Short term career goals for family practitioner


2020.04.19 00:39 URMLawSchoolAdmission

Welcome! This is a community for URM students for the law school application process, matriculation, and short / long term goals in legal practice. Do keep in mind that unless otherwise stated, no one here is part of any admissions committees or state bar associations, so take advice and conclusions with a grain of salt!

2012.01.22 21:51 roo-bob Protein Sparing Modified Fasting

All things relating to Protein Sparing Modified Fasting (PSMF) PSMF is a low calorie diet that promotes rapid weight loss while preserving lean body mass (muscle). It involves eating mostly protein-rich foods and minimizing the intake of carbohydrates and fats. It is designed to jump start a weight loss program for rapid fat loss or to break a stall.

2012.10.04 13:31 InfamousBacon Subliminal

A community to share, discuss and peer review subliminals that you encounter.

2024.05.21 11:23 fenrirskin AIO: Is my manger not scheduling me because of my race?

Dramatic title, but I can't really explain it that well in few words. I also couldn't figure out a Subreddit that this would fit on, I think this one is best.
This one's a long one. TL;DR at bottom, but some details are important.
A bit of backstory first.
I'm a recently graduated HS Senior, headed to university in Fall. Around March, I applied to work at a mid-sized stadium in my area for a summer job-- I have about 2 years of stable retail experience, plus ServSafe certification and some good credentials outside of that. I've left almost all my jobs on good terms and I do my work fine. Never had any complaints.
I am a black woman. That is relevant to my story. I also have a very "white-sounding" name. For the sake of my privacy, let's say it's Sarah McIntyre. It's got the same vibe. I also have a "white-sounding" voice, especially over the phone. A lot of my family pokes fun at it, and it's not a huge deal.
So, I'm applying to this job, and the online application is pretty sparse. Few questions about my experience, age, and contact info. Nothing about my race at all. I apply, get a request for a phone interview, and hop on a call a few days later. My manager loves me. We have a great interview. She emails me a day later and says I got the job, and my orientation is in a week.
Orientation goes on, it's in a pretty large group and she doesn't address any of us directly or even ask for names, but I noticed her giving me a bit of a weird look. I figured it was about my hair which is dyed bright green so whatever.
We start working, and she's just very weird to me the whole time. Gives me weird looks, doesn't answer my questions, always watching me while I'm working at the concessions register. She doesn't do this with any of the other girls there. Concessions is about five other girls, all around my age. All of them are first-years at the stadium.
I get ready for work the next day, and I get a call from my Manager:
"Hey, OP. Don't come in today." "Oh? Is the game called off?" "No. Someone else is covering you. Bye."
Which was incredibly weird to me, honestly. But I wasn't going to press on the issue-- it was the first shifts of the season, maybe she wanted to train someone else instead of having me work. After this, there was about a month and a half gap between my next shift, which was May 9. Then I have another May 11; both go fine.
Manager posts the schedule for the next few weeks, up until June 9. I have one single shift. One. A four-hour concessions shift. I was insanely confused by this-- it's the start of the season with home games almost every single day, and multiple events with huge crowds. I texted the other girls I work with through our scheduling app and asked what their shifts looked like-- 3 to 5 shifts every week, about six hours each.
I was seriously wracking my brain for 3 days straight trying to think why on Earth I got the short end of the stick. I show up early and leave late every day, I help out as much as I can, customers don't complain, I'm experienced with the register and with counting tender, my co-workers and I get along fine, I've never had any issues with anyone.
The only thing I could seriously think about was my race. Which feels very cheap and victim-y, but it was the only thing I noticed that was an outlier. Out of every single employee at our stadium, I am the only person of color. Maybe somebody else is a minority, too, but they're incredibly white passing if they are. The only other brown people are the baseball players, which aren't on our staff team-- they're a separate entity entirely.
But that's all I can think of-- and my manager wouldn't have known about my race until she saw me for the first time at my first shift. And it's kind of difficult to have all-white staff considering we are in the suburbs of Chicago. Most people in our area are Black or Latino. It's seriously a considered effort to have an all-white staff in this area. I think I may have just slipped through the cracks because my name and voice are very misleading? But I can't tell if I'm overreacting or not-- I haven't said anything to my manager.
I don't want to quit because my coworkers are really nice, and I love the job. It's great being outside and being in a fun and fast environment like a stadium. But I'm trying to save for university and that's difficult when I don't work at all. Plus, I don't wanna give my labor to someone who despises me.
Am I overreacting in this situation and getting ahead of myself, or is this actually something worth looking into? Please help me. And yes, I know that it's very overdramatic to make things about my race-- this is genuinely the first time I've had to consider this with an employer.
TL;DR I'm the only minority at my job and I get barely any shifts while my white coworkers get more. I don't do anything wrong and I have lots of experience in similar roles. Should I look into this more, or get over myself?
submitted by fenrirskin to AmIOverreacting [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 11:22 Goddess_Bean Dreading going home

TW suicidal ideation
I’m dreading going home.
I have to go and stay with my mother for a few days because I can’t move in to my apartment until the first and I need to get some of my stuff. We haven’t talked in a month and I already know it’s going to be a mess. I thought I’d be okay because it’s short term and I have a plan to leave. But I really don’t want to go home. I ended up in the hospital last night because I did something stupid to cope with the stress.
I just feel so alone and terrified. I have been thinking a lot about ending it all, just to escape the pain. I know this sub isn’t for any emergency mental health stuff, I just wanted to include it for context. I have a therapist and a support system that are helpful. It’s just really difficult to explain to people not in this situation how painful it is. When my friends need someone to turn to, they can call their parents or siblings or a family member. I can’t. And my friends are also 20 and have no life experience in the sense that they can’t help me with taxes or renting apartments or learning to budget.
I just wish I had someone who could hold me and tell me it would be okay, that I wasn’t alone. I feel like my entire life, I’ve face the world and all my problems all alone. I’m tired of being strong and alone. I’m burnt out and have nothing left to give.
Idek why I’m making this post. Maybe I’m hoping that I’m not alone in how I feel. Maybe I’m looking for hope. I don’t know. I just feel so broken. I wish I could disappear for a while.
submitted by Goddess_Bean to raisedbynarcissists [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 11:22 Kirpeo Biological Basis for Happiness

I read an article a few weeks ago that explained this concept that there's a biological basis for the highest threshold of an individuals' potential happiness. In short there's this idea, with scientific evidence to back it, that it's biologically predetermined how happy ones resting and max "happiness" state can be, and I've just been unable to get that out of my mind since reading it.
I've been chronically unhappy my whole life. My family has been chronically unhappy their entire lives. My parents are two people I deeply respect who are both bipolar and both had fucked childhoods but broke the cycle and did everything in their power to raise their kids to have opportunities, emotional vulnerability, and kindness that they never got. They go to therapy, take their prescribed meds, and have open conversations with each other and with us kids etc. But there's just this deep set sadness to both of them that's so intense that it can be hard to even interact with them. It's always there even during happy times and even as they espouse these deeply thoughtful sentiments and epiphanies they've had about life. There's these constant hills and valleys - ups and downs - and it's exhausting just to watch. Every time another rough patch hits I become genuinely concerned that this will be the straw that breaks the camels back and they'll end their lives. They're in their fifties and sixties respectively but during my last visit alone my mother admitted to continuing to cut herself and I walked into a room late at night to find my dad just staring at the wall silently with tears streaming down his cheeks.
When I heard about this biological concept of happiness I think it hit me so hard because I feel it's true. I've told I didn't smile until I was 9 months old, and I've always felt disconnected with the strong, passionate feelings people talk about. Wonderment at the sight of a beautiful natural landscape or art piece, intense passion for a hobby or interest, and even sexual attraction are all concepts that are foreign to me. I don't feel nothing but everything has always felt muted. I have all the symptoms of depression and have been clinically diagnosed as such but these symptoms were never novel - they've been here as long as I can remember. But they have worsened with time. It's just so disheartening. I feel like there's nothing I can do. I've taken medication, changed medication, gone off my medication, seen therapists, journaled, exercised more, done yoga and deep breathing exercises, changed my diet, socialized more, quit social media... Done everything under the fucking sun. But I see my parents, a generation older than me but having done the same and being far stronger than me but still so clearly suffering perpetually... And then this biological basis shit. And it's not like the medications do shit either. Doctors don't even know everything they do and if you look at the clinical studies the success rate is pretty pathetic. And even when they do work they just have to keep upping your dose until you become so resistant that it's medically unsafe to give you more (not that they know all the implications of the meds they're force feeding you anyways) and they have to switch you to another med that gives you the worst side effects and takes you out of your mind until you get fucking PTSD from the drug alone...
I think I've always held onto this idea that something will work. Some change or epiphany will make me feel something. But either you take a drug and are numb forever or you go off the drug and feel a modicum more in terms of range of emotion but then you dip down worse and want to drive off a cliff. When I was a teenager and first realized these thoughts weren't normal I chalked it up to teen angst. Then it didn't go away so I talked to my parents and I went to therapy and got some Prozac and I waited because these things take time and nothing. Then I thought I must be unfulfilled in my relationships but I couldn't fucking keep one because I couldn't get it up. My father told me recently that his philosophy is that life will always be peaks and valleys but whenever he's in a dark spot he knows that soon he'll be rising back up to another peak. But I don't think I can do that for the rest of my life.
submitted by Kirpeo to offmychest [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 11:17 tuttifucky Seoul releases master plan for foreign resident policy but the Nazi plan is a plan

Seoul has announced the Foreign Residents Policy Master Plan, which will invest KRW 250.6 billion over the next five years to attract 1,000 foreign talents with master's and doctoral degrees in science and technology, and provide them with the same level of childbirth and childcare services as Koreans to help them settle in the city. This policy is a proactive measure for Seoul's sustainable growth, with the core goals of attracting talented foreigners and creating an inclusive multicultural society.
Seoul plans to pursue the following major initiatives:
  1. Attracting and supporting the growth of talented people:
o Attract global companies to make Seoul a city where talented people from around the world want to work, similar to Silicon Valley in the United States.
o Work with major domestic universities to attract 1000 foreign talents at the master's and doctoral level in science and technology.
o Pilot the introduction of overseas workers in industrial occupations with severe labor shortages and in areas with long-term labor shortages.
  1. Support stable settlement in local communities: o To help foreigners stably settle in Seoul with their families, we will provide support for childbirth an
d childcare services, educational activities, etc. without discrimination against Koreans.
o Select 10 universities in high-tech industries in Seoul and provide up to KRW 1.5 billion per year for three years to attract 1,000 outstanding foreign talents.
  1. Strengthening multicultural integration and communication:
o Starting with Jakarta, the capital of Indonesia, which has the largest school-age population among ASEAN countries, we will organize local Seoul Study Fairs twice a year and provide support to outstanding foreign students in science and technology by establishing the Seoul Tech Scholarship program.
o Opening the Seoul Foreign Residents Support Center and deployed real-time interpretation devices using artificial intelligence (AI) technology to help foreign residents communicate with each other.
o From this year to 2028, 1,000 AI interpreters will be deployed.
  1. Support for childcare fees and educational activities at daycare centers:
o Support 50% of daycare fees for foreign infants (ages 3-5) and expand multicultural integrated daycare centers.
o We will support educational activity fees of 400,000 won for elementary school, 500,000 won for middle school, and 600,000 won for high school for school-age foreign children.
  1. Rent Assistance Service for Foreign Residents
o We will launch a new service to help foreign residents pay their rent so that they do not suffer from communication problems.
o The number of 'Global Real Estate Offices for Foreigners, that can conduct real estate brokerage business in foreign languages will be expanded from 239 this year to 414 in 2028.
submitted by tuttifucky to k_nazi [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 11:12 Diogenes_1391 Partner (32F) and I (32M) took a break and now I’m confused if we should get back?

So, my partner and I have been going through our ups and downs over the past three years. I jumped back into a relationship after a short six month hiatus from the previous one which lasted almost half a decade. We took things slow and I had my share of dates before we established that this was not a rebound.
We’ve had our fair share of fights and disagreements and she is genuinely an amazing soul.
That said due to recent professional and personal matters (family issues) our relationship fell into a rough patch and she suggested we take break while I got my things in order and reflected on my behaviour. Mainly I had been quite irritable and was letting my temper and alcohol get the better of me, she also has been recently overwhelmed on the work front. Our fights consisted of arguments where I wasn’t being my best self and as expected would result in hurtful things being said by both parties.
Now then, during this break a person from my earlier workplace (26F) approached me and we got talking. I did tell her that I’m in a relationship and thankfully she backed off, but only briefly. Sure enough, we got talking again and over one of these days we ended up sleeping together. This has left me with a lot of guilt and confusion.
Meanwhile my partner and I have been talking and I came clean with what had transpired with the other woman during our break. All she had to say was that I still need to work on the issues she highlighted pertaining to my general temperament and conduct. She’s been very mature about this and says now the ball is in my court, since we weren’t together during that time (and even now).
With the new girl the sex is amazing but that’s pretty much it, I don’t think we have much in common and it seems she’s approaching this more out of infatuation than a genuine understanding of who I am. I miss my previous partner, though I wonder if it’ll ever go back to normal. Also, while she’s amazing in every other respect our physical intimacy has been dwindling for a while.
The fact that this episode has reminded me of how important physical intimacy is for me, I could benefit from some advice on whether I should be prioritizing sex (and therefore move on) over an otherwise fulfilling relationship with my previous partner.
TL;DR: We took a break, I had a romp session with old acquaintance, sex was great but that’s about it. Don’t know if I can get back together with my partner and not be bothered by diminishing physical intimacy in my relationship. Can one have a long term relationship if sex life fades away?
submitted by Diogenes_1391 to relationships [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 11:11 Goddess_Bean I’m dreading going home

I have to go and stay with my mother for a few days because I can’t move in to my apartment until the first and I need to get some of my stuff. I thought I’d be okay because it’s short term and I have a plan to leave. But I really don’t want to go home. I ended up in the hospital last night because I did something stupid to cope with the stress.
I just feel so alone and terrified. I have been thinking a lot about doing something drastic to escape the pain. I know this sub isn’t for any emergency mental health stuff so I just want to make it clear that I’m not looking for anything like that, I just wanted to include it for context. I have a therapist and a support system that are helpful. It’s just really difficult to explain to people not in this situation how painful it is. When my friends need someone to turn to, they can call their parents or siblings or a family member. I can’t. And my friends are also 20 and have no life experience in the sense that they can’t help me with taxes or renting apartments or learning to budget.
I just wish I had someone who could hold me and tell me it would be okay, that I wasn’t alone. I feel like my entire life, I’ve face the world and all my problems all alone. I’m tired of being strong and alone. I’m burnt out and have nothing left to give.
Idek why I’m making this post. Maybe I’m hoping that I’m not alone in how I feel. Maybe I’m looking for hope. I don’t know. All I want is to be held.
submitted by Goddess_Bean to EstrangedAdultKids [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 11:03 astrobabag Power of Vashikaran, Jadu Tona, and Totka

Vashikaran comes from the Indian astrology and occult science that people have been fascinated about for hundreds of years. Vashikaran is the name of the art of hypnotizing a person and controlling the mind of the person. It is in fact a kind of hypnosis that allows the practitioner to rule the mind of another individual.
Jadu tona totka on the other hand refers to black magic spells and rituals that will help you have what you want in terms of love, money, success or revenge. It is mentioned that these spells and rituals are especially dangerous and even forbidden for summoning the darkness for their desires.
Combined vashikaran and jadu tona totka is one powerful magic that they believe in is strong enough to control the minds of people to get what you want. But these occult arts also have positive and negative effects to the user and the victim.
Vashikaran jadu tona totka is also utilized by desperate people who seek the perfect solution to their problems. It is a form of conjuring that deals with the solution of love issues, financial issues, career problems and family issues among others by manipulating the energies and vibrations that surround the person in question.
A person who will practice vashikaran jadu to na totka must have strong faith in occult science and its various spells and rituals. These practices are not for the weak because they require a lot of learning of how to work with people and circumstances at your command.
This is one of the most common vashikaran jadu tona totka method in which special chants and ceremonies are used to attract a particular person or make a person fall in love with you. This might involve the chanting of inspiring words, using perfumes and other offerings to the various gods and goddesses of love.
The most effective among vashikaran jadu tona totka is black magic to harm or even kill the opponent or competitor. It is widely acknowledged that these spells invoke demonic forces to inflict harm, disease or even death to the target. People are cautioned against wielding these powers since they are also harmful to the user.
vashikaran jadu tona totka does not have anything to do with the society or the religion as a whole. These are practices that are considered taboo and unethical since they involve manipulation of someone’s will. But for those who have faith in the occult and dare to take risks vashikaran jadu tona totka may be a source to full fill their dreams and wishes.
There is a multitude of personal reviews and experiences from people who claim to have tried this practice of vashikaran jadu tona totka and have seen positive results despite the general negativity about it. Some believe that the vashikaran jadu tona totka can be used for getting back a lost lover or attracting new ones, or even for wishing success and prosperity in some other aspect of life.
In a nutshell, vashikaran jadu tona totka is one of the most mystical and controversial practices there is out there. Many believe in it and many think that it is a myth but there is no arguing with the fact that people are intensely fascinated by its many uses that include vashikaran jadu tona totka. But such practices should be applied cautiously for they are harmful both to the practitioner and the target.
Online Free Consultation With Baba Ji Please Visit:

Vashikaran #JaduTona #Totka #MagicSpells #PowerfulMantras #Astrology #BlackMagic #SpellCasting #LoveSpells #PositiveEnergy #MysticalPractices #SpiritualHealing #AncientWisdom #Empowerment #Manifesting #GoodFortune #MagicalRituals #DestinyChanging #OccultKnowledge #SpellcastingTips

submitted by astrobabag to u/astrobabag [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 11:03 HeLiBeB New Voices Book Club: Vote for our June read!

