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Is my sim accurate?

2024.05.19 20:55 Designer_Fondant_403 Is my sim accurate?

Is my sim accurate?
Basically I'm thinking about writing a military fiction book and want to know if one of the situations that I've envisioned for it is militarily accurate. Necessary background context is that most world governments and military high command have collapsed. In the confusion a few nukes were fired, one was at the fourth fleet in the South Atlantic, commanded by a guy named Walker. The USS George Washington was damaged beyond repair and was abandoned along with their LHD. After some more story stuff the remaining ships end up in a competition battle sim with some people calling themselves The Silent Storm staffing a surprisingly well supplied airbase called Specter Base they found in a jungle somewhere idk. Below is the plan that the base commander has laid out for the defense. The commander has had a week to prepare for the attack. The navy wins if they can take control of the base inside 24 hours. The fleet had a platoon of marines with them when the shit went down. The base has around 50 combat capable personnel, the rest being drone command & control and pilots as well as complement of the following:
  1. Aircraft
    1. 1x KA-50
    2. 1x AH-64
    3. 3x UH-60
      1. 2 ASW capable
    4. 4x F-16
    5. 1x F-15
      1. 36x AIM-120C
      2. 2x AIM 120D
      3. 22x AIM-9m
      4. 24x GBU-10
    6. 2x E-2D
    7. 1x E-3
    8. 1x KC-135
    9. 1x C-17
    10. 1x C-130
    11. 1x V-22 Osprey (needs software maintenance)
    12. 1x MH-47
    13. 1x CH-53
    14. 1x RQ-4
    15. 1x KOMPSAT
  2. Ground
  3. 3x Humvee
  4. 2x Bradley IFV
  5. 1x Stryker ICV
  6. 3x Dragon Wagon
  7. 2x S400 Site w/Radar
  8. 10x Silkworm ASM
  9. Supplies
  10. 2,000,000lbs of various fuel
  11. 3 months worth of spare parts
  12. Self sustaining food stores
  13. Hydroelectric power plant
  14. Small Arms
  15. 150x M4A1
  16. 25x Glock 17
  17. 50x C-4 Blocks
The defense plan is as follows:
  1. Set up rotating 24 hour watches of the E-2D AWACS to watch the skies and Walker’s UAVs.
    1. The coast is muddy, wet, and elevated by several feet in most areas. There are only five spots suitable for amphibious landing and helicopters. The Silent Storm identifies two of these spots that they intend to make impossible to land at. This will force Walkers landing to be bunched less spread out and vulnerable to ambushes. The Silent Storm knows that Walker isn’t an admiral for no reason, and if they make all of them unusable he’ll find a way to use them or create another way to land. Because of this it’s better that they make him land where they want on their own terms.
    2. Whenever it’s confirmed that Walker’s drones can’t see the intended landing denial spots, they send teams to set up canals and troughs to funnel all rain within a three-hundred foot radius into that spot making it impossible to land there. With luck it will look to the drones like water naturally flows onto them during rain.
    3. Additionally, the paths towards Specter base from these points will be mined for further denial.
    4. Three similar spots will be left untouched to encourage Walker to land there with RHIBs when the attack begins.
    5. When the attacks start the F15s will drop JDAM’s on the landing marines in low altitude bombing to avoid being detected and shot down by AEGIS.
  2. Meanwhile the F16s will be scrambled anytime more than three helicopter launches within five minutes of each other are detected from the AWACS. The F16s will patrol the coastline for an hour and shoot down any helicopters that come within 10 miles of the coast. This will limit or eliminate the troops landing via helicopter. If they run out of missles the planes will just continuously buzz the helicopters until they run out of fuel, buying time.
  3. The Silkworm missiles and S400 sites will be positioned at the top of the cliffs enveloping the bay and be made as obvious as possible. This will force Walker to keep his ships out of the missile’s range (300km,) and the S400s can shoot down any cruise missiles he fires to take them out. This gives the Silent Storm crucial time to scramble their air assets when the attack begins.
  4. Undoubtedly a few will still be able to make it onto and past the beach. So around forty meters into the jungle there’s a picket line of special infantry hiding in the treetops with two Bradley IFVs on the flanks. The Bradley’s will not turn on their engines until they need to move so there is no thermal signature to give them away to a drone. Around twenty meters off each flank are four person teams of special infantry waiting to ambush anyone that comes through. Both the picket line and ambush team will alternate firing positions every few seconds to confuse the enemy on how many there are.
    1. The picket line and ambush team will set up thermal camouflage tarps above them to avoid being spotted by drones.
    2. All communications with the ambush teams and picket line will be over wire to avoid being intercepted.
  5. Two things can happen following the ambush:
    1. One is that once the advancing forces are ambushed on their flanks they split up the remaining troops to reinforce their flanks. If this happens the Bradley’s will turn on their engines and move towards the ambushes and engage. The picket line will then split up to envelop and destroy what remains. Any survivors will either be forced to retreat back to the beach and risk being bombed or surrender.
    2. Another is that they retreat to the middle upon being ambushed. If this happens the ambush parties will quietly move behind them through the trees. Once the picket line is engaged, the Bradleys, ambush teams, and picket line will engage the remaining forces. Once again forcing retreat to the beaches or surrender.
  6. Notes (Please correct me if I’m wrong on any of this, that’s what it’s here for.)
    1. I didn’t include the attack helicopters because they'd be useless in a jungle fight. Also the risk of friendly fire would be too high to justify it.
    2. From what I could find, the max engagement range of AEGIS is around 300km without AWACS support. So they couldn’t shoot down the interceptors with it.
    3. I’m pretty sure that even if S400 can’t actually shoot down a Tomahawk, the navy will have to assume it can and won’t risk wasting them
I'm not claiming to be an expert in any of this stuff, I'm just an enthusiast so I'd love to hear from some real experts and see if what I've drawn up is accurate
Battlefield Sketch I did (if this breaks a rule I'm sorry):
submitted by Designer_Fondant_403 to Military [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 18:30 FunnyWay4369 Why are we born only to Die?

These are the questions we have been trying to answer ever since we as a species first evolved the ability to ask such questions.
Let us first briefly consider our ability to voice those questions and how is it we can formulate any questions at all. There has been some discussion recently on how we in essence 'hallucinate' our reality. While this is true to a large degree, it would be more accurate to say that we 'read' our reality. We process the stimulus we receive from external world and then transform it into language through the neural dynamics found in our cortical thalamic complex.
As we develop and mature our cortical/thalamic complex gradually creates a VR type experience for our consciousness, so gradually we no longer see what arrives at our eyes but rather is what is constructed from the direct sensory experience in the occipital lobe of the cortex - our visual center. By the time we are adults our awareness can no longer directly perceive the external world. It can only see and hear the reprocessed reality as it is reconstructed from direct sensory stimulus, in our cortex. As adults we never see the outside world. We don't see the mountain. We only see the image of a mountain created in our visual cortex. Only when we encounter something that cannot be fit into any existing linguistic category do we see it before filtering and reconstruction within cortical visual centers.
We linguistically interpret and assign meaning to raw stimulus within our cortex which determines our subsequent response and behaviors. Under normal conditions if what we are experiencing cannot be translated into our existing vocabulary then we cannot act coherently and we will either freeze up or become completely uninhibited and out of control. The parsing of external reality into language is a reflex and it is normally beyond our ability to perceive this neurological process as it is occurring.
The answers to the nature of life, why we are born and die and how we can ask such things all lead to the same place and if one question is answered then all of them will be. Therefore I will begin with the nature of life itself. I will use one of the tools that western science adopted early in its history and that is dissection. Lets first dissect life and look at it in the detail that has been revealed throughout the hundreds of years we have been using this tool.
The first medical dissections were performed at the University of Salerno in about the 12 century. Now all these years later we have dissected much and we now have little pieces of everything lying around everywhere. Now we are dissecting some very large things and some very small things. Dissection reveals information contained or hidden beneath the perceptual paywall of physical boundaries like the biological membrane of the cell, or an organ like our skin or the boundaries of the earths gravity. What we see in the modern world is the result of centuries of dissection and reassembly.
Now after all the thousands of years of humans history there is one item that has been produced more times than any other single thing made by humans and their ancestors...transistors. Most people have no idea what this item is or how it works yet humans have made more of it than anything else by orders of magnitude. These things also require more electrical energy than anything else ever mass produced by humans to perform their function as intended. This is a result of a history of dissection and reassembly without any underlying worldview or morality to guide the technological exploitation of the discoveries uncovered through the process of dissection and analysis.
Now at the pinnacle of our evolution we have completely remade ourselves and the world and the results appear to be anything but enlightening and emancipating. We have server farms that are using the energy of a small city and space tourism is well on its way. Unfortunately during our history of dissection we have ignored certain things discovered that do not support the underlying ideology motivating our technological innovations. The problem hasn't been in the scientific process but in what aspects of what we have discovered that have been followed up and not relegated to the the dark shelves of history and ignored. Our cultures idea of progress and evolution as a driving force of nature may be entirely misplaced and as 'superstitious' as any of the other antiquated views our culture has abandoned and transcended along the way.
The long delay in accepting the evidence of developmental neuronal death has been regarded as an historical enigma. Here is how the puzzle may now be solved.
Nineteenth-century biologists saw that development has an overriding telos, a direction and a gradual approach to completion of the embryo, and also saw a terminal regression and final dissolution of the adult; but a fallacy arose when the progression and regression, which coexist from early development, were separated in their minds.
Development was conceived in terms of progressive construction, of an epigenetic program—from simple to more complex. For every event in development they attempted to find prior conditions such that, given them, nothing else could happen.
The connections and interdependencies of events assure that the outcome is always the same. Such deterministic theories of development made it difficult to conceive of demolition of structures as part of normal development, and it was inconceivable that construction and destruction can occur simultaneously. It became necessary to regard regressive developmental processes as entirely purposeful and determined. For example, elimination of organs that play a role during development but are not required in the adult or regression of vestigial structures such as the tail in humans were viewed as part of the ontogenetic recapitulation of phylogeny. Regression in those cases is determined and is merely one of several fates: cellular determination may be either progressive or regressive.
The idea of progress in all spheres, perhaps most of all in the evolution and development of the vertebrate nervous system, has appealed to many thinkers since the 18th century. Such ideas change more slowly than the means of scientific production; thus new facts are made to serve old ideas. That is why the history of ideas, even if it does not exactly repeat itself, does such a good job of imitation.
In the realm of ideas held by neuroscientists, the idea of progressive construction, of hierarchically ordered programs of development, has always been dominant over the idea of a plenitude of possibilities, from which orderly structure develops from disorderly initial conditions by a process of selective attrition.
How revolutionary could be the idea that there is a plenitude of possibilities, from which orderly structure develops from disorderly initial conditions by a process of selective attrition. The universe is not learning, experimenting, progressing, evolving and neither are we. The universe is already full of a 'plentitude of possibilities' and it already is what it is and is already all it will ever be... as are we. Whatever it is we think we are observing it is not progress or evolution in any sense of the word but is rather the processes of 'selective attrition'. The universe is something else much more and we are a part of it and need to look no further than within our selves since we are also part of that 'fabric' of the universe. Humans are not standing atop the pyramid of life but we are only one of many different morphological manifestations of the natural processes of 'selective attrition' which find us only different and in no way better than the other morphological and metabolic forms and components of the earths biosystem and its holobionts.
The processes of attrition affects 2 vectors in the realization of a particular existence from a plentitude of possibilities. In order for life and consciousness to exist in the earths biosystem 2 vectors must work together to maintain a fragile stasis between reoccurring periods of geological and cosmic instability. These vectors influence morphology and metabolism. Morphology is influenced and regulated by viruses and that still ill defined aspect of our biological reality they represent. Multicellular metabolism is regulated and influenced by chromosomal and nucleic genetics. When the environment changes then the viral component of the tree of life induces morphological changes in the life forms currently inhabiting the biosphere. Within the nucleus of the cell the genetic code is changed now producing biological forms that after development have the metabolism to exist in the new environment. Life consciousness has within it already all the plentitude of possibilities needed to exist in many different potential worlds and it doesn't need to evolve as it is already capable of arising in almost any conditions. Look at the many amazing ways that nature is already incorporating plastics into its ecology.
Unfortunately for us, our ill fated venture into space has triggered processes of attrition between these 2 vectors that are now adapting the morphology and metabolism of the earths biome in response to the time many of its lifeforms have already spent living in a gravity free environment. The different forms of life we have have brought too and from a gravity free environment are also changing. Switching from a model based on evolution and progress to one based on a preexisting plenitude of possibilities may affect the statistical significance of our predictive models. If we are not progressing and evolving towards something then what exactly is it we are doing with all our technologies but creating the conditions for our own morphological extinction?
The human species is an embodiment of the force of attrition in nature. As a species we have introduced a plentitude of possibilities into the biosphere by reshaping ourselves and our environment through our behaviors and in doing so we have fulfilled our biological function. The model is no longer based on the idea of progress so our behavior as a species need no longer be seen as progressive but as simply transformative. The organisms with the largest genomes are creatures like amoebas and lungfish which could be considered as very important gatekeepers and librarians of the biological information accumulated from eons of harvesting 'information' from an ever changing plentitude of biological possibilities. This information is stored within many levels of biosystem and are all connected by the viral ocean in which the overall biosystem is immersed.
It is creatures like these along with long living organisms like trees and fungi that are at the heart of the biosystem while the human species seems doomed to be little more than a brief biological storm arising and passing away in but a few minutes of geological time. We are no longer talking about a universe born from simplicity and its slow progression towards consciousness of which we are the ultimate manifestation.
Consciousness is the fundamental universal force that gives rise to the biological reality we inhabit. Most everything around us has consciousness and it flows through the underlying fabric of our existence via 'fields' generated by metabolic life, much like how electricity moves along a wire...flowing via the field surrounding the wire and not really within the wire itself. It is what is perceiving the perceptual experience created within the cartesian theatre of our human mind. It is the cortical thalamic complex that creates the unique type of perceptual experience that humans have. There is nothing unique about human consciousness only our perceptual experience. The human experience does not represent any type of progression or evolution of consciousness along an evolutionary timeline.
The only thing modern humans bring to the table is their own unique type of perceptual experience which is initiating behaviors that results in biological information that will find its way throughout the biome and will be stored for eons to come and long after we as a species are gone. The introduction of plastics into the ecology represents a new type of information that the natural biological world is already starting to use in many creative and unexpected ways.
The study of the basic philosophies or ideologies of scientists is very difficult because they are rarely articulated. They largely consist of silent assumptions that are taken so completely for granted that they are never mentioned. The historian of biology encounters some of his greatest difficulties when trying to ferret out such silent assumptions; and anyone who attempts to question these "eternal truths" encounters formidable resistance.
In biology, for hundreds of years, a belief in the inheritance of acquired characters, a belief in irresistible progress and in a scala naturae, a belief in a fundamental difference between organic beings and the inanimate world, and a belief in an essentialistic structure of the world of phenomena are only a few of the silent assumptions that influenced the progress of science. Basic ideological polarities were involved in all of the great controversies in the history of biology, indicated by such alternatives as quantity vs. quality, reduction vs. emergence, essentialism vs. population thinking, monism vs. dualism, discontinuity vs. continuity, mechanism vs. vitalism, mechanism vs. teleology, statism vs. evolutionism, and others. Lyell's resistance to evolutionism was due not only to his natural theology but also to his essentialism, which simply did not allow for a variation of species "beyond the limits of their type." Coleman (1970) has shown to what large extent Bateson's resistance to the chromosome theory of inheritance was based on ideological reasons.
One can go so far as to claim that the resistance of a scientist to a new theory almost invariably is based on ideological reasons rather than on logical reasons or objections to the evidence on which the theory is based.
The Growth of Biological Thought: Diversity, Evolution, and Inheritance ERNST MAYR(Page 835).
What do we see when we look at a lion feeding on a fresh kill that is still alive while being eaten? Or a grizzly bear keeping its prey alive for days as it eats it? How about a herd of orca's slowly killing a blue whale? We look away in horror and disgust because we have no idea what it is we are actually observing. Our everyday perceptual experience provides no insight into what is actually happening as this untamed savagery unfolds before us. We have no words for the world as it really is since we very rarely ever perceive it as it really is before being processed and recreated in the cortical thalamic complex. That is what we see and we do not see the outside world as it really is.
A lion consuming a deer is not unlike 2 galaxies colliding. When one animal eats another 2 very large populations of trillions of separate and specialized cellular organisms merge together combining all their biological information as it is being generated in real time. This biological material is processed within the lion and then the viral components and other transgenic organisms move this information between different creatures picking up bits of information and moving it around the biome to be integrated into existing info and/or stored for later retrieval and integration. Very little information is lost when the biosystem is working correctly. When it is not working properly then much information can be permanently lost very quickly. We see this as viruses mutate as they pick up new pieces as the processes of recombination unfold. In times of biological instability plagues are common as insects and rodents are very effective means of consuming this biological information before it is lost due to factors such as changing climatic conditions producing famine. The goal is not evolution or progress but the maintenance of a repository of biological information that allows the biosystem to self regulate its morphology and metabolism. If the organisms that act as gatekeepers, storehouses and librarians are lost then the whole biosystem will collapse.
It is the fundamental energy of consciousness as it 'flows' through metabolic life that powers the biosphere. Earths metabolism and morphology may not look like anything resembling how morphology and metabolism may arise elsewhere in the universe. Unusual organic molecules are being found in the atmosphere of Titan. One such molecule has only been previously found in interstellar clouds. As these molecules break down fairly quickly something must be producing or metabolizing them to maintain their presence in atmosphere. Like electromagnetism if consciousness is also a fundamental force then we can expect it to be active in many different environments.
The nature of consciousness as I am describing it gives rise to one quality that would make space travel somewhat irrelevant. This quality is also behind much of the fuss and importance that humans have made about different types of 'spiritual' experience from their earliest beginnings. Our consciousness is not attached to our own perceptual experience but can move freely between all the perceptual experiences arising anywhere in the universe right now. Every point on the torus is connected to every other point. The perceptual experience of the lion and the deer can be experienced and perceived through the shared dynamics of our own metabolic entanglements as we are all made from the same stuff. It is the 'one topology' suggested to exist in Velinde's and Hooft's model of entropic gravity and the cellular automaton. Morphology is the universal vector for perceptual experience. Metabolism is the universal vector for consciousness.
Biological organisms produce heat/entropy. Think about how significant it is that life can live in external temps well below its own internal heat. Metabolic cellular processes are producing this heat. Biological organisms are not unlike little suns with their ability to produce internal heat. Our bodies are literally made up of trillions of little suns. From metabolism/consciousness arises morphology/perceptual experience. The positive energy generated by the activities of morphological organisms, each with their own spectrum of perceptual experience, counters the negative heat energy of the many metabolic states of consciousness which permeate the universe. When an organism is producing more entropy than the system can absorb that organism is removed or reabsorbed and replaced with one whose metabolism is in balance with rest of biome. When there is too much entropy things like the 'time-reversal of a phenomenon occurring naturally' are no longer available as part of our perceptual experience or vocabulary. Invariably most spiritual practices inadvertently result in the production of less entropy or in the balancing and stabilization of existing entropic forces.
The shamans of old may of been much more in tune with things then we give them credit for. It is a shame that most of their languages and way of life are gone. Like the American Indian I hold the view that the animals and plants around us are our older brothers and sisters and we should learn from them, take our place beside them and not seek to dominate and control but to share the world with them. We have become a species of attrition and seem incapable anymore of transcending our own nature. We cannot help but destroy what we cannot dominate and now we have turned on each other as there is very little left in the natural world for us to conquer. We are no more aware of what we are doing than the couple of meteorites that changed life forever for the dinosaurs. Maybe as Emerson suggested we have learned to ride in a carriage and lost the use of our legs while our giant follows us everywhere.
submitted by FunnyWay4369 to awakened [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 17:45 deverbovitae The Shepherd Who Gives Sight John 9:1-10:21

The “disciple whom Jesus loved,” known as John, either John the brother of Zebedee (the Apostle), or John the Elder, was writing his recollections of his experiences with Jesus so that those who hear or read would believe Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God, and would find eternal life in His name (cf. John 20:31). He began by speaking of the Word of God, the Creator, the life and light of men, who took on flesh and dwelt among us as Jesus of Nazareth (John 1:1-18). He then described the calling of the first disciples, Jesus’ first sign at the wedding in Cana, the events which took place while Jesus was present at the Passover in Jerusalem, and Jesus’ return to Galilee via Samaria (John 1:19-4:54). John the Evangelist then set forth Jesus’ healing of a lame man at Bethesda and the storm of controversy it engendered, Jesus’ feeding of the five thousand, and His challenging description of Himself as the Bread of Life (John 5:1-6:71).
John the Evangelist has been relating narratives regarding Jesus at the Feast of Tabernacles (or Feast of Booths; Sukkot) in Jerusalem, featuring Jesus’ instruction and the thoughts and feelings of the crowds and Jewish authorities, ultimately leading up to a desire to stone Jesus for blasphemy (John 7:1-52, 8:12-59). For many textual critical and literary reasons, we have reason to believe the pericope adulterae, the story of Jesus and the woman caught in adultery, of John 7:53-8:11 was not originally written by John, let alone would have taken place at this point in the Gospel narrative. We therefore conclude John the Evangelist wrote a continuous narrative of events at the Feast of Tabernacles in John 7:1-52 and John 8:12-10:21.
While we have a tendency to disconnect the narratives of John 9:1-41 and John 10:1-21 from the events of John 7:1-52, 8:12-59, and even disconnect them from each other, John the Evangelist presented them as all part of one continuous literary unit. In John’s narration, Jesus has gone back and forth with the Jewish people and religious authorities in John 7:1-52, 8:12-30 and then spoke specifically to the Jewish people who believed in Him in John 8:31-59; having miraculously escaped those who would have executed Him, Jesus left the Temple area with His disciples, and walked by a man who had been born blind (John 9:1). Jesus’ disciples asked who had sinned, he or his parents, which led to his blindness; Jesus responded it was so that the acts of God might be revealed through him (John 9:2-3). The disciples reflect the standard prejudice and presumption regarding disability deriving from specific sins; we should not develop a theology of disability from either Jesus’ disciples or, for that matter, Jesus’ specific response in this particular circumstance.
Jesus re-affirmed how He was the Light of the world and needed to do the works of God while the day remained (John 9:4-5; cf. John 8:12). He then spat on the ground, made mud, put it on the blind man’s eyes, and told him to wash in the pool of Siloam; the blind man did so and was able to see (John 9:6-7). The people responded, wondering if he indeed was the man who was blind and had formerly begged; some recognized him as such, but others did not think so; he did not shrink away from confessing who he was and had been (John 9:8-9). They asked him about what happened and he relayed the story (John 9:10-12).
The people decided to bring the man to stand before the Pharisees since an astonishing miracle had taken place (John 9:13). John the Evangelist then informed us this healing took place on a Sabbath (John 9:14); many of the Pharisees thus considered Jesus’ making mud on the ground as work and thus deemed Him a transgressor of God’s law, entirely missing the miraculous on account of this detail, but some did experience the cognitive dissonance and wondered how a sinner could do something like this (John 9:15-16). They asked the formerly blind man what he thought; he confessed Jesus as a prophet (John 9:17).
The Pharisees refused to believe his testimony and summoned his parents; they affirmed him as their son and that he was blind, but said nothing about how he gained sight (John 9:18-21). John the Evangelist explained their reticence: the Pharisees had agreed to put out of the synagogue anyone who confessed Jesus as the Christ (John 9:22-23). To be put out of the synagogue meant to be alienated and isolated from the Jewish community, and it would not be as if the Gentiles would welcome them with open arms. Many commentators believe John is retrojecting the situation of his later community onto this event; we have no reason to believe the religious authorities would not have thus leveraged their power at the time.
The Pharisees brought the formerly blind man back in and chastised him: they knew Jesus was a sinner, and he should glorify God; they were Moses’ disciples, but he was a disciple of Jesus, and they do not know where He came from (John 9:24-25, 29). The formerly blind man stood against them sharply: God did not listen to sinners, but Jesus had done a miracle which had never before been done according to the witness of the Scriptures. If Jesus were not from God He could do nothing (John 9:26, 30-33). The Pharisees had no patience for such a rebuke: they denounced him as born entirely in his sins, and yet he would presume to teach them (John 9:34)? We will have reason in a moment to comment on the irony of this statement; sufficient for the moment is to recognize how the Pharisees have revealed who they are in their response.
The Pharisees cast the man out. Jesus found him and asked what he thought of the Son of Man (John 9:35). The man asked Jesus about who the Son of Man might be, and Jesus confessed Himself as the Son of Man (John 9:36-37). The formerly blind man confessed his belief and prostrated before Jesus; Jesus said He came into the world so the blind might see and those who see might become blind (John 9:38-39). The Pharisees, perceiving the challenge, asked Him if they were blind; He told them they would not be guilty of sin if they were blind, but because they presumed to see, their sin remained (John 9:40-41).
John the Evangelist laid the irony on thickly: the blind saw, but those who believed they saw proved blind. Those who were “born in sin” found forgiveness, but those who presumed themselves to be holy were in transgression. Appropriate critiques about making caricatures and strawmen out of the Pharisees are important and should be heeded; nevertheless, it is always a temptation of those with religious zeal to think too highly of their own righteousness and inappropriately prove sanctimonious toward those with less formal accreditation or standing.
We tend to end the story there, but John did not: in his narrative, Jesus immediately continued on by speaking of Himself parabolically as the Door of the sheepfold and the Good Shepherd of the sheep (John 10:1-21).
The world of shepherding and sheep would have been familiar to Jesus and to everyone in His audience. Sheep were important for their meat, milk, and wool; nevertheless, sheep are very dumb creatures. They require a lot of assistance, direction, maintenance, and protection. Shepherds would spend a lot of time with the sheep and would be dedicated to them. They would know their individual sheep. Sheep heed the specific voice and call of their shepherd; even when flocks are mixed, with a call or sound the sheep will appropriately separate out and follow their respective shepherds. Bears, lions, and wolves would find sheep an easy meal; other people might be tempted to steal sheep. Shepherds thus had to direct sheep to find appropriate pasturage and water, and would be kept in sheepfolds to provide some protection during the night. The shepherd would use the door (or gate) of the sheepfold; those who would come to rob and steal would try to enter another way.
Such was the story Jesus told about the sheep, the sheepfold, and the shepherd in John 10:1-18. The people would have understood the referents, but they did not understand what Jesus meant by it all (John 10:6). Jesus attempted to explain. He was the Door of the sheepfold, for the others who came and claimed to be the Messiah were really thieves and robbers, and the sheep, the people of God in Christ, did not listen to them. Those who go out through Jesus find salvation and “pasturage”; going after others leads to exploitation and oppression, but Jesus came to give abundant life. Jesus is the Good Shepherd of the sheep, who would lay down His life for the sheep. Hired hands would abandon the sheep if it proved too costly; the wolves, or the false Messiahs or religious authorities, would then come in to devour the sheep, God’s people. Jesus had sheep in other sheepfolds He would gather to Himself. But He knew His sheep, and they knew Him; He would lay down His life for them, and take it back up again, according to the commandment of His Father (John 10:1-18).
Jesus was by no means the first person to speak of Israel and leadership in terms of sheep and shepherding. Moses and David had been shepherds when God called them to lead His people (Exodus 3:1-6, 1 Samuel 6:11-13). The prophets would denounce the nobility and prophets of Israel as shepherds devouring the flock; yet YHWH promised He would return and personally shepherd Israel His sheep (cf. Ezekiel 34:1-31). We should definitely pick up on the textual association between Jesus, the I AM before Abraham, and Jesus the Good Shepherd, YHWH who had returned to personally shepherd His sheep (John 8:58, 10:11). How He would lay down His life for the sheep, and take it back up again, would become manifest in its good time.
The people did not quite know what to do with everything which had transpired (John 10:19). Some continued to be convinced Jesus was demon possessed and insane, and asked how anyone else could listen to Him (John 10:20; cf. John 8:48, 52). But others denied His words could come from a demon, and asked how anyone possessed by a demon could give sight to a blind man (John 10:21).
Thus John the Evangelist ended his narratives about Jesus at the Feast of Tabernacles. As Israel celebrated the gifts of light, food, water, and life during the Feast of Tabernacles, thus Jesus demonstrated how He was the Light of the world, giving sight and wisdom, providing pasturage and fountains of living water for those who believe in Him. He proclaimed Himself the Son of Man and God the Son and made attestation by doing a thing no prophet before had ever done, but was prophesied regarding the Messiah: He gave sight to a blind man. The people remained as divided as ever: plenty found reason to dismiss Him as demon-possessed and insane, and while no one could make complete sense of what He was teaching, others could not dismiss Him so easily or glibly. May we well recognize Jesus as our Shepherd, the Light of the world, giving life through His sacrifice, and share in life in Him!
submitted by deverbovitae to u/deverbovitae [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 13:01 Furystorm [WTS] ✪ CCUs from Retaliator bomber ✪ Furystorm's boutique™ (⌐ ͡■ ͜ʖ ͡■) Galaxy's Finest (⌐ ͡■ ͜ʖ ͡■) ✪ Game packages (SQ42 & LTI & starter) ✪ Banu Cube/Tholo ✪ LTI Pioneer, Orion, Carrack, Merchantman, Hull A/B/C/D/E, Vindicator, others ★ Combo packs ★ Vanguard BUKs ★ Modules/Flairs/Weapons/Armor ★


