Sample letter to law school for financial aid

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2024.06.10 02:05 Powerful-Ad8060 Sony a6000 video low-light *beginner*

I'm a dad tasked with recording all my teenager's events for her school. It's a must because it gives us a hefty financial aid break in tuition. I'm a video editor by trade but know nothing about shooting and don't really have time to become expert. Just need to get these jobs done with good picture and good focus. I record audio separately on a Zoom H6. Some examples of the events -
-Music Performances on Stage
-Drama Performaces
Most of these are low light situations. I mistakenly thought I could get away with shooting 4k on my iphone/tripod and zooming/cropping for a 1080 output. As you probably know, that video quality was garbage. I'm not looking for arthouse quality but the parents need to clearly see their kids faces.
My question, finally, is can I use a Sony a6000 (that I already have) for this purpose? I'd like to use auto mode as much as possible, as it's just a static wide shot and I won't be behind the camera at all times. I'd like to set it and forget it on a tripod. I need to be quite wide to cover the whole stage. I have a couple Sony lenses that came with the camera (3.5-5.6/16-50 and 4.5-6.3/55-210) but I've been told they're too slow to deal with low light. If this camera is a bad choice, do you recommend something different? I'm willing to spend some money (1k-2k) if necessary on a better lens or new camera, but was hoping to use the a6000 if possible and keep costs down. Just need to get good, sharp video in low light using auto mode if possible. Thanks.
submitted by Powerful-Ad8060 to SonyAlpha [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 02:04 caffineaddict2345 Too soon to leave?

I’ve only been practicing for less than a year.
I work for multiple partners at a small but mighty firm, all with different styles. Mostly PI. But this experience has been nothing but stressful.
I have gotten the opportunity to do a number of depositions, I co-chaired a jury trial, and have my first solo jury trial coming up. There is little guidance and lots of trial by fire.
The job offers “unlimited PTO.” But it feels like I can never take a day off. I was super busy during the first trial but assured myself it would get better after. It really hasn’t.
The other day, one of the partners I work closely with and who generally gives me very positive feedback, snapped at me. It’s a serious case that we probably shouldn’t have filed before doing more work up. But I don’t make that decision. He got upset with me because I couldn’t find an answer to a very complex, case specific issue we were having. Literally more experienced partners didn’t have an answer and idk how he expected me to have one? Then he apologized after realizing he snapped.
Then the other day, I asked him a question about how he wanted to proceed with another case. A decision I can’t unilaterally make on my own, and all of a sudden, he tells me that me and another associate (who is a 6th year associate) need to stop coming to him “to solve our problems.” I’ve literally been a lawyer for less than a year…lol. And he’s the primary attorney on the case.
But seriously, I went to law school to be a public service attorney (legal aid). I took this job over legal aid because one of the partners is someone I highly respect and who I had a good mentor relationship with. I’m not enjoying the work, I have a long commute everyday, and the partners’ behavior lately makes me dread going to work.
I feel like I’m being too sensitive. I’ve learned a lot here but I’m lowkey miserable. I dream about work, my anxiety has gotten 10x worse, but I also know the grass isn’t greener.
Is it too early to look for other opportunities? If I left, my mentor partner would literally kill me I feel like and it makes me sick to think about. Sorry, just look for encouragement.
submitted by caffineaddict2345 to Lawyertalk [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 02:03 Educational-Leg-9597 Chance Me (Pre-Law/Poli-Sci) -T20s

demographics: asian male, rising senior, small, public, charter ib school
Location: new mexico
intended major: political science or public policy
ACT: 34
gpa: UW:4.0 W: 5.0
coursework: all ib classes, L&L (HL), Math AI, History (HL) , TOK, Biology, Mandarin (AB), Theatre (HL)
-volunteered at local children’s museum (150+ hours) and was a counselor for summer program (supervised groups of 30+ children (Ages 4-9)along with my fellow counselors, teaching them STEAM based lessons and conducting STEAM based experiments) - teen writer for local newspaper circulation ~23,00)
awards: 1) 2nd place in statewide mandarin competition 2) received award for academic excellence from school

3) received award for exhibiting the ib trait of “knowledgable”

letters of recommendation: history teacher (11), english teacher (12) mayor (harvard alum), member of house of representatives (brown alum)
REACHES: Harvard, Stanford, Yale, Princeton, Columbia, UPenn, Williams, Amherst, Brown, Dartmouth, Rice, USC, Northwestern, Rice UChicago, Duke (legacy), Boston University, NYU, Georgetown
TARGETS: Baylor, American
submitted by Educational-Leg-9597 to chanceme [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 01:48 LostMathematician232 super scared and confused

super scared and confused
ok so ignore the dirty computer screen but i went onto my schools financial aid page and im literally nauseous😭 for context im an upcoming freshman that has been committed since february (ED2). the scholarship they gave me is good & im very grateful for it, but its definitely not an overaward?? my mom and i will still be struggling to pay what’s left and i literally won’t be able to attend if they take away my scholarship. i’m worried it’s bc i got my fafsa summary back and my SAI is 62000 even though it definitely should not be that high at all. should i email/call the financial aid office? i’m also confused bc it says effective date may 19th & it’s already june 9…and has been 5-7 business days for review. someone pls reassure me lol i can’t have this scholarship taken away
submitted by LostMathematician232 to FAFSA [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 01:31 Beautiful_Rise_2005 Help I don't know what to do with my life :/

I don't know how to use reddit or what community to look for, I don't know if I'm doing this right so apologies in advance.
I will try and put in as much detail as possible, I've never posted on reddit so idk if I'm doing this right.
During GCSE’S I failed maths, so I had no choice but to study health and social care level 3 extended diploma, I did not want to do it at all nevertheless, I did it and got very high grades (Distinction*, Distinction, Distinction).
Health and social care allowed me to progress to university and get me a career in healthcare (duh) like, midwifery, nursing, paramedics, physiotherapy, speech and language therapy etc. I decided to study speech and language therapy at uni because the other options did not interest me,I did not want to work at a hospital, do overnight shifts, I’ve heard so many negatives about those jobs and the pay is not enough, so I thought I was choosing the best option however, after a year I dropped out because I simply hated it.
Since I dropped out in 2021 my best bet was to get a job/experience so I applied to countless jobs, jobs I am clearly qualified for, but I’ve never managed to get a job. All my work experience is voluntary (working in schools and a care home), I’ve called up places, posted my cv on indeed, got it reviewed etc. I’ve handed in my CV in person at a boba shop and I saw the manager threw it on the side without reading it. I am still applying to jobs until this day but all I ever get is rejections or no response at all. I have never gotten an interview for any job.
I’m in this position, embarrassed and behind my peers, (i've heard comparison is the thief of joy but i cant help it) just like that 2 years have passed and I have achieved nothing. I haven’t progressed. I haven’t done anything, I have no money, no experience, nothing. I am clearly not doing anything with my time. I haven't found my "passion" (God, i hate that word), haven't found my motivation and I don't know HOW to either. I thought since i like skincare maybe i could do something like an aesthetician or dermatologist but i hate needles and im not smart like that. However, I managed to find a charity job to volunteer for however, I haven’t started yet (I will very soon). Apart from this, I don’t know what to do, I want to go to university but nothing interests me, or at least my interests don’t have very good success rate or a high salary, especially in the U.K. I don’t know why nothing interests me. Maybe the purpose of life isnt to get a job or get a degree but i dont know what else to do and to be quite frank, i need money, i cant get experiences or travel or buy food or a bus ticket without money. I want a high salary and I want to be financially independent and enjoy the finer things in life I feel like it's taboo saying that but honestly that’s MY goal, that’s what will make me happy or secure at least. I want to be an educated person so at least I have education to fall back on but I don’t know what caree route to go down. People keep saying don't go to university because it's not as important as it was 10/20 years ago etc. However, I'm thinking of going to college and do an access course in law which is for a year, and then apply to law in university but im not sure? People keep saying go out and get experience but nobody is willing to give me opportunities paid or unpaid and I’m feeling so hopeless, especially because the job market is in shambles right now. I really want to do well in life, I really want to succeed, my parents are counting on me to do well and I want to make them and myself proud and make something of myself. I know people say your 20’s are confusing, people say to invest in stocks or crypto, post on social media and earn money but the success rates are low, I’m just not lucky. I don’t have a glimpse of hope, no ideas nothing. I pray and pray and pray and try to look for things but everything is so depressing and boring and it doesn’t help living in the u.k because quite literally everything is grey and dull. I don’t have any interesting crazy hobbies to fall back to. Please give me some guidance/ help/ recommendations. I dont know what I want, I don't know what makes me happy before anyone asks. Hopefully I did this right. Thanks for reading.
submitted by Beautiful_Rise_2005 to u/Beautiful_Rise_2005 [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 01:26 ASongOf-Ice-Fire-and Game Over Theory # 2 - TWOW Prologue - 2 of 4

