Ed com exelon


2008.12.23 12:39 Teachers

Dedicated to open discussion about all things teaching. Please read the rules before posting. Mail sent directly to mods instead of modmail will be ignored. ██████████ ██████████ Brand new & low karma accounts: please be aware your post may not show up and will need to be screened and manually approved. ██████████ ██████████ No crossposting - Please do not link posts from Teachers in other subs, and do not link posts from other subs here.

2018.11.15 00:28 Eating Disorders Anonymous

A public subreddit for discussing the struggles of having an eating disorder. Much like an Alcoholics Anonymous or Narcotics Anonymous group, we offer emotional support and harm reduction but no encouragement of furthering ED behaviors. This subreddit is not officially associated with the support group Eating Disorders Anonymous. We are not exclusive to or trying to “force” recovery on anyone.

2013.12.05 23:42 SandersForPresident

Bernie Sanders 2024

2024.05.15 14:52 Shaktimaanwo7 16 May 2024 Today Current Affairs

16 May 2024 Today Current Affairs submitted by Shaktimaanwo7 to GovernmentNaukri [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 14:42 LeonAdelmanMD EM Workforce Newsletter: 48 States & The Feds Don't Require a Doctor in the ER

EM Workforce Newsletter: 48 States & The Feds Don't Require a Doctor in the ER
An emergency department should have a physician on-site. Seems obvious, right?
According to a Virginia College of Emergency Physicians poll, “97% of respondents in Virginia believe that patients presenting to an emergency department deserve physician-led care.”
However, 48 states do not require a physician to be present in licensed emergency departments. Many of those states defer to the federal Critical Access Hospital regulations, which stipulate that EDs must staff “a doctor of medicine or osteopathy, a physician assistant, a nurse practitioner, or a clinical nurse specialist, with training or experience in emergency care.”
To read the rest of the post, head to: https://open.substack.com/pub/emworkforce/p/48-states-and-the-feds-dont-require
submitted by LeonAdelmanMD to emergencymedicine [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 14:14 OBPR Gainey Administration and p-card abuses

Your tax money at work.
submitted by OBPR to pittsburgh [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 14:02 Reidarm WATCH4WATCH, LIKE4LIKE, SUB4SUB

Hello guys! Let's help eachother out! Let me know watchtime, likenr and sub. :D
Here's my link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=edA4TE2u0nY
submitted by Reidarm to Sub4Sub [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 14:02 ssppiinnooff È sbagliato non voler bene al proprio fratello?

Ciao, Sono un uomo sui 30 anni, cresciuto da genitori che da sempre hanno ltigato con gli altri nuclei familiari della propria famiglia, per esempio la famiglia del fratello/sorella.
Addirittura mia madre ha 6 fratelli/sorelle ed è in conflitto, più o meno pesante, con tutti.
Mio padre ha una sorella con cui non è mai andato veramente d'accordo e ultimamente i rapporti, causa eredità, sono molto degenerati. Inoltre sua mamma 90enne abita di fronte alla casa dei miei, che hanno ridotto la loro vita a fare i suoi badanti per guadagnarsi l'eredità (inutile, una casa) al prezzo di non poter spostarsi mai, nemmeno per venirci a trovare (io e mio fratello abitiamo a centinaia di km di distanza). Soluzioni ce ne sarebbero, ma non vengono mai considerate.
Dopo questo preambolo, la questione è questa: mio fratello e la sua famiglia. Io e mio fratello abbiamo 7 anni di differenza e lui ha fatto un figlio che ha chiamato come me (adesso ha 7 anni), io non ho figli. Sono sempre andato d'accordo con lui, ma i problemi sono nati quando si è sposato. Non sono mai andato d'accordo con sua moglie, lei mi odia perché pretende un mio impegno nella presenza familiare..non abitiamo lontani (1 hr di auto). Mi sta antipatica perche crede sempre di aver ragione su tutto e, com la scusa del figlio, estorcono in continuazione denaro ai miei genitori, e per me è un dolore a cui però non ho mai messo bocca. Sta per arrivare il secondo figlio. Inoltre,tratta male mio fratello che è un bonaccione.
Ogni volta che sono andato a trovarli sono sempre stato dentificato come quello che non va mai da loro, e questo fa diminuire la mia voglia di essere presente.
Con il tempo, purtroppo, sto realizzando di non voler così bene a mio fratello...e la cosa mi ferisce. È normale? Perche ogni volta andare a fare visita alla sua famiglia per me è un peso e cerco di rimandare quanto posso. Loro sono venuti a trovarmi solo una volta (colpa del bambino dicono...)
Mi domando... cosa c'è di sbagliato in me? Non riesco nemmeno a voler bene a mio nipote credo...e mi sento totalmente apatico nei confronti della famiglia di mio fratello.
Inoltre, non riesco a sentire un vero e proprio desiderio di fare figli. Mio padre mi diceva quando ero piccolo di pensarci bene prima di farlo...
Ho sempre desiderato un consulto ma non ne ho mai parlato con nessuno, se non con la mia ragazza, che ha anche lei una nipotina e un bel rapporto sano con la.sorella che, effettivamente, invidio.
Devo sforzarmi a volerli bene ed essere presente anche se non ne ho per niente voglia?
submitted by ssppiinnooff to Psicologia_Italia [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 13:34 SeniorAvocado9851 VIREI AMANTE DA MINHA EX

Oi ed tudo certo? Mandei agora pouco essa historia na live pix mas você não estava em live acho que fui burro não sei se vai aparecer então vou mandar aqui.
Dois anos atrás minha ex terminava um relacionamento de 5 anos comigo, eu vacilei com ela, ficava jogando enquanto ela pedia minha atenção, eu era muito grosso com ela porque estava enjoado e não tive coragem de terminar eu errei muito e admito mas ela não precisava ter me traído e dado em cima de todos amigos meus, me batido a ponto de deixar muitas marcas no meu braço e tirar sangue do meu nariz, eu nunca trai ela mas tenho certeza que ela ja me traiu mas acredito que ambos fomos imaturos. Na mesma semana ela começou a namorar outro cara, dois anos depois (ano passado) ela me mandou mensagem querendo ficar comigo mesmo namorando ele, ficamos varias vezes e ficamos até hoje porém eu comecei a me apaixonar por ela de novo e ela diz que também porém não largou o cara depois de 1 ano eu sendo amante dela. estou querendo dar um basta eu realmente voltaria com ela e tentaria de novo porque acho que foi questão de imaturidade da nossa parte a gente tava até noivo na epoca que namorava e foi a experiência mais intensa da minha vida com uma mulher. Porém ela não larga o cara acho que ela está me enrolando e agora eu to sofrendo. Além do mais tenho medo de andar na rua por causa do atual namorado dela, vai que ele descobre e vem atrás de mim sem ela saber, vou apanhar que nem maconheiro na mão de PM kkkk oque você faria?
submitted by SeniorAvocado9851 to LivesDoEdsonCastro [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 13:34 AndSoItGoes__andGoes School district sued - and all of us in the classroom know pretty much what probably happened here...

Reading the article it does seem like the school dropped the ball, BUT It reads like a stuff that happens daily in our classrooms with a student who "can't keep their hands to themselves" and nothing happens to them to stop it. This is not unfamiliar to any of us in the classroom- the real question is what's going to happen now? Whether this happened because of weak discipline policies at the school or because of a student having legal protections against removing them from the gen ed classroom, I can't help but wonder how many times school districts can get sued for something like this before something changes.
"BOILING SPRINGS, S.C. (WSPA) – Two mothers have filed lawsuits against an Upstate school district alleging their children were sexually assaulted in the classroom.
The lawsuits were filed on June 6, 2022, against Spartanburg County School District Two.
The lawsuit alleged that two students were sexually assaulted by another classmate while in the computer lab at Shoally Creek Elementary School on November 5, 2021.
One of the parents emailed the then-principal, guidance counselor, and teacher stating that the two students were sexually assaulted.
The teacher replied that the children did inform her that a student could not keep his hands to himself, but that she had no idea he had touched them in private parts.
The lawsuits state that the principal and the guidance counselor did not respond.
It also stated that the teacher went out on maternity leave on February 2, 2022.
A substitute teacher took over the classroom on February 3, 2022.
On February 8, 2022, the same student and another student held a pencil near their crotches and stroked the pencil in a sexually suggestive manner while looking at the children.
The next day the parents had a phone conference meeting with the principal. She informed the parents that “she would take appropriate action to end the sexual assaults and disruptive behavior occurring in the classroom.”
On March 1, 2022, the lawsuit alleged that another student sexually assaulted one of the plaintiff’s children by grabbing his private parts on the playground.
The mother reported the incident to the substitute teacher.
After that incident, the child was assigned a seat next to or near three of the students who were accused of sexual assault.
Following the newly assigned seats, one of the students “consistently sexually assaulted” the child by grabbing his private parts.
Upon that information, the substitute teacher resigned on March 11, 2022.
The lawsuit stated that another substitute teacher took over the classroom on March 14, 2022.
On March 22, 2022, the mother found out that her child was seated at a table with those three students and emailed the principal asking that her child be seated away from them.
The principal responded with “Yes, done.”
On March 23, 2023, the child was taken to the doctor who recommended he stop attending Shoally Creek Elementary School.
After that information was released, the second substitute teacher resigned.
The Director of Education for Spartanburg County School District Two confirmed that some assaults were documented in the school’s system.
The mother asked that her son be moved to another school within the district.
The lawsuit said that the request was never accepted.
According to records, the principal resigned from her position at the end of the 2022-2023 school year.
The following statement is from the children’s attorneys: "I am proud to represent these boys and their mothers. District 2 and Shoally Creek administration knew that certain students were acting inappropriately and were a danger to other students, but they chose not to do anything about it. Kids should be safe when they are at school, and my clients were not." - Law Office of Tyler Rody
7NEWS reached out to Spartanburg County School District Two for a statement but has not received one.
The Law Office of Tyler Rody said they will be going to court in September.
What do you think is going to happen? District loses or settles the lawsuit and pays a lot of money and then...
submitted by AndSoItGoes__andGoes to Teachers [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 13:21 Weekly-Ad-5963 Here are 6 Incredible Facts about Nvidia that you should not miss!!

