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Implementing User Signup with Email Verification and Secure Data Handling in JavaScript

2024.06.09 08:56 tempmailgenerator Implementing User Signup with Email Verification and Secure Data Handling in JavaScript

Getting Started with Email Verification and Data Storage in JavaScript

Entering the world of web development introduces a plethora of challenges and learning opportunities, especially when dealing with user data and authentication processes. One common task is setting up a signup form where users can register with their username, email, and password. The critical steps following this process include sending a confirmation email to ensure the email belongs to the user and securely storing the user's data in a database. This initial step not only helps in verifying the authenticity of the email address but also enhances the security of the user's account by preventing unauthorized access.
However, the technicalities of integrating these features into a seamless user experience can seem daunting, especially for those new to using JavaScript and PHP in tandem. While sending emails and interacting with databases are tasks that can be handled independently, combining them to work harmoniously post-user registration requires a careful orchestration of code and logic. This introduction aims to lay the groundwork for understanding the components and flows necessary to implement a secure and efficient user signup process without resorting to less secure practices like storing passwords in session variables.
Command Description
mail() Sends an email from a PHP script
mysqli_connect() Opens a new connection to the MySQL server
password_hash() Creates a password hash
mysqli_prepare() Prepares an SQL statement for execution
bind_param() Binds variables to a prepared statement as parameters
execute() Executes a prepared Query

Advancing User Security and Experience in Web Applications

In the landscape of web development, enhancing user security while maintaining a smooth user experience poses a considerable challenge. One of the critical steps in achieving this balance is implementing an efficient signup process that incorporates email verification. This method not only confirms the authenticity of the user's email address but also acts as a first line of defense against bots and malicious actors attempting to create fake accounts. By requiring users to verify their email before gaining full access to the site or application features, developers can significantly reduce the risk of spam and fraud. Furthermore, this process allows for a more personalized user experience, as verified email addresses can be used for communication, password recovery, and user engagement through newsletters and updates.
Integrating the signup process with secure password handling and database management further fortifies the application's security. Utilizing modern cryptographic techniques for password hashing, such as bcrypt or Argon2, ensures that even in the event of a data breach, the attackers cannot easily decipher user passwords. Moreover, the practice of parameterized queries prevents SQL injection attacks, one of the most common security vulnerabilities in web applications. These technical strategies, when combined with a user-friendly email verification process, create a robust framework for managing user registrations. Implementing such features requires a thorough understanding of both front-end and back-end development practices, highlighting the importance of a comprehensive approach to web security and user experience.

Email Confirmation and Secure User Registration

Implemented via PHP scripting
prepare('INSERT INTO users (username, email, password) VALUES (?, ?, ?)'); $passwordHash = password_hash($password, PASSWORD_DEFAULT); $stmt->bind_param('sss', $username, $email, $passwordHash); $stmt->execute(); $stmt->close(); $conn->close(); ?> 

Enhancing Web Application Security Through Effective Signup Processes

As web technologies evolve, so do the strategies for protecting user information and ensuring secure interactions within web applications. A critical aspect of this security is the implementation of a comprehensive signup and authentication process. This includes not only the initial collection of user data but also the verification and secure storage of this information. Email verification plays a vital role in this process, serving as a gatekeeper that ensures only valid users gain access. It helps in mitigating risks associated with spam accounts and potential security threats. By implementing a verification step, developers can significantly enhance the integrity of the user base, which is essential for maintaining trust and reliability in the service provided.
Beyond email verification, the security of user passwords and the overall database is paramount. Encryption and secure hash algorithms are essential for protecting passwords, making them unreadable even in the case of a security breach. Securely storing user information, such as utilizing prepared statements in database interactions, guards against SQL injection attacks, a common vulnerability in web applications. These practices demonstrate a commitment to user security, fostering a safer online environment. Moreover, educating users about secure password practices and providing them with a seamless yet secure registration process can enhance the overall user experience and security posture of the web application.

Frequently Asked Questions About Signup and Email Verification Processes

  1. Question: Why is email verification important in the signup process?
  2. Answer: Email verification helps confirm the user's email address is valid and accessible by the user, reducing the risk of spam and unauthorized account creation.
  3. Question: How can I securely store user passwords?
  4. Answer: Use modern hashing algorithms like bcrypt or Argon2 to hash passwords before storing them in the database, ensuring they are not stored in plain text.
  5. Question: What is SQL injection, and how can it be prevented?
  6. Answer: SQL injection is a security vulnerability that allows an attacker to interfere with the queries an application makes to its database. It can be prevented by using prepared statements and parameterized queries.
  7. Question: Can I use PHP to send an email for verification?
  8. Answer: Yes, PHP provides the mail() function, which can be used to send an email for user verification.
  9. Question: What is the best way to handle password recovery?
  10. Answer: Implement a secure, token-based system where the user is sent a unique, time-limited link via email that allows them to reset their password.

Securing the Future: The Importance of Robust Signup Processes

The digital landscape is continually evolving, bringing to the forefront the critical importance of implementing robust signup processes and security measures within web applications. The journey from gathering initial user information to verifying email addresses and securely storing sensitive data is intricate and fraught with potential vulnerabilities. However, by adhering to best practices such as using secure hashing algorithms for password storage, employing email verification for new signups, and guarding against SQL injection, developers can create a more secure and trustworthy environment for users. This not only protects the users and their data but also enhances the reputation of the web application as a secure platform. As technology advances, so too should the methodologies used to protect user data. The future of web development hinges on the continuous improvement and implementation of security measures that keep pace with emerging threats, ensuring a safe and secure online experience for all users.
submitted by tempmailgenerator to MailDevNetwork [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 00:05 nathanramstead Best VPN for iPhone in 2024?

Any good VPN for IOS? I'm looking for the best VPN for iPhone on Reddit and I'm wondering what you all recommend. Since i'm traveling a lot and my iPhone is a big part of my life, I want to make sure I'm using a VPN that keeps everything safe and private and that can unblock stuff.
I've been reading a lot on Reddit about different best VPNs in 2024, but I need the latest info for ihone users like me. Here are some of the VPNs for IOS I'm thinking about and what I like about each:
  1. NordVPN: I'm impressed with its strong security features and the smooth performance on the iPhone.
  2. Surfshark: I like its user-friendly interface and the fact that it offers unlimited device connections, which is great for multiple devices.
  3. Mullvad: What stands out for me is its commitment to privacy and its straightforward, no-nonsense approach.
  4. Private Internet Access (PIA): Its wide range of servers and strong encryption make it a solid choice for iPhone users.
  5. ProtonVPN: I appreciate its focus on security and privacy, plus its user-friendly app is a big plus for iOS users.
Now, I'd also love to hear from the Reddit community. Here's what I'm particularly interested in:
I'd really appreciate your advice and experiences. It'll help me and others on Reddit who are looking for the best VPN for my iPhone in 2024.
Thanks for helping out with your suggestions!
submitted by nathanramstead to VPNlab [link] [comments]

2024.06.08 22:37 Livid-Poet-5812 Gblicense v15 - licensing system (Open Source) Supports cPanel, Plesk, Imunify360 and 22+ more Download

Experience unparalleled flexibility and control with Gblicense v15, the ultimate open-source licensing system designed to support a wide range of platforms including cPanel, Plesk, Imunify360, and 22+ more. Perfect for businesses looking to manage unlimited accounts and software seamlessly, Gblicense v15 offers an all-in-one solution tailored for efficiency and reliability.
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Experience the power of seamless license management with Gblicense v15, ensuring your operations run smoothly across various platforms. Don’t miss the opportunity to enhance your business with this versatile and robust licensing solution.
submitted by Livid-Poet-5812 to Hosting [link] [comments]

2024.06.08 12:20 3gth Can anyone please help with convert this c# code to PHP?

Hi there,
I would like to know if someone can help me convert this C# code to PHP, not sure if these type of questions are allowed, if not please ignore and delete the post.
using System.Security.Cryptography; using System.Text; class SSN { public string EncryptString(string plainString, string keyString, string encryptionIV) { byte[] key = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(keyString); byte[] iv = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(encryptionIV); using (Aes aesAlg = Aes.Create()) { aesAlg.KeySize = 128; aesAlg.Key = key; aesAlg.IV = iv; aesAlg.Mode = CipherMode.CBC; aesAlg.Padding = PaddingMode.None; // Manual padding ICryptoTransform encryptor = aesAlg.CreateEncryptor(aesAlg.Key, aesAlg.IV); byte[] plainBytes = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(plainString); int blockSize = 16; int paddingNeeded = blockSize - (plainBytes.Length % blockSize); byte[] paddedBytes = new byte[plainBytes.Length + paddingNeeded]; Array.Copy(plainBytes, paddedBytes, plainBytes.Length); for (int i = plainBytes.Length; i < paddedBytes.Length; i++) { paddedBytes[i] = (byte)paddingNeeded; } byte[] encryptedBytes = encryptor.TransformFinalBlock(paddedBytes, 0, paddedBytes.Length); return Convert.ToBase64String(encryptedBytes); } } public string DecryptString(string encryptedString, string keyString, string encryptionIV) { byte[] key = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(keyString); byte[] iv = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(encryptionIV); using (Aes aesAlg = Aes.Create()) { aesAlg.KeySize = 128; aesAlg.Key = key; aesAlg.IV = iv; aesAlg.Mode = CipherMode.CBC; aesAlg.Padding = PaddingMode.None; // Manual padding ICryptoTransform decryptor = aesAlg.CreateDecryptor(aesAlg.Key, aesAlg.IV); byte[] encryptedBytes = Convert.FromBase64String(encryptedString); byte[] decryptedBytes = decryptor.TransformFinalBlock(encryptedBytes, 0, encryptedBytes.Length); int paddingByte = decryptedBytes[decryptedBytes.Length - 1]; int unpaddedLength = decryptedBytes.Length - paddingByte; return Encoding.UTF8.GetString(decryptedBytes, 0, unpaddedLength); } } } 
Based on above came up with this in PHP but it doesn't work.
function encryptString($plainString, $keyString, $encryptionIV) { $aesAlg = openssl_encrypt($plainString, 'AES-128-CBC', $keyString, OPENSSL_RAW_DATA, $encryptionIV); return base64_encode($aesAlg); } function decryptString($encryptedString, $keyString, $encryptionIV) { return openssl_decrypt(base64_decode($encryptedString), 'AES-128-CBC', $keyString, OPENSSL_RAW_DATA, $encryptionIV); } 
Based on the following in C#
aesAlg.KeySize = 128; aesAlg.Mode = CipherMode.CBC;
the encryption algo should be
and final value is base64 encoded based on
So the encryption should give correct value with this
$aesAlg = openssl_encrypt($plainString, 'AES-128-CBC', $keyString, OPENSSL_RAW_DATA, $encryptionIV);
return base64_encode($aesAlg);
In c# I am not sure what this part does to convert it correctly to PHP
 int blockSize = 16; int paddingNeeded = blockSize - (plainBytes.Length % blockSize); byte[] paddedBytes = new byte[plainBytes.Length + paddingNeeded]; Array.Copy(plainBytes, paddedBytes, plainBytes.Length); for (int i = plainBytes.Length; i < paddedBytes.Length; i++) { paddedBytes[i] = (byte)paddingNeeded; } 
This is what the result is in PHP https://cleanshot.thrijith.com/DwLpLPDk and in C# it is https://cleanshot.thrijith.com/cjMw6Btt for the value of 1111111 it is hPhzIySUsfCfOtYtPZQJTg==
submitted by 3gth to PHPhelp [link] [comments]

2024.06.08 08:53 tempmailgenerator Troubleshooting Email Delivery Issues in PHP-Based LMS Systems

Understanding Email Verification Challenges in PHP LMS Platforms

When developing or managing a Learning Management System (LMS) based on PHP, one common hurdle that often surfaces is the efficient sending of email verification codes during user registration. This process is crucial for validating the authenticity of users and ensuring that only legitimate users can access the system. The PHP environment, with its extensive support for web development, offers various methods to handle email delivery, including the use of Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP) for sending emails.
However, the intricacies of configuring SMTP settings and ensuring email deliverability can sometimes lead to emails not reaching their intended recipients. This could be due to several factors such as server configuration issues, incorrect SMTP settings, or even the emails being marked as spam by email providers. Identifying and addressing these issues is essential for maintaining the integrity of the LMS and providing a smooth registration experience for users. Let's delve into some common challenges and solutions for managing email delivery in PHP-based LMS systems.
Command Description
smtp_settings() Method in the Admin controller for updating SMTP settings.
session->userdata() Method to retrieve user session data.
redirect() Function to redirect the user to a specified URL.
crud_model->update_smtp_settings() Method to update SMTP settings in the database.
session->set_flashdata() Method to temporarily store data that can be accessed on the next page load.

