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GTA 5 Hack

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2017.11.13 15:43 frencheart Tutorial How to get free robux 2017 No Human Verification

It is very easy to get free robux codes with our powerfull roblox robux generator. Visit the robuxs generator tool page and then enter the username. Select the amount of robux and then tap on the start button.

2024.05.14 11:13 traveladvisor202 افضل النصائح للتعامل مع حجز الطيران

هلا بالجميع ,إذا بدك تتجنب الاجهاد أثناء حجز الرحلات والسفر؟ إليك بعض النصائح لتكون عملية حجز السفر أسهل:
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*استخدم مواقع الحجز أونلاين: مواقع حجز الطيران الاونلاين كثير مرة وعليها عروض كثير مثل موقع World Trip Deal , booking.
*كن مرن فى تواريخ رحلتك: إذا بتحدد تواريخ مرنة، بتوفر أكثر في الأسعار واحصل على أفضل الصفقات.
Hello travellers, Are you looking for tips to avoid stress while booking your travels?
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*Use online booking websites: there are many online booking sites with many offers such as World Trip Deal.
*Be Flexible with Dates: Being flexible with dates can save you money by finding better deals.
If you have any other tips for traveling. Please share your experiences!

TravelTips #TravelHacks #TravelPlanning #StressFreeTravel #BookingTips #VacationPlanning #TravelFlexibility #TripPlanning

submitted by traveladvisor202 to u/traveladvisor202 [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 11:06 Sbenny_Official Fashion Fever - Dress Up, Styling and Supermodels v1.2.1 Unlimited Money & Hacked In-App Purchases (

submitted by Sbenny_Official to SbennyOfficial [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 10:33 No-Moose4312 Adult returning to equestrain after an 6 year break from lessons

Im 24 years old. I started horse riding at 10 years old. My story is an little odd , my mum took me riding until I turned 11 then stopped due to person problems at the time. I used to pay out of my pocket money which I recived until age 14 but due to problems at home I couldnt go horse riding. I got to go again at age 15 for free because I had funding , which were an huge blessing at the time. I could jump 80cm , do dressarge , riding without stirrups , did some riding without reins , walk , trot and canter , do hacks and trekks and won loads of rosettes. I were always gave some of the most difficult horses as the instructors knew I could handle them really well. I loved it so much. I would give up my weekends to help out and voulnteer at the stables , taking care of the horses and riding afterwards. I would even attend horse camp were I stayed overnight. My riding school closed in 2018. I then moved house with my dad and there were no were I could ride. I went on an farm with my dad at age 18 , I have been visiting this farm and having holidays there since I were 7 years old. I rode the pony at the farm and I managed to stay on whilst he bolted in fields. I then went horse riding again at age 22 but in at disney world were I learnt western riding. We then moved house again this year and now Im super excited to say im finally getting back into doing horse riding regularly. I hope I dont have to ever quit or have an long break from it again. Im 24 years old , and Im starting riding again , im so excited but nervous. I hope I havent forgot anything imporant. I really want to compete again in competions if thats possible.
submitted by No-Moose4312 to Equestrian [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 09:49 atiba22 Label need to release juice wrld unrelease music

I knew the prods were selling the songs. I feel like 300 - 600 songs came from the hack in 2019 - 2020 era the rest are songs prods are selling because they label not tryna drop the songs and get these niggas paid. The label should really be putting out 3 albums a year it don't matter if the songs leaked its about preserving juices legacy and giving his future fans a one stop shop to hear all of a generational talents music.
The label don't realize juice wrld was a pioneer in this new era of rap he made 3000 songs in a lil over 2 years mid 2017 to late 2019. That's something that has only been done by maybe young thug. Look at how much music iayze puts out he ain't even make that many songs in 2 years I think Jace has only made 2000 songs from 2021 - 2024 and dropped 500 songs. Not even Uzi and Carti made that much music in a 2 year time period they each only have a lil under 1000 from 2018 - 2020. Juice wrld has undoubtedly 2000+ unreleased songs and several songs have multiple verses on them. The label need to preserve this music for the future hiphop fans honestly they need to give the steaming money to charity because juice wrld mama ain't even respect her son music and wasted the money on opening a brewery. She choosing to use his money to fuel alcohol addiction when she really should be using his money to help the kids who going through what he went through with the psychological torment and anxiety.
I'm sorry for the rant it just breaks my heart because I know juice wrld loved hip-hop and rapping and he wanted to be the greatest in ts so badly he had several 5+ songs sessions. He would record twice a day all the time, all while being on tour, and freestyling for hours. Bro just loved doing ts and that's what he need to be remembered for.
submitted by atiba22 to JuiceWRLD [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 09:00 Vegetable_Drive309 Why Cash App shut down my account?

