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2010.11.29 20:42 Hitch42 Audio Drama

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2018.06.07 01:53 sand500 Hobby Drama

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2017.10.02 04:09 hunters144 Golden Kamuy

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2024.05.14 08:02 data-monger Weekly SQL Interview Question - Marketing Attribution

Hi all - new weekly SQL question is up and ready.

Q. First-touch marketing attribution

Difficulty - Hard
First-touch marketing attribution is a model for assigning credit to the marketing channel that initiated a user's first interaction with a brand/product. In this model, only the first touchpoint a user interacts with will receive credit for any subsequent conversions.
For example, if a user clicks on a Facebook ad, then later clicks on a Google search ad and makes a purchase of a product, the Facebook ad would be credited with the conversion because it was the first marketing touchpoint the user interacted with.
You have a table named user_event that contains data on user interactions with a marketing campaign (e.g., impressions, clicks), and a table with user purchases called user_purchase.
Write a SQL query that calculates the conversion rate of each channel based on the first-touch attribution model. The output should have channel & conversion_rate (rounded to 3 decimal points) in the descending order of the conversion_rate.
Conversion Rate = # of users who made a purchase using first-touch attribution / # of users who interacted with the channel

Table: user_event

user_id INTEGER
event_type TEXT
channel TEXT
product_id INTEGER
date DATE

Table: user_purchase

user_id INTEGER
product_id INTEGER
date DATE
You can try solving it for free at:
submitted by data-monger to SQL [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 07:59 TrembitaGrae Main poster on Steam page

Hello everyone! I'm looking for a 2d artist in realism style who can create the main poster on stream page to unnounced indi game in realism desert canyons style We have some references and the main idea and also a small budget around 100$ for more details pls text to me private and send me your portfolio or examples of your works thank you
submitted by TrembitaGrae to DrawForMe [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 07:59 Weak-Listen4418 Guy I’m F23 seeing M33 talks about female friend A LOT, does this seem odd?

So I’ve been seeing this guy for about 2 months and everything has been going well, we haven’t had the “what are we” talk yet but I’ve gotten the vibe from him that this is a romantic relationship (he bought me some items to keep at his house for when I stay, taking me on a trip this summer, told his friends about me). However, he has this close girl friend that he talks about multiple times every time I see him. Here are some examples: - he saw her on one of our dates and got up to say hi very excitedly, and then started texting her when she left because she passed us by quickly and didn’t say hi back. - he told me on our last date that she’s just “one of those people you meet and just instantly connect with” and that their personalities mesh very well - he challenged me to an arm wrestle (fun) and said that she had done the same last time they hung out and that im stronger than her and he will have to tell her about that. - he casually brings her up in conversation and shows me funny texts she sends him fairly often. These seem like red flags that he has feelings for her, I’ve never known a guy to talk about a girl this way if he didn’t have feelings. I think he did mention she has a boyfriend and I fear that he’s only entertaining me because she’s unavailable.
I was cheated on in my past 2 relationships so I’m not sure if I’m being overly anxious or if these are truly concerning, but I need advice about if this seems suspicious so that I can feel confident in my decision to break things off or not (I’m leaning toward breaking it off). Thanks!
submitted by Weak-Listen4418 to relationship_advice [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 07:57 Effective-Training Dark Energy (Entropy?) Ending for Mass Effect 3,writers.%5B4%5D
"The developers attempted to write a viable ending around the concept of dark energy and had considered a number of hypothetical theories surrounding it as the reason behind the creation of the Reapers: examples that were proposed by team members included curbing the use of dark energy by organic civilizations due to its cumulative entropic effect that would hasten the end of the universe, or preventing the universe's inevitable descent into the opposite of the Big Bang by focusing on organic species with biotic potential. The game was acknowledged to contain direct hints that the Citadel species and the Reapers would team up to stop a dark energy anomaly that threatened the universe with destruction, although this was not seriously discussed by the writers."
How would "curbing the use of dark energy by organic civilizations due to its cumulative entropic effect that would hasten the end of the universe, or preventing the universe's inevitable descent into the opposite of the Big Bang by focusing on organic species with biotic potential" work?
submitted by Effective-Training to u/Effective-Training [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 07:57 Blurbss Hey yall! Looking for some guidance an creation kit Aliases and how they are used.

I'm basically looking to spawn a note in any NPC's inventory dynamically at runtime (with custom text). I've tried using an existing ref alias and getting it to show on the note, with no luck
Here's the post I'm trying to follow:
Basically I need to know:
Any info would be amazing, thanks so much!
submitted by Blurbss to skyrimmods [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 07:39 ThrowRA-Leading-3666 I (29M) am seeing someone (25F) and she is extremely hot/cold over txt, but in person we have amazing chemistry. She says she is a hardly ever on her phone. It's giving me bad anxiety. What do I do?

First, I'll start off by saying that this is probably a me problem, and that I'm pretty sure I just need to learn how to not get anxiety from this, but I still want feedback to see what other people think.
I've been seeing this girl for a short time now. We're aren't exclusive, just going through the dates to see where it leads. In person and via FaceTime, our chemistry is off-the-charts, and we have both confessed in person that emotions are strong. We have another date planned for two weeks from now (we cant do sooner because of I'll be out of town for work for a bit).
The issue I have is that I'll have one day where she'll txt things like "You’ve been on my mind a lot☺️", or how our next date we have planned to make pizza together for our dinner date, and she says "Thinking about you and I making pizza together now, it’s got me cheesin☺️". There are other examples, and it gives me very strong confidence that she's really into me.
The anxiety starts to kick in though when we are vibing and in the middle of a back and forth thing, and the conversation just stops... she just doesn't reply. Or I'll send her a picture of something cool, and I'll get nothing in return.
For example, this past Friday night I sent her a text immediately after she sent me one (during a somewhat back-and-forth convo), and it was something along the lines of "can you see the northern lights where you are?" I waited about 36 hours for a reply on Sunday (a day and a half later) and it was.... "Hey baby😋". Didn't even respond the question at all. I then asked what she's been up to and she said she's been spending time with her mom for the weekend (because it was mother's day) and proceeded to tell me what they've been up to.
Her communication style is just.... odd compared to what I've seen from other women I've dated. It's not how I would ever communicate via txt at all. She skips questions, or doesn't respond to a picture of something, etc. It feels like she ignores it completely? Or is aloof in some weird way?
Now to be fair, I have brought up the topic of communication already as I was previously kinda worried about how things would go silent for long periods prior to this one, so, trying to be a communicating guy, I said about a week ago:
"I wanted to ask you… how much communication would you like between us while we’re apart? Are you ok with txting and FT’s, and how often? I wanted to check in and see what you’re comfortable with."
and her response was:
"I’m happy with our level of communication:) to be upfront it may get a teeny bit less frequent just because I keep a pretty full schedule. Especially during the summer months. And I’m also not on my phone very much. Tbh most of my phone time recently has been chatting with you, and that’s not a bad thing! I love our conversations and connection. Just wanted to be transparent so you don’t think I’m ghosting or anything haha My social battery isn’t the best so if I ever do need a day or two with no contact, whether that’s because I’m busy or just recharging, I will 100% communicate that😘"
I don't know.... am I overreacting here? Do any other men/women here txt like this? O just hate txting? Or just are never on your phone? She's 25, and I figured all young women in their 20's would be glued to their phone.
Maybe I'm just being stupid insecure and need to let it go.
submitted by ThrowRA-Leading-3666 to relationship_advice [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 07:33 Significant_Egg3320 AITAH if I called off a 5-6 year friendship with my ex best friend???

