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2024.05.16 10:27 omegaMKXIII 31 [M4F] Austria/Europe - Looking for my forever lady

I am looking for a lady between 28 and 35 years old, for a committed monogamous childfree relationship. My goal is to become a true team, supporting each other, caring for each other, nurturing each other and helping each other grow and realise our goals and dreams as much as possible. I'm hoping to find someone that values a relationship as much as I do and takes it seriously. It's not the only thing my life revolves around, but it's also not just something 'nice to have' for me.
I tried to be as concise as possible while still providing what details I think are crucial to know; I realise this post turned out very long, but I prefer those because I can get as good an idea as possible with detailed descriptions, bar actually talking to the person, and find that very valuable, so if that also applies to you, that would be awesome.
I am 186cm tall, slim/fit built, dark brown hair, brown eyes. Both my arms are tattooed (full sleeve), as are my calves and the areas above my ankles. Regarding pictures see below. I am a runner (ranging from 5k to full marathon), training multiple times a week. I'm also vegan. My love languages are physical touch and words of affirmation. While I am mostly securely attached, withdrawing from me triggers anxiety and I have made a horrible experience with a fearful avoidant partner in the past, so that is something I fear I cannot deal with again.
I am also an atheist.
I am a very warm, soft and sensitive person, I think I am humorous, I am self reflecting a lot and I can also be really passionate and romantic. Those are traits that also are really important to me in a woman.
I can be quite social, I am a good talker, but also love to listen to really get to know someone on a deeper level. I can enjoy an evening out with friends just as much as the silence of sitting at the shores of the river and watching the sunset in solitude (although I've been craving to watch it together with a partner for a really long time now). I can be out in a pub, at a rave, a metal show or in the stadium watching football and have the time of my life, but I cannot do these things every day; I need recharge time (on the sofa, in the woods for a run, a lazy Sunday staying in bed etc.). This should give you an idea; basically, I am a homebody that thoroughly enjoys going out in moderation.
I won't say too much about hobbies; suffice it to say I am into the dark, the obscure, the macabre, the occult, the mysterious, the erotic. It won't surprise you that I had a gothic phase in my youth, bonus points if you did too!
What I am looking for
Although similar hobbies and interests are a plus (and there have to be at least a couple things we have in common), emotional and sexual compatibility are more important to me. I am a very sensitive and emotional person (I do cry easily and by this point I don't think I'll ever be able to change that, sorry), so if you're too, we will definitely understand each other. I need someone who I can open up to (which I do rather quickly, anyway), be myself, bare my soul to and I need these things from you, too. I've had my share of emotionally unavailable women who were afraid of intimacy so I know I can't deal with that again because of the way how those things affect me. I am always emotionally invested with the woman I pursue and in those cases that was to my detriment. But my ability to feel so deep is also something I wouldn't want to change because as of yet, although it's getting harder, I haven't given up on finding someone.
With those emotional needs come two requirements that I found to be vital over the years: First, being able to be silly and cutesy together and to accept each other's inner child and care for it. I am not talking about having to deal with another person's immaturity or inability to perform basic adult skills, rather with the way sadness, hurt, anxiety and being overwhelmed manifests for me (and maybe for you, too?). I need someone who is able to comfort me, to hold me, to allow me to be weak and needy for a while until I've calmed down, and I'm more than ready to offer the same. Your inner child can come out for a while, no problem (: Also in a positive way: Thankfully, today everyone seems to be understanding of the cuteness overload cats (or any animal baby, really) can cause; I need that with a partner. I also still have plushies as comfort animals (some of which in quite a litteral sense as they make for really amazing pillows) and ideally, you do too.
There is a saying that in every relationship, one person is the stronger one. In the past, I have been with women who obviously were stronger than me, but that doesn't mean they always had to be strong, far from it. I certainly, like I said, need to be able to feel protected, but it's not like I'm a particularly needy partner, like everyone, I have my ups and downs, but I can pull my weight and have been told by past partners that I am very caring and that they felt safe and understood with me, and providing that for my partner is really important for me as well – this just to put the picture I'm (somewhat haphazardly) trying to paint into perspective.
Second, sexual compatibility. I have a high libido and I have kinks, so you should, too, in order that we can explore and enjoy them together. I found out how fulfilling living out those fantasies can be after years of never being able to try and in a relationship, sexual fulfillment for both partners is a must for me. Someone on here has coined the term 'filthy best friends and partners' which I have no shame to be stealing because it's such an apt description.
I'm looking for a balance between healthy independence and being emotionally present. A relationship where we 'get' each other; we're both each other's number one and treat each other like royalty. Where a disagreement leads to more intimacy between us as we understand better, not to resentment. Where we're comfortable baring our souls to each other, becoming a safe haven and secure base for each other. I don't like the modern notion that you 'should never feel too safe in a relationship' because that sounds like running from the mafia (and believe me, I love mafia movies); you should always put in effort, yes, but safety is one of the things I always want to experience and provide in a relationship. We shouldn't fear that a disagreement leads straight to breakup. I know ‘self-sufficiency’ is trending right now, but I feel like as partners, we’re partly responsible for each other and not our own but also each other’s happiness. Being dependant and dependable at the same time is important; making each other’s wellbeing a priority. I love the relationship model outlined in Stan Tatkin’s ‘Wired for Love’ and you should, too. If you’re not able to healthily depend on someone and their support while you’re having a hard time, look elsewhere. I know codependency is the latest thing everyone’s afraid of, but experiencing someone you’ve grown very attached to just bailing because they’re counterdependent and can’t stand working on themselves while simultaneously letting you in is something I’d rather not go through again. If I have to be afraid you’ll run at the first major problem that surfaces, even if it’s a ‘you’-problem, it’s not going to work. I think that all things can and need to be talked about. If you think ignoring someone for days is a form of communication, please look elsewhere. If you think’s it’s okay to lovebomb someone and then leave after a couple of months with the minimum amount of information and no proper conversation because you’re not ready to own up to what’s happening to you emotionally, please look elsewhere.
I am looking for someone real. We all have our problems, I don't want or need a 'perfect' person. You don't have everything figured out or 'all your shit' together. Be imperfect. Admit when you feel sad and angry, lonely, hopeless or even helpless – it's all relatable. Don't hide it. Be quirky, be dorky, be witchy, be opinionated, be yourself. Don't pretend.
I'm looking for someone to share romance with. Not great gestures, but small, meaningful ones. Poems for each other, expressing our feelings; cards with heartfelt messages that we put our perfume/cologne on, and a symbol that means something to us only, the print of your lips with lipstick, the way I sign and seal my letters for you.
Just as important to me is agreeing on living a healthy life, staying in shape both for ourselves and for each other, regularly working out and eating healthy. I am drug and disease-free and expect the same of you. I do drink as I love a good beer or glass of wine, rum or whiskey, but I've never really been drinking much and especially during the past year have further reduced it. One vice I have is that I enjoy a couple of cigars a year, but I can definitely accommodate you in this regard.
Another important point is aligned life goals: many childfree people seem to be adventurous, but that is a trait I don't associate with myself at all. I value safety more than adventure. I want to build a home together with my partner, a safespace for the both of us, where we always feel loved and protected, a place that we create together, make it cozy together so we just love to get back home there wherever we might have been, a home we decorate together for Halloween (my favourite holiday) or Christmas or Springtime, as we live in tune with the seasons, seeing them change around us, enjoying nature on a walk or the rain outside, reading in our cozy home. I value stability and harmony.
Appearance-wise, I am into ladies on the smaller side (albeit not regarding height), so I'm looking for someone petite/slim/skinny/healthy-fit. Likewise, I am not really muscular and don't have visible abs; like I said, I'm a runner, so if you're more into the gym-type, I'm not a good fit.
The natural progression for me would be to move from text to voice calls, videochat and then meeting up, all of that rather sooner than later. Not that there’s a need to rush anything, but having my heart broken because I already developed feelings due to a longer timeframe and then everything unexpectedly turning to shit is not something I want to have to live through again. I’d rather see earlier if we’re compatible or not; as someone who catches feelings fast I need to protect myself, I unfortunately had to learn that
Caveats/Possible red flags
If you're interested, feel free to message me and include some pictures of yourself and I will reply with my own. Have a nice day (:
submitted by omegaMKXIII to cf4cf [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 10:27 astrobabag Ullu Se Vashikaran: Strange Owl-Minded Control Techniques in A World Not Our Own

Ullu Se Vashikaran: Strange Owl-Minded Control Techniques in A World Not Our Own
Wildness and all its mystery are about the owls, in which they are rich in cultures and the identity of history. As mentioned in some Indian spiritual beliefs, owls really have supernatural ability to control minds and behaviors of other people through Shushe said ullu (owl) vashikaran or spiritual mind control of owls.
Ullu Se Vashikaran
It is not known exactly where the roots of association with owls and vashikaran are, but some researchers claim that they are based on running for centuries on ancient tantric beliefs. It is as per the study that owls are fundamentally the most effective in the alter of the intensity of subtle energies and psychic forces that used in rites to control of thoughts, and also the human's free will according to the esoteric teaching One the tantricization aghori the sect, which is the lowest make the vishal se vashikaran ritual, and it is useful for the dominating
The discovery of the means by which the mind control rituals are conducted, namely the involvement of owls, is mostly obscure for the people sitting outside and ignorant of the use of owls. The knowledge is considered exclusive, transmitted by the inspired gurus to the disciples by direct transmission.
Sometimes they cast spells on people by wearing feathered owl trikes, bones or eggshell powder with magical owl prayers to turn their soul into the owl soul. through the messengers of Owl, the devotees acquire the freedom of thought and hence the strange forces are believed to control their emotions, influence their behavior and distract their consciousness.
Though unconventional tantrika assured that owel based vashikaran is not only working for handling thoughts but also for resolving the subconscious drives and memories. The capacity along with owel' dark and nocturnal kind as well as night vision is an ability to enter the background of psyche.
A tantrika believes that such a mental access leads to the darkest core of the self and, from it, they can get at all hidden memories and truths in order to perform the most delicate mind manipulations with the critical psychologies and behaviors. This divination can be abused in the hands of the unethical as a way to exert power and control, manipulate the minds, and hypnotize without consent. However, Edda's vevenaran portrays the picture of ethics fails to be clear openly.
The critics belittle brain-worm control undertaken by owls through practices that they characterize as superstitions and called science-less activities. Without noticing any connection, they postulate the non-existence of empirical or trial evidence proving the authenticity of owl minds that are used in controlling thoughts.
On the other hand, believers also argue, that what they see as dangerous elements of humanities are supposed to be protected from what science does not understand at this moment. Of course, the enigma that rituals have is that it simultaneously creates interest and confusion because this peculiar element of occultism is the subject of this process.
The enactment of the spell in ullu se vashikaran evokes several emotional reactions such as ranging from sceptical scientific view to amazement over magic to ethical issues which make us think on how a person is going to be treated in the society. Members of the fringe Indian spiritual subcultures even today sometimes disagree about the real existence, appropriateness, and the morality of the owl if it is a part of the rituals that can provide psychic control, mainly as the belief of them (the occult).
In the deep side of knowledge, Tantric Washikaran is referred to as the dark arts, with empirical evidences meager and counters nonexistent. Human nature itself and the ‘black magics’ developed for control of a human mind via the owl occult powers could forever remain incomprehensible and even unexplained to the general public who does not step into the world of occultism.
The owl obliged the capability of seeing into the hearts of people, and it was believed that the owl's injecting of unintentional inwardness could affect the decisions of the unfortunate, and this was regulated by the mysterious nature of the owl.
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2024.05.16 10:25 No-Farm-2186 still struggling with my identity

I can't tell if I'm trans or just trying to find somewhere to belong. I know if you think you're faking it you're probably not, but in my case it's not "faking" it might just be coping from a lack of identity?
I don't know what to think but I'll try to explain my life story (sorry it's gonna be long, ik my posts are usually long but this one is going to be stupid long) in case anyone can help (also sorry for being so annoying I know a lot of ppl have super trans-related problems and my problems are like 1/2 trans if I'm too much just tell me and I'll stop). Just finished typing it and yeah this is stupid long and I probably shouldn't post this anymore cuz it's dumb but at this point I have nothing left to lose so I'm gonna anyways.
TW: Suicidal ideation + mentions of death + mentions of self harm
When I was in elementary I was friendly and social with everyone, and part of a close friend group of 2 females and 1 enby (they didn't know at the time). I felt comfy in that group but summer came and I didn't talk to them bc I didn't have a phone. When I started middle school I didn't get in any of their classes, so I told myself I'd focus on my studies. So then the people i met in middle school who were my "friends" were only because I wanted someone to talk to but I had lost my personality so I kinda just shaped my personality around them. But that's also around the same time I realized I kinda really hated everything about myself. Uncertain about what I want to do with my life. Hated my appearance (had just constantly gotten buzz cuts my whole life) + I hate my face and body. I assumed it was body dysmorphia after looking up how I felt and accepted that I was just depressed. Come high school I just kept feeling worse, then we had to put my dog down and I didn't cry a single tear when he got injected. I realized I was really fucked up from that and that night when I was alone I completely shattered. All sense of self left me and I realized that I felt completely alone. I even started SHing myself around that time (though nothing too intense, was mostly just with a broken utensil, only a razor once which freaked me out a ton since my shoulder kept bleeding and after that I stopped and just started hitting myself instead). I decided to try piece myself together and the first thought was to figure myself out. I determined I was probably aroace since I had never "liked" anyone (still dunno if i have) even though I want to. Thought that was it but then when I started working after high school I saw a Coolyori meme after getting into DDLC. The meme wasn't even from egg irl but id assume it has been posted there. I don't remember exactly what it was but it was something along the lines of looking like Sayori. Then I found egg irl and realized that yeah I think if I had been born a girl and had a girl childhood I probably wouldn't have been depressed. I mean, girls are pretty and I might've been able to hold onto my friends and not fuck everything up. But now I just wonder if I actually want to be a girl, or if I just think it would solve my problems. I also wonder if I just wanna be more feminine because I have 2 sisters, no brothers, my dad never hung out with me, all of my friends that I've been close to growing up were girls (except that one enby + an enby online I met), and the people I played with in the summer were girls. I'm struggling to figure out if I'm just depressed or actually trans and I care too much about not burdening others to be able to ask for help + I developed really bad social anxiety as well. I just am tired of living in a state of anxiousness and self-hatred at this point. At this point I just wish some outside force could set me free cuz I'm too tired. If anyone actually read of this thank you but I'm also sorry I wasted so much of your time. 💜
Any input/advice/insight is appreciated and much needed 🫂
submitted by No-Farm-2186 to Nestofeggs [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 10:23 Successful_Bat_8677 Japanese gamers are furious over the announcement of Assassin's Creed: Shadows

Japanese gamers are furious over the announcement of Assassin's Creed: Shadows
The cinematic trailer for the new Assassin's Creed turned out to be spectacular, but caused conflicting feelings among many players. The series will finally get to the most desired setting among fans - feudal Japan, but the implementation of the game seemed very controversial to most users. Players are arguing over Assassin's Creed: Shadows for a variety of reasons, ranging from gameplay features and racial diversity. However, these discussions do not compare with what Japanese gamers feel now, who were truly offended by the announcement of the action game.
Unlike other players, users from Japan openly and rudely express their dissatisfaction with Assassin's Creed: Shadows. In their opinion, with such an interpretation of history in the game, Ubisoft humiliates all the national dignity of Asia. Users were outraged by the fact that the developers openly mixed different historical moments and mixed Japanese culture.
In addition to the historical aspect in Assassin's Creed: Shadows, Japanese gamers were also confused by the black character. As the players note, “Western developers continue their unfair policies.” One user pointed out that studios are now trying to show “the correct diversity of nationalities and cultures,” but for some reason they are forgetting about “the rights of Asian minorities.”
It turns out that a black character is more important than some Japanese in a game about Japan and its history.
The West continues its cultural expansion, not caring about the real facts of history and the feelings of gamers of different races.
Thanks to Ubisoft, now I know what neocolonialism looks like.
In their messages, Japanese users agreed not to buy Assassin's Creed: Shadows. They also encourage other players to do the same. For those who love this type of setting, they recommend paying attention to Rise of the Ronin and Ghost of Tsushima, which recreate Japanese culture much better.
submitted by Successful_Bat_8677 to Games_Piracy [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 10:17 DemocracyManaged Balance Suggestions for (almost) Every Primary Weapon