Cash App is a popular mobile payment service that allows users to easily send and receive money from friends, family, and businesses. However, in some cases, users may find their accounts suddenly shut down without warning or explanation. There are several reasons why Cash App may shut down an account, including fraudulent activity, violation of terms of service, excessive risk-taking behaviour, and security concerns.

One possible reason why Cash App may shut down an account is due to fraudulent activity. If a user is suspected of engaging in fraudulent activities, such as using stolen credit cards to send money or receiving funds from illegal sources, Cash App may take swift action to protect its platform and prevent further harm to other users. In these cases, the account may be permanently disabled and any remaining funds may be forfeited.

Another reason why Cash App shut down an account is if the user violates the terms of service. Cash App has strict rules and guidelines that users must adhere to in order to use the service. This includes not using the app for illegal activities, not engaging in money laundering, and not using the platform to send or receive money for prohibited goods or services. If a user is found to be in violation of these terms, their account may be shut down without warning.

Excessive risk-taking behaviour is another potential reason why Cash App may shut down an account. If a user is constantly sending large sums of money, engaging in risky investments, or participating in high-risk transactions, Cash App may view this behaviour as a potential threat to its platform and other users. In these cases, the account may be suspended or shut down until further investigation can be conducted.

Lastly, security concerns may also prompt Cash App shut down an account. If suspicious activity is detected, such as unauthorized access to the account, unusual login attempts, or suspected hacking attempts, the company may decide to temporarily disable the account to protect the user's funds and personal information. In these cases, the user may need to verify their identity and take additional security measures before the account can be reinstated.

In conclusion, there are several reasons why Cash App shut down an account, including fraudulent activity, violation of terms of service, excessive risk-taking behavior, and security concerns. To avoid having your account shut down, it is important to use the platform responsibly, follow the terms of service, and maintain good security practices. If you believe your account was shut down unjustly, you can reach out to Cash App's customer support for clarification and assistance.
Read more: How to activate cash app card
submitted by Vegetable_Drive309 to u/Vegetable_Drive309 [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 08:52 AncientPC Thoughts and tips after climbing to 10k in 2 weeks.

Yes, I had a lot of time. I originally played this game when it launched during the pandemic and stopped at 1k trophies, and picked it up again ~3 years later. I want to share my thoughts about the last ~15 days while it's still fresh and answer any questions people might have.
I have a 43% win rate in 3600 BR games, and 300+ games with each of the following heroes: Angel, Bastion, Blizzard, Blot, Cyclops, Ghost, Levi, Lynx, Ramsay, Raven, Sparkle, Vi. I have the most fun with Angel, Raven, Ramsay, and Lynx.
I've unlocked every hero except Alice, paid for Blizzard and Vi.

Trophy Tiers

Broadly speaking, the percentage of poor players decreases as you gain higher trophies. Being completely honest, I saw a bunch of mistakes made by enemies, teammates, and myself at 9k trophies. At 10k+ trophies, most of the mistakes I see are my own.

Low Tier: <3k

I have a second account on an old phone at this tier that I use to play under powered / rarely used heroes in casual games. It's mostly bots and occasional humans with rudimentary gameplay.

Mid Tier: 3-7k

People are still misplaying all the time, but in general are improving and trying to coordinate as a team. Pickup teams are pretty easy to create and people are generally friendly. Honestly, I probably had the most fun at this tier since I enjoy playing the game casually with a variety of heroes and different team compositions (vs trying to win all the time).
There's still plenty of bots in offpeak hours.

High Tier: >7k

This is the first tier where it starts to get competitive. Relatedly, this is also the first tier I started seeing bad manners and griefing.
Early on when I was around 2k, I teamed up with some high trophy players and played in 10k games. That's when I learned first hand how much faster and aggressive the game was. On certain maps (Bank, Village, Hotel), fights will often initiate after picking up ~2 items.
As for bad manners, I'm used to it from playing plenty of other online games but enjoyed the fact that Bullet Echo largely doesn't have it. However at 7k+, now you get a lot of people bm'ing when they kill you, if two people fight over an item, etc. It most commonly manifests as sprays/stickers, but also a lot of head shaking and the occasional teamkill grenade for taking "their" item.
Pickup teams are a lot more mercenary. People join up, and if the team loses most will leave; there's little to no chat banter anymore. If someone misplays a few times, they often get kicked from the team, the team is disbanded, and/or they get defriended. This, uhh, has totally never happened to me.