Hi I am a (18f) and my ex best friend (14f) have been friends for six to five years and me and her met on the bus since her mom is a bus driver but imma call her Ella she and I have been off and on for years but I wanna know if I am the butthole for choosing to not be friends with her and cut off contact with her because of how she was treating our friends and me and some of the things she has done while being friends with me. So this all started back when me and our first were starting to hang out so that was back in 2022. We’re at our house we were talking having fun just chilling around. She had to leave to do something for her family while I was in the room talking to one of her friends, let’s call him Billy me and him didn’t like each other at all but we made sure to be nice to each other when Ella is around but we were constantly bickering at each other, but that’s besides the point she and Billy have been friends for years years and that’s right before I even came into the picture so I was in a different state while she was being friends with Billy bickering at each other, but that’s besides the point she and Billy have been friends for years years and that’s right before I even came into the picture so I was in a different state while she was friends with Billy but those two have been off and on for years friends to lovers time stuff and I was just a third wheel so I was basically just third wheeling them, but while she was dating him, she would have other guys added onto snap like talking to them and entertaining them like what your dating someone while talking to other guys was wild to me I didn’t say anything because I didn’t wanna meddle in their relationship and plus I didn’t really know him at the time barely but me and him have started getting really close and those few months and I decided to tell him that I hope you know your girl has been talking to some other dudes and that’s when he decided to not date her anymore so those two broke up Ella and Billy are friends still and we decided to add another member to our group which would be? laya And me and her don’t know each other about at that time we were getting to know each other and we actually became really good friends Ella thought it would be the best thing ever to be in a poly relationship with Billy and laya and here’s where things take a turn for the worst for five months those three were dating while I was over at our three were dating while I was over at her house SHE WAS TALKING TO OTHER MEN WHILE BEING IN A relationship but that’s not all she had other apps to also talk to hot other men and showing me what she was doing she had me snap them and everything was just a hell no for me and when it got to those three breaking up me and her decided to stop being friends that was right at the same time me and Josh and when it got to those three breaking up me and her just decided to stop being friends that was right at the same time me and Billy and I were talking and we were talking about her behavior and what was going on because he kept saying she kept doing this shit over and over and I was like why would you still be together with her if you knew or since I’ve told you that she was cheating on the three of you and this was back in may or june so it was fresh out of the water type shit and me, Billy, laya decided to drop Ella and start a new friendship circle to say away Ella but we also added a new member her name is Zara and she also had bad encounters with Ella and as we were being friends having fun just being chill , me and Billy started dating we were dating for two months so that was June and July but here comes the funny part. All of us decided to stop being friends and also dating each other because I was busy with school, and they were also busy with school so we just left and not have been friends when it came to me and laya she started to be friends again back in august and we were playing Fortnite we were playing anything talking having fun texting and she asked if I could adopt her. I said yes because why not. And then I found out that Laya and Billy dated broke up and then found out again Zara and Billy are dating by Ella we slowly decided to be friends again to keep the peace and have no more drama but here comes the craziest plot twist. This will happen in 2023 till like 2022 now here comes 2024 rolling in February or always hung out with each other having fun so we were just chilling. Me and Billy were liking each other our whole entire friend group dated him. I didn’t. I only dated him once maybe twice that was it learned my lesson from that but slowly, it was just a type of feelings, but it slowly fades away. That’s what it was happening to me and my daughter laya got grounded from her real parents and told me and our friends that she was grounded for a week so her boyfriend let’s call him Iggy that whole entire week. He was crying. He was missing her. Let me just say on Valentine’s Day. He said he was single and that he didn’t have a girlfriend because she got grounded and couldn’t talk to him so me and my other friend we were like on FT with him, and we were trying to get a spirits up by playing with other filters on there apparently he didn’t like the Valentines ones. I kept telling us to change it. It was whatever we did anyway, and it was messed up then right after that it was a Friday I decided to text. Laya and I was telling her that your boyfriend was saying he was single and then also the same day Zara was dating Ella and let me tell you the whole entire week. Ella was talking to laya’s bf iggy while Ella was in a whole ass relationship with one of my friends Zara so when I told both of them that Ella and Iggy were talking nonstop, calling FaceTime in texting each other on Snapchat and on phone numbers and then come to find out that those two were dating while being a whole ass relationship with two other people the other two people are laya and Zara so those too were broken, they were crying. I was trying to cheer them up when it got to but like, why would you do that to your significant other so that was my question I kept questioning why I was still friends with her, but at the same time I was just trying to keep the peace between our families. She tried to call the police on me or at least threaten me, saying if I didn’t return her switch, she called the cops on me even though she left my house at a sleepover thing. She got fucking bonkers like Billy and Ellis are no longer friends like they were hitting each other, but they were trying to get along, but it didn’t work out because I decided to be a whole ass bitch to him and not be friends and it was wild because I didn’t know so me and Billy started dating again in April and I guess Ella didn’t like how much I was talking about but she can talk about relationships though so it was random or decided to contact with each other because she was very toxic she wasn’t mature enough to handle relationship because all she ever did was cheat on every significant other she had and what was crazy is she had a app called wizz on there talking to guys WHO ARE OLDER THEN HER and now she’s dating a guy who is retarded as hell if I’m being honest like he’s a type of person that you don’t want anyone hanging around with because he kept lying about his age and then there was like a whole lot of shit with him and I just didn’t like him but like shit put me through has made me question my life choices, man like cheating on others with someone then also had the audacity to threaten my mom multiple occasions texting her late at night while she’s trying to sleep then going bad shit crazy when I called off the friendship multiple times damn well thinking you were going to change your fucking self because what you were doing was not healthy. It was toxic as hell then call me a toxic bitch who deserves no fucking life or some shit like that idk but like it’s crazy how I had to spend my high school years, trying to help her with her mental health and try to help her out anyway I can but in return I just get no help back like it was like one side of friendship I guess but the reason why I was friends with the 14 year year-old even though I’m 18 because I’m the only older kid living on our stree and she doesn’t have any of her friends living near her except me and she doesn’t have any of her friends living near her except me and most of her friends don’t talk to her and yeah everything in the span of 2021 to 2024 with was wild and not drama free.
submitted by Significant_Egg3320 to AITAH [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 07:31 Bochai127 $69 -30% JBL Tune 660NC: Wireless On-Ear Headphones with Active Noise Cancellation - Black, Medium

