Pictures of pokemon

Pictures of dogs!

2009.08.27 22:50 Pictures of dogs!

Pictures of dogs!

2012.03.02 04:14 zanycaswell a place for pictures and videos of nature


2008.09.11 22:55 Pokémon: Gotta Catch 'Em All!

pokemon is an unofficial Pokémon fan community. This is the place for most things Pokémon on Reddit—TV shows, video games, toys, trading cards, you name it!

2024.05.16 01:35 Different_Plankton_3 Joining the Post-game Club!

Joining the Post-game Club!
We stuck together for every gym (almost), elite four and onward during these 39h!! Proud of my team!! All of them lvl 75, not considering (not knowing a thing) about EVs nor IVs nor most of the newer generation Pokemons... Used some items when needed, and accepted some "rewind" helps sometimes... But had the most non-professional child-like fun!!! WHAT A GREAT POKEMON GAME!!! And a big THANK YOU and Congratulations to everyone involved on the making of it!!
Do not think I'll go for the hardcore missions of obliterating the league with lots of team and stuff... But will do my best on the post-game to see the whole story and see as much as I can, and enjoy EVERY SECOND out of it!!!
EDIT: Deleted and reuploaded to add more pictures.
submitted by Different_Plankton_3 to PokemonUnbound [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 23:31 Lazaruszs [Bug] Attempting to template match but running into issues

[Bug] Attempting to template match but running into issues
I'm pretty new to OpenCV and template matching in general. I wanted to create a program that would detect shiny pokemon by taking a snapshot of the top half of the screen, and matching it with the shiny version of the pokemon. If theres a match, then the pokemon is shiny and if not, then not shiny.
These are the images I'm using to try and match them together. The bottom picture is what the main image is, and the top picture is the shiny pokemon template I am attempting to match. I also attempted to use a smaller main picture with just the encountered pokemon and nothing else, but that was not working either. There is a clear distinction of where the image is located (IMO) but the program is not able to find it. Here is my code:
import cv2 import numpy as np import urllib.request import requests pokemonName = 'flaaffy' url = requests.get(f'{pokemonName}').json()['sprites']['versions']['generation-iv']['heartgold-soulsilver']['front_shiny'] urllib.request.urlretrieve(url, 'Shiny.png') # Load the main image and the template image main_image = cv2.imread('top_half_HGTest.png', cv2.IMREAD_UNCHANGED) template = cv2.imread('Shiny.png', cv2.IMREAD_UNCHANGED) result = cv2.matchTemplate(main_image, template, cv2.TM_CCOEFF_NORMED) threshold = 0.18 locations = np.where(result >= threshold) locations = list(zip(*locations[::-1])) for loc in locations: top_left = loc bottom_right = (top_left[0] + template.shape[1], top_left[1] + template.shape[0]) cv2.rectangle(main_image, top_left, bottom_right, (0, 255, 0), 2) locations_array = np.array(locations) print(len(locations_array)) # Display the result cv2.imshow('Result', main_image) cv2.waitKey(0) cv2.destroyAllWindows() 
Unless I set my template to a very low score (in this case, 0.18), it won't find a match. I've tried using other matching methods but nothing seems to be working. Another issue is that because I set the threshold so low, it matches incorrectly multiple times. One more issue is that attempting to match different pokemon produces different results. In the case above, setting the threshold at 0.18 can successfully match a flaaffy once, but trying the same thing on an Arbok for example gives me at least a thousand matches, most of them incorrect.
I'm very new to OpenCV and was wondering if there were any ideas on how to fix this. I know that image preprocessing is a thing but I need the color of the image to be there, because shiny pokemon are just color alternations of the pokemon.
submitted by Lazaruszs to opencv [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 23:05 Bestm243 LF: Mythicals and Legendaries to fill out living dex. Offering: see attached

LF: Mythicals and Legendaries to fill out living dex. Offering: see attached
Looking for the following Legendaries/Mythicals to finish living dex: -Deoxys x4 -Victini -Genesect -Diancie -Hoopa x2 -Volcanion -Magearna -Marshadow -Zeraora -Zarude x2
I have included pictures of all of the pokemon I’m willing to trade. Some of the PLA pokemon are alphas but if you’re interested in a particular mon, I can let you know the pokeball, nature, alpha status and what not.
The Alakazam, Sceptile, Kirlia and Absol are all from POGO.
I’m really only looking for the above Pokemon though, so not really interested in anything else other than alpha spacetime distortion pokemon.
submitted by Bestm243 to PokemonHome [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 21:49 Negativety101 LF: Shiny Cyndaquil, Shiny Torchic.

FT, see the picture in comments. Willing to trade any of the pokemon in the box. All of them are Shiny. Need 2 Cyndaquils.
submitted by Negativety101 to PokemonSVTrades [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 20:40 ineedsleep0808 Tantrums with just mom?

Hello. I am struggling with my five year old son. For some context, I am recently diagnosed with ADHD so I am medicated and in therapy.
My son just turned five in April. He is in his second year of preschool. We started him in preschool at the age of three because he needed speech therapy. He is in a classroom with a mix of model students along with students who need extra support. He receives speech therapy once a week. He does have a teacher in there who is an intervention teacher.
We had parent/teacher conferences back in February and we received nothing but glowing reports about our son. I spoke again with the intervention teacher because I am having such a difficult time with my son at home and I even asked her if she sees any signs of ADHD. She reports that she doesn’t see anything.
With me, the mom, he is very defiant. He does not listen. He throws fits all day long. He constantly antagonizes his younger sister to the point where she is constantly whining and crying. It’s getting to the point where I don’t want to be around him.
I have talked to the intervention teacher regarding his behavior and she suggested making a chart of what he should expect every morning and what to expect after school. I have made the chart for after school and his behavior after school has improved. I should note he goes to preschool in the afternoon so our mornings are free. The thing is, each morning is going to be a little different because there are mornings where we will go to the grocery or go to the park or just hang out at home.
Today was a hang out at home kind of morning. My daughter was still sleeping and my son was up watching tv. I took the opportunity to take a shower and finally wash my hair. My son was talking about how this one kid in his class has this certain kind of pokemon card and how he wanted one just like it. I said maybe you can ask him where he got it from and my son said he didn’t want to ask him and got upset and how he wanted to go to Target and buy pokemon cards. I was calm and explained to him that we aren’t going to buy any pokemon cards and I gave him a hug and he let me hug for quite awhile. He asked again about buying pokemon cards and I had to say no again and then he proceeded to threaten me that if I don’t buy him pokemon cards that he was going to yell and scream to wake up his sister and while he was saying this he was actually starting to yell louder and louder to wake her up. At the same time while he was throwing this fit, for some insane reason, he pulls down his pants to expose himself. After I had remained calm for so long, I would say about ten minutes, I finally snapped. I yelled about what he was doing was inappropriate. Of course he cried and I had to walk away because I was furious. All I wanted to do wash to shower and wash my hair and I couldn’t even do that without some kind of tantrum.
There was just last week where we had a zoo date with some friends and he wanted to ride the carousel but we were running out of time so I said next time we can ride it. He got upset of course and was constantly trying to put the break on the stroller while I was walking. I finally had to wave my friend on and said I needed to sit down and talk to my son. We had a talk and my son was able to calm down after a while. While we were leaving and while we were in the parking lot my son said he hopes I get hit by a car. I was flabbergasted that he would even say something like this.
Another time I was driving to get ice cream and had to make a detour to another ice cream place and he got upset and took his shoe off and threw it at me while I was driving.
Typing this out makes it look like I’m the one who has a hard time controlling him but there are things I just have to do- shower, feed and make food for everyone, get dressed, clean up, etc where I don’t have time to police him. Lately he has been threatening me with if you don’t let me have this then I’m going to get a popsicle or something he knows he’s not allowed to have at that time.
The thing is, my husband doesn’t think he has ADHD. He thinks he is being a normal kid and says if there was an issue that the teachers would have said something. My husband knows the shenanigans that goes down because I will text him over and over about it.
I have calm down areas on each level of our house. I have pictures of things to do to calm down that the teacher has sent home. With me, I have to pick him up or forcibly walk my son to the calm down area and he knows what to do bc they practice those things at school and is familiar with the pictures I posted up.
He does not act this bad for my husband. He does push the boundaries with him but he isn’t as defiant.
I have mentioned ADHD to the pediatrician and they said to wait til he’s six or seven years old or when he starts having trouble academically or socially.
I am starting a parenting group through a local hospital that specializes in ADHD but that doesn’t begin until June.
I feel like my son unmasks in front of me and puts on a mask in front of my husband and teachers. I know my son is comfortable with me, I am his mom but it doesn’t take away from the exhaustion. I used to miss my son while he was away at school even though it was a few hours but now I dread him coming home. This is going to be a long summer without the help of school.
If you made it this far, thanks for reading.
submitted by ineedsleep0808 to ADHDparenting [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 19:36 TheNickelGuy LF Some Shiny Mythicals, Shiny PoGo Mew, Shiny Home Stamp Zeroara, Unova and Galar SHINY Pokemon That Can't Transfer to SV FT: Random Assortment of Shinies, Legends, Events and Some Genned Mons