[Part 1]
My king. The sad memories faded into blurred flashbacks.
Olyvar cherished the sweet time as his grace’s squire. Though two years older, it made no matter. A warrior king was training Olyvar the way of knighthood, almost any boy’s dream. He remembered on slow days, Robb Stark would spend time with him, teaching the art of the long sword and shield. He can still remember the cloudy day at the Crag’s courtyard and his Northern accent as he swung his blade at the squire. “Keep your shield up Olyvar. Keep it up.”
“It’s too heavy.” Olyvar replied as Robb swung on.
“If it wasn’t heavy, it wouldn’t stop a sword. So get it up.”
They sparred and sparred in the courtyard. Robb Stark was dancing with him, hilts in hands. After he knocked Olyvar to the dirt for the twentieth time, he lifted him back up.
“Come, drive at me.” Robb then grabbed Olyvar gently by the back of his neck. “Look Olly, keep your shield up or I’ll ring your head like a bell.”
Olyvar never forgot that moment, his Grace’s right-hand touch, the way Robb looked into his eyes and called him ‘Olly’. No one has ever called him that and he liked it very much. They continued to dance. Rain began to fall, turning dirt into mud. Olyvar darted at him. Robb stepped aside, deflecting the stab off his shield and twirled around forward in a natural motion, his cloak spinning in the air. Before Olyvar knew it, Robb had his rear, his sword ready to thrust or slash any part of him. He glanced back and knew he was lost. The dance paused there and Olyvar turned around to meet Robb’s beautiful blue eyes. He could melt in them.
“You had me your Grace.”
“Come Olly, it’s your turn.” A winter wind came blowing in from across the sea. A breeze lingered there, brushed Robb’s auburn hair. “Now, dance with me!”
It almost felt like a sin to be as excited as Olly was at that moment.
“I’ll drive to you now. Try to do what I just did. In mud like this, don’t forget to plant your foot before each movement. And remember, you have to keep your shield up.”
As Olyvar and Robb got into their positions, his older half-nephew Ser Ryman Frey suddenly appeared and intervened. He grabbed Olyvar like a little green boy and pulled him towards the exit. NO! Olyvar’s word caught in his mouth.
Robb spoke up for him. “What are you doing? Olyvar is my squire and a grown man. He can do what he wants and speaks for himself.”
“My grandfather has declared a suspension of your alliance with House Frey,” Ryman said. “You have broken a sacred vow. If you would not have his daughter or granddaughter as your queen, you certainly cannot have his son as your squire.”
Robb was expecting Olyvar to say something, but the squire froze. More Frey guardsmen came in and dragged him away from the courtyard, his heels lifeless on the ground, leaving twin mud tracks on his departure. Robb stared at him sweet, sad, and silent. A bolt of lightning flashed across the rainy skies, its reflection off the King’s sword blinding Olyvar. That was the last time he saw Robb alive.
When news of his King returning to the Twins for the wedding between Lord Edmure Tully and his sister Roslin, Olyvar could not contain his excitement, to hear the voice of his call.
Since that rainy courtyard day, Olyvar had been on his own for long enough. He hoped maybe Robb could show him again that dance that he loved. Maybe. Olyvar had been going through withdrawals. Not seeing his Grace was just too much. He could turn me on with the slightest touch. But since the Red Wedding, Olyvar’s courtyard has been cold and empty. Fuck anyone who judges me. He couldn’t see clearly now that Robb was forever gone. Olyvar was still blinded by Robb’s last light. He couldn’t sleep, still yearning for his touch. In his heart, rain constantly fell, drowning him in the nights. I was his squire, Olyvar cried as his soul twisted. And I failed him. I was the only one that night he could trust.
After the slaughter, Merrett Frey, a kin of his, greeted him as he released Olyvar from the dungeons. “I’m sorry Olyvar that we had to lock you up, Perwyn and Alesander too. But you must do your duty for your family. You are a Frey, a man of an honorable house. This stain left by Robb Stark and his bitch mother Catelyn Tully should not go unpunished. Lady Catelyn also killed Jinglebells. She even japed ‘a son for a son‘ to our Lord father as she slit his throat.”
A son for a son. Olyvar Frey looked at Merrett sullenly, his voice choking up, “I must go for a walk.” Olyvar walked and walked … passing the burnt tents, passing the dead soldiers with Northern and Riverland sigils sewn on their garments, and passing Grey Wind’s headless body. He was far enough from home, but he could still hear the cheap cheers of the Frey and Bolton soldiers.
He fell to his knees and began to cry. My king. My sweet king. Olyvar swore vengeance. Though he will never consider kinslaying as it was a curse among the gods, it would not stop him from facilitating others who seek revenge against his own family, the ones who were directly involved.
Suddenly at the side of the river, a dying man was crawling towards him. Soaked in water, mud and blood, he cried out in a ghastly voice “Olyvar!”
“Who, who are you?” Olyvar sprinted to aid and for recognition. “Raynald?” Without hesitation Olyvar replied, “My brother!” He placed himself under Raynald’s shoulder and lifted him up. “We need to find a maester.”
On the way back to camp, Olyvar and Raynald encountered two sentries of his Frey household guards, far from any other eyes can see.
“So what do you have here my Lord Olyvar?” one asked.
“A dying lone wolf? Let us put him out of his misery,” the other replied as they stared at Ser Raynald Westerling’s dampened seashell surcoat.
Olyvar lowered himself and laid Ser Raynald on the ground, and arose in a tone cold as stone. “No. Not a lone wolf.”
Olyvar unsheathed his sword and killed both Frey guards before they could reach their weapons. He then swapped Raynald’s wet Westerling clothing for one of the dead men, and found a maester.
Ser Raynald Westerling stayed with Olyvar at the Twins under disguise. He even trimmed off his brushy moustache. Weeks later after Ray had fully healed, he asked Olyvar to go with him to look for Maege Mormont and Galbart Glover at their secret hideout, as per the original plan before the wedding.
One night, Olyvar Frey simply walked out of the Twins again, this time with Ray. No one would care where Olyvar was going. Truth be told, his Frey family would be more content if more spawnlings of their lord father would leave the castle to find their own destiny, especially if they were unlikely heirs deep behind the line of succession.
Aboard one of the Northern galleys floating outside of Seagard, the Seashell Knight had to explain how this son of Walder Frey earned his trust, as Lady Mormont held Olyvar by the throat with a dagger. The skin around her eyes had been raked and blackened with tears and nails, her teeth bit with furious anger. She had been like this for weeks. Olyvar stared at her face and he felt like he could die here and now, if that was what it meant for Lady Mormont to forgive him, as he knows no gold would ever substitute for her grief. “I am sorry about your daughter Dacey. I lost my brother too. Benfred was a good man, I swear to you by all the gods old and new, that he did not have a part in the slaughter. Benfred would have done everything he could to grab an innocent woman like Dacey, and bring her safe from harm.” Olyvar meant it.
Mormont sheathed her dagger, her hands still shaking. “I’ll kill them all! Anyone who was a part of this!”
“No.” Olyvar replied. “We have to get the girls back. And then you can kill them all.”
At the siege of Riverrun, Olyvar Frey freely roamed Ryman’s uncoordinated camp. No one cared. One night alone, he swam across the moat and climbed up the castle with spikes. Only thirty feet up, the Tully guards had heard him clanking and aimed their crossbows from above. “Identify yourself!”
He whispered, “I am Olyvar Frey, son of Walder Frey, former squire to his King, Robb Stark. I come unarmed and offer myself as a hostage. I know the Blackfish, please let him know I am here.”
“Stay where you are.”
Olyvar clung to the castle’s wall half way down to death and half way up to forgiveness. Finally Ser Brynden Tully appeared and told Olyvar to come up quietly. As Olyvar threw himself over the parapet and onto the floor, the Blackfish kicked away his spikes and immediately kneed his body to the ground, holding a dagger at his throat. Shit, not again! Damn this mayhaps, why was I unblessed to be born a Frey?
“What are you doing here, Olyvar Frey?” Ser Tully demanded.
Olyvar told them the truth and handed him Lady Maege’s letter from a waterproof compartment in his garment. The letter was coded with secret words that he and she only knew. The Blackfish cracked the seal, unrolled the parchment and read. Afterwards he released the grip from the bottom and the message curled up on its own, eager to protect the secrets.
“The paper curls, at least you didn’t try to deceive me with the age of the parchment.” He then asked Olyvar, “So, you killed some of your own men did you?”
“To save Ser Westerling, yes.” The Blackfish looked at his eyes and nodded in approval. “May I see her now?” Olyvar inquired.
The Tully guards led Olyvar to her room. Some left the area, but others stayed and watched, still suspicious of the unarmed Frey. She was in her solar, knitting her needle works. He fell down to one knee towards his niece-in-law (by Olyvar’s brother-in-law, Lord Edmure Tully), “My Queen.”
“Olyvar!” Without a hint of hesitation or mistrust, she dropped her needle, ran towards him, and wrapped her loose skinny arms strongly under his’. She poured her heart, soul and grief-filled life into a Rose By the name of Olyvar Frey. He reciprocated, placing his arms around her shoulders as Jeyne Westerling-Stark continued to hold tight. Her orange sized breasts pushed against his chest, as the Queen’s chestnut mop of brown hair sat below Olyvar’s clean-shaven chin.
“Robb.” It was all she needed to say as they shared a sob. Nothing hurt more than that moment when he shared the same pain with Jeyne. Olyvar dipped his head to hers, their salty tears finally uniting and slowly dancing together as their faces pressed cheek to cheek.
“He is in the heavens now, I believe, singing from above.” Olyvar prayed. “He will be waiting for us. No doubt we will see him again some day, but we must make him wait.”
“I miss him so much,” Jeyne cried. She was always cheerful with Olyvar since they first met. Though he was curious whether she truly loved Robb or just wanted to be a queen, she has repeatedly been kind to him, so sweet. She never intervened when Robb trained Olyvar at swordplay and he was grateful for that. When they wed, Olyvar knew Robb could never be his brother, but Jeyne did not seem to mind letting him continue to squire beside her much younger brother, Rollam Westerling. Robb had allowed Olyvar to protect the queen sometimes, along with the other household guards, though he was still training at arms. Olyvar and Jeyne would talk constantly, mostly about their King. Even when Jeyne rambles about him, she would always shy away from talking about Robb’s bed manners. But Olyvar insisted he did not mind hearing it. Jeyne felt like a sister to him, just as much or more as Roslin.
“I miss him too,” Olyvar replied. “Did you really love him?”
She cried a little bit louder and squeezed Olyvar even harder. “With all my heart.”
Olyvar wanted to confess too, but he could not do it here, not with everyone watching. He only hoped Jeyne would ask him the same, and she did. “Did you really love him, Olyvar?”
He tightened his grip on Jeyne’s shoulders. “More than you ever know.”
She gently reached for his hands and lowered them. “Olyvar, you were his squire. He is gone now. But you still have a duty to us. You must protect us. We must never separate again. Promise me Olyvar. Promise me.”
“No. I cannot. Not yet. I must leave you, just this one last time, for your safety and your family’s.”
“You are part of my family,” the Queen proclaimed. Tears rolled down again, their hands still held together at their hips.
“I need to leave Riverrun tonight. And I promise you, we will reunite again and I will keep you safe.”
They talked for hours about the good times, the horror, and what the future lies. They talked about Robb, crying to the sadness of him, exulting at his bravery and his glories, laughing at the silly juvenile things the teenager king did to entertain them, and about falling in love with him all over again. And then they cried some more.
Later on that night, Ser Brynden visited Jeyne and Olyvar, with Lady Eleyna and Lady Sybell watching. “Olyvar, you were the King’s squire and though he is no longer with us, you are still owed a knighthood. Let the gods curse me if I ever knighted a Frey, but you are no Frey I have ever known. What you are about to do would be considered treason to your family.”
“But my lord father was treasonous to my King. I do not get to choose my father or which family I was born into. But here right now, is the family I want to be with.”
“Will you honor your new family? Will you honor your duty to your late King, his Queen and his House, the Starks of Winterfell?”
“I do,” Olyvar replied with pride.
The Blackfish unsheathed his sword, the blade alive with moonlight gleaming from the window balcony. “Shit I think I’m doing this wrong. I was supposed to say that later. Anyways, kneel Olyvar Frey.”
Olyvar got to one knee as Queen Stark and all the others watched. Ser Brynden Tully, the legendary warrior Blackfish, placed the flat of his sword on Olyvar’s shoulder.
“I charge you to be brave and … aww shit the knighting words escape me. I’m embarrassing myself. Anyways um. Family! Honor! Duty!” He placed the blade on the other shoulder. “Shit, I forgot the rest of the speech. Forgive me. But Olyvar of House Frey, I name you a knight! Now rise!”
And arose the new knight stood, and proud he was. King Robb Stark could have never fulfilled his promise of a knighthood, but it was his father that took it away from him. But being knighted by the Blackfish was more than anything Olyvar wanted right now, besides keeping Queen Jeyne and his family safe. To him, it was forgiveness.
The Queen approached him with a longsword in scabbard, flat on both hands. “Our late King had a gift for you Ser Olyvar Frey, at least he would have wanted you to have it.”
Before Ser Olyvar received it, he already knew what it was. Robb’s sword. “No, I cannot. I am unworthy of this gift, his Grace’s sword.”
“This is King Robb Stark’s sword, and I am his Queen wife. I charge you to protect your family with his own sword.”
Queen Jeyne Stark made an offer that Ser Olyvar cannot refuse. He took the sword from her forgiving hands.
“What will you call it?” she asked.
“What do you mean?”
“A name. Robb never named his sword. But a good sword should have a good name.”
“I was told by my half-brothers that only cun–, I mean only women name their swords. I will let you name it, my Grace. How should we honor our late King Robb Stark?”
“It is honor,” Jeyne replied.
Confused, Olyvar asked, “What is honor?”
“A sword. This sword.”
Before the sun had dawned, Ser Olyvar Frey with Honor slung on his back, climbed down the castle walls with rope, swam under the moat again, and departed the birthplace of his King, Robb Stark, as a knight.
He returned to the Twins, keeping his knighthood a secret. When Riverrun had fallen to Ser Jaime Lannister, Edmure Tully had agreed to be a prisoner at Casterly Rock. Roslin Tully volunteered to join her husband, giving them a chance to raise a family together, even as hostages. Olyvar, their brother Perwyn and half-nephew Alesander all agreed to escort Lady Tully to the Westerlands. Although they told their half-family they would take the land-route for their journey; Olyvar, Perwyn, Alesander and Roslin had a different Frey destiny in mind. After the Kingslayer’s threat to Roslin’s unborn child, there was no day they would ever stay at Casterly Rock nor return to the Twins. They departed for the coast and reunited with Ser Brynden Tully, Lady Maege Mormont and Lord Galbart Glover aboard the Motherfunker.
Before Ser Brynden escaped Riverrun alone, he and Lord Tully reviewed all their options during Edmure’s short visit. An escape on land had many risks to be recaptured or killed, but at sea it was far fewer … and having a faster ship helped. They would allow Edmure and Jeyne to be peacefully escorted by their captors to Casterly Rock as hostages, only to be rescued from the shoreline. Lady Sybell Spicer swore her brother Ser Rolph would lead the way inside the caves. “Honor, not honors,” were House Westerling’s words. And Robb Stark showed more honor to Lady Sybell’s family than any of the other Westermen could. King Robb made her daughter a Queen, while King Tommen gifted Ser Rolph with the cursed ruins of Castamere from the notorious Lannister song. This honor was more of an insult than a reward.
One night aboard the Motherfunker, Olyvar took out a fresh new flat parchment to write a letter that was meant for his father. He held his feathered quill upright, but did not know how to start. He was fidgeting as he stared up around his cabin. He began to tap the pointy end of the quill and pricked his other hand by chance. Frey blood began to trickle from the wound along with a stinging pain. Cashing in on the moment, he then knew what to say. He dipped the blood smeared quill into the black inkpot, and began to pour his soul & anger onto the kin he no longer wanted.
Father, I hurt myself today, to see if I still feel. I focus on the pain, the only thing that is real. The needle tears a hole. This old familiar family sting. I try to forget it all the way. But I remember everything. I find myself asking … “What have I become? My sweetest King? Will everyone I love go away in the end?” And Father, you can have it all. My empire of dirt. I will let you down. I will make it hurt. If I could start again, many miles back at home that night. To save my King, I would sacrifice myself. I would find a way. Your son Olyvar.
He rolled the parchment and laid a tablespoon of wax from his tallow candle at the edge. Olyvar pressed the button with his bleeding thumb, filling the stamp in a marble of white, red and pink; sealing it with his own blood. He placed the rolled parchment in his breast pocket, hoping to leave it somewhere in Casterly Rock and eventually reaching his father’s hands.
On the deck of the Motherfunker a few nights before … crewmen, Riverlands and Northern loyalists sang, drank, and cheered to the music of the masterplan. Though most wanted to spill blood to avenge the Red Wedding, humiliating their enemies would be the sweeter revenge: the story that sings in songs. But not all were there for vengeance. Some were just there for the adventure.
The Captain of the Motherfunker was there for the honor of joining their song. He wanted to look into the eyes of the lion, be a part of the thrill of the fight, rising up against our rivals. He also owed Ser Rolph Spicer a favor from their long smuggling history together at sea. If he helped rescue his niece Jeyne from the rocky castle, he would consider the debt paid, and the Black Sparrow was happy to oblige.
“So we are here to rescue this princess? No?” Samullu spoke in the broken Common Tongue
“No, not a princess, she is a queen,” Olyvar chatted.
“In the Summer Isles, a princess and a widowed queen is the same person. My father was king, but he died when I was a babe. My princess mother was the one who raised me after my uncle took the throne. I loved my mother. I named my swanship for her after she died a few years ago.”
“Motherfunker?” Olyvar asked. “What is a funker?”
“Where I am from, fighting and dancing is called the same thing. We call it funk. We funk to fight, we funk to dance, and we also funk to love. And the skill of our funk we always inherit from our mother’s side. I got it from my mama.” The black single-eyed captain pleaded. “Yo got yo from yo mama too. ‘Motherfunker’ is just a homage to one’s mother for giving us this art of our body’s motions.”
Olyvar never knew his mother, but he was very intrigued to hear more about Samullu’s and their culture. They chatted for quite a while.
Olyvar thanked him for helping them. But Samullu insisted it was the right thing to do after hearing about the horrors of the Red Wedding. “The path of the righteous man is beset on all sides by the inequities of the selfish and the tyranny of evil men. Blessed is he who, in the name of charity and good will, shepherds the weak through the valley of the darkness. For he is truly his brother’s keeper and the finder of lost children. And I will strike down upon thee with great vengeance and furious anger those who attempt to poison and destroy my brothers! And yo will know I am the Captain when I lay my vengeance upon thee!”
Olyvar never knew the Black Sparrow was so pious to the gods of avengers.
Sharing rum together, Olyvar sung to him about his own story in depth. Captain Black Sparrow was impressed about his journey so far and he gave Olyvar a small jar of dirt. “This is soil from my empire back in the Summer Isle. I have a whole barrel of it to remind me of home. Here, take this other small gift as well.” He then took out a bird’s feather, long as a flute, bright and colorful. “We Summer Isle people have feathered cloaks, yo see it on all of us. But feathers like this one were meant for some of the bravest and baddest motherfunkers out there. I want yo to take it Ser Olyvar. Let it be yo warrior’s funk.”
Olyvar took it with his hand and gave it a warm stare. The feather was colored like a fading rainbow top to bottom, but the stem was yellow like a lemon. “Thank you.” The gifts were quite odd. By value it was not much, but it seemed like it meant a lot to the exiled prince, the type of gifts worth remembering.
“So what do yo need besides a miracle?” Samullu asked.
“Weapons. Bows and arrows. Lots of arrows.” Olyvar was serious.
“Aye, and I have a lot. Yo know, no one has ever done anything like what yo and the Blackfish’s men are about to do.”
“And that is why it will work.”
The plan was to allow Lord Edmure Tully and Queen Jeyne Stark to safely travel to Casterly Rock unmolested, under the command of Ser Forley Prester and his four hundred men. Lord Gawen Westerling and his son Rollam were to return to the Crag, but Lady Sybell was to stay with Jeyne, maintaining what deceptions she can conjure. Her bluff with Ser Jaime Lannister worked, earning the slightest trust from them before their escape at Casterly Rock. An attempt to rescue them on their path down the River Road would invite the Lannisters to execute the hostages on the spot, failing the objective’s purpose. To stealthily hunt down each soldier one by one would have proven even then, a mission of the impossible. Stirring fear in the hearts of the Lannister soldiers was the only solution, the effective psychological weapon. Ser Prester’s men have been haunted by the ghosts of the Brotherhood without Banners throughout the Riverlands, and the Blackfish would use that to his advantage. With the help of their fastest horse, Bubbles, mounted by Justin Smallister, a distant cousin to House Mallister of Seagard, he would tie empty nooses on trees ahead of Ser Forley’s route. The hope of the hoax would keep the Lannisters on edge, making it difficult to rest. Only when they reached the castle of Casterly Rock, they would drop their guards down, thinking the hard part was over. But on the exact evenfall on the day of their arrival, Lord Gawen Westerling and our small land forces, hidden in the eastern woods outside, would sound the trumpets and drums, drawing the weary soldiers to arms again. But the Blackfish was to infiltrate Casterly Rock from the western sea. Ser Rolph Spicer, our secret agent inside, will bond with Jeyne’s guards, drinking with them throughout their journey. Only on the hour of the escape, Ser Spicer would drug the guards’ ale, allowing them to fall asleep during the diversionary music. The Blackfish and his squad would provide armed escort, if needed. Ser Spicer would also help them navigate inside the caves, rescuing his niece Jeyne and their family back to the Motherfunker. By then, it would be too dark for the Lannisters to give chase into the ocean, if they even realized Queen Stark had flown off.
“I need twenty good men,” the Blackfish had demanded. A few hundreds of the remaining Stark loyalists and outlaws gathered at the docks, where the Motherfunker was anchored.
“And one more woman too!” the She-Bear crone proclaimed.
The men laughed in agreement as Ser Brynden continued. “I need volunteers only. Soldiers who want this fate to fuck them from behind in their arses! For the twenty one of us, we will be in harm’s way, make no mistake about it. I do not expect us to be discovered, but if we were, our escape will not be easy like our brothers working the diversion in the woods. I need men quick on their feet, proficient with the bow, and skilled at close-quarter hand-to-hand combat. Who are my brave men that will be knocking on the Lannister’s doors?”
Ser Olyvar Frey thundered in first and raised his hand. Jeyne’s words echoed in his thoughts, Promise me Olyvar, promise me.
Alesander Frey surprised him. “No you fool! You are not a skilled fighter. Put your hand down!” Olyvar told his nephew.
“I am a grown man, and I will not miss this adventure for nothing,” Alesander protested to his uncle.
“You are just a singer.”
“Then I want to be a witness to this great deed and be the first singer of our new song.”
Olyvar could not stop his brother & nephew from doing something so stupid.
Ser Raynald Westerling the Seashell Knight raised his hand too, eager to save his sisters Jeyne and Eleyna, and his mother Sybell.
Others began to join. Some had their reasons, some had their vengeance, some just wanted to try something new.
Fess stepped up. He was a long lost uncle to Ser Addam Marbrand after a lengthy voyage at sea. But Ser Addam refused to believe him, denying him a small chunk of land near Ashemark that Fess was entitled to own. He called his uncle an imposter and casted him out of the region. Fess swore he was a Marbrand, and swore he would unleash a storm on their household if they did not give his piece of land back. To the future of reclaiming his name by shaming theirs, Fess Marbrand was recruited into our efforts against the Lannisters and their bannermen.
The Summer Islander, Ben, and his Westerosi-born son, Benjen, were farmers from the Neck. Years ago, Lord Rickard Stark had welcomed the immigrant and his wife, granting them farm lands to flourish in. They grew rice in the marsh and exported it from White Harbor. They were so grateful to House Stark that they quite frankly named their son “Benjen” for Lord Stark’s youngest child of similar age. Since then, their hard earned work with their rough black hands in the cold had paid off in prosperity. After being widowed, Ben and his son ran the farm, just the two of them … until a few Ironborn men took Moat Cailin and all their harvest this past year. Their will and pride refused to let them take it again. So instead of growing new rice, they let it wither away and left the land … trapping the jaws of the Ironborn to hunger. Now Ben and Benjen were reborn into Ser Brynden’s band, for the honor of House Stark. “With great honor comes a great ass whooping!” Ben had declared.
Jess and Jory were two brothers that served House Westerling as guards at the Crag, personally protecting the Westerling sisters, Jeyne and Eleyna. They had watched them grow up since birth. Participating in their rescue was their duty, a duty they took without hesitation for the girls who were like nieces to them.
Phyl was a crewmate of royal blood on the Motherfunker. Back on another Summer Isle kingdom, his older king brother passed away as his young prince nephew took fresh rule. After Phyl forbade his nephew-king to order an attack on a rival neighboring island, he screamed at him, “You are not my father!” and flew out of the throne room, slamming its double doors. Soon after, the boy-king ordered for his uncle’s exile. Free like a bird, Phyl flew away himself to a ship with his friend, the Black Sparrow, looking for a new adventure.
Sam, June, and Rico were all hard loyal Tully soldiers that were ready to follow the Blackfish to the end of the world. Sam used to be a tall fat leviathan of a man, until one day June told Sam, “You never had the making of a first-class athlete like Rico here.” From then on, Sam, offended, lost several stones over the years as the three served patriotically together to House Tully. Now tall, lean and muscular, Sam was a force not to be reckoned with. They nicknamed him Sam the Shredder, but for shredding his fat as his body was now packed with muscular meat.
The hedge knight Ser Barnabus the Goose volunteered along with his new squire Leo, a boy of fourteen, whom he met that same day. Goose was a tall man, big shoulders, wide hips with greying blond hair. Though he grew up as an orphan, Ser Barnabus often boasted about being the grandson of some legendary tall hedge knight that he never chanced to meet. The other orphans used to laugh at him, calling him the Useless Goose. But ever since he suited up in his knightly armor decades ago, Ser Barnabus assured he was a useful Goose helping the small folks around the Riverlands. Olyvar wondered if Barnabus was his real name, or if he was even a knight.
Leo’s older brothers wanted to join the action as well … so Mikkal, Raff, and Donal stepped forward. Their uncle Scrooge, a man in his fifties, will chip in his services too. The four brothers and uncle were known as the Pissa family. They once owned a tavern serving their mother’s recipe of baked thin crispy bread, spun circular into a flat pie, served with tomato sauce and cheese above. Their uncle Scrooge improved his sister’s recipe by adding sliced duck sausages on top of the cheese, and charging customers extra for the option. Olyvar and the men on the Motherfunker had sampled and enjoyed the cuisine they baked aboard. Captain Samullu claimed that pissa was indeed a tasty dish, and suggested adding slices of pineapples on top of it too. The Pissa brothers gave Samullu Jaqenssen a cold stare as if the gesture was treason to the recipe. Back when they owned the tavern with their mother, the family often boasted about their food to the point where their competitors despised them. Their opponents would try to mimic cooking the same dish, but others would complain it tasted no different than bread. Afraid of losing their revenue, they insulted their mother’s crispy dish by calling it “pissa,” slandering it by saying it tasted like piss. But the brothers took the name their enemies gave them and wore it like armor, never allowing it to hurt them. Raff returned their insult by calling their adversary’s food being something that comes out of a cow’s bung hole. That humiliation stuck. For a while, men and women from all over the Riverlands continued to rallied in long lines to the Pissa tavern for a delicious slice of pissa. Sadly one day, the Mountain and his men came to destroy their tavern during the war, and took their mother. They never saw her again. Despite the sad drama, the Pissa family were a cheerful bunch, save for their pessimistic uncle. Olyvar could only hope they would find their mother safe and sound some day.
On the first day aboard the Motherfunker, Leo had never been on a ship his entire life. He bolted to the stern of the galley, stood on the middle rail with his arms spread out and screamed, “I’m the king of the world!”
Olyvar had to grab the blond teen down before he fell overboard. “Nice try Leo,” Olyvar said. “But you are too lowborn to be royalty. You are better off marrying a queen to be a king, or at least start with a princess.”
Ser Barnabus the Goose appeared and offered his help. He was in need of a squire for some reason, and Leo was quite eager. “Leo, I’m going to teach you how to live.” Goose swung his arm around the teenager’s neck and rested it there. “You want to be a king and win the ladies? Learn how to squire for a knight first. Unchain and fetch me my stallion from the docks, I’ll show you a trick. I’ll show you how to ride it on this rocking ship!” Leo did as he was ordered.
“And when will I ever need that skill?” Leo questioned as he brought the horse up to the deck from the ramp.
“What was it you were looking for again on this journey? Your destiny? Your death?” Goose mounted.
“Naked princesses,” Leo said.
“Well this move would make any maiden, royal or lowborn, shed their clothes off for you.” The knight pulled down the reins as the stallion stood tall on its two hind legs, looking like a work of art meant for eternal statues of the gods.
Samullu appeared and asked Leo, “Is that Goose on a horse? On my boat? Why is Goose on a horse on my boat?!” The stallion came down, hooves thundering the top of the deck.
“Aye Captain, Ser Goose was teaching me how to pick up women.”
“Shiitt Leo, that’s all you had to say.” Samullu wrapped his right arm around the neck of the youth and offered his counsel, his left hand danced in the air as he spoke to solidify his argument. “If yo want naked women, fuck land. Don’t be a knight. Be a captain of a galley. The best pick up line to catch any woman yo can, is ‘I own a ship’.” Samullu raised his bearded chin. “After this mission is over, come with me and we’ll sail the seas. Meet women from all over the world. And they love a captain. Do yo concur? Leo, each lady is just a flower, another rose by another name that smell just as sweet, waiting to be plucked.”
Goose winced at the word and protested. “The only maids you meet sailing seas are mermaids. Don’t be fooled by the Black Sparrow. Some of them may be pretty on the top half, but you won’t like what they got below. It probably stinks down there too. But the captain doesn’t mind, he seems to enjoy bedding mermaids!”
Whether sea, air or land … the Black Sparrow or Goose … Leo will probably have to fly with one of them after the mission, Olyvar thought.
The night before the rescue, the raiders and the crewmen drunkenly sang and cheered to music, rum, ale and pissa. Drowning in the glory of their task on the morrow, they reminisce about the harsh archery and lethal weapons training Lord Glover had given them over the past weeks back on land … while questioning how large Lady Mormont’s sacs truly were. Lady Roslin Tully, approached everyone and asked if they would write their names on the book she held. “It’s for the memories,” she said. They all did. A signature on each page for each man and Maege. Some drew their own personal coat of arms. When it was Olyvar’s turn, he hesitated about sketching the two towers. He wanted to separate himself from the murderous lore of House Frey. He decided to draw his towers, with a Stark wolf running on top of the bridge, and a Tully trout jumping below it. He signed his name, Ser Olyvar of House Frey, squire to the late King Robb Stark, knighted by Ser Brynden Tully.
He wondered if he will be written into history as a great knight some day. A knight that could not save his king, Olyvar thought sadly. He would not be the only one though. Word had travelled for Ser Loras Tyrell, the Knight of Flowers, and his gallant assault at Dragonstone. He was gravely wounded, but no word on this brave knight’s final fate. Like Olyvar, Ser Loras had failed to protect his first King, Renly Baratheon, a man that the Knight of Flower was rumored to have truly loved. Though his King was gone, he continued to be bathe in the glory of battle. Despite being on the opposing side of the war, Ser Olyvar would be gay if he had the chance to meet Ser Loras, if he still lives, chatting with him about the kings they loved and lost.
Later on that night, Captain Samullu Jaqenssen shared a drunken game of cvyasse with Ser Barnabus for a golden dragon. When Goose doubled down after his first loss, he fell again, owing the Black Sparrow a pair of golden dragons by the end of it. When Samullu demanded Goose to pay up his reward immediately, Goose pretended not to understand his loose Summer Isle accent, giving him a wild chase.
“Yo loose Goose, yo owe me the gold,” the Captain demanded in his queer Common Tongue.
“The gold yo fool. The gold! Yo pay me.”
“Wat country yo from?”
“Do they not speak the Common Tongue in Wat?”
“Common Tongue mother Goose!”
“Say wat again! I dare yo, I double dare yo! I’ll throw yo overboard off the Motherfunker!”
Goose paused for a moment, until his pride could not resist. “Wat? Wat? Wat? Wat? Wat?” Goose said ‘what‘ so many times, it sounded like he was quacking, each one louder than before. “Wat? Wat? Wat? Wat? Wat?”
In a nick of fury, Samullu Jaqenssen flipped over the cyvasse table, stood up and drew his short blade. His remaining good eye raged like a storm, as steam seeped through the black leather patch of the other. “Yo cold ass honking Goose! Yo son o’ a whore! Yo bandit! I will gut yo from balls to brains to see what gooses is made of. I better find yo sacs golden before I take yo skull to gild gold! Either way, I will have my gold from yo!”
Goose suddenly comprehended everything, stood up with all his height and threatened. “Goodness gracious, do you kiss your mother with that mouth? Go ahead and try, but you will only find below me great balls of fire!” He grabbed his own crotch and pumped it once into the air. “And after your failed attempt, I will claw out your last remaining eye, leaving you blind for the rest of your sorry life!”
The others flocked towards the scene, holding the two back as they inched towards each other.
Jess tried to stop them. “Gods, have mercy!”
Sam the Shredder intervened as well. “That is enough! I want you two to stop!”
Jory said, “Cut it out!”
“Will yo shut up!” screamed Phyl, who had hustled a wager on the game.
Mikkal grabbed the drunken Goose, threw him to the floor, and told him to just beat it.
At the end, they all just laugh it off like all drunk men do. Smiling, spilling ale out of their cups, retching out into the sea the rum they drank, before drinking some more again. They were having one last good time before the mission. But today they had a job to do.
The twenty men, Lady Maege, and Ser Rolph continued up the paths in the lightless caves of Casterly Rock, huffing and puffing, but still silent as much as they could hold. One loud word at the wrong place at the wrong time may be their doom. In single file, the group followed Ser Spicer’s point with one lit torch. The stench was terrible and the dampness made it worse. Guarding the rear, Olyvar’s eyes were clouded in darkness at times where the torchlight was too far ahead to shine back. He relied on Ser Goose in front of him to lead the way, as Goose relied on Leo for the same.
[Part 3]
submitted by ASongOf-Ice-Fire-and to asoifaom [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 01:17 lost_library_book [You say he's a murderer, but we're in *love*] My (47F) pregnant daughter (22F) is going to marry an incarcerated man (29M). How can I go about this situation?

