Dietary aide objective samples

Teen isn’t sleeping again

2024.05.14 08:46 Choice-Cycle-2309 Teen isn’t sleeping again

She’s refusing her sleep aids and wanders around the house until wee hours. She’s more irritable than normal which is considerable because of her ODD and mood swings. She eats junk food compulsively if unsupervised, harasses the cats, watches things she knows she shouldn’t that trigger her.( I’ve disconnected the tv. )I’m not able to sleep at night again just like before her hospitalization because I have no way of knowing if this will lead to her going for walks at night like it did before, or hurting the animals or her brother or something worse.
She physically and violently terrified her brothers cat on purpose two weekends ago because it tried to go into her closet by slamming the closet door while he was halfway inside. He was unharmed physically but extremely upset. We had an equally extreme conversation about how unacceptable that was and for now she seems to be curbing the physical aggression with the animals even though she won’t actually let them be if she’s not told directly to.
She harasses her brother and acts like she’s in charge and berates him until he retaliates if I’m in my bedroom while they’re awake. She tries repeatedly to bully me if I wear makeup, do my hair or dress in a way that isn’t tomboyish or frumpy. She tries to control any purchase I make. Most moves I make in fact, become about her. I can’t discipline without a blow up. I can’t parent my other child without her trying to insert herself and make that also about her. I can’t buy myself a pair of $12 dollar earrings for Mother’s Day without her being nasty to me about it. She lies to me, her teachers and who knows who else to minimize consequences at the expense of anyone, so long as it’s not her. I’m losing my objectivity, my patience and any willingness to communicate with my child when I would’ve cut contact entirely with any other person for acting like this if she weren’t my child and 16.
But it’s the sleep that bugs me the most. I can’t sleep at night because of her and I can’t sleep during the day because the maintenance crew has been working around my building with loud equipment from 7am to noon since I moved in last may.
I’m coming to the realization I can’t parent this teen if she won’t let me and the people who think they can, have already admitted after two weekends last summer that they were wrong. That leaves the father who she accused of rape(who may or may not have done so but has admitted to hitting her across the face and saying abusive things)who will try to regain custody of her if I don’t keep trudging through this until I snap. I’ve talked to multiple help lines about options. I’m doing everything there is to be done already, watching as the same patterns start all over again. The kicker is, because she’s attending group and taking all her other meds I’m told she’s doing well.
This isn’t well. This is hell. But good luck trying to prove it, because she’s apparently got them all believing she’s fine and it’s me, her teacher, her brother, all the other kids in her group, and her father who are the ones with the issues. I am at a loss. I cannot parent this way. I am literally being prevented from doing so with things as they are now. I finally told her tonight that either she starts acting right, listening without intent to argue, takes her sleep aids or this will not be a permanent housing situation. I hate saying it. I never wanted to. But I can’t work or provide or parent my other child if I don’t sleep. Anyone else I could call the cops for a disturbance. I really do feel like this kid thinks she’s got me figured out and pushed into a corner. It’s time for a wake up call about a mother’s boundaries in whatever way she can understand it.
submitted by Choice-Cycle-2309 to CaregiverSupport [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 08:41 FearlessEffort7577 Unveiling the Health Benefits of Ragi: A Nutritional Powerhouse

Unlocking the Nutritional Powerhouse: Ragi Benefits
Ragi, also known as finger millet, is a staple grain in many parts of India and Africa. This ancient grain is gaining popularity worldwide due to its impressive nutritional profile and numerous health benefits.

Understanding Ragi

Ragi is a rich source of nutrients, including carbohydrates, dietary fiber, protein, and essential minerals such as calcium, iron, and magnesium. It is also gluten-free, making it suitable for individuals with gluten intolerance or celiac disease.

Health Benefits of Ragi

1. Rich in Calcium

Ragi is one of the best plant-based sources of calcium, crucial for maintaining bone health and preventing osteoporosis.

2. High in Dietary Fiber

The high fiber content in ragi aids digestion, promotes gut health, and helps prevent constipation.

3. Good Source of Protein

Ragi is an excellent source of plant-based protein, making it ideal for vegetarians and vegans looking to meet their protein needs.

4. Manages Diabetes

Ragi has a low glycemic index, meaning it releases glucose into the bloodstream slowly, helping regulate blood sugar levels and preventing spikes.

5. Supports Weight Loss

The high fiber and protein content in ragi contribute to increased satiety, reducing appetite and aiding weight loss efforts.

Culinary Uses of Ragi

Ragi can be consumed in various forms, including flour, whole grains, flakes, and malt. It is commonly used to make porridge, dosa, roti, and baked goods such as cookies and bread.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) about Ragi

Q: Is ragi suitable for gluten-free diets? A: Yes, ragi is naturally gluten-free and safe for individuals with gluten intolerance.
Q: Can ragi be consumed by diabetics? A: Yes, ragi has a low glycemic index and can be beneficial for managing blood sugar levels.
Q: How can I incorporate ragi into my diet? A: Ragi can be used to make porridge, dosa, roti, and baked goods, or added to smoothies and soups for an extra nutritional boost.


In conclusion, ragi is a nutritional powerhouse packed with health benefits. By incorporating ragi into your diet, you can enjoy improved bone health, better digestion, and overall well-being. Ragi benefits are many, so choose wisely and live healthily, Read about it more here .
submitted by FearlessEffort7577 to u/FearlessEffort7577 [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 08:30 AutoModerator IH3 Lounge - May 14, 2024

Welcome to the /indianhiphopheads daily discussion thread!
This thread's purpose is to side-step the posts with a recurring nature in context and allow members to take up casual conversations and get that closely-knit community feeling.
What to use this thread for:
submitted by AutoModerator to IndianHipHopHeads [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 08:25 PRSJ_13 Fear of breaking bland diet causing worse symptoms?

I just commented this on a post but wanted to see others experiences/ thoughts on this viewpoint- I will give my back story for context
I have been suffering with gastritis for 4 months (also have GERD and have had these symptoms for roughly the same amount of time in Jan last year) GI initially thought I had eosinophilic oesophagitis which was not confirmed by scope. Through trial and error I discovered that gluten triggered my symptoms and stopped eating it for 8 months which resolved my symptoms by around may last year, roughly 3 months into diet. During that time I ate healthy, home cooked everything, ate a wide variety of foods, spices, vegetables + meats and dairy. I mainly restricted processed foods, alcohol, chilli and acidic tomato. (I could eat everything and drink alcohol once healed)
Fast forward to Jan this year, symptoms make a comeback with a literal vengeance but I am GF so no idea what is causing it. Got an endoscopy and confirmed moderate linear gastritis with erosions + mild oesophagitis (non-allergy related and no signs of coeliac but I was gluten free @ the time of scope)
This led me to try to do things differently than last year because I assumed gluten was not the sole cause of this problem and wanted to rid of it forever, plus I had a diagnosis. So this sub reddit (bless it’s fkn soul) was my source for healing and I began the bland diet, cutting out literally everything except for rice, chicken/ organic gf chicken sausages, eggs and salmon (as I went on I included oats and home made almond butte a variety of herbal teas)
I followed an extremely strict supplement regimen without ppi (they caused a nervous breakdown when I tried them the year prior) I used MSM, collostrum, collagen, gelatin, Manuka honey (actually a god send and strongly recommend) and as I went I added coconut kefir, cabbage juice twice a day and aloe Vera juice twice a day.
I literally did not step out of line with this diet for 3 whole months. Not one mouthful, whiff or taste of a food outside of that and diligently took my supplements every day. I saw considerable improvement after the first month and then into the second month I stalled.
This is where it is interesting because I booked a Europe trip in October before relapsing, and I was without exaggerating, absolutely terrified of going over there with this illness. The thought of not being able to control my food/ bring my juicer for the cabbage or find dairy free kefir actually made me feel sick. And I think many of you can relate to that.
Anyway fast forward to 2 weeks before the trip, I’m about 75% better and have good days and bad days, I think it is important to note that the bad days caused significant distress and fear that I was regressing after getting better for the first month. It’s also important to note that I have not 100% confirmed my root cause at this point.
Because my GI told me I am not coeliac and gluten is likely fine, I started incorporating some sourdough toast/ fermented wheat products. Initially I responded absolutely fine to these. Once I decided I needed to break the diet in preparation for my trip I actually ate a donut and had minimal reaction.
About 9 days before the trip I started getting SEVERE lower belly cramping after every meal I consumed. At times I considered going to to the ER, even while I sat a final exam (RIP). At first I thought it was the folinic acid supplement I had incorporated (research on this shows it reverses damage in atrophic gastritis patients over 6 months of use so I thought it would be helpful) and I stopped it immediately but symptoms worsened. I came to the conclusion after the final exam fiasco (had 2 pieces of almond butter sourdough) that I am probably coeliac/ wheat allergy and the scope did not show damage because I had already been GF for 8 months (need to eat a gluten filled diet for 6 weeks for coeliac testing to be conclusive)
So I went back to my GF diet and the symptoms persisted and got worse. During this time my gastritis was also flaring up I think because of the distress from the pain and at this time I incorporated a half dose/ day of esomsprazole (the weakest PPI on the market, honestly for more mental reassurance than anything). And I know this is long as hell but stay with me, the details matter,
I decided I’m just going to have to cop the awful health and go on the trip (I genuinely considered cancelling and staying home because it was so fucked) but I just took a massive gamble and went. I just happened to speak to a naturopath @ work that day who suggested taking digestive enzymes for the trip to aid with the tummy ache (and for those fresh in the gastritis journey I would strongly recommend these, have had a huge impact for me)
This was 4 days ago, I’ve been in Paris for 4 days and it is absolutely impossible to get food that will fit these dietary requirements. I cannot get cabbage juice or straight aloe Vera water, I can’t find an organic butcher and I honestly thought it would be more miserable to subscribe to my frankly militant routine with my eating.
And therein lies the miracle- I chose to accept my health as it was, and accept the situation for the potentially shit reality that it may have been, and I just started eating food and breaking my diet. I started with plain rice and kebab meat with garlic sauce (extremely bold I know) and had some light symptoms that went away very quickly. It is essential to note that I was really scared to eat this meal but knew I needed to do it.
The following day I felt empowered and decided to try some restaurant food that was heavily seasoned, and I had a glass of wine. When I tell you I literally could not believe that I didn’t drop dead from the relapse I thought that would cause, I realised that for me (and potentially some of you long term sufferers) that the anxiety of coming out from under the safety blanket of the bland diet and extreme restriction was keeping me sick. Each day I have felt more emboldened and less scared and therefore have eaten further into my list of fear foods. This includes Mexican food (spicy + citrus) a matcha latte and an enjoyable amount of alcohol.
I genuinely cannot believe that this is how it’s going and it made me wonder what part the psychological damage this condition does to us, has on the maintenance of the illness or worsening of symptoms that cannot be explained by diet/ lifestyle changes.
I absolutely want to acknowledge the real suffering that this condition cause, I have experienced it and we can all agree it’s fucked, but I would be remiss to ignore that it seems my actual (seeming) recovery from this illness was made complete by letting go of the fea anxiety and accepting whatever outcome I got. I genuinely think that the crippling mental health aspect could be responsible for ongoing, indefinite suffering that I see on this sub. Because obviously the bland diet/ supplements and (potentially) confirming root cause had huge impact on my physiological healing and it could not have been achieved without that work,
BUT, I could never seem to shake it fully. It’s like the fear of the illness keeps it going/ stagnated at like 75% or regressing.
I am interested to know everyone’s thoughts. This will obviously not be a method for those early in healing, but may give hope to those long term sufferers
TLDR: I am able to eat all of my trigger foods after deciding to let go of the mental safety net that is bland diet/ gastritis recovery protocol, which leads me to question if psychological distress associated w/ gastritis is keeping us sick
submitted by PRSJ_13 to Gastritis [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 08:24 TheLotStore Exploring Opportunities for Land Sales Near Me

