Formula de moinsage

ABB FIA Formula E World Championship

2012.12.04 02:46 adaptablefuton ABB FIA Formula E World Championship

A subreddit dedicated to the ABB FIA Formula E World Championship, the world's most high profile all-electric racing series.

2011.04.07 10:47 chagrininator Formula SAE / Formula Student

Formula SAE and Formula Student are collegiate engineering competitions with over 500 participating schools that challenge teams of students to design and build a formula style car. The car is evaluated in automotive design and performance through a series of static and dynamic events which focus on safety, manufacturability and of course out right speed. Members on each team must develop and practice engineering, leadership, communication and marketing skills to be successful at competition.

2014.04.11 15:19 Sergio “Checo” Perez

Fan subreddit for Mexican Formula 1 driver Sergio “Checo” Perez. // Subreddit para el piloto mexicano de Fórmula 1 Sergio “Checo” Pérez.

2024.06.09 09:13 MrAeneas 🏁 ORNL Historic Grand Prix op Zandvoort 🏁

🏁 ORNL Historic Grand Prix op Zandvoort 🏁
ORNL organiseert de Historic Grand Prix op Zandvoort! Dit evenement staat gepland voor vrijdag 28 juni,en wordt een avond met drie verschillende sessies:
  • Toyota GR86
  • Super Formula Lights
  • GT3 (Open setup)
Elke sessie bestaat uit twee races, met een reversed grid!
Deelname is volledig gratis! 🎉
Wil je meedoen? Meld je dan aan in onze discord
See you on track! 🏎️💨
submitted by MrAeneas to iracingnederland [link] [comments]

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submitted by courzeorg to Udemy [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 03:16 letstalkaboutbras [SELL][US] 👀 Lots of new, limited edition and discontinued items. Drugstore to high-end makeup, palettes, skincare, tools, brushes and bags.

Hello again! I'm back and re-opening my sale with some new items! I've lowered some prices and am open to reasonable offers. Thank you!
Payment via PayPal G&S. Shipping starts at $5 for a small item depending on zip and increases with weight (USPS). At least $7 for heavy items like palettes and heavy skincare. Shipping from the East Coast. $10 min before shipping preferred. All item conditions are noted and pictured best as I can.
Please don't ghost. It's okay if you change your mind. NIL based on timestamps. Note that I have some of these items listed on other platforms as well and will adjust the availability accordingly.
BN = Brand New; BNIB = Brand New In Box; BNIP = Brand New in Packaging; FS = full size; DS = deluxe size/travel size/mini; FWP = free with purchase
I'm very careful to keep my makeup clean and protected, keeping original packaging where I can. Smoke- and pet-free home. Always masking. See this wonderful feedback from previous buyer 1, 2 and 3 as references 😊
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Face Palettes
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Lips - New
Lips - Swatched or Gentle Use
Makeup Bags & Brushes
Skin & Hair Bundles
Thanks for looking!
submitted by letstalkaboutbras to makeupexchange [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 01:48 Responsible-Work-410 Can texture is glitching

Can texture is glitching submitted by Responsible-Work-410 to blender [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 00:03 LordIlthari The Dragon Princess Chapter 3: Great Drama

