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What's The Word: For when you can't think of the word you need

2011.06.03 22:55 Howlinghound What's The Word: For when you can't think of the word you need

Welcome to whatstheword, a community where users help each other to come up with the [perfect, best, ideal, most suitable] word or phrase. Earn community karma by submitting a comment that OP indicates solves their post.

2009.05.15 20:38 LordQuorad Learn Japanese

Welcome to LearnJapanese, *the* hub on Reddit for learners of the Japanese Language.

2009.02.26 22:05 identify unknown objects

Welcome to whatisthis, a subreddit for identifying objects of unknown make, type, or origin. If you have something and you don't know what it is, submit it here to find out.

2024.05.14 23:47 LandynTheName Bug in modded playthrough of Fallout 4; game crashed to desktop immediately only when shooting BOS members. [Fo4]

This only happens with BOS members wearing combat armor, this happens with no other enemy in the game. Has this happened to anyone else? Is it a corrupted gore file or something to do with an armor mod?
I can attack with frag grenades, but once they are aggro'ed my game stutters while facing the direction they are in, turning the opposite direction fixes this.
Any help is appreciated, I want that eyesore airship out of my Minuteman sky.
Example GIF attached.
Load order:
Unofficial Fallout 4 Patch.esp
AWKCR - Mod Power Armor Engine Glitch Fix.esp
Armorsmith Extended.esp
brotherhood of steel overhaul.esp
america rising - a tale of the enclave.esp
deadly raiders of the commonwealth.esp
cVc Dead Wasteland 6.esp
liberty reborn redone.esp
mirelurks nest.esp
fco - fully customizable outfits.esp
fco - leveled list.esp
DX Adventurer Outfit.esp
IAF - Far Harbor & Nuka World.esp
AA Lots More Settlers and Enemies.esp
dD-Enhanced Blood Basic.esp
Immersive Fallout (DLC).esp
AnS Wearable Backpacks and Pouches.esp
mauser rifle pack.esp
fn five-seven v3.0.esp
darz oxhorn.esp
Thematic and Practical.esp
Live Dismemberment - Brutal.esp
Live Dismemberment - Insane-o.esp
Live Dismemberment - Liebermode.esp
Live Dismemberment - Mental.esp
Live Dismemberment - Mind-Blowing.esp
Live Dismemberment - POSTAL.esp
Live Dismemberment - Regular.esp
fco - crafting recipes.esp
Pip-Boy Flashlight.esp
Vivid Waters.esp
submitted by LandynTheName to FalloutMods [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 23:44 Winter_Psychology110 Gpt-4o is "awesome"

I've specified in the system message to provide short, concise answers and do not elaborate unless asked to do so.
When I asked:
if i understand correctly, when working with Quill and u want custom features, you basically use html/js and thats it, right ?
This maybe caused by my bAd pRomPt, but here is GPT-4O's response:
Yes, that's correct. When working with Quill.js and you want to add custom features such as highlights, tooltips, or other custom behaviors, you generally use HTML for the structure and JavaScript for the logic. Quill.js robustly supports customization through its API and its delta format. Here’s a breakdown: ### Customizing Quill.js 1. **HTML Structure**: Use HTML to create the container for the editor and any additional elements you might need (like tooltips, buttons, etc.). 2. **Initialization**: Use JavaScript to initialize the Quill editor within the specified container. 3. **Styling**: Use CSS to style the editor and any custom elements, like tooltips or custom highlights. 4. **Custom JavaScript Logic**: Implement custom functionality using JavaScript. This can include: - Manipulating the Quill editor's content. - Adding event listeners to react to user actions. - Fetching data (e.g., from an API) and dynamically updating the editor's content. - Extending Quill with custom modules or formats. ### Example Outline - **HTML**: - Container for the Quill editor. - Additional elements like tooltips (if needed). - **CSS**: - Custom styles for highlights, tooltips, etc. - **JavaScript**: - Initialize Quill. - Define custom behavior (e.g., apply highlights, attach tooltips). - Handle any dynamic updates based on user actions or data fetching. ### Example Use Cases - **Highlighting Text**: - Identify text to highlight. - Wrap the text in a span with a highlight class. - Optionally, add tooltips or other features. - **Adding Tooltips**: - Create tooltip elements. - Position tooltips relative to highlighted text. - Style the tooltips using CSS. ### Practical Example Here's a more concrete example of adding custom highlights and static tooltips: ```html HTML
CSS JavaScript ``` This example shows how to set up the environment, initialize Quill, and then implement custom text highlighting with static tooltips using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript.
submitted by Winter_Psychology110 to ChatGPT [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 23:38 Peachy_89kj Books recommendations for an English learner.

Hi friends, i'm a beginner English learner, my level is A2-B1, looking for books to help me in obtain new vocabulary and grammar skills, i enjoy reading mystery, action and crimes books. I would be glad if you guys suggest books i can find online, and that's it!
submitted by Peachy_89kj to suggestmeabook [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 23:37 tempmailgenerator Implementing Backend-Only Access Token Generation in ASP.NET Core

Exploring Backend Authentication Strategies

In the realm of web development, particularly within the ASP.NET Core framework, the need for secure and efficient user authentication mechanisms cannot be overstated. One of the more advanced techniques involves generating access tokens on the backend, solely based on a user's email address. This method offers a streamlined approach to authentication, reducing the need for traditional login forms and enhancing the overall user experience. By focusing on backend processes, developers can ensure a higher level of security, as sensitive user information, such as passwords, are not required to be transmitted or stored in the frontend, thus minimizing potential vulnerabilities.
The process of generating access tokens in the backend leverages the power of ASP.NET Core's robust security features and its flexible architecture. This approach not only simplifies the authentication flow but also provides a foundation for implementing more complex security models, such as role-based access control (RBAC) and multi-factor authentication (MFA). Understanding how to effectively generate and manage these tokens is crucial for developers looking to build secure and scalable web applications that prioritize user privacy and data protection.
Command / Function Description
UserManager.FindByEmailAsync Finds a user object based on the provided email.
SignInManager.CheckPasswordSignInAsync Verifies a user's password and returns a SignInResult.
TokenHandler.CreateToken Creates a new token based on the provided security token descriptor.

Understanding Backend Token Generation

In the landscape of modern web applications, security is paramount, and the method of generating access tokens in the backend is a testament to this focus. This approach, especially when implemented in ASP.NET Core, provides a seamless and secure way of authenticating users without the need to interact directly with their credentials on the client side. By relying on a user's email address to initiate the token generation process, the system minimizes exposure to phishing attacks and reduces the surface area for potential security breaches. This process involves validating the email against the database, and upon successful verification, issuing a token that grants the user access to the application. The token, typically a JWT (JSON Web Token), contains claims about the user and is signed by the server to prevent tampering.
The elegance of this method lies not only in its security but also in its adaptability and ease of integration with other services. For instance, the generated tokens can be used to interact with APIs, enabling a microservices architecture where services require authentication but do not need to manage or store user credentials. Furthermore, this token-based system facilitates the implementation of Single Sign-On (SSO) solutions, improving the user experience by allowing one set of credentials to access multiple applications. However, it's crucial for developers to ensure that the tokens are securely stored and transmitted over encrypted channels to maintain the integrity of the authentication process. Implementing token expiration and refresh mechanisms also helps in mitigating the risk of token theft and unauthorized access.

