Teks mc perpisahan bahasa jawa

Şok hunt part 1

2024.05.18 15:28 FabulousReply6558 Şok hunt part 1

Şok hunt part 1
Sonunda cer çöp arasında güzel şeyler buldum.
submitted by FabulousReply6558 to HotWheelsTr [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 17:15 Ogbrainsss Cards and cards. Prices are shipped. PP G&S/usps ground with tracking/bubble mailers

Cards and cards. Prices are shipped. PP G&S/usps ground with tracking/bubble mailers
Kobe and wemby -60 Rock and undertaker -55 Conor mcnuggets-30
submitted by Ogbrainsss to tradingcardcommunity [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 02:29 Hungtown2018 UKT UI Per Mei 2024 Resmi Naik

UKT UI Per Mei 2024 Resmi Naik
Jujur saya malu sebagai lulusan UI, tahun 2017 kelas pararel saja masih 9.5jt per semester. Tahun 2021, per semester 12.5 jt.
Lihat gap kelompok 2 dan kelompok 3, kalo begitu orang yang punya mobil tapi kerja nya sopir gocar bisa2 dapet ukt 10jt per bulan, dengan alesan "Situ kan punya mobil, masa ga mampu"
submitted by Hungtown2018 to indonesia [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 12:44 welliamaguy How do you guys refer to the road through undeveloped areas between settlements?

How do you guys refer to the road through undeveloped areas between settlements?
Karena gue yang Jawa menyebutnya sebagai "Toang." Gue gak tahu kalo ada versi bahasa Indonesia atau bahasa daerah lainnya. How about guys?
submitted by welliamaguy to indonesia [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 04:03 Danielfaris2001 Historical Linguistics

Historical Linguistics
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Tulisan Arab, Tamil dan ABCD dari Tulisan Mesir Purba!
Gambar ini menunjukkan betapa sebenarnya terdapat 57 skrip penulisan di dunia adalah didasari pengaruhnya datang daripada tulisan Hieroglif yang pernah digunakan oleh masyarakat Mesir Purba.
Kalau anda perhati betul-betul infografik ni, anda akan nampak evolusi dengan senang, bagaimana tulisan dan skrip ni berubah perlahan demi perlahan.
Skrip ini terdiri dari berbagai simbol yang menggambarkan suara dan konsep, dan digunakan sejak sekitar 3200 SM.
Dan tulisan terkenal yang lahir dari tulisan Mesir ialah Aramik.
Hieroglif Mesir menginspirasi penciptaan skrip Proto-Sinaitic sekitar 1800 SM. Proto-Sinaitic ini dicipta ketika itu demi memudahkan lagi pembacaan tulisan Mesir Purba. Anda boleh nampak transformasi tulisan dalam infografik ini.
Kemudian, Dari Proto-Sinaitic, evolusi berlanjut ke skrip Phoenician, yang muncul sekitar abad ke-12 SM. Phoenician merupakan skrip yang sangat efisien dan mudah untuk disebarkan, menyebabkan banyak bangsa mula mengadaptasikan tulisan ini dan disesuaikan dalam bangsa mereka.
Sebab tu kita dapat melihat dalam carta ini, bagaimana skrip Phoenician melahirkan banyak tulisan-tulisan Eropah seperti abjad Yunani yang kelak akan melahirkan tulisan ABC.
Salah satu adaptasi dari Phoenician adalah skrip Aramik, yang muncul sekitar abad ke-10 SM. Tulisan Aramik dikembangkan oleh bangsa Aram yang hidup di wilayah yang sekarang mencakup Syria dan sebahagian dari Turki, Lebanon, dan Irak.
Dek kerana posisinya yang strategik, Aramik menjadi lingua franca di banyak bahagian Timur Tengah kuno, terutama di bawah kerajaan-kerajaan seperti Assyria, Babilonia, dan Parsi.
Akibat Lingua Francanya tulisan Aramik dan bahasanya, makanya bangsa-bangsa lain mula mengadaptasikan ke dalam bahasa mereka. Sebab tu dari carta ni, kita dapat melihat bagaimana Ibrani, Arab, dan Brahmi— yang terlahir lantas mempengaruhi pengembangan skrip di India dan Asia Tenggara.
Kemunculan skrip Brahmi di India pada abad ke-3 SM melahirkan banyak tulisan-tulisan yang kita dilihat di India. Dalam perkembangannya, Brahmi mengalami evolusi dan adaptasi lokal yang berujung pada terciptanya skrip Pallava pada sekitar abad ke-4 hingga ke-9 Masehi. Skrip Pallava, yang dinamai dari dinasti yang berkuasa di wilayah yang dikenali sebagai Tamil Nadu di India hari ini.
Skrip Pallava berperanan penting dalam membentuk skrip di Asia Tenggara melalui laluan perdagangan dan penyebaran agama Buddha. Dari Pallava, skrip seperti Rencong dan Lontara, Khmer Kuno, aksara Kawi yang melahirkan Jawa Kuno, dan bahkan Thai, telah berkembang. Ini menunjukkan bagaimana skrip ini disesuaikan dengan bahasa dan keperluan lokal di berbagai kerajaan di Asia Tenggara.
Dan dari sini juga kalian akan faham kenapa tulisan-tulisan Asia Tenggara dinamakan sebagai tulisan Pasca-Pallava sebab muasalnya daripada tulisan Pallava dari Selatan India.
Juga, kalian akan faham kenapa pakar meletakkan bahawa tulisan Mesir Purba sebagai antara tulisan paling awal, paling original dan paling purba dalam sejarah, melahirkan dan mempengaruhi ratusan peradaban-peradaban dalam sejarah.
Justeru, saya rasa kalau anda mampu baca sampai habis tulisan saya, anda tentu tak ada masalah dengan kontent isi kandungan buku saya, KITAB TAMADUN MESIR PURBA yang akan diluncurkan di PESTA BUKU ANTARABANGSA KUALA LUMPUR 2024 di PWTC ini.
Jemput datang borong buku saya, KITAB TAMADUN MESIR yang memberikan ulasan mendalam pasal sejarah tulis Mesir. Dapatkan juga sign saya di PBAKL di booth yang bernombor 4026, 4027, 4051, 4052, 4061, 4062, 4075 dan 4076 di Dewan Tun Razak 4, PWTC.
Atau kalau anda nak baca bab percuma, boleh ke: https://thepatriots.store/ktmp/
submitted by Danielfaris2001 to Ajar_Malaysia [link] [comments]

2024.05.13 01:56 DiabolicallyComatose The Fallout show is garbage, and here’s why.

This new show everyone’s talking about has twisted a nerve. It rely’s on a seriously convenient plot with cartoonish caricatures that make no sense whatsoever. Why does Mr. House think there’s “a lot of earnings to be made” in a post apocalypse? Why does Maximus FAIL the entire show, but get promoted at every turn? Cooper is supposed to be some cold-blooded mother fucker that kills anything in his way, but REFUSES to kill a fellow mc when they are on screen.
Yea I’m talking about the Fallout show n’ those aren’t even the worst parts. As a Communist, these caricatures of Communism as well as Capitalism are just goofy. Of course the “Communist” in the form of Moldaver (who we aren’t told as to how they specifically are 200+ years old) is not even a Communist, at least she deny’s it. And is shown to just have a personal vendetta against Cooper’s wife on top of being the leader of a raider group/cult whose actions aren’t particularly good karma.
Communism, or more relevant to the economy Communism uses, Socialism. Is about worker owned means of production. Similar to how a Capitalist uses private property. A Communist/Socialist believes the businesses, and state should be publicly owned by the workers. It’s not a 200+ year long vendetta because some guy’s wife bought out your CAPITALIST business that you work for. It being used in the show is just red scare bullshit which the show buy’s into by making the not Communist (but definitely implied to somehow be one with no rhetoric indicating such) Moldaver a Raider.
Unfortunately the caricature of Capitalism is worse. To start off lets go with a good example the show does give. Cold Fusion. It makes complete sense Vault-Tek, or any other Capitalist entity, would buy out this technology because “free” energy would mean no one could get their power shut off by (real world example) the Entergy company for not paying their bill. Cold Fusion would end that in theory. A fiduciary responsibility in collaboration with investors to prevent that if you will. I don’t even think the show meant to have a half truthful idea about it, that seems like pure accident. The show was made by Amazon after all. I doubt these very ideas weren’t on purpose.
As to Vault-Tek planning to drop the bomb which is the much, much worse example. There is multiple reasons given at the meeting where it all takes place: “Earnings/profit, eliminate competition, factions”. None of them make sense. Nuking the world nukes the economy & the people who work/buy to keep it running. Where’s the profit?
They want to eliminate competition, but are telling all of their known competitors their plans. They’re telling a lady that wants to build robots that delivers milk to the door their plans on nuking the goddamn world.
What about the Factions? Well I don’t really get it because Shady Sands was started by Vault 15 n’ they got nuked like the rest because Hank’s wife left. There’s not an inkling of understanding given as to why 1. Vault-Tek has the ludicrous idea that they will “end all factions”, and 2. Vault-Tek destroys their own factions that they’ve created aside from the ones they gave to their competitors I guess? Nice one, just create more factions you have to destroy later, wtf?
Capitalism is about the economy being centered around private property. Land rights/deeds. Extracting capital from the workforce that is working on private land owned by a capitalist. None of this makes sense in the motivation for capitalist businesses which is profit. It’s not a cabal of illuminati individuals trying to nuke the fucking world for “power”? In Capitalism money is power there is no point in essentially nuking your power away because there’s people you don’t like.
Character bullshit includes:
Lucy going from wasteland badass, back to aloof girl looking for her dad, back to badass, back to aloof. No real consistency imo. We need to see her go from unadapted to adapted, not flowing between both at random.
Maximus, and everyone hating him. Him stating that he wanted Dane (his only friend) to get hurt the way he did. Him impersonating a knight, stealing a suit of power armor, conspiring to kill a squire. None of that matters. He’s promoted to knight at the end with no consequences. Vault 4 even lets him leave with their only source of power, only getting it back because of Lucy. (Dane even acts like Maximus was the one that did it after the whole interrogation scene, and we hear nothing until the end about how Dane did it to himself. I guess Dane forgot about his own self-inflicted wound?)
Cooper is just like a complete Gary Stue. I prefer his flashbacks when he actually has a sort of character. The flash backs also don’t have any awful yodeling which is a plus.
Norm should be dead if Bud weren’t completely fucking useless. Just lock him up not with all the cryogenically frozen people you’re protecting.
Hank is a fucking anti-character. He’s in two scenes. The very beginning, and the very end. Lucy doesn’t even have any flashbacks of him.
Almost every other character feels like bullshit sitcom punchlines, or setting up the punchlines. We got the cousin fucker, chicken fucker, the awkward guy that’s never went a few miles over a hill. That old lady with the STUPID fucking meat grinder prosthetic foot. It’s the exact same problem that The Outer Worlds (video game) has. When you boil everything down to some edgy slapstick comedy gig you cheapen all your characters; nothing seems even possible in the already fictional world which is a failure on the world building front.
The music is abysmal. There’s hardly any ambient music. It’s all jazzy shit from the games which ruins a lot of the show’s tones. The worst example is probably Lucy walking in on a dead ass dead family with their baby. They killed themselves so they didn’t have to experience the Great-War. It’s a hard scene, and we could get invested in the hard tone of this scene if it wasn’t offset by juke n’ jive music.
Same with the Raider’s killing people Lucy has grown up with, was raised by, and even loves. Nope more 50’s music. The radio only works in the games because you can turn it on/off at any point in time. You the player are kinda given an element in shaping the tone for your character. Imo a fallout show/movie needs only ambience. Maybe a radio or jukebox in the background albeit limited?
The Plot:
It’s apparently about looking for Lucy’s dad, but just like the Bethesda games they just do that to get the character out of the vault; like the water chip in Fo1, or GECK in Fo2. And just like the Bethesda games it’s a problem because of the characters agency. Probably more so because we can’t sit here n’ be like “well Lucy doesn’t care about their dad” because this isn’t an RPG where you make the character. This is a pre-established character. It fucks up the player agency with all of the side stuff you’re doing when in both the show, Fo3, and Fo4 priority #1 should be finding your fathechild.
It turns into this guy Wilzig’s head because he’s got the cold fusion in his neck. And Cooper is there because of a bounty. Knight Titus (not even worth mentioning) conveniently lands almost right where Wilzig was because “he wants to shoot stuff” then dies.
There’s a lot of conveniences. Like Lucy finding Wilzig twice, and all of the mc’s arriving in Filly around the same time. Wilzig gets the meat grinder prosthetic then promptly obviously dies, a while later, after taking cyanide?
Then the head becomes the mcguffin which is tossed around between Lucy, to Maximus, and Thaddeus (other brotherhood guy) then back to Lucy at the plot’s convenience.
I mean that was it up until the end. Cold Fusion gets activated, and the big reveals happened like the show had much drama to begin with. There’s some here, and there, but it really gets overshadowed by the astronomical attempts at comedy the show makes.
The theme is mostly based on the zany Fallout 4, and 76. Which I don’t have much to say other than I don’t like it opposed to the grittiness of every game before them.
The theme of Fallout being the rhetorical “fallout” of humanity with ourselves is very lost, but this is nowhere near a new thing. I hate to see a desolate wasteland be made “fun” rather than asking the relevant questions for our characters, or more importantly ourselves in order to ever prevent something like a Nuclear Holocaust from ever taking place.
The show doesn’t match up with itself much less the core material. It simply doesn’t know what it wants to be or do. At points it feels like a super hero show. Then it wants to do mystery, and drama which comes off as a poorly written soap opera. Or it’ll usually cash out to be this overly edgy sitcom.
submitted by DiabolicallyComatose to Fallout [link] [comments]