Here are 6 Incredible Facts about Nvidia that you should not miss!!
Facts about Nvidia
Learn 6 incredible facts about NVIDIA! From groundbreaking graphics to AI advancements with Graniteshares.
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submitted by Weekly-Ad-5963 to ETFInvesting [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 13:14 Prize_Panda_2106 산양유 단백질 효능

산양유 단백질 효능
  1. 소화에 용이
우유에 들어있는 카제인 단백질은 유당의 분해를 막아서 소화를 방해하는 작용을 하는 성분입니다.
평소에 우유만 먹으면 배탈이 생기거나 설사를 하는 사람은 산양유를 먹는 것이 좋습니다.
왜냐하면 산양유는 소화를 방해하는 카제인 단백질 함량이 일반 우유보다 14배 이상 적게 함유되어 있기 때문입니다.
또한 소화를 돕는 베타 카제인의 함량은 일반 우유보다 1.5배 이상 많이 함유되어 있습니다.
  1. 풍부한 단백질
가장 대표적인 산양유 단백질 효능에는 단백질의 함량이 매우 풍부하다는 것입니다.
일반 우유도 단백질이 풍부한 식품이지만 산양유는 훨씬 더 많은 양의 단백질이 함유되어 있습니다.
우유 100g에는 2.8g의 단백질이 함유되어 있지만 산양유에는 100g당 3.7g의 단백질이 함유되어 있습니다.
또한 단백질의 농도도 일반 우유는 1600mg이지만, 산양유는 1700mg이 함유되어 있어 단백질의 농도도 더 높습니다.
  1. 골다공증 예방
칼슘은 뼈를 튼튼하게 하는 필수 성분이지만 체내 흡수율이 매우 낮다는 단점을 가지고 있습니다.
산양유 단백질 효능의 핵심 성분 중 하나인 카제인 포스포펩티드라는 성분은 소장에서 칼슘과 결합하여 칼슘의 흡수율을 높이는 작용을 합니다.
산양유를 섭취하면 칼슘의 흡수율을 증가시켜 뼈를 튼튼하게 합니다.
그렇다면 산양유 단백질 하루권장량과 복용법은 어떻게 될까요?
자세한 내용이 궁금하시다면 아래의 링크에서 보실 수 있습니다.
submitted by Prize_Panda_2106 to nicehealth [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 13:01 CultPodcastsBot "Cults with Stephen Mather part 2", Spencer Watson, 14 May 2024 [0:56:09] "Links Cults vs Religions https://www.baltimoresun.com/opinion/bs-xpm-2011-10-13-bs-ed-mormons-20111013-story.html https://www.quora.com/What-is-the-difference-between-religions-and-cults https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Christ…"

submitted by CultPodcastsBot to cultpodcasts [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 12:30 Jhonjournalist Latest Updates on CBSE Result 2024

Latest Updates on CBSE Result 2024
  • The results of the class 10 and class 12 board exams for 2024 have been released by the CBSE.
  • Results indicate that 93.60% of students passed class 10 and 87.98% of students passed the 12th exam.
  • Khushi Mishra from Indira scored 98.8% in her board exams for the tenth grade.
The results of the class 10 and class 12 board exams for 2024 have been released by the Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE). Results indicate that 93.60% of students passed class 10 and 87.98% of students passed the 12th exam. In both cases, Trivandrum is the district with the best performance.
The UMANG app, Digilocker app, Pariksha Sangam portal, official websites, and SMS services are all places where candidates can view their results. The CBSE class 12 examinations ran from February 15 to April 2.

CBSE Result 2024

With 6,700 and 6,269 students receiving flawless scores in areas like Sanskrit and artificial intelligence, respectively, the CBSE Class 10 Board Results revealed that 11,253 pupils received complete points in mathematics.
Maintaining a regimen to study all subjects, Khushi Mishra from Indira scored 98.8% in her board exams for the tenth grade. With the best science grade of 98.4%, Diksha from Sagar Public School in Bhopal became the school’s top student and the most outstanding student overall. Delhi Public School student Ashmi Rai made her family proud with her 97.40% commerce grade.
St. Joseph’s Co-Ed School student Navya received 96.4% in the humanities, while Kendriya Vidyalaya student Kavika Sharma received 96.2% in the arts stream for her 12th grade grade. After receiving 98.4% on her board examinations, Shweta Kumari — a district topper in the arts stream — thanked her parents and professors and expressed her amazement.
After receiving 100 marks in Political Science, 98 in Geography, 99 in Economics, 95 in Hindi, 95 in English, and 100 in Painting, Deepshikha from DAV Public School Sec 4 Bokaro emphasized the value of independent learning for all students. Applications for the re-evaluation of answer sheets will be accepted starting on June 6 and will cost Rs 100 for each subject.
The verification process for class 12 and class 10 marks will take place from May 17–21 and May 20–24, respectively, before the July 15 CBSE supplemental exams. For verification and to receive photocopies of their evaluated mark sheets, students must pay Rs 500 for each subject.
Learn More: https://worldmagzine.com/education/latest-updates-on-cbse-result-2024/
submitted by Jhonjournalist to u/Jhonjournalist [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 11:48 MisterBeeYouSee Wu-Wednesday..❤️

A track featuring (then) future Clan member Cappadonna. Told it was too long to get any radio play RZA told the stations ‘take it as it is.. or get nothing.’
He won that argument..
Wu-Tang Clan ft. Cappadonna. Triumph. Loud Records UK 12” 1997.
“Lyrically perform armed robbery / Flee with the lottery, possibly they spotted me"
What a great video too 😍
https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=cPRKsKwEdUQ 🔥🔥🔥
submitted by MisterBeeYouSee to 90sHipHop [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 11:41 MisterBeeYouSee Wu-Wednesday..

A track featuring (then) future Clan member Cappadonna. Told it was too long to get any radio play RZA told the stations ‘take it as it is.. or get nothing.’
He won that argument..
Wu-Tang Clan ft. Cappadonna. Triumph. Loud Records UK 12” 1997.
“Lyrically perform armed robbery / Flee with the lottery, possibly they spotted me"
What a great video too 😍
https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=cPRKsKwEdUQ 🔥🔥🔥
submitted by MisterBeeYouSee to hiphopvinyl [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 11:37 Best-Picture7402 Is there a way to insert keyframe to modify the animation with "Cell Fracture" quick effect?

Video reference: https://cloudmails-my.sharepoint.com/:v:/g/personal/tp053611_mail_apu_edu_my/EdOKufIs5HpDmX1rdtpBD_sBEGDDLtmZkCm8RdaRzLdZHw?nav=eyJyZWZlcnJhbEluZm8iOnsicmVmZXJyYWxBcHAiOiJPbmVEcml2ZUZvckJ1c2luZXNzIiwicmVmZXJyYWxBcHBQbGF0Zm9ybSI6IldlYiIsInJlZmVycmFsTW9kZSI6InZpZXciLCJyZWZlcnJhbFZpZXciOiJNeUZpbGVzTGlua0NvcHkifX0&e=aGvMzY
I can't seem to find away to insert a keyframe. I only want to change the starting time of it. For example: I want the explosion to start at 50 frames, but first 49 frames remain untouched.
The tutorial Im following: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rtoHQnQATck&ab_channel=BlenderVitals
submitted by Best-Picture7402 to blender [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 11:21 complicated_rosh Top 10 LMS Platforms for Employee Training in 2024

Employees crave learning, and traditional training methods often fall short. That’s where Learning Management Systems (LMS) come into play — a powerful tool to transform your training programs. But with so many options, choosing the right one can be overwhelming.
Here's a quick rundown of the top 10 LMS for employee training to consider:
  1. Skill Lake: Personalized learning with AI course recommendations, AVR experiences, and mobile learning.
  2. LearnWorlds: Engaging learners through multimedia content, real-time progress tracking, and a mobile app builder.
  3. Docebo: AI-powered platform for personalized learning paths and enhanced engagement.
  4. D2L Brightspace: Prioritizes mobile access and provides strong analytics for instructors.
  5. Absorb LMS: Administrator-friendly with advanced features like customizable dashboards and comprehensive reporting.
  6. Edunext: Ideal for large organizations with scalable architecture and powerful reporting.
  7. Open edX Tutor: Open-source LMS offering high flexibility, customization options, and seamless integrations.
  8. 360Learning: Focuses on collaborative learning with synchronous and asynchronous formats, along with content creation tools and learner behavior analytics.
  9. Moodle LMS: Open-source, feature-rich platform with customizable learning experiences and easy integration capabilities.
  10. Canvas LMS: Open web-based software designed for creating and managing online learning materials, with easy setup for admins, instructors, and students.
The Takeaway:
The right LMS can transform your employee training. With personalized learning, flexible access, and valuable insights, you can empower your team and fuel success. Choose the platform that best aligns with your needs and watch your training programs thrive.
submitted by complicated_rosh to employeetraining [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 09:42 Get_Drivers_Ed Mastering The Four Maneuvers For Driving Test Success

Mastering The Four Maneuvers For Driving Test Success

Mastering Key Maneuvers for the Driving Test with Get Drivers Ed

Obtaining a driver's license is a key milestone for many, and acing the driving test is a crucial step in that process. Understanding and mastering the essential maneuvers required during a driving test significantly boosts your chances of success. At Get Drivers Ed, our comprehensive drivers ed courses are crafted to prepare you thoroughly for every component of the driving test. This article delves into the four primary maneuvers commonly tested during a driving test and illustrates how our courses equip you to master each one.