The "end game." Heroes' power typically ranges 1650 - 2200 (Ultimate level 70 to Immortal), with the occasional Divine player. There's relatively few bots during peak times.
The games are fast and brutal, and any small mistake is quickly exploited. My winrate has dropped significantly even when playing my better characters, but I'm learning. Pre-10k, I'd typically open 3x battle and skull chests under 30 minutes. Now, opening battle and skull chests has become significantly harder.

Bravery Road

I don't have any experience with this tier since I lack Divine heroes. Others have shared that it's mostly full of bots.


Tier List

This is based on 9k+ trophy BR in the hands of a good player:


Bastion is great for bot farming and low / mid tier gameplay, but is easily outplayed in 7k+ games. I had a bunch of mid tier Bastion friends that I invited to 7k+ games and they've always left after a few games due to being outplayed.
Outplaying Bastion is usually done through kiting or baiting and flanking with teammates since their range is too short and movement speed is too slow. Bastion (and Blot to an extent) is outclassed by more mobile shield heroes: Angel, Hurricane, Satoshi.
Leviathan gets a special call out since his turret is great for zoning and has extended spray that can be abused to hit behind walls.

Grenade Users (Firefly/Shenji/Sparkles/Freddie)

Pre-10k, most of these are terrible nade spammers hoping to get an easy kill. I've seen so many Firefly users use more nades than bullets in a round, adding little value chucking nades into thin air. Shenji users, please use your nades to zone the enemies and less about trying to kill them. Also stop burning the grass because you can, especially when you're up against snipers.


My win rate with Vi is significantly higher than the rest of the field, which shows how broken she is. I think she needs to be nerfed, and she's my most played and highest leveled character (Stellar).
I also have some bad experiences after teaming up with a bunch of Vi-only tryhards (about 6-8 different teammates for 5+ games each). They're generally incredibly aggressive and good at racking up a high kill count, but often lack map awareness or team dynamics besides spamming, "Let's go!".



Climb as fast as you can, as high as you can since you get more loot per chest depending on your league level, and streaking gets harder the higher you climb in trophies. Bot farming (read below) is the easiest way to streak games and hit the next league level.
I think there is an argument to be made about staying in purple 1. I found it significantly easier to win most of the contracts at purple 1, but I was grouped with all the other grinders once I hit purple 2. This may or may not be a red herring.

Spending Money


Star Pass


It's $10/mo. You get a random hero motivated and 8 drone plugins (2 of each color) per week, and 10 tech tokens/day. 70 tech tokens/week is enough to get drone blueprints, 2xpersonal gears boxes, some squad gear, 500 nuts, and 5 costume tokens. Also your name is highlighted in gold.
I think it's great for the first month or two for the personal gear and drone parts, but not sure if it's worth keeping afterwards.


Recognizing bots means you can adapt your strategy when playing with and against them.



You start recognizing the bot names after a few hundred games.

In game

Farming (BR, SvS, sabo, koth)

Bot farming is a great way to hit the streak for a league jump or grind for festival tokens.
I find sabo, SvS, and sometimes arcade in offpeak hours (or other region's servers) the easiest modes for bot farming.
Generally bots will collect a few items and start roaming looking for enemies. If a firefight ensues, the bots will start swarming towards noise like zombies.
The best characters to farm bots are those that can do a lot of damage without taking any themselves. Since bots will run in a straight line towards you, assault rifles and snipers excel at bot farming.

As teammates

It sucks to get bots as teammates, but if you understand their behavior you can take advantage of it to try and win the round.


Zenith gets increasingly valuable in 7k+ games as you never have time to revive and/or enemies will camp dead bodies. Zenith's ability to revive through walls can also be exploited.

In game tactics

This is already a long post, so I'll brain dump common improvements / mistakes that I come across. Feel free to ask questions in the comments.