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20 $ per each
Info about rewards can be found here -
╰( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡° )つ──☆
Item Price, $
Retaliator bomber to Constellation Aquila (WB + 10Y insurance) 39
Starfarer Gemini to Merchantman 189
Banu Tholo code 80
Banu Lockbox (Banu Cube) code 100
Mole to Merchantman 199
Starfarer Gemini to Merchantman 189
C2 Hercules to Carrack 139
Valkyrie to Carrack 169
Constellation Aquila to Orion 219
Starfarer Gemini to Hull D Upgrade 109
Constellation Andromeda to Hull C Upgrade 139
Anvil Terrapin to Hull C Upgrade 179
F7C-R Hornet Tracker to Constellation Taurus 39
Corsair to 400i Warbond Edition 12
Hull E to Polaris 50
Ship Upgrades - Drake Kraken Conversion Kit 799
Item Price, $
CitizenCon 2951 Digital Goodies 9
Gemini LH86 Pistol - Voyager edition 6
Kruger P-72 Emerald 105
Package Insurance SC+SQ42 Price, $ Comments
PACKAGE - 2943 WEEKEND WARRIOR - LTI LTI SC + SQ42 299 F7C-M Super Hornet LTI pack
Package - Syulen Starter Pack LTI SC 115 Syulen LTI pack
Package - Aurora LN 3MI SC + SQ42 59 Aurora LN (best aurora) Starter package
Mustang Alpha Starter 3MI SC 55 -
Anniversary 2017 Mustang Discount Starter 5YI No 54 -
Nox 2 pack LTI No 121 Nox + Nox Kue
Aopoa Nox 5 Pack LTI No 242 4 Nox + 1 Nox Kue
Race Team Pack LTI No 168 X1 + NOX + Dragonfly Black
Origin X1 THREE-PACK LTI No 174 X1 Baseline + Velocity + Force
Entrepreneur pack LTI Yes 683 Prospector + Vulture + Vulcan + Hull B + Ursa Rover
The Tortoise and the Hurricane LTI No 415 Anvil Hurricane + Anvil Terrapin
Starfarer + Nox 2 pack LTI No 431 Starfarer + Nox + Nox Kue
Origin 600i Series Combo Pack LTI No 977 600i Luxury + Exploration + Origin X1
Scoundrel Pack LTI Yes 788 7 Items, see picture
Aegis Wrecking Crew Pack LTI No 1155 Reclaimer + Vulcan + Eclipse + Avenger Warlock/Titan
Exotic Mega Pack LTI No 1260 Banu MM + Genesis Starliner + Khartu-al + other small ships
UEE Exploration 2948 Pack LTI Yes 850 Carrack, Terrapin, Freelancer DUR, Cyclone RN
Game package can be upgrade as well on your demand, price negotiated
CCU-d ships are upgraded from another ship. Also I have ships from original sale - they may come with different bonuses but are more expensive.
You can click on the price of original sale item to see it's contents.
Ship manufacturer Ship model Insurance Price (CCU-d), $ Price (Original sale), $
Aopoa (Xi'an) Khartu-Al LTI 179 -
- Nox LTI - 77
- Nox Kue LTI - 77
- San'Tok.Yai LTI 231 -
Aegis Dynamics Avenger Titan LTI 74 100
- Avenger Titan Renegade LTI 95 111
- Avenger Stalker LTI 84 -
- Avenger Warlock LTI 100 -
- Eclipse LTI 305 333
- Gladius LTI 116 -
- Gladius Valiant LTI 132 147
- Hammerhead LTI 672 777
- Hammerhead Best in Show Edition LTI 746 -
- Nautilus LTI 672 -
- Reclaimer LTI 336 550
- Reclaimer Best in Show Edition LTI 429 -
- Redeemer LTI 333 -
- Retaliator Bomber LTI 284 -
- Sabre LTI 184 221
- Sabre Comet LTI 195 -
- Vanguard Warden LTI 263 357
- Vanguard Harbinger LTI 289 -
- Vanguard Sentinel LTI 268 -
- Vanguard Hoplite LTI 231 268
- Vulcan LTI 216 242
ARGO Astronautics MPUV Cargo LTI 74 84
- MPUV Personnel LTI - 89
Raft LTI 142 -
- SRV LTI 165 -
- Mole LTI 321 -
- Combo Pack LTI - 111
Anvil Aerospace Arrow LTI 95 137
- C8X Pisces Expedition LTI 69 79
- C8R Pisces LTI 84 -
- Carrack LTI 420 -
- Carrack W/C8X LTI 440 -
- Carrack Expedition LTI 447 -
- Carrack Expedition W/C8X LTI 468 -
- Crucible LTI 369 431
- F7C Hornet LTI 121 -
- F7C Hornet Wildfire LTI 189 210
- F7C-S Hornet Ghost LTI 140 -
- F7C-R Hornet Tracker LTI 155 -
- F7C-M Super Hornet LTI 199 252
- F7C-M Hornet Heartseeker LTI 200 -
- Gladiator LTI 177 221
- Hawk LTI 116 132
- Hurricane LTI 210 231
- Terrapin LTI 231 263
- Valkyrie LTI 357 -
- Legionnaire LTI 132 -
Banu Merchantman LTI 399 -
- Defender LTI 226 237
Consolidated outland Mustang Beta LTI 95 -
- Mustang Gamma LTI 74 -
- Mustang Delta LTI 84 -
- Pioneer LTI - 1499
Crusader Industries Ares Inferno LTI 252 -
- Ares Ion LTI 252 -
- Genesis Starliner LTI 357 578
- C2 Hercules LTI 368 -
- M2 Hercules LTI 483 -
- A2 Hercules LTI 735 -
C1 Spirit LTI 137 -
E1 Spirit LTI 163 -
A1 Spirit LTI 210 -
- Mercury Star Runner LTI 273 -
Drake Interplanetary Dragonfly Yellowjacket LTI - 84
- Dragonfly Black LTI - 84
- Dragonfly Ride Together Two-Pack LTI - 126
- Buccaneer LTI 126 142
- Caterpillar LTI 336 -
- Caterpillar Best in Show Edition LTI 347 -
- Corsair LTI 263 -
- Cutlass Black LTI 126 -
- Cutlass Black Best in Show Edition (2949) LTI 137 -
- Cutlass Steel LTI 221 -
- Cutlass Red LTI 142 -
- Cutlass Blue LTI 168 -
- Herald LTI 111 -
- Vulture LTI 158 -
Esperia Vanduul Blade LTI 284 326
- Vanduul Glaive LTI 373 -
- Prowler LTI 399 510
- Talon LTI 132 -
- Talon Shrike LTI 132 -
Gatac Railen LTI 242 -
Greycat Industrial ROC LTI 77 -
Kruger Intergalactic P-72 Archimedes LTI - 90
- P-72 Archimedes Emerald LTI - 105
Mirai Fury LTI 69 -
- Fury MX LTI 69 -
- Fury LX LTI 69 -
MISC Endeavor BASE LTI 378 -
- Endeavor DISCOVERY-CLASS LTI - 683
- Endeavor Master Set 2018 LTI - 1399
Expanse LTI 168 -
- Freelancer LTI 121 -
- Freelancer DUR LTI 147 -
- Freelancer MAX LTI 163 -
- Freelancer MIS LTI 184 -
- HULL A LTI 99 -
- HULL B LTI 147 -
- HULL C LTI 357 -
- HULL D LTI 462 -
- Odyssey LTI 578 -
- Razor LTI 163 179
- Razor LX LTI 168 -
- Razor EX LTI 174 -
- Prospector LTI 163 179
- Reliant Kore (Mini Hauler) LTI 84 105
- Reliant Tana (Skirmisher) LTI 95 -
- Reliant Mako (News Van) LTI 121 -
- Reliant Sen (Researcher) LTI 105 -
- Starfarer LTI 315 399
- Starfarer Gemini LTI 347 452
Origin Jumpworks X1 Baseline LTI - 69
- X1 Velocity LTI - 74
- X1 Force LTI - 79
- M50 LTI 121 -
- 85X LTI - 79
- 100I LTI 74 95
- 125A LTI 79 -
- 135C LTI 84 -
- 300I LTI 77 -
- 315P LTI 77 -
- 325A LTI 93 -
- 350R LTI 137 -
- 400i LTI 265 -
- 600i Touring LTI 399 525
- 600i Exploration LTI 420 580
RSI Aurora CL LTI 74 -
- Apollo Triage LTI 268 -
- Apollo Medivac LTI 294 -
- Galaxy LTI 378 -
- Mantis LTI 168 -
- Perseus LTI 557 -
- Polaris LTI 735 999
- Constellation Taurus LTI 179 -
- Constellation Andromeda LTI 252 -
- Constellation Aquila LTI 321 -
Zeus MK II MR LTI 205 -
Zeus MK II ES LTI 163 -
Zeus MK II CL LTI 163 -
- Scorpius LTI 263 -
- Scorpius Antares LTI 252 -
- Orion LTI 489 -
Ship/Package Insurance Price, $ Comments
Consolidated Outland Mustang Alpha Vindicator 6MI 66 Limited Vindicator version
Kruger P-72 Archimedes 10YI 55 -
Kruger P-72 Archimedes 6YI 45 -
Kruger P-52 Merlin 6YI 37 -
RSI Aurora ES 10YI 37 -
Argo MPUV 1C Cargo 10YI 53 -
MISC Endeavor OLYMPIC-CLASS 4YI 578 Endeavor with modules
RSI Constellation Phoenix 10YI 399 -
RSI Constellation Phoenix 6YI 389 -
Origin 890 Jump 6MI 1099 -
Origin 890 Jump 6YI 1249 -
Origin 890 Jump 10YI 1349 -
Vehicle Insurance Price (CCU-d), $ Price (Concept), $ Comments
Anvil Ballista LTI 153 -
Hoverquad LTI 74 -
Greycat PTV 6YI 27 -
Greycat PTV 10YI 37 -
Origin G12 LTI 84 -
Origin G12R LTI 84 -
Origin G12A LTI 90 -
Tumbril Cyclone LTI 74 Base version
Tumbril Cyclone-TR LTI 79 With ground turret
Tumbril Cyclone-RC LTI 79 Speedster
Tumbril Cyclone-AA LTI 95 Anti-air + countermeasures
Tumbril Cyclone-RN LTI 79 Scout & Scan
Tumbril Ranger RC LTI 105 Racer
Tumbril Ranger CV LTI 111 Offroad
Tumbril Ranger TR LTI 116 With Gun
Tumbril Nova LTI 126 132 Tank
URSA Rover 5YI 63 -
URSA Rover 10YI 70
Lynx LTI 79
URSA Rover Fortuna LTI 79 Limited green skin edition
Below are listed combo packs with different combination of vehicles, or with space ships
Combo packs Insurance Price (Concept), $ Comments
Offroad Vehicle Pack LTI 137 Cyclone TR + URSA + Greycat PTV
Tumbril Cyclone Pack LTI 305 All Cyclones
All-Terrain Vehicle Mega Pack LTI 473 All Cyclones + Ursa + Lynx + Greycat
Air and Space Pack LTI LTI 315 Terrapin + Cyclone AA
Ground Vehicle Pack VIP LTI 378 Gragonfly + Nox + X1 + Ursa + Cyclone + Nova + bonus
Deluxe Ground Vehicle Pack VIP LTI 840 A lot of items, check screenshot
Module Insurance Price, $
MISC Endeavor Modules (Pods) - -
RSI Galaxy Modules
Galaxy - Med Bay Module 10YI 116
Galaxy - Refinery Module 10YI 126
Galaxy - Cargo Module 10YI 95
Aegis Vanguard battlefield upgrade kits
Harbinger battlefield upgrade kit LTI 140
Sentinel battlefield upgrade kit 6MI 69
Other stuff
Add-ons - Aegis Idris P after market kit - 294
Module Insurance Price, $
Overlord "Dust Storm" Armor Set - 11
Overlord "Riptide" Armor Set - 11
Overlord Helmets "Silent Strike" Pack - 8
Overlord Helmets "Forces of Nature" Pack - 8
Parasite Replica Helmet (Original) - 11
Parasite Replica Helmet (Dark Birth) - 11
Stegman's Cordimon "Voyager" Complete Outfit - 11
Stegman's IndVest “Pathfinder” Complete Outfit - 11
RSI MacFlex Rust Society full armor set (5 items) - 21
RSI Venture Rust Society full armor set (5 items) - 32
Mr. Refinement’s Cabinet of Rare & Exquisite Spirits - 11
Life in the 'Verse Shirts Pack #1 - 5
Life in the 'Verse Shirts Pack #2 - 5
"Caudillo" Helmets Pack #1 by CC's Conversions - 10
"Caudillo" Helmets Pack #2 by CC's Conversions - 10
"Caudillo" Helmets Pack #3 by CC's Conversions - 10
QuikFlarePro Pack - 5
QuikFlarePro Pack Deluxe - 6
Polar Vortex Collection - 7
Cold Front Collection - 7
UltiFlex FSK-8 "Mirage" Combat Knife - 5
UltiFlex FSK-8 "Ghost" Combat Knife - 5
Urban Collection by Element Authority - 11
Adventurer Collection by Element Authority - 11
Manaslu Rust Society Jacket - 8
RSI Horizon Rust Society Helmet - 8
RSI Beacon Rust Society Undersuit - 6
Paladin helmet - 10
IAE-insurance upgrades (adds IAE insurance (10 years) to your ship)
Upgrade Price, $
Prospector to F7C-M Super Hornet 50
Vanguard Warden to Caterpillar 60
Sorted by: Manufacturer -> ship
Target ship manufacturer Target ship Upgrade from Price, $
Aegis Dynamics Avenger Titan Renegade 325A 18
- Avenger Warlock 325A 29
- Avenger Warlock Arrow 26
- Eclipse Constellation Andromeda 78
- Eclipse Vanguard Sentinel 37
- Eclipse Vanguard Warden 53
- Eclipse Blade 37
- Gladius Valiant Gladius 32
- Gladius Valiant M50 23
- Hammerhead Constellation Aquila 477
- Hammerhead 600i Touring 357
- Hammerhead 600i Explorer 315
- Hammerhead Merchantman 131
- Hammerhead Hull D 236
- Hammerhead Crucible 446
- Hammerhead Carrack 173
- Hammerhead Reclaimer 383
- Hammerhead Prowler 351
- Hammerhead Orion 131
- Hammerhead Glaive 446
- Nautilus Constellation Aquila 462
- Nautilus Endeavor 425
- Nautilus Crucible 425
- Nautilus Genesis Starliner 372
- Nautilus M2 Hercules 246
- Nautilus Merchantman 110
- Nautilus 600i Explorer 294
- Nautilus 600i Touring 336
- Nautilus Orion 110
- Nautilus Prowler 330
- Nautilus Carrack 173
- Nautilus Reclaimer 372
- Nautilus Hull D 215
- Nautilus C2 Hercules 372
- Nautilus Valkyrie 399
- Reclaimer Constellation Aquila 110
- Reclaimer Starfarer Gemini 84
- Reclaimer Endeavor 73
- Reclaimer Crucible 73
- Reclaimer Valkyrie 49
- Redeemer Constellation Andromeda 78
- Redeemer Vanguard Hoplite 84
- Redeemer Mole 31
- Retaliator Bomber Constellation Andromeda 57
- Retaliator Razor 19
- Retaliator Ballista 26
- Sabre Prospector 31
- Sabre Gladiator 16
- Sabre Comet Sabre 31
- Sabre Comet Freelancer MIS 26
- Sabre Comet Khartu-Al 31
- Sabre Comet F7C Hornet Wildfire Mk I 23
- Sabre Comet Gladiator 35
- Vanguard Harbinger Constellation Andromeda 68
- Vanguard Harbinger Retaliator Bomber 31
- Vanguard Harbinger Vanguard Sentinel 26
- Vanguard Harbinger Vanguard Hoplite 68
- Vanguard Harbinger Vanguard Warden 42
- Vanguard Hoplite Constellation Taurus 54
- Vanguard Hoplite Defender 33
- Vanguard Hoplite F7C-M Super Hornet Heartseeker Mk I 54
- Vanguard Hoplite Hurricane 44
- Vanguard Hoplite Terrapin 33
- Vanguard Sentinel Constellation Andromeda 52
- Vanguard Sentinel Vanguard Warden 31
- Vanguard Warden Constellation Andromeda 31
- Vanguard Warden Vanguard Hoplite 35
- Vulcan Prospector 61
- Vulcan Cutlass Blue 40
- Vulcan Freelancer MIS 40
- Vulcan Sabre 46
- Vulcan Sabre Comet 30
- Vulcan F7C Hornet Wildfire Mk I 40
- Vulcan F7C-M Super Hornet Mk I 30
- Vulcan Gladiator 51
- Vulcan Khartu-Al 46
Anvil Aerospace Carrack Constellation Aquila 267
- Carrack Mole 320
- Carrack M2 Hercules 99
- Carrack 600i Explorer 147
- Carrack 600i Touring 189
- Carrack Prowler 183
- Carrack Reclaimer 225
- Carrack Genesis Starliner 225
- Carrack Valkyrie 215
- Carrack C2 Hercules 189
- Carrack Hull D 73
- Carrack Endeavor 283
- Carrack Crucible 283
- Carrack Starfarer Gemini 294
- Carrack W/C8X Carrack 55
- Carrack Expedition Carrack 60
- Carrack Expedition Carrack W/C8X 40
- Carrack Expedition W/C8X Carrack 80
- Carrack Expedition W/C8X Carrack W/C8X 73
- Carrack Expedition W/C8X Carrack Expedition 68
- Crucible Starfarer Gemini 26
- Crucible Constellation Aquila 94
- F7C-M Super Hornet Mk I Prospector 43
- F7C-M Super Hornet Mk I Khartu-AL 27
- F7C-M Super Hornet Mk I F7C Hornet Wildfire Mk I 22
- F7C-M Super Hornet Mk I Gladiator 32
- F7C-M Super Hornet Mk I Freelancer MIS 22
- F7C-M Super Hornet Mk I Sabre 27
- F7C-M Super Hornet Mk I Razor EX 43
- F7C-M Super Hornet Heartseeker Mk I Prospector 63
- F7C-M Super Hornet Heartseeker Mk I Freelancer MAX 68
- F7C-M Super Hornet Heartseeker Mk I Razor EX 63
- F7C-M Super Hornet Heartseeker Mk I Gladiator 52
- F7C-M Super Hornet Heartseeker Mk I Khartu-AL 47
- F7C-M Super Hornet Heartseeker Mk I Sabre 47
- F7C-M Super Hornet Heartseeker Mk I Sabre Comet 31
- F7C-M Super Hornet Heartseeker Mk I F7C Hornet Wildfire Mk I 42
- F7C-M Super Hornet Heartseeker Mk I Freelancer MIS 42
- F7C Hornet Wildfire Mk I Prospector 31
- F7C Hornet Wildfire Mk I Khartu-Al 16
- F7C Hornet Wildfire Mk I Gladiator 22
- F7C Hornet Wildfire Mk I Sabre 16
- Gladiator Prospector 21
- Hawk Gladius 21
- Hurricane Constellation Taurus 22
- Hurricane Prospector 69
- Hurricane Gladiator 58
- Hurricane F7C Hornet Wildfire Mk I 48
- Hurricane F7C-M Super Hornet Mk I 37
- Hurricane Freelancer MIS 48
- Hurricane Sabre 53
- Hurricane Sabre Comet 37
- Hurricane Khartu-Al 53
- Terrapin Prospector 84
- Terrapin Constellation Taurus 33
- Terrapin Freelancer MAX 86
- Terrapin F7C-M Super Hornet Mk I 52
- Terrapin Freelancer MIS 63
- Terrapin Vulcan 36
- Terrapin Gladiator 73
- Terrapin Khartu-Al 65
- Terrapin Sabre 65
- Valkyrie Constellation Aquila 78
- Valkyrie Endeavor 42
- Valkyrie Starfarer Gemini 52
- Valkyrie Crucible 42
- Valkyrie Glaive 42
Aopoa (Xi'an) Khartu-Al Prospector 29
- Khartu-Al Freelancer MAX 31
- Nox Aurora LN 22
- Nox Dragonfly Black 15
- Nox Dragonfly Yellowjacket 15
- Nox MPUV Cargo 27
- Nox Kue Aurora LN 17
- Nox Kue Dragonfly Black 15
- Nox Kue Dragonfly Yellowjacket 15
- Nox Kue Mustang Beta 15
- Nox Kue MPUV Personnel 15
- Nox Kue MPUV Cargo 22
- San'tok.yāi Constellation Taurus 56
- San'tok.yāi Hurricane 46
- San'tok.yāi Vulcan 56
ARGO Astronautics MPUV Cargo Mustang Alpha 15
- SRV F7C-R Hornet Tracker Mk I 26
- SRV Razor 31
- SRV Prospector 21
- SRV Freelancer MAX 26
- SRV Razor EX 21
Banu Merchantman Mole 239
- Merchantman Starfarer Gemini 220
- Merchantman Prowler 231
- Merchantman 600i Touring 236
- Merchantman 600i Explorer 194
- Merchantman Genesis Starliner 273
- Defender Constellation Taurus 31
- Defender Retaliator 84
- Defender Cutlass Blue 57
- Defender Freelancer MIS 65
- Defender Gladiator 70
- Defender Khartu-Al 65
- Defender Sabre 65
- Defender F7C Hornet Wildfire Mk I 59
- Defender F7C-M Super Hornet Mk I 50
Consolidated outland Mustang Delta Mustang Gamma 22
- Mustang Delta Avenger Stalker 15
Crusader Industries Genesis Starliner Constellation Aquila 115
- Genesis Starliner Endeavor 73
- Ares Inferno Constellation Andromeda 26
- Ares Ion Constellation Andromeda 26
- A2 Hercules 600i Touring 393
- A2 Hercules 600i Explorer 351
- A2 Hercules Carrack 220
- A2 Hercules Constellation Aquila 519
- A2 Hercules Crucible 483
- A2 Hercules Endeavor 483
- A2 Hercules Hull D 273
- A2 Hercules Merchantman 168
- A2 Hercules Orion 168
- A2 Hercules Prowler 388
- A2 Hercules Reclaimer 430
- A2 Hercules Starfarer Gemini 504
- C2 Hercules Constellation Aquila 110
- C2 Hercules Valkyrie 47
- C2 Hercules Crucible 73
- C2 Hercules Endeavor 73
- C2 Hercules Glaive 73
- C2 Hercules Starfarer Gemini 84
- M2 Hercules Constellation Aquila 236
- M2 Hercules 600i Touring 110
- M2 Hercules 600i Explorer 68
- M2 Hercules C2 Hercules 147
- M2 Hercules Crucible 199
- M2 Hercules Endeavor 199
- M2 Hercules Genesis Starliner 147
- M2 Hercules Prowler 105
- M2 Hercules Reclaimer 147
- M2 Hercules Starfarer Gemini 210
- A1 Spirit F7C-R Hornet Tracker Mk I 63
- A1 Spirit Razor 68
- A1 Spirit Khartu-Al 42
- A1 Spirit F7C-M Super Hornet Mk I 26
- A1 Spirit Sabre 42
- A1 Spirit Prospector 57
- A1 Spirit Zeus Mk II MR 21
- C1 Spirit Freelancer 26
- C1 Spirit Legionnaire 15
- C1 Spirit Nova 15
- C1 Spirit Cutlass Black 26
- C1 Spirit Talon 21
- C1 Spirit Talon Shrike 21
- E1 Spirit Razor 15
- Mercury Star Runner Prospector 120
- Mercury Star Runner San'tok.yāi 31
- Mercury Star Runner Defender 52
- Mercury Star Runner F7C Hornet Wildfire Mk I 99
- Mercury Star Runner F7C-M Super Hornet Mk I 89
- Mercury Star Runner Freelancer MIS 99
- Mercury Star Runner Hurricane 63
- Mercury Star Runner Khartu-Al 105
- Mercury Star Runner Razor EX 120
- Mercury Star Runner Sabre Comet 89
- Mercury Star Runner Sabre 105
- Mercury Star Runner Terrapin 52
- Mercury Star Runner Vulcan 73
Drake Interplanetary Caterpillar Constellation Andromeda 116
- Caterpillar Constellation Aquila 36
- Caterpillar Retaliator Bomber 78
- Caterpillar Best in Show Edition Vanguard Harbinger 89
- Corsair Prospector 115
- Corsair Constellation Taurus 68
- Corsair Freelancer MAX 120
- Corsair Freelancer MIS 94
- Corsair Sabre 99
- Corsair Sabre Comet 84
- Corsair Gladiator 105
- Corsair F7C-M Super Hornet Mk I 84
- Corsair F7C-M Super Hornet Heartseeker Mk I 68
- Corsair F7C Hornet Wildfire Mk I 94
- Corsair Vulcan 68
- Corsair Hurricane 57
- Corsair Razor EX 115
- Corsair Khartu-Al 99
- Cutlass Black Best In Show Gladius 52
- Cutlass Blue F7C-R Hornet Tracker Mk I 36
- Cutlass Blue Razor 36
- Cutlass Blue Prospector 31
- Cutlass Steel Constellation Taurus 47
- Cutlass Steel Railen 21
- Cutlass Steel Defender 26
- Cutlass Steel Terrapin 26
- Cutlass Steel Vulcan 47
- Cutlass Steel Hurricane 36
- Cutlass Steel F7C-M Super Hornet Heartseeker Mk I 47
- Dragonfly Black MPUV Cargo 15
- Herald 325A 26
- Herald Avenger Titan Renegade 21
- Vulture Prospector 31
- Vulture Razor EX 31
- Vulture Sabre 15
- Vulture Khartu-Al 15
- Vulture Gladiator 21
- Vulture SRV 21
Esperia Blade Constellation Andromeda 52
- Glaive Constellation Aquila 52
- Glaive Starfarer Gemini 26
- Talon Gladius 42
- Talon Reliant Mako 36
- Talon Freelancer 21
- Talon Cutlass Black 21
- Talon Buccaneer 21
- Talon Shrike Gladius 42
- Talon Shrike Reliant Mako 36
- Talon Shrike Freelancer 21
- Talon Shrike Cutlass Black 21
- Talon Shrike Buccaneer 21
- Prowler Constellation Aquila 147
- Prowler Reclaimer 57
- Prowler Genesis Starliner 57
- Prowler Endeavor 110
- Prowler Crucible 110
- Prowler 600i Touring 42
MISC Freelancer MIS Prospector 32
- Freelancer MIS Freelancer MAX 37
- Freelancer MIS Gladiator 22
- Freelancer MIS Sabre 16
- Freelancer MIS Razor EX 32
- Endeavor Constellation Aquila 78
- Endeavor Starfarer Gemini 52
- Hull A 300I 42
- Hull A Mustang Gamma 47
- Hull B 325A 94
- Hull C Constellation Andromeda 294
- Hull D Constellation Aquila 278
- Hull D Starfarer Gemini 262
- Razor F7C-R Hornet Tracker Mk I 15
- Razor Nova 36
- Razor LX F7C-S Hornet Ghost Mk I 21
- Razor LX Freelancer DUR 26
- Razor LX Razor 15
- Razor LX 350r 36
- Razor EX Freelancer MAX 15
- Razor EX Retaliator 15
- Razor EX Razor LX 15
- Reliant Tana 325a 15
- Reliant Sen Arrow 21
- Reliant Mako Gladius 15
- Starfarer Constellation Andromeda 76
- Starfarer Vanguard Warden 55
- Starfarer Vanguard Harbinger 24
- Starfarer Vanguard Sentinel 39
- Starfarer Vanguard Hoplite 76
- Starfarer Blade 39
- Starfarer Retaliator Bomber 39
- Starfarer Apollo Medivac 39
- Starfarer Gemini Constellation Aquila 57
- Starfarer Gemini Redeemer 21
- Starfarer Gemini Mole 47
Origin Jumpworks 350r Freelancer 28
- 350r Nova 17
- 350r Legionnaire 17
- 350r Talon 23
- 350r Talon Shrike 23
- M50 Gladius 22
- 85X Aurora CL 15
- 100i Dragonfly Black 18
- 100i Dragonfly Yellowjacket 18
- 100i MPUV Personnel 22
- 100i Mustang Beta 22
- 100i X1 16
- 125a 100i 22
- 125a 85X 19
- 125a Ursa 19
- 125a X1 Force 14
- 135C 100i 27
- 135C 125a 15
- 135C 300i 14
- 135C Cyclone 19
- 135C Mustang Gamma 19
- X1 Mustang Alpha 26
- X1 Aurora LN 15
- X1 MPUV Cargo 21
- X1 Velocity Mustang Beta 21
- X1 Velocity MPUV Personnel 21
- X1 Velocity X1 15
- X1 Force Aurora CL 21
- X1 Force X1 Velocity 15
- X1 Force Nox 21
- 400i Constellation Andromeda 21
- 400i Vanguard Hoplite 21
- 400i Constellation Andromeda 21
- 400i Scorpius 31
- 600i Touring Constellation Aquila 147
- 600i Touring Constellation Phoenix 110
- 600i Touring Reclaimer 57
- 600i Touring Starfarer Gemini 120
- 600i Touring Endeavor 110
- 600i Touring Crucible 110
- 600i Touring Eclipse 162
- 600i Touring Genesis Starliner 57
- 600i Touring C2 Hercules 57
- 600i Explorer 600i Touring 63
- 600i Explorer Constellation Aquila 189
- 600i Explorer Prowler 57
- 600i Explorer Genesis Starliner 99
- 600i Explorer Starfarer Gemini 162
- 600i Explorer Endeavor 152
- 600i Explorer Reclaimer 99
- 600i Explorer Crucible 152
- 600i Explorer C2 Hercules 99
RSI Apollo Triage Constellation Andromeda 23
- Apollo Triage San'tok.yāi 23
- Apollo Medivac Constellation Andromeda 49
- Apollo Medivac Vanguard Warden 26
- Apollo Medivac Apollo Triage 36
- Apollo Medivac Vanguard Hoplite 47
- Constellation Taurus F7C-R Hornet Tracker Mk I 42
- Constellation Taurus Razor 47
- Mantis Razor 15
- Mantis Ballista 21
- Perseus Mole 409
- Perseus Carrack 110
- Perseus Carrack W/C8X 89
- Perseus Carrack Expedition 84
- Perseus Carrack Expedition W/C8X 63
- Perseus Merchantman 57
- Perseus Orion 57
- Perseus 600i Explorer 241
- Perseus M2 Hercules 194
- Perseus Hull D 162
- Polaris Constellation Aquila 530
- Polaris Perseus 183
- Polaris M2 Hercules 357
- Polaris Nautilus Solstice Edition 149
- Polaris Hammerhead 149
- Polaris Carrack 367
- Polaris Crucible 499
- Polaris Merchantman 210
- Polaris Orion 178
- Orion Constellation Aquila 249
- Orion Starfarer 255
- Orion 600i Touring 273
- Orion Reclaimer 294
- Orion Genesis Starliner 294
- Orion M2 Hercules 168
- Orion Prowler 252
CCUs from more to less expensive ships
Target ship manufacturer Target ship Upgrade from Price, $
Aegis Dynamics Eclipse Redeemer 64
- Eclipse Caterpillar 17
- Vanguard Harbinger Constellation Aquila 17
- Vanguard Hoplite Constellation Andromeda 30
- Reclaimer Hull D 94
- Reclaimer Merchantman 78
- Vulcan Defender 26
- Vulcan Terrapin 15
- Sabre Constellation Taurus 32
- Sabre Freelancer MIS 16
- Sabre Comet Constellation Taurus 52
- Retaliator Bomber Redeemer 36
- Vanguard Harbinger Redeemer 57
- Vanguard Sentinel Redeemer 42
- Vanguard Warden Redeemer 26
- Vanguard Warden Hull C 26
Anvil Aerospace F7C-M Super Hornet Constellation Taurus 47
- F7C Hornet Wildfire Constellation Taurus 37
- Gladiator Constellation Taurus 26
- F7C-M Super Hornet Heartseeker Defender 21
- Hurricane Defender 21
- Gladiator Constellation Taurus 26
- Gladiator Cutlass Blue 28
- Valkyrie Hull D 42
- Valkyrie Merchantman 47
- Valkyrie C2 Hercules 31
Aopoa (Xi'an) Khartu-Al Constellation Taurus 31
Consolidated outland Mustang Delta Hull A 15
Crusader Industries Genesis Starliner Hull D 73
- Genesis Starliner Merchantman 73
- C2 Hercules Hull D 31
- C2 Hercules Merchantman 42
- M2 Hercules Orion 52
Drake Interplanetary Corsair Defender 42
Esperia Prowler Merchantman 120
- Prowler Hull D 105
MISC Freelancer MIS Constellation Taurus 37
- Freelancer MIS Cutlass Blue 37
- Razor Freelancer MAX 15
- Razor EX Constellation Taurus 15
- Razor EX Cutlass Blue 15
- Starfarer Constellation Aquila 37
- Starfarer Caterpillar 18
Origin Jumpworks 350r Cutlass Red 15
- 600i Touring Hull D 110
- 600i Touring Prowler 110
- 600i Explorer Merchantman 152
- 600i Explorer Carrack 99
RSI Apollo Triage Mercury Star Runner 42
- Orion Carrack 120
Click here to continue to 2nd part of the store
New players - use this code (STAR-MRG5-2TBJ) on registration to get additional 5000 UEC for free! (just click this link)
submitted by Furystorm to Starcitizen_trades [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 11:01 warp-factor Match Thread: County Championship - Round 7 - Day 3 & Charlotte Edwards Cup

2024 County Championship - Round 7 - Day 3 & Charlotte Edwards Cup
ECB nvPlay Match Centre - County Championship - Charlotte Edwards Cup - Central Repository of Scorecards and clips of every boundary and wicket
Live Video Streams: Every match is broadcast free online and available worldwide. These streams are hosted on the home team's YouTube channels which are linked against each match below. They can also be accessed on the ECB Website (free account required) and via nvPlay (linked above)
Live Radio Streams: Ball-by-ball radio coverage of every County Championship match, and selected Women's regional matches, is provided by BBC Local Radio. The radio streams are found on the BBC Live Text Commentary Page for the day and are accessible worldwide.
All of today's County Championship matches start at 11am BST. Lunch is at 1pm. Tea at 3:40pm or after 64 overs, whichever is later. Stumps at 6pm or when they finish the 96 overs for the day, whichever is later.
County Championship Division 1
Essex vs Warwickshire at The Essex County Ground - YouTube - Weather Forecast - Scorecard
Lancashire vs Durham at Stanley Park - YouTube - Weather Forecast - Scorecard
Nottinghamshire vs Hampshire at Trent Bridge - YouTube - Weather Forecast - Scorecard
Somerset vs Kent at The County Ground, Taunton - YouTube - Weather Forecast - Scorecard
Surrey vs Worcestershire at The Oval - YouTube - Weather Forecast - Scorecard
County Championship Division 2
Derbyshire vs Northamptonshire at The County Cricket Ground, Derby - YouTube - Weather Forecast - Scorecard
Glamorgan vs Middlesex at Sophia Gardens - YouTube - Weather Forecast - Scorecard
Leicestershire vs Gloucestershire at Grace Road - YouTube - Weather Forecast - Scorecard
Sussex vs Yorkshire at The County Cricket Ground, Hove - YouTube - Weather Forecast - Scorecard
Charlotte Edwards Cup
13:00 - Thunder vs Northern Diamonds at Old Trafford - YouTube - Weather Forecast - Scorecard
14:30 - Central Sparks vs Sunrisers at New Road - YouTube - Weather Forecast - Scorecard
14:30 - Western Storm vs South East Stars at The County Ground, Bristol - YouTube - Weather Forecast - Scorecard
County Championship Standings after Round 6:
Division 1
P W T L D A BatBP BowBP Adj Pts
1 Surrey 5 3 0 0 2 0 16 15 0 95
2 Essex 5 2 0 1 2 0 12 14 0 74
3 Somerset 5 1 0 0 4 0 11 13 0 72
4 Nottinghamshire 5 1 0 1 3 0 11 14 0 65
5 Durham 5 1 0 0 3 1 8 5 0 61
6 Warwickshire 5 0 0 1 4 0 15 12 0 59
7 Worcestershire 5 0 0 1 4 0 13 13 0 58
8 Kent 5 1 0 1 3 0 5 11 0 56
9 Hampshire 5 0 0 1 3 1 7 7 -2* 44
10 Lancashire 5 0 0 3 2 0 5 10 0 31
* Hampshire: 2 points deducted for slow over-rate in match against Surrey on 26th April 2024
Division 2
P W T L D A BatBP BowBP Adj Pts
1 Sussex 5 2 0 1 2 0 17 14 -1* 78
2 Middlesex 5 1 0 0 4 0 9 11 0 68
3 Leicestershire 5 0 0 0 5 0 17 11 0 68
4 Glamorgan 5 1 0 0 4 0 9 10 0 67
5 Gloucestershire 5 1 0 1 2 1 11 11 0 62
6 Yorkshire 5 0 0 1 4 0 13 15 0 60
7 Northamptonshire 5 0 0 1 4 0 14 11 0 57
8 Derbyshire 5 0 0 1 3 1 4 8 -1* 43
* Derbyshire: 1 point deducted for slow over-rate in match against Sussex on 3rd May 2024, Sussex: 1 point deducted for slow over-rate in match against Derbyshire on 3rd May 2024
Points: 16 for a win, 8 for a draw, 8 for a tie, 8 for an Abandonment. 1 bonus point for reaching 250 runs. 1 additional point for each 50 runs after that scored within the first 110 overs of the first innings. Maximum 5 points for 450. 1 bonus point for each 3 wickets taken in the first 110 overs of the first innings
submitted by warp-factor to Cricket [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 09:31 dafunkz07 [Store] TI9 & TI10 Cache (big discount for big orders)

[WTS]Treasure Cache I & II 2019


- Huge Discount for bulk orders (>100$)

- Massive Discount for FULL set buyer (normal till very rare)


3 simple steps to deal

  1. Please add BOTH my main account , 2nd acc with more ES/gothic whispecincer sensei

    WARNING### KINDLY TAKE NOTE TO ONLY ADD THIS 2 ACCOUNT (There are active scammeimpersonator trying to scam you via fake account)