Thus, wounded, and less victorious than they might have preferred, but victorious nonetheless, the royal three returned to the Macedonian capital. The army returned to Philopolis in triumph, the trio at their head. Leonidas on a replacement for his slain mare, Cassandra astride a titanic black stallion which was exclusively used for parades, and Seramis in her full diluvian glory. Cassandra might have been disappointed that the battle hadn’t been as decisive as she preferred, but she wasn’t about to miss an opportunity for propaganda.
So the group returned to the cheers of their people, the cavalry shining in the summer sun, and the army marching in strict formation. Trumpets heralded their return. Banners flew from the corners of houses. The men sang bawdy songs, as is the tradition of soldiers. Not a spec of blood or rust nor dust was allowed, presenting the image of a spotless, unconquered army. It was all a magnificent production. It was all a lovely welcome home.
When Seramis had first seen Philopolis and Macedon, it had been a very different place. The realm had struck her as grey, very grey, and a place without much beauty. Then, under the rule of the wicked regent Tyndareus, it was a place of iron and blood, a totalitarian state dedicated primarily to a massive conscript army. The hills had been torn open by great pit mines for iron and copper. The forests had been cut down to fuel the fires of industry. The fields were endless, uniform masses of oats, grain, and hay, worked by uncounted slaves, or landless peasants just a bit better than slaves. Over it all, the ancient fortress of the Alexandrian dynasty had loomed as a great edifice; a leviathan of hewn stone and barred windows representing the absolute military power that held all of it in place.
Now, two years hence, it was more alike to how she had first found it than she would have preferred. But transforming a society was hardly a swift process, and the work done was already substantial. Once the place had been a land of iron and blood, and though industry remained, now the smell of olive oil, the sound of potters wheels, and the hawking of merchants filled the air. The monolithic collective farms had shattered into a patchwork quilt of small holdings. The men working them might still have brands, but they and the lands were their own.
Of course, there were still some great expanses of oats and wheat. Those were Cassandra’s lands. She’d been generous with the lands she’d confiscated from the nobility, and in turn with their wealth which now filled her treasury. But she hadn’t given up any of her own family’s territory, and had expanded them substantially. Something like a quarter of the land in the country was the Queen’s personal fief, and she managed it very carefully. The economies of scale she alone had access to provided much needed stability for staple food prices during the transition from a slave-based command economy to a citizen market economy. Beyond that, the lands also provided a substantial portion of government income.
Said income was further complimented by a wide-scale reform to the tax structure. Rather than outsourcing the work to tax farmers, or to any nobility, as that had been liquidated, taxes were collected from a variety of small, but inescapable requirements. The primary tax was simply the surplus tax, an in-kind tax taken from all production. Farmers gave a share of their produce, potters a certain number of pots for each produced, blacksmiths a certain number of finished goods, and so on and so forth. Only the merchants would return hard currency from the surplus tax, the rest a great cross-section of produced goods. These in turn went into great warehouses, which the government might release from to control prices, or sell abroad to bring in further profits. The majority of currency entering the coffers either came from selling such produce, Cassandra’s personal lands, or a variety of import and consumption taxes. No less than a tenth of the entire bureaucracy was funded by the consumption taxes on oil and salt.
Of course managing all this was a good lead more complicated, not least of which because Cassandra had liquidated the aristocracy. This required a rather extensive increase in the bureaucracy, which brought in quite the expense of its own. Overall revenue was vastly increased from the reign of Tyndareus, and indeed all former kings of Macedon. The problem was that expenses had increased in turn. Macdeon was a military stratocracy, and Cassandra was in the process of trying to reform that into a sort of enlightened bureaucratic autocracy. The amount spent on papyrus alone nearly rivaled the payments to the many new government servants, which were not cheap. Educated men and women, able to read, understand the laws, and understand mathematics were not common, and commanded higher prices.
Cassandra had responded both by working to increase the supply of educated citizens, and cut costs in other areas. Firstly, she enacted a massive increase in education, beginning with the orphans of Macedon’s many wars and educating them. Secondly, she had begun offering to pay for the education of the children of public servants as part of their compensation. This allowed her to cut down on salaries and ensure a future educated workforce. Third and finally, she had begun to subsidize educators throughout the kingdom, and begun work to gather and copy many books and tomes to further improve the kingdom’s educational outcomes. Unfortunately, this was work that would take years to bear fruit.
The second arm of this had been to cut costs in other areas, most notably the military. Under Tyndareus, the Macedonian army had grown to a terrifying, if bloated, leviathan. Between the use of conscription, and counting reserves, the former army could have raised nearly thirty thousand men under arms. Cassandra had slashed that, and abolished conscription for the regular army. After intensive cuts, purging Tyndareus’s loyalists, and serious reforms including the near complete reconstruction of the Macedonian Cavalry Corps, the Macedonian Army now numbered a mere nine thousand, with the ability to call upon a further ten thousand former soldiers, now spread out to create a variety of local militias.
Leonidas had taken charge of many of these reforms, bringing in military advisors from Marathon and Achaea. The young prince, in his role as Minister of War, set to work with vigor to refine the Macedonian army down to its purest and strongest form. His high standards might have earned him ire, if not for the personal virtue and discipline he showed to meet those standards. He demanded the best not only from himself and his soldiers, but even from his suppliers and quartermasters. Most of the Macedonian military exports were those arms and armor he found below standard, though many less discerning customers would gladly accept them.
More than simply focusing on the logistics, Leonidas sought to infuse in his army a certain esprit de corps and moral focus. He drew heavily on the legendary philosopher Aristotle, particularly regarding that philosopher’s education of Iskandar, the famed conqueror king who had defined Macedon for the past two centuries. Outside the direct military applications, the young prince kept an eye on the future, sponsoring the growth of sports leagues throughout the kingdom, particularly a great hunting association. The Hunter’s Guild was a particular passion project of his, and he worked tirelessly not only to cultivate skilled hunters to recruit for his scouts, but also to preserve what remained of Macedon’s wild lands, ensuring game populations remained stable, and dangerous animals were quickly eliminated. The prince’s skill at the hunt had even earned him the right to attend the games at Olympus, though it was his mastery of wrestling that had seen him returned crowned with the ultimate honor of the laurels.
Such participation with the rest of the Hellene world had been part of Sera’s work. The young dragonness had held no official position at first, as Cassandra worked to develop her talents. Seramis had loathed etiquette as taught as a set of rules to be followed, but Cassandra revealed their nature as tools and tricks as part of the great game of politics. Allowed to treat the illusion of statecraft as just that, Seramis thrived. Soon appointed as Minister of State, her talent for gathering information, forming schemes, and comprehending languages saw her unleashed as Macedon’s greatest diplomat. All the while, her true title was one that delighted her greatly. Master of Shadows, she wielded the diplomatic corps and her own personal stable of agents like a scythe, harvesting a hoard of secrets she feasted upon. They became as arrows in her quiver, aiding her as she stood alongside Cassandra to carefully guide the ship of state.
On a much less sinister note, Seramis had engaged in quite public work to revitalize Macedon’s stagnating cultural sphere. The dragoness was chiefly known not even as a diplomat, let alone a spymaster, but rather as a patron of the arts. She courted and drew playwrights, actors, bards, conductors, and composers from across the world, placing a great deal of personal effort into producing a cosmopolitan cultural sphere. Though diplomacy, culture, and her eternal scheming, she worked to put the sword of Iskandar in a flowered sheath, in hopes it would never need to be drawn.
The peak of her work in that regard was a mere week away, a grand festival of the arts such as had not been seen in Macedon before. It would be a great festival as if that of the Athenians, now long brought to ruin. For the first time since the wars of the Diadochi, Hellas would come together to celebrate the arts. Naturally, Macedon would be participating, represented by Sera’s own personal theater company: The Mount Ararat Company.
Seramis quickly moved through her remaining business for the day. She met with the Master of Investigations and also her deputy, who had been working to manage her department while she had departed on campaign. Pleasantries were exchanged, and reports given. There was little new, but there was confirmation that the Latins, a curious people from across the western sea, would come to attend the festival. This would have been of little concern, if not for how they were coming.
A long-standing problem of the western coast had been the pirates of Illyria. These seafaring brigands proved a routine nuisance for not only Hellene trade, but all throughout the seas. Achaea and Macedon had both extended offer to the king of Illyria to come and help remove the pirates, but had been rejected. However when the Latins offered, the king accepted. So, the Latins came in force, bringing with them a four mighty legions of men, and crushed the pirate havens by attacking from the land. The problem was, they didn’t leave. While three of the legions returned to Italia, the fourth remained to protect against the return of the pirates, and to protect their Illyrian allies from Achaean or Macedonian aggression.
This was already a provocative move, as the barbarian army now sat on Hellene soil, diplomatically shielded by the cowardly Illyrian king. However, now the Latins made a further move. They had informed the court at Macedon previously that they wished to send a delegation to observe the festival and improve relations. All this was well and good, and naturally they did request to send bodyguards to protect the delegates. This was agreed, but the unscrupulous Latins had interpreted the mention of bodyguards broadly, and deployed a third of the legion infantry as “bodyguards”. Seramis’s reports indicated that these were in fact the Triarii, the third and strongest line, composed of veterans. The remainder of the legion remained encamped alongside the Ilyrian-Macedonian border.
The presence of the legion was concerning, to say the least. It numbered some four thousand five hundred men, about the size of a Macedonian army. The Macedonians held a local advantage, as they maintained two armies. One was directed northwards, towards the barbarians, and the other towards the east, to ward off their Selucid rivals. So they outnumbered the legion present two to one. However, the problem arose with the Latin’s ability to deploy a further three legions, which would reverse that advantage. With aid from Marathon, the Hellenes could match the Latin’s numbers, and with Achaean aid, they would outnumber them. Unfortunately, the Latins had spent much of their recent war with the Phoenicians of Carthage demonstrating an ability to raise new forces frighteningly quickly. Sera’s analysis suggested that if they wished to, they might be able to triple the might of their armies to twelve legions. The sheer military mass of the Latins would be enough to equal all Hellas, but Hellas was still divided, and some, such as the Illyrians, preferred them as allies to their fellow Hellenes.
The simple arithmetic of war indicated that if the Latins wished to conquer Hellas, they probably could. The simple arithmetic of war neglected to account for the power of dragons. But, Sera had observed, it was rare to lose money betting on the arrogance and avarice of humans. The fortunate side of dealing with the Latins was that for all their military might, they had a peculiar custom. They were permitted by ancient law and religious principle from launching a war of aggression, and so only declared war when they or their allies were threatened. This iron law of ancient Roman kings aught to have kept their swords sheathed, but in practice it often meant that an ambitious man of that city would seek to provoke an attack or aggression, that they might have reason for war. This incident with the “bodyguards” was likely such an attempt at provocation by a glory hound.
So, the trio met, and considered how to deal with this. It was decided that they would monitor the Latins closely, and place forces in such a way that they could not be aggressive, but would certainly be ready. The Army of the North was still recuperating from their recent battle with the Scythians, and would remain on standby in the capital to respond to any moves from the Latins or Scythians. At the same time, the northern militias would be stood up, and reinforced by militias from the south. These southern reinforcements would travel along the roads that would place them directly between the two parts of the Roman Legion, ensuring that if hostilities began, the separated legion would be able to be dealt with in parts. Unfortunately, Leon was unable to deploy as many of his scouts to that region as he would prefer, and Sera’s own intelligence assets were likewise pointed northwards. Better to deal with the actively aggressive barbarians, and then the imminently aggressive ones.
So, it was with great care, and no small amount of tension, that the Latin delegates arrived, joined by some three hundred of their Triarii. This was the first that Sera had seen of the Latins, and her initial impressions were somewhat mixed. They moved with distinct discipline, and were in all senses quite well ordered. The Triarii were older, veteran soldiers, generally more in their thirties. As such, they were somewhat more moderate, and avoided the wicked behavior common to many young soldiers. However, this rendered them with an increased air of unmistakable danger. Be wary of old men, even relatively old ones, in professions where men die young, and particularly of a soldier without an obvious vice.
The leader of the Latin delegation introduced himself to the court with a somewhat imperious nature. It likely would have been more imperious had Seramis not taken on her true form. It is difficult, even for a roman, to remain arrogant when there is a fourteen-foot-tall (measured at the shoulder) dragoness looking down at you. He declared himself as Military Tribune Gaius Mummius, representing the Praetor Lucius Cornelius in command of the IV Legion. Though the head of the delegation, he was simply that by right of his military rank. The actual diplomacy was handled by diplomats, not soldiers, though by their attitudes, Seramis might have taken them for sergeants in fancy togas. However, one who did catch her interest was distinct among the delegation, an old man, and truly old, dressed as a seer. He remained close by the ear of Gaius, and the tribune heeded him. Sera watched him warily, for she smelled magic on him, an old magician, and that would be trouble.
Despite her concerns, the Latins did not cause trouble, not even their old magician. They established a small camp for themselves outside the walls of the city, and largely kept to themselves. They came into the city only in small groups based around some member of their number who spoke Greek. They paid with honest coin, and seemed intrigued by the preparations for the festival. They seemed unusually preoccupied with finding barbers, as they were each clean-shaven, in contrast to the bearded Hellenes. Leonidas found this utterly hilarious, as he had spent more time than he would ever admit trying to find ways of improving his own facial hair. Now that it had finally come in, he spent more time managing his admittedly impressive beard than he ever had dealing with his actual hair. Sera, lacking any hair whatsoever, found the human preoccupation with it utterly confusing.
