpexindia Revolution in Fusion: The Versatility of Stainless Steel Welded Pipes and Tubes

Revolution in Fusion: The Versatility of Stainless Steel Welded Pipes and Tubes
In today’s age of fusion, which is creating a revolution is running exceptionally well on fusion power nearing reality in the energy sector which utilizes stainless steel pipes and tubes for their strength, durability, and resistance to extreme temperatures, making them ideal for containing the immense heat and pressure generated by nuclear fusion.
The transition from raw materials to a functioning fusion reactor necessitates a robust infrastructure, which is facilitated by buttweld pipe fittings and threaded pipe fittings.
Building the Dream: The Role of Pipe Fittings
The reactor’s pipes, carrying superheated plasma and coolant, are intricately connected using high-quality pipe fittings for a secure, leak-proof system.
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Threaded pipe fittings in Sirpur, fittings provide a convenient solution for non-critical sections, screwing onto pipe threads to ensure a reliable seal.
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Stainless Steel is Versatile: Steel is available in various grades which is customized for specific applications.
Sirpur to the Stars: A Look Ahead
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The Future is Bright
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submitted by doshimpexindia to u/doshimpexindia [link] [comments]

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2024.05.14 15:31 IrinaSophia Saint Isidor of Rostov, the Fool-For-Christ (+ 1474) (May 14th)

The blessed Isidor (Tverdislov) lived in the middle of the fifteenth century. Though Slavic by birth, he lived in Brandenburg, one of the most ancient cities of Prussia. During those years, the Slavs of this region were fiercely persecuted by the Germans, who were trying to convert the entire population to Catholicism.
When he reached adolescence and perceived the insolvency of the Roman Catholic Faith, Isidor sought to move to an Orthodox Christian land.
Belonging to the wealthy merchant class, he willingly forswore his wealth, his parents, and his inheritance, and for Christ’s sake began to roam from place to place with his staff.
We do not know exactly when Isidor converted to Orthodoxy, nor when he arrived in Russia, but he ultimately settled in Rostov, north of Moscow.
He found a marshy area within the city and chose a site slightly above the water level. There, he built a small hut with bulrush. This hut afforded no protection from the heat or the cold, since it was not covered by anything; it only concealed his great asceticism from the eyes of the world.
The Saint spent his time in the customary manner of fools-for-Christ’s sake. At night, he prayed unceasingly, allowing himself only a brief sleep. His days were spent in the city streets or marketplaces with voluntary acts of foolishness. Occasionally, he would rest his weary body on a pile of waste or manure.
He instructed and taught those who desired spiritual guidance, condemned immorality, and led many souls to the path of salvation. At night, he would pray for all of those who had caused him offense and for those whom he saw wallowing in sin.
“Oh, Isidor!” he often said to himself, and cried out: “You must pass through many sorrows to enter the Kingdom of Heaven.”
The Saint's love for the Lord was great, wherefore the Lord loved him and granted him the gift of working miracles and of prophecy.