  2. Comment on my profile (eg: Added for Cache Set 2019 - Cinder Sensei)
  3. Wait for 30 days to complete the deal (I may or may not require deposits depending on scale of purchase)
----------Treasure Cache I 2019---------- --------Hero-------- Quantity Price(USD)
Echoes of the Everblack Abaddon 4 $14
Allure of the Faeshade Flower Dark Willow 8 $10
Paean of the Ink Dragon Grimstroke 13 $7
Scorched Amber Dragon Knight 10 $15
Priest of the Proudsilver Clan Chen 9 $5
The Arts of Mortal Deception Enigma 17 $10
Poacher's Bane Tidehunter 12 $7
Soul of the Brightshroud Death Prophet 11 $7
Curse of the Creeping Vine*only via full cache I purchase Undying 4 $24
Pursuit of the Ember Demons Huskar 13 $15
Appetites of the Lizard King Slark 7 $18
Forbidden Medicine Dazzle 12 $15
Riddle of the Hierophant Oracle 12 $5
Glimmer of the Sacred Hunt Drow Ranger 7 $29
Adornments of the Jade Emissary*only via full cache I purchase Earth Spirit 3 $29
Defender of Ruin (Rare) Disruptor 15 $19
----------Treasure Cache II 2019---------- --------Hero-------- Quantity Price(USD)
Sight of the Kha-Ren Faithful Drow Ranger 17 $15
Tribal Pathways Warlock 18 $7
Directive of the Sunbound Clockwerk 12 $7
Souls Tyrant Shadow Fiend 10 $19
Endless Night Abaddon 4 $9
Dapper Disguise Pudge 12 $14
Fury of the Bloodforge Bloodseeker 14 $9
Automaton Antiquity Broodmother 13 $5
Tales of the Windward Rogue Pangolier 5 $29
Grim Destiny Wraith King 14 $9
Distinguished Expeditionary Tusk 15 $10
Verdant Predator Venomancer 14 $7
Prized Acquisitions Batrider 19 $5
Fowl Omen (Rare) Necrophos 15 $19
Cinder Sensei (Very Rare) Ember Spirit 2 $99
----------Treasure Cache I 2020---------- --------Hero-------- Quantity Price(USD)
Origin of the Dark Oath*only above 100$ combined purchase Night Stalker 3 $24
Ravenous Abyss*only above 100$ combined purchase Underlord 2 $12
Apocalypse Unbound Ancient Apparition 9 $9
Beholden of the Banished Ones *only above 100$ combined purchase Warlock 1 $19
Fury of the Righteous Storm Disruptor 8 $7
Lineage of the Stormlords Juggernaut 4 $29
Silent Slayer*only via full cache I purchase Silencer 2 $14
Mindless Slaughter Pudge 7 $14
Heartless Hunt Bounty Hunter 5 $14
Herald of the Ember Eye Grimstroke 5 $7
Fissured Flight Jakiro 5 $7
Flashpoint Proselyte Huskar 9 $13
Signs of the Allfather*only above 100$ combined purchase Nature's Prophet 2 $15
Glory of the Elderflame Lina X $29
Songs of Starfall Glen*only above 100$ combined purchase Enchantress 2 $9
Ancient Inheritance (Rare) Tiny 10 $19
Forsworn Legacy (Very Rare) Mars 5 $59
----------Treasure Cache II 2020---------- --------Hero-------- Quantity Price(USD)
Evolution of the Infinite Enigma 5 $9
Beast of the Crimson Ring Bristleback 4 $11
Clearcut Cavalier Timbersaw 3 $14
The King Of Thieves Keeper of the Light 5 $9
Horror from the Deep Tidehunter 3 $19
Ire of the Ancient Gaoler Arc Warden X $29
Talons of the Endless Storm Chaos Knight 9 $11
Carousal of the Mystic Masquerade Rubick 8 $9
Crown of Calaphas*only above 100$ combined purchase Shadow Demon 1 $9
Wrath of the Fallen Doom 9 $14
Blacksail Cannoneer Sniper 7 $14
Secrets of the Celestial Skywrath Mage 7 $9
Blaze of Oblivion Phoenix 8 $9
Master of the Searing Path Ember Spirit X $29
Steward of the Forbidden Chamber (Rare) Templar Assasin 8 $19
Claszureme Incursion (Very Rare) Faceless Void 3 $69
submitted by dafunkz07 to Dota2Trade [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 00:00 FappidyDat [H] TF2 Keys & PayPal [W] Humble Bundle Games (Also Games From Past Bundles), Bad Rats

I pay with the following:
TF2 & PayPal
I BUY HB Games with TF2 with PayPal Currently Active Humble Bundle?
7 Days to Die 0.8 TF2 $1.56 PP -
A Little To The Left 2.1 TF2 $3.98 PP -
Alien: Isolation 1.5 TF2 $2.93 PP -
Aliens: Fireteam Elite 1.4 TF2 $2.69 PP -
Arma 3 4.2 TF2 $7.95 PP -
Assetto Corsa Ultimate Edition 1.9 TF2 $3.56 PP -
Automobilista 2 1.6 TF2 $3.03 PP -
BIOMUTANT 1.4 TF2 $2.75 PP -
BROFORCE 0.8 TF2 $1.46 PP -
Baldur's Gate II: Enhanced Edition 0.8 TF2 $1.43 PP -
Baldur's Gate: Enhanced Edition 0.8 TF2 $1.44 PP -
Barony 2.6 TF2 $4.9 PP -
Barotrauma 3.8 TF2 $7.26 PP -
Batman - The Telltale Series 1.3 TF2 $2.43 PP -
Batman Arkham Collection 1.1 TF2 $2.08 PP -
Batman: Arkham Origins 0.6 TF2 $1.21 PP -
Batman™: Arkham Knight Premium Edition 1.0 TF2 $1.83 PP -
Bayonetta 0.7 TF2 $1.34 PP -
Beyond Two Souls 1.7 TF2 $3.31 PP -
Blasphemous 1.4 TF2 $2.69 PP -
Bloodstained: Ritual of the Night 0.5 TF2 $0.91 PP -
Borderlands 3 Super Deluxe Edition 4.9 TF2 $9.36 PP -
Borderlands 3 3.1 TF2 $5.88 PP -
Borderlands: The Handsome Collection 3.0 TF2 $5.73 PP -
Builder Simulator 0.4 TF2 $0.78 PP -
Celeste 0.8 TF2 $1.57 PP -
Chernobylite Enhanced Edition 0.9 TF2 $1.78 PP -
Cities: Skylines 2.2 TF2 $4.18 PP -
Code Vein 1.2 TF2 $2.26 PP -
Conan Exiles 2.5 TF2 $4.79 PP -
Contractors 2.9 TF2 $5.56 PP -
Control Ultimate Edition 2.6 TF2 $4.85 PP -
Crusader Kings III 4.4 TF2 $8.38 PP -
DARK SOULS™ II: Scholar of the First Sin 4.8 TF2 $9.15 PP -
Dark Souls III 7.2 TF2 $13.74 PP -
Dark Souls III: Deluxe Edition 9.9 TF2 $18.86 PP -
DayZ 10.6 TF2 $20.07 PP -
Dead Island - Definitive Edition 0.8 TF2 $1.52 PP -
Dead Island Definitive Collection 0.9 TF2 $1.72 PP -
Dead Island Riptide Definitive Edition 0.7 TF2 $1.24 PP -
Dead by Daylight 3.1 TF2 $5.97 PP -
Deep Rock Galactic 3.0 TF2 $5.62 PP -
Destiny 2: Beyond Light 1.0 TF2 $1.85 PP -
Destiny 2: Bungie 30th Anniversary Pack 1.3 TF2 $2.47 PP -
Destiny 2: Forsaken Pack 1.0 TF2 $1.9 PP -
Destiny 2: Lightfall 4.0 TF2 $7.55 PP -
Destiny 2: Shadowkeep 1.0 TF2 $1.93 PP -
Destiny 2: The Witch Queen 2.0 TF2 $3.85 PP -
Destroy All Humans! 2 - Reprobed 0.7 TF2 $1.4 PP -
Devil May Cry HD Collection 1.8 TF2 $3.45 PP -
Devil May Cry® 4 Special Edition 1.4 TF2 $2.74 PP -
DiRT Rally 0.8 TF2 $1.51 PP -
Disco Elysium - The Final Cut 1.6 TF2 $2.95 PP -
Doom Eternal 2.2 TF2 $4.17 PP -
Dragon Ball FighterZ 2.0 TF2 $3.79 PP -
Dragons Dogma - Dark Arisen 0.9 TF2 $1.77 PP -
Dungeon Defenders 3.0 TF2 $5.78 PP -
ELEX II 0.8 TF2 $1.57 PP -
Europa Universalis IV 3.2 TF2 $6.16 PP -
Expeditions: Rome 0.5 TF2 $0.89 PP -
FTL: Faster Than Light 0.7 TF2 $1.41 PP -
Fallout: A Post Nuclear Role Playing Game 0.4 TF2 $0.81 PP -
Farming Simulator 19 2.2 TF2 $4.23 PP -
For The King 0.5 TF2 $0.92 PP -
Forager 0.8 TF2 $1.58 PP -
Frostpunk 0.8 TF2 $1.51 PP -
GRID 2 1.9 TF2 $3.66 PP -
Gang Beasts 2.6 TF2 $4.97 PP -
Gas Station Simulator 3.1 TF2 $5.8 PP -
Generation Zero® 0.7 TF2 $1.36 PP -
Ghostwire Tokyo 1.4 TF2 $2.69 PP -
Goat Simulator 0.4 TF2 $0.8 PP -
Golf It! 1.8 TF2 $3.42 PP -
Gotham Knights 1.5 TF2 $2.83 PP -
Graveyard Keeper 0.5 TF2 $0.9 PP -
Grim Dawn 2.5 TF2 $4.66 PP -
Hell Let Loose 7.1 TF2 $13.47 PP -
Hellblade: Senua's Sacrifice 1.4 TF2 $2.69 PP -
Hitman Absolution 0.4 TF2 $0.79 PP -
Hollow Knight 3.4 TF2 $6.43 PP -
Homeworld Remastered Collection 0.4 TF2 $0.78 PP -
Hotline Miami 0.5 TF2 $0.87 PP -
House Flipper 2.0 TF2 $3.89 PP -
Injustice 2 Legendary Edition 0.6 TF2 $1.2 PP -
Into the Radius VR 2.9 TF2 $5.5 PP -
Jurassic World Evolution 2 2.7 TF2 $5.19 PP -
Just Cause 3 XXL Edition 1.4 TF2 $2.63 PP -
Keep Talking and Nobody Explodes 1.7 TF2 $3.16 PP -
Kerbal Space Program 1.1 TF2 $2.07 PP -
Killing Floor 2 0.6 TF2 $1.14 PP -
Kingdom: Two Crowns 1.5 TF2 $2.94 PP -
LEGO Marvel Super Heroes 2 - Deluxe Edition 0.9 TF2 $1.77 PP -
LEGO Star Wars : The Complete Saga 0.6 TF2 $1.17 PP -
LEGO Star Wars III: The Clone Wars 0.6 TF2 $1.22 PP -
LEGO® City Undercover 0.7 TF2 $1.3 PP -
LEGO® Jurassic World™ 0.8 TF2 $1.57 PP -
Lethal League Blaze 1.8 TF2 $3.44 PP -
Life is Strange 2 Complete Season 1.4 TF2 $2.72 PP -
Life is Strange: True Colors 1.5 TF2 $2.82 PP -
Little Nightmares 1.1 TF2 $2.06 PP -
Loop Hero 0.8 TF2 $1.44 PP -
METAL GEAR SOLID V: The Definitive Experience 3.5 TF2 $6.61 PP -
Mad Max 0.7 TF2 $1.3 PP -
Mafia: Definitive Edition 2.4 TF2 $4.56 PP -
Mass Effect™ Legendary Edition 4.7 TF2 $8.87 PP -
MechWarrior 5: Mercenaries 2.6 TF2 $4.89 PP -
Men of War: Assault Squad 2 Deluxe Edition 1.3 TF2 $2.4 PP -
Metro 2033 Redux 0.5 TF2 $0.92 PP -
Metro Exodus 1.3 TF2 $2.47 PP -
Metro Redux Bundle 0.7 TF2 $1.25 PP -
Middle-earth™: Shadow of War™ Definitive Edition 0.9 TF2 $1.65 PP -
Midnight Ghost Hunt 0.8 TF2 $1.45 PP -
Monster Hunter World: Iceborne 3.5 TF2 Refer To My Other Thread $6.73 PP Refer To My Other Thread Monster Hunter: World & Rise Saga Bundle
Monster Hunter: World 2.0 TF2 Refer To My Other Thread $3.87 PP Refer To My Other Thread Monster Hunter: World & Rise Saga Bundle
Mordhau 1.9 TF2 $3.6 PP -
Mortal Kombat XL 0.6 TF2 $1.13 PP -
Mortal Shell 0.5 TF2 $0.97 PP -
NASCAR Heat 5 - Ultimate Edition 0.4 TF2 $0.75 PP -
NBA 2K23 5.3 TF2 $10.16 PP -
Naruto Shippuden: Ultimate Ninja Storm 4 2.2 TF2 $4.18 PP -
Naruto to Boruto Shinobi Striker 0.9 TF2 $1.76 PP -
Nioh 2 - The Complete Edition 2.7 TF2 $5.18 PP -
Nobody Saves the World 0.5 TF2 $0.95 PP -
Northgard 2.4 TF2 $4.5 PP -
Orcs Must Die! 3 1.6 TF2 $3.01 PP -
Outlast 2 0.9 TF2 $1.68 PP -
Overcooked! 2 1.2 TF2 $2.3 PP -
PC Building Simulator 0.6 TF2 $1.14 PP -
PGA TOUR 2K21 0.9 TF2 $1.8 PP -
Plague Inc: Evolved 1.9 TF2 $3.56 PP -
Planet Coaster 2.4 TF2 $4.59 PP -
Planet Zoo 2.5 TF2 $4.75 PP -
PlateUp! 1.0 TF2 $1.85 PP -
Prison Architect 2.7 TF2 $5.14 PP -
Project Wingman 1.5 TF2 $2.94 PP -
RESIDENT EVIL 3 2.0 TF2 $3.76 PP -
Rain World 0.9 TF2 $1.78 PP -
Remnant: From the Ashes - Complete Edition 2.5 TF2 $4.69 PP -
Resident Evil 4 Ultimate HD Edition 1.0 TF2 $1.83 PP -
Resident Evil 5 GOLD Edition 1.1 TF2 $2.04 PP -
Resident Evil 6 1.3 TF2 $2.46 PP -
Resident Evil® 5 1.7 TF2 $3.18 PP -
Rising Storm 2: Vietnam 0.5 TF2 $0.9 PP -
Road 96 0.5 TF2 $1.02 PP -
SCUM 4.7 TF2 $8.86 PP -
STAR WARS™ Knights of the Old Republic™ II - The Sith Lords™ 0.5 TF2 $0.91 PP -
Satisfactory 5.0 TF2 $9.55 PP -
Scorn 0.8 TF2 $1.49 PP -
Sid Meier's Civilization VI 1.2 TF2 $2.33 PP -
Slay the Spire 2.5 TF2 $4.79 PP -
Sleeping Dogs™ Definitive Edition 1.0 TF2 $1.95 PP -
Slime Rancher 1.1 TF2 $2.11 PP -
Sniper Elite 4 1.0 TF2 $1.96 PP -
Space Engineers 2.6 TF2 $4.91 PP -
Spec Ops: The Line 4.3 TF2 $8.21 PP -
SpeedRunners 0.4 TF2 $0.82 PP -
Spintires: MudRunner 1.0 TF2 $1.85 PP -
Squad 6.7 TF2 $12.77 PP -
Star Wars Republic Commando™ 0.4 TF2 $0.82 PP -
Star Wars: Jedi Knight: Jedi Academy 0.4 TF2 $0.71 PP -
Star Wars® Empire at War™: Gold Pack 0.6 TF2 $1.09 PP -
State of Decay 2: Juggernaut Edition 4.9 TF2 $9.37 PP -
Stellaris 3.3 TF2 $6.25 PP -
Stellaris: Federations 2.7 TF2 $5.11 PP -
Streets of Rogue 0.5 TF2 $0.91 PP -
Subnautica 5.3 TF2 $10.08 PP -
Sunset Overdrive 0.8 TF2 $1.52 PP -
TEKKEN 7 1.9 TF2 $3.56 PP -
The Ascent 0.6 TF2 $1.18 PP -
The Dark Pictures Anthology: House of Ashes 1.3 TF2 $2.42 PP -
The Dark Pictures Anthology: Man of Medan 2.2 TF2 $4.21 PP -
The Escapists 2 1.0 TF2 Refer To My Other Thread $1.89 PP Refer To My Other Thread Team17: From Gold Greens to Battle Scenes Bundle
The Jackbox Party Pack 3 2.3 TF2 $4.45 PP -
The Jackbox Party Pack 5 2.3 TF2 $4.33 PP -
The Jackbox Party Pack 7 3.6 TF2 $6.81 PP -
The LEGO® Movie Videogame 0.4 TF2 $0.73 PP -
The Mortuary Assistant 3.9 TF2 $7.41 PP -
The Outer Worlds: Spacer's Choice Edition 2.7 TF2 $5.1 PP -
The Quarry Deluxe Edition 2.7 TF2 $5.21 PP -
The Universim 3.0 TF2 $5.78 PP -
The Walking Dead: A New Frontier 0.7 TF2 $1.42 PP -
The Walking Dead: Season Two 0.4 TF2 $0.79 PP -
The Walking Dead: The Final Season 1.2 TF2 $2.25 PP -
The Walking Dead: The Telltale Definitive Series 3.4 TF2 $6.41 PP -
The Witness 0.8 TF2 $1.58 PP -
The Wolf Among Us 1.3 TF2 $2.53 PP -
Total War SHOGUN 2 Collection 1.8 TF2 $3.48 PP -
Total War: Attila 1.6 TF2 $3.12 PP -
Total War: Napoleon - Definitive Edition 1.6 TF2 $3.05 PP -
Total War: ROME II - Emperor Edition 2.5 TF2 $4.68 PP -
Total War™: WARHAMMER® 3.1 TF2 $5.96 PP -
Totally Accurate Battle Simulator 1.7 TF2 $3.23 PP -
Trailmakers 0.7 TF2 $1.37 PP -
Tropico 6 1.6 TF2 $3.03 PP -
Two Point Campus 1.0 TF2 $1.83 PP -
Ultimate Chicken Horse 1.6 TF2 $2.96 PP -
Unpacking 0.9 TF2 $1.8 PP -
Unrailed! 0.9 TF2 $1.74 PP -
VTOL VR 4.6 TF2 $8.76 PP -
Victoria 3 1.4 TF2 $2.72 PP -
Viscera Cleanup Detail 1.4 TF2 $2.74 PP -
WRATH: Aeon of Ruin 0.7 TF2 $1.33 PP -
WWE 2K23 6.7 TF2 $12.75 PP -
Warhammer 40,000 Dawn of War III 2.2 TF2 $4.17 PP -
Warhammer 40,000: Chaos Gate - Daemonhunters 1.9 TF2 $3.6 PP -
Warhammer 40,000: Dawn of War - Master Collection 1.7 TF2 $3.28 PP -
Warhammer: Vermintide 2 0.7 TF2 $1.41 PP -
Wasteland 3 1.8 TF2 $3.46 PP -
Witch It 1.4 TF2 $2.65 PP -
Worms Armageddon 0.4 TF2 $0.84 PP -
Yakuza 0 3.1 TF2 $5.82 PP -
Yakuza 4 Remastered 0.5 TF2 $0.86 PP -
Zombie Army 4: Dead War 1.1 TF2 $2.02 PP -
rFactor 2 0.6 TF2 $1.11 PP -
IGS Rep Page:
SteamTrades Rep Page (1000+):
GameTrade Rep Page:
SGSFlair Rep Page:
submitted by FappidyDat to SteamGameSwap [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 23:09 Maggie_Jennings Attapoll, vernieuwd en beter

Hey Beermoney zoekers.
Pas geleden heeft AttaPoll zijn app vernieuwd. Buiten de layout lijkt ook het survey systeem anders. De payouts zijn hoger en er is veel meer keus. Heb ondertussen al twee offers gezien en gedaan van boven de 2 euro en zit momenteel op 7 euro alleen al vandaag. Vòòr deze update struggelde ik met 3 euro. Offers rangen van 50 cent tot 2.30 (nog geen offer gezien die meer bood).
Betalen uit via Paypal of Revolut, als je je bank hebt gekoppeld aan Paypal kan je het direct laten uitbetalen naar je bank.
Via mijn referall link krijg je 40 cent gratis en ik 20.
Ik nodig je uit om lid te worden van AttaPoll. Je wordt betaald om enquêtes in te vullen. Download de app hier: Or my code SIUPH
Veel succes!
PS Voor zo min mogelijk disqualificeringen, gebruik een leeftijd tussen 26-35. Zeg altijd dat je een auto op je naam hebt staan en dat jij alle zaken in huis regeld.
submitted by Maggie_Jennings to BeermoneyNL [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 20:33 dafunkz07 [Store] TI9 & TI10 Cache (big discount for big orders)

[WTS]Treasure Cache I & II 2019


- Huge Discount for bulk orders (>100$)

- Massive Discount for FULL set buyer (normal till very rare)


3 simple steps to deal

  1. Please add BOTH my main account , 2nd acc with more ES/gothic whispecincer sensei

    WARNING### KINDLY TAKE NOTE TO ONLY ADD THIS 2 ACCOUNT (There are active scammeimpersonator trying to scam you via fake account)

