Teachers comments for progress reports

Wicca: Reconnecting with the Gods

2010.01.27 02:45 Wicca: Reconnecting with the Gods

Wicca is a neopagan religion based on ancient pagan beliefs. It's an earth-based religion that believes in a God and Goddess as representative of a greater pantheistic godhead. Wicca includes a system of ethics and teaches that we all are ultimately responsible for our own actions. We believe in gods. We believe in magic. We believe in multiple realities. We practice alone, or in groups. We practice witchcraft.

2018.08.25 00:32 RichterRicochet The Real Joke is always in the comments.

This subreddit is dedicated to those of us who find the better joke in the comments section of any subreddit or other medium.

2013.01.08 22:49 Keto diet info

A subreddit for people currently using or interested in keto diets. This community is for sharing scientific information, news stories, personal stories and progress reports

2024.05.14 13:35 AutoModerator r/Hamilton Weekly Job Board

Hamilton Weekly Job Board

Are you looking to hire? Know of a job opening at your workplace or heard of a job through word of mouth. Post them here!
We have been getting spam reports on job postings so are testing a weekly job board so they are all in one place. Feel free to use a throwaway account to protect your identity but note that we have to manually approve comments from new posters so they may not appear immediately.
If you are posting a job, please include a general location, if it is transit friendly, pay, hours and any other details known.
If you are looking for a job in Hamilton, try these too:
submitted by AutoModerator to Hamilton [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 13:33 Sufficient_Law4101 Help, mother thinks teacher is a pedo

I (F17) have been taking tutoring classes at this place owned by a linguists teacher and a physicist for the past 3 years (the first year I only did math and after that I started doing every class). This year my brother started taking classes with them too. (Public school is shit in our country). Anyway, for as long as we've known the linguistics teacher he's always been the kind to make innapropriate jokes. He's told my friend (who was on his phone during class) that he'd put it on vibrate, make him sit on it and call him. He's made jokes about students having sex when they're late. He's made a joke about me going to my bf's house naked as a birthdag gift when i mentioned idk what to get him. So a few weeks ago, he told my brother that if he doesn't study then (can't translate properly) "a big dick will go up his ass without without lube". Then, during a break when my brother was alone, he went up to him and started describing in detail how a pedophile treated kids (from a recent news story). My brother reported the last two incidents to my mother. She went batshit crazy. She told EVERYONE and I mean EVERYONE the story of what that "pervert teacher told her son". And then everyone started confirming her delusions that she should stand up for my brother and face the teacher. Last night, I was having a class with the physicist (the "non-pedo" teacher). It was late at night, so it was only me, the teacher and some kids who stayed there to hang out after class. My mother came to pay for the classes and she was taking a little too long. I overheard her telling him EVERYTHING that the other teacher had said and him saying he didn't know and that he's upset etc. Today, they called her. The linguistics teacher kept telling her that my brother made everything up and that he hasn't said such thing. However my mother had called him once when he was alone and ge admitted to it. Now the other teachrr was there and he was acting like he never said a thing. He kept asking her if she has proof, or if i have told her anything and she kept telling him to not bother me with this because I'm not involved (even tho she had reported things I told her). Then she told the physicist that she'll only talk to him from now on ( regarding payment and my progress ) and the physicist was trying to tell her to calm down. Then she started threatening them to not bother me at all with this case. I am so pissed off at this. I have another year left of classes there, and currently I am preparing for teo kinds of exams( the exams I'm taking this year in school and the exams I'll take next year for uni). I had asked for one thing. To not tell them anything because I will be embarrassed and I can't risk changing tutors the year before exams. And did she fucking listen to me? Of course not. She knows I have anxiety, she knows that the teachers there have been my support system for the last three years and she's seen me becoming a better student thanks to them. And even tho I explained all of this to her she still went and argued with them. I have a class today and I know both of them are going to be there. Tf do i do?? I'm so embarrassed to step in there. I had just started getting confident and talking more and now the thought of even going there scares me.
submitted by Sufficient_Law4101 to highschool [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 13:30 Aimee28011994 How to remove Page filter for measure