Heyyo, just looking for a few things today. Everything in Pic #3 and #4 is genned.
Clones are fine, not interested in genned Pokemon. Please attach pictures of the pokemon you are offering showing IVs, Stamp and caught date

For the shiny BDSP Shaymin and Phione, I would do 3:1 SHINIES, 4:1 GENNED for them.

For the shiny PoGo Mew and Home Stamped Zeroara, I'll do 30:1 or possibly even more (MUST HAVE CURRENT STAMP AND ORIGIN MARK)

Shiny Mythicals
PoGo Shiny Mew
Home Stamped Shiny Zeroara
BDSP Shiny Shaymin
BDSP Shiny Phione
Shiny Deoxys: Normal, Speed, Defense
Non-Shiny Deoxys: Attack




Frillish - Male and Female
Jellicent - Female
submitted by TheNickelGuy to PokemonHome [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 16:59 Utopian_Pigeon Trying to make real Pokemon Sleep Recipes, What is a Slowpoke Tail?

Trying to make real Pokemon Sleep Recipes, What is a Slowpoke Tail?
For funsies I’m going to try to figure out recipes for the pokemon sleep recipes based on pictures and ingredients. Mostly bc some I’m curious on like contrary meat salad and some of the desserts look super cute.
Most things make sense but I have no clue on slowpoke tails. Do I make a meatloaf that looks similar? Thats the closest I can think of.
If anyone is curious on the recipe progress, it ain’t much but the doc is linked below. I’ll be updating throughout the summer and fall. First is tracking recipes along the lines of game recipes. I’m linking them in the doc so if you’re curious and want to try recreating some too, feel free to use the research.
submitted by Utopian_Pigeon to PokemonSleep [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 12:25 seb_mcduck Note 9 replacement?

Hey all, I'm slowly thinking about changing the phone for something else. The "only" problem here is... I don't really see any good replacement for Samsung Galaxy Note 9.
I'm not any kind of phones enthusiast nor am I using my current Note at full potential. Probably. I use it mainly for some Internet apps like this reddit here or Instagram or other social media. I also take some photos or recording from time to time. Maybe that's the reason I dont really see problems with it. Except one: the battery.
It's now 12:10 in my timezone and I've got 24% battery left. At 7 am it was fully charged. I played Pokemon GO for about 40 - 50 minutes.
But other things? It's not laggy, it's not overheating, photos are exactly the same as 5 years ago. And even TODAY. I went to the store to take a look at recent phones and found Galaxy S23. I took a photo using it and second one using my Note. After comparison I noticed - They were the same picture! There were no differences! How is it possible Note 9 was so ahead of its time?
Please tell me what am I missing here? What I don't understand? Of course I realise newer phones have newer systems, etc but it its not this much important for me. I don't want to spend 400, 600 or even 700 Euros on a new smartphone which will be the same as my 5 year old phone.
To summarise, the only thing is killing me is that horrible battery. And I'm starting to thing to replace only it, not the entire phone. Is this a good idea?
submitted by seb_mcduck to GalaxyNote9 [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 10:40 brooklyn11218 X-post from /r/Gameboy: My 3+ year Journey to revive a corroded Pokemon Pinball Cart.

So 3 years ago I purchased a copy of Pokemon Pinball. I was told that all it needs is a cleaning but when I opened it the entire board was covered in corrosion. Completely in over my head, I threw it in a box and moved on with life.
The other day while looking for something unrelated I came across the game again. With a lot of soldering experience under my belt since I bought it I decided to try and fix it.
First I gave the pcb a white vinegar bath, ipa scrub, and removed all the components. The ROM chip was the most corroded. You can see in the picture that 4 pads were lost but what's not shown is the five pins that broke off the chip itself.
Next I sanded away the solder mask until I could see all the traces.
I then spent a few hours a day for a week painstakingly going over every single trace and vias. It was amazing practice and by the end I was going back and redoing stuff I did at the start. I started off with 28awg wire but that was too thick so I swapped to 36awg enameled wire.
Once I was satisfied with all the bodge wires, I reconnected all the components.
And was met with complete failure.
At this point I had sunk enough time into it that I wasn't going to be deterred. I found a reverse engineered pcb schematic and ordered 5 from jlpcb.
There were some pad size issues. You can see in the following two pictures that I had to attach the resisters and capacitors at an angle to get them connected. And if you look at the 6 pin chip you'll see that only the center pins line up with the pads. The outer 4 have large blobs to connect them to the corresponding pin. I probed with my multimeter to test for continuity and everything s going where it needs to be.
Then I went through the tedious process of resoldering the rom chip. All together I had to grind away and solder bodge wires to replace 6 lost pins.
Finally with everything all transfered to the new pcb it was time to give it a test.
I got so excited when I saw that Nintendo logo. But it was once again a failure.
That is where I stand at the moment. My current theories are:
  1. one of the other components was blown by the corrosion and is causing the white screen.
  2. There are still some broken pins on the ROM chip that are being held in place by the plastic. I really hope this isn't it because that would involve a ton of exploratory grinding.
  3. The ROM chip is shot.
For the record, despite how it looks in the pictures, none of the pins are shorting to each other. It's just a bad angle.
So any theories on what's the issue? Does anyone know the values of the capacitors and resistors? I do have a test drive game which uses the same board so I could swap the rom chips to narrow down if it's components or chip but I really don't want to redo those snapped legs. Which is why I'm posting here before taking next steps.
submitted by brooklyn11218 to consolerepair [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 10:37 brooklyn11218 My 3+ year Journey to revive a corroded Pokemon Pinball Cart.

