Army equal opportunity powerpoint

Ronnel Arryn, Lord of the Eyrie, Defender of the Guarded Domains, the Last King

2024.05.17 00:34 EmpireOfTheDawn Ronnel Arryn, Lord of the Eyrie, Defender of the Guarded Domains, the Last King


Discord Tag: 7up
Name and House: Ronnel Arryn
Age: 33
Cultural Group: Valeman
Appearance: Cheekbones poised like a falcon perched, an aquiline nose after a raptor's beak, a stature rivalling a mountain's (if it were the size of a tall man), and blue eyes the same color as the sky. Aside from a propagandist's parallels to whatever sigil their patron displays, Ronnel Arryn errs from the example of the aloof falcon. Once possessed of a heedless will, a brashness and an impatience, those qualities have been tamed in turn by fatherhood, husbandhood, and rulership—though those traits still persist, merely tinged by the manner that an elder brother might take with the younger. His hair has shifted from dirty blond to sandy brown with age, and a trimmed beard covers his jaw.
Trait: Inspiring
Skill(s): Blunt Weapons, Cavalryman, Tactician, Cunning (e)
Talent(s): Falconry, hunting (non-mechanical 🤫🧏‍♂️), dragonriding
Negative Trait(s): N/A
Starting Title(s): Lord of the Eyrie, Lord of the Vale, Defender of the Guarded Domains of Arryn, Warden of the East, Warden of the Green Fork, First and Last of His Name, the King Who Flew, Rider of Vhagar (sometimes), and the Last King in Westeros
Starting Location: Feast
Family Tree


Name and House: Marq Hardyng
Age: 32
Cultural Group: Valeman
Appearance: A broad and ruddy man, blonde, brown-eyed, and bearded. Marq Hardyng wears his duty on his sleeve; that duty mostly being hunting with his milk brother.
Trait: Hale
Skill(s): Swords, Investigator (e)
Talent(s): Tourney lore x3
Negative Trait(s): N/A
Starting Title(s): Scion of House Hardyng
Starting Location: Feast


Little of the Last King’s early years are of much import; Ronnel Arryn was born to King Joffrey I and Queen Sharra Arryn. His few memories of his father were that of a pallid man, wan and sickly but still a king who bloody well fought the illness that plagued him.
Or perhaps those were just fanciful tales, an imagined story that supplanted the truth of the matter.
Joffrey Arryn did at least survive, if he did not fight. Ronnel’s siblings, Jonos and Roland, would be born in succession. The falcons grew in number, Joffrey’s ailment ceased, and—the gods took him away and brought Arwen Arryn into the world.
Shortly after his sister’s birth, Sharra Arryn dressed her son in royal regalia and placed a crown on his head, assuming rule as sole regent while the boy distracted himself with toys and games. He would be nursed with Marq Hardyng, and he and his milk brother grew to be quick friends.
The Queen Sharra could not rest. There were new contenders on the horizon, greater than what meager assaults the Hoares could occasionally muster against the Bloody Gate: the threefold conquerors atop their dragons. Where the ravens sent by Aegon were met with scorn by Durrandon and hubris by the Hoares, Sharra offered alliance. Her hand in marriage and the left bank of the Green Fork to be annexed into the Guarded Domains.
The dragons rejected the offer, and instead, a Velaryon fleet was sent to take Gulltown and establish a foothold. They were repelled and the Targaryen ships were sunk for that transgression, but Vhagar’s fire consumed the Grafton fleet with them.
Ronnel knew what war was. It was like those tales in storybooks, that of the Griffin King and the Winged Knight, the legends of the Battle of Sevenstars. He, Jonos, and Marq fashioned themselves as Jaime Corbray or Luceon Templeton and fought each other over who could best live up to Artys Arryn’s example. When the Gates of the Moon swelled with men-at-arms, knights, and levied smallfolk, the three would find the most fearsome looking of them and challenge them to duels. Once he heard of dragons, though, Ronnel was consumed. He begged his mother to let him lead a parlay under a peace banner just so that he could see them, but Sharra sent him off to the nurses or left him to kick rocks in the courtyard.
The banners gathered, and the defenses were headed by Lord Rodrik Hardyng. Orders were given, the soldiers were drilled. And Vhagar’s wings cast a shadow so large that it engulfed the Bloody Gate whole. Shouting on the ramparts and in the valleys, but high above in the Eyrie? Ronnel, then just eight, was in awe at the sight.
Sharra could only muster a smile when she returned to find her son on Visenya’s lap. An accord was struck, on Ronnel’s terms this time: he asked to fly on Vhagar and his mother would surrender the crown to the Targaryen Queen. The mercy that Visenya afforded was well-taken, though in Sharra’s mind, the threat of dragonfire crystallized.
A marked shift came then. There were no battles to be won, no politicking to be done that outweighed the import of her sons and her daughter. The Queen-Regent, now the Lady-Regent, empowered her son’s advisors and devoted her time to looking after her children. When Visenya returned after burning House Sunderland whole and gave reprimands, Sharra frowned and offered blunt words in turn, which the Queen acquiesced to. Their relationship thawed hence, though Ronnel had never wavered in his admiration of the Targaryen. A Winged-Knight-Come-Again. Perhaps he could ride a dragon of his own one day.
Ronnel was a rowdy lad and by the time he was of squiring age, he was content to leave the rule of his lands to his mother and whoever she picked as an advisor. Lords such as Lyn Egen, Willem Ryger, and Rodrik Templeton would come to advise the young lord or hawk with him. Lord Mathos Grafton became the most prominent of that cadre, his wisdom in old age allowing him more room for criticism. Ronnel wanted to while his time away with falconry and training, while the old lord reminded him of the issues that Targaryen reign brought.
At four-and-ten, Ronnel stole away from the Eyrie and gathered what boys and knights he could to face the mountain clans. He knew what war was; it was the Root Father and his savages, stealing and laying waste to the lands he was sworn to protect. It was in the throes of battle that Ronnel would be dubbed as a knight by some unknown dying man. The knighthood was left unmentioned, though the purpose he found for his rule—no, his guardianship—lingered.
In his victorious return to the Eyrie, Ronnel would be clouted on the ear for the stunt then barred from leaving for months. Visenya Targaryen landed once more in the Vale. This time, she took it as a home, and she was welcomed with open arms. Aegon’s heir was born in the Eyrie that year, dubbed as Laenor Targaryen and soon practically adopted by the Arryns as their younger sibling. Sharra would grow close to the dragon queen in the years to come.
A year later, Ronnel was sent to King’s Landing to squire for Orys Baratheon. Only a few months elapsed before he grew incensed with the Hand over one thing or another, and the squireship ended when the Arryn came to blows with his knight-master. Ronnel was sent back to the Vale, where he earned his spurs once more. Publicly this time, before a crowd of tourneygoers and then holding a vigil with oaths modeled after those of the Winged Knights.
Though he gave off the impression of a true knight by that time, he was more preoccupied with wine and women and the hunt than statecraft. In any room he entered, he laughed the loudest, boasted the loudest, fought the hardest, always with Marq at his side. Nothing but a scolding from his mother Sharra or a clout on the ear from his second mother Visenya could fetter him. He was a falcon, and he flew high and bright.
Such a lofty stature is bound to attract envy. As any elder brother would, he butted heads with his siblings often. His rivalry with his brother Jonos was much more than a sibling spat, however, though the nature and root of their rivalry is unknown to all but a select few. In later years, their quarrels grew louder and their rifts deeper, with Jonos having been sent thrice to play second fiddle to the Knight of the Bloody Gate, and threatened with taking the black twice as many times. Still, their early quarrels proved to be mere distractions, and they wreaked what havoc boy-lords would in taverns and winesinks.
But his lip had to become stiff the day his mother died, just a few months after he came of age and assumed power. Sharra Arryn's last words of advice ate away at his spirit.
"Kill the boy."
So he was offered at the altar, and so did Rhaenys Targaryen seize the opportunity. Ronnel Arryn would be wed to the Queen’s lady-in-waiting, Serena Stark, and that match was confirmed by Sharra’s will. Yet numb, he received his wife to be in Gulltown with courtesy, and they were wedded with haste. Once a Princess of the North and now the Lady of the Vale, Serena found no home in the Eyrie. Ronnel came to avoid her; going on hunts, staying at the Moongates or even the Bloody Gate, and offering only short conversation in their rare meetings.
It came to a head when Serena stated her intention to return to Winterfell. Ronnel gave a shrug in response, and asked when she wanted to depart. Jonos could be his heir if need be, and his mother’s death still dragged his thoughts, so why bother at all?
The intervention of one dragon queen then another halted the split: Visenya reminded Ronnel that Aegon made two marriages work at once. A raven carrying a letter from Queen Rhaenys arrived, affixed with a ring wrought of Valyrian steel. Ronnel gave it to Serena as a peace offering.
There was no parting from the Targaryens’ grand plans, it seemed. So Ronnel’s marriage with Serena began anew. She would be introduced to the Vale and its customs with feasts and tourneys, sitting on councils and holding court as the Lady of the Vale. In the same vein, more familiar items and furnishings were brought in from the North, and Ronnel would journey to the weirwood tree that the mountain clans held sacred to try to pray with his wife. He did not hear the old gods’ whispers and could not bear the stillness, but the two came to understand one another, and their marriage grew warm. Their first child, Robar Arryn, was born a year later, and the Tourney by the Maiden’s Bay would be held in his honor.
Ronnel settled into his reign. His liveliness returned, though boyish pursuits were restrained with fatherhood. He replaced the Keeper of the Gates of the Moon after the Cavaliers proved more competent, sent tax collector after tax collector when Witch Isle grew silent (and nearly called the banners before being dissuaded), and ensured that the mountain clans and any other would-be invaders were quelled while Lae Targaryen was raised to be a greater king than their father. The Brotherhood of the Winged Knights, once decrepit, grew stronger after pieces of the Winged Knight’s armor were found.
His second child, a daughter, would be born then. Faced with the choice of naming her after Sharra or Visenya, she would instead be named after her great-grandmother Cynthea. Artos Arryn would follow four years later, his name chosen by the Lady Arryn.
Another day in the Eyrie. Five-and-twenty years after Aegon's Conquest, and near thirty years into Ronnel's reign. He slides a razor over his cheek and coughs once into a fist. Ronnel opens his palm to see droplets of blood. He wipes his cheek. A shaving cut, no doubt and no matter.
The next week while he sups with his family, the coughs come back. He excuses himself, blames his trip to the valleys with a chuckle, and Jonos meets his gaze with a sidelong glance before shirking away.
He sees his maester without telling anyone. And once more after a hunt. Soon, he is left sitting on his bed with grains of sweetsleep in hand and a warning: he would die. And soon.
Ronnel Arryn is honorable. He is just, or at least just enough. But when he bounces his son on his knee and looks into smiling grey eyes where his Stark mother's are oft stern, he wonders whether the next Targaryen to come to the Eyrie would let little Artos fly or burn him and his family whole.
It is not enough. Ronnel Arryn is not just enough. As the last king yet walking on the earth of this damnable regent's kingdom, he needs to ensure that the next monarch in Laenor Targaryen sits firmly on the Iron Throne before he dies—honor be damned if need be, by any means fucking necessary. That is his duty to the realm. That is his duty to his wife and children, and that will be his legacy.


Sup porting Characters

submitted by EmpireOfTheDawn to ITRPCommunity [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 00:28 Juzabro Forge of Darkness Chapter 3 Summary

Chapter 3
Location: Somewhere outside of Tiste lands the northernmost Jaghut keep
POV: Korya Delath
Korya Delath is hostage to Haut, a Jaghut. Korya is of the lesser house Delack in the tiste settlement Abara. From the aerie in the keep she can see the contested lands, which have nothing to contest about them. Haut keeps her isolated and forbids her from leaving the keep. He does not quite understand the idea of hostages and took it upon himself to educate Korya. He is harsh. Korya spent a lot of time in the Aerie pretending to be a goddess to her dolls. Now those dolls are kept in boxes.
She is alarmed by a group of Jheleck approaching the keep defying the prohibitions for crossing into Jaghut territory, even though they no longer claim any territory. The Jheleck are said to be kin to the Jheck of the far south, but much larger. They were the size of warhorses and possessed a sorcery she knew only as Soletaken. Although she doesn't know what that means. She sees Haut open the gate in his full armor. She had no idea he had any martial proclivities. The Jheleck blur and in their place stand several warriors. Haut yells up at her that they have guests.
Haut has no one in his household but him and Korya. He is capable of conjuring food and drink through sorcery, but prefers not to. Korya learned how to make food, chop wood, and mend clothes in the absence of servants. She thinks that he dislikes the company of people and that is why they are alone. Although she does not understand why he agreed to take her as hostage if that is the case. Jaghut used to live in cities until they came upon the realization that civilization is "economic suicide". Resources are not infinite, but a civilization can try to be. "There was nothing so deadly as success."- Haut. The Lord of Hate is the one who exposed this truth to the Jaghut and because of it they live solitary lives and no longer try to build up their civilization.
The Jheleck brought freshly killed meat with them and in Haut's main hall ate it raw. Haut joins in. Korya is put off balance by this, but studies the scene to attempt to make sense of the gathering. The Jheleck speak the Jaghut language, as does Korya. They call Haut Captain and Haut warns them not to anger Korya. He has never seen her angry, but continues to try to bring it out of her by being harsh. After several jokes about her, Korya asks to be excused and is surprised to hear that it's not possible as the Jheleck are here for her. Korya is very confused.
The Jheleck call Haut Captain, but hostages aren't given to soldiers only noble families. The Jheleck bring up that Haut has no army or houseblades. This is somewhat of a threat. Haut responds by saying that he needs no armies. The Jaghut just destroy their enemies. When Jheleck would raid Jaghut lands, the Jaghut would kill some of them and drive them off, however if they came in greater numbers then the Jaghut would then stop playing nice. They want to return Korya to her home. In their defeat the Jheleck signed a treaty that demands hostages from the Jheleck to the Tiste. They are trying to return Korya to fulfill that treaty. Haut says it does not work that way. Sagral gets angry and demands that Korya leave with them. She doesn't want to and says, "Does this one need a leash?" The joke diffuses the situation.
The tiste have asked for 50 Jheleck hostages. The Jheleck are worried due to the rumors of civil war. Haut tells them that hostages are sacrosanct in war. The Jheleck sense that Korya is empty and is not a child of Mother Dark. Haut confirms this and says he has fashioned a mahybe. "A vessel. Protected, sealed and, as you say, empty. What remains to be done? Why, its filling, of course" Haut dismisses the Jheleck and says if they don't leave he may just kill them all. They, shaken by this and depart.
Location: House of Delack
POV: Lady Nerys Drukorlat
Lady Nerys Drukorlat looks upon her grandson Orfantal as he plays in the dirt. She wishes to end his childhood as soon as possible so he can learn to be the heir of the failing house of Delack and return it to glory. Orfantal is a bastard. Lady Nerys knows that isn't his fault. She recalls a quote from Gallan's latest work, "The wounded will wound / and every hurt is remembered." She looks at his work as revealing unpleasant truths about the Tiste. Others do not. When Orfantal plays at being in war, his play always ends with an unseen betrayer killing him from behind. She blames soldiers returning from war. "Veterans returned home with all illusions scoured from their eyes, their minds. They looked out from a different place, but there was nothing healthy in that, nothing worthy." Lady Nerys's husband was one such soldier. Who upon a heroic return confessed the above to his wife before killing himself and leaving his house in shame.
Another soldier who lost his arm from a horse bite had found Sandalath Drukorlat, Lady Nerys's daughter, and seduced her resulting in the birth of Orfantal. Once Lady Nerys had discovered this, she paid him to never see his son or Sandalath ever again. He accepted. Sandalath though older and having already been a hostage, is now to be a hostage again to her dismay. Her mother will not allow her to say goodbye to her son. Her first stint as a hostage was with House Purake, this time it will be with House Dracons. Orfantal is to go to Kharkanas and be in the retinue of the House of Purake. Not a hostage. Ivis has arrived at House Delack to retrieve Sandalath. She enters the carriage and they depart.
POV: Orfantal
Orfantal watched his mother's carriage leave. He doesn't like to see people cry and tries to prevent it from happening. He understands that, "There were wars and that’s all there was, and every day he died, taken by that knife that followed him across the whole world, just as it had done to his grandfather."
POV: Sandalath
Sandalath thought she saw Orfantal by the stables as her carriage moved away, but she is not confident in what her mind sees so is uncertain. It's very hot in the carriage, but because her mother has instilled in her the virtue of not causing a scene she does not ask the driver to open a window. She fondly recalls her time as hostage in the citadel with the Purake brothers. Always feeling safe with them and loving them each in turn. Well maybe not Silchas. The war took the brothers and their father away and when the father returned broken she began to fear that the brothers would die. House Drukorlas had been devastated by the war and was now in poverty.
Galdan was the one-armed soldier who spoke of a romantic and adventurous war and Sandalath had relayed these stories to her son. Lady Nerys had told her daughter that she had exiled Galdan to Jaghut lands and he had died. Sandalath told her son that Galdan died from a betrayal while he defended his wounded lord. As the carriage trundled through the village, Sandalath thought she saw Galdan, but attributed it to the heat in the carriage. She passed out from the heat and the carriage stopped.
POV: Ivis
Ivis enters the carriage and pulls an unconscious Sandalath out. If Sandalath dies in House Dracons care, other families would use it as an excuse to gain advantage over Draconus. Ivis pays the carriage driver to take off and threatens him with death if this story gets out. Ivis's men get Sandalath's strongbox open. Not sure why maybe to see if she has lighter clothes, but discover that it is filled with jars of river stones from the Dorssan Ryl. It was a way to avow love for another person. Give them a stone from the Dorssan Ryl.
Sandalath wakes up and notices that many layers of her clothing have been removed and that Ivis has the key to her strongbox that is usually around her neck. Ivis lies and says it was constricting her neck and that no one looked in the strongbox although it is very heavy. He says he has a daughter and that he knows young women have a lot of toiletries.
POV: Galdan
"Proper men had two arms for good reason. One to reach for things, the other to keep things away. Galdan had lost the arm that kept things away" This applied to the drink and to Sandalath. After she had been taken away from him he began leaving stones for her in their secret places. He assumed she threw them away.
Location: Outskirts of Hust Forge
POV: Galar Baras
Galar Baras contemplating the Forulkan reveals that their priests were called Assail. "Peace did not serve order; order served peace" The Forulkan worshipped order and confused it for peace and justice. Order became a prison and those who sought freedom became the enemy. The south borderswords were the first to fight the Forulkan and they became the Hust legion. Hust swords had a fearful heartline that was reinforced by the forgemasters. This heartline gives the blades their voice. Galar Baras is obsessed with Hust swords and believes they are an expression of a unique sorcery. After the borderswords had defended the Hust forge from a Forulkan assault, Hust Henarald had rewarded them with Hust blades.
Galar Baras is riding with the commander of the Purake houseblades, Kellaras. When Nimander returned from war and Mother Dark had blessed him and his house for its service, House Purake turned over it's lands to Mother dark and became her vassals. They now took the name Andii, Children of Night. Anomander and house Purake were the first to relieve the borderswords in the battle of the forge and Anomander bestowed great honor upon them by going to their commander Toras Redone and clasping her forearm. From that day the borderswords consider themselves Andiian, sons and daughters of night. This sent a fracture between Urusander's legion and the Hust legion.
In a drunken comment Toras Redone had told Galar Baras that "Peace had become a disaster". Galar is unable to drink alcohol. That night they became lovers. The next day they were not brave enough to continue. Soon after she had sent Galar to Kharkanas to be the Hust legion's representative in the city. Toras is married to Calat Hustain, the man who had given Galar his hust sword. Calat had accepted the command of the wardens and was now far away from his wife. After a miserably lengthy time within the citadel, Galar was now returning to Hust forge both anticipating and dreading seeing the woman he loved.
POV: Kellaras
Kellaras and Galar Baras do not talk much and Kellaras has been told by the members of Urusander's legion in the citadel that Hust swords poison their owners. He's starting to believe it. Galar Baras was not liked in the Citadel. He did not mix with others and remained a mystery to most of them. Kellaras had been given a message to take to Hust Henarald by Anomander. Galar Baras insisted on escorting him to the Hust Legion. Kellaras took this as an insult. He required no escort. Out of the blue Galar Baras asks him a question about the urgency of the message. Kellaras takes it as an opportunity to ask why he insisted on the escort. Galar Baras confides in him that he just wanted to get out of the citadel and felt crushed by it. Kellaras takes this to heart and orders him to continue to escort him so he will not have to return to the citadel. Kellaras now confides in Galar Baras that Anomander intends to commission a sword from Henarald Hust.
submitted by Juzabro to Malazan [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 23:36 LunarTeaLeaf [A3][Recruiting] 28th Combined Arms Division Realism Unit 1st Person Only 40+ Soldier Operations ENG