$69 -30% JBL Tune 660NC: Wireless On-Ear Headphones with Active Noise Cancellation - Black, Medium 4.5 4.5 out of 5 stars 6,887 ratings 2K+ bought in past month

Customers say

Customers like the noise cancellation, battery life, value, and performance of the headphones. For example, they mention the sound quality is very good, the battery lasts forever, and the headphones are a great purchase for frequent flyers. That said, opinions are mixed on connectivity, fit, and comfort.
AI-generated from the text of customer reviews
Customers sayCustomers like the noise cancellation, battery life, value, and performance of the headphones. For example, they mention the sound quality is very good, the battery lasts forever, and the headphones are a great purchase for frequent flyers. That said, opinions are mixed on connectivity, fit, and comfort.AI-generated from the text of customer reviews
The Tune 660NC wireless headphones feature renowned JBL Pure Bass sound, which can be found in the most famous venues all around the world.
  • Keep the noise out and enjoy your music with active noise cancellation
  • With Wireless Bluetooth 5.0 Streaming, you can stream wirelessly from your device and even switch between two devices so that you don't miss a call.
  • Listen wirelessly for 44 hours with active noise cancelling for long-lasting fun. Or for up to 55 hours with BT only. Get 2 hours extra with just a 5-minute charge using the convenient USB Type-C cable. Enjoy endlessly in wired mode, using the detachable cable provided..Note:If you face issue in Bluetooth connectivity please turn off the Bluetooth function for a couple of minutes, then turn it back on
  • Easily control your sound and manage your calls from your headphones with the convenient buttons and the mic on the ear-cup. Or use the ear-cup button to quickly reach your device's voice assistant.
submitted by Bochai127 to AmazonDealsSavers [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 07:31 04Aiden2020 Will we reach “post nostalgia era” in the 2020s?

I use movies as my example
I’ve seen a lot of discussions all over the internet about nostalgia culture grievances. From Facebook that has a majority gen x audience constantly shitting on new reboot announcements in comments, to Reddit constantly complaining about these trends, to young people on reels and TikTok discussing the un-originality of the past 10 or so years. It seems like all ages are fed up with the nostalgia bait. There was also last years box office; Barbie and Oppenheimer were the biggest earners last year. They were both fully original, not relying on past movies. Barbie of course is a loaded brand but most people went in knowing it was this meta self aware movie. And to my knowledge it’s the first life action Barbie movie. Oppenheimer is a biography completely reliant on dialogue and is mostly a gritty court drama. I got to the movies a lot and a TON of young people fill the seats for mid budget, independent, A24 movies. Or Terrifier 2 which went viral on TikTok. It is a sequel, but the series started in 2016 so it’s atleast a new IP and it’s breaking the mould. There’s Dune this year which while it is a remake, I think the main selling point was the fact that it was a high scifi concept. The TV front is pretty great too. Look at the success of Shogun. Anyways, while some franchises and sequels, prequels, amd remakes will always do well, it seems like there is a big thirst for original content. I think the Barbenhiemer success was a taste of what’s to come.
submitted by 04Aiden2020 to decadeology [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 07:29 Primrosescripts Comforting You While on Your Period