Generating Access Token for User Authentication

Using ASP.NET Core Identity and JWT
var user = await _userManager.FindByEmailAsync(email); if (user != null) { var result = await _signInManager.CheckPasswordSignInAsync(user, password, false); if (result.Succeeded) { var key = new SymmetricSecurityKey(Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(_config["Jwt:Key"])); var creds = new SigningCredentials(key, SecurityAlgorithms.HmacSha256); var expiry = DateTime.Now.AddDays(2); var claims = new[] { new Claim(JwtRegisteredClaimNames.Sub, user.Email), new Claim(JwtRegisteredClaimNames.Jti, Guid.NewGuid().ToString()), new Claim(ClaimTypes.NameIdentifier, user.Id) }; var token = new JwtSecurityToken(_config["Jwt:Issuer"], _config["Jwt:Audience"], claims, expires: expiry, signingCredentials: creds); return new JwtSecurityTokenHandler().WriteToken(token); } } 

Advanced Authentication Techniques in ASP.NET Core

The backend-only access token generation strategy, particularly within ASP.NET Core applications, marks a significant shift towards more secure and efficient user authentication mechanisms. This method, which leverages the user's email to generate access tokens without direct interaction with passwords or other sensitive credentials, offers an enhanced layer of security. By abstracting the authentication process to the server side, developers can mitigate common vulnerabilities associated with client-side authentication, such as cross-site scripting (XSS) and cross-site request forgery (CSRF) attacks. The adoption of this strategy is indicative of the evolving landscape of web security, where minimizing the attack surface is paramount.
Moreover, the utilization of JWTs (JSON Web Tokens) in this context underscores the versatility of this authentication approach. JWTs facilitate not only the secure transmission of user information but also the seamless integration with Single Page Applications (SPAs) and microservices. This compatibility with modern web architectures makes backend-only token generation particularly appealing. However, it necessitates a thorough understanding of token management practices, such as secure storage, token expiration, and the handling of refresh tokens, to prevent unauthorized access and ensure the continued security of the application and its users.

Frequently Asked Questions on Token-Based Authentication

  1. Question: What is a JWT and why is it used in authentication?
  2. Answer: JWT, or JSON Web Token, is a compact, URL-safe means of representing claims to be transferred between two parties. It is used in authentication to securely transmit user information and verify the user's identity without needing to repeatedly access the database.
  3. Question: How does ASP.NET Core manage token security?
  4. Answer: ASP.NET Core uses token-based authentication, typically with JWTs, ensuring security by signing tokens with a secret key and optionally encrypting them. It also supports HTTPS to protect the transmission of tokens over the network.
  5. Question: Can tokens be refreshed in ASP.NET Core?
  6. Answer: Yes, ASP.NET Core supports token refresh mechanisms, allowing expired tokens to be replaced with new ones without requiring the user to re-authenticate, thus maintaining the security and user experience.
  7. Question: What are the main advantages of using token-based authentication?
  8. Answer: Token-based authentication offers several advantages, including scalability by being stateless, flexibility in accessing protected resources from multiple domains, and enhanced security through limited lifetime of tokens and HTTPS.
  9. Question: How do you prevent token theft in ASP.NET Core?
  10. Answer: To prevent token theft, it's crucial to use HTTPS for secure communication, store tokens securely in the client side, implement token expiration, and consider using refresh tokens to limit the lifespan of access tokens.

Securing Web Applications with Token-Based Authentication

In conclusion, the strategy of generating access tokens in the backend using a user's email in ASP.NET Core represents a significant advancement in web application security and efficiency. This approach not only simplifies the authentication process but also significantly enhances security by reducing the exposure of sensitive user information. The use of JWTs further adds to this method's appeal by offering a flexible, secure way to manage user sessions and access controls. For developers, understanding and implementing this strategy means building web applications that are not only secure against various threats but also provide a seamless user experience. As web technologies continue to evolve, adopting such advanced authentication methods will be crucial in maintaining the trust and safety of users online.
submitted by tempmailgenerator to MailDevNetwork [link] [comments]

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submitted by Large_Scene3565 to Statisticshelpers_ [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 23:16 Costa_Rican_GOD [Recruiting] Share 2 Win Clans #UCR0Y2G TH 16 Clan Level 28 CWL- Champions 3 Activity/Wars/CWL/Clan Games/Raid Weekend/Social International Clan Family

Do you get 'timed out' by the game a time or two a week, or have your clanmates asking you how you can be online so much? If you answered 'yes', we may just be the clan for you!
Our international, activity-based clan system was established in 2014 and is still running strong. Our 7 clans are divided by troop levels and are described below. We have a fully functional discord server with a community side also. We have many useful features here. We also host monthly events! If you're a fit, join our clans in-game or head over to the discord for any questions you may have. ▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂
💥Share 2 Win 💥 🏅Tag: #UCR0Y2G 🏅SCCWL: Champion 3 + Masters 1 🏅TH16 (previous TH max) 🏅King/Queen: TH16 90/90 🏅Top 15 international trophy leaderboard! ▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂
💥Share 2 Win 2 💥 🏅Tag: #2LYP2J2L 🏅SCCWL: Master 2 🏅TH14-15 (previous TH max) 🏅King/Queen: TH14 75/75; TH15 80/80 🏅Almost 1000 wars won! ▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂
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submitted by Costa_Rican_GOD to ClashOfClansRecruit [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 23:13 Pe45nira3 Would it be possible to convert the Japanese language to kunyomi-only? Was something like this ever attempted, maybe during the language purism wave in the late 19th and early 20th centuries?

For example when Turkey became a Republic after the Ottoman Empire's collapse, the current official language called Ottoman Turkish was heavily influenced by Persian and Arabic, but Turkey's nationalist leader, Atatürk started a language purism movement which replaced a lot of Arabic and Persian loanwords with native Turkic words derived from a mixture of remnants of Old Turkish, the speech of commoners, and coinings by making up new compound words, resulting in the modern Turkish language.
Icelandic has very few loanwords, because Iceland also had (and continues to have) a language purism movement, which coins terms for modern things by making compounds of words with Old Norse origins. For example, "computer" became "number prophetess" and "electricity" became "amber power".
Although English never had such a movement, there is the tongue in cheek mode of speech called Anglish, in which all Latinate words, even those used in common speech are replaced with Germanic words. (To be, or not to be – that is the asking).
Japanese, because of its history and connections to China has a similar relationship to Chinese as English has to French - A part of Japanese vocabulary is kunyomi - native Japanese words, and a part is onyomi - words taken from what the Chinese language was like circa a 1000 years ago and somewhat adapted to Japanese pronunciation. For example, "mountain" in kunyomi is "yama", and "san" in onyomi.
Various rules and conventions govern whether to use the kunyomi or onyomi version of words, but I wonder, would it be possible to turn the Japanese language into a kunyomi-only language and purify it from Chinese influence? Was something like this ever tried, for example between the Meiji Restoration and the end of World War 2, when nationalism was at the highest level in Japan?
submitted by Pe45nira3 to asklinguistics [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 23:13 Apart-Moose9082 AMTAH I (43f) have been seeing my boyfriend (40m) for over a year and a it wrong to not want to be a girlfriend for the rest of my life?

..I have a gift for falling for emotionally mentally and physically abusive men in my past. My sister met him (40m) about 12 years ago thru her husband and she knew my marriage of 10+ years was awful. He was manipulating and controlling your typical textbook narcissist...she reached out to me that night and said that she had met what she could only describe as my soul mate...this was in 2013. Fast forward 5 husband finally finds a new supply and leaves me. And I move on. In 2019 I meet the man that would eventually break me in ways that I didn't know was possible and we end up separating...enter the "soulmate" we end up chatting for months and eventually start seeing each other and it's a relationship unlike anything I've ever known...he is caring and loyal...trustworthy and truly one of the best men I've ever been with. Due to life just being life I ended up moving back in with the ex and begun a poly relationship that worked for us all. Both of them wanted me and being a person capable of loving two men fully with all my heart. There was no competition and it worked for well over a year and a half. My ex I was with for 5 years found a new supply and promptly broke up with me and started dating the "love of his life" 2 weeks later...thus me and soulmate closed the relationship and have grown closer than I thought was possible...I moved 4 towns away and actually closer to soulmate. It's been a hard transition after living in the same town for 30+ years. This town is very small and I miss my people's terribly...but it's worth it in the long run...he's been my rock and has let me express the pain of once again being thrown away by someone I loved deeply.
Now we get to the issue. His father has been married SEVERAL times and his brother has been married at least 4 that I know of. And it has pretty much ruined the idea of marriage for him...I don't want to be someone's girlfriend for the rest of my life. I was a good loyal loving wife from 2004-2018. I was a loyal girlfriend 2019-2024. I have brought up the issue of us moving in together several times (not even moving in soon...just someday) and he can never give me a straight answer...(I struggle with several disabilities and I have been on ssd since 2008) as well cptsd and BPD so bad that it has made me unfit to work. I feel as if under the amazing outer shell is someone thats just keeping me around because he had been single for so long. And if we aren't living together and not married when he does meet someone better it will be easier to leave me...he's got my heart and soul and if I had been braver I would have. Made my move back when my sister told me about him...but I was raised to be loyal. You stay with your husband. I've done so much thinking in this past month...and I have purchased promise rings...I would much rather be his betrothed for the rest of my life...I don't need the piece of paper. I want to share a home and a life with him. But the voice in my head tells me that he's just like the rest...I'm placeholder...something to settle for until someone better comes along. And I'm terrified. To come straight out and ask him because I'm really trying not to be the crazy girlfriend...therapy isn't an option. Meds have never worked...I've been on almost everything you can think of since my teens. Is my only option to just smile accept this future. Or do I deserve to be with someone that wants to commit to me on the same level?
submitted by Apart-Moose9082 to AITAH [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 23:09 OG-KZMR Game doesn't save anymore after I uninstalled a mod.

