Soal reading teks bahasa inggris

VB PHP Delphi program studi pendidikan bahasa Inggris

2024.06.09 09:20 Hakunamatatalamalama VB PHP Delphi program studi pendidikan bahasa Inggris

submitted by Hakunamatatalamalama to rdatadaoIndonesia [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 05:27 MonkyZtuvlue-824 I need help with tek armor engrams.

I need help with tek armor engrams.
I made a single player ark ascended survivor on the island and progressed through it like usual until I beat the broodmother on alpha, I got the normal tek engrams but not for the tel armor. I thought that I would get the engram for any of the tek armor after I beat the mesopithecus, so I beat the it on alpha but I didn’t get any tek armor engrams and I knew that I would definitely get at least one armor engram from it but I only got the other ones, by then I knew something was up so I asked my friend and he said that it had happened to him but but that they fixed it, I stopped playing ark for like 2 weeks and when I got back on I still didn’t get the engrams. I was really annoyed but I continued playing and beat the dragon on alpha but still didn’t get the tel engrams for the armor. I even used the command to unlock all engrams but even still I couldn’t find it on the tek replicator. I ascended and I had every engrams except the tek armor and the tek binoculars. (Idc about the binoculars) I went back to the island and used the transmitter to transfer my dinos my stuff and myself to SE so I did that, I logged off next to the obelisk on SE and made sure to save the game. When I got on I tried going in to SE to start playing but it put me on the create a survivor page, I checked the download survivors but my survivor wasn’t there, so I thought it might still be on the island so I checked and he wasn’t there, its like my character disappeared, I made a new survivor and went on scorched earth, my uploaded dinos and items where still there but I wasn’t. After that I just quit on that world and made a new character. This time I spawned in and went to creative, I made myself a small base with the stuff I had in my other world. The same thing happened, i’m in creative and I put on some tek armor and spawned in element, I charged the armor but it said that the engram is required. I could put it on but I couldn’t use the jet pack, the super punch thing that you can do with the gauntlets. I tried deleting the single player save and using the giveengrams command but I still can’t use the tek armor. PLEASE HELP ME
If you don’t wanna read all that here is a shorter version thats made with AI
I played Ark: Ascended on The Island and beat the Broodmother and Megapithecus on Alpha but didn't get any Tek Armor engrams. I tried using commands to unlock all engrams, but still couldn’t find Tek Armor on the replicator. After ascending and transferring my character and items to Scorched Earth, my survivor disappeared, leaving my dinos and items behind. I made a new save and started all over again without anything. I created a new character, went into creative mode, and spawned Tek Armor, but I couldn't use its features. Deleting the save and using commands on another save didn't help. What should I do?
I attached some pictures to help with this case
submitted by MonkyZtuvlue-824 to ARK [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 03:36 fergewzen Akan kerja di luar negeri, apa aja yang perlu disiapin ya?

Halo komodos! gw tau disini banyak orang indonesia yang kerja/tinggal di luar negeri, nah gw (sendirian) dalam beberapa bulan bakal ke luar negeri (dengan 4 musim, gak berbahasa inggris) untuk kerja dan tinggal juga nih, tapi gw juga ada rencana bakal balik lagi tinggal di indonesia suatu saat (bisa jadi cuma 5 tahun di luar negerinya, terus balik). Nah gw ada beberapa pertanyaan (mungkin beberapa pertanyaan bodoh juga):
  1. nomor telepon/sim card yang di indonesia tetap dipasang kah? atau dikasihkan ke keluarga kah? atau dibiarkan nomornya hangus? (nomor ini kepake untuk banyak OTP dan untuk restore password berbagai akun)
  2. rencana pengen bawa PC, tapi PC itu berat banget (rencana bakal cuma bawa mobo, cpu, ram, memory, gpu, terus ditaruh di koper bagasi, gaakan disangka bom kan ya?), ada saran?
  3. surat2/dokumen2 asli penting, seperti KTP, ijazah, KK, SIM, etc. perlu dibawa kah? denger2 sekarang bea cukai ngeharusin kita selalu nyimpen struk/invoice pembelian barang yang nantinya akan dibawa ke indonesia, ini berarti untuk setiap barang yang dibeli di luar negeri dan dibawa ke indonesia, kita harus nyimpen struk/invoicenya gitu?
  4. untuk pakaian yang dibawa, idealnya bawa berapa pasang ya?
  5. karena belum digaji, tapi harus udah ke luar negeri duluan, gw perlu tuker IDR ke mata uang negara tujuan segimana ya? (misal yg penting nutupin biaya hidup sebulan, atau mungkin perlu lebih)
  6. adakah barang2 yang better untuk dibeli di indo? (mungkin bisa lebih murah, misal, jaket winter, sepatu winter, HP, payung, etc.)
  7. bahasa lokal negara tujuan harus sejago apa? di tempat kerja bakal full inggris, tapi di negara itu kebanyakan orang gabisa bahasa inggris, nah kira2 untuk bahasa lokalnya perlu belajar sampe segimana ya?
  8. barang2 yang wajib dibawa apa ya? yang gw pikir sangat wajib itu passport aja, ada yang lain gak ya?
Kalo punya jawaban hanya untuk beberapa pertanyaan juga ga masalah, kalo ada tips/trick juga boleh dong dikasih tau hehe. Makasih sebelumnya.
submitted by fergewzen to indonesia [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 02:42 dailySuttaBot MN 98 Vāseṭṭhasutta: With Vāseṭṭha

