Choto bonke choda story

ATAH for not wanting to go for a run with my mother?

2024.06.09 01:55 Potatochipfriend ATAH for not wanting to go for a run with my mother?

I (14F) was asked to go on a run with my mother. Normally, I love running, but yesterday I had an experience that sort of spooked me pretty bad.
Yesterday, I was dropped off at a pediatric clinic by my mom- she didn’t come with me because she had some errands to run , and figured I was grown enough to go to a doctor’s office on my own. It was later in the day, and where I live it gets dark quickly in the season we’re in (summer). So , I was walking up to the door to get into the clinic when some homeless seeming guy literally jumped out of a bush and yelled “HEY!” At me. I screamed, because I’m easy to startle, and jumped backwards and bonked into the wall behind me. The guy kinda pulled himself out of the bushes and stared at me , before looking at me with bloodshot eyes and asking me : “do people live here ..?- do you live here ?.. where do you live?? Do you want to come with me? - “- I was recovering from the scare, and pretty anxious (because who hides in a bush), so I just kinda said “sorry?”, to which the man sort of hobbled up and kinda stumbled at me and reached for me. I tried the door to get in, but turns out the door is really old, and kinda hard to lug open. My mom had drove off by this time so it was kinda just me and this dude. I saw a lady who looked like she worked there, and kinda ran over to her and started talking to her. The dude kind stumbled off. Of course , it’s fucking weird if your a man hanging out in a whole ass bush,- so , the woman decided to call the police. Just to make sure he wasn’t walking around the outside of the office ( because there are KIDS there ).- long story short, it was pretty horrifying. They called my mom, who just told me to finish the appointment- she picked me up after.
This experience had made me feel a little paranoid, and today my mom asked me to go for a run with her. I told her I was a little paranoid about the possibility of the dude being around , because as it turned out , they never found him. She yelled at me, called me a bratty jerk, and told me to stop being dramatic. I guess I am a little dramatic, but I kind of want to just wait a day or two more just to be sure I’m not going to run into him again. So, AITAH?
(Let me know if you need more details!! I’m kinda rushed right now,,)
submitted by Potatochipfriend to AITAH [link] [comments]

2024.06.08 08:51 nichs55 There’s something about these new trailers

Hi all, I want to start by stating I could not be more excited for MH wilds! I will be purchasing and putting 100s of hours into it like many a time before. I’ve been with MH since the ps2 days and it’s probably my favourite game franchise ever! That being said I need to see if anyone else in the community feels the same way right now…
Something about these last few trailers has left me not quite fully satisfied…
Maybe it’s the nostalgia, or just the want for more! But these trailers have felt very story heavy, which is never really what I feel monster hunter was about. Give me a quest and let’s go hunt - how we want to. Leading the 3 dog bears away from each other, running away from the sand snakes, that all looks and feels very ‘story locked’ if that’s the right word. Typically I wouldn’t worry about leading them away, I’d just whip my hammer out and start bonking all 3 of them! I didn’t have to do a dance the first time I encountered a rath.
I’m probably answering my own points here - I understand it’s the world style format and story plays stronger here. I understand we are potentially still a year away from release (I hope not) - so plenty of time for drip feeding info and trailers. I also understand they have to debut new mechanics and tutorial them into the games. I think what I’m longing for is a pure gameplay trailer akin to the previous games trailers. just utter carnage, revealing about 20 monsters all being fought in short sharp snippets. And maybe that will come with time.
I just wondered if I’m alone in feeling like this or if anyone else is hyped as heck but couldn’t really care for the story?
submitted by nichs55 to MonsterHunter [link] [comments]

2024.06.08 07:51 piss_boy- Dementus' actual fate theory

TL;DR: Dementus died of the seizure after Furiosa bonked him on the head real hard.
I just saw Furiousa for the second time and something occurred to me about how Furiosa may have actually killed Dementus. Let me first address that ultimately it's entirely up to interpretation of how Furiosa killed him, but hear me out:
In the scene where Furiosa begins beating Dementus, he has no idea who she is and it's revealed he's done significantly worse things than he did to Furiosa's mother. And after she beats him over the head so hard she falls over, he has what appears to be a seizure... then regains consciousness and suddenly remembers exactly who Furiosa is and that this cycle of violence has come full circle.
My theory then is this: in reality Furiosa's anger got the better of her and she hit Dementus so hard over the head it killed him instantly. Realizing that all these years of hatred for Dementus killing her mother and then Jack, and he thought absolutely nothing of it, he doesn't even know who she is, and worse of all, she kills him without any satisfaction. He dies from a seizure from a couple hits.
The following dialogue that occurs after Dementus "regains" consciousness could be implying that this is internally Furiosa coming to terms with the unsatisfactory result of all these years of hatred, and trying to find some resolution to make sense of what caused Dementus to be so fucked up.
The montages of Dementus deaths are Furiosa thinking over the ways she would have preferred to kill him, ultimately finding satisfaction in a fucked up narrative concise endless torture that satisfies her revenge fantasy for her mother and Jack, has a slight message of symbolic healing, and is a giant "don't fuck with me" to anyone who hears her legend- but also is actually true because she is literally torturing Dementus by not losing hope in the future and moving forward in life by helping others instead of giving into chaos.
Mad Max at its core is about how stories and history intertwine and how reality isn't really what we want but a story. Dementus' "can you make it epic?" Line really hints at that. Not like 'can you kill me in the most fucked up way possible' but 'can you turn this mediocre death into something compelling'- legends are more important that reality.
submitted by piss_boy- to MadMax [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 18:28 Diavolo97 Crypto Security and Solutions

What's up fellas, today a friend and fellow got hacked for well over $150,000 worth in holdings, from Solana to SPL tokens like POWSCHE, WIF, BONK.
The hackers immediately sold the tokens an ran off into the sunset.
He ultimately was using a Phantom wallet which we all know, aren't the most secure places to be holding your tokens and networth.
I've been using multi sig providers and I have ledgers on the way to protect my portfolio, but do you suggest any other ways to secure funds?
Again, this space is full of bad actors and scummy scammers so I'd highly advise people to not click links and to not download stuff onto your PC.
Looking for any other solutions that people in this space might have to protect their bags.
I think fully educating people on Crypto protection is the best way to move forward this cycle, as stories like the one I witnessed today can be enough to pout a lot of normies off of Crypto as a whole.
With social media being a huge factor for this cycle, a lot of new hands are going to be coming into the space, completely uneducated and it's going to be a massive payday for these bad actors, so ideally want to create a thread that combats it to the best of our ability.
submitted by Diavolo97 to solana [link] [comments]

2024.06.06 18:39 jonfinazzo UFC Fight Night: Cannonier vs. Imavov - A Breakdown by The Finz

FINZ PICKS: 239-164🔥@finzchatsmma on Instagram




SW Bout: Puja Tomar v. Rayanne Amanda
Records: 8-4 v. 14-7
Last 5 Fights: WWWWL v. LWWWL
PICK: Rayanne Amanda by RD1 Submission
BW Bout: Cody Stamann v. Taylor Lapilus
Records: 21-6-1 v. 19-4
Last 5 Fights: LWWLL v. LWWWW
PICK: Taylor Lapilus by Unanimous Decision
SW Bout: Eduarda Moura v. Denise Gomes
Records: 10-0 v. 8-3
Last 5 Fights: WWWWW v. LWWLW
PICK: Eduarda Moura by RD2 Submission
BW Bout: Daniel Marcos v. John Castaneda
Records: 15-0 v. 21-6
Last 5 Fights: DWWWW v. WWLWW
PICK: Daniel Marcos by Split Decision
FlyW W Bout: Andrea Lee v. Montana De La Rosa
Records: 13-9 v. 12-9-1
Last 5 Fights: LLLLW v. LLLWD
PICK: Andrea Lee By Unanimous Decision
BW Bout: Brad Katona v. Jesse Butler
Records: 13-3 v. 12-5
Last 5 Fights: LWWWW v. LWWWW
PICK: Brad Katona (lol i know i just glazed Butler but i mean c’mon) by Unanimous Decision
WW Bout: Charles Radtke v. Carlos Prates
Records: 9-3 v. 18-6
Last 5 Fights: WWWWW v. WWWWW
PICK: Charles Radtke by RD2 Submission
WW Bout: Thiago Moises v. Ludovit Klein
Records: 18-7 v. 21-4-1
Last 5 Fights: WLWWL v. WWDWW
PICK: Ludovit Klein by Split Decision
WW Bout: Punahele Soriano v. Miguel Baeza
Records: 9-4 v. 10-3
Last 5 Fights: LLWLL v. LLLWW
PICK: Punahele Soriano by RD1 KO
MW Bout: Julian Marquez v. Zach Reese
Records: 9-4 v. 6-1
Last 5 Fights: LLWWL v. LWWWW
PICK: Zach Reese by RD1 KO
MW Bout: Bruno Ferreira v. Dustin Stoltzfus
Records: 11-1 v. 15-5
Last 5 Fights: WLWWW v. WLWLL
PICK: Bruno Ferreira by RD2 KO
BW Bout: Raul Rosas Jr. v. Ricky Turcios
Records: 8-1 v. 12-3
Last 5 Fights: WLWWW v. WLWWL
PICK: Raul Rosas Jr by Unanimous Decision
LHW Bout: Dominick Reyes v. Dustin Jacoby
Records: 12-4 v. 19-8-1
Last 5 Fights: LLLLW v. LWLLW
PICK: Dustin Jacoby... by ... RD2 KO :(
MW Bout: Jared Cannonier v. Nassourdine Imavov
Records: 17-6 v. 193-4
Last 5 Fights: WWLWW v. WDLWW
PICK: Jared Cannonier by Unanimous Decision
submitted by jonfinazzo to MMAbetting [link] [comments]

2024.06.06 11:05 WolffGlory Just looking for a bit of feedback

I'm one of those "I'm going to write a book" people. I've been saying it for over 20 years but every time I write, I hate what I put down. Cliched and trope ridden, as well as archaic in style. Anyway, I just found this on my computer, it's from a couple of years ago, and though I don't remember where the story was headed exactly, I was just wondering if anyone would be willing to give a bit of feedback on the writing style and what not?
This is it anyway:
His hands were cut and splintered from holding such a tight grip. The piece of wood (possibly part of an old table leg) was an inanimate, broken and discarded object that had been peacefully minding its own business. That was before its transformation into a device used solely for bludgeoning and as it turns out, it was rather adept at blunt force trauma.
Content now with having had some purpose, after several years of sitting as part of a pile of debris, it wondered whether it would ever again experience such joys and exhilarations. To be swung towards someone’s head, full force and to make contact with such sweet accuracy that the thwacks and bonks resonated off the walls... well, it had been glorious.
He let the wood slip to the floor as he studied the fresh abrasions and gashes on his arms and hands. Danger removed, the weapon was now just a piece of wood again., inanimate and inert, though with a fresh coat of blood that some may mistake for paint.
One, two, three… and a pair of legs sticking out of what once was a fridge full of medical equipment, made four. They’d tried to jump him.
Or did I jump them?
His brow furrowed and he tried to recall the previous five minutes.
It shouldn’t be this difficult.
Curiosity, or even boredom, had led him to enter the medical centre. Foolish really. Attacks had become more frequent with the survivors he’d encountered, and he hadn’t particularly needed more medical supplies. Yet not everywhere had been completely ransacked and there was always a chance he’d find something worth having.
At what cost?
He looked again at the bodies. Maybe they weren’t all dead bodies yet. Images flashed into his mind. Images of them. Images of him. Echoes of screams. Those screams being stifled. Heavy breathing. Laboured and desperate grunts. Sickening thuds as wood met flesh and bone. He remembered the frenzy now and it terrified him because he knew it wasn’t really a frenzy at all. Despite the speed at which everything happened, he was always in control. Always aware. The cold reptilian brain that saw everything and didn’t react with fear, but with cool and devastating precision, had been at the centre of it all from the beginning.
They were in fact, all dead bodies.
submitted by WolffGlory to KeepWriting [link] [comments]

2024.06.06 07:18 special_cicada99 [MHW] What weapon do you main, and why?

I played Monster Hunter World when it first came out, it was my first experience with the series and the trailer for Wilds pulled me back in. I remember having test driven every weapon for about the first half of the story and ultimately deciding to main the Greatsword and the hammer when i felt like bonking.
I haven't played iceborn yet and plan on doing so, but i feel like i want a new main weapon for that, but i feel like i picked the most fun 2 weapons right from the get-go but of course that isnt what everybody would agree with.
So please tell me what your favorite weapon is and why you think its the most fun to play (≠ the best/most op)
Thank you :)
submitted by special_cicada99 to MonsterHunter [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 18:51 EclosionK2 My siblings’ imaginary friend wants to kill me [Part 2]

I - II
“Are you sure we can't make Jumpy the Frog a little … friendlier looking?”
My animation supervisor was looking at my sketches, and pointing out how Jumpy’s eyes looked a little too bloodshot, and how too many veins protruded through his gray skin.
But that's just what Jumpy looked like.
“He can stay in the background,” I said. “ I would really appreciate it— if we could sneak him in there for the next episode.”
My anim supe frowned at the picture. “Is this like a webcomic you are trying to make viral or something?”
It's actually some awful, real life entity I'm trying to appease so it doesn't kill me.
“Yeah, it's a webcomic. I would really appreciate it. Seriously. Just this once”
My supe liked me and I could tell he was willing to make this small favor happen, but that still didn't wipe the look of confusion off his face.
“Okay. I'll talk to production. It doesn't need to go higher up the chain. We can just slip Jumpy in near the end of the episode in one of the crowd scenes.”
I bowed and clasped his hands.
I would be seeding Jumpy’s image across a generation of kids who streamed cartoons. If that Frog said it needed believers to exist, it would now have a legion of kids who would see it, and probably wonder what that creepy frog was doing in the background of a popular TV show.
It might not happen right away, it may take weeks or months for anyone to notice, but if I could have Jumpy appear enough times to get other kids to simply think about the frog, I would no longer be condemned as the sole believer.
All I need is one fan to make a meme about it (hell I could lay the groundwork myself), and then we’d have tons of people on the internet seeing Jumpy, fan-arting Jumpy, and dreaming about Jumpy. He’ll have hordes of adherents loyal to his image.
I felt like this plan would work. Something in my bones told me so.
To celebrate, I removed all the Jumpy drawings I had put up in my apartment, and I deleted all photos from my phone.
“You’ll have plenty of believers, Jumpy! Not just me! A sea of ten-year olds will keep your essence alive!”
I was laughing, pouring myself some wine and cheersing my reflection in the mirror.
The evening was young, and for the first time in what felt like years, I decided I would go out. To a pub. A club. Anything.
I pinged a couple friends and got some suitable dancing clothes.
My elevator is the glass kind that rides on the exterior of my building. I usually don’t appreciate the view, but tonight I relished the sun setting on the horizon, basking the entire city in a warm orange glow. I had found a solution to Jumpy, and I deserved a moment to appreciate the good things in life.
I admired the other skyscrapers, which framed the white capped peaks in the distance. I admired the graceful fir trees which fit in-between the downtown streets. And I admired the grimy footprints on the elevator glass that didn't block any of this magical view.
Wait a second. Grimy footprints?
The elevator jolted to a stop.
I flew several feet in the air. Fell straight on my tailbone
My entire spine was on fire for a few moments as I looked at the elevator’s little screen .Floor 31 - SERVICE ERROR.
What just happened?
I heard loud warbling on the elevator's glass, and there the answer presented itself. Outside, waving its massive webbed hand, was an ecstatic, smiling Jumpy the Frog.
“Whitaker sister! It’s me! It's me! It's meeee!’
Even muffled behind the glass, I could make out the high-pitched voice.
“Jesus Christ,” I said, barely able to speak. My body had frozen stiff.
“What you say?” Jumpy pressed its head against the glass. “I can't hear you.”
I collected myself, realizing how much weight Jumpy was adding to the elevator. I tried shooing with my hands. “Get off. Get off the glass!”
The frog's pupils widened and looked in two different directions. “Okays! I’ll take off the glass!”
“What? Wait. Wait!”
The amphibian applied both of its sticky hands on the glass above the elevator, creating a vacuum-tight seal. The arms lifted, flexing dozens of wiry, cord-like muscles. I could hear metal and screws pop.
The glass exploded atop the elevator.
I shielded my head as hundreds of shattered pieces fell. A few cut my arms. Crisp, thin air breezed in along with Jumpy’s jovial voice. “Whitaker sister!”
I watched as the frog clambered down into the elevator. Its skin looked healthy and green, evidently all my ‘believing’ had maybe helped heal the creature after all. I stood with my back against the closed metal door. Jumpy reached the elevator floor.
“Why are you removing Jumpy art?” The frog used a massive arm to sweep the glass away from its feet.
I could barely move. “What?”
“I sawed you remove the pictures of Jumpy in your house. Why? why? why why why?”
Although I was terrified for my life in this broken elevator missing half of its ceiling. I was now doubly creeped out that Jumpy had been watching me in my apartment? For how long?
The frog licked its eyes, The cheeriness from its voice fading a little. “Why. You. Remove. Drawings.”
I cleared my throat, and brushed hair out of my eyes. “Listen Jumpy, I am going to convince lots of kids to believe in you.”
The frog stared blankly.
“I’m going to get a lot of kids to believe in you, so I don't have to believe in you. This way you can outlive the Whitaker sisters. This way you can live your own life, Jumpy. I’m setting you … free.”
The frog held still, not moving a single muscle until its head tilted sideways. “But Jumpy belongs to Whitakers. Jumpy always helps only the Whitakers!”
“Well, I'm giving you permission to stop. You can be free. To be your own frog.” I was trying to sound confident, like the way my sisters may have commanded Jumpy.
But Jumpy didn't seem to take this well. The frog slowly cradled its face, as if such a suggestion was sacrilege. “But how is Jumpy supposed to help you then? Who do you want Jumpy to gobble up?”
“I don't need you to help me. I don't … what do you mean gobble up?”
“Marie-Anne and Jamie had Jumpy gobble up lots of peoples!”
They did? “Like … who?”
“Oh other pretty little girls. Girls who did too much talking and singing. Lots of peoples.”
I haven't mentioned this yet, but my twin sisters were rising young actors. They landed recurring roles on a sitcom and their careers only seemed to be looking up. Until the fatal car accident of course.
“I don't want you to gobble anyone up, Jumpy! I want you to be free, to go live in the pond or Forest and do whatever you like.”
“But …” The frog lowered its gaze and approached me“... Jumpy likes gobbling. Please tell Jumpy who to gobble.”
I couldn’t back up any further than the elevator door. “Fish! Worms! Whatever normal frogs gobble up. You go gobble that.”
Jumpy pressed one of its sinuous fingers against my belly. “Oh but you can think of some juicy, jiggly peoples for Jumpy to gobble up. There must be someone you don’t like.”
I closed my eyes, sealed my mouth. The moldy fruit breath was overwhelming.
“Tell Jumpy who to gobble.”
I shielded my face. “Please Jumpy. I don’t have anyone. I don’t want you to eat anyone.”
The breath retreated. Its voice turned disappointed. “You don’t have … anyone?”
“No. It’s not good to eat people, Jumpy.”
When I opened my eyes, the frog was turned away. It placed one of its massive hands on the glass wall.
“You don’t want Jumpy to be happy …” The frog bonked its head along the glass, penalizing its own sorrow. The glass cracked a little bit.
“No, I want you to be very happy! I just want you to discover a new source of happiness that isn’t … gobbling.”
The frog bonked its head on the glass again. “Marie-Anne and Jamie told me you wouldn't understand Jumpy. Maybe they were right ...”
The remaining walls of glass were growing cracks at an alarming rate. If they broke, I would be completely exposed at thirty one stories above sea level.
“Please Jumpy! I understand everything! Maybe I can find you, like, I dunno, a people meat substitute? Have you tried pork?”
Jumpy ignored me, and climbed back to the opening up top. The glass was spider-webbing everywhere
“Sorry Whitaker, Jumpy must eat peoples. There is no choice.”
Pops and snaps came from all the walls around me. I turned to hug the elevator door as close as I could.
“I’ll just wait for your kids,” Jumpy said. “I’m sure one of the childrens will have lots of gobble ideas for Jumpy.”
Before I could reply, the frog hopped away, climbing along the side of my apartment building.
Then, the glass around me fractured in aggressive zigs zags until … SNAP! CRACKLE! POP!
Shards fell like a waterfall.
Bits shot at my back and neck.
Within seconds, the glass walls around me were gone. I could feel the cold, atmospheric wind rippling through my clothes.
The platform slanted from the weight of the glass. I rolled once or twice before digging my nails into the floor.
I was at least four hundred feet in the air, completely at mercy to the elements. If the elevator jolted in any direction, I would certainly roll off the ground platform and plummet.
Oh god. Please don’t move, please don’t move, please don’t move, please don’t move …
Screams would erupt uncontrollably as the elevator jiggled every now and then. I’m not ashamed to admit that I soiled myself.
Birds cawed at my panicked form. The twin elevator would rumble past me, causing my whole platform to tremble too. I was in my own private hell for forty five minutes until the fire department showed up.
It felt more like six hours.
When they finally did manage to pry open the elevator door and pull me to safety, they announced I had no real injuries, only a couple of minor scrapes. But I was trembling so much from fear, that they took me straight to the hospital. The paramedic said I looked like I had seen a ghost.
I stayed the night, unable to sleep.
They even kept me the full next day because my heart rate still wouldn’t go down.
“You’ve got to relax, you’re safe now,” one of the nurses said. And I told them, “I know, I know, I’m doing my best.”
But what I didn’t explain was that I was absolutely petrified that a horrible frog monster could come back and kill me. I had only met Jumpy twice in my life now, and both times it felt like I was staring death in the face. Even if it was by accident, the frog could easily hop on me, choke me or toss me down a flight of stairs without intending to murder me.
Jumpy was too callous, too oblivious in regard to preserving any human life… and then I realized I would soon enable kids to see Jumpy.
I would be allowing minors to not only risk their lives meeting the frog, but also risk the lives of others by letting him gobble.
I had sent the wheels in motion for a Pandora’s box to open via children’s television across the internet, across the entire world. The frog could terrorize the lives of countless kids for eternity because they would all believe in and fear it. Bullies would abuse Jumpy. Parents won’t know what to do. I would be creating a real life boogeyman.
Dear God, what have I done?
submitted by EclosionK2 to TheCrypticCompendium [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 18:45 EclosionK2 My siblings’ imaginary friend wants to kill me [Part 2]

