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2024.05.20 19:30 Calledinthe90s A lawyer's petty revenge on his grade 9 English teacher

The revenge I took on my grade nine English teacher was so petty that I hesitate to write about it. But Mrs. Bristle (for that is the name I will give her) was cruel to me every chance she got, and she made my first year in high school a misery. So when a file with her name on it arrived at my office, my first thought was not that I would beat her (for I was certain that I would) but rather, of the revenge I would take along the way.
I was pushing forty when Mrs. Bristle’s file hit my desk, some estate litigation where a mother’s last will and testament left my clients next to nothing, and gave their sister, Mrs. Bristle, pretty well the entire estate. When I saw the defendant’s name it looked familiar, and after a bit of Googling, I confirmed what I suspected: the defendant, Mrs. Bristle, was my former grade nine English teacher.
I remembered Mrs. Bristle very well. She was supposed to be teaching us the wonders of English literature, but what she really taught us were her rules, by which she meant her arbitrary whims, expressed in vague language, backed up by petty punishments for non-compliance. There was an art to getting along with Mrs. Bristle, and while most of the other kids learned it easily enough, somehow I did not. I have trouble learning unwritten rules, and in Mrs. Bristle’s class where unwritten and constantly changing rules were the order of the day, I didn’t stand a chance. Mrs. Bristle admonished me almost daily for ‘not paying attention’. I did detentions, re-wrote assignments, and made visits to the principal’s office, all because I apparently wasn’t listening, wasn’t doing what I was told.
Many was the time when Mrs. Bristle took me to task for missing some obvious but unstated part of an assignment. One time I handed in a sonnet, and received an “F” because the rhyming pattern was Petrarchan, not Shakespearean. But she would be nice to me, Mrs. Bristle would always say when she tossed my work back at me. She would give me another chance to hand the assignment in with the arbitrary changes she required, in the end giving me a good mark, but then heavily downgraded for being late.
Mrs. Bristle's case worked its way through the early stages, and every time I exchanged an email with her (for she was a self-rep, no need for counsel, she claimed) I thought about the unpleasant time I’d spent in her class. I had a rough time in high school, and I always resent anything that makes me dwell on it.
After a few months, the case was ready for the next stage. It was time to examine Mrs. Bristle, to find out why she thought her mother wanted to disinherit most of the family and enrich Mrs. Bristle alone. I showed up at the court reporter’s office early as usual, to get set up.
“What’s that shit eating grin on your face?” Adam asked. He was a lawyer colleague, about my vintage, and we were sitting in the lounge for lawyers only, the room that most court reporter’s offices have, a place for the lawyers to hang out and shoot the shit, no clients allowed.
“I’m going to examine my grade nine English teacher today,” I said, “and it's going to be fun.” I explained how she’d hated me back in the day, and had done her best to make my life hell.
“What’s the case about?” Adam said. Adam had been around the block, same as me, and it took only a few words for me to summarize everything that mattered in the file. “Estate fight, one sibling against four, undue influence, holograph will cutting out most of the siblings, competing with an older will, a formal one, where the shares are equal.”
Adam nodded appreciatively. “Nice fees, if the estate’s got the cash.”
“It does,” I said. We chatted for a bit, and then sat there in silence as we each did the last bit of prep for the cases we had that day, making notes, reading documents and drinking coffee. My alarm dinged just before ten, and I made my way to the examination room, and Mrs. Bristle, the teacher who’d greatly disliked the grade nine version of Calledinthe90s. I was curious to see if she would like the older version any better.
* * *
The examination started, and Mrs. Bristle and I sparred for a while, me tossing vague questions her way, and criticizing her when she did not understand. I kept her on the defensive for close to three hours, until it was getting on to one p.m.
“Aren’t you in a conflict or something?” she said to me just before the lunch break, when she’d finally made the connection, and understood that the lawyer asking her questions was a former student.
“No conflict,” I said, dismissing her concerns with a wave of my hand. “During the lunch break, there’s something I need you to do.”
“I don’t want to answer questions during lunch. I need a break.” The examination had been rough on Mrs. Bristle. She was not used to being asked questions, to being held to account, to being constantly challenged, and even having her grammar corrected now and again.
“You’ll get your lunch break. But while you’re eating a sandwich or whatever, keep this copy of the holograph will next to you.” The will on which Mrs. Bristle’s case relied was a holograph will, meaning that Mrs. Bristle’s mother had written the will entirely in hand from start to finish. The mother, or more likely, Mrs. Bristle herself, had downloaded a holograph will form from the web, and had completed it in accordance with the website’s instructions. Holograph wills are special. You can do a holograph will without a witness, without a lawyer, without anything at all, so long as you did it right. But if you got anything wrong, if you messed up in any way, it was invalid.
“You want me to read the will again over lunch?” Mrs. Bristle said.
“No. Instead, I want you to make a handwritten copy of it.”
“You want me to write it out? Whatever for?”
“There’s an allegation that the will wasn’t written by your mother, and that you wrote it up instead.” An allegation that I’d made up myself, that morning, while I was sitting in the lawyer's lounge, drinking coffee and munching on a muffin. My clients had not challenged the will’s handwriting; it was obviously their mother’s, totally different from Mrs. Bristle’s own writing. But I had decided otherwise.
Mrs. Bristle was appropriately outraged at being unjustly accused of forgery. Said she could prove it wasn’t her handwriting, could absolutely prove it.
“Then let’s settle the forgery issue once and for all,” I said, “write out the will in your own hand, so that our document experts can examine it, compare it with the original, and make a determination.”
“I don’t need the entire lunch break for that,” Mrs. Bristle said, “and I’d rather eat lunch at the restaurant downstairs.” The will was barely a page long, at most three hundred words, that being all it took for the mother to allegedly disinherit most of her children, and inexplicably leave everything to Mrs. Bristle. The mother had written up the will herself, but she’d been ninety at the time, while living in Mrs. Bristle’s house, and very much under her influence.
“I’ve retained five different experts,” I said, “and each of them will need copies.”
Five experts? Why so many experts?”
“Each expert needs ten samples, for comparison purposes. It’s going to take you a while, Mrs. Bristle. I suggest you get started.” I overrode her protests and once she started to write, I left her in the room, and went to the lawyer’s lounge to eat their small sandwiches and drink more of the excellent coffee. After a while I stopped by the examination room to look in on Mrs. Bristle. I wanted to check in on her progress.
Mrs. Bristle asked for more time, complained of writer’s cramp, and asked me again if it was really necessary for her to write out the holograph will fifty times in her own hand, and I assured her that there was nothing for it, that it was absolutely necessary. I returned to the lounge to check my emails, leaving her hard at the homework I’d given her.
After a while my colleague, Adam, popped into the lounge. He asked me how it was going, the examination with the teacher, the teacher who had treated me so badly.
“I’m making her write lines.” Adam laughed, and laughed harder when I explained that I wasn’t kidding, that I really was making Mrs. Bristle write lines, and how I was doing it. His laughter attracted attention, and a few other lawyers asked what was up. “He’s making his teacher witness write lines,” Adam said, and the lawyer’s lounge hooted with laughter when I told everyone what was up.
It was one of the pettiest things I’ve ever done to anyone, making my grade nine teacher write lines. But the writing lines thing was just a warmup. The real revenge had yet to come. I returned to the examination room after a while, to check up on Mrs. Bristle, see how she was doing.
“This is taking forever,” she said, “and I really don’t get why you need it.” She had writer’s cramp, and was shaking her hand to get the kinks out. I picked up the stack of holograph wills she’d created, and flipped through it. She was nowhere near finished.
“On second thought,” I said, “maybe it isn’t necessary. I think you’re right. I don’t need any handwriting samples from you.”
“Why not?” she said.
“The will is invalid,” I explained, adding that because her mother had used a pre-printed form off the web, the law would not recognize the will. “A holograph will has to be entirely in the testator's handwriting,” I explained, “every single word entirely in handwriting from start to finish. This will doesn’t qualify, because your mother used a standard form, a form printed off the web, with instructions and boxes and questions and so on, and when you do that, then the will is no longer a holograph will. It’s a regular will, and regular wills need to be properly witnessed. This one isn’t witnessed, and that means it’s not a will. It’s just a piece of paper.”
“Are you trying to tell me that you only figured that out now? What kind of lawyer are you, anyways?”
“What kind of lawyer am I? I’m a lawyer who makes a witness skip lunch, and sit in a small room all alone, and write lines. Sound familiar, Mrs. Bristle?” She said nothing, and just stared at me. I closed the door on her, leaving her alone once more, and left for the Middle Temple Tavern where the lawyers all hung out. It was time to hoist a Guinness and enjoy my petty triumph.
submitted by Calledinthe90s to pettyrevenge [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 15:53 NoReasonAtAll9 A Theory for the Next StrawHat…

(SPOILERS for anime only)
At this point, we’re almost certain that Bonney has the most potential to become the next and final StrawHat, which could fill the role of the apprentice of the crew (as it’s been revealed [SPOILERS] that her real age, is only at twelve).
But why do I think this?
First thought that came to mind was, what if Oda did a Jinbe with Bonney?
What do I mean by this, well even though Jinbe was name dropped all the way back in Ch. 69, the beginning of the Arlong Park Arc, he also was being introduced as a part of the Warlord system, so he was included in one of the superpowers of the world. Now which other group of pirates is as famous as the Warlords? That’s right, The Supernovas. So what if Oda sneakily put Bonney there with the others to blend in and for none of us to suspect a thing, until the moment Oda wanted us to know.
What I like about this idea is that, first, we met Bonney pre-timeskip, so all of the StrawHats were introduced one way or another in the first half of the series, also that she was physically introduced (in Ch. 498*)* before Jinbe was (which was in Ch. 528*)*, so technically Jinbe would be the last StrawHat to be introduced in the story. Also, it would follow the same pattern of the last two StrawHats that joined, which is, that the two were Captains of their respective crews beforehand.
Brook was the Captain of the Rumbar Pirates, a crew from the generation before Roger.
Jinbe was part of the Warlord system and the Captain of the Sun Pirates
And Bonney is part of the Supernova/Worst Generation and also the Captain of The Bonney Pirates
This is kind of cool because it would make all three captains from different eras of piracy.
Also, since Oda throughout the whole story, have shown us how much he loves doing everything in threes, for example;
Devil Fruits Types
Haki Types
Ancient Weapons
Stronghold for the Marines
Powers of the World
(I think you get the point)… well, what if this was also the case for the last three members of the crew? Three Captains from Three different Generations of Pirates. Past (Brook), Present (Jinbe) and Future (Bonney).
Also, in a strange way each Captain Pirate Theme represents a characteristic that Luffy loves or is identified (this also applies to his Sun God Nika Form) with:
Brook with his music represents the Drums of Liberation, also that Musical and Jolly part of him.
Jinbe’s Symbol for his Pirate Flag represents the Sun, The awakened form of Luffy, that being the Sun God Nika. Also, Luffy with his actions brings Joy, Freedom and Warmth everywhere he goes. Because Luffy is the light that shines brightly in the dark. In other words, he represents the sun that brings the light of dawn after the darkest hour of night is over.
Bonney represents his limitless power, as her fruit and Luffy’s are limited only by the power of Imagination and Belief. She also represents Luffy’s Child Like Innocence (as she is revealed to be a literal child) and the Gluttonous part of him. Even her epithet, which is “Big Eater Bonney” (or like it says in the official translation “Glutton Bonney”), has direct ties to one of Luffy’s most recognizable traits, being a glutton.
With all this in mind, we’ve also seen her backstory, which in my opinion not only does it fit with the other female StrawHats (in how tragic it is), but is one of the best backstories we’ve had in the whole series. Then, after thinking about it and analyzing it for a bit, I noticed similarities with Jinbe’s backstory (the last StrawHat to join), in a way that even though the backstory involves them, they aren’t the main focus in it. This could be Oda’s way of mixing it up for the last two StrawHats that join the crew.
In Jinbe’s case the flashback’s main point of view characters are Otohime, Fisher Tiger, and lastly Jinbe, adding very little of his own, and in Bonney’s case Kuma’s the main point of view with Bonney adding some details of her own.
Another reason why Bonney fits with the StrawHats, she’s alone, her crew is nowhere to be seen after the Post TimeSkip, it’s evident since every time we see Bonney, she’s all by herself, in other words, she doesn’t have a place to go after this. Also, VegaPunk entrusted the StrawHats to protect Bonney as she is but a child with no one in the world.
Even in that infamous group of pirates she is a part of, The Supernova’s/ Worst Generation, she’s an outlier. Her reputation as a pirate is not from doing evil things or being a true pirate, like Kid or Bege, is more in line with Luffy and the StrawHats. It seems she had her reputation made from false reports, misunderstandings and rumors, not facts. Even her philosophy as a Pirate seems to be on the more innocent and good side of things, “Steal whatever you want (from bad guys), don’t help other people (unless they need it) Bonney’s words in Ch. 1102.
Also, with her now revealed connection to the Pacifistas and Celestial Dragons, it would be the perfect personal motive for the StrawHats to defeat The World Nobles at the end, like they already have done for Robin against the World Government beforehand.
Just imagine this for a second, around the StrawHats she won’t need to be an adult, she can actually be free as a child on a grand adventure for once, she can be herself. Let’s add that with this, the StrawHats would pay back Kuma’s kindness on Sabaody by indirectly fulfilling his wish, or better said inheriting his will, to take his daughter on a adventure. Also the potential dynamics with each individual StrawHat could range from hilarious to wholesome. From Luffy and Bonney fighting over food as Sanji kicks him away to give her the food, to Nami being all motherly and taking care of her. She could be the first girl to hang out with Luffy, Usopp and Chopper and act like them when seeing Franky’s cool robots, etc.
Thinking about it, Oda could of potentially hinted that a kid would be on the crew ever since Punk Hazard with Momonosuke and in Wano again, with the crew’s connection with Otama and how important her role turned out to be in the raid on Onigashima. But as they were only children, they were physically too weak to be in the Future Pirate King’s crew. But this could have been Oda polishing up his skills as a writer and using Momo and Otama for practice as he could have always known that Bonney was a child and would be a potential StrawHat.
The difference with Bonney and the other children is, first of all she is already an established pirate, and for a child she isn’t weak at all, as she is part of the Supernova’s/Worst Generation group of Pirates which were the strongest of that Generation, also let’s not forget how she can easily beat a Vice Admiral, as seen in Ch. 1112.
She just makes sense with the crew, and I felt it from the moment she started to interact with Luffy, Chopper and Jinbe. But the biggest clue for me was when all of a sudden Luffy started calling Bonney by her name, with Trafalgar he always called him Trao, and he always called Yamato by Yamao, which is one of the biggest hints for me that Yamato wasn’t joining, and never wasn’t going to. Anyways, at this moment in Luffy’s journey is the perfect time for him to get an apprentice, as he himself is one of the top Four pirates of the World, a Yonko. And what better time for the last Straw Hat to join us than at the beginning of the Last Saga.
PS: By the way, I still believe that Vivi will return to the StrawHats, especially in how important her role in the story has become. Also, it kind of seems that Bonney’s and Vivi’s stories will complement each other, especially with both of them having such relevance in the final war and with what seem to be the final villain and faction of the story, the World Nobles.
submitted by NoReasonAtAll9 to OnePiece [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 13:02 TonyTony1287 The Walking Dead Ranking Every Episode

Oh my God was this list hard to rank 😅 I took about I would say at least 15 hours of my time into this and all of that was just to rank them at a certain level without much to say. First off we have about 8 Tiers from F,D,C,B,A,S,SS, and Premium though I barely put much into their. Remember this is just an opinion so don't take too harshly if your favorite episode isn't high on my list. For some episodes I may not say much or anything since this was too long originally.
F Tier, these are my least favorite episodes and most likely I have a vendetta against them in some way that made it hard for me to like them
  1. S2 Ep 8 Nebraska- I hate Lori and I think this episode expresses it, most definitely a vendetta. I didn't exactly like the stuff with Hershel and recovering though it was okay, but lori made some questionable decisions to go off on her own to look for Rick even though she should know he's fine seriously. She wrecks a car and then barely dies from a walker, mind you she is pregnant and shouldn't do these things easily my least favorite episode.
  2. S10 Ep 21 Diverged- I honestly forget this episode so much since it has nothing truly interesting or important to the story
  3. S7 Ep 6 Swear- this episode feels slow paced and dull due to oceanside being not seen well for me and I feel like Tara put on the best performance she could for it.
  4. S8 Ep 2 The Damned- this episode to me was just a lot of action and in the walking dead I don't want that. We see a couple of characters die (including Francine 🪦 I absolutely loved her character and hate how she died here :[ mindless) Erics death started here, but it just wasn't impactful enough.
  5. S3 Ep 11 I Ain't a Judas- Andrea is a boring character in the show and I hate her in this episode. The focus should've been on the prison honestly and maybe If she killed the Governor I would've understood her more.
  6. S10 Ep 20 Splinter- if most of the episode was real I would've loved it, but they weren't...
  7. S3 Ep 5 Say the Word- Andrea just isnt much good in this episode and Rick going crazy wasn't a fun idea to me.
  8. S8 Ep 3 Monsters- aside from the one fight with Rick I really didn't care much for it again for the fighting and having Morales return and die felt out of place.
  9. S2 Ep 2 Bloodletting- the group searching for Sophia was okay for a concept, but this episode was okay and went slow paced for me until the end.
D Tier, moving on these episodes were for me mostly just forgettable or boring so I won't say much except they weren't all bad
  1. S1 Ep 3 Tell it to the frogs- first off S1 won't be all high because I'm ranking EVERY episode, but this one felt slow in pace more as well compared to the last two. Shane was a badass though.
  2. S11 Ep 3 Hunted- Forgettable... Not much to say.
  3. S5 Ep 11 The Distance- Forgot entirely this was an episode, after rewatch still don't like it except for Aaron.
  4. S2 Ep 9 Trigger finger- It was a bit better than Nebraska, mostly cause of the Randel scenes.
  5. S7 Ep 14 The Other Side- Sasha somewhat makes a noble decision.
163-162. S11 Episodes 22 following 21- 22 had the Warden being uninteresting as a villain and 21 was boring as can be which is why they sit besides each other.
  1. S8 Ep 7 Time for After- I don't like the plans they have to deviate from Rick and him going to Jadis again feels like a horrible decision on his part.
  2. S9 Ep 8 Evolution- The ambience is the best part, though I hated Jesus' s death as it felt like a bad sendoff.
C Tier, These are a bunch of boring and hard to follow episodes that have some highs that keep it out of former tiers.
  1. S2 Ep 1 What lies Ahead- I liked the RV scene with Andrea, but what follows is dull.
  2. S11 Ep 4- The pope is somewhat average.
  3. S7 Ep 12 Say Yes- The carnival was a nice scenery for TWD, but they had too many fake outs with the walker "shooting" at them and the deer fake out.
  4. S9 Ep 7 Stradivarius- The Search for Eugene feels tiring to follow what's happening and I ended up watching the episodes once and never again because of it.
  5. S2 Ep 4 Cherokee Rose- Watching the episode is fun because of the well, though I feel like it was stupid as an idea as the group should have more common sense before doing something dumb.
  6. S2 Ep 3 Save The Last One- Shane was horrifying, but the rest was dull.
  7. S8 Ep 14 Still gotta mean something- Rick felt unnecessarly cold hearted in this episode killing off the Saviors that helped him which I didn't like, though Jared got a well deserved death.
  8. S4 Ep 9 After -It was okay watching Carl try to scavenge while Rick was injured and I liked the scene with his shoe being lost.
  9. S7 Ep 5 Go Getters- the episode itself wasn't bad yet I never really enjoyed it too much aside from Maggie being a badass and the ending was pretty good.
  10. S4 Ep 10 Inamtes- Inmates was a pretty well rounded episodes showing off some of the group which I liked seeing Tyreese the most.
  11. S8 Ep 6 The King, The Widow, and Rick- the episode was pretty lackluster for me and I didn't really appeal to seeing the garbage people much in this or everyone going to attack the saviors which was a dumb move to do. Ezekiel was probably the most fun of the episode.
  12. S3 Ep 16 Welcome to the Tombs- the finale for season 3 has always been horrible as it barely gives tension between the Governor and Ricks group, it just felt unfitting for a finale.
  13. S11 Ep 8 For blood- it was a okay Mid Season finale to say the least (sorry, 1/3 season finale). I did like some of the parts in it with Maggie which is why it sits higher than others.
  14. S5 Ep 7 Crossed- I thoroughly enjoyed the chase scene between the three officers and Ricks group, but that was about it.
  15. S4 Ep 13 Alone- I liked watching the parts of the group split up, except for Maggie, Bob, and Sasha as they felt very uneventful to me. What makes this episode better had to be the part about Daryl and Beth with the ending of the introduction to Joe's group.
  16. S7 Ep 10 New Best Friends- a lot of these parts I forgot about in this episode when it came to the Kingdom though after rewatching it I enjoyed those parts more than the Garbage people. I just honestly think Jadis's group is uninteresting and makes for no substance.
  17. S10 Ep 15 The Tower- I sometimes forget about this episode and it's premise with Beta, but I think it holds up enough for a weird one and The stuff with princess was okay.
  18. S9 Ep 3 Warning signs- I think the episode was okay, I just didn't like Season 9 A that much...
B tier, now we get to the episodes I could watch again in the past 6 months or binge through without skipping
  1. S11 Ep 2 Acheron Part 2- this was close to being put into C tier since I really hated some parts about it like how they left Gage to die and still had to fight off dozens of walking regardless. The group in the first two episodes seem to switch off and on from good to bad.
  2. S7 Ep 4 Service- for some reason people hate this episode and I can't see why except for the fact it mainly deals with Negan at Alexandria; in my opinion it was him and a couple other characters who saved season 7 and 8 for me.
  3. S10 Ep 3 Ghosts- I forget the episode...
  4. S10 Ep 7 Open Your Eyes- I thought the episode was fine as I don't hate Siddiq and all, though I liked and hated the ending as I loved the twist of Dante and hated that Siddiq had to die so early on.
  5. S6 Ep 7 Heads Up- I didn't like the twist of Glenn and all, but I liked the suspicion with Carol and Morgan as well as the Ending being dramatic.
  6. S8 Ep 11 Dead or Alive- it's not good to know when you remember an episode due to bad things. Daryl has been making more off decisions for the character and Tara seems to be completely Reckless now making me hate her moving forward.
  7. S4 Ep 4 Indifference- The Scenes with Carol and Rick we're amusing with crude Humour as well as some more tense scenes in my opinion and I hated/liked when Rick told Carol she couldn't come back.
  8. S3 Ep 6 Hounded- honestly I would've rather put this episode a little bit higher due to Merle (probably my favorite charcater which contributes to a lot of episodes being higher) being a badass while fighting Michonne and pulling out puns as well. The reason it doesn't get higher is still due to Rick and the phone situation being uneventful.
  9. S11 Ep 9 No Other Way- Alden dies in this episode which I should've seen coming that sucks. The ending feels misleading a bit though everything else in the middle is pretty great.
  10. S11 Ep 5 Out of the Ashes- literally the only reason I put this here was due to Lance so deal with it!
  11. S4 Ep 11 Claimed- Rick had a pretty solid pair of scenes with the Claimers and I liked watching Glenn and Tara (Surprisingly).
  12. S10 Ep 13 What We Become- I thought the flashbacks/hallucinations we're pretty good, but aside from that this episode was just mediocre.
  13. S9 Ep 4 The Obliged- I liked watching Daryl and Rick fight each other over different views on how everything should be and the ending I thought was pretty suspenseful as well as the saviors and oceanside.
  14. S11 Ep 15 Trust- Lance feels exactly like the Governor in some of these episodes which is what I like about him, and from here I start to enjoy Princess maybe because Mercer is around more xd.
  15. S10 Ep 17 Home Sweet Home- I thought Maggie was a good enough concept for an episode with the reapers, though it didn't hit that hard watching again. It still Is most definitely better than the other 3 episodes of S10 part C but enough for A Tier.
A Tier, after this point complaints may start to stop, but that doesn't mean entirely. These episodes I enjoy watching over and over again with some good tension and comedy as well.
  1. S1 Ep 5 Wildfire- For the episodes Jim was in I liked him and learning his backstory as well so this was a pretty fun episode.
  2. S4 Ep 15 Us- the stuff with Abraham and their group was pretty wholesome to me and I liked Joe for the time being in here seeing how he is pretty fair to be honest giving things where they are due and trust to Daryl.
  3. S6 Ep 11 Knots Untie- I somewhat feel like the episode drags due to there being too much at hilltop, but it is a new community so I can't truly argue. I remember enjoyably when Rick stopped the assassination attempt.
  4. S8 Ep 9 Honor- the beginning with Carl I thought was good to showcase the events that unfolded before the decimation and Carl's death hit hard.
  5. S5 Ep 4 Slabtown- I personally don't mind the hospital arc too much, yet it won't get all of it's episodes too high of course. I liked watching Noah and Beth converse and I thought this was a new era for the walking dead.
  6. 10 Ep 1 Lines we Cross- the part with the Satellite was amusing to watch as it was a big change to see and I like that about the walking dead on occasions.
  7. S9 Ep 6 Who are you now?- I liked learning of Luke's Group (you heard me, Luke's Group) and what they have been like learning of some of their past.
  8. S10 Ep 8 The World Before- I liked mostly just watching two scenes, the beginning with Dante and Gabriel and Dante. I loved the fact no one even considered a Whisperer living amongst them and how he did some much devious stuff was mind boggling and amazing to watch. When Gabriel talks about forgiveness to Dante and kills him shows me how Gabriel has changed the past seasons.
  9. S7 Ep 9 Rock in the Road- Rick gives off a good speech to Ezekiel and I liked seeing him and Morgan reunite again. The stuff with Gabriel wasn't too bad either.
  10. S3 Ep 9 The Suicide King- the Governor finally seems to be starting to let things of him slip which I love to see. I also enjoyed watching Merle with Daryl as well too.
  11. S11 Ep 11 Rouge element- I thought that the twist of Steph was pretty good and I don't mind the episode being a bit long and tedious for it's reveal.
  12. S11 Ep 23 Family- I loved the fact Lydia got bit just because it shows us that people can still get bit and survive. It shows to me that in the finale no one could be truly safe even though Luke gets bit and still dies.
  13. S11 Ep 17 Lockdown- Saving Sebastian was okay ig.
  14. S8 Ep 10 The Lost and The Plunderers- Simon's character I think was made perfectly as he is a hotheaded person who is all about power and showing that off. Killing most of the Garbage people was terrifying to watch and showed how Negan could be more merciful than others.
  15. S1 Ep 1 Days Gone Bye- I think for the pilot it did it's job well and showed off enough of what the show could be. Of course this doesn't mean it was all good but as pilots go it was pretty solid.
  16. S11 Ep 1 Acheron Part 1- The only reason I put it this high was for the interrogation scenes especially when it came down to Ezekiel. Him and Mercer are honestly a great pair and I love his ending to the show as it's fitting.
  17. S5 Ep 10 Them- after losing most of the group it seems like a fitting episode of despair and plays it perfectly.
  18. S5 Ep 12 Remember- the first shown scenes of Alexandria was pretty good and I liked the interviews scene too. We also saw a lot of new character introductions.
  19. S11 Ep 6 On The Inside- The ferals was a nice touch of horror that I never knew I could need. Making the people with the ferals Virgil and Connie made the most perfect sense as well.
  20. S6 Ep 13 Not Tomorrow Yet- this episode shows off how our group is seeming to be the bad guys starting to kill people in their sleep. I like how Glenn and Heath have their first kills and show how they are changing.
  21. S7 Ep 1 The day will come when you won't be- I like the title as it references Doctor Jenner, but for the episode I liked Negan and that's mostly it. Seeing two people die was horrible to me, but necessary and since I don't rank episodes for being bad due to deaths I can still rank them high.
  22. S6 Ep 16 Last Day on Earth- Simon has a good introduction and I like them trying to get from point A to B, but what stands out to me most is probably Abraham and Eugene with his speech about him
  23. S7 Ep 15 Something they need- Sasha was probably the highlight of the episode for me and I liked them and Negan's interactions. It Is a good effort to show that they aren't all monsters and I like seeing Eugene as well.
  24. S3 Ep 7 When the Dead come knocking- Glenn and his interrogation with Merle was amazing and I liked seeing Glenn's true will shine.
  25. S8 Ep 12 The Key- I don't like this episode much honestly if it wasn't for Negan and Ricks Speech as well as Simon and his deviousness.
  26. S8 Ep 1 Mercy- the beginning I had to move up due to some good portions of it like Rick and Negan. I also liked the ending a lot even though I watched the trailer a lot and knew of Gabriel and Negan's interactions.
  27. S9 Ep 1 a New Beginning- wow two series beginnings next to each other... Yeah it's weird but they weren't exactly S Tier Material. The beginning with them trying to get a horse accessory was great tension to watch and I already love Ricks Beard.
  28. S10 Ep 18 Find me- okay so maybe I exaggerated My feeling towards Season 10 C a bit since I like some of the episodes a bit and others worse. The reason I put this here is mostly good plot lines and that was it.
Around here I wanted to say the reason for some episodes ranking higher is due to the fact the others are horrible and some of these have redeeming qualities. It's hard to put over 150 episodes ranked from horrible to greatness and know the points of interest.
  1. S3 Ep 3 Walk With Me- Merle brings joy to me seeing him again and I love him from here on out. I like how the Governor seems to be innocent enough until the big reveal with the militia which is amazingly put.
  2. S10 Ep 9 Squeeze- I hate Squeeze... There i said it. The cave sucks honestly and Id rather not watch it again because of that, but Negan is the only saving grace for this episode and if it wasn't for him I would never watch this episode again.
  3. S8 Ep 13 Do Not Send Us Astray- Simon attacking the Hilltop was the most great action of this season that I never minded and it felt terrifying after Tobin's fate was sealed.
  4. S3 Ep 12 Clear- I had to move it from S Tier, but nevertheless a great episode. Morgan's return was done perfectly and I felt like his character did a full 180 after this. Michonne and Carl's side story was also good.
  5. S2 Ep 12 Better Anglels- Shane and Ricks final confrontation was amazingly executed and loved the difference from the Comics with Rick killing shane and Carl shooting his reanimated self; Shane and Randel was also good too.
  6. S4 Ep 12 Still- Daryl and Beth make sense to pair together and I like seeing how we get a bit more back story to his character. They feel like the most perfect example to put for a mismatched pair.
  7. S6 Ep Thank You- The journey with Glenn's group trying to get back was amusing to see even though the dumpster ending wasnt really the best, still horrible to see.
  8. S10 Ep 4 Silence the Whisperers- Negan and Lydia have a good bond and I like how Negan defends her even though I hate how no one believes Lydia that Negan protected her.
  9. S8 Ep 4 Some Guy- I still love watching Ezekiel and the Kingdom so I enjoy this episode and how he feels defeated the whole time. Jerry is the best bodyguard in my opinion as well as it is shown and Shivas death is heartbreaking.
  10. S5 Ep 8 Coda- The reason I put this soo high was due to Rick and Bob. I did like the ending a bit even though I feel like Beth's death could've been avoided.
  11. S3 Ep 14 Prey- originally this episode was C Tier for me, but I re-watched it and put it this high due to the Governor being a literal psycho and I love this side of him.
  12. S11 Ep 20 What's been Lost- Lance felt underutilized as soon as he died, I really wished they could've made a difference with his exit on the show.
  13. S8 Ep 8 How it's gotta be- Forgot about Natanias death.
  14. S11 Ep 7 Promises Broken- Negan and Maggie had a good talk together about before.
  15. S10 Ep 6 Bonds- Okay.. XD.
  16. S6 Ep 10 The Next world- I thought the stuff with Rick, Daryl, and Jesus was goofy, but great.
  17. S11 Ep 19 Varient- I do like the idea of evolving walkers though I feel like it was a bit late in the show.
  18. S3 Ep 13 Arrow on the Doorstep- the meeting was just terrific to watch as the Governor is so sinister inside it with Milton and Hershel having a good talk as well with Martinez and Daryl having a good show off time. Merle and Glenn have some good times too.
  19. S9 Ep 2 The Bridge- The log scene was amazing and Aaron had a good scene with the amputation.
S Tier, These episodes are some of my favorite to watch with a good glass of Tea and some snacks.
  1. S7 Ep 7 Sing me a song- Negan and Carl were fun to watch as well as some more insight on the sanctuary as Daryl breaks free. Negan and Carl also Bond.
  2. S10 Ep 10 Stalker- Daryl VS Alpha!!!
  3. S11 Ep 16 Acts of God- Lance is very horrifying as to what his next move is and Leah's stuff was good.
  4. S3 Ep 8 Made to suffer- it was a great Mid season finale as I enjoyed the fight with the Governor and Rick as well as the ending with Merle and Daryl.
  5. S2 Ep 6 Secrets- Glenn has to deal with hiding multiple people's secrets and I feel like the comedy is pure gold here.
  6. S1 Ep 2 Guts- The rooftops scenes were great as well as the parts where they wear guys to avoid the walkers, it always felt like a sense of panic in this episode.
  7. S9 Ep 9 Adaptation- the introduction to Alpha was simple enough and I feel like it's a good episode.
  8. S11 Ep 10 New Haunts
  9. S11 Ep 12 The Lucky Ones- Carol finally feels a little bit like she's back to her old self in this community with Lance and their deals.
  10. S4 Ep 1 30 days without and Accident- probably my second favorite of the beginning episodes as it demonstrates exactly how the group has got along since the recent events. Has a good story with the shopping market and the roof caving in was awesome.
  11. S3 Ep 10 Home- this episode shows how Merle and Daryl are far apart which I can still keep watching Merle and be entertained as well as the fight scene at the end with the Governor being cocky as can be.
  12. S9 Ep 16 The Storm- snow is a new but simple thing that I like along with Negan Earning trust with Michonne.
  13. S10 Ep 2 We are the End of the World- Gamma saving Alpha is one of my favorite scenes of how it shows Alphas power towards the group and influence on it's people.
  14. S6 Ep 8 Start to Finish- The walls coming down had an interesting story as well as many like the Wolf getting loose and Diana having a badass/amazing exit.
  15. S9 Ep 11 Bounty- The Movie Theatre scene was pretty good as well as Alpha with and Lydia.
  16. S5 Ep 2 Strangers- The uneasy feeling of Gabriel is pretty good to show the groups trust and I like how the ending is played out with the reveals.
  17. S11 Ep 13 Warlords- The Complex is a pretty good place to see and I like seeing the evolution of Negan and Aaron.
  18. S9 Ep 15 The Calm Before- The highlight is the end with the pikes though it made sense for the lesser characters. I hated seeing Henry and Enid die (Not with Tara).
  19. S10 Ep 11 Morning Star- The start of the battle is ingenius with the tree sap fire scene and it makes for a suspenseful ending to the episode to come.
  20. S9 Ep 5 What come After- The episode is meant to be a sendoff for Rick so I'll rank it about everything else instead. I did enjoy some of the sequences with Hershel and I loved seeing Shane again. He really puts perspective on some episodes like Season 5 which makes me enjoy watching those episodes more as well as Shane. Ricks exit was also done is a pretty good way.
  21. S7 Ep 13 Bury me Here- I liked watching Morgan slowing go back into insanity which I believe is due to PTSD of some sort. The episode feels really well done and I like the ending to it with Richard Dying and Carol being told everything.
  22. S9 Ep 12 Guardians- Alpha is great to watch in this episode and the way she kills the two whispering who challenge them is great!
  23. S8 Ep 5 The Big scary U- the main focus is Negan and Gabriel which is an amazing talk between then two before settling their differences. I also like the unease at the sanctuary through betrayal.
  24. S11 Ep 14 The Rotten core- the whole episode is one of If not my personal favorite to watch for the complex alone being a nice setting. I enjoy every bit of this episode as well as the side deal with Sebastian and how Mercer is revealed to be a pretty nice guy.
  25. S5 Ep 15 Try- The whole episode feels like a decent into madness for Rick seeing everyone against him. I like how he goes into protective cop mode and try to defend the ones he lives as well as his speech at the end.
  26. S11 Ep 18 A New Deal- The whole episode is average, but the ending just feels amazing to rewatch.
  27. S2 Ep 11 Judge, Jury, Executioner- I personally like Dale a lot so I love this episode. It really shows how the group is starting to turn as they believe to do what is best for the group and not morals. Dales death is also very heartfelt to watch and showed off the walkers dangerousness.
  28. S10 Ep 14 Look At The Flowers- Negan and Daryl make a good pair to watch though I enjoyed watching Beta and him struggling to get back on track after Alphas death and I love him so much more for this episode.
  29. S5 Ep 5 Self Help- Daryl and Carol at the moments have some good episodes together so it's not surprise I'd love this episode. With Noah in the episode as well it feels like a amazing show of how the characters (Carol and Daryl) have changed morally.
  30. S6 Ep 13 The Same Boat- Carol has been shown to be ruthless, but this episode shows her true colors as how she doesn't want this to be her life anymore.
  31. S5 Ep 13 Forget- the episode itself has many great minisodes it felt like which was fantastic.
50 and 49. S4 Ep 6 Live Bait and 7 Dead Weight- I put these both here due to the fact of me loving the equally. The 6th episode feels like a showcase of how the Governor gets broken entirely and starts to get built back up positively showing what could have been and for a time it feels beautiful to me. The 7th though shows how some things can mess with his mind and make him go back to being a psychopath that kills everyone he sees.
  1. S8 Ep 16 Wraith- The ending to season 8 was pretty eventful for the battles begin as Eugene saved everyone's asses from a cool trick with the bullets. I am happy that Rick decided to save Negan and I love the episode except for the ending being off-putting with Maggie.
  2. S6 Ep 9 No way Out- The Wolf has a pretty interesting end that I enjoyed to see and aside from the the entire eoisode is the best part. You never feel that sense of boring to it as the action is nonstop great.
  3. S5 Ep 5 Now- I liked small bits and pieces of this episode mostly revolving around Diana and her role starting to change. If she survived I don't doubt I would've loved to see her go through more of an arc.
  4. S7 Ep 11 Hostiles and Calamities- I can see the hate for this episode, though I love it myself. Eugene in my opinion is at his best here and I love watching him here with Negan and their interactions. It was also great how Dwight had framed the doctor.
  5. S5 Ep 6 Consumed- Abraham was one of my favorite characters not just for jokes but for this episode. His backstory is heartbreaking to learn about and relatable. When he falls down after beating Eugene in defeat I can feel his pain with him.
  6. S9 Ep 13 Chokepoint- Daryl VS Beta!!!
SS Tier, after this point there is no bad things that the episodes could have drag it's down. These ones are my person favorites.
Around this time I also realized that it seems my numbers on the side aren't matching so I'm fixing it from here so skip 42- 38. Idk what happened but I messed up somewhere and went to fix it but couldn't find the problem.
  1. S2 Ep 13 Besides the Dying Fire- The walkers attacking the farm was a great scene just as much as the Democracy speech was from Rick, though Lori is horrible to Rick in this episode. Also Rick tells the group "we're all infected"
  2. S4 Ep 2 Infected- I love the scene where Patrick reanimates and the morning fight they have in the prison. So much stuff happens at once. The ending was Great with Tyreese and. The pig scene was sad to watch.
  3. S6 Ep 6 Always Accountable- One time when I like Sasha is this episode with Abraham. Where to begin; The Rocket launcher scene was great, Abraham is great with quips, Daryl with Dwight is a good scene and I love the ending as well.
  4. S6 Ep 14 Twice as Far- The Denise speech wasnt too bad and the death was great. I enjoyed Abraham and Eugene; I think my favorite scenes was with Abraham and Eugene with another one of his speechs towards him which was funny and heartfelt.
  5. S4 Ep 16 A- The best part is when Joe's group comes along and how Rick bites out his throat signifying that he and Shane are now alike. I also like when Rick and Daryl talk as well as Rick figuring out this olace kidnaps people.
  6. S2 Ep 7 Pretty Much dead Already- Shane is what I love about this episode, he and Dale had a really funny encounter and I feel like Shane makes me laugh and be serious at the same time with each scenes. I also like how Rick is more accepting towards Hershel.
  7. S10 Ep 16 A Certain Doom- Beta was good in this episode and had some great parts, but the fights wee great especially the scene with the Music. Betas death felt odd, but that doesn't lower the episode.
  8. S4 Ep 14 The Grove- I mean do I really have to explain? Carol is a savage here and I love when they finally talk about Karen and Davids death here. Nothing in this episode is a low note.
  9. S2 Ep 5 Chupacabra- I love everything about Daryl's scenes in this that show how he is a badass and capable of holding his own. Also love his Hallucinations.
  10. S11 Ep 24 Rest In Peace- certainly wasn't the best finale, but I felt like it did well enough for the episode. It tied up most loose ends for the show given its runtime and I feel like it is fitting enough.
  11. S2 Ep 10 18 Miles Out- my favorite of Season 2 has Shane and Rick have the best battle I have seen even more than The Governor and Rick or Negan and Rick. This battle utilizes both of their strengths and weaknesses with some things that have never been done in the show much more like using your blood to attract walkers to other places. It was an amazing episode all in all.
  12. S1 Ep 6 TS-19- idk what it is but I love watching this episode over and over again and I love it the more I watch it. It is probably because I like Doctor Jenner a bit more in each watching of his tragic backstory with his wife.
  13. S9 Ep 14 Scars- The flahsback was an amazing one that told us something vital to the story about how they don't trust people coming in anymore. What Daryl and especially Michonne went through is tragic.
  14. S5 Ep 3 Four Walls a roof- this episode is perfect for a number of reasons like Bob and his antics or Savage Rick, this was a turning point for the walking dead and this is where Rick gets some of his roots.
  15. S1 Ep 4 Vatos- even though I love TS-19 I love Vatos more. This is unique to some episodes where you see a group just like Ricks that is trying to survive and this is where we realize the world is bigger than we thought still.
  16. S7 Ep 16 The first day of the rest of your Life- The battle was amazing and I feel like this was the best it was going to get for the coming seasons, but season 9 and 10 surprised me.
  17. S10 Ep 5 What it always Is- Negan with the Kid is the highlight I think, I could've honestly seen this going farther, if it wasn't for the former savior. I feel like this was fitting for an entire episode of, but we diverged a bit.
  18. S4 Ep 3 Isolation- Hershel and Tyreese are the highlights for me with Tyreese going berserk and Hershel being a kind soul. This is a staple episode for why Season 4 is amazing and why Hershel is what made season 4 great.
  19. S6 Ep 4 Here's not Here- I love learning about Eastman and Morgan in this one off. I love how it is somewhat told in the first person narrative to the Wolf and how Morgan changed back to who he was. Eastman shows how he and Morgan are pretty similar and why he should be like him.
  20. S5 Ep 14 Spend- aside from Francine being here to be used as eye candy for me I loved how some of Alexandria like and dislike rick's group here. I do hate Noah dying as I feel like he could've been so much more.
  21. S10 19 One More- I love havng the episode based on Aaron and Gabriel as they have came a long way since their beginnings. When they have few an encounter with Mays I felt like this was a testimony to who they are as people. We see how they care for each other and how Mays fails to make a point of who they are until Gabriel Kills him showing he has gone farther away from the light.
  22. S7 Ep 3 Cell- Daryl is locked up and he is now being treated like shit. This episode feels great cause of how it feels like he is trying to break Daryl. Dwight also has a great mission on how he mercy kills a savior and shows he isn't as bad as you may think.
  23. S6 Ep 1 First time again- I do enjoy the setting of the episode how we see the diverge in Alexandria and who listens or hears Rick out. The episode is a great example for staring episodes... But not the best at it.
  24. S5 Ep 9 What Happened and what's going On- I loved Tyreese's character so to see him die was horrible for me. His episodes I feel like was a good send off since it is a test to who he is as a person who is confounded about the world around him.
  25. S3 Ep 4 Killer Within- this episode was played perfectly and I feel like is a good sendoff for other characters as well like how I hate Lori. She is made just a bit better from her sacrifice and thought T-Dog went out in a good way as well. The prisoners also had a good show for their trust.
  26. S4 Ep 5 Interment- this is where Hershel's best episode is as he is the best Samaritan Alive in the apocalypse. At the end where Rick and Carl fend off the walkers inside the gates in a great bond and I love the whole episode.
  27. S6 Ep 3 JSS- it is well rounded and has good action as well as a lot of tension and suspense with Carol showing off her capabilities and Morgan with his philosophy.
Finally we cracked the top ten and into Premium Episodes. If you've made it this far you are are persistent as me... Well probably less since this took a long ass time but still. These are the episodes whee I cherish them and can watch more than once a month.
  1. S8 Ep 15 Worth- Worth has what I want in an episode; good characters and story/plot. Eugene's parts are made more important seeing how he needed to stay at the sanctuary to save Alexandria and the other communities. I loved even more Dwight's part where I have without doubt the most suspense with him and Negan. Simon also had the most best arc death as it felt complete.
  2. S5 Ep 16 Conquer- the episode has a lot of action and the ending was the pivet. I love the speech he has and how Diana let's Rick be in charge now was a sort of cliffhanging ending that signify's perfection.
  3. S5 Ep 1 No sanctuary- both Season 5's beginning and finale are amazing and the way Rick and his group take down Terminus in one episode is amazing as they fight there way out and the scene with Judith was great. Morgan was just a sprinkle of wholesomeness to see.
  4. S10 Ep 12 Walk With Us- The Episode had just enough action, good deaths and character interactions to make it here. First of the battle at hilltop was amazing. The second best thing was Earl and I feel very sad every time I watch this episode at his part. Then the best thing is the end with Alpha and Negan.
  5. S3 Ep 1 Seed- The best beginning to a season it shows how the group has changed since Rick and the prison is a great example. The tombs are a great scenery and the ending was perfect for a cliffhanger as well as Conquer.
  6. S3 Ep 2 Sick- the prisoner episode was pretty good to watch as a group of prisoners try to take on walkers. While some are good others would rather be assertive. Rick has definitely changed since season 2 and the group is played great here and much more human like.
  7. S7 Ep 2 Well- what helps this episode is the last episode before it having a dark tone. This instead has a more uplifting one with the king and with Carol and Morgan being a great pair. The Kingdom seems to be a good community and seeing how Carol tries to smooth talk the king and how he tells whays her bullshit is an amazing scene.
  8. S10 Ep 22 Heres Negan- We realize he was a kinda lousy husband that wasn't really too good to becoming a really supportive husband who cares deeply for his wife Lucille. The story before showed a lot of Negan and how he is and I love Lucille as a character from this episode trying to do whats best for Negan.
  9. S4 Ep 8 Too Far gone- Honestly this IS the best episode, but I am bias so I had to put my own personal favorite above it not to say this isn't right behind it easily. Too far gone is what feels like a season finale but isn't. The Governors first encounter should've been this and I'm glad we got to see it unfold great. Rick has a great speech in it about not being too far gone yet and the Governor killing Hershel to start the best battle of the series. The Governors death feels fitting and the ending was sad and amazing.
Before I get to this last one I wanted to say a thank you in advance to whomever reads this as I really had a hard time making this and spending a lot of time to do this isn't easy. And remember this last episode is my very own person opinion entirely and in no way is it the best of the series definitively, without any furthermore, lets end this.
  1. Season 3 Episode 15 This Sorrowful Life- Now what makes this episode so great to me? Well I'm totally biased towards the actor and the character in the show Merle Dixon. I could watch Merle all day which is what they episode feels like with the perfect duo of Michonne and Merle on their way to the governor. It has some of the most perfect comedy in the episode as well as having the best sacrifice redemption arc and ending. This episode made me laugh, smile, cry and more. There will never be a time when I ever change my opinion about this episode in existence.
Again another huge thanks to everyone and I hope this will satisfy everyones needs... Now I'ma go watch S3 Ep 15 Legit.
submitted by TonyTony1287 to TonysRandomness [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 09:45 CaptainCheckmate Best way to extract data from a running pico?