MN 98 Vāseṭṭhasutta: With Vāseṭṭha
[Note: Today’s selection is very long, but it contains a radical teaching: that what matters most is the actions that we do, not the position we are born into.]
So I have heard. At one time the Buddha was staying in a forest near Icchānaṅgala.
Now at that time several very well-known well-to-do brahmins were residing in Icchānaṅgala. They included the brahmins Caṅkī, Tārukkha, Pokkharasādi, Jānussoṇi, Todeyya, and others.
Then as the brahmin students Vāseṭṭha and Bhāradvāja were going for a walk they began to discuss the question: “How do you become a brahmin?”
Bhāradvāja said this: “When you’re well born on both your mother’s and father’s side, of pure descent, with irrefutable and impeccable genealogy back to the seventh paternal generation— then you’re a brahmin.”
Vāseṭṭha said this: “When you’re ethical and accomplished in doing your duties— then you’re a brahmin.”
But neither was able to persuade the other.
So Vāseṭṭha said to Bhāradvāja, “Mister Bhāradvāja, the ascetic Gotama—a Sakyan, gone forth from a Sakyan family—is staying in a forest near Icchānaṅgala. He has this good reputation: ‘That Blessed One is perfected, a fully awakened Buddha, accomplished in knowledge and conduct, holy, knower of the world, supreme guide for those who wish to train, teacher of gods and humans, awakened, blessed.’ Come, let’s go to see him and ask him about this matter. As he answers, so we’ll remember it.”
“Yes, sir,” replied Bhāradvāja.
So they went to the Buddha and exchanged greetings with him. When the greetings and polite conversation were over, they sat down to one side, and Vāseṭṭha addressed the Buddha in verse:
“We’re both authorized masters
of the three Vedas.
I’m a student of Pokkharasādi,
and he of Tārukkha.
We’re fully qualified
in all the Vedic experts teach.
As philologists and grammarians,
we match our teachers in recitation.
We have a dispute
regarding genealogy.
For Bhāradvāja says that
one is a brahmin due to birth,
but I declare it’s because of one’s deeds.
Oh Clear-eyed One, know this as our debate.
Since neither of us was able
to convince the other,
we’ve come to ask you, sir,
renowned as the awakened one.
As people honor with joined palms
the moon on the cusp of waxing,
bowing, they revere
Gotama in the world.
We ask this of Gotama,
the Eye arisen in the world:
is one a brahmin due to birth,
or else because of deeds?
We don’t know, please tell us,
so we can recognize a brahmin.”
“I shall explain to you,” said the Buddha,
“accurately and in sequence,
the taxonomy of living creatures,
for species are indeed diverse.
Know the grass and trees,
though they lack self-awareness.
They’re defined by birth,
for species are indeed diverse.
Next there are bugs and moths,
and so on, to ants and termites.
They’re defined by birth,
for species are indeed diverse.
Know the quadrupeds, too,
both small and large.
They’re defined by birth,
for species are indeed diverse.
Know, too, the long-backed snakes,
crawling on their bellies.
They’re defined by birth,
for species are indeed diverse.
Next know the fish,
whose habitat is the water.
They’re defined by birth,
for species are indeed diverse.
Next know the birds,
winged chariots in flight.
They’re defined by birth,
for species are indeed diverse.
While the differences between these species
are defined by birth,
the differences between humans
are not defined by birth.
Not by hair nor by head,
not by ear nor by eye,
not by mouth nor by nose,
not by lips nor by eyebrow,
not by shoulder nor by neck,
not by belly nor by back,
not by buttocks nor by breast,
not by groin nor by genitals,
not by hands nor by feet,
not by fingers nor by nails,
not by knees nor by thighs,
not by color nor by voice:
none of these are defined by birth
as it is for other species.
In individual human bodies
you can’t find such distinctions.
The distinctions among humans
are spoken of by convention.
Anyone among humans
who lives off keeping cattle:
know them, Vāseṭṭha,
as a farmer, not a brahmin.
Anyone among humans
who lives off various professions:
know them, Vāseṭṭha,
as a professional, not a brahmin.
Anyone among humans
who lives off trade:
know them, Vāseṭṭha,
as a trader, not a brahmin.
Anyone among humans
who lives off serving others:
know them, Vāseṭṭha,
as a servant, not a brahmin.
Anyone among humans
who lives off stealing:
know them, Vāseṭṭha,
as a bandit, not a brahmin.
Anyone among humans
who lives off archery:
know them, Vāseṭṭha,
as a soldier, not a brahmin.
Anyone among humans
who lives off priesthood:
know them, Vāseṭṭha,
as a sacrificer, not a brahmin.
Anyone among humans
who taxes village and nation,
know them, Vāseṭṭha,
as a ruler, not a brahmin.
I don’t call someone a brahmin
after the mother’s womb they’re born from.
If they still have attachments,
they’re just someone who says ‘mister’.
Having nothing, taking nothing:
that’s who I call a brahmin.
Having cut off all fetters
they have no anxiety;
they’ve slipped their chains and are detached:
that’s who I call a brahmin.
They’ve cut the strap and harness,
the reins and bridle too;
with cross-bar lifted, they’re awakened:
that’s who I call a brahmin.
Abuse, killing, caging:
they endure these without anger.
Patience is their powerful army:
that’s who I call a brahmin.
Not irritable or stuck up,
dutiful in precepts and observances,
tamed, bearing their final body:
that’s who I call a brahmin.
Like rain off a lotus leaf,
like a mustard seed off the point of a pin,
sensual pleasures slip off them:
that’s who I call a brahmin.
They understand for themselves
the end of suffering in this life;
with burden put down, detached:
that’s who I call a brahmin.
Deep in wisdom, intelligent,
expert in what is the pathand what is not the path;
arrived at the highest goal:
that’s who I call a brahmin.
mixing with neither
householders nor the homeless;
a migrant with no shelter, few in wishes:
that’s who I call a brahmin.
They’ve laid aside violence
against creatures firm and frail;
not killing or making others kill:
that’s who I call a brahmin.
Not fighting among those who fight,
extinguished among those who are armed,
not taking among those who take:
that’s who I call a brahmin.
They’ve discarded greed and hate,
along with conceit and contempt,
like a mustard seed off the point of a pin:
that’s who I call a brahmin.
The words they utter
are sweet, informative, and true,
and don’t offend anyone:
that’s who I call a brahmin.
They don’t steal anything in the world,
long or short,
fine or coarse, beautiful or ugly:
that’s who I call a brahmin.
They have no hope
for this world or the next;
with no need for hope, detached:
that’s who I call a brahmin.
They have no clinging,
knowledge has freed them of indecision,
they’ve arrived at the culmination of freedom from death:
that’s who I call a brahmin.
They’ve escaped the snare
of both good and bad deeds;
sorrowless, stainless, pure:
that’s who I call a brahmin.
Pure as the spotless moon,
clear and undisturbed,
they’ve ended desire to be reborn:
that’s who I call a brahmin.
They’ve got past this grueling swamp
of delusion, transmigration.
Meditating in stillness, free of indecision,
they have crossed over to the far shore.
They’re extinguished by not grasping:
that’s who I call a brahmin.
They’ve given up sensual stimulations,
and have gone forth from lay life;
they’ve ended rebirth in the sensual realm:
that’s who I call a brahmin.
They’ve given up craving,
and have gone forth from lay life;
they’ve ended craving to be reborn:
that’s who I call a brahmin.
They’ve thrown off the human yoke,
and slipped out of the heavenly yoke;
unyoked from all yokes:
that’s who I call a brahmin.
Giving up discontent and desire,
they’re cooled and free of attachments;
a hero, master of the whole world:
that’s who I call a brahmin.
They know the passing away
and rebirth of all beings;
unattached, holy, awakened:
that’s who I call a brahmin.
Gods, centaurs, and humans
don’t know their destiny;
the perfected ones with defilements ended:
that’s who I call a brahmin.
They have nothing before or after,
or even in between.
Having nothing, taking nothing:
that’s who I call a brahmin.
Leader of the herd, excellent hero,
great seer and victor;
unstirred, washed, awakened:
that’s who I call a brahmin.
They know their past lives,
and see heaven and places of loss,
and have attained the end of rebirth:
that’s who I call a brahmin.
For name and clan are formulated
as mere convention in the world.
Produced by mutual agreement,
they’re formulated for each individual.
For a long time this misconception
has prejudiced those who don’t understand.
Ignorant, they declare
that one is a brahmin by birth.
You’re not a brahmin by birth,
nor by birth a non-brahmin.
You’re a brahmin by your deeds,
and by deeds a non-brahmin.
You’re a farmer by your deeds,
by deeds you’re a professional;
you’re a trader by your deeds,
by deeds are you a servant;
you’re a bandit by your deeds,
by deeds you’re a soldier;
you’re a sacrificer by your deeds,
by deeds you’re a ruler.
In this way the astute regard deeds
in accord with truth.
Seeing dependent origination,
they’re expert in deeds and their results.
Deeds make the world go on,
deeds make people go on;
sentient beings are bound by deeds,
like a moving chariot’s linchpin.
By fervor and spiritual practice,
by restraint and by self-control:
that’s how to become a brahmin,
this is the supreme brahmin.
Accomplished in the three knowledges,
peaceful, with rebirth ended,
know them, Vāseṭṭha,
as Brahmā and Sakka to the wise.”
When he had spoken, Vāseṭṭha and Bhāradvāja said to him, “Excellent, Mister Gotama! Excellent! As if he were righting the overturned, or revealing the hidden, or pointing out the path to the lost, or lighting a lamp in the dark so people with clear eyes can see what’s there, Mister Gotama has made the teaching clear in many ways. We go for refuge to Mister Gotama, to the teaching, and to the mendicant Saṅgha. From this day forth, may Mister Gotama remember us as lay followers who have gone for refuge for life.”
Read this translation of Majjhima Nikāya 98 Vāseṭṭhasutta: With Vāseṭṭha_by Bhikkhu Sujato on Or read a different translation or Or _listen on or Or explore the Pali on
Or read a translation in বাংলা, Deutsch, Español, हिन्दी, Bahasa Indonesia, Italiano, 日本語, မြန်မာဘာသာ, Norsk, Português, Русский, සිංහල, Slovenščina, Srpski, ไทย, Tiếng Việt, or 汉语. Learn how to find your language.
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2024.06.08 18:05 One_Yard_1997 Pesawat terbang