There's been a lot of talk around balance lately, particularly some (in my opinion) valid complaints about certain nerfs not making sense.
With that in mind, here are some suggestions around balance. The focus here is on fun and uniqueness.
Credit for most suggestions goes to the Helldivers community. I've mostly compiled what others have said, though I've tried to be more specific about stat recommendations.
For anyone who doesn't know, the stats shown on-screen are not the full picture. For instance, the CEO has said recoil is actually governed by 14 different values. However, I wanted to be as specific as possible.
For anyone wondering, I'm around level 50 and play on various difficulties, most often 7.
When in doubt, I've erred on the side of smaller versus larger changes, which I think is a good approach to balance in general.
Some more general thoughts about balance about the bottom, but for now, let's just dive in...
Liberator: Honestly great as-is; well-rounded starter for clearing crowds, compensated by being bad against armor.
Liberator Penetrator: VERY underpowered due to a 30-round mag (versus 45 for the Liberator), and 45 (versus 60) damage, though it does have Medium armor penetration. It's very strange that the "Penetrator" does far less damage than its "vanilla" variant. Suggest raising damage to 65 and keeping the clip at 30 rounds to emphasize its specialty anti-armor role.
Liberator Concussive: Suggest raising damage to 75. Come on... it shoots explosive, um, concussive rounds. The smaller clip would still balance it versus the basic Liberator, while the lack of Medium penetration would mean it doesn't invalidate the Penetrator.
Tenderizer: Suggest raising damage to 75 on this one too, or it will be completely invalidated by the Liberator variants (as it currently is...). This would make it a smaller-capacity, higher-caliber alternative, which aligns with the description. Also, ammo should be fully refilled by drops (as most other guns are) and the color fixed to match the trailer. Guessing these were oversights.
Adjudicator: Well-balanced thanks to recent buffs, but I do think the recoil should be more like 30-35 instead of 40. I'm a big fan (and liked it even before the buff), but it feels strangely hard to control the recoil, especially now that it's considered an assault rifle.
Diligence: Think it's great after the buffs. Not always ideal for bugs (though I use it for that too), but great for bots. No changes.
Diligence Counter-Sniper: Love it after the buffs; it was terrible before. I do think it should have 8 mags instead of 6 (matching the Diligence in mags, but still with less ammo overall due to a clip of 15 versus 20). It feels like it runs out way too fast.
Defender: Honestly not sure; I rarely use it and haven't read much about it. I suspect this means it's decent as-is.
Pummeler: Similar to Defender but less fire rate and lower damage in exchange for stun. Well-received by the community; good as-is.
Punisher: Powerful and well-rounded, good as-is.
Slugger: People were using it as a stagger sniper rifle, and somehow the balance "fix" was to remove the stagger and power, but keep the sniper accuracy? This is a slug shotgun. Suggest reverting damage and stagger to pre-nerf, but make it somewhat less accurate (or have the damage drop off more) at longer ranges.
Breaker: Good as-is.
Breaker Spray& Pray: Nearly half the damage / twice the capacity of the regular Breaker, but only 10% more fire rate? Granted this is a light crowd clearer, but I really think the fire rate should be more like 400. This would still be notably lower DPS than the Breaker, but with more ammo and much faster firing... it is called the Spray&Pray!
Breaker Incendiary: One of the best weapons imo, with a very reasonable trade-off of less immediate power for more BURN THEM ALL. My teammates often use it to set me ablaze with patriotism. Good as-is.
Exploding Crossbow: One of the worst-balanced weapons right now. The question is whether it should be more of a light crowd-clear (as it was pre-nerf), or armor penetrator (as the devs have claimed was their original intention), as currently it is bad at both. I would favor the former, only because A) that's what it was before and what people seemed to prefer, and B) that sets it apart from the Eruptor more, rather than basically serving the same role but without the ability to close holes. (I personally wish it could close them, as it is explosive, but being semi-auto that might be a bit OP.) I think it should be reverted to pre-nerf, but adding a couple more clips and keeping the faster-flying bolts (a nice change!). It was odd and a bit annoying how slow the bolts were when it first got released; even strafing could throw them off. It's a crossbow, after all, not a trebuchet. The tooltip should also say its level of armor penetration (currently it doesn't.)
Dominator: Not sure why it was recently nerfed down to 275 damage. I honestly feel the recent nerf made no difference to the balance, but I'd revert it just as a show of good faith.
Eruptor: There is a lot to say here... suggest reverting its stats and performance to the original release, but keeping the fix to it not 'imploding' players toward the explosion, and keeping the magazines at 6. I think it is potentially OK to keep the slight nerf to damage radius fall-off too (I didn't feel much difference, but it seemed more realistic somehow, whereas at release the explosion felt like it went abruptly from full damage to 0 at the edge of the radius).
HOWEVER, removing the "shrapnel" mechanic absolutely needs to be reverted. This was a massive, unnecessary nerf that removed the gun's identity and took it from being great to being awful.
A couple more points about that:
-Yes, it could randomly kill you from 30 meters away... like 0.5% of the time. Anyone claiming it didn't is wrong, though it was very rare. I had it happen maybe twice in a 10-hour period.
-No, it was not a big deal at all. However, it also did not make sense, and added nothing fun to gameplay. None of the other "explosive" guns, airstrikes, etc, work that way, and it appears from dev comments the rare weirdly long ricochets were not intended. If that could be fixed without removing the shrapnel, I think it should be... though I would personally rather have a quick revert/fix that adds back shrapnel but keeps the weird ricochet, versus a slower fix that resolves the issue completely.
-Removing the shrapnel was a dev decision. Some people need to stop blaming the community for that, because no one was asking for it to be removed completely; they just wanted the explosive mechanics to be more consistent, fun, and intuitive.
Punisher Plasma: Feels way better after the buffs; love the increased flight speed for the shots. I could see a slight buff to power or explosive radius, but think it's pretty good as-is.
Blitzer: Feels amazing after the buff to fire rate. Kudos to the devs, because this has gone from hot garbage to being my favorite gun... unless/until the Eruptor is fixed. Democracy rating: Taste My Lightning / 10.
Scythe: The buff helped, but it still feels quite weak. I'd buff power significantly (up to 450-500 DPS) and up the Fire Limit from 8 to 10. For comparison, the Sickle has a DPS of 687.5 (assuming its 750 "Fire Rate" means roughly 750 rounds per minute) and a Fire Limit of 9.
Sickle: Super fun, no notes. Great crowd clear, not so great against heavies. I think the nerf to its ammo cartridges was fine, though unnecessary. It didn't change much.
Scorcher: I haven't used it personally (literally just unlocked), but the community seems to feel it's in a good place. Looking forward to some Scorching!
Purifier: Also have not used this personally, so take with a grain of salt, but the consensus seems to be that it's like a much worse Scorcher. The chargeup is a neat mechanic, so I'd lean into that and add a lot more power... like, 400 versus the current 250. Maybe increase recoil to give it that extra kick. Also, I could be wrong, but the 250 displayed for the fire rate seems strangely high based on the gameplay videos I've seen... not sure if that's accurate.
General balance suggestions:
1) "Spreadsheet" balancing based on gun popularity is a bad strategy.
It's good to encourage loadout variety, but guns will never be used equally, and "more used" does not necessarily mean "overpowered." There are many reasons besides a gun being unbalanced that it might be used by more people. It could be unlocked earlier, or easier to learn, or just more fun to use (in which case it's the last thing you should be nerfing!). Some will be used by more people simply because they see other people using it. There are many examples of this in other games. In Rocket League, the "Octane" car is literally identical to many other cars in its stats, but it's still the most used by a wide margin. In Age of Empires 2, the French civilization has a higher win-rate among low-level players because it's easy to learn, but at a higher level, it's well-balanced.
2) Ideally balance for low and high difficulties... but high is more important.
At a high level, if a gun underperforms, you will either die, or worse, not contribute properly to your team... and Freedom.
Because there are some enemies that only appear on higher difficulties, you simply can't get away without playtesting on higher levels.
With that said, if something works well at a high level, the lower levels take care of themselves to an extent. There are some caveats (for instance, crowd-clearing weapons with low armor penetration are relatively better on lower levels), but it's hard to have perfect balance across all difficulties, and it's less important for lower levels because you can get away with a lot more and still survive. The same is not true in reverse.
If the devs don't have the time or inclination to play at a high level, a Preview server (as some have suggested) could help. Tapping skilled streamers/content creators for balance suggestions (after vetting them and/or putting some kind of NDA in place) is an option, too. Microsoft does that with Age of Empires, for instance.
3) This is a PVE game, not PVP. It's best to err on the side of limited changes... especially with nerfs. Fixes take time, but it takes 0 development time to NOT nerf something.
People emotionally invest in weapons they enjoy. (I bring my emotional support 500KG everywhere!) If you change them, they probably won't like it! This goes double for unnecessary nerfs (see 1 above).
In a PVP game, if something is overpowered, the person it's used against generally has less fun. In Helldivers, our enemies are subhuman and have no feelings to consider besides a hatred of all things free and Democratic.
If you've read this far, thanks for taking the time!
I'd love to hear what others think about these suggestions.
The CEO (Pilestedt) has made it clear that the community's concerns around balance have been noted, and the recent Discord posts indicate it's something the team is currently looking at, so hopefully there will be more positive changes soon.
See you on the front!
submitted by DemocracyManaged to Helldivers [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 10:01 Cranes_Varsity The Importance of a Robust Corporate Training Program

In today's fast-paced and ever-evolving business environment, companies must continually adapt to new challenges and opportunities. One crucial element that enables businesses to stay competitive and innovative is a robust corporate training program. In today's fast-paced and ever-evolving business environment, companies must continually adapt to new challenges and opportunities. One crucial element that enables businesses to stay competitive and innovative is a robust corporate training program. These programs are designed to enhance employees' skills, improve their performance, and align their goals with the organization's objectives.
In this blog, we will explore the importance of corporate training programs, their key components, and how they can be implemented effectively.

Why Corporate Training Programs Matter

1. Enhancing Employee Skills and Knowledge

Corporate training programs provide employees with the necessary skills and knowledge to perform their jobs effectively. Whether it's technical training, leadership development, or soft skills enhancement, these programs ensure that employees are well-equipped to handle their responsibilities and contribute to the company's success.

2. Improving Employee Performance and Productivity

Well-trained employees are more efficient and productive. They understand their roles better, can navigate complex tasks with ease, and are more likely to produce high-quality work. This, in turn, leads to improved overall performance and productivity for the organization.

3. Boosting Employee Morale and Job Satisfaction

Investing in employee development shows that the company values its workforce. This can lead to higher job satisfaction, increased morale, and greater employee engagement. When employees feel supported and appreciated, they are more likely to remain loyal to the company and perform at their best.

4. Aligning with Organizational Goals

Corporate training Courses help align employees' skills and performance with the company's strategic goals. This ensures that everyone is working towards the same objectives, fostering a cohesive and collaborative work environment.

5. Attracting and Retaining Top Talent

Companies that offer robust training and development opportunities are more attractive to top talent. Prospective employees look for employers who are committed to their growth and development. Moreover, existing employees are more likely to stay with a company that invests in their future.

Key Components of an Effective Corporate Training Program

1. Needs Assessment

Before designing a training program, it's essential to conduct a needs assessment to identify the skills gaps and training requirements within the organization. This involves analyzing job roles, performance data, and employee feedback to determine the specific areas that need improvement.

2. Clear Objectives and Goals

Setting clear, measurable objectives for the training program is crucial. These goals should align with the organization's strategic priorities and be communicated to all participants. Clear objectives help ensure that the training is focused and effective.

3. Comprehensive Curriculum

A well-rounded training program should cover a range of topics relevant to the employees' roles and the company's needs. This may include technical skills, industry-specific knowledge, leadership development, communication skills, and more.

4. Engaging Delivery Methods

The success of a training program often depends on how the content is delivered. Interactive and engaging methods, such as workshops, e-learning modules, simulations, and group activities, can enhance learning and retention. It's also important to consider different learning styles and preferences.

5. Experienced Trainers and Facilitators

Having knowledgeable and experienced trainers is essential for effective training. Trainers should not only be experts in their fields but also skilled in teaching and facilitating learning. They should be able to connect with employees and create a positive learning environment.

6. Continuous Evaluation and Feedback

Regular evaluation of the training program is necessary to ensure its effectiveness. This can be done through feedback surveys, assessments, and performance metrics. Continuous improvement should be a key focus, with adjustments made based on feedback and outcomes.

Implementing a Successful Corporate Training Program

1. Gain Executive Buy-In

Securing support from top management is crucial for the success of any training program. Leadership should understand the value of employee development and be willing to allocate the necessary resources and budget.

2. Create a Culture of Learning

Promote a culture that values continuous learning and development. Encourage employees to take ownership of their growth and provide them with the time and resources to participate in training programs.

3. Leverage Technology

Utilize technology to make training more accessible and flexible. Online learning platforms, virtual classrooms, and mobile learning apps can help reach employees across different locations and provide on-demand training.

4. Tailor Training to Individual Needs

Recognize that employees have different learning needs and career aspirations. Offering personalized learning paths and opportunities for career development can enhance the relevance and impact of the training program.

5. Measure and Celebrate Success

Track the progress and impact of the training program through key performance indicators (KPIs) and success stories. Celebrate achievements and milestones to motivate employees and highlight the benefits of continuous learning.


A robust corporate training program is a vital investment for any organization aiming to thrive in today's dynamic business landscape. By enhancing employee skills, improving performance, and fostering a culture of continuous learning, companies can achieve their strategic goals and maintain a competitive edge. Implementing an effective training program requires careful planning, ongoing evaluation, and a commitment to employee development. With these elements in place, organizations can unlock the full potential of their workforce and drive long-term success.
submitted by Cranes_Varsity to u/Cranes_Varsity [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 09:55 Vivid-Spread1007 Unveiling the Evolution: Navigating Trends and Opportunities in the Gelatin Market