1. Parallel Parking

Parallel parking is frequently deemed one of the most daunting maneuvers for new drivers. This technique involves aligning your vehicle parallel to the roadway, typically between two parked cars, testing your vehicle control and spatial awareness.

Steps to Master Parallel Parking:

Positioning: Align your car alongside the front vehicle, ensuring adequate space for maneuvering.
Reversing: Engage the reverse gear and gently back up, turning your steering wheel towards the curb.
Aligning: After clearing the front vehicle's bumper, steer in the opposite direction to align with the curb.
Adjusting: Refine your position to ensure your vehicle is neatly parked within the space.
Get Drivers Ed offers detailed tutorials and visual aids to practice and refine your parallel parking skills, ensuring precision and confidence.
  1. Three-Point Turn
Also known as a K-turn, the three-point turn is essential for turning your vehicle around in tight spaces when a U-turn isn't possible. This maneuver evaluates your ability to handle the vehicle in constrained environments.
Steps to Master a Three-Point Turn:
Initial Position: Position your vehicle to the right, signaling your intent to turn left.
First Turn: Turn left sharply, moving slowly until you reach the opposite curb or roadside.
Reverse: Shift into reverse, turn your steering wheel right, and back toward the original curb or edge.
Complete the Turn: Switch to drive, steer left, and proceed forward to finish the maneuver.
Our courses at Get Drivers Ed include comprehensive guides and practical exercises to confidently execute a three-point turn.
  1. Reversing (Backing Up)
Reversing, or backing up, tests your ability to maneuver your vehicle safely in reverse. This fundamental skill is crucial for daily driving and is a standard part of the driving test.
Steps to Master Backing Up:
Positioning: Start with your vehicle aligned straight with the road or parking slot.
Observation: Check all mirrors and look directly through the rear window for a clear view.
Control: Maintain light brake pressure, engage reverse, and lightly accelerate to move backward.
Steering: Execute small, precise steering adjustments to keep your vehicle on course or to position it within a space.
Interactive lessons at Get Drivers Ed emphasize observational skills and precise control to master reversing.
  1. Lane Changing
Changing lanes requires the ability to judge distances and maneuver smoothly across traffic lanes, which are skills crucial for everyday driving and tested during your driving test.
Steps to Master Lane Changing:
Signal: Indicate your intent to change lanes well in advance.
Check Mirrors: Confirm sufficient space in the target lane by checking rear view and side mirrors.
Blind Spot: Perform a quick shoulder check to ensure no vehicles are in your blind spot.
Steer and Adjust: Smoothly move into the new lane, adjusting your speed if necessary, and deactivate your signal once positioned.
Our drivers ed courses include video demonstrations and interactive modules that provide practice in safely changing lanes.
Mastering these four critical maneuvers—parallel parking, the three-point turn, backing up, and lane changing—is vital for not only passing your driving test but also for becoming a safe and proficient driver. Get Drivers Ed's all-encompassing online driver education courses are meticulously designed to ensure you learn and practice these skills effectively. With detailed instructions, visual supports, and interactive simulations, we prepare you comprehensively for your driving test.
Start your journey to becoming a skilled driver today by enrolling in Get Drivers Ed. Our expertly structured courses guide you through each step, instilling the knowledge and confidence needed to ace your driving test and drive safely. Don’t wait—sign up now and take the first step toward securing your driver's license with Get Drivers Ed!
Mastering Key Maneuvers for the Driving Test with Get Drivers Ed
submitted by Get_Drivers_Ed to u/Get_Drivers_Ed [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 09:38 Get_Drivers_Ed Comprehensive Adult Drivers Ed With Get Drivers Ed

Comprehensive Adult Drivers Ed With Get Drivers Ed

Embracing the Road: The Value of Adult Drivers Ed with Get Drivers Ed

Learning to drive as an adult can be an exhilarating yet challenging adventure. Whether you’ve relocated from a city where driving was unnecessary, you're refreshing your driving skills, or you're pursuing a long-held ambition to drive, adult drivers ed provides a structured pathway to gaining confidence and proficiency on the road. At Get Drivers Ed, we recognize the unique hurdles and concerns that adult learners encounter, and our courses are specially designed to address these needs.

Why Adult Drivers Ed is Essential

Many adults decide to learn to drive due to changes in lifestyle or necessity. Unlike their younger counterparts, adults often contend with various pressures and responsibilities, making the process seem more daunting. Get Drivers Ed caters to these specific needs by offering a supportive, flexible, and comprehensive learning environment tailored for adults.
Flexibility for Busy Schedules: Adults manage numerous commitments, including work, family, and social responsibilities, which can make finding time for lessons challenging. Our online drivers ed courses offer the flexibility to learn at your own pace and according to your schedule, making it ideal for adults who need to balance learning with other life commitments.
Focus on Safety and Confidence: Safety is a top priority for all drivers, particularly for those who might feel anxious about learning to drive later in life. Our courses stress safe driving habits and build confidence through a deep understanding of practical strategies for navigating traffic, diverse road conditions, and interactions with other drivers.
State-Specific Training: It’s crucial to be well-versed in local traffic laws and regulations. Get Drivers Ed ensures that our course content is specifically tailored to meet state requirements, giving learners up-to-date and relevant information to not only pass their driving tests but to become informed, law-abiding drivers.
Comprehensive Curriculum Designed for Adult Learners
The adult drivers ed program at Get Drivers Ed encompasses a wide array of vital topics, from the basics of operating a vehicle to advanced defensive driving techniques. Here’s what our curriculum includes:
Basic Vehicle Mechanics: A fundamental understanding of your vehicle enhances safe driving. Our courses offer essential knowledge about car maintenance and troubleshooting minor issues, which can empower drivers and mitigate anxiety about unexpected vehicle problems.
Navigating Traffic: For many adults, navigating heavy traffic is among the most daunting aspects of driving. Our courses provide strategies for handling traffic density, understanding traffic flow, and making safe, timely decisions.
Defensive Driving: A key part of our curriculum, defensive driving instruction, equips drivers to anticipate potential hazards, comprehend the actions of other road users, and respond appropriately to prevent accidents.
Handling Emergencies: Being prepared for emergencies is essential. Get Drivers Ed courses include training on how to manage common roadside emergencies, such as tire blowouts and mechanical failures, effectively.
Why Choose Get Drivers Ed for Adult Drivers Ed?
Selecting the right drivers ed program is critical to your success and comfort as a new driver. Here are reasons why Get Drivers Ed is the ideal choice:
Expert Instructors: Our instructors are seasoned professionals who specialize in adult education, offering patient, supportive instruction that respects the life experiences and maturity of adult learners.
Interactive and Engaging Content: We employ the latest educational technologies to deliver engaging and interactive lessons. This includes videos, animations, and simulated driving scenarios that enhance learning retention through practical application.
Convenience and Accessibility: Our online platform is accessible on any device, enabling you to study from anywhere at any time. Whether at home, during a work break, or on the move, you can easily access your course materials and progress in your learning journey.
Start Your Driving Journey with Confidence
Learning to drive as an adult need not be a stressful ordeal. With Get Drivers Ed, you can access a program that respects your individual needs and supports your development of the necessary skills for safe and confident driving.
If you are an adult looking to learn how to drive, there's no better time to start than now. Enroll in Get Drivers Ed today and benefit from our comprehensive adult drivers ed courses. Our expert instructors and flexible, engaging curriculum are dedicated to guiding you every step of the way. Don't let anything hold you back—embrace the freedom of driving by starting your journey with Get Drivers Ed. We empower you to hit the road with confidence and competence. Sign up today and turn your driving aspirations into reality!
submitted by Get_Drivers_Ed to u/Get_Drivers_Ed [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 09:03 KaiserVonLulz [RANT] "Giovani", lavoro e denatalità

Scusate il rant ma ho bisogno di "urlarlo" da qualche parte.
M37, nato con la retorica che bisogna mettersi a novanta per il lavoro, fare sacrifici, altrimenti sei uno scansafatiche che non ha voglia di fare niente.
BENE, ci si arma di pazienza, si costruisce un bagaglio culturale e si prepara il bagaglio vero, perché il lavoro non lo puoi mica pretendere sotto casa?!
No problem! Si parte, si lasciano indietro famiglia e affetti, si costruisce una vita, si raggiunge una stabilità economica tale da permettere piani futuri. Mi ritengo un privilegiato, sono anche riuscito ad acquistare qualche anno fa una casa, al contrario di tanta gente messa peggio di me!
Dopo tante riflessioni l'idea di fare un figlio. Siamo due adulti, con un lavoro full time ed a tempo indeterminato, una situazione economica stabile, si può fare! Se non noi chi?
Bene! Arriviamo agli ultimi mesi prima della nascita: per come funziona il meccanismo il pargolo va iscritto all'asilo nido PRIMA che nasca, prepariamoci ora che abbiamo più tempo!
Compiliamo e richiediamo diligentemente tutti i documenti necessari, pianifichiamo anche i giorni che potrò restare a casa dato che la paternità son solo 10 giorni e vanno sfruttati al meglio, ci sono tante cosette da fare anche dopo la nascita, senza contare che vorrei passare del tempo in famiglia. Ma tra anagrafe, visite mediche, pediatra, etc etc riusciamo ad organizzarci al meglio. Fingiamo di essere felici del tempo a disposizione e prendiamo quel che passa il convento. OK! Andiamo avanti!
La piccola nasce, siamo felicissimi, alti e bassi, poche ore di sonno ma tanta gioia; tante cose da fare, qualche giorno di ferie che inizia a servire prima del previsto ma niente di sconvolgente.
Ieri esce la graduatoria definitiva dell'asilo ed arriva la doccia fredda: mi ritrovo lontano dalla mia terra natale, con una figlia stupenda di 1 mese, e fuori dalle graduatorie degli asili nido perché ci sono solo 60 posti a fronte di 160 richieste! Classificati intorno l'80esima posizione. Poteva andare peggio.
E cosa mi si dice? Che dovrei affidarmi ai nonni!? I nonni l'ho lasciati indietro per il lavoro come la società, il mondo, lo stato, la retorica o chi vi pare, mi aveva chiesto anni prima!
I nonni che risiedono fuori comune sono anche il motivo per cui ho guadagnato 3 punti in più in graduatoria! Ma non siamo gli unici nella stessa situazione immagino.
Gli asili nido privati? Pieni
Babysitter? Sarà l'unica alternativa se la troviamo, costosa, ma tant'è...
Scritto di getto, spero si capisca il senso ma è più uno sfogo che altro.
Noi fuori, non sappiamo, cosa fare
submitted by KaiserVonLulz to Italia [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 08:10 Juanox78 [WTS] 👍👍"📍Mercadillo Store📍"👍👍 ▶️ CCU'ed LTI Ships ► A1 Spirit LTI $180 Vanguard Warden LTI $215 Retaliator Bomber LTI $230 Vanguard Harbinger LTI $235 Eclipse LTI $240 Redeemer LTI $245 Hammerhead $390 ▶️ many more upgrades & ships inside