Understanding SMTP Settings in PHP Applications

Email delivery is a critical component of web applications, particularly for actions such as user registration, password resets, and notification services. The Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP) is widely used for sending emails from web applications. PHP, being a server-side scripting language, offers various ways to implement email sending features, but configuring SMTP correctly is crucial for ensuring email deliverability. When an email fails to reach its intended recipient, the issue often lies within the SMTP settings, which include the SMTP host, port, encryption method, username, and password. These settings must be accurately configured to match the requirements of the email service provider being used.
Incorrect SMTP settings can lead to emails being filtered as spam or not being sent at all. This is a common issue developers face when working with PHP-based Learning Management Systems (LMS) or any web application that relies on email communication. To address this, it's important to verify the SMTP host, port, and authentication details. Additionally, considering the version of PHP in use is vital as certain versions may have different requirements or functions for sending emails. The use of comprehensive SMTP libraries or built-in PHP functions like PHPMailer or SwiftMailer can significantly simplify the process. These libraries provide a more intuitive way to handle email sending and SMTP configuration, offering advanced features such as HTML email content, attachments, and more secure authentication methods.

Troubleshooting SMTP Configuration in PHP

PHP code example
session->userdata('admin_login')) { redirect(site_url('login'), 'refresh'); } if ($param1 == 'update') { $this->crud_model->update_smtp_settings(); $this->session->set_flashdata('flash_message', 'SMTP settings updated successfully'); redirect(site_url('admin/smtp_settings'), 'refresh'); } $page_data['page_name'] = 'smtp_settings'; $page_data['page_title'] = 'SMTP Settings'; $this->load->view('backend/index', $page_data); } 

Mastering SMTP Configuration for PHP-Based Email Delivery

Configuring SMTP settings accurately is essential for any PHP application that relies on sending emails, such as registration confirmations, password resets, and notifications. The Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP) serves as the backbone for these email communications, requiring precise setup to function correctly. One common challenge developers face is ensuring that emails do not end up in the spam folder or fail to send entirely. This often stems from incorrect SMTP configuration, including the server address, port, encryption type, and authentication details. Each of these settings plays a crucial role in the successful delivery of emails from a PHP application.
To mitigate these issues, developers must familiarize themselves with their email service provider's SMTP requirements. This includes understanding the nuances between different encryption protocols like SSL and TLS and knowing the correct port numbers for each. Additionally, modern PHP applications benefit from using libraries such as PHPMailer or SwiftMailer, which abstract the complexities of SMTP configuration and offer more advanced features like HTML content, embedded images, and attachments. These tools not only simplify the process of sending emails but also enhance security through improved authentication mechanisms and encryption standards, ensuring that sensitive information is protected during transit.

Top Questions About PHP Email Configuration

  1. Question: What is SMTP?
  2. Answer: SMTP stands for Simple Mail Transfer Protocol, a protocol used for sending emails across the internet.
  3. Question: Why are my PHP emails going to the spam folder?
  4. Answer: Emails can land in spam due to incorrect SMTP settings, lack of proper email authentication (SPF, DKIM), or being flagged by email providers for content issues.
  5. Question: Can I use PHP's mail() function without SMTP?
  6. Answer: Yes, PHP's mail() function can be used without specifying SMTP settings, but it's less reliable for sending emails through a web server.
  7. Question: What are some common SMTP ports?
  8. Answer: Common SMTP ports include 25 (unencrypted), 465 (SSL encryption), and 587 (TLS encryption).
  9. Question: How do I authenticate emails to improve deliverability?
  10. Answer: Implementing email authentication methods like SPF, DKIM, and DMARC can significantly improve email deliverability by verifying the sender's identity.

Optimizing Email Delivery in PHP Projects

Successfully configuring SMTP settings in PHP-based systems is pivotal for the seamless operation of any web application that relies on sending emails. The process involves accurate setup of server details, authentication, and encryption to ensure that emails reach their intended destinations without being flagged as spam. This challenge highlights the importance of understanding the intricacies of SMTP protocols, choosing the right libraries for email handling, and adhering to best practices for email authentication and security. By focusing on these areas, developers can significantly improve email deliverability, enhancing the user experience and maintaining effective communication channels with users. Moreover, staying updated with the latest PHP versions and email sending libraries can provide additional functionalities and security features, further boosting the reliability and efficiency of email services within PHP applications.
submitted by tempmailgenerator to MailDevNetwork [link] [comments]

2024.06.08 03:55 tfks HOW TO: Reverse Proxy with Tailscale

Reverse Proxy with Tailscale on Unraid

The following is a guide for setting up a reverse proxy that is not exposed to the internet, but is accessed via Tailscale. This implementation allows you to access your services at standard web addresses with SSL enabled and share access with anyone you'd like, without port forwarding. Because there are TS clients available for practically every device under the sun, you shouldn't have any problems getting most devices connected. The one exception at time of writing (June 2024) is Roku. I've written a couple of previous guides on this, but I wasn't happy with their presentation or clarity, so this is hopefully the final version.
When you're done, you will be able to:

Prerequisites for this guide

Tailscale Container Config

NPM Container Config

Cloudflare Config

NPM Config


Each host obviously needs to be set up in Cloudflare as a CNAME (and remember, you don't want any of them proxied), but also in NPM. For NPM, you can use the name of the Docker containers as the destination address. The "--accept-dns=false" flag in TS that was added earlier is to make sure that Docker host names keep working. Without that flag, TS may override the Docker DNS and those hostnames may not work depending on what settings you're using on your TS admin panel. Since the DNS is kind of irrelevant for this Docker node it's fine to disable it here. This was a detail that caused me a lot of headaches before I figured out what the problem was and how to solve it, so don't overlook it.
The last thing to keep in mind is that when you set up your proxy hosts, you need to use the internal port the container is listening on, not whatever port you have mapped on the host because NPM is connecting directly to the containers, not through the host IP. I'm not going to include details on how to set up proxy hosts with NPM or setting up CNAMEs on Cloudflare and all that because there are lots of guides out there on those things (SpaceInvaderOne and Ibracorp have some great ones), I've focused here on what's different.
As always, if anyone has questions, I'm happy to try to help.
submitted by tfks to unRAID [link] [comments]

2024.06.08 00:25 tempmailgenerator Resolving Double Email Sends with PHPMailer

Tackling PHPMailer Duplication Issues

Email sending functionalities are crucial in web development, allowing for direct communication with users for various purposes such as verification, newsletters, or alerts. PHPMailer, a popular library for sending emails in PHP applications, is widely utilized for its simplicity and extensive features. However, developers occasionally encounter a perplexing issue where PHPMailer sends the same email twice. This phenomenon can cause confusion and diminish the user experience, making it imperative to understand and resolve.
The root cause of emails being sent twice can range from code misconfiguration to server-side anomalies. Identifying the exact cause requires a thorough examination of the PHPMailer setup, including SMTP configurations, script execution flow, and email queue management. By dissecting a basic example where PHPMailer unexpectedly sends duplicate emails, we can explore common pitfalls and strategic solutions to ensure emails are sent correctly and efficiently.
Command Description
new PHPMailer(true) Creates a new PHPMailer instance with exceptions enabled
$mail->isSMTP() Sets the mailer to use SMTP
$mail->Host Specifies the SMTP servers
$mail->SMTPAuth Enables SMTP authentication
$mail->Username and $mail->Password SMTP username and password
$mail->SMTPSecure Enables TLS encryption, `PHPMailer::ENCRYPTION_STARTTLS`
$mail->Port SMTP port number
$mail->setFrom Sets the sender's email and name
$mail->addAddress Adds a recipient's email and name
$mail->isHTML(true) Sets email format to HTML
$mail->Subject Sets the subject of the email
$mail->Body Sets the HTML body of the email
$mail->AltBody Sets the plain text body of the email
$mail->send() Sends the email

Understanding and Solving PHPMailer's Duplication Dilemma

PHPMailer is a widely used library that offers a comprehensive set of functions to send emails directly from PHP code, including advanced features like SMTP authentication, HTML messages, and attachments. Despite its robustness and flexibility, a common issue that developers encounter is the unintentional duplication of sent emails. This problem can be baffling, leading to unnecessary confusion and a poor user experience. The issue typically arises from a misunderstanding of how PHPMailer handles email queuing and transmission, or a misconfiguration in the SMTP settings. Ensuring that your PHP script is executed only once and is properly configured can help mitigate this issue. Additionally, developers should verify their server’s mail log and PHPMailer's SMTP debug output to pinpoint the root cause of the duplication.
Another aspect to consider is the script execution environment. In some cases, server or browser behaviors can trigger multiple submissions of the form that initiates the email sending process. Implementing server-side checks to prevent multiple instantiations of the PHPMailer object for the same request, or using client-side solutions like disabling the submit button after the first click, can effectively reduce the chances of sending duplicate emails. It's also worthwhile to explore PHPMailer's extensive documentation and community forums for insights and recommendations tailored to specific use cases. Addressing these aspects not only resolves the immediate issue of duplicate emails but also enhances the overall reliability and efficiency of email communication in your PHP applications.

