I want you rachel weisz

for cosplayers, by cosplayers

2012.03.05 16:44 ts87654 for cosplayers, by cosplayers

This is a subreddit specifically for people who cosplay and people looking to cosplay. Want to share the outfit you just made? Share it here! Want some advice on a costume? Ask here! Want to show some cool pics you took at the last convention you went to? Post them here!

2017.01.14 02:37 DogsRNice nukedmemes

this subreddit is no longer shut down because of you know why. Like DeepFriedMemes but with extra 3rd degree burns and epilepsy Old reddit design is recommended If you can't nuke your own meme, visit nukedrequests

2011.02.06 02:38 bennybuckethead Superb Owl

For owl lovers everywhere

2024.06.07 22:16 WhatHappenedHereEh Reading Bible

This is irrespective of Sarah, but also includes her and her sister. Could you shed some light on me about the point of reading and re-reading, and re-re-...--re-reading Bible(s); taking notes, and underlining and highlighting bibles? As you can guess, I am not a Christian and am far removed from this religion and all forms of it. So when I saw Rachel's post today about transferring notes or whatever from her old bible to the new one, I wanted clarification on this long-sitting question in my head.
Thanks in advance!
submitted by WhatHappenedHereEh to sarahtheresesnark [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 19:02 maxmax342342 Go read some books

So I've known this sub since my girlfriend had borken up with me. It's been almost 3 months since the breakup. I've had a rollercoaster of emotions, I felt some relief (because the relationship confused me, and on top of that made me really depressed), but I also really wanted her to come back.
It was my first relationship and I gave her the whole world but I lost myself along the way. I was afraid to speak with her about my feelings and that I wanted more intimacy (it was a LDR, so she had her doubts and was scared to really let-go of her fears and let us just be).
What really helped me during the early stages of the breakup was reading books about love, attachment theory, and basically self improvement books. I've read only 2 books so far, but have like 5 more to go. And let me tell you, it's like an epiphany. I truly understand my mistakes during my first real relationship, and how I lost myself, I didn't know who I was at the end of the realtionship (and this is also one of the reasons she had broken up with me).
A week ago I spoke with her and told her that I still have some feelings towards her and wanted to try it again. In return she told me that she still doesn't know what's going on in the her life (she's going through a lot changes lately) so a relationship is not something she thinks about at the moment. Although it wasn't the answer I wanted to hear (I wanted just a concrete answer - a yes or a no), but it made me realize, we're probably just don't belong to each other. Our whole relationship was under the assumptions that we "live day by day" and don't know if we're gonna be together tomorrow.
Some parts of me still want her, maybe I just want her approval and not really her. IDK. But I started to talk to other girls recently and feel better about it. Although I'm not 100% healed I will start dating again.
I want to tell you about some books that really changed my mind and made me understand the bigger picture:
I'm a male, so currently the best book that I've read was "Models" by Mark Manson. If you're a male, go buy it immediately. A book I'm finishing right now is about attachment theory and is called "Attached" by Amir Levine and Rachel Heller. The next book I'm planning to read is "The 5 love languages" by Chapman. More books on my shelf that I plan to read but can't give you a review becuase I haven't read them yet: "Getting the love you want", "The way of the superior man", "Everything is fucked", "The subtle art of not giving a fuck".
Models really helped me shape my thoughts, it put me a mirror of my mistakes during the relationship and again, if you're a male, just go buy it and read it immediately.
Just focus on yourself, and remember there isn't the "one", but a bunch of cool partners you can spend your life with, it's just a matter of being in the right place at the right time. And again, don't do it to make them regret and return to you. Do it for yourself. They're probably not going to return anyways, but if they will, at least you have worked on yourself and you might realize you don't even want them back, and if you do, you bring a better version of yourself to the relationship.
submitted by maxmax342342 to ExNoContact [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 18:59 ResponseOk3177 My hot take on the Billie Lee/ Victoria drama- Tom is the problem

Billie Lee is talking like Victoria is completely the problem and Tom is fully the victim. From what she’s said, it really seems like a reflection of a narcissistic relationship. Many times when you’re as insecure as she’s making Victoria is, you’ve been given a reason to be. The whole back and forth seems like a toxic cycle. And Victoria seems like the type of prey Tom would go for- younger, insecurity, “chill” and always available to party. I have always believed him and Billie hooked up (it’s obvious), so I don’t doubt anything of what Billie is saying, but I also think the other side is that Victoria has things in front of her to be insecure over like Tom hanging alone with Billie. I really think Billie is villainizing Victoria so much bc there’s jealousy underneath it all that Tom wants her and not Billie. This whole situation is messy for a bunch of grown adults and they all separate from each other.
Also- who knows what Tom has told Victoria about Ariana in order to villainize her too. And Rachel. There’s no way any of these people’s accounts are reality.
submitted by ResponseOk3177 to Vanderpumpaholics [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 18:50 FourFatSamurai I want to quit.

I want to quit.
I want to quit.
I want to quit.
Yesterday, I was fired and told I lied about my grooming experience. I am beyond devastated that my clips aren’t good enough. I am beyond devastated that I was made to feel like I produce nothing but trash. I really just want to quit.
I understand the weird rivalry between show groomers and pet groomers, but I still feel pretty icky about how I was made to feel like an imbecile because I didn’t do things the same way she does. I am autistic with ADHD and I do things in a way that work best for me and my style of grooming. During the last few weeks, I was open minded and receptive to learning a different way and broadening my knowledge about dog grooming. I was excited to have a “mentor” finally after years of getting where I am today through trial and error.
I was more than transparent about my experience. And I will be transparent here, too.
I got my start at Petco in 2018. Shortly after I was to be sent to grooming training through their in network training program. During this, my mentor was sent to another store and they appointed the aquarium lead to be lead groomer. They sent him through training first and was in charge of mentoring me. I failed my cocker technical and almost failed my schnauzer technical because of that. He didn’t know what he was doing and I had no one to help guide me.
Shortly after passing, I went to a local mobile grooming business. For 6 weeks I was kind of trained by my boss. She helped me here and there but mostly sat in the cab while I groomed and that was it. I stayed there for 5 years. Everything I learned up until this point was self taught through trial and error and a bunch of YouTube videos.
From there, I moved to a salon and I was pretty confident in what I have achieved by that point. Although this was considered a box store, I had the most fun working for this company and loved it. My team was wonderful and we all worked very well together. While I was here, I was confident as a groomer and confident in my craft. They sent to grooming expos to learn from the greats like Olga Zabelinskaya, Sue Zecco, Rachel Colant, and Blake Hernandez to name a few. I asked questions and learned a lot more. I continued to practice what I learned.
From there I went to another shop that was shabby and run down with broken tablet. I enjoyed it here for the time being, but it was not the place for someone like me. They were not accepting and I was let go 2 days after I let everyone know I was neurodivergent. This led to me keeping my disabilities to myself and trying to mask to appear more “normal” or whatever.
Then went to this latest salon. I was really excited after my interview with the owner because I felt like I finally found my home salon. I felt like I was finally going to work with and for someone who was empathetic, compassionate, and informative. She told me she believed that no one could possibly learn and known everything about dogs and grooming and she felt it was important to continue grooming education, which I also believe. I felt so comfortable around her at first. I never felt that level of comfort around anyone but my best friend because let’s be honest, us neurodivergents are generally uncomfortable in most settings with most people.
Things started off pretty rocky, the salon was an hour away so that was rough for me. My first day, I showed up at 8am, the time the salon opened. I was immediately questioned on why I was late and told my first dog got there at 8am. I was not told to show up at any given time for that day, so I showed up when the salon opened. I also did not have access to the schedule yet so I didn’t know when my first dog was coming in. None of this information was relayed to me in any way. Panic set in and it threw off my whole day, but I tried very hard to push past it.
My grooms were heavily criticized and I was told to do things differently. Much differently than what I had learned thus far on my own, in training, and even from the seminars at the grooming expos. I was open and receptive to learning a different way because grooming had become my passion. I wanted to learn. I wanted to be better. I wanted to make people and dogs happy. I thought it said something about me and my competence to have clients want to follow me, even tho it was up to two hours away for them. I had one from Portland that would drive down just for me because he trusted his dog in my hands. I guess that didn’t matter at this new salon.
Not once during the last few weeks was I asked to explain my thought process behind the way I did certain things. Not once was I given the opportunity to show what I can do on own without constant intervention. Trust the process. Trust me.
Even yesterday, I wasn't asked why I left my schnauzer lines the way I did. It's because I hand scissor my skirts and blend the lines seamlessly with blenders. Not clippers, tho I did get a quick visual demonstration on how that could be done, but without any real commentary.
I was told to do things one way, but when I do it that way, I am told that is wrong and I need to it the other way instead without any explanation as to why. Back brushing for example… I was told to use a comb, so l used a comb, then the next day, I was told to use a brush because using a comb wasn't correct. Stop confusing me and explain your process so that l understand.
I was told to ask questions, when I did, I felt like I was stupid and inconvenient for asking. Especially during the weird schnauzer groom I was in the middle of when I got fired. I did my best even though the previous groom notes were confusing and inconsistent (not what I would’ve done for a breed specific groom, and vastly different from what is explained in the “grooming bible”) on top of what the owner told me they wanted and didn't want done this time.
I was terminated in the middle of the schnauzer groom. I was told to finish it and get my stuff and go. By that point, I mentally shut down, couldn't focus on what I was doing or how or where to even begin. I was completely derailed. All I could think about was getting the hell out of there as fast as I could before the autistic/ADHD glitch that already started happening got worse (if you know, you know and I’m sorry.) All of this while sick as a dog, my son got me pretty sick, but I still showed up and worked. Thank goodness for my Ativan prescription because I would've had an autistic meltdown right then and there. It allowed me to hold in all emotion and hold back tears until I got to my car and started the hour commute home. Turns out, it was very cathartic to drive on the backroads and cry silently to myself.
Writing all of this out and getting my feelings out there has made me realize that I am never going to be good enough and I want to hang up my smock for good. I can’t help but feel like I’m being a baby and I’m so dramatic. This was my life, a hyper-focus that I never abandoned, something I was truly proud of and felt good at.
Now, I want to give up. I’m defeated.
Please if you have anything mean to say, please move on, I just don’t know if I can take that right now. I just wanted to share my experience and how I’m feeling right now.
submitted by FourFatSamurai to grooming [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 17:23 Baby_dopey AITA for dropping my bsf from my life

For context this happened a year ago July 2023 I won’t be disclosing names for privacy reasons, so bsf will go by Rachel. Rachel and I have been very close friends for 6 years so close to the point we called each other sisters and her parents wanted to adopt me, I ended up moving across country beginning of 2021 we still called everyday along with our other close friend James. Even though I was far we still had the time to catch up with each other, I noticed every time she would talk to a new partner she wouldn’t call or text me it had to be me putting in the effort which I don’t mind but she made it seem she didn’t want to talk to me I’d text her after 3 days of no communication “hey how are you” expecting the usual response she would respond with “good” and that was it so I let it be until she would break up with them and wanna be otp with me non stop but as soon as she finds someone new she would stop talking me to again it turned into a cycle atp. James and I both felt the same way about the situation it felt as if she ditched us for guys and when they’d dump her she ran right to us with her problems we both got tired of it after this one specific guy Charles on and off and she would cry to me every time but get back with him. Then she just stopping calling and texting in general, I would text her once a week. The morning of her birthday I FaceTimed her, “hey I love you I hope you turn tf up and have fun send pics for me” is what I told her she said thank you and her mom asked who was otp and she said, “my bsf” remember that she had to go so we hung up, I hung up thinking we’re fine and nothing is wrong between us. Later on that night my bf asked who this guy was viewing his instagram story it was my ex, so I texted my ex to leave my bf alone and he has no business snooping in my life since we haven’t been tg for almost 2 years, ex bf has abused me physically and mentally through our 3 year relationship and Rachel knew all about it. My ex Joe then said “I was at Rachel’s birthday and she was telling me you were in a new relationship and you think he’s hot and that you guys weren’t friends anymore” this blew me over the edge and I texted her confronting her and all she had to say was “so we aren’t friends idk why you’re texting me” I blocked her and I haven’t talked to her since but all my friends from my previous town keep telling me she keeps talking shit about me saying it’s my fault and that she’s so happy she dropped me for her new boyfriend so AITA because I feel like I was somewhat in the wrong I could’ve texted her more but I felt like she wanted nothing to do with me but I also feel I’m in the right because James feels the same exact same way towards her?
submitted by Baby_dopey to CharlotteDobreYouTube [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 16:26 youdontknowmi "A witness to our lives."

