Pictures of real life germs


2020.03.31 18:04 IIIfrancoIII StreetMartialArts

Videos of trained fighters in real altercations, showcasing the effectiveness of martial arts against non-martial artists. Whether it’s in the streets or in sanctioned events

2012.09.09 12:47 super_ultra Cozy Stuff

This is a feel-good sub for pictures of cozy people, art, pets, things and places (both real and imaginary).

2011.12.03 19:48 Wobbly_Jones garageporn: good looking garages

Your home for pictures of good looking garages and workshops. From million dollar garage eye candy to everyday, real, working garages!

2024.05.16 00:18 CBenson1273 Friends To The End

We used to be so close. I remember playing games, watching cartoons on Saturdays, riding rides together at the park, going on adventures. The times we spent together were the best of my life.
Even the bad times were special. When your best friend moved away, I sat with you while you cried. When your parents got divorced, I held your hand while they told you how nothing would change.
But time passed, as it always does, and eventually we grew apart. Do you have any idea how it feels when your best friend acts like he doesn’t even see you anymore? I watched you spend time with your new friends, smiling and laughing - without me. Your parents never paid me any attention - they only ever tolerated me for your benefit - but when I lost you, it was like I lost my whole reason for living.
And then you moved away and left me alone as if I didn’t exist. At first, I didn’t know what to do. I watched your life from afar as you went off to college, met a girl, got married, and had a daughter. It hurt, but there was nothing I could do. The pain was very real, but I had to learn to live with it. What choice did I have?
So I moved on, too. I made new friends. None of them was you, of course. But I wasn’t alone, and that was enough.
One day I was playing with my newest friend in the front yard. She was tossing a ball around, smiling and laughing while I cheered her on, keeping her company. Her mom was sitting on the porch, watching while she read a book. Then the ball rolled into the street and my friend followed after it. She was so excited that she never saw the truck that was speeding down the road. Not until it was too late.
Her mother was devastated and inconsolable. She blamed herself for her daughter’s death and wasn’t able to get past it. Eventually, their marriage fell apart and she moved away. And her husband, who had now lost his entire family, was alone.
I’d like to say that I’m sorry I befriended the daughter. That I’m sorry she died. That I wish I could have done something to save her. That I’m sorry her mother left her father. That I’m sorry their family fell apart in a grief they could never overcome.
I’d like to say that, but I can’t.
Because her death, while tragic, served a purpose. I can only imagine the pain her father is in. But I’ll be there for him. I’ll lift his spirits. We’ll go on adventures. We’ll do anything he wants - the sky’s the limit. And eventually he’ll realize that he’s better off with me.
We’re finally together again after all these years, Friends to the end. And all it took was leading your daughter out into the street.
Imagine that.
submitted by CBenson1273 to shortscarystories [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 00:18 Babymewmow Ex came back after 2 years

Without getting into the nit and grit of what happened between us, I (22F) recieved a message after 2 years of being blocked by my ex (28M). I don't know how I feel, I feel like I'd been waiting for it for so long. Since our breakup, I have pursued my degree and moved out of state while he also moved and got a new career. I did some sleuthing every once in a while with what I could see. We both moved on IMO. He is now withdrawing after only a day, is it cause he wanted to see that I was interested in talking just to disappear again? He was my first real love, but it was intense. We both had so many issues, yet I feel like the age gap justified my own responses to issues, not his. I don't know what to do, I have been practicing apologies in my head and I both want to tell him everything he missed, while also yell at him for how he ended things ( that would be a long post). If this were a friend I'd say F him, go live your life. It's funny too that he reached out just before I'm graduating, I think I'm looking for signs. I just wish someone could tell me what this all means, what I should do.
submitted by Babymewmow to ExNoContact [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 00:17 thr0waway_999999 y’all this discord is ass

this *subreddit is aaa sorry y’all I’m fucking stupid
do ppl fake disorders yeah sure. are some people who are mentally ill cringe as fuck? (apparently just enjoying things is cringe now so) i guess so. (racqueers are stupid as fuck though ong) but honest to god why tf do y’all care? I would guess like half of y’all aren’t even mentally ill so it don’t even affect y’all 💀 y’all speaking for groups you deadass ain’t even part of and when someone who is apart of the group says some shit bc y’all wrong you bitch and whine like a bunch of idiot babies
y’all a bunch of dumbass clowns who thrive on ableism bc when someone doesn’t fit into ur stupid fucking stereotype u come onto Reddit and throw a fit about it 🤡🤡 like come the fuck on now half of y’all r the people who are calling autistic people slurs n shit in the streets don’t try to act like u care on fucking Reddit of all places
and to any people with actual mental illness who feel invalidated due to the posts here, ur valid as fuck, while a lot of people just fake claimed are just mentally ill children who ppl on this subreddit need to LEAVE THE FUCK ALONE a lot of the shit posted here are either JOKES that y’all fucking MISS, people doing shit for their OWN convenience or comfort (or just because why the hell not? again it’s none of y’all’s fucking business), or REAL EXPERIENCES that y’all just flat out decide to not believe because of some shit ableist takes that sound like they came straight of autism speaks ass 💀💀 it’s actually fucking pathetic
and if ur mentally ill coming on here defending these fucking clowns I’m sorry but you are VERY ignorant and need to listen to OTHER mentally ill people
also. people who have mental illness CAN be happy and sometimes they DONT want to air all of their trauma out on the internet and constantly talk about the negatives (which is something I know DAMN WELL some of y’all would bitch about too like be fr) ((also masking is real y’all dumb as hell if you think it’s not)) ((also also systems are about as common as people who have red hair. So like. Think about that.)) (((and one more fucking thing. Some people can’t AFFORD to get an official diagnosis you experience policing clowns.)))
also the rules in this subreddit are dumb as hell, like no anecdotes? You mean no backing up your flames with facts? No white knighting? You mean no anti fucking ableism??? Like. Y’all have to known damn wellyell the only reason this subreddit exists for abelists to bitch and moan about mentally ill people without getting called out for it (at least while they’re here) and no bullying??? Bitch are y’all on crack???? this WHOLE. SUBREDDIT. is bullying. y’all a bunch of hypocrites too ong
anyways tl;dr I’m probably gonna get banned for posting this but get a fucking life you fucking clowns and to the doom scrollers (I know there’ll be some of y’all here /lh) stop reading these shitheads no-having-done-no-research-ass takes and go have a snack I and like. Just takeake a break. This place is NOT good for you dawg I SWEAR.
anyways L bozos hope this sub gets raided or some shit in the meanwhile imma prepare the circus music for your logic-leapin clown asses 🤡💀🎪🤹🤹🤡🤡🤡
submitted by thr0waway_999999 to fakedisordercringe [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 00:17 Old_Mood_3655 Inspiration for a path at 34? Work/life balance, possible to WFH, Growth Opportunity

I am a 34 year old male, without a degree, some work experience, looking for inspiration for a path. I'm just not sure how to leverage my interest and affinity into anything. (I know this is vague).
Looking: -Room to Grow -Learn Work My Way Up -Eventually between 60-85k a year, non-commission based - Hopeful WFH (eventually) -Mildly stressful -Balanced (mostly leave work at work)
Something that I can start now and work my way up. To preface this, I am a realistic person, I'm looking at possible classes to start, but need somewhere to start.
I enjoy, logistics, optimization, time management and workflows. I also have a penchant for some design and creativity.
In my life I have been a bartender, a full time carpenter, then GC and Estimator for Construction, and eventually real estate acquisition specialist. ( I've enjoyed all except the last(the I was good at it), cold calling was terrible and believing in my product/feeling good about what I sell important to me)
I've been doing research non-stop and would love a little insight from those doing something with a few of these attributes.
submitted by Old_Mood_3655 to careerguidance [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 00:17 KINGCHASKA How did the moon come to exist.

So im finalizing the creationism and cosmology of my dnd setting and forgot to include how the moon came to be. For context the setting is a mythological earth much like Robert E howards Hyborian age. So the planet is Earth and the only continent is pangaea. The solar system is basically the same as ours aswell. In the creationism lore, Earth was a primordial asteroid, flying through space before meeting with the sun, the sun awoke and became a god. Where does the moon fit in all this. Even in real life we only have theories and no fact. I really have no idea since there are no extinction events in my setting and cant have an asteroid hit the planet. I was thinking something along the lines of it being the corpse of an eldritch being but idk im just brainstorming. Anything cool or strange about how your moons came to be?
submitted by KINGCHASKA to worldbuilding [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 00:16 Necrolancer96 Summoning Kobolds At Midnight: A Tale of Suburbia & Sorcery. 200

Chapter CC

Trout's Landing.

Ruby stretched with a contented sigh. She turned her head over to where Jeb slept beside her. Or where he was when she fell asleep. She sat up and looked around the dark underground room but he wasn't here either.
"Wonder where he went."

Oh well, she thought as she stretched a few stiff muscles before hopping up and collecting their eggs. As nice as it was to sleep with them, they needed more consistent warmth. So she sat them to the side, bundled up in the still warm blanket, and departed to secure a source of fire for their eggs.

Which wasn't all that hard, she realized as her dark vision faded as the blue glow from the torches up ahead illuminated the main gathering area for the burrows. She smiled as she saw the tribe return to something familiar that she missed seeing for a while.

Several tunnels branched off towards the other cabins and already kobolds came and went from them as they began to migrate away from the chill air above for the, still cool but more comfortable, air below. As they did she could see the collections they brought back and forth. Animals, alive and dressed, were being moved down here and out of the elements for better care. As well as an easier time keeping the ever gluttonous salamanders from sneaking another meal. Scraps and salvage collected from around the lodge or while out exploring being brought down and being traded or even used to furnish the space.

Bits of wood with simple carvings were lodged into the dirt along side scraps of metal or rock with soot, mud, or crushed flower pigment to paint symbols or words on them for decoration or directions. While it wasn't the bustling forum that they once had, it gladdened her to see her tribe returning to normalcy once again.

She shook away the distracting thoughts and set her sights on some scrap of wood nearby. She darted over to the vendor, deftly avoiding a section of the ground being dug up as the kobolds dug ever deeper as they sought to expand their burrows ever more. It was in their nature to dig and burrow. While they no longer had a draconic master to excavate massive caverns and tunnels for, she wouldn't be surprised if kobold tunnels ended up expanding far past the border of the lodge itself and going far into the wild where they knew nothing about save for what little Jeb has told them.

Eventually, even this gathering area will be abandoned as the tribe moved deeper down, putting as much dirt and rock between them and whatever threats laid above. The only thing that would remain would be an assortment of traps to keep any invaders wary of going deeper than the kobolds wanted. Even then, many of the tunnels that would lead deeper would be dead-ends meant to slow or hinder any invader. Some would even be traps in and of themselves, collapsing the "tunnel" on top of even the most cautious of invader or even just blocking their escape and leaving them to die before the kobolds eventually dug out their remains and collected their gear with no trouble.

She stood before the assortment of wood and looked over the scrap. Some of it was processed lumber that looked to be from the buildings above, most was collected bits of wood from the forest though. Which was fine, she didn't need anything too big. No bartering took place. She was a leader of the tribe and it was assumed whatever she wanted was for the good of the tribe.

