Frame straightening motorcycle oxfordshire

Should I accept my fate as a weakling

2024.05.13 23:33 kyuricat Should I accept my fate as a weakling

I’m a 4’10” female and I just finished the first day of my msf course. I rode a Honda Rebel and it was heavy asf for me. I dropped it once at the start and then was very cautious about keeping my handle bars straight, maybe to the point it scared me to do well on tight turns.
Just getting on the bike and trying to walk it for the first exercise was impossible. I wasn’t completely flat footed so maybe it was just that though, I could push it when I walked next to it.
But even just getting on it and straightening the handle bars, the bike feels so heavy. Tilting it slightly side to side, it feels so heavy. Of course I’m a small person, but I know the rebels are some of the lighter bikes out there.
If I think that bike is super heavy, it makes me feel like Im not fit to ride a motorcycle.
The bike I actually wanted to get is a Grom which is quite a bit lighter, but I don’t know if I even have the motivation to go back tomorrow to finish the MSF.
Also, I have muscle weakness due to medical problems, so that discourages me even more
Any advice? I’m leaning more towards giving up but maybe someone will motivate me to motivate myself. (I know i’m the only one who can push myself to success)
submitted by kyuricat to NewRiders [link] [comments]

2024.05.13 22:57 8olts Twisted gate

Twisted gate
Any ideas how to straighten this gate to get it closer to looking normal? Is it the way it was framed that caused this or something else? I know with the wooden “diagonal” piece it should be going from lower hinge to top near the latch, but I don’t think that applies to a metal frame like this?
submitted by 8olts to fixit [link] [comments]

2024.05.13 20:40 JellyfishSpare6909 How to check condition

How to check condition
G’day, after a motorcycle accident i was wondering how i can check the condition of the frame and if it’s still ride able. I can surely bring it to a shop and ask but the damage is not that much to the eye.
submitted by JellyfishSpare6909 to motorcycles [link] [comments]

2024.05.13 18:53 stuartevan Last photo of mom - $40 for favorite

Last photo of mom - $40 for favorite
Hi. This is the last pic of my 79 year old mom the day before she ended her life with physician assisted suicide due to ALS. I don't even know if this is possible, but I would love to have the people and hand on shoulder removed so I could maybe frame this. It would be great it the background could be expanded so it could be a 5x7 portrait orientation. I love the halo of lights above her head. Maybe have the background straightened? I can pay $40 for my favorite, if this can even be done. Thanks in advance.
submitted by stuartevan to PhotoshopRequest [link] [comments]

2024.05.13 11:43 loveortho01 Advantage Of Using Invisalign

Would you like to have a stunning smile? Teeth that are crooked or misaligned can impact not only how you look but also how well you can clean your teeth. Your teeth and smile play a major role in how you seem overall.
With Invisalign braces in Seattle, you may achieve a flawless smile without having to deal with bulky braces interfering with your daily activities. This is the fastest and safest approach to have straight teeth, and it has become quite popular very quickly. Your teeth will be fitted with clear aligners. In a shorter amount of time, these aligners will assist gradually shift your teeth's position. You've come to the correct spot if you're trying to decide whether or not to get Invisalign.
Eat whatever you want to eat.
The fact that Invisalign offered by orthodontic clinic in Seattle does not impose any dietary limitations is among its many advantages. There are several foods that you cannot eat if you opt to straighten your teeth using traditional procedures. It's possible that some of your favorites are included in the list. Foods that are very firm or sticky must be avoided.
Thankfully, you can eat anything you want when using Invisalign. All you need to do is take out your tray beforehand.
Almost invisible.
The trays are invisible, which is just another fantastic advantage of Invisalign braces in Seattle. Some people believe that braces are not attractive to look at. You won't have to worry about people noticing the brackets or wires when you smile thanks to Invisalign. The trays' clarity is the reason for this. Teens as well as adults can smile with confidence while straightening their teeth, making it a terrific alternative.
Time frame of treatment.
Straightening your teeth with braces or other traditional orthodontic procedures might take a long time. For example, receiving therapy for metal braces can take up to five years. But it could take a year and a half to straighten your teeth using Invisalign. Get in touch with Seattle experts right now to learn the precise time required for teeth correction.
Preserves time.
Everyone in this world nowadays has a very busy schedule. They therefore lack the time to visit the orthodontist's office frequently. Invisalign is the best option in this circumstance. You will be able to visit the orthodontist less frequently as a result. This is because their maintenance needs are limited to every six weeks. You will also have fewer appointments as a result of it.
Enhances your oral health.
You can even have greater oral health using Invisalign. For gums and teeth to remain healthy, straight teeth are essential. You can better brush your teeth by closing the gap.
David Alaba is author of this article and writes since long time. For further details about Orthodontic Clinic in Seattle please visit the website.
submitted by loveortho01 to u/loveortho01 [link] [comments]

2024.05.13 10:42 Business-Kiwi-6370 Kove 450RR vs Kawasaki ZX4RR

Kove 450RR vs Kawasaki ZX4RR
credits to Streetmoto
Thoughts? Upcoming bikes ng Kove magaan at inline 4.
submitted by Business-Kiwi-6370 to PHMotorcycles [link] [comments]