Welcome to the book club New Voices! In this book club we want to highlight books by debut authors and open the stage for under-represented and under-appreciated writers from all walks of life. New voices refers to the authors as well as the protagonists, and the goal is to include viewpoints away from the standard and most common. For more information and a short description of how we plan to run this club and how you can participate, please have a look at the announcement post.
It's time for second chances! I've selected a few books from previous polls, that didn't quite make it and deserve a second chance:

Under Fortunate Stars by Ren Hutchings

Fleeing the final days of the generations-long war with the alien Felen, smuggler Jereth Keeven's freighter the Jonah breaks down in a strange rift in deep space, with little chance of rescue—until they encounter the research vessel Gallion, which claims to be from 152 years in the future. The Gallion's chief engineer Uma Ozakka has always been fascinated with the past, especially the tale of the Fortunate Five, who ended the war with the Felen. When the Gallion rescues a run-down junk freighter, Ozakka is shocked to recognize the Five's legendary ship—and the Five's famed leader, Eldric Leesongronski, among the crew. But nothing else about Leesongronski and his crewmates seems to match up with the historical record. With their ships running out of power in the rift, more than the lives of both crews may be at stake.
Bingo squares: book club

The Magic Fish by Trung Le Nguyen

The book tells an intergenerational story of a mother and son struggling to relate to each other—the mother an immigrant to the United States who wants to make a home for her family in an unfamiliar country; the son trying to figure out the best way to come out to his parents. Through telling each other fairy tales, they're able to find common ground.
Bingo squares: bookclub

Bacchanal by Veronica Henry

Evil lives in a traveling carnival roaming the Depression-era South. But the carnival’s newest act, a peculiar young woman with latent magical powers, may hold the key to defeating it. Her time has come. Abandoned by her family, alone on the wrong side of the color line with little to call her own, Eliza Meeks is coming to terms with what she does have. It’s a gift for communicating with animals. To some, she’s a magical tender. To others, a she-devil. To a talent prospector, she’s a crowd-drawing oddity. And the Bacchanal Carnival is Eliza’s ticket out of the swamp trap of Baton Rouge. Among fortune-tellers, carnies, barkers, and folks even stranger than herself, Eliza finds a new home. But the Bacchanal is no ordinary carnival. An ancient demon has a home there too. She hides behind an iridescent disguise. She feeds on innocent souls. And she’s met her match in Eliza, who’s only beginning to understand the purpose of her own burgeoning powers. Only then can Eliza save her friends, find her family, and fight the sway of a primordial demon preying upon the human world. Rolling across a consuming dust bowl landscape, Eliza may have found her destiny.
Bingo squares: bookclub

The Hacienda by Isabel Cañas

Mexican Gothic meets Rebecca in this debut supernatural suspense novel, set in the aftermath of the Mexican War of Independence, about a remote house, a sinister haunting, and the woman pulled into their clutches...
In the overthrow of the Mexican government, Beatriz’s father is executed and her home destroyed. When handsome Don Rodolfo Solórzano proposes, Beatriz ignores the rumors surrounding his first wife’s sudden demise, choosing instead to seize the security his estate in the countryside provides. She will have her own home again, no matter the cost.
But Hacienda San Isidro is not the sanctuary she imagined.
When Rodolfo returns to work in the capital, visions and voices invade Beatriz’s sleep. The weight of invisible eyes follows her every move. Rodolfo’s sister, Juana, scoffs at Beatriz’s fears—but why does she refuse to enter the house at night? Why does the cook burn copal incense at the edge of the kitchen and mark its doorway with strange symbols? What really happened to the first Doña Solórzano?
Beatriz only knows two things for certain: Something is wrong with the hacienda. And no one there will help her.
Desperate for help, she clings to the young priest, Padre Andrés, as an ally. No ordinary priest, Andrés will have to rely on his skills as a witch to fight off the malevolent presence haunting the hacienda and protect the woman for whom he feels a powerful, forbidden attraction. But even he might not be enough to battle the darkness.
Far from a refuge, San Isidro may be Beatriz’s doom.
Bingo squares: bookclub

The Heretic‘s Guide to Homecoming by Sienna Tristen

“Life is transformation. You change or you die.”
Ashamed of his past and overwhelmed by his future, Ronoah Genoveffa Elizzi-denna Pilanovani feels too small for his own name. After a graceless exit from his homeland in the Acharrioni desert, his anxiety has sabotaged every attempt at redemption. Asides from a fiery devotion to his godling, the one piece of home he brought with him, he has nothing.
That is, until he meets Reilin. Beguiling, bewildering Reilin, who whisks Ronoah up into a cross-continental pilgrimage to the most sacred place on the planet. The people they encounter on the way—children of the sea, a priestess and her band of storytellers, the lonely ghosts of monsters—are grim and whimsical in equal measure. Each has their part to play in rewriting Ronoah’s personal narrative.
One part fantasy travelogue, one part emotional underworld journey, The Heretic’s Guide to Homecoming is a sumptuous, slow-burning story about stories and the way they shape our lives.
Bingo squares: bookclub
Do you like the selection? Have you already read one of the books and want to recommend it to others? Do you know any additional Bingo squares for any of the books? Let us know your thoughts in the comments below.

Click here to vote

Voting will run until May 27 and the winner will be announced on May 28
submitted by HeLiBeB to Fantasy [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 11:00 KirbyMuncha I need advice regarding my partner

I need help with my partner
Like the title says, I am needing help regarding my partner. This is a long post, but I really need to provide mostly full context.
I moved across the country to live with family, as prior to this my living situation was extremely detrimental to my mental health. My partner and I had talked about them moving with me, but ultimately they decided to stay due to school, work, and controlling parents. The distance was hard at first, finding my footing took the first six months I was out here. They came to see me on my birthday, and it was amazing to have them back in my life for the short stay. However, it was hard parting ways again, and they kept saying they wish they could stay with me.
An important note about me is that I don't always consider all the factors regarding decisions. That's not to say I've never been paralyzed by indecision, but I am a more "go with the flow" or "whatever happens, happens" kind of guy. My partner is not. They stress over all the possibilities and then ultimately don't choose anything out of fear of failure. This especially applies when it involves their parents, as they fear the reaction of what they might do. This is also compounded because my partner is non-binary and queer, all of the things hated by their family.
We had discussed them moving out here several times prior to the visit, but that trip reignited my desire for them to move here. At this point they had quit college, and was only really going to work or playing games with me. We initially were going through with the move, but plans kept changing on their end for one reason or another. A heart to heart discussion had them admit that they felt pressured by me to move out here, saying that there was too much that could go wrong, that my living situation was a bit stressful for them, and that it just would be better for things to stay as they are.
This upset me, and for a few weeks it felt like all the wind had been taken out of my sails. I had solely been putting all my thoughts into being able to see them again, to finally live with them and have their physical presence back. They did have a point though, as I was using the move as anchor to keep myself from falling apart. So now I was really adrift with no direction and no goals. It took me a bit, but I finally got myself to just accept their decision and focus on getting to a point where we could live together some time in the future.
Fast forward a month later, and they are falling apart at the seams. They are burnt out in every way possible, and feeling trapped in their current day-to-day life. At night they'd vent to me about how they didn't want to do this anymore, that they wanted to not do anything anymore. But that they couldn't change anything, it just wasn't possible to. They then shut down, and feel like its dumb to talk about because it won't ever change, and that they'll probably never see me again due to the distance and obligations.
They did manage to finally come see me again just recently, but it had been a full year betwesn their last visit. Once again, it was wonderful having them here, and they once again wished they could stay.
This latest trip was the only thing I had been looking forward, and now I'm worried it'll be another year AGAIN before I see them. I know that things between them.and their family have again been in a very rocky place, as the family is pressuring them into making a choice. And again, I'm trying to be supportive by not pressing them for planning anything just yet.
But I gotta be completely honest and say that my patience is wearing thin. They seem to just want life to go back to what it was prior to when I left, but I left a lot of that behind me when I moved. They were and are the only good thing I had back in my home town. I have moved on, and am really trying to get a plan in place for my future for the first time in my life. It is all really thanks to them that I am able to do that. So its extremely frustrating to me that despite everything, they won't take the plunge or commit to goals with me
I know its selfish, and I know that the expected backlash from their family will be on a level I cannot fathom, but truly I do not see a reason we have to keep playing this ridiculous game anymore. I want to get at least a framework of our future in place, so that we can work towards it together and separately as needed. It just fesls really disheartening to hear how badly they miss me, but then are unwilling to do anything other to change the situation in any way. Again, I am really trying to be patient about it, but I've been out here for almost 2 years. I don't want things to just be this status quo, to only see them maybe once a year, twice if I'm lucky. I probably am just being really stubborn and short sighted, so any feedback would be appreciated.
submitted by KirbyMuncha to Advice [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 10:50 Yurii_S_Kh “May we be that kind of crazy”. Conversation with Protopresbyter Joseph Dzagoev about Orthodoxy on the Kolyma peninsula

“May we be that kind of crazy”. Conversation with Protopresbyter Joseph Dzagoev about Orthodoxy on the Kolyma peninsula
Protopresbyter Joseph Dzagoev, a priest in the Protection monastery in Magadan, tells about the spiritual life in his city. He talks about well-worn stereotypes, “ordinary” Christian miracles, and how we should never get tired of trusting the Lord.
Trinity Cathedral in Magadan
The Russian antimension
Before 1989, our city was lacking not only a monastery; we didn’t have a single church. Before the Bolshevik persecutions against religion, there were churches, chapels and veneration crosses at various neighboring villages, on the coast, and in Cossack settlements. It wasn’t till the very end of the twentieth century when the persecution of the Christian faith finally officially stopped, and with the blessing of the Bishop of Khabarovsk, the very first Orthodox community was formed here. The first services were held in a private residence. This is where the Protection Monastery was later founded. Although it’s true that our city never even had a chance to have a church, because it started its life, so to speak, as a local GULAG camp in the early 1930s. That’s why any church was out of the question. We aren’t talking about the times of the Russian Empire, when churches were everywhere, and everyone, including exiles, convicts and other prisoners, always had the opportunity to attend a church service. But on the other hand, even if we didn’t have a physical church, it doesn’t mean that we had no Christians here. We have every reason to call both Solovki and Magadan and their surrounding territories an enormous Russian antimension spread under the open sky. How many new martyrs and confessors suffered here in very recent times!
One of the most revered local saints is the Venerable Confessor Andronik (Lukash), one of the elders of Glinsk Hermitage, whose relics rest in our Holy Trinity Cathedral. But there are many more saints like him—both those we know, and those known only to God. So, the place you stand is holy ground. I think we should know more about the holiness of this land.
Well-worn stereotypes
Fr. Joseph, how can we understand the salvific value of sufferings? How do we benefit from them if viewed from the Christian perspective? After all, not everyone who suffered here at Kolyma suffered for Christ’s sake. If we read the works of Varlam Shalamov1—it gives you jitters and you even can grow despondent.
—I have to say right away that neither I, nor many of the inhabitants of our region, are fans of Varlam Tikhonovich's literary work. You can’t find a glimpse of light in his writing. Besides, the locals say that not everything that he wrote is truthful. But let's leave Shalamov in peace, God rest his soul. As for the meaning and nature of suffering, in my opinion, there were prisoners (and there are still some—I have been conducting prison pastoral care since 1998 in our region, so I can talk to the prisoners) who truly suffered for the truth, for Christ’s sake, and for their loyalty to Him. But there were also some (moreover, many) who endured the hardship of imprisonment because, as many of them admit, they have been beneficial to them. They redeem from “other” sins for which they probably haven’t been “officially” convicted. These people tell me: “It’s better that I suffer here and now instead of later, in the afterlife.” I think this speaks of the humility cultivated in them. I used to meet real Christians behind bars, so we shouldn’t suppose that Kolyma is only for hardened thugs. But cultivating suffering—no, I will not do that. Let’s remember the words of the Apostle Peter: But let none of you suffer as a murderer, or as a thief, or as an evildoer, or as a busybody in other men's matters (1 Peter 4:15).
But overall I, and the overwhelming majority of residents of Kolyma region, have already gotten quite tired of this reference, the stereotype regarding our land—that Magadan is all about the prisons, camps, tough guys in padded jackets with an inmate number, barbed wire, and so forth. It still works somehow as a gimmick for tourists, but our land has so much more and it can surprise in a good way by bring joy to someone “from the mainland.” Actually, have you noticed that we even say, “from the mainland”, despite the fact that Magadan is actually also a mainland city, while Yakutsk is only 2000 kilometers away from us?
Aha, right, “just” a mere couple of thousand kilometers—no big deal!
—But it is so beautiful, isn’t it?
The embankment
That's true. The sea knolls, the sea, your сhurches, the embankment, the central streets and museums—it's a pleasure to walk around!
—So, we don't live in the dreary past, nor do we relish the allure of prison life—we have other things to do and something and someone to pray about. We have much to do, and that’s good. Because you can’t, after all, rush around the country “seeking greener pastures”. It is better to get comfortable in your own clean, spacious, well stocked and hospitable home. But you’ll obtain this home only when you, and not some “fairy-tale do-gooder,” take care of it yourself. Besides, that “fairy-tale do-gooder” actually does offer support; we receive sizable support from the federal budget. And no, it’s not our thing to sit here whining and waiting for better times, unwilling to lift a finger to make those better times come.
The fruits of a recent sermon and “birth pangs” of the Apostle Paul
But let us return to the idea of the Russian antimension spread under the open sky. It seems to me that the whole of Russia can serve as such antimension, since persecutions happened all over Russia. So many churches and monasteries were destroyed! I think, we, the Christians of today, can’t come even close to Holy Russia of that time.
In the Protection monastery
And in qualitative terms?
—On the one hand, I can dwell on the problems like an old man—where our young generation (including priests) is heading, that they are the victims of the “upbringing” of the 1990s, that the former generations were “warriors, far better than you,”2 “unlike the current crop of youth,” and to some extent I would probably be right. On the other hand, as a modern-day priest, I see something joyful happening before my own eyes—I wouldn’t’ say holy, I should be careful here—but examples that speak of a worthy and often miraculous Christian life.
Let’s take our Protection Monastery, for example. As I already said, it was founded around a house of worship with the blessing of Bishop Gabriel of Khabarovsk as far back as 1992. There was a community there already, but they were able to obtain their own building, albeit a small and remote one, only in the 1990s. Vladyka used to visit us here several times a year, and this community grew larger over time. Later the Magadan diocese was formed, so when Vladyka Arkady came here together with the monks, they began to travel all over Kolyma as missionaries, visiting every village and hamlet, baptizing, serving, and having conversations. That’s how the life of the Church has gradually settled here. Much later, our monastery was built, and it currently has four elderly nuns headed by Matushka Nadezhda, the abbess.
It turns out that everyone has different gifts. One person is man of prayer, another is a master craftsman, and yet another one is an excellent organizer.
—I think the most difficult thing is to have only just begun the spiritual life—considering those “birth pangs” of the Apostle Paul. But later on, there comes a moment of great joy when you see that your community is growing in Christ. Thanks to Bishop Arkady’s labors, we were able to accomplish very much Above all, he succeeded in changing the attitude of the regional and city authorities towards the Church. And not just of the authorities, but also of our local people. Formerly, believers were called “relics of the past” and “pariahs,” despicable and worthless people with “issues,” who were crazy in the head. Now, largely thanks to missionary work, people have realized that first of all, Christ is risen, and secondly, His Resurrection directly affects each and every one of us. Do you choose to languish in the darkness of eternal complaints and death? Wouldn’t it be better to be joyful and work alongside Christ and His disciples? That’s where our choice is. It is, of course, a serious question—to what extent we sinners are worthy disciples of the Lord. But our failures don’t give us the right to forsake God, right? Judging from my own experience, I know how perplexed people were when we witnessed the faith. I remember how in the 1990s, when I was still working at a mining plant (I am a mine foreman by education), there was a lot of theft. And when someone made me an offer to “steal” at work, I replied that I was a Christian and I would not steal. They stared at me and kept looking at me for a long time as if I were insane. However, at any time, to follow Christ was always seen by the fallen world as a disease—we are not right in the head if we are Christians. God willing, may we be that kind of crazy.
Kolyma paradoxes and the miracles of Magadan
Protopresbyter Joseph Dzagoev with the patients of residential care facility
—The irony is that the site of the present-day Holy Trinity Cathedral in Magadan formerly housed the 1st administrative office of Dalstroy, the very consortium that brought workers, or rather slaves, to the GULAG. Later on, they decided to build the House of Soviets there, a huge one by local standards, around fourteen stories tall. But they never finished it; the structure cracked and it was impossible to commission it. That unfinished construction site has seen it all: drunken brawls, the stench of beer, teenagers committing suicide… It was horrible. But now it is the site of our magnificent Trinity Cathedral.
Wouldn’t it be wonderful if our hearts were also transformed?
—That is harder to achieve, of course. Especially now, when the war is going on, and when our boys return after witnessing all that death. What are we to do with them? God willing, some of them will find their way to the church, But what about the rest? After the Great Patriotic War, career military people were sent to work here—straight from active duty in the army, they became the camp guards. They say there was an unheard level of drunkenness here... I don't know what will happen now. We pray that we can overcome the ordeal that befell our military men and their families.
Yes, and more about the sick. Our monastery is on good and friendly terms with the staff at the psychoneurological residential care facility. Many patients and their staff come to us, and we also visit them. We hold services, we meet and talk to people, comforting them to the best of our abilities. Here is what I want to say: According to information from the residential facility’s staff, the vast majority of their patients (and it’s something like ninety percent!) are the children of drug addicts and alcoholics. And there are about four hundred people residing there! This is the sad part.
Now about the miracles so common for Christians. Have you noticed one young man at the service—a kind and caring one, who is smiling and willing to help everyone? This is our Sasha, and he also resides there. He came a long time ago, when the Protection Monastery had just been founded. Well, he sort of came, but he couldn’t say a word—he could only mumble something unintelligibly. Well, he kept mumbling something while we prayed together with him. All churches and communities have such people, so it’s not surprising. But one day we came to the morning service and saw our Sasha standing in front of the icon of the Mother of God, clearly reciting, “Rejoice O Virgin Mother of God.” Not only was he reciting it, but so eloquently that any pious church reader would be jealous! We stood there in amazement. Once he finished praying, we came closer. “Sasha, dearest, how did you learn to read, how do you know the words?” He answered so calmly but matter-of-factly: “This Auntie taught me!” and pointed to the icon of the Mother of God. We could only stand there in silence and continue praying. And that’s what we do! As for Sasha, he continues to come, almost never missing a service. He also helps around the monastery and assists at our meetings in his residential care facility.
So, we do have miracles, we can’t do without them. On the one hand, those miracles are truly our great support on our path to God. On the other hand, they give us a wonderful opportunity to pause and think that Christ does not work miracles without reason or purpose—any real miracle has its own meaning, and we always see God's love in it. We also have to work hard, even if we are spiritual invalids. We can still progress towards Heaven. If we ourselves don’t make an effort, of course there won’t be miracles! So I wish for us all to keeping working. And one more thing: If you ever happen to be in Kolyma, you are cordially invited to visit us!
Peter Davydov spoke with Protopresbyter Joseph Dzagoev
1 Varlam Shalamov (June 18, 1907–January 17, 1982, was a poet and writer who spent much of the period from 1937 to 1951 imprisoned in forced-labor camps in the Arctic region of Kolyma, due in part to his support of Leon Trotsky and praise of writer Ivan Bunin. He is the author of Kolyma Tales, about life in the northern GULAG.—OC.
2 From the poem about the Battle of Borodino, Borodino, by Mikail Lermontov.—OC.
submitted by Yurii_S_Kh to SophiaWisdomOfGod [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 10:48 supremejesusx My ex moved out when i was at work