I AM NOT OOP. OOP IS u/ThrowRA-sad_mom123
Originally posted on relationship_advice
Content warning: mentions of stalking, domestic violence, homicide
2 updates - mediumish
Original post - June 7th, 2024
Update 2 - June 9th, 2024
Update 3 - June 9th, 2024
My (47F) pregnant daughter (22F) is going to marry an incarcerated man (29M). How can I go about this situation?
I’m concerned for my child. Yes she’s an adult but I feel like she’s making the worst decision for herself. I don’t approve AT ALL.
My daughter had good things going on for herself. She graduated high school, went to college and graduated with her associates, got accepted into dental school and all of its going down the drain because she’s chosen to invest her time and energy into her “soulmate”.
About a year ago, my daughter started writing letters to prisoners as a pen pal to keep them company. At first I was uncomfortable with the idea for many, many reasons (it never crossed my mind that she’d fallen for a criminal) but I still rented a P.O. Box for her so she wouldn’t give out her address.
My daughter was in a healthy relationship with her now ex-fiancé. They’ve been together since her senior year in high school. They just had their first child over a year ago, expecting another, and they got engaged 6 months ago. A month ago, my daughter told me that she and her fiancé were taking a break and two weeks ago she called off the engagement and left him. He’s a complete wreck. He told me it hurts that his family that he created with my daughter is now broken. He feels so blindsided as do I because I believed my daughter was truly in love but she wasn’t, she wasn’t happy.
I’ve been very supportive of my daughter during this whole situation, that is until she told me she was already in a new relationship. I was taken aback. I obviously started questioning her about it and she confessed that she had fallen for one of the prisoners she’s written to, in fact, they’ve been together for 3 months. It makes me sick to my stomach even typing this out right now because I just can’t believe it. She said they’ve been in contact for almost 8 months and since then they’ve fallen more and more in love with each other. She’s visited him multiple times, in fact she’s even taken my grandson to see this man. She’s shown me pictures of them embracing and him holding my grandchild. I’ve done some research and looked up his charges and I’m livid she even brought my grandson, even herself around someone who could do such horrible things. I’m terrified for my daughter and grandson.
I’ve tried expressing my concerns to her but she’s in a whole other world. She told me the last in person visit they had he popped the question and she said yes, that’s when I snapped. I was and am very pissed about this whole situation and she’s hurt that I’m not supportive of her decisions. She defended their relationship and her choices and we started arguing. It got so bad that now she’s not speaking to me or allowing me to see my grandbaby and it breaks my heart. I love my child but I will never approve of this relationship.
I understand that as an adult, she has the right to make her own choices, and l've always been proud of her independence. But as someone who truly loves her deeply, it's hard for me to watch her make a decision that I feel could be harmful to herself and my grandson. I'm scared for her because of what I've learned about this person's past, and I can't shake the fear of what could happen. I don't want to lose her or my grandchild to a situation that seems so risky. I don’t know what else I can do and I feel so hopeless. Please, what else can I do?
TLDR: I'm worried because my daughter, who's achieved so much, is throwing it all away for a prisoner she fell for while being a pen pal. She's left her fiancé for him, and it's hard for me to stomach or support this decision.
Relevant Comments
I would personally give all the information you have on the new guy to the ex and implore him to get to family court immediately and fight for full and sole custody of the kids. You can't stop your adult child from ruining her life and putting herself in danger BUT you can assist in getting your minor grandchild away from this situation and away from her poor decision making. She may hate you for doing this but the safety of the child is more important than her clouded feelings right now and maybe the courts threatening to remove her child might be the wake up call to stop the foolishness
Is the former fiancé fighting for custody? How does your daughter plan to support her two kids? Hopefully the ex will be able to make sure the kids are safe and get CPS involved if they are not. I have a feeling that the exhaustion from single parenting a newborn will have your daughter coming to her senses soon.
How much longer is her partner in jail for?
Her ex fiancé still doesn’t know about her new relationship. When my daughter ended their relationship, he felt completely blindsided because he didn’t see it coming, no one did. If he knew she was in another relationship, especially with a criminal, it would be a living nightmare. I mean he has the right to know because she’s bringing his children to see this man.
For privacy reasons, i will not give out any names. He’s currently serving a life sentence (I’ll let you guess) but he could get out early due to parole. He has a history of domestic abuse and breaking protective orders.
In later replies, OOP reveals that daughter's new beau is in prison for stalking, violation of protective orders, and murder. Mostly that last one.
You need to explain to your daughter now before you take legal action to gain sole custody with the father. She needs it spelt out on paper how this person is literally dropping an atomic bomb on her life while literally being locked up.
This is the craziest post I have ever read. Please update us and I am sorry this is happening.
Updates 1 & 2 - 2 days later
I wanted to start off with thanking everyone that took time to give me some advice. After receiving a lot of comments with suggestions on how i should handle this situation i went ahead and told the father of my grandchildren about what’s been going on. He was my soon to be son in law and I’ve grown to love him as if he was my own. I believe he has every right to know about the wellbeing of his children so I confessed everything to him. Thankfully, I have a family therapist who is a very close friend of mine. She’s been here with us since the divorce between me and my ex husband.
I called her, we spoke about the situation and she agreed to guide me to tell the kids father. I called him over to my home and we all had a very long talk. I let him know everything and he broke down, crying hysterically. It was horrible. He felt so violated not only as a partner to her but as a father to their kids. I made it very clear that I would support him no matter the circumstances, at this point it’s not only about my daughter but my grandkids. We discussed the charges against my daughters new fiancé, and he was beyond livid. He actually suggested himself taking my daughter to court and I agreed with him that it would be the best thing to do. We came to an agreement that he wouldn’t tell my daughter what he knew that way I could get more information to help him plead his case. But yesterday, shit hit the fan.
Yesterday, I received some angry texts from my daughter and it didn’t end well. I posted the texts here :
Text are transcribed below, feel free to skip to where this post resumes.
D = Daughter; M = Mom (OOP)
D: Mom
D: Why aren't you answering me ??
D: Dude Answer your phone *eyeroll* *facepalm*
M: I'm sorry I couldn't answer the phone, I was driving and my phone wasn't connected to the Bluetooth.
M: What's wrong babe, is everything ok?
D: Wht tf do you have me so much
D: Like what the fuck is wrong with you ?? Why are you going out your way to tell my business to [redacted] for ?
M: [redacted] babe I love you but please don't speak to me like this.
M: Can you please try telling me what's going calmly.
D: The fuck do I need to be calm for all you do is stress me out. I'm 7 months pregnant and high risk and you want me stressed for what ?????
M: [redacted] honey I don't want you to be stressed and I don't want to be the reason to cause it.
D: SO why the fuck are you telling [redacted] my business?
M: What do you mean?
D: He's been blowing up my phone all night long.
D: He called me again on his break this morning and said you brought him to see Dr [redacted] and told him that I've been cheating on him throughout our relationship.
D: You told him about [redacted] and that ive been letting him around [redacted]
D: Wtf is wrong with you?
M: [redacted] honey there's nothing wrong with me. I understand why you're upset but babe this man is a very dangerous criminal.
M: He's doing life for a reason. He murdered his ex. He abused her and she went to get an order of protection against him and he violated all of it.
M: I love you and [redacted] with all my heart and I can't imagine a life without you both.
M: [redacted], I'm asking you to please be respectful. I don't deserved to be spoken to like this.
D: [in reply to M: [redacted] honey there's nothing wrong with me. I understand why you're upset but babe this man is a very dangerous criminal.] Dangerous?? You don't even fucking know him
M: Did you skip over the message right after that. He was abusing a poor girl. She didn't feel safe and went to get a protective orders against him and he violated them and ended up murdering her. [redacted] open your eyes.
M: He's guilty and serving time.
D: He's not guilty of a damn thing. You clearly don't understand how any of this shit works.
D: He wasn't found guilty he took a plea deal
D: He still got life but he can still get out on parole
D: He did this to avoid getting life without parole.
D: You don't understand anu of this shit
M: He still killed someone. Why are we not addressing this? He's a murder
D: No he's not. He's a victim that needed to defend himself.
M: Defend himself? He was a grown ass man beating on a woman.
D: So men can't be victims of abuse?
D: The bitch would start fights, hit him and play victim in the end. It was a whole cycle
M: [redacted] can we not do this over text? Please answer your phone.
D: No I don't want to we can talk thru text or don't have to talk at all *grinning smily*
M: What is your issue?
D: My issue is you.
D: You're weird as fuck going behind your daughters back
D: I'm your kid. You should have my back
M: I do have your back, but I also care for the livelihood of my grandchildren. This situation is unhealthy and unsafe for children. You as an adult can whatever you please, but when children are being put in these toxic situations, action needs to be taken.
D: oh so you agree with [redacted] that I'm an unstable, unfit mother *crying-laughing**crying-laughing**crying-laughing*
D: You're such a narcissistic bitch
D: I can see why dad divorced you before he dies.. I wouldn't want to be buried next to you either
M: I've had enough of the disrespect [redacted] I've been nothing but calm and respectful and you've disrespected me over and over.
D: We've been past respect. You told my business to my baby daddy.
D: You disrespected me so I'm returning it *laughing-crying*
M: You've changed. You have become such a nasty individual and it's upsetting that as my only daughter you treat me this way after everything I've done for you.
D: yeah I have changed
D: I had a fucking baby
D: Went through postpartum by MYSELF
D: [redacted] would see me struggling and didn't do shit. I was working to provide for my family. I ahd no emotional support. I WAS BY MYSELF
D: just me and my son. When I found out I was having baby 2 i was by myself. Yeah [redacted] had a job and took care us but he wasn't there to help me
D: I found a man who yes made some mistake in his past but he's making up for it. He finished school, is allowing god to lead him in life, and he's positive
D: He respects me and pushes me to be strong. He motivates me and he provides emotional support. I don't need a mans money because I make my own but I needed love and he provided that for me
D: I don't understand why you felt the need to go out of your way to disturb our peace but I'm happy and very much in love with him and I'm not leaving him.
M: Look at how you're acting [redacted]. You're spiraling. This man is no good.
D: Omg gtfo I'm tired of the back and forth *facepalm*
D: Like I told [redacted], good luck taking me to court *finger*
D: Until then, you won't be seeing me, [redacted], or the baby for the sake of our mental health.
D: You bring nothing but drama and negativity into our lives and we'd be much better off without you. Please don't contact me or your will be blocked
I called the children’s father to ask him what the hell was he thinking and he explained that he wasn’t. He’s been apologizing nonstop but the damage has already been done. I’m at a loss for words. I’m devastated. I’m heartbroken. I’ve ofícially lost my daughter and grandkids and I don’t know what else to do. I can’t imagine not being a part of their lives and it hurts me deeply. What did I do wrong to deserve this? Is there any way I could fix this ?
Relevant Comments
Time. Guarantee this guy has other women on the hook. Why not? He’s got nothing going for him and will never see the light of day again. Maybe it’s possible to hire a PI that can find out if there are others? At some point, she’s going to miss being touched. Dates. Hugs in the morning and at night. Just be there when she crashes because she will. That’s all that you can do. I’m so sorry.
Keep supporting the father. He will get them eventually and you can still be Grandma. Your daughter was lost before you even posted. She may come back but keep in with the Dad. Good luck OP.
He feels really guilty for my daughters reaction but I believe it was only a matter of time before she was going to crash out. At this moment in time, I’m worried for my grandson. It makes me question if my daughter can get so angry with me with something like this, how angry can she get at my grandbaby 💔
Your grandchild's dad can still get custody.
Daughter is making horrible choices.
After rereading her messages, I think it’s possible my daughter was suffering from postpartum depression and by getting pregnant again so soon her body didn’t get enough time to heal. Her hormones are all over the place and her mental is declining.
She wasn’t like this a year ago, she was a happy, respectful, caring soul but all of that’s changed. and I feel horrible. I wish I could’ve seen her behavior myself. I could’ve gotten her the help she needed right then and there 😞
Marked ongoing.
If you have comments, keep them HERE. DO NOT brigade over to the original post to comment. DO NOT harass the OOP with dms or replies.
Stay safe and remember: at least 37% of your after 5 pm beverage sales must consist of mixed/blended call drinks.
submitted by lost_library_book to BORUpdates [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 01:03 TakeitEEZY_FNG I don’t know where to go

