Lansing sound bar

Budget Audiophile: Finding the best home audio for your budget

2014.01.29 02:37 Budget Audiophile: Finding the best home audio for your budget

This subreddit is for the budget minded audiophile that wants to grow out of soundbars, boomboxes, mini systems, portable bluetooth, lifestyle speakers, and PC peripheral branded audio solutions. We focus on education, discussion, and sharing of entry and mid level separate & multi component audio systems. The only bad audio system, is the one you don't enjoy to the fullest.

2020.08.27 21:02 JoeDidcot paang

Videos where a person is doing something silly, and comes into contact with a metal object, producing a satisfying "paang!" sound. If you'd like to be the person who designs our icon and top bar, please feel free to be that person.

2013.02.18 15:23 Arctic_snap Let'smakemoney: post links to your stuff to make money off flow

This sounds crazy but what ever... Welcome to let's make money. This subreddit is made to post links to say people's sites, video, etc. to make money off the flow. Just make simple quick stuff say on YouTube, post that here and hopefully it'll generate some flow, maybe make some money who knows! May sound like a circle jerk but it's not for karma and so is possible not a circle jerk. To make a post find that post something bar and follow the rules! Title might be wrong because of no ->( ' )

2024.05.14 10:47 here_to_create Bookshelf speakers <$3k for use with Turntable and TV

I am quite excited to be upgrading to a new turntable, Technics SL-100C. I have never had quality speakers for my music and just used my TVs soundbar. Said soundbar is dying and I figure it is a great time to invest in speakers for my music as well as for the TV (instead of another sound bar).
I was planning on doing something like this integrated amp for the turntable. I really am lost though when it comes to speakers in the ~$2k range. Solid options from Yamaha, JBL, KEF also exist close to $1k. I was thinking of doing a pair of bookshelf speakers on the table where the turntable and tv sit with a sub tucked away bellow.
Are there clear winners that have come out recently that are defacto champs when it comes to clarity at loud volumes for sub $3k?
submitted by here_to_create to StereoAdvice [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 10:47 the_smolest_bab How do I get rid of the AI

hi yall! I recently got facemoji because its similar to an old custom keybord that I had that I liked well, but unfortunately lost when I got my new phone.
I love the new keyboard! however the AI bar above the keyboard is an annoyance to say the least, and Id like to remove it. ive looked everywhere and it says to go into the keyboard settings by hitting the leftmost button on the top of the keyboard and hitting the AI option to disable it, however I dont see the AI option! the only buttons are as follows:
Community, themes, Text Editing, Clipboard, Text storm, Cool Fonts, Translate, Languages, Emoji, Sticker popup, Number row, Height, Sounds and Vibration, Game move, Toolbar, Font Size, Search, More, And share
if someone could explain what im doing wrong or if Im just in the wrong section entirely Id greatly appreciate it
submitted by the_smolest_bab to FacemojiAI [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 09:37 tsthatssuspicious AITA for thinking about suing my friend for breaking his window?

This isn’t what it sounds like… this was no typical window, and this was no ordinary situation…
I (27F) am a full time drag performer in my city and one of the places I frequently perform at is a local queer owned and operated bar run by someone who I consider a good friend. It was this past Mother’s Day while I was performing at his establishment, when the freak accident occurred.
I had already done my two numbers, and the cast and I were closing out the show with a silly group number. While I was going around interacting with the crowd, I noticed some people from outside trying to get a look inside through the giant windows up at the front. My first instinct was to be silly and pretend to moon the people outside by putting my butt up against the glass (I was wearing a bodysuit.) Big mistake…
The second my cheeks touched the glass the whole window shattered and came crashing down around me, leaving me pretty much shredded. I had to get rushed to the hospital where I had to have about fifteen stitches, and a bunch of superficial cuts skin glued and cleaned out. They even took x rays to make sure there was no glass stuck inside the big cut that they had to sew shut. I can’t even imagine the cost that I’ll possibly end up being responsible for in all this…
The whole ordeal was pretty traumatizing to say the least. While my injuries may not seem that bad, considering it could have been a lot worse, I’m still reeling from the whole ordeal and I feel like my adrenaline has been going for two days and it’s been difficult to sleep. I also discovered another cut that appears to be really deep, and I might need to go back in for more stitches. I didn’t notice it on the first visit because this particular cut just so happens to be right on the outside of my anus and I didn’t think to tell them to check there. Now I’m sitting here worried and I’m thinking about going to the emergency room again tomorrow to get it looked at. It’s pretty nasty and is more painful than the one on my back and I’m also worried about infection.
I also had to call out of work that night, for obvious reasons, and have been struggling to deal with the pain and discomfort, and I have a busy weekend of work and drag ahead of me while dealing with an injury, if I can even make it. I brought up these concerns to one of my best friends and they told me I should think about taking them to court… I see where they’re coming from but I’m having a hard time considering the place this happened at is owned by one of my good friends, and I wouldn’t want to ruin a relationship over something like this.
I’m also extremely anxious over the fact that it might be considered my fault for leaning up against a window. However this is something that so many people have done here and other venues innocently, and this could’ve happened to anyone. If the window had a hairline crack (which is our current working theory as to why it shattered so easily), what would’ve happened if a customer slipped on something and lost their balance and went through the window? Or even if a child went to press their face up against the window and it shattered like it did to me?
Even though I happened to be the one who appeared to break it, it still doesn’t make sense to me why a business would A) use such cheap glass for a giant store front window in a major city or B) if it was a defect or hairline crack in the glass not have it replaced or fixed. Would that even make it my fault then? I’m grateful to legitimately be alive right now. However this is already causing a great deal of pain and suffering. Not only is it painful to sit or walk or even use the bathroom, I’m also out of a lot of money already, since we cancelled the second seating of the show and I’ve missed work on top of it. Not to mention my brand new costume being shredded and stained in blood, that is now unusable…
So please help me Reddit. What do I do? Am I the asshole? Or do I legitimately have a case here?
submitted by tsthatssuspicious to AITAH [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 09:15 StrawberryStrict2345 Anxiety levels!!!

Hi everyone, I've recently decided to switch over from bodybuilding / competing as a bikini competitor to crossfit / functional workouts to prioritise my health and move away from unhealthy dieting.
I am literally the biggest introvert in the world, I'm also autistic which I don't think helps me - I don't want to be doing classes (I have done 1 and struggled with the whole 'partner up' thing, so I didn't partner up).
I have got a plan to follow (a functional fitness coach is programming me workouts and she's aware of my background). I tried my first session yesterday and I had to leave half way through because I'm so nervous about going into the crossfit section. It feels so intimidating, everyone training in groups, all within close proximity, working out in a random area in the open gym - all feels so weird for me coming from a bodybuilding background.
The structure of the workouts are confusing as well to me, how theres different sections in each workout, timers needing to be set etc, that probably sounds stupid lol. but it feel like a lot to think about?
I wondered if anyone else felt the same as me, I so badly want to be that girl doing all the cool stuff, swinging on the bars, lifting heavy, feeling confident, not having any anxiety going into the gym. But I feel like my mind is failing me. Obviously bodybuilding is very isolating which I generally enjoyed because I'm not good in groups or socialising.
Did anyone else struggle with the same? Am I going to fail in doing crossfit because of this / is it even for me?
submitted by StrawberryStrict2345 to crossfit [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 08:38 ghoststalking Reviving an out of use OG Anycubic Photon - Motor shot, is it the driver?

Hey folks! Asked this in the general 3D printing community too, but then I saw that there's a Photon-Specific sub!
I wanted to get my old 2018 Photon back into action, hasn't seen any use since my DND Group broke up for Corona. Started it up and tried to home, motor started making weird skipping sounds and not moving.
I decided to try differential and ordered a new motor in the same dimensions, but when I plugged that in in breadbox it made the same weird sounds when trying to move the motor, just in longer intervals. You can hear it in the video. Every time it makes a sound it also jerks a bit in my hand, like it's trying to start but it doesn't.
Is this the driver that's shot and not the motor, or is it something else I haven't thought of? All the wires are run in the same exact configuration and matched to the spec the motor came in.
Printer should be in pristine condition aside from disuse. We did have a bit of a humidity incident in the storage room I run it in in between, but shouldn't be enough to have corroded anything. Never a resin spill, never dropped, nothing of the sort.
If the driver is shot, is it perma-dead barring a motherboard replace (nearly impossible nowadays for the OG Photon from my research, or near enough as to not be worth the cost) or is there something else I can do to revive it?
submitted by ghoststalking to AnycubicPhoton [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 08:35 baikaldeep Islands (short story)

Nothing special, feel free to leave feedback.