Sorry if not the best place for this question but I've been browsing the internet for the last couple of days and I can't seem to find an answer and it's very very annoying.. To say the truth. After I uninstalled a mod my game doesn't wanna save, quicksave or autosave anything. Playing on normal, level 32, just got the game this month. Tried starting a new game, a fresh reinstalled, deleted mods, saves, disabled cloud saves. Nothing. Stuck in Diamond City looking like a fool...
submitted by OG-KZMR to fo4 [link] [comments]

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If You're struggling to handle your Online Exams, Assignments or any other coursework, get help from Hiraedu and pay after the exam. Contact details for Hiraedu is: WhatsApp: +1 (213) 594-5657 OR Call: +1 727 456 9641
I am very knowledgeable and proficient in assisting students in a wide range of mathematics classes. I can help students complete their homework assignments and other projects get an A on quizzes, tests, and exams (including proctored assessments) answer online discussion posts write essays & papers in MLA APA Chicago format and provide general overall academic help in each math course listed below:
Paid Help from Hiraedu: If You're struggling to handle your Online Exams, Assignments or any other coursework, get help from Hiraedu and pay after the exam. Contact details for Hiraedu is: WhatsApp: +1 (213) 594-5657 OR Call: +1 727 456 9641
As of 2021, I have tutored and helped students enrolled at the following U.S. universities community colleges county & city colleges schools for-profit institutions listed below in alphabetical order:
Paid Help from Hiraedu: If You're struggling to handle your Online Exams, Assignments or any other coursework, get help from Hiraedu and pay after the exam. Contact details for Hiraedu is: WhatsApp: +1 (213) 594-5657 OR Call: +1 727 456 9641
Considering the fact that you found my contact information online, it’s understandable to be skeptical regarding the legitimacy of my services. Therefore, I’m willing to do all of the following to help you feel more secure in trusting me with your academic needs:
At the risk of sounding arrogant, I consider myself to be at least marginally more intelligent (both academically & socially) than the average person. Therefore, if I ever decided to suddenly risk prison time, risk my reputation, and risk enduring the wrath of modern-day “cancel culture” by scamming people out of their money:
Paid Help from Hiraedu: If You're struggling to handle your Online Exams, Assignments or any other coursework, get help from Hiraedu and pay after the exam. Contact details for Hiraedu is: WhatsApp: +1 (213) 594-5657 OR Call: +1 727 456 9641
My contact details:
WhatsApp: +1 (213) 594-5657
Call: +1 727 456 9641
Website: hiraedu. com
Email: [info@hiraedu](mailto:info@hiraedu). com
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submitted by MortgageRich3613 to Statisticshelpers_ [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 22:54 Free-Selection-3454 Observations after changing schools. Is it just me?

Hi all,This year I moved to a new school after 7 years in a previous school (Catholic college - primary and secondary). I left due to 2 colleagues I once admired, respected, enjoyed working with and called friends either bullying, excluding and/or undermining me in front of my students and theirs across the whole school year.Moved to a new school (Catholic and systemtic) and am finding many of their ways of operating very foreign, adding to my work and time and am constantly frustrated by lack of consistency, lack of standards and zero acknowledgement of my noticeable student progression and improvement since my arrival.
A few factors that are frustrating and aggravating:
-Apart from myself and one other staff member, ALL other staff (teachers, Teacher Assistants, the Deputy, office admin, specialists) are ALL part-time in the primary campus. In and of itself this is not a problem, however it leads to a lack of consistency and stability for me as I am constantly playing catch-up due to the rotating nature of the year-level team. It affects student behaviour (not so much mine, but the other classes) due to no consistency with teachers. Seems to be a high level of rotating teahers on LSL (short stints) and staff on and off from parental leave. No staff nmeeting I have been to yet has had all staff there.
-Behaviour of students is atrocious when compared to other schools in the area and previous schools from my decade + experience. Students are verbally rude, cannot settle and focus and there are often physical altercations in the playground. I've spent a term and a half really breaking down behaviour expectations, routines and standards. I am making progress, but there is so much stacked against us.
-Parent copmmunity is INTENSE. Moreso than I have ever experienced. Teachers are consistently told their "tone"when talking to parents is rude/negative/insert critique here, parents are constantly emailing teachers to complain about other children and flat out ignoring any and all comunication about their own child. When I asked leadership about this, the reasoning given is either, "Parents at this school have always been like this" or "It's the culture of the area. We get families from all over"meaning the greater metropolitan area. I persoinally do not think this argument holds up as previous schools I've been at have accepted students from relatively large areas in terms of distance.
-EVERYTHING is done as a team." While this sounds great on the face of it, it adds so much to personal workloads when reporting, individual lesson planning, unit planning, NCCD work, resouirce development and/or sourcing, sending emails to parents, responding to emails from parents and more all has to be done as a committee of 7 people. Nothing gets done efficiently or within a desired timeframe.
-Classes - For each year level (double-stream), we routinely mix and match students. Not just for programs (e.g. Spelling) but for ALL subjects and curriculum areas. This means that in theory, I have a class of 31 (e.g. my roll call list), however in any given lesson I could be receiving students from the next-door class. Sometimes the classes stay the same (students) but we (teachers) swap. This makes assessing and reporting a nightmare, as it is unproductive, inefficient and there is no consistency.The reason for this has nothing to do with student learning, outcomes or development. It occurs "to stop parents complaining about which teacher they do/do not get for their child," "to stop parents emailing and complaining about if child x or y is in their child's class."It also means that due to the way the "team-teaching" works, I will never teach certain subjects (e.g. Science or Geography) this year. I have been given subjects the other teachers on Year 5 do not want: Religion, History for example
-Students miss out on opportunities for growth, e.g. in Science as we need to fill out risk assessments for items like using the school oval outside of lunch times and for simple, basic Science experiments (e.g. mixing two liquids - liquids that are not hot, cold). EVERY science experiment of any category needs a risk assessment.I came in so excited about subjects like Science... no more. Can't take the class outside for a brain break as we'd have to book the oval and fill out a risk assessment.
-Class sizes are 31+ and the school has a high volume of EAL and students with various diagnoses. In a class of 31, 20+ are either EAL and/or have a diagnosis (e.g. autism, ADHD, etc)-Zero autonomy. I have to go through 3 supervisors just to respond to a parent email (even if it is wholly positive), I am told what kind of visual aid posters I can/can't have in my room (e.g. a times table chart or a poster on English contractions).
-Release time a joke. I have to sit in my class cupboard as this is the only place in the school that is:--Free of gossiping staff--Free of staff talking in general--The only place staff and/or students will not interrupt me.-Staff are friendly (cheerfully greeting/seeing how my day is/was, seeming interested in me as a person and educator) but there is so much gossip about each other and parents/families. I could go to a staff member with a purely work-related question (e.g. planning or how a school process works) and the conversation almost always ends up being twisted to a poorly behaved student/complaining/gossiping. Even after I have point blank made it clear I do not engage in gossip and find it fractures teams/colleagues and do not have the time for it.
-Multiple duties each day of the week (as we are únderstaffed'' - same as every other school in Australia)-Duty roster (playground) changes every single week due to the high volume of absent staff, staff with multiple roles, etc So no stability or consistency there either.-Foced to pay money into a school social club each week for amenities (e.g. milk/coffee/biscuits) which I never use in a staffroom I never visit or for gifts of departing/retiring/staff going on parental leave.... Yet every time a staff member fits these categories, we get emails from leaders asking if we would like to choose to put towards a gift.... so unsure why I was told the social club goes to gifts. Tried getting out of it in writing (I pay more being one of the few full-time staff) only to be told, "In your contract, you signed that you will be paying money into the social club." Nothing in my contract at all, and I asked the state union to have a look just in case I am blind and having a man's look. They too clearly stated there is nothing in there.
My question is, after 7 years in a school I enjoyed (apart from the aforementioned 2 colleagues changing how they interact with me) is this the norm in Australian Catholic schools (primary and/or combined primary/secondary colleges). I used to be so effective, productive and built strong and positive student relationships. I am now ineffective, unproductive, my time and experience is wasted and my experience seems to be for naught.
*Is this the new normal?
*Is anyone else so utterly heartbroken, soul-crushed and demoralised (and I guess, angry and frustrated) by red tape/inefficiency/unproductiveness, etc?
Any thoughts? Cheers, legends.
submitted by Free-Selection-3454 to AustralianTeachers [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 22:47 amberarteaga78 psychology statistics help Reddit Assignment Exam Homework Quiz Test Class Course Helper for Online Hire Reddit