May 14/15 2024
👍👍 👋 Welcome citizens, come and take a look at the items I have to offer and feel free to send me a PM if you have any questions before buying.
About me:
RSI: Juannox - Discord: Juannox
Safe place to trade:
- I don't use second hand credits and I don't purshase accounts, all the items I sell are directly from my own account using my own funds, so there is no risk on my side.
🌎🌍🌏 I'am accepting US$ and EU€ from anywhere in the world using paypal or Cryptocurrencies: BTC, ETH, LTC, USDT, BUSDT etc.
my local time is GMT -5


  • If you don't find a ship in the list, feel free to ask me.- All the ships listed here are built with my own funds without using second-hand credits, so there's no risk here.
SHIP Insurance - Attributes Price Availability
SABRE CCU'ed - LTI $155 ✔️ YES
A1 SPIRIT CCU'ed - LTI $180 ✔️ YES
SAN TOK YAI CCU'ed - LTI $195 ✔️ YES
ARES ION CCU'ed - LTI $215 ✔️ YES
400i CCU'ed - LTI $215 ✔️ YES
CORSAIR BIS 2953 CCU'ed - LTI $220 ✔️ YES
MERCURY BIS 2952 CCU'ed - LTI $225 ✔️ YES
ECLIPSE CCU'ed - LTI $240 ✔️ YES
GALAXY CCU'ed - LTI $270 ✔️ YES
GENESIS CCU'ed - LTI $285 ✔️ YES
C2 HERCULES CCU'ed - LTI $285 ✔️ YES
600i EXPLORER BIS 2953 CCU'ed - LTI $320 ✔️ YES
HULL C CCU'ed - LTI $325 ✔️ YES
M2 HERCULES CCU'ed - LTI $335 ✔️ YES
HULL D CCU'ed - LTI $340 ✔️ YES
CARRACK CCU'ed - LTI $345 ✔️ YES
ORION CCU'ed - LTI $350 ✔️ YES
PERSEUS CCU'ed - LTI $370 ✔️ YES
ODYSEY CCU'ed - LTI $380 ✔️ YES
POLARIS CCU'ed - LTI $395 ✔️ YES

⬇️🤑 Saving Cost WARBOND/Pre-Price UPGRADES 🤑⬇️

FROM 📌 TO 👇 Insurance Price
Reliant Mako ➡️ Freelancer - $10
Nova ➡️ Cutlass Red - $10
Hornet Tracker Prospector - $10
Sabre ➡️ A1 Spirit - $15
Hornet Tracker ➡️ SRV - $16
Hull B ➡️ SRV - $16
Defender ➡️ Corsair 120 $15
Railen ➡️ Corsair 120 $15
F7C-M Super Hornet Heartseeker ➡️ Defender - $12
Retaliator Bomber ➡️ Eclipse 120 $15
Prowler ➡️ Hull C - $25
F7C-M Super Hornet ➡️ Hurricane - $15
Liberator ➡️ Merchantman - $38
Vanguard Hoplite ➡️ Mercury 120 $12
Hull D ➡️ Orion 120 $56
Perseus ➡️ Polaris 120 $56
Reclaimer ➡️ Prowler 120 $25
Prospector ➡️ Sabre 120 $12
A1 Spirit ➡️ San'tok.yāi 120 $20
Starfarer Gemini ➡️ Valkyrie - $25
Razor ➡️ Vulture - $15

