Fake ultrasound maker

Today l Learned (TlL)

2017.09.07 19:13 It_Is_Blue Today l Learned (TlL)

Today l Learned (TlL)

2012.09.19 06:24 nickspinner Gangstalking of Targeted Individuals

Go to /targetedenergyweapons. Gangstalking, electronic torture, Scientific TI type sub.

2013.11.21 10:21 IndianLeft Indian Left: Building a better future with the Workers and Peasants at our helm!

A community for discussion about Socialist theory and praxis in the Indian context.

2024.05.14 13:24 Boltsnouns What's Happening in 2024: A Real Answer

What's Happening in 2024: A Real Answer

What's up regards?!

You don't remember me since I haven't posted here since the July 2023 boycott (when I deleted my entire post history).

Many of you are looking for an answer as to what's happening right now and I'll be honest, as much as I love seeing the memes.... it's time an OG like myself schools you all on market mechanics.

Let's get some admin stuff out the way real quick.
My credentials: my first buy order was Jan 18th, 2021 when I saw the hype on the Betz sub and used TA to check out GME. I saw the ascending triangle on the chart and invested $1000 expecting GME to go bankrupt. Imagine my surprise when a week later my account hit $80k before they shut off the buy button. You think TA doesn't work? Cool. Who cares. I'm here to make money, not argue over tea leaves. I now own xxxx shares and attempted to DRS my calls like a true regard. I've written 3 DD on Options and Market Mechanics which wound up at the top of the sub and all ~fall of 2022. How do you think I have all that karma without any posts?

Moving On.

The market is insanely complex, so forgive me for trying to simplify these complex mechanics into an easy to read social media post. People who understand, PLEASE... help me in the comments. All of this stuff can be found on Investopedia or a quick ChatGPT prompt.
There are four main mechanics at play right now driving the stock price: 1. options, 2. Direct Registration, 3. social media, 4. DFV.

Part 1. Options

Look, I get it. This sub hates options because 99% of us lose money on them. Fun fact, you aren't supposed to hold options to close. They are meant for quick plays where you get in and out, but don't want to tie up all of your capital waiting a week for the stock to settle. Here's the rub: Options drive the vast majority of the market. Considering the ENTIRE GLOBAL GDP is $109 trillion, from every country on earth. The estimated options only market: $12.4 trillion actual value, with a notional value of $600 trillion!!! Options alone are 6x the entire global GDP. If you don't think a handful of calls move the price.... well. Go back to school I guess and learn how to math.
Call contracts are worth 100 shares each, so options are like 100x leverage over shares for like 10% of the cost. So when the price swings drastically, options pay back way more money than shares, but unlike shares, they expire and go to zero. The way options were created, they also affect the share price 10x+ more than shares. Most retail (I.e. plebs like me and you) don't know this. Options (calls specifically) give the option to buy 100 shares of a stock at an agreed price, the strike price. The formula to calculate the price of an options contract is very complicated but consist of variables called the Greeks.
The two main Greeks are the delta and gamma. The delta says how much a contract will affect the share price, I.e. acceleration (up or down), and the gamma sets the impact on market makers who wrote the contract. Remember, someone has to sell stocks if a contract gets executed. So gamma is the rate of change for the delta (i.e. the higher the gamma, the faster the delta increases.) Since market makers have special privileges, they don't have to own the shares before they write (sell) the options contract to buyers. This is (one method) of naked shorting a stock. Most call strikes are out of the money (above the share price) so market makers don't own 100% of the stock to sell if a contract goes in the money. I.e. the share price goes above the strike price. So what happens? This is where delta becomes important. The market maker has to go onto the open market and buy the shares that they don't have. This is called delta hedging. Well, if the options delta is high when the MM go to the market to buy the naked shares, the price becomes volatile and starts to skyrocket. Now, since the gamma affects the delta, as a ton of people start buying options, each options gamma begins to grow, exponentially increasing the delta effect on the stock price.
In GMEs case, the stock has been extremely flat, with no volatility for months. This dropped the delta significantly over time and most options contracts were nearly worthless if they were more than $5 above GME's share price. Last week the price started moving up into low delta strike prices (which were un-hedged by MMs). As the price continues going up, more call strikes go in the money leaving the naked MM's at very high risk. Now the market makers have to hedge those calls since they are either in the money, or about to be in the money. Since each call is 100 shares, for every call bought, the MM has to buy 100 shares (oversimplifying). So if there's 16,000 calls that means 1.6M shares have to be purchased on the open market.
Joe schmoe isn't moving the share price with his $5,000 stock purchase. But if a MM has to buy $54.4m of shares at once (1.6m shares times $34), guess where the price goes? UP.
So now the price skyrockets due to the MM massive purchases, putting even more calls in the money. Requiring more hedging. Requiring more purchases, requiring more hedging. This ramp is called the Gamma ramp. Eventually the loop stops and the price stabilizes at the top of the gamma ramp. Right now, the max strike yesterday was $34 for GME so the ramp can't go higher (which is why after market close the price moved up to $33). But today, when the new strikes are released (max strike is $57), if there's enough hedging required, the ramp continues until either 1. No more hedging is required, or 2. the stock hits max strike price again ($57, and the stock price is currently at $45 at 6am). Wait a day, rinse repeat. (FYI, MM have two days to hedge, so just because the price drops down to $28, does not mean the hedging is complete for today). Low supply + high demand = recipe for insane share prices as MMs fight to close out their naked shorts.
Check out this chart from 2021:
This has happened so many times in the market and this is a GAMMA squeeze. GME is not being short squeezed right now. It's being gamma squeezed. However, if too many contracts are sold short, they still require a share to close the position. Too many shorts equals not enough shares. It becomes the hunger games on crack. A gamma squeeze is the predecessor to a short squeeze. If the gamma squeeze keeps going through this week, next week will be a blood bath as the short squeeze kicks off and Market Makers begin liquidating real companies like Apple and NVDA and TSLA to pay for the GME squeeze.

Part 2: DRS

Okay, so now we established that GME is undergoing a Gamma Squeeze, pushing the price high, very very quickly. Well, for literal years, this sub has DRS'd over 75 million shares, removing approximately 50% of the float, that we know of. This means that HALF the available shares on the market are locked away from MMs, who can no longer use them to hedge with. DRS was never going to cause the MOASS, but DRS is like pouring a thousand gallons of gas on a camp fire. It's going to go BOOM and there's nothing can stop it. Take the limited supply due to the gamma ramp, and get rid of HALF the remaining supply. It's making the gamma ramp problem exponentially worse.
It's possible that the DTCC failed to properly account for real shares, and let Market Makers use their liquidity fairy powers to create fake shares by naked selling them through brokers. If this is the case, then there are no actual shares for market makers to buy off the open market to fulfill their obligations during the gamma squeeze. Just like the old punch buggy squeeze in 2008, no shares alone will cause the price to skyrocket. This means that we are about to see Institutions blow up as their obligations exceed their assets with no way to purchase real shares off the market. When these banks, hedge funds, and market makers blow up, it's going to ripple across the market. Expect a lot of drama from everywhere including many unexpected places.

Part 3: Social Media

How does social media play in this? The spread of information. Remember the old bets sub, where people yolo'd tens of thousands of dollars into options contracts in order to make a fortune? Yeah, for every one person on that sub YOLOing their entire 401k into 0DTE calls, there are probably 10 more who dump theirs into the exact same stock options. Suddenly, those $10k YOLO posts are the equivalent of $100k+ for each one posted. $10k in share prices won't affect the price much, but $10k in high delta calls? Yeah, RIP to the Market Makers trying to buy and hedge shares.
Additionally, the 2021 squeeze spread massive awareness of these types of events. Add in GME's synonymy with meme stock, make me rich, and the non-stop reminded for the last three years by this sub, no one is going to miss this opportunity to invest again. Remember bitcoin and Apple Computer, and Amazon? Who wouldn't go back and invest everything in those stocks. Social media is driving people to invest in GME, not wanting to miss the rocket this time around. And that bring me to my last point....

Part 4: DFV, the man himself, returns.