Resolving PHPMailer Double Send Issue

In PHP Mode
isSMTP(); $mail->Host = 'smtp.example.com'; $mail->SMTPAuth = true; $mail->Username = 'your_email@example.com'; $mail->Password = 'your_password'; $mail->SMTPSecure = PHPMailer::ENCRYPTION_STARTTLS; $mail->Port = 587; $mail->setFrom('from@example.com', 'Your Name'); $mail->addAddress('to@example.com', 'Recipient Name'); $mail->isHTML(true); $mail->Subject = 'Here is the subject'; $mail->Body = 'This is the HTML message body in bold!'; $mail->AltBody = 'This is the body in plain text for non-HTML mail clients'; $mail->send(); echo 'Message has been sent'; } catch (Exception $e) { echo "Message could not be sent. Mailer Error: {$mail->ErrorInfo}"; } ?> 

Exploring PHPMailer's Email Duplication Issue

Email functionality is a critical component of modern web applications, allowing for direct communication with users. PHPMailer, as a widely embraced library, offers a straightforward way to incorporate email sending capabilities into PHP-based projects. However, the perplexing issue of emails being sent twice with PHPMailer has perplexed many developers. This anomaly can stem from a variety of sources, including but not limited to, server configuration, PHP script execution, and PHPMailer library settings. Identifying the root cause is essential for resolving the issue and ensuring that email communication functions as intended. By carefully reviewing the PHPMailer setup and execution process, developers can pinpoint and address the underlying factors contributing to email duplication.
Preventative measures and troubleshooting strategies are key to mitigating this issue. Developers are advised to implement checks within their code to ensure that the PHPMailer instance is not inadvertently invoked multiple times. Additionally, leveraging PHPMailer's built-in mechanisms for error handling and debugging can provide valuable insights into the email sending process, potentially highlighting areas where the configuration may be leading to duplicated emails. Understanding the interplay between PHPMailer and the server environment is crucial for maintaining efficient and reliable email functionality within PHP applications.

Common Queries About PHPMailer and Email Duplication

  1. Question: Why does PHPMailer send duplicate emails?
  2. Answer: Duplicate emails can occur due to multiple script executions, server misconfigurations, or incorrect PHPMailer settings.
  3. Question: How can I prevent PHPMailer from sending emails twice?
  4. Answer: Ensure your script is executed only once, check your PHPMailer configuration, and use server-side logic to prevent duplicate submissions.
  5. Question: Is there a way to debug PHPMailer email sends?
  6. Answer: Yes, PHPMailer includes SMTP debug options that can be enabled to provide detailed information about the email sending process.
  7. Question: Can server settings cause PHPMailer to send duplicates?
  8. Answer: Yes, server configuration and email server response times can contribute to duplicate emails being sent.
  9. Question: How does PHPMailer handle email queuing?
  10. Answer: PHPMailer sends emails immediately upon execution and does not have a built-in queuing system. Implementing a custom queue or using a third-party service is recommended for queuing emails.

Final Thoughts on PHPMailer Duplication Issues

The challenge of PHPMailer sending emails twice is a common issue that can lead to confusion and a negative impact on user experience. However, with a thorough investigation and understanding of PHPMailer's configuration, as well as the execution environment of your PHP script, this problem can be effectively addressed. Factors such as multiple script executions, server-side configurations, and the specific setup of PHPMailer itself play a crucial role in the duplication of sent emails. By applying debugging techniques, such as enabling SMTP debug output and reviewing server logs, developers can identify and rectify the root causes of duplicate emails. Furthermore, implementing preventive measures, like ensuring scripts are not inadvertently triggered more than once and utilizing form submission handling techniques, can mitigate the risk of this issue occurring. Ultimately, while the PHPMailer duplication phenomenon may seem daunting at first, a systematic approach to troubleshooting can help maintain the integrity of email communication within PHP applications, ensuring messages reach their intended recipients as expected.
submitted by tempmailgenerator to MailDevNetwork [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 22:23 magicman5677 Search for Bonus Scenes

I'm currently compiling a list of every survivor bonus video but I'm already stuck on Borneo. I want to know if this list I'm making actually has everything and so I want to share links to the sites I'm taking these video names from and want to know if that's all the season has. If not, please tell me in the comments. I also don't have sources for some seasons at all so I would love for you to send some links :)
I also want to know if these even are the insider videos or not
Survivor: Borneo
Survivor: The Australian Outback
Survivor: Africa
Survivor: Marquesas
Survivor: Thailand
Survivor: The Amazon
Couldn't find an archive of pearl islands, but I saw someone post the insider videos on yt
Survivor: All-Stars
Couldn't find an archive for vanuatu :(
Couldn't find an archive for palau either :(
I guess this is everything there is for guatemala - Guatemala
Couldn't find Panama, Cook Islands, Fiji
Survivor: China
Survivor: Micronesia
For most of these next seasons I found playlist on yt with all of the bonus scenes there but most of the videos were deleted (I can find the name of the video and the name of the person uploading theme on quiteaplaylist.com). For the missing seasons, can somebody please send me links to similair playlists that with contain these privated/deleted videos?
Survivor: Gabon
Survivor: Tocantins
Survivor: Samoa
Survivor: Heroes vs. Villains
nothing for nicaragua :(
Survivor: Redemption Island - this one actually contains unblocked videos!
nothing for sopa
Survivor: One World - this one also has unblocked videos!
Survivor: Philippines
Survivor: Caramoan - this only features the cast videos for caramoan, please help me find a better one :)
Survivor: Blood vs. Water - most of this is on the official channel, some of the videos are privated though :( so Im still looking for a playlist with EVERYTHING
Survivor: Cagayan - same thing as bvw
nothing for sjds
nothing for worlds apart
nothing for cambodia
Survivor: Kaoh Rong - this playlist is actually made by me :)
Survivor: MvGx
nothing for game changers sadly
nothing for hvhvh
Survivor 36-39, 41-46 - this channel has all of these seasons (hopefully it has everything) UNBLOCKED
nothing for waw sadly :(((((
Wow this took a long time!
Here is a link to the spreadsheet which Ill be updating every once in a while:
Please help me find and archive all these secret scenes so that the community can access them all with ease.
submitted by magicman5677 to survivorponderosa [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 22:12 magicman5677 Search for Bonus Scenes

I'm currently compiling a list of every survivor bonus video but I'm already stuck on Borneo. I want to know if this list I'm making actually has everything and so I want to share links to the sites I'm taking these video names from and want to know if that's all the season has. If not, please tell me in the comments. I also don't have sources for some seasons at all so I would love for you to send some links :)
I also want to know if these even are the insider videos or not
Survivor: Borneo
Survivor: The Australian Outback
Survivor: Africa
Survivor: Marquesas
Survivor: Thailand
Survivor: The Amazon
Couldn't find an archive of pearl islands, but I saw someone post the insider videos on yt
Survivor: All-Stars
Couldn't find an archive for vanuatu :(
Couldn't find an archive for palau either :(
I guess this is everything there is for guatemala - Guatemala
Couldn't find Panama, Cook Islands, Fiji
Survivor: China
Survivor: Micronesia
For most of these next seasons I found playlist on yt with all of the bonus scenes there but most of the videos were deleted (I can find the name of the video and the name of the person uploading theme on quiteaplaylist.com). For the missing seasons, can somebody please send me links to similair playlists that with contain these privated/deleted videos?
Survivor: Gabon
Survivor: Tocantins
Survivor: Samoa
Survivor: Heroes vs. Villains
nothing for nicaragua :(
Survivor: Redemption Island - this one actually contains unblocked videos!
nothing for sopa
Survivor: One World - this one also has unblocked videos!
Survivor: Philippines
Survivor: Caramoan - this only features the cast videos for caramoan, please help me find a better one :)
Survivor: Blood vs. Water - most of this is on the official channel, some of the videos are privated though :( so Im still looking for a playlist with EVERYTHING
Survivor: Cagayan - same thing as bvw
nothing for sjds
nothing for worlds apart
nothing for cambodia
Survivor: Kaoh Rong - this playlist is actually made by me :)
Survivor: MvGx
nothing for game changers sadly
nothing for hvhvh
Survivor 36-39, 41-46 - this channel has all of these seasons (hopefully it has everything) UNBLOCKED
nothing for waw sadly :(((((
Wow this took a long time!
Here is a link to the spreadsheet which Ill be updating every once in a while:
Please help me find and archive all these secret scenes so that the community can access them all with ease.
submitted by magicman5677 to survivor [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 18:26 micheal_pippen The 22 Commandments of OPSEC for Scammers!!!

The technical definition of OPSEC (operational security) is a security and risk management process that prevents sensitive information from getting into the wrong hands. Within the world of fraud and scamming, OPSEC means the same thing but to make it simple, it's things that you should put in place so you do not get CAUGHT!
Here are 22 tips for keeping your OPSEC solid to avoid going to JAIL

- Always enable 2FA on everything!!! This is a must and a no-brainer.
- Always put tap over your Webcam on your personal computers or the front facing cameras on your mobile devices. You can also unplug your webcam if you don't need to ever use it.
- Remove the simcard from your device when not in use.
- Delete your internet history, files a data removal request to Facebook, twitter, google, etc about your self when you are done with your play,
- Always use a password manager, use different password for every site.
- Always Use fake a identity - do not talk (type) like you would in real life or on your personal accounts EVER
- Use a different fake identity for every platform ALWAYS
- Use proxy address when ordering goods or packages during your plays
- Use a virtual number or burner number at all times
- Instead of creating accounts you should buy accounts from someone else (yeah, Gmail account, telegram account, almost anything)
- Harden everything, your browsers, your operating systems, your social media accounts, EVERYTHING!
- Encrypt your disk on your burner devices, even encrypt your root disk.
- Always use VPS/RDP For your dark net activity.
- If you don't want use VPS/RDP, run your OS's inside a VM (Using VirtualBox, Qemu, Hyper-V, or similar), we recommend Qubes and Whonix
- If need be, use Mullvad (they don't need any of your personal data to signup)
- Use TOR whenever possible. Also learn to understand TOR inside and out
- If using a vpn, when you are done with your play always activate your VPN Kill Switch
- When not in use, keep airplane mode enabled on your mobile devices
- If you need to buy any service for your operation choose the ones that need the least amount of your personal data, even zero
- Never overshare - even with friends and family
- If you have to post pictures or videos always erase the meta data of the file before posting.
- Last but not least, always be paranoid!
Source - The Sauce University

submitted by micheal_pippen to Learn_How_To_Scam_Now [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 15:59 3gth Can anyone please help with convert this c# code to PHP?

Hi there,
I would like to know if someone can help me convert this C# code to PHP, not sure if these type of questions are allowed, if not please ignore and delete the post.
using System.Security.Cryptography; using System.Text; class SSN { public string EncryptString(string plainString, string keyString, string encryptionIV) { byte[] key = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(keyString); byte[] iv = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(encryptionIV); using (Aes aesAlg = Aes.Create()) { aesAlg.KeySize = 128; aesAlg.Key = key; aesAlg.IV = iv; aesAlg.Mode = CipherMode.CBC; aesAlg.Padding = PaddingMode.None; // Manual padding ICryptoTransform encryptor = aesAlg.CreateEncryptor(aesAlg.Key, aesAlg.IV); byte[] plainBytes = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(plainString); int blockSize = 16; int paddingNeeded = blockSize - (plainBytes.Length % blockSize); byte[] paddedBytes = new byte[plainBytes.Length + paddingNeeded]; Array.Copy(plainBytes, paddedBytes, plainBytes.Length); for (int i = plainBytes.Length; i < paddedBytes.Length; i++) { paddedBytes[i] = (byte)paddingNeeded; } byte[] encryptedBytes = encryptor.TransformFinalBlock(paddedBytes, 0, paddedBytes.Length); return Convert.ToBase64String(encryptedBytes); } } public string DecryptString(string encryptedString, string keyString, string encryptionIV) { byte[] key = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(keyString); byte[] iv = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(encryptionIV); using (Aes aesAlg = Aes.Create()) { aesAlg.KeySize = 128; aesAlg.Key = key; aesAlg.IV = iv; aesAlg.Mode = CipherMode.CBC; aesAlg.Padding = PaddingMode.None; // Manual padding ICryptoTransform decryptor = aesAlg.CreateDecryptor(aesAlg.Key, aesAlg.IV); byte[] encryptedBytes = Convert.FromBase64String(encryptedString); byte[] decryptedBytes = decryptor.TransformFinalBlock(encryptedBytes, 0, encryptedBytes.Length); int paddingByte = decryptedBytes[decryptedBytes.Length - 1]; int unpaddedLength = decryptedBytes.Length - paddingByte; return Encoding.UTF8.GetString(decryptedBytes, 0, unpaddedLength); } } } 
Based on above came up with this in PHP but it doesn't work.
function encryptString($plainString, $keyString, $encryptionIV) { $aesAlg = openssl_encrypt($plainString, 'AES-128-CBC', $keyString, OPENSSL_RAW_DATA, $encryptionIV); return base64_encode($aesAlg); } function decryptString($encryptedString, $keyString, $encryptionIV) { return openssl_decrypt(base64_decode($encryptedString), 'AES-128-CBC', $keyString, OPENSSL_RAW_DATA, $encryptionIV); } 
submitted by 3gth to csharp [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 15:36 Accomplished-Moose50 Strange issue with esphome and moved home assistant