The 28th Combined Arms Division ArmA Unit & Community

The 28th Combined Arms Division’s main goal is to provide a positive experience for all, regardless of skill or experience. We are primarily an ArmA unit but we have grown to become a community of close knit friends and colleagues.

Our leadership staff, active and retired, have spent hours creating an organized and fun environment for you to enjoy and experience MILSIM. The unit is based off of the US Army. We are an infantry focused unit, with armor and aviation supporting assets to help us complete the mission on the ground.

Under steady leadership and systems established based on facts rather than personal interpretation, all unit decisions are made impartially and follow a standardized process. We have combat veterans and enlisted members from real life armed forces currently rostered who work to help develop leadership skills within our community.

Application and Entry into the 28th
Join our Discord linked at the bottom. Upon entry you will be greeted by a recruiter who will lead you through our induction process, which includes creating an account on our website, filling out an application form, completing a meeting in our TeamSpeak with your recruiter, and finally, completing Initial Entry Training, which will consist of BCT and the 11B MOSQ. Once these steps are completed, you are officially recognized as a member of the 28th Combined Arms Division and are free to specialize with specific training.

Upon application and acceptance into the unit, members are required to complete 2 operations as an enlisted 11B Infantryman. Upon completion of 2 operations as an Infantryman, the member may request to transfer and train into our other specialized MOS’ listed below.

Why do we require you to enter as 11B (Infantryman)?
We use this system to streamline members into our more advanced MOS’. Spending 2 operations at minimum as 11B proves that you want to be integrated into the community, as well as providing you with the knowledge of our unit at the most basic but most important level.

This system builds prestige within our specialized MOS’, as well as raising the base skill level of our radio operators, pilots, armored crew and medics.If you choose to remain 11B, there is lots of opportunity for growth into leadership positions to help the unit and yourself grow as a leader.

The 28th Combined Arms Division Consists of the Following MOS’:

After 2 operations as Infantry the following MOS’ open up to you:

Personnel Files
From the moment you enlist with the 28th, you'll have access to your Personnel File which will contain all your records from awards, courses, qualifications, attendance, promotions and MOS Progression.

We currently have ~100 people rostered and receive 30-50 members in attendance for main operations. We hang out in our teamspeak and play many different games together outside of operation times.

Deployment Operations
The unit cycles through a Deployment and Field Training Exercise phase. Deployment operations consist of a persistent storyline throughout the course of 2-3 months to simulate deployments to various areas around the globe. Deployment patches can be found on the website linked below!

FTX Operations
Our Field Training Exercise operations will vary on terrain and story, as we use these scheduled days to provide a different and refreshing experience outside of our deployment storyline. They will either be just one-off operations or be a series based on a separate storyline from the deployment.

Side Operations
Side Operations are hosted every other week on Wednesdays and can include a variety of mods and storylines including WW1, WW2, Vietnam, SCP, Halo, and even Warhammer 40k!

Operation and Training Schedule:

Our load-in time for Operation Nights is 6:30PM EST with the Operation beginning at 7PM EST.


If you can commit to 2 operations per month, then you can enlist under the Inactive Reserves!

If this interests you, feel free to join our discord at:
submitted by LunarTeaLeaf to FindAUnit [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 23:33 Impossible-Taco-769 Caught of guard the midst of a utilizing a coping mechanism. Need input.

I can’t believe this happened. I’m a professional, damn it. I’ve built a solid reputation as a tough but fair NCO, and now, one of my subordinates saw me in a compromising situation.
Yes, I was with my Asuka body pillow, and yes, I was watching hentai. It’s a personal escape from the relentless stress of army life. Everyone has their way to unwind, but I never intended for anyone to find out about mine. When he knocked the first time, I was so engrossed I didn’t hear it. The second time, after he had already seen me, I scrambled to pull myself together. I could see the shock on his face even though he tried to hide it.
I’m worried that every time I see him in formation, there’s gonna be an awkward tension. I’m mortified, but I have to stay professional and hope this blows over. Maybe he’ll understand that even NCOs need an outlet. Hopefully, he can respect that and keep this incident to himself.
You know what? So what if I got caught going to pound town with my Asuka body pillow? Everyone’s got their kinks, and mine just happens to be a bit more… unconventional. It’s not like I was wearing a gimp suit. I’m an NCO who gets the job done, and I’m damn good at it. What I do in my own time is my business.
The kid walked in on me because he had some emergency task, and yeah, he saw more than he bargained for. Big deal. If he can’t handle seeing his superior in a vulnerable moment, that’s on him. We’re all human, and we all have our ways of coping. Mine happens to be anime and a body pillow.
I’m not going to apologize for who I am or what I do in my downtime. If anything, this should teach him a lesson about respecting personal space and privacy. I’ll look him in the eye during formation and carry on as usual. If he wants to transfer because of this, that’s his problem, not mine.
I do need to address this indirectly, tho. Maybe have a talk about the importance of privacy and personal coping mechanisms in a more general sense. I hope he can see past this and still respect me as his NCO. It’s a difficult situation, but it’s also an opportunity to show that even leaders are human and that everyone needs a way to manage stress.
Edit: I’d like to order a McDonald’s apple pie.
submitted by Impossible-Taco-769 to army [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 23:30 Remote-Cartoonist460 What Is a Secured Credit Card?

What Is a Secured Credit Card?
A secured credit card is a unique financial tool designed to help individuals with poor or limited credit histories build or rebuild their credit. Unlike traditional unsecured credit cards, a secured credit card requires a cash deposit that serves as collateral. This deposit typically matches the credit limit of the card, providing a safety net for the card issuer in case the cardholder defaults on payments.
secured credit card - owntic
Key Features and Benefits of Secured Credit Cards
1. Credit Building Opportunity
Secured credit cards are particularly beneficial for those looking to improve their credit scores. Since the card issuer reports the cardholder's payment history to credit reporting agencies, responsible use of the card can positively impact credit scores over time. This makes secured credit cards a stepping stone to obtaining unsecured credit cards and loans with better terms.
2. Accessible for Subprime Borrowers
Secured credit cards are often available to subprime borrowers—those with poor or limited credit histories. The requirement of a security deposit reduces the risk for the card issuer, making it easier for individuals with low credit scores to be approved. This feature makes secured credit cards a practical option for anyone needing to establish or rebuild their credit.
3. Functionality Similar to Unsecured Cards
Despite the need for a deposit, secured credit cards function like any other credit card. Cardholders can use them for purchases, earn rewards, and enjoy perks depending on the card issuer. Monthly statements, payment due dates, and interest charges on outstanding balances all apply as they would with an unsecured credit card.
  1. Potential for Transition to Unsecured Credit Cards
Many secured credit card issuers review the cardholder’s payment history periodically. If the cardholder demonstrates responsible credit use, the issuer may offer to convert the secured card to an unsecured one. Upon conversion, the cardholder receives their deposit back, and the card often comes with an increased credit limit.
How Secured Credit Cards Work
Application and Approval
Applying for a secured credit card is similar to applying for an unsecured card. The applicant undergoes a credit check, and the issuer determines the required deposit amount based on the applicant's credit history. Once approved, the deposit is paid, and the card is issued with a credit limit typically equal to the deposit amount.
Usage and Payments
Cardholders can use their secured credit cards wherever the card brand (e.g., Visa, Mastercard) is accepted. They must make at least the minimum payment each month, and interest is charged on any outstanding balance. Paying the balance in full and on time each month helps build a positive credit history.
Fees and Interest Rates
Secured credit cards often come with various fees, such as annual fees, setup fees, and monthly maintenance fees. The interest rates on these cards tend to be higher than those on unsecured cards. However, responsible use and timely payments can mitigate these costs by avoiding interest charges altogether.
Unique Features of Secured Credit Cards
1. High Approval Rates
Due to the deposit requirement, secured credit cards have higher approval rates compared to unsecured cards. This feature makes them accessible to individuals with poor credit scores or no credit history.
2. Graduation to Unsecured Cards
A significant benefit of secured credit cards is the potential to graduate to an unsecured card. Issuers often review the cardholder's account after several months of responsible use. If the cardholder meets the criteria, the issuer may refund the deposit and upgrade the card.
3. Protection Against Overspending
The credit limit on a secured credit card is equal to the deposit, which inherently limits the cardholder’s ability to overspend. This feature can help new or rebuilding borrowers manage their finances better and avoid falling into debt.
Example of a Secured Credit Card: Discover it Secured Card
The Discover it Secured Card is a popular example of a secured credit card. It requires a minimum deposit of $200 and offers a credit limit up to $2,500, depending on the cardholder's ability to pay. After eight months, Discover reviews the account for a potential upgrade to an unsecured card, returning the deposit if the cardholder qualifies. The card also offers cash-back rewards and has no annual fee, similar to many unsecured Discover cards.
Secured credit cards are a valuable tool for those looking to establish or rebuild their credit. By requiring a cash deposit, these cards offer a way for individuals with limited or poor credit histories to demonstrate responsible credit use. While they come with fees and higher interest rates, the benefits—such as the opportunity to improve credit scores and transition to unsecured cards—can outweigh the costs. Proper use of a secured credit card can lead to better credit opportunities in the future, making them an essential financial product for many consumers.
submitted by Remote-Cartoonist460 to FinanceManual [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 23:14 islamdigitalworld Islam and the Modern World

In the contemporary era, the interaction between Islam and the modern world has become a subject of significant importance and intense debate. The rise of globalization, technological advancements, and the shifting geopolitical landscape have all contributed to new challenges and opportunities for the Muslim community worldwide.
Historical Context
To understand the relationship between Islam and modernity, it is essential to consider the historical context. Islam, a religion that emerged in the 7th century in the Arabian Peninsula, quickly spread across various regions, contributing to a rich and diverse Islamic civilization. This civilization was marked by advancements in science, philosophy, medicine, and the arts, which were later transmitted to Europe and other parts of the world, aiding the Renaissance and the subsequent scientific revolution.
The Challenges of Modernity
In the modern world, Muslims face the challenge of reconciling their faith with contemporary values and lifestyles. Issues such as secular governance, human rights, gender equality, and freedom of expression often clash with traditional interpretations of Islamic teachings. The rise of secularism and the separation of religion from state affairs have led to debates within Muslim societies about the role of religion in public life.
Technological Advancements
The advent of technology has had a profound impact on the Islamic world. Social media and the internet have allowed for the dissemination of Islamic knowledge and discourse at an unprecedented scale. However, they have also exposed Muslim societies to a barrage of new ideas and cultural practices, some of which may conflict with traditional values.
Globalization and Cultural Exchange
Globalization has facilitated greater interaction between Muslims and non-Muslims, leading to increased cultural exchange and mutual understanding. This has also resulted in the emergence of a global Muslim identity that transcends national borders, fostering a sense of unity and solidarity among Muslims from diverse backgrounds.
The Way Forward
The way forward for Islam in the modern world involves a continuous dialogue between tradition and modernity. There is a need for ijtihad (independent reasoning) and reinterpretation of Islamic texts in light of contemporary challenges. Educational reforms, interfaith dialogue, and the promotion of moderate interpretations of Islam are crucial in addressing the misconceptions and fostering a harmonious coexistence between Muslims and the global community.
In conclusion, Islam’s encounter with the modern world is complex and multifaceted. While there are challenges, there are also opportunities for growth and renewal. By embracing the positive aspects of modernity while staying true to the core principles of their faith, Muslims can contribute to a more peaceful and prosperous world.
submitted by islamdigitalworld to islamdigitalworld1 [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 23:04 Ok-Procedure4662 '21M' need help with ex '20F'?

To give a little back story. I '21M' and my ex '20F' were together for a year and some months, and it went very well here and there an argument but nothing unhealthy. Now, everything changed at one point. She got her first panic attack in a wile at the end of our relationship, I was there for her when she had one. But it kept getting worse.
Now at one point I got the opportunity to go to France on an internship for a month and after discussing it with her for a Lil bit she agreed. And during my internship few things happend and there everything went wrong (she din't cheet btw). I came back from internship and a few weeks later our relationship was done.
We talked about it but together and we decided to end it. It doesn't work anymore.
Now almost a year a half later I ran into her again and we started talking to each other. She has another love and I don't.
Now it comes
She also works at my student job where I was absent that year and a half. Now when she sees me now then She acts friendly to me, more like flirtatious. and always touches me when she sees an opportunity. Equally tickling or deliberately bumping into me
2:when we were talking she was subtly asking if I had feelings and if we could ever be together again. And that our relationship would work.
3:The reason why it was done between us was because she got those panic attacks with me purely because of a certain room in my house and because of a perfume I was wearing at the time. Apparently that was some kind of trigger to her first attack.
4:I thought my feelings were gone for her but when I saw her again everything came back to the surface and I am completely confused.
5: When we talked about our relationship to clear up some things she got emotional and regretted that we couldn't better communicate then what was going on Advice for what tot do is welcome and your opinion for inside.
submitted by Ok-Procedure4662 to relationship_advice [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 22:58 Proof_Let4967 Star Trek proves that socialism is better than capitalism

Star Trek often presents a vision of a future society that some interpret as being socialist or post-capitalist. Here are a few ways in which Star Trek might be seen as promoting socialist ideals:
  1. Abundance Economy: In the Star Trek universe, particularly in the later series like The Next Generation, scarcity has largely been eliminated through technological advancements like replicators and limitless energy sources. This allows for a society where material needs are easily met, and individuals are free to pursue personal development and exploration without the need to compete for resources. This vision aligns with socialist ideals of collective ownership and distribution of resources.
  2. Equality and Cooperation: Starfleet operates on principles of cooperation, mutual respect, and equality. Crew members are not driven by personal wealth or advancement but by a sense of duty and exploration. In this sense, the society depicted in Star Trek emphasizes collective goals and the common good over individual profit, reflecting socialist values of solidarity and community.
  3. Universal Access to Healthcare and Education: Within the Federation, access to healthcare and education appears to be universal. Citizens don't need to worry about the cost of medical treatment or education, which are provided as basic rights. This echoes socialist principles of ensuring essential services are available to all, regardless of their ability to pay.
  4. Meritocracy: While not explicitly socialist, Star Trek depicts a society where advancement is based on merit rather than wealth or social status. Individuals are judged by their abilities and contributions to society rather than their economic background. This aligns with socialist ideals of a fair and just society where everyone has an equal opportunity to succeed.
It's important to note that while Star Trek presents a compelling vision of a more equitable and just future society, it's still a work of fiction. Real-world implementation of socialist ideals can vary widely and may face numerous challenges and complexities. Additionally, interpretations of Star Trek's societal structure can differ, with some arguing it reflects more of a liberal or progressive capitalist society rather than a strictly socialist one.
submitted by Proof_Let4967 to CapitalismVSocialism [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 22:26 BearCavalryCorpral Education