Exploring Opportunities for Land Sales Near Me
Exploring Opportunities for Land Sales Near Me
If you're a landholder or investor aiming to explore opportunities for land sales in your vicinity, then this is the perfect place for you. The real estate market provides a broad array of options for land sales, and by grasping the current panorama and potential opportunities, you can make astute investments and optimize your returns.
In this article, we'll delve into the various categories of land sales on offer, the crucial aspects to contemplate when evaluating land for sale, and the potential advantages and hazards linked with land investments. Whether you're keen on residential, commercial, agricultural, or recreational land, we'll furnish you with the facts you need to arrive at informed decisions and seize the opportunities in your local area.
Understanding the Categories of Land Sales
When it boils down to land sales, there are several diverse types of properties in which you can invest. Residential land encompasses parcels of land zoned for detached houses, condominiums, or townhouses. These properties are typically situated in suburban or urban areas and are frequently marketed for residential development.
Commercial land, conversely, encompasses tracts of land zoned for commercial or industrial purposes. This type of land is commonly found in locales with high population densities or robust economic expansion. Commercial land spans from petite retail lots to extensive industrial expanses and can be employed for an array of uses, ranging from shopping centers and office buildings to production facilities and distribution centers.
Agricultural land incorporates farms, ranches, and undeveloped land suitable for farming or livestock rearing. This type of land is characterized by its fertile soil, water accessibility, and proximity to markets. Agricultural land can be utilized for crop cultivation, livestock grazing, or even niche farming operations such as vineyards or orchards.
Lastly, recreational land encompasses properties predominantly used for open-air activities like hunting, fishing, hiking, or camping. Recreational land can be found in rural or wilderness areas and frequently showcases natural amenities such as lakes, rivers, forests, or mountains. This type of land is sought after by outdoor enthusiasts and nature aficionados in search of a retreat from urban life's hustle and bustle.
Assessing Land for Sale
When scrutinizing land for sale, various crucial factors warrant consideration to gauge its potential value and suitability for your requirements. These factors encompass location, zoning regulations, access to utilities, environmental considerations, and market trends.
Location stands as one of the most pivotal factors to ponder when evaluating land for sale. The appeal of a location can markedly affect the land's value and its potential for future development. Components such as proximity to major thoroughfares, public transit, schools, shopping centers, and other amenities can enhance a piece of land's allure to buyers and developers.
Zoning regulations also hold paramount importance when appraising land for sale. Zoning ordinances stipulate the allowable usage of a piece of land and the types of structures permitted on it. Grasping the zoning regulations in a specific area is vital to ensure that the land you're eyeing aligns with your investment objectives and development plans.
Access to utilities, such as water, electricity, and sewage systems, constitutes another crucial consideration when evaluating land for sale. The availability and cost of these indispensable services can notably influence the viability and expense of developing the land. It's imperative to contemplate the potential expenses and challenges linked with connecting the land to utilities when gauging its investment potential.
Environmental considerations also wield substantial importance when evaluating land for sale. Factors like soil quality, topography, natural hazards, and ecological features can impact the land's suitability for development or agricultural purposes. It's imperative to conduct comprehensive due diligence and environmental assessments to spot any potential risks or constraints linked with the land.
Lastly, comprehending market trends and demand dynamics in the area where the land is situated is indispensable for making enlightened investment decisions. By scrutinizing extant and projected land values, development activity, and demand catalysts, you can gauge the potential for future appreciation and identify viable investment prospects.
Advantages and Risks of Land Investments
Investing in land offers a plethora of potential advantages, but it also comes with its own set of risks. Understanding these advantages and risks is crucial for making prudent investment decisions and mitigating potential challenges.
One of the principal advantages of investing in land is the potential for long-term appreciation. Land is a finite resource, and its value can appreciate over time as the demand for real estate escalates and the available land supply diminishes. By procuring land in strategic locales and retaining it for the long term, investors can reap the rewards of capital appreciation and amass wealth over time.
Land investments also present flexibility and customization opportunities. Divergent from developed properties, raw land can be employed for a broad array of purposes, from constructing residential or commercial developments to engaging in agricultural or recreational pursuits. This flexibility empowers investors to tailor their land investments to their precise aims and adapt to evolving market conditions.
Furthermore, land investments can furnish a shield against inflation and economic uncertainty. Land is regarded as a tangible asset capable of retaining its value over time, rendering it a potentially attractive investment option during periods of economic volatility or mounting inflation. By broadening their investment portfolios with land holdings, investors can safeguard their wealth and enhance their overall risk-adjusted returns.
Nevertheless, investing in land also harbors certain risks of which investors should be cognizant. One of the key risks linked with land investments is the potential for illiquidity. Land generally constitutes a less fluid asset compared to stocks, bonds, or other financial instruments, and it may take longer to sell and realize a return on investment. Consequently, investors must be prepared to retain land for an extended duration and possess the financial wherewithal to weather potential downturns in the real estate market.
Another risk of land investments is the potential for high carrying costs. Owning undeveloped land can entail ongoing expenses such as property taxes, maintenance costs, and financing outlays. It's critical for investors to carefully evaluate these carrying costs and contemplate their impact on the overall investment performance.
Furthermore, land investments can be subject to regulatory and environmental risks. Alterations in zoning regulations,land use limitations, and environmental decrees can impact the potential evolution and worth of land possessions. Shareholders should carry out comprehensive investigation and seek lawful and environmental proficiency to minimize these hazards and ensure obedience with pertinent statutes and decrees.
Probing for Land Vendings in My Vicinity
Now that we've examined the diverse kinds of land transactions, vital elements to scrutinize when assessing land for vend, and the conceivable benefits and perils of land stake, let's delve into how you can exploit opportunities for land transactions close to your location.
One of the primary strides in exploring chances for land vendings near you is to perform comprehensive market exploration and discern potential estates that conform with your investment aspirations. By utilizing online real property platforms, local real estate representatives, and estate lists, you can acquire insightful perceptions into accessible land parcels, market inclinations, and demand dynamics in your local vicinity.
It's also crucial to construct associations with local real property professionals, manufacturers, land possessors, and other stakeholders in the real property sector. By interacting and involving with local mavens, you can obtain access to inner wisdom, off-market chances, and beneficial guidance to aid you in steering the local land market and recognizing potential investment openings.
Moreover, leveraging technology and data examination can yield valuable insights and decision-making instruments to inspect chances for land vendings near you. By using geographical information systems (GIS), market data platforms, and demographic examination tools, you can attain a deeper understanding of local market conditions, evolution inclinations, and investment potential in your locality.
Once you have pinpointed potential land chances, it's imperative to undertake comprehensive investigation and feasibility scrutiny to assess the investment potential and hazards associated with the properties. This might necessitate carrying out site visits, evaluating zoning decrees, examining access to utilities, and interacting with local authorities to comprehend the evolution potential and restraints of the land.
It's also critical to appraise the conceivable egress strategies and investment schedules for land transactions near you. Whether you are interested in retaining the land for long-term appreciation, engaging in evolution ventures, or flipping the estate for a rapid profit, possessing a clear understanding of your investment objectives and approaches will guide your decision-making and aid you in maximizing your yields.
In synopsis, exploring chances for land vendings near you demands a blend of market knowledge, comprehensive investigation, and strategic decision-making. By comprehending the diverse kinds of land transactions, evaluating crucial elements when inspecting land for vend, and weighing the conceivable benefits and hazards of land stakes, you can place yourself to capitalize on the openings in your local region and make prudent investment resolutions that produce viable proceeds. Whether you are a landowner, shareholder, or manufacturer, staying notified and proactive in exploring land vendings near you can lead to advantageous openings and long-term triumph in the real property market.
View our amazing property deals at TheLotStore.Com.
Additional Information:
submitted by TheLotStore to u/TheLotStore [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 08:00 r-nasa-mods New NASA postings as of Tuesday May 14, 2024

Lead Contract Specialist


Grade: GS-14
John F. Kennedy Space Center
As a Lead Contract Specialist in the Institutional Support Procurement Office, you will be responsible for applying principles, practices, and methodologies sufficient to advise on and/or resolve a range of operational and/or strategic issues. You will lead a team of contract specialists in the acquisition and administration of institution-related enterprise services and propellants using a wide range of regulations, policies, and procedures to identify, evaluate, and recommend solutions.

General Engineer, AST, Experimental Facility Development (Direct Hire)


Grade: GS-14
John C. Stennis Space Center
As a Senior Project Manager (PM) for the Stennis Space Center's Construction of Facilities Program, you will provide consultation and advice regarding the development of facilities, systems, and equipment used in conducting aerospace research, development, and operations programs. You will conduct special studies for NASA Programs/Projects and its partners.

Administrative Specialist


Grade: GS-11
Langley Research Center
As an Administrative Specialist supporting the Administrative Support & Analysis Branch (ASAB) you will be responsible for a wide variety of analytical, human resources, administrative, and associated management support services for the organization(s) to which assigned. You will conduct analytical studies requiring the identification and resolution of issues and problems of administrative support functions.

Lead Administrative Specialist


Grade: GS-12
Langley Research Center
As a Lead Administrative Specialist supporting the Administrative Support & Analysis Branch (ASAB), you will be responsible for a wide variety of analytical, human resources, administrative, and associated management support services for the organization(s) to which assigned, and you will conduct analytical studies requiring the identification and resolution of issues and problems of administrative support functions.

Aerospace Engineer, AST - Fluid Systems Test


Grade: GS-15
John F. Kennedy Space Center
As an AST, Fluid Systems Test Engineer in the Exploration Payloads Branch of the Laboratories, Development & Testing Division, you will serve as technical expert for in-space servicing and refueling of satellites, spacecraft, and lunadeep space surface systems. This includes research and development for spaceflight missions, technology demonstration and concept development with the goal of advancing NASA and U.S. leadership for In-Space Servicing, Assembly and Manufacturing (ISAM) capability.

Administrative Specialist


Grade: GS-14/15
John C. Stennis Space Center
As an Administrative Specialist within the Center Operations Directorate (COD), you will work with a multi-disciplinary team as a Contracting Officer's Representative (COR) for a large, multi-site Operations & Maintenance contract providing services to NASA, other Federal agencies, commercial tenants, and propulsion test customers. You will serve as Area COR for core services at Stennis Space Center, providing support to the Integration COR and Contracting Officers.

Research Physical Scientist, AST, Earth Sciences Remote Sensing (Direct Hire)


Grade: GS-13
Ames Research Center
As a Research AST, Earth Sciences Remote Sensing with the Biospheric Science Branch in the Earth Science Division, you will be responsible for developing and leading projects. You will be part of a team of highly skilled scientists to advance and integrate Earth science knowledge to empower humanity to create a more resilient world, while pursuing opportunities for collaboration and funding.

Research Computer Scientist, AST, Data Analysis (Direct Hire)


Grade: GS-14
Ames Research Center
As a Research AST, Data Analysis with the Biospheric Science Branch in the Earth Science Division, you will be responsible for leading and developing projects/products that utilize high-performance computing in efficient and novel ways to create innovative methods and insights. You will be part of a team of highly skilled scientists to advance Earth science knowledge, while pursuing opportunities for collaboration and funding and serving as a subject matter expert in computing & data analysis.

Aerospace Engineer, AST, Automation and Robotics Systems


Grade: GS-14
Lyndon B. Johnson Space Center
You will serve as the Gravity Offload Deputy Project Manager with the Dynamic Systems Test Branch in the Software, Robotics, and Simulation Division. You will be responsible for policies, procedures, operations schedules, resources, procurement, funding, and facility requirements for the branch Gravity Offload assets. You will lead a team of engineers and technicians in the development, testing, and operation of STAR, ARGOS, and AX3S and pursue opportunities for collaboration and funding.

Aerospace Engineer, AST, Environmental Control Systems


Grade: GS-13
Lyndon B. Johnson Space Center
You will serve as the Active Thermal Control System (ATCS) Deputy System Manager for the Gateway Program where you will be responsible for providing technical leadership and management in support of the System Manager and for Active Thermal Control Systems for human space flight vehicles. You will also assist in the management of a team of skilled Active Thermal Control Engineers providing technical authority to the Program and assist in providing products to the Program regarding the system.