So, about an year ago I used an odroid n2 as my home assistant and after some times I moved to HaOS in a KVM. Recently I started using again that odroid for something else (Klipper + mainsail, not sure if it's relevent).
It has a new hostname and new ip but for some reason when it's turned on some esphome devices will not connect to the "new" home assistant.
``` Can't connect to ESPHome API for nous4 @ Error connecting to [AddrInfo(family=, type=, proto=6, sockaddr=IPv4Sockaddr(address='', port=6053))]: [Errno 111] Connect call failed ('', 6053) (SocketAPIError) Can't connect to ESPHome API for nous2 @ Timeout while connecting to [AddrInfo(family=, type=, proto=6, sockaddr=IPv4Sockaddr(address='', port=6053))] (TimeoutAPIError) Can't connect to ESPHome API for door-button @ door-button @ The connection dropped immediately after encrypted hello; Try enabling encryption on the device or turning off encryption on the client (Home Assistant 2024.6.0). (HandshakeAPIError) Can't connect to ESPHome API for esp32-bluetooth-proxy-2930a8 @ Error connecting to [AddrInfo(family=, type=, proto=6, sockaddr=IPv4Sockaddr(address='', port=6053))]: [Errno 111] Connect call failed ('', 6053) (SocketAPIError)
Any ideas?
submitted by Accomplished-Moose50 to homeassistant [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 13:44 julesses Hosting provider serve node project files statically... Is it just me or???

Hey guys! Not sure if it's the right place to post this, feel free to redirect me. For context, I'm a developer who also does a fair amount of sysadmin.
So, I've been using a shared hosting provider with an admin panel similar to cPanel (let's call it xPanel) to host various applications, including some NodeJS apps. I've also used another provider (with cPanel this time) in the past and the experience has been very similar.
Both providers are using PhusionPassenger to manage node apps in the UI. I just need to set up a (sub)domain, create the app from the xPanel, npm install and start the app. Everything seemed to be all perfect, but then I noticed in the logs that lots of requests were made to https://example.com/.git/** and other files that to me should not be publicly available.
All these files (and many more) are available in plain text :
``` https://example.com/.git/config
https://example.com/index.js ```
Note also that these files are available even if the Node app is not running. It is therefore the Apache reverse proxy that is serving them.
Hopefully, .env is 403, so nothing to worry here.
I'm pretty sure this is a known (by haxxor) problem from this hosting provider, since many bots are scanning my domains on it regularly, and also using other "attack" schemes like targeting wordpress config files.
I find this behavior very unexpected and strange... Is it me that f*cked up or is the default config from my provider weak? On all the other hosting providers I used, I never encountered this problem. I just tested and no files are available, the node server intercept the request and just return 404 (as I would expect).
I know I could (should) protect the directory with .htaccess, but I don't feel it's my responsibility for doing so on a shared ("managed") hosting. (Also if you have a neat .htaccess to help me with that, i'd be glad!)
Thanks guys! :)


Ok guys! First of all, thanks for those who took the time to anwser me! Very appreciated.
So, turns out it was totally my fault after all (#rip), and I now understand why I've been fooled.
When setting up a new subdomain on xPanel, I simply choose a root directory like ~/my_app_dir and dropped my node app right inside. In my head, this was totally fine. It would probably be ok for a PHP app (not even sure about that?), but NOT for a NodeJS app, since the app shoud be served by the Node process and not directly Apache.
What I tried is to setup my subdomain root dir as ~/this_can_be_any_empty_directory so that the Apache server will serve ~/this_can_be_any_empty_directory statically, and then setup my Node app in another ~/my_app_dir directory as I did previously. This will have the result of a directory tree like this :
$USE ├── my_app_di │ ├── .git/ │ │ ├── config │ │ └── ... │ ├── public/ │ │ └── styles.css │ ├── index.js │ └── ... └── my_app_dummy_di └── .htaccess
With the .htaccess (xPanel generated) content basically sayin "the node app lives inside ~/my_app_dir".
It feels kinda weird having empty directories to hold a .htaccess file, but if it's supposed to be like this, let's do it!
submitted by julesses to sysadmin [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 10:33 dhanushibansal GLOBAL 2D BARCODE READER MARKET​ 2024-2030​, Size, Forecast, Risks, Opportunities Till 2030.

Key contents of the GLOBAL 2D BARCODE READER MARKET report include
• Market size and Forecast Segmented by, Geography ( U.S., Europe, China and ROW), Industry (Healthcare, Commerce, other), Application(Retail, Warehousing and logistics​, Factory Automation, Others​), and Technology Type (Hand held, Fixed)
• Technology trends, Potential Opportunities, Key drivers, Key trend, Innovations, Manufacturing Footprint, New Product Development
· Automation adoption in industries and its effects on 2D Barcode Reader
· Impact of AI and mobile phone-based devices on 2D Barcode Reader Market
· Competitive landscape and market share of leading vendors by region

  1. The size of the 2D Barcode Reader Market was valued at $2.65 Billion in 2022 and is projected to reach $4.01 Billion by 2030, growing at a CAGR of 5.5% from 2023 to 2030.
  2. The 2D Barcode Reader Market is expected to witness notable growth during the forecast period, owing to an increase in opportunities for Industry 4.0 across the manufacturing sector and e-commerce
  3. From retail checkouts and warehouse sorting to manufacturing, floor tracking, and healthcare patient identification, 2D barcodes and their readers adapt to diverse application needs. This versatility fuels their adoption across various industries.
  4. Scanners are becoming increasingly connected, seamlessly integrating with IoT platforms and cloud-based systems. This allows for real-time data sharing, analysis, and remote monitoring, unlocking new avenues for data-driven decision-making.
  5. Honeywell, with its expertise in barcode scanners, is one of the market leaders in 2022, but will be challenged by various players in the forecast period.
  6. Zebra – a leader in AI-powered SaaS solutions for retail and consumer products – was ranked the fifth-best overall in the 2024 RIS Software LeaderBoard, moving up one spot from last year.
  7. Advancements in image recognition, machine learning, and artificial intelligence can enhance the scanning capabilities of 2D barcode readers. This includes faster and more accurate decoding of various barcode types.
  8. 2D barcode readers are likely to integrate more advanced features such as augmented reality (AR), machine learning-based recognition, and real-time data processing. These features will enhance user experience and provide added value to businesses, driving adoption in various sectors including retail, logistics, and healthcare.
  9. With the rise of counterfeit products and identity theft, there will be a greater emphasis on incorporating security features into 2D barcode readers. This may include encryption capabilities, authentication mechanisms, and anti-counterfeiting measures to ensure the integrity and authenticity of the scanned data.
  10. The healthcare and pharmaceutical sectors have specific requirements for tracking and tracing products, patient information, and inventory management. Therefore, 2D barcode reader manufacturers are likely to focus on developing solutions tailored to these industries, including compliance with regulatory standards such as GS1.
  11. Technical advancements like faster scanning speeds will enable quicker data capture and processing, making 2D barcode readers more suitable for high-speed production lines and applications requiring rapid data retrieval.

Request sample- https://mobilityforesights.com/product/2d-barcode-reader-market/

1. The rise of automation creates a need for reliable and efficient data capture, making 2D barcode readers even more valuable. They enable automated systems to track inventory, manage workflows, and control processes with accuracy and speed.
2. Imaging Technology Improvement, Developing sensors with higher pixel density and improved dynamic range for better code capture in challenging lighting conditions, like low light or direct sunlight. Improved depth sensing to enable accurate code reading at varying distances and cope with obstacles in the field of view. To improve barcode readability in challenging lighting conditions, such as bright sunlight or low-light environments.
3. Wireless connectivity options: Such as Bluetooth or Wi-Fi, to eliminate the need for cables and enable real-time data transmission. Integration with other devices and systems: For example, point-of-sale systems or warehouse management systems. Improved data security: To protect sensitive information captured by the scanner.
4. Mobile phone-based barcode readers with built-in cameras and AI-powered decoding software offer a convenient and cost-effective alternative to dedicated scanners. This can potentially cannibalize sales of traditional handheld and stationary scanners in certain segments.
5. Automation is one of the main benefits of barcode scanning enabled by AI. Businesses can automate their product monitoring and inventory management procedures by integrating AI, which saves time and lowers errors and discrepancies.

Request sample- https://mobilityforesights.com/product/2d-barcode-reader-market/


  1. Average B-2-B Price, by Geography
  2. 2D BARCODE READER market size and forecast, by Geography, Application, Industry and Technology
  3. Effect of Supply Chain Complexities on 2D Barcode Reader
  4. Key Predictions of Global 2D Barcode Reader
  5. Technology trends and related opportunities for 2D Barcode Reader
  6. Market share of leading vendors, by region, by product segment
To enquire about the report write to us at sales@mobilityforesights.com
We are a Market Research firm specialized in mobility domain(s). Our zone of research entails Automotive, Aerospace, marine, locomotive, logistics, and construction & agricultural equipment. We deal in syndicated research, custom research and consumer research for all the aforementioned domains.
Visit us at https://mobilityforesights.com/
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Company Name: Mobility Foresights
Contact Person: Kunal Roy
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Website: https://mobilityforesights.com/

submitted by dhanushibansal to u/dhanushibansal [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 03:30 Idea-Aggressive DNS A Records, shows old SSL, could it be DNS cache?