So 3 years ago I purchased a copy of Pokemon Pinball. I was told that all it needs is a cleaning but when I opened it the entire board was covered in corrosion. Completely in over my head, I threw it in a box and moved on with life.
The other day while looking for something unrelated I came across the game again. With a lot of soldering experience under my belt since I bought it I decided to try and fix it.
First I gave the pcb a white vinegar bath, ipa scrub, and removed all the components. The ROM chip was the most corroded. You can see in the picture that 4 pads were lost but what's not shown is the five pins that broke off the chip itself.
Next I sanded away the solder mask until I could see all the traces.
I then spent a few hours a day for a week painstakingly going over every single trace and vias. It was amazing practice and by the end I was going back and redoing stuff I did at the start. I started off with 28awg wire but that was too thick so I swapped to 36awg enameled wire.
Once I was satisfied with all the bodge wires, I reconnected all the components.
And was met with complete failure.
At this point I had sunk enough time into it that I wasn't going to be deterred. I found a reverse engineered pcb schematic and ordered 5 from jlpcb.
There were some pad size issues. You can see in the following two pictures that I had to attach the resisters and capacitors at an angle to get them connected. And if you look at the 6 pin chip you'll see that only the center pins line up with the pads. The outer 4 have large blobs to connect them to the corresponding pin. I probed with my multimeter to test for continuity and everything s going where it needs to be.
Then I went through the tedious process of resoldering the rom chip. All together I had to grind away and solder bodge wires to replace 6 lost pins.
Finally with everything all transfered to the new pcb it was time to give it a test.
I got so excited when I saw that Nintendo logo. But it was once again a failure.
That is where I stand at the moment. My current theories are:
  1. one of the other components was blown by the corrosion and is causing the white screen.
  2. There are still some broken pins on the ROM chip that are being held in place by the plastic. I really hope this isn't it because that would involve a ton of exploratory grinding.
  3. The ROM chip is shot.
For the record, despite how it looks in the pictures, none of the pins are shorting to each other. It's just a bad angle.
So any theories on what's the issue? Does anyone know the values of the capacitors and resistors? I do have a test drive game which uses the same board so I could swap the rom chips to narrow down if it's components or chip but I really don't want to redo those snapped legs. Which is why I'm posting here before taking next steps.
submitted by brooklyn11218 to Gameboy [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 08:26 Gold_Seaweed [USA-KY] [H] Switch games (Persona 4/5, Zelda, Skyrim, Pokemon games, etc), 3DS, Indigo GameCube CIB w/ OEM controller, etc [W] Wii U accessories, Fire Emblem (GBA/DS/GC/Wii), GBA, GC, see list

If you want pictures of anything, please let me know!
Thanks for checking in!
Console Name Condition
Switch Astral Chain CIB
Switch Catan New
Switch Clannad Collectors Edition LRG CIB
Switch Dead Cells: Castlevania Ed. CIB
Switch Digimon Survive CIB
Switch Double Dragon & Kunio-kun: Retro Brawler Bundle New
Switch Dragon Quest XI CIB
Switch Metroid Dread New
Switch Monster Hunter: Rise CIB
Switch Nintendo Switch case, grey Used
Switch NBA 2k19 CIB
Switch Nier Automata New
Switch Persona 4 Golden LRG New
Switch Persona 5 Royal Steel Box Ed. CIB
Switch Pokemon Violet + DLC (one cart) CIB
Switch Pokemon Brilliant Diamond CIB
Switch Pokemon: Legends Arceus CIB
Switch Pokemon Sword CIB
Switch Record of Agarest War CIB
Switch Shining Resonance Refrain Launch Edition CIB
Switch Steins;Gate: Elite CIB
Switch The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim CIB
Switch The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom CIB
Switch Unicorn Overlord New
3DS Fire Emblem: Warriors New
3DS Luigi's Mansion: Dark Moon CIB
3DS Metroid: Samus Returns CIB
3DS Monster Hunter: 4 Ultimate CIB - damaged case
3DS Monster Hunter: Generations Loose
3DS Pokemon Moon Loose
3DS Super Smash Bros. 3DS CIB
3DS The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time 3D CIB/damaged case
DS Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney CIB
DS Phoenix Wright: Justice For All CIB
DS Phoenix Wright: Trials and Tribulation CIB
DS Apollo Justice: Ace Attorney CIB
DS Apollo Justice: Ace Attorney Special edition (Japanese) CIB, but has wear and tear
GameCube Indigo GameCube console + controller CIB, damaged box but has manuals and such.
GameCube Sonic Mega Collection No manuals, but has a case (players choice)
MISC. HG Tallgeese III Unused
MISC. HG RX-78-2 Gundam New
MISC. HG MS-06S Zaku II (Red Comet Ver.) New
MISC. Digimon Tamagotchi New
New Nintendo 3DS/XL/2DSXL Fire Emblem Fates Special Edition (3DS)

Pokemon Leaf Green CIB (non-player choice) (GBA)
GameBoy Advance SP (any color, but pearl blue preferred)
Fire Emblem: The Blazing Blade (GBA)
Fire Emblem: The Sacred Stones (GBA)

GameBoy Player + disc (GC)
Fire Emblem: Path of Radiance (GC)

Fire Emblem: Radiant Dawn (Wii)

Fire Emblem: Shadow Dragon (DS)

Tokyo Mirage Sessions #FE Encore (Switch)
Persona 3 Portable (Switch)
Super Robot Wars X (Switch)
Castlevania Anniversary Collection (Switch)

Wii U Gamepad dock
OEM Wii U gamepad charger
HDD + split cable (y cable) for Wii U

Open to offers

submitted by Gold_Seaweed to gameswap [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 06:17 HalfAndHafnium First time getting Covid, sick & testing + for almost 3 weeks. Now more committed than ever to precautions.

Howdy fellow CC community, I'm new to posting here. I'm a scientist who still takes Covid precautions. Most obvious to friends, family, and colleagues are my ever-present Aura masks. I also haven't eaten in a restaurant since early 2020. When I have to go to a work dinner, I hang out in a mask and take the food to go.
For background, my main motivation to avoid Covid has been concern around Long Covid, especially given the fact that I already deal with long-haul tickborne infections. I'm not looking to collect chronic illnesses like Pokemon.
I was motivated to post this partly because of the dismay around the recent unmasked scientists pictures. I'm neither a celebrity scientist nor a medical doctor, but I am one more person with scientific training who is absolutely not going to take my mask off. And now I have even more reason to say that...
Obviously, based on my post title, in spite of my precautions, I got Covid (thanks to non-optional work travel). Having now been quite sick for almost 3 weeks, in spite of taking both Pax and metformin, I just wanted to say that I would continue to mask and take other precautions indefinitely *even if LC were not a concern* (to be clear, it is). This is the sickest I have ever been from a virus in terms of a composite of duration & severity. My body is obviously having a very tough time clearing SARS2 and it's not surprising to me at all that there may be long-term viral reservoirs that cause ongoing damage. Not a cold, not the flu.
tl;dr Avoiding LC has been my main motivation for being CC, but now that I've experienced acute Covid, avoiding the *acute phase alone* completely justifies CC behavior in my view. With both considerations together, being CC is a no-brainer.
submitted by HalfAndHafnium to ZeroCovidCommunity [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 03:21 myninten-mythos [H]Event[W]PayPal