First of all, these are the contact details to reach us for help any type of academic task of any subject:
WhatsApp: +1 (213) 594-5657
Call: +1 727 456 9641
Website: hiraedu. com
Email: [info@hiraedu](mailto:info@hiraedu). com
I am very knowledgeable and proficient in assisting students in a wide range of mathematics classes. I can help students complete their homework assignments and other projects get an A on quizzes, tests, and exams (including proctored assessments) answer online discussion posts write essays & papers in MLA APA Chicago format and provide general overall academic help in each math course listed below:
As of 2021, I have tutored and helped students enrolled at the following U.S. universities community colleges county & city colleges schools for-profit institutions listed below in alphabetical order:
Considering the fact that you found my contact information online, it’s understandable to be skeptical regarding the legitimacy of my services. Therefore, I’m willing to do all of the following to help you feel more secure in trusting me with your academic needs:
OCT 2021 UPDATE: I am currently offering discount deals for requests for assistance with completing a student's entire course for the Fall 2024 semester (14 - 20 week courses acceptable), as well as discounts for students seeking help with multiple exams and/or multiple classes for Fall 2024. My availability for the Autumn 2024 / Fall 2024 semester will likely become limited very quickly as I receive more and more academic requests. Therefore it would be very advantageous to reach out to me for academic assistance before my schedule becomes too full.
WhatsApp: +1 (213) 594-5657
Call: +1 727 456 9641
Website: hiraedu. com
Email: [info@hiraedu](mailto:info@hiraedu). com
submitted by amberarteaga78 to Statisticshelpers_ [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 22:43 Silver_liver The Ashtapadan, Ch. 19/43. SFW this time but shows how I imagine an RR society