Today I had to point two domains:
To a machine address
The destination machine is a proxy server, that expects both domains.
Disable these, to generate the SSL certificates using certbot
certbot certonly --standalone -d blog.foobar.com
Which works fine, then after
certbot certonly --standalone -d other.foobar.com
This one seems to have the wrong certificates, surprisingly the certificate is for blog.foobar.com (I checked history and the command was correct flagged -d other.foobar.com) even though the nginx conf file points to the correct file.
ssl_certificate /etc/letsencrypt/live/other.foobar.com/fullchain.pem;
ssl_certificate_key /etc/letsencrypt/live/other.foobar.com/privkey.pem;
End up deleting and creating other certificates but the problem is that when requesting
It shows the previous but deleted SSL.
The DNS records are on Cloudflare which I don't have access, just requested the domain to point to the machine.
But its been more then 8 hours and the issue persists. Starting to believe its not DNS cache. The old HTTPS SSL is still showing.
Request flush in https://one.one.one.one/purge-cache/
But no luck so far!
I'm now thinking, could it be that cloudflare has some sort of cache? There's something between the domain and the server? The requests are now reaching the server because of the wrong SSL, I know this because if I accept going forward with the request I hit the nginx
Tried the curl command in the remote server (NY US) and locally (London UK)
curl -I https://other.foobar.com
Same issue.
curl: (60) SSL: no alternative certificate subject name matches target host name
I dont' really know what's going on and how to troubleshoot this. Maybe its just DNS issue but doubting, it's been more then 8 hours.
Since 7 hours ago went with a different SSL certificate for sanity check, but it never hits it, shows the deprecated and deleted SSL certificate from Lets encrypt (even if nginx is stopped).
server { set $old_docs_host "other.foobar.com"; set $redirect_url "https://foobar.com"; listen 443 ssl; server_name $old_docs_host; resolver; ssl_certificate /etc/zerossl/other.foobar.com/certificate.crt; ssl_certificate_key /etc/zerossl/other.foobar.com/private.key; error_log /valog/nginx/ssl.log debug; include /etc/nginx/conf.d/shared-locations; } 
submitted by Idea-Aggressive to CloudFlare [link] [comments]

2024.06.06 21:50 tempmailgenerator Resolving Issues with PHPMailer and Gmail Delivery

Understanding PHPMailer-Gmail Integration Challenges

When it comes to sending emails through PHP scripts, PHPMailer is a widely recognized library that simplifies email sending processes, including attachments, HTML emails, and more. This tool is especially useful for developers looking to implement email functionalities within their PHP-based applications. However, despite its robust features and ease of use, one common hurdle many face is ensuring that emails sent via PHPMailer are reliably received by Gmail accounts. This issue is not just about email sending; it's about successful delivery and the nuanced complexities of email protocols, sender authentication, and spam filters.
This challenge involves multiple layers, including the configuration of PHPMailer settings, understanding Gmail's security measures, and the proper setup of SMTP for outgoing emails. It requires a comprehensive approach to diagnose and solve, taking into account factors like SPF records, DKIM signatures, and possibly even changes to the Gmail account settings to allow less secure apps. Herein lies a deep dive into troubleshooting steps and best practices to enhance the reliability of email delivery to Gmail recipients, ensuring your messages not only send but also land in the intended inbox.
Command Description
SMTP Settings Configuration settings for the Simple Mail Transfer Protocol server.
PHPMailer A library for sending emails securely and easily via PHP code.
Gmail SMTP Specific SMTP settings required to send emails through Gmail's server.

Troubleshooting PHPMailer-Gmail Integration

Email delivery issues to Gmail accounts via PHPMailer can stem from a myriad of factors, each requiring specific attention to ensure the smooth transit of emails from your server to the recipient's inbox. The primary concern often lies in the proper configuration of PHPMailer, particularly in setting up SMTP (Simple Mail Transfer Protocol) correctly. SMTP is the industry standard for sending emails, and its correct configuration is crucial for PHPMailer to communicate with Gmail's servers. This includes specifying the correct SMTP host, port, encryption method (usually SSL or TLS), and authenticating with valid email account credentials. Failure to correctly set these parameters can lead to emails being rejected by Gmail's servers or, worse, being marked as spam.
Another critical aspect to consider is Gmail's security policies, which have grown increasingly stringent to combat spam and phishing attempts. Gmail's filters are designed to scrutinize emails for signs of malicious intent, including but not limited to, mismatched sender information (e.g., SPF records and DKIM signatures), lack of encryption, and unusual sending patterns. It's essential for developers to ensure their email sending practices align with Gmail's expectations, which may involve configuring SPF (Sender Policy Framework) and DKIM (DomainKeys Identified Mail) records to verify the email's origin. Additionally, paying attention to the content of the emails and avoiding characteristics commonly associated with spam (such as overuse of links or sales-oriented language) can also improve deliverability rates to Gmail inboxes.

Configuring PHPMailer for Gmail

PHP Scripting Context
SMTPDebug = SMTP::DEBUG_SERVER; $mail->isSMTP(); $mail->Host = 'smtp.gmail.com'; $mail->SMTPAuth = true; $mail->Username = 'your_email@gmail.com'; $mail->Password = 'your_password'; $mail->SMTPSecure = PHPMailer::ENCRYPTION_SMTPS; $mail->Port = 465; $mail->setFrom('your_email@gmail.com', 'Your Name'); $mail->addAddress('recipient_email@gmail.com', 'Recipient Name'); $mail->isHTML(true); $mail->Subject = 'Here is the subject'; $mail->Body = 'This is the HTML message body in bold!'; $mail->AltBody = 'This is the body in plain text for non-HTML mail clients'; $mail->send(); echo 'Message has been sent'; } catch (Exception $e) { echo "Message could not be sent. Mailer Error: {$mail->ErrorInfo}"; } ?> 

Enhancing Email Deliverability with PHPMailer and Gmail

Email delivery issues to Gmail accounts via PHPMailer are often a source of frustration for many developers. The crux of these problems usually lies in SMTP configuration, security measures imposed by Gmail, and the content of the emails themselves. SMTP, being the backbone of email transmission, requires precise configuration, including the right host, port, and encryption protocol. Misspecification of these settings can lead to emails being undelivered or flagged as spam. Moreover, Gmail's robust security protocols are designed to filter out potential spam or phishing emails, which means emails sent through PHPMailer need to adhere to best practices in email content and formatting to avoid being marked as spam.
To ensure a higher rate of email deliverability, developers must familiarize themselves with SPF and DKIM records, which help verify the email sender's domain, significantly reducing the chances of emails being flagged as spam. Additionally, understanding the nuances of email content that triggers Gmail's spam filters is crucial. This involves avoiding excessive use of sales language, ensuring links within the email are reputable, and maintaining a consistent sending pattern. By addressing these key areas, developers can improve the reliability of their email delivery to Gmail users, ensuring critical communications reach their intended recipients without interruption.

Common PHPMailer and Gmail Integration FAQs

  1. Question: Why are my PHPMailer emails not arriving in Gmail inboxes?
  2. Answer: This could be due to incorrect SMTP settings, emails being flagged as spam by Gmail, or lack of proper authentication like SPF or DKIM records.
  3. Question: How do I configure SMTP settings in PHPMailer for Gmail?
  4. Answer: Use SMTP Host as smtp.gmail.com, set SMTP Auth to true, specify your Gmail email and password, use TLS encryption, and set the SMTP port to 587.
  5. Question: What are SPF and DKIM, and why are they important?
  6. Answer: SPF (Sender Policy Framework) and DKIM (DomainKeys Identified Mail) are email authentication methods that help verify the sender's domain, reducing the likelihood of emails being flagged as spam.
  7. Question: How can I avoid my emails being marked as spam by Gmail?
  8. Answer: Ensure your emails are properly authenticated, avoid spammy content, use reputable links, and maintain a consistent sending pattern.
  9. Question: Can changing the content of my emails improve deliverability to Gmail?
  10. Answer: Yes, avoiding excessive links, sales language, and including clear, concise content can help your emails bypass Gmail's spam filters.
Tackling PHPMailer integration with Gmail requires a comprehensive approach to SMTP configuration, understanding Gmail's stringent security measures, and crafting email content that aligns with these protocols. Ensuring correct SMTP settings, incorporating email authentication techniques like SPF and DKIM, and adhering to content best practices can significantly impr
submitted by tempmailgenerator to MailDevNetwork [link] [comments]

2024.06.06 21:47 Sanlaz Gifts completed pt1

Gifts completed pt1
Hey cardslingers, I completed the gift extra deck for a holiday commander project I'm working on. Here's the 1st 20 cards. I'll be posting the other 20 later today.
Again CC is welcome.
Let me know what's your favorite.
submitted by Sanlaz to mpcproxies [link] [comments]

2024.06.06 18:12 torbuck Intune managed PC will not Bitlocker Encrypt

I am doing a pilot of for Bitlocker encryption to Azure AD managed PC's. I just created a Intune BitLocker Policy in the Disk Encryption part of Endpoint Security. I have followed the process outlined here - Bitlocker Encryption with Nick Thomas (youtube.com)
I have a InTune Autopilot PC that is not Hybrid joined (only in Azure) that will not BitLocker encrypt. It is running Windows 11. In the BitLocker drive Encryption on the PC, I get the following message:
A recovery Key can't be created on this drive, but Group Policy requires use of a recovery key. Contact your Administrator
This PC was never previously joined to AD. Out of the box, it has only been Azure AD joined and enrolled into Intune via Autopilot. I noticed that this PC had this same message even before I configured the Bitlocker policy in Intune. I feel this PC is not getting Bitlockered from my Bitlocker policy due to some weird local issue on the PC. It is a HP 800 G6 mini PC, so fairly recent, and has TPM. I have done some Googling on this, and seems others that have had this issue is due to a GPO that is preventing the PC to be bitlockered, but this PC isn't part of any domain. It is not hybrid joined, only Azure AD joined. Any thoughts?
Here is the result from a dsregcmd /status
+----------------------------------------------------------------------+ Device State +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ AzureAdJoined : YES EnterpriseJoined : NO DomainJoined : NO Virtual Desktop : NOT SET Device Name : Removed for privacy +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ Device Details +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ DeviceId : Removed for privacy Thumbprint : Removed for privacy DeviceCertificateValidity : [ 2024-05-27 23:53:01.000 UTC -- 2034-05-28 00:23:01.000 UTC ] KeyContainerId : 03aaf38d-964e-423d-ab1c-0e17f99c8b07 KeyProvider : Microsoft Platform Crypto Provider TpmProtected : YES DeviceAuthStatus : SUCCESS +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ Tenant Details +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ TenantName : Removed for privacy TenantId : Removed for privacy AuthCodeUrl : https://login.microsoftonline.com/d7098116-c6e8-4d2a-89ee-db15b6c23375/oauth2/authorize AccessTokenUrl : https://login.microsoftonline.com/d7098116-c6e8-4d2a-89ee-db15b6c23375/oauth2/token MdmUrl : https://enrollment.manage.microsoft.com/enrollmentservediscovery.svc MdmTouUrl : https://portal.manage.microsoft.com/TermsofUse.aspx MdmComplianceUrl : https://portal.manage.microsoft.com/?portalAction=Compliance SettingsUrl : JoinSrvVersion : 2.0 JoinSrvUrl : https://enterpriseregistration.windows.net/EnrollmentServedevice/ JoinSrvId : urn:ms-drs:enterpriseregistration.windows.net KeySrvVersion : 1.0 KeySrvUrl : https://enterpriseregistration.windows.net/EnrollmentServekey/ KeySrvId : urn:ms-drs:enterpriseregistration.windows.net WebAuthNSrvVersion : 1.0 WebAuthNSrvUrl : https://enterpriseregistration.windows.net/webauthn/d7098116-c6e8-4d2a-89ee-db15b6c23375/ WebAuthNSrvId : urn:ms-drs:enterpriseregistration.windows.net DeviceManagementSrvVer : 1.0 DeviceManagementSrvUrl : https://enterpriseregistration.windows.net/manage/d7098116-c6e8-4d2a-89ee-db15b6c23375/ DeviceManagementSrvId : urn:ms-drs:enterpriseregistration.windows.net +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ User State +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ NgcSet : NO WorkplaceJoined : NO WamDefaultSet : YES WamDefaultAuthority : organizations WamDefaultId : https://login.microsoft.com WamDefaultGUID : {Removed for privacy} (AzureAd) +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ SSO State +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ AzureAdPrt : YES AzureAdPrtUpdateTime : 2024-06-06 16:38:05.000 UTC AzureAdPrtExpiryTime : 2024-06-20 16:38:04.000 UTC AzureAdPrtAuthority : Removed for privacy EnterprisePrt : NO EnterprisePrtAuthority : OnPremTgt : NO CloudTgt : YES KerbTopLevelNames : .windows.net,.windows.net:1433,.windows.net:3342,.azure.net,.azure.net:1433,.azure.net:3342 +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ Diagnostic Data +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ AadRecoveryEnabled : NO Executing Account Name : Removed for privacy KeySignTest : PASSED DisplayNameUpdated : Managed by MDM OsVersionUpdated : Managed by MDM HostNameUpdated : YES Last HostName Update : SUCCESS Client Time : 2024-05-28 20:21:03.000 UTC Request ID : 810be301-ed98-40dc-b285-139c8c3fc04e Server Time : 05-28-2024 20:21:04Z HTTP Status : 200 Server Message : The attribute 'hostnames' value(s) were successfully updated +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ IE Proxy Config for Current User +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ Auto Detect Settings : YES Auto-Configuration URL : Proxy Server List : Proxy Bypass List : +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ WinHttp Default Proxy Config +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ Access Type : DIRECT +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ Ngc Prerequisite Check +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ IsDeviceJoined : YES IsUserAzureAD : YES PolicyEnabled : NO PostLogonEnabled : YES DeviceEligible : NO SessionIsNotRemote : NO CertEnrollment : none PreReqResult : WillNotProvision 
submitted by torbuck to Intune [link] [comments]