Bearded or otherwise, Hellene, Latin, and miscellaneous others soon came to attend the great drama festival. The idea of cancelling was briefly considered, and summarily rejected. Continuing to have a great celebration in the face of Latin provocation and Scythian Assault showed not only the power of the kingdom, that its people could act without concern, but also its prestige through mastery of the arts. The fact that many of the participants in the festival were from elsewhere in Hellas was politely overlooked. After all, Macedon had gathered them, and thus got credit.
The festival went on for three days, and proved to be a generally joyous, if somewhat chaotic time. Even the dour Latins eventually became swept up in the atmosphere. While this wasn’t technically a Bacchanalian festival, mostly due to the fact that Bacchus was very dead, it certainly carried some of that legacy. Of course the highlight, at least for men who considered them cultured, was the great drama productions. All manner of productions were put on display, from great recreations of the Athenian classics, to new twists, foreign productions, historical plays, retellings of myths, and of course many a comedic tragedy and initially tragic comedy.
Seramis’s own company had three productions, set into place over three days. The first two were well known, and practiced. Sera’s company had begun expediting the revitalization of the cultural scene with regular performances. Some of these had been well-worn classics, but the Mount Ararat Company would bring none of these to this stage. Instead, they brought two original, but already tested plays, and one of excellent ambition.
The first was a Satire, in the style of The Clouds which Sera had dubbed Tartarus. This piece was set in the depths of the underworld, that darkest pit where wicked men and monsters alike were tormented. These tormented souls took on the role of the choir, being intensely irritated by the antics of the four main players. Those four were of course the three great Greek philosophers: Socrates, Plato, and Aristotle, and their own tormentor; Diogenes. The play largely consisted of the main three wandering through Tartarus, further tormenting the tormented souls with long winded and pedantic arguments about the torments they witnessed. All the while, Diogenes routinely appeared to torment them in turn. The play as a whole made light of philosophies, and generally teased out the problems with focusing overmuch on the world of the mind while actual suffering could be addressed.
This play was well received, for it was humorous and mocked philosophers, which few people cared for. The humor wavered between high and low brow, with both clever jokes sprinkled in amongst the arguments of the philosophers, and cruder humor delivered by the tormented souls and Diogenes. A certain degree of slapstick was involved as well, often involving a great paper-Mache boulder being rolled by Sisyphus.
The second of Sera’s plays was a somewhat grander production, though was likewise satirical. It turned the classic play Oedipus Rex somewhat on its head with The Choir’s Apologia. The original play was an archetypical tragedy, following the story of Oedipus, son of the King of Thebes. Due to a prophecy, his father cast him out to be slain, but he would live, and later unknowingly slay his father, and wed his mother. The play detailed how the gods smote the city with a plague as a result of this kinslaying and incest. Oedipus sought the answer to this, and in doing so discovered the terrible truth, and blinded himself for shame.
The Choir’s Apologia put a twist on this, as the Choir itself determines to get involved. This broke their usual role as mere background singers, and saw them take the stage to try and prevent the tragedy. The play played out as usual, but regularly, the mortal actors would freeze in place before a great event. The Choir would then step to center stage, and petition the gods for redress. First they asked Apollo, bidding him not deliver the ruinous prophecy, for without it nothing would come, but he rejected them. Next they implored Hermes to warn Oedipus against his folly, but Hermes declared he was helpless before Zeus. Finally, the Choir dared to approach Zeus himself, demanding that he cease to punish all Thebes for Oedipus’s mistake.
This proved a failure in the end, as Zeus rebuked them and struck the choir down one by one. The message was clear, that the gods were cruel and arbitrary, delivering unjust judgements. They did what they would, for they were strong, and the choir suffered what it must, for it was weak. At last only Oedipus remained, able now to see Zeus and his murder of the choir. Oedipus and Zeus contested one another in song, and while Zeus struck down the king, it was not before the hero doomed by prophecy delivered a defense and a prophecy of his own. Oedipus defended his record as king of Thebes, how he had overthrown a tyrant, protected his people, improved their lives, and sought their good even at terrible cost to himself. He, the one the gods judged, had been a better ruler than the gods. If indeed the gods would persist in their arbitrary wickedness, then one day this would be their doom, for the world would not abide such tyrants. Zeus struck him down, but went in dread because of the prophecy.
This production produced some degree of controversy. It always had, and such was the intent. It was well understood that the gods were dead, and Olympus was silent, but this play indicated such was not a bad thing. Given it was written by a dragoness, a natural enemy of the gods, the take was not unexpected. Beyond this, its use of another play as a framing device gave it a rather meta feel, and some found it pretentious. Others, by contrast, found the reframing of a classic play refreshing, and enjoyed the novelty of the choir acting as a major character.
The third play was a new production, and meant to be the one to blow the sandals off the audience. It was a bigger, grander, and of much more spectacular production values. All of this was in theory. In practice, it was put on at the end of three days of performances and partying, and became more of a farce than an epic. The Davidiad told the story of the legendary Hebrew king David, of both his rise to power and fall from grace. It was told in three acts, and all three had some manner of disaster.
The first act told of the heroic youth of David before he was king, and how he defeated the giant Goliath. Goliath himself was a complicated costume made by having three already tall men standing on one another’s shoulders. When struck by a sling, he was to topple over onto his army, which would catch the performers and prevent any harm. Unfortunately, due to an earlier scene involving David being anointed with oil, there was a slick patch on stage. Goliath’s lower third slipped, and the towering giant fell flat on his face and collapsed into himself in the middle of a monologue. This was considered absolutely hilarious by the audience, and Seramis, upon seeing this, physically shrank from embarrassment.
The second act saw the conflict between the good future king David and the wicked king Saul. Saul was meant to begin more coherent, but gradually jealousy and fear would twist him into wickedness. Unfortunately, Saul’s actor had been out late, and showed up to the production very hung over. This made Saul’s descent far more predictable and robbed the second act of much of its drama. Unfortunately, the actor in question attempted to remedy this by using a hangover cure involving undiluted wine. This made him less hungover, and more drunk, so Saul went from being scowling and sickly to very obviously drunk. This became a minor peril during a later scene where Saul threw his spear at David. Not only did Saul miss, as intended, but he proceeded to hurl the (thankfully fake) spear into the audience, where it proceeded to hit a man in the chest. He was unharmed, but believed he had been slain and fainted, causing a minor panic.
The third act was nearly canceled, but went ahead anyways. The cursed production continued to be cursed, as a major set piece exploded earlier. The third act was meant to show how the throne gradually corrupted David, and led him to murder a man to cover up an affair with his wife Bethsheba. This would climax with the death of a son produced from that affair, and the collapse of a great temple edifice David had been constructing. The play would end with David weeping, but repentant, and turning to begin rebuilding the ruined temple, representing his disgraced morality. Instead of this, the temple collapsed immediately the moment David and Bethsheba locked eyes, which somewhat gave the game away.
Sera did not bother to see the audience’s reaction when the curtain closed. She’d already left from sheer embarrassment. She was helping the troupe pack up, so the lot of them could scatter to cope with this catastrophe in their own way. Once the curtain closed and the actors departed the stage, she handed Saul his last payment, a polite, if curt, farewell, and departed. She avoided the rest of the festival, marinating in her disappointment at the bottom of a nearby lake.
Eventually, evening did come, and Sera slunk her way back into the city. She spoke briefly with her troupe, congratulating them on the work they did, and laboring to encourage their spirits. The production of the Davidiad had gone horribly wrong, but these were technical and production errors, not fundamental flaws. They would try again, after taking time to rest, recover, and focus on building back up to such a grand production with greater skill and experience. Their reach had, quite simply, exceeded their grasp, and ruin had come because of hubris. They would recover from this, and move forwards.
Much as she managed the speech, she felt like she was having to put on her own performance to manage that. Privately, the failure on such a massive stage hung over the young dragoness. She quietly made her way into the palace, and made her way to where Leon and Cassandra were. Unfortunately for her, the pair were currently in the process of discussing the festival. Glumly, she sat silently, nursing a large bowl of wine as Casandra and Leon deliberated a victor.
“The first step is that we can scratch off any troupes that simply re-enacted an existing play. Those were simply derivative, and giving a victory to that in our first festival sets an unfortunate precedent.” Cassandra remarked, working off a clay tablet listing the various performances. Lines went through about a third of the participants. “We can also do away with anything that tried to relate to Iskandar or my own dynasty, and especially that gods-awful recreation of our little scheme to destroy Tyndareus.”
“I personally found that one funny.” Sera piped up, remembering the comically inaccurate play. “Though they did manage quite the trick with their costume for me, I’ll need to get in touch with their costume department to see how the internals worked.”
“It was funny, mostly because it was inaccurate enough we could probably bring a suit for slander, libel, and slanderous libel against them.” Leon grumbled with arms folded. He had been made the butt of many a joke in that production, with the comedy of the valiant warrior being utterly surpassed by two women being a common refrain. “Beyond that, we don’t want to give the wrong impression about what exactly is acceptable to say about a queen.”
“The Corinthians have something of an irreverent streak, that much is for certain. Unfortunately we can only bring slander, libel, and slanderous libel and not treason, as they are presently foreigners.” Cassandra demurred. “Still, delivering sanctions on the Ember Island Company could be an effective way to get the message across to Corinth that a more peaceful Macedon is not a pushover.”
“With regard to the reproductions, what about The Choir’s Apologia?” Leon asked, throwing Sera a metaphorical bone. She ate literal bones as well, but if Leon threw her one he’d soon find out what it was like to skydive before the invention of a parachute.
“Disqualified as well. It deviates from the standard formula, but relies on you already understanding it. Really, if you didn’t know much about theatre to begin with, at lot of it would be lost on you. It ultimately came off as pretentious, and despite its inherently kind of ridiculous premise, was more depressing than anything. This sort of meta-commentary might work better for the sake of humor rather than trying for serious drama. Trying it here simply made the play exhausting and the sort of thing Tartarus really felt like it was mocking. That said, its pretention and grim character could give a good impression that the Macedonian theatre scene is serious and educated, but then I’d have to watch so many more like it. I don’t have enough absinthe to get through more than about one of those in a single festival.” Cassandra replied to that, and drew a second line through Apologia to emphasize her point. Seramis shrank into her cushions.
“Ah, so you enjoyed Tartarus then?” Leonidas asked in turn, trying to navigate the conversation to something less liable to torment the dragoness.
“Oh I most certainly did, but we can’t give it the win. As amusing as it is, it’s ultimately a very limited production. I like it, but giving it the victory would indicate a degree of “small scale” theatre in Macedon. I don’t want to give anyone else opportunity to degrade the work that’s been done here by suggesting that the Macedonian theatre lacks ambition.” Cassandra said with a sigh, and began crossing out any plays of similar scale.
“Which would be possessed by the Davidiad, but we all know how catastrophically wrong that went, so pray spare me whatever salt you were going to pour into that wound. I know that with all the bacchanalian delights available, you probably have managed to find someone who enjoys being tormented, but I am not that someone. So please, if you’re going to continue trying to murder me with words, use the ones that summon that lightning ball that nearly splattered me across the wall. It was a gentler execution.” Seramis grumbled, finally speaking up for herself.
Cassandra realized she’d gone to far, and put down the tablet. “I’m sorry Sera, I meant to tease, but not be cruel. I actually would agree that the Davidiad’s ambition was most impressive, and if not for some production hiccups, I think it might have had a chance at winning. I do tease, but I really do appreciate all the work you’ve put in to this, not just your company, but allowing this whole festival to go off. So, please forgive me if I’ve stepped too far from jest into mockery.”
“It’s fine, simply a very fresh disappointment. I’m afraid I missed most of the festival as I was busy running things or, well, pouting in a lake.” Seramis replied, waving away the problem with her tail. “So aside from everything you’ve disqualified, what do you think actually won?”
“I do have a personal preference.” Cass admitted, though she seemed a touch embarrassed by it. “The Court of Autumn.” The other two looked at her carefully with that. The Court of Autumn had been a much more romantic retelling of the story of Hades and Persephone, focused on the courtship of the pair, and the conflict that arose from a disapproving and overbearing Demeter. Neither of the pair had expected Cass to favor a romance, and their expressions showed it plainly. Cassandra merely shrugged. “We all desire what we cannot have, and it comes to a question of character whether we become envious of those lucky enough to have it, or delight sorrowfully that another is so blessed, even if they might not realize it.”
“I mean, I can’t deny that it was very well done. If I didn’t know better then I’d say that the two leads actually were a couple.” Leon replied with a nod. “It certainly doesn’t lack for ambition either, nor courage to speak the names of the Dread Queen and Lord With Many Guests so commonly.”
Cass smiled at that. “The fact that they do so is also part of why I like it. Persephone and Hades are dead, all the Olympians are. The reverence shown to corpses is illogical.”
Seramis processed this information, and considered her memory banks. “The company behind it, they’re one of the Theban companies, the Men of the Muses, correct?” She asked, and Cass checked, then nodded. “Ah, then yes, the two leads are actually husband and wife, they’ve got something of a specialty for romances as a result.”
“Write, or as the case may be, act, what you know.” Cassandra said with a shrug. “So we concur, The Court of Autumn is the victor?”
“I can’t argue against it.” Leon replied.
“Nor can I, but that’s more due to the aforementioned lack of context. One can make arguments without information, but I have a bit too much respect for the pair of you to engage in full sophistry.” Seramis admitted begrudgingly.
“Well, that absence may actually work to our advantage, returning from these pleasant distractions to the business of rule.” Cassandra said with a smile. “The Latins were particularly delighted with Tartarus, and actually wished to see the director. Said director was currently indisposed, but they have extended something of an open invitation. I think that accepting would provide quite the opportunity. It isn’t often one has a chance to walk right into the midst of a potentially hostile camp and see what they’re up to under guest-right.”
Seramis rose in interest at the idea, and cracked her neck. Cracking such a long neck was a process, creating a rippling crackling sound as vertebrae popped along the serpentine trunk. She grinned in anticipation. “I’ll melt myself a new dress.”
submitted by LordIlthari to The_Ilthari_Library [link] [comments]