Schools need to do better. America needs to do better with its schools. Schools need to prepare kids for the outside world. "But that should be the parents' job!" No duh! But not every kid has the advantage of parents who can or will teach them what they need to know. I never learned how to write a resume or what the fuck a cover letter was in school. My parents didn't know how to do that either for a first job in the US. They got their first jobs under a completely different system in a country that doesn't exist anymore! What about kids whose parents don't have time? Those who don't give a shit? Just fuck us I guess? Isn't this supposed to be the land of equal opportunity (What a joke, I know)? How is it remotely equal if we're not even starting from the same knowledge of navigating the real world?
You know what my school did teach me? What the teacher's guide said Holden's red fucking hunting hat represented in The Catcher in the Rye. The only time I have ever used that knowledge was in rants about how utterly pointless it was. It wasn't even teaching us to find symbolism in writing. It was just "This is what it means, memorize it, it's going to be on the test".
Speaking of memorization - schools only really teach one way. That way doesn't work with you? Tough shit. You're gonna learn less, get lower grades, which will impede on your future prospects, get stressed, deal with whatever at home consequences there are...just because you learn differently. I used to be pretty good at math till mid-middle school. It all clicked because the teachers in earlier grades explained the hows and the whys of concepts. Bobby bought a pizza and split it between himself and 5 of his friends. How much of the pizza does each person get? See? That's division. That's something I could visualize and process. Then it became "Here's a formula, memorize it". Any questions got dismissed. "Where is this used?" "On the test" "Why does this work?" "Here's another bare mathematical formula that explains it". After middle school, I started sucking at math. I hated math. It was nothing but stress because I couldn't understand anything and my capacity for rote memorization was pretty shoddy. Still do, but watching videos with explanations on the whys, hows and for whats have made it easier to understand and more interesting.
Speaking of schools not helping with learning - it's looking more and more like schools are more interested in looking good than doing good. I have a friend who fell behind on a subject because her teacher was shit. She went into the next grade behind. She got put on an Individual Learning Plan (IEP), but instead of helping her catch up, they just gave her busy work, gave her passing grades, and sent her on her way. She's had to play catchup on her own as an adult. I'm now a school substitute and I've watched kids today get the same treatment. English assignment? Just scribble something down in text speak and you'll pass. We aren't doing kids any favours by letting them breeze by on shitty work! This will bite them in the ass when they're older!
Don't get me started on parents who think their kids are precious little angels who can do no wrong, or royalty whose every whim needs to be pandered to. You are doing your kids no favours. No, it's not the teacher's fault if little Billy is failing class because he's never turned in any of his work.
Then there's the money problem. We need a better system. Tying school funding to local taxes is inherently unequal. It's saying that kids from poorer families don't deserve as good of an education because their parents are poor. Tying funding to headcount is more viable, but when the population goes down, it fucks over all the other students. Misuse of funds, corruption, etc, yeah, that's a thing. The district I work in is dealing with such an issue right now, which results in huge layoffs. Even so, the government bails out companies that mismanaged their resources! Why not schools? Schools take care of the future generation! If you want them to be more than just glorified daycare centers, they need money! Why are we punishing kids and teachers for the admins' fuckups?
submitted by BearCavalryCorpral to rant [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 22:17 Aria_beebee It will get better ❤️‍🩹

Ladies and gentlemen,
Good evening. I stand before you today to discuss a matter of profound importance: the rights of transgender individuals. This is a topic that speaks to the very heart of our values as a society—values of equality, dignity, and respect for all. Transgender people, like everyone else, deserve to live their lives free from discrimination, prejudice, and violence. Yet, despite significant progress, the struggle for trans rights remains an urgent and ongoing battle.
Transgender individuals face unique challenges that can make their lives incredibly difficult. From the moment they come out, they often encounter misunderstanding, hostility, and exclusion. These challenges are pervasive, affecting every aspect of life, including healthcare, employment, education, and legal recognition. According to a 2020 report by the National Center for Transgender Equality, nearly one in three trans people have experienced homelessness, and more than half have faced discrimination in healthcare. These statistics are not just numbers; they represent real people enduring real pain.
One of the most fundamental rights that must be defended is the right to self-identify. Every person should have the autonomy to define who they are and have their gender identity respected. This includes having access to appropriate documentation that reflects their true identity. Being forced to live with incorrect identification is not just an inconvenience; it can lead to serious harm, including discrimination and harassment.
In addition to legal recognition, transgender individuals deserve access to comprehensive and affirming healthcare. This means not only providing transition-related care but also ensuring that all healthcare services are delivered in a manner that respects their identity. Transgender people should not have to fear going to the doctor or worry about being mistreated by medical professionals. We must advocate for healthcare policies that are inclusive and respectful of the needs of trans individuals.
Education is another crucial area where change is needed. Schools should be safe spaces where all students, regardless of their gender identity, can learn and thrive. This involves implementing policies that protect trans students from bullying and harassment, as well as providing inclusive curricula that reflect diverse gender identities. Education is a powerful tool in dismantling prejudice, and by fostering understanding from a young age, we can build a more inclusive society for future generations.
Employment discrimination is another significant issue. Transgender individuals often face bias in hiring and promotion, leading to higher rates of unemployment and underemployment. It is imperative that we enforce and strengthen laws that prohibit discrimination based on gender identity in the workplace. Creating inclusive work environments where everyone can succeed is not just a matter of fairness; it is also beneficial for society as a whole.
Public awareness and advocacy are vital components of the fight for trans rights. We must all take responsibility for educating ourselves and others about the issues facing the transgender community. This means listening to trans voices, amplifying their stories, and standing in solidarity with them in their struggles. It also means challenging transphobia whenever and wherever we encounter it, whether in our personal lives, workplaces, or communities.
In conclusion, the fight for transgender rights is a fight for basic human dignity and equality. It is about recognizing and affirming the humanity of all people, regardless of their gender identity. As we move forward, let us commit ourselves to building a world where transgender individuals are not merely tolerated but are fully embraced and celebrated for who they are. By standing together, we can create a society that honors the rights of everyone and ensures that all people have the opportunity to live their lives authentically and freely.
Thank you.
submitted by Aria_beebee to trans [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 20:57 MaMe- All hail King Grol - Rewriting the Character, Rebalancing the Boss.

All hail King Grol - Rewriting the Character, Rebalancing the Boss.
As great and iconic as it is, LMoP is filled to the brim with forgettable and weak Bosses. I want to share with you my King Grol: an intimidating Bugbear who fancies the myth of human kings and kingdoms - their chivalry, the jousting, the mannerism - but will surely show his true colors when the players will prove to be a tough bone to chew. I hope you'll find more memorable and challenging. (In this post you'll find different statblocks options - for parties of 4, 5 and 6 adventurers)
Table of Contents.
  1. Roleplaying as the King
  2. Running the Encounter
  3. Stat-Block
  4. Fighting as the Warrior

1. Roleplaying as the King.

1.1 The brute becomes the King. In our story Grol is an old Bugbear who's personality got forged by iron, dirt and blood through countless battles. He was but a brute in his youth, charging head-first in any opponent. But that was many years ago. He survived too many battlefields to count, getting both to know and to slain powerful warriors he couldn't help but admire - their immovable spirits, their skills, their eyes burning even in the face of death. He was growing older, wiser.
Now, chivalry wasn't just a human word to him. It was a renowed concept that perfectly embodied what a warrior should've been on the battlefield. A warrior that defeats his opponents. Because killing someone doesn't make you powerful enough to take their life, but too weak to break their spirit. Only then people will follow you on the battlefield. Not because they're paid mercenaries, not because they fear your menaces - they'll follow you out of free will, because they trust they'll win at your side.
Years passes and his Cragmaw army seized the control of the Neverwinter forest, many were starting to address him as King of those places. And Grol knew the stories. Kings lived in castles - not in caves.
Thus, King Grol was born. His goblinoids could live happily in his territories, working at his castle even. Food would've been gived to all his underlings, not raw meat like the beasts' eat but properly cooked by capable goblins. Games would've been held like in coliseums of the big cities - and only treachery was not tolerated.
1.2 King Grol's Personality. As you can see Grol's POV is a bit twisted, he tries his best to impersonate what he thinks a King is - a Tyrant who's deeds are justified by the fear his underlings have and who's properties are just means to show other's your status... As such, we'll divide his persolanity in three layers.
At first, anyone would think of a just and chivalrous Warrior-King. King Grol will talk as a righteous creature, respecting the law and praising act of heroism and courage. He'll talk about his strenght and how he's not afraid of the players. He inspires trust and respect, especially when compared to the rest of the Bugbears.
On a second glance, loosing his cool may cause holes in this facade. King Grol wil stumble with his word - while keeping a deep and calm voice - he'll start looking more and more as an actor reading a script. Don't make this enough to let the player instantly-distrust him - but this sould raise some eyebrows. Once he starts acting like this, he can regain his composure if the situation goes beck in his favour and regains his composure.
In reality, Grol fears death most of anything else and will use sly tricks to kill the players. In the face of death, King Grol will drop the masquerade - starting to make some grammar errors (stereotypical golbinoi talking in common) and insulting the players. Calling them dumb, vile for attacking him, and unable to see the grandness of his kingdom - and will use all his means to make the fight the most uneven for them. Like Goblin summoned from everywhere with arrows pointed at the players.

2. Running the Encounter

The Players Arrive. Upon arriving at Cragmaw Castle, King Grol will be in his chambers talking to Vierith. Here, two human females are kept as his harem. One of wich is absolutely terrified and disgusted by the bugbear and only seeks an opportunity to escape - the other sees Grol as a necessary evil in order to still benefit of his protection from golbinoids raids to her nearby village. In this moment, King Grol has absolutely no interest in the Players and won't exit his room. He fears the SPider is using him, and his goal now is understanding what's about the Rockseeker dwarf and how worth this "map" is. In order to make sure he's getting the right amount of money from all of this.
Enter King Grol. If the players reach his room, or if a fight is going on just behind the door, King Grol will step in.
"Good day, guests." He sais, slightly annoyed but condescending. "I see you're... Having fun... Visiting my kingdom." King Grol mutters while looking at his surroundings. "But you see. A King's life is a busy one... We must arrange a meeting for another time. Understood?"
(If the players reply to provoke him, he's unfazed) "You seem no stranger to fights and combat, but you should know your limits." He looks at you, all of you. Your weapons, your armour, your stance. Then shakes his head. "I have no interest in killing you - Oh. don't look at me like that. You would die if we fight now." (Continue from here, or start here if the players accepted to arrange the meeting.) "But... You came all the way here. And you killed many of my people." He squint his eyes. "I should punish you for this, take your lives. But you seem able to fight, you picked my interest." He looks again at your gear, than at the floors and walls of the castle. "You won't die now. We're going to have a grand event - a battle - tonight, at midnight." The golbins around start muttering in excitement. "All of you, against me." He opens his arms and smiles a little. "You can rest in our chambers in the meantime, you'll partake to a banquet before the fight and eat to your heart's content - you'll die fighting with all yoour strenght, with your soult at peace." "Picked your interest?" (If they refuse, he insists to fight them at their peak. But if they insult him too much, he'll fight right away)
Midnight's Event. If the players accept, they can sleep in the castle. The golbins will escort them, they won't be ambushed or anything. They can have their Long Rest before the dinner. The food is oddly good and in striking contrast with the surrounding, some golbin will ask if they want their weapons to be polished - and will do that with good care. King Grol will punish any goblinoid who disobeys him.
King Grol will sit in front of them and dine together. "I hope you're enjoying our cares, I want you to die with no regrets... But before that. I have something to ask."
The players will then have a conversation with him, about Gundren. The mine. Even Venomfang. King Grol knows little to nothing about any of this and is eager to know what the players may have already discovered - even unintentionally revealing some minor plot points. (This is a prime situation where the second layer of his personality can kick in)
The, after King Grol is satisfied, an Hobgoblin will escort them to the arena they've arranged in the hall - skulls of fallen goblins creates a circle, with many candles around. The circle is then surrounded by lots of goblins that are cheering esthatically for their King. "The living are watching us, just like the fallen ones. Such a beautiful arena..." He seems thoughtful. "I may be old... But I remember all the strongest opponent I've slained. Make this interesting. Make us remember you."

3. Stat-Block

This section uses u/Dragnacarta absolutely incredible "CR2.0" system. A mathematical way to precisely take into account the PCs party Power Level against certain creatures's CR.
This Boss Fight is composed by one "Bloody Encounter" and one "Bruising Encounter". The Bloody Encounter has the Players against King Grol and his Dire Wolf Snarl. The Bruising Encounter starts when when Grol is weakened and uses his Lair Action su summon his Goblinoids underlings.
The Following Stats take into account parties of 4 LV3 Players.
  • 5 Players: Increase Grol's HP to 90 and increase the use of Lair Action to 2.
  • 6 Players: In addition, both his reactions allow Grol to attempt an Old Greatsword attack and increase the summoned Goblinoids by 2 each.

4. Fighting as the Warrior

King grol is an experienced warrior: Use his reactions to make him mobile and Snarl to punish the backlines and/or attack players with high AC thanks to the Dire Wolf's Pack Tactics. In any case, positioning him well on the field is the key.
Once King Grol starts using his Lair Action (aka he's losing the fight) the Goblinoids will understand the sotuation turned dire and many will run away in fear!
This encounter can be quite challenging, if the players are really about to lose think about not using the Lair Action! And if you've used that already, and the players are losing the Second Encotunter think about making Sildar Hallwinter and Daran Edermath apprear for an heroic save!
When the battle ends the ramaining Goblins will ony attempt to flee. No one will hurt the players anymore. Let them have their win, and look at the goblinoids run from them!
Bonus Round: What if Grol gets uttelry annhilated? He's sly and resourceful. Whenever the Lair initiative comes up again, he'll make EVERY goblin in the hall turn their bows at the players - and put them in front of a choice:
1. Stand still, and let the arrows slowly kill everyone. The goblins will auto-hit if they agree to stand immobile. Starting from the players with the lowest AC. 2. Fight to survive, but Gundren dies. One Goblin will threathen to slit Gundren's throat (readied action) and will stay still until the players let the arrows rain on them - as soon as one resists, the Goblin will kill Gundren with no hesitation.
If this bonus round happens, make sure the players are thorn from this decision: Option1 they die, option 2 Gundren dies.
This is a bit drastic since Gundren is almost impossible to save this way... But this will allow the players to have a VERY tense Roleplay scenario even if they were toying with Grol battle-wise.
submitted by MaMe- to LostMinesOfPhandelver [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 20:50 Intelligent_Ant_290 From nothingness to sanctity