We were madly in love. Both not looking for something but still ended up together. After a few months decided to move in together because it didnt work out at her place and mine either with roommates.
Fights started to come and she liked to let it be which was totally opposed to me wanting to sort it out immediately. I kept giving little gestures of love like kisses and hugs as a ritual for coming home, before eating or sleeping.
After a while stuff didnt get resolved. I had a mental breakdown because of the pressure at work and she saw me cry for the first time..
Slowly we started going to sleep with unresolved arguments. Everytime something came up it started snowballing.
We decided to try and talk even though both stubborn but never managed to listen, just having hours long talks until we sort of agreed.
At some point we had to move again. She was away from her family as they lived in another country. The appartment was super small, she hated her job. I agreed to an internship for a while so was not paid. The pressure increased. We got into the same fights and dindnt really resolve them anymore until i accidentally mentioned her moving back to her family. At some point she did.
I was broken inside.
Long story short after about a month somehow i mentioned to get her back, her stuff was still there also so she had to come at some point. I was overjoyed. She didnt have a job anymore and i continued my internship which put another pressure on us to pay bills, some disagreements and the fragility of the situation made the hard times come back although i promised her i would never make her feel sad again. A few times i mentioned i was not feeling good, hoping to be heard but instead it always went to making her feel upset because i told her i didnt feel good.
It created frustrations and we had a bigger fight again.
This day she moved out with ALL of her stuff without me being there or having the chance to talk. (She was back for about 2 weeks).
We agreed to try no contact. Which we both broke a but occasionally. I know she still felt for me so i planned a suprise trip, flew close to her hometown and booked an airbnb. She was shocked but we talked and had the most amazing weekend. I knew how she loved not having to pick so i brought her a luxury dress, skirt and a book i wrote my thoughts in during no contact reminiscing about our good times.
We started talking again, watching shows on netflix and slowly talked about getting to know rach other again. I felt happy as it was going in a very good direction. This lasted for about a month and a half, a discussion or two occured where i talked about needing some reassurance. She never wznted to give it to me. Even though we had daily calls,she said she loved me and i needed to trust her actions on this. When i was out she was jealous often and scared i would date other girls.
I made it very clear i'd wait and give her what she wanted even though it was hard. Extremely hard.
I planned another holiday with her and she agreed.
At some point she started a new job, she stopped using all the apps as much that we shared as a couple (livestatus,ally) and started having less time for movies/calls slowly. I felt like something was off but she told me tshe called when she could and sends me pictures so it should be okay.
She mentioned sometimes she didnt want a relationship. But we also talked a lot about not being able to be friends and that what we were doing was slowly dating and having a relationship. It was so confusing and a rollercoaster everyday.
Sidenote: we still had alot of bulls to pay when we split and i took care of that for her ( few thousands)
The holiday is supposed to be in six days Yesterday she called and told me finally that she doesnt think its fair to me that i do all this and spend all this money. We both cried. She told m that it was probably not going to happen, that the trip maybe might not be a good idea. All along also now she told me she loved me and cared for me deeply. But it broke all trust in me.
I hope she still wants to go. I know theres something and that she might be afraid to follow her heart instead of her mind.
I want the best for her and am sure i could give her that. But somehow she tries to convince herself in me being some evil person because of the arguments.
With every thought instead of considering im human she brings up some clinical term to try and put a label on it.
Now i dont only feel heartbroken but also used and like the love was bever she was the one that wanted to marry and was so extremely in love in the first place
Very in love, moved together, started not resolving fights and she moved countries away. Keeping me around until she felt better while i was down to give her the world. Holiday together in six days. My brain is scrambled
submitted by supremejesusx to BreakUps [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 10:36 AsparagusOk8818 After 6 years of HBS Battletech, I can only hope someday that someone just *gets it* and delivers a leaner, meaner Battletech game

By no means is this game bad. It's pretty great. I wouldn't be playing it 6 years later if it weren't.
But I always end-up putting it down for real long stretches of time before forgetting why, and then have a night like tonight where my lance slogged through 3 and a half enemy lances in a single mission and then think, 'right. yeah. this is why'.
I am glad for the mechanical changes in the video game; I think they make a lot of sense and add a lot of play. Not all are great, but whatever.
The rules for the TT are also extremely good overall with plenty of rough patches.
Systems-wise, both games work well and are thoughtfully designed. I don't think it is interesting to champion one game's systems over another.
But here's the thing about TT - it's a head-up lance vs lance game. 4v4. Basically always, unless you're IS fighting into a Clan Star (which we aren't in the era presented). There's of course lots of ways to set up other scenarios and yadda yadda yadda, but the meat and potatoes of kitchen table play for TT Battletech is 4v4 lance duels.
And that's not a small thing because such tight duels make the system easier to balance and never feel like a slog. The gameplay of those duels also reinforces the atmosphere of the setting, where everything is supposed to be just so damn precious and so damn feudal.
In my current HBS Battletech career I'm pretty sure I've killed more assault mechs than even exist canonically in the setting. And by itself that's not a problem... but there's this essence of Battletech's appeal in gameplay that just goes out the window when you take the tabletop framing and then apply the Mechwarrior power fantasy of being super pilot with a 20:0 kill ratio per mission. Mechwarrior is awesome, but that power fantasy only works IMHO because of how dynamic the gameplay is. How fast and frantic the play can be, so it doesn't feel like a slog.
Battletech is best, IMHO, as a lance vs lance game with matches that are short, brutal and typically come down to two battered mechs desperately slugging it out for the win. It is at its weakest when you are just gunning down wave after wave of enemies (and I don't even mean that in terms of cheese strats like headhunting - I mean even if playing vanilla and using stock builds, you're still just out of necessity racing-up absurd kill ratios because of how the game is balanced around the player defeating 3x / 4x their number in mechs).
If/when we get another turn based BTech, I hope the scope is scaled back and the depth in ramped up. I hope every shot just MATTERS, both mine and the OpFors, and the design ethos orbits the idea that lance v lance combat should ideally wind down brutally. That it should bee seen as a problem if you can shoot the OpFor to pieces and walk away with nothing but freely repaired armor damage.
submitted by AsparagusOk8818 to Battletechgame [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 10:01 ConsequenceSure3063 Best Cold Steel Revolver

Best Cold Steel Revolver
Get ready to explore some of the hottest new products on the market! In this roundup, we'll be diving into the world of the Cold Steel Revolver. Packed with powerful features and innovative designs, these products are sure to make a splash. Whether you're a tech enthusiast or simply looking for the latest and greatest in consumer goods, you won't want to miss this exciting article!

The Top 14 Best Cold Steel Revolver

  1. World War I and II Era 1911 Webley Revolver Replica - Transform your gun collection with the historic DX1119 - Denix Webly British Revolver, a non-firing replica inspired by the Mk IV Webley Revolver featured in the "Indiana Jones" movies, offering a unique blend of functionality and aesthetics.
  2. 1851 Navy Revolver: A Reliable and Handsome Sidearm for Gunfighters - Experience the timeless charm and reliability of the 4 Barrel Pistol with this Polished Gold and Nickel M1851 Navy Revolver by Medieval Collectibles, a piece of history sure to impress any gun enthusiast.
  3. Denix 1106N 1873 Old West Revolver .45 - 12.25 Inch Metal Barrel with Wood Grips - Experience the authenticity of the Old West with the Denix 1106N 1873 Revolver, boasting a 4.8-star rating and featuring a 5.5-inch black cast metal barrel, wood grips, and a boxed presentation.
  4. Authentic Western Revolver with Gallery Stand (Metal Frame, 13-inch Overall) - Add a touch of western charm to your décor with this ornate, navy-style 4 Barrel Pistol, featuring a flint mechanism and silver finish, accompanied by a handsome study stand.
  5. Nickel-Finished 4-Barrel Non-Firing Revolver Replica - Replicate the classic feel of a Navy Revolver with the Denix CA Classic M1851, featuring a nickel finish and simulated ivory grips. Perfect for collectors with its boxed set and rotating barrel design.
  6. Historic 4-Barrel Pistol Replica by Denix - Elegantly crafted replica, the Denix 1849 Wells Fargo Revolver boasts both style and authenticity, creating an impressive display for gun enthusiasts and collectors alike.
  7. Nickel Finish Smith and Wesson 1869 Army Revolver Replica - Experience the authenticity of the Smith and Wesson 1869 Army Revolver replica with its nickel silver finish and original "single action" and "top break" loading mechanisms.
  8. Authentic 1860 Civil War Revolver Replica for Display and Roleplay - Bring the spirit of the Civil War era to life with the Denix Replicas 1007G, a non-firing replica 22 Magnum revolver with intricate metal construction, wood grips, and an authentic design inspired by the iconic M1860 revolver.
  9. Authentic 45 Peacemaker Replica Revolver by Denix - Experience the authenticity of the iconic 19th-century "Peacemaker" with the Denix 0.45 Army Revolver Engraved Brass FD1280L, a non-firing replica that captures the essence of the M1873 Single-Action Army Revolver.
  10. Giclee Canvas Artwork with Premium Epson Inks - Elevate your home decor with the iCanvas Midtown Moonlight Canvas Print, offering vibrant colors, premium materials, and easy installation.
  11. Authentic Nickel-Finished M1849 Dragoon Revolver Replica - This Denix M1849 Dragoon Revolver replica boasts a beautiful brown wood grip, antique nickel finish, and is safe and non-fireable for collection and display purposes. Made in Spain.
  12. Realistic 19th Century Smith & Wesson Revolver Replica with Antique Blue Finish - Experience a piece of American West history with the Denix Replicas 1008L Antique Brass & Blue Finish .45 Caliber Model Replica, complete with wood grips and the "single action" mechanism of the legendary 1869 "First Model American" Army Revolver.
  13. High-Quality, Realistic Training Revolver for Martial Arts and Defense - Train effectively and safely with the Cold Steel Ruger Super Redhawk Rubber Training Revolver, featuring a durable polymer design perfect for martial arts and defense training.
  14. Realistic Navy Engraved Civil War Revolver Pistol Replica - The DENIX Navy Engraved Civil War Revolver Pistol Replica is a non-firing replica with an antique nickel silver finish barrel and engraved artwork, perfect for collectors and enthusiasts.
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🔗World War I and II Era 1911 Webley Revolver Replica
As a history buff, I was drawn to the Denix Webley Revolver replica, with its ties to the Indiana Jones movies. The first thing that struck me was its weight, which made it feel like a real gun. The details were incredibly accurate, right down to the checkered grip and the engraving on the barrel.
However, I found it a bit disappointing that the break-open action didn't work. It may be a minor issue for some, but for me, it took away a bit of the authenticity.
Nevertheless, it's a great display piece and does justice to its historical origins.

🔗1851 Navy Revolver: A Reliable and Handsome Sidearm for Gunfighters
This antique beauty, the Polished Gold and Nickel M1851 Navy Revolver by Medieval Collectibles, is a sight to behold. The intricate details on this 4-barrel pistol bring it to life, transporting you back to the Civil War era, and even beyond.
The 7.5-inch barrel, with its octagonal design, has a timeless charm that's impossible to ignore. The solid frame exudes confidence and strength, much like the times it was used. At 13 inches in total length and a weight of 2.3 lbs. , it's a well-balanced sidearm for gun enthusiasts.
However, there are a few areas that might require attention. Some users have reported loose moving parts and issues with the plating, which could affect its overall durability. Additionally, there's been mention of sharp edges and misaligned fittings, which might not be ideal for those handling this piece.
Despite these setbacks, the M1851 Navy Revolver remains a coveted collectible. With the right care, it could become a prized possession, adding an element of history to your collection.