I have a pico that does some measurements. (It runs a motor at different throttle levels and measures RPM, force and power consumption.)
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Any ideas are welcome.
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2024.05.20 05:36 Ok_Independent_1230 TOONTRACK EZDRUMMER 3

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2024.05.20 04:40 Popular_Advantage213 RBC Brooklyn Half - An Incredibly Long Road Back

Race information


Goal Description Completed?
A Sub 1:38 No
B Sub 1:40 No
C As far sub 2:00 as possible Yes
D Run really fast Yes


I was an athlete, but never a runner. Growing up I played baseball and soccer, then lacrosse and football. Running was something done in laps, and it was a punishment. I went on one run as a teenager, but it was with a girl I thought was cute, and I could barely keep up with her. Then, at 17, I tore my ACL. At 18 I had two surgeries for post-op infections from the ACL surgery. At 19, another surgery to remove one of the original screws from the ACL. At 20, I tore my meniscus and had a partial meniscectomy.
A few years later, I started running a little. Nothing regular, or structured. Then I made friends with a triathlete and was inspired to sign up for some races. I hated the swim, liked the bike, tolerated the run. I don’t think I ever ran more than 6.2 miles for the entirety of my 20s.
By 30, I couldn’t run. Osteoarthritis had kicked in hard and athletic stuff was too painful to enjoy. By 32 I was talking to orthopedic surgeons about a knee replacement. Injections didn’t work, and PT was prehab. Daily life was too much. I couldn’t sleep through the night, I was icing my knee at my desk during the day, stairs were a thing to be avoided if possible and navigated carefully if required - the whole bit. Keeping up with two toddlers was impossible.
A medium-sized miracle happened. I was accepted into a clinical trial, the “Atlas Study” for a new surgically implanted device that offloaded the medial side of the knee. I was nearly the last of 50 patients in this study - and definitely one of the youngest. Atlas was successful, and another trial followed, and then FDA approval just before the six years anniversary of my surgery. The device is now known as the MISHA Knee System.


I ran somewhat irregularly, 8-10 miles in a good week, post-COVID. We got a treadmill in 2020 because my wife used to go the gym solely to run. So I made use of it, and never ran outside, 2020-April 2024.
I got it in my head to run a half marathon around the holidays. I was feeling good, and wanted a new goal. I started climbing again in September 2023, and wanted another, complementary challenge - something more concrete. I started my training the second week of January. I had no idea what I was doing. I just hoped I could train successfully, and without triggering knee pain.
I looked at the Hal Higdon Novice 1, and tweaked to my purposes - 3 days a week of running, three days of climbing, and some kickboxing classes thrown in for good measure. Plus a two week ski trip at serious altitude in late March - I’ll come back to this. So: Monday and Wednesdays were shorter runs, Saturdays were long runs. Tuesday, Thursday, and Sunday were climbing days at my local gym. Plus a goal of a weekday kickboxing class and a weekend kickboxing class, which meant some days were a double. It was a big jump in training volume.
Monday and Wednesday runs started out at 3 miles and built up in half mile increments to 5, according to Hal’s plan. Dearest Hal says next to nothing about pace, so like an enthusiastic but naive child I just ran as close to my goal pace as possible, over the distance specified, hoping to get the treadmill to an average of 6.6. I basically negative split my runs at threshold out of the gates. And Saturday runs? The same thing. Trying to get to 6.6 on that treadmill. From no consistent base.
Then at the end of January I tore my TFCC - plus two other ligaments in my wrist. No climbing for 8 weeks, no kickboxing for at least that long. Cross training plans are out for a while.
Nothing but running to keep me sane, for a bit. Stuck with three days a week. I skipped racing the 5k and 10k in the plan and just advanced the long run to the next mile. But that ski trip hit, right after I ran 10 miles for the first time. Two weeks with a ton of cross training, and almost zero running - I tried one run, but at ~9000 feet instead of home at ~20, I died after about 2 miles.
Post trip, I had six weeks to race day. Climbing was back in as cross training. Shorter runs were all 5 miles, Saturday runs were 9, 10, 13.1, 10, 3, race day. I started reading Reddit voraciously and my TikTok feed started giving me running coaches and I discovered this wild idea called “zone 2 running” - wow was it easier! So weird. For the first time I did some intervals, some threshold work, a 10 mile progression run, and actual easy runs. It was in early April when I realized my original goal - break 2 hours - was the wrong time altogether. That 13.1 mile run was my second run off a treadmill. I had downloaded Strava but didn’t know it could tell me my times in my headphones. I just went out for an 11 mile run, felt good, extended it, and found out afterwards that I ran a 1:42:XX. I was shocked, my treadmill pace had never been that fast. And I was trying hard, but maybe not as hard as possible. I set new goals.
The next weekend I did a 10 mile progression run outside, with Strava telling me times. I had basically no time to learn what different paces felt like, so I negative split 10 miles and tried to remember what felt good, and what felt like too much.
Before you know it, it was time to taper. Another new experience for me. One climbing session, no kickboxing, 3 mile runs.

Race Day

I drove myself nuts trying to decide whether to run in my assigned corral, 1L, or drop back to 2A. Passing thousands of people or open roads? I’ll never know if I made the right call.
Slept horribly. Maybe 3.5 hours. Multiple wakeups and I was up for good at 4:10. I tried to use everything I learned about nutrition in the days leading up to the race - I was so hydrated, and had so. many. carbs. I had a very upset stomach on race morning and went light with food, had some Imodium, and focused on trying to follow the routine I laid out.
Commute was fine, getting checked in was fine, adrenaline was starting to kick in. Positioned myself at the front of L, and suddenly realized how many people were out there. It felt like forever to start moving, and then the slow walk… and around the corner, which I didn’t expect, and I started Strava early. And we’re off!
Within a minute it’s obvious that I am not going to be able to set my own pace against the prevailing tide of humanity. Maybe half a mile in I see a few people using the sidewalk on the right - nah, I think, then about 15 seconds later I’m blocked ahead and to my left and so say fuck it and go. Good decision.
My focus on the first 5k was not to go out too fast, but not to get bogged down in traffic. 7:58 mile average per NYRR. Mission accomplished.
My focus in the second 5k was to control the hills, but not burn out. And not create a big time deficit. And not get bogged down in traffic. 8:00 per mile average. Mission very accomplished.
10-15k, I wanted to open it up a bit. Not full throttle, I was worried about leaving something in the tank. And not getting bogged down in traffic. It was spacing out a bit more, but I was still running on the left side for clearer roads most of the time, and working right to get to the water stations. 7:27 average. Mission accomplished, and feeling good
Now we’re between mile 9 and 10. I take my third gel just before the aid station, and start to think about how fast I can go. Mile 10 of that progression run in training was 6:47. That’s the goal now. In retrospect - it was also with a vest, uncrowded Central Park roads, no slowing for aid stations. Repeat after me: you should not be upset with actual results. Mile 11-12 sucked. It was probably the only time I didn’t negative split. But: 15k to 20k - 7:21
Home stretch - I did not pay enough attention to the map; to Reddit, to NYRR’s descriptions. The big right on Surf Road? A surprise. Started my kick. The ramp to the Boardwalk? I guess it was new, but man did it feel terrible. Second attempt at a kick. Do not get bogged down. Smile! We’re through. 7:02 pace.


Would I have run faster in Wave 2? We’ll never know, and hopefully never find out. Passing thousands of people because I guessed wrong about my time was weird. I used a lot of energy and ran a fair bit of extra distance because of it. 17 seconds to beat 1:40? Maybe. Or maybe I needed to pass people for motivation.
But more than anything, as I reflect, I am grateful. I’m grateful to be able to run at all, because I know what it’s like to struggle to walk.I am grateful for my doctor that referrred me to the study, to my surgeon, Dr Andreas Gomoll, to all the people behind the MISHA device. I’m grateful to Abby Bales, my PT for prehab and rehab from surgery, and everyone who has been a part of my crazy orthopedic history.
I caught the running bug. I’ll be back. Sub 1:35 feels like the next step. I’ve only just begun, and I achieved my biggest goal - run happy. I have the race photos to prove it.
This post was generated using the new race-reportr, powered by coachview, for making organized, easy-to-read, and beautiful race reports.
submitted by Popular_Advantage213 to running [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 01:25 kaiseralex96 Trying to play all Main Line FF games (including some spin-offs coming from them). Also mentioning my experience so far with the games (SPOILERS)

I've known about these games from many years ago, but never tried them till this year when I got XV as a gift from my brother.
Already bought the Pixel Remasters (I-VI, including Strangers of Paradise which seems to have a connection to FF I), VII-X (which includes crisis core, the Remakes and X-2), 12, Type-0, 15 and 16.
But I'm curious about Final Fantasy XI and XIII, because one is online from PS2 as far as I remember and the other one I can't find it in the PS store. Is there a way to play XI? Haven't checked steam for them yet.
So far, I've completed some of them in this order (there's comments about my experience playing each game so you can skip this):
XV was the first one and I loved the characters. I cried a lot with the ending and loved the interactions between them. The camping, cooking, photos and dialogues (Ignis coming up with new recipes while the rest of the gang is dying) felt so compelling that even losing the Regalía hurt me. I swear I've seen Regalia shed a tear when it reached it's end like Going Merry in One Piece. Regalía was the fifth member I didn't even know till I lost it. Can't say I had any high expectation because I played the game without any idea of what to expect (didn't watch any trailer, clip, etc. Also, didn't know about the Fabula Nova Crystallis and it's connection to FF XIII). Although I played the base version because I forgot to download the Royal pack or some sort of update (some bosses were different or missing in the last chapter from I've seen in videos). So I'll replay it once I'm done with the rest.
VI was the next. I've heard many good things about it and they were all true. The intro was pretty much a huge spoiler of the ending lol. Loved the story and it's characters, also cried with it. Celes theme still makes me cry when I remember the cliff scene when Cid dies. The Cataclysm and World of Ruin were so unexpected but still so enjoyable (except for the cultist tower, hated that place, although it's music was wonderfully ominous). Kefka was SO charismatic and fun as a villain tha I'm not even sure the dialogue of him being the first attempt of infusing Magic into someone would implicate that he could have either been a wicked person before the experiment and it turned him way worse than before (like captain america with the serum just boosting what he was already) or just some random person/soldier who got his mind totally destroyed and went mad in the process (might explain the "You sound like the lines from a self-help book" rant).
Then I played FF I. Tbh, the time travel and the "first boss was actually the final boss" twist was the least I expected from the first game. It was enjoyable, although the magic system was kind of bothersome. Thank god that there was elixirs. What I read about the Warmech was true. Harder than the final boss, got myself searching for it like 50 minutes till it decided to appear, just to get myself obliterated. After a few more hours grinding and 4 attempts, finally got to beat it.
Started FF II right after finishing FF I. The key terms were very interesting to get more dialogue and info from the characters. The levelling systems was both good and bad. I enjoyed the idea of Magic and weapon mastery levelling up the more I used them, but as someone who likes to overlevel and get lots of supplies just to avoid using them, it really got tedious and had to resort to hitting myself. Really liked the whole war aspect. Can't say I've felt anything for the characters, even the permanent dead ones. They were just joining and then whoops dead already, except for Minwu. Bloodsword almost obliterated the Emperor in hell lol
FF III was a curious one. Read about the job system and found it very interesting. Also, that Onion Knights were both the worst and best job in the game and I decided to complete the game as just OK from the very beginning, minus some segments that required me to use Magic to either unlock or get inside some places. It was hell. For the first time in my life (and these games), I had to use ítems in battle to kill some enemies which straight killed me in 3 turns or less, although the grinding part wasn't new for me. But farming the Onion equipment, that's another story. Having played games like Runescape I thought grinding for a specific item wouldn't be so hard like there, but sweet RNGesus it was truely one of the longest grinds. The whole "floating continent is just a small part of the real world" reminded me of Hunter x Hunter's Dark continent.
Currently playing FF IV and I think I made a mistake. In the mist cave, I died fighting the boss, then went straight to it again, defeated it, but the game was using a save file from before I got every chest in there, so I'm not sure if I completely lost content for the trophies because I noticed it after getting a bard character. Not sure if I should restart from the beginning.
Still have to play FF:
submitted by kaiseralex96 to FinalFantasy [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 21:39 Housedeep2682 + 300 song dm for trade

  1. Coming Back For You Vidojean PLAYED BY KEINEMUSIK
  2. Out Of Touch keinemusik ( unreleased)
  3. A Keeper - Drake Keinemusik ( unreleased)
  4. Abdel Kader (Mont Rouge Remix)
  5. Abra - Feel (&ME Remix) ( unreleased)
  6. Adele & Tayllor-Set fire to the rain X Talking drums
  7. Alex Wann - My Love ( unreleased )
  8. alex wann - peperuke ( unreleased )
  9. by myself (unreleased)
  10. Byron Messia - Talibans PLAYED BY KEINEMUSIK
  11. Coldplay - Viva La Vida
  12. Day N Night - Remix ( unreleased )
  13. Drake - Flights Booked
  14. Drake - Get it Together ft Black Coffee & Jorja Smith (Samson Remix)
  15. Drake - Passionfruit (Kawz & Tolex Afro Tribute)
  16. Drake - Rich Baby Daddy (Remix Southcent)
  17. Drake - Slime You Out
  18. Drake & Rampa - Virgil Forever ( unreleased )
  19. Drake, Rihanna - Take Care
  20. Eran Hersh & Anorre
  21. Fragma - Tocas Miracle (Vidojean X Oliver Loenn Remix)
  22. Freed From Desire unreleased remix ( choujaa )
  23. WAIT FOR U Mont Rouge Remix ( unreleased )
  24. Gypsy Woman (Rampa Edit) ( unreleased )
  25. Jennifer Lopez - Waiting for Tonight (Jamey Williams Remix)
  26. Keinemusik Cezaramina ( unreleased )
  27. Kolinga -Kongo Samin (remix) ( unreleased )
  28. Lana Del Rey - summertime
  29. Lykke Li - I Follow Rivers (Addal Remix)
  30. Moojo - Vamonos Mas que Nada (Jonni Gil)
  31. Maz, Maxi Meraki, Apache - Nothing On Me X Baby Again
  32. Mont Rouge, Meloko, Utli x Destiny's Child - Say My Name
  33. Moojo, Caiiro - NGWINO ( unreleased )
  34. Moon J - Collateral Damage ( unreleased )
  35. Mwaki (feat Sofiya Nzau)
  36. Natiruts - Sorri, Sou Rei (ft. Sonia Savinell)
  37. Nelly Furtado - Say It Right (Faros Remix)
  38. Nobody
  39. Paradise Played by Keinemusik
  40. Peru
  41. Rolling In The Deep - Francis Mercier Remix ( unreleased )
  42. Say My Name ( unreleased)
  43. Set Fire To The Rain - Adameyo
  44. The Weeknd - Popular PLAYED BY KEINEMUSIK
  45. The Weeknd, Moojo - Secret ID x Creepin ( unreleased )
  46. Travis Scott - I Know
  47. Tyla - Water (Marcel Serrano Edit)
  48. Umbrella - Sonny Noto Remix
  49. Wish i didnt miss you (Ft Jodie G)
  50. &ME - Losing GARDEN
  51. UNKLE - ONLY YOU (&ME Remix)
  52. Sativa (Daveartt Remix)
  53. Belief - Super Flu
  54. Antony P X Julie - Welcome To The Diamond Aura (C.Sorrentino & Tom S )
  55. Corpo-e-Canção
  56. Bad For You
  57. HUGEL, Alex Wann - Forever In My Mind
  58. 7 seconds (Moojo remix)
  59. Billie Eilish - Everything I Wanted (Ikerfoxx (ES) Remix
  60. Maz VXSION - Amana (Original Mix) (Unreleased)
  61. Slow Down (VXSION Remix)
  62. MoBlack, Benja, Franc Fala - Yamore
  63. Nitefreak & emmanuel jal - Gorah
  64. Overnight- keinemusik
  65. Keinemusik (feat. Amr Diab) Noor Al Ain & The rapture part II
  66. the rapture x passionfruit
  67. Oyé Oyé [UNRELEASED]
  68. afeto
  69. Journey (Black Coffe) - UNRELEASED
  70. Victor Alc - Sudamérica
  71. Jovem Dionisio - Pontos de Exclamação (VXSION Remix)
  72. CamelPhat - Home (Samm (BE) & Ajna (BE) Remix)
  73. O Amor Te Dá (VXSION & Sone. Remix)
  74. 8A - 120 - Maz, Antdot - Run
  75. Collé - Kupata feat Nes Mburu
  76. Drake - Finesse (Antdot Remix)
  77. Classy 101 (Maz, VXSION Extended Edi
  78. Arodes & Fahlberg - She Asked Me To Dance
  79. Omah Lay - soso (JOSEPH Remix)
  80. Reekado Banks, Adekunle Gold & Maleek Berry - Feel Different (Chris IDH Remix radio edit)
  82. Kimotion - Ya habibi yalla
  83. A kepper drake - moojo
  84. Drake - One Dance (Peace Control Remix)
  85. Yamê Bécane - Kimotion
  86. Confession (ALX YAV Remix)
  87. Malive, Luiza Gogoia, Morgado - Quinta
  88. ilanga &Me Edit 3
  89. ! SHIK SHAK SHOK (master 2)
  90. Drake & Jorja Smith - Get it Together (VXSION Remix)
  91. Caiiro - No One
  92. Black Coffee & David Guetta featuring Delilah Montagu - Drive (Da Capo Dub Touch)
  93. Stromae - Papaoutai (Francis Mercier Remix)
  94. Jaguar Jaguar - Born In Blue (Chambord Remix)
  95. Carlita, Mojoo - Havana
  96. Unforgettable-French-Montana
  97. Keinemusik - Two Lost Kings
  98. KOO KOO FUN - (Kimotion x RAY Remix)
  99. Zulumke- Da Capo Afro Dub2
  100. Moojo feat Awen - Giant Final Mix Master
  102. Mont Rouge(CH) - Tamale
  103. Jorja Smith - Rose Rouge (Moojo Remix)
  104. Badbwoy x Hoodia - Veneno
  105. ! Moojo , Carlita ft Gabsy - Macaron vfinal
  106. ! Vidojean X Oliver Loenn - Satisfaction Afro V.2
  107. Chris IDH - Sunray
  108. Moojo, Caiiro, Adassiya - Deep in Love
  109. Black Coffee, Rampa - MAMAKUSA
  110. Ankhoï - Another Hallelujah (Mont Rouge Private Edit)
  111. Salif Keita - Madan (Badbwoy Remix)
  112. Daughter Of The Sun (Ankhoi Remix)
  113. Kanye West - Love Lockdown (Vidojean & Oliver Loenn Remix)
  115. Save Your Tears (Alex Wann Remix) MASTER
  116. Moojo - Attitude
  117. Moojo - Rain (Instrumental)
  118. Moojo , Da Capo ft Tabia - What u desire ( vocal mix )
  119. Moojo ft Gabsy - Ze Roberto
  120. Coldplay x Notre Dame - Adventure of a Lifetime x Emowe (dela sur Mashup)
  121. Coldplay - Viva La Vida (Choujaa & Epsylon Remix)
  122. More Life x Drake (CAIEL Over The Top Edit)
  123. Black Coffee - Juju feat Zakes Bantwini (Chaleee & Sammi Ferrer Escalation Remix)
  124. Masšh & Adam Port feat. Ninae - All I Got (Original Mix)
  125. Moojo - Meditation
  126. Moojo ft Starving yet Full - Limitless Vocal Version
  127. Moojo - I Want Your Soul
  128. Wannabe (Kimotion Remix)
  129. Mojoo - Hate it Or Love It x Dua Lipa Training Season
  130. Downstream - Makèz, Life On Planets (Lazare Remix)
  131. Travis Scott - Modern Jam (Sammi Ferrer & Chaleee Remix)
  132. VXISION - Love Preparation (Slow Down Edit) - 4A - 120
  134. ! Ankhoï - After All Night Shift
  135. CUT OFF - &ME
  136. KU LO SA - Oxlade (SIINA EDIT)
  137. Ankhoï - Sandiya
  138. Malive, Luiza Gogoia & Morgado - Quintal (Extended Mix)
  139. KIMOTION - Sarà Perché Ti Amo
  140. Daft Punk - Get Lucky (Rivo Remix)
  141. Tanzania (Rampa remix)
  142. Ajna - Move.wav
  143. ! Howling - RY X (Legare Remix).wav
  144. ! Maxi Meraki - Remember (FINAL).wav
  145. ! OMRI. , Yamagucci - Selector (final limiter)
  146. ! SuperFlu - Lovesong.wav
  147. 01 Dos Mojitos 1.mp3
  148. 01 Fatoumata Diawara - Nterini (K.mp3
  149. 4Rain, Kasango - Best Friend Ft Jimmy Nevis.wav
  150. 11A - Ojos Asi - (Sinego & Laguna Remix) 1.mp3
  151. 11B - Frankenstein 1.mp3
  152. 11m Rebuke - Along Came Polly (Konstantin Sibold, Carmee & ZAC Remix) V NEW
  153. 1995_Hallelujah (Sachaaa & Lazare Edit).wav
  154. A Pale (Nick Morgan Remix) 1.mp3
  155. Aaron Sevilla, Yas Cepeda - El Hantour.mp3
  156. Aaron Smith, Krono - Dancin (Breakstorm Remix)
  157. Adore U (Anton Khabbaz Edit) 1.mp3
  158. Amonita, Makebo - Back to the roots (&friends private vocal edit)
  159. Andor Gabriel, Jerome Sydor - Temperatura.wav
  160. Andruss - Frikitona (Maesic Remix).wav
  161. Anthony - Cabo Parano Edit.wav
  162. Arodes, Andrea Oliva, Moeaike - Stronger Than Before
  163. ARYMÉ - How Far Feat Luke Coulson (EXTENDE-1.wav
  164. Asgeir - Until Daybreak ( Nandu early morning mix ).wav
  165. Augusto Yepes & Tayllor - ID.wav
  166. Aytiwan__Kaudron_feat_Nes_Mburu_Es_Vedra_Chaleee_Remix
  167. Back To Life _ However (MOSY Remix).wav
  168. Becherano-_Healing.mp3
  169. Bill Withers - Who Is He (Victhor Remix).mp3
  170. Billie Eilish - everything i wanted (Carlita Remix).wav
  171. Black Coffee - Juju (Chaleee & Sammi Ferrer Escalation Remix)
  172. BobMarley-_Sun_Is_Shining_Made_In_TLV_Remix.mp3
  173. Bobby_Caldwell_What_You_Wont_Do_For_Love_VICTHOR_Remix.wav
  174. Breakstorm - Mykonos (Original Mix).wav Final Master Label
  175. CAMAGU - Augusto Yepes, Ft. Tabia.wav
  176. Can't Remember to Forget You [Hoax (BE) 'Amana' Edit] 1.mp3
  177. Carnaval Breve (David Mackay and Dela Sur).wav
  178. Choujaa - Phanda Feat. Mavhungu (Extended Mix).wav
  179. Collé - Something to Believe (Original Mix).wav
  180. Collé - Thoughts (Original Mix).wav
  181. Coolio_-_Gangsta_Paradise_Moojo_Edit
  182. Cris Taylor - Say My Name [Unrelesed].wav
  183. Dan Croll - From Nowhere (Âme Remix).mp3
  184. Davido - FEEL (Raffa Guido Remix) Master.wav
  185. Deni Hines - Its Alright (Jaquet Remix).wav
  186. dernier danse (Mudboy Remix) part1.mp3
  187. Dj 3000 - So Sheik X The Underground.mp3
  188. DJ Yellow, Flowers And Sea Creatures - No One Gets Left Behind (BLOND.ISH Beirut Edit).mp3
  189. DOT (BR), Rachel Reis - Eu Vou Pra Bahia (DSF Remix).wav
  190. Downstream (Lazare Remix) 1.mp3
  191. Egeme - So Fine (Demo).wav
  192. Emanuel Satie - Happy.wav
  193. Everyday (Original Mix) 1.mp3
  194. Eye Of The Tiger - Darren Remix.wav
  195. Father Stretch (CS Remix) 1.mp3
  196. first track - Mita Gami - Master.wav
  197. Forrest - Over and Over.wav
  198. Fragma - Toca's Miracle (Vidojean X Oliver Loenn Remix).wav
  199. Francis Mercier, Salif Keita, Nomis (FR) - Kabe (Extended Mix).wav
  200. FrancisMercier_Frigid_Armadillo_Luedji_Luna-_Uiara.mp3
  201. guapo & peaty - 6pm in casablanca.wav
  202. Gunna - fukumean (Peace Control & Riordan Remix) extended.wav
  203. Hallelujah (Auguste Ranska _ Ale Ale _ Edit) 1.mp3
  204. HUGEL - Bambola.mp3
  205. Humans feat. Lyrik Shoxen & KJM Cornetist (&ME Remix) 1.mp3
  206. I Want You Back(Moojo Edit) 1.mp3
  207. Ivan Masa & Super Flu - It_s a house day.mp3
  208. Ivyson - Girassol (Tato Remix).wav
  209. Jamek Ortega - Ride With Me_Final Master.wav
  210. Jamek Ortega & MP3 - Paris Girl.mp3
  211. Jamek Ortega_Burning Up_ft. Emily Denton - Final Master.wav
  212. JEWELS & KENZA - Next To Me (Antdot Remix).wav
  213. John Newman - Love Me Again (Legare & MALHO Remix) 1.aif
  214. Juan Yarin - Sun WLimiter.wav
  215. Kanye West - Everybody (Eszco Remix).wav
  216. Kashovski - Pull out the fire V2.wav
  217. Kashovski_&_Abel_Ray_Baby_Master_VF_Get_Physical_Music.wav
  218. Keinemusik (Adam Port, &ME, Rampa), Alan Dixon, Arabic Piano - Thandaza.wav
  219. Kendrick Lamar - Bitch Don_t Kill My Vibe (Talbot & Ber Grups Remix).wav
  220. Kisin - Closure (Extended Mix).wav
  221. Kutiman Mita Gami RMX.wav
  222. Like Mike & Tayllor - Kasmir.wavLil
  223. Louis - Club Lonely (Tom Nolan Edit).wav
  224. Lil Yachty - Ive Officially Lost Vision (Tim Engelhardt Edit).wav
  225. LOCKED OUT OF HEAVEN [David Mackay & Hoax (BE) Remix] PROMO.wav
  226. Loud Urban Choir - Bloody Samaritan (Bellone_s Brothers Remix) MASTER II.wav
  227. Lous and the Yakuza - Dilemme (Stephan Jolk Remix).wav
  228. Maesic & Samson - Rimiti (Extented Edit).wav
  229. Make You Happy Parable RAMPA Remix V3-1 1.mp3
  230. Malho - Nafe (Original Mix).wav
  231. Malik Taj - Contigo (V6).wav
  232. Malik Taj - Me Das Pena.wav
  233. Malive - Garimpo (FINAL).wav
  234. Malive, Billy Otto - Reduto v2.wav
  235. Mamentia(Don't Stop)(Abel Ray Edit).wav
  236. Marasi - Africa.wav
  237. Michael Jackson - Beat it (Shimza Remix).wav
  238. Michael Kiwanuka - Cold Little Heart (Makebo Remix)_Melodic House _2023 Not On Label 1.aif
  239. Milky Chance - Feeling For You (Moser Extended Remix).wav
  241. Mind Against - Hydra.wav
  242. Moeaike - Stronger (Original Mix).aiff
  243. Moojo - Ms Jackson.wav
  244. Moojo - Oui (FINAL MASTER).wav
  245. Moojo ft Gabsy - Ze Roberto v final.wav
  246. My Love (Quentro & Tuna X Yuksel Urer Remix) 1.mp3
  247. Naika - 1 plus 1 (GUAPO Remix).wav
  248. Nathan Katz - Porcelain in LA (Original Mix) 1.aiff
  249. Nitakangaa 1.mp3
  250. Notre Dame - Think About.wav
  251. Ofenbach - Overdrive (Andrew Dum Remix).wav
  252. One Dance - Drake (Indigo Retouch).wav
  253. Ordinary love - Talbot Remix Demo Master.wav
  254. Oxóssi - Augusto Yepes, Talon, Ft. Maitê Inaê v2.wav
  256. Paradise (Chris IDH Remix) 1.mp3
  257. Patrice Baumel - Together (V4 Testmaster).wav
  258. Peaty - KILOSA (Afro Melodic Mix)-1.wav
  259. philkieran-_solar_storm_meera_version.mp3
  260. Quentin Harris - Warning (Adam Ten & Mita Gami Re-Edit)Master.wav
  261. Raffa Guido - Famax (Jerak Remix) MSTR2.wav
  263. Regard - Ride It (FromParis Remix) [Supported by Hugel, Regard, Kasango, Valeron, Mont Rouge].wav
  264. Release Yourself (Toto Chiavetta Edit) 1.mp3
  265. Right Here Right Now (Bootleg).wav
  266. Rihanna - Stay (Moojo Remix) - Unreleased.wav
  267. Robbie Akbal - Zero One (Alex Twin Remix).wav
  268. Rockin Maroccin - All that she wants.mp3
  269. ROCKIN MOROCCIN - ALWAYS ON TIME (EDIT) new stems MSTRD 1644(3).wav
  270. Ruddek - Relax My Eyes (Savio Machado & Ruddek Remix).wav
  271. rythm of conga sis.mp3
  272. Santiago Garcia - Up In The CSkatman - louds (Original Mix).mp3
  273. Sara Tavares - Balance (Ruuben K Remix).wav
  274. Sentir Saudade (GUAPO & Antdot Remix) 1.m4a
  275. Set Fire To The Rain (Choujaa Remix).wav
  276. Showeto (Shami & Aly Sins Remix).wav
  277. Sideral - Skyfall (V3).mp3
  278. Sinfonia (Original Mix) 1.mp3
  279. Skatman - Let's Skank [Master].wav
  280. Skatman - Meraki (Ivory's Psychedelic Remix).wav
  281. Sky and Sand (Gabben & Julius Ruth Extended Outro) 1.mp3
  282. SOMMA - Jerimeh (ft. Felure) [ASCENSION].wav
  283. Sued Nunes - Concha (Dre Guazelli & Talbot Remix).wav
  284. Take Care - (Lazare Remix).wav
  285. Tayllor - Baylame.wav
  286. ayllor Feat Andile Mpili - Secret Places.wav
  287. Terra Mount (Inámo Dub) 1.mp3
  288. Tim Engelhardt - Set Me Free - Master.wav
  289. Together (Vocal Mix) MASTER 1.mp3
  290. Tommy Farrow - Let_s Just (Arodes Remix).wav
  291. Touched The Sky (Da Capo Dub Afro) 1.mp3
  292. Tough Love (Betical Remix) (1).wav
  293. Tracy Chapman - Fast Car (Da Capos Touch).mp3
  294. Tsoang Tsoang (Remix) 1.aiff
  295. Umgido - Barr-Setta.mp3
  296. UVITA & Sasson - Makalu.wav
  297. Valeron - Fly Me 2 The Moon.wav
  298. Victor Alc - Boreal.wav
  299. Victor Alc - I Know You Know.wav
  300. Victor Alc, Kimehra - Alma v2 mst02.wav
  301. Victor Alc, Murilo Tronco - Forma de Querer V1.wav
  302. We Like To Party (Rework) 1.aif
  303. What A Day ft. Delilah Montagu (Marten Lou Remix) 1.mp3
  304. WHAT'S LOVE GOT TO DO WITH IT (Jean Philippe's Tribute Edit) 1.mp3
  305. Whitesquare - Arbul.wav
  306. Whitney Houston - Dance With Somebody (Hoax (BE) Remix).aiff
  307. XXXtentacion - Sad (Maesic & JM & Samson Remix).mp3
  308. Yamil_Thimble-_Sun_Shine_Original_Mix.mp3
  309. Yves Larock Rise Up Acapella.mp3
  310. Zurdo (Original mix) 1.aiff
submitted by Housedeep2682 to unreleasedIDAfrohouse [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 21:39 Housedeep2682 + 300 song dm for trade