  2. Comment on my profile (eg: Added for Cache Set 2019 - Cinder Sensei)
  3. Wait for 30 days to complete the deal (I may or may not require deposits depending on scale of purchase)
----------Treasure Cache I 2019---------- --------Hero-------- Quantity Price(USD)
Echoes of the Everblack Abaddon 4 $14
Allure of the Faeshade Flower Dark Willow 8 $10
Paean of the Ink Dragon Grimstroke 13 $7
Scorched Amber Dragon Knight 10 $15
Priest of the Proudsilver Clan Chen 9 $5
The Arts of Mortal Deception Enigma 17 $10
Poacher's Bane Tidehunter 12 $7
Soul of the Brightshroud Death Prophet 11 $7
Curse of the Creeping Vine*only via full cache I purchase Undying 4 $24
Pursuit of the Ember Demons Huskar 13 $15
Appetites of the Lizard King Slark 7 $18
Forbidden Medicine Dazzle 12 $15
Riddle of the Hierophant Oracle 12 $5
Glimmer of the Sacred Hunt Drow Ranger 7 $29
Adornments of the Jade Emissary*only via full cache I purchase Earth Spirit 3 $29
Defender of Ruin (Rare) Disruptor 15 $19
----------Treasure Cache II 2019---------- --------Hero-------- Quantity Price(USD)
Sight of the Kha-Ren Faithful Drow Ranger 17 $15
Tribal Pathways Warlock 18 $7
Directive of the Sunbound Clockwerk 12 $7
Souls Tyrant Shadow Fiend 10 $19
Endless Night Abaddon 4 $9
Dapper Disguise Pudge 12 $14
Fury of the Bloodforge Bloodseeker 14 $9
Automaton Antiquity Broodmother 13 $5
Tales of the Windward Rogue Pangolier 5 $29
Grim Destiny Wraith King 14 $9
Distinguished Expeditionary Tusk 15 $10
Verdant Predator Venomancer 14 $7
Prized Acquisitions Batrider 19 $5
Fowl Omen (Rare) Necrophos 15 $19
Cinder Sensei (Very Rare) Ember Spirit 2 $99
----------Treasure Cache I 2020---------- --------Hero-------- Quantity Price(USD)
Origin of the Dark Oath*only above 100$ combined purchase Night Stalker 3 $24
Ravenous Abyss*only above 100$ combined purchase Underlord 2 $12
Apocalypse Unbound Ancient Apparition 9 $9
Beholden of the Banished Ones *only above 100$ combined purchase Warlock 1 $19
Fury of the Righteous Storm Disruptor 8 $7
Lineage of the Stormlords Juggernaut 4 $29
Silent Slayer*only via full cache I purchase Silencer 2 $14
Mindless Slaughter Pudge 7 $14
Heartless Hunt Bounty Hunter 5 $14
Herald of the Ember Eye Grimstroke 5 $7
Fissured Flight Jakiro 5 $7
Flashpoint Proselyte Huskar 9 $13
Signs of the Allfather*only above 100$ combined purchase Nature's Prophet 2 $15
Glory of the Elderflame Lina X $29
Songs of Starfall Glen*only above 100$ combined purchase Enchantress 2 $9
Ancient Inheritance (Rare) Tiny 10 $19
Forsworn Legacy (Very Rare) Mars 5 $59
----------Treasure Cache II 2020---------- --------Hero-------- Quantity Price(USD)
Evolution of the Infinite Enigma 5 $9
Beast of the Crimson Ring Bristleback 4 $11
Clearcut Cavalier Timbersaw 3 $14
The King Of Thieves Keeper of the Light 5 $9
Horror from the Deep Tidehunter 3 $19
Ire of the Ancient Gaoler Arc Warden X $29
Talons of the Endless Storm Chaos Knight 9 $11
Carousal of the Mystic Masquerade Rubick 8 $9
Crown of Calaphas*only above 100$ combined purchase Shadow Demon 1 $9
Wrath of the Fallen Doom 9 $14
Blacksail Cannoneer Sniper 7 $14
Secrets of the Celestial Skywrath Mage 7 $9
Blaze of Oblivion Phoenix 8 $9
Master of the Searing Path Ember Spirit X $29
Steward of the Forbidden Chamber (Rare) Templar Assasin 8 $19
Claszureme Incursion (Very Rare) Faceless Void 3 $69
submitted by dafunkz07 to Dota2Trade [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 15:44 Screwdatt Todays Games and PPV Events Trials available
Screwdatt, [5/18/2024 9:34 AM]
PPV BOXING 01: Fury vs Usyk
PPV BOXING 01: Fury vs Usyk FHD
PPV BOXING 02: Fury vs Usyk HD
PPV BOXING 03: Fury vs Usyk SD
PPV BOXING 04: Fury vs Usyk
PPV BOXING 05: Fury vs Usyk
PPV LIVE EVENT 02 - 10AM/12PM Fury v Usyk USA ET
PPV LIVE EVENT 03 - (SD) Fury v Usyk USA ET
Screwdatt, [5/18/2024 9:34 AM]
=== PPV UFC PACK ===
PPV UFC 00: PRELIMS : Barboza vs Murphy 8:00 PM ET
PPV UFC 01: UFC FIGHT NIGHT: Barboza vs Murphy 8:00 PM ET
PPV UFC 02: FIGHT NIGHT:Barboza vs Murphy 8:00 PM ET [ESPN+]
PPV UFC 03: UFC: Barboza vs Murphy 8:00 PM ET [ESPANOL]
PPV UFC 04: UFC: Barboza vs Murphy 8:00 PM ET [FR]
PPV UFC 05: UFC: Barboza vs Murphy 8:00 PM ET [STARZPLAY]
Screwdatt, [5/18/2024 9:34 AM]
PPV LIVE EVENT 01 - 4/7PM UFC Fight Night Barboza v Murphy
PPV LIVE EVENT 02 - 10AM/12PM Fury v Usyk
PPV LIVE EVENT 03 - (SD) Fury v Usyk
PPV LIVE EVENT 04 - 10AM UAE Warriors 50
PPV LIVE EVENT 05 - 12PM ADCC Phoenix Open
PPV LIVE EVENT 06 - 12:30/2PM Glory 92
PPV LIVE EVENT 07 - 2:50PM Petrosyan v Sanchez
PPV LIVE EVENT 08 - 7PM Navarrete v Berinchyk
PPV LIVE EVENT 09 - 7PM Boxing Next Generation Kissimmee
PPV LIVE EVENT 10 - 7PM Centurion FC 20
PPV LIVE EVENT 11 - 8PM GCW Most Notorious
PPV LIVE EVENT 12 - 9:30PM Combate Global Gonzalez v Lehane (en Espanol)
PPV LIVE EVENT 13 - 12PM Superbikes MotoAmerica Barber
PPV LIVE EVENT 14 - 12PM AMSOIL Off Road Dirt City
PPV LIVE EVENT 15 - 5:30PM Clyde Martin Memorial Sprints
Screwdatt, [5/18/2024 9:34 AM]
PPV LIVE EVENT 16 - 6PM Weekly Racing Utica Rome
PPV LIVE EVENT 17 - 6PM Weekly Racing Port Royal
PPV LIVE EVENT 18 - 6:15PM World of Outlaws Late Models
PPV LIVE EVENT 19 - 6:30PM Wayne County 410 Sprints
PPV LIVE EVENT 20 - 6:30PM Fireworks Night Eldora
PPV LIVE EVENT 21 - 6:45PM IRA Sprints Plymouth Dirt Track
PPV LIVE EVENT 22 - 7PM MARS Late Models Highland
PPV LIVE EVENT 23 - 7:30PM USAC Huncovsky Classic Belleville
PPV LIVE EVENT 24 - 7:30PM ARCA East Flat Rock
PPV LIVE EVENT 25 - 8PM USCS Sprint Cars Bakersfield
Screwdatt, [5/18/2024 9:34 AM]
PPV FA PLAYER 01 : Aston Villa vs Manchester City // UK Sat 18 May 3:00pm // ET Sat 18 May 10:00am
PPV FA PLAYER 02 : Manchester United vs Chelsea // UK Sat 18 May 3:00pm // ET Sat 18 May 10:00am
PPV FA PLAYER 03 : Leicester City vs Liverpool // UK Sat 18 May 3:00pm // ET Sat 18 May 10:00am
PPV FA PLAYER 04 : Tottenham Hotspur vs West Ham United // UK Sat 18 May 3:00pm // ET Sat 18 May 10:00am
PPV FA PLAYER 05 : Bristol City vs Everton // UK Sat 18 May 3:00pm // ET Sat 18 May 10:00am
PPV FA PLAYER 06 : Arsenal vs Brighton & Hove Albion // UK Sat 18 May 3:00pm // ET Sat 18 May 10:00am
Screwdatt, [5/18/2024 9:34 AM]
PPV MOLA EVENT 01 : Semi-Final Leg 2: Wellington Phoenix vs Melbourne Victory start:2024-05-18 07:30:00 stop:2024-05-18 11:40:00
PPV MOLA EVENT 01 : LPGA - Mizuho Americas Open - Round 3 start:2024-05-18 19:50:00 stop:2024-05-19 01:10:00
PPV MOLA EVENT 02 : Road to UFC Season 3 : Episode 1 & 2 start:2024-05-18 11:00:00 stop:2024-05-18 18:10:00
PPV MOLA EVENT 02 : UFC Fight Night: Barboza vs Murphy start:2024-05-18 20:50:00 stop:2024-05-19 07:10:00
PPV MOLA EVENT 03 : 2024 Stanley Cup Playoffs - Round 2 Game 6 : Vancouver Canucks at Edmonton Oilers start:2024-05-19 01:00:00 stop:2024-05-19 06:00:00
Screwdatt, [5/18/2024 9:34 AM]
PPV FLO RUGBY 00 : 2024 Western Force vs NSW Waratahs start:2024-05-18 10:30:00 stop:2024-05-18 14:30:00
PPV FLO RUGBY 00 : 2024 Ospreys vs Dragons start:2024-05-18 15:00:00 stop:2024-05-18 19:00:00
PPV FLO RUGBY 00 : 2024 Ulster Rugby vs Leinster Rugby start:2024-05-18 19:35:00 stop:2024-05-18 23:35:00
PPV FLO RUGBY 01 : 2024 Blues vs Highlanders start:2024-05-18 08:00:00 stop:2024-05-18 12:00:00
PPV FLO RUGBY 01 : 2024 Vodacom Bulls vs Benetton Rugby start:2024-05-18 13:00:00 stop:2024-05-18 17:00:00
PPV FLO RUGBY 01 : 2024 Connacht Rugby vs DHL Stormers start:2024-05-18 17:05:00 stop:2024-05-18 21:05:00
Screwdatt, [5/18/2024 9:34 AM]
PPV FLO RUGBY 02 : 2024 Montpellier Herault Rugby vs Stade Toulousain start:2024-05-18 14:00:00 stop:2024-05-18 18:00:00
PPV FLO RUGBY 02 : 2024 Stade Rochelais vs Section Paloise start:2024-05-18 20:05:00 stop:2024-05-19 00:05:00
PPV FLO RUGBY 03 : 2024 Emirates Lions vs Glasgow Warriors start:2024-05-18 15:05:00 stop:2024-05-18 19:05:00
PPV FLO RUGBY 04 : 2024 Lyon OU vs Racing 92 start:2024-05-18 16:00:00 stop:2024-05-18 20:00:00
PPV FLO RUGBY 05 : 2024 ASM Clermont Auvergne vs Castres Olympique start:2024-05-18 16:00:00 stop:2024-05-18 20:00:00
PPV FLO RUGBY 06 : 2024 Aviron Bayonnais vs Perpignan start:2024-05-18 16:00:00 stop:2024-05-18 20:00:00
PPV FLO RUGBY 07 : 2024 Oyonnax Rugby vs RC Toulonnais start:2024-05-18 16:00:00 stop:2024-05-18 20:00:00
Screwdatt, [5/18/2024 9:34 AM]
PPV SETANTA EVENT 01 : Borussia Dortmund - Darmstadt start:2024-05-18 14:25:00 stop:2024-05-18 16:30:00
PPV SETANTA EVENT 01 : UFC Fight Night: Barboza vs. Murphy - Main Card start:2024-05-18 23:55:00 stop:2024-05-19 03:00:00
PPV SETANTA EVENT 01 : Sassuolo - Cagliari start:2024-05-19 11:25:00 stop:2024-05-19 13:30:00
PPV SETANTA EVENT 01 : Monza - Frosinone start:2024-05-19 13:55:00 stop:2024-05-19 16:00:00
PPV SETANTA EVENT 02 : Union Berlin - Freiburg start:2024-05-18 14:25:00 stop:2024-05-18 16:30:00
PPV SETANTA EVENT 02 : Dallas Mavericks - Oklahoma City Thunder start:2024-05-19 00:55:00 stop:2024-05-19 03:00:00
PPV SETANTA EVENT 02 : Cerlce Brugge - Royale Union SG start:2024-05-19 12:25:00 stop:2024-05-19 14:30:00
PPV SETANTA EVENT 02 : Brentford - Newcastle start:2024-05-19 15:55:00 stop:2024-05-19 18:00:00
Screwdatt, [5/18/2024 9:34 AM]
PPV SETANTA EVENT 03 : Hoffenheim - Bayern Munich start:2024-05-18 14:25:00 stop:2024-05-18 16:30:00
PPV SETANTA EVENT 03 : Crawley - Crewe start:2024-05-19 12:55:00 stop:2024-05-19 15:00:00
PPV SETANTA EVENT 03 : Brighton - Manchester United start:2024-05-19 15:55:00 stop:2024-05-19 18:00:00
PPV SETANTA EVENT 04 : Bayer Leverkusen - Augsburg start:2024-05-18 14:25:00 stop:2024-05-18 16:30:00
PPV SETANTA EVENT 04 : Udinese - Empoli start:2024-05-19 13:55:00 stop:2024-05-19 16:00:00
PPV SETANTA EVENT 05 : Eintracht Frankfurt - RB Leipzig start:2024-05-18 14:25:00 stop:2024-05-18 16:30:00
PPV SETANTA EVENT 05 : Emilia Romagna Grand Prix - Race start:2024-05-19 13:55:00 stop:2024-05-19 16:00:00
PPV SETANTA EVENT 06 : Wolfsburg - Mainz start:2024-05-18 14:25:00 stop:2024-05-18 16:30:00
PPV SETANTA EVENT 06 : Arsenal - Everton start:2024-05-19 15:55:00 stop:2024-05-19 18:00:00
PPV SETANTA EVENT 07 : Stuttgart - Borussia Monchengladbach start:2024-05-18 14:25:00 stop:2024-05-18 16:30:00
PPV SETANTA EVENT 07 : Burnley - Nottingham start:2024-05-19 15:55:00 stop:2024-05-19 18:00:00
PPV SETANTA EVENT 08 : Heidenheim - FC Koln start:2024-05-18 14:25:00 stop:2024-05-18 16:30:00
PPV SETANTA EVENT 09 : Multiview start:2024-05-18 14:25:00 stop:2024-05-18 16:30:00
PPV SETANTA EVENT 10 : Werder Bremen - Bochum start:2024-05-18 14:25:00 stop:2024-05-18 16:30:00
Screwdatt, [5/18/2024 9:34 AM]
PPV FLO SPORTS TV 00 : FloWrestling Radio Live start:2024-05-19 17:00:00 stop:2024-05-19 21:00:00
PPV FLO SPORTS TV 01 : 2024 Giro dItalia start:2024-05-18 13:30:00 stop:2024-05-18 17:30:00
PPV FLO SPORTS TV 01 : 2024 FHSAA Outdoor Championships start:2024-05-18 22:00:00 stop:2024-05-19 02:00:00
PPV FLO SPORTS TV 01 : 2024 USA Cycling Pro Road National Championships start:2024-05-19 13:45:00 stop:2024-05-19 17:45:00
PPV FLO SPORTS TV 02 : FloRacing 24/7 start:2024-05-12 10:00:00 stop:2024-11-10 06:59:59
PPV FLO SPORTS TV 03 : 2024 4 Jours de Dunkerque start:2024-05-18 14:45:00 stop:2024-05-18 18:45:00
PPV FLO SPORTS TV 03 : 2024 NMAA Outdoor Championships 4A-5A start:2024-05-18 21:00:00 stop:2024-05-19 01:00:00
Screwdatt, [5/18/2024 9:34 AM]
PPV FLO SPORTS TV 03 : 2024 USAC Huncovsky Classic at Belleville High Banks start:2024-05-19 01:30:00 stop:2024-05-19 05:30:00
PPV FLO SPORTS TV 03 : 2024 Continental Tour: Tokyo - Seiko Golden Grand Prix start:2024-05-19 07:45:00 stop:2024-05-19 11:45:00
PPV FLO SPORTS TV 03 : 2024 UCI MTB Bielsko Bialia Poland start:2024-05-19 12:45:00 stop:2024-05-19 16:45:00
PPV FLO SPORTS TV 04 : 2024 Vuelta a Burgos Féminas start:2024-05-18 14:05:00 stop:2024-05-18 18:05:00
PPV FLO SPORTS TV 04 : 2024 OSAA Outdoor Championships start:2024-05-18 18:30:00 stop:2024-05-18 22:30:00
PPV FLO SPORTS TV 04 : 2024 New England Knockouts vs Trois-Rivieres Aigles start:2024-05-18 23:00:00 stop:2024-05-19 03:00:00
PPV FLO SPORTS TV 04 : 2024 Nutley vs NJ Aces start:2024-05-19 03:15:00 stop:2024-05-19 07:15:00
PPV FLO SPORTS TV 04 : 2024 UCI MTB Eliminator World Cup in Palangkaraya start:2024-05-19 11:00:00 stop:2024-05-19 15:00:00
PPV FLO SPORTS TV 05 : 2024 CHSAA Outdoor Championships start:2024-05-18 16:30:00 stop:2024-05-18 20:30:00
PPV FLO SPORTS TV 05 : 2024 Ulster Rugby vs Leinster Rugby start:2024-05-18 20:35:00 stop:2024-05-19 00:35:00
PPV FLO SPORTS TV 05 : 2024 IRA Sprints at Plymouth Dirt Track start:2024-05-19 00:45:00 stop:2024-05-19 04:45:00
PPV FLO SPORTS TV 06 : 2024 IHSA Girls Outdoor Championships start:2024-05-18 17:00:00 stop:2024-05-18 21:00:00
PPV FLO SPORTS TV 06 : 2024 Stade Rochelais vs Section Paloise start:2024-05-18 21:05:00 stop:2024-05-19 01:05:00
PPV FLO SPORTS TV 06 : 2024 Kansas City Mavericks vs Toledo Walleye start:2024-05-19 01:15:00 stop:2024-05-19 05:15:00
PPV FLO SPORTS TV 07 : 2024 CAA Rowing Championship start:2024-05-18 15:30:00 stop:2024-05-18 19:30:00
PPV FLO SPORTS TV 07 : 2024 William & Mary vs Campbell start:2024-05-18 20:00:00 stop:2024-05-19 00:00:00
PPV FLO SPORTS TV 07 : 2024 New York Boulders vs New Jersey Jackals start:2024-05-19 00:05:00 stop:2024-05-19 04:05:00
PPV FLO SPORTS TV 08 : 2024 NCHSAA Outdoor Championships start:2024-05-18 16:00:00 stop:2024-05-18 20:00:00
PPV FLO SPORTS TV 08 : 2024 Tropics vs Highlands Black start:2024-05-18 20:15:00 stop:2024-05-19 00:15:00
PPV FLO SPORTS TV 08 : 2024 Fireworks Night at Eldora Speedway start:2024-05-19 00:30:00 stop:2024-05-19 04:30:00
PPV FLO SPORTS TV 09 : 2024 UCI BMX Racing World Championships start:2024-05-18 18:50:00 stop:2024-05-18 22:50:00
PPV FLO SPORTS TV 09 : 2024 Wayne (Peewee) vs Generals (Peewee) start:2024-05-18 23:00:00 stop:2024-05-19 03:00:00
PPV FLO SPORTS TV 09 : 2024 Penticton Vees vs Surrey Eagles start:2024-05-19 04:00:00 stop:2024-05-19 08:00:00
Screwdatt, [5/18/2024 9:34 AM]
PPV FLO SPORTS TV 10 : 2024 Blues vs Highlanders start:2024-05-18 09:00:00 stop:2024-05-18 13:00:00
PPV FLO SPORTS TV 10 : 2024 Vodacom Bulls vs Benetton Rugby start:2024-05-18 14:00:00 stop:2024-05-18 18:00:00
PPV FLO SPORTS TV 10 : 2024 Connacht Rugby vs DHL Stormers start:2024-05-18 18:05:00 stop:2024-05-18 22:05:00
PPV FLO SPORTS TV 10 : 2024 NASCAR Whelen Modified Tour at Riverhead Raceway start:2024-05-18 22:30:00 stop:2024-05-19 02:30:00
PPV FLO SPORTS TV 10 : 2024 Sherwood Park Crusaders vs Brooks Bandits start:2024-05-19 03:00:00 stop:2024-05-19 07:00:00
PPV FLO SPORTS TV 11 : 2024 Western Force vs NSW Waratahs start:2024-05-18 11:30:00 stop:2024-05-18 15:30:00
PPV FLO SPORTS TV 11 : 2024 Ospreys vs Dragons start:2024-05-18 16:00:00 stop:2024-05-18 20:00:00
PPV FLO SPORTS TV 11 : 2024 Wayne (Squirt) vs Ramsey (Squirt) start:2024-05-18 20:15:00 stop:2024-05-19 00:15:00
PPV FLO SPORTS TV 11 : 2024 Washington Wild Things vs Tri-City ValleyCats start:2024-05-19 00:30:00 stop:2024-05-19 04:30:00
PPV FLO SPORTS TV 12 : 2024 Frank E. Rader Southeast Regional Champs start:2024-05-18 14:00:00 stop:2024-05-18 18:00:00
PPV FLO SPORTS TV 12 : 2024 Sharks vs Cardiff start:2024-05-18 18:15:00 stop:2024-05-18 22:15:00
PPV FLO SPORTS TV 12 : 2024 NASCAR Weekly Racing at Jennerstown Speedway start:2024-05-18 23:50:00 stop:2024-05-19 03:50:00
PPV FLO SPORTS TV 13 : 2024 Veenendaal-Veenendaal start:2024-05-18 14:45:00 stop:2024-05-18 18:45:00
PPV FLO SPORTS TV 13 : 2024 Monmouth vs Hofstra start:2024-05-18 19:00:00 stop:2024-05-18 23:00:00
PPV FLO SPORTS TV 13 : 2024 Weekly Racing at Port Royal Speedway start:2024-05-19 00:00:00 stop:2024-05-19 04:00:00
PPV FLO SPORTS TV 14 : 2024 Montpellier Herault Rugby vs Stade Toulousain start:2024-05-18 15:00:00 stop:2024-05-18 19:00:00
PPV FLO SPORTS TV 14 : 2024 Saginaw Valley vs TBD - NCAA Baseball Midwest Regional start:2024-05-18 20:00:00 stop:2024-05-19 00:00:00
PPV FLO SPORTS TV 14 : 2024 Hockey Farm (MS) vs Generals White (MS) start:2024-05-19 00:30:00 stop:2024-05-19 04:30:00
PPV FLO SPORTS TV 15 : 2024 Central Regional Championships start:2024-05-18 15:00:00 stop:2024-05-18 19:00:00
PPV FLO SPORTS TV 15 : 2024 NASCAR Weekly Racing at Berlin Raceway start:2024-05-18 21:30:00 stop:2024-05-19 01:30:00
PPV FLO SPORTS TV 15 : 2024 Joliet Slammers vs Evansville Otters start:2024-05-19 01:35:00 stop:2024-05-19 05:35:00
PPV FLO SPORTS TV 16 : 2024 New Jersey Freestyle State Championship start:2024-05-18 15:00:00 stop:2024-05-18 19:00:00
PPV FLO SPORTS TV 16 : 2024 TBD vs TBD - NCAA Baseball Southeast Regional start:2024-05-18 21:45:00 stop:2024-05-19 01:45:00
PPV FLO SPORTS TV 16 : 2024 NARC Sprints at Thunderbowl Raceway start:2024-05-19 02:00:00 stop:2024-05-19 06:00:00
PPV FLO SPORTS TV 17 : 2024 Villanova vs Xavier start:2024-05-18 16:00:00 stop:2024-05-18 20:00:00
Screwdatt, [5/18/2024 9:34 AM]
PPV FLO SPORTS TV 17 : 2024 Hockey Farm (Peewee) vs Paramus start:2024-05-18 21:45:00 stop:2024-05-19 01:45:00
PPV FLO SPORTS TV 17 : 2024 USCS Sprint Cars at Bakersfield Speedway start:2024-05-19 02:00:00 stop:2024-05-19 06:00:00
PPV FLO SPORTS TV 18 : 2024 Emirates Lions vs Glasgow Warriors start:2024-05-18 16:05:00 stop:2024-05-18 20:05:00
PPV FLO SPORTS TV 18 : 2024 Florence Yalls vs Schaumburg Boomers start:2024-05-18 22:00:00 stop:2024-05-19 02:00:00
PPV FLO SPORTS TV 18 : 2024 Fargo Force vs Dubuque Fighting Saints start:2024-05-19 02:05:00 stop:2024-05-19 06:05:00
PPV FLO SPORTS TV 19 : 2024 AMSOIL Off-Road Mayhem at the Motorplex start:2024-05-18 16:50:00 stop:2024-05-18 20:50:00
PPV FLO SPORTS TV 19 : 2024 Hockey Farm (Squirt) vs Marauders (Squirt) start:2024-05-18 22:00:00 stop:2024-05-19 02:00:00
PPV FLO SPORTS TV 19 : 2024 Bulldogs vs Hockey Farm (Varsity) start:2024-05-19 02:30:00 stop:2024-05-19 06:30:00
PPV FLO SPORTS TV 20 : 2024 Aviron Bayonnais vs Perpignan start:2024-05-18 17:00:00 stop:2024-05-18 21:00:00
PPV FLO SPORTS TV 20 : 2024 Staten Island FerryHawks vs Hagerstown Flying Boxcars start:2024-05-19 00:00:00 stop:2024-05-19 04:00:00
PPV FLO SPORTS TV 21 : 2024 ASM Clermont Auvergne vs Castres Olympique start:2024-05-18 17:00:00 stop:2024-05-18 21:00:00
PPV FLO SPORTS TV 21 : 2024 Weekly Racing at Utica-Rome Speedway start:2024-05-19 00:00:00 stop:2024-05-19 04:00:00
PPV FLO SPORTS TV 22 : 2024 Oyonnax Rugby vs RC Toulonnais start:2024-05-18 17:00:00 stop:2024-05-18 21:00:00
PPV FLO SPORTS TV 22 : 2024 Ottawa Titans vs Sussex County Miners start:2024-05-19 00:35:00 stop:2024-05-19 04:35:00
PPV FLO SPORTS TV 23 : 2024 Lyon OU vs Racing 92 start:2024-05-18 17:00:00 stop:2024-05-18 21:00:00
PPV FLO SPORTS TV 23 : 2024 Charleston Dirty Birds vs High Point Rockers start:2024-05-19 00:35:00 stop:2024-05-19 04:35:00
PPV FLO SPORTS TV 24 : 2024 ADCC Phoenix Open start:2024-05-18 17:00:00 stop:2024-05-18 21:00:00
PPV FLO SPORTS TV 24 : 2024 York Revolution vs Lancaster Stormers start:2024-05-19 00:45:00 stop:2024-05-19 04:45:00
PPV FLO SPORTS TV 25 : 2024 CA Assoc Duals start:2024-05-18 17:00:00 stop:2024-05-18 21:00:00
PPV FLO SPORTS TV 25 : 2024 MARS Late Models at Highland Speedway start:2024-05-19 01:00:00 stop:2024-05-19 05:00:00
PPV FLO SPORTS TV 26 : 2024 Ashland vs Northwood University - NCAA MW Regional start:2024-05-18 17:00:00 stop:2024-05-18 21:00:00
PPV FLO SPORTS TV 26 : 2024 NASCAR Weekly Racing at Langley Speedway start:2024-05-19 01:00:00 stop:2024-05-19 05:00:00
PPV FLO SPORTS TV 27 : 2024 Continental Tour: ORLEN Janusz Kusocinski Memorial start:2024-05-18 17:55:00 stop:2024-05-18 21:55:00
PPV FLO SPORTS TV 27 : 2024 American Flat Track at Silver Dollar Short Track start:2024-05-19 01:00:00 stop:2024-05-19 05:00:00
PPV FLO SPORTS TV 28 : 2024 Seton Hall vs Creighton start:2024-05-18 18:00:00 stop:2024-05-18 22:00:00
PPV FLO SPORTS TV 28 : 2024 Lexington Legends vs Gastonia Baseball Club start:2024-05-19 01:00:00 stop:2024-05-19 05:00:00
PPV FLO SPORTS TV 29 : 2024 PNL Duals at Werner Park start:2024-05-18 18:00:00 stop:2024-05-18 22:00:00
PPV FLO SPORTS TV 29 : 2024 Florida Everblades vs Adirondack Thunder start:2024-05-19 01:00:00 stop:2024-05-19 05:00:00
PPV FLO SPORTS TV 30 : 2024 Young Harris vs UNC Pembroke - NCAA SE Regional start:2024-05-18 18:00:00 stop:2024-05-18 22:00:00
PPV FLO SPORTS TV 30 : 2024 Quebec Capitales vs Lake Erie Crushers start:2024-05-19 01:05:00 stop:2024-05-19 05:05:00
PPV FLO SPORTS TV 31 : 2024 Highlands Black vs Hockey Farm (Squirt) start:2024-05-18 18:45:00 stop:2024-05-18 22:45:00
PPV FLO SPORTS TV 31 : 2024 Long Island Ducks vs Southern Maryland Blue Crabs start:2024-05-19 01:05:00 stop:2024-05-19 05:05:00
Screwdatt, [5/18/2024 9:34 AM]
AU STAN SPORT AU EVENT 01 : Force v Waratahs - Super Rugby Pacific Round 13 2024 start:2024-05-18 10:00:04 stop:2024-05-18 12:53:24
AU STAN SPORT AU EVENT 01 : Bath v Northampton - Premiership Rugby Round 18 2023/24 start:2024-05-18 15:00:04 stop:2024-05-18 17:53:24
AU STAN SPORT AU EVENT 01 : New Zealand v Canada - Pacific Four Series 2024 start:2024-05-19 05:23:04 stop:2024-05-19 08:16:24
AU STAN SPORT AU EVENT 02 : Blues v Highlanders - Super Rugby Pacific Round 13 2024 start:2024-05-18 07:35:04 stop:2024-05-18 10:28:24
AU STAN SPORT AU EVENT 02 : Gloucester v Newcastle - Premiership Rugby Round 18 2023/24 start:2024-05-18 15:00:04 stop:2024-05-18 17:53:24
AU STAN SPORT AU EVENT 02 : Sprint Race 2: Misano - GT World Challenge Europe 2024 start:2024-05-18 19:30:08 stop:2024-05-18 22:23:28
AU STAN SPORT AU EVENT 03 : Harlequins v Bristol - Premiership Rugby Round 18 2023/24 start:2024-05-18 15:00:04 stop:2024-05-18 17:53:24
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AU STAN SPORT AU EVENT 04 : Leicester v Exeter - Premiership Rugby Round 18 2023/24 start:2024-05-18 15:00:04 stop:2024-05-18 17:53:24
AU STAN SPORT AU EVENT 05 : Saracens v Sale - Premiership Rugby Round 18 2023/24 start:2024-05-18 15:00:04 stop:2024-05-18 17:53:24
AU STAN SPORT AU EVENT 06 : Sprint Race 1: Misano - GT World Challenge Europe 2024 start:2024-05-18 12:30:08 stop:2024-05-18 15:23:28
AU STAN SPORT AU EVENT 06 : Qualifying 1: Indianapolis 500 - INDYCAR 2024 start:2024-05-18 16:00:08 stop:2024-05-18 18:53:28
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UK-AU OPTUS 01 : Aston Villa v Manchester City start:2024-05-18 14:40:00 stop:2024-05-18 17:20:00
UK-AU OPTUS 02 : Manchester United v Chelsea start:2024-05-18 14:40:00 stop:2024-05-18 17:20:00
UK-AU OPTUS 02 : Deportivo Alaves v Getafe start:2024-05-18 19:20:00 stop:2024-05-18 22:20:00
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=== UK Amazon PACK ===
UK Amazon UK 00 : Australia Championship Supercars-Perth: Race 9 start:2024-05-18 08:40:00 stop:2024-05-18 12:40:00
UK Amazon UK 00 : British Superbike Championship Motor Cycling-Donington Park: Day 1 start:2024-05-18 12:55:00 stop:2024-05-18 16:55:00
UK Amazon UK 01 : Australian Rules Football-Brisbane Lions v Richmond Tigers start:2024-05-18 10:10:00 stop:2024-05-18 14:10:00
UK Amazon UK 01 : Premiership Rugby-Harlequins v Bristol Bears start:2024-05-18 14:25:00 stop:2024-05-18 18:25:00
UK Amazon UK 02 : Wellington Phoenix FC vs. Melbourne Victory FC start:2024-05-18 07:25:00 stop:2024-05-18 11:25:00
UK Amazon UK 02 : Giro d'Italia Stage 14 Men Castiglione delle Stiviere - Desenzano del Garda (ITT, 31.2km) start:2024-05-18 11:55:00 stop:2024-05-18 15:55:00
UK Amazon UK 02 : Lecce vs. Atalanta BC start:2024-05-18 16:55:00 stop:2024-05-18 20:55:00
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UK Amazon UK 03 : Australian Rules Football-Greater Western Sydney Giants v Western Bulldogs start:2024-05-18 07:25:00 stop:2024-05-18 11:25:00
UK Amazon UK 03 : BSB Round 3 Donington Park Day 1 start:2024-05-18 12:30:00 stop:2024-05-18 16:30:00
UK Amazon UK 04 : Australian Rules Football-St. Kilda Saints v Fremantle Dockers start:2024-05-18 10:25:00 stop:2024-05-18 14:25:00
UK Amazon UK 04 : Premiership Rugby-Gloucester v Newcastle Falcons start:2024-05-18 14:45:00 stop:2024-05-18 18:45:00
UK Amazon UK 05 : Central Coast Mariners FC vs. Sydney FC start:2024-05-18 10:40:00 stop:2024-05-18 14:40:00
UK Amazon UK 05 : Premiership Rugby-Bath v Northampton Saints start:2024-05-18 14:45:00 stop:2024-05-18 18:45:00
UK Amazon UK 06 : Tour of Burgos Stage 3 Women Roa de Duero – Melgar de Ferntal (122km) start:2024-05-18 13:25:00 stop:2024-05-18 17:25:00
UK Amazon UK 07 : Olympic Qualifying Debrecen Day 3 start:2024-05-18 13:33:00 stop:2024-05-18 17:33:00
UK Amazon UK 08 : Premiership Rugby-Saracens v Sale Sharks start:2024-05-18 14:25:00 stop:2024-05-18 18:25:00
UK Amazon UK 09 : Premiership Rugby-Leicester Tigers v Exeter Chiefs start:2024-05-18 14:45:00 stop:2024-05-18 18:45:00
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=== UK DAZN PACK ===
UK DAZN UK 02 Rws sajad vs. Mcvicker 18th 1:43pm/Petrosyanmania 1 18th 7:48pm/Las vegas silver stars vs. Seattle majestics 19th 1:58am/Pomigliano vs. Napoli 19th 11:28am
UK DAZN UK 03 Sassuolo vs. Juventus 18th 1:58pm/Atlanta phoenix vs. Washington prodigy 18th 10:58pm/Qatar airways ironman 70.3 chattanooga 19th 11:28am
UK DAZN UK 04 Ring of fire fury vs. Usyk buy now // UK Sat 18 May 2:58pm // ET Sat 18 May 9:58am
UK DAZN UK 05 Ring of fire fury vs. Usyk prelims // UK Sat 18 May 2:58pm // ET Sat 18 May 9:58am
UK DAZN UK 06 Al ahli vs. Abha // UK Sat 18 May 6:58pm // ET Sat 18 May 1:58pm
Screwdatt, [5/18/2024 9:34 AM]
=== UK NRL PACK ===
UK NRL LIVE 00 : Cronulla vs Sydney Roosters // UK Sat 18 May 8:28am // ET Sat 18 May 3:28am
UK NRL LIVE 01: Warriors vs Penrith // UK Sun 19 May 4:48am // ET Sat 18 May 11:48pm
UK NRL LIVE 02: Wests Tigers vs Dolphins // UK Sun 19 May 9:23am // ET Sun 19 May 4:23am
UK NRL LIVE 03: South Sydney vs North Queensland // UK Sat 18 May 10:43am // ET Sat 18 May 5:43am
UK NRL LIVE 04: Melbourne vs Parramatta // UK Sun 19 May 7:03am // ET Sun 19 May 2:03am
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UK RUGBY LIVE 01: Bath vs Northampton 15.05
UK RUGBY LIVE 02: Gloucester vs Newcastle 15.05
UK RUGBY LIVE 03: Harlequins vs Bristol 15.05
UK RUGBY LIVE 04: Leicester vs Exeter 15.05
UK RUGBY LIVE 05: Saracens vs Sale 15.05
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=== UK SPFL PACK ===
UK SPFL 01: Inverness CT v Hamilton Academical 17.30
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UK VIA PLAY 01 24/7 Channel Stream Viaplay sports 2 watch now // UK Sat 18 May 8:00am ET Sat 18 May 3:00am
UK VIA PLAY 01 24/7 Channel Stream Viaplay sports 2 watch now // UK Sat 18 May 4:00pm ET Sat 18 May 11:00am
UK VIA PLAY 01 24/7 Channel Stream Viaplay sports 2 watch now // UK Sun 19 May 12:00am ET Sat 18 May 7:00pm
UK VIA PLAY 01 24/7 Channel Stream Viaplay sports 2 watch now // UK Sun 19 May 8:00am ET Sun 19 May 3:00am
UK VIA PLAY 02 24/7 Channel Stream Viaplay sports 1 watch now // UK Sat 18 May 8:00am ET Sat 18 May 3:00am
UK VIA PLAY 02 United Rugby Championship Bulls benetton // UK Sat 18 May 12:55pm ET Sat 18 May 7:55am
UK VIA PLAY 02 United Rugby Championship Connacht stomers // UK Sat 18 May 5:00pm ET Sat 18 May 12:00pm
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UK VIA PLAY 02 NHL Nhl tonight // UK Sat 18 May 11:00pm ET Sat 18 May 6:00pm
UK VIA PLAY 02 24/7 Channel Stream Viaplay sports 1 watch now // UK Sun 19 May 12:00am ET Sat 18 May 7:00pm
UK VIA PLAY 02 24/7 Channel Stream Viaplay sports 1 watch now // UK Sun 19 May 8:00am ET Sun 19 May 3:00am
UK VIA PLAY 03 United Rugby Championship Lions glasgow warriors // UK Sat 18 May 2:30pm ET Sat 18 May 9:30am
UK VIA PLAY 03 Nascar Wright band 250 // UK Sat 18 May 6:00pm ET Sat 18 May 1:00pm
UK VIA PLAY 03 NHL Edmonton vancouver // UK Sun 19 May 1:05am ET Sat 18 May 8:05pm
UK VIA PLAY 04 United Rugby Championship Ospreys dragons // UK Sat 18 May 2:30pm ET Sat 18 May 9:30am
UK VIA PLAY 04 Ice Hockey World Championship Czech republic great britain // UK Sat 18 May 7:15pm ET Sat 18 May 2:15pm
UK VIA PLAY 05 Ice Hockey World Championship Canada finland // UK Sat 18 May 3:15pm ET Sat 18 May 10:15am
UK VIA PLAY 05 United Rugby Championship Ulster leinster // UK Sat 18 May 7:15pm ET Sat 18 May 2:15pm
UK VIA PLAY 06 United Rugby Championship Sharks cardiff rugby // UK Sat 18 May 5:10pm ET Sat 18 May 12:10pm
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IE CLUBBER TV 01 Laois vs Down // UK Sat 18 May 3:00pm // ET Sat 18 May 10:00am
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IE GAAGO FIXTURES 00: Kerry vs Monaghan // UK Sat 18 May 2:15pm // ET Sat 18 May 9:15am
IE GAAGO FIXTURES 01: Dublin vs Kilkenny // UK Sat 18 May 5:30pm // ET Sat 18 May 12:30pm
IE GAAGO FIXTURES 02: TBA vs TBA // UK Sat 18 May 9:05pm // ET Sat 18 May 4:05pm
IE GAAGO FIXTURES 03: Galway vs Derry // UK Sat 18 May 4:45pm // ET Sat 18 May 11:45am
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IE LOI TV 01 : DLR Waves FC vs Treaty United FC (W) // UK Sat 18 May 3:00pm // ET Sat 18 May 10:00am
IE LOI TV 02 : Wexford FC (W) vs Shelbourne FC (W) // UK Sat 18 May 6:00pm // ET Sat 18 May 1:00pm
IE LOI TV 03 : Peamount United FC vs Bohemian FC (W) // UK Sat 18 May 4:00pm // ET Sat 18 May 11:00am
IE LOI TV 04 : Longford Town FC vs Athlone Town AFC // UK Sat 18 May 7:30pm // ET Sat 18 May 2:30pm
IE LOI TV 05 : Cork City FC (W) vs Cliftonville FC // UK Sat 18 May 4:00pm // ET Sat 18 May 11:00am
IE LOI TV 06 : Galway United FC (W) vs Athlone Town AFC (W) // UK Sat 18 May 5:00pm // ET Sat 18 May 12:00pm
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CA DAZN CA 13 Rws sajad vs mcvicker 18th 8:45am/Petrosyanmania 1 18th 2:50pm
CA DAZN CA 14 Sassuolo vs juventus 18th 9:00am/Atlanta phoenix vs washington prodigy 18th 6:00pm
CA DAZN CA 15 Dortmund vs darmstadt // UK Sat 18 May 2:30pm // ET Sat 18 May 9:30am
CA DAZN CA 16 Frankfurt vs leipzig // UK Sat 18 May 2:30pm // ET Sat 18 May 9:30am
CA DAZN CA 17 Hoffenheim vs bayern munich // UK Sat 18 May 2:30pm // ET Sat 18 May 9:30am
CA DAZN CA 18 Bundesliga goal arena // UK Sat 18 May 2:30pm // ET Sat 18 May 9:30am
CA DAZN CA 19 Union berlin vs freiburg // UK Sat 18 May 2:30pm // ET Sat 18 May 9:30am
CA DAZN CA 20 Leverkusen vs augsburg // UK Sat 18 May 2:30pm // ET Sat 18 May 9:30am
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CA DAZN CA 21 Wolfsburg vs mainz // UK Sat 18 May 2:30pm // ET Sat 18 May 9:30am
CA DAZN CA 22 Ring of fire fury vs usyk buy now // UK Sat 18 May 3:00pm // ET Sat 18 May 10:00am
CA DAZN CA 23 Ring of fire fury vs usyk prelims // UK Sat 18 May 3:00pm // ET Sat 18 May 10:00am
CA DAZN CA 24 Rome open final // UK Sat 18 May 4:00pm // ET Sat 18 May 11:00am
CA DAZN CA 25 Bolton vs oxford // UK Sat 18 May 4:15pm // ET Sat 18 May 11:15am
CA DAZN CA 26 Al ahli vs abha // UK Sat 18 May 7:00pm // ET Sat 18 May 2:00pm
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US TRILLER TV 01 Newcastle Pro Wrestling #112 Fight Knight // UK Sat 18 May 11:00am // ET Sat 18 May 6:00am
US TRILLER TV 02 Memphis Wrestling Episode 169 Buff Returns to the Ring // UK Sat 18 May 5:00pm // ET Sat 18 May 12:00pm
US TRILLER TV 03 Glory 92 Donovan Wisse vs Ulric Bokeme // UK Sat 18 May 7:00pm // ET Sat 18 May 2:00pm
US TRILLER TV 04 Glory 92 Prelims // UK Sat 18 May 5:30pm // ET Sat 18 May 12:30pm
US TRILLER TV 05 GCW Most Notorious 2024 // UK Sun 19 May 1:00am // ET Sat 18 May 8:00pm
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US TRILLER TV 06 Liga Portugal Betclic 2023/24 Sporting CP vs GD Chaves // UK Sat 18 May 5:50pm // ET Sat 18 May 12:50pm
US TRILLER TV 07 AEW Collision Episode 1724 // UK Sun 19 May 1:00am // ET Sat 18 May 8:00pm
US TRILLER TV 08 Liga Portugal Betclic 2023/24 SC Braga vs FC Porto // UK Sat 18 May 8:20pm // ET Sat 18 May 3:20pm
US TRILLER TV 09 CZW Best of the Best XX // UK Sun 19 May 12:00am // ET Sat 18 May 7:00pm
US TRILLER TV 10 Centurion FC 20 // UK Sun 19 May 12:00am // ET Sat 18 May 7:00pm
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US PEACOCK 01 HORSE RACING 149th preakness stakes // UK Sat 18 May 6:30pm // ET Sat 18 May 12:30pm
US PEACOCK 03 INDYCAR Indy 500 practice 6 // UK Sat 18 May 1:30pm // ET Sat 18 May 7:30am
US PEACOCK 03 INDYCAR Indy 500 qualifying day 1 // UK Sat 18 May 4:00pm // ET Sat 18 May 10:00am
US PEACOCK 03 GYMNASTICS Core hydration classic // UK Sun 19 May 12:00am // ET Sat 18 May 6:00pm
US PEACOCK 03 SKATEBOARDING Womens park final // UK Sun 19 May 3:00am // ET Sat 18 May 9:00pm
US PEACOCK 03 SKATEBOARDING Mens street final // UK Sun 19 May 4:45am // ET Sat 18 May 10:45pm
US PEACOCK 03 SKATEBOARDING Mens park final // UK Sun 19 May 8:00am // ET Sun 19 May 2:00am
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US PEACOCK 03 BREAKING M&w breaking finals // UK Sun 19 May 10:30am // ET Sun 19 May 4:30am
US PEACOCK 04 CYCLING Bmx world champ finals // UK Sat 18 May 7:00pm // ET Sat 18 May 1:00pm
US PEACOCK 04 GOLF Live from the pga championsip // UK Sun 19 May 12:00am // ET Sat 18 May 6:00pm
US PEACOCK 04 SPORT CLIMBING Mens lead final // UK Sun 19 May 5:00am // ET Sat 18 May 11:00pm
US PEACOCK 04 SPORT CLIMBING Womens boulder final // UK Sun 19 May 8:00am // ET Sun 19 May 2:00am
US PEACOCK 05 TRACK & FIELD La grand prix // UK Sat 18 May 8:00pm // ET Sat 18 May 2:00pm
US PEACOCK 05 SPORT CLIMBING Mens boulder finals // UK Sun 19 May 2:45am // ET Sat 18 May 8:45pm
US PEACOCK 05 RUGBY New zealand v. Canada // UK Sun 19 May 5:35am // ET Sat 18 May 11:35pm
US PEACOCK 05 SKATEBOARDING Womens street final // UK Sun 19 May 9:30am // ET Sun 19 May 3:30am
US PEACOCK 06 GOLF Mizuho americas open rd. 3 // UK Sat 18 May 8:00pm // ET Sat 18 May 2:00pm
US PEACOCK 06 SPORT CLIMBING Womens lead final // UK Sun 19 May 10:30am // ET Sun 19 May 4:30am
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=== USA MLB PACK ===
US MLB LIVE 01: Chi. White Sox at NY Yankees 1:05 PM ET
US MLB LIVE 02: Pittsburgh at Chi. Cubs 2:20 PM ET
US MLB LIVE 03: Tampa Bay at Toronto 3:07 PM ET
US MLB LIVE 04: Seattle at Baltimore 4:05 PM ET
US MLB LIVE 05: Colorado at San Francisco 4:05 PM ET
US MLB LIVE 06: NY Mets at Miami 4:10 PM ET
US MLB LIVE 07: Washington at Philadelphia 6:05 PM ET
US MLB LIVE 08: Minnesota at Cleveland 6:10 PM ET
US MLB LIVE 09: Oakland at Kansas City 7:10 PM ET
US MLB LIVE 10: Milwuakee at Houston 7:10 PM ET
US MLB LIVE 11: Boston at St. Louis 7:15 PM ET
US MLB LIVE 12: LA Angels at Texas 7:15 PM ET
US MLB LIVE 13: San Diego at Atlanta 7:15 PM ET
US MLB LIVE 14: Detroit at Arizona 8:10 PM ET
US MLB LIVE 15: Cincinnati at LA Dodgers 9:10 PM ET
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=== USA NBA PACK ===
US NBA LIVE 01: West Semifinals Game 6: Oklahoma City at Dallas 8:30 PM ET
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=== USA NHL PACK ===
US NHL LIVE 01: West Semifinals Game 6: Vancouver at Edmonton 8:00 PM ET
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=== USA MLS PACK ===
US MLS LIVE 01: Nashville SC vs Atlanta United 1:45 PM ET
US MLS LIVE 02: Charlotte vs LA Galaxy 7:30 PM ET
US MLS LIVE 03: Cincinnati vs St. Louis City 7:30 PM ET
US MLS LIVE 04: Inter Miami vs DC United 7:30 PM ET
US MLS LIVE 05: New England vs Philadelphia Union 7:30 PM ET
US MLS LIVE 06: New York City vs New York RB 7:30 PM ET
US MLS LIVE 07: Toronto FC vs CF Montréal 7:30 PM ET
US MLS LIVE 08: Austin vs Sporting KC 8:30 PM ET
US MLS LIVE 09: Chicago Fire vs Columbus Crew 8:30 PM ET
US MLS LIVE 10: Houston Dynamo vs Dallas 8:30 PM ET
US MLS LIVE 11: Minnesota United vs Portland Timbers 8:30 PM ET
US MLS LIVE 12: Real Salt Lake vs Colorado Rapids 9:30 PM ET
US MLS LIVE 13: SJ Earthquakes vs Orlando City SC 10:30 PM ET
US MLS LIVE 14: Seattle Sounders FC vs Vancouver Whitecaps 10:30 PM ET
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US WNBA GAME 01 Indiana Fever @ New York Liberty start:2024-05-18 18:00:00 stop:2024-05-18 20:00:00
US WNBA GAME 02 Chicago Sky @ Dallas Wings start:2024-05-19 01:00:00 stop:2024-05-19 03:00:00
US WNBA GAME 03 Los Angeles Sparks @ Las Vegas Aces start:2024-05-18 20:00:00 stop:2024-05-18 22:00:00
US WNBA GAME 04 Atlanta Dream @ Phoenix Mercury start:2024-05-19 03:00:00 stop:2024-05-19 05:00:00
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US MILB 01 Bowie Baysox vs Binghamton Rumble Ponies // UK Sat 18 May 6:05pm // ET Sat 18 May 1:05pm
US MILB 01 Greensboro Grasshoppers vs Hickory Crawdads // UK Sat 18 May 10:00pm // ET Sat 18 May 5:00pm
US MILB 01 Sugar Land Space Cowboys vs Albuquerque Isotopes // UK Sun 19 May 1:35am // ET Sat 18 May 8:35pm
US MILB 02 Omaha Storm Chasers vs St. Paul Saints // UK Sat 18 May 7:07pm // ET Sat 18 May 2:07pm
US MILB 02 St. Lucie Mets vs Palm Beach Cardinals // UK Sat 18 May 11:00pm // ET Sat 18 May 6:00pm
US MILB 02 Hillsboro Hops vs Tri-City Dust Devils // UK Sun 19 May 2:30am // ET Sat 18 May 9:30pm
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US MILB 03 Beloit Sky Carp vs Wisconsin Timber Rattlers // UK Sat 18 May 7:10pm // ET Sat 18 May 2:10pm
US MILB 03 Erie SeaWolves vs Harrisburg Senators // UK Sat 18 May 11:00pm // ET Sat 18 May 6:00pm
US MILB 03 Lake Elsinore Storm vs Visalia Rawhide // UK Sun 19 May 2:30am // ET Sat 18 May 9:30pm
US MILB 04 Omaha Storm Chasers vs St. Paul Saints // UK Sat 18 May 8:07pm // ET Sat 18 May 3:07pm
US MILB 04 Rocket City Trash Pandas vs Tennessee Smokies // UK Sun 19 May 12:00am // ET Sat 18 May 7:00pm
US MILB 05 Rome Emperors vs Asheville Tourists // UK Sat 18 May 9:00pm // ET Sat 18 May 4:00pm
US MILB 05 Chattanooga Lookouts vs Birmingham Barons // UK Sun 19 May 12:30am // ET Sat 18 May 7:30pm
US MILB 06 Rome Emperors vs Asheville Tourists // UK Sat 18 May 9:05pm // ET Sat 18 May 4:05pm
US MILB 06 Gwinnett Stripers vs Memphis Redbirds // UK Sun 19 May 12:35am // ET Sat 18 May 7:35pm
US MILB 07 Scranton/Wilkes-Barre RailRiders vs Worcester Red Sox // UK Sat 18 May 9:05pm // ET Sat 18 May 4:05pm
US MILB 07 Quad Cities River Bandits vs Cedar Rapids Kernels // UK Sun 19 May 12:35am // ET Sat 18 May 7:35pm
US MILB 08 Buffalo Bisons vs Rochester Red Wings // UK Sat 18 May 9:05pm // ET Sat 18 May 4:05pm
US MILB 08 Brooklyn Cyclones vs Bowling Green Hot Rods // UK Sun 19 May 12:35am // ET Sat 18 May 7:35pm
US MILB 09 Buffalo Bisons vs Rochester Red Wings // UK Sat 18 May 9:10pm // ET Sat 18 May 4:10pm
US MILB 09 Wichita Wind Surge vs Tulsa Drillers // UK Sun 19 May 1:00am // ET Sat 18 May 8:00pm
US MILB 10 Greensboro Grasshoppers vs Hickory Crawdads // UK Sat 18 May 10:05pm // ET Sat 18 May 5:05pm
US MILB 10 San Jose Giants vs Modesto Nuts // UK Sun 19 May 2:05am // ET Sat 18 May 9:05pm
US MILB 11 Carolina Mudcats vs Down East Wood Ducks // UK Sat 18 May 10:00pm // ET Sat 18 May 5:00pm
US MILB 11 Salt Lake Bees vs Tacoma Rainiers // UK Sun 19 May 2:05am // ET Sat 18 May 9:05pm
US MILB 12 Vancouver Canadians vs Spokane Indians // UK Sat 18 May 10:05pm // ET Sat 18 May 5:05pm
US MILB 12 Inland Empire 66ers vs Rancho Cucamonga Quakes // UK Sun 19 May 2:30am // ET Sat 18 May 9:30pm
US MILB 13 Jersey Shore BlueClaws vs Hudson Valley Renegades // UK Sat 18 May 10:05pm // ET Sat 18 May 5:05pm
US MILB 13 Oklahoma City Baseball Club vs Sacramento River Cats // UK Sun 19 May 2:37am // ET Sat 18 May 9:37pm
US MILB 14 Spokane Indians vs Vancouver Canadians // UK Sat 18 May 10:10pm // ET Sat 18 May 5:10pm
US MILB 14 Eugene Emeralds vs Everett AquaSox // UK Sun 19 May 3:05am // ET Sat 18 May 10:05pm
US MILB 15 Reno Aces vs Round Rock Express // UK Sat 18 May 10:30pm // ET Sat 18 May 5:30pm
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US MILB 15 Fresno Grizzlies vs Stockton Ports // UK Sun 19 May 3:05am // ET Sat 18 May 10:05pm
US MILB 16 Reno Aces vs Round Rock Express // UK Sat 18 May 10:35pm // ET Sat 18 May 5:35pm
US MILB 16 El Paso Chihuahuas vs Las Vegas Aviators // UK Sun 19 May 3:05am // ET Sat 18 May 10:05pm
US MILB 17 Fort Myers Mighty Mussels vs Lakeland Flying Tigers // UK Sat 18 May 11:00pm // ET Sat 18 May 6:00pm
US MILB 18 Salem Red Sox vs Augusta GreenJackets // UK Sat 18 May 11:05pm // ET Sat 18 May 6:05pm
US MILB 19 Aberdeen IronBirds vs Wilmington Blue Rocks // UK Sat 18 May 11:05pm // ET Sat 18 May 6:05pm
US MILB 20 Durham Bulls vs Charlotte Knights // UK Sat 18 May 11:05pm // ET Sat 18 May 6:05pm
US MILB 21 Fredericksburg Nationals vs Myrtle Beach Pelicans // UK Sat 18 May 11:05pm // ET Sat 18 May 6:05pm
US MILB 22 Portland Sea Dogs vs Somerset Patriots // UK Sat 18 May 11:05pm // ET Sat 18 May 6:05pm
US MILB 23 Reading Fightin Phils vs Richmond Flying Squirrels // UK Sat 18 May 11:05pm // ET Sat 18 May 6:05pm
US MILB 24 Charleston RiverDogs vs Columbia Fireflies // UK Sat 18 May 11:05pm // ET Sat 18 May 6:05pm
US MILB 25 New Hampshire Fisher Cats vs Hartford Yard Goats // UK Sat 18 May 11:10pm // ET Sat 18 May 6:10pm
US MILB 26 Jupiter Hammerheads vs Dunedin Blue Jays // UK Sat 18 May 11:30pm // ET Sat 18 May 6:30pm
US MILB 27 Delmarva Shorebirds vs Lynchburg Hillcats // UK Sat 18 May 11:30pm // ET Sat 18 May 6:30pm
US MILB 28 Daytona Tortugas vs Clearwater Threshers // UK Sat 18 May 11:30pm // ET Sat 18 May 6:30pm
US MILB 29 Bradenton Marauders vs Tampa Tarpons // UK Sat 18 May 11:30pm // ET Sat 18 May 6:30pm
US MILB 30 Toledo Mud Hens vs Indianapolis Indians // UK Sat 18 May 11:35pm // ET Sat 18 May 6:35pm
US MILB 31 Iowa Cubs vs Syracuse Mets // UK Sat 18 May 11:35pm // ET Sat 18 May 6:35pm
US MILB 32 Nashville Sounds vs Jacksonville Jumbo Shrimp // UK Sat 18 May 11:35pm // ET Sat 18 May 6:35pm
US MILB 33 South Bend Cubs vs Fort Wayne TinCaps // UK Sat 18 May 11:35pm // ET Sat 18 May 6:35pm
US MILB 34 Lehigh Valley IronPigs vs Norfolk Tides // UK Sat 18 May 11:35pm // ET Sat 18 May 6:35pm
submitted by Screwdatt to TodaysGames [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 15:09 NDC71334 Booking the 2024 AEW Men's Continental Classic