I have literally no idea where I want to go or where to apply to. I want to go somewhere with a good Chem program but I don’t know if I’m good enough (or rich enough) to go to a t20 school. Does anyone know any good chemistry programs that give out some good scholarships too?
29 ACT 4.0 unweighted on 4.0 scale 97.98 weighted on a 100 point scale (my school has grade inflation though) House income 250k I’ve taken 5 AP’s and plan to take 4 this year I’ve been in the band for 3 years and tennis for 2. I’m in a couple clubs as well with 2 office positions but only one club I’m in actually does something which I am president of.
I feel like compared to other people I haven’t done much to stand out to get any scholarships and I’m not actually smart enough to keep up with t20 academics since tbh my school is terrible. And even if I do make it in, I won’t get a lot of financial aid because my parents make too much but they’re terrible with money so we don’t actually have that much.
submitted by TakeitEEZY_FNG to ApplyingToCollege [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 00:54 pludye healthcare v.s IT

healthcare v.s IT
i’m having trouble choosing which career path to pursue. these options have their pros and cons and i know it comes down to personal preference but i ultimately cannot decide between the two.
for background information i am 19 yrs old and this would be my first year as a college student.
for healthcare i would go into radiography for IT i would go into web development but open to other IT programs (as pictured)
i’ve applied to an accelerated radiography program (18months). the application process is very competitive and lengthy (application process: may-november. start date is in january). they are only accepting 20 students. the program is also super expensive at 45k but i’ll be applying for financial aid and grants to lower the cost. to proceed with applying you need to achieve a wonderlic score of 26+ within 3 attempts by august. i have failed the first attempt and currently studying for my 2nd. i’m not too worried about it because i went into the test without any research but of course i dont want to have high expectations. you also need to do a math assessment that is held in september which im a bit nervous for as math isn’t my strongest subject. i believe you also need to do 3 interviews with the school.
with IT i’ve applied to a community college and the start date would be in August of this year. before radiography i was really set going into data analytics but the college that i would be attending didn’t offer that program which made me ultimately to turn away and the reason i found out about radiography. however knowing they offer web development, it made me gain interest in the tech industry again.
i think my biggest concern is timing. with being 19 and starting as a first year i feel behind. i know it’s only a year difference but with radiography my start date would be in january 2025, the year i turn 20. if i miss the august start date for community college, the next start date would also be in january 2025. i would hate knowing i wasted all that time during the application process just to be rejected when i could’ve completed a semester by then. i just don’t want to delay my education timeline more than necessary.
like i mentioned, each career path has its pros and cons but i just can’t seem to outweigh one another which is the reason i’m writing this. any advice would be appreciated!!!
submitted by pludye to college [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 00:46 lucyzaap how to block payday loans from debiting my account

Payday loans, often touted as quick fixes for financial emergencies, can quickly turn into relentless drains on your bank account. If you're grappling with automatic debits from a payday lender and need to protect your finances, there are strategic steps you can take to regain control. Here’s a comprehensive guide to effectively blocking payday loans from debiting your account, ensuring your financial stability remains intact.

1. Communicate Directly with Your Bank

a. Implement a Stop Payment Order: Initiate a stop payment order with your bank. This directive prevents specific transactions from being processed, effectively halting payments to the payday lender. Remember, stop payment orders typically last for six months but can be renewed if necessary.
b. Cancel Automatic Withdrawals: Request your bank to block all future Automated Clearing House (ACH) transactions from the payday lender. Provide precise details about the lender to ensure comprehensive coverage.
c. Consider Account Closure: In more persistent cases, closing your current account and opening a new one may be the most foolproof solution. Ensure no automatic debits are transferred to the new account, safeguarding it from unwanted transactions.

2. Notify the Payday Lender

a. Revoke Authorization in Writing: Draft a formal letter to the payday lender revoking their authorization to debit your account. This step is crucial in legally protecting yourself against further unauthorized transactions. Send this letter via certified mail to ensure receipt and keep a copy for your records.

3. Leverage Consumer Protection Agencies

a. File a Complaint with the CFPB: If the payday lender persists in attempting debits, file a complaint with the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB). This federal agency is equipped to handle disputes and can initiate actions against non-compliant lenders.
b. Contact Your State Attorney General: Your state attorney general's office can provide additional protections and may pursue legal action against payday lenders who violate state laws.

4. Seek Professional Legal Assistance

a. Consult with a Consumer Rights Attorney: Engage a consumer rights attorney or seek help from a local legal aid organization if issues persist. These professionals can offer tailored advice and represent you in legal challenges, ensuring your rights are protected.

5. Utilize Third-Party Services

a. Direct Debit Cancellation Services: Consider enrolling with a reputable direct debit cancellation service. These companies specialize in preventing unauthorized debits from your account, providing an added layer of security.

6. Maintain Vigilance Over Your Account

a. Regular Account Monitoring: Frequently review your bank statements and account activity. Early detection of unauthorized transactions is key to preventing further debits and potential overdraft fees.