I thoroughly enjoyed playing Bullet Echo, bots and all.
submitted by AncientPC to BulletEchoGame [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 07:49 Efficient-Sound-6777 Feeling Hurt by My Mom's Lack of Trust

I live with my mom and I've never done anything shady with money or her phone’s privacy. Like, morals and stuff, you know? Stealing? Nah, not my thing. Outside my family, friends and acquaintances trust me implicitly, especially when it comes to matters involving money or privacy.
However, it's a different story when it comes to my mom. She constantly doubts me. It's been going on for a while now, little things like weird looks or behavior when I help with her finances or need to use her phone for something normal. It's like she thinks I'm gonna hack into her mobile banking or something! This lack of trust became painfully clear recently.
I was trying to recover my forgotten Apple ID password, which happened to be logged in on my mom's phone. To complete the recovery process, I was asked to enter the passcode of the iPhone, where that Apple ID was logged in. I call her to explain and ask for the passcode to verify my identity. Instead of understanding, she launches into this whole lecture, scolding me and making nonsensical comparisons like "Would you give ME your passcode?”
Seriously? This simple thing turned into a huge deal. It just confirmed my suspicions - she doesn't trust me with her stuff. And honestly, it hurts.
This has been bothering me for a while now, and I could really use some advice or perspective.
submitted by Efficient-Sound-6777 to NepalSocial [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 07:46 Borx06 I just had one of the craziest dreams ever!

It started with me and my cousin hanging around the river. After some time we went for a walk. And as we're walking we see fucking dusty divot in the distance so ofcourse we go there. We're there exploring and then we see giant skulls that are really big. So we get fucking scared and want to leave but something happens. We see fucking king kong. He hits my cousin and I get angry and I wanna fight him which is crazy because he's like 15 meters tall. He says bet and shrinks to my height. I obviously won. He then left.
After that me and my cousin decide to leave. We get out of dusty and then in the distance we see fucking mama kong with laser eyes. And I'm like we gotta go but stupid monkey see's us and starts running towards us. We go back to dusty to hide but mama kong take my cousin and throw him away and then I wanna fight again. Mama kong shrinks to my size but is suddenly looking like my classmate. We're fighting and I'm crazy. I'm doing some tricks and I beat mama kong. Then me and my cousin leave.
After that we go to my grandmas house. A lot of people are there celebrating something. I ask then how can they fucking celebrate when there are fucking giant monkeys walking around. They ignore me. Then my mum tells me origin of kong. She says that her friend from work was taking care of kong. He was normal sized monkey but super intelligent. One day he decided to go gambling. He was pressing buttons but because of his big fingers he pressed wrong button and lost all his money. He then got mad and called my mums friend a bitch. He ran away from house after that. I'm like thats crazy.
And then sky starts flickering and we see giant wings in the distance and we immediately know kong is coming. Me and my cousin hide under the trailer but everyone else is still sitting at the table. Kong walks to the table and he is just standing. I think to myself that maybe he doesn't attack if you don't show fear and just ignore him but as I thought that he flips over the table. Then he turns to the trailer and is looking at me. But somehow I am spiderman. My spider sense is so strong that it can talk to me and its telling me how it made my skin purple so kong would think there's only spider suit under the trailer. After that, kong hacks my computer with his super brain and finds out my name, which is Peter Parker now, and where I live. He then leaves us alone but my cousin starts making noises and im scared that he will turn back and try to kill us but he just leaves.
My rating: Pretty interesting and crazy dream. Plot is great. It made me scared at the moments. It gave us Kongs backstory which is really great. Great main and side characters. Overall: 9/10, it was a great dream but not the best I ever had.
submitted by Borx06 to teenagers [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 05:52 RandomHuman1069 I might start a YouTube Channel

I am thinking I want to make a YouTube channel where I do fun money challenges. Some ideas I have are
-Testing side hustles
-Testing productivity hack
-0 to 100 dollars one week challenge
These are just a few of my ideas and nothing is set in stone yet, but I am very excited. I haven't made the channel yet because I want to execute this idea correctly.
submitted by RandomHuman1069 to TeenBusiness [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 05:35 WayneEnterpriseX I (26M) caught my girlfriend (23F) in a web-of-lies. What should I do?