Hello. Have a good trade!
If you want a Gen 7 Unclaimed event and Nature is fine with anything, please state that as well.
★Proof:Due to the capacity of the G drive, the deadline is one month from the date of completion of the trade. Please be sure to download it by that date.
※Proofs traded so far this year will be kept for one month from the date of this post.
Trade FC and IGN for each Gen
1.The receiving date is within the period from the start to the end of distribution.
  1. It's constantly being updated, but it's also on sale.(video proof)
  2. No save manager etc was used.(ALL Event)
  3. If you are interested in Language Tag or characteristic, please ask in the comments. ※Note: Language lock events are also received for other language save data.
5.Home/switch all event proof name:myninten-mythos
◯SV Event
◯SWSH Event
List←Zarude dada zarude, Shiny Celebi, mythical22, Kibo Pikachu Lost video proof.
sold out tag:kor
sold out tag:kor
BDSP event
◯PLA event
Gen 7 Event
Current rates + fees are for Gen7 event trades only.
1.)Pokemon Bank→HOME moving key only.(Available until the end of Pokémon Bank service)**
. Language Tag and Met Date and Nature comment plz.
①lang tag: ②data: ③Nature: ④proof type:video or picture
PAL event
Unclaimed Event
lang tag: JPN ENG
Tag:CHS Note: The glare is terrible because the photo was taken outside.
Tag:JPN Crobat Honchkrow Cofagrigus Mightyena
stock Tag:JPN
Fee calculator(international fees):
Note:Payment method:Please in currency USD Only (Not JPY)
submitted by myninten-mythos to Pokemonexchange [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 23:02 Just_Mess3648 LF In Go ✨ Giratina, Rayquaza, latias and Lileep line FT READ DESC

LF In Go ✨ Giratina, Rayquaza, latias and Lileep line FT READ DESC
NOT in picture also have Pokemon COLLUSEUM, XD Gale of Darkness and The gameboy color games like red, Crystal, ETC.
I can offer you Almost anything you want just name it and I’ll see what I can do depending on what it is, like your own OT, Game caught in, Ball , Language or if it’s event Pokémon will determine how long it’ll take for me to get your Pokémon. some games take longer then others Like Colluseum will take longer then fire red. If you want picture proof of no hacks I can show you if that’s that’s an issue for you or even before catch pictures of console/ screen . Open to other offers not looking for much else but shoot your shot still only in go 🤷‍♂️.
For Pokémon go I can’t Fly and for Giratina/rayquaza I can do instant but the others will need a 30days.
I have a a post on my page of a previous trade I had before Incase there’s some doubt about scams LMK 🫡
submitted by Just_Mess3648 to PokemonHome [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 22:03 TheNickelGuy LF Some Shiny Mythicals, Shiny PoGo Mew, Shiny Home Stamp Zeroara, and some Unova and Galar SHINY Pokemon That Can't Transfer to SV FT: Random Assortment of Shinies, Legends, Events and Some Genned Mons

LF Some Shiny Mythicals, Shiny PoGo Mew, Shiny Home Stamp Zeroara, and some Unova and Galar SHINY Pokemon That Can't Transfer to SV FT: Random Assortment of Shinies, Legends, Events and Some Genned Mons
LF Some Shiny Mythicals, Shiny PoGo Mew, Shiny Home Stamp Zeroara, and some Unova and Galar SHINY Pokemon That Can't Transfer to SV FT: Random Assortment of Shinies, Legends, Events and Some Genned Mons
Heyyo, just looking for a few things today. Everything in Pic #3 and #4 is genned.
Clones are fine, not interested in genned Pokemon. Please attach pictures of the pokemon you are offering showing IVs, Stamp and caught date

For the shiny BDSP Shaymin and Phione, I would do 3:1 SHINIES, 4:1 GENNED for them.

For the shiny PoGo Mew and Home Stamped Zeroara, I'll do 25:1 or possibly even more (MUST HAVE CURRENT STAMP AND ORIGIN MARK)

Shiny Mythicals
PoGo Shiny Mew
Home Stamped Shiny Zeroara
BDSP Shiny Shaymin
BDSP Shiny Phione
Shiny Deoxys: Normal, Speed, Defense
Non-Shiny Deoxys: Attack




Frillish - Male and Female
Jellicent - Female
submitted by TheNickelGuy to PokemonHome [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 21:33 PokemonIsLife21 24F looking for people that share common interests

Hi I'm a 24 year old gal I am a Nature Photographer with a huge preference for wildlife photography. Currently I'm stuck at home a ton due to some medical issues and a shared car situation (I have a big rant on that but thats another story).
Beyond that I recently got a project house so alot of my weekends will be spent fixing it up. I'm not gonna lie I will probably chat up a storm about the house I've been actively trying to get one for years (obviously no info on where it is but your free to see the inside lol).
I spend as much time as I can in parks or down a forest access. Beyond that I like thrifting and finding deals. I also collect pokemon cards. I'm obsessed with deer 🦌 they are precious little babies that deserve all my love. I have been living in an rv full time for 2 years and will until my house is livable. I'm a big introvert and in a near constant state of being anxious/stressed/worried. I'm working on it but that's how it is for now.
Rant or rave about life, send me pretty pictures of nature and pets, or funny memes. I'm pretty open so feel free to ask me any questions.
Don't feel bad about quick chats if we don't click
submitted by PokemonIsLife21 to MeetNewPeopleHere [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 18:58 PhilsTriangle [NJ] [H] N64, Nintendo (NES), SNES (Earthbound), Gamecube, GBA, Nintendo DS/3Ds, Wii, Playstation, PS2, PS3, Sega Genesis, Xbox - Games, Accessories, Consoles [W] Venmo, PayPal