7. Empower Yourself with Knowledge

a. Understand Your Rights Under EFTA: Familiarize yourself with the Electronic Funds Transfer Act (EFTA), which offers protections against unauthorized transactions and outlines the procedures for resolving disputes.
submitted by lucyzaap to FinanceSimple [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 00:36 Chas-- Nikken's End 3A: The Alliance

Nikken's End 3A: The Alliance
"What distinguished the Indian system from that of the ancient Western world is the absence of slavery. The caste system made formal slavery unnecessary in ancient India." - from The Two Classes of the Four-Fold Caste System, by Sudheer Birodkar.
In Nikken's Threefold World, which is "the world of unenlightened beings who transmigrate within the Six Paths" ** [Hell, Hunger, Animality, Anger, Humanity and Heaven] ... the 3rd chapter describes the structure of Nikken's World of Animality.

Table of Contents

  1. A Question of Succession
  2. Minions of Takejizaiten
  3. The Alliance
  4. Departing the Enclave
  5. Preventing the Enclave
  6. Definition of Animality (Chikusho)
  7. Getting Some Help
  8. The Survivor Gita

1. A Question of Succession

When Nikkai Abe became 60th High Priest, it was after conspiring against Nissho 57th, who wanted to transfer to Nitchu 58th, then impeaching Nitchu 58th into an election against Nichiko Hori 59th, who was a weak High Priest and was driven out and succeeded by Nikkai. Nikkai was Nikken's father (sort of). So there is a history in Nichiren Shoshu of interfering with the succession of the High Priest.
Hence, the most likely scenario for the way the Survivor Gita will play itself out ... is an attempt at a coup during the succession of the Nichiren Shoshu priesthood.
This is because the weakest moment for those within the Brahmin (First Rank) enclave is when they perpetuate themselves once more with a new heir to the High Priest's chair. Jealousy within the enclave, at that critical point, is at it's peak, as status shifts and favors are granted and retracted. So, traitors abound, easy to find and use, with less concern for the group, and more for their own safety.
Outside the Brahmin enclave, those Kshatriya and Vaishya (Second and Third Rank) alliances, which are necessary for governance now become a danger to the status quo of the Brahmins.
This will be the only time that those power relationships can be used by those outside the enclave, to place themselves inside the ring of the elite.
The threat to the Brahmins is severe.
You never see a coup that allows the current Brahmin arrangements to persist. And all Brahminist successions are a coup on some level.

2. Minions of Takejizaiten

After a full-fledged and successful coup, those formerly inside the Brahmin enclave are invariably cast down to the bottom of the heap ... because Takejizaiten watches through the gloating eyes of his minions at the astonishing descent of the once mighty, and then he watches through the ascending and pre-emininent gloating eyes of the new ruling elite.
Only Dai-Rokuten-no-Mao, the Devil King of the Sixth Heaven, also known as Takejizaiten, really always wins the Survivor Gita, as an evil and necessary function of the life of all participants.
Dai-Rokuten-no Mao rules the Threefold World, which is the six worlds of Hell, Hunger, Animality, Anger, Humanity and Heaven from the highest realm of the Sixth Heaven of Desire. Those in the Threefold World, and even those who temporarily escape it through the three vehicles of Learning, Realization and the traditional Bodhisattva path will eventually be brought down through the sufferings of birth and death, which are his domain. He is the gatekeeper, preventing those without faith in the Lotus Sutra (the One Supreme Vehicle) from escaping those sufferings of birth and death.
Dai-Rokuten-no-Mao, who is extremely powerful, is only subordinated in the life of humanity, through Nichiren's Buddhism, as is shown on the Gohonzon.
Dai-Rokuten-no-Mao is located in the second rank on the right side of the Gohonzon, positioned beneath Namu Muhengyo Bosatsu (Bodhisattva Bound-less Practices), and between the two shoten zenjin: Dai Bontenno (Great Heavenly King Brahma) on the left and Dai Nittenno (Great Heavenly King Sun) on the right.
The side containment of Dai-Rokuten-no-Mao by the two Shoten Zenjin is the protective result of the correct practice of the Law, the determination for Kosen Rufu and not slandering the true teachings - from Namu Jogyo Bosatsu (Bodhisattva Superior Practices), who is overlooking everything from just over the left side of Muhengyo. Left of Jogyo are Taho, and on the other side of the Law itself, Shakyamuni, Jyogyo and Anryugyo keeping tabs on things, with the Four Heavenly Kings surrounding all the rest. The assembly is held aloft by Nichiren's devotion to the Wonderful Law of the Lotus Sutra.
The containment of Dai-Rokuten-no-Mao on the bottom, comes from T'ien-T'ai Chih-i, whose ichinen sanzen provides the blueprint, or layout of the Lotus Sutra: and this is the highest wisdom of the Lotus Sutra.
Namu Muhengyo Bosatsu (Bodhisattva Bound-less Practices) keeps the lid on the evil function of Dai-Rokuten-no-Mao from the top. See the map below:
More than anything in the world, Takejizaiten (the Devil king's more common name, also Tenji-ma) requires the correct practice of faith in Nichiren's Buddhism and the Gohonzon, which will ultimately lead to his permanent confinement. Only faith in the Lotus Sutra and the Gohonzon will satisfy him, and cause him to surrender control of his domain.
Takejizaiten rewards those minions who do his bidding with a foul rapture, so they will take any risk to attempt to participate in the denouement (on the winning side) of his past minion and current victim, and watch every detail of what happens to them.
Watching the denunciation or perp-walk, or the complete downfall and destruction of his past minions, is most important to his current minions. By getting as many people to gloat as possible, he gains strength and power to cause more mischief in human life.
Ultimately, only faith in the Lotus Sutra, when it is spread widely, will cause Takejizaiten to cease his activities in the world. In the appropriate circumstances, he can instigate a reign of terror, or an apocalypse.

3. The Alliance

In the era of Nikken, Nichijyun (Shinkyo) Fujimoto, the General Director of Nichiren Shoshu, and Nisshi (Kotoku) Obayashi, the Overseas Bureau chief priest and chief priest of Myoko-ji temple have been planning and moving carefully for decades.
Nichijyun has positioned himself as King of the Gakkai-haters. He is the one who crafted and delivered the notification of expulsion for the Soka Gakkai, with the careful exceptions for provisions which are revenue-enhancing like Tozan and Ceremonies, but without exception for Gojukai, retaining control of dispensing Gohonzon. This kept the money flowing, but provided a means to rip away Gakkai members into the Hokkeko. (This did not work very well, of course.)
Nichijyun and Obayashi have spared no effort and no expense to please the whims of the Brahmin families in the first rank of Nichiren Shoshu prestige. There is never a limit to any profligate spending, never a criticism of any vice or excess ... and yet every single action is carefully noted.
Every excess enjoyed or instance of bad behavior from any member of the Brahmin elite is made as public as possible, and witnesses are recorded.
This Nikken era pig has been fattened endlessly, and choked with excess ... until the appointed time of slaughter.
Any time a slight or insult could be made to a lesser priest, or their family by Nikken's relatives, no opportunity is missed, and every ill is amplified to the maximum extent. Every special favor is openly flaunted to the utmost.
The fever pitch of jealousy and hostility to Nikken's Gang of Six Families, has been slowly and carefully fostered and fed ... until the silent roar of spite and hatred is deafening.
And the devastating case against each individual which can be brought to bear is a sword of Damocles, silently hanging over the heads of the elite. Acts like the replacement of Cho'on Shiba by Shogu Kimura are now done so openly that it is clear that the six powerful Taisekiji families ARE the owners of everything AND everyone in Nichiren Shoshu.
But they are poised over a precipice. And pulling them over the side is a mountainous weight of evidence and venomous personal testimony that cannot be contradicted.
And with Nisshi Obayashi on his side Nichijyun is invulnerable to counter-attack. No breakaway group of Nichiren Shoshu Temples in Japan will be a match to the group Nichijyun Fujimoto controls, augmented by the Overseas Bureau's network of Temples. Any claim to worldwide operations rests with this Alliance, alone.
But wait ... any group of Japanese Temples might do just as well ...
... Obayashi is the real King-maker here. Even a small group of Japanese Temples with the augmentation of the Overseas Bureau will constitute the winning hand. And he can make the play at any time, even after the assurance of victory, and the settling of accounts ... if he can keep control of the Overseas Bureau.
This must be why he so carefully shifts people in and out of his operation, always having many chief secretary priests ... no one knows the whole of it, where all the bodies are buried, but Obayashi. Crafty fellow, and verrrry well prepared.
... Not that Obayashi isn't Nichijyun's man, of course.
No one is more obviously positioned to take over Nichiren Shoshu than Nichijyun. He could do so at any time, there is sooooo much evidence. All he needs is a pretext.
... And if Nichijyun mis-steps and trips up, well ... Obayashi can be flexible, and Taisekiji is surely stronger than the fortunes of any single priest or family. And if Fujimoto makes trouble ? ... there is also abundant evidence of his imperfections as well ...
But Nichijyun is the ONE ... for now.

4. Departing the Enclave

And you wondered why Prince Siddharta fled the Brahmin enclave of the Shakyas to be with the common mortals and try to find an answer to the sufferings of birth and death? The Shakyas were overthrown and destroyed during his life, and the result would not have been different if he had stayed, except for him and his legacy to the world.
Leaving the enclave to join the common mortals, who are the true Buddha is an enlightened act, the first step IS all of it: you have already won.
From "The True Aspect of All Phenomena", WND p. 384:
A common mortal is an entity of the three bodies, and a true Buddha. A Buddha is a function of the three bodies, and a provisional Buddha. In that case, though it is thought that Shakyamuni Buddha possesses the three virtues of sovereign, teacher, and parent for the sake of all of us living beings, that is not so. On the contrary, it is common mortals who endow him with the three virtues.
"A common mortal is ... a true Buddha". And Nichiren and Shakyamuni are endowed with the three virtues of sovereign, teacher, and parent by the common mortal, who is the true Buddha.
Which is why the act of a priest to take his temple to the reform movement, departing forever from the reach of the Brahmin enclave and Takejizaiten, and joining the Untouchables in the SGI is such an absolutely correct path.
It is such a relief not to be a minion of Takejizaiten.

5. Preventing the Enclave

So, what was supposed to prevent all this from happening in the Fuji School? And for SGI members, how do we prevent the same thing from happening to us?
Assuming the correct practice of the Lotus Sutra, the determination for Kosen Rufu and protection of the true teachings ... the Boundless Practices of Muhengyo is all that would be missing. So, what are those?
In all cases, for the organization to expand and propagate itself without limits, in other words to be scalable for growth ... the phenomenon of Brahminism must never be allowed to persist. It WILL spontaneously form, since Takejizaiten is present in all of us. But what suppresses and contains Takejizaiten?
For the widespread propagation by the Fuji School, Muhengyo' Boundless Practices are Nikko Shonin's 26 Admonitions. In many ways, it lays out how not to emulate other Japanese and Asian Buddhist priests. And in particular it clearly requires adherence to the practice of sexual abstinence for priests and the expectation of that behavior in priests by the laity, with demotions to the lowest rank if violated (one presumes that constant repetition of the violation would make a priest a lay member, and that marriage and family would immediately cause that permanent change of status).
The intent of Nikko Shonin is obvious: if the priests all start out as lay members, from lay families, and cannot have families of their own ... then you cannot easily form a Brahmin class, through hereditary succession and nepotism. People simply have too much empathy for their own original lay family, for their Mom and Dad. And the laity take the place of their own natural children.
The reversal of that intent by the government during the Meiji Restoration did not remove the superseding requirement for priests of the Fuji School laid down in Nikko Shonin's 26 Admonitions.
For the widespread propagation by the Soka Gakkai, Muhengyo's Boundless Practices were instituted by Josei Toda, just prior to his death, when he turned over the Kosen Rufu movement to the Youth Division.
When the Youth Division run everything ... then there is far less opportunity for even a temporary self-sustaining Brahminist group ... since leadership is attained in the thirties and ends in the thirties. The baton is passed quickly and repeatedly.
Wherever the SGI and Soka Gakkai follow Mr. Toda's intent, things work very well. Ultimately, it is clear that the Youth Division need to be running everything that is important, at all levels of the organization. They need help and support from the past Youth (like the four bodhisattvas and two Buddhas keeping a permanent eye on Takejizaiten), but the Youth Division need to be making the decisions, and they need to be the ones taking responsibility for the results.
After all, you can be President of the United States at age 35 !!!
Being honest about it, young people tend to go off and do things, rather than endlessly talk about it. Sometimes redoing is necessary ... but young people can do things 4 or 5 times from the beginning, in the time it takes mature people (like myself) just to get started !!!
Young people tend to be more likely to be accepting of the new methods, like communications and the web, which aids the growth of the organization and success for campaigns. [See "creative mimesis" in Toynbee.]
In either the case of Fuji School, or Soka Gakkai (SGI) ... it is the willingness to hand over power to the children of the laity as a follower of Nikko, or hand over power to the children ... that really satisfies the faith requirements of Takejizaiten, the guardian bulldog at the gate. It is the action made - based on the faith that the common mortal is in fact the true Buddha.
But that's only an issue now in the SGI, which is a healthy organization.
Nichiren Shoshu at Taisekiji is quite a different place, and is constantly poised for a monstrous struggle for control, from the rampant misdeeds of the Brahmin elite.

6. Definition of World of Animals (Chikusho)

From the SGI Dictionary:
world of animals [畜生界] (Jpn chikushō-kai): Also, realm of animals or world of animality. The third of the Ten Worlds and one of the three, and the four, evil paths. When viewed as a state of life, the world of animals is a condition governed by instinct, in which one has no sense of reason or morality. Beings or persons in this world stand in fear of the strong but despise and prey upon those weaker than themselves. In The Object of Devotion for Observing the Mind, Nichiren defines the characteristic of this world as "foolishness," which is one of the three poisons.

7. Getting Some Help

If you are a Nichiren Shoshu Priest, or a Hokkeko member from anywhere in the world, and are thinking about switching to the SGI call (310) 260-8900 or contact the Headquarters at SGI Plaza.
Tell them that you are a Nichiren Shoshu Priest or Hokkeko member, and wish to speak to someone about the SGI, and what to do.

8. The Survivor Gita

Nikken, the self-appointed Usurper King of the Rats at Taisekiji, has been replaced by Nichinyo, who is an angry member of the elite, due to too many blows to the head in fights. A little punchy, he rules from weakness, since Nikken publicly had plans for his son to take over.
One thing that is known for certain: There will be a new Rat King. And then there will be another.
Another thing that is known for certain: All the alliances will change, and more than once. Anyone that has watched Survivor knows this.
Rule Number Zero:
The War of the Rodents can only be won by ... King Rat.
More to come ... These questions will be answered !!!
submitted by Chas-- to SGIWhistleblowersMITA [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 00:30 lazingsesh Update on “How do I get out?”

Ok first of all thank you to everyone who replied on my last post and gave genuine advice. Also sorry I know this isn’t a typical premed post I don’t really know where else I would get this kind of help lol.
So I talked to my dad about it and to sum it up he said it’s a financial thing. Apparently going to the Caribbean (Saint James school of medicine) will cost him less than if I were to get a bachelors and then attend med school in the US. He also doesn’t want to gamble on my getting into med school or not because of my poor SAT score (1250) which I got little to no prep for and he thinks my MCAT scores will be the same even though I told him it’s different and people take a lot of time to prepare.
Before talking to him I was thinking of going to my local community college for two years and transferring to a 4 year uni to complete the other two years -> med school
Now I don’t know. I have younger siblings who are in middle school right now but it makes sense that my dad would want to start saving up for their colleges as well. I can’t imagine myself doing anything other than medicine but I’m debating pursuing business instead - even that might require another 4 years after bachelors not sure.
So I guess it would be between business or med school in the Caribbean? I honestly don’t like the idea of the latter at all but I really don’t know now. My dad thinks I can’t get any kind of financial aid for some reason? Will have to look into that but if he is right and I can’t afford to do a bachelors + med school here, would it be better to switch my major to something like business or go through with the Caribbean?
submitted by lazingsesh to CaribbeanMedSchool [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 00:29 lazingsesh Update on “How do I get out?”