If you do decide to use this script please let me know I'd love to see how it turns out. Any minor changes are perfectly fine sfx is all completely optional as well. I tried to keep it pretty gender neutral but if you want to add any pronouns that's perfectly fine.
Script description: The listener is on their period, but the speaker doesn't know. They're supposed to be going out with some friends tonight but the listener isn't feeling well, so the speaker decides to cancel the plans and they do an at home movie night.
Comforting You While On Your Period
Tags: A4A, Comfort, Period, Movie Night, Canceled Plans, Cuddles, Snacks, At Home Date Night
[A4A] [Comfort] [Period] [Movie Night] [Canceled Plans] [Cuddles] [Snacks] [At Home Date Night]
(shower running, knocking)
Hey, love you almost done? We need to head out in about 45 minutes. Okay well just let me know if you need anything.
(Shower turns off, door opens and closes)
Oh hey there hun, are you okay? Are you sure? Okay, Hun just let me know if you need anything.
What’s that? Oh, you need my opinion on an outfit, okay I’m coming.
Where are you, hun? Babe, you look amazing. Yes, I mean it, baby.
I know I already asked you this but are you sure you’re okay? No, you just look like you’re in pain, you know if something is wrong you can tell me, right?
Why didn’t you just tell me you’re on your period, you know it doesn’t bother me.
Oh honey come here, I have never and will never think you’re gross. How are you feeling right now? Crampy, tired, nauseous, and you have a headache, if you were feeling this bad why didn’t you tell me sooner?
How many times do I need to tell you that you will never and have never been a burden to me? Do you want to stay home tonight?
No, I won’t be mad if you don’t want to go. If you’re not feeling well then we don’t need to go. It's not like we can’t make reservations for another night.
Babe look at me, we don’t need to go if you don’t want to. Love, our friends will understand, no one will be upset, we can go out with them anytime.
Okay, okay, you're fine I understand. I hate when they say they’re fine when they aren’t
(The speaker thinks to themself, the speaker's phone starts ringing)
I’m texting Mia telling her I’m not feeling well so we can’t make it tonight. I don’t know what it is but I just got this random headache…. Why are you giving me the face?
What do you mean you know what I’m doing?
(Dramatic gasp)
I’m offended how dare you accuse me of lying to our friends about not feeling well so you don’t have to go out when you’re not feeling well.
(speaker says in a sarcastic tone)
But now that we’re not going you can get in your pjs and I’ll get some snacks. Ah no, we are not going tonight. I already canceled. We can go out when you feel better.
I don’t know what you’re talking about, I said when I feel better
(the speaker laughs softly)
You change into some comfy clothes and meet me in the living room in like 15 minutes, okay?
You look comfy over there
(speaker laughs softly)
No, I'm not making fun of you. I’m just saying you look cute all curled up in the corner of the couch with a blanket so comfortable.
Yes, I grabbed the snacks and I got you some Advil and tea, yeah I’ll just set the mug right here. Do you want any water or maybe a Gatorade or anything else? Oh yeah right, I’ll go grab the heating pad, anything else? Okay hun I’ll go grab the heating pad but if you change your mind and want anything else let me know
Okay, love here is your heating pad. It’s no problem just let me plug it in real quick. How does that feel?
Awesome now let me get you your book, the remote, and your laptop in case you want to play any video games. I could also get the Xbox out of our room and hook it up here. What do you want to do Hun.
Of course we can cuddle, come here love, how are you feeling? I’m glad you're feeling better. Do you want to watch something?
(speaker chuckles softly)
Is there anything else you want to watch other than that? Why must you torture me with that face?
(Speaker laughs and sighs)
Fine, since you’re not feeling well and tonight is your night I guess we can watch it.
Wow that’s an immediate mood change
(speaker chuckles)
Yes you can have the chips
(chip bag crinkling)
There you go my love. Oh you want the ice cream too, yeah let me go get it out of the freezer… Babe I kinda need you to let go of me if you want me to get the ice cream.
Come on love, okay you need to choose do you want me to cuddle you or do you want me to get the ice cream?
(Speaker laughs)
No you can’t have both. Don’t give me those eyes babe you know they’re my weakness.
Fine, come here, yes I’m picking you up. This is the only way you can cuddle me while I get the ice cream, do you want me to put you down and leave you on the couch? That’s what I thought
(Footsteps, freezer opens)
Which flavor do you want? Okay there you go, no let’s get you a spoon and we can go back to the couch.
(drawer opens, metal utensils hitting each other, drawer closes, footsteps)
Now let’s set you down right there, and I’ll sit right next to you.
(Speaker kisses the listeners forehead)
Are you comfortable, love? I’m glad, now let’s get the TV going. I love you too sweetheart.
submitted by Primrosescripts to ASMRScriptHaven [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 07:25 shpdg48 Dissecting the New York Times' Plea for Vaccine Amnesty"; "Reviewing a remarkably disingenuous "apology" and what actually caused the vaccine disaster"
"Story at a Glance:
•Repeatedly forcing the public (e.g., through mandates) to use unsafe and ineffective therapies (that injured millions) has created a public relations disaster for the establishment.
• Various attempts have been made to do the impossible—restore the public’s trust in our medical institutions without any of them admitting fault.
Here, I review each of the previous attempts and how they were used to create the recent infamous article by the NYT—which while monumental for bringing attention to the COVID vaccine-injured, also repeats a variety of strategic and very harmful lies to protect the vaccine industry.
• One of the mysteries of the COVID-19 response is what could have possibly justified breaking the public’s trust in the medical institutions our society revolves around. Here I will review the most compelling explanations we’ve come across after three years of investigating this commonly asked question."
"Before we go any further, I'd like to focus on its title, which sadly synopsizes the entire NYT article:
Note: thousands is a very clever word to use here, since if 999,900 people were permanently disabled by the vaccine, it would still be “true” but it implies a far smaller number.
When the word “believe” is used, it can have a few different meanings. For example it could be used:
• When you think something is true but don’t have the ability to back it up (e.g., I frequently use “believe” here because I think it is important to note the claims I am making that I cannot provide strong evidence for).
• To characterize something someone thinks is true an irrational belief that only exists in their head (e.g., a common way medicine gaslights patients ds by arguing the symptoms they experienced from a pharmaceutical injury are actually just “in their head”).
• When you want to acknowledge someone’s feelings to make it seem like you are doing something but divorce the discussion from any factual or substantiative grounding (something which sadly is quite common in the modern left).
In turn, I would argue the NYT was not using “believe” in the way I believe is appropriate to do and instead doing the latter two. Thus, like all good propagandists, they are attempting to find a way to twist the situation so that they can have their cake and eat it. Similarly, if you consider the other underlined phrase, it’s clear someone spent a lot of time trying to figure out how to write something that sounded like an acceptable admission and apology to those injured by the vaccines but simultaneously suggested that those injuries aren’t really a thing and there is nothing to be concerned about with the vaccine." .... "Note: as I show throughout this article, one of the most common scripts used to defend the vaccination program has been that the injuries are rare (e.g., one in a million). The best estimate I have seen of the vaccine injury rate is 18% of recipients experiencing mild to moderate injuries, 0.9% experience significant injuries (e.g., disabilities)—which of course does not include the many who have died (which many estimate at around 1 in 1000)."
submitted by shpdg48 to VaccineMandates [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 07:16 mechanicalheart182 Questions about specialists..