I was listening to Rachel Uchitel's podcast where she was interviewing a relationship expert and several time she talked about "wanting a witness to our lives", that that is why having a partner was so important to her despite her kid and her friends and her fame but the guest never picked up on it and she didn't elaborate. I tried Googling the expression and didn't find anything.
It has stuck in my mind...
When my marriage first ended a friend told me that a mutual friend who had died of alcoholism had told him about "the danger of autobiography" and that helped me then but I sort of understand the witness thing too but not in any coherent way.
My new partner and I are each an immigrant to where we live now having grown up on opposite sides of the globe from each other. Coming from the same ethnic background we share so much culturally but it is refreshing that we don't have any popular culture in common and in a way we can't really appreciate each other's past accomplishments in our home countries fully which means our relationship is centered on who we are now and not who we once were.
And yet it is gratifying that my friend a fellow US expat here understands certain things about my life, how I grew up in innercity poverty and went on to earn ivy league degrees, that I had a career working at prestigious institutions, etc. We don't discuss those things but when we first met she understood the life path they implied.
And now she is a witness to the relationship my partner and I have.
And then of course my partner will always remember me as I am now which is nice. She also has some idea of my voyage as I have of her's.
I do know as a middle-aged man in a new city before meeting my friend and my partner I felt I would live and die unremembered and anonymous and that didn't feel good.
What do you think about this idea of singleness and the want of a witness?
submitted by youdontknowmi to datingoverfifty [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 16:06 Not-grey28 Next up Rachel, What is the best Rachel liner?

Next up Rachel, What is the best Rachel liner? submitted by Not-grey28 to howyoudoin [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 09:30 MNLYYZYEG My Sibling's Romance - Episode 15 - 240607

My Sibling's Romance (연애남매) is on Viki/KOCOWA/VIU/etc.
What if you went on a dating show only to find your sibling in the room next door? Under the watchful eyes of each other, siblings have gathered to seek their significant others. For 24 hours, they must hold their laughter and urge to cringe as they watch their siblings flirt and make physical contact with their date. Here is the star-studded host of the show! Han Hye Jin, a blunt critic, Code Kunst, a dating show expert, BamBam from a family of four siblings, MIYEON, the only child who has dreamed of having a sweet elder brother, and Jonathan and Patricia, the hottest siblings in Korea. Let’s join them to delve into the interesting relationships of siblings. Will your sibling prove to be the cupid that helps you find your love or the villain who ruins your romance?


Female Male
Park Seseung (박 세승) - @_seseung Park Jaehyung (박 재형) - @jayhparkk
Park Choa (박 초아) - @catsichoa Lee Jungsub (이 정섭) - @jsub_0319
Lee Juyeon (이 주연) - @__jooyeon__ Park Chulhyun (박 철현) - @culhyun
Lee Yoonha (이 윤하) - @yiiyoonha Lee Yongwoo (이 용우) - @oloxoor
Kim Jiwon (김 지원) - wait Kim Yoonjae (김 윤재) - wait


  • Cho Miyeon (from (G)I-DLE group)
  • Han Hye-jin
  • BamBam (from GOT7 group)
  • Jonathan Yiombi
  • Patricia Thona Yiombi


Subtitled Stream
Viki, KOCOWA, VIU Philippines, VIU Singapore, iQIYI Taiwan
My Sibling's Romance has a new episode every Friday, English subtitles from Viki/KOCOWA/etc. are usually available after a few hours or so.
Title Version
My Sibling's Romance (연애남매) Episode 1-6 English Softsub 1080p (~33GB: https://gofile.io/d/CSHKpS)
My Sibling's Romance (연애남매) Episode 5 English Softsub 1080p (~5.4GB: https://gofile.io/d/2orOuf)
My Sibling's Romance (연애남매) Episode 7 English Softsub 1080p (~5.3GB: https://gofile.io/d/N0XUPu)
My Sibling's Romance (연애남매) Episode 8 English Softsub 1080p (~4.9GB: https://gofile.io/d/KdyKbv)
My Sibling's Romance (연애남매) Episode 9 English Softsub 1080p (~4.6GB: https://gofile.io/d/0spUQY)
My Sibling's Romance (연애남매) Episode 10 English Softsub 1080p (~3.8GB: https://gofile.io/d/TwJ9xU)
My Sibling's Romance (연애남매) Episode 11 English Softsub 1080p (~4.6GB: https://gofile.io/d/I8Ftpa)
My Sibling's Romance (연애남매) Episode 12 English Softsub 1080p (~4.3GB: https://gofile.io/d/6YpYCH)
My Sibling's Romance (연애남매) Episode 13 English Softsub 1080p (~5.2GB: https://gofile.io/d/iCRwqC)
My Sibling's Romance (연애남매) Episode 14 English Softsub 1080p (~6.0GB: https://gofile.io/d/EL4bn7)
The above links are for the wavve version (starting with Episode 9 it's now also the KOCOWA version) and the subtitles are the official/propeetc. ones from KOCOWA/Viki/et cetera, the synchronization of the subtitles is good (change the framerate/manually adjust the commercial breaks or scenes/etc. through Subtitle Edit/Aegisub/et cetera, if you have the VIU/Korean/etc. version), credits to the original uploaders.

Discussion Threads

My Sibling's Romance (연애남매) Discussion
E01, E02, E03, E04, E05, E06, E07, E08, E09, E10, E11, E12, E13, E14, E15
There's also the /MySiblingsRomance subreddit now: https://www.reddit.com/MySiblingsRomance/comments/1by9zyg/ages_of_cast_members/
For those trying to make sense of the current My Sibling's Romance storylines and edits and so on, try these shows/dramas below as they can help with the different points of view and say broader context, especially when it comes to seemingly random plot twists or developments.
Remember UnREAL with Rachel or Shiri Appleby for western/Anglo/American/etc. dating shows or shows like The Bachelor. It's from several years ago (OMG nearly a decade ago in 2015, time flies), but ya UnREAL is wild and dramatized (Rachel has a sad/PTSD-inducing/toxic/etc. storyline with her mother too, kinda like My Sibling's Romance's family aspect), yet still so great for those of us dating/reality/etc. show fans. As it'll starkly demonstrate the producers' arsenal for scripting things on the spot.
Love is for Suckers (has Lee Da-hee, one of the panelists of Single's Inferno (1, 2, and 3), as the producer or main character there, and Super Junior's Choi Si-won as the male lead) is a more modern Korean drama version with I Am Solo/나는 SOLO and Single's Inferno and so on references.
Frankly Speaking (with Kang Han-na and Go Kyung-pyo) had its finale yesterday (June 6, 2024), and despite the somewhat mixed reviews about the plot being all over the place (it's like a slice of life romcom), it's actually pretty good if you want to see how they create dating shows (especially I Am Solo (나는 SOLO) and Single's Inferno, they even have the post-show behind the scenes and extra fan content stuff like the photoshoots, rofl), lol. Starting from Episode 5 (essentially halfway into the drama, lmao) Go Kyung-pyo's character will be a housemate and of course Kang Han-na is the main writePD/et cetera: thread 1 and thread 2
submitted by MNLYYZYEG to koreanvariety [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 08:57 Idk_watosay The girls relationship

So I am a first time watch of VPR. Truthfully I have only seen the end of season 10 and all of season 11. I finally got to the end of the reunion yesterday and I wanted to share my thoughts.
First off Scheana cries way too much. I don't know if I am just not an emotional person or if she weaponizes the tears but it is way too much.
Second I think it is interesting that when Katie and Ariana get stuck together Lala and Scheana are right there and yet don't help. In fact schwartz and scheana walk right over and ignore both of the girls.
Later at the end Lala tells Scheana that she doesn't care that she hurt people's feelings and that she doesn't even see ariana and she doesn't care about katie.
But last season reunion she was riding hard for Ari and all this season she was making jokes and going on girl's nights with them all. She even talks about how she is unhappy because KATIE is unhappy and she hates seeing her like that.
So is it Lala that wasn't being genuine the season? Did she change tune bc she was genuinely pissed at ariana for leaving "abruptly"? Do you truly believe that she barely interacts with ari?- Is this kinda like when rachel said that her and Ari weren't even friends?
Also do you think that VPR will be renewed for a next season and if so do you think Ari and katie will participate?
submitted by Idk_watosay to vanderpumprules [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 05:29 RodeoBoss66 Levi Wright’s mother speaks out after son’s death: ‘A decision that will haunt me forever’

Levi Wright’s mother speaks out after son’s death: ‘A decision that will haunt me forever’

The toddler's parents Spencer and Kallie Wright made the difficult decision to remove their son from life support following a drowning accident.

By Rachel Paula Abrahamson June 3, 2024, 1:48 PM EDT / Updated June 6, 2024, 11:21 AM EDT
The toddler's parents Spencer and Kallie Wright made the difficult decision to remove their son from life support following a drowning accident. Kallie Wright is speaking out about the death of her 3-year-old son, Levi.
Levi suffered a severe brain injury on May 21, after driving his toy tractor into a Utah creek near their home. Twelve days later, on June 2, Kallie and her husband, rodeo star Spencer Wright, made the difficult decision to remove Levi from life support.
“Unless you’ve been to my place, it’s hard to paint a picture of how something like this can happen,” Kallie began a Facebook post on June 6.
“There is a creek that runs through our 24-acre property and separates our house from Grandma and Grandpa’s,” Kallie wrote, noting that the family gets across on a concrete road.
“Water only runs through for a short time during the year and can change overnight,” Kallie wrote. “Levi did not do anything he hasn’t done before, but this time, the water was at its peak & strong enough to push his tractor off the road into the creek as he drove through.”
On the day of the accident, Levi asked his mom if he could ride his tractor. In her post, Kallie said that told him yes, but that he couldn’t go near the creek.
“That’s a decision that will haunt me for the rest of my life. In that moment he was my responsibility alone,” Kallie wrote.
“Whether I went back to check on my sleeping baby, swap the laundry, wash a bottle or put away lunch, I honestly don’t know. Whatever it was, wasn’t more important than following him that day.”
“Although I’m a firm believer that our stories are written long before we reach this earth & that our Lord will take us when he’s ready, I will lose sleep over this for eternity,” she continued. “But with this, I know 3 things to be true. 1. I am not a perfect mom but I am a good mom. 2. My little boy loved me with all he had. 3. Never say never because it only takes seconds and it can happen to you too."
“I pray anyone who judges me or has hurtful words to say never finds themself on the receiving end of a nightmare like this.”
A celebration of life service will be held in Beaver, Utah, according to family spokesperson Mindy Sue Clark. Clark confirmed to People that Levi passed away on June 2.
“Levi Spencer Wright — March 24, 2021-June 02, 2024,” Clark wrote on Facebook. “The most perfect three year old there ever was. So perfect we didn’t get to keep him. This baby boy moved mountains the last 12 days. He brought so many people together. In a world so dark, we got to see light at the hands of a child. He’s everything his mom and dad could’ve wanted him to be.”
In a Facebook post on June 2, Kallie announced that she and Spencer made the decision to withdraw life-sustaining treatment after “multiple conversations with the world’s best neurologists and millions of prayers.”
“Here soon, I’ll climb into bed with my baby and hold him as he falls asleep for the last time on this earth,” Kallie wrote. “I find comfort in knowing he will be restored to the perfect little boy he was & have the ability to do all the things he loves!”
“I know there are Angels up there waiting to hold him until I can again!” she continued. “We will miss him every second of every day down here but feel without unwavering doubt that this is the best thing we can do for him!”
Kallie included a video of herself and Levi driving around on a piece of agricultural machinery. In the clip, she kisses Levi's cheek and asks, “Are you my best bud?” to which he replies, “Yeah!”
The Beaver County Sheriff’s Office confirmed on May 21 that a child had driven a toy tractor into a river.
“To whoever decided to spend close to an hour reviving him and not giving up. I’d hug you if I could,” Kallie wrote on Facebook. She referred to all the first responders as “mine and Levi’s angels.”
Kallie posted several updates from the hospital, and said that she and Levi’s dad were exploring different therapies for their son.
“Please for one second don’t think we haven’t fully done our homework, it has been nonstop,” Kallie shared. “I’m going to close with, no parent in this situation ever ‘gives up’ on their child.”
submitted by RodeoBoss66 to TheCowboyBunkhouse [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 05:26 hbhollandlive Mothers, don't let your daughters grow up to be Twitch streamers.

