Vocabulary workshop: level e

(Custom Backrooms) Backrooms Volume 2

2024.05.16 16:27 Backrooms0Tales (Custom Backrooms) Backrooms Volume 2

(Custom Backrooms) Backrooms Volume 2
Classification: Public Access
Entity #: #11
Entity Name: Quadruple Legged Humanoid
Threat Level: 6.1
Inhabitant Levels: Level 1 (Yellow Halls), Level 2 Level 2 (Parking Garage)
Genders: Male, Female
Basic Survival Knowledge: Don't go near any wet-sounding footsteps on Level 1 (Yellow Halls), or to hard steps on Level 2 (Parking Garage). If you encounter this Entity #11 try to get into a small, enclosed area as soon as possible.
Security Protocols:
Since most of this Entities are somewhat hostile, they should be avoided. If, however, you encounter this Entity, you should run away as soon as possible into a small, enclosed area, or treat them with respect and distance. If one of this Entities come close to a Facility, they should be removed by any means necessary.
Quadruped Legged Humanoids are somewhat hostile, humanoid Entities. They have a no remarcable features on their top half, but they have four legs instead of two on their lower halfs. They are also taller and more muscular than normal humans. Entity #11 legs are connected to their lower waist, which have been expanded to fit the amount of legs. They also have somewhat longer legs than normal humans. Entity #11 could be tamed by giving them food and/or water.'
Last Updated: 12/09/20\**
Entity #: #21
Entity Name: Smiler
Threat Level: 9.5
Status: Hostile
Inhabitant Levels: Level 1 (Yellow Rooms), Level 2 (Parking Garage), Level 3 (Underground Hallways)
Genders: Unknown (Presumed Male & Female)
Basic Survival Knowledge: Have a flashlight with you at all times. If you encounter a Smiler, shine your flashlight at the Smiler. If you shine your flashlight on a Smilers body, the Smiler will become weaker and is less likey to attack you.
Security Protocols:
All Level 1 or higher personal must have a battery-powered flashlight, and should be easily accessible. If any personal encounter a Smiler, they should shine their light on the Smiler, since Smilers seemingly are made out of some sort of physical darkness.
Smilers are dark, bipedal, semi-humanoid creatures. The only visible part of their bodies are the glowing white eyes and teeth. If, however, a shining light is on the Smilers body, the Smilers body begin to fade away/boil away until they are fully disappeared . When the Smiler is in this stage, it is hard to see their bodies, but through reports of wanderers and personal, we could form a basic list of how a Smiler could look like:
  • Large dark body, except for the glowing white mouth and eyes.
  • Large, smiling mouth.
  • Large, glowing white teeth.
  • Head is the furface forward of the body, and is somewhat larger than it's suppose to.
  • Looks to have kyphosis (Heavily Bent Back).
  • Sharp claws/fingernails.
  • Muscular.
  • Bipedal.
  • Otherwise normal human body.
Smilers always hide in dark areas, and only hunt a few species like Clumps (Entity #24), Red Humanoids (Entity #01) and humans. They often eat the prey they hunt when they killed them, but sometimes they leave the dead bodies to eat later.
Smilers Hunting Tactics: Smilers most often hunt during Level 2 blackouts, though they could be in the darker areas as well. Smilers hide in small and dark areas, though they usually can't hide in small areas due to their large size. Smilers usually try to chase people in dark areas, but they stop chasing the prey when the prey get into a area of light, or when the prey shine a light on the Smilar.
Picture of a Smilar on Level 1 (Yellow Rooms), taken by Neal Lyon on 19/11/2001. Neal Lyon presumed alive.
Last Updated: 20/12/2001
Entity #: #24
Entity Name: Clump
Threat Level: 9.0
Status: Hostile
Inhabitant Levels: Level 2 (Parking Garage), Level 3 (Underground Hallways)
Genders: Unknown
Basic Survival Knowledge: Don't go into the hallways of Level 2 (Parking Garage) that has noise from the drop ceiling that is not the noise of the light or the ventilation.
Security Protocols:
Don't go into the hallways of Level 2 (Parking Garage) that has noise from the drop ceiling that is not the noise of the light or the ventilation. If you accidentally or purposely walk into one of the hallways, try to use a range weapons (Pistol, bow and arrow, shotgun, throwing knives, bolt action rifle, etc.), or a long melee weapon (Spear, halberd, etc.). Try to aim at the center of the mass, no exceptions.
Entity #24 is a lump of legs, arms, hands, and feet with a mass of skin, eyes, and mouths at the center. Legs are usually longer than the arms, but there are a few arms longer than the legs to slow down/catch a wanderer. If a wanderer gets captured by the Clump, the Clump will rip them and began to eat them, even if there are any more wanderers nearby.
Image of a Clump:
Image of a Clump on Level 3 by [UNKNOWN] on 19/05/2009.
Last Updated: 20/05/2009
Classification: Public Access
Level #: #05
Level Name: Mining Tunnels
Threat Level: 7.5
Entrance(s): Level 4 (Sewer Pipes), by crawling through a hole and through a narrow tunnel into the rock.
Exit(s): Level 4 (Sewer Pipes), by climbing up a wooden ladder.
Entity/Entities: #82 Type 1 (Common), #82 Type 2 (Uncommon), #192 (Common),#21 (Common), #24 (Common), #02 (Uncommon), #29 (Uncommon)
Security Protocols:
Get out of the level by finding a wooden ladder and up climbing it. If you spot a metal ladder, do not climb it since it will take you to Level 3 or Level Funhouse. If you can't find any exits withing a 48 hour timeframe (2 days), arm yourself with anything you can find, since it is unlikey to find exits.
Level 5 (Mining Tunnels) is seemingly a infunnit amount of short, narrow hallways cut into the rock. There is a lot of mining equipment, like pickaxes, miner’s pouch, hammers, chisels, cap lights and shovels. Radios that we have brought into this level seemingly degrade in quality compared to other levels.
Last Updated: 05/05/\****
Alison photo of Level #4. Seen alive.
Level #: #04
Level Name: Sewer Pipes
Threat Level: 5.8
Entrance(s): Level 3 (Underground Halls)
Exit(s): Level 3 (Underground Halls)
Entity/Entities: #82 Type 1 (Common), #82 Type 2 (Rare), #192 (Uncommon),#21 (Common), #24 (Uncommon), #02 (Uncommon), #29 (Rare)
Security Protocols:
Carry a melee or range weapon with you at all times. If you see any entity, run into the opposite direction. If you have a range weapon, try to shoot it at the entity if you are far away from it. Try to get to a outpost, fort, base, or facility as soon as possible, as they are your only chance of survival.
Level 4 (Sewer Pipes) is a long and large sewer pipe with a lot of hostile entities. There is always a low amount of water in this level, which one should not drink since the water has dirt, viruses, and bacteria. The pipe curves over long distances, and it is theorised that at the center has alot of resources, likes Carbonated Water.
Last Updated: 09/12/2001
Object #: # 02
Object Name: Carbonated Water
Threat Level: 0.0
Affect(s): Hydration, Extra Sanity
Security Protocols:
Since Carbonated Water is safe, no Security Protocols are needed.
Carbonated Water is water commonly found in the Backrooms. Carbonated Water is good for a wanderers or personal sanity, and is also a good form of hydration. Carbonated Water are found in small, clear, plastic bottles on all Levels (Level 1, Level 2, Level 3, Level Funhouse)
Last Updated: 30/12/1999
submitted by Backrooms0Tales to TheBackrooms [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 16:26 Menschenjagd I wanted to try the questionnaire