Senior Scientist for Mars Exploration


Grade: SL-00
Headquarters, NASA
The Senior Scientist for Mars Exploration reports directly to the Planetary Science Division (PSD) Director on all matters pertaining to the science of Mars and Mars Exploration. The incumbent provides recommendations, advice, and consultation on all science-related aspects of NASA's Mars Exploration Program (MEP) and Mars Sample Return Campaign. Recommends the scientific strategy for the exploration of Mars and ensures the implementation of the science content of the program is optimized.

Senior Scientist for Mars Exploration


Grade: SL-00
Headquarters, NASA
The Senior Scientist for Mars Exploration reports directly to the Planetary Science Division (PSD) Director on all matters pertaining to the science of Mars and Mars Exploration. The incumbent provides recommendations, advice, and consultation on all science-related aspects of NASA's Mars Exploration Program (MEP) and Mars Sample Return Campaign. Recommends the scientific strategy for the exploration of Mars and ensures the implementation of the science content of the program is optimized.

Procurement Analyst (Direct Hire)


Grade: GS-14
George C. Marshall Space Flight Center
As a Senior Procurement Analyst with the Marshall Space Flight Center's Office of Procurement, you will be responsible for assisting in planning the overall approach to meet program objectives for procuring a variety of complex requirements, reviews and advises on complex and/or diversified supplies, services, and/or equipment. Serves as principal business advisor to a wide range of customers. Participates in special projects and initiatives and performs special assignments.

Information Technology Specialist


Grade: GS-15
Goddard Space Flight Center
You will serve as the Human Spaceflight (HSF) liaison between NASA's Space Communications and Navigation (SCaN) mission partners and NASA Communications (NASCOM) to modernize policies, procedures, schedules, resources, and security of the networks that support SCaN and their customers, manage expectations, improve relationships and collaborate with technical teams. You will lead a team of highly skilled specialists in integrating, operating, securing, and planning of mission networks.
submitted by r-nasa-mods to NASAJobs [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 07:58 TerribleSell2997 North American ASRS Market is Dazzling Worldwide and Forecast to 2030

The ~North American Automated Storage and Retrieval System (ASRS)~ Market is estimated to generate a significant market value in 2018 and is estimated to grow at a CAGR of 10.1% during the forecast period. North American ASRS Market research report reveals important insights into market scenario to enable key players in taking calculated decision making. Basically, one of the major purposes of market research reports is to maximize the business growth opportunities. It also helps key players to turn business into a successful business by increasing the profit level. The overall business goal can be accomplished through this North American ASRS Market study report as it consists of all the current happenings and major innovations of the marketplace. Depending on the overall business objective, it is important to reduce business risks to generate larger revenues in the business. Several regions are captured in this Market report which includes North America, Europe, Middle East, Africa, Latin America and Asia Pacific.
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Some of the key players operating in the North American ASRS market include The Raymond Corp, Schaefer Systems International, Inc., Kardex Group, and Honeywell International, Inc., among others. These are the major players that are contributing significantly towards the growth of the ASRS market in North America. Further, the strategies adopted by these players such as mergers and acquisitions, investment in R&D activities and product launch are also estimated to have a positive impact on the growth of the ASRS market in the region. For instance, in May 2018, Schaefer Systems International acquired INCAS, an Italian based company that provides industrial automation solutions for logistics and production monitoring and integrated software solutions. With this acquisition, the company enhanced the portfolio of warehouse automation and sustained a significant position in the market.
full report of North American ASRS Market available @
· Market Coverage
· Market number available for – 2024-2031
· Base year- 2024
· Forecast period- 2024-2031
· Segment Covered- By Source, By Product Type, By Applications
· Competitive Landscape- Archer Daniels Midland Co., Ingredion Inc., Kerry Group Plc, Cargill
· Inc., and others
Market Segmentation
North American ASRS Market by Type
o Unit Load
o Mini Load
o Vertical Lift Module
o Carousel
o Auto Store
North American ASRS Market Industry
o Automobile
o Chemical, Metals & Heavy Machinery
o Food & Beverages
o Healthcare
o Retail, Third-Party Logistics, and E-Commerce
o Others (Aviation, Manufacturing Industry)
Regional Analysis
o United States
o Canada
Company Profiles
o Automation Logistics Corp.
o BEUMER Group
o Dearborn Mid-West Co. LLC
o Green Automated Solutions, Inc.
o Hänel Storage Systems
o Honeywell International, Inc.
o Modula, Inc.
o Schaefer Systems International, Inc.
o The Raymond Corp.
o Westfalia Technologies, Inc.
The Report Covers
For More Customized Data, Request for Report Customization @
About Orion Market Research Orion Market Research (OMR) is a market research and consulting company known for its crisp and concise reports. The company is equipped with an experienced team of analysts and consultants. OMR offers quality syndicated research reports, customized research reports, consulting and other research-based services. The company also offer Digital Marketing services through its subsidiary OMR Digital and Software development and Consulting Services through another subsidiary Encanto Technologies.
Media Contact:
Company Name: Orion Market Research
Contact Person: Mr. Anurag Tiwari
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Contact no: +91 780-304-0404
submitted by TerribleSell2997 to Nim2908 [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 07:46 TerribleSell2997 North American Airbag Market Increasing Demand, Growth Analysis and Future Outlook by 2031

North America is expected to be a major contributor to the ~airbag market~ and is expected to grow at a CAGR of nearly 4.5% during the forecasted period. North American Airbag Market research report reveals important insights into market scenario to enable key players in taking calculated decision making. Basically, one of the major purposes of market research reports is to maximize the business growth opportunities. It also helps key players to turn business into a successful business by increasing the profit level. The overall business goal can be accomplished through this North American Airbag Market study report as it consists of all the current happenings and major innovations of the marketplace. Depending on the overall business objective, it is important to reduce business risks to generate larger revenues in the business. Several regions are captured in this Market report which includes North America, Europe, Middle East, Africa, Latin America and Asia Pacific.
Get Free Sample link @
The companies which are contributing significantly in the market include Autoliv Inc., Daicel Corp., DENSO Corp., Global Safety Textiles, LLC, Key Safety Systems, Inc., TRW Automotive Holdings Corp., and others. The market players are considerably contributing to the market growth by the adoption of various strategies including new product launch, merger, and acquisition, collaborations with government, funding to the start-ups and technological advancements to stay competitive in the market.
full report of North American Airbag Market available @
· Market Coverage
· Market number available for – 2024-2031
· Base year- 2024
· Forecast period- 2024-2031
· Segment Covered- By Source, By Product Type, By Applications
· Competitive Landscape- Archer Daniels Midland Co., Ingredion Inc., Kerry Group Plc, Cargill
· Inc., and others
Market Segmentation
North American Airbag Market by Type
o Front Airbag
o Side Airbag
o Curtain Airbag
o Knee Airbag
North American Airbag Market by Vehicle Type
o Passenger Cars
o Hatchback
o Sedan
o Commercial Vehicle
Regional Analysis
o United States
o Canada
Company Profiles
o Autoliv Inc.
o Continental AG
o Daicel Corp.
o DENSO Corp.
o Global Safety Textiles, LLC
o Hyundai Mobis Co., Ltd.
o Key Safety Systems, Inc.
o NXP Semiconductors N.V.
o Robert Bosch GmbH
o Toyoda Gosei Co., Ltd.
o TRW Automotive Holdings Corp.
The Report Covers
For More Customized Data, Request for Report Customization @
About Orion Market Research Orion Market Research (OMR) is a market research and consulting company known for its crisp and concise reports. The company is equipped with an experienced team of analysts and consultants. OMR offers quality syndicated research reports, customized research reports, consulting and other research-based services. The company also offer Digital Marketing services through its subsidiary OMR Digital and Software development and Consulting Services through another subsidiary Encanto Technologies.
Media Contact:
Company Name: Orion Market Research
Contact Person: Mr. Anurag Tiwari
Email: [](
Contact no: +91 780-304-0404
submitted by TerribleSell2997 to Nim2908 [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 07:13 TerribleSell2997 Germany Passenger Car Airbag Market Increasing Demand, Growth Analysis and Future Outlook by 2031

~Germany passenger car airbag market~ is forecast to augment at a CAGR of around 6% during the forecast period. Germany Passenger Car Airbag Market research report reveals important insights into market scenario to enable key players in taking calculated decision making. Basically, one of the major purposes of market research reports is to maximize the business growth opportunities. It also helps key players to turn business into a successful business by increasing the profit level. The overall business goal can be accomplished through this Germany Passenger Car Airbag Market study report as it consists of all the current happenings and major innovations of the marketplace. Depending on the overall business objective, it is important to reduce business risks to generate larger revenues in the business. Several regions are captured in this Market report which includes North America, Europe, Middle East, Africa, Latin America and Asia Pacific.
Get Free Sample link @
The companies significantly contributing to the market include Autoliv Inc., Continental AG, DENSO Corp., Hyundai Mobis Co., Ltd., Key Safety Systems, Inc., Robert Bosch GmbH, Toyoda Gosei Co., Ltd., TRW Automotive Holdings Corp., and others. The market players are considerably contributing to the market growth by the adoption of various growth strategies including new product launch, merger, and acquisition, collaborations with government, and technological advancements to stay competitive in the market.
full report of Germany Passenger Car Airbag Market available @
· Market Coverage
· Market number available for – 2024-2031
· Base year- 2024
· Forecast period- 2024-2031
· Segment Covered- By Source, By Product Type, By Applications
· Competitive Landscape- Archer Daniels Midland Co., Ingredion Inc., Kerry Group Plc, Cargill
· Inc., and others
Market Segmentation
Germany Passenger Car Airbag Market by Type
o Front Airbag
o Side Airbag
o Curtain Airbag
o Knee Airbag
Germany Passenger Car Airbag Market by Vehicle Type
o Hatchback
o Sedan
Company Profiles
o Autoliv Inc.
o Continental AG
o Daicel Corp.
o DENSO Corp.
o Hyundai Mobis Co., Ltd.
o Key Safety Systems, Inc.
o NXP Semiconductors N.V.
o Robert Bosch GmbH
o Toyoda Gosei Co., Ltd.
o TRW Automotive Holdings Corp.
The Report Covers
For More Customized Data, Request for Report Customization @
About Orion Market Research Orion Market Research (OMR) is a market research and consulting company known for its crisp and concise reports. The company is equipped with an experienced team of analysts and consultants. OMR offers quality syndicated research reports, customized research reports, consulting and other research-based services. The company also offer Digital Marketing services through its subsidiary OMR Digital and Software development and Consulting Services through another subsidiary Encanto Technologies.
Media Contact:
Company Name: Orion Market Research
Contact Person: Mr. Anurag Tiwari
Email: [](
Contact no: +91 780-304-0404

submitted by TerribleSell2997 to Nim2908 [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 04:59 Odd-Hand-2026 On another note I am concerned about white jacob cosplaying brown worms.. they will soon be in trouble if not distinguishing themself.. however My outcast , and in another verse My servant the Lord makes it clear.. i been dying a slow death only my money afford me delay and remedy..