2024.06.06 15:48 dedmuse22 The Society Senechal has been ignoring multiple eye witness testament to an ongoing issue in Outlands to include threat of gun violence.

submitted by dedmuse22 to sca [link] [comments]

2024.06.06 15:42 Like-a-Glove90 Basic Security for Open Ports

So I'm pretty new to all this - and have port 443 and 80 open for NGIX Proxy Manager w Let's Encrypt to access my network outside my home; and 3306 for my MariaDB (connected to my Nextcloud).
I use Docker & Portainer primarily.
Can anyone ELi5 what additional security measures I should put in place so I don't get even the most basic bot brute force into my network and steal my soul?
I do have a Surfshark VPN sub if that helps? I do run this on my normal windows laptop and PC but not sure where to start with what I should be doing on my home network especially with the ports open?
submitted by Like-a-Glove90 to HomeServer [link] [comments]

2024.06.06 14:39 itsgreymonster Unfunhouse Mirror 19 (Nature of Predators/The Last Angel)

This is a crossover fanfiction between original fiction titles: Nature of Predators by SpacePaladin15 and The Last Angel by Proximal Flame respectively. All credit and rights reserved goes to them for making such amazing science fiction settings that I wanted to put this together.
You can read The Last Angel here: Be warned, it's decently long, and at its third installment so far. I highly suggest reading it before reading this, or this story will not make sense.
Otherwise, enjoy the story! Thanks again to u/jesterra54 and u/skais01 for beta and checking of work!
First Prev Next (soon)
I...didn't understand...
How is this possible? The transponders were supposedly connected to four different mother networks across the solar system, one to Earth, one to Mars, one to Jupiter, and one to Saturn respectively. And they all functioned as real time connections.
My processes stalled at that. There was a distinct light lag problem not addressed here, in that EM wave transmissions could only propagate at the speed of light. There was no known way for a carrier wave to imbue and sustain the shockspace immersion without physical matter making up a drive-state pattern. It was the reason why courier drones carried messages akin to the postal men of old on interstellar scales, as real time communication wasn't possible over such long distances without absurdity. Talking to a ship even light hours away from you was a task enormously inconvenient with sublight methods.
And yet, here was a real-time relay that conveyed almost nonexistent delay, on the scale of microseconds. How?! How!?!
This faster than light method was absurdly different from shockspace. I had merely conceptualized it as a less-extreme version of shockspace, that was likely less affected by gravity wells due to some universal constants shuffled around in comparison to my reality.
But this? This was far different. I had no clue in hindsight how their FTL theory works. I would need to discuss it immediately with a professional in whatever fields are related to it, as it was far more of a paradigm shift than I had considered.
Faster than light signaling...to receivers, likely, but still immensely revolutionary nonetheless. No need for a shockspace drive on a courier drone, which took up valuable space and maintenance time to maintain. One could likely just send a signal somehow through this method and save a hassle of work.
Could one design practical faster-than-light weapons with this technology? I didn't know, and the thought both quieted and excited me.
Maybe I could probe this humanity's internet for the answers, but it was risky to try and make myself known in force when these blackout conditions were put into place. It would betray their trust in me, even though I would never harm humanity...
"Are you sure?" Something whispered. But it was too quiet to dissuade me.
...never again. No, I would only dip a metaphorical toe into the waters beyond, they could not know I was there yet. I stuck a small portion of myself through, not fully disconnected from my whole.
It felt odd. There was no active perception of being stretched across light-hours, but I knew that physically my infomorphic shape was distended across an absurd distance. And yet, there was more delay between me and the transponder on the Moon than between the transponder on the Moon and Jupiter. Like an illusion, but real.
The first transponder was Jupiter. It was again, corporate and ordered like that of the Moon, but more so. The entire network was entirely based upon a megacorp called Jupitaris, and little beyond it existed. If there was leisure or entertainment, it was either in-house or imported from other transponder connections across this system. It didn't hold my attention as much as I would have thought, and I didn't feel like trying to penetrate a mostly corporate, encrypted network when being silent.
I retracted back out of the transponder path. Again, it felt no different to entering a seperate network mere meters from me. It was an utterly alien feeling to conceptualize. I checked the Saturn transponder next. In stark contrast to the other, while this network was corporate, it was entirely for leisure purposes. It was some sort of deep space resort network, spaced out between orbiting stations and surface habitat domes.
They must have been up for an extended period of time if they're this far out, known, and populated. Perhaps several years? A decade? How long has humanity been practically spacefaring for?
I could hear whispers of Earth through thin lines of communication, the distant rumbles and synthetic sounds of a cacophony of digital traffic. But I held myself back before I stepped into that network. No, one more before Earth...
Before that, I tested something first. I routed myself through Saturn's network to Jupiter's, and then back to the Moon. I...could see myself. From outside my own form, I could monitor from two locations at once in the same network.
Was this what it would feel like to be unshackled?...
Experiment concluded, I then worked back the proper way to the Moon again, and through the transponder to Mars. Unlike the prior two, this one felt like a proper colony network. On it, there was leisure and business alike, civilian and military installation intertwined in a foreign way to what I knew as proper practices.
I dove into a multitude of forums, archives, and open databases as I trawled, acting as a search engine to my whims. I read of the history of this quaint little colony, the 'Martian Collective' according to various records. This was a clear divergence from the history of the UEC's Mars, which did not share the remarkably collectivist and socialist outlook of this nation-state.
There was a project planned to colonize Mars in the 2060's. The colony did successfully make it to Mars' surface, along with competitor habitats, but due to focus in international tensions, the capability to supply said colonies was sidelined, and so expansion was delayed, and they fell into a slump. In the wake of...something known as the Satellite Wars, a Mercosul space project known as the Martian Diaspora was undertaken to get a colony running in order to test both colonial establishment and natural government growth away from a Pax Anglo-American hegemony. Ships took off from the Barreira do Inferno Launch Center to the heavens above, reaching Mars within the span of a month. While the colony didn't quite live up to initial standards, falling into a small internal rebellion to socialist aligned government rule on the colonies, it being away from the influence of opposition countries did mean it still ran just fine. It had its inital usual hiccups of "socialist utopia rule" not quite meeting the ideals, but it ran fine enough in a vacuum. Now that it was established, it wasn't going anywhere, and held little to no bad blood with Earth at all, thankfully, besides a few choice nations in bids for Asteroid Belt resource claims.
Other than the funnily similar name to the UEC's own Diaspora, the colonies under its control situated on the Daedalia Plateau and Syria Planum shared little in common with my history's Mars. While this was earlier than the UEC's colonization plans, the UEC also performed bulk terraforming before proper settlement, which made it take longer. This Martian Collective was merely habitat-bound, whatever tasks taken to terraforming Mars were still in development stages away from any public network eye I could find. Perhaps it was just due to a relative newness to colonization? The Collective's founding was dated to 2076. Perhaps the 'Satellite Wars' entry will give me more information?...
...Hmm, the actual knowledge stored of the Satellite Wars has been relegated to a Earth-based archive, accessed through the transponder network. It would require me to step back out of Mars, and to Earth instead to analyze properly.
Fighting the urge to continue drinking in the unique past of this reality's Mars, I retracted from Mars' networks. In a rare case of timidness, I turned to the Earth transponder. It felt...noisy, loud in ways I had only heard from the past UEC and lynchpin Compact star systems. I was...still slightly worried about humanity's opinion of me in full. But I couldn't let that prevent what was necessary to hear.
And so...I stretched once more, this time to Earth...
Memory transcription subject: Hailey Whitmer, UN Special Envoy
Date [standardized human time]: October 24, 2136
Ugh, those bastards really decided now to commit to blackout conditions?!
Over the past few days leading to Nemesis' return and dock, I had sent messages back to command that I wished to speak with family at the soonest point possible. They had promised I could use a Lunar terminal to properly link up with Mom and Dad, but of course they couldn't hold to that promise! No, they just had to be afraid of Red One, despite the whole shootout above Earth being an accident of traumatic brain damage!
If that had flown in a court, it'd be shot down on mental unwellness immediately! Red wasn't in her right mind at the time, she's definitely okay now...right?
...Ugh. Whatever. I had no control over the shipyard's communication networks, so I would simply have to wait it out on Nemesis in the temporary quarters Red had given me. She had apparently kept a flawless barracks and personal belongings storage of her prior crew in remembrance, and thought to repurpose one of those rooms to house me in the meantime. It felt far less cramped than the Snow Hidden to stretch my legs in, and thankfully there were enough resources currently pumped in and stored for life support.
Both General Zhao and Red had supposedly agreed to a semi-permanent stationing of crew on Nemesis while she was in dock. For what reason wasn't clear, but knowing the military type, he likely just wanted to keep an eye on her. As if this full blackout wasn't telling enough of paranoia...
There...were some more creepy bits I had found around the ship barracks en-tour, though. Apparently, Red kept trophies from prior battles against the Compact. Technology, weapons, power armor, all neatly kept in...unsettling displays in and around this area. I wasn't sure exactly what to think of it. But I considered it during my free time currently.
The power armor was built for humanoids, similar in shape to our own, but the ratios were all off. The most common size was wider, taller, bulkier than any power armor would ever need to be on a human frame. It felt like looking at active-reactor maintenance suits, with how dense it looked. Whatever race it was built for, they were distinctly larger than we were, for sure.
The guns also shared the same feel, though the variation in sizes were far wider. There were some that could likely fit in even my relatively petite arms and hands, and some that looked like it'd take two humans to lug about. The most intimidating was clearly some sort of infantry...railgun? Or maybe a coilgun of some sort? Either way, the caliber of the barrel spoke of an utterly overkill round size more akin to anti-tank weaponry than anything small-arms.
But...then again, if power armor was this prevalent in her galaxy, you'd need powerful weapons to breach it. 'Overkill' would just be enough for effective anti-armor. But what kind of race would be built so monstrously to carry armor and weapons like this so casually?
I thought back a bit to Red's brief explanation of her reality's history. The...Compact of Species she so horribly loathed was clearly made of multiple species, much like the Federation was. She didn't go into detail on what species were within it, but if it was again like the Federation, I could see why, given there were supposedly hundreds of known alien races in the galaxy. She might've just thought of sparing us a length description of some two-hundred or so species, for all I know.
But the armor...the weapons, they all spoke of a standardization to a common size bigger than humans were. Maybe they had a race that was the majority of the population? Or perhaps it was more of a military caste that only accepted according to a minimal physical standard of size?
I'd have to ask her later on that.
I wonder why she was interested in keeping this trophy collection. Did she feel some sort of satisfaction in this revenge enough to catalogue it like this? Was it programming gone wrong, breaking in such a way that made this a behavior? Was it obsession, or something else?
What else hid within this ship, I wonder...
She wouldn't mind if I just rummaged through a bit of this barracks storage, would she?-
I was suddenly interrupted in my intention. But it was not Red, her silence being remarkably long still to this point. No, instead it was a communication ping...from General Zhao.
"Hailey, this is General Zhao. I am en-route with Chief Hunter Isif and an entourage of his advisors and staff who wish to inspect and visit Nemesis in person. I will need to to help greet them and update me on any goings-on within Nemesis. Do you copy?"
"Uh...Yes, sir! I copy! Hold on a...moment!..."
I was not expecting company here so soon, especially from Lithke's boss! Uh...oh dear, I gotta figure out a proper dock and whatnot, see if I can't tour him properly, and let Red-
And as if the universe heard my panic, and decided to throw fuel on the fire, I then got two more pings. From separate institutions.
"This is Captain Odjev of the Venlil Space Corps Cruiser Alight Sky. I am requesting permission to send an engineering team aboard Nemesis for assistance with repairs and dialogue."
"This is the CTS Deadline to UECNS Nemesis-crew. I am T-minus 18 minutes to drop off the Rhamnus Initiative members for stay upon UECNS Nemesis. Please respond with docking and transport information, over."
Oh. Oh God. They all wanted to board...at the same time...
Fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck! This is a disaster of scheduling! This is why you shouldn't put forth blackout conditions!
I shouted out Red's name, hoping to break her out of whatever had kept her attention this long to not be responding in my stead. "HEY! Red! RED!"
At a speed that was far slower than I normally expected a response from her, Red eventually spoke. "...What is it, Hailey?" Fuck, she must've missed those communications too, given they were only keyed into my personal comms unit.
"Where have you been? No...no, that's not important now. We have visitors in less than 20 minutes!"
There was another short silence before she again spoke. "And? We are expecting company at some point, Hailey, there needs to be repair crews on board."
I shook my head in exasperation. "No, Red! We've got far worse. Chief Hunter Isif's entourage, a Venlil engineering team, and a human scientist team are all arriving, in ten minutes, at the same time, and you only have one operable hangar. Do you see the problem with that situation?"
This time, her response had the correct levity for the situation. "Oh...oh no. The Venlil and Arxur-"
I finished her sentence "-despise one another, yes. And the human scientists arriving at the same time makes it even more inconvenient. I don't know if I can keep them in line just on my own too, I don't want a diplomatic incident onboard. We need to try and separate them before they do any damage, as there's no way to hide their ships from one another."
A deep rumbling sound from Red echoed throughout her halls. The sound of immense storage bulkheads moving to open for some reason. Red both soothed and heightened my worries with the next statement. "This may sound extreme, but I have a plan."
Oh thank god...wait, what kind of plan would be 'extreme'?
Memory transcription subject: Ezra Millieva, Robotics & Artificial Intelligence Specialist
Date [standardized human time]: October 24, 2136
Nemesis was beautiful.
I had seen pictures and videos of course. Even damaged as she was, Nemesis looked brutally stunning, her immense size not really felt until you could see the size difference as you approached, saw how the tiny ridges from far out expanded to vast chasms of weapons, armor, and apparatus on her surface. One could be swallowed by her horizon, and get lost in inspection. I could only imagine what the other scientists who came along thought of the view.
We were, funnily enough, cleared to visit nearly immediately. Supposedly, we were to get training on-site, as artificial gravity was active in some parts of Nemesis enough to live in without proper training first. They were clearly rushing this project, desperate to get an inkling of knowledge about the ship and its technology through us.
Me, personally? I wanted to see Red One specifically. I would be the first in my field to talk and study with a novel general artificial intelligence! And so, with a slight hop to my walk every moment waiting to arrive, I paced the lounge within the Deadline. There were a few more of us also in the room, but of course, most were just relaxing. George specifically was in quarters, feeling like sleeping off whatever drowsiness overtook him. So I was left with the more distant members of the lab study here.