I (26M) caught my girlfriend (23F) in a web-of-lies.
I'm extremely devasted and my mind is clouded as I write this, but I have caught my girlfriend (23F), with which we have been dating for 6 years in a web-of-lies 3 Times in our dating period.
She has left me in my lowest point.
In the beginning of our releationship I caught her deleting a messages on her Iphone. I then confronted her and she told me that she deleted those messages because I would get the wrong impression of them and would end the releationship. She told me that she was scared to lose me, as I'm jealous of other males, which in fact is true, but I think my feelings were right all along.
I forgot the content of the message.
I let it slide, since we were in the beginning of our releationship (Maybe 1-2 years into it) and I also wasn't faithful at that time. I have even shared this with her at some points of the releationship, as I'm honest. The thing is that she said that she loves me so much that she would never do such a thing to me.
Slowly - I let my guard down, as she was with me during very hard moments in my life, where she could have easily left. As I let my guard down - I started adoring her and the thought of other girls started to dissappear.
She was extremely sweet, innocent and loving. No matter what I did - she was always there for me to support me and was always on my side.
I started focusing more on work, we were seeing each other everyday and everything was flourishing, but I never stopped being envious when she came with me at a disco/bar with friends or where there were other males.
I always felt as she had an eye out for some of them and always felt like I didn't satisfy her completely, as she had previously made remarks about our sexual encounters, which were above regular.
I slowly started to trust her more, as she continiously gained my trust by her action. Meanwhile I was 100% focused on my businesses and success.
She was working in a kid's playground and selling cakes. I was always there and supporting her.
As my success progressed - we started to go out on world trips on the most beautiful places and fell deeply in love (or so I thought)
4 years had passed by. She was still good an innocent (or so I thought).
On the 4th year - I made a project that made me life-changing money. I took her in Dubai with my whole family and spent a fortune to please them. Unfortunately - she was not happy there, I felt like she didn't support me at that moment. She didn't care what I did, she didn't care about my success. She tells me 'This is your success, not mine' 'This is your money, not mine' I told her I want to buy a house for us and she said 'This will be your house'
I then fell into an emotional pit, because everything I do is to support my family and create one wit her.
I got extremely mad, this feeling didn't fade away. I wanted to end it with her, because she didn't acknowledge anything.
The summer was approaching, we got into a fight over something (I Think I caught her again) - We separated for a month, she started crying and was working the whole month. - I went on a vacation with friends, where I cheated on her (Only kissing) and started approaching other girls. But while doing all this - My girlfriend never left my mind, I was extremely sad that I ended it with her.
I opened up her Instagram Account and saw on her story how she is on vacation with two good girls from her work and one baby (She was lonely by the looks of it and extremely sad)
I got back from the vacation and started working things out with her, I took her on a vaction, we had a bonding there, but something didn't feel right... She seemed sad.
I started gambling on crypto futures... I lost 20% of my networth... I got extremely mad.
We went back in our country and then I took her on another trip. I bought her everything she wanted, I took her everywhere she wanted, I did everything to please her. My focus at that time was entirely on her.
She wanted to go in the casino - we went. I lost money, but gave her, since she wanted to stack an amount for a nose operation.
(Not because the nose was broken or something, but because she wanted to look better)
Business started getting bad, my income vanished.....
I started trading more in order to get back to my previous amounts...
I lost it almost all.. I had 1 reserve fund which was locked and I waited a couple of months to take the funds out. She was there with me even when I lost.
She finished her operation.
I got the reserve fund. I started trading, I made half the amount back. She wanted me to buy her a car - I did. I bought a land as well, on which I wanted to start building our house.
After all that - I lost all my funds again...
She had been constantly in a fight with her parents and wanted to move out.
I had one small income left - with all the funds I had, I rented an apartment for 6 months.
During those 6 months - I focused on working, but was losing due to my gambling habbit.
She got a new job. She started going out with friends. Sexual intercourse decreased by a lot.
I told her that I don't like her going out till 6 AM in the morning. This just isn't right with me, so I got suspicious.
I hacked her laptop... she saw a notification and rushed to the house... I was able to see a lot of things, but it appears - she was deleting evidence, so I asked her to give her phone. - She gave it to me.
Unfortunately - I knew how to see deleted messages on an Iphone. I saw only one message, the content was:
'Don't message me anywhere again.'
I got filled with rage and we had a fight. She was fighting with me to get her phone back. I gave it and told her I want to end it.
As he was a famous greek singer - I was able to analyze when he had concerts and saw that on those dates - she had been visitng those concerts...
3 Days later - we talked and worked it out.... I was madly in love with her at this point. She told me that she arranges stages for him. (It's related to her new job)