Ok first of all thank you to everyone who replied on my last post and gave genuine advice. Also sorry I know this isn’t a typical premed post I don’t really know where else I would get this kind of help lol.
So I talked to my dad about it and to sum it up he said it’s a financial thing. Apparently going to the Caribbean (Saint James school of medicine) will cost him less than if I were to get a bachelors and then attend med school in the US. He also doesn’t want to gamble on my getting into med school or not because of my poor SAT score (1250) which I got little to no prep for and he thinks my MCAT scores will be the same even though I told him it’s different and people take a lot of time to prepare.
Before talking to him I was thinking of going to my local community college for two years and transferring to a 4 year uni to complete the other two years -> med school
Now I don’t know. I have younger siblings who are in middle school right now but it makes sense that my dad would want to start saving up for their colleges as well. I can’t imagine myself doing anything other than medicine but I’m debating pursuing business instead - even that might require another 4 years after bachelors not sure.
So I guess it would be between business or med school in the Caribbean? I honestly don’t like the idea of the latter at all but I really don’t know now. My dad thinks I can’t get any kind of financial aid for some reason? Will have to look into that but if he is right and I can’t afford to do a bachelors + med school here, would it be better to switch my major to something like business or go through with the Caribbean?
submitted by lazingsesh to premed [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 23:42 spoonios Not sure what to do

I’m more of a lurker on here, but I’ve been needing advice ever since I received my financial aid packages from the school’s I applied to. For context, by the end of my first year at CC, I had the majority of my credits finished so I decided to apply to schools to transfer to. The only school I got rejected from was the one that would be able to pay for my tuition in full. I’ll no longer have FAFSA to cover any costs, so I’m thinking of going to the school with the cheapest tuition which is around 15k per semester. They’ve only given me around 4k in scholarships and 3k in work study but I still have a huge chuck left to pay off including housing so I feel like I’m kinda stuck😭😭 I have around 1 class left to finish my associates at CC which I really wasn’t gonna pursue, but I don’t want my parents to need to pay for tuition, and I’m not sure what to do if I can’t pay for it by myself😞
submitted by spoonios to TransferStudents [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 23:24 Fearless-Bird9061 Can I accept admissions at two colleges to check the total rates/w financial aid?

So I got admission for two colleges, College A (which I even got the financial aid package), and college B (Which I just got in, haven't even accepted admission for it)
The reason for the change came due to the fact that College A is 30ish miles away and College B is like 10 minutes.
Can I accept the admissions offer letter for College B and see the financial aid package at that school to determine whether I will be able to pay for it, or at this point because I accepted admission and accepted financial aid at College A I am not able to make any changes? (I can still deny the financial aid at College A because semester starts mid August)
Thank you, and help would be appreciated.
submitted by Fearless-Bird9061 to college [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 23:24 TheLotStore 5 Tips for Finding Affordable Homes with Land

5 Tips for Finding Affordable Homes with Land
5 Tips for Finding Affordable Homes with Land
5 Pointers for Discovering Inexpensive Dwellings with PropertyIf you've been yearning to acquire a residence with land at a reasonable cost, then this article is for you. As the real estate market continues to sway and housing prices surge, locating a dwelling with land that is within your budget can pose a challenge. Nevertheless, with the correct strategy, you can unearth a property that suits your requirements and your wallet. In this article, we'll explore 5 pointers for discovering inexpensive dwellings with property.1. Analyze the MarketThe primary step in locating an affordable dwelling with land is to analyze the real estate market in the locale where you wish to make a purchase. Examine recent sales data, current listings, and trends in the housing market. Grasping the market will aid you in establishing the average price for dwellings with land in the area and provide you with a competitive edge when negotiating with sellers.Furthermore, it's advisable to study the different financing alternatives available, including federal and state housing programs that extend support to first-time homebuyers or buyers seeking rural or agricultural properties. These programs may offer low-interest loans or other financial motivators that can help you secure a dwelling with land at a reasonable price.2. Assess LocationWhen scouring for an affordable dwelling with land, assess the location meticulously. Properties in rural or less developed regions often accompany larger plots of land and reduced price tags. Look for zones that are emerging or have potential for growth, as these locations may present inexpensive dwellings with land that will appreciate over time.Nevertheless, it's pivotal to contemplate the proximity to amenities such as schools, shopping, and medical facilities. While residing in a secluded area may be enticing, you'll want to ensure that you have access to the necessities without having to travel long distances.3. Explore Unconventional OptionsWhen seeking a dwelling with land, explore unconventional options and ponder atypical selections. For instance, seek out properties that may necessitate some maintenance or renovations, as these properties are frequently priced lower than ready-to-move-in homes. A fixer-upper can present a splendid chance to procure a larger plot of land at a reduced price and tailor the property to your preferences.Furthermore, contemplate alternative housing options such as mobile homes or modular homes. These properties frequently come with land included and can be an affordable choice for buyers on a budget. Keep an open mind and explore diverse options to discover a dwelling with land that aligns with your requirements and budget.4. Collaborate with a Real Estate ConsultantCollaborating with a real estate consultant who specializes in rural or agricultural properties can be invaluable when scouting for an affordable dwelling with land. A knowledgeable consultant can assist you in maneuvering the complexities of procuring a property with land, negotiate on your behalf, and steer you through the process from beginning to end.A realtor can also aid you in accessing off-market listings or properties that have not yet been publicly listed. This can furnish you with an advantage over other buyers and conceivably guide you to a concealed treasure that matches your budget and criteria.5. Be Prepared to BargainWhen it comes to acquiring an affordable dwelling with land, be prepared to bargain. Sellers may be open to lower offers, especially if the property has been on the market for an extended duration or is in need of repairs. Approach negotiations with a clear understanding of the market value of the property and be prepared to present a compelling case for your offer.Furthermore, consider including contingencies in your offer, such as a home inspection or financing contingency, to safeguard yourself and provide you with a way out if the property fails to meet your expectations. This can also furnish you with leverage when negotiating the price.In conclusion, discovering an affordable dwelling with land is attainable with the correct strategy and a bit of ingenuity. By analyzing the market, assessing the location, exploring unconventional options, collaborating with a realtor, and being prepared to bargain, you can heighten your prospects of locating a property that aligns with your budget and your vision. With these 5 pointers in mind, you'll be well on your way to discovering your dream home with land at a cost you can afford.
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2024.06.09 22:57 yaz_yaz_yaz My Aunt still treats me like a child

Okay, for context I'm 18, so obviously I'm not fully grown, but I'm in college with a part time job, and a license, so I'm also not an unreliable helpless kid anymore. My Aunt and Uncle have acted as parents since I was 4 years old, because my biological parents were deadbeats who had me as young teenagers. I mention this because this is probably why my Aunt treats me the way that she does.
For as long as I can remember, my Aunt has been incredibly strict, and hard on me. She's set high expectations, at least higher than my peers, and expects no protesting to her decisions. Her word is law, and final. Because of this, I've always had to earn my privileges, and would easily get them taken away (believe me, they were always taken away), and this doesn't change as I've inched closer to my adulthood. My first job(15), my paychecks did not go to my own checking account, but HER account, so I actually lost a couple hundred dollars because she never gave me those checks. Every phone I've had, it's been monitored, she checks my photos, my messages, what apps I have. At one point she put parent restrictions on my phone, so I have to ask to download apps and whatnot. (This is still on my phone, but I don't fight her on it because she pays for my phone.) My second job(17), I had to fight with her to let me have my own debit card and checking account. She agreed on one condition, she was allowed to check on my account weekly and oversee all of my transactions. To this day, not a single week goes by where she doesn't judge me and lecture me for what I spend my money on.
Which brings me to my final note. I recently started online college classes, so I had to purchase a new PC. The PC I purchased entirely on my own. Monitor, pc, keyboard, mouse, I spent close to 1,000 dollars on it. I love it, it's my first time owning something so significant and expensive that I paid for with my hard earned money. Though, as soon as I get it, she says to me. "Let's make an agreement, only use the PC for school, don't play games on it or use to message your friends." At the time, I agreed, because I was genuinely under the impression that she was just saying that as advice.
Then as I'm setting my PC up, she demands that I only use my PC for school, and nothing else.And she demanded I verbally I did. Because protesting on it with only meet more aggression, knowing my Aunt, agreeance was the only way she'd leave me alone. Well, surprise surprise, I downloaded a game. Just one game, I thought "it couldn't hurt, it's a steam game, my friend bought me an account, might as well use it, right?" I didn't tell her, I knew she wouldn't agree to it, so last night I downloaded a game. I know I'm capable of focusing on my classes when I need do, and can push aside games for free time, like night time and weekends, but she's not convinced of that. She screamed at me for an hour, asking me "How dare you go behind my back and download games when we had an agreement." While the entire time in my head I'm thinking "It's my PC, though, I'm an adult, why do you have a say over what goes on my PC?" I'd understand if SHE bought it, I'd understand if I was 17! But I'm 18, I bought this PC without her financial help..why can't I do what I like on it and enjoy it? Maybe I'm just immature, I tried explaining my point of view, how I genuinely thought ONE game wouldn't hurt, that it wouldn't distract me from my classes, that I'd promise I'd do well. I know she's just trying to look out for me, give me the guidance my parents were never given, I know she wants me to be responsible and focus on my classes. Is having a game or few irresponsible on my PC in this context?
submitted by yaz_yaz_yaz to FamilyIssues [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 22:52 Burgerboy127 Is tuition for elite private universities truly worth it?

I’m trying to decide over the summer whether I want to apply ED somewhere, and it would likely be a T20 private school with a very high tuition. My main concern is that Early Decision locks you in to a financial package, so even if you get accepted, it might not be worth it to go depending on financial aid. In my case, I’ll probably receive minimal financial aid and would likely pay close to sticker price. I know the opportunities at top colleges are amazing, but is it truly worth it to pay $60-70k per year at a private college when I could instead go to my local state school for much cheaper?
submitted by Burgerboy127 to ApplyingToCollege [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 22:41 bungeegum2000 Osap money

I graduated last year and i’m planning to go to college in September. I was never really explained the whole osap process and to my knowledge I thought they’d pay for most of everything. My mom is a single parent of 6 kids and doesn’t work so to my knowledge her money is government money. I was relying on osap and a little bit of education savings (i can’t use all because it has to be shared with siblings) but I was recently told by a friend that they’re not gonna 100% cover my residence and tution. My school is in another city so I was assuming they’d help me out since I can’t commute. Would the best thing to do is email financial aid? I just want to know if i’m going to have to pay a lot out of pocket because if so, I can’t stay on residence therefore i can’t go to that school.
submitted by bungeegum2000 to osap [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 22:34 iamkingsleyf 15 NBA's Richest Players

You're probably aware that athletes, particularly NBA players, make a lot of money, but do you know who the world's NBA's Richest players are?
If your answer is no, you've arrived at the right place. We see these folks on holidays and on social media showcasing their newest cars or mansions.
As a result, it's natural for us to wonder how much money they make and how wealthy they are. NBA players have long had one of the most lucrative contracts in the sports entertainment industry.
Furthermore, unlike the NLF, MLB, or NHL, an NBA player's minimum pay is nearly twice that of any other league globally.
Nonetheless, based on what we've seen over the years, most of the richest NBA players do not rely solely on a pay as their primary source of revenue.
Many of the wealthiest players are financial wizards, and others are surrounded by a team of highly skilled financial consultants.
These groups of financial consultants frequently counsel them on which investments to make and which deals to avoid.
According to what we've observed over the years, Brand deals and sponsorships are essential for a professional player's financial success.
From Michael Jordan to LeBron James to Kevin Durant, these stars make a lot of money off the court. Let's look at the top ten NBA Richest players of all time.

1. Michael Jordan

Net Worth: $2.2 Billion
Michael Jordan is a former basketball player, team owner, product endorser, and entrepreneur from the United States. Furthermore, Michael made $93.7 million in compensation during his NBA career.
He was the first athlete in history to receive a salary of more than $30 million a year. He, however, earned $30.14 million in basic salary during the 1996-1997 season to reach this feat.
After adjusting for inflation, he made $33.14 million the following season, equivalent to $53.4 million today.
Michael earns $100 million every year from endorsements and other commercial enterprises, although he hasn't played basketball professionally in nearly two decades.
Please remember that this is more money in a single year than he made in 16 NBA seasons. Michael makes at least $60 million a year in royalties from the Nike/Jordan brand.
Michael's ownership stake in the Charlotte Hornets NBA franchise helped him become a millionaire. This investment will be discussed in greater depth later in this essay.
Furthermore, Jordan won six NBA championships with the Chicago Bulls. He has won the league MVP award five times. On September 112009, he was inducted into the Hall of Fame as the player with the best career scoring average of all time.

2. Junior Bridgeman

Net Worth: $600 Million
Junior Bridgeman is one of the NBA's richest players of all time. He has a net worth of $600 million as a retired professional basketball player and highly successful fast-food entrepreneur in the United States.
In addition, Junior Bridgeman had a 12-year NBA career with the Milwaukee Bucks and Los Angeles Clippers and was a somewhat successful player.
Besides, his biggest salary in a single season was $350,000. He put all of the money he earned into fast-food franchises, particularly Wendy's restaurants.
After retiring from professional athletics, he is now one of the wealthiest athletes in history and a role model for success.
East Chicago native Junior Bridgeman is a retired NBA player. Apart from the expanding number of Chili's restaurants with 118 locations and counting, he owns over 160 outlets. Bridgeman was inducted into the Wisconsin Athletic Hall of Fame in 1999.

3. Magic Johnson

Net Worth: $600 Million
Earvin "Magic" Johnson Jr. has a net worth of $600 million and is a retired American basketball player and entrepreneur.
After winning high school and college basketball championships, he was chosen first overall in the 1979 NBA Draft by the Los Angeles Lakers.
Additionally, for 13 seasons, he was the Lakers' point guard. He won the NBA Championship and the NBA Finals Most Valuable Player Award in his debut season. Johnson was the Lakers' previous president of basketball operations.
He founded the Magic Johnson Foundation to help fight HIV after revealing his diagnosis in November 1991.
Johnson has worked as an entrepreneur, philanthropist, broadcaster, and care for HIV/AIDS prevention and safe sex.
However, his public declaration of his HIV-positive status in 1991 stunned the public. It helped to shatter the misconception that HIV was a "gay sickness" that heterosexuals didn't have to worry about at the time.