⬇️☀️ Standard UPGRADES ☀️⬇️

FROM 📌 TO 👇 Price Availability
Aurora MR ➡️ MPUV C $9 ✔️ YES
Mustang Alpha ➡️ MPUV C $9 ✔️ YES
Aurora MR ➡️ P-72 Archimedes $9 ✔️ YES
- 📌 TO 👇
HoverQuad ➡️ P-72 Archimedes $9 ✔️ YES
- 📌 TO 👇
Aurora MR ➡️ Ranger CV $9 ✔️ YES
HoverQuad ➡️ Ranger CV $9 ✔️ YES
- 📌 TO 👇
Aurora MR ➡️ Ranger RC $9 ✔️ YES
HoverQuad ➡️ Ranger RC $9 ✔️ YES
- 📌 TO 👇
Aurora LX ➡️ Ranger TR $9 ✔️ YES
- 📌 TO 👇
Dragonfly Black ➡️ Nox $9 ✔️ YES
- 📌 TO 👇
P-72 Archimedes ➡️ X1 $14 ✔️ YES
Dragonfly Black ➡️ X1 $9 ✔️ YES
Dragonfly Yellowjacket ➡️ X1 $9 ✔️ YES
STV ➡️ X1 $9 ✔️ YES
- 📌 TO 👇
C8X Pisces Expedition ➡️ Cutter Rambler $9 ✔️ YES
Cutter ➡️ Cutter Rambler $9 ✔️ YES
Mule ➡️ Cutter Rambler $9 ✔️ YES
- 📌 TO 👇
C8X Pisces Expedition ➡️ Cutter Scout $9 ✔️ YES
Cutter ➡️ Cutter Scout $9 ✔️ YES
Mule ➡️ Cutter Scout $9 ✔️ YES
- 📌 TO 👇
STV ➡️ X1 Velocity $14 ✔️ YES
Cutter ➡️ X1 Velocity $9 ✔️ YES
Mule ➡️ X1 Velocity $9 ✔️ YES
X1 ➡️ X1 Velocity $9 ✔️ YES
- 📌 TO 👇
100i ➡️ Fury $9 ✔️ YES
Cutter Rambler ➡️ Fury $9 ✔️ YES
Cutter Scout ➡️ Fury $9 ✔️ YES
Ursa ➡️ Fury $9 ✔️ YES
- 📌 TO 👇
100i ➡️ Fury LX $9 ✔️ YES
Cutter Rambler ➡️ Fury LX $9 ✔️ YES
Cutter Scout ➡️ Fury LX $9 ✔️ YES
Ursa ➡️ Fury LX $9 ✔️ YES
- 📌 TO 👇
100i ➡️ Fury MX $9 ✔️ YES
Cutter Rambler ➡️ Fury MX $9 ✔️ YES
Cutter Scout ➡️ Fury MX $9 ✔️ YES
Ursa ➡️ Fury MX $9 ✔️ YES
- 📌 TO 👇
100i ➡️ Mustang Gamma $9 ✔️ YES
- 📌 TO 👇
Cutter ➡️ X1 Force $14 ✔️ YES
100i ➡️ X1 Force $9 ✔️ YES
X1 Velocity ➡️ X1 Force $9 ✔️ YES
- 📌 TO 👇
Cyclone ➡️ Lynx $9 ✔️ YES
Fury ➡️ Lynx $9 ✔️ YES
ROC ➡️ Lynx $9 ✔️ YES
- 📌 TO 👇
300i ➡️ C8R Pisces $9 ✔️ YES
Avenger Stalker ➡️ C8R Pisces $9 ✔️ YES
- 📌 TO 👇
125a ➡️ Cyclone RC $9 ✔️ YES
300i ➡️ Cyclone RC $9 ✔️ YES
Avenger Stalker ➡️ Cyclone RC $9 ✔️ YES
300i ➡️ Cyclone RN $9 ✔️ YES
Avenger Stalker ➡️ Cyclone RN $9 ✔️ YES
300i ➡️ Cyclone TR $9 ✔️ YES
Avenger Stalker ➡️ Cyclone TR $9 ✔️ YES
- 📌 TO 👇
Avenger Stalker ➡️ G12a $9 ✔️ YES
- 📌 TO 👇
Avenger Stalker ➡️ Mustang Delta $9 🔥 Last one!
- 📌 TO 👇
135c ➡️ Syulen $9 ✔️ YES
Reliant Kore ➡️ Syulen $9 ✔️ YES
- 📌 TO 👇
325a ➡️ Avenger Titan Renegade $9 ✔️ YES
- 📌 TO 👇
325a ➡️ Cyclone MT $9 ✔️ YES
- 📌 TO 👇
Reliant Kore ➡️ Reliant Tana $14 ✔️ YES
325a ➡️ Reliant Tana $9 ✔️ YES
Syulen ➡️ Reliant Tana $9 ✔️ YES
- 📌 TO 👇
Arrow ➡️ Cyclone AA $9 ✔️ YES
- 📌 TO 👇
300i ➡️ Spartan $25 ✔️ YES
G12 ➡️ Spartan $25 🔥 Last one!
G12r ➡️ Spartan $25 🔥 Last one!
Arrow ➡️ Spartan $9 ✔️ YES
- 📌 TO 👇
Nomad ➡️ Avenger Warlock $9 ✔️ YES
- 📌 TO 👇
Nomad ➡️ Herald $9 ✔️ YES
- 📌 TO 👇
Arrow ➡️ Reliant Sen $14 ✔️ YES
Nomad ➡️ Reliant Sen $9 ✔️ YES
Spartan ➡️ Reliant Sen $9 ✔️ YES
- 📌 TO 👇
Arrow ➡️ Storm $19 ✔️ YES
Nomad ➡️ Storm $14 ✔️ YES
Reliant Sen ➡️ Storm $9 ✔️ YES
- 📌 TO 👇
Gladius ➡️ Reliant Mako $9 ✔️ YES
- 📌 TO 👇
Reliant Sen ➡️ M50 $19 ✔️ YES
Gladius ➡️ M50 $14 ✔️ YES
Hull A ➡️ M50 $14 ✔️ YES
Reliant Mako ➡️ M50 $9 ✔️ YES
- 📌 TO 👇
Gladius ➡️ Storm AA $14 ✔️ YES
Storm ➡️ Storm AA $14 ✔️ YES
- 📌 TO 👇
Hull A ➡️ Buccaneer $25 ✔️ YES
Hawk ➡️ Buccaneer $14 ✔️ YES
- 📌 TO 👇
Gladius ➡️ Centurion $25 ✔️ YES
Hull A ➡️ Centurion $25 🔥 Last one!
- 📌 TO 👇
Gladius ➡️ Talon $30 ✔️ YES
Reliant Mako ➡️ Talon $25 ✔️ YES
- 📌 TO 👇
Arrow ➡️ Talon Shrike $46 ✔️ YES
Gladius ➡️ Talon Shrike $30 ✔️ YES
Reliant Mako ➡️ Talon Shrike $25 ✔️ YES
- 📌 TO 👇
Freelancer ➡️ Legionnaire $14 ✔️ YES
- 📌 TO 👇
M50 ➡️ Nova $25 🔥 2 Left!
Cutlass Black ➡️ Nova $14 ✔️ YES
Freelancer ➡️ Nova $14 ✔️ YES
- 📌 TO 👇
Cutlass Black ➡️ 350r $19 ✔️ YES
Talon ➡️ 350r $14 ✔️ YES
Talon Shrike ➡️ 350r $14 ✔️ YES
Legionnaire ➡️ 350r $9 ✔️ YES
Nova ➡️ 350r $9 ✔️ YES
- 📌 TO 👇
Cutlass Black ➡️ C1 Spirit $19 ✔️ YES
Freelancer ➡️ C1 Spirit $19 ✔️ YES
Nova ➡️ C1 Spirit $9 ✔️ YES
- 📌 TO 👇
F7C Hornet ➡️ Cutlass Red $30 🔥 Last one!
Freelancer ➡️ Cutlass Red $30 🔥 Last one!
F7C-S Hornet Ghost ➡️ Cutlass Red $14 ✔️ YES
- 📌 TO 👇
Cutlass Red ➡️ Hull B $9 ✔️ YES
Freelancer DUR ➡️ Hull B $9 ✔️ YES
- 📌 TO 👇
F7C-R Hornet Tracker ➡️ Razor $9 ✔️ YES
Hull B ➡️ Razor $9 ✔️ YES
- 📌 TO 👇
Ballista ➡️ E1 Spirit $14 ✔️ YES
F7C-R Hornet Tracker ➡️ E1 Spirit $14 ✔️ YES
Razor ➡️ E1 Spirit $9 ✔️ YES
- 📌 TO 👇
F7C-R Hornet Tracker ➡️ Expanse $14 ✔️ YES
- 📌 TO 👇
F7C-R Hornet Tracker ➡️ Razor LX $14 ✔️ YES
Razor ➡️ Razor LX $9 ✔️ YES
- 📌 TO 👇
Razor ➡️ Zeus Mk II CL $9 ✔️ YES
- 📌 TO 👇
Razor ➡️ Zeus Mk II ES $9 ✔️ YES
- 📌 TO 👇
Razor ➡️ Razor EX $14 ✔️ YES
Freelancer MAX ➡️ Razor EX $9 ✔️ YES
Mantis ➡️ Razor EX $9 ✔️ YES
Razor LX ➡️ Razor EX $9 ✔️ YES
- 📌 TO 👇
Prospector ➡️ Gladiator $14 ✔️ YES
- 📌 TO 👇
Hull B ➡️ Khartu-Al $35 ✔️ YES
Prospector ➡️ Khartu-Al $19 ✔️ YES
Gladiator ➡️ Khartu-Al $9 ✔️ YES
- 📌 TO 👇
Freelancer MAX ➡️ Sabre $25 🔥 2 Left!
Prospector ➡️ Sabre $19 ✔️ YES
Razor EX ➡️ Sabre $19 ✔️ YES
Gladiator ➡️ Sabre $9 ✔️ YES
- 📌 TO 👇
Cutlass Red ➡️ Cutlass Blue $46 ✔️ YES
Prospector ➡️ Cutlass Blue $25 ✔️ YES
Sabre ➡️ Cutlass Blue $9 ✔️ YES
- 📌 TO 👇
Prospector ➡️ F7C Hornet Wildfire $25 ✔️ YES
Razor EX ➡️ F7C Hornet Wildfire $25 ✔️ YES
Gladiator ➡️ F7C Hornet Wildfire $14 ✔️ YES
Khartu-Al ➡️ F7C Hornet Wildfire $9 ✔️ YES
Sabre ➡️ F7C Hornet Wildfire $9 ✔️ YES
- 📌 TO 👇
E1 Spirit ➡️ Freelancer MIS $30 ✔️ YES
Prospector ➡️ Freelancer MIS $25 ✔️ YES
Razor EX ➡️ Freelancer MIS $25 ✔️ YES
Gladiator ➡️ Freelancer MIS $14 ✔️ YES
Khartu-Al ➡️ Freelancer MIS $9 ✔️ YES
Sabre ➡️ Freelancer MIS $9 ✔️ YES
- 📌 TO 👇
Prospector ➡️ F7C-M Super Hornet $35 ✔️ YES
Razor EX ➡️ F7C-M Super Hornet $35 ✔️ YES
Gladiator ➡️ F7C-M Super Hornet $25 ✔️ YES
Khartu-Al ➡️ F7C-M Super Hornet $19 ✔️ YES
Sabre ➡️ F7C-M Super Hornet $19 ✔️ YES
Cutlass Blue ➡️ F7C-M Super Hornet $14 ✔️ YES
F7C Hornet Wildfire ➡️ F7C-M Super Hornet $14 ✔️ YES
Freelancer MIS ➡️ F7C-M Super Hornet $14 ✔️ YES
Vulture ➡️ F7C-M Super Hornet $14 ✔️ YES
- 📌 TO 👇
Prospector ➡️ Sabre Comet $35 ✔️ YES
Vulture ➡️ Sabre Comet $14 ✔️ YES
- 📌 TO 👇
Vulture ➡️ Zeus Mk II MR $19 ✔️ YES
F7C-M Super Hornet ➡️ Zeus Mk II MR $9 ✔️ YES
- 📌 TO 👇
Prospector ➡️ A1 Spirit $51 ✔️ YES
Gladiator ➡️ A1 Spirit $40 ✔️ YES
Khartu-Al ➡️ A1 Spirit $35 ✔️ YES
Sabre ➡️ A1 Spirit $35 ✔️ YES
Vulture ➡️ A1 Spirit $30 ✔️ YES
Zeus Mk II MR ➡️ A1 Spirit $14 ✔️ YES
- 📌 TO 👇
Prospector ➡️ F7C-M Super Hornet Heartseeker $51 ✔️ YES
Sabre ➡️ F7C-M Super Hornet Heartseeker $35 ✔️ YES
Freelancer MIS ➡️ F7C-M Super Hornet Heartseeker $30 ✔️ YES
F7C-M Super Hornet ➡️ F7C-M Super Hornet Heartseeker $19 ✔️ YES
Sabre Comet ➡️ F7C-M Super Hornet Heartseeker $19 ✔️ YES
- 📌 TO 👇
F7C-M Super Hornet ➡️ Vulcan $19 ✔️ YES
- 📌 TO 👇
Prospector ➡️ Hurricane $62 ✔️ YES
Sabre ➡️ Hurricane $46 ✔️ YES
Cutlass Blue ➡️ Hurricane $40 ✔️ YES
F7C-M Super Hornet ➡️ Hurricane $30 ✔️ YES
A1 Spirit ➡️ Hurricane $14 ✔️ YES
Constellation Taurus ➡️ Hurricane $14 ✔️ YES
F7C-M Super Hornet Heartseeker ➡️ Hurricane $14 ✔️ YES
Vulcan ➡️ Hurricane $14 ✔️ YES
- 📌 TO 👇
Prospector ➡️ Defender $72 ✔️ YES
Khartu-Al ➡️ Defender $56 🔥 2 Left!
Sabre ➡️ Defender $56 ✔️ YES
Cutlass Blue ➡️ Defender $51 ✔️ YES
Freelancer MIS ➡️ Defender $51 ✔️ YES
F7C-M Super Hornet ➡️ Defender $40 ✔️ YES
Sabre Comet ➡️ Defender $40 ✔️ YES
Constellation Taurus ➡️ Defender $25 ✔️ YES
Hurricane ➡️ Defender $14 ✔️ YES
- 📌 TO 👇
A1 Spirit ➡️ Terrapin $25 ✔️ YES
Constellation Taurus ➡️ Terrapin $25 ✔️ YES
F7C-M Super Hornet Heartseeker ➡️ Terrapin $25 ✔️ YES
Vulcan ➡️ Terrapin $25 ✔️ YES
Hurricane ➡️ Terrapin $14 ✔️ YES
- 📌 TO 👇
Prospector ➡️ Railen $77 ✔️ YES
Constellation Taurus ➡️ Railen $30 ✔️ YES
Vulcan ➡️ Railen $30 ✔️ YES
Defender ➡️ Railen $9 ✔️ YES
- 📌 TO 👇
Constellation Taurus ➡️ Scorpius Antares $35 ✔️ YES
F7C-M Super Hornet Heartseeker ➡️ Scorpius Antares $35 ✔️ YES
Hurricane ➡️ Scorpius Antares $25 ✔️ YES
Defender ➡️ Scorpius Antares $14 ✔️ YES
Terrapin ➡️ Scorpius Antares $14 ✔️ YES
Railen ➡️ Scorpius Antares $9 ✔️ YES
- 📌 TO 👇
Constellation Taurus ➡️ Cutlass Steel $40 ✔️ YES
Terrapin ➡️ Cutlass Steel $19 ✔️ YES
Scorpius Antares ➡️ Cutlass Steel $9 ✔️ YES
- 📌 TO 👇
A1 Spirit ➡️ San'tok.yāi $46 ✔️ YES
Constellation Taurus ➡️ San'tok.yāi $46 ✔️ YES
Hurricane ➡️ San'tok.yāi $35 ✔️ YES
Defender ➡️ San'tok.yāi $25 ✔️ YES
Terrapin ➡️ San'tok.yāi $25 ✔️ YES
Scorpius Antares ➡️ San'tok.yāi $14 ✔️ YES
Cutlass Steel ➡️ San'tok.yāi $9 ✔️ YES
- 📌 TO 👇
Prospector ➡️ Scorpius $93 ✔️ YES
Sabre ➡️ Scorpius $77 ✔️ YES
Freelancer MIS ➡️ Scorpius $72 ✔️ YES
F7C-M Super Hornet ➡️ Scorpius $62 ✔️ YES
Sabre Comet ➡️ Scorpius $62 🔥 2 Left!
Constellation Taurus ➡️ Scorpius $46 ✔️ YES
F7C-M Super Hornet Heartseeker ➡️ Scorpius $46 ✔️ YES
Hurricane ➡️ Scorpius $35 ✔️ YES
Defender ➡️ Scorpius $25 ✔️ YES
Terrapin ➡️ Scorpius $25 ✔️ YES
Scorpius Antares ➡️ Scorpius $14 ✔️ YES
Cutlass Steel ➡️ Scorpius $9 ✔️ YES
- 📌 TO 👇
Constellation Taurus ➡️ Vanguard Hoplite $46 ✔️ YES
Defender ➡️ Vanguard Hoplite $25 ✔️ YES
Railen ➡️ Vanguard Hoplite $19 ✔️ YES