2024.06.08 23:42 Banglapolska OHHMAHGAHD I STINK!!! Surprise vintage perfumes up from the vault

My housemate just brought in a milk crate full of stuff that I was told got wrecked in the move to my current house 24 years ago.
I don’t know what was with my husband (who passed a few months ago.) This past week my bunkies and I have been finding piles of things hidden away in places like the crawl space, the upper garage rafters, etc. There were among other things dozens of wedding gifts still in their wrappings (he told me there were no gifts) and my anime merch among other things I was told got lost or destroyed in the move. That milk crate was filled silk fans, some cartoon memorabilia, and three bottles of perfume almost 40 years old: OG Joy by Patou, Niki de Saint Phalle, and an ancient bottle of Chanel No. 5 that may be the oldest of all; it has a stopper bottle and the last of its juice is thick and dark.
Joy…I’ll give this another spin when my sinus infection gets better. I’m smelling something but it seems so wispy it’s hard to believe people are gushing about the original formula. But the Niki…oh MY. One drop on the back of my hand and it’s filling the room. And this is with two defective nostrils here. It is entirely possible that my brother in Christ unearthed a maneater.
submitted by Banglapolska to FemFragLab [link] [comments]

2024.06.08 22:00 CamNuggie TikTok Shop is legit

Saw Gfuel on the TikTok shop sold by a verified G Fuel shop. Used PayPal to purchase the Nuka Cola Quantum that has since sold out on the official store and only spent 25 bucks and got free shipping.
Definitely a great deal if you wanted to try out gfuel or a certain flavor for much cheaper than their own site.
submitted by CamNuggie to GFUEL [link] [comments]

2024.06.08 20:25 TextBubbly829 Westman Atelier secretly reformulated their powder bronzer (and made it worse)

Westman Atelier secretly reformulated their powder bronzer (and made it worse)
repost from OliveMUA
I have used the beauty butter bronzer in coup de Soleil (original near my wrist) for about two and a half years as my only bronzer. I love it! The colour, the formula were unlike anything I had tried (and I tried a lot). I went to repurchase it the other day and not only did the packaging change (slightly different colour and a little hole for refills) but the actual product is different.
I immediately noticed that it felt much drier to the touch and my brush did not nearly pick up as much product. I first put it down to it being new but when I compared side by side it became obvious. I contacted the brand and come to find out they reformulated in 2023. They said they took out the talc but when looking at the ingredients much more has changed. For one there are no more butters in the “beauty butter bronzer”, instead it’s mica and squalane that are at the top of the list.
I have since tried to hunt down the old formula but no luck. It’s no longer in circulation. The new bronzer is not bad but it just isn’t anything special and in my eyes certainly not worth the high price tag!
I am very disappointed by the lack of transparency- everywhere I looked for the old formula the people working for the brand didn’t even know it had been reformulated. The tester are all of the old buttery formula but they only sell the new ones.
For a brand claiming to be so transparent, I find this quite deceptive.
So just wanted to give a heads up to anyone who loved that bronzer as much as me.
submitted by TextBubbly829 to MakeUpAddictionUK [link] [comments]

2024.06.08 19:44 Either-Effective-627 Any advice or notes on my skincare routine?

Any advice or notes on my skincare routine?
I'll take all the help I can get haha. I use these products about once a day, I know I should do two, it's hard. Also sorry about the 5:00 shadow 🙃
I'll probably make a second post at some point, but any cosmetics help is deeply welcome as well.
submitted by Either-Effective-627 to transpositive [link] [comments]

2024.06.08 18:17 albertomarcosastre8 EA Sports F1 24 PS5! Formula 1 aws Grand Prix du Canada 2024 Q2

EA Sports F1 24 PS5! Formula 1 aws Grand Prix du Canada 2024 Q2
P1 en la #Q2 de #F1 u/F1 u/fia #FIA en #CanadianGP #CanadáDAZNF1 🇨🇦 con #EASportsF124 u/EASPORTSF1 u/DAZN_ES #Ferrari #ScuderiaFerrari u/ScuderiaFerrari u/Carlossainz55 #CarlosSainz #CarlosSainz55 #CS55 #SAI #PS5Share #essereFerrari #F12024 Pasamos a la #Q3!!
submitted by albertomarcosastre8 to u/albertomarcosastre8 [link] [comments]

2024.06.08 18:17 albertomarcosastre8 EA Sports F1 24 PS5! Formula 1 aws Grand Prix du Canada 2024 Q1

EA Sports F1 24 PS5! Formula 1 aws Grand Prix du Canada 2024 Q1
P1 en la #Q1 de #F1 u/F1 u/fia #FIA en #CanadianGP #CanadáDAZNF1 🇨🇦 con #EASportsF124 u/EASPORTSF1 u/DAZN_ES #Ferrari #ScuderiaFerrari u/ScuderiaFerrari u/Carlossainz55 #CarlosSainz #CarlosSainz55 #CS55 #SAI #PS5Share #essereFerrari #F12024 Pasamos a la #Q2!!
submitted by albertomarcosastre8 to u/albertomarcosastre8 [link] [comments]

2024.06.08 18:17 albertomarcosastre8 EA Sports F1 24 PS5! Formula 1 aws Grand Prix du Canada 2024 L3

EA Sports F1 24 PS5! Formula 1 aws Grand Prix du Canada 2024 L3 submitted by albertomarcosastre8 to u/albertomarcosastre8 [link] [comments]

2024.06.08 12:18 Conscious-Dingo4463 1980. Celica GT

1980. Celica GT submitted by Conscious-Dingo4463 to Toyota [link] [comments]

2024.06.08 10:34 wtfmatoso Gatinha de 4 dias miando alto

Gatinha de 4 dias miando alto
Minha Gata fez uma cesaria a 4 dias e está com dificuldade pra cuidar do gatinho, já pegamos ela tirando ele da caixa onde ele fica quentinho e coloca do no chao gelado, estamos intercalando leite de formula com o da gata mae pois ela está com dificuldade pra amamentar.
Acordamos agorinha com o gato miando muito algo, ela só parava de miar no meu como, pensei que ela pudesse estar constipadinha mas não sei ao certo o que é, agr ela wsta dormindinho
submitted by wtfmatoso to ApoioVet [link] [comments]

2024.06.08 07:54 DiligentExpression19 Hidden gem in Uptown Mall

Hidden gem in Uptown Mall
Maybe some of you already visited this bookstore before but after the pandemic, I became a bit wary of my finances and also the "health scare" that I refused going to malls, but last night I was trapped in sudden rain and traffic that I stumbled on this 💎 I never thought I could find something like this in BGC.
Btw, the store is located on 3f. Happy post 6.6 shopping 😂
submitted by DiligentExpression19 to PHBookClub [link] [comments]

2024.06.08 07:24 cowcodingcamp Red Flags With Origin Protocol OGN

  1. No clear direction
    1. 2019: E-commerce play
    2. 2022: GameFi play
    3. 2022: Split OGV from OGN
    4. 2024: DeFi play, make 180 degree turn and merge OGV back to OGN
  2. Lack of teamwork between product and engineering
    1. Founder highlights "product and engineering issues" in Discord when asked about delays in PRIMEETH withdrawal amidst 28.69 % impermanent loss
    2. Smart contracts use different formulas for voting power and rewards, yet product uses the conflating term "APY" in the proposal
    3. Engineering wonders in Discord about deciding on the value of OGN rewards as the go live date draws near, and product sneaks in this value without mention in the proposal
    4. "Issue" between frontend and backend highlighted in Discord hours before go live on Ethereum Mainnet, and founder calls emergency meeting
  3. Attitude of team members
    1. Founder flexes "seven figures" worth of assets in Discord when asked about PRIMEETH withdrawal amidst 28.69 % impermanent loss
    2. Product replies "can't wait for the community to catch up" in Discord amidst delays in merging OGV back to OGN
    3. Uses Yu Pan (PayPal co-founder) in the team video despite Yu Pan moving on to start Mindy
submitted by cowcodingcamp to CryptoCurrency [link] [comments]