N64 Pictures:
Let me know if you need pictures of any of the items listed below. Shipping is $5 flat for anything under one pound. I've got 400+ transactions on this board and accept payment via PayPal (F&F) or Venmo (F&F) only.
GBA Indigo - $80 shipped
GBA SP (Silver CIB) - $120 shipped
Nintendo 2DS w/ charger - $85 shipped
Nintendo 3DS XL Pokemon X & Y Edition Console - $225 shipped
Nintendo 64 Console w/ hookups + OEM Controller - $90 shipped
Nintendo Wii Console (gamecube compatible) w/ hookups + Wii remote & numb chuck - $75 shipped
PS2 w/ hookups, OEM controller, OEM memory card - $100 shipped
Retron 5 Hyperkin (GBA/GBC/SNES/NES/Genesis) unused CIB - $120 shipped
Super Nintendo w/ hookups & OEM controller - $95 shipped
Xbox OG Console w/ hookups & OEM controller + Project Gotham Racing (CIB) - $100 Shipped
Gameboy OEM Clam Shells (lot of 32) - $75 shipped
Gamecube OEM Controller (Indigo) - $30 shipped
Gamecube OEM Wavebird Controller w/ receiver- $95 shipped
NES OEM 10-Cart Storage Case (3x avail) - $20 + shipping each
N64 OEM Expansion Pak - $50 shipped
N64 OEM Green Controller - $30 shipped
N64 Memory Card - $14 shipped
PS2 Logitech Wireless Controller (w/ dongle) - $35 shipped
PS2 OEM Memory Card- $14 shipped
Sega GameGear Super Wide Gear - $20 shipped
Wii U Wireless Controller (WUP-005) & charging cable - $35 shipped (2x avail)
N64 Games
007 GoldenEye - $25
007 World is Not Enough - $14
Army Men Sarge's Heroes - $15
Automobil Lamborghini - $8
Backstage Assault - $12
Banjo Kazooie - $25
Bass Hunter 64 - $8
Beetle Adventure Racing - $17
Charlies Blasts - $40
Diddy Kong Racing - $25
Doom 64 - $30
Extreme G Racing - $10
Forsaken 64 - $10
Gex 64 - $16
Iggy's Reckin' Balls - $20
Killer Instinct Gold - $30
Knockout Kings 2000 - $6
Magical Tetris Challenge - $20
Mario Kart - $40
Monster Truck Madness - $15
MRC Multi Championship Racing - $10
Namco Museum 64 - $12
Nascar 99 - $7
Nascar 2000 - $7
NBA In the Zone 98 - $5
NBA Live 99 (CIB) - $20
NBA Showtime - $12
Polaris Sno-Cross -$30
Pokemon Snap - $20
Quest 64 - $25
Ready 2 Rumble Boxing - $12
Ridge Racer 64 - $15
San Francisco Rush - $15
Starfox 64 - $25
Star Wars Episode 1 Racer - $10
South Park Chef's Luv Shack - $25
Supercross 2000 - $7
Super Mario 64 - $35
Super Smash Bros. - $40
Tetrisphere - $12
Top Gear Rally - $10
Turok Dinosaur Hunter - $12
Turok 2 Seeds of Evil - $12
Vigilante 8 - $21
Virtual Pool - $13
Waialae Country Club - $6
War Gods - $10
Wave Race (Player's Choice) - $15
WCW Backstage Assault - $11
WCW NWO Revenge - $11
Wheel of Fortune - $11
Zelda Ocarina of Time (label wear) - $30
N64 Manuals
1080 Snowboarding - $7
Duke Nukem Manual - $10
Flying Dragon Manual - $40
Rush Extreme Racing - $8
Silicon Valley Space Station Manual - $40
Supercross 2000 - $6
Tony Hawk Pro Skater - $6
Nintendo Gamecube Games (CIB unless noted)
ATV Quad Power Racing 2 - $10
The Hobbit - $24
Enter the Matrix - $13
Eternal Darkness - $90
Fifa 2003 - $6
Fifa Street 2 - $25
Finding Nemo - $8
F-Zero GX - $90
Gun (missing manual) - $10
Harry Potter Chambers of Secret - $12
Killer 7 - $65
Luigi's Mansion - $60
Madden 2003 - $5
Madden 2007 - $8
Mario Golf Toadstool Tour - $27
Mario Kart Double Dash - $75
Monopoly Party - $10
Monsters, Inc. Scream Arena - $7
Nascar Thunder 2003 - $7
Pikmin - $50
Power Rangers Dino Thunder - $8
Resident Evil - $25
Resident Evil 2 - $100
Resident Evil 4 - $30
Resident Evil Zero - $18
The Sims Bustin Out - $12
Smuggler's Run (missing manual) - $12
Sonic Adventure Battle 2 (missing manual) - $45
Spiderman 2 - $15
Spyro A Hero's Tail (missing manual) - $15
SSX Tricky - $28
Starfox Assault - $45 (CIB; some wear to cover art)
Super Mario Sunshine (missing manual) -$35
Super Smash Brothers Melee - $60
Ty the Tasmanian Tiger (missing manual) - $12
WWE Crush Hour - $27
WWE Day of Reckoning 2 (missing manual) - $25
Nintendo DS Games (cart only unless CIB noted)
Avatar The Game - $6
Bionicle Matoran Adventures - $6
Build-A-Bear Workshop (CIB) - $6
Carnival (CIB) - $6
Deal or No Deal - $5
Guitar Hero On Tour Bundle (CIB) - $25
Happy Feet - $4
Horsez (CIB) - $6
Hot Wheels Beat That - $6
Kung Fu Panda (CIB) - $6
Mario Party DS - $13
Mario Kart DS (loose) - $15
Mario Kart DS (CIB) - $18
Mario & Sonic at the Olympic Games (CIB) - $10
Mario & Sonic at the Olympic Winter Games (CIB) - $10
Megaman Starforce Dragon - $85 shipped
Metroid Hunters First Hunt - $6
Nacho Libre - $15
Namco Museum DS - $8
Naruto Ninja Council 3 - $6
New Super Mario Bros. (CIB) -$22
Nickelodeon Team Umizoomi - $6
Phoenix Wright Ace Attorney - $20
Picross 3D - $9
Ping Pals - $3
Planet Puzzle League - $10
Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Explorers of Sky (case & manual only, no game) - $55
Pokemon Ranger Shadows of Almia (cart only) - $30
Ratatouille - $5
Rayman DS - $10
Ridge Racer DS - $8
Shrek Superslam - $5
Spiderman 3 - $8
Star Wars II The Original Trilogy (LEGO) - $6
Super Money Ball Touch & Roll - $6
Transformers Animated - $11
Tron Evolution - $4
Zhu Zhu Pets - $3
Nintendo 3DS (cart only unless noted)
Animal Crossing: New Leaf (CIB) - $20
Lego Marvel Superheroes: Universe in Peril - $5
Mario Kart 7 - $12
Minecraft New Nintendo 3DS Edition - $18
Pilotwings Resort - $10
Pokemon X (CIB) - $30
Skylander Giants - $6
Skylander Swap Force - $16
Skylander Trap Team - $12
Super Mario Maker - $10
Super Smash Bros (CIB) - $15
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles - $9
Wipeout: Create & Cash - $5
Wreck-it Ralph - $6
Yo-Kai Watch - $15
NES Games (cart only; unless noted)
8 Eyes - $11
A Boy and His Blob (cart, box, manual) - $40
Blades of Steel - $8
Bubble Bobble - $16
Burgertime - $15
Castlevania II Simon's Quest - $15
Castlevania III Dracula's Curse - $45
Chip & Dale Rescue Rangers (CIB) - $125
Contra - $40
Dick Tracy - $7
Double Dragon - $13
Donkey Kong 3 - $20
Dr. Mario - $10
Duck Tales - (cart & box) - $100
Excite Bike - $11
Faxanadu - $11
GI Joe: A Real American Hero - $75
Golf - $3
Legend of Zelda - $30
Mickey Mousecapade - $7
Mike Tyson's Punch-out - $40
Paperboy - $16
Punch-Out - $20
Rad Racer - $6
RBI Baseball 3 (cart & box) - $25
Robocop - $10
Rollerball - $8
Skate or Die 2 (cart & box) - $65
Spy Hunter - $5
Street Fighter 2010 - $15
Super Glove Ball - $7
Super Mario Bros. 2 - $20
Super Off-Road - $12
Super Team Games - $7
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles II - The Arcade Game (cart & box) - $80
Tiger Heli - $8
Wall Street Kid (cart, box, registration card, poster) - $45
WWF Wrestlemania - $6
SNES Games (cart only)
Aladdin - $15
Castlevania IV - $45
Clue - $5
Earthbound - $350
F-Zero (Player's Choice) - $20
Jungle Strike - $9
Ken Griffey Jr Major League Baseball - $11
Kirby's Avalanche - $15
Lion King - $11
Mario Paint - $6
Mega Man X - $32
Mickey Mania - $13
Mortal Kombat - $13
Ms. Pacman - $9
NBA All-Star Challenge - $5
Pilot Wings - $10
Scooby Doo Mystery - $11
Starfox - $15
Super Adventure Island - $16
Super Baseball 2020 - $13
Super Ghouls N Ghosts - $23
Super Mario All-Stars - $25
Super Mario Kart - $40
Super Mario World - $20
Super Punch Out - $28
Top Player Tennis - $8
WWF Raw - $13
Zombies Ate My Neighbors - $30
GBA (cart only unless noted)
Aggravation/Sorry/Scrabble - $5
Barnyard - $8
Bratz - $4
Care Bears Care Quest (CIB) - $28
Cars - $5
Cars (CIB) - $16
Castlevania Double Pack - $85
Cho Makaimura R Super Ghouls N Ghost ( Japanese Import) - $95 Shipped
Crash Bandicoot 2 N-tranced - $10
Crash Huge Adventure - $11
Curious George (CIB) - $28
Dave Mirra Freestyle BMX 2 - $4
Disney Party - $10
Disney Princess (CIB) - $12
Donkey Kong Country (GBC/CIB) - $56
Dora Explorer's Pirate Pig's Treasure - $4
Dragon Ball Z Supersonic Warriors - $20
Elf - $10
ESPN Great Outdoor Games Bass 2002 - $5
F-14 Tomcat - $7
Finding Nemo - $5
Green Eggs & Ham (CIB) - $20
Incredibles (CIB) - $14
Kong 8th Wonder of the World - $5
Lost Vikings - $25
Madden 2005 - $5
Mario Kart Super Circuit (torn label) - $20
Metroid Zero Mission - $60
Monsters Inc - $4
Monster Jam Maximum Destruction - $6
Namco Museum - $6
Oddworld Munch's Oddysee - $12
Pirates of the Caribbean - The Curse of the Black Pearl - $5
Pong Asterios Yar's Revenge - $4
Sonic Advance 3 - $25
Quad Desert Furty - $3
Shaun Palmers Pro Snowboarding (GBC/CIB) - $10
Shrek Swamp Kart Speedway - $5
Spirit Stallion of the Cimarron - $5
SpongeBob Battle for Bikini Bottom - $7
Spongebob Squarepants Super Sponge - $6
SSX 3 - $7
The Incredibles - $3
Thunder Alley - $5
Top Gear GT Championship - $10
Sony PSP (all CIB)
Crisis Core: Final Fantasy VII - $15
Gurumin A Monstrous Adventure - $42
LocoRoco - $10
Mega Man Powered Up - $38
Parappa the Rapper - $27
Sega Genesis Collection - $17
PS1 Games (CIB unless noted)
007 Tomorrow Never Dies - $7
Action Bass - $6
Andretti Racing (GH) - $5
Ball Breakers (sealed) - $10
Bass Championship - $7
Battle Arena Toshinden (GH) - $14
Bust A-Move 4 - $17
Driver 2 (GH) - $10
Fighting Force - $20
IHRA Drag Racing - $5
Missile Command - $6
MLB 2001 - $9
MLB 2003 - $9
Nascar Heat (CIB) - $7
NBA Live 2000 - $8
NBA Shootout 98 - $9
NHL 98 - $8
NHL Faceoff 97 (GH) - $5
PlayStation Underground Jampack Fall 2001 - $9
Resident Evil 2 (DualShock Edition) - $65
Rocket Power Team Rocket Rescue - $7
Rugrats in Paris: The Movie - $12
Spongebob SquarePants Super Pants - $7
Syphon Filter 2 (GH) - $10
Tecmo Super Bowl - $20
Tiger Woods 99 - $8
Tony Hawk Pro Skater 3 - $12
Twisted Metal 2 (Greatest Hits) - $32
Toy Story 2 - $22
Walt Disney World Quest: Magical Racing Tour - $20
World Cup 98 - $12
PS2 Games (CIB unless noted)
All-Star Baseball 2005 - $5
Ape Escape 2 - $48
Ape Escape 3 - $43
ATV Offroad Fury 2 - $6
Avatar the Last Airbender - $8
Batman Begins - $13
Batman Vengeance - $19
Buffy the Vampire Slayer Chaos Bleeds - $28
Burnout Revenge - $11
Burnout 3 Takedown - $13
Buzz the Mega Quiz - $12
Capcom Classics Collection Volume 2 - $13
Castlevania Lament of Innocence -$25
Corvette - $5
Crash Bandicoot The Wrath of the Cortex - $12
Crash Nitro Kart (GH) - $9
Crazy Taxi - $10
Dance Dance Revolution Extreme 2 - $7
Dead to Rights - $6
Devil May Cry (GH) - $7
Enter the Matrix - $10
Eragon - $6
Family Feud - $5
Finding Nemo - $6
Fire Pro Wrestling Returns - $10
Ford Racing 3 - $5
Frogger the Great Quest - $7
Golden Compass - $5
GTA 3- $10
Gran Turismo 3 - $5
Godfather the Game - $14
Guitar Hero - $10
Guitar Hero Aerosmith - $7
Guitar Hero II - $7
Guitar Hero III Legends of Rock - $9
High Heat Major League Baseball 2004 - $5
Hot Wheels Velocity - $10
Hot Wheels World Race (missing manual) - $12
Hobbit - $10
Ice Age 2 The Meltdown - $7
Ironman - $6
Karaoke Revolution Party - $8
Karaoke Revolution Presents: American Idol - $5
Legends of Wrestling II - $12
Lego Star Wars The Original Trilogy - $6
Lego Star Wars The Video Game - $7
Lord of the Rings Fellowship of the Ring - $10
Madden 2003 - $5
Madden 2004 - $5
Madden 2005 -$5
Madden 2007 - $5
Matt Hoffman's Pro BMX 2 - $10
Max Payne - $10
Metal Arms Glitch in the System - $16
Midway Arcade Treasures (1) - $12
Midway Arcade Treasures (2) - $12
MLB 07 the Show - $5
MLB Slugfest 2003 - $10
MLB Slugfest 2004 - $13
Namco Museum (GH) - $8
Nascar 2001 - $5
Nascar Thunder 2003 - $7
NBA Street - $12
Need for Speed Underground 2 (missing manual) - $20
NFL Blitz Pro - $10
NFL Street - $17
NFL Street 3 (missing manual) - $20
Onimusha 3 Demon Siege - $21
Pinball Hall of Fame - $5
Pirates - The Legend of Black Kat - $12
Power Rangers: Dino Thunder - $8
Reel Fishing III - $7
Resident Evil Code Veronica X - $13
Rise of Kasai - $8
Rocky - $11
Scarface the World is Yours - $45
Scooby Doo First Frights - $13
Sega Superstars - $10
Sega Superstar Tennis - $10
Shrek Superslam - $8
Simpson's Hit & Run (Greatest Hits) -$50
Spiderman - $10
Sprint Cars Road to Knoxville - $6
Spy Hunter - $7
Spy Hunter 2 (missing manual) - $7
Starsky & Hutch - $7
SSX - $7
SSX 3 - $9
SSX On Tour - $8
Superman Shadow of Apokolips - $14
Super Monkey Ball Adventure - $10
Summoner - $10
Taito Legends - $15
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles 2: Battlenexus (missing manual) - $17
Teen Titans - $22
Theme Park Roller Coaster - $8
Tiger Woods PGA Tour 2004 - $6
Thrillville - $6
Thrillville Off the Rails - $10
Time Crisis 3 - $23
Ty the Tasmanian Tiger - $11
Wheel of Fortune - $6
Virtua Fighter 4 (missing manual) - $6
Warriors of Might & Magic - $10
WWE Smackdown vs Raw - $11
WWE Smackdown vs Raw 2007 (Sealed) - $45
WWE Smackdown vs Raw 2007 - $17
WWE Smackdown vs Raw 2009 - $10
WWE Smackdown Shut Your Mouth - $15
Band Hero - $6
Batman Arkham Asylum - $7
Battlefield 3 - $6
Call of Duty Advanced Warfare - $6
Call of Duty Ghosts - $6
Call of Duty Mordern Warfare 3 - $6
Call of Duty 4 Modern Warfare - $7
Call of Juarez Bound in Blood - $9
Crysis 2 - $7
Dirt 2 - $12
Dirt 3 - $10
Driver San Francisco - $25
Enemy Territory Quake Wars - $9
Fifa Soccer 11 - $5
Fight Night Champion - $13
GTA IV Complete Edition - $25
Gran Turismo 5 Prologue - $8
Gran Turismo XL Edition - $11
Gran Turismo 6 - $19
Heavy Fire: Afghanistan - $10
Infamous - $6
Infamous 2 - $8
Killzone 2- $7
Killzone 3 - $7
Lego 3: Beyond Batman - $8
Lego Harry Potter Years 5-7 - $7
Lego The Hobbit - $9
LittleBigPlanet - $9
Madden 2011 - $5
Metro: Last Night - $8
Mortal Kombat Komplete Edition - $12
MLB the Show 10 - $4
MLB the Show 11 - $4
Monster Jam Path of Destruction - $20
NCAA Football 11 - $9
Sports Champions - $5
Tiger Woods PGA Tour 14 [Masters Historic Edition] - $23
Transformers Fall of Cybertron - $35
Transformers Rise of the Dark Spark - $13
Virtua Tennis 3 - $6
WWE 2K16 - $12
PS Vita
Lumines Electronic Symphony - $16
Need for Speed Most Wanted - $20
Sly Cooper Collection - $50
Sega 32X (all cart only)
Primal Rage - $50
Virtua Fighter - $24
Virtua Racing - $20
Sega Dreamcast Games (disc & manual only***; do not have original cases unless noted CIB)
Centipede - $7
Plasma Sword Night of Bilstein - $50
Psychic Force 2012 - $25
Ready 2 Rumble Boxing - $12
Resident Evil Code Veronica (CIB) - $40
Rippin Riders - $5
Sega Bass Fishing - $8
Sega Rally 2 Championship - $12
Speed Devils - $15
Sword of Berserk: Gut's Rage (game only) - $65
Trick Style - $7
Zombie Revenge - $30
Sega Genesis (**CIB unless noted)
Aladdin (cart + manual) - $10
Double Dragon (cart & box) - $45
Game Genie (loose + booklet) - $20
Hard Drivin' (Missing Manual) - $15
John Madden Football (cart + manual) - $20
Lemmings (CIB) - $30
MERCS (cart & box) - $35
NBA Jam T.E. (CIB) - $20
Prime Time NFL Football starring Deon Sanders (cart +manual) - $9
Ren & Stimpy Show: Stimpy's Intervention (CIB) - $20
Road Rash II (CIB) - $22
Robocop 3 (CIB) - $40
Streets of Rage (cart only) - $22
Super Off-Road (CIB) - $30
WWF Super Wrestlemania (CIB) - $20
X-Men (cart + manual) - $15
Zero Tolerance (CIB) - $35
Sega Master System (CIB unless noted)
Alex Kidd: The Lost Stars - $28
California Games (missing manual) - $20
Choplifter - $18
Ghostbusters - $25
Great Baseball - $10
Monopoly - $10
Parlour Games - $10
Pro Wrestling - $14
Rocky - $17
Space Harrier (missing manual) - $18
Shinobi (includes map; missing manual) - $30
Xbox (all CIB)
MechAssault 2 Lone Wolf (Limited Edition) - $8
Project Gotham Racing - $6
Xbox 360 (CIB)
Assassin's Creed - $6
Assasin's Creed II - $6
Asssasin's Creed III - $6
Battlefield Hardline Deluxe Edition - $10
Battlefield 3 Limited Edition - $6
Bioshock - $7
Bioshock Infinite - $5
Call of Duty World at War - $9
Call of Juarez: Blood Bound - $10
Civilization Revolution - $6
CSI Hard Evidence - $9
Fifa Soccer 10 - $5
Fifa Work Cup South Africa 2010 - $5
Game of Thrones - $11
Gears of War - $9
Halo 4 - $5
Injustice Gods Among Us - $5
L.A. Noire - $7
Mass Effect - $5
Mass Effect 2 - $5
N3 Ninety-Nine Nights - $20
NBA 2K12 - $5
NHL 10 - $3
NHL 14 - $6
Saints Row 2 - $10
Saints Row The Third - $5
Skate 3 - $6
Star Trek Legacy - $18
Star Wars Kinect - $7
Tiger Woods PGA Tour 2007 - $5
Tiger Woods PGA Tour 2008 - $5
Top Spin 3 - $6
Walking Dead Survival Instinct - $8
Wheel of Fortune - $14
Who Wants to Be a Millionaire -$5
Nintendo Wii (all CIB unless noted)
Animal Crossing City Folk - $20 (includes inserts but missing manual)
Celebrity Sports Showdown - $6
Guitar Hero World Tour - $18
Little League World Series Baseball 2008 - $10
Madden 2013 - $14
Mario Kart Wii - $35
Mario Super Sluggers (disc only) - $25
Mario Strikers Charged (disc only) - $10
NBA Live 09 All-Play - $5
New Super Mario Bros - $25
Super Monkey Ball Banana Blitz - $6
Super Smash Bros. Brawl - $20
Tony Hawk Downhill Jam - $5
Tony Hawk Shred Big Air - $5
Warioware Smooth Moves - $22
Wii Sports - $22
Wii Sports Resort - $30
Wheel of Fortune - $6
WWE Smackdown vs Raw 2009 - $7
submitted by PhilsTriangle to GameSale [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 18:17 NotABadSlime25 27 [M4F] #Singapore - Looking for a long-term relationship