I - II
“Are you sure we can't make Jumpy the Frog a little … friendlier looking?”
My animation supervisor was looking at my sketches, and pointing out how Jumpy’s eyes looked a little too bloodshot, and how too many veins protruded through his gray skin.
But that's just what Jumpy looked like.
“He can stay in the background,” I said. “ I would really appreciate it— if we could sneak him in there for the next episode.”
My anim supe frowned at the picture. “Is this like a webcomic you are trying to make viral or something?”
It's actually some awful, real life entity I'm trying to appease so it doesn't kill me.
“Yeah, it's a webcomic. I would really appreciate it. Seriously. Just this once”
My supe liked me and I could tell he was willing to make this small favor happen, but that still didn't wipe the look of confusion off his face.
“Okay. I'll talk to production. It doesn't need to go higher up the chain. We can just slip Jumpy in near the end of the episode in one of the crowd scenes.”
I bowed and clasped his hands.
I would be seeding Jumpy’s image across a generation of kids who streamed cartoons. If that Frog said it needed believers to exist, it would now have a legion of kids who would see it, and probably wonder what that creepy frog was doing in the background of a popular TV show.
It might not happen right away, it may take weeks or months for anyone to notice, but if I could have Jumpy appear enough times to get other kids to simply think about the frog, I would no longer be condemned as the sole believer.
All I need is one fan to make a meme about it (hell I could lay the groundwork myself), and then we’d have tons of people on the internet seeing Jumpy, fan-arting Jumpy, and dreaming about Jumpy. He’ll have hordes of adherents loyal to his image.
I felt like this plan would work. Something in my bones told me so.
To celebrate, I removed all the Jumpy drawings I had put up in my apartment, and I deleted all photos from my phone.
“You’ll have plenty of believers, Jumpy! Not just me! A sea of ten-year olds will keep your essence alive!”
I was laughing, pouring myself some wine and cheersing my reflection in the mirror.
The evening was young, and for the first time in what felt like years, I decided I would go out. To a pub. A club. Anything.
I pinged a couple friends and got some suitable dancing clothes.
My elevator is the glass kind that rides on the exterior of my building. I usually don’t appreciate the view, but tonight I relished the sun setting on the horizon, basking the entire city in a warm orange glow. I had found a solution to Jumpy, and I deserved a moment to appreciate the good things in life.
I admired the other skyscrapers, which framed the white capped peaks in the distance. I admired the graceful fir trees which fit in-between the downtown streets. And I admired the grimy footprints on the elevator glass that didn't block any of this magical view.
Wait a second. Grimy footprints?
The elevator jolted to a stop.
I flew several feet in the air. Fell straight on my tailbone
My entire spine was on fire for a few moments as I looked at the elevator’s little screen .Floor 31 - SERVICE ERROR.
What just happened?
I heard loud warbling on the elevator's glass, and there the answer presented itself. Outside, waving its massive webbed hand, was an ecstatic, smiling Jumpy the Frog.
“Whitaker sister! It’s me! It's me! It's meeee!’
Even muffled behind the glass, I could make out the high-pitched voice.
“Jesus Christ,” I said, barely able to speak. My body had frozen stiff.
“What you say?” Jumpy pressed its head against the glass. “I can't hear you.”
I collected myself, realizing how much weight Jumpy was adding to the elevator. I tried shooing with my hands. “Get off. Get off the glass!”
The frog's pupils widened and looked in two different directions. “Okays! I’ll take off the glass!”
“What? Wait. Wait!”
The amphibian applied both of its sticky hands on the glass above the elevator, creating a vacuum-tight seal. The arms lifted, flexing dozens of wiry, cord-like muscles. I could hear metal and screws pop.
The glass exploded atop the elevator.
I shielded my head as hundreds of shattered pieces fell. A few cut my arms. Crisp, thin air breezed in along with Jumpy’s jovial voice. “Whitaker sister!”
I watched as the frog clambered down into the elevator. Its skin looked healthy and green, evidently all my ‘believing’ had maybe helped heal the creature after all. I stood with my back against the closed metal door. Jumpy reached the elevator floor.
“Why are you removing Jumpy art?” The frog used a massive arm to sweep the glass away from its feet.
I could barely move. “What?”
“I sawed you remove the pictures of Jumpy in your house. Why? why? why why why?”
Although I was terrified for my life in this broken elevator missing half of its ceiling. I was now doubly creeped out that Jumpy had been watching me in my apartment? For how long?
The frog licked its eyes, The cheeriness from its voice fading a little. “Why. You. Remove. Drawings.”
I cleared my throat, and brushed hair out of my eyes. “Listen Jumpy, I am going to convince lots of kids to believe in you.”
The frog stared blankly.
“I’m going to get a lot of kids to believe in you, so I don't have to believe in you. This way you can outlive the Whitaker sisters. This way you can live your own life, Jumpy. I’m setting you … free.”
The frog held still, not moving a single muscle until its head tilted sideways. “But Jumpy belongs to Whitakers. Jumpy always helps only the Whitakers!”
“Well, I'm giving you permission to stop. You can be free. To be your own frog.” I was trying to sound confident, like the way my sisters may have commanded Jumpy.
But Jumpy didn't seem to take this well. The frog slowly cradled its face, as if such a suggestion was sacrilege. “But how is Jumpy supposed to help you then? Who do you want Jumpy to gobble up?”
“I don't need you to help me. I don't … what do you mean gobble up?”
“Marie-Anne and Jamie had Jumpy gobble up lots of peoples!”
They did? “Like … who?”
“Oh other pretty little girls. Girls who did too much talking and singing. Lots of peoples.”
I haven't mentioned this yet, but my twin sisters were rising young actors. They landed recurring roles on a sitcom and their careers only seemed to be looking up. Until the fatal car accident of course.
“I don't want you to gobble anyone up, Jumpy! I want you to be free, to go live in the pond or Forest and do whatever you like.”
“But …” The frog lowered its gaze and approached me“... Jumpy likes gobbling. Please tell Jumpy who to gobble.”
I couldn’t back up any further than the elevator door. “Fish! Worms! Whatever normal frogs gobble up. You go gobble that.”
Jumpy pressed one of its sinuous fingers against my belly. “Oh but you can think of some juicy, jiggly peoples for Jumpy to gobble up. There must be someone you don’t like.”
I closed my eyes, sealed my mouth. The moldy fruit breath was overwhelming.
“Tell Jumpy who to gobble.”
I shielded my face. “Please Jumpy. I don’t have anyone. I don’t want you to eat anyone.”
The breath retreated. Its voice turned disappointed. “You don’t have … anyone?”
“No. It’s not good to eat people, Jumpy.”
When I opened my eyes, the frog was turned away. It placed one of its massive hands on the glass wall.
“You don’t want Jumpy to be happy …” The frog bonked its head along the glass, penalizing its own sorrow. The glass cracked a little bit.
“No, I want you to be very happy! I just want you to discover a new source of happiness that isn’t … gobbling.”
The frog bonked its head on the glass again. “Marie-Anne and Jamie told me you wouldn't understand Jumpy. Maybe they were right ...”
The remaining walls of glass were growing cracks at an alarming rate. If they broke, I would be completely exposed at thirty one stories above sea level.
“Please Jumpy! I understand everything! Maybe I can find you, like, I dunno, a people meat substitute? Have you tried pork?”
Jumpy ignored me, and climbed back to the opening up top. The glass was spider-webbing everywhere
“Sorry Whitaker, Jumpy must eat peoples. There is no choice.”
Pops and snaps came from all the walls around me. I turned to hug the elevator door as close as I could.
“I’ll just wait for your kids,” Jumpy said. “I’m sure one of the childrens will have lots of gobble ideas for Jumpy.”
Before I could reply, the frog hopped away, climbing along the side of my apartment building.
Then, the glass around me fractured in aggressive zigs zags until … SNAP! CRACKLE! POP!
Shards fell like a waterfall.
Bits shot at my back and neck.
Within seconds, the glass walls around me were gone. I could feel the cold, atmospheric wind rippling through my clothes.
The platform slanted from the weight of the glass. I rolled once or twice before digging my nails into the floor.
I was at least four hundred feet in the air, completely at mercy to the elements. If the elevator jolted in any direction, I would certainly roll off the ground platform and plummet.
Oh god. Please don’t move, please don’t move, please don’t move, please don’t move …
Screams would erupt uncontrollably as the elevator jiggled every now and then. I’m not ashamed to admit that I soiled myself.
Birds cawed at my panicked form. The twin elevator would rumble past me, causing my whole platform to tremble too. I was in my own private hell for forty five minutes until the fire department showed up.
It felt more like six hours.
When they finally did manage to pry open the elevator door and pull me to safety, they announced I had no real injuries, only a couple of minor scrapes. But I was trembling so much from fear, that they took me straight to the hospital. The paramedic said I looked like I had seen a ghost.
I stayed the night, unable to sleep.
They even kept me the full next day because my heart rate still wouldn’t go down.
“You’ve got to relax, you’re safe now,” one of the nurses said. And I told them, “I know, I know, I’m doing my best.”
But what I didn’t explain was that I was absolutely petrified that a horrible frog monster could come back and kill me. I had only met Jumpy twice in my life now, and both times it felt like I was staring death in the face. Even if it was by accident, the frog could easily hop on me, choke me or toss me down a flight of stairs without intending to murder me.
Jumpy was too callous, too oblivious in regard to preserving any human life… and then I realized I would soon enable kids to see Jumpy.
I would be allowing minors to not only risk their lives meeting the frog, but also risk the lives of others by letting him gobble.
I had sent the wheels in motion for a Pandora’s box to open via children’s television across the internet, across the entire world. The frog could terrorize the lives of countless kids for eternity because they would all believe in and fear it. Bullies would abuse Jumpy. Parents won’t know what to do. I would be creating a real life boogeyman.
Dear God, what have I done?
submitted by EclosionK2 to Odd_directions [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 18:42 EclosionK2 My siblings’ imaginary friend wants to kill me [Part 2]

I - II
“Are you sure we can't make Jumpy the Frog a little … friendlier looking?”
My animation supervisor was looking at my sketches, and pointing out how Jumpy’s eyes looked a little too bloodshot, and how too many veins protruded through his gray skin.
But that's just what Jumpy looked like.
“He can stay in the background,” I said. “ I would really appreciate it— if we could sneak him in there for the next episode.”
My anim supe frowned at the picture. “Is this like a webcomic you are trying to make viral or something?”
It's actually some awful, real life entity I'm trying to appease so it doesn't kill me.
“Yeah, it's a webcomic. I would really appreciate it. Seriously. Just this once”
My supe liked me and I could tell he was willing to make this small favor happen, but that still didn't wipe the look of confusion off his face.
“Okay. I'll talk to production. It doesn't need to go higher up the chain. We can just slip Jumpy in near the end of the episode in one of the crowd scenes.”
I bowed and clasped his hands.
I would be seeding Jumpy’s image across a generation of kids who streamed cartoons. If that Frog said it needed believers to exist, it would now have a legion of kids who would see it, and probably wonder what that creepy frog was doing in the background of a popular TV show.
It might not happen right away, it may take weeks or months for anyone to notice, but if I could have Jumpy appear enough times to get other kids to simply think about the frog, I would no longer be condemned as the sole believer.
All I need is one fan to make a meme about it (hell I could lay the groundwork myself), and then we’d have tons of people on the internet seeing Jumpy, fan-arting Jumpy, and dreaming about Jumpy. He’ll have hordes of adherents loyal to his image.
I felt like this plan would work. Something in my bones told me so.
To celebrate, I removed all the Jumpy drawings I had put up in my apartment, and I deleted all photos from my phone.
“You’ll have plenty of believers, Jumpy! Not just me! A sea of ten-year olds will keep your essence alive!”
I was laughing, pouring myself some wine and cheersing my reflection in the mirror.
The evening was young, and for the first time in what felt like years, I decided I would go out. To a pub. A club. Anything.
I pinged a couple friends and got some suitable dancing clothes.
My elevator is the glass kind that rides on the exterior of my building. I usually don’t appreciate the view, but tonight I relished the sun setting on the horizon, basking the entire city in a warm orange glow. I had found a solution to Jumpy, and I deserved a moment to appreciate the good things in life.
I admired the other skyscrapers, which framed the white capped peaks in the distance. I admired the graceful fir trees which fit in-between the downtown streets. And I admired the grimy footprints on the elevator glass that didn't block any of this magical view.
Wait a second. Grimy footprints?
The elevator jolted to a stop.
I flew several feet in the air. Fell straight on my tailbone
My entire spine was on fire for a few moments as I looked at the elevator’s little screen .Floor 31 - SERVICE ERROR.
What just happened?
I heard loud warbling on the elevator's glass, and there the answer presented itself. Outside, waving its massive webbed hand, was an ecstatic, smiling Jumpy the Frog.
“Whitaker sister! It’s me! It's me! It's meeee!’
Even muffled behind the glass, I could make out the high-pitched voice.
“Jesus Christ,” I said, barely able to speak. My body had frozen stiff.
“What you say?” Jumpy pressed its head against the glass. “I can't hear you.”
I collected myself, realizing how much weight Jumpy was adding to the elevator. I tried shooing with my hands. “Get off. Get off the glass!”
The frog's pupils widened and looked in two different directions. “Okays! I’ll take off the glass!”
“What? Wait. Wait!”
The amphibian applied both of its sticky hands on the glass above the elevator, creating a vacuum-tight seal. The arms lifted, flexing dozens of wiry, cord-like muscles. I could hear metal and screws pop.
The glass exploded atop the elevator.
I shielded my head as hundreds of shattered pieces fell. A few cut my arms. Crisp, thin air breezed in along with Jumpy’s jovial voice. “Whitaker sister!”
I watched as the frog clambered down into the elevator. Its skin looked healthy and green, evidently all my ‘believing’ had maybe helped heal the creature after all. I stood with my back against the closed metal door. Jumpy reached the elevator floor.
“Why are you removing Jumpy art?” The frog used a massive arm to sweep the glass away from its feet.
I could barely move. “What?”
“I sawed you remove the pictures of Jumpy in your house. Why? why? why why why?”
Although I was terrified for my life in this broken elevator missing half of its ceiling. I was now doubly creeped out that Jumpy had been watching me in my apartment? For how long?
The frog licked its eyes, The cheeriness from its voice fading a little. “Why. You. Remove. Drawings.”
I cleared my throat, and brushed hair out of my eyes. “Listen Jumpy, I am going to convince lots of kids to believe in you.”
The frog stared blankly.
“I’m going to get a lot of kids to believe in you, so I don't have to believe in you. This way you can outlive the Whitaker sisters. This way you can live your own life, Jumpy. I’m setting you … free.”
The frog held still, not moving a single muscle until its head tilted sideways. “But Jumpy belongs to Whitakers. Jumpy always helps only the Whitakers!”
“Well, I'm giving you permission to stop. You can be free. To be your own frog.” I was trying to sound confident, like the way my sisters may have commanded Jumpy.
But Jumpy didn't seem to take this well. The frog slowly cradled its face, as if such a suggestion was sacrilege. “But how is Jumpy supposed to help you then? Who do you want Jumpy to gobble up?”
“I don't need you to help me. I don't … what do you mean gobble up?”
“Marie-Anne and Jamie had Jumpy gobble up lots of peoples!”
They did? “Like … who?”
“Oh other pretty little girls. Girls who did too much talking and singing. Lots of peoples.”
I haven't mentioned this yet, but my twin sisters were rising young actors. They landed recurring roles on a sitcom and their careers only seemed to be looking up. Until the fatal car accident of course.
“I don't want you to gobble anyone up, Jumpy! I want you to be free, to go live in the pond or Forest and do whatever you like.”
“But …” The frog lowered its gaze and approached me“... Jumpy likes gobbling. Please tell Jumpy who to gobble.”
I couldn’t back up any further than the elevator door. “Fish! Worms! Whatever normal frogs gobble up. You go gobble that.”
Jumpy pressed one of its sinuous fingers against my belly. “Oh but you can think of some juicy, jiggly peoples for Jumpy to gobble up. There must be someone you don’t like.”
I closed my eyes, sealed my mouth. The moldy fruit breath was overwhelming.
“Tell Jumpy who to gobble.”
I shielded my face. “Please Jumpy. I don’t have anyone. I don’t want you to eat anyone.”
The breath retreated. Its voice turned disappointed. “You don’t have … anyone?”
“No. It’s not good to eat people, Jumpy.”
When I opened my eyes, the frog was turned away. It placed one of its massive hands on the glass wall.
“You don’t want Jumpy to be happy …” The frog bonked its head along the glass, penalizing its own sorrow. The glass cracked a little bit.
“No, I want you to be very happy! I just want you to discover a new source of happiness that isn’t … gobbling.”
The frog bonked its head on the glass again. “Marie-Anne and Jamie told me you wouldn't understand Jumpy. Maybe they were right ...”
The remaining walls of glass were growing cracks at an alarming rate. If they broke, I would be completely exposed at thirty one stories above sea level.
“Please Jumpy! I understand everything! Maybe I can find you, like, I dunno, a people meat substitute? Have you tried pork?”
Jumpy ignored me, and climbed back to the opening up top. The glass was spider-webbing everywhere
“Sorry Whitaker, Jumpy must eat peoples. There is no choice.”
Pops and snaps came from all the walls around me. I turned to hug the elevator door as close as I could.
“I’ll just wait for your kids,” Jumpy said. “I’m sure one of the childrens will have lots of gobble ideas for Jumpy.”
Before I could reply, the frog hopped away, climbing along the side of my apartment building.
Then, the glass around me fractured in aggressive zigs zags until … SNAP! CRACKLE! POP!
Shards fell like a waterfall.
Bits shot at my back and neck.
Within seconds, the glass walls around me were gone. I could feel the cold, atmospheric wind rippling through my clothes.
The platform slanted from the weight of the glass. I rolled once or twice before digging my nails into the floor.
I was at least four hundred feet in the air, completely at mercy to the elements. If the elevator jolted in any direction, I would certainly roll off the ground platform and plummet.
Oh god. Please don’t move, please don’t move, please don’t move, please don’t move …
Screams would erupt uncontrollably as the elevator jiggled every now and then. I’m not ashamed to admit that I soiled myself.
Birds cawed at my panicked form. The twin elevator would rumble past me, causing my whole platform to tremble too. I was in my own private hell for forty five minutes until the fire department showed up.
It felt more like six hours.
When they finally did manage to pry open the elevator door and pull me to safety, they announced I had no real injuries, only a couple of minor scrapes. But I was trembling so much from fear, that they took me straight to the hospital. The paramedic said I looked like I had seen a ghost.
I stayed the night, unable to sleep.
They even kept me the full next day because my heart rate still wouldn’t go down.
“You’ve got to relax, you’re safe now,” one of the nurses said. And I told them, “I know, I know, I’m doing my best.”
But what I didn’t explain was that I was absolutely petrified that a horrible frog monster could come back and kill me. I had only met Jumpy twice in my life now, and both times it felt like I was staring death in the face. Even if it was by accident, the frog could easily hop on me, choke me or toss me down a flight of stairs without intending to murder me.
Jumpy was too callous, too oblivious in regard to preserving any human life… and then I realized I would soon enable kids to see Jumpy.
I would be allowing minors to not only risk their lives meeting the frog, but also risk the lives of others by letting him gobble.
I had sent the wheels in motion for a Pandora’s box to open via children’s television across the internet, across the entire world. The frog could terrorize the lives of countless kids for eternity because they would all believe in and fear it. Bullies would abuse Jumpy. Parents won’t know what to do. I would be creating a real life boogeyman.
Dear God, what have I done?
submitted by EclosionK2 to libraryofshadows [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 18:38 EclosionK2 My siblings’ imaginary friend wants to kill me [Part 2]