2024.06.08 05:52 Hdsypds Hola

Hola,saben de algun mod/addon para minecraft java 1.20.1 de formula 1?que sea forge
Hi,do you know anything about a mod or addon for java 1.20.1 about f1? its has to use forge
submitted by Hdsypds to Minecraft_Mods [link] [comments]

2024.06.08 03:14 GPCanada2024 Saturday Grand Prix Ticket/Billet Samedi Grand Prix

Throwaway account, English follows
Je me retrouve avec un billet de plus pour demain pour la Formule 1, jour des qualifications, puisqu'après aujourd'hui, ma partenaire a décidé qu'elle avait besoin d’une pause demain.
J’ai essayé de l’afficher pour 100 $ sur le site billets(.)ca, mais ils doivent m’approuver comme vendeur, ce qui pourrait prendre 48 heures, et c’est trop long.
J’aimerais permettre à quelqu’un qui n’aurait pas normalement les moyens d'aller à la F1 d’y aller, donc le prix est négociable pour la bonne personne.
Nous serions assis l’un à côté de l’autre, mais nous n’aurions aucune obligation sociale à part de profiter des voitures.
Espace réservé, tribune familiale, billet électronique
Je suis anglophone mais bilingue, queer friendly, amateur de bière, ma 5ieme Grand Prix
Envoie-moi un message pour te présenter et voir si le billet disponible te convient et la meilleure façon d’effectuer un transfert. Je vais essayer de répondre rapidement, mais après une longue journée au soleil et à la pluie, j'ai besoin de souper, alors sois patient-e svp! :)
I find myself with an extra ticket for tomorrow for Formula 1 Qualifying day after my partner decided today was alot and needs a break tomorrow.
I tried posting it for $100 on billets(.)ca but they need to approve me as seller which could take 48, and that's too long.
I would like to enable someone who would not normally be able to afford to go to be there, so price is negotiable for the right person.
We'd be sitting next to each other, but no social obligations besides enjoying the cars
Reserved spot, Family Grandstand, Electronic Ticket
Me: Anglophone Bilingual, Queer Friendly, Beer Drinker, attending my 5th Grand Prix
Message me to introduce yourself and see if the ticket will work out for you and how best to do a transfer. I shall try to be prompt with replies, but a man needs to set aside time for dinner, so please be patient
submitted by GPCanada2024 to montreal [link] [comments]

2024.06.08 02:18 HauntingBox5829 Excel Displaying results in the wrong cell
I have an excel sheet that takes the value of a column let say A and then inputs it into a function on B and display a word. So if A1 is 1,5,8,10 then B1 will display PBMS, if A1 is 20,22,24,28 then B2 will display PBMN. Then I drag down the formula down so anything enter in column A will display something on B. I then tested it on the first first 5 entries A1-A5
Here is my formula
When I typed in any of the first numbers (1,5,6,7,8,10,13,14,17,18) anywhere on A then the adject cell on B will display PBMS, but when I type in 22 instead of PBMN appearing adjacent on columb B you see it on Column D , if you put 40 then PBXE will appear but on Column B. How can I make it so the results will always appear on Column B and not any other cell.
submitted by HauntingBox5829 to excel [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 21:50 Brushesofcolours Glossier new lip liner and original balm dotcom!

Glossier new lip liner and original balm dotcom!
I’m kinda excited with the lip liner 😍
Lip line enhancing hydrating long wear lip liner pencil 18$ A water and transfer resistant medium coverage lip liner in true to lip shades that will enhance your natural lip colour in 8 shades
Balm dotcom lip balm and skin salve 16$ An ultra rich balm, now in its original formula, with a thick wavy texture, the balm seals in moisture and leaves lip smooth and hydrated in 9 shades
Glossier you eau de parfum travel spray 32$ Keynotes : pink pepper, iris, ambrox
submitted by Brushesofcolours to glossier [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 21:21 jravitz [WTS] 295+ Bottles - USA SELLER - Niche, Designer, Hard to Find, Discontinued and Vintage - New Cartier Cartier Les Heures Voyageuses (Bottle)