2024.05.12 17:15 AtestenTurk Cinsiyetler Arası Maneviyat Farkı: Bilimsel, Toplumsal ve Kültürel Boyutlarıyla Kapsamlı Bir Analiz

Cinsiyetler Arası Maneviyat Farkı: Bilimsel, Toplumsal ve Kültürel Boyutlarıyla Kapsamlı Bir Analiz

Görünür dünyanın ötesine uzanan bir merak ve arayış, insanlık tarihi boyunca var olmuş ve insan deneyiminin ayrılmaz bir parçası haline gelmiştir. Doğaüstü varlıklara, metafizik olaylara ve manevi dünyaya olan inanç, farklı kültürlerde ve dönemlerde çeşitli şekillerde tezahür etmiştir. Fal baktırmaktan ruhlarla iletişim kurmaya, mistik öğretilere bağlanmaktan şamanistik uygulamalara kadar geniş bir yelpazede kendini gösteren bu inanç sistemi, insanın anlam arayışının ve bilinmeyene olan merakının bir yansımasıdır. Ancak bu inançların homojen bir yapı sergilemediği, toplumsal cinsiyetler arasında belirgin farklılıklar gösterdiği gözlemlenmektedir.
Özellikle kadınların, erkeklere kıyasla doğaüstü varlıklara ve metafizik olaylara daha fazla inanma eğiliminde olduğu yönündeki tezler, çeşitli bilimsel araştırmalarla desteklenmektedir. Bu makalede, cinsiyetler arası maneviyat farkını derinlemesine inceleyerek, biyolojik, evrimsel, toplumsal, kültürel ve psikolojik faktörlerin bu karmaşık ilişkiyi nasıl şekillendirdiğini ele alacağız. Bilimsel çalışmalar, antropolojik veriler ve sosyolojik analizler ışığında, bu farklılığın kökenlerini ve olası sonuçlarını ele alacak, insanın manevi arayışının cinsiyet kimliğiyle nasıl kesiştiğini daha iyi anlamaya çalışacağız.
Biyolojik ve Evrimsel Kökenler: Empati, Sezgi ve Hayatta Kalma
Kadınların erkeklere kıyasla daha yüksek empati ve sezgi yeteneklerine sahip olduğunu ve bunun doğaüstü inançlara yatkınlıklarını artırdığını ileri süren bilim insanları, bu görüşlerini nörobilimsel bulgulara dayandırmaktadırlar. Empati, başkalarının duygularını anlama ve paylaşma becerisi olarak tanımlanmaktadır. Fizyolojik olarak, ayna nöronlar olarak adlandırılan beyin hücrelerinin bu süreçte önemli rol oynadığı düşünülmektedir (Rizzolatti & Craighero, 2004). Ayna nöronlar, başkalarının eylemlerini gözlemlediğimizde, sanki kendimiz yapıyormuşuz gibi aktive olurlar. Bu sayede, karşımızdaki kişinin duygusal durumunu daha iyi anlamamızı sağlarlar.
Sezgi ise, bilinçli düşünme sürecine dayanmayan, aniden gelen bir his veya içgörü olarak tanımlanabilir. Sezginin kökenleri tam olarak anlaşılamamış olsa da, beynin bilinçaltı süreçlerinin ve geçmiş deneyimlerimizden edindiğimiz bilgilerin bir araya gelmesiyle ortaya çıktığı düşünülmektedir (Epstein, 2010).
Evrimsel açıklamalar, kadınların empati ve sezgi yeteneklerinin, çocuk bakımı ve sosyal bağların korunmasındaki rollerinden kaynaklanıyor olabileceğini öne sürmektedir. Çocuk yetiştirme sürecinde, bebeğin sözsüz ipuçlarını anlamak, ihtiyaçlarını karşılamak ve onunla duygusal bir bağ kurmak hayati önem taşımaktadır (Hrdy, 1999). Yüksek empati yeteneğine sahip anneler, bebeklerinin ihtiyaçlarına daha duyarlı oldukları için, çocuklarının hayatta kalma şansını artırmış olabilirler.
Benzer şekilde, grup içindeki sosyal uyumu sağlamak, potansiyel tehditleri önceden sezmek ve grup üyeleri arasındaki ilişkileri düzenlemek için empati ve sezgi oldukça faydalıdır. Kadınların, sosyal gruplar içindeki ilişkileri düzenleme ve uyumu sağlama konusunda daha aktif rol almaları, bu yeteneklerinin evrimsel süreçte seçilim avantajı sağlamış olabileceğini düşündürmektedir (Taylor et al., 2000).
Erkeklerde ise rekabet, kaynak kontrolü ve statü mücadelesi gibi faktörler, daha analitik ve materyalist bir bakış açısını teşvik etmiş olabilir. Hayatta kalma ve üreme başarısı için, erkeklerin fiziksel güç, rekabetçi ruhla ve stratejik düşünme becerilerine ihtiyaç duymaları, beyinlerinin bu yönde gelişmesini sağlamış olabilir (Buss, 2015). Bu durum, erkeklerin doğaüstü inançlara daha şüpheci yaklaşmalarına yol açabilir.
Toplumsal Cinsiyet Rolleri: Kültürel Kalıpların Etkisi
Cinsiyetler arası maneviyat farkını açıklamak için sadece biyolojik ve evrimsel faktörlere odaklanmak eksik kalacaktır. Toplumsal cinsiyet rolleri ve kültürel normlar da bu farkı şekillendiren önemli etkenlerdir. Antropolojik çalışmalar, farklı kültürlerde cinsiyet rollerinin ve manevi inançların nasıl farklılaştığını göstermektedir.
Birçok kültürde kadınlar, duygusal ifadeye, sezgiselliğe ve maneviyata daha fazla değer veren toplumsal rollere yönlendirilmektedir. Bu roller, kadınların doğaüstü inançlarını destekleyebilir. Örneğin, birçok toplumda büyükanneler, aile içinde maneviyatı ve gelenekleri yaşatan önemli figürler olarak kabul edilirler (Myerhoff, 1978). Aynı şekilde, kadınların şifacılık, falcılık ve ruhsal rehberlik gibi alanlarda daha fazla yer alması, toplumsal cinsiyet rollerinin maneviyat üzerindeki etkisini göstermektedir.
Erkekler ise, mantık, rasyonellik ve maddi başarı odaklı rollere teşvik edildikleri için, metafizik olaylara daha şüpheci yaklaşabilirler. Bilim, teknoloji ve mühendislik gibi alanlarda erkeklerin daha fazla temsil edilmesi, bu durumu pekiştiren bir faktör olabilir. Bu alanlarda başarı için gerekli olan analitik düşünme, problem çözme ve eleştirel yaklaşım gibi beceriler, doğaüstü inançlara olan şüpheyi artırabilir.
Psikolojik Boyut: Belirsizlik, Kontrol İhtiyacı ve Anlam Arayışı
Psikolojik açılardan bakıldığında, belirsizlik ve kontrol ihtiyacı gibi faktörlerin, doğaüstü inançlar üzerinde etkili olduğu düşünülmektedir. İnsanlar, belirsizlikle başa çıkmak ve hayatta bir anlam bulmak için doğaüstü inançlara yönelebilirler (Inzlicht et al., 2011).
Kadınlar kontrol ve gidişatın planlanandan farklı gittiği konularda ne kadar başarısız olduğu göze alındığında, bu buna sebep olabilir Dini İnançlar: Ritüeller, Gelenekler ve Metafizik Öğeler
Dini inançlar ve manevi arayış da cinsiyetler arası maneviyat farkını etkileyen önemli unsurlardır. Araştırmalar, kadınların geleneksel dini inançlara ve uygulamalara daha sıkı sıkıya bağlı olduğunu göstermektedir. Bu durum, kadınların doğaüstü varlıklara ve metafizik olaylara olan inançlarını besleyebilir. Geleneksel dinlerde genellikle doğaüstü varlıklar, mucizeler ve ahiret inancı gibi metafizik öğeler bulunur (Stark, 2001). Kadınların dini ritüellere daha fazla katılımı, dini metinleri daha sık okumaları ve dini liderlere daha fazla danışmaları, bu metafizik öğelere olan inançlarını pekiştirebilir.
Erkekler ise, dini inançlarını daha pragmatik veya felsefi bir şekilde yorumlayabilirler. Örneğin, dini ritüelleri toplumsal uyumu sağlayan bir araç olarak görebilirler veya dini metinlerde ahlaki öğretilere odaklanabilirler. Bu yaklaşım, doğaüstü inançlara olan ihtiyacı azaltarak, daha rasyonel ve dünyevi bir perspektif geliştirmelerine yol açabilir.
Sonuç: Bireyselliğin Önemi ve Genellemelerin Sınırları
Kadınların erkeklere kıyasla doğaüstü varlıklara ve metafizik olaylara daha fazla inanma eğiliminde olduğu fikri, biyolojik, evrimsel, toplumsal, kültürel ve psikolojik faktörlerin kompleks bir etkileşiminden kaynaklanmaktadır. Empati ve sezgi gibi biyolojik faktörler, toplumsal cinsiyet rolleri, kültürel normlar, belirsizlik ve kontrol ihtiyacı, dini inançlar ve manevi arayışlar, bu farkı yaratan ve şekillendiren unsurlar arasında sayılabilir.
Ancak, her bireyin inanç sistemi ve metafizik konulara yaklaşımı kendine özgüdür. Cinsiyet, bu inançları etkileyen faktörlerden sadece biridir ve genellemelerden kaçınmak önemlidir. Bireysel farklılıklar, kişisel deneyimler ve kültürel bağlam, manevi inançları anlamak için göz önünde bulundurulması gereken önemli unsurlardır.
Sonuç olarak, cinsiyetler arası maneviyat farkı, basit ve tek boyutlu bir açıklamaya indirgenemeyecek kadar karmaşık bir konudur. Bu farklılıkları anlamak için, biyolojik faktörlerden toplumsal dinamiklere, psikolojik ihtiyaçlardan kültürel normlara kadar geniş bir perspektif benimsemek gerekmektedir. Unutulmamalıdır ki, her birey kendi inanç sistemini ve manevi yolculuğunu şekillendirme hakkına sahiptir ve bu seçimlere saygı duymak büyük önem taşımaktadır.
submitted by AtestenTurk to AltayTurkCemiyeti [link] [comments]

