3 shillings unblocker

What’s the pick? Very greedy Act 1

2024.06.09 14:13 Delaroc23 What’s the pick? Very greedy Act 1

What’s the pick? Very greedy Act 1
Going for my Ironchad Heartbreaker. Took hand of greed from Neow for a curse (hence why I couldn’t remove more strikes).
Was able to mirror the Hand, and loaded up on tons of powerful 2 energy cards
Struggling between all of them tbh. All seem viable w/ different downsides. Leaning towards choker cuz my draw kinda sucks and no real exhaust plan for the wounds I get from Mark
Hammer seems fine too, but no eggs and still a lot of upgrades I’d like to do. Upgraded Armaments sorta solves this, but seems flimsy
submitted by Delaroc23 to slaythespire [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 13:36 Oleffa Supply and Demand: Why DRS matters, and did we already lock the float?

Supply and Demand: Why DRS matters, and did we already lock the float?
Servus Werte Affen des deutschen GameStop Unters. Was für eine verrückte Woche. Ich habe mich ein bisschen mit den DRS zahlen beschäftigt und bin mir ziemliche sicher wir haben wesentlich mehr als 75 millionen aktien DRSt. Habe aber leider nicht genug Karma um in Superstonk zu posten. Entschuldigt daher bitte den angelsächsischen Pfosten. Falls gewünscht kann ich noch eine Zusammenfassung auf Deutsch schreiben. Ich wäre euch sehr verbunden wenn ihr diesen Post dem englischen Unter zuspielen könntet.
In this post I perform an analysis of DRS numbers with the result that the true DRS numbers might be much higher than 75 million. I discuss the implications of this finding to address recent uncertainty around the recent share offering by GameStop.
TADR: Shills try to anchor DRS numbers => We might have already locked the float => RC knows we did => RC has proof of a short scheme => Dilution does not matter => Hedgies are fucked
Currently negative sentiment in all GameStop subs is based on the following 3 points:
1. “Ryan Cohen betrayed our trust; Ryan Cohen killed the momentum.” Which momentum? The stock goes up like many times before. This is not a squeeze. No one is getting margin called, I don’t see any phone numbers. RK’s stream showed that in the range of 30-60$ they are very much able to drop the price any time they want.
2. “GameStop/Ryan Cohen have no plan and have done nothing in the past 3 years.” We simply have to be patient before we can draw a conclusion on this point. But let’s revisit the 2023 annual report on page 4 “Business strategy”: Achieve Profitability in fiscal 2023 and streamlining the business. The company achieved profitability and although revenue went down in 2024 so far, percentage wise spending goes down faster. All according to plan. Since the goals for 2023 were achieved and more cash was raised, the chances of GameStop announcing new plans and pivoting towards a growth strategy are high in my opinion. However, note that in last year’s shareholder meeting nothing with regard to the strategy was mentioned.
3. “The share offering is diluting and undoing DRS progress and making it impossible for us to ever achieve the goal of locking the float. DRS is dead”. If you believe that shorts have not closed, dilution is not a big factor compared to the dilution from naked short selling.
So, what about DRS?
Why do all the negative posters point out we “only” DRSed 75 million shares and that it will be “impossible” to DRS the float? Let us reiterate what we know about DRS:
1. The last official and reliable DRS numbers are from April 2022 (recall the DRS Rugpulls in the following 2 quarters and the following stagnation ever since).
2. GameStop changed the official communication multiple times after October 2022, obfuscating the true DRS number, likely because of external pressure. They went from reporting the accurate CS number to an approximate based on DTCC reported numbers (304 million outstanding shares – 206 million DTCC reported shares = 75 million).
3. However in March 2023 Gamestop gave us one new datapoint: the number of record holders which was 197058.
4. GameStop and Computershare know the true DRS numbers.
5. To my knowledge there is no proof that locking the float will cause MOASS. It has always been the goal but we simply don't know what happens.
6. We need to BOOK shares at Computershare, otherwise there are still ways to mess with our shares.
7. We know that DRS takes away liquidity (falling volume over the years) and hurts the shorts. Every time shill attacks occur, they target DRS. For example, they tried to spread FUD during the move to book our shares which was obviously good for retail investors once we learned about it.
I believe that the current shill strategy is to demoralize by anchoring 75 million as the default DRS number and that it is not moving up at all. Conveniently the latest share offering is also 75 million shares. Surely DRS must be dead if we make no progress right?
But what if the true DRS numbers are much higher? The number being stuck just does not make sense, many fellow apes, including me, are still buying and DRSing, which implies that there must be an equally large amount of people selling DRSed shares. And you are telling me that for more than 2 year there has been almost perfect balance between buy and sell side on CS? Talk about trading sideways…
Especially puzzling is that the DRS numbers on computershared, which have been very accurate initially, have still gone up before a short time later the reddit API was shut down and the DRS bot stopped working. Very convenient that we lost the ability to estimate DRS ownership around the same time the numbers began to be obfuscated.
Just focusing on the DRS numbers for prediction is not very precise. Additionally, we cannot really trust the numbers reported after April 2022 so we don't have many datapoints. Instead, I propose to look at the amount of money apes spend on DRSing shares and extrapolate that. It is a number with much more meaning to the individual investor, subject to less noise and tied to the true stock price we can observe. The method works as follows:
1. Compute how much the average CS account owner spent per quarter on GameStop Shares based on the past reliable DRS numbers. (based on facts)
2. Extrapolate the average spend for quarters in which DRS numbers stagnated. (approximation)
3. Use the official number of record holders and the true stock price to predict growth in DRS numbers. (based on facts)
In doing so we are making the least amount of assumptions by using official numbers whenever we can: the official number of record holders, the stock price and the DRS numbers from computershared when they matched the official numbers.
Figure 1 - DRS extrapolation. Red: share price, Green: DRS number, Orange: Number of CS accounts, Purple: Average quarterly spend on DRS
In Figure 1 I plotted in red the share price from before the sneeze in 2021 until Friday 7.6.2024 (6/7/2024 for the US apes). The green and orange lines show the DRS estimate and number of CS accounts from computershared(dot)net. In purple I plotted the amount of $ spent per CS account that had to occur to achieve the increase of the green DRS numbers in the preceding quarter based on the average price during that period.
We can see that in the initial DRS period apes spent on average $20k on DRSing shares. This number is likely inflated because people did not just DRS new shares but also shares accumulated since the sneeze in 2021. But for the following quarter we can see that money spent to DRS new shares was around $5000 in March 2022 decreasing to $1800 in March 2023. This comes down to the OG apes spending about 600$ per month to DRS the float. Pretty reasonable number imo. The decrease of spending over time is just natural as engagement with the stock decreased during a long period of the price slowly going down. Actually, the decay of spending matches exactly the decrease in activity of the Superstonk sub:
Figure 2
BUT the price decreasing at the same time with a similar decay pattern has interesting effects. Even when the average spend on DRSing goes down, the net number of shares that were locked away might have increased linearly.
In Figure 1 in light purple I show my extrapolation of the average quarterly spending. I assumed a decrease in the willingness to spend of 10% every quarter, going down to an average quarterly spending of $1000 as of today. At the same time, I assumed no new apes DRSing and modelled apes going inactive by decreasing the net amount of CS accounts by 5% per quarter. Hence the dashed orange line is trending lower since the last official number we got. The numbers give us predictions that follow the trendline from the purple slowly decreasing true average quarterly spending.
Now on to the final observation. Even with conservative estimates of no new apes coming in, existing apes going inactive and the interest in DRS decreasing during the period from March 2023 to now, we have most likely DRSed almost the entire float of 153 million Shares (shown by the light green dashed line) or we are at least significantly above 100 million. Interestingly we were likely close to locking the entire float this May, right when volume increased, the price skyrocketed, DFV returned, and GameStop issued more shares.
We cannot really model the selling pressure from apes selling DRS shares, but it is quite likely that the buying pressure was higher than my conservative prediction and that new apes started DRSing.
This method assumes that the stagnation in reported DRS numbers starting 2023 is not accurate.
This method extrapolates the average quarterly spend and the number of CS accounts.
The method is based on the DRS estimates from computershared during the time they matched the officially reported DRS numbers.
There are simplifications like averaging price over a quarter and not taking into account volume.
In a free and transparent market, the price of a stock is determined by supply and demand. DRS is reducing the Supply of shares and creates a baseline of demand. Assuming we reduced the supply to a small fraction of the outstanding shares, the price should rise. But we know that the price went down during the entire time we DRSed shares. This implies that there is either no demand at all or heavy dilution from short selling counteracting the DRS movement.
And RC proved that there is in fact high demand, leaving only short selling on the table. In May 2024 the company heavily increased the number of outstanding shares with the 45 million share offering (potentially up to120 million). According to the supply and demand model, the price should decrease. But oh wait, the price has tripled during that time on no news or fundamental changes (GameStop even says this in one of their latest filings). RK shows on stream he is just a goofball, has not yet exercised his calls and that the price can be manipulated at a whim. This means there is demand not tied to RK or business fundamentals that far surpasses the 45 (or 120) million new shares offered and that the price is most likely manipulated by short selling.
What is RC’s perspective?
He would know the true DRS numbers and if we really locked the float in the last 3 years, he would have proof of a short selling scheme against the company following the above simple logical argument. With this proof this would allow him to raise billions in cash for the company without compromising MOASS because further dilution is dwarfed by the amount of naked shares which must exist to explain the recent insane volume on no shares available. Furthermore, the share offering raises the minimum price per share to $10-$12, completely killing the short thesis. Overall the DRS numbers are important for exposing and combating the rampant short selling by reducing supply of shares.
Finally, to show how ridiculous the stagnant 75 million DRS number is:
Figure 3
The number of active CS accounts would need to decrease 25% every quarter and the average monthly spending on DRS to go down 50% every quarter to 50$ per quarter for the remaining accounts to achieve such a stagnation.
submitted by Oleffa to Spielstopp [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 12:10 Resologist To Those Apes Challenged by Financial Nomenclature: An Alternative to "Dilution"