Post here and/or PM me with any questions. Shipping is $5. International is available, please discuss. Free samples with every purchase! Payment is by Venmo, CashApp or Zelle, PayPal must inquire.
Only swapping for 200mL Baccarat Rouge 540 Extrait and Louis Vuitton Symphony at this time.
All of my contact info as well as all of my bottles for sale, are available in my spreadsheet which you should bookmark and look at for a more updated inventory
1 Amouage Amber Sogara 12mL 100% Full Brand New, Sealed $335 Niche
2 Amouage Incense Rori Attar 12mL 100% Full Brand New, Sealed $299 Niche
3 Amouage Orris Wakan Attar 12mL 99% Full Full Presentation $299 Niche
4 Amouage Rose Aqor Attar 12mL 99% Full Full Presentation $299 Niche
5 Amouage Rose Incense 100mL 100% Full Tester (No Box) $179 Niche
6 Amouage Saffron Hamra Attar 12mL 100% Full Brand New, Sealed $299 Niche
7 Andy Tauer Cologne du Maghreb 50mL 99% Full First Release, Rectangular Clear Bottle; With box $95 Niche
8 Bond No. 9 Central Park West 100mL 100% Full Tester (No Box or Cap) $125 Niche
9 Bond No. 9 Dubai Jade 100mL 100% Full Tester with Cap (No Box) $200 Niche
10 Bond No. 9 Hamptons 100mL 100% Full Tester (No Box or Cap) $125 Niche
11 Bond No. 9 Madison Square Park 100mL 100% Full Tester (No Box or Cap) $125 Niche
12 Bond No. 9 NOMAD 100mL 100% Full Tester (No Box or Cap) $149 Niche
13 Bond No. 9 Riverside Drive 100mL 100% Full Tester (No Box or Cap) $125 Niche
14 Bond No. 9 So New York 100mL 100% Full Tester (No Box or Cap) $125 Niche
15 Bond No. 9 Sutton Place 100mL 100% Full Tester (No Box or Cap) $125 Niche
16 Bond No. 9 Wall Street 100mL 100% Full Tester (No Box or Cap) $125 Niche
17 By Kilian Bamboo Harmony 100mL 100% Full Tester Refill (No Spray, No Box) $199 Niche
18 By Kilian Black Phantom 100mL 100% Full Tester Refill (No Spray, No Box) $199 Niche
19 By Kilian Can't Stop Loving You 50mL 100% Full Brand New, Sealed $185 Niche
20 By Kilian Forbidden Games 50mL 98% Full Tester Refill (No Spray, No Box) $125 Niche
21 By Kilian Gold Knight 100mL 100% Full Tester Refill (No Spray, No Box) $199 Niche
22 By Kilian Gold Knight 50mL 98% Full Tester Refill (No Spray, No Box) $145 Niche
23 By Kilian Good Girl Gone Bad 250mL 99% Full Decanter; No Box $650 Niche
24 By Kilian Good Girl Gone Bad 50mL 98% Full Tester Refill (No Spray, No Box) $135 Niche
25 By Kilian Good Girl Gone Bad Eau Fraiche 50mL 100% Full Brand New, Sealed $180 Niche
26 By Kilian Intoxicated 100mL 100% Full Tester Refill (No Spray, No Box) $199 Niche
27 By Kilian L'Heure Verte 50mL 100% Full Brand New, Sealed $135 Niche
28 By Kilian Moonlight In Heaven 100mL 99% Full Tester Refill (No Spray, No Box) $199 Niche
29 By Kilian Roses on Ice 50mL 100% Full Brand New, Sealed $135 Niche
30 Byredo Eyes Closed 50mL 100% Full Brand New, Sealed $135 Niche
31 Byredo Infloresence 100mL 100% Full Tester; No Box $135 Niche
32 Byredo Lil Fleur 100mL 100% Full Tester; No Box $135 Niche
33 Byredo Sunday Cologne 100mL 100% Full Tester; No Box $135 Niche
34 Cartier LES HEURES VOYAGEUSES - Oud Absolu 45mL 100% Full Tester, New, No Box $180 Niche
35 Cartier LES HEURES VOYAGEUSES - Oud Ambre 75mL 100% Full Tester, New, No Box $180 Niche
36 Cartier LES HEURES VOYAGEUSES - Oud Menthe 75mL 100% Full Tester, New, No Box $180 Niche
37 Cartier LES HEURES VOYAGEUSES - Oud Musc 75mL 100% Full Tester, New, No Box $180 Niche
38 Cartier LES HEURES VOYAGEUSES - Oud Oud 75mL 100% Full Tester, New, No Box $180 Niche
39 Cartier LES HEURES VOYAGEUSES - Oud Pink 75mL 100% Full Tester, New, No Box $180 Niche
40 Cartier LES HEURES VOYAGEUSES - Oud Radeux 75mL 100% Full Tester, New, No Box $180 Niche
41 Cartier LES HEURES VOYAGEUSES - Oud Santal 75mL 100% Full Tester, New, No Box $180 Niche
42 Cartier LES HEURES VOYAGEUSES - Oud Vanille 75mL 100% Full Tester, New, No Box $180 Niche
43 Chanel / Chanel Exclusif Misia EdT 200mL 90% Full Tester with Cap (No Box) $325 Niche
44 Chanel / Chanel Exclusif No. 22 EdT 200mL 95% Full Tester with Cap (No Box) $325 Niche
45 Christian Dior / Dior Privee 7 Mini Set as Pictured 7x 5mL 100% Full 7 Official Minis from 2010-2011... Mitzah, Milly-A-La-Foret, Granville, Cologne Royale, Eau Noire, New Look 1947 $180 Niche
46 Christian Dior / Dior Privee Bois D'Argent 5mL 100% Full Official Mini - Batch Code 0V01 (2010 Production Date) - Price includes shipping $35 Niche
47 Christian Dior / Dior Privee Cologne Royale 5mL 100% Full Official Mini - Batch Code 1X01 (2011 Production Date) - Price includes shipping $30 Niche
48 Christian Dior / Dior Privee Diorissima 7.5mL 100% Full Official Mini; No Cannister - Price includes shipping $30 Niche
49 Christian Dior / Dior Privee Eau Noire 5mL 100% Full Official Mini - Batch Code 1R01 (2011 Production Date) - Price includes shipping $35 Niche
50 Christian Dior / Dior Privee Eden Roc 7.5mL 100% Full Official Mini - Price includes shipping $30 Niche
51 Christian Dior / Dior Privee Granville 5mL 100% Full Official Mini - Batch Code 0V01 (2010 Production Date) - Price includes shipping $35 Niche
52 Christian Dior / Dior Privee Milly-La-Foret 5mL 100% Full Official Mini - Batch Code 0W01 (2010 Production Date) - Price includes shipping $30 Niche
53 Christian Dior / Dior Privee New Look 1947 5mL 100% Full Official Mini - Batch Code 1R01 (2011 Production Date) - Price includes shipping $30 Niche
54 Clive Christian C for Men 50mL 95% Full Tester (No Box) $169 Niche
55 Clive Christian I Pour Femme (Woody Floral with Vintage Rose) 50mL 99% Full Tester (No Box) $169 Niche
56 Clive Christian Rock Rose 50mL 100% Full Tester (No Box) $229 Niche
57 Clive Christian X Pour Femme 50mL 100% Full Tester (No Box) $169 Niche
58 Creed Aventus - 19P21 (Decant) 50mL 100% Full Magnetic Cap Decant $169 Niche
59 Creed Aventus - F Batch 100mL 100% Full BNIB, Sealed $235 Niche
60 Creed Aventus - F1396 100mL 100% Full Tester with Plastic Cap (No Box) $209 Niche
61 Creed Aventus Cologne 100mL 100% Full Tester with Plastic Cap (No Box) $209 Niche
62 Creed Aventus for Her - F Batch 75mL 100% Full Tester with Plastic Cap (No Box) $175 Niche
63 Creed Bois du Portugal 100mL 100% Full Tester with Plastic Cap (No Box) $175 Niche
64 Creed Carmina - F1449 75mL 100% Full Tester (No Cap or Box) $179 Niche
65 Creed Erolfa 100mL 100% Full Tester with Plastic Cap (No Box) $179 Niche
66 Creed Green Irish Tweed 100mL 100% Full Tester with Plastic Cap (No Box) $185 Niche
67 Creed Himalaya - F Batch 100mL 100% Full Tester with Plastic Cap (No Box) $179 Niche
68 Creed Millesime Imperial 100mL 100% Full Tester with Plastic Cap (No Box) $179 Niche
69 Creed Original Santal 100mL 100% Full Tester with Plastic Cap (No Box) $179 Niche
70 Creed Original Vetiver 100mL 100% Full Tester with Plastic Cap (No Box) $175 Niche
71 Creed Queen of Silk 75mL 100% Full Tester with Metal Cap (No Box) $225 Niche
72 Creed Refillable Atomizer (5mL Leather Wrapped) Blue 5mL 100% Full Brand New, Sealed $85 Niche
73 Creed Refillable Atomizer (5mL Leather Wrapped) Grey 5mL 100% Full Brand New, Sealed $85 Niche
74 Creed Royal Oud - F Batch 100mL 100% Full Tester with Plastic Cap (No Box) $250 Niche
75 Creed Royal Water - F238 100mL 100% Full Tester with Plastic Cap (No Box) $170 Niche
76 Creed Silver Mountain Water 100mL 100% Full Tester with Plastic Cap (No Box) $170 Niche
77 Creed Spice and Wood 75mL 100% Full Tester (No Cap, No Box) $219 Niche
78 Creed Tabarome Millesime 100mL 100% Full Tester with Cap $180 Niche
79 Creed Viking - F BATCH 100mL 100% Full Tester with Plastic Cap (No Box) $185 Niche
80 Creed Viking Cologne 100mL 100% Full Tester with Plastic Cap (No Box) $180 Niche
81 Creed Virgin Island Water 100mL 100% Full Tester with Plastic Cap (No Box) $195 Niche
82 Creed White Amber - 17R01 75mL 100% Full Tester (No Box or Cap) $155 Niche
83 Diptyque Doson EdP 75mL 100% Full Tester (No Box) $125 Niche
84 Diptyque Eau de Nabati EdP 75mL 100% Full Tester with Cap $125 Niche
85 Diptyque Eau de Papier EdT 100mL 100% Full Tester (No Box) $125 Niche
86 Diptyque Ombre Dans L'eau EdT 100mL 100% Full Tester (No Box) $100 Niche
87 Fragrance Du Bois Brume du Matin 100mL 100% Full New, No Box $180 Niche
88 Fragrance Du Bois Cannabis Blue 100mL 100% Full New, No Box $180 Niche
89 Fragrance Du Bois Cannabis Intense 100mL 100% Full New, No Box $180 Niche
90 Fragrance Du Bois HERITAGE 100mL 100% Full New, No Box $330 Niche
91 Fragrance Du Bois Lovers 100mL 100% Full Brand New, Sealed $325 Niche
92 Fragrance Du Bois New York Fifth Avenue 100mL 100% Full New, No Box $180 Niche