• “On one occasion,” his biographer relates, “a Rostov merchant was with his comrades at sea during a terrible storm. The ship, probably having struck a reef, suddenly stopped and began to be broken up by the waves. The strong force of the sea threatened to destroy it.
“In their despair, all of those on board began to prepare for death. Then, in the midst of their misfortune, imitating the case of the Prophet Jonah, the voyagers decided to cast lots, supposing that the ship had stopped on account of a crime committed by one of the passengers. The lot fell on the Rostov merchant, who was also the owner of the ship. The crowd then threw the merchant into the sea together with a plank.
“Cast by the wrath of his companions into the raging sea, the hapless merchant began to surrender himself to death. Suddenly, the Blessed Isidor appeared before him, walking on the sea as if on dry land. The Saint took the merchant by the hand and asked him, ‘Do you know who I am?’ The unfortunate man, barely breathing, said: ‘Servant of God, Isidor, help me....’
“The Blessed Isidor pulled the merchant onto the piece of wood and, as if propelled by an unseen hand, the plank began to follow the ship that had already departed. When it came alongside the ship, the merchant suddenly found himself on the deck. When the other voyagers saw him in their midst, they were struck with terror and glorified the merciful God, because they understood that a miracle had taken place. The merchant kept silent, because the Saint had strictly forbidden him to tell exactly what had happened.
“When he returned to Rostov, the merchant would make a prostration to the Saint whenever he saw him from a distance; and the latter, passing nearby him, would remind him of his prohibition. Thus, the merchant would always say that God had saved him by an intervention of His Grace.”
The Blessed Isidor reposed on May 14, 1474.
He did not leave his hut at all during the last days of his earthly life, instead praying with tears until the hour of his righteous repose.
At the moment of his repose, an unusual fragrance spread throughout the entire city. Everyone marveled and began to seek its source. They soon discovered that the closer they approached the blessed Fool’s hut, the stronger the fragrance became. Someone ventured to look inside and saw the Saint lying on the ground, face upwards and his hands crossed upon his chest. He announced the death of the man of God to everyone. They buried the Saint in his hut, in the exact spot where he had reposed.
The merchant that had been saved from the sea was at the burial. Finally freed from his bond of silence, he began with sobs to relate to everyone the details of his miraculous rescue.
With the blessing of the Bishop, those who loved and revered Saint Isidor built a wooden chapel near his grave, in honor of the Ascension of the Lord, because the Saint had reposed on the eve of the Feast.
In 1566, by order of Tsar Ivan the Terrible, the wooden chapel was replaced by a stone Church. A Priest tried to open the Saint’s tomb, but an invisible power pushed him back. A silver shrine was placed on the grave in 1815, from whence flowed a steady stream of miracles by the Saint.
The celebration of the commemoration of the Saint by the Faithful began on the very day of his repose. Thirteen years later, his name officially appeared on the Russian Church Calendar.
submitted by IrinaSophia to OrthodoxGreece [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 15:31 odile24 i want to gather all the banks in Germany - is this doable with OSM!?