2024.05.10 10:26 TexasBob101 Message from a Vietnam Vet

Friends: I am an 83 year-young Vietnam Vet. 56-years ago this year I was 49,000 ft in the air over Vietnam in a B52 dropping 500 & 1,000 lb bombs on the Viet Cong in the 17th Parallel.
Today, I am trying to reach the survivors of that War and all other Wars we have fought AND all people around the World in the 208 Recognized Countries that will be Left Behind at the coming Rapture, described in the Holy Bible (1 Thessalonians 4:17: Then they who are alive, shall be caught up together into the clouds with them who remain, to meet the Lord in the air; and so shall we be ever with the Lord.), as when Jesus Christ will return to this earth to give Eternal Heavenly bodies to those that have died after accepting Him as their Personal Savior AND those who are still alive and have done the same.
There are an estimated 6 Billion of the 8 Billion people left in the entire World who have NOT accepted Jesus as their personal Savior, meaning that they do not believe that God, the Sovereign King and Creator of the entire Universe and beyond, sent His Only Begotten Son, Jesus Christ, to this Sin-Filled Earth 2,024 years ago to shed His Blood and die upon a wooden Cross in Jerusalem, Be buried in a Borrowed Tomb and be raised Back to Life again on the 3rd Day (Easter) by His Father, God) as PAYMENT for all of the sins of the ENTIRE HUMAN RACE IF:
1.) They would Believe upon Him as the Son of God; 2.) Accept Him as their personal Savior; 3.) Confess that they are a sinner, meaning that they have broken at least ONE of God's Ten Commandments; 4.) Repenting of their sins, i.e., changing their sinful-way of living and 5.) Giving Him total control of their lives,e.i., letting Him be the Pilot in charge of their lives.
Having done those 5 things, you are Spiritually "Born Again" enabling The Holy Spirit,(the 3rd Part of the Trinity of: The Father, Son and Holy Spirit) to Enter your Very Soul, Reserve your position in Heaven AND Write your name in the Lamb's Book of Life, where your name MUST be at the Rapture, for you to receive a Heavenly Body that will live Forever in Heaven.
Please read the 20th Chapter of Revelation in the Bible to see what happens to those who are "Left Behind" at the Rapture:
Below are "Icons" that will translate our nightly Blog:
into each of those 101 Languages telling those 6 Billion Souls who, as of right now, will be Left Behind at the Rapture.
The Blog will tell them in their own Language How to Get to Heaven!
If you know someone that only speaks one or more of those languages, PLEASE go to the Blog, depress the Icon for that Language and the ENTIRE Blog will be translated, then you can email it to that person or those people telling them HOW to get their Eternal, Heavenly Body, that will never get sick and will live FOREVER!
Eyeball-to-Eyeball: If YOU have not accepted Jesus Christ as your Personal Savior, please do so immediately by Praying this Prayer to God The Father:
"Father God, I confess that I am a Sinner, I accept your Only Begotten Son, Jesus Christ, as my Personal Savior, I repent of my sins and give You total Control of my Life, in Jesus' Name, Amen."
Welcome to your New Life, Completely Forgiven of ALL of your sins AND your Ticket, through Jesus Christ, to Eternal Life with Him.
Bob Lewis OurDailyBread101.com
Deutsche 简体中文) 中國傳統的) عربى Français Pilipino 日本人 Türk Afrikaans Nederlands Română русский Український አማርኛ Azərbaycan dili Euskara български Беларуская বাংলা Català Sugbuanon Corsu čeština Cymraeg dansk Ελληνικά English Esperanto Español Eestlane فارسی Suomalainen Gaeilge Gàidhlig na h-Alba Galego ગુજરાતી होउसा Ōlelo Hawaiʻi हिंदी Hmong Hrvatski Kreyòl ayisyen Magyar հայերեն Bosanski bahasa Indonesia Igbo ungverska Italiano עִברִית Wong jawa ქართველი Қазақ ខ្មែរ ಕನ್ನಡ 한국어 Kurdî Кыргызча Latine Lëtzebuergesch ລາວ Lietuvis Latvietis Malagasy Maori Македонски മലയാളം Монгол मराठी Bahasa Melayu Malti नेपाली norsk ଓଡିଆ ਪੰਜਾਬੀ Polskie پښتو Português Kinyarwanda سنڌي සිංහල Slovák Slovenščina Faasamoa Shona Soomaali Shqiptare Српски Sundanis svenska Kiswahili தமிழ் తెలుగు Тоҷикӣ ไทย Türkmenler Татар ئۇيغۇر اردو O’zbek Tiếng Việt isiXhosa יידיש Yoruba Zul
submitted by TexasBob101 to PrayerTeam_amen [link] [comments]

2024.05.09 11:07 MccFan43862 Which Minecraft Creators Should Join MCC Day 41 (Tick Means They Are Now In The Event)

Which Minecraft Creators Should Join MCC Day 41 (Tick Means They Are Now In The Event) submitted by MccFan43862 to MinecraftChampionship [link] [comments]

2024.05.09 03:40 Strong_Tell499 iSoftTek Solutions Inc is hiring Java AWS Engineer - McLean Virginia US McLean, VA [SQL Docker Java AWS DynamoDB API]

submitted by Strong_Tell499 to USJobLeads [link] [comments]

2024.05.06 15:31 TELMxWILSON Huge week with over 150 new releases! Shy FX, Friction, ShockOne, DJ Sofa, Tim Reaper, Burr Oak, Dossa and more.. Review of Stellar Audio’s stellar new compilation [+weekly updated Spotify playlist] New Music Monday! (Week 19)

Weekly updated Spotify Playlist H2L: New Drum & Bass
Soundcloud Playlist H2L: New Drum & Bass Soundcloud
Youtube Playlist H2L: New Drum & Bass Youtube
Youtube Music Playlist H2L: New Drum & Bass YT Music
Apple Music Playlist H2L: New Drum & Bass Apple Music
Retroactive Playlist H2L: Retroactive New DnB
Last Week's list http://reddit.com/1cfxe4p
Follow us on Instagram TELMxWILSON, lefuniname, voynich

Picks Of The Week (by u/lefuniname)

1. Various Artists - Venus Remixed EP 💎 [Stellar Audio]

Recommended if you like: Puzzle, Vici, Cuepric
You guys remember how obsessed I am with Austrian sound wizard Puzzle right? Long-time readers with very good memory will remember how much I raved about his debut EP True Colours back in early 2021, but even those with slightly worse memory might recall my massive enjoyment of his double single on Deep Within in 2023. Ever since Jonas started incorporating his own, wonderful vocals into his fire(le) productions, whether on Empathy Audio, High Tea, or his various collaborations with man like [BORDERS] on FUTURE (might come back to this in a few weeks), I think I've become what scientists call a Super Stan.
Today, however, we take a look at what other talented producers of the techy spheres of the genre have created out of Puzzle's stunningly three-tracking original, the Venus EP on Stellar Audio, back in 2022. If you thought his originals were sick already, you better fasten your seatbelts for what his personally curated remixers managed to do with it, on Venus Remixed, this week's Hidden Gem Of The Week™!
Track 1: Puzzle - Flimmer VIP
As a bit of an appetizer for this rather filling 6 course meal, Jonas goes first and shows off his VIP of the original EP's opener, Flimmer. Inspired by the modern trends of our time, this slight rework takes your usual drop expectations und pulls the rug out from underneath you, not only faking you out, but then hitting you with another short but super hype-inducing buildup, before firing off a fully supercharged version of the original, with each blast of energy going crazier and crazier until things calm down a bit again.
Track 2: Puzzle - Flimmer (Sign Remix)
That's not all the Flimmer action we're getting on here though! For this first third-party remix, Jonas got Estonian multi-talent and -parent Stanislav Bōtskovski, better known as Sign, to sign onto the project. With releases on Sinful Maze, Surveillance Music, In The Lab, VALE and All172Things, he has basically been part of all my favourite underground labels since his debut in 2020, so it's almost surprising it took me so long to talk about him on here! Alongside said label-hosted mayhem-causing madness, he's also been very busy delivering one crazy self-release after the other, sometimes the normal way as Sign, sometimes the collaborative way as ESSENTIE with DMTR, sometimes the more out-there way as PHONEBOT with just his trusty smartphone DAW. However, since said side project took off, he not only gained a whole new appreciation for the flexibility mobile production provides (especially after having another kid), he also realised he could produce tunes just as well on the go as in his studio, so he hit the off switch on poor PHONEBŌT and assimilated the remains into his Sign project.
In fact, this very remix used to be a phonebotleg, until it was turned into the official remix it is now! And who could blame Puzzle for wanting this one included on the package? Not only are the vibes on point during the subdued buildup, the way it launches into this extra groovy, syncopated version of the synth lead, with extra spicy rhythmic pew-pew action happening in the response, is just addictive!
Track 3: Puzzle - Flimmer (Impartial Remix)
For those still holding on to that flimmer of hope for a proper new remix, I've got great news: London-born-and-based Luka Kljutic, aka Impartial took a crack at it too! As Empathee, back when he was just a young lad, his massively filthy jump up selections were already tearing up dancefloors wherever he went, as evidenced by his entries to the Next Hype DJ competitions back in 2017/2018. Over time, he grew to love the more deep and dark roller type beats though, not just for his entry to the Beastwang competition, but also his very own productions, the first of which arrived in late 2018. However, he wasn't quite happy with the branding he had chosen for himself as a teenager and with the arrival of his very first bootleg, of Mura Masa's Lovesick, he took the opportunity to present a brand new him: Impartial! Another couple free downloads later, the Impartial project would go through a bit of a hiatus period though, only picking back up again in 2021 with his bootleg of Concept of Thought's Misty Blue, after which the flood gates of sickness were properly opened. Not only did we get his Stellar Audio debut on the acclaimed Accretion VA EP, Luka also delivered his out-of-this-world (but inside-this-solar-system) Mercury four-tracker, featured on VISION Radio (but regrettably not on here), and his contribution to Soulvent's Soul Music 2022 compilation.
Since then, it has become a little quiet on the release front again, save for a couple free downloads here and there, but luckily, this drought ends now, with, in my opinion, his best work to date, which is saying something! After so much Flimmering, you kind of get desensitised to the catchy melody, leading to multiple remixes in a row risking a sort of "blending into each other" effect, but Luka put so much work into creating unique variations of the lead, even the most worn-down ears will start paying attention again. Not only does the intro take the melody and turn it into an actual orchestral arrangement, full of aggressive strings and all sorts of rhythmic drum action, the evolution the original's call-and-response takes during the drop is simply staggering. The sound design during the relatively subdued calls is so tasty, the way the energy is cranked up to 11 on the response is so satisfying, the back-and-forth between the suave snappy drums and more heavy-hitting ones is just so damn cool, and the energy explosion in the second drop rounds the progression off so perfectly, that this remix has instantly become one of my favourite tunes of the year. Honestly insane.
Track 4: Puzzle - Glow (Moekel Remix)
Jonas didn't just reach out across the European continent for his remix candidates though, he knew he had a couple sick ones right at home too, starting with my go-to underrated artist for years now, Moekel! Straight outta Graz, Austria, Michael has been gracing the scene with one uniquely vibey and/or heavy release after the other, with me covering him a bunch of times along the way. Since last time we talked about him on here in 2022, he's expanded his reach into the scene a lot, finding success on wonderful labels like onesevenfour, DIVIDID (via the WeAreHumans compilation), and now Stellar! For this wonderful collision of two worlds I adore, Moekel brought out some of his finest technical work yet: we've got the pounding 4x4 hype buildup letting us know that this version of Glow is gonna be more in-your-face, the vibey vocals being chopped up and turned into a staccato synth feast for the senses, proper electric energy emitting from the distorted laserbeams in the second half and just an all-around stimulating, forward-driving energy. Moekelicious!
Track 5: Puzzle - Beam (Dub Ten Remix)
Don't worry, we've got more Austriathletes to marvel at on here: Certified Ty-roller Dub Ten has also contri- and de-buted! Since we talked about his most wonderful debut release on here last year, the Empathy Audio ambassador has not just been delivering all sorts of sick singles and even his debut EP on the home label, he has also spread his wings and flown over to the Yamatai and Flexout (or XOU, technically) camps with some rather big chunes - and now, he's adding Stellar to his label rollerdex (intended)! For this joyous occasion, Gabriel took on the synth whirlwind Beam and turned it into a proper club banger. Allow me to explain what the hell I mean with that: Not only did he reign in the synths a bit and packaged them up with an intensely rattling growl for some catchy back-and-forthery, he also managed to bring down the whole crazy emotional energy a bunch of notches by turning the synths into these gloomy versions of themselves, leading to a way more sinister overall atmosphere. Not to mention the aggressive drums and the down-turning bassline that'll make you feel like the plane you're sitting in has just entered a nosedive, filling you with a sense of dread - in a good way! I give this one a Dub Ten outta Ten!
Track 6: Puzzle - Beam (TEK-DIF Remix)
For our last stop here, we've got a name my fellow subreddit enjoyers will surely have seen roaming around a bunch: TEK-DIF! Consisting of Connor Simcox, who used to DJ solo as Simmo and won a The Office-themed pub quiz once, and James Canning, who is too private for me to find anything out about, this Nottingham-based duo has not just been grinding on the production front since at least 2019 now, Connor has also been hitting the promo grind all over the relevant subreddits ever since they joined forces, which is how I first found out about them back in 2020! After a slew of already rather sick self-releases (Inversion is my fav from that era), they landed their debut EP on Forest Biz, and just a year later, their contribution to the woodland venture's Nocturna compilation, Intrepid, got premiered on VISION Radio! They had already been around for a while, but over the next couple years the dynamic duo entrenched themselves into the scene more and more, racking up all sorts of unique, sometimes even multi-genre, releases across Breakbeats & Basslines, Impact Music and the aforementioned tree enterprise, and guest mixes on Subtle and Reprezent's radio shows - eventually landing on Puzzle's radar, leading to their Stellar debut!
They, too, chose to rework the synth firework Beam, but they took a (tek-)different approach. With an emphasis on breaks, in that it both features a lot of wild, breaky drum action and the synths take little breaks in between the onslaught, Connor and James offer not just this package's most rhythmically interesting take on Puzzle's originals, with the rather large bombshell explosions going off everywhere they also manage to rattle you to your very core all at once. Very sick stuff!
Turns out Puzzle isn't just amazing at picking out and putting together incredible sounds to turn them into insanely creative end results, he is almost even better at doing the same with remixers. Of course, this kind of techy sound is rather niche and underground, hence the Hidden Gem status, but as far as I'm concerned, this package is just one instant classic remix after the other. I love all of this so much.
Other techy things from this week: - SiLi - The Journey LP ❤️ (couldn't fit it in anymore sadly) - Dossa - Mamunabu (his solo debut!) - Neezko - Muttnik / Zikade 💎 (from last week but still!) - Rido - Keep Austin Weird - Refracta - Forgotten (Notlost) (that part is part of the actual title and not from me)