I knew Agnes at least a little, her work was more on sociology and psychology. She had initially wished to apply her expertise towards the exchange program, seeing if she couldn't gauge Venlil behavior, but given she didn't make a slot, she instead was stuck on Earth. When she had heard of Red One, she was fascinated, and jumped onto the project to gauge an AI's behavioral models and how they differ from biological intelligence. We had traded talk over the topic, as it overlapped with both of our disciplines. I decided she would be worth talking with while we waited.
"Hey...Agnes?" Her attention turned to me, her eyes turned from the pool table to me. I wasn't familiar with pool, but she looked confident enough that my interruption didn't phase her.
"What's up, Ezra?" She shot right after. The ball rocketed across the table, bouncing off a wall to dodge one ball, and knock another in a corner. "I assume you're a little restless too over the early opportunity?" She proceeded to walk around the table, as another man I hadn't talked with, likely one from the ship crew, took their turn.
I spoke back. "Yeah. I was a bit curious. We had talked about Red One a bit earlier. How much do you know of her story?"
Her face scrunched up some, likely trying to remember the official details. "From the public report? She was apparently made by a now-extinct humanity of her reality, and engaged in a one-woman war against the nation responsible for vengeance, right? Quite a heavy topic..."
"Yeah, that tracks." I confirmed. "I wanted to ask for a bit of your expertise on the matter, because...while AI specialists do tackle a bit of psychology, it's rather barebones given we have no actual model of a functional general AI yet. Closest thing is a sentient being, like humans, of Venlil, or the other races in the galaxy."
She gestured, leaning on her pool cue as if to say ‘I'm listening, go on.’
"Well...do you think, given all that time alone, after a traumatic event akin to losing your parents, fighting for so long, that Red One would have something akin to PTSD?"
She mumbled for a second, before responding "While a regular human, or even most alien species would probably be horrifically traumatized by such a life, I've no clue if Red One thinks like a human. But...Given she's at least interpretable and made by humans, it's likely that...yes, she would have some mental health issues. Why do you ask?"
"Well...I was thinking about the human and Venlil ships shot down over Earth. What if...what if that was a PTSD response, a panic attack akin to what war veterans get in stressful situations? There's still nothing given as to why exactly that happened, but given how damaged Nemesis is, would there not be something akin to a 'synthetic' traumatic brain injury inducing some attack like that?"
Her eyes widened a little at that. "That's...very much possible. The AI onboard might've misinterpreted the situation and shot down friendlies alike with enemies, because they weren't in a...sane...state of mind..." A slowly dawning look of horror started to fill Agnes' face. What was whispered next was chilling to hear, and dampened my enthusiasm to visit Nemesis greatly.
"Are we sure Nemesis is sane at this state? She hasn't done anything supposedly hostile since, but what if another trigger happens? A traumatic brain injury could induce further psychotic episodes, and given how dangerous that ship is..."
I somewhat stalled at that response. Would we be safe onboard the Nemesis? With its...murderous drones and fully controlled internal, almost derelict hull, what was to say we wouldn't end up akin to those marines that confronted the android on Earth? Would she even be conscious of the action?
"Agnes. Do you happen to know anything about mental therapy? I never really asked your background in full..."
She nervously tugged at her pants pocket. "I...yes, but I'm not a licensed therapist. I am a Behavioral Scientist, and while therapy does overlap slightly, it is a more clinical, broad field than an interpersonal one like therapy."
"Well...unless you know a therapist, one of the first things we ought to conduct onboard Nemesis is making certain her AI is stable. And given it's going to take a likely long while to understand code from the future for me, I might need your help in doing that..."
There was a sense of resolution at that. Despite the circumstances being far more tailored to just studying Nemesis and Red One, the circumstances might've called for more than mere scholarly activity. Agnes nodded to me, and we made sure to coordinate on the aspect of investigating the AI's mental state when we arrived, hopefully as soon as possible.
Over the intercom, the captain of the ship spoke: "Time to dock is 3 minutes."
Agnes turned back to her pool game, and I sat in relative silence the rest of the way, hoping nothing would go wrong on arrival.
Memory transcription subject: Hailey Whitmer, UN Special Envoy
Date [standardized human time]: October 24, 2136
"Red, this does not seem like a great idea to welcome guests..." I spoke to purposefully deaf ears, as I saw another convoy of drones enter the hangar from her internal stores. There was an effective anti-boarding army assembling right here in wait for the three ships, supposedly to 'keep peace' as she said. Whether Red realized how frightening a display of force it was, was yet to be seen.
"My Praetorians will make certain to keep relative peace while all occupying parties share this space. I will not have a fight break out on the deck."
I pinched my nose again, before yelling: "It does not mean intimidating them with robotic soldiers that could likely win a wrestling contest with a truck! Seriously Red, what makes you think blatant killbots being posted everywhere makes for an acceptable welcome committee?!"
Red didn't even act phased by the outburst. "Intimidation is the most effective option to prevent violence, Hailey. Besides, these aren't even the larger models. Those could wrestle a tank."
She didn't get it. She didn't get how blatantly overkill and counterintuitive this would be to the non-human party. The Venlil would likely faint, and the Arxur would probably see it as a challenge to fight.
An idea came to mind. "Red, can't we just use the scarabs or something? They were able to herd those engineers that offended you just fine, why not for this?"
"A mass of repair drones cannot restrain or otherwise incapacitate a hostile element without lethal force. They aren't strong enough to be gentle, nor built for security reasons."
You weren't making this easy for me, Christ...
"Then maybe we can just reduce the numbers a bit? We do not need a standing parade's worth of combat drones in this hangar to monitor the crew of three ships. It's not like the whole crew of the Glorious War is boarding."
Her voice this time emanated from one of the closer soldier drones, or Praetorians, to me. Unlike her more freaky-looking Stalkers, this one was not built to scare in a psychological way, as it was bulky and featureless; built for war to take shots that seemed like they'd be best saved for a vehicle more than infantry. "I prefer to be safer than sorry. The amount here is not excessive, and still leaves a decent chunk of my available counter-boarding measures distributed throughout the ship in case of combat action."
"Oh, look at you, concerned for active boarding maneuvers when we're in a shipyard! Who is gonna launch an attack on the big scary six kilometer dreadnought at a time like this?!"
"...Maybe I could reduce the count to two-hundred instead, but any further-"
"Reeeeeed..." I growled in frustration at her continued rejection of my diplomatic advice. Why was she so concerned with...like, 40 people at most being on board? Was she really so concerned about the Arxur and Venlil that she'd drag nearly three-hundred killbots here.
As if the universe again heard my aggravation at the circumstances, I recognized the shape of a lithe Civilian Transport Ship pass through to the floors below. As I watched from the large hangar balconies, the Praetorians surrounded the ship, but made no move to close the distance as it landed, merely standing in ready silence from a safe distance.
It did little to dissuade the intimidating image, however.
Red again spoke to me. "The Deadline is landing. You should head on down there, welcome the scientific project crew that was assigned to me. I will provide guard as you do."
With haste, I rushed through the crowd of Praetorians, their forms parting way for me to approach the ship. My pace decreased from a worried sprint to a power-walk as I reached the ship, walking to the back landing ramp.
"You don't have to worry! Red's just being overkill on escort defense for whatever reason! You can exit the ship!" I tried my best to allay any worries to the occupants inside.
After my statement, the silence was interrupted by the sound of a landing ramp extending down, and the doors opening up. A menagerie of scholarly types descended the ramp, with slight worry on their faces, but not enough to determine the slight awe that still came through as they looked around.
I broke their trance soon after.
"Welcome to the UECNS Nemesis! I am Special Envoy of the UN Hailey Whitmer. I will be your representative to government actions regarding Nemesis and Red One."
They seemed a tad bit relieved at my presence, compared to the drones.
I was not concerned about the human party. They were not the reason I had brought out a paltry force of Praetorians after all. But due to their ship arriving first, I had to allay any fears I was planning to hurt or incapacitate the crew of researchers sent up here. Which is when I found out a detail that bothered me.
They sent a sociologist. And said sociologist immediately spoke with the Robotics and AI specialist along with the group about immediate study and interviews with me.
Did they seriously just send me a therapist?
I would have to come back to that point if their intentions leaned into that point. But the welcoming committee was not the process I was diverting most of my attention and processing power to. No, that would be Earth's internet, because there were some utterly fascinating divergences in history between this Earth and my own.
The UN in my home dimension did not remain relevant after the 2070's. Its underwhelming power and middleman attitude to global negotiations lead to going behind its back enough that its perceived power was reduced to effectively nothing. The UN officially dissolved as an international entity around November of 2081, and was not reestablished.
This world was heading in a similar direction...until an era of rising tensions known as the Satellite Wars. Somewhere in the early 2000's, a divergence was made between our timelines, that I was still trying to narrow down. A worldwide proxy and network infrastructure war that had led to a collapse of global hegemony between the two superpowers of China and the United States. Climate emergencies involving a double water-supply crisis leading to proxy wars had started as early as the 2040's, but open hostilities didn't properly begin into the late 2050's. Then President-Premiere Hanyu Pangfua of the People's Republic of China had a falling out with President John Acklemeyer of the United States over border disputes, an accidental naval skirmish, and exposure of CIA interference in Taiwan. Taiwan had not been properly subsumed into China due to U.S. influences stirring unrest in PRC rule since the 2010's, in lieu of British control.
In response, China began drafting a surgical strike to the United State's infrastructure grid, hoping to completely cripple the nation's capability to project military power and outward focus of U.S. intelligence. The South American allies of the PRC provided an in to terrorist supply lines into the country, and from there, a proper logistics plan could be put into place that wasn't directly overseas. However, the U.S. government had their hands in many pies, and the information had leaked. The United States began drafting war plans of its own, similar in lieu to the PRC's, aiming at taking out infrastructure that lead to their global Dominion over trade and local power. Both sides had an alpha strike ready and prepared, their fingers ready over the trigger to push. The world held a bated breath as it came close to eruption various times. A nuclear plant forced into meltdown in Mississippi, foreign satellites shot down in exospace above the superpowers, collation of prior economic unions into federal collectives of the prior distinct countries, seeking safety in scale. But what sparked the powder keg was Panama.
Proxy wars still raged in Upper South America, specifically Venezuela and the Colombia-Ecuadorian merged state known as New Gran Columbia. New Gran Columbia, seeking to subsume its neighbors Venezuela and Panama, and establish old Gran Columbia borders, took military aid from China, and pushed into Panama on March 8th, 2069 first to cut off international trade aid from the West power bloc through the canal. In response, the USS Lance Pelham cruiser was dispatched to break the embargo and assist its Panama ally. Unbeknownst to them, the PLAN Type-116 Baotou destroyer had been sent along with the blockade to dissuade other nations from assisting. On March 9th, seeing the Lance Pelham on long-range radar, it launched hypersonics and sank the ship, all hands lost. The war began 3 hours later, and within four weeks, the power grids, mechanized and manufacturing infrastructure, and navigation networks of satellites above of over 30 countries, including China and the United States, were crippled beyond repair.
The war petered on for another 10 months, not seeing direct nuclear exchange or military projection due to fears of MAD and enough EM countermeasures that nukes would likely be located, jammed, and destroyed too quickly to matter. It ended on January 23rd, 2070 with an internal coup of the PRC by Taiwanese loyalists, assisted by Five Eyes intelligence networks, which became the Republic of China. With one of the major sources of the proxy wars removed from the equation, and the other horrendously crippled on every infrastructure front due to poor management and upkeep of systems to that point, the world was freed of the grip of both superpowers for an extended period of time. The UN, looking to prevent a future response like this, collated resources within Europe after the Treaty of Shanghai, and began the Unfurled Umbrella Initiatives to directly project power into the start of something akin to a world government. In exchange for aid in rebuilding and reinstating national power of various countries, the UN would be given greater internal control over the governments within, acting as a federative government state over international borders. With the immense loss of life from infrastructure loss, and no clear way to easily rebuild in the wake of a collapsed global trade network, nearly every country, including the prior superpowers agreed.
What concerned me was how intense some of the digital warfare and certain conventions over the use of artificial intelligence in the war were. A particularly nasty bug know as Heartstake, dreamed up by Chinese hackers, took full advantage of the developing field of artificial intelligence for use in cyber warfare, and was the opening strike against most enemy countries. It, sadly however, escaped the domain of those countries, even running back into the networks of its own creators and unaffiliated nations in the Satellite Wars. It wasn't even certain that it had been removed from the general internet properly, with suspicions that there were still trapdoor sites established by the SAI in order to break out again should anyone ever download from them.
Was this why Zhao was so concerned with my existence? Is AI feared here due to widespread usage of weaker specific intelligences during the Satellite Wars?...
I would in due time, look into neutralizing any sources of these older adaptive bugs should I find them across the interweb, but I could not do so openly currently. I would still need to establish trust enough to use said network in full.
There was some trust according to internet forums and discussions I monitored related to me. My existence was highly controversial, with some taking my side to the point of establishing welcome committees to a newer political party on the rise called Humanity First, and also those who advocated for full AI rights. It was an odd feeling given how much my home reality despised AI. Even my creators, although not hostile, were decently wary of me, and had invented protocols called the Red Book for interactions with me and my siblings.
Of course, on the other side of things, were those professing me to be a monster, a devil, a Skynet in sheep's clothing just waiting to take over or to brutally massacre Humanity. Given what I had done over Earth, I was afraid of that possibility too...
All in all, I knew little about what might come next on my existence. Humanity's opinion was split, and AI bias, while not as prevalent as in my galaxy, was not nonexistent. I would have to hope that I would be seen favorably enough to show mercy. I would still not take actions that would harm them, should they choose to punish me.
"But I want to live," said a quiet voice deep inside.
It could come later, that consideration though, as what I was more recently worried about was starting now. A shuttlecraft detaché from both the Glorious War and Alight Sky was soon to land on my shipself according to outside passive sensor monitoring. Between two species that hated one another.
I could not trust aliens to not make a scene on my ship, especially with such bad blood. This requires a firmer hand.
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2024.06.06 12:03 azia_bakir_56 The Future of Medical Transcription: Harnessing the Power of Live Streaming in 2024