My gambling habits were in full force. I lost a lot of money and couldn't afford a rent of a high-cost, so I told her - Let's move out to my mother's place and in the next 1 year I will make sure that I succeed again. (My mother isn't living inside the house, but my brother is)
She agreed roughly. So we moved and I started working, but unfortunately - The money I felt I was making was not enough, not nearly enough to buy an aparatament or build our house. She was acting kind, innocent.
I went out on a birthday party and my friend created a circumstance, where I would sleep with a girl next to me. I knew she really liked me and hooked up. We were going to have intercourse, but as I did anything - my girlfriend was on my mind and I couldn't bring myself to do anything other than kisses... I just couldn't.
She started going out with friends again. She was going nightclubbing with them, but assurred me - she was doing it for her own fun.
She was meanwhile stacking money to get a boob-job done. - She did it, made her boobs bigger. She assurred me that she was doing it for her own fun.
6 months have passed. - I stopped gambling, but she told me that she doesn't like my house, doesn't like that I'm living with my brother and she doesn't see a future with me.
She told me she would leave and go in her cousin's apartament, but he doesn't want me there.
I told her that I want to break up with her, because she doesn't want to be with me at my lowest point. I told her that she probably wants to leave the house to go out nightclubbing and find someone better than me. She felt offended (Or so It seemed), but I think that was the truth. She told me that she wants to have kids with me, she loves me, etc.
The next day: She goes out of city without telling me anything about her location. At night: she goes in a nightclub with her friends + other males.
I ask her in 2 AM - 'Where are you right now'? She comes in and out of 'Online' status. and at 4 AM I notice a follower increase on her Instagram, she follows him back - I send her a video and ask who the f is that? She responds 'What do you want', 'This is an old friend', 'Stop being envious'
I get extremely angry and stop responding. The next day I check the live photos of the nightclub and pray to god to give me a sign that I'm not delusional and exactly the next photo - She is on the same table, with the same guy, with her friends and other males. She told me she was sleeping.
1 Day passes - she starts messaging me and sending me photos with the quote 'Let's promise we will never leave each other and fix everything when things go wrong.' 2 Day passes - she starts messaging me, so I show her that I don't want to talk with her. 3 Day passes - no one messages. 4th day she messages me: "Are we breaking up?" and I told her "Do you think I want to be with someone, who constantly lies to me, goes out nightclubbing and adds some r*tards in Instagram?" She told me - "First of all - I'm not lying about anyhing" Then I ask her - "Why have you added this person in 4 AM in the morning"? She replies: "I have had him for some time now, he is an old friend" I told her that I monitor her followers and know if he is old or new" I told her that she looks like trash in my eyes at this point and she got angry She told me she isn't obligated to tell me anything and she hasn't added him in 4 AM, she will not be repeating her self.
I ask her: - Can you tell me where were you at that time (The night that this happened) ? She tells me: - Like every night - at home. I sent her a photo of the live nightclub photo where she is with him, her friends and other male friends. I tell her 'I hope this is gives you an answer for everything' 'My girlfriend died a long time ago' She starts sending laughing emojis and says: "It's good, right?" "You killed her more likely and made her what she is today" I tell her "It's possible" She responds "As you can see - he is with his girlfriend, DON'T THINK WRONG THINGS OF ME" I told her: "Don't explain yourself" "This was my last question." She is now telling: "This is a driver of... and some time ago my friend hooked up with him, this is from where I added him, I haven't added him now" I told her: "I don't think anything of you." She responds "The last two years you have not thought of me anyway" WHICH IS NOT TRUE. I tell her "I wish you all the best, I hope you find what you are looking for" She responds "Me too, be happy" I respond "I have only one question left" "When did my girl die?" She reponds "You can always contact me if you need any help" I respond: "Thank you, but I don't think of searching for contacting you anymore" She asks: "Which is your girl?" I respond "The good girl that loved me and was always with me or was this just a product of my imagination? Be honest" She said: "Whatever you feel like" I respond "Okay, good night" Then I forward the message "You can always contact me for help" and I say: "I really loved you and will miss you" She reponds: "I will never stop loving you. There is no way to stop loving a person with which you have been in a releationship for 6 years" "Good night, I will not upset myself anymore" I ask her "Why would you do this to me?" She ask "What did I do to you?" I told her "It's pointless to say, I have a lot more information that on the photo" She says "We were in this town for a doctor checkup, after that we went to a nightclub and accidentially met them (The person and his male friends)" I ask her "Will you stop with the lying?" She says "I'm telling you" I respond "Good night"
Now my question is:
I'm a sucker for her love. Maybe I'm just in love with the old her. I have never loved any girl as much as I love her. I feel absolutely terrible. Maybe part of this was my fault. Maybe it was my fault that she became like this..
What do I do from here? I don't think I will ever love a person this way.. I wanted her to carry my children and raise a family with her.
submitted by WayneEnterpriseX to relationship_advice [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 05:11 Queasy-Extension9466 +1 (859) 749-0267