🔗Denix 1106N 1873 Old West Revolver .45 - 12.25 Inch Metal Barrel with Wood Grips
I was pleasantly surprised by this 1873 Old West Revolver from Denix, it felt tough and well-constructed. The 5.5 inch black cast metal barrel and trigger give it a solid, weighted feel, while the genuine wood grips lent a touch of authenticity. In my daily life, it served as a perfect replica for a western-themed event and even in my holster, it looked great.
However, I did notice that the action of the trigger wasn't as smooth as it could be, but overall, this was a good purchase.

🔗Authentic Western Revolver with Gallery Stand (Metal Frame, 13-inch Overall)
I've been using this decorative western-style navy revolver with a flint mechanism in my study, and it's quite a conversation starter. The ornate engravings on the barrel have made it a standout piece, drawing attention from my friends and family. The revolver's silver finish adds a touch of elegance to my space, making it a unique addition to my decor.
One thing I should mention, though, is the size. With an overall length of 13 inches, it takes up some room on my desk. It might be a bit too large for those with smaller studies, but it fits nicely in mine. The display stand provided is also quite handsome, complementing the revolver's design perfectly. Overall, I'd highly recommend this decorative piece to anyone looking for a standout addition to their study or office.

🔗Nickel-Finished 4-Barrel Non-Firing Revolver Replica
The Denix CA Classic M1851 Navy Revolver, Nickel, is a replica that truly captures the essence of the original. This non-firing piece of artistry perfectly mimics the iconic revolver, with its nickel-finished metal barrel and imitation ivory grips. The simulated firing mechanism, rotating barrel, and overall design make it a showstopper, reminding me of classic Western movies.
Despite its impressive appearance, the replica weighs in at a mere 2.3 lbs, making it an easy piece to handle and carry around with pride. However, one downside I've noticed is the overall length, which measures at 13 inches, making storage a bit of a challenge – but it's a small price to pay for such an authentic and beautiful replica.

🔗Historic 4-Barrel Pistol Replica by Denix
As a fan of Civil War reenacting, the Denix 1849 Wells Fargo Revolver has been a game-changer for me. Its realistic look and feel are top-notch, making it an excellent addition to my outfit, giving it that authentic touch.
The black metal and nickel body, with its wood grips, is a delight to hold and adds a sense of weight to it - a detail that's hard to find in other replicas. However, I've also experienced some minor downsides, like the non-firing replica being the only type available. But overall, I'm thrilled with my purchase, and it has become a favorite in my collection.

🔗Nickel Finish Smith and Wesson 1869 Army Revolver Replica
As someone who's always been fascinated by the era of the Old West, I couldn't resist trying out this non-firing replica of the 1869 Army Revolver. Featuring a sleek nickel silver finish, this replica brought me back to the iconic "Cowboy" days.
Handling the replica felt like holding a piece of history, with the original's "single action" and "top break" mechanisms. It even had the added bonus of being a non-firing model, which meant I didn't have to worry about accidentally accidentally discharging it.
However, the size and weight of the replica were a bit more challenging to deal with, given that it's a faithful replica of the original. Despite this, I appreciated the fact that it gave me a better understanding of the real gun without the need to purchase one.
All in all, the Denix 1869 Army Revolver replica is a solid choice for anyone looking to step into the boots of a "Cowboy" in the Old West. Just be prepared to handle its size and weight!

🔗Authentic 1860 Civil War Revolver Replica for Display and Roleplay
This Denix replica of the Civil War M1860 Revolver has been a fascinating addition to my collection. It's a fun and affordable way to appreciate the rich history of firearms while staying in compliance with safety regulations. The nickel finish metal construction with wood grips is a lovely touch, not to mention the realistic weight that really helps complete the illusion. With its simulated mechanism of firing and loading, it's like handling the genuine article - just without the risk of accidentally discharging it.
However, there's one thing I wish they had addressed. The replica does make a bit of noise and rattle when shaken, which can be a bit bothersome. Overall, I've found this non-firing replica to be a thrilling and authentic-feeling prop that any history or firearms enthusiast would enjoy.

🔗Authentic 45 Peacemaker Replica Revolver by Denix
I recently added the Denix 0.45 Army Revolver Engraved Brass FD1280L to my collection, and it's been a fantastic addition. This non-firing replica, featuring a gold patina finish and a wooden grip, brings the 45 Peacemaker look to life. I'm impressed with its weight and the realistic feel it provides—almost like I'm holding a piece of history.
The engraving on this magnificent replica adds to its allure, making it a beautiful conversation starter. As a collector, I appreciate the authentic details—from the barrel length of 3.875 inches to the gold patina finish. The wooden grip not only enhances its aesthetic value but also makes it feel like a genuine piece from the past.
One thing to note, some users have mentioned they would have liked a red tip at the end of the barrel, like on the real 1873 Single-Action Army Revolver. However, this does not seem to be a deal-breaker as the majority of reviews praise its realism and quality.
Overall, I highly recommend the Denix 0.45 Army Revolver Engraved Brass FD1280L to anyone who loves history and wants a realistic replica in their hands.

🔗Giclee Canvas Artwork with Premium Epson Inks
I recently fell in love with the iCanvas Midtown Moonlight by Emma Bell Canvas Print. This stunning piece is a true testament to the beauty of fine-art paintings, offering a texture and feel that's second to none. What really sets this print apart is the use of professionally hand-stretched Premium Epson Inks, which have proven to be vivid, fade-resistant, and water-resistant—perfect for any living space!
One of my favorite aspects of this print is that it's ready to hang straight out of the box with no assembly needed. It even includes hanging accessories, making installation a breeze. With a 26x40 deep frame in 1.5" thickness, this canvas print has a premium quality that's both visually stunning and durable.
Having this iCanvas Midtown Moonlight on display has brought a sense of calm and wonder to my living space, and I'm grateful for the craftsmanship and care put into creating it.

🔗Authentic Nickel-Finished M1849 Dragoon Revolver Replica
As a history enthusiast, I was thrilled to add the Denix M1849 Dragoon Revolver (DX1055G) to my collection of antique replicas. The overall aesthetic of this piece is simply stunning, with its antique nickel finish and rich brown wood grips.
Handling this replica feels quite authentic, thanks to Denix's attention to detail in recreating the feel of a genuine revolver. However, it's important for collectors to remember that while the locks on these replicas are mechanically functional, they are completely safe and non-fireable, requiring no federal license to buy or sell.
One of the most impressive aspects of this replica is its accuracy in capturing the historical design of the M1849 Dragoon Revolver. From its 14 1/4" overall length to its 4 3/4" barrel, every element has been meticulously crafted to ensure an accurate representation of the original firearm.
While some may argue that this replica is slightly more expensive than others on the market, I believe the high-quality craftsmanship and historical accuracy make it well worth the investment. Overall, the DX1055G Denix M1849 Dragoon Revolver is a stunning addition to any antique weapon collection.

🔗Realistic 19th Century Smith & Wesson Revolver Replica with Antique Blue Finish
I recently added the Denix Replicas 1008L to my collection, and let me tell you, it's quite the impressive addition. The brass and blue finish blend beautifully, capturing the essence of the original Smith and Wesson "First Model American" Army Revolver. It's interesting to see how the hinged frame and automatic ejection system were pivotal in the evolution of firearms.
Despite its antique charm, the replica still brings a sense of realism with its single action mechanism and top break loading design. The wood grips add a touch of refinement to the overall design. However, using it brought to light a minor flaw – the wood grip's durability. In my experience, the grip began to show signs of wear, which was a bit of a letdown.
Overall, the Denix Replicas 1008L is a delightful addition to any collection, and it serves as a great reminder of the technological advancements made in the field of firearms. Despite its minor flaw, the replica still holds a special place in my heart.

🔗High-Quality, Realistic Training Revolver for Martial Arts and Defense
Using the Cold Steel Ruger Super Redhawk Rubber Training Revolver has been quite an experience. This training revolver stands out with its lime green color, making it perfect for anyone looking to train safely without the fear of accidentally shooting someone. The thickness of 1.88 inches and the overall length of 13 inches provide a realistic feel when practicing drawing techniques from the holster or disarming moves in close quarter situations. The polymer material makes it sturdy enough for rigorous training without being too harsh, thanks to the softness that allows for safe hand-to-hand striking.
However, it's essential to note that the barrel might have a bit of give and could bend a little under pressure, which could raise some concerns for serious martial artists or defense trainers. Nonetheless, this Cold Steel Ruger Super Redhawk Revolver is a reliable training partner, especially considering its affordable price and the fact that it's modeled after one of America's popular pistols, offering a practical yet cost-effective solution for gun enthusiasts or martial arts professionals.

🔗Realistic Navy Engraved Civil War Revolver Pistol Replica
I recently had the pleasure of using the DENIX Navy Engraved Civil War Revolver Pistol Replica in my daily life and I must say, it was quite an experience. The stunning Navy Blue color of the gun immediately caught my attention, and the intricate engravings on the barrel made it look like a piece of art.
One of the features that stood out to me was the wood grips. They not only added to the overall aesthetic of the pistol, but also provided a comfortable grip that made it easy to hold and handle. The 13-inch overall length of the replica was just the right size for displaying and admiring it.
However, the replica did have some limitations, such as the fact that it is non-functional and intended only for collection and decoration. This might be a letdown for those looking for a fully realistic or firing replica. Additionally, the mechanics of the locks on the replica firearms are completely safe, but the unrealistic use of purchasing and possessing it should be double-checked in your local area.
Despite the minor drawbacks, the DENIX Navy Engraved Civil War Revolver Pistol Replica is a beautiful and reliable addition to any collection, and it certainly turned heads when I displayed it in my home.

Buyer's Guide

When it comes to purchasing a Cold Steel Revolver, there are several factors you need to consider to ensure you get the best product for your needs. Here's a comprehensive buyer's guide to help you make an informed decision.

Materials and Build Quality

The materials and build quality of a Cold Steel Revolver are crucial factors to consider, as they directly affect the revolver's durability and performance. Look for revolvers made from high-quality materials like stainless steel or zinc-alloy, which are more resistant to corrosion and provide better strength and longevity.

Size and Weight

Consider the size and weight of the Cold Steel Revolver based on your intended use. If you plan to carry the revolver for self-defense, a compact and lightweight design is more suitable. Conversely, if you need a larger caliber for hunting or professional use, a heavier and more robust model is recommended.

Concealed Carry Features

If you plan to use the Cold Steel Revolver for self-defense purposes, look for revolvers with concealed carry features, such as a built-in guard, short barrel, or slim profile. These features help to keep the revolver hidden and easily accessible when needed.

Safety Features

Safety is a critical aspect when choosing a Cold Steel Revolver. Look for models with built-in safety features, such as a transfer bar or hammer block, to prevent accidental discharges. Additionally, consider models with manual safeties, like a trigger guard or grip safety, for added security.

Ammunition Compatibility

Different Cold Steel Revolvers are designed to work with different types of ammunition. Make sure the revolver you choose is compatible with the type of ammunition you plan to use, such as self-defense or hunting rounds.

Price and Budget

Finally, consider your budget when purchasing a Cold Steel Revolver. While higher-priced models may offer advanced features and better build quality, there are still quality options available at a more affordable price. Determine what features are most important to you and find a revolver that fits within your budget.
When shopping for a Cold Steel Revolver, keep these factors in mind to ensure you find the best product for your needs. Happy shopping!


What is the Cold Steel Revolver?

The Cold Steel Revolver is a popular self-defense tool designed for individuals who want to carry a reliable and powerful tool for personal protection. It is a compact and easy-to-carry device that can be used in various self-defense scenarios.

How does the Cold Steel Revolver work?

The Cold Steel Revolver operates by using a spring-loaded mechanism that quickly deploys a sharp, pointed spike when the user pulls the trigger. The spike is retracted once the trigger is released, making it safe to carry without accidentally deploying the spike.

What materials is the Cold Steel Revolver made of?

  • The Cold Steel Revolver is made from high-quality materials, including a durable stainless steel body and a textured rubber grip for optimal comfort and control.
  • Some models also have a glass-reinforced nylon construction to provide strength and durability while maintaining a lightweight design.

What is the Cold Steel Revolver's size and weight?

The Cold Steel Revolver is a compact self-defense tool, measuring approximately 4.25 inches in length, 0.75 inches in width, and 0.95 inches in height. It weighs around 2.2 ounces, making it easy to carry and conceal.

How easy is it to use the Cold Steel Revolver?

The Cold Steel Revolver is designed to be user-friendly, easy to understand, and intuitive to operate. Once the user pulls the trigger, the spring-loaded mechanism quickly deploys a sharp spike for self-defense. The spike is retracted automatically once the trigger is released, making it easy to use and carry without accidents.

Are there different models of the Cold Steel Revolver?

Yes, there are several models of the Cold Steel Revolver available, each offering unique features and specifications. Some popular models include the Cold Steel Revolver Pocket, Cold Steel Revolver Pro, and Cold Steel Revolver 2.0.

What is the Cold Steel Revolver's warranty?

The Cold Steel Revolver comes with a limited lifetime warranty. If there are any defects in materials or workmanship, Cold Steel will repair or replace the product at no additional cost to the customer.

Can the Cold Steel Revolver be used as a keychain?

Yes, the Cold Steel Revolver can be used as a keychain. Some models, such as the Cold Steel Revolver Pocket, come with a built-in lanyard hole, allowing the user to conveniently attach it to their keychain or belt loop. This provides an easy-to-access self-defense tool while ensuring that the device remains securely attached.

What precautions should I take when using the Cold Steel Revolver?

  • Always carry the Cold Steel Revolver in a secure and concealed manner to prevent accidental deployment or injury when in close proximity to others.
  • Practice safe handling and properly store the device when not in use to avoid potential accidents.
  • Do not use the Cold Steel Revolver as a weapon against another person, as it is intended for self-defense purposes only.

How should I clean and maintain the Cold Steel Revolver?

To ensure the longevity of the Cold Steel Revolver, it should be cleaned and maintained regularly. Wipe the device with a clean, damp cloth after each use to remove any dirt or debris. For more thorough cleaning, use a mild soap and warm water solution, and gently scrub the stainless steel surface and rubber grip with a soft-bristled brush or cloth. Always dry the device completely before storing it away to prevent rust or damage.
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submitted by ConsequenceSure3063 to u/ConsequenceSure3063 [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 09:55 IamPankie I was screwed over. What legal steps to take, if any.