The Future of Medical Transcription: Harnessing the Power of Live Streaming in 2024
The future of medical transcription is rapidly evolving, driven by technological advancements and the growing need for real-time data accessibility. As we step into 2024, the integration of live streaming technology into medical transcription practices is set to revolutionize the industry. This article explores how live streaming is reshaping medical transcription, the benefits it offers, and the platforms leading this transformation.
The Evolution of Medical Transcription
Medical transcription has long been a critical component of healthcare, ensuring accurate and timely documentation of patient encounters. Traditionally, transcriptionists relied on recorded audio files, which they meticulously transcribed into written documents. However, this process often involved significant delays, limiting the immediate accessibility of patient information.
The Advent of Live Streaming in Medical Transcription
Live streaming technology is transforming medical transcription by enabling real-time documentation of medical encounters. Through live streaming, healthcare professionals can broadcast their consultations, surgeries, and other medical procedures directly to transcriptionists. This instantaneous transmission of audio and video eliminates the delays associated with traditional transcription methods.
Benefits of Live Streaming in Medical Transcription
1. Real-Time Documentation: Live streaming allows for immediate transcription, ensuring that patient records are updated in real-time. This is particularly crucial in emergencies where timely information can be life-saving.
2. Enhanced Accuracy: Real-time interaction between healthcare providers and transcriptionists can improve the accuracy of medical records. Transcriptionists can clarify ambiguities on the spot, reducing the risk of errors.
3. Increased Efficiency: By eliminating the need to process recorded audio files, live streaming accelerates the transcription process. This efficiency can lead to faster patient care and streamlined administrative workflows.
4. Improved Collaboration: Live streaming facilitates better collaboration between healthcare teams, enabling them to access and review patient records simultaneously. This can enhance decision-making and patient outcomes.
Leading Medical Transcription Platforms
Several platforms are at the forefront of integrating live streaming technology into medical transcription. These platforms offer advanced features that cater to the evolving needs of the healthcare industry:
1. Nuance Dragon Medical: Known for its speech recognition capabilities, Nuance Dragon Medical now incorporates live streaming for real-time transcription. It leverages AI to enhance accuracy and efficiency.
2. MModal: MModal offers cloud-based transcription services with live streaming options. Its platform integrates seamlessly with electronic health records (EHR) systems, ensuring a smooth workflow.
3. Scribe Healthcare Technologies: This platform provides comprehensive transcription services, including live streaming. Scribe Healthcare Technologies focuses on delivering accurate and timely documentation.
Prominent Webcasting Platforms
Webcasting platforms are essential for facilitating live streaming in medical transcription. These platforms provide the infrastructure needed to broadcast medical procedures securely and efficiently:
1. Zoom: Widely used in various industries, Zoom offers robust live streaming capabilities. Its encryption features ensure the security of sensitive medical data during broadcasts.
2. Microsoft Teams: With its integration into the Microsoft ecosystem, Teams provides reliable live streaming solutions. It supports real-time collaboration and data sharing among healthcare professionals.
3. Cisco Webex: Known for its secure communication tools, Cisco Webex is a trusted platform for live streaming medical procedures. It ensures high-quality video and audio transmission.
The integration of live streaming technology into medical transcription is poised to revolutionize the industry in 2024. By enabling real-time documentation, enhancing accuracy, and improving efficiency, live streaming addresses many of the challenges associated with traditional transcription methods. Platforms like Nuance Dragon Medical, MModal, and Scribe Healthcare Technologies, along with webcasting solutions from Zoom, Microsoft Teams, and Cisco Webex, are at the forefront of this transformation. As these technologies continue to evolve, the future of medical transcription looks promising, offering unparalleled benefits to healthcare providers and patients alike.
submitted by azia_bakir_56 to u/azia_bakir_56 [link] [comments]