New Releases

General DnB / Mixed


Jump up in comments due to post character limit.

submitted by TELMxWILSON to DnB [link] [comments]

2024.05.03 17:56 fakegoldrose April Report Pt. 1 - Spotify Artists below 200 Monthly Listeners

Hello for the 10th month in a row.
Disclaimer: Please note that this list is not exclusively phonk and includes related genres such as memphis revival and dungeon rap.
Here is my list of spotify artists who have less than 200 Monthly listeners, check out something new for me (Highlighted favorites)
<200:$xmWFH, Eternal Ryodan, LXNLEYCHAXS, Djjt, TVIKO$HERO, Hoodiemane, B V N N $, mvp spenz, BITSA MANIAC, THriste, BAKERSAGA, KAZAMANE, ACRYL64, FrquentC, SICKPLAYA666, STXCHE, DJ Lordmindtrip, glaucoma, Svppy, MORK, DJ SHENRON, dvnce, ruche1, Fi$HSK*LE, No Show, DEITYCLICK, INTER FACE, ODXN536, BUMPER BUTCHER, CXLIN,mehkel, INBORN, URSLOWER, Imperivm, SAUCETRIPPY, MAIM, Wtfthisyear, ALPKCHW, RendezVou$, SorryMane, SOLZAR, CHOLOMANE, DJ SKINNY PRINCE, EGOTHREAT, SANJI, Straight Outta Hell, Orochimane, Eust4che, грабь KACCу, DJ Dark Masta, DJ WAMY, Zombie Murdaz, CLONAZEMANE, SPIRITUUM MALIGNUM, DJ 7800, DJ Zepes, JAMES HUSTLA, nvmeless, Wardless, SPANISH G, XTRIPMANE, DIRSA, lvtrx, MUDMANE
<100: AWVRE, CERBERAMANE, INDXX, LXWKXXY, Ataroyl, DVNTV$, DJVNE, DJ Bucketz, Tegnone, 410GONE, 1999, BAD Idea., TMUT, Sanpura, MOB TIES, andrew, DJ STICKE, sogakan, DINNA, YUNG $ILVERBACK, VLS, Kind JoJo, Saint, YG'SKIES, k v lt, ESSS BEEE, L19u1d Playa, DJ HELLA, SCARECROW MANIAC, Terrorflip, MOBB LORDS, raigeki, NORTHEAST FAM, KENNYSIX, Runnin, PRNYNG, Eastwest, BLVS3D, TRILLAH JONES, 12-Riot, DJ Naxxramus, Mista Mane, Casadie, PUROHUE$$O, AK.HAZARD, STILLASAME, Cassettemane, betterthanlynn, menø., DJ HAZY HAZE, PLAYA DJEEZ, Young Horse, DJ IMPALA, KRUSHA, LXBERTY MXTION, HXXDRICHMANE, Abusemane, EuqSellKillah, D.D.PRAMA G, 4realsinjas, TRENCHFOOT, Beezy Flame, DJ SLAYERMANE, sunderss, MALT, RXVIVAL, G-SVS, .arima, ARswisha, CROSSPAIN, Ekonoir, strqo, S2k, DEATH808, Thuggish Souljah, Beats by Drake, JONNY EUPHON, Check Ya Technique, $cary Mane, DJ SOPIME, Dimez, LITTLE RAVEN, JEFF.HRZ, OLDYMANE, Prod. Geek, Norti, caio4ever, mushout, MACK FROST, pvrple$$mxke2k, RAINE R, DOOMASAC, COMPTON WOOD, OG WOOD$IZE, FUXKLOWK3Y, DJ CIABERPUNK, DJ SXLuS, $aibot Killah, STILLMANE, Gelato .45, 2STRANGE, ONIXMANE PLAYA, Kamikoto SHINJI, HYKIOS, SCHMONEY KID, AXGXSTGXD, COPYBARAMANE, Moolah, BEAMER MANE, CRIMINAL SIDEMACK, Mighty Bat, ONITEX HASSE, Matthew Franks, DJ Bxxmer 13, YOUNG$K8LXRD, TripleSeven, DANKHVNK, DAZED SQUAD, Thoughtful, BRING DA RUCKUZ, HIGHEST.HOMINID, HVCED, Vurzeh, summersberry27, LUNATIC WU옷, DJ PANXS, DJ Morphine, Vedebe, WADE SHAPPER, MC $tack, Holysus, DJ FAITHLESS, Kxrlxne, PROD. VALKO, GANGSHI PLAYA, WESTSIDE KRYSIS, Skymane, Rat, FABIO GABBANA, BLANGO, 3DEMI, YUNG LABOR, Pure Ice, GraveRobShawty, COPYMANE, LEAN MANE, TRAP WIZARRD, JR Beatz, SMIRK2KILL, Thrax808, JOHNDOE, DJ CHROMATIC, DJ PLAYATENDO, hotblaq, K.R. TOB!N, KRISTOF, yvngcasket, COURSED DOLPHIN, kobyy, DJ GARFILD, Yogi Barrier, DJAKIRA, kushgrvnd, Felix Beats, TOSEINA, SOULLESSBOI, 6kgun, K1NZE, DEMONS MORGUE, DJ Teijo, DJ BUCKMANE, Kenshomafia, $ELLING DOPE, MENACEOUTDAKUT, MEGATRONS REVENGE, GinGrey, MOBBSTONE, CLOUDYSKIES, PWS, Propane Vincent, CRXWLEX, THUGGISH FRED, Sippin Lord
Catch Part 2 tomorrow with artists below 1k listeners!
submitted by fakegoldrose to phonk [link] [comments]

2024.04.30 19:19 newmusicrls Beatport Best New Hype Techno (Peak Time / Driving) April 2024