‼️‼️❌❌Scammer asking for money pretending to be my sister, they also hacked her instagram and started asking people send $80. They have a Venmo April-Barcels , Apple Pay. Number in title. Hacker and Scammer. Beware. ‼️‼️❌❌
submitted by Queasy-Extension9466 to ScamNumbers [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 05:04 BirdUnlucky Do I switch banks?

For context, my account was hacked (I’m with TD in Canada) and ever since I’ve had issues. I couldn’t login to the app for close to a month because of people saying stuff was fixed when it wasn’t, and on top on that I can’t make any deposit through my phone (cheque) or through an atm (cash or cheque). I made a Koho account so I got that going. I’m also still on TD’s student account so no monthly fees (I just turned 20 half a week ago). Do I stick with Koho as a chequing account and open up a credit card to build credit faster? Any advice would be great.
P.S. (The deposits aren’t necessary to my life they just piss me off when I have to deposit expenses money from work)
submitted by BirdUnlucky to PersonalFinanceCanada [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 04:52 According-Poetry-806 Any hacks for making clothes nursing friendly?

I’m cheap and don’t want to spend any more money on pumping bras/nursing friendly clothing so I’m looking for more hacks if you all have any recommendations. Here are some that I’ve used so far:
What else?
submitted by According-Poetry-806 to breastfeeding [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 04:51 Queasy-Extension9466 Wanna be scammer

Hacked my sisters IG, and sent a dm to everyone, someone actually sent my sister $80 her, tsshey gave a Venmo and Number to send money too. Please blow up the number. We have been sending Gifs. Not sure how else I can piss them off. Number they want Apple Pay too is 8597490267 Venmo is - April-bartels
submitted by Queasy-Extension9466 to ScamNumbers [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 04:48 Queasy-Extension9466 Wanna be scammer

Hacked my sisters IG, and sent a dm to everyone, someone actually sent my sister $80 her personal number, they gave a Venmo and Number to send money too. Please blow up the number. We have been sending Gifs. Not sure how else I can piss them off 😂😫
submitted by Queasy-Extension9466 to ScamNumbers [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 04:43 Mean-Editor-5714 How do I hack my account

I don’t know if hack is the right term but I have an instagram account and I haven’t logged in in 2 years. My parents (I was 14) grounded me and made me delete instagram and then change my number, so I changed it but forgot to change it on instagram, and I didn’t like my email (yes i’m stupid). I’ve been trying to get the account back and it just says “we don’t recognize this device” (I changed my phone). Is there any way for me to hack the account or something? This is extra stupid but is there any way to do it for free because I have no money and I’m not supposed to have instagram, but that account is soooo embarrassing and I just want to change it.
submitted by Mean-Editor-5714 to stupidquestions [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 04:21 Imaginary-Shelter164 Fraud dept is fraud!

My fraud case was opened in December 2022 and is still "being investigated". I have received no update, no communication and have felt literally blocked from speaking to anyone in the Fidelity Fraud dept. Most of my hard earned money was returned after my account was hacked online and my case qualifies for the Fidelity Customer Protection Guarantee. However, I am still missing just under $3000. My case is clearly fraud but I have been ignored. Started process 03/11/3024, after initial reporting was ignored and nothing filed. I sent in an appeal and was told they would look at it as a courtesy not as a right granted by the account agreement. They refuse to contact me directly, my contact number keeps getting changed without my knowledge and it seems like legal remedies are the only action that gets a response. They violate the 10 day requirement consistently without reputable documentation. Agents don’t know about the Fidelity guarantee nor Visas’ No liability for fraud charges!!!!
submitted by Imaginary-Shelter164 to fidelityinvestments [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 03:34 T0X1CGAM3R Can someone mod a PSN account to have everything unlocked in multiplayer