LF: Singapore, Chinese, F, 23-26 y/o (pref), searching for long-term RL, and who doesn't mind the slower-paced "random supper adventures and long walks on the beach" approach to dating.
Standard ASL first. I'm a 27 y/o Chinese (M) living in SG and generally ok as far as lifestyle, beliefs, and the genetic lottery is concerned. I'm not built very athletically (173cm, ~58kg & more on the skinny side), but I'm also not wafer thin. Mostly introverted at first, but will get more extroverted and expressive once I'm comfortable with your company.
Work-wise, I have a relatively stable 9-5 office job which pays the bills and leaves more than enough left for rainy days plus the occasional midnight Haidilao.
As for my interests, they're straight-up geeky. FGO (lots of bonus points for this!), Pokemon, Anime TCGs - anything goes. Aside from that, I also enjoy hunting for good cocktails (in moderation, of course), the occasional karaoke session on weekends, and I like to think I can hold my own in the fantasy literature aisle. Mostly. XP
Anyway, drop me a DM (with your ASL preferably) if you want to:
1. Talk about basically ANYTHING.
(Can be your crappy work day, your new favourite song, that one annoying guy talking loudly on the MRT, etc.)
2. Not be judged for your interests.
(Look, I'm basically an adult guy playing a children's card game, so you can rest assured that this pot won't be calling any kettles black.)
3. Share shitposts, memes, and most of all, puns.
(No quotas for these. Nuff said.)
Thanks for reading my entire GP Paper. As for pictures, if you send me one of you, I'll gladly send one back when I can (keep this clean for now, though). Not exactly the most responsive on Reddit (WA/Tele is more my thing), so please be patient. Looking forward to meeting whoever's out there :)
submitted by NotABadSlime25 to r4r [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 09:49 TheHBombIsAlwaysOn LF: PoGo stamped from tracker WITH A TWIST// FT: See pics + description