Howzit everyone. I need advise please. I'm in sales doing b2b business development and account management. As COVID was happening and people were losing jobs, I unfortunately was also not spared. The company I worked for at that time lost one of their key contracts and COVID compounded the issue leading to massive revenue losses.
Because of the nature of my work, I decided then that it wouldn't make sense for me to wait in the unemployment line so I went out on my own. I registered a business and offered outsourced lead generation, business development and or account management services to my customers. The first obvious customer was my previous employer. They got the benefit of having an extended sales capacity that they didn't pay for until a deal was closed and I benefitted from being compensated around 30% GP from all sales I generated. It wasn't long until I had a few more customers, all small businesses, some more established than others. It was slow but I managed to get by until one day I received a call from a woman that got my number from my previous employer and she was looking for an independent consultant to help her with sales. She used to be an exec with Vodacom and when she left, she applied to be a reseller of Vodacom Business Solutions through Vodacom Business.
I explained very clearly that I'm only taking on customers as a business and not independent consultant. I explained the nature of my business and how I expect compensation and after a few lengthy discussion, we decided to go into business together. This is where I think I f@#$d up.
I sent her my standard contract and she informed me that she had a template of her own that was more compliant with Vodacoms requirements. She sent it to me, I signed it and was so excited to be selling Vodacom Business Solutions, I didn't mind overlooking a few red flags.
She didn't sign the contract and send it back to me because in a short space of time, we had developed a very "close friendship" and would have very meaningful conversations about our lives and families. My mother had just died a month or so prior so I was also very emotionally vulnerable to be paying attention.
Anyways, time passes, now and again I speak to her about the contract and she has this and that excuse but primarily plays on the trust factors. That we've become so close I shouldn't worry too much about the contract as the work is already underway.
Luckily (I think) there is a lot of online communication between us about this agreement, on WhatsApp and via email that it made me feel somewhat secure that even if she doesn't sign the contract, the terms are discussed and agreed to in someway over text and email.
I brought in a customer very early on and we spent over a year working with this customer on a deal that I structured. We built a very strong relationship with this customer and would often have late night online meetings working to finalize this deal. It was supposed to be the deal that means financial freedom for myself and my partner. I stood to make over 100k per month on the lowest estimates.
Well, we eventually signed the deal and had a good sized media splash and very expensive launch paid for by Vodacom to help us get the ball rolling. And this is where shit went South.
My partner at this stage started treating me like an employee and not a business partner in the deal. When it was time for me to add the capacity I needed to my business in order for us to deliver the numbers we needed, she objected very strongly and said that I had no right to hire anyone without her say so and that anyone I bring in would not be allowed anywhere near this project. She expected that I would carry the workload myself. When I brought up the contract that SHE herself sent, that I signed and we agreed to in multiple conversations, she claimed that her understanding of our deal was different and that I'm a consultant of her business and not a partner. When I requested that we involve a mediator she immediately shut that down and instructed me to stop all contact with the customer that I brought to her. So I did, not wanting to ruin a deal that I had worked so hard for. I thought she and I would have resolve the matter ourselves, even though I was surprised by her actions. It was like dealing with a completely different person.
Soon after our fall out, I had no choice but to go find a paying job. I had spent so much time and effort on this one deal, I had no other prospects and my family was struggling very badly at this point. We were all counting on this deal to set us free.
It's been about 15 months since I last made contact with her. This was my first time trying to legitimately run a business of my own and the journey has humbled me and made me aware just how dishonest people can be where money is concerned. This entire time I've had to funnel every cent I had towards covering some of the massive financial holes I got my family into. Luckily the sales business pays a descent salary so we are almost out of the waters.
I need advise from all you beautiful legal minds on how to proceed. I want to take this woman on. I have a lot of communication between us and there is no denying that the work on my part was done. Her contract is pretty clear too on the nature of our agreement even though she didn't signt it herself. The customer can attest to my work ethic too.
I have never dealt with lawyers before and have never had a single legal issue that required the assistance of a lawyer, so I'm stuck on where to even begin. Please assist.
submitted by IamPankie to askSouthAfrica [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 09:50 Seer-Ezekiel Vedic Astrology , Palmistry , Numerology & Tarot ✅

Hello everyone,
I analyze your Vedic Astrology , Palmistry & Numerology Chart.
My Service offers you Depth analysis of your life based on your Palm lines , Vedic Astrology , Numerology & Tarot.
I cover
Life Theme ✅
🎯This entails understanding the purpose of your life and your soul mission, the reason for your existence in this world. It also includes the lessons you need to learn in order to align yourself with the purpose of your life.
Careers ✅
🎯 Identifying Fruitful careers or jobs in which you will excel if pursued.
Marriage ✅
🎯In this section, I extensively discuss your marriage,
Such as
💫What kind of person will you end up marrying?
💫Where will you likely meet him/her?
💫How many serious relationships will you go through?
💫Appearance & Characteristic of Your Future Spouse
Major Influencing Planets ✅
🎯Your Previous, Current, Future Influencing Planet
💫What is your Previous & Current Influencing Planet & its Effects on You.
💫What will be your Future Influencing Planet & its Effects on You.
💫Effects of Significant Planets Coordinating Your Life & Your Personality
💫Additional Astrological Insights of your Inner self
🌟 Yearly Predictions 🌟
💫Precise Upcoming Year Overall Report of Your Career, Relationships, Health, Finances & More..
Palmistry ✅️
🎯In Palmistry,
Through palmistry, I read the lines on your dominant hand and provide insightful information about your past and future directions in life.
Such as
💫Your Childhood
💫Relationship with Family
💫Your Success & Life Factors
💫Your Inner Self
Numerology ✅
🎯In Numerology,
In numerology, I delve into,
💫The Energy you inherit with your Name
💫Birth Number Effects & its Influence on You
💫Fate Number Influence on You
💫Health Effects/Issues
Tarot ✅
🎯In Tarot,
By channelizing your current energy ,I will pull 3 cards and answer your questions that inclusively considering overall analysis for an accurate answers. 3 Questions Only [Charges will add on for more].
🎯 Price Accordance
🌟Depth Personalized Analysis + Numerology + Tarot 70$ USD
🌟Depth Personalized Analysis+ Numerology $60 USD
🌟Depth Personalized Analysis + Tarot $55 USD
🌟Depth Personalized Analysis $45 USD
🌟Normal Personalized Analysis + Numerology +Tarot $50 USD
🌟Normal Personalized Analysis +Numerology $40 USD
🌟Normal Personalized Analysis+ Tarot $35 USD
🌟Normal Personalized Analysis $25 USD
🎯Via PayPal ✅ Zelle ✅ Cashapp ✅
🎯Via Venmo ✅ Wise ✅ USDT ✅
💢For Authenticity & Accuracy💢
👇 Feedbacks from Clients 👇
Reviews 1
Reviews 2
Reviews 3
Reviews 4
🎯Certified Achievement Here
🕉 Do Not Hesitate to Chat , If You have questions regarding my Service 💯
submitted by Seer-Ezekiel to astrocartography [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 09:48 Lost-Ad2408 How would I go about reconnecting with the one I had to let go because I wasn't ready?

I 30M am currently halfway through the divorce process with my ex-wife 31F. The marriage was short, 7 months because she finally showed her true self. I realized too late that she was using me emotionally and financially. After months of trying to work things out with her and getting manipulated/threatened, I filed for divorce. All the paperwork had been finished and I was just waiting out the timer, 6 months in my state, but I got restless and decided to make a dating profile just to see what dating in my area was going to be like. I didn't expect to connect with anyone but I matched with this woman 30F. We shared really similar values, backgrounds, and goals. I didn't even realize how interested in me she was until I ran some of her messages through a friend. We only messaged for 3 days but went over our beliefs, things we wanted out of a relationship, our jobs, and family connections, and it seemed really genuine and felt like we were really connecting. We had planned a date the following weekend to meet up in person and that was when I started feeling really guilty. It wasn't fair to this new girl that I hadn't spent enough time healing or processing the divorce fully. The divorce wasn't even finalized and at least to me, it felt morally wrong since I was already catching feelings, genuine or not. My last relationship was my first one, and it burned hot and fast. I learned a lot about what I wanted in a partner and what I needed to work on to be a better partner. I didn't want to bring anything toxic to this new girl and was very honest with her. I told her that I was still in the divorce process and even though my ex was abusive and manipulative, it was still wrong. I told her that I needed time and said I was sorry for jumping too soon into the dating game. She told me that she appreciated my honesty and would pray for me. I've been going to therapy, going to the gym, and reading a lot of books on maturing emotionally to work on myself. I just can't get this girl out of my mind and it honestly feels like I ruined something that could've been good. It was the hardest thing to open up to her about my situation and part ways with her before even meeting her in person. I know just the fact that I want a relationship with this girl so early on is related to the feeling of loss due to the divorce. I haven't reached out to her yet and I've been focused on recovering from everything. I'm just afraid that even after I fix myself, she'll either have found someone else or would turn me down if I ever decide to reach out to her again. She honestly feels like the one that got away. She even mentioned that she wouldn't mind moving closer to me if things progressed since we were about an hr away from each other. Friends and family have all told me to take it easy and just focus on recovering and moving on. I wish I had the right answer. I don't know if I should even reach out to her later or how I would even go about it.
submitted by Lost-Ad2408 to dating [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 09:45 Bazaaraccounting Professional Tax Consultancy in Dubai- Reliable and Efficient Solutions for Your Business

Businesses thrive in a dynamic and competitive environment like Dubai. Navigating the intricacies of taxation in this global business hub requires a deep understanding of local regulations, international tax laws, and the ever-evolving economic landscape. Professional tax consultancy services in Dubai have emerged as indispensable partners for businesses seeking reliable and efficient solutions to manage their tax obligations and optimize financial strategies.
Dubai’s tax environment is unique, with the absence of personal income taxes and meager corporate tax rates, making it an attractive destination for businesses. However, the introduction of the Economic Substance Regulation and Value Added Tax has added layers of complexity for enterprises. Professional VAT consulting companies in Dubai bring in-depth knowledge of both local and international tax laws, ensuring businesses remain compliant while capitalizing on available exemptions and incentives.
Tailored Solutions for Diverse Businesses
Whether it’s a start-up, a multinational corporation, or a family-owned enterprise, experienced tax consultants can develop tailored strategies to optimize tax efficiency, reduce liabilities, and enhance overall financial performance.
Economic Substance Regulation Compliance
With the introduction of the Economic Substance Regulation, businesses in Dubai must demonstrate a substantial presence and economic activity in the region. Tax consultants play a pivotal role in guiding businesses through the compliance process, ensuring that they meet the necessary requirements to avoid penalties and maintain a strong standing with regulatory authorities.
VAT Advisory and Compliance
The implementation of VAT in Dubai marked a significant shift in the fiscal landscape, requiring businesses to adapt their financial processes accordingly. Professional tax consultants offer comprehensive VAT advisory services, assisting businesses in understanding their obligations, optimizing VAT recovery, and ensuring accurate and timely filing to prevent potential penalties.
Risk Mitigation and Strategic Planning
By conducting thorough risk assessments, these professionals identify potential pitfalls and devise proactive strategies to safeguard businesses from unforeseen tax challenges. This forward-thinking approach enables businesses to stay ahead of regulatory changes and make informed decisions that align with their long-term financial goals.
Efficiency and Cost Savings
Outsourcing tax consultancy services can lead to increased efficiency and cost savings for businesses. By leveraging the expertise of professionals who specialize in tax matters, organizations can redirect internal resources toward core business activities, driving growth and innovation. This strategic reallocation of resources often results in improved profitability and sustainability.
A qualified corporate tax consultant in Dubai is essential to the prosperity and long-term viability of organizations, offering services ranging from guaranteeing adherence to regional and global tax regulations to offering tactical counsel for enhancing financial outcomes. Professional tax consultants enable businesses to confidently traverse the difficult fiscal terrain and concentrate on what they do best – drive growth and innovation—with their dependable and effective solutions.
submitted by Bazaaraccounting to u/Bazaaraccounting [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 09:43 BuckeyeReason Indiana has a problem: a lack of nurses; abortion restrictions may compound the problem

Even before Indiana abortion restrictions took effect last year, Indiana in 2022 had a lower ratio (9.86) of nurses to 1,000 population than neighboring states of Kentucky ( 9.97), Michigan (10.11), and Ohio (11.09). Indiana's new abortion restrictions may result in existing and prospective nurses choosing other careers, leaving Indiana, or becoming traveling nurses. Young women especially are conscious how abortion restrictions may impact their health needs personally, let alone professionally as nurses.
As noted in the above article, nursing shortages are a national problem to be aggravated by an expected increase in retirees as well as increased demand as Baby Boomers age and require more medical services.
<< A lack of nurse educators keeps nursing schools from being able to admit enough students to address the shortfall. A shortage of nurses means more burnout and more nurses choosing to leave the profession, contributing to the shortage.
In addition, the aging of Baby Boomers means that more nurses are retiring at a time when an aging population has a greater need for healthcare providers. The COVID-19 pandemic exacerbated the nursing shortage.>>
Many Indiana women rely on medication abortions aided by doctors practicing remotely in other states, who often rely on "shield laws" in those states to protect them from prosecution in states with abortion restrictions. If anti-abortion states are successful in blocking these shield laws and restricting telemedicine abortions, Indiana may become even less attractive to young women concerned with their own reproductive rights.
<< A clash is looming between anti-abortion red states and the blue state telemedicine shield laws trying to preserve abortion access.
More than a dozen states have laws shielding medical providers and others from out-of-state investigations and prosecutions regarding abortions and gender affirming care. But six states — Colorado, Massachusetts, New York, California, Vermont and Washington — have gone even further.
Those shield laws offer protection for doctors, nurses and other practitioners who prescribe and send abortion pills to people living in states that ban or severely restrict abortion.>>
<< According to a new report from the abortion-rights research group Society of Family Planning, nearly 8,000 people per month in states with bans or severe restrictions were getting medication abortion from clinicians operating under shield law protections from October through December 2023. >>
The personal turmoil of nursing in states with abortion bans and restrictions also lessens the desirability of those states not only for nursing recruits, but also existing nurses.
<< National articles provide a look at how some nurses and physicians are quitting or moving because they cannot handle the trauma they see when women are denied health- and life-saving abortion care during a pregnancy crisis. For instance, Leah Wilson, a Texas nurse, had to watch her pregnant patient for days as the woman’s infection worsened and drew closer to sepsis because the fetus still registered a heartbeat when the woman’s water broke at 19 weeks of pregnancy. The nurse said, “You know what? I’m not doing this anymore,” and she left her job. Wilson had worked with high-risk pregnancy patients before and provided them with support for fetal loss, but she had never seen patients denied standard medical care until after Roe v. Wade was overturned.>>
Shortages of nurses increase the workplace burdens and stress for remaining nurses. This can compromise the quality of healthcare for patients, as does Indiana laws providing for lax continuing education requirements and lowered training supervision quality for student nurses.
Unlike neighboring states, Indiana has no continuing education requirements for RNs or LPNs.
<< Estimates predict that Indiana would need an additional 5,000 nurses by 2031, equal to graduating an additional 1,300 nurses each year until that time, according to the Indiana Hospital Association. >>
To increase the supply of nurses, a new bill would ease the requirements for nurses supervising student nurses.
<< While most of the bill received glowing support in testimony, one issue was a bit of a sticking point for nurses working in clinical settings: language striking minimums for preceptors, or licensed nurses supervising students during rotation. Previously, preceptors needed 18 months of experience before they could be drafted to teach and mentor the next generation.
The new law has no minimum requirement.
Rep. Cindy Ledbetter, a nurse practitioner with a doctorate, cautioned against the move, saying unprepared nurses would be given to students to address a shortage.
“My concern is you have a brand new nurse and the hospital requires them to precept and they’re not ready to translate what they’ve learned in the classroom themselves into a real-world scenario,” said Ledbetter, R-Newburgh. “(I’m concerned) that we’re going to … lose more nurses on the other end.”>>
submitted by BuckeyeReason to Indiana [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 09:32 GhoulGriin Best Cold Steel Push Dagger

Best Cold Steel Push Dagger
Get ready to dive into the world of self-defense! In this article, we'll be exploring the Cold Steel Push Dagger – a versatile and compact tool that could potentially save your life in an emergency situation. From its sleek design to its impressive features, we'll take an in-depth look at what makes this dagger a top choice for those who value safety and security.