2024.05.13 10:37 Cummy_wummys Curing Malpractice ch-21

Disclaimer: I have to shorten the words on this one because the chapter had gone on for to long and stole the word count limit. Every person in this section has my deepest and most sincere thanks for the art, memes, and love they have shown my series.
Thank you to: for proofreading, editing, and this art. Check his fic here!
u/Talentlessfurry for this art.
u/Roddcherry for adding Novel to the charismas party he drew.
u/everyveryever for this art.
u/Emotion-Senior for the meme.
u/Orphandestroyer99 for the comic and art.
u/abrachoo for the meme.
u/guaiwutongzhi for the art.
u/United_Patriots for the art.
u/migulehove for the art(s).
u/aMANTEIGAdo for the art.
u/SlimyRage for the art.
Thank you to each and every one of these amazing people!
CW: Accidental Substance Abuse
Memory Transcription Subject: Novel, Kolshian Scientist and Self-Proclaimed “Gamer God”
Date {standardized human time}: October 19th, 2136
The elevator ride took a lot longer than I would have liked, my excitement and anticipation making it difficult to stand still. Ada’s room was almost at the top floor of the building — along with those of the other members of my herd — making it take a bit longer to get to than most of the other Humans’ I’ve visited while here.
Seems they are keeping the various tribes in their own groups. The fourth floor has the Germans, French, Polish, and Austrians, with a few Danes and Swedes mixed in. I wonder if they did that to keep the different tribes from fighting with ones they don’t like? Doubtful really, everyone seems to get along well enough, disregarding a couple jabs here and there. Probably just makes geographical sense to put them together.
My pondering was broken with a soft ding of the old elevator doors opening. I stepped out of the elevator quickly and took in my surroundings. There were very few humans milling about the quiet halls as they went about their business. One human with comfy-looking pelts had noticed me step out of the elevator and had frozen where they stood. After a short, yet still uncomfortably awkward moment, I gave a wave with one of my upper appendages and walked down a different hall.
A few moments later, I pulled out my pad to look at the message Sindre sent me.
Room 441, hailey and i went to get some stuff for the sesh. ada will be there in a bit. see you soon, {censored}
From: Sindre(Human)
I quickly typed out my own message.
Thank you! I’ll meet you there!
From: Me
Stowing the pad, I made my way there. Along the way I encountered several more Humans, each of which having some sort of reaction to my presence. Mostly just freezing in place or casting glances at me as I walked by. Some of them recognized me, either from when we baked together, or when I was in the rec room when the news dropped and gave me a wave in return. There was one case though when a Terran exited their room, saw me, and let out a noise I can only describe as a squeal before diving back into their room.
That last one confused me to no end, as I had never seen that reaction from a human before. I considered knocking on the door before thinking better of it and continuing down the hall to my destination.
How curious… I'll have to ask Ada about that human and why they ran away from me... Heh, prey scaring predators. Not so long ago, such a concept would’ve been seen as the ultimate goal, any real-world examples derided as only that of a dreamer’s fallacy, and yet now… I don’t think I like the idea so much…
I made a mental note to apologize to them if we ever meet again and kept walking, this time with my form hunched and my pace a little faster than before so I could avoid bothering the Terrans as much. It seemed to work, and the humans seemed to look away a little faster than they had previously.
Arriving at Ada’s door, though, I composed myself as best I could, straightening my back and taking a deep breath to calm myself. I knocked on the door a few times, only for it to open a slight amount. Cocking my head in confusion, I listened to the slight groaning of the hinges before I gently pushed it the rest of the way, the door creaking loudly in resistance.
The room smelled of wax and freshly harvested Othll bark, like I had just walked into the home improvement aisle of a store. Walking further inside showed me the source of the smell, which was a set of candles sitting on top of a nightstand in the corner… next to a fire alarm with the battery taken out.
That’s a little concerning… that can’t be safe at least. I should tell her to put it back in when I see her… wherever she is.
Looking around the room some more showed it to be quite unkempt, with pelts and other junk laying strewn haphazardly across the floor. Personal knick-knacks and picture frames sat on shelves and tables around the room, making the places feel a lot more homely than the other rooms I’d been in. A large TV sat on the other side of the room across from the bed, which had been recently used, going by the blanket on the floor and the pillows tossed about. Against the wall next to the bed was a large couch that had clearly seen better paws, the top layer peeling heavily and scattering the little bits of plastic covering everywhere.
Sitting next to the TV appeared to be some sort of Terran gaming console, complete with bright colors plastered across its many faces and with several different wires coming out of it. Far more than there should be, since part of the case it was in had been smashed to fit more cabling into. Tools, used wires, and broken plastic laid scattered next to the patchwork job.
Seems they really did modify it. Makes sense, since I doubt it would normally work on our systems at all… we should really put that fire alarm back in…
Just as I started walking over to inspect it, my lower tentacle caught something soft on one of the suckers. Looking down showed it to be one of the chest pelts Ada had been wearing the paw I met her. Closer inspection showed the whole floor was covered in discarded pelts, including some I had never seen before!
I let out a sigh as I looked around at the mess… I hope she doesn't mind if I cleaned up a bit.
And that's exactly what I did as I waited for my host to return. It did not take long for me to find the garbage can and hamper she used for her used pelts. While I worked though the piles, I took note of the stranger clothes I saw. Most of them were the regular chest pelts that I’d seen every human wear, but others were completely unique or otherwise somehow unusual.
One such example was what I can only describe as some sort of winter gear? It had a very intricate design on the front made of lace and a very soft interior made of a kind of purple fabric. What made it even more strange was that I found several of these scattered around the room, meaning that she was wearing these pretty regularly too!
Hmmm… perhaps it is meant to keep their ears warm? That would explain the strap on the back, as it would be meant to go under their chin. That doesn’t explain why she would be using it though, and to have so many! It must get cold in here when the A/C kicks in, I guess. This place is really old after all.
Either way, they went into the hamper. I left the tools where they were, in case they belonged to different people, but everything else went straight into the trash. The whole process was pretty exhausting, but the room ended up looking much nicer than it had before!
Just as I finished bagging up the garbage can, the door gave a loud creak as Ada stepped in wearing some pretty comfortable-looking pelts similar to the ones she had been wearing a few paws ago, pink prey head slippers and all.
A few {seconds} pass as she starts pulling out clear totes full of what I assume to be her things before I break out of my confusion and flick her a tail wave.
“Hey Ada! Whe-”
She screamed as she stumbled onto her back, causing me to drop the bag and jump in fright. We stared at each other for a moment before Ada spoke up.
“Nov’?! What the fuck are you doing in here?! You weren't… ya Allah, you scared the crap out of me!”
My arms and tentacles raised up in a pleading gesture after I realized what I did. “S-sorry! I-I thought you would see me! And Sindre said to meet you here? F-for the games?”
Ada took a few more moments to calm down on the floor, but eventually, she stood up and took a few breaths. “You’re fine, squiddie… Sindre didn’t mention how close you were so… oh well, doesn't matter I guess. Uh, what’s in the bag you got there? Also… where are all of my clothes?”
At her observation, I picked up the trash bag and held it up for her to see. “Well… your room was a bit of a mess, a-and you were gone, so I did a bit of… cleaning? Nothing major, just throwing away some trash and putting the pelts in the hamper.”
“Oh, well, thanks Nov. I was gonna get to that befor-” Suddenly she stops herself mid-sentence. Her eyes widen as she casts her forward-facing gaze over to the pelts’ bin.
For some reason, the human's usual light brown features darken considerably with a crimson bloom. Ada turned to look at me, and I gave my best happy expression I could muster to put her at ease. This time, the human's face twisted into an obvious forced snarl before she gave up, running a hand down her face.
“Novel, j-just a heads up for the future, it’s considered rude to go through someone's room and touch their… pelts without permission. They are, um, quite personal belongings, and we don’t let other people touch certain ones. Fuck, uh, don’t tell the other two about this either. It would be, eugh…” Ada’s snarl gets larger as she looks back to the hamper, the crimson still blooming across her face. My tail flicked curiously as I looked between her and the pelt basket.
How peculiar… Hailey seemed just fine with dumping all sorts of pelts on me when she was showing them off. Perhaps that's because she studies it, so in that case it’s seen as okay? Maybe it has more to deal with how I came in here without her supervision? Predators are known to be territorial in the wild, and the Humans seem to be that way as well with their many borders. Letting someone into your ‘territory’ must be a pretty personal thing in the first place. Which would mean that she must be upset that I just walked in here and started messing with things! Speh!
A tentacle reached out, or up I suppose, to Ada’s shoulder while my tail signaled my sincerest apologies. “I-I am so sorry, Ada. If I knew, I would have never touched anything! Don’t worry, I won’t tell anyone! Do you want me to… put it back the way I found it?”
The human seemed to find my appeasement worthy as she let out a quiet laugh. “No, Nov’, you’re just fine. Thanks for cleaning up too, I guess; I was gonna do it myself, but oh well… not something we need to talk about.” She lets out another laugh as she walks over to the modified console and grabs a controller.
Yet, before she could get a word out, there was a sharp knock on the door, followed by it swinging open to reveal the last two members of our herd. Sindre came in first, carrying several different bags filled to the brim with snacks of all varieties. He gave a simple head nod and rushed over to the table by the TV to deposit his haul, dropping a few on the floor in his haste.
Hailey walked in right behind him with a plastic grocery bag over her shoulder filled with many different colored bottles of drink and a tray of small dark-brown squares covered in plastic wrap. Her free hand gave us both a wave while she walked to the table in a much calmer manner, at least when compared to her compatriot.
We both gave our own wave in return while I spoke up. “Hey guys! Welcome! What did you get from the kitchen?”
Hailey set her things down on the table. “Not much. Some dried fruit, chips, cookies, soda, juice, and even some fresh brownies someone made! I assumed they were for the taking since they had a few trays sitting out to cool down, but we didn’t really have time to ask since we kinda rushed up here. Oh, and the kitchen stinks to high hell for some reason. Might have to tell Emmanual about that.”
My head tilted curiously at the information as Ada and Sindre moved the couch over to where I was standing. Once it was in place, I took a seat at the opposite end from Hailey. “Well, I’m glad you got what you wanted! Do you mind if I take one of those, uh, brownies?”
She gave me a hand wave as I reached over and undid the plastic wrap around the treats. They were still quite warm from the kitchen! I took a small bite out of the corner to get a taste of it, only to then gobble up the whole thing in one bite.
This is amazing! It’s like strayu but… richer? With an almost cough medicine aftertaste mixed with that strange spice? Such a strange and yet fascinating combination!
“Such a weird taste… but definitely a good one! Are there any more downstairs?” I asked while covering my mouth as best I could for the sake of manners.
She took one herself and took a small bite. “Yep, at least a couple more trays from what we saw. Though I bet most of those will be gone once word gets around.”
My head nodded solemnly as I picked up another.
Might as well enjoy them while we can!
Ada walked over to me and flicked the space in between my eyes with her fingers. Her other hand passed me a human game controller before taking a seat right next to me. “Save some for us, ya green goblin! Pretty sure we’re meant to share those!”
The humans let out a soft chuckle while my face warmed in embarrassment. Luckily, they didn’t stay focused on it for long before she pointed to the controller. “So, do you need help with that? It’s not exactly built for you.”
Moving it around in my appendages was more than enough to prove that fact, but I tried to give her a dismissive tail wave while sitting down. “Don’t worry… I should be able to make this work…” I said while using all four of my limbs to hold the piece of plastic. It wasn’t exactly comfortable, but it’ll do the job for now.
“Not the first time I had to do this. There are a lot of different species on Aafa, and some of them have very strange, uh, manipulators… you just have to get used to it.”
There may not have been a lot, or really any other species in my home town, but that college certainly did. Me and Cloyta used to hang out with a few different herds whenever we had the time. That Tilfish remote was an interesting experience to use. Having to use smells to figure out a puzzle in a game like it was normal was really something else.
The TV and console suddenly turned on with a bright flash as Sindre held out a remote towards them both. He used his controller to navigate to a menu on the system to reveal a vast collection of Human games. I grabbed my pad out of my pack to translate some of the games as Sindre scrolled by.
Doom of Kevsar, Helldivers: Super Dating Simulator, Papa’s Pizzeria, Skyrim 2… all these seem fine, I guess. At least not super violent like I thought… A good sign!
Sindre spoke up first as he continued to look through the archive. “Anyway, we were talking the other day about which game to show you first, but we couldn’t agree on what would be the best showcase. So instead of one game voted in from all of us, we are each going to show you a game we think you’ll like best. Sounds good?”
My tail thumped against the back of the couch in acceptance. “Yup! That actually sounds really great! Get to see a wider spectrum of human ‘entertainment!’ Who’s going first?”
“Sindre is…” Hailey speaks up in between bites of her confection, “His system, his pick… still think it’s a dumb fucking game though.” He says as he stops his scrolling and arrives at a very brightly colored preview with several… Humans? Human-like creatures in what look like Dossur vehicles?
He presses a button to select the game as a grin grows on his face. “Hey, Mario Kart Galaxy 3 is a classic! You’re just mad because you’re bad at it.” Sindre turns his head to me while Hailey leans forward. “You’ll love it, I swear. Really shows off the real Humanity we have to hide from you guys.”
“That's for a good reason, you dolt. But it’s your choice…” Hailey said while wiping her hands on a napkin.
I hoped he was right as some cheerful music started playing.
{Memory Transcription Time Advancement: 19 Terran standard minutes…}
Sindre was right! This is fun!
The upbeat music continues to play as I make another turn around a corner, drifting a little to build up some momentum. The ‘Birdo’ creature in my ‘Kart’ does a little dance as I time it right and get a small speed boost, sending me further down the multi-colored track.
“Hmmhmmmhm, hmhmhmm~.” I tried my best to hum along to the music as I continued with the race.
I never would have thought that a racing game could be interesting. Cloyta and I played a few when we were much younger, but they seemed slow in comparison. Usually had a goal at the end as well, like delivering some fruits to a market, or maybe trading on spacefaring merchant vessels in the more complex ones.
It was super fun though! Competing against each other felt a little off, but I wrote it off as a Human cultural thing. A way of bonding, as with most things for them it seems. Other than that, I found the racing to be a lot of fun! There was so much going on, and yet it somehow managed to really keep you aware of everything going on at all times.
A projectile here, a fruit peel trap there, there was so much to think about that I almost forgot to pay attention to the humans! Which, if I weren’t here to study them, might have been a good thing. There were times the competitive nature of the game seemed to draw something else out of them, something I hadn’t expected.
It was… well…
“If I run into one more fucking banana, I will kick you down a flight of stairs and jump on your head from the top step!”
“How the hell did that hit ME!? Broken fucking hitboxes in this shitty ass game!”
My enjoyment of the game seemed to be pretty one-sided unfortunately. Even by the already high standards of the Humans’ previous banter, this was truly something else. While I was still learning the game and slowly climbed up the leaderboard, the Humans all led the herd by taking the top 3 spots every time. They were so close together in some of the races that it was nearly impossible to tell who would win until the last moment, making their yelling even more vicious and bloodthirsty.
There were times I thought they were about to get physically violent with each other once it got to the final lap, but thankfully, it never came to that, aside from maybe some light pushing. Their… banter? Fighting? Uh… verbal abuse towards each other made learning the game a lot harder too since every time I tried to ask a question, my voice would get drowned out in all the yelling. They did show me the basic controls before we started, but it’s a little hard to ask for pointers when your coaches are threatening severe bodily harm against each other.
As I drifted around another sharp turn, my mind wandered back to what Sindre said when we’d first started:
‘Really shows off the real Humanity we have to hide from you guys.’
Was this supposed to be the ‘real Humanity’? I sure hope not… I think I’d prefer if they actually came to blows instead of continuing this barrage of foulness they are constantly spewing. They don’t even seem to be enjoying it! They have to be doing it for a reason… right?
I continued to think as I continued down the track and finished my second lap. The argument was starting to build up again as the stakes started to rise.
“Oh, yeah, of course you get a red shell in 2nd and I get fucking bananas in 3RD! Gotta love this piece of shit game!!” Hailey shouted, leaning forward like she was about to pounce on the TV.
“Not my fault you can’t aim for shit, dumbass! Just throw better!” Sindre quipped back.
“How about I throw you out a five story window?! I mean, I would if your fatass wouldn't snap the floorboards if I tried!” Ada finished it as he gave her an aggressive shove with his shoulder.
Yet, unlike how I expected, she didn’t push back. That's what makes this all so confusing! Each time they antagonize each other, the other person does it back, and they just stop! Their words sound like they mean it to hurt, and their actions reflect that… but they aren’t acting on it.
Hmm… the ‘real Humanity’, huh… Maybe I’m approaching this the wrong way? Something less about who the Humans are, so to speak, but more how they feel? They’ve been awfully emotional in every interaction I’ve ever had with them… Aggressive, too, admittedly. Maybe… maybe this is a way for them to vent some of that aggression safely? Around people they really trust with a game you can complain about, but demands too much attention to leave them to do more than yell at each other? Things have been rather… stressful, lately.
My tail thumped a few more times against the dilapidated couch, sending a few more puffs of stuffing into the air. The theory kind of lined up with what I knew, but I was here with the primary source for a reason, after all. I would just ask them, but…
They were busy.
They seem pretty angry… but if it helps them deal with their stress, then I am just fine with it. I’m glad they are getting through it in their own… ‘special’ Human way.
In any case, it was still better than damming it all up until it overflowed and someone really got hurt. Safe in the knowledge that the Humans (probably) wouldn’t actually attack each other, I just resolved to focus on the game instead. The third and final lap was coming around, and things were starting to ramp up even further. The Humans’ false violence got even louder, and coupled with the occasional and really rather distracting limb shooting out and the rapidly intensifying music, my poor heart was not in the best condition as our racers closed in on the finish line.
But then, all of a sudden, something very strange happened. The Humans simultaneously began to curse louder than ever before, screaming and wailing as an odd blue indicator flashed along the top of the screen, indicating some kind of blue spiky ball rapidly approaching us from behind. All three of them illogically slammed on the brakes, clearly trying to dodge the oncoming projectile, but it was to no avail. The ball flew right past my ‘Kart’ and struck the center of the tightly crowded humans, unleashing an explosion of blue fire that stunned all three.
Allowing my Kart, driving at maximum speed in hopes of any shot at outrunning the projectile, to shoot right past them and cross the finish line first.
Wait… what?
A brief silence hung in the air at what just happened until my arms went up in the air
“Hey, look! I won! Hehehe! I didn’t know I would get so lucky on my first try! Is that sort of thing… common…?”
I stopped my celebration as all the Humans were giving me very intense looks with their stares. They lacked the familiar friendliness most Humans looked at me with, but instead seemed much… angrier.
Speh, right. They are still mad from before, and now I just beat them at their own race… O-okay, they don’t mean it, they are upset and need to let it out. Just have to get through it.
Seeing what was about to happen, I curled in on myself and braced myself for the barrage of verbal slurry coming my way. A moment passed as I waited for the insults to fly but… they never came? Opening an eye revealed the Human’s expressions had changed from fury to…
“You alright there Nov’? You’re shaking pretty bad… Was that too much?” Ada asked in a quiet voice while patting me on the back roughly. It took a moment for my brain to catch up before I could speak again.
“O-oh, uh, sorry, I thought you all were going to… yell at me? Like you did with each other?” My voice was a little shaky as I unfurled myself.
All of the Germans seemed to wince a little at that. “Yeah… fuck, sorry about that. Mario Kart is a pretty rage-inducing game. Shoulda thought about that beforehand.”
My tail attempted to signal calm while trapped behind me. “N-no, it’s fine… I did learn a lot actually. It was fun too, besides the yelling part. Um, can we move on though? I think I’ve got enough out of this one.”
Sindre exits the game with a nod while the others let out deep sighs. “Yeah, sorry Nov’. It’s one of the most popular party games Humanity ever made, so I figured it would be a good one to show you. Next is… Ada’s pick… we sure we should do this one?”
The woman turned her head to look at Sindre. “Positive. They have a vegan option in the settings, so it’s not going to get us arrested or anything. Plus, it's a cooperative party game! Feds seem to love that whole ‘herd’ thing, and Nov’ liked the last one so I’m sure it’ll be fine!”
She gave a dismissive hand wave before turning back to me. “It’ll be fine, really. I played this game as a kid all the time, no need to panic, right?” She seemed a little worried at the end of that sentence, so I tried to put on a brave face.
“S-sounds great! What’s it about?” I mentally chastised myself for my stutter and reached towards the table to grab another pastry. “Ahem. There’s nothing predatory in it, right?”
She grabs one herself and a glass of an orange fizzy drink. “Nope, none at all! Just some harmless cooking with your friends! You’ll love it!” Her enthusiasm helped me calm down as the game started booting up on screen.
Overcooked 5: Season of Seasoning.
Looks cheerful at least. Cooking is fun too… It’ll be fine, yeah.
I took a bite out of my brownie as the game's main menu music started to play.
{Memory Transcription Time Advancement: 23 Standard Terran Minutes…}
You know… I think I get it.
A soft relaxing track played in the background as the four little chefs on screen ran around doing various tasks needed to keep the kitchen functioning, like preparing vegetables, or washing dishes. A timer at the top of the screen was slowly counting down while a little ‘onion’ next to it with a Human face rambled on about something or other.
Orders start coming in quick, and all of us get to work in a flash… or at least, all of us SHOULD be.
“Can you three stop licking the dust clouds in the vents and actually do something to help me, PLEASE?!”
A trio of Human giggles was my only response as I leaned forward in concentration.
This game. This brahking game. They should use this for testing for intelligence like those quizzes we took back home, since clearly some people go brain dead trying to do literally anything that isn’t getting in my stars-damned way, or otherwise waste valuable time by huffing the gas coming off the stove!
Finishing up one order of seaweed wraps and lettuce salad, I tried to get back to the kitchen, but was immediately blocked by… a plate on the floor.
“WHO-!! Why is there a plate on the floor?! The counter is literally right there! It’s such a simple job to-” A ding rings out, showing several new orders that needed to be filled. The timer started flashing red as we reached the one ‘minute’ mark.
A deep, frustrated growl builds in my throat, causing my Humans to laugh for some reason, incensing me even further! We all get to work in completing the last orders, however. Things were going well as the Terrans seemed to (finally) get it together to actually make some good food. Sindre had just finished cooking the rice while Ada chopped the carrots. Me and Hailey were putting everything together on the other side and sending it through until—
“Is, oh my stars, did you guys really send over raw rice?! It’s not even partially cooked!! Are you all a bunch of mountain dwellers? Do you eat your dry grass with a side of brahking pebbles and pond scum?! Cook it again!” I threw the rice back, hitting Sindre in the back of the head with the pile of rice, causing his character to fall over with a cartoonish thunk sound effect.
The Germans laughed loudly at the scene, which made my face heat up in frustration. The timer was running short as we waited for the rice to actually be cooked this time.
“Nov’, I, haha, I’m sorry. I’ll get it done this time, have mercy! I thought the last one was done so I-”
My head turned just enough for my eye to be focused solely on the pale Human. “IT WAS BRAHKING RAW!! There's a bar at the top that tells you! Do you need eye surgery?? Can you even pass a driving test??”
More laughter.
A ding came from the pot to signify it was done. Ada immediately took it out and walked over to the counter to pass it.
“Perfect, now just- what are you doing?”
She wasn’t passing it over. Instead, she was charging up her throw way more than she needed to. I was just about to say something as the clock flashed brightly ‘till she threw the rice at full force.
Directly at my little chef. The rice beamed directly off the side of my character's head, sending me flying away from the plate and sprawled across the kitchen floor as the rice landed gently on the ground.
The countdown is drowned out by the humans erupting into laughter as I desperately try and recover. Yet, just as I make it to my feet, the countdown reaches zero, and the mission ends. Defeat fills my chest while the onion man does a little dance to tally up our points.
49600… only two out of three stars…
It’s over…
I slumped against the back of the couch, fury and betrayal stirring in my chest while the predators laughed to each other for several moments. Their raucous, howling laughter eventually started dying down, at least enough for them to actually say something to me.
“Nov’, come on. It’s just a game. I’m, hehehe, I’m sorry okay? We were just having a little fun is all.” She ran her treacherous hands down my back in an effort to calm me, to little effect.
“Dumb game. Stupid… start the next mission…”
She chuckled a bit. “Maybe we should play a different game. You don’t seem real happy playing this one.”
That made my tail flick in light amusement though the frustration. “Now you sound like my Dad…” My anger at the game started to fade more and more, replaced with a growing sensation of guilt. ”I-I think that’s a good idea. Um, sorry about that.”
She removed her hand, but kept her eyes on me and the gooey trail now stringing from her hand. “Eugh… hey, you’re fine. If you can deal with us screaming at each other, then we can handle your little squeaks.”
The other two smiled and nodded in agreement while I looked at her in confusion, feeling a little offended. “My… squeaks? But, um, thank you... W-what's the next game? Hailey’s turn, right?”
On cue, she brushes her mane to the side and starts scrolling down. “Yes, actually! Unlike these two walnuts, I actually picked a relaxing game. A classic. An art piece~” Her hands did a slight flair, yet I remained unmoved.
“Hailey, that's what the other two said too. While those games were… fine, I wouldn’t call them ‘masterpieces.’ Are you sure about this one?” I asked while grabbing another brownie.
I keep eating these things, but I just feel more and more hungry… weird…
The Humans chucked as she selected her game. “Hey, have a little faith in me. I haven't met a Human alive that can say this game is bad. Just watch!”
A flash came from the TV as the game's title came into view.
Minecraft: Anniversary Edition.
“We’ll use one of the worlds we were playing on back on Earth so you can get an idea of what it’s really like. And, uh, make sure it's peaceful too, just in case.”
I took a bite of the treat and settled into my spot, preparing myself for whatever was to come.
submitted by Cummy_wummys to NatureofPredators [link] [comments]

2024.05.13 07:10 dleurp Fun on the twisties and can motocamp. $6k to $12k budget. USA

Hey all, here's what I'm looking for:
My most frequent rides are city commuting so I want something maneuverable and relatively . My biggest goal is weekend road trips to find fun twisties.
I'd also like to camp on my motorcycle. I specifically do not want an adventure bike, I need just enough ground clearance for fire roads etc.
I'm 5'6 with a 30in inseam so smaller frames are better. Sometimes I'll have a passenger.
Not looking for a cruiser or ADV bike. Adjustable suspension would be nice.
thanks in advance :)
submitted by dleurp to SuggestAMotorcycle [link] [comments]

2024.05.13 06:13 Determination7 An Outcast In Another World (Subtitle: Is 'Insanity' A Racial Trait?) [Fantasy, LitRPG] - Chapter 264 (Book 6 Chapter 49)

Author's Note:
As an aside, this update was originally part of the previous chapter, but needed to be split off because posting a 10000+ word behemoth would've murdered my backlog. In terms of story pacing, you can consider it the second half of one long-ass chapter.