Remember this guy?
He made like... ALL the money... Off of only $50k initial invest in 2019! Insane!
He's Back...
Time to get serious. All the OG's like myself are back, and we have 3 years of savings to pour into this thing. This is our (un?)intentional catalyst. And MOASS is about to start.
BUCKLE UP. The fasten seat-belt sign is on. We are number one for departure....
submitted by Boltsnouns to Superstonk [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 08:05 _Lucie_ I need a sanity check. Friend won't be induced until 43 weeks (+ Bonus Post)

I am NOT OP. OP is u/BlueMillennium with one post being by u/Resource-National
Posts were originally posted to BabyBumps and pregnant
Trigger Warnings: may be distressing to those suffering from infertility, mentions of babyloss/stillbirth, mental health issues
Original Post : Posted on May 2, 2024 (12 days ago) by OOP
I have a weird situation and I need a sanity check. Please tell me I'm not crazy for being concerned and skeptical.
Background: a friend of mine is 34 years old, first time mom, and currently 42.5 weeks pregnant. She says her doctor is not concerned at all. After her 41 week appt, I asked when she would be getting induced, since generally doctors don't let you go past 41 weeks. She said her doctor didn't even talk about induction and baby is healthy, etc. Then a week later, she said her and her doctor briefly talked about induction and because she's dilated, doctor thinks she's in labor and to just come to the birthing center that night to check on progress. She ended up not going in at all because "she's not cramping" and made another appointment with her doctor, which was yesterday. She just let me know that her doctor said they'll induce her on Friday when she's 43 weeks! I'm absolutely baffled. I've given birth 3 times and every single time, they've told me that they rarely let women go past 41 weeks.
I'm starting to think something is going on. This friend is a bit of an odd duck. I have not seen her in person since she told us she was pregnant. She's turned down every offer for baby items, baby shower, walking buddy, etc. She has sent over baby bump pics over the last few months. She has a really small build but does have a small bump I guess. Nothing that would make me think she's 3 weeks overdue.
This is weird, right??
Comments agree that it is indeed strange but a few comments offer potential explanations.
Relevant Comments
mrun1: Midwife here. I think it’s entirely possible your friend and her doctor are going off different due dates. As many others have commented very few providers would be so relaxed about someone going >42 weeks. We often see a due date change after the dating scan but sometimes folks really latch onto their first “due date” that was based only on their last period.
MabelMyerscough: That would also make me very suspicious.. please let me/us know what the 'end result' is! Something sounds indeed shady.. but she's not in the same country as you guys right now? Is she in a country with very weird healthcare?
OOP: She's in the US at a large health system. Her boyfriend lives in Europe. It's a weird situation all around. The boyfriend was supposed to come down for the birth but she's made excuses on why he's not here. At first it was because he only had a week of vacation time and didn't want to get here too early and now it's that he'd rather spend that time with the baby after she's born. This friend was originally going to move to Europe for the birth but that never happened either...
MabelMyerscough: Interesting.. I'm not in the US but from what I read the US is even stricter with inducing early if needed and not past 41 weeks! Where I come from in EU they let you go until 42 weeks if all checkups are good, but not longer than that, ever..
Yeah maybe surrogate or something? I'd still be willing to give her the benefit of the doubt.. has she shared pictures of nursery or something?
OOP: No pictures. We even asked for an ultrasound picture when we got suspicious (we have a friend chat group) but she said she never got copies of the images. It's so shady!! I've offered her my baby stuff that she might need but she doesn't want it for various reasons.
So I'm actually a surrogate and she's well aware of my experience with it. I don't think she could afford it 😕
DeepBackground5803: Is she someone you would have seen in person before pregnancy?
The 43 week induction is concerning to me. Weird especially that her doctor told her to go to the birthing center that night to get checked out, but she didn't because she wasn't cramping.
What do you think is going on? Do you think she secretly has a surrogate? Lying about being pregnant altogether?
OOP: We see each other maybe once or twice a year so not super concerning. She has a boyfriend who she visited overseas, which is supposedly where she got pregnant. I'm thinking there's something shady going on but at some point... There's no baby.. lol
UPDATE: Friend won't be induced until 43 weeks : Posted on May 5, 2024 (10 days ago) by OOP
My friend said her water was starting to leak on Thursday around 2pm. She said her doctor told her not to come in until her contractions are 4 min apart. She was not currently having contractions but more sharp cramps. Friday morning, I checked in on her. She said she's still not having contractions and she still plans to go in that night (last night) around 8pm. I text her around that time to wish her luck and I hope things go well, yadda yadda. She just said "thank you" and nothing else. No updates overnight.
My friend is a nurse at her delivery hospital and called me this morning, asking for an update because she's concerned about her water breaking nearly 48 hours ago and she hasn't had the baby. So, she called her hospital to see if my friend was there and they have no record of her checking in at all. She plans to text her this morning and see if she says she is in the hospital or what. We are all in the same group chat, for reference.
This is all just so crazy. My nurse friend said there's no way her doctor wouldn't have her immediately come in if she's 43 weeks and her water broke. I have no idea what to think. This friend is always really open and texts us all the time with random updates so the radio silence is not normal for her.
Update: friend says she's currently at the hospital and doing well but it's possible she put herself on the privacy list.
{Edited to remove private information}
**I get it. Nurse friend may crossed a line. I have no idea. Just updating with what I was told.
To be continued! 🤷🏼‍♀️
Update 2: it's now been almost 48 hours since she's arrived at the hospital, supposedly. She has said multiple times that she's there and all is well. Zero pictures, updates, or information. She's responding to other messages like normal. It's been 72 hours (I think) since her water broke and she's past 43 weeks now. This friend is one who sends tons of pictures when she's doing anything exciting so... This is definitely not like her. She has volunteered pregnancy related information the last several months.
We don't know how long to let this go. We all agree that we think there is no pregnancy or baby. We've all been friends since elementary school so this is hard for us to accept. There's 3 options. 1) she's pregnant and lied about her due date for whatever reason. 2) she truly believes she's pregnant even though we are pretty sure she hasn't been a doctor. 3) she's just straight up lying. This is hard for us because she hasn't posted on social media so if she wanted the attention, why not post there too? We are thinking that she's lied about previous life events. She was once engaged for years without any wedding or meeting the supposed fiance. I'm sad for her and mad/disappointed she is lying to us.
What do we do??
Update 3: I don't even know how to start. Friend has supposedely been in the hospital for several days at this point. I'm actually in St Lucia right now on vacation so don't have access to our chat group via texts so trying to get updates via FB.
One friend in that text group said she reached out privately and the friend said she had the baby but was too stressed to send pics or updates. So she reached out to the other friend in the chat who said she also reached out to the pregnant friend who said she has NOT had the baby and was starting pitocin that day. So she's now telling people different things
And now, another reddit user reached out via PM. She posted a topic on the Pregnancy subreddit about this exact story. Someone linked her to my posts. I can confirm it is indeed the same person. The main details she has shared are the same with a few things that are off from what I was told.
We are actively trying to get a hold of her parents. They moved recently and no longer have the landline number but we are very concerned.
Edit 4: one friend in our group was able to find pregnant friends home address. This friend is closest to her between all of us. She is going to go over this evening and is prepared to talk to her. We talked to someone we know who is a psychologist and helped us with what to say, how she might react, etc. her parents should be there as well.
Pregnant friend has told one friend that she had the baby yesterday and another friend that she just had the baby an hour ago and is being discharged, which is just impossible. We think she truly believes she is pregnant based off a pregnancy test and it was likely a chemical pregnancy. She never met with a doctor because other tests were negative and I think deep down, she was afraid a doctor would confirm that there is no baby. So, she decided to carry on as if she was pregnant and now she has tricked herself into thinking she is pregnant.
We also found the baby daddy from Europe. He is married. We believe maybe they had an affair. His wife may have already tried talking to pregnant friend and accused her of lying. Or, maybe she found some random guy and made the whole thing up. We have no idea. We are going to urge her to go to a mental health facility in her town.
Relevant Comments:
ruebarbara_: Dude! I had a life long friend do this to me in 2022. Lied the whole way through the pregnancy. Had a baby shower. Bought a fake bump. Boyfriend was excited to be a dad. But none of us actually hung out together. Literally no one knew it was all a lie until she went in for her “induction” and instead she actually fled the state because she was in too deep and didn’t know what to do. Her mom called me and asked what doctor she sees, I gave her the name. She called the clinic and this friend never showed up for her confirmation of pregnancy appointment. Her mom was so embarrassed but also worried. Friend ended up going to inpatient psych for a few days. She’s a pathological liar. We are no longer friends as this wasn’t the first time she had lied about something major and I just don’t have the mental space for that. It was a wild ride that actually caused me a lot of anxiety.
OOP: Oh my God 😲😲 that's what I'm thinking now.. how is she going to get out of the lie??
NoYesterday_6662: I wonder if she feels like she’s “ behind “ in the friend group. So she makes stuff up to feel better. Idk if any of the other friends maybe are married or have kids? So she’s making things up to feel like she’s not “ left out “?
OOP: Yeah she's always wanted kids. There's one other friend who is unmarried, no kids. 🤷🏼‍♀️
bananapajama1: when is the last time you saw her in person? :o is that normal for your friendship?
OOP: It's probably been a year but yeah that's normal. We try to see each other twice a year. I did offer to see her; throw a shower, be her walking buddy, go shopping for baby stuff. She didn't take me up on any of it. Now that is odd. Originally when she told us she was pregnant, she said she was moving to Europe with the boyfriend so it was just so chaotic there for a while, according to her.
Beckella: She’ll claim she had a stillbirth for the attention.
OOP: I think she's convinced herself that she's really pregnant. She did maternity photos and everything but she doesn't really look pregnant. Bloated maybe
JG0923: Is she one to lie about things in general? I had a friend like that who lied about A LOT of things in her life and we didn’t realize it for years and years.
OOP: Looking back at the things she's said over the years, it's possible. She had a fiance for 5 years that I never met. Wondering if that was a lie. Ugh
Resource-National: This is crazy! I “met” a woman on a fertility fb group who is telling me the exact same thing! She lives in Kansas City apparently and has no baby bump and has told me for months she’s been bullied by friends and co workers. She has sent me bump pictures and even photos from her maternity shoot. Literally same story- leaking fluid on Thursday and it’s Sunday and no baby. Today she told me she’s 42 and 6!!! And even said her friends are “attacking” her saying she’s not even pregnant! Really curious if it’s the same woman.
OOP: Wow, same woman. I saw your PM. Holy shit this is wild.
Going past 42 weeks? : Posted on May 6, 2024 (8 days ago) by u/Resource-National
I think I may have befriended a person who is faking their pregnancy. We met on an online fertility community and both got pregnant around the same time. We’ve checked in on each other through our “pregnancies”. She claims to have a very small bump, which I know can happen, and has more or less been bullied by friends and co workers. She’s sent me bump pics throughout her pregnancy and there is no bump.
She’s post term now. Around 40 weeks she claimed to be spotting for a week saying it was her “bloody show”. I tried to keep an open mind because even tho this is my second pregnancy and none of my friends had a bloody show like that, hey, anything is possible right? Now she claims to have been leaking amniotic fluid since Thursday night. She messaged me Friday afternoon and my response was to call her dr or go to labor and delivery to be checked. She claimed that it was confirmed to be amniotic fluid and she was told to go home since she wasn’t having contractions. I found that odd considering she was past the 24 hr mark.
Today she says she’s still leaking fluid and has no contractions. Then I asked her how far long she is and she said 42.6. Prior to this, the first thing she said to me was how she was so upset because her close friends were accusing her of faking a pregnancy. I found that really odd. But after the 42.6 I have to wonder. When I suggested she got to l&d immediately it seemed like groundbreaking news to her (“will they help labor speed up?”). She said she was treated at the er on Friday, which my understanding is that anything pregnancy related always goes through l&d.
I realize not everyone has a provider who educates them or takes it upon themselves to learn the basics of pregnancy. Maybe she’s not the sharpest tool in the shed. But now I’m thinking this person is either fake or totally lying about being pregnant. Either way it’s bizarre!! Does any ob permit pregnancy past 42 weeks in the us?!
Wow- the number of comments saying they’ve seen this similar story questioning this woman’s pregnancy is insane. For the record I’ve never told this woman any identifying features other than I live on the west coast. No photos etc. this is through Facebook and my profile is extremely private and we are NOT Facebook friends! Thank you for your concern. My mind def went to all of the horror stories.
Update: It’s safe to say this woman isn’t pregnant. In a shocking turn of events here is a post about the same woman written by her irl friend https://www.reddit.com/BabyBumps/s/LpIboHfJT5
Here is the final Update #2 to this very sad and bizarre saga: https://www.reddit.com/BabyBumps/s/Zm4ARKWcW1
Relevant Comments:
Possible_Library2699: I feel like someone else posted about this same woman!?
ppaulapple: The OP in the other sub just confirmed it’s the same person 2 hours ago 🤯
Final Update: 43 week pregnant friend has admitted to not being pregnant. : Posted on May 7, 2024 (7 days ago) by OOP
A lot has happened in the last 24 hours. Previous posts can be found in my history. I'll link to them later.
Pregnant friend will be called El in this post for simplicity sake.
El has told different friends different stories over the last couple days. She told one friend that she gave birth yesterday, but another friend that she gave birth today and is already home and doing well. The friend closest to her was able to find her home address (she moved recently).
Friend went to the delivery hospital to double check that she wasnt there. They confirmed they had no patient with that name. She called El. She asked El where she was and El said she was leaving the hospital right now. Friend said "well I am here so I'll help you walk out". That's when El broke down and admitted everything after my friend was able to meet her at her house. Here's the gist:
El visited her boyfriend in Europe. A few weeks later, she thought she might be pregnant. She took a test and it had an incredibly faint line. She started posting in pregnancy FB groups asking for confirmation. Then she went to the doctor and asked for an ultrasound. They confirmed that there was no baby. El was convinced they were lying to her. She says she went to another boutique ultrasound place and they did a 3d scan and found a baby and did an entire pregnancy scan. (We don't believe this actually happened). Then El started getting symptoms, her belly starting growing and she fully convinced herself that she was pregnant. She did maternity photos, prepped for a baby and told her workplace and parents. She never went back to the doctor because she was convinced they were all lying to her.
Once she hit "full term", she starting getting anxious. She thought she was cramping, losing her mucus plug, and her water broke. She didn't know what to do because the doctors wouldn't help her. Once she went past 43 weeks, she decided to go to the hospital (yesterday). She showed up with her hospital bags packed and her parents went with her. She told the front desk that she was 43 weeks pregnant and was ready to have her baby. I don't know what all happened here but they basically turned her away and told her she was not pregnant or having a baby. We think her parents started to figure it all out a week or so ago, but didn't know the extent of the lies. They have always let El do whatever she wants and pay for her entire lifestyle. We assume she lied to them about everything.
Friend said El does have a swollen belly that looks like she's 20ish weeks. They talked for a long time and she is grieving this lost pregnancy/baby. She legitimately thought she was going to give birth.
We think she is suffering from a phantom pregnancy. Thank you to the redditor who told me about this. I had never heard of it.
We are all very upset for her and realize that we need to be very careful. We are not going to attack her or confront her as a group. We have a mental health resource ready to help her, if we can delicately get her to agree to go.
This is not how I thought this would all play out. This is all so unbelievable. I appreciate everyone who reached out and commented with words of support. 🩷
Relevant Comments:
linny93: You mentioned in your last post that the “father” is married. Did you get any update on that situation? Did she choose a random European guy and say it was her fiancé?
OOP: She seems to think they are together but his FB says otherwise. He has posts with his wife on trips, etc. we just don't know yet 😕
cherb30: I’m a little confused, forgive me for being skeptical!
Do women who lose a baby 20+ weeks ago still have a noticeable baby bump? What do you mean they “turned her away and told her she was not pregnant”… did they take a pregnancy test or just turn her away? Did any of your friends become concerned that she waited til 43 weeks to go to the doctor to deliver? That is super late. Also I’m really surprised the hospital would have disclosed she was/was not a pregnant patient there. Anyway just my initial questions on this!
OOP: We all started getting very suspicious at 41 weeks when she said her doctors didn't want to induce her and it grew with each week she went past. We were very very concerned, hence my initial post on this subreddit.
I don't know if the hospital did any tests or checked her in any way. I'm shocked they wouldn't have her meet with a social worker or something. She def does not look pregnant enough to give birth. She's a very tiny girl normally so any weight gain in her stomach would be very noticeable. She probably weighs 100-110 pounds. I think it was probably obvious she wasn't ready to give birth and they maybe told her to go to the ER when she wasn't in their patient system.
We are trying to sort between the truth and lies she's spun trying to convince herself and others.
OOP (in response to a deleted comment): She isn't actually pregnant but she truly believes she was pregnant, enough to convince her body that she was. It's called a phantom or hysterical pregnancy. She's having a mental health episode. She's not insane but she does need professional support. She thought she was coming home with a baby. That's what she is grieving. She's wanted to be a mom so badly.
Marking as concluded due to OOPs friend being confirmed to have not been pregnant.
submitted by _Lucie_ to BestofRedditorUpdates [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 02:28 Abject_Rabbit_193 GOOD LORD…THE SHOCKING, SHOCKED, FAKE FACE…. HOW MANY TIMES DO YOU NEED AN ULTRASOUND, JAIME??? Did not watch on YouTube, but not up yet on Yewtube. Ohhh….cannot wait…oh, yes I can! Same old, same old.