Pesawat terbang ( Bahasa Inggris Amerika ) atau pesawat terbang ( Bahasa Inggris Persemakmuran ), secara informal pesawat , adalah pesawat bersayap tetap yang didorong ke depan dengan daya dorong dari mesin jet , baling-baling) , atau mesin roket . Pesawat terbang hadir dalam berbagai ukuran, bentuk, dan konfigurasi sayap . Spektrum luas kegunaan pesawat terbang mencakup rekreasi , transportasi barang dan orang, militer , dan penelitian . Di seluruh dunia, penerbangan komersial mengangkut lebih dari empat miliar penumpang setiap tahunnya dengan pesawat \1]) dan mengangkut lebih dari 200 miliar ton - kilometer \2]) kargo setiap tahunnya, yang berarti kurang dari 1% pergerakan kargo dunia. \3]) Kebanyakan pesawat terbang diterbangkan oleh seorang pilot di dalam pesawat tersebut, namun ada juga yang dirancang untuk dikendalikan dari jarak jauh atau dikendalikan oleh komputer seperti drone.
submitted by One_Yard_1997 to u/One_Yard_1997 [link] [comments]

2024.06.08 15:18 StefanGagne Ultracite vs. Plasma Arrows

I experimented with ultracite arrows today, to see if they were really worse than plasma arrows as I've read here...
Did a a WestTek run, with my stealth full health build and no extra food buffs, instigating compound bow. I was still 2-3 shotting the mutants with ultracite just as I did with plasma. With the advantage of leaving bodies behind rather than melting them, which was good for my cannibal perk.
So how much worse IS ultracite than plasma? Is it just marginally worse or remarkably worse? Is this just a matter that plasma is better against bosses and in events? (I tend to bring an explosive arrow bow to events anyway for tagging purposes.)
I'm not doubting the wisdom of the bow hunters, I'm just curious how the breakdown works here.
submitted by StefanGagne to Fallout76BowHunters [link] [comments]

2024.06.08 02:42 dailySuttaBot AN 6.57 Chaḷabhijātisutta: The Six Classes of Rebirth

AN 6.57 Chaḷabhijātisutta: The Six Classes of Rebirth
At one time the Buddha was staying near Rājagaha, on the Vulture’s Peak Mountain. Then Venerable Ānanda went up to the Buddha, bowed, sat down to one side, and said to him:
“Sir, Pūraṇa Kassapa describes six classes of rebirth: black, blue, red, yellow, white, and ultimate white.
The black class of rebirth consists of slaughterers of sheep, pigs, poultry, or deer, hunters or fishers, bandits, executioners, butchers of cattle, jailers, and any others with a cruel livelihood.
The blue class of rebirth consists of mendicants whose life is thorny, and any others who teach the efficacy of deeds and action.
The red class of rebirth consists of the Jain ascetics who wear one cloth.
The yellow class of rebirth consists of the lay people dressed in white who are disciples of the naked ascetics.
The white class of rebirth consists of male and female Ājīvaka ascetics.
And the ultimate white class of rebirth consists of Nanda Vaccha, Kisa Saṅkicca, and the bamboo-staffed ascetic Gosāla.
These are the six classes of rebirth that Pūraṇa Kassapa describes.”
“But Ānanda, did the whole world authorize Pūraṇa Kassapa to describe these six classes of rebirth?”
“No, sir.”
“It’s as if they were to force a chop on a poor, penniless person, telling them, “Eat this meat and pay for it!”. In the same way, Pūraṇa Kassapa has described these six classes of rebirth without the consent of those ascetics and brahmins. And he has done so in a foolish, incompetent, unskilled way, lacking common sense.
I, however, also describe six classes of rebirth. Listen and apply your mind well, I will speak.”
“Yes, sir,” Ānanda replied. The Buddha said this:
“And what, Ānanda, are the six classes of rebirth? Someone born into a dark class gives rise to a dark result. Someone born into a dark class gives rise to a bright result. Someone born into a dark class gives rise to extinguishment, which is neither dark nor bright. Someone born into a bright class gives rise to a dark result. Someone born into a bright class gives rise to a bright result. Someone born into a bright class gives rise to extinguishment, which is neither dark nor bright.
And how does someone born into a dark class give rise to a dark result? It’s when someone is reborn in a low family—a family of corpse-workers, bamboo-workers, hunters, chariot-makers, or scavengers—poor, with little to eat or drink, where life is tough, and food and shelter are hard to find. And they’re ugly, unsightly, deformed, sickly—one-eyed, crippled, lame, or half-paralyzed. They don’t get to have food, drink, clothes, and vehicles; garlands, fragrance, and makeup; or bed, house, and lighting. And they do bad things by way of body, speech, and mind. When their body breaks up, after death, they’re reborn in a place of loss, a bad place, the underworld, hell. That’s how someone born into a dark class gives rise to a dark result.
And how does someone born into a dark class give rise to a bright result? It’s when some person is reborn in a low family … But they do good things by way of body, speech, and mind. When their body breaks up, after death, they’re reborn in a good place, a heavenly realm. That’s how someone born into a dark class gives rise to a bright result.
And how does someone born into a dark class give rise to extinguishment, which is neither dark nor bright? It’s when some person is reborn in a low family … They shave off their hair and beard, dress in ocher robes, and go forth from the lay life to homelessness. They give up the five hindrances, corruptions of the heart that weaken wisdom. They firmly establish their mind in the four kinds of mindfulness meditation. They truly develop the seven awakening factors. And then they give rise to extinguishment, which is neither dark nor bright. That’s how someone born in a dark class gives rise to extinguishment, which is neither dark nor bright.
And how does someone born into a bright class give rise to a dark result? It’s when some person is reborn in an eminent family—a well-to-do family of aristocrats, brahmins, or householders—rich, affluent, and wealthy, with lots of gold and silver, lots of property and assets, and lots of money and grain. And they’re attractive, good-looking, lovely, of surpassing beauty. They get to have food, drink, clothes, and vehicles; garlands, fragrance, and makeup; and bed, house, and lighting. But they do bad things by way of body, speech, and mind. When their body breaks up, after death, they’re reborn in a place of loss, a bad place, the underworld, hell. That’s how someone born into a bright class gives rise to a dark result.
And how does someone born into a bright class give rise to a bright result? It’s when some person is reborn in an eminent family … And they do good things by way of body, speech, and mind. When their body breaks up, after death, they’re reborn in a good place, a heavenly realm. That’s how someone born into a bright class give rise to a bright result.
And how does someone born into a bright class give rise to extinguishment, which is neither dark nor bright? It’s when some person is reborn in an eminent family … They shave off their hair and beard, dress in ocher robes, and go forth from the lay life to homelessness. They give up the five hindrances, corruptions of the heart that weaken wisdom. They firmly establish their mind in the four kinds of mindfulness meditation. They truly develop the seven awakening factors. And then they give rise to extinguishment, which is neither dark nor bright. That’s how someone born into a bright class gives rise to extinguishment, which is neither dark nor bright.
These are the six classes of rebirth.”
Read this translation of Aṅguttara Nikāya 6.57 Chaḷabhijātisutta: The Six Classes of Rebirth_by Bhikkhu Sujato on Or _listen on Or explore the Pali on
Or read a translation in Deutsch, বাংলা, Español, Bahasa Indonesia, 日本語, မြန်မာဘာသာ, Русский, සිංහල, ไทย, Tiếng Việt, or 汉语. Learn how to find your language.
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2024.06.08 01:14 justrest13 tutor dapet karma komen cek bawah

submitted by justrest13 to rdatadao [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 22:35 Catfriends_1990 Help. Busting not working