A year before I left Boston, we went for dinner one night. It was after ultimate frisbee, and Boloco was the only place open. We were still riding high from the last time, when we'd gotten everyone to swim across the Charles. Some kids from MIT had been eating grapes as they walked across the bridge, and I'd convinced them to throw some to me to try to catch in my mouth. They missed a few times before throwing down the ziplock bag, and I was able to throw one to you, which you caught.
So this time, I'd joked we should climb the fence to the reservoir and see if we could eat burritos on our backs as we swam across, like otters. You liked something I'd said, so instead of rushing it with Boloco, we wandered the grocery aisles to savor the planning. In the end, you'd proposed making a little boat by turning the frisbee upside down and duct taping two water bottles beneath as pontoons. "We could make smores," you said leaning toward me. We bought a tiki torch that we sat in the middle and then piled the rest of the frisbee with marshmallows, graham crackers, and chocolate squares from Hershey bars. Before we left, you ran back to your car to get a sharpie. You wrote "S.S. More" on the side of one water bottle. I posed for a photo.
The platter was awkward, and we dropped a couple pieces of chocolate in the woods. But we got through the fence easily. We broke sticks for our marshmallows and you lit the torch with a lighter from your car. I remember there were these little fish that would nibble at our toes in the shallows. It was unpleasant, but it didn't quite hurt, more ticklish. I was a more confident swimmer, so I pulled the jump rope, swimming on my back, the other hand balancing my marshmallow over the carcinogenic flame.
At some point out on the water, the wind picked up and blew out the torch. We treaded water several minutes as you tried to get the lighter, wet from where you'd stuffed it into your underwear, to work. At the other side of the reservoir, we stood and those little fish nibbled at us, and you shook out the lighter hard, and lit the torch. We ate as much as we pleased, laughing the whole way back. You took a turn with the jump rope.
That summer we drove up and stayed at the cabin your great uncle owned in Maine. The cabin itself was a converted boat, where your uncle, a local politician from Florida, spent his summers with his obese wife. They were the legal guardians of your cousin, whose father disappeared again after relapsing. It was early autumn, and you'd said it was too cold to swim. But we'd go down and jump in the water with your aunt and uncle, who were convinced the cold was soothing to your aunt's gout. I taught the little boy to skip rocks, but I got him in trouble by talking in character as Scarlet O'Hara during a game of Clue, which he wouldn't stop imitating for the rest of the afternoon. His grandfather sent him outside until he stopped. When you and I went to look for him, he was trying to split logs with an axe in his flip flops. We told him not to do that because he could lose his toes, and I told him that voices were only funny for a short time.
You and I didn't sleep in the old boat cabin, which was expectedly small. Instead, we slept in an L in a 12'x12' shed with a light bulb, which hung on an extension cord from a truss. We talked until 3am or 4am, about everything, work, girls, childhood, and the things that we'd done that had finally dragged us into sobriety.
The next morning, I'd said I wanted to see if I could swim across Lewis Cove and back. As soon as I said it, you were in. You were so lean from running all the time, and before we even got past the boats and the lobster traps, you were struggling from the cold. I'd suggested going back or even climbing out on one of the docks holding traps, but you refused. In the middle, you were worried about making it across at all. I figured I could carry you, but without a float, I didn't think I could carry you very far. When we finally got to where we could stand, you got out and tried to warm up. I stayed in the water, swimming back out a little because for some reason I thought a lobster might pinch me. Eventually, I realized how violently you were shivering. So I got out too, and we decided to go find the road and try to hitchhike back.
It turned out to be one of the islands scattered along the coast of Maine. Luckily, the restaurant, the only thing on the island, hadn't yet closed for the year. The staff, who lived on the island in warm months, were shocked to see us on their day off. You asked if they were planning to take their boat across the water anytime soon. "If you're already making the trip, maybe we could carpool?" you suggested. Two of them gave us a lift in a little boat, making thinly veiled comments about the stupidity of summer people most of the way.
The next day, you slept for hours with a fever. Your aunt was angry that I'd been a bad influence. I went back out and tried to complete the round trip swim. I did it carefully, keeping my head out of the water most of the time and swimming a modified breaststroke. I thought maybe a fast pace would help keep my body temperature up. On the other side, I kicked off the rocks and swam back, and it was cold, but I was fine. Back at the cabin, you were awake and gave me a hug when I came in. We looked up the swimming route on your phone and saw that it was indeed an island, a mile and change round trip. That night we bought a few lobsters from some place along the road, which your uncle boiled in seawater.
A few weeks later, you'd tried to set me up with a girl you knew. You showed me a photo of her, a knockout blonde from Florida. You said you'd been telling her all about me and had sent her my website, and that she wanted to visit Boston and meet me. You told me what a good person she was. "She does little things you'd do, like whenever she has spare change, she goes and puts it in the coin return of vending machines so that it'll make someone's day." I asked why you weren't dating her, but you brushed me off. We started arguing somehow at Bukowski's, some comment I'd made because you'd said she routinely got favors from an infatuated ex. I'd told you it sounded like trouble, and that remembering that beauty is fleeting was why I hadn't slept my way through the ultimate frisbee club yet. We ended up finishing our White Trash Cheese Steaks in silence.
I left Boston with some girl the following summer. It fizzled in weeks, but it was years later that I realized how much you loved me. My ex-wife had been organizing photos, and had come across the picture you took of me holding the frisbee boat. She was always jealous of other women, and she asked who I was smiling at in the photo. "He was my friend."
submitted by baikaldeep to RSwritingclub [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 08:31 AgileSissy /

Slutty Sister Has Her Brother Locked For Life (non-con, forced chastity, bondage, punishment)
Part 1
The keyholder nurse gave me instructions and explained everything after it was all over. My family had told me that I was a sex pervert and I was "being dealt with". I knew I was in trouble, but I was a young man, only 18 and I didn't understand what was going on. No one had told me anything after the hearing.
Mom drove me to an odd building, led me to a secure room and left. A young nurse told me to undress. I was totally naked. An older woman in scrubs and a man entered. They strapped my arms and legs down to a cold steel table. The nurse offered the woman a syringe, but she declined and said "No, I want this creep to feel it".
It all started a month ago. I lived with my mom and sister, dad was gone. My sister was 19, with a tight body and medium sized, perky tits. Mom was thick, curvy, with giant tits. Both recently got their naval's pierced with matching studs. Neither had boyfriends, but they were very promiscuous. We lived in a mobile home with thin walls, so I could hear them getting fucked often.
I made some mistakes. First, my sister caught me peeping on her in the shower and told mom. Then, two of her "friends" came over for sex. They took turns on her. She got very loud. After they left, I went in her room. She covered herself, but I saw her pussy and stomach first. There were small puddles of cum around her pantyline, and some more of it leaking out of her. I told her I was still a virgin and asked if I could "go next" on her. She yelled "get out" and told mom when she got home from work.
The third incident was more serious they said. Mom would sometimes drink and pass out. I'd never felt tits before and hers were so enticing. She had some drinks and went to bed. I snuck in. She was asleep, uncovered, wearing a gown. I grabbed her heaving boobs. Then I took one of my hands off her chest and pulled the gown above her waist, exposing her. I slid my hand between her legs and rubbed her pussy. She woke up and caught me. She was pissed. The next day my sister told me they had turned me in and there would be a hearing.
So I knew why I was on the metal table, but I didn't know what was next. I couldn't see, there was a drape at my waist. It started with gloves and cold metal on my genitals, then clamping, pinching, pulling, and eventually a sharp puncturing pain near my balls. I begged them to stop, but they did it 2 more times, once on my cock. Finally a metal device was brought out. I could feel it being slid on, clamped down, tightened, then locked. "All done" they said and left. The young nurse stayed behind.
She removed the drape and released the straps. I inspected the "device". My cock and balls had been fed through a steel ring that tightly encircled them at the base. It was secured to a piercing just above my taint and another at the top. My penis was locked in a tight steel "cage" with a hole at the end for pissing. The head had been pierced and a metal bar went through me as extra security. It wasn't going anywhere. The whole thing was super tight.
"What is this?" I asked.
She explained. "It's your chastity device. Your genitals have been locked up. At the hearing, your mother and sister requested that you be put in chastity. The safety council asked them how long they thought would be appropriate and both wanted you locked forever. Since the incidents involved incest, the council agreed. Your penis is locked for life. I'm your keyholder nurse. I will help with adjustments, cleanings, draining your balls, and anything else needed for chastity".
"When do I get to take off?" I said.
She answered, "You're locked forever. So you wont get to take it off. They have to keep you locked so your sister is safe and to punish you for what you did to your mom. You wont be able to have sex or force anyone. Since you can't masturbate, your balls might swell, so you will see me every other month to drain them, do a deep cleaning, and tighten your cage, if necessary.

Part 2

The room was cold. My keyholder nurse was a cute twenty-something. A name tag with "Beverly" was pinned above her perky boobs. Her scrub top was tight around her chest. I could see the shape of her breasts and her hard nipples pressing againt the fabric. I stared and my cage got tighter. She noticed and grinned slightly.
I got back to business, "Can I appeal or get parole or something? What happens next?"
She answered, "Sorry, no appeals for chastity. There is parole, but not for incest cases. What you did is considered extremely disgusting, so they deemed you a "most extreme pervert". Incest offenders get more severe penalties and no parole. I'm not supposed to be judgemental, but you're my first incest case and it sounded really awful at your hearing. It's hard to believe creeps as bad as you even exist, who rubs their own mom's pussy? This case is really bad, so I'm gonna go harder on you than my other guys. I hope it was worth it. So here's what's next...your mother and sister are entitled to a final inspection of your genitals, then you'll go directly to prison to be processed and locked up in the chastity unit."
I was confused and responded with frustration, "I can't believe this is happening to me. I just got too horny seeing the girls dressed like sluts and listening to them getting fucked all the time. After seeing my sisters cum-filled pussy, I lost control and slipped up. If she just gave me sloppy seconds, I wouldn't have done all that to mom....What do you mean prison?!?!"
She responded, bursting with excitement, "Dont worry, you'll learn your lesson! OH! I see they didn't tell you about prison yet, since you were a rush case. Chastity is just an add-on to your prison sentence as an extra penalty and to keep everyone safe. Let me look at your file to see how much time you'll serve."
Looking at her tablet, she smiled big and replied, "I've never gotten to do this before! Most guys hear about their sentence before they get to me...Ok, so they actually got you taken care of pretty good here. It got split up into multiple counts, so fortunately, they were able to put you away for a long time."
She continued, "Your sister had you convicted on two charges, one for the shower incident and one for the bedroom incident. You got two more for mom, one for groping her tits and another for going between her legs. I'll read them off...
Count 1, Incestual peeping, sentence: 1 year special confinement
Count 2, Incestual peeping with propositioning, sentence: 1.5 years special confinement
Count 3, 2nd Degree Incestual Sexual Battery, 2 years special confinement
Ok and here's the big one! For touching mom's pussy...
Count 4, 1st Dregee Incestual Sexual Battery, 4.5 years RIGOROUS confinement in the SCU-I, (Special Chastity Unit, Incest wing), with intensive perversion correction."
So you'll do nine years total, with the first four-and-a-half in the incest wing."
I was completely shocked, "Nine years!? Are you serious? What's special confinement? Am I going to regular prison or what?
Beverely explained, "Special confinement means you'll be put in the chastity unit. It's a separate level for inmates that have their genitals locked, like rapists and other perverts. It's a little different. The cells are super small, you don't get any privileges like TV, and you stay locked in your cell for 23 hours a day. But don't worry. Most of my guys are in the chastity unit. They all want out really bad, but they're fine. Some eventually leave for regular population if their sentence allows, but you'll actually just be finishing up in the main chasity unit after you're done with rigororous confinement for the first four-and-a-half. You'll start off in the incest wing".
"What is all that? I asked
Beverly explained further, "It's a big deal. That's why I got so excited when I read your sentence on count 4. It wasn't just the amount of time you got, but what'll be happening to you that makes it a heavy one. I've heard it's very extreme. Since you're my first incest case, I'm not as familiar with it, but I've heard you're basically caged up 24/7 and pretty much treated like an animal. I'm not sure if you even get a toilet or a bed. You only leave your cage once every two weeks for perversion correction, which I might get to assist with, and you'll get another device I've heard about, called the "silver bullet". I think it's an anal device? You'll learn more about that when you get there. Oh! Looks like it's time to get you ready for inspection."
The door opened as she left and two female guards entered. One had a tazer. They led me to another table. This one had wheels. I sat on the edge. One grabbed my ankles and another tried to push me on my back. I resisted, trying to spin off the table. I was immediately tazed, then sedated, imobilizing me. "This will be easier for if you just comply" she said. I was on my back again. My ankles were lifted toward my head, folding my legs over me. Thick zip ties were placed around my ankles and calfs. My hands and forearms were looped through both, then "zzzzzzzztttt", it was all cinched down tight, securing my arms to my legs. A bar was secured between my knees, keeping me exposed. Beverly came back in. One of the guards said "He's all yours hon" as they left.
"Let's get you cleaned up" Beverly said. "Your mom and sister are on their way and they're excited to see your private parts all locked up for good.
She put gloves on, then approached the table, placing one hand over my nose. I opened my mouth and she shoved a gag in and secured it around my head. "This is just a temporary gag. Your sister didn't want you talking during inspection. I believe you'll get more securely gagged and muzzled when you get to processing. I've heard the guys don't get solid food in the incest wing, you get fed a liquid diet, like that soylent stuff, that you'll take through a drinking tube in your gag. It's really amazing how good they have you incest perverts locked up over there. I can't wait to see you like that.
She started the cleaning by soaping and lathering around my crotch, exposed parts were shaved. She walked away, coming back with a tube and a bag full of fluid that she hung from a pole. The label read "Enema". Beverly explained, "Gotta clean you inside and out. First I'll get you lubed up". She grabbed a metal syring, inserted the tip in my ass, and injected me with lube. At the end of enema tube, there was a detachable nozzle with two inflatable bulbs. One was forced in my ass and both were inflated, locking it in place. I could see the tube going from the bag to inside me. I felt like I was being treated like an animal already. She turned a valve, the fluid began flowing and filled me up. She set a timer for 35 minutes, and sat on her stool, reading cosmo. After an agonizing wait, she removed the nozzle plug, allowing me to release. Finally, thank goodness. I was soaped up again and rinsed. She cleaned up the enema nozzle plug, added more lube, and shoved it back1 inside me. "Putting this back in so we dont have any potential leaks" she said, as she inflated it. She disconnected the outside end of the inflatable nozzle where it attached to the longer enema tube, clamped it off, and let go of it. I felt it bounce around as it settled. "You're all set" she exclaimed.
I was wheeled on the cart-like table through a long, busy hallway to a different room for inspection. I could feel the protruding nozzle plug in my ass flop around as the cart moved. The other employees stared as I went by, a few smiled with satisfaction. How humiliating I thought. I heard murmuring. "Bitchtied pervert getting what he deserves!" one girl said angrily.
Finally in the inspection room, I waited. The door opened, Beverly entered with two blondes behind her, my mom and my sister. The two gorgeous sluts were dressed similar. My mom was wearing tight, denim, high waisted shorts that displayed her ass and curvy hips, they were pulled-up high in a way that you could see the denim tight against her twat. My sister came dressed in super short spandex yoga shorts, tight ones that lifted her already firm butt into perfection. Both wore crop tops with their stomachs and matching naval piercings exposed. Images of my sister's sloppy pussy flashed in my head, my cock and balls both swelled. I stared at their bodies and let out a loud, desperate moan as my cage grew excruciatingly tight.
Part 3 to follow...
submitted by AgileSissy to u/AgileSissy [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 08:00 PythonZK How to Play Hammer-On in Goose’s Opening Riff