cw: implied s*icidal ideation
Hello rantdotmkv, I'm back once again. Before I regale you with this update on my life, I wanted to address a few things related to my last post. To those of you who saw the warning signs in that post and reached out with concerns, THANK YOU SO MUCH. I was headed down a very dark path, and if it hadn't been for the timely advice and intervention of the good people of this subreddit, I might not have been able to claw my way back to the light. To those of you who sent support in the form of handwritten letters, monetary gifts, and nudes, GOD BLESS YOU ALL. In particular, I want to shout out u/poopwario for their excellent counsel and for the five thousand bucks to help me get back on my feet again. I'll pay you back dude, I haven't forgotten!
Also, I received some pushback on the positive tone of my last post in what is meant to be a rant subreddit. I am here today to say, never fear, that will not happen again. I have learned my lesson the hard way; I stand before you a man broken and then stapled back together, but these trials have taught me the most valuable lesson of my life: maedotmkv will ruin your life!
So to pick up where the last post left off, yes: I was addicted to Genshin Impact. As embarrassed as I am to admit it, I fell hard for that money pit, and it has cost me my house, my family, and my dignity. I barricaded myself in my home office, playing day and night and spending every last cent on in-game currencies and characters i was never even going to use. After the first week, my now ex-wife took our child and went to stay at her sister's place. I'm so ashamed to say I didn't even notice when they left. Rachel, if you're reading this, I'm so fucking sorry. I realize I have nothing to offer you anymore, but I miss you so damn much. I just want things to go back to normal, when we could hold each other at the end of the day and nothing else mattered. Ditto left a few of their toys behind, I can bring those to you if you want, or you can come to me - if you haven't already heard, I'm currently staying with your mother. She has very graciously offered me a place to crash and some financial assistance in return for helping her with some things. I know you're mad at me, but please don't take it out on her, you know she's been lonely ever since your dad went to Michigan, and having a man in the house again has been really beneficial for her. I'm just trying to get my accounts out of the red so I can rent a place and get you and Ditto back. I've been working at the video games warehouse and I'm picking up some extra hours this week, so things are looking up!
Getting back to the story, they shut off the power to my house and I had to leave my computer and face the stark reality of how I'd just pissed my life away. And as I realized how much I'd given that stupid game, and how I had nothing left, I cried. Alone in that dark, stuffy house, I cried for the family I no longer had, for the life I would probably never get back. I laid there on the floor for 3 days, not eating, not bathing, not sleeping. I was in a dark place, literally because the house didn't have power, but also emotionally. Who was I, I asked, without the family Rachel and I had made? What was the point, after fucking up every good thing I'd ever done in this world? I was at the bottom of a bottomless pit, and it was only after those 3 days that I thought to look up to the top and ask, how I did I fall so far, so fast? And guess who I saw at the top, with her tangled web of red hair, her unfeeling smile, her eyes that (when they're visible at all) project hatred and contempt for everyone that crosses her path?
And it hit me: this is all mae's fault. I'm a reasonable person; I would never just throw my life away unprompted like this. I was duped, sold a bill of goods and then had the rug pulled out from under me. The game I started playing, in good faith to support a creator I thought deserved it, turned predatory and took me for everything that I had. mae carelessly fed me and countless others to the monster called "gacha" and for what? So she could finance her Florida vacation? And possibly other activities?
Now I know the ranters have heard all this before, but I want to appeal to the unironic maeheads out there. I KNOW there are at least a few of you reading this. "Not mae!" you cry. "Not our sweet scarlet angel! She would never do anything that wasn't in our best interest!" I already categorically disproved this a few posts back; I'm not going to re-litigate it here. tldr; mae hates every last one of you and you should save your Prime subs and your channel points for someone else who won't take them and go on a road trip while she makes her sister stream in her place. (Not that hazel isn't also problematic/abusive towards chat; where do think mae learned it? This post is long enough already though...)
This is only the latest example of mae's casual cruelty, and it nearly did me in. I beg any of you still inside the cultdotmkv to get out while you still can. Don't end up like I did, destitute and massaging my MIL's feet in exchange for a place to sleep. (Just kidding Mona, you're an amazing woman and if it wasn't for your generosity I'd be sleeping in a dumpster tonight.)
I love you all, be safe out there!
submitted by hbhollandlive to rantdotmkv [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 05:22 emipoo444 no one said that lmao

no one said that lmao
it’s so obvious she is making this up as a slight towards c. its so sad that all she thinks about 24/7 is j & c. get a life fr.
submitted by emipoo444 to rachelweaversnark [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 04:07 SeverusSnipes Screen time

This one is kind of for the parents that were cool with it but saw it to be harmful to their child (if that makes sense).
To preface I have zero judgement if you use the tv to help you out sometimes. I do it, I'm at SAHM who co parents with miss Rachel to make breakfast/lunch and also sometimes to just get a minute. BUT I think I have a child who is just to consumed by it(all children are different some care less about TV some are zombies in front of it). It seems like he just always wants to watch TV points at it when it's off. And just is so consumed by it when it's on will ignore more (he still responds to me) but will go back to it. Just stares at it. Has this happened to you guys. It's deff time to shut it off and be more conservative with it I think. I'm just looking for camaraderie. Thanks guys! ALSO did you see a big change of behavior after turning it off for good? My child is 18 months btw
submitted by SeverusSnipes to toddlers [link] [comments]

2024.06.06 23:22 Disastrous-Elk-5542 I got too bored with this podcast to recap it.

I got too bored with this podcast to recap it.
I only got about 36 minutes in. It’s boring. Some of what the guest says is interesting but there is no structure or format. It’s all over the place. I’m used to listening to podcasts where it’s just one person talking and they’re usually under an hour. There are lots of random ad breaks where Rachel is talking about, for example, wanting to travel with her kids…and then it morphs into an Air B&B ad. Or she talks about dinner plans and that morphs into a Thrive Market ad.
No like.
She did say something about her dad wanting to be a writer but not publishing until recently, and he’s set in his ways and will be the same way until he dies. Wowzers.
Rachel also commented about how if you’re experiencing something great and you think “oh I have to put this on social media right now” then you’re not in the moment. Yeah. But also ☝️if you’re “latergramming” like Heidi does, you’re still not in the moment.
This thing goes on for over an hour. Whyyy??? Get 👏to👏the👏point 👏.
submitted by Disastrous-Elk-5542 to hollisUncensored [link] [comments]