Unveiling the Evolution: Navigating Trends and Opportunities in the Gelatin Market
The gelatin market is driven by its diverse applications in food, pharmaceuticals, and cosmetics. With increasing consumer demand for natural and clean-label ingredients, gelatin, derived from collagen, is favored for its gelling, stabilizing, and thickening properties. Rising health consciousness has also spurred demand for gelatin-based products due to its protein content and collagen benefits. However, concerns over animal welfare and alternative sources like plant-based substitutes pose challenges. Despite this, the global gelatin market is projected to grow steadily, driven by innovations in processing techniques and expanding applications in various industries.
Gelatin Market Size and Growth
The global gelatin market size reached USD 3,628.5 million in 2023, driven by its extensive use in food, pharmaceuticals, and cosmetics industries. The market is forecasted to witness substantial growth, with an estimated compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 5.5% during the period 2024-2032. This growth trajectory can be attributed to several factors, including the rising demand for gelatin-based products due to their functional properties such as gelling, stabilizing, and thickening capabilities. Moreover, increasing consumer awareness regarding the health benefits of gelatin, particularly its protein content and collagen properties, further propels market expansion.
By 2032, the gelatin market is projected to achieve a value of USD 4,984.0 million, reflecting sustained growth propelled by advancements in processing techniques and expanding applications across various industries. However, challenges such as concerns over animal welfare and the emergence of alternative sources like plant-based substitutes could impact market dynamics. Nonetheless, innovations in gelatin production and its versatile applications are expected to continue driving market growth, offering lucrative opportunities for stakeholders in the global gelatin industry.
Gelatin Market
Gelatin Market Trends
Several notable trends characterize the gelatin market:
Request Sample: https://www.expertmarketresearch.com/reports/gelatin-market/requestsample
  1. Rising Demand for Clean-Label Ingredients: Consumers are increasingly opting for natural and clean-label products. Gelatin, derived from collagen, is favored for its natural origin and versatile functionality, meeting the demand for transparent ingredient lists in food, pharmaceuticals, and cosmetics.
  2. Health and Wellness Boom: With a growing emphasis on health and wellness, gelatin's protein content and collagen benefits are gaining traction. Consumers are seeking products promoting joint health, skin elasticity, and muscle growth, driving the demand for gelatin-based supplements and functional foods.
  3. Diversification of Applications: Gelatin's unique properties, such as gelling, stabilizing, and emulsifying capabilities, enable its use in a wide range of applications beyond traditional sectors like food and pharmaceuticals. Innovations are expanding its use in industries such as photography, cosmetics, and 3D printing.
  4. Shift towards Halal and Kosher Gelatin: With increasing global awareness and religious dietary restrictions, there's a growing demand for halal and kosher-certified gelatin products. Manufacturers are adapting production processes to cater to these dietary preferences, thereby expanding their consumer base.
  5. Focus on Sustainability and Animal Welfare: Concerns over animal welfare and environmental sustainability are prompting consumers and manufacturers to explore alternative sources of gelatin, such as plant-based substitutes or gelatin produced from sustainable and ethically sourced animal sources.
  6. Technological Advancements in Production: Innovations in processing technologies are enhancing the efficiency and quality of gelatin production, driving cost-effectiveness and product innovation. This includes advancements in extraction methods, purification techniques, and waste reduction strategies.
  7. Regional Market Dynamics: Market growth varies across regions due to factors like economic development, dietary preferences, and regulatory frameworks. Emerging economies exhibit significant growth potential driven by increasing disposable incomes, urbanization, and changing lifestyles.
Market Segmentation
The market can be segmented:
By Raw Material
  • Pig Skin
  • Bovine Hides
  • Bone
  • Others
By End Use
  • Food and Beverages
  • Pharmaceuticals and Nutraceuticals
  • Photography
  • Cosmetics
  • Others
By Region
  • North America
  • Europe
  • Asia Pacific
  • Latin America
  • Middle East and Africa
Market Opportunities and Challenges
The gelatin market presents several opportunities and challenges:
  1. Growing Demand for Functional Foods and Nutraceuticals: As consumers become more health-conscious, there's a rising demand for functional foods and nutraceuticals fortified with ingredients like gelatin, which offers collagen benefits and protein content.
  2. Expanding Applications in Cosmetics and Pharmaceuticals: Gelatin's versatile properties make it an attractive ingredient in cosmetics and pharmaceuticals for applications such as capsules, coatings, and skincare products, presenting opportunities for market expansion in these sectors.
  3. Innovation in Product Development: Continuous innovation in gelatin-based products, such as fortified beverages, confectionery items, and pharmaceutical formulations, allows manufacturers to cater to evolving consumer preferences and tap into new market segments.
  4. Emerging Markets and Untapped Regions: Emerging economies and regions with low gelatin consumption present untapped market opportunities. Increasing urbanization, rising disposable incomes, and changing dietary habits in these regions create avenues for market growth.
  5. Focus on Sustainable Sourcing and Production: With growing awareness of environmental sustainability and animal welfare, there's an opportunity for manufacturers to differentiate themselves by investing in sustainable sourcing practices and eco-friendly production methods.
  1. Competition from Plant-Based Alternatives: The rising popularity of plant-based alternatives poses a challenge to the gelatin market. Consumers seeking vegetarian or vegan options may opt for substitutes like agar-agar, pectin, or plant-based gelatin alternatives derived from seaweed or microbial sources.
  2. Regulatory Constraints and Quality Standards: Compliance with regulatory standards and quality requirements, particularly regarding food safety, halal/kosher certification, and labeling regulations, can pose challenges for gelatin manufacturers, especially when operating in multiple regions with varying regulations.
  3. Volatility in Raw Material Prices: Gelatin production relies on raw materials such as animal hides, bones, and skins, the prices of which can be volatile due to factors like supply chain disruptions, changes in livestock production, and currency fluctuations, impacting production costs and profitability.
  4. Perception and Awareness Issues: Misconceptions or negative perceptions surrounding gelatin, such as concerns about allergens, animal-derived ingredients, or ethical considerations, may hinder market growth and consumer acceptance, requiring effective communication and education efforts.
  5. Technological and Process Challenges: Despite advancements in gelatin production technology, challenges such as optimizing extraction processes, reducing waste, and improving efficiency remain, requiring ongoing research and development investments to overcome.
Market Dynamics
The gelatin market dynamics are influenced by various factors:
  1. Demand Drivers: Consumer preferences and lifestyle changes drive demand for gelatin-based products in food, pharmaceuticals, cosmetics, and other industries. Factors such as health consciousness, aging populations, and the desire for natural ingredients contribute to market growth.
  2. Raw Material Availability: Gelatin is primarily derived from collagen obtained from animal sources like cattle hides, pigskins, and bones. Fluctuations in the availability and cost of these raw materials impact gelatin production and pricing, influencing market dynamics.
  3. Regulatory Environment: Regulatory standards and policies related to food safety, labeling, and certifications (e.g., halal, kosher) affect gelatin production, trade, and consumer trust. Compliance with these regulations shapes market dynamics and competitive landscapes.
  4. Technological Advancements: Innovations in gelatin processing techniques, including extraction, purification, and modification methods, enhance product quality, efficiency, and functionality. Technological advancements drive product innovation, expand application possibilities, and shape market dynamics.
  5. Competitive Landscape: The gelatin market is characterized by the presence of key players and competition among manufacturers. Market dynamics are influenced by factors such as product portfolios, pricing strategies, distribution channels, and investments in research and development.
  6. Consumer Trends and Preferences: Changing consumer preferences, such as the demand for clean-label, organic, and sustainable products, influence gelatin market dynamics. Manufacturers respond to these trends by offering tailored products and addressing consumer concerns.
  7. Global Economic Factors: Macroeconomic conditions, including GDP growth, inflation rates, exchange rates, and trade policies, impact gelatin market dynamics. Economic fluctuations influence consumer purchasing power, industrial activities, and supply chain operations, affecting market trends and growth prospects.
Competitive Landscape
The key players in the industry includes:
  • Gelita AG.
  • SAS Gelatines Weishardt
  • Nitta Gelatin, NA Inc
  • Rousselot BV
  • PB Leiner
  • Others
Media Contact
Company Name: Claight Corporation Contact Person: John Walker, Corporate Sales Specialist – U.S.A. Email: [sales@expertmarketresearch.com](mailto:sales@expertmarketresearch.com) Toll Free Number: +1-415-325-5166 +44-702-402-5790 Address: 30 North Gould Street, Sheridan, WY 82801, USA Website: https://www.expertmarketresearch.com Aus Site: https://www.expertmarketresearch.com.au
submitted by Vivid-Spread1007 to u/Vivid-Spread1007 [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 09:50 markoj22 Personal Perspective: New lessons learned about THC long into a medical career.


Working with patients and their families for the past nine years as a medical cannabis practitioner has been extremely gratifying in many surprising ways.
After 30-plus years in the ER and urgent care setting, providing one-time, episodic interventions and rarely seeing the same patient again, I now have accrued a roster of hundreds of ongoing patients, many of whom I have continued to treat since I began as a registered cannabis practitioner in 2016.
The conversations we have, mostly about their positive responses to using medical cannabis but about so many other aspects of life, politics, and their illnesses, have become a very important part of my own life. These dialogues have brought me closer to the patients, their families, and their caregivers and have been instrumental in my ever-deepening understanding of and appreciation for the vast array of benefits that medical cannabis provides.
It’s been a tremendously important and enriching experience and, in addition, has rekindled my interest in biochemistry, neurotransmitters, and brain anatomy, subjects that I last explored during medical school.
Most remarkable has been the array of patients I’ve met who have taken me into their lives. Advising patients about medical cannabis has brought me into contact with a stratum of people I would otherwise probably never have access to. They have ranged from corporate CEOs, attorneys, and others wanting a medical cannabis card so they wouldn’t get arrested with illicit products to people with devastating and debilitating autoimmune diseases or those with terminal cancer.
Regardless of where along the health and socioeconomic spectrum my patients lie, there has been a consistent attitude that I became aware of early on when the law legalizing medical cannabis first went into effect.
I’m referring to an openness to trying cannabis. These patients, their families, and their caregivers haven’t been taken in by the nearly 90-year-old propaganda onslaught against the plant. Either they laughed at the “killer weed” characterizations, were open-minded enough to see or know others for whom it worked, or, especially in the many elderly patients I see, they’d already tried everything else before they came to me. They clearly had not gotten relief for an array of symptoms caused by their underlying diseases and were willing to give medical cannabis a shot.
As they have seen its benefits, this has formed a unique bond between many of us, an understanding and camaraderie in that we are partaking in something still considered forbidden and illegal in many corners of the globe. Yet we know that despite that condemnation, we have access to something that, as so many of them say, is “life-changing.”
I had realized early on in the ER and Urgent Care setting the need for abbreviated interactions. The conversations and observations that transpired in those settings helped my interventions there to provide the best immediate therapeutic relief. Even though they were often brief (of necessity), these experiences also led to many of the stories I wrote and were published. Now, in this late-in-life career choice, the longer conversations that I can pursue provide me incredible insights into the workings of the cannabis plant and provoke me to try to understand what I’m being told by patients or their caregivers about their observations on what taking cannabis is like.
I seem to learn the most from my “cannabis naive” patients, those who have never used the plant. They will describe the process of finding that “sweet spot,” discovering the therapeutic regimen that gives them the relief they seek, bringing them back to where they’d been before their illness struck. And, whether this happens in a day or a week or longer, the story is similar to hearing someone describe an epiphany.
I can no longer count the times I’ve been told: “I now go through the day without pain and have to remind myself that it’s from the cannabis tincture I take every morning.”
I’m reminded of a patient who’d come to me for treatment of severe chronic back pain. When I asked, with concern, how the high THC product he took every morning for that pain affected him at work, he recounted how, as a computer programmer, he was tasked with coming up with solutions to various program challenges. He told me that using cannabis allowed him to find answers he would not have seen otherwise.
Or the successful businessman with Crohn’s disease who, before using cannabis at work, would be debilitated by his flares. Now, four or five years into his involvement in the program, when he senses a flare coming on, he uses a very well-controlled dose of his high-THC cannabis, and shortly thereafter, he dives right back into caring for his customers, pain-free and focused.
I also have a patient with USHER 3 syndrome, a degenerative disease ultimately causing deafness and blindness. She has compared her taking cannabis to being in a dark room and having the lights go on.
Several patients with severe pain syndromes, overweight and out of shape (and scheduled to have surgery for resolution of their symptoms), have found that as cannabis increasingly resolved their pain, they became more active, lost weight, had even less pain, and ultimately (for several, now six or seven years into using cannabis) have been able to avoid going under the knife.
I have another patient, a writer with severe anxiety and some cognitive issues, whom I saw recently in follow-up, a year into treatment with cannabis. She is much more focused, conversant, and happy, interacting with family and caregivers in a much more positive way, and no longer abusing alcohol.
Another, a teacher with Autism Spectrum Disorder, told me he has been able to escape the destructive route older generations in his family had chosen, using alcohol to try and treat their symptoms. Instead, he has adopted a cannabis regimen to effectively control his ASD.
I also must mention the great help my colleagues and I are seeing that cannabis can provide for many of the symptoms of dementia.
It is my hope that those of us practitioners in the world of medical cannabis can continue to educate the public and break down the stigma surrounding cannabis. Hopefully, as well, governments will move forward in rescheduling (or de-scheduling) cannabis so that more patients can benefit from its therapeutic potential.
This brings me back to my last patient and the question about THC and wisdom:
I recently saw a middle-aged man, a Hasidic Jew, with inflammatory bowel disease. He found that medical cannabis could be very helpful in controlling his IBD flares. In addition, when we were on a follow-up call a few months after he began taking medical cannabis, he asked me something.
“Dr. Weinberg,” he asked, “does THC give you wisdom?”
I was intrigued by the question and asked back, “Why, what do you mean?”
“Well,” he said, “I’ve been reading Talmud all my life, and there have always been passages I don’t understand.” He paused. “But when I take my medical cannabis, and I go back to my studies, I get it! I understand the meaning of those passages. And it’s not because I’m high! Both my wife and the rabbi agree that my insights are valid and profound.”
Knowing the many references to cannabis in ancient Hebrew (and other spiritual) texts, I shouldn’t have been surprised at his question. I was delighted, however, and am eager to pass this insight along to others as we hopefully advance our knowledge of the many benefits of the cannabis plant.
submitted by markoj22 to MedicalCannabis_NI [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 09:43 livelaughleo Itchy healing wound ?

I had a large mysterious wound on my face that kept growing until I was diagnosed with impetigo by urgent care and the doctor I saw while abroad. They prescribed me with doxycycline and antibiotic ointment and the wound slowly shrunk over the course of the last 2 weeks or so and is now pretty much healed over but is still very red. About a week ago I went to the dermatologist where they took a swab of the scab on my cheek which came back positive for hsv 1 and 2. I’ve never had anything like this before and have never even had a cold sore so this was shocking news. I also hadn’t had skin to skin contact with anyone recently before the wound developing. My theory is that when I got sun poisoning about a month ago, it triggered a dormant reaction.
Anyways, the wound as I stated before is flat and healed over but has left behind what I think is a scar or maybe just freshly healing skin. Either way it’s super itchy and I am avoiding itching it to be safe. Since this is my first OB I know they said itching is a symptom of returning so I’m just really paranoid about it coming back as I know nothing about this shit. I’m just gonna pray that it’s bc it’s still healing as it was very large and kind of deep.
submitted by livelaughleo to HerpesQuestions [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 09:42 LowField609 Eye Hospital Near Me: Discover Excellence in Eye Care at Nirvana Eye Hospital

Are you searching for the best eye hospital near you that offers top-notch services and expert care? Look no further than Nirvana Eye Hospital! With state-of-the-art equipment, skilled specialists, and personalized treatment options, we are dedicated to providing our patients with the finest eye care experience possible.
Why choose Nirvana Eye Hospital?
At Nirvana Eye Hospital, we prioritize the health and well-being of our patients above all else. Our team of experienced ophthalmologists and staff is committed to delivering exceptional care and ensuring that each patient receives the personalized attention they deserve. With a focus on excellence in eye care, we strive to exceed our patients' expectations and provide cutting-edge treatments for a wide range of eye conditions.
State-of-the-Art Equipment
One of the key factors that sets Nirvana Eye Hospital apart is our state-of-the-art equipment. We understand the importance of investing in the latest technology to ensure accurate diagnoses and effective treatments. From advanced imaging techniques to innovative surgical tools, we have everything needed to provide our patients with the best possible care.
Skilled Experts
Our team of ophthalmologists and eye care specialists is highly skilled and knowledgeable in their respective fields. With years of experience and a commitment to staying up-to-date on the latest advancements in eye care, you can trust that you are in good hands at Nirvana Eye Hospital. Whether you need a routine eye exam or specialized treatment for a complex eye condition, our experts have the expertise to address your needs with precision and care.
Personalized Treatment
We understand that each patient is unique, which is why we offer personalized treatment plans tailored to your specific needs. Our team takes the time to listen to your concerns, answer your questions, and develop a customized care plan that aligns with your individual goals and preferences. From the moment you walk through our doors, you can expect to receive compassionate, personalized care that puts your needs first.
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When you choose Nirvana Eye Hospital for your eye care needs, you can rest assured that you are in the hands of trusted professionals who are dedicated to providing you with the best possible care. We are committed to excellence in everything we do, from our cutting-edge treatments to our compassionate bedside manner. Place your trust in us today, and discover the difference that exceptional eye care can make in your life. For more details and to schedule an appointment, visit Nirvana Eye Hospital today!
When it comes to your eye health, don't settle for anything less than the best. At Nirvana Eye Hospital, we are proud to offer a comprehensive range of services, state-of-the-art equipment, and a team of skilled experts who are dedicated to providing you with the highest quality care possible. Place your trust in us and experience the excellence in eye care that sets us apart from the rest. Book your appointment with us today and take the first step towards better eye health!
submitted by LowField609 to u/LowField609 [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 09:41 janewatson112 Soy Protein Market Size, Price & Outlook Report 2024-2032

Soy Protein Market Size, Price & Outlook Report 2024-2032
Soy Protein Market
The global soy protein market size has been on an upward trajectory, marked by steady growth and innovation. With a profound focus on health-conscious consumption and the rising demand for plant-based protein alternatives, soy protein has emerged as a pivotal player in the food industry. In 2023, the market reached a significant milestone, nearly touching USD 10.52 billion, signifying its robust growth. Projections for the forecast period of 2024-2032 indicate a promising future, with an anticipated Compound Annual Growth Rate (CAGR) of 7%. By 2032, the market is poised to soar to USD 19.34 billion, reflecting an era of unprecedented expansion and opportunity.