93 Fragrance Du Bois SAHRAA 100mL 99% Full Full presentation with Box $399 Niche
94 Fragrance Du Bois Siberian Rose 100mL 100% Full New, No Box $180 Niche
95 Frederic Malle Cologne Indellible 100mL 85% Full Full presentation with Box $175 Niche
96 Frederic Malle Eau de Magnolia 10mL 100% Full Official Travel Spray $55 Niche
97 Frederic Malle Heaven Can Wait 100mL 100% Full Brand New In Box $255 Niche
98 Frederic Malle Monsieur 10mL 95% Full Official Travel Spray $55 Niche
99 Frederic Malle Promise 100mL 100% Full Brand New (Not Sealed) $315 Niche
100 Gallagher Bergamot Silk 100mL 99% Full No Box $79 Niche
101 Giorgio Armani / Armani Prive Pierre de Lune 100mL 100% Full Tester; No Box $155 Niche
102 Giorgio Armani / Armani Prive Rose Alexandrie 100mL 100% Full Tester; No Box $155 Niche
103 Guerlain Angelique Noire 30mL 100% Full Mini Bee Bottle Decant $215 Niche
104 Guerlain Angelique Noire 10mL 100% Full Tall Glass Decant $55 Niche
105 Guerlain Feve Gourmand 100mL 100% Full Brand New, Sealed $330 Niche
106 Guerlain French Kiss 75mL 98% Full Tester (No Box or Cap) $450 Niche
107 Guerlain Frenchy Lavende 200mL 100% Full Brand New, Sealed $399 Niche
108 Guerlain Herbes Troublantes 200mL 100% Full Tester (No Box) $339 Niche
109 Guerlain Jasmin Bonheur 200mL 100% Full Tester (No Box) $369 Niche
110 Hermes / Hermessence Agar Ebene 100mL 100% Full Tester (No Box or Cap) $150 Niche
111 Hermes / Hermessence Cedre Sambac 100mL 100% Full Tester (No Box) $165 Niche
112 Hermes / Hermessence Epice Marine 100mL 100% Full Tester (No Box) $170 Niche
113 Hermes / Hermessence Myrrhe Eglantine 100mL 100% Full Tester (No Box) $185 Niche
114 Hermes / Hermessence Poivre Samarcade 100mL 100% Full Tester (No Box) $170 Niche
115 Hermes / Hermessence Santal Massoia 100mL 100% Full Tester (No Box) $170 Niche
116 Hermes / Hermessence Vetiver Tonka 100mL 100% Full Tester (No Box) $175 Niche
117 House of Sillage Nouez Moi 75mL 99% Full Tester (No Box or Cap) $120 Niche
118 I Profumi di Firenze Caterina De Medici 50mL 99% Full No Box $35 Niche
119 Initio High Frequency 90mL 100% Full Tester (No Box) $180 Niche
120 Initio Oud for Happiness 90mL 100% Full Tester; No Box $189 Niche
121 Jo Malone English Pear & Freesia 30mL 100% Full No Box $50 Niche
122 Le Labo Bigarade 18 - Hong Kong Exclusive 50mL 100% Full Full Bottle, Retail Label $299 Niche
123 Le Labo Mousse de Chene 30 - Amsterdam City Exclusive 50mL 99% Full Sprayed Once to Test / Brand New; No Box $259 Niche
124 Le Labo Oud 27 50mL 99% Full Full presentation with Box $169 Niche
125 Le Labo Santal 33 50mL 100% Full Full Bottle, Retail Label $135 Niche
126 Liquides Imaginaires Bloody Wood 100mL 100% Full Tester; No Box, No Cap $85 Niche
127 Liquides Imaginaires Desert Sauve 100mL 99% Full Tester; No Box, No Cap $85 Niche
128 Liquides Imaginaires Fleur de Sable 100mL 99% Full Tester; No Box, No Cap $85 Niche
129 Liquides Imaginaires Fleuve Tendre 100mL 100% Full Tester; No Box, No Cap $85 Niche
130 Liquides Imaginaires Sancti 100mL 100% Full Tester; No Box, No Cap $85 Niche
131 Loewe 7 EdT 100mL 100% Full Tester (No Box) $90 Niche
132 Loewe Aire Anthesis 100mL 100% Full Tester (No Box) $100 Niche
133 Loewe Esencia EdP 100mL 100% Full Tester (No Box) $120 Niche
134 Loewe Esencia Elixir 100mL 100% Full Tester (No Box) $200 Niche
135 Loewe Man 001 EdP 100mL 100% Full Tester (No Box) $120 Niche
136 Louis Vuitton Au Hasard 100mL 95% Full No Cap, No Box $199 Niche
137 Louis Vuitton Contre Moi 100mL 99% Full Tester (Bottle may show some damage, Cap has no paint/is peeling) $385 Niche
138 Louis Vuitton Fleur du Desert 100mL 90% Full No Cap, No Box $225 Niche
139 Louis Vuitton Nuit de Feu 100mL 95% Full No Cap, No Box $245 Niche
140 Louis Vuitton Ombre Nomade 100mL 99% Full Engraved "BOLO", No Cap $285 Niche
141 Louis Vuitton Sun Song 100mL 98% Full Tester (Bottle is scratched, may have an engraving, and Cap has no paint/is peeling) $425 Niche
142 Maison Crivelli Bois Datchai 100mL 100% Full Brand New, Sealed $169 Niche
143 Maison Francis Kurkdjian 724 200mL 100% Full Tester with Cap (No Box) $365 Niche
144 Maison Francis Kurkdjian A la Rose 200mL 100% Full Tester with Cap (No Box) $315 Niche
145 Maison Francis Kurkdjian Amyris Femme Extrait 70mL 100% Full Tester with Cap (No Box) $160 Niche
146 Maison Francis Kurkdjian Amyris Homme EdT 70mL 100% Full Tester with Cap (No Box) $160 Niche
147 Maison Francis Kurkdjian Aqua Celestia 70mL 100% Full Tester with Cap (No Box) $135 Niche
148 Maison Francis Kurkdjian Aqua Celestia Cologne Forte 70mL 100% Full Tester with Cap (No Box) $145 Niche
149 Maison Francis Kurkdjian Aqua Celestia Forte 70mL 100% Full Tester with Cap (No Box) $160 Niche
150 Maison Francis Kurkdjian Aqua Universalis 70mL 100% Full Tester with Cap (No Box) $135 Niche
151 Maison Francis Kurkdjian Aqua Universalis Cologne Forte 70mL 100% Full Tester with Cap (No Box) $125 Niche
152 Maison Francis Kurkdjian Aqua Universalis Cologne Forte 200mL 100% Full Tester with Cap (No Box) $225 Niche
153 Maison Francis Kurkdjian Aqua Universalis Cologne Forte 35mL 100% Full Tester with Cap (No Box) $90 Niche
154 Maison Francis Kurkdjian Aqua Universalis Forte 70mL 100% Full Tester (No Box, Has Cap) $160 Niche
155 Maison Francis Kurkdjian Aqua Vitae 200mL 100% Full Tester with Cap (No Box) $215 Niche
156 Maison Francis Kurkdjian Aqua Vitae 70mL 100% Full Tester with Cap (No Box) $135 Niche
157 Maison Francis Kurkdjian Aqua Vitae Cologne Forte 70mL 100% Full Tester with Cap (No Box) $125 Niche
158 Maison Francis Kurkdjian Aqua Vitae Cologne Forte 200mL 100% Full Tester with Cap (No Box) $215 Niche
159 Maison Francis Kurkdjian Aqua Vitae Forte 70mL 100% Full Tester with Cap (No Box) $160 Niche
160 Maison Francis Kurkdjian Baccarat Rouge 540 EdP 200mL 100% Full Tester (No Box, Has Cap) $399 Niche
161 Maison Francis Kurkdjian Baccarat Rouge 540 EdP 70mL 100% Full Tester (No Box, Has Cap) $199 Niche
162 Maison Francis Kurkdjian Feminine Pluriel 200mL 100% Full Tester with Cap (No Box) $335 Niche
163 Maison Francis Kurkdjian Feminine Pluriel Special Edition Extrait 70mL 100% Full Full Presentation With Mirror Display $499 Niche
164 Maison Francis Kurkdjian Gentle Fluidity Gold 200mL 100% Full Brand New, Sealed $365 Niche
165 Maison Francis Kurkdjian Gentle Fluidity Gold 70mL 100% Full Tester with Cap (No Box) $165 Niche
166 Maison Francis Kurkdjian Gentle Fluidity Silver 70mL 100% Full Tester (No Box, Has Cap) $165 Niche
167 Maison Francis Kurkdjian L'eau a La Rose 35mL 100% Full Tester with Cap (No Box) $90 Niche
168 Maison Francis Kurkdjian L'Homme a la Rose 70mL 100% Full Tester (No Box, Has Cap) $150 Niche
169 Maison Francis Kurkdjian Masculin Pluriel (Clear) 70mL 100% Full Tester (No Box, Has Cap) $170 Niche
170 Maison Francis Kurkdjian Oud EdP 70mL 100% Full Tester (No Box, Has Cap) $165 Niche
171 Maison Francis Kurkdjian Oud Extrait 70mL 100% Full Tester (No Box, Has Cap) $185 Niche
172 Maison Francis Kurkdjian Oud Silk Mood EdP 70mL 100% Full Tester (No Box, Has Cap) $165 Niche
173 Maison Francis Kurkdjian Oud Silk Mood Extrait 70mL 100% Full Tester with Cap (No Box) $190 Niche
174 Maison Francis Kurkdjian Petit Matin 70mL 100% Full Tester with Cap (No Box) $145 Niche
175 Maison Francis Kurkdjian Petit Matin 35mL 100% Full Tester with Cap (No Box) $80 Niche
176 Maison Lancome Orange Bigarades 100mL 100% Full Full presentation with Box $229 Niche
177 Mark Birley Charles Street 75mL 97% Full Travel Version $90 Niche
178 Memo Paris French Leather 75mL 100% Full Tester (No Box or Cap) $115 Niche
179 Memo Paris Italian Leather 75mL 100% Full Tester (No Box or Cap) $115 Niche
180 Memo Paris Lailabella 75mL 100% Full Tester (No Box or Cap) $115 Niche
181 Memo Paris Marfa 75mL 100% Full Tester (No Box or Cap) $115 Niche
182 Memo Paris Moon Fever 75mL 100% Full Tester (No Box or Cap) $115 Niche
183 Memo Paris Oriental Leather 75mL 100% Full Tester (No Box or Cap) $115 Niche
184 Mind Games As-Suli's Diamond 100mL 100% Full Brand New, Sealed $249 Niche
185 Mind Games Gardez 100mL 100% Full Brand New, Sealed $249 Niche
186 Mind Games Vieri 100mL 100% Full Brand New, Sealed $249 Niche
187 Mizensir Bois de Mysore 100mL 100% Full Tester (No Box) $155 Niche
188 Mizensir Cologne de Matte 100mL 100% Full Tester (No Box) $155 Niche
189 Mizensir Ideal Oud 100mL 100% Full Tester (No Box) $155 Niche
190 Mizensir Rose Exaltante 100mL 100% Full Tester (No Box) $155 Niche
191 Mizensir Vert Empire 100mL 100% Full Tester (No Box) $155 Niche