If you know me I been sickly in this land . Even before dietary changes whole reason i had to make them was health problems.. and running many test.. I don’t follow no one i established that early on in a long past writing YEARS ago. Their aren’t many like me to follow “to Paraphrase exactly what I said”
Anyway I am not Chinese so don’t tey to be my dad Nebo = you aided in second death destruction China isn’t my dad you hurr me.. incurable wound.. a pedo been on me and Im not Japanese I have never claimed or implied certain Japanese stores i wouldn’t even walk in.. when i lived in noho
submitted by Odd-Hand-2026 to TartarianAR [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 04:21 malafif152 A potential way to balance the game (Concept)

A potential way to balance the game (Concept)
Hi everyone, i'm sorry if this is not the right place to post this but i am not very familiar with reddit...and sorry for my scuffed english. Anyway, i like this game just as many others but the way it feels right now is...frustrating i guess?
Primary and Secondary What i would do is to add some kind of "mods" system for primary and secondary weapons (something like the Warframe mods system but without the actual mods).
Each buff will apply a debuff of choice as well. This will open the game to more variability and would please a wide range of players.
To get the ability to mod a gun should've a small cost, like 2500 Requisition Slips + 20 Common samples + 10 Rare samples.
These kind of mods must be chosen on a case-by-case scenario the numbers of mods as well.
For example: i want to add more damage to the Punisher Plasma, i could get something like +100 more damage BUT i must choose a debuff, from slower projectile speed (same range but harder to hit like prebuff) or a smaller explosion or less range (the projectile will drop earlier).
What if i want even more damage. I could add +100 again plus another debuff. More explosion radius? Ok, choose another debuff.
Let's take the Eruptor for example: i would like better ergonomics and a debuff of choice could be less ammo per magazine or less damage.
Difficulty The same concept can be applied to difficulties and would help a wide range of players, including solo players, to have more fun and challenge themselves.
Mission modifiers will NOT give any benefits or whatsoever. The only benefit, eventually, could be that at diff. lv3 and lv6, players will get a chance to get Rare samples at lv3 (1/3 of a lv4 diff) and a Super samples at lv6 (1/3 of a lv7 diff).
Anyway, missions modifiers should make the game more difficult. Modifiers like, more light enemies (L), more medium (M), more heavy (H), more patrols (P), more objectives (O), less ammo (A)...or less respawns...
These can be chosen right after selecting the mission (not the operation).
Starting a new mission
Joining an existing mission
And that's it for now...
Actually...since the sample system doesn't really makes sense after a certain point...maybe by adding a small sample cost to use mission modifiers might be interesting...
Anyway, sorry if i disturbed anyone with this nonsense... Have a nice day
submitted by malafif152 to Helldivers [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 04:06 Jenson-ecigs Why Do Vapes Overheat? Insights for Vape Shop Owners

Why Do Vapes Overheat? Insights for Vape Shop Owners
In the vaping world, vape devices' performance and safety hinge significantly on one crucial component: the battery. Vape shop owners, as custodians of vaping style safety and efficiency, need an in-depth understanding of why vape batteries overheat. This knowledge is pivotal for maintaining the integrity of the products and ensuring customer safety. Let's delve into vape batteries' intricacies, potential overheating issues, and how to prevent them.

Understanding Vape Batteries

Vape batteries are more than just power sources for your device; they are the heart that keeps the vapor flowing. Typically, these batteries are lithium-ion, known for their high energy density and efficiency. However, with great power comes great responsibility—managing these batteries requires careful attention to detail to prevent overheating.

Common Causes of Overheating

Why exactly do vape batteries get too hot? Several factors can trigger this:
  • Improper Charging Practices: Using the wrong charger or charging cable can cause excessive electrical current flow, leading to overheating.
  • Continuous Usage: Constantly running the device can overwork the battery, increasing its temperature.
  • Contact with Metal Objects: If a battery comes into contact with coins, keys, or other metals in a pocket, it can short-circuit and heat up.

The Role of Battery Specifications

Understanding the specifications of vape batteries can be a game-changer. Knowing the voltage, current, capacity, and cut-off mechanisms helps select the correct battery for the suitable device, minimizing risks associated with mismatches that lead to overheating.

Impact of Device Design

The design of the vape device plays a critical role in heat management. Devices with poor ventilation or compact designs might restrict heat dissipation, causing the battery to retain more heat.

Environmental Factors

The surrounding environment can also affect the battery. High ambient temperatures can exacerbate the battery's condition, leading to overheating even under regular use.

Signs of Battery Overheating

Recognizing the signs of an overheating battery is crucial:
  • Excessive Heat: The device feels unusually hot to the touch.
  • Swelling: Battery casing may bulge or swell.
  • Leakage: Chemicals may leak from the battery.

Preventive Measures

To prevent overheating, encourage customers to:
  • Use only compatible chargers and cables.
  • Avoid overcharging or leaving the battery in the charger overnight.
  • Store batteries away from direct sunlight and extreme temperatures.

Educating Customers

Informing customers about the proper care and maintenance of their vape devices is essential. Regular workshops or informational brochures can help spread awareness and prevent mishaps.

When to Replace Vape Batteries

Advising customers on when to replace their batteries not only ensures safety but also enhances the performance of their vape devices. Any wear, decreased performance, or damage should prompt a battery replacement.

Legal and Safety Regulations

Every vape shop owner must stay updated with the latest safety regulations and legal requirements regarding vape batteries. This ensures compliance and promotes a safe vaping environment.

Troubleshooting Tips

Offering quick troubleshooting tips for common battery issues can empower customers and reduce the risk of accidents. This includes guidance on reseating batteries, cleaning contacts, and recognizing early signs of battery failure.

Future of Vape Battery Technology

The future looks bright with advancements in battery technology. Innovations that increase safety, efficiency, and longevity are on the horizon, promising a new era for vaping technology.

To Wrap It Up

Understanding and conveying knowledge about vape batteries and their potential issues is paramount for vape shop owners. This not only aids in providing better service but also ensures that your clientele enjoys a safe vaping experience.
Understanding these aspects of vape batteries helps shop owners and operators ensure their customers have a safe and enjoyable vaping experience.
submitted by Jenson-ecigs to u/Jenson-ecigs [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 03:48 adulting4kids Characterization

Here are some questions to assist with Step Two- Characterization:
Certainly! Here's a series of questions to aid writers in the characterization step of their story:
  1. Character Basics:
  1. Motivations and Goals:
  1. Backstories and Histories:
  1. Strengths and Weaknesses:
  1. Internal Conflicts:
  1. External Conflicts:
  1. Relationship Dynamics:
  1. Character Arcs:
  1. Unique Traits or Quirks:
  1. Character Relationships with the Setting:
- How do your characters interact with the story's setting or world? - Does the setting play a significant role in shaping characters' identities or influencing their choices? 
  1. Symbolic Elements:
- Are there symbolic elements associated with each character? (e.g., objects, colors, motifs) - How do these symbols enhance the depth of your characters and their roles in the story? 
  1. Character Desires and Conflicts:
- What do your characters desire most in the world? - How do these desires lead to conflicts with others or within themselves? 
  1. Evolution of Relationships:
- How do relationships between characters evolve over the course of the story? - Are there key moments or events that significantly impact these relationships? 
  1. Contrasts and Parallels:
- Are there intentional contrasts or parallels between characters? - How do these comparisons contribute to the overall narrative or thematic elements? 
  1. Character Dialogue and Voice:
- What distinct voices or speech patterns do your characters have? - How does each character's way of speaking contribute to their individuality? 
  1. Cultural or Historical Influences:
- How do cultural or historical influences shape your characters' beliefs, values, or behaviors? - Are there specific cultural or historical elements that contribute to the diversity of your characterizations? 
  1. Interests and Hobbies:
- What interests, hobbies, or skills do your characters possess? - How do these additional layers contribute to their overall personalities and interactions? 
  1. Character Foils:
- Are there characters who serve as foils to one another? - How does the presence of foils enhance the contrast and complexity of your characterizations? 
  1. Reader Empathy:
- How do you ensure readers connect with and empathize with your characters? - Are there specific traits or experiences that make your characters relatable? 
  1. Character Consistency:
- How do you maintain consistency in your characters' behaviors and reactions? - Are there character traits or developments that require extra attention to ensure continuity? 
These questions aim to guide writers in developing well-rounded and compelling characters, fostering a deeper understanding of each individual's role within the narrative.
submitted by adulting4kids to writingthruit [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 03:22 belltestchamber UN38.3 Standard Requirements for Lithium Battery Production

UN 38.3 Standard Testing Items & Procedures

The UN 38.3 standard includes the following 8 detection items:
For lithium batteries or lithium battery packs, a total of 7 items of tests T1 → T5, T6, and T7 are required. However, for lithium battery cells, T1 → T5, T6 and T8 tests are required. Among them, T6, T7, and T8 tests need to use separate samples. And T1 → T5 test sequentially tests the same sample.

Comparison of UN 38.3 & International Standards

Compared with other international lithium battery standards, the temperature cycling conditions specified in the UN38.3 standard are more demanding and longer. Other international standard test items generally use separate samples for testing. However, the T1 → T5 test in the UN 38.3 standard tests the same sample in sequence. The previous test may have a negative impact on the next test, resulting in failure to pass the test. If the lithium battery submitted for inspection is tested for T1 → T5 in the UN 38.3 standard, there will be one item unqualified. Enterprises need to re-test UN3813 standard after process improvement, which will greatly extend the testing cycle.
It can be known from Table 1 that compared with the international standard IEC 62133, the high and low temperature exposure time of the temperature cycling item in the UN 38.3 standard is up to 6 hours, and the low temperature test temperature is -40 ± 2 ° C. The temperature cycle of the temperature cycle test is larger and the test cycle is longer. It is easier to cause the internal materials of the battery cell to decompose and generate gas. In the case of problems in the production process, when the gas generated during the temperature shock reaches a certain pressure, the gas is likely to leak from the weak point of the battery case or the internal seal, resulting in substandard phenomena such as gas leakage and liquid leakage.

Analysis of UN 38.3 Standard Test Results & Causes

First case

In the UN 38.3 standard, the lithium batteries tested in the temperature cycling project are fully charged (100% SOC). Therefore, when subjected to a long-term temperature shock, relatively serious side reactions may occur inside the battery, generating a large amount of gas. If there is a problem with the manufacturing process of the battery, when a certain amount of air pressure is accumulated, the gas and the electrolyte may leak from the gap in the case or the place where the solder is welded.
Problems in the manufacturing process may have the following conditions:
  1. The welding of the battery case and the cap is not firm and not sealed;
  2. There are missing welds, false welds and cracks, and welds have cracks, cracks, etc .;
  3. When the steel ball is sealed, the size of the steel ball is improper, and the material of the steel ball is different from that of the cap;
  4. The positive pole of the cap is not tightly riveted, and there is a gap;
  5. The elasticity of the insulating gasket is not suitable, it is not resistant to corrosion, and it is easy to age.
Problems such as mass loss, leakage, and exhaust during the UN 38.3 standard temperature cycle are mainly related to the manufacturing process. Anatomy of the leaked battery revealed that the battery was subjected to uneven force during assembly, which caused the internal insulation plate of the battery to deform, causing the battery to leak at the insulation plate.

Second Case

In addition, the test also found that some lithium batteries have no mass loss, no leakage, no exhaust, no disintegration, no cracking and no combustion after the temperature cycle test. However, due to the chemical reaction between the positive and negative electrode active materials and the electrolyte inside the battery during the temperature shock, a certain amount of gas was generated, which caused a bulging phenomenon during the test.
However, the swollen lithium battery is more difficult to pass the vibration test during the next high acceleration and long time vibration test. The battery is likely to produce gas leaks and leaks, resulting in excessive quality loss and ultimately failing the vibration test. This requires lithium battery manufacturers in the research and development stage, in addition to continuous improvement of electrical performance, but also must fully consider the adverse impact of temperature shock on lithium battery materials.
Starting with lithium battery materials, the stability of each chemical material at the test temperature specified in the temperature cycle of 75 ℃,-40 ℃, and the transition points between 75 ℃ and-40 ℃ was investigated. Find out which materials are liable to generate gas at the test temperature. Through a large number of experiments to improve the process of these materials, or to find other alternative materials, to seek a better balance between the electrical performance and safety performance of lithium batteries.