Link to AO3
chapters 1&2
chapter 3
chapter 4
chapter 5
chapter 6
chapter 7
chapter 8
chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
The Academy looked normal enough from the distance but blew Gentry’s mind when she finally entered it. First of all, the way in lay through a massive winter garden full of the most luxurious botanical collection she’s ever seen. Not only that, but it seemed to be arranged in a way that offered spaces for hanging out as well as paths in and out. Here and there, G noticed little nooks with people’s voices coming from them and small murmuring streams gleamed in the sun that blazed through the transparent walls and roof. This place looked magical and invited to stay, enjoy the refreshing coolness and peace of mind. But Gentry had a good enough rest in her communal room the night before and was eager to start working on her first assignment that the System had spat out with a congratulating letter. Figuring out the controls of her new wristcomm was simple enough.
Without stopping to check if the vending machines offered anything good, G made her way through the dreamy garden and entered the inner yard that looked just like everything here: nothing too eye-catching at first glance but secrets hidden everywhere.
One thing she had already noticed was that most of the people had another piece of technology on their bodies besides the comm on their wrists: a sort of extendable visor that some of them kept engaged at all times. Those who were focused on the screen had a comical look on their faces, a thousand-mile stare, eyes wide even as they were talking to each other or going about their business. It was unclear yet why they would engage the screen for so long though. No one needed this much time to read a notification or check a map.
Take a group of young students by the fountain, for example. They seemed deep in conversation with each other yet their pupils didn’t focus on the person in front, but on the translucent screen over the top part of their faces. Was it some kind of virtual reality helmet?
If so, G needed one, too.
Perhaps she’d be able to make new friends this way.
There was something else that caught Gentry’s eye. Despite her initial disappointment about the severe lack of male hotness in the streets, people of both sexes seemed to really care about their appearance. Even those who probably weren’t naturally stunning were very interesting to look at not least because of the crazy fashion sense everyone here had. Never before had G seen so much variety in what everyone wore: countless variations on different national garments, some looking very traditional, like something one could see in a theatre, some — futuristic uniforms straight out of a sci-fi movie. It didn’t seem like anyone was concerned with gender norms here, too. At least in when it came to the outfits.
G hoped she didn’t look like a creepy stalker when her gaze lingered on a pair of very nicely shaped legs stretching from underneath a plaid skirt that belonged to a young man in the group sat by the edge of the water. A pair of snow-white knee-highs, flat loafers and neat raven hair with some blue streaks completed the image. His clothes fit him very well and weren’t inappropriate in the least: something an old money university student would wear.
A female student that is.
And he wasn’t alone. Here and there, among more conventionally dressed people, there were people wearing all sorts of things: a crazy mix of goth-like apparel but barefoot, men and women with heads covered with scarves, people in strange jewelery that looked like it weighed a ton and so on. Most importantly, no one seemed to care what the others looked like.
Was it paradise? Looks like the demo didn’t lie: it was heaven on earth.
The young man in the middle of the student gaggle caught her staring after all. With a dazzling smile, he waved in her direction as if they were great friends, and G waved back, face heating, hoping there wasn’t anyone behind her this tease was actually waving at. Thank god his shoes weren’t heeled, otherwise she would definitely have a heart attack right here, in the middle of the common area, on her first day.
Did he notice her ogling his legs? Judging by the giggles of his friend's entourage, they all did. The young flirt covered his mouth, eyes wide in mock indignation and pulled his knees in, as if hiding them from the improper attention, getting even more laughter from the rest of the company. G averted her eyes and tried to calm her breathing as she was on her way through the yard again, but before they all disappeared from her field of view, she noticed the coquette stretch his legs again and fall back on a friend of his, embracing the lucky man’s neck in an affectionate gesture, already forgetting G existed.
There was no way she wasn’t going to make some pretty boy do the same for her. Forget the assignment, put that in the list of her top priorities!
At first, Gentry was lost when she failed to find any kind of class schedule and there was no one to ask at the reception desk.
Why have a reception desk if nobody’s on duty?
Soon, however, it occurred to her that there was no schedule: each room within the wide marble corridors had a small display with a handwritten message scribbled on it.
Bachata for beginners
Product engineering (Tuesday class cancelled)
Colloidal chemistry (revision today)
None of these were the Communications course that Jey was talking about, but the variety definitely made G’s eyebrows go up.
Was she just supposed to barge into any class and sign up? Did she have to sign up later if she liked the subject? Was it ok to choose any?
After some wandering around, too scared to just walk in uninvited or ask others for directions, she finally stumbled across the door saying:
Communication & decision making course (Newcomers welcome)
With the desks arranged in a horseshoe and the people of various ages that were also apparently Newcomers, it all seemed comfortably casual. Everyone was chatting as she walked in, paying G no mind so she busied herself with the wristcomm that dinged at exactly the right time to save her the embarrassment of looking for a desk.
Would you like to enroll in this course? Scroll down to read the description.
Was this damn thing a spying device? Did it just know which room she was in? Jey didn’t joke when she said the little thing was going to be her primary aid!
“Are you looking for somewhere to sit?” called a young red-haired woman at one of the paired desks. “Here, this one is free.” She had the auglasses on, like everyone else, but they were off, showing her lively face and a pair of sharp green eyes.
“Thanks,” G said, gratefully taking the offer. “I’m new here, don’t know how things work yet.”
“It’s alright, the course is very engaging, you’ll love it.” — the woman held out a hand — “I’m Sereen, what’s your name?”
G shook the warm palm. “It’s Gentry. And by new I mean I’m new to Ashtapada, not just the course. Literally arrived yesterday.”
“Really?” — S looked surprised — “Everything must be very confusing!”
“You have no idea,” G smiled. “I’m glad someone understands. Everyone’s friendly but acts as if giant mechanical dogs in the streets and a moss garden in the lobby are the most normal things ever.”
“Don’t worry, I was just like you when I first arrived, you’ll get the hang of it soon.”
“Hope so! Is that the lecturer?”
Just like everything else in Ashtapada, the lecture started out normal enough only to unfold into something completely alien to how things were normally done.
Apparently, the Communications course involved learning rationality, debating, logic, etiquette and god knew what else. It was supposed to give the future citizens tools to, well, communicate. G was given a booklet with some ground rules for beginners that included entries that sounded like something Sun Tzu would say if he studied debating instead of warcraft.
“The purpose of any argument is not to win it and not to change the other disputant’s mind. It’s to find the truth.”
“Always argue in good faith.”
“Don’t attack your opponent.”
“If attacked, dismiss the attack as if it didn’t happen.”
Well, hopefully, it only meant verbal attacks! G knew too well that when it came to physical violence, it was hard to ignore it.
Most of the rules looked straightforward enough, some were confusing.
“Seek challenge to your convictions. Avoid echo chambers.”
“Don’t seek being right.”
“Be mindful of your audience including yourself.”
“Avoid “Empty arguments” that don’t bring everyone closer to the goal of finding the truth.”
The lecturer, a willowy man of about sixty that drowned in his tweed jacket, started the class with a bit of small talk with the regulars after distributing the booklets to all first-timers. He made sure to give it to G face down so that his photo under the “About the author” title didn’t go unnoticed. He also made most of the “talk” part himself.
“I never took part in a debate,” G told Sereen, who was patiently waiting for the class to begin. “And never seen anything like these rules. Is it actually useful?”
“Oh, believe me, professor Poe will be ecstatic to talk to you about them. He can’t not start discussing his subject at the slightest provocation. Look.” — she raised her hand — “Professor, how was your weekend?”
The man wearily smiled. “That might seem like a meaningless question, Sereen, but it’s actually very much related to the topic we are going to cover today.”
“See?” — S raised her eyebrows with a suppressed smile. G giggled. This promised to be interesting.
“Our friend Sereen is a very polite person, isn’t she?” — Poe smiled at the class but his eyes glided over everyone’s faces, gaze turned inwards like he was reading an invisible text written on the walls. “But as kind as she is, I don’t think she’s actually interested in how my weekend went. Small talk is just a social custom we engage in to strengthen our social relations. Why don’t we just start a day by saying “Hi! I value our relationship and would like to fulfill my societal role!” to everyone we know? I would definitely prefer THAT over the small talk! He-he!”
The audience laughed politely. The guy seemed alright.
“However, just as we use different tools to fulfill this role in different contexts, so can the context of a logical problem steer our thinking towards a rational, that is, right, and an irrational, that is, wrong, answer.”
“Well, that’s not a given,” Gentry mumbled under her breath but it went unnoticed by S, who was already immersed in the lecture.
“Consider the famous René Descartes’s quote "Cogito, ergo sum". Who can translate it from Latin?” — the board behind the thin, almost transparent man glowed, displaying the words.
“Is it really a Beginner’s course?” G asked Sereen in a low voice but her companion was already raising her hand, together with a dozen other students.
“I think, therefore I am,” she said after a curt nod of the lecturer’s permission.
“Very good,” he continued, pleased. “I taught you well. Those of you who attend my lectures regularly are familiar with the notion of solipsism, which states that the only thing we can be sure about is our own thoughts.”
Gentry looked at S with raised eyebrows.
If this is an introductory course, what was the advanced like?
Sereen didn’t seem to perplexed. She was fully following the thread.
“However,” professor Poe said. “I am going to challenge that notion by demonstrating that we can’t trust our own mind when it comes to perceiving reality.”
He looked at the audience with a quizzical eye, and pointed at Gentry with a long bony finger “You, new girl. I want you to close your eyes.”
Why her?
Gentry was only happy to hide behind her eyelids. No doubt the whole room was now staring at her.
Through the blood rushing in her ears, she heard the old man’s voice, “Who was sitting beside you before you closed your eyes?”
“My new friend Sereen,” G answered and heard a little gasp of appreciation from the woman.
“So you know she existed as long as you two were whispering behind my back. However, now that you can’t see or hear her. How do you know she exists?”
“Well, I can reach with my hand and touch her,” Gentry said, demonstrating.
“Yes, this is what most people answer,” Poe said. “You can open your eyes now. But let me ask you this: how would you know it was her, an not some other person that took her place?”
Gentry’s intuition was right: everyone was staring, as if waiting for her answer.
“Well, I suppose— ”
“Hush, it was a rhetorical question,” the professor cut her off. “The correct answer is that you can’t know that. We think we can trust our senses or at least our thoughts, but this is also false. Everyone, look out of the window.”
Everyone did.
The day was as fine as Gentry was annoyed.
What did this pops think of himself?
“I’d ask what you see, but I already know the answer,” he went on. “All of you would say “the sky”. And all of you would be wrong, because sky doesn’t exist. We only see the endless emptiness of the outer space, but perceive it as a blue dome. It’s an illusion, a phantom, born out of our collective unconscious.”
Sereen whispered, lost in the lecture, “Ah, yes, Carl Jung.”
Was it supposed to be obvious?
“But listen to this,” he continued, voice booming like a demiurge’s in the completely silent room. “Listen to this. How many words is it? Listentothis. Our common sense says it’s three words while in reality it’s just a string of sounds I an producing with my mouth. I am literally making you hallucinate the spaces between the words I’m saying. With knowing that our perception is so flawed, how can we know that we even know how to think?”
“I’m sorry, professor, I disagr...” G started but got struck down by his serrated gaze.
“I’ll invite questions at the end, young miss,” he chopped out.
Sereen’s eyes were sympathetic. It looked like most if not all of professor Poe’s students had learned not to interrupt him.
He went on, “Anyway, the fact that you even understand what I am saying is in itself incredible and shouldn’t be possible.”
“But it IS possible, right?” G whispered to Sereen. “I mean, aren’t we understanding this as he speaks?”
“PLEASE refrain from talking unless asked!” professor Poe roared.
Impressive lung capacity for such a frail human being!
G begrudgingly did as she was told. The guy seemed to be enjoying this power trip a bit too much to her taste.
“Now, since most of you,” he put some emphasis on the word to shut up another pair of whispering students. “Most of you think you comprehend my words, you must know that there is a way to tell that something is real, even though we can’t rely on our senses for perception. I’m giving you a minute to discuss with your partners what it might be.”
G considered it. She and Sereen exchanged equally confused glances.
Like a dutiful student, S started summarising Poe’s arguments but Gentry listened with only half an ear. She felt that behind all this over-thinking was a clear and simple answer.
She watched the professor walk along the aisles, tuning into one or another conversation before leaving each with a smug head shake of disapproval.
What was there to think about? Even if they didn’t see the world precisely as it was, something was definitely real, right? The chair she felt under her buttocks, the air around, the low murmur of the students. The annoying professor that… looked a little too translucent.
Gentry waited for the man to approach their desks and tune into Sereen’s musings. As he came so near they could reach out and touch him, Gentry did just that.
To her utter shock, her hand went through the old jacket and sent a wave of static over the professor’s figure, his whole form glitching and flickering.
Professor Poe was a hologram!
Unable to help herself, Gentry said, “No wonder you don’t think anything is real, Professor, you are hardly real yourself!”
The whole roomful of people stared, transfixed, at the surreal scene of a student’s arm disappearing into the teacher’s abdomen.
Gentry looked back at Sereen in search of support.
Was it laughter in her eyes?
Poe’s blood drained from his face, the mouth slacked open, twitching as if trying to form some words, but none came out.
Sereen chimed in, “You never told us you were a simulation, Professor.”
“Out!” Poe gritted lowly so that no one really heard him.
“I’m sorry?” G asked, innocently.
“Out of my class!” he exploded, jumping out of Gentry’s reach with an enraged grimace. “I am as real as you are!”
G stood up and looked at her hand then back at Professor Poe.
How much rage could storm in those watery eyes?
Then, she winked at her new friend.
“Let’s go then, shall we?” she said.
Sereen looked lost for a second, her eyes darting pack and forth between Gentry and Poe. Then, her gaze seemed to cloud a little, as if she retreated into her own head, but when she resurfaced, she nodded with a mischievous smile.
Both young women left the room, the classmates’ sympathetic silence and Poe’s angry seething seeing them off.
“What a way to start my first day,” Gentry said. “My hands are still trembling a bit.”
She and S were calming their nerves in the green winter garden, the soothing sound of the little running streamlet at their feet a welcome distraction.
“Believe it or not, his course is actually quite useful,” Sereen laughed. “Who would have thought the old Poe is actually not human? I guess we never thought of poking him in the stomach before. This is going to be the talk of the Academy for the next month or so!”
“Is it? I feel bad now. I guess I’m not getting any points for attending this lecture, right?” — Gentry checked her wristcomm — “It says “zero progress” and something else… ad.. Honi… adhonim…”
Sereen laughed, “Yeah, you adhominem’ed good old Poe, no wonder you got zero credit!”
“What does it mean?”
“You’ve seen the rules of learning and discourse, right?” S said. “There are no-nos, things that aren’t allowed, especially when it comes to Rationality classes and the like. Ad Hominem means an attack on the speaker, not their argument. It isn’t exactly what you did, but I guess it’s the closest thing!”
“Ad Hominem, huh,” G said. “Well, I guess I deserve it then. Thanks for standing by me.”
If it wasn’t for Sereen, G wasn’t sure she would be going to return to the Academy any time soon!
“You just chose a wrong course as your first class, G,” — no doubt about that! — “But another lecturer who works here is much more open-minded and he also teaches Rationality. I think you’ll enjoy him more than our old Poe. His next class is in a couple of days. Wanna come?”
submitted by Silver_liver to RoleReversal [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 22:40 Wild-Economics-7873 New federal cases, laws of special importance to Iowa mothers and Brenna Bird's surprise trip to NYC - Laura Belin May 14, 2024