Even starting a warming fire for her eggs was good enough for the tribe to skip bartering and simply give her what she needed. So she collected enough wood for a nice fire and returned to her home. She sorted it into the indent in the ground that Jeb had placed their eggs in before. It would be a good place to start a heating fire for them, she thought as she finished arranging them.

She left and collected some tinder made of dried moss and grass before looking around for some stone or flint to start the fire with. But no such luck. All the stone was deeply imbedded in the dirt or was too large. She once more returned to the gathering area in search of fire. Which she quickly found in the form of the glowing blue fire that Jeb had created for the kobolds.

She shuffled a little as she stared at the dancing flame. She knew Jeb didn't like the idea of the kobolds using the blue fire. He probably wouldn't like the idea of heating their eggs with it either. She should be worried as well, she thought. But she wasn't. Staring at the flame reminded her of the vision that The Crone showed her. Of her and Jeb within a ring of flaming blue orbs. They were happy. The tribe was happy.

"He'll understand." She said as she darted and collected a piece of wood to transfer a spark from a nearby torch.

Ember in hand, she rushed back to her home. She gently eased the flame towards the bundle of wood. She yipped in shock when the flame leapt from her temporary torch and engulfed the pile! Their room burst into dancing shadows as the flames danced from their new home. So pretty, she thought as she stared at the fire. She had seen it when she would come out of their room in the old building for a break. But it seemed so mesmerizing now that it was right in front of her.

She widened the indent in the ground a little so that the eggs could receive the warmth from the fire without being too close. They might be mildly resistant to fire, but not enough to throw their eggs in a fire! Then again, she thought with worry as she held her claw out at the fire. The warmth from it isn't as strong as a normal fire it seemed. Like it was contained.

She clicked her claws in worry. She didn't want to push them too close, but they wouldn't get enough heat if they remained where they were. It would only get worse as it got colder and the cold seeped into the ground. Maybe just a little closer, she thought as she nudged the eggs closer to the fire.

The flames sputtered at the movement of air, but nothing more. She held out her claw to gauge the temperature once again. But it still wasn't enough, she thought as she clicked her claws against a nearby stone in thought. She cast a glance towards the tunnel. She could maybe see if one of the others have something to make a proper fire, she thought.

She put a claw on the eggs.
"No. That'll take too long."

She looked worryingly at the tunnel as if Jeb would appear and lambast her for even thinking what she was. She held her breath and pushed the eggs forwards. Then more. Then even more. The flames sputtered and danced as the eggs were pushed closer and closer. She could only just feel the heat as she did so. Why did the fire seem so weak, she thought as she pushed the eggs right up beside the bundle of burning wood.

Yet the fire seemed to move around the eggs, like they were doing their best to avoid touching them. Even the heat from the fire seemed to be avoiding them! Ruby growled in frustration and pushed the eggs right into the fire!
"Can you just keep them warm?!"

The fire stilled and froze as the eggs were pushed into it. As if it didn't know what to do. Then the flame roared to life once again. The balefire caressed the onyx shells as it seemed to dance across the smooth black surface of the shells. As if a barrier broke, the heat from the flame radiated outwards now. Ruby could now feel the warmth from the fire where seconds ago she felt nothing.

Ruby blinked at the eldritch flame and moved her claw to touch her eggs. She instinctively pulled back as a tongue of balefire arced in her direction. She whined in worry at possibly making a terrible mistake. She held her breath and once more reached out to caress her eggs. She bit her tongue and shut her eyes when the fire arced towards her once more.

But she didn't feel pain. No burning sensation one would get when normally sticking an appendage into a roaring fire. Instead she felt a comforting warmth. Like she felt when close to Jeb as they slept together. She cracked open an eye and found the baleful flame caressing her claw. She experimented a little by pulling her claw back, feeling as the flame seemed to latch on like it didn't want her to leave, before snapping back to its "body". She pushed her claw into the fire, further this time, all the way up to her elbow. The fire latched onto her once again and flooded her with a comforting warmth that shot straight to her core!

She turned her claw upwards and pulled back once more. She watched as the flame held on as she did so, once more refusing to leave her scales. She watched as the flame snapped once again, but this time, it broke! Instead of snapping back towards its body, she now held a burning ball of balefire in her claw!

She couldn't do magic. There were few of the tribe that could before they fled to this world. The Chief was the last among them that had any ability to harness it. Yet here she was, holding a magical fire within her claw! She watched as the flame danced and twisted in her grasp. She sucked in a breath when she watched it start to diffuse INTO her scales! The flame lessened and lessened as if it were dying, but instead the fire seeped between the cracks of her scales. She could feel it racing through her body, flooding it once more with a wave of comforting warmth.

"Den Mother?" A voice asked from the tunnel nearby.

Ruby yelped in surprise and turned towards the voice. She saw the Chief standing there watching her with a curious and amazed expression on his snout.
"Having fun?"

"Chief!? I was-"

"Playing with fire?" The Chief asked playfully as he stared at the blue fire.

She shuffled nervously as he did so. Eventually he chuckled and she began to relax.
"It's alright Den Mother. You're not the only one that Master Jeb's flame as entranced among the tribe."

"Why do you think it acts so different from normal fire?" She asked.

The Chief shrugged.
"Who knows. Perhaps it is how magic works in this world. Perhaps it is something on Master Jeb's part. Perhaps it is because our former- Kortaza, was the Keeper of Flame."

"But we never had much protection from fire before. And not any way to manipulate it." Ruby said.

The Chief sighed.
"True. I truly do not know why it is so different than normal fire. Fire is alive, yes. But this one seems almost..."

"Living?" Ruby suggested.

"Yes. Like it has a mind of its own. Though I doubt that much, perhaps it merely follows the will of Master Jeb, knowingly or not on his part." The Chief continued as he walked closer and sat down beside Ruby and watched the eggs glimmer and shine within the fire where they remained quiet for some peaceful moments.

The Chief then perked up.
"Oh! Master Jeb returned!"

"He did?! Where is he?" Ruby asked and looked around expecting to see him coming down the tunnel.

"Well, he did return. Rushed around and collected an assortment of food, and then he vanished away again. Something about a trade?" The Chief explained a little unsure.

She frowned, wonder what he was trading, she thought. Though, with the eggs now taken care of, and Jeb away for a moment. Perhaps now was the time she could see about doing something special for him. She turned to the Chief, he was more knowledgeable when it came to humans and their customs.

"Chief?" She asked.

"Yes? What is it?" He asked at the tone of her voice.

"What do you know of this world's humans?"

"Oh? What would you like to know?" He asked a little excited in being able to use his collected knowledge.

"What do humans do with those they care about?" She asked a little uncertainly.

The Chief hummed in thought and tapped his claws.
"It depends. Humans are as diverse in this world as ours. Many customs I've read about belong to different groups."

"What about the tribe that Jeb belongs to?"

The Chief hummed once more in thought and got up before darting away while calling back.
"I will check! I'm sure I have something!"

While she waited, she continued to play with fire and tend to her eggs. Since they were in the flame, they didn't need quite so studious attention as they did before. She could probably just leave them and go tend to her normal duties and not have to worry about them anymore.

Who was she fooling, she thought. Even if there was a way to hatch and tend to the eggs completely without her, she'd still want to look after them. She thought she heard Jeb mentioning something about an "electrical egg incubator" once upon a time. Whatever that was.

The Chief returned, huffing from being out of breath and holding a thickly bound tome with pages of different sizes and colors poking out of the patched bindings. He placed the heavy tome on the ground with a huff.
"This is my collection of this world's customs and knowledge. If there is something that will assist you it will be in here somewhere!"

Ruby oohed and awed as the Chief flipped open the tome and leafed through page after page of information. Some were pages from magazines, others were snippets and clippings from books, there was a few pages that contained pressed cuttings of local flora as well as a collection of small animal bones among the bindings.

They stopped on a page that read MODERN COURTING FOR THE MODERN WOMAN in bold letters on a page that felt smooth to the touch. On the cover was a gorgeous human woman wearing a sleek beautiful dress and jewelry. Ruby pointed towards the page.
"Oh this one!"

They thumbed through the pages looking for information. Most neither one of them got as it talked about stuff like make-up, libido, popular fashion, and other things that they didn't either understand or see the appeal of. Then they found a page that described how a modern woman should act. Though this seemed to confuse the both of them even more.

"Be 'dem-or' and assertive? What does 'dem-or' mean?" Ruby asked the Chief.

"I'm not sure. There are many words within that don't seem to fit." He explained.

A pattern they soon found to be common among the pages of information, much of the words would make sense but spread out among them were these spots of words that seemed just out of place. What they COULD understand still didn't make any sense either.

"Be soft yet firm? How does that work?" The Chief asked.

"If you like a potential mate why make him keep trying to win your heart?" Ruby asked equally confused.

"Modern" humans were just as confusing to them it seemed. However, among the pages of contradictory information, they were able to get SOMETHING of value! Humans like gifts. Though they both knew that and didn't really feel like these pages of "modern courting" did anything more than confuse them.

"What kind of gifts?" The Chief asked as he and Ruby tried to decipher the mess of flowery wording and nonsense.

"Jewelry, clothes, food." Ruby read off as they got the general gist of the overly convoluted wording. The pictures helped more though.

"Well! At least we found something... I think?" The Chief declared at least with a little uncertainty.

"Why did you collect all this?" Ruby asked.

"It was in a book, so I thought it was important. But it would seem that not everything in this world's books are worth keeping." The Chief stated before retrieving the tome and departing.

"Where are you going?"

"To go through my collection. It would seem that some of it is not as important as I first thought." He called out as he left.

She could hear him mumbling to himself and heard the occasional tearing as he did. Well, at least they found something, she thought as she turned towards the eggs once more. She placed a claw on the onyx shells and felt the comforting warmth of the fire as well as the warmth of the eggs. They'll be fine for now, she thought as she got up and left.

"Jewelry, clothes, and food." Ruby murmured as she went down the tunnel once again.

He was getting low on clothes, she thought. But there wasn't much around here to make some with. Though perhaps some animal hides would work? But much of what they've collected was too small for clothes of Jeb's size. Getting him food seemed redundant too. He could make his own food whenever he wished. Which left jewelry.

It was the better of the options, but they didn't have much in the way of jewelry either. No raids means no loot and the piles of treasure back in their former home wasn't exactly a priority at the time of their exodus. But then she spied the copper wire the kobolds had collected while scavenging. A copper band would be nice, she thought as she was given the piece of wiring from the scavenger.

But what else, she thought as she looked around some more. The pictures in the magazine showed jewelry that glittered with gold and diamonds and so much more that they no longer had. Nothing around here could compare, she thought dejectedly. But then she saw a group of kobolds coming down a tunnel with a collection of shells and waterlogged timber.

"What is this?" She asked them.

"Salvage from the camps up river." The kobold replied as he and the others began to sift and sort the mess.