Third Case

In another case, the lithium cell that swelled during the temperature cycle passed the subsequent vibration and shock tests. However, the large amount of gas generated internally during the temperature cycle adversely affects the welding parts around the shell. The pressure shock of the gas directly causes the welding strength to weaken in some areas. In the external short-circuit test after the impact test, the lithium single-cell battery rapidly heated up, and a large amount of gas continued to be generated inside the case. When the internal pressure of the shell rises to a certain value, the gas is released from the area where the welding strength becomes weak, causing the shell to rupture. As a result, the external short-circuit test cannot be passed.
The following test chambers are used in the standard UN 38.3:
submitted by belltestchamber to DGBELL [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 03:12 operasome Integrate two integrated seurat objects

I have 8 sequencing matrices and tried to integrate these 8 matrices. However, there was a matrix issue, which still does not support vectors with more than 231 elements. Therefore, I tried to integrate 4 samples first separately then I want to integrate these two integrated objects. But I am not sure how integrate these integrated two seurat object. Please advise me Thank you
submitted by operasome to bioinformatics [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 03:08 nhollywoodviachicago An Apple a Day

I studied her back, stiff and formal. The set of her posture sent a clear message-- it was practically screaming STAY AWAY!! A neon arrow would have been more subtle. A fucking air horn would have seemed polite.
"OKAY, Lynn, I get it," I told her. "I'm disgusting to you. Absolutely repulsive. Lower than the lowest latrine scum, that's crystal clear. Okay? Satisfied? "
She said nothing. She continued to study the lake. I could not see the expression on her face. The dress she wore was very long and very gauzy; it brushed the colorless sand where she stood. Little lake creatures made their little lake creature noises. I swatted impatiently at a mosquito.
"I'm leaving, Lynn," I told her. "You're getting what you want. You'll never have to hear from me again. You'll never have to see my face. This I promise you."
Her figure twisted slightly as a shudder ran through her. Her skirts made a rustling sound across the sand.
My phone rang. I rolled my eyes, irritated at the interruption.
"This is Dr. Lowell," I snapped.
"Doctor, I'm so glad I got you." Marjory, my assistant. "Marika Waterson has stormed into the office, demanding another refill on her meds. The pharmacy turned her down and she's currently having a psychotic break in your office. We need you here."
I could feel a migraine forming behind my eyes. "I'll be there in twenty five minutes," I said to Marjory. "Get a sample from the pharma locker and give her three of them."
Something crashed on the other end of the line. "Doctor, she has thrown herself onto the ground and refuses to move. I think -- yes, she took out a chair leg on the way down. It's gone, Doctor. Unusable now."
I ground my teeth. "Well, calm her down, for chrissake, Marjory," I growled. "Give her the sample. Listen, Marjory, just give her four tablets, okay? Two full sample packs." Ms. Waterson was a substantial woman. "Sit her down in my office, tell her I'm on my way."
Marjory sounded doubtful. "Doctor, are you sure--"
"Marjory, I'm POSITIVE, okay? Give her the meds and calm her down. I'm on my way."
I clicked off. Lynn had not so much as moved a muscle. I shifted the canvas tote I had slung over one shoulder. The objects in there rolled and shifted against each other.
"Lynn, you have to speak to me," I told her, striving for patience. "You want me to leave. Stay gone. I understand that. I will DO that, Lynn. But please-stop pretending as if I don't exist! "
I moved up to where she stood, at the shoreline of the big water. Momentarily, her profile came into view. The sweep of her jaw line, the straight, true nose, the sooty black of her lashes against her pale skin. I felt a long, white - hot blade of loss slide into my guts as the realization hit home: I would never see her again.
Lynn finally turned to face me. She was crying. Her cheeks were wet. The tears were running freely down her face.
"I can't do it," she gasped. "I cannot do it, John. I can't stand to."
"You have to, Lynn," I said gently. "You've made your feelings perfectly clear. You want me to stay away--"
"I do!" she burst out. Her face twisted with some kind of disgust. "I hate you, I want you to go! To stay away!"
The long blade in my guts twisted, but I just nodded patiently. " I know. So you have to do this." I gestured at her, the canvas tote I held twisting in the still air. "Okay?"
She looked at the bag, her face a grimace of revulsion. Finally, she nodded.
I sighed. "Okay."
I brought the bag around, dug into it. Lynn watched silently.
I held up two perfect Macintosh apples. Then I dug out two Pink Ladies, their mottled pinks and reds nearly glowing in the esoteric light of the setting sun.
Lynn gagged. "I hate them so much. "
"I know."
I brought out two green Granny Smiths to join the rest, and a blood red Fuji.
"But look at this variety! There see tastes you might like, or grow to like, no matter. And Lynn, you must remember--" I shook the fruit I held, for emphasis - "it takes only one a day. Just one apple a day. And we're through." Just as you wanted, I wanted to say bitterly, but did not.
"And you'll stay away?" she gasped. "It I eat the grotesque things?? You'll day away for good?"
I sighed again. Was I really so horrible?
"Yes, Lynn, " I said. "I'll stay away for good. I will have to, as the rules of this place dictate."
Finally Lynn snatched the canvas bag from me. She never looked at me again.
"Goodbye, John." Lynn turned back to watch the lake without saying another word to me.
I stood there a moment, lost in thought. Then I trudged away, across her stretch of beach and to my Jaguar XF. The I drove back to my office, to deal with the large distressed woman who had broken my chair.
submitted by nhollywoodviachicago to ca_writers [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 02:55 JoNightshade These kids deserve so much better.

I subbed for a high school special ed class this afternoon (half day). The class had about 8 kids and two teacher's aides. The teacher had left a math video for the kids to watch and then a couple of pages of sample problems for them to work through.
One of the TA's got up and said "Okay, let's work through the first problem together!" and proceeded to demonstrate what I can only describe as "extreme incompetence." This was basic long division and she literally didn't even know how to correctly subtract large numbers or what 2x16 was. (She said it was 42, and when one of the kids said it was 32, she said "Well, I'm not gonna give you all the answers! You figure it out!") She did the entire division problem incorrectly on the board. Then she told the kids to let her know if they needed help and proceeded to sit down and have a snack and look at her phone without checking on them once.
The other TA spent the entire time playing video games on her own computer. Not like "candy crush" but like World of Warcraft or something. She would occasionally shout something like "I'll mention you in my therapy session today ha ha!" to the kids.
I went around and tried to help the students - now thoroughly confused by the TA's example - to get the math straight and kind of figure out what to do. But honestly I just came out of that class so depressed. These are the students who need the greatest amount of help, and THESE are their teachers? They're clearly just showing up for a paycheck. Clocking in. No attempt to actually teach anything.
And this is the school I'm supposed to be sending my kid to next year. Ugh.
submitted by JoNightshade to SubstituteTeachers [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 01:10 Brilliant-Lychee-518 Sumatra Slim Belly Tonic

What is Sumatra Slim Belly Tonic?

Sumatra Slim Belly Tonic is an innovative, all-natural formula that promotes healthy weight loss. This tonic has been carefully crafted to help people lose excess body fat while providing long-term results. It contains a unique combination of eight natural ingredients, each of which is known to target potential causes of unexpected weight gain.
This formulation stands out because it addresses issues related to blue light exposure and a lack of N-REM sleep, both of which have been linked to weight gain. By incorporating Sumatra Slim Belly Tonic into your daily routine, you can expect to see overall health benefits.
Sumatra Slim Belly Tonic is a unique combination of science and nature that aims to revolutionize healthy weight loss. This one-of-a-kind tonic, more than just a drink, provides a captivating experience by combining a variety of exotic and mysterious ingredients. Let's find out more about Sumatra Slim Belly Tonic and its enchanting ingredients.
Take a trip to Sumatra with the Sumatra Blue Tonic, a combination of Oriental Blue Tonic and exotic ingredients. This creates a unique Weird Blue Tonic that stands out. The roots and plants in this formula produce a bizarre blue liquid that promises a transformative experience.
Sumatra Slim Belly Tonic contains the ancient Oriental Blue Tonic, a remedy with an exotic twist, going above and beyond to provide an Exotic Blue Tonic that targets the underlying causes of unexplained weight gain.

How Does Sumatra Slim Belly Tonic Work?

Sumatra Tonic Awakens Metabolism and Burns Fat Overnight. Sumatra Slim Belly Tonic is a natural solution designed to help with healthy weight loss by addressing key factors contributing to unexplained weight gain.

The Sumatra Slim Belly Tonic recognizes the impact of blue light from electronic devices on the body's metabolism, disrupting the circadian rhythm and leading to weight-related challenges. Lack of non-rapid eye movement (N-REM) sleep is another critical factor. The Sumatra Slim Belly Tonic addresses disrupted sleep patterns, which can contribute to weight gain by affecting natural energy regulation and metabolism.
Sumatra Slim Belly Tonic contains a unique blend of eight natural ingredients chosen for their proven abilities to counteract the effects of blue light exposure and enhance sleep quality. Together, these ingredients create a powerful formula with various benefits.
The blend boosts metabolism, helping the body process nutrients and break down excess fats. Users often report higher energy levels, supporting a more active lifestyle and improved overall well-being.
Beyond weight loss, users may experience clearer thoughts and improved cognitive function.
The Sumatra Slim Belly Tonic supplement contributes to a healthy inflammatory response, promoting overall wellness. The Sumatra Slim Belly Tonic encourages better sleep quality, ensuring individuals enjoy a restful and rejuvenating night's sleep.
Users notice improvements in skin and face, such as a brighter and healthier complexion, potentially reducing the appearance of fine lines.

Sumatra Slim Belly Tonic Active Ingredients

Sumatra Slim Belly Tonic’s science is based on its powerful ingredients. The ingredients are natural and clinically proven to have beneficial effects, which justifies their inclusion in this formula. Let’s have a closer look at each of them and their respective advantages:-

  1. Valerian Root: Known as the natural melody of relaxation, Valerian root helps in restful sleep, helps in abnormal weight loss by aiding metabolism Acts as a night watchman, make sure your body is fresh for another day’s challenges.
  2. Humulus Lupulus: Commonly known as hops, this tonic has diuretic, digestive and anti-inflammatory benefits. Its soothing properties promote peaceful sleep, while antibacterial properties maintain a balanced internal environment, laying the foundation for weight loss.
  3. Griffonia simplicifolia or 5-HTP: Derived from the seeds of the Griffonia simplifolia plant, 5-HTP is a precursor to serotonin, improving mood, improving sleep and improving appetite.
  4. Spirulina Blue: Packed with antioxidants, Spirulina Blue fights inflammation and free radicals, creating the ideal environment for weight loss.
  5. Berberine: Found in plants such as barberries, it supports normal blood sugar levels and is beneficial in general metabolism.
  6. Black Cohosh: Known for its detoxification properties, it can support the body’s natural detoxification and relaxation processes.
  7. Lutein: Lutein is found in abundance in fruits and vegetables, and protects eye cells from oxidative damage, contributing to overall health.
  8. Inulin: Inulin, a dietary fiber found in certain plants, supports digestive health, promotes good gut flora, and promotes a sense of fullness, helping to improve weight management.

Benefits of Using Sumatra Slim Belly Tonic

Sumatra Slim Belly Tonic is packed with the goodness and potency of natural ingredients such as valerian root, berberine, and others, providing you with a variety of major health benefits. Here are some benefits:

submitted by Brilliant-Lychee-518 to u/Brilliant-Lychee-518 [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 01:05 It_is_what_it_is_era Caught in a crossfire

It's my first time asking a question here as I'm at a loss, so here goes... I am a manager in a team of 11 people (another two of those are also managers while the rest are staff). Of late, we have a staff (let's call her A) that has been giving us attitude--left our main work groupchat and has been rude of late. A was recently turned down for a managerial position within the team as the hiring VP deemed her not yet ready and I guess the straw that broke the camel's back was when we started to train another staff (B) for the task she is also being trained for. A's reasoning is that she could do the task on her own and why did we have to train B. But the thing is, we are down 3 staff due to unexpected long leaves so we are applying a band-aid-solution approach, training whoever is available. So then B vented out about A's attitude towards her. As a manager, how to approach this objectively even though we as managers are disappointed in A's attitude and actiona of late? And speaking not as a manager, is it okay to agree with and vent out to B as well? Thanks in advance!
submitted by It_is_what_it_is_era to managers [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 01:03 Paramallas Healthy Eating: Tips and Recipes for a Balanced Lifestyle

Adopting a healthy eating lifestyle is a transformative journey that can lead to a more vibrant, energetic, and resilient life. This comprehensive article provides a roadmap for incorporating nutritious whole foods into a balanced diet. Readers will discover simple tips and delicious recipes to build a foundation for optimal nutrition and well-being.
In this guide, we'll explore the importance of healthy eating, the benefits of a balanced diet, and strategies for overcoming common obstacles. You'll learn how to create plant-based meals that are satisfying and nutrient-dense, as well as how to manage food allergies and intolerances. Additionally, we'll delve into the principles of clean eating and the role of weight management through mindful consumption.
Whether you're seeking to improve your energy levels, reduce your risk of chronic diseases, or simply cultivate a more vibrant, healthy lifestyle, this article will empower you to make sustainable changes that will positively impact your overall well-being.
Sign up Here for 32 FREE Healthy Meal Plans With Low Calories and High Protein!