Context: I thought that AEW did a great job with the Continental Classic 6 months ago and I want to try to book the next one (as I imagine they will be doing this again). For this booking, I will be doing the men's continental classic in 2024. Now for this, we are changing one major thing for this tournament compared to what they did last year. The winner of this tournament will get a shot at the AEW World Championship at the Revolution PPV. The finals of the Continental Classic will take place at World's End. The world champion in this fantasy booking for around this time is Will Ospreay. All of these matches take place on episodes of Dynamite and Collision respectively (I won't book what match takes place on which network) , I'll just be booking the tournament week-to-week. Below are the competitors listed for each block.
EDIT: My first draft exceeded the character limit for a post so I will be trimming down match details
Gold Block:
Blue Block:
Scoring: Win=3 points, Draw=1 point, Loss=0 points
20-minute time limits for each match
Outside interference is prohibited! No one is allowed at ringside (breaking these rules result in a point deduction)
Gold Block: Week 1
Blue Block: Week 1
Gold Block: Week 2
Blue Block: Week 2
Gold Block: Week 3
Blue Block: Week 3
Gold Block: Week 4
Blue Block: Week 4
Gold Bock: Week 5
Blue Block: Week 5
Final Standings (Gold and Blue):
Gold Block Finals:
Blue Block Finals:
Continental Classic Finals: AEW World's End
(MJF goes on to be a heel from this and Kenny Omega will face Will Ospreay in the main event of Revolution for the AEW World Championship)
What did you think? Did you like it? Did you not like it? What did you specifically like or dislike about it? Let me know!
submitted by NDC71334 to fantasybooking [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 12:30 FappidyDat [H] TF2 Keys & PayPal [W] Humble Bundle Games (Also Games From Past Bundles), Bad Rats

I pay with the following:
TF2 & PayPal
I BUY HB Games with TF2 with PayPal Currently Active Humble Bundle?
7 Days to Die 0.8 TF2 $1.56 PP -
A Little To The Left 2.1 TF2 $3.98 PP -
Alien: Isolation 1.5 TF2 $2.93 PP -
Aliens: Fireteam Elite 1.4 TF2 $2.69 PP -
Arma 3 4.2 TF2 $7.95 PP -
Assetto Corsa Ultimate Edition 1.9 TF2 $3.56 PP -
Automobilista 2 1.6 TF2 $3.03 PP -
BIOMUTANT 1.4 TF2 $2.75 PP -
BROFORCE 0.8 TF2 $1.46 PP -
Baldur's Gate II: Enhanced Edition 0.8 TF2 $1.43 PP -
Baldur's Gate: Enhanced Edition 0.8 TF2 $1.44 PP -
Barony 2.6 TF2 $4.9 PP -
Barotrauma 3.8 TF2 $7.26 PP -
Batman - The Telltale Series 1.3 TF2 $2.43 PP -
Batman Arkham Collection 1.1 TF2 $2.08 PP -
Batman: Arkham Origins 0.6 TF2 $1.21 PP -
Batman™: Arkham Knight Premium Edition 1.0 TF2 $1.83 PP -
Bayonetta 0.7 TF2 $1.34 PP -
Beyond Two Souls 1.7 TF2 $3.31 PP -
Blasphemous 1.4 TF2 $2.69 PP -
Bloodstained: Ritual of the Night 0.5 TF2 $0.91 PP -
Borderlands 3 Super Deluxe Edition 4.9 TF2 $9.36 PP -
Borderlands 3 3.1 TF2 $5.88 PP -
Borderlands: The Handsome Collection 3.0 TF2 $5.73 PP -
Builder Simulator 0.4 TF2 $0.78 PP -
Celeste 0.8 TF2 $1.57 PP -
Chernobylite Enhanced Edition 0.9 TF2 $1.78 PP -
Cities: Skylines 2.2 TF2 $4.18 PP -
Code Vein 1.2 TF2 $2.26 PP -
Conan Exiles 2.5 TF2 $4.79 PP -
Contractors 2.9 TF2 $5.56 PP -
Control Ultimate Edition 2.6 TF2 $4.85 PP -
Crusader Kings III 4.4 TF2 $8.38 PP -
DARK SOULS™ II: Scholar of the First Sin 4.8 TF2 $9.15 PP -
Dark Souls III 7.2 TF2 $13.74 PP -
Dark Souls III: Deluxe Edition 9.9 TF2 $18.86 PP -
DayZ 10.6 TF2 $20.07 PP -
Dead Island - Definitive Edition 0.8 TF2 $1.52 PP -
Dead Island Definitive Collection 0.9 TF2 $1.72 PP -
Dead Island Riptide Definitive Edition 0.7 TF2 $1.24 PP -
Dead by Daylight 3.1 TF2 $5.97 PP -
Deep Rock Galactic 3.0 TF2 $5.62 PP -
Destiny 2: Beyond Light 1.0 TF2 $1.85 PP -
Destiny 2: Bungie 30th Anniversary Pack 1.3 TF2 $2.47 PP -
Destiny 2: Forsaken Pack 1.0 TF2 $1.9 PP -
Destiny 2: Lightfall 4.0 TF2 $7.55 PP -
Destiny 2: Shadowkeep 1.0 TF2 $1.93 PP -
Destiny 2: The Witch Queen 2.0 TF2 $3.85 PP -
Destroy All Humans! 2 - Reprobed 0.7 TF2 $1.4 PP -
Devil May Cry HD Collection 1.8 TF2 $3.45 PP -
Devil May Cry® 4 Special Edition 1.4 TF2 $2.74 PP -
DiRT Rally 0.8 TF2 $1.51 PP -
Disco Elysium - The Final Cut 1.6 TF2 $2.95 PP -
Doom Eternal 2.2 TF2 $4.17 PP -
Dragon Ball FighterZ 2.0 TF2 $3.79 PP -
Dragons Dogma - Dark Arisen 0.9 TF2 $1.77 PP -
Dungeon Defenders 3.0 TF2 $5.78 PP -
ELEX II 0.8 TF2 $1.57 PP -
Europa Universalis IV 3.2 TF2 $6.16 PP -
Expeditions: Rome 0.5 TF2 $0.89 PP -
FTL: Faster Than Light 0.7 TF2 $1.41 PP -
Fallout: A Post Nuclear Role Playing Game 0.4 TF2 $0.81 PP -
Farming Simulator 19 2.2 TF2 $4.23 PP -
For The King 0.5 TF2 $0.92 PP -
Forager 0.8 TF2 $1.58 PP -
Frostpunk 0.8 TF2 $1.51 PP -
GRID 2 1.9 TF2 $3.66 PP -
Gang Beasts 2.6 TF2 $4.97 PP -
Gas Station Simulator 3.1 TF2 $5.8 PP -
Generation Zero® 0.7 TF2 $1.36 PP -
Ghostwire Tokyo 1.4 TF2 $2.69 PP -
Goat Simulator 0.4 TF2 $0.8 PP -
Golf It! 1.8 TF2 $3.42 PP -
Gotham Knights 1.5 TF2 $2.83 PP -
Graveyard Keeper 0.5 TF2 $0.9 PP -
Grim Dawn 2.5 TF2 $4.66 PP -
Hell Let Loose 7.1 TF2 $13.47 PP -
Hellblade: Senua's Sacrifice 1.4 TF2 $2.69 PP -
Hitman Absolution 0.4 TF2 $0.79 PP -
Hollow Knight 3.4 TF2 $6.43 PP -
Homeworld Remastered Collection 0.4 TF2 $0.78 PP -
Hotline Miami 0.5 TF2 $0.87 PP -
House Flipper 2.0 TF2 $3.89 PP -
Injustice 2 Legendary Edition 0.6 TF2 $1.2 PP -
Into the Radius VR 2.9 TF2 $5.5 PP -
Jurassic World Evolution 2 2.7 TF2 $5.19 PP -
Just Cause 3 XXL Edition 1.4 TF2 $2.63 PP -
Keep Talking and Nobody Explodes 1.7 TF2 $3.16 PP -
Kerbal Space Program 1.1 TF2 $2.07 PP -
Killing Floor 2 0.6 TF2 $1.14 PP -
Kingdom: Two Crowns 1.5 TF2 $2.94 PP -
LEGO Marvel Super Heroes 2 - Deluxe Edition 0.9 TF2 $1.77 PP -
LEGO Star Wars : The Complete Saga 0.6 TF2 $1.17 PP -
LEGO Star Wars III: The Clone Wars 0.6 TF2 $1.22 PP -
LEGO® City Undercover 0.7 TF2 $1.3 PP -
LEGO® Jurassic World™ 0.8 TF2 $1.57 PP -
Lethal League Blaze 1.8 TF2 $3.44 PP -
Life is Strange 2 Complete Season 1.4 TF2 $2.72 PP -
Life is Strange: True Colors 1.5 TF2 $2.82 PP -
Little Nightmares 1.1 TF2 $2.06 PP -
Loop Hero 0.8 TF2 $1.44 PP -
METAL GEAR SOLID V: The Definitive Experience 3.5 TF2 $6.61 PP -
Mad Max 0.7 TF2 $1.3 PP -
Mafia: Definitive Edition 2.4 TF2 $4.56 PP -
Mass Effect™ Legendary Edition 4.7 TF2 $8.87 PP -
MechWarrior 5: Mercenaries 2.6 TF2 $4.89 PP -
Men of War: Assault Squad 2 Deluxe Edition 1.3 TF2 $2.4 PP -
Metro 2033 Redux 0.5 TF2 $0.92 PP -
Metro Exodus 1.3 TF2 $2.47 PP -
Metro Redux Bundle 0.7 TF2 $1.25 PP -
Middle-earth™: Shadow of War™ Definitive Edition 0.9 TF2 $1.65 PP -
Midnight Ghost Hunt 0.8 TF2 $1.45 PP -
Monster Hunter World: Iceborne 3.5 TF2 Refer To My Other Thread $6.73 PP Refer To My Other Thread Monster Hunter: World & Rise Saga Bundle
Monster Hunter: World 2.0 TF2 Refer To My Other Thread $3.87 PP Refer To My Other Thread Monster Hunter: World & Rise Saga Bundle
Mordhau 1.9 TF2 $3.6 PP -
Mortal Kombat XL 0.6 TF2 $1.13 PP -
Mortal Shell 0.5 TF2 $0.97 PP -
NASCAR Heat 5 - Ultimate Edition 0.4 TF2 $0.75 PP -
NBA 2K23 5.3 TF2 $10.16 PP -
Naruto Shippuden: Ultimate Ninja Storm 4 2.2 TF2 $4.18 PP -
Naruto to Boruto Shinobi Striker 0.9 TF2 $1.76 PP -
Nioh 2 - The Complete Edition 2.7 TF2 $5.18 PP -
Nobody Saves the World 0.5 TF2 $0.95 PP -
Northgard 2.4 TF2 $4.5 PP -
Orcs Must Die! 3 1.6 TF2 $3.01 PP -
Outlast 2 0.9 TF2 $1.68 PP -
Overcooked! 2 1.2 TF2 $2.3 PP -
PC Building Simulator 0.6 TF2 $1.14 PP -
PGA TOUR 2K21 0.9 TF2 $1.8 PP -
Plague Inc: Evolved 1.9 TF2 $3.56 PP -
Planet Coaster 2.4 TF2 $4.59 PP -
Planet Zoo 2.5 TF2 $4.75 PP -
PlateUp! 1.0 TF2 $1.85 PP -
Prison Architect 2.7 TF2 $5.14 PP -
Project Wingman 1.5 TF2 $2.94 PP -
RESIDENT EVIL 3 2.0 TF2 $3.76 PP -
Rain World 0.9 TF2 $1.78 PP -
Remnant: From the Ashes - Complete Edition 2.5 TF2 $4.69 PP -
Resident Evil 4 Ultimate HD Edition 1.0 TF2 $1.83 PP -
Resident Evil 5 GOLD Edition 1.1 TF2 $2.04 PP -
Resident Evil 6 1.3 TF2 $2.46 PP -
Resident Evil® 5 1.7 TF2 $3.18 PP -
Rising Storm 2: Vietnam 0.5 TF2 $0.9 PP -
Road 96 0.5 TF2 $1.02 PP -
SCUM 4.7 TF2 $8.86 PP -
STAR WARS™ Knights of the Old Republic™ II - The Sith Lords™ 0.5 TF2 $0.91 PP -
Satisfactory 5.0 TF2 $9.55 PP -
Scorn 0.8 TF2 $1.49 PP -
Sid Meier's Civilization VI 1.2 TF2 $2.33 PP -
Slay the Spire 2.5 TF2 $4.79 PP -
Sleeping Dogs™ Definitive Edition 1.0 TF2 $1.95 PP -
Slime Rancher 1.1 TF2 $2.11 PP -
Sniper Elite 4 1.0 TF2 $1.96 PP -
Space Engineers 2.6 TF2 $4.91 PP -
Spec Ops: The Line 4.3 TF2 $8.21 PP -
SpeedRunners 0.4 TF2 $0.82 PP -
Spintires: MudRunner 1.0 TF2 $1.85 PP -
Squad 6.7 TF2 $12.77 PP -
Star Wars Republic Commando™ 0.4 TF2 $0.82 PP -
Star Wars: Jedi Knight: Jedi Academy 0.4 TF2 $0.71 PP -
Star Wars® Empire at War™: Gold Pack 0.6 TF2 $1.09 PP -
State of Decay 2: Juggernaut Edition 4.9 TF2 $9.37 PP -
Stellaris 3.3 TF2 $6.25 PP -
Stellaris: Federations 2.7 TF2 $5.11 PP -
Streets of Rogue 0.5 TF2 $0.91 PP -
Subnautica 5.3 TF2 $10.08 PP -
Sunset Overdrive 0.8 TF2 $1.52 PP -
TEKKEN 7 1.9 TF2 $3.56 PP -
The Ascent 0.6 TF2 $1.18 PP -
The Dark Pictures Anthology: House of Ashes 1.3 TF2 $2.42 PP -
The Dark Pictures Anthology: Man of Medan 2.2 TF2 $4.21 PP -
The Escapists 2 1.0 TF2 Refer To My Other Thread $1.89 PP Refer To My Other Thread Team17: From Gold Greens to Battle Scenes Bundle
The Jackbox Party Pack 3 2.3 TF2 $4.45 PP -
The Jackbox Party Pack 5 2.3 TF2 $4.33 PP -
The Jackbox Party Pack 7 3.6 TF2 $6.81 PP -
The LEGO® Movie Videogame 0.4 TF2 $0.73 PP -
The Mortuary Assistant 3.9 TF2 $7.41 PP -
The Outer Worlds: Spacer's Choice Edition 2.7 TF2 $5.1 PP -
The Quarry Deluxe Edition 2.7 TF2 $5.21 PP -
The Universim 3.0 TF2 $5.78 PP -
The Walking Dead: A New Frontier 0.7 TF2 $1.42 PP -
The Walking Dead: Season Two 0.4 TF2 $0.79 PP -
The Walking Dead: The Final Season 1.2 TF2 $2.25 PP -
The Walking Dead: The Telltale Definitive Series 3.4 TF2 $6.41 PP -
The Witness 0.8 TF2 $1.58 PP -
The Wolf Among Us 1.3 TF2 $2.53 PP -
Total War SHOGUN 2 Collection 1.8 TF2 $3.48 PP -
Total War: Attila 1.6 TF2 $3.12 PP -
Total War: Napoleon - Definitive Edition 1.6 TF2 $3.05 PP -
Total War: ROME II - Emperor Edition 2.5 TF2 $4.68 PP -
Total War™: WARHAMMER® 3.1 TF2 $5.96 PP -
Totally Accurate Battle Simulator 1.7 TF2 $3.23 PP -
Trailmakers 0.7 TF2 $1.37 PP -
Tropico 6 1.6 TF2 $3.03 PP -
Two Point Campus 1.0 TF2 $1.83 PP -
Ultimate Chicken Horse 1.6 TF2 $2.96 PP -
Unpacking 0.9 TF2 $1.8 PP -
Unrailed! 0.9 TF2 $1.74 PP -
VTOL VR 4.6 TF2 $8.76 PP -
Victoria 3 1.4 TF2 $2.72 PP -
Viscera Cleanup Detail 1.4 TF2 $2.74 PP -
WRATH: Aeon of Ruin 0.7 TF2 $1.33 PP -
WWE 2K23 6.7 TF2 $12.75 PP -
Warhammer 40,000 Dawn of War III 2.2 TF2 $4.17 PP -
Warhammer 40,000: Chaos Gate - Daemonhunters 1.9 TF2 $3.6 PP -
Warhammer 40,000: Dawn of War - Master Collection 1.7 TF2 $3.28 PP -
Warhammer: Vermintide 2 0.7 TF2 $1.41 PP -
Wasteland 3 1.8 TF2 $3.46 PP -
Witch It 1.4 TF2 $2.65 PP -
Worms Armageddon 0.4 TF2 $0.84 PP -
Yakuza 0 3.1 TF2 $5.82 PP -
Yakuza 4 Remastered 0.5 TF2 $0.86 PP -
Zombie Army 4: Dead War 1.1 TF2 $2.02 PP -
rFactor 2 0.6 TF2 $1.11 PP -
IGS Rep Page:
SteamTrades Rep Page (1000+):
GameTrade Rep Page:
SGSFlair Rep Page:
submitted by FappidyDat to indiegameswap [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 12:22 MasterWandu Just had the most EPIC adventure... still buzzing