She watched as they distributed everything they collected to the tribe that came over. Some took the waterlogged wood, others took polished stones, and others took the collection of shells. She eyed the shells. Back home, alot of the fishfolk in the rivers and around the sea collected pearls from the water. Perhaps the ones upriver also had some?

She followed after the group of kobolds that had collected the shells and assisted them in opening a few. Mussels were what was mainly here, no surprise though since it seemed they were far from this world's ocean. What was a surprise was how many pearls they actually managed to find among the mussels!

It was rare for the kobolds to find one during their fishing trips by the sea. Even among the rivers pearls were not much more common. So it surprised them that several mussels had multiple pearls within them! She was going to actually barter for potentially the single one they found, but with there being so many the shuckers didn't mind at all and gave Ruby a small handful for her project.

They weren't all that big, but that was fine by her. They'd do for what she had in mind. She borrowed a small thin metal needle from a scavenger and retreated back to her room. Copper wire and freshwater pearls in claw.


Well, that's taken care of, Jeb thought as he appeared in the open air of the lodge. He flicked the gold and garnet band into the air and got it with a spring in his step and a tune on his lips as he made his way over to the Trap Master who stood near the river where he received reports from the salvagers.

"How's things?" He asked when he got close.

"Good. Strange. But good." The Trap Master stated as he dismissed the salvagers.

"How so?"

"The 'murlocs' you called them? Haven't returned to their former homes." He explained.

"And? Wasn't that kinda the point?"

"It was. But there isn't any sign of anything else other than birds flocking to the area."

"Again, wasn't that the point?"

"Only if something worse didn't move in." The Trap Master explained further.

Jeb groaned.
"What moved in?"



"That we can see. No new tracks, no scents, nothing."

"So what's the problem?"

"The problem is that much carrion should've drawn every scavenger and hungry animal for miles."

"But it hasn't." Jeb finished.

"No. The birds infest the area but largely leave us alone. Though some get a little territorial over their spots of carrion. But nothing else has moved into the area."

Jeb groaned again.
"So what do you wanna do?"


"Really?" Jeb asked in surprise.

"Yes. If the other animals and creatures nearby are giving the place a wide berth then we'll exploit it as long as we can. We'll send some scouts to keep an eye on the place though."

"Perhaps the smell of death is what's doin' it?" Jeb suggested.

"Maybe. Would explain the large number of birds. But nothing else?"

"Yeah, you're right. Well let me know if you need help with it." Jeb said.

"Will do."

"Oh! Before I forget, I made a trade agreement with the dwarves."

The Trap Master cocked a scaled brow.

"Yeah. Food for tools. We'll need to set aside five crates twice a week, but we'll get some decent tools to help speed up excavation." Jeb explained.

The Trap Master tapped his claws against his scales in thought.
"That's doable."

"You sure? Cuz I'm more than happy to do it all myself." Jeb said and conjured an apple to make his point.

"No. The tools are for us, we should assist. Besides, we gathered more for our former master. Five crates twice a week will be easy enough to do." The Trap Master stated in a relaxed tone.

"Alright, if you're certain." Jeb said.

"I am. We'll let you know if anything changes." The Trap Master replied.

"Alright, have it your way." Jeb returned and departed while tossing the conjured apple towards the lazing salamanders nearby.

Jeb ported down to the main gathering area. The place was just as busy as when he left as the kobolds went about their duties and tasks with vigor and joy that he's only really seen when they were staying in his basement. Guess he was the one living in their basement now, he thought with a chuckle.

He played with the gold and garnet band as he shuffled nervously. Wasn't sure why he was so nervous, he thought. She already had his kids, kinda, sorta. They were already living together. This would just be the natural progression of things. Kinda, sorta. He heaved in a big gulp of air to steady his nerves.

"Alright. Quite procrastinatin' Jeb." He muttered to himself and started down the tunnel towards his home.

He stopped when his boot stepped on something different. He looked down and picked up a magazine page.
"Modern courtin' for the modern woman? Where the hell did this come from?"

Probably Sammy's, Jeb thought as he tossed aside the girly garbage. Not sure what it was doing out here though. Maybe she brought it for Thanksgiving and forgot it? Or maybe the kobolds swiped it when they raided her hairspray? Or maybe she just left it among his other articles one of the times she and his pa would go over to his place.

"Oh well." He said as he continued on.

He could hear humming as he got closer, and saw a familiar pale blue light. He walked into his room and saw Ruby humming as she tinkered with something. Nearby was their eggs, sitting in the balefire. He should've panicked. He should've dropped everything and ran over trying to save his kids. That's what a father would do right?

But he didn't have that gut wrenching feeling of seeing your kids in danger he thought he would. Still, he walked over beside Ruby. She yelped in surprise and fumbled with what she was working on as Jeb reached out a hand and touched their onyx colored eggs.

"Jeb?! I was- They were-" Ruby tried to explain while also trying to gather her things.

"It's alright." Jeb said.

"It is?" She asked with concern.

"Yeah. They're not hot." He said as he stroked the shells through the fire that did nothing to him.

"Are you sure?" She asked with worry and concern.

"Yeah. Doubt it'll do anythin' more to 'em." Jeb said with a bit more bitterness in his voice than he wanted there to be.

He saw Ruby's face fall at his words. Nice job dickhead, Jeb thought to himself. He sighed and turned towards Ruby.
"I'm sorry. I'm just nervous 'bout everythin' happenin'."

"I'm nervous too." She stated and leaned into him for a hug, which he eagerly returned.

They held each other for a long moment before Ruby perked up and scrambled away.
"Hold on! Don't look!"

"Look at what?" Jeb asked with a cocked brow as he did his best to hide his own gift.

"I said don't look!" She chided.

"Alright!" He said with a laugh.

He turned away as he heard her grumbling and fumbling with whatever she was working on when he walked in on her. While he waited, he stretched out his hand and caressed their eggs. Please don't get any weirder, he pleaded mentally while he waited.

"Ok! You can look now!" Ruby called at last.

Jeb turned back around and saw Ruby holding a ring towards him. It was some braided copper wire with a couple of small pearls threaded on. She held it up to him.
"What do you think?"

Wait, was this a gift or was she asking him to marry her, Jeb thought. He had to say something though, the look of confusion on his face was making Ruby sad.
"I love it! What's it for exactly?"

"Well, I'm courting you!" She said as Jeb accepted the copper and pearl braided band.

"Courtin' me? What does that-" Jeb started when he noticed a rustle from his left boot.

He looked down and pulled off a piece of paper that had stuck to it. MODERN COURTING FOR THE MODERN WOMAN, it said in bold on the paper. He turned it around towards Ruby.
"Did you read this?"

She shuffled.
"Yes? I wasn't sure how you court a human in this world! But the words were confusing and didn't make any sense and- why are you laughing?"

"I'm laughin' because this is trash! None of the stuff in here is how you should court someone!" Jeb said with a laugh.

"But it says-" Ruby started when Jeb tossed the magazine paper into the nearby fire, which ate it instantly.

"It's just somethin' that girls read to pass the time. Nothin' in there is worth the paper it's printed on." Jeb declared.

"Oh. So?" Ruby asked dejectedly as she gestured to the ring she made for Jeb.

"This is just fine. Though do you know what it means to get a ring for someone?" Jeb asked.

"That they love one another?" Ruby said a little unsure now.

"Yeah. I guess it does. But the act of givin' someone you love a ring is a symbol that you want to be together." Jeb explained and produced his own gift for Ruby.

Her eyes went wide as she grasped the gold and garnet band.
"But we're already together."

"Yeah. We are."

"So what does the rings mean?" Ruby asked as she examined the band.

"Well, it's more religious really."


"Yeah. It's supposed to mean... somethin'." Jeb started as he realized he didn't entirely recall what the meaning of the ring was supposed to mean.

"Mean what?" Ruby pressed as she tried to fit the band on her arm and then her tail.

"Well. It generally means being together forever."

"But why the ring?"

"It means a sort of exclusivity for folk." Jeb explained.

"Why? What about the rest of the tribe? Does that mean you won't help them?" She asked.

"No! I can, or will, or... this is harder than I thought it'd be." Jeb said with a sigh.

Ruby cocked a brow as well.
"So what happens?"

"Well, we exchange rings and promise to love one another forever. In sickness and health and yada yada. Then we're husband and wife." Jeb explained.

"Why? We're already mates and we love one another. What does our health have to do with it? And what is a 'husband and wife'?"

"Well... You know what? Forget it. Do you promise to love me?"

"Yes! Do you?"


"Yay!" Ruby cried and hugged Jeb.

"And I now pronounce you man and wife." Jeb muttered as he kissed Ruby.

Ruby giggled and pulled away.
"So what happens now?"

"Now... I don't know. Usually there would also be paper work, but given... us, it prob'bly wouldn't matter."

"So what changes?" Ruby asked as she affixed the gold and garnet band to one of her horns with a smile.

"Uhm... nothin'? We're already together, we already live together, we already have kids... kinda." Jeb listed off.

"So what's the rings supposed to mean?"

"It means... I love you." Jeb replied at last, giving up on trying to explain something he himself wasn't entirely informed of.

"I love you too!" Ruby cried and kissed him.

He returned the kiss. Not like this would've been an official wedding anyway, Jeb thought. They don't exactly have a licensed priest to officiate it. Or witnesses. He doubt their still shelled eggs would count. He could ask the Chief to oversee it. But he already got a headache trying to explain marriage to Ruby, he didn't really want to explain it to the Chief, or any other kobolds that might be interested.

Not like it made anything different, Jeb thought. Ruby was right. They loved one another. They lived together. They had kids together. For all intense and purpose, they were mates. Sure if he was particularly religious he could insist on going to a church and doing things official. But given how things have turned out for them lately, he wouldn't be surprised if he burst into flames stepping inside a church.

Well, there was ONE tradition that they could still do, Jeb thought with a smirk as he picked up Ruby bridal style.
"Wanna consummate our marriage?"

"What does that mean?" She asked.

"Don't worry. You'll like it." Jeb said as he led her over to their moss bed.