Post on behalf of a CH friend / non redditor
Had tried D3 for years and it did nothing along with the usual pharma route which also did nothing
He had heard of the cluster busters MM protocol and started preventative busting the last year. Unfortunately the preventative busting only seemed to delay his usual cycle by a few months.
The past month the shadows / breakthrough ramped up and he’s been busting every 5 days since. So far he’s probably busted 8 times on higher doses 2.5-3G lemon tek. Unfortunately the break through pain comes back a day later etc. freshness of his medicine isn’t the issue and he definitely feels the bust (the 3G was rather unpleasant and brought up the anxiety and suicide ideation due to being a CH-er I don’t think he can go really higher unless there’s no choice)
Could I ask if anyone would know - does this indicate the medicine isn’t working or waning off. Access to busting alternatives isn’t really viable atm. - how many busts did it take to bust out of a cycle (eg is 8 already too many), does he just keep going - I’ve read from other posters about microdosing in between (but we originally thought it goes against the busting protocol 5 day gap)
Not sure where to go from here, pretty broken up as there was so much hope in this medicine
submitted by Catfriends_1990 to clusterheads [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 19:48 Green_Story_3443 berita

“Wilayah kami menjadi lebih diperebutkan, kurang bisa diprediksi dan kurang aman,” sebut Hipkins saat berpidato dalam China Business Summit di Auckland, pada Senin (17/7) waktu setempat.
“Dan itu menimbulkan tantangan bagi negara-negara kecil seperti Selandia Baru, yang bergantung pada stabilitas dan prediktabilitas aturan internasional untuk kemakmuran dan keamanan kita,” imbuhnya.
Hubungan itu, menurut Hipkins, membutuhkan pengelolaan yang penuh kehati-hatian namun demikian, China tetap menjadi mitra dagang utama bagi Selandia Baru.
Pidato Hipkins itu disampaikan dalam acara tahunan yang digelar kurang dari sebulan setelah dia memimpin misi perdagangan yang sukses ke China — mitra dagang terbesar Selandia Baru. Dalam misi itu, dia menghadapi beberapa kritikan dalam negeri karena dirinya tidak vokal soal hak asasi manusia (HAM) dan masalah-masalah lainnya seperti yang diharapkan beberapa pihak.
“Dalam lingkungan global yang semakin kompleks ini, hubungan kita dengan China akan terus memerlukan pengelolaan yang hati-hati,” ucapnya.
Selandia Baru secara historis mengambil pendekatan yang lebih damai terhadap China, daripada Australia atau mitra keamanan Five Eyes lainnya — yang juga terdiri atas Kanada, Amerika Serikat (AS) dan Inggris.
“Kepentingan dan perhatian yang sama tidak berarti kita akan selalu mengambil pendekatan yang sama. Terkadang ada kekuatan taktis dalam keragaman pendekatan untuk mencapai hasil yang sama,” cetus Hipkins dalam pidatonya.
submitted by Green_Story_3443 to u/Green_Story_3443 [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 19:47 qrex269 Minta panduan dalam bentuk resource/step by step guide/saran buat mulai manage keuangan buat orang yang literasi finansial nya 0?

Halo semua, seperti yg gw post di title, mw minta sara/step by step guide/resource buat mulai memutarkan uang yang diluar pemakaian / bulan.
Benar2 buta dengan dunia finansial kayak saham / reksadana, dari dulu sampai sekarang tau nya ttng finance itu tabung duit sebanyak mungkin dan pakai duit sedikit mungkin. Penghasilan sebulan 45 jt nett, utk kebutuhan pokok per bulan(makan + listrik + internet + kos) itu sekitar 3.5 jt, buat dana kebutuhan tersier nya per bulan nya itu sekitar 3 jt. Nggak perlu biaya transportasi karena tidak punya kendaraan dan WFH. jd total pemakaian rata2 per bulan nya 6.5 jt. sisa dana 38.5 juta.
Total savings so far ada 550 juta sekarang, target akhir tahun minimal 700 juta, cuma ekspektasi gw bisa ada sekitar 750 jt. Rencana sih mw simpan 250 jt di tabungan dan pakai 500 jt nya buat mulai investasi(is this wise btw?)
Rencana mau mulai mencoba memutarkan uang di tahun depan dan mau pakai waktu sisa 6 bulan ini buat coba2 belajar dlu teori2 nya buat ilmu2 finansial(cara mengelola investasi dan pajak and so on, gw kurang jelas sih di bagian sini nya). Weekdays full kerja dari jam 5 pagi sampai malam jam 11 dan hari Sabtu biasa gw ada urusan lain, jadi mw pakai hari Minggu nya buat mulai belajar ttng hal2 finansial dari sekarang(bs spend about 3-6 jam di hari Minggu buat belajar).
Utk profil investasi lebih prefer yg low maintenance. Low risk & low return value gpp krn tujuan nya buat saat ini cuma buat belajar finance dengan cara coba2 dan jg gw gk punya banyak waktu utk nge manage investasi nya. Tujuan investasi nya buat skrg utk nge cover pengeluaran sebulan(gk harus 100% di cover) biar bisa nambah hasil penghasilan yang bisa ditabung. Poin ini open to suggestion, jd jgn sungkan utk rekomen, misal nya lebih baik ke high risk investment krn reason x, y and z.
Buat sekarang tidak ada rencana beli/nyicil kendaraan(jarang dipakai krn jarang keluar) dan rumah(belum ada rencana menetap). Asuransi ada BPJS dan yang diberikan oleh perusaahan tempat saya kerja skrg, jd nggk ada rencana buat tambah asuransi. Tidak ada rencana menikah/berkeluarga di 5 tahun kedepan.
  1. Apakah ada online resource(paid is fine, tp kalau ada yg gratis dan bagus ya yg itu aja wkwk) yang direkomendasikan ttng ilmu2 finance ini, baik ttng general finance dan how to invest, terutama yang nunjukin praktek nya kayak step by step buat beli saham dan reksadana for example? Dan juga resource nya sebaik nya yang relevan dengan keadaan di Indonesia yang sekarang(IE: cara nya setor deposito di bank berbasis Indonesia gimana, cara pindahkan uang dari hasil investasi ke tabungan, cara ngurus pajak nya sesuai peraturan di Indonesia). Sudah baca post ini:, dan no disrespect to OP yg bkin thread nya, tapi kayak nya yang gw lebih perlukan yg ada detailed guide /video contoh nya. Resource nya jg yg bahasa Inggris gpp
  2. Bagaimana cara nya mengetahui kalau platform yang kita pakai buat jual beli saham atau beli reksadana itu dpt dipercaya(buat transaksi keluar masuk for example)? Apakah cukup dengan pakai platform yang diawasi dengan OJK saja?
  3. Dengan situasi & kondisi saya sekarang, apakah ada tips yang bisa diberikan untuk nge manage dana tabungan saya sehingga bisa diputar dan menambah jumlah tabungan?
Buat sekarang itu dlu, kalau ada pertanyaan lebih paling bakal post di comment.
Thank you.
submitted by qrex269 to finansial [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 17:00 DeltaBot Deltas awarded in "CMV: English classes should not be required for all 4 years of high school."