I'm trying to get a count of all projects for the previous month so I can add this to a KPI Card as variation. The issue I'm having is because my report uses a filter (Is Latest Month True/False) to ensure only the latest data is being shown on each report page.
This feeds back into my Dax formula and prevents me seeing data from any other month than this one.
Count of Projects Last Month = VAR LastMonthDate = EOMONTH(MAX(tbl_BudgetSheetData[GM Date]), -1) // Get the last day of the previous month VAR LastMonthMonth = MONTH(LastMonthDate) Var LastMonthYear = YEAR(LastMonthDate) VAR CountofDates = CALCULATE( COUNT(tbl_BudgetSheetData[XTA]), FILTER( tbl_BudgetSheetData, tbl_BudgetSheetData[GW Progress] < 1 &&// Filter for projects with GW Progress less than 1 YEAR(tbl_BudgetSheetData[GM Date]) = LastMonthYear && // Filter for the same year MONTH(tbl_BudgetSheetData[GM Date]) = LastMonthMonth // Filter for the same month ) ) RETURN CountofDates 
The above Doesn't work, But would if the page-wide filter wasn't applied.
I can't use ALL(tbl_BudgetSheetData) in the FILTER function because i do have other filters and slicers that need to be honored.
Any thoughts?? I'm going mad!
submitted by Aimee28011994 to PowerBI [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 13:30 AutoModerator ANNOUNCEMENT - AVOID BEING SCAMMED

As the sub grows, so does it's exposure to scammers. As mods, we do our best to protect the sub, but need y'all's help as well. We are a community. We do not like reading modmails when our fellow members get scammed, but do know that most could have been prevented given they follow the tips we've laid out. Below are these tips on how to stay protected:
How to message the mods - https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=/fragranceswap
Banned and sketchy users - https://www.reddit.com/fragranceswap/wiki/banned
* Always use PayPal/Venmo G&S when buying from someone with under 15 flair on the sub. A scammer will give a BS reason why they can't accept G&S. Anyone with under 15 flair MUST accept G&S as a form of payment according to the rules of the sub. This rule is non-negotiable. If they will not, please report them to the mods.
* Ask a potential seller to comment on your post. This proves that they are not banned from the sub. That doesn't always mean they are a scammer though. It could just mean that they do not meet the sub requirements to become an approved member. They still need to accept G&S though. Check the banned list and vet the seller through their profile.
* Ask for specific timestamped pictures. A "timestamp" is a picture a seller takes with a handwritten note including their username and date next to the item they are selling. Ask for this with "odd" requests such as a picture of the bottle on its side or with the cap off, etc. If they are not willing to provide that then avoid the transaction and report them to the mods. Scammers are becoming crafty and often try and photoshop the timestamp in with a picture they found on google. Be aware and inspect timestamps closely for evidence of photoshopping. Look for blurred edges of paper, shadows not matching up with others in the picture, etc. If you are in doubt, don't hesitate to contact us with the picture.
* "Sellers" who start the conversation off with "WTS (insert frag you're looking for)" are 99.99% most likely a scammer. Scammers will always give you a great deal, or ask you to name your price. Any "seller" who is willing to accept half payment upfront then the other half after delivery to avoid using G&S is most likely a scammer. If it seems to good to be true or fishy, it most likely is.
Please do your due diligence, folks. If you're ever in doubt, reach out to us. Stay safe!
submitted by AutoModerator to fragranceswap [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 13:28 3dtcllc I'm creating a tool to give you more visibility into your org's drive usage.

Figuring out who has access to what files inside your organization is pretty hard. You can use GAM, but the results are tough to work with. So I've been working on a tool to give admins better visibility into how their org is using drive.
It includes graphs/reports for externally shared, externally owned, and link shared files. A treemap graph that shows overall drive usage and a file explorer so you can browse all files in your org (both shared and private). Here's the demo site.
I'm still working with clients to add some specific reports and I've got a few ideas for new features that will be helpful, so it's still very much a work in progress.
I'd appreciate any feedback from folks in the community. Anything missing that you'd find useful?
submitted by 3dtcllc to gsuite [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 13:25 antichristx Friend banned from Reddit for reporting “river to the sea”

Friend banned from Reddit for reporting “river to the sea”
Screenshots attached.
A friend of mine reported a comment from a user which said “from the river to the sea…” etc, and then was permanently banned from Reddit for breaking Rule 8: abusing the “reporting tool”.
This is pretty ridiculous right?!
submitted by antichristx to Israel [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 13:24 Soninetz Supportbench Pricing: A Comprehensive Plans and Costs

Supportbench Pricing: A Comprehensive Plans and Costs
Did you know that 60% of businesses, regardless of company size, underestimate the true expenses of customer support solutions, including response times and user issues? When it comes to Supportbench Pricing, transparency is key. Let's delve into the intricacies of pricing structures, uncovering hidden fees and understanding the value proposition. In this guide, we break down the factors that impact pricing, ensuring you make informed decisions for your business.
Useful Links:
  1. SupportBench LifeTime Deal
  2. SupportBench Free Trial