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submitted by Necrolancer96 to HFY [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 00:16 EnTaroBurritos [USA-CA][H] Switch, PS4, Vita, GB/A Games, CIB Black Nintendo 3DS XL [W] PayPal

I'm back with some new items as I slowly continue downsizing my collection. I will will be aiming to post new items every week until I hit my target down the road!
Not everything has pictures at the moment, but I would be more than happy to add them upon request. I prefer PayPal F&F for payment, and shipping is not included in the price. Please feel free to throw out a reasonable offer if you are looking to buy multiple items.
Console Price Condition Notes
Nintendo 3DS XL Black $190 CIB In great condition, comes with all original items
Console + Region Game Price Condition Notes
NTSC Sony Vita Legends of Heroes: Trails of Cold Steel $40 CIB
NTSC Sony Vita Spelunky Collector's Edition $100 Sealed
Console + Region Game Price Condition Notes
NTSC Sony Playstation 4 Assassin's Creed Origins $6 CIB
NTSC Sony Playstation 4 Dangun Feverun $100 Sealed Comes with a Silver 213 card
NTSC Sony Playstation 4 Dishonored 2 $6 CIB
NTSC Sony Playstation 4 Life is Strange $15 Sealed
NTSC Sony Playstation 4 Uncharted 4: A Thief's End $5 CIB
Console + Region Game Price Condition Notes
NTSC Nintendo Gameboy Color Shantae $80 Sealed LRG Edition
Console + Region Game Price Condition Notes
NTSC Nintendo GBA Final Fight One $70 CIB
NTSC Nintendo GBA WarioWare: Mega Microgame$ $110 CIB
NTSC Nintendo GBA WarioWare: Twisted! $180 CIB
Console + Region Game Price Condition Notes
NTSC Nintendo GameBoy Kirby's Pinball Land $50 CIB Player's Choice version
No More Heroes Bundle (All three for $230 total, otherwise priced individually)
Console + Region Game Price Condition Notes
NTSC Nintendo Switch No More Heroes Collector's Edition $100 Sealed Comes with Silver 242 and Silver 254 cards
NTSC Nintendo Switch No More Heroes 2: Desperate Struggle Collector's Edition $100 Sealed Comes with Silver 254 and Gold 255 cards
PAL Nintendo Switch No More Heroes 3 Collector's Edition $60 Sealed Pix'n'Love Edition
Console + Region Game Price Condition Notes
NTSC Nintendo Switch A Boy and His Blob $45 Sealed Comes with a Silver 164 card
PAL Nintendo Switch Abzu $90 Sealed Comes with card pack
NTSC Nintendo Switch Alwa's Collection $24 Sealed
NTSC Nintendo Switch Astalon: Tears of the Earth $45 Sealed Comes with a Silver 075 card
PAL Nintendo Switch Bug Fables $46 Sealed
NTSC Nintendo Switch Carto $45 Sealed
PAL Nintendo Switch Caveblazers $40 Sealed
NTSC Nintendo Switch Children of Morta $22 Sealed
NTSC Nintendo Switch Cotton Reboot! $40 Sealed
NTSC Nintendo Switch Crossing Souls $55 Sealed Comes with all SRG items
NTSC Nintendo Switch Dariusburst: Another Chronicle EX+ $30 Sealed
NTSC Nintendo Switch Dark Devotion $40 Sealed
NTSC Nintendo Switch Darkest Dungeon $40 Sealed Collector's Edition
NTSC Nintendo Switch Deadly Premonitions 2: A Blessing in Disguise $22 Sealed
PAL Nintendo Switch Deponia Collection $75 Sealed
PAL Nintendo Switch Dogworld $50 Sealed
NTSC Nintendo Switch Etherborn $22 Sealed
NTSC Nintendo Switch Fight'N Rage $40 Sealed
NTSC Nintendo Switch G-Darius $25 Sealed
PAL Nintendo Switch Hell is Other Demons $32 Sealed Comes with card pack
NTSC Nintendo Switch House of the Dead Limidead Edition $25 CIB
NTSC Nintendo Switch Indivisible $12 Sealed
NTSC Nintendo Switch Jamestown+ $50 Sealed Comes with a Silver 286 card
NTSC Nintendo Switch Knights and Bikes $35 Sealed Comes with a Silver 245 card
PAL Nintendo Switch Last Day of June $30 Sealed Comes with card pack
NTSC Nintendo Switch Mighty Switch Force Collection $50 Sealed
NTSC Nintendo Switch Monster Hunter Rise Collector's Edition $50 CIB Comes with unopened steelbook
NTSC Nintendo Switch Monster Hunter Stories 2 Collector's Edition $90 Sealed
NTSC Nintendo Switch Neo Geo Pocket Color: Selection Vol 1 Collector's Edition $85 Sealed
NTSC Nintendo Switch R-Type Final 2 Inaugural Flight Edition $45 Sealed
NTSC Nintendo Switch Raiden IV x MIKADO remix $22 Sealed
NTSC Nintendo Switch realMYST $70 Sealed Comes with a Gold 027 card
NTSC Nintendo Switch Return of the Obra Dinn $35 Sealed
PAL Nintendo Switch Rogue Heroes $50 Sealed Comes with card pack
NTSC Nintendo Switch Sam and Max Save the World $45 Sealed Comes with a Silver 263 card
NTSC Nintendo Switch Sam and Max: Beyond Time and Space $45 Sealed Comes with a Silver 161 card
NTSC Nintendo Switch Skullgirls 2nd Encore $30 CIB
PAL Nintendo Switch Super Crush KO Steelbook $55 Sealed Comes with card pack
NTSC Nintendo Switch The Cruel King and the Great Hero $50 Sealed
NTSC Nintendo Switch The Liar Princess and the Blind Prince $40 Sealed
NTSC Nintendo Switch The Swords of Ditto: Mormo's Curse $70 CIB
NTSC Nintendo Switch The Takeover $40 Sealed Comes with two Gold 310 cards
PAL Nintendo Switch The Touryst $55 Sealed
NTSC Nintendo Switch Travis Strikes Again: No More Heroes $25 CIB Comes with two Gold 310 cards
NTSC Nintendo Switch Valis: The Fantasm Soldier Collection $50 Sealed Comes with a Silver 055 card
NTSC Nintendo Switch West of the Dead: Path of the Crow $35 Sealed
submitted by EnTaroBurritos to GameSale [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 00:16 Charming-Wolverine33 Please help

Yesterday may 14, I was scrolling through TikTok and k was on and I sat there and just listened to what she was saying. She really wasn’t saying a lot, but then she brought up that N always talk about her on his lives. Now, please keep in mind. I have only been following N for three weeks or so I subscribed to him and honestly, I don’t know anything that happened with him and his wife I remember I asked one time a personal question and somebody in the comments scolded me for it so I never ask anymore questions. I found him on TT and listening to him what he has been through and how he has made such a big turnaround and change that’s encouraging for people. Then you would see a serious side of him and then a real funny good side of him. Well, last night when k said that he talks about her I did say I’ll be honest when I watch him on his lives he doesn’t talk about you and there might be other lives that I don’t see and he might talk about her. I don’t know. And then I said that I hated that all it is feuding was going on between the two women and him that life was too short and that I just want everybody to be happy and I said I think maybe he has taken a break from social media because I haven’t seen him on now this was yesterday. She said no he was on earlier this morning. He’s got a new account and I said all OK. Well, I am a subscriber. I just thought maybe it would pop up. I don’t understand subscribing and doing all of that. I just like to watch him, battle other people it’s funny… so then there was another girl on her live and then we just started talking about dogs and I got of so then there was another girl on her live and then we just started talking about dogs and I got off well this morning Wednesday he was on and I said oh you’re back and he kept saying GD… and I said N stop saying GD… and he apologized and said sorry, Sharon and then the tone in his voice he got ugly and said yeah by the way you was in her live last night t on as he was sort of getting off f well this morning Wednesday he was on and he apologized and said sorry, Sharon and then the tone in his voice he got ugly and said yeah by the way you was in her live last and I was trying to reply to him and say yeah I was she came through my feed, I sit there and listened to her. I’m not one of these people that goes in peoples chats and run their mouth. I’m too old for that and then he kept saying we’re not gonna say anything you’re not gonna say anything, well I was trying to comment but TT would not let me so do you think he has blocked me and if he has that’s fine but I want him to know I did not go in and run my mouth and say anything disrespectful about anybody so can somebody advise me?
submitted by Charming-Wolverine33 to nilla2_o [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 00:15 Certifiedninja08 (Selling) Movies 4 Less