Below is a list of the deltas awarded in this post.
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2024.06.07 11:20 armyreco Indonesia Enhances Technical Skills with QW-3 and QW-19 Missile Training

Indonesia Enhances Technical Skills with QW-3 and QW-19 Missile Training
Colonel Tek Sapta Jengkar Pamuji of the Indonesian Air Force, commander of Maintenance Depot (Depohar) 60, officially inaugurated the technical skills training program for the QW-3 and QW-19 missiles during a ceremony held at Iswahjudi Air Base, Magetan, on Wednesday, May 29, 2024. This event marks a strategic step in enhancing the technical capabilities of TNI AU personnel.
The Qianwei-19 (QW-19) is the latest member of China’s “Qianwei” missile family. (Picture source: Chinese media)
Read full news at this link
submitted by armyreco to WorldDefenseNews [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 07:40 xoxefo3952 Stranger In My Heart (Bahasa Malaysia) by Ruby RA to Read for Free - Romance Stories

Kerana cinta Tia menjadi buta. Syamil mencipta neraka buat Tia sehingga gadis itu terseksa dan menderita. Dalam masa yang sama, Syamil ingin memiliki Fairuz kembali tetapi tidak ingin melepaskan Tia. “Kau boleh bersabar lagi dengan dia, Tia?” - Erin “Apa nak buat, aku dah terlanjur sayang.” - Tia Tia tekad untuk mengundur diri dan memulakan hidup baru di kampung. Di sana, Tia bertemu dengan Attar, lelaki pertama yang pernah bertakhta di hatinya. Syamil tiba-tiba hadir dengan satu permintaan gila. “Cuma awak yang layak untuk mengisi ruang itu, Tia.” - Syamil Mampukah Tia memenuhi permintaan lelaki neraka itu? Adakah cinta Tia dan Attar tidak akan pernah kesampaian, atau sememangya tidak pernah wujud dalam kamus hidup Tia? Read more
submitted by xoxefo3952 to Novelideas [link] [comments]

2024.06.06 22:42 NothingButTongue Current auto-focus options

I've read up on 3 autofocus options for the bmpcc4k:
...but none seem to be currently available. Any suggestions?
submitted by NothingButTongue to bmpcc4k [link] [comments]

2024.06.06 18:38 xoxefo3952 Eleftheria (BAHASA MELAYU) by Asterly to Read for Free - Mystery/Thriller Stories

Cinta pertama, Selalu dikatakan cinta pertama adalah cinta yang terus melekat di hati. Sukar sekali hati ini melupakan orang pertama yang membuat hati berdetak laju dan nafas bagai tersekat di dada. Bagaimana pula dengan cinta yang menghadirkan kelukaan di hati seseorang seperti Shayra? Cinta yang memaksanya menukar nama dan identiti. Dari Shayra ke Qistina. Tatkala hati sudah nekad mahu hidup tanpa cinta, hadir duda anak satu Eijaz yang mengajar Shayra cinta juga satu kebahagiaan. Awak tak akan boleh terima saya sekiranya masa lalu saya terbuka di hadapan awak. - Qistina. Masa lalu saya juga penuh kegelapan, Qis. Apa kata kita cuba bawa cahaya kembali ke dalam kehidupan kita?-Eijaz Cinta mula bersemai di hati ketika dia mendapat berita ayahnya meninggal di dalam satu kebakaran. Kembali ke tempat yang membuat hatinya terluka membuka lembaran yang menakutkan buat Shayra. Tik tok, tik tok. Hanya aku saksi pembunuhan yang kau lakukan. Hari ini ayahmu, esok siapa yang tahu? Nota misteri itu mula menjadi mimpi ngeri buat Qistina. Dia mula mempersoalkan kebakaran yang akhirnya membunuh ayahnya. Mampukah dia mempertahan cintanya ketika nyawa orang yang dia sayangi terancam? Siapa pula yang berdendam sehingga tidak mampu melihat senyum di wajah Qistina. NOTE 1. COVER DARI PEXELS (FREE) 2. ELEFTHERIA berasal dari perkataan Greek membawa maksud Freedom (kebebasan) Read more
submitted by xoxefo3952 to Novelideas [link] [comments]

2024.06.06 13:34 ConAnd81 Pointers needed for a 2U CWWK 8845HS server build.