If some Apes find it difficult to use the term "dilution" or "ATM equity offering" to describe the sale of another 75 million shares of GameStop, those are appropriate financial terms.
While a "dilution" of shares of a company frequently diminishes the value of shares held by investors, this "ATM equity offering" will increase the cash assets without much effect on the share price.
In 2021, GameStop sold 8.5 million shares to generate $1.68 billion in cash, (which allowed the company to eliminate about $290 million in unsecured "senior notes" due in 2021 and 2023, (which restricted the Board of Directors from acquisitions, mergers, and dividends), paid off most other debts, and provided $1 billion in cash (a very solvent position). In 2022, the "three share dividend" was issued by GameStop. This, too, was a "dilution" and treated as a "stock split" by the DTTC. While the shares were distributed to the DTTC, the appearance of crime was avoided by instructing brokers to adjust their own ledgers, (without a further distribution of shares from the DTTC); but, Apes who DRS'd their shares, got their distribution, and retail investors could more readily BUY shares at a lower price. The recent sale of 45 million shares, last month, was a dilution, which raised another $993 million in cash.
Oh, woe! GameStop had a terrible earnings report, say the shills and FUD news. A net loss of $32.3 million in Q1 of 2024, and revenue down $113.5 million! And, that's why the share price dropped 38% on Friday? Certainly, GameStop will crash, they say, while pointing to Roaring Kitty as a "meme cult" culprit!
Just my opinion, (and, never financial advice), I think that a loss of 12 cents per share in the first quarter is tolerable, (and better than the previous loss of 14 cents per share in Q1 of 2023); and, if another $1.7 billion (or more, based on the $22.70 estimate in the Rule 424 B 5 form), is added to the cash assets, I'm not worried about GameStop becoming insolvent in the near future.
Still hate that word "dilution"? Then, I'll propose that grabbing another pile of loot might be termed "Booty Bucks" (with apologies to Rico Baby): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6xpZd2d2bB0
submitted by Resologist to Superstonk [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 11:49 Ultra243 ⤵️ Community daily tasks 9/6/24

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2024.06.09 11:47 Ultra243 ⤵️ Community daily tasks 9/6/24

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2024.06.09 10:19 Leather_Ad2974 Ex reached out need advice