GOOD LORD…THE SHOCKING, SHOCKED, FAKE FACE…. HOW MANY TIMES DO YOU NEED AN ULTRASOUND, JAIME??? Did not watch on YouTube, but not up yet on Yewtube. Ohhh….cannot wait…oh, yes I can! Same old, same old. submitted by Abject_Rabbit_193 to Jamienotis [link] [comments]

2024.05.13 23:05 FakeElectionMaker I recently got harassed through DMs for being pro-life.

I recently got harassed through DMs for being pro-life.
  1. I am a high schooler and watch all classes, including biology.
  2. I am not really violent, or a misogynist anywhere. I disagree with the Twitter Catholics who oppose the right of women to vote, and would never personally commit violence.
  3. A mother killing her own child is everybody's business, and Roe v Wade was nine men ruling on women's business.
  4. The grammatically correct first message would be "You need to take a science class, stop being a violent misogynist on the Internet, and stay out of women's business."
submitted by FakeElectionMaker to prolife [link] [comments]

2024.05.13 21:02 healthmedicinet Health Daily News May 12 2024

DAY: DAY: MAY 12, 2024

MAY 12, 2024
submitted by healthmedicinet to u/healthmedicinet [link] [comments]

2024.05.13 20:40 McRaeWritescom Discipline. Fortitude. Logic. Y'all got this.