Market Overview

Soy protein, derived from soybeans, has garnered attention for its myriad health benefits and versatility. As an essential component in the food and beverage industry, it finds applications in a diverse range of products, including meat analogs, dairy alternatives, beverages, and nutritional supplements. The market's growth is underpinned by several key factors, including shifting consumer preferences, technological advancements, and increasing awareness regarding the health benefits associated with soy-based products.

Key Benefits

One of the primary drivers of the soy protein market is its extensive list of benefits. Soy protein is renowned for its high nutritional value, serving as an excellent source of plant-based protein. Furthermore, it is cholesterol-free and low in saturated fats, making it an ideal choice for individuals seeking heart-healthy dietary options. Additionally, soy protein contains essential amino acids, promoting muscle growth and repair, further enhancing its appeal among fitness enthusiasts and athletes.

Key Industry Developments

The soy protein market is characterized by constant innovation and product development initiatives undertaken by key industry players. From novel formulations to sustainable production practices, companies are continually striving to meet evolving consumer demands and preferences. Recent developments include the introduction of organic and non-GMO soy protein variants, catering to the growing segment of health-conscious consumers. Moreover, collaborations and partnerships between manufacturers and research institutions have led to groundbreaking advancements in soy protein extraction and processing techniques, further fueling market growth.

Driving Factors

Several factors are driving the growth of the soy protein market. The increasing adoption of vegetarian and flexitarian diets, coupled with rising concerns regarding animal welfare and environmental sustainability, has propelled the demand for plant-based protein sources. Soy protein offers a viable alternative to traditional animal-derived proteins, aligning with the growing trend towards sustainable and ethical consumption. Furthermore, the expanding application scope of soy protein in functional foods and dietary supplements, owing to its health-promoting properties, is driving market growth across diverse end-use sectors.

COVID-19 Impact

The COVID-19 pandemic has had a multifaceted impact on the soy protein market. While the initial disruption in supply chains and logistical challenges posed temporary setbacks, the pandemic has underscored the importance of maintaining a healthy lifestyle, driving consumer interest in immune-boosting foods and nutritional supplements. As a result, there has been a surge in demand for plant-based protein products, including soy protein, as consumers seek to fortify their diets with wholesome and nutrient-rich ingredients. Moreover, the shift towards online retail channels and e-commerce platforms has facilitated greater accessibility to soy protein products, mitigating the adverse effects of the pandemic on market growth.

Restraint Factors

Despite its immense potential, the soy protein market faces certain challenges that warrant attention. One of the primary concerns revolves around allergenicity, as soy protein may trigger allergic reactions in susceptible individuals. Consequently, manufacturers are investing in research and development efforts to mitigate allergenic risks and enhance product safety. Additionally, fluctuations in soybean prices and supply chain disruptions pose logistical challenges for market players, necessitating strategic risk management strategies to ensure uninterrupted production and distribution operations.

Market Segmentation

The soy protein market can be segmented based on product type, application, and region. Product types include soy protein isolates, concentrates, and textured soy protein, each catering to specific end-use applications. Applications span across food and beverage, animal feed, pharmaceuticals, and cosmetics, reflecting the diverse utility of soy protein across various industries. Geographically, the market can be segmented into North America, Europe, Asia Pacific, Latin America, and the Middle East and Africa, with each region exhibiting distinct market dynamics and growth opportunities.

Market Outlook and Trends

Looking ahead, the soy protein market is poised for continued expansion, driven by evolving consumer preferences and technological advancements. The growing popularity of plant-based diets, coupled with increasing awareness regarding the health benefits of soy protein, will sustain market growth in the foreseeable future. Moreover, emerging trends such as clean labeling, sustainable sourcing, and product innovation are expected to shape the competitive landscape and drive market differentiation among key industry players.

Industry Segmentation and Regional Analysis

In terms of industry segmentation, the soy protein market encompasses a diverse array of players, ranging from multinational corporations to small and medium-sized enterprises. Major key players include Archer Daniels Midland Company, Cargill, DuPont Nutrition & Biosciences, Kerry Group, and CHS Inc., among others. These companies are actively involved in strategic initiatives such as product launches, mergers and acquisitions, and geographical expansion to strengthen their market presence and gain a competitive edge.

Opportunities and Challenges

The soy protein market presents abundant opportunities for innovation and growth, particularly in emerging markets with rising disposable incomes and changing dietary preferences. Furthermore, advancements in biotechnology and protein engineering hold the potential to revolutionize soy protein production and enhance its functional properties, opening new avenues for market expansion. However, challenges such as regulatory compliance, quality assurance, and market saturation in mature economies necessitate proactive measures to navigate the competitive landscape and sustain long-term growth.
Click here to checkout our other reports:- https://www.expertmarketresearch.com.au/
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2024.05.16 09:33 Enticing_Venom New Day, Old Drama. FauxMoi Locks Thread When an Age Gap Relationship is Discussed.

Fauxmoi is a subreddit dedicated to pop culture and celebrity gossip. Someone shares an article about Sarah Paulson (49) and her girlfriend Holland Taylor (81).
The Top Comment:
Unpopular opinion: I hate this relationship. I hate huge age gaps. It skeeves me out that when Sarah Paulson was born, Holland Taylor was 32 years old. Sarah Paulson was obviously well into adulthood when they met, but still.
With 4k upvotes, it hardly seemed unpopular. The top reply:
I think once you hit a certain age it genuinely does not matter, like a 39 year old definitely has a fully developed brain.. Not gonna stop me from laughing whenever i see pictures of them together and judging the hell outta sarah though lmao. i cannot imagine what could possibly be appealing about a relationship like that.
I don’t get this line of thinking. They didn’t meet when SP was a baby. They met after living wholes ass lives. It’s not some twilight imprinting shit 😂
Why are you judging Sarah? Are you calling olds ugly? What if someone is perfectly turned on by an old? What’s wrong with that?
I think what's upsetting or "skeevy" and "icky" is ageism. Society doesn't like old people, doesn't see them as sexual beings. Kind of infantalises them while disregarding them.
I cannot tell you how much I hate to bring this up because this exercise is bullshit 99% of the time, but in this case I can’t help but wonder if people would be pushing themselves to be so okay with this if Holland was a man. Obviously the dynamic is shifted by that change, but I’m always surprised that everyone seems to think it’s sweet, or something. It seems impossible for this relationship’s dynamic to not be affected somehow by the age gap, the generational disparity, etc.
I literally feel like I'm taking crazy pills. Isn't the whole POINT of discouraging age gap relationships to prevent abuse of the younger, more vulnerable partner? You really think Paulson's age puts her at higher risk of abuse here? If people's reaction to age gap relationships has transitioned...then what's even the fucking point of having the conversation?
I’m extremely shocked and confused. I do not like age gaps like this. Is it better that she’s not in her twenties or something? Definitely, but wow - I did not have this on my bingo card. How is everyone not in shock? Like, y’all knew about this?!!?
...Sarah herself has even alluded to mommy issues…Holland was 32 years old when Sarah was born. Besides acting, what could possibly be their common ground? The idea of a person born today becoming a potential love interest for me in 32 years is insane.
The common ground argument is so tired. How boring does one have to be to only be able to connect with someone who shares the same "common ground" as them. Even partners of the same age can have different interests, backgrounds, energy levels, etc. It's two adults clearly in love - why does it matter what their basis of connection is? You don't have to be the exact same person to love another.
The ageism is that you assume an older women couldn’t possibly have the same interests. Why can’t they like the same movies? The same music? The same restaurants?... “Besides acting” which is a huge chunk of both of their lives! That’s a ton to relate over! This kind of attitude is so dehumanizing to older people. As if they can’t acquire new experiences and tastes.
There’s also an imbalanced power dynamic in hetero relationships. Women are at high-risk for abuse from men, but we don’t generally condemn straight couples. Even though maybe we should. Instead, we let grown-ups make their own choices and hope people won’t be shitty to each other.
At what point does the age gap thing turn back around and get weird about the younger person dating the older one? With the declining faculties of 60+ age people and the mental gymnastics of coming to terms with rapidly approaching death the power dynamic has always seemed like it was heavily heavily in favor or the (in perspective) younger individual.
My 89 year old grandfather says he’s still 35 in his mind, and sometimes it feels like I’m talking to someone in my age range, he’s honestly one of the best friends I have, caring, listens to my issues, gives me great advice, has interesting insights on current events, cracks legit great jokes all the time. We mostly stay the same people through adulthood, our bodies just look a lot different.
So would you not feel a little weird if he brought home a 35-40 yr old woman?
Why are you exaggerating the age difference here? If you're comparing it to Sarah Paulson's relationship, it would be a 59 year old woman. And that seems fine, honestly.
Regardless, if the age gap doesn’t matter because they are consenting adults, what difference does it make what hypothetical age range I chose?
submitted by Enticing_Venom to SubredditDrama [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 09:27 realestateadivsior Prestige City Indirapuram - Upcoming Township In Ghaziabad

Prestige City Indirapuram - Upcoming Township In Ghaziabad
Welcome to the new launch residential township Prestige City Indirapuram Ghaziabad located at Ghaziabad combines opulent living with luxury amenities and unrivaled conveniences. The houses at Indirapuram are designed to be a lifelong asset with top-tier amenities that promise excellent appreciation value adding to the pleasure of living in this architectural marvel.
Prestige City Ghaziabad provides 2/3/4 BHK apartments that meet global standards of quality with world-class specifications at an unbeatable price. Prestige City's excellent illumination, calm surroundings, attractive landscape and vibrant area combine to establish an idyllic residence.
Why Is Prestige City Ghaziabad Popular As Residential Spots?
The premium quality residences of Prestige City Indirapuram at Ghaziabad are renowned as a residential area for a variety of reasons. Its placement within Indirapuram a well-established residential area in Ghaziabad provides numerous benefits. The region is separated into several sectors including Vaibhav Khand, Abhay Khand, Nyay Khand, Niti Khand, and Shakti Khand.
One of the main reasons for its appeal is its superb connectivity. Anand Vihar Inter State Bus Terminus (ISBT) and Anand Vihar Railway Station are roughly 10 km apart from Indirapuram and can be reached in about 30 minutes. Furthermore it is well-connected to Noida and Delhi by important routes such as the Delhi-Meerut expressways, Mohan Nagar Link Road and Vishwakarma Road.
Prestige City is located about 5 kilometers from two Blue Line metro stations: Vaishali and Noida Electronic City. The projected expansion of the Blue Line from Noida Electronic City to Mohan Nagar in Ghaziabad would improve the metro connectivity in the area making it more appealing to people.
Employment hubs such as Sector-62, 63, 60, 57, and 59, which host major IT parks like Galaxy Business Park, Logix Cyber Park, and Spring Meadows Business Park. Furthermore corporate parks situated on the Greater Noida Expressway are easily accessible within an hour from Indirapuram making it a convenient residential choice for working professionals. Variety of services and facilities necessary for a comfortable lifestyle features at Prestige City Indirapuram Extension. These include reputable schools, institutes, hospitals, clinics, shopping malls, restaurants, multiplexes, banks, and ample of green space. This self-sustaining infrastructure enhances Prestige City's attraction as a residential destination by providing residents with everything they require in close proximity.
Project Features:-
The Prestige Projects in Indirapuram Extension offers a range of amenities designed according to Vaastu principles. These include 3-level ultra-luxurious penthouses, an acupressure walking path, innovative seating arrangements at the theatre, twin-level basement car parking, swimming pool, clubhouse, gymnasium, landscaped garden, indoor games area, play area, tennis court, badminton court, basketball court, meditation hall, rainwater harvesting system, maintenance staff and security.
Why Prestige Projects In Ghaziabad Is The Ideal Place For Residential Places?
1). Affordable Living:-
The affordable housing options without compromising on quality are available at Prestige City Indirapuram Extension In Ghaziabad for the perfect lifestyle. This makes it an attractive choice for individuals and families looking for comfortable yet budget-friendly accommodation.
2). Growth Potential In Real Estate:-
The real estate market in Prestige City and its surrounding areas including Indirapuram Extension, shows promising growth potential. Investing in property here can yield significant returns over time making it a lucrative option for buyers and investors.
3). Demand For Properties In Ghaziabad:-
Prestige City is located in Ghaziabad which has seen a continuous rise in demand for residential homes. Factors driving this demand include closeness to Delhi, increased infrastructure and affordable housing options. Investing in Prestige City allows you to capitalize on expanding demand while also securing a valued asset.
4). Infrastructure Development In The Area:-
The ongoing infrastructure development in and around Prestige City Indirapuram Extension enhances its appeal as a residential hub. Improved roads, transportation facilities, health care ters, and educational institutions contribute to the overall livability of the area making it an ideal choice for homeowners seeking convenience and comfort.
submitted by realestateadivsior to u/realestateadivsior [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 09:15 Disastrous_Pattern_3 Don't go backpacking in Tahoe National Forest