2024.06.06 23:07 newmusicrls Traxsource Hype Chart May 20th 2024

  1. Rona Ray, beatsbyhand – Say Yes feat. Rona Ray (Jimpster Extended Remix) 06:09 122bpm 4A
  2. Sebb Junior – He’s So Good (Original Mix) 06:43 124bpm 6A
  3. AC Soul Symphony, Dave Lee ZR – I Want To See You Dance (Art Of Tones Remix) 06:05 127bpm 7A
  4. Nerdistic Touch, LukaMusic – Best Life (Original Mix) 05:31 116bpm 6A
  5. Hatiras – Miamimita (Low Steppa + Nolek Remix) 06:10 127bpm 6A
  6. LoLo Knows – What’s That Feeling (Original Mix) 04:09 128bpm 4A
  7. ColorJaxx – Night After Night (Original Mix) 05:05 123bpm 5B
  8. Qubiko – Lightness (Extended Mix) 06:47 129bpm 9A
  9. Shimza, Rachel Chinouriri – Parachute (Extended Mix) 05:35 118bpm 7A
  10. Timmy Thomas – Why Can’t We Live Together (Ben Liebrand T-Connection Extended Mix) 06:34 117bpm 6A
  11. Blaze – Lovelee Dae (Franck Roger Extended Remix) 08:34 124bpm 9B
  12. IAN CARRERA – What U Need (Extended) 05:07 125bpm 5A
  13. Lance DeSardi, Jesse Rennix – Higher feat. Jesse Rennix (Extended Mix) 06:37 124bpm 6B
  14. Ricky Paes – Joint (Original Mix) 05:15 128bpm 4A
  15. UNKLE, &ME, Keinemusik – Only You (&ME Remix) 08:34 120bpm 4A
  16. Kapote, Sam Ruffillo – La La Tune (Extended Version) 08:31 123bpm 5A
  17. Luigi Valente, ESSENN, Luca Bertolaso – Black Girl (Original Mix) 07:05 124bpm 7A
  18. Diva Avari, The French House Mafia – Moving On Up (Jamie Lewis Sex On The Beach Mix) 07:18 124bpm 5A
  19. Dirty Supercar, Alexis Victoria Hall – Can’t Get Enough (Extended Mix) 04:40 124bpm 11B
  20. Facu Baez, Braydon Terzo – 50 INCH WOOFAS (Original Mix) 02:56 128bpm 10A
  21. Brother James – I Know That There’s Love Here (Original Extended Mix) 07:04 124bpm 6A
  22. Javi Bora – Get Up (Original Mix) 04:46 125bpm 4B
  23. Oiwa – Gimme Rhythm (Original Mix) 07:31 125bpm 11B
  24. musclecars, Kamaal – Tonight (Original Mix) 05:55 124bpm 9A
  25. Dan Ficara – Heart of Drum (Original Mix) 07:04 120bpm 6A
  26. Rikky Disco – Love Life (Hotmood Remix) 05:08 125bpm 7A
  27. Romeo Louisa – Move Me (Original Mix) 06:37 127bpm 6A
  28. The Cube Guys – Tundra (Club Mix) 05:35 127bpm 8A
  29. Hannah Wants, Clementine Douglas – Cure My Desire feat. Clementine Douglas (Club 128 Extended Mix) 06:20 128bpm 9A
  30. FederFunk, VinceExpo – Reason (Original Mix) 04:12 124bpm 3A
  31. Ron Carroll, Tuccillo – Don’t Walk Away feat. Ron Carroll (Original Mix) 06:29 122bpm 1A
  32. Sonic Soul Orchestra, Duriel Daley – Dripping & Dropping (Jaegerossa Remix) 07:22 123bpm 7A
  33. Pietro Pellizzari – Where to Begin (Extended Mix) 03:45 128bpm 5A
  34. HP Vince – Rhythm Of The Night (Original Mix) 06:41 123bpm 10A
  35. Layton Giordani, Anyma (ofc), Loofy – Last Night (Anyma x Layton Giordani Extended Remix) 05:14 129bpm 5B
  36. Oscar P – Hold On (Original Mix) 06:15 122bpm 1B
  37. Inner City – Good Life (Remastered) (Dantiez & Hugo Cantarra Extended Remix) 05:51 123bpm 10A
  38. Alex Preston, Set Mo – Night Dance (Extended Mix) 05:30 128bpm 8B
  39. Ralf Gum, Donald Sheffey – Happy Ending (Main Mix) 07:15 124bpm 1A
  40. Francis Mercier, Boukman Eksperyans – Imamou (Extended Mix) 06:47 123bpm 5A
  41. Corrado Alunni – Aphrodisiac (Original Mix) 05:34 124bpm 3A
  42. Babs Presents, Choc-l@t Crew – All U Gotta Do (Garage Edit) 05:55 123bpm 5A
  43. Subsonique – After All (Original Mix) 06:35 122bpm 7B
  44. Mike Cruz, Inaya Day – Inside Out (Original Mix) 08:03 127bpm 5A
  45. Stan Lucassen – To My Beat (Original Mix) 05:07 128bpm 9B
  46. Mirko & Meex – Just Keep On (Extended Mix) 06:05 122bpm 10B
  47. Josh Wink – The Deepness (Original Mix) 07:21 124bpm 10B
  48. Carlo Caldareri – Trump It (Original Mix) 05:44 124bpm 5A
  49. Italobros – Rio (Original Mix) 05:45 128bpm 4A
  50. Saint Evo, Venessa Jackson – Call Me (Original Mix) 07:36 120bpm 7B
  51. CHANEY (UK) – I Choose You (Extended Mix) 05:19 127bpm 11A
  52. Save The Robots – Everybody (Original Mix) 07:49 126bpm 3A
  53. Ken@Work – Over The Disco (Original Mix) 04:30 122bpm 9A
  54. Mindchime – Changes (Original Mix) 07:20 124bpm 6A
  55. Nile Rodgers, Purple Disco Machine, Shenseea, Benjamin Ingrosso – Honey Boy feat. Nile Rodgers, Shenseea (Extended Version) 07:11 120bpm 4A
  56. Al Bradley – Comparison Is the Thief of Joy (Original Mix) 07:16 123bpm 5A
  57. Luis Radio – Reach Up (Walter G Journey Remix) 06:20 123bpm 7A
  58. Mijangos, Aaron Sevilla, Ricardo Criollo House, Nes Mburu – Jibambe (Original Mix) 05:19 124bpm 5A
  59. Ron H – Keep It Hot (Original Mix) 06:12 125bpm 8A
  60. Amy Douglas, Saison – Dare Myself (Extended Mix) 06:17 125bpm 12B
  61. Byron Stingily – Why Can’t You Be Real (Danny’s 12″ Version) 07:25 125bpm 6A
  62. Vertigini – The Sunrise (Original Mix) 05:58 130bpm 2A
  63. Hyphen, 3dm. – Badu Thick (Original Mix) 04:39 127bpm 11A
  64. Tomazzo, Raphael Priest, Anthony-M – 003 (Original Mix) 05:53 125bpm 9B
  65. Infinity Plus One, JaronX – Context is Broken (Original Mix) 06:18 125bpm 11A
  66. Greco Soul – I Dont Care (Original Mix) 06:21 94bpm 11B
  67. Word of Mouth UK – Two Step (Original Mix) 06:02 123bpm 6A
  68. Milion, D Stone – The Next Morning (Original Mix) 06:06 128bpm 10A
  69. Electronic Youth – Sweet Melody (Extended Mix) 06:32 123bpm 9A
  70. Mat.Joe, Piem – Let The Beat (Original Mix) 06:34 127bpm 4B
  71. Ed-ward, Naughty-Soul – Monday Blues (Original Mix) 06:14 116bpm 7A
  72. Rick Marshall – Groove With Me Baby (Original Mix) 07:47 126bpm 6B
  73. T.Markakis – 1979 (Original Mix) 05:19 123bpm 11A
  74. Super Drug – Midnight Trumpet Jam (Original Mix) 05:56 126bpm 3A
  75. Mattei & Omich – Tromba (Extended Mix) 06:52 128bpm 7B
  76. Tayllor – Suspicious Minds (Extended Mix) 06:38 120bpm 12B
  77. Sidney Charles – No Way Out (Original Mix) 06:11 132bpm 3A
  78. Joey Chicago – Ticket to Ride (Original Mix) 06:06 123bpm 12B
  79. Mike Newman, Djsakisp – Do To Me (Original Mix) 06:16 125bpm 4B
  80. Tha RC Groove Project – Work It Out (Marc Cotterell’s Plastik Vox Mix) 07:28 125bpm 6B
  81. Blaze – Lovelee Dae (Seth Troxler Extended Remix) 06:48 127bpm 7A
  82. Groove Salvation – Beats (Original Mix) 05:30 128bpm 7B
  83. Q Narongwate – Maa (Original Mix) 05:57 122bpm 8B
  84. Ken@Work – Trumpet Funk (Original Mix) 04:26 122bpm 7B
  85. Reebs – Till the Break of the Day (Extended Mix) 04:14 129bpm 1A
  86. Paolo Bardelli, TonyMontana dj – Stomp The Beat (Nu Club Mix) 05:31 123bpm 3A
  87. AndThen, Loz Seka – Work It (Loz Seka Remix) (Extended Mix) 05:13 130bpm 6A
  88. George Alexander – Can’t Let You Go (Original Vocal Mix) 07:04 128bpm 1B
  89. Fulltone – Alba (Original Mix) 08:57 122bpm 8B
  90. Demarkus Lewis – Sight Unseen (Original Mix) 05:35 126bpm 3A
  91. Lionayve – Mmetho (Original Mix) 06:33 118bpm 11A
  92. Marc Cotterell – Paris By Night (Vox Mix) 07:04 123bpm 8B
  93. Matte – Want my soul (Original Mix) 04:44 123bpm 5A
  94. Jack District – Latinos (Original Mix) 07:08 125bpm 8B
  95. Radio Slave – Strobe Queen (Original Mix) 12:02 120bpm 5A
  96. Wanko – Excuse Me Sir (Original Mix) 06:05 126bpm 6A
  97. Artwork Sounds – We Fall Down (Original Mix) 06:09 115bpm 4B
  98. Chocolate Dice – Return Of Papi Chulo (Original Mix) 06:05 126bpm 11A
  99. Angel Heredia – El Buchín (Original Mix) 06:06 127bpm 4A
  100. Ethan Bliss – Chicago (Original Mix) 06:10 128bpm 7A
  101. Todd Terry, Lisa Pure, Sam Curran – Sunshine (Original Mix) 05:45 128bpm 8B
  102. RMRC – Don’t Leave Me Again (But Music) (Original Mix) 05:30 126bpm 6A
  103. Aldo Bergamasco – This Time Around (Reconstruction Mix) 08:04 124bpm 12B
  104. Dan Mckie – Titan 1C (Original Mix) 08:43 125bpm 9B
  105. Jason Merle – What It Takes (Original Mix) 06:10 125bpm 10B
  106. M. Rodriguez, Karol Melinger – Tettawn (Original Mix) 06:30 128bpm 4A
  107. Beatkozina, Diese Mbangue – Sussendi (Afro Vocal Mix) 07:48 122bpm 9A
  108. Bonetti – Muita Alegria (Original Mix) 05:31 124bpm 12A
  109. Nicola Conte – Umoja (Joaquin’s Sacred Rhythm Dub) 08:03 130bpm 9A
  110. Darius Syrossian – Disco Slammer (Extended Mix) 05:47 127bpm 7B
  111. HP Vince – Sunset Boulevard (Original Mix) 05:58 124bpm 8A
  112. George JJ Flores, Knoe1 – Believe In You (Original Mix) 05:06 113bpm 1A
  113. Tsongachild, Thoby Dladia – Phakama (Original Mix) 04:56 123bpm 11B
  114. YUMA., SOMMA, LE YORA – ALL 4 U (Extended) 05:13 124bpm 4A
  115. GooDisco – Love Fool (Original Mix) 05:45 123bpm 7A
  116. Royal Intention – Fruity Loops (Original Mix) 04:27 125bpm 8A
  117. Miishu, Nyadollar, Nyamal Nyang – Cheza (Original Mix) 05:16 122bpm 9A
  118. David Zylberman – Solstice (Original Mix) 04:57 121bpm 6B
  119. The Kollective – The Message (Extended Mix) 06:27 124bpm 6A
  120. Sir LSG, Ayanda Jiya – Sandcastle (Sir LSG & The Bless Dubstrumental) 08:34 117bpm 5A
  121. Stefano Amalfi, Ralex – Ke Ideai (Original Mix) 04:10 124bpm 4A
  122. Juan (AR) – Mushroom (Original Mix) 05:22 127bpm 11A
  123. Silvano Del Gado, Beatriz Oyarzábal – Sabré Olvidar (Original Mix) 05:18 125bpm 9B
  124. Terri B!, Alex Inc, Dzialach – Needing You (DJ Kone & Marc Palacios Remix) 05:23 125bpm 7A
  125. Rikky Disco – L.O.V.E. (Love Is Basic) (Extended Mix) 05:36 123bpm 3A
  126. Robert Owens, Ben Rebel – The Rush (Soulful) 05:38 125bpm 5A
  127. ELTE – Make Up Your Mind (Original Mix) 02:33 128bpm 10B
  128. Kamino, TyriqueOrDie – BK Warehouse (Extended Mix) 04:54 129bpm 3A
  129. Stefan Ringer – Moving Walkway (Original Mix) 05:09 127bpm 12A
  130. LIZALDE – No Voa Parar (Original Mix) 04:49 126bpm 2A
  131. Boston George (UK) – Don’t Leave Me (Original Mix) 06:07 128bpm 7A
  132. AstroHertz – In Your Eyes (Original Mix) 04:32 128bpm 10A
  133. Dexter Troy – Jazzy World (Original Mix) 06:03 128bpm 5A
  134. Moon Rocket – Just Me & You (Original Mix) 07:42 120bpm 9A
  135. Larry Funk – Make it last (Original Mix) 04:49 122bpm 4A
  136. Erik Rico, Joint4nine – Keeping My Distance feat. Erik Rico (Original Mix) 09:14 123bpm 4B
  137. Jordi Cabrera – Gravy (Original Mix) 05:53 125bpm 4A
  138. Ben Graves – Do It Like That (Original Mix) 07:05 128bpm 4B
  139. Ken@Work – Love You Anyway (Original Mix) 03:51 118bpm 5B
  140. Roland Clark, PYERRE – Makes My Body Dance (Extended Mix) 05:40 125bpm 5A
  141. Martin Wright, La Fitte – MANEYE (Extended Mix) 06:11 126bpm 8B
  142. Starving Yet Full, The Spirit Project – Find Your Way (Monkey Safari Extended Remix) 06:03 92bpm 2B
  143. D.P.V. – Sexy Thing (Original Mix) 05:51 121bpm 5A
  144. Black Eyes – Jazzin Deeper (Original Mix) 06:57 120bpm 6A
  145. Mirco Savoldelli – Yeah (Original Mix) 05:41 125bpm 8A
  146. Poizen, Artwork Sounds, EarfulSoul – Can’t Give Up Now (feat. EarfulSoul) (Original Mix) 07:26 115bpm 4A
  147. Kako Martinez, Jose Aranda – Coge pa’ quí (Afro Flamenco Mix) 06:05 122bpm 5A
  148. Andy Sherman – F.U.N.K.Y (Original Mix) 05:47 128bpm 11A
  149. N.W.N. – Going Around (Original Mix) 05:31 123bpm 4A
  150. Funk Hunk, JOSES – Comin Home (Joses Remix) 05:25 125bpm 8A
  151. Chemars – Grace (Original Mix) 05:39 125bpm 6A
  152. Moullinex, GPU Panic – Jade (Original Mix) 05:49 122bpm 4A
  153. Sonny Dub – Be Free (Original Mix) 06:41 124bpm 10A
  154. Billy Lo – Pain (Original Mix) 05:41 124bpm 11A
  155. Lennox Greenfield – One More Time (Original Mix) 05:42 126bpm 8A
  156. Simon Kidzoo – Yaya Song (Original Mix) 05:21 126bpm 6A
  157. Antho Decks, Dos Rios – Toma Toma (Extended Mix) 04:43 129bpm 3A
  158. DJ Fen, Cash Only – Salsa House (Room 17 Pikes Extended Remix) 05:59 129bpm 3A
  159. Demarkus Lewis – Ur Werdz (Main Mix) 06:33 127bpm 7A
  160. Harvey Ross – Magic (Original Mix) 05:18 122bpm 5A
  161. Saigon (UK) – Don’t Hold Me (Original Mix) 05:59 127bpm 6A
  162. Mark de Clive-Lowe, Vanessa Freeman – Together (Original) 03:56 122bpm 8A
  163. Luvless – Blooming (Intro) (Original Mix) 03:08 111bpm 6A
  164. DJ Apt, Ssavell – Foda (Extended Mix) 05:45 128bpm 10A
  165. CID, BURNR – Turn it Up (Extended Mix) 05:25 130bpm 4A
  166. Turntables Night Fever – Breakdown (Original Mix) 05:24 125bpm 11B
  167. Alessandra Jamarne – Dance It Out (Original Mix) 05:31 128bpm 6A
  168. GOYS – Shayela (Original Mix) 07:06 120bpm 1B
  169. Allysha Joy, LCSM (Likwid Continual Space Motion) – Givin’ Up featuring Allysha Joy (Shall I Bruk It Mix) 05:37 126bpm 9B
  170. N9NE LIVES – Falling (Original Mix) 06:51 122bpm 4B
  171. Teuteu – La Motocicletta (Original Mix) 04:57 128bpm 5A
  172. G.Roy, Sirlister – Jump (Remix) 06:15 124bpm 12A
  173. Bombossa Brothers – Destino (Extended Mix) 07:10 121bpm 8A
  174. Da Funk Junkies, 4Peace – Mellow Jack (4Peace “I’m So High” Remix) 05:31 125bpm 12B
  175. Vale, Minow, Sepia Brown – Si Tú (feat. Sepia Brown) (Original Mix) 06:33 128bpm 5A
  176. Din Jay – Just a Feeling (Extended Mix) 06:15 124bpm 6A
  177. 34th Floor Experience – Obsessed (Original Mix) 06:14 124bpm 2A
  178. Jackman Jones, Dan Laino – Move Closer (Original Mix) 06:00 125bpm 6A
  179. Max Joni, Kadosh (IL) – Concealing (feat. Max Joni) (Original Mix) 05:45 123bpm 11A
  180. Matke, Minitronik, Molski – Take Your Wife (Original Mix) 05:46 127bpm 11A
  181. Marc Romboy, Stephan Bodzin – The Alchemist (Marc Romboy Remix) 07:14 127bpm 6A
  182. Roy Jazz Grant – Glass Aqua Boogie (Original Mix) 05:52 126bpm 6A
  183. Hiast – Bring It Down (Original Mix) 06:27 125bpm 4A
  184. Aruhtra – What You Gonna Do (Original Mix) 05:11 125bpm 8A
  185. Idd Aziz, Darksidevinyl – Embe (Original Mix) 06:23 123bpm 4A
  186. Oscar Pino – Come On (Original Mix) 05:28 124bpm 6A
  187. Joe Silva, Mariana Canadas – Lucky Days (Joe Silva’s Mix) 04:57 126bpm 4B
  188. Groove Cutters, Jack Matter – Please You, so Satisfying (Original Mix) 06:01 124bpm 12B
  189. BAPP – Eazy Go (Original Mix) 05:54 130bpm 11A
  190. Squirell – Under One Groove (Main Mix) 06:17 126bpm 6A
  191. Carlos Nilmmns – True People (Original Mix) 04:38 125bpm 9B
  192. MVC Project – So In Love (Extended Club Version) 06:32 117bpm 11A
  193. Traker – Disco Mood (Original Mix) 06:00 128bpm 5A
  194. MAXIA – Freakin (Original Mix) 06:58 120bpm 9B
  195. Alex Phillipp – Me 2 (Original Mix) 06:09 128bpm 3A
  196. Alexny – Endless Welfare (Original Mix) 05:38 117bpm 12B
  197. Samples On Steroids – Express Yourself (Extended Mix) 04:58 124bpm 9A
  198. Miguel Ante – 3AM (Original Mix) 07:17 124bpm 1A
  199. Pamoja – Somandla (Original Mix) 07:13 120bpm 6A
  200. Lenny Fontana – Can You Feel It (Club Mix) 06:37 122bpm 7A
  201. Ritz – Tomorrow Is Today’s Dream (Lo-Fi Mix) 06:07 126bpm 5A
  202. Alben & LAJE – Amalfi (Original Mix) 04:36 130bpm 2B
  203. Dele Sosimi, Sam Redmore – Home (Original Mix) 05:47 118bpm 7A
  204. Din Jay – Dreaming (Original Mix) 06:04 120bpm 9A
  205. Defex, Jade PraiZe – Bite Me Back (Piem Extended Remix) 06:12 125bpm 10B
  206. Jack & Prince – Mundi (Original Mix) 05:42 124bpm 10B
  207. Laurence Guy – Hey Baby (Original Mix) 03:56 130bpm 2A
  208. Jemimah Eze, IAMDJDRAKE – Fool 4 Your Love (feat. Jemimah Eze) (DJ Drake Extended Mix) 05:59 117bpm 10A
  209. Max Zotti, PDR – Magma (Original Mix) 04:34 120bpm 8A
  210. Estray – East Side (Original Mix) 05:56 124bpm 3A
  211. Costariva – Pantera (Miscela Originale) 03:34 120bpm 7B
  212. Martin Moore – Spacewalk 01 (Original Mix) 05:19 127bpm 6A
  213. Alex Attias Jakub Groos – Dance the Night feat. Vincent Floyd and Tabitha McClom (Original Mix) 05:42 122bpm 5A
  214. Will Clarke, House Gospel Choir – Weekend Love feat. House Gospel Choir (Extended Mix) 05:32 126bpm 7A
  215. Edoo, Allain Espino – ID (Original Mix) 05:52 127bpm 1A
  216. Quantic, Andreya Triana – Morning Light feat. Andreya Triana (Extended Version) 05:48 112bpm 8B
  217. Martin Eigenberg, Zemyu, Michele Boehme – Simple Funky Music (Extended Mix) 03:49 126bpm 8A
  218. Dezaray Dawn – The Real Deal (Ezel Remix) 07:33 124bpm 1A
  219. Arctic Funkies – Dream On (Original Mix) 07:17 124bpm 1A
  220. DJ PP, Jack Mood – Revolver (Rework 2024) 05:32 124bpm 9A
  221. Stefan Thomas – Sahara Diamonds (Original Mix) 05:25 125bpm 11A
  222. Hector Couto – Flufly’s House (Original Mix) 05:48 131bpm 6A
  223. Gigi Croccante – Mo’ Tacos (Original Mix) 05:37 120bpm 7A
  224. Turntables Night Fever – He’s Gonna Lie (Original) 05:20 126bpm 2A
  225. Ranka – The Longest Journey (Original Mix) 06:56 120bpm 9B
  226. Team Distant, Priscilla K, Lioness Ratang, 4Rain – Out Of Time (Dj Vitoto Remix) (Dj Vitoto Remix) 06:40 120bpm 3B
  227. Rick Marshall – Wait For Me (Original Mix) 07:33 125bpm 9A
  228. Bob Musella – Feel The Rhythm (Original Mix) 05:16 122bpm 9B
  229. LAADS – Wanna Feel Good (Original Mix) 02:36 132bpm 8A
  230. Odasoul – Flamenco Trip (Original Mix) 06:50 122bpm 11A
  231. Loftsoul – Farewell Dance 08:44 60bpm 7A
  232. Christian Arno – Daydream (Original Mix) 06:16 130bpm 10B
  233. Alfrenk, C_Sky – Mescaline (Extended Mix) 06:40 127bpm 8A
  234. C. Da Afro – Sweet Rhythm (Original Mix) 05:52 128bpm 1A
  235. Tonic Walter – SIGN (Original Mix) 03:43 122bpm 4A
  236. Kimicoh, IQ Musique – Smile (Classic Vocal Mix) 06:20 117bpm 5A
  237. Vinícius Bismuto – A Little Bit Louder (Original Mix) 08:32 120bpm 4B
  238. Disco Ball’z – Sonic (Original Mix) 05:14 126bpm 4A
  239. Cardozo – Sax House (Original Mix) 04:34 126bpm 2A
  240. Groove Synergy – Running (Original Mix) 05:56 127bpm 6A
  241. Layth Sidiq, El Mukuka, Sebastien Dutch, Aggeliki – Matia Mou feat. Layth Sidiq, Aggeliki (Original Mix) 06:24 122bpm 2A
  242. Manuel Varey – My Desire (Original Mix) 05:41 124bpm 5A
  243. Andy Buchan – Get Naked 06:44 121bpm 8A
  244. Art Dogmaticz, Makeda Rose – Holiday (Main Vocal) 07:08 122bpm 5A
  245. t e s t p r e s s – U (Extended Mix) 05:07 140bpm 11A
  246. Conrad Product – Synergy (Original Mix) 05:41 126bpm 1B
  247. APRICAT, ARTINA – Orange Heat (Original Mix) 05:29 123bpm 5A
  248. Ma Khe – Everybody (Original Mix) 06:06 126bpm 4A
  249. Roque – Warm Jazz (Remix) 06:00 120bpm 11A
  250. Diem – Groove and Drop (Original Mix) 04:46 124bpm 5A
  251. Mojito – I Wanna Rock You (Original) 06:31 125bpm 3A
  252. groovemasta – Got Me Burnin (Original Mix) 07:34 120bpm 3A
  253. Nathan Barato, Gettoblaster – The Move (feat. Tony Duke) (Original Mix) 05:31 129bpm 7A
  254. Pidrix – Transition (Original Mix) 05:41 124bpm 7A
  255. Kiinjo – Weekends (Extended Mix) 04:00 128bpm 6A
  256. Benny Mussa – Higher (Extended Mix) 07:17 124bpm 3B
  257. Jonasclean – I’m Happy (Original Mix) 04:38 126bpm 11A
  258. DP-6, rcnetlark – Cherry Blossom (Original Mix) 05:29 118bpm 8B
  259. Heilika, Silents Beats – Call Me (Original Mix) 06:49 123bpm 2A
  260. Made To Move – Here Right Now (Original Mix) 06:00 136bpm 10B
  261. Xenso – Whisper at dawn (Original Mix) 06:44 124bpm 5A
  262. Kostenko Brothers – First (Original Mix) 03:52 122bpm 11A
  263. Ollie S. – Stanton (Original Mix) 06:39 127bpm 7A
  264. DJ IC, Porsh DJ – Transcend (Original Mix) 06:26 120bpm 1B
  265. MAPP4 – Brinca (Original Mix) 05:45 128bpm 5B
  266. Valeron – Jabulani (Osfür Remix) 06:09 120bpm 1A
  267. City Soul Project, B.O.D – Presente (Original Mix) 08:45 118bpm 8A
  268. Schiela – ALL NIGHT, BABY! (Original Mix) 05:25 132bpm 10B
  269. Jay Potter – I Love You (Original Mix) 06:27 125bpm 7A
  270. Freestyle Man – Let It Roll (Helsinki 1995 Mix) 06:55 87bpm 9B
  271. Miki Zara – Don’t Make Me Beg (Original Mix) 04:36 123bpm 1A
  272. Hurlee – Raise Me Up (Original Mix) 06:34 129bpm 6A
  273. Xtremo Soul – African Tribe (Original Mix) 07:17 120bpm 9B
  274. Jona Jefferies – Lost In Paradise (Original Mix) 06:58 120bpm 11B
  275. Jonk & Spook – Boogie Funk (Extended Mix) 04:52 123bpm 7B
  276. Basement Jaxx, Siouxsie Sioux – Cish Cash (Superchumbo Yummy Yummy Mix) 05:38 131bpm 8B
  277. Modesti – Everybody (Alternative Beat Mix) 04:37 120bpm 8A
  278. Serge Gee – High Contrast (Original Mix) 05:40 124bpm 11A
  279. Jamie Stevens, Kasey Taylor – Ochre (Original Mix) 08:08 126bpm 4A
  280. Afro Effex – Oh Human (Extended Mix) 07:05 120bpm 5A
  281. I Gemin – The Time Is Right (Original Mix) 03:30 97bpm 9A
  282. KeysGroove – Thoughts Are Racing (Original Mix) 06:25 122bpm 6A
  283. Ten Walls, GØYA – In My Eyes (Extended Mix) 05:57 120bpm 8A
  284. Frikardo – Called Ya! (Original Mix) 04:49 120bpm 7A
  285. Francesco Bonora, DJ Rame – Passenger 17 (Original Mix) 08:07 126bpm 8A
  286. Danny Boy, AfroZone – Marbella (Original Mix) 06:31 123bpm 2A
  287. Andrey Slam – Bodrum Pool (Original Mix) 05:23 115bpm 10B
  288. Joey Chicago – Bump (Original Mix) 06:06 123bpm 4A
submitted by newmusicrls to HypeTracks [link] [comments]