I don't trust this.
Maybe that's because since February of 2021 I've seen every fucking PsyOp trick in the book on the stock I like! All aided by heaping mounds of white collar crime, including the regular fraud, counterfeiting of securities, abusing market maker positions, plus the whole gamut from DTCC's blatant international stock fraud to market manipulation by CNBC a la the Citadel logos plastered across monitors and the set. All sanctioned by the US Government, as inaction from SEC, DOJ, FBI, and other various US government agencies makes them all complicit in all the crime of course, as I KNOW they can't play ignorant about the hundreds of tips and comments individual retail investors have submitted!
Part of me wants to assume this is yet another fake run to shake out paper hands. DFV be damned! I respect the guy, but I've been watching for years from the catwalk, and you regular investors made all this happen, not him!
This saga has helped me with some of my monk shit. Discipline. Fortitude. Logic! I''m pretty Zen, in that I largely won't consider selling until we hit the floor website ticker number. Some of the No Cell No Sell people can flay me for that, but I have Supervillain Plans to get rolling to save the species. You know?
It's been a lovely little foil for my own personal goals, and everyone from Jarumba (sp?) relentlessly asking the DTCC questions to Marijuana Mills for running years, they've all inspired me!
So perhaps I can make a bet to fuel the hype even more somehow?
I won't stick a banana in my ass or eat a whole jar of Mayo, but I'm soon enough gonna beat Shakespeare and become The Second Most Prolific Poet of Human History. (Nobody gives a fuck about a Dead Art Form! Hah!) So if I can beat Shakespeare before we hit the floor website number, or if I can't... What should I bet to help build hype towards a real MOASS rather than what I see as another fake paper hand shake run?
Just thinking out loud here, after chilling in the shadows for a while. Any fun bet suggestions?
(Yes I have written poems about MOASS and GME. No I won't link them because I don't wanna get banned for fucking shilling myself!)
Hope everybody is smiling out there today!
submitted by McRaeWritescom to Superstonk [link] [comments]

2024.05.13 17:26 sugar-cubes why are y'all so surprised by splitsvillains faking their love?

Any avid watcher knows everyone has faked their relationship in Splitsvilla since ages ago. S7 winner mayank was dating an actress outside while on the show. S14 hamid had a girlfriend outside. mehak had a boyfriend outside. i don't even remember all of them. The thing is, no one cares about "finding true love," especially not in 2 weeks. They're just here for a cash grab. they're just getting exposed due to their internet footprint. The last two seasons were more trash because they made it obvious how they planned everything.
Advice: Stop looking up these attention-seekers; just enjoy the narrative the makers are pulling. Take the show as it is : A trash show to kill time
submitted by sugar-cubes to splitsvillaMTV [link] [comments]

2024.05.13 17:00 AutoModerator Weekly RP Advice Meta Thread - 13 05, 2024

Hello, and welcome to our Weekly RP Advice Thread.
The purpose of this Thread is to provide some basic guidelines for using this sub and roleplaying here, as well as allow everybody to engage in Meta discussion about the subreddit itself, such as asking for feedback about your posts or sharing some suggestions with the Mod team.
With that out of the way, here are some basic roleplaying guidelines in no particular order:
Now, these guidelines are all subjective, so we won't be enforcing them as strictly as Rules, but we do reserve the right to remove posts that we feel are not even attempting to conform to these.
How to make posts:
If you have any suggestions for other guidelines we could add to future RP Advice Threads, or even any other suggestions for us in general, please leave them below.
submitted by AutoModerator to PokeMedia [link] [comments]

2024.05.13 12:03 EthTrader_Reposter [DD Nominated Comment] **Stay away from RobingHood** >Robinhood is just a Front end created for the Crypto Cartel/Market Makers. >In Crypto, Market Makers pool their netwo

Stay away from RobingHood
Robinhood is just a Front end created for the Crypto Cartel/Market Makers.
In Crypto, Market Makers pool their network of exchanges liquidity. They move this pool around from exchange to exchange, covering liquidity as needed. Pooling all the inbound customer assets from exchanges allows this Network to offload much of it, in whatever ways they choose. They only need "X"% of it to keep withdrawls whole across their network of Blockchains.
They create Robinhood, Paypal, Venmo, Crypto side to offer a product with a front end, to get consumers to buy the Market Makers crypto holdings being pushed. The Market Makers KPI farm, by creating thousand and thousands of fake users via new wallet address'. They send in minimal crypto, often <.01 eth. They create promos like a "SHIB giveaway for all new customers". It helps the MM offload their sht tokens they created out of thin air, like SBI Holdings did when they created $SHIB. Then, to help drive inerest in the Exchange, and a rise in Stock Price, they In turn promote these "new" users, which their Market Maker created for the Public facing exchange, and talk about the new deposits seen, which is just the market makers moving funds from other exchanges temporarily. This allows a rise in token price, and gain in liquidity. For Crypto companies setup by the Crypto Cartel, this means they can now sell shares in these companies, convert the capital to their holdings, and cover any losses they had, take profits, or use it to inflate the price of where the Market Makers have a vested interest. They pump stock, sell shares, and in turn buy Crypto to cover where they are short.
This is a core part of the game. Every dollar that comes in, they can take out, as long as they can cover the Rate of Withdrawals. They can use this game to market, offload the Public shares they own, and extend their runway and Crypto's pricing.
Source: https://x.com/BoringSleuth/status/1789899650977223044
Author: u/kirtash93
submitted by EthTrader_Reposter to ethtrader [link] [comments]

2024.05.13 03:35 zeezed00 journal of a cur

another god damn wasted weekend.
i had planned to clean shit hit the gym and get to reading.
got off work saturday morning at 12:30 started drinking
and didn’t wake up until the evening.
oh well. got a dozen tacos with dorito shells.
something for my mom as well. i need a shower. i smell.
feeling like a wreck. looking like hell.
i’d never record this. and if i did it wouldn’t sell.
rather run of the mill boring life. need a mind that’s fortified.
i may find my way by 45 if im forthright.
always have it all figured out by the fourth coors light.
by the 24th im belting out a war cry.
hate my fucking job. don’t intend to stay long.
my dreams are dead. i grabbed the ouija for a seance.
aim at the straight and narrow and the arrow’s always way off.
blood on the tarot. breathing air full of napalm.
spent a lot of years on outskirts of society.
lack of direction. stutter and ever present anxiety.
didn’t know the isolation was killing something inside of me.
just noticed one day my soul was gritty and grimy.
shouldn’t care what people think. but i notice they don’t think highly.
and why should they when all i inquire is why me?
even the music which is a lifelong hobby
90 percent of it is some woe is me garbage.
but look at me bitching and moaning on and on again.
listen to other rappers and just can’t match their confidence.
this is closer to a journal of a cur
than an inner universe astir and put in words.
it’s the bed of nails i made. sleeping on it’s just mature.
until i make something better i’ll bleed when i toss and turn.
i’m keeping my head down. staying terse and taciturn.
let the cigarettes burn and never pass on my turn.
i never fake shit. never make shit up.
i’m a fucking mangy mutt and my days are fucked.
i spent 150 on some beats. ruined them in a week.
bought some for like 80 bucks.
got black out drunk and fucking lost them.
god fucking damn it. keep this up and retirement’s not an option.
as if i were anyway. don’t got a lot saved.
i just wanna meet the maker in a modern day pompeii.
wanna jump head first into the grinder at work.
maybe then my silent screams will be finally heard.
there’s some place i fit under the sky im sure.
but it’s probably a cave on the other side of the earth.
i’ll never reach it. i don’t really know what i believe in.
i was religious for a while but couldn’t stomach the preaching.
what exactly does this bat shit zealot have to teach me?
no one needs god to feed the needy.
and let’s keep it factual. my sins aren’t supernatural.
truth is some people are just assholes.
but keep your jagged stones cus i’ll shatter your glass home.
i may wear a suicide vest but you’re in the blast zone.
that aroma is weed beer and tobacco.
that sound ominous in the background
and blasting down the backroads is the soundtrack
to a hellion belching around the map bro.
i’m wasting my sunday afternoon.
i’ll be at work looking like im from the black lagoon.
probably in my usual abstract mood.
wrestling with demons being like relax dude.
submitted by zeezed00 to OCPoetry [link] [comments]

2024.05.13 00:53 zeezed00 journal of a cur

another god damn wasted weekend.
i had planned to clean shit hit the gym and get to reading.
got off work saturday morning at 12:30 started drinking
and didn’t wake up until the evening.
oh well. got a dozen tacos with dorito shells.
something for my mom as well. i need a shower. i smell.
feeling like a wreck. looking like hell.
i’d never record this. and if i did it wouldn’t sell.
rather run of the mill boring life. need a mind that’s fortified.
i may find my way by 45 if im forthright.
always have it all figured out by the fourth coors light.
by the 24th im belting out a war cry.
hate my fucking job. don’t intend to stay long.
my dreams are dead. i grabbed the ouija for a seance.
aim at the straight and narrow and the arrow’s always way off.
blood on the tarot. breathing air full of napalm.
spent a lot of years on outskirts of society.
lack of direction. stutter and ever present anxiety.
didn’t know the isolation was killing something inside of me.
just noticed one day my soul was gritty and grimy.
shouldn’t care what people think. but i notice they don’t think highly.
and why should they when all i inquire is why me?
even the music which is a lifelong hobby
90 percent of it is some woe is me garbage.
but look at me bitching and moaning on and on again.
listen to other rappers and just can’t match their confidence.
this is closer to a journal of a cur
than an inner universe astir and put in words.
it’s the bed of nails i made. sleeping on it’s just mature.
until i make something better i’ll bleed when i toss and turn.
i’m keeping my head down. staying terse and taciturn.
let the cigarettes burn and never pass on my turn.
i never fake shit. never make shit up.
i’m a fucking mangy mutt and my days are fucked.
i spent 150 on some beats. ruined them in a week.
bought some for like 80 bucks.
got black out drunk and fucking lost them.
god fucking damn it. keep this up and retirement’s not an option.
as if i were anyway. don’t got a lot saved.
i just wanna meet the maker in a modern day pompeii.
wanna jump head first into the grinder at work.
maybe then my silent screams will be finally heard.
there’s some place i fit under the sky im sure.
but it’s probably a cave on the other side of the earth.
i’ll never reach it. i don’t really know what i believe in.
i was religious for a while but couldn’t stomach the preaching.
what exactly does this bat shit zealot have to teach me?
no one needs god to feed the needy.
and let’s keep it factual. my sins aren’t supernatural.
truth is some people are just assholes.
but keep your jagged stones cus i’ll shatter your glass home.
i may wear a suicide vest but you’re in the blast zone.
that aroma is weed beer and tobacco.
that sound ominous in the background
and blasting down the backroads is the soundtrack
to a hellion belching around the map bro.
i’m wasting my sunday afternoon.
i’ll be at work looking like im from the black lagoon.
probably in my usual abstract mood.
wrestling with demons being like relax dude.
submitted by zeezed00 to WrittenFreestyleRap [link] [comments]