  1. Coming Back For You Vidojean PLAYED BY KEINEMUSIK
  2. Out Of Touch keinemusik ( unreleased)
  3. A Keeper - Drake Keinemusik ( unreleased)
  4. Abdel Kader (Mont Rouge Remix)
  5. Abra - Feel (&ME Remix) ( unreleased)
  6. Adele & Tayllor-Set fire to the rain X Talking drums
  7. Alex Wann - My Love ( unreleased )
  8. alex wann - peperuke ( unreleased )
  9. by myself (unreleased)
  10. Byron Messia - Talibans PLAYED BY KEINEMUSIK
  11. Coldplay - Viva La Vida
  12. Day N Night - Remix ( unreleased )
  13. Drake - Flights Booked
  14. Drake - Get it Together ft Black Coffee & Jorja Smith (Samson Remix)
  15. Drake - Passionfruit (Kawz & Tolex Afro Tribute)
  16. Drake - Rich Baby Daddy (Remix Southcent)
  17. Drake - Slime You Out
  18. Drake & Rampa - Virgil Forever ( unreleased )
  19. Drake, Rihanna - Take Care
  20. Eran Hersh & Anorre
  21. Fragma - Tocas Miracle (Vidojean X Oliver Loenn Remix)
  22. Freed From Desire unreleased remix ( choujaa )
  23. WAIT FOR U Mont Rouge Remix ( unreleased )
  24. Gypsy Woman (Rampa Edit) ( unreleased )
  25. Jennifer Lopez - Waiting for Tonight (Jamey Williams Remix)
  26. Keinemusik Cezaramina ( unreleased )
  27. Kolinga -Kongo Samin (remix) ( unreleased )
  28. Lana Del Rey - summertime
  29. Lykke Li - I Follow Rivers (Addal Remix)
  30. Moojo - Vamonos Mas que Nada (Jonni Gil)
  31. Maz, Maxi Meraki, Apache - Nothing On Me X Baby Again
  32. Mont Rouge, Meloko, Utli x Destiny's Child - Say My Name
  33. Moojo, Caiiro - NGWINO ( unreleased )
  34. Moon J - Collateral Damage ( unreleased )
  35. Mwaki (feat Sofiya Nzau)
  36. Natiruts - Sorri, Sou Rei (ft. Sonia Savinell)
  37. Nelly Furtado - Say It Right (Faros Remix)
  38. Nobody
  39. Paradise Played by Keinemusik
  40. Peru
  41. Rolling In The Deep - Francis Mercier Remix ( unreleased )
  42. Say My Name ( unreleased)
  43. Set Fire To The Rain - Adameyo
  44. The Weeknd - Popular PLAYED BY KEINEMUSIK
  45. The Weeknd, Moojo - Secret ID x Creepin ( unreleased )
  46. Travis Scott - I Know
  47. Tyla - Water (Marcel Serrano Edit)
  48. Umbrella - Sonny Noto Remix
  49. Wish i didnt miss you (Ft Jodie G)
  50. &ME - Losing GARDEN
  51. UNKLE - ONLY YOU (&ME Remix)
  52. Sativa (Daveartt Remix)
  53. Belief - Super Flu
  54. Antony P X Julie - Welcome To The Diamond Aura (C.Sorrentino & Tom S )
  55. Corpo-e-Canção
  56. Bad For You
  57. HUGEL, Alex Wann - Forever In My Mind
  58. 7 seconds (Moojo remix)
  59. Billie Eilish - Everything I Wanted (Ikerfoxx (ES) Remix
  60. Maz VXSION - Amana (Original Mix) (Unreleased)
  61. Slow Down (VXSION Remix)
  62. MoBlack, Benja, Franc Fala - Yamore
  63. Nitefreak & emmanuel jal - Gorah
  64. Overnight- keinemusik
  65. Keinemusik (feat. Amr Diab) Noor Al Ain & The rapture part II
  66. the rapture x passionfruit
  67. Oyé Oyé [UNRELEASED]
  68. afeto
  69. Journey (Black Coffe) - UNRELEASED
  70. Victor Alc - Sudamérica
  71. Jovem Dionisio - Pontos de Exclamação (VXSION Remix)
  72. CamelPhat - Home (Samm (BE) & Ajna (BE) Remix)
  73. O Amor Te Dá (VXSION & Sone. Remix)
  74. 8A - 120 - Maz, Antdot - Run
  75. Collé - Kupata feat Nes Mburu
  76. Drake - Finesse (Antdot Remix)
  77. Classy 101 (Maz, VXSION Extended Edi
  78. Arodes & Fahlberg - She Asked Me To Dance
  79. Omah Lay - soso (JOSEPH Remix)
  80. Reekado Banks, Adekunle Gold & Maleek Berry - Feel Different (Chris IDH Remix radio edit)
  82. Kimotion - Ya habibi yalla
  83. A kepper drake - moojo
  84. Drake - One Dance (Peace Control Remix)
  85. Yamê Bécane - Kimotion
  86. Confession (ALX YAV Remix)
  87. Malive, Luiza Gogoia, Morgado - Quinta
  88. ilanga &Me Edit 3
  89. ! SHIK SHAK SHOK (master 2)
  90. Drake & Jorja Smith - Get it Together (VXSION Remix)
  91. Caiiro - No One
  92. Black Coffee & David Guetta featuring Delilah Montagu - Drive (Da Capo Dub Touch)
  93. Stromae - Papaoutai (Francis Mercier Remix)
  94. Jaguar Jaguar - Born In Blue (Chambord Remix)
  95. Carlita, Mojoo - Havana
  96. Unforgettable-French-Montana
  97. Keinemusik - Two Lost Kings
  98. KOO KOO FUN - (Kimotion x RAY Remix)
  99. Zulumke- Da Capo Afro Dub2
  100. Moojo feat Awen - Giant Final Mix Master
  102. Mont Rouge(CH) - Tamale
  103. Jorja Smith - Rose Rouge (Moojo Remix)
  104. Badbwoy x Hoodia - Veneno
  105. ! Moojo , Carlita ft Gabsy - Macaron vfinal
  106. ! Vidojean X Oliver Loenn - Satisfaction Afro V.2
  107. Chris IDH - Sunray
  108. Moojo, Caiiro, Adassiya - Deep in Love
  109. Black Coffee, Rampa - MAMAKUSA
  110. Ankhoï - Another Hallelujah (Mont Rouge Private Edit)
  111. Salif Keita - Madan (Badbwoy Remix)
  112. Daughter Of The Sun (Ankhoi Remix)
  113. Kanye West - Love Lockdown (Vidojean & Oliver Loenn Remix)
  115. Save Your Tears (Alex Wann Remix) MASTER
  116. Moojo - Attitude
  117. Moojo - Rain (Instrumental)
  118. Moojo , Da Capo ft Tabia - What u desire ( vocal mix )
  119. Moojo ft Gabsy - Ze Roberto
  120. Coldplay x Notre Dame - Adventure of a Lifetime x Emowe (dela sur Mashup)
  121. Coldplay - Viva La Vida (Choujaa & Epsylon Remix)
  122. More Life x Drake (CAIEL Over The Top Edit)
  123. Black Coffee - Juju feat Zakes Bantwini (Chaleee & Sammi Ferrer Escalation Remix)
  124. Masšh & Adam Port feat. Ninae - All I Got (Original Mix)
  125. Moojo - Meditation
  126. Moojo ft Starving yet Full - Limitless Vocal Version
  127. Moojo - I Want Your Soul
  128. Wannabe (Kimotion Remix)
  129. Mojoo - Hate it Or Love It x Dua Lipa Training Season
  130. Downstream - Makèz, Life On Planets (Lazare Remix)
  131. Travis Scott - Modern Jam (Sammi Ferrer & Chaleee Remix)
  132. VXISION - Love Preparation (Slow Down Edit) - 4A - 120
  134. ! Ankhoï - After All Night Shift
  135. CUT OFF - &ME
  136. KU LO SA - Oxlade (SIINA EDIT)
  137. Ankhoï - Sandiya
  138. Malive, Luiza Gogoia & Morgado - Quintal (Extended Mix)
  139. KIMOTION - Sarà Perché Ti Amo
  140. Daft Punk - Get Lucky (Rivo Remix)
  141. Tanzania (Rampa remix)
  142. Ajna - Move.wav
  143. ! Howling - RY X (Legare Remix).wav
  144. ! Maxi Meraki - Remember (FINAL).wav
  145. ! OMRI. , Yamagucci - Selector (final limiter)
  146. ! SuperFlu - Lovesong.wav
  147. 01 Dos Mojitos 1.mp3
  148. 01 Fatoumata Diawara - Nterini (K.mp3
  149. 4Rain, Kasango - Best Friend Ft Jimmy Nevis.wav
  150. 11A - Ojos Asi - (Sinego & Laguna Remix) 1.mp3
  151. 11B - Frankenstein 1.mp3
  152. 11m Rebuke - Along Came Polly (Konstantin Sibold, Carmee & ZAC Remix) V NEW
  153. 1995_Hallelujah (Sachaaa & Lazare Edit).wav
  154. A Pale (Nick Morgan Remix) 1.mp3
  155. Aaron Sevilla, Yas Cepeda - El Hantour.mp3
  156. Aaron Smith, Krono - Dancin (Breakstorm Remix)
  157. Adore U (Anton Khabbaz Edit) 1.mp3
  158. Amonita, Makebo - Back to the roots (&friends private vocal edit)
  159. Andor Gabriel, Jerome Sydor - Temperatura.wav
  160. Andruss - Frikitona (Maesic Remix).wav
  161. Anthony - Cabo Parano Edit.wav
  162. Arodes, Andrea Oliva, Moeaike - Stronger Than Before
  163. ARYMÉ - How Far Feat Luke Coulson (EXTENDE-1.wav
  164. Asgeir - Until Daybreak ( Nandu early morning mix ).wav
  165. Augusto Yepes & Tayllor - ID.wav
  166. Aytiwan__Kaudron_feat_Nes_Mburu_Es_Vedra_Chaleee_Remix
  167. Back To Life _ However (MOSY Remix).wav
  168. Becherano-_Healing.mp3
  169. Bill Withers - Who Is He (Victhor Remix).mp3
  170. Billie Eilish - everything i wanted (Carlita Remix).wav
  171. Black Coffee - Juju (Chaleee & Sammi Ferrer Escalation Remix)
  172. BobMarley-_Sun_Is_Shining_Made_In_TLV_Remix.mp3
  173. Bobby_Caldwell_What_You_Wont_Do_For_Love_VICTHOR_Remix.wav
  174. Breakstorm - Mykonos (Original Mix).wav Final Master Label
  175. CAMAGU - Augusto Yepes, Ft. Tabia.wav
  176. Can't Remember to Forget You [Hoax (BE) 'Amana' Edit] 1.mp3
  177. Carnaval Breve (David Mackay and Dela Sur).wav
  178. Choujaa - Phanda Feat. Mavhungu (Extended Mix).wav
  179. Collé - Something to Believe (Original Mix).wav
  180. Collé - Thoughts (Original Mix).wav
  181. Coolio_-_Gangsta_Paradise_Moojo_Edit
  182. Cris Taylor - Say My Name [Unrelesed].wav
  183. Dan Croll - From Nowhere (Âme Remix).mp3
  184. Davido - FEEL (Raffa Guido Remix) Master.wav
  185. Deni Hines - Its Alright (Jaquet Remix).wav
  186. dernier danse (Mudboy Remix) part1.mp3
  187. Dj 3000 - So Sheik X The Underground.mp3
  188. DJ Yellow, Flowers And Sea Creatures - No One Gets Left Behind (BLOND.ISH Beirut Edit).mp3
  189. DOT (BR), Rachel Reis - Eu Vou Pra Bahia (DSF Remix).wav
  190. Downstream (Lazare Remix) 1.mp3
  191. Egeme - So Fine (Demo).wav
  192. Emanuel Satie - Happy.wav
  193. Everyday (Original Mix) 1.mp3
  194. Eye Of The Tiger - Darren Remix.wav
  195. Father Stretch (CS Remix) 1.mp3
  196. first track - Mita Gami - Master.wav
  197. Forrest - Over and Over.wav
  198. Fragma - Toca's Miracle (Vidojean X Oliver Loenn Remix).wav
  199. Francis Mercier, Salif Keita, Nomis (FR) - Kabe (Extended Mix).wav
  200. FrancisMercier_Frigid_Armadillo_Luedji_Luna-_Uiara.mp3
  201. guapo & peaty - 6pm in casablanca.wav
  202. Gunna - fukumean (Peace Control & Riordan Remix) extended.wav
  203. Hallelujah (Auguste Ranska _ Ale Ale _ Edit) 1.mp3
  204. HUGEL - Bambola.mp3
  205. Humans feat. Lyrik Shoxen & KJM Cornetist (&ME Remix) 1.mp3
  206. I Want You Back(Moojo Edit) 1.mp3
  207. Ivan Masa & Super Flu - It_s a house day.mp3
  208. Ivyson - Girassol (Tato Remix).wav
  209. Jamek Ortega - Ride With Me_Final Master.wav
  210. Jamek Ortega & MP3 - Paris Girl.mp3
  211. Jamek Ortega_Burning Up_ft. Emily Denton - Final Master.wav
  212. JEWELS & KENZA - Next To Me (Antdot Remix).wav
  213. John Newman - Love Me Again (Legare & MALHO Remix) 1.aif
  214. Juan Yarin - Sun WLimiter.wav
  215. Kanye West - Everybody (Eszco Remix).wav
  216. Kashovski - Pull out the fire V2.wav
  217. Kashovski_&_Abel_Ray_Baby_Master_VF_Get_Physical_Music.wav
  218. Keinemusik (Adam Port, &ME, Rampa), Alan Dixon, Arabic Piano - Thandaza.wav
  219. Kendrick Lamar - Bitch Don_t Kill My Vibe (Talbot & Ber Grups Remix).wav
  220. Kisin - Closure (Extended Mix).wav
  221. Kutiman Mita Gami RMX.wav
  222. Like Mike & Tayllor - Kasmir.wavLil
  223. Louis - Club Lonely (Tom Nolan Edit).wav
  224. Lil Yachty - Ive Officially Lost Vision (Tim Engelhardt Edit).wav
  225. LOCKED OUT OF HEAVEN [David Mackay & Hoax (BE) Remix] PROMO.wav
  226. Loud Urban Choir - Bloody Samaritan (Bellone_s Brothers Remix) MASTER II.wav
  227. Lous and the Yakuza - Dilemme (Stephan Jolk Remix).wav
  228. Maesic & Samson - Rimiti (Extented Edit).wav
  229. Make You Happy Parable RAMPA Remix V3-1 1.mp3
  230. Malho - Nafe (Original Mix).wav
  231. Malik Taj - Contigo (V6).wav
  232. Malik Taj - Me Das Pena.wav
  233. Malive - Garimpo (FINAL).wav
  234. Malive, Billy Otto - Reduto v2.wav
  235. Mamentia(Don't Stop)(Abel Ray Edit).wav
  236. Marasi - Africa.wav
  237. Michael Jackson - Beat it (Shimza Remix).wav
  238. Michael Kiwanuka - Cold Little Heart (Makebo Remix)_Melodic House _2023 Not On Label 1.aif
  239. Milky Chance - Feeling For You (Moser Extended Remix).wav
  241. Mind Against - Hydra.wav
  242. Moeaike - Stronger (Original Mix).aiff
  243. Moojo - Ms Jackson.wav
  244. Moojo - Oui (FINAL MASTER).wav
  245. Moojo ft Gabsy - Ze Roberto v final.wav
  246. My Love (Quentro & Tuna X Yuksel Urer Remix) 1.mp3
  247. Naika - 1 plus 1 (GUAPO Remix).wav
  248. Nathan Katz - Porcelain in LA (Original Mix) 1.aiff
  249. Nitakangaa 1.mp3
  250. Notre Dame - Think About.wav
  251. Ofenbach - Overdrive (Andrew Dum Remix).wav
  252. One Dance - Drake (Indigo Retouch).wav
  253. Ordinary love - Talbot Remix Demo Master.wav
  254. Oxóssi - Augusto Yepes, Talon, Ft. Maitê Inaê v2.wav
  256. Paradise (Chris IDH Remix) 1.mp3
  257. Patrice Baumel - Together (V4 Testmaster).wav
  258. Peaty - KILOSA (Afro Melodic Mix)-1.wav
  259. philkieran-_solar_storm_meera_version.mp3
  260. Quentin Harris - Warning (Adam Ten & Mita Gami Re-Edit)Master.wav
  261. Raffa Guido - Famax (Jerak Remix) MSTR2.wav
  263. Regard - Ride It (FromParis Remix) [Supported by Hugel, Regard, Kasango, Valeron, Mont Rouge].wav
  264. Release Yourself (Toto Chiavetta Edit) 1.mp3
  265. Right Here Right Now (Bootleg).wav
  266. Rihanna - Stay (Moojo Remix) - Unreleased.wav
  267. Robbie Akbal - Zero One (Alex Twin Remix).wav
  268. Rockin Maroccin - All that she wants.mp3
  269. ROCKIN MOROCCIN - ALWAYS ON TIME (EDIT) new stems MSTRD 1644(3).wav
  270. Ruddek - Relax My Eyes (Savio Machado & Ruddek Remix).wav
  271. rythm of conga sis.mp3
  272. Santiago Garcia - Up In The CSkatman - louds (Original Mix).mp3
  273. Sara Tavares - Balance (Ruuben K Remix).wav
  274. Sentir Saudade (GUAPO & Antdot Remix) 1.m4a
  275. Set Fire To The Rain (Choujaa Remix).wav
  276. Showeto (Shami & Aly Sins Remix).wav
  277. Sideral - Skyfall (V3).mp3
  278. Sinfonia (Original Mix) 1.mp3
  279. Skatman - Let's Skank [Master].wav
  280. Skatman - Meraki (Ivory's Psychedelic Remix).wav
  281. Sky and Sand (Gabben & Julius Ruth Extended Outro) 1.mp3
  282. SOMMA - Jerimeh (ft. Felure) [ASCENSION].wav
  283. Sued Nunes - Concha (Dre Guazelli & Talbot Remix).wav
  284. Take Care - (Lazare Remix).wav
  285. Tayllor - Baylame.wav
  286. ayllor Feat Andile Mpili - Secret Places.wav
  287. Terra Mount (Inámo Dub) 1.mp3
  288. Tim Engelhardt - Set Me Free - Master.wav
  289. Together (Vocal Mix) MASTER 1.mp3
  290. Tommy Farrow - Let_s Just (Arodes Remix).wav
  291. Touched The Sky (Da Capo Dub Afro) 1.mp3
  292. Tough Love (Betical Remix) (1).wav
  293. Tracy Chapman - Fast Car (Da Capos Touch).mp3
  294. Tsoang Tsoang (Remix) 1.aiff
  295. Umgido - Barr-Setta.mp3
  296. UVITA & Sasson - Makalu.wav
  297. Valeron - Fly Me 2 The Moon.wav
  298. Victor Alc - Boreal.wav
  299. Victor Alc - I Know You Know.wav
  300. Victor Alc, Kimehra - Alma v2 mst02.wav
  301. Victor Alc, Murilo Tronco - Forma de Querer V1.wav
  302. We Like To Party (Rework) 1.aif
  303. What A Day ft. Delilah Montagu (Marten Lou Remix) 1.mp3
  304. WHAT'S LOVE GOT TO DO WITH IT (Jean Philippe's Tribute Edit) 1.mp3
  305. Whitesquare - Arbul.wav
  306. Whitney Houston - Dance With Somebody (Hoax (BE) Remix).aiff
  307. XXXtentacion - Sad (Maesic & JM & Samson Remix).mp3
  308. Yamil_Thimble-_Sun_Shine_Original_Mix.mp3
  309. Yves Larock Rise Up Acapella.mp3
  310. Zurdo (Original mix) 1.aiff
submitted by Housedeep2682 to AfroHouseUnreleased [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 20:48 ramdytis3c Unposted Tracks - Part5 [Out 2024-05-17] [Flashmob Records]