Scorpius Antares ➡️ Vanguard Hoplite $14 ✔️ YES
- 📌 TO 👇
Constellation Taurus ➡️ 400i $56 ✔️ YES
Terrapin ➡️ 400i $35 ✔️ YES
Constellation Andromeda ➡️ 400i $14 ✔️ YES
San'tok.yāi ➡️ 400i $14 ✔️ YES
Scorpius ➡️ 400i $14 ✔️ YES
Vanguard Hoplite ➡️ 400i $14 ✔️ YES
- 📌 TO 👇
Constellation Andromeda ➡️ Apollo Triage $14 ✔️ YES
Scorpius ➡️ Apollo Triage $14 ✔️ YES
- 📌 TO 👇
Prospector ➡️ Ares Inferno $104 ✔️ YES
Sabre ➡️ Ares Inferno $88 ✔️ YES
Freelancer MIS ➡️ Ares Inferno $83 ✔️ YES
F7C-M Super Hornet ➡️ Ares Inferno $72 ✔️ YES
Sabre Comet ➡️ Ares Inferno $72 ✔️ YES
Constellation Taurus ➡️ Ares Inferno $56 ✔️ YES
F7C-M Super Hornet Heartseeker ➡️ Ares Inferno $56 ✔️ YES
Vulcan ➡️ Ares Inferno $56 ✔️ YES
Constellation Andromeda ➡️ Ares Inferno $14 ✔️ YES
San'tok.yāi ➡️ Ares Inferno $14 ✔️ YES
Scorpius ➡️ Ares Inferno $14 ✔️ YES
- 📌 TO 👇
Prospector ➡️ Ares Ion $104 ✔️ YES
Sabre ➡️ Ares Ion $88 ✔️ YES
Freelancer MIS ➡️ Ares Ion $83 ✔️ YES
F7C-M Super Hornet ➡️ Ares Ion $72 ✔️ YES
Sabre Comet ➡️ Ares Ion $72 ✔️ YES
Constellation Taurus ➡️ Ares Ion $56 ✔️ YES
F7C-M Super Hornet Heartseeker ➡️ Ares Ion $56 ✔️ YES
Vulcan ➡️ Ares Ion $56 ✔️ YES
Constellation Andromeda ➡️ Ares Ion $14 ✔️ YES
San'tok.yāi ➡️ Ares Ion $14 ✔️ YES
Scorpius ➡️ Ares Ion $14 ✔️ YES
- 📌 TO 👇
Defender ➡️ Corsair $35 ✔️ YES
Terrapin ➡️ Corsair $35 ✔️ YES
Constellation Andromeda ➡️ Corsair $14 ✔️ YES
San'tok.yāi ➡️ Corsair $14 ✔️ YES
Scorpius ➡️ Corsair $14 ✔️ YES
Vanguard Hoplite ➡️ Corsair $14 ✔️ YES
- 📌 TO 👇
F7C-M Super Hornet Heartseeker ➡️ Mercury $67 ✔️ YES
Terrapin ➡️ Mercury $46 ✔️ YES
Constellation Andromeda ➡️ Mercury $25 ✔️ YES
San'tok.yāi ➡️ Mercury $25 ✔️ YES
Scorpius ➡️ Mercury $25 ✔️ YES
Vanguard Hoplite ➡️ Mercury $25 ✔️ YES
400i ➡️ Mercury $14 ✔️ YES
Ares Inferno ➡️ Mercury $14 ✔️ YES
Ares Ion ➡️ Mercury $14 ✔️ YES
Corsair ➡️ Mercury $14 ✔️ YES
- 📌 TO 👇
Constellation Andromeda ➡️ Vanguard Warden $25 ✔️ YES
Scorpius ➡️ Vanguard Warden $25 ✔️ YES
400i ➡️ Vanguard Warden $14 ✔️ YES
Ares Inferno ➡️ Vanguard Warden $14 ✔️ YES
Ares Ion ➡️ Vanguard Warden $14 ✔️ YES
Corsair ➡️ Vanguard Warden $14 ✔️ YES
- 📌 TO 👇
Constellation Andromeda ➡️ Apollo Medivac $40 ✔️ YES
400i ➡️ Apollo Medivac $30 ✔️ YES
Apollo Triage ➡️ Apollo Medivac $30 ✔️ YES
Corsair ➡️ Apollo Medivac $30 ✔️ YES
Mercury ➡️ Apollo Medivac $19 ✔️ YES
Vanguard Warden ➡️ Apollo Medivac $19 ✔️ YES
- 📌 TO 👇
Constellation Andromeda ➡️ Blade $40 🔥 2 Left!
- 📌 TO 👇
Constellation Andromeda ➡️ Retaliator Bomber $40 ✔️ YES
Scorpius ➡️ Retaliator Bomber $40 🔥 Last one!
400i ➡️ Retaliator Bomber $30 ✔️ YES
Ares Inferno ➡️ Retaliator Bomber $30 ✔️ YES
Ares Ion ➡️ Retaliator Bomber $30 ✔️ YES
Corsair ➡️ Retaliator Bomber $30 ✔️ YES
Mercury ➡️ Retaliator Bomber $19 ✔️ YES
Vanguard Warden ➡️ Retaliator Bomber $19 ✔️ YES
- 📌 TO 👇
Constellation Andromeda ➡️ Vanguard Sentinel $40 ✔️ YES
400i ➡️ Vanguard Sentinel $30 ✔️ YES
Ares Ion ➡️ Vanguard Sentinel $30 ✔️ YES
Corsair ➡️ Vanguard Sentinel $30 ✔️ YES
Mercury ➡️ Vanguard Sentinel $19 ✔️ YES
Vanguard Warden ➡️ Vanguard Sentinel $19 ✔️ YES
- 📌 TO 👇
Constellation Andromeda ➡️ Vanguard Harbinger $56 ✔️ YES
Mercury ➡️ Vanguard Harbinger $35 ✔️ YES
Vanguard Warden ➡️ Vanguard Harbinger $35 ✔️ YES
Retaliator Bomber ➡️ Vanguard Harbinger $19 ✔️ YES
Vanguard Sentinel ➡️ Vanguard Harbinger $19 ✔️ YES
- 📌 TO 👇
Constellation Andromeda ➡️ Eclipse $67 ✔️ YES
Mercury ➡️ Eclipse $46 ✔️ YES
Vanguard Warden ➡️ Eclipse $46 🔥 Last one!
Retaliator Bomber ➡️ Eclipse $30 ✔️ YES
Vanguard Sentinel ➡️ Eclipse $30 ✔️ YES
Vanguard Harbinger ➡️ Eclipse $14 ✔️ YES
- 📌 TO 👇
Constellation Andromeda ➡️ Starfarer $67 🔥 Last one!
Mercury ➡️ Starfarer $46 🔥 Last one!
Vanguard Harbinger ➡️ Starfarer $14 ✔️ YES
- 📌 TO 👇
Constellation Andromeda ➡️ Caterpillar $99 ✔️ YES
400i ➡️ Caterpillar $88 ✔️ YES
Mercury ➡️ Caterpillar $77 ✔️ YES
Vanguard Warden ➡️ Caterpillar $77 ✔️ YES
Retaliator Bomber ➡️ Caterpillar $62 ✔️ YES
Vanguard Sentinel ➡️ Caterpillar $62 ✔️ YES
Vanguard Harbinger ➡️ Caterpillar $46 ✔️ YES
Constellation Aquila ➡️ Caterpillar $19 ✔️ YES
MOLE ➡️ Caterpillar $19 ✔️ YES
- 📌 TO 👇
Mercury ➡️ Redeemer $77 ✔️ YES
Vanguard Warden ➡️ Redeemer $77 ✔️ YES
Constellation Aquila ➡️ Redeemer $19 ✔️ YES
MOLE ➡️ Redeemer $19 ✔️ YES
- 📌 TO 👇
Constellation Aquila ➡️ Starfarer Gemini $30 ✔️ YES
MOLE ➡️ Starfarer Gemini $30 ✔️ YES
Caterpillar ➡️ Starfarer Gemini $14 ✔️ YES
Redeemer ➡️ Starfarer Gemini $14 ✔️ YES
- 📌 TO 👇
MOLE ➡️ Crucible $40 ✔️ YES
Caterpillar ➡️ Crucible $25 ✔️ YES
Starfarer Gemini ➡️ Crucible $14 ✔️ YES
- 📌 TO 👇
MOLE ➡️ Endeavor $40 ✔️ YES
Caterpillar ➡️ Endeavor $25 ✔️ YES
Redeemer ➡️ Endeavor $25 ✔️ YES
Starfarer Gemini ➡️ Endeavor $14 ✔️ YES
- 📌 TO 👇
Constellation Aquila ➡️ Valkyrie $67 🔥 Last one!
MOLE ➡️ Valkyrie $67 ✔️ YES
Caterpillar ➡️ Valkyrie $51 ✔️ YES
Redeemer ➡️ Valkyrie $51 ✔️ YES
Starfarer Gemini ➡️ Valkyrie $40 ✔️ YES
- 📌 TO 👇
Valkyrie ➡️ Galaxy $9 ✔️ YES
- 📌 TO 👇
MOLE ➡️ C2 Hercules $93 ✔️ YES
Starfarer Gemini ➡️ C2 Hercules $67 ✔️ YES
Glaive ➡️ C2 Hercules $56 ✔️ YES
Valkyrie ➡️ C2 Hercules $30 ✔️ YES
Galaxy ➡️ C2 Hercules $25 ✔️ YES
- 📌 TO 👇
MOLE ➡️ Genesis $93 ✔️ YES
- 📌 TO 👇
Valkyrie ➡️ Reclaimer $30 ✔️ YES
Galaxy ➡️ Reclaimer $25 ✔️ YES
- 📌 TO 👇
Valkyrie ➡️ 600i Touring $67 🔥 Last one!
C2 Hercules ➡️ 600i Touring $40 ✔️ YES
Reclaimer ➡️ 600i Touring $40 ✔️ YES
- 📌 TO 👇
Constellation Aquila ➡️ Prowler $136 ✔️ YES
Valkyrie ➡️ Prowler $72 ✔️ YES
C2 Hercules ➡️ Prowler $46 ✔️ YES
Reclaimer ➡️ Prowler $46 ✔️ YES
600i Touring ➡️ Prowler $9 ✔️ YES
- 📌 TO 👇
C2 Hercules ➡️ 600i Explorer $83 🔥 2 Left!
600i Touring ➡️ 600i Explorer $46 ✔️ YES
Prowler ➡️ 600i Explorer $40 ✔️ YES
- 📌 TO 👇
MOLE ➡️ Hull C $199 ✔️ YES
Prowler ➡️ Hull C $67 ✔️ YES
600i Explorer ➡️ Hull C $30 ✔️ YES
- 📌 TO 👇
MOLE ➡️ M2 Hercules $220 ✔️ YES
C2 Hercules ➡️ M2 Hercules $130 ✔️ YES
600i Explorer ➡️ M2 Hercules $51 ✔️ YES
Hull C ➡️ M2 Hercules $25 ✔️ YES
- 📌 TO 👇
M2 Hercules ➡️ Arrastra $62 ✔️ YES
Hull D ➡️ Arrastra $30 ✔️ YES
- 📌 TO 👇
M2 Hercules ➡️ Liberator $62 ✔️ YES
Hull D ➡️ Liberator $30 🔥 2 Left!
- 📌 TO 👇
Valkyrie ➡️ Carrack $241 ✔️ YES
Genesis ➡️ Carrack $215 🔥 Last one!
Prowler ➡️ Carrack $173 ✔️ YES
600i Explorer ➡️ Carrack $136 ✔️ YES
M2 Hercules ➡️ Carrack $88 ✔️ YES
Arrastra ➡️ Carrack $30 ✔️ YES
Liberator ➡️ Carrack $30 ✔️ YES
- 📌 TO 👇
Prowler ➡️ Merchantman $225 ✔️ YES
600i Explorer ➡️ Merchantman $188 ✔️ YES
M2 Hercules ➡️ Merchantman $141 ✔️ YES
Liberator ➡️ Merchantman $83 ✔️ YES
Carrack ➡️ Merchantman $56 ✔️ YES
- 📌 TO 👇
Carrack ➡️ Orion $56 ✔️ YES
- 📌 TO 👇
Carrack ➡️ Perseus $83 ✔️ YES
Merchantman ➡️ Perseus $30 ✔️ YES
Orion ➡️ Perseus $30 ✔️ YES
- 📌 TO 👇
Carrack ➡️ Odyssey $109 ✔️ YES
Perseus ➡️ Odyssey $30 ✔️ YES
- 📌 TO 👇
Carrack ➡️ Hammerhead $136 🔥 Last one!
Carrack Expedition w/C8X ➡️ Hammerhead $88 🔥 2 Left!
Merchantman ➡️ Hammerhead $83 ✔️ YES
Perseus ➡️ Hammerhead $56 ✔️ YES
Odyssey ➡️ Hammerhead $30 ✔️ YES
- 📌 TO 👇
Merchantman ➡️ Nautilus $83 🔥 Last one!
Perseus ➡️ Nautilus $56 🔥 2 Left!
Odyssey ➡️ Nautilus $30 ✔️ YES
- 📌 TO 👇
M2 Hercules ➡️ A2 Hercules $247 🔥 Last one!
Carrack ➡️ A2 Hercules $162 ✔️ YES
Carrack Expedition ➡️ A2 Hercules $136 🔥 2 Left!
Carrack Expedition w/C8X ➡️ A2 Hercules $114 ✔️ YES
Merchantman ➡️ A2 Hercules $109 ✔️ YES
Perseus ➡️ A2 Hercules $83 ✔️ YES
Odyssey ➡️ A2 Hercules $56 ✔️ YES
Hammerhead ➡️ A2 Hercules $30 ✔️ YES
- 📌 TO 👇
Perseus ➡️ Polaris $83 ✔️ YES
Hammerhead ➡️ Polaris $38 ✔️ YES
Nautilus ➡️ Polaris $38 ✔️ YES
Items Price
Scorpius - Stinger Paint 💎 $45
Scorpius - Sunburn Paint $14
Spirit - Olympia Paint $18
Constellation ILW 2950 Paint Pack $24
  1. PM me what you would like to buy and include your Verified PayPal email
  2. Reply to this thread by announcing that you sent me a private message "PM'd", so I can see that you are a verified buyer.
  3. I will then send you an invoice to your paypal email.
  4. After payment is cleared Item is delivered to the buyer's PayPal email address.
  5. You will recieve a regular email from RSI with the title "Someone sent you a gift from Roberts Space Industries"
  6. Make sure to be logged into the correct RSI account before you open the link inside,
  7. I will post in "Confirmed Trades theme post" thread announcing the sale.
  8. After confirming the gift, you can reply to the post in which I mention you with +verify in "Confirmed Trades theme post".
  9. Tracking and proof of delivery are provided by "Hangar Log" on RSI website.
Important: I don't do middleman services, my Discord is Juannox#3193, I do not do trades or anything in discord, avoid trades with any name other than that, please read THIS
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2024.05.15 07:07 meerkatopia [US][SELLING] Manga By The Gallon, Please Drink With Your Eyes!