Hi everyone , sorry if sometime what i say doesnt make sense im not native.
So my ex gf broke up with me 3 months ago Cause i did something wrong.
I had to go live with a friend and it was not that hard at the beginning but it has became reaaly hard during the time.
I did all the bad things ( begging , crying , even telling her i was about to end my life ) and she ended up blocking me on whatsapp and even changing her phone number.
So 1 and a half month ago is the last time i saw her and 3 weeks ago i decided to go live with my sister cause i wasnt able to handle the situation by myself anymore and she is my only family and she is the one who invited me to do so maybe cause she wanted to be here for me, it was hard cause she lives 800km from where i was living with my ex and in my head it was like losing the only last way to get her back but i still did it .
The thing is that my ex and my sister are really close and are talking to each other a lot and i noticed my ex would contact my sister a lot more when she knew i was here.
At the beginning i was happy to see that but at some point it started to make me feel really bad since my sister wasnt telling me nothing. I decided to tell my sister that this situation was hard to handle for me and asked her about my ex and she told that when they are on the phone she almost everytime ask questions about me but she told me that she didnt want to talk about this on both sides cause she didnt think it was a good thing to do for both of us. I didnt really understand but she also made me understand that she ll keep talking to her since they really like each other a lot , i was confused but couldnt really do anything.
My real question is for here, one week ago i noticed that my ex unblocked me on whatsapp but didnt reach so i was kinda happy at the beginning but the days were passing and seeing that she dont reach i was asking myself alot of questions.
Yesterday she finally send me a message so i waited 3 hours to open it and the message was only saying something like "Hi can you release the microsoft subscription im getting charged every and its already been 100€ so its annoying"
I really didnt understand cause she could have ask to my sister since she was on the phone with her literally 30 minutes before sznding me this but i felt like it was some kind of progress for me so i couldnt complain.
So i answered to her "hi , which subscription you talking about ?" I really didnt knew what she was talking about at the moment but i remember i t was the game pass for those who know , anyway , 30 minutes later i send her the screenshot of the termination and asked her "how do you want to receive the 100€" ( by that i meant which way of payment ) And to that she just answered "i dont want the 100€" so i didnt even respond cause it was the same as sending an ok and i felt like doing more would be consider doing too much.
After that i was talking with friends on the phone and around 1:30 AM she send me a text saying : "if you are at your sister place can you tell her to charge her phone and call me pls it's urgent"
So the first thing i thought was that the best thing to do was to not respond at this time since my sister was actually out with friends and i told myself that i would answer in the morning.
I know i might interpret things too much but its strange to say if you are at tour sister place since she should know i dont have any car or friends here and i dont really have a lot to do and i felt like the part saying it's urgent was to teigger me cause she already done things like that when we were together.
So i answered in the morning just saying "i was sleeping , she wasnt here last night" and she just reacted with a 👍🏼 To my message and at this point i dont really know how to interpret this even though it's been only positive things if i see it from where îm coming ( being pushed out , blocked , changed number )
I really want your thoughts on this all thing like advice and best ways to act to get her back in my life in the positive way please everyone and not things like "runaway , you shouldnt care,...." cause these kind of things can only come true with time.
Thanks for reading 👋🏼
submitted by Leather_Ad2974 to ExNoContact [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 09:58 jejoer Distant Energy Healing Services Available including for Pets

My name is Joan and I am an energy healer. I basically provide healing/reiki services to those who need assistance when it comes to their mental health, cutting cords, forgiveness, help healing a broken heart etc. I also help unblock/align chakras. Sending healing energy to pets suffering from pain as well.
You can choose between $30 for 30 minutes or $50 for 1hour
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submitted by jejoer to SoulAwakening [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 09:58 jejoer Distant Energy Healing Services Available including for Pets

My name is Joan and I am an energy healer. I basically provide healing/reiki services to those who need assistance when it comes to their mental health, cutting cords, forgiveness, help healing a broken heart etc. I also help unblock/align chakras. Sending healing energy to pets suffering from pain as well.
You can choose between $30 for 30 minutes or $50 for 1hour
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submitted by jejoer to SpellcastersForHire [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 09:57 jejoer Distant Energy Healing Services Available including for Pets