The Top 16 Best Cold Steel Push Dagger

  1. Double Agent II by Cold Steel: The Ultimate Special Forces Knife - Experience ultimate control and comfort with the Cold Steel 39fn Double Agent II, a lightweight and stealthy knife featuring a sleek Karambit blade and innovative double-ring handle design.
  2. Cold Steel Recon Tanto SK-5 Biker Knife with Secure-Ex Sheath - Experience the unrivaled sharpness and durability of the Cold Steel Recon Tanto SK-5, a combat-proven fixed blade preferred by special military units and SWAT teams worldwide.
  3. Dependable Tanto SAS Knife with Polypropylene Handle - The Cold Steel GI Tanto 80PGTK is a versatile, budget-friendly tactical knife designed for survival and self-defense situations, featuring a broad blade, integral guard, and a balanced design for throwing or conversion into a spear.
  4. SK-5 High Carbon Cold Steel - Chaos Double Edge Knife - The Cold Steel Chaos Double Edge Tactical Fixed Blade offers a perfect blend of nostalgic design and modern features, making it a must-have for today's warriors in a concealed carry knife.
  5. Classic Cold Steel Tanto Point Boot Knife - Embrace the might of the Cold Steel Kobun, a lightweight and resilient Tanto styled boot knife with an AUS-8A blade, Kraton handle, and Kydex sheath, perfect for soldier-like adventures.
  6. Compact Fixed Blade Knife with Black Handle - Experience the outstanding performance of a compact, lightweight, yet durable Cold Steel 49LCKD SRK Fixed Blade, perfect for everyday use and ideal for those seeking a low-profile option in a secure Secure-Ex sheath.
  7. Stylish and durable AK-47 Field Knife by Cold Steel - Experience the rugged durability and versatility of the Cold Steel AK-47 Field Knife, a reliable companion for modern personnel in hard-use situations.
  8. San MAI Recon Tanto Sas Knife - High-Quality VG-10 Stainless Steel Blade with Kray-Ex Handle - Unleash cutting prowess with Cold Steel's San MAI Recon Tanto, a masterpiece crafted for professional use with remarkable durability and unbeatable performance.
  9. versatile and durable small fixed blade knife - The Cold Steel FGX Wasp is a versatile and durable fixed blade knife, perfect for a wide range of outdoor tasks, featuring a 7" serrated blade and a black Griv-Ex construction for enhanced durability.
  10. Slim and Effective Steel Surveillance Knife for Self-Defense - Cold Steel Secret Edge 11SDT Knife: A slim, featherweight, and highly effective neck knife, inspired by the ancient Scottish skean dhu, with a flat-ground AUS 8A stainless blade and secure-ex sheath for reliable retention and swift access.
  11. Lightweight Miniature Cold Steel Super Edge Knife - A tiny yet mighty blade, the Cold Steel Super Edge combines a rugged design, versatile functions, and comfort to create the ultimate all-in-one knife without weighing you down.
  12. Cold Steel OSS Knife: Efficient Field Tool with Japanese AUS8A Stainless Steel Blade - The Cold Steel 39LSSS OSI Tactical Gear is a perfectly balanced, ultra-sharp single-edged knife capable of handling any field task with a thin, hollow ground Japanese AUS 8A Stainless Steel blade – all packaged in a Secure-Ex sheath for added safety.
  13. Cold Steel Oss Scimitar Knife for Commercial Uses - Experience versatile and reliable performance with the Cold Steel Commercial Series Scimitar Knife, crafted from premium cryo-quenched German 4116 Steel and featuring comfortable non-slip handles for unparalleled grip and durability.
  14. Cold Steel Urban Pal: Lightweight Urban Survival Knife for Security in Today's World - Survive and thrive in the urban jungle with the Cold Steel Urban Pal, featuring a strong AUS-8A stainless steel blade, Kraton handle for optimal grip, and Secure-Ex molded sheath, perfect for self-defense or everyday carry.
  15. Tactical Drop-Forged Tomahawk Knife - Cold Steel War Hawk - Cold Steel War Hawk - a tactical and military-grade 19in overall fighting hawk, combining strength and historical design elements for efficient obstacle breaching and cutting.
  16. Cold Steel Rondel Rubber Training Dagger for Practicing Knife Skills - The Cold Steel Rondel Rubber Training Dagger offers a realistic training experience with its 1-inch thick, 11.25-inch blade and weight of 0.35 lb, perfect for safely refining your combat knife skills.
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🔗Double Agent II by Cold Steel: The Ultimate Special Forces Knife
The Cold Steel Double Agent II, designed by Zach Whitson, is a versatile and portable knife that is perfect for urban carry. With a blade length of 3 inches and overall length of 7.78 inches, it's thin, flat, and lightweight at just over 3 ounces including the sheath. The star feature of this knife is the double ring handle, which allows you to use it with either a forward or reverse grip, and prevents your hand from sliding forward on the blade.
The Japanese Aus 8A stainless steel makes it durable and easy to maintain. The Secure-Ex Neck Sheath provides a secure and easy-to-use carry option.
However, the sheath might need some adjustments to ensure a perfect fit for some users. Overall, the Cold Steel Double Agent II is a great choice for self-defense and urban carry, offering a high level of functionality and portability for its price.

🔗Cold Steel Recon Tanto SK-5 Biker Knife with Secure-Ex Sheath
I recently tried the Cold Steel Recon Tanto SK-5, and I must say, I was truly impressed by this knife. The blade material, SK-5 carbon stainless steel, provided a smooth cut and the razor-sharp edge was exceptional. The handle, made of Kraton, was both comfortable and grippy in my hand.
One of the standout features of this knife was its balance. It felt well-proportioned and easy to maneuver, making it a great choice for various tasks, from camping to self-defense. The blade thickness of 5mm added an extra layer of confidence when performing deeper cuts.
While the blade material is rust-resistant, the black Tuff-Ex finish on the blade did scratch off quite easily. However, this did not affect the knife's performance or durability. The weight of the knife, at 250 grams, made it a suitable everyday carry, providing a mix of portability and power.
Overall, the Cold Steel Recon Tanto SK-5 is a high-quality knife with a durable design and a smooth, sharp edge. It's an excellent choice for those seeking a reliable and versatile fixed blade for their everyday needs or even the most challenging outdoor situations.

🔗Dependable Tanto SAS Knife with Polypropylene Handle
The Cold Steel GI Tanto 80PGTK is a versatile, well-rounded tactical knife that has become a staple for many outdoor enthusiasts and survivalists. Its broad blade and integrated guard design provide a solid grip, while the Polypropylene handle scales offer a comfortable and durable hold.
I've had the pleasure of using this knife in various situations, from camping trips to survival drills, and it has never let me down. The 1055 carbon steel ensures a strong, rugged construction that holds up well against rust and harsh conditions. The spring-tempered steel provides an excellent balance between strength and flexibility, allowing the blade to withstand the most demanding tasks without compromising its performance.
One of the standout features of the GI Tanto is its versatility - it can be easily converted into a spear in a pinch, simply by removing the handle scales and attaching the blade to a suitable wooden shaft. This adaptability makes it an invaluable addition to any survival kit or bug-out bag.
However, no product is without its drawbacks, and the GI Tanto is no exception. While its sturdy construction ensures a long lifespan, handling it for extended periods can be tiring due to its substantial weight. Additionally, the knife's size makes it less practical for everyday carry or more discreet situations.
Price-wise, the GI Tanto is a steal, offering a fantastic value for its quality and features. It's affordable enough to stock up on multiple copies for personal use or as gifts for friends and family.
In summary, the Cold Steel GI Tanto 80PGTK is a robust, versatile, and dependable tactical knife that has earned its reputation among outdoor enthusiasts and survivalists alike. Its few drawbacks are outweighed by its numerous benefits, making it a great choice for anyone looking for a durable and versatile blade for their adventures.

🔗SK-5 High Carbon Cold Steel - Chaos Double Edge Knife
One day, I found myself in a situation where I needed a reliable and sturdy knife. After a quick research, I stumbled upon the Cold Steel Chaos, a double-edge fixed blade inspired by the classic trench knives from both World Wars. This knife was designed for modern-day warriors, offering both security and comfort while holding it.
Upon holding the knife, the unique D-ring guard made of reinforced 6061 aluminum caught my attention. It allowed me to grip the knife securely, while also protecting my hand from incoming attacks and damage. The 1055 carbon steel pommel was tapered for punyo or butt-strikes, making it perfect to defend myself in a life-threatening scenario.
The 7.5-inch SK-5 high carbon blade was available in either double-edge or tanto blade shapes. I opted for the double-edge, as I believed it would provide a more efficient cutting and striking experience. The black Tuff-Ex coating on the blade enhanced corrosion resistance and improved cutting power by reducing friction.
The handle, made of 6061 T6 aircraft-grade aluminum, felt solid and secure in my hand. It accommodated a wide range of hand sizes, including mine with average-sized hands. The knife came with a tough Secure-Ex sheath, equipped with a belt loop for dependable and versatile carry.
My experience with the Cold Steel Chaos double-edge blade was nothing short of impressive. It offered a perfect balance between form and function in a sleek design. Although it was a bit heavy compared to other knives, its weight contributed to its strength and effectiveness. The knife was sharp, sturdy, and ready for action at all times, making it an excellent addition to my daily life and adventures.

🔗Classic Cold Steel Tanto Point Boot Knife
As someone who often finds themselves in need of a reliable blade for everyday use, I've had the pleasure of testing out the Cold Steel Kobun. This lightweight Tanto styled boot knife is definitely a handy addition to have on hand. I was instantly impressed by its sharp, reinforced point that contrasts with the thin blades commonly found in other boots knives.
One feature that stood out to me was the Kobun's deeply checkered Kraton handle. It offers an excellent grip, making the knife more secure in the hand. The cross section of the handle is also surprisingly thin, while still providing enough thickness to resist turning or shifting.
Another notable aspect of the Kobun is that it comes complete with a Secure-Ex sheath. This sturdy sheath makes it easy to attach the knife securely to your belt, ensuring that it remains easily accessible whenever you need it.
However, there was one downside that I discovered while using the Kobun. The default clip that was included with the knife was quite weak and didn't hold up well to everyday wear. I had to replace it with a Blade-Tech brand Tek-Lok belt attachment in order to ensure a more secure and reliable attachment to my belt.
Overall, the Cold Steel Kobun has been a reliable and versatile companion during my everyday activities. I would highly recommend it to anyone in need of a durable and efficient boot knife for both personal and practical use.

🔗Compact Fixed Blade Knife with Black Handle
I recently got my hands on a Cold Steel SRK Compact fixed blade knife, and let me tell you, it's a game-changer for those seeking a reliable and stylish companion while on outdoor adventures. The knife features a compact handle & blade made of Kray-Ex & SK5, measuring in at just 12.5 cm (5 inches). Weighing only 145 grams, it's remarkably lightweight and effortless to carry around.
One thing that struck me is the sturdy Secure-Ex sheath it comes with – it's a fantastic addition! However, I did notice a few minor drawbacks. Firstly, the blade edges seemed a bit too uneven for my liking. Secondly, I'm not a big fan of the flex hanger option, but that's just personal preference.
Overall, I believe that the Cold Steel SRK Compact is a fantastic choice for outdoor enthusiasts. It's light, easy to carry, and offers great performance. Just make sure to sharpen it properly and maintain it well to enjoy its full potential.

🔗Stylish and durable AK-47 Field Knife by Cold Steel
The Cold Steel AK-47 Field Knife has quickly become a favorite amongst those seeking a reliable and sturdy multi-purpose fixed blade. Crafted with CPM3-V steel, this knife boasts a robust design that's perfect for tackling the rigors of everyday life. The stonewashed finish adds an element of toughness, ensuring that this field knife is ready for even the harshest conditions.
Equipped with a full tang and integral steel pommel, the AK-47 Field Knife offers both functionality and durability. It also comes with a Secure-Ex sheath, providing the convenience of easy transportation. While this knife may not be ideal for all situations, those who value rugged reliability will appreciate its toughness and versatility.

🔗San MAI Recon Tanto Sas Knife - High-Quality VG-10 Stainless Steel Blade with Kray-Ex Handle
I've been using the Cold Steel San MAI Recon Tanto as my daily pocket knife for the past few months, and I must say, it's a fantastic blade. The handle is made of Black Kray-Ex, providing a solid grip with no rolling or twisting in the hand, even under heavy use. The knife measures 11.75 inches overall, with a blade length of 17.9 cm, making it perfect for various tasks.
One of the most impressive features of this Tanto is its blade, made of VG-10 San Mai Stainless Steel. The deep lustrous satin finish on the hollow ground blade bevels and the contrasting line grain finish on the blade flats emphasize the knife's unique appearance. The blade is razor sharp, and I haven't needed much maintenance, even after some heavy use.
Although it's not a "do-it-all" knife, the Cold Steel San MAI Recon Tanto is a great medium-sized Tanto. It's been through some rough use, and I'm glad to say it held up well. The knife comes with a thick, high-quality Secure-Ex sheath that has given me years of hard service, keeping my Tanto at my side. Overall, I highly recommend the Cold Steel San MAI Recon Tanto for its cutting capability, durability, and affordable price.

🔗versatile and durable small fixed blade knife
I've been using the Cold Steel FGX Wasp for a while now and it's quite the versatile and durable little knife. The serrated blade is perfect for tackling all kinds of cutting tasks, from rope to branches, and it's been a real lifesaver when I'm out in the woods.
One of the things I love most about this knife is its length. At 12.25 inches, it's long enough to handle a wide range of tasks, but not so long that it's cumbersome or difficult to control. And when I'm using it, I'm never worried about it breaking or wearing down, thanks to the high-strength, lightweight Griv-Ex material used in its construction.
Of course, no product is perfect and this knife is no exception. The blade has a dull edge, which means it's not great for everyday use or for any tasks that require a sharper edge. And while the black Griv-Ex construction adds to its sleek and stylish appearance, it's also made it a bit difficult to grip at times.
Overall, the Cold Steel FGX Wasp is a great knife for anyone who needs a reliable cutting tool for their outdoor adventures. It's lightweight, durable, and versatile, and it's definitely earned a spot in my gear bag.

🔗Slim and Effective Steel Surveillance Knife for Self-Defense
Recently, I've been trying out the Cold Steel Secret Edge 11SDT Knife, and let me tell you, it's been a game-changer. This sleek little thing, perfect for self-defense, fits conveniently under any clothing, making it the ideal secret weapon (if you can keep it that way! ). It's so lightweight, you'll barely notice the half-pound heft, and the 4-inch blade is sharp as a tack – if you're not paying close attention, the edges might leave you astounded, your friends and family, that is.
Now, we all know that sharpness can sometimes come at a cost - durability. However, this knife's AUS 8A stainless steel blade seems to handle it all, remaining steady even after some of my more intense activities. The flat ground design does wonders against whatever material it clashes with.
The Secret Edge also includes a Secure-Ex sheath, a reliable retention system that's quick to access and deploy without compromising safety—perfect for those urgent moments. And it's equipped with a thin, flat faux G-10 handle, ergonomic enough to stay put in your hand while preventing any slippage or rolling. The three-hole design and aggressively textured surface ensure a grip like no other.
However, there are a few minor things that I've picked up on:
  1. The edge is only 3.5 inches long, despite the claim of a 3.5-inch blade length, which does diminish its cutting power.
  2. The product's description said it has no weight, but it actually weighs 3.2 ounces. It might seem negligible, but it makes a difference, especially over long periods of wear.
Overall, the Cold Steel Secret Edge 11SDT Knife has been a remarkable addition to my daily life. Its unassuming appearance, while still offering reliable functionality, makes it a top choice for those in need of a tactful self-defense tool.

🔗Lightweight Miniature Cold Steel Super Edge Knife
The Super Edge is the ultimate keychain companion for any adventurous spirit. With its sleek design and razor-sharp blade, this little powerhouse can take on any task thrown at it. Whether you're taming a wild zipper or cutting through a tough piece of rope, the Super Edge never disappoints.
Its lightweight construction and secure sheath make it a discreet and convenient carry option, ensuring you're prepared for any situation. While its diminutive size may fool some, never underestimate the capabilities of this impressive workhorse.
The Super Edge has proven itself as a reliable tool in the hands of users, earning its stellar reputation as one of the best keychain knives on the market.

🔗Cold Steel OSS Knife: Efficient Field Tool with Japanese AUS8A Stainless Steel Blade
I recently had the pleasure of using the Cold Steel 39LSSS OSI Tactical Gear during a few camping trips. This knife truly shines when it comes to cutting and slashing through tough materials. The blade's thin ultra-keen edge is a testament to its impressive performance.
One of the standout features of this knife is its Secure-Ex Sheath, which keeps it safely tucked away when not in use. The Japanese AUS 8A Stainless Steel blade lends a sense of durability and reliability, perfect for those who need a versatile and effective blade in their daily life.
However, there are a couple of minor drawbacks worth mentioning. The handle/guard is a bit flexible, which may not be ideal for heavy-duty tasks. Additionally, some users have found it a bit challenging to remove the knife from the Secure-Ex Sheath.
Despite these minor drawbacks, the Cold Steel 39LSSS OSI Tactical Gear has proven to be a reliable and effective companion on my camping trips. Its balance and heft make it a joy to use, and the Secure-Ex Sheath ensures that it's always ready for action. Overall, this is an impressive knife that's well worth considering for anyone in need of a reliable and versatile blade for various purposes.

Buyer's Guide

A Cold Steel Push Dagger is a self-defense tool that can save your life in desperate situations. These daggers are designed to be compact and easy to conceal, making them the perfect choice for personal protection. This guide will help you understand the key features and considerations when purchasing a Cold Steel Push Dagger, ensuring that you make the right choice for your needs.