4. LeBron James

Net Worth: $500 Million
Next on our list of NBA's richest players is LeBron James. LeBron James is a professional basketball player and entrepreneur in the United States.
After igniting the high school basketball world, LeBron skipped college and was selected first overall in the 2003 NBA draft by the Cleveland Cavaliers' local team.
Additionally, from 2003 through 2010, LeBron James was a member of the Cleveland Cavaliers. From 2010 through 2014, he "took his talents" to Miami, where he played for the Heat.
In 2012 and 2013, he guided the Heat to two NBA championships. From 2014 to 2018, he was a member of the Cavaliers, winning a championship in 2016.
Additionally, he joined the Los Angeles Lakers in 2018. In 2020, he won a title with LA. In terms of compensation alone, LeBron James is the sixth highest-paid player in the NBA as of this writing.
His base compensation is $41.1 million per year. LeBron James is one of the world's highest-paid and most influential celebrities outside of sports.
Additionally, he has a $1 billion lifetime contract with Nike and makes more than $50 million each year in endorsements. However, his investments in many have turned his celebrity and riches into a veritable economic empire. \
He owns a stake in Liverpool F.C. LeBron James will be a billionaire in 2035 if he continues to earn and invest at his present rate.

5. Shaquille O'Neal

Net Worth: $400 Million
Shaquille O'Neal is a retired NBA player, entrepreneur, television host, and commercial endorser from the United States.
Shaq earned $292 million in salary alone throughout his NBA career. He made well over $200 million from endorsements during the same time.
Furthermore, Shaq still earns roughly $60 million per year from endorsements and numerous commercial ventures despite retiring for several years.
Like most the people on this list, Shaq O'Neal has shown to be a marketing and financial genius. O'Neal, a serial investor, and entrepreneur, owns several businesses and is a joint-owner in others.
Furthermore, Shaquille O'Neal owns more than 150 car washes in the United States, as well as more than 40 Auntie Anne's Pretzels restaurants and another 40 Fitness franchises across the country.
Shaquille O'Neal, one of the best centers of all time, was one of the most dominant players in the NBA during his prime. Shaquille O'Neal played for six different NBA clubs during his stellar 19-year NBA career, including Los Angeles Lakers and Miami Heat.

6. Vinnie Johnson

Net Worth: $400 Million
Winnie Johnson is also one of the NBA's richest players of all time. As a former professional basketball player and entrepreneur, Vinnie Johnson has a $400 million net worth.
Meanwhile, Vinnie was a member of the Seattle SuperSonics, Detroit Pistons, and San Antonio Spurs throughout his NBA career. He won the NBA title with the Pistons in 1989 and 1990.
Additionally, Johnson gained the nickname "the Microwave" during his playing career for "heating the team's offensive" in a short amount of time.
After retiring, Vinnie started the Piston Group, an automobile company. In addition, he built the company into something of a behemoth with annual revenues in the billions.
Furthermore, Johnson is the chairman of the board of directors for the joint ventures JL Automotive and PASA Modules, among his other business interests.
He's also a member of the Detroit Chamber of Commerce and the Michigan Minority Business Development Council.
Vinnie is now the Chairman and CEO of the company. The company employs over 200 employees and earns over $2 billion in revenue each year.
The company increased from $500 million in revenue in 2012 to be on track to surpass $3 billion shortly under Vinnie's leadership. The firm is one of the largest minority-owned firms in the world.

7. Hakeem Olajuwon

Net Worth: $300 Million
Hakeem Olajuwon has a $300 million net worth as a retired Nigerian-American professional basketball player.
He was a member of the Houston Rockets and Toronto Raptors in the NBA, where he led the former to back-to-back NBA titles in the mid-90s.
In addition, he was a member of the 1996 Olympic gold-medal-winning US team. Olajuwon is the first non-American to be an All-Star and an NBA MVP. He is widely regarded as one of the best basketball players of all time.
Furthermore, Hakeem started on a tremendously successful entrepreneurial career following his retirement. He has bought and sold fundamental properties for more than $150 million in the last two decades.

8. Grant Hill

Net Worth: $250 Million
Grant Hill is also one of the NBA's richest Players. He has a net worth of $250 million as a retired basketball player from the United States.
Additionally, he is one of the highest-paid basketball players, having played 18 seasons in the NBA.
He has made around $120 million in endorsements and $140 million in salary during his long NBA career.
However, he was a member of the Detroit Pistons (1994-2000), Orlando Magic (2000-2007), Phoenix Suns (2007-2012), and Los Angeles Clippers (2007-2012). (2012-2013).
Hill has participated in several humanitarian endeavors. After graduating from Yale University to support local families, he gave money to his father's daycare business in New Haven, Connecticut, after graduating from Yale University to help local families.
Additionally, in 1999, he also served as Vice-Chairman of the Special Olympic World Summer Games Board of Directors in North Carolina.
Hill has been a prominent champion for MRSA awareness and prevention since 2003, when he contracted a life-threatening methicillin-resistant illness caused by Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA).
However, he has even appeared in public service advertisements for the non-profit organization Stop MRSA Now.

9. David Robinson

Net Worth: $200 Million
David Robinson, a retired professional basketball player from the United States, has $200 million. He spent his whole NBA career with the San Antonio Spurs, from 1989 to 2003.
In addition, he was a 10-time NBA All-Star, a two-time NBA champion, and the NBA MVP in his 1995 career.
Robinson was also a member of the gold-medal-winning US national basketball teams in 1992 and 1996. Robinson's stint in the US Navy earned him the moniker "The Admiral."
Robinson built the private, non-profit Carver Academy in San Antonio to give possibilities for inner-city youngsters. In 2012, the school became a public charter school.
Furthermore, Robinson also co-founded Admiral Capital Group with Daniel Bassichis in 2008. The Carver Academy was founded by a private equity business to provide further financial support.
However, it has a $100 million portfolio that comprises upmarket hotels and office buildings across the country. Robinson also has a Jaguar Land Rover dealership in San Juan, Texas, which he co-owns.

10. Kevin Durant

Net Worth: $200 Million
Next on our list of the NBA's richest players is Kevin Durant. He is a professional basketball player in the United States.
Kevin is a high-paid player both on and off the court. He is one of the five highest-paid players in the NBA, with a $42 million salary.
He can earn tens of millions of dollars more each year because of his several lucrative endorsement deals.
Additionally, he earns $65 million from his numerous efforts between June 2019 and June 2020.
After three seasons with the Golden State Warriors, Kevin signed a four-year $164 million contract with the Brooklyn Nets in 2019.
He is a tech investor who has made more than 40 early-stage investments. Additionally, Durant's personal life is mainly private, with little information publicly available.
He is believed to have dated Cassandra Anderson, a Bay Area real estate salesman, and was formerly engaged to Monica Wright, a former WNBA star, until 2014.

11. Luol Deng

Net Worth: $200 Million
Luol Deng, a professional basketball player from the United Kingdom, has a net worth of $200 million. He was born in Wau, Sudan, on April 161985. (now South Sudan).
He was just eight years old when he and his family fled Sudan to escape the country's civil conflict, eventually settling in Egypt and later London.
However, he had previously represented England as a member of the Brixton Basketball Club at the age of thirteen.
Additionally, he traveled to the United States at 14 to enhance his basketball skills at Blair Academy in New Jersey.
Luol Deng was regarded as the second most promising high school senior in America after LeBron James due to his obvious talent.

12. Dwyane Wade

Net Worth: $170 Million
Next on our list of the NBA's richest players is Dwyane Wade. Dwyane Wade is an NBA basketball player in the United States with a net worth of $170 million.
In addition, Dwyane Wade made $198 million in salary during his NBA career. Endorsements, especially shoe contracts, brought in tens of millions of dollars for him.
Dwyane WAs we just revealed, ade made $198 million in salary alone during his NBA career, as we e $2.6 million in his debut season. His income increased to $13 million per year after signing a significant contract extension before the 2007-2008 season.
In addition, the Chicago Bulls paid him $23.2 million during his peak season of 20016-2017. Converse was Dwyane Wade's first shoe sponsor.
The $400,000-per-year contract was for a period of six years. When compared to Carmelo Anthony's $21 million six-year deal signed around the same time, that was a pittance.
However, it was a drop in the bucket compared to LeBron's $90 million seven-year deal, which turned out to be $12.8 million per year. In just 11 days, LeBron earned Dwyane Wade's total annual shoe compensation.
The Converse Wade 1 was a tremendous global success by 2006, with over a million pairs sold.
Wade changed from Converse to Nike's Jordan brand in 2009. In his early years with Nike, Dwyane earned $5 million per year, eventually climbing to $10 million after milestone bonuses.

13. Russell Westbrook

Net Worth:$170 Million
Russell Westbrook is an NBA basketball player in the United States with a net worth of $170 million. In terms of both income and endorsements, he is one of the highest-paid athletes in the world.
Furthermore, Russell earned $250 million in compensation in his first decade in the NBA after joining the league in 2008. His base pay is $44 million as of this writing. Every year, he earns millions more through endorsements.
Westbrook signed the richest contract in Jordan Brand history (a 10-year agreement valued between $150 and $200 million) and NBA history (a 5-year, $205 million extensions) in September 2017.
Additionally, the Rockets absorbed Russell's contract when he was transferred from Oklahoma City to Houston in 2019. His annual salary will be $41 million.
In 2020, he was traded to the Washington Wizards. Then in 2021, he was traded to the Los Angeles Lakers.
Until December 2020, when Giannis Antetokounmpo signed a five-year, $228.2 million contract, he held the record for the highest NBA contract. Between June 2018 and June 2019, Westbrook made $53 million in salary and sponsorships.

14. James Harden

Net Worth: $165 Million
James Harden is a professional basketball player from the United States with a net worth of $165 million.
After transferring from the Oklahoma City Thunder to the Houston Rockets, Harden built a name for himself. In January 2021, he was dealt with the Brooklyn Nets.
Additionally, James is an eight-time NBA All-Star and has led the league in scoring three times. He has also won the MVP award. Today, James is regarded as one of the top players in the NBA and the best shooting guard.
Furthermore, Harden played collegiate basketball for the Arizona Sun Devils before entering the NBA. In 2012, James and the United States national basketball team earned an Olympic gold medal in the Summer Olympics.
In addition, James is one of the NBA's highest-paid players. His base income alone is around $44 million per year. Every year, he earns millions more through endorsements.

15. Carmelo Anthony

Net Worth: $160 Million
Last on our list of the NBA's richest players is Carmelo Anthony. Carmelo Anthony is a professional basketball player born in Brooklyn and had 160 million dollars.
He is likely most known for his time as a member of the New York Knicks. Anthony has been an NBA All-Star 10 times and a member of the All-NBA Team six times.
However, with the US National Basketball team, the 27-year-old American basketball pro has won gold in three Olympics in a row.
Carmelo Anthony, who currently plays for the Portland Trail Blazers, is without a doubt one of the best power forwards in the NBA.
In addition, Anthony has spent 16 years in the NBA and has been named to the All-Star team ten times.
In conclusion, That concludes the list of the top 15 NBA Richest players in history. Basketball is currently one of the most lucrative sports in the world.
Furthermore, the massive contracts these players sign with their numerous teams, as well as their enormously profitable endorsement portfolios, demonstrate this.
submitted by iamkingsleyf to u/iamkingsleyf [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 22:22 Working-Spirit-3721 Monkey D luffy DD U DONT WANT TO MISS

Good afternoon anybody, somebody, nobody, & everybody
all evidence DM ME
My name is Jain Kunwar
I am a retail trader for 3.5 years.
I am not an ape, I am not an institutional investor, I am not a hedge fund.
Nor do I have any clients.
I do not provide personalised investment advice for fees or commissions or tax purposes.
I'm just an individual investor who did my own research like Detective Columbo/Pikachu.
I come from a broken family, I have been to prison, I have been homeless even at 15 for many years.
I am not a good person, but I am seeking salvation from God.
I been doing Heroin since the age of 13, sober 8 years since the day I pleaded out to God in Merton station London at 1 am asking God to save me.
Which I believe in myself he did because shortly…….
Soon after, I went prison by confessing all my crimes and the judge let me run it concurrently for being honest that I need help and I had no foundation and healed a bit moving forwards in life.
I was born on May 10th, 1994, in Nepal Butwal. Home of the Gurkhas
I came to England 2002 November & have lived here since.
I class my self as Asian British A9
I have been repenting for my sins happily, paying off my debts and learning to be a good human being for I was a sinner till I met Jesus in Church of England.
My one and only father Jesus.
I have been following and invested in Game stop for a long time.
I started educating myself about the stock market since then.
I have been buying shares of GameStop Since 2021 But since 2021 June been incurring losses through market manipulation techniques I.E.
I had been denied withdrawals/ buying or selling options, leveraging options from Capital.NLY

Which incurred me 6 Grand losses on June 2021 and God knows how much/many other investors BIG or small in all exchanges that this effected.
I also have evidence of numerous times the trading app has halted its trade for more then 30 minutes to an hour in a single day! But for these I have videos more then images
I am happy to hand it over if you tell me where to send it.
They kept ignoring me until a month ago in May the 10th 2024 will touch base here later(miracle)
I have what’s app records of me trying to make complaints throughout the years with no redemption or straight answers.
I once spoke to an employee male & female one said, “We are experiencing some technical difficulties” this was about 1-2 years ago.
The Craziest thing was the ticker was moving in other exchanges just not in the one I was trading from.
Once it didn’t even open for 1.5 hours when it was open everywhere else
It finally opened at 10:49 how I know? I experienced this.
Under the FCA regulations all registered Trading Companies have a duty to protect investors from glitches and “technical difficulties”
Which They failed to do so for me I speak for myself and only what I have experienced.
The company even has glitched my leveraging system of 5-1 which was the setting since joining the company.
where, even if you pick 5-1 you only receive 2-1.
I have evidence of this as well & it’s not the first time either.
I know this has been done 100x of times if you take a Deeper Dive in the company’s own trading platform.
You won’t be able to find in other exchanges as other exchanges are working well so you cannot see the reason as its all “inter- linked”.
“Inter-linked “exchanges one falls apart whilst others are moving causing direct market manipulation.
Quoting blade runner “inter-linked”

Since then, I have been sent death threats anonymously.
Which also I can prove It was sent by him by connecting some dots with you
I met the owner in Wembley stadium in Corporate Box I was invited by Mr Stephen O
He contacted me and invited me to his corporate box on 8/6/24 I went there to find clarity as hackers have been going through my phones and social media with death threats.
Currently he is getting his hackers to find out where my siblings are and such as those are the type of questions I am getting in my social media platforms.
I call it phsing, smishing and vhising all 3 were used on my network.
Using carefully relaying questions in segment to build a definitive answer by narrowing down the wrong answers.
Like how it asks me what horoscope I am, Questions like use your initials to create a Japanese name.
Narrowing down an answer what every analytical mind would do.
I have been going through this since May 10th after he contacted me.
I have said my name is J to every one of these questions should be in my social media history.
Notice how it says JJ DEAD MAN COVER
Notice how I met the Owner at 8/6/24 1 pm corporate box …there are plenty cameras there.
I like to be clear here I do not know this person or have his number for him to be coming to my social media as people “whom I know”.
I believe it was the vhising technique of his goons on hire you can see my history for the past month in call history I been getting scam calls left right and centre.
I will also give a copy of screen recording on request.
Then I went home and put a video of his trading app chart not moving like other exchanges for example having a 1-minute ticker symbol does not move for 30 minutes in graph line on my social media suddenly,
I see a people “whom you might know” soon after I posted the video.
I only went to the corporate box because he told me he has over 300 people retail traders coming which I was the only retail there apart from 5 millionaires 4 of which I believe they own the company only speculation whom others are currently.
But I felt an eerily vibe So I did not eat their food or take their hospitality which was probably funded by investors like me getting robbed blind because he thought no one would notice.
I also met a man there I spoke to him he told me His trading account was transferred to their platform.
The clue is there which accounts have been moved without consent or choice?
He will plan to bring all in one to have more control and doing this also erases all traces of manipulation in the trading platform it moved from a very sly way to delete history.
Should not affect me though I joined ticker symbol. NLY as my first and only trading app.
I have lost all history of my trade’s funds and even portfolios deleted without notice of consent why is he observing my account and why is he deleting everything without my consent? He knows he did me wrong that’s why because he uses to manipulate the market into his interest.
I can identify all 4 of them even though I only spoke to Mr S.O over the phone and only know their name.
I ended up being the only retail trader there, A poor man in a Billionaires Club
So out of place
I just can’t figure out why, Can you?
The ticker symbol has to be moving according to the time even if the price does not fluctuate the time has to keep moving like kinetic energy.
It has to be moving unless halted which can be only 35 minutes per day but I have counted over 1 hour gone in some days

I have been through mental trauma with hackers trying to hypnotize me with flashing lights and other spiral colour techniques mind you.
I am an epileptic which I grew out of when I was 15 which is highly reactive to epileptic people.
Miracle indeed, as many don't, certainly not after adult hood.