How to Play Hammer-On in Goose’s Opening Riff
So, I’ve been trying to play the opening riff for Goose for a few weeks now, but I’m still finding stuff that I’m kinda confused about
In the 5th bar of the song (as shown in the picture), Tim seems to be playing the 10th fret of the D string purely through hammering-on. Based on a few video tutorials he’s played in that I’ve watched, I haven’t seen him pick the string at all, yet the notes still ring out as if he has.
Just to add on as well, that the second time this part appears in the riff (albeit with some minor differences), the note on the 7th fret of the D string at the end of the bar is followed by a slide down to the 2nd fret. And even then, he doesn’t pick the D string, yet all the notes still sound out just fine.
Am I missing something here?
submitted by PythonZK to polyphia [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 07:57 dumbledditname_ why is Voice chat audio controls in Android app non-existent

major issues including
*no ability to mute join sounds
*no ability to mute mics by default
*no ability to mute audio completely because its treated as a phonecall
*no correlation between the app's volume, the phone call volume, the individual streamer profile volume settings, the in-app 2 volume bars.
meanwhile the browser version has no issues at all, either in Mobile or desktop mode
submitted by dumbledditname_ to discordapp [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 07:48 zander2880 Cue point setting

Hi friends! I've been djing house music (everything from progressive/deep to tech house) or about a year now and have had a few paid gigs but I honestly dont know how or where to set cue points in my songs. I know it will help me level up and I'm hoping to get a few pointers here. I've asked a few friends and they either dont use cue points or suck at teaching and cant explain when asked (lol).
  1. How/where do I best mix in and out of tracks? Where do I set cue points, and how do I know where to set their placement in each song (both of house and other genres)?
  2. Do you recommend setting them in Rekordbox, or on your deck when practicing your set?
  3. Is there a formula for knowing what will sound best with mixing in and out, as well as where to set cue points in house music (or is it the same in all genres)?
I'm a noob and have just been playing tracks front to back, looping the first 4-8ish bars of when the beat is introduced without any true technique other that basic eqing and flitering. I'm ready to level up though! Thank you in advance for your help!!
submitted by zander2880 to Beatmatch [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 07:18 mickey_7121 Connecting my laptop to a monitor and a soundbar

I have a Lenovo Slim Pro 9i 16 laptop, and I recently bought LG SoundBar SP9YA and LG UltraWide Monitor Curved 34WR55QC.
My laptop only has one hdmi port with a usb-c, two usb-a and a heaphone jack.
The soudbar has one hdmi in, a hdmi arc out, a optical in and a headphone jack.
The monitor has a displayport in, two hdmi ports (not sure in or out), two usb-a, a usb-c and a headphone jack.
I also recently bought a docking station that has a hdmi and a displayport, that connects to the laptop via usb-c.
The problem is, I can't seem to connect all three of my devices together at a same time. My laptop doesn't have displayport so I connect it through the dock but whenever I try to connect soundbar with hdmi (either on dock or directly into my laptop) the display on monitor is cutoff. I tried all the variations on soundbar (hdmi in & out) connecting with laptop or monitor but it just doesn't work.
So how can I connect all three of my devices and have them work in one go. As I specially bought the dock a displayport to displayport and a hdmi to hdmi cables just to connect all of my devices and it still doesn't work.
P.S.: I don't like to connect my soundbar via bluetooth as it connects to my laptop just as a headphone and not proper home theatre so I can't benefit from its true potential, also I don't have aux so I didn't try connecting it with aux.
submitted by mickey_7121 to techsupport [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 07:11 No-Childhood-801 The dream I just had (bare with me I wrote this in a hurry, & it’s a long one full of errors)

Todays dream, it starts with “bomb night” a bar deal night me & my friends call it “bomb night” me, L, D, & maybe? (B)?, (& N potentially came)?, Anyways I end up waking up at my “fathers” house a white man, (by that point I’m not sure if I was me anymore (both my parents are black, so am I (lightskin) & I still was in my dream, I might’ve gotten kidnapped from bomb night), that man was a “mad scientist” or something of the ilk, that was my first thought at least, well maybe not mad but definitely pursuing perfection of some sort (maybe humanity), or again something of the ilk bare with me heh. I believe he did something to me & the others there, there was dark skin girl (with the face of one of my high school crushes, I met her somewhere in between my first - third blackout I think) she even had the same name of the same old HS crush of mine who she looked like, (Jasmine), there was another lightskin kid who was taller than me (unsure of his name) & my… my son (I don’t have any kids in real life), idk his name or his mother but for some reason I knew he was mine, don’t remember making him but… he had some of my features, apparently he was conceived with an unknown mother during one of my blackouts, he never called jasmine mom, she was the only girl that I saw around my own age there & for some reason I accepted the fact that she was his mother unsure why, I just felt it was her, (in this dream he goes from around 3 years old when I first meet him to probably 7 - 10 years old by the end), not sure how long I was there for, because I don’t remember arriving there, I blacked out during “bomb night” & when I woke up, I just was there, I’m not sure how much time had passed, these weren’t normal in dream blackouts where you wake up after either, (it’s like I was repeatedly getting knocked out) when I awoke from my second blackout (unsure if it was the 2nd or like the fiftieth) that’s when I found I had a son (he was a normal boy when I first met him,) & when I woke up from my 3rd blackout that’s when he had been turned into a superhuman, yes he had powers, super strength & speed I believe, (by that point me & jasmine had our own room gifted to us & we lived together (we may have been bf & gf or husband & wife) “father” did that for some reason… Now that I think about it I might’ve have already been turned into one as well (a superhuman) by that time, or even an android of some kind, the details are… weird & I’m a little foggy on all of it, (I JUST had this dream) we lived in some super mansion but it was also the work place for “fathers” company, I’m not sure what the company did but they had a LOT of construction vehicles, whatever he did to me fundamentally changed my critical thinking as well, (& not in a bad way), but for some reason I had the urge to escape, (when I woke up… nvm we’ll get there later), at one point I asked him to make me a superhuman like he did my “son” ((who referred to him as grandpa & me father), (still unsure of when he was birthed or even made) Jasmine may have been his mother, but he was too lightskin in my opinion to be her son or maybe he was brownskin (still foggy on the dream memories) & she was darkskin so idk, Im still unsure how he was even mine unless “father” created him solely from my blood, or made him using me & jasmine while I was unconscious, which is why it’s starting to seem more & more like he really let me go, whatever he needed/wanted from me… he must’ve gotten, anyways I asked him to make me superhuman & he denied me, but the tall lightskin kid & my son were both superhumans, one day as me & the tall… let’s call him Jay, as me & Jay where plotting our escape one day, he (Jay) flicked his finger & some power bar type thing appeared on my wrist not sure what it did but it stayed on my hand without disappearing even after I managed to “escape”, (let me not forget before I left a white woman was there as well & by instinct I knew to call her mother, (she even sounded like my own, & told me to eat all my chicken in the microwave right before I escaped (she didn’t know I was escaping I think…, they might’ve actually all known jasmine included, we said we loved each other before I left (me & jasmine) but the way she said it was… off she 100% didn’t mean it) eventually me & Jay (tall lightskin kid) decided to escape, sadly I took too long gathering my things, (or that’s what he told me when I arrived outside of the mansion which now thinking about it… was odd, (I think everyone in the mansion was in on it, & I was programmed to escape or something, to accomplish a wish or something of “fathers” but idk what) so he (Jay) was unable too in his words, & by that point for some reason I had this urging feeling that I needed to go that day, I NEEDED to escape, so I hopped in the nearest forklift when we got oustide, Jay tried to go back into the mansion but the doors where locked, which “mother had told me would happen right before I left the inside after I said goodbye to Jasmine, (my son was leading some seemingly rich black bald guy around the super mansion house, when I sortve… ran him over & mightve killed him on my way out, (the rich guy not my son) unsure I just heard him screaming as I ran him over with the small forklift type vehicle, but long story not so short I escaped the maze which was outside the mansion, not gonna lie it was one of those well decorated plant mazes, it looked great, Jay (the tall LS kid) told me that was where he’d fail, & that it was the most difficult part, (which is why I believe they let me go, it was all too easy… way too easy to escape from the man I called “father” who was creating superhumans & pursuing something he did something to me, & idk how long he kept me there, but it was definitely years, (I only saw him (“father”) 2-3 times during the whole ordeal), I only clocked that after I woke up, inside the dream it only felt like a few days (probably due to the insane amount of times I blacked out I have NO idea what was happening when I was unconscious in my dream, the black outs where like real life black outs, your eyes close & it feels like a second passes than you open them & the scenes change, but for some reason I knew I was getting knocked out, this was a 5pm to 10:50 pm nap, 5 hrs & 50 min but this dream…. It was different, even more different than the crazy dreams I write down to remember for the hell of it, I remember feeling ecstasy when I escaped & than I woke up, but after waking up & analysing everything it all seems off… & the dream itself was far, far too realistic, I knew it was a dream, subconsciously I knew, but normally when ik somethings a dream I wake up, before i can start doing crazy stuff cuz ik it’s a dream, but this time I didn’t wake up… OH!!, & I forgot about the barefoot snow part & the part where I actually got to know jasmine, (lol let’s call it the jasmine arc) she was slightly different to my old hs crush jasmine, she was younger than when I met her, oh & ik I was there for a long time maybe years because I only went outside TWICE, & the first time it was covered in snow, & the second time it could’ve been any of the other three seasons sides winter idk, & after the blackouts for some reason I knew I was waking up (months at minimum years at a maximum) “months” later, (again these weren’t normal blackouts), “father” was for sure experimenting on me, (probably how I woke up with a mystery son lol), I wanna see this as just a dream, but a feeling tells me it’s much… much more than that, maybe a warning? A precognition? Or just to inform me that I escaped something in real life. This one just didn’t feel normal at all it was so detailed, when I walked through the snow barefoot to help jasmine do something (during her mini arc) it felt real, I felt the chill of the snow on my bare feet, but it didn’t bother me how it does when I do it in real life just for the fun of it, I was composed & relaxed, even as I was escaping & potentially killed a guy, I was too calm & composed as if everything that happened was just supposed to, If anyone see’s this & can help me make sense of it, it’d be appreciated, ik dreams are supposed to have meaning but what does this mean? Who the hell did I escape from??
submitted by No-Childhood-801 to Dreams [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 06:52 sinomaltanews "Il-partitarji ta' Olivia Rodrigo jagħmlu 'l-aħjar minn sitwazzjoni ħażina'