Key Takeaways

  • Understand Supportbench Pricing: Familiarize yourself with the pricing structure of Supportbench to make informed decisions on selecting the right plan for your needs.
  • Benefit from a Scalable Pricing Model: Take advantage of the flexibility and cost-effectiveness of Supportbench's scalable pricing model to align with your business growth.
  • Compare Help Desk Software Costs: Evaluate the costs of different help desk software options, including Supportbench, to ensure you are getting the best value for your investment.
  • Choose Supportbench for Your Needs: Consider the unique features and benefits of Supportbench to see how it aligns with your specific requirements for efficient customer support for end users.
  • Transition Smoothly to Supportbench: Manage and execute a seamless transition to Supportbench by leveraging their resources and support for a successful implementation, ensuring satisfaction for customers, end users, and pros.
  • Make Informed Decisions: Use the information provided in the article to make well-informed decisions regarding support software pricing and selection.

Understanding Supportbench Pricing

1. Professional Plan: Ideal for Mid-Sized Teams

The Professional plan is designed for mid-sized teams looking to streamline their customer support operations without breaking the bank. Priced at $32 per agent per month, this plan offers a comprehensive suite of features to enhance productivity and efficiency. Here's what you can expect:
  1. Powerful Email Editor: Create visually stunning and informative emails with ease using SupportBench's intuitive email editor.
  2. Sentiment Analysis: Gain valuable insights into customer sentiments and tailor your responses accordingly to foster positive interactions.
  3. Real-time Notifications: Stay updated on customer queries and support tickets in real-time, ensuring prompt responses and resolutions.
  4. Customer Health Scoring: Evaluate the health of your customer relationships with built-in scoring metrics, enabling proactive support and retention efforts.
  5. At-risk Dashboards: Identify customers at risk of churn and take proactive measures to address their concerns and retain their loyalty.
  6. Reporting Engine: Access comprehensive reports and analytics to track key support metrics and make data-driven decisions.
  7. KPI Scorecards: Monitor key performance indicators (KPIs) and track progress towards your support goals with customizable scorecards.
  8. Salesforce Integration: Seamlessly integrate SupportBench with Salesforce to sync customer data and streamline workflows across platforms.
  9. Calendaring: Schedule appointments, follow-ups, and support sessions directly within SupportBench for efficient time management.
  10. NPS and CES: Measure customer satisfaction and loyalty with Net Promoter Score (NPS) and Customer Effort Score (CES) surveys built into the platform.
  11. Survey Engine: Gather valuable feedback from customers through customizable surveys to continuously improve your support services.
With its extensive feature set and affordable pricing, the Professional plan is an excellent choice for businesses looking to elevate their customer support capabilities.

2. Enterprise Plan: Tailored for Large Teams

For larger teams with more complex support requirements, the Enterprise plan offers a comprehensive solution packed with advanced features and personalized support. Priced at $125 per agent per month, this plan provides everything included in the Professional plan, plus additional enterprise-grade functionalities. Here's what sets the Enterprise plan apart:
  1. White Labeling: Customize the appearance and branding of your support portal to align with your company's brand identity and aesthetics.
  2. Advanced Permissions: Granular control over user access and permissions, ensuring data security and compliance with regulatory requirements.
  3. Enterprise API: Access SupportBench's API for seamless integration with other enterprise systems and custom application development.
  4. Unlimited Custom Roles: Create and manage an unlimited number of custom user roles to match your organization's unique structure and hierarchy.
  5. Default Personal Views: Personalize the support dashboard with default views tailored to individual user roles and preferences.
  6. MSA & HIPAA Available: Compliance with industry standards such as Master Service Agreements (MSA) and Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) for sensitive data handling.
  7. Single Sign-On (SSO): Simplify user authentication and access management with single sign-on capabilities, enhancing security and user experience.
  8. Live Onboarding Training: Receive personalized onboarding sessions and training from SupportBench experts to ensure a smooth transition and optimal utilization of the platform.
  9. Dedicated Success Manager: Access dedicated support from a success manager who understands your business goals and provides tailored assistance and guidance.
  10. Access to Managed Services: Leverage SupportBench's managed services for additional support and assistance with platform customization, integration, and optimization.
With its enterprise-grade features and personalized support offerings, the Enterprise plan is the ideal choice for businesses with large-scale support operations and complex requirements.
Useful Links:
  1. SupportBench LifeTime Deal
  2. SupportBench Free Trial

Choosing the Right Plan for Your Business

When evaluating SupportBench's pricing plans, consider factors such as the size of your team, your budgetary constraints, and the specific features and functionalities that align with your business objectives. Conduct a thorough analysis of your current support workflow and future growth projections to determine which plan best meets your needs.
Whether you opt for the Professional plan for its affordability and comprehensive feature set or the Enterprise plan for its advanced capabilities and personalized support, rest assured that SupportBench has you covered with a robust platform designed to enhance your customer support experience.