This subreddit needs an official questionnaire and I think this one is easy enough to answer. I don't expect to become sure of my type because of internet strangers, but I do like answering questions about myself.
My Enneagram type is either 6w5 or 9w8, 469, sp/so. I have autism. (I think an official questionnaire should ask for this information. Autism can influence E (empathy), F (sensory issues), V (executive dysfunction) and L (special interests). A high self-preservation instinct can look like F (routines, health), sexual and social can look like F too (wanting to look attractive or socially acceptable (or maybe like you belong to a subculture). A low sexual or social instinct could look like lower E.)
L (logic)
I enjoy studying, but every time I decide I should do it more I make a plan of everything I want to study and then it starts feeling very heavy. I want to only study fun topics like typology, psychology, philosophy and languages. I do it for fun and because I feel inferior when I have less knowledge than other people.
I have some core beliefs that help me form opinions on different topics (for example the theory of evolution, which can be applied to most topics). I sometimes form an opinion based on what makes sense for me instead of what is factual. If I don't understand something I can be skeptical, if something I don't believe in (for example astrology) got scientifically proven I would feel very uncomfortable and question the results.
I like telling people about personality systems. I think teaching people and typing them makes me feel useful, and I need to type people irl if I want to understand the systems. I sometimes talk about philosophy, but that usually doesn't go anywhere because my beliefs are too unromantic for other people and they often judge me for being a nihilist or an egoist. I also like learning and teaching languages, maybe too much. I think some people feel pressured by me trying to teach them.
I often struggle with understanding scientific topics. It does bother me a lot, I am afraid of my future children asking me to explain physics to them. I avoid criticism like the plague, I don't want to express anything that could be false so I often either don't express myself or triple check everything. I easily doubt my own opinion, especially if the topic is a complex one like typology. Philosophy is much simpler, you just state your opinion and then the other persons states theirs and then you both think that the other person is stupid, but this is easy for me to say since my opinion is always the simplest one and therefore correct. ("What is the moral choice her?" "Morality isn't real." "Was this a selfish action?" "All actions are selfish." "What is the meaning of life?" "There is no meaning." "Is god real?" "We don't have any proof that god exists.")
Yeah, it was fun. It is a major part of me, but I know that if I had been born into the stone ages it wouldn't be.
E (emotion)
Not really, I sometimes have creative ideas but I rarely do anything with them.
I am fine with expressing emotions like anger or fun, but I don't want to express deeper or less strong feelings like love. I rarely love people, and I can't express something I don't feel.
Of course they are part of my decision making process, they are for every human. If you choose a path because it feels the most secure you are making a decision based on anxiety, or on wanting to feel more comfort than anxiety in the future. I sometimes base my decisions on excitement. I don't want to have a boring job.
I try my best to not create a negative one, and I try to make people feel better about themselves when they are insecure about something. I am not very interested in talking about the feelings of my friends, but I do play therapist sometimes because of my interest in psychology. I am interested in creativity in general, I enjoy listening to music and making and sharing playlists, but I am usually not deeply interested in my friends.
Yes, it makes me feel either vulnerable (if I have strong emotions) or inhuman (if I don't have enough). Yes, I don't do it much. The thought makes me uncomfortable. Yes, but ONLY because I'm very sensitive and quickly cry, which can be very inconvenient and I don't know how to stop it.
Yes. Not really, but I have been thinking about morality more so maybe in the future, although that might be more of a Volition topic.
F (physics / foundation)
Sleeping and not being hungry are important to me, but apart from that I don't do much. I don't care about what I eat or where I sleep as long as it's enough. I don't often try new products, if I do it's either because I noticed a problem (which can take a long time) or because my mother (3F) noticed one.
I think I used to care about it for a while, but then I either forgot about it or decided that it is a waste of money and time. I still have preferences, I just try to not spend too much energy on them. I enjoy nature and some sports, but I sometimes forget about them for a while. I sadly don't get much pleasure from eating or looking at things.
Yes, but the tastes I talk about are my taste in music or movies. I don't like hearing about other people's tastes as much because I feel like I then have to spend time listening to their favorite artists, and then I have to form an opinion on it... and I don't like most artists.
Idk about the other questions.
No. No. Sometimes I think that I'm sick, but it doesn't make me panic. Not sure, I think I sometimes ignore it and sometimes follow it, it probably depends on how much effort changing it would take. My mother is 3F and I think her criticisms are annoying, she wants me to change my knife holding habits and stop eating old cooked rice (I hate wasting food). But I can critique other people, for example for not being clean or practical enough.
Not really, it wasn't difficult, just a bit boring. It's not important to me, except my fashion choices since they usually reflect my identity.
V (volition)
Yes, but only in the physical world, I can for example get people to watch my favorite movie.
I make detailed plans that are too ambitious for me to follow. I like having a detailed plan, it makes me feel like I can achieve my goals. If I'm panicking about a goal I make a detailed plan. But I usually don't follow the plan because I have low energy/ problems motivating myself. I take advice from others if they are more knowledgable than me and probably from my mother.
Sometimes I get the feeling that I need to get my life together and then I make a bunch of plans and lists, but I don't work on them enough. I procrastinate a lot. I'm bad at routines, I prefer making a to do list every day. I sometimes try establishing a routine to reach a goal, but then I forget to follow it or am unable to follow it exactly because I can't predict how long a task will take or because something gets in the way. I either start working on a goal when I'm motivated or when I'm panicking.
Yes, it makes me feel useful. I always try to make people feel like they can reach their goals, but I can also be critical, especially about job choices. I sometimes get the urge to make language study plans for people.
I prefer working in groups of people I know well, if I'm with strangers I'm too shy to speak up. I take charge in small groups of incompetent people, I can remind people of their responsibilities, but I don't want to make decisions on my own. I can also take charge when it comes to physical needs like food (but I will ask everyone their preferences).
No, I am too easily stressed. I don't worry about being lazy, I know that it's true. I do feel a lot of shame and anxiety about my productivity, but I think anyone who is as lazy as me would.
I worry about missing something. Do I really want this future? Isn't there something better out there? I've changed my mind about my future in the past and wasted a lot of time that way, so now I want to make sure, but that's impossible. Finding the right method is important too. It does feel impossible but that's because it IS, noone can really know the future except maybe a super-super-computer.
I think I can take criticism, but I might cry or consider murder before accepting it, especially if it includes a character judgement (I've heard "You're too sensitive for this job. You should try [similar job] instead." Who do you think you are to give me advice? You don't know my reasons for choosing this job.). Except if the criticism is not valid, then I can ignore it.
More difficult than boring, it's difficult for me to separate Volition from the other aspects. I used to not have any goals, but now it is a part of my identity, but I know that my goals might change.
submitted by Menschenjagd to attitudinalpsyche [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 16:23 Wiindows1 give me a deck of 8 adventure plants to play 5 adventure levels with

we need:
for the free spaces you can't chose a plant that's useless in most other worlds or in the levels you've chosen (like e.m.peach in DA or lily pad in WW) however, if you would like you can change the free space plants for each level.
the 5 levels can't have any gimmicks whatsoever other than the main world gimmicks (for example, levels in FF with power tiles are allowed but sun bomb levels or produce X sun levels aren't)
submitted by Wiindows1 to PlantsVSZombies [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 16:13 poiklers Summary of all the job changes from the Live Letter

Was typing these up for my friend who isn't able to watch and thought I may as well post them here. If any clarifications are needed let me know, I will fix it. I won't be going through Viper and Pictomancer, as they would require much more explanation than I am willing to go into lol, plus I want to explore them when they release myself. As with the disclaimer on the stream, this is NOT a full list of all changes and may be subject to change


Dark Knight

Melee DPS


Physical Ranged DPS


Magical Ranged DPS

Black Mage
Red Mage
Will add healer once it appears on stream
submitted by poiklers to ffxiv [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 16:11 Ok_wow_yeah Pricing question: labor + parts + repair??

Pricing question: labor + parts + repair???
Does any other cycling shop you know, break things down to labor + materials + repair? In all my years, I’ve only seen labor + materials. I dropped off my E bike to a small new shop, provided the new sensor, was told it was $80 an hour for labor (and they confirmed it took an hour) but I’m really confused by the final invoice. Them being rude about my questions isn’t helpful too. I would love some input.
Note: I’m in Texas, the bike brand is Wing from NYC, and to compare, I had called Wing’s recommended NYC bikeshop and they verified that their price to fix was $80/hr and would be an hour, maybe 30min
Below is the breakdown. When questioned, they then just merged it together and said it’s $120. Thanks
— Electrical minor repair or inspection, level 1, requiring removal of 1 cover, escutcheon, or other part bike, bicycle, ebike, or scooter shop service labor $40.00
Labor Hourly - Removed crank arms on both sides - unscrewed bottom bracket on drive side - Replaced pedal assist sensor with new one - Reinstalled bottom bracket and crank arms - Used original sensor cable to pull the new sensor cable trough the frame to the controller - Installed new sensor cable to the controller - Reinstalled the controller cover and installed the battery - Test rode, bike is now working as designed. $80.00
submitted by Ok_wow_yeah to cycling [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 16:10 Dull_Mind2390 Outsource brainstorm for WFH disabled mom

I'd love some suggestions on how to further outsource household management. I'm a disabled toddler mom who WFH full time.
I've been struggling to manage chronic burnout since the push for RTO (i.e., awkward conversations about my WFH, RTO resentment towards me ("Oh! You're so lucky!"...if only you knew why I WFH...), microaggressions, etc.).
I was one of those people who absolutely thrived during the pandemic when knowledge workers were forced to work on a level playing field together. I even got promoted. RTO forced me to disclose, but I'm not open about it beyond documentation and leadership knowing. I'm of the mind that I owe no one my diagnoses nor an explanation.
I'm doing my best to hold on since the market is so tough. With that, I'm reaching out to see if there are any other creative ideas to take a few steps away from "surviving" to actually "thriving." I need more spoons for myself and my loved ones. Note that I do not have access to "free labor" from "the village" (i.e., no family or friends); everything must be paid for.
Things I've tried or do to recover from burnout:
I'm at a loss of what more I can "let go of" or "add" to get myself back to baseline. I've pondered part-time WFH (likely freelance) and part-time SAHM. From what I've read it's typical to experience the worst of both worlds and truly fail at both. I don't have the type of career where I can WFH without childcare, as my work is meetings heavy. Thanks for any thoughts.
ETA typo + context
submitted by Dull_Mind2390 to workingmoms [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 16:09 Goatrepreneur Anybody else dealing with transitioning faster than average?