I - II
“Are you sure we can't make Jumpy the Frog a little … friendlier looking?”
My animation supervisor was looking at my sketches, and pointing out how Jumpy’s eyes looked a little too bloodshot, and how too many veins protruded through his gray skin.
But that's just what Jumpy looked like.
“He can stay in the background,” I said. “ I would really appreciate it— if we could sneak him in there for the next episode.”
My anim supe frowned at the picture. “Is this like a webcomic you are trying to make viral or something?”
It's actually some awful, real life entity I'm trying to appease so it doesn't kill me.
“Yeah, it's a webcomic. I would really appreciate it. Seriously. Just this once”
My supe liked me and I could tell he was willing to make this small favor happen, but that still didn't wipe the look of confusion off his face.
“Okay. I'll talk to production. It doesn't need to go higher up the chain. We can just slip Jumpy in near the end of the episode in one of the crowd scenes.”
I bowed and clasped his hands.
I would be seeding Jumpy’s image across a generation of kids who streamed cartoons. If that Frog said it needed believers to exist, it would now have a legion of kids who would see it, and probably wonder what that creepy frog was doing in the background of a popular TV show.
It might not happen right away, it may take weeks or months for anyone to notice, but if I could have Jumpy appear enough times to get other kids to simply think about the frog, I would no longer be condemned as the sole believer.
All I need is one fan to make a meme about it (hell I could lay the groundwork myself), and then we’d have tons of people on the internet seeing Jumpy, fan-arting Jumpy, and dreaming about Jumpy. He’ll have hordes of adherents loyal to his image.
I felt like this plan would work. Something in my bones told me so.
To celebrate, I removed all the Jumpy drawings I had put up in my apartment, and I deleted all photos from my phone.
“You’ll have plenty of believers, Jumpy! Not just me! A sea of ten-year olds will keep your essence alive!”
I was laughing, pouring myself some wine and cheersing my reflection in the mirror.
The evening was young, and for the first time in what felt like years, I decided I would go out. To a pub. A club. Anything.
I pinged a couple friends and got some suitable dancing clothes.
My elevator is the glass kind that rides on the exterior of my building. I usually don’t appreciate the view, but tonight I relished the sun setting on the horizon, basking the entire city in a warm orange glow. I had found a solution to Jumpy, and I deserved a moment to appreciate the good things in life.
I admired the other skyscrapers, which framed the white capped peaks in the distance. I admired the graceful fir trees which fit in-between the downtown streets. And I admired the grimy footprints on the elevator glass that didn't block any of this magical view.
Wait a second. Grimy footprints?
The elevator jolted to a stop.
I flew several feet in the air. Fell straight on my tailbone
My entire spine was on fire for a few moments as I looked at the elevator’s little screen .Floor 31 - SERVICE ERROR.
What just happened?
I heard loud warbling on the elevator's glass, and there the answer presented itself. Outside, waving its massive webbed hand, was an ecstatic, smiling Jumpy the Frog.
“Whitaker sister! It’s me! It's me! It's meeee!’
Even muffled behind the glass, I could make out the high-pitched voice.
“Jesus Christ,” I said, barely able to speak. My body had frozen stiff.
“What you say?” Jumpy pressed its head against the glass. “I can't hear you.”
I collected myself, realizing how much weight Jumpy was adding to the elevator. I tried shooing with my hands. “Get off. Get off the glass!”
The frog's pupils widened and looked in two different directions. “Okays! I’ll take off the glass!”
“What? Wait. Wait!”
The amphibian applied both of its sticky hands on the glass above the elevator, creating a vacuum-tight seal. The arms lifted, flexing dozens of wiry, cord-like muscles. I could hear metal and screws pop.
The glass exploded atop the elevator.
I shielded my head as hundreds of shattered pieces fell. A few cut my arms. Crisp, thin air breezed in along with Jumpy’s jovial voice. “Whitaker sister!”
I watched as the frog clambered down into the elevator. Its skin looked healthy and green, evidently all my ‘believing’ had maybe helped heal the creature after all. I stood with my back against the closed metal door. Jumpy reached the elevator floor.
“Why are you removing Jumpy art?” The frog used a massive arm to sweep the glass away from its feet.
I could barely move. “What?”
“I sawed you remove the pictures of Jumpy in your house. Why? why? why why why?”
Although I was terrified for my life in this broken elevator missing half of its ceiling. I was now doubly creeped out that Jumpy had been watching me in my apartment? For how long?
The frog licked its eyes, The cheeriness from its voice fading a little. “Why. You. Remove. Drawings.”
I cleared my throat, and brushed hair out of my eyes. “Listen Jumpy, I am going to convince lots of kids to believe in you.”
The frog stared blankly.
“I’m going to get a lot of kids to believe in you, so I don't have to believe in you. This way you can outlive the Whitaker sisters. This way you can live your own life, Jumpy. I’m setting you … free.”
The frog held still, not moving a single muscle until its head tilted sideways. “But Jumpy belongs to Whitakers. Jumpy always helps only the Whitakers!”
“Well, I'm giving you permission to stop. You can be free. To be your own frog.” I was trying to sound confident, like the way my sisters may have commanded Jumpy.
But Jumpy didn't seem to take this well. The frog slowly cradled its face, as if such a suggestion was sacrilege. “But how is Jumpy supposed to help you then? Who do you want Jumpy to gobble up?”
“I don't need you to help me. I don't … what do you mean gobble up?”
“Marie-Anne and Jamie had Jumpy gobble up lots of peoples!”
They did? “Like … who?”
“Oh other pretty little girls. Girls who did too much talking and singing. Lots of peoples.”
I haven't mentioned this yet, but my twin sisters were rising young actors. They landed recurring roles on a sitcom and their careers only seemed to be looking up. Until the fatal car accident of course.
“I don't want you to gobble anyone up, Jumpy! I want you to be free, to go live in the pond or Forest and do whatever you like.”
“But …” The frog lowered its gaze and approached me“... Jumpy likes gobbling. Please tell Jumpy who to gobble.”
I couldn’t back up any further than the elevator door. “Fish! Worms! Whatever normal frogs gobble up. You go gobble that.”
Jumpy pressed one of its sinuous fingers against my belly. “Oh but you can think of some juicy, jiggly peoples for Jumpy to gobble up. There must be someone you don’t like.”
I closed my eyes, sealed my mouth. The moldy fruit breath was overwhelming.
“Tell Jumpy who to gobble.”
I shielded my face. “Please Jumpy. I don’t have anyone. I don’t want you to eat anyone.”
The breath retreated. Its voice turned disappointed. “You don’t have … anyone?”
“No. It’s not good to eat people, Jumpy.”
When I opened my eyes, the frog was turned away. It placed one of its massive hands on the glass wall.
“You don’t want Jumpy to be happy …” The frog bonked its head along the glass, penalizing its own sorrow. The glass cracked a little bit.
“No, I want you to be very happy! I just want you to discover a new source of happiness that isn’t … gobbling.”
The frog bonked its head on the glass again. “Marie-Anne and Jamie told me you wouldn't understand Jumpy. Maybe they were right ...”
The remaining walls of glass were growing cracks at an alarming rate. If they broke, I would be completely exposed at thirty one stories above sea level.
“Please Jumpy! I understand everything! Maybe I can find you, like, I dunno, a people meat substitute? Have you tried pork?”
Jumpy ignored me, and climbed back to the opening up top. The glass was spider-webbing everywhere
“Sorry Whitaker, Jumpy must eat peoples. There is no choice.”
Pops and snaps came from all the walls around me. I turned to hug the elevator door as close as I could.
“I’ll just wait for your kids,” Jumpy said. “I’m sure one of the childrens will have lots of gobble ideas for Jumpy.”
Before I could reply, the frog hopped away, climbing along the side of my apartment building.
Then, the glass around me fractured in aggressive zigs zags until … SNAP! CRACKLE! POP!
Shards fell like a waterfall.
Bits shot at my back and neck.
Within seconds, the glass walls around me were gone. I could feel the cold, atmospheric wind rippling through my clothes.
The platform slanted from the weight of the glass. I rolled once or twice before digging my nails into the floor.
I was at least four hundred feet in the air, completely at mercy to the elements. If the elevator jolted in any direction, I would certainly roll off the ground platform and plummet.
Oh god. Please don’t move, please don’t move, please don’t move, please don’t move …
Screams would erupt uncontrollably as the elevator jiggled every now and then. I’m not ashamed to admit that I soiled myself.
Birds cawed at my panicked form. The twin elevator would rumble past me, causing my whole platform to tremble too. I was in my own private hell for forty five minutes until the fire department showed up.
It felt more like six hours.
When they finally did manage to pry open the elevator door and pull me to safety, they announced I had no real injuries, only a couple of minor scrapes. But I was trembling so much from fear, that they took me straight to the hospital. The paramedic said I looked like I had seen a ghost.
I stayed the night, unable to sleep.
They even kept me the full next day because my heart rate still wouldn’t go down.
“You’ve got to relax, you’re safe now,” one of the nurses said. And I told them, “I know, I know, I’m doing my best.”
But what I didn’t explain was that I was absolutely petrified that a horrible frog monster could come back and kill me. I had only met Jumpy twice in my life now, and both times it felt like I was staring death in the face. Even if it was by accident, the frog could easily hop on me, choke me or toss me down a flight of stairs without intending to murder me.
Jumpy was too callous, too oblivious in regard to preserving any human life… and then I realized I would soon enable kids to see Jumpy.
I would be allowing minors to not only risk their lives meeting the frog, but also risk the lives of others by letting him gobble.
I had sent the wheels in motion for a Pandora’s box to open via children’s television across the internet, across the entire world. The frog could terrorize the lives of countless kids for eternity because they would all believe in and fear it. Bullies would abuse Jumpy. Parents won’t know what to do. I would be creating a real life boogeyman.
Dear God, what have I done?
submitted by EclosionK2 to DarkTales [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 05:09 Jcb112 Humans Don't Hibernate [Part 98/?]

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Patreon Official Subreddit Royal Road
92 Hours After the First Round of Interloper Interrogations. Signal Station. Atrium Entrance.
That’s what first hit me.
What was an assured and seemingly smooth start to the operation came to a screeching and unwelcome halt at the foot of a twenty meter door.
Anxiety quickly gripped me after the proverbial and literal dust had settled.
But not panic.
Panic never really seemed to take hold, not when my training kicked in, and recent experiences coupled with rational thought overpowered whatever base fears existed within my Vanaran mind.
My first order of business, or rather the first three sets of actions I committed to concurrently, simply took too much precedence for anything other than focus to really take center stage.
“Squad, on me! High alert! Weapons free!” I shouted, prompting both the aerial and bipedal drones to pull back into a tight formation around both me and Evina.
“Evina, stay close!” I continued, feeling my heart racing as my eyes quickly glanced to the top right hand of my HUD, in an attempt to address the final order of business.
“Vir, do you copy?” I shot out with a steady breath… only to find the line empty, and any and all signals to the outside completely dead on all channels.
I should’ve expected that though.
Because if the deep surface scanners found it difficult to make heads or tails of this place, then that meant that there was little chance for a stable line of communication to break through.
Seconds passed by, but still, absolutely no action was taken on the part of the facility and its operators.
It was around that point that I began feeling a tentative wave of relief washing over me, as I turned back towards the door with a hopeful gaze.
If the facility wasn’t going to proactively take the first move, then my worry was now rapidly shifting from that of our own safety, to that of the facility’s.