Comparing Help Desk Software Costs

Competitive Pricing

Supportbench's pricing stands out when compared to many software providers like Freshdesk and Zendesk. The company offers affordable plans that cater to businesses of all sizes, ensuring value for money.
Supportbench's pricing model emphasizes the importance of providing cost-effective solutions for businesses seeking a reliable customer management system. This approach enables companies to access essential features without breaking the bank.

Features vs. Cost

When evaluating Supportbench against its competitors, it becomes evident that the platform strikes a balance between competitive pricing and feature-rich offerings. Unlike some alternatives, Supportbench ensures that affordability does not equate to a lack of functionalities.
  • Pros:
    • Affordable pricing plans suitable for various business budgets.
    • Value-driven packages that include essential help desk features.
  • Cons:
    • Limited customization options compared to premium-priced competitors.
    • Higher-tier plans might be required for advanced functionality.

Why Choose Supportbench

Customer Reviews

Customer reviews for Supportbench consistently highlight its standout features, with many praising the AI Predictive CES functionality. Users appreciate the accuracy and efficiency this feature brings to their support processes.

User Experiences

Users who have switched to Supportbench from other platforms often share positive experiences. They note a significant improvement in workflow efficiency, streamlined communication, and enhanced overall customer satisfaction.

Customization and Automation

Supportbench stands out for its extensive customization options, allowing businesses to tailor the platform to their specific needs. The automation capabilities streamline repetitive tasks, saving time and increasing productivity.

Improved Analytics

One of the key advantages of Supportbench is its advanced analytics tools. Users can gain valuable insights into customer behavior, trends, and performance metrics, enabling data-driven decision-making and continuous improvement.

Transitioning to Supportbench


Transitioning to Supportbench from other help desk software like Desk.com or Zendesk offers a range of benefits. With Supportbench, your support team can streamline their processes on a single platform, enhancing efficiency and productivity. The platform provides robust reporting tools for better insights into user issues, allowing for more proactive service.

Smoother Customer Support

The transition to Supportbench ensures a smoother customer support experience. By centralizing all tools and resources on one platform, the platform simplifies workflows and improves the overall quality of service provided to end users. This results in higher levels of customer satisfaction and success.

Seamless Integration

An advantage of transitioning to Supportbench is the seamless integration of chatbots using ChatGPT. By leveraging advanced AI technology, chatbots can effectively assist support teams in addressing client queries promptly. This integration enhances the efficiency of customer service systems and teams, providing quicker resolutions to clients' issues.


In understanding Supportbench pricing, you've learned about the benefits of a scalable pricing model and how it compares to other help desk software costs. Choosing Supportbench means embracing a solution tailored to your needs, ensuring a seamless transition that enhances your support processes. With Supportbench, you get not just a tool but a partner in elevating your customer service experience.
Make the smart move today by transitioning to Supportbench and revolutionizing your support operations. Your customers deserve top-notch service, and Supportbench is here to help you deliver just that. Take the leap towards improved efficiency, enhanced customer satisfaction, and streamlined workflows with Supportbench at your side.
Ready to revolutionize your support process? Dive into Supportbench's free trial and see the difference 🎉

Frequently Asked Questions

How is Supportbench Pricing structured?

Supportbench offers a transparent and scalable pricing model based on the number of users or agents utilizing the software. This allows businesses to pay only for what they need, whether they are a small team or a large enterprise.

What are the benefits of Supportbench's Scalable Pricing Model?

The scalable pricing model of Supportbench ensures that businesses can easily adjust their subscription based on their needs. This flexibility allows companies to scale up or down without being locked into fixed plans, saving costs in the long run.

How does Supportbench's Pricing compare to other Help Desk Software Costs?

Supportbench provides competitive pricing compared to other help desk software providers in the market. By offering a range of features at affordable rates, businesses can enjoy cost-effective solutions without compromising on quality and functionality.