Hello everyone!
For those of you how don't want to read my whole mind-dump, you can find a TL;DR at the bottom 
I am finally getting around to buying parts for my first 2U server to put in my little rack cabinet(19", 12U, 600mm deep), that I've owned and have stood empty for roughly five years now. Barring NAS HDDs, I'd like to keep it sub $1000, the further below the better.
I've been researching and looking for parts for little over two weeks now and am in need of some pointers and recommendations. For you that are a bit hesitant to give uninformed recommendations, I've written some more stuff about my personal background and purpose of the server near the end, read it if you need some more info before answering. I think all my questions should be above bar on this subreddit, but let me know if I should take a question somewhere else. Links to other relevant posts and YT-vids are appreciated.
Disclaimer: If you're replying to something not mentioned in the TL;DR, consider DM:ing me instead. I don't want the thread to be bogged down by posts asking why I do or don't watch a certain YT-channel, pointing out spelling mistakes or why I shorten motherboard to mobo all the time.
  1. About the Rack Case:
    1. As mentioned above, my cabinet is 12U and 600mm deep, you can see it on this page, it's the first one, but it has wheels and the elevated table top with vents underneath. I'm not sure on how long of a rack case it can fit. I realize you'd want some room for booth airflow and cables, but how much room is enough? I've been thinking 480mm would leave ample room, 500mm might work, but 520mm is probably pushing it. Would those assumptions be correct? (Internal obstructions from cabinet walls are minimal, assume them to be less than 10mm)
    2. Lets get specific, given the above limitation, do you have any recommendations for a reasonably priced(~$200) 2U NAS cases? I really prefewant 2U, doesn't need to be HDD-sleds+backboard, internal trays are "fine"(gonna hate myself when a disk fails) but needs to be able to hold at least 8 HDDs(so 9 and 12 is fine too). You've likely figured out I live in Sweden by now, which will somewhat hamper the help some of you can give, since I'm mainly looking at the European market and Ali-baba/-express. I have not looked on eBay much, that site scares me a little and it's too hard to find something when you don't know EXACTLY what you're looking for. But by all means, if you have some good eBay links, lay 'em on me. Here are some examples of what I've been able to scope out myself:
      1. First case I found that seemed like a good fit for me was the SilverStone RM21-308, 480mm deep 8bay 2U case with SFF-8087 equipped backboard, this would be the perfect one, if it wasn't for the $500($1~10kr) price tag. Ouch!
      2. Found this rather similar case on Alibaba for $108 + $144 shipping. With shipping, it's at least in the ballpark of what I'm willing to pay, but I have no idea what the connectors to the backboard are. Also, the USB ribbon cables sketch me out something fierce, but, really not that important I guess.
      3. Another alibaba find for $174-$194 with shipping, depending on which backboard you pick. That's more like it, but I'm a bit unsure if the 520mm depth is cutting it too close for my cabinet.
      4. Something like this with internal HDD trays would be ok too, if it weren't for the 650mm depth of this case of course.
      5. This one from Sliger looked kind of dope given the impressively short depth of 378mm, but, it's 3U and the $340 price seems kinda zany given it doesn't even have a proper backboard. Don't even want know what they'll take for shipping, given they're a US company.
    3. Dunno if it would be feasible, but I've been thinking about buying a rack case that is too long for my cabinet, and then cut/modify it to fit my cabinet. Usually they're made to fit an EATX boards or larger, which is often why they're too large for my cabinet. Since I'll most likely use a mITX board, that compartment could most likely be cut down quite significantly, then I'd join the two parts together... somehow(have a few ideas). Adding rails to it could help keep it together somewhat I think, but obviously more that that would be needed. Maybe someone knows of any similar example projects that they can link? I've tried YT, but only find stuff for audio rack gear, and they're only modifying the rack cabinets, not the cases.
    4. Regarding PSUs, some 2U cases seem to be able to fit regular ATX or SFX PSUs, which is my bread'n butter, so no help needed there. But it would be, somewhat, neat to have a redundant 250W server PSU, or maybe not. I imagine they're rather loud under load, so might want to skip that. But, I'm no less curious and some cases I've seen certainly don't have an ATX formfactor opening, so what are some good search terms(beyond "Server PSU") I could use to find them on eBay, like common formfactors etc? Maybe some common mistakes, things to watch out for or to think of when picking one.
  2. At the moment, this is the mobo+CPU I'll most likely buy, a CWWK 8845HS equipped ITX NAS mobo. It's powerful enough to give me ample room to play around with, while not being too power hungry nor expensive. I've also learned on the /plex reddit, that AMD GPUs are supposedly not that great for Plex transcoding, neither in quality nor capacity of concurrent streams. But I plan on using the PCIE4.0 x8 slot on the mobo for a low profile Intel Arc a310/a380 card to remedy that shortcoming, since the two mini-SAS ports will aptly fill all my storage needs. Here are some questions I have regarding the board:
    1. But, the largest glaring problem with the board are the two M2 slots. Both are only PCIe 4.0 x2! Which I find weird, since the 20 PCIe 4.0 lanes of both the 7840HS/8845HS should be enough to populate all four lanes of those two M2 slots. I dunno, maybe they did something weird, like give each 2.5G NIC a lane each(even tho' they could all just run fine on one), or perhaps the two Asmedia controllers for the mini-SAS ports take up two lanes each(even tho' one each would be enough since both need gen3x2 each)... maybe it's not a 10layer board and it got too crowded to run all traces to the M2 slots. Anyhow, onto the actual question; an M2 gen4x4 SSD would run at half speed on that M2 gen4x2 slot, would an M2 gen3x4 SSD also run at half speed? (I would assume it will, since all PCIe lanes are physical, but I'm just not sure)
    2. Does the CWWK 8845HS mobo support ECC or not? The CWWK product page says it does, AMD's product page for the 8845HS says it does not, but from my understanding all Ryzen processors are supposed to support ECC(maybe just not laptop?). I've seen a lot of speculation in the comments on YT-reviews of the mobo, but never anything conclusive. Does anybody with the mobo know for a fact if it supports ECC?
      1. Sure, I'd like to have ECC, fits my overkill narrative and all. But, realistically, I don't think I really need ECC, do I?
    3. Is there any benefit of having 4 NICs in my usecase? I mean, I'm not going to do any routing with it or anything. Could I run different services, like the Plex-server and Minecraft-server, on an port each to cut down on lag/interrupts? But if I'm using Plex away from home and a bunch of people are playing on the Minecraft-server, it will all eventually be going through the same cable on my modem, feels like it wouldn't even matter. Probably could be useful for some virtualization-usecase beyond my ken...
    4. Been wondering if this board support bifurcation, can anyone confirm this? I might want to split the x8 slot into two x4 slots, no good reason as of yet(10G Nic + Arc GPU perhaps), just for future expandability, if needed.
      1. Anyone know of any hardware that supports PCIE4.0? Everything I find only supports 3.0, like this one or this one or this one(connected to a PCIE to 2xM.2 card)
  3. Any suggestions on other motherboards + CPU combos? Think my pick will be hard to beat, especially in single-core performance, which is very useful for hosting Minecraft; combined with the relatively low power draw and price. But perhaps some reasonably priced old EPYC(/XEON) MATX(?) boards with ECC support and some more PCIE slots could hit the spot. I'm sure there are some on eBay, but I just get decision paralysis when I start looking there, since I don't know anything about server CPUs and their oddball naming schemes, so I've stopped trying. Here are some of the alternatives I've already ruled out:
    1. The Minisforum ITX boards with Intel/AMD mobile APUs on them are mighty tempting, but both are lacking in a few key regards. First off, both only have one 2.5G LAN port, could've been two at least, or one 10G port. So it's rather tempting to put a NIC card in that PCIE slot. Then, no SATA/SAS at all, so I MUST run a storage card of some sort for the NAS/Plex, preferably in the PCIE slot, or I could use those sketchy M2 to SATA cards I suppose. But most pressingly, for Plex transcoding, both(AMD/Intel i9-HX) of the iGPUs are a bit underwhelming, sure, they'll both "suffice", but I prefer a bit of overkill in this case, so an Intel Arc GPU in the PCIE slot would be preferable in both cases... That's 3 cards I'd like to stuff into that board, but there's only one PCIE slot. Not gonna happen. The Intel-variant is the closest one, with its 4 M.2 slots; then I could run two of those sketchy M.2 to SATA boards on the front and have OS on one M2 SSD on the back, and finally an Arc card in the PCIE slot... If someone could convince me one 2.5G port is enough. Would also need some coaxing to cough up the nearly $700 price point in their EU store.
    2. The Topton/CWWK boards with an Intel i3-N305 would probably be pretty decent, at least on the compute side of things. But when it comes to expandability; judging from the reviews I've seen on it... well, the specific review I'm mostly concerned about, was for the N100 and N5105 variants of the board, by HTWingNut. But the layout is largely the same on the i3-N305 boards and the i3-N305 only have ONE PCIE lane more than the other two CPUs, so I expect it to largely preform the same in storage benchmarks. So, why do I find it underwhelming? Both M2 only run on gen3x1, bit of a shame if you ask me, especially if you were to use those sketchy M2->6xSATA cards, as the Asmedia chips on them wants gen3x2. Same goes for all those 6 SATA ports on the board, all of them seem to only run on a shared gen3x1 as well... which is kind of ok if you're only running HDDs, but still a bit sad. Plex AV1 decoding would be okay since the i3-N305 have support for that, but AV1 transcoding will probably suffer, a lot, especially with no reasonable possibility to expand on it. This was my first pick for quite a while, but changed shortly after I found the CWWK 8845HS mobo.
    3. Erying boards with 12th or 13th gen Intel laptop i9 APUs are somewhat tempting, since the iGPU in their i9-HK APUs will be(almost 3x) better for Plex AV1 transcoding when compared to the Minisforums i9-HX APU, at nearly half the price. So no extra Intel Arc add in card is really needed. They also have them as a MATX mobo, with two PCIE slots(one gen4x8 and one gen3x4) and two M2 gen4x4 and two SATA ports. That's some decent expandability, I must say. Since I won't need an Arc GPU, a NIC and a SAS/SATA card are both a possibility, very tempting. This one is not really ruled out, but, the 12900HK have a 'top/max/up/peak' TDP of 115W, while the 8845HS have it at 54W,(both have a 'TDP' of 45W), a bit concerning. But not surprising, since once they get pushed, Intel CPUs of the last few generations have been proper power hogs. But then again, I would use an Arc GPU with the AMD processor, so it might even out in the end. Also, MATX boards go 74mm deeper than an MITX boards does, might complicate things with regards to fitting inside my rack cabinet. Might buy both boards at this point...
  4. Perhaps a dumb question, but are there any reputable sellers of used HDDs/SSDs on eBay? Or are they all being sold by Chia miners looking to recoup some of their cost, so everything sold are on the brink of imminent failure?
    1. Any HDD brands/models to favor or steer clear of? I haven't taken much time to look into this yet, but I know I should avoid SMR HDDs at least. Especially if I'm gonna use second-hand HDDs that are gonna fail often, rebuilding parity with those supposedly takes ages, as their write speed sucks ass. I have a penchant for Ultrastar HDDs, but maybe they're not the greatest for NAS duty? Especially now that WD acquired them. Something I've picked up while researching are c-states, seems to have something to do with powering down disks(and other things?) to save power when they're not in use; and not all disks supporting every c-state, not sure. What I wonder is, are c-states something worth considering when picking HDDs or is it not a factor?