Asking because a lot of changes are happening pretty quick for me, and my doctor believes it’s due to me being born with higher testosterone levels due to genetic mutations that cause adrenal glands to overproduce hormones. She believes I should document my progress due to how quickly things are happening for me which is rare.
I’m only 1 month and almost 2 weeks FTM (my next injection is tomorrow)
I am currently going through menopause and suffering with Vaginal Atrophy and I just turned 29 this past January.
Dealing with vaginal atrophy currently after experiencing the symptoms this past Monday is taking a toll on me.
It’s painful, my private entrance as shrunk, private area has changed a lot but never did I expect to hit menopause so soon.
I am getting Vitamin-E soother inserts and lubricants to help soothe the pain because it hurts to even urinate.
I have to deal with a small hole, 2 ulcers (going away already), some bleeding, and discharge.
I took of work until Monday because of it.
Genitourinary syndrome of menopause (GSM) signs and symptoms may include:
✅Vaginal dryness
✅Vaginal burning
✅Vaginal discharge
(Only when sweaty for me) Genital itching
✅Light Bleeding
✅Burning with urination
✅Urgency with urination
✅Frequent urination
❎Recurrent urinary tract infections
❎Urinary incontinence
❎Light bleeding after intercourse
❎Discomfort with intercourse
❎Decreased vaginal lubrication during sexual activity
✅Shortening and tightening of the vaginal canal
Everything with a ✅ I’m experiencing and everything with an ❎ I am not experiencing.
submitted by Goatrepreneur to ftm [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 16:07 Smiles9689 Happening in Fort Lauderdale This weekend 5/17 to 5/19

More details + graphics here: https://www.instagram.com/p/C7CCfY6Lc5Z/?img_index=1
NATIONAL PIZZA PARTY DAY u/patiobarpizza WHAT: Get ready to celebrate National Pizza Party Day in style at Patio Bar & Pizza. Join us on Friday, May 17th, 2024, as we throw the ultimate pizza party extravaganza! We’re serving up $5 off ALL pizzas, ALL DAY! *Dine-in only. WHEN: FRIDAY MAY 17th WHERE: 901 Progresso Dr #114, Fort Lauderdale, FL 33304
Carter Park Jamz @playlauderdale WHAT: Enjoy a free concert series with a broad range of musical varieties featuring a different live performer each showtime! Carter Park Jamz takes place on the third Friday of select months from 7 to 10 p.m. at Carter Park. For several years, Carter Park Jamz has provided residents and visitors with the opportunity to experience music outdoors with their family and friends while relaxing under the evening stars. Residents and visitors are encouraged to bring lawn chairs, picnic blankets, and coolers. Food and beverages are available for purchase. The concert is free to attend. From R&B to pop, Carter Park Jamz has it all! WHEN: FRIDAY MAY 17TH @ 7pm-10pm WHERE: 1450 W Sunrise Blvd, Fort Lauderdale, FL 33311
#TheMKT at @oceansideparkmarket WHAT: Sip, Sup, and Shop more than 50 local makers and food stalls steps from the shoreline WHEN: Saturday, 9am-6pm & Sunday, 10am - 6pm WHERE: @theloopflb 3000 E. Las Olas Blvd at A1A
FTL FREE FITNESS @FTLFREEWORKOUT @FTLfreeyoga WHAT: FREE Fitness classes happening every Saturday in Fort Lauderdale! 9am - HIIT Circuit training workout. No registration needed, all equipment included! Run by @ftlfreeworkout 10am - Yoga flow. Bring your own mat! Great for beginners & advanced. Run by @ftlfreeyoga WHEN: SATURDAY 9AM - 11AM WHERE: 508 NE 2nd St, Fort Lauderdale FL
Taco & Tequila Fest u/riverwalkftl WHAT: Join us for a fiesta along the New River as Riverwalk Fort Lauderdale presents Tacos & Tequila Feast. Mouthwatering creations from street tacos to gourmet fusion, there’s something for every taste bud. We’re also serving up premium tequila cocktails, margaritas and other refreshing beverages. Grab your friends and join us for an afternoon of flavor, fun, and festive vibes. WHEN: SATURDAY MAY 18TH @ 2-6PM WHERE: Esplanade park - 400 sw 2nd street, fort Lauderdale
Asian-Pacific American Heritage Celebration @modsftl WHAT: Dive into the diverse arts specific to Asian-Pacific American cultures at our special event, including the Butterfly Release, presented by Truly Nolen Pest Control. Be dazzled by captivating performances by Kehlani from Polynesian Proud Productions, exhilarating drumming with Ronin Taiko, and demonstrations by Joe Keit Martial Arts and others. WHEN: SATURDAY MAY 18th @ 10AM - 5PM WHERE: 401 SW 2nd St, Fort Lauderdale, FL 33312
SUNNY SIDE UP ARTISAN MARKET @sunnysideupmarket WHAT: Community artisan & farmers markets in a south Florida! Boutique store, workshops, yoga & more! WHEN: SATURDAY MAY 18th @ 12-4PM WHERE: @livelifeinflow - 301 SW 1ST AVE, FORT LAUDERDALE, FL
SUNDAY SERVICE @FBFTL WHAT: A church service that is creative, fun & exciting as well is powerful & life-changing. Everyone is welcome to join! WHEN: SUNDAYS @ 10AM or 11:30AM WHERE: 301 East Broward Blvd, Fort Lauderdale
GEARS & BEERS @tarponriverbrewing WHAT: Every Monday night, we host a group bike ride around downtown Fort Lauderdale from 7:30pm-9:00pm. No tickets required, just show up with your bike at 7pm to roll out at 730pm from Tarpon River Brewery WHEN: MONDAY @ 7:30PM WHERE: 280 SW 6th Street Fort Lauderdale, FL 33301
submitted by Smiles9689 to fortlauderdale [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 16:06 Kooky_Stay453 It’s over for you guys…😂😭

So…I had my lesson in period 3 photography (A level) and my teacher was talking about the grade boundaries for THIS year’s photography a level student. Bear in mind, this involves every other A level and GCSE. And she said that the marking for each student this year is VERY HARD because the grade boundaries are VERY HIGH. Last year, 2023, when I got my results, I straight away compared the grade boundaries and for BOTH GCSE and A levels they were low, in comparison with 2019, BOTH GCSE and A level grade boundaries were high. I think the reason why ours were low although we had easy questions, (E.g our English literature question for Macbeth was “How Shakespeare presents Macbeths change as a man - which is FAIRLY EASY) was because we were the FIRST OFFICIAL year that returned to the official grade boundaries after covid. So, they had it easy on us. BUT, following on with what my teacher said, that the grade boundaries for A levels are HIGH I would highly and most confidently agree that also the GCSE grade boundaries are gonna be high. And also, based on what I heard others say. I saw not only a lot of people on Reddit saying that their exam questions was easy for Macbeth, but even yr 11s in my school were saying how easy the exams are and were. For example, this YEARS English literature question was EASY. Way more easier than ours. Literally the easiest. Plus, another reason I KNOW this years grade boundaries are gonna be through the roof is because of what the exam board does. For them (the exam board) to examine the next grade boundaries, they calculate the previous years grades, LITERALLY EVERYONE IN THE COUNTRY. How many people got high grades and low grades, and based on that instinct, they plan the questions and grade boundaries for next year. And based on our school, our year 2023 got the highest gcse results in our school. It literally say on our website,
“Overall, 63% of students achieved a Grade 4 or above in both English and Maths, with Grade 4 set by the government as a pass, with 16% of students having achieved the top Grade 9-7. 100% of year 11 students have all studied at least 9 GCSE or BTEC subjects from a broad range of subject areas.”
Plus, the grade boundaries have not been high since 2019, so yeah, chances are this years grade boundaries are HIGH.
I feel sorry for you all. BUT, don’t count my word on it.
submitted by Kooky_Stay453 to GCSE [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 16:06 healthmedicinet Health Daily News May 15 2024

DAY: MAY 15, 2024

submitted by healthmedicinet to u/healthmedicinet [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 16:06 ChopEee Hypothetically…

Let’s say you, in your ChatGPT interactions, you somehow uncover what may be, oh let’s call it “the theory of everything”
You’re maybe not sure if it’s real because the math is over your head and GPTs can hallucinate but what you can understand does feel right and other GPTs confirm the math and logic work
Do you:
A. Find someone in Academia to take a look B. Sell it to the highest bidder C. Do nothing because there’s absolutely no way it’s for real and if it is someone else will discover it sooner or later, it’s more about the level of tools than you D. Ask Reddit E. Other
All purely hypothetical, of course.
submitted by ChopEee to ChatGPT [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 16:05 linkofinsanity19 Language learners that have used production (NL>TL) cards, do you find they help increase the size of your active vocabulary?