Also, they have tried to ask me questions to figure out whom I am on my social media,
I got closer to their crimes and my truth and they wanted to know what I know or make me join them as per the invitation I believe bribing me to survive another few years maybe?
Hope you Enjoyed the Corporate box Kenny it was from the money you stole from me!
Steal from the poor how dare you?
pushing pornographic and other Hypno/flashing light techniques to my social media platforms
also using racial harassment by calling me Paki Psycho
At least get the country right! Originally from Nepal BITCH Gurkhas Salute!
We both know whom we are now S.O
Which over the past 3 years have also caused me to lose everything…..
money, love, joy, sanity & dreams.
I have been Robbed constantly from these techniques they use also the withdrawal rejection from 10000 to even 100 this was very recently too. Have some images to reference this too.
I log almost everything I do.
That’s just how I found healing/clarity by writing it down.
I spoke to a person named Emma who told me to withdraw,
I have to show all my cards even the bank card “HSBC” which was bankrupt and stopped without consent.
Jokes on them I still had it Q.Q ahahaaha even after I showed them it didn’t work.
Until 3 days later after I lost 65% of my investment.
I like to point out, I mentioned to HSBC many times I am currently struggling and am willing to pay in an instalment plan.
What I can because I did not want my account to close ever as it would effect my credit score most indefinitely.
Also, the weirdest request was they asked me to show them a picture of the different Barclays Cards I have with the same account number.
saying it must be the same card but it’s the same account number same card basically so why?
I replied, I put the money from my apple pay send it back to my apple pay card he said please send us an email of all your cards indirectly refusing to let me withdraw whilst I am in profit.

So, I sent them by email which I should have on my email “for reference”.
He also mentioned he will be my account manager and watch my account after the first time he called me because I am a “premium” account.
I still am a premium account with minimum 5-1 leveraging glitched to 2-1 with only 400 pounds left in my account and still watches where and when as my judgement has been good when to buy.
Buy low sell high! Or just hold but I couldn’t do any of these.
I believe it took him this long for many years the issue was my real name and my social media are not the same people.
As I do not have a social media account anywhere with my real name.

He started taking control of my account and portfolios since the day he contacted me on 2024 May 5-15 around the same time I started losing again drastically.
Unfortunately, I cannot provide you how much money I had made in profits or losses because “My account manager of a premium account less then 50 grand had deleted all my portfolios and trade history to clear his name”.
My account portfolio was called Bullish-CFD
Glory CFD and 3 gbps cfds I ended up with one named GBP usd
How the name changed I do not know
I suspect he closed my shared and opened it in a different portfolio causing 8888 amc share sale in my account 1112 GME shares.
As these most of these shares were bought months ago which I believe he has to pay for borrowing he doesn’t have to pay if it was new trades, I suspect this happened here.
Why else would I not the Portfolio I had designated names on.
This can also explain why my trade history has been wiped.
I did not do this I did not consent this nor was I notified.
Let me make this clear I do not have any controls or jurisdiction to wipe my history of trades if you could compare with other users to see if they have been wiped out and why it has been wiped out as its detrimental for Securities Agency to have correct data of everything that is going on with trading exchanges.
Which makes me believe more in the investment of AMC & GME.
I also believe Mr S.O prior to 2 years ago before all these new rules started coming, he was using his trading account to artificially increase profits by making a profit/gain.
I.E you open a position in a stock that is about to split in the market or going through one.
Let’s say its 2 5-1 reverse split now its 10 he made 8 decimal gains instead of changing the shares according to the split.
This crime trick he used to manipulate the market ended when sundial went for a share split reverse.
I came to realise this when I ventured in a demo account, and it worked but I didn’t do it with real money as that is not the right way.
I am trying to be good doing it the right way.

I have worked physically demanding jobs for many years working 6 days -7 days per week doing 55-65 hours per week, killed my joy in life and even went without food to invest in this company as I believe in the Company board, company outlook and company fundamentals all 3 checks out as a great investment to my eyes a hat trick to a quad trick now.
Putting money in it almost every month in the past 3-4 years.
My journey ends here with my Losses from market manipulation but I will reveal the truth!!!
They have robbed us again and again even the government has been robbed.
just for their benefit ruined many people’s lives all over the world.
Especially now that the company managed to be stable and grow profits.
But the issue here is not my losses it’s the market manipulation.
the company is doing all they can to not close their losing trade which is the
THE BOX everyone is talking about, but no one is knowing about somebody may know though.
Maybe investigate their wives’ accounts and you might find it on a marginal line red line in this account.
The blonde lady. Wearing navy blue jeans. Bingo!
Mr Stephen O has tried bribing me in social media sending women over my home to seduce me but my dog did her job right! And sensed the intentions I know this because I had a media pushed through my social media saying do you want me to send you two women to seduce me in hiding his criminal behaviours but this is not about me
He has robbed millions of people .

I have evidence of this as well to turn it in his favour as I believe he is short on GameStop which is a direct Conflict of interest “the reasons why I am been having these trading technical issues “
Trying to turn you into a gambler not investor! By taking away the withdraw, buy or sell!!!
You see,
The universe spoke to me, and I am becoming the voice for everybody who are being robbed by this man.
Call it a sign, a cohencidence or just dumb luck!
I am not a messiah though I just uncovered the truth!
2 weeks before my birthday on May 10th,, a stray kitten gave birth to 4 kittens and left only one behind. The squeeze began on my Birthday no fucking way!!!!!!!!
I/we have since, been taking care of her.
Meet My Newborn Kitten.

At 2 weeks old.

I also have a conspiracy theory on this as an attempt to harm my kitten.
To destroy me and make me stop trading.
I have frozen the medication Dr Elliot not a regular vet from that practice.
Well not the ones we see anyways 2 out 3 times.
My kitten was very ill shortly after taking the medication was also recommended to euthanised my kitten.
If you see her now you won’t believe why they would ever recommend this.
Of course, I argued and took control of the situation and saved her.
When I am back on my feet, I am going to a professional to check it out completely.
I like to remind you I already have a dog in this house for that cat to dare to come in my yard and give birth its like it was meant to be here cats? get it?
She is about 2.2 times her size now! Growing strong !!! just like GAMESTOP
In Jesus name can I get AMEN!
b4 I continue...
I currently work as a civil engineer and am on the quest to turn my life around in my Pursuit of Happiness.
Thank heavens as I do not even hold a GCSE another miracle!
That I have this job.
I am a troubled child, but I still have dreams... of making it in life.
Which is providing my future wife and kids with everything I did not receive,
love, attention, guidance and more importantly a home they can sleep comfortably knowing they will have a place to sleep again tomorrow.
But I do not blame anyone as it was a first time for everyone being a father... a mother...even me a son just as guilty.
But I want you to keep reading this story… as it is very important if you have lost in the stock market as there are many other stocks that are missing in chart it was probably getting diluted for someone’s benefit to maybe stabilise their losing trading account.
I get the desperation that’s how I felt scrounging, borrowing money when I felt like I was about to be margin called totally human reaction.
The way he gained the money to stabilise it was totally criminal though.
I feel like he is digging himself a bigger and bigger hole and that hole is up some skunks arse hole by now.
I also like to point out Mr S.O has notified me that capital is a British company, but I have seen it being registered in the state of
This is the Final frontier.

My judgement was clouded by addiction made me do bad things...
I apologise to everyone I caused harm/inconvenience in the past and now.
I really am.
From the bottom of my heart.
my actions were clouded by addiction it took me more than a decade to defeat my heroin addiction.
At this sober state, now If you ask me anything; I’ll tell you even if it gets me in trouble
without a second thought.
I like to point out through out my columbo detective move I came across various information some even I should not know.
All I’m seeking is justice and peace right now and I hope someone can help me get this as I have proof for most of these speculations.
But I believe Mr S.O has been sending his hackers to feed numbers into my head by keep pushing it into my feed.
Because of this I purposely lost all my trades as I will not participate in insider trading sent by Mr S.O to convict me to silence.
Realising I was being watched by numerous people.
I went into a state of hallucinations, insanity.
It was hard but I crawled back out of the hackers infiltrating my device to corrupt my mind and decisions.
I suffer with anxiety and depression already too and have been suffering further since Mr S.O has called me.
I just didn’t know this before he called me, and all the pieces started to connect.

As this type of speculations and claims are only for the wealthy and privileged.
I know I am neither.
I am a very poor man with no land no inheritance no support.
Everything I earn is from these hands that push tools and this mind that tries to learn investing.
At my day job I give my 110% physically
at home
I work my mind 110% to try being an experienced smart investotrader as I know once I have knowledge and skill, I can make money easily after.
Currently, I am sharpening my day trading skills to further increase my knowledge from investor to a trader.
I earning ends meet living pay-check to pay-check and I will continue doing so to save earn invest and one day have a place, which my future family can call our home proudly safely.
But I still see the deep value in a growing company as the more room for growth the more gains the investment will make.
I learnt this from reading and following great investors of this decade I.E DFV videos of GameStop 3 years ago.
I especially like the one where we roll the 8 ball and just find a random ticker and analyse it you never know what dumb luck can bring you.
A school dropout like me to GameStop and I have learnt more things than I did in my lifetime.
You can learn anything in YouTube now amazing really we should use technology to assist us not work for us I strongly believe not use it for our own personal gain just because you have coders.
If you look through their trading app they chart doesn’t even revert the history into split prices SUPER MANIPULATION.

1 I love the stock/I believe in the stock.
2 the company has board members who doesn’t even get salary.
For this they have my trust of my investment and that they will do everything in their knowledge and power to make this company successful as toys brings “JOY” even to adults.

I kept putting more and more invested in this company, but the stock is being manipulated so it doesn’t work everyone will lose as how the conflict-of-interest person wants it he has survived until now because of this but there were no major leads of this I believe.
[Again, I am here to speak about GameStop and the TRUTH]()
I still see GameStop as a great investment.
The company survived Covid 19, also is profitable and stable currently.
With all the current market price fluctuations
Also the price has not dropped below 40! pre split price.
which further strengthens my speculation,
I currently own only 18 shares of GameStop I did have over a thousand.
But the company owners of; ticker symbol NLY.
Have done everything they can to make me lose a winning investment.
They took my buy button my sell button and even stopped trading for more than 30 mins and hid it from none trading eyes in the bigger picture.
He also took my shares and diluted it I have incurred about 61 grand losses from my history of trading because of these market manipulation techniques over the past 3-4 years.
I as an investor a client of capital trading app was not treated fairly.
1 Even when I have raised complaints numerous time over the past 3-4 years was shrugged off because I am just well a NOBODY.
I call it a poor man's privileges.
2 Under FCA regulations Glitches or technical failures that cause financial harm to customers is a breach of this rule.
3 I am formally writing a complaint here and raising awareness with evidence of market manipulation!
would like support regarding the Law side of things and what i can recover from being ridiculed and robbed.
Using my food & leisure money to invest in this company.
I sacrificed my Joy for this investment with my hard earned money by working 50-60 hours a week labour 52 weeks per year non stop you can check my work rota records sometimes even 70 per week in physically demanding jobs.
1He has sent me Death threats today of what I am revealing now since meeting him in Wembley Stadium 8/6/26 (have a image of sending me death threats after meeting him today using paid hackers)
1 3/half weeks ago he called me to say I am in a premium account there are 300 of you and I would like to invite you to meet him today
which was really weird why is he putting my account on premium and saying He is going to look after it I am retail trader I have barely any money in account!
and deleted all my portfolio and trade history everything wiped clean!
+I suspect this was getting rid of evidence as I am right at the heart of the Griffin
I know why he took ownership from me without my consent and sold it without me knowing by derivatives and decreased the market value for his personal benefits.
Because he is already manipulating using this trading platform to control the prices elsewhere.
I have evidence of this you can only see it just DM me
if you look at the charts in their trading platform you can see it yourself to say it’s not photo shop.
no one else can notice it if you are not using the same app!!
2 Mr Stephen and his goons have been manipulating the stock since gamestop! 2021
+prior to 2 years ago his app would increase profits even from a split share!
I came across this information on 2022 You should recheck all files that are linked to him and splitting shares tickers as he has robbed them blind too.
I was the only retail investor, there alongside his corporate buddies which I am happy to identify and stand as witness.
I felt safe though as I don't even Fear the Darkest Night as I always walked by faith and believed in God has a purpose for me too..
A nobody like me maybe could be somebody one day!

(all hail great DFV) got to pay your respects !
I learnt trading since 2021
“Once there was a farmer who sold a pound of butter to a baker every week.
After several weeks of purchasing butter from the farmer the baker decided to weigh it. To insure it was indeed a full pound.
When he weighed it, he discovered the butter felt short of a pound which enraged him and made him feel cheated and decided to take the farmer to court.
The judge asked the farmer what his method is of weighing the butter.
the farmer replied “your honour, I am poor I do not own any exact measuring tool.
How ever I do have a Scale.
The judge then inquired if the farmer uses the scale to measure the butter the farmer explained.
“Your honour I have been buying a 1 pound of loaf from the baker Long before he began purchasing butter from me,
When ever he brings the bread, I place it on the scale and measure out the same weight to give him in return.
So, if the baker is not receiving a pound of butter he is also not delivering a pound of bread as promised.
The moral you get what you give if you try to cheat others of what they promised them.
You will be cheated in return.

submitted by Working-Spirit-3721 to u/Working-Spirit-3721 [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 22:18 Proxima_337 Should I go to college if I can’t even afford it

The title says it all but I got accepted to first choice but I’m debating if I should even go because my family can only help with small things and can’t pay for my education.I got financial aid and scholarships but it’s still not enough to help.The only option is to put on a payment plan and take out large amounts of loans but things would still be tight no matter what I do.Im undecided between a 4 year college,community college,and a trade school.I don’t want to go to college and have give more fnancial stress to myself and to my family.Then I hear how college graduates are struggling to find a job or keeping one so I wonder if going to a college is even worth it.While i am aware of the benefits or drawbacks of any of these I worry if I could be hurting my future if I don’t go to college.
submitted by Proxima_337 to college [link] [comments]