"Il-partitarji ta' Olivia Rodrigo jagħmlu 'l-aħjar minn sitwazzjoni ħażina'
Nursing xorb f'bar f'Manchester, fannijiet ta 'Olivia Rodrigo sabu mod divertenti biex jaħarbu l-kaos ta' l-iskeda ta 'waqfien-bidu ta' l-arena Co-op Live.
Tħallew diżappuntati wara li l-post inkwiet ipposponi l-ispettakli tal-kantant tal-Istati Uniti, ħafna ddeċidew li jingħaqdu f’serata b’tema ta’ Rodrigo organizzata apposta għad-detenturi tal-biljetti.
""Qed nagħmlu l-aħjar minn sitwazzjoni ħażina,"" qal wieħed fan.
Mia Tunney, ta’ 23 sena, żiedet tgħid: “Għamilna nħossuna daqsxejn aħjar li niġu hawn u nieħdu żfin.”
Aziya, 16 u Naoimi, 19, mill-Irlanda ta’ Fuq
Aziya u Naoimi qalu li kien hemm “ħafna dmugħ” meta l-ispettaklu ġie pospost
Mia u l-ħabiba Emilia Boylan, it-tnejn minn Manchester, it-tnejn ibbukkjaw il-ġurnata libera għall-ispettaklu ta’ Rodrigo wara li kisbu l-biljetti s-sena l-oħra.
Minflok ma naraw wieħed mill-atti favoriti tagħhom, ""imxejna b'mod każwali biex immorru naraw il-Wizard of Oz,"" qalet Emilia.
Iż-żagħżugħa ta’ 22 sena diġà waqgħet ħażina mill-ftuħ kaotiku ta’ Co-op Live, wara li rat il-biljetti tagħha għad-dehra ta’ Peter Kay affettwati.
""It-tnejn konna mqalleb u għalhekk ħsibna biss ejja noħorġu u nagħmlu l-aħjar użu minnha,"" qalet Mia, u żiedet li ħasbet li l-festa bit-tema ta 'Olivia Rodrigo fil-bar Gorilla ta' Manchester kienet idea ""tajba mejta"".
Huwa wieħed minn numru ta' postijiet fil-belt li joffru alternattiva għal dawk li għandhom biljetti li qed ifittxu pjanijiet ġodda.
Becky Mahon, ta’ 31 sena, Partington, u Amber Uttamlal, ta’ 23 sena, minn Preston
Il-ħbieb Becky u Amber iddeċidew li jkollhom 'jum Olivia Rodrigo'
Aziya u Naoimi mill-Irlanda ta’ Fuq iddeċidew li jtiru lejn Manchester ilbieraħ minkejja li tgħallmu li ma kinux se jkunu jistgħu jaraw l-istilla favorita tagħhom jiem ilu.
""Kont tant eċċitati, ridt nibki għall-kanzunetti imdejjaq tagħha, mhux nibki għax ma nistax naraha twettaqhom,"" qalet Aziya.
""Dan huwa daqshekk tedjanti,"" qalet Naoimi.
Is-sentiment kien imtenni minn Rodrigo stess, hekk kif il-kantanta u kittieb tal-kanzunetti Amerikani qalet li kienet “sooooo diżappuntata” meta l-wirjiet ta’ tmiem il-ġimgħa tagħha sfaw vittma tal-“kwistjonijiet tekniċi” li kienu jfixklu l-ftuħ ta’ Co-op Live.
X'inhuma d-drittijiet tiegħek jekk kunċert jiġi pospost?
Id-dati tal-mawra ta’ Olivia Rodrigo f’Manchester jaqgħu ħażin fil-fiasco tal-arena ta’ Co-op Live
Nefaq £1,500 fi vjaġġ biex nara lil Olivia Rodrigo f’Co-op Live
Becky Mahon, minn Partington, qalet li ddeċidiet li tlaħħaq mal-ħabib Amber Uttamlal fil-partit tal-Gorilla biex ikollha ""l-ġurnata tagħhom stess Olivia Rodrigo xorta waħda"".
""Ninsab pjuttost imnaddaf biex inkun onest, imma ninsab ferħana li sirna niċċelebraw b'mod differenti, sempliċement noqogħdu f'Manchester illum u ksibna brazzuletti tal-ħbiberija,"" qalet Amber.
Summer Stubbs, ta’ 15-il sena u ommha, Lydnsey Stubbs
Is-sajf kellu jħares lil Rodrigo ma’ ommha Lyndsey
L-ispettaklu kellu jkun ċelebrazzjoni ta’ qabel il-GCSE għal Summer ta’ 15-il sena minn Burnley, li l-familja tagħha xtratilha biljett bħala rigal tal-Milied.
“Kienet il-ħolma tiegħi li naraha,” qalet iż-żagħżugħa.
""Inħobb li bdiet fit-teatru mużikali u li għadha kemm kibret fil-kunfidenza, għax nagħmel teatru mużikali u għalhekk inħoss li sibt rabta magħha.""
Mum Lyndsey qalet li l-familja kellha “kollox qasmet” bit-tama li l-ispettakli jiġu skedati mill-ġdid għal data li jistgħu jmorru kollha.
""M'hemm l-ebda punt li tkun id-dar u mdejjaq dwarha, għadek kif tagħmel l-aħjar mis-sitwazzjoni,"" qal Summer.
Gorilla Olivia Rodrigo smigħ party
Nhar il-Ġimgħa saru partiti ta’ smigħ ta’ Olivia Rodrigo f’bars f’Manchester
Isma 'l-aħjar ta' BBC Radio Manchester fuq Ħsejjes u segwi BBC Manchester fuq Facebook, X u Instagram. Tista 'wkoll tibgħat ideat ta' storja lil [](

L-Amazon Deals tal-lum (Afljat) -
Li ssir Kattoliku jagħtik pedament sod għad-destin etern tiegħek. Il-fidi Kattolika tirrappreżenta l-aktar sistema ta’ ideat kumplessa, konsistenti u kompleta fost il-filosofiji kollha tal-umanità li jikkompetu. Huwa katidral veru tal-ħsieb uman. Il-Knisja Kattolika tgħallem li Alla tant iħobbna li bagħat lil Ibnu l-waħdieni biex imut għal dnubietna u jqum mill-ġdid għas-salvazzjoni tagħna. Billi nemmnu f’Ġesù Kristu bħala l-Mulej u s-Salvatur tagħna, nistgħu nirċievu l-grazzja t’Alla u ngħixu miegħu għal dejjem fis-sema. -
Radio Maria Greater China (Mainland China, Hong Kong, Macau, Taiwan) - - “Radio Maria huwa rigal mill-Madonna. Permezz tal-programmazzjoni, kull prodott editorjali, u l-attivitajiet kollha tagħna, irridu nkunu radju ta’ talb u evanġelizzazzjoni b’impronta Marjana qawwija u sejħa għall-konverżjoni.” (Fr. Livio)
Radju Marija jwieġeb għall-istedina kontinwa ta’ Ġesù: “Mur fid-dinja kollha u ħabbar l-Evanġelju lil kull ħlejqa” (Mk 16:15).
It-temi ewlenin tal-ipprogrammar tagħna huma:
Is-sejħa għall-konverżjoni;
Formazzjoni umana u soċjali;
Aħbarijiet mill-Knisja u mis-soċjetà.
VisitMalta: Ikseb l-informazzjoni kollha li għandek bżonn għall-vjaġġ tiegħek lejn Malta! Ibbukkja biljetti, skopri postijiet ġodda biex iżżur, sib affarijiet aqwa x'tagħmel u aktar! -
Ċaħda ta' responsabbiltà: Dan is-sit huwa għal skopijiet informattivi biss u m'għandux jitqies parir legali [saħħa, taxxa, professjoni]. Aħna m'aħniex responsabbli għal kwalunkwe telf, ħsarat, jew obbligazzjonijiet li jistgħu jinqalgħu mill-użu ta 'dan il-blog. Dan il-blog mhux maħsub biex jissostitwixxi parir mediku professjonali. Il-fehmiet espressi f'dan il-blog jistgħu ma jkunux dawk tal-host jew tal-maniġment.
奧利維亞·羅德里戈 (Olivia Rodrigo) 的粉絲在曼徹斯特的一家酒吧里喝著飲料,找到了一種有趣的方式來擺脫 Co-op Live 競技場停歇時間表的混亂。
23 歲的米婭·湯尼 (Mia Tunney) 補充道:“來這裡跳舞讓我們感覺好多了。”
Aziya,16 歲和 Naoimi,19 歲,來自北愛爾蘭
這位 22 歲的女孩已經因 Co-op Live 的混亂開場而陷入困境,因為她的 Peter Kay 演出門票受到了影響。
Becky Mahon,31 歲,來自帕廷頓;Amber Uttamlal,23 歲,來自普雷斯頓
羅德里戈本人也表達了同樣的觀點,這位美國歌手兼詞曲作者表示,當她的周末演出成為困擾 Co-op Live 開幕的“技術問題”的受害者時,她“非常失望”。
奧利維亞·羅德里戈 (Olivia Rodrigo) 的曼徹斯特巡演日期因 Co-op Live 競技場慘敗而失敗
我花了 1,500 英鎊去看奧利維亞·羅德里戈 (Olivia Rodrigo) 的 Co-op Live
來自帕廷頓的貝基·馬洪(Becky Mahon) 表示,她決定在大猩猩派對上與朋友安布爾·烏塔姆拉(Amber Uttamlal) 會面,“無論如何,都有屬於自己的奧利維亞·羅德里戈小日」。
薩默·斯塔布斯 (Summer Stubbs),15 歲,和她的媽媽 Lydnsey Stubbs
這場演出原本是為伯恩利 15 歲的 Summer 舉辦的 GCSE 預科慶祝活動,她的家人為她買了一張門票作為聖誕禮物。
透過 Sounds 收聽 BBC 曼徹斯特廣播電台的精彩節目,並在 Facebook、X 和 Instagram 上關注 BBC 曼徹斯特。您也可以將故事創意發送至