I currently get around 4-5 hours of speaking in per week and am barely at C1 in production abilities (according to official exam) while not too far from C2 in recognition. I don't feel like I've improved in the past 6 months hardly at all despite being consistent. I'm really looking to at least maintain an trying to making slow bits of progress. I used to use production cards alongside recognition cards when I was a lower level and felt that my active vocab was not lagging too far behind so around the time I reached B2 I deleted the card type for production because I figured that simply speaking would increase my active vocabulary.
However, I see so many words when reviewing my recognition cards that don't come to mind when speaking but I recall them perfectly fine. I suspect my active vocab has even shrunk even while my passive vocab has increased significantly.
I can't help but think that maybe production cards in addition to speaking would be a worthwhile investment in time again, at least relative to the time necessary to do the reviews.
Simply speaking more isn't always an option, and honestly I suspect that since I get by just fine on my current speaking level, my brain taking the path of least resistance is keeping me from expressing being able to use new words/expressions to myself more fully so speaking more might just be further reinforcing current speech patterns unless something changes.
What's you guys' take on using production cards for language learning in order to increase/maintain a higher active vocab?
submitted by linkofinsanity19 to Anki [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 16:05 MightBeneficial3302 NurExone Presenting on Revolutionary Spinal Cord Injury Therapy at European Conference on Exosomes and Regenerative Medicine (TSXV: NRX, OTCQB: NRXBF, FSE: J90, NRX.V)

NurExone Presenting on Revolutionary Spinal Cord Injury Therapy at European Conference on Exosomes and Regenerative Medicine (TSXV: NRX, OTCQB: NRXBF, FSE: J90, NRX.V)

NurExone Biologic Inc. (TSXV: NRX) (Germany: J90) (the “Company” or “NurExone”), a pioneering biopharmaceutical company, is pleased to announce that Dr. Lior Shaltiel, CEO and Director at NurExone, was invited to present on "Revolutionizing Spinal Cord Injury Treatment: Harnessing the Potential of Exosomes for Advanced Therapy in Comprehensive Approach" at the Exosomes of Europe conference in London in June, 2024.
Dr. Shaltiel joins a prestigious lineup of speakers presenting applications of exosomes, including representatives from leading exosome companies such as Abbvie, Evox Therapeutics and Capricor Therapeutics, as well as senior-level executives in the field. As a pioneer and leader in this field, Dr. Shaltiel is well-positioned to provide perspective on exploiting advances in exosomes for drug delivery. NurExone is developing a first exosome-loaded nanodrug, ExoPTEN, for patients who suffer acute Spinal Cord Injuries.
Exosomes Europe is a premier event that brings together experts from academia and industry to discuss new data and case studies on advancing exosome products from the clinical stage to commercialization. The conference will take place on June 5-6, 2024, in London, England. To learn more about the summit and to register, please visit the Conference Website.
About NurExone Biologic Inc.
NurExone Biologic Inc. is a TSXV listed pharmaceutical Company that is developing a platform for biologically-guided exosome-based therapies to be delivered, non-invasively, to patients who have suffered Central Nervous System injuries. The Company’s first product, ExoPTEN for acute spinal cord injury, was proven to recover motor function in 75% of laboratory rats when administered intranasally. ExoPTEN has been granted Orphan Drug Designation by the FDA. The NurExone platform technology is expected to offer novel solutions to drug companies interested in noninvasive targeted drug delivery for other indications.
For additional information, please visit www.nurexone.com or follow NurExone on LinkedIn, Twitter, Facebook, or YouTube.
For more information, please contact:
Dr. Lior Shaltiel Chief Executive Officer and Director Phone: +972-52-4803034 Email: info@nurexone.com
Thesis Capital Inc. Investment Relation - Canada Phone: +1 905-347-5569 Email: IR@nurexone.com
Dr. Eva Reuter Investment Relation - Germany Phone: +49-69-1532-5857 Email: e.reuter@dr-reuter.eu
submitted by MightBeneficial3302 to PennyStocksCanada [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 16:04 MightBeneficial3302 NurExone Presenting on Revolutionary Spinal Cord Injury Therapy at European Conference on Exosomes and Regenerative Medicine (TSXV: NRX, OTCQB: NRXBF, FSE: J90, NRX.V)

NurExone Presenting on Revolutionary Spinal Cord Injury Therapy at European Conference on Exosomes and Regenerative Medicine (TSXV: NRX, OTCQB: NRXBF, FSE: J90, NRX.V)

NurExone Biologic Inc. (TSXV: NRX) (Germany: J90) (the “Company” or “NurExone”), a pioneering biopharmaceutical company, is pleased to announce that Dr. Lior Shaltiel, CEO and Director at NurExone, was invited to present on "Revolutionizing Spinal Cord Injury Treatment: Harnessing the Potential of Exosomes for Advanced Therapy in Comprehensive Approach" at the Exosomes of Europe conference in London in June, 2024.
Dr. Shaltiel joins a prestigious lineup of speakers presenting applications of exosomes, including representatives from leading exosome companies such as Abbvie, Evox Therapeutics and Capricor Therapeutics, as well as senior-level executives in the field. As a pioneer and leader in this field, Dr. Shaltiel is well-positioned to provide perspective on exploiting advances in exosomes for drug delivery. NurExone is developing a first exosome-loaded nanodrug, ExoPTEN, for patients who suffer acute Spinal Cord Injuries.
Exosomes Europe is a premier event that brings together experts from academia and industry to discuss new data and case studies on advancing exosome products from the clinical stage to commercialization. The conference will take place on June 5-6, 2024, in London, England. To learn more about the summit and to register, please visit the Conference Website.
About NurExone Biologic Inc.
NurExone Biologic Inc. is a TSXV listed pharmaceutical Company that is developing a platform for biologically-guided exosome-based therapies to be delivered, non-invasively, to patients who have suffered Central Nervous System injuries. The Company’s first product, ExoPTEN for acute spinal cord injury, was proven to recover motor function in 75% of laboratory rats when administered intranasally. ExoPTEN has been granted Orphan Drug Designation by the FDA. The NurExone platform technology is expected to offer novel solutions to drug companies interested in noninvasive targeted drug delivery for other indications.
For additional information, please visit www.nurexone.com or follow NurExone on LinkedIn, Twitter, Facebook, or YouTube.
For more information, please contact:
Dr. Lior Shaltiel Chief Executive Officer and Director Phone: +972-52-4803034 Email: info@nurexone.com
Thesis Capital Inc. Investment Relation - Canada Phone: +1 905-347-5569 Email: IR@nurexone.com
Dr. Eva Reuter Investment Relation - Germany Phone: +49-69-1532-5857 Email: e.reuter@dr-reuter.eu
submitted by MightBeneficial3302 to PennyCatalysts [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 16:02 commissarroach Victoria 3 - Dev Diary #117 - The UX of Sphere of Influence

Victoria 3 - Dev Diary #117 - The UX of Sphere of Influence
For all of you out there that still use Old Reddit here is a link to this Dev Diary on our forum.
Hi, Aron here. I’m one of the User Experience (UX) designers on Vicky 3 and I would like to give you an overview of our UX focus we have had in the Sphere of Influence expansion and the accompanying free update. I will start with the UX focus for our new features followed by the more general improvements.

Subject Improvements

In this feature we have broadened the agency you have over your Subjects as an Overlord significantly. You can read more in-depth about the feature here. Naturally, we have put the majority of the interactions under the Diplomacy panel to have a clear central place to look for them, but also to make this panel more interactable. Previously, it has been more of an informational panel than a place where you interact, but that we are here to change!
However, many of these actions are things you want to be able to do on the go which led us to work a lot with our context menus such as our right-click menus. One of the most used right-click menus in the game is the Country & State right-click menu, but it is also one of the largest. Unsurprisingly enough, it is the right-click menu we wanted to put even more things into now as we have added ways for you to interact with your Subject and your Overlord. This sparked some rethinking of how we can make the right-click menus more compact while still retaining the intuitivity.
End result,
  • The common actions such as “Go-to country”, “Pin country to Outliner”, and “Zoom-to country” have been moved to the headers with simple icon buttons, following the standard we already have set up for them in other panels.
  • Actions that go under the same category such as Diplomatic Actions, Subject Actions, Overlord Actions, and Bloc Member Actions get to live under their own drop-down menu.
Before:The current chonky Country right-click menu in 1.6.
After: Right-clicking Hannover as Great Britain now gives a heavily compacted right-click menu with your Overlord Actions and Diplomatic Actions neatly grouped under their respective drop-down menu.
Opening the Overlord Actions drop-down gives you the full list of potential actions.
Similarly, right-clicking one of your own States neatly stores all Decrees under its own drop-down menu. Also notice the smaller round buttons for go-to, zoom-to and pin/unpin next to the Country and State headers.
This might be more of a technical improvement on the development side of things, but it definitely benefits us all in the end. The Subject, Overlord, and Bloc Member Actions all fall under the same umbrella as Diplomatic Actions and it was clear early on during development of this expansion that we were in dire need to get their tooltips sorted out with a clear pattern with all of these new actions coming in. Both to make it easier to work with them and to benefit the end result for us players. We have two versions of tooltips, fancy custom tooltips (Cooltips) and regular tooltips, that might not be obvious to you as a player, but if you are implementing them, there is a very clear difference in what you can do with them. The regular tooltip gives us very little flexibility to what you can do since it is basically only a long text string that we build with line breaks while the Cooltip essentially is another UI panel where we have full flexibility to do whatever the GUI system can do (everything!). In other words, me as a UX designer can do a lot of cool changes directly in a Cooltip without much of a hassle while it is much more of a struggle editing regular tooltips, generally speaking. You would mainly see the difference in-game by looking at the tooltip headers and the structure of the tooltip. Most of the time, a Cooltip has an icon in the top left corner with a larger header and a type concept in the top right corner, while the regular tooltip has no icon and only a regular text header. If the tooltip feels a bit nicer and a bit more structured, it is most likely a Cooltip, even though we do have some nice regular tooltips out there as well of course.
We took the time to move all of the above Diplomatic Actions over to a Cooltip, meaning we (especially I) get more direct agency over these tooltips, what they contain and how they are structured. The Diplomatic Actions are still very text heavy tooltips, but I will bring this up again later when we talk about Power Blocs and you will see more of the neat power of Cooltips.
The “Guarantee Independence” Diplomatic Action as a typical regular tooltip with a normal header, a breaking line followed by the rest of the tooltip content. In this case, most of it is coming from code making it difficult for me as a UX designer to change anything on the go.
The same action as a typical Cooltip with an icon and a larger header that easily can be made contextual. In this case, we are hovering the button for an ongoing “Guaranteeing Independence” action and it gives us the action prompt of “Stop doing this” rather than just the name of the action. In the Cooltip, I can be the one adding this contextual header, while in a regular tooltip I could not and I would have to steal precious time from one of our programmers. This goes for all you modders out there as well, go crazy!
In a similar fashion, we have worked on the confirmation popups for the Diplomatic Actions to be consistent with the tooltips and clearly show the difference of starting and stopping an action.
The confirmation popup for “Stop Guarantee Independence”.