I don't have any money I only ask for a favor of someone nice who knows how to mod accounts I don't want hacks though it would be nice just weapons and skins in multiplayer I always like the other cool crate locked guns but cant unlock them id really appreciate it if someone could help me thanks
submitted by T0X1CGAM3R to blackops3 [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 01:41 WyldeLands Wylde Lands v1.0 Release

Hello weary travelers, and welcome to the Wylde Lands. After a tragic accident involving a witches brew (and a failed downtime roll), I was bedridden for weeks and felt my time was best spent writing up my own homebrew OSR game. I may have just been bored. Either way, my suffering is your gain!
Contained within these tomes (or 42 pages), you will find a game inspired by the classics like Knave by Ben Milton, and Cairn by Yochai Gal.
This game is published under CC-BY-4.0 so feel free to share, download for free, or even hack it up into your own inspired game. Happy crawling!
The Wylde Lands
submitted by WyldeLands to osr [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 01:24 InverseFlash Respect Nico! (Undead Unluck)

All of you unconsciously prune information. Forget it. Feed off it at your own convenience. I remember everything. Everything. Constantly. The pain of losing my comrades. The sadness. All of the information that composes those moments…never leaves my brain for a second.

Nico Vorgeil is the head of Union's science division. An atheist turned anti-theist, he was recruited for his one of a kind skill in pioneering the understanding of the universe. The only thing that could push him even further was his own union with a woman that had intellect to match his own. However, when she died in childbirth, his Negation manifested, dooming him to suffer endlessly. He died in regret, having betrayed everything he stood for in exchange for a few fleeting moment with his late wife.
But now, Fuuko Izumo's on a quest to give everyone a happy ending. And Nico's the one she wishes that for the most…


  • Feats are listed in order of appearance. Hover over a link to see the chapter(s) of origin.
  • Feats from chapters up to 132 are from the 100th Loop.
  • Feats from 133 on are from the 101st Loop, with this RT leaving off at 206.
  • Character profile.
  • Huge thanks to NegativeGamer and doctorgecko for creating threads that contributed to this one.






General Union Things
Note: Ichico matches his number of inventions, much higher than the other lab members, so it's possible some of these belong to her.
Single-Person Gadgets
Loop 100
Loop 101
Specific - Others'
Specific - Own
Astral Dolls

Negation: Unforgettable

Type: Self-Targeting Compulsory Activation
Tragedy: Ichico Nemuri's death in childbirth is the only memory he has of his wife
Nico's Negation prevents him from forgetting anything his mind has processed since acquiring the Negation. This in turn crushes out the memories he had from before the Negation awakened.


I couldn't forget even if you told me to. Those words. Those memories. I've ingrained them into my soul!!

submitted by InverseFlash to respectthreads [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 01:16 AxedLens1 MultiversX Today - Daily Report 13.05

MultiversX Today - Daily Report 13.05
Your daily dose of @MultiversX highlights is here:
❎ Proof of Hack registrations still open ❎ Summary of the last week published ❎ 2 new @xExchangeApp trading pairs ❎ @xMoney_com weekly recap
MultiversX Today - Daily Report 13.05
Ecosystem updates@Globees_Project $BEE allocation for 40k #MultiversX accounts ❎ @QuantumXnetwork thread on its Permissionless Farms ❎ @buidly_ explained the #MultiversX tech report for non-tech users ❎ @Ta_da_io’s $TADA listed on @tokeroexchange@wecowcow partnership with @Globees_Project & dedicated airdrop allocation ❎ @memevers_x 6-week stats ❎ @ash_swap bi-weekly recap ❎ @ProjectX_DAO X SPaces AMA with @LudoHQ@sense4fit weekly report ❎ @ProteoDefi thread on sPROTEO benefits ❎ @goChargeHQ platform update to V0.1.1 ❎ @EGLD_Community added 3 new projects to its Ecosystem section
Source: X @MultiversXToday
submitted by AxedLens1 to MultiversXOfficial [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 01:04 T0X1CGAM3R Can someone mod a PSN account to have everything unlocked in multiplayer

Can someone mod a PSN account to have everything unlocked in multiplayer like guns and skins pls I really want it I can provide the psn account access it will be a new account so don't try to hack me just please I really want a account to use where I can have all the cool guns and skins (p.s. I don't have any money and am flat broke😅)
submitted by T0X1CGAM3R to BO3COD [link] [comments]