good day daer experts,
i want to gather all the banks in Germany - is this doable with OSM!?
[out:csv(::id,::type,"name","addr:postcode","addr:city", "addr:street","addr:housenumber","website","contact:email=*")][timeout:2600]; area["ISO3166-1"="Deutschland"]->.a; ( node(area.a)[bank]; way(area.a)[bank]; rel(area.a)[bank]; ); out; 
submitted by odile24 to openstreetmap [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 15:29 IrinaSophia Saint Isidor of Rostov, the Fool-for-Christ (+ 1474) (May 14th)

The blessed Isidor (Tverdislov) lived in the middle of the fifteenth century. Though Slavic by birth, he lived in Brandenburg, one of the most ancient cities of Prussia. During those years, the Slavs of this region were fiercely persecuted by the Germans, who were trying to convert the entire population to Catholicism.
When he reached adolescence and perceived the insolvency of the Roman Catholic Faith, Isidor sought to move to an Orthodox Christian land.
Belonging to the wealthy merchant class, he willingly forswore his wealth, his parents, and his inheritance, and for Christ’s sake began to roam from place to place with his staff.
We do not know exactly when Isidor converted to Orthodoxy, nor when he arrived in Russia, but he ultimately settled in Rostov, north of Moscow.
He found a marshy area within the city and chose a site slightly above the water level. There, he built a small hut with bulrush. This hut afforded no protection from the heat or the cold, since it was not covered by anything; it only concealed his great asceticism from the eyes of the world.
The Saint spent his time in the customary manner of fools-for-Christ’s sake. At night, he prayed unceasingly, allowing himself only a brief sleep. His days were spent in the city streets or marketplaces with voluntary acts of foolishness. Occasionally, he would rest his weary body on a pile of waste or manure.
He instructed and taught those who desired spiritual guidance, condemned immorality, and led many souls to the path of salvation. At night, he would pray for all of those who had caused him offense and for those whom he saw wallowing in sin.
“Oh, Isidor!” he often said to himself, and cried out: “You must pass through many sorrows to enter the Kingdom of Heaven.”
The Saint's love for the Lord was great, wherefore the Lord loved him and granted him the gift of working miracles and of prophecy.
• “On one occasion,” his biographer relates, “a Rostov merchant was with his comrades at sea during a terrible storm. The ship, probably having struck a reef, suddenly stopped and began to be broken up by the waves. The strong force of the sea threatened to destroy it.
“In their despair, all of those on board began to prepare for death. Then, in the midst of their misfortune, imitating the case of the Prophet Jonah, the voyagers decided to cast lots, supposing that the ship had stopped on account of a crime committed by one of the passengers. The lot fell on the Rostov merchant, who was also the owner of the ship. The crowd then threw the merchant into the sea together with a plank.
“Cast by the wrath of his companions into the raging sea, the hapless merchant began to surrender himself to death. Suddenly, the Blessed Isidor appeared before him, walking on the sea as if on dry land. The Saint took the merchant by the hand and asked him, ‘Do you know who I am?’ The unfortunate man, barely breathing, said: ‘Servant of God, Isidor, help me....’
“The Blessed Isidor pulled the merchant onto the piece of wood and, as if propelled by an unseen hand, the plank began to follow the ship that had already departed. When it came alongside the ship, the merchant suddenly found himself on the deck. When the other voyagers saw him in their midst, they were struck with terror and glorified the merciful God, because they understood that a miracle had taken place. The merchant kept silent, because the Saint had strictly forbidden him to tell exactly what had happened.
“When he returned to Rostov, the merchant would make a prostration to the Saint whenever he saw him from a distance; and the latter, passing nearby him, would remind him of his prohibition. Thus, the merchant would always say that God had saved him by an intervention of His Grace.”
The Blessed Isidor reposed on May 14, 1474.
He did not leave his hut at all during the last days of his earthly life, instead praying with tears until the hour of his righteous repose.
At the moment of his repose, an unusual fragrance spread throughout the entire city. Everyone marveled and began to seek its source. They soon discovered that the closer they approached the blessed Fool’s hut, the stronger the fragrance became. Someone ventured to look inside and saw the Saint lying on the ground, face upwards and his hands crossed upon his chest. He announced the death of the man of God to everyone. They buried the Saint in his hut, in the exact spot where he had reposed.
The merchant that had been saved from the sea was at the burial. Finally freed from his bond of silence, he began with sobs to relate to everyone the details of his miraculous rescue.
With the blessing of the Bishop, those who loved and revered Saint Isidor built a wooden chapel near his grave, in honor of the Ascension of the Lord, because the Saint had reposed on the eve of the Feast.
In 1566, by order of Tsar Ivan the Terrible, the wooden chapel was replaced by a stone Church. A Priest tried to open the Saint’s tomb, but an invisible power pushed him back. A silver shrine was placed on the grave in 1815, from whence flowed a steady stream of miracles by the Saint.
The celebration of the commemoration of the Saint by the Faithful began on the very day of his repose. Thirteen years later, his name officially appeared on the Russian Church Calendar.
submitted by IrinaSophia to OrthodoxChristianity [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 15:25 stickychimney Balancing painting your army how you want & lore

Hey everyone, I’m relatively new to AoS and dove head first into CoS. For the most part I have my entire army built and primed, but I’m kinda stuck with decision paralysis.
I really enjoy the custom lore and color schemes that people make and share in this group. It definitely does inspire me to go that route with my army. The biggest thing I struggle with (and I know this is stupid) is I have models like Tahlia and the Pontifex, who according to the book are specifically from Aqsha and lead Aqshian armies (in Tahlia’s case). In my head it’s just hard to make a custom city/regiment and mesh in named characters who are clearly tied to a specific army and color scheme according to GW lore.
I guess I’m wondering if other people have had the same issue or if I’m just way overthinking this.
submitted by stickychimney to citiesofsigmar [link] [comments]