Political Lobbies are a quite straightforward feature from a UX perspective (read more about Lobbies here).
While you probably will encounter Lobbies more often in Events and Journal entries, or by seeing their reactions to various diplomatic actions, they also have an info panel when selected.
The new Lobby info panel..
In the Lobby info panel, you can see each Interest Group that supports the Lobby along with their Approval (since it is directly impacted by the Lobby’s overall Appeasement).
Most importantly, you can also see all actions that would affect this Lobby’s Appeasement. While the Lobbies that are in the game currently are somewhat straightforward (Pro-Lobbies encourage you to do friendly actions towards their favored Country). This is something we have the potential to greatly expand upon in the future and make it more involved.
An Interest Groups’ support of this Lobby.
You can also see why a certain Interest Group is supporting this Lobby. While it might be unlikely that you can force an Interest Group out of a Lobby due to their reasons, it does mean it is easier to tell why Lobbies form in the first place.
We also wanted players to be able to see Lobbies outside their own Country. While this may not affect your decisions as often as your own Lobbies, it is still nice to see the people of other Countries reacting to your benevolent power projection. As such we use the map mode in the Political Lens to show your Lobbies, along with any Lobbies from other Countries that concern your Country.
Map markers for your Lobbies targeting other countries and other countries Lobbies targeting you in either a pro or anti way.
Lobbies in Foreign Countries appear in their respective Countries’ Info Panel.

Building Ownership Revision & Foreign Investment

When we started development of the Building Ownership Revision & Foreign investment (read more about the feature specifics here), we had to create several early prototypes to see if this is feasible to communicate in a good and intuitive way before giving this feature the green light. Buildings are such a fundamental piece of our game and making any major changes to them must be made with care. The prototypes showed that the struggle will definitely be to illustrate who owns what of a specific building and how much, but also the opposite perspective, when looking at a Financial District for example, which buildings the Financial District owns and how much of each building, from which country, and so on. This is also where we have spent the most time to ensure it is properly communicated to the player.
We ended up with a combination of ways of illustrating this division of a building’s ownership. Some more clear than others, but our hope is that the combination of all of them will make it intuitive.
To visually represent the combination of ownership of a specific building, we used a horizontal bar divided by ownership:
  • The icon on the bar will represent one of the following:
    • Owning Country
    • Owning Pop Type
    • Owning Building
  • The color of the bar represents where the ownership is:
    • Orange: Your government
    • Light Blue: Your pops
    • Gray/white: Local population or government
    • Yellow: Foreign investors that are not you
    • We have tried using colors that work best for most color blindnesses.
If you look at the horizontal bar in the middle, you can see the representation of different ownership based on the instructions above. Also note that you can filter this whole list on “Owner” in the filters to the left. Filters being: All Nationally Owned Privately Owned Foreignly Owned.
Similarly, we use the same kind of horizontal bar for Financial Districts and Manor Houses that owns other buildings, but then it is divided by the buildings it owns:
  • The icon on the bar will represent the building it owns.
  • The color is from the country of the building it owns.
Note the Manor Houses with their red horizontal bars indicating that all buildings they own are buildings in Great Britain as Great Britain's map color is red.
These specific patterns might not be intuitive to start with when you do not know them and have no one explaining them to you, but the intention is for it to become a subconscious thing that you learn as you play. In the end, you will probably not notice when and how this helps you see the different ownerships since you have been exposed to them through the whole game and gradually learnt them, all the while you now only glance at the bar and instantly know what owns what (insert Praying Patrick meme here).
We have also experimented with putting some visualization of ownership on the map, working with arrows pointing from the owned building to the owning building. While doing so, we ended up adding visualization to input and output of Goods to a building as well. It all resulted in a big mix of arrows pointing and animating in all kinds of directions on the map. It felt a tad bit overwhelming at first, so we tweaked and toned it down slightly, and after playing with it for a while many of us felt we could not play without it.
In the example of looking at the Tooling Workshop in Burgundy above you can see all of the following on the map:
  • Ownership arrows are yellow and they go from the building’s State to the owning Building (Manor House or Financial District).
  • Ownership arrows are red if the owning building is a Government building and the arrows then go from your Capital State to the building instead.
  • Input Goods arrows are orange.
  • Output Goods arrows are green.
  • Arrows are thick if in the same state, a bit thinner if in a neighboring state, and very thin and transparent if further away.
For Financial Districts, you get a visual representation on the map of where in the world it has invested its money by looking at the animating yellow arrows.
Arrows for Input and Output of Goods animating to or out from the selected building, and oh yes, you can cycle through the associated buildings more easily now as all buildings that have anything to do with the selected building show up as map markers on the map and you can click them.
This Financial District owns a whole bunch of stuff for sure! Indicated by all the animated arrows going to this Financial District. The specific number of building levels owned by this Financial District are shown as a number on each of the owned buildings on the map with the accumulated total being the total level of the Financial District (25 in this case).

Power Blocs

One new left side menu button, a whole new panel, several new popups, and several new large scale visualizations on the map. This feature is grand. Trying to tie it all together UX wise has been a lovely challenge. You can read the specifics about Power Blocs here, but also a shout out to the awesome Art we have seen from the Art team especially for this feature as Max is telling you all about in the Art of Sphere of Influence.
Being in a Power Bloc is a grand thing. We want you to experience that and clearly feel how it is affecting you in all its pros and cons (mostly pros). Since Power Blocs are such grand things, we have worked a lot with the visual representation of them on the map, giving you full customizability of your Power Bloc if you happen to form one or be the leader of one, to give each Power Bloc its true unique feeling and look. This is of course mirrored in the mechanics as the different Central Identity Pillars are profoundly different from each other in what they do and unlock. Add the Principles to the mix and the options are quite varied, and I need to make tooltips that fits all this variation! As you may imagine, all the possible versions of a Power Bloc have been a challenge to present in a way that does not mean custom solutions for each version. One way we have tackled this is early structuring of game concepts and being consistent in the use of them. An example of this is the way we have structured the Central Identity Pillar’s cooltip into segments based on the game concepts of: Power Bloc, All Bloc Members, Bloc Leader, and Non-leader Bloc Members. This structure is then reused in all other identities’ cooltips with a segment potentially being removed if there are no effects for that specific game concept / group in that Identity.
The cooltip for the Central Identity Pillar “Military Treaty”.