Warning: Mentions of violence, blood, and some self harm near the end.
While browsing some random conspiracy site, I found what is a supposedly leaked file from the Nevada County Sheriff's Department; however, nothing has been confirmed. According to the OP, it is believed the following is the personal account of a 21 year old Jonathan Ashford of Grass Valley, California. Normally I would write stuff like this off but this one is...different. I’ve done my best to correct most of the grammar and misspelling while at the same time trying to avoid skewing the original account.
-September 15, 2022
I’ve never really been an outdoor person. Well, I guess that’s because I’ve never really been outdoors much in the first place. And that’s because I guess…I've never been invited? I don’t really have any friends. So, needless to say, I was surprised to find myself on a backpacking trip with a group of 5 other students from my university. The plan was five days in Tahoe National Forest some place called Mystery Lake. Monday-Friday. I don’t know why they decided to do it during the week. Most of us had okay grades at best and part time jobs on the side so taking a week off of it all seemed at the very least a bit irresponsible; and yet, I went anyway. Listen, I didn’t plan it, okay? This was one of my only chances to get to know people. The hike wasn’t too long but my genius self who had only been backpacking once when I was around 9 years old or so decided to carry 60 pounds of bullshit up the mountain resulting in my shoulders being sore and raw for the foreseeable future.
-10:11 PM
To be honest, I don’t really know why they let me come with them. I only know one of them and the group has been ignoring me for pretty much the entire trip. I was always bringing up the back on the hike in and I set up my tent outside of the main camp behind some trees. I haven’t eaten any meals with them or talked to them or, now that I think about it, anything really. Regardless. The trip has been an experience. Hopefully things get more exciting tomorrow.
-September 16
I’ve only ever slept in a tent a couple times so the new environment and lack of sleeping pills resulted in quite a restless night. I woke up at about eleven; everyone else was gone. I remembered they were talking about a day hike on a trail headed north so assuming that’s where they went, I hurried to get dressed and grabbed some granola bars. I’m about to head out. I hope I find them.
-12:21 PM
I’d been briskly walking for around an hour and was feeling quite exhausted so when I heard the group’s voices off in the distance I was very relieved. I started to jog in their direction when–when this jolt or–wave of energy flooded my mind. My head instantly started throbbing and my vision went blurry. The best way I could describe it is–TV static? Like the old TVs that would go all staticky when the signal got bad. I could barely make out shapes and a space in the middle of my vision was especially dark to the point where I couldn’t see past it. That wasn’t the worst of it, though. God no, if only I was that lucky. I can still hear the shrieking. That goddamn shrieking. In an instant all I could hear was this sharp, scratchy shrieking. It pierced through my ears and rooted itself in my head. I think I cried out in pain but even if I did I couldn’t have heard it. It was as if the damned souls of hell all cried out in eternal pain all at once and begged for death. I gripped and pulled at my hair, hardly noticing the pain that resulted from it as I fell to my knees in agony before…
I slowly opened my eyes. My head hurt and there was a slight buzzing in my ears. I lay in a pile of ivy next to a fallen log, my back dampened from the cool soil beneath me. I stood up, the hill on which I previously stood was nowhere in sight. As I leaned my shoulder against a tree to steady myself I heard voices. Cautiously, I walked through the foliage as the low vines dragged along my ankles. As I walked, I looked up. The falling sun cast a soft orange glow across the sky. It was probably around five O’clock or so. I climbed up on a large rock only to realize I was near the main camp. I pin-pointed the voices of my fellow campers as they huddled around a low-burning campfire. As I sat down to listen to them speak I could sense a strong feeling of uneasiness resonating from the group. Then it hit me.
“Are you sure you haven’t seen her since earlier this afternoon?” One of them said, I think his name was Matthew? He was tall and lean, by far the tallest in the group.
“I’m sure! It just doesn’t make sense. One minute she was behind me going on about who knows what and then the next when I turn around she’s gone!” A girl with light brown hair said. I didn’t know her name. I could see tears forming at the corner of her eyes as the wind blew her hair into her face.
“We need to find her before it gets dark. Groups of two; stick together!” A shorter man with brown hair said. Ryan. He was the only one I knew. We weren’t friends. Definitely not. But he was nice enough to me in the classes we had together and I was grateful that I was able to go on the trip with him. As he walked past the boulder I sat beside, paying me no mind, I saw his lower lip quiver as his wide eyes looked straight ahead. He was more nervous than he led on. I zoned out for a few seconds, the static from earlier crawling its way into the corners of my vision when a chipmunk climbing a tree snapped me back to reality and I realized I had been left at camp. I looked around at the tall forest but the group was nowhere in sight. I assumed they wanted me to wait at camp in case the missing girl, Alice, came back, but as I moved toward the dying campfire the call of nature occupied my thoughts. I found a spade and a roll of toilet paper and strode briskly into the forest, the cool Autumn air rushing against my chapped lips as I walked. I reached over to scratch an itch on my arm when I saw it.
“The fuck?” I wondered out loud. There on my upper forearm was…a bite mark. I rattled my brain trying to think what could have made that kind of mark. As I examined it more I confirmed my suspicions. It seemed human. At least I think it was human. It’s not like there are any goddamn monkeys native to Middle of Nowhere, California. There was also a dark purple bruise on my lower forearm. Didn’t remember getting that either.
I looked around for a good spot. Stepping over a log, I set my foot down on something soft. It was Alice. Her right hand crushed and mangled and a dried trickle of blood at the corner of her mouth had pooled on a flattened leaf. I screamed, tripping and falling back in the direction I hoped was the camp. As I jumped over a rock I landed hard on my left ankle as a streak of pain shot up through my body. I was trying to get back up when I heard it. The screeching. It steadily yet quickly faded in until it flooded my hearing. My vision was clouded by that same static. I curled up into a ball, kicking at the air. My eyes watered and I felt the urge to vomit…
A wave of dizziness hit me as I opened my eyes and fell on my tailbone, pain shooting up my back. I lay down on my back and looked up at the trees, my nose bloody. It was still dark. Had I been standing? I tried to recall what I had been doing but all I remembered were faded images. One thing I didn’t forget was the screeching. All that I could remember was covered by that screeching and a faint veil of that static. Just thinking about it made my head throb.
A groan. I nearly jumped out of my skin as I turned to look in the sound’s direction. It was David. He looked injured, lying on the ground, but quickly crawled back in what looked like fear when he saw me.
“You bitch!” He muttered between gritted teeth. Before I could react he was up on his feet charging in my direction. I tried to doge him but the wind was quickly knocked out of me as he headbutted me in the stomach. I fell back onto the ground and between coughs I saw him running towards me. Before he could deliver a heavy stomp to my chest I caught his foot and kicked up into his groin. He stumbled back with a low yelp of pain and, taking my chance while he was stunned, I stood up as fast as I could and prepared to block another attack. He ran up to me and attempted to deliver a blow to my stomach with his right fist, leaving his upper body undefended; I used the opportunity to send a hard punch into the side of his neck. He fell back choking, tears in his eyes. As he tried to sit down he tripped on a root and hit his head on a nearby boulder with a sickening crack. He squirmed for a moment, then nothing.
Silence. There was a faint red stain on the side of the rock, and beneath his blood-stained hair, his head seemed unnervingly misshapen. The closer I looked, the more I saw. Bruised neck, flowing blood, even some pinkish bone exposed near the worst of the damage to his skull. The fall must’ve been worse than I thought. Why would he attack me? What was wrong with him? Had he mistaken me for someone else? I sat against the blood-stained boulder and leaned my head back. I’m exhausted. Everything hurts. My ankle is throbbing. I can’t remember how long it’s been since I’ve slept and I don’t know what to do. I should probably go try to find the camp but…I’m too tired. I think I’m going to go to sleep now.
-September 18
I slept through the entire day and most of the night! Or, at least I think I did. The more I think about it I’m not so sure. It’s like 2:30 AM, glad my phone still works even if my brain doesn’t, just wish I had signal. I’m not sure what to do but I might try to go find
-4:29 AM
Something’s definitely out here with us. Or–me. Not sure how many of the others are left out here. I’m sure that shrieking is tied to something. I heard something off in the distance while writing and decided to go check it out. It was Matthew and that other girl. They were walking briskly and their eyes seemed to be darting around frantically. They were talking in hushed tones but from what I heard they found Alice's body, and they were worried. I was about to reveal myself to them when the shrieking came back. It hit me like a train, and sometimes I think a train would have hurt less. It felt like it lasted for hours, I bit a hole through my lip and fell off of the boulder I was sitting on. I couldn’t see anything except a dark patch of static in the middle of my vision surrounded by more static. All the cuts and bruises in my body seemed to amplify and I could barely breathe. I just wanted it to stop but it wouldn’t. It wouldn’t stop.
The two were dead when I came to. I wasn’t much better off myself. No matter how much I spit I can’t get the taste of blood out of my mouth. My arms are covered in cuts and bruises and my shoulder was dislocated. That was a fun half hour figuring out how to put it back in place. I think whatever is out here with us clouds your vision and makes it impossible to hear anything as a way to hunt you. I’m amazed it hasn’t killed me yet. I hope Ryan is still out there.
-6:06 AM
It’s been a long night. A really long night. I found Ryan but–but now I wish I hadn’t. It was around five AM I think, I had been aimlessly wandering through the forest looking for something, anything. By the most unlucky luck Ryan came stumbling around a tree. When he saw me his eyes went wide.
“Jon, what the hell?” Then he squinted his eyes and seemed to notice the wounds on my arm.
“Oh god,” he said. Then, he reached into his pocket and pulled out a small knife, glaring at me during the process. Before I could reply, he charged me, knife in hand. I–I didn't want to kill him. I really didn’t. He tackled me to the ground, forcing the knife close to my chest. I desperately tried to push him away and being the stronger one, I knocked him off me. As he hurried to get back on top of me I sent my right leg flying into his arm, knocking the knife from his hand. Before he realized what was happening I grabbed the knife from the ground. In what seemed like a last desperate attempt he tried to force me down again but, already having the knife in my hand, I quickly slashed his chest and one of his wrists without thinking. I didn’t want to do it. I didn’t mean to kill him! I was just defending myself. I don’t know why he attacked me, what’s gotten into him and David? Is that thing controlling them? They didn’t seem like they were under some kind of spell…I don’t think so at least.
After a soft cry of pain he collapsed and rolled down the steep hill we were standing on. I didn’t bother looking for his body. No point. Odds are that thing would use his body as a trap for me or something. I don’t know anymore.
Somehow I found my way back. I don’t remember how, all I remember is collapsing against a tree out of exhaustion but, here I am at the trailhead. I guess my half dead brain forgot most of it. I don’t know what I’ll do now, I don’t think I’ll tell the police. If they hear that some creepy ghost creature is hiding out in the forest killing my friends I’ll probably get locked up in who the fuck knows where for who the fuck knows what. But, no matter how many or how few believe me, I know something is out there. And I know it’s dangerous. I doubt the bodies will ever be found. That forest is huge and I buried Matthew and Elizabeth, found her name in a backpack she had on.
This will be my last entry. My name is Jonathan Ashford, and I survived something dangerous in the Tahoe national forest. Whatever you do, do not go there. Goodbye.
-September 22, 2022, 5:06 PM
Ryan survived. The police are after me. Apparently he told them I stalked them in the forest and picked them off when they weren’t together. I don’t know what’s happening. There are some gaps in my memory but I know that I didn’t kill those people. I only killed David, and that was self defense. I’m not sure what I’ll do. The police don’t know where I am but I’m sure that won’t last long.
-8:19 PM
I saw an interview with Ryan on the local news while browsing channels. He seemed–off. There were bags under his eyes and his skin was pale. He seemed nervous, shaky. I hope he’s ok. I still don’t understand why he thinks I killed them.
-September 23, 3:12 AM
ok ok. I have a theory. I’ve been up all night thinking and it makes so much sense now. That thing can shriek. Terrifying right? But explainable. The static I still can’t make sense of, there’s no feasible way it could naturally do that. What if whatever supernatural force causes the static can also control people? Maybe that’s why Ryan looks so crazy. It must be controlling him. But why would it want me? Am I immune to its effects? Maybe.
-6:04 AM
They didn’t notice it. It didn’t hit them. When I was spying on Matthew and Elizabeth, right before they were–anyways.
The shrieking hit my ears before the static hit my eyes and in those few seconds, they didn’t notice. It didn’t affect them. They didn’t hear the shrieking. Maybe the shrieking is that monster thing's abilities failing to control me. Maybe that's why ryan-whatever’s controlling Ryan wants me. It’s because I’m a threat to it. Because It can’t control me. When I woke up I was injured, but never killed like the others. Maybe it doesn’t have as much power over me as others.
But why would the authorities believe Ryan? There’s no way his story can add up. Even if that creature, that thing, is intelligent, it can’t be that smart to fake a story. Why are they after me?
-11:42 PM
The police came by today. I was about to update this log again when they started banging on my door. I was able to sneak out a window before they noticed me, glad I live on the ground floor.
Something seemed off about them. I can’t say what but, something, like the uncanny valley effect, where something looks human but isn't. Whatever. It’s probably just my imagination. I need sleep.
-September 24, 2:20 AM
Something is wrong–something is definitely wrong. How did they find me? Holy shit that was close! I was dozing by a couple of dumpsters behind a gas station. Figured it was safe enough since it was out of the way and partly blocked by a fence until I heard dogs barking. Not sure how many of them there are, at least two–maybe three, I can still hear them barking. I figured they were just strays that would hopefully leave me alone until I saw the lights. Damn things half-blinded me!
“Son, what are you doing back here? Can we walk to you?” one of the officers said, his face was clammy and pale, he seemed tired, he seemed–off. I didn’t respond or wait for them to try and get closer, I dashed past them before they could call their dogs on me and jumped the fence, running into the tree line. I managed to climb my way up a tree a ways into the woods before they could get around the fence and send their dogs out. They haven’t found me yet, but they’re still looking for me. I can see their flashlights periodically bathing the tree line in a pale glow. I think I’ll try to wait them out and then climb down and run for as long as I can. Not sure where I’ll go yet but they keep finding me so I’ll have to get creative. Not sure how they’re finding me so quickly and easily, but maybe I can come up with something. Is that–thing finding me? Does it always know where I am? Is it controlling the police? Maybe that's why they looked so…wrong. I don’t know. I’m starting to think I don’t know anything anymore. I keep noticing the static in the corner of my vision occasionally, not sure why.
-September 24, 5:03 PM
I fucked up. Big time. Last night, somehow, I fell asleep. I don’t know how, guess I was just too exhausted. The sound of a helicopter pierced through the top of the tree line. Before I could register everything, I slipped and fell down the tree. I was able to slow my fall a bit by dragging my hands along the tree–hurt like a bitch–but I still landed hard. Can barely sit down. I think I was able to avoid being detected by the helicopter. I’m going to start walking. Not sure where but, I need to go somewhere. The static is constantly in the corner of my vision whenever I focus on it now. Why is this happening?
-10:44 PM
This doesn’t make any sense, I don’t know what's happening anymore! I was wandering through the forest when the static came back. God, it was awful, forgot how bad it was. Hell, maybe it was worse this time. Who knows. This isn’t the weirdest, or worst, part. I woke up in my apartment, I’m exhausted, but don’t have any new visible injuries despite how shitty I feel. Not sure why that thing didn’t try to hurt me, maybe it gave up on trying.
The news was on when I woke up, God I’m so fucked. They found the bodies–the ones that I buried. Of course they found my DNA all over them, used their forensics or whatever to try to explain how I killed everyone. I’ll have to admit if it wasn’t all a setup by some evil entity out to get me it would be pretty convincing. Sometimes–I find myself believing it. I don’t know what to think at this point, nothing makes sense anymore. The static is far more noticeable now. My head is starting to hurt, too.
They haven’t come back to my apartment yet, probably don’t think I would return this soon after they searched the place. I know they’ll be here eventually but I’m too tired to care right now. My brother and his kids used to live a few hours out of town, I think he built a treehouse for his kids somewhere behind the house. Maybe I’ll go try and hide out there for as long as I can. As if that will be very long at all.
-September 26, 6:24 PM
Everywhere I look, everything I watch. They’re always out for me. Everyone is looking for me. The things the police and the media keep saying about me–the evidence that gets released every day, the testimonies, officials saying I have symptoms of psychological problems like psychosis and DID, of Bipolar. More and more–I’m starting to believe it myself. Surely it's that thing. Surely it’s getting in my head…right?
-September 27, 1:03 PM
Made it to the treehouse, glad it’s still here. Had a few close calls along the way when trying to steal food from gas stations but I made it ok. Glad I did, the static is starting to really cloud my vision and my head hurts so bad my ears are starting to ring. I’m not out of the woods yet, that’s for sure. I can sense them...it. They’re trailing me. I think they’re getting close.
I’m so tired, so confused. I don’t know what to do, what to think anymore. What’s next? Maybe I’ll try to get some rest…if I can, that is.
I could try to come up with something, some silver bullet or whatever. I have this one idea, it’s not smart or clever, not even close, but it’s an idea, and it won’t let it–them–it, whatever, win. At least I don’t think it will; besides, surely it has a bigger plan for me, right? There’s no way it would go through all this effort just to kill me…
They found me. I can hear them outside. They’re getting closer.
To be honest, I don’t know anymore. Maybe I did kill all those people, maybe I am insane. I don’t know what to believe. There’s so much being said, so many people saying it. I’m just so confused, so tired, so scared.
There's a bomb on the chair beside me, homemade. Glad I grabbed enough supplies to build it. Took me a while to figure it out as well as a few close calls but I think I got it working. They’ll have quite the surprise waiting for them once they find me…
They’re at the base of the tree now. The static has almost completely consumed my vision and my head feels like it’s about to explode. I don’t know what’s real and what’s not anymore. I’m not sure why I was made the target of this, why this is happening to me at all, but regardless of the reason, I won’t let them win.
To the creature, or entity, to whatever is doing this to me: I’ll see you in Hell.
Aside from some generic legal stuff to conclude the report, that’s where the document ends. I’m not sure what to make of it. Definitely a lot to take in. I contacted the OP on the site I got this from but haven’t received a response yet, will update if I receive one. For now my only advice is be careful, and don’t go backpacking in Tahoe National Forest. If anyone has any thoughts or info, please, let me know.
submitted by Disastrous_Pattern_3 to creepypasta [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 09:12 Dependent-Seesaw-516 Repressed by my parents so severely I was completely emotionally numb for 25 years, and now that I am starting to overcome the repression, the flow of emotions is so intense that it feels unbearable sometimes and I feel like I don't know who I am.