Important Features

  • Material: Cold Steel Push Daggers are typically made from high-quality stainless steel or other durable materials that withstand the rigors of daily use.
  • Design: The daggers have a unique design with a sharp point that can inflict significant damage to an attacker, while also providing a safety advantage over traditional knives.
  • Size: Cold Steel Push Daggers are small and compact, making them easy to conceal and transport. They are designed to fit comfortably in your hand, providing a natural grip.
  • Weight: These daggers are lightweight, making them more maneuverable in high-stress situations.


  • Legality: The legality of owning and carrying a Cold Steel Push Dagger can vary by state or country. Make sure to research and follow the laws where you live.
  • Usage: While Cold Steel Push Daggers are designed for self-defense, they should not be your first line of defense. Always try to avoid confrontation whenever possible.
  • Maintenance: A well-maintained Cold Steel Push Dagger will last a long time. Make sure to clean and dry the dagger after use and store it in a safe place to prevent accidental scratches or damage.

General Advice

When purchasing a Cold Steel Push Dagger, it's essential to consider your specific needs and circumstances. Choose a dagger with a comfortable grip and the right size for your hand, ensuring that it's easy to carry and conceal. Research the different materials and designs available to find the one that suits your preferences. Finally, remember that while these daggers are useful self-defense tools, they should only be used in situations where your life or safety is at risk.


What are the features of the Cold Steel Push Dagger?

The Cold Steel Push Dagger features a high carbon steel blade, serrated edge for cutting, and a sturdy handle. It also comes with a belt pouch for easy carrying.

How long is the Cold Steel Push Dagger?

The Cold Steel Push Dagger has an overall length of 16 inches, with a 12-inch blade and a 4-inch handle.

Is the Cold Steel Push Dagger suitable for self-defense?

Yes, the Cold Steel Push Dagger is designed for self-defense and has been optimized for close-range combat. Its small size makes it easy to conceal and carry.

What is the material of the blade in the Cold Steel Push Dagger?

The blade of the Cold Steel Push Dagger is made of high carbon steel, providing durability and sharpness.

What is the weight of the Cold Steel Push Dagger?

The Cold Steel Push Dagger weighs approximately 12 ounces, making it a lightweight and easy-to-carry self-defense tool.

Does the Cold Steel Push Dagger come with a sheath?

No, the Cold Steel Push Dagger does not come with a sheath. However, it does come with a belt pouch for easy carrying.

Is the Cold Steel Push Dagger legal?

The legality of the Cold Steel Push Dagger varies by jurisdiction. It is recommended to check with local laws and regulations to determine if it is legal to own and carry.

What is the price of the Cold Steel Push Dagger?

The price of the Cold Steel Push Dagger can vary depending on the retailer and if it's on sale. It's recommended to check with multiple retailers to find the best price.
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submitted by GhoulGriin to u/GhoulGriin [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 09:29 PupilOfTheNight Eager aspiring angler in dire need of some direction from other PNW anglers as to what base gear I need to get started fishing out of my Tucktec folding kayak on the lakes and streams on the coast of WA/OR border and surrounding areas! (Clatsop/Chinook)

Hey folks! I'm wanted to make this short but I have everything to learn, and admittedly very little knowledge or experience despite all of the self-research through consuming tons of content on Kayak Fishing and PNW Fishing and want to be very clear on what it is I am asking for in terms of guidance/recommendations!
Bless those of you that can manage to stick w/ me!
I haven't fished since I was a young kid with my grandfather - that was over 20 years ago so let's just assume I have no real bearing on what I'm doing or where to begin.
I live on the WA/OR border where the Columbia meets the Pacific and am looking to get myself setup with my first rod and tackle as I'd like to start fishing the local lakes and estuaries around me.
These are the circumstances that will affect my gear choices: 1.) My locale - Living at the literal mouth of the Columbia River (Astoria/Hammond, OR up to Ilwaco/Long Beach, WA and the surrounding areas) offers me a slew of bangers when it comes to the native fish and waterways being that there are streams, rivers, lakes, ocean, saltwater, freshwater, brackish water - blah, blah, blah - everything all at once. It's exciting, but overwhelming - with each new thing I learn, I realize how much more there is to find out. 2.) The primary use case for the gear I'm currently seeking is to fish from my Tucktec folding kayak, and ideally being able to accommodate a secondary use case of being able to pack in my rod and tackle on quick jaunts to more secluded waters in the area - I'm aware this may be where I just don't get to have the best of both worlds and may have to choose between the ability to pack it down and strap it to the side of my pack to bushwhack with and having it be an ideal rod for kayaking. I really just want to be able to grab my rod and tackle, get in my car, and be able to hop out with what I've got w/ me whenever I find myself in an area w/ a nice fishing spot that is accessible by foot or boat and just go!
I have seen some general recommendations of using around a 6.5'-8' rod on a kayak, and I most often see a 7' rod recommended - w/ the caveat of potentially adding a little length going up to 8' if fishing saltwater - given my locale, its really hard to say if I'll be in fresh, salt, or brackish water at any given time w/ all the coast, estuaries and lakes at my disposal it could really go any way. Even if I'm not kayaking out in the actual open waters of the Columbia, smaller estuaries that I might find myself in have that brackish water that I'm unsure whether to treat as fresh or saltwater when selecting gear.
Do I overcompensate as a foolproofing/failsafe measure and treat it like I'm generally fishing saltwater to handle the larger fish I'd encounter in those estuaries, or actual ocean if I'm on foot on the Washington side? Or do I go in with the intention of using a dedicated lake setup for fishing Bass, Steelhead and the smaller panfish that I'd encounter fishing Coffenbury Lake, Cullaby Lake, and other contained bodies of water and accept the fact that much like motorcycling, an "all-'rounder" or "dual sport" is more often than not underperforming and disappointing whether you're on the interstate or off the beaten path and one is usually better off just having dedicated bikes for dirt and street to really get that dialed in performance, rather than getting the worst of both worlds in one place. If that is in fact that case, then I guess I'm on the hunt for TWO rod/reel combos. One for fishing the local freshwater lakes, and a second for fishing the brackish water on the banks and estuaries.
I am trying my best to learn, but I don't know a lot about whats what seasonally as far as fishing goes, I just know prime time for bass fishing was a few months ago as its getting warmer now. Tips on what I should be looking to fish for NOW and in the coming summefall months in this region would be greatly appreciated, I'm so eager to learn!
I know gear is subjective, and that if I take to angling I'll end up amassing a ton of it for the changing seasons and types of fishing I take a shine to, and let's be honest, just for the hell of it. Right now, though? I just want to get myself a daily driver so that I can stop pulling my hair out researching and GET OUT ON THE WATER ALREADY!
The goal is just to have enough fun in the process to not get discouraged from learning the art of angling, as I'd like it to become a staple source of communion with nature and a still chamber for reflection in my day-to-day life. I don't have any fishing buddies to offer moral support or get tips in this field, and I don't want to get myself in over my head and end up discouraged w/ gear that just sits gathering dust!
OH, and lastly on the note of the general 7' recommendation for kayak fishing, that seems to be a fairly universal ballpark on length, but I stumbled across Emmrod fishing rods - specifically the Emmrod Kayak King and the Emrod Packrod - they're funky little guys but they look bombproof, stowable, have swappable rod ends and they even have a model called the Kayak King - its only 27" assembled, half that packed, and I'm wondering if anyone has any experience with the Emmrod rods as they honestly look like they'd fit the bill for both kayaking and packing in to secluded lakes and streams for me PERFECTLY, but they go against most of what I've gleaned about kayak fishing so far being a whole 5' shy of 7' and I worry that I'm just falling blindly for the idea of the Emmrod because it's unlike anything I've ever seen in the sea of other rods I'm trying to take my pick from, and on paper it says its exactly what I'm looking for and has swappable parts making it pique my interest that much more as I just love modular systems. Someone please, SOUND OFF!
So, tell me what rod/reel YOU'D go for. Tell me why I should not get the Emmrod and get a normal rod like a normal person, or better yet, tell me about your experience with the Emmrod and why it'd be perfect for me after all! Emmrod aside, all recommendations and tips for fishing this incredible area and what gear is going to make it an enjoyable experience for me and the fish I meet is welcomed and encouraged!
Thanks to anyone who made it this far and has any advice to offer, maybe I'll see you out there!
submitted by PupilOfTheNight to FishingWashington [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 09:29 GuiltlessMaple Best Cold Steel Oss Knife

Best Cold Steel Oss Knife
Are you in need of a versatile and reliable knife for your outdoor adventures? Look no further than the Cold Steel Oss Knife! In this article, we'll take a closer look at the features, benefits, and reviews of this popular blade. Get ready to discover why the Oss Knife is a top choice for those seeking the ultimate knife for their outdoor pursuits.

The Top 19 Best Cold Steel Oss Knife

  1. Classic Cold Steel Tanto Point Boot Knife - Embrace the might of the Cold Steel Kobun, a lightweight and resilient Tanto styled boot knife with an AUS-8A blade, Kraton handle, and Kydex sheath, perfect for soldier-like adventures.
  2. Compact and lightweight Cold Steel Peace Maker II knife - Experience exceptional versatility and comfort with the Cold Steel Peace Maker II - a discreetly carried, lightweight belt knife suitable for hunting, fishing, and self-defense.
  3. Slim and Effective Steel Surveillance Knife for Self-Defense - Cold Steel Secret Edge 11SDT Knife: A slim, featherweight, and highly effective neck knife, inspired by the ancient Scottish skean dhu, with a flat-ground AUS 8A stainless blade and secure-ex sheath for reliable retention and swift access.
  4. Cold Steel FGX Cat Tanto: Sleek and Impervious Serrated Knife - The Cold Steel FGX Cat Tanto, a stealthy and durable addition to the Nightshade series, offers a lightweight, versatile solution for self-defense and survival situations, making it a must-have for those seeking ultimate protection.
  5. VG-1 San Mai 3 Stainless Steel Cold Steel Oss Hunting Knife with Kray-Ex Handle - Experience unparalleled performance and durability with the Cold Steel Master Hunter - the ultimate American-made hunting knife, praised by top hunters worldwide.
  6. Highly Durable Cold Steel Bushman Knife for Survival Needs - Experience unparalleled strength and versatility with the Cold Steel Bushman Knife, an expertly crafted survival tool with a 10.1 oz steel blade and customizable handle options for ultimate efficiency and reach.
  7. Cold Steel Trench Hawk Trainer - Practical, Durable, and Safe Tomahawk Training - Experience realistic Tomahawk training with Cold Steel's Trench Hawk Trainer - offering exact size, weight and feel, while prioritizing safety with durable synthetic materials.
  8. Versatile Full-tang Stainless Steel Cold Steel Oss Knife - Experience unmatched durability and versatility with the Cold Steel FX65RZR Razor Tek, perfect for your next wilderness adventure.
  9. Lightweight Miniature Cold Steel Super Edge Knife - A tiny yet mighty blade, the Cold Steel Super Edge combines a rugged design, versatile functions, and comfort to create the ultimate all-in-one knife without weighing you down.
  10. Cold Steel Commercial Series 10" Chef's Knife for Durability and Versatility - Experience the versatile and professional Cold Steel Commercial Series 10" Chef's Knife, constructed with German 4116 Steel for ease of re-sharpening, and featuring a durable Zy-Ex core handle with a comfortable, non-slip Kray-Ex exterior.
  11. Heavy-Duty, Comfortable Cold Steel Kitchen Knife - Carve your way to culinary perfection with the Cold Steel Kitchen Classics Chef Knife, featuring a precision-ground 4116 German stainless steel blade and an ergonomic Kray-Ex handle for unmatched grip and performance.
  12. Cold Steel OSS Knife: Efficient Field Tool with Japanese AUS8A Stainless Steel Blade - The Cold Steel 39LSSS OSI Tactical Gear is a perfectly balanced, ultra-sharp single-edged knife capable of handling any field task with a thin, hollow ground Japanese AUS 8A Stainless Steel blade – all packaged in a Secure-Ex sheath for added safety.
  13. Commercial-Grade Butcher Knife from Cold Steel - Unleash the power of the Cold Steel Commercial Series Butcher Knife, perfect for commercial and professional use with its razor-sharp German 4116 steel and comfortable handles for durability and ease of grip.
  14. Cold Steel Oss Scimitar Knife for Commercial Uses - Experience versatile and reliable performance with the Cold Steel Commercial Series Scimitar Knife, crafted from premium cryo-quenched German 4116 Steel and featuring comfortable non-slip handles for unparalleled grip and durability.
  15. Cold Steel Urban Pal: Lightweight Urban Survival Knife for Security in Today's World - Survive and thrive in the urban jungle with the Cold Steel Urban Pal, featuring a strong AUS-8A stainless steel blade, Kraton handle for optimal grip, and Secure-Ex molded sheath, perfect for self-defense or everyday carry.
  16. Tactical Drop-Forged Tomahawk Knife - Cold Steel War Hawk - Cold Steel War Hawk - a tactical and military-grade 19in overall fighting hawk, combining strength and historical design elements for efficient obstacle breaching and cutting.
  17. Cold Steel Oss Reversible Tanto Knife with Secure-Ex Sheath - Unlock unyielding strength and convenience with the Cold Steel 40A Click N Cut, a versatile utility knife perfect for tough cutting tasks and priced reasonably for long-lasting usage.
  18. Cold Steel All Terrain Chopper: Versatile Bushcraft Machete with Tough Steel Construction and Comfortable Carry Sheath - The Cold Steel All Terrain Chopper w/Sheath offers a multitude of survival and bushcraft capabilities, thanks to its sharp blade and point and tough full-tang steel construction.
  19. Premium Six Steak Knife Set by Cold Steel Kitchen Classics - Elevate your culinary experience with the Cold Steel - Kitchen Classics, featuring six ice-tempered, precision-ground steak knives in a stylish Oak countertop stand, providing comfort and superior cutting performance.
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🔗Classic Cold Steel Tanto Point Boot Knife
As someone who often finds themselves in need of a reliable blade for everyday use, I've had the pleasure of testing out the Cold Steel Kobun. This lightweight Tanto styled boot knife is definitely a handy addition to have on hand. I was instantly impressed by its sharp, reinforced point that contrasts with the thin blades commonly found in other boots knives.
One feature that stood out to me was the Kobun's deeply checkered Kraton handle. It offers an excellent grip, making the knife more secure in the hand. The cross section of the handle is also surprisingly thin, while still providing enough thickness to resist turning or shifting.
Another notable aspect of the Kobun is that it comes complete with a Secure-Ex sheath. This sturdy sheath makes it easy to attach the knife securely to your belt, ensuring that it remains easily accessible whenever you need it.
However, there was one downside that I discovered while using the Kobun. The default clip that was included with the knife was quite weak and didn't hold up well to everyday wear. I had to replace it with a Blade-Tech brand Tek-Lok belt attachment in order to ensure a more secure and reliable attachment to my belt.
Overall, the Cold Steel Kobun has been a reliable and versatile companion during my everyday activities. I would highly recommend it to anyone in need of a durable and efficient boot knife for both personal and practical use.

🔗Compact and lightweight Cold Steel Peace Maker II knife
I've been using the Cold Steel Peace Maker II for a few weeks now, and I must say, it's a game-changer. The knife is incredibly lightweight, making it perfect for daily carry. I've been using it for a variety of tasks, from opening boxes to trimming small branches, and it's handled every job with ease.
One of the standout features is the Scandi ground blade, which is incredibly easy to resharpen. The unique compound ground clip point provides a stiff distal tapered point capable of piercing thick targets without compromising precious cutting power.
The ergonomic handle design is another plus, with a thin, rectangular shape and subtle contouring. The palm swell and double quillon guard offer both comfort and protection. The knife also comes with a secure-ex sheath, which is cut and stab-resistant and impervious to the elements. The sheath attachment is sturdy and won't come loose, even during strenuous activities.
However, the blade does require frequent sharpening due to its soft steel composition. But considering the product's affordability, it's a small price to pay for the versatility and convenience it offers. The Peace Maker II is a reliable, multifunctional knife that's perfect for those who need a reliable and versatile cutting tool.