92 Hours After the First Round of Interloper Interrogations. Signal Station. Atrium Entrance.
Having a door slammed in your face was a sure-fire way of reducing your chances of survival by a good fifty or so percent.
Having a bunker door slammed in your face on the other hand… was an entirely different ballgame.
Needless to say, my objectives were clear… and being ordered around certainly didn’t help matters, as my instincts told me to run, leap, and to just keep moving.
I pulled out my gun even before Lysara’s orders, holding it steady and aiming down the ever reliable scope I’d spent months tuning for them to be just right.
My eyes began darting left and right, scanning the expansive atrium, focusing on the two doors ahead of us and what looked to be a larger sealed cargo door to our left and right. All of them were sealed, but I was just waiting for the moment one of them opened up to reveal some hidden irradiated horror.
So with that in mind, I felt the compulsion to just… keep moving.
Staying put wasn’t part of the survival guide, not especially if you’re in unknown territory on what was clearly someone else’s home turf.
But I had to fight those inclinations, I had to block out those screams from my prior two iterations to ignore the alien’s orders.
I had to learn to play ball, even if it meant going against everything I knew.
Because unlike the typical wastelander crisis I often found myself in, where I was almost always on the backfoot in every conceivable metric, I now had practically every other advantage aside from home turf.
I had tech, weapons, armor, and even numbers.
It was time to think differently, act tactically, because unlike every other situation before this, I was now in a position where thinking with conventional tactics was actually possible.
“Right, okay, this is bad.” I finally managed out after convincing myself to finally commit to playing ball. “So what’s the plan, chief? The way I see it, there’s only one way from here.” I shrugged, then pointed at the two doors opposite of us, and the two cargo doors to the left and right of the room. “We need to double-down, and just go all-in. Because if this bunker is like any other bunker on the continent… there’s sure to be, like, an emergency exit or some service tunnel to the surface. So my advice, as the resident bunker-expert, is to choose one of the two main doors there. I’ll let you pick which one since we don’t really have much to work on, not even signs, which I admit, is kinda weird.”
Lysara seemed to ponder that option for a moment, before gesturing back towards the bunker door that’d just sealed shut behind us. “I believe that one will do.” He offered after a few moments of thought, prompting me to cock my head in abject confusion.
It was around that point where I started seriously reconsidering my faith in the alien’s abilities to actually translate his book smarts into field smarts.
Moreover, I started to actually worry once again, as questions over the alien’s ability to hold his own entered front and center.
Did he lose it? Did he seriously just lose it on the first hurdle of the whole operation? I thought to myself darkly, letting out an exasperated breath that was probably quite audible over the intercom.
“To clarify, I don’t think we have much to worry about considering we’ve lost contact with Vir. He’s proactive, and considering the tools at his disposal I actually worry more for the facility at this point in time.” The alien spoke in a way that conveyed a sense of caution and concern… though it was clear now that it seemed to be a concern for our opponents rather than us.
“What the heck do you mean-” I paused, as it finally hit me.
“If we don’t regain contact in the next five or so minutes, Vir will probably take it upon himself to either retry the manual override, or try a more… forceful approach.” Lysara quickly added, prompting me to crack a nervous smile, as I promptly shook my head in disbelief. “But I’d still advise that we stay sharp just in case the greeting party’s just a bit late. I don’t want to be caught off-guard just because we might be dealing with some delayed offensives.”
I nodded in acknowledgement at this as we held our position, and my eyes remained peeled, taking careful note of everything around us. “If he forces his way in, wouldn’t that be completely against our whole, you know — unlock the facility carefully so we don’t disturb anything — plan?”
“Potentially.” Lysara nodded. “But at this point our assured security should take precedence. We can’t continue the mission if we’re dead after all, and so-”
“-maximize our chances of survival, gotcha.” I nodded in confident agreement. “That works for me, chief.”
A few minutes passed, and not a single movement came through from within the facility.
However, just as we were starting to get acclimated, my eye caught sight of something on the blast door.
It was difficult to spot at first, and with my attention focused almost squarely on the other entrances in the room, I’d almost missed it.
There were… what seemed to be etch marks on the surface of the door.
This prompted me to investigate, completely breaking rank with Lysara prompting an immediate reprimand in the form of a yell.
“Wait, Evina, what are you-”
“Oh, sorry. I’m still not used to this whole squad thing.” I stopped mid-stride, reaching for the back of my head nervously; resulting in an unsatisfying bonk of my armored hand against my helmeted head. With a sigh, I eventually pointed at the faint discoloration on the protective coating of the door that clearly wasn’t due to simple wear and tear. “There’s something on the door that I wanted to investigate.”
“Well it’s not safe to go too close to the door. Vir might be tearing that thing down at any moment so it’s best to stay away.” Lysara cautioned. “So let me just have the suit’s cameras zoom in a bit here…” He trailed off, managing to superimpose a picture-in-picture view of the mystery etching on the bunker door.
It didn’t take us more than a few moments for us to register exactly what those etchings were after just a single glance.
Though it took several more seconds for the ramifications of what exactly we were looking at to truly sink in.
Moreover, this proved to spark something in the self-purported xeno-anthropologist's mind, as he ordered a robot over to take a closer look. Under more intense scrutiny, it was clear that the door wasn’t weirdly splotchy because of some strange pattern of wear and tear. Indeed, there were actually portions of it that looked crudely touched-up, painted over using thin coats of paint that made certain areas darker, or lighter, compared to the overall original coat of paint that we saw on the outside of the door.
The robot soon pushed further, actually scraping off these patches of thinly applied paint.
And once enough of them were scraped off, our macabre suspicions were confirmed.
Beneath the thin paint, were more of these ‘etchings’.
Though it was clear at this point that calling it that wasn’t accurate anymore.
These were claw marks.
“Felinor claw marks.” I finally remarked, taking a few steps back.
“Did… did someone manage to make it inside and get trapped and-”
“No, no.” I answered confidently. “I’ve been visiting this area of the forest for ages. Absolutely no one comes here, and I would’ve noticed some disturbances or at the very least some signs of the door being moved since then. Even if I haven’t gotten close, the door is very much still a prominent feature of the landscape. Never once have I seen the vines, the leaves, or any bit of the foliage being disturbed. We’re the first to have entered this place.”
“Which means these claw marks must have been made by whoever was already in here, trying to get out.” Lysara concluded, eliciting a nod from myself.
“Yeah…” I acknowledged darkly, my features scrunching up in the process.
“Is… is it common for bunker-dwelling felinor to-”
“No.” I interrupted Lysara before he could go any further into that train of thought. “At least, nothing to this extent.” I gestured towards the door again. “What… what the fuck is going on in here.” I muttered out, just as the door itself began to glow…
“WATCH OUT!” Lysara shouted, pushing me further away from the door’s line of sight as in a matter of seconds, the world around me erupted into a violent display of lights.
Thankfully, we weren’t really directly in front of the door anyways.
But being extra cautious wasn’t a bad idea either. Especially as I saw what Vir had done to the door.
It looked as if a massive, perfectly circular hole had been cut straight through the thick metal. Moreover, there were now streams of molten slag melting from the very top of the hole, dripping superheated globs of what had formerly been indestructible metal.
“STATUS REPORT?!” I heard a familiar voice blaring through my helmet, as Lysara began the process of reassuring the flustered AI as to our safety and the continued viability of the mission.
As that conversation continued however, a series of loud, high-pitched screeches emerged from within the atrium.
“The PA system.” I announced confidently. “I can recognize that sound from a mile away.”
We quickly regrouped back into formation, with the bots taking point, and Lysara and I standing side by side; weapons at the ready.
A flurry of noises erupted from the PA system, all of them entirely unintelligible, until finally… a distinctly felinor voice managed to break through.
“WAIT!” A male voice managed out through sheer panic. “Please! Don’t go! I… That was a mistake on my part, please! It’s… it’s just been so long since, well… I… heh. Correction. It can’t be so long, since no one has ever actually gotten in. B-but now you’re here! And I… Oh I…” The voice ‘stalled’, stopping mid sentence as if overtaken by its own manic undertone. “P-please…” It offered again, this time, followed up by the unnerving sound of centuries-old pneumatic doors unsealing themselves for the first time in forever.
A single door to the far side of the atrium had opened.
First Previous Next

(Author’s Note: We push forward! With Vir coming in to save the day, demonstrating that there's always a Plan B to ensure the safety of the crew in spite of the obstacles that they might face! However, just as things seem to be wrapping up with that complication, another unexpected curiosity arrives through the intercom, much to the confusion of our intrepid duo! :D The next chapter is already out on Patreon as well if you want to check it out!)
[If you guys want to help support me and these stories, here's my ko-fi ! And my Patreon for early chapter releases (Chapter 99 of this story is already out on there!)]
submitted by Jcb112 to HFY [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 00:17 Taka_Ursinae_gaming The Bear bonkening continues

Continuing our quest inside Drangleic Castle searching for Vendrick and the proof of the King. Unlocking and discovering secrets along the way. Will our new friend at the bonfire share with us his story or will we have to bonk him? So many questions that need answered. Join me in the unrelenting challenge that is a Dark Souls 2. Streaming today 5pm PST
submitted by Taka_Ursinae_gaming to Twitch_Startup [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 20:08 Wyld-Kat-7857 The Gems of the Ton: Bridgerton Meets High Fantasy & Intrigue (Online) (5e) (Sundays BST 4 PM) (Roleplay Focused)

Dearest gentle player,
It is with much delight that this Game Master welcomes you into the dazzling and glamourous ton of the Adamant Empire.
In this world of socialities, schemers and sycophants, you will be assuming the role of debutantes, bright and accomplished Gems, who are either just now being introduced to society or who are returning to it after being away for a very long time, with the intent of securing respectable matches for themselves.
Armed only with your wits, wiles and charms, you must charm suitors and navigate the rigid society of the Empire while avoiding scandal and ruin. Gods forbid you end up being dragged through the mud in the mysterious Lady Quartz's society papers!
What will you strive for, gentle player? Will you search for that perfect one, throwing caution to the wind in the pursuit of true love? Will you prove to be the most sparkling of Gems, earning yourself the favour of her Grace, the Queen Consort Ciyradyl, and the title of the Diamond of the season? Will you aim to rise as high through the ranks as possible? After all, why be content with being a Mrs. when you can be a Duchess? Or will you strive to forge a different path for yourself, forsaking what your family and society has set out for you? Something in between?
Whatever your goal is, be weary, dear player. For in this world, secrets are a dangerous currency and scandals can destroy entire families. Be an example of fine society or embrace infamy, tis your choice. Just know that the ton is always watching, judging in hushed whispers and giggles.
So, follow my lead and dance through candlelit ballrooms as we create together a tale of thrilling character drama, love, passion, ambition and bitter rivalries, all that which makes a heart flutter with enthusiasm and dread.
And if our darling debutantes unwittingly end up entwined in a conflict much grander than they could have ever anticipated? Well... is it truly a D&D game without some heightened stakes?
Campaign Pitch
Thank you for reading through my ramblings. I will be running a bit of a niche idea for a campaign. Those who have seen the Netflix Series Bridgerton or have consumed any media inspired/related to Jane Austen probably have a fairly good idea of the kind of story I am going for.
Essentially, this game will focus a lot more on your characters, their goals, desires and tribulations while they wade through the social season. There will be a main plotline as well as many other storylines linked to NPCs and factions that the players might interact with if they so wish, but ultimately I enjoy focusing on what my players find most enjoyable.
This will be a very roleplay heavy game. Combat will occur on occassion. This is D&D still after all so I am essentially contractually obligated to allow you to bonk at least a few times, but combat will only happen when the story demands it-and the story likely won't demand it that often. I suppose you can theoretically go out to the wilderness and do a dungeon crawl and I will play along with it, but if that is what you are seeking out of your D&D experience, this is sadly not the game for you.
Besides from roleplay, there might be some degree of urban exploration within the city of the Summit, the capital of the Empire and the setting of our campaign. There will potentially be some opportunities for sleuthing too if that is an avenue the players decide to explore more.
Instead, most of the game will be focused on exploring the lives of your characters and for those around them as well as that of your larger society. You can expect a lot of talking to each other and to NPCs so I encourage you to get deep into your character's mindset, to flesh them out as a person and to allow yourself to get vulnerable while playing them. Those are the moments my current table thrives on. We have quite literally cried as result of scenes. So never hesitate to speak up, try something new out and go deep into your character's soul.
As for me, I will strive to create an immersive, breathing world. I want my NPCs to feel like real people and for you to bond with them as such. I want your environment to react to and remember your actions, what makes you who you are. For this purpose, I will work with each of the players to intergrate their characters into the Adamant Empire and to best accomodate what you want to do in and out of character.
Speaking of the world, during character creation, we will work together to create the province you are from as well as your family and their place within society (status, any connections to guilds they might have, etc). So, you will be actively involved in creating at least a few small parts of it.
Once I have gathered up all players and received their backstories, there will be a two weeks gap between that and starting the game so I can get some more GM prep done with all the factors in mind. I want to try and begin either at the end of this month or at the start of the next one, but I won't push on this too hard.
Once we have started, I want to settle on a consistent schedule so schedule compatibility and consistence is quite important for me. I do not have a specific end date in mind for this game. I believe campaigns should last as long as it takes for them to have a satisfying conclusion. That being said, my games tend to be on the longer end so keep that in mind too.
If any of that sounds like your cup of tea, feel free to fill in the form down below! Hopefully we will get to create a great story together.
There is some lore within the Adamant Empire and the continent it is a part of, Kosmos, but nothing of massive importance that you would need to know right out of the bat. It has its own history and pantheon of Gods, etc, but honestly I am more than happy to work with the players to adjust the existent lore or to add entirely new one. Never hesitate to reach out to me.
The basics of the world are these though:
The Adamant Empire is thousands of years old. It is fairly similiar to the irl British Empire in many ways. It is extremely powerful and influential and it has supposedly independent colonies that in essence function as puppet goverments all over the continent. Few can match them in power.
That was until a hundred years ago.
King Edmund Diamant was determined to conquer one of the last remaining nations that could potentially rival the Adamant Empire, the elven isles of Yara Ambar. He miscalculated gravely, however, and that led to the Empire's first true loss. Taking advantage of the distraction, multiple colonies revolted and enough banded together to form the City States of Andora. With the assistance of their infernal supporters, the revolutionaries have gained some level of independence and are now almost certainly plotting to claim more and more of the Empire's lands for themselves.
The Empire's legions, coffers and reputation took a significant blow and they were forced to sign a treaty with the elven royalty.
Prince Orion was betrothed and later wed to an elven noble woman. This was a significant event because for centuries now, since the reign of Cedric the Conqueror, it had been strictly forbidden for non-humans to be part of the Adamantian nobility. The Oldblood families, the most ancient of bloodlines within the Empire, protested against the decision, but there was little to be done.
King Orion and his consort Queen Ciyradyl have reigned together for 70 years now. During their rule, peace and prosperity has largely been maintained and the people are content. More and more non-human families have also made their into the ton, a most scandalous occurence at first, but one that the ton has grown to accept with time, albeit some races more than others.
Alas, it is uncertain how long peace will last still. With the 99 year old King growing ill in body and mind, his wife and children have primarily taken over his duties. The City States of Andora stand proud to this day, a mark of shame upon the pride of any true Adamantian. Much conversation remains over what is to be done with them. Simultanously, there are many other forces who would benefit to see the Empire crumble on its knees.
Life in the Adamant Empire is about to change. Whether that change shall be for better or worse and what role you might play in it is yet to be revealed.
There is yet another element that needs to be discussed when it comes to the lore and that is the Gems/Steels separattion.
In essence, I and my players wished to replicate the sort of narratives one might encounter in the books of Jane Austen, where for example the Bennet family must marry all their daughters or they will end up with no inheritance (gasp!), but we still wished to be able to have PCs be male or to explore queer romances and narratives.
So, we settled on the following idea:
There is a secondary label by which individuals are put into one category or the other. People either bear the Mark of the Gem or the Mark of the Steel. This system of social distinction in essence replaces the era accurate existence of sexism.
Gems and Steels can be male or female, it does not matter. Similarly, Gems and Steels can be in relationships with men or women, that also does not matter. Creating offspring is still important within society, but magic can also accomplish that so gender or sexuality is not a factor.
What matters is that Gems are not allowed to inherit property and titles and are very limited in the careers that it is appropiate for them to have. They are expected to spend their time at home, tending to the needs of the household and the family. Steels have none of these restrictions.
Your characters are all Gems, meaning they need to marry -and marry well- in order to secure the best possible future for themselves.
Idea might be slightly altered in the future, but the skeleton of it should remain the same more or less.
As you might have figured out from this, while we will be trying to keep the spirit of the era and many of its customs, we won't be going for 100% historical accuracy (if you did not figure that out from the fact that magic exists). So, if that is what you are looking for, sorry but this table probably won't perfectly match your taste.
Table Rules
Given that we will be very focused on roleplay, character creation will have some according adjustments. you can find those down here:
If you require some guidance in creating the narrative elements of your character, you can use this doc as a well as a sort of guideline:
Some more rulings to keep in mind:
And we might come up with more as we play.
Plot Hook
The Player Characters all have town lodgings in the same neighbourhood, Fairbrooke Square. Thus, they might know each other to some degree or they might not. That is up to the players.
Regardless, as you were all neighbours growing up, you would have grown up alongsides the at the time Viscountess Kristina Royce (Steel). The specific relationship and dynamics that you had with Kristina can be fleshed out later between you and I, but everyone knew her in some shape, way or form.
Ten years ago, Kristina's parents died, making her Countess of Stirling and shortly after she left to roam the sea as Royces tend to do. Whether you maintained contact with her afterwards is once again your decision to make.
Kristina has now returned to the Summit, shortly after breaking off her betrothal to Emil Pleasant (Gem), son of the Baron of Fairbrooke Square and another one of your neighbours. You can also decide what kind of dynamic you have with him too.
While your whole street is whispering about the impending social season and the latest hot gossip, you (the PCs) each receive an invitation to dinner from Kethryllia Royce, Doawger Countess of Stirling, grandmother of Kristina and former handmaiden to the Queen.
It is uncertain yet what she wishes to discuss with you about, but that private dinner will be the inciting incident of our game.
Player Requirements
If all this sounds good to you, then now it is time to see if you would be a good match for the table! The ideal player for us would match the criteria down down below.
As you might have noticed, level of experience is not a concern here. Newbies and experienced players are welcome alike!
Player Application
If you match all the criteria above, wonderful! i can't wait to hear from you. Go ahead and fill the application in. It is a bit long, but I hope it will be as fun for you to fill in as it was for me to make.
I already have three amazing players and I am looking for two more to fill out the party. The form should remain open for around a week so take your time.
If you have read through all my ramblings, thank you very much! Remember to include the word "bonbon" in there so that I know you did.
This is a rather new experience for me if I am sincere. I have been GMing for a few years now, but this will be a very different sort of game to what I usually run and I am also rather new to Foundry too.
I cannot promise it will be a perfect experience, but I can promise that I will always strive to make it an enjoyable one. I am always open to critique and willing to adjust things for the entertainment and safety of the group.
I have bored you enough I would say. Farewell for now, gentle player. Let us not keep the ton waiting.
submitted by Wyld-Kat-7857 to lfg [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 20:06 Wyld-Kat-7857 The Gems of the Ton: Bridgerton Meets High Fantasy & Intrigue [FREE] [LFP] [Online] [5E] [Foundry VTT] [Sundays 4 PM] [BST]