I was raised by a father who was bipolar type 2, had borderline personality disorder, severe depression with constant suicidal ideation, the most severe anger issues I have ever seen in a human being in my life (imagine if logan roy from succession got hooked on amphetamines, about like that), and he committed suicide when I was 19. I was not allowed to feel in my home, if I was upset about anything at all, then that meant that I was "whining" and needed to shut up and be more grateful, even when I was "whining" that he took so many pills that he forgot me having to stop his suicide attempt, and I got angry when I mention that event and he went "what are you talking about?", I thought he was gaslighting me at first, but I later realized the combo of drugs he was on and his own severe mental instability had actually blocked that memory out from his stupid fucking head, but I was wrong for getting upset because "it's not my fault I don't remember". Not even the point, the point is I was raised that expressing emotions of any kind was a direct affront to my father that would not be taken lightly by him, and I VERY MUCH internalized that. It took me 18 months after his death to be able to shed a single tear about the situation, and even then it was tears of anger, and I had to force myself to cry, it was like my head was a hot air balloon of a whole lifetime of emotions and pain I had locked away and wanted to let it out but I couldn't, then when I did let it out, it hurt so much, that I wanted to numb it all away again, and that's when the drinking got really bad. I am 9 months sober after almost dying from anemia caused by a severe long term gastric bleed caused by my drinking (they consider the life threatening range for your hemoglobin level anything below about 7-8, yea, mine was 3.4 when i got to the hospital, it took 7 bags of blood just to bring me up to barely stable), and it left me with some liver scaring, I was so desperate to not feel all the pain that I drowned it, and now I'm finally having to come up for air, and oh boy. I feel like I have no idea who I am. Where does the me that my parents molded me into end and the me that is my true self begin. Will I ever be able to enjoy my interests without the deep seeded shame I have for stuff like watching anime that I have from my dad quite literally calling me a pussy for liking anime. I got a hunter x hunter charm necklace thing and I've been wearing it and I like it, but I still am so incredibly self conscious about it because of the time I tried to wear a necklace in like 5th grade and my dad said it made me look "faggy", which is absolutely fucking insane because my dad was genuinely not homophobic, my aunt was gay and she was frankly the only one of his siblings he actually liked, he didn't have a bigoted bone in his body, but what he meant is "girls won't go for you if you wear that", but fuck you, I was in 5th grade and (very much due to the emotional repression) I wouldn't get truly interested in dating until, let me check, NOW. I had a long term girlfriend through high school and college who was my first love, but we only started dating because she asked me out, I have never made the first move on a girl a single time in my life, I've quite literally never flirted. My whole life, I have been so scared of relationships because the only one I saw was my parents godless nightmare of a marriage where they were "staying together for me" even when I was in high school ACTIVELY ASKING THEM TO GET DIVORCED, because they were such fucking nightmares. I have always thought that whatever good feelings of love and fulfillment I would get from a relationship would never outweigh the pain that would come along with the fights, and only now that I'm finally starting to break through the layers of repressed emotions and that I've dried out off of the booze am I finally starting to feel different. The thing that is so hard is, I've just pushed all my feelings and all my pain down so deep for my entire life, that now the emotions are all coming at once, and good God I just can't handle it sometimes. I also got diagnosed as bipolar type 2 today, just like dear old dad, still sending gifts up from hell, just in time for my birthday too. The pain, the feeling that I have missed out on so much of my life by being to afraid of getting hurt to allow myself to have anything good. I feel like I've missed out on so much of life because of that bastard, and now I'm 25, I barely recognize myself when I look in the mirror, and I am trying to basically rebuild myself from the ground up after I almost died and got sober, and I am basically by myself dealing with it (very long story, but basically because of his death, our family business went under and my mom and I had to move to her hometown, in with my aunt and uncle, and I have no friends here and I am not close with my family and they are a bunch of judgmental Bible thumpers who basically think I'm a degenerate for drinking and a snowflake for my mental health issues), and I just feel so deeply intensely alone. I was so numbed for my entire life, that I didn't even actually know you could feel emotions this intense, the way that the sorrow just feels like a bottomless hole in your chest, and all I want is to feel like someone cares about me and that I matter. My mom is here with me, and she is doing her best, but if you can't tell from the post, she isn't exactly blameless in the cause of the issue, so that is kind of a double edged sword. I try and keep in touch with my friends from my hometown, but they're busy with their lives and they don't always have the time, plus I always feel like I'm putting them out when I need their help (there's that trauma again). I'm in therapy and I just went up to twice a week, but that still only helps so much. I even want to start dating again, but I'm stuck in a small town in the middle of nowhere in south Alabama, where the dating pool isn't exactly huge, and gets widdled down a LOT more when you take into account that I'm an agnostic democrat. God, every day I ask myself, why isn't he still here, so I can let out all of this pent up emotion and pain onto the person who actually deserves it, but even then I know it wouldn't make me feel better. So as I'm finally starting to be able to even have emotions again, I'm reminded why I wanted to numb them all away. I just feel alone, and like I don't even know who I am, and that who I am might not be the person I wanted to be, and there's a healthy dose of self hatred mixed in, and all I want is for someone to hold me and tell me it will be OK, because I know it will, but God damn it why does it just have to be so damn hard sometimes. Why did he have to die without me ever getting to tell him how he hurt me to his face. How could he rob me of that. He got to die with the last thing I said to him being that I loved him, and I have to take to my grave that the last thing that I ever said to my father was a lie.
Edit: TLDR: Abusive dad caused me to be so emotionally repressed that when he died I became an alcoholic to numb the pain and now that I'm sober and chipping away at the emotional repression, I feel an entire lifetimes worth of emotions hitting me all at once and it is incredibly overwhelming and has left me feeling like I don't know who I am and that I am all alone just picking up the scraps of my life, while not even knowing what the life I'm picking up even looks like. I just wish he was still alive so I could tell him all the things I didn't get a chance too while he was alive. All the awful, hurtful, painful, gut wrenching things I would say to him.
submitted by Dependent-Seesaw-516 to raisedbynarcissists [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 09:04 Happy-Independence77 Maximizing Success: The Dual Role of a Business and Life Coach

People who are striving for success frequently look to mentors or advisors for advice, as they can provide valuable perspectives and tactics for overcoming obstacles and realizing objectives. The need for such counsel in today's cutthroat environment has given rise to a unique profession: the business and life coach. These coaches serve a dual purpose by fusing their knowledge of professional and personal growth to enable people to realize their greatest potential.
Navigating the Business Landscape
In the realm of business coaching, professionals seek guidance on various aspects of their careers, ranging from strategic planning and goal-setting to communication skills and leadership development. Business coaches work closely with their clients to identify areas for improvement and devise actionable strategies to enhance performance and drive success.
Business coaches offer their clients invaluable insights and support to help them achieve their goals, whether they are mid-level managers seeking career promotion, corporate executives navigating complicated organizational dynamics, or entrepreneurs looking to scale their business.
Balancing Work and Life
In addition to addressing professional goals, business and life coaches recognize the importance of achieving balance and fulfillment in all aspects of life. They understand that success in one area—such as career advancement—may come at the expense of personal well-being and satisfaction. Therefore, they take a holistic approach to coaching, integrating strategies for personal growth, self-care, and work-life balance into their sessions.
For many individuals, achieving work-life balance is a constant struggle, especially in today's fast-paced, always-on culture. Business and life coaches help their clients prioritize their commitments, set boundaries, and create healthy habits that allow them to excel professionally while also nurturing their personal lives and relationships.
Unlocking Potential
At the heart of business and life coaching is the belief that every individual has the potential to achieve greatness. Coaches serve as catalysts for personal and professional growth, helping their clients uncover their strengths, overcome limiting beliefs, and develop the skills and mindset needed to succeed.
Through a combination of goal-setting, accountability, and support, business and life coach empower their clients to take ownership of their lives and pursue their dreams with confidence and determination. They provide a safe and supportive environment for exploration and self-discovery, enabling clients to break free from self-imposed barriers and reach new heights of achievement.
Fostering Accountability and Growth
One of the key benefits of working with a business and life coach is the accountability they provide. Coaches help their clients set specific, measurable goals and create action plans to achieve them. They serve as trusted allies who hold their clients accountable for their commitments and provide guidance and encouragement along the way.
Furthermore, business and life coaches understand that growth is an ongoing process. They work with their clients to reflect on their experiences, learn from their successes and failures, and continuously refine their strategies for success. By fostering a culture of continuous improvement and learning, coaches help their clients stay adaptable and resilient in the face of challenges and setbacks.
Conclusion: The Power of Dual Coaching
In today's complex and demanding world, the need for guidance and support has never been greater. Business and life coaches offer a unique blend of expertise and insight, helping individuals navigate the challenges of both their professional and personal lives. By combining strategic business advice with holistic personal development strategies, these coaches empower their clients to achieve success on their own terms, while also finding fulfillment and balance in all aspects of life.
submitted by Happy-Independence77 to u/Happy-Independence77 [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 09:01 cindrella12 Discovering the Road to Career Options

Unleash Your Potential: How Career Specialists Can Help You Discover Your Hidden Talents
Embarking on a career journey is akin to setting off on an exciting adventure, brimming with opportunities for personal growth, overcoming obstacles, and experiencing new thrills. Achieving success in your chosen career involves discovering a route that resonates with your interests, skills, and aspirations. Many individuals find it daunting to pinpoint the ideal career that complements their unique abilities and passions, often resulting in suboptimal decisions. This is where the significance of career counselling shines through, as it serves as a valuable resource in guiding individuals to recognize their strengths, interests, and capabilities, enabling them to select the most suitable career path from a diverse array of options.
Unveiling the Importance of Career Guidance: Expanding Horizons
Career counselling plays a crucial role in helping individuals discover their unique strengths and passions, empowering them to make well-informed decisions about their future. Its significance is especially pronounced for young individuals, like students in educational institutions, as it guides them in choosing the right field of study, college, and career path. In this article, we will delve into the significance of career guidance and the multitude of benefits it provides in helping individuals find a career that brings them fulfillment and purpose.
Career guidance is a valuable resource that assists individuals in discovering their interests, values, strengths, and personality traits. Using self-assessment tools and consultations with a career counsellor, people can gain a deeper understanding of themselves and pinpoint career opportunities that match their distinct attributes.
Knowledge of Career Options:
In our ever-changing world, staying up-to-date is absolutely essential. It's crucial to be aware of the diverse range of career paths available to us. Career counselors possess a treasure trove of information about different industries, job opportunities, and professions. They offer invaluable guidance on emerging sectors, market trends, and the essential skills required for various careers. This advice can greatly assist individuals in making informed decisions about their future endeavors.
Expert Guidance:
Career counselors are professionals specializing in providing guidance and support on all things career-related. They offer tailored recommendations to empower people in making well-informed decisions about their educational pursuits, discovering fresh career prospects, or delving into the world of entrepreneurship.
Goal Clarity:
It's essential to seek career counseling to help us pinpoint our career aspirations. A counselor can guide us in establishing realistic goals, creating action plans, and tracking our progress. With a clear understanding of our dreams, we can pave the way for a successful future.
Overcoming Obstacles:
Career counsellors play a vital role in helping individuals overcome obstacles that might impede their journey towards success. They provide invaluable assistance, linking people with the essential tools and resources needed to conquer challenges and make progress in their professional lives.
Process of Career Counselling:
Career advisors play a crucial role in assisting individuals to overcome any obstacles that might hinder their path to success. By offering unwavering support and equipping people with the necessary tools, they empower individuals to conquer challenges and make significant strides in their professional journeys.
Initial Assessment:
Embarking on a career journey requires careful consideration of various aspects, including one's educational background, professional experience, hobbies, and goals. By taking these factors into account, a counselor can provide personalized guidance that caters to the individual needs of each person.
Research and Exploration:
After pinpointing their strengths and passions, individuals should delve into the vast array of career opportunities out there. Career counselors offer useful tools like career databases, industry knowledge, and informational interviews to assist individuals in gaining insight into various job possibilities. This exploration phase is essential for narrowing down options and finding the perfect career path.
Decision-Making and Planning:
The career advisor helps individuals make informed choices about their careers by exploring different paths, evaluating the achievability of their goals, and developing a comprehensive plan of action. This plan may include furthering education, acquiring specific skills, or finding relevant job openings.
Implementation and Evaluation:
After setting up a plan, it's time to put it into action. Your career counsellor will be by your side to offer support and guidance, giving you advice and feedback throughout the process. They will assist in monitoring your progress, celebrating successes, and making any necessary changes. Scheduled follow-up sessions will keep you focused and driven towards your career objectives.
Finding the Right Career Counsellor
A career counsellor is a trained professional who helps individuals explore their interests, skills, and values to make informed decisions about their career choices.
Credentials and Experience:
Seek career counsellors with the right qualifications and certifications in career guidance. It's also crucial to consider their experience and proven ability to help clients succeed.
Uncertain about which career direction to choose? Remember, seeking career guidance doesn't indicate weakness. It's a proactive step towards achieving clarity and satisfaction in your professional life. By understanding its importance, exploring your interests, exploring different career options, seeking guidance from experts, and setting clear goals, you can begin an enriching career path. Wishing you the best of luck in your career pursuits!
For more details: https://www.merementor.com/best-career-counselling-in-chennai
submitted by cindrella12 to u/cindrella12 [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 08:52 Busy_Emergency7696 What steps do I take moving forward?

Hello to whomever is reading this. I am writing this post because I am in need of advice. I am a 16 year old male (sophomore) and I am very close to collapsing. My first issue is in regards to my academics. I am 6 days away from the semester ending and have let work accumulate. Meaning that I am failing this semester. I do not know how to go forward with this. My counselor has left me on read and I am unable to locate her. I wanted to contact her so she could assign summer classes for me. I have no friends but I am social. It does not matter who or where it is, I am a very open individual. Still I do not have a sense of community. No one cares about what I think, say or do. This is the last place I am asking for advice because I have no one. I am unable to receive any sort of "mental health" support because I am not financially well off and the school year is almost over. I do not have a mental illness, it does not matter if I have gone through physical or mental trauma. I am a functioning member of our social organism. Now to begin, why I fell short on my classes. Since middle school I have always been able to complete my work. I developed a habit where I stalled in class and quickly finished my work at home. Though after covid I lost that discipline and continued the stalling. This continued into High-school, and here we are. It is not the quality of work that is the problem it is the quantity. This is why I have been bored in most of my classes, besides anything that challenges me like STEM. It became irritating to sit there and let time pass by, surrounded by individuals I disliked. Due to covid a lot of people my age are not able to hold conversations. They are unwilling to think or to even function as human beings. It is frustrating when I am paired up with three other individuals and they are unable to function or contribute. I am afraid of asking to be put in honors or anything besides standard classes (College preparatory classes - CP classes.) This is because of my transcripts/grades, they are disgusting. I am afraid that I will appear obscene and my request to be put into AP or Honors classes will be viewed as obscenities. At this point no college will want me, I just want to graduate High-school as fast as possible. I am behind on credits and I do not have any attachments to my school or to any social groups. There has to be a program that let's me go as fast as my own competence. Not held back by a schedule or arbitrary rules. Where do I go from here, I do not have certainty on how to move forward in regards to failing this semester. I have betrayed myself for nothing and continue to do so. I have hobbies, I enjoy literature may that be reading or writing. I enjoy physical activity, culinary skills, art (traditional/digital/animation/3D), engineering, fish keeping, linguistics, music production, business, programming, talking, and content creation. Still I am unable to invest in my hobbies because I am held back by my own negligence. What do I do from here? As trivial as what I described may seem. Please leave your opinion in regards to these issues. What steps do I take moving forward?
submitted by Busy_Emergency7696 to LifeAdvice [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 08:46 Total-Mastodon-6888 Benefits of Immigrating to Canada