F&F Paypal (no notes)/Venmo/Amazon GC
Only redeem what you paid for. Codes are split unless you ask for full codes. Points have most likely already been used.
Birds of Prey HD MA $3
Game of Thrones Season 2 Vudu HD $3
American Hustle HD MA $2.50
Die Hard 5 SD Itunes $2
Heist HD Vudu $2.50
Jumper SD Itunes $2
Kingsman: The Golden Circle 4K Itunes or HD MA $3
Lucy HD MA $2.50
Lucy 4K Itunes $3
Mission Impossible Ghost Protocol HD Vudu $2
Pitch Perfect 3 HD MA $2.50
Serenity (2005) HD MA $3
Sisters Unrated HD MA $2.50
Sisters Unrated HD Itunes $2.50
The Expendables HD Vudu $2.50
The Man with the Iron Fist HD Itunes $2.50
Vampire Academy HD Vudu $3
1 Direction This is Us SD MA $1
12 Years a Slave SD MA $2
13 Hours HD Vudu $2
13 Hours 4K Itunes $2.50
21 Jump Street SD MA $2
A Million Ways to Die in the West Unrated HD Itunes $2.50
Action Point HD Vudu $2
Act of Valor SD Itunes $2
After Earth HD MA $2.50
After Earth SD MA $1.50
Aladdin (Live Action) HD GP $2
Alex Cross HD Vudu $1.75
Alex Cross SD Itunes $1.50
Alex Cross HD Itunes $2
All the Money in the World SD MA $1.50
Alpha SD MA $1.50
Alvin and the Chipmunks Road Chip 4K Itunes or HD MA $2.50
Anchorman 2 HD Vudu $2
Annie (2014) SD MA $2
Assassins Creed 4K Itunes or HD MA $2.50
Avengers Endgame HD GP $2
Bad Grandpa HD Vudu $2
Bad Grandpa 4K Itunes $2.50
Bad Moms HD MA $2.50
Bad Moms HD Itunes $2.50
Battleship HD MA $2
Beasts' of the Southern Wild SD Itunes $2
Beauty and the Beast (Live Action) HD GP $2
Beirut HD MA $2
Big Eyes HD Vudu $2.50
Big Hero 6 HD GP $2
Black Panther HD MA $2.50
Black Panther HD GP $2
Blue Jasmine SD MA $2
Bohemian Rhapsody HD MA $3
Boyhood HD Itunes $2
Brian Banks HD MA $2
Captain Marvel HD GP $2
Captain Phillips SD MA $1.50
Chappie HD MA $2.50
Concussion SD MA $1.50
Criminal SD Vudu $1.50
Daddys Home HD Vudu $2
Danny Collins HD Itunes $2
Dead Again in Tombstone HD MA $2.50
Dead Again in Tombstone HD Itunes $2.50
Deadpool 4K Itunes or HD MA $2.50
Despicable 2 HD MA $2
Divergent HD Vudu $1.50
Dracula Untold HD MA $2
Draft Day SD Vudu $1.50
Draft Day HD Itunes $2
Dredd HD Vudu $2.50
Dredd SD Itunes $1.50
Dying of the Light HD Vudu $1.25
Elysium SD MA $2
Elysium and District 9 HD MA $4
Encanto HD MA $3
Ender's Games HD Vudu $1.50
Epic HD MA $2
Epic SD Itunes $1.75
Escape Plan HD Vudu $1.50
Escape Plan 4K Itunes $2.50
Escape Plan: The Extractors HD Vudu $3
Extraction (2015) HD Vudu $2
F9 Theatrical and F9 Directors Cut (Bundle) HD MA $4
Family Guy It's a Trap SD Itunes $2
Fast Five Extended Edition HD MA $2
Fast Five SD Itunes $1.50
Fast and Furious 6 Extended Edition HD MA $1.75
Fast and Furious 6 Extended Edition HD Itunes $2
Fences 4K Itunes $2
Fifty Shades Darker Unrated HD MA $2
Fifty Shades of Grey Unrated HD MA $1.75
Fifty Shades of Grey Theatrical 4K Itunes $2
Finding Dory HD GP $2
Florence Foster Jenkins HD Vudu $2
Florence Foster Jenkins HD Itunes $2
Frozen 4K Itunes or HD MA $3
Frozen HD GP $2
Frozen Sing Along HD GP $2
Furious 7 Extended Edition HD MA $1.75
Furious 7 Extended Edition 4K Itunes $2
Fury SD MA $1.75
Gemini Man HD Vudu $2
Gemini Man 4K Itunes $2.50
Ghost in the Shell (2017) HD Vudu $2
Ghost in the Shell (2017) 4K Itunes $2.50
Ghost Team One HD Itunes $2
G.I. Joe Retaliation 4K Itunes $3
G.I. Joe The Rise of Cobra SD Itunes $2
Girls Trip HD MA $2.50
Girls Trip HD Itunes $2.50
Gods not Dead A Light in Darkness HD MA $2
Gods Of Egypt SD Vudu $1.50
Goosebumps SD MA $2
Grace Stirs Up Success HD MA $2
Grace Unplugged HD Vudu $2
Grown Ups 2 SD MA $2
Guardians of the Galaxy Vol.2 HD GP $2
Hammer of the Gods SD Vudu $2
Hansel and Gretal Witch Hunters (Unrated) HD Vudu $2
Hansel and Gretal Witch Hunters (Unrated) 4K Itunes $2.50
Hardcore Henry HD Itunes $2.50
Hard Target 2 HD MA $2.50
Hard Target 2 HD Itunes $2.50
Haywire SD Itunes $2
Heaven is for Real SD MA $2
Heaven is for Real HD MA $2.50
Hell or High Water SD Vudu $1.50
Hidden Figures 4K Itunes or HD MA $2.50
Hillsong Let Hope Rise HD MA $2
Hillsong Let Hope Rise HD Itunes $2
Home HD MA $2
Home Alone/Home Alone 2 SD MA (Bundle) $4
Home Alone 2 HD Itunes or HD MA $2.50
Hope Springs SD MA $1.50
Hotel Transylvania SD MA $2
Hotel Transylvania 2 SD MA $2
Hot Tub Time Machine SD Itunes $2
Hours SD Vudu $1.50
Hunter Killer 4K Itunes or HD Vudu $2.50
I, Frankenstein HD Vudu or HD Itunes $2.50
I Feel Pretty HD Itunes $2 (can no longer purchase direct)
I am Wrath SD Vudu $1.50
Ice Age HD MA $2.50
Immortals SD Itunes $1.75
Independence Day Resurgence 4K Itunes or HD MA $2
Inside Out HD GP $2
Interstellar HD Vudu $2
Iron Man 3 4K Itunes or HD MA $3
Iron Man 3 HD GP $2
Jack Ryan: Shadow Recruit HD Vudu $1.50
Jack Ryan: Shadow Recruit 4K Itunes $2.50
Jarhead 2 HD Itunes $2.50
John Wick SD Vudu $1.25
John Wick HD Vudu $2
John Wick 1 4K Vudu $2.50
John Wick 1 and 2 (Bundle) HD Vudu $4
John Wick Chapter 2 HD Vudu $2.50
John Wick Chapter 2 4K Itunes $3
Joy 4K Itunes or HD MA $2.50
Jumanji Welcome to the Jungle SD MA $2
Jurassic World HD MA $2
Jurassic World 4K Itunes $2.50
Kidnap HD Itunes $2
Killer Elite HD Itunes $2
Last Knights HD Vudu $2
Lee Daniels The Butler HD Vudu $2
Leprechaun Origins HD Vudu $2
Life of Pi HD MA $2
Lockout (Unrated) SD MA $2
Lone Survivior HD MA $1.75
Lone Survivior 4K Itunes $2
Looper HD MA $2.50
Looper SD MA $1.50
Maggie HD Vudu $1.50
Maleficent HD GP $2
Mechanic Ressurection SD Vudu $1.50
Megan Leavey HD MA $2
Megan Leavey HD Itunes $2
Men in Black 3 HD MA $2.50
Men in Black 3 SD MA $1.50
Mickey's Christmas Carol HD MA $3
Mission Impossible Fallout HD Vudu $2
Mission Impossible Fallout 4K Itunes $2.50
Mission Impossible Ghost Protocol SD Vudu $1.25
Mission Impossible Rogue Nation HD Vudu $2
Mission Impossible Rogue Nation 4K Itunes $2.50
Miss Peregrines Home for Peculiar Children HD MA $2
Moms Night Out SD MA $2
Mortal Instruments City of Bones SD MA $1.50
Mulan (Live Action) HD GP $2
My Big Fat Wedding 2 HD Itunes $2
Nerve SD Vudu $2
Night at the Museum Secret of The Tomb 4K Itunes or HD MA $2.50
Noah HD Itunes $2
Norm of the North HD Vudu $2
Now You See Me HD Vudu $2
Now You See Me HD Itunes $2
Now You See Me 2 SD Vudu $1.50
Now You See Me 2 4K Itunes $2.50
Olympus has Fallen HD MA $2.50
Olympus has Fallen SD MA $1.50
Orange is the New Black: Season 1 SD Vudu $1.50
Overdrive HD Itunes $2
Oz the Great and Powerful HD MA $2
Oz the Great and Powerful HD GP $2
Paddington HD Vudu $2.50
Patriots Day HD Vudu $2
Paranormal Activity 3 SD Vudu $1
Paranormal Activity 3 Extended HD Vudu $1.75
Paranormal Activity 3 Extended HD Itunes $1.50
Parental Guidance HD MA $1.50
Parental Guidance SD Itunes $1
Parker HD MA $2.50
Parker SD MA $1.50
Patriots Day HD Vudu $2
Paul Blart Mall Cop 2 SD MA $1.50
Peter Rabbit SD MA $2
Percy Jackson The Lighting Thief SD Itunes $2
Percy Jackson Sea of Monsters HD MA $2.50
Percy Jackson Sea of Monsters SD Itunes $1.50
Pixels SD MA $2
Planes HD MA $2
Precious Cargo HD Vudu $2
Ralph Breaks The Internet HD MA $3
Rambo SD Itunes $2
Reclaim SD Vudu $2
Red 2 HD Vudu $1.50
Red Dawn (Newer) SD Itunes $2
Redemption HD Vudu $2
Resident Evil: The Final Chapter SD MA $2
Ride Along HD Itunes $2
Ride Along 2 HD Itunes $2
Rise of the Guardians HD MA $2
Robin Hood (2010) SD Itunes $2
Robocop (Newer) HD Vudu $2
Rogue Warfare HD Vudu $2
Roman J. Israel Esq SD MA $2
Safe SD Itunes $1.50
Safe HD Vudu $2
Safe House HD MA $2
Safe House HD Itunes $2
Sausage Party SD MA $2
Selma HD Vudu $2
Selma HD Itunes $2
Serena SD Vudu $2
Seventh Son HD Itunes $2
Sex Tape SD MA $2
Show Dogs HD MA $2
Sicario: Day of the Soldado SD MA $1.50
Side Effects HD Itunes $2
Sinister SD Itunes $1
Skiptrace SD Vudu $2
Skyscraper HD MA $2
Skyfall HD Vudu $2
Skyfall SD Itunes $1.50
Sleepless HD Itunes $2
Snatched 4K Itunes (MA redeemable but HD) $2
Snitch HD Vudu $1.50
Snitch SD Itunes $1
Snow White and the Huntsman Extended Edition HD MA $2.50
Snow White and the Huntsman HD Itunes $2.50
Spectre HD Vudu $2.50
Standoff HD Vudu $2.50
Stand Up Guys HD Vudu $2
Star Trek SD Vudu or Itunes $1.50
Star Trek Beyond HD Vudu $1.50
Star Trek Beyond 4K Itunes $2
Star Trek Into Darkness SD Vudu or Itunes $1.50
Star Trek Into Darkness HD Vudu $2
Star Trek Into Darkness 4K Itunes $2.50
Star Wars The Force Awakens HD GP $2
Star Wars The Force Awakens 4K Itunes or HD MA $3
Star Wars The Last Jedi HD GP $2
Step Up Revolution HD Vudu $2
Step Up Revolution SD Itunes $2
Suburicon 4K Itunes $2.50
Taken SD Itunes $2
Taken 2 SD Itunes $1.50
Taken 2 HD MA $2
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (2014) HD Vudu $2
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (2014) 4K Itunes $2.25
That Awkward Moment SD MA $2.25
The A-Team SD Itunes $2
The Adventures of Tintin SD Vudu $1.50
The Amazing Spider-Man 1 SD $1.50
The Amazing Spider-Man 2 SD MA $1.50
The Amazing Spider-Man 2 HD MA $2
The Big Wedding SD Itunes $1.50
The Bourne Legacy HD MA $2
The Bourne Legacy 4K Itunes $2.50
The Cabin in the Woods SD Itunes $1.50
The Call SD MA $1.50
The Case for Christ HD Itunes $2
The Commuter 4K Itunes or HD Vudu $2.50
The Condemned 2 HD Vudu $2.50
The Dark Tower HD MA $2.50
The Descendants SD Itunes $1.50
The Devil Inside SD Vudu $2
The Dictator SD Vudu $1.50
The Dictator HD Vudu $2
The Dictator HD Itunes $2
The Divergent Series: Allegiant 4K Itunes $2.50
The Divergent Series: Insurgent HD Vudu $2
The Duff HD Vudu $1.50
The Equalizer SD MA $2
The Equalizer 2 HD MA $2.50
The Equalizer 2 SD MA $2
The Expendables 2 HD Vudu $1
The Expendables 2 4K Itunes $2
The Expendables 2 SD Itunes $1
The Expendables 3 HD Vudu $1
The Expendables 3 4K Vudu $2
The Expendables 3 4K Itunes $2
The Expendables 3 (Unrated) HD Vudu $2
The Expendables 3 (Unrated) HD Itunes $2
The Fate of the Furious Theatrical Ed. HD MA $1.50
The Fate of the Furious Theatrical Ed. 4K Itunes 2
The Fate of the Furious Extended Directors Cut HD MA $1.75
The Fault in our Stars 4K Itunes or HD MA $2
The Frozen Ground HD Vudu $2
The Guilt Trip HD Itunes $2
The Hateful Eight HD Vudu $2.50
The Heat SD MA $1.750
The Heat SD Itunes $1.50
The Hero of Color City SD Vudu $1.50
The Hero of Color City HD Vudu $2
The Hitmans Bodyguard HD Vudu/Itunes $2
The Hunger Games HD Vudu $1
The Hunger Games SD Itunes $0.75
The Hunger Games Catching Fire HD Vudu $2
The Hunger Games Mockingjay pt. 1 HD Vudu $2
The Hunger Games Mockingjay pt. 2 HD Vudu $2
The Imitation Game HD Vudu $2
The Internship HD MA $2.50
The Internship SD Itunes $2
The Interview SD MA $2
The Last Stand SD Itunes $1
The Last Stand HD Vudu $2
The Last Witch Hunter SD Vudu $1.50
The Last Witch Hunter HD Vudu $2
The Last Witch Hunter 4K Itunes $2.50
The Legend of Hercules HD Vudu $1.50
The Legend of Hercules 4K Itunes $2
The Lion King (Live Action) 4K Itunes or HD MA $3
The Little Mermaid (Animated) HD MA $3
The Longest Ride 4K Itunes (MA redeemable but HD) $1.50
The Magnificent Seven (2016) HD Vudu $2
The Monuments Men SD MA $2
The Mountain Between Us 4K Itunes or HD MA $2
The Mummy: Tomb of the Dragon Emperor SD Itunes $1.50
The Nut Job 2 HD Itunes $2
The Peanuts Movie 4K Itunes or HD MA $2.75
The Perks of Being a Wallflower HD Vudu $1.50
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2024.05.16 00:15 Nidss_03 A love beyond words