One day, in the folds of time, a person was born in the city of Marrakesh. They all had many brothers, and they were poor and their condition was miserable and extremely poor. This person, whose name was Ibrahim, worked the entire summer to buy school supplies for the next year, and if his shoes were torn, Or he sewed his clothes, but he had no shoes, so his clothes were worn out and old. Ibrahim’s father was in the service, so he was absent from the house, not being with his family much. Days passed and Ibrahim grew up, so his father gave him two choices: either to go to the Education Academy to study and graduate as a professor, or to enter the service. The military, and this choice was not recommended by the father, Ibrahim, because he did not want his son to go through a difficult experience like him, but Ibrahim had an opinion and was very stubborn, so he chose military service, so he went, and after a few years he graduated with the rank of colonel, and at that time his mother proposed to him, a girl from the neighborhood in which he They lived in it, and at that time he married a son, and after that she became pregnant and they had a son, a male, and they named him Muhammad, and from here our story will begin. Muhammad was an ordinary child, and he studied well and excelled in his studies. He always went to the mosque in order to memorize the Qur’an, and he was not an honest, trustworthy child with good morals. He respected people and never insulted anyone. He was a pure and pure child. As the years passed, Muhammad grew up and took the baccalaureate degree. And all these years, Muhammad was influenced by the Islamic conquests and the personality of the Prophet Muhammad, may God bless him and grant him peace, and the Companions, may God be pleased with them, especially Omar ibn Al-Khattab and Ali bin Abi Talib, so he devoted himself to reading the biography of the Prophet and watching videos whose topics were Islam. The important thing is that we go back and said that Muhammad reached the age of 18 and did not find in Morocco job opportunities or even a good position, so he decided to immigrate to America like other young people, so he was registered in the American lottery and after a few months had passed. Acceptance came to him, and he was very happy because he would find a decent living and a decent life. But in reality, there is something else. The important thing is that Muhammad collected all the documents he would need and applied for the visa. Before and after that, he collected his beliefs and booked the plane ticket. On the night of the flight, he was so excited that he did not sleep a lot, and in the morning. He went to the airport, his parents said goodbye to him, and he went to the plane, and after hours he found himself in America, and the reality was something else. There were many racists, and they always insulted him with the name Muhammad because he idolized the Prophet Muhammad, may God bless him and grant him peace, and they even called the Messenger lustful, and he married Aisha for 6 years. And God forbid, as they curse the honorable companions, may God be pleased with them. The important thing is that Muhammad completed his studies in America and obtained several certificates, so he submitted his application to enter the police because he had just obtained American citizenship. The important thing is that he submitted his application and they approved it, so he took the written and physical test and passed it, so he passed them, and now Muhammad has become An official policeman for the state of Chicago, Muhammad was sincere in his work and dedicated to it. He always did not accept bribery and punished criminals severely. Years passed and Muhammad rose in his position and became in the anti-gang department. He became the one carrying out executions and began killing and exterminating everyone. Killer gangs because the state gives him the decision to kill them because they incite fear in people, kill them, and rape their daughters. Muhammad killed, or rather executed, thousands of people, and he exterminated hundreds of gangs from existence, and all the criminals feared him and were afraid to even mention his important name. Hours passed, and one day of the daysOne day, Muhammad found a volume containing the story of the revolution and the Soviet Union. He read it all and was influenced by revolutionary thought. He began to imagine himself as the king of the world, and he was one of the most supportive of the Palestinian cause. They always sent thousands of dollars to Palestinian associations, and Muhammad was stable even though he was stable. In America, but he hates its corrupt regime and the racism towards foreigners that is abundant in it, so Muhammad decided to go to Russia in order to settle there and submitted his application to Russian intelligence and gave up his service in America, but he still possessed American citizenship. The important thing is that Muhammad worked in Russian intelligence and began every day. It is getting more and more popular and everyone loves it until one day there was a parade for President Vladimir Putin And then Muhammad met President Putin, and Putin liked Muhammad’s personality and the way he treated and respected him, so he decided to hire him as his bodyguard, and Muhammad was very happy with this news. The next day, he started working with the president, and he accompanied him wherever he went. The president was subjected to a series of assassination attempts, and Muhammad was always He was his savior. Meanwhile, Muhammad became a loyal friend of Putin and became Vice President. One day, Putin became seriously ill, and when he was on his deathbed, he said goodbye to Muhammad. Muhammad was very affected by his death, but he moved forward and now he has become the President of the Republic of Russia, so it began. His ambitions to reshape the Soviet Union, so he began to forcefully occupy the countries that were on his side. He did not kill innocent people or women. He implemented the commandments of the Prophet Muhammad, may God bless him and grant him peace, to the letter. At this time, America began to threaten Muhammad that it would occupy Russia and destroy it. Muhammad was aware of this matter and was He planned in advance, as he intended to obey America and eliminate it, and the opportunity came to him. He restored the Soviet Union a hundred times stronger and stronger than it was during the era of Stalin and the other leaders. He only developed the nuclear arsenal and developed advanced weapons, and at this time Muhammad brought his father because He had experience in the army and gave him the position of first commander of the army staff, so his father trained the armyHis father was very strict, and he trained the soldiers very hard, and this would benefit them later. Muhammad also gave his grandfather the position of the chief president of all the central banks in the Soviet Union. He was the state’s accountant. All of the revenues of the Soviet Union passed through Muhammad’s grandfather. He also gave his great uncle the position of governor. He was in charge of all the car factories in the country, so he was in charge of all the car factories and all the companies. He was the president of them and the first factory because he had experience. He also entrusted him with the tasks of building power plants and manufacturing high-precision surveillance cameras. Muhammad gave his middle uncle the position of president of the iron and aluminum mining companies. All types of metal. He also gave his younger uncle the head of the taxi unions, as he is responsible for companies and all taxis and driving licenses for taxis, as well as their taxes. Muhammad also gave his younger uncle the position of head of the Ministry of Education and responsible for all schools in the country, as well as the head of the professors’ body. As he is responsible for the education and study sector, Muhammad also gave his great uncle the position of head of the body of lawyers, judges and courts in the state because his great uncle had more than 20 years of experience in the field. Muhammad also gave his other grandfather the position of head of arms manufacturing and export companies because his grandfather also had In military service, he had a lot of experience in questions, because this is all his specialty in politics Thanks to these positions that he gave to some members of his family, each of whom had great experience in the field in which he specialized, which helped the Soviet Union develop greatly and become stronger and stronger. At that time, Muhammad consulted his Soviet advisors and his father in his capacity as Supreme Commander. And the highest ranks of the army, intelligence, and security in the country. Ibrahim, Muhammad’s father, was the second most important authority in the country after his son Muhammad. The important thing is that after the long Shura period, Muhammad took the appropriate decision, so he bombed Washington, D.C., with a large nuclear bomb, which led to the erasure of Washington from the map and the destruction of the White House, so America rose. He responded with a nuclear missile, but Ibrahim, Muhammad's father, was able to dismantle it, repel it, and turn it towards America. From here, a fierce battle began between the Soviet Union and the United States of America. In the end, the Soviet Union was able to overthrow and eliminate America. It also occupied Canada and South America and brought it back. Alaska to Soviet ruleThe Soviet Union seized all the wealth of North and South America, and even Canada, and annexed them to the Soviet Union. Muhammad rebuilt America on the Soviet system, and even Canada and Brazil. The power of the Soviet Union increased 1,000 times, and the Soviet Union became the most powerful country in the world. Muhammad’s ambitions increased, so he occupied North Korea. He eliminated President Kim Jong-un and also occupied South Korea, Japan, and China. The thing that distinguished Muhammad was not killing innocent people. He only killed those participating in the war, and when he occupied the country, he rebuilt it and employed its citizens with a better salary than they had been, so everyone saluted him. There were also those who hated him, but they were very few. The important thing is that the Soviet Union became from the Republic of Russia to the most powerful country in history. Muhammad also liberated Palestine and gathered all the lions of the world and burned them, slaughtered them, and exterminated them from the globe. Only Muhammad eliminated all the Jews and it was Palestine. It was filled with ululations and joy at her liberation, and all the people were chanting the name Muhammad Muhammad and calling him Muhammad the Savior. Meanwhile, the grandfather of the first and second Muhammad died of old age, so Muhammad became very sad for them. At the funeral, someone poisoned Muhammad’s food with the most severe type of poison, and when he ate it, he choked and died. He almost died, but when he came out of the coma, the doctor told him while he was crying, “The poison has spread through your body, my lord Muhammad. You have only a few days left of your life.” Muhammad began to cry, but he was patient. Then Muhammad made his farewell conference in which he gave a speech and advised the people. When he dies, the rule will pass to his father, and when his father dies, it will pass to his great uncle, and this sequence will remainAfter a few days, Muhammad died and was buried in a grave of gold and diamonds. He became the most important figure in the world, so people began to visit him from all parts of the Soviet Union and even from the Arab countries. Millions of people visited him daily. As for him, when he died, power passed to him and he ruled with justice. Here the story of Muhammad has ended and has been folded between the pages of the past I forgot to mention that Muhammad was fighting with the soldiers, but he was covering his face with a mask so that the opponents would not recognize him and focus on him to kill him. If the president was killed, the Soviet Union would collapse. Muhammad was fighting with the soldiers and killing a lot of the enemy. He and his father were fighting, even though his father He was old, but he was stronger than Muhammad himself. Muhammad’s father was fighting 10 soldiers at the same time and killing them. Muhammad also occupied France, demolished the Eiffel Tower, and occupied almost all of Europe. Muhammad donated billions of dollars to Palestine until Palestine became very advanced and became a more ornate city. Muhammad also occupied Iran and exterminated the extremist Shiites. The one who poisoned Muhammad was a black man from Ethiopia, and the soldiers shot him dead when Muhammad died.Also, Muhammad could also have eliminated Morocco and wiped it from the map, but Muhammad did not want to do that out of respect for the Almoravids, Almohads, and Idrisids. When Muhammad died, power passed to his father and he began to rule the world. Muhammad’s tomb, built of pure gold and all precious stones, became a place of pilgrimage for millions of people every day, to the point that airports were filled with people and thousands of people were lining up in queues to obtain a visa. There were also thousands of people in the street chanting the name of Muhammad the Leader. The great and even they are queuing up to go to the Soviet capital, as there are people from far away places in the world such as Australia who go to the Soviet capital to visit the grave of Muhammad, and he was the most important and holiest person in the world after the Prophet Muhammad. And his companions, I am talking about his military clothes and weapons, all of them were sold for millions of dollars to Arab museums. As for the Soviet museums, they contain Muhammad’s necklace and his favorite weapon, and even the Soviet museum is crowded with people every day just to see its antiquities. Mohammed. Everyone loved him, so Muhammad became the second legend that history will not repeat. The first legend is the Prophet MuhammadWhen Muhammad died, they wrapped him in very advanced materials to prevent his body from decomposing. Muhammad's body did not decompose, but remained as it was. One of the materials used to preserve Muhammad's body was formalin, so Muhammad's body remained intact throughout the years.There are also some very wealthy Arabs who wanted to move Muhammad’s grave from the Soviet Union to Mecca in order to increase the state’s economy, but the entire world, billions of people, categorically refused, whether from within the Soviet Union or from outside it, and they wanted to buy his body for billions of dollars, but the entire world categorically refused. A wave of anger has erupted against Saudi Arabia because of this, because a person like Muhammad cannot be violated and his grave opened When Muhammad's father, Ibrahim, assumed power, and due to his old age, he was 61 years old. He found many difficulties because he found himself facing a great challenge in front of him, ruling millions of people. The Soviet Union, during Muhammad's era, was at the height of its power. He had sat on the throne of the most powerful country in history. Only the area of the Soviet Union was estimated at 400 million kilometers, so Ibrahim had to make a lot of effort, and in some of the Union’s colonies, some civil wars broke out between supporters of Muhammad and his supporters and among those who hated him, as most of those who hated Muhammad were from Central Europe, from the Greek islands and elsewhere. Next to it was the leader of the movement named Johann Gospiel. The latter sought revenge on Muhammad’s followers, and they all wanted to kill Ibrahim and destroy the Soviet Union. He was very hateful, and events will show you why the latter was so hateful of Muhammad and the main family. We will go back in time a little to when Muhammad committed mischief. America and occupied North and South Korea. His ambitions began in Europe, and he started with Italy, so he overthrew it, even though he respected Mussolini, the Italian fascist leader, but Muhammad’s ambitions were to occupy all of Europe, so he occupied Italy, eliminated its leader, and demolished all the ancient Roman idols and gods, and when he headed to occupy the Vatican. Muhammad remembered the words of the Prophet Muhammad, may God bless him and grant him peace, at the sign of the Hour, that in the Vatican there is the staff of Moses and the Thapoth of the Covenant, according to what the commentators and hadith scholars say, so Muhammad retreated.With his army, he went to occupy Greece and wanted to destroy Athens. He met the other army, headed by Johann Gaspiel's brother, called Nicholas Gaspiel. The two armies faced each other. Nicholas' army consisted of 45,000 tanks, a fleet of planes, and 980,000 soldiers, while Muhammad had 60,000 tanks. 2 million soldiers, and the two armies faced each other at the famous Evros River in Greece. The war began, and it was so bloody that the Evros River was filled to the brim with corpses and its color became red with blood. Muhammad was killing the enemies, and his father Ibrahim was also fighting, as he was 51 years old and he was very strong. Stronger than Muhammad himself. The important thing was that Muhammad was fighting. He tore off his mask. Nicholas the commander saw him and said: Here you are, Muhammad. I swear to Zeus, Poseidon, and Athena that you will not survive today. Medusa's curse will fall on you. Today I will hang your head before the gods. Muhammad did not answer him verbally, so his response was to arrest him, cut off his head, and hang his body on a treeThey continued fighting for several hours, and Muhammad was able to eliminate the entire army and occupied Greece at five in the morning. He prayed dawn in the city and began his entry with the soldiers. 200,000 soldiers had died in the war. Muhammad made a broadcast on television and consoled all the families and gave them a salary. For life and huge sums of money. The important thing is that Muhammad passed by the fields and saw some peasants. When they saw him, one of them called out and said, “Where is Muhammad?” Muhammad said to him, “Here is Muhammad.” The man came to him and hugged him and said, “O Muhammad, we have been saved from a tyrant who was torturing us and making our lives miserable.” Nicholas Gaspiel) and gave Muhammad some apples and lemons, so Muhammad bought 300 cows from him and the soldiers slaughtered them, so they ate until their stomachs were full and they slept that night while Muhammad was standing praying. This is just going back in time to explain to you why Johann Gaspial hates Muhammad.Johann Gaspel was telling his experience when he saw Muhammad and saying when Muhammad conquered all of Greece, and the people were chanting his name. I said that Muhammad was not killing ordinary citizens and women because he was carrying out the orders of the Prophet Muhammad and his law of war. Johan Gaspel was 12 years old. He said: “I saw large crowds chanting the name of Muhammad, then I was looking out the window, and suddenly I saw Muhammad passing in front of me and hundreds of thousands of people.” Behind him were hundreds of thousands of soldiers armed with the most modern weapons in the world. He said that Muhammad was strong, broad-chested, not more than 180 centimeters tall, and had a black beard, black hair, and brown eyes. Dark brown, and when Johann saw him, he felt an unusual tremor and said that Muhammad was a person that everyone feared
This is a fictional story written by me. Give me your opinion in the comments
submitted by Intelligent_Ant_290 to comics [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 20:41 Sweet-Count2557 Best Pizza in Manchester Nh