LF: PoGo stamped from tracker WITH A TWIST// FT: See pics + description
Looking for Pokémon Go stamped shinies still missing off my tracker.
SO, THE TWIST - I already have a living shiny Dex in HOME, but because I'm a sucker for punishment, I'm trying to improve it.
I'm trying to convert it over to a "self caught or PoGo stamped" living shiny Dex instead.
As a result of this, I already have EVERY shiny (minus shiny locked stuff).
This means, if you have a Pokémon Go stamped pokemon from my tracker, I can offer you a "like for like", AS WELL AS SOMETHING FROM THESE PICS.
You've got a shiny PoGo stamped Zapdos? I can offer you the shiny Zapdos from my living dex PLUS something from these pics. You don't lose the shiny from your own collection and you get something else out of it, and I get a PoGo stamped shiny that I need.
NOTE - I have made every attempt to remove obvious Genned shinies from my own living Dex, but tell me what you have to offer and I will supply a picture of it.
2ND NOTE - the last pic is shinies reserved for shiny legendary offers. I won't trade a like for like for a Starmie, as well as a shiny Groudon as the extra for example.
3RD NOTE - I'm happy to offer multiple extras for higher value PoGo shinies. Eg shiny PoGo Deoxys/Celebi and the like.
IF YOU WANT A "LIKE FOR LIKE" TRADE, PLEASE PUT "L4L" + the extra you want in your comment. Thank you.
Got that all? Cool. Here's my pics explained - NOTHING IM OFFERING TODAY IS POGO STAMPED.
  • Pic 1 to 9 - Self caught shinies. Various games (SS/SwSh/PLA/SV)
  • Pic 10 to 13 - NOT my OT shinies. All look fine.
  • Pic 14 - GENNED shinies. These are NOT highly valued to me. Happy to offer these as extras on any offer.
  • Pic 15 - Spare shiny legendaries. Only available on other shiny legendary offers.
submitted by TheHBombIsAlwaysOn to PokemonHome [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 06:31 Prize_Championship_2 Weird sculpture bench in Mt Hawthorn