Key Takeaways

Understanding the Importance of Healthy Eating

Maintaining a healthy eating lifestyle is crucial for overall well-being. A balanced diet rich in whole foods, plant-based options, and organic ingredients can provide a myriad of benefits that extend far beyond physical health. By embracing clean eating habits and adhering to dietary guidelines, individuals can experience enhanced energy levels, improved weight management, and a reduced risk of chronic diseases.
Full Meals and More Healthy Diet Tips Here!

Benefits of a Balanced Diet

A balanced diet that incorporates a variety of nutrient-dense foods can have a profound impact on an individual's health and wellness. Such a diet not only supports weight management but also contributes to better cardiovascular health, improved cognitive function, and a stronger immune system. Moreover, a plant-based approach to eating can help mitigate the risk of food allergies and intolerances, allowing individuals to enjoy a wider range of delicious and nutritious options.
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Overcoming Obstacles to Healthy Eating

Despite the numerous advantages of healthy eating, individuals often face various obstacles that can hinder their ability to adopt and maintain a balanced diet. Common challenges include time constraints, budget concerns, and a lack of knowledge about whole foods and clean eating principles. However, with the right strategies and resources, these barriers can be overcome. By planning meals, exploring affordable nutrient-rich options, and expanding their culinary skills, individuals can seamlessly integrate healthy eating habits into their daily lives.
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Benefits of a Balanced Diet Overcoming Obstacles to Healthy Eating
Improved energy levels Better weight management Reduced risk of chronic diseases Enhanced mental clarity Mitigation of food allergies and intolerances Time constraints Budget concerns Lack of knowledge about whole foods and clean eating Strategies for cost-effective meal planning Exploration of affordable nutrient-rich options

Building a Balanced Plate

Creating a well-rounded, nutritious meal is the foundation of a healthy eating lifestyle. When building a balanced plate, it's essential to focus on including protein-rich foods, fiber-filled vegetables and fruits, and whole grains to ensure your body receives a comprehensive array of essential nutrients.

Protein-Rich Foods for Satiety

Incorporating protein-rich foods into your meals can help promote a sense of fullness and satisfaction, preventing overeating and supporting your weight management goals. Opt for lean sources of protein such as chicken, fish, legumes, tofu, and eggs to create meals that are both nourishing and satisfying.

Fiber-Filled Vegetables and Fruits

Filling your plate with an abundance of fiber-rich vegetables and fruits is a key component of a balanced diet. These plant-based foods are loaded with essential vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants that support overall health and well-being. Aim to include a variety of colorful produce, such as leafy greens, bell peppers, berries, and citrus fruits, to ensure you're getting a diverse range of nutrients.
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Whole Grains for Sustained Energy

Incorporating whole grains into your meals can provide a steady stream of energy throughout the day, helping to prevent mid-afternoon slumps. Opt for whole wheat bread, brown rice, quinoa, and oats to reap the benefits of complex carbohydrates, fiber, and other essential nutrients that support your overall nutrition and clean eating habits.

Healthy Eating: Tips and Strategies

Incorporating healthy eating into your daily routine doesn't have to be an overwhelming task. By embracing practical tips and strategies, you can seamlessly integrate nutritious whole foods into your lifestyle and reap the numerous benefits of a balanced diet. This section delves into the key elements of successful healthy eating, empowering you to make sustainable changes for a healthier, more vibrant life.

Meal Planning and Preparation

Planning and preparing your meals in advance is a game-changer when it comes to healthy eating. By dedicating a bit of time each week to menu planning, grocery shopping, and meal prepping, you can ensure that nutritious, whole foods are readily available, reducing the temptation to reach for less healthy options. Experiment with plant-based recipes and organic ingredients to create balanced, flavorful meals that nourish your body and satisfy your taste buds.

Reading Food Labels

Navigating the aisles of the grocery store can be a daunting task, especially when it comes to identifying healthy, minimally processed foods. Develop the habit of carefully reading food labels to make informed choices. Look for products with a short list of recognizable, whole food ingredients and minimal added sugars, sodium, and unhealthy fats. By becoming a savvy label reader, you can easily spot clean eating options that align with your dietary goals and nutrition needs.
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Healthy Eating Tip Benefit
Meal Planning and Preparation Ensures the availability of nutritious, whole foods, reducing the temptation for less healthy options.
Reading Food Labels dietary guidelinesweight managementHelps you identify clean, minimally processed food choices that support your and goals.

Incorporating Whole, Plant-Based Foods

Embracing a diet rich in whole, plant-based foods is a cornerstone of a healthy eating lifestyle. These nutrient-dense options not only provide essential vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants, but they also offer a wealth of benefits for overall well-being.

Benefits of Plant-Based Diets

Research has consistently shown that plant-based diets can have a positive impact on heart health, weight management, and environmental sustainability. By focusing on a variety of whole, plant-based foods such as fruits, vegetables, whole grains, legumes, nuts, and seeds, individuals can lower their risk of chronic diseases, achieve a healthier weight, and reduce their carbon footprint.
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Nutrient-Dense Whole Foods

Whole, plant-based foods are packed with essential nutrients that support a balanced diet. From fiber-rich leafy greens to antioxidant-dense berries, these nutrient-dense options provide the body with the necessary building blocks for optimal health. By incorporating a diverse array of whole foods into their meals, individuals can ensure they are meeting their nutritional needs while enjoying the flavors and textures of a clean eating lifestyle.
Nutrient-Dense Whole Foods Key Nutrients Health Benefits
Leafy Greens (Spinach, Kale, Arugula) Vitamins A, C, K, Folate, Calcium, Iron Promote eye health, support a healthy immune system, and aid in maintaining strong bones.
Berries (Blueberries, Raspberries, Strawberries) Antioxidants, Vitamin C, Fiber Help fight inflammation, improve brain function, and support a healthy heart.
Whole Grains (Brown Rice, Quinoa, Oats) Complex Carbohydrates, Fiber, B Vitamins balanced dietProvide sustained energy, promote digestive health, and contribute to a .
Legumes (Lentils, Chickpeas, Black Beans) Protein, Fiber, Iron, Folate managing food allergiesSupport weight management, aid in , and help maintain stable blood sugar levels.
By embracing the versatility and nutrient density of whole, plant-based foods, individuals can create healthy eating habits that nourish the body and support long-term well-being.

Mindful Eating and Portion Control

Achieving a balanced lifestyle encompasses more than just the foods we consume. It also involves cultivating a mindful approach to our eating habits. Mindful eating encourages us to become more aware of hunger cues, savor each bite, and practice moderation to prevent overeating. By fostering this mindful relationship with our meals, we can develop a healthier and more sustainable relationship with food.
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One of the key strategies for mindful eating is to slow down and be present during mealtimes. Rather than rushing through our meals or multitasking while we eat, we should take the time to appreciate the flavors, textures, and aromas of our food. This heightened awareness not only enhances the enjoyment of our meals but also allows us to better recognize when we have reached a state of fullness, preventing us from consuming more than our bodies need.
Portion control is another essential aspect of mindful eating and healthy living. Overeating, even of nutritious whole foods, can lead to weight gain and other health concerns. By being mindful of our portion sizes and focusing on balanced plates that incorporate a variety of plant-based foods, lean proteins, and whole grains, we can ensure that our bodies receive the necessary nutrients without consuming excessive calories.
Implementing practical strategies, such as using smaller plates, eating slowly, and listening to internal hunger and fullness cues, can help us cultivate a more mindful approach to eating. This, in turn, can lead to sustainable weight management, improved digestion, and a greater sense of overall well-being.
By embracing mindful eating and portion control, we can unlock the full benefits of a healthy, balanced lifestyle. This holistic approach to food consumption not only nourishes our bodies but also fosters a deeper appreciation for the joy and satisfaction that can be found in every bite.
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Managing Food Allergies and Intolerances

Navigating a healthy eating lifestyle can pose unique challenges for individuals with food allergies or intolerances. However, with the right strategies and a little creativity, it is possible to enjoy a balanced diet while effectively managing these dietary restrictions.

Identifying Allergens and Triggers

The first step in managing food allergies and intolerances is to identify the specific ingredients or foods that trigger adverse reactions. Common allergens include gluten, dairy, nuts, soy, and shellfish, while intolerances may be linked to lactose, fructose, or histamine. By being mindful of these triggers, individuals can make informed choices when selecting and preparing meals.

Adapting Recipes for Special Diets

Adapting recipes to accommodate food allergies or intolerances is essential for maintaining a balanced, plant-based diet. This may involve substituting whole food, organic ingredients for traditional allergens or using specialized alternatives, such as gluten-free flours or non-dairy milk. By experimenting with ingredient swaps and exploring clean eating techniques, individuals can discover a world of delicious and nutritious meal options that align with their dietary needs.
Through a thoughtful and proactive approach, individuals with food allergies or intolerances can navigate the complexities of healthy eating and enjoy a wide variety of whole foods while maintaining their overall well-being.
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Clean Eating: Minimizing Processed Foods

In the pursuit of a healthy eating lifestyle, one crucial aspect to consider is the minimization of processed and packaged foods. The clean eating movement emphasizes the importance of consuming whole, minimally processed ingredients to maximize the nutritional value of our meals.

Recognizing Unhealthy Additives

When it comes to clean eating, it's essential to be aware of the common additives and preservatives found in many processed foods. These can include artificial colorings, flavors, and sweeteners, as well as preservatives like sodium nitrite and trans fats. By learning to identify these unhealthy additives, you can make more informed choices and avoid products that may compromise your balanced diet.

Organic and Local Food Options

Incorporating organic and locally sourced whole foods into your healthy eating routine can have numerous benefits. Organic produce and products are typically free from synthetic pesticides and hormones, and they often contain a higher concentration of nutrient-dense compounds. Additionally, supporting local farmers and producers not only reduces your carbon footprint but also provides access to fresh, seasonal offerings that are rich in plant-based goodness.
By prioritizing clean eating and minimizing the consumption of processed foods, you can unlock a world of whole, natural ingredients that nourish your body and support your overall weight management and wellness goals. Embrace the simplicity and vibrant flavors of clean, whole-food eating for a balanced, healthy lifestyle.
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Weight Management Through Healthy Eating

Achieving and maintaining a healthy weight is an integral part of a balanced healthy eating lifestyle. By understanding the principles of calorie density and macronutrient balance, individuals can make informed choices to support their weight management goals.

Calorie Density and Satiety

The concept of calorie density refers to the number of calories per gram of a particular food. Whole, plant-based foods such as fruits, vegetables, and whole grains tend to have a lower calorie density, meaning you can consume a larger volume of these foods without exceeding your daily calorie needs. This can lead to a greater sense of satiety, or feeling full and satisfied, which can support sustainable weight management.

Balancing Macronutrients

In addition to considering calorie density, it's important to focus on balancing the three macronutrients: protein, carbohydrates, and fats. Each macronutrient plays a crucial role in maintaining healthy eating habits and supporting weight management. By incorporating a mix of lean proteins, complex carbohydrates, and healthy fats into your meals and snacks, you can help regulate your appetite, stabilize blood sugar levels, and fuel your body with the necessary nutrients for overall well-being.
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Healthy Eating on a Budget

Maintaining a healthy eating lifestyle doesn't have to break the bank. With strategic planning and savvy shopping, it's entirely possible to enjoy a balanced, nutrient-rich diet while staying within your budget. In this section, we'll explore cost-effective meal planning strategies and highlight affordable whole food options to help you achieve your healthy eating goals without straining your finances.