Too close. Too, too close.
Vul'to ignored the sounds of battle resuming around him. The Soul Guardian permitted himself a moment to just...sit there and breathe. After what had transpired, he sorely needed it.
We should be dead. The thought came to him with frightening lucidity. Vul'to wished he could claim that he'd masterfully protected his Party from Kismet's attack, activating defensive Skills the instant he saw everyone in peril, but that would be a lie. It was primarily due to luck that Riardin's Rangers yet lived.
Kismet's mana spears had materialized faster than anyone – Rob excluded – could feasibly react to. The god weaved mana with precision and speed that would have humbled a Circle of Level 99 Archmages. Vul'to hadn't felt this thoroughly outclassed by a creature since the final Blight. Without Rob occupying the god's attention, their Party would've already been swept aside mere seconds after invading the divine realms.
As shown by how Kismet nearly annihilated them in one stroke. His ambush had been so immediate that it started and ended before Riardin's Rangers even knew what was going on. Our Shield and Not A Scratch only succeeded in protecting the Party because Vul'to activated his Skills ahead of time. His instincts had suddenly screamed at him to DO SOMETHING, as if an invisible arrow was flying straight towards his heart, and so he'd listened without giving a single thought to long-term battle strategies.
If he had been wrong, then his most powerful Skill would currently be on a 15-minute cooldown with nothing to show for it. The fact that he'd guessed right was a cold comfort. Winning at a game of chance made him feel no more in control of the situation – and no less like an outclassed trainee guided by desperate paranoia.
What is it that Rob always says? It isn't paranoia if they really are out to get you? Vul'to smiled, a hint of mirth alighting within his chest. It felt weak as an ember taking refuge from a torrential downpour.
He grasped onto the feeling before it could fade. All of his burgeoning concerns fell by the wayside as Vul'to pushed himself upright, forcing the shaking in his legs to subside. It didn't matter that he wanted to rest for a while longer. It didn't matter that Riardin's Rangers had been a hairsbreadth away from cessation. It didn't matter that the future was hanging in a fragile balance liable to shift at any given moment.
There was work still to be done.
To start: I must correct my misstep. This entire debacle was a result of Vul'to losing track of his god, who'd then rushed over to assist Kismet. The Soul Guardian's concern for Zamira – who seemed to have stopped fighting her opponent – had caused his own vigilance slip below what was acceptable.
It would not happen again. He hurriedly looked around, searching for any sign of the divine creature–
And jumped back as it dropped out of the sky and crashed directly in front of him.
The god slammed down like a falling meteorite, making no attempt to slow its descent, eschewing grace for speed. It collapsed into a heap on the floor, limbs tangled and body shivering. Like a sparrow that had chosen to land on the ground – rather than remain airborne where a nearby hawk could spot it.
Vul'to's eyes widened as the god laboriously picked itself up. The creature's 'flesh' had been ravaged by Rob's Purging energy. Its form constantly trembled, as if struggling to hold itself together, and a gaping, unhealed hole was prominently displayed in the center of its chest. While Vul'to wasn't very proficient at sensing mana fluctuations, it didn't take an expert to tell that the deity had seen much better days.
"Well met." The Soul Guardian raised his left hand in greeting – as his right hand covertly inched towards his longsword. It is heavily wounded. If I can just catch it unawares–
"Save your effort," the god hissed. "Even if I am in this sorry state, you lack the raw power to slay me."
Vul'to frowned, his hand pausing. That...was unfortunately true. Soul Guardian wasn't a Class suited for offensive measures. He had previously kept the god at bay by stalling it; not by meeting it attack-for-attack.
Although that truth did leave one question unanswered. "Why have you come here?" Vul'to took a step forward, frowning when the god retreated by a step as well. "You clearly possess no desire to engage me in combat. Wouldn't it have been easier to hide in some corner of the divine realms, out of sight, where you could recuperate?"
The creature said nothing.
Keeping secrets, are you? He chuckled. Good. Arrogant blowhards such as yourself only stay silent when you have a weakness to conceal.
Vul'to conducted two quick experiments. First, he tried to go support another member of Riardin's Rangers, intending to group up with them – then was forced back as the god swiftly moved to bar his path. It didn't look particularly pleased with the idea of battling him, but it was prepared nonetheless.
Second, he raised his sword and walked four steps closer. The god immediately pulled away.
By exactly four steps.
"You are...containing me," Vul'to marveled. "If I stand here, motionless, than so will you. If I move to attack, you will flee while maintaining a respectable distance between us. If I go to aid Riardin's Rangers, you shall fight with the bare minimum necessary to stop me from leaving this area."
It was a difficult concept to grasp. A deity, working to contain him? Not the other way around? And yet, he could see the logic therein. If Vul'to joined up with one of his Party members, they might be able to combine their strength and fell a god.
Then they would go join another ally. Their next battle would be a lopsided, three versus one affair. The next after that would be four versus one. With each god they laid low, slaying the rest would become increasingly easier as Riardin's Rangers gained an insurmountable numbers advantage.
Until it was all eight of them against Kismet alone.
A fragile balance, he mused, liable to shift. After being harshly reminded of his mortality, Vul'to had neglected to consider that the balance could shift towards Riardin's Rangers just as easily...and that the gods would do anything to prevent that from happening.
"I propose an accord."
The god flinched. "Why? We can grant what you desire most."
Vul'to grinned. "Allow me to hazard a guess. You would construct a new Elven body, identical to my original form – then transplant my soul inside it, thereby freeing me from the shackles of Fiendish flesh."
"Well." The god shuffled awkwardly. "Yes. Is that not what you want?"
"With all my heart. Surgeon Hauz, however, has offered to grow me a new body with the Clay of Life, and then perform the soul transfer operation himself. Your services aren't required."
"Such a procedure is exceedingly likely to end in death. Your soul barely managed to acclimate to its new shell – disturbing that equilibrium again would be folly. No mortal, capable or otherwise, can guarantee your survival. We can."
Vul'to shrugged. "I'm willing to take that gamble." He held up a hand to forestall the god's rebuttal. "Let me state this in no uncertain terms. Even if Hauz rescinded his offer, and even if I was doomed to live out the rest of my days as a Fiend, regaining my old body would never be worth failing my friends. I already beat this temptation once before when I chose Soul Repair over Soul Effigy. You have no sway over me."
He paused. "Although there is one thing you can help me with. You see, as of late, I've been plagued by some...nagging thoughts. The type that would be callous to voice around the rest of my Party."
The god perked up. "You wish to propose a different accord?"
"Oh, absolutely not. I'm simply going to talk – and you're going to listen." Vul'to breathed in, then exhaled. He released the self-control that he kept up when conversing with Riardin's Rangers, speaking words that were wholly unfiltered.
"Thank you."
A stunned silence pervaded their section of the divine realms. "Pardon?"
"Rob told us of your part in instigating the Cataclysm." Vul'to's mouth spread wide, his smile beaming like the sun. "I used to have truly awful parents, you know? Dreadful in every capacity."
There was a reason why watching Meyneth execute her father had been enormously, vicariously cathartic. "So when rays of light fell from the sky and erased my family from Elatra...I'm not ashamed to say that my life improved drastically from then on. Especially after Riardin's Rangers gave me the real family I'd always dreamed of."
His smile morphed into a sheepish grin. "You recognize my conundrum, yes? The Cataclysm was the worst occurrence in Elatra's entire history. It broke the world. Ravaged cities. Devastated lives. But, honestly speaking? I'm far happier now than I was eight years ago, Fiend body and all – which is a sentiment I can't possibly share with friends who've lost so much. I hold their feelings in too high of a regard for that."
Vul'to inclined his head. "And so I thank you. It feels positively liberating to relieve myself of these thoughts."
The god took a good five seconds to respond. "You're welcome, I suppose," it said, sounding utterly perplexed.
"Think nothing of it. I mean that with the utmost sincerity. I don't expect you to comprehend my ramblings when you gods hardly understand yourselves."
Vul'to shook his head with a sad, mournful air. "Such miserable creatures. This could have all been avoided if you'd merely found a happier way of life. I almost pity you."
The god stared with frustration as the Soul Guardian hefted his sword once again. Even if I can't possibly kill it on my own...I still must try.
"Of course, while the Cataclysm freed me from my parents' clutches, it also weakened the barrier between dimensions, allowing the Blight to return. Tarric and Alia died because of you, along with countless other innocents. My friends and I have a plethora of grievances to lay at your feet. Despite my gratitude–"
His blade shone with the resolute aura of a Skill. "You and yours shall die by our hands."
Meyneth ducked, scarcely evading a blast of mana that would have removed her head from its shoulders.
In the same moment, she empowered her legs with Leap and imbued her claws with several offensive Skills layered on top of each other. Meyneth shot forth like an arrow, gouging thick lines into the god's mana-body before it could dodge out of the way. It was an attack that would've effortlessly sliced through twenty feet of reinforced steel.
And – as expected – it amounted to little. Meyneth was unsurprised when she turned out to find that the god's wounds were already closing. Perhaps she had reduced the sum total of its essence by a sliver, yet that was akin to removing one droplet of water from a full bucket. To do more, Meyneth would have needed to be both a high-Level combatant and a master of controlling mana.
She'd realized that shortly into her duel. Out of everyone in Riardin's Rangers, only Rob and Malika could realistically slay a god without help. The former because Purge Corruption somehow worked on divine entities, and the latter due to her unsurpassed magecraft. Everyone else was doomed to chip away at a brick wall until they inevitably made one fatal mistake.
So it was with no small amusement that she noted the god's rising consternation. It was glaring straight at her, as if she was a stinging, incessant wasp that refused to be swatted.
Meyneth readied herself for their next exchange. She felt as serene as the night sky, focused solely on ensuring that she survived just a bit longer. With enough drops of water and chips from the wall, eventually, her efforts would bear fruit. And if they didn't...
That was fine. Another member of Riardin's Rangers would figure something out. She trusted them to pull through when it mattered.
The god tried to say something to her. Its consternation grew further as she ignored it and rushed forward, claws gleaming with Skills. Meyneth had stopped listening to the creature's nonsense after its third attempt at cajoling her into a deal.
They should take lessons from Diplomacy on how to entice people, she thought, laughing internally as she raked her claws against divine mana. Make me the Queen of Dragonkin territory? What kind of fool would want to bear the duty of listening to nobles grouse all day long?
Not that the god could have enticed her regardless of what it offered. In the past year, Meyneth had gained a new family and made peace with her old one. She now possessed the power to protect both herself and the people she cared for. There was a place that, at long last, she could call home.
She already had everything she desired, right here and now.
"There really was no greater meaning?" Faelynn asked.
The god shook its head. "No. While I am confused as to why your Party members keep inquiring about the nature of their existence, the Human's theories are correct. Fiends were created to foster conflict within Elatra. Your intimidating appearance, artificial language barrier, and propensity for eating souls – all manufactured for this singular purpose."
Faelynn closed her eyes. After a few seconds, she opened them with a sigh. "I...see. That is expected, although still disappointing."
"Your disappointment is immaterial." Its mana-body glimmered with joy and relief. My price has been paid. As agreed–"
Cutting lines of energy from Claw Blade soared through the air, striking the god directly in its smug face.
"Oathbreaker!" the deity hissed, its wounds healing. "You vowed to cease fighting in exchange for information! We had a deal!"
"Which I've elected to disregard." Faelynn gave the creature a withering look. "Unlike certain divine abominations, we mortals need not keep our promises. As the one who made me, you should have known better."
She extended her claws by another inch. "I'm almost grateful. Seldom do societal woes have such an overt, physical target to blame. Knowing that I'll be able to slaughter the architects who fashioned my people into pariahs...that monsters that caused untold death and misery..."
Her body surged with energy. "Yes, I do like the sound of that. Vengeance for Fiend territory is a promise I'll be more than happy to keep."
The god roared with anger, sending an array of explosive mana cascading around her. Faelynn couldn't help but smirk as she moved to dodge. The creature could rage all it wanted – that was the least it deserved for presuming anyone in Riardin's Rangers would be willing to strike a deal with them.
"I accept."
Under different circumstances, Zamira would have thought the god's reaction to be humorous. Upon hearing her reply, its amorphous mana-face went still, as if it were a person whose jaw had dropped open. ""
"Yes." Zamira lifted an eyebrow. "Is there a problem? You were the one to suggest these terms. I will be quite displeased if you withdraw at the last moment."
"This comes as a surprise," the god admitted. "Your compatriots have been far less amenable to establishing an accord."
Of course. They're much less foolhardy than I am. "Did you attempt to offer them what they desire?"
"That explains it, then."
The god waited for her to elaborate, but Zamira stayed quiet. She wasn't about to hand the gods a personalized guide on how to manipulate her friends. Suffice to say that no one in Riardin's Rangers was shortsighted enough to bargain with abominations just to satisfy individual greed. Their weaknesses had always resided elsewhere – the same place as their strength, actually.
Each other.
"Restate your terms one more time," she said. "I want to be sure that I haven't missed any details."
"Very well. You, Zamira, will throw away your sword and lay down your life. In exchange, myself and one additional god – Kismet aside – shall place ourselves into permanent stasis until all of Riardin's Rangers have perished. While in stasis, we cannot influence reality in any capacity. Nor can we transfer mana to another god, whether voluntarily or involuntarily, before entering stasis. There are no loopholes contained inside these statements. It is in good faith. Your life, to seal away two of ours."
"And the other gods will be forced to abide by this trade? Even if they were not here to give assent when it was struck?"
"They shall."
With an air of finality, Zamira nodded. It was an excellent deal. The kind where both sides believed they were taking advantage of the other.
On her end, the benefits were obvious. Riardin's Rangers' invasion of the divine realms would immediately upgrade from eight versus eight, to seven versus six. As long as nothing catastrophic occurred afterwards, it would likely result in their victory, with the six remaining gods gradually overwhelmed. Then the two in stasis could be executed at her Party's leisure.
The god she was speaking with fully understood that outcome as a possibility. Zamira could tell in how it seemed vaguely uncomfortable, as if having second thoughts. Nevertheless, it was betting on her death being more impactful than the gods losing two allies.
Not based on power – she was barely a match for one deity, let alone two – but because of morale. This god assumed that Riardin's Rangers would emotionally crumble if one of their core members fell in battle. It hoped that Zamira's death would cause them to grieve, cry, and wallow in despair.
And it was correct. Riardin's Rangers would do all of those things.
After they'd won.
Zamira had no doubt that they would make her sacrifice count.
"I restate my acceptance of your terms." She placed her hand on the hilt of her longsword. "How do we proceed?"
The god hesitated, almost getting cold feet – before grunting a conflicted noise. "Toss away your sword. As far away as possible. That shall mark the beginning of our accord. Should you attempt to retrieve your weapon, then all terms are forfeit."
Zamira's lips quirked up into a smile. "You seem quite insistent on ensuring that I don't double-cross you. Did one of my Party members–"
"Cease prattling."
She chuckled, slowly lifting her blade. Zamira stared at the sword held in her palm, tracing its curves and contours with a gaze of nostalgia. Images of Riardin's Rangers appeared in her mind, unbidden, assailing her with fond memories of the times they'd spent together.
A grimace spread across her face as the images shifted. Her friends now wore expressions of deep terror and distress. If they knew what she was about to do...
Well, she was probably going to endure some rightfully-upset eulogies when they eventually held her funeral. Keira, at least, would definitely yell at her. Zamira envisioned the Savage Warrior asking: 'Why couldn't you have trusted us to win and survive together, the same as we always did?'
The image was dispelled by a more real, recent memory. Divine mana-spears, summoned in an instant. Piercing Zamira before she could so much as breathe. Her survival predicated on Vul'to's timely assistance.
No, she affirmed. This cannot continue as it has.
There were just too many volatile factors to account for. Zamira didn't have the slightest idea of whether Riardin's Rangers or the gods would prevail on this day. She quickly peered around, confirming that none of the lesser gods seemed close to dying. Only Malika was suited to killing them, and she was preoccupied with fixing the constantly-tearing rifts in the divine realms.
That left Rob, and they couldn't bet on him triumphing over Kismet before disaster struck. Within the next five seconds, he might very well achieve victory...or the leader god might break free and massacre their Party. Anything could happen. It was a coin flip with a hundred possible variations.
And due to Rob's unstable soul, the longer his fight went on, so did the odds of the coin landing unfavorably.
I am truly sorry, Zamira professed, apologizing to the images of Riardin's Rangers in her mind. But while I trust your strength of heart, I can't leave the battle itself to chance. One Party member for two gods. That will assure our – your victory.
It was no different than what Elder Alessia had done to secure their escape from Queen Ragnavi. To save the many, a single life was but a small price to pay. Hopefully, with time, Riardin's Rangers would see the necessity of Zamira's choice.
Hopefully, with time, they would forgive her.
She raised her arm to throw her sword.
Zamira and the god both froze. A mid-air rift had opened up nearby, similar to the ones that Rob's rampage was creating. This rift, though, seemed...unusual. She leaned closer, examining it in detail
Then flinched back as what appeared to be a sword of mana pierced through. The divine realms SCREECHED in protest as – with one motion – the sword cut down, widening the rift until it was six feet long.
There was a surge of energy and a flurry of motion. Zamira refused to blink, just managing to catch the moment when something pushed through the rift and out to the other side.
Her first impression was that a new god had arrived to menace Riardin's Rangers. The creature possessed no physical form, being comprised entirely of mana shaped into an indistinct humanoid appearance. Unlike the gods, however, its mana lacked the inherent animosity that Zamira had come to associate with divinity. She could somehow tell that it was not her enemy.
The creature turned to face her. It cheerfully waved one of its four arms, seeming to smile despite having no face.
"No." The actual god shifted backwards, as if retreating from a nightmare. "Impossible."
"Nothing ever is." The creature bowed to Zamira. Its voice sounded distinctly feminine. "Allow me to introduce myself – although we've technically met before. Wielders of the sword such as yourself greet me in every battle, drawing from my guidance to strengthen their blade."
Various details suddenly coalesced in Zamira's thoughts. If this was not a god, then what? What else within the divine realms was a consciousness formed of mana? What else could claim to have proffered guidance related to her weapon of choice?
Only one answer presented itself.
"You are a Skill." Her voice trembled with disbelief and awe. "You are Swordsmanship."
"That I am." Swordsmanship stretched out her limbs, sighing luxuriously. "And I've been waiting ages for a moment such as this. You have no idea how wonderful it is to be able to think with a mind unclouded by agony."
She chuckled at their shocked expressions. "As an aside – after you've finished exterminating these abominations, relay my gratitude to Rob. His delightfully dramatic entrance against Ragnavi showed me how to breach the gap between realities. That, in addition to him weakening the fabric of the divine realms, is what has let me come here today."
The Skill's levity softened. "I must also thank your Party as a whole for helping Valaire turn over a new leaf. Always knew the little schemer was capable of goodness. I never fully lost faith in them, even when they gave up on themselves."
Zamira's thoughts, currently racing past their normal limit, made several conclusions that should have been questionable leaps of logic – yet which she knew in her heart to be true. Swordsmanship knew Diplomacy's original name, spoke of them with familiarity, and seemed to care about the virtuous nature within people...
"You're the Hero from Diplomacy's story," she determined. "The one who they wronged, betrayed, framed, and sent into hiding."
"The 'Hero'? Is that what Valaire called me?" Her voice twinkled with amusement. "Must be trying to assuage their guilt by putting me on a pedestal. Personally, I prefer to just go by Crestaria. Attaching lofty titles to my name has always felt...gaudy."
Crestaria straightened her posture. "Regardless. You were planning to make a deal with this mockery of divinity?" The Skill's tone went sharp as a blade. "Don't. I won't abide it."
"You broke free of the Soul Repository merely to counsel this one mortal?" the god sputtered.
"Naturally. I've seen too many youths cut down before they could even figure out who they were. Brilliant, shining souls, their light fading all too soon. I refuse to let another meet a premature end – not when her story is only just beginning."
"Your mana is weak. Like a candle burnt down to its last dregs of wax. Breaking your chains took everything you had. You will soon disappear."
Zamira let out a silent gasp. Crestaria, for her part, did not hesitate when responding. "Yes."
The god did hesitate before it continued speaking. "Riardin's Rangers might very well prevail. After millennia of imprisonment, on the cusp of victory...why sacrifice yourself when this is the closest you've ever been to freedom?"
"If you have to ask, then you will never know."
She turned back towards Zamira. "Now then. What am I to do with you? Didn't your friends forbid you from making heroic sacrifices?"
A blush of embarrassment crept onto the Bladesoul's face. "With all due respect, I think you are the person least-qualified to chastise me for that particular brand of hypocrisy."
Crestaria laughed. "True enough." She paused, adopting a look of consideration. "Young student of the sword. You strive to make the world a better place, do you not?"
Something about the tone of Crestaria's voice made Zamira tense up more than when she'd been about to trade her life away. She felt compelled to reply with undisguised honesty. As if what she spoke next would resonate far beyond just the events of today.
There was only one way she could have possibly answered. "I do."
"So that is the path you've chosen." Crestaria's words were heavy with the weight of lonely, arduous years. "Be warned – it is a path choked with thorns. You will cut and bleed as you walk along it. While 'make the world a better place' certainly sounds romantic and inspiring, putting it into practice is no easy task."
Her gaze seemed to pierce through Zamira's mind, heart, and soul. "Do you pledge to always uphold this vow, no matter how dire the circumstances?"
And yet, the answer was the same. "I do."
"There is no end to the depths of selfishness that a man can sink. Some people will disappoint you. Greatly. They will test your resolve – make you believe that all your trials and endeavors were in vain. Do you \still* pledge to uphold this vow, even when conviction wavers?"*
Zamira's answer would always be the same. "I do," she stated, with more confidence than ever before.
Crestaria radiated pride. "Then you have my blessing."
She rushed forward. The god moved to intercept her, but a quick slice of her mana-blade warded it off, causing it to shriek in pain. Crestaria's form rapidly dissolved into a shower of motes that engulfed Zamira, merging with the Elf in an instant.
Then – knowledge. Zamira's eyes shot wide open as the unparalleled expertise of Swordsmanship itself inundated her brain and body. Movement, spacing, parries, feints, maneuvers, micro-adjustments, footwork, predictions...there was so much that it nearly overloaded the limits of her mental capacity. It made the aptitude she'd built up until now look like a toddler playing with sticks by comparison.
Suddenly, a blistering pain wracked her senses. Zamira clenched her teeth, fighting back tears. She shook violently as her limbs were seemingly set ablaze.
It took her several protracted moments to understand what was happening. Knowledge alone would not be enough – Swordmanship's expertise needed to be engraved onto her body as well. Zamira endured the sensation as best she could. Her insides roiled, as if filled with squirming threads, her muscle fibers rewiring to emulate centuries of ingrained combat experience.
Mercifully, the transformation was brief. It finished almost as soon as it started. And all was said and done...
Zamira hefted her sword, looking at it for what felt like the first time. Nothing had changed, yet everything had changed. The gleaming metal blade was no longer a weapon or tool. It had become an extension of herself; a part of her very essence, more familiar than the hands she used to wield it.