Hi all! My doctor think I might have POTS. He had me see a cardiologist first who did a whole work up with a heart monitor and scans a few months back and evetything came back fine. But now the cardiologist and my PCP both want me to see both an endocrinologist and a neurologist for a diagnosis. Both insist everything came back fine and there's "nothing wrong with me" aside from what they think is POTS. My PCP also had me see a pulmonologist because he thought I had asthma.. but that got ruled out as well.
The cardiologist I saw put me on fluorinef.. but then refused to refill the script until I see the two other specialists (4 months ago now and still no refill ha). The problem with that being that both of the specialists (receptionists when trying to schedule) laughed and said they need an "official diagnosis" (diabetes or thyroid issues for the endo, for example) to even consider scheduling me.. and that it would be a waste of time.
Seeing these two additional specialists seems like a lot. I guess my questions are: is that normal to see so many different specialists for POTS? Are my doctors doing too much? Im confused about the whole thing. I don't have any other health issues aside from high heart rates, passing out when I get up too quickly, and dizzy spells/headaches.
Sorry if this was long winded, I just kind of feel lost.
submitted by mechanicalheart182 to POTS [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 07:15 Bochai127 $25.99 -35%Q 3 in 1 Wireless Charging Station for Multiple Devices Apple, Aeinidi 15W Fast Mag-Safe, Magnetic Charger Stand for iPhone 15 14 13 12 Pro Max/Plus/Pro/Mini, Apple Watch, AirPods Pro 3 2, Black

$25.99 -35%Q 3 in 1 Wireless Charging Station for Multiple Devices Apple, Aeinidi 15W Fast Mag-Safe, Magnetic Charger Stand for iPhone 15 14 13 12 Pro Max/Plus/Pro/Mini, Apple Watch, AirPods Pro 3 2, Black 4.5 4.5 out of 5 stars 1,004 ratings 1K+ bought in past month

Customers say

Customers like the quality, size and ease of use of the charging adapter. For example, they say it's well built, easy to use and accommodates multiple devices without a huge footprint. Customers are also impressed with the charging, saying it charges fast and efficiently. They like the appearance, saying the charging unit is a perfect addition to their bedside table.
AI-generated from the text of customer reviews

  • ⚡ 3 In 1 Mag-Safe Charger Stand - Aeinidi 3 in 1 charging station for apple is a magsafe charger stand for efficient wireless charging of iPhones, Apple Watches and AirPods. With this innovative charging stand, you no longer have to search for multiple chargers or deal with a cluttered desktop. Say goodbye to clutter and hello to convenience!
  • ⚡ Adjustable Viewing Angle - Allows the iphone magsafe charger to swing up to 40° up and down and the iphone to be placed horizontally or vertically, giving you the flexibility to position your iphone for the best visual experience. Aeinidi 3 in 1 charging station for apple is not only a Mag-Safe charger, but also a convenient iphone stand to keep your device within reach.
  • ⚡ Powerful Magnetic Alignment - Built-in charging magnet is well compatible with MagSafe, making iphone and apple watch alignment easier and ensuring a secure connection so you never have to worry about dropping your phone. NOTE: Magnetic alignment works with iphone 12-15 series (iphone 8-11 must have a magsafe-approved case) and apple watch. The thickness of case needs to be less than 0.02 inch/5 mm.
  • ⚡ Wireless Fast Charging - After testing on thousands of devices and user feedback, Aeinidi has upgraded the 3rd generation smart charging chip and QC3.0 18W/PD 20W adapter to increase the charging efficiency and the compatibility of the mag-safe charger stand by 100%, which can charge an iPhone up to 50% in less than 1 hr, and fully charge an iPhone, AirPods, and Apple Watch in less than 2-3 hrs! Say hello to efficient charging by ditching your 5W charger!
  • ⚡ Superior Compatibility - Designed for MagSafe, Aeinidi mag-safe charger works well with MagSafe-approved cases and supports the latest iPhone models that iPhone 15 14, 13, 12 series, as well as the Apple Watch Ultra/S1 to S9 and the AirPods 3/2 Pro (the airpods 2 must have a wireless charging case), making it a truly all-in-one charging solution to Apple essentials.
  • ⚡ Multiple Safety Protection - Passed rigorous testing and received FCC and CE certifications, Aeinidi Mag-Safe charger stand upgraded over-current, over-voltage and over-heat protection and foreign object detection ( the indicator light will blink in case of an abnormal state). Just charge your devices with confidence with this high quality and safe 3 in 1 charging station for apple!
  • 🎁 Exquisite Gift - Made of sturdy alloies, this stylish mag-safe charger stand with indicator lights is the perfect charging accessory for desktops and bedsides and a great gift for friends and family! You'll get a 3 in 1 charging station for apple, a 3.3ft/1m charging cable, an adapter, a user guide, a 12-month warranty, and a 10 years wireless charging research and development team as your after-sales support!
submitted by Bochai127 to AmazonDealsSavers [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 07:09 Impossible-keyboard How do I (22m) break up with my bf (21m)?

First time posting here, so sorry for any typos.
I (22m) and my bf (21m) have been in a relationship for almost 2 years (June 2022), though things got serious at the 1-year mark. In the last 5 months however, things have gotten worse as he has begun lashing out and starting arguments over nothing (where to eat, computer dying, me having female friends), then shutting down and refusing to talk to me. I have tried talking to him, giving him space, and a ton of other things but to no avail many times; and I’ve honestly hit my limit.
For example: I was supposed to meet him in our campus’s food court one day, and after waiting 30-40 minutes and not seeing him he texted me saying that he wasn’t going to meet me for lunch, then proceeded to ignore me for the rest of the day. I later found out that HE WAS AT THE FOOD COURT AND SAW ME, but decided to leave because I didn’t see him.
How do I break up with him? A big problem is that I’m concerned he’ll hurt himself, since he did so in high school; as well as he’s told me that I’m “one of the only people in his life who cares”. This is my first serious relationship so I’ve never had to break up with someone, on top of the potential for self harm.
I can answer questions if needed
submitted by Impossible-keyboard to relationship_advice [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 07:06 Necessary_Medium_446 Advice on horrible roommate