My name is Joan and I am an energy healer. I basically provide healing/reiki services to those who need assistance when it comes to their mental health, cutting cords, forgiveness, help healing a broken heart etc. I also help unblock/align chakras. Sending healing energy to pets suffering from pain as well.
You can choose between $30 for 30 minutes or $50 for 1hour
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submitted by jejoer to PsychicServices [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 09:57 jejoer Distant Energy Healing Services Available including for Pets

My name is Joan and I am an energy healer. I basically provide healing/reiki services to those who need assistance when it comes to their mental health, cutting cords, forgiveness, help healing a broken heart etc. I also help unblock/align chakras. Sending healing energy to pets suffering from pain as well.
You can choose between $30 for 30 minutes or $50 for 1hour
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submitted by jejoer to PsychicReaders [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 09:57 jejoer Distant Energy Healing Services Available including for Pets

My name is Joan and I am an energy healer. I basically provide healing/reiki services to those who need assistance when it comes to their mental health, cutting cords, forgiveness, help healing a broken heart etc. I also help unblock/align chakras. Sending healing energy to pets suffering from pain as well.
You can choose between $30 for 30 minutes or $50 for 1hour
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submitted by jejoer to Spiritual_Energy [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 09:56 jejoer Distant Energy Healing Services Available including for Pets

My name is Joan and I am an energy healer. I basically provide healing/reiki services to those who need assistance when it comes to their mental health, cutting cords, forgiveness, help healing a broken heart etc. I also help unblock/align chakras. Sending healing energy to pets suffering from pain as well.
You can choose between $30 for 30 minutes or $50 for 1hour
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submitted by jejoer to TarotReading [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 09:56 jejoer Distant Energy Healing Services Available including for Pets

My name is Joan and I am an energy healer. I basically provide healing/reiki services to those who need assistance when it comes to their mental health, cutting cords, forgiveness, help healing a broken heart etc. I also help unblock/align chakras. Sending healing energy to pets suffering from pain as well.
You can choose between $30 for 30 minutes or $50 for 1hour
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submitted by jejoer to TarotReadersOfReddit [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 09:55 jejoer Distant Energy Healing Services Available including for Pets

My name is Joan and I am an energy healer. I basically provide healing/reiki services to those who need assistance when it comes to their mental health, cutting cords, forgiveness, help healing a broken heart etc. I also help unblock/align chakras. Sending healing energy to pets suffering from pain as well.
You can choose between $30 for 30 minutes or $50 for 1hour
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submitted by jejoer to MediumReadings [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 09:54 jejoer Distant Energy Healing Services Available including for Pets

My name is Joan and I am an energy healer. I basically provide healing/reiki services to those who need assistance when it comes to their mental health, cutting cords, forgiveness, help healing a broken heart etc. I also help unblock/align chakras. Sending healing energy to pets suffering from pain as well.
You can choose between $30 for 30 minutes or $50 for 1hour
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submitted by jejoer to ThePsychicConnect [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 09:54 jejoer Distant Energy Healing Services Available including for Pets

My name is Joan and I am an energy healer. I basically provide healing/reiki services to those who need assistance when it comes to their mental health, cutting cords, forgiveness, help healing a broken heart etc. I also help unblock/align chakras. Sending healing energy to pets suffering from pain as well.
You can choose between $30 for 30 minutes or $50 for 1hour
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submitted by jejoer to energy_healing [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 09:32 Active_Whereas8035 My 31F ex 31F seems to enjoy hurting me even after we are no longer together. Am I looking into it too much?