submitted by Wild-Economics-7873 to desmoines [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 22:33 Future_Conclusion760 Inconcistent layers on print

Inconcistent layers on print
Hi, i have been having problems printing on my printer, all prints comes out with good layers, but somehow the printer is not stacking the correctly.
I am using a homemade prusa mk2 clone. I am using ultimaker cura and pronterface. I am using giantarm pla at 205 celcius plate at 60. Outer wall speed is 18 mm/s inner 23, infill 45. Layer height is 0.1mm and width is 0.4 mm 0.4 mm nozzle I am using biliniear auto bed leveling with induction probe.
I am pretty new in the 3d printing game, so there may be and obvious answer that i am missing.
Sorry for terrible english and grammer in advance (english is not my native language).
submitted by Future_Conclusion760 to 3Dprinting [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 22:28 Affectionate-Pomelo2 22 [M4F] #Georgia #South Carolina #Online #Anywhere - Seeking Friend or Gaming Partner, Open to More

Hey there! M22 here, straddling the border between SC and GA, but my heart's open to connecting online from anywhere! If you're ready to dive into some genuine chemistry. Then you're ready for me!
I'm all about Anime, Gaming, whipping up comfort food (seriously, my comfort food game is strong but I'm also exploring new recipes), flexing my writing muscles, and actual muscles when I'm hitting the Gym, headbanging to Metal, doing a lil coding with my COMP SCI Cyber Security Degree on the way (Should be done in January 25), dabbling in Crafts (I'm no pro, but I can MacGyver some old stuff), and going full Indiana Jones mode with Retro Game Collecting! 🎮
I know it's a bit embarrassing since I'm in comp sci without a PC, but, I'm on my way to getting my dream PC just giving it time for now.
Here's the deal: I'm all about genuine connections and finding that perfect gaming buddy. Long-term? Maybe, but let's take it one level at a time.
Just a heads up, NSFW topics aren't taboo, but I'm here for connection first and foremost. So, if you're up for geeking out over gaming and anime, shoot me a message! PS5, Xbox, Switch, and Steam Deck for PC Stuff! Let's kick back, nerd out, and grind together!🎮✨
( Not that kind of grind lol )
Scroll down for a list of everything I've played and watched Gaming and Anime wise
[ W A R N I N G ]
It's a long ass list for both
List of Game's I've Played This is a roughly compiled list of everything
Destiny ( 1 and 2 ) Warframe Tom Clancy's Rainbow 6 Siege Overwatch 2 Call of Duty (any of them doesn't matter which) Halo (Only MCC or Infinite) Minecraft Diablo IV Tekken 8 MK 11 Guilty Gear Strive Smite Predecessor Back 4 Blood Sker Ritual Bethesda Games (Elder Scrolls Fallout) (Played most but not beaten all) Yakuza Series (I've played them all except I need to finish Infinite Wealth still) Sonic Games (Played all but not beaten all) Legend of Zelda Games (Played most but not beaten all) Mario Games (Beaten most but not all) Kirby Games (Played most but not beaten all) F-Zero GX Resident Evil Series (Played but not beaten all of them) Borderlands (Prequel 2 and 3 and Wonderlands need to play 1) Transformers Devastation Transformers War For Cybertron games Sly Cooper Series (Played but not beaten all of them) Uncharted Series (Played but not beaten all of them) Star Wars Games (From Dark Forces to Jedi Survivor) Ratchet and Clank Series (Beaten most of them) DBZ Fighterz Dragon Ball Xenoverse 2 Naruto to Boruto Shinobi Strikers Pokemon (Only a few games Red Gold Emerald Y Sword and Scarlet) Xenoblade Chronicles Series (All beaten still working on Future Redeemed) Metal Gear Solid Series (Beaten 3 and 5 I know the lore of the others and played 2)
List of Anime I've finished and seen This is a roughly compiled list of everything
One Piece (Caught up) Dragon Ball Z Blue Exorcist Full Metal Alchemist Brotherhood Rising of the Shield Hero Mushoku Jobless Reincarnation Sword Art Online (Pretty much the whole thing) Gundam Iron Blooded Orphans Gundam 1, 2, 3 the original stuff and movies Mob Psycho 100 Black Clover Bleach Naruto and Shippuden Boruto (Not caught up) That Time I got reincarnated as a Slime Danmachi Jujutsu Kaisen (0,1, and 2) Yu Yu Hakusho Hunter X Hunter My Hero Academia Nichijou Keep your hands of the eizouoken High School DxD Chunibyou Attack on Titan JJBA (Up to Stone Ocean) Kill La Kill Gurren Lagen Darling in the Franx Death Note Radiant Goblin Slayer Space Dandy Dorohedoro Durarara One Punch Man Beastars Rust Eater Dr. Stone F-Zero GP Legend"
submitted by Affectionate-Pomelo2 to r4r [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 22:27 Minimalist19 Advice on what is necessary/recommended for inspection