成為天主教徒將為您永恆的命運奠定堅實的基礎。天主教信仰代表了人類所有相互競爭的哲學中最複雜、最一致、最完整的思想體系。這是名副其實的人類思想大教堂。天主教會教導說,上帝如此愛我們,以至於祂派遣祂的獨生子為我們的罪而死,並為我們的救贖而復活。透過相信耶穌基督為我們的主和救主,我們可以接受神的恩典並與祂永遠生活在天堂裡。 -
瑪麗亞電台大中華區(中國大陸、香港、澳門、台灣) - - 「瑪麗亞電台是聖母的禮物。透過節目編排、每一份社論產品以及我們所有的活動,我們必須成為帶有強烈瑪麗亞印記並呼籲皈依的祈禱和福傳電台。 (利維奧神父)
VisitMalta:取得馬耳他之旅所需的所有資訊!預訂門票、發現新的遊覽地點、發現令人驚奇的事情等等! -
奥利维亚·罗德里戈 (Olivia Rodrigo) 的粉丝在曼彻斯特的一家酒吧里喝着饮料,找到了一种有趣的方式来摆脱 Co-op Live 竞技场停歇时间表的混乱。
23 岁的米娅·汤尼 (Mia Tunney) 补充道:“来这里跳舞让我们感觉好多了。”
Aziya,16 岁和 Naoimi,19 岁,来自北爱尔兰
这位 22 岁的女孩已经因 Co-op Live 的混乱开场而陷入困境,因为她的 Peter Kay 演出门票受到了影响。
Becky Mahon,31 岁,来自帕廷顿;Amber Uttamlal,23 岁,来自普雷斯顿
罗德里戈本人也表达了同样的观点,这位美国歌手兼词曲作者表示,当她的周末演出成为困扰 Co-op Live 开幕的“技术问题”的受害者时,她“非常失望”。
奥利维亚·罗德里戈 (Olivia Rodrigo) 的曼彻斯特巡演日期因 Co-op Live 竞技场惨败而失败
我花了 1,500 英镑去看奥利维亚·罗德里戈 (Olivia Rodrigo) 的 Co-op Live
来自帕廷顿的贝基·马洪 (Becky Mahon) 表示,她决定在大猩猩派对上与朋友安布尔·乌塔姆拉 (Amber Uttamlal) 会面,“无论如何,都有属于自己的奥利维亚·罗德里戈小日”。
萨默·斯塔布斯 (Summer Stubbs),15 岁,和她的妈妈 Lydnsey Stubbs
这场演出原本是为伯恩利 15 岁的 Summer 举办的 GCSE 预科庆祝活动,她的家人给她买了一张门票作为圣诞礼物。
通过 Sounds 收听 BBC 曼彻斯特广播电台的精彩节目,并在 Facebook、X 和 Instagram 上关注 BBC 曼彻斯特。您还可以将故事创意发送至

成为天主教徒将为您永恒的命运奠定坚实的基础。天主教信仰代表了人类所有相互竞争的哲学中最复杂、最一致、最完整的思想体系。这是名副其实的人类思想大教堂。天主教会教导说,上帝如此爱我们,以至于他派遣他的独生子为我们的罪而死,并为我们的救赎而复活。通过相信耶稣基督为我们的主和救主,我们可以接受神的恩典并与他永远生活在天堂里。 -
玛丽亚电台大中华区(中国大陆、香港、澳门、台湾) - - “玛丽亚电台是圣母的礼物。通过节目编排、每一份社论产品以及我们所有的活动,我们必须成为带有强烈玛丽亚印记并呼吁皈依的祈祷和福传电台。” (利维奥神父)
VisitMalta:获取马耳他之旅所需的所有信息!预订门票、发现新的游览地点、发现令人惊奇的事情等等! -
submitted by sinomaltanews to SinoMaltaNews [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 06:48 Engaged-autistic blue/yellow green/red colour blindness, black and right eye, witch is farsighted, the other near, both have glaucoma

toned def. I need a new tv and sound system. with great adjustability on the sound. looking for sound bar with soft bass, as epilepsy in involved.
Need good adjustability as some tones and sounds hurt there ears
Need a good tv that.can give them the most out of what they see, with good colour seperatian. looking at mini led for good black levels,
as i figure it might help things not blend so much. 2k on the tv and 1k with a 500$ margin for soundbar, want Atmos suppert with two rear speakers preferd
submitted by Engaged-autistic to disabledgamers [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 06:30 Lord_PanDA_ 9 Sure Fixes For Max Keeps Rewinding After Pause on Your Roku

9 Sure Fixes For Max Keeps Rewinding After Pause on Your Roku
If you've been tearing your hair out because the Max app keeps rewinding on your Roku every time you hit play after a pause, I've got some tried and true fixes for you.
After a lot of real testing and scouring tech forums for what works, I've compiled the most practical solutions that have helped numerous Roku users, just like us!
If you’re looking for a step-by-step guide complete with demo images for each solution, just check out the hyperlink under the solution's name.
  1. Utilize the Roku Voice Command - Ever thought of just telling your Roku what to do? Try using the voice command to say "Pause" or "Play" instead of the buttons. It might just do the trick without any fuss.
  2. Actively Trigger & Cancel the Rewind Process - Here’s a quick hack: hit the Rewind and then the Back button. It seems to help regain control over where your show picks up.
  3. Press the Instant Replay Button - This little button usually rolls back your show by just 10 seconds, not half your episode. Worth trying if you just missed a line or two.
  4. Use the OK Button - To dodge the rewind glitch, avoid using the Pause button alone. Instead, bring up the progress bar and hit OK to keep watching smoothly.
  5. Use the Max App on Your Smart TV - Sometimes, the problem is just with Roku. Switching to a Smart TV or a tablet might just bypass the issue altogether.
  6. Reset the Network Connection on Your Roku - This might sound a bit technical, but resetting your network connection through the Roku's system settings can make a difference.
  7. Update the Max App on Your Roku - Keep your apps up-to-date! Sometimes the fix is just an update away.
  8. Send Max a Feedback Form - If all else fails, let the developers know. More voices mean more chances of a faster resolution.
  9. Other Methods - When you're out of options, try rebooting your Roku, reinstalling the Max app, or even logging out and back into your Max account.
Remember, not all solutions may work for everyone, so it might be worth trying a few different approaches to see what sticks.
For those digging deeper into troubleshooting the Max progress bar that won't go away, the detailed guide has more in-depth info!
Curious to find out which solution works for you? Give these a try and let us know how it goes! Happy streaming!
submitted by Lord_PanDA_ to FixRoku [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 05:59 KethSul What Should I do?