2024.05.13 00:00 crimsongirrl Already tired of all the “dog” moms trying to take over Mother’s Day

These people swear up and down that owning their dumb mutts makes them special. I’ve gotten into quite a few arguments online already about it too. I think it’s an insult to all the sacrifices and hardships mothers go through to bring life and raise members in society. Like it’s a mockery. Nobody goes through ppd or gets postpartum psychosis “raising” a DOG. And yet they act like “puppy blues” or whatever is the exact same. It’s horrible and insulting. It makes me especially mad as someone who’s seen firsthand what postpartum depression does to people and the way it ruins lives.
Don’t even get me started on the fake ultrasounds with their dogs. Delusional to the very core. Yuck. I’m over it already.
submitted by crimsongirrl to Dogfree [link] [comments]

2024.05.11 22:43 shaneka69 Chrisean Rock Astrology Forecast As Of May 11, 2024

Chrisean Rock Astrology Forecast As Of May 11, 2024

With Mother's Day tomorrow and Chrisean Rock being a new mom, let's just do an updated astrology reading for her by checking her birth chart.
As we know, Chrisean was born in Baltimore and is known for her appearance on Baddies with Natalie Nunn and her own show she had with Blueface.
We know that she is a Pisces which is her sun sign/zodiac sign. She has a Cancer Moon which rules your emotions and emotional state.
Uranus is currently sextile Chrisean Rock's sun which means that she will be openly showing unpredictability and will likely be shocking people and even herself.
Uranus is in her 12th house which is the house of the unknown and blind spots as well. This can mean that she will have breakthroughs and insights. Could even result in premonitions and informative dream states.
Pluto is the planet known for exposing and causing change and this planet is currently opposing her North Node which shows that there will be a gradual process in her doing what she is supposed to be doing and going in the right direction. Pluto isn't making any connections with her personal planets yet, so she isn't expected to be going through anything too major right now.
Jupiter sextile her sun is giving her the expanding energy for her sports endeavor. Her Aries Mars will always see her through naturally though.
Let's go forward to the following month, June on this day to see what she may be experiencing.
Jupiter is the ruler of her 7th and 10th house and on June 11, 2024, she will have Jupiter squaring her Venus and Mercury which means that there can be issues with points getting across or communication issues between her and family or her and Blueface. She is likely to be intuitive around this time with Jupiter making a trine to her natal Neptune.
Since Jupiter will be squaring her Mercury and Venus, let's put focus on the fact that Mercury rules her ascendant and 4th house which is why there can be a link with family or her lover if it isn't about her mindset. Virgo being in her 4th house though makes it more tangible. Venus rules her 12th house and 5th house of romance and children. Basically this whole Jupiter aspect transit could be connected to her family. Let's see what happens.
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submitted by shaneka69 to NumerologyPage [link] [comments]

2024.05.11 17:17 harrysvideos Passive Aggressive to the max - What do I do?

My roommate Drew (fake name) may not be the most passive aggressive roommate ever, but he's getting close. He's also very OCD about cleanliness but in a way that doesn't make sense. For instance, the cooking range could be covered in old food and he wouldn't care, but if there's one dry grain of rice on the table he flips out. He also has a huge problem with my french press coffee maker touching the granite counter even if there's no spilled coffee on the bottom of it. The passive aggressive part that I can't stand is when he takes a picture of one grain of rice, a very slight coffee stain, and maybe one fork in the sink and sends it to me while I'm still home. The other day, he found a moldy blueberry under the fridge and put it in my blender instead of just throwing it away. Yesterday, he was upset I fell asleep on the couch and so he took the cushions away. I put in my notice (Drew is also the landlord) and I'm moving out in a month and a half, but I'm pissed off and holding myself back from retaliating in some way. Asking the community if there's a clever way to show him he can't just push me around without me losing my security deposit or seeming like a dick in return. Thanks.
submitted by harrysvideos to roommates [link] [comments]

2024.05.11 04:54 shaneka69 Chrisean Rock Numerology Report

Chrisean Rock Numerology Report

This Numerology report will be for Chrisean Rock who was born in Baltimore Maryland and who is a star based on her connection to Blueface and Natalie Nunn's Baddies show on Zeus Network.
Chrisean's Numerology Report will be a decoding all from her name, not her birthday. Her birthday is one thing that can't ever change in her lifetime so that energy is fixed and general.
Chrisean's full name is "Chrisean Eugenia Malone". I will first decode her first name separately as it's the most significant energy and then I will do a full name decode as well.
Let's start breaking down her name.
C - This is the third letter of the alphabet which gives it the energy of 3 and 3 energy could be very social or creative. This can also give someone a child like impression or there could be something about them that is very jolly or it reminds you of a child sometimes. This can make them come off approachable at times as well. Names that start with this letter, it makes three and the letter C the most significant energy. This shows how Chrisean and anyone else who has a name that starts with this letter approaches the world and people around them in a very curious manner. These people wake up every day waiting to explore and seeing what they can learn or find out for that day.
H - H is connected to energy that has pressure but this is also connected to ambition as well. This could be why Chrisean has a lot of ambition and the capability of mastering something in her lifetime which also fits well with the number 9 which is connected to her R and I letters.
R - This letter vibrates at the number 9 even though it is the 18th letter and this gives someone the capability of mastering themselves or mastering something physical or amazing. This also gives them strong, ambitious energy as well and we can see that she has a very fit body and into sports, plus she has an Aries Mars.
I - This is the 9th letter of the alphabet which makes someone very adventurous by nature and they have the capability of being quick to take action. This is very spontaneous energy so when people have this letter in their name, they can definitely shock people a lot. This also contributes to someone being a traveler of some sort so people with this letter in their name, especially more than once can indicate someone that is likely going to be taking trips or flying planes. They basically will get out of their hometown even if they return to it, but they will know what another country and city looks like for sure.
S - Being the 19th letter of the alphabet gives this letter the energy of one, but it is the energy of empowerment right from within and this could be someone that wants to do their own thing as well. These people could be impulsive or they know how to take initiative, especially when something has really motivated them or sparked their interests.
E - This is the 5th letter of the alphabet which gives someone the energy of creativity and this can also make someone visually appealing or they could have some type of creative skill. This also contributes to the energy of complexity, but she only has this once so it's not too complex, at least not from this letter. This letter gives her a fighting power or a fighting spirit so she is capable of utilizing her natural strength to overcome difficulty.
A - This is the first letter of the alphabet which contributes to independence and action.
N - This is the 14th letter of the alphabet which vibrates at the energy 5 just like E, but a matured version. This adds onto her capability of overcoming difficulty and also being creative or making something tangible from her creativity.
Looking into her full name, she has a Destiny Number 1, soul urge 5, and personality #5.
5 is the number connected to romance, children, war, and unpredictability which is definitely fitting as she always shocked people with her actions and how combative she is, but she is pretty aware as well.
Based on her #1 Destiny number, She is meant to come into her personal power and experience some ease, but this 1 energy may also contribute to her child-like actions as well. She is wise, although the 1 energy is connected to new spirit type of energy. The fact that she has this matches with her strong Aries Mars influence. The 1 destiny number also is why she takes things personal to a fault.
Her having a 5 soul urge gives her natural fighting powespirit. This also connects to her romantic nature and how she always wanted Blueface to please her or she put their romantic life on blast, but not for attention, just from a natural place.
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submitted by shaneka69 to NumerologyPage [link] [comments]

2024.05.11 00:47 P3RS0N4-X Is this Real? Where can I find it?