Dearest gentle player,
It is with much delight that this Game Master welcomes you into the dazzling and glamourous ton of the Adamant Empire.
In this world of socialities, schemers and sycophants, you will be assuming the role of debutantes, bright and accomplished Gems, who are either just now being introduced to society or who are returning to it after being away for a very long time, with the intent of securing respectable matches for themselves.
Armed only with your wits, wiles and charms, you must charm suitors and navigate the rigid society of the Empire while avoiding scandal and ruin. Gods forbid you end up being dragged through the mud in the mysterious Lady Quartz's society papers!
What will you strive for, gentle player? Will you search for that perfect one, throwing caution to the wind in the pursuit of true love? Will you prove to be the most sparkling of Gems, earning yourself the favour of her Grace, the Queen Consort Ciyradyl, and the title of the Diamond of the season? Will you aim to rise as high through the ranks as possible? After all, why be content with being a Mrs. when you can be a Duchess? Or will you strive to forge a different path for yourself, forsaking what your family and society has set out for you? Something in between?
Whatever your goal is, be weary, dear player. For in this world, secrets are a dangerous currency and scandals can destroy entire families. Be an example of fine society or embrace infamy, tis your choice. Just know that the ton is always watching, judging in hushed whispers and giggles.
So, follow my lead and dance through candlelit ballrooms as we create together a tale of thrilling character drama, love, passion, ambition and bitter rivalries, all that which makes a heart flutter with enthusiasm and dread.
And if our darling debutantes unwittingly end up entwined in a conflict much grander than they could have ever anticipated? Well... is it truly a D&D game without some heightened stakes?
Campaign Pitch
Thank you for reading through my ramblings. I will be running a bit of a niche idea for a campaign. Those who have seen the Netflix Series Bridgerton or have consumed any media inspired/related to Jane Austen probably have a fairly good idea of the kind of story I am going for.
Essentially, this game will focus a lot more on your characters, their goals, desires and tribulations while they wade through the social season. There will be a main plotline as well as many other storylines linked to NPCs and factions that the players might interact with if they so wish, but ultimately I enjoy focusing on what my players find most enjoyable.
This will be a very roleplay heavy game. Combat will occur on occassion. This is D&D still after all so I am essentially contractually obligated to allow you to bonk at least a few times, but combat will only happen when the story demands it-and the story likely won't demand it that often. I suppose you can theoretically go out to the wilderness and do a dungeon crawl and I will play along with it, but if that is what you are seeking out of your D&D experience, this is sadly not the game for you.
Besides from roleplay, there might be some degree of urban exploration within the city of the Summit, the capital of the Empire and the setting of our campaign. There will potentially be some opportunities for sleuthing too if that is an avenue the players decide to explore more.
Instead, most of the game will be focused on exploring the lives of your characters and for those around them as well as that of your larger society. You can expect a lot of talking to each other and to NPCs so I encourage you to get deep into your character's mindset, to flesh them out as a person and to allow yourself to get vulnerable while playing them. Those are the moments my current table thrives on. We have quite literally cried as result of scenes. So never hesitate to speak up, try something new out and go deep into your character's soul.
As for me, I will strive to create an immersive, breathing world. I want my NPCs to feel like real people and for you to bond with them as such. I want your environment to react to and remember your actions, what makes you who you are. For this purpose, I will work with each of the players to intergrate their characters into the Adamant Empire and to best accomodate what you want to do in and out of character.
Speaking of the world, during character creation, we will work together to create the province you are from as well as your family and their place within society (status, any connections to guilds they might have, etc). So, you will be actively involved in creating at least a few small parts of it.
Once I have gathered up all players and received their backstories, there will be a two weeks gap between that and starting the game so I can get some more GM prep done with all the factors in mind. I want to try and begin either at the end of this month or at the start of the next one, but I won't push on this too hard.
Once we have started, I want to settle on a consistent schedule so schedule compatibility and consistence is quite important for me. I do not have a specific end date in mind for this game. I believe campaigns should last as long as it takes for them to have a satisfying conclusion. That being said, my games tend to be on the longer end so keep that in mind too.
If any of that sounds like your cup of tea, feel free to fill in the form down below! Hopefully we will get to create a great story together.
There is some lore within the Adamant Empire and the continent it is a part of, Kosmos, but nothing of massive importance that you would need to know right out of the bat. It has its own history and pantheon of Gods, etc, but honestly I am more than happy to work with the players to adjust the existent lore or to add entirely new one. Never hesitate to reach out to me.
The basics of the world are these though:
The Adamant Empire is thousands of years old. It is fairly similiar to the irl British Empire in many ways. It is extremely powerful and influential and it has supposedly independent colonies that in essence function as puppet goverments all over the continent. Few can match them in power.
That was until a hundred years ago.
King Edmund Diamant was determined to conquer one of the last remaining nations that could potentially rival the Adamant Empire, the elven isles of Yara Ambar. He miscalculated gravely, however, and that led to the Empire's first true loss. Taking advantage of the distraction, multiple colonies revolted and enough banded together to form the City States of Andora. With the assistance of their infernal supporters, the revolutionaries have gained some level of independence and are now almost certainly plotting to claim more and more of the Empire's lands for themselves.
The Empire's legions, coffers and reputation took a significant blow and they were forced to sign a treaty with the elven royalty.
Prince Orion was betrothed and later wed to an elven noble woman. This was a significant event because for centuries now, since the reign of Cedric the Conqueror, it had been strictly forbidden for non-humans to be part of the Adamantian nobility. The Oldblood families, the most ancient of bloodlines within the Empire, protested against the decision, but there was little to be done.
King Orion and his consort Queen Ciyradyl have reigned together for 70 years now. During their rule, peace and prosperity has largely been maintained and the people are content. More and more non-human families have also made their into the ton, a most scandalous occurence at first, but one that the ton has grown to accept with time, albeit some races more than others.
Alas, it is uncertain how long peace will last still. With the 99 year old King growing ill in body and mind, his wife and children have primarily taken over his duties. The City States of Andora stand proud to this day, a mark of shame upon the pride of any true Adamantian. Much conversation remains over what is to be done with them. Simultanously, there are many other forces who would benefit to see the Empire crumble on its knees.
Life in the Adamant Empire is about to change. Whether that change shall be for better or worse and what role you might play in it is yet to be revealed.
There is yet another element that needs to be discussed when it comes to the lore and that is the Gems/Steels separattion.
In essence, I and my players wished to replicate the sort of narratives one might encounter in the books of Jane Austen, where for example the Bennet family must marry all their daughters or they will end up with no inheritance (gasp!), but we still wished to be able to have PCs be male or to explore queer romances and narratives.
So, we settled on the following idea:
There is a secondary label by which individuals are put into one category or the other. People either bear the Mark of the Gem or the Mark of the Steel. This system of social distinction in essence replaces the era accurate existence of sexism.
Gems and Steels can be male or female, it does not matter. Similarly, Gems and Steels can be in relationships with men or women, that also does not matter. Creating offspring is still important within society, but magic can also accomplish that so gender or sexuality is not a factor.
What matters is that Gems are not allowed to inherit property and titles and are very limited in the careers that it is appropiate for them to have. They are expected to spend their time at home, tending to the needs of the household and the family. Steels have none of these restrictions.
Your characters are all Gems, meaning they need to marry -and marry well- in order to secure the best possible future for themselves.
Idea might be slightly altered in the future, but the skeleton of it should remain the same more or less.
As you might have figured out from this, while we will be trying to keep the spirit of the era and many of its customs, we won't be going for 100% historical accuracy (if you did not figure that out from the fact that magic exists). So, if that is what you are looking for, sorry but this table probably won't perfectly match your taste.
Table Rules
Given that we will be very focused on roleplay, character creation will have some according adjustments. you can find those down here:
If you require some guidance in creating the narrative elements of your character, you can use this doc as a well as a sort of guideline:
Some more rulings to keep in mind:
And we might come up with more as we play.
Plot Hook
The Player Characters all have town lodgings in the same neighbourhood, Fairbrooke Square. Thus, they might know each other to some degree or they might not. That is up to the players.
Regardless, as you were all neighbours growing up, you would have grown up alongsides the at the time Viscountess Kristina Royce (Steel). The specific relationship and dynamics that you had with Kristina can be fleshed out later between you and I, but everyone knew her in some shape, way or form.
Ten years ago, Kristina's parents died, making her Countess of Stirling and shortly after she left to roam the sea as Royces tend to do. Whether you maintained contact with her afterwards is once again your decision to make.
Kristina has now returned to the Summit, shortly after breaking off her betrothal to Emil Pleasant (Gem), son of the Baron of Fairbrooke Square and another one of your neighbours. You can also decide what kind of dynamic you have with him too.
While your whole street is whispering about the impending social season and the latest hot gossip, you (the PCs) each receive an invitation to dinner from Kethryllia Royce, Doawger Countess of Stirling, grandmother of Kristina and former handmaiden to the Queen.
It is uncertain yet what she wishes to discuss with you about, but that private dinner will be the inciting incident of our game.
Player Requirements
If all this sounds good to you, then now it is time to see if you would be a good match for the table! The ideal player for us would match the criteria down down below.
As you might have noticed, level of experience is not a concern here. Newbies and experienced players are welcome alike!
Player Application
If you match all the criteria above, wonderful! i can't wait to hear from you. Go ahead and fill the application in. It is a bit long, but I hope it will be as fun for you to fill in as it was for me to make.
I already have three amazing players and I am looking for two more to fill out the party. The form should remain open for around a week so take your time.
If you have read through all my ramblings, thank you very much! Remember to include the word "bonbon" in there so that I know you did.
This is a rather new experience for me if I am sincere. I have been GMing for a few years now, but this will be a very different sort of game to what I usually run and I am also rather new to Foundry too.
I cannot promise it will be a perfect experience, but I can promise that I will always strive to make it an enjoyable one. I am always open to critique and willing to adjust things for the entertainment and safety of the group.
I have bored you enough I would say. Farewell for now, gentle player. Let us not keep the ton waiting.
submitted by Wyld-Kat-7857 to FoundryLFG [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 18:29 Wyld-Kat-7857 The Gems of the Ton: Bridgerton Meets High Fantasy & Intrigue (Online) (5E) (LFP) (Sundays 4 PM BST) (Very Roleplay Heavy) (Foundry)

Dearest gentle player,
It is with much delight that this Game Master welcomes you into the dazzling and glamourous ton of the Adamant Empire.
In this world of socialities, schemers and sycophants, you will be assuming the role of debutantes, bright and accomplished Gems, who are either just now being introduced to society or who are returning to it after being away for a very long time, with the intent of securing respectable matches for themselves.
Armed only with your wits, wiles and charms, you must charm suitors and navigate the rigid society of the Empire while avoiding scandal and ruin. Gods forbid you end up being dragged through the mud in the mysterious Lady Quartz's society papers!
What will you strive for, gentle player? Will you search for that perfect one, throwing caution to the wind in the pursuit of true love? Will you prove to be the most sparkling of Gems, earning yourself the favour of her Grace, the Queen Consort Ciyradyl, and the title of the Diamond of the season? Will you aim to rise as high through the ranks as possible? After all, why be content with being a Mrs. when you can be a Duchess? Or will you strive to forge a different path for yourself, forsaking what your family and society has set out for you? Something in between?
Whatever your goal is, be weary, dear player. For in this world, secrets are a dangerous currency and scandals can destroy entire families. Be an example of fine society or embrace infamy, tis your choice. Just know that the ton is always watching, judging in hushed whispers and giggles.
So, follow my lead and dance through candlelit ballrooms as we create together a tale of thrilling character drama, love, passion, ambition and bitter rivalries, all that which makes a heart flutter with enthusiasm and dread.
And if our darling debutantes unwittingly end up entwined in a conflict much grander than they could have ever anticipated? Well... is it truly a D&D game without some heightened stakes?
Campaign Pitch
Thank you for reading through my ramblings. I will be running a bit of a niche idea for a campaign. Those who have seen the Netflix Series Bridgerton or have consumed any media inspired/related to Jane Austen probably have a fairly good idea of the kind of story I am going for.
Essentially, this game will focus a lot more on your characters, their goals, desires and tribulations while they wade through the social season. There will be a main plotline as well as many other storylines linked to NPCs and factions that the players might interact with if they so wish, but ultimately I enjoy focusing on what my players find most enjoyable.
This will be a very roleplay heavy game. Combat will occur on occassion. This is D&D still after all so I am essentially contractually obligated to allow you to bonk at least a few times, but combat will only happen when the story demands it-and the story likely won't demand it that often. I suppose you can theoretically go out to the wilderness and do a dungeon crawl and I will play along with it, but if that is what you are seeking out of your D&D experience, this is sadly not the game for you.
Besides from roleplay, there might be some degree of urban exploration within the city of the Summit, the capital of the Empire and the setting of our campaign. There will potentially be some opportunities for sleuthing too if that is an avenue the players decide to explore more.
Instead, most of the game will be focused on exploring the lives of your characters and for those around them as well as that of your larger society. You can expect a lot of talking to each other and to NPCs so I encourage you to get deep into your character's mindset, to flesh them out as a person and to allow yourself to get vulnerable while playing them. Those are the moments my current table thrives on. We have quite literally cried as result of scenes. So never hesitate to speak up, try something new out and go deep into your character's soul.
As for me, I will strive to create an immersive, breathing world. I want my NPCs to feel like real people and for you to bond with them as such. I want your environment to react to and remember your actions, what makes you who you are. For this purpose, I will work with each of the players to intergrate their characters into the Adamant Empire and to best accomodate what you want to do in and out of character.
Speaking of the world, during character creation, we will work together to create the province you are from as well as your family and their place within society (status, any connections to guilds they might have, etc). So, you will be actively involved in creating at least a few small parts of it.
Once I have gathered up all players and received their backstories, there will be a two weeks gap between that and starting the game so I can get some more GM prep done with all the factors in mind. I want to try and begin either at the end of this month or at the start of the next one, but I won't push on this too hard.
Once we have started, I want to settle on a consistent schedule so schedule compatibility and consistence is quite important for me. I do not have a specific end date in mind for this game. I believe campaigns should last as long as it takes for them to have a satisfying conclusion. That being said, my games tend to be on the longer end so keep that in mind too.
If any of that sounds like your cup of tea, feel free to fill in the form down below! Hopefully we will get to create a great story together.
There is some lore within the Adamant Empire and the continent it is a part of, Kosmos, but nothing of massive importance that you would need to know right out of the bat. It has its own history and pantheon of Gods, etc, but honestly I am more than happy to work with the players to adjust the existent lore or to add entirely new one. Never hesitate to reach out to me.
The basics of the world are these though:
The Adamant Empire is thousands of years old. It is fairly similiar to the irl British Empire in many ways. It is extremely powerful and influential and it has supposedly independent colonies that in essence function as puppet goverments all over the continent. Few can match them in power.
That was until a hundred years ago.
King Edmund Diamant was determined to conquer one of the last remaining nations that could potentially rival the Adamant Empire, the elven isles of Yara Ambar. He miscalculated gravely, however, and that led to the Empire's first true loss. Taking advantage of the distraction, multiple colonies revolted and enough banded together to form the City States of Andora. With the assistance of their infernal supporters, the revolutionaries have gained some level of independence and are now almost certainly plotting to claim more and more of the Empire's lands for themselves.
The Empire's legions, coffers and reputation took a significant blow and they were forced to sign a treaty with the elven royalty.
Prince Orion was betrothed and later wed to an elven noble woman. This was a significant event because for centuries now, since the reign of Cedric the Conqueror, it had been strictly forbidden for non-humans to be part of the Adamantian nobility. The Oldblood families, the most ancient of bloodlines within the Empire, protested against the decision, but there was little to be done.
King Orion and his consort Queen Ciyradyl have reigned together for 70 years now. During their rule, peace and prosperity has largely been maintained and the people are content. More and more non-human families have also made their into the ton, a most scandalous occurence at first, but one that the ton has grown to accept with time, albeit some races more than others.
Alas, it is uncertain how long peace will last still. With the 99 year old King growing ill in body and mind, his wife and children have primarily taken over his duties. The City States of Andora stand proud to this day, a mark of shame upon the pride of any true Adamantian. Much conversation remains over what is to be done with them. Simultanously, there are many other forces who would benefit to see the Empire crumble on its knees.
Life in the Adamant Empire is about to change. Whether that change shall be for better or worse and what role you might play in it is yet to be revealed.
There is yet another element that needs to be discussed when it comes to the lore and that is the Gems/Steels separattion.
In essence, I and my players wished to replicate the sort of narratives one might encounter in the books of Jane Austen, where for example the Bennet family must marry all their daughters or they will end up with no inheritance (gasp!), but we still wished to be able to have PCs be male or to explore queer romances and narratives.
So, we settled on the following idea:
There is a secondary label by which individuals are put into one category or the other. People either bear the Mark of the Gem or the Mark of the Steel. This system of social distinction in essence replaces the era accurate existence of sexism.
Gems and Steels can be male or female, it does not matter. Similarly, Gems and Steels can be in relationships with men or women, that also does not matter. Creating offspring is still important within society, but magic can also accomplish that so gender or sexuality is not a factor.
What matters is that Gems are not allowed to inherit property and titles and are very limited in the careers that it is appropiate for them to have. They are expected to spend their time at home, tending to the needs of the household and the family. Steels have none of these restrictions.
Your characters are all Gems, meaning they need to marry -and marry well- in order to secure the best possible future for themselves.
Idea might be slightly altered in the future, but the skeleton of it should remain the same more or less.
As you might have figured out from this, while we will be trying to keep the spirit of the era and many of its customs, we won't be going for 100% historical accuracy (if you did not figure that out from the fact that magic exists). So, if that is what you are looking for, sorry but this table probably won't perfectly match your taste.
Table Rules
Given that we will be very focused on roleplay, character creation will have some according adjustments. you can find those down here:
If you require some guidance in creating the narrative elements of your character, you can use this doc as a well as a sort of guideline:
Some more rulings to keep in mind:
And we might come up with more as we play.
Plot Hook
The Player Characters all have town lodgings in the same neighbourhood, Fairbrooke Square. Thus, they might know each other to some degree or they might not. That is up to the players.
Regardless, as you were all neighbours growing up, you would have grown up alongsides the at the time Viscountess Kristina Royce (Steel). The specific relationship and dynamics that you had with Kristina can be fleshed out later between you and I, but everyone knew her in some shape, way or form.
Ten years ago, Kristina's parents died, making her Countess of Stirling and shortly after she left to roam the sea as Royces tend to do. Whether you maintained contact with her afterwards is once again your decision to make.
Kristina has now returned to the Summit, shortly after breaking off her betrothal to Emil Pleasant (Gem), son of the Baron of Fairbrooke Square and another one of your neighbours. You can also decide what kind of dynamic you have with him too.
While your whole street is whispering about the impending social season and the latest hot gossip, you (the PCs) each receive an invitation to dinner from Kethryllia Royce, Doawger Countess of Stirling, grandmother of Kristina and former handmaiden to the Queen.
It is uncertain yet what she wishes to discuss with you about, but that private dinner will be the inciting incident of our game.
Player Requirements
If all this sounds good to you, then now it is time to see if you would be a good match for the table! The ideal player for us would match the criteria down down below.
As you might have noticed, level of experience is not a concern here. Newbies and experienced players are welcome alike!
Player Application
If you match all the criteria above, wonderful! i can't wait to hear from you. Go ahead and fill the application in. It is a bit long, but I hope it will be as fun for you to fill in as it was for me to make.
I already have three amazing players and I am looking for two more to fill out the party. The form should remain open for around a week so take your time.
If you have read through all my ramblings, thank you very much! Remember to include the word "bonbon" in there so that I know you did.
This is a rather new experience for me if I am sincere. I have been GMing for a few years now, but this will be a very different sort of game to what I usually run and I am also rather new to Foundry too.
I cannot promise it will be a perfect experience, but I can promise that I will always strive to make it an enjoyable one. I am always open to critique and willing to adjust things for the entertainment and safety of the group.
I have bored you enough I would say. Farewell for now, gentle player. Let us not keep the ton waiting.
submitted by Wyld-Kat-7857 to LFG_Europe [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 04:57 fmlforveaaa 5 Best Solana Trading Bots [1 has upcoming airdrop!]