My ex Sarah, initiated a breakup because I was too physically ill for her to want to take care of me. Long story short but she gave me a rare STD from a past partner that caused permanent damage to my body. I knew it was her because I had only ever had two sex partners my entire life and my other partner had tested negative for that rare STD. Before doctors could find out what was wrong with me, I developed severe and sudden onset symptoms including frequent vomiting and nausea, severe weight loss, and limping as my legs no longer worked properly. It bothered her that we couldn't party and do all the things she wanted to do. Also, Sarah transitioned from male to female in the middle of our relationship and I welcomed it with open arms because I loved her. I went to clubs with her even though I was disabled and tried to make sure she felt loved and supported as much as possible.
Sarah however, would never return the favor. She would often become cold and distant when I was sick and once even left me on the cold floor of a hotel covered in my own vomit and urine. I begged her to call an ambulance and she turned around and pretended to sleep. When I was finally able to get the strength to get off the ground 7 hours later, I called myself an Uber to the hospital. It turned out that I had a stomach blockage. When I confronted her about this she said she didn't believe that I was ever sick because she "had an ex who lied about having cancer". I showed her official paperwork of multiple diagnoses as a result of this STD. She apologized, told me she believed me, but even then still treated me as though I was still an inconvenience. I felt so embarrassed every time she wanted to go out and party, and I could barely even walk.
There were many instances of verbal abuse as well, often in public places. For example, we went out on a date at a bar once. I had let her know that due to a family emergency, I might take out my phone a few times. The second I take my phone out, she bashed the table, tossed the chair, left a $100 bill on the table and walked out even before the food even came. I was so humiliated and other people asked if I was okay. She apologized after, but that is just one of many instances of this kind of behavior. I am not a perfect human by any means but when I tell you not ONCE did I ever raise my voice at her in the entire relationship... I have a very big fear of confrontation so the way she responded to things caused me to develop panic disorder and symptoms of schizophrenia. I was hospitalized 42 times in one year usually with a BPM over 150 and was admitted to a psych ward. Keep in mind, before I met her I had no prior mental health history. I had a stable job, a healthy body and was never on mental health medications. My only prior relationship of 5 years was also stable and loving but my partner moved across the country so we chose to end things.
The underlying issue was that Sarah was on a cocktail of medications, Antidepressants, anxiety medication, ADHD medication and another drug for mental health which I can't recall. Because of her ADHD, she would sometimes forget to pick up her medications. At the same time, she was experimenting with different medications and dosages (under doctor supervision). This meant she was always on a different combination of psychiatric medications throughout out relationship. Her mood was really unpredictable and I never knew when she would snap. For example, we had just went to ikea that day and everything was great. We had a fun time installing curtains in her new apartment. I would sometimes suffer from really bad brain fog from the antibiotics and panic attack meds I was always on. Well apparently I didn't realize I made a face after she asked me to pass her something, which caused her to yell "Stop making that stupid fucking face I cant stand it". Then she proceeded to mock me...
She would also go through my phone behind my back, accusing me of cheating when I would never do such a thing and there was nothing to even possibly HINT at the thought. She said she did this because her "exes all cheated". Even though she would always go to gay bars alone wearing nothing but lingerie. And I never bothered her once about it. I didn't want to interfere with her freedom of expression. She was finding her new identity (transitioning from male to female)
After 4 long years she broke up with me in public after I coincidentally bumped into her at a bar when our mutual friend and I went out for drinks. Sarah was talking to other girls but I was just so happy to see her and ran to give her a hug. But she seemed upset that I had ruined her day. She went on a rant for 20 minutes about how she can't stand me always being sick and said she fell out of love with me a few months back but didn't want to tell me. She told me soulmates don't exist (I never said they did), how I am "not special" (never said I was) and she could "find someone tonight if she wanted to".
The panic attack I had from her yelling at me so much in public was so bad that I started puking blood. I was taken by ambulance to the hospital and after she never checked up on me. Instead I woke up in the hospital the next day to see that she started following hundreds of plus sized porn stars and sharing their posts. After causing me to drop to 91 lbs at 5'8".
After that I blocked her on all social medias. I had also blocked her number. One day about 6 months after the breakup I received a voicemail from her from another number. She said it was an emergency and was crying so I called her back. She told me how her hamster died because she forgot to feed her and was crying and blaming her ADHD saying she basically forgot the hamster existed. This turned into a long conversation about her apologizing, her feeling lonely because no one wants to date her. She moved across the country and I made it very clear, I had not even the slightest interest in getting back with her.
She said she cared about me as a friend and missed the friendship we had. I agreed to remain friends but only unblocked her on Instagram. She then started sharing with me intimate details of her sex life with strangers and other people she would meet at bars. It seemed like every conversation would turn into her sending me memes about sucking off trans girls and trans penises. Then she would tell me how she was good at sucking dick and would only top people. Then it progressed into telling me how trans girls anuses felt better than vaginas and that was really the last straw for me. I had told her numerous times this made me uncomfortable. She said she was just sharing information that she shares with all her female friends and made me seem unreasonable for not wanting to discuss her sex life. Especially when she knew I was dealing with a death in the family at the same time. And I'm not just a female friend, I pictured myself at one point spending my life with her. Why do I want to picture her sucking dick and what her partner's penises look like?
I make it clear that she has a very bad issue with respecting boundaries and I block her instagram. About 3 weeks later, she makes a new account with the same picture and almost the same name. She likes my posts and all my stories. I go to the page to check the account because I was confused as I thought I blocked her already. As soon as she liked my posts with this alt account, she uploads photos of her making out with other people and talks about how good dick is. Was this behavior intentional or am I just looking too hard into things? I just can't understand what I did to deserve any of this...
submitted by Active_Whereas8035 to relationship_advice [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 09:31 mooncakefiber Am I wrong for blocking my boyfriend