192 Oh Mon Dieu! L'objet 100mL 100% Full Full presentation with Box $125 Niche
193 Oliver and Co. M.O.U.S.S.E. 50mL 99% Full Limited Edition 87/133 $110 Niche
194 Parfums de Marley Haltane 125mL 100% Full Brand New, Sealed $165 Niche
195 Parfums de Marley Layton 125mL 100% Full Brand New, Sealed $199 Niche
196 Parfums de Marley Valaya 75mL 100% Full Tester with Cap (No Box) $175 Niche
197 Penhaligon's Elixir 100mL 90% Full No Box $250 Niche
198 Penhaligon's Petra 100mL 100% Full Tester (No Box) $200 Niche
199 Penhaligon's Cairo 100mL 100% Full Brand New, Sealed $220 Niche
200 Pomare's Stolen Perfume Angel's Share 9mL 70% Full No Box $40 Niche
201 Precious Liquid Iced Juniper 75mL 95% Full Full presentation with Box (Limited Edition) $135 Niche
202 Roja Dove Creation-E Essence de Parfum 100mL 100% Full Tester; No Box $165 Niche
203 Roja Dove Danger Pour Femme 50mL 100% Full 99% Full with Box $275 Niche
204 Roja Dove Elixir 100mL 100% Full Brand New, Sealed $175 Niche
205 Roja Dove Elixir Essence Pour Femme 100mL 100% Full No Box $175 Niche
206 Roja Dove Qatar 50mL 99% Full Full Presentation $339 Niche
207 Roja Dove Scandal Essence de Parfum 100mL 100% Full Tester; No Box $165 Niche
208 Roja Dove United Arab Emirates (UAE) 50mL 100% Full Brand New, Sealed $300 Niche
209 Roman Monegal L'eau de Rose 50mL 97% Full $70 Niche
210 Santa Maria Novella Sandalo 100mL 95% Full No Box $80 Niche
211 Sospiro Deep Amber Ocean 100mL 100% Full Brand New, No Box $170 Niche
212 Sospiro Deep Amber Ocean 100mL 100% Full Brand New, Sealed $180 Niche
213 Spirit of Dubai Bahar 50mL 100% Full Tester with Cap and Travel Case $175 Niche
214 Spirit of Dubai Rimal 50mL 100% Full Tester with Cap and Travel Case $175 Niche
215 Tiziana Terenzi Attar Cas 13mL 100% Full Tester (No Box) $225 Niche
216 Tiziana Terenzi Chiron 100mL 100% Full Tester (No Box) $165 Niche
217 Tiziana Terenzi Draconis 100mL 100% Full Tester (No Box) $135 Niche
218 Tom Ford Azure Lime - A71 50mL 99% Full Original Formula $349 Niche
219 Tom Ford Beau de Jour 1000mL 100% Full Sealed Dramming Bottle $700 Niche
220 Tom Ford Fleur de Portofino 50mL 100% Full Brand New, Sealed $135 Niche
221 Tom Ford Fougere Platine 1000mL 100% Full Sealed Dramming Bottle $700 Niche
222 Tom Ford Neroli Portofino 50mL 100% Full Brand New, Sealed $140 Niche
223 Tom Ford Noir de Noir 100mL 100% Full BNIB, Sealed $185 Niche
224 Tom Ford Plum Japonais 50mL 100% Full Decant (No Box) $215 Niche
225 Tom Ford Rive Ambre - A63 50mL 99% Full Original Formula $225 Niche
226 Tom Ford Rose de Amalfi 50mL 100% Full Brand New, Sealed $135 Niche
227 Tom Ford Santal Blush 50mL 100% Full Brand New, Sealed $140 Niche
228 Tom Ford Soleil Neige 1000mL 100% Full Sealed Dramming Bottle $700 Niche
229 Tom Ford Tobacco Vanille 100mL 100% Full Opened, Sprayed twice $225 Niche
230 Tom Ford Tubereuse Nue 50mL 100% Full BNIB, Sealed $125 Niche
231 Tom Ford Vanilla Sex 50mL 100% Full Brand New, Sealed in Box $265 Niche
232 Tom Ford Vanille Fatale 50mL 100% Full Brand New, Sealed $180 Niche
233 Tom Ford White Suede 1000mL 100% Full Sealed Dramming Bottle $700 Niche
234 Washington Tremlett Black Tie 100mL 95% Full $125 Niche
235 Widian II Black 50mL 99% Full Tester (No Box) $149 Niche
236 Yves Saint Laurent Babycat 125mL 100% Full Brand New, Sealed $300 Niche
237 Acqua di Parma Magnolia Nobile 100mL 100% Full Tester (No Box) $95 Designer
238 Brunello Cucinelli Pour Homme 100mL 100% Full Tester (No Box) $90 Designer
239 Caron Pour un Homme de Caron Le Matin 125mL 100% Full Opened to test, sprayed once $69 Designer
240 Caron Pour un Homme de Caron Le Soir 125mL 100% Full Opened to test, sprayed once $69 Designer
241 Caron Pour Un Homme Impact Parfum 75mL 97% Full No Box $175 Designer
242 Chanel Allure Pour Femme EdT 100mL 100% Full Tester; No Box $65 Designer
243 Chanel Bleu de Chanel - Aftershave Balm 100mL 99% Full No Box, Minor Cosmetic Damage $55 Designer
244 Chanel Bleu de Chanel - Aftershave Lotion 100mL 99% Full No Box, Minor Cosmetic Damage $55 Designer
245 Chanel Coco EdP 100mL 100% Full Tester; No Box $85 Designer
246 Chanel Coco Mademoiselle - Moisturizing Body Lotion 200mL 99% Full No Box $55 Designer
247 Chanel Cristalle Eau Vert EdT Concentree 100mL 100% Full Tester; No Box $135 Designer
248 Chanel Cristalle EdP 50mL 95% Full Tester; No Box $135 Designer
249 Chanel Gabrielle Essence 100mL 100% Full Tester; No Box $100 Designer
250 Chanel No. 19 100mL 100% Full Tester; No Box $115 Designer
251 Chanel No. 5 Eau Premiere 100mL 100% Full Tester; No Box $85 Designer
252 Chanel No. 5 EdP 100mL 100% Full Tester; No Box $95 Designer
253 Chanel Platinum Egoiste 75mL 99% Full SPLASH, NOT SPRAY Older Formulation $125 Designer
254 Christian Dior Dior Homme Parfum 100mL 100% Full Brand New, Sealed (Packaging may be slightly damaged) $175 Designer
255 Christian Dior J'adore in Joy EdT 100mL 100% Full Tester with Cap, No Box $60 Designer
256 Floris Cefiro 100mL 100% Full Tester with Cap, No Box $59 Designer
257 Gucci Gucci Guilty Absolute 90mL 100% Full Tester; No Box $70 Designer
258 Guerlain Habit Rouge Parfum 100mL 100% Full Brand New, Sealed $130 Designer
259 Guerlain L'Homme Ideal Parfum 100mL 100% Full Brand New, Sealed $130 Designer
260 Guerlain L'instant de Guerlain Pour Homme EXTREME 10mL 100% Full VINTAGE BLACK RIM - DECANT $50 Designer
261 Guerlain Vetiver Parfum 100mL 100% Full Brand New, Sealed $130 Designer
262 Hermes Twilly 80mL 100% Full Tester; No Box $65 Designer
263 Jo Malone Amber & Lavender 30mL 90% Full No Box $52 Designer
264 Jo Malone English Oak & Redcurrant 30mL 80% Full No Box $49 Designer
265 Jo Malone English Pear & Freesia 100mL 100% Full Brand New with Gift Box and Gift Set (Body Wash, Body Lotion) $180 Designer
266 Jo Malone Rose & White Musk Absolu 100mL 100% Full No Box $180 Designer
267 Jo Malone Scarlett Poppy Cologne Intense 100mL 100% Full Tester; No Box $130 Designer
268 Lalique Ombre Noire 100mL 100% Full Sealed $100 Designer
269 Maison Martin Margiela Replica - Jazz Club 100mL 100% Full Tester (No Box) $80 Designer
270 Thierry Mugler A*MEN 100mL 99% Full Rubber Flask; No Box $75 Designer
271 Amouage Cristal and Gold Ladies 50mL 95% Full Vintage, Incredibly hard to find. Full presentation in nice condition $399 Vintage
272 Cartier Santos EdT 100mL 100% Full Spray; Refill. $299 Vintage
273 Chanel Gardenia EdT 100mL 100% Full Vintage; Sealed $350 Vintage
274 Crabtree & Evelyn Crabtree & Evelyn Extract of West Indian and Sicilian Limes 125mL 100% Full Full presentation with Box $209 Vintage
275 Dunhill Cologne 125mL 99% Full Vintage; Splash $100 Vintage
276 Ermenegildo Zegna Haitian Vetiver 125mL 99% Full No Box $300 Vintage
277 Escada Pour Homme Aftershave 75mL 100% Full BNIB Sealed $165 Vintage
278 Escada Pour Homme Aftershave 125mL 100% Full BNIB Sealed $240 Vintage
279 Floris Special 127 100mL 98% Full Vintage; Dark Blue Box., 2 Royal Warrants, Vintage Version $70 Vintage
280 Fragonard Zizanie 240mL 80% Full Shaker bottle (Splash, not spray) no box. At least 80% Full. $240 Vintage
281 Geo F Trumper Ajaccio Violets 100mL 99% Full $40 Vintage
282 Gucci Envy Aftershave 50mL 100% Full BNIB Sealed $140 Vintage
283 Gucci Envy Aftershave 100mL 100% Full BNIB Sealed $215 Vintage
284 Gucci Rush for Men 50mL 100% Full Full Presentation; These do not come fully filled $190 Vintage
285 Gucci Rush for Men Aftershave 100mL 100% Full BNIB Sealed $140 Vintage
286 Guerlain Heritage EdT 200mL 100% Full New; Vintage; Splash. 1991 Bottle. $225 Vintage
287 Guerlain Samrasa EdP 50mL 100% Full No Box $109 Vintage
288 Guerlain Samsara EdT 1992-1993 Formulation 100mL 100% Full Tester; No Cap; No Box $109 Vintage
289 Jean Desprez Bal a Versailles 9 Oz 70% Full Vintage; Splash; No Box Open to offers on this enormous bottle. $135 Vintage
290 Lacoste Eau de Sport Vivifiante 100mL 99% Full No Box $110 Vintage
291 Lacoste Land 100mL 99% Full $130 Vintage
292 Nino Cerruti Fair Play Pour Homme 100mL 99% Full Full presentation with Box $275 Vintage
293 Paco Rabanne Eau de Metal 20mL 100% Full Vintage; Mini $15 Vintage
294 Revillon Pour Homme Eau de Toilette Super Concentrate 60mL 99% Full Atomizer $190 Vintage
295 Revillon Pour Homme Eau de Toilette Super Concentrate 90mL 99% Full Atomizer $290 Vintage​
submitted by jravitz to fragranceswap [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 21:18 Atomato0 Slightly disappointed

I was hoping this would turn out better but it just tastes like gfuel but colder. Idk what I expected
submitted by Atomato0 to GFUEL [link] [comments]