Weird sculpture bench in Mt Hawthorn
I mentioned this thing in a ‘local mysteries’ thread a few months back, but nobody knew much about it. It continues to irk me though and I can’t let it go so I thought a few pictures and a description would help.
This thing (is it a sculpture? Is it a bench? It’s both) is beside the old playground at the southern end of Braithwaite park in Mount Hawthorn. It’s a bench in the shape of an ‘L’, with zigzags along the long end. It’s covered in glazed tiles which seem to have been stained red either by iron rich water from bores or else it was that colour while installed. It’s covered with crude stylised drawings of kids wearing branded clothes (i saw a ‘Rusty’ and a ‘Pokemon’ t-shirt) and snippets of text which look like they’re from a text book and are all about community and belonging. It’s also got the words ‘Belonging’, ‘Identity’ and ‘Citizenship’ embossed in a metal frame around the top. Finally it’s cemented in good and solid, and there are no plaques or anything indicating what it’s all about.
Also if you lost a child’s cap at the weekend it might be in Braithwaite park on top of the weird sculpture bench thing.
submitted by Prize_Championship_2 to perth [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 03:25 Kenshin1296 [USA] [H] PSP Go, Gba, Ds Lite, 2ds, Kuon, Rule of Rose, SBK N64, Mario Kart DD, Nsmbw, The Last Story, WiiSportsR, One Piece PW4, DQ Builders, Mario Odyssey, Caligula Eff 1&2, THPS1&2 Etc) GB/Gba games, Pokemon Ranger 1-3, HOTD2, SFEX2 Plus, Intelligent Qube, Stella Dues, Blue Dragon [W] PP F&F

All items are FIRM in price and include shipping!
Will take $5 off each additional item purchased (Certain items including consoles or multi disk ps1 titles may may not be included depending on heaviness or other factors. Just check in with me and I'll lyk)
Everything is tested and fully working unless stated otherwise!!!
Nintendo Switch
Psp (All Umd Only)
Xbox 360 (Some have manuals, some don't. Pictures will show)
submitted by Kenshin1296 to GameSale [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 02:11 Successful_Leek6813 How can I make a good YouTube channel for Pokemon Solo runs?

I've got a YouTube channel that's going on 4 years in the making this year, and I've got 217 subscribers, and almost 400 videos between shorts and long form videos. I've been gaining about 1 subscriber a day on average for the past month, and I continue to make shorts of the successful battles I have in Pokemon romhacks and Pokemon games. I started doing Pokemon Solo runs in long form videos of all gym battles and elite four and champion battles back in 2020, but they didn't get many views, maybe 50-100 or so views. I stopped doing that until this year, and I should've kept doing what I did in 2020, but now I do long form videos of each Gym Leader battle with failed attempts and the successful battle, but for right now only in Pokemon Blue Kaizo.
I do plan on wrapping up my Solo Starmie run in Pokemon Blue Kaizo, and I plan on tackling Pokemon Crystal for some Solo runs to show successful runs instead of failed run after failed run in Pokemon Blue Kaizo.
I do make my own thumbmails, however I'm on a Nokia G50 android phone, and I can't seem to make the good thumbnails many of the other Pokemon Solo run tubers make, mainly because I can never tell if the Pokemon image will fit into the YouTube Studios thumbnail size until I upload it into the app, and usually you can't see the whole Pokemon.
I use the Meme Generator to add text to the thumbnail, telling of the Pokemon game I'm playing, the Pokemon I'm using with the word "Solo" so everyone knows it's a Solo run (I've had to say this in the #shorts videos because so many people keep saying I'm overleveled, now the comments are better), and the Gym Leader or Rival number I'm facing.
For example, I'll have a Long Form video titled "Pokemon Blue Kaizo: Solo Starmie (Part 1) - Brock" Simple, right? I also have that in the thumbnail with a picture of Starmie, so you know what to expect in the part. Then I make a #shorts video of the battle, and if the battle takes over a minute, I do 60 seconds of the end of the battle, then link the full video in the Related Video.
One of my shorts videos did pretty well, 225+ views and 110.9% average viewed, although those amount of views are pretty low, but much better than my long form videos, although they're now doing better after being linked as the Related Video.
I heard look at the metrics, so I think I'll start doing that, although many of my long form videos are getting more views than before, mainly because I stopped making 30+ minutes videos and just show the important battles in the Solo runs, and then I put the long form videos in the Related Video of the Shorts videos I make, so perhaps I'm going in the right direction?
Sorry for my very long message, I'm not really good at just making it short, sweet, and to the point. I know of quite a few people on YouTube that do Solo runs (Gym Leader Matt, JRose11, Mah Dry Bread, RBY Challenges, Squidgy, Scott's Thoughts, etc.) I want to one day do YouTube full time, although this might not be that good of a niche to do that, I'd at least love to make some extra income on my YouTube channel. I want to get monetized by 2025, so any helpful feedback would be highy appreciated!
submitted by Successful_Leek6813 to NewTubers [link] [comments]