Tonight he
-Started talking about how i need to send him bruise picture updates (I have a bruise on my butt right now) in a bent over position when we were sitting right next to a bunch of men, one of which chuckled when he said that. I was the only girl there.
-Told me it was innapropriete for me to try to give him a small kiss in the back of his friends car at the end of the night (but him telling me to send him innapropriete pictures at a loud volume is okay?)
I don’t want to be dramatic and cause problems over nothing, but it felt like all I got tonight was criticism and put downs and not uplifting stuff like compliments which i feel like a relationship should be. I started crying really hard after he said the thing about me not being good at the job Ive been trying to get because all of that listed above was a lot for me. He kept asking me if I wanted to talk about it but I didn’t know what to say. My brother came and picked me up because I just wanted to go home and I could not stop crying.
After getting home I called him way too many times, all declined. I texted him and asked him if he was upset if I left and he said yeah. anyway, i basically sent him a paragraph telling him why I left tn and that I was sorry, and he barely acknowledged it. I blocked him after that. We’ve been together for almost seven years and he does and says little things like this that hurt me a lot. Just last week he ignored me for over an hour when we were hanging out and then was upset when I tried to leave his apartment. I love him but sometimes i feel terrible. I probably make him feel terrible sometimes too. Is it toxic to keep going like this? i already want to unblock him, but i am still very hurt. If he thinks and says these things, what can I do to change them? I love him, but I don’t feel loved. I know relationships aren’t perfect but is this type of put downs normal? Did I overreact? Im sorry for the questions reddit it's 3 am and I am heartbroken :D
I dont know what my goal with blocking him is if I still want to talk to him. it feels like i am trying to call for his attention so he can realize how much he hurt me. I dont know what to do im beside myself.
submitted by mooncakefiber to relationships_advice [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 09:00 RIP_Fiat Aussie cents, pence & shillings, spot the 3 imposter coins

Aussie cents, pence & shillings, spot the 3 imposter coins submitted by RIP_Fiat to AustralianCoins [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 08:42 iwasneverhere43 Can we have a reasonable discussion?