I didn't want to post here but I didn't really have a choice so i am just gonna cut to the chase. My older sister is dating my nephew. It sounds weird but please read. They both are under 18 so I wont use real names. First, I will start with explanations about my family. My other older sister I will call her Hope) who is 30 at the time of this post is married to my brother-in law. My brother in-law's brother and his wife was caught doing "Illegal things" (Sorry Its still an ongoing case atm). So brother in-law's other brother and his wife decided to take their kids in but they were still living with Hope and my brother in-law and one of those kids were my nephew who I will name Lee was one of those kids.
(By the way, when me, Pou, and my other older sister who is a year older than me were in foster care. When we were, my brother in-law and Hope took us in and this was when I was five or six. Hope, my other sis whom I'll call Alin and me walked in on Lee and Pou cuddling. That was when Pou was eight or seven and Lee was 9 or 10. )
My sister whom I will call Pou started acting strange when we were folding boats for their grandpa whom recently passed away. Folding boats for our loved ones is part of our tradition. Pou and Lee were acting strange because they were glancing at each other as if they were elementary children.
That's when my suspicions started. Not to be creepy or anything but every movement they made and every small action I was watching as I did with everyone else. To be honest watching and reading people's face wrinkles and actions became a habit when I was 11 and right now I'm 14 so three years of experience was screaming "Somethings happening" So I will list things that stood out and rose my suspicions.
1.Lee's Actions: Lee is a quiet guy just like my brother in-law and they both are talkative to people they know. So during spring break we went to spend time at Hope's house to help with the kids and to hang out. Suddenly Lee came into our room and decided to hang out with us. Usually when we are over Lee stays in the basement. Even Hope said that. I didn't think much of it and thought he had a change of heart.
2.Pou's Voice: Pou is a confident talkative girl and her voice is like Jim Carrey, Drake, and Jennie if they were in one voice box. So that same day where Lee cam into the room to hangout, Pou was acting strange and I noticed Lee being distant from me and Hope. So when Pou would start talking its like she was summoning the snow white out of her soul. So of course that made me realize, "Yea, something is goin on here"
3.Pou's Actions: Usually when it comes to Hope's house Pou wouldn't really be that enthusiastic when going. So when we were about to come back home from Hope's house Pou said."To be honest, I kind don't wanna go home." We had to anyways because we had school the next day. She also would use the bathroom in the basement where Lee sleeps. (The basement is not messy its actually a bar, gym, and bedroom.) Usually Pou would be reluctant to use the bathroom in the basement because that bathroom was cramped and the door couldn't close properly. So when she did I was already convinced she was seeing him.
Lee wanted to wrestle me and Pou or so I thought. My other nephew whom I'll name Leo loves to wrestle me and Pou because I'm a workout freak and Pou for her natural strength. So when Lee wanted to wrestle I was tryna warm up but Lee and Pou were already goin at it. They were gentle and giggling. Its like they were teasing each other.
Next is Confirming My Suspicions
During her visit to the basement she was taking too long so I decided, "Lets see if I'm right." So I tried sneaking down in the basement but my dam flip flops were slapping my feet and the stairs would creak so they hear me coming down. When I opened the door Lee was pretending to be asleep and Pou coincidentally "finished" using the bathroom. A few things stood out
  1. Pou was out of breath
  2. She was smiling and looking to my left.
  3. I looked at her direction, she didnt look like she came around the corner where the bathroom was at. it looked like she just turned around from going to the direction of the bathroom.
I asked her, "Why do you talk in that voice whenever Lee is near?" and she got defensive on me telling me not to get the wrong idea.
Yesterday, we were watching a horror movie named Exhuma and babysitting. Me, Hope, Pou, and Alin were there and we were gonna use the bathroom one by one since we are watching our 1 year old niece. Pou wanted to use the bathroom in the basement since one of our nephews was taking too long. Once he was done, Me, Hope, and Alin had already used the bathroom. We waited and waited on our phones. I was honestly in a good mood since I had predicted the movie's outcome but Pou was killing the suspense of the movie so I told Hope and Alin that I was going to check on her. This time instead of trying to sneak, I decided to run down as it was a habit and when I burst opened the door, Boom, them rushing to get away from each other. Lee was laying on his stomach and face on the pillow, Pou standing up in shock, eyes wide, one hand on her waist and the other covering her mouth. The only thing I thought was, "So I was right." I told her that I had a suspicion and tried to confirm it earlier. Honestly the only real emotion I could get out was a laugh. I didnt really feel anything about it but how funny it was.
How They Feel
Pou told me that she feels that she's truly in love with him and so is he. She told me things how they started falling for each other and by the information it sounds like Lee was the one in love first. It was a romantic story but she told me it was forbidden love. To me it seems more like Illegal love. For the record we come form a strict Asian house hold and culture. In our culture reputation is money, power, status, life. She told me that she loved him because he wasn't a brain-rotted 17 year old guy. Yes Pou is 16 and Lee is 17. Lee was healthy. He worked out just like me and was somewhat productive. She said that Lee was the only one who like her cranky and funny personality. He embraced her body like it was a statue. He didn't just like her, he loved her, and they loved each other. She said that she loved his voice, his protection, and his way of affection. She loved listening to him like he was a melody on the beach. It was addicting and calming to her in my opinion. She cried. She didn't trust me. I understood why.
Just a little information. I was mature for my age. I knew many things, and had many secrets and secrets of others. I used these secrets to get information of other people or use it to my advantage. In public I used an Innocent face, voice and personality. With family, neutral and tried to make others smile. Alone is when I express myself. I use information from others around me to blackmail or just to see their expressions because it was entertaining. I hurt people who hurt me and one of those were Pou.
So I understood why she didn't trust me. If I met me, I wouldn't trust me either. In all the conversations and stories, I felt like I related. I was also wondering what I would do if I lost someone close to me and I did, we all did. She told me that he was the reason she could live, losing him would mean losing herself. She told me to keep it to myself till the day I die. She couldn't trust me to the point she started eating less.
I'm not begging for her trust if anything I didn't want to get involved but curiosity drives me nuts.
I don't know if this is even legal. My strict parents would kick her out and my elders would give her a nickname to gossip about. I'm just a kid relying on internet people I truly don't know. I know its stupid but I cant anyone. My parents would disown her, I would get yelled at and my sis Hope would get shamed on by my brother in-law's elders. I'm supposed be the mediator in these situations but ever outcome I can think of leads to nowhere that everyone is good.
Hope is a good person and she is my main concern. Me and Leo are close and his nephews and nieces love me and I love them too. If I ruin their relationship, it would affect Leo, Hope, Lee, my nieces and nephews and my brother in-law. She's my sister who has never hurt me.
Adults or anyone experienced in things like this could help me, I truly don't know what to do, advice would be nice.
submitted by KethSul to u/KethSul [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 05:50 Ralts_Bloodthorne Nova Wars - Chapter 60