Best Pizza in Manchester Nh
Best Pizza in Manchester Nh Are you ready to embark on a mouthwatering pizza adventure in Manchester, NH?Well, buckle up because we've got the inside scoop on the absolute best pizza spots in town. From crispy thin-crust wonders to flavor-packed deep-dish delights, we've curated a list that will make your taste buds dance with joy.Get ready to indulge in the finest ingredients, innovative toppings, and expertly crafted crusts that will leave you craving more. Trust us, these pizzerias are the real deal.Let's dive in and satisfy those pizza cravings!Key TakeawaysAnnulas Pizza & Deli is famous for its best-tasting calzones and delicious pizzas with a non-greasy crust. It has a family-friendly atmosphere and attentive staff, making it recommended for post-theater dining.Elm House of Pizza, formerly known as Theos Pizza and Restaurant, offers creative premium pies with regular pan pies and thin-crust pizzas available. It provides comfy booths for leisurely conversations.Vintage Pizza, founded by Kristopher and Dimitrios Kostakis in 2014, may have a run-down facade but serves top pizza in Manchester. It uses high-quality ingredients to craft unique and consistently delicious pies at a reasonable price, creating a homey ambiance.Clementos Pizzeria & Brew, owned by Gregg Joseph and opened in 2022, offers tasty crust with delicious toppings. It has a lively atmosphere for hanging out with friends and hosts entertainment nights with comedy, music, trivia, and open mic events. The owner is known for being accommodating and friendly.Alley Cat Pizzeria is an award-winning pizza place with over 25 years of operation. It specializes in pies closest to New York style, featuring a thin, airy, and crispy crust with charred edges. The savory sauce, exceptional cheese blends, and tasty toppings make it suitable for large eaters or big families.Venice Old Style Pizza serves delicious thin-crust pizzas and Italian staples in a traditional style. Its thin-crust pies have a crispy yet soft and chewy crust, and the restaurant uses high-quality ingredients and housemade sauce. The homey atmosphere is perfect for a comfortable and long catching up with friends or family.900 Degrees Neapolitan Pizzeria, established by Priscilla Lane-Rondeau in 2007, offers Neapolitan pizzas baked in a wood-fired oven. It has a full bar serving great wines, cocktails, and beers. The industrial setting with a cozy atmosphere and a lovely patio for al fresco dining adds to the experience.Charlies, located at 1B Pinard St., offers a diverse menu with pizzas, subs, salads, burgers, chicken, and seafood. It provides a cozy and inviting atmosphere for hanging out with family, friends, or a special someone.Sals Pizza, established in Salem in 1990 by Salvatore and Nick Lupoli and located at 296 S Willow St, is one of the go-to pizza places in the city. It offers signature pizzasAnnulas Pizza & DeliWe've heard that Annulas Pizza & Deli is famous for their best-tasting calzones. As experienced pizza connoisseurs, we can attest to the fact that Annulas truly lives up to its reputation. Located in Manchester, NH, this pizzeria is a must-visit for all pizza lovers in the area.When it comes to safety, Annulas Pizza & Deli goes above and beyond. From the moment you step inside, you'll notice the clean and inviting atmosphere. The attentive staff ensures that all safety protocols are followed, giving you peace of mind while enjoying your meal.Now, let's talk about the star of the show: their pizzas. Annulas offers a wide variety of options, from classic cheese to specialty toppings. But what sets them apart is their non-greasy crust. We all know that a greasy pizza can be a safety hazard, but Annulas manages to strike the perfect balance between flavor and healthiness.Whether you're looking for a quick bite or a family-friendly dining experience, Annulas Pizza & Deli is the place to go. Their dedication to safety, combined with their delicious pizzas, make them one of the best pizza places in Manchester, NH. So, don't miss out on the opportunity to indulge in their mouthwatering calzones and experience the true taste of Annulas.Elm House of PizzaLet's head over to Elm House of Pizza for some delicious pies after we finish discussing our favorite pizzerias. Elm House of Pizza, located at 102 Elm St. in Manchester, NH, is a renowned pizzeria that has been satisfying pizza lovers for years. Formerly known as Theos Pizza and Restaurant, Elm House of Pizza offers a wide variety of creative premium pies that are sure to please even the pickiest of eaters.What sets Elm House of Pizza apart from other pizzerias in Manchester is their commitment to quality and taste. They offer both regular pan pies and thin-crust pizzas, allowing customers to choose their preferred style. The pizzas are made with high-quality ingredients and the crust is always cooked to perfection, resulting in a delicious and satisfying pizza experience.In terms of safety, Elm House of Pizza takes the well-being of their customers seriously. They ensure that their staff follows strict hygiene practices and maintain a clean and sanitized environment. Additionally, they offer contactless delivery and takeout options for those who prefer to enjoy their pizzas in the comfort of their own homes.When it comes to finding the best pizza in Manchester, NH, Elm House of Pizza is definitely a top contender. Their delicious and unique pies, combined with their commitment to safety, make them a favorite among pizza enthusiasts. So why not give them a try and indulge in some mouthwatering pizza goodness?Vintage PizzaVintage Pizza, founded by Kristopher and Dimitrios Kostakis in 2014, may have a run-down facade, but don't let that fool you – they serve some of the best pizza in Manchester. With their commitment to using high-quality ingredients, Vintage Pizza creates unique and consistently delicious pies that are reasonably priced.The homey ambiance adds to the overall dining experience, making it a favorite among locals and visitors alike.Quality Ingredients and FlavorsAmong the pizzerias discussed, Vintage Pizza stands out for its use of high-quality ingredients and consistently delicious flavors. We, as experienced pizza enthusiasts, can confidently say that Vintage Pizza knows how to create a pizza that satisfies both the taste buds and the desire for safety. Here are four reasons why Vintage Pizza excels in delivering a safe and flavorful pizza experience:Fresh Ingredients: Vintage Pizza sources its ingredients from trusted suppliers, ensuring that only the highest quality produce, meats, and cheeses are used. This commitment to freshness and quality minimizes any potential health risks.Attention to Food Safety: The staff at Vintage Pizza is well-trained in food safety protocols, ensuring that all pizzas are prepared in a clean and hygienic environment. From proper handwashing to temperature control, Vintage Pizza prioritizes the safety of its customers.Consistent Flavor Profiles: Vintage Pizza has mastered the art of creating consistently delicious pizzas. Each bite is bursting with flavor, thanks to the carefully selected ingredients and the skillful craftsmanship of the pizzaiolos.Customer Satisfaction: Vintage Pizza has built a loyal customer base by consistently delivering on its promise of tasty and safe pizzas. The positive reviews and repeat business speak volumes about the trust and satisfaction that customers have in Vintage Pizza.When it comes to enjoying a pizza that combines quality ingredients and delicious flavors, Vintage Pizza is the clear winner. You can indulge in their mouthwatering pizzas with the peace of mind that your safety is a top priority.Homey Ambiance and AtmosphereWe thoroughly enjoyed the homey ambiance and atmosphere at Vintage Pizza, creating a cozy and inviting space for us to savor our delicious pizzas.The restaurant may have a run-down facade, but don't let that deter you from experiencing their top-notch pizza. Vintage Pizza, founded by Kristopher and Dimitrios Kostakis in 2014, uses high-quality ingredients to craft unique and consistently delicious pies.Not only is the food reasonably priced, but the welcoming atmosphere adds an extra layer of comfort and safety. The staff at Vintage Pizza is attentive and friendly, ensuring a pleasant dining experience.Whether you're looking for a casual family outing or a night out with friends, Vintage Pizza provides a warm and inviting environment where you can enjoy great food and good company.Clementos Pizzeria & BrewI've heard that Clementos Pizzeria & Brew offers a wide variety of delicious pizzas and an entertaining atmosphere for hanging out with friends. Here are a few things that make Clementos stand out from other pizzerias in Manchester:Safety measures: Clementos takes safety seriously. They've implemented strict sanitation protocols to ensure a clean and hygienic environment for their customers. From regular cleaning and sanitizing to enforcing social distancing guidelines, they prioritize the well-being of their guests.Extensive menu options: Whether you're a meat lover, a vegetarian, or have specific dietary preferences, Clementos has got you covered. From classic cheese and pepperoni to unique and creative toppings, you'll find a pizza that suits your taste buds. They also offer gluten-free and vegan options for those with special dietary needs.Entertainment nights: Clementos goes beyond just serving great pizza. They host entertainment nights featuring comedy shows, live music, trivia, and open mic events. This adds an extra layer of fun and excitement to your dining experience.Friendly and accommodating owner: One of the best things about Clementos is the owner, Gregg Joseph. He's known for his warm and welcoming nature, always making sure that his customers feel valued and satisfied. Gregg goes the extra mile to ensure that everyone has a great time at Clementos.Pizza By Rocco ManchesterPizza By Rocco Manchester offers a wide variety of delicious pizzas with flavor-filled toppings and exceptional customer service. Our pizzeria, located at 210 Lowell St. in Manchester, NH, originated in Natick in 2018. We take pride in our thin crispy crust, which serves as the perfect base for our flavorful creations. We use only the finest ingredients, including whole milk mozzarella and homemade pizza sauce, to ensure that every bite is bursting with taste.At Pizza By Rocco Manchester, the safety and well-being of our customers are of utmost importance to us. We understand that our audience desires safety, and we take the necessary precautions to ensure a clean and hygienic environment. Our staff is trained in proper sanitation practices, and we adhere to all health and safety guidelines.When you visit Pizza By Rocco Manchester, you can expect quick and friendly service from our knowledgeable staff. We strive to provide an exceptional customer experience, making sure that every visit is enjoyable and satisfying. Whether you're dining in or ordering for takeout, we prioritize your comfort and satisfaction.Alley Cat PizzeriaLet's explore the award-winning Alley Cat Pizzeria, known for its specialty pies closest to New York style with thin, airy, and crispy crust and savory sauce. At Alley Cat Pizzeria, you can expect an exceptional dining experience with their delicious pizzas.Here are four reasons why Alley Cat Pizzeria stands out among the rest:Quality Ingredients: Alley Cat Pizzeria takes pride in using high-quality ingredients to craft their pizzas. From the fresh dough to the flavorful sauce and exceptional cheese blends, each bite is a delight for your taste buds.Variety of Toppings: Whether you're a meat lover or a vegetarian, Alley Cat Pizzeria offers a wide selection of toppings to satisfy every palate. From classic pepperoni and sausage to unique combinations like BBQ chicken and caramelized onions, there's something for everyone.Safe and Clean Environment: Alley Cat Pizzeria prioritizes the safety and cleanliness of their establishment. They adhere to strict hygiene protocols to ensure a worry-free dining experience for their customers.Attentive Staff: The friendly and attentive staff at Alley Cat Pizzeria will make you feel welcome and ensure that your dining experience is enjoyable. They're knowledgeable about the menu and can provide recommendations based on your preferences.When it comes to pizza in Manchester, Alley Cat Pizzeria is a top contender. Their dedication to quality, variety, cleanliness, and customer service sets them apart from the rest.Venice Old Style PizzaVenice Old Style Pizza, located at 610 Front St. in Manchester, NH, offers delicious thin-crust pizzas and traditional Italian staples.With their crispy yet soft and chewy crust, their traditional thin-crust pies are a treat for pizza enthusiasts.Using high-quality ingredients and housemade sauce, Venice Old Style Pizza creates a homey atmosphere perfect for enjoying a comfortable and long catching up with friends and family.Crispy Vs. Chewy CrustWhen it comes to the crust, we can't decide whether we prefer the crispy or chewy texture at Venice Old Style Pizza. The debate has been ongoing among our group of friends, as we all have different preferences when it comes to pizza crust.However, after numerous visits to Venice Old Style Pizza, we've come to appreciate both styles for their unique qualities. Here are four reasons why the crispy and chewy crust at Venice Old Style Pizza are equally delicious:Crispy crust: The thin, crispy crust offers a satisfying crunch with every bite. It provides a firm base for the toppings and adds an extra layer of texture to the pizza.Chewy crust: On the other hand, the chewy crust at Venice Old Style Pizza has a delightful elasticity that makes each slice a joy to eat. It allows for a more substantial bite and enhances the overall eating experience.Quality ingredients: Regardless of the crust texture, Venice Old Style Pizza uses high-quality ingredients, from the housemade sauce to the fresh toppings. This commitment to quality ensures that every pizza is delicious and safe to consume.Consistency: Whether you choose the crispy or chewy crust, you can expect the same level of quality and consistency at Venice Old Style Pizza. The skilled pizzaiolos work with precision to achieve the desired texture for every pizza they serve.Traditional Italian FlavorsWe can't help but reminisce about the traditional Italian flavors we experienced at Venice Old Style Pizza. Their mouthwatering pizzas feature fresh ingredients and authentic seasonings. As seasoned pizza connoisseurs, we've tasted our fair share of pizzas. However, Venice Old Style Pizza truly stands out with their commitment to quality and authenticity.From the moment we took a bite of their thin-crust pies, we were transported to the streets of Italy. The crispy yet soft and chewy crust perfectly complemented the high-quality ingredients and housemade sauce. It's evident that Venice Old Style Pizza takes great pride in their Italian heritage and their dedication to providing a safe dining experience.900 Degrees Neapolitan PizzeriaOne of our favorite pizzerias, Degrees Neapolitan Pizzeria, offers delicious Neapolitan pizzas baked in a wood-fired oven. Here are four reasons why we highly recommend this pizzeria:Authentic Neapolitan Pizzas: At Degrees Neapolitan Pizzeria, you'll find pizzas that stay true to their Neapolitan roots. The dough is made using traditional techniques and high-quality ingredients, resulting in a light and airy crust with a slightly charred flavor. Topped with fresh ingredients and cooked in a wood-fired oven, these pizzas deliver an authentic and mouthwatering experience.Cozy and Safe Atmosphere: Degrees Neapolitan Pizzeria provides a cozy and welcoming atmosphere where you can enjoy your meal with peace of mind. The staff ensures that safety measures are in place, including proper sanitation and social distancing protocols. Whether you choose to dine in or take your pizza to go, you can feel confident in their commitment to your well-being.Extensive Menu Options: While Neapolitan pizzas are the main highlight, Degrees Neapolitan Pizzeria offers a variety of options to satisfy everyone's taste buds. From classic Margherita to creative specialty pizzas, there's something for everyone. They also have a full bar serving great wines, cocktails, and beers, making it the perfect place to relax and unwind.Attention to Quality: Degrees Neapolitan Pizzeria takes pride in using high-quality ingredients to deliver exceptional flavors. From the fresh toppings to the homemade sauce, every component of their pizzas is carefully selected and prepared. You can taste the dedication and passion in every bite.When it comes to Neapolitan pizzas, Degrees Neapolitan Pizzeria is a top-notch choice. With their commitment to authenticity, cozy atmosphere, diverse menu options, and attention to quality, they truly stand out in the Manchester pizza scene. So, gather your loved ones and head over to Degrees Neapolitan Pizzeria for a delicious and safe dining experience.Frequently Asked QuestionsWhat Are Some Unique and Creative Pizza Toppings Offered at These Pizzerias?Some unique and creative pizza toppings offered at these pizzerias include teriyaki chicken with pineapple, caramelized onions, and peppers at Luisas Italian Pizzeria.Annulas Pizza & Deli is famous for their best-tasting calzones, while Elm House of Pizza offers creative premium pies.Vintage Pizza uses high-quality ingredients for their consistently delicious pizzas, and Pizza By Rocco Manchester uses whole milk mozzarella and homemade pizza sauce.These pizzerias provide a diverse range of toppings that cater to various tastes and preferences.Are There Any Gluten-Free or Vegan Pizza Options Available at These Pizzerias?Yes, there are gluten-free and vegan pizza options available at these pizzerias. We understand the importance of catering to different dietary needs and preferences.Pizzerias like Annulas Pizza & Deli, Elm House of Pizza, and Vintage Pizza offer gluten-free crust options for their pizzas.Additionally, establishments like Luisas Italian Pizzeria and Sals Pizza provide vegan cheese and vegetable toppings for their vegan pizza options.Do Any of These Pizzerias Offer Delivery or Take-Out Services?Yes, many of these pizzerias offer delivery or take-out services. Whether you're craving a unique and delicious pizza, a traditional and authentic pie, or a diverse menu option, you can enjoy these tasty offerings from the comfort of your own home.From Annulas Pizza & Deli to Luisas Italian Pizzeria, these establishments understand the importance of convenience and are happy to provide delivery or take-out options for their customers.Are There Any Special Promotions or Discounts Available for Customers at These Pizzerias?There are special promotions and discounts available for customers at these pizzerias. They offer various deals like buy-one-get-one-free, happy hour discounts, and combo meal offers.Additionally, some pizzerias have loyalty programs where you can earn points for every purchase and redeem them for free pizzas or other rewards.It's always a good idea to check their websites or social media pages for the latest promotions and discounts.Don't miss out on these great deals while enjoying the best pizza in Manchester, NH!Can Customers Make Reservations or Book Private Events at Any of These Pizzerias?Yes, customers can make reservations or book private events at some of these pizzerias. Each establishment has its own policies, so it's best to contact them directly for more information.Some pizzerias may have private event spaces available, while others may require advance reservations for large parties. Whether you're celebrating a special occasion or simply want to ensure a table for your group, it's always a good idea to check with the pizzeria beforehand to make arrangements.ConclusionJust like a perfectly baked pizza, the journey through Manchester, NH's best pizzerias has been a delight for the senses.Each establishment has its own unique flavor and charm, offering a slice of pizza heaven to all who enter.From the classic and comforting to the bold and innovative, these pizzerias have proven themselves as culinary artists, crafting masterpieces that satisfy both the stomach and the soul.So, grab a slice and savor the delectable flavors of Manchester's pizza scene. Your taste buds will thank you.
submitted by Sweet-Count2557 to worldkidstravel [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 20:27 David_Lo_Pan007 Closing the Skies, Liberating Ukraine

Closing the Skies, Liberating Ukraine
WASHINGTON— The recent, bipartisan passage of supplemental aid for Ukraine may represent a turning point in the war against Russia’s genocidal invasion. Outgunned and outmanned, Ukrainian forces have lost territory in recent months, but made Russian forces pay a tremendous cost for ultimately moderate territorial gains, with Russian forces suffering nearly 90,000 casualties in taking several hundred square kilometers of territory. With fresh injections of funding from both Europe and the United States, Ukraine now has the opportunity to stabilize its front lines and regain battlefield momentum. However, to enable Ukrainian progress in the near- to medium-term, Western military aid must be purposeful and tied to a concrete and actionable theory of Ukrainian victory. Long range munitions can destroy key Russian offensive capabilities and disrupt its sustainment infrastructure; multi-layered air defense can protect Ukrainian cities and deny Russia the air dominance their forces depend upon; and targeted Ukrainian attacks against Russian military targets in occupied Ukraine, and in Russia itself, can help degrade the Russian war economy and boost Ukrainian morale.
With a military unable to compete with Ukrainian defenders on equal footing on the battlefield, Russian forces have resorted to employing overwhelming mass of men and materiel, sustained in large part with munitions, drones, and technological inputs from Iran, North Korea, and China. To counteract these Russian advantages, Western aid should not only allow Ukrainian forces to hold the line, but to degrade and destroy fixed Russian positions, enable offensive operations, and effect general exhaustion and collapse among Russian units. While recent aid tranches have reportedly included fresh quantities of long-range Army Tactical Missile System munitions, suggesting a more newly proactive posture, aid packages tied to enabling rapid Ukrainian victory will likely necessitate newly evolved approaches to aid and advisory.
This hearing will feature key experts on Ukraine and its defensive needs, ongoing battlefield dynamics, and policy recommendations to inform the development of future military aid packages.
submitted by David_Lo_Pan007 to ChinasAgainstUkraine [link] [comments]

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2024.05.16 19:54 Tight_Philosophy8244 Am I wrong for apparently making my friend's girlfriend suicidal by asking for basic fairness?