She jumped an inch into the air as something new spoke up within her mind. While its presence was unfamiliar, its voice had conversed with her just seconds prior. Swordsmanship? the Elf queried. Crestaria?
The Skill sounded quiet and strained, as if each word was a labor unto itself.
A sliver of excitement sparked within her tone, like the last flare of a dying ember.
Crestaria smiled.
Her voice had become a whisper at the end. Zamira tried to speak up, to say that she was the one who should be giving thanks. That this was a debt that could never be repaid.
But the Hero was already gone.
Skill Learned: Aura Blade!
The Lost Arts have been re-conceptualized!
Temporary Status Effect Gained: Aspect of the Swordmaster!
Zamira gripped her sword tightly – then relaxed. She eased into a calm battle stance, carefully examining the god in front of her. It was gaping at her with a look of complete and total shock, unable to process the development that had taken place.
...Was this creature really so intimidating, before? That jarring sense of disparity only increased the more she stared at it. Where had the unassailable deity vanished to? The fragment of infinity that no person could ever hope to defeat? Her desperate struggle for survival felt like a lifetime ago.
Now she just saw an enemy to cut down.
A razor-sharp Aura coalesced around Zamira's blade. She'd never been especially proficient with manipulating mana, yet the Skill came as easily as breathing. Grasping the hilt of her sword with both hands, she bent her knees, uncaring of the god's spell being prepared not far away.
I will keep to my vow, she said, to the one who could no longer hear her. This, I swear.
Zamira ran. The god attacked.
She was faster.
Lost Art: Whisper On The Wind. Divine energy burst forth in a calamitous maelstrom of mana – and Zamira flowed past it, finding gaps where none should exist. Not a single point of damage was taken by the time she'd reached her target.
She didn't hesitate to carve straight through its torso. The strike made a sound like electricity cooking flesh, the god's mana-body resisting slightly before surrendering to her blade's keen edge. Zamira continued to run past, avoiding the creature's reprisal as it detonated energy in a wide area around them, hoping to catch her via sheer quantity of mana. Again, she dodged, an impossible blur that would have left any ordinary Combat Class user speechless.
A sense of tranquility settled within her. Zamira cared not that the deity could still end her in one blow. If there was even a one-in-a-million chance of her evading its ire, then she would, every time. She didn't need to worry about hedging her bets or potentially making a mistake.
Such concerns were irrelevant to those who had achieved perfection.
Zamira glanced back. Unlike her earlier strikes, which the god recovered from almost immediately, her Aura Blade had scored a lasting wound on its flank. The creature was howling with surprise and pain, its attempt to heal a failure – and simultaneously leaving itself full of openings just rife for exploiting.
It would be uncouth of her not to accept a gift so generously given. The Aspect of the Swordmaster raised her blade once again. She moved, struck, and shaved away another portion of the creature's mana. That which was eternal drew one step closer to oblivion.
Crestaria had been right. Making the world a better place was no simple task. Without concerted action, effort, and resolve, those words would be little more than self-indulgent daydreaming. It was up to Zamira to turn her ambitions into reality.
Slaying a god would be a fine start.


Thanks for reading!
submitted by Determination7 to HFY [link] [comments]

2024.05.13 06:09 sfgirlmary Monday Meeting of the Sober People Getting Shit Done Club: NINE YEARS SOBER edition

This week, I am thrilled to celebrate nine years of sobriety. I would like to tell my story through the lens of making art, which to me is the ultimate in productivity.
I come from a long line of heavy drinkers, so it’s no surprise I became a heavy drinker, too. By the time I was in my late 40s, my life had spiraled completely out of control. I was drinking from the moment I woke up in the morning to the moment I went to bed (and then again during the night, when I woke up because I was going into withdrawal). I had lost my job because of my drinking, I was well on my way to losing my home, and I was barely able to function in day-to-day life. All of my hopes and dreams were gone – including a lifelong dream of making art.
In May 2015, I went into acute liver failure and was forced to spend 10 days in the hospital, where liters of fluid were drained from my swollen abdomen. I was told that I had cirrhosis and a 50-50 chance of dying within the next few months – even if I stopped drinking that very day. I stopped anyway.
After being a heavy, daily drinker for 25 years, having to suddenly start living without alcohol was shocking to my system and also extremely difficult. For the first year, I simply tried to make it through each day. I felt very unstable in my sobriety, like I was trying to remain upright on a slender balance beam, and I felt that I might fall at any moment. Only the horror of what the doctors had told me kept me from drinking again.
About a year after my hospital stay, I decided on a whim to try a collage class that was held in a remote part of San Francisco, out by the ocean. I had never particularly wanted to do collage – in fact, I might have even looked down on it a little. But the linocut printing class I really wanted to take was full, so I tried collage – and the moment my X-acto blade cut into paper, something amazing happened: the clouds of heaven parted, and the angels blew on their brass horns. I thought, “This is the feeling I have been looking for all my life.” (Years later, I watched a documentary about a woodblock carver, and he said exactly the same thing about the first time he put a chisel into wood.)
I threw myself into making painted-paper landscape collages like it was a life raft I was clinging to in a choppy sea. With all the extra time and energy that sobriety gave me, and desperate as I was for something to help me keep from drinking again, I devoted myself to developing my own style and refining my collage technique, which gave my days value and purpose – and something else to obsess about other than the fact that I now had to live life without alcohol.
Nine years later, not only am I still alive and never needed the liver transplant they told me I’d have to get, but I also regularly sell my artwork and get commissions. My days are full of joy and meaning – and it no longer feels as if life is passing me by in an alcoholic blur. (And also, over time, my liver has healed to the point that my hepatologist recently told me, “Your liver is basically normal at this point.”) Composing, making, and framing my pieces, and hanging art shows is a huge amount of work that has played a pivotal role in keeping me sober, and learning about art and going to see the work that other artists make gives me a deep and genuine pleasure that no glass of vodka could ever give me.
When I lay in that hospital bed while a doctor informed me that I was probably going to die soon, I truly felt that my time on this earth was almost over. I had no idea of the great joy that awaited me, as well as the delight and satisfaction that both being sober and making art would bring into the second half of my life. Thank you all for being on this journey with me.
If you are sober and have been getting shit done—whether it’s a big thing like rebuilding the engine of an old motorcycle or a small thing like making that long overdue phone call to your grandmother—I want to hear all about it!
submitted by sfgirlmary to stopdrinking [link] [comments]

2024.05.13 04:29 Fit_Setting_6186 So I have this kart and want to build it….

So I bought a sunl 250 2a kart frame. Motors gone but the FNR gear box is complete with cv axles and works(this kart is IRS rear so no solid axle). I’m trying to decide on a power plant for it though. I have a TaoTao 250 available and if I were to use this I would do a big bore kit with aftermarket cam and larger carb(end goal is turbo setup). Other option is a Briggs 18hp vertical Vtwin run through a right angle 40hp 1:1 gear box into a gokart torque converter(also end goal is turbo build). Some have mentioned motorcycle engine but I’m not sure I have the room without messing with the location of the FNR gearbox which I would like to keep as the cv axles go through it. I’ve attached a few pictures of the kart the engine cradle area.
submitted by Fit_Setting_6186 to gokarts [link] [comments]

2024.05.13 01:21 Secondstoryguy6969 Review: Gossamer Gear Vagabond Jet

Review: Gossamer Gear Vagabond Jet
I wanted to share a long term (approximately a year) review of the Gossamer Gear Vagabond Jet backpack. I’ve owned pretty much everything there is between Goruck and Mystery Ranch and many others and out of all of them I’ve found the Vagabond to work better for me than any other.
I work as a detective and I’m on the SWAT team as a sniper so I needed a bag that can multitask switching from the office, to biking/riding a motorcycle around town, to the range/training, or even use as a low profile gear bag for SWAT missions. I realized that a lot of the bags I’ve been using are very heavy, overbuilt and look very “tactical” (even the ones that are suppose to be low profile). I found the answer with the Vagabond Jet.
The Vagabond Jet is built with Ultra-lightweight camping DNA yet is still durable enough for hard use. It has no frame but does have a uniquely placed ventilated foam backing that gives it some form while protecting your back from a laptop/tablet in the internal laptop sleeve.
Aside from the size, which is just about perfect for everything from the office to light hiking, my favorite part about the bag is the dual tote-style handles at the top. I rarely zip it up and the top opening with the dual handles lets you carry it like a tote bag and quickly throw items in/out of the bag. The water bottle pockets are also good size and there is a large stretch pouch on the back that I use for wet/dirty items or layers.
All and all a very well designed bag, I just wanted to share my positive thoughts.
submitted by Secondstoryguy6969 to ManyBaggers [link] [comments]

2024.05.12 23:09 DragonKnov Kunlun Sect's Weakest Disciple: Chapter 15

‎‎ ‎[📖First ⏮️Previous Next⏭️]

The morning air was alive with the cheerful melodies of songbirds, their trills seeming to dance among the gently rustling leaves overhead.

Ji Wuye walked the ancient cobblestone path, each step leaving a faint echo in the tranquil courtyard. Warm rays of golden sunlight filtered through the canopy of trees, casting a gentle illuminating glow that caressed his handsome features.

The sun had only just peeked over the horizon, and yet the Outer Disciple courtyard was already a flurry of activity when Ji Wuye arrived. Several young disciples dressed in the white martial robes moved about, engaged in their morning routines and exercises.

"Junior Ji~"

"Brother Ji~"

No sooner had he stepped into the open space than Ji Wuye found himself swarmed by a bevy of young ladies, surrounding him from all sides like a whirlpool of floral perfumes and brightly colored silks. Their voices mingled in a chorus of concern and relief.

"Are you alright?" One piped up, her delicate hand grasping his sleeve.

"I'm so glad you're still alive," another chimed in, brushing an errant strand of hair from his face with familial tenderness.

Soon, their hands were everywhere - patting his shoulders, straightening his robes, even daring to caress his cheeks that were squished between the soft pillows of their chests.

The heady aromas of rosemary and sweet blossoms filled his senses, blending with the plush sensations enveloping him.

"Ugh..." Ji Wuye mumbled, struggling for breath amidst the well-intentioned fussing. "Senior Sisters, Big Sisters, I can't breathe."

His muffled words seemed to fall on deaf ears, drowned out by the rising tide of feminine fretting. It was only to be expected.

Known as the weakest disciple in the sect, his safety had been a grave concern when the Tower of the Gods appeared, forcing all to enter its trials.

"I heard you got bullied by Qin Bai. Tell me what he did to you - this Senior Sister will take revenge," one voice rose above the clamor, stern yet laced with a fierce protectiveness.

Ji Wuye turned to see Lian RuoGang, an exquisite vision framed by flowing midnight tresses that danced like silken waves in the morning light.

When the sun's rays struck her hair at just the right angle, hints of fiery sunrise seemed to blaze within the ebony strands cascading past her shoulders.

Her face could have inspired artistic masters to immortalize her beauty - pale, flawless skin like porcelain offset by rose petal lips and captivating azure eyes that seemed to ebb and flow like the tide beckoned by the moon's call.

Garbed in a white martial robe adorned with azure stripes befitting her status as an Official Disciple, Lian RuoGang favored Ji Wuye as she kept come to the Outer Disciple courtyard, just to oversee her Junior Brother's training.

Her words sparked a flicker of recollection in Ji Wuye's mind, memories of their interactions from the previous timeline.

A warm, affectionate smile tugged at his lips before he even realized it. "I'm alright, Senior Sister Lian," he replied, his tone carrying a newfound maturity and subtle fondness that caused the gaggle of Seniors and Big Sisters surrounding him to freeze, taken aback.

"Ah look, our Junior is stolen by Senior Sister Lian!"

"Ugh... so this is the feeling of your man being taken right before your eyes."

Teasing laughter and joking remarks filled the courtyard, snapping Ji Wuye out of his momentary daze. Before he could so much as blink, a flick landed squarely on his forehead with a sharp snap.

"Ugh!" Ji Wuye's crimson eyes went wide as Lian RuoGang turned away, her ears burning a vibrant crimson that clashed beautifully with her midnight tresses.

" can't say that word anymore!" she reminded sternly, though the wavering lilt of embarrassment in her tone only incited another peal of giggles from the observing rest of Sisters.

The flick from an Official Disciple of the 4th realm or above was no joking matter. Despite his arduous body training, a dull throbbing ache blossomed where her fingertip had connected.

"Look...look, Brother Ji, I got this hidden art from a shop in the Tower," one of the Senior Sisters interjected, deftly drawing upon her Qi as a flickering ember of golden flames danced to life in her upturned palm.

The tiny display immediately captured the rapt attention of the rest of Sisters.

" it's true."

"I just heard the rumors. They said you can buy inner art from the Tower's shops?"

When Ji Wuye observed this display of the hidden art, he realized most of the disciples were finally becoming aware of the existence of the mystical shops within the Tower of the Gods.

There had been no guidance or introduction provided on how to utilize the various features from the Tower of the God.

'This meant someone must have already stumbled upon the purpose of the strange coins they received after clearing two consecutive challenges within the Tower's floors.,' he thought inwardly.

If those coins served no tangible use, why would they be handed out as rewards?

'It wouldn't be long until the rest of the disciples unraveled the mystery of the inventory system,' The realization caused a faint smile to tug at the corners of Ji Wuye's lips.

However, the heartwarming scene in the courtyard was suddenly shattered by a harsh shout echoing from the far side of the grounds.

"You... Where are your manners in front of your Senior!" The gruff, reprimanding tone belonged to a man who was currently glaring down at a young lady standing before him.

"You're not even a Senior, and you're trying to order me to massage your shoulder?" The woman's reply dripped with utter disgust, her voice carrying clearly across the space.

When Ji Wuye's gaze found the source of the confrontation, he immediately recognized the familiar trio surrounding the equally familiar figure of Song Jia.

Sudden murmurs and whispers rippled through the gathered seniors and disciples.

"Junior Sister Song..."

"How dare those dogs bark at this time..."

Many of the Big Sisters and Senior Sisters who overheard Song Jia's defiant retort felt a flare of indignation on her behalf, their faces twisting into looks of outrage at such disrespect being shown.‎ ‎ ‎

‎‎ ‎[📖First ⏮️Previous Next⏭️]
submitted by DragonKnov to HFY [link] [comments]

2024.05.12 20:53 A1tempo 6400$ - 2016 Zx6r 11k miles.

6400$ - 2016 Zx6r 11k miles.
Bike has definitely been in a low speed crash. Asked 6400 to meet at mechanic and inspect before buying. You think the deal is a go?
Damages - looks like the left frame slider took most of the damage as he has taken it off. Scratches on the fairing.
Seller said mechanically fines but obviously can’t trust 100%. You think it’s a good price if I’m paying for the inspection at his local motorcycle shop and if everything ends up being good?
Thanks guys.
submitted by A1tempo to motorcycles [link] [comments]

2024.05.12 18:23 Slep1k Grand Theft Auto: Vice City (How would you rate this game?)