Hello, I'm looking to buy a house and I got the below from the inspection company that my realtor is reocmmending. This is the second home I've bought and the first home it was much more straight forward as it was a slightly newer build and was a townhouse. Which of the below options make sense given the house details below:
Home Details:
Located in Albany, OR

Type & style

Bedrooms & bathrooms

Material information





Other construction

"Well-maintained with new roof & triple-paned windows. Tastefully updated with LVP flooring in kitchen, dining, hall and bath, new carpets in bedrooms, new kitchen lighting, new appliances, dishwasher, refrigerator, microwave and water heater."
\***Seller did disclose owner prior to them had electrical fire damage**\**
The house is very well maintained and looks like whoever has been living there the last 10 years has taken a lot of effort to ensure the place is practically spotless for a house built in 1979
The Premium Package
The Premium Package is our most popular choice, the most thorough inspection, and the best value for your dollar. This inspection includes a checklist that will encompass the entire home inspection process (i.e. structure and foundation; a representative sample of windows, doors, lights, and receptacles; moisture detection; attic and crawlspace areas; roof, gutters, and drainage; walls, floors, and ceilings; porches and decks; plumbing systems and fixtures in kitchens, baths, and laundries; electrical sytems and breaker panels; HVAC; built-in appliances; and a general check for wood destroying organisms*). Everything is compiled for you on-site so that when we are done, you have all the information provided in a printed report which is computer-generated with color photos and presented to you in a professional binder. Inside the binder, you will find a seasonal maintenance checklist, a cost guide for remodeling and repairs, and a filing system to keep track of receipts. Since Pillar To Post is the largest home inspection company in North America, we have alliances with many vendors on services you may need as a homeowner. In addition, we use infrared technology that allows us to check the electrical system to detect overheating circuit wires and breakers and for any hidden water leaks that would not normally be seen by the naked eye. Also included is a Rodent Inspection, Visual Summary with Measured Floor Plans, and a Centriq Report.
Infrared Scan - Using the most technologically advanced tools available allows us to detect moisture in wet areas of the home (i.e. kitchens and bathrooms and around windows and doors) that is invisible to the human eye. The use of these tools also enables us to locate areas throughout the home or structure that have overheating or malfunctioning electrical components (i.e. breakers and electrical panels). This work can make a critical difference during the home inspection process.
Centriq Report - During your inspection, we will capture the information of up to five major home appliances and provide you with a computerized report on any safety recalls for those appliances using the Centriq app. Centriq is a home inventory and maintenance platform designed to monitor for appliance recalls and track user manuals, parts, and support videos for your home. During the inspection, the inspector will add appliances and systems from the home into the Centriq app, and you will receive a Centriq recall report via e-mail within 48 hours. You will also have the option of adding items to the app in the future.
Rodent Inspection - In addition to our high quality, comprehensive home inspection which will highlight past or present infestation, we will also investigate and report on conditions in the home that are conducive to rodent activity so that you may be pre-emptive in the containment and control of these potential issues before a problem occurs. This includes checking for points of entry and signs of nesting, especially in the crawlspace of the home.
PTP360 - During our inspection, we will construct an interactive virtual tour that will provide you with 360° visuals of your future home. It will include thumbnails with comments and photos from your inspection report in relation to their location within the home. This feature also includes measured floor plans to aid you in any future projects or home planning.
Lifetime Maintenance Advisory Service - Following our inspection, and your purchase of the home, we will provide advice and answer your questions on home maintenance, the inspection report, and other home-related topics for as long as you own the home. Feel free to give us a call anytime! We are happy to continue our service to you.
Enhanced Customer Service Commitment - Our aim is to provide you with quality reporting and excellent customer care. Our office staff are available to direct your questions and concerns should the occasion arise, and our inspectors have a wealth of knowledge and expertise to assist you with all of your inspection needs. If you are not satisfied with our service, we will pay another inspection company of your choice to inspect your home again up to the value of your investment with our company.
*During each of our inspections, we do a general check for Wood Destroying Organisms (i.e. carpenter ants, termites, and wood-boring beetles) as well as evidence of dry rot. We do not, however, list the specific insects observed without the purchase of a WDO report. This is due to Oregon's home inspection laws regarding the reporting of Pest & Dry Rot information, sometimes required by lenders. If you do not need your report to specifically state which insects are or are not observed at the time of inspection, you may not need to add the WDO report to your inspection package. Please check with your loan officer before considering this add-on option and let us know if we can provide you with any further clarification.
The cost of this package is $ 742.35 You will also receive a 15% discount on any Added Service options.

The Prestige Package
This package provides you with additional peace of mind. It includes everything that comes with the Premium Package, as well as an air-mold anaylsis and a screen of the home for common allergens (i.e. cat, dog, cockroach, and dust mites), benefiting those who suffer from allergies, asthma, or immune deficiencies. It uses the most up-to-date technology to determine potential health risks in those areas and recommendations for further action.
Healthy Home Package - Houses safeguard the lives of the people who live in them. Increasingly so, it is known that poor air quality, including allergens, can pose potential health risks if not detected and addressed. Indeed, if someone in your home suffers from allergies, asthma, chronic sinus issues, or other breathing disorders, poor air quality becomes critical to their love and enjoyment of the home. In addition, mold can eventually cause structural damage to your home.
The Pillar To Post Healthy Home Package provides: -An air quality sampling to test for molds and allergens that may be present in the home, identified and verified through a certified third-party laboratory analysis. -An easy-to-read report that helps you understand what was found and a recommended course of action to follow. -The knowledge of what you need to do to protect your investment and, at the same time, make your home a healthier place for you and your family to live.
Please keep in mind that the results of the mold and allergen tests take 5-7 business days to get back to us. We will provide you with those reports as soon as they are available.
The cost of the healthy home package is $ 1388.75 You would also get a 30% discount of any Added Service options.

The Plus Package
This package is our third offering and the most basic whole house inspection we provide. It is just like the Premium inspection but without the extras(Infrared Technology, Rodent Inspection, Visual Summary with Measured Floor Plans, and Centriq Report).
Selecting this package does not provide any discounts on various Added Service options. The cost of this package is $ 505.00

Recommended Added Service options for your inspection:
Sewer Scoping : $195.00
Radon Testing : $195.00
Wood Destroying Organisms : $80.00
submitted by Minimalist19 to HomeInspections [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 22:22 cjade_art Cr touch mriscoc struggling to level

Cr touch mriscoc struggling to level
Hi, hope someone can help. Ive been trying for days to get my new CR touch to work with my printer and the mriscoc software, everytime if fails as it moves to the middle of the bed. Ive changed the probe rate and disabled hs mode, the bed is level using the tramming wizard and the g code should be using the stored mesh. Attached is a video, any ideas please ?
submitted by cjade_art to ender3v2 [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 22:21 Proud-Arrival-5709 For foreigners: What is your level of Czech?