The people involved (names are changed):
Jake – me
Tom – my flatmate
Kath – Tom’s girlfriend
Emily – Kath’s flatmate
TLDR (but context is very important for how the situation develops):
· Me and Emily get with each other at a party.
· It turns out Kath had forbidden Emily from getting with me. Since Emily went and did it anyway, Kath falls out with her.
· Kath ends her friendship with Emily. Me and Emily continue seeing each other.
· When I plan to go to see Emily at their apartment, Tom tells me that Kath is in a really dark place mentally, and the thought of me and Emily being there together while Kath’s there is triggering her anxiety, so he asks me not to go over.
· Me and Emily follow these instructions for months, all whilst Tom and Kath continue coming and going to either of our apartments as they please.
· Emily eventually gets in touch with Kath to try and understand exactly why me coming over is an issue, since Kath has no problem coming to my place. Kath has a meltdown due to this and it makes her suicidal.
· Tom falls out with me because I knew about the messages that caused his girlfriend to feel suicidal.
(Skip to 'Late April' if you want to go straight to the crux of this post, but I do think it's quite an entertaining read).
Background Context
Me and Tom (both mid-twenties) have lived together in our apartment since I moved to the city last year. I’ve known him for several years and would put him in my inner circle of closest friends, so living with him was all just good chill vibes as expected - or at least it was for the first six months.
I met Tom’s girlfriend of several months, Kath, for the first time pretty soon after moving in. Although she was kind of shy, I thought she seemed nice enough. I noticed that Kath would seem to lean on Tom a fair amount when it came to support for her mental health (she had been diagnosed with anxiety), which of course is normal as her boyfriend. On one occasion, she had a particularly bad anxious episode during a group hangout, with Tom consoling her about it afterwards. Following this, Tom seemed exhausted, saying to me “I’m not a professional, I’m not equipped to deal with all this mental health stuff. She needs help from someone who can adequately help her deal with these thoughts. When she blows things out of proportion and she stresses out to me about her anxiety, it just ends up making my own anxiety worse”. He also said that he had even offered to pay for therapy for Kath, but she didn’t want to accept it.
I just felt bad for Tom, especially since I had some understanding of what he was going through. I had previously had a girlfriend who had anxiety/depression/BPD and put all her mental health issues on me. That girlfriend was also very manipulative and would mention suicidal thoughts any time she started feeling like she was losing control over me (just to be clear, there was no indication that Kath was acting in a manipulative way towards Tom at that point). In my experience, when you end up in a situation where you’re essentially acting as someone’s full-time personal mental health counsellor, it hardly ever ends well.
At some point in January, I met Kath’s “bestie” flatmate, Emily. I remember thinking she was cute, seemed nice and easy to talk to. We all hung out as a group a few times that month and I thought there may have been a little bit of a vibe between me and Emily.
So as you do, I slid into Emily’s DMs and basically let her know I was interested. I messaged her a week or two before our party that her and Kath were coming to, but her response was lukewarm so I just thought she probably wasn’t interested.
For context, I had recently broken up with my girlfriend in January, who had just got back from travelling for the last 6 months. Things in that relationship weren’t great before she even went travelling, and during the months she was away I had come to terms with the fact that it was best to end it. I waited until she was back to say it in person, as I didn’t want to drop that on her while she was travelling and ruin that once in a lifetime experience. However, deep down I knew I had wanted talk to other girls and explore new connections for the last few months, but obviously I didn’t want talk to anyone until it was cleanly over. Me messaging Emily was only a few days after breaking up with her, which I guess isn’t great, but in my head I had been ready to move on for a while, I saw no point in putting an arbitrary time limit on myself. I made sure to explain this context when I messaged Emily so that she was aware of my recent circumstances.
The Party (End of January)
So me and Emily end up getting with each other at the party. Initially, when I brought up me messaging her, she said “I think you’re cute, but I think it’s best we just be friends for the next couple months, since you just recently got out of a relationship, and we can see what happens afterwards”. But as the night went on, I guess Emily changed her mind, because as we kept talking it got increasingly flirty and we ended up getting together. Perfect end to the night, right? Not exactly.
At one point when Emily goes to the bathroom, she comes back into my bedroom saying “Kath is furious at me”. I ask why, and she says that Kath had basically forbidden her from getting with me.
Back when I first messaged Emily, she had of course shown Kath the messages straight away. It turns out Kath for some reason had a really intense reaction to this and was like “I can’t believe he has the audacity to hit on my best friend right after breaking up with his girlfriend! It’s so disrespectful using you as a rebound, it’s disrespectful to his ex and it’s disrespectful to me for hitting on my best friend like this! He was the only one of Tom’s friends that I actually liked but he’s ruined that too now!”.
Apparently, Kath had been used as a rebound before and this was triggering for her, so she didn’t want her best friend to be used as a rebound. She said “you can’t get with him, Emily, that’s my boundary.” Emily was a bit taken aback by the intensity of this reaction and was just a bit like “umm okay…?”. She tried a few times before the party to understand a bit more about why Kath had such a problem with it but didn’t get much further explanation than that.
Now, I agree that Emily was in the wrong for saying to Kath that she wouldn’t get with me and then went and did it anyway, and Emily also acknowledges this. Emily should have said from the start she wasn’t okay with this weird “boundary” Kath had set. It was a bit cowardly. Although given how intensely Kath overreacts to things, I can understand why Emily initially just agreed to whatever she was saying to calm her down. I can also understand how when you’re at a party having fun, drinking and realise that you do actually have a good vibe with the person, in the moment you might change your mind and be like “actually fuck that, who the fuck is she to tell me who I can and can’t get with?”.
Kath saw this as Emily having no respect for their friendship, by choosing some guy she’d just met over her. From Emily’s perspective she was choosing herself, choosing not to follow these nonsensical rules that had been imposed on her, and she was just tired of Kath overreacting to everything and trying to control her.
In my opinion, being this controlling for no good reason is pretty disrespectful in itself. Given that Kath’s reason for telling Emily not to get with me was because she didn’t want her to be used as a rebound…well that’s Emily’s risk to take, isn’t it? I can see how from Emily’s perspective, she knew Kath might not be happy about it, but it’s also not some deep betrayal, since based on the reason Kath gave, the consequence would only be on Emily herself. Emily had the exact same knowledge about my recent relationship status as Kath did, so why did Kath think she can tell her what to do?
As we get to further into this post and the real reason why Kath set this “boundary” is revealed, you will see why I actually think any argument Kath has against Emily for getting with me at the party is automatically void, but we will learn these details as they come.
Start of February
After the events of the party, Kath didn’t want to talk to Emily the next day when she tried to initiate communication via message (Kath tends to avoid in-person confrontation). Fair enough, Emily gave her space. Me and Emily spend the next day together just talking and getting to know each other more, and it’s clear that we vibe together and both feel very comfortable with each other, which is pretty rare for both of us.
I don’t see Tom for the first few days after the party, as he had been staying at Kath’s. When I do, I’m a bit surprised that he didn’t think much of Kath’s reaction at the party. He says “yeah I probably should have warned you about this beforehand”. We both agree that Emily was in the wrong for going back on what she said, but also that Kath shouldn’t have tried to control her like that. He did say “sorry I know this put you in an awkward position”.
A few days after the party, Emily again tries to get in touch with Kath via message.
Emily’s message essentially apologised for her actions, saying she was in the wrong for going back on what she said, and that she should have said from the start that she wasn’t happy with this “boundary”. She also said that Kath shouldn’t have tried to dictate her life and tell her what to do, especially when it’s something that’s none of her business, and that she is going to continue seeing me, taking the risk of being a “rebound”.
Kath’s response essentially said the whole incident at the party was only a small part of why she exploded so intensely, this was just the last in a long line of things Emily had done in the past which she had not forgiven her for. This was just the last straw for Kath because “it hit so close to home, so close to the love of my life”. She wanted things to be civil between them until the end of their tenancy, but this was essentially the end of their friendship.
Okay good, Kath flipping out so badly now finally made a bit more sense to me. Obviously, I wanted to know what Emily had done that was so bad to cause this, as any indicators of bad character would inform whether I choose to keep talking to her.
Emily went through these, explaining that these were incidents from their past that they had discussed at the time, dealt with and moved on from. I have cut these out for the word limit as they don’t add much to this post, but it was the most minor, nonsensical things (I can explain in the comments if anyone wants details).
In any case, I wasn’t particularly interested in what mistakes Emily might have made months or years ago, I was more interested in what her character was like now and going forward.
Early/Mid February
So here’s where the main situation we’re in now starts. For context, Kath and Emily’s apartment is in the city center, close to where both mine and Tom’s offices are, so it would make sense to go over in the evening and go into work from theirs the next morning, as Tom has been doing once or twice a week for the last few months.
It's worth noting that ever since the party right up to the present moment, Emily and Kath have not been interacting at all, avoiding each other in their apartment, only messaging for things like bill payments.
The first time I planned to go stay round Emily’s place was early/mid-February. When I mention this to Tom, he tells me that Kath has been having a really bad time mentally since the party, and the thought of me and Emily being there together triggers her anxiety. He asks me not to go over to their apartment for the next couple of weeks or so while she’s in this particularly bad phase. I don’t really understand what me going over and seeing Emily has to do with Kath’s anxiety (and Tom says he doesn't really understand it either himself), but I say okay fine it’s not that big of deal, I won’t go over for the time being.
Now, a valid question for myself is why I decided to keep seeing Emily, despite knowing that Kath had fallen out with her and therefore knowing it could potentially cause fiction between me and Tom. I don’t think I did anything wrong for several reasons:
· I suppose there’s the general visceral reaction against being told what to do. Like mind your own business, it’s not my fault Kath decided to get involved in my business. Why should she get what she wants when she’s the one being unreasonable? Why should we deny ourselves the opportunity of getting to know someone we seem to vibe with just because Tom’s girlfriend doesn’t like it?
· Before I even knew there was any issue at all, it was already too late; I had already gotten with Emily, they had already fallen out, and Kath already thought I was a dickhead. So what good would it do now to not see each other? Kath already didn’t like me (and she had also previously told me that once she doesn’t like someone, there’s no going back, they’re finished in her mind).
· In the initial first few days after the party, both me and Tom were kind of expecting that Kath’s reaction would blow over in a few days after she had cooled down. How could I have predicted that her reaction would instead continue getting increasingly intense as the situation went on?
· Frankly, I was annoyed at Tom at this point. He knew how Kath had reacted to me messaging Emily, so why did he just bend over and enable his girlfriends’ controlling, unreasonable behavior without question? If it was my girlfriend acting like this generally, I’d be like “why are you getting involved in their business, just let them do what they want?”, and especially so if it was directly affecting one of my close friends.
· Fundamentally, there’s no inherent reason why there had to be any issue at all? Okay Kath has ended her friendship with Emily and might not like that we’re seeing each other, but there’s no need for there to be any continued drama. Obviously we won’t all be hanging out as a four having fun like I had initially hoped, but that doesn’t mean we can’t just exist as adults and be civil? The only reason this continues to be an issue in the first place is because Kath is making it an issue for everyone else involved.
· Finally, I actually like Emily – from the first few days it was clear it wasn’t just going to be a FWB situation. If it felt like more of a superficial FWB situation, then yeah I probably would have just thought it’s not worth the drama, even though I thought Kath was the one in the wrong.
Late February
Over the month of February, me and Emily keep hanging out and getting closer. Whilst I was keeping a very close eye on her for any sign of character flaws (it was still possible that Kath could be in the right, even though her side of it didn’t make much sense to me), the more I got to know her, the more it seemed my initial judgment of her was accurate. I saw how she acted with her other friends, they all seemed to really value and appreciate her. I saw her helping out her friend in need of a fairly large amount of money without a second thought, I saw her going to accompany her friend for a medical scan they had, and generally she was really nice and thoughtful with me. Not exactly the behavior of an inconsiderate person.
Sometime in late February, Emily messages me completely baffled. She couldn’t believe that Kath had invited over a girl from their social circle, Dianne. The reason why this is a bit scandalous is because Kath is always talking shit about Dianne behind her back. And it’s not just “she can be a bit annoying sometimes”, it’s an explicit sentiment of how much she dislikes her, how much of a bad person she is and how much she wants her removed from her life. And she does this frequently, I barely speak to Kath and even I’ve heard her rant about how much she doesn’t like Dianne. So, she’s constantly saying this kind of stuff behind her back, and here she is now inviting her round for tea acting all friendly. I just found that so two-faced and this inevitably shaped my perception of Kath being deceptive.
Not long after I heard about this, Kath was round our place over the weekend. Me, Tom and Kath were heading off to our friend’s housewarming party later that day, with me driving us. At one point when the three of us are all in the kitchen, Kath speaks to me properly for the first time since the party, basically to clear the air. She says she doesn’t want there to be any bad blood between us and that her problem wasn’t with me, it was with Emily. I just say that I was cool with her, I don’t want her to feel uncomfortable with me or when coming over to our apartment, and that the situation between her and Emily was between them and not my business.
I wasn’t entirely convinced with her “clearing the air”, given that I had seen she apparently has no issue with being two-faced, but at the time I thought it was best to stay cool with her for the sake of me and Tom’s friendship and also I didn’t particularly fancy spending the rest of the day and a long car ride with awkward vibes.
End of February
At the end of February, Tom asks me how things are going with Emily and basically advises caution with her. He says that from what he’s seen she’s basically not a good person and she’s generally inconsiderate. I tell him I find that surprising from what I’ve seen of Emily, but I know it’s possible she could have just been putting on a front for the last month. I openly accept this, saying “I want to hear what you have to say, obviously you’re my friend and I respect your opinion”.
Essentially, he doesn’t bring up anything that I hadn’t already been told.
When I question Tom on why Kath thought she was a mind reader and assuming what my intentions were with Emily at the very start of this whole thing, Tom reveals he had since found out that the real reason Kath had forbidden Emily from getting with me in the first place actually wasn’t really to do with me recently breaking up with my girlfriend/using Emily as a rebound (Tom said this was a minor part of the reason, more of an excuse to base it on). It was more that Kath already knew beforehand that she wanted to end her friendship with Emily and was essentially trying to prevent her still being part of her life (i.e. by getting close to her boyfriend’s friend/flatmate).
Now it all made sense why Kath tried to “ban” her from getting with me in the first place. I’m not sure if Tom thought telling me this would make me more sympathetic to Kath’s side of it, but if anything, this deceptive behavior was even more of a red flag to me. As far as everyone (except for Kath) was concerned, her and Emily were best friends. Kath had even said to Emily a couple of weeks before the party that “she was like a sister to her”.
Tom didn’t seem to have much issue with this, saying something along the lines of “yeah I know she shouldn’t have kept all this stuff bottled up, but she doesn’t like confrontation, it makes her really anxious”.
After learning this, I think any argument for Emily being in the wrong for disobeying Kath’s instructions at the party is automatically void: Imagine having the audacity to be like “yeah I know I tried to control you by framing it as me being a protective friend looking out for you, but actually it was really because I wanted to end my friendship with you anyway teehee 😊”. In my view that is just so manipulative. No wonder the reason given to Emily for not getting with me made no sense to her.
When I revealed this to Emily, she said that she had been suspecting that was the case anyway, but it still really hurt to hear it confirmed.
Form her perspective it was like: “So was Kath holding all these grudges all the times I was consoling her for whatever mental health issue she was having at any given time?” (I wonder if Tom was thinking what a bad person Emily was when it was him and Emily staying up till stupid o’clock trying to console Kath who was crying about job applications a few weeks before all this kicked off). There are many other examples of things she had done for Kath in both the recent and more distant past.
Kath also knew that Emily’s best friend had killed herself a few years prior, and after going through the loss of her best friend, Emily had always said she was super hesitant to call anyone her “best friend”. Kath knew about this and still let Emily believe they were best friends, whilst she clearly didn’t really mean it, which I think is quite cruel of her.
Despite what I had seen of Emily so far, I still took what Tom said into account, and continued to watch her carefully.
Mid March
Another couple of weeks pass and given that my last interaction with Kath was her clearing the air with me, I thought everything was now cool between us. I mention to Tom at the start of the week that I’m planning to stay at their apartment later that week and he says “okay cool”. However, later that same evening, he once again asks me not to go over to their apartment. Apparently when he told Kath that I was going over, she started having a panic attack at the thought of me going there.
At this point I’m really started to get frustrated at this situation and again I try to understand exactly what the problem is, because this entire time Kath and Tom have been coming and going to either apartment as they please, so Kath clearly doesn’t have a problem coming to my apartment while I’m there. Tom again says that he doesn’t fully understand it himself, and that Kath doesn’t want to feel this way either, but she’s in a really bad place at the moment and me being there with Emily is really triggering her anxiety.
This makes no sense to me or Emily, because we obviously wouldn’t do anything to make Kath uncomfortable, and from our perspective this is just enabling her dysfunctional way of dealing with this situation.
Even though I still don’t understand what the fuck me seeing Emily has got to do with Kath’s mental health, I’m obviously not going to barge my way into someone’s home when I’m not welcome. So once again, I do as I’m told and say I won’t go over. But I do tell Tom that this situation isn’t going to continue going on like this indefinitely, and to me it feels to me like I’m being walked all over, in the sense of “oh yeah no worries, you two carry on going to either apartment as you please, I’ll just sit here like a dickhead and follow my instructions, don’t worry about it 😊”. He does say sorry and that he knows it’s inconvenient for us, but it's an even bigger inconvenience for Kath.
It’s worth bearing in mind that at this point, I could have responded to this situation by saying that if I’m not welcome at her apartment, Kath is not welcome here (or equally Emily could say to Kath “you can’t bring Tom round”). Whilst yes, it’s a bit petty, I think this would be a completely justified response to prevent a situation where we are being walked all over. Because what would be the alternative? They just carry on doing as they please indefinitely whilst Emily is told she isn’t allowed to have equal use of her own apartment? Now obviously telling your friend that his girlfriend isn’t allowed to come over is really a last resort and would definitely put a big dent in our friendship, and generally I have no desire to control what anyone else does, so of course I didn’t respond in this way.
Despite my frustration at this entire situation, I do feel bad for Tom because I can see how uncomfortable he seems during these conversations with me, he obviously doesn’t want to give me these unreasonable instructions. I can only assume he’s just trying to do whatever he can to keep his girlfriend afloat and prevent her next meltdown. I’ve been there myself dealing with a girlfriend with mental health issues, so I don’t want to actively make things worse for my friend either. However, I’m also worried that it’s likely to get worse for him the more he feeds into it and gets sucked into it.
At this point, the cynical side of me couldn’t help but wonder if Kath was being a bit manipulative and leaning into all the mental health stuff to maintain control of the situation.
· She seemingly is unable to give a reason for exactly why me and Emily being in her apartment makes her so uncomfortable. To me, this was completely indistinguishable from her just hating the fact that we’re together.
· All this reminds me of exactly the same kind of manipulative behavior I saw with that ex-girlfriend.
· She’s shown she has no problem with being intentionally deceptive – maybe if the entire basis of this situation hadn’t started off with Kath being manipulative she would have a bit more credibility in my eyes.
I know this kind of behavior is often not even intentional, and that it can be subconscious where the person doesn’t even realise they’re being manipulative.
(Still Mid March)
Now we get to the part that pisses me off the most in this whole situation. Only a few days after that conversation with Tom, for some reason Kath comes to stay in our apartment for the weekend while Tom was away at a house party. As in, it’s just me and Kath in my apartment.
Personally, I couldn’t imagine having the nerve to say to someone they aren’t welcome in my home because their presence triggers me, and then only a mere few days later actively choosing to go stay the weekend at their place while it’s just us two in the apartment. Like either my presence triggers you or it doesn’t?
Now to be fair, Tom had asked me a week or two beforehand if Kath could come to our apartment to hang out with someone from our friend group while he was away, and I said that was cool. Anyway, those plans fell through, but Kath still came over by herself.
But the main thing that pissed me off about this is that Tom, after knowing that I was already feeling like I was being taken for a mug in this situation, apparently didn’t even think it was worth bothering to check with me if it was still cool with me that Kath came round, given our conversation a few days prior.
If he’d at least checked in like, “I know it’s a bit weird that she’s coming to stay round by herself after having just said that your presence triggers her anxiety”, I still would’ve said okay, because I have no desire to control what anyone does. But it was just the fact he didn’t seem to care, saying “btw Kath is gonna stay here tonight” moments before leaving to his party.
To me it felt like he had spent the last month or so basically giving me instructions to make sure everyone caters to his girlfriend’s feelings, and yet didn’t give the slightest consideration to how this would make me feel. Part of me was thinking does he even see me as a friend or just as an inconvenience to his relationship at this point?
I spoke to Tom in the week following this, expressing how I had felt about Kath staying round. He did apologise and acknowledged he could’ve checked in with me, but he didn’t really seem to understand why her coming over like that was such a kick in the teeth for me. He said Kath doesn’t have a problem with me, it’s only a very specific situation that triggers her (i.e. me and Emily being in her apartment together).
Again I try to understand exactly why it’s a problem. Ever since the party, Emily’s presence in their apartment has consisted of her quietly staying in her room, quickly cooking her food and going straight back to her room. She doesn’t spend 2 hours in the kitchen making food like Kath and Tom sometimes do when he’s there.
Tom again says he doesn’t fully understand it himself. From what he understands, it’s triggering because her home is her safe space and if we’re both there it’s like there’s two hostile presences in that safe space. He reiterated that she is in a very dark place at the moment, and that she’s been having frequent panic attacks and suicidal thoughts.
Tom then says that Kath would be prepared to leave the apartment if me and Emily wanted to meet there, and Kath would basically get out of the way and come to me and Tom’s apartment instead. This did give me a bit more confidence that Kath wasn’t just purposefully making things difficult.
If Kath genuinely meant this, then of course that’s really appreciated, but I’m obviously not going to make her leave her own home and come all the way to ours to then have a 2 hour commute to her work. It’s so over the top and needless. I think that this clearly isn’t a functional solution going forward. What if one day when we want to meet up, Kath has had a long day at work and doesn’t feel like leaving her apartment (obviously, fair enough!), what if she’s got plans with friends in her apartment that evening? In any case, it’s still a situation where rules are being imposed on us, I can never just spontaneously decide to go see Emily one day after work or something. We still can’t come and go freely in the same way they have been doing for the past two months. It would be much better to understand why exactly it’s such a problem and see how we’re going to find a long-term solution, instead of Kath just running away from it.
The cynical side of me was wondering if Kath was just saying this knowing that neither me or Emily are realistically going to make her leave her own home, and if we do agree to it, then she can say “oh look how inconsiderate they are, making me leave my own home just so that they can be in the apartment”, ensuring that she keeps Tom firmly on her side.
Logically, I would’ve thought as time goes on, Kath would eventually get used to the situation and just accept it. Conversely, is it not quite understandable that the longer we have rules imposed on us, the more frustrated we become?
Once again say that I won’t go over and tell him that I won’t press this issue for the time being.
Late April
So now we get to the latest development in the situation, which is the crux of this post.
For the next month or so after that conversation with Tom, me and Emily have just been following our instructions and not pressed anything, whilst they continue coming and going as they please. One weekend we’re talking about the whole ‘Kath situation’ and we say “okay we’ve left it for a while now, it’s probably time to see how we’re going to move forward with this”.
In that next week, Emily sends Kath the following message:
“Hey, I appreciate this message might be uncomfortable but we need to discuss the fact that Jake can’t come here while you’re at home because I know that him and Tom have spoken about this but we’ve never addressed it with each other and I think it’s unfair that they’ve been largely absorbing this conflict this whole time. Can you please tell me what the exact problem would be and how we could make it work? At the end of the day we both pay equal rent here and I should be allowed to bring someone over, especially considering that Tom comes here whenever you want. We’re nothing more than just 2 housemates now and if you were living with a stranger from Spareroom such restrictions couldn’t have existed. I think I’ve let it slide and should have addressed it earlier, but it’s time we come up with a fair solution and I’d like to know if there’s anything reasonable we can do. I don’t want to go into other conversations about our fallout cause that’s done and dusted now, I want to strictly address this issue. Would you like some notice before he comes? I can’t always guarantee how far in advance I can let you know but I will do my best to give you enough time.”
Kath’s response:
“hey, I do not really appreciate this conversation being brought up 2 days before my birthday and I wish we can settle it today and not drag it on. And I do not appreciate you using Tom as a weapon to guilt trip me either. Please let me know if he is coming over tonight so that I can go somewhere else. As u probably already know I am in a really bad place at the moment and being in the apartment with both of you makes me feel very uncomfortable and unsafe. I’m already struggling to be there and I have been discussing with the agency about terminating the contract early, the terms have only been made clear to me today so I was going to message you about it. By paying a fee of £660 (£330 each) we can terminate the contract 12th of June and I wish u will consider this. I will be gone from the apartment for 2 weeks. I would really appreciate it if you do not bring him over in the next few days as I said it will be my birthday and I will be gone for 2 weeks after if you decide to do so after this, please let me know at least 2 days in advance so that I can leave (pack clothes and everything), but do not take advantage of this as it is extremely difficult for me to commute to work – it takes me 2 hours on the bus”
Emily’s response to this:
“I don’t appreciate you using your birthday as a “weapon” to paint me as an inconsiderate person once again as you’re saying you were going to message me anyway about terminating the contract. You always have Tom round without any notice, without ever considering if it was ever uncomfortable for me given what’s happened - but now you expect me to organise our schedule around you? We can’t ever do something spontaneous or simply make plans the day before? Jake won’t be coming tonight or in the next few days until you’re away. I was hoping we could talk about why exactly this makes you uncomfortable and unsafe as it’s quite clear we wouldn’t interact with you or do anything to purposely upset/annoy you. You also had no problem being in his apartment with him without Tom there, so clearly his presence must not be that big of a problem. I am going to get back to you about terminating the contract as I have to figure out where I would go, but I’d love nothing more than to leave this apartment as early as possible too.”
There was no response after Emily’s second message.
Tom comes back to our apartment the next day and ignores me all day until the evening when he asks “Did you know that Emily was going to send those messages?”.
I say “Yes, obviously?”. He responds with “Right, okay” and starts walking back towards his room.
I ask him what was wrong with the messages, and he comes back and says “what the fuck is Emily doing sending messages like that to my suicidal girlfriend?”. He essentially thought the tone of the messages, the proximity to Kath’s birthday and the fact that we’re once again bringing up this issue of me coming round was out of order. He also said that Emily’s 2nd message was implying that she was just going to bring me round without any notice anyway (looking at the message, no it wasn’t? It was just highlighting the unfairness of Kath expecting us to organise our schedule around her? None of the messages say that I’m going to come over, they are essentially just trying to understand exactly why it makes Kath uncomfortable).
We also did note that it was Kath’s birthday on the Friday (messages were sent on Tuesday). Maybe that wasn’t ideal, but we thought what real difference does it make? This is nothing new, it’s the same situation that’s been ongoing for the last 3 months anyway (and personally, I thought that up until the moment Kath says “okay sorry, I shouldn’t have imposed rules on you” then she shouldn’t expect that this won’t be brought up to her?).
I was a bit shocked at how angry he was and explained that we’re just trying to understand exactly what her issue is, because it still doesn’t make any sense to us. I bring up the general point about Kath imposing rules on people and expects everyone to cater to her feelings, whilst zero consideration has been given to how Emily has felt over the last 3 months, when not only does it make her uncomfortable as well that there are two “hostile presences” in her home, but especially given that those hostile presences have told her she’s not allowed to have equal use of her apartment she also pays rent for.
Tom responds with “but it’s not making Emily feel suicidal is it? Kath was having convulsions on the fucking bed last night after those messages. Why do you keep focusing on this tiny issue of coming to the apartment when my girlfriend is literally suicidal? She’s already said she’d make arrangements to leave the apartment for when you want to come over, and yet you keep pressing the issue and triggering her further”.
In that moment I was a bit taken aback and didn’t have much of a response. I kind of just sat and processed that for a few minutes, thinking “fuck, have I actually been in the wrong this whole time?”. Tom looked exhausted and stressed out, he must have been dealing with Kath’s meltdown the whole of the night before.
I say to Tom “tell Kath not to worry about me coming over while she’s there, I’m not going to, I’ll just leave it for good and won’t press this issue anymore”. Tom doesn’t give much of a response, but I think he says “I appreciate it”. He leaves for his two-week holiday shortly after.
I felt really bad that evening, thinking I had caused Tom to have to deal with whatever horrible meltdown because of me pressing this issue. Maybe I had been overly cynical of Kath, and she genuinely was just trying her best and not meaning to be manipulative.
When Tom got back from his holiday, he basically confirmed our friendship is over because I had known about those messages that caused his girlfriend to feel suicidal.
I’ve thought about the situation a lot since he left for his holiday:
· Looking back at the messages Emily sent, I think the tone is completely fine? Every single person I’ve shown the messages to has said they are actually quite kind and empathetic, and way nicer than they need to be given Kath’s behavior over the last 3 months.
· Tom’s reaction was essentially “how dare Emily have the audacity to ask for a reason why she hasn’t been allowed to have equal use of her own apartment for the last 3 months!”
· It’s true that Tom had mentioned that Kath had been having some suicidal thoughts a month prior, but I didn’t know that this would directly impact that, especially since I thought the message was quite nice and sensitive. Just the weekend before this Tom and Kath were out clubbing, having fun and they were going on holiday later that week. So obviously I didn’t realise she was still feeling so bad. How could anyone expect that simply asking the question of “why does this make you so uncomfortable” would result in this reaction.
· As soon as I did realise how intensely Kath had reacted, and what Tom had had to deal with as a result, I backed off straight away, saying that she doesn’t have to worry, I’m not going to press it anymore.
· Realistically, if this is how Kath reacts to being asked for basic fairness, then I think really she needs to be in a mental health crisis center or hospital, not just carrying on with everyday life as if everything is fine, and certainly not in a situation where she’s imposing rules on people.
· At the end of the day, Kath’s mental health is not my responsibility, nor is it Tom’s responsibility. I think it’s unfair of Kath to have made it his problem to such a large degree.
Logically, I don’t think I’m in the wrong, and yet Tom’s reaction to this makes me feel like I’m going crazy. That’s why I wrote out everything’s that’s happened from start to finish to “audit” myself and evaluate each of my actions throughout the entire situation.
I’ve looked back and don’t think I’m in the wrong for anything I’ve done. The only explanation I can think of is that Tom has been so deep in all of Kath’s mental health stuff 24/7 that he’s just not thinking clearly about this situation.
submitted by Tight_Philosophy8244 to amiwrong [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 19:44 GetEdgeful opening range breakouts can guide your trading strategies. here's how