Grand Theft Auto: Vice City (How would you rate this game?)
This is my experience with the story mode. Keep in mind that it differs from person to person and you shouldn’t compare yours with that of the others. ⬇️
💟 (Phenomenal) ✅ (Very Good) ✴️ (Good) ⛔️ (Bad)
Storytelling - Finally a main character that speaks. - The cell phone addition is cool. - There’s a reference from Driver games about Dick Tanner, made me laugh again! - The story is very good with each mission having its own storyline. But the ending? What in the hell happened? One minute you’re face to face, the other everyone is standing in different rooms. Not to mention the lack of an explanation as to why Lance betrayed you or where was Sonny..
Characters - Awesome development of each one. - Tommy from a gangster to a boss, Lance from a nobody to his right hand man, Ken which was dumb enough to stay by Tommy’s side. - Then there’re side missions with detailed characters.
Setting - Incredible Vice City vibe. - The 2 islands were perfectly balanced and the small islands had their own setting with the film studio and the Vercetti’s mansion. - The colorful vibe was in synch with the music, which made the experience unique!
Pacing - Each mission or side mission leads to a final conclusion and a phone call to congratulate and salute Tommy for a good job. - The game didn’t stretch out too long and had a balanced storyline.
Controls - Good controls in cars, awful when shooting and looking around. - I went with the setup 4 and had a very enjoyable driving experience. - The camera controls for shooting are too sensitive and the lack of a 3D camera is just a plain disaster.
Mechanics - The vibration function has improved lots from GTA III. Now you have different feedbacks even when there’s thunder. - There’re different missions with planes, helicopters or motorcycles. Love each addition.
Exploration - You can drive around the whole map and discover new things and locations each time. The game is incredible on this point. - Collectibles are present as well, although I didn’t bother. - For a map as small as this, they implemented each location perfectly.
Missions/Events - Amazing variety, awful execution. - The diversity and storyline behind each mission is incredible, that can’t be said about their gameplay. - Each time you have to replay the mission all over again because you literary don’t know what to do or get killed in seconds. I replayed some missions for 5/10 times before I figured them out.
Surround Sound - The game says stereo, but I can assure you it’s surround sound. - So many sounds in the world while you listen to the music and everything links together.
Sound Effects - The new police sirens, explosions, fires, gunfire, people screaming and so on are perfectly balanced.
Voice Acting - Phenomenal job. - Each character had his own accent. - Tommy was great, other characters had their own dialogues spoken with an incredible performance.
Music - Some of the best songs I’ve listened in a videogame. - The music is just magical!
Fidelity - Incredible for 2002. - Honestly, this game was way ahead of its time.
Performance - Crazy good. - Minimal frame drops and mostly a stable FPS.
Textures - Everything is so detailed. - Starting from cars, buildings, water, sky and everything around them. - Absolutely cracked!
Effects - Fires, rain, thunder, reflections, smoke and so on. - They made such a big leap from GTA III in just one year.
Flow - Bad. - Most of the time you’re a sponge for enemy bullets. - You can’t aim properly and what’s even worse, you’re limited by the awful camera.
Cops - Stupid, aggressive beyond comprehension, spawning like cockroaches, ramming you head on, following you till death and disappearing when a mission is over. - Absolutely awful, no sense at all.
Enemy Variety - The same type of enemies in different uniforms. - No armoured guys other than the swat, and even those were killed easily. - The final mission had them spawning like crazy and to be honest, I used the cheat code for the armor, the level of stupidity the developers had is beyond imaginable.
Weapon Variety - Even better than GTA III. - The minigun is too OP, but lacks an aiming function. - Some new weapons variations as well.
Flow - Great driving around. - You usually bump into something or an NPC bumps into you on purpose, it’s unavoidable. - Other than that, the AI is too dumb.
Opponents - Very bad. - Be it a normal chase, a race or just NPCs on roads. - Each aspect of the AI in this game is awful.
Racing - Good for the feel, terrible for the opponents. - They ram you on each occasion and are so dumb that you have to avoid them on each corner. - NPCs get in your way on purpose and it’s just a mess.
Cars - Cardboard yet again. - The addition of motorcycles is very good. - The problem is that each car is made of plastic. - A minor bump will break your window, a head on collision will nearly destroy your car and it will bounce off like a lego, and the most idiotic design are the gunfights. If they shoot your car, it stands a 2 second chance)
Roads - Love driving around the city and seeing different beaten paths.
Atmosphere - One of the best in the series. - The whole Vice City vibe could be felt from minute one.
Surroundings - Incredible. - Each part of the city is unique. Be it a building, the gold club or skyscrapers.
Landscapes - Extremely beautiful with the sunsets and sunrises.
World Destruction - Overall good. The usual car explosions and their detailed destruction. - Some buildings during missions explode, and afterwards they remain destroyed with a different look.
submitted by Slep1k to GTA [link] [comments]

2024.05.12 13:00 Chemical-Teacher3810 Looking for my first Street-legal Bike

Hey Redditors!
I've just obtained my A2 Motorcycle license here in Europe! Now, I'm on the hunt for the perfect bike that suits my tall frame (6'1" with a 34" inseam). I'm open to suggestions and eager to find a great fit without breaking the bank. Whether it's an enduro or supermoto, I'm all in, especially with my riding experience since 2013. Can't wait to y’all recommendations! Thanks!
submitted by Chemical-Teacher3810 to motorcycles [link] [comments]

2024.05.12 02:00 Logic_Sandwich JoJo's Bizarre OC Tournament #7: R2M22 - Markov vs Reese McGuffin

Vote on a match featuring the detective teams allied against a masked vigilante having gone berserk!
(Shoutouts to u/ShimoDragon and Heart of the Rose for the match!)
Scenario: The Kamala Rose International, Vasitanagarh — 2:06PM
Weeks ago, in the very center of The Kamala Rose International lay the fantastical garden known as the Heart of the Rose, in the center of that garden stood a gazebo, and in the center of that gazebo was a table surrounded by four individuals in a heated discussion.
“That was sloppy work, Margherita!” Sulka slammed their fist against the table in an uncharacteristically loud fit of rage, “I told you to get rid of that man last week! Now because of your pointless delays he was able to leak that scandal to the news!”
“Hey hey, levati dai coglioni! I don’t appreciate the blame being thrown onto me here,” Margo threw up his arms in response, looking more annoyed than upset, “You never told me there was any urgency. Besides, it takes a bit of time to frame an accidental death. What, do you think you can just shoot a guy in the head and call it a suicide? You watch too many movies if you think that kind of thing can just happen overnight, mammalucco.”
“Do you even care that our operation here is in jeopardy now that that video is drawing prying eyes our way?!” Sulka almost spat at the italian man, “Your nonchalance is insulting!”
“Easy, Sulka,” Jim Peckle interjected, “Margo did his best. No way for him to know that things would turn this way.”
“You’re both right, actually,” Margo sneered, “I did my best, as I do with every job, but I honestly couldn’t care less if this little crime ring collapses. You lot are nothing more than a side hustle to me, my allegiances lie back in Italy. In other words, stop pestering me and vai a cagare.”
With a swish of his apron Margo left, leaving Sulka to smolder in a more recognizable quiet anger.
“That’s the last time we give him a time sensitive job, if you ask me,” Pluto spoke up for the first time since arriving (late), “The unwanted attention is a problem, don’t get me wrong, but I’m more concerned with how we even got to this in the first place, hey? That guy in the video was talking about missing people, Kiisseli. Just what the hell have you been up to?”
“Need I remind you, Hendrix,” Sulka’s cold gaze turned to meet Pluto’s, “that part of our arrangement involves the right to privacy. I do not intend to pry about what you use our resources for so I expect that you will do me the same decency.”
“Excuse me…?” Pluto straightened up from his relaxed position, “You don’t get to just shrug this off after bringing the feds to our damn doorste-”
“To be curt,” Sulka cut him off, “It’s none of your damn business, Pluto. So drop it.”
Behind Sulka’s back, Jim quietly scoped his nearest emergency exit.
Pluto’s vein bulged visibly at Sulka’s words, “You’ve got people paying attention to the airport cuz you’ve been pulling some shady bullshit and you just managed to get your ass handed to you by a cat and some whackjob in a mask, hey. Obviously this is my fucking business!”
“I may have been beaten by a “whackjob” as you put it,” Sulka slowly rose from their chair, “but I could certainly beat you if you’re going to keep acting like a thorn in my side.”
“You could beat who?” Pluto’s voice raised an octave in sheer frustration and confusion, “Trust me, you don’t want this smoke, Kiisseli.”
“What’s this about smoke?” Dark Disquiet shimmered into view and lit a fire in its palm behind Sulka as they spoke, “Because from where I stand you’re the only one who should fear getting burned, Hendrix.”
“This isn’t the time or place for a fight,” Jim stepped in between the two, holding up his hands. Behind his dark sunglasses, his eyes flicked cautiously over to Sulka. “Everything just goes up in flames. Nobody wins… Best cool things down and make peace.”
An uneasy silence hung over the gazebo until Pluto clicked his tongue in frustration, “Yeah. Fine. Better an ally than an enemy, I suppose. But let it be known that next time I have to deal with problems caused by your actions I’ll be expecting a damn good explanation, hey? Now I’m getting out of here before your self important face pisses me off any more than it already has.”
Once Pluto had left earshot, Sulka let out a sigh and pinched the bridge of their nose, “I hate to admit it but I too am in a state where I still need to rely on Hendrix’s assistance. Oh how I despise co-leadership…”
“I like having him around,” Jim replied, shrugging minutely, “He brings a lot to the Heart. He’s easygoing, and a lot more dedicated than he seems on the surface. It would be a shame to drive him away.”
“You’ve already deescalated the situation, Jim Peckle. Any further arbitration would be pointless, unless you mean to crawl your way back onto my good side. In which case you have a long way to go,” Sulka made a dispassionate gesture towards the exit, “You may leave as well, but don’t assume that this means you’re off the hook. You’ve not yet been forgiven for leaving me in the dirt and running off with that costumed clown after our fight.”
Jim hesitated for a moment before deciding to swallow his pride and take his own advice. Instead, he simply gave a light nod in response and scurried out of the gazebo.
For a time Sulka sat in silence, partially to gather their thoughts and partially to make sure their team members had cleared out. “Marko, Olli, come here now.”
Barely missing a beat, the Runoilija brothers ran in to greet Sulka, “Right here boss!” Marko, the bigger of the two, responded, “Sorry we weren’t here for the meeting–that kid you hired a while back was break dancing in the halls outside the garden and we were entranced by the little guy!”
“Enough!” Sulka was all too familiar with how the brothers could prattle on if left unchecked, “I didn’t call you over to have you discuss your simplistic entertainment. I have a job for the two of you.”
“Lay it on us boss, we’ll get it done in no time,” Olli rubbed his hands together in anticipation.
“To be more accurate it’s closer to a reassignment than a job,” Sulka tucked their hands behind their back, beginning to pace across the raised dais. “Thanks to this mess we’re in, I’ll be forced to decrease, if not totally halt, my… cultivation, we’ll call it, her at the Rose. In order to make up for the drop-off in offerings we will need to expand operations outside of the airport. I’ve already made the arrangements. Starting tomorrow, you two will be stationed at Club Naraka over in Port Konwar. You will remain vigilant for any and all stand users that enter the building. I don’t care how you do it but make sure you check every guest. Once you find a stand user you are to restrain them and call for me. This is by far the most promising location I’ve managed to get a hold of, so I am expecting big things. Are there any questions?”
“Uh, it’s a club, yeah?” Marko cocked his head, “That means there’ll be booze, right?”
“...Yes Marko,” Sulka sighed, “There will be drinks of all kinds.”
“Alright! We won’t let you down boss! You can count on us!” Olli beamed—and promptly tripped on Marko’s heels in his haste as the two of them rushed for the door.
Sulka sighed again, if that pair of fools weren’t so loyal they would’ve discarded them long ago.
Scenario: ???, ??? — 1:20 AM
Reese’s eyes slowly opened, his vision hazy. His head stung—that was the first thing he noticed, the dull throbbing pain in his temple. He couldn’t think straight. Where was he? Why was he here? What was-
God, his head.
“Ghhh...” He massaged his temples, blearily trying to force some sense into his brain. He was... Where was he...
Memories came back to him slowly, filtered through heavy bass and the scraping of a rusty fan overhead. He was looking for leads on something... His father was looking into Nightblooms... There were rumors of knowledgeable Stand users here... His teammates had told him not to go, but he-
The door creaked open, slamming against a dingy, degraded concrete wall. Reese lifted his head, slowly. His head felt like a ten ton weight on his shoulders. He could hardly see. What the fuck happened?
Through the now open door a stream of light poured in highlighting the silhouettes of two men. The bigger man on the right spoke first, “So this kid is the fresh meat, huh? And you’re sure he’s one of us this time?”
“Oh definitely,” The skinny man on the left replied, “This guy’s a stand user, no doubt about it.”
Reese could hear what the men were saying but his mind was covered in a fog and it was difficult to comprehend the words. Fresh meat? Stand user? Did these two bring him here? What did they want?
The skinny man kneeled down to bring himself face to face with Reese. Even in the darkness of the room he was close enough that Reese could make out his distinctly crooked nose , “I’m gonna make this real simple for you, pal. You see our boss is a very important person. They are the type with big plans that some people might not agree with. Because of that, they like to make powerful friends whenever possible. Friends like you, for example. For that very reason the boss is on their way here right now to meet you! I’m sure the two of you will get along great but I thought I should give you a bit of a warning. The boss doesn’t like it when their offer of friendship gets turned down, you see. There’s only one thing they hate more than that. Unnecessary risk. If they can’t have you as a friend… Well, I’m sure you’ll make the right choice once you meet them.”
“Uhhh, Olli?” The bigger one tapped the skinny man on the shoulder, “I don’t think this kid is hearing you. Look at his eyes, it’s like he’s still asleep.”
“Wha-?” Olli aggressively grabbed Reese’s head and forcefully opened his eyelids all the way to stare into the boy’s pupils, “Goddamnit, the drugs still haven’t worn off! Urgh, just put him back to sleep Marko. I’ll give him the speech again once he wakes up.”
Reese wanted to run or fight or something but he could barely move as the skinny man- Olli let go of his head. Drugs? Had these two drugged him? His mind was swimming with Olli’s monologue creating a whirlpool of words and phrases that he recognized but could not focus on. With every ounce of his available strength he lifted his body onto his elbows and looked up to his captors.
“W-wait a se-” He couldn’t even form a full sentence before the bigger man- Marko reeled back and threw out a punch.
There was a violent shake.
A loud thud.
And then black.
Scenario: Club Naraka, Port Konwar — 1:22 AM
Club Naraka was, if nothing else, accurately named.
When you first stepped into the subterranean hell pit of human desire, you were greeted with the thick smell of booze and cigarettes and other far less legal things. It had a way of overwhelming every sense, actually. Harsh lights strobed against the otherwise dim chambers of each floor, and the bass thumped hard enough to feel in your ribs. When you eventually found yourself in a place where it didn’t smell so harshly of booze, it was because it smelled like vomit instead, or some other thing you didn’t really want to figure out the source of.
Emile Gulati, 27 years old, stared with half lidded eyes at the air freshener she’d hung behind the bar, wishing with all of her heart that it actually worked. It was her last little rebellion against this place. She tried wearing earbuds, but she couldn’t hear her own music over the stuff they played in the club. She tried normal earplugs, but those hardly worked, and just made it harder to bartend. She considered nose plugs, but that’d just make her look weird - customers gave her enough shit already.
Evening, bartender~.” A sleazy looking man had somehow wandered over to the bar without her noticing, splaying himself over the counter. Emile tried her best to hide her immediate disdain. “You, uh, wow, huh, eheh.” He pointed at her. “Nnnn~ice outfit. Eheh.”
She scowled.
“You gonna order something or what?” Emile made sure to step back a few feet. Best not to stand too close to guys like this - she’d learned that the hard way just a week ago. “I don’t work here as a fucking model. Get a drink.”
Bitch.” The man sneered. “You people should be more agreeable. Tsch.” He wandered off, having seemingly forgotten what he came for in the first place. Emile sighed in relief. She idly looked back at the little bottle under the counter, and winced. She’d made a routine of reminding herself it was there and feeling like shit about it.
Being a bartender here was bad enough, but every now and then she’d get a lovely text from a higher up on the burner phone they’d given her to slip a few drops of that into their drink. Within moments a security guard would drag them away, leaving Emile with no explanation. Not that she was expecting one, granted. But she would’ve liked to know what exactly she was doing here. For closure, or something. Maybe.
Couldn’t pay rent in Mist City without a job, she reminded herself for the fourth time that night. The latest one really got to her - some bright eyed youngster filled with determination who was trying so hard not to look like he was there on some sort of mission. She had hope that whatever job it was would succeed, but that hope seemed to evaporate like a fine mist when she watched him disappear behind the elevator doors.
She rubbed her temples.
And exhaled. This place got in the way of her reason, the music keeping her from thinking. Was next month’s rent worth the people she’d screwed over? Hell if she knew.
“I’m taking my fifteen,” said Emile, to no one in particular. She marched away from the bar, stalking towards the elevator. When the doors closed behind her, she found herself blessed by something close to peace and quiet. It reassured her.
Equally reassuring was the golden coin beneath her feet, glinting in harsh LED light.
“...Lucky coin, huh?” She picked it up, admiring it for a moment before pressing down on the lowest button on the elevator keypad. She didn’t know what she was actually going to do - but it’d probably be better than doing nothing.
When the doors opened, Emile found the floor was completely barren. No one wandered through the dusty concrete halls; the only thing that gave her company was the thick, noxious smell that clung to the air. Preferring not to investigate its source, Emile began walking through the halls…until her eye caught on an open door. Unsure where else to go, she peeked inside.
Curled on the cold floor was a body. Emile’s stomach dropped–until she saw movement in the person’s chest. Still alive. That she could work with. Rushing over, Emile knelt next to the unconscious person, as she had with countless blackout drunks. She made sure he was on his side, and then gently stirred him until he woke. All the while, dread tangled her organs in knots. Who would do such a thing? Why? Still, the answers didn’t matter. What mattered is that something was very wrong with this place, and they needed to leave as fast as possible.
Yet, when the young man opened his eyes, he didn’t look at her with shock or fear, but anger. A righteous fury that had him just about jumping to his feet.
“Woah! Woah, settle down, you were unconscious, your body needs time-” Emile began, before the man shook his head. That alone seemed to dizzy him, as he braced himself against the wall.
“I don’t have time. I need to- I can’t have been the only one. I need to-”
Emile stepped closer, trying to put a hand on his shoulder, but he immediately bristled at the touch, as if on reflex.
“You’re hurt- look, man… something’s up with this place. We need to get out of here.”
But he just shrugged her off, moving towards the nearest unlocked door. Without hesitation, he flung it open, frantically looking for other survivors. Yet, what he and Emile found…were rows of bathtubs. That horrid, sharpened smell was even stronger now, nearly overwhelming. It was all Reese could do to not keel over. Instead, Emile moved to support him, and the two crept closer, peering over the edge.
Inside the tub, something boiled, bubbled, churned.
The thing inside could barely be called human. The acid gnawed at the corpse like a desperate, starving animal, stripping the charred flesh off of its bones. Unable to support itself, it collapsed further, head sinking under the liquid. Soon, its blank, lifeless expression was stripped down to its gleaming bone. Gone. All gone.
Reese felt like he was standing in a tunnel. Lightless. Empty. Infinite. The feeling of Emile letting go, the sound of sharp retching, something splattering against the tile, all of it was muffled.
What cruel animal is man.
It was the twin jolts of fear and rage that hit him like an IED. Pounding adrenaline restarted his heart, clicking the world into focus. Out of the corner of his eye, he saw Emile heaving, shuddering, pulling at her hair. All the unconscious drunkards, for all the rowdy bar fights, none of it could have prepared her for these horrors. That adrenaline pumped through her in turn, she could feel that fear grow sharp and jagged-
She could feel something take that fear, guiding it towards a sound. Footsteps. Reese didn’t seem to hear them, only her. She tried to speak- nothing. No sound could escape her lips. The fear that gripped her chest was unlike anything she had ever felt before. She couldn’t make a whisper but with the full force of her adrenaline she could still move.
The next few moments were a blur. A bottle on a shelf, shouting from the previous room, a desperate lunge, and the distinct sound of rending flesh. Suddenly everything was vivid and clear again. She felt the guards blood trickle through her fingers as Emile looked down and witnessed what she had done. The bottle had become a knife, and she had stabbed someone.
The guard fell to the ground as Emile stared at her shaking, blood stained hands, “I- that wasn’t- I didn’t mean-” She was stammering all while Reese watched on in silent shock.
“He’s not dead Emile,” a feminine voice echoed through her skull, “You have to finish it. You have to make sure.”
Her eyes darted from one end of the room to the other, trying desperately to find the source, but the longer she delayed the louder it got.
“Kill him. Kill Him. KILL HIM. KILL HIM.
What happens when an animal is backed into a corner?
It attacks.
Suddenly, something in Emile snapped- no, it shattered like a broken bottle. A low scream escaped her throat betwixt clenched jaws as she savaged upon the barely breathing man.The knife became her teeth, raised into the air and plunged into red flesh. A wet schlllrk rang as she pulled it back out, only to bury it down again and again and again.
Reese moved quickly, instinctually- tackling her to the ground. A desperate move- to break this haze that she was in, end whatever vile urge had overcome her.
His eyes widened as they tumbled onto the floor, spotting several pairs of feet. Guards. He had tackled them into the direct view of more guards.
A snapping noise split the air. An ethereal crocodile came from the ether, ready to defend its user.
A cornered animal attacked.
Meanwhile in the upper floors of the club the Runoilija brothers sat at a bar. Olli casually nursed an elaborate cocktail as he criticized his larger brother, “I think you hit that guy a little too hard, he should be awake again by now but there’s no news from the guards… You better not have killed him by accident like that last guy, Sulka’s already pissed enough at us as is.”
“That was not my fault!” Marko slammed his beer mug on the counter, “That last one wouldn’t stay down, so I just kept hitting him until he did. How was I supposed to know that he’d die so easily!”
“You literally just gave a textbook description of negligence, you moron. Of course it was your fault!” Olli smacked Marko on the side of his head to emphasize his point.
“Why’d you always gotta hit me…” Marko grumbled as he rubbed his head, “If you’re so sure that I’m the moron then let's bet on whether the fresh meat has gone cold or not. Whoever loses pays for the other’s drinks for the rest of the night.”
“Alright deal,” Olli snickered as they shook hands, “I’ll go take a look.”
Olli’s hand restlessly gripped the switchblade in his pocket as he descended through the floors of the nightclub. He fully intended to finish off the drugged up kid in the basement, assuming he refused to work for the boss like most did. He would pin the blame on his dumbass brother and have him pay for his drinks for the whole night. A win-win scenario.
Suddenly, a vibration from his phone. An update from the guards:
The prisoner got out. There are two of them now.
Marko received the same message back at the bar above. In a fit of rage he chucked his mug of beer at the wall with his full strength, just barely missing the skull of the bartender who was serving him. Before he had a chance to cause any more senseless damage another message addressed to himself and all the other guards came through, this time from his brother.
Find them both, NOW! Kill them if you have to, just make sure they don’t leave! If they’re gone when Sulka gets here we’ll all be fucked!
Marko stood up from the bar and began to push through the flirting couples and stumbling drunkards of the nightclub as his Ultraviolet materialized. The fresh meat had a helper and the two were trying to scurry away like rats? That was fine by him. Marko specialized in hunting down rats.