ANT Mifsud - What Is This Place (Original Mix) / Key Em, BPM 122, 5:34, MP3 13.66 Mb
ARIINA - Decision (Original Mix) / Key Gm, BPM 130, 6:20, MP3 15.44 Mb
Andrea Ricci - I Want To Dream (Extended Mix) / Key Dm, BPM 135, 4:58, MP3 12.13 Mb
Andrea Ricci - I Want To Dream (Original Mix) / Key Dm, BPM 135, 3:03, MP3 7.55 Mb
Andrew Wooden - Nennihnwieduwillst (Original Mix) / Key Bbm, BPM 141, 6:14, MP3 15.04 Mb
Andromo, Jared Love - Crows Nest (Original Mix) / Key Bm, BPM 127, 6:07, MP3 14.74 Mb
Andryx - Next Station (Club Mix) / Key Dm, BPM 130, 3:58, MP3 9.87 Mb
André Rech - Synthlant (Original Mix) / Key Cm, BPM 98, 7:56, MP3 19.22 Mb
André Rech - The Rain (Original Mix) / Key Bm, BPM 123, 5:57, MP3 14.46 Mb
Angel Bernal - Ron Coca (Freddy Flores Remix) / Key Bbm, BPM 128, 5:38, MP3 13.92 Mb
Angel Bernal - Ron Coca (Irwin Romero Remix) / Key Cm, BPM 129, 7:19, MP3 17.98 Mb
Angel Bernal - Ron Coca (Original Mix) / Key Gm, BPM 125, 3:41, MP3 9.27 Mb
Angel Bernal - Ron Coca (Twodosis & Solorzano Remix) / Key Bm, BPM 125, 7:48, MP3 19.14 Mb
Angioma - One More Lap (Original Mix) / Key Am, BPM 137, 5:38, MP3 13.65 Mb
Animal Friend - Fantasy (Original Mix) / Key Am, BPM 121, 6:29, MP3 15.91 Mb
Animal Friend - Glorious (Original Mix) / Key Am, BPM 122, 6:20, MP3 15.56 Mb
Animal Friend - Joan Fire (Original Mix) / Key Am, BPM 110, 4:21, MP3 10.81 Mb
Anonymus Tech - Curiosity (Original Mix) / Key Fm, BPM 135, 2:55, MP3 7.15 Mb
Anonymus Tech - Curiosity (Radio Edit) / Key Fm, BPM 135, 2:09, MP3 5.29 Mb
Anonymus Tech - Intruder (Original Mix) / Key Fm, BPM 135, 2:55, MP3 7.18 Mb
Anonymus Tech - Intruder (Radio Edit) / Key Fm, BPM 135, 2:09, MP3 5.33 Mb
Anonymus Tech - Mindcontroller (Original Mix) / Key Abm, BPM 135, 2:55, MP3 7.18 Mb
Anonymus Tech - Mindcontroller (Radio Edit) / Key Abm, BPM 135, 2:09, MP3 5.33 Mb
Anonymus Tech - Screaming (Original Mix) / Key Gm, BPM 135, 2:55, MP3 7.46 Mb
Anonymus Tech - Screaming (Radio Edit) / Key Fm, BPM 135, 2:09, MP3 5.60 Mb
Anonymus Tech - Trepidation (Original Mix) / Key Fm, BPM 135, 2:55, MP3 7.20 Mb
Anonymus Tech - Trepidation (Radio Edit) / Key Fm, BPM 135, 2:09, MP3 5.34 Mb
Antes Que - Viaje Eterno (Electronico Mix) / Key Cm, BPM 122, 5:52, MP3 14.55 Mb
Antes Que - Viaje Eterno (Original Mix) / Key Cm, BPM 116, 5:37, MP3 13.96 Mb
Antientertainers - Some Things Will Never Change (Okersounds Remix) / Key F#m, BPM 126, 8:21, MP3 20.27 Mb
Antigone - Beat The Grüv (Original Mix) / Key Em, BPM 147, 4:44, MP3 11.61 Mb
Antonio Gaudini - Ready Go (Original Mix) / Key Gm, BPM 128, 5:45, MP3 13.91 Mb
Antonio Gaudini - Techno Gaudio (Original Mix) / Key Fm, BPM 132, 5:20, MP3 12.91 Mb
Antony Colanardi - Face Progression (Original Mix) / Key Gm, BPM 121, 6:41, MP3 16.19 Mb
Apollo51 - Smoke (Original Mix) / Key G, BPM 128, 3:23, MP3 8.27 Mb
Ardalan - Lost Angles (Original Mix) / Key Dm, BPM 132, 5:53, MP3 14.46 Mb
Ardalan - Love Hexagon (Original Mix) / Key Am, BPM 128, 5:47, MP3 14.21 Mb
Aria Des - Mystical (Original Mix) / Key D, BPM 132, 6:24, MP3 15.64 Mb
Aria Des - Next Step (Original Mix) / Key Dm, BPM 131, 6:34, MP3 16.07 Mb
Aria Des - Prophecy (Original Mix) / Key Am, BPM 131, 6:36, MP3 16.15 Mb
Arjun Vagale, Skeef Menezes - Subconscious Mind (Arjun Vagale ReWork) / Key Abm, BPM 143, 5:26, MP3 13.10 Mb
Armonica, Zamna Soundsystem, ROZYO - Summertime Sadness feat. Blu (Original Mix) / Key Dbm, BPM 124, 5:32, MP3 13.40 Mb
Arnaud Is Dancing - Shady Matrix (Original Mix) / Key Ebm, BPM 136, 7:38, MP3 18.62 Mb
Arnaud Le Texier - Temptation (Original Mix) / Key Cm, BPM 128, 5:39, MP3 13.69 Mb
Arnold Tempo - Prana (Original Mix) / Key Em, BPM 115, 7:33, MP3 18.52 Mb
Arta Fact - Mystique (Original Mix) / Key Db, BPM 139, 5:07, MP3 12.53 Mb
Arthur Freedom - East (Original Mix) / Key Gm, BPM 105, 2:12, MP3 5.51 Mb
ArthurGwo - Thinking About You (Original Mix) / Key Am, BPM 128, 2:41, MP3 6.68 Mb
Ascion - Hurry (Original Mix) / Key Cm, BPM 148, 4:18, MP3 10.74 Mb
CHRIS MØRGAN - Careless (Original Mix) / Key Bm, BPM 143, 5:34, MP3 13.66 Mb
CID, BURNR - Turn it Up (Extended Mix) / Key Fm, BPM 130, 5:26, MP3 13.46 Mb
Chris Mantanz - Reality (Original Mix) / Key Abm, BPM 135, 6:10, MP3 14.97 Mb
Chris Page - Used (Mattias Fridell Remix) / Key Am, BPM 127, 6:56, MP3 16.76 Mb
Christian Quast - Yeah Yeah! (Original Mix) / Key D, BPM 120, 7:12, MP3 17.56 Mb
Christian Schenck - Bold (Original Mix) / Key Dm, BPM 128, 6:02, MP3 14.63 Mb
Christina Novelli, Klassy Project - You're All I Want (LTN Extended Remix) / Key Fm, BPM 124, 6:28, MP3 15.68 Mb
Chukiess & Whackboi - Outta Control (Extended Mix) / Key Am, BPM 140, 3:26, MP3 8.73 Mb
Chuksie, Nusoka - Boat (Original Mix) / Key B, BPM 115, 2:41, MP3 6.56 Mb
Chuwe - Rewind (Original Mix) / Key F#m, BPM 127, 3:20, MP3 8.22 Mb
Claas Herrmann - The Beat (Original Mix) / Key A, BPM 132, 7:16, MP3 18.02 Mb
Clara Moreno, Dong Long - Uluru (Original Mix) / Key Em, BPM 125, 5:32, MP3 13.57 Mb
Clara Moreno, Dong Long - Uluru (Radio Edit) / Key Em, BPM 125, 4:17, MP3 10.55 Mb
Claudio PRC - Axial (Original Mix) / Key Dbm, BPM 130, 6:35, MP3 16.04 Mb
Claudio PRC - Elliptic (Original Mix) / Key Eb, BPM 131, 7:36, MP3 18.49 Mb
Claudio PRC - Focal Zone (Original Mix) / Key Abm, BPM 135, 5:43, MP3 13.97 Mb
Claudio PRC - Focal Zone (Oscar Mulero Remix) / Key Gm, BPM 135, 5:52, MP3 14.31 Mb
Claudio PRC - Nadir (Original Mix) / Key Em, BPM 142, 4:21, MP3 10.67 Mb
Claudio PRC - Zenith (Original Mix) / Key Dbm, BPM 129, 7:47, MP3 18.94 Mb
Claudio Polizzotto, Stevie Rain - Hell Raiser (BAN NOTICE Remix) / Key Em, BPM 155, 5:53, MP3 14.32 Mb
Clüb De Combat - Exciter (Original Mix) / Key Gm, BPM 127, 4:59, MP3 12.19 Mb
Coast 2 Coast, Discovery - Home feat. Discovery (Just Frank Extended Remix) / Key Fm, BPM 135, 7:32, MP3 18.28 Mb
Cole Vassallo - Dope Deal (Original Mix) / Key Fm, BPM 126, 6:25, MP3 15.76 Mb
Cole Vassallo - The DJ Booth (Original Mix) / Key Dm, BPM 127, 6:10, MP3 15.19 Mb
Cole Vassallo - The Drums (Original Mix) / Key Gm, BPM 126, 6:13, MP3 15.31 Mb
ColorJaxx - Here For You (Original Mix) / Key Am, BPM 123, 5:20, MP3 13.08 Mb
ColorJaxx - Night After Night (Original Mix) / Key Cm, BPM 123, 5:06, MP3 12.49 Mb
ColorJaxx - Tales Of Never (Original Mix) / Key Gm, BPM 124, 5:14, MP3 12.81 Mb
ColorJaxx - There Is Something (Original Mix) / Key Bm, BPM 124, 5:49, MP3 14.21 Mb
Conrado, MichaelBM, Timport - Pam Pam (Extended Mix) / Key Dm, BPM 128, 5:31, MP3 13.65 Mb
Conrado, MichaelBM, Timport - Pam Pam (Radio Edit) / Key Dm, BPM 128, 3:16, MP3 8.26 Mb
Conservators - Vector 137 (Original Mix) / Key Gm, BPM 135, 6:38, MP3 16.07 Mb
Conspiranoik - Spin Around (Original Mix) / Key Dbm, BPM 140, 5:45, MP3 14.12 Mb
Cortex Thrill - The Legacy (Lift Off Mix) / Key F#m, BPM 135, 4:36, MP3 11.70 Mb
Cortex Thrill - The Legacy (The Essence Mix) / Key G, BPM 140, 7:05, MP3 17.68 Mb
Cosmo, Leandro Da Silva - Candela (Extended Mix) / Key Fm, BPM 128, 4:31, MP3 11.13 Mb
Cosmo, Leandro Da Silva - Candela (Original Mix) / Key Fm, BPM 128, 2:17, MP3 5.81 Mb
Cream House, Gangdoolz - All on Board (Original Mix) / Key Em, BPM 127, 3:35, MP3 8.85 Mb
Cressida - Cat's Claw (Original Mix) / Key F#m, BPM 142, 4:35, MP3 11.24 Mb
Cressida - Do I Stay (Original Mix) / Key Em, BPM 140, 4:41, MP3 11.49 Mb
Cressida - Let The Devil In (Original Mix) / Key F#m, BPM 147, 4:38, MP3 11.36 Mb
Cressida - Medusa (Original Mix) / Key Cm, BPM 140, 4:48, MP3 11.76 Mb
Cressida - Radiate (Original Mix) / Key Bm, BPM 68, 8:01, MP3 19.47 Mb
Crushted - Pulso Magnético (Original Mix) / Key Em, BPM 134, 5:42, MP3 13.96 Mb
Crystal Сall - Singularity (Original Mix) / Key Am, BPM 152, 4:52, MP3 12.06 Mb
Cubanism - Relate (Original Mix) / Key Em, BPM 122, 7:23, MP3 17.89 Mb
D-Push - Stereo Love (Techno Version) / Key E, BPM 160, 2:45, MP3 7.00 Mb
D-tip - 33 Traces (Original Mix) / Key F#m, BPM 118, 4:42, MP3 11.46 Mb
D-tip - Closure (Original Mix) / Key Am, BPM 115, 6:45, MP3 16.38 Mb
D-tip - Dlala Wena (Original Mix) / Key Em, BPM 114, 5:24, MP3 13.14 Mb
D-tip - House Family (Original Mix) / Key Ebm, BPM 117, 6:10, MP3 14.99 Mb
D-tip - Mama Said (Original Mix) / Key Em, BPM 115, 7:43, MP3 18.70 Mb
D. Carbone - Not A Business (Original Mix) / Key Abm, BPM 145, 5:34, MP3 13.77 Mb
D33pSoul - Alf Leila We Leila (Original Mix) / Key Gm, BPM 124, 2:50, MP3 7.01 Mb
DAN:ROS - Do What You Want (Original Mix) / Key F#m, BPM 128, 4:32, MP3 11.08 Mb
DARK RED - Vortex (Original Mix) / Key Dm, BPM 124, 5:23, MP3 13.20 Mb
DEEPSTELL - On A Drift (Original Mix) / Key Am, BPM 124, 6:43, MP3 16.35 Mb
DHertz - Techno - Space (Original Mix) / Key Am, BPM 140, 3:02, MP3 7.44 Mb
DIB - Winmx 001.1 (Original Mix) / Key A, BPM 93, 5:22, MP3 13.16 Mb
DIB - Winmx 001.2 (Original Mix) / Key Abm, BPM 93, 6:03, MP3 14.80 Mb
DIB - Winmx 001.3 (Original Mix) / Key Em, BPM 140, 5:36, MP3 13.71 Mb
DIB - Winmx 001.4 (Original Mix) / Key Cm, BPM 93, 5:36, MP3 13.71 Mb
DIB - Winmx 001.5 (Original Mix) / Key Am, BPM 135, 5:45, MP3 14.06 Mb
DJ Baloo - Planet Namek (Original Mix) / Key Dbm, BPM 128, 6:45, MP3 16.29 Mb
DJ Baloo - Supercern (Original Mix) / Key Em, BPM 134, 6:27, MP3 15.57 Mb
DJ Daka - A New Order (Original Mix) / Key Am, BPM 136, 4:35, MP3 11.09 Mb
DJ Daka - Can't Stop (Original Mix) / Key Gm, BPM 138, 4:45, MP3 11.49 Mb
DJ Daka - Glow (Original Mix) / Key Abm, BPM 134, 4:14, MP3 10.25 Mb
DJ Daka - Life Without You (Original Mix) / Key B, BPM 130, 4:33, MP3 11.01 Mb
DJ Daka - Make It Happen (Original Mix) / Key Bm, BPM 133, 4:42, MP3 11.34 Mb
DJ Daka - The Last to Leave (Original Mix) / Key Am, BPM 131, 5:01, MP3 12.10 Mb
DJ Focus - Another World (Original Mix) / Key Bbm, BPM 114, 5:24, MP3 13.14 Mb
DJ Hakuei - Grace (Extended Mix) / Key Em, BPM 125, 7:58, MP3 19.36 Mb
DJ Ibanez - No Stressing (Extended Mix) / Key Dm, BPM 123, 6:03, MP3 14.97 Mb
DJ Ibanez - No Stressing (Sebb Junior Extended Remix) / Key Dm, BPM 124, 5:45, MP3 14.25 Mb
DJ Juanito - Sometimes (Original Mix) / Key Gm, BPM 126, 3:19, MP3 8.43 Mb
DJ LC, DJ Huguito - Que Lindo (Original Mix) / Key Gm, BPM 126, 4:10, MP3 10.28 Mb
DJ Leoni, Deep Surr - Vertigo (MeckaMacke Remix) / Key Am, BPM 120, 6:08, MP3 14.94 Mb
DJ MELTED - The Question (Original Mix) / Key Am, BPM 130, 5:34, MP3 13.52 Mb
DJ Mosh, Just Roi - Telephona (Original Mix) / Key Bbm, BPM 128, 3:41, MP3 8.98 Mb
DJ NaGrim - Perfect Climax (Original Mix) / Key Bbm, BPM 140, 3:46, MP3 9.30 Mb
DJ Nanni - Keyboard Strong (Original Mix) / Key F#m, BPM 136, 7:42, MP3 18.57 Mb
DJ PP, Jack Mood - Revolver (Rework 2024) / Key Em, BPM 124, 5:33, MP3 13.70 Mb
DJ Phantom 7 - In Love (Original Mix) / Key Em, BPM 138, 3:10, MP3 7.89 Mb
DJ Phantom 7 - Klangraum 9 (Original Mix) / Key Am, BPM 131, 3:38, MP3 9.25 Mb
DJ Phantom 7 - Love Play (Original Mix) / Key A, BPM 138, 3:17, MP3 8.25 Mb
DJ Phantom 7 - Space on Ship (Original Mix) / Key D, BPM 138, 3:32, MP3 9.12 Mb
DJ Phantom 7 - The Tone Rider (Original Mix) / Key C, BPM 131, 3:13, MP3 8.11 Mb
DJ Pondy - Feel Good (Original Mix) / Key Gm, BPM 125, 5:07, MP3 12.85 Mb
DJ Prophet - The Edge (Extended Mix) / Key Eb, BPM 130, 3:27, MP3 8.57 Mb
DJ S.K.T, Leo Leone - Losing My Mind (Extended Mix) / Key Gm, BPM 127, 5:02, MP3 12.26 Mb
DJ SETT - Take A Step Back (Original Mix) / Key Dbm, BPM 128, 4:45, MP3 11.63 Mb
DJ Shinsuke ! - World Wireless System (Original Mix) / Key Gm, BPM 140, 4:50, MP3 11.82 Mb
DJ Steaw - Don't Care (Original Mix) / Key Abm, BPM 125, 7:12, MP3 17.58 Mb
DJ Steaw - Northern Line (Original Mix) / Key Abm, BPM 126, 7:24, MP3 18.05 Mb
DJ Tragik, MM2BE - Berlin - Mitte (Original Mix) / Key Fm, BPM 135, 5:22, MP3 13.07 Mb
DJ Wawa - Zaha (Original Mix) / Key Dm, BPM 133, 5:00, MP3 12.44 Mb
DJ93 - No Words (Original Mix) / Key Bbm, BPM 125, 2:20, MP3 5.98 Mb
DJMarz - I Need You (Halley Seidel Remix) / Key Bm, BPM 138, 6:13, MP3 15.17 Mb
DJMarz - I Need You (Keith Forrester Remix) / Key Gm, BPM 122, 7:03, MP3 17.17 Mb
Dabincicode - Togheter One Time (Original Mix) / Key Dm, BPM 113, 5:44, MP3 14.00 Mb
Dalex (MX) - Ella Quiere (Original Mix) / Key Bbm, BPM 126, 6:44, MP3 16.57 Mb
Dalex (MX) - We Like To Party (Original Mix) / Key Am, BPM 128, 6:04, MP3 14.97 Mb
Dalle - No Rules (Original Mix) / Key Gm, BPM 127, 6:35, MP3 16.26 Mb
Dalle - Want Some (Original Mix) / Key Am, BPM 128, 6:15, MP3 15.48 Mb
Dalva - Crush (Original Mix) / Key Dbm, BPM 130, 6:58, MP3 16.94 Mb
Dalva - Like Dat (Original Mix) / Key Am, BPM 128, 5:38, MP3 13.74 Mb
Damekuta, Kymaera Hybrid Orchestra - ÆQUINOX (Tali Freaks Remix) / Key Em, BPM 123, 7:20, MP3 17.86 Mb
Dan Bay - In Love With Julie (Original Mix) / Key Gm, BPM 120, 7:26, MP3 18.20 Mb
Dana Tronic - Mischkonsum (Original Mix) / Key Dm, BPM 135, 4:48, MP3 11.71 Mb
Dani Labb - I Saw U (Sociedad Anónima Remix) / Key Gm, BPM 150, 4:50, MP3 12.02 Mb
Dani Sbert - Alchemy (Original Mix) / Key Abm, BPM 140, 5:46, MP3 14.24 Mb
Dani Sbert - Chrome (Original Mix) / Key Fm, BPM 136, 6:09, MP3 15.14 Mb
Daniel Aguilar (ES) - Rise Me High (Original Mix) / Key Dbm, BPM 129, 5:30, MP3 13.33 Mb
Daniel Bigler - Dub Vibes (Original Mix) / Key Ebm, BPM 123, 5:25, MP3 13.13 Mb
Daniel Natola - Give It Up (Original Mix) / Key F#m, BPM 125, 6:12, MP3 15.31 Mb
Daniel Orpi - Get Some (Original Mix) / Key Gm, BPM 128, 6:02, MP3 14.70 Mb
Daniele Busciala - Touch Me (Deep House Mix) / Key Gm, BPM 124, 6:23, MP3 15.55 Mb
Daniele Busciala - Touch Me (Soulful Mix) / Key Cm, BPM 124, 6:27, MP3 15.73 Mb
Daniele Busciala - Vibes Of Life (Original Mix) / Key Fm, BPM 125, 6:38, MP3 16.07 Mb
Danny Gilligan - Scarface (Original Mix) / Key Cm, BPM 132, 6:22, MP3 15.58 Mb
Danny Kush - My Heart (Original Mix) / Key Eb, BPM 126, 5:40, MP3 13.86 Mb
Danny Samaei - Wheaties (Original Mix) / Key Am, BPM 129, 5:27, MP3 13.38 Mb
Danny Serrano - Feelings (Original Mix) / Key Fm, BPM 125, 6:11, MP3 15.07 Mb
Dario Nunez, Javi Palmero - That's It (Original mix) / Key Gm, BPM 125, 5:05, MP3 12.57 Mb
Dark Room Robot - Hands up Drop Thing (Original Mix) / Key Dm, BPM 136, 5:27, MP3 13.20 Mb
Darkskye - War Cry (Original Mix) / Key Fm, BPM 130, 6:17, MP3 15.43 Mb
Dave Wincent - The Tip Of My Tongue (Original Mix) / Key Cm, BPM 138, 5:11, MP3 12.49 Mb
David Graves - Touch Blurred (Original Mix) / Key F#m, BPM 125, 3:35, MP3 8.97 Mb
David Moleon - Soma (Original Mix) / Key F#m, BPM 142, 7:04, MP3 17.01 Mb
David Moleon - Tribal Hunt (Original Mix) / Key Cm, BPM 140, 6:57, MP3 16.70 Mb
David Zylberman - Everybody Loves The Sunshine (Original Mix) / Key Fm, BPM 123, 4:32, MP3 11.01 Mb
Davide Mentesana - Kinder (Original Mix) / Key F#m, BPM 129, 6:57, MP3 17.11 Mb
Davide Mentesana - Watch Me Dance (Original Mix) / Key Dm, BPM 127, 6:48, MP3 16.77 Mb
Davix Project, Thalatta Alternaif - Arabian Phoenix feat. Thalatta Alternaif (Extended Mix) / Key Gm, BPM 124, 6:28, MP3 15.75 Mb
Deep Silencio - Only Now (Original Mix) / Key Cm, BPM 104, 5:21, MP3 13.15 Mb
DeepX, Moostafa - 21 (Original Mix) / Key Am, BPM 100, 3:04, MP3 7.62 Mb
Deepbass - Tempest (Original Mix) / Key Ebm, BPM 129, 6:12, MP3 14.99 Mb
Deepchild - Darker Arts (Original Mix) / Key A, BPM 130, 5:14, MP3 12.58 Mb
Deepchild - To The Sea (Original Mix) / Key Dm, BPM 140, 5:56, MP3 14.24 Mb
Dekcr - We Live (Original Mix) / Key G, BPM 135, 5:41, MP3 13.91 Mb
Demarkus Lewis - Finger Roll (Carlo Caldareri Groovin Remix) / Key Bm, BPM 126, 5:35, MP3 13.79 Mb
Denis Ago - Keep Move (Original Mix) / Key Gm, BPM 129, 5:57, MP3 14.63 Mb
Dennis Engelhardt - You Take Me Back (Original Mix) / Key Abm, BPM 132, 5:50, MP3 14.12 Mb
Denny Emile - Afterdusk (Original Mix) / Key F#m, BPM 142, 6:10, MP3 15.19 Mb
Denny Emile - Frequency (Original Mix) / Key Gm, BPM 130, 5:43, MP3 14.13 Mb
Denny Emile - Hivemind (Original Mix) / Key Am, BPM 142, 5:27, MP3 13.49 Mb
Denny Kay - Sibilant April (Original Mix) / Key Dm, BPM 126, 7:49, MP3 19.21 Mb
Derizion - The Rules (Original Mix) / Key Dbm, BPM 150, 2:27, MP3 6.12 Mb
Dersu, Gercek Dorman - Out of Control (Original Mix) / Key E, BPM 123, 3:54, MP3 9.62 Mb
Destro 187 - We Always Got Guns (El Brujo Remix) / Key Am, BPM 134, 6:20, MP3 15.30 Mb
Destro 187 - We Always Got Guns (Miss Mana Remix) / Key Bbm, BPM 140, 5:33, MP3 13.40 Mb
Destro 187 - We Always Got Guns (Original Mix) / Key Am, BPM 134, 5:31, MP3 13.32 Mb
Destro 187 - We Always Got Guns (Tom DM Remix) / Key Bbm, BPM 134, 5:17, MP3 12.78 Mb
Destro 187 - We Always Got Guns (Waffensupermarkt Remix) / Key Bbm, BPM 142, 7:37, MP3 18.38 Mb
Deton-8 - Armageddon (Original New Mix) / Key Abm, BPM 135, 5:52, MP3 14.43 Mb
Detroit 95 Project - Bring Me the Horizon (Original Mix) / Key F#m, BPM 132, 3:56, MP3 9.75 Mb
Devin, Emi Navarro - next to you (Original Mix) / Key Ebm, BPM 136, 2:10, MP3 5.51 Mb
Dhuss - Frequency (Extended Mix) / Key F#m, BPM 125, 6:55, MP3 16.97 Mb
Diego Burroni - No way to be happy (Original Mix) / Key Fm, BPM 125, 8:15, MP3 20.01 Mb
Diego Burroni - So many ideas (Original Mix) / Key Ebm, BPM 122, 6:20, MP3 15.39 Mb
Diego Burroni - Thin melody (Original Mix) / Key Gm, BPM 124, 6:15, MP3 15.18 Mb
Dinamite - Nebel (Original Mix) / Key Abm, BPM 128, 6:27, MP3 15.60 Mb
Dinia, Lynnic, ItsArius - Why Don't You Stay (Extended Mix) / Key F#m, BPM 128, 3:31, MP3 8.65 Mb
Dinia, Lynnic, ItsArius - Why Don't You Stay (Original Mix) / Key F#m, BPM 128, 2:38, MP3 6.52 Mb
Dis&dat - I See You Dancing (Original Mix) / Key Am, BPM 121, 7:24, MP3 17.93 Mb
Disastronaut - Bossa Nova Twins (Original Mix) / Key Gm, BPM 125, 11:01, MP3 26.71 Mb
Disco Service - Dreams (Original Mix) / Key Abm, BPM 130, 5:28, MP3 13.33 Mb
Disco Service - Frequency (Original Mix) / Key Abm, BPM 128, 6:02, MP3 14.70 Mb
Disco Service - Speed It Up (Original Mix) / Key Abm, BPM 136, 5:25, MP3 13.22 Mb
Discuji - It's All You (Original Mix) / Key Gm, BPM 118, 6:47, MP3 16.70 Mb
Discuji - PR Girl (Original Mix) / Key Am, BPM 120, 6:27, MP3 15.91 Mb
Discuji - Simulacra (Original Mix) / Key Am, BPM 120, 5:10, MP3 12.83 Mb
Discuji - Starscape '01 (Original Mix) / Key Gm, BPM 118, 5:22, MP3 13.30 Mb
Discuji - The Internet is a Virus (Original Mix) / Key Bbm, BPM 120, 5:47, MP3 14.30 Mb
Discuji - Worrell Park (Original Mix) / Key Gm, BPM 120, 7:12, MP3 17.71 Mb
Discuji - Yellow Swan (Original Mix) / Key Gm, BPM 122, 6:37, MP3 16.29 Mb
Distant People, Elisha Jay - Sweet Talk feat. Elisha Jay (Tony Deledda Remix) / Key Bbm, BPM 120, 5:26, MP3 13.22 Mb
Dj DIHNO - You Got The Move (Original Mix) / Key Abm, BPM 116, 6:21, MP3 15.41 Mb
Dj Jedy - The Beautiful Summer (Original Mix) / Key Abm, BPM 124, 3:28, MP3 8.62 Mb
Dj Taco - Droid 3000 (Original Mix) / Key Am, BPM 120, 6:45, MP3 16.40 Mb
Dj.Fili - New Wave (Original Mix) / Key Gm, BPM 135, 6:27, MP3 15.64 Mb
Djedjotronic, Anna Lann - Consequence (Club Mix) / Key Em, BPM 140, 6:00, MP3 14.79 Mb
Djedjotronic, Anna Lann - Consequence (Original Mix) / Key Em, BPM 145, 4:07, MP3 10.26 Mb
FREEWILL (CA) - For You (For Me) (Club Mix) / Key Am, BPM 128, 4:27, MP3 11.28 Mb
FREYA (CH) - FKNG BLIND (Original Mix) / Key Bbm, BPM 146, 4:53, MP3 12.08 Mb
FTRXPRS - Clara (Original Mix) / Key C, BPM 120, 7:08, MP3 17.39 Mb
FTRXPRS - Wieso (Original Mix) / Key C, BPM 120, 8:08, MP3 19.79 Mb
Francesco Bonora, DJ Rame - Passenger 17 (Original Mix) / Key Am, BPM 126, 8:07, MP3 19.93 Mb
Francesco Bonora, DJ Rame - Passenger 17 (Rolando Remix) / Key Bbm, BPM 84, 6:13, MP3 15.38 Mb
Francesco Bonora, DJ Rame - Passenger 17 (Terrence Parker Remix) / Key Gm, BPM 126, 6:55, MP3 17.05 Mb
Frank Storm, Francis De Simone - Quarterback (Original Mix) / Key Am, BPM 130, 6:25, MP3 15.67 Mb
Frankyeffe, Nina De Koning - The Drums feat. Nina De Koning (Original) / Key Fm, BPM 140, 5:15, MP3 12.74 Mb
Frankys - Don't Forget (Original Mix) / Key Gm, BPM 126, 2:48, MP3 6.94 Mb
Fraser Rix - Aspirations (Extended Mix) / Key Dm, BPM 121, 7:59, MP3 19.33 Mb
Fraser Rix - Sapphire (Extended Mix) / Key Ebm, BPM 121, 7:28, MP3 18.10 Mb
Fraser Rix - We Are Connected (Extended Mix) / Key Dbm, BPM 120, 8:20, MP3 20.17 Mb
Freak The Disco - Mr. Funk (Original Mix) / Key Gm, BPM 123, 5:20, MP3 13.24 Mb
Freak The Disco - Show Pony (Original Mix) / Key Abm, BPM 128, 6:32, MP3 16.12 Mb
Freak The Disco - Telapathic Grafitti (Original Mix) / Key F#m, BPM 129, 7:28, MP3 18.36 Mb
Freenzy Music - Back2Me (Original Mix) / Key Am, BPM 129, 5:57, MP3 14.57 Mb
Freestyle Man - Imelä Limppu (Deep Mix) / Key C, BPM 120, 6:22, MP3 15.40 Mb
Freestyle Man - Let It Roll (Helsinki 1995 Mix) / Key Gm, BPM 116, 6:55, MP3 16.74 Mb
Freestyle Man - Step Right Into To My Life (Kerma Mix) / Key Am, BPM 122, 5:29, MP3 13.30 Mb
Freydel - Mongolian Princess (Original Mix) / Key Fm, BPM 121, 5:23, MP3 13.17 Mb
Freydel - New Pics On The Wall (Original Mix) / Key Cm, BPM 124, 4:26, MP3 10.91 Mb
Freydel - New Thoughts (Original Mix) / Key Dm, BPM 126, 6:24, MP3 15.60 Mb
Freydel - Summer Heat (Original Mix) / Key Dm, BPM 126, 5:57, MP3 14.55 Mb
Frhad, Kanako - Tell Me Why (Nightcore) / Key Dbm, BPM 176, 1:53, MP3 4.84 Mb
Furkan Sert, KARNASER - Don't Be Afraid (Original Mix) / Key Fm, BPM 115, 3:08, MP3 7.77 Mb
G. Felix, Dead Space - Good Time (Original Mix) / Key Cm, BPM 128, 5:38, MP3 13.86 Mb
GEN33 - Dream (Original Mix) / Key Abm, BPM 129, 5:46, MP3 14.16 Mb
GOVION - The Art of Noticing (Original Mix) / Key Fm, BPM 132, 2:57, MP3 7.31 Mb
Gallelli - Taking Off (Original Mix) / Key Em, BPM 126, 4:50, MP3 11.84 Mb
Gallelli - To The Top (Original Mix) / Key F, BPM 127, 4:21, MP3 10.69 Mb
Gama, MichaelBM, El Shick - Prendelo (FeelGood, Lucci Minati Extended Remix) / Key Bbm, BPM 130, 5:47, MP3 14.27 Mb
Gama, MichaelBM, El Shick - Prendelo (Lucas Bahr Extended Remix) / Key F#m, BPM 131, 5:52, MP3 14.46 Mb
Gama, MichaelBM, El Shick - Prendelo (Vale Extended Remix) / Key Ebm, BPM 127, 5:03, MP3 12.52 Mb
Garabal - Bom Bom (Original Mix) / Key Bbm, BPM 125, 3:02, MP3 7.63 Mb
Gaston Lopez - Intelligent Lifeforms (Original Mix) / Key Ebm, BPM 120, 6:32, MP3 15.92 Mb
Gazdabolt - Wild Foxes (Original Mix) / Key Bbm, BPM 114, 4:25, MP3 10.73 Mb
Gege - Nasty (AnDrew DeXx Remix) / Key Abm, BPM 128, 4:02, MP3 10.13 Mb
Gen2.7 - Border Crosser (Rework) / Key Cm, BPM 130, 9:01, MP3 21.79 Mb
Gen2.7 - Keep an Ey on It (Original Mix) / Key Am, BPM 128, 6:36, MP3 15.96 Mb
Gen2.7 - Rampage (Original Mix) / Key Am, BPM 130, 6:26, MP3 15.57 Mb
Gen2.7 - Sweet Darkness (Rework) / Key Abm, BPM 127, 7:20, MP3 17.76 Mb
Gerald Sanchez - Oshipa (Extended Mix) / Key Dm, BPM 124, 5:12, MP3 12.70 Mb
Gerardo - Some Of This (Mutual Dub Mix) / Key Fm, BPM 128, 7:23, MP3 18.07 Mb
Get Red - Twisted Thing (Extended Instrumental) / Key Gm, BPM 126, 4:23, MP3 11.12 Mb
Get Red - Twisted Thing (Extended) / Key Gm, BPM 126, 4:23, MP3 11.12 Mb
Get Red - Twisted Thing (Original Mix) / Key Gm, BPM 126, 3:37, MP3 9.29 Mb
Geto Mark - Shake That (Original Mix) / Key Fm, BPM 130, 3:57, MP3 9.83 Mb
Ghalia, Matt Steep - Hear You In Every Sound (Extended Mix) / Key Ebm, BPM 123, 3:13, MP3 7.93 Mb
Ghalia, Matt Steep - Hear You In Every Sound (Original Mix) / Key Ebm, BPM 123, 2:28, MP3 6.13 Mb
GhostCode - Don't Want to Fall (Original Mix) / Key Fm, BPM 135, 2:42, MP3 6.66 Mb
Gianni Blu, The Play, Shantal Vella - Bonita (Extended Mix) / Key Fm, BPM 128, 4:17, MP3 10.53 Mb
Gianni Junior - Shake Your Head (2024 Reload) / Key Bm, BPM 123, 5:47, MP3 14.10 Mb
Giannis Nicou - Money Bag (Original Mix) / Key Dm, BPM 130, 2:46, MP3 6.84 Mb
Gigg Cosco, D-tip - For Granted (Original Mix) / Key Dm, BPM 110, 6:25, MP3 15.64 Mb
Gigg Cosco, D-tip - Music Affairs (Original Mix) / Key Gm, BPM 110, 5:32, MP3 13.52 Mb
Giusepperino, Roof Rats - All About You (Original Mix) / Key Dm, BPM 128, 3:46, MP3 9.34 Mb
Goncalo M - Violent Rhythm (Original Mix) / Key Dbm, BPM 130, 7:07, MP3 17.62 Mb
Gone Rogue - Pum Pum (Original Mix) / Key Cm, BPM 134, 6:30, MP3 15.73 Mb
Gonzor - Xinyco (Original Mix) / Key F#m, BPM 126, 2:36, MP3 6.41 Mb
Grace Dahl - I'll Give You More (Original Mix) / Key Am, BPM 145, 5:07, MP3 12.51 Mb
Grandez - Mad Art (Original Mix) / Key Bm, BPM 122, 5:53, MP3 14.25 Mb
Greb Levah, HIGHTKK - Loud Enough (Techno Remix) / Key Ebm, BPM 148, 2:41, MP3 6.55 Mb
Grothers, Tansel - No One (Original Mix) / Key Bbm, BPM 120, 4:01, MP3 9.71 Mb
Ground Work - One More (Original Mix) / Key Fm, BPM 127, 6:09, MP3 14.93 Mb
apaull - Dogma(x) (Abe Duque Dog House Remix) / Key Ebm, BPM 127, 7:32, MP3 18.75 Mb
ddp - Waves, Waves (Original Mix) / Key Bbm, BPM 124, 3:14, MP3 8.17 Mb

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2024.05.19 16:00 BrodogIsMyName Frontier Fantasy - Chap 39