opening range breakouts can guide your trading strategies. here's how
what does this measure?
this report measures the opening range breakout (ORB) performance on the 15 minute timeframe. the opening range is defined by the high and low of the first time interval of the market open.
for a 1:1 target, if the range is $5 (high of $105 and low of $100), the target will also be $5 ($110). the report shows how often the price reaches $110 before returning to $100.
for a 2:1 target, if the range is $5 (high of $105 and low of $100), the target will be $10 ($115). the report shows how often the price reaches $115 before returning to $100.
what does this measure?
the opening range breakout report identifies how often price moves to a specific target (1:1, 2:1, or 3:1) before hitting the stop loss. the stop loss is set at the opposite end of the range. if the price breaks out of the range and moves towards the target, the calculation begins.
if the target is not hit by the end of the day, it is marked as failed, even if the stop loss is not reached.
how can I use this?
opening range breakouts can guide your trading strategies. here's how:
identify the range: determine the high and low of the first 5 or 15 minutes.
set your target and stop loss:
for a 1:1 target, aim for a price move equal to the range.
for a 2:1 target, aim for twice the range.
place your stop loss at the opposite end of the range.
monitor the trade: if the price reaches the target before the stop loss, the trade is successful. if not, or if the target is not hit by the end of the day, the trade is marked as failed.
evaluate success rates: if the report shows low success rates for certain targets, consider this as an opportunity to take a short position, anticipating that the price will not reach the target.
submitted by GetEdgeful to swingtrading [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 19:13 Sweet-Count2557 Best Things to Do in Porterville Ca