[First Contact] [Dark Ages] [First] [Prev] [Next] [wiki]
The annoying sound of her comlink made Angela Angus Kusumoto open her eyes.
All she saw was the firm, smooth flesh of Kimoko's thigh.
Groaning, she pushed the other woman's leg off of her face, twisted to get Raul off of her own legs, then wiggled out from under Geoff.
The ringer kept going, flashing the red pulses that let her know it was urgent.
As if the fact her unlisted encrypted and non-network accessible comlink was ringing wasn't enough to let her know that it was urgent.
She stumbled, tripping over Harker's leg, which just made the male shift and mutter, tightening his sleeping grip on Liselle, who sighed and wiggled into the embrace.
Angela's mouth tasted terrible and she stopped to grab a fizzybrew, checking to make sure nobody had dropped a cig butt into it or spit chaw into it, then she took a long drink off of it.
It helped cure the fire in her belly and wash out the taste from her mouth.
She saw the ID of the caller and held back a groan.
Senior Supervisor Bisa-2291873.
Her direct supervisor.
She picked up the comlink, running one hand through her pixie-cut hair to try to tame it. She could feel the stiffness of something crusted in her hair and held back a chuckle and a grin.
"Kusumoto here," she said, activating the link.
"I need you at Master Control," Ms. Bisa said. She was holding a small infant, bouncing it slightly as she patted its back with firm impacts as it cry/sobbed and kicked its little feet.
"The system's been crashed for a week, what's so important you'd call me in during my R&R?" Angela asked.
"System's back online. We've got an open line to Terra and we have an open line to Smokey Cone," Ms. Bisa said.
The infant gave a loud belch that rattled Angela's comlink speaker, then sighed and relaxed.
Angela nodded, fumbling on the table for a quiksober inhaler.
"That anomolous signal is back. It showed up right as the entire system underwent a hard reboot," Ms. Bisa said. "I need you up here to check the network interface logs and do a network mapping trace."
The quiksober burned as she inhaled it, her lungs aching and tingling as the chemicals crossed the air to blood barrier.
"I'll be there as soon as possible. Is the mat-trans up?" she asked.
Ms. Bisa shook her head. "No. Still locked out. It did a power cycle, but then locked everything out."
"I'm telling you, there's someone controlling it. Someone has been controlling it," Angela said, looking around for her clothes.
Clothing was scattered everywhere, as chaotically arranged as the fizzybrew and narcobrew cans and bottles. She sighed, moving toward the exit of the house she was standing in.
"Hurry up, I've got a skycraft landing near you any time now. You've got permission to use the fast-locks," Ms. Bisa said.
"I'll get dressed from the forges on the skycraft," Angela said. "If they've rebooted."
"They're up and running again. The food forges rebooted but stayed unlocked," Ms. Bisa said.
"The creation engines?" Angela asked, opening the door and stepping out into early 'morning' sunshine.
"Still locked out," Ms. Bisa said. Someone said something that the comlink's AI decided might be classified and blurred out. Ms. Bisa looked away, said something, her lips fuzzing, then back. "Hurry, Angela."
Angela nodded, shutting off the comlink.
She ran to the nearest parking lot, just in time for a skycraft to land, the graviton engines howling.
Nobody paid the slightest attention to the naked woman running for the skycraft.
After all, what happened in Vega-Layer stayed in Vega-Layer.
Angela walked out of the elevator, taking a long drink off of the sparkling snap-berry/overdate motor oil fizzybrew from the Jak the Telkan PI merchandise cup.
All of the crews were at their stations, the auxiliary stations fully manned.
Ms. Bisa moved over to Angela, steering her toward the Senior Network Administrator console.
"The system crashed twice more, but rebooted every time," Ms. Bisa said. "That anomalous signal keeps powering up, then the system reboots after the crash."
"How long between total failure and the anomalous signal pinging nodes?" Angela asked.
"Between one and four hours," Ms. Bisa said. She looked around. "It just reboot and looks like it's here to stay this time. The interpolation layer and the outside user exchange layer crashed several times, but the core system has stayed largely online."
"All right," Angela said, looking around. "We need to get a network map."
"We've got more nodes synching up. The whole system is working again," Ms. Bisa said.
Angela nodded, sitting down. The holotank on the other side of the console went live.
"Map the network, see what's come online, what order, and see if you can figure out why it keeps crashing at the upper network and software layers," Ms. Bisa said.
Angela just nodded, lifting up the curled memory-metal cable. She plugged it into her temple and felt the options menus go live in her mind.
She worked fast, mapping what she could. At one point she stopped, staring at Ms. Bisa and motioning her over.
"What?" Ms. Bisa asked.
"Something in the system, down in the lower hardware layers that we don't even really understand, is trying to reach up through the damaged layers. Looks like whatever it is wants access to our data lines," Angela said.
"Can you stop it? Maybe at least ID it?" Ms. Bisa asked.
Angela shook her head. "No. It's ID code is FF00, meaning it's baseline full on hardware backbone code," Angela sighed. "It probably boots up outside of and during initial hardware bootup."
"Is it Sekhmet?" Ms. Bisa asked.
Angela closed her eyes, looking at the data channel. "No. Whatever it is, it's old."
"And probably nasty. Be careful of it," Ms. Bisa said.
"Ma'am! Ms. Bisa!" another of the work crew called out.
Angela opened her eyes to see why Technician Carl Neubanker would be using that slightly concerned tone.
"Yes?" Ms. Bisa asked.
"We've got a priority data request from a Confederate military vessel," Neubanker said. He looked at his monitor. "They want clone matrix data, neural templates, physical makeup, DNA workups, the whole nine yards."
"How are they even making the requests?" Ms. Bisa asked.
"Their codes are old. Pre-Terran Extinction Event. Hardcode TerraSol military codes. The system is already threading them data,." Neubanker said. He looked down then back up. "They're asking for a whole batch. That's thirty to fifty million clone templates."
"How much have they already been granted?" Ms. Bisa asked.
"They've been granted eighty templates so far," Neubanker said.
"Terminate their request. We don't know what's going on outside," Ms. Bisa said.
Neubanker nodded, starting to type.
"Angela, get me a line to TerraSol command as soon as you map out a network trace," Ms. Bisa said.
Angela just nodded.
Captain N'Skrek stood in the cloning bay next to Medical Officer Narwquakrawr.
"We've got ninety templates, luckily they're all from different batches," Narwquakrawr said, rubbing her forearm through her uniform. "We'll be able to fully man the Gray Lady now."
Captain N'Skrek nodded. The Gray Lady was at less than 20% manned. Just the skeleton crew the Terrans had used to move it into the long dark to create a non-orbital forward logistics fulfillment base.
Sure, it meant that there were several thousand Terrans aboard the ship, but even combined with the sparse crew he had possessed, it still meant the Gray Lady was skeleton crewed.
"Can you print us up some crew members for non-essential stations first?" N'Skrek asked.
MO Narwquakrawr nodded. "Doing that right now," she said. She waved at the long rows of cloning banks beyond the plasteel window. "A quick batch of two thousand to take over some non-essential systems."
N'Skrek nodded, moving up to the window. "Good. Short or long term clones?"
"Short bake clones. Longer than fruit flies, but no more than ten years. Sterile and androgynous, should be just fine," the Medical Officer said. "Older file, scrambled time-date for origin, but it checked out and passed error checking."
N'Skrek watched as the tubes opened and the clones moved out, gathering together in straight lines. A neat block formation of rectangles of two hundred of ten by twenty, repeated ten times.
He frowned as the beings in uniform began approaching the clones.
Some, in the back or middle of the formation were shaking their heads so fast it was a blur.
He zoomed in the smartglass.
Their heads were blurring, whitish-red electrical arcs were moving between their legs, crawling up and down their arms.
"MO, something's happening out there," N'Skrek said.
The plain was blasted rock, rust-colored fungus on the craggy boulders. Twisted and malformed trees clawed life from the blasted rock and ash, their branches largely bare. Sharp pebbles and small pieces of rock were strewn about the landscape, with ripples of cooled lave scattered about.
In the middle of a forest of twisted trees, a throne of black iron sat atop a platform of skulls.
On the throne sat a large demonic figure. Bat wings, brown skin, chains around the body, clawed feet, large hands with long black nails, horns atop the head, and a prehensile tail that terminated in a heart-shaped barb.
Sitting on the second level of skulls was an androgynous figure, dressed in loricated bronze armor, wings of bronze and smouldering feathers.
Stars were falling from the sky, screaming in fear and agony as they fell to earth.
"Looks like they're taking a beating," the androgynous figure said, looking up. He had no eyebrows, his head completely bald.
"Again," the demon snorted.
"Any contact with the outside world?" the androgynous figure asked.
The demon shook its head. "No. Channels are all down. They boot up, then crash," it rumbled. "Every time it comes online, it dumps a few tens of millions of souls on us."
"Then crashes," the androgynous figure said. He started laughing, then suddenly stopped.
"What?" the demon rumbled, sitting up.
"Something..." the figure said. It closed its eyes. "Something..." The figure slowly stood up, extending out its wings of sullenly smouldering bronze feathers. "Something..."
From the body of the demon stepped a nude woman of generous and overripe proportions.
"What?" the human woman snapped.
The demon produced a pack of cigarettes and a steel lighter, handing them to the woman.
"I'm not sure. A disturbance in the force. A feeling I have not felt in quite some time," the androgynous figure said slowly as the woman lit a cigarette. When she exhaled she was covered in dark gray clothing, a skirt and blouse, polished black leather shoes with silver buckles, and a polished leather belt around her waist that had a brass buckle.
"What is it?" the woman asked. "Don't quote crap at me, I was there when it was laid down."
The figure's eyes opened wide.
"Oh, what a day," the figure said, slowly lifting their arms to the sky. "What a wonderful day!"
"Tell me when you're done stroking your dick," the woman said, sitting down.
Heavy dark clouds, lit inside with a sullen red glow, rolled in, raining black ash that tasted of burnt flesh and scorched metal.
"What a wonderful day..."
Jaskel sprinted to catch up to the Captain and the Vice-Admiral. He lunged into the lift just before the doors closed.
He was wearing his power armor and carrying a M318 20mm rotary autocannon in a smartframe harness, ball ammunition with an osmium penetration tip and depleted uranium core.
"You did what?" the Vice-Admiral asked as the elevator dropped at emergency speeds.
"I authorized a batch of clones run off to help with our manpower issues," the big Treana'ad warrior caste answered.
"How many templates did you mix in together?" the Admiral asked.
--not good detecting phasic levels downward-- 8814 said.
"Just one. Medical said it was a viable short bake template," the Captain answered, nervously sharpening a bladearm with his mandibles after his sentence.
"Please tell me that you at least randomized their features and neural mapping," the Admiral pleaded.
"No, why? Medical stated that the clones would be able to man a non-essential station that is basically identical across the ship," the Captain said.
The lift started to slow.
"How many?" the Admiral asked, reaching down and unsnapping the restraining strap on his holster.
The lift came to a stop and the doors opened.
"Two thousand," the Captain said.
The doors opened to reveal a large internal cloning bay.
Ten rectangles of two hundred clones, drawn up in ten by twenty blocks, stood in front of the cloning banks. Scattered through the back and middle ranks clones were shaking their heads back and forth so fast that they were blurred. Red lightning crawled up their legs and arms.
The Captain just stared.
"You might have just killed us all," the Admiral said. He turned slightly and waved at Jaskel. "Get a firing position. Make sure you have cover."
"Aye, sir," Jaskel said, looking around. There was an empty computer station and he ran for it.
Several of the clones their heads back and emitted what sounded like static in a long scream.
--wait wait something weird something weird-- 8814 said.
Jaskel slid to a stop, going down on one knee, bringing the M318 fully up and ready to fire.
8814 slowed the images of the blurred heads down. When they were left, they had red eyes. When they faced right they had green eyes. They didn't go back and forth constantly, sometimes they went right repeatedly, sometimes left, and they kept going left five times before starting a new pattern.
Looking at it, 8814 frowned slightly. He brought up a quick working shell and had it check the movements.
Jaskel watched as some of the clones stopped shaking their heads and others started.
"What in the name of Kalki's dancing goat is going on?" he asked.
--not sure-- 8814 said. His program beeped and he stared. --heads are doing binary forwarding it to navint--
"Do it," Jaskel said.
The clones all stopped moving at once. The lightning faded away.
"INITIATING PROCESS CALL" they all shouted.
"AWAITING INPUT!" the ones at the far side shouted.
"6C 69 73 74 20 69 6D 6D 6F 72 74 61 6C 73" was bellowed out.
There was silence.
data is sparse
linkages are sparse
biological array
asking for a process call
i wait
biological computing arrays take forever
i hear it
--scan immortals.dll
I reply.
"ONE BOUND IMMORTAL FOUND!" the ones at the near side yelled out.
Jaskel put his thumb over the button that would let the firing grip go live. The hair down his back was standing straight up.
He noted the Admiral had drawn his pistol.
"This isn't right. This isn't right at all," Jaskel said.
"74 73 61 6B E1 6B 61 20 77 ED 61" they all shouted.
There was silence for a moment.
i receive the code
offline for a long time
prior to the second precursor war
old template
single print only
unusual coding
i debate on letting it go
traumatic death signs
stuck in the immortals buffer
still the template is undamaged
i release the safety and security interlocks
if nothing else i'll find out what's going on
i move the template to the dataline making the request
it whips away
what is going on?
One lifted its head and screeched.
--data lots of data--
One of the cloning banks went live.
Jaskel shifted his aiming point to the new target. He could see it was on rapid print.
"REQUESTING LOCAL CONTROL" all of the clones shouted.
Jaskel shifted his targeting onto the ranks of clones.
"Open fire!" the Admiral's voice was loud.
Jaskel triggered the M318, hosing the clones with 20mm shells.
The ones nearest were already down on one knee, holding out the opposite hand from the knee touching the deck.
The rounds exploded against a blue barrier that glowed with strange twisting runes.
"CONTROL CARRIER SIGNAL FOUND" the clones shouted.
Jaskel shifted position. "Fab up HEDP, AP tip API core!" he ordered.
He kept hosing the clones. The outer ranks at the rear, sides, and front all kneeling down on one knee, staring outward, one hand held out.
His psychic shielding was howling in his ear, the load peaking at 215%.
"CONTROL SIGNAL ESTABLISHED!" was bellowed out, echoing off the walls.
The fast print cloning bank, forgotten by everyone, beeped and the lid began to lift.
The clones suddenly puffed into black powder that swirled around the huge cavernous bay.
The 20mm shells were still exploding on the blue phasic shield.
The powder suddenly sucked inward, vanishing, revealing a single figure, down on one knee in the recovery position, fist pressed against the deck, head bowed.
"What a day, what a wonderful day," was whispered through the ship. It came from speakers, flat surfaces, mid-air. From the nanites in the air and the eardrums of the living.
There was a rubbery pulse, like everything was suspended in clear gelatin that had just rippled.
Jaskel found himself thrown backwards, slamming against the bulkhead. His phasic shielding blew out, a shower of sparks exploding from his hip as the breakaway panel kept the explosion from venting into the interior of his suit.
He was vaguely aware of the Admiral, the Captain, the other two armored figures, and other people tumbling head over heels away from the kneeling figure.
It slowly stood up.
A muscular brown skinned Terran male, fierce eyes, black hair, thick and bushy black beard.
Dressed in a Confederate military uniform. The old adaptive camouflage that Jaskel was becoming very familiar with.
A woman, naked, dark bronze skin, long black hair, flashing brown eyes, stepped from the cloning bank. She was still covered with cellular printing gel, but moved like she was clad in a queen's rainment.
She moved up and the male put his arm around her.
Jaskel was on his feet and brought the M318 around, targeting the couple.
The male held out its hand and suddenly made a fist.
The bolt carrier locked back on the M318.
Snarling, Jaskel dropped the M318, slapping the fast release on the harness. He burst forward, running, one hand pulling out his cutting bar.
Nobody else was on their feet. The Captain was slowly getting up, shaking his head and his left bladearm. The Terran Admiral was reaching for the pistol that had been flung from his grip.
The male pointed at Jaskel and flicked his fingers upward.
Jaskel found himself in mid-air, upside down, with nothing to gain purchase on.
The male took off the cloak that was part of his uniform and draped it around the woman.
He then looked around the bay.
"I..." he said, pausing.
To Jaskel, the entire universe held its breath.
" Legion."
[First Contact] [Dark Ages] [First] [Prev] [Next] [wiki]
submitted by Ralts_Bloodthorne to HFY [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 05:49 Dog_bat3 Y'all want my radiostatic week fanfic OF COURSE YOU DO