I normally don’t post here because I just like to read the posts. But it’s come down to this due to a shitty situation that my fiancé is in that I have been dragged into (not her fault).
Anyways, I got offered a really good job offer in a town that was an hour from my hometown. I didn’t want to do the drive back and forth due to it being the grave shift. My fiancé lived in the town where I got the job offer so she offered for me to stay there at the place with her. She had a roommate and she ended up talking to her and asking her if it was okay for me to stay there until their lease is up (it’s up in August of this year, I moved in in January). The roommate agreed that it was fine and she had no issues with it. She said she liked me as a person and I was always really kind to her when I would come hang out with my fiancé.
The first three months were fine. No issues, no fighting, no arguments, nothing. I didn’t really see much of the roommate due to me working the grave shift so I never came into contact with her unless she was off when I had off days (which were rare). So I’d go to work come home sleep and then go back to work that night and so on so forth. One night my fiancé had her best friend over and they did a paint night to unwind after work. They painted in the living room (which is a common space to hang out that’s meant to be lived in). My fiancé accidentally left a small paint brush on the coffee table in the living room. And when I say small, it was literally no bigger than a pencil. Well the roommate texted my fiancé a long detailed paragraph stating that the living room isn’t meant for “personal items” and that it’s “not meant to be lived in” and she “shouldn’t have her stuff out there”. The roommate has her dogs toys all over the floor out there, all her pictures and frames, her alcohol on the floor by the couch, etc. And no, I’m really not exaggerating, that place looked like it was just her place even though both her and my fiancé are on the lease and split the payments. My fiancé “wasn’t allowed” to be in the living room. But the roommate was allowed to have her f*ck buddies over screwing them on the couch when we’re in the next room. It got to the point where we couldn’t ever come out of the room and basically lived in there. We ate, slept, watched tv in my fiancés bedroom. That’s no way to live. And it was all because her roommate got mad about a paint brush.
Anyways, fast forward a few weeks and everything is fine. The roommate didn’t say anything else and both my fiancé and I stayed out of her way. But my fiancé works with her unfortunately so she does have to see her some days. But I avoided her at all costs because I didn’t want to deal with the drama. I have no time for petty stuff like that. But that’s not the worst part. The worst part comes after those weeks that were semi okay. Her roommate ends up calling the landlord and saying she would like me to be added to the lease (even though in the beginning she never asked me to be added and I offered many times to pay rent and she declined it) but I would do other things like put $500 worth of food in the house (that she would eat in less than two weeks) and pay for the WiFi (that she had everything hooked up to). And even went as far as cleaning her dirty dishes, cleaning the fridge out that had her moldy food in it from months back and cleaning the dog shit off the porch from her dog that she left sit there for weeks on end. Not including taking out the 40 trash bags that she left on the porch all piled up and smelling like shit. And yes, it was 40 bags. I didn’t complain about it. I just did it and left it at that. Well she went into another detailed message to my fiancé saying that “we don’t clean up after ourselves” and “I have to clean up all your trash” etc etc. No, she doesn’t. And she hasn’t. I’m a very OCD person. I’m a germaphobe as well and I hate when things are dirty. I always clean up after myself. There’s never been a time when I didn’t. Anyways, my fiancé told her all that I’ve done to keep the place clean for them and how much I have helped and her roommate got pissed off and went on saying that if I don’t start halfing the rent with them that I can get out. And then said that my cat can’t stay (my cat is a ESA, he has doctor signed papers stating that he’s allowed to be with me and I don’t have to pay anything to have him places. The roommate didn’t know that he was an ESA and got mad that she couldn’t throw my cat out bc of it). The landlord ended up calling my fiancé (because she loves her) and told her what the roommate was trying to do. So my fiancé and I both went to meet the landlord to talk to her. Her landlord said that she didn’t mind me being there, she knew I was there and she said I never started any issues. According to the rules they don’t have a limit on how long guests can stay like some places. The landlord went on to say how the roommates old boyfriend stayed there for a whole year and that my fiancé had no issues with it (which she didn’t). And he didn’t do half of what I do around the place. The roommates current bf also stays long periods of time too. To which my fiancé didn’t care. Why would she? He didn’t cause any issues just like I haven’t. I literally barely spoke to her. I never really seen her. I didn’t do anything to make her angry at me. The people that know me know that I would never do anything to hurt anyone or upset them. I’m literally the nicest person someone will ever meet. Anyways, the landlord said that unfortunately since I wasn’t on the lease that if the roommate wanted me added I’d have to be added. That’s okay, I was fine with that. Well my fiancé told the roommate the next day that we could add me and she said “nah, I don’t want him added now. I want him out by May 1st or I’m calling the cops”. It was April 25th when she told us this. So I had less than a week to find a new place and leave. Unfortunately I had no choice bc I wasn’t on the lease and if I stayed she could call the cops and have me removed from the apartment. I didn’t want that on my public record so I ended up moving back to my home town and luckily found a two bed house for a decent price. My fiancé who said she would never move to my hometown ended up moving with me. So she’s paying rent here and there as well.
What I need advice on after this long story and yes I know it’s long but it needed to be said. But what I need advice on is, I was planning on paying the $2,200 left on the rent for the two months that’s left on the lease to help my fiancé so she doesn’t have to pay it. That way she doesn’t have to pay the rent anymore and can pay rent with me down here (which is way cheaper). The roommate stated that if we prorate the $2,200 that she would release my fiancé from the lease by signing the release form that the landlord gave her. Well, I prorated the rent and she still hasn’t signed the form. She stated it’s bc “you left trash in the room that needs to be taken out”. There’s nothing left in there that belongs to my fiancé literally nothing at all. She still hasn’t signed the form and has been ignoring my fiancé. We have tried to ask the landlord but unfortunately she can’t do anything. What I’m asking is, should I just go get my check back and should my fiancé just not pay her? I know that would be so shitty to do but at this point she’s left us no choice and no other options. She won’t work with us, she’s very rude and inconsiderate and hates us for literally no reason. Is there anything that I can do? If she just doesn’t pay will she get in trouble? A friend of mine that I work with (who is also a landlord as well) told me that if my fiancé just leaves that the rest of the rent would fall on the roommate. She’s had it happen before at the places she rents out. Is that true? I really don’t want her to be in this situation anymore. It’s stressing both of us out and ultimately making us anxious, upset and angry just thinking about it. We are planning our wedding and just moved into this new place and would like to enjoy doing that instead of dealing with this. I just need opinions and options or advice on what to do. Anything helps really. Thank you for all who have read this.
submitted by Necessary_Medium_446 to badroommates [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 06:58 This-Effect8971 Would this qualify as stalking/harassment?