So I'm just a lowly solo player, who hardly ever plays with friends and the few times I've introduced new friends to SC in the past, they've always been left disappointed with the experience and been frustrated with all the jankyness and bugs that hampered our play, and didn't return to the game... that was until today...
Convinced 4 friends to give the game a try as it was Invictus week and the free fly was available. Shared my account with all of them so they could pre-load the 100+GB download, and then 22:00 this evening, BAM, we all got together on a server and started our adventure:
2 of the friends have played SC before and are on the fence, 1 friend had played it previously and wasn't impressed, and 1 had never played the game before.
Unfortunately our newbie went to Microtech to do the tutorial, while the rest of the team went to Area18 to check out the expo... Doh! Well the 4 of us got all kitted out, while talking the newbie how to quantum ALL THE WAY through to Area18... considering this was his very first time, the fact that he managed to get all the way to Area18, land at Riker space station, all without crashing his ship was really impressive! He earned his pilots license in record time.
Right, go see the Polaris... EPIC, rent some ships... must get the Ursa Medivac for our mobile spawn point! Done... let's go on a mission! Simple bunker mission clearance? Let's move!
We all bundled into my constellation, landed down on Wala, and proceeded to the bunker. We cleared it fairly easily, and were eager for a new challenge! So we accepted the Xenothreat intel raid mission, shared it amongst the group and headed out! Argh... just before: Coming up the elevator from the first bunker mission, I walked backwards to make some space for the group, and ended up (what I thought), clipping through the floor and falling to my death! Dead, back at Area18, as we hadn't brought the Ursa medivac with us! Actually turns out I DIDN'T clip through the floor, but walked off the edge of the lift platform (there is even a sign on the floor saying "watch your step"), but seriously who designs a lift like this?? Where is health & safety when you need them? The team said "We'll wait for you, quickly get back"... but little did they know, there is no "quick" in star citizen... especially resurrecting back at your home location re-prepping and getting back into the action. This was going to take some time: "No, you guys go on ahead, I'll catch up!".
So the team went on ahead to Crusader (Daymar I think), while spawned back at Area18 (after a few game restarts as I was in Zombie mode i.e. coming back alive but in a death state). I got prepped, ready, got a new constellation (Andromeda) and proceeded to a local moon to get our mobile spawn point (Ursa) loaded. Quantumed through and met the team on the surface of Daymar... ready to breech the bunker:
"OK, let's go boys!" "I'm dying of thirst" "Just get a coke or something... we don't have time for this" "No, in the game, seriously... I'm dying of thirst" "Does anyone have a drink on them??" "How do I take my helmet off?" "Argh!" "Just go on the medbed for the Ursa... it'll get rid of your thirst" "Oh nice... that worked... ok ready!" "There's a storm here, we're icing up!" "Get into the bunker!" Down the elevator shaft we went, the 5 of us, prepped and ready, checking our weapons, about to enter the fray "Contacts!" "Ok, push forward guys, I'm reloading!" "I'm hit, I'm hit... what do I do?" "Hit 4 for a medpen!" "Phew, ok I'm good, thanks for the cover" "Hey stop shooting me, I'm friendly!" "Sorry, your marker disappeared for a second" "Do you wish to press charges for aggravated assault?"... lol maybe "Push forward guys, we need to get to the server room and begin the upload!" "Did ANYONE bring a crypto key???"... "ANYONE???" "Argh.... wait, I think there is a crypto key on one of these downed guards... search them" "We've searched every body, there's nothing!" "I'm sure more waves are coming" "Keep searching... quickly!" "I found it! Was in one of the jacket pockets of the downed guards" "Well done soldier! Now insert the key and begin the upload" "Enemy waves inbound!" "Defend, we're going to need some time to upload this data" "Defending!... argh... I'm down, I'm down" "I'm coming, cover me everyone" "Phew thanks for the res" "Argh, my game has crashed to desktop" "It's fine, it's fine... just come back in, you'll spawn straight back" "Really? It never worked that way..." "Just do it!" "Oh woah... I'm alive, and right back where I crashed, that's epic!" "Wait I have a medpen stuck in my hand... I can't equip anything, including my gun" "My gun won't shoot... argh! Help me, I can't shoot I can't shoot!" "Ok, medpen issue resolved, just dragged it out via inventory, and I can equip gun now" "The servers are overheating! I need a pincode for the cooler!" "I think I've found something... it's 823.... argh, too late the server blew, uploaded restarting!" "I need another pin code... wait, enemy wave incoming... defend defend!" "I got the pin code!" "3621... great that worked, server successfully cooled, upload continuing... more enemies inbound!" "Upload 2/2 completed... well done boys, we did it!"
We went back up to the surface only to find that due to one of our players shooting at the defensive turret on our way in, it was firing on both of our ships. I rushed into the connie to try take off, but as I began to lift off, the connie exploded... phew, only soft death... I can still get out of here... argh, have to jump through these flames... I made it. Ok, our second connie is still alive, shields are still up... quick, get to it! I jump in the connie, take off... try to shoot down the turrets, can't do it, my shields are failing too quickly... need to get out of range of those turrets! "Where you going, don't leave us down here!", "I'm nearby, just 4km away... you need to get to me!". The rest of the team hopped into the Ursa rover and began making their way to the connie. "Argh, there are SO many rocks here... I keep hitting them!"... "Oh no, I'm stuck on a rock... I can't move!". "Forget the Ursa, just get out and make a run for it, I'll take off and come closer to you!". I take off and carefully make my to the ursa where the team is, all while taking on turret fire from the base. I manage to land just behind a ridge line that was providing some cover from the incoming fire. "Ok, you guys are going to have to make a run for it!". The rest of the team manages to get onto the connie's cargo bay... I start to retract it, but it's PAINFULLY slow (maybe due to damage?). One of our team members has a tier 2 injury on her arm and legs... she can only limp, she's not going to make it! We don't leave anyone behind... I take off, maneover right next to her, and land hard on the deck with exterior bays extended... enemy fire incoming. "Get in, get in!". "She's in!" I point heavenwards, full throttle... engage NAV mode, hit the afterburners... we made it!
We then cheered our friend on as she limped her way all the way from the Seraphim station landing pad, through to the med center, and healed her injuries (we joked it would have been faster to kill her, drag her body to the medbed, then res her and get her healed via the bed!) Changed all our regen locations to Seraphim and decided to logoff... it was 2am... what an adventure!
Right as we were logging off, we had a "Server error..." message appear on all our screens. I had never experienced a server recovery before. It worked brilliantly! Was only around 90-120 seconds of downtime, and we came right back into the game, as if nothing had happened, what an absolute joy and pleasure!
The game is still super buggy and janky... some desync (although much improved), weapons not firing, items getting stuck in hands rendering you useless... taking damage in elevators as we bashed into each other etc. But my, if it wasn't one of the greatest gaming experiences any of us had ever had...
As frustrating as some of the bugs were, we found that due to the systemic nature of everything... there was often some kind of creative solution to get us out of every buggy situation (helps massively having friends... sometimes when solo you're just stuck...)
If the love for SC can be rekindled with this oldie player (Citizen #1124!), then the future of this game is very bright indeed!
2am... time for bed...
submitted by MasterWandu to starcitizen [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 10:41 Furystorm [WTS] Furystorm's boutique™ (⌐ ͡■ ͜ʖ ͡■) Galaxy's Finest (⌐ ͡■ ͜ʖ ͡■) ✪ Game packages (SQ42 & LTI & starter) ✪ Banu Cube/Tholo ✪ LTI Pioneer, Orion, Carrack, Merchantman, Hull A/B/C/D/E, Vindicator, others ★ Rare CCUs (upgrades) ★ Combo packs ★ Vanguard BUKs ★ Modules/Flairs/Weapons/Armor ★

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20 $ per each
Info about rewards can be found here -
╰( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡° )つ──☆
Item Price, $
Banu Tholo code 80
Banu Lockbox (Banu Cube) code 100
Mole to Merchantman 199
Starfarer Gemini to Merchantman 189
C2 Hercules to Carrack 139
Valkyrie to Carrack 169
Constellation Aquila to Orion 219
Starfarer Gemini to Hull D Upgrade 109
Constellation Andromeda to Hull C Upgrade 139
Anvil Terrapin to Hull C Upgrade 179
F7C-R Hornet Tracker to Constellation Taurus 39
Corsair to 400i Warbond Edition 12
Hull E to Polaris 50
Ship Upgrades - Drake Kraken Conversion Kit 799
Item Price, $
CitizenCon 2951 Digital Goodies 9
Gemini LH86 Pistol - Voyager edition 6
Kruger P-72 Emerald 105
Package Insurance SC+SQ42 Price, $ Comments
PACKAGE - 2943 WEEKEND WARRIOR - LTI LTI SC + SQ42 299 F7C-M Super Hornet LTI pack
Package - Syulen Starter Pack LTI SC 115 Syulen LTI pack
Package - Aurora LN 3MI SC + SQ42 59 Aurora LN (best aurora) Starter package
Mustang Alpha Starter 3MI SC 55 -
Anniversary 2017 Mustang Discount Starter 5YI No 54 -
Nox 2 pack LTI No 121 Nox + Nox Kue
Aopoa Nox 5 Pack LTI No 242 4 Nox + 1 Nox Kue
Race Team Pack LTI No 168 X1 + NOX + Dragonfly Black
Origin X1 THREE-PACK LTI No 174 X1 Baseline + Velocity + Force
Entrepreneur pack LTI Yes 683 Prospector + Vulture + Vulcan + Hull B + Ursa Rover
The Tortoise and the Hurricane LTI No 415 Anvil Hurricane + Anvil Terrapin
Starfarer + Nox 2 pack LTI No 431 Starfarer + Nox + Nox Kue
Origin 600i Series Combo Pack LTI No 977 600i Luxury + Exploration + Origin X1
Scoundrel Pack LTI Yes 788 7 Items, see picture
Aegis Wrecking Crew Pack LTI No 1155 Reclaimer + Vulcan + Eclipse + Avenger Warlock/Titan
Exotic Mega Pack LTI No 1260 Banu MM + Genesis Starliner + Khartu-al + other small ships
UEE Exploration 2948 Pack LTI Yes 850 Carrack, Terrapin, Freelancer DUR, Cyclone RN
Game package can be upgrade as well on your demand, price negotiated
CCU-d ships are upgraded from another ship. Also I have ships from original sale - they may come with different bonuses but are more expensive.
You can click on the price of original sale item to see it's contents.
Ship manufacturer Ship model Insurance Price (CCU-d), $ Price (Original sale), $
Aopoa (Xi'an) Khartu-Al LTI 179 -
- Nox LTI - 77
- Nox Kue LTI - 77
- San'Tok.Yai LTI 231 -
Aegis Dynamics Avenger Titan LTI 74 100
- Avenger Titan Renegade LTI 95 111
- Avenger Stalker LTI 84 -
- Avenger Warlock LTI 100 -
- Eclipse LTI 305 333
- Gladius LTI 116 -
- Gladius Valiant LTI 132 147
- Hammerhead LTI 672 777
- Hammerhead Best in Show Edition LTI 746 -
- Nautilus LTI 672 -
- Reclaimer LTI 336 550
- Reclaimer Best in Show Edition LTI 429 -
- Redeemer LTI 333 -
- Retaliator Bomber LTI 284 -
- Sabre LTI 184 221
- Sabre Comet LTI 195 -
- Vanguard Warden LTI 263 357
- Vanguard Harbinger LTI 289 -
- Vanguard Sentinel LTI 268 -
- Vanguard Hoplite LTI 231 268
- Vulcan LTI 216 242
ARGO Astronautics MPUV Cargo LTI 74 84
- MPUV Personnel LTI - 89
Raft LTI 142 -
- SRV LTI 165 -
- Mole LTI 321 -
- Combo Pack LTI - 111
Anvil Aerospace Arrow LTI 95 137
- C8X Pisces Expedition LTI 69 79
- C8R Pisces LTI 84 -
- Carrack LTI 420 -
- Carrack W/C8X LTI 440 -
- Carrack Expedition LTI 447 -
- Carrack Expedition W/C8X LTI 468 -
- Crucible LTI 369 431
- F7C Hornet LTI 121 -
- F7C Hornet Wildfire LTI 189 210
- F7C-S Hornet Ghost LTI 140 -
- F7C-R Hornet Tracker LTI 155 -
- F7C-M Super Hornet LTI 199 252
- F7C-M Hornet Heartseeker LTI 200 -
- Gladiator LTI 177 221
- Hawk LTI 116 132
- Hurricane LTI 210 231
- Terrapin LTI 231 263
- Valkyrie LTI 357 -
- Legionnaire LTI 132 -
Banu Merchantman LTI 399 -
- Defender LTI 226 237
Consolidated outland Mustang Beta LTI 95 -
- Mustang Gamma LTI 74 -
- Mustang Delta LTI 84 -
- Pioneer LTI - 1499
Crusader Industries Ares Inferno LTI 252 -
- Ares Ion LTI 252 -
- Genesis Starliner LTI 357 578
- C2 Hercules LTI 368 -
- M2 Hercules LTI 483 -
- A2 Hercules LTI 735 -
C1 Spirit LTI 137 -
E1 Spirit LTI 163 -
A1 Spirit LTI 210 -
- Mercury Star Runner LTI 273 -
Drake Interplanetary Dragonfly Yellowjacket LTI - 84
- Dragonfly Black LTI - 84
- Dragonfly Ride Together Two-Pack LTI - 126
- Buccaneer LTI 126 142
- Caterpillar LTI 336 -
- Caterpillar Best in Show Edition LTI 347 -
- Corsair LTI 263 -
- Cutlass Black LTI 126 -
- Cutlass Black Best in Show Edition (2949) LTI 137 -
- Cutlass Steel LTI 221 -
- Cutlass Red LTI 142 -
- Cutlass Blue LTI 168 -
- Herald LTI 111 -
- Vulture LTI 158 -
Esperia Vanduul Blade LTI 284 326
- Vanduul Glaive LTI 373 -
- Prowler LTI 399 510
- Talon LTI 132 -
- Talon Shrike LTI 132 -
Gatac Railen LTI 242 -
Greycat Industrial ROC LTI 77 -
Kruger Intergalactic P-72 Archimedes LTI - 90
- P-72 Archimedes Emerald LTI - 105
Mirai Fury LTI 69 -
- Fury MX LTI 69 -
- Fury LX LTI 69 -
MISC Endeavor BASE LTI 378 -
- Endeavor DISCOVERY-CLASS LTI - 683
- Endeavor Master Set 2018 LTI - 1399
Expanse LTI 168 -
- Freelancer LTI 121 -
- Freelancer DUR LTI 147 -
- Freelancer MAX LTI 163 -
- Freelancer MIS LTI 184 -
- HULL A LTI 99 -
- HULL B LTI 147 -
- HULL C LTI 357 -
- HULL D LTI 462 -
- Odyssey LTI 578 -
- Razor LTI 163 179
- Razor LX LTI 168 -
- Razor EX LTI 174 -
- Prospector LTI 163 179
- Reliant Kore (Mini Hauler) LTI 84 105
- Reliant Tana (Skirmisher) LTI 95 -
- Reliant Mako (News Van) LTI 121 -
- Reliant Sen (Researcher) LTI 105 -
- Starfarer LTI 315 399
- Starfarer Gemini LTI 347 452
Origin Jumpworks X1 Baseline LTI - 69
- X1 Velocity LTI - 74
- X1 Force LTI - 79
- M50 LTI 121 -
- 85X LTI - 79
- 100I LTI 74 95
- 125A LTI 79 -
- 135C LTI 84 -
- 300I LTI 77 -
- 315P LTI 77 -
- 325A LTI 93 -
- 350R LTI 137 -
- 400i LTI 265 -
- 600i Touring LTI 399 525
- 600i Exploration LTI 420 580
RSI Aurora CL LTI 74 -
- Apollo Triage LTI 268 -
- Apollo Medivac LTI 294 -
- Galaxy LTI 378 -
- Mantis LTI 168 -
- Perseus LTI 557 -
- Polaris LTI 735 999
- Constellation Taurus LTI 179 -
- Constellation Andromeda LTI 252 -
- Constellation Aquila LTI 321 -
Zeus MK II MR LTI 205 -
Zeus MK II ES LTI 163 -
Zeus MK II CL LTI 163 -
- Scorpius LTI 263 -
- Scorpius Antares LTI 252 -
- Orion LTI 489 -
Ship/Package Insurance Price, $ Comments
Consolidated Outland Mustang Alpha Vindicator 6MI 66 Limited Vindicator version
Kruger P-72 Archimedes 10YI 55 -
Kruger P-72 Archimedes 6YI 45 -
Kruger P-52 Merlin 6YI 37 -
RSI Aurora ES 10YI 37 -
Argo MPUV 1C Cargo 10YI 53 -
MISC Endeavor OLYMPIC-CLASS 4YI 578 Endeavor with modules
RSI Constellation Phoenix 10YI 399 -
RSI Constellation Phoenix 6YI 389 -
Origin 890 Jump 6MI 1099 -
Origin 890 Jump 6YI 1249 -
Origin 890 Jump 10YI 1349 -
Vehicle Insurance Price (CCU-d), $ Price (Concept), $ Comments
Anvil Ballista LTI 153 -
Hoverquad LTI 74 -
Greycat PTV 6YI 27 -
Greycat PTV 10YI 37 -
Origin G12 LTI 84 -
Origin G12R LTI 84 -
Origin G12A LTI 90 -
Tumbril Cyclone LTI 74 Base version
Tumbril Cyclone-TR LTI 79 With ground turret
Tumbril Cyclone-RC LTI 79 Speedster
Tumbril Cyclone-AA LTI 95 Anti-air + countermeasures
Tumbril Cyclone-RN LTI 79 Scout & Scan
Tumbril Ranger RC LTI 105 Racer
Tumbril Ranger CV LTI 111 Offroad
Tumbril Ranger TR LTI 116 With Gun
Tumbril Nova LTI 126 132 Tank
URSA Rover 5YI 63 -
URSA Rover 10YI 70
Lynx LTI 79
URSA Rover Fortuna LTI 79 Limited green skin edition
Below are listed combo packs with different combination of vehicles, or with space ships
Combo packs Insurance Price (Concept), $ Comments
Offroad Vehicle Pack LTI 137 Cyclone TR + URSA + Greycat PTV
Tumbril Cyclone Pack LTI 305 All Cyclones
All-Terrain Vehicle Mega Pack LTI 473 All Cyclones + Ursa + Lynx + Greycat
Air and Space Pack LTI LTI 315 Terrapin + Cyclone AA
Ground Vehicle Pack VIP LTI 378 Gragonfly + Nox + X1 + Ursa + Cyclone + Nova + bonus
Deluxe Ground Vehicle Pack VIP LTI 840 A lot of items, check screenshot
Module Insurance Price, $
MISC Endeavor Modules (Pods) - -
RSI Galaxy Modules
Galaxy - Med Bay Module 10YI 116
Galaxy - Refinery Module 10YI 126
Galaxy - Cargo Module 10YI 95
Aegis Vanguard battlefield upgrade kits
Harbinger battlefield upgrade kit LTI 140
Sentinel battlefield upgrade kit 6MI 69
Other stuff
Add-ons - Aegis Idris P after market kit - 294
Module Insurance Price, $
Overlord "Dust Storm" Armor Set - 11
Overlord "Riptide" Armor Set - 11
Overlord Helmets "Silent Strike" Pack - 8
Overlord Helmets "Forces of Nature" Pack - 8
Parasite Replica Helmet (Original) - 11
Parasite Replica Helmet (Dark Birth) - 11
Stegman's Cordimon "Voyager" Complete Outfit - 11
Stegman's IndVest “Pathfinder” Complete Outfit - 11
RSI MacFlex Rust Society full armor set (5 items) - 21
RSI Venture Rust Society full armor set (5 items) - 32
Mr. Refinement’s Cabinet of Rare & Exquisite Spirits - 11
Life in the 'Verse Shirts Pack #1 - 5
Life in the 'Verse Shirts Pack #2 - 5
"Caudillo" Helmets Pack #1 by CC's Conversions - 10
"Caudillo" Helmets Pack #2 by CC's Conversions - 10
"Caudillo" Helmets Pack #3 by CC's Conversions - 10
QuikFlarePro Pack - 5
QuikFlarePro Pack Deluxe - 6
Polar Vortex Collection - 7
Cold Front Collection - 7
UltiFlex FSK-8 "Mirage" Combat Knife - 5
UltiFlex FSK-8 "Ghost" Combat Knife - 5
Urban Collection by Element Authority - 11
Adventurer Collection by Element Authority - 11
Manaslu Rust Society Jacket - 8
RSI Horizon Rust Society Helmet - 8
RSI Beacon Rust Society Undersuit - 6
Paladin helmet - 10
IAE-insurance upgrades (adds IAE insurance (10 years) to your ship)
Upgrade Price, $
Prospector to F7C-M Super Hornet 50
Vanguard Warden to Caterpillar 60
Sorted by: Manufacturer -> ship
Target ship manufacturer Target ship Upgrade from Price, $
Aegis Dynamics Avenger Titan Renegade 325A 18
- Avenger Warlock 325A 29
- Avenger Warlock Arrow 26
- Eclipse Constellation Andromeda 78
- Eclipse Vanguard Sentinel 37
- Eclipse Vanguard Warden 53
- Eclipse Blade 37
- Gladius Valiant Gladius 32
- Gladius Valiant M50 23
- Hammerhead Constellation Aquila 477
- Hammerhead 600i Touring 357
- Hammerhead 600i Explorer 315
- Hammerhead Merchantman 131
- Hammerhead Hull D 236
- Hammerhead Crucible 446
- Hammerhead Carrack 173
- Hammerhead Reclaimer 383
- Hammerhead Prowler 351
- Hammerhead Orion 131
- Hammerhead Glaive 446
- Nautilus Constellation Aquila 462
- Nautilus Endeavor 425
- Nautilus Crucible 425
- Nautilus Genesis Starliner 372
- Nautilus M2 Hercules 246
- Nautilus Merchantman 110
- Nautilus 600i Explorer 294
- Nautilus 600i Touring 336
- Nautilus Orion 110
- Nautilus Prowler 330
- Nautilus Carrack 173
- Nautilus Reclaimer 372
- Nautilus Hull D 215
- Nautilus C2 Hercules 372
- Nautilus Valkyrie 399
- Reclaimer Constellation Aquila 110
- Reclaimer Starfarer Gemini 84
- Reclaimer Endeavor 73
- Reclaimer Crucible 73
- Reclaimer Valkyrie 49
- Redeemer Constellation Andromeda 78
- Redeemer Vanguard Hoplite 84
- Redeemer Mole 31
- Retaliator Bomber Constellation Andromeda 57
- Retaliator Razor 19
- Retaliator Ballista 26
- Sabre Prospector 31
- Sabre Gladiator 16
- Sabre Comet Sabre 31
- Sabre Comet Freelancer MIS 26
- Sabre Comet Khartu-Al 31
- Sabre Comet F7C Hornet Wildfire Mk I 23
- Sabre Comet Gladiator 35
- Vanguard Harbinger Constellation Andromeda 68
- Vanguard Harbinger Retaliator Bomber 31
- Vanguard Harbinger Vanguard Sentinel 26
- Vanguard Harbinger Vanguard Hoplite 68
- Vanguard Harbinger Vanguard Warden 42
- Vanguard Hoplite Constellation Taurus 54
- Vanguard Hoplite Defender 33
- Vanguard Hoplite F7C-M Super Hornet Heartseeker Mk I 54
- Vanguard Hoplite Hurricane 44
- Vanguard Hoplite Terrapin 33
- Vanguard Sentinel Constellation Andromeda 52
- Vanguard Sentinel Vanguard Warden 31
- Vanguard Warden Constellation Andromeda 31
- Vanguard Warden Vanguard Hoplite 35
- Vulcan Prospector 61
- Vulcan Cutlass Blue 40
- Vulcan Freelancer MIS 40
- Vulcan Sabre 46
- Vulcan Sabre Comet 30
- Vulcan F7C Hornet Wildfire Mk I 40
- Vulcan F7C-M Super Hornet Mk I 30
- Vulcan Gladiator 51
- Vulcan Khartu-Al 46
Anvil Aerospace Carrack Constellation Aquila 267
- Carrack Mole 320
- Carrack M2 Hercules 99
- Carrack 600i Explorer 147
- Carrack 600i Touring 189
- Carrack Prowler 183
- Carrack Reclaimer 225
- Carrack Genesis Starliner 225
- Carrack Valkyrie 215
- Carrack C2 Hercules 189
- Carrack Hull D 73
- Carrack Endeavor 283
- Carrack Crucible 283
- Carrack Starfarer Gemini 294
- Carrack W/C8X Carrack 55
- Carrack Expedition Carrack 60
- Carrack Expedition Carrack W/C8X 40
- Carrack Expedition W/C8X Carrack 80
- Carrack Expedition W/C8X Carrack W/C8X 73
- Carrack Expedition W/C8X Carrack Expedition 68
- Crucible Starfarer Gemini 26
- Crucible Constellation Aquila 94
- F7C-M Super Hornet Mk I Prospector 43
- F7C-M Super Hornet Mk I Khartu-AL 27
- F7C-M Super Hornet Mk I F7C Hornet Wildfire Mk I 22
- F7C-M Super Hornet Mk I Gladiator 32
- F7C-M Super Hornet Mk I Freelancer MIS 22
- F7C-M Super Hornet Mk I Sabre 27
- F7C-M Super Hornet Mk I Razor EX 43
- F7C-M Super Hornet Heartseeker Mk I Prospector 63
- F7C-M Super Hornet Heartseeker Mk I Freelancer MAX 68
- F7C-M Super Hornet Heartseeker Mk I Razor EX 63
- F7C-M Super Hornet Heartseeker Mk I Gladiator 52
- F7C-M Super Hornet Heartseeker Mk I Khartu-AL 47
- F7C-M Super Hornet Heartseeker Mk I Sabre 47
- F7C-M Super Hornet Heartseeker Mk I Sabre Comet 31
- F7C-M Super Hornet Heartseeker Mk I F7C Hornet Wildfire Mk I 42
- F7C-M Super Hornet Heartseeker Mk I Freelancer MIS 42
- F7C Hornet Wildfire Mk I Prospector 31
- F7C Hornet Wildfire Mk I Khartu-Al 16
- F7C Hornet Wildfire Mk I Gladiator 22
- F7C Hornet Wildfire Mk I Sabre 16
- Gladiator Prospector 21
- Hawk Gladius 21
- Hurricane Constellation Taurus 22
- Hurricane Prospector 69
- Hurricane Gladiator 58
- Hurricane F7C Hornet Wildfire Mk I 48
- Hurricane F7C-M Super Hornet Mk I 37
- Hurricane Freelancer MIS 48
- Hurricane Sabre 53
- Hurricane Sabre Comet 37
- Hurricane Khartu-Al 53
- Terrapin Prospector 84
- Terrapin Constellation Taurus 33
- Terrapin Freelancer MAX 86
- Terrapin F7C-M Super Hornet Mk I 52
- Terrapin Freelancer MIS 63
- Terrapin Vulcan 36
- Terrapin Gladiator 73
- Terrapin Khartu-Al 65
- Terrapin Sabre 65
- Valkyrie Constellation Aquila 78
- Valkyrie Endeavor 42
- Valkyrie Starfarer Gemini 52
- Valkyrie Crucible 42
- Valkyrie Glaive 42
Aopoa (Xi'an) Khartu-Al Prospector 29
- Khartu-Al Freelancer MAX 31
- Nox Aurora LN 22
- Nox Dragonfly Black 15
- Nox Dragonfly Yellowjacket 15
- Nox MPUV Cargo 27
- Nox Kue Aurora LN 17
- Nox Kue Dragonfly Black 15
- Nox Kue Dragonfly Yellowjacket 15
- Nox Kue Mustang Beta 15
- Nox Kue MPUV Personnel 15
- Nox Kue MPUV Cargo 22
- San'tok.yāi Constellation Taurus 56
- San'tok.yāi Hurricane 46
- San'tok.yāi Vulcan 56
ARGO Astronautics MPUV Cargo Mustang Alpha 15
- SRV F7C-R Hornet Tracker Mk I 26
- SRV Razor 31
- SRV Prospector 21
- SRV Freelancer MAX 26
- SRV Razor EX 21
Banu Merchantman Mole 239
- Merchantman Starfarer Gemini 220
- Merchantman Prowler 231
- Merchantman 600i Touring 236
- Merchantman 600i Explorer 194
- Merchantman Genesis Starliner 273
- Defender Constellation Taurus 31
- Defender Retaliator 84
- Defender Cutlass Blue 57
- Defender Freelancer MIS 65
- Defender Gladiator 70
- Defender Khartu-Al 65
- Defender Sabre 65
- Defender F7C Hornet Wildfire Mk I 59
- Defender F7C-M Super Hornet Mk I 50
Consolidated outland Mustang Delta Mustang Gamma 22
- Mustang Delta Avenger Stalker 15
Crusader Industries Genesis Starliner Constellation Aquila 115
- Genesis Starliner Endeavor 73
- Ares Inferno Constellation Andromeda 26
- Ares Ion Constellation Andromeda 26
- A2 Hercules 600i Touring 393
- A2 Hercules 600i Explorer 351
- A2 Hercules Carrack 220
- A2 Hercules Constellation Aquila 519
- A2 Hercules Crucible 483
- A2 Hercules Endeavor 483
- A2 Hercules Hull D 273
- A2 Hercules Merchantman 168
- A2 Hercules Orion 168
- A2 Hercules Prowler 388
- A2 Hercules Reclaimer 430
- A2 Hercules Starfarer Gemini 504
- C2 Hercules Constellation Aquila 110
- C2 Hercules Valkyrie 47
- C2 Hercules Crucible 73
- C2 Hercules Endeavor 73
- C2 Hercules Glaive 73
- C2 Hercules Starfarer Gemini 84
- M2 Hercules Constellation Aquila 236
- M2 Hercules 600i Touring 110
- M2 Hercules 600i Explorer 68
- M2 Hercules C2 Hercules 147
- M2 Hercules Crucible 199
- M2 Hercules Endeavor 199
- M2 Hercules Genesis Starliner 147
- M2 Hercules Prowler 105
- M2 Hercules Reclaimer 147
- M2 Hercules Starfarer Gemini 210
- A1 Spirit F7C-R Hornet Tracker Mk I 63
- A1 Spirit Razor 68
- A1 Spirit Khartu-Al 42
- A1 Spirit F7C-M Super Hornet Mk I 26
- A1 Spirit Sabre 42
- A1 Spirit Prospector 57
- A1 Spirit Zeus Mk II MR 21
- C1 Spirit Freelancer 26
- C1 Spirit Legionnaire 15
- C1 Spirit Nova 15
- C1 Spirit Cutlass Black 26
- C1 Spirit Talon 21
- C1 Spirit Talon Shrike 21
- E1 Spirit Razor 15
- Mercury Star Runner Prospector 120
- Mercury Star Runner San'tok.yāi 31
- Mercury Star Runner Defender 52
- Mercury Star Runner F7C Hornet Wildfire Mk I 99
- Mercury Star Runner F7C-M Super Hornet Mk I 89
- Mercury Star Runner Freelancer MIS 99
- Mercury Star Runner Hurricane 63
- Mercury Star Runner Khartu-Al 105
- Mercury Star Runner Razor EX 120
- Mercury Star Runner Sabre Comet 89
- Mercury Star Runner Sabre 105
- Mercury Star Runner Terrapin 52
- Mercury Star Runner Vulcan 73
Drake Interplanetary Caterpillar Constellation Andromeda 116
- Caterpillar Constellation Aquila 36
- Caterpillar Retaliator Bomber 78
- Corsair Prospector 115
- Corsair Constellation Taurus 68
- Corsair Freelancer MAX 120
- Corsair Freelancer MIS 94
- Corsair Sabre 99
- Corsair Sabre Comet 84
- Corsair Gladiator 105
- Corsair F7C-M Super Hornet Mk I 84
- Corsair F7C-M Super Hornet Heartseeker Mk I 68
- Corsair F7C Hornet Wildfire Mk I 94
- Corsair Vulcan 68
- Corsair Hurricane 57
- Corsair Razor EX 115
- Corsair Khartu-Al 99
- Cutlass Black Best In Show Gladius 52
- Cutlass Blue F7C-R Hornet Tracker Mk I 36
- Cutlass Blue Razor 36
- Cutlass Blue Prospector 31
- Cutlass Steel Constellation Taurus 47
- Cutlass Steel Railen 21
- Cutlass Steel Defender 26
- Cutlass Steel Terrapin 26
- Cutlass Steel Vulcan 47
- Cutlass Steel Hurricane 36
- Cutlass Steel F7C-M Super Hornet Heartseeker Mk I 47
- Dragonfly Black MPUV Cargo 15
- Herald 325A 26
- Herald Avenger Titan Renegade 21
- Vulture Prospector 31
- Vulture Razor EX 31
- Vulture Sabre 15
- Vulture Khartu-Al 15
- Vulture Gladiator 21
- Vulture SRV 21
Esperia Blade Constellation Andromeda 52
- Glaive Constellation Aquila 52
- Glaive Starfarer Gemini 26
- Talon Gladius 42
- Talon Reliant Mako 36
- Talon Freelancer 21
- Talon Cutlass Black 21
- Talon Buccaneer 21
- Talon Shrike Gladius 42
- Talon Shrike Reliant Mako 36
- Talon Shrike Freelancer 21
- Talon Shrike Cutlass Black 21
- Talon Shrike Buccaneer 21
- Prowler Constellation Aquila 147
- Prowler Reclaimer 57
- Prowler Genesis Starliner 57
- Prowler Endeavor 110
- Prowler Crucible 110
- Prowler 600i Touring 42
MISC Freelancer MIS Prospector 32
- Freelancer MIS Freelancer MAX 37
- Freelancer MIS Gladiator 22
- Freelancer MIS Sabre 16
- Freelancer MIS Razor EX 32
- Endeavor Constellation Aquila 78
- Endeavor Starfarer Gemini 52
- Hull A 300I 42
- Hull A Mustang Gamma 47
- Hull B 325A 94
- Hull C Constellation Andromeda 294
- Hull D Constellation Aquila 278
- Hull D Starfarer Gemini 262
- Razor F7C-R Hornet Tracker Mk I 15
- Razor Nova 36
- Razor LX F7C-S Hornet Ghost Mk I 21
- Razor LX Freelancer DUR 26
- Razor LX Razor 15
- Razor LX 350r 36
- Razor EX Freelancer MAX 15
- Razor EX Retaliator 15
- Razor EX Razor LX 15
- Reliant Tana 325a 15
- Reliant Sen Arrow 21
- Reliant Mako Gladius 15
- Starfarer Constellation Andromeda 76
- Starfarer Vanguard Warden 55
- Starfarer Vanguard Harbinger 24
- Starfarer Vanguard Sentinel 39
- Starfarer Vanguard Hoplite 76
- Starfarer Blade 39
- Starfarer Retaliator Bomber 39
- Starfarer Apollo Medivac 39
- Starfarer Gemini Constellation Aquila 57
- Starfarer Gemini Redeemer 21
- Starfarer Gemini Mole 47
Origin Jumpworks 350r Freelancer 28
- 350r Nova 17
- 350r Legionnaire 17
- 350r Talon 23
- 350r Talon Shrike 23
- M50 Gladius 22
- 85X Aurora CL 15
- 100i Dragonfly Black 18
- 100i Dragonfly Yellowjacket 18
- 100i MPUV Personnel 22
- 100i Mustang Beta 22
- 100i X1 16
- 125a 100i 22
- 125a 85X 19
- 125a Ursa 19
- 125a X1 Force 14
- 135C 100i 27
- 135C 125a 15
- 135C 300i 14
- 135C Cyclone 19
- 135C Mustang Gamma 19
- X1 Mustang Alpha 26
- X1 Aurora LN 15
- X1 MPUV Cargo 21
- X1 Velocity Mustang Beta 21
- X1 Velocity MPUV Personnel 21
- X1 Velocity X1 15
- X1 Force Aurora CL 21
- X1 Force X1 Velocity 15
- X1 Force Nox 21
- 400i Constellation Andromeda 21
- 400i Vanguard Hoplite 21
- 400i Constellation Andromeda 21
- 400i Scorpius 31
- 600i Touring Constellation Aquila 147
- 600i Touring Constellation Phoenix 110
- 600i Touring Reclaimer 57
- 600i Touring Starfarer Gemini 120
- 600i Touring Endeavor 110
- 600i Touring Crucible 110
- 600i Touring Eclipse 162
- 600i Touring Genesis Starliner 57
- 600i Touring C2 Hercules 57
- 600i Explorer 600i Touring 63
- 600i Explorer Constellation Aquila 189
- 600i Explorer Prowler 57
- 600i Explorer Genesis Starliner 99
- 600i Explorer Starfarer Gemini 162
- 600i Explorer Endeavor 152
- 600i Explorer Reclaimer 99
- 600i Explorer Crucible 152
- 600i Explorer C2 Hercules 99
RSI Apollo Triage Constellation Andromeda 23
- Apollo Triage San'tok.yāi 23
- Apollo Medivac Constellation Andromeda 49
- Apollo Medivac Vanguard Warden 26
- Apollo Medivac Apollo Triage 36
- Apollo Medivac Vanguard Hoplite 47
- Constellation Taurus F7C-R Hornet Tracker Mk I 42
- Constellation Taurus Razor 47
- Mantis Razor 15
- Mantis Ballista 21
- Perseus Mole 409
- Perseus Carrack 110
- Perseus Carrack W/C8X 89
- Perseus Carrack Expedition 84
- Perseus Carrack Expedition W/C8X 63
- Perseus Merchantman 57
- Perseus Orion 57
- Perseus 600i Explorer 241
- Perseus M2 Hercules 194
- Perseus Hull D 162
- Polaris Constellation Aquila 530
- Polaris Perseus 183
- Polaris M2 Hercules 357
- Polaris Nautilus Solstice Edition 149
- Polaris Hammerhead 149
- Polaris Carrack 367
- Polaris Crucible 499
- Polaris Merchantman 210
- Polaris Orion 178
- Orion Constellation Aquila 249
- Orion Starfarer 255
- Orion 600i Touring 273
- Orion Reclaimer 294
- Orion Genesis Starliner 294
- Orion M2 Hercules 168
- Orion Prowler 252
CCUs from more to less expensive ships
Target ship manufacturer Target ship Upgrade from Price, $
Aegis Dynamics Eclipse Redeemer 64
- Eclipse Caterpillar 17
- Vanguard Harbinger Constellation Aquila 17
- Vanguard Hoplite Constellation Andromeda 30
- Reclaimer Hull D 94
- Reclaimer Merchantman 78
- Vulcan Defender 26
- Vulcan Terrapin 15
- Sabre Constellation Taurus 32
- Sabre Freelancer MIS 16
- Sabre Comet Constellation Taurus 52
- Retaliator Bomber Redeemer 36
- Vanguard Harbinger Redeemer 57
- Vanguard Sentinel Redeemer 42
- Vanguard Warden Redeemer 26
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2024.05.18 04:28 AnotherGenericID How do I make my magic system make sense if I don't have a detailed idea of what I want?