  1. Ominousboy – Elysium (Original Mix) 07:00 132bpm 4A
  2. Windeskind, Sami D. – Nebula (Original Mix) 05:52 132bpm 12B
  3. Mainterm – Cosmic Whispers (Original Mix) 07:11 67bpm 6B
  4. The YellowHeads – The Prophecy (Original Mix) 05:13 130bpm 6A
  5. Belu Colombo – Cupid’s Soul (Original Mix) 06:08 138bpm 10B
  6. Jangosounds – Zephyr (Original Mix) 05:08 138bpm 8B
  7. AIO – Purple Grain (Extended Mix) 07:00 130bpm 10B
  8. Cyrus – Look Into My Eyes (Extended Mix) 03:49 128bpm 4B
  9. DJ Panda – Milleluci (Original Mix) 06:25 132bpm 11B
  10. Oscar L – Love Me (Extended Mix) 06:33 131bpm 4B
  11. Tabis & Dawn, Denis Rabbe – This Is the Time feat. Denis Rabbe (Original Mix) 05:55 132bpm 2B
  12. Julius Friedemann, Niqo Sanvt – Galaksija (Original Mix) 07:17 128bpm 9B
  13. Antonio Galant – Big Chain (Original Mix) 06:40 136bpm 11B
  14. Corti Organ – 2 The Start (Extended Mix) 05:44 130bpm 6A
  15. Inner Dark – Euphoria (Original Mix) 06:16 130bpm 3B
  16. Damian Wasse – Chernobyl (Extended Mix) 05:13 130bpm 12B
  17. Agustin Müller – Too Late (Original Mix) 06:25 131bpm 2A
  18. VGLNTE – Don’t You (Original Mix) 06:07 131bpm 11A
  19. LEDIÖ – Flexcore (Original mix) 05:52 150bpm 4A
  20. Justus Reim – Anemoia (Original Mix) 06:41 130bpm 6A
  21. apaull – (I’m A) Sexy Bitch (Original Mix) 05:45 138bpm 9B
  22. Julian Meinke – Sanctuum (Original Mix) 04:19 135bpm 4B
  23. Justin Hahn – Awaken My Soul (Original) 05:42 136bpm 9B
  24. Berto (DE) – New Wave (APHE Remix) 07:10 126bpm 9B
  25. Delix – Reset Your Mind (Original Mix) 06:51 126bpm 8B
  26. RanchaTek, Phased – Serpens (Original Mix) 06:22 133bpm 9B
  27. Raho – Acid Controls My Mind (Original Mix) 06:00 140bpm 7A
  28. Invadia – Voices of Opera (Original Mix) 06:20 133bpm 11B
  29. Paul The Horse – Sound The Alarm (Original Mix) 05:49 136bpm 8A
  30. Stupid Boy – Requiem (Original Mix) 05:39 135bpm 4B
  31. Thoms Snooze, Ronnye M – Preasure (Original Mix) 05:23 131bpm 2B
  32. Vasvi – Welcome To Shambala (Original Mix) 06:58 130bpm 7B
  33. Atroxx – The Connection (Original Mix) 06:24 130bpm 9A
  34. Gizmo & Mac – Dominate (Original Mix) 05:40 134bpm 6B
  35. Teenage Mutants, Stoked – Climax (Original) 07:07 134bpm 9B
  36. undercod – Muzha (Original Mix) 05:55 138bpm 4B
  37. Gaga, Mateo! – Crimes (Original Mix) 06:26 128bpm 8B
  38. Walta – Take (Original Mix) 06:04 135bpm 6A
  39. Alex Nocera, Matteo Magni – Rise Your Mind (Original Mix) 05:23 135bpm 10B
  40. Redemption – Salvation (Original Mix) 06:00 130bpm 4B
  41. NoNameLeft – Alterra (Original Mix) 06:38 127bpm 1B
  42. Verschallt – Delusion (Original Mix) 07:07 127bpm 2B
  43. Paulo Moreno – Mind Losing (Original Mix) 06:43 132bpm 10B
  44. Ominousboy – Obscure Universe (Original Mix) 06:52 132bpm 7A
  45. Terence Fixmer – Another End (Original Mix) 05:54 128bpm 1A
  46. TiM TASTE – Parasite (Original Mix) 06:34 128bpm 11B
  47. ISMAIL.M – Simulated Reality (Original Mix) 07:23 130bpm 8B
  48. Deepnotic – Green Spaceships (Original Mix) 06:31 128bpm 7B
  49. Melgazzo, Hasegawa – Atelophobia (Original Mix) 06:16 134bpm 2B
  50. Jay Lumen – Bang To The Beat (Extended Mix) 05:56 136bpm 11B
  51. Perpetual Universe, HK:22 – A Deeper Universe (Original Mix) 07:05 128bpm 6A
  52. Kevam – Monde (Original Mix) 05:04 140bpm 10B
  53. Hellish – Deconcentrate (Original Mix) 06:33 132bpm 6A
  54. NOFACE303 – Bodywork (Original Mix) 07:05 132bpm 6B
  55. Dark Cities – Closer (Original Mix) 05:25 132bpm 2A
  56. ALVES (PT) – Darker Times (Original Mix) 06:20 133bpm 9B
  57. Frankie HI-NRG MC, yofellas – Faida (feat. Frankie hi-nrg mc) (Original Mix) 05:26 136bpm 12A
  58. Jesse Wild3 – Nazgul’s March (Original Mix) 07:08 136bpm 10B
  59. VE/RA – My Side (Original Mix) 05:42 145bpm 7B
  60. Return Fall – Rave Machine (Original Mix) 05:43 137bpm 3A
  61. Eddie Krystal – Onyx (Original Mix) 06:32 132bpm 9B
  62. Luis M – Metamorphosis (Original Mix) 06:43 128bpm 3B
  63. Veerus – Layer (Original Mix) 07:45 132bpm 8B
  64. Drumcomplex – Who Like Chords (Original Mix) 03:48 130bpm 9B
  65. Helen Kogay – Solar Sync (Original Mix) 05:16 132bpm 1B
  66. Amrit (IN) – Non-Newtonian Fluid (Astro Pleasure Remix) 07:11 128bpm 10B
  67. ARMYSTRIAL – Night Long (Original Mix) 07:12 131bpm 2B
  68. YVC – Piece of Mind (Original Mix) 06:39 128bpm 4B
  69. Anna Reusch – Nasty (Original Mix) 06:07 138bpm 8B
  70. Yukede – Me Encanta Bailar (Original Mix) 06:04 135bpm 6A
  71. Piero Dp – Lost (Original Mix) 04:50 132bpm 8B
  72. Simina Grigoriu – Iron Angel (Original Mix) 05:45 136bpm 4A
  73. Karim Alkhayat, Patrick Scuro, Anela – How to Create (Original Mix) 06:49 136bpm 4B
  74. Reza Golroo, Giancarlo Di Chiara – Poison (Dominus Remix) 06:06 127bpm 5B
  75. Thomas Labermair, RN7 – Enter the Matrix (Original Mix) 05:45 134bpm 11A
  76. NÚRIA (DE) – Revive (Original Mix) 06:13 135bpm 11B
  77. Varsente – Your Name (Original Mix) 06:08 138bpm 12B
  78. Mario Ochoa – Paradox (Original Mix) 05:43 137bpm 9A
  79. Atmosline – Bulgarian Trip (Original Mix) 06:55 130bpm 10B
submitted by newmusicrls to HypeTracks [link] [comments]

2024.04.27 12:45 fail-deadly- Directive 7395: Liberty Prime Tells Why it was the Enclave Who Started the Great War (Spoilers)

Initiating directive 7395 - destroy all Communists
Liberty Prime has numerous memorable quotes, including what may be one of the most important quotes in Fallout lore:
“Initiating directive 7395 - destroy all Communists.”
Out of universe Liberty Prime’s quotes are over the top, satirical, propaganda sayings by a big stompy robot who leads players to exciting end-game set piece battles. However, in universe, his quotes are deadly serious. Liberty Prime, gives operational updates like “Revised stratagem: Initiate photonic resonance overcharge.” Other quotes, like “America will never fall to Communist invasion” are not just propaganda, but I believe they are the guiding values of the American wartime government in the Fallout universe. His quote about directive 7395 is not propaganda, it’s an operational update indicating that the robot is now following orders as part of a wider strategy to destroy communism.
I believe this is the directive authorizing the U.S. military to prepare for and launch an overwhelming attack including a preemptive nuclear attack if necessary, to ensure the destruction of all communists, including those individuals assisting in a communist victory, such as American citizens in conflict with the government or those embracing communism. This may even be the administrative mechanism for the creation of the Enclave, if there was any legal or Constitutional processes followed to create it. It is also most likely an electronic backdoor that allowed the Enclave and defense contractors like Vault-Tec to make use of automated nuclear weapon systems, including Liberty Prime.
It’s likely the Enclave started out a legitimate Continuity of Government plan in the case of an overwhelming nuclear war, and then when mixed with the Vault-Tec led conspiracy, it became something else. Before the great war there was overlap with legitimate U.S. government functions, as well as legitimate U.S. government contractor interactions, along with the conspiracy. Think of the prewar Enclave as the intersecting area in a Venn diagram between the government, the corporations, the conspiracy, and the plan for surviving the great war.
Communist detected on American Soil lethal force engaged
In the Fallout universe, the United States government appears to have fully embraced a form of hyper-capitalist values that draws both from Ayn Rand's Objectivist ideology as well as paranoid nationalism inspired by McCarthyism. To the U.S. government and its Enclave shadow, communism was the ultimate evil. The Government/Enclave, after a decade of brutal war, likely saw any criticism of their version of capitalism or calls for economic justice as communist agitation that threatened to destabilize America from within. Since it’s happening in the midst of a war for the very survival of the nation, I’m sure it’s seen as treason instead of patriotism. An example of this is teaching kids in Pioneer Scouts that labor unions are the first step to communism. There are many instances in the game when informed consent for consumers and the governed are frowned upon if it interferes with businesses making money or government plans.
To defeat communism, the conspirator’s plan appears to be equal parts Atlas Shrugged* and Dr. Strangelove or: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Bomb. Run off to a hidden capitalist utopia underground or offshore and nuke everything else back to the stone age. I think Directive 7395 is the crux of the Enclave’s strategy and is behind the nuclear war. They had to destroy as much as possible to stop communism. The Government’s/Enclave's existential fear of communism, fueled by Vault-Tec's self-serving manipulation, led the Enclave to prepare to launch a nuclear war to fulfill Directive 7395's order to destroy all communists.
Better Dead than Red
By the late 2070s, although the U.S. military had made progress against Chinese forces, having both liberated Anchorage, and having taken the fight to the Chinese mainland things seems like they were at a stalemate. Back home American society was on the brink of collapse due to resource shortages, economic inequality, labor unrest, caused by the replacement of human workers with robots, and according to the show a government that is broke. So, it’s likely the government probably feels compelled to end the war, so it can try and stabilize the situation. There are mentions of peace negotiations, and how they threaten Vault-Tec’s investments for the end of the world. Finally, there is Mr. House’s calculations that nuclear war is inevitable by 2080, which means that it is unlikely, even if the war ended peacefully in 2077, that the post war world would be nothing but nuka-cola, drive in theaters, ice cream socials for all with and a Mr. Handy in every house.
Based on the Fallout TV show and games, we see evidence indicating that Vault-Tec did not directly drop the bombs, though it is highly likely that they prodded the U.S. government into nuclear war after it began to conspire with other companies. I’ll get to that evidence later. The most likely method for starting a nuclear war is that Vault-Tec, or another company/individual involved in the conspiracy delivered a report or analysis to the U.S. leadership claiming that a communist revolution within the U.S. was inevitable and that the government lacked the resources to maintain control after the end of the war, even if the US did defeat China by either conventional or nuclear means. There was likely a great deal of truth to the report. Believing this warning, the U.S. concluded that a preemptive nuclear strike against all communist, including the one that had infiltrated U.S. society at every level, was the only way to prevent a communist victory. That continuing the war as they were currently fighting in 2077 would not result in victory, and simply ending the war peacefully, would result in defeat. They needed a different strategy.
This is where Directive 7395 comes in - Liberty Prime states it is an order to "destroy all communists" with one of the government’s goals being to make "Chinese victory impossible." Liberty Prime mentions both communist, and the Chinese in various statements, so communist is a distinct term from Chinese.
Faced with false or misleading projections of a successful communist uprising even with China's destruction, the government/Enclave broadly interpreted Directive 7395 as a mandate for all-out nuclear war. The death and destruction from this wasn’t an issue, because as Liberty Prime states “Death is a preferable alternative to Communism.”
In game, this isn’t a joke told by a walking meme machine; this is a core belief of the U.S. leadership after a decade of brutal war with communist China.
Communism Is A Lie
The Enclave's definition of "communist" almost certainly included any Americans protesting the government or demanding economic reforms. We know that Cadillac Bob, Cooper Howard, Treasurer Robert Yemlin (who uncovered financial fraud in Boston), and the people interned at Little Yangtze were all accused of being communists. The government encouraged people to inform on suspected communists. Though most reports to the Vigilant Citizen’s Hotline and calls to 1-800-REPORT-RED, probably were less actual commie devils, and more likely innocent neighbors and co-workers. While the government and society likely falsely accused many people, there were actual Chinese communist infiltrators operating in America, some equipped with advanced stealth suits causing havoc. It wasn’t all paranoia on the part of government officials, but it likely helped the government maintain control, because authorities could label those who would speak out about real abuses, people like Treasurer Yemlin, as communists and dismiss legitimate claims and grievances against the government or its backers.
To the Enclave, killing millions of U.S. citizens in a preemptive nuclear strike that started a global nuclear war was preferable to allowing communism any chance of success. Embracing ideological fanaticism, the Enclave, trigged by Vault-Tec's self-serving manipulations, was striking first to implement Directive 7395, even if it meant destroying the very country they claimed to defend along with China, and what remained of the Soviet Union and other communist countries. They had to destroy everything not just in China, but in the U.S. as well, to prevent the communists from surviving the war on the surface. Besides a few Chinese ghoul remnants, from all we know 200 years later, the Enclave did defeat Communism, at least in America, and rendered it incapable of threatening America from China. So, the plan was effective in the destroying communism portion, but not as successful in the portion about preserving a pre-war America capable of reclaiming the nation after the nuclear war, so either their plan was flawed, or rushed, or both. This plan took months or longer to implement, and on Oct. 23, while there is a chance China may have launched first, this doesn’t matter. Regardless of if China or the Enclave launched first, in either case it was as a direct result of the culmination of the Enclave’s implementation of directive 7395. However, I think there is evidence showing China did not launch first.
Tactical Assessment: Red Chinese Victory - Impossible
If China did launch first, it was only because their spies saw the strike was imminent, as in certain to happen in hours or days, and they were just following a policy of Mutually Assured Destruction. Since China had directly fought the U.S. for years, it appears like neither side wanted an all-out nuclear war before the Vault-Tec meeting. The reason Chinese nuclear deterrence failed in 2077 after it had worked for decades, was because the U.S. government changed its strategy, so that a massive nuclear war that destroyed most of the United States was a key element of the U.S. plan for victory because of directive 7395, instead of something the U.S. was actively avoiding.