2024.06.06 22:05 Vegetable-Alps1950 New on ePal! Let's Game Together and Discover New Adventures! 🎮✨

New on ePal! Let's Game Together and Discover New Adventures! 🎮✨
Hey everyone!
I recently joined ePal and set up some gaming services, and Im super excited to share them with you all! The idea of earning some coins while gaming sounds pretty awesome, right? ✨✨
Right now, Im offering services for CS2 (formerly CSGO), Minecraft, and e-chat. But thats just the tip of the iceberg— I have a whopping 700 titles in my Steam library just waiting to be played!
Here’s a bit more about what game genres Im into:
  • Adventure: e.g. The suicide of Rachel Foster, The Stanley Parable
  • 3D Platformers: my favorites are Spyro the dragon & Crash Bandicoot
  • Cozy Games: For those chill, laid-back vibes -> Stardew Valley, Animal Crossing...
  • Indie Games: Pretty much everything thats unique and creative -> Terraria, Nobody Saves the World
  • Anything PvP based: e. g. Counter Strike 2, Naraka, Team Fortress, Dead by Daylight, Rocket League..
  • MMORPGs: Love them but almost never got enough time. Played WoW, New World, Lost Ark...
  • Survival: Rust (played it way too much), The Forest, Enshrouded, Nightingale
  • Horror: Phasmophobia, Ghost Watchers, Outlast trials,
Honestly, I game a lot and enjoy almost every genre out there. If you're looking for a gaming buddy, a chat, or just want to try something new, hit me up on ePal! Let’s have some fun and make some memories in the virtual world. 🎮
See you in-game -> Link to my Profile
My profile ~
submitted by Vegetable-Alps1950 to ePal [link] [comments]

2024.06.06 21:02 Clean-Pick-9221 Rachel Lindsay on Natasha Parker's pod - some tidbits about her marriage to Bryan:

rachel l was on natasha's most recent podcast episode. while she didn't want to do a tell all on her divorce with bryan, she did share a few tidbits:
  1. she thinks everyone should get a prenup now. she doesn't have a prenup with bryan. her reasons were that their financials were more level then, they weren't living in CA then which complicates her divorce now, she was in love, she wanted one but she and bryan were not on the same page about prenups, and she said "It was just a different time, so I wasn't leading with that and we weren't on the same page with prenups, and so I just didn't want it to be a bigger issue, so we didn't have one. You know, hindsight's 20/20. I would've done it. I mean, I always wanted to do it, but again, we weren't on the same page when it came to that.” now she tells everyone to do it because you don't know what will happen.
  2. she sees her divorce as a "happy ending" because it's what she wants. her marriage was not going well but they were both trying to make it work. the decision to divorce was amicable but bryan's filing was not. she said "I'm doing what’s best for me and with divorce even if it’s mutual there’s a bit of a selfish decision in it but I’m doing what’s best for me and that’s a happy ending,” she said. “right now as I’m going through it. no, it’s not happy, it’s messy — unnecessarily messy — but when I get through it I’m gonna have to rebuild, I’m gonna have to restructure but it’s a happy ending because it’s what I want.”
  3. she believes she made the decision to marry bryan out of love (she makes it sound like she made the decision during their honeymoon stage). she says both she & bryan are different people now than who they were when they got married. the way they look and feel about each other is now very different than when they first got together. she said several times she is not the same person now than she was going into the marriage. she has changed a lot as a person, and what she wants from a partner and relationship has also changed.
  4. she said they are still living together. but it's not easy. she is in therapy which is helping.
  5. rachel said the show the bachelor teaches you how to fall in love with an individual, but it teaches you nothing about how to make a partnership work. she married bryan 2 years after their engagement, but they were still in the "whirlwind" honeymoon stage so she was under the influence of that and their incompatibilities were not as apparent.
  6. in all her past relationships, she dated for potential and wants to support change. (she said she isn't specifically relating that to bryan.) rachel l has realized you can't help people change that much. she realized she needs an alpha male, not beta.
  7. going into bachelor, her main criteria was having a supportive man who prioritizes her. she overlooked/ignored other things that were there because she felt prioritized. now she knows that isn't enough. she now wants someone who makes her feel safe (which includes financial security, and physical/emotional). natasha asked if there were red flags she ignored during bachelorette? yes, of course. in hindsight, she thinks most partners would say that including bryan would probably say that about her.
  8. she doesn't regret her relationship and marriage because she learned from them. but she thinks maybe marriage isn't for her in the future. she definitely wants a life partner and best friend in future, but maybe not another marriage.
  9. she's not dating yet, not ready. she is slowly getting her confidence back. she wants the divorce behind her first. but she wants to be dating in next year.
  10. she does want kids in her future and shared she has frozen eggs.
submitted by Clean-Pick-9221 to TheBachelor_POC [link] [comments]

2024.06.06 20:50 DoorTheDude Counting down Worm's 13th birthday by ranking the Top 7 Arcs in my opinion Day 2