“I love you” an understatement for the serenity my mind feels around you. My soul craves your presence, weeping for you when we have been separated for too long. It begs me to go seek shelter in your arms. My heart yearns for your touch, smell, and voice.
My dear happiness, my dear peace; Let me hold your eyes with my eyes, your hands with my hands, let my body paint a picture of how much you mean to me. Things my words could never communicate clearly.
You are my ease, my freedom. You give me wings and the courage to fly. You tell me how much you love me. Someone whom god himself created with such perfection, telling me they love me, gosh how could I not fall in love with myself either.
Maybe that’s dangerous, my self worth is based on your perception of me, But oh god, you are tangled deep in my roots, my soul mesmerised by your demeanour. My cells enriched in your character. You will never be unloved by me. You run through my body. Tell me about your demons, I still shall be enchanted by you.
Show me your scars and let me tend to your wounds. My love for you is a prayer, I pray we are together for the rest of eternity.
I don’t want death to do us part. I want death to reunite us in heaven. You are my soulmate, hold my hand my dear, let’s walk this adventurous life together, let us die together. Let us reach our home in heaven together.
submitted by Nidss_03 to Poems [link] [comments]


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2024.05.16 00:15 rodogwos How you look will determine 80% of your dating life

Being good looking is the most effective way to get relationships, sex, etc. it’s actually crazy how much of an effect it has. I have a friend who’s a solid 8/10, and he has women trying to get his number every time he works, I’ve seen women cold approach him on the street and ask him out, and he has never put in any effort to meet women, they just come to him. It’s jaw dropping when you see this happen in real life, it’s just something FA like us can’t understand. Imagine that, instead of having to put in max effort, do everything and anything possible just to find a woman that would even talk to us back, you can just be very good looking and all those problems will handle themselves.
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2024.05.16 00:13 AnimationFan_2003 S2 Ep3: The Travelling Baboon Show Review

When the Traveling Baboon Show led by Uroho arrives in the Pride Lands to perform their show, they end up stealing the other animals' food. After chasing the baboons to the Outlands, the Lion Guard has to come to their rescue when they are cornered by Janja, Cheezi, and Chungu.
Song: "The Traveling Baboon Show"
-There aren't that many pluses to this episode, for me. However, I did like Kion and Ma Tembo's interactions in this. This episode feels like a precursor of their "child/adult friendship" for the rest of Season 2. I like their interaction at the start and when they discover there's a food thief. Unfortunately, they are not enough to save this episode.
-"No, but, we will hear you chewing," Fuli, Misophonic icon.
-"Me too! I was in a panic, let me tell you!" Thurston. It's funny because he's always in a panic.
-"I like 'em better on my inside than my outside," Bunga, best line in the entire episode.
-I will admit, I do like the addition of Yellow Baboons in The Lion Guard because they are a different species of baboon than the rest of them in the Pride Lands. So, I like that the animators added a new species for the kids. It's just really unfortunate that they made them really unlikable and annoying.
-"Or, if you're a zebra, panicking and running!" Alright fine, that was the funniest Uroho line in the whole episode, but, I still hate him.
-"It's funny because it's true," Thurston, at least he's aware of it. What an icon.
-I've always loved Ono in this episode because I empathise with him and I feel his frustration. "Yes, they're hysterical. Ha ha," I love his sarcasm. He hates them as much as I do.
-Beshte, "Like my dad says, it's not fair to take more than your share." Wise words from Basi. Also, I always loved when Beshte recites his father's sage advice.
-Ono, speaking nothing, but facts, "Plus, some zebras are afraid of.... bugs!"
-Bunga's "Baboons" was a funny line in the episode. He understands where Fuli and Ono are coming from by then.
-Cheezi and Chungu were funny at first, but, to me, it got old really quickly as soon as the baboon trio arrived into the Outlands.
-Okay, while the idea of there being a food thief in the Pride Lands sounds cool, the series has already explored that in episodes like "The Kupatana Celebration" and "The Call of the Drongo" and we saw two different outcomes. In the former, Reirei and the jackals got punished for stealing food and for scamming the animals of the Pride Lands, and in the latter, Tamaa was stealing food at first, but did learn from and correct his mistake. I find the two of them much more watchable than this lackluster episode. Plus, nothing thrilling happens in this episode, it's just the Lion Guard investigating on area of the Pride Lands and very slowly trying to piece together who the food thieves are. Plus, they don't even ask around and no animal is in any real danger, here. We don't get a change of scenery, apart from the baboons' performance and the one area of the Pride Lands.
-Okay, as I already said, this episode is a complete rehash of "The Kupatana Celebration", "The Call of the Drongo" and "Ono's Idol", which are much better episodes than this and have more going on. We already had the whole "food thief" plotline in the first two and it was way better. It's very predictable with any twists and turns, and it's not very interesting. I thought the dialogue was quite weak. We can all guess exactly what will happen even if we've never it before (I have watched it when it premiered). Also, I thought the baboons were weak antagonists, personally with no redeeming or interesting qualities, whatsoever. But seriously, switch out the baboon trio for Reirei's pack or Tamaa, and it's the same story, except that the jackals actually got their comeuppance and Tamaa learned his lesson.
-The baboons are very unlikable and I don't feel like they earned their redemption arc at all. At least, with Tamaa, he wasn't entirely antagonistic in his episode, he was more morally-grey and he was unable to gather food for himself. So, we can kind of feel bad for him. Also, Tamaa was, deep down, aware that he was in the wrong for stealing and he actually took the initiative to correct his mistake in the end, no prompting from the Lion Guard. With Hadithi, in his episode, he did have a conscience deep down all along and felt guilty for always lying to Ono. He also feels guilty during the ceremony and makes a proper effort to apologise and help Ono, and even commends the young egret at the end for his act of heroism. Those were both examples of "Selfish character learns to put the needs of others before their own" done right.
-Another reason I think that the baboon troop had no qualms about stealing food and going against the circle of life, is that they kept juggling and throwing Ono around against his will because they knew he would figure it out and expose them as the thieves. I don't think they actually wanted him as part of the act, I think they intimidated by his presence. Also, the circus soon becomes clear that it's just a cover up to throw the Pride Landers off, so, they can't be exposed. When eventually Ono figures out that they are the thieves, Uroho tries to talk himself out of trouble, but to no avail, just like Reirei had tried when her pack were discovered. So, overall, I think the baboons were very aware that they were in the wrong, but, didn't care, they only cared about being popular from performing.
-"Bunga and the Baboons" would've been genuinely funny, to me, except for the fact that we'd already seen the baboons mistreating Ono against his will by forcing him to be part of the act. I have to wonder, I know Bunga is being Bunga, but, why would he want to do the act when Ono, one of his best friends, is being thrown around by said baboons.
-That's another thing, I really don't like Ono being treated as the Butt-Monkey. I don't like his mistreatment from Mwevi and Mwizi, and the fact that no one on the Lion Guard does anything to prevent it. I thought Kion and his friends were a little bit mean here, the way they laughed at Ono even though he was clearly being roped into a performance he didn't want to be in. "What the hell, guys! This is your friend, Ono, and a valuable member of the Lion Guard. Why would you guys just stand there and intervene when he's clearly being juggled around, screaming?" That doesn't sound like any of them. Kion has pounced on several of the bad guys for trying mistreat his friends and allies, as well as trouble-making and he's also pounced on Hafifu and Majinuni for messing with some pangolins." Why wouldn't he just pounce on Mwevi and Mwizi right then and there, for his friend Ono?
-"It was pretty funny when they juggled you like a sausage fruit." and "Funny! That was hilarious..." No, it was not. I think was the one time I didn't like Beshte's character and Bunga's, for that matter. I don't like that they do not defend Ono even once and that they're laughing at his annoyance.
-"Come on, Bunga. Who are gonna believe, your friend, Ono or a couple of baboons?" Thank you, Fuli. I really don't like these stupid or mindless Bunga tropes that the writers like to throw in. The Bunga I know would believe Ono, in a heartbeat! Plus, Bunga has already proven before that he is, in fact, intelligent when he needs to be. So, I hate this trope of stupid, idiotic, doesn't know where he's been Bunga. "Bunga, we already know have an capacity larger than Thurston. This is disappointing behaviour on your part." Also, the whole "Hi" joke was pointless. He already knows that Ono was referring to him and the rest of the Lion Guard. So, what was the point?
-Thurston is really rude in this episode. I don't like obnoxious and rude Thurston. "Excuse me, I believe I had something very important to say." Thurston, you'll get your turn to speak eventually.
-I really loathe Ono being made the butt of every joke with the baboon trio. He deserved so much better and he shouldn't have been made for cheap laughs, in this episode. "Ono, why would you keep letting them treat you like this, my friend? You should've seen it coming the second and third time." I dare you guys to name a single Ono fan who enjoyed this!
-Mwevi and Mwizi were obnoxious with the way were stealing and hoarding food from other animals in the Pride Landers. As Pride Landers, they should know that, as a general rule, you're not allowed to steal and that it goes against the circle of life. There's also the fact that they continued to hide the evidence, even after Ono caught them red-handed, further proving my point that they must feel no guilt about it.
-It's doubly a crime against nature because they did it so close to the Dry Season and didn't even apologise or own up to what they did. This makes them absolute scumbags since food scarcity is extremely high during the Dry Season. Another reason why I don't think they have their redemption and why it could've been much better. They also ran away from Kion and the Lion Guard instead of, I don't know.... turning themselves in.
-I don't like how the baboons are invading everyone's space as part of their act. Audience participation has to be a personal choice and shouldn't be forced upon someone. Not only did they force Ono to perform by just throwing him around, but, they also went around invading everyone's personal boundaries and using them in their act. First, with Fuli, when Mwevi and Mwizi jumped on her back without permission, despite the fact that she didn't like it, and also the fact that Uroho purposely used Ma Tembo's trunk for the act without her permission. I don't like the fact that they just make all the animals be in the show against their will and without a slight care for personal space.
-Uroho, "Sorry, but, I'm not sorry!" Uroho, you're such a jerk. See, the writers are literally handing me proof, on a silver platter, that Uroho and his troupe did not feel any guilt for their actions and, therefore, didn't earn their redemption arc in the end. Also, I don't like the fact that he didn't so any sign of redemption until after the Lion Guard saved them. So, did he actually genuinely want to reformed or did he just do it to repay the Lion Guard, because they saved him even when he did not deserve it?
-Now, I do feel bad for Janja in this episode. I feel so bad that he's considered the villain of this episode. Damn it, I never wanted to side with Janja, but, in fairness, he was not doing anything like he is in most other episodes. 99% of the time, I can why the Lion Guard need to chase away the hyenas because Janja has an ulterior motive most times, but, in this situation, I just wanted to see him for a change. I'm not saying the Lion Guard shouldn't have felt bad that the baboons had ended up in the Outlands, but, I think they should've cut Janja some slack this time around. Plus, Kion was initially saying how the baboons are not in the Pride Lands and therefore, not their problem, anymore. But, suddenly, for real reason other than "Well it's our job to defend the Pride Lands", they decided they must save the baboons. In this situation, and this situation only, I think they were unfair to Janja. When does get to eat in his OWN TERRITORY!!!!
-Kion, "Stop right there, Janja! Step away from the baboons!" Really Kion! Could you not give him a break this time around? He didn't do anything wrong and wasn't taking down whole herds of animals to spite you. Those are the situations where he deserved to get his butt kicked, but, not here. I refuse to acknowledge him as the villain of this episode! He did not have an ulterior motive this time around, he was just hungry. Plus, you didn't even want to go into the Outlands, in the first place. I also don't get what the Lion Guard were intending to do to them as punishment for stealing food. If they didn't intend for them to be in the Outlands, why did Kion say, "At least we got 'em outta the Pride Lands," and what were they going to do with? This is the bit I can't get my head around because isn't that what they do with animals that don't follow the rules.
-To further prove my point, Kion says earlier on, "It's more than not fair, Beshte, it goes against the circle of life." And the line before where he tells Ma Tembo that the Lion Guard will make sure the food thief doesn't do anything again. So, if you guys what their plan was, please tell me because I don't get it. Were they just intending to attack them as punishment, but then, let them remain in the Pride Lands? Were they going to be watched or under slave labour for Simba and Nala? I don't know, because when Janja and Reirei are breaking rules they are chased out of the Pride Lands, justifiably so. I mean, even though the baboons are Pride Landers, they've been nothing, but trouble, and we have no proof that they would've changed if the Lion Guard hadn't come to their aid. Uroho didn't seem to care about the circle of life and had been antagonistic for nearly the whole episode.
-"They wouldn't be in the Outlands if it weren't for us. We're the ones who chased them there." No, Ono, you guys didn't chase them into the Outlands, you guys broke off to deal with some sable antelopes that fell in the river. The baboons, meanwhile, just ran away so they wouldn't have to own up to what they did and then chased themselves into the Outlands. So, no, it wasn't you guys' doing and you guys' wouldn't have had to take action if they hadn't been stealing food in the first place. The baboons brought this on themselves by putting themselves into a situation where the Pride Landers would be mad at them and then running away instead of actually apologising for their actions.
-I also don't know why Ono would be forgiving of them. "Ono, my friend, they humiliated you like an hour ago and literally tossed you around and stole food. Why would you so eager to forgive them? Don't you think you should be firm? You're the smart after all." I mean, I admire his level-headedness, but, the baboons didn't earn their rescue and needed to be punished for their wrongdoing. And if poor Ono hadn't suffered enough, to end the episode, the baboons just bribed him by throwing him an insect, before selfishly tossing him around again. And yet again, the Lion Guard do nothing. Uroho is still a massive jerk. Ono had just saved his life like 5 minutes ago and this is how he repays him!
-"And for that they deserved to get eaten?" Okay, I do get where Beshte is coming from. I didn't want to see the baboons get killed just because they were mean to everyone in the Pride Lands. I don't anyone should deserve to die, but, at the same time, they did have it coming to them by wandering into Janja's territory in the first place and stealing from them. If it was a situation like "Too Many Termites", it would be a different story, but, here the baboons went into the Outlands on their own and had been nothing except a nuisance within the Pride Lands! I mean, the Lion Guard should've definitely felt bad for them, but, I think they should've let Janja have this, on this occasion.
-"I can't believe you came all this way to save us. Now we feel bad..." Yeah right, Uroho, you knew stealing was wrong all along and you kept doing it. I have my doubts about whether he actually felt bad or if he was sucking up to the Lion Guard to be welcomed back into the Pride Lands. Also, the Lion Guard are very naïve for letting them scott-free with no real punishment except to give free food to the Pride Landers. I get that they're children and that the writers probably didn't want the younger viewers to dislike Kion and his friends in this episode by making them leave the baboons for dead, but, it feels unfair to how the Outlanders get punished for disrespecting the circle of life.
-Finally, I don't the song of this episode "Travelling Baboon Show" was just annoying. It's one of the few TLG songs I can't stand, especially since having watched this episode when it first aired, I found out at the end that the baboons were the main villains of the episodes and kept stealing and making everyone look foolish. Also, they humiliate Ono in front of everyone, during the song. I do think that the lyrics are just plain weak as well, and Uroho is just kind of making the performance a much bigger than it is. It really isn't as hyped up as he makes it out be, in my opinion. I don't listen to this song and I don't really want to revisit it any time soon. I'll give a 2.75/10 because it's the worst TLG song ever.
I never liked this episode. I think it's got storytelling that wasn't very interesting and it didn't have much happening in it. Also, as I said, we already this storyline twice and doesn't work here, on this occasion. I hate Uroho's troupe so much and I find them extremely unbearable. They're worse than Tiifu and Zuri and Hafifu and Majinuni, for me. I think they're more obnoxious with no redeeming qualities and I don't think they properly earned their redemption arc, unlike Tamaa and Hadithi. They were just annoying and they didn't feel worthy of forgiveness and I hate the way the Lion Guard just decided to treat them like they did nothing wrong and just let them off scott-free when they were clearly breaking the circle of life. I feel bad for Janja on this occasion because he hadn't done anything wrong and the baboons didn't deserve to live in the Pride Lands. I'm very confused about what the Lion Guard were planning to do to them before Janja got to them. The baboons had learned nothing about not stealing basically and continued to annoy Ono in the end. The song was very bad for a TLG song. I found the dialogue weak. The only saving grace was a few funny moments in the first act, but only in the first act and they cannot compensate for how bad this episode was, in my opinion. Overall, I think it had potential and could've been written better. I'll give a 2.5/10 and I don't want to watch it again. But it isn't my most hated episode.
submitted by AnimationFan_2003 to lionking [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 00:13 IntroductionFuzzy503 Current