Hi, 31F in central west Florida. Have a situation that is distressing but not sure if I could qualify for a harassment/stalking injunction and whether that’d help in the end or make things worse.
Few dates. Few weeks. Things got weird, he sent me pics I didn’t want to see, I rejected him, he sort of accepted it but continued texting, I set a firmer boundary, he moved out of state. Great. Fast fwd to 2024, he moved back and moved into my back yard. My landlords have an RV back there, I’m obv upset but maybe he was desperate or homeless, idk. I just avoid him. He also started going to my church - but not talking to me there at all. Didn’t talk to me at my home for the first month or so. Then, he left hand-me-down men’s shorts on my porch with a note. I returned the note with the shorts (and the gifts he gave me last year during the few dates), and wrote on the note to please not give me any gifts and don’t come onto my porch. About 1 week later, he is on my porch with the landlords discussing re-building the porch. Don’t know whether they or he initiated that idea, but now he’s taking a very long time to rebuild it. He spends max 3 hrs on it per week and it’s been 3-4 weeks that it’s dragging on. But not only this - he also began creating drama. He reached out to a mutual friend of mine and expressed an assumption disguised as concern. He was ‘concerned’ that I have a boyfriend who I’m sleeping with - this is considered bad in our religious practice, thus his concern was for my spiritual state. This also means he’s taking note of the cars parking at my house, assuming, and talking about it. In that convo with friend he also shared some personal information that I had told him while we were dating briefly last year. This has created drama, hurt me and my reputation, and damaged my friendship with the mutual friend.
I feel like I have my hands tied and cannot do anything about this. My living situation depends on it. He’s best friends with my landlord and I already have to walk a fine line of appeasing them in order to stay here. If I tell them he’s bothering me, they’ll think I’m the problem and it could jeapoardize my housing. I can’t get him away from me. He lives in my backyard and he’s friends with my landlord, he’s got the ear of my mutual friend, he got into my church circle and he’s working on my porch for weeks… if I upset him, his responses will involve others in my circle. Because he knows a piece of private information, I can’t say anything for fear he might defend himself by blurting it out to others.
My question is, is this just a run of the mill case of drama, or is there anything in here that could qualify for a harassment/stalking injunction?
Edit: Not sure what his intentions are. Could be a clueless idiot, or could be strategically playing games to mess with me.
submitted by This-Effect8971 to legaladvice [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 06:52 Fun-Age5881 Speak selection: speak button

To speak the selected text I need to click on the text, click the arrow to get to the speak button. Is there any easier way? For example, moving the Speak button to the beginning of choices? Or a shortcut or something like that that I can more easily have the text to be spoken.
submitted by Fun-Age5881 to iphonehelp [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 06:50 ANiceOakTree The Hardy Boys in KEY...

I just finished KEY and I was sooo let down by how little Frank and Joe had to do in the game :( At least from what I saw they only had couple phone calls and some texts, and it was all about getting Zane as a contact. One of the few redeeming aspects of MID was imo the Hardy Boys being in it and the jealous love triangle that was in it with Ned/Nancy/Frank. Even if they wanted to tone that down in this game and have Nancy and Ned be happy together again there was like no mention of the past drama in MID or really barely any Hardy boys to begin with, and it was such a let down for me. At the end of the game you could only call Carson or Ned, why not the Hardy boys? Anyone else feel similarly, did I miss something?
submitted by ANiceOakTree to nancydrew [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 06:47 Legal_Ad2945 What causes these cones to appear when coordinates are mapped?

What causes these cones to appear when coordinates are mapped?
I was messing around with a script that applies the collatz function to any given number, and outputs every 2 consecutive numbers in the form of (x,y) coordinates.
(An example of this is the input "20" giving the output of: (20, 10) (5, 16) (8, 4) (2, 1))
This following image is the mapping of what I got for 26623, but it seems to have the same cone shape for any number I try.
observation: x values on the left line are odd whereas on the right line, they are even
Then I decided to map these points as (x,y,z) coordinates in 3D space and I got the exact same shape, but in 3D.
(An example of this is the input "20" giving the output of: (20, 10, 5) (16, 8, 4))
cam angle 1
cam angle 2
Can anyone shine some light on why this is happening?
submitted by Legal_Ad2945 to Collatz [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 06:45 Bochai127 $89.99 -31% GAIALOOP Thick Memory Foam Camping Mattress Sleeping Pad [Car/Tent/Cot] 3 Inch Portable Floor Mat Roll Up for Guests Kids Adult Sleepover

$89.99 -31% GAIALOOP Thick Memory Foam Camping Mattress Sleeping Pad [CaTent/Cot] 3 Inch Portable Floor Mat Roll Up for Guests Kids Adult Sleepover 4.5 4.5 out of 5 stars 470 ratings 700+ bought in past month

Customers say

Customers like the quality, versatility, and portability of the sleeping mat. For example, they mention it's well-made, works well for car camping, tent camping, and nomad vehicle living. That said, they appreciate the pillow and comfort. That being said, opinions are mixed on thickness, value, and size.
AI-generated from the text of customer reviews

  • 【Ultra Comfortable:Soft & Supportive】Gaialoop Thick Memory Foam Sleeping Pad is made of a scientific combination of 30D Support Foam and 40D Memory Foam . The high density poly foam acts as a supportive foundation to prevent you from hitting the ground when you lie on the pad. The memory foam conforms to your body shape, responses to your body heat and pressure, offers you enjoyable comfort and protects your back, spine, and hips when side sleep.
  • 【Safe Material:Holiday Gifts for All】The sleeping pad is OEKO-TEX Certificated with no odor. The memory foam, high density poly foam, and plush fabric cover are all made of safe material. Pregnant women, toddlers, and the elderly can use our products without worry. It would be a great gift idea for holidays, gift for women, gift for men.
  • 【Waterproof & Washable Cover】The velvet like plush fabric cover is removable and washable. The inner side of the top and bottom covers has waterproof coating to protect the foam from rain, dew, and wet ground. Wash the cover at a reasonable frequency can keep the pad clean and increase its lifespan.
  • 【Outdoor Uses: Camping/Road Trips】Outdoor, it can be used as a portable travel mattress, camping bed roll, a temporary bed in tent camping, car camping, and road trips(SUV/RV/Van/Truck/Camper). Way more comfortable and easier to use than air mattresses. It also can be used to soften up a cot or a couch. It comes with a sturdy carrying case with straps, can be rolled up nicely for storage.【Note: Not for long-distance backpacking/hiking.】
  • 【Indoor Uses: Guests/Kids/Sleepovers】Indoor, it can be used as a guest bed, a floor mat, a nap bed, a mattress topper, a futon mattress. It would be a great possession in occasions like indoor stretching, sleepover nights, relative visiting, family gathering, movie nights, kids' indoor camping and more.
  • 【NOTE】The instruction says "usually takes 6 hours to fully expand", but some mattress may rebound more slowly if they remain vacuum packed for more than 1 month. If you find the size is shorter than the size described, please wait 24 hours to see whether the mattress can fully rebound. If no, please contact Amazon for a refund.
submitted by Bochai127 to AmazonDealsSavers [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 06:43 TroubleS0meE 2 Best friends and a crush...its a small world