5 Best Solana Trading Bots [1 has upcoming airdrop!]
As you venture into the world of Solana trading, you’re likely wondering which trading bots can help you stay ahead of the game.
You’ve got a multitude of options, but which ones are truly worth your time and investment?
The answer lies in finding the perfect balance of speed, security, and reliability.
From Photon’s trusted environment to Solgun Sniper Bot’s lightning-fast trades, each top Solana trading bot brings something unique to the table.
But what sets them apart, and which one will give you the edge you need to succeed in the competitive world of Solana trading?
Key Takeaways
  • Photon offers a trusted environment for token discovery and trading with real-time updates and portfolio tracking.
  • BONKbot provides a secure and transparent environment with auto-buy, referral programs, and comprehensive position management.
  • TROJAN offers seamless access to trade any token with instant access to new tokens and real-time data.
  • SolTradingBot integrates with Jupiter, Orca, and Radium for decentralized exchange transactions with real-time market data analysis.
  • Solgun Sniper Bot provides a reliable and fast trading experience with customizable trading strategies and user-friendly interface.
Photon — Your Trusted Platform for Token Discovery & Trading[ Solana Whale’s favourite bot of choice]
Photon is by far, the bot of choice for me. I have compared it side by side to Dextools and Dexscreener and Photon updates trades faster by 5 to 6 seconds. This is crucial for those who regularly scalp low cap coins like I do.
You’ll find that Photon is designed to cater to your needs, offering a range of features to facilitate smooth trading experiences.
You can browse through a vast collection of tokens, filter them based on specific criteria, and get real-time updates on new listings.
With Photon, you’ll have access to a reliable platform that prioritizes your trading needs.
You’ll be able to monitor your portfolio in real-time, receive security updates, and track your performance with ease.
BONUS: They have just announced and drop hints that they will be doing an airdrop!
Best For: Traders who want the fastest updated trades, and to trade pump fun and other tokens seamlessly.
* Faster than Dextools and Dexscreener. Tested and proven.
* Able to trade Pump Fun tokens while still in bonding curve.
* Upcoming airdrop gives users more upside to using the platform.
* The platform may have a learning curve for new traders, requiring some time to get familiar with its features and tools.
* Photon’s focus on traders may limit its appeal to non-traders or beginners in the token trading space. * The platform’s reliance on real-time market data may make it vulnerable to market fluctuations and volatility.
Start using Photon for free for life and qualify for their upcoming airdrop.
If you’re seeking a Solana trading bot that combines lightning-fast trades with a secure and transparent environment, BONKbot is the perfect fit, offering a unique blend of blazingly-fast trading and innovative features that put you in control.
You’ll enjoy features like auto-buy, which lets you instantly purchase a token by pasting its address, and a referral program that rewards you with a percentage of your friends’ fees.
With BONKbot, you’ll also have access to comprehensive position management through the PNL Overview, which tracks market cap, profit after fees, liquidity, token balance, and recent price changes.
Plus, you’ll benefit from a secure trading environment powered by Jupiter routing, and fees that contribute to buying and burning $BONK.
Best For BONKbot is best for experienced traders and new investors seeking a fast, secure, and transparent Solana trading bot with innovative features and passive income opportunities.
Pros * Blazingly-fast trading and instant purchase of tokens through the Auto Buy feature * Comprehensive position management and tracking through the PNL Overview * Opportunities for passive income through the referral program and fees contributing to buying and burning $BONK
Cons * Users may need to familiarize themselves with the Telegram bot interface and features * The referral program’s percentage of fees decreases over time * No information is provided about customer support or dispute resolution
Sign up to Bonkbot and strat trading on Telegram
With TROJAN, you get seamless access to trade any token, giving you an edge in the largest crypto market, making it the best choice for traders seeking instant access to new cryptocurrencies.
You’ll stay ahead of the game with instant access to new tokens, and maximize your profits with quick buying and selling capabilities.
You’ll also minimize losses with fast trade execution and make informed decisions with real-time data.
As a TROJAN user, you’ll have access to the largest crypto market, where you can trade any token without restrictions and explore new investment opportunities.
Best For Experienced traders and investors seeking instant access to new cryptocurrencies and a competitive edge in the largest crypto market.
Pros * Provides seamless access to trade any token, giving users an edge in the largest crypto market * Offers quick buying and selling capabilities, allowing users to maximize profits and minimize losses * Provides real-time data, enabling users to make informed trading decisions
Cons * May not be suitable for beginners, as it requires some level of trading knowledge and experience * Does not provide personalized investment advice or guidance * May have limited customer support options for users who require assistance
You’ll thrive with SolTradingBot if you’re a serious Solana investor seeking a cutting-edge trading platform that integrates seamlessly with Jupiter, Orca, and Radium for decentralized exchange transactions.
With SolTradingBot, you’ll gain access to a robust suite of tools and features designed to elevate your trading experience.
You’ll stay ahead of the curve with real-time market data analysis, precision trade execution via the Sniper Monitor, and customizable trading strategies based on technical indicators and market conditions.
Plus, you’ll receive important notifications for market events and account updates, ensuring you’re always informed and in control.
Best For Serious Solana investors seeking a cutting-edge trading platform for decentralized exchange transactions.
Pros * Integrates with Jupiter, Orca, and Radium for seamless decentralized exchange transactions * Offers real-time market data analysis and precision trade execution via the Sniper Monitor * Provides customizable trading strategies based on technical indicators and market conditions
Cons * May have a learning curve for users without experience with advanced trading tools * Requires a significant investment of time and resources to maximize its features * May not be suitable for casual investors or those without a strong understanding of decentralized finance
Solgun Sniper Bot
Those seeking a reliable and fast trading experience will find the Solgun Sniper Bot, a cutting-edge Solana trading bot, to be their best bet for maximizing profits in the Solana network.
With its secure and reliable features, you’ll be able to buy and sell new tokens as soon as they launch, ensuring you don’t miss out on potential profits.
The bot’s user-friendly interface allows for speedy trading with no delays, and its limit order feature enables you to set target prices for buying or selling tokens.
What’s more, you can customize your trading strategies based on technical indicators, market conditions, and your personal preferences.
Best For Those seeking a reliable and fast trading experience, particularly new token traders and investors looking to maximize profits in the Solana network.
Pros * Enables users to buy and sell new tokens as soon as they launch, maximizing profits * Offers a user-friendly interface for speedy trading with no delays * Allows users to customize their trading strategies based on technical indicators, market conditions, and personal preferences
Cons * Fees for manual, copy, and automated trading may be higher than other platforms * Limited information available on risk management tools and portfolio tracking features * No clear information on customer support or community resources
Factors to Consider When Choosing a Solana Trading Bot
When you’re on the hunt for a Solana trading bot, you’ll want to consider several key factors that can make or break your trading experience.
You’ll need to think about the security of the bot, how easy it’s to use, and what kind of fees you’ll be paying.
Trading Bot Security
To ensure the safety of your assets, it’s crucial to carefully evaluate the security features of a Solana trading bot before making a choice.
You want to ensure that the bot uses robust key management practices, such as secure storage and handling of private keys, to prevent unauthorized access to your assets.
A reliable Solana trading bot should also implement multi-factor authentication to add an extra layer of security and protect your account from potential breaches.
Regular security audits and updates are also essential to address potential vulnerabilities and ensure the bot’s security measures are up-to-date and effective.
Additionally, a trustworthy Solana trading bot should prioritize your asset protection and minimize the risk of unauthorized access by using industry-standard encryption protocols and secure key storage solutions.
Finally, the bot should have a clear and transparent privacy policy that outlines how your information is collected, stored, and used.
Ease of Use Matters
A Solana trading bot with an intuitive interface streamlines your trading experience, allowing you to make informed decisions quickly and efficiently.
A user-friendly interface is essential for a Solana trading bot, as it enables you to navigate the platform efficiently and make timely trading decisions.
An intuitive design reduces the learning curve for new users, making it easier for you to start trading quickly.
A well-designed interface also reduces errors, guiding you through the trading process and minimizing the risk of incorrect orders.
With an easy-to-use interface, you’ll save time and reduce stress, allowing you to focus on your trading strategies and market analysis.
You’ll be more likely to continue using a platform that’s easy to navigate, leading to increased user satisfaction and loyalty.
Ultimately, a trading bot with an easy-to-use interface is more enjoyable to use, reducing frustration and anxiety.
Fees and Pricing Models
Fees and pricing models can make or break your Solana trading experience, as they directly impact your profits and losses over time.
When choosing a Solana trading bot, it’s crucial to consider the fees and pricing model, as they can significantly affect your trading outcomes.
Some bots charge a flat fee per trade, while others charge a percentage of the trade amount, ranging from 0.5% to 0.9% or more.
You might come across bots like Solgun Sniper Bot, which offers different pricing tiers, with manual trading fees at 0.5%, copy trading fees at 0.7%, and automated trading fees at 0.9%.
Additionally, some bots offer referral programs, where you can earn a percentage of friends’ fees, like 25% forever through referrals.
The pricing model can also vary, with some bots offering a subscription-based model, while others charge per trade or per asset.
It’s essential to carefully review the fees and pricing model of a Solana trading bot before committing to one, as it can make a significant difference in your trading profits and losses over time.
Strategy Customization Options
When selecting a Solana trading bot, you need a platform that allows you to tailor your trading strategy to your unique needs and preferences.
Customizable trading strategies are essential, as they enable you to implement and adjust your approach based on technical indicators, market conditions, and personal preferences.
Some bots offer pre-built strategies that can be tailored to your needs, while others provide a more open-ended framework for creating your own.
Advanced customization options are a plus, as they allow you to refine your approach over time and optimize your trading performance.
Look for features like conditional logic, multiple indicator integration, and customizable risk management parameters.
However, keep in mind that effective customization requires a deep understanding of technical analysis, market dynamics, and risk management principles.
Community Support Availability
Having a reliable community support system in place can be a lifeline when navigating the complexities of Solana trading bots, providing valuable resources and guidance as you refine your trading strategy.
You’ll likely have questions or encounter issues, and a responsive support team can help you resolve them quickly. Look for a bot with multiple channels of support, such as email, live chat, and social media groups.
This ensures you can get help when you need it, in a way that’s convenient for you.
Additionally, consider a bot with a comprehensive knowledge base or FAQ section. This can provide instant answers to common questions, saving you time and effort.
You should also look for a bot with an active community of users, as they can offer valuable insights and advice from their own experiences.
By choosing a bot with robust community support, you’ll be better equipped to overcome obstacles and achieve your trading goals.
As you evaluate different Solana trading bots, make community support availability a key factor in your decision-making process.
Real-Time Data Access
As you evaluate Solana trading bots, consider one that provides real-time data access, enabling you to make informed trading decisions based on the most up-to-date market information.
This feature is crucial, as it allows the bot to analyze market trends, identify profitable trading opportunities, and execute trades swiftly.
With real-time data access, you can react quickly to market fluctuations, minimizing losses and maximizing gains.
Look for a bot that provides access to various market metrics, including token prices, trading volumes, and order book data.
This will enable you to automate trades, minimize manual intervention, and optimize your trading strategies.
By leveraging real-time data access, you can make data-driven decisions, reducing the risk of emotional or impulsive trades.
When choosing a Solana trading bot, prioritize one that offers reliable and timely access to market data, giving you a competitive edge in the trading arena.
Automated Execution Speed
You need a Solana trading bot that can execute trades at lightning-fast speeds to capitalize on fleeting market opportunities. In the world of cryptocurrency, every second counts, and delayed trades can mean the difference between profit and loss.
That’s why automated execution speed is a critical factor to consider when choosing a Solana trading bot.
Fortunately, some top-notch bots are designed with speed in mind.
For instance, Photon’s speed advantage allows for quick buy and sell executions, giving traders an edge in fast-paced markets.
Similarly, BONKbot’s Auto Buy feature enables immediate purchase of a token upon pasting its address, facilitating rapid trading.
TROJAN’s instant access to new tokens and quick buying and selling capabilities provide traders with an advantage in the largest crypto market.
SolTradingBot’s Sniper Monitor feature allows for precision trade execution, enabling traders to capitalize on market opportunities swiftly.
Lastly, Solgun Sniper Bot’s fast trading feature enables users to buy and sell tokens rapidly, maximizing profits in the Solana network.

Frequently Asked Questions

Can I Use a Solana Trading Bot With a Small Investment?
You’re wondering if you can use a trading bot with a small investment. The good news is yes, you can! Most bots offer flexible investment options, so you can start small and scale up as you gain confidence.
Are Solana Trading Bots Compatible With All Devices?
You’ll be relieved to know that most trading bots are compatible with multiple devices, including Windows, macOS, and mobile devices. You can access them through web platforms or download apps, giving you flexibility and convenience.
Do Solana Trading Bots Guarantee Profits?
You’ve heard stories like Sarah’s, who made 20% returns with a Solana bot, but don’t assume it’s a guarantee — no bot can ensure profits, as market volatility and risks are always present, affecting outcomes.
Can I Customize My Solana Trading Bot’s Settings?
You can tailor your bot’s strategy to your preferences by adjusting parameters like risk tolerance, trading frequency, and asset allocation, which allows you to adapt to changing market conditions and refine your approach.
Are Solana Trading Bots Secure and Trustworthy?
You’ve probably heard of the 2020 KuCoin hack, where hackers stole $281 million in crypto. Thankfully, most modern Solana trading bots, like reputable exchanges, implement robust security measures, such as multi-factor authentication and encryption, to protect your assets.
You’ve scoured the Solana trading bot landscape and finally have the top 5 contenders in your sights!
With Photon’s trusted token discovery, BONKbot’s lightning-fast trades, TROJAN’s seamless access, SolTradingBot’s DEX integrations, and Solgun Sniper Bot’s speedy reliability, you’re spoiled for choice.
Choosing the perfect bot is like finding a needle in a haystack, but with these top picks, you’ll be trading like a pro in no time — and making millions (okay, maybe not millions, but you get the idea!)
submitted by fmlforveaaa to cryptoreferralcodesz [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 01:30 kreylado ETrade yada yada whatever. Let em threaten to kick you out DFV, cuz we have the place for you. COME JOIN THE INFINITY POOL AND DRS YA SHIT

ETrade yada yada whatever. Let em threaten to kick you out DFV, cuz we have the place for you. COME JOIN THE INFINITY POOL AND DRS YA SHIT submitted by kreylado to Superstonk [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 01:05 NegativeGamer Respect X-51/Aaron Stack, the Machine Man! (Marvel, 616)

Machine Man was the last of a group of robots built by the US military for a secret weapons project. Raised like a son by one of the project leads, Dr. Abel Stack, Machine Man was thrust into a world not ready to accept him when Abel sacrificed his life to remove a built-in self destruct chip meant as a failsafe. Despite the government's persecution of his existence, he would become a superhero and honorary member of the Avengers, saving the lives of people no matter if they viewed him as a man or merely a machine.


Robotic Physiology



Extendable Limbs

Fine Control
Offensive Usage

Gravity Negation




On Objects
Magnetic Fields

Temperature Systems

Hacking Implements

Senses and Sensors

Object/Emission Detection
Signal Detection/Transmission
Measurement Systems
Vocal Replication

Temporary Modifications

Other Abilities

Sentinel Abilities

During the events of Machine Man/Bastion '98, Machine Man's main body was taken over by Bastion and given access to some of Bastion's Sentinel abilities as a result.MMB This section is only for the feats he demonstrated in his original body, and not the Sentinel form he took beginning in X-51 #1.


Offensive Abilities



Former Abilities

Following Machine Man's first encounter with the Hulk, extraneous parts of his machinery, including his laser, flame, and stun abilities, had to be removed in order to keep him from self-destructing.MM10 To see the abilities he demonstrated before this downgrade, see here.
















Continued in the comments

submitted by NegativeGamer to respectthreads [link] [comments]

2024.06.03 18:52 EclosionK2 My siblings’ imaginary friend wants to kill me [Part 2]

I - II - III
“Are you sure we can't make Jumpy the Frog a little … friendlier looking?”
My animation supervisor was looking at my sketches, and pointing out how Jumpy’s eyes looked a little too bloodshot, and how too many veins protruded through his gray skin.
But that's just what Jumpy looked like.
“He can stay in the background,” I said. “ I would really appreciate it— if we could sneak him in there for the next episode.”
My anim supe frowned at the picture. “Is this like a webcomic you are trying to make viral or something?”
It's actually some awful, real life entity I'm trying to appease so it doesn't kill me.
“Yeah, it's a webcomic. I would really appreciate it. Seriously. Just this once”
My supe liked me and I could tell he was willing to make this small favor happen, but that still didn't wipe the look of confusion off his face.
“Okay. I'll talk to production. It doesn't need to go higher up the chain. We can just slip Jumpy in near the end of the episode in one of the crowd scenes.”
I bowed and clasped his hands.
I would be seeding Jumpy’s image across a generation of kids who streamed cartoons. If that Frog said it needed believers to exist, it would now have a legion of kids who would see it, and probably wonder what that creepy frog was doing in the background of a popular TV show.
It might not happen right away, it may take weeks or months for anyone to notice, but if I could have Jumpy appear enough times to get other kids to simply think about the frog, I would no longer be condemned as the sole believer.
All I need is one fan to make a meme about it (hell I could lay the groundwork myself), and then we’d have tons of people on the internet seeing Jumpy, fan-arting Jumpy, and dreaming about Jumpy. He’ll have hordes of adherents loyal to his image.
I felt like this plan would work. Something in my bones told me so.
To celebrate, I removed all the Jumpy drawings I had put up in my apartment, and I deleted all photos from my phone.
“You’ll have plenty of believers, Jumpy! Not just me! A sea of ten-year olds will keep your essence alive!”
I was laughing, pouring myself some wine and cheersing my reflection in the mirror.
The evening was young, and for the first time in what felt like years, I decided I would go out. To a pub. A club. Anything.
I pinged a couple friends and got some suitable dancing clothes.
My elevator is the glass kind that rides on the exterior of my building. I usually don’t appreciate the view, but tonight I relished the sun setting on the horizon, basking the entire city in a warm orange glow. I had found a solution to Jumpy, and I deserved a moment to appreciate the good things in life.
I admired the other skyscrapers, which framed the white capped peaks in the distance. I admired the graceful fir trees which fit in-between the downtown streets. And I admired the grimy footprints on the elevator glass that didn't block any of this magical view.
Wait a second. Grimy footprints?
The elevator jolted to a stop.
I flew several feet in the air. Fell straight on my tailbone
My entire spine was on fire for a few moments as I looked at the elevator’s little screen .Floor 31 - SERVICE ERROR.
What just happened?
I heard loud warbling on the elevator's glass, and there the answer presented itself. Outside, waving its massive webbed hand, was an ecstatic, smiling Jumpy the Frog.
“Whitaker sister! It’s me! It's me! It's meeee!’
Even muffled behind the glass, I could make out the high-pitched voice.
“Jesus Christ,” I said, barely able to speak. My body had frozen stiff.
“What you say?” Jumpy pressed its head against the glass. “I can't hear you.”
I collected myself, realizing how much weight Jumpy was adding to the elevator. I tried shooing with my hands. “Get off. Get off the glass!”
The frog's pupils widened and looked in two different directions. “Okays! I’ll take off the glass!”
“What? Wait. Wait!”
The amphibian applied both of its sticky hands on the glass above the elevator, creating a vacuum-tight seal. The arms lifted, flexing dozens of wiry, cord-like muscles. I could hear metal and screws pop.
The glass exploded atop the elevator.
I shielded my head as hundreds of shattered pieces fell. A few cut my arms. Crisp, thin air breezed in along with Jumpy’s jovial voice. “Whitaker sister!”
I watched as the frog clambered down into the elevator. Its skin looked healthy and green, evidently all my ‘believing’ had maybe helped heal the creature after all. I stood with my back against the closed metal door. Jumpy reached the elevator floor.
“Why are you removing Jumpy art?” The frog used a massive arm to sweep the glass away from its feet.
I could barely move. “What?”
“I sawed you remove the pictures of Jumpy in your house. Why? why? why why why?”
Although I was terrified for my life in this broken elevator missing half of its ceiling. I was now doubly creeped out that Jumpy had been watching me in my apartment? For how long?
The frog licked its eyes, The cheeriness from its voice fading a little. “Why. You. Remove. Drawings.”
I cleared my throat, and brushed hair out of my eyes. “Listen Jumpy, I am going to convince lots of kids to believe in you.”
The frog stared blankly.
“I’m going to get a lot of kids to believe in you, so I don't have to believe in you. This way you can outlive the Whitaker sisters. This way you can live your own life, Jumpy. I’m setting you … free.”
The frog held still, not moving a single muscle until its head tilted sideways. “But Jumpy belongs to Whitakers. Jumpy always helps only the Whitakers!”
“Well, I'm giving you permission to stop. You can be free. To be your own frog.” I was trying to sound confident, like the way my sisters may have commanded Jumpy.
But Jumpy didn't seem to take this well. The frog slowly cradled its face, as if such a suggestion was sacrilege. “But how is Jumpy supposed to help you then? Who do you want Jumpy to gobble up?”
“I don't need you to help me. I don't … what do you mean gobble up?”
“Marie-Anne and Jamie had Jumpy gobble up lots of peoples!”
They did? “Like … who?”
“Oh other pretty little girls. Girls who did too much talking and singing. Lots of peoples.”
I haven't mentioned this yet, but my twin sisters were rising young actors. They landed recurring roles on a sitcom and their careers only seemed to be looking up. Until the fatal car accident of course.
“I don't want you to gobble anyone up, Jumpy! I want you to be free, to go live in the pond or Forest and do whatever you like.”
“But …” The frog lowered its gaze and approached me“... Jumpy likes gobbling. Please tell Jumpy who to gobble.”
I couldn’t back up any further than the elevator door. “Fish! Worms! Whatever normal frogs gobble up. You go gobble that.”
Jumpy pressed one of its sinuous fingers against my belly. “Oh but you can think of some juicy, jiggly peoples for Jumpy to gobble up. There must be someone you don’t like.”
I closed my eyes, sealed my mouth. The moldy fruit breath was overwhelming.
“Tell Jumpy who to gobble.”
I shielded my face. “Please Jumpy. I don’t have anyone. I don’t want you to eat anyone.”
The breath retreated. Its voice turned disappointed. “You don’t have … anyone?”
“No. It’s not good to eat people, Jumpy.”
When I opened my eyes, the frog was turned away. It placed one of its massive hands on the glass wall.
“You don’t want Jumpy to be happy …” The frog bonked its head along the glass, penalizing its own sorrow. The glass cracked a little bit.
“No, I want you to be very happy! I just want you to discover a new source of happiness that isn’t … gobbling.”
The frog bonked its head on the glass again. “Marie-Anne and Jamie told me you wouldn't understand Jumpy. Maybe they were right ...”
The remaining walls of glass were growing cracks at an alarming rate. If they broke, I would be completely exposed at thirty one stories above sea level.
“Please Jumpy! I understand everything! Maybe I can find you, like, I dunno, a people meat substitute? Have you tried pork?”
Jumpy ignored me, and climbed back to the opening up top. The glass was spider-webbing everywhere
“Sorry Whitaker, Jumpy must eat peoples. There is no choice.”
Pops and snaps came from all the walls around me. I turned to hug the elevator door as close as I could.
“I’ll just wait for your kids,” Jumpy said. “I’m sure one of the childrens will have lots of gobble ideas for Jumpy.”
Before I could reply, the frog hopped away, climbing along the side of my apartment building.
Then, the glass around me fractured in aggressive zigs zags until … SNAP! CRACKLE! POP!
Shards fell like a waterfall.
Bits shot at my back and neck.
Within seconds, the glass walls around me were gone. I could feel the cold, atmospheric wind rippling through my clothes.
The platform slanted from the weight of the glass. I rolled once or twice before digging my nails into the floor.
I was at least four hundred feet in the air, completely at mercy to the elements. If the elevator jolted in any direction, I would certainly roll off the ground platform and plummet.
Oh god. Please don’t move, please don’t move, please don’t move, please don’t move …
Screams would erupt uncontrollably as the elevator jiggled every now and then. I’m not ashamed to admit that I soiled myself.
Birds cawed at my panicked form. The twin elevator would rumble past me, causing my whole platform to tremble too. I was in my own private hell for forty five minutes until the fire department showed up.
It felt more like six hours.
When they finally did manage to pry open the elevator door and pull me to safety, they announced I had no real injuries, only a couple of minor scrapes. But I was trembling so much from fear, that they took me straight to the hospital. The paramedic said I looked like I had seen a ghost.
I stayed the night, unable to sleep.
They even kept me the full next day because my heart rate still wouldn’t go down.
“You’ve got to relax, you’re safe now,” one of the nurses said. And I told them, “I know, I know, I’m doing my best.”
But what I didn’t explain was that I was absolutely petrified that a horrible frog monster could come back and kill me. I had only met Jumpy twice in my life now, and both times it felt like I was staring death in the face. Even if it was by accident, the frog could easily hop on me, choke me or toss me down a flight of stairs without intending to murder me.
Jumpy was too callous, too oblivious in regard to preserving any human life… and then I realized I would soon enable kids to see Jumpy.
I would be allowing minors to not only risk their lives meeting the frog, but also risk the lives of others by letting him gobble.
I had sent the wheels in motion for a Pandora’s box to open via children’s television across the internet, across the entire world. The frog could terrorize the lives of countless kids for eternity because they would all believe in and fear it. Bullies would abuse Jumpy. Parents won’t know what to do. I would be creating a real life boogeyman.
Dear God, what have I done?
submitted by EclosionK2 to nosleep [link] [comments]