🔗Slim and Effective Steel Surveillance Knife for Self-Defense
Recently, I've been trying out the Cold Steel Secret Edge 11SDT Knife, and let me tell you, it's been a game-changer. This sleek little thing, perfect for self-defense, fits conveniently under any clothing, making it the ideal secret weapon (if you can keep it that way! ). It's so lightweight, you'll barely notice the half-pound heft, and the 4-inch blade is sharp as a tack – if you're not paying close attention, the edges might leave you astounded, your friends and family, that is.
Now, we all know that sharpness can sometimes come at a cost - durability. However, this knife's AUS 8A stainless steel blade seems to handle it all, remaining steady even after some of my more intense activities. The flat ground design does wonders against whatever material it clashes with.
The Secret Edge also includes a Secure-Ex sheath, a reliable retention system that's quick to access and deploy without compromising safety—perfect for those urgent moments. And it's equipped with a thin, flat faux G-10 handle, ergonomic enough to stay put in your hand while preventing any slippage or rolling. The three-hole design and aggressively textured surface ensure a grip like no other.
However, there are a few minor things that I've picked up on:
  1. The edge is only 3.5 inches long, despite the claim of a 3.5-inch blade length, which does diminish its cutting power.
  2. The product's description said it has no weight, but it actually weighs 3.2 ounces. It might seem negligible, but it makes a difference, especially over long periods of wear.
Overall, the Cold Steel Secret Edge 11SDT Knife has been a remarkable addition to my daily life. Its unassuming appearance, while still offering reliable functionality, makes it a top choice for those in need of a tactful self-defense tool.

🔗Cold Steel FGX Cat Tanto: Sleek and Impervious Serrated Knife
I remember the day I brought home my Cold Steel FGX Cat Tanto. The sleek black design and the promise of a lightweight yet durable knife piqued my curiosity. It was a perfect addition to my collection of self-defense tools, for those moments when you need to protect yourself and your loved ones.
The handle, made of Kraton, felt great in my hand, with its solid grip that remained unaffected by temperature and moisture. It was a great contrast to the Grivory blade finish, which made the knife look even more menacing. I loved how the tanto point blade shape gave a perfect balance between sharpness and durability.
However, it wasn't all roses. The Cold Steel FGX Cat Tanto felt a bit underwhelming when it came to cutting tasks. Its plastic blade just didn't have the same edge retention as a traditional steel blade, making it not ideal for more demanding tasks like cutting through thick materials.
Still, for the price and as a lightweight and corrosion-resistant self-defense tool, the Cold Steel FGX Cat Tanto has proven to be quite the handy piece. It's a unique addition to any collection, and it's been a great conversation starter among my friends and family.

🔗VG-1 San Mai 3 Stainless Steel Cold Steel Oss Hunting Knife with Kray-Ex Handle
As a reviewer who has tried the Cold Steel Master Hunter, I can confidently say that it has become my go-to knife for various outdoor activities. One of the features that stood out to me was the comfortable, deeply checkered Kraton grip, which allows for long-term use without any discomfort. The broad, thin blade with a distinct taper provides exceptional cutting ability, edge retention, and ease of resharpening.
However, one of the cons I encountered was the knife's tendency to be easily lost due to its minimalistic design. I also noticed that the blade occasionally required additional sharpening, despite its excellent edge retention. Nevertheless, the overall performance and durability of the Master Hunter make it a reliable and versatile tool for all your hunting needs.

🔗Highly Durable Cold Steel Bushman Knife for Survival Needs
Recently, I had the pleasure of using the Cold Steel Bushman Knife and let me tell you, my experience was quite an adventure. This knife, with its 7-inch blade made of SK-5 high carbon steel, proved to be a reliable companion on my outdoor excursions.
One of the standout features was its hollow handle, which was surprisingly versatile. I was able to store a few essentials inside, and with the right handle extensions, I could reach impressive lengths for certain tasks. The knife's unique construction allowed for a seamless blend of blade and handle, which gave it a solid, reliable feel.
However, there was one drawback to my experience: the sheath. While the Secure-Ex sheath featured a Ferrocerium Fire Steel, which was convenient for starting fires, it had a few issues. The locking mechanism was less than secure, making it prone to accidental release. It also lacked a left-handed option, which could be a dealbreaker for some users.
Despite these minor setbacks, the Cold Steel Bushman Knife proved to be a sturdy and practical tool for various outdoor activities. With its strong blade and adaptable handle, it was a reliable ally on my adventures. While the sheath could use some improvements, the knife itself more than made up for it.

🔗Cold Steel Trench Hawk Trainer - Practical, Durable, and Safe Tomahawk Training
When I got my hands on the Cold Steel Trench Hawk Trainer, I was immediately impressed by its size and weight. The synthetic material felt surprisingly sturdy and authentic, making it perfect for learning the ropes without the danger of injury.
Not to mention, it closely resembles the actual Trench Hawk, so every training session felt like a real-life scenario. However, the weight was noticeably lighter than the real deal, which might not be ideal for those looking for a more accurate experience.
Overall, the Trench Hawk Trainer provided a safe and effective way to hone my skills, and I'd highly recommend it to anyone looking to up their training game.

🔗Versatile Full-tang Stainless Steel Cold Steel Oss Knife
I recently tried out the Cold Steel Razor Tek, and I must say, it's a versatile and sturdy blade that has made quite an impact in my outdoor adventures. The 6.5" 5mm thick recurve blade is a powerful tool for those who need a reliable knife for larger tasks - it's perfect for chopping. The ergonomic and textured handle provides a comfortable grip that's suitable for any wilderness outing.
One feature that stood out to me is the secure-ex belt sheath, which holds the knife securely and makes it easy to access when needed. The 11.7 oz weight is manageable, allowing for long-term usage without causing fatigue. However, the knife's size and thickness might not be ideal for everyone, so it's essential to consider if it's suitable for your specific needs.
Overall, the Cold Steel Razor Tek is a well-crafted blade that would be an excellent addition to any outdoor enthusiast's arsenal. The 4116 stainless steel and the black Gfn handle make it a reliable and stylish choice. While it may not be the cheapest option on the market, the Razor Tek's quality and durability make it a worthwhile investment for those looking for a dependable cutting tool.

🔗Lightweight Miniature Cold Steel Super Edge Knife
The Super Edge is the ultimate keychain companion for any adventurous spirit. With its sleek design and razor-sharp blade, this little powerhouse can take on any task thrown at it. Whether you're taming a wild zipper or cutting through a tough piece of rope, the Super Edge never disappoints.
Its lightweight construction and secure sheath make it a discreet and convenient carry option, ensuring you're prepared for any situation. While its diminutive size may fool some, never underestimate the capabilities of this impressive workhorse.
The Super Edge has proven itself as a reliable tool in the hands of users, earning its stellar reputation as one of the best keychain knives on the market.

🔗Cold Steel Commercial Series 10" Chef's Knife for Durability and Versatility
I recently got my hands on the Cold Steel Commercial Series Chef's Knife, and I must say, it has been a game-changer in my daily life. The knife's razor-sharp cryo-quenched German 4116 steel not only makes cutting vegetables and meat a breeze but also re-sharpening is a breeze in the field.
The handle, featuring a stiff Zy-Ex core for durability and a non-slip Kray-Ex exterior, provides a comfortable grip for hours of use. This knife has become a staple in my kitchen, and I find myself reaching for it every time I need to chop anything.
However, one downside I've noticed is the build quality. The knife I received had a small gap between the handle and the blade, which might pose a hygiene problem when used for meat and fish. But overall, it's a fantastic kitchen knife for the price, and I highly recommend it for everyday use.

🔗Heavy-Duty, Comfortable Cold Steel Kitchen Knife
The Cold Steel Kitchen Classics Chef Knife has been a lifesaver in my daily kitchen tasks. The 8-inch blade is incredibly sharp and holds its edge well, making it perfect for everything from slicing through tomatoes to chopping up a variety of fruits and veggies. The handle is also quite comfortable to grip, providing a secure and solid hold.
One of the highlights of this knife is its German 4116 stainless cryo-quenched material, which ensures the blade remains sharp and durable. I especially enjoyed the terrific stiff Zy-Ex core and the softer, deeply checkered Kray-Ex exterior handle for a non-slip grip. This knife has been my go-to in the kitchen, and I appreciate its reasonable price tag.
However, there was one downside: the grip started to peel and break after about two years of use. Nonetheless, this knife truly stands out for its superb sharpness, comfort, and durability.

🔗Cold Steel OSS Knife: Efficient Field Tool with Japanese AUS8A Stainless Steel Blade
I recently had the pleasure of using the Cold Steel 39LSSS OSI Tactical Gear during a few camping trips. This knife truly shines when it comes to cutting and slashing through tough materials. The blade's thin ultra-keen edge is a testament to its impressive performance.
One of the standout features of this knife is its Secure-Ex Sheath, which keeps it safely tucked away when not in use. The Japanese AUS 8A Stainless Steel blade lends a sense of durability and reliability, perfect for those who need a versatile and effective blade in their daily life.
However, there are a couple of minor drawbacks worth mentioning. The handle/guard is a bit flexible, which may not be ideal for heavy-duty tasks. Additionally, some users have found it a bit challenging to remove the knife from the Secure-Ex Sheath.
Despite these minor drawbacks, the Cold Steel 39LSSS OSI Tactical Gear has proven to be a reliable and effective companion on my camping trips. Its balance and heft make it a joy to use, and the Secure-Ex Sheath ensures that it's always ready for action. Overall, this is an impressive knife that's well worth considering for anyone in need of a reliable and versatile blade for various purposes.

🔗Commercial-Grade Butcher Knife from Cold Steel
As a home chef, I've always been on the lookout for affordable yet high-quality knives. That's when I stumbled upon the Cold Steel Commercial Series Butcher Knife 8.0 in Blade. Impressed by the sharpness and durability of the blade upon first use, I knew that this knife could handle any heavy-duty task in my kitchen.
One of the features that stood out to me is the ergonomic design of the handle. The Zy-Ex core adds rigidity, while the softer, food-safe Kray-Ex exterior provides a comfortable, non-slip grip. After hours of chopping vegetables and cutting meat, my hand never felt tired or overwhelmed. This is truly a game-changer when it comes to kitchen knives.
However, the blade is quite heavy, which requires a certain level of force to wield effectively. For those with weaker hands or for tasks that don't require much pressure, this may be an issue. But, in my experience, the weight has been a welcome addition to the overall power of the knife.
When it comes to sharpening, the cryo-quenched German 4116 Steel holds an edge remarkably well. I've used it extensively without any significant blade degradation. The knives also do not rust easily, a crucial factor when dealing with raw meat or wet conditions.
Overall, the Cold Steel Commercial Series Butcher Knife 8.0 in Blade has proven to be a reliable addition to my kitchen arsenal. Its sharpness, durability, and robustness make it a worthwhile investment for both home cooks and professionals alike.

🔗Cold Steel Oss Scimitar Knife for Commercial Uses
The Cold Steel Commercial Series Scimitar Knife has truly become an indispensable addition to my daily life, thanks to its remarkable design and unmatched quality. This Taiwanese-made knife is perfect for all sorts of tasks, from hunting and fishing to commercial kitchens and butcher shops. The 10-inch blade, made from premium cryo-quenched German 4116 Steel, is incredibly sharp and re-sharpenable.
Its durable handle, featuring a stiff Zy-Ex core and a comfortable non-slip grip made from Kray-Ex, is a game-changer for long hours of usage. The knife's satin finish gives it a sleek look, and its overall length of 15.25 inches offers ample reach for an array of applications.
My experience with this knife has been nothing short of fantastic, and I highly recommend it to anyone who values versatility, durability, and quality.

Buyer's Guide

The Cold Steel OSS Knife is a versatile, reliable, and durable option for outdoor enthusiasts, campers, and survivalists. Designed for various tasks, this versatile knife can be used for hunting, fishing, and other outdoor activities. In this buyer's guide, we will discuss the important features, considerations, and general advice about the Cold Steel OSS Knife and similar products.

Key Features of the Cold Steel OSS Knife

  • Durable and Lightweight Construction: The Cold Steel OSS Knife is made from high-quality materials like 1095 Steel and is designed to be lightweight and easy to handle.
  • Versatile Design: The knife features a versatile design with a tanto tip that offers both cutting and piercing capabilities.
  • Secure Locking Mechanism: The Cold Steel OSS Knife has a secure locking mechanism that ensures the blade remains safely in the handle.
  • Ergonomic Handle: The knife's handle is designed to provide a comfortable grip, even when wet, and features contoured lines for optimal finger positioning.

Important Considerations When Choosing a Knife

  • Purpose: Determine the primary use of the knife. This could include hunting, camping, fishing, or other outdoor activities.
  • Blade Type: Different blade types offer various advantages. Tanto blades, like those found on the Cold Steel OSS Knife, combine cutting and piercing capabilities.
  • Durability: Consider the knife's durability and the materials from which it is constructed.
  • Weight: Consider the knife's weight and how it may affect its ease of use in various situations.
  • Grip Comfort: The handle's design and comfort are essential for optimal performance and control.

General Advice for Cold Steel OSS Knife Owners

Proper maintenance and care are essential for ensuring the longevity and performance of your Cold Steel OSS Knife. Always clean the blade after use and apply a protective coating to prevent corrosion. It is also recommended to sharpen the blade regularly for optimal performance.
The Cold Steel OSS Knife is a reliable and versatile option for outdoor enthusiasts looking for a durable and lightweight knife. By considering the key features and important considerations when choosing a knife, you can make an informed decision and find the perfect tool for your needs.


What is the Cold Steel Oss Knife?

The Cold Steel Oss Knife is a tactical knife designed for survival and self-defense situations. It is a sturdy, durable knife that features a full tang construction, making it suitable for heavy-duty tasks.

What materials are used in the construction of the Cold Steel Oss Knife?

The Cold Steel Oss Knife is made of high-quality materials, including a 6V14 stainless steel blade and Zytel handle. The blade is designed for excellent edge retention and resistance to corrosion, while the handle offers a comfortable grip and durability.

What kind of blade does the Cold Steel Oss Knife have?

The Cold Steel Oss Knife features a spear-point blade, which offers a combination of strength and piercing power. The blade has a length of 5 inches and a thickness of 0.143 inches.

What is the handle of the Cold Steel Oss Knife made of?

The handle of the Cold Steel Oss Knife is made of Zytel, a high-performance thermoplastic that offers excellent grip and durability. The handle also features a finger guard and a lanyard hole for easy retention.

What is the weight of the Cold Steel Oss Knife?

The Cold Steel Oss Knife weighs approximately 7.2 ounces, making it a lightweight yet sturdy option for survival and self-defense situations.

Is the Cold Steel Oss Knife suitable for outdoor activities?

Yes, the Cold Steel Oss Knife is a versatile knife that is suitable for a wide range of outdoor activities, including camping, hunting, and hiking. Its durable construction and versatile blade make it a valuable tool for various survival situations.

What is the best way to maintain the Cold Steel Oss Knife?

To maintain the Cold Steel Oss Knife, it is recommended to clean it regularly after use and avoid storing it in a damp environment. Additionally, it should be periodically sharpened to ensure optimal performance.
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2024.05.21 09:28 OddConversation8300 I’m graduating as a medical doctor this week, and I am having immense anxiety about my life

The opportunity to become a physician is nothing short of a privelege and I recognize that. But my life is nowhere near what I hoped it would be.
I’ve been married for more than 6 years to someone else in medicine 3 years ahead of me. We very unfortunately and unexpectedly matched across half the country from each other, and we will be a 4-5 hour plane ride away.
We always said we wanted to start trying for a family after my intern year. Feels impossible now with the long distance. I have family nearby where I matched but my parents are kinda too old for full time child care. Financial situation is currently not good with 2 resident salaries + 2 places to rent. Also it would just suck to be pregnant and the whole process without my husband with me.
I feel forced to simultaneously think about career + personal life, while my husband is comfortably focusing on career. I feel like he’d be okay with having a kid soon, but I can’t imagine a long distance parent situation. It feels unfair to everyone. I feel myself resenting him for focusing on pursuing fellowship rather than focus on the family goals we had talked about and set. But I also wouldn’t want him to give up his dreams.
I just feel very stressed. I don’t want to take my fertility window for granted. And it feels like everyone around me is suddenly getting pregnant and I just feel sad and unsure how I ended up with this dilemma of life.
submitted by OddConversation8300 to TwoXChromosomes [link] [comments]