This Dev Dairy had so many great showcases of the UX improvements and changes coming to Sphere of Influence that we ran into the reddit limit for images in a single post! check out the rest on our forum post here!
submitted by commissarroach to victoria3 [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 16:01 ManawarGames Destiny 2 Caln Recruitment

submitted by ManawarGames to ManawarGames [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 15:58 behemothsloth [5e][Online][Weeky][Thursday 7 PM CST][LGBT+ Friendly] Looking for 2 people for Curse of Strahd! 21+

Hello! My name is Zeffphur and I am looking for 2 players for Curse of Strahd. We have 5 players already but we are looking to have a total of 6. One of the 5 is leaving shortly after the death house. We are beginning tonight so whoever joins will not have to suffer the Death House. Current comp is a Gnome Druid, Elf Monk, Elf Shadow Sorcerer, Goliath Grave Cleric and the last is a Half-Orc Barbarian. The Barbarian is the one that’s leaving. We will use discord for audio and roll20 for maps. Character sheets will be kept on Beyond where I have content sharing on. Please be 21+ for the sake of keeping ages in the same range.
Story: Under raging storm clouds, the vampire Count Strahd von Zarovich stands silhouetted against the ancient walls of Castle Ravenloft. Rumbling thunder pounds the castle spires. The wind’s howling increases as he turns his gaze down toward the village of Barovia. Far below, yet not beyond his keen eyesight, a party of adventurers has just entered his domain. Strahd’s face forms the barest hint of a smile as his dark plan unfolds. He knew they were coming, and he knows why they came—all according to his plan. A lightning flash rips through the darkness, but Strahd is gone. Only the howling of the wind fills the midnight air. The master of Castle Ravenloft is having guests for dinner. And you are invited.
Nitty-gritty character info: You’ll start at level 1. Roll 4d6 drop the lowest. Assign as you wish. Roll 2 arrays and pick the one you want. You cannot pick and choose from either array. Its one or the other. If the score for the stat is lower than 8 you can reroll, if you want to keep it that's fine too. HP wise, it will be rolled HP. It’s Max HP first level then you roll for the rest. If you roll Half or above on your hit die, you keep it. If you roll below half you can reroll. So as far as classes that are allowed, I allow any official class/subclass outside of Artificer. Here is a race list, it is set in stone. PHB Races plus Legacy Goliath. And for my own sanity, do not suggest an overly goth character. Suggest a normal adventurer that just happens to get sucked into Barovia.
Please fill out the attached form, saves me the trouble of asking everyone the same questions then having to search for the answers. This way they are all in one place and easier on me. I will be taking my time in finding the right person. We will be talking in a call to the answers we like the best, so put some thought when filling it out. Add me on Discord (zeffphur) if you have any questions, or just message me on here.
submitted by behemothsloth to lfg [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 15:56 DoinkusGames My Tiers of new Duo Boons.

Glorious Disaster: D/A
On it's own, it does kinda average damage and siphons away your Magic too fast to really hurt anything so without anything to supplement it, D.
If you have Born Gain however, it's damage gets a pretty big spike as all you need to di is channel and kite and do free damage.
Apocalyptic Storm: B/S
Giving Blitz effects more reliable AoE is helpful. This isn't giving any sort of raw damage burst so this is more a range buff.
It becomes particularly nasty however if you pair it with Romantic Spark however.
Thermal Dynamics: D/S++
So, by itself just giving things scorch is kinda useless and doesn't do much. If you have the other Scorch buffs, might be a little better.
The only way this becomes truly worth taking is if you already happen to have Scalding Vapor.
Killer Current: C
This is fairly niche. If you have all the right boons it can do nutty DPS but without that combination of boons, it doesn't do anything so it's kind in the middle for me.
Master Conductor: A
A solid, reliable Duo that always gives you great DPS and AOE buff. IT doesn't require much of anything to become strong the moment you get it and only becomes better with hammers and other boons.
Romantic Spark: C
If you're running a Sprint Build or Get Apoc Storm, can be really good. Otherwise, is too situational and risky to be effective.
Kings Ransom: A
Very, Very strong and will only get stronger depending on how you rolled your balance of boons. Multiple levels into Blitz and lightning boons makes clearing rooms fairly easy.
Funeral Pyre: D/
Usually, pretty useless. it's just not effective enough to matter compared to the other ways to apply Scorch.
Spiteful Strength: D
It's honestly better just to get a Heroic Flutter Strike/Flourish with some levels than this.
Cherished Heirloom: F
The If Possible basically means if you maxed it to level 3, this Duo Boon does nothing. Yup.
Soul Mate: C
Hitch's main power point was the ability to link the whole room so limiting to two really is more of a nerf than anything. Makes this worse for encounters but stronger for Guardians and feels weird for it.
Golden Rule: B/S
Ah yes, I smack you with my wallet has returned. If you're stockpiling Gold, it's tier goes up. Otherwise, it's occasional extra damage.
Queens Ransom: God-tier
So, this is probably single handedly the strongest overall Duo. For a couple reasons.
One, it's buffing Hera's Boons, which are Monstrous. It can reduce the Prime of Born Gain to 1 (I haven't gotten it to 0 quite yet or know if it can but even 1 is dumb if you have triple-digit magic)
3 levels per Zeus boon is insane power when you think of some of Hera's boons that buffs.
Nasty Comeback - Something Tickles you and it dies. Engagement Ring - Something spawns and it dies. Keen Intuition - Turns omega Engagement ring into a nuke
More importantly though, there is Family Trade, which lets you swap your Attack/Special/Cast/Sprint for one that's higher rarity and has bonus levels.
These bonus levels are applied after to the bonus levels you already have from Queen's Ransom.
So you can get a Heroic max level Flutter Strike/Volcanic Flourish/Wave Flourish/Solar Ring/Breaker Sprint/Smithy Sprint
Island Getaway: God
Damage reduction is helpful. The main thing is the 'nearby' mechanic. This lets range weapons cheese Flutter Flourish builds. Especially the Staff.
Good god this just do gross DPS to guardians with Double Moonshot.
Natural Selection: S
More Boons, higher hammer chances. Need I say more?
Seismic Hammer: D
The other Hephaestus Boons you can at least upgrade to lower their CDs.
Beach Ball: D
Maybe for a normal Boon 150 base is okay damage but if I'm sprinting around aiming this thing and it only tickles things, it's not worth it.
Scalding Vapor: S/God
One of the best Damage sets in the game and if you compile it with other boons, it only gets stronger.
This however, becomes truly God tier when you pair it with Hitch Sprint.
By running around and linking everyone together you steambath, you can clear most rooms rapidly.
Torrential Downpour: A/God
This By itself, empowering Cast builds is very strong.
However, this becomes the untouchable Sunshine God build if you pair it with Born Gain and Local Climate.
Putting these two together turns you into a solar nuke that melts anything that gets near you with infinite magic.
Room Temperature: B/S
Normally, this makes it so you can stack more Freeze.
However, if you have higher enough levels in Heroic Volcanic Strike, you can can reduce the CD to one second.
Combining that with the ax lets you CC lock entire rooms without a care. IF Guardians could be Stunlocked by Freeze, this would be the strongest Duo in the game.
Freezer Burn: C
Meh? More Scorch is alright. Because it's also freeze, it makes it more viable than other Scorch setups but also, still can't reliably freeze Guardians, which is the main thing Scorch struggles on.
Hearty Appetite: C/A
The 'I slap you with my HP' Duo.
This is okay for some extra damage, and becomes fairly strong if you build into it.
Phoenix Skin: A
If you have the HP to sink into it, it's the only source of Regen in the game and it's fairly reliable.
Sunny Disposition: C
If the Heart Throbs just rotated a little further out, I'd consider this okay. It's kinda average otherwise.
Stellar Slam: C
Helps in clearing rooms but no extra damage in a Duo Boon is kind of a letdown.
Soft Caress: B
Another proc of ignoring damage for Guardians is always valuable.
Burning Desire: F
Pretty useless. Relies on there actually being Shades around and even then, the damage is pretty low per.
For how uncommon Shades are, the damage on this should be much higher.
Chain Reaction: B
More procs on Volcanic triggers is decent, the only issue is this particular Duo is very inconsistent. As Written, B. But currently doesn't function that way atm.
submitted by DoinkusGames to HadesTheGame [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 15:50 ElectronicSquirrel30 What I've learned from my first "big" class (positive post)

I just finished teaching my first large (80-person) class. For references, I'm in a private R1, STEM; the class was on the softer side of STEM.
It was a version of a class I've taught before that was 40 students that was turned into a "general education" requirement. It was stressful, but finally a positive experience. Here are my words of wisdom.
  1. When you double the class, you double the number of problems. You need very clear, explicit boundaries for assignments, lateness, policy, etc. Having a boilerplate e-mail that is firm but polite saves a lot of emotional energy. e.g., "I'm sorry to hear that you're struggling right now. Per syllabus, [THE ANSWER THEY DON'T WANT]."
  2. Have a separate e-mail folder for student e-mails and move everything there. Wait a day before replying to any student e-mail.
  3. Engagement is much harder to manage. If the students need to do X to learn, X has to have a grade attached. Intrinsic motivation can't be sustained when students can't connect with you one-on-one.
  4. Low engagement means more procrastination; for big assignments, have at least one prior (graded) stage that might be, e.g., a plan of work. This can be gently graded (e.g., "if you submit a good faith attempt, you get at least a B") — it's just to reality-check students about what they have to do.
  5. Detailed rubrics for all assignments are crucial. You can't rely on explaining a requirement in class.
  6. Group work works really well, but the students have to choose their own groups for this to work effectively.
  7. You will probably need to be a harsher grader (unfortunately) on the key assignments — you will get far more sub-standard work, and your rubrics need to include the various conditions for receiving a C, D, and F on any piece of work. (I messed this up, and had conditions for A, B, and F... did not expect stuff that was above F, but well below B.)
  8. Do not have any assignment where failing to turn it in means a B-level student will fail the class. (This was my main source of pain — I ended up accepting late assignments on the final because I didn't want to fail students.)
Would love to hear thoughts from others!
EDIT: one strategy that worked very well — for student e-mails that couldn't be answered with a cut-paste from the syllabus, I said: "great question, come see me at the lectern after next class". About 50% of those never showed; the other 50% led to great, efficient, 2 minute conversations where a surprising amount of teaching got done.
submitted by ElectronicSquirrel30 to Professors [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 15:44 coyoteproshop What separates animal vs human consciousness?