In 2020, I(M, 28) was a relationship. Later in the year, I remember this girl...lets call her Jean(24) came to my apartment she was doing some work related to the US census. She wanted to know how many were in my apartment etc. I was attracted to her but I didn't make a move, I was in relationship. However, we both lived in the same building.
In, 2021 me and my GF broke up. I had Jean on my mind, but she wasn't around, she was at school. About late 2022, she cameback home, I started seeing her more. Eventually I got her IG and a months later I got her number.
We text for a bit and got each other's birthday. During this time, I was seeing her IG post and stories...and I had my reservations about her but at the same time I was attracted to her. I didn't take the next step to take her out because of the things I was seeing on her IG page. I told my best friend James about her in 2023, how I had a crush and how I wasn't sure about her. What also held me back from asking her was the church I was apart cause they were like you can only date inside the church or within the other churches . While I was talking to my friend James about her , James(29) was in a relationship at the time but months later him and his girl broke up.
NOW...months go by James and Jean matched on hinge in November 2023!! He told me about it and he knows I had a crush/interested in her. Jean finds out me and James are best friends. So they matched and they started talking...
Eventually they went on a date this year 2024 and kissed.
I feel a certain way about it because James knew I had feeling/interest for her but I didnt asked her out..
Any thoughts on this situation?
I feel like a friend shouldn't go after friends' crush. For example, James had a crush on a girl I wouldn't go after her...
submitted by TroubleS0meE to dating_advice [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 06:42 Routine_Librarian883 WIBTA if I go no contact with my child’s father while he is incarcerated (and maybe afterwards)?

I, 26F have a 6 m/o son with my ex, 31M, of 1 month. I know what you may be thinking, and yes, you read it right. Before my son, I was a hopeless romantic and I accepted love in all the wrong places. When I broke up with my ex and soon after found out I was pregnant, I learned my lesson about having relations and being too trusting of people I barely know. I have been single and focusing on taking care of my son ever since. A little background on the history of my ex and I:
We met on social media last year and he texted me first with a line that I’ve never heard from anyone. It made me laugh, so thought I would give him a chance. He said all the right things to me, and lied about so much (for example, he lied about having a twin sister and she’s the same age as me) and I fell for it. We ended up meeting in person, he told me he loved me after a week or so of being together (major red flag that I ignored) and that was the very night I conceived my son. Shortly afterwards, I found out he was cheating on me and he stole money from me. Then about a month later, I found out I was pregnant and when I told him he was excited at first.
We kept a line of communication, but he made most of my pregnancy stressful. He denied my child and told people that I was pregnant when we met, we only had sex once (we didn’t but IF WE DID, he doesn’t realize it only takes one time to get pregnant), and that we were never in a relationship. In the same breath he was trying to cheat on his several girlfriends with me, but I wasn’t having it. I would also notify him of appointments to check on the baby and he would say he’ll come and ended up being a no show. I tried to keep him updated on the baby and he would say I didn’t. He had me involved in so much drama and I eventually found out he had two other women pregnant at the same time as me (he denies getting one of those two pregnant but I know he’s lying). It was just too much. Eventually we went no contact and shortly after, he went to jail. He stayed for the better half of the pregnancy and for about the first month of him being incarcerated, we got back in contact with each other, and he tried to make me do favors for him that I wasn’t comfortable doing because it would start drama or I just wasn’t obligated to do and this became a huge problem for him since I was not doing what he wanted. It turned into an argument and he told me not contact him again, so I told him he wouldn’t hear from me again and blocked him. For months he had strangers texting me on his behalf asking me to contact him because he felt remorseful. I blocked those numbers as well because I didn’t want to stress anymore during the rest of my pregnancy than I already have. Long story short, we were in contact on and off and he eventually was released from jail. He didn’t attend the birth of the baby because I didn’t want him there. I wanted to have a peaceful labor and delivery.
After my son’s birth, he was asking to see him, but I didn’t want him anywhere near us. My mom made me change my mind by telling me that I should let him see the baby because I don’t want to give him the chance to say that I never let my son see him if he were to ask in the future why he couldn’t come around him and cause him to resent me for it. To this day, he has not physically seen my son since he was born and has only helped once with him financially. He’s only seen him via FaceTime and after a month of my son being born, he went back to jail for violating his probation. Ever since, we have been on and off with communication. He always tries to get back in a relationship with me, even when I have told him no several times (and he knows why but expects me to get over him treating me like shit when I was pregnant), flirts with me and calls me “bae” even after I would tell him to stop. We still fight from time to time and he always goes out of his way to disrespect me. So now I don’t answer when he calls unless the baby is awake and he says things to me like, “when I call, you need to answer” and “don’t let anyone keep you away from me”. I don’t want to talk to him unless it’s about our son. I’ve made this clear to him several times and he blatantly dismisses it and gets angry because he can’t get any control over me. He doesn’t respect me or my wishes and I don’t want to deal with it any longer, but I don’t want to deny my son of his father. I feel like he thinks he has some kind of sense of ownership over me because I have his child and it doesn’t sit well with me at all.
Would I be the asshole if I stopped contacting him because he makes me feel uncomfortable?
submitted by Routine_Librarian883 to AITAH [link] [comments]