2024.06.03 02:06 fmlforveaaa 5 Best Solana Trading Bots [1 has upcoming airdrop!]

5 Best Solana Trading Bots [1 has upcoming airdrop!]
As you venture into the world of Solana trading, you’re likely wondering which trading bots can help you stay ahead of the game.
You’ve got a multitude of options, but which ones are truly worth your time and investment?
The answer lies in finding the perfect balance of speed, security, and reliability.
From Photon’s trusted environment to Solgun Sniper Bot’s lightning-fast trades, each top Solana trading bot brings something unique to the table.
But what sets them apart, and which one will give you the edge you need to succeed in the competitive world of Solana trading?
Key Takeaways
  • Photon offers a trusted environment for token discovery and trading with real-time updates and portfolio tracking.
  • BONKbot provides a secure and transparent environment with auto-buy, referral programs, and comprehensive position management.
  • TROJAN offers seamless access to trade any token with instant access to new tokens and real-time data.
  • SolTradingBot integrates with Jupiter, Orca, and Radium for decentralized exchange transactions with real-time market data analysis.
  • Solgun Sniper Bot provides a reliable and fast trading experience with customizable trading strategies and user-friendly interface.
Photon — Your Trusted Platform for Token Discovery & Trading[ Solana Whale’s favourite bot of choice]
Photon is by far, the bot of choice for me. I have compared it side by side to Dextools and Dexscreener and Photon updates trades faster by 5 to 6 seconds. This is crucial for those who regularly scalp low cap coins like I do.
You’ll find that Photon is designed to cater to your needs, offering a range of features to facilitate smooth trading experiences.
You can browse through a vast collection of tokens, filter them based on specific criteria, and get real-time updates on new listings.
With Photon, you’ll have access to a reliable platform that prioritizes your trading needs.
You’ll be able to monitor your portfolio in real-time, receive security updates, and track your performance with ease.
BONUS: They have just announced and drop hints that they will be doing an airdrop!
Best For: Traders who want the fastest updated trades, and to trade pump fun and other tokens seamlessly.
* Faster than Dextools and Dexscreener. Tested and proven.
* Able to trade Pump Fun tokens while still in bonding curve.
* Upcoming airdrop gives users more upside to using the platform.
* The platform may have a learning curve for new traders, requiring some time to get familiar with its features and tools.
* Photon’s focus on traders may limit its appeal to non-traders or beginners in the token trading space. * The platform’s reliance on real-time market data may make it vulnerable to market fluctuations and volatility.
Start using Photon for free for life and qualify for their upcoming airdrop.
If you’re seeking a Solana trading bot that combines lightning-fast trades with a secure and transparent environment, BONKbot is the perfect fit, offering a unique blend of blazingly-fast trading and innovative features that put you in control.
You’ll enjoy features like auto-buy, which lets you instantly purchase a token by pasting its address, and a referral program that rewards you with a percentage of your friends’ fees.
With BONKbot, you’ll also have access to comprehensive position management through the PNL Overview, which tracks market cap, profit after fees, liquidity, token balance, and recent price changes.
Plus, you’ll benefit from a secure trading environment powered by Jupiter routing, and fees that contribute to buying and burning $BONK.
Best For BONKbot is best for experienced traders and new investors seeking a fast, secure, and transparent Solana trading bot with innovative features and passive income opportunities.
Pros * Blazingly-fast trading and instant purchase of tokens through the Auto Buy feature * Comprehensive position management and tracking through the PNL Overview * Opportunities for passive income through the referral program and fees contributing to buying and burning $BONK
Cons * Users may need to familiarize themselves with the Telegram bot interface and features * The referral program’s percentage of fees decreases over time * No information is provided about customer support or dispute resolution

Sign up to Bonkbot and strat trading on Telegram

With TROJAN, you get seamless access to trade any token, giving you an edge in the largest crypto market, making it the best choice for traders seeking instant access to new cryptocurrencies.
You’ll stay ahead of the game with instant access to new tokens, and maximize your profits with quick buying and selling capabilities.
You’ll also minimize losses with fast trade execution and make informed decisions with real-time data.
As a TROJAN user, you’ll have access to the largest crypto market, where you can trade any token without restrictions and explore new investment opportunities.
Best For Experienced traders and investors seeking instant access to new cryptocurrencies and a competitive edge in the largest crypto market.
Pros * Provides seamless access to trade any token, giving users an edge in the largest crypto market * Offers quick buying and selling capabilities, allowing users to maximize profits and minimize losses * Provides real-time data, enabling users to make informed trading decisions
Cons * May not be suitable for beginners, as it requires some level of trading knowledge and experience * Does not provide personalized investment advice or guidance * May have limited customer support options for users who require assistance
You’ll thrive with SolTradingBot if you’re a serious Solana investor seeking a cutting-edge trading platform that integrates seamlessly with Jupiter, Orca, and Radium for decentralized exchange transactions.
With SolTradingBot, you’ll gain access to a robust suite of tools and features designed to elevate your trading experience.
You’ll stay ahead of the curve with real-time market data analysis, precision trade execution via the Sniper Monitor, and customizable trading strategies based on technical indicators and market conditions.
Plus, you’ll receive important notifications for market events and account updates, ensuring you’re always informed and in control.
Best For Serious Solana investors seeking a cutting-edge trading platform for decentralized exchange transactions.
Pros * Integrates with Jupiter, Orca, and Radium for seamless decentralized exchange transactions * Offers real-time market data analysis and precision trade execution via the Sniper Monitor * Provides customizable trading strategies based on technical indicators and market conditions
Cons * May have a learning curve for users without experience with advanced trading tools * Requires a significant investment of time and resources to maximize its features * May not be suitable for casual investors or those without a strong understanding of decentralized finance
Solgun Sniper Bot
Those seeking a reliable and fast trading experience will find the Solgun Sniper Bot, a cutting-edge Solana trading bot, to be their best bet for maximizing profits in the Solana network.
With its secure and reliable features, you’ll be able to buy and sell new tokens as soon as they launch, ensuring you don’t miss out on potential profits.
The bot’s user-friendly interface allows for speedy trading with no delays, and its limit order feature enables you to set target prices for buying or selling tokens.
What’s more, you can customize your trading strategies based on technical indicators, market conditions, and your personal preferences.
Best For Those seeking a reliable and fast trading experience, particularly new token traders and investors looking to maximize profits in the Solana network.
Pros * Enables users to buy and sell new tokens as soon as they launch, maximizing profits * Offers a user-friendly interface for speedy trading with no delays * Allows users to customize their trading strategies based on technical indicators, market conditions, and personal preferences
Cons * Fees for manual, copy, and automated trading may be higher than other platforms * Limited information available on risk management tools and portfolio tracking features * No clear information on customer support or community resources
Factors to Consider When Choosing a Solana Trading Bot
When you’re on the hunt for a Solana trading bot, you’ll want to consider several key factors that can make or break your trading experience.
You’ll need to think about the security of the bot, how easy it’s to use, and what kind of fees you’ll be paying.
Trading Bot Security
To ensure the safety of your assets, it’s crucial to carefully evaluate the security features of a Solana trading bot before making a choice.
You want to ensure that the bot uses robust key management practices, such as secure storage and handling of private keys, to prevent unauthorized access to your assets.
A reliable Solana trading bot should also implement multi-factor authentication to add an extra layer of security and protect your account from potential breaches.
Regular security audits and updates are also essential to address potential vulnerabilities and ensure the bot’s security measures are up-to-date and effective.
Additionally, a trustworthy Solana trading bot should prioritize your asset protection and minimize the risk of unauthorized access by using industry-standard encryption protocols and secure key storage solutions.
Finally, the bot should have a clear and transparent privacy policy that outlines how your information is collected, stored, and used.
Ease of Use Matters
A Solana trading bot with an intuitive interface streamlines your trading experience, allowing you to make informed decisions quickly and efficiently.
A user-friendly interface is essential for a Solana trading bot, as it enables you to navigate the platform efficiently and make timely trading decisions.
An intuitive design reduces the learning curve for new users, making it easier for you to start trading quickly.
A well-designed interface also reduces errors, guiding you through the trading process and minimizing the risk of incorrect orders.
With an easy-to-use interface, you’ll save time and reduce stress, allowing you to focus on your trading strategies and market analysis.
You’ll be more likely to continue using a platform that’s easy to navigate, leading to increased user satisfaction and loyalty.
Ultimately, a trading bot with an easy-to-use interface is more enjoyable to use, reducing frustration and anxiety.
Fees and Pricing Models
Fees and pricing models can make or break your Solana trading experience, as they directly impact your profits and losses over time.
When choosing a Solana trading bot, it’s crucial to consider the fees and pricing model, as they can significantly affect your trading outcomes.
Some bots charge a flat fee per trade, while others charge a percentage of the trade amount, ranging from 0.5% to 0.9% or more.
You might come across bots like Solgun Sniper Bot, which offers different pricing tiers, with manual trading fees at 0.5%, copy trading fees at 0.7%, and automated trading fees at 0.9%.
Additionally, some bots offer referral programs, where you can earn a percentage of friends’ fees, like 25% forever through referrals.
The pricing model can also vary, with some bots offering a subscription-based model, while others charge per trade or per asset.
It’s essential to carefully review the fees and pricing model of a Solana trading bot before committing to one, as it can make a significant difference in your trading profits and losses over time.
Strategy Customization Options
When selecting a Solana trading bot, you need a platform that allows you to tailor your trading strategy to your unique needs and preferences.
Customizable trading strategies are essential, as they enable you to implement and adjust your approach based on technical indicators, market conditions, and personal preferences.
Some bots offer pre-built strategies that can be tailored to your needs, while others provide a more open-ended framework for creating your own.
Advanced customization options are a plus, as they allow you to refine your approach over time and optimize your trading performance.
Look for features like conditional logic, multiple indicator integration, and customizable risk management parameters.
However, keep in mind that effective customization requires a deep understanding of technical analysis, market dynamics, and risk management principles.
Community Support Availability
Having a reliable community support system in place can be a lifeline when navigating the complexities of Solana trading bots, providing valuable resources and guidance as you refine your trading strategy.
You’ll likely have questions or encounter issues, and a responsive support team can help you resolve them quickly. Look for a bot with multiple channels of support, such as email, live chat, and social media groups.
This ensures you can get help when you need it, in a way that’s convenient for you.
Additionally, consider a bot with a comprehensive knowledge base or FAQ section. This can provide instant answers to common questions, saving you time and effort.
You should also look for a bot with an active community of users, as they can offer valuable insights and advice from their own experiences.
By choosing a bot with robust community support, you’ll be better equipped to overcome obstacles and achieve your trading goals.
As you evaluate different Solana trading bots, make community support availability a key factor in your decision-making process.
Real-Time Data Access
As you evaluate Solana trading bots, consider one that provides real-time data access, enabling you to make informed trading decisions based on the most up-to-date market information.
This feature is crucial, as it allows the bot to analyze market trends, identify profitable trading opportunities, and execute trades swiftly.
With real-time data access, you can react quickly to market fluctuations, minimizing losses and maximizing gains.
Look for a bot that provides access to various market metrics, including token prices, trading volumes, and order book data.
This will enable you to automate trades, minimize manual intervention, and optimize your trading strategies.
By leveraging real-time data access, you can make data-driven decisions, reducing the risk of emotional or impulsive trades.
When choosing a Solana trading bot, prioritize one that offers reliable and timely access to market data, giving you a competitive edge in the trading arena.
Automated Execution Speed
You need a Solana trading bot that can execute trades at lightning-fast speeds to capitalize on fleeting market opportunities. In the world of cryptocurrency, every second counts, and delayed trades can mean the difference between profit and loss.
That’s why automated execution speed is a critical factor to consider when choosing a Solana trading bot.
Fortunately, some top-notch bots are designed with speed in mind.
For instance, Photon’s speed advantage allows for quick buy and sell executions, giving traders an edge in fast-paced markets.
Similarly, BONKbot’s Auto Buy feature enables immediate purchase of a token upon pasting its address, facilitating rapid trading.
TROJAN’s instant access to new tokens and quick buying and selling capabilities provide traders with an advantage in the largest crypto market.
SolTradingBot’s Sniper Monitor feature allows for precision trade execution, enabling traders to capitalize on market opportunities swiftly.
Lastly, Solgun Sniper Bot’s fast trading feature enables users to buy and sell tokens rapidly, maximizing profits in the Solana network.

Frequently Asked Questions

Can I Use a Solana Trading Bot With a Small Investment?
You’re wondering if you can use a trading bot with a small investment. The good news is yes, you can! Most bots offer flexible investment options, so you can start small and scale up as you gain confidence.
Are Solana Trading Bots Compatible With All Devices?
You’ll be relieved to know that most trading bots are compatible with multiple devices, including Windows, macOS, and mobile devices. You can access them through web platforms or download apps, giving you flexibility and convenience.
Do Solana Trading Bots Guarantee Profits?
You’ve heard stories like Sarah’s, who made 20% returns with a Solana bot, but don’t assume it’s a guarantee — no bot can ensure profits, as market volatility and risks are always present, affecting outcomes.
Can I Customize My Solana Trading Bot’s Settings?
You can tailor your bot’s strategy to your preferences by adjusting parameters like risk tolerance, trading frequency, and asset allocation, which allows you to adapt to changing market conditions and refine your approach.
Are Solana Trading Bots Secure and Trustworthy?
You’ve probably heard of the 2020 KuCoin hack, where hackers stole $281 million in crypto. Thankfully, most modern Solana trading bots, like reputable exchanges, implement robust security measures, such as multi-factor authentication and encryption, to protect your assets.
You’ve scoured the Solana trading bot landscape and finally have the top 5 contenders in your sights!
With Photon’s trusted token discovery, BONKbot’s lightning-fast trades, TROJAN’s seamless access, SolTradingBot’s DEX integrations, and Solgun Sniper Bot’s speedy reliability, you’re spoiled for choice.
Choosing the perfect bot is like finding a needle in a haystack, but with these top picks, you’ll be trading like a pro in no time — and making millions (okay, maybe not millions, but you get the idea!)
submitted by fmlforveaaa to Solana_Apes [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 21:39 hawks27-2 A look at who the Flyers could pick with their second selection (FLA pick 31st or 32nd) in the 1st Round