Server Purpose

So, what do I want to use this supposed server for? The functionality I know that I want is as follows: NAS(probably Unraid, would likely pay for their lifetime fee), Plex(will probably pay lifetime fee here as well) and Minecraft server, perhaps home automation somewhere down the line(I have some Philips Hue bs atm, and it is starting to threaten me with obligatory login in the control app, eat my shorts) I would like to convince a bud to get a backup server as well, so we can be each others offsite backup and store each others data(encrypted of course) Another thought I've had; some kind of 'secure' remote storage functionality, for accessing or storing important files when away from home, like photos when you're on vacation for example. A personal cloud storage I guess. VLANs would probably be needed to make that safe(?). Some easy way to turn it on when leaving and off while home(switch at apartment entrance) would be neat, it possible, I dunno, I'm spitballin' by this point.

Personal Computer Journey

(fluff, not mandatory reading)
I'm a 40yo gamer working a blue-collar job, I've always been interested in computers ever since I played Donkey King on my dads Dragon 64, I upgraded the ram on the i486 family computer alone at ~8yo, helped fix some school computers that didn't boot in late middle school, wrote my first .bat file and assisted a computer class for pre-schoolers at 12yo, have built numerous computers for family and friends, studied game programming in uni, got depressed and dropped out; have only gamed and done blue-collar jobs since. (no Fs in chat please) Apart from gaming, I'm mostly a hardware nerd nowadays, haven't done any programming since uni. On YT I watch quite a lot of Hardware Unboxed, LTT, Gamers Nexus, Level1Techs, Optimum, Craft Computing, Tek Syndicate etc. I've recently(past 7y) fantasized about becoming a serverhall-technician or something similar, getting to maintain and be close to a sea of powerful hardware would fill my heart with joy and wonder. But, boy oh boy, would I be wildly unqualified, because I hate network troubleshooting. Did some netcoding in uni, it was the worst. I've never been able to wrap my head around how even a subnet works. Doesn't help no one I know isn't even remotely interested in networks, programming, or even hardware, makes it hard to stay motivated. Sure, my hardware interest is kind of easy to keep alive on my own, but my programming interest is as good as dead, and my network interests are rather limited. Setting up VLANs would be kinda cool to do, but it would probably need to be so easy a toddler could do it, for me to want to touch it at this point in my life, I mostly just want the hardware... because it's cool; probably the worst reason there is. I attribute a lot of this apathy to the curse of aging; I saw that resistance to new things/knowledge in older people when I was young and vowed I'd never be that way myself when I got older... inevitable it would seem.

My Hardware Philosophy

(fluff, not mandatory reading)
When it comes to my own hardware, I like overkill, but not total overkill, 'overkill on a budget' perhaps. I mean, who doesn't? Unless you're made out of money of course. I sure am not. But I like to save up a lot for thing I want, but I rarely feel the need to buy something 'now' if I can't afford it. I might buy something next gen that will last me longer, or, even wait for prices drops after a new gen releases, it all depends on the price to performance ratio to be really good. I mean, overkill and next gen are not necessarily always the same thing. I rarely like to be the first to jump on the bandwagon for new tech, like new DDR or PCIE generations for example, let them work out the kinks first, then I'm onboard.(perhaps a bit contradictory, since I believe the board/CPU I picked is a first gen DDR5 product... oh well) Like I mentioned above, my networking knowledge is a rather limited, so I don't even know everything I could do with my future server and I'm trying to account for that with some hardware overkill, while trying to remain as power efficient as possible. I don't want to overcrowd my little 12U cabinet with one server for each task, I will most likely populate it with an Ubiquity UDM-SE and one of their 16-port switches somewhere down the timeline(say, in another 5 years. 😂), perhaps even a personal render farm sometime, if I decide to go that route. I would love to go 10G fiber(/cat6) in my home network, but all the 10G-capable hardware(fiber or not) still seem to be mostly out of my price range, even after almost 20 years since the dream started. Seems I'll have to settle for 2.5G.


  1. 2U 8bay Rack case questions:
    1. Recommended max depth of rack case for a 600mm deep rack cabinet?
    2. Tips on a cheap(~$200) 2U NAS cases? Some reputable eBay sellers?
    3. Could I buy a rack that is too deep for my cabinet and modify/cut it to size?
    4. Useful server PSU search terms for eBay?
  2. CWWK 8845HS MoBo questions:
    1. How will a PCIE4.0 x2 M.2 slot limit the performance of either a PCIE3.0 x4 or a PCIE4.0 x4 SSD? Will both run at half speed?
    2. CWWK claim the mobo supports ECC SODIMMs, but AMD product page for the 8845HS APU says it does not support ECC, what gives?
      1. I don't really think I need ECC, do I?
    3. What's the benefit of having 4 NICs on the mobo?
    4. Anyone know if this board supports bifurcation of the PCIe slot?
      1. Any x8 to 2x4 hardware that supports PCIE4.0?
  3. Suggenstions on other MoBo+CPU combos? Any eBay-savants out there?
    1. Other than a Minisforum ITX mobo...
    2. ... or a Topton i3-N305 NAS ITX mobo...
    3. ... Or, perhaps, an Erying Intel 12th/13th gen MATX mobo.
  4. Know of any reputable sellers of used HDDs/SSDs on eBay?
    1. Good brands/models HDDs? Are c-states a factor when picking HDDs?
submitted by ConAnd81 to HomeServer [link] [comments]

2024.06.06 08:17 VerticalExtra Hidden fluidity of Motta's playstyle: The Integral Disruptors

Hello, I'm a Roma fan and I come in peace.
Speaking from the heart, I'm loving what Giuntoli is doing on the market. I envy you guys! I understand a lot of you are not on board with his style yet. (No results produced for a success-driven Juventus, so it makes sense). But, I'll try my hand into convincing you guys to appreciate the recent targets by looking at it from my perspective. I could definitely be totally off and you can come laugh at me in the future, I'll have no qualms about it.
Motta loves a certain kind of players, the one I call, "Disruptors". Their main job is to create a sense of panic and confusion in the opposition stable/core shape. These players are the ones who generally have an expertise in playing multiple positions or can occupy numerous spaces across a pitch without any visible flaw. They blend in and create outright nuisance for the opposition.
If you watched Bologna this season, you'd have seen namely 3 players who did it expertly: Zirkzee, Lewis Ferguson and Calafiori. One each from defense, midfield and attack. Zirkzee was the focal point of their attacking patterns. He enabled the final 3rd movement by making them harder to read and creating new gaps to exploit for his teammates. In terms of these disruptors, how many do Juventus currently possess? I'll say it bluntly, only 1. That's Andrea Cambiaso. A player who can play RB, LB and even occupy the spaces left by the midfielder. Being ambidextrous and good spatial awareness adds to his merits.
This is where Giuntoli is shinning, by specifically targeting player profiles that match this. You can see it with Di Gregorio, a GK who's good with the ball at his feet. It's a trait that's important to execute Motta's style of play. If you manage to sell Tek and free up his huge wages, that's a solid 9.5/10 transfer.
1) Koopmeiniers: You could argue, that's the usual Atalanta inflation. You'd have reasons to believe that as well. Yet, imo he's the best disruptor in Serie A when it comes to it. He has an experience of playing as a CB, CDM, CM and CAM. Can operate functionally on transitions, and on either flanks. Puts in a shift while occupy any part of the field. (Makes you think twice before man-marking him). Ideal Thiago Motta player.
2) Calafiori: A CB/LB hybrid who can carry the ball forward and occupy the missing CDM spaces while even attacking the final 3rd if required, (along with carrying the ball to bait opponents to free even more space for the offensive players). Shades of John Stones, maybe. Quality in possession and press resistant. Defensively sound, can wins duels and solid aerially. Good passing range. Already has experience with Motta (who has commended him on multiple occasions). Don't let EPL steal him away.
3) Dorgu: A bit incomplete but slowly becoming more well rounded. He's good in defense and can put in a shift but has also taken strides to improve his offensive game. (Becoming a quality profile-gaining an ability to dominate the left flank on both sides of the field). Should compliment Cambiaso and Calafiori well from how it operates in my mind.
I personally haven't watched Douglas Luiz much, so I can't present my feedback on it. One of my friend who follows EPL really likes him though. That's all I can say.
4) Missing Piece: An attacking disruptor. Yildiz hasn't shown that and neither has Vlahovic. But those are two starters, especially if Chiesa leaves. Soule can maybe be moulded into it, but I can't see it happening. You could see how devastating an attacking disruptor was for Bologna's team. But, from the RW, a proper disruptor profile would be: Someone who has physicality and pace. Can occupy both flanks on a whim, is capable of headers and bullies fullbacks. Should be either too tricky to deal with or capable of using his pace brutally. (best if he does both) Ideal Profile: Gareth Bale
In the modern game, it's hard to find. Maybe Nico Williams? But, Athletic would demand his release clause. If I had to tip a name, it'd be Kudus. He doesn't have express pace but has a unique build that can revitalize the flanks with a different flair. Buying from EPL is a proper mess though. Maybe Giuntoli can pull a rabbit out of his hat for this role. Someone from Ligue 1 or an obscure league.
In my head, I see Motta wanting to have around 4-5 disruptors in his ideal starting lineup and another 2 on his bench to generate more chaos if the match needs it. But yeah, you'll need to give Motta some time and patience to properly build and implement his philosophy. Ancelotti named him and Alonso as 2 coaches to look forward to, somewhere around Dec-Jan, so he's got some backing!
A lot of managerial changes across the league, here's to a great Serie A season forthcoming for everyone. Cheers and good luck!
PS: Please sell us Chiesa and loan us Barrenechea (with an option to buy preferrably)! Many thanks already. (I do wish Ghisolfi brings us some Ligue 1 gems and can offload our deadweights to some degree)
Here's a post I did 4 months back. You guys took a couple players from this list. Might or might not interest you!
submitted by VerticalExtra to Juve [link] [comments]