For ambitious Indians seeking a land of opportunity with a welcoming social fabric, Canada beckons with its vast landscapes, thriving multicultural cities, and robust social safety net. At Adric Immigration Consultants in Bangalore, we understand the aspirations of Indian immigrants and are dedicated to guiding you through the Canadian immigration process with expertise and personalized support.
This blog post delves into the numerous benefits that Canada offers, empowering you to make an informed decision about your future:
A Land of Opportunity: A Glimpse into Canada
Canada boasts a unique blend of factors that make it an attractive destination for skilled professionals and families alike:
Building a Rewarding Career: Thriving in the Canadian Job Market
The Canadian job market presents a plethora of opportunities for skilled Indian professionals. Here’s a closer look:
Finding Your Niche:
Researching the National Occupation Classification (NOC) list is crucial. This list identifies occupations in demand across Canada, allowing you to assess your qualifications and identify potential career pathways. Our team at Adric Immigration Consultants can assist you in navigating this process.
Embracing a High Quality of Life: Beyond Professional Gains
Canada offers a unique lifestyle that fosters well-being and a sense of community:
Finding Your Perfect Balance:
While Canada offers a relaxed pace of life, its vibrant cities and diverse cultural offerings ensure a dynamic and stimulating environment. Whether you seek a tranquil suburban setting or the energy of a bustling metropolis, Canada caters to diverse preferences.
Building a Secure Future for Your Family
Canada is a haven for families seeking a nurturing and secure environment to raise their children:
Investing in the Future:
A strong education system, coupled with universal healthcare and a robust social safety net, makes Canada an ideal destination for Indian families seeking a secure and nurturing environment for their children’s future.
Beyond the Obvious: The Intangible Benefits
Immigrating to Canada offers a multitude of advantages beyond the readily quantifiable:
Embracing a New Chapter:
Canada offers not just a change of scenery but also a chance to become part of a welcoming and inclusive society, prioritize a healthy lifestyle, and access quality education and healthcare for your family.
Taking the First Step: Your Immigration Journey Begins Here
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2024.05.16 08:45 VoidKiller826 Wonder Women #50 - Revelations, Part 1

Wonder Women

Issue Fifty
Written by u/VoidKiller826
Edited by u/Predaplant
Arc: Revelations
Greetings, people of Gateway City. This is your new peacekeeper speaking. You might know me as the White Magician, a rather crude name, but I will accept it considering Man’s World's lack of creativity. However, you may also call me Circe, and I am here with an important message that your news station will deliver for all to hear.
SCYTHE is no more: their HQ is under my and the Red Centipedes’ command. The Commander and his soldiers are dead and buried, as you all wished to happen. I was more than happy to oblige you if it meant depriving your stupid President of her next chance for reelection. Any survivors of the prison break are being hunted down by the people they locked in cages, who are more than happy to round them up as they once had been themselves.
But none of that’s important, for this recording is only to be heard by one person: Olympos, Wonder Girl, or whatever the fuck new title name you want to be called. This message is for you: You are to surrender yourself to me here in SCYTHE HQ in the next five hours, and in turn, I will not destroy this piss-end of a city. If you fail, I promise you, I will make Coast City look like a picnic by the time I finish with Gateway.
That cow you call Wonder Woman is dead, and I will make sure everyone else will follow her if you don’t comply with my request.
Your mentor learned a valuable lesson when she tested my patience.
Spears Apartment - Gateway City:
[...President Cale has announced the complete closure of all access to Gateway City following the prison break that occurred in SCYTHE’s holding facility hours ago,] said Cassandra Arnold from GateNews, the city’s main news station. [We still have an unconfirmed number of escapees following the message sent by the White Magician, but the President has assured GateNews a solution will be found.]
Vanessa Kapatelis watched the TV in dismay. Pacing back and forth in the Spears duplex apartment, she had the TV on to pass the time while Ares worked on helping Helena and Cassandra upstairs.
“Here,” Vanessa turned away from the TV to see Tanya Spears handing her a bottle of water. “Something for you to drink.”
“Thank you,” Vanessa accepted the bottle. “I would prefer a beer, but this will make do.”
“My mom has her wine collection in a locked cabinet,” Tanya noted, pointing at the kitchen. “She doesn’t know that I know that, but I can get you a bottle?”
Vanessa chuckled. “Thanks, but I don’t want a girl your age to be walking around with alcohol or to get you in trouble with your mom.” She twisted the bottle cap and slowly drank. “I needed that… it feels like I’ve been dry for months.”
“It’s actually been 3 hours,” Tanya said, sitting on the sofa and opening her tablet to look over the internet. “I hope what she said wasn’t true… about Wonder Woman not being around…”
Taking a seat by her side, Vanessa saw that Tanya was reading through the report on what happened to SCYTHE. The escaped convicts had taken control of the SCYTHE headquarters and equipment after killing many of the agents that had stood in their way.
Seeing the photo of SCYTHE HQ burning angered her. That place should represent the absolute shield of Gateway. Now, it had come under the control of the convicts that they were supposed to stop because of Aeeta Branwen. A name that had made her happy now belonged to a stranger who had lied to her all this time.
Memories of their most intimate moments came flooding back: their first conversation, their first date, their kiss, and the morning after their date in her apartment. It was a moment when she thought she could finally stop grieving and move on from what happened to Coast City. And now, that had been disintegrated into oblivion.
In anger, she crushed the bottle with her hand, spraying water all over the table and the floor.
“Shit!” Vanessa stood up, finally realizing her mistake. “I am sorry!”
“Oh, it's fine!” Tanya ran to the kitchen to grab some paper towels. “It’s just water.”
“I know it’s just…” Taking the paper towel, the two began wiping the floor and the table. “I have a lot on my mind.”
“I’ll bet with everything that happened,” said Tanya, giving Vanessa a supportive smile. “Your friends are getting hurt, and you can’t do anything but watch. It would piss anyone off. I know it did with me when the RedCent guys invaded EE Tower.”
“Yeah…” Vanessa sat back on the sofa. “But this… I not only possibly lost many friends, but I was betrayed by someone I loved, someone who I thought was the one for me…” she said, distraught, as tears ran down her face.
Tanya, without saying anything more, hugged Vanessa closely. Despite them knowing each other for only a few hours, Tanya knew that Vanessa was in pain. Watching her loved ones being hurt by someone that she trusted must have been a hard truth to accept.
The doors upstairs opening and closing caught the two’s attention. Looking up, they saw Somya Spears descending, looking exhausted, like she had gone ten rounds in the ring. As she reached the ground floor, Tanya ran up to her mother, hugged her close, and guided her to the nearest chair to rest.
“Is everything alright, mom?” Tanya asked, worried.
“Yeah… just felt that I might take that long overdue vacation…” Somya answered, leaning against the soft chair with a tired sigh. “Maybe we’ll go to Paris like you wanted, Tanya…”
More steps followed, and Ares, or Mars as he insisted to be called, followed Somya, pulling his folded-up sleeves back. Unlike Somya, he didn’t seem any different from when he went upstairs to help the Sandsmarks, but the few strands of hair on his face told a different story.
“How are they?” Vanessa asked, walking up to the former God of War. “Are they ok?”
Ares turned to Vanessa. “The girl has a lot of heart, far too stubborn to let a beating keep her down.” He said with praise, impressed with the former Wonder Girl’s willpower. “Her Sumerian blood will help her heal in only a few days, but it won’t help her mental wounds after I told her the news about her mother.”
Vanessa had a lot of questions about what he had said, especially the word Sumerian; perhaps Cassie was not simply half-Olympian. However, she focused on the most important detail in his explanation. “What happened with Helena?” She asked in a worried tone. “Is she-”
“She is alive,” Ares said, but his expression shifted, frowning, making her nervous. “Physically, she will recover, she has only a few cuts and bruises. Even a human like her can heal those.”
“But it's the spell Circe struck her with. It is unlike anything I’ve seen because it is of her creation,” Ares explained, and Vanessa ground her teeth together when she heard the name belonging to the stranger who hurt her and her loved ones. “Whatever she used, it is affecting her very soul, slowly killing her.”
“Like a virus?” Vanessa asked, and Ares nodded. “Magic can do that?”
“It does,” Ares answered. “Magic can create a nuclear bomb if the user has the patience for it. And Circe is a master at it, one of the very best and most gifted witches on the planet, so making something like this would be as easy as making a cake for her.”
Magic had never been SCYTHE’s priority, but the Commander still made them study anything related to the subject in case they had to face it. Vanessa had never expected to see it at this scale.
“Can you break it?” Vanessa asked. “Find a way to break the curse from Helena’s soul?”
Ares took a deep breath, pocketing his hands. “It’s too complex to break. I will admit Magic is not my strongest suit, but even if you bring in someone knowledgeable, it would be a while for them to break her creation,” he explained. “You need someone at her level of knowledge when it comes to magic, and I am not the best person to face her in that department.”
“Then we call for a specialist, anyone, really,” Vanessa said in desperation. “If this is like a virus, a curse, then we bring a surgeon to cut it out! Maybe Cassie can use her Justice Legion connection, or maybe you can call someone for a favor.”
Vanessa's desperation was clear. She was willing to call for the Justice Legion, the very people she swore to go against for their vigilantism, if it meant saving Helena Sandsmark, her promise be damned.
“The spell is growing far too rapidly. By the time you find someone, it will be far too late,” Ares said solemnly. “The only person in the world who can break the spell without any problem or fear of failsafe is Hecate, the Goddess of Magic. She was Circe’s mentor, and she taught her everything she could about magic. No matter how complex it is, Hecate would understand it.”
“She can help us?”
Ares shook his head. “No, she has no interest in helping the world unless it is connected to her directly, and even then, dealing with her is the worst-case scenario because there is a chance she’ll side with Circe before she even thinks of helping us.”
“So what now?” Vanessa asked, sounding defeated. “Just let Helena die? Let Cassie suffer? Let Circe win?!” she shouted angrily, finally addressing Circe by name. All of this explanation from Ares told her one thing: that the Witch had them beat, and they couldn’t do anything about it.
Ares didn’t react to her outburst, while the Spears looked worried. Tanya, for her part, tried to walk up to calm Vanessa, but the War God raised his hand to stop her, shaking his head and giving her the silent sign to let Vanessa be.
“There is one way: it will be quicker if we act fast enough, but it would take everything from all of us for it to happen,” Ares said, beginning his explanation. “There is a chain link connecting the spell, from the spell caster to Circe. This means it can be broken if we force Circe to release the chain connecting her to Helena…” he explained, letting his words be understood by the occupants in the room before finishing with one last note. “Killing Circe would also break the binding if she didn’t leave any contingencies.”
Vanessa gritted her teeth. “So we have to make her break the spell, and hopefully she doesn’t screw us over… or we kill her, and hopefully she still doesn’t screw us over even in death?” she asked, and Ares nodded. “What kind of person is willing to put in all that work? Just for revenge? On Diana, who is long gone?”
Ares shrugged and turned to the Spears, his gaze focused on Tanya, his daughter. Someone whom he never thought he would meet again was facing him, without knowledge of their blood relations.
“Possibly,” Ares answered, taking a step back. “But if there is one thing I know for sure, Circe does not put these kinds of bindings without any reason. Whatever that reason is involves Cassandra Sandsmark and whether she will choose to make Circe break the spell or kill her, tainting her forever.”
Silence came to the room, letting Ares’s words sink in for all occupants, which might have been the same words he said to the Sandsmarks.
The room of Somya Spears was quiet, with the only sound being the breathing of Helena Sandsmark lying on the bed sleeping. The room was spacious, with an expensive queen-sized bed as expected from an interim CEO of one the largest companies in the world.
Seated a few feet away on a chair was Cassandra Sandsmark, dressed in fresh clothes given to her by Somya after throwing off the bloody tattered ones she had arrived in. Watching her mother closely, Cassandra’s mind was racing, especially after what Ares told her about the curse Circe placed on her mother, slowly destroying her soul bit by bit until she was nothing but a husk.
“Dammit!” In anger at their situation, she crushed the armchair, tearing its arm off like it was made of paper. If she was stronger, faster, and had the heart for it, she would have stopped the Witch, stopped her from hurting her city, the people of SCYTHE, and those caught in the crossfire, stopped her from hurting her mother…
She buried her face into her hands, tears running down her eyes as she despaired. Everything she worked on after Coast City evaporated was ground up under a very powerful enemy out for revenge.
Considering Circe’s ultimatum, her city could well be gone by the time this was over.
“Artemis… please be safe…” she whispered. She had nearly had a panic attack when she heard the news of the Amazon heading to SCYTHE HQ to stop the prison break, and then… nothing. No matter how many times she dialed her phone, there was no one answering, and she feared for the worst.
She heard her mother coughing, and Cassandra was quickly by her side. “Mom!” she called for her, holding her hand.
“Cassandra?...” Her mother said her name weakly. Her skin was becoming paler, a clear sign that the curse spell was working. “Are you… ok?”
“I’m fine, Mom,” Cassandra answered, covering the bandages hidden inside her clothes. “We’re safe. You’re safe.” she said, tightening both her hands around her mothers.
“Did you… break something?” She asked, looking at the chair behind her. “You shouldn’t be… doing that… we are guests…”
Cassandra laughed, her tears falling away. “Sorry… it’s just… it’s been a hell of a week…”
Helena touched her daughter’s cheek, noticing the bandage on it. “You’re… hurt…”
“It’s alright, Mom. Just a few bruises,” Cassandra assured. “You shouldn’t worry, you know I can take it…”
“I am your… mother, Cassandra,” Helena said, facing her daughter. “Demi-God or not… I will always be worried… scared for my little girl.”
Cassandra’s tears came back. Seeing her mother remain strong despite everything made her happy, and she was terrified of losing her.
“So… my soul is cursed?” Helena asked.
“You heard all that?”
“Can’t not… with all the swearing…” Helena noted, giving her daughter a small smile. “You shouldn’t swear at people, Cassandra, especially those who are trying to help.”
“I know, I know,” Cassandra said. She had gone off on Ares after he explained what happened to her mother, and she might have overreacted when she put all her anger on the former War God. “It’s just… I don’t want to lose you… not while we can fix this.”
Helena sat up on her bed, fully facing her daughter. “Which is why… I don’t want you to make the wrong choice.”
“I won’t,” Cassandra said with a low tone. “I will make Circe free you from this curse-”
“No, Cassandra,” Helena grabbed both of Cassandra’s hands with hers. “That is not what I meant…”
Cassandra raised her brows, confused. “Mom?”
“I heard everything… from Circe’s spell… how it works… and how it can be broken…” Helena said, shocking Cassandra. “I know you already decided what you feel you have to do.”
Cassandra didn’t answer, avoiding her mother’s disapproving gaze accusing her. Ares said the quickest way to break the binding and the spell was either by forcing Circe to break it herself or by killing her, severing the connection.
But if what Circe said was true, that Diana decided to kill her instead of making her surrender like everyone else who faced her, that means there was no chance the Witch would submit willingly. She would rather die than give the satisfaction of admitting defeat.
Which left only one solution where she could save her mother.
Helena sighed, knowing what decision her daughter might have made. She held her hand tightly and changed the subject. “I have to tell you something…”
“No, mom. You’re not giving me the ‘Dying Speech’, not while there is a chance we can save you-”
“It’s about your father,” Helena cut her off, shutting Cassandra up. “Your real father…”
Cassandra remembered Circe calling her Daughter of Enlil, not Zeus. Ares said he was a friend of her father, which confused her because Ares hated Zeus, so it wouldn’t make sense that he would help out even if they were his siblings.
Enlil…” Cassandra said the name aloud, and Helena’s eyes widened, her breath hitching when she heard the name. “Circe… she called me Daughter of Enlil… Child of the Sky...”
Helena took a deep breath, bringing her daughter closer. “Yes… that is true…” she began. “You are not Zeus’s daughter, Cassandra, nor you are an Olympian in any way… but you are in fact… Sumerian… Mesopotamian,” The elder Sandsmark brought her youngest closer and spoke carefully, as if worried that someone might hear them. “Your father is Enlil, the Sumerian God of Wind… and he was the kindest man I have ever known…”
From then on, Helena explained Cassandra’s origins as carefully as possible, pushing on even while the spell affected her. She explained how she met Enlil, a man with golden hair similar to Cassandra’s, who introduced himself as an expert in Mesopotamian history during an expedition in Iraq. They had become rivals at first due to their clashing personalities, but how that developed into respect, to eventually falling in love after a very lengthy adventure that sounded like the plot of The Mummy.
And that love resulted in Cassandra’s birth. He helped raise her with Helena for the first year and a half before he disappeared because he had Olympian enemies and had to leave them to keep them safe.
While she explained all this, Cassandra’s mind went to another piece of critical information. Her father’s true identity had never been the most important thing for her. But what made it important was what Circe told her about Diana’s true reason for coming to Gateway City. It wasn’t just settling in a ‘piss-end of a city’ the more she taught about it, the more she realized the terrifying truth behind her mentor’s reasoning for coming to the city.
Diana was sent to find Cassandra, a Sumerian Demi-God, the Olympians greatest enemy since the Titans, and eliminate her. The prophecy of the Godkiller that they had feared might have come from Cassandra, but all it did was start a long, personal, and bloody war between two women because of the gods' demands for blood.
And now, she, Artemis, and Gateway City suffered the consequences. Even after Diana’s death, Circe would not let her hatred for what had happened to her go, and if it meant destroying her mentor’s legacy, she would do it.
‘Diana…’ Cassandra thought in sadness.
SCYTHE Sub Base - Industrial District:
“I am not sure how you were able to do it, but you somehow found an ever more depressing place than that HQ of yours. It makes the cell you put us in look like a five-star hotel room,” said one Pamela Isley, formerly Poison Ivy, seated in the middle of a large room behind a large table. Around her were what was left of the SCYTHE agents they had saved during the escape, all working to get the makeshift base they had hidden up and running.
Alexei Abramovici, the Bloodcrow of SCYTHE, glared at the former supervillain, not happy with her comment. He turned to one of his men and began barking orders, “You! Get the goddamn Black Room working! We are running blind here!”
‘Worker drones even without their Commander.’ Pamela looked on unimpressed at the agents. She had never been that sympathetic to the plight of cops getting killed, especially militarized ones. The once mighty and feared peacekeepers of Gateway, who went to war against all the crime syndicates and the Red Centipedes, were now a mere little squad that won’t be able to protect a mini-mart, let alone every escaped convict under the command of the White Magician.
“Man… the signal here sucks!” complained Miguel Barragan by her side, raising his phone and trying to catch any kind of signal. “Could barely talk to my boyfriend when I called him, and can’t connect to the internet,” he complained. He tried once again to call but he couldn’t find a signal. “Useless brick…”
“We are underground in a bunker previously owned by Neo-Nazis, Barragan,” Pamela noted. From what she had heard, this used to be an old RedCent hideout that SCYTHE took over after the war, using it as a smaller base in case of emergency. “Not receiving any signal is part of the appeal of the place.”
“Bunker, huh…” Miguel chuckled. The name Bunker reminded him of the super name that he picked out; the more time passed, the more convinced he was that it was the right one.
Pamela gave a confused look at his expression and shrugged it off. Turning to her right, she saw the silent Emily Sung staring off into the distance. Unlike Barragan, Emily had other matters on her mind. Whatever she sensed or saw back at SCYTHE HQ freaked her out, like seeing something she shouldn’t.
Just as Pamela was about to ask her how she was feeling, a knock on the large blast doors echoed around the base, loud enough for all to hear. Quickly, everyone felt tense, and the SCYTHE agents covered the door as Alexei signaled them to aim their weapons. After the news of the escaped convicts taking control of SCYTHE HQ and their equipment and weaponry, the agents knew that they were being haunted now by the convicts looking for revenge, so they were not taking any chances.
“Would you mind opening the door!” A familiar voice said behind the door, a voice Pamela recognized right away. “I have a bloody Amazon here, and I would like her off my fur!”
“Barbara?” Pamela realized.
“Minerva? As in the Cheetah?” Alexei asked, eyes narrowed with suspicion. “She could be working with them, with the White Magician.”
“She isn’t,” Pamela answered, glaring at the SCYTHE soldier for the accusation. “She would never ally with the psychos you had under lock and key.”
Alexei scoffed. “That woman got a cemetery filled with people who say otherwise, and she hurt the mother of someone I know.”
Before the two could argue, Miguel stood up and decided to take action. He extended his hand, forming a large arm construct from it, and grabbed the handle of the blast door. With one pull, he opened it wide. Barbara entered. Her feline form made some of the SCYTHE agents tense, and weapons were still trained on her.
“Quite the welcoming committee…” she noted in sarcasm. “Now, would you be dears and get this woman some help?” She adjusted the unconscious and bloody Artemis on her back. Her blood covered Barbara’s fur.
“Medic!” Alexei called for an agent nearby before turning to Miguel. “And you, don’t use your freaky powers until I order you to do so.”
“Sorry tin man, I don’t speak fascist,” Miguel responded with a smirk, and Alexei glared at him.
The medic quickly came to Barbara and guided her to a nearby makeshift hospital room, which had a bed and various equipment to help the SCYTHE wounded. Barbara went in haste, and gently, with the help of the medic, they placed the injured Amazon on the bed, her blood soaking the white sheets red.
“How the hell did you even find us?” Alexei asked as he and the others entered. “I made sure I covered all our steps.”
“You did,” Barbara noted, stepping back to let the medic check on Artemis. She turned to Alexei and pointed at her nose. “But one of you has a very special pheromone that I can smell for miles,” she said with a smile as she turned her gaze to Pamela. “Still with those rose scents around you.”
The redhead smiled. “Maybe it’s that mark you left on me.”
“More than you think, Pammy.”
“Christ…” the medic gasped, catching everyone’s attention. “How is she still alive? And how long has she been like this?” He asked, examining the injured Amazon.
Her armor was wholly wrecked, beyond repair. Her headpiece was half broken, and the gauntlets and braces on her arms and legs were dented and unusable. Her injuries were severe: open wounds, slash marks, and burn marks were all over her body, and judging from blows on her armor, she might have had a few broken bones as well.
“Didn’t bother to look at the time with some of the grunts that were sent after us,” Barbara answered, leaning on a nearby chair as fatigue finally set in for her. “But these Amazons are too stubborn to die, and I know that from experience…”
The number of times Barbara thought she had beaten Diana only for the Amazon to get back up and beat her back was many, and it frustrated the woman to no end, but now she couldn’t help but be in awe at the resilience of these warriors.
“Her Amazon gifts will heal her,” Barbara noted. “But I am not sure how long it will take…”
“I doubt it will take more than a few days at least…” the medic noted, bringing out some bandages and wrapping them around her arms. “She will need a miracle to even walk out of here on her own two feet.”
“Uhmm…” Everyone in the room turned to Emily Sung, who stood by the doorway. “I… I think I can help her heal faster.”
Barbara and the medic gave her an odd look. To better explain it, Emily brought her hands together, and a small flame began to form from her palm. However, they weren’t bright orange flames; they were blue flames, and they didn’t feel any heat from them.
“I developed this technique while training,” said Emily. “It's a fire spell that doesn’t burn, but it heals people. I first used it on Miguel when he hurt his hands, and it was instantaneous,” she explained, and Miguel showed his fully healed hand as if he was demonstrating it. “But this will be the first time I will heal someone with this severe of injuries…”
Pamela and Barbara looked at the blue flames with wide eyes. In Pamela’s case, she was told that Emily had powers, and from Miguel’s description, she had the power of all the elements. However, seeing it firsthand and feeling it from just that tiny flame made her sense there was power behind it, warmth, like the sun.
“Do it,” Barbara said, taking a step back. “At this point, if we need magic to get her back into the fight, we better get to it before we lose her for real.” She turned to the shocked medic. This was the first time he would ever see magic in play. “And you, guide her in whatever wounds need to be healed.”
The medic nodded. It was better than nothing. With his guidance and Miguel’s support by her side, Emily went to work to heal Wonder Woman, who was in a state of life and death if they didn’t work fast enough, all while Circe and her crew were out there terrorizing the city.
“What’s the news out there?” Alexei asked after the three left the infirmary room. “We are in the dark here, and I couldn’t radio in anyone with the pieces of junk we got. Not even my brother, who was trying to get as many agents as possible.”
“Brother?” Barbara asked before she realized who his brother was. Her expression became solemn. She remembered the Warhammer who stayed behind to slow Circe and her crew, giving Barbara a chance to escape with Artemis on her back. “The guy with the Hammer…”
Alexei furrowed his brows, noticing the change in her expression. “What happened to my brother?”
Barbara took a deep breath and began explaining everything that had happened: the White Magician’s true identity, her taking over SCYTHE HQ, her ultimatum to Wonder Girl, and finally, Anatoly Abromivici’s sacrifice to save them.
Somewhere in Gateway…
With the loss of SCYTHE and their headquarters, the surviving agents didn’t have the necessary support from the intel agents in the Black Room to fight off against the newly revived Red Centipedes, now grown more powerful with the help of the escaped convicts, more than happy to exact revenge.
With the bridges closed off, SCYTHE’s weakened state, and Wonder Woman being presumed dead, the city had been thrown into chaos. Streets filled with criminals and looters taking full advantage of what had happened, stealing anything from everyone across the island.
Red Centipedes roamed the streets with military trucks, taken from SCYTHE after their HQ had fallen to the White Magician’s control, making full use of their hardware to hunt down any surviving agent, delivering the message that they were the new peacekeepers of Gateway.
“Let me go!”
A woman, a worker from Taco Whiz, was being dragged from the streets by a group of RedCent grunts. Taken into a nearby corner, the RedCent dropped the worker on the dirty ground. Their eyes had terrible intentions behind them.
“Come on, man,” one RedCent grunt said from behind to his buddy. “We are supposed to find those SCYTHE fuckers, not mess around.”
“You’re serious?” The buddy looked at his friend like he was crazy. “We’ve been locked for months in SCYTHE’s cells; we can have a few minutes of fun.”
“Please! Don’t do this!” The woman screamed, tears falling from her eyes, afraid of what they would do to her. She tried to stand up and run away but was quickly pushed back down on the pavement.
The RedCent approached the woman, who crawled away from them in fear. “Come on, girl, I just need to release all this stress after being locked up for so long!” He proclaimed, giving the woman a leery look before turning to his buddy. “Hey man, I can share! Maybe we can get someone else from the street-”
The RedCent stopped speaking, catching his breath for a moment after he saw his buddy lying on the ground face first, knocked out cold. Looking up, his eyes widened in shock when he saw the person standing before him. “You’re… you were supposed to be dead?!”
Covered in heavy bandages and wrecked NIGHT armor, and carrying a mace in his hand and a pissed-off look on his face, Commander Hector Hall stood before the RedCent grunt like a dark spectre coming back to life. Kicking the knocked-out buddy aside, the Commander looked between the grunt and the terrified woman before he hardened his glare at the RedCent.
“Stay back!” The RedCent grunt aimed his weapon, hands shaking in fear. “I said stay the fuck back-”
In a moment, Hall moved at such a speed he looked like a blur, cutting the distance between the two. With one swing of his mace, he smacked him squarely on the head, sending him to the ground.
Hall turned to the woman he saved, who looked at him in horror. “Go… get to safety…”
Without another word, the woman ran toward the exit and into the streets, away from the alley. Now alone with the two RedCents, Hall grabbed the knocked-out buddy and woke him up, making the man see the bandaged-up Hall looking down at him with hateful eyes.
“You… I want you to send your boss a message…” Hall began, making him face the Commander. “Tell the White Magician, Circe, that I am declaring war on her and on anyone who stands by her side.” He turned and walked up to the other grunt, who was crawling away from the Commander in fear, grabbing his bleeding head. He begged for his life, but Hall ignored his pleas. “And this, this is for my men that you Centipedes have killed…
He lifted his bloody mace and brought it down like a hammer on the begging Red Centipede as his buddy looked on in horror. He lifted it up once more to reveal the man’s head was crushed like a watermelon.
Commander Hector Hall was still alive, and as long as he was still breathing, SCYTHE would remain standing to fight against all threats against Gateway City.