With the Panthers advancing to the Stanley Cup Final, we know the Flyers will have either the 31st or 32nd pick in this year's draft. With the end of the first round typically being hard to predict, especially in this draft where everything after 1st Overall is wide open. Since there isn't a ton of difference between 31st and 32nd, so I figured I could highlight some names that the Flyers could be looking at at the end of the first round.
One thing I want to point out is that while if you look at Cap Friendly it shows the Flyers also having the Blue Jackets 2nd round pick (36th Overall). But the Jackets have the right to defer that pick to next year after the first round of the draft. I just can't see them giving up that pick, especially with a new GM keen to make an impact with his new team. So if you see some player rankings and think "we could get him at 36th overall" we likely wont have that pick.
Also, trading up has been a hot topic pretty much all year, and while trading up in the top 10 is nearly impossible, moving up (or back) in the later parts of the first round happen all the time. With a likely three 2nd round picks in next year's draft (at least two of them belonging to non-playoff teams), there is a chance the Flyers jump up to get someone.
I wanted to start out with a couple names bigger names that I think have a chance of falling come draft day. These players are still ranked fairly high, but could fall at the actual draft for various reasons and could see a highly talented player available for the Flyers.
The first is Adam Jiricek, the younger brother of David Jiricek was projected as a potential top 10 pick for the last couple years. While not as big as his brother, he's has grown, now being listed at 6'2 when he was previously listed at 6'0. He's a more mobile puck mover than his brother, at least that was his reputation before an injury at World Juniors knocked him out for the rest of the season. While Jiricek has a great reputation, he had already began to slip in rankings after not meeting expectations in the Czech league to start the season and combined with him missing so much high profile hockey many teams might not have a good a read on him as they would like.
The other player who might fall to the Flyers is Aron Kiviharju who missed most of the season with injury. In the years leading up to the draft Kiviharju was thought of as being the top D in his draft class, often expected to go in the top 5. He started to slip a little before the start of the season, and injuries combined with his small size have seen him slip further and further. If healthy, Kiviharju still has elite talent, great and shifty skating as well as being a great passer. I think there is a good chance both he and Jiricek are off the board by the time the Flyers make their second pick, but there is still a chance one is available at the end of the first round.
Now I want to take a look at players who are much more likely going to be available at the end of the first. I'm going to highlight defensemen first, and then forwards. Because player rankings vary so much I will list the range and median of each player's rankings.
Cole Hutson - LHD - 5'10 US NTDP Range: 21-50, Median: 31-40 If you follow prospects or World Juniors you certainly know Cole's older brother, Lane. He just had two of the best seasons for a first and second year defenseman in the NCAA in recent memory. Cole has a very similar player profile, shifty skater, great playmaker, and confident with the puck. While his regular season stats may not be as good as Lane, at the U18 tournament he is unrivaled. Cole is tied for 1st and 2nd in most points by a defenseman in a single tournament at the U18s, making him the all time leader in points by a defenseman at the tournament (passing for leader Cam York by 8 points). He also joins York and Victor Hedman as the only defensemen to make the tournament All-Star team twice. Hutson has issues defensively, more so than York or else he would probably ranked in a similar spot. If you look at the median, it shows a huge gap showing that there is a clear delineation between guys who think he is a clear late first rounder and a clear mid 2nd rounder. I mentioned when talking about Zayne Parekh in my look at who the Flyers could take at 12th Overall that the difference between Erik Karlsson and Tony Deangelo is more based on truly exceptional offense than defense. Similarly, thats the difference between a guy Tony Deangelo and say TJ Brennan who spent most of his career in the AHL. It's not that Brennan is significantly worse defensively than Deangelo or Karlsson, it's that he doesn't score enough to make up for it. Even if Hutson doesn't become a standout defensively, if he reaches the offensive heights he will still be a solid NHLer. The question is can he reach those heights?
Henry Mews - RHD - 6'0 - Ottawa 67's (OHL) Range: 16-50, Median: 32 Mews is potentially the most intriguing prospect in this part of the draft. He has excellent edgework and great acceleration, pairing that with silky hands and it gives him some great escapability. He's got great offensive instincts, so while his shots and passes may not be the hardest or exceptionally accurate, he is able to create more offense than guys with those skills because of how he can read a situation. Mews, like Hutson, struggles defensively which isn't too uncommon for offensive defensemen at this level. The bigger issues come from his compete and his ability to get bullied off the puck. Mews can be inconsistent compete level wise, also something not that uncommon - especially in this draft, but what is slightly more worrying is how he doesn't handle physical play well even at this level. He's not particularly small at 6'0, and you see smaller guys like Cole Hutson or even smaller Emil Andrae lean into physical play and make it a strength not a weakness. Even Gostisbehere who wasn't particularly physical in the NHL was much more physical at his age group in the NCAA and World Juniors. But the reason he is intriguing is that if you look at him, he plays a style similar to Cale Makar, and everybody would be interested in finding a Cale Makar at the end of the first round. His aversion to physical play may just be because he's not used to being hit with his skill set, and if the Flyers think they could fix his bad habits they may think they could be getting a real high level talent.
Charlie Elick - RHD - 6'3 - Brandon Wheat Kings (WHL) Range: 22-58, Median: 33-34 Changing gears from smaller, high offense players, to bigger defensive defenseman brings us to Charlie Elick. Elick is a formidable D, one of if not the most physical defenseman that could go in the first round. Throwing big hits, clearing the front of the net, and winning puck battles along the boards is where Elick shines the most. His biggest weakness is his offense which is pretty limited, while he has a good first pass he does not have the offensive instincts to create off the rush or be a major playmaker from the blue line. But that does not mean he doesn't have some good attributes typically associated with offensive defensemen. He is a very strong skater, both with straight line speed and maneuverability. He has decent puck handling skills and can protect the puck with his large frame. Potentially most importantly is his first pass which is hard and accurate making zone exits much easier than defensive defensemen of the past. We are starting to see a new breed of defensive defensemen, ones with good mobility but just don't have the offensive instincts of guys like say Artyom Levshunov or Carter Yakemchuk at the top of this draft. Given how high the Flyers are on a prospect like Hunter MacDonald, a player like Elick who is a similar style but considered more physical and a better skater could be a player they are looking at closely. They should be very familiar with him as he is a teammate of last year's second round pick goalie Carson Bjarnasson.
EJ Emery - RHD - 6'3 - US NTDP Range: 17-44, Median: 35 Emery is in a similar mold to Elick, a smooth skating defensive defenseman who does not really project to have much offensive upside in the NHL. He is a good passer, especially in his defensive zone which helps make up for more limited puck skills compared to other defensemen like him. While he isn't as physical as a player like Elick, he has a very high hockey IQ which makes him very difficult to beat one on one. While a player like Elick can't take advantage of offensive situations, Emery is more focused on making the safe play. It may be a boring style of game, but high defensive skills and high hockey IQ are valuable skills and, based off the Bonk pick last year, something the Flyers value. Unlike with Bonk though, I don't think there is a surprise offensive awakening in Emery. Bonk had solid offensive numbers last year and if you look at him in camp he was much more willing to attempt skill plays than a lot of the other defensemen. I don't think anybody expected the breakout he had, but there were offensive skills there and a desire to use them. Emery is much more limited, this past season Emery didn't score a single goal across 95 games in all competitions and only got 28 assists. Emery was paired with Cole Hutson on the NTDP's top pairing this year, which could explain why his regular season point production was so stunted while his U18 points (6 assists in 7 games) was comparatively a lot higher. The defensive Emery balancing the aggressive Hutson when playing tougher and older competition with the NTDP, but was able to find the score sheet more when they played a more balanced style. He is headed to North Dakota next season which as done a good job in developing the offense of defensive defenseman lately, I don't think Emery will ever be a big point producer or have a Bonk-esque jump, but his defensive skills are certainly something to keep an eye on going forward.
Dominik Badinka - RHD - 6'3 - Malmo (SHL) Range: 23-61, Median: 38 Badinka is a good balance between the four defenseman I've already mentioned. The Czech has bounced from Czechia, Finland, and now Sweden in the last three years, but has the size and skating of Elick and Emery paired with the offensive instincts and ability to jump into the play of Hutson and Mews. His puck skills and skating aren't as dynamic as the small guys, and his defense and physicality isn't as exceptional as the big guys, but he has good marks in all categories. The thing that probably stands out the most in both ends of the ice is his confidence, he has the ability to hold on to the puck in his defensive zone to make easy exits and has the ability to make smart passes and shots in the offensive zone even if he doesn't have the mobility of Hutson or Mews. One player he really reminds me of is Boston Bruins defenseman Mason Lohrei, a rookie this season who may not be a household name, but I saw a lot of Lohrei while at Ohio State so he's one of the players I know the best. At the NCAA level Lohrei was able to control games with his strong smooth skating and confience with the puck, even taking over games against guys like Matty Beniers, Adam Fantilli, and Logan Cooley. He may not be a name that jump off the page right now, but if you watched the impact Lohrei had for Boston in the playoffs you'd definitely want the Flyers got their own Lohrei. Whether they select Badinka is another story, one could call Badinka as a jack of all trades and a master of none (except confidence) so he doesn't have the on attribute that makes him jump out at you. If the Flyers think they can fix certain flaws or fill in certain gaps with the other defensemen, their single defining trait could be enough to make up for other short comings and still make a positive impact. Badinka does not have a glaring weakness that would keep him from being an NHLer, but he also does not have the one thing that could make him indispensable for a team. This isn't to say Badinka does not have a high ceiling, in the right situation he could be a 40 point defenseman, but the fact that he has a high ceiling and a high floor makes me think he could be the best option among the defensemen I mentioned.
Jett Luchanko - C - 5'11 - Guelph (OHL) Range: 18-53, Median: 31-38 Luchanko has a lot of tools that could make him a great NHL center. He has great acceleration and pairs it with high top end speed and strong edges that make him all around one of the best skaters in the draft. He has a high compete level and high hockey IQ that makes his speed a weapon on both offense and defense. One of the knocks on Luchanko is that he does not high the high end offensive skill or knack for the net that we see in some other high end prospects. If you look at the other forwards projected to go in the first round you see either a great shot, high end puck skills, or an ability to score dirty goals around the front of the net. Luchanko, while he does not have that, is an elite playmaker, using his vision to find open players and his speed to get to spots a lot of players can't find. One big issue with some fast players is being able to make decisions at speed, not just decision making when you are going fast, but when the level of competition picks up and now everyone is not only going fast but making smart decisions at speed. Hopefully the combination of speed and high IQ for Luchanko make him a player that doesn't hit a wall against fast competition, but his tools already give him a low floor where worst case scenario he could be a Ryan Poehling type.
Cole Beaudoin - C - 6'2 - Barrie (OHL) Range: 30-56, Median: 43-45 Beaudoin has a couple similarities with Luchanko, both have high hockey IQ, a high compete level, and vision and passing accuracy making him a great playmaker, with Beaudoin probably having a slight edge in all those categories. The biggest difference is speed, with Luchanko being one of the fastest forwards and Beaudoin being one of the slowest forwards in this range of the draft. His skating has improved from last season, but it still has a long way to go, but Beaudoin has a few other highlights that make him a very interesting option. He plays more of a power forward type of game, at 6'2 he is not only more physical but he is able to win battles around the net to score goals. It's a combination of skills you don't see often in the NHL, net front power forward mixed with elite playmaker, combined with a great defensive forward. It may be that he ends up finding one niche and working that way, instead of being more of a Swiss army knife, which could make him less appealing if the Flyers think he'll trend to be a more one dimensional player. His offensive play took a massive jump forward and if he continues to develop at that rate in junior he could be one of the more dynamic players if he does not get pigeon holed into a certain role. Beaudoin is similar in a lot of ways to David Krejci, and if he is able to use his smarts and skill to make up for his lack of speed he could have a similar career. But if his speed doesn't reach a high enough level, or he is able to get speed but is forced to become more one dimensional it could hinder him from not only making an impact in the NHL but making the league at all. In a lot of ways he's a safe pick, in some others he's a bit riskier.
Lucas Pettersson - C - 5'11 - MoDo (SHL/Junior) Range: 30-55, Median: 37 One thing Sweden does well in hockey development is make sure their players are well rounded. Pettersson posses high end skill, a dynamic shot, great speed, strong playmaking ability, and great defensive awareness that makes him a player who can be equally gifted offensively as he is defensively. He was one of the highest u18 players in the Swedish junior league and got a brief call up to the SHL. If you look at his highlight reels and see how people talk about him, you'd assume he'd go off the board much earlier, maybe even push the top 10. The biggest issues with Pettersson comes down to consistency, both in performance and effort level. While inconsistent effort level may raise more red flags, I think the fact that he wasn't consistently producing even when working hard a little more worrying. If you can reach a player to raise their effort level that problem will go away, and while every player can be streaky it's not a great sign when a high skill player is streaky at a lower junior league. That said, there is no denying Pettersson's skill and his defensive abilities make him still a very appealing prospect at this point in the draft. His defense makes it so that even if he is streaky offensively he'll be a consistently effective player in his own zone. I'm sure that will lead to some people being frustrated why he can't always be a great offensive player, while others see his offense as a nice little bonus.
Dean Letourneau - C - 6'7 - St. Andrew's Prep (Prep/AAA) There are a lot of things to like about Letourneau. Obviously, his size at 6'7 makes him stand out, but he has a number of other solid attributes as well. He has great speed, not just for someone his size but is genuinely quick, and he has great puck skills for a big man. His size and puck stills make it easy to protect the puck at his level, and he is able to rip a heavy shot, especially off the rush. I know there are a lot of fans of Letourneau in the sub, almost certainly stemming from his size, but I think this would be the one player I'd be disappointed if the Flyers take. I think he'll be a controversial pick no matter who takes him. Letourneau plays in a very low league in terms of the NHL draft, especially the first round. His St. Andrew's team plays in the Prep High School league in Canada and in a U18 AAA league. The league is closer (if not lower) than the GOJHL where the Flyers drafted 6th Rounder Ryan MacPherson out of last season. His size and speed are great attributes, but they also provide him a disproportionate advantage over kids in his league. The league also prevents him from playing against older competition, unlike guys playing in even non-CHL Canadian junior or the USHL. I mentioned before making decisions at speed is a huge factor that often isn't focused on, and facts are that he's never been in a situation playing against the higher end players in his age group. Even looking at Ryan MacPherson who made the jump from the GOJHL to the BCHL, he started out very strong then struggled mightily in the second half. There have been an number large, skilled, good skating centers to be drafted in the first round in recent years, like Logan Stanley and Michael Rasmussen, but neither have really developed in to stars and both came up playing against much tougher competition. Letourneau has a long development timeline, which isn't necessarily bad, but he is a high risk pick, with a relatively low reward. Even if you look at his best comps like Tage Thompson, or a bigger Chris Kreider, those players are very streaky power forwards. When one of the better potential outcomes is that he's a tall Chris VandeVelde it may not be the best person to pick in this spot.
Matvei Gridin - LW - 6'1 - Muskegon (USHL) Range: 26-61, Median: 43 Another Matvei. Gridin came over to play in the USHL in 2022 and was the leading point scorer in 2023-24. He is a dynamic offensive talent, possessing great hands, a great shot, and being a great playmaker. He is in a lot of ways the prototypical Russian star player, high end skill, physically very strong, and can sometimes float around to get the right opportunity. Apparently, he has floated less and less as he has gotten more used to the North American game and I imagine he'll continue to become more competitive next season when he goes to the University of Michigan. One of his bigger issues is a lack of high end speed, not as slow as Beaudoin, but a player that relies more on his skill to get him up the ice. He is also not particularly strong defensively or someone who battles in front of the net. Gridin is one of the riskier picks in this round, given that he projects to be a one dimensional offensive player. Much like how I talked about the difference between Karlsson and Deangelo is about offense, the same works for one dimensional offensive forwards. Gridin will either be a baseline 60 point winger, or he wont be in the NHL. He probably stands a better chance at being a 60 point, top 6 winger than the other guys we mentioned, but it will be harder for him to work his way up. Think about Bobby Brink who also has speed issues but projects to be the type of player who won't stick in the NHL if he can't get a top 6 role (or be on a more offensive oriented third line). But the reason he gets opportunities is his high motor and relentless compete. As of right now, I don't see Gridin being that same type of player. But given his great skills and offensive instincts, plus the chance to pair him with another certain Matvei, that one dimension could be enough to land him in the first round and be a real asset to the Flyers down the line. Back in the day I would refer to Kimmo Timonen as Nicklas Lidstrom-lite. They played a similar style, and while Kimmo wasn't in the same category of the super elite Lidstrom, he was still a great player and would have caused fits if both were on the same team. I imagine it would be similarly tough for teams if they had to go against Michkov and Wish-brand Michkov on two separate lines.
John Mustard - 6'0 - LW - Waterloo (USHL) Range: 30-64, Median: 40-45 Could it be Col. Mustard in the Farg with a hockey stick? Mustard is actually a really intriguing prospect given how he has rocketed up the last few years. He was drafted in the 8th of 10 rounds in the USHL draft in 2022, but wasn't offered a spot until 23-24 after a big year at U16 AAA. The jump from U16 AAA to the USHL is a pretty big leap, with players usually struggling their first season. Mustard won the rookie of the year in the USHL, and I've seen multiple scouts and coaches use the term "natural goal scorer" but you I've also seen comments about his great vision and high hockey IQ. He's another player that has high offensive upside but right now is a more one dimensional player. Like Gridin, who is adjusting to the North American game, there is still a lot of opportunity for growth for Mustard, arguably more than with Gridin. Like Letourneau, he's a bit raw, but Mustard has produced great results against much stiffer competition. There are still areas of concern, he hit a pretty hard wall later in the USHL season, it happens a lot for rookies in any league especially when making a big jump. If he has made huge leaps and bounds due to natural talent and his body catching up physically, it offers a big opportunities to reach new heights, but also some worries that he may hit a wall that he won't be able to overcome at some point in his path to the NHL. Also, he's headed to Providence College, likely next season. Providence is a great program and Coach Nate Leaman is one of the best coaches in the country, and while they have had high skill players put up great numbers none have become in to star players at the NHL level - most being depth grinders. That said, Mustard could be the type of raw talent the Flyers feel like they could mold into a star player.
So who will the Flyers take?
For the most part, I listed players who should be on the board when the Flyers pick, it's at least likely that a majority of them will be there at either 31st or 32nd overall. A few could even still be available when the Flyers pick at 51st, as 10 of the 11 players I discussed have at least one person ranking them lower than 51st. There is also at least a chance the Flyers move up, but in that case it would likely be for a player they have their eye on specifically, or if a player falls further than they expect.
The back half of the draft will likely be in flux based on what happens in the first half of the draft. Ottawa, Montreal, Calgary, and potentially Anaheim could have a 2nd first round pick directly prior to the Flyers selection. If they take a forward early in the draft they would likely be more inclined to take a defenseman later, and vice versa. Same with the Flyers, though I don't think it is certain they don't go with two forwards or two D. Also, if the team takes a riskier pick early (such as Cole Eiserman) they would likely aim for a safer pick later.
Me personally, I would prefer to go with a more balanced player at this spot in the draft. If you look back at previous drafts and the discourse in the years that follow, a lot of times there are players with one or two high end attributes taken between 25-40. They do not have one big flaw holding them back, instead it's one great attribute pulling them forward. I think this is generally a tougher development pathway, as you are fixing more things often at the expense of the their one great attribute. Morgan Frost is not only one of the better players to come out of the 25-40 range in recent years (league wide), but an example of what I'm talking about. He's much better defensively and competes much more consistently - two of the bigger knocks against him early in his career, but his offense doesn't seem like it will be consistently high enough be the offensive player people hoped for when he was dominating the OHL.
I think it's better to get a more balanced player and try and hone certain skills to find out what his best potential role could be. I'd probably be happiest with a guy like Dominik Badinka, Jett Luchanko, Cole Beaudoin, or Lucas Pettersson. If I had to guess I think the Flyers would be leaning a bit more towards Charlie Elick or EJ Emery.
Hope you enjoyed the lengthy post, or if you only read part of it I hope you liked what you saw. Sorry if you are a big Dean Letourneau person. I think this will be one of the hardest to predict drafts in a while so hopefully these posts help you know see the wide range of players available.
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