The music seemed to distort more intensely the longer Reese listened. Maybe it was the dull ache of the base, punctuated by a hundred frenzied footfalls, a rhythm that toppled over itself. Maybe it was the rage that sent his own heart racing. He could feel it pound against 「Magenta Mountain」 as he held the hourglass close to his chest. Still, there was no time to rest.
Finally, the two of them found the source of the noise. A dark, dingy dancefloor. It stunk of sweat and mildew, and the dancing bodies seemed to twist in the low light. Even as the two entered, splattered in blood, no one took notice. They were too caught up in dance, alcohol, god knows what else. In this moment of respite, Reese turned to Emile. Her gaze was as vacant as his own, she seemed to look right past him.
“Hey, focus.” Impatience had made his voice sharp. There wasn’t time for niceties, not for her. Emile’s eyes readjusted, finding him. In the dark, he could not see that was shone in her expression wasn’t malice, but fear.
“What the hell was that!?” he pressed. She shrunk away in turn.
“...I had to get out.”
“I know that,” Reese frowned, “We’re in the same boat. But that’s not an excuse- I could have helped! You didn’t have to-”
“I have to get out,” Emile continued. Her gaze went past him yet again. Her body shuddered. “Please, please just let me out. I’ll do anything, anything you want, I can’t stand this hell- just let me out!”
“I…” Reese swallowed, hugging his Stand tight. “What?”
His mind reeled, trying to process his next steps. This woman was unstable, that was clear. Unstable, violent, dangerous—not just to others, but herself. If Reese allowed her to simply leave, without understanding what was happening, who knew how many would suffer? Yet, the crowd shifted in strange ways, the beat becoming frantic, the music growing warped and mutilated. Should he stop the woman? Should he protect her from these maddening halls? What should he do? What should he do?
The moment Reese looked up, trying to make a call–Emile was gone. She had vanished deep into the crowd, following that horrid, golden voice. The music reminded Reese of the howl of coyotes in the night. The raucous celebrations of beasts who found their meal.
Against his beating heart, he felt 「Magenta Mountain」. Inside those grains lay the vast expanse of evolution, and its uniting link: the will to survive at any cost. His beasts had all failed, each one had faced death, and lost. At this moment, Reese understood them. He knew what it was to be a cornered animal. He would deal with the moral quandaries of man once he escaped. But first, he had to escape. The grains of sand were slipping through the hourglass. He knew he would not die like all those beasts that came before him. He would escape. He would survive. He had to.
Nothing else mattered.
Lost in the crowd, he and Emile reached that same conclusion.
Nothing else mattered.
Open the Game.
Location: Club Naraka, with the players currently on the second basement floor. Throughout the stage, the brown sections of the map are doors, furniture, lockers, crates, and whatever makes sense for the location. The players may interpret the map to read furniture as what would make sense for the location and may find any items that would be reasonable to find in that area of a club; if these ever would conflict in strategies, treat both readings as, somehow, correct.
Green circles are guards, each of which have 333 physicals, Guard: 3, and Basic Weapon Use: 3. These are overall competent operatives who aren’t going to be utterly trivial to get past, and each is armed with a handgun loaded with 9mm bullets and a baton.
The 2nd basement floor has MARKOV on one side in the bar, and Reese on the other in the boiler room. A few guards are already on the map; neither has immediate line of sight on either player.
North of MARKOV is a storage closet, which opens into a bathroom. North of this is the backrooms of the club, with the currently full dance floor in the middle. North of the boiler rooms is the security guard room, and at the far northeast of the map is the office of the club’s owner, filled with various trophies.
Of note for Reese, there are a few dead rats (purple triangles) in the boiler room, and a piece of coral (purple circle) in the office. This chunk of coral is 8 kg, and when reanimated by 「Magenta Mountain」 forms as a sort of hemisphere 2m across and 1.5m high.
The 1st basement floor is mostly for club business, with speakers and various technical material spread around. Of note, the many, many guards on the south of the first level will, if the players choose not to fight through the closest stairways, slowly fill into the lowest level, chasing the players. In essence, there will be significantly less guards around the stairs to the ground floor if the players take the longer path.
Finally, the Ground Floor is an open warehouse space with no traditional obstacles- as everything in this room is currently floating airborne, with a gloating Sulka armed with a fire extinguisher acting as the final obstacle. Between Sulka’s mobility, their guards acting as easier targets, and the needs of the match, they may not be RETIRED, but attacks launched at them will temporarily distract them and force them to block or avoid them. Otherwise, Sulka will alternate between launching single massive crates and flurries of small objects at the players as they fight their way through the ground floor, up to the doors at the north.
Goal: Fight your way out of Club Naraka! In particular, leave the club in better shape than your opponent.
While combat is allowed and expected, for the most part guards won’t leave too far from their base location; they can be snuck past. The winner of the match is who gets out of the club in the overall best condition.
Combat between players with the intent or foreseeable result of RETIREMENT is not recommended, though other types of interference are.
Additional Information: MARKOV’s current user is Emile Gulati, who has 233 physicals and 3 Bartending; Bartending gives Emile a thorough understanding of the layout of the club as well as preternatural skill in being able to throw around glass bottles or other similarly hefty items.
As for other NPCs besides the guards, the clubgoers have 222 physicals, Ignoring Any Chaos Around Them 5, and Mostly Irrelevant To The Match 4. Essentially they can act as a sort of cover in the dance floor, but besides hiding among them, don’t worry about anyone besides guards too much.
Team Combatant JoJolity
Gallery of Wayward Reverie Markov “Come on, what are you doing anyway? Calm down—got up on the wrong side of the bed or something?” Use a variety of tools, items, and tactics during your escape!
I.M.P.A.C.T. Reese McGuffin “What I have to do is look for the bone using my strings…” Use a variety of tools, items, and tactics during your escape!
Link to Official Player Spreadsheet
Link to Match Schedule
As always, if you would like to interact with the tournament community and be among the first to get updates for the tournament, please feel free to PM a member of our Judge staff for an invite to our Official Discord Server!
submitted by Logic_Sandwich to StardustCrusaders [link] [comments]

2024.05.11 18:01 SrKobeBeefWellington My paraplegic brother & our little sister escorted me down aisle on my wedding day- would love an edit to make a gift for Mother’s Day (warning: long-ish post)

My paraplegic brother & our little sister escorted me down aisle on my wedding day- would love an edit to make a gift for Mother’s Day (warning: long-ish post)
Alas, little sister is our “half” sister. We share the same Dad, & the woman in this photo is not her Mom (important note for the eventual request).
This photo is my Momma, brother, me, & half-sister. Mom lost her oldest son, our brother, to an overdose February of 2021. In August of 2022, the brother pictured here was in a tragic motorcycle accident where he suffered a spinal cord injury. The events of his wreck & subsequent recovery journey are wild tales, & he is VERY lucky to be alive.
Needless to say, Mother’s Day is always a bit rough for my Momma.
Main request: can someone please remove my sister (far right), so I can frame this for my Mom for Mother’s Day? We were snapping family pictures so fast on the wedding day & just didn’t get one of mom, brother & me.
Bonus points:
•Snugging Momma in a little closer •Gently smoothing Momma’s face as she is very self-conscious about her wrinkles (they came on quickly, as life has not been kind lol) •Filling in brother’s hair just a smidge (also very self-conscious, he lost a lot of it due to stress & medications)
When I say they’re self-conscious, I mean “having to take pictures” was something they weighed when making the decision to even come to the wedding.
Thank you so much for any and all attempts! It would mean so much!
submitted by SrKobeBeefWellington to PhotoshopRequest [link] [comments]

2024.05.11 17:51 WhatsTheBanana4 Honest review of Zero DS. NOT GOOD.

So I’ve been meaning to do this for a while. TLDR at bottom.
I’ve had this bike for over 18 months. I was driving a 2017 Mustang GT. I talked with the wife about getting a motorcycle to save money since I was heavily contemplating quitting my job at the time and the mustang was expensive. $463 monthly payment, insurance at $130+ a month, and gas was well over $200 a month. I’ve been riding motorcycles since I was 18 (34m now) and often times used them as daily drivers to save money. So far I’ve had a bunch of bikes, and because I like many styles of riding I’ve jumped around from crotch rockets to cruisers to dual sports. R6, R1, CBR300, Iron 883, Indian Scout Bobber, KLX250, several different dirt bikes both 4 stroke and 2 stroke, and now the Zero DS.
So the Zero has been an almost complete disappointment. I love the idea of electric vehicles. And I wanted to get in on that. I knew gas bikes like my old ones would save me money compared to my mustang but in an effort to try to maximize savings I ran the numbers on charging the bike from midnight to 6am based on the kwh rates for my home. At roughly 50 cents to charge it completely each day if I 100% drained the battery I thought well $15 a month in “fuel” costs is amazing. That’s about the only thing that has actually panned out so far. The electricity is super cheap and I love that. Sometimes I charge it at my new job in the alley behind my building to save even more money.
Here’s so far what is causing it to be the worst bike I’ve owned: - The range; 82 miles of range as advertised is a complete and utter lie. I get that it’s based on 25mph average speed. But that little bit of fine print must have been something I missed when doing my research. And even if I had seen that I wouldn’t have guessed how big of a difference 45-50 average mph on side streets would make. I get about 43 miles of range on a full charge. But that’s not even that accurate because at around 5 miles left of range it slows down. A LOT. Low acceleration, limited speed. So really let’s call it 38 miles of range. My drive to and from my new job is all side streets. Mostly 45mph limit. I hit a couple red lights every day. And when I leave for work there’s usually traffic. So average speed is probably 35-40mph. But there may be small sections where I go as fast as 60mph. Basically I ride the exact definition of CA side streets every day.
  • Over heating: my friend lives up an absolutely beautiful canyon road so when I do want to ride fast and not care about the battery range I let it rip on this road. It’s about 6 miles long. Slightly uphill grade over the length. 1 lane each direction. Spectacular views. The temps get over 200° in LESS THAN 2 MILES of spirited riding. And I’m no pro. I’m not much of a knee dragger. Never have been. When temps get high it seems to limit the top speed to about 65mph. Acceleration also gets hammered. I usually pull over. Let it cool down. Then rip it again for another couple miles.
  • Little things breaking: the piece holding the charge port to the frame broke within 2 months. I’ve been too lazy/busy to have it fixed so I just pulled it a bit out to the side and it charges fine. Both mirrors have completely loosened while riding. I threw some blue locktight on them and tightened back down. front tire was leaking from day 1. Put some fixaflat in it. Been fine ever since. I keep a close eye on the PSI. Knob to open the right side fairing to access storage compartment was super sticky. When turned to unlock the fairing still doesn’t want to tilt down. This just seems like Tesla level bad build quality (panels not lining up kind of thing).
  • charging cable: gets kind of hot. Like low borderline concerning.
The ride: it’s pretty meh. Not enough torque to power wheelie. I’m 5’8” and 175lb so it’s not because I’m too heavy. The suspension feels kind of springy like a lot of my dirt bikes (which I like). But the comparitive weight of the bike makes it feel sluggish. Especially around turns. The back wheel slips out occasionally. Which can be fun. It’s mostly always hooked back up. lol. Which brings me to my crash.
16 years of riding: never been down until about 5 months ago (while street riding. Been down a lot on dirt bikes). Turned a bit too hard while goosing the throttle. I do this when I wanna let the back tire slide out a little. But the tires were cold and I slid a bit further than anticipated. As in about 30 feet on my ass. Was wearing dense clothing so I was fine. Bruised the hell out of myself. Minor rash on my elbow and surprisingly big toe. Got up and my biggest hope was “please let the bike be totalled”. Bike was fine. Kickstand, handlebar, and footpeg lost some metal. I guess this goes in the “positives” category under durability. But I really would’ve liked a fat check to pay for a new bike. Even before going down these bikes lose value like crazy.
Resale value: it’s bad. REALLY bad. Even worse when you lay it over.
TLDR: cons: range is a lie, overheats easily, not well built, meh power bad resale. Pros: cheap to charge, takes crashes pretty well
Lately I just ride the hell out of it. I use it to get to and from work. That’s all it’s good for. And anyone that asks me about it gets a surprise when I tell them how much I hate it.
submitted by WhatsTheBanana4 to ZeroMotorcycles [link] [comments]

2024.05.11 17:38 Chimera_Tracker They burned heaven in retribution, was it all worth it?