Wonder Women Vol 3.

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Stanley Tumbler: The Classic Insulated Companion

The Stanley Classic Vacuum Insulated Tumbler has long been a trusted companion for those seeking to keep their beverages at the perfect temperature, whether it’s a steaming hot coffee on a chilly morning or a refreshing iced tea on a sweltering summer day. This iconic tumbler has stood the test of time, becoming a staple in the lives of those who value quality, durability, and functionality.
Crafted from high-quality stainless steel, the Stanley tumbler boasts superior insulation capabilities, ensuring that your drink maintains its desired temperature for hours on end. The vacuum-sealed design not only preserves the temperature but also prevents any unwanted flavors or odors from seeping in, allowing you to enjoy your beverage exactly as intended.
What sets the Stanley tumbler apart is its timeless design, which seamlessly blends form and function. The sleek, minimalist aesthetic complements a wide range of personal styles, making it a versatile choice for both casual and professional settings. Whether you’re commuting to work, embarking on a hike, or simply enjoying a quiet moment at home, the Stanley tumbler is there to provide a reliable and convenient way to savor your favorite drinks.
Beyond its practical applications, the Stanley tumbler also holds a special place in the hearts of many, serving as a symbol of enduring quality and a reminder of the simple pleasures in life. Its durability and long-lasting performance make it an investment worth considering, as it can accompany you on countless adventures and become a trusted companion for years to come.

Owala Water Bottle: The New Challenger on the Block

The Owala water bottle has emerged as a new challenger in the crowded hydration market, offering a unique set of features that set it apart from the competition. With a thoughtful design and a focus on functionality, this bottle is worth considering for those seeking a reliable and versatile water companion.
One of the standout features of the Owala bottle is its innovative FreeSip technology, which allows for easy, one-handed drinking without the need to unscrew a lid. This can be particularly useful for active individuals or those on the go, who value the convenience of quick hydration.
In addition to its user-friendly drinking mechanism, the Owala bottle boasts a durable construction and a sleek, modern aesthetic. The bottle’s double-wall insulation helps to maintain the temperature of your beverage, whether you’re sipping on icy water or a hot cup of tea.
As with any product, the Owala bottle has its pros and cons that potential buyers should consider. While the FreeSip feature and insulation capabilities are impressive, some users have noted that the bottle can be challenging to clean due to its intricate design. Additionally, the price point may be a consideration for those on a tighter budget.
Overall, the Owala water bottle presents a thoughtful and innovative approach to hydration, making it a worthy contender in the crowded water bottle market. For those seeking a reliable, functional, and stylish water companion, the Owala bottle is certainly worth a closer look.

Head-to-Head: Comparing the Key Features of Stanley and Owala, which is better?

When it comes to finding the perfect water bottle, the choice between Stanley and Owala can be a tough one. Both brands are known for their high-quality, durable products, but how do they stack up in terms of key features? Let’s take a thoughtful look at the comparison.

  1. Insulation Performance: Both Stanley and Owala pride themselves on exceptional insulation, keeping drinks hot or cold for hours on end. However, in-depth testing has shown that Owala bottles tend to have a slight edge when it comes to temperature retention.
  2. Leak-Proof Design: Preventing spills is a critical consideration, and here the two brands are closely matched. Stanley tumbler 40oz is not leak-proof, Owala water bottle offers reliable, leak-proof lids that provide peace of mind during transport.
  3. Durability: Stanley has long been revered for its virtually indestructible construction, built to withstand the rigors of the outdoors. Owala bottles, while not quite as rugged, are still impressively durable for everyday use.
  4. Ease of Use: Where Owala may pull ahead is in the user-friendly design of their bottles. The wide mouth and simple one-handed operation make them a joy to drink from, even on the go.
Ultimately, the “better” choice between Stanley and Owala comes down to your personal preferences and priorities. Both offer excellent quality, but the slight advantages in insulation, leak-proofing, and ease of use may give Owala the edge for many consumers.

What we do: Ecoway help you to develop high-end water bottle tumbler to compete with Stanley and Owala

Developing and manufacturing high-end water bottle tumblers to compete with established brands like Stanley and Owala requires a thoughtful approach. As a water bottle manufacturer, it’s essential to understand the market demands, quality expectations, and the unique features that set your product apart.
Ecoway, a leading OEM manufacturer of steel bottles, has the expertise to guide you through this process. They work closely with clients to develop customized water bottle tumblers that not only meet but exceed industry standards. From material selection to design optimization, Ecoway’s team of engineers and designers ensure that your product can stand out in the competitive landscape.
By partnering with a top steel tumbler supplier in China like Ecoway, you can leverage their extensive manufacturing capabilities and quality control measures to deliver a high-end water bottle tumbler that can rival the best in the market. This collaborative approach allows you to focus on your brand’s unique selling points while Ecoway handles the technical aspects of production.
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