Why should I choose Supportbench for my business?

Choosing Supportbench means gaining access to a robust help desk software that prioritizes user experience and efficiency. With customizable features, seamless integration options, and excellent customer support, Supportbench stands out as a reliable solution for businesses of all sizes.

What should I consider when transitioning to Supportbench from another platform?

When transitioning to Supportbench, consider factors such as data migration, training requirements, and integration with existing systems. The Supportbench team offers assistance throughout the transition process to ensure a smooth switch without disruptions to your business operations.
Useful Links:
  1. SupportBench LifeTime Deal
  2. SupportBench Free Trial
submitted by Soninetz to NutraVestaProVen [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 13:22 Lumpy_Accountant4281 I’ve been singing for years and haven’t improved.

So as the title says, I have been singing for years without significant improvement. I think it’s been about 3-4 years and I have had two singing teachers. My biggest accomplishments have been learning how to use chest voice and mixed voice (which is still a work in progress). I’ve never liked the tone of my singing and every time I listen to a recording of myself it just sounds off. My friends with little to no training sound a lot better. And I know I’m not just being hard on myself because I’ve been told I’m not the best singer in the group.
I’m not just posting to complain / rant because I really want to improve and be able to keep up with them in karaoke. I haven’t sung in a month or two because I got so unmotivated and I’m just looking for tips to get better and keep up motivation! So if you guys have learned anything super useful let me know and maybe I can get some inspiration.
Specifically some tips on being comfortable / confident to practice would be helpful.
submitted by Lumpy_Accountant4281 to singing [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 13:14 kris_lace Frequently asked questions

Q: Do UFOs exist?

A: Yes. The way humanity interprets the word 'fact' is for the observation to be independently verified by a community which often includes evidence and supporting material. For UFOs, multiple governments, agencies such as NASA and key scientist/astronaut/military personnel have independently affirmed the existence of UFOs. Famously multiple presidents of the US have been quoted to acknowledge them as well.
Note: Be wary, as with enough scrutiny almost any claim can be reduced and dissected to the point where almost any 'fact' can be questioned, UFOs are no different. Using the term 'fact' in a society of subjective sentient beings is a logical slippery slope. But we can certainly say, as far as the word and loose interpretation of the word 'fact' goes, it is a fact that UFO's exist.

Q: Do aliens exist?

A: Almost certainly, the majority of the scientific community agrees it would be astronomically unlikely for terrestrial life to exist in isolation. Despite significant observations of life living in seemingly impossible inhospitable environments on earth, critics rightfully question "if life is abundant, why have we not seen it yet".

Q: Are the UFOs we see due to alien visitation?