Colonies have been left in smoldering ruins. Razed to ashes by attackers that promised friendship in the vast void. Corpses left as ash across a dozen worlds, their existence almost completely eradicated by the invasive procession of their once welcoming neighbour. Where proud structures once stood against the frontier, cracked bones sat in silence under clouds of death.
In orbit, transponder pings of broken ships sang out into the cold eternal night. The frozen corpses of their crews revolved around the shattered metal hulks they once called home. Their resting places to be forgotten as their 'beep beep' into the eternal night grew ever softer.
Close to the heart of their civilization, Commodore Rankin sips broseki tea as he examines the holographic map being displayed across the tabletop before him. It shows their progress into human space as of the last reports from the front. All the systems they currently own and occupy were highlighted red while the enemy’s were blue. From his end of the table, it looked like the Genosian Republic was extending a crooked hairy tendril right into the heart of human-occupied space. Purity’s reach into the heart of corruption. After that terrible first strike, it was only right. Soon, they'd have the human cradle world, and with it, the humans would have no alternative but to submit, and answer for the atrocity they committed at Oztei.
A soft patter of footsteps would disturb his tranquil meditation, drawing Rankin’s attention to a new entry into the station’s command center. The familiar figure on their way to their post was none other than Toressa, one of the many officers involved in information processing. More importantly, though, she was a close friend in need of help.
Loose papers under her arm, uniform crumpled, and with her head tendrils sticking out at awkward angles, it appeared as though she'd spent another night obsessing on that conspiracy theory of hers regarding the beginnings of the war. A distracting side hobby of hers that got her sent back from the front lines. She used to be an up-and-coming officer when they were both the rank of lieutenant. He continued going up while she stumbled and ended up drifting from post to post. If it wasn't for him, she’d have been dishonorably discharged with a permanent black mark on her head. To have a tendril on one's head permanently locked to a singular color was bad enough, to have it marked black for the rest of your life was another thing altogether. It told everyone you weren’t to be trusted, that you were a danger, that you were the enemy even if you were one of us. It was the worst fate one could be given in their society.
Setting his cup down, he straightens himself and makes his way over to her terminal to have a chat. He is determined to help her out of this rut, not just for what she’d done for him when they were recruits, but for what she’s meant to him through all these years.
Nearing her position, he notices the mild shift in her skin tone, signaling her awareness of his approach. It would be confirmed with her speaking before he could, "If you're here as my commanding officer, I know I'm late, I'll stay back to cover the time owed for my tardiness. If you’re here as my friend, I’m sorry for missing dinner last night.”
Rankin shakes his head as he reaches over her shoulder to pluck one of the loose papers she’d brought in and had left sitting at the edge of her terminal. It was filled with mathematical formulae he recognised as spatial jump coordinates for ships. An antiquated system used by ships to traverse great distances a long time ago, before the discovery of the hyperlinks. They were risky maneuvers, requiring immense precision to increase your chances of appearing on the other end to even a point above zero. What stuck out to him was not that she’d done the calculations by hand, but, according to them, the chance of successful transition through said jumps was less than one percent.
"I'm here as your friend Toressa. I'm worried about you. I’ve entertained your eccentricities since you came here because you promised they wouldn’t affect your duties like it has at your other posts. If it is starting now, I think it would be best if we nib it in the bud wouldn’t you agree? It would be in your best-“
“Ha!” She scoffs loudly enough to startle another officer seated nearby, “It would be in my best interests? Really? That’s a load of crap and you know it Rankin.”
Her words dripped with such hate it nearly made the hulking commanding officer flinch.
“It is Commodore Rankin, Officer Toressa. We’re-“
“In public, yeah, I remember. Honestly, I’m starting to not care, Commodore Rankin.”
“Toressa, you've been obsessing over this nonsense since P-D21. Look, everyone across the Republic, civil servant or not, were affected badly by the news reports about it. The humans destroyed that entire colony for no reason whatsoever. I know you had a distant relative there, but it was not like you could’ve done anything about it. I know I was lucky, and I know I should’ve reached out but we declared war not long after and I guess I forgot. I am sorry I wasn’t there when you needed a friend, but I am here now and I am not going to let you torch your last chance.”
He continues to stare at the back of her head as she lightly trembles, and her skin tone subtly changes. But it all stabilizes shortly after a soft ping rings out from her terminal. It would be followed by her balled up fists slamming down upon it. He peeks over her shoulder, seeing the error pop up displayed in bold letters across the cracked screen. The lock outs he had put in place this morning after she failed to report during roll call were working as hoped.
“I am sorry, but I can’t have you accessing data you have no reason to access. You were on this same self-destructive cycle at your last post. I am not going to let you do this to yourself here. There is nothing there. The human vessels slipped out of reach of the responding fleet at Oztei. We responded by attacking their foundries at P-D21. Warships being refitted were all that was there at P-D21 and we were lucky to have made it there before they went for the Capitol. The claims of the system being a frontier colony are untrue. You were an investigator on board the Rummeric at P-D21 for crying out loud. Your colleagues at the investigative bureau went after the traitors who claimed otherwise in attempt to sow dissent and start riots against the government. The last one of these scoundrels was charged as of two months ago. Are you trying to end up like them? They were liars, the whole lot.”
Rankin was nearly yelling at this point, but what Toressa said next nearly had him screaming at the top of his lungs in frustration.
“What if they weren’t the liars? What if it was us who did?”
Catching sight of the subtle shifts of color tone of the other officers seated at their stations close by was the only thing that stopped him from screaming. They were being overheard and he didn’t want this getting out no matter how good a Genosian he was.
"Lying to us?!" Rankin took half a step forward, spitting the words out with such disdain they might as well have been poison. Toressa had truly gone off the deep end if she could declare such things where listeners might eavesdrop.
'The government never lies to its people.'
That has been the motto of the Genosian Republic. All children are taught the importance of being truthful, not only to themselves but to everyone around them. From families to friends, you can never be considered a good Genosian if you've told a lie and a Good Genosian was what everyone strived to be. However, no society could ever survive like that. It is natural for kids to keep secrets from their parents, spouses from one another, the salesmen to their clientele. Telling half-truths is one of the many minor evils within Genosian society and though frowned upon, is not criminal. Fortunately, though such evils are present in all strata of their society, the civil service is believed to be exempt.
The Genosians believe that to serve the people, one is required to be the best possible version of oneself, and as such, amongst other things, a civil servant is said to be inherently unable to lie. To think that a high-serving individual such as an Admiral or even a senator would lie not only to those around them but their entire population? That wasn't just blasphemy, it was treasonous.
Using his larger frame to act as a wall between them and those close enough to have possibly heard the treacherous remark, he whispers as softly as he can,
"Stop it! I warn you now Toressa! Do not spew such disgusting accusations. The Government would’ve never lied to us about the tragedy at Oztei. The humans attacked us after we offered them friendship. In return, Admiral Gantra led the fleet to that decisive blow at P-D21. Unlike our treacherous neighbors, we didn’t target the innocent. All civilian vessels were given the chance to leave the system when we attacked, only military targets were destroyed.”
"Oh really? Is that what you believe? That dribble? Gantara wasn’t the Hero you portray him to be. What makes you think the way you do Rankin? Seriously? How can you believe that he didn’t falsify his reports to make himself look better? Why wouldn’t he hide the-"
"Toressa! Are you insane? Are you?! What could have possibly happened to you that your mind is filled with such disgusting beliefs? You're a servant of the people, Toressa. You know better."
It was at this point that Rankin would notice something sticking out of the stack.
"Do I? Do you want to know what I think of us servants? Do you really want to hear what I think of this war?!" Toressa spat back, her tone growing louder with each declaration, getting too loud once again for Rankin's comfort.
Prodding the pile with just enough pressure to get it to topple, Rankins bites back a gasp at what he uncovers. Noticing the change in color tones of several individuals seated further away, he grabs Toressa by her forearm along with the paraphernalia. The act invites more attention to them. Eyes staring at them from across the entire room as he walks the struggling Genosian female toward the observation lounge.
On a normal day, the lounge would be a serene place for reflection and relaxation. Clear alloy bulkheads ran down the length of the room, providing any who used the space with a spectacular view of the pristine world they were blessed to orbit.
Khasana was a paradise class world, a revered holy world to the Genosian people. A place that was said to mimic what their afterlife was like. Twice the size of all habitable worlds across Genosian and Human territories, boasting a comfortable point nine gravity with zero axial tilt. A thin ring of ice and rock girdles the equator, flowing in the opposite directions to its rotation. The way the light reflects off the ring causes a soft aura to radiate around the planet, making it appear ever more paradisal.
Being such a revered world within their society, none were allowed on the surface without a permit from the Government. To obtain such a permit would require an immense amount of service to the Republic that tio date, only a handful of Genosians can boast of having set foot on Khasana soil.
At this moment, the atmosphere of serenity became strained with anger as the two Genosians hashed it out within the empty space.
“Are you joking Toressa? After all I’ve done to save your commission, to get you here, you spit on all of it by having such things on your person? The Truth Seekers? Seriously?! They’re anarchists! They embody every sin known to us Toressa. They’re liars!”
Rankin crushed the flyer in his hand as he spoke, shaking his head as he steps away from Toressa and towards the bulkhead.
“They aren’t liars Rankin,” Toressa sighed as she watched her friend pull away with such disgust at her presence. His colour spoke the words he held within, and she could read him like a book, she always could.
“Nothing they’ve announced has ever been a lie. Every document, every picture, every word they’ve shared has been the truth. They might stretch the truth a little at times, but they’ve never misled anyone.”
“Oh yeah? So, you’re telling me their ramblings have all been true? Hmm? That we’ve been fighting a war we initiated? We offered them friendship Toressa, they were the ones who spat in our faces with what they did at Oztei.”
“The humans aren’t the monsters of this story Rankin,” Toressa approached, resting her hand on her friends’ shoulder, “Why do you think you’re here and not out there commanding a ship at the front? Why are you, a Commodore, commanding the station orbiting heaven? A station that is nothing more than a filing office?”
“What the hell are you talking about Toressa? I earned my position, others would’ve given an arm to-“
“Given an arm to be on a ship at the front line defending their families. Given an arm to be on a ship blowing a human vessel into pieces. Not here, watching over Heaven without ever hoping to touch it. Everyone posted here is the same Rankin. You’ve just never noticed. When you don’t do what is asked of you, when you stick to the very principles they taught you since young, when you do your damned hardest to be the best Genosian alive, they send you here as punishment. Your career forever stalled with only the sight of Heaven to remind you of what you’ve lost.”
Rankin stared at Khasana floating before them, then at Toressa’s reflection standing just beneath it. Just like how she could read him, he could read her nearly as well and he knew she truly believed every word she was telling him. In another life maybe, they could’ve been mates.
“I refused to sign the edited report of what I discovered at Jes’Port. They reassigned my commanding officer, and I got this promotion.”
Toressa nods sadly “I signed the report they gave me. I thought I was doing the right thing but the guilt from what we did ate me up inside. The reason why I know the truth seekers are telling the truth is because I was the one who fed them those documents. I’ve never slept better since.”
“What does all of this have to do with that pile of papers you brought in? Riddled with spatial jump calculations that you were so afraid to input into your personal tablet that you did them all by hand?”
Rankin glances over his shoulder at his companion who was examining her watch. She catches his gaze and smiles. He smiles back while she nods to Khasana. He turns his attention back to it as a fleet of ships arrives in orbit around it.
“That’s the flagship. Admiral Gantara and the captains of the ships at P-D21. They’re headed back to the front after their refitting.” Rankin utters out mindlessly as the unthinkable happens.
Like a rogue star it skates across the heavens at unimaginable speeds. The laws of physics bend around it, making the very fabric of the universe tremble in its wake. Forged in the flare of their home star, its body was fused with the ashes of the unjustly demised. Their names are carved into every inch of its surface. Screaming to any who would hear, it would pierce Khasana’s atmosphere in an angry fiery glow.
With so many souls to be accounted for, one shell wasn’t enough. The first was followed by a second, then a third, then a fourth and then the last. Their hardy shells pierced the planets crust with ease, their immense momentum carrying them through to the liquid core in a matter of moments.
All Genosians witnessing the event stare in shock at the sizeable scar left on the planets pristine surface by the five objects. They would be witness to an even greater sight as the minutes ticked on and the shells sank closer to the core.
Khasana’s thick mantel was made of a single unbroken piece. It prevented the world from suffering quakes, even now as it was struck from up high. Cracked but otherwise undamaged spare the sizeable crater left on its surface, the interior planetary pressure remains unchanged.
The first shell reaches the point where its integrity could no longer withstand the pressures acting upon it and cracked. The liquid metal seeps through the cracks, reacting with the vial of antimatter within. The detonation sends an intense wave outward, causing the second shell to rupture and detonate in a similar manner. The third follows soon after, then the fourth and finally the fifth just as it crosses the threshold between the mantel and the liquid core. The pressure would be too much as the planet begins to shake. Cracks shoot out from the point where the five shells had pierced its mantel. Magma streams burst out, setting everything it touched on fire.
Rankin would fall to his knees as he watched heaven burn and finally explode, destroying the small fleet of ships with it. Toressa would keep her hand on his shoulder, giving it a reassuring squeeze.
“The people at Oztei died because of our own Governments failings. We killed innocent humans for nothing and hid the atrocities we committed. Now they’ve burnt heaven in retribution, was it all worth it?”
submitted by Chimera_Tracker to humansarespaceorcs [link] [comments]

2024.05.11 17:37 Chimera_Tracker They burned heaven in retribution, was it all worth it?