Is this Real? Where can I find it?
I came across this song featuring NF in Musis (third party music rateplaylist maker for Spotify). As you can see, I can't play the preview so I don't know what it is. New, unreleased song, fake song, or removed song?
submitted by P3RS0N4-X to nfrealmusic [link] [comments]

2024.05.10 22:37 Charming_Macaron1 The classic Jeter misprint

The classic Jeter misprint
I’m sure it’s been posted before, my mom is a longtime collector and was going through her old stuff and pulled this bad boy out and had the accompanying newspaper clipping. Numbered to 2007
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2024.05.10 21:24 me_me_sad_boiii I'm About to Give Bith, and Everything my MIL Does Irks Me

Ok, so I've posted on here once before, about a year ago actually ! To recap, at the time my now husband and I were planing our micro-wedding and my ILs were incensed that my BIL did not get to have a plus one and didn't have a bigger role in our wedding. This is going to be a long post, with now over nine months of passive aggression and little things that pile-up.
Anyways, since then (and after a couple months of awkwardness) things have gotten back to normal. At least that was until I got pregnant. I have to admit, DH and I got pregnant quickly after our wedding only after a couple weeks of trying. So this is two big life events back to back for my ILs youngest son, while their oldest (my BIL) actually starts settling down with his GF.
First thing that my MIL asks when we announce that I'm pregnant is if we told my BIL yet. Not "OMG! Congrats !" No visible excitement. Just wanting to know if we told BIL and when she would be able to tell people. Ok, so annoying, but not surprising. I do know that my MIL had a really hard time getting pregnant with both of her boys (and staying pregnant) and had terrible birthing experiences (almost died with BIL), so I just assume that her lack of excitement is attached to those feelings, especially since we announced my pregnancy to them when I was about 9 weeks along.
She insisted that we tell my BIL at their place, and honestly I didn't really mind, we don't really see him anywhere else anyways. What bothered me though was how much more excited she seemed to be about his potential reaction to becoming an uncle than how DH felt about becoming a father. For those of you who are curious, when I showed him the ultrasound, he didn't really react, just said small congrats. His GF who I met twice previously was the most excited out of everyone there and gave DH and I a big hug (we really like her, she makes BIL a better person actually lol).
Now DH is 27 years old and he is the youngest in his whole extended family (which is quite small in any case). Last time my ILs interacted with a newborn was with my DH. I on the otherhand grew-up with in at-home day-care that my mother ran, have 14 cousins who all have kids. My experience is much more up-to-date and so is my mothers. My MIL started telling me what I should buy - all non baby safe things or outdated. I wouldn't necessarily mind, it's just that they seem to get slightly put-off whenever I tell them what we are getting, or just telling them that those items aren't safe nor recommended anymore. Also, my MIL does seem vexed when I talk about the tips my mother (who keep in mind has over 20 years of professional experience with children and babies) gives me, and how I'll most likely do those things. DH is following my lead because he has never even held a baby in his life and trusts that I know what I'm doing.
When came the time to find out the sex, once again, my BIL HAAAAAD to be involved. So much so that my MIL made us facetime him as we announced to everyone the sex (a GIRL!!). She then took the ultrasound photos out of my hand and started talking with BIL about how exciting it is that he's gonna have a niece. I then responded that DH is going to be a great girl-DAD, and that I can't wait to see DH be a great father. That got her to finally acknowledge the son that is the actual person that should be celebrated.
Next up - baby names ! It's really important to DH and I to have a name that works both in English and in French, since we live in a French area and my first language is French (my husband has a very Anglo name that DOES NOT fit well in Franco mouths lol). So for a boy we had a very "normal" name that I knew wouldn't cause much of an uproar, but the girl name we like is a little more out-of-the-box. Nothing ridiculous, but definitely not common. We easily shared the boy name, but I wanted to hold off on the girl name until we knew the sex. So now, since everyone on my side knew the name, we kinda felt obligated to tell them as well. When we tell them, my MIL just looks at me with a fake smile and says "that's different, but you know, you don't have to decide just yet, you always have time to change your mind". DH doesn't understand that in women speak, that means "ew, what a terrible choice". I said that our minds aren't going to change, we chose it well before we even started trying (heck, long before we were even married!).
Later, my BIL asks us when the baby is due, cause he and his GF were planing a road trip around the same time our little girl should be here. I told him, but I also said not to worry about it because it's not like anyone is gonna be at the hospital anyways, so they should enjoy themselves. My MIL chimes in with a huge grin "Well I'M gonna be there!". DH who was on his way to the bathroom double backs as quickly as he can as I sheepishly say that no, we actually don't want anyone there since I'll be in pain and after birth I won't have the energy or desire to see anyone but my baby and husband. She said "Well I'm not gonna come see you, just the baby". DH explained that babies stay in the room with the parents and that no one was coming to the hospital. At a later date, I was having a conversation with my FIL and mentionned that MIL had said she wanted to come to the hospital and he just looked so confused and told me that they didn't have anyone at the hospital with the boys, and how strange it was that she said she had to be there.
MIL also seems kinda insulted that my pregnancy has been going so well. I understand that her experiences were very difficult and I try not to talk to much about how well mine is going cause I don't want her to feel like I'm rubbing it in her face. But she constantly comments on how small I am (she said she expected me to "blow-up and become huge") and asks if I'm sure she's growing fine. She also touches my belly without asking and that really bugs me. I have an anterior placenta which makes it very difficult for others to feel her movements (which I've explained MULTIPLE times) and she will still put her hands on me. She even went down on her knees in front of me when I was on the couch and craddled my stomach right after I said that she WASN'T even moving ! I wouldn't mind as much if she just asked !
We were recently talking about mother's day, and I jokingly said "well you won't be the only one celebrated on that day anymore!" and she looked me dead in the eyes and said "you aren't a mother yet, so this one is still mine". Jesus. Guess what MIL ? For the first time in 8 years DH and I are spending it with my mom who has recently moved close to us and who as said that she can't wait to celebrate me for the first time as a mom.
There is so much more I could say, but we would be here all day. I'm not really looking for advice, but I mostly wanted to commiserate with people who might have the same/similar experience as me. Baby girl should be here in two weeks, so I am fortifying myself for the overbearing grandmother that is sure to come lol.
submitted by me_me_sad_boiii to JUSTNOMIL [link] [comments]

2024.05.10 21:09 McPheeb What do market makers do?

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2024.05.10 20:06 healthmedicinet Health Daily News May 9 2024

DAY: MAY 9 2024
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2024.05.10 03:24 Bails147 Case for Charlie