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Edited by WaveOfWire
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Two days… It had been two days that Tracy had gone to sleep while Harrison was working, only to come back in the morning to see him still in the workshop. She knew he was damn productive, sure, but that really couldn’t be healthy. Apparently, it had something to do with the weird bowl of orange… soup… that Cera gave him. No way was it just caffeine; any amount of the stuff would have been filtered out of his system by now. He mentioned a tingling feeling too…
Damn, she did not know enough about drugs to even start assuming what that massive alien had Harrison fucked up on. At least the scanner said he was ‘fine’—if you ignore the other glaring issues the machine brought up. Plus, he said he didn’t mind it. Either way, he managed to complete the weaving component and a few other electrical backbones of the fabricator last night, so the project was practically done, and after seeing the engineer work himself half to death, she was dead-set on finishing it.
She was currently tits-deep into the upper manufacturing portion of the towering machine. It took a tall step-stool—on top of the nearby desk—for her to push her small shoulders through the even smaller access panels high on the everything-printer. It was difficult to fit her torso in, but she managed, holding a flashlight between her teeth as she fiddled with a stubborn series of mechanical ‘hands.’ Nothing new. The situation reminded her of the ‘shop back on Mars; it had the same ever-present scent of copper and industrial sealant. All that was missing was her dad’s ancient tunes blasting through some shitty speakers… Hold on…
The modular component in her grip was successfully attached with a resonating thock. Tracy squirmed out of the dim wire-filled crevice, trying her best to not rip her only tank-top on any bolts or corners, and getting a face-full of the bright flood-lights illuminating the workshop. She scowled and blocked out the searing light with a hand, but she was a bit too late to avoid going half-blind.
“Are the mechanical manipulators in?” Harrison grunted, poking his head out underneath the printer’s floor-adjacent maintenance hatch. She looked down at him as she tried to blink off the spots in her vision. His hair was messy, barely kept in line by his habit of combing through it with his fingers. The areas around his eyes were dark and sunken… Guess that’s what two all-nighters did to a man. He’d be seeing the hat man or start hallucinating if he didn’t get any sleep soon… but then again, the two of them were so close to finishing the fabricator…
“You bet.” She gave him a thumbs up, slamming the panel cover closed. “Feel free to test it.”
He nodded and slid back underneath the machine. “Gotcha”
She gently stepped off the stool and slid off the side of the desk, stretching herself out. If her piss-poor sitting posture or her tank-top puppies hadn’t already fucked her spine up, bending over backward to build this fabricator sure as hell would. She sat down next to the panel where Harrison resided, resting her back against the fabrication tower. Her excited voice broke the muffled noises of the engineer’s work. “So… Harrison?”
—Mind if I play some music?”
The sounds from the hatch stopped, followed by his muffled, shocked tone echoing from beneath the fabricator. “You have music!?”
She smirked at seeing the expression on his face when his head popped out again. “I sure do… Did you seriously not download any to your data pad?”
He slipped out from beneath the fabricator fully, huffing as he took a knee beside her. The scent of melded rubber, wire, and his liquid labor reached her nose not-so-unpleasantly. “You would not believe how much of a pain it is to repair an entire barracks without it… So, yeah, I didn’t.”
“Sooooooooo, whatcha wanna listen to? I’ve got almost everything on here—besides the super niche, of course.” She pulled her data pad out, swiping to the massive music folder
“You wouldn’t like the kinda music I listen to; It’s ancient.”
She gave him a lighthearted, annoyed glare. “Welcome to the club… Now what’ll it be?”
“It’s Old Earth kind of ancient… but alright” He looked up at the ceiling in thought, lips pursed. “Do you have anything from Styx or Sweet?”
She stared at him incredulously, her smirk turning into a fully-fledged smile. “Oh my God. You are an absolute dork! You actually listen to Golden Age music?”
His brows raised, accusatory. “And you somehow know exactly who those bands were and what age of Old Earth music they came from?”
She smugly leaned in closer. “That’s because I’m just as much of a nerd with that kinda music as you apparently are.” She quickly looked upward, addressing the workshop AI. “Sebas, connect nearby speakers to my data pad’s audio.” Tracy elbowed the engineer lightly as the PA system chirped its affirmation. “Now, Mr. Golden Age music, which albums do ya want me to queue up?”
- - - - -
The two of them listened to music for hours, tossing on songs they liked as they came to mind while they worked. Harrison had a ton of recommendations that spanned all over the Golden Ages and some twenty-first century classics. She didn’t even know half of them, but she was vibing either way, adding on her own taste by intermingling some older rock tracks and newer electronic beats. The playlist was steadily built up as the day went on. Thank God her dad showed her a vast array of tunes; she might not have been able to keep up with the engineer if her old man hadn't.
It made the work go by so fast, their conversations blurring as they jumped from topic to topic. They discussed whatever came to mind—old hobbies, old jobs, and old interests. A lot was left behind in Sol… At least she knew that the only other human on the planet was more interesting than a soulless workaholic. It turned out that he was a pretty big history buff, and he apparently read a lot about the colonization of the Sol system and the various wars of independence thereafter. Curious, she asked where the interest stemmed from, and he explained that his grandfather was an admiral in the Slavic-Europan deep-ice submarine fleet, which explained how Harrison’s mother was able to afford to immigrate to Mars from Europa.
He could also play an acoustic guitar, and, unfortunately for Tracy, he wasn’t even the slightest bit interested in printing one out, citing that it was a waste of time and material that would be better used elsewhere. That didn’t stop her from writing a note on her data pad to do so later, though. She hadn’t seen someone play one of those in years—the last time was probably in some old music video from the early twenty-second century. What a shame. She would have liked to hear some of the Europan songs his grandmother taught him.
On the bright side, the man seemed to take an interest in her odd hobbies. He brought up the folder of 3D models that she accidentally uploaded to the inter-module system and asked where she got the inspiration for what was in it. Boy, was he not ready for her ‘WarHalberd40k’ lore dump. Props to the guy for not standing up and leaving the workshop throughout her rambling. He even asked questions about the different factions and their weapons, which she was more than happy to talk about.
She also ended up going over the other franchises and hobbies she was interested in, such as robotics and the like. The only interruptions to their chat were the occasional Akula or Craftsman asking for insight regarding the various tasks he had allotted to them, or Shar coming in to check up on Harrison between guard shifts.
The new dynamic of the group was pretty interesting, to say the least. Tracy hadn’t been out to interact with the whole lot of Malkrin, but she definitely noticed how they treated the engineer. They’d started to look up to him in a way ever since he started showing off technology. In a little over two days, the man had shown them that he could provide the materials for a brick house, fine clothing—especially by the alien’s standards—armor, and delicious food. That wasn’t even mentioning the other benefits the technician heard a few of the ‘banished’ talking about over their meals: heating, electric lights, and other assorted machines.
She’d be feeling pretty happy about herself if she was in his position, having so many look up to him and be grateful at the same time. He seemed to view it a lot more robotically, however, only striving to get the basics done. Luckily for him, his basics were their luxury.
That wasn’t all there was to the topic; the engineer lamented about how the colony was going through food just as quickly as materials. The meals weren’t the direct issue he had, more that he had to start focusing on long-term resource harvesting rather than directly preparing for a literal horde of monsters—which wasn’t exactly ideal. It was a good thing that they just so happened to take on an influx of Malkrin then…
Either way, they finally finished the ‘totally legal modification’ for the fabricator, meaning they could at least partially address the latter half of his worries. The whole process of ripping out an old printer and replacing the parts for a new one felt a lot easier than she imagined… even if it took her at least forty-eight hours to complete it… with help from Harrison. Maybe that was why it felt so easy… She supposed the colony overseers didn’t choose the man for no reason, so his skills made sense.
“So… what do we want to print out first?” Tracy questioned, having finished testing the last major component.
The engineer stretched his arms up into the air and rotated his shoulders, then pulled back the desk’s chair and took a seat. “I’ve had just one thing in mind since the start of this whole project.”
Her brows raised in a mix of excitement and curiosity. She leaned forward, looking at the computer monitor from over his shoulder. “Oh? What’s that, then?”
A smirk formed along his cheek, the computer mouse rapidly clicking through the blueprint folder. “I’ve had a lot of time to think about what kind of firearm we need since I started dabbling in belt-fed weapon systems.” He opened one final file, a short loading bar preceding the exploded assembly view of… “An M2 Browning machine gun. It’s more than powerful enough to kill in one shot, while also being capable of fully-automatic fire, with a capacity of however many rounds we want in a belt-box.”
“Uh…huh…” She gave a skeptical nod and took a step back, not exactly sold on the idea. “It looks ancient. It’s kinetic, right? Why aren’t we using energy-based weapons? Don’t we have a gunpowder shortage coming up?”
He moved his chair off to the side to look back at her. “We just can’t; Simple as. We’ll need who knows how many more AI cores before we can get started on that level of equipment, Trace,” he huffed, returning his gaze to the specifications of the firearm. “This isn’t the most ‘modern’ weapon we can make, but its twenty-first century counterpart helps with an improved design… somewhat. And, as I said before, it should be more than capable of killing a bug in one shot, so Shar can just tap-fire it to save ammunition.”
Her head tilted quizzically. “Shar?”
“Yup,” he returned confidently. “It’s the perfect weapon for her.”
She raised a brow. “How so?”
He held his hand up, counting his reasons on his fingers. “She’s always on the front line with a shield, she can absolutely handle the weight and recoil, her four arms make reloading it simple, plus she’ll need something with range and power that isn’t a spear. So, why not? And, if for some reason, she doesn’t want to use it, we can just convert it into a turret—which is something I was planning on doing anyways with however more M2s we print out later.”
“I doubt she’ll say no to any gun you give her,” Tracy chuckled while shaking her head, inadvertently causing her bangs to cover her eyes.
“Fair enough,” he conceded with a bob of his head. “What do you think, then? What kinda weapons do you have in mind?”
She reapplied her goggles into an impromptu hairband, feeling a smirk cross her face. “Thought you’d never ask. What purpose do we need these guns to fulfill? Hordes I’m guessing?”
“That’s the idea, yeah. That doesn’t mean they all need to be machine guns, though.” He tapped the belt-fed shotgun beside him.
“Well, lemme see what we’re working with first.” She suddenly stepped forward, leaning over Harrison’s seat to access the keyboard and mouse. Her arms briefly rubbed against him, forcing him to roll his chair backward. She suppressed a giggle at seeing his incredulous frown.
Her eyes quickly traced the hundreds of individual files, clicking through all sorts of folders, each arranged from pre-twenty-first century ‘antiques,’ to more modern iterations of kinetics and particle weaponry. There was… a lot on there—almost too much to reasonably comb through. Why? Did the colony overseers just say ‘fuck it’ and put whatever they could find on here? Were they expecting the pioneers to make a museum of everything?
She sighed, standing up straight and facing Harrison. “Y’know, I’m actually impressed you managed to find that M2-whatever in there…”
He shifted in his seat, resting an elbow on the desk. “Yup, there’s a lot. I’m almost tempted to just make several of those machine guns and just call it a day, but I feel like that’d be too much of a strain on resources, no?”
“I don’t really know enough about how you fight those spider-crab things, or how to get more gunpowder, so… maybe?” She shrugged, biting her cheek in contemplation. “You might just wanna make a few smaller caliber weapons… like, uh… those old kinetic service rifles. If your pump-action shotgun works fine, I’m sure some normal guns would work just fine for now, right?”
He hardily gripped his firearm, hauling it up to his lap. “Depends on what you mean by ‘smaller caliber.’ The whole reason why the KS-23 here works—” he pulled out a massive shell from the ammo belt, displaying it on his palm. “—is because the twenty-three-millimeter round has enough energy transfer to mess up any bug's shell and insides. I’d say the smallest rounds we could use would be point-two-forty-three caliber to get any similar results.”
Brief flickers of grungy orange shells and gnashing teeth marred Tracy’s sight. She forcibly suppressed them, distracting herself with dry humor and a strained laugh. “Guess those fuckers can really take a punch, huh?”
He shook his head somberly. “I couldn’t imagine going up against them without a gun… Anyway, I like your idea of a standard rifle for now. Then, when we have some product lines up, we can go a little more in depth into personal weapons.”
“So are you gonna take one?” She hopped up on the desk, letting her legs swing off the side.
“Don’t think so, no. I’ll stick with my shotty.” The internals of the heavily modified weapon rattled as he held it up and inspected it. “Doesn’t mean I’ll keep it as is. I’m thinking of printing a laser aiming module so I can point-fire it accurately, and maybe a melee-oriented muzzle brake or a lighter chassis to reduce weight… Not sure though.”
She leaned forward and rested her elbows on her knees, her cheeks in her palms. “Melee-oriented? Oooooh, like a chain-sword or something?”
His short chuckle coerced a smirk to her face. “No, not like that. More something to use as a bludgeoning tool. Right before the blood-moon, I ended up getting just as much use out of this shotgun as a hammer than as a… well, a shotgun.”
“That’s pretty fuckin’ metal. So are you just gonna make the barrel into a giant bayonet?”
He nodded. “Not exactly a bayonet, but something more like a door-breaching break.”
A short silence settled on their conversation, the faint sounds of the fabricator’s hum and distant woodwork coming to light. Right, there was an outside world… She’d been too caught up talking to Harrison for however many hours it had been. She wondered how successful the fisherwomen were in collecting, and how things had been for the others working on the wood storage shack. Maybe it was already completed? The sun peered through the cargo bay door, proving that it was only about midday. What else would they work on today?
“Hey,” she ventured.
“Hm?” the engineer hummed, his eyes focused on the monitor beside the technician.
She scooted closer to his keyboard. “What’re we doing after this?”
“What do you mean?”
She leaned backward, propping herself up on two hands. “Project wise; what’s the next big thing?”
“Uhmmm…” he muttered, interacting with the computer for a few more seconds before finally meeting her gaze. “Well, I’ve just allocated the fabricator to print out the M2, three FALs—wood furniture, of course—then there’s the magazines and ammunition, so we’ve got a lot of time to kill. The next big thing is definitely going to be metal procurement, and— Oh, right!” Harrison stopped mid-sentence, reaching into his backpack and pulling out several finger-sized metallic cubes, a sudden fire in his eyes. “Okay, so a while ago, during an encounter with three colossi, Shar and Akula found a cave with some ‘surface’ metal deposits. I took a piece off to analyze, but never got the chance to until last night. Anyway, we don’t have any machines to examine the ore, so I made use of the recycler and broke it down to its baser components.”
She nodded along, seeing where he was going with his explanation. “I’m guessing those shiny cubes are the metals from the ore?”
“Sure is. So, as it turns out, we have a pretty damn close supply of not only iron, but also, zinc, sulfur, and a small amount of cadmium. I talked with Sebas about it and did a little research. We believe it’s something akin to sphalerite, given its composition and looks, which implies it’s a sedimentary exhalative deposit. That means there must have been some volcanic…”
Harrison continued talking about underwater deposits and ancient rock formations, bringing up some theories brought forward by the now 4-AI-core-powered Sebas, delving into the current land mass’ history and possible ore output. A lot of it went over the tradewoman’s head, but she still listened intently… Honestly, she could have listened to the man talk about finding metals for hours. It was sort of like the podcasts she used to listen to while completing colonist training, but even more personal and somehow easier to get lost in…
“…find some other minerals further down like silver, but it also might be an active lava zone. Again, these are all theories and this world could just throw the fundamentals of geology away as it does for physics. Anyway, sorry for going on for so long about that, just thought it’d be important for getting some metals in the future.”
“No, no,” Tracy assured, alleviating him of concern with a wave of her hand. “If there’s anything the colony overseers emphasized, it was farming and mineral acquisition. Don’t worry.” She smiled, pointing a thumb to herself. “I just wanna know how I can help.”
“Actually, I’ve a few things only you can do. I’d like to make use of your impressive drone-making expertise for a few applications, if you don’t mind.”
The task of keeping eye contact slipped into an impossible feat in the span of a singular second, planting a pang of embarrassment on her reddened face, forcing her to inspect her fidgeting hands. “I-I wouldn’t say ‘impressive’… b-but what do you have in mind?”
She could see him raise a brow out of the corner of her vision. “Well, after what you’ve shown me with the reconnaissance flyers, I’d like your help in setting up a more permanent ‘net’ of them to scour the meadow and parts of the nearby forest to look out for any approaching hordes. I don’t want to be snuck up on… again…”
She noted his small frown and sunken eyes, both a little more exaggerated than they already were. It wasn’t like she’d deny his request, but the pangs of empathy over their shared situation all but solidified her resolve. It was the least she could do. She could help him. She would help him.
The technician exhaled slowly, taking on a more serious and understanding tone than before. “I… can do that. For sure. What else?”
“I appreciate it.” He gave a wane smile. “I’ll help you with whatever you need for the project. For the other drones, I’m thinking about a small exploration vehicle to map out caves around us and mark any minerals, as well as a submersible to look for potassium deposits in the ocean.”
“So… search bots?” She crossed her arms, confidence growing; those were her specialty. “Depending on how long the fabricators take and what kind of base drones are in the blueprint folders, I should be able to get those done in no time. All I need to know are the search cues for potassium and how many drones you want.”
He quickly shuffled a few folders on the computer, turning the monitor for her to see some scientific documents with various images and walls upon walls of text. “There’re plenty of resources for that on here for what to look for, and there’s always Sebas, so feel free to ask him since he can just sort through the data for you anyway. If you can, I’d like it if you could focus on the submersible after the reconnaissance drones.”
“Sounds good to me. I’ll be right on it, then.” She gave him a thumbs up, slipping off his desk and toward her own.
“I’ll bring you lunch in a bit. Imma go check on the others,” he called.
Her stomach grumbled at the mention, her head turning to give him an appreciative smile. “Oh! Thanks!”
\= = = = =
Avian creatures chirped from their perches in the trees nearby. The wind softly rustled red leaves as grass gently gave way to calculated footfalls. A warm sun laid its light on Shar’khee’s neck. It was surprisingly pleasant, were one to take the time to notice. The mainland was a confusing place for the paladin, with its disparate representations of nature contrasting so heavily. Some days were filled with blood and ravenous beasts, while others were left within the domain of simplicity and beauty. She was content to have the latter, yet it felt like a facade veiling the former—a soft exterior covering the maliciously spiked interior. Never could she leave herself to carelessness, no matter how welcoming it might be.
Hence why she worked to ensure the safety of the star-sent’s castles and their inhabitants, her days largely spent patrolling for any roaming swarms that may wish to cause them harm. She typically used the routine to think, but today offered little in the way of solitude. This time, she was accompanied by the previously banished guardswoman, and was tasked with instructing the new one, though the specifics of what such lessons should entail were vague. Still, Shar’khee did all that she could so as not to disappoint Harrison, so she could only attempt to meet his expectations of her.
She told the yellow-skinned female of the threats that the settlement faced, how one was to defeat them, and what to expect from the beasts. The guardswoman was directed to practice her form with the spear in both thrusts and throwing for some time afterward, proving herself to be well-built. Such was expected of her profession after all.
It was pleasing to have another capable of patrolling the settlement’s outskirts for swarms, as it would greatly impact how effectively the colony could react to such a threat. If her routine was to suffer for the colony’s well-being, she was happy to show the new one her patrol route and note what to look out for.
The guardswoman was not a perfect student, however. Shar’khee never addressed it directly, but the yellow-skinned female obviously discredited the danger posed by the abhorrent, not-so-subtly shrugging off any warnings.
…That was until they stumbled upon the ‘hyena-boars,’ as Harrison called them.
The beasts resided in a clearing not too far from the castles, carelessly meandering across the sea of tall grass. Shar’khee quickly crouched, dragging the guardswoman down with her. Once she assessed that the creatures were not an imminent danger, she decided it would be an excellent opportunity to show the new one how to properly engage a threat. She was about to propose the idea, yet her speech was silenced just as swiftly.
Orange flashes darted through the trees around the glade. Taloned feet and gnashing teeth tore across the ground toward the unsuspecting beasts at the center. It was much too late for them. They were slow. Surrounded. Unaware. It was as quick as it was vicious, the forest’s reds turning a deeper crimson hue in a moment's notice underneath the abhorrent’s brutality.
Gangly monstrosities gnawed and ripped at the dead creatures, brief glimpses of raw flesh and white bone protruding from the small spaces between the clumped-up beasts. Repulsive wet splatters of blood and gore overlapped the calm noises of the forest, the grisly scene serenaded by the softest of nature’s symphonies. It was a sickening juxtaposition.
Shar’khee bit back the unease and steeled herself. They were within twenty paces—close enough to smell the abhorrent’s vile stench of rot and bile, yet far enough so as not to be noticed. She briefly considered backing away and retreating, her focus bouncing between the different avenues of escape, or how to cover her footst—
Several sets of feral, eyeless maws snapped in their direction, the blood dripping off freshly dampened teeth. The guardswoman gasped, Shar’khee’s gaze following to see the mistake: a singular broken branch crinkled as a yellow-colored foot raised off the splintering twig.
The paladin exhaled sharply and smoothly stood up, brandishing two spears and her shield. Her glare settled on the still crouching guardswoman. “You are to stay behind my shield and let them appr—ch. Rem—ber what I have told you. Aim for their maws when you thrust y—r lance.”
The other female nodded, shakily pulling out her own weapons with unsteady placement hampering her grip. There was an obvious nervousness to her gaze. Hesitance. That would not do.
Shar’khee faced the prowling abhorrent her knuckles shifting hue as she prepared for their advance, for there was no chance that they wouldn’t. True to her experience, the stalking turned to a gallop with several clicks of grotesque tongues, the swarm bolting toward her as one. She snarled and slammed her bulwark into the ground, letting the approaching beasts skewer themselves amongst its spikes.
There were only ten—a paltry amount. She had defended against magnitudes more, and yet she still stood. What is more, they were mindless. Uncoordinated. They would be but stains in the cloth she used to clean her armor. Perhaps, if they were fortunate, they might leave a furrow in her shield to remember them by. Her arms tensed as the first leapt.
One by one, the abhorrent fell, their repulsive green blood splattering under her thrusts. Each awaiting corpse tore across the grove’s grass, lunging to their deaths with gaping maws and unfeeling hunger, yet she did not yield. Their shells were crushed by her shield and impaled by her Goddess-blessed spears, becoming but one more smear across their surface. Ten motionless lumps lay before her, seeping their ichor into the soil, none having passed the barrier she became. Dead, just as the Creator intended. She remained vigilant for a few moments longer, watching for any more of the disgusting creatures.
None showed themselves, finally allowing blood to flow to her fingers once again. The shield’s heavy presence weighed down her back, the blood flicked off of her spears before she returned them to their place.
“Are y–u well?” Shar’khee addressed the frozen Malkrin, wiping away the splatter on her bracers. The guardswoman stared at the small pile of deceased creatures, her heavy breaths and widened eyes moving from the spear from her singular kill. The paladin huffed. “We are fort—ate that there were so few.”
“F-Few? God help us…” Her horrified, stunned gaze slowly met the paladin’s. “Y-You said there were hundreds on the crimson nights? H-How do you… They were s-so fast.”*
”As I h–ve warned,” Shar’khee affirmed.
“You are a paladin! You all exaggerate your feats… I thought it was just a facade!”
“I have no r—son to lie,” she returned tersely, shrugging off the insult to her station and shaking her head. “The mainl—d is far more dangerous than ten gnash—g beasts; more so than that of your island hamlet. Pick yourself up. We m—t inform the others of this incursion.”
The yellow-skinned female snarled, furrowing her brows at the ground in frustration. At whom…? Shar’khee? Herself? Regardless, the female promptly gathered her composure, pushing air through clenched jaws. A step forward had her feet splash in the small pool of blood, the Malkrin nodding toward the paladin to continue back to the castles.
“…for the village.”
Shar’khee paused in her stride and faced her, frowning at the determination and anger leaking through the intent. “W—t was that?”
Her question was returned with honesty, a huffed voice marred by vexation. “Paladin, how am I to defend my village-mates as I am now?”
“‘As you are now?’ What do you m—n?”
The guardswoman stared down at her spear, wood creaking under her grip. “I have faltered before what you deem a paltry threat, and the thought of an even greater one sows dread deep within my bones. I wish… I wish to be better prepared to defend those of my village. I cannot help but see their faces on those of the furred creature in the clearing, and yet, even if I am so close, I am just as unable to protect them.”
Shar’khee stared down the yellow female, a long gaze taking in a rare showing of sincerity. “Y—r fears are one we all share, new one. Do not be ashamed of them. All t—t matters is that you do not let them rem—n mere fear, but make them your strength. So tell me, do you wish to impr—e? To ensure they do not fall while you are support—g them?”
The yellow-skinned female released a shuddering breath that bled off the worst of her indecision, a newly invoked flame flaring within her visage. “I do, paladin. I seek to protect and to be of use.”
“Then, if you wish to make y—rself resilient in the face of all that opposes us, it would be my undertak—g to forge you anew. Fortunately, Harrison has ordered such already, and his guidance shall prove ever useful, should you pursue it.”
The guardswoman shuffled in place at the star-sent’s mention, her eyes slipping downwards. “He is of a great many resources, but I would rather receive your teachings than those of a craftsman… or that of a male, deity-sent he might be.”
She placed a palm on the female’s shoulder. “He is far more than you might ever k—w. Regardless of if you ac—pt his guidance, I commend your conviction. However—” Her hand gripped tighter, though not enough to instill hostility. “—understand that you are protecting more than just your vi—age-mates.”
The new one nodded, staring up at the paladin with stallwart resolve. “Of course. I shall be in your tutelage, then.”
Shar’khee smiled. “T—n let us begin.”
\= = = = =
Akula was becoming increasingly certain that she knew how her parents once felt. The green-skinned fisherwoman was currently rotating between the many tasks placed upon her, guiding the newcomers through the minutia of their tasks so they might live up to the potential Harrison saw within them. She was gratified to have her own talents recognized by the Creator, but it also placed a great many responsibilities in her talons. Of course, she handled each new addition with finesse befitting her heritage, never once balking from the increasing demands. If anything, she felt validated; it was required of her as a female anyway, was it not? The more feminine-appropriate labor and management one undertakes, the higher authority they were granted.
It began with a simple assignment to oversee the chef’s introduction to the star-sent’s provided cooking appliances. As fascinating and convenient as utilities were, she held no interest in preparing any more food than she already had, but teaching another to operate the machines would alleviate such requirements of her. She reluctantly accepted the task when it was proposed, especially considering the fact that Harrison was much too busy with his other projects to bother with something as benign as cooking. His work was more valuable elsewhere.
The task itself went well, and the pink-skinned chef was quick to pick up on the use of the various kitchen devices, as well as the smoker. A grin had grown when she considered the possibility of all males understanding such domestic things readily, yet her mirth at removing the masculine job required of her was short-lived. Despite the newly initiated Malkrin’s success, Harrison had Akula frequently return to oversee the numerous cooking operations being conducted. That was in tandem with the back-to-back fishing trips made by both herself and the newly acquired females.
…Which was something else the green-skinned cycle-worshipper was ordered to oversee.
She had left the chef to his devices after producing another batch of partially seasoned meals, returning to the Creator with hopes of a break. He applauded her efforts with a nod and tersely spoken appreciation, then quickly pushed two spearguns into her hand and directed her to the ocean, where the twins were ‘working with jack shit,’ as the busy male said. She was to give the fisherwomen the tools and make sure they were used properly, and offer additional assistance in acquiring ‘enough fish to have us fed for a little bit.’
So, she left to complete the given task, feeling somewhat appreciative that her speargun was of superior quality to those she would be delivering—the newcomers were only afforded the lesser, roped-bolt version. It was only natural that she was in possession of their greatest assets, of course; the star-sent saw her as the only one capable of wielding such fantastic ammunition, showing trust that was rightfully placed in her. That did not mean the gray-skinned females were unsatisfied with their own gifts, however. The twins were swiftly caught up on the ‘manual of arms’ and sent to work, somehow managing to keep up with Akula in spite of their land-based origins. The two were fast enough to outpace the cycle-worshipper in sheer speed, but their lack of numerous winters spent traversing deeper waters meant they required frequent rests, breaking the ocean’s surface after every third captured fish or so.
Still, she had to appreciate their dedication to their task. They never complained about Akula pushing them further to reach the star-sent’s vague objective. Such a task was entrusted to her—and by proxy, the other two—and thus it would be completed, no matter how much her comfortable bed… couch called her tiring muscles.
The group of three hauled net after full net of fresh meat to the chef—and sewist, who later joined him—forcing him to relegate much of the catch to long-term storage as the kitchen simply could not deal with the surplus. At least three-quarters of the fish were put to slow cook in the now Malkrin-sized smoker. The craftsman had upgraded it with a kit provided by Harrison, who had recycled much of the dining room and workshop furniture to accommodate it. The Creator’s showcased urgency to gather materials was clearly not unfounded… It was admirable how he used what little he had left to ensure food would not be scarce. Additionally, the apparatus exuded an excellent scent for all the survivors to enjoy, the earthy aroma drawing in some of the other Malkrin for their breaks or meals.
Those were not the end of the cycle-worshiper’s tasks, however. She was also required to report on Shar’khee’s progress in training the guardswoman—helping to recycle the small swarm of abhorrent they cleared earlier—as well as the wood storage building’s progress. Indeed, she was advising and assisting however and wherever applicable. To say she was seen all around the settlement would be an understatement.
Nevertheless, she was appreciative to see her efforts bearing fruit by sundown. The processing of their meals from sea to plate was quite efficient, and those that Akula taught were now well-practiced in their duties. The twin fisherwomen dove from wave to wave, bringing fish back to the barracks, where the cook and sewist swiftly worked to transfer the meat to pans and smoker hooks alike. Then, the remnants of the Sea Goddess’ aquatic gifts would be subsequently recycled and given purpose anew as biofuel or perhaps future fertilizer.
The endless onslaught of duties and responsibilities had enlightened her, in a way. She could see where Harrison came from now; having a working project go from one point to another without input nor difficulty was a sight to behold, and it made her swell with pride. It was a surmountable feat to teach the barbaric ground-worshippers to do something properly.
…Well, they were not horrible Malkrin, so perhaps simply calling them ‘uninitiated’ was a more apt descriptor…
No matter the tribulations faced, and no matter how draining her new authority might be, her rest at the end of the day would be one that was well-earned, and it would be had with a sense of satisfaction. She deserved it, and perhaps that extended to the rest of the settlement as well.
- - - - -
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Next time on Total Drama Anomaly Island - Mine! Mine! Mine!
submitted by BrodogIsMyName to HFY [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 14:38 Jesuslover34 Seoulism part 1

It was the start of a new year, and with that Seouls 4 major school saw a large increase of new students. Everyone was talking about the gang who used to rule over Seoul suddenly disappearing, and nobody was taking ownership of it. (read the Extra info at the bottom, it will help a lot, and it'll explain how things work for new people)
---------------------------North Seoul High--------------------------- A tall, blonde, guy was making jokes with a few of his classmates, most of them where about the Soviet union and WW2. Ivan Alexander (u/Away_excitement3116)
In the corner of class a tall, silver haired boy was training without his shirt on, a few watched while some tried to look away from his muscular build. Klein (u/ProfessionalLuck268)
Simply sitting at his desk doing his schoolwork was one boy, most would says he's normal. But then again, being to only normal guy makes you kind of special. Yuseong (u/Outer-god369)
A tall black dude was talking with his friend, trying to improve his language skills as h had only recently come to Korea. His shirt hiding his very muscular build. (u/TheGloryBe_throwaway)
There was a large group of students talking, making jokes, laughingand just having a good time, in the center of attention was the short curly haired- Ren Yuzaki (u/LeoIsAngry)
There was a boy sleeping on his desk, standing next to him was another boy dressed just like a body guard. He would scare off anyone who got close. The boy sleeping was Kai Edward Tristan (u/KaiAugustInsi)
Some skinny guy was watching the popular newtube channel (How To Fight), he was inspired by Hobin due to the fact they both got bullied a lot. He now wats to be just like him. Kim Suho (u/federal_tip9311)
--------------------------South Seoul High----------------------------
The class watched as an boy with Orange hair, and black leather gloves was polishing his newest Trophy. It's seemed like that was the only thing interesting him at all. Dexter (u/Greensvenner1234)
A short and skinny boy is playing with his Lego bricks. While most see it as immature he's doing it to get a better understanding on a buildings stability and weak points. As he loves working on construction sites. Seok Mujuk (u/domengoenfuego)
Sitting in some expensive designer clothes, was a boy who normally couldn't afford it. But after beating up some bullies who harrased others, and then them offering him their money he gladly took it. Kai Wang (u/wesjsndsjsnss)
"Come and hit me!" a Dude screamed while his Classmates punched and kicked him, yet he was still standing as if nothing had happened at all to him. Lam Lee (u/Dull-tax-4713)
Sitting away from all the noice, enjoying his favorite manga was Kim Jin (u/random_guy_Q)
Amongst the people who tried to punch Lam Lee was one boy who actually manged to hurt him a bit, he didn't notice was Lam was hiding it but his attacks where effective. Adam (u/Theman2326)
---------------------------East Seoul High------------------------------ A boy with gum in his hair was playing games on multiple phones, yet he obviously didn't enjoy it. That's because he was forced to farm stuff for bullies. Su-Jin Park (u/RainProfessional8105)
People stared as there was some guy who brought a few stray cats and dogs with him to class. Some people enjoyed the animals, others saw it as weird. Zanegs (u/Warrenchae)
Some nerds ran up to an average sized boy with white hair, calling him sir and giving him some money, he told them that they are safe as long as the money keeps flowing Hyuk Hwang (u/Rutsch3r)
There was someone silently talking to himself, but not silent enough. Other people could hear h but they didn't understand what he was saying. Myul (u/Longjumping-date-367)
He was not a student of this school, yet he would still come here everyday. He fought someone drunk dude from this school who he now follows around. Ran Yong-Su (u/Any-Lingonberry-3589)
Some drunk dude, he got I trouble a lot for drinking while on school grounds. Beat up some guy once while drunk, who's now following him around. Chao Ming (u/Even-Caramel-9309)
Staying way from other, watching movies about martial arts while simultaneously reading a martial arts magazine was Forgettable (u/Forgettabletiger)
--------------------------West Seoul High-----------------------------
A football (it's called football not soccer) just ended in a 30-0 win. His teammates where all gathered around him praising him for his amazing shots and dribbling. Hyoma Kurona (u/Fungiloo)
Skipping school so he could work in his parents teashop, was a boy who was fascinated by his Chinese roots. Vincent Lee (u/Base_loose)
A boy was going around with a group of scary looking guys. He would try to beat up people and then have them join him. He war cruel to them yet made them yet on rare occasions asked if they are hurt. Jintaro Suzuki (u/SlashDaOne)
Talking to his teacher as if they where best friends was one boy who didn't care about social rankings and as everyone as a friend. Hae Minsu (u/Real_Abrocoma_9377)
After unsuccessfully flirting with a few girls, this boy decided that training his body again was the best way to get their attention. Jin Na (u/Causality_A)
This boy gets along with many people, yet he gets nervous when you ask him about his glove and weirdly large pinky fingers. Ryuk Eun-Soo (u/Elegant-Ad-2431)
---------------------------------Extra Info----------------------------------
Here are a few rules and things you should keep in mind.
  1. How does anything work? Just make a comment saying what your characters is doing or what he wants to do. I will respond with a scenario. Onec your scenario is finished I'll tell you, you can act again in the next part.
If you fight another OC, it will be put into the next part as these are special fights.
  1. You're allowed to do anything, you want as long as ng as it's in character.
  2. You can be permanently crippled, lose limbs and die.
  3. Random encounters are a thing. They have different rarities, common ones are like you meeting some thugs, while more rare encounters could result in you meeting people like Gun.
  4. After an successful encounter you're rewarded with all kinds of thing, stat buffs, special items, Uniqe Abilities. The more rare the encounter is, the better the rewards. You can also fail the encounter.
  5. Stats are important even outside of fighting. You can raise every single stat by training or from rewards.
Strength: how strong your hits are, how much you can lift/Carry around. And other physical tasks. Speed: how fast you attack, move and think. Potential: is basically how fast you grow from training, Someone with higher potential will gain more than someone with low potential from the same amount of training. Intelligence: your battle IQ as well as your overall IQ. If your int is low your plans will almost always fail even if your plan is really good and detaild. And someone with high int will almost always be successful even if their plan is bad. Endurance: Your Defense, and how much energy you have.
Stats are also hidden, this is so you have to be careful around every person you don't know. High Intelligence character might find out your stats. And some cards also let you view stats.
  1. If you want to do something in secret DM me. This way only you and I will know about it. This could be a betrayal or maybe a secret plan.
7.1 Fight other OCs is something risky, the winner can decide what to do with you. They can to the things mentioned in (2) but they can also try to recruit you.
7.2 Beating an OC will give Special rewards. So it's encouraged by keep in mind that you can suffer a lot if you fail.
If you don't remember something about your OC just DM me
submitted by Jesuslover34 to OCism_official [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 13:51 Jesuslover34 Seoulism part 1