What separates animal vs human consciousness?
Let me preface this by saying that these are exclusively my theories and I have no expert background in the study of consciousness. I am a voracious reader and people tell me I have an amazing memory, but my education is mostly in math and science. However, given that we have made almost no progress on this front, I feel that the field is open for speculation and alternative points of view. Here is my personal theory that I've been thinking about for the past year or so.
I'm something of a dualist in that I think that consciousness is very likely a quantum phenomenon that we tune into with structures presumably in the brain (see yesterday's discussion of microtubules). These structures give us (and other organisms with similar structures) access to what I call "raw consciousness" or "experiential consciousness" which is simply a means of distinguishing self from environment.
Humans (and perhaps some animals) have what I call "referential" or "narrative" consciousness, which is a more refined channeling of raw consciousness that arises because of our use of symbology / language. I think there is direct evidence that language is the defining characteristic of our refined consciousness in that 1) children do not form memories before they acquire a certain level of language sophistication (not just a certain biological age, because precocious children often have earlier memories than average children) and 2) humans who have been raised without language (e.g. feral children, of which there are a few examples) report having no memory of the time before they acquired language.
Raw consciousness is reactive. Memories are formed (after all, even very simple animals have mechanisms for remembering important stimuli) and these memories are accessed by experiencing similar stimuli or situations. These memories are related to time only in so far as they tend to fade as the interval between relevant stimuli lengthens (e.g. if a dog once ate an extremely bitter tropical houseplant that you then disposed of, the dog is unlikely to ever encounter that stimulus again and so the memory will fade with time). So, organisms with raw consciousness live in the moment, reacting and forming new salient memories.
Humans on the other hand have "narrative consciousness" which associates each memory very clearly in time by the means of what I call a "narrative rope" which is essentially a running commentary, created by your inner voice (which after all, speaks in your language) which includes "loops" to hook onto non-narrative memories such as smells, tastes, sights, sounds, feelings, etc. (very similar to hyperlinks). Because of these loops and the language-based backbone, the rope serves as a dictionary with multiple keys e.g. the memory of grandma's apple pie can be recalled by thinking "grandma's apple pie" or by the smell of apples, or by the crisp fall weather, or by the emotion of contentment. Because the rope is a running narrative, we can also place events clearly in time giving us a sense of past (events already encoded in the rope), and as a result, a sense of the future (pre-ropes that we have planned out that may or may not occur). In predicting the future, we draw on our past experiences and create a series of pre-rope branches of varying strength, depending on our estimation of their likelihood. The pre-rope branches which did not occur are pruned as the narrator encounters the decisive moment where the pre-rope branches collapse to the true event. We are surprised when the actual events deviate significantly from our mesh of pre-rope.
Crucially, because the rope is written with language, it can also be rewritten with language resulting in the lability of memory we see, particularly in eye witness testimony. Our narrative consciousness is not concerned with absolute fidelity because this is not necessary for our survival, instead the narrative is meant to A) store experiences for future use and B) actualize us in time e.g. define who we are as an active agent, which owing to the fact that we are the protagonist of our own lives allows us to fudge and change the details of certain memories if it benefits our self-image or the narrative of the group we belong to.
As far as I can see, the rope grants us access to 4 types of consciousness, 3 of which animals do not have (as far as we know):
1) Raw Consciousness: this is living in the moment, taking in events as they happen. This is an uncommon state for a human to be in, and in fact, many of us strive to "stay in the moment" through practices such as yoga and meditation meant to suppress the inner voice.
2) Reflective Consciousness: this is a state in which we are reviewing, reliving and revising past experiences, mining them for additional information, or playing out different scenarios we might want to try in the future.
3) Predictive Consciousness: this is where we are engaged in simulating and planning for the future (laying a mesh of pre ropes). Often we make use of Reflective Consciousness during this phase.
4) Creative Consciousness: this state of consciousness floats between Raw, Reflective and Predictive Consciousness, seeking unnoticed connections / bridges. Connections can be formed in a rope-rope, rope-pre rope, or pre rope - pre rope fashion. Forming a connection is often met with a "Eureka!" feeling. Fantasizing happens here as well.
The four facets of narrative consciousness
The narrative rope and agents
Recall keys
So according to my theory (and I have not checked to see if this is an original idea, and I don't particularly care) language is our defining characteristic. Language is the valve through which we shape raw consciousness and extend it to the abstract realm of time, which I don't believe animals or people without narrative consciousness experience. It gives us a much larger repertoire of potential responses to incoming stimuli, allows us to predict future events (or at least try to) based on our analysis of the past, grants us the ability to be creative through mining Reflective, Predictive and Raw Consciousness for connections and gives us the feeling of existing through time, rather than just in the present moment.
submitted by coyoteproshop to HumanLiberation [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 15:43 studyatbengaluru Breaking News: NEET UG 2024 Answer Keys Released (Not by NTA)!

Title: "Breaking News: NEET UG 2024 Answer Keys Released (Not by NTA)!"
In a surprising turn of events, the NEET UG 2024 answer keys have been leaked ahead of their official release by the National Testing Agency (NTA). This unauthorized disclosure has sent shockwaves through the medical aspirant community, sparking debates and concerns over the integrity of the examination process. 😱🔑 #NEETUG2024 #AnswerKeyLeak
The leaked NEET UG 2024 answer keys have surfaced on various social media platforms and online forums, raising questions about the security measures in place to safeguard sensitive examination materials. Students across the country are now scrambling to access these leaked answer keys in hopes of gaining insights into their performance before the official results are declared. 🌐🔍 #SecurityConcerns #ExaminationIntegrity
While the authenticity of the leaked answer keys remains unverified, many candidates are expressing frustration and disappointment with the breach of trust and confidentiality. The NTA, responsible for conducting the NEET UG exam, has yet to issue a statement addressing the situation, leaving students in a state of uncertainty and anxiety. 🤔😞 #TrustBreach #StudentConcerns
In light of this unauthorized disclosure, it is imperative for students to exercise caution and refrain from relying on unverified sources for exam-related information. The integrity of the NEET UG exam must be upheld, and any attempts to manipulate or exploit the examination process should be condemned. 🛡️🚫 #ExamIntegrity #StayCautious
As the investigation into the leaked answer keys unfolds, it is crucial for authorities to implement stringent security measures to prevent similar incidents in the future. Transparency and accountability are paramount in maintaining the credibility of national-level examinations like NEET UG, and any lapses in security must be addressed promptly. 🔒🔍 #SecurityMeasures #TransparencyMatters
In the meantime, students are advised to focus on their preparations and await the official release of the NEET UG 2024 answer keys by the NTA. While the leaked answer keys may provide some insights, it is essential to prioritize accuracy and reliability in assessing one's performance. 📚💡 #FocusOnPreparation #OfficialAnswerKeys
The NEET UG exam is a crucial milestone for aspiring medical professionals, and the integrity of the examination process must be upheld to ensure fair and equitable opportunities for all candidates. Let us remain vigilant and united in our efforts to safeguard the sanctity of our educational institutions and examinations. 🎓👩‍⚕️ #MedicalAspirants #FairExamination
As we await further updates from the NTA regarding the NEET UG 2024 answer keys, let us remember the importance of integrity, honesty, and accountability in our academic pursuits. Together, we can overcome any challenges and strive towards a brighter future in the field of medicine. 💪✨ #AcademicIntegrity #BrightFuture
Stay tuned for more updates on the NEET UG 2024 examination and the official release of the answer keys by the NTA. Let us continue to uphold the values of integrity, transparency, and fairness in all aspects of our academic journey. 📝🔑 #StayUpdated #NEET2024 #OfficialAnswerKeys
submitted by studyatbengaluru to u/studyatbengaluru [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 15:43 Even-Ad6613 Da li Automatio QA treba biti odličan programer?

Ovo pitanje sam dobio od jednog intervjuera i tu smo se složili da se ne slažemo (pritom me je najviše ispitivao oko Jenkins-a i teorijske Jave, kao da sam konkurisao za DevOpsa, a planirali su da implementiraju Selenium sa Phyton-om - nidje veze).
Verujem da se pitanje svodi na ovo: - Da li prvo treba da kidaš u programiranju i onda savladaš alate za automatizaciju ili - savladaš osnovne koncepte programiranja, kao što su recimo OOP i slično, dok s druge se istovremeno prilagođavaš na alate i framework-e.
Moje mišljenje (a i iskustvo) je druga varijanta. Razlog je jednostavan - ako najviše vremena posvetim Javi recimo, naučim i savladam vremenom više od samih osnova, verovatno će mi karijerni cilj biti BE development.
Kao QA, treba da vladam i nekim drugim konceptima koji su vezani za samo testiranje. Štaviše, preduslov da bi dobio ISTQB sertifikaciju za autom. testiranje je da položiš ISTQB foundation level, što su osnove testiranja.
S obzirom na to, smatram da QA-evi nisu u obavezi da budu neki vrhunski, napredni programeri da bi adekvatno radili svoj posao automatizacije.
Šta ostali ljudi iz naše industrije misle? Zašto jesam / nisam u pravu? 🙂
submitted by Even-Ad6613 to programiranje [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 15:41 FREEDOM55SIMS Just Announced Midsummer Studios Already Set to Release Demo this year 2024 of Their Upcoming Life Sim Game and Directly Calls Out The Sims. Jake Solomon Reveals More Gameplay Information in Various Interviews.