Cost-Effective Meal Planning

One of the keys to healthy eating on a budget is mastering the art of meal planning. By taking the time to plan your meals and create a grocery list, you can avoid impulse purchases and make the most of your food budget. Start by identifying affordable, nutrient-dense ingredients that can be incorporated into a variety of recipes. Batch cooking and freezing portions can also help you maximize your time and money, ensuring you always have healthy options on hand.
Another practical tip is to embrace the versatility of plant-based whole foods. Beans, lentils, and whole grains are not only budget-friendly, but they also provide a wealth of essential nutrients, fiber, and complex carbohydrates to keep you feeling full and energized. By making these nutrient-dense foods the foundation of your meals, you can stretch your grocery budget while nourishing your body.
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Affordable Nutrient-Rich Foods

When it comes to healthy eating on a budget, there are numerous nutrient-rich foods that won't break the bank. Some of the most affordable and nutritious options include:
By incorporating these affordable, nutrient-rich foods into your meal planning, you can enjoy a balanced, healthy diet without breaking the bank.
Affordable Whole Food Nutritional Benefits Average Cost per Serving
Frozen Broccoli High in fiber, vitamins C and K, and antioxidants $0.50 per serving
Eggs Excellent source of protein, vitamin D, and choline $0.25 per egg
Canned Tuna Rich in lean protein and omega-3 fatty acids $1.00 per 2-ounce serving
Rolled Oats High in fiber, complex carbohydrates, and B vitamins $0.10 per 1/2 cup serving
Lentils Packed with protein, fiber, and essential minerals $0.20 per 1/2 cup serving
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By incorporating these affordable, nutrient-rich whole foods into your healthy eating plan, you can enjoy a balanced diet without straining your budget. With a little creativity and strategic planning, maintaining a healthy lifestyle on a budget is entirely achievable.


As we conclude this comprehensive guide on healthy eating, it's clear that embracing a balanced diet filled with nutritious whole foods, plant-based ingredients, and organic options can have a profound impact on our overall well-being. By understanding the importance of healthy eating, learning to build a balanced plate, and incorporating mindful eating strategies, readers are now empowered to embark on a transformative journey towards a healthier, more vibrant life.
Whether you're seeking to manage food allergies, reduce your intake of processed foods, or achieve your weight management goals, this article has provided a comprehensive roadmap filled with practical tips and strategies to overcome common obstacles and make sustainable changes. By prioritizing clean eating and embracing the wide variety of nutrient-dense whole foods available, you can nourish your body and mind, ultimately leading to improved energy levels, reduced disease risk, and a heightened sense of overall vitality.
Remember, the journey to healthy eating is not a one-size-fits-all approach. It's about finding the right balance and incorporating the strategies that work best for your individual needs and preferences. With dedication, creativity, and a willingness to experiment, you can cultivate a nutritious, affordable, and enjoyable eating lifestyle that serves as the foundation for a healthier, more fulfilling tomorrow. Embrace the power of healthy eating and embark on a path towards a more vibrant, resilient, and joyful existence.


What are the benefits of a balanced diet?

A balanced diet offers numerous benefits, including improved energy levels, better weight management, reduced risk of chronic diseases, and enhanced mental clarity.

How can I overcome obstacles to healthy eating?

Common obstacles to healthy eating, such as time constraints, budget concerns, and lack of knowledge, can be overcome through effective meal planning, learning to read food labels, and exploring affordable nutrient-rich options.

What are the key components of a balanced plate?

A balanced plate should include protein-rich foods for satiety, fiber-filled vegetables and fruits, and whole grains for sustained energy.

How can I incorporate more whole, plant-based foods into my diet?

Incorporating more whole, plant-based foods into your diet can provide numerous benefits, including improved heart health, better weight management, and greater environmental sustainability.

How can I practice mindful eating and portion control?

Practicing mindful eating, which involves becoming more aware of hunger cues and savoring each bite, can help you achieve portion control and develop a healthier relationship with food.

How can I manage food allergies and intolerances while following a healthy eating plan?

Identifying common allergens and triggers, as well as adapting recipes to accommodate special dietary needs, can help you manage food allergies and intolerances while still enjoying a variety of delicious and nutritious meals.

What are the benefits of choosing organic and locally sourced foods?

Organic and locally sourced foods often have a superior nutritional profile and a reduced environmental impact compared to processed and conventionally grown options.

How can I achieve weight management through healthy eating?

Understanding the concept of calorie density and the importance of balancing macronutrients (protein, carbohydrates, and fats) can support sustainable weight loss or maintenance through a healthy eating lifestyle.

How can I maintain a healthy eating plan on a budget?

Cost-effective meal planning and incorporating affordable nutrient-rich food options can help you enjoy a balanced diet without breaking the bank.
Sign up Here for 32 FREE Healthy Meal Plans With Low Calories and High Protein!
submitted by Paramallas to u/Paramallas [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 00:39 SolidusSnake57432 (FNV) TTW mod support-I may have went a bit crazy with mods and now need help to fix the mess ive made. Was working until i installed Dyanvision and a few other mods. Now CTDs upon loading into a worldspace. pls help(removed ENB for Reshade as i was told it helps with performance)