It was the start of a new year, and with that Seouls 4 major school saw a large increase of new students. Everyone was talking about the gang who used to rule over Seoul suddenly disappearing, and nobody was taking ownership of it. (read the Extra info at the bottom, it will help a lot, and it'll explain how things work for new people)
---------------------------North Seoul High--------------------------- A tall, blonde, guy was making jokes with a few of his classmates, most of them where about the Soviet union and WW2. Ivan Alexander (u/Away_excitement3116)
In the corner of class a tall, silver haired boy was training without his shirt on, a few watched while some tried to look away from his muscular build. Klein (u/ProfessionalLuck268)
Simply sitting at his desk doing his schoolwork was one boy, most would says he's normal. But then again, being to only normal guy makes you kind of special. Yuseong (u/Outer-god369)
A tall black dude was talking with his friend, trying to improve his language skills as h had only recently come to Korea. His shirt hiding his very muscular build. (u/TheGloryBe_throwaway)
There was a large group of students talking, making jokes, laughingand just having a good time, in the center of attention was the short curly haired- Ren Yuzaki (u/LeoIsAngry)
There was a boy sleeping on his desk, standing next to him was another boy dressed just like a body guard. He would scare off anyone who got close. The boy sleeping was Kai Edward Tristan (u/KaiAugustInsi)
Some skinny guy was watching the popular newtube channel (How To Fight), he was inspired by Hobin due to the fact they both got bullied a lot. He now wats to be just like him. Kim Suho (u/federal_tip9311)
--------------------------South Seoul High----------------------------
The class watched as an boy with Orange hair, and black leather gloves was polishing his newest Trophy. It's seemed like that was the only thing interesting him at all. Dexter (u/Greensvenner1234)
A short and skinny boy is playing with his Lego bricks. While most see it as immature he's doing it to get a better understanding on a buildings stability and weak points. As he loves working on construction sites. Seok Mujuk (u/domengoenfuego)
Sitting in some expensive designer clothes, was a boy who normally couldn't afford it. But after beating up some bullies who harrased others, and then them offering him their money he gladly took it. Kai Wang (u/wesjsndsjsnss)
"Come and hit me!" a Dude screamed while his Classmates punched and kicked him, yet he was still standing as if nothing had happened at all to him. Lam Lee (u/Dull-tax-4713)
Sitting away from all the noice, enjoying his favorite manga was Kim Jin (u/random_guy_Q)
Amongst the people who tried to punch Lam Lee was one boy who actually manged to hurt him a bit, he didn't notice was Lam was hiding it but his attacks where effective. Adam (u/Theman2326)
---------------------------East Seoul High------------------------------ A boy with gum in his hair was playing games on multiple phones, yet he obviously didn't enjoy it. That's because he was forced to farm stuff for bullies. Su-Jin Park (u/RainProfessional8105)
People stared as there was some guy who brought a few stray cats and dogs with him to class. Some people enjoyed the animals, others saw it as weird. Zanegs (u/Warrenchae)
Some nerds ran up to an average sized boy with white hair, calling him sir and giving him some money, he told them that they are safe as long as the money keeps flowing Hyuk Hwang (u/Rutsch3r)
There was someone silently talking to himself, but not silent enough. Other people could hear h but they didn't understand what he was saying. Myul (u/Longjumping-date-367)
He was not a student of this school, yet he would still come here everyday. He fought someone drunk dude from this school who he now follows around. Ran Yong-Su (u/Any-Lingonberry-3589)
Some drunk dude, he got I trouble a lot for drinking while on school grounds. Beat up some guy once while drunk, who's now following him around. Chao Ming (u/Even-Caramel-9309)
Staying way from other, watching movies about martial arts while simultaneously reading a martial arts magazine was Forgettable (u/Forgettabletiger)
--------------------------West Seoul High-----------------------------
A football (it's called football not soccer) just ended in a 30-0 win. His teammates where all gathered around him praising him for his amazing shots and dribbling. Hyoma Kurona (u/Fungiloo)
Skipping school so he could work in his parents teashop, was a boy who was fascinated by his Chinese roots. Vincent Lee (u/Base_loose)
A boy was going around with a group of scary looking guys. He would try to beat up people and then have them join him. He war cruel to them yet made them yet on rare occasions asked if they are hurt. Jintaro Suzuki (u/SlashDaOne)
Talking to his teacher as if they where best friends was one boy who didn't care about social rankings and as everyone as a friend. Hae Minsu (u/Real_Abrocoma_9377)
After unsuccessfully flirting with a few girls, this boy decided that training his body again was the best way to get their attention. Jin Na (u/Causality_A)
This boy gets along with many people, yet he gets nervous when you ask him about his glove and weirdly large pinky fingers. Ryuk Eun-Soo (u/Elegant-Ad-2431)
---------------------------------Extra Info----------------------------------
Here are a few rules and things you should keep in mind.
  1. How does anything work? Just make a comment saying what your characters is doing or what he wants to do. I will respond with a scenario. Onec your scenario is finished I'll tell you, you can act again in the next part.
If you fight another OC, it will be put into the next part as these are special fights.
  1. You're allowed to do anything, you want as long as ng as it's in character.
  2. You can be permanently crippled, lose limbs and die.
  3. Random encounters are a thing. They have different rarities, common ones are like you meeting some thugs, while more rare encounters could result in you meeting people like Gun.
  4. After an successful encounter you're rewarded with all kinds of thing, stat buffs, special items, Uniqe Abilities. The more rare the encounter is, the better the rewards. You can also fail the encounter.
  5. Stats are important even outside of fighting. You can raise every single stat by training or from rewards.
Strength: how strong your hits are, how much you can lift/Carry around. And other physical tasks. Speed: how fast you attack, move and think. Potential: is basically how fast you grow from training, Someone with higher potential will gain more than someone with low potential from the same amount of training. Intelligence: your battle IQ as well as your overall IQ. If your int is low your plans will almost always fail even if your plan is really good and detaild. And someone with high int will almost always be successful even if their plan is bad. Endurance: Your Defense, and how much energy you have.
Stats are also hidden, this is so you have to be careful around every person you don't know. High Intelligence character might find out your stats. And some cards also let you view stats.
  1. If you want to do something in secret DM me. This way only you and I will know about it. This could be a betrayal or maybe a secret plan.
7.1 Fight other OCs is something risky, the winner can decide what to do with you. They can to the things mentioned in (2) but they can also try to recruit you.
7.2 Beating an OC will give Special rewards. So it's encouraged by keep in mind that you can suffer a lot if you fail.
If you don't remember something about your OC just DM me
submitted by Jesuslover34 to lookismcomic [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 05:20 NoobyImpulse China Trip Report: March 2024 [Suzhou Amusement Land Forest World, Joyland, China Dinosaurs Park, Happy Valley, Etc.]

China Trip Report: March 2024 [Suzhou Amusement Land Forest World, Joyland, China Dinosaurs Park, Happy Valley, Etc.]
During the end of March/ early April my gf and I went on a 3 week coaster trip throughout China, Japan, and South Korea. I wanted to make this report about China since it's pretty difficult to plan a trip to China with the lack of information available.
Planning started last year in September and we used coast2coaster to map out our trip, then we tried to find any information about the parks we picked which ended up not being much. The Coaster Kings had some great blog posts, and we found a couple YouTube videos from ATLsloan which ended up being super helpful.
I also digged through reddit and reached out to some very helpful Redditors that gave me advice! Thanks u/MrBrightside711 and u/Noxegon
We visited:
  • Hong Kong Disneyland
  • Ocean Park
  • Shanghai Haichang Ocean Park
  • Oriental Pearl Tower
  • Suzhou Amusement Land Forest World
  • Joyland
  • China Dinosaurs Park
  • Shanghai Disneyland
  • Happy Valley Shanghai
  • Universal Beijing
  • Happy Valley Beijing
The Hong Kong portion of our China trip was super simple. Uber existed and there are no internet complications. I do recommend getting an octopus card and loading it with money, you are able to put it directly on your iphone and you will use it for trains, taxis, checking out of stores, it was even accepted in Disney!

Hong Kong Disneyland:

We flew into Hong Kong from Osaka and landed about 2am. We got a hotel right in the airport, and woke up at 8am to uber over to Disneyland, check into our hotel at the explorers lodge, and rope drop at 10:30am. After getting to the park we realized rope drop wasn't needed.. this park was DEAD. We went right to Mystic Manor and was one of 6 people in the pre-show section. (amazing ride but not a coaster)
Then we went over to Big Grizzly Mountain Runaway Mine Cars. This instantly became my favorite Disney rollercoaster. (at this point we had been to all Disney parks except Shanghai, which only has clones) The fakeout lift, and the launch section were great.
The new Frozen area of the park really was beautiful, and made the visit that much more worth it. Their version of Frozen ever after is a bit more modern, but much the same of the Orlando version. Wandering Oaken's Sliding Sleighs is great to look at, but not that great to ride. It's very short and probably great as a child's first coaster.
Not much to say about RC & Hyperspace Mountain. If you have ridden any of their counter parts, you have already experienced these as well.
Wandering Oakens Sliding Sleighs
Big Grizzly

Ocean Park

This park has 2 areas, the lower entrance area which has a ton of shops, smaller rides, and a aquarium. The upper area on top of the mountain which required a chairlift ride up is home to the larger thrill rides. While the bottom portion still seems fine, the upper portion has about half of it closed including the 2 SBNO coasters still sitting there.
However, their 2 operating coasters were both open. Hair Raiser was a great B&M, and the setting and usage of the terrain only amplifies it. Arctic Blast isn't much to write home about, but it was enjoyable and they sent us around the track multiple times.
Hair raiser from the loading area
SBNO mine train

Mainland China

Once you hit mainland China everything becomes so much more difficult. Thankfully we did plenty of research in advance and downloaded DiDi (taxi app) WeChat, and Alipay (Payment apps) You also need to verify yourself with your passport in these apps DO IT BEFORE you get to China unless you want problems. The language barrier exists much more here than any other country I have visited, Google Translate was needed for EVERY conversation. If you are planning a trip here make sure you download the Chinese Simplified translations in google translate incase your internet gets spotty (it will.)
Call your cell provider to ensure you will have working service in China, it prevents the need for a VPN while out and about.. however still download a VPN for when you are on wifi as the great chinese firewall blocks EVERYTHING. We used LetsVPN and it worked amazingly the whole time in the mainland.
Most places will not want to take your cash. Before you leave make sure that you have a credit card added to both alipay and wechat. There is still a chance your apps wont work! Your hotel can take cash and send you the money on either alipay or wechat. When taking a taxi if your DiDi app isnt working, there is a mini DiDi app in alipay that works as well!

Shanghai Haichang Ocean Park

This park is where all my fears about my trip came true immediately. When you go to parks in China there is absolutely no way to know if coasters will be open or closed, even if you can find a website with posting they are probably not accurate.
We landed in Shanghai at 10:30 am and immediately got a taxi to drop our bags off at the hotel, and they waited for us to take us to Shanghai Haichang Ocean Park. As we arrived we saw Steel Dolphin cycling and I thought to myself how great it was that we would be starting this portion off strong. As we got to the steel dolphin entrance it was blocked off with an employee explaining via google translate that the ride failed a inspection earlier in the month and they were only testing to regain its certification. I asked if there would open anytime in the next week, they said no. We then went over to Family Coaster which was CLOSED. We then decided we would try to salvage the day and ride a couple other rides.. we couldn't find a single one that was open.
Our taxi driver was still outside when we left 30 minutes after he dropped us off and he asked why we were leaving so early. We explained the situation and he took us to guest services and complained for us without us asking for that. They offered us the ability to view a sea lion show which took place in 2 hours which we declined. I highly recommend skipping this park, it was a MESS.
An empty Steel Dolphin train RIP

Oriental Pearl Tower

Immediately upon the horrors of the last park, our taxi driver took us over to The Bund. While we were exploring there we figured out there was a coaster in the Pearl Tower so we headed on over. To get to the coaster you have to go to the top of the tower first, which is similar to every other observation tower experience in the world. Very nice views of the city though.
VR Rollercoaster is a junior coaster which probably isn't worth going out of your way for, but it may of been my favorite VR coaster I have done as it didn't make me sick!
Loading platform for VR Rollercoaster

Suzhou Amusement Land Forest World

On this day we attempted (and succeeded) to visit 3 theme parks in one day. There were too many parks in the Shanghai area I didn't want to miss so we had to hustle all day. For this to work I hired a private Taxi Driver to follow us all day and wait on us at the parks so we didn't have to figure out how to maneuver from park to park.
When we arrived at Suzhou Amusement Land Forest World we were met with another DISASTER.. the sign in front of the park showed that my #1 bucket list China coaster Beyond The Cloud would be closed. Hopeful we still bought tickets and entered the park because we saw the tilt coaster testing.
We ran immediately over to Broken Rail Roller Coaster and got front row on the first train of the day. This was my first Tilt Coaster and man was it awesome! Jinma rides while they may be a copycat company they did a great job on this. It was smooth, thrilling, and could compare to any other big coaster company creation.
While walking over to Beyond the Cloud, we found Roller Coaster a coaster which wasn't on coaster count or RCDB! It was a kids ride but we had to ride it since it was undocumented! Its a Jinma kiddie coaster and could compare to the junior Vekomas you can find in many places in the USA. We also got the ride published on RCDB! We skipped the spinning mouse because we couldn't find it and we were in a rush to get to our next park.
When we did arrive at Beyond the Cloud we were met with another heartbreak as it has a sign explaining it was closed for the day. I was pissed and desperate to ride this coaster so I didn't give up. The day we flew out we woke up at 7 am and risked missing our flight for another shot at riding. When we got there it was drizzling and every ride was closed.. except Beyond the Cloud! I believe we were the only 2 people in the park this 2nd go around and were able to ride 5 times by ourselves before we moved on and headed to the airport. They made us wait 5 mins each ride to see if other riders would show up (they didn't.) It was 100% worth the effort, this was my favorite coaster in China, and my #2 Mack overall behind RtH.
Beyond The Cloud just for us! They never opened any of the back restraints so we had to sit in the front every ride.
Big boi
The Jinma Tilt Coaster


After about a hour 1/2 in Suzhou Forest we got back to our taxi and darted for Joyland! Upon arrival we went through the knockoff Dr Seuss area on our way to Starry Sky Ripper my #1 bucket list flyer behind flying dino which we rode a few days prior. I think Sky Ripper edges out my top B&M flyer just over Flying dino. Its smooth, thrilling and most importantly it doesn't have the immense pain pretzel loops bring me.
To our surprise all of the coasters here were open! We ended up going to Dragon Roaring Heaven next. There was a school trip and they all seemed to be waiting to just ride this ride, so it took about 30 minutes to get on. This mine train coaster was decent, and is comparable to some of the great mine trains in the USA, but the theming here makes it a slight step above the rest.
Next was Clouds of Fairyland which seemed to be in a state of despair. The front car of the train was closed, and they had these makeshift restraints behind your head that they made you hold for the duration of the ride which was uncomfortable. The ride itself was okay, I'd like to ride another one that doesn't have the weird behind the head nonsense.
Flying Loop
Mine Train Theming

China Dinosaurs Park

We got to China Dinosaurs Park around 3pm the park closed at 5pm, and stopped letting guests in at 4. We jogged straight to Dinoconda to ensure we got a ride in, and to our surprise it was a WALK ON! As with the other 4d coasters it was very intense, but it was the smoothest by far. I would put it behind Eej as you can't beat that intensity.
Next we went in circles trying to find Dinosaur Mountain it took us about 20-30 mins to actually find it hidden in the mountain side but it was a cool indoor Zamperla motocoaster. The theming was cheesy but it was all still great fun.
Super Roller Coaster went down and stayed closed until park closure.

Shanghai Disneyland

This is a great Disney park! Pirates and Zootopia made this visit worth it alone. The Pirates here is the best version of the ride, and I'm glad i went in blind. I wasn't expecting what I experienced at all. The zootopia area was really well done and I hope we get some version of it in the US.
All 3 coasters here are clones of coasters I've ridden at other Disney Parks so I'm not going to go into detail about them. They are great, ride them if you get the chance.
Zootopia Ride
Tron but the not Florida one

Happy Valley Shanghai

Unfortunately when we woke up we realized the forecast was rainy and had high winds but we decided to attempt to go get some credits anyway. We knew that it would probably not work out but yolo.
We were greeted with 4 out of 7 coasters closed including Diving Coaster, Mine Train, Wooden Coaster, and Coastal Ant.
We headed straight for Mega-Lite which was good fun, we had ridden its clone Piraten in Denmark back in June of 2023 so we knew what to expect. Still a enjoyable small coaster that packs a punch. Truly is a mini I-305
Next was Crazy Elves which is your basic spinning mouse. Then we got a ride on Family Inverted Coaster which wasn't anything crazy but was fun and will be perfect in BGT as a step-up coaster.
Mega-Lite loading platform
Family inverted coaster

Universal Studios Beijing

After a hectic morning in Shanghai trying to get a ride on Beyond the Cloud we flew to Beijing! We got there late at night and checked into our hotel right outside Universal.
We bought the "Set of all Express Passes" which was good for all the major rides. This ended up being worth it is the park got more and more crowded as the day went on. Upon entering the park we heard an announcement that all rides are open but there is inclement weather which may close outdoor attractions so we headed right to Decepticoaster. Decepticoaster is everything the Hulk retracking should of been. The coaster is glass smooth, the jank is gone, and made for a much better ride experience. Personally, I love Hulk as its at one of my home parks here in Orlando but I find myself riding it less and less due to how I feel after riding.. I didn't have this issue here.
Next we took a wrong turn trying to get to the Jurassic area and ended up going through Kung Fu Panda's area which was really cool, and its boat ride was worth riding once. This path put us in a circle which had us ending up in Harry Potter land so the next coaster was Flight of Hippogriff. This was the same as all its counter parts, nothing special here. We skipped the other rides in this land as we have been to every other universal park (other than Singapore) and didn't need to experience them again.
We finally found the Jurassic area and got on Jurassic Flyers which was not what I expected. I was assuming it would be interactive similar to Arthur at Europa Park, it wasn't. Just did a loop around the mountain and got some great views. While in the area we did arguably the best dark ride in the world Jurassic World Adventure. That ride is INSANE.. nothing we have in the US compares to it.
On our way out we hit Loop-Dee-Doop-Dee which I believe is the only Jinma at a major park? It's a basic family coaster, and worth the credit if you can get on with no line.
Better Hulk
Jurassic Flyers

Happy Valley Beijing

The last park of our trip before we spent our last few days sightseeing! We arrived at opening to a very large crowd (the biggest of the trip.) All of coasters had staggered openings so we tried to strategically plan it out to be at the opening of each one.. which didn't work out at all. Extreme Rusher was closed all day and has been closed for a while due to its sister coaster rolling back and crashing into another train in the station.
We headed to Crystal Wing first for its 10:30 opening. We weren't the only ones with this idea as there was already a decent line formed. We waited bout 30 mins to get on missing the 11am opening for our next coaster. This is a clone of Superman but with some really cool terrain and theming. Worth the ride.
Golden Wings over the Snowfield was stop #2. I'm not a fan of SLC's but this didn't ride like one. It wasn't smooth, but it wasn't painful either. It also has a different layout from the SLC's all over the US which was cool.
Next we went over to Flight of the Himalayan Eagle Music Roller Coaster which had a 11:30am scheduled opening which we missed by 30 mins. The line took about a hour, and we noticed there was a fastpass system that we couldn't figure out because of the language barrier. I used google translate on the signs at the entrance to no luck. The ride is a great mini hyper coaster that blasts music as you ride. Easily the best coaster in the park.
We walked past Family Inverted Coaster which had a hour+ wait which we didn't want to wait for as we just rode the clone the other day with no line. So we headed over to Jungle Racing which had a 45 min wait but we noticed a QR code next to the line which we scanned and ended up being the fast pass system! We bought a fast pass and walked right on. It was a great Mine Train that was very similar to the one in Joyland.
We then bought 2 fastpasses to Family Inverted Coaster just to get the credit.
This park felt a lot more taken care of than its counterpart in Shanghai, and is definitely worth a visit.

The end

We took a couple days to visit all the big sites like the great wall of china, the forbidden city, the temple of heaven, etc. which is a must-do.
Then we flew over to South Korea for our next portion of our mega coaster trip!
submitted by NoobyImpulse to rollercoasters [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 14:10 andyone0 Help : Any way to Recap upto this chapter in manga

I started twin star exorcist many years ago and after anime i caught upto manga then was reading monthly and at that time around chapter 76 came where Time Skip happens, so i thought this was good time to let few chapters release and binge read it then.
But then after that i delayed it again and again to read and i started reading many new manga/manhua/manhwa ,and i forgot about it . For some days i have been clearing my backlog of manga that were on hold to read so now i am catching upto them some have ended like Dr.stone and some have continued like MHA.. i easily found videos for MHA to catch upto but i could not fing about Twin star exorcist (found some but only covered anime).
I can't read upto ch 76 again and it will consume much time ,after i think 3-4 years i have forgotten many plot points so if anyone can recommend site or video about it ,cause i just skimmed through some chapter and remembered how amazing art is and also world building and characters
TLDR - any way to recap/summery upto chapter 76 (chapter with time skip) so i can read driectly from ch 77
submitted by andyone0 to TwinStarExorcists [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 04:48 Lunagray Neptunia Game Maker R:Evolution First Impressions (Artbook, Gameplay, Story, Performance, Canon)

I got my hands on the Limited Edition bundle today and played through the game up to Chapter 1.
Here's a bunch of information I gathered up to then about the game, gathered from the artbook and from the story in Chapter 1. Spoilers for chapter 1 will be in this post, along with commentary from Tsunako about the characters from the artbook and other noteworthy information I could gather from it.
I will start with the artbook because I read it first.
(The information about the characters in the artbook is the same as on the website, so you can read them up there if you want to see it for yourself.)
This is the quote under Neptune's entry in the artbook. It is NOT the same quote used on the website. So, Neptune is basically breaking the 4th wall and speaking for IF/CH here in regards to how seriously they're taking this game, which is a really funny and creative way to do this.
Did the Failure Goddesses save S-Sha by fusing her with E-Sha, or is the story simply different in this dimension? This should be an interesting plot point to keep in mind for this game's story.
Together, they are "Ar Co." She is genuinely trying to be a bad guy, but because she is in a Neptunia game, she's more comedic than menacing.
Now, for the game itself. The opening is on the higher end of quality. I would even say it may be at the very least one of the top 3 Neptunia openings in terms of production value.
The game's new music tracks have a very aggressively retro feel to them, a little more than usual. I don't know, maybe it's just been a while for me, but some of the tracks have portions that sound like they would fit right into the pixel-era like nothing. These aren't bad, by the way, they simply stand out a lot from the soundtrack we're used to.
I played the game with the English dub on the Switch. All the important scenes are dubbed, as is the standard for the English dubs of Neptunia. The Live2D is insanely good.
Now for the game's performance during dungeons.
It's not 60fps, and really, I don't really care about that and don't really expect it on consoles anyway (ESPECIALLY not the Switch). The game performs well while running around the now MASSIVE dungeons that are here to stay in these games. That being said, this brings up a QoL issue. Your default running speed feels really slow, and you only start to actually run at a decent speed after running in one direction for about two or three seconds. I wish I could manually sprint by pressing down the joystick like other games do.
I am sad to say that Big Nep does not say "like a Kangaroo" while jumping. The camera also doesn't let to see pantsu (though I'm not sure if this is simply because of Big Nep's height or the camera's actual limits). This is, of course, a reference to George Orwell's novel, 1984.
The combat is very, very fast paced. Whenever an enemy dies the game stops and shows you which enemy is defeated for a second before resuming the battle. This actually flows really well, but it may take some getting used to. You can NOT animation cancel your way out of an attack and into a block like in other action games however, so keep this in mind when you play. Chain combos and switching control of party members feel very fluid and can feel a bit overwhelmed if you start doing it so often.
Also of note about the combat, there is not limit to how many times you can attack with one character in this game, like in SvS. You can just sit on one character the whole match and be able to attack the entire time (that would be really boring to do though). At the very least, the game isn't FORCING you to switch who you're controlling this time.
The combat victory screen has been entirely stripped down, any items, stats, abilities learned, items obtained, etc. are now relegated to being text on the bottom right of the screen. This is because your whole party is shown during the victory screen now, instead of how it would only show the party member who struck the killing blow.
I'm not going to lie, the victory screen is actually where the game's performance is at its worst. The way it's set is is that your whole party is standing together with the person who performed the last blow doing their little victory animation in the front. The speed of this animation is completely janky and I could only really describe it as suddenly slamming your foot into the breaks while driving at top speed. The animation is REALLY fast then suddenly slows down to normal speed at the end. They probably intended for the victory screen to last longer but had to change it at some point and just sped up the animation like this to make up for it. It does not look good. I do not know if this is a Switch issue or not, so if someone has the game on PS4 or PS5, let us know.
I will end this post by talking about the canonicity of this game. To put it simply, this game appears to canonically take place after VII. The Big Nep and Croire in this game are the same ones we've met before. People have floated around the idea for a game before where Big Nep would go to different dimensions on an adventure. This is that game. The scope isn't enormous, of course, this game seems to be focused on this one dimension rather than being a whole game with a bunch of different dimensions Big Nep travels to, but that scope would've been too big for what is ultimately, a spinoff game.
Yes, this game follows the same trend as its predecessor, Sisters vs Sisters, in being a spinoff that is actually a canon sequel. However, unlike Sisters vs Sisters, this one is not in Hyper Dimension, though this dimension bears more similarities to it than the other dimensions we have seen so far.
It will be interesting to see what CH makes next with this sort of mindset.
TL;DR: Good game, don't skip

submitted by Lunagray to gamindustri [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 21:52 Consistent_Pea_1374 Found the source of the leak