Hello all friends,
Hoping you are well. I am interested in clearing some space and cash up for new hobbies and some vacationing this summer. The list is a little jumbled but gets the job done. If I missed anything the vast majority are $2-4 with some price breaks if you pick up multiple books.
All that is needed is your current shipping address on paypal when I request or invoice your email, with shipping info updated within 2 days of order. Orders to be shipped with media mail and with a few layers of packaging.
That should be it, I hope you enjoy the list!
Timestamp- Imgur: The magic of the Internet
Air gear 19, 23, 24 $45 G4
Tokyopop Sampler 2003-2006 (6 vols) $75 G4
Gantz 1-23 $360 G4-G5
Gantz 11-13 $65 G5
Hitman Reborn 1 Misprint upside down inside $40 G4
Cutie Honey $75 G4
Bastard! 1-19 G4 $600
Hellsing 7, 8 $35 G4
Iron Wok Jan 8-10, 12, 19-21 $105 G4
Battle Vixens 13, 14 $80 Sealed
Animal land 1-14 $400 G4-G5
Inuyasha 37, 40, 46-48, 52 $134 G5
Gakuen Alice 6, 9 $40 G4
Berserk DMP (8 Vols) $50 G4
Pandora crimson in a shell 1-3, 5-11 $35
Princess Knight 1 $10 G4
Limited Copies/ Signed/ Sealed OOP:
Dementia 21 1st print $90
Color Of Rage Sealed $60
Akira Volume 4 Limited Edition Hardcover Graphitti Katsuhiro Otomo $50 G4
Astro Boy Essays Osamu Tezuka Mighty Atom, and Manga/Anime Revolution Signed By Frederik L. Schodt G4 $40
Yumiko Kayukawa 2013 Japanese Wolf /1000 $40 G4
Cardfight Vanguard 1 with Sealed card $25 G4-G5
Ragnarok #1 Signed $20 G4
Alice Hearts 1-3 $12 G4
Hino Horror 11 $39 G4
Ikigami 1-8, 10 $120 G4
Gundam R 3 $5 G3-G4
Omamori Himari 6 $5 G3-G4
Kagerou Daze 1, 3 $8 G4
Tokyo Tribes 1 $4 G4
Psycho Pass 1-4 $20 G3
Code Geass 1, 2, $18
NGE Shinji 10 $5 G4
Dragon Ball Vizbig 1-2, Z 2,4 $32 G3-G4
Kamen Tantei 2-3 $20 G4
Initial D 3 $12 G4
Gantz 1-2 $30 G3
Btooom 25 $10 sealed
Fire Force 1-8 $30 G4
Appleseed Alpha $8 G4-G5
Cromartie 8 $4 G3
Ring 0 $10 G4
Zombie Fairy 1 $5 G4
Gundam Blue Destiny $5 G4
Mid 2010s Japanese Shonen Jump Magazine $25 each
Crimson Shell 1-3, 5-11 $50 G4
Sherlock Bones 1-7 $20 G4
Jack Ripper 1, 5 $50 G4
Midori Days 8 $12 G4
Record Of Lodoss War Chronicles Of The Heroic Knight 1 $20 G4
Get Backers 9 vols $25 G3-G4
Samurai Kyo (3) volumes $9 G3-G4
Dragon Head (FRENCH) $100 G4
Incomplete sets:
GTO 3, 6-9 $75 G4-G5
With the light 2-4, 6 $70 G3-G4 Ex lib
With the light 2 $20 G3 Ex lib
Berserk 1-3, 5, 9, 15, 18, 19 G2-G4 (8 Volumes) $30
Crayon Shin 3 $12 sealed CMX
Lum 1-2 90s 1st print $20 G4
Record of Lodoss War Chronicles of the Heroic Knight Vol. 1 $15 G4
Scientific Accelerator 2, 4-7 G4 $50
Lone Wolf & Cub Omnibus 1985 Japanese $80
Saint Tail 2 G3 $10
Saint Seiya Sho 1-2 G4 $4
Mushoku Tensai 1-2 + Roxy 1-2 G4 $15
Magical girl raising project 1-2 G5 $9
First love monster 1-2 G5 $8
Big Order 1 G4 $4
Tomodachi monster 1 $3
Those who hunt elves 1-2 G4 $9
Spare 22 G3 $4
Rin ne 3 G4 $3
The story of Saiunkoko 1-3, 6-9 G4 $40
Fuishigi Omnibus 1-3 G4 $20
Eden Zero 1-3 G4 $6
New lone wolf 1-4 G4 $50
Wedding Peach 1 $15 G4
Strawberry Marshmellow 1-2 $38 G4
Lone Wolf and cub 13 volumes with spare $50 G3-G4
Chaotic Century 11 G4 $
Emma 1-2 G3 $10 ex lib
Jyu oh sei 3 G4 $5
Jack Ripper 1, 5 $50 G4
Beyblade 3 $20 G4
Clover omnibus G3 $5
Blade immortal spares (3) spine fade G3/G4 $10
Vampire Game 15 $8
The promised neverland 17 G4 $3
W Juliet 1-4 G3 $10
Scrapped Princess 1-4 $10
Tenchi- $3
Exaxxion 1 $5
Karneval 1 G4 $8
Black Jack 1, 3, G4 $10
Spare 1 $4
Wotakoi 1 G5 $5
Shin Chan CMX #3 Sealed $12
Dance In The Vampire Bund 1-3, 7-9, 18-21 G4 $30
Bt'x 13 G4 $35
Aoi house $1
Angel Sanctuary 2 $1
Ragnarok 1 $1
World War Blue 5, 7 G4 $3
Grils got game 2 $1
Akame ga Kill 1 $2
Captain Ken 1, G4 $10
Sex ed 120% $3
Ichiroh 5, G4 $5
Infini T Force 1-4 G5 $18
Shugo chara 2-6 G3/G4 $20
Magic Knight Rayearth 1st 3 G3 $3
Ode To Kirihito 2 G4 $10 Spare Available
Desert Coral 1-3 G4 $10
Spare Ryu Final 3 G4 $10
Thanks for checking it out and be safe out there!
Clover Omnibus $10 G3
Utena 2 $20 G4
Summit of The Gods 2 $13 G4
Stawberry Marshmellow 1-2 $25 G4
butterfly flowers 5 $3
Honey Clover 10 $40 G4
Yugioh (3) volumes $10
Oreimo 4 $4 G4
Megaman 12 Ex lib $12 G3
Berserk 4, 15 $5 G2-G3
Death note 1-13 + 2 journals $49 G3
Suikodon 9 $5 G3
Scrapped Princess 1-3 $6 G3
Eden zero 1-2 $5 G4
I dont like you at all big brother $3 G4
Vampire game 15 $3 G4
One Piece (9) volumes $24 G3
Bleach (14) $34 G4
Mushoku 1-2, roxy 1-2 $15 G4
Shaman king (6) ex lib $20
Kurosagi 4, 7 8 $10 ex lib G3
Tsubasa 1-4 $10 G3-G4
Ajin 8 $3 G4
Juvenile Orion 1-5 $12 G4
Ranma 22 $4 G4