Best Things to Do in Porterville Ca
Best Things to Do in Porterville Ca Welcome to Porterville, where we've uncovered the best things to do in this vibrant city. Get ready for adventure, history, and natural beauty all in one place.From exploring the rich architectural heritage of the Zalud House to immersing yourself in the breathtaking landscapes of Sequoia National Park, there's something for everyone here.Whether you're into outdoor activities, entertainment, or simply relaxing, Porterville has it all. Join us as we take you on a journey through the hidden treasures of this freedom-seeking destination.Key TakeawaysZalud House, a historic site built in 1891 and listed on the National Register of Historic Places.Sequoia National Park, known for its giant sequoia trees and stunning views.Lake Success, a recreational area offering water sports, picnicking, and camping.Eagle Mountain Casino, a popular entertainment venue with a variety of gaming options.Historic SitesLet's explore the rich history of Porterville by visiting its historic sites, such as the Zalud House. Built by John Zalud in 1891, this magnificent mansion is a true testament to the city's past. Designed by architects Hugh and John Templeton, the Zalud House is a stunning example of Victorian architecture. It was graciously donated to the City of Porterville in 1970 and has since become a cherished landmark. Listed on the National Register of Historic Places in 1987, it stands as a reminder of the city's heritage.As we step inside the Zalud House, we're transported back in time. The elegant interior boasts intricate woodwork, stained glass windows, and period furnishings. Each room tells a story of the Zalud family's life and the community's vibrant history. From the grand staircase to the cozy sitting rooms, every detail is meticulously preserved.Visiting historic sites like the Zalud House allows us to connect with the past and appreciate the craftsmanship of a bygone era. It gives us a glimpse into the lives of those who came before us and shaped the city we know today.National Parks and Natural AttractionsWhen it comes to exploring the natural wonders of Porterville, there's no shortage of breathtaking sights to discover.One of the highlights is Sequoia National Park, established in 1890 and spanning over 404,000 acres of majestic giant sequoia trees. This park, adjacent to Kings Canyon National Park, offers stunning views of these magnificent trees and is a must-visit for nature enthusiasts seeking awe-inspiring landscapes.Giant Sequoia TreesSequoia National Park encompasses 404,000 acres of giant sequoia trees, providing us with stunning views and opportunities for exploration. These majestic trees, some of the largest and oldest living things on Earth, are truly awe-inspiring.As we wander through the park, we're surrounded by the towering giants, their massive trunks reaching towards the sky. The scent of pine fills the air, and the peacefulness of the forest envelops us.We can hike along scenic trails, marveling at the sheer size and beauty of these ancient trees. We can also visit famous landmarks like the General Sherman Tree, the largest tree in the world by volume.Whether we're nature enthusiasts or simply seeking a moment of tranquility, exploring the giant sequoia trees in Sequoia National Park is an experience that will leave us in awe of the wonders of the natural world.Stunning Natural ViewsWe can explore the stunning natural views of national parks and natural attractions in and around Porterville, CA.Sequoia National Park: Established in 1890, this park encompasses 404,000 acres of giant sequoia trees. Adjacent to Kings Canyon National Park, it offers breathtaking views of these towering giants.Lake Success: Located on the Tule River, this recreational area features the Success Dam, forming a reservoir with a capacity of 82,000 acre-feet. Owned by the US Army Corps of Engineers, it offers water sports, picnicking, and camping opportunities.Porterville City Pool: With its modern design and play equipment, this 5,580 square-foot city pool is perfect for a refreshing swim. It includes a lap swim area, dive tank, diving board, and a thrilling 137-foot water slide. Fun for all ages!Porterville's Natural Beauty: Surrounded by the stunning backdrop of Sequoia National Park and Kings Canyon National Park, Porterville offers endless opportunities for exploration and relaxation. Whether it's a wilderness glamping trip or simply enjoying the natural beauty, this is a paradise for nature enthusiasts.Kings Canyon National ParkWhile exploring the natural attractions of Porterville, CA, we can't miss out on Kings Canyon National Park. Located adjacent to Sequoia National Park, Kings Canyon National Park is a breathtaking destination that offers a truly immersive experience in nature.Spanning over 461,901 acres, this national park is known for its stunning landscapes, including deep canyons, towering granite cliffs, and pristine forests. The park is also home to the General Grant Tree, one of the largest living trees in the world.Visitors can enjoy a variety of activities such as hiking, camping, fishing, and wildlife viewing. With its majestic beauty and endless opportunities for adventure, Kings Canyon National Park is a must-visit destination for nature enthusiasts and outdoor lovers seeking freedom in the great outdoors.Recreational ActivitiesOne of the recreational activities in Porterville is visiting Lake Success, where we can enjoy water sports, picnicking, and camping.Here are four things you can do at Lake Success:Water sports: Whether you're a fan of kayaking, jet skiing, or simply swimming, Lake Success offers a variety of water sports activities. Grab your gear and dive into the refreshing waters of the lake. Feel the adrenaline rush as you ride the waves or peacefully paddle along the calm surface.Picnicking: Pack a delicious lunch and head to one of the scenic picnic areas around the lake. Enjoy a meal surrounded by nature's beauty, with the sound of water gently lapping against the shore. Spend quality time with your loved ones, sharing stories and creating lasting memories.Camping: Spend a night under the starry sky at one of the camping grounds near Lake Success. Set up your tent, roast marshmallows over a crackling fire, and fall asleep to the peaceful sounds of nature. Wake up to the breathtaking view of the lake and start your day with a refreshing swim or a hike in the surrounding trails.Fishing: Grab your fishing rod and cast your line into the sparkling waters of Lake Success. The lake is home to a variety of fish species, including bass, catfish, and trout. Feel the excitement as you wait for a nibble, and experience the joy of reeling in your catch. Fishing at Lake Success isn't only a fun activity but also a great way to bond with nature.Entertainment and NightlifeEagle Mountain Casino offers a wide range of entertainment and nightlife options for visitors in Porterville, CA. Whether you're looking for some thrilling casino games or a lively night out, this establishment has got you covered. With over 1200 slot machines and 10 table games, there's plenty of excitement to be had on the gaming floor. From classic favorites to the latest releases, there's something for everyone to enjoy.But the fun doesn't stop there. Eagle Mountain Casino also hosts live entertainment events throughout the year. From concerts featuring top-notch performers to comedy shows that will have you laughing all night long, there's always something happening at this vibrant venue. So grab a drink, relax, and let the talented acts entertain you.If you're in the mood for a more laid-back evening, head over to Harleys Tavern. This bar and pub located in downtown Porterville is a popular nightlife spot for locals. Open from 12:00 pm to 2:00 am, it's the perfect place to unwind after a long day of exploring the city. Enjoy a cold beer, catch up with friends, and soak in the lively atmosphere.To help you plan your night out, here's a table highlighting some of the entertainment and nightlife options in Porterville:VenueDescriptionOperating HoursEagle Mountain CasinoFull-service casino with slot machines and table gamesOpen 24 hours a dayHarleys TavernBar and pub in downtown Porterville12:00 pm to 2:00 amNo matter what you're in the mood for, Porterville offers an array of entertainment and nightlife options. So go ahead, let loose, and have a fantastic time exploring all that this vibrant city has to offer.Recreation and Water ActivitiesLocated on the Tule River, Lake Success offers a variety of water sports and recreational activities for visitors to enjoy. Here are four exciting things you can do at Lake Success:Water Sports: Whether you're a thrill-seeker or prefer a more leisurely experience, Lake Success has something for everyone. You can try your hand at jet skiing, wakeboarding, or tubing for an adrenaline rush. If you prefer a more relaxed activity, kayaking and paddleboarding are great options to explore the calm waters of the lake.Fishing: Lake Success is a haven for fishing enthusiasts. Cast your line and try your luck at catching bass, crappie, catfish, or trout. With its abundant fish population, you're bound to have a memorable fishing experience. Don't forget to bring your fishing gear and a fishing license!Picnicking: Take advantage of the beautiful scenery and enjoy a picnic with family and friends. The lake offers picnic areas with tables and grills, perfect for a barbecue or a peaceful lunch by the water. Relax, soak up the sun, and indulge in delicious food while surrounded by nature's beauty.Camping: Extend your stay at Lake Success by camping overnight. The lake has several campgrounds with amenities such as restrooms, showers, and RV hookups. Fall asleep to the soothing sounds of the water and wake up to picturesque views. It's an excellent opportunity to bond with loved ones and create lasting memories.With these fantastic recreational activities, Lake Success is sure to provide a fun-filled day for everyone. But the excitement doesn't stop there! Continue reading to discover the wide array of outdoor activities and farms that Porterville has to offer.Outdoor Activities and FarmsIf you're looking for a fun and unique outdoor activity in Porterville, we highly recommend checking out Tabitha Max Blueberry Farm.This family-owned 78-acre blueberry farm offers a delightful experience for all ages.Whether you're planning a family outing or a gathering with friends, you'll have the opportunity to pick your own delicious blueberries and enjoy the beautiful surroundings of the farm.Blueberry Picking ExperienceWe highly recommend visiting Tabitha Max Blueberry Farm for an enjoyable blueberry picking experience. Here are four reasons why you should check out this wonderful farm:Fresh and Juicy Blueberries: At Tabitha Max Blueberry Farm, you'll find rows upon rows of beautiful blueberry bushes laden with ripe, plump berries. The farm takes pride in growing high-quality blueberries that are bursting with flavor. Whether you're a blueberry enthusiast or simply looking for a fun activity, this is the place to be.Family-Friendly Environment: This family-owned farm provides a welcoming and relaxed atmosphere for visitors of all ages. It's the perfect setting for a family outing or a gathering with friends. Kids will love exploring the fields and picking their own blueberries straight from the bushes.Scenic Surroundings: Located in the picturesque town of Porterville, the farm is surrounded by stunning natural beauty. As you wander through the blueberry fields, you'll be treated to breathtaking views of the surrounding landscape, making your picking experience even more enjoyable.Knowledgeable and Friendly Staff: The staff at Tabitha Max Blueberry Farm are passionate about what they do and are always ready to assist and share their knowledge about blueberries. They can provide helpful tips and advice on how to pick the best berries and even offer suggestions on recipes and ways to enjoy your blueberry haul.Family Outing at FarmLet's explore the exciting outdoor activities and farms that are perfect for a family outing in Porterville, CA.One farm that stands out is the Tabitha Max Blueberry Farm. This family-owned 78-acre blueberry farm offers a fun and interactive experience for visitors of all ages. Imagine the joy of picking your own fresh and delicious blueberries straight from the bushes! It's a great opportunity to connect with nature and teach children about where their food comes from.The farm is a beautiful and serene setting, making it an ideal spot for a gathering with friends or a peaceful family outing. So grab a bucket and head to Tabitha Max Blueberry Farm for a memorable day of berry picking and outdoor fun.Outdoor Farm ActivitiesOne popular option for outdoor farm activities in Porterville is visiting the Tabitha Max Blueberry Farm. Here, you can immerse yourself in the beauty of a family-owned 78-acre blueberry farm. It's the perfect place for a family outing or a gathering with friends.As you explore the farm, you'll have the joy of picking your own blueberries, creating memories that will last a lifetime.But the Tabitha Max Blueberry Farm isn't the only outdoor farm activity in Porterville. There are numerous other options that offer a similar experience of connecting with nature and enjoying the bounty of the land.Some of these activities include visiting local pumpkin patches, apple orchards, and even petting zoos.Frequently Asked QuestionsAre There Any Local Festivals or Events That Take Place in Porterville Throughout the Year?There are several local festivals and events that take place in Porterville throughout the year.From the annual Porterville Fair, which offers rides, games, and live entertainment, to the Porterville Christmas Parade, a festive celebration filled with music and holiday cheer.Additionally, the Porterville Balloon Festival showcases colorful hot air balloons soaring through the sky, while the Porterville Western Days Rodeo offers thrilling rodeo competitions and family-friendly activities.These events provide a great opportunity for the community to come together and enjoy the vibrant spirit of Porterville.Can Visitors Go Camping in Sequoia National Park and Kings Canyon National Park?Yes, visitors can go camping in Sequoia National Park and Kings Canyon National Park.These majestic parks offer breathtaking views and the opportunity to immerse yourself in nature. From towering sequoia trees to stunning mountain landscapes, camping in these parks is a truly awe-inspiring experience.Whether you prefer a rugged backpacking adventure or a relaxing family camping trip, these parks have something for everyone.Are There Any Hiking Trails or Nature Walks Near Porterville?There are several hiking trails and nature walks near Porterville. You can explore the stunning beauty of Sequoia National Park and Kings Canyon National Park, which are adjacent to the city. These parks offer a variety of trails that cater to different skill levels, allowing you to experience the breathtaking landscapes and diverse wildlife.Whether you're seeking a leisurely stroll or a challenging hike, Porterville's proximity to these national parks provides ample opportunities for outdoor enthusiasts to immerse themselves in nature.Are There Any Wineries or Vineyards in the Porterville Area?Sure, there are several wineries and vineyards in the Porterville area.You can indulge in wine tastings, vineyard tours, and even learn about the winemaking process.These local establishments offer a variety of wines, from bold reds to crisp whites, all made with care and passion.Whether you're a wine enthusiast or just looking to unwind, visiting these wineries and vineyards is a great way to experience the flavors of Porterville.What Are Some Popular Fishing Spots Near Porterville?Some popular fishing spots near Porterville include Lake Success Recreation Area and the Tule River.Lake Success offers a variety of fish species and is a great place for boating and fishing.The Tule River is known for its trout fishing and scenic beauty.Both spots provide opportunities for anglers to enjoy the outdoors and reel in some big catches.ConclusionAs we conclude our journey through the best things to do in Porterville, California, one fascinating statistic stands out: Did you know that Sequoia National Park, located just a short drive from the city, is home to the largest tree on Earth, known as General Sherman?This natural wonder, along with the rich history, recreational activities, and entertainment options, make Porterville a truly remarkable destination. Whether you're a history buff, nature lover, or adventure seeker, Porterville offers something unforgettable for everyone.So come and explore the hidden treasures of this charming city in the heart of the San Joaquin Valley.
submitted by Sweet-Count2557 to worldkidstravel [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 18:53 hydra1280 If I was MC series: RWBY breaking free from the rules as a transmigration story unless you want me to be 4 people

Seen: Season 9
Stepping back, I go all the way to the magical age, I wait for things to happen and allow the gods to destroy the world but instead I let myself be known to them, giving my greetings and sucking ass to the destruction god. The difference between the original is that I stick around for the aftermath after getting myself some elixir of eternity, talking and getting along with Salem until and making her think I am a manifestation of the mind and make sure she doesn't go inside the pool of destruction, but ultimately leaving her alone at the last legs of the journey so she can fall in later without my positive influence.
When Ozpin is reincarnated, I once again wait for him to begin moving and meet Salem, I then allow them to fight and return for my misdirection technique where I trick Salem, giving Ozpin enough leverage to get the girls out. I then lay the guilt on, HARD, about how she killed her own daughters and how she could have died millenniums ago if not for her pride and ego, being 1000x worse than her father. In the event this mental manipulation solves the problem and she admits her mistakes then yippee, but, otherwise, I continue with my plans by hiding the children and allowing them to find relationships while I continue researching the grimm. I take them to the lower islands on the map, clear out the grimm and use my own which I would either have tamed or learned how to herd and fake extreme grimm density. Slowly I build my population and selectively breed the people to be taller, stronger and not alter Ozpin's reincarnation cycle by using my own stock. When we start reaching modern stuff, I kill Cinder before she has the chance to take half of Summer's powers and allow Pyrrha to possess the half-dead corpse. I would have also come out at some point, possibly with my men, to continue the heavily guarded city beyond the mountains, using it as an emotional sponge to massively decrease the grimm population. Meanwhile, over the years and well after exploration had finished, the other islands in the south near Vacuo would have been cleared out and populated. Using these islands, a lot of resources would have been sent to Menagerie so their paradise/asylum/home was more than a tropical tourist spot with terrorists. Similar events would be done around the world like expanding Atlas with a city on its Eastern side that exploited the same deep dust veins.
Come the attack at Beacon, well that is simply an event that shouldn't be stopped, instead, the forces were to be relocated elsewhere and when everyone left with plot significance the soldiers could come in and clear out the rest. The story would continue until the ladies got to Atlas, at which point the plan to leave the planet would be progressed while I take the knowledge wish granter, killing Salem's agents and allowing Atlas to safely leave orbit while the spacial bridge was opened for the people under Atlas. Finally, entering the 9th season, I jump down and eat the time fruit, giving Jaune a wink as I surpass him and vanish to the beginning. Watching the gods grow up, I capture their destroyer and teach them responsibility before beating the shit out of them, knowing that their journey of discovery will force them to repeat their mistakes. With what needed to be accomplished done, I take the leaf and get behind Jaune once more so I can go exploring, collecting and learning. Once I have seen all I possibly can, I end up back at the tree using the leaves and go to the present, saving the cat and the demon for my trump card, modifying the lamp to hold them and give the cat the answers it wanted while making the demon more humane and able to change his size. I then once again leave team RWBY and friends with the cat and demon by my side with a bunch of leaves and a seed.
Now back and ahead of the story, I reconnect with my people, happily hearing how things have gone as directed and that Atlas has positioned itself above Vacuo, sending down massive amounts of resources upon request and establishing an inter-planetary defence network that utilises mechs, asteroids, lasers and drop pods. The best part is that after getting the help of the Tree, the final part of my plan has been completed where I reveal myself, showing off my army of faunus, silver-eyed, semblance-using, magic users. The best part is that the Tree wasn't just used for a time skip and secretly helped complete my final form.
Like Salem, her immortality allowed her to be drenched in grimm energy which would have eroded anything else, giving her control and partial traits, as well as a liking for destruction. But the truth of the grimm component is that it is like Venom from Marvel and has the opportunity to harmonise cells as free parts that work with even greater determination and vigour. Mixing it with a body is hazardous and wouldn't have the intended effect and using an immortal simply creates a balance because there is no means of contention. But since I spent the time gaining pawns and researching dust, I would have finally been able to conduct a hybrid formula of dust and grimm that could be injected into exceptionally strong individuals or immortals with a proper synchronisation rate. As for the cat, it offered the potential to enhance things even further by using its supernatural and reality-defying powers to simulate a consciousness for the grimm-dust cells that merged with my immortal ones, allowing the new mind to be absorbed and enhance my abilities over my own body. As for the demon and leaves, they have a different purpose, one that others thought wasn't needed when Salem arrived after a while with her flying gorilla and dragon fleet with a bit of native desert-type grim and migrating herds. When they came, using the satellite array and infinite powers of creation to create defences only made up in a child's imagination, also using Penny and her ice abilities to clear out and flatten desert mounds. Speaking of Penny, her soul project was mass-produced using those of a good nature, meanwhile, Penny became like the director or big sister to all the other androids with their cybernetic superpowers. Something that would be a massive help against Salem's latest onslaught of epic and never-ending hellfire and rattlesnakes. Eventually, Salem would be beaten and cornered where she would be sealed and imprisoned thanks to the combined efforts of everyone, making an overwhelming last-stand victory. But Salem's wishes wouldn't go unfulfilled and she would get to see part of what she wished for desperately, seeing the gods descend upon the world where they would be met with me. If you were properly reading by now, you would know I gave these gods PTSD once I showed my maddened face and gave them a roast about their failings as gods and abandonment of their creations before talking about the philosophies and sophistry for why humanity should live by mentioning everything, from our flaws to our cute quirks to our outstanding commitments. The gods would be made to seriously consider as they were buttered up by their shrines being decorated and freshly offered offerings. Finally, though, what would be the final straw is the tea which would have the leaves pushed into their mouths, bringing them back to the Tree for sorting, alls all that ends well
submitted by hydra1280 to randomideasorthoughts [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 18:37 rahsaaan The Unholy Knight : Iron Mass Occultist 100% chaos dmg Skeletons

The Unholy Knight : Iron Mass Occultist 100% chaos dmg Skeletons
Hi Exiles,
here is an updated version of a build I've started in 3.12, when the Iron Mass sword was added to the game. The sword grants Unholy Might and can be used by your skeletons, replacing their damage. If you've hit recently with the weapon, the skellies will deal triple damage.
In 3.24, Unholy Might buff has been reworked : it now grants 100% physical damage converted to chaos. So this was a good opportunity to update the build. Now, you can lead an army of Skellies dealing pure chaos dmg and exploding enemies!
PoB :
1M DPS per skeleton *11 skeletons.
(This is in Standard, but if I'm not mistaken, no stuff is legacy.)
Here is a demo video, with Baran, some farming and a 10-boss fight.
Of course, if you expect a meta build, you'll be disappointed. I wanted to make a proper setup with the Iron Mass, and I've waited since 3.12 for this build to feel nice to play.
Hope you like it, good luck and have fun !
A post for all my homemade builds on the official forum.
Actually, my dream would an hybrid "Black Knight" setup where DPS comes 50% from you, 50% from your minions. I don't think it's possible in the current game, but I hope it will be doable in PoE 2.
submitted by rahsaaan to PathOfExileBuilds [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 18:26 overactiveswag Apartment Maintenance Technician

Location: Devine Place Apartments, Devine, TX
Job Description:
Devine Place Apartments is seeking a skilled and reliable Apartment Maintenance Technician to join our team.
The ideal candidate will be responsible for maintaining the physical integrity of the community, ensuring a safe and pleasant environment for residents and visitors.
Responsibilities: • General Maintenance • Appliance Repair • Plumbing • Electrical • HVAC • Carpentry • Preventative Maintenance • Resident Relations • On Call as needed
Qualifications: • High school diploma or equivalent. • Proven experience in apartment maintenance or a similar field. • Strong knowledge of HVAC, plumbing, electrical, and general maintenance practices. • Ability to work independently and manage time effectively. • Strong problem-solving skills and attention to detail. • Good communication and interpersonal skills. • Ability to lift heavy objects and perform physical labor.
Benefits: • Employee discounted apartment home available • Opportunities for professional development and advancement. • Positive and supportive work environment.
If you are a dedicated and skilled maintenance technician looking to join a dynamic team, we encourage you to apply. Please DM me and we'll setup a phone call/interview.
Devine Place Apartments is an equal-opportunity employer. We celebrate diversity and are committed to creating an inclusive environment.
submitted by overactiveswag to sanantonio [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 18:06 stonebros Thomas Riggs, Senior Chief in US Navy Equal Opportunity Advisor admitting DEI is weakening our military.

Thomas Riggs, Senior Chief in US Navy Equal Opportunity Advisor admitting DEI is weakening our military. submitted by stonebros to Conservative [link] [comments]