There was no warning in Los Angeles on the day of the strike, meaning the strike either had to come from either a stealth attack or something every close. Some likely candidates are a Chinese ballistic missile submarine stationed close off the West coast, or an U.S. orbital weapons platform (most likely one similar to the Kovac-Muldoon orbital platform, since it has stealth systems), or from bombs positioned underground in the city instead of an ICBM or bomber originating from China that U.S. defenses could detect.

The undetected attack on L.A. is evidence that it wasn’t a Chinese preemptive nuclear attack. If China was attacking first, especially if it was to stop a pending U.S. attack, some of the targets would have been command and control centers. The Chinese likely did not know the full details of the Enclave's preemptive strike plan, as they did not preemptively attack the President's location after it leaked in the press. Since they didn’t attack the oil rig, or any of the command vaults like Vault 31, it shows that the Chinese didn’t know about the facilities, which means that their intelligence probably wasn’t good enough to launch a preemptive attack based on deep knowledge of the Vault-Tec led conspiracy or the existence of the Enclave. An oil rig in the Pacific seems like it should be a much easier target than Washington D.C., yet China hit D.C. hard, but left the oil rig intact, so it’s unlikely the Chinese had time to change their plans, and to try and decapitate the U.S. government, indicating they did not strike first.

Because there was another nuclear strike on Shady Sands long after the destruction of China, I think a U.S. orbital weapons platform is the most likely culprit, owing to the fact it was unlikely Vault-Tec or the Enclave would bury a nuclear bomb under a location for a city that wasn’t founded yet. We know there are orbital weapons platforms still operational by the time of Fallout 3. If this is the case, then not only was the Enclave in the process of striking first, they did indeed launch first too. After the first launch, then the nukes from both sides hit targets as part of Mutually Assured Destruction nuclear war doctrine both sides, and possibly even the USSR if it still existed, followed, using nuclear arsenals each side had amassed for years.

Here is the timeline of events leading to the Great War on October 23, 2077:

October 23, 2077: The Great War begins. Cooper Howard is working at a birthday party with his daughter. Happens before afternoon delivery of the platinum chip. The populace takes shelter in vaults. That afternoon, game four of the World Series between Boston and Texas scheduled to begin. Boston has a 3-0 advantage. Vault-Tec's experiments begin in earnest as the bombs fall and seem to start immediately in in places like Vault 101.

October 24, 2077: Between 2:00 a.m. and 6:00 a.m. upgraded Vegas air defense systems slated to come online after the delivery and installation of the platinum chip. However, this was approximately 20 hours after the beginning of the Great War, and it never happened. Mr. House said he thought this would be plenty of time after this, before the Great War started, but he was mistaken.

October 27, 2077: Mariposa Military Base mutineers head to the Lost Hills bunker.

The last domino falls here
Evidence from the shows and games is it is likely the meeting happened in late 2076 or earlier, because the news reports mentioned the upcoming winter, and since a REPCONN executive attended, that would seem to indicate they are still an independent company, and RobCo hadn’t completed its late 2076 acquisition of REPCONN. Additionally, if Cooper and Barb have divorced, they need time for that to work its way through the court system. That should take several months, unless laws speed it up for cases of suspected communists like Cooper, or if there is an automated solution, possibly a General Atomics International Mr. Judgy, who dispenses impartial justice swiftly. However, Janey doesn’t appear to have aged much between from the earliest flashbacks to the day of the attack, so we’re talking a year, maybe 18 months at most, instead of several years.

Another important possible outcome of the meeting was most likely that West-Tek received approval to move FEV research to the Mariposa Military Base.

Chairman Cheng will fail, China will fall
The "Romeo" time zone referenced at the Switchboard terminals in Boston may not represent Eastern Time in Fallout. It likely switched from Eastern to Pacific Time sometime after when the president relocated to the oil rig. Therefore, the 9:42 AM timestamp in Boston corresponds to 9:42 AM Pacific Time instead of 6:42 AM Pacific Time. One other possibility since clocks in Nevada and Washington D.C. are both frozen just before 10, is because Romeo time now covers all the United States. In the TV series, the attack on Los Angeles appears to happen during daytime, with children watching Saturday morning cartoons. This suggests the bombs fell after sunrise but before noon in the Pacific Time Zone. Other supporting evidence for this is that the Platinum chip hadn’t arrived yet (and that should have occurred after noon), and the pre-war ghoul Carol in D.C. said the attacks occurred on the West Coast first. The West Coast attack seemed like it started minutes after the beginning of a Grognak episode playing as part of Saturday morning cartoons. Saturday morning cartoons in our world usually had a schedule from around 7 a.m. until noon, with sports coming on after. I think this West Coast attack could have been around 9:05ish a.m. Pacific Daylight Time. I’m guessing game four of the World Series was set to start around 12-4 p.m. EDT (Boston Bugle said it should happen on the afternoon of Oct. 23) or 12-2 if all clocks are set the same, which could have been why the birthday party was early in the morning. Basically, the birthday party happens early, so the guests could then watch the world series and see if Boston clinched its first victory in 159 years a bit later in the day.

[Yes, I understand that the real reason is out of universe they recycled assets, so that is why clocks in both Nevada and Washington D.C. have the same time, and then Fallout 4 added in the text to explain the clocks.]

Since it appears that it takes ICBMs about 30 minutes to cross continents, it’s likely that the first attacks on West Coast occur, since there were no news reports, or civil defense nuclear strike warnings. Chinese satellites detected the attacks, then around 9:13 China launched its first retaliation, which U.S. forces detected, as reported in the Switchboard terminal in Boston. Chinese nuclear weapons most likely detonated above the atmosphere to cause an EMP as part of this original retaliation, stopping the clocks, and is most likely why Romeo time covers the entire U.S.at least for the clocks that changed to Romeo time and didn’t stay on the older time zones, and is based on Pacific time, since both Nevada and D.C. have clocks stopped at the exact same time. The West Coast may have been an ideal first strike location not only because of all the infrastructure there, but if the U.S. wasn’t monitoring it (either because they normally didn’t monitor it, or the Enclave interfered with the monitoring) and the Chinese were, then a Chinese retaliatory attack could have looked like a first strike to the U.S. not aware of the Enclave’s plans, making it easier for the Enclave to reassert control when they were ready, than if any survivors realized it was the Enclave that struck first. This would allow the Enclave to blame communism for the sorry state of the nation.

We will not fear the red menace
The attack caught Vault-Tec's executives and co-conspirators who had intimate knowledge of the plan to end the world off-guard. If Vault-Tec had directly orchestrated the war, its leadership would have been better prepared. I’m not say nobody at Vault-Tec knew by Oct. 23, but it certainly doesn’t seem to be common knowledge among conspirators weeks before the attack. One person not knowing is chance, two people not knowing is coincidence, three key members of the conspiracy not knowing show it is the Enclave taking initiative to launch the attack on an accelerated timeline without the Vault-Tec conspirators’ knowledge:

One: Mr. House, who had insider knowledge, was surprised by the timing of the attacks. His misjudgment suggests that Vault-Tec didn't have precise control over when the Enclave would strike, since it came 20 hours before he was ready, and he thought he had plenty of time (though when he said plenty that was unclear if he meant hours, days, or weeks, it’s unlikely it was months or years). Mr. House almost died in the attack.

Two: Barb Howard seemingly lets her estranged husband who most certainly is not on the good vault list take her beloved daughter to a birthday party, at what happens to be the exact time of the attacks in close vicinity of a city that’s without question on the target list. This seems unnecessarily risky, and quite out of character for her.

Three: Less than two weeks before the war, Leon Von Felden was overseeing research on the Forced Evolutionary Virus project, and it did not appear that he knew the war was coming, nor did it seem like the Mariposa Military Base would be the location he planned to ride out the war.

Vault-Tec's primary goal was to secure it’s investments, receive more funding and find willing test subjects for their experiments. Manipulating the Enclave into starting the war served this purpose, but Vault-Tec likely didn't need to control the exact timing of the attacks, as long as it knew the expected implementation date. Then they had time on their side, and Vault-Tec’s plan for reasserting control of the wasteland seemed to be far later than the Enclave’s. That may be why instead of government officials, they filled Vault 31 with Bud’s Buds, and Vault-Tec was expecting time to destroy the Enclave, along with all their other competitors. By 2296, time almost HAS destroyed the Enclave. Meanwhile, the Enclave had major setbacks on both coasts, as well as early infighting in Appalachia in each of its earlier attempts to reassert its control across a large part of the United States.

The Enclave, driven by their own paranoia and ideology, probably acted on Vault-Tec's warnings without needing direct orders from the corporation. Vault-Tec exploited the Enclave's fears but didn't necessarily need to coordinate every aspect of the war.

Embrace democracy or you will be eradicated
The U.S. Secretary of Agriculture was an enthusiastic member of the Enclave, and the Department of Agriculture probably looted America to stock the vaults and bunkers for the war after the government started preparing for Directive 7395 in earnest. This explains the food riots at the end of 2077. In Boston and Washington D.C. funds and supplies were going to military preparations, and not what the government had originally allocated them for. Since the Enclave knew the Great War was coming, food rioters or successionists in West Virginia, or insurgents in Canada didn’t matter too much, as long as they weren’t disrupting the final preparations. Though the Secretary of Agriculture had asked for a preemptive strike, meaning at least part of the Enclave were in favor of it, the president apparently did not approve of it. The president may have been trying to provoke the Chinese into an attack to maintain the moral high ground, or maybe the president wanted to wait until the planned date before launching.

However, the unexpected capture of Leon Von Felden, and the succession of the military unit in charge of the FEV project’s security changed the plan. Leon had direct knowledge of both the conspiracy and the FEV research on human subjects. The government/Enclave didn’t find out until Oct. 20. Since the response wasn’t immediate, and since several Enclave members didn’t make it to the Whitespring bunker, not only was Vault-Tec taken off guard, but so was the Enclave. However, coming so soon after finding out about the mutiny at Mariposa Military Base seems like it cannot be coincidence. The interrogations by Roger Maxon did not appear to be very effective and were more like murderous torture sessions. The Enclave did not know that the mutineers weren’t effectively exacting information, but Leon was a high value target, and the Enclave knew he knew too much. Plus, since there wasn’t a strike on Mariposa, it seems like the Enclave wanted to preserve the FEV research for their own purposes, while if Capt. Maxon’s disclosure had prompted the Chinese to attack first, they would have probably nuked Mariposa. If full knowledge leaked about the Vault-Tec conspiracy, as well as directive 7395, and about the FEV research, it would make reasserting control after a nuclear war much more difficult.