I understand the general concept of what I desire, yet I'm uncertain about the fundamental components that make it function.
Explaining this without making it overly complex is challenging for me, but I'll give it a shot. Please bear with me if it turns out to be quite lengthy; articulating my thoughts clearly is not my strong suit.
Creating an entire universe linked solely by a cataclysmic event from pre-pre-historic times may seem daunting. Each "world" within this universe utilizes the magic system differently, yet the fundamental principles remain consistent. The methods and achievements vary as much of the knowledge has been lost to time. To them, their forebears were the sole survivors of the disaster, and what was lost is considered irretrievable.
Before you advise against it, it's too late! I'm interested in reading stories where a calamity occurs, and the survivors think they are the only ones left. I want to see how they manage to repopulate in various unrelated narratives.
Here is some of what I have.
  1. Ascension: achieving a potential beyond the ordinary or ascending to a superior state of being. Potential side effects are enhanced strength, increased longevity, perpetual or extended youth, an improved and more resilient body to manage one's mystical energy [a term yet to be determined], an apparently infinite source of this energy, and the ability to resurrect, likely remaining as a bound spirit.
Essentially, it's an expansion of the mystical energy reserve, coupled with an enhancement.
  1. Matter Manipulation: This ability allows one to create anything they desire from the materials around them, also known as their domain. Side effects might include excessive creativity, intense focus on creation, and a sense of apathy (though this is more of a humorous aside I'll clarify later). It enables manipulation beyond mere materials, limited to their domain, akin to "magic" forging similar to that of a mystical blacksmith, and the temporary alteration of physics.
In envisioning this concept, I imagine a realistic version of The Lego Movie. In narratives where this power is evident, many individuals who possess it believe they are superior to others because they can erect structures instantly, thinking the world should cater to them. While not all are this extreme, it's a prevalent attitude. Unfortunately, those who oppose this mindset are often overshadowed. Moreover, there are those without this power who must helplessly observe as their possessions are commandeered to construct something without their consent. It creates quite a chaotic situation.
  1. Aura/Psychic/Magic Powers: These are abilities derived from their source of origin. Note: Superpowers differ as they originate from another source [words omitted].
a). Aura: Powers harnessed from the "body".
b). Psychic: Powers harnessed from the "mind".
c). Magic: Powers harnessed from the "heart/soul".
To clarify, one requires mental strength to wield such powers, another demands "spiritual" strength—not religious faith, but rather a form of inner belief—to harness them, and the last involves a non-physical form of strength. As for Bending in Avatar, it may be similar to these concepts.
Before I proceed, I'd like to clarify this: it's not just psychics who can "see" into the future, past, or other realms—there are various means for this perception. The Aura/Body sense is akin to a "gut" feeling, a tangible presence one can sense around them. The Psychic/Mind sense is like a persistent "thought" in the back of your mind, perceiving things that aren't present but somehow resonate as true [distinct from mental illness, it's important to note]. Magic/Spirit is the "belief" in a reality that has either already occurred or is destined to happen. I hope this explanation is clear, as I'm starting to lose myself in my own explanation.
Moving on.
  1. Superpowers: A genetic mutation where the "magic" cores are integrated with the body, whether naturally or artificially. It is possible to possess a "magic" core.
While Marvel and DC might be the first to come to mind, my thoughts lean more towards Pokémon and characters like Sonic or Shadow the Hedgehog. Although it may not strictly qualify as Magic, I'll include it here nonetheless.
  1. Crystals: These are solid manifestations of raw "magical" energy. As a forgotten technique, they can serve as a power source for technology, though it is highly perilous, and no one has managed to harness it without catastrophic outcomes. Their primary use is as a power source for "magical" artifacts, such as staves and wands, or as a source of light for those with evident energy.
In truth, I am aware of only one series—my stories invariably form series—known as a "world," that possesses Crystallizing Farms. I am uncertain if other "worlds" contain them. Moreover, there is at least one individual who has discovered how to safely utilize the crystals as a technological power source, but this remains a concealed aspect of the narrative, unknown until its revelation.
  1. Mini-Deities: These entities are purely magical. Most are bound to a conduit that allows mortals to harness their powers. Each deity possesses distinct domains and abilities. The more prevalent ones belong to a specific "set" with which they are associated. They modify their mortal "partner" to ensure optimal use of their powers.
There are strict rules: the "master" or "partner" must be at least a pre-teen but no older than 21 or a young adult for initial or prolonged use. If too old, the individual's body and mind would reject the changes, leading to a gradual demise. If too young, the individual's self-identity and sense of responsibility would be lost, rendering them a puppet to the powers and to any who are manipulative enough to exploit them. While a child may possess the maturity to manage the power, it is advised not to wear the conduit full-time until reaching at least pre-teen age for mental stability. An adult can utilize the powers long-term if they are physically fit, but it is recommended not to wear the conduit continuously as it could debilitate the body.
I realize this is complex, but this explanation is as clear as possible.
  1. The dichotomy of Artificial [Technological] versus Biological [Magical] can be exemplified by robots and golems. While it may not be magic in the traditional sense, it is a significant element of the system, and everything mentioned previously encompasses both aspects. Apologies if this is confusing; it's a complex topic for me as well.
I believe that covers all the types of magic. Next, let's delve into the "sub-typing" of magics! Apologies for my word choice.
This section may not be as refined as the previous one, but I will endeavor to articulate my thoughts and the reasoning behind them as clearly as possible.
Earth, Being, Water, Ice, Air, Lightning/Electricity/Energy/Plasma, Fire, Rock - this sequence represents my latest concept, which is presently occupying my thoughts. Originally conceived for a distinct magic system in an unrelated story or series, I found it compelling enough to incorporate into this system. While it's not the sole "sub-system" nor is it flawless, I am fond of it and wish to develop it further.
Earth encompasses sand, dirt, mud, soil, essentially the surface layer of the planet. It's associated with super-strength for a reason.
Beings include animals, plants, fungi, and all entities considered alive. This category might evolve, but currently, it's where abilities like plant manipulation and animal communication are categorized.
Water is solely about controlling and manipulating water. It excludes "Blood-bending" (which falls under Beings) and "Ice-Bending" (which is categorized under Ice), focusing only on water.
Ice involves the creation of ice and the manipulation of temperatures towards the colder spectrum. Note: it's limited to cooling, without the capacity to increase temperatures.
Air allows for the generation of winds varying in intensity (from a gentle breeze to a powerful twister), the control of clouds and storms (including cloud-walking, and the generation of rain, hail, snow, and lightning), and flight via air currents. Note: there are multiple methods to achieve flight; more will be discussed later.
Lightning/Electricity/Energy/Plasma pertains to the creation and manipulation of these elements, potentially extending to the creation of force fields.
Fire is about generating flames and increasing heat (as opposed to reducing heat, which is the domain of Ice), and that's the extent of it.
Rock covers the manipulation of lava (considered liquid rock), minerals such as salt, and various ores and metals. The inclusion of Glass and Plastic is uncertain since their creation is heavily reliant on Fire.
While technically related to Earth, there are additional elements to explore, though they may not be as developed as the aforementioned. It's important to note that Earth, Water, Air, and Fire possess healing properties: Fire purges toxins and diseases, Air stabilizes breathing, Water cleanses toxins from the body, and Earth repairs physical damage. Water may also aid in regeneration.
Moving on to powers that my characters most likely possess:
Poison/Venom/Toxin: I was uncertain whether to categorize it under Being, Earth, Water, Air, or Fire (though Fire seems unlikely), or if they are distinct from each other. Therefore, I've placed them in their own category.
Light-Dark: Since they negate each other, they're grouped together! I'm considering adding sight and illusion as potential powers in this category.
Gravity: This includes flight, which, while achieving similar outcomes, differs in method from Air. Controlling gravity in one's vicinity is possible, but it demands a significant amount of stamina (self-flight doesn't consume much energy, depending on the alteration of natural gravitational forces). I view this as a power, not a magical element.
Sound: I was unsure where to classify this. Air was a consideration, but sound consists of vibrations, not breaths.
Shape-Shifting: The placement of this is ambiguous due to the various types of shape-shifting. Transforming into animals is widespread, and I believe morphing into other people is also valid. Whether transforming into objects (like a cup, printer, or car) is equivalent or distinct is still in question.
Spirit/Ghost/Phantom: These are not exactly powers, but I do have creatures inspired by Pokémon, and there are persistent spirits/energies, so... I've also included Death as a domain.
Regarding Pokémon, I plan to try a different system which I will discuss in a future post.
I believe this covers everything... no, I'm aware there are some details I'm overlooking, but they elude me at the moment. After writing for two hours, it's time for a break.
Could you assist me in understanding the mechanics of this system? I am receptive to ideas and discussions.
submitted by AnotherGenericID to magicbuilding [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 23:18 WingedRabbits Valarr Scales, Lord of The Scales + Aurion Scales

Reddit Account: WingedRabbits
Discord Tag: professorpisstake
Name and House: Valarr Scales
Age: 62
Cultural Group: Valyrian (Westerosi)
Appearance: Valarr is a withered, frail, old man with a permanent scowl on his face - despite this or perhaps because of this, he is quite an imposing character. His hair is white and wispy, and falls just down to his shoulders where it meets his well-maintained beard. A jagged scar runs along the right-side of his face, starting at his lip and twisting up to his ear. Valarr walks with a limp, and is seemingly always clutching his silver cane.
Trait: Numerate
Skill(s): Architect, Avaricious (e), scrutinous, administrator
Talent(s): Haggling, Bargaining, Familial Matters
Negative Trait(s): N/A
Starting Title(s): Lord of the Scales, Lord of house Scales.
Starting Location: Opening
Alternate Characters: Aurion Scales
Name and House: Ser Aurion Scales
Age: 30
Cultural Group: Valyrian (Westerosi)
Appearance: In contrast to his father, Aurion is a strapping, elegant man. He has wonderful, straight, brown hair which droops down to his shoulders, and a fine beard. He wears bright, fanciful clothing - which makes him stand out like a sore thumb against his father and his father's retinue, who tend to wear dull, dark clothes. Aurion has a well-mannered stride.
Trait: Just
Skill(s): Vanguard, Two-Handed Weapons, Armored
Talent(s): Public Speaking, Fashion, Charm
Negative Trait(s): N/A
Starting Title(s): Heir to The Scales,
Starting Location: Opening Event


37 BC - Valarr is born as the first child of Lord Aurane Scales. He is born a sickly child. Maester Corwyn begins taking care of Valarr.
36 BC - Valarr is declared healthy by Maester Corwyn. He is expected to grow into a healthy young child. A daughter is born to Lord Aurane Scales. She is named Helicent, after her grandmother. She is said to have cried for hours after her birth.
32 BC - Another son is born to Lord Aurane. He is named Edric. Young Valarr begins his tutelage under his father. Luthor Scales is born to Valarr’s uncle, Lucerys ‘The Wise’. Luthor weighed ten pounds at birth.
31 BC - Pirates assault The Scales in a surprise raid. Although they are repelled, the damage they dealt will be felt for years to come. Valarr is given a cat for his nameday - he affectionately names it “Balerion”, after the dragon which he often saw soaring above.
29 BC - Helicent becomes subject to relentless bullying by some older kids in court. Valarr witnesses this, and starts teaching Helicent how to fight back using techniques he had learned from his father and his other tutors. The siblings become friends. Johanna Scales is born to Lucerys ‘The Wise’.
27 BC - Following his tenth nameday, Valarr is sent to study in Dragonstone for a year. He grows to miss his siblings greatly, though. Valaena Targaryen allows Valarr to hold and play with the newborn Aegon on occasion, which helps him deal with his homesickness when his parents did not visit. Edric begins his tutelage under Lord Aurane.
26 BC - Valarr returns home from his year-long stay in Dragonstone. Valarr and Edric struggle to get along - but find common ground in their hatred of their oafish cousin Luthor.
24 BC - Aurane begins teaching Valarr how to command and lead armies, and how to manage a domain. Valarr shows unusual aptitude with the logistics and management of a fiefdom.
22 BC - Edric begins shirking his studies to spend time at the local port. Valarr and Luthor’s rivalry intensifies.
21 BC - Valarr celebrates his 16th nameday, and the beginning of his adult life. His studies under his father conclude. Valarr struggles with his feelings for his sister. They share their first kiss. Aurane announces that Helicent is to be betrothed to Maekar Belaerys. Valarr is upset.
20 BC - Helicent celebrates her 16th nameday, and is wed to Maekar Belaerys. Valarr leaves The Scales for Dragonstone, to serve in the court of the Targaryens.
16 BC - Edric and Luthor both celebrate their 16th nameday. Edric takes the first chance he gets to sign on as a sailor with a merchant ship, right under his father’s nose. Lord Aurane is infuriated. Luthor undergoes a growth-spurt, and by the end of it - he is as tall and broad as men twice his age.
14 BC - Luthor begins frequenting brothels on Dragonstone and brings home his first bastard. The child is named Aerion. Valarr does not enjoy having to explain to Lord Targaryen that Luthor’s choice of name was meant as a compliment, rather than an insult.
13 BC - Lucerys ‘The Wise’ falls ill with consumption. He is dead within the year. There is a suspicious increase in the number of silver-haired babies born on Dragonstone this year.
10 BC - Luthor brings home a second bastard child, and names this one Aegon. Valarr returns to The Scales after spending the last few years serving in the court of the Targaryens. Luthor and Valarr begin to bicker constantly. Lord Aurane falls ill. Valarr begins courting Calla Blackberry.
8 BC - Edric returns home after receiving word of his father’s condition - with him, he brings a Tyroshi woman named Rohanne and a young child. He explains that he and Rohanne fell in love during his time in Essos, and wed. The child is their son, Elyas. Valarr is just glad to see his brother again.
7 BC - Lord Aurane dies clutching at his heart during a feast. Valarr becomes the new Lord of House Scales, and is eager to make his father proud. New construction efforts within the Scales begin immediately.
6 BC - Lord Valarr marries Calla Blackberry. He commissions a suit of plate-armour - decorated with ornamental scales across the breastplate and base. Calla becomes pregnant.
5 BC - Aurion Scales is born to Valarr and Calla.
2 BC - Triston Scales is born to Valarr and Calla.
2 BC - Aegon Targaryen declares his intention to unite the Seven Kingdoms. Valarr Scales is among one of his first and most ardent supporters. When Aegon rallied his banners, Valarr was the first to arrive. When Aegon landed in the Blackwater Bay, Valarr was one of the first to feel the sand under his boots. Alongside Valarr was his brother Edric and cousin Luthor. The trio were unstoppable on the battlefield. Valarr and his men participate in the Battle of the Reeds and Wailing Willows.
1 BC - The Last Storm. Valarr, his brother, and his cousin all fought on the front line. Valarr commanded his men from atop his horse. They withstood the Storm King’s initial assaults, but upon his fourth charge the line broke. Argilac’s spearmen surrounded his position and picked off his retinue - eventually, they even got Valarr. They butchered his horse and pierced his hip. Valarr fell from his saddle, and then his horse fell on him - or at least, on his right leg. He eventually managed to free himself, only to be met with a hammer directly to his face. He was lucky the padding beneath his helmet took most of the impact. He was found the following morning by healers, and carried back to camp for treatment. Many of his bones had been broken, and much of the skin on the right side of his face was only hanging on by threads. Despite this, he made a miraculous recovery after a short battle with infection. However, his leg never healed right - and it seemed unlikely he would ever be able to fight again because of it.
1 BC - The Field of Fire. After Orys Baratheon’s successful campaign in the Stormlands, Valarr and his forces were reassigned to fight once more under Aegon’s banner - this time in his conquest of the Reach. Valarr did not participate directly in the Field of Fire, rather he was put in charge of managing the logistics for Aegon’s army. He was to make sure Aegon’s men were fed and supplied for the duration of his campaign in the Reach, and Valarr excelled at this job. When the day came that Aegon’s forces met the combined forces of the Kingdoms of the Rock and the Reach, Valarr took position as one of Aegon’s commanders. Although he was not in any chief leadership position for the battle, he played a role in devising the crescent formation that would keep Aegon’s men from being surrounded. Edric and Luthor again fought on the frontlines.
1 AC - Valarr is present for Aegon’s coronation. Valarr returns home to the Scales with Edric and Luthor in tow.
2 AC - Valarr commissions a Qohorik blacksmith to forge a cane to assist with walking. The cane is to be made half of lightweight silver and half of polished black wood, and the silver is to be engraved in the style of scales, with the handle of the cane to be fashioned in the style of a dragon’s head. The commission nearly halves Valarr’s treasury. Edric is given the task of staying in Qohor until the cane is completed, and then returning it to Valarr.
3 AC - Valarr’s cane is finished. Edric returns with it in haste. Luthor sires another bastard - Brea ‘Waters’.
5 AC - Rohanne Quaynis gives birth to a daughter. Edric names her Rohanne, after her mother. Luthor and his sister Johanna begin an affair. Valarr begins renovations of his holdfast - with the goal of elevating his home into a proper Keep. Aerion ‘Waters’ becomes known as a formidable warrior.
7 AC - Several pregnancies coincide this year, causing the House to grow quite a bit. Valarr and Calla introduce their daughter Cyrenna Scales to the world. Edric and his wife have a son, who they name ‘Aurane’, after Edric’s father. Luthor and Johanna have a bastard of incest together. They might have been able to keep their affair a secret, but Johanna dies during childbirth and Luthor takes open responsibility for the child. She is named Rhaenys. Luthor begins to spiral into his vices, namely drink and food. Aegon ‘Waters’ leaves The Scales to search for work as a mercenary.
7 AC - Valarr attends Aegon’s feast in King’s Landing. He reconnects with his King, and they share many stories of their childhood and their younger years, and then stories of their time during the Conquest. Valarr leaves to handle some issues with his family. By the time he returns, Aegon has already been wounded. After a few tense days of waiting, Aegon’s death is made public. Valarr mourns the loss of his King, and his friend.
8 AC - Luthor finally marries after spending years as a bachelor. He has a daughter with his new wife. He names his first trueborn child ‘Saera’.
10 AC - Aurion Scales - son of Valarr - reaches his tenth nameday. He is sent to live in the court of Dragonstone for a year. Triston grows resentful of his brother. Luthor has a son, who he names Morgan.
11 AC - Aurion returns from Dragonstone. Luthor has another daughter, who he names Falyse. Elyas Scales - son of Edric - marries.
12 AC - Triston has a bastard son with a servant girl. He names him Oswyn. Elyas has twins, who he names Lucerys and Casella.
14 AC - Edric arranges a betrothal for his daughter Rohanne, but she refuses to marry. Rohanne hides on a merchant ship as a stowaway. Rohanne winds up in Pentos and begins living as a beggar.
15 AC - Many Scales attend Orys’ Kingswood hunt, including Edric, Aurion, and Elyas. Elyas is struck down during the Kingswood Catastrophe by brigands while protecting his mother - who is also slain. Edric is distraught over the death of both his son and his beloved wife. Aurion displays great bravery during the event, and manages to free a group of hostages on his own while slaying a small band of brigands. For his bravery and courage, Aurion is knighted.
16 AC - Edric boards a ship bound for King’s Landing. During the voyage, he is reported to have flung himself overboard in an apparent act of suicide. His body could not be found. Valarr is very upset to have lost his brother. Valarr makes up with his cousin Luthor.
18 AC - Aurion leaves Dragonstone for the mainland, and begins traveling across Westeros as a hedge-knight - focusing on fighting in tourneys, and helping anyone who needs it. Rohanne joins up with the Company of the Rose after years of begging and stealing to survive.
20 AC - Triston Scales begins aiding his father with his duties, as Valarr becomes increasingly frail. Brea ‘Waters’ leaves The Scales on a ship to Storm’s End. She bounces between port towns until she winds up Tyrosh, where she joins up with a band of pirates.
21 AC - Aerion ‘Waters’ becomes the Master-At-Arms of The Scales, replacing ‘old’ Ser Clayton.
22 AC - Oswyn ‘Waters’ becomes entranced with books and legends and history. He is never seen without a book in his hand.
23 AC - Brea ‘Waters’ manages to become the captain of her own vessel, ‘The Black Wyrm’. Her crew is a nuisance to many traders along the coasts of the Free Cities.
24 AC - Valarr is discontent with the state of House Scales, and with how little recognition they have received despite their contributions to their liege. He drafts plans to forge alliances with as many houses as he can, and to build up the prestige and power of his house.
25 AC - Present. Valarr, Aurion, Luthor and a few other members of House Scales attend the festivities in The Kingswood.
House Scales in 25 AC
submitted by WingedRabbits to ITRPCommunity [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 19:32 Decent_Bandicoot_698 DICTADOS POR DIOS


TRITINAMA! TRITINAMA! TRITINAMA! LEYENDO LOS SIGUIENTES PUNTOS COMPRENDERA LO BIZARRO QUE S EL VERDADERO CAMINO CRISTIANO. Leyendo los siguientes puntos usted comprenderá lo inextricable y bizarro que es el verdadero camino cristiano luchando contra brujo en la 4d. De antemano les digo se que es extenso pero les pido no se vayan perder el epilgo al final e todo, es lo mas revelador de todo. Pero antes la conclusión final: Me podrían preguntar después de leerlo todo: hombre adulto, serio, sano y cuerdo sin esquizofrenia, ni ser un tira bombas, ni estar drogado, realmente crees que tu, con tus batallas mentales expulsaste a los Anunakis del Planeta Tierra? Les respondo desde este ángulo, esta guerra que estoy librando, es 99% psicológica, pero de quebrarme ahí, se pasaría a lo físico para un final mortal. Deben entender que ellos me querían quebrar psicológicamente con esa blasfemias contra Jesús pero por nuestro contundente contragolpe y la ayuda de Dios, el tiro le salió por la culata 2 veces, los legendarios y soberbios Anunakis se postraron ante Jesús reconocieron su poderío y se retiraron en paz. Lo cual me genera mucho bienestar y seguridad psicológica, lo ven? Miran una vez por las fechorías de mi hermano, los ángeles de Dios, le estaban dando una paliza frente a mi, pero mi hermano me decía: son mentiras esa paliza, es para que te lo creas y se calme tu ira”. Pero muy gracioso, veo que este odontólogo del demonio, de golpe apareció todo desfigurado con moretones y golpes. Sofocado, inhibido, sonrojado, descubierto infraganti, se retiro humillado como la peor basura del mundo. Y ya sin energía ni chance ni poder para mentir. Comprender como es la dinámica de esta guerra. Cosas así pasan siempre, muchas me veces me digo me lo estoy creyendo yo. Y ellos insisten: no es tu imaginación!!. O a veces con ironía me dicen mientras le dan una paliza: sI juan es tu imaginación… otra veces me dice espero que nunca cometas ningún error para que esta paliza te la de a vos… Debo aclarar un punto muy importante: en el comienzo de este camino en dos oportunidades se me llamo severamente la atención por pedir castigo a mis enemigos, yo me debo mantener fuera de la dualidad, si odio perdí, pero sobre el final la cosa cambia polarmente, Jesús se arremanga y como premio por hacer las 20000 actividades que me dictan me premian con una buena paliza por burlare de la imagen de Jesús, pero ojo cuando lo hace digo lo disfruto con los pies allá a lo lejos, no me puedo alegrar la biblia dice no te alegres del mal de tu enemigo porque Dios el quitaría el castigo. Asi que lo veo como un estricto e inevitable tecnicismo del juego pero que bien se merecen porque son diabólicamente incorregibles. ahora si lean estos punto y lo comprederan todo: 1) La matrix que es en realidad la red mental de magos negros que dominan el mundo que cobro vida propia y comenzó al llegar los Anunakis y sus piramides egipcias hoy sus titeres son los iluminatis y todo brujo satanista del mundo. Bien, esta red clono gente de mi vida en el pasado cuando aun estaba en el sistema, y los introduce de prepo en mi mente para estupidisarme, enloquecerme, estresarme y tratar de dominarme. Con estas entidades he tenido combates mentales cuerpo a cuerpo que venzo con gran facilidad pues mi mente esta sostenida por la mente de Jesus y ademas la mente del arcangel Miguel, y los venzo como un adulto vencería a un niño de 8 años, si estoy desprevenido y viene un ataque me pueden empujar un poco, pero en el acto llegan las supermentes de mi Salvador y de Miguel y los evaporo como si nada, para gloria de Dios cuento esto, si ellos me vencerían en la mente me vencerían en el acto en el plano fisico porque saltarían en el acto. Ven? Yahve es Dios su soberania es total mientras le abramos la puerta al 100% obedeciendo perfectamente, dicen que El nos roba las fuerzas... no es asi! nuestro esfuerzo es la fuerza del cielo para defendernos a nosotros, lo que nos roban la energía son las falsas religiones como lo dice textualmente en Oseas. 2) Comenso el cerdo del clon del cerdo de mi papa (los que no aborrecen a sus padres por mi no es digno de mi...) este chancho comenzó en mi cabeza a blasfemar la imagen de Jesús, luego lo imitaron otros clones, lo que me puso mal luego y demando extensas y enérgicas oraciones y luchas. La reprimenda por parte de los ángeles de Dios por estas heréticas imagen fueron de una violencia tal que si la supiera mas de un cristiano sale corriendo despavorido, no tienes limites. el odio mutuo es muy grande, es un dilema porque si jugamos al gato y al rato y el gato se niega a perseguir al raton ante una provocación, el raton le saltaria al gato y le meteria los dedos en los ojos, estamos encerrados para involúcranos en este juego con un carácter infantil, pero no jugarlo o ignorarlo es mucho mas estupido porque seria perder y morir. hay que arremangarse y perseguir a los ratones esos. 3) Pero cansado de tantos asediarlos antes su provocaciones me dije "ellos son clones son puros ceros y unos, quien los programa ? Los anunakis!" entonces comencé a bombardear en mi mente las naves piramidales de ellos que se ven en muchos lados como en Dont worry de la ilumianti Shakira. Pero paso lo impensable, me devolvía con gran potencia los aerolitos que le lanzaba y alguno de estos aerolitos caían en el rostro de Jesús, y este Jesús dijo un "ay". "Ay" dije yo, esto fue muy realista, entonces nos pusimos la pilas con Jesús los bombardeamos con más violencia, también dibuje una mano sosteniendo una roca sobre una nave piramidal y le escribí "Anunakis: a Dios no le cuesta nada..." Un dibujo equivale a 100 veces esa cosa imaginada. Todo esto fue en mi mente mientras decía mis oraciones, predicaba en las calles, desayunaba, y me metia en la biblioteca. Luego hubo combates donde las naves huían despavoridas ante Jesús y alguno draco se negaba a un combate cuerpo a cuerpo y se iban diciendo: no!!! tiene mucha luz!!!! eso escuche, todo el poder de Jesus es su luz, siendo ellos pura oscuridad no pueden hacer nada, ellos te pueden atacar si hay algo de oscuridad en vos, rebeldía, ego, ven porque Yahve y Jesús debes ser si o si de la luz 100% sino como reinarían? lo dice Pablo, es el arte sublime la santidad. Luego vi como un ejercito de Anunakis postrándose ante Jesús pero una parte se revelo y le lanzaba piedras, y eran neutralisados por los que se postraban y les pedian respeto, Jesús me dijo: no hay conceso, una parte se revela". Luego me quede expectante, no sabia que paso, vamos a negociar con Anunakis? Mas o menos como la inverosímil e imposible negociasiones de Colombia con las Farc. Por algo estamos aca y por algo vivi y vivo esa compleja negociación con locos que de golpe dicen "ahora soy cuerdo y negociamos políticamente". Y siempre ore por la paz y si bien tiene muchos detractores en el balance final es muy positivo porque a pesar de toda la improlijidades hay muchos menso muertos la fin de cada años desde que se firmo la apz. Aguante la paz! Entonces me preguntaba estamos como en una tregua? no sabia que hacer, entonces al otro día debia hacer mis dibujo como siemrpe hago, y hice una pirámide con rayos cayendo sobre ella y las palabras "Cristo" "justicia" "verdad" "libertad", y se me apareció como una mescla de un reptil y el clon de mi hermano y me dijo: estas provocando...! y le dije: no es una nave, son las pirámides Egipto como siempre hago. Pues son la cuna de la magia negra y la matrix en si. Entonces se me dijo como aclarando el trato o pacto: "No ataques mas las naves y nosotros no blasfemamos mas las imagen de Jesus". Ok trato. naves no. Pero los clones si lo quisieron hacer pero se apreciaron dracos y lo reprendieron severamente, se los comieron a tarascones, pues son incorregibles, hubo algunas improlijidades de ambas partes hasta que nos acostumbramos a esa nueva directriz pero finamente pactamos pero dije como lleno de Espíritu santo que es la coherencia y lógica: La paz es que se vayan, esa es la única paz posible. Y así fue. se irían, se fueron se están yendo. En el apocalipsis se cuenta “Y hubo guerra en el cielo: Miguel y sus ángeles lucharon contra el dragón; y lucharon el dragón y sus ángeles, y no prevalecieron; ni se halló más su lugar en el cielo. Y fue lanzado fuera el gran dragón, la serpiente antigua, que se llama diablo y Satanás, el cual engaña al mundo entero; fue arrojado a la tierra, y sus ángeles fueron arrojados con él ”. ~ Apocalipsis 12: 7-9 siempre pensé que eran los Anunakis, también vi un video de grandes naves piramidales asentándose sobre las pirámides de Egipto como la siguiente etapa de sus planes de dominacion total... Pero también se de algunos youtuber de las conspiraciones (como Gerardo Amaro y Rosalias Saenz) que dijieron que segun su informaciones los Anunakis se van del planeta, osea los iluminatis y satanistas quedaron desnudos entre la pampa y la via, bueno, con satan, pero este apoyo no estaría mas. Donde empieza el diablo y donde terminan los anunkis? no lo se, porque la cuna de la magia negra es egipto, hoy la Onu presta antiguos templos egipcios a sectas satanicas para sus misas negras. Las piramides de Egipto se trata "de durmiendo con el enemigo" vamos a adorarla cuando nos drenan la energia que Dios dispuso para nosotros porque se roban el ki del planeta pues están sobre los vortices, la acumulan y con sus naves la extraen, por eso vivimos 80 años y nos 120 como estamos diseñados este planeta no estara en paz hasta que todas las Piramides del mundo sean destruidas. Puede comprender todo lo que esto significa vea: mis enemigos todo el tiempo procura hacerme pecar sobre todo que recaiga en la homosexualdiad pero hay un abismo imposible con eso. esto significa? que Yahve es Dios porque es el juez del juego, El fiel me rodea con poderosísimo y luminosos ángeles para hacerme intocable, mientras siga en sus dictados, un pie afuera, un angel menos y una flecha oscura se puede infiltrar, la cosa es cabeza a cabeza... veanlo mi via es imposible. vivo en el hotel 50.000 estrellas... todos los dias predico contra satansita iluminatis comunistas lgtbi aborteros y nadie me toca, es absolutamente imposible y en uno de los paises mas violentos del mundo y a mi se me ace el mas amoroso del mundo, los pocos robos o violencia que sufri fueron por errores o desobediencia muy claras, no son escusas de mis angeles, ni me estoy autoengañando ni le estoy vendiendo nada porque soy un cristianso libre y predico eso no sea de ninguna religion, pero mucho menos sea pagano, ademas son 18 años!!!! no sean cabeza dura comprendan Yahve es Dios y esto se trata de o santidad o muerte Neo y Murdok manejaban la realidad por su santidad, no lo dicen los guiones, pero por logica solo asi puede ser su poder, pues esta programado matematicamente un cambio de las manso que manejan la realidad de los malos a los bueno, por eso satan no quiere que haga ni la mas minima buena accion, y si la hace debe creer que Yahve es malo, Jesus un et y lucifer el portador de la luz, o ser mariano, o cualquier heregia estupida e imposible para su bien quede invalidado mientras satan se le rie entre dientes... pero ojo, esta santidad incluye ambiguedades como el ayahusca, sexo tantrico, cultos paganos a adoracion a et. Sean 100% biblicos, liberece de todo error incluyendo a Maria INRI que es la ultima dulce heregia a superar. Tampoco caigan en cosas como Trump, quanon, ni Mel gibson porque no hay nada peor que un buen consejo y un mal ejemplo... Pues hay que hacer justica aunque se caigan los cielos. Pues no solo huecos roqueros hacen pactos con el diablo para triunfar si no tambien autoridades morales que suben y suben siendo "otro programa de la matrix " El plan de ellos es robarle la corona al Jesus verdadero, nunca!!! sepa que el Jesus verdadero es mas yavista que cristiano, el mundo cristiano esta engañado por el Jesus del mundo que dice: yo soy Dios no hay ningun Yahve" cuando el no sabe las fechas y Dios si, primer lugar de su corazon para Yahve luego Jesus, hay por fin le gano al diablo en todas. Recuerde a Jesus: al final puras puras asfixiantes trampas, solo vendria Elias para ser rechasado por un mundo que se amontono un cumulo de maestros que le adulen los oidos... nuestro mejores pensamiento son los que van contra nuestros sentimientos. Ser o no ser. Me podrán preguntar te lo crees todo literalmente? solo dire que el temor de sus naves antes Jesus es real, me lo trasmiten, aun con lo orgulloso que son, cuando este juego es 90% ego, pero ellos efectivamente retrocedieron ante la majestad de la luz de Jesús y como se lo ordenaron los Anunakis los clones ya casi no blasfeman mas, y si lo hacen primero que tengo mas velocidad y fuerza para neutralisarlo antes que lo haga, y luego son igualmente castigados pero no viene de la programación anunaki, porque estos clones tiene su original en mi pasado y hay alguna conexión. Pero en gran medida se detuvieron las imágenes esas. CUENTO TODO ESTO PARA GLORIA DE DIOS Y PARA QUE SEPAN QUE LA FRASE "TODO LO PUEDO EN CRISTO QUE ME FORTALECE" ES REALMENTE VERAS INCLUYENDO CONTRA PODEROSOS ANUNAKIS QUE SE RETIRAN ANTE LA LUZ INMACULADA DEL HIJO DE DIOS... ahora quien es el perpicaz y memorioso que recuerda que es TRITINAMA? UNA PISTA, LO DIJO UNA NIÑA RUBIA DE PELO LARGO. AGUANTE LA TRITINAMA PERO ADIOS ANUNAKIS!!!!! ALABADO SEA DIOS Y CRISTOREY. Post data esto lo escribí ayer a excepción de la intro: pero anoche la clona de mi hermana volvió a blasfemar la imagen de Jesús, que demandó una nueva correteada, estaba desconcertado después de toda esa gloriosa victoria, otra vez? y me tuve que poner las pilas para correr a la ratona esa… pero Dios me da esa increíble cantidad de energía y ni me canso, y al final y recontra finald e todo loq eu tuve que hacer recivio su castigo final: coprofagia, si como leen comer caca, y aun mas escatológico, la diarrea bebida… las imágenes tenia un realismo asqueroso. Pero ocurrió un detalle que es digno de destacar cuando ocurrieron las balsfemeas apareció Jesús indicándome que vuelva atacar a las naves piramidales anunakis… yo no quería, fue tan hermosa esa victoria, y me negué, quise comenzar pero desistí, no podía ni quería hacerlo, el insistió, me desobedeciste! me dijo “pero como vamos arruinar todo eso mi Señor… no pueden ser ellos”, me dijo: bueno esta bien estamos viendo como es la cosa” me dijo… Hoy se me revelo que ese “Jesus” era mi trucho hermano usurpando su nombre y su imagen. Ese era el plan mi hermana blasfemaba a Jesús y el me empujaba para que caiga en su trampa. Yahve te reprenda satán, Yahve te reprenda satán, Yahve te reprenda satán, Yahve te reprenda satán, Me quería hacer pisar el palito. “Pero el que cava un pozo caerá en el” dice la biblia, tal cual ocurrio! Gloria a Dios!!! ven que además de asi de nefasto es muy desafortunado?? Dios no me dejo caer en su trampa Gloria a Dios, No lo puedo creer!!! que me atrevi a desobedecer a la orden de “Jesus” y estaba en lo cierto, hoy el dije a Jesús: si alguna ves te desobedezco de verdad me deberás perdonar de antemano por este confuso pero hermoso episodio. No eran los anunakis, eran ellos, abandonados a sus (mala) suerte. No me cansare de pedirle a Dios justicia por su sucia treta. Yahve mi justiciero y que se cumpla “ay del que haga tropezar a uno de esto que cree en Mi, mejor le fuera si se tira al mar” ellos obvio están escuchando todo esto para su publica humillación, no me alegro, pero me da paz, se hizo justicia! pero se la buscaron bien buscada descerebrados por apostar por la oscuridad. Que el diablo mal le paga al que bien le sirve. Y DIOS ES FIEL, SI LO SABRE!!!! VOS LE CUMPLIS EL TE CUMPLE Y NADI NI NADA ME BORRARA ESTO DE MI INTERIOR SI, ES NESESARIO MUCHA PACIENCIA PARA ESPERAR SU JUGADA, PERO EL NOS DA TODO EL TIEMPO, LA QUEJA NO SERIA SABIA. ALABADOS EA DIOS. AMIGOS ADIOS. TE AMO SEÑOR JESÚS, MI CANAL A DIOS YAHVE TODO LA GLORIA LA ALABANZA SEÁ PARA DIOS YAHVEY Y SU CRISTO JESUS. Y BIEN QUE ES TRITINAMA? OTRA PISTA “V”.Publicadas por De Dios a la/s 10:23 No hay comentarios:Enviar por correo electrónicoEscribe un blogCompartir con TwitterCompartir con FacebookCompartir en Pinterest