Here we are on day number two, the previous posted did way better than I expected. I really do appreciate all the up votes and comments you all gave. I'm gonna try to be more responsive with this post. So it's time we keep this train rolling for Worm Week. Let's go over what our list looks like so far
Honorable mentions list: Arc 20 Chrysalis
The Top 7 Arcs in Worm according to my opinion: 7. Arc 16 Monarch
Moving on to our honorable mention before getting on to the list itself
Today's Honorable Mention: Arc 12 Plague Super action packed arc. Oh my goodness once the Nine shows up it's go go go. Jack Slash cutting Tattletale's mouth, Shatterbird destroying every piece of glass in the city which leads to one of the most intense moments with Taylor running to save her dad, then the fight with Mannequin (I love it even if to me it felt a little Mary Sue-ish), then both Jack's and Jamie's interludes, this arc definitely earns an honorable mention.
6. Arc 24 Crushed: Holy moly do I love this Arc. Five chapters of dealing with Behemoth, it is oh so terrifying, but makes for such great fiction, writing, and dreadful feelings. I don't even know where to begin with this. I do like how different Wildbow makes this endbringer fight feel so different comparatively to the other one back in Arc 8 Exterminate. From being unfamiliar territory with Brockton Bay to a completely foreign land to us in New Delhi. Wildbow also sets it up well too, in the previous Arc when Taylor was talking to the group of kids she mentions how an endbringer fights one and four people will die and that's on a good day too. I love when Wildbow reinforces/reminds you of things, such as Imp's and Regent's relationship with them joking and spitballing back and forth. I also love the constant interactions between the Chicago Wards and the Undersiders. Moving on, this is where Contessa makes her debut, I love this woman so much.
“What the hell are you?” I asked. “What’s your power?”
She gave me a look, up and down, and then settled her eyes on mine. Throughout the entire fight, she’d looked unconcerned. She wasn’t even breathing hard. Except for a fleck of foam from the extinguisher here and there on the bottom of her pants leg and at the very end of her shirtsleeve, she wasn’t even particularly dirty.
She spoke, “I win.”
Contessa is such a cool character. The fighting with her causes such a great visual scene with Behemoth in the back destroying the land as the Undersiders and Wards pretty much go off on this side quest.
After that the Undersiders take a piece of Behemoth's flesh using Rachel's dogs and a chain. Which at the time felt like a turning point. Then they do some evacuating of civilians. Plus Taylor finds Phir Se and his time bomb.
Phir Se adds such a wild card element, I feel like with his goals and motivations he's supposed to represent Taylor in some way. If I remember he was wanting to kill Behemoth even if it meant many more innocent people had to die, and nothing will convince him not to, it's his way or the highway.
Then once Taylor returns back to her team, Regent dies saving Imp. That death hurt me on such a physical, emotional, and mental level. It happened way too quick for me to even process what had happened. I was listening to it while working and I had to pause the audiobook, and rewind just to make sure I had understood what happened. I feel like I could go into such detail about why his death work so well with his character but I'm not reviewing the entire book I'm just reviewing each Arc and explaining why I enjoy it but understand with everything that is character had been through this was the perfect way for him to go out. Love Regent to death. Then after the Undersiders give him a final send off by each one of them saying the fuck word one by one. Regent would have been proud I like to think.
Not too long after Phir Se's bomb goes off and does not kill Behemoth which leads to one final stand.
Then comes the Chevalier interlude. I love this thing so much, I love the introduction of the Wards, how it was supposed to be young parahumans just having a space for themselves before ultimately getting dragged into the cape world and endbringer fights because that's what the world demands and needs. It's such a sad thing that I feel like opens up a lot of discussion. This interlude highlights Chevalier's character so nicely, I love his conversation with Accord, and Tattletale.
“I’m wondering if you’ve done this on purpose,” Accord stated. His eye moved critically over Chevalier. “You’re going to fight the Endbringer in a melee.”
“Yes,” Chevalier said.
“And you’ve picked the new Protectorate team with the idea that they would support you. The core team is all ranged.”
“Ego?” Tattletale asked.
Chevalier shook his head, then thought for a moment. “Perhaps.”
Then Cody pulls his shit. Fuck Cody.
Then despite already being messed up goes in 1v1 Behemoth anyways. Chevalier you're such a badass. I stan an absolute King. I don't even care that he lost to Behemoth, the fact that he was willing to try anyways. Oh my goodness, I love him. Then as he sits seemingly about to die he watches Scion to send and fight Behemoth and kill him with ease. Also I love how Chevalier thinks that he might have a second trigger event and laughs to himself realizing he can't have one now having thought about. But Chevalier watching people rejoice as he's pretty much content with dying at that point breaks my heart. Wildbow knocked it out of the park.
Then we get the bonus interlude, we get a lot of different perspectives, so going over the cliff notes
• The reveal that Golem is Theo genuinely caught me off guard the first time and I'm surprised I didn't catch it.
• I think we get something from Defiant's POV but I don't remember what happened during it
• I remember Taylor calling her dad, I love anytime Taylor talked to her dad. Danny in my opinion is severely underrated.
• I remember the Parahumans online board speculating about the leaked video with Taylor
• Which then leads to the conversation with Glenn Chambers, it was him who leaked the video, which was a bitch move and he deserved to get fired for it. I like Glenn Chambers but that was such a bad move.
I really struggled to remember a whole lot from that interlude, I really only remember the conversation with Taylor and Glenn. I thought about going back and listening to these Arcs again for a much thorough review but I don't know, what do you think.
Well that concludes day two, we are only 5 days away from Worm's 13th birthday, I'm excited to keep this going and respond to someone in the comments. If there's anything you think I can do better please let me know. Thank you for reading, it's always appreciated. See you for tomorrow's post.
submitted by DoorTheDude to Parahumans [link] [comments]

2024.06.06 19:32 Clean-Pick-9221 Rachel Lindsay on Natasha Parker's pod - some tidbits about her marriage to Bryan:

rachel l was on natasha's most recent podcast episode. while she didn't want to do a tell all on her divorce with bryan, she did share a few tidbits:
  1. she thinks everyone should get a prenup now. she doesn't have a prenup with bryan. her reasons were that their financials were more level then, they weren't living in CA then which complicates her divorce now, she was in love, she wanted one but she and bryan were not on the same page about prenups, and she said "It was just a different time, so I wasn't leading with that and we weren't on the same page with prenups, and so I just didn't want it to be a bigger issue, so we didn't have one. You know, hindsight's 20/20. I would've done it. I mean, I always wanted to do it, but again, we weren't on the same page when it came to that.” now she tells everyone to do it because you don't know what will happen.
  2. she sees her divorce as a "happy ending" because it's what she wants. her marriage was not going well, but they were both trying to make it work. the decision to divorce was amicable but bryan's filing was not. she said "I'm doing what’s best for me and with divorce even if it’s mutual there’s a bit of a selfish decision in it but I’m doing what’s best for me and that’s a happy ending,” she said. “right now as I’m going through it. no, it’s not happy, it’s messy — unnecessarily messy — but when I get through it I’m gonna have to rebuild, I’m gonna have to restructure but it’s a happy ending because it’s what I want.”
  3. she believes she made the decision to marry bryan out of love (she makes it sound like she made the decision during their honeymoon stage). she says both she & bryan are different people now than who they were when they got married. the way they look and feel about each other is now very different than when they first got together. she said several times she is not the same person now than she was going into the marriage. she has changed a lot as a person, and what she wants from a partner and relationship has also changed.
  4. she said they are still living together. but it's not easy. she is in therapy which is helping.
  5. rachel said the show the bachelor teaches you how to fall in love with an individual, but it teaches you nothing about how to make a partnership work. she married bryan 2 years after their engagement, but they were still in the "whirlwind" honeymoon stage so she was under the influence of that and their incompatibilities were not as apparent.
  6. in all her past relationships, she dated for potential and wants to support change. (she said she isn't specifically relating that to bryan.) rachel said she realized you can't help people change that much. she realized she needs an alpha male, not beta. (edit: the beta vs. alpha man convo was started by natasha who said "I don't do beta men", to which rachel agreed in response that she doesn't want to do beta anymore either and needs alpha.)
  7. going into bachelor, her main criteria was having a supportive man who prioritizes her. she overlooked/ignored other things that were there because she felt prioritized. now she knows that isn't enough. she now wants someone who makes her feel safe (which includes financial security, as well as physical/emotional). natasha asked if there were red flags she ignored during bachelorette? yes, of course she did. in hindsight, she thinks most partners would say that including bryan would probably say that about her.
  8. she doesn't regret her relationship and marriage because she learned from them. but she thinks maybe marriage isn't for her in the future. she definitely wants a life partner and best friend in future, but maybe not another marriage.
  9. she's not dating yet, not ready. she is slowly getting her confidence back. she wants the divorce behind her first. but she wants to be dating in next year.
  10. she does want kids in her future and shared she has frozen eggs.
submitted by Clean-Pick-9221 to thebachelor [link] [comments]