The Mariposa mutiny and the Boston Bugle's revelation of the president's location either convinced the president to launch a war ahead of schedule or convinced the Enclave's first-strike faction to replace the president with somebody who would launch a preemptive attack. The Enclave may not have been at full strength, but they had several bases including Adams Air Force Base, Raven Rock, Navarro, The Whitespring Bunker, outposts in Chicago, at least two power AIs, a VAX and MODUS, as well as the Kovac-Muldoon and Bradley-Hercules orbital weapons platforms that all survived the Great War. Despite major setbacks, the Enclave's survival of at least one research base until 2296 suggests they were as prepared as, if not better than, most other factions, except possibly Vault-Tec.

It's likely they would have liked to have had more time and had a schedule that implied there was more time that Mr. House and Vault-Tec knew about. After Capt. Maxon declared his succession, the Enclave had to make the choice to proceed, and finished what they could, and then attacked on Saturday morning of October 23, 2077.

There is a great post from u/Corpolentusmaximus2 about the Chinese striking first, but I am not convinced.

*While I haven’t read all of Atlas Shrugged, Ayn Rand wrote an unintentionally hilarious love letter to a Robber baron, who rather than take out a government loan, he puts his wife up for collateral to build his railroad. It’s so over the top, it could easily fit into Fallout’s themes. It made me laugh so hard I nearly cried. However, I thought it was ludicrous that everybody in a country could forget how to build, or maintain, or make stuff. After the pandemic, that seems a bit less ludicrous now.
submitted by fail-deadly- to Fallout [link] [comments]

2024.04.26 17:07 jimfird Month Five of the RCC Tracker - What Have We Learned?

Month Five of the RCC Tracker - What Have We Learned?
Good Morning and Happy Friday Everyone! Hope you're having a great start to your weekend so far! This first week after the halving has been pretty quiet, seemingly. Since I wasn't able to add the monthly data last week I've got it included at the bottom.
I made the decision to discontinue tracking information on TEK (seems like it is a dead project) and NNN (sub has been banned).
Here's the data from last week 4.19.24:
And here's the data from this mornings pull 4.26.24:
First thing that caught my eye was we finally got a bit of MC appreciation, not for everyone but more than there has been the last few weeks. Seeing green is good haha! PEPE added $1 Billion of MC and obviously the biggest jump of the week (even though it's not a RCC, still want to note it here).
Second thing is we did have some movement in the lineup: CONE flipped Donut and POOP flipped GODL. I'll get into it more in the monthly data but POOP just keeps hanging around and I think has a better shot than I initially thought to be successful. Also, POOP just crossed over the 1K Sub Member mark which is a nice milestone!
Third thing, not really an observation but just something I'm keeping an eye on is the TACO holder number. I think it's overdue to blow up and is by far the lowest number on the holder list. Feels like at any time that number could double or triple and then its anybody's guess as to what happens next.
Here's the monthly data below. As a reminder this data is in comparison to the initial number when I added it to the tracker. What we're looking for is steady growth over time, not a big jump and then little changes in numbers (will probably change this for next month to make it easier to read/understand).
Lots of information to look at here. POOP being the only token, month over month, that had gains since the 3.22 update. Overall though PEPE is looking like its been the best investment since joining the tracker.

Looking at the holder numbers TACO and POOP had the biggest jumps. While GONE, Donut and MIKO actually dropped and BONE stayed flat. I know they had a nice jump but I'll say it again I'm going to be paying close attention to the TACO holder amount to see how that changes in the coming weeks.

For Sub Member numbers GONE and MILK are the leaders in the growing populations but they also started with some of the lowest numbers when they were initially added. Another note to point out is that TACO and SHROOM have grown by about 30% month over month.

The final piece I'll add in for this week is for the upcoming tokens potential release dates. I'm expecting BUCKET and SHROOM to be released (potentially in 2-3 weeks), pretty excited about these new ones to become official!
And again, I made the decision to remove TEK and NNN from these lists due to there not appearing to be a future for them at this time.

Hope you have a great weekend! Thank you all for reading this far down, apologies it's so long. If you have read down this far wanted to post a reminder that I'm doing a giveaway for my sold out RCA, check out the details here on the post pinned on my profile: https://www.reddit.com/usejimfird/comments/1cb6w18/horsehoe_is_sold_out_giveaway_post/
submitted by jimfird to BellHeads [link] [comments]

2024.04.26 17:04 jimfird Month Five of the RCC Tracker - What Have We Learned?

Month Five of the RCC Tracker - What Have We Learned?
Good Morning and Happy Friday Everyone! Hope you're having a great start to your weekend so far! This first week after the halving has been pretty quiet, seemingly. Since I wasn't able to add the monthly data last week I've got it included at the bottom.
I made the decision to discontinue tracking information on TEK (seems like it is a dead project) and NNN (sub has been banned).
Here's the data from last week 4.19.24:
And here's the data from this mornings pull 4.26.24:
First thing that caught my eye was we finally got a bit of MC appreciation, not for everyone but more than there has been the last few weeks. Seeing green is good haha! PEPE added $1 Billion of MC and obviously the biggest jump of the week (even though it's not a RCC, still want to note it here).
Second thing is we did have some movement in the lineup: CONE flipped Donut and POOP flipped GODL. I'll get into it more in the monthly data but POOP just keeps hanging around and I think has a better shot than I initially thought to be successful. Also, POOP just crossed over the 1K Sub Member mark which is a nice milestone!
Third thing, not really an observation but just something I'm keeping an eye on is the TACO holder number. I think it's overdue to blow up and is by far the lowest number on the holder list. Feels like at any time that number could double or triple and then its anybody's guess as to what happens next.
Here's the monthly data below. As a reminder this data is in comparison to the initial number when I added it to the tracker. What we're looking for is steady growth over time, not a big jump and then little changes in numbers (will probably change this for next month to make it easier to read/understand).
Lots of information to look at here. POOP being the only token, month over month, that had gains since the 3.22 update. Overall though PEPE is looking like its been the best investment since joining the tracker.

Looking at the holder numbers TACO and POOP had the biggest jumps. While GONE, Donut and MIKO actually dropped and BONE stayed flat. I know they had a nice jump but I'll say it again I'm going to be paying close attention to the TACO holder amount to see how that changes in the coming weeks.

For Sub Member numbers GONE and MILK are the leaders in the growing populations but they also started with some of the lowest numbers when they were initially added. Another note to point out is that TACO and SHROOM have grown by about 30% month over month.

The final piece I'll add in for this week is for the upcoming tokens potential release dates. I'm expecting BUCKET and SHROOM to be released (potentially in 2-3 weeks), pretty excited about these new ones to become official!
And again, I made the decision to remove TEK and NNN from these lists due to there not appearing to be a future for them at this time.

Hope you have a great weekend! Thank you all for reading this far down, apologies it's so long. If you have read down this far wanted to post a reminder that I'm doing a giveaway for my sold out RCA, check out the details here on the post pinned on my profile: https://www.reddit.com/usejimfird/comments/1cb6w18/horsehoe_is_sold_out_giveaway_post/
submitted by jimfird to MilkZone [link] [comments]

2024.04.26 17:01 jimfird Month Five of the RCC Tracker - What Have We Learned?

Month Five of the RCC Tracker - What Have We Learned?
Good Morning and Happy Friday Everyone! Hope you're having a great start to your weekend so far! This first week after the halving has been pretty quiet, seemingly. Since I wasn't able to add the monthly data last week I've got it included at the bottom.
I made the decision to discontinue tracking information on TEK (seems like it is a dead project) and NNN (sub has been banned).
Here's the data from last week 4.19.24:
And here's the data from this mornings pull 4.26.24:
First thing that caught my eye was we finally got a bit of MC appreciation, not for everyone but more than there has been the last few weeks. Seeing green is good haha! PEPE added $1 Billion of MC and obviously the biggest jump of the week (even though it's not a RCC, still want to note it here).
Second thing is we did have some movement in the lineup: CONE flipped Donut and POOP flipped GODL. I'll get into it more in the monthly data but POOP just keeps hanging around and I think has a better shot than I initially thought to be successful. Also, POOP just crossed over the 1K Sub Member mark which is a nice milestone!
Third thing, not really an observation but just something I'm keeping an eye on is the TACO holder number. I think it's overdue to blow up and is by far the lowest number on the holder list. Feels like at any time that number could double or triple and then its anybody's guess as to what happens next.
Here's the monthly data below. As a reminder this data is in comparison to the initial number when I added it to the tracker. What we're looking for is steady growth over time, not a big jump and then little changes in numbers (will probably change this for next month to make it easier to read/understand).
Lots of information to look at here. POOP being the only token, month over month, that had gains since the 3.22 update. Overall though PEPE is looking like its been the best investment since joining the tracker.

Looking at the holder numbers TACO and POOP had the biggest jumps. While GONE, Donut and MIKO actually dropped and BONE stayed flat. I know they had a nice jump but I'll say it again I'm going to be paying close attention to the TACO holder amount to see how that changes in the coming weeks.

For Sub Member numbers GONE and MILK are the leaders in the growing populations but they also started with some of the lowest numbers when they were initially added. Another note to point out is that TACO and SHROOM have grown by about 30% month over month.

The final piece I'll add in for this week is for the upcoming tokens potential release dates. I'm expecting BUCKET and SHROOM to be released (potentially in 2-3 weeks), pretty excited about these new ones to become official!
And again, I made the decision to remove TEK and NNN from these lists due to there not appearing to be a future for them at this time.

Hope you have a great weekend! Thank you all for reading this far down, apologies it's so long. If you have read down this far wanted to post a reminder that I'm doing a giveaway for my sold out RCA, check out the details here on the post pinned on my profile: https://www.reddit.com/usejimfird/comments/1cb6w18/horsehoe_is_sold_out_giveaway_post/
submitted by jimfird to MushroomPlanet [link] [comments]

2024.04.26 16:58 jimfird Month Five of the RCC Tracker - What Have We Learned?

Month Five of the RCC Tracker - What Have We Learned?
Good Morning and Happy Friday Everyone! Hope you're having a great start to your weekend so far! This first week after the halving has been pretty quiet, seemingly. Since I wasn't able to add the monthly data last week I've got it included at the bottom.
I made the decision to discontinue tracking information on TEK (seems like it is a dead project) and NNN (sub has been banned).
Here's the data from last week 4.19.24:
And here's the data from this mornings pull 4.26.24:
First thing that caught my eye was we finally got a bit of MC appreciation, not for everyone but more than there has been the last few weeks. Seeing green is good haha! PEPE added $1 Billion of MC and obviously the biggest jump of the week (even though it's not a RCC, still want to note it here).
Second thing is we did have some movement in the lineup: CONE flipped Donut and POOP flipped GODL. I'll get into it more in the monthly data but POOP just keeps hanging around and I think has a better shot than I initially thought to be successful. Also, POOP just crossed over the 1K Sub Member mark which is a nice milestone!
Third thing, not really an observation but just something I'm keeping an eye on is the TACO holder number. I think it's overdue to blow up and is by far the lowest number on the holder list. Feels like at any time that number could double or triple and then its anybody's guess as to what happens next.
Here's the monthly data below. As a reminder this data is in comparison to the initial number when I added it to the tracker. What we're looking for is steady growth over time, not a big jump and then little changes in numbers (will probably change this for next month to make it easier to read/understand).
Lots of information to look at here. POOP being the only token, month over month, that had gains since the 3.22 update. Overall though PEPE is looking like its been the best investment since joining the tracker.

Looking at the holder numbers TACO and POOP had the biggest jumps. While GONE, Donut and MIKO actually dropped and BONE stayed flat. I know they had a nice jump but I'll say it again I'm going to be paying close attention to the TACO holder amount to see how that changes in the coming weeks.

For Sub Member numbers GONE and MILK are the leaders in the growing populations but they also started with some of the lowest numbers when they were initially added. Another note to point out is that TACO and SHROOM have grown by about 30% month over month.