The founder of Midsummer Studios, Jake Solomon, has given us more information about the new life sim game with a demo due to release this year 2024!
He also directly calls out and confirms they are competing with the Sims. throws down the gauntlet.
He also gives us more information about the mystery game title:
“We’re at an interesting time as players of life sims,” Solomon said in a statement to Variety. “I thought I looked pretty smart over a year ago when I left my former studio and announced that I was going to make a life sim to compete with the long running (and really only show in town) ‘The Sims.’ Now, there are four or five (seemingly great) competitors being developed. Our difference is that we’re focused on story. Specifically, the story that the players write themselves just by playing the game. The player controls the story they want to tell, and in fact, when the game starts the player can choose from multiple “themes” that define their story. For example they can tell the game that they want to tell a story about finding their soulmate while also succeeding at their small town business.
“We use that information at game start to then generate an interesting cast of supporting characters and seed them with relationships that will instantly create a ‘narrative rich’ environment. If the player wants to tell a romantic story, then we might generate a cast where one person is an ex-lover AND a coworker, one is your high school sweetheart AND your neighbor, and one is your secret crush but also runs a rival business in town. In this way, the game already starts in an interesting place that our players will want to explore. Our players will be able to share the characters they create, the storylines they tell, and even entire towns that they have customized. We intend to have a community hub that allows players to easily upload their own creations and download the creations of other players right into their game.”
Solomon says Midsummer Studios plans “to grow slowly and to limit our overall studio size in order to make ourselves as flexible and efficient as possible, while giving our team a sustainable, steady place to work (which is no given in our current industry.)”
Midsummer has plans to reveal a demo in 2024 and later reveal a target launch date for the currently untitled life-sim game.
See rest of the article here
In an interview with PC Gamer, Midsummer Studios co-founder and creative director Jake Solomon divulged how his career making strategy games has actually always been building towards his longtime dream of a relationship simulator and his plans for a small town full of Gilmore Girls-style drama.
After working on Civilization games himself, the games Solomon later took creative lead on started to zoom in on characters and relationships with the ~soldier bond system in XCOM 2~, and then the ~friendship system~ in Marvel's Midnight Suns, a game he affectionately describes as his "little hero dating simulator" that he "lavished way too much attention on."
Now he says his dream as a designer has always been a game about high school and dating. "I think these things have always been kind of brewing in the back of my mind. And they've probably manifested in each game that I've designed," he says.
Midsummer Studios' first game sounds like it isn't solely about high school dating, but it's definitely all about the drama of personal relationships.The basics of Midsummer's yet-to-be-revealed game, as they stand, are this: You'll decide what kind of story you want to tell, whether it's about romance, family, or something else entirely, and the game will fill the town with characters and generate relationships between them—it almost sounds like starting a game of Dwarf Fortress. From a Sims-like overhead view of the world, you can play through a story divided into scenes where your character has wants and needs and has to juggle those relative to time, or you can go into a creative mode to inhabit any character you please, edit relationships, give orders, and play around in your sandbox.
"You're guiding a character through their daily life in a small town—and a small town is a very narrative rich environment," Solomon says. "Whether it's Gilmore Girls, which is the one I bring up maybe too often to my team, or it could be Stephen King … It's a narrative rich environment because everybody knows everybody."
Each scene is less about managing want meters as in The Sims series and more about juggling your character's motivations at any point in time. Scenes might have modifiers, like an unfortunate case of intestinal distress that will make your character want to go to the bathroom several times while trying to get through a date. If you aren't feeling the scene you're in though, creative mode lets you ditch the scene constraints entirely."We want the player to feel like they have enough things that they want to do in any particular scene but they can't possibly do all of them," Solomon says.
The idea is to create conditions that are ripe for generating "emergent stories," and though that's often a buzzword, Solomon has some specific ideas about what that means from his own time spent playing The Sims.
"I love The Sims. You play it and this amazing stuff happens. I'll be like: is my wife flirting with the old neighbor? What the fuck? And you want the game to be like: dun dun duuuuun!"
He envisions a game that recognizes when a dramatic moment is happening by understanding the relationships of everyone involved, and giving you a satisfying nod of the head for the drama you've managed to construct.
"The audience that we're interested in is the people, like if you go to Tumblr, they're the people who share the stories of their characters through screenshots and they do a lot of really, really incredible work," he says.
"What we're wrestling with right now is that there have to be some curated storylines but I think we want them to be very, very high level," he says, describing something that sounds a little like the events system in Crusader Kings 3, except with more dialogue. "The way we handle this is a character will come up to you and say 'oh I heard your father is back in town,' and this is a dialogue tree where the player has three very different options like 'I never want to talk to that man again' or 'yeah, he's here because he's getting married and I don't like his fiancee.'"
Solomon caveats this by saying that the details of all these systems are still being iterated on—adding that Midsummer Studios currently has 11 members and expects to become just 13 "for another year or so." It's clear the studio is already playing with very early prototypes of everything he describes, but it's a lot of very high-concept talk right now. I can't picture exactly how this game will play, but I do like where his head's at.
With all this talk about the live drama of a life sim, what about the build mode folks like me? Solomon says they want to eventually have decoration and interior redesigns and building your house from scratch, but as for having those things in for the initial launch he's not so confident. "Our guiding star is the idea of relationships and story and so that allows us to kind of deprioritize other features."
As much as the XCOM guy pivoting to a life sim warrants a double take, he does seem to get Sims players, referencing popular ~Sims 4 mods~ like Wicked Whims and the differences between Alpha and Maxis Match custom content.
As for the potential of a modding community for this game, Solomon is enthusiastic, saying he believes that mods are "essential," though isn't positive yet on the exact details around the level of support and tools Midsummer will share with players.
For the rest of the PC Gamer interview article and source found here
For more information about Midsummer Studios, see threads/posts & timestamped video here:
Intresting Things to note about Midsummer Studios
-Krafton is the publisher for another Sims competitor life sim, InZoi and they are one of the funds funding Midsummer Studio. This adds legitimacy to Krafton is coming for the Sims Franchise and EA by any means necessary. They are clearly invested.
Discussion: What do you think about Solomon's overall vision for his Life Sim and his focus on relationships? Are you familiar with his previous work?Do you think him and the team have a enough experience with The Sims and life simulators to understand what players want? Are you excited for the release of the demo and announcement of the full release? What do you think of this unexpected news of a demo and the seemingly speedy time line? What are your thoughts in general?
These last 2 years have been a sim renaissance! Exciting time to be a life sim gamer because years ago this would have been unimaginable. I love the competition to the Sims, it will force the Sims franchise, and the overall Life Sim genre to innovate. Big deal since there was very little competition to none until recently.
submitted by FREEDOM55SIMS to LifeSimulators [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 15:36 BodySnatcher260 Got my first e-drum kit - I LOVE IT!

Got my first e-drum kit - I LOVE IT!
Hey community! I recently joined because I wanted to see advice on e-drums, and I must say I am happy to see how rapidly these have evolved in quality and what they offer. I bought an entry level Roland because of budget. I recently moved to another country and had to sell my acoustic kit (i've been playing for 15 years now) so I wanted something that did not use much space and I think I nailed it. I am really happy with my purchase.
I just want to keep my playing condition and using for composition purposes. However now I am tempted of getting a PA system or amp to use for rehearsals with other musicians as well.
Any advice on that?
submitted by BodySnatcher260 to edrums [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 15:31 Ok_wow_yeah Pricing question: labor + part + repair??

Pricing question: labor + parts + repair???
Does any other shop you know, break things down to labor + materials + repair? In all my years, I’ve only seen labor + materials. I dropped off my E bike to a small new shop, provided the new sensor, was told it was $80 an hour for labor (and they confirmed it took an hour) but I’m really confused by the final invoice. Them being rude about my questions isn’t helpful too. I would love some input.
Note: I’m in Texas, the bike brand is Wing from NYC, and to compare, I had called Wing’s recommended NYC bikeshop and they verified that their price to fix was $80/hr and would be an hour, maybe 30min
Below is the breakdown. When questioned, they then just merged it together and said it’s $120. Thanks
— Electrical minor repair or inspection, level 1, requiring removal of 1 cover, escutcheon, or other part bike, bicycle, ebike, or scooter shop service labor $40.00
Labor Hourly - Removed crank arms on both sides - unscrewed bottom bracket on drive side - Replaced pedal assist sensor with new one - Reinstalled bottom bracket and crank arms - Used original sensor cable to pull the new sensor cable trough the frame to the controller - Installed new sensor cable to the controller - Reinstalled the controller cover and installed the battery - Test rode, bike is now working as designed. $80.00
submitted by Ok_wow_yeah to bikewrench [link] [comments]