He has a clear story- and he is introduced to us immediately with an opening confessional that states his strategy, highlights his personality and gives us his background.
He has a consistancy theme of keeping his threat level low and managing his social game, and an overall being underestimated (wrongly) theme. In ep 1 he has a good episode, his storyline of playing the middle begins, as Jem and Moriah and Maria all underestimate him and bring him in to an alliance “Charlies angels” - that goes nowhere but is highlighted unnecessarily to boost him. They underestkmated him bc they brought him in due to jem and mo saying “i feel like charlie is more swayable”. Meanwhile Tim and Ben create a boys alliance with him bc tim is worried about the girls scheming. And he gets a great confessional about how he likes women and can work with them. But also he could go with the boys ans has options “oh boy, oh boy oh boy, oh girl?” Additionally, his relationship with ben “the dumb and dumber alliance” is mentioned and established. We also learn where he is from “manchester-by-the-sea” and that he lives in a bubble of predominantly white straight people and on survivor theres so much diversity and he wants to burst that bubble (which is a theme he is backed up by edit doing all season).
In ep 2. Charlie gets a MAJORLY POSITIVE scene. TSwift vs metallica is a scene about Charlie executing his strategy and connecting with Siga members and Ben. This scene was MASSIVE for him. It starts out with an awkward comment, then a charlie confessional along the lines of “im a dorky nerdy and awkward guy and i knew that coming out here i could struggle socially”. In this confessional he states “Ben is a musiv servant, and so i wanna use some of my own pop culture knowledge of TSwift to to try and connect with him and improve my social standing”. He then does the TSwift vs Metallica game, and the whole tribe essentially has confessionals in a positive way about it, moriah is shown loving this in particular, maria is into it. Jem is into it. Tim is into it, and Ben then says “charlie is an adorable goofball.. and raves on about how much he liked it, likes charlie, and wouldng wanna play with anyone else outside of this siga tribe on any other season”. Basically, Ben confirms that Charlies strategy here worked perfectly, and that charlie is in great social standing with Siga and especially him, and that builds on Ben and Charlies relationship. In this same episode, Charlie further breaks down sigas dynamics, tim and Ben - and him on one side, Charlies angels on the other, but if they lose 3 times hes 4th in the angels alliance, he wants his own alliance and partner out there, and noticed Maria is in a similar swing position, so he goes to maria and creates a duo alliance with her, mentioning how malcom and denise are his fav players and he thinks that they could be a malc/denise type duo, maria then has confessionals stating she loves the idea and it reminds HER of malc/denise, and we get a flashback to malc/denise (they only did this once before - for Dee/Austin in 45 with rob and amber). Then tehres a scene again highlighting that this duo can go either way on siga - with the angels or with the boys. And either way they will do whats best for them. And decide together.
Ep 2 was an excellent Charlie ep The edit also shows maria to be a great player and the perfect person for him to create a duo with too btw.
Ep 3 - is a much needed cooldown, but in this ep its the Bhanu/yanu disaster show and siga/Namk get thrown to the side - however we DO check in with Charlie, he further highlights his game position, and Ben making fire. Maria Tevin Soda ans Tim were all skunked with 0 confessionals this ep. But not Charlie!
Ep 4- siga idol hunt: i watched this siga scene over and over. Its good and bad but mostly good for Charlie - he correctly states that the group idol hunts are fake and guarantees us that “ i guarantee u that ANYONE else finds this idol, tehy are gonna keep it to themselves!” Whixh is EXACTLY what happened. He states he wants it to be his idol and outlines what hed do IF he found it. Could be bad he didnt but he never says “im gonna find it” he just states that he wants it and how hed play it and is shwon to be correct in his read as he described exactly how jem went about it. If he never finds an idol this season and wins - this could be a scene shown to us to highlight what his strategy woulda been surrounding the idols if he found one. Siga doesnt get too much content this ep, but we do get reassurances of Charlies position and duo with Maria, and also we get further Charlie and Ben development. Oh i forgot, Moriah Cannot Jump! This was narrated by CHARLIE! And he gives the breakdown and the strategy of helping mo explode and learn to jump, and is shown teaching her - whicb subtly continues to highlight him effectively bonding and socially playing well with siga (these camplife scenes in siga ALL relate to charlie too which is a massive positive for his winner chances). Contrast this with Jem sorta looking a little lowkey bad with the whole moriah jump thing “jem we are trying to be positive! Its getting better (while laughing) ” - charlie
Also in ep 4 is Jems idol trick - where she successfully tricks maria and Moriah. But Ben comments that maybe someone found it and is playing em. Yet Charlie is the one giving confessional being suss of the thing and says that too, then he makes a “this is suspicious” face tk the camera jim halpert style during them all digging - thats the edit sorta protecting him from being “fooled” by Jem. He also critiques marias idol play strategy
Okay so Siga is finally gonna go to tribal - Charlie and Maria is re-assured as the swing vote position and decision makers, Ben and Charlie relationship is highlighted massively again, TSwift vs Metallica is referenced againin a seperate game too - again highlighting his social game and personal TSwift theme, Charlie has a scene helping Ben thru a tough time. Moriah Maria and Jem are wary of this Charlie/Ben relationship but never consider Charlie an option. Only consider Ben as a threat to steal away charlie from them and so target Ben. Jem Mo and Tim and Ben all think the have Charlie guaranteed number.. they underestimate his power and strategical thinking. Maria wants it to be Ben. Its made clear, its Ben, but Charlie is super clsoe with Ben, and likes ben, and also views ben as an asset and potential social shield. Its clear that maria/charlie are picking between jem/ben and theh want to be on the same page subtitled “this is the end for some but a new beginning for us” Maria says she wants jem and cant trust Ben/Tim. Charlie states why he wnats Jem out. Why it could be Ben, but ultimately he doesnt want it to be Ben, he convinces maria to do Jem (she never explains why or how). Awesoem episode for him jem over Ben helped his game tremendously and hurt marias numbers outside of him! Oh also theres a major camplife scene that is another CHARLIE FOCUSED SCENE. Salsa dancing - maria is the one who does the salsa lesson but Charlie is the one who narrates it as strategy, and also he gets the personal and character moments of the scene TOO! He gets to solo shake those hips, he has the funny bite, he narrated the whole thing and also got his strategy behind it! Maria didnt even comment on salsa. Like wow. This ep was awesome af for Charlie. Incredible episode for him.
Ep 6: mergatory: POS highlights charlie salsa scene yet again! Then gives charlie/maria credit for blindsiding Jem, goes out of its way to rehighlighy she had an idol too, narrated by charlie also. And that subtitled line “this is the end for some, but a new beginning for us”.
This ep Charlie gets a cooldown - strategically we hear his thoughts on Venus, siga gets outplayed big time but maria and Charlie are shielded and hidden from that - Tim and Ben and Moriah get all the focus for how siga is misplaying. Good ep to have few content imo. In addition we get Tim actively protecting Charlie (social game baby) and throws Mo under the bus, charlie states his strategy of being a goalie and on the defence since he is one of 6 people eligible to go home and Yanu has all the power, he also is called out to be the better option and bigger threat by Venus and literally nobody even considers him an option - speaks to his social game again. Critically hes the ONLY siga who gets a confessional stating that he needs to cut moriah in order for him to advance and so hes willing to do that and is fine with it. The edit supports his stray Venus vote but showing her gunning for him so we know why hes putting a stray on her to protect himself. Overall a lowkey but good mergatory episode for him tbh.
Ep 7: charlie has some funny character moments all episode with the camera looks, his devious smiles, Baltimore joke, tim shouting out his family. He is royally screwed (so he shoulda been) by the split. Its 4 nami maria whos immune and him. He has no adv or idol protection. Hes an obvious vote. He states that he wants to strategise and talk. But he keeps it lowkey bc he needs to play this well, and all the Namis state that they like him and hes loyal and they wanna keep him and make a move on eachotehr. I think him telling venus at the start of this ep he voted for her gave him this loyal and honest image that made Soda (especially her since she was copping heat) and Tevin REALLLY trust him. This whole episode he plays it very well - he allows maria to decide which way he and maria goes as hes in defence mode and shes safe, he also plays it off with Venus way better than Maria did imo. Somehow he escapes this without getting any votes at all. And gets no heat either. Adding to charlies underestimated theme - Tevin soda and Q all underestimate him this episode big time.
Ep 8: hide n seek- charlie is brought into this Q 6 alliance - but he gets awesome confessionals about his thoughts on the 6 (contrasted with us never hearing kenzies thoughts on this depsite her saying “ive heard about the 6”). We get his accurate read that the 6 is a horrible alliance. Whilst maria is gung ho, he thinks its a weak alliance that is going nowhere, correctly, He also states a tip for how in survivor get up early and make the strategical convos then bc that when people have them (a great winnery confessional) He quickly knows that Q is interviewing him for an alliance, so he wants that job bc Q is so polarising and he wants to be on Qs side due to the power Q is holding at this point. He has good content during hiden seek. In fact (due to him being the seeker i guess) he is one of the only people who Q doesnt reference to as making a big mistake. Interesting. In this episode charlie wants Tevin and or tiff, but prefers Tevin, maria really wants tiff gone bc she heard tiff threw out her name. Its good to point out that again Charlie and maria are deciding in the middle, and Charlie once again narrates it not maria. Also again this episode Tevin and Q underestimate charlie “he doesnt have that killer instinct to turn on us”. Meanwhile charlie has confessionals “am i what goes awry” and he votes out tevin. He also got his way over maria again here.
Episode 9: with the fallout of Q - everyone is roasting him, calling him names and all kinds of stuff. Except for Maria and Charlie. They i noticed both didn’t have confessionals talking about how bad Q is etc. they just have camplife scenes saying things like “i didnt understans that” or “he shouldnt have done taht”. Everyone else outright sh*ts on Q. Q goes to Charlie and underestimates him once again basically saying. You will never beat hunter in this challenge. Heres ur chance to throw it and lose so hunter can go home. Charlie then talks about how quitting and throwing challenges is “YUCK” and that he wont ever do that. Basically getting that Kenzie and Dee anti-quit commentary. He says again later this episode condescendingly “no more quit talk, we play this game hard”. Not only does charlie talk about not throwing the challenge, he then WINS the challenge and is the reason Hunter is eligible to go home. That + with maria once again in the middle he gets to decide between Hunter and Q and they vote out Hunter. His motives around Tiff and Hunter and this vote is all laid out in the ep.
Episode 10: a great cool down and with ep 11 it makes the reason hes quieter this ep retrospectively really really really good! His content this ep is all about wnating tiff out with the idol. In order to do that he needs Q and Tiff to both lose, and he says he need to make sure that happens, he then wins immunity himself beating tiffany in a showdown himself, to ensure this can happen. Once again maria and Charlie are at the helm of the decision and teh edit makes it clear that charlie wanted this and was a part of it, whilst also showing it as a maria move (which people dont respect so thats good for him + his plan was to have it be this way) Also i noticed the edit creditted Charlie for bringing in Liz. Maria wanted Venus but Charlie says no, venus will cause random chaos we cant trust her, Do liz. And maria says “charlies right…” and tehy get liz successfully and once again blindside tiff.
Ep 11: charlie is AGAIN. Underestimated by Kenzie Venus, Q and Liz this ep. They all think Maria is running the show and kingpin and hes just followed her. He outplayed everyone tenfold this ep - whetehr u think this ultimately may lead to his downfall later by not taking Q out, is irrelevent he was shown all episode to outplay his castmates at every single turn. And his reasoning for booting venus was shown and backed up by 1. Venus entire season edit, and 2. That scene of her stonewalling him and him correctly discovering she has something, whereas kenzie states she thinks venus doenst have anything earlier in ep.
I dont wanna dive too much into ep 11. It was either a why charlie lost or a coronation ep and the jury is out until we see what happens next imo. I think it was a good ep for him though.
Also in addition to all this - his TSwift theme is always getting shoved in there, in jeffs mat chat speech “believe you can win” pans go charlie central with maria in the shot next to him whilst “one of you cant win, you wont get the votes at the end” pans to kenzie for those words right after. A weird trend is the NTOS for ep 7 (post mergatory) for s43-45 showed gabler dee and yam yam last on screen and speaking last too, this is the case for Charlie for this season. It also shows erika tommy ans tony last for theirs but i feel the trend from 43-45 is more relevent.
When tevin monologues ep 1. Charlie is soley shown in the “you have to be authentically yourself” quote. Whereas kenzie is “overcome and adapt” ben is “be vulnerable”. Maria was “deceit” liz was an irrelevent camplife one and Q was “deceit” too i think.
Charlie has a clear startegy and theme of being authentically himself (tswift), being underestimated and keeping his threat level low And the edit is backing him up on all fronts for this theme.
I think i can make a whole argument like this for Kenzie too! But i also can make one like this for hints why she lost.. im not gonna though bc this took so long to type!
Rn i think kenzie and Charlie and Maria (bc if she does get ftc shes winning) all have similar odds to win. Edgically speaking and game logic wise too.
I do think Charlie has a very very strong winner edit - if he loses hes the dragon but they took SO MUCH CARE in his edit this season regardless. Way more care than Carson and even Jesse, and other FMC losers or players of his archetype.
submitted by Bails147 to Edgic [link] [comments]