(Sorry for typos or grammatical errors I’m on my phone and it’s a ton of info to edit.)
At this point I’m a 99 percent sure Diddy is the one pulling the strings behind the Kendrick and Drake beef.
At this point I’m a 99 percent sure Diddy is the one pulling the strings behind the Kendrick and Drake beef. I believe that Al B. Sure! was planing to release all the info he had on Diddy in 2022, but may have been poisoned beforehand similar to theories about Diddys’s ex wife Kim Porter who was originally married to Kim before Diddy stole her away along with Al’s son, also Diddy’s stepson Quincy. Diddy has also been directly tied to the murders or mysterious deaths of at least a half a dozen more people who were close associates from the beginning of his career and were key players in the formation of Bad Boy. Coincidentally many of the victims had either exposed or were threatening to expose evidence related to all of these crimes. They are also using Keefe D. to take the charge for 2Pacs murder so he can spin the story and leave out and ties to Diddy who ordered the hit or did it himself.
Unfortunately for Diddy, unlike the rest of the people he had successfully silenced in the past, Al ended up coming out of his coma and revealing all the info he had on Diddy, including that he was responsible for him falling into a coma. After he came out of the coma Diddy knew he was about to go down and before the raid he destroyed and staged all of his homes with evidence that would verify all the claims related to other celebrities over the age of 18. Meanwhile he got rid of all the videos involving murder, sa, child abuse, bestiality and other evidence that would bring major charges. This is so he can cooperate with the Feds and help reduce his sentence. If he hid all the evidence they would know and work overtime to find it. Instead he lied by omission and corroborated the accusations that won’t completely destroy him. He can then release all his dirt to seem like he made all the blackmail with the intention of bringing down known predators who were able to get away with the same things he’s guilty of.
In the video of Diddy in the wig, he talks about partying with Drake and The Weekend and I believe he was able to acquire the blackmail. He then released the blackmail to selected people to ensure they leak at the appropriate time. The plan is to publicly out Drake for sex crimes so the rest of Hollywood knows not to testify against him. During the auction mentioned by ebony prince they are going to auction off all the dirt Diddy has collected the last 30 years. This includes dirt on Trump, which may be the reason behind all of this. The auction is four days after Election Day and will be used as a fail safe in case Trump wins the election.
I’m trying my best to add everything, just struggling because I have like 30 pages worth of write ups. If you want more evidence I have a ton, on my other account, I don’t want to spam so just dm me if you want additional evidence. The full post above is multiple pages long so I just chose the important part because very few people on here have the attention span for it.
You don’t have to believe it, it’s just my personal opinions, but they are based on facts and about 80 hours of research.
Check out the post covering Diddy, Drake, Kendrick, and Kanye
Two articles about modern sex cults still in operation:
Yesterday I found Ye’s full interview with The Download from before the beef blew up. It discusses a lot of my connections and hints that Ye is partially involved. You can skip to around 13 minutes in.
(Recently the charges against Lucian Grange were dropped showing he most likely is working behind the scenes as well and has some influence. He may be related to the leak as well. He could have also been the one who supplied the blackmail. Another alternative is Diddy went to the feds on his own accord, but when multiple lawsuits pop up very quickly, especially after thirty years of avoiding charges related to tons of sketchy shit, it usually means there is some type of coordination. Look at TI and his wife’s allegations and what lead up to those events.)
Full post:
This is all speculation so please don’t victim blame or spread conspiracies about a possible survivor of C.S abuse. This is why many don’t come forward. All I’m trying to do is point out the large amount of details surrounding the rumor that stand out as odd to me. By no means does this dismiss his claims. I’m not a lawyer, but if he was suing my client, this is some of the evidence I would use in the case.
Before I start I need to put in a small disclaimer. **The subjects I covered in my essay are well known to be linked to conspiracy theory communities that have been equated to terrorist groups. The end goal of a lot of these communities is to promote political divide, antisemetism, homophobia, and violence. I think the ultimate goal is to create such a massive gap between the left and right that the two party system fails and we fall into anarchy allowing the people who really pull the strings to restructure and in order to retain their power. It’s already evident that Biden isn’t able to do nearly as much as he could do if he didn’t have to consider the opposing party’s majority vote as well. Whoever wins I feel the results will be the same, violent protests aiming to reverse the vote. If this is achieved it will be the death of democracy in America.
I highly encourage anyone who identifies with either political party and are attracted to controversial subjects or consider themselves to be contrarian to please look out for any conspiracies that seem to be targeted towards you or the community you’re a part of. If they share similar ideas to the findings I made in my research, please do not engage.
I’ve watched the conception and the eventual downfalls off the P-gate and Q conspiracy communities. It didn’t take me long to figure out the eventual end game and step back from the community while continuing independent research. If you’re letting someone else to the research for you, you really need to be sure to trust the source and be aware of possible ulterior motives. It’s really dangerous territory though, filled with hidden traps that can draw you in and send you so deep that you either end up going into psychosis from the stress and paranoid, or you do what I did and step back for the sake of your mental health. I hate even sharing things like this because I know it may not have the effect I intended, but on the other hand people who are new to these subjects and conspiracies really, really need to take them seriously. They are not just games on the internet and there is a reason members of these communities have to hide in the shadows and lure people into their dark corners. There is also reason why they target the groups they do and I’ve noted a huge effort to indoctrinate people in rap community, the content creator community, and the celebrity gossip communities. I’ll let you guys draw your own conclusions as to why this is. I assume if you read this far you’re not dumb.
Once you’re stuck in their web it’s very difficult for most people to find their way back to society without seeing examples everywhere. I hope this is able to at least help one person who might be teetering on the edge of these rabbit holes. It’s not worth it and if I wasn’t sober and taking my meds, Id probably end up having a psychotic break. If you feel like you may be approaching that point you can still quit while you’re ahead.
Here are just a few of the things you can do to keep yourself from spiraling.
Take a step back for a while and focus on other things. Taking a hiatus from social media is crucial. If you can’t control yourself maybe detach from the news and internet entirely for a couple days. Even a long weekend can make a MASSIVE difference.
Try to get a good nights sleep and consider taking melatonin or an over the counter sleep aid.
Spend some time with friends or loved ones.
Eat some good, somewhat healthy, food and stay hydrated.
Try to get some sun and consider taking a walk or doing some other form of exercise.
Volunteer or do something to help your community if you want to continue working to benefit society.
Try to read a book or spend some time doing your favorite hobbies that aren’t related to any of the subjects I discuss below. Without further ado…
Ties Between Drake, Kendrick Lamar, and Violent Antigovernment Conspiracies
I recently saw an article about Bryshere Gray, a rappeactor best known for his role in Empire. He was born in Philadelphia and started rapping at 16. His manager Craig Mack, who facilitated his big break by getting him a role on the TV series Empire, is life long friends with Will Smith. Currently there are conflicting claims about whether he is currently suing or planning to sue Will Smith and P. Diddy for s. abusing him as a minor. It’s rumored he is trying to get 50 million dollars in damages. That number alone seems suspicious to me. That’s 20 million more than Cassie got and she dated and lived with Diddy for over a decade.
One of the other things I noticed off the jump was the fact that the only sources regarding the case were on social media along with one article on MSN, which is known for being a nest of clickbait journalism. Essentially they are the written version of gossip videos made by content creators. The only evidence I could find in these videos were a few short clips from his socials where is talking about the negative sides of fame and a clip of him on the red carpet with Will Smith. This might hint towards suppression, but I’m leaning toward this whole story being bullshit.
The only connection I found between him and Diddy is a song he did with 2 Chainz and Fabolous, the latter being signed to Bad Boy. He ended up getting signed to Columbia which falls under the Sony Music Entertainment while Bad Boy is under UMG. Considering these rumors came about a while back he hasn’t mentioned it at all as far as I know. Some might argue this could be a product of friction between labels or that he included Diddy because everyone knows he’s going down. On the other hand if he is a victims he may not have wanted his story told and doesn’t want to stoke the rumors by responding whether they’re true or not.
One of the biggest things that led me to question the validity of the claims is the fact that 90 percent of the sources I found were using a three minute clip from an interview with one of the top content creators on YouTube, I’ll call her J. At this point I’m 99 percent sure J is an opp, whether she knows it or not. She told his story in vivid detail accusing Will and Jada of luring young artists with promises of mentorship, then involving them in their bedroom activities.
It’s not really a stretch to think that Will might have a cuckold fetish and probably swings both ways. Two things that could ruin you in the 90’s, but neither or them could do more damage to their careers then they have already done by airing out intimate details of their relationship to the public. However the allegations involving minors are complete heresay. This leads me to believe these are just rumors from the 90’s updated to include modern conspiracy theories. J clearly also clearly has some homophobic tendencies, but uses her bisexuality as a pass to bash on most black gay men and even straight men who she claims to be gay. It’s all too obvious she still holds onto resentment over her career never taking off while a lot of the people she collaborated with turned into megastars which is a huge motivator for her content. She clearly still lives in the nineties when these type of allegations alone could seriously damage your career.
In Bryshere’s case, regardless if any of the details she shared were true, they shouldn’t have been aired to the public by anyone but Gray himself. This isn’t the first time J has leaked recordings, exploited, or stolen from victims she claimed to be advocating for. She has even doxxed victims by starting a women’s group for sa survivors and recording all their meetings. She eventually leaked some, claiming they were trying sabotage the group. When the rest found out or were threatened themselves, the group was quickly dissolved and covered up. Considering her track record it’s not unlikely that if true, she released Gray’s story after trying to ask for a payoff and not receiving it. Considering their is no evidence they’ve even met, it’s more likely she’s just reporting on local rumors considering her and Gray are both from Philly and now both live in the Dallas. It’s very important to look at J’s history to see the bigger picture here.
My theory is J was given permission to share her story detailing the dark side of the industry and promised protection if she also included certain details that they provided to her. If true, the motive could have been to help her home channel gain credibility and attract a large viewer base so they can manipulate the message. I believe these people do know some shit about some people, and they want to get out ahead and make sure they only go after their rivals.
I followed J, an up and coming influencer, to examine to see if I noticed any obvious agendas and stumbled upon a full blown conspiracy. I use as an example started with very levelheaded claims that were easy to digest and over the course of five years this influence lured in their viewers with insider knowledge that turned out to be true and by the end was spouting rumors that are easily traceable to certain movements that have been tied to antisemetism, anti LBGTQ, and violent ideologies. It started slow with a few buzzwords and before you knew it the comment sections had been taken over. She started by luring in the celebrity gossip community, specifically people over the age of 40, who treat gossip blogs like the gospel. It’s obvious why this community has been chosen as a target, and I’ve seen recently to rap community is not much better. I imagine whoever is orchestrating this campaign probably wasn’t expecting it to be this easy.
We very well may be witnessing a controlled takedown and the purpose usually is to take out any liabilities while painting their innocence. If a lot of sick people get outed for terrible crimes most people will assume the Feds weeded out all the bad seeds. It would be a public win for the FEDs and would address any criticism aimed at them and those in the industry who have been facing pressure to deal with these types of issues for at least 3 decades. It will also assuage a lot of the conspiracy communities who have been trying to bring light to these issues. I definitely believe the people they chose to take the rap are going to take the charges for all their co conspirators, so those close to them don’t catch any charges. This would be very important in a R.I.C.O. case.
After they’ve completed their mission and their message has been delivered they will then allow these messengers to continue to capitalize on their channel’s popularity. This way they could still manipulate to spread whatever they choose whenever it’s deemed it to be necessary, It probably won’t work too many times before people catch on. In they want to continue making content they can force them to dig up their old dirt. They could also easily provide them with a list of names they are and aren’t allowed to talk about. My guess is they know that most of them aren’t going to be able to find anything, and since they picked people willing to to say any thing for money, they know they will continue to do it with or without relevant information.
They could also continue aiding her in an effort to further the spread disinformation as a preemptive measure. They may threaten harm or violence if the view counts dip below a certain amount to prevent the messenger from self sabotaging in case they need to get their message to the massesIf in the future. If they do ever need them again to do the same thing or are themselves being targetted, they can use their messengers to discredit the facts about them and shine light on those who are leveling the allegations.
You may be wondering what if the enemy finds them and pays them more to doublecross their handlers? They can then use their messenger’s mental illness and paint them and their viewers as violent or mentally ill members of a disinformation cult and either blackmail them into retracting their claims or label them and their listeners as a disinformation cult that happened to be right about some things. Mental health issues can also help paint the narrative that the messenger is suicidal so they can take her out easier if needed. In the case of J it’s not out of the realm of possibility considering her recent struggle and probably played a big part in choosing her to be their mouth piece. since they can use her mental illness at any time to discredit her or create plausible deniability if any connection is made between them and they need to go to court to prove the opposite.
She’s such a wildcard their is no way they would’ve recruited her if they didn’t have an iron clad manipulation tactic with multiple failsafes in place. Usually threatening to kill someones entire family works just fine, but she doesn’t seem to be too worried about her families safety. This is why I think it’s the big labels going after their own artists because they know they’re probably going to get busted soon. Also studios rarely sign you and give you a good deal if they don’t have some type of dirt in case the artist to keep them in line, and use them for their own personal gains. They can also keep them from going after the messenger and better ensure their safety. If they had her go after another label’s artists they probably wouldn’t be able to cover all the bases when it comes to protection, which with J is necessary since she never has any security detail and constantly doxxes herself and her family on live.
While going though her interviews it became very clear to me something was very fishy off the rip. It became obvious after watching sections from all four of her main interviews that as time went on she began incorporating more and more lies and more and more ridiculous conspiracies into the narrative. For most people as soon as they hear a blatant lie they immediately write off anything coming from the source. Most people don’t do their own research so if the messenger tells a couple little white lies with a dramatic flair they can get away with it for a while. The more lies though the higher the chance of them getting called out and losing a portion of their audience as well as making any truth information that can’t be verified sound sketchy.
As I’ve said before J first two interviews do have a lot of verifiable claims, juxtaposed with her life story, and a few blatant lies. One thing I noticed is the majority of her allegations are against artists from her hometown in Philadelphia who were breaking into the industry around the same time as she was and managed to make their way to the top of their respective industries. Sadly neither of J’s two albums were well received and she lost her opportunity because of her combative personality mixed with major narcissism.
After her music career didn’t pan out she moved to Dallas, Texas to try to rebrand. After her son was murdered in 2018, similar to her career, her mental health took appeared to take a nosedive. Before the first interview in 2020, apparently rumors were floating around she was living out of cars and motels. She then met her husband who was ex-military and it seemed like he really built her up and helped her, possibly even writing the stories. In that first interview she accused multiple artists of mistreatment as well as assault. It went semi-viral and a good portion of the accused either provided evidence to contradict her or said the don’t want to go into it, and they seemed to know the situation and feel bad for her. The rapper Common, who she claimed had abused her even said he hopes she’s ok and wished her well. A lot of her fans took this and twisted them into him being guilty because he didn’t go off on a rant trying to claim his innocence and shit on J like they were expecting.
I belief either before or after the first interview got some attention she was contacted and either paid or blackmailed into doing another interview where she was fed information, some truth some lies, and told to mix it in to her life story. I also think her husband may have been one of her handlers. My suspicions stem from the fact that he popped up not long before the first interview and married her after like 3 weeks. I also noticed his way of speaking was also was very similar to J’s and he’d even use similar vocal inflections and speech patterns. They also displayed a lot of similar quirks. Another coincide is he claimed he was responsible for most of the technical support and played a huge part in establishing her online presence. He claimed to have learned everything in a day, and apparently people were shocked at how quickly he learned how to code websites and manage her accounts. A few weeks after getting married she had already made him a fifty/fifty partner for the a new television network she was promoting around the time, but was designed to steal peoples money.
She returned for a second interview in December 2022 and during her second video she mentioned Diddy and dropped a lot of information regarding his current case, his connections to many celebrities, and many specific details about their lives only an insider would have access to. Still there wasn’t much evidence to verify a good portion of her claims until Cassie filed her lawsuit a couple weeks later. I’m almost positive whoever is trying to bring Diddy to justice is connected to whoever is giving her all this info. During the interview J once again eloquently details the dark side of the industry.
Unfortunately her second interview was overshadowed by two separate incidents that both occurred only a few days later and were also caught on her live stream. First she was arrested at a Chicago airport for losing her mind at the security checkpoint. Not much longer after that during an apparent psychotic break, she was filmed in a barbershop parking lot abusing her husband then taking her sons ashes and throwing them her husband and his friends while acting like she was literally possessed. In a later interview she claimed to have Dissociate Identity Disorder from all the trauma and admitted that it was the cause of her psychotic breaks, which totally applies if someone was severely abused at a young age like she has claimed is the case. Eventually she was restrained by the police, strapped down, and tied to a stretcher.
After she got out of a mental hospital a couple days later, her and her soon to ex-husband did a couple separate interviews followed by one where they both discussed to situation together. Before the joint interview their original stories did not line up at all. From their description of events it’s obvious she was cheating and he seems intelligent enough to that, but instead claims the now leader of the Carbon Nation sex cult we’ll call Sol. According to their story he hypnotized her the first time they met and manipulated her into joining her and her husband on their planned weekend roadtrip after meeting in person for the first time. He also forced her into saying she wanted to kill her husband multiple times and letting him touch all over her while they were all in the car together. After that she went on and shared a painfully detailed description of the abuse she suffered as a child all they up until she left the industry. Not much longer after that her husband filed for divorce, further contributing to the spiral.
About three months ago she did another interview that clearly was made by someone else and was loaded with editing mistakes and long gaps without sound that are so muffled you can barely hear them. She also obvious took clips of the interviewer from previous interviews and pasted them together to form new questions and edited them in between her responses. This is also where her claims were all either recycled or included the wildest pizzagate rumors. Then as always she included them in her personal anecdotes so people feel bad for questioning her. The last interview I saw came out less than a week ago and it was even worse than the last and it seems like she’s now just shitposting and seeing how much she can get away with and sadly as expected most people are still eating it up out of the palm of their hand. People who literally worship these influencers like Gods.
Sorry for the giant tangent, but it seems obvious to me that the husband and the two interviewers were all working together. He dressed her up, got her sober and kept her on her meds so she could deliver these interviews. At the same time she was the one who agreed to literally sell her soul and I believe she conscientiously made the decision to scam others. I think everything with Sol was either planned by the three of them or at least the two men who both appeared randomly and were obviously both manipulators. They used their, “divorce,” to really kick things into overdrive and then either both left her there jobs were done. In my humble opinion it’s more likely that they are all mentally ill, desperate for money, and playing roles that were assigned to them for a very specific purpose. I’m almost positive the whole marriage was a sham to help contribute to the narrative that everything in the first two videos was true, until she lost her mind because of the DID, PTSD, and stress.
The last thing I’ll mention before getting back to Bryshere Gray is how I found it interesting that she chose a DID diagnosis. Bipolar used to be a big one, but most people these days know at least one person with it, and it’s easier to tell when people are faking. DID and BPD are the trendy ones now because they aren’t as well understood and easier to fake or play up for the camera. The large numbers of people obviously faking their symptoms, based off the symptoms of some influencer who is also faking. This makes it very difficult to know what’s . It’s also commonly brought up in more radical conspiracy groups as being part of the satanic agenda or brainwash people. I think they were intentionally trying to attract people who would get anything related to the movement send to the deep corners of the internet where those types tend to hide.
This all leads me to the wildest connection of the story. In 2015, when Gray joined Columbia Records, he was signed alongside his future Empire costar Jussie Smollett who ended up playing his older brother. For those who don’t know or remember in 2019, Jussie Smollett was found guilty of staging a hate crime against himself somewhere around the 4th season of he show. The expensive investigation revealed the motivation was political after revealing Michellle Obama’s form chief of staff reached out to Smollett’s lawyer and requested the case be handed over to the FBI. His lawyer then forward the request to Chicago’s Superintendent who approved the request and the case was dropped. After a massive uproar, pitting democrats and republicans against each other, he was resentenced in December 2019 and to this day his legal defense team is still trying to drag out the case so the prosecutor just drops the charges and they don’t have to admit guilt. (If interested the Wikipedia article sums up the whole thing very well.)
Up until his arrest for domestic violence over three years ago where he was caught multiple times lying to the police in his interview, he was found guilty. Seemingly overnight his career tanked and he essentially disappeared and clearly seemed to be dealing with some mental health issues. I find it interesting that after four years of silence he’s just deciding to come out now, and if this case is real in the first place I wonder if anyone is going to draw all these connections.
Aside from Smollett and Gray, the cast list attached to the TV series Empire reveals a lot of connections to a lot of high powered figures with strange connections to this whole conspiracy. A good example of one of these connections is Terrence Howards’s character, a top record label president named Lucious. After skimming the first season’s plot points, some appeared to be directly based on attributes commonly associated with Diddy.
When I looked a little deeper I found that Howard, who also originates from Philadelphia, was cast as the lead actor on the show, while still finding the time to deliver his infamous guest lectures around the world. The main focus of the lectures was discussing the theory he hypothesized which he appropriately named, “Terryology.” This came after being blacklisted from the industry for nearly seven years prior for beating up a crew member and being convicted of multiple domestic violence charges. After the incident with the crew member in 2008, it was revealed Howard had been replaced by Don Cheadle in the sequel to his last hit movie, Iron Man.
Around the same time in 2008, he also signed a record deal with no other than Columbia Records. This came a few years before his infamous on screen sons joined a the same label years later. This can definitely be connected to Howard’s relationship with Gray’s manager Charlie Mack. Some other people who made guest appearances on the show include Naomi Campbell, Cassie, Cuba Gooding Jr, and Mary J. Blige.
The creator of the show Lee Daniel’s, the popular democratic activist whose connections go all the way up to the Obama’s, Oprah, and the Clintons. (Before I go any further, please don’t go down this rabbit hole much further, and to the people who use these type of stories to promote their agendas and spark even more political discord. Now more then ever we need to reel in both the far left and far right and meet as close to the middle as possible or else both candidates are going to continue to be worse every election. Please keep any comments politically neutral. I hate both candidates and I’m simply making connections and could care less who wins the upcoming election.
I think what we’re seeing now regarding Drake, Kendrick, Diddy, and people like Bryshere Gray and J and other influencers and content creators are all be used as weapons to distract people from something major going down and the fact that it’s only getting crazier every day, it appears whatever I’m referring to is yet to come, but won’t be long. Please keep all of this in mind before you start trying to research subjects like these. You may realize that some of the ideologies that have been chastised and tied to violence have been saying these types of things for years, and most of their evidence has been proven already or align with everything we’re seeing.
The paid protestors at Columbia is another example of political theater. Here is where people make the connection to Semetism and where most subscribers theories go off the fucking rails. Just because a lot of these things can be tied to Israel and Jewish Americans, a lot of people like to blame them for all the worlds problems, what they don’t realize is most of this stems from cultural traditions and generational wealth that was gained through hard work and promotion of high education. This has resulted in the majority of Jewish Americans holding more wealth than the average Christian household and most if this stems purely from jealousy and fucking Hitler. This is why the majority of people who go all in on these types of theories don’t have any further education than a high school diploma.
I know this doesn’t make them all dumb, but even a lot of very intelligent people like Ye and other major public figures got sucked into these communities without realizing they were part of the same agenda they were trying to expose. That’s how you end up with Ye saying he loves Hitler in a public interview and promoting Trump for president and supporting the fucking, “white lives matter,” movement along with the Candace Owen, the republicans answer to AOC. Even people with more formal education and fewer biases can and have been successfully targeted by these communities. It’s been shown time and time again that many of these recruiters who have been in their respective communities since their inception usually end up end reaching the same conclusions and the more people there are to confirm your beliefs or suspicions, the more likely it is you’ll accept everything else in they say as true. (This is a very similar conclusion the one I reached in my essay about J).
My belief is someone from the same circle that J was in during her singing career are the same people who reached out to Katt Williams and other blacklisted artists with long recorded histories of mental illness and substance abuse problems to lie by omission and allowing them to release preselected pieces of evidence without repercussions. They could easily know what information the Feds were able to acquire. They then had her leak those details to the public so when the details to come out it makes she can work with the Feds and dismiss any other allegations even if they are true. Obviously it won’t determine the outcome, but it can definitely go a long way in making sure certain details of the defendant choosing can be struck from the record if the evidence isn’t good enough.
At this point I’m a 99 percent sure Diddy is the one pulling the strings behind the Kendrick and Drake beef. I believe that Al B. Sure! was planing to release all the info he had on Diddy in 2022, but may have been poisoned beforehand similar to theories about Diddys’s ex wife Kim Porter who was originally married to Kim before Diddy stole her away along with Al’s son, also Diddy’s stepson Quincy. Diddy has also been directly tied to the murders or mysterious deaths of at least a half a dozen more people who were close associates from the beginning of his career and were key players in the formation of Bad Boy. Coincidentally many of the victims had either exposed or were threatening to expose evidence related to all of these crimes. They are also using Keefe D. to take the charge for 2Pacs murder so he can spin the story and leave out and ties to Diddy who ordered the hit or did it himself.
Unfortunately for Diddy, unlike the rest of the people he had successfully silenced in the past, his dirt ended up coming out right around when Al ended up coming out of his coma and I think it’s likely that if my theory is correct he released all the info he had on Diddy. He even may have hinted in an interview at him being responsible for him falling into a coma. After he came out of the coma Diddy knew he was about to go down and before the raid he destroyed and staged all of his homes with evidence that would verify all the claims related to other celebrities over the age of 18. Meanwhile he got rid of all the videos involving murder, sa, child abuse, bestiality and other evidence that would bring major charges.
This is so he can cooperate with the Feds and help reduce his sentence. If he hid all the evidence they would know and work overtime to find it. Instead he lied by omission and corroborated the accusations that won’t completely destroy him. He can then release all his dirt to seem like he made all the blackmail with the intention of bringing down known predators who were able to get away with the same things he’s guilty of.
In the video of Diddy in the wig, he talks about partying with Drake and The Weekend and I believe he was able to acquire the blackmail. He then released the blackmail to selected people to ensure they leak at the appropriate time. The plan is to publicly out Drake for sex crimes so the rest of Hollywood knows not to testify against him. During the auction mentioned by ebony prince they are going to auction off all the dirt Diddy has collected the last 30 years. This includes dirt on Trump, which may be the reason behind all of this. The auction is four days after Election Day and will be used as a fail safe in case Trump wins the election.
When people who already have even the slightest political biases and less formal education, it can be very difficult to look at these things and not choose a side. This is their agenda to promote centrism and split the left and right even further to promote chaos and anarchy. I advise anyone who identifies as democrat or republican to be extremely cautious when exploring these topics and watch out for the type of things I mentioned. If the information is specifically pointed towards whichever party you identify with, they are trying to suck you in and fill your head with their beliefs.
*Update 2- I’ve never seen this amount of negative responses on any of the bullshit reposts and memes. Clearly people don’t want to actually think for themselves and are just trying to shut down any theory that contradicts their own. Y’all need to stop trying to disprove shit that actually promotes alternative ideas. This is exactly why this community was created. You don’t have to agree with everything, but if you see anything of interest you can do some more research if you’re interested if not just move on and mind your business. Either read it if you’re interested and do your own research or move along and mind your own business.
submitted by Consistent_Pea_1374 to DarkKenny [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 21:35 BroMandi [Humble Bundle] 7-Game Brutal Beat 'Em Ups Game Bundle: Double Dragon Gaiden Rise of the Dragons, River City Girls 2 & More (PC Digital Download Games) $20 [Deal: $20.00, Actual: $164.00]

[Humble Bundle] 7-Game Brutal Beat 'Em Ups Game Bundle: Double Dragon Gaiden Rise of the Dragons, River City Girls 2 & More (PC Digital Download Games) $20 [Deal: $20.00, Actual: $164.00] submitted by BroMandi to RedditShoppingDeals [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 21:12 AdmiralMizufugu Promotional merch isn't reliable for powerscaling

Promotional merch isn't reliable for powerscaling
“The author said” “No, he didn’t” “Yes, he did” “NO, HE DIDN’T” “YES, HE DID
We’ve all read the age-old debate more times than we would honestly like to. That one debate so pervasive, so long-standing that it transcends the borders across series and generations. As long as fictional media exists, it will do so as well
A topic so extensive that no singular dialogue is likely to ever cover every single argument available in either side’s arsenal, dooming the discourse to be started from scratch all over again without a verdict in sight
Are third-party sources reliable for drawing conclusions about the source material?
In a broader sense, nobody on earth has the catch-all answer to that question, as its true answer is variable on a case by case basis. In the particular case of the One Piece manga series, we will attempt to answer that question here and now
If you find reading from Google Docs more comfortable, you can do it here, which would be my recommendation due to formatting and the possibility of future updating, since this format of Reddit posts can’t be edited
In this post we will aim to holistically examine the role of promotional merchandise in One Piece powerscaling, seeking to grasp the big picture of the subject as well as delving into the more technical and detailed points, while also dabbling in various adjacent topics relevant to the main conversation
It would be my preference to give individual credit to every soul who has contributed their stance in this discussion, whichever it may be, but really it was an innumerable number of posts and comments over the years that collectively helped me put together this behemoth of a write-up. So, to everyone who paved the way— thank you
Although there is some continuity and callbacks between sections, this is a long read so I don’t expect anyone to just sit through the whole thing in order. Feel free to see this post as more of an encyclopedia rather than an unbroken prose. Hopefully this or that individual section can be of relevance to you at some point or another
For easier browsing, here’s an index:

1- Reviewing promotional material claims

2- Defining reliability and promotional merchandise

A) Reliability
B) Promotional merchandise

3- Addressing the arguments for merch being reliable

A) Oda has mentioned merch in the SBS
B) Oda supervises Vivre Cards
C) There is an official website that corrects Vivre Cards

4- Is One Piece promotional merch reliable for powerscaling the manga?

A) Is it reliable?
B) Is promotional merch necessarily wrong?
C) Should merch be trusted “with a grain of salt” or “until proven otherwise”?
D) What sources of information are reliable for powerscaling the manga?

5- Greg, the One Piece live-action series official advisor

A) Who is Greg?
B) What can we learn from him?
C) What makes these insights trustworthy?

6- Conclusion

Without further ado, let’s begin!

1- Reviewing promotional material claims

As an appetizer, let’s first go over this post’s slides and take a look at a few claims that would be confirmedly true if promotional merchandise was reliable for powerscaling the One Piece manga
1- Jozu top 1 offense and defense confirmed. Also blocked the confirmed strongest slash in the verse
2- The confirmed strongest slash in the verse couldn’t scratch him, however, somehow Daifuku is totally capable of cutting Jozu’s diamond skin that “repels anything and everything”
3- The “Most Beautiful Woman in the World” with strength that is equal to her beauty
4- Apparently Mihawk > Whitebeard and Whitebeard > Mihawk are simultaneously true, with both men being confirmed to be the strongest man at the same time
5- Tamago kicks > Kizaru kicks confirmed
6- Ben Beckman confirmed to have intimidated Kizaru in four different sources with release dates ranging from 2012 to 2022
7- Don Chinjao, the 500.000 million berry one-shot fodder, is confirmed to have rivaled Gol D. Roger
8- Marco, who has been effectively damaged after running out of stamina is confirmed to be capable of regenerating no matter how many times he’s attacked
9- Sentomaru is confirmed to be an “impregnable” guard
10- Apparently who is stronger between Wano Zoro and Cavendish is a legit question worth asking, and a rivalry between them is something that Oda wants us to seriously consider
11- Whitebeard, who has pronounced his disinterest on more than one occasion, is confirmed to have contended for the title of Pirate King
12- Old Big Mom from Wano confirmed to be stronger than prime Shanks
13- The Egghead Incident and the fate of Luffy and his crew confirmed by the editors to be addressed in Chapter 1099, which ended up being an entirely Kuma-centric flashback chapter
14- Vista is confirmed to be capable of overwhelming and cutting down any opponent no matter who they may be
15- Speed Jiru, a background WB commander with no relevance, no feats and no hype in the manga is confirmed to be faster than YC1 Marco and Yonko Oldbeard
16- Katakuri confirmed to be literally flawless both offensively and defensively and yet lost a fight to someone who is multiple tiers below the strongest characters in the verse
17- Katakuri > Big Mom confirmed
18- Doflamingo confirmed to be the toughest enemy Luffy’s ever met, after having met Magellan, Blackbeard and the Admirals
19- We’ll come back to the last couple slides later on
And we are up to a rocky start. These takes certainly don’t inspire much confidence, if any. This section alone already speaks volumes about how credible third-party products really are, simply by observing the claims made by promotional merch directly from the source and without the need for additional reasoning
Take into consideration— this is only a fraction of the amount of absurd or contradicting statements that can be found in promotional merch. If you take some time to go through the translations of any source of merch, you’ll come to find that these types of claims are par for the course

2- Defining reliability and promotional merchandise


A) Reliability

Before diving deeply into the credibility of databooks and other promotional merch, let’s first establish what does it mean for something to be reliable, and what material can actually be qualified as such
We will use the word “reliable” instead of the word “canon” because the latter is a fan concept that has never been used by the author and thus can lend itself to unnecessary misunderstandings and disagreements, muddling the discussion. The word reliable is, redundant as it sounds, a much more reliable and fitting term for our objectives, and will enable us to all be on the same page moving forward
A.1) What is reliability?
Reliable: “Someone or something that is reliable can be trusted or believed because he, she, or it works or behaves well in the way you expect”
Source: Cambridge Dictionary
Reliable: “Of a person, information, etc.: able to be trusted; in which reliance or confidence may be placed; trustworthy, safe, sure.” Reliable: “Of a product, service, etc.: consistently good in quality or performance; dependable.”
Source: Oxford English Dictionary
As we can see, none of the definitions above are anywhere close to being synonyms of the words “Official” or “Supervised”. A product can be both official and supervised by the author while also not providing reliable information. This is true when it comes to information of any type about any series in general, and it’s also true when it comes to information concerning One Piece powerscaling specifically
Reliable ≠ Official
Reliable ≠ Supervised
Reliable = Trustworthy, Safe, Dependable (for a particular purpose)
First-hand content from Oda directly about the manga — like the SBS — is already a given when it comes to reliability, of course, but what about everything else? Following the definitions we just established, how do we define a product that is “reliable” for accurately powerscaling the One Piece manga?
To that end, it would have to be a product that we can empirically prove “can be trusted because it behaves well” (behaves well for a purpose, in this case powerscaling the manga), or that we can empirically prove is “consistently good in performance” (in this case a good performance means providing accurate powerscaling for the manga)
In other words;
A third-party product is only reliable for powerscaling the manga effectively when it can be empirically proven that the information it provides translates to accurate estimations of the real abilities and real scaling of characters in the actual manga
A.2) How do we apply these concepts?
When evaluating any particular source, an useful approach that allows us to put things into perspective is to just ask three simple questions. Is the source official? Is it approved or supervised by the author? Is it reliable for powerscaling the manga? We’ll see that a positive response to the first two questions does not imply a positive response to the last question
Oda took part in One Piece Film: Strong World, in which pre-timeskip Luffy beats old Shiki 1. Is Strong World official? Yes, it’s not fanmade, this was 100% an official project from Toei and Shueisha 2. Is it supervised by Oda? Yes, he even had a hand in writing the story himself. Nothing made it into the film without his own foreknowledge and compliance 3. Is it reliable for powerscaling the manga? Hell no. Post Thriller Bark Luffy with no training, no Haki, no Gear 4, no awakening is not beating an old legend no matter how you spin it
We didn’t have to dig deep at all to find a suitable example. Information from a perfectly official source with Oda’s very own supervision and shiny stamp of approval can be unreliable for powerscaling the manga. The same can be said for a myriad of other sources with information that had Oda’s supervision or his personal approval
Novels, shows, games, films, magazines— I’m sure there are plenty of examples you can come up with of One Piece products that are official and fully supported by the author while also not being reliable for powerscaling the manga effectively

B) Merchandise

B.1) What is merchandise?
Crudely, merchandise is defined as “goods to be bought and sold”. However, in the distinct context of the anime and manga industry that is relevant to the subject we are discussing, the more appropriate definition would be:
branded products used to promote a film, pop group, etc., or linked to a fictional character; merchandising”
Source for both definitions: Oxford Languages
Going by its definition, merchandise refers to branded products used to promote. The role of merchandise is not to give an accurate depiction of manga characters and events, but to make sales, create hype and get more people invested in the source material and buying other official products. In essence, it exists to promote the brand and cash in on its popularity
The landscape of merchandise includes an incredibly vast assortment of products (and services or experiences) ranging from figurines to keychains to apparel to concerts to theme parks to fanbooks. In this post we will, of course, be dealing specifically with the latter. Currently, all existing arguments vouching for the reliability of a particular medium specifically concern databooks and — especially — Vivre Cards, while there are no notable arguments for magazines and other forms of media being reliable to powerscale the actual manga. Consequently, when mentioning merch from now on we will mostly be referring to databooks and Vivre Cards— which also happen to be the most prominent source for merch scaling by far
B.2) What are Vivre Cards?
For those who may not know, Vivre Cards are official two-page character outlines about One Piece characters— to give a few examples; the Vivre Cards of Blackbeard, Kin'emon and Marco. These cards are sold separately in many different packs/sets and meant to be progressively collected in the “Vivre Card ~One Piece Illustrated Encyclopedia~” databook, which is an initially empty binder book designed to store these collectible cards. Basically, it’s like a One Piece version of those popular World Cup collection albums
In the “Profile” page of a card we can find a profile with miscellaneous information about the character, including completely original details not found in the manga (depending on the character), like their age or bounty. On the “Essence” page of a card we will find character-relevant panels ripped straight from the manga, each accompanied with a paragraph of text describing it, much like you would find in an online wiki page. This text is popularly referred to as “flavor text”, which is roughly a synonym for fluff or filler text. Most of the examples of the images above come from Vivre Card flavor text
Contrary to popular belief, Vivre Cards are not written by Oda, his editors, or even anyone within the Shueisha company or its affiliates, despite Oda’s name being on the cover of card packs (including credit to the author of the source material is standard practice for derivative material, in and outside of the manga and anime industry). While Oda does provide his supervision plus some original character details and sketches, Vivre Cards are, in fact, outsourced to a book production company called Caramel Mama (キャラメル・ママ), which is in charge of the creation and publishing of the card packs
Any information about the specifics of Caramel Mama’s services and work history can be found in close detail on their website. They are specialized in the elaboration of manga and anime promotional merchandise, so you may already be familiar with some of their products from other series
Artur from the Library of Ohara, the most well-known Vivre Card translator in the One Piece community (you’ve likely seen his translations before), has his own explanation about Vivre Cards, which can serve as a compliment to this post for anyone interested. You can also find here his translations of the first batch of Vivre Cards, in which he describes in detail the anatomy of the cards and breaks down the information they contain
B.3) What are databooks?
Databooks (also known as fanbooks) are a number of books which contain a wide array of information about the story, world and characters of One Piece. This group includes the prominent collection of the 5 color-themed databooks as well as other separate individual booklets like Volume Stampede, for example. As of now, no sources claim Oda personally writes or even supervises databooks, although he does provide tidbits of original info and sketches, just as he does with Vivre Cards (we will go over this in-depth later on)
Unlike Vivre Cards, which have very specific and standardized formats and topics, databook content has great variety in format and subject matter, including sections like interviews, games, gag strips, concept art, behind-the-scenes info, etc. Here is an excerpt from databook One Piece Green: Secret Spices, which gives us a peek at what the content of a more typical section of a databook looks like. As we can see, it’s composed of flavor text highlighting characters and recapping manga events, containing no original information
Let’s use the Road to Laugh Tale booklet to check out a couple of very popular claims which serve as opportune examples of how databooks operate. Rocks straight up confirmed to be stronger than Primebeard? An skewed reference to Sengoku stating in the manga that he was perhaps Roger’s greatest foe (Ch. 957). Shanks being too much for the Gorosei to handle? Again, an exaggerated reference to the Gorosei’s comments in the manga (Ch. 233)
When it comes to powerscaling claims, taking manga events and statements and paraphrasing them in a severely embellished manner is the standard methodology of databooks, every bit as much as it is for other sources of flavor text

3- Addressing the arguments for merch being reliable

As of now there are three prevalent arguments vouching for the validity of promotional merch, which we will be thoroughly addressing one by one in this section. As mentioned before, databooks and Vivre Cards are the only formats with arguments to fall back on, so those are the two sources we will be chiefly referring to in regard to merch

A) Oda has mentioned merch in the SBS

One of the two most common arguments cites Oda referencing on more than one occasion exclusive material provided by himself for databooks, as well as describing Vivre Cards as being for “readers who want to know everything”. What do these author comments tell us about the reliability of promotional merch to powerscale the manga? Let’s find out
A.1) Reviewing the SBS statements
First, let’s check out every one of these instances and all additions Oda claims to have provided for merch in his SBS answers: * • SBS 293: Oda shares sketches of a pair of gag characters he mentioned in fanbook One Piece: Blue * • SBS 451: Oda references descriptions he provided of a few devil fruits belonging to marines for fanbook One Piece: Yellow * • SBS 695: Oda brings up a name he provided of a background Whitebeard fleet pirate for fanbook One Piece: Green * • SBS 914: Oda names Galette’s devil fruit and says that SBS and Vivre Cards are for “people who really want to know everything” * ○ Note: the Viz version mistranslated “ONE PIECE図鑑もありますので” as just “bonus materials” instead of “ONE PIECE Illustrated Encyclopedia” (which is specifically the name of the Vivre Card binder book, as mentioned earlier) * • SBS 982: Oda addresses the name of a Roger pirate according to fanbook One Piece: Blue Deep differing from his name in the manga, by urging to call him whatever or just not bother with his name at all * • SBS 997: Oda discloses trivia about Jinbe and mentions that Jinbe’s favorite foods were already revealed in his Vivre Card * • Vol. 108 SBS: More recently, Oda also referenced a name he provided of Roger’s sword for his Vivre Card
Now, what do all of these additions from Oda have in common? 1. They are NOT about powerscaling 2. They are NOT related to flavor text or retellings/summaries of the manga in any way, shape or form 3. They are completely original worldbuilding tidbits (character names, weapon names, fruit names)
Without fail, every single thing Oda comments about is a piece of trivia or original knowledge that he provided for external sources, and not one of his comments even tangentially references the endless paragraphs of hyperbolic flavor text that are published in them
Based on the examples he himself puts forward in his SBS comments, we can see that by “know everything,” Oda is alluding to niche knowledge like design sketches, character names, devil fruit names— all entirely original content that he actually needs to come up with on his own. Unlike flavor text, none of these things are subjective reinterpretations of already published panels that anyone could just see for themselves in the manga volumes
There is no explicit or implicit indication to be found here of Oda writing or supervising merch flavor text, or of any personal participation beyond the names and sketches he provides. The argument “Oda has brought up databooks in the SBS” may sound sensible at first glance, however, when we take the time to actually look into these SBS comments and what they are communicating, we will find that there’s hardly any evidence at all supporting the reliability of flavor text for powerscaling the manga
In short, what Oda himself is personally contributing and sharing with us through databooks and other merch is not the recycled flavor text, but just the previously unheard of tidbits of info that are meant to enrich the worldbuilding and carry no major implications in the manga
A.2) Oda’s philosophy on bonus materials
In order to shine a light on Oda’s personal stance on bonus material and non-manga sources, here are a few insightful quotes from the man himself:
“First and foremost, I am a manga artist. I don’t create anime, and that’s that. But I do help out with character design for original anime stories and movies based on my manga. I don’t really do much. So I have to entrust the world and characters of One Piece, which I created in the manga, to other people”
SBS 194
“Stuff that’s talked about in SBS really doesn’t need to be remembered for the main story. I don’t talk about certain things in the main story because I omitted them on purpose. I think that too much unnecessary information will only confuse the readers. So please enjoy the stuff in SBS strictly as an extra.”
SBS 569
“Not remembering their names won’t affect your ability to understand the story. If I don’t make a character’s name clear enough through the story, it’s not that important of a name to begin with”
SBS 730
“Because the motto of the SBS is “you’re not missing out if you don’t read it”!!”
SBS 846
“You’re right that there’s a lot of Devil Fruit powers here, but it would bog everything down to stop and explain them all, so my idea is, if it’s not central to the story, just breeze through and take it all in stride!”
SBS 914
Oda’s opinion on bonus materials expressed throughout his many comments can’t get much more clear-cut than this, and has remained perfectly consistent for over 20 years. The manga is the manga and everything else comes last. Oda is determined to include any and all even remotely relevant information directly in the manga, and when the series is 1000+ chapters, you know he’s not bluffing. If it’s not in the manga, it wasn’t important to begin with— his words, not mine
Not only has Oda made the claim, but he has also proved through his actions that he has no qualms about taking a hands-off approach on non-manga material and entrusting projects, especially merch, to other people. When he actually does get involved in something, you know that it will be relentlessly promoted and we won’t ever hear the end of it. Case in point: Oda’s involvement in the live-action series
Something that really stands out about these comments is that this is mostly the SBS that Oda is talking about, which actually happens to be a very reliable source written first-hand by the author himself. Even though it’s the most reliable source there is outside of the actual manga pages, Oda still insists on the SBS being an inconsequential source to the point of choosing to repeatedly reiterate how you can dismiss it entirely, as anything of importance will be revealed in the manga
If that’s the author’s take on his very own work that is published on the actual manga volumes themselves, then what does that suggest about third-party products like databooks and Vivre Cards, which aren’t even first-hand sources like the SBS is?
Anybody who has read the SBS corner can testify to how stubbornly unwilling Oda is to reveal anything powerscaling related in his SBS comments. If the man is adamant on not giving away straight answers on his own personally written corner published in the manga, then it firmly stands to reason that he did not — in a completely out of character manner — decide to just casually settle in some external source years ago all the age-old debates and biggest powerscaling enigmas that are still being built up in the manga to this day
Let’s put forth the questions we posed before, concerning this specific argument: * • Is merch official? Yes, it’s supported by Shueisha * • Is merch supervised by Oda? No mention of that whatsoever from these comments * • Is merch trivia reliable? Yes, something like character names or fruit names are open-and-shut cases directly provided by Oda and not up for interpretation * • Is merch flavor text reliable for powerscaling the manga? Nothing in Oda’s SBS comments even begins to suggest that Oda had a hand in the flavor text from merch or that their powerscaling claims conduce to effective estimations of the reality in the manga. On the contrary, we now know for a fact that Oda is actively averse to giving away that kind of information outside of the actual manga pages