sábado, 12 de noviembre de 2022

PERO QUE ESPERA UN POLITCO ILUMINADO PARA PROHIBIR ESTA LOCURA QUE VA EN CONTRA DE LO QUE TODO LO PROCURA EL ESTADO GASTA VALIOSOS RECURSOS ECONOMICO Y HUMANO! El Espíritu santo me ordeno esto, predicar a grupos satánicos que tan impunemente se promocionan en redes como si fuera algo normal y una alternativa mas, cuando es la ultima, la alternativa de la muerte y uno se atrevió a decirme “venis a mi casa a decirme esto?!!! Perdon? Primero que de Dios también es la web, y soy un espejo en el que tu te reflejas y “el muerto se rie del degollado” porque tu eres el que esta en la casa de Dios como un invitado con todo a prestamos y criticándole todo y destruyéndolo con el adversario de la vida, asociado con su propio verdugo. Que infamia! Que descaro, que contradicción! Que contradicción ser satánico. Si Jesús es el salvador y lo traicionamos, lo que estamos traicionando, lo dice la matemática mas elemental es a nosotros mismos y nos auto engañamos con burdas mentiras propias de un disminuido mental. Pero quien se el puede revelar a Dios cuando todo lo que quiere es el orden natural: lo principal sobre lo secundario, lo espiritual sobre lo material, la razón sobre la emoción, ser amos de nosotros, y no esclavos, porque ellos se sienten libres cuando el los tiene ya chuseados y pastoreados porque van perdiendo todo lo que vinimos hacer: que lo superior domine lo inferior el espiritu al ego, mientras que el diablo quiere que la carne mande, que seamos esclavos de la bajas pasiones, quiere cosificarnos, que involucionemos de sujetos a objetivos, quiere hacer de nosotros cerdos fornicarios, glotones y drogones listos para la carneada final, simpatía por el diablo Mick Jagger? ponete las pilas!. El nos acusa con una cara y luego sucio, nos acusa frente al trono y nos reclama como de su propiedad para la destrucción. Algunos dicen ciegamente “no, a mi Diablo me quiere” te quiere llevar rápido al infierno y si al casarte no te manto es porque con vos quiere casar muhcos mas para una muerte total de la humanidad porque una vez que los iluminatis dejaron ese diez por ciento, el lo piensa liquidar todo, para exclamar “misión cumplida termine con la obra de Yahve” y tu eres creación de Yahve tu estas en su lista. Pero lo mas enervante es que primero es el acusador, luego para poder acusar tramposo y sucio nos seduce infernalmente para que caigamos, no conforme con esto es coercitivo, nos quita la voluntad con un peso infernal y si así y todo escapamos nos pretende empujar al infierno trampeando toda las reglas y normas del juego juicio en el que tanto se abusa como abogado leguleyo que es, pero si lo trasgrede todo auto invalida dicho juicio lo cual paraliza la catarata de almas al seol por sus propias trampas y esto mismo le pedimos y le reclamamos con las manos en el corazón a Dios aquí y ahora y recordando a Dios la dolora pasión de Jesus y sus palabras “hombres violentos arrebatan el reino”. Piedad, piedad, piedad!!! Justicia divina, causa y efecto, karma, ley del boomerang, juicio final, Isais 3:11, Ya! Sobre los brujos enemigos de sus hermanos y de su descendencia y de toda la humanidad. Que si triunfan elos, adiós humanidad pero hay un mañana por eso me manda a decir esto. Pero obras, arrepentimeinto, oraciones y ayuno. Pero lo peor de todo esto es la insoportable mentiras improlijas del satanismo simbólico cuando fue Jesús hace 2000 años que se revelo contra la corrupción del sistema, ahora va ser satan?! Como cuando lo llaman e portador de la luz será de la falsa luz peor que gente ciega! Ahora el rey de la oscuridad, confusión y engaño es el portador de la luz se lo creen porque tiene pasta de cabritos rebeldes, la estupidez y la maldad van de la mano, Por algo le dice “el mono de Dios” copión infernal, falto de toda creatividad, además en que se basa el orgullo de los satanistas si consta el libro de Enoc como Satan arrepentido de la ques e mando, le pidió perdón y Dios le respondió NO HAY PAZ PARA LOS MALVADOS, QUE HISO SATAN? DESNUNDO EN LA PAmPA Y LA VIDA? Dijo: HO ME REVELO DE NUEVO! PERO QUE VALIDES TIENE ESA REVELDIA? EN QUE SE SOSTIENE SU ORGULLO DOS VECES HUMILLADO?! SER O NO SER! LO QUE EL PASA AL BRUJO ES QUE NO SE AMA A SI MISMO, SE ODIA POR SUS PECADOS Y PARA AUTOCASTIGARSE PACTA CON EL QUE SABE LO VA TRACIONAR POR SI DIOS ES FIEL, EL POR ENDE UN TRAIDOR, EL SATANSITA DEBE PERDONARSE Y ASI QUERIENDOSE MUCHO ELEGIR A SU VERDADERA SALAVACION ESQUIVANDO A LA AL VEZ LA FALSA LUZ: EL JESUS INRI PORQUE TODO EL CRISTIANISMO OFICIAL ES FALSA LUZ DEL LUCIFER DISFRASADO DE JESUS DICIENDO YO SOY DIOS NO HAY NINGUN YAHVE, FASLO! DIOS PADRE SABE LAS FECHAS EL HIJO NO, NO SON EL MISMO. PRIMERO YAHVE LUEGO JESUS, NO HAY NINGUNA TRINIDAD EQUILATERA. SATANISTA SOLO PIENSA BIEN, COTEJA TODA LA INFO QUIERETE BIEN Y ACTUA EN CONSECUENSIA RETIRA LA CABESA DE LA GUILLOTINA PORQUE PERDERAS EL CUERPO, SERA POSESO Y TU AFUERA, COMO LO PERDIO TODA MI FAMILIA… EL DIABLO MAL LE PAGA A LA QUE BIEN EL SIRVE. COMO LE FUE A Jefrey Epstein, como le fue a Michael Jackson, como le fue a Al capone, como le fue al Chapo, todos las pagaron nadie escapa del karma, si hasta el mismo la va pagar en el lago de azufre por toda la eternidad de ahí su olor… su tiempo llega al fin esta programado al final el reinado de los buenos, usa la lógica le vas a creer al eterno mentiroso? QUE ESPERA UN POLITCO ILUMINADO PARA PROHIBIR ESTA LOCURA QUE VA EN CONTRA DE LO QUE TODO LO PROCURA EL ESTADO GASTA VALIOSOS RECURSOS ECONOMICO Y HUMANO! También debe saber que ese “si” en tu cabeza es el … SER O NO SER, NO PIERDAS LO MAS TUYO DE TODO: TU CUERPO, LA SOBERANIA SOBRE TI MISMO EL TE VA EMPUJANDO DE A POCO HASTA QUE QUEDASTE FUERA DE TU CUERPO, ES POR TU BIEN, QUERETE! QUIERETE BIEN. Y ARREPIENTETE. DIOS ES MISERCORDIOSO ANTE UN CORAZON CONTRICTO, EL RECOROSO ES EL ADVERSARIO. Y POR ULTIMO “DE QUE LE SIRVE AL HOMBRE GANAR EL MUNDO, SI PIERDE SU ALMA? PREGUTNO JESUS, CLARO SI EN EL ALMA ESTA EL DISFRUTE DE LA VIDA! SOLO COTEJA BIEN TODA LA INFORMACION. Y ALABADO SEA DIOS Y CRISTOREY. BENDICION O MALDICION QUE ELIJES?

Publicadas por De Dios a la/s 13:29 No hay comentarios:Enviar por correo electrónicoEscribe un blogCompartir con TwitterCompartir con FacebookCompartir en Pinterest

miércoles, 21 de septiembre de 2022


submitted by Decent_Bandicoot_698 to LUZLUZLUZLUZ [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 19:30 AcanthaceaeOpen1755 Advice or Thoughts ( INTP in love & ENFP)

Needing some advice or thoughts, i will try to give the best details as to the situation. I am an ENFP (F) and had a friend INTP (M). For five years we are friends we built a strong friendship of the mind, could talk about anything, had hours of fun together and just many projects and adventures together. I was married and he is married.
I recently 8 months ago -am going thru a trial separation and or a break of my marriage. All discussed and written with my partner, we were open as to the parameters. My side all was clear as to my relationship status.
My friend the INTP asked me about my relationship status about 6 months ago and we talked about it and i was transparent and had nothing to hide. Time progressed ( oh we now live in separate cities) we continued to be friends, chat etc. I noticed he was reaching out more and more and asking me questions about myself, plans future and all the works.
I went to visit his city for work we met up, went hiking and had a great time, talked a bunch! I then had dinner with him and his (SO) also.
Fast forward to now:
I am back in the city he is, i am here for work for almost a month, he was excited and contacting me everyday and we were hanging out, etc. Best time of my life, I knew i was developing the strongest feelings of love for him and so i was scared as he has an (SO). So even as an ENFP i was reserved to say anything. Then he comes one day and starts sharing very deep things, personal things and this is new he doesn’t really ever be emotional, he opens up a Pandora’s box per se.
Over a week of time, we talked very moment, every day, he reach’s out and chats and talks and meets up, a lot of time ( way out of his MO). I did asked him aboaut his SO and he said he was being authetic with his SO as to all the meetups and she knew we were hanging out etc. But equally he was having marriage issues and stuck in the marriage and etc etc. I had known awhile about the issues and everything as friends we had talked about it.
Fast forward - we have a day were we both were not clear headed ( intoxicated) and things happen that is more than friends….
We talk about it and what are we going to do. He says he loves me and cares for me and that equally he loves his wife. Tons of confusion and I tell him he has to be transparent with his wife. We talk more and more, feelings etc and we decided, him and i will , be just friends. We can’t again cross than line.
We continue friends another week hanging out etc. He tells me he is falling more and more in love with me and i feel the same to him. We make future plans as friends and all seems good. We are in sync. The minds are connected.
I saw him two days ago and we had the best day ever, coffee time , rock climbing and lunch and talked a lot. We continued to chat after he left via text about the future etc.
But that evening he called me all emotional crying etc. and said he said that his wife pulled out of him what happened and that he was now required to go No contact with me. That he thought she would kick him out and that would be the end but she said “ it was her fault for not being there for him and she wants to work on the marriage” He is required to never talk to me again.
That it was the hardest thing he would ever have to do that he he loves me, “ that I made him want to be a better person” that” he felt alive with me and understood and things he had never felt before with anyone” , … and on and on… he had been telling me how important I have been for him to aspire to be greater and change and even to help him with his marriage.
Anyways we talked for almost 2 hours in I guess what was our parting ways breakup.
That he was not able to contact me anymore and that I was not to contact him either. He was requiring himself to work on getting back in good terms with his SO, that she had been there for him thru so much and he could not do this to her. ( 15 years) that marriage is hard and the road ahead would be harder for him but he had to do what he had to do.
He loves me but loves her too. I asked him to explain the dual love to me and he did. Short version ( I give him life, fire , he feels alive understood and a feeling of power to conquer the world) she has given him care, dedication, loyalty and security so he can’t hurt her either.
I ended saying “I would not contact him, but I would not cut him off, that I would always no matter what be here for him and just a call away. That no matter how many years from now if he needed me, I was going to support him no matter what. That I made that promise to him years ago and i was going to keep it.
he said the future is unknown.
Now today, I realize how much in LOVE i am with him, How much he changed my life thru these years and how much i miss him. I love him unconditionally and I even having been married, i have never loved like this before either. It is not LUST, it is a huge attraction of the the mind with of a recent physical attraction.
I certain he loves me and the fire we had was inevitable just by talking to each other even in text, he said “ the feelings and fire grew every time he saw me to talked to me etc, “
I am giving him time and myself, but this is so powerful and I am at a loss - he said as the years pass on - he wants me to be happy and he wants to know and see thru mutual friends that i am happy, that I deserve this etc. ( a lot of history)
Any advice, I want to fight for him, I know it sounds crazy, but is it that an INTP doesn’t negate on their decisions, if he decided to work on repair of the marriage that he invested in for 15years ( yes he made it seem more a business than a marriage) he said he has feelings and can’t leave a person who has been by his side all these years, that they have problems but have to work thru them. etc… etc if it helos with context she is an ISFJ
Should I stay no contact and disappear
Should i have hope and wait for him to maybe come back?
Of if he went this route is it sealed and done and as INTP he will not look back as he already made the logical decision.
Pretty much should I keep any hope or do anything regarding.
I know INTP don’t need people as much and I was as i understand his second closest friend. He has a close guy friend.
I wonder if as an INTP he can go on without me and I should just prepare myself and grieve the loss.
I want to write him a letter so bad.
Disclaimer: LOVE is crazy and when it happens like this and isn’t lust , it takes you like a storm and it is intense.
submitted by AcanthaceaeOpen1755 to INTP [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 19:10 AucunPseudoBien Game keeps crashing near Riften

Hello everybody, I've recently had a problem with a 300+ hours modded save on skyrim AE. Never had any problem with it until now. I can fast travel everywhere (including inside riften) except near riften, up north. Previously i've been able to do it but not anymore. I have tried the 3Gb switch and even augment manualy my memory capacity. I've seen that lamp post might cause CDT, i've unable it and restart but still the same. Im out of option and really doesn't want to restart everything. All the mods have been downloaded via Cration club in game, im really a noob of modding, so much that i can't even find a crash log. Since a week now everytime i launch the game i need to check file in steam, steam finds 3 corrupted files and redownload them and im able to play the game normaly.. until today. Here's my mod list, i know it's not well sorted but keep in mind i've played more than 300 hours in this save :
1 - Unoficial Skyrim Special Edition
2 - A Quality World Map
3 - Rich merchant of skyrim
4 - 50 PCT more perk point
5 - Better Horses
6 - Unleveled Items
7 - Immersive patrols II
8 - Relationship dialogue Overhaul
9 - Diverse dragon Overhaul
10 - Stones of barenziah quest markers
11 - Weightless dragon bones and skin
12 - faster leveling
13 - better Loot
14 - lampost of skyrim SE
15 - FOS - Forest of skyrim
16 - Better combat AI
17 - True storm SE - Rain
18 - Dragon under whiterun
19 - Dragon carved armor set
20 - Gifts of akatosh (updated)
21 - Imperial dragonknight armory
22 - the Forgotten City
23 - Summermyst - enchantments of skyrim
24 - Skyland - a landscape texture
25 - Magical college of winterhold
26 - Odirnator - perks of skyrim
27 - Wear mutliple rings
28 - Cloaks and capes
29 - Death Knight
30 - royal armory - New artifacts SE
31 - Black mage armor SE
32 - Better survival mode ENG
33 - Kissing - Imersive lovers comfort
34 - Imperious - Race of skyrim
35 - Beautis of skyrim
36 - Apocalypse - Magic of skyrim
37 - Cheat Room
38 - Followers of oblivion
39 - immersive citizens - AI overhaul
40 - Odin Magic Overhaul
41 - Phenderix Magic Evolved
I really need help and if one of you fine gentleman can help me it would be much appreciated.
submitted by AucunPseudoBien to skyrimmods [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 17:36 SpydersGame A reminder of how far we've come.

I held through Quad Witching Day. All of them.
I held when GME was put on the SSR…again
I held while I watched Uncle Bruce on YouTube
I held while I learned about tendies, diamond hands, and your wife’s boyfriend
I held through Redditors donating to The Dian Fossey Gorilla Fund
I held when we learned that Kenny doesn’t share mayo
I held through ‘flash crashes’ and ‘short ladder attacks’
I held when DFV quadrupled down at $155
I held through Daisy Ridley pointing at me every day saying “You’re not selling.”
I held when they told me "iTs All oVEr bUY SilVEr"
I held through the Shareholder vote
I held through the Lego invasion
I held when Gamestop tweeted “Oops, MOASS, my bad”
I held through the invention of Knights of the New
I held through the addition to the Russell 1000
I held through the Rick_of_Spades, uh…fulfillment
I held and bought the dip before the rip…over and over again
I held when Gamestop changed it’s logo to monochrome
I held while we tracked Kenny’s jets
I held through the Q1 earnings release
I held through the dip after the Q1 earnings release
I held through July 14th, Bastille Day
I held when the mods did a live broadcast from the shareholder meeting
I held through RUNIC GLORY
I held when Melissa Lee said “Naked shorts, yeah” on national television
I held through the creation of Satori
I held through Today’s the Day guy, and Elliot Waves Guy
I held through the “buildings with lights on” phase
I held through people losing bets and eating Ghost Peppers
I held through the #CitadelCokeBreak drone video
I held through Low Volume Guy and Sideways Trading Guy
I held through CONE POO SHARE
I held through the Q2 earnings release
I held through the dip after the Q2 earnings release
I held through #kengriffinlied
I held through the initial DRS rush
I held through GMErica
I held through the Wu Tang album reveal
I held through T+35 and T+12 and all the T+
I held through the Fidelity push
I held through #MGGA
I held while Reverse Repo guy and Gherkinit gave us daily updates
I held through the first RobbingHood lawsuit…so far
I held through the SEC “report”
I held through Raven5150 asking GME to moon already, so he could sleep in for once
I held through Kenny’s “bad comedy joke.”
I held through the Dorito of Doom
I held through the rumors of a Loopring partnership
I held through the Fidelity exodus when they “accidentally” reported 11 million extra shares available to short
I held through the Toys for Tots blitz of 2021
I held through Kenny announcing that he was a gamer
I held through the second DRS rush
I held through the Evergrande collapse…again
I held through the JASON FUCKING WATERFALL filing
I held through Computershared showing 1 million shares DRS’d…so far
I held through the next day, when the earnings report disclosed 5.2 MILLION shares DRS’d
I held and bought the dip the next day
I held through the shuttering of Anchorage and Tybourne
I held when Jon Stewart showed the world how broken the stock market is
I held when therealpulte took Superstonk by storm
I held on April 16th, 2022, through the flurry of cat posts
I held when our chairman called short sellers ‘dumb stormtroopers’
I held when Ryan bought 100k new shares
I held when GME called for a vote to increase shares for a stock dividend
I held when we placed a TON of pixels on r slash Place
I held when Ryan took the fight to BCG
I held when Pulte did his Superstonk AMA
I held when Ryan Cohen briefly became Warren Icahn
I held when Pulte bought GME, then bought more
I held (and cheered) when $HOOD hit an all time low (again)
I held when the FBI arrested Bill Hwang
I held when Ryan Cohen tweeted about General Tso’s chicken
I held when GameStop released their browser extension wallet
I held when the S&P 500 hit a new low
I held when Ryan got his 8th booster and grew 2” taller
I held when inflation hit 8.3%
I held when everyone decided they liked the Spice Girls
I held when 100% Utilization hit 69 days and counting (nice!)
I held when Gabe Plotkin decided he was going to wind down Melvin Capital
I held when GameStopNFT tweeted their first tweet
I held when the daily RRP hit 2 TRILLION DOLLARS
I held when GameStop released their Cypto wallet
I held when RC tweeted about Uranus
I held as Diamonthände patiently announced the opening of the German market…again
I held when the CTB Rate went through the roof
I held when Superstonk released the KenGriffinLiesBot
I held when Dave Lauer sent his anti-PFOF petition to the SEC
I held when ElTristesito ate the mayo. All of it
I held when BluPrince headed off to the big green candle in the sky
I held when Maxine Waters released the congressional report.
I held when we hit 100% utilization for 100 days in a row
I held when they announced a 4 to 1 stock dividend
I held when that guy locked his grandma in a cage
I held when RC tweeted “Whoops” and dropped the NFT Marketplace (at 4:20pm)
I held when the Marketplace launched with a Ready Player 1 level Easter Egg Hunt
I held when that marketplace did 3 million dollars worth of business in two days
I held when Blockbuster started tweeting…and Ryan Cohen answered
I held when GME did a stock split distributed via dividend
I held when all hell broke loose after that
I held when the German SEC (BaFin) told brokers to assure delivery of a dividend
I held when multiple brokers affirmed that the DTC told them to treat it as a standard split
I held when GameStop released a statement reiterating that it was indeed a dividend
I held when everyone was randomly awarded with Sneks…again
I held on the day of the Golden Cross…again
I held when the towel stock went through the roof
I held some more when Ryan Cohen got out of the Bath
I held when VictoriousVTT got on Cramer’s show and said “Shorts never closed. Boom!” LIVE
I held when they released NFTs of Game Informer Magazine
I held when Robbie from IMX made the cover of Forbes
I held when Eat The Rich was released on Netflix I held when Koopapeter made his tattoo bet…and won
I held when Ben Bernanke won the Nobel Prize
I held when this totally nuts thing happened that proved us all right. Trust me, bro.
I held when Jon Stewart interviewed Gary Gensler for the second time
I held when RC tweeted a pic of him with Carl Icahn
I held when Gold_flake made a bet about a banana…and lost
I held when Fidelity posted their Meme Stock Guy Halloween costume…and I took that personally
I held when Ortex reported 115 MILLION shares shorted
I held when FTX shattered into a million little pieces
I held when our chairman broke 2 years of silence with a GMEDD interview
I held when the Gamestop Wallet was released for iOS
I held when the hedgies DRS’d 14 million shares…and pulled them out in Q3
I held when we STILL DRS’d an additional 500k shares on TOP OF THAT
I held when Reddit threatened to shutdown Superstonk for ‘brigading’
I held when SBF was arrested in the Bahamas
I held when Gamestop released it’s first PowerUp Rewards NFT
I held when [REDACTED]
I held when 2022 became 2023
I held when when Ryan asked us to draw him like one of our French girls
I held when Ryan bought AliBaba…or didn’t.
I held when Buck the Bunny took over the NFT Marketplace
I held when DFV’s brother became a minor celebrity
I held when everyone got excited about turtlenecks
I held when SVB blew up
I also held when Credit Suisse dropped 20% in a day
I held when 2022 Q4 announced positive earnings for the first time in 2 years
I held the next day when the GME jumped 35%
I held when Milan opened it’s first flagship GME store
I held when the Canadians bought all the GameStop blankets
I held when First Republic Bank failed…and was bought out by JP Morgan
I held when GS teamed up with Telos and announced GameStop Playr
I held when Matt Furlong was terminated as CEO
I held when Brian Sozzi wrote an open letter that trashed GameStop and Ryan Cohen
I held when Ryan Cohen responded by buying $10 million worth of GME shares
I held when Elixir announced a partnership with GS to help create GameStop Playr
I held when RC challenged Warren Buffett to a thumb war
I held when the SEC released a bulletin that basically said “BOOK IS KING”
I held when Dismal-Jellyfish predicted MOASS on October 24th, 2023
I held when the film “Dumb Money” was released
I held when the SEC announced they were investigating RC for his towel sales
I held when Ryan Cohen was named CEO of GameStop
I held when his email to employees was leaked two days later
I held when GME boosted 40%...on no news
I held when he re-tweeted a Mike Tyson tweet about pigeons
I held when RC became Chief Investment Officer of GameStop
I held when RCIO tweeted in Japanese
I held when the NFT marketplace was shut down
I held when AI predicted that GME would end 2024 at $34.73
I held when Ryan Cohen started looking for cloud engineers
I held when RCEO tweeted about P.E.N.I.S.
I held as I upvoted more purple circles
I held through countless articles to FORGET ABOUT GAMESTOP
I held when Roaring Kitty reappeared and tweeted for the first time in 3 years
I held when he tweeted again, and again, and again, and again, and again, and again
I held when the volume skyrocketed.
I held when the stock was halted. Over and over and over.
I held when the price shot up to 80 (320 pre-split)
I held when the price worked it’s way back down.
And here we are today.
I’ve DRS’d and held on five different subs, for thirty six months, on the roller coaster ride of my life.
I held through all that.
submitted by SpydersGame to Superstonk [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 16:43 T_Towers Edwell Celtigar, Lord of Claw Isle

Reddit Account: u/T_Towers
Discord Tag: Talltower
Name and House: Edwell Celtigar
Age: 42
Cultural Group: Valyrian (Westerosi)
Appearance: A sturdy, somewhat stocky man, Edwell Celtigar of Claw Isle has a powerful presence to himself, bringing an authenticity to his words and mannerisms. Edwell has a long face with a broad forehead and prominent, expressive features. His hair is a striking blonde with a silver flare, which is considered to be a symbol of great luck for house Celtigar. His eyes are dark brown, alluding to his family's Andal genetics. Despite his active history and assuming appearance, over time, his belly has become round and his hairline receded slightly, giving way to more forehead.
Trait: Marketer
Skill(s): Axes, Merchantman, Broker, Admiral, Scrutinous
Talent(s): Woodcarving, Chanteys, Sailing
Negative Trait(s): N/A
Starting Title(s): Lord of Claw Isle
Starting Location: Event
Alternate Characters: n/a
20 BC - Edwell is born to Lord Alton Celtigar.
12 BC - Edwell has his first experience at sea, sailing with his father, bonding over their shared love of seafaring.
7 BC - At age 13, Edwell travels with his father to Gulltown, ostensibly to learn about merchant matters but primarily to secure a betrothal with the Graftons.
6 BC - After a year in Gulltown, Edwell is warded by the Velaryons on Driftmark, where he becomes fascinated by Valyrian history and fits in well with the Velaryon youth.
1 BC - Edwell returns to Claw Isle to attend his uncle Corley's wedding to Lehna Hardy.
3 BC - The Celtigars meet with Aegon on Dragonstone to plan the Conquest. Edwell is sent to Gulltown to be married to his betrothed Juline Grafton, and hopefully convince her lord father to join Aegon. Edwell marries Juline Grafton in Gulltown, successfully charming her and her father but opting not to press Gulltown to join Aegon.
2 BC - Edwell returns to Claw Isle with Juline. He is given a fleet to secure transport routes between Dragonstone, Claw Isle, and Aegonfort, where his father helps in its construction and defense.
1 BC - Edwell and his uncle plan a landing on Crackclaw point to occupy keeps that had failed to swear fealty to Aegon. A storm postpones the landing, but Edwell manages to guide his fleet to a landing on Brownhollow, promptly besieging House Brune’s keep. The Celtigar’s host engages with skirmishes from outriders. Edwell stops receiving letters from his wife upon news of a Velaryon fleet’s assault on Gulltown.
1-2 AC - Through negotiations via Corley's connections with House Hardy, siege of House Brune ends peacefully. Later, house Brune would directly swear fealty to the Targareans, Aegon ignoring (most likely forgetting) the Celtigar’s claims on the region. Lord Celtigar and his brother go down to the Aegonfort hoping to argue for their family’s claim. Edwell goes back to Claw Isle, hoping to mend his marriage. Their first son, Dylan Celtigar, Edwell’s first son, is born.
3 AC - Edwell's daughter, Liliyana, is born.
5 AC - Edwell's youngest son, Monterys, is born with dark purple eyes but dies later that year. Edwell and Juline plan a trip to Essos to escape their grief.
6-10 AC - Edwell’s family vacations and engages in diplomacy across Essos. Edwell participates in tourneys and duels with mixed success. Edwell sires a daughter, Prudence.
11 AC - Edwell befriends Innero Ostios of Braavos and invests in a successful trade ventures.
15 AC - Edwell returns to Claw Isle upon hearing his father was taken hostage. He and his uncle secure Alton’s release. Shaken, Alton forbids Edwell from leaving, preparing him for lordship.
17-19 AC - Lord Alton dies, making Edwell the new lord of Claw Isle. Edwell frequently visits Driftmark to attend Lord Varr Velaryon’s tourneys, which help him cope with his grief. The tourneys and drinking help him remember his time in Essos.
20 AC - Lord Edwell travels to King's Landing and Essos as part of a group of lords convincing the crown to send a mission East (Eastern Wooing). He happily travels back to Essos, meeting with his old friend Innero.
22 AC - Lord Edwell returns from Essos to Claw Isle.
submitted by T_Towers to ITRPCommunity [link] [comments]