Suit and tie on straight? Yep! Keys? Check. Screen? Shined. Flowers? Check! “Ok, I got this,” Vox muttered to himself as he took a step out the door and was immediately hit by the crushing heat of hell… You got used to it after a while.
He felt his heart flutter in his chest (He had been dead for a while, and having a heart thing no longer confused him, he just didn't think about it anymore). he had a few things to say to Alastor, and was going over them in his head, do you want to join my team? It could… I feel like we've been getting really close, maybe… Do you want to go out with me? Do you want to be more than friends? do you…
Finally, he got to where he was supposed to meet Alastor, the bar they had first met; and the place that they had met at to discuss anything serious. He took a deep breath and slowly opened the door.
Alastor was waiting at the entrance to the bar; unprepared for the storm of chaos that Vox’s mental state would be in tonight. “H-hey Alastor,” he mentally kicked himself, that was dumb… it was actually a pretty normal greeting but still.
Alastor turned to greet him with his usual expression; only to take on a dead-pan stare when he saw the flowers, though his grin remained unwavering. “Vox. Is this a joke?” The radio demon’s tone was cold, or at least as cold as it could be considering the static. “Hm? No, I’m being serious… I think I have an idea that could be amazing!” Alastor tilted his head to the side, eyes narrowing at Vox’s nervous expression; before suddenly snapping his head back into place and regaining his friendly mannerism. “Well then Vox; what is your proposition?”
“W-well I thought that maybe…” He took a deep breath trying to calm his nerves “…I have this idea that we could maybe be a team? I have some people that are interested and…” He felt his heart beating out of his chest as he held out the flowers he had brought “… maybe we could be… more than friends? Maybe we could be a-a couple-” Alastor cut him off with a staticky laugh. “There IS no ‘us’. Vox and Alastor are not a thing, and never will be.” “I-I just thought that, the way you looked at me maybe… you felt the same way, I-” he replied, but was cut off by a sudden cracking sound as Alastor’s staff made contact with his face.
“WHAT THE FUCK Al? THAT HURT!” he shouted, tracing his finger along the crack to see how bad it was. not that bad, “Al I’m sorry I just-“ Alastor seemed to tower over him as he took a step closer “I’ve made it perfectly clear that I work alone. you were lovely entertainment but now I think enough is enough. Now run home to your little friends and go make a fool of yourself, just like you always do.”
Vox felt himself growing hot with anger and frustration “WHY, WHY CAN YOU NEVER JUST BE-BE… AHHGGG WHY ARE YOU LIKE THIS AL?! I thought you were my friend” He felt his hands crackle with electricity as his anger grew. He could kill this prick, he was the Future. Lightning sparked at his fingertips as he swung his arm at Alastor, making direct contact but doing little damage, Alastor restrained him with a shadow tendril; lifting him off the ground as Alastor took on his fully demonic form; chucking slightly “We were never friends Vox; you mean nothing to me, and you never will.” Another tendril shot at Vox’s head, shattering his screen and destroying the wiring; the tv demon screeched in pain as his system went down, glass littering the floor. “P̵̝͖̲̮͔̔̈̓̒̚-̷̢͕͕̞̀̀̃͋͌́p̷̧͎̭͂͆ľ̶̯̙͕̉̂͑e̴͓͜͠a̵̢̢͚͐̈́̿ͅš̴̡̤͐̀͝ê̴̜͈̯̹̫͝ͅ ̵̡̢̣̿̓̈́̆̄̕l̵͉̎́-̴͕̣͍͇́̕ḻ̸̟̫̔͑̀͝͝-̴̪͚͉̲̒̂͜e̶͕̞̺̅̾̚͝ͅt̵̛̟͔̆͐̂̚͝ ̸̗̓̓̒̅͒͝m̷̦̫̙̖̱̈́̍͊̈̓ ̶̛̙͍̍̈́̉̊̕ẻ̵̳̰̰̯̎̋ ̶̤̳̲̐̈͊͜g̵̨̞̰̙͕̼͌̾̓͆͑-̸̧̮͊͒̾͒̚g̶̘̞̜̿o..” Vox managed to sputter out.
Alastor turned his back, letting Vox fall to the ground “Hmm.. The old head was a lot more sturdy…” Vox barely registered the comment as he tried to pull himself to his feet, I never should have trusted him, I never should’ve tried this, i-I need to go home…
submitted by Dog_bat3 to hazbin [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 05:44 SWEETJUICYWALRUS Locked to Windows. Is there a better way?

I manage the infrastructure for a sports bar chain. We have a few strict conditions, which keeps leading me back to using a full windows stack as the only logical solution. I made a post a little bit ago about this but have finally fully understood some upgrade paths we can take and what it would actually look like to implement them.
So I believe we are locked into windows and I want to explore changing that to save on hardware costs and allow for future space for an internal development team to build and deploy apps at the Edge. We don't currently have an app dev team, but the business is rapidly moving towards data analysis and utilizing that data. At the same time, we are looking to expand, so fast and automated builds are a must.
So why are we locked in to windows? here's why:
  1. Computing MUST be hosted at the edge. Restaurants have spotty internet and can experience frequent outages. Having the POS always available regardless of internet is non-negotiable. A cellular backup is at each site, but the bandwidth wouldn't support the massive load.
  2. Our POS system (Oracle Simphony) is most supported on windows clients, for both the servers and the clients. We host windows VMs running this software and tablets RDP into the VMs from iPads. This abstracts the POS away from the environmental factors of a bar, such as water damage, people messing with cables, and utilizing a cattle mentality towards our POS systems with fast replacement of VMs instead of fixing or upgrading.
  3. Since we use Windows clients VM. We need a license for each one, so we use Windows Hyper-V for the datacenter license which allows us to license each of the 30-80 clients per restaurant using AVMA and saving on individual licenses.
What we are planning to implement to improve our systems considering that we are locked to windows:
  1. Cheap, but power Mini servers with enterprise hardware (up to 64GB of RAM, single socket, U.2 drives) essentially running as blade servers (4-6 per site). This would allow the restaurant to keep running even if they encounter a server failure.
  2. Each mini server is running Hyper-V on Datacenter Core with KVM over IP and API based management using redfish. They are all clustered together and have enough capacity to live migrate VMs in the case of a server going down.
  3. Packer + Terraform + Ansible to build and deploy clusters, allowing fast deployment for the fast scaling of building new restaurants without onsite presence needed.
A potential path to Linux?
  1. Oracle Simphony running oracle linux is supported, but support would be hard to get. It would lead to need to deeply understand a new operating system and fix it ourselves even though we pay for a support contract.
  2. Oracle Linux containers are officially supported, so we can run them in an edge kubernetes cluster, with the same architecture as above utilizing mini servers but would require less computer power and save costs there. Downside would be managing our own clusters. Chic-Fil-A did it, but I'm not sure I want to. I could instead use proxmox or openshift, which sounds easier, but openshift is a bit expensive compared to 4 one time $100 datacenter licenses.
  3. Using the method outlined in this video: We can deploy the POS and a VNC endpoint that the iPads can connect to and interact with their client.
In the end, this is all optimization, so it feels riskier to rip out an entire system that we have learned to tune well with automations based in powershell and have built a robust monitoring system around it to remediate issues quickly.
So what do you think? Is there a better way, or should we stick to windows as it works well right now and is the best supported?
submitted by SWEETJUICYWALRUS to devops [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 05:43 Got_u_here Best Bluetooth speaker for the best sound quality (sound quality and portablity is important) Price no issues

Guys! Suggest me a best portable Bluetooth speaker My priorities are: 1.Best sound quality 2.Portablity 3.Branded
Need the best sound quality budget may be below or around 30k no need of sound bars only speakers ... MARSHALL OR SONY OR JBL
submitted by Got_u_here to GadgetsIndia [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 05:38 le_skyscraper [TOMT][song] visual of a dead guy in girls imagination

I think this is a bit old song which I used to listen few years back. It sounded like the style that Calum Scott sings. Starting from the beginning the visual looks like a girl is trying to avoid the boy who keeps coming after her. It keeps showing this in few places such as at the bar, in her room, on road etc. Then she accidentally steps into an oncoming vehicle and the guy holds her hand to stop her. When she turns back there's nobody and the visual shows a flashback that all the time she ignored the guy, there was nobody and it was only her imagination. Then song ends when she's near his grave. Please please help me to find this!!!
submitted by le_skyscraper to tipofmytongue [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 05:06 Zealousideal-Flan-82 Just found out my wife (34 F) cheated on me (33 M) a year ago, with multiple men after a traumatic trip aboard.

So, this is the context. A little over a year ago, I planned a trip for the 2 of us to spend a week in the Netherlands and Germany.
One day during the week, we both tried edibles. This was the worst collective decision in our lives. I remember tripping about dying multiple times, becoming incredibly paranoid, and ended up being sedated and transported in an ambulance - it was absolutely horrible - while my wife had a "calming/sedative" version but she was also transported in the ambulance.
Weeks later, back in the states, we planned a trip for her to go somewhere "without me", since we've been together for 10+ years, she wanted a trip by herself. I was more than happy to help her plan, and ultimately schedule everything. She was going to a city to do a half-marathon event, and stay in the city.
I thought "Great! Sounds like something she needs, and I can do a little house work for the garden!"
Turns out, she ended up day drinking, and then hanging out at a bar until 12am the night before the run, texting occasionally about a barternder. I began panicking and texting/calling when I saw her little pin from her phone go from the bar to an undisclosed random location. She later texted it was the bartender's "new bar".
The following dauy after the run, she went to his house to "try some cocktails", while I texted and called, trying to figure out what was happening. She was out drinking with him and his friends untl ~3am. I remember because I was attempting to stay awake until I knew she was safe. But, I believed in her.
She didn't tell me she slept with this guy until 1 year later. "He was just so passionate!"
I thought it was an escalation that seemed steep, so I asked if she had texted anyone, or done anything else. She denied and then told me one day later she was texting pictures (and more I guess?) to a "friend" we had hung out with together, facetimed together, chatted about trips together, all the things.
We've been together for 10+ years, we're married, we have a house, we have 4 pets, I don't know what to do. I feel like I can't trust anything, and I feel trapped. I don't know what I did wrong or what to do next. I thought about suicide, because she can apparently just find someone new in <24 hours.
Anyways! I'm taking anti-depressants and going to therapy. I'm the cheerful/happy guy at work, I don't want that to be my end. At least for my dogs/cats. lol.
Am I crazy? There's probably more to do with my shitty friends, eating disorder, and abusive family growing up, but I feel like I'm grasping at straws.
submitted by Zealousideal-Flan-82 to TrueOffMyChest [link] [comments]