The final piece I'll add in for this week is for the upcoming tokens potential release dates. I'm expecting BUCKET and SHROOM to be released (potentially in 2-3 weeks), pretty excited about these new ones to become official!
And again, I made the decision to remove TEK and NNN from these lists due to there not appearing to be a future for them at this time.

Hope you have a great weekend! Thank you all for reading this far down, apologies it's so long. If you have read down this far wanted to post a reminder that I'm doing a giveaway for my sold out RCA, check out the details here on the post pinned on my profile: https://www.reddit.com/usejimfird/comments/1cb6w18/horsehoe_is_sold_out_giveaway_post/
submitted by jimfird to Bucketheads [link] [comments]

2024.04.26 16:55 jimfird Month Five of the RCC Tracker - What Have We Learned?

Month Five of the RCC Tracker - What Have We Learned?
Good Morning and Happy Friday Everyone! Hope you're having a great start to your weekend so far! This first week after the halving has been pretty quiet, seemingly. Since I wasn't able to add the monthly data last week I've got it included at the bottom.
I made the decision to discontinue tracking information on TEK (seems like it is a dead project) and NNN (sub has been banned).
Here's the data from last week 4.19.24:
And here's the data from this mornings pull 4.26.24:
First thing that caught my eye was we finally got a bit of MC appreciation, not for everyone but more than there has been the last few weeks. Seeing green is good haha! PEPE added $1 Billion of MC and obviously the biggest jump of the week (even though it's not a RCC, still want to note it here).
Second thing is we did have some movement in the lineup: CONE flipped Donut and POOP flipped GODL. I'll get into it more in the monthly data but POOP just keeps hanging around and I think has a better shot than I initially thought to be successful. Also, POOP just crossed over the 1K Sub Member mark which is a nice milestone!
Third thing, not really an observation but just something I'm keeping an eye on is the TACO holder number. I think it's overdue to blow up and is by far the lowest number on the holder list. Feels like at any time that number could double or triple and then its anybody's guess as to what happens next.
Here's the monthly data below. As a reminder this data is in comparison to the initial number when I added it to the tracker. What we're looking for is steady growth over time, not a big jump and then little changes in numbers (will probably change this for next month to make it easier to read/understand).
Lots of information to look at here. POOP being the only token, month over month, that had gains since the 3.22 update. Overall though PEPE is looking like its been the best investment since joining the tracker.

Looking at the holder numbers TACO and POOP had the biggest jumps. While GONE, Donut and MIKO actually dropped and BONE stayed flat. I know they had a nice jump but I'll say it again I'm going to be paying close attention to the TACO holder amount to see how that changes in the coming weeks.

For Sub Member numbers GONE and MILK are the leaders in the growing populations but they also started with some of the lowest numbers when they were initially added. Another note to point out is that TACO and SHROOM have grown by about 30% month over month.

The final piece I'll add in for this week is for the upcoming tokens potential release dates. I'm expecting BUCKET and SHROOM to be released (potentially in 2-3 weeks), pretty excited about these new ones to become official!
And again, I made the decision to remove TEK and NNN from these lists due to there not appearing to be a future for them at this time.

Hope you have a great weekend! Thank you all for reading this far down, apologies it's so long. If you have read down this far wanted to post a reminder that I'm doing a giveaway for my sold out RCA, check out the details here on the post pinned on my profile: https://www.reddit.com/usejimfird/comments/1cb6w18/horsehoe_is_sold_out_giveaway_post/
submitted by jimfird to Lamainucoin [link] [comments]

2024.04.26 16:52 jimfird Month Five of the RCC Tracker - What Have We Learned?

Month Five of the RCC Tracker - What Have We Learned?
Good Morning and Happy Friday Everyone! Hope you're having a great start to your weekend so far! This first week after the halving has been pretty quiet, seemingly. Since I wasn't able to add the monthly data last week I've got it included at the bottom.
I made the decision to discontinue tracking information on TEK (seems like it is a dead project) and NNN (sub has been banned).
Here's the data from last week 4.19.24:
And here's the data from this mornings pull 4.26.24:
First thing that caught my eye was we finally got a bit of MC appreciation, not for everyone but more than there has been the last few weeks. Seeing green is good haha! PEPE added $1 Billion of MC and obviously the biggest jump of the week (even though it's not a RCC, still want to note it here).
Second thing is we did have some movement in the lineup: CONE flipped Donut and POOP flipped GODL. I'll get into it more in the monthly data but POOP just keeps hanging around and I think has a better shot than I initially thought to be successful. Also, POOP just crossed over the 1K Sub Member mark which is a nice milestone!
Third thing, not really an observation but just something I'm keeping an eye on is the TACO holder number. I think it's overdue to blow up and is by far the lowest number on the holder list. Feels like at any time that number could double or triple and then its anybody's guess as to what happens next.
Here's the monthly data below. As a reminder this data is in comparison to the initial number when I added it to the tracker. What we're looking for is steady growth over time, not a big jump and then little changes in numbers (will probably change this for next month to make it easier to read/understand).
Lots of information to look at here. POOP being the only token, month over month, that had gains since the 3.22 update. Overall though PEPE is looking like its been the best investment since joining the tracker.

Looking at the holder numbers TACO and POOP had the biggest jumps. While GONE, Donut and MIKO actually dropped and BONE stayed flat. I know they had a nice jump but I'll say it again I'm going to be paying close attention to the TACO holder amount to see how that changes in the coming weeks.

For Sub Member numbers GONE and MILK are the leaders in the growing populations but they also started with some of the lowest numbers when they were initially added. Another note to point out is that TACO and SHROOM have grown by about 30% month over month.

The final piece I'll add in for this week is for the upcoming tokens potential release dates. I'm expecting BUCKET and SHROOM to be released (potentially in 2-3 weeks), pretty excited about these new ones to become official!
And again, I made the decision to remove TEK and NNN from these lists due to there not appearing to be a future for them at this time.

Hope you have a great weekend! Thank you all for reading this far down, apologies it's so long. If you have read down this far wanted to post a reminder that I'm doing a giveaway for my sold out RCA, check out the details here on the post pinned on my profile: https://www.reddit.com/usejimfird/comments/1cb6w18/horsehoe_is_sold_out_giveaway_post/
submitted by jimfird to JeweledCones [link] [comments]

2024.04.26 16:51 jimfird Month Five of the RCC Tracker - What Have We Learned?

Month Five of the RCC Tracker - What Have We Learned?
Good Morning and Happy Friday Everyone! Hope you're having a great start to your weekend so far! This first week after the halving has been pretty quiet, seemingly. Since I wasn't able to add the monthly data last week I've got it included at the bottom.
I made the decision to discontinue tracking information on TEK (seems like it is a dead project) and NNN (sub has been banned).
Here's the data from last week 4.19.24:
And here's the data from this mornings pull 4.26.24:
First thing that caught my eye was we finally got a bit of MC appreciation, not for everyone but more than there has been the last few weeks. Seeing green is good haha! PEPE added $1 Billion of MC and obviously the biggest jump of the week (even though it's not a RCC, still want to note it here).
Second thing is we did have some movement in the lineup: CONE flipped Donut and POOP flipped GODL. I'll get into it more in the monthly data but POOP just keeps hanging around and I think has a better shot than I initially thought to be successful. Also, POOP just crossed over the 1K Sub Member mark which is a nice milestone!
Third thing, not really an observation but just something I'm keeping an eye on is the TACO holder number. I think it's overdue to blow up and is by far the lowest number on the holder list. Feels like at any time that number could double or triple and then its anybody's guess as to what happens next.
Here's the monthly data below. As a reminder this data is in comparison to the initial number when I added it to the tracker. What we're looking for is steady growth over time, not a big jump and then little changes in numbers (will probably change this for next month to make it easier to read/understand).
Lots of information to look at here. POOP being the only token, month over month, that had gains since the 3.22 update. Overall though PEPE is looking like its been the best investment since joining the tracker.

Looking at the holder numbers TACO and POOP had the biggest jumps. While GONE, Donut and MIKO actually dropped and BONE stayed flat. I know they had a nice jump but I'll say it again I'm going to be paying close attention to the TACO holder amount to see how that changes in the coming weeks.

For Sub Member numbers GONE and MILK are the leaders in the growing populations but they also started with some of the lowest numbers when they were initially added. Another note to point out is that TACO and SHROOM have grown by about 30% month over month.

The final piece I'll add in for this week is for the upcoming tokens potential release dates. I'm expecting BUCKET and SHROOM to be released (potentially in 2-3 weeks), pretty excited about these new ones to become official!
And again, I made the decision to remove TEK and NNN from these lists due to there not appearing to be a future for them at this time.

Hope you have a great weekend! Thank you all for reading this far down, apologies it's so long. If you have read down this far wanted to post a reminder that I'm doing a giveaway for my sold out RCA, check out the details here on the post pinned on my profile: https://www.reddit.com/usejimfird/comments/1cb6w18/horsehoe_is_sold_out_giveaway_post/
submitted by jimfird to ConeDesk [link] [comments]

2024.04.26 16:48 jimfird Month Five of the RCC Tracker - What Have We Learned?

Month Five of the RCC Tracker - What Have We Learned?
Good Morning and Happy Friday Everyone! Hope you're having a great start to your weekend so far! This first week after the halving has been pretty quiet, seemingly. Since I wasn't able to add the monthly data last week I've got it included at the bottom.
I made the decision to discontinue tracking information on TEK (seems like it is a dead project) and NNN (sub has been banned).
Here's the data from last week 4.19.24:
And here's the data from this mornings pull 4.26.24:
First thing that caught my eye was we finally got a bit of MC appreciation, not for everyone but more than there has been the last few weeks. Seeing green is good haha! PEPE added $1 Billion of MC and obviously the biggest jump of the week (even though it's not a RCC, still want to note it here).
Second thing is we did have some movement in the lineup: CONE flipped Donut and POOP flipped GODL. I'll get into it more in the monthly data but POOP just keeps hanging around and I think has a better shot than I initially thought to be successful. Also, POOP just crossed over the 1K Sub Member mark which is a nice milestone!
Third thing, not really an observation but just something I'm keeping an eye on is the TACO holder number. I think it's overdue to blow up and is by far the lowest number on the holder list. Feels like at any time that number could double or triple and then its anybody's guess as to what happens next.
Here's the monthly data below. As a reminder this data is in comparison to the initial number when I added it to the tracker. What we're looking for is steady growth over time, not a big jump and then little changes in numbers (will probably change this for next month to make it easier to read/understand).
Lots of information to look at here. POOP being the only token, month over month, that had gains since the 3.22 update. Overall though PEPE is looking like its been the best investment since joining the tracker.

Looking at the holder numbers TACO and POOP had the biggest jumps. While GONE, Donut and MIKO actually dropped and BONE stayed flat. I know they had a nice jump but I'll say it again I'm going to be paying close attention to the TACO holder amount to see how that changes in the coming weeks.

For Sub Member numbers GONE and MILK are the leaders in the growing populations but they also started with some of the lowest numbers when they were initially added. Another note to point out is that TACO and SHROOM have grown by about 30% month over month.

The final piece I'll add in for this week is for the upcoming tokens potential release dates. I'm expecting BUCKET and SHROOM to be released (potentially in 2-3 weeks), pretty excited about these new ones to become official!
And again, I made the decision to remove TEK and NNN from these lists due to there not appearing to be a future for them at this time.

Hope you have a great weekend! Thank you all for reading this far down, apologies it's so long. If you have read down this far wanted to post a reminder that I'm doing a giveaway for my sold out RCA, check out the details here on the post pinned on my profile: https://www.reddit.com/usejimfird/comments/1cb6w18/horsehoe_is_sold_out_giveaway_post/
submitted by jimfird to polyGONE [link] [comments]