Colonies have been left in smoldering ruins. Razed to ashes by attackers that promised friendship in the vast void. Corpses left as ash across a dozen worlds, their existence almost completely eradicated by the invasive procession of their once welcoming neighbour. Where proud structures once stood against the frontier, cracked bones sat in silence under clouds of death.
In orbit, transponder pings of broken ships sang out into the cold eternal night. The frozen corpses of their crews revolved around the shattered metal hulks they once called home. Their resting places to be forgotten as their 'beep beep' into the eternal night grew ever softer.
Close to the heart of their civilization, Commodore Rankin sips broseki tea as he examines the holographic map being displayed across the tabletop before him. It shows their progress into human space as of the last reports from the front. All the systems they currently own and occupy were highlighted red while the enemy’s were blue. From his end of the table, it looked like the Genosian Republic was extending a crooked hairy tendril right into the heart of human-occupied space. Purity’s reach into the heart of corruption. After that terrible first strike, it was only right. Soon, they'd have the human cradle world, and with it, the humans would have no alternative but to submit, and answer for the atrocity they committed at Oztei.
A soft patter of footsteps would disturb his tranquil meditation, drawing Rankin’s attention to a new entry into the station’s command center. The familiar figure on their way to their post was none other than Toressa, one of the many officers involved in information processing. More importantly, though, she was a close friend in need of help.
Loose papers under her arm, uniform crumpled, and with her head tendrils sticking out at awkward angles, it appeared as though she'd spent another night obsessing on that conspiracy theory of hers regarding the beginnings of the war. A distracting side hobby of hers that got her sent back from the front lines. She used to be an up-and-coming officer when they were both the rank of lieutenant. He continued going up while she stumbled and ended up drifting from post to post. If it wasn't for him, she’d have been dishonorably discharged with a permanent black mark on her head. To have a tendril on one's head permanently locked to a singular color was bad enough, to have it marked black for the rest of your life was another thing altogether. It told everyone you weren’t to be trusted, that you were a danger, that you were the enemy even if you were one of us. It was the worst fate one could be given in their society.
Setting his cup down, he straightens himself and makes his way over to her terminal to have a chat. He is determined to help her out of this rut, not just for what she’d done for him when they were recruits, but for what she’s meant to him through all these years.
Nearing her position, he notices the mild shift in her skin tone, signaling her awareness of his approach. It would be confirmed with her speaking before he could, "If you're here as my commanding officer, I know I'm late, I'll stay back to cover the time owed for my tardiness. If you’re here as my friend, I’m sorry for missing dinner last night.”
Rankin shakes his head as he reaches over her shoulder to pluck one of the loose papers she’d brought in and had left sitting at the edge of her terminal. It was filled with mathematical formulae he recognised as spatial jump coordinates for ships. An antiquated system used by ships to traverse great distances a long time ago, before the discovery of the hyperlinks. They were risky maneuvers, requiring immense precision to increase your chances of appearing on the other end to even a point above zero. What stuck out to him was not that she’d done the calculations by hand, but, according to them, the chance of successful transition through said jumps was less than one percent.
"I'm here as your friend Toressa. I'm worried about you. I’ve entertained your eccentricities since you came here because you promised they wouldn’t affect your duties like it has at your other posts. If it is starting now, I think it would be best if we nib it in the bud wouldn’t you agree? It would be in your best-“
“Ha!” She scoffs loudly enough to startle another officer seated nearby, “It would be in my best interests? Really? That’s a load of crap and you know it Rankin.”
Her words dripped with such hate it nearly made the hulking commanding officer flinch.
“It is Commodore Rankin, Officer Toressa. We’re-“
“In public, yeah, I remember. Honestly, I’m starting to not care, Commodore Rankin.”
“Toressa, you've been obsessing over this nonsense since P-D21. Look, everyone across the Republic, civil servant or not, were affected badly by the news reports about it. The humans destroyed that entire colony for no reason whatsoever. I know you had a distant relative there, but it was not like you could’ve done anything about it. I know I was lucky, and I know I should’ve reached out but we declared war not long after and I guess I forgot. I am sorry I wasn’t there when you needed a friend, but I am here now and I am not going to let you torch your last chance.”
He continues to stare at the back of her head as she lightly trembles, and her skin tone subtly changes. But it all stabilizes shortly after a soft ping rings out from her terminal. It would be followed by her balled up fists slamming down upon it. He peeks over her shoulder, seeing the error pop up displayed in bold letters across the cracked screen. The lock outs he had put in place this morning after she failed to report during roll call were working as hoped.
“I am sorry, but I can’t have you accessing data you have no reason to access. You were on this same self-destructive cycle at your last post. I am not going to let you do this to yourself here. There is nothing there. The human vessels slipped out of reach of the responding fleet at Oztei. We responded by attacking their foundries at P-D21. Warships being refitted were all that was there at P-D21 and we were lucky to have made it there before they went for the Capitol. The claims of the system being a frontier colony are untrue. You were an investigator on board the Rummeric at P-D21 for crying out loud. Your colleagues at the investigative bureau went after the traitors who claimed otherwise in attempt to sow dissent and start riots against the government. The last one of these scoundrels was charged as of two months ago. Are you trying to end up like them? They were liars, the whole lot.”
Rankin was nearly yelling at this point, but what Toressa said next nearly had him screaming at the top of his lungs in frustration.
“What if they weren’t the liars? What if it was us who did?”
Catching sight of the subtle shifts of color tone of the other officers seated at their stations close by was the only thing that stopped him from screaming. They were being overheard and he didn’t want this getting out no matter how good a Genosian he was.
"Lying to us?!" Rankin took half a step forward, spitting the words out with such disdain they might as well have been poison. Toressa had truly gone off the deep end if she could declare such things where listeners might eavesdrop.
'The government never lies to its people.'
That has been the motto of the Genosian Republic. All children are taught the importance of being truthful, not only to themselves but to everyone around them. From families to friends, you can never be considered a good Genosian if you've told a lie and a Good Genosian was what everyone strived to be. However, no society could ever survive like that. It is natural for kids to keep secrets from their parents, spouses from one another, the salesmen to their clientele. Telling half-truths is one of the many minor evils within Genosian society and though frowned upon, is not criminal. Fortunately, though such evils are present in all strata of their society, the civil service is believed to be exempt.
The Genosians believe that to serve the people, one is required to be the best possible version of oneself, and as such, amongst other things, a civil servant is said to be inherently unable to lie. To think that a high-serving individual such as an Admiral or even a senator would lie not only to those around them but their entire population? That wasn't just blasphemy, it was treasonous.
Using his larger frame to act as a wall between them and those close enough to have possibly heard the treacherous remark, he whispers as softly as he can,
"Stop it! I warn you now Toressa! Do not spew such disgusting accusations. The Government would’ve never lied to us about the tragedy at Oztei. The humans attacked us after we offered them friendship. In return, Admiral Gantra led the fleet to that decisive blow at P-D21. Unlike our treacherous neighbors, we didn’t target the innocent. All civilian vessels were given the chance to leave the system when we attacked, only military targets were destroyed.”
"Oh really? Is that what you believe? That dribble? Gantara wasn’t the Hero you portray him to be. What makes you think the way you do Rankin? Seriously? How can you believe that he didn’t falsify his reports to make himself look better? Why wouldn’t he hide the-"
"Toressa! Are you insane? Are you?! What could have possibly happened to you that your mind is filled with such disgusting beliefs? You're a servant of the people, Toressa. You know better."
It was at this point that Rankin would notice something sticking out of the stack.
"Do I? Do you want to know what I think of us servants? Do you really want to hear what I think of this war?!" Toressa spat back, her tone growing louder with each declaration, getting too loud once again for Rankin's comfort.
Prodding the pile with just enough pressure to get it to topple, Rankins bites back a gasp at what he uncovers. Noticing the change in color tones of several individuals seated further away, he grabs Toressa by her forearm along with the paraphernalia. The act invites more attention to them. Eyes staring at them from across the entire room as he walks the struggling Genosian female toward the observation lounge.
On a normal day, the lounge would be a serene place for reflection and relaxation. Clear alloy bulkheads ran down the length of the room, providing any who used the space with a spectacular view of the pristine world they were blessed to orbit.
Khasana was a paradise class world, a revered holy world to the Genosian people. A place that was said to mimic what their afterlife was like. Twice the size of all habitable worlds across Genosian and Human territories, boasting a comfortable point nine gravity with zero axial tilt. A thin ring of ice and rock girdles the equator, flowing in the opposite directions to its rotation. The way the light reflects off the ring causes a soft aura to radiate around the planet, making it appear ever more paradisal.
Being such a revered world within their society, none were allowed on the surface without a permit from the Government. To obtain such a permit would require an immense amount of service to the Republic that tio date, only a handful of Genosians can boast of having set foot on Khasana soil.
At this moment, the atmosphere of serenity became strained with anger as the two Genosians hashed it out within the empty space.
“Are you joking Toressa? After all I’ve done to save your commission, to get you here, you spit on all of it by having such things on your person? The Truth Seekers? Seriously?! They’re anarchists! They embody every sin known to us Toressa. They’re liars!”
Rankin crushed the flyer in his hand as he spoke, shaking his head as he steps away from Toressa and towards the bulkhead.
“They aren’t liars Rankin,” Toressa sighed as she watched her friend pull away with such disgust at her presence. His colour spoke the words he held within, and she could read him like a book, she always could.
“Nothing they’ve announced has ever been a lie. Every document, every picture, every word they’ve shared has been the truth. They might stretch the truth a little at times, but they’ve never misled anyone.”
“Oh yeah? So, you’re telling me their ramblings have all been true? Hmm? That we’ve been fighting a war we initiated? We offered them friendship Toressa, they were the ones who spat in our faces with what they did at Oztei.”
“The humans aren’t the monsters of this story Rankin,” Toressa approached, resting her hand on her friends’ shoulder, “Why do you think you’re here and not out there commanding a ship at the front? Why are you, a Commodore, commanding the station orbiting heaven? A station that is nothing more than a filing office?”
“What the hell are you talking about Toressa? I earned my position, others would’ve given an arm to-“
“Given an arm to be on a ship at the front line defending their families. Given an arm to be on a ship blowing a human vessel into pieces. Not here, watching over Heaven without ever hoping to touch it. Everyone posted here is the same Rankin. You’ve just never noticed. When you don’t do what is asked of you, when you stick to the very principles they taught you since young, when you do your damned hardest to be the best Genosian alive, they send you here as punishment. Your career forever stalled with only the sight of Heaven to remind you of what you’ve lost.”
Rankin stared at Khasana floating before them, then at Toressa’s reflection standing just beneath it. Just like how she could read him, he could read her nearly as well and he knew she truly believed every word she was telling him. In another life maybe, they could’ve been mates.
“I refused to sign the edited report of what I discovered at Jes’Port. They reassigned my commanding officer, and I got this promotion.”
Toressa nods sadly “I signed the report they gave me. I thought I was doing the right thing but the guilt from what we did ate me up inside. The reason why I know the truth seekers are telling the truth is because I was the one who fed them those documents. I’ve never slept better since.”
“What does all of this have to do with that pile of papers you brought in? Riddled with spatial jump calculations that you were so afraid to input into your personal tablet that you did them all by hand?”
Rankin glances over his shoulder at his companion who was examining her watch. She catches his gaze and smiles. He smiles back while she nods to Khasana. He turns his attention back to it as a fleet of ships arrives in orbit around it.
“That’s the flagship. Admiral Gantara and the captains of the ships at P-D21. They’re headed back to the front after their refitting.” Rankin utters out mindlessly as the unthinkable happens.
Like a rogue star it skates across the heavens at unimaginable speeds. The laws of physics bend around it, making the very fabric of the universe tremble in its wake. Forged in the flare of their home star, its body was fused with the ashes of the unjustly demised. Their names are carved into every inch of its surface. Screaming to any who would hear, it would pierce Khasana’s atmosphere in an angry fiery glow.
With so many souls to be accounted for, one shell wasn’t enough. The first was followed by a second, then a third, then a fourth and then the last. Their hardy shells pierced the planets crust with ease, their immense momentum carrying them through to the liquid core in a matter of moments.
All Genosians witnessing the event stare in shock at the sizeable scar left on the planets pristine surface by the five objects. They would be witness to an even greater sight as the minutes ticked on and the shells sank closer to the core.
Khasana’s thick mantel was made of a single unbroken piece. It prevented the world from suffering quakes, even now as it was struck from up high. Cracked but otherwise undamaged spare the sizeable crater left on its surface, the interior planetary pressure remains unchanged.
The first shell reaches the point where its integrity could no longer withstand the pressures acting upon it and cracked. The liquid metal seeps through the cracks, reacting with the vial of antimatter within. The detonation sends an intense wave outward, causing the second shell to rupture and detonate in a similar manner. The third follows soon after, then the fourth and finally the fifth just as it crosses the threshold between the mantel and the liquid core. The pressure would be too much as the planet begins to shake. Cracks shoot out from the point where the five shells had pierced its mantel. Magma streams burst out, setting everything it touched on fire.
Rankin would fall to his knees as he watched heaven burn and finally explode, destroying the small fleet of ships with it. Toressa would keep her hand on his shoulder, giving it a reassuring squeeze.
“The people at Oztei died because of our own Governments failings. We killed innocent humans for nothing and hid the atrocities we committed. Now they’ve burnt heaven in retribution, was it all worth it?”
submitted by Chimera_Tracker to HFY [link] [comments]

2024.05.11 15:07 pohltergiest Tokyo won't let us go

Tokyo won't let us go
We slept in again, as usual, the night drawing us further in with such distractions as Starduck Tony. Anyone who thinks Tokyo isn't fun didn't have their eyes open I guess. I didn't sleep the best, but at least my illness finally is abating. We still had some packing up to do, including rebalancing our packs, so we spent an hour getting everything done before heading out for food.
We took long enough that lunch was an option, so we strolled along until we found a chic place that had pizzas that looked good. I had the pepperoni because I'm boring, Bryce had the Hawaiian (which came with corn, which he loved) and Jae got the potato (which came with ham, which they did not love). While we ate I plotted the course to the reservation I had at 3. It wasn't looking great. 50km and most of it through the city. We were going to need closer to three hours to get there and it was already closing on noon.
Oh well. Maybe we'd get lucky and the route would be a bike path through the city. There was a shrine we were to visit before dropping Jae off at the train station to go to the airport, so we grabbed a quick goshuin, slathered on a bunch of sunscreen and walked through the busy streets to the stairway down to the subway. After a series of hugs and farewells, we departed on our way.
After a week off the bike we were feeling good. I felt fast, both from the lighter packs and feeling stronger. We easily hit speeds of high 20's, zooming through the streets. It was hot and sunny and the speed was intoxicating. We were doing so well we might even make it, if we could only make it to the river, where we'd have an uninterrupted bike route where we could go as fast as we could.
The roads were not good, though, and we once again were stymied by the lack of light synchronization in Japan. I don't know how commercial drivers can handle it, there's no flow to traffic at all. It's not even timed for cars or anything, we kept up with traffic throughout. Most of the roads we were on were 30km/h and people do the speed limit here for the most part. Eventually I had to concede that we lacked the ability to make the 3 o'clock reservation. Just as we were coming to terms with this, Bryce plowed into a bollard at full speed.
Once again I was beside myself and tossed my bike to run and make sure Bryce was okay. He appeared to roll and land up on his feet, without taking too much damage, though his knee was bleeding. The bike though was less happy. He struck his other front pannier, destroying that one too. The epoxy job I did was insufficient, so now he had two bags to tie on. Worse though was the rear wheel, looking like the rim of a floppy hat. It barely rolled and there was no way he could ride it. This was a show stopper, something we had no ability to fix. Until we could find someone to fix or replace the rim, we were grounded.
Bryce patched himself up while I got his bag in functioning order with some tape, and we walked a half hour to the nearest bike store that might be able to help us. Luckily they weren't too busy and conducted an inspection for us. None of the spokes were broken, so he tried tightening them to straighten out the wheel, but it remained deformed. He informed us that it must be replaced, that it cannot be safely fixed. He had no replacements, however. He recommended another shop in the area to try, so we started the hike there.
Another half hour later in the sun, we arrived at a garage looking place with many styles of bikes. So far so good. The man who helped us reeled when he saw how bad the wheel was, waving his hands to let us know he couldn't do anything about that. He also informed us that while he could replace it, he doesn't have the parts. He also helpfully informed us that nobody in the area would have the parts. He did not give us anywhere next to go, which was even better.
We were feeling pretty dejected at this point. It was now 4 o'clock and we were starting to feel like we brought in foreign bikes and expected parts to be stocked just for us. What happens if we can't find a wheel? We can't fix it. There was a Trek dealer a ways away by train, so we parked our bikes in a bike lockup, and just brought the damaged wheel to the next place. A train ride later, we showed up and again received a reeling look that the wheel was beyond repair. The mech tech there told us be could get the parts, but we'd be waiting till June for them to arrive given they're uncommon in Japan. Most people ride sturdy commuter bikes or the odd skinny road bike, not a lot of gravel bikes and not in our configuration. He did give us a lead though, a particular store in Ueno, an area we visited a few times before. On the train in we discussed to what lengths we were prepared to go to keep going. Bryce said he'd go as far as buying a new bike to keep going. That'll do it. I felt my will wavering, the sad feelings of having a nice day shattered getting to me. I felt at least partially responsible, thinking about biking teams and how to lead a group. If the leader doesn't tell anyone about dangerous obstructions and then rides right next to one, how is the person in the back supposed to react in time should their view be blocked by the leader? We want to join bike clubs and this is exactly the kind of careless riding that gets people kicked out. This crash could have stopped the trip completely if Bryce got a concussion or a broken bone, pretty easy at top speed to do either. Despite the major failure on the bike we got off easy. If I was going to lead as often as I do I was going to have to start acting like a team lead and not just ride as fast as possible, checking to make sure Bryce was still behind me at times.
It was 530 by the time we found the shop, a half hour before closing. A younger guy helped us and cheerfully told us our wheel could not be repaired. We've been through this song and dance before, here you will get precise answers to your questions and people don't lead you to solutions you don't ask for. So we asked if the rim can be replaced. He answered by saying he'd recommend doing the whole wheel. We had already let him know that we were a little desperate and would do nearly anything to get back on the road so we had to contain ourselves a little bit as we coaxed Google translate to affirm that yes we were open to replacing the whole wheel. Did he have a wheel? Now he went aahhhhhh, as our intent became more clear in this moment, apparently. He took our wheel and ran upstairs.
He was gone for quite some time, an omen that Bryce found to be bad. I was rehearsing shipping rules for bike frames to piece out Bryce's bike and ship it home when he comes downstairs, a new rim in hand. Our applause embarrassed him, but we couldn't contain ourselves. He had a catch though, something was wrong. On baited breath we waited for the translation: the original brake disc assembly wasn't going to fit. Oh no, that's not good, what can we do about this. He sounded grave. He said they had a different brake disc, but it would cost $20. Again, we had to contain our exasperation at how we were being unintentionally emotionally toyed with and said that was fine. He then told us that we would need to take the components off of the old wheel and mount them on the new wheel. We paused, and then asked him if he could do it for us. He cheerfully told us that that was possible. Then got a bit quieter and said we'd have to wait. I was worried about this as it was the end of the day and they were closing soon. A last minute hotel room isn't the worst thing, but our gear was now in two places and the bulk immobile and not near a hotel area.
We would have to wait 15 minutes, he said, waiting for our response. We told him these were acceptable terms, barely able to stuff down the emotional rollercoaster we had ridden. He bolted off with both wheels as we puttered around the store, coming up with hand signals to add to our little language we were forming together and looked up some dinner. In no time at all, a fully mounted wheel, ready to ride. It was even tax free, a bonus for a big purchase. In total it cost around $150. We got off easy.
Walking to a katsu place, we waited outside the simple establishment and eventually were led upstairs. We were impressed by the sparse age traditional place, they just served katsu and they were damn good at it. No flashy signs, no gimmicks, and nobody shouting to come eat their food. No need, the line was long and they all wanted katsu. It's become comfort food for us, a dependable meal for biking. Always comes with cabbage, rice, miso soup and pickles. Easy and delicious.
Feeling full and happy again, we once again took the train, but back to our bikes. When we got back, the two security guards for the bike lock up were poking around our mass of bike parts and bags all wrapped in a tarp, and asked us what we were doing. Once guard had seen us leave and recommended a bike shop, so when we showed him the repaired wheel he waved off the other guy. He didn't believe our story that we were biking to Hokkaido, instead telling us that when we fly there not to leave our bikes at his racks. We told him we were leaving right away, he was happy, we were happy, we pushed off into the night.
We didn't have to bike far to make it to the Edo river, a wide river with grassy sloped shores, trees and flat areas used for sports and such. It was the perfect camping plan and we were so close to making it there in the afternoon. Now was good too though. We didn't have to go far before finding a ramp down to the river side, and a little further yielded a series of sports fields. We selected a corner in the back near the river where we'd be out of the way if someone needed to play baseball at the crack of dawn (crazier things we've seen here) and set up.
Today really pushed me to think more about what's the goal from here. Tokyo was the last push, heavily scheduled with lots on the way. The back end is much looser, but it's really long and I don't think we can do it all without taking the train at least part of it. Maybe it's time to run the numbers again, but maybe this is an opportunity to just go with the flow and see how we do without putting both hands on the throat of the fun of what we're doing. I know the route, I know where we can cut things out. I'll think more on this when we make it further. For now it's lovely to be back in the tent. It's just so comfortable. We've yet to have beds that feel quite as good as stretching out on our luxurious mats outside in the fresh air. Maybe Fukushima, who knows.
submitted by pohltergiest to RainbowRamenRide [link] [comments]