2024.05.09 22:09 Vast-Passenger1126 [Discussion] Red Seas Under Red Skies by Scott Lynch Part 1: Chapter 3 to Chapter 5

Ahoy there Bastards! Time to get out your eye patches and brush up on swabbing the decks because we're about the hit the seas. I've lost count of how many people Locke and Jean have pissed off at this point, the political twists and turns are never-ending and I'm starting to think Sabetha was just a figment of my imagination (thanks u/tomesandtea for the suggestion).
You can find the full schedule here and the marginalia here. Chapter summaries are below (sorry they're so long, but SO much is happening) and discussion questions are in the comments.
Chapter Three – Warm Hospitality: Jean and Locke are taken to the Mon Magisteria on the Castellana, the home of the Archon. The Archon’s elite soldiers, called the Eyes, take the Bastards through the awesome waterfall that guards the entrance and shove them into a cell. Surprise! It’s a torture sauna and the Bastards are heated to near death before they are finally brought out and taken to see Maxilan Stragos, the Archon of Tal Verrar.
Stragos pretends like he never intended for Jean and Locke to be treated so cruelly and offers them some delicious pear cider, which they happily gulp down. They admire Stragos’ mechanical bug collection that lines his walls and Stragos reveals that’s not the only fake thing in the room. He knows the Bastards’ real identities, their background AND their plans with Requin. How? Those pesky Bondsmagi told him everything because they want to see the Bastards punished for what they did to the Falconer. And now, Stragos can use Jean and Locke however he wants because surprise #2! The cider was poisoned. And only Stragos knows what it is and has the antidote. As long as the Bastards do what Stragos wants, he’ll make sure the poison doesn’t kill them (or so he claims).
Locke is feisty as always, even though he really doesn’t have much ground to stand on. Stragos says they’re welcome to continue to try and rob Requin, since he doesn’t like the guy anyways. But they’ll also do whatever Stragos has planned because he knows how loyal Bastards are to each other so if they keep being rude jerks he’ll just kill one of them. With that decided, Jean and Locke are ‘escorted’ out of Mon Magisteria and they vow to get revenge on everyone. Jean points out that maybe the Bondsmagi don’t know everything about them and they can use that to their advantage.
Reminiscence – The Lady of the Glass Pylon: Jean goes to visit Azura Gallardine, one of the most famous Artificers (clockwork mechanics) in Tal Verrar. A woman of my own heart, she hates visitors and wants to be left alone so her house is far away on top of a high Elderglass pylon. She doesn’t like flattery but is a big fan of gifts so Jean tries to woo her with some fancy brandy. He tells Azura that he would like some help breaking into a vault, which isn’t technically legal, but Azura doesn’t mind bending the rules for the right price. But surprise surprise, it’s her own work he wants to foil as she designed Requin’s vault. Azura is like, “Are you insane? I’m not messing with Requin.”
We then learn how Selendri got her gold hand. An assassin put flesh eating alchemical powder in one of Requin’s suits but him and Selendri swapped clothes for funsies as part of the masquerade ball. Cue lots of screaming and seared flesh. Requin was determined to find out who dared to harm his beloved Selendri, so when no one came forward for monetary reward, he started murdering everyone in town until he found the man and turned him into a statue. So yeah, Azura doesn’t want to mess with him and instead opens up a trap door that sends Jean (and his brandy) back onto the streets. But no worries, Jean didn’t really expect her to agree to his proposition and instead was simply ‘planting a seed for the future.’
Chapter Four – Blind Alliances: Locke and Jean are visiting Pale Therese, their friendly poison expert. She sadly can’t do anything without knowing what Stragos gave them, but maybe the Bondsmagi could. Oh wait, that’s definitely not an option. So they’ll just have to go along with Stragos for now.
The Bastards decide to return to Sinspire where a man is having a cage match with over a hundred stiletto wasps. They bump into Maracosa Durenna who wants to make some friendly bets on whether the man will survive or not. Selendri appears and whisks Locke away to see Requin. They go via the ‘climbing closet’ and Locke takes advantage of the dark, cramped space to try and wage some psychological warfare on Selendri with a small side of flirting.
Requin tells Locke he’s done some investigating and has learned of Jean’s visit to Azura, as well as the Bastards’ other ‘scheming’ to break into his vault, confirming their story. He also knows they met with Stragos the other night, so Locke goes all in and claims Stragos is actually the one paying them to rob the Sinspire. This seems believable as it would put Requin out of business, piss of the Priori and give Stragos more control over Tal Verrar. Requin tells Locke that if he kills Stragos or gets him in his custody that he’ll give Locke a job, help cure the poison, and let him kill Jean. Selendri agrees to this and sends Locke back down to the cage match, where the wasps have won. Locke pretends to angrily throw his drink on the boy, but really says a prayer for him.
Locke and Jean leave the Sinspire and agree it’s time to give Requin ‘the chairs’. Before we can learn more about these mystery seats, the Bastards are attacked AGAIN by some people pretending to be beggars. They’re saved by Merrain, Stragos’ lady kidnapper, who has been ordered to watch over them and take them on another boat ride.
Reminiscence – The Amusement War: Locke visits Salon Corbeau, a demi-city that functions as a resort for the wealthy. He’s there to visit the Baumondains, a furniture making family, and request some…unique chairs. Locke wants four chairs in the Talathri Baroque style with some mystery mechanisms added on that may help someone if they were trapped in a room on fire (but I highly doubt that’s what it will be used for). He gives the chair maker a ton of money to only work on these chairs and get them done ASAP.
While waiting for the chairs to be made, Locke goes to check out the Amusement War, a twisted gamer that’s played in Salon Corbeau. It’s basically like living chess, except when a “piece” (aka a poor person) is taken, a gang of ‘Demons’ comes out and executes whatever messed up torture the rich people ‘playing’ can think of. Locke is disgusted by what these rich assholes are willing to do for fun and that people actually agree to be the pieces for the small chance of getting some money. We get a flashback to Chains who taught Locke they have two mandates: thieves prosper and the rich remember. Locke really wants to make these rich people remember and reign some Thorn of Camorr terror on them, but ultimately decides to focus on their scheme and returns to Tal Verrar with the mystery chairs.
Chapter Five – On a Clockwork River: Locke and Jean are taken back to Mon Magisteria to meet Stragos. No one knows who could have been trying to kill the Bastards down at the dock, but Stragos sends some of his men to investigate the bodies. Locke gets extra feisty with the Archon, including calling him a ‘goat-faced wad of slipskinner’s shit’, but it’s all bark and no bite. Stragos has a job for the Bastards and they’re going to do it unless they want the poison to slowly kill them.
The Archon takes them on a romantic boat ride through his garden and gives them a brief history lesson. Seven years ago, one of Stragos’ officers, Laurella Bonaire, turned coat and became a pirate. The Archon’s navy defeated her, but then the Priori feared Stragos becoming too popular, so severely limited his power. Now Stragos wants to plant the fear of another pirate invasion so that he can swoop in and save the day. But who will these fake pirates be? Locke and Jean of course! Stragos will give them an experienced sailing master who will make all the real decisions while the Bastards focus on their acting. They’ll also have to return to Tal Verrar every two months to check in with daddy Stragos and get some antidote.
Stragos claims he has a higher purpose behind all of this and shows the Bastards his clockwork garden complete with alchemical weather. If peace is achieved, people can focus on all the cool crafts like this and eventually become just as powerful (if not more so) than the Bondsmagi. Yes, Stragos also hates the Bondsmagi and feels they’re limiting human progress, so it’s time to take them down. Well, it will probably take centuries to do that, but Stragos wants to be the man who plants that seed. He promises to increase the Bastards reward if they’re successful in their mission, although Jean and Locke both think he’s lying. They’ll need to put their Requin plans on hold because they’ve only got a month to become the best pirates in all the land (*cue pirate Rocky training scene montage*).
After the Bastards leave, Stragos tells Merrain to let her master know that the plan is underway and they better be ready to face the consequences. Merrain responds by saying no one will be ready for how much blood is about to be shed. DUN DUN DUNNN
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