2024.06.06 19:07 newyork0120 Pride Month Madness Begins

So June is upon us, which means that the government, media, political activists, and major corporations have all collectively decided once again to spend an entire month celebrating one of the seven deadly sins. Fathers, mothers, veterans, fallen soldiers all receive just ONE day on the calendar each, but people who are proud of their sexual activities are awarded four weeks of nonstop attention (on top of all the other various days and weeks they’ve earmarked for themselves). And the point of this all-encompassing production is to brow-beat you into submission, to force you to join the celebration, whether you want to or not.
Now, as anyone who was alive a few decades ago can attest, our country wasn’t always like this. Every aspect of these “festivities” is artificial, which is why every year, the facade becomes a little more obvious even to the most oblivious among us. It’s a bit like that old story from the Soviet Union where nobody wanted to be the first person to stop clapping for Stalin, so everybody just clapped indefinitely, and then, inevitably, someone IS the first to stop, and they end up getting in a lot of trouble - in that case, going to the gulag for ten years, or whatever it was.
And something like that happened over the weekend to the luxury carmaker BMW. Now, this year, as they’ve done every year in recent memory, BMW dutifully changed its official profile picture on social media to reflect the gay-friendly colors. But at the same time, BMW very conspicuously DIDN’T change its profile picture in Middle Eastern countries at all.
Unfortunately for BMW, someone on the Internet noticed this discrepancy, and asked BMW the following question:
How come you don’t proudly display your logos pride colors on your middle east posts ???
And then, for reasons that are not clear at all, somebody at BMW decided to respond to that question. They wrote:
This is an established practice at the BMW Group, which also takes into consideration market-specific legal regulations and country-specific cultural aspects.
So that’s the official explanation from BMW for why the Pride colors are for Western countries and not the Arab countries. “We’re just pandering,” is essentially what they’re saying. They’re admitting that this isn’t about activism or “gay rights” or whatever, they’re just adjusting their messaging for what THEY think people want to hear so they can make money.
Not exactly a major revelation here, but this kind of honesty from a major corporation is unusual. And if you’re the optimistic type, you might take it as a sign that things might be returning to normal, somewhat, at some point in the near future. There are certainly other indications that corporate America is finally retreating, to some extent, from the insanity - for example, last year, Microsoft’s Xbox brand removed their Pride colors from their social media accounts just four days into Pride Month, and this year, at least so far, they haven’t made any change to their branding for Pride Month whatsoever—they’ve also preemptively locked replies on Twitter and other platforms on some of their Pride Month messaging—but for every positive sign like that, there are indications that we are, in fact, backsliding FURTHER into the abyss, and for example, one of the social media accounts of the Navy SEALs posted this image, celebrating Pride Month.
This is the Navy Special Warfare Command, flying the “LGBTQ colors” and lecturing us about “equality” and “pride.” You won’t find a better illustration for why the Navy is experiencing a massive recruitment shortfall than this. It should go without saying, but the kind of people who appreciate these flags and make their sexuality into their identity are generally not the kind of people who want to endure grueling conditions and potentially sacrifice their lives behind enemy lines for America. We want people in these positions who are focused on the mission and on the defense of their country. That should be obvious to the Navy Seals, but apparently it’s not, and of course, that’s not even getting into the larger issue, which is that the government should not be participating in activism - period. And there’s a lot of reasons for that; one of them is that, in many cases, it creates an obvious conflict of interest.
Consider the fact that on Sunday, the FBI was sashaying through the gay pride parade in West Hollywood. There were several FBI employees who were wearing their FBI-issued clothing, apparently followed by FBI vehicles, in the parade.
Now, this is the same FBI that, under Merrick Garland and Christopher Wray, has launched investigations into parents who questioned the indoctrination of children at school board meetings; you may remember that. Parents didn’t like their kids reading books that vividly described various gay encounters, so the school board groups complained, and the FBI started looking into the whole situation, and now that same FBI is marching at a parade that’s explicitly a celebration of that lifestyle.
It was also a celebration of abortion, too, which is why Planned Parenthood participated in that pride parade, and of course that’s ANOTHER conflict of interest because the FBI notoriously doesn’t seem to care very much about attacks on pro-life pregnancy centers, but they’ll show up in pre-dawn raids to haul away pro-life protesters who dare to protest at abortion clinics.
Now, this parade in West Hollywood, by the way, is traditionally one of the most disturbing and hyper-sexualized pride parades that takes place every year, and this year was no different. I went through some of the footage from the parade on Sunday but most of it’s too graphic to show without blurring it, but just to give you an idea, look up “WeHo Pride Parade” on YouTube.
It’s disturbing in part because the local news station is broadcasting all of it enthusiastically, as if it’s all normal - there’s strippers on stripper poles, there’s men dressed as firefighters in their underwear, there’s an “Abbey” float with a cross with even more guys in their underwear, there’s nuns in drag, there’s men in BDSM gear. There’s a bunch of children there; some of them are even participating, as you saw. In fact, the commentators are celebrating the fact that there are so many kids in attendance and that there’s so much “skin” being displayed as well.
And this kind of thing, as grotesque as it is, wasn’t just happening in West Hollywood. At the supposedly family friendly Dallas Pride event this weekend, as Sara Gonzales and Alex Stein reported, announcers made graphic jokes about genitals with children in attendance. There was also sexually explicit merchandise, which I can’t even describe, and a state representative was filmed bringing children to the event.
So this is what “Pride” means; it’s what every major power center in this country—from the FBI to the Navy SEALs to the media—is supporting - even the VA Hospital in Orlando is celebrating this. Take a look at this footage here.
So it’s hard to see in the clip, but there’s at least three Pride-themed items in the lobby at the hospital, including the flag. There’s also a little sign that tells patients to inform the receptionist of their pronouns. Again, you talk about a recruitment crisis in the military? This isn’t helping. It’s shameful, obviously.
So is this event in Philadelphia, which just put on the largest drag queen story hour for kids ever, at least according to Guinness Records, they’re very proud of that.
So as Meg Brock pointed out in response to this clip, “The good news is that in a city of almost 1.6 million only 263 people showed up.” That was the world record: 263 people at a drag event intended to indoctrinate children, in a city of 1.6 million.
Now, that’s 263 people too many, of course, but it does underscore the fact that this is not a mainstream ideology - at least not among normal people in public. It is among our institutions, but in fact, beyond that, it’s not even mainstream on the Left at this point. That’s why not everything went according to the plan at Philly Pride this year - at one point, for example, Pro-Gaza protesters ran into Pride Month protesters. Now, if nothing else, the clash provided the first moment of unintentional comedy so far in Pride Month—and we’re only a day or two into it—we’ll probably be seeing a lot more incidents like this in the months to come.
So there’s some aggressive drumming going on, and it’s hard to tell who’s on whose side on this one, so it’s not exactly clear, but this is a genre that will never get old: it’s watching Left-wing “intersectionality” backfire, and in this case it literally backfired in an intersection, which is kind of nice. You can pretty much guarantee that all of these Pride protesters are “Free Palestine” people themselves—there were “Free Palestine” chants at the WeHo parade, for example—but the REAL “Free Palestine” people—the ones who actually understand what they’re supporting—don’t take too kindly to Pride parades. It’s amazing to watch, like a “defund the police” congressman having to call the cops after he gets smacked by the reality of what he supports. As the Left continues to import more of the Arab world, they’re gonna have to get used to this. This is new, but it’s not going away.
Now, at the same time, for every indication that Pride Month is different this year, there was another reminder that not much has changed. For example, Walmart just aired this Pride Month advertisement - as if the whole Target boycott didn’t happen last year, they decided to charge ahead with this; they don’t appear to care that Target lost billions of dollars in market cap.
“Queer people have magic,” says Walmart - as if you needed any more proof that LGBT activism is a secular religion, we’re being literally told now that they have magical powers. And some of the most popular children’s content creators—people whose videos are viewed by tens of millions of children, very young children all over the world—are the cult’s biggest evangelists for this.
So take Rachel Accurso, for example - known by her stage name Ms. Rachel. She has more than 10 million subscribers on YouTube, where she’s best known for her series “Songs for Littles,”—and these are videos that get tens of millions, sometimes hundreds of millions of views—and for the most part, these videos are mostly age-appropriate stuff like nursery rhymes (even if they are incredibly annoying), but over the past year or so, Ms. Rachel has started explicitly pushing LGBT indoctrination on her audience. It wasn’t hard to see this coming - after all, Ms. Rachel’s co-host, Jules, identifies as a “white, non-binary, trans-masc human,” and claims that, as a 2 year old, she realized “something’s not right” with her body, and at 12, a teacher first exposed her to gender ideology. And then the rest is history for her.
But early last year, things reportedly got more direct. According to The Post Millennial, Ms. Rachel personally invited Dylan Mulvaney on her program to sing a song for children. and this is what Ms. Rachel posted below one of Mulvaney’s videos: “Sometime when you’re in NYC you should be on our show, Songs for Littles! We love you & your singing!” Now, if that wasn’t bad enough—and if it wasn’t clear enough that this woman hates the conservative parents who account for a large portion of her audience—Ms. Rachel doubled down in a video celebrating Pride Month.
“Happy Pride to all of our wonderful families and friends! This month, and every month, I celebrate you. I’m so glad you’re here, I’m so glad you’ve exactly who you are. To those who are going to comment they can’t watch the show anymore because of this support, no worries and much love your way, God bless. I am not chasing fame or views, I’m standing strong in love.”
So she’s very loving, she says; Ms. Rachel’s approach is the loving one - if you don’t want your kids watching Dylan Mulvaney and if you don’t take your kids to “family friendly” Pride events, then you’re a hateful person. The problem is with you. You’re a bigot, etcetera.
Of course, the real point here isn’t to be “loving.” As Jules has said, the point is to, “encourage and nurture a sense of curiosity” in kids, and to teach them that there are “infinite” ways to exist in the world, and “one isn’t better than another.” The point, in other words, is to indoctrinate more kids with lies and falsehoods, and this is a falsehood, of course. There are not, actually, infinite ways to exist. When it comes to our sex, there are actually only TWO ways — male and female. So it’s a very finite system. And when it comes to the lifestyles and the choices people make, some indeed ARE better than others. So this message might be delivered with a smile, but that doesn’t make it any better or any less wrong, of course.
In any case, the indoctrination continued this weekend at the Queer Fam Jam in Chicago. This event was sponsored by Lululemon, and Jules—the Ms. Rachel co-host—was a headline performer.
ANCHORWOMAN: “Well, a Pride fest launched last year in Chicago returned today - this time, at Millennium Park, hundreds of families from the LGBTQ+ community enjoying Queer Fam Pride Jam.”
ANCHORMAN: “WGN’s John Lewis has our report.”
REPORTER: “With the sun overhead and June underway, the Queer Fam Pride Jam kicked off at a new location: Millennium Park.”
WOMAN: “It just makes me very proud to be a Chicagoan today…”
MAN: “And I think it’s important that he sees that there’s all kinds of people in this world, and all kinds of love in this world, and not to be judgmental about it, and just be open minded and amazing.”
WOMAN: “You can’t be what you can’t see, so when you walk in, and you’re not one family, but you’re one of many, it’s just the affirmation that that provides, and the hope to keep going and living in your truth, it’s just irreplaceable.”
“You can’t be what you can’t see,” we’re told. And that really sums it up. These activists understand that their agenda must be foisted, it must be imposed. It has to be shown to people, particularly children. Kids will not come up with any of this stuff on their own. We knew the local news media wouldn’t cover the whole story, so The Daily Wire’s field reporter, Spencer Lindquist, was at the event in Chicago, and here’s some of the footage that he recorded:
So lots of very young g children there, and the children were subjected to a grown man in a skin tight leopard print onesie with heels, shaking his body around while collecting a dollar bill from a small child. The children were then trained in the gay “vogue” dance style by a grown man, learning to “strut” and “shimmy.”
This is creepy, obviously, which is probably why the local news didn’t cover exactly what took place, but it’s a good illustration of the state of Pride Month in the year 2024. It’s more explicitly targeted towards kids than ever before, but there’s also a sense of embarrassment about it. If The Daily Wire hadn’t been there, it seems likely that nobody would have ever aired footage like that. So they want to have these events, but they don’t want anyone outside of the event to see what’s going on there.
What this means is that, if you have kids, it’s never been more important to pay attention to what they’re watching, what events they’re attending—you can’t just put on a kid friendly YouTube show and expect that everything’s gonna be fine—it also means that everyone, whether they have kids or not, needs to reject this insanity because it appears the pushback so far is having at least some effect. And the stakes couldn’t be more clear. Only a disturbed, doomed culture celebrates pride. That’s biblical wisdom that happens to be common sense. And with every depraved, supposedly “family friendly” event that’s exposed this month, hopefully many more people—finally—will wake up to that fact.
submitted by newyork0120 to Rants [link] [comments]