First of all, full disclosure, I made a hot headed post yesterday that ended up being more divisive than anything, so I have deleted it. So, why am I posting again? Well, it's because a few good points came from it that I had overlooked, and I'm going to swallow my pride and admit I may have jumped the gun. Unfortunately, it seems I'm not the only one, so maybe now that we've had a day to cool off a bit, and possibly downed a few (or more than a few) wobbly pops, maybe we can have a more reasonable conversation about different viewpoints?
Reading the responses I received yesterday was informative to say the least, but what I got from it was that there are 3 main reasons for investing in GME, and while some may have more than one reason, I think it comes down to those 3 if we each answered honestly about what is most important to us: 1. A MOASS. 2. Gamestop transforming itself into a superpower long term. 3. Market reform and screwing shorts.
Now, my priority is #1. End of story. Would I like to see the other two happen as well? Definitely, just not at the expense of the MOASS. That was my goal when I first invested, and it's been my goal for over 3 years now - that's never going to change. That HAS to be my goal, given that I have a chronic illness that could steal my mobility at any time my body so chooses, I'm turning 50 later this year, I don't own a home, and my bank account resembles a desert. I just don't have 20 years to see a decent return on my investment... So yes, I understand why RC is doing what he's doing, and I get it, but I don't appreciate being accused of shilling if I complain when he takes actions that can potentially impact my goals here.
So let's talk about #2 in the list. For those who most want that, you're probably younger and have the time to hold on for the next 20 years, but try and understand that isn't the case for everyone. What RC is currently doing aligns perfectly with that goal, but it's a long time, and the world could change substantially in the amount of time it's going to take, so it's no more a guarantee than a squeeze would be. It's just as much a gamble as #1, just a different timeframe.
That brings us to #3. I get it, I really do, but for that to happen, the MOASS must happen. Nobody is going to prison unless it does, and nothing about the market will change either because there won't be a reason to do so.
Right now there is a lot of conflict between apes due to these differences, but not much reasonable discussion of how whatever is happening will affect the outcome of whatever it is that we hoped to gain with our investments. Instead, those who want the MOASS above all else are upset because every time they sell more shares, as it could reduce the chances of a squeeze, and are called shills for not trusting RC. Meanwhile, those who want to see Gamestop become a formidable force are zen about holding, but aren't too concerned about more shares in the market as it supports Gamestop's long term growth. For them, Gamestop building a big war chest is more important than a squeeze right now.
So can we please just get our views on these out in the open in a respectful way, while not calling each other names, and perhaps calmly discuss the issues with each view and how they affect the others, then consider where we can find common ground so we can have a community that isn't jumping at shadows and fighting all the time? For those who have been here since the beginning, do you not remember how and why it began? Do you not remember raising money for the family of a fallen ape, or donating to try and save ACTUAL apes? How we laughed while staring intently at charts and trying to figure out how to combat the fuckery? How we all celebrated the wins and spoke out against bullshit regulations? Can this sub find a way back there while understanding that not everyone here has exactly the same main goal?
Anyway, I'm heading to bed as soon as I respond to the auto mod, so I'm not ignoring anyone who comments, I'm just sleeping. But let's please talk about these things rationally with a bit of empathy for the situations and goals of others here like we used to do.
Have a good night all. I'm off to smoke a bowl and get some sleep.
submitted by iwasneverhere43 to Superstonk [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 06:15 PressurePack70 She (25F) says she misses me (25 M) and is heartbroken, but acts and says things like this?

Says she needs space and is heartbroken, but…
Says she needs space and is heartbroken and misses me but…
My gf of 3 years has been struggling with depression and anxiety as of lately. We both haven’t been perfect in our relationship, and she feels as if I wasn’t being there for her emotionally. (Wanting sex when she says she doesn’t feel like it, arguing with her about small stuff etc). She told me that she had the final straw and needed some space. The next day she changed her phone number.. I was sick. I showed up to her house and she has unblocked me on instagram, but she says she won’t give me her new number. I asked her if she was looking to break up permanently, or if she needs space. She says to respect her space and allow her to work on her mental health. She has hurt me before as well, and I never needed “space” from her. I’m also not going through depression either, so that could play a role in her decision. She claims she misses me and is extremely sad, but she is going to bars every weekend with her single friends. I had boundaries in our relationship, and she wouldn’t go to bars unless I was there as well. If she claims she misses me, and I left the ball in her court, why does she need space? I am leaving her completely alone now. Our 3 year anniversary just passed and I had a non refundable resort already pre planned, to which she told me she wasn’t going to. I’m sitting here sad and angry, while she is out having the time of her life at bars with her single friends. It’s been 11 days and I have been messaging her here and there, but I have completely stopped as of yesterday. Why would someone need space if they plan on coming back? She says we should both work on ourselves and try again. She claims she is depressed but is out getting drunk until 2am with her single friends. I’m pissed… any advice would be much appreciated.
submitted by PressurePack70 to relationship_advice [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 06:11 CrypticSaint1887 Namco, please fix Asuka's unblockable 3,1

Namco, please fix Asuka's unblockable 3,1 submitted by CrypticSaint1887 to Tekken [link] [comments]