And write something in Czech (without a translator). I want to know what is your vocabulary and grammar level. I just want to sort of estimate how well a foreigner knows Czech, if he/she is e.g. at B1, B2 level...
submitted by Proud-Arrival-5709 to czech [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 22:19 Neolithic_Bitch Testosterone levels jumped up

Hi guys, I made this post that got a lot of attention awhile ago:
I'd like to thank everyone for their advice!! It was comforting to hear from so many people. Here's a little update...
I went back to a different gyno and heard a similar answer, that I probably don't have PCOS, even with the sort of irregular periods. But since the ultrasounds were a few years old, I'm having a new one done soon. In addition, the doctor decided to have me redo some bloodwork. I'm looking at the results now, and the others values (FSH, LH, DHEA-S) look normal as far as I know. My testosterone levels however, jumped up from 37 ng/dL in December to 56 now. My free testosterone is also a 12 pg/mL. Both results are shown to be higher than the average. I'm really curious as to what this means! It could still not be PCOS, but I really wonder why it went up so much! And what is there for me to do about it?
This might explain a lot about how I've been feeling the past few months too.
Anyway, I'm going to go see an endocrinologist soon too hopefully! I was just wondering if this might mean anything? Or if having levels these high are still like, sort of normal. Thanks!!
submitted by Neolithic_Bitch to PCOS [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 22:14 GrandCanyonGaullist Four months sober today--thankful for my rock bottom

Good afternoon (or whatever time of day it is for you). Today is my four month sober anniversary, which is by far the longest I've gone since freshman year of college. If you're interested in how I got here, please continue reading. I hope this can help someone. Apologies for the length.
I (38, M) hit rock bottom on December 6, which was the conclusion of the heaviest year of drinking in my entire life. I was on a business trip in the city I used to live in and met up with some old friends for "a drink." Despite a heavy dinner, I still wound up completely plastered. I killed God knows how many French 75s, gin and tonics, and Sauvignon Blancs over about a 5 hour period. I generally had 2-3 drinks an hour when I went out, and am not exactly built to carry such a load (6'1" and about 155 lbs).
I made it back to my hotel and faceplanted in the lobby (which I still don't remember). I still bought a canned gin and tonic from the sundry shop after that. I stumbled to my room, called my wife, and opened the can. After a few minutes of slurring my way through the conversation, I washed my hands, and when I went to grab a towel from under the counter, I smacked the top of my head on the edge of the counter. Within seconds, I was bleeding down the front of my face like Ric Flair after taking a chair shot.
I told my wife what was up, and she said to call 9-1-1. The ambulance arrived, as did a friend my wife called and asked to hurry over. While I held a towel to the wound and answered the EMT's questions in my room, I tried to take ANOTHER swig from the G&T can. My friend pried it away. I spent the rest of the night in the ER getting six staples in my head and feeling like an asshole for taking up the valuable time of ER staff who could be treating people in real trouble. When I had to use the bathroom, they put up a curtain around me that was about chest high, and I urinated into a plastic bottle because they didn't want me walking anywhere. I was so humiliated I can't even put it into words.
I left the ER around 7 AM. I was due to fly back home the next day. I told my boss that I slipped on my hotel bath mat and had to be rushed to the ER with a head wound. I spent the day eating grease with the shades drawn and contemplating how I let my life get this out of control. Several friends called to check on me and tell me that they were disappointed in my behavior over the past year. My best friend from high school, who is like my little brother, summed it up: "I love you and will always be in your corner. But you need to get your shit together now!"
I went home, got the verbal thrashing from the Mrs. I deserved, and committed to quit. I abstained for close to a month. Had a glass of champagne on New Year's. Had a couple drinks here and there over the next couple of weeks. Then we got together with my friend and his wife for dinner on January 13 (celebrating my birthday a few days early). I decided to let loose and have another French 75. Then another. And another. We ubered home and decided to open a bottle of champagne, which I promptly drank 3/4 of myself. I woke up with a screaming hangover and decided I was done. I hadn't missed the hangovers, memory loss, and general feeling of malaise I felt for all those years.
Quitting was not easy. I actually took up smoking (again) when I quit booze and am fighting the nicotine monster now (again). I had to go to several work conferences, where people acted stunned that I didn't drink at receptions or skipped many of them completely to avoid temptation. I started seeing my therapist again and focused on some upcoming job interviews. I landed a great job just 3 weeks after I quit drinking, which wouldn't have happened if I were still on the bottle.
I am grateful to my friends and family for their encouragement. My wife is an amazing person for sticking by me the past 12 years (and many other reasons!), despite my addiction getting progressively worse throughout that time. I genuinely appreciate waking up in the morning with at worse a caffeine headache and not worrying if I offended my wife/friends/family by saying something idiotic or cruel the night before.
Please don't feel ashamed if you're in a similar mess. You can beat this. It takes significant will power and a supportive network. Get that network however you can to pick you up when you're tempted--whether that's through a group like AA, a significant other, a therapist, in-patient treatment, family, or friends. I come from a long line of alcoholics, and if it weren't for my friends (some of whom quit drinking in recent years), I wouldn't be typing this out right now. But at the end of the day, only you can take care of you. Love yourself and find supportive people. They are out there.
I'll now get back to listening to Johnny Cash and crushing this giant sandwich to celebrate sobriety!
TL;DR: I busted my head open on my hotel bathroom counter on December 6, spent the night in the ER, and got six stitches in my scalp. I quit drinking for a month, thought I had it under control, but after one night of heavy drinking, decided I was done. Today is my four month anniversary.
submitted by GrandCanyonGaullist to stopdrinking [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 22:14 Prudent_Bug_1350 How will socialism create 20 million blue-collar jobs? The Democrats and Republicans are lying to the US working class about manufacturing.

How will socialism create 20 million blue-collar jobs? The Democrats and Republicans are lying to the US working class about manufacturing.
Our Vote Socialist 2024 campaign has an industrialization strategy, focusing on a few key areas, that will catalyze the creation of tens of millions of jobs and take manufacturing employment to the highest level since the 1979 peak.
➡️Read our plan to make it happen:
Image Transcription:
Image 1
[Bold Uppercase] How will socialism create 20 million blue-color jobs?
[Bold Uppercase] Read full statement:
[Bottom left corner: Claudia de La Cruz and Karina Garcia Presidential Campaign Logo]
Image 2
[Uppercase] Collect ballot signatures for [Claudia de La Cruz and Karina Garcia Presidential Campaign Logo]
[Uppercase] Put a candidate on the Virginia ballot that says free Palestine!
[Photo of volunteers petitioning]
[Bold Uppercase] May 18 [Uppercase] 10am-2pm Meet at Corner Bakery 11000 W Broad Street, Glen Allan, Virginia
[Uppercase] Join the ballot access team
[Bottom right corner: a silhouette of Virginia with the presidential campaign logo of Claudia de La Cruz and Karina Garcia]
Image Source: - -
“We’re in a middle of a public health crisis, we’re in a middle of a climate crisis, an economic crisis, an educational crisis and all these politicians can do is fan the flames of and start a new war and try to prepare us…psychologically for a nuclear war.” - Karina Garcia
Vote Socialist 2024 website:
Claudia De la Cruz and Karina Garcia are on the ballot in Hawaii, Idaho, Utah, California and, South Carolina. If you want to get involved and help them get on more ballots, go to
But what about Trump? Answering the “lesser of two evils” argument:
Liberation News:
Unlike ruling class politicians, whose allegiances are crafted by their financial backers, presidential candidates Claudia and Karina are connected by their shared commitment to the working class in all its struggles.:
Socialist Reconstruction: A Better Future for the United States by the Party for Socialism and Liberation:
Socialist Reconstruction: A Better Future for the United States by the Party for Socialism and Liberation - Audiobook:
Why we are running in the 2024 Presidential race - Liberation School:
“Left-wing” communism and the movement today:
Party for Socialism and Liberation
What would you do if your neighbor was starving? This is not a hypothetical. Right now the U.S. government is deliberately starving the Cuban people 90 miles to our South. We all must act now! This cannot stand. All people of conscience in the United States have to speak up and take action to let Cuba live. We’ve all been outraged to see the urgent aid for Rafah blocked at the border, while famine stalks the Palestinian people. We can’t allow the same thing to happen directly to our south. Please make a donation today — give bread to our neighbor.
How Fascism Serves Capitalism FULL DOCUMENTARY:
Democrats Are Not "The Radical Left" Renegade Cut:
Why Are Democrats Funding The Far Right?:
52 countries voted at the UN AGAINST the resolution on combating the glorification of Nazism:
West votes against democracy, human rights, cultural equality at UN; promotes mercenaries, sanctions:
USA Corporations Keep Donating to GOP Campaigns Despite Post-Trump Pledge to "Protect Democracy":
Understanding Fascism + Right-Wing Social-Political Movements:
submitted by Prudent_Bug_1350 to TheDeprogram [link] [comments]