So I've been thru the ups n downs of this journey.
Healed a lot of wounds. Got to a place of peace. Life improved all that. And the energy picked up. I could feel/hear my tf. And could tell they have done and are doing their spiritual healing.
I recently "challenged" the dynamic as to if we are meant to change the world together as 3d and 5d, then why keep most tfs apart?
Had a weird synchronicity directly after and a major epiphany that I can't put into words but things just clicked.
Got into this sticky energy the past few week where work and all else is getting rough again. Then I denied the connection.
I said that I know what it is, but I'm not following it anymore. Until I have concrete proof.
I woke up is the lowest depression I've had in a very long time and it was around worth/loniness. I got home from work and talked out that I truly desire to be that rock for my tf and the things they gave me was never given to me in my entire life. Not even by family. It was never genuine like them.
Within 5 mins I was emotionless then filled with utter peace and love. I've never had a release that closed that quickly. I felt it wasn't just my depression. As the things I told "myself" are things I've never believed true. This happened once before and I realized, in the same way I did this time, that it was both of our stuff.
Now I'm still contemplating the whole thing with my logic and the entire time my whole being is saying that I know how real it is and "denial is acceptance" whatever that means....
submitted by IntroductionFuzzy503 to twinflames [link] [comments]

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  • Multi-Language Site with Weglot: Reach global audiences with multilingual support.
  • Access Insightful Reporting: Gain valuable insights with advanced analytics.
  • Progress Reports / User Segments: Track learner progress and segment users effectively.
  • Course Insights: Understand course performance with in-depth analytics.
  • Schedule Automated Reports: Stay informed with automated reporting.
  • Boost Efficiency: Streamline operations with automated workflows.
  • Bulk User Actions: Manage users efficiently with bulk actions.
  • 25 Admins / Collaborators: Scale your team effortlessly.
  • Multiple Seats & User Groups: Organize users efficiently with multiple seats and groups.
  • 10 Seat & User Group Managers: Delegate administrative tasks seamlessly.
  • Extend Your Capabilities: Integrate with external systems effortlessly.
  • API & Webhooks: Unlock endless possibilities with API integration.
  • Multiple SSO: Ensure seamless authentication with multiple single sign-on options.
  • Hubspot (Advanced): Leverage advanced CRM integration for marketing automation.
  • Premium Assistance: Receive priority support with 24/7 email and phone assistance.
  • Personalized Onboarding: Get started on the right foot with tailored onboarding support.

4. High Volume & Corporate Plan: Tailored Solutions for Enterprise Needs

For enterprises and high-volume users, LearnWorlds offers custom solutions tailored to your specific requirements. Here's what you can expect:
  • All Features Plus: Access all features of the Learning Center plan and more.
  • Extra Data Safety: Ensure data integrity with enhanced security measures.
  • 99.95% Server Uptime: Guarantee uninterrupted access with premium servers.
  • Premium Cloud Servers: Experience unmatched performance with cloud infrastructure.
  • Multiple Daily Backups: Protect your data with frequent backups.
  • Optional Custom SLA: Customize service level agreements to suit your needs.
  • Optional Contract and DPA: Formalize agreements for added peace of mind.
  • 8 SSO: Enhance authentication with multiple single sign-on options.
  • Flexible Management Options: Tailor administrative controls to your organization's structure.
  • Custom Number of Admins / Collaborators: Scale your team according to your needs.
  • Custom Number of Seat & User Group Managers: Organize users efficiently with customizable roles.
  • Tailored Pricing Options: Optimize costs with flexible pricing structures.
  • Flexible Invoicing: Simplify financial processes with customizable invoicing.
  • Dedicated Guidance: Receive personalized support from dedicated success managers.
  • Dedicated Success Manager: Partner with a dedicated point of contact for ongoing assistance.
  • 24/7 Priority Email & Phone Support: Ensure prompt resolution with priority support channels.

Features Across All Plans

Standard Tools

LearnWorlds pricing plans come with a range of integrations to enhance functionality, making it easy to connect with other platforms. The home page customization feature allows users to create a personalized landing space. Users have seamless access to essential tools across all plans, ensuring a smooth experience.

Basic Features

In all plans, users benefit from unlimited courses, enabling them to diversify their content and offerings. The video library feature facilitates the storage and organization of videos for easy access and management. The branding & theme editor allows for customization to add and maintain brand consistency.