Worst 3 $15 G4
Rayearth 1 $4 G3
Captain Ken 1 $30 G4
Dounuts under a crescent moon 1 $3 G4
Again 2 $3 G4

Manga Diary of a Male Porn Star Vol. 1 $3 G4

The Great Jahy Will Not Be Defeated! 1 $2 G4

Inuyasha 46, 48 Ex Library $20 G3
Stray Little Devil 3 $5 G4
Ng Life 3 $3
D frag 1 $4 G4
Velveten & Mandela $8 G4
Franken Fran 1 1st priint $20
Hollow Fields $6 G4
Record Lodoss CMP $15 G4
Lum: Urusei Yatsura Vol. 1-2 $50 G4 1988
Remina $10 G4
A brides story 1 $5 G4
Karneval 1 $4 G4
Oh my goddess (4) $10 G3
Inuyasha (5) larger tpb $20 G3-G4
Saikano 1-3 $13 G4
Dark Metro 1-2 $13 G4
Gyo 1 $25 G4
submitted by meerkatopia to mangaswap [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 07:04 edgykitty [Post Game Thread] MVP Nikola Jokic dominates as the Denver Nuggets win their third in a row over the Minnesota Timberwolves, 112-97, in Game 5 to take a 3-2 series lead.

97 - 112
Box Scores: NBA - Yahoo
Location: Ball Arena (19992), Clock: Final
Officials: JB DeRosa, Bill Kennedy, and Ed Malloy
Team Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Total
Minnesota Timberwolves 26 18 30 23 97
Denver Nuggets 28 22 38 24 112
Minnesota Timberwolves 97 38-78 48.7% 8-26 30.8% 13-19 68.4% 8 40 30 20 7 14 7
Denver Nuggets 112 44-80 55.0% 9-19 47.4% 15-18 83.3% 8 45 30 17 6 11 5
Jaden McDanielsSF 30:42 9 4-9 1-4 0-0 2 1 3 3 1 2 3 4 -18
Karl-Anthony TownsPF 37:55 23 10-19 2-5 1-2 1 5 6 4 2 0 2 4 -17
Rudy GobertC 40:00 18 7-7 0-0 4-7 2 9 11 3 2 2 1 4 -2
Nickeil Alexander-WalkerSG 39:10 14 5-12 4-8 0-0 1 1 2 5 0 2 1 1 -13
Anthony EdwardsPG 44:15 18 5-15 1-5 7-8 0 4 4 9 1 0 4 2 -12
Naz Reid 19:46 7 3-8 0-3 1-2 0 3 3 0 0 1 1 4 -2
Kyle Anderson 16:27 2 1-2 0-0 0-0 1 1 2 3 1 0 2 1 -4
Monte Morris 11:44 6 3-6 0-1 0-0 1 1 2 3 0 0 0 0 -7
Mike Conley 00:00 0 0-0 0-0 0-0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Luka Garza 00:00 0 0-0 0-0 0-0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Jordan McLaughlin 00:00 0 0-0 0-0 0-0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Leonard Miller 00:00 0 0-0 0-0 0-0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Josh Minott 00:00 0 0-0 0-0 0-0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Wendell Moore Jr. 00:00 0 0-0 0-0 0-0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
T.J. Warren 00:00 0 0-0 0-0 0-0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Michael Porter Jr.SF 35:32 6 2-10 2-7 0-0 1 6 7 1 0 2 2 3 4
Aaron GordonPF 33:38 18 7-14 0-1 4-4 5 5 10 5 1 0 2 2 8
Nikola JokicC 41:06 40 15-22 2-3 8-9 0 7 7 13 2 1 0 2 21
Kentavious Caldwell-PopeSG 37:52 16 6-8 4-5 0-0 0 5 5 4 1 0 2 3 16
Jamal MurrayPG 41:22 16 7-14 0-0 2-2 1 0 1 4 1 0 2 2 11
Justin Holiday 15:23 0 0-1 0-1 0-0 0 3 3 1 0 0 1 3 2
Christian Braun 28:18 10 4-8 1-2 1-3 1 4 5 2 1 2 1 2 11
Reggie Jackson 06:38 6 3-3 0-0 0-0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 4
Peyton Watson 00:09 0 0-0 0-0 0-0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 -2
DeAndre Jordan 00:00 0 0-0 0-0 0-0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Zeke Nnaji 00:00 0 0-0 0-0 0-0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Jalen Pickett 00:00 0 0-0 0-0 0-0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Julian Strawther 00:00 0 0-0 0-0 0-0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Hunter Tyson 00:00 0 0-0 0-0 0-0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Vlatko Cancar 00:00 0 0-0 0-0 0-0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
submitted by edgykitty to nba [link] [comments]