B) Oda supervises Vivre Cards

The most prominent argument out there in favor of merch reliability comes from a statement from One Piece editor Naito in an interview concerning Vivre Cards, in which he states that the cards are supervised by Oda. It’s also mentioned that Oda contributes information, which will be addressed in the next point— for now, let us just focus on the elephant in the room, that being Oda supervising the Vivre Cards. Reading the full interview before proceeding is recommended
Original source of the interview with editor Naito
English translation (images are unavailable)
B.1) Author supervision
Oda allegedly checks out Vivre Cards, which inevitably raises the question: is Oda just giving a routine thumbs up simply as a formality, or is he actively correcting flavor text to make sure every word printed in them is accurate to the reality in the manga?
To begin unraveling this topic, let's follow our methodology once again, but this time in the context of Vivre Cards instead of databooks: 1. Are Vivre Cards official? Absolutely. Although published by Caramel Mama, a simple search will confirm they are supported by Shueisha 2. Are Vivre Cards supervised by Oda? The answer is yes, according to editor Naito 3. Are Vivre Cards reliable for powerscaling the manga? Now this is the part where the editor statement falls short
Let’s remember the definition of reliability and its criteria that we defined earlier
A third-party product is only reliable for powerscaling the manga effectively when it can be empirically proven that the information it provides translates to accurate estimations of the real abilities and real scaling of characters in the actual manga
This editor statement by itself fails to prove that Vivre Card flavor text claims translate to accurate estimations of the real abilities and real scaling of characters in the actual manga. As we’ve seen with many projects approved or supervised by Oda before, author endorsement does not automatically guarantee that the powerscaling involved will translate to actual manga accuracy. When it comes to manga powerscaling, this statement does not give promotional merch a better standing credibility-wise than the live-action series or the films, which also have the benefit of counting with author supervision
To conclusively prove reliability, the merch needs a successful track record and consistency with manga showings, which is a qualification that — as we all know from reading the actual thing with our own eyes — merch spectacularly fails to fulfill. This is all the more so true for Vivre Cards, which are the single biggest culprit out there when it comes to churning out ridiculous claims
On paper there may truthfully be a certain level of supervision in place, but when we look at the claims made by the Vivre Cards, it really is nigh-impossible to argue that there’s actually any back-and-forth between Oda and the third-party writers about flavor text powerscaling with rectifications being produced as a result
B.2) Editors and their role
In order to apply some very relevant perspective to this discussion, it’s useful to keep in mind at all times that Shueisha is a business and its editors are businessmen. Shueisha is a company whose foremost concern is to maximize value for its shareholders by securing sales and earning as much profit as possible through any means available, while its editors’ ultimate priority is none other than to turn the franchise they are in charge of into a money printer
It’s a common misconception that editors are primarily artists, when in reality their job is first and foremost to handle the business side of a franchise. Editors are marketers, supervisors, representatives, publicists, salesmen and managers, and every decision they make reflects those roles. Editors of huge franchises are very, very high up on the corporate ladder, and you simply don’t get that far up in the hierarchy without proving that your motivation and actions align with the interests of the company and the shareholders
This is how you end up with editors issuing blatant false promises like the Straw Hats supposedly showing up in Ch. 1099. They did not choose to publish that preview because it was the statement with the most accuracy — which ISN’T their objective — but rather because it was the statement that would generate the most sales— which actually IS their objective
While Oda himself doesn’t mind being open about his indifference towards bonus material (as we went over in a previous section), you are never ever going to hear an editor in an interview declare that “the author approved this thing but didn’t really look into it that much” or that “he supervised it but didn’t really provide any meaningful feedback”, because author involvement is their biggest selling point and that’s how the entire marketing machine behind it works
Career-wise, every editor is highly incentivized to overpromise and put out the kind of idealized claims and half-truths that we often see from them. The system hinges on them asserting “Oda approves this thing and he wants you to buy it”, and that is why you should never expect to hear otherwise. Author involvement will always be susceptible to be overstated, and in this case it’s an easily verifiable truth for anyone reading the bizarre, contradicting statements that databooks and Vivre Cards are publishing
B.3) Information added by Oda
Now, as determined earlier, it’s time to go back and take a closer look at the interview, regarding Oda “adding missing information” to the Vivre Cards. As it turns out, Oda actively contributing to merch exclusively by providing concept sketches and background details in particular is an assessment that is even supported by the editor himself
Firstly, when the editor elaborates on the information being added by Oda, the accompanying image used to describe it specifically points out the yellow box from the “Profile” page and nothing else, along with the caption “Oda sensei's handwritten additional instructions”. As stated in the second section of this post, this yellow box from the “Profile” page contains an assortment of completely original knowledge that, unlike flavor text, no one could possibly interpret from manga panels, like a character’s exact height or birthday
Does any of this ring a bell? It probably does, because — unsurprisingly, knowing Oda’s MO — this is the exact same situation we went over recently. What we’ve been told about Vivre Cards is perfectly consistent with the information that we already know is the kind that Oda actually prefers to contribute to bonus material, based on his own SBS comments about merch that we just checked out and that exclusively reference trivia
Secondly, this is then even further confirmed by the next question and answer in the interview right after the aforementioned image and, much more importantly, we are told that flavor text is not even supposed to contain new information. Translation provided by ChatGPT:
Katsuhei: Whoa~~~ Oda-sensei is serious. Are there any first-time revelations?
Naito: There's quite a lot, like blood type and birthplace! Also, they've published rough sketches of Oda-san's character designs. It's information disclosure pushing the boundaries, getting pretty close to the edge (laughs).
Editor Naito is directly asked if there’s any brand new content being revealed for the first time in Vivre Cards, to which his answer is that the brand new content is the trivia information like blood types and birthplaces and the sketches from Oda. This cannot be stressed enough. Once again the editor refers specifically to concept drawings and the yellow box trivia from the “Profile” page as the material provided by Oda himself, while the flavor text in the “Essence” page isn’t even part of the equation. He then goes on to add that even just the trivia and sketches is already pushing it in terms of giving away info
What we have here is an explicit clarification straight from the horse’s mouth. The statement from the editor is as blunt, clear and conclusive an answer as there could ever possibly be on the topic. Same as databooks, the only original content Oda provides to Vivre Cards are trivia and sketches. Flavor text, from the very beginning, plain and simply has never been meant to contain original information at all in the first place. Its sole purpose is to serve as filler for the collectible cards based on information that is directly compiled from the manga. Fundamentally, “Essence” pages are no different from the subjectively interpreted character articles you can find in the One Piece Wiki, except in a physical format instead
To sum up: Vivre Card flavor text can agree with the manga, but it can’t add on original information to the manga or clarify any ambiguity in the manga because its one and only source is actually just the manga itself— it is by design not supposed to contain any new information or insights that weren’t unequivocally in the manga already. Any disagreement with the manga or any claim that wasn’t previously explicitly confirmed in the manga is not to be considered a new piece of reliable information, but rather a personal exaggeration or interpretation derived from the writer of that card

C) There is an official website that corrects Vivre Cards

Lastly, the third and least recurring argument is based on an official website geared towards correcting mistakes that were caught in Vivre Cards after their printing. The logic behind the argument being this one: any of the powerscaling claims that haven’t gotten a correction yet are reliable, otherwise they would have already been addressed in the website by now
Original source
English translation
Just like the previous two arguments, this is another case of an idea that can sound really solid on the surface, but utterly crumbles when you actually look at the source for yourself and get the full picture. What this argument fails to mention is the fact that the website covers a very specific set of mistakes, and powerscaling claims in flavor text are simply not part of that group
The entire argument hangs on the assumption of there being a precedent for erroneous flavor text claims being corrected in the website, which would in turn mean that the claims that haven’t been corrected were ultimately considered accurate. Except, no such precedent exists in the first place. There is not one example of an erroneous powerscaling claim being corrected. The website deals with a narrow range of issues and has never dabbled into the subject of flavor text powerscaling, ever
Anyone is free to check the website for themselves and confirm it. You can read every single correction in the page from top to bottom and will find nothing but “fixed typo, fixed year, fixed name”. Even the page’s own description refers to itself as correcting “typographical errors”
So, is someone going to go back and update the list to add “My bad, Sentomaru isn’t actually an impregnable guard”? No, not at all. Nobody is showing up to take back statements that pertain to powerscaling, after hundreds and hundreds of Vivre Cards have already been published and there hasn’t been a single instance of a flavor text powerscaling claim being updated yet
If someone wrote that the Germa Kingdom is from the South Blue instead of the North Blue and corrected it, or wrote that the name of the Cocoyasi Village sheriff is Gen instead of Genzo and corrected it, does that somehow make it true that Katakuri is the strongest paramecia in his family and has flawless offense and defense? No— fixing trivial mistakes like a name or a number is something completely unrelated to flavor text powerscaling claims, and under no possible reasoning whatsoever does it prove their credibility
For the last time we make our questions, in the context of this argument: 1. Are Vivre Cards official? Yes, same as before 2. Are Vivre Cards supervised by Oda? No mention of Oda involvement from this website, but as we know from the editor interview earlier, the answer is still yes 3. Are Vivre Cards reliable for powerscaling the manga? Nothing about this website supports the notion of Vivre Cards being reliable for powerscaling the manga, especially when the particular cases that are handled by the website are completely removed from the area of flavor text powerscaling and doesn’t acknowledge it even once
With that, we reached the Reddit post character limit. You may continue reading through the Google Doc here, or in the comments if you sort by top or controversial, depending on how the post is received
submitted by AdmiralMizufugu to OnePieceScaling [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 18:10 KeySlimePies (DBZ MANGA) Kid Buu is stronger than Buuhan

Preface: I am NOT considering the anime. I am ONLY looking at the manga. So Goku fighting Kid Buu in multiple Super Saiyan forms is NOT canon because it is NOT in the manga. Yes, this post is very long. I originally posted this elsewhere, but this community seems more intelligent. I've sorted this by breaking it down into main points and addressing counter-arguments I've seen over the years. I will only be using the manga as a reference with one citation from Daizenshuu 7 (which is sometimes wrong, just like all guidebooks). The anime explicitly confirms Kid Buu is the strongest Buu multiple times, but I am talking about what is canon. (Z ep. 279 and Kibito Kai saying, "He has gone back to the original, most difficult, powerful Majin Buu!" at 3:48 into episode 151 of Kai.) Points 8 and 9 are only canon if you consider Super to be canon.


Kid Buu is canonically stronger than Buuhan. Everyone arguing otherwise either never read or misunderstands the manga, misunderstands Kid Buu in particular, and/or misunderstands Toriyama's intent.


One of the main arguments is that absorbing more characters = stronger Buu. This is how Super Buu works. This is NOT how Kid Buu works. He gets stronger by PURGING those impurities from him. Kid Buu's absorption properties are NOT the same as the rest of the series! "The souls he ate tamed him." (Z ch. 314) SUPER Buu's ki got smaller after removing everyone. (Z ch. 312) But disconnecting Fat Buu caused him to start reverting to Kid Buu, and his ki got LARGER. (Z ch. 313) This only makes sense because they are impurities. Normal absorptions being removed make the character weaker. See: Perfect Cell losing Android 18. (Z ch. 217) But Kid Buu's is different. He got STRONGER.
Counter-argument 1: "Let's say Kid Buu is actually the strongest form. Surely absorbing Gohan elevates Super Buu beyond him."
I find this argument to be the most reasonable take by people who think Buuhan is the strongest. However, I don't believe there's evidence to support this. Please read the entire post for why.
Counter-argument 2: "But that large ki wasn't Kid Buu, it was XYZ Buu!"
First of all, this is talking about an unnamed transition to Kid Buu. "Ultra Buu," "Buff Buu," and whatever other names that are applied to it aren't forms of Buu. We know this is true because Kibito Kai says, "This... This process...," as Kid Buu is transitioning and both Goku and Vegeta wonder how long this process will take. (Z ch. 314) Second, this claim is willing to admit that Buu got stronger after removing absorptions, which goes against the logic of more absorptions = stronger. Third, nothing is added or removed from Buu during this transformation sequence like in every other Buu transformation. (Fat Buu -> Evil Buu -> Super Buu -> Buuccolo, etc.) This is how we know "Ultra Buu" isn't a unique form, but rather Kid Buu's process of returning to himself. Fourth, this claim thinks the final villain of the series suddenly got weaker without anyone ever commenting on it. Goku and Vegeta only commented on how his ki raised and on his physical appearance. Which leads to...


Super Buu is an unreliable judge of strength. He claims that Buutenks is his strongest form in the past, present, and FUTURE. (Z ch. 305) If Buuhan is stronger, this statement can't be true, and it's dubious at its very best anyway due to the boastful nature of Gotenks and the consequences of absorbing him. As Buuhan, he also says, "Now I'm stronger than ever before!" (Z ch. 308) This directly contradicts his previous statement. Therefore, Super Buu's opinion on his own strength can't be trusted. Furthermore, Super Buu does not see Kid Buu as himself. When Vegeta is about to free Fat Buu from inside Super Buu, Super Buu tells him, "Don't cut him outta me!! I won't be myself anymore!!" (Z ch. 313) So if Buuhan, for some reason, was accurate in describing himself as the strongest he ever was, this still does not apply to Kid Buu because he does not see himself as Kid Buu. We can tell this is true because he also refers to Fat Buu in this scene as a separate entity. "Don't cut HIM outta ME*!!"* (Emphasis mine)
Additionally, boasting about or overestimating one's strength and then losing is a staple of the series. See: Vegeta going from "Heh... heh heh heh... look at our little friend!" (Z ch. 314) about Kid Buu to "This creature is beyond my power." (Z ch. 316) and "He's killing me...!!" (Z ch. 317) Or Goku going from "Yeah! We can take him!" (Z ch. 314) and "What?!!! He's asleep?!!! Who does he think I am?!!!" (Z ch. 315) about Kid Buu to "He keeps comin' back no matter what I do!" (Z ch. 316) and "The portara coulda done it. Maybe I tried to act too cool... but I thought this would be better...!" (Z ch. 316) Or how both Gohan and Vegeta thought they could beat Fat Buu (Z ch. 267) and then Gohan nearly died to him after 1 physical attack and 1 ki beam (Z ch. 268 - 269) and then Vegeta actually died against him (Z ch. 273).
Counter-argument 1: "XYZ doesn't say that! The official translation is wrong!"
You need to provide evidence that the exact things I am citing are mistranslated if this is your argument. And yes, I am going to trust the official translations over some Internet randos. In section 1, I quote the Viz translation as "The souls he ate tamed him." If you want to get technical, it's actually "weakened." Or how Viz translated "most troublesome" to "most difficult."
The "Viz translation" actually gives more credence to the Buuhan being stronger argument by using more ambiguous terminology. Another example: the Viz translation makes Buuhan a little bit more ambiguous as a judge of power, (while still being unreliable) but the literal translation shows that he is even worse at it by saying Goku and Vegeta fusing would be no match for him. Additionally, this thread seems to suggest that everything I cited from Super is also accurate as it lists errors and none of the chapters I cite are mentioned. And there are these two tweets that confirm what I wrote about Merus at the bottom of this post: 1 and 2.
In my own research, I haven't found anything to suggest that what I'm referencing is wrong either. On the topic of using non-official sources, guidebooks agree with me. This guidebook says Kid Buu powered up when Goku prepares to fight him, which would confirm what I explain in the post. But, guidebooks are sometimes wrong. For example: this one says Buuhan (yes, Buuhan) is on par with Super Saiyan 3 Goku. Or how the anime explicitly, in Japanese, says Kid Buu is the strongest multiple times: 1 and 2.
Counter-argument 2: "There are only 2 Buus, evil and good. Every form of Evil Buu is still Evil Buu and thus Buuhan was talking about every form of Buu when he said he was the strongest, and he also had access to god ki for that same reason."
When Super Buu says he won't be himself anymore, he is discussing ego death without necessarily knowing what that is. Buu is one being, but is also not. It's a contradictory state of existence. It's similar to the MCU character, Moon Knight. Marc Spector, Steven Grant, and Jake Lockley are all the same person, but they're also technically not. Buu is an extreme example of this where the alters can actually take separate physical forms (who then always immediately fight for dominance). Similarly, Marc Spector in the MCU can access the power of Moon Knight, but the other alters can't. This is just like how it works with Kid Buu. Kid Buu can access the god ki, but that doesn't mean the others can. And frankly, it's a bit of stretch to assume what Merus said applies to them anyway when he directly references Kid Buu. See point 8.


Some people seem to think that Super Vegito was necessary to beat Buuhan. This isn't true. By his own words to Buuhan, "I thought you'd be tougher. C'mon. Make me use my full power." Super Vegito was literally toying with Buuhan. It wasn't close at all. His entire plan was to make Buuhan desperate enough to try to absorb him so that he could free the others. He was beating Buuhan using only his legs and as a piece of candy. (Z ch. 311) By absolutely overwhelming him in his Super Saiyan form, Super Vegito was able to accomplish his goal. So even if Goku was on-par with Kid Buu like some people mistakenly think (he wasn't) and Kid Buu was stronger than Buuhan (which is true), it still would not make it untrue that Super Vegito was leagues beyond everyone else. In real manga canon, the Kid Buu saga (but including Vegito and Super Buu) power ranking looks like this: Super Vegito > Vegito > Kid Buu > Every Super Buu form > Super Saiyan 3 Goku > Fat Buu > Super Saiyan 2 Vegeta


Kibito Kai was much more afraid of Kid Buu than Buuhan. (Z ch. 314) When Buu transformed into Super Buu, he had an expression of apprehension, (Z ch. 292) contrasted to the palpable fear for Kid Buu. (Z ch. 314) Kibito Kai then confirms Elder Kai's question that Kid Buu is the "most difficult" form of Buu. (Z ch. 314) The arguments saying Kibito Kai is only more afraid because Kid Buu is just "more dangerous" are ridiculous at their best. Elder Kai states that letting Buutenks win against Gohan would be "the death of the universe." (Z ch. 306) Buuhan, after "absorbing" Super Vegito, also says, "Nothing can stop me now!!! I can enjoy the death and suffering of all living things to my heart's content!!!" (Z ch. 312) Kid Buu never spoke any words even once (Z ch. 314 - 322), but we can assume his motives are the same. If they weren't, Kibito Kai's heightened fear would make no sense. Why would Kibito Kai be more afraid of Kid Buu if he was not more capable of bringing about the "death of the universe," aka, being more powerful? It simply doesn't make sense. Kid Buu is stronger than Buuhan.
This is honestly what it sounds like the people making this argument are trying to make Kibito Kai say: "Oh no!! The big bad guy who plainly stated he wanted to kill all life in the entire universe has been replaced by a significantly weaker version that several characters could dispose of!! This doesn't comfort me at all and actually worries me for some unfathomable reason!!" Do you understand how ridiculous this sounds now?
Counter-argument: "The Supreme Kai is an unreliable judge of powecharacteetc., too!"
Actually, not really. This is more about him being, at first, unaware of how strong Goku, Gohan, and Vegeta are and his own hubris, than it is about him being unreliable. Once he understood their strength, he altered his judgment to fit the current situation. So, in actuality, the Supreme Kai is a very reliable judge of powecharacteetc. Here are some examples in chronological order: He knew that Goku and the others would join him to investigate and try to stop Babidi. (Z ch. 251) He knew that he likely wouldn't succeed without them. (Z ch. 251) He knew that Babidi's magic wasn't to be underestimated despite never encountering him before. (Z ch. 253) He knew that Dabura was luring them into a trap in Babidi's spaceship. (Z ch. 254) He knew that Babidi transported them to an area that is advantageous to Pui Pui. (Z ch. 255) He understood before the others that Babidi was going to try and control Vegeta. He also knew how to make Vegeta overcome this, but Vegeta refused. (Z ch. 262) He knew that Vegeta and Goku fighting would awaken Buu. (Z ch. 263) He correctly warned Gohan that they needed to leave after Buu was resurrected because they would die (and both would have died if not for Kibito being revived and also the Supreme Kai saving Gohan's life). (Z ch. 266 & 269) He correctly predicted that Babidi would eventually not be able to control Buu. (Z ch. 268) He correctly knew that Gohan had latent power within him that could surpass Buu. (Z ch. 276) He knew Gohan would be able to wield the Z Sword. (Z ch. 278) As we can see, he's actually a very reliable judge of powecharacteetc.


I have read EVERY published work by Toriyama and he CONSTANTLY makes shorter characters more powerful than larger ones. Some examples are: Kid Goku throughout all of Dragon Ball, Arale and Gatchan (Dr. Slump), Beelzebub (Sand Land), Peke (Alien X Peke), Tongpoo (the Adventures of Tongpoo), Ackman (Go! Go! Ackman), Kajika (Kajika), Ken'nosuke (Young Master Ken'nosuke), Toki (Kintoki), Muwa (Tokimecha), Jaco (Jaco the Galactic Patrolman), Karamaru (Karamaru and the Perfect Day), Vegeta (main villain in the Saiyan Saga), Frieza (main villain in the Frieza Saga), Gohan in the Cell Saga, Gohan against Super Buu, and Kid Buu against Goku and Vegeta (main villain of the Buu Saga). This is not an exhaustive list. There are scant few exceptions to this, and they are exclusively to make the hero grow in power. This is probably Toriyama's number one trope. With this knowledge of the author, we can assuredly know that Kid Buu is the strongest form. (Source: literally all manga written by Toriyama, excluding one-shots like Mahimahi the Lungfish)
Counter-argument 1: "But what about X character? They're smaller than Y!"
Were they the main hero or main villain of that arc? This is a purposefully dense nitpick. There will always be exceptions to every rule, especially for background characters and minor heroes and villains. This in no way invalidates everything else Toriyama has shown us in all of his manga. Think about every major hero and villain in all of Dragon Ball and Z. Plus there's this quote by Toriyama acknowledging this exact trope of his when asked about it with a reference to Kid Goku, Frieza, and Kid Buu: "I wanted to go against people's expectation that the strong ones always get stronger and bigger. I consciously tried to switch being telling a straightforward story and telling one that was unconventional and contradictory."
Counter-argument 2: "But when X temporarily transformed, X got bigger!"
This doesn't invalidate that their normal, most-used form is smaller.
Expanding the list of short(er) characters being more powerful than tall(er) characters in final battles:
Kid Goku vs. everyone, Master Roshi vs. Kid Goku (both are short), Kid Goku vs. the entire Red Ribbon Army, Kid Goku vs. Tao Pai Pai (second round), Kid Goku vs. Fortuneteller Baba's champions, Kid Goku vs. Tenshinhan (used as a way to show Kid Goku's growth against next villain), Kid Goku vs. King Piccolo (second round), Goku vs. Piccolo, Goku and Piccolo vs. Raditz (to show growth), Vegeta vs. Goku, Vegeta vs. Dodoria, Vegeta vs. Zarbon (second round), Goku vs. Captain Ginyu, Goku vs. Frieza (required Super Saiyan), Trunks vs. King Cold, Vegeta vs. Android 19, Future Goku vs. Heart Virus (lol), Gohan vs. Cell, Fat Buu vs. Dabura, and Kid Buu vs. everyone. Are there other fights? Obviously, but I listed the ones that either end the overall story arc (Saiyan Saga, Frieza Saga, etc.) or are (one of) the last fights of one of the characters. Denying this trope exists is, frankly, delusional.


The people who think Goku did well against Kid Buu did not read the manga. Goku does NOT stand toe-to-toe with Kid Buu. (Z ch. 316) He doesn't deal any lasting damage to Kid Buu, and flatly says that Kid Buu is just toying with him. "He keeps draggin' this out! This little punk's havin' fun!" See this comment for the direct Japanese translation of one of Goku's comments on fighting Kid Buu. We also know for a fact that Goku and Vegeta both made no dent on Kid Buu because Vegeta and Goku both notice that a Buu's power can only be lessened when fighting a version of himself. "...Have you noticed, Kakarrot? The fat one's power is going down... They can get hurt, when they're fighting another Boo." (Z ch. 320) The fact is that Goku and Vegeta did nothing to Kid Buu, or they would have noticed this during their own fights with him.
While Kid Buu is being destroyed by the Spirit Bomb, Goku expresses his interest in fighting him 1-on-1 in the future and that he will train until then. (Z ch. 322) Why would Goku need to train for years to have a 1-on-1 with someone he's already "evenly matched" with? Goku needs the help of both Fat Buu and Vegeta (and the universe) to defeat him. All 3 of which flatly admit they have no chance against Kid Buu and 2 of which nearly die. (Z ch. 316 - 318)
If Goku were ANYWHERE near Kid Buu's power, his Spirit Bomb would have connected without issue (Z ch. 322) See: the Spirit Bomb against Frieza where Frieza was at the bare minimum 20x stronger than Goku at that exact moment. (Z ch. 122, Daizenshuu 7) It was definitely more than 20x, but I'm just rounding down for Kaioken x20. Additionally, the Spirit Bomb against Kid Buu was way more powerful than previous ones as it contained the energy of everyone on Earth, (Z ch. 321) New Namek, and the Underworld. (Z ch. 322) Goku not only needed the Dragon Balls to restore his power, but also needed to be Super Saiyan to have this multi-planetary and multi-dimensional Spirit Bomb connect with Kid Buu. The fact is that Kid Buu extremely overpowered Goku.
Counter-argument 1: "Goku could have beaten him with Super Saiyan 3 if he was still dead. He just couldn't generate the power while he was alive."
Maybe? This is something we can't know. Goku was also confident when he showed up to fight Frieza saying "I'm going to destroy you!!!" (Z ch. 114) and only ended up winning that fight due to the order Frieza attempted to kill them all in being the catalyst necessary for Super Saiyan 1 (Piccolo -> Krillin -> Gohan -> Goku). (Z ch. 123) If you look at the Spirit Bomb that was required for Kid Buu, I would have to strongly disagree with Super Saiyan 3 being enough. Goku thinks that he needs a minute to charge up his power to take on Kid Buu. This isn't a guarantee of victory, just like Kaioken x10 (Z ch. 118) and x20 (Z ch. 119) weren’t guarantees of victory against Frieza despite his initial confidence. In this fight alone, Goku has already shown us he's severely underestimated Kid Buu. The only thing he's actually confident in is the portara being enough. See points 2, 5, and 8.
Counter-argument 2: "Goku was so scared of fighting (X form of Super Buu) that he wanted to use the portara, but he was much more confident against Kid Buu and didn't want to use the portara."
I cover the response to this throughout the other sections, but this is a specific argument that is brought up constantly, so I felt it worth addressing directly. There are 2 main points against this. The first is that, narratively, it would feel cheap if the hero we've followed for 11 years needed to "cheat" to beat the final boss of the entire series. That's fine in the movies, but this is the main story. Also, narratively, it would not feel fulfilling for this hero we've followed for so long to beat the enemy at their weakest or in a comparatively weaker form than their previous form(s). That's why every arc of Dragon Ball has the villains defeated at their absolute strongest. To suddenly change course for the last arc makes no sense at all. Additionally, the dilemma caused by not having the portara also adds needed drama for the end. "How is Goku going to win this time when the odds are so stacked against him?" The second point is that you can also judge Goku's words and facial expressions before-and-after Kid Buu arrives on the Supreme Kai's planet, and before-and-after he fights Kid Buu. He clearly understands he made a huge mistake destroying them. Besides this section, it is also covered in points 2 and 7 with the exact sources.
Follow-up: "How is Goku relying on Vegeta and Fat Buu any less cheap than using the portara?"
Vegito is insanely overpowered. That's how. It was a desperate fight with the 3 of them. All of them nearly died. It wouldn't have been exciting at all if Vegito just nuked Kid Buu.
Counter-argument 3: "Kid Buu was trying to kill Goku in the fight. Even with his antics, he was fighting seriously."
No, he wasn't. If Kid Buu was trying to kill Goku, he would have. He could have simply blown up the Supreme Kai's planet just like he did with Earth. The fact is he enjoyed toying with them. If he didn't, the series would have ended right after he teleported to the Supreme Kai's planet. Re-read this section for the exact quotes where Goku says Kid Buu is toying with him.


Destroying the portara doesn't mean Kid Buu isn't stronger than Buuhan. For one, they had no idea Kid Buu would be able to find them in another dimension/plane of existence. So they assumed they'd have time to formulate a plan. (Z ch. 315) It was, at that point, completely unprecedented that a villain could not only travel to the Other World alive, but also to the Supreme Kai's planet specifically. It's very easy to stay calm or act confident when you don't know your enemy has the ability to reach you. It's also a fundamental misunderstanding of Saiyans. There was no way in Hell that Vegeta was going to let Goku fuse with him again and risk being stuck together permanently. Pure blooded Saiyans always want the 1-on-1 fight. However, despite Saiyan pride, Goku still regrets destroying the portara after actually fighting Kid Buu. (Z ch. 316) Read point 2 again for the exact quote.


Super adds a new element to Kid Buu being more powerful than Buuhan. Kid Buu had god ki. (Super ch. 49 & 66) Ask yourself if Goku is stronger with or without god ki. Do you truly believe Super Saiyan 3 is stronger than Super Saiyan God or even Blue? Obviously, he is stronger with god ki. So then why would a Buu form without god ki be stronger than one with it? It makes no sense at all. Additionally, since Kid Buu had god ki, that helps explain why Vegeta and Goku underestimated him. They simply couldn't sense the danger involved.
Counter-argument 1: "But X character has god ki and they're weaker than Y character without god ki!"
I'm not saying there aren't characters without god ki that can be stronger than those with it. Look at Jiren. I'm saying that if you compare the same character with and without god ki, they are, of course, way more powerful with it. Goku is a perfect example of this because we see how much stronger it immediately makes him. (Super ch. 4)
Counter-argument 2: "If Kid Buu had god ki, then that means Buuhan did, too!"
No, it doesn't. Only Kid Buu had it. The Super manga specifically refers to Kid Buu and even uses his image to make sure no one gets confused by this. Goku says, "That little guy had actual god power in him?" after Merus speculates, Kid Buu had it. (Super ch. 49) Buuhan is not little. Of course, this speculation is later confirmed when Dende and Jaco talk about Kid Buu's god ki. (Super ch. 66)
Counter-argument 3: "If Kid Buu had god ki, then how was Piccolo able to determine that Kid Buu died in Z ch. 323?"
This is Piccolo after fusing with Kami. Kami was the god (DB ch. 163) of Earth for hundreds of years (Z ch. 50) at the time they fused together again. Kami not only knew of the Other World, but as a god, he has been there himself and knows (some of) the higher gods. (Z ch. 11) This is why he was eventually able to understand that Supreme Kai and Kibito were higher gods. (Z ch. 245) (Even though he didn't know they were at the top of the top until it was revealed.) (Z ch. 246) After fusing, his vast knowledge is shared with Piccolo. (Z ch. 166) Additionally, Piccolo explains to Gohan early in Super that the reason Gohan can't detect Goku's ki anymore is because it's god ki now, showing he has foreknowledge of god ki. (Super ch. 4) Finally, Dende remarks, "My own divine power is still developing...," (Super ch. 66) which implies that the gods of Earth also have god ki. So, we can safely assume it's Kami's knowledge and power that allows Piccolo to detect Kid Buu's death. If it were simply a matter of detecting ki, then Gohan would have been able to detect the death of Kid Buu, too. Instead, he needed to ask Piccolo for confirmation. (Z ch. 323)
Follow-up: "But since he was unaware of who the Supreme Kai was, that would imply that he also would not have knowledge of the goings-on on his planet, which is where Kid Buu was killed."
In most cases, this would likely be true. But not in this one case. King Enma knew about what was happening there with the fight against Kid Buu (Z ch. 322) and so did Piccolo. (Z ch. 320) It's not far-fetched to assume that he would thus have knowledge or some type of connection to the Other World that allows him to tell if Kid Buu died or not.


Why would Goku image train against the strongest forms of Frieza and Cell, but not Buu? (Super ch. 1) He's fought both Buuhan (as Vegito) and Kid Buu, so it's clear the answer is because Kid Buu was stronger.
Counter-argument 1: "Those weren't their strongest forms because Frieza wasn't bulky!"
Frieza doesn't need to transFORM to go to 100% when he looks that way. He only needs to power up. (Z ch. 127) Frieza never once refers to this as a separate form. However, he DOES refer to the other forms as "forms" or "transformations." (Z ch. 101, 102, 103, 107, 108, 109) In his second form, he even says, "I have two transformations left." (Z ch. 107) He didn't say he had three left. So, no, bulky 100% power Frieza is not a separate form. Goku is fighting them all in their strongest forms.
Counter-argument 2: "Goku was just fighting them because they have unique moves/powers, and not because they're the strongest. That's why he chose Kid Buu."
Kid Buu and Frieza do have unique moves. However, outside of spawning Cell Jrs., (which could be something he got from King Piccolo (DB ch. 137) via Piccolo) Cell doesn't have any. So this argument doesn't work.


Kid Buu:
submitted by KeySlimePies to PowerScaling [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 17:10 ConstructionCareful1 Start reading the Manga & I can't believe the Anime skipped this in S1. Its kinda important ain't it? I'm glad I start from Ch.1

Start reading the Manga & I can't believe the Anime skipped this in S1. Its kinda important ain't it? I'm glad I start from Ch.1 submitted by ConstructionCareful1 to sharetomyself [link] [comments]