2024.06.06 17:42 clearliquidclearjar TALLAHASSEE WEEKLY EVENTS, 6/6 – 6/12

Events are listed by the day. Events that happen every week appear first, one time stuff after that. If you have anything you’d like people to know about, comment here or message me and I’ll add it in. If you’d like further info about any of the events, look it up! I usually don’t have any extra to add.
Large Scale, Ongoing, and Multi-Day Events
Local Running, Walking, and Biking Info: https://troubleafoot.blogspot.com/
Guided Paddling Outings all around the area: https://www.facebook.com/hsmithoutdoors
Tallahassee Film Society Showings: https://www.tallahasseefilms.com/tickets/
Book Clubs for all tastes: https://www.facebook.com/midtownreadeevents
Live Theater:
OutdooFarmer’s Markets:
  • Sake World Center: Prince Night (Adults Only). Celebrate Prince's birthday at our tribute night this June! This adults only event will go from 6-9pm for $12 admission (skate rental is included if needed). We'll be playing Prince's top hits all night long-- come skate with us! Remember to bring your ID and LONG socks! Long socks are required to rent skates. No outside food or drink is permitted. 6pm/$12
  • Blue Tavern: Music of the Spheres First Thursdays: Old and New Irish Fiddle Music with Jason Cade and Paddy League. 8pm
  • Square Mug at The Plant: Gila “Harbinger” EP release show with Falls Chase, Mulch, and Callisto’s Collapse. 8pm
  • Fire Bettys: Slasher Bash Movie Night: Rubber. 9pm
FRIDAY, 6/7 – Yes, First Friday is happening in RR Sq.
  • Blue Tavern: Happy Hour with Steve Malono. 5pm
  • Lake Tribe Brewing: Flannel Fridays with Live Music. 6pm
  • Hobbit West: Friday Night Dart Tournament. Anyone can Enter! Sign ups at 7:30, Darts fly at 8:00/$10 entry fee
  • Ouzts Too: Karaoke with DJ Nathan. Best karaoke DJ in town. 8pm
  • Just One More: Karaoke with DJ Rah. 9pm-11pm/21+
  • 926: The Hot Friday Night Party and Drag Show. 9pm/$5/18+
  • Blue Tavern: David Pucik. 5pm
  • The Other Side Vintage Shop: The One Thing. Benefit Show for Railroad Square! All of the Band's Tips will go toward restoration of the Railroad Square Art District! 6pm
Lake Tribe: Lauren Mullinax. 6pm
  • Oyster City Brewing: The Rhythm Remedy. 7pm
  • The Wine House on Market Street: Frank Douglas. 7pm
  • The Getaway Grille and Bar: The MAE WEST Band. 7pm
  • Fish Camp: Stimulus Package. 7pm
  • The Sound Bar: Swillbilly. 7pm
  • Blue Tavern: LCP “Good Thing” album release show. 8pm
  • House of Music: Bill “Sauce Boss” Wharton releases "The Sauce" Free No Cover, Free Gumbo. 8pm
  • Corner Pocket: Hot Mess. 8pm
  • Barrel Proof Lounge Midtown: Woody Harvey (of Your Scumbag Neighbors). 9pm
  • Brinkley Glen Park: Invasive Plant Removal. Join Master Gardener Volunteers at this weekly invasive plant removal event. This is a great way to learn to ID our invasive plant species and how to remove them. We recommend wearing long pants and sleeves, closed-toed shoes, gloves, a hat and mosquito spray. Bring gardening tools such as hand clippers, loppers, trowels, etc. if you have them. We are removing coral ardisia bushes and berries, nandina, tung trees, Tradescantia flumenensis, cat's claw vine, winged yam, Japanese climbing fern, skunkvine and more. Directions: The best way to get there is to take Meridian Rd to Waverly Rd, go to the next intersection and turn left onto Abbotsford Way, then turn left at the next road called Woodside Dr. At the stop sign turn left onto Lothian. Lothian ends in a cul-de-sac and there is a sign that says Brinkley Glen Park. 8:30am-11:30am
  • Gamescape: Saturday Gaming. Gamescape has relocated from Railroad Square to the Huntington Oaks Plaza (Suite 302, next to the Library) at N Monroe St and Fred George Rd. Open gaming tables are available. Noon-6pm
  • Corner Pocket: Tallahassee Area Dart Association Blind Draw(Random Partner) Tournament. Signups are 6:45pm/$10 entry
  • Duke’s and Dottie’s: Line Dancing Plus Lessons. 7pm/21+
  • Bird’s Oyster Shack: Laughterday Night Fever. * Join us every Saturday at Bird's Aphrodisiac Oyster Shack for a free comedy show!* 8:30pm
  • 926: Latin Night. Dance to the irresistible beats of Zeus and prepare to be dazzled by a spectacular drag show at midnight. It's more than a party, it's an experience. 9:30pm/$10 21+, $15 under 21
  • LaMoyne: David Zimmer at Muffins & Mimosas. 11am
  • Fish Camp: Dukes Tunes and Electric Mayhem Band. 1pm
  • La Tiendita: Isa Y El Combo Machete. 6:30pm
  • Gulf Specimen Marine Lab (Panacea): Dive into an Oceanic Extravaganza: Mermaids and Mimosas! Join us for an enchanting afternoon by the sea as we raise funds for a cause close to our hearts – supporting the Gulf Specimen Marine Lab's initiative to fund a new roof for our urchin tanks. Embark on a whimsical journey beneath the waves, where mermaids frolic and mimosas flow. 4pm-7pm/$35
  • Oyster City Brewing: Flamingo Party. 7pm
  • The Getaway Grille and Bar: Saturday Night Bikes and Trikes Featuring MOJO STEW. 7pm
  • Blue Tavern: Thomas Hendon & Company with John R. Butler. Alt-Country/Americana band from the Florida Panhandle. Featuring Drummer Marcus Haines, Bassist Eric Norwood, Lead Guitarist Chris Auvil, and Thomas Hendon on Vocals & Guitar. John R. Butler will open the show at 7 pm, with his signature mixture of quietly disturbing and raucously funny songs about living. 7pm/$10
  • The Bark: Theo Butts, Softie, Sleepybug, Tearman, and Canine Denim. 8pm
  • Fire Bettys: Highway 85. 8pm
  • The Sound Bar: Michael & Friends. 8pm
  • Bicycle House: Sunday Ride. Ride at 10:30 AM from Bicycle House. We will ride the Cascades trail to the St Marks trail and down to Wakulla station and return, about 31 miles. Ride speed is 12 to 14 mph, with periodic regroups. Vernon Bailey is the ride leader. Vernon is a new CCC member who’s been biking for 50 years enjoys riding with small groups and weekend touring. 10am
  • Flippin’ Great Pinball: $25 Sunday Funday. Every Sunday spend a fun-filled time with the family for only $25 plus tax at the arcade! Our normal all-day family admission of $34.99 is just $25 and that includes up to a family of 6 (two adults and four kids). Experience affordable family fun that everyone will enjoy. Noon-8pm
  • E Peck Greene Park (Behind the LeRoy Collins Library): Food Not Bombs Free Mealshare. We offer free vegetarian/vegan food, water, coffee, personal care & hygiene products, bus passes, and clothing when we have some available to those in need. Contact foodnotbombstally@gmail.com to find out about getting involved. Noon-2pm
  • LeRoy Collins Library: Tallahassee Go Club Meetings. Come play the captivating ancient game of Go, also known as Baduk, with some friendly games and discussions. Beginners welcome. Visit https://www.tallahasseegoclub.com for more information. 1pm
  • Gamescape: Pokémon League. Come learn, play, and trade with the Pokémon Trading Card Game and the Pokémon video games! We LOVE seeing new players, so come learn how to play! We play both the Trading Card Game and the Video Game casually and competitively. The store offers lots of different seating arrangements to meet our group's needs, as well as food, drinks, and Pokémon products for purchase. We are also hold regular, officially sanctioned tournaments for Pokémon Trading Card Game and Video Game Competitions! 2-4pm
  • The Plant: Open Jam. All instruments, all players welcome. 4pm-9pm
  • Pedro’s: Mariachi Clasico. 6pm
  • Fermentation Lounge: Open Mic Night Hosted by Conor Churchill. 7pm
  • Oyster City Brewing: Comedy Night. Come have some laughs with us on Sunday nights! If you are interested in participating in the show, reach out to therealsleepypfloyd@gmail.com 7:30pm
  • MLC Community Center: Tornado Relief Plant Sale Fundraiser. * With the future of our shop uncertain and us out of a job, we’ve got to find a way to get our plants to the people! Please join us Sunday June 9th for a huge blow out plant extravaganza! We will have plants of all kinds of plants, pottery, fertilizers, potting soil, gifts… everything we would normally carry in our shop and more. And we will have a super special friend The Tally Mac Shack food truck posted up to serve you the most delicious Mac bowls in the state! They even want to donate their funds raised to our rebuild/move. All funds raised will go straight back in tour shop with the hopes of rebuilding or finding a new location so we can get back to doing what we love, spreading love and slinging plants!* 10am-3pm
  • 926: Queer Makers Market. * The Queer Tallahassee Artists Collective is proud to present the June edition of the Queer Makers Market that will now be at 926 on West Tharpe Street. Come and browse the creations of many of Tallahassee's amazing artists and makers. Admission is free. We will be setting up in the grassy field at the back of the 926 parking lot - just look for the canopies! Due to the heartbreaking destruction of the beloved @mickee_minion clubhouse in railroad square from the tornadoes we've moved our Pride Makers Market to the ever-generous @926bar. If you're able to support Mickee Faust as they recover from this loss head over to their page or directly to MickeeFaust.com/donate. It was a privilege to hold past markets in their space, they bring queer joy and community to everything they do. We hope to see you at our outdoor Pride Makers Market on Sunday June 9 from 11AM - 2PM to share queer and trans joy and community during Pride Month. It'll be warm and sunny and full of amazing art and handmade goods.* 11am
  • Common Ground Books: CGB Summer Book Fair! Come check out our summer book fair with diverse books for all ages! Picture books, chapter books, graphic novels and more! 1pm-5pm
  • Goodwood: Tomato Feastival 2024. * The Annual Tomato Feastival is a family fun event for all! Enjoy great food, music, games, and of course, local tomatoes. The event includes tomato sandwiches, a farmers market showcasing some of the area's best local farm products, local breweries, a tomato contest, prepared food vendors, games for kids, an awesome raffle, a silent auction and more!* 2pm-6pm
  • Fish Camp: Morgan and Collins Band. 3pm
  • American Legion Hall: Trae Crowder. 7pm
MONDAY, 6/10 - Happy Birthday to me!
  • Just One More: Bingo. 5pm-6:30pm
  • The Getaway Grille and Bar: Margarita Monday, Open-Mic Night hosted by The Saltwater Cowboy. 5:30pm-8pm
  • American Legion Hall: Cha Cha - Weekly Lessons. 6:15pm/$5
  • Hangar 38: Bingo. 6:45pm
  • Vino Beano: Tipsy Trivia. 7pm
  • The Sound Bar: Live Rehearsal with The Rockitz. 7pm
  • Retrofit Records: Being Dead. 8pm
  • Blue Tavern: Happy Hour. 5pm
  • The Getaway Grille: Tuesday Night Bikes and Trikes. 6pm
  • Oyster City Brewing Company: Tuesday Night Beer-go! 6pm
  • Crafty Crab: BOOMIN' Karaoke. 7pm
  • Gamescape: Hobby Night. Slay the grey together! Join your fellow gamers and turn your pile of grey miniatures into a battle ready army. Need some painting tips? Feel free to ask at hobby night. You can bring any miniature for any game to paint. 7pm
  • Ology Midtown: Jazz Jam Sessions. 7pm
  • Beef O'Brady's: Trivia. 7pm
  • Island Wings: Trivia. 7pm
  • Brass Tap in Midtown: Trivia. 1st Tuesday of the month is General Knowledge with rotating themes the rest of the month. 7pm
  • American Legion Hall: Tallahassee Swing Band Tuesday Night Dance. 7:30pm
  • Fire Bettys: Comedy Night. 8pm
  • Poor Pauls: Trivia. 8pm/21+
  • Blue Tavern: Bluesday Tuesday with Bill Ricci. Every Tuesday is Blues Day @ the Blue Tavern and Blues Meets Girl is a Tallahassee favorite. This perfect, intimate venue provides just what you need for both a mid-week break and authentic blues music experience. 8pm/$5
  • 4th Quarter: Professor Jim's Tuesday Night Trivia. Popular for a reason! 8pm
  • Argonaut Coffee: Trivia Tuesday. 8pm
  • The Sound Bar: Karaoke. 8pm
  • Fire Betty’s: Open Mic Comedy Night. 8pm/21+
  • 926: Tacos and Trivia. 9pm
  • 926: An Evening with Donna Lynch & Friends. * When she’s not singing for Ego Likeness or designing clothes and accessories in Garbage Witch, Donna Lynch is also an accomplished poet and authoress of dark and gothic fiction. Now, she has announced that she will be embarking on a Spoken Word Tour, in which she will be reading from her poetry collections Choking Back the Devil and Girls From the Country, both of which earned her Bram Stoker Award nominations in 2019 and 2022, respectively. Donna will be coming to 926 with her Spoken Word Tour on June 11th and kicking off a Sanctuary Special Edition! Donna will be joined by several local writers to read selections from their works followed by your favorite Sanctuary music with Burger Alert on the decks. JUST ANNOUNCED: There will also be a special music set with DJ Steven Archer! Donna and her husband (and Ego Likeness member) Steven Archer are also producing a documentary of life on the road as touring artists in the US and will be filming at 926 as well.* 7pm/$5/18+
  • Square Mug at The Plant: Harpy, Mirrored Fatality, Black Sink, Memory Care, and Experimentations in Irritation. 8pm
  • Fire Bettys: Comedy Show with Mo Alexander . Join us For an amazing one night only live comedy performance featuring some incredible local comedians With the Hilarious 20 year veteran comedian seen on Comedy Centrals Hart of the city Mo Alexander. 8pm
  • Sugar and Spice Tally: Game Night. Join us every Wednesday Night for community game night. Bring your own or use ours! Let me know if you need to reserve space for a large group. Free to attend! 5pm
  • Goodwood: Wonderful Wednesday. 6pm/$5
  • Level 8 Rooftop Lounge: Trivia. 6pm
  • La Florida Coffee & Wine: Trivia Night. 6pm
  • The Great Games Library: Open Game Night. 6pm/free
  • American Legion Hall: Sue Boyd Country Western and More Dance Class. Session 2 - Beginner 6:30 to 7:45 pm What: East Coast Swing and Waltz. Cost: $8.00 per person. Wear comfortable shoes you can turn in. 7:45 to 8:15 - Practice dance with paid admission. 8:15 to 9:30: Intermediate - 2 Step and WCS. $8.00 per person or $13.00 for both classes. Vaccines are required. Face masks are optional. Changing partners is optional. 6:30pm
  • Perry Lynn’s Smokehouse in Quincy: Wed Night Open Mic w/ Steven Ritter and Friends. 6:30pm
  • Hangar 38: Trivia. 6:45pm
  • Oyster City Brewing Tallahassee: Trivia. Teams up to 6 players for three rounds with 10 questions and a tie breaker each round. Winners are by round so don’t worry if you need to come late or can’t stay the whole time! Prizes include a round of beer, a 6 pack and a gift card! 7pm
  • Proof: Trivia. 7pm
  • Vino Beano: Wine Bingo. 7pm
  • Fermentation Lounge: Trivia. 7pm
  • Blue Tavern: Wednesday Open Mic with Doc Russell. The open mic night that has run continuously for almost 20 years, once housed at the Warehouse, lives on at the Blue Tavern. Doc Russell continues as the host with the most. Sign up starts at 7:45pm/free to attend
  • Fire Betty’s: Karaoke! 8pm/21+/free
  • Dukes and Dotties: College Night and Line Dancing Lessons. 8pm
  • Finnegans Wake: Trivia. 8pm
  • The Sound Bar: Open Mic Night. 8pm
  • Cap City Video Lounge: Anime Wednesday. 8pm
  • South Station: Summer Movie Nights. 8:30pm/free
  • The Bark: Karaoke with DJ Nathan. Best karaoke DJ in town. 9pm
  • Peppers: Karaoke. 9pm
  • 926: Dragged Out Wednesday. 10pm
  • Blue Tavern: Rachel’s Reading Club. Rachel returns to the tavern for a new kind of music experience – sight reading & folk music combined! 5pm
submitted by clearliquidclearjar to Tallahassee [link] [comments]

2024.06.06 15:16 subredditsummarybot Your weekly /r/Comicbooks recap for the week of May 30 - June 05, 2024

Thursday, May 30 - Wednesday, June 05, 2024


score comments title & link
115 67 comments Checklist For DC's Absolute Power
90 27 comments EXCLUSIVE Marvel Preview: Ultimates #1 • AIPT
38 9 comments How the Kremlin uses comics to glorify its war in Ukraine
31 2 comments Dark Horse Adapting Famous The Witcher Story in New Graphic Novel
17 6 comments Destro #1 Breaks Record, Will Image Publish New GI Joe #1 This Year?


score comments title & link
326 116 comments What are some of the best "The End" pages in comics? (Shown is Y: The Last Man)
161 26 comments They Called Us Enemy - This should be required reading
155 44 comments What happened to the non-powered supporting cast?


score comments title & link
479 166 comments Can we also see real Eastern European countries and not just fictional ones or Russia? X-force #1 2019
405 102 comments [Spoilers] "You think I am weak because I choose not to casually main or kill." (X-Men #35)
382 116 comments The B stands for France (Ultimates #1)

Fan Creations

score comments title & link
371 71 comments Goal Fulfillment
140 13 comments Affordable version
105 36 comments What If? I tried to "fix" the Old Man Logan lore/map.


score comments title & link
10 7 comments Shelfie Saturday!


score comments title & link
580 20 comments Batman, by Julian Totino Tedesco
136 1 comments Zatanna: Bring Down The House #3 (DC Black Label) – Variant Cover Art by Terry & Rachel Dodson
38 1 comments Used mostly color pencils to color this art by Marcio Abreu in some free time at school. I'm a music teacher, not an art teacher. I don't know where to put white at the end to make venom look more inky gooey

Top Comments

score comment
713 bomberman12 said Hugh got time to step away from the character. He also is allowed to change his mind about something he was thinking about while in the midst of playing the character for the 8th or 9th time. Plus he...
602 FrogWizzurd said Thats a little unfair
498 darthllama said She’s a Canadian who volunteered to join the IDF. For any country other than Israel, someone signing up for a foreign military would be seen as insane. She chose to volunteer for a military with an e...
385 noamartz said if they tried and got it wrong this post would be about that.
360 The_ElectricCity said So far there are 7 different answers in this thread, so looks like the answer is No, there is no commonly accepted term lol
submitted by subredditsummarybot to comicbooks [link] [comments]