2024.06.06 07:30 JillSandwich19-98 I bought a Poco X6 Pro but I don't know if I should return it

I've ordered a 12/512 Pco X6 Pro, since I'm coming from a Redmi Note 8 it'd be a huge upgrade. I haven't thought about emulation for a long time, since the Note 8 was quite limited and I have a gamer PC, which suits me well. But I was shocked to know the current state of mobile emulation, I didn't even know Wii, GameCube and PS2 were already working so well and that sparkles my interest in mobile emulation again.
However, after having already ordered the phone online, I read some comments from you and other people online about the limitations it had with emulation and custom roms due to its MediaTek CPU. I'm mostly interested in playing Resident Evil games, and getting to have a stable experience with Resident Evil 1 HD Remaster, 0, 4 5, 6, Revelations 1 and 2 would be a dream. I thought maybe I should pay a little extra for a 12/256 Poco F5 Pro to get the most perfomance out of the Snapdragon CPU, and the higher compatibility with custom roms, since I'm into that as well and I think it helps to maintain a phone working well in the long run.
Should I return the X6 Pro and get the F5 Pro instead?
submitted by JillSandwich19-98 to EmulationOnAndroid [link] [comments]

2024.06.06 05:46 Brief-Crew-1932 Hey komodos, apa hobi kalian saat ini? Cobalah bujuk OP untuk mencoba hobi kalian

Ane tau kalian kebanyakan sudah kepala 2 atau 3, dan tempat kerja itu sangat menguras tenaga sampai tidak ada waktu untuk melakukan hobi. Tapi mencoba hal baru adalah kegiatan yang sangat menarik, jadi apa hobi kalian saat ini?
Me first
Membaca light novel jepang translate bahasa inggris. Hobi ini dapat meningkatkan vocabulary inggris anda (mainly), mengetahui hal baru, atau sekedar mengikuti plot yang ada dalam LN tersebut. Minusnya hobi ini makan banyak waktu, translate jepang ke inggrisnya sedikit aneh, dan kadang cerita di dalam LN nya itu engga layak baca, padahal banyak yang rekomendasi.
edit : wah threadnya rame, ayo keluarkan semua hobi kalian disini
submitted by Brief-Crew-1932 to indonesia [link] [comments]

2024.06.06 02:42 dailySuttaBot AN 1.290–295 Actions

AN 1.290–295 Actions


“It is impossible, mendicants, it cannot happen that someone who has engaged in bad bodily conduct, could for that reason alone, when their body breaks up, after death, be reborn in a good place, a heavenly realm. But it is possible that someone who has engaged in bad bodily conduct could, for that reason alone, when their body breaks up, after death, be reborn in a place of loss, a bad place, the underworld, hell.”


“It is impossible, mendicants, it cannot happen that someone who has engaged in bad verbalbad mental conduct could, for that reason alone, when their body breaks up, after death, be reborn in a good place, a heavenly realm. But it is possible that someone who has engaged in bad verbalbad mental conduct could, for that reason alone, when their body breaks up, after death, be reborn in a place of loss, a bad place, the underworld, hell.”


“It is impossible, mendicants, it cannot happen that someone who has engaged in good bodily conduct could, for that reason alone, when their body breaks up, after death, be reborn in a place of loss, the underworld, a lower realm, hell. But it is possible that someone who has engaged in good bodily conduct could, for that reason alone, when their body breaks up, after death, be reborn in a good place, a heavenly realm.”


“It is impossible, mendicants, it cannot happen that someone who has engaged in good verbalgood mental conduct could, for that reason alone, when their body breaks up, after death, be reborn in a place of loss, a bad place, the underworld, hell. But it is possible that someone who has engaged in good verbalgood mental conduct could, for that reason alone, when their body breaks up, after death, be reborn in a good place, heavenly realm.”
Read the entire translation of Aṅguttara Nikāya 1.287–295 Tatiyavagga_by Bhikkhu Sujato on Or read a different translation on Or _listen on or Or explore the Pali on
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2024.06.06 02:09 xoxefo3952 My Peaches dari Shawty Ajeng untuk Dibaca Gratis - Romansa Cerita Indonesia

Tidak semua masa lalu akan menjadi kenangan buruk. Tidak ingin terulang bahkan tidak mau di ingat. Lain halnya jika seseorang di masa lalu telah kembali dan waktu menyuruh mereka untuk mengubah semuanya. Seperti menaruh penuh pada ladang dandelion, yang begitu indah dengan harapan yakin jika menang dirinya lah cinta sejati dan satu-satunya. *** Evan Farraz Geutama, lelaki arogan dengan apapun yang diinginkan haruslah terwujud. Ia tidak suka hal yang bertele-tele atau yang membuang waktu. Soal cinta, semua itu berawal ketika SMA, bertemu gadis lugu yang sabarnya bukan main. Kejadian tak terduga membuat mereka terpisah dan tidak bertemu 8 tahun lamanya. Satu titik ia merasakan sakit serta penyesalan ketika bertemu kembali seseorang dari masa lalunya. mengulang memori 8 tahun lalu. Latasha Feidonna, gadis yang tidak neko-neko dalam hidup. Sudah menyandang status janda ketika masih mengandung. Banyak hal pedih yang di lewati Latasha, kehilangan kedua orang tuanya dan jauh dari sanak saudara. Wanita itu mencoba tegar untuk menghidupi anak tunggalnya seorang diri. Ketika waktu mempertemukannya dengan masa lalu, Latasha sadar, jika statusnya sudah berbeda dan tidak ada harapan untuk memulai kembali. Meski memorinya masih menyimpan rapi tentang lelaki tersebut. Read more
submitted by xoxefo3952 to Novelideas [link] [comments]