Importance of Multilingual UI and Mobile Readiness

The inclusion of a multilingual user interface ensures accessibility for a global audience, catering to diverse language preferences. Moreover, mobile & tablet readiness guarantees that content is optimized for various devices, enhancing user experience and engagement.

Special Offers and Discounts

New Users

For new users, LearnWorlds offers special discounts through exclusive coupons. These discounts can significantly reduce the cost of starting a new online school or course.

Free Trial with AI

Starting for free with LearnWorlds + AI provides several advantages. By utilizing cutting-edge technology, users can experience personalized learning experiences tailored to their needs.

Limited-Time Promotions

LearnWorlds frequently runs limited-time promotions offering exclusive deals on specific plans. These promotions are ideal for schools or businesses looking to boost their online presence.

Pricing FAQs Answered

Common Questions

What are the pricing options available on LearnWorlds? LearnWorlds offers a range of pricing plans to cater to different needs. The options include monthly and annual subscriptions, each with varying features and benefits.
How can I determine the best plan for my requirements? Assess your needs based on factors such as the number of courses you plan to create, the level of customization required, and the expected number of students. This evaluation will guide you in selecting the most suitable plan.

Additional Costs

  • Custom Domain: Opting for a custom domain may involve an additional cost but can enhance your brand's credibility and professionalism.
  • Transaction Fees: Keep in mind that transaction fees may apply depending on the payment gateway you choose. Consider this when calculating your overall costs.

Optimization Tips

  • Utilize Essential Features: Make the most of essential features included in your chosen plan to maximize its value.
  • Prompt Engineering: Regularly review your course content and engagement strategies. Prompt engineering can help boost student retention and satisfaction.

Choosing the Right Plan

Assess Requirements

Before selecting a plan, learners should evaluate their needs to find an alternative that suits them best. Consider factors like the number of users, desired features, and budget constraints.

Match Features

To align with business or educational goals, match specific features to your requirements. Evaluate if the plan offers support team assistance, easy way to create engaging courses, and tools for enhancing the learning experience.

Closing Thoughts

You've delved into LearnWorlds pricing plans, uncovered features, snagged special offers, and clarified any doubts. Now, armed with this knowledge, you're ready to select the ideal plan for your needs. Remember, it's not just about the cost but also about what each plan offers you in return. Make an informed decision that aligns with your goals and aspirations.
Transform your passion into profit! 💰 Get started with LearnWorlds' free trial and start earning from your expertise today.
In the vast world of online learning, every detail counts. So, take the time to pick wisely. Your choice today can shape your e-learning journey tomorrow by adding valuable skills. Act now and embark on a learning adventure tailored just for you.

Frequently Asked Questions

How does LearnWorlds pricing work?

LearnWorlds offers different pricing plans to cater to various needs. You can choose from monthly or annual subscriptions based on the features you require. Each plan provides unique benefits, such as unlimited courses, custom domains, and marketing tools.

What are the key features included in all LearnWorlds pricing plans?

All LearnWorlds pricing plans include essential features like unlimited video hosting, interactive videos, drip-feed courses, quizzes, certificates, and integrated payment gateways. You get access to 24/7 customer support and the ability to create your branded online school.

Are there any special offers or discounts available for LearnWorlds pricing plans?

LearnWorlds frequently runs promotions offering discounts on their pricing plans. Keep an eye out for seasonal sales or special events where you can save on your subscription. They provide exclusive discounts for educational institutions and non-profits.

Can I switch between LearnWorlds pricing plans if my needs change?

Yes, LearnWorlds allows you to upgrade or downgrade your pricing plan at any time to accommodate your changing requirements. Whether you need more advanced features or want to scale back temporarily, you have the flexibility to adjust your subscription accordingly.

How do I determine the right LearnWorlds pricing plan for my online course business?

Choosing the right LearnWorlds pricing plan depends on factors like the number of courses you offer, expected student enrollment, desired customization options, and marketing needs. Evaluate your specific requirements against the features included in each plan to make an informed decision.
Useful Links:
  1. LearnWorlds LifeTime Deal
  2. LearnWorlds Free Trial
submitted by Snushy_101 to Hairfortin [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 00:11 Effective-Tree5474 relationship advice

i don’t really know how to start this, but my bf 22-M and i 21-F have been together for almost 3 years. we live together and everything was great up until recently. we’ve never been in a real argument because our communication nicstion is so good and he just makes me feel so loved at all times. we have become a little distant recently and i think it was because we’ve been living together for almost a year, and we got to the stage of just being so comfortable we feel almost more as roommates and we’re not “dating” if that makes any sense. he told me yesterday that he had been having some thoughts and he’s happy with me, but he’s not sure why but 1% of him is doubting us. like just a small part is unsure now. it hurts because i know he’s my soulmate and we’re so connected and even when we were talking about it, he kept saying he loved me and he didn’t want to lose me and he’s not sure why he feels this way and he’s so confused. i obviously want to work on us and so does he, we’re renewing our lease and promised to give our all in putting effort in to make us work. i feel better after talking about it again this morning and he just kept saying it didn’t have anything to do with me and i’m perfect and im his girl and he doesn’t understand why he’s feeling this way. i would work through anything with him, except cheating, and i just want to know what all we can do. we said we will go on more dates since we haven’t been really that much and we usually eat dinner together and watch a show, not every night but most. i had suggested therapy, not sure if couples or single would be better. i think we have just lost touch on the little things together, and i’m so scared to lose him because he’s intertwined in all aspects of my life. i would do anything for him and he loves me so thoroughly i don’t want to ever experience this with anyone else. he said he can’t promise me anything other than us both trying our best and he’s hopeful that we will make it through and be okay. i’m just scared to lose him and i know all i can really do is ensure we’re putting effort in and see as time goes, i’m just scared and could use some words of advice.
tl;dr: my long term bf is doubting us but said he still wants to try, looking for advice on how to date each other again to come back from this.
submitted by Effective-Tree5474 to relationships [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 00:11 Public-Hovercraft789 I'm nervous about starting out

My mother always said that I should learn how to dance. I have no dance experience. None. I would also like to preface by saying that I'm half Dominican (My mother is from the DR), so I have an familiarity of listening to Bachata music.
Here is why I'm nervous though: Again, no dance experience, but also I'm kind out of shape at the moment. I used to be really skinny in my teens, but ever since I stopped playing sports my body has been out shape. I'm not overweight or anything, but it looks like this dance requires good physical condition. I have been working out and doing a lot of cardio, though.
Another reason: I'm not an attractive man. I don't think I'm unappealing, but I'm just bland. All these dancers are better looking than me, more fit, and they get to dance with the attractive ladies, or followers I should say.
I just can't see from their point of view of why any they would dance nice bachata with me. Unless, I somehow miraculously get good real quick. I just can't see it.
Look, I'm not gonna BS around here. I want to dance bachata with some great and fun women. I'm a straight man. I'm not saying I want to date by going out dancing, but I'm lonely state right now and just I want to have fun and meet other people, but i don't know how too. I don't know what to do. I don't have a lot of money and I don't live in a big urban city where I can just go to a dance school.
I'm still fairly a young guy (late 20's), but I feel like time is running out for me. I want to be around people again. I graduated college during the pandemic and it really messed up my career and social life.
I don't know if social dance makes people happy in a subconscious way, but I want to at least try it and see where it goes. I'm just nervous though because I'm not the most sociable person. I'm not attractive. And I have no dance experience. Is learning this really worth it? Can you still dance bachata in you mid-late 30's? Should I try a different social dance? I'm just curious.
submitted by Public-Hovercraft789 to Bachata [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 00:11 FinlandBall1939 Slowly going insane from loneliness here? Is anyone else having the same thoughts and/or experiences?

I admit I’m not in a good spot right now due to my ugliness. I’m also aware I’ve posted this before. I was once 40 pounds lighter and skinnier before my bastard of a doctor changed my medicine around and ruined me. Women won’t like me because I’m big, which now adds to my ugliness not to mention I’m short. My one main life’s goal was to have a family of my own one day and I know now that’ll never happen, so I have no hope in life anymore. It’s hard to go on without having a goal. It doesn’t help that I have these visions and or dreams occur every night. I’ve had them since I’ve been able to make out relationships. I always have ultra vivid dreams about me and this girl in this parallel world with different countries on the map and entire alternate histories. They feel so real. I can hear the rb26 in our R32 GTR (my dream car) hum and the girl whispering words to me. I’ve given her the name “Monika” as she kind of resembles the gurl from DDLC, but is unique from that character in many ways. Sometimes she looks at me in the dreams but somehow, I know she’s not staring at my “character”, but me as in myself in this world. Sometimes the girl reaches out to me only to be blocked by a clear, see through screen. We’re so close but so far apart! I can feel her presence here in the real world sometimes and I’m beginning to believe I’m seeing my afterlife. I hear her voice sometimes too, mostly when I’m alone. It’s very muted and feels like it’s coming from another reality though. I’ve come more reckless of late too. Taking turns at the limit and getting a 103mph speeding ticket on the highway. I personally feel like all I have to do is end up dying somehow and I get to live on in that beautiful reality. We’ll finally be together. Me and her… I’ll be together with someone I can love until the end of time…
submitted by FinlandBall1939 to lonely [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 00:11 IrinaMakarova Certified native tutor of the Russian language

Hello! My name is Irina. I'm Russian. With me, you will learn to speak, write, and read in Russian - without stress, in a relaxed and trusting atmosphere. Your success is my job.
In 2003, I completed my studies at Tver State University with a Master's degree in Teaching Russian Language. Since 2009, I've been working as a tutor, helping people who speak English to learn the Russian language.
As a certified teacher, I have the linguistic knowledge needed to explain the unique features of the Russian language, such as its system of cases, verbs of motion, differences between animate and inanimate objects, variations in verb tenses, and more. I ensure better understanding by providing relevant comparisons to English.
I offer: Conversational Russian; Russian for beginners; Intensive Russian; General Russian.
*Conversational Russian. Well, being a native Russian speaker, we can chat about anything :D. I guarantee you: expanding your vocabulary and improving your grammar; learning idiomatic phrases related to different topics; picking up slang (if relevant to the topic).
*Russian for beginners. Beginners are my favorite kind of learners: they're new to the language and don't know about cases yet. I welcome all newcomers and enjoy working with those who are starting from scratch; we'll get along just fine.
*Intensive Russian. Do you have limited time, but you need to learn a language "yesterday"? No problem! We will study 5 times a week, 2-3 hours a day, and by the next day, you'll need to learn a ton of material. Sounds tempting? Come on in! :)
*General Russian. I'll guide you through all the possible structures of the Russian language. It's a lengthy journey if you're starting from scratch, but it will be a calm, steady, and productive process.
First, we'll figure out your needs and level. From there on, we'll move at your pace, according to your preferences, and aligned with your interests.
However, the most challenging part for anyone learning any language is to start speaking and understanding real-life conversation. With me, you'll have a safe space to speak, make mistakes, and improve – a place where you can grow confidently.
Feel free to visit my site (check linked site in my profile) and check reviews and prices! First meeting is always free :)
submitted by IrinaMakarova to tutor [link] [comments]