Load order

Vanilla Enhancements.esm
Main And Pause Menus Overhaul.esm
Uncut Wasteland.esp
Rebuild the Capital.esm
Functional Post Game Ending.esm
TTW Reputations.esm
A World of Pain Revised.esm
Sweet Pain NV.esm
A Trail of Crumbs.esm
TTW New Vegas Speech Checks.esm
Home and Safehouse Tweaks.esm
Functional Post Game Ending - TTW Patch.esm
Bad Touch.esm
Home and Safehouse Tweaks - TTW Addon.esm
Impostors and LOD Flicker Fix.esp
TTW FaceGen Fix.esp
The Mod Configuration Menu.esp
Vanilla UI Plus.esp
Power Armor Holo Panel.esp
TTW Ultimate Invisible Wall Remover.esp
TTW Dialogue and Interactions Expansion Overhaul.esp
Root 'n Loot.esp
Casino Exchange All.esp
Rebuild the Capital - No Pony Express Boxes.esp
JIP Companions Command & Control.esp
Reload Reloaded.esp
Supplemental Ammo Crafting.esp
Enhanced Movement.esp
S6S Perks.esp
ATMOS Ambient Overhaul.esp
New Blood.esp
S6S Base Game Perks Redux.esp
S6S Base Game Perks Redux TTW Side.esp
Friends With Benefits Perk Pack.esp
SP TTW Patch.esp
MMAWOP Patch.esp
GRA Scavenger Hunt Balanced NVSE.esp
Titans of The New West.esp
Titans of The New West - Power Armor Sprint JAM.esp
S6S Ingestibles NO DLC.esp
Aid Addon.esp
Player Headtracking.esp
B42 RWMS.esp
New Blood TTW Patch.esp
Natural Interior.esp
NVRA - Uzi.esp
127 SMG Rebirth.esp
Interior Rain.esp
Interior Rain - TTW.esp
Casino Bets - Jackpot Limit and Chips Exchange v1.2.esp
dD - R.B.E.T Main NV.esp
dD - Enhanced Blood Main NV.esp
Atmospheric Lighting Tweaks TTW.esp
ATMOS Ambient Overhaul Patch - Atmospheric Lighting Tweaks.esp
Realism Redux.esp
Mod list
+DYNAVISION 3 - Total Visual Enhancement
-Dusty Distance Redone
+Desert Natural Realism - Redux
+Blood Trails - ESPLess
+OneTweak for FNV
+The Mod Configuration Menu-Quickfix
+Neutral Weathers - DNW for NVR - NV - TTW
+New Vegas Quick Start
+Natural Interiors
+3D Rain
+Interior Rain
+Interior Rain-Main
+Longer Weather Transitions ESPless
+Simple Total Fog Remover - NVSE
+Real Time Reflections - NVSE
+Atmospheric Lighting Tweaks (Interior Lighting for FNV and TTW)
+Flags HD
+Desert Natural Weathers - NV - TTW
+NillaPlus Crate Expectations 4K (large metal shipping containers)
+NillaPlus Howitz Started--Howitz Going 4K (Nellis artillery)
+NV Compatibility Skeleton
+Fabulous New Vegas-Smile
+Fabulous New Vegas
+10 Year Anniversary Celebration Pack
+Red Rock Canyon Sign HD retexture
+Feral Ghoul Retexture by Koldorn
+Super Mutants HD - 4k Retextures
+TTW Billboards Upscaled Pretty Good HD
+Billboards HD Remade
+HQ Freeside Shop Signs
+Goodsprings Sign
+Cottonwood Cove Sign
+Medical Clinic sign
+Strip and Freeside Signs HD Overhaul
-Signs HD - Honest Hearts
+UTI (Upscaled Texture Improvement) - Old World Blues DLC
+UTI (Upscaled Texture Improvement) - Honest Hearts DLC
+UTI (Upscaled Texture Improvement) - Gun Runner's Arsenal DLC
+UTI (Upscaled Texture Improvement) - Lonesome Road DLC
+UTI (Upscaled Texture Improvement) - DLC Projectiles
+UTI (Upscaled Texture Improvement) - Projectiles
+Headshot Splatter
+Explosions Ignore Line of Sight - ESPless
+EXE - Effect teXtures Enhanced
+ETJ Realistic Enhanced Blood Textures
+Enhanced Blood Textures for NV v2_22c
+UTI (Upscaled Texture Improvement) - Decals and Impacts
+Rivet City Signs HD (TTW)
+Paradise Falls HD (TTW)
+Megaton Signs HD (TTW)
+Sunset Sarsaparilla HD
+Hoover Dam Signs HD
+HD Signs Overhaul - Part 3
+HD Signs Overhaul - Part 2
+Street Signs HD Overhaul
+HQ Upscaled posters - Part 2
+Posters HD Remade
+Various Signs HD
+Casino Posters and Signs HD
+Robots HD
+Creatures HD
+Blue metal door retexture
+NillaPlus Wood (Please be mature in the comme
+Honest Barks (new bark textures for maple cedar mesquite and burnt trees)
+Random Stuff HD
+Unique Journals
+Unique Books
+NillaPlus Rebar McEntire (4K 2K 1K)
+Afterglow -- Neon illumination
+TTW - Megaton Signs Redone
+FNV TTW AIO - Interface Upscaled
+White Horsenettle HD
+Clocks HD
+Food HD
+Broc Flower HD
+Xander Root HD
+Vanilla Graffiti Redone
+Great Khans Graffiti Redone
+FNV-TTW Graffiti Redone
+NillaPlus Vault Doors 4K (FNV - TTW)
-Legacy Reborn - Quality Edition
+Contrasted LOD Noise Texture
+Impostors and LOD Flicker Fix
+Simply Upscaled Grass
+Mobile Pip-Boy Light - NVSE
+Pip-Boy 2000
-ExRB - Extended Roombounds
+Collision Meshes
+TTW Ultimate Invisible Wall Remover
+JSRS Sound Mod 2.0
+ATMOS Ambience Overhaul - Atmospheric Lighting Tweaks Patch
+ATMOS Ambience Overhaul-main
+ATMOS Ambience Overhaul
+Sound Extender
+Aid Addon - Medkits - Blood Draw - Bandages - Afterburner Gum - More
+New Blood
+Sweet Consumables
+HQ Ranger Hat
+Titans of The New West
+Lily Outfit HD
+Clothes HD - Kids
+Clothes HD - Unique
+Clothes HD - Brotherhood
+Clothes HD - Powder Gangers
+Clothes HD - Doctors
+Clothes HD - Gamblers
+Courier Duster HQ 4K
+Clothes HD - Prewar
+Clothes HD - Kings
+Clothes HD - Workers
+Clothes HD - Wasteland
+Physically Based Rangers
+Glowing Ranger Visors
+New Vegas Animation Overhaul Guns
+M1 Carbine (KNVSE)
+FNV Clean Animations - Auto-Axe
+FNV Clean Animation Sets - Laser Rifle
+FNV Clean Animation Sets - Grenade Rifle-Main
+FNV Clean Animations - Explosive Mines Pack
+FNV Clean Animations - Grenades Pack
+Assume the Position - An Unarmed Animation Overhaul - Part 1
+FNV Clean Animations - Minigun
+FNV Clean Animation Sets - Grenade Rifle
+FNV Clean Animations - Throwing Weapons Pack
+FNV Clean Animations - Ripper
+FNV Clean Animations - Fat Man
+FNV Clean Animations - Grenade Rifle Redux
+FNV Clean Animations - Alien Disintegrator
+FNV Clean Animations - Grenade APW
+FNV Clean Animations - Incinerator
+FNV Clean Animations - Rock-It Launcher
+FNV Clean Animations - Missile Launcher
+Butcher Pete Complete - A Melee Animation Overhaul
+Wasteland Warrior - A Melee Animation Overhaul
+Laser Pistol 3rd Person Latch animation fix
+Grenade Launcher - 3rd person bug fix
+No Reload Cancelling
+Hit - Anti-Materiel Rifle Anim Set
+Hit - B42 Interact Skinning-Human
+Hit - B42 Interact Skinning
+B42 Weapon Inertia
+Retrievable Throwables Reforged
+MadAce's Ragdoll compatibility patch
+Player Headtracking
+B42 Melee Bash
+B42 Inspect - aka Animated Ammo and Weapon Condition Checking
+B42 Dropmag and One in the chamber
+B42 Inject - Animated Item Use - ESPless
+B42 Optics - ESPless
+WAP B42 Optics Patch
+B42 Loot - Animated Physical Item Pickup - ESPless
+B42 FireMode - Selective Fire and First Shot Precision - ESPless
+B42 Interact - Animated Items and Interactions Framework - ESPless
+Hit - Lewis Gun Anims
+SYNC - Remade kNVSE Animation Set - Classic AK-112 - The Adytum Rifle-
+Gauntlets Debulked
+NVRA - Uzi-4k
+NVRA - Uzi
+NVRA - HK33-4k
+NVRA - HK33
+Physically Based Plasma Rifles
+Fallout TV - The Ghoul's Handcannon
+WAP Year One and Bonus
+Laser Rifle Rebirth
+WAP 12.7 SMG Rebirth-4k
+WAP 12.7 SMG Rebirth-Reticle Fix
+WAP 12.7 SMG Rebirth
+WAP Lever Action Shotgun-4k
+WAP Lever Action Shotgun
+WAP F4NV Recharger Weaponry-4k
+WAP F4NV Recharger Weaponry
+WAP Single Shotgun-4k
+WAP Single Shotgun
+WAP 12.7MM Pistol-4k
+WAP 12.7MM Pistol
+WAP Grenade Launchers
+WAP F4NV Laser Pistol and Pew-Pew-4k
+WAP F4NV Laser Pistol and Pew-Pew
+WAP Laser RCW-4k
+WAP Laser RCW
+DKS and Friends
+WAP - F4NV .44 Magnum Weaponsmith
+WAP - F4NV .44 Magnum-4k
+WAP - F4NV .44 Magnum
+WAP Bozar and LMG
+WAP Year One and Bonus-4k
+Another Millenia
+Another Millenia Gun Add-on
+T60P - Power Armor Sidearm-NVAO patch
+T60P - Power Armor Sidearm
+Classic AK-112 - The Adytum Rifle-SYNC animation patch
+Classic AK-112 - The Adytum Rifle
+NVRA - M1 Carbine-4k
+NVRA - M1 Carbine
+B42 Descriptions aka Pip-Info
+Character Kit Remake - Teeth
+Improved Vanilla Male Body
+Character Kit Remake - Hands
+Improved Vanilla Male Body - Seamless - 4k-f3
+Character Kit Remake - Hands-IVMB
+Character Kit Remake - Hair
-Character Kit Remake
-Character Kit Remake TTW Facegen
-Character Kit Remake - Uncompressed Faces
-Character Kit Remake-IVMB
-Character Kit Remake Facegen Patches For Many Mods-The Living Desert
-Character Kit Remake Facegen Patches For Many Mods-Uncut NV
-Character Kit Remake Facegen Patches For Many Mods-Sweetpain
-Character Kit Remake Facegen Patches For Many Mods-MoreMojave
-TTW Character Kit Remake Facegen Patches For Many Mods-Rebuild The Capital
-Character Kit Remake Facegen Patches For Many Mods-FPGE
-Character Kit Remake Facegen Patches For Many Mods-EVE
-Character Kit Remake Facegen Patches For Many Mods-AWOLP
-TTW Character Kit Remake Facegen Patches For Many Mods-The Regulators
-TTW Character Kit Remake Facegen Patches For Many Mods-A Trail of Crumbs
+IHWT - Improved Heavy Weapons Textures
+HIPControl - Weapon Idle Position Adjuster - ESPless
+TTW (D.I.E.O.) Dialogue and Interactions Expansion Overhaul
+GRA Unique Weapons Relocated
+TTW The Regulators
+TTW A Trail of Crumbs
-TTW - Wasteland Supplements-Uncut Extra Collection
+TTW - Wasteland Supplements-Uncut Wasteland
+Rebuild the Capital - A Brotherhood of Steel Expansion Mod TTW Edition-Hotpatch
+Rebuild the Capital
+MoreMojave- AWOLP
+Sweet Pain NV-TTW Patch
+Sweet Pain NV
+Improved Security Booths
+Grounded Ranger Station Charlie
+Industrialized Sloan
+A World of (Less) Pain - A Lore Friendly AWOP Revision
+TTW A World of Pain for Fallout 3-JIP CCC Avatar
+TTW A World of Pain for Fallout 3
+Uncut Wasteland
+The Living Desert - Travelers Patrols Consequences Increased Population and more
+Functional Post Game Ending
+Realtime Weapon Modding System
+Essential Vanilla Enhancements Merged
+Higher Casino Bets - Jackpot Limit and Chips Exchange
+Friends With Benefits Perk Pack
+Sweet Perk Overhaul
+Sweet 6 Shooter Perks - TTW - NV
+Enhanced Movement
+Enhanced Movement-Ini
+New Vegas - Enhanced Camera
+Supplemental Ammo Crafting
+Combat Enhancer Updated
+Sweet Dynamic Detection System
+Weapon Jamming Tweaks - ESPless
+Reload Reloaded
+Dynamic Weapon Spread 2.0-JAM Patch
+Dynamic Weapon Spread 2.0
+Immersive Recoil 2.0
+Weapon Requirements System
+Real Weapon Mods 2
+ADO - Armor Damage Overhaul
+Home and Safehouse Tweaks
+Perk Styled CCC Icons
+JIP Companions Command and Control
+TTW - Mothership Zeta Rewards
+TTW New Vegas Speech Checks
+TTW Reputations
+TTW Merchant Supply Expansion-Flak
+TTW Merchant Supply Expansion
+Hardcore Perk Every Level
+TTW - Wasteland Supplements-Tweaks for TTW
+TTW - Wasteland Supplements-MAPMO
+Casino Exchange All
+Better Caravan
+Root 'n Loot TTW
+Tweaks for TTW
-Radiation Visuals
+Drowning Visuals - ESPless
+Quick Select - A Zelda BOTW Style Quick Menu
+3D Grenade Indicator
+Item Cards
+Pip-Boy UI Tweaks
+High Res Local Maps
+Simple Maps
+TTW Goodies
+Pop-Up Message Icons
+Map Marker Icons
+Consistent Pip-Boy Icons v4
+Consistent Pip-Boy Icons v5 - Reputation
+Consistent Pip-Boy Icons v5 - Addendumb
+Consistent Pip-Boy Icons v5 - Dynamicon
+Consistent Pip-Boy Icons v5 - Extension
+Consistent Pip-Boy Icons v5 - Weapons
+Consistent Pip-Boy Icons v5 - Items
+Consistent Pip-Boy Icons v5 - DLC's Items
+Consistent Pip-Boy Icons v5 - Apparel
+Consistent Pip-Boy Icons v5 - Framework Plugin
+Vault Boy Paper Doll
-3rd Person Camera Overhaul
+High Resolution Screens
+Vanilla Fonts Revisited
+Recent Loot Log - ESPless
+JDC - Just Dynamic Crosshair
+JLM - Just Loot Menu
+JBT - Just Bullet Time
+JHB - Just Hold Breath
+JHI - Just Hit Indicator
+JHM - Just Hit Marker
+B42 Notify - Corner Messages Overhaul - ESPless
+MAPMO - Main and Pause Menus Overhaul
+Cursor Unilaterally Matched (NVSE)
+Clean Vanilla Hud
+Simple Power Armor HUD
+FOV Slider
+Sleep Wait Hardcore Needs
-Scum's Considerably Cute Corner Load Wheel
+Main Menu Redone - TTW
+ySI - Pick Up Prompts
+ySI - Sorting Ycons
+yUI - User Ynterface
+Vanilla UI Plus (New Vegas)
+The Mod Configuration Menu
-User Interface & HUD_separator
+Hit - Millenia Animations - Part 2
+zlib Updated - NVSE
+Weapon Mod Description Fix (TTW)
+Viewmodel Shading Fix - NVSE
+Vent Lighting Fix
+Swimming Creatures Fix - ESPless
+PipBoyOn Node Fixes
+Pip-Boy Shading Fix NVSE
+Muzzle Flash Light Fix - NVSE
+Mostly Fixed FaceGen Tints (NV or TTW)
+Improved Lighting Shaders
+High Resolution Water Fog - Water Aliasing Fix
+High Resolution Bloom NVSE
+Fog-based Object Culling
+Fallout Alpha Rendering Tweaks - NVSE
+External Emittance Fix - NVSE
+Equip and Movement Speed Fix - ESPless
+Depth of Field Fix - NVSE
+ActorCause Save Bloat Fix
+ISControl Enabler and Ironsights adjuster (now ESPless)
+Viewmodel Shake Fix - NVSE
+Smooth True Iron Sights Camera
+VATS Lag Fix
+Combat Lag Fix (NVSE)
+Bad Touch NVSE
+Aqua Performa - Strip Performance Fix
+lStewieAl's Engine Optimizations
+Stewie Tweaks Essentials INI
+lStewieAl's Tweaks and Engine Fixes
+Improved AI (Navmesh Overhaul Mod)
+Items Transformed - Enhanced Meshes (ITEM)
+Meshes and Collision - Totally Enhanced Nifs (MAC-TEN)
-Collision Meshes-FNV
-Bug Fixes_separator
+Cloud Upgrade NVSE
+Climate Control NVSE
+Basic Console Autocomplete
+Console Paste Support
+Improved Console (NVSE)
+Yvile's Crash Logger
+FNV Mod Limit Fix
+UIO - User Interface Organizer
+kNVSE Animation Plugin
+JohnnyGuitar NVSE - INI Presets
+NVTF - INI Presets
+NVTF - New Vegas Tick Fix
+NVAC - New Vegas Anti Crash
+ShowOff xNVSE Plugin-Settings
+ShowOff xNVSE Plugin
+JohnnyGuitar NVSE
+TTW - Wasteland Supplements-JIP
+Weapon Hotkey Icons
+JIP LN NVSE Plugin-Settings
+Fixed ESMs
*DLC: CaravanPack
*DLC: ClassicPack
*DLC: DeadMoney
*DLC: GunRunnersArsenal
*DLC: HonestHearts
*DLC: LonesomeRoad
*DLC: MercenaryPack
*DLC: OldWorldBlues
*DLC: TribalPack
submitted by SolidusSnake57432 to FalloutMods [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 00:24 RealEstateRyder Attorney filed final decree with judgement different than what the judge ordered

Throw away account, I’ll try and keep this short. My attorney recently had a hearing (without me) on a motion to sign a final decree. The major concern I have is an unreimbursed medical judgement in this decree she had signed by an associate judge is completely different than what the trial judge ordered, and completely different than the final decree draft she sent me. The judgement was ordered in my favor in the trial judge’s ruling and also in the decree she sent me. The decree she had signed, gives that judgment instead to the state’s attorney office. This was specifically an uncovered medical cost (braces) that I had paid completely out of my personal account and had a judgment granted for 50%, not an expense incurred by the state. When I emailed her explaining my confusion and concern she said that the state’s attorney showed up to the motion to sign hearing(they had never made an appearance at any previous hearing, pretrial or trial) and said they’d object to the decree unless my attorney changed it to be in favor of the state’s office. Important detail, this attorney is being provided to me by a non profit (not legal aid) My question is what can I do to fix this? I told my attorney I don’t agree with this decree and I’ve already emailed the court reporter to request a transcript of the trial and ruling.
submitted by RealEstateRyder to legaladvice [link] [comments]