A: The strategy to answer questions which don't have scientific consensus is to logically consider it with the information we do have, making the fewest assumptions with the available facts. As with the case of the visitation hypothesis, we can consider many angles and reach a logically sound position.
Most of you know that out of a sample of 100 reported sightings, only a handful are truly anomalous, the vast majority being misreported as known origin. Of the handful left we can say these are anomalous genuine UAPs. Of these, we must first consider the least assumptions and first look to whether they are anomalous in nature, but human in origin.
Before we can do that we need to briefly discuss the credibility of witness testimony. Society places a significant credibility with witness testimony. People's lives can be judged based on the testimony of a witness, such as in the case of a murder trial. Indeed the vast majority of our entire scientific understanding is based on experimental data and whilst such data is often from instruments and computers there is often a human element. Ultimately a human witnesses the experiment and records the measurements and readings. Many things can affect the credibility of a witness testimony and of particular significance are independent witnesses reporting the same observation. As is the case with the scientific methodology and 'reproduced experiments'.
To Ufologists, a large component of lore and supplementary evidence to the existence of UAPs is built on witness testimony. We should consider events such as Rendlesham Forest where a sighting was reported by multiple expert, trained military personnel who are specifically trained in identifying even advanced aircraft and weather phenomena. A report based on multiple trained, sane personnel with consistent observations to the description of a UAP sighting is what we would call a water tight witness testimony. Such a testimony would be ruled true in any court for a petty crime or murder scandal for example.
However, on the topic of "NHI" our sample size of witness testimony is lower than the case for UAPs. The cases of multiple, credible witnesses coming forward with testimony for the case of NHI are less and I struggle to think of a good example. (Please drop any in the comments).
However, in the case of supposed NHI visitations we do have a colourful array of high ranking officials and representatives of military or government who have disclosed personally that they knew of NHI visitations.
In these cases the credibility is more individually focused on the trustworthiness of the person rather than a coherent multiple sighting event. We must consider such testimony carefully for there are many logical explanations for such testimony being false.
For example, David Grusch is a high profile contemporary whistle-blower who has claimed the existence of NHI. Using purely logic and removing any emotional or subjective intuition we can consider at least one likely explanation for his testimony. It's very possible that Grusch is operating as per a larger more convoluted Psy-Ops on behalf of the government. We know he is a very diligent patriot with a pristine record and presents as the perfect soldier to take one for the team and blow his career and personal circumstances to lie under oath and rattle off something he's been asked to say for some greater agenda to serve his country. Such agendas we can only speculate on, but domestic manipulation of the public as well as cold-war game theory plays against adversary countries such as China. Obviously such a hypothesis is fantastical and imaginative. But so is the NHI visitation hypothesis and a global conspiracy. For those versed in the US's history of Psy-ops, particularly in the case of the CIA and NSA - such an operation involving Grusch as a false agent is absolutely consistent with some of their previous endeavours.
Disclaimer: I am not disproving Grusch, my personal opinion is he is likely telling the truth. But I am allowed my personal opinion and my personal opinion is you cannot guarantee his legitimacy without the application of some element of faith. I have always been extremely careful whenever faith is introduced to objective deductions. I hope we all are. I don't operate with beliefs so I can't answer whether I believe in Grusch or not. But I can consider both sides as a matter of consistent statistical likelihood and it's much healthier for me to assume both possibilities going forward rather than feeling the very precarious and human desire to conclude. Again I hope this is something that is common practice amongst my peers.
So answering the question of NHI having operated the UAPs we know to exist is ongoing. So far we have explored the very likely idea that life exists outside the earth. We have also considered witness testimony and found that whilst witness testimony is credible in many scenarios, it's particularly problematic to be relied on in this case. Of course Grusch is not the only one who's claimed NHI visitations but our analysis on him is applicable to others.
There is good hope for the Alien hypothesis, but first more bad news. If we believe Grusch and similar witness testimony (in Grusch's case he's not a direct witness). We must also consider that these same witnesses also claim a US government UAP project. Depending on the witnesses and whistle-blower testimony, we either have a reverse engineering capacity of UAPs to even a downright working production of UAPs ourselves. So when we consider the handful of genuine anomalous sightings for every 100 reports, when we apply further statistical analysis, we now need to account for the likelihood such sighting (especially near air force bases or military facilities) may just be human operating UAP experiments.
Obviously we have a paradox "you can't refute the NHI origin hypothesis by saying they're humans, if humans only have the technology because we reverse engineered it" and that is true so let's be clear. Using statistics and logic we may say that a truly anomalous sighting may be humans operating craft. But we may also say that craft may have been inspired by a NHI origin.
So far the answer is skewed slightly towards the likelihood of the NHI hypothesis to be false. However there is a very compelling element to the facts that critics of the NHI hypothesis struggle with.
We have a very clear and comprehensive record of UAPs in history which predates a reasonable likelihood of us having the technology at that time. Obviously the endeavours of the ancient astronaut hypothesis is colourful, fantastical and well refuted. But amongst the popularly scrutinized theory there are strong elements of logical significance. Almost all religions and teachings of native indigenous people overwhelming talk of people coming from the sky in craft, appearing different in their looks, possessing knowledge and technology and interacting with early humans. Such stories are controversial of course but enough of them exist to merit consideration.
But much more relevant to us in this argument is the existence of the Project Bluebook and the incidents which inspired its necessity. For those that aren't aware it's common knowledge to Ufologists as the allied investigations into apparently very common UAP reports known as foo fighters observed by pilots during the word war.
Our logic tells us that if any global human power at the time had that capability we would have used it. The reason for that is because as soon as we had the atomic bomb capability we used that. It's absurd to assume that a human government was responsible for the UAPs in the bluebook but didn't use them, but would use an atom bomb. It's absurd but we must remember, history is littered with absurd events that did happen. So we don't rule it out, but it more or less provides a significant and compelling argument to the NHI hypothesis for UAPs. In simple terms, they existed before we could have created them. We deduce that, because if we had UAP tech we would have used it before needing to rely on atom bombs.
Ultimately if you want an answer it has two parts; a pragmatic answer and then a severe personal caveat.
Part one: Pragmatism
For any truly anomalous sighting, it very well may be of human origin dabbling in potential NHI tech. It also may be of NHI origin. We don't have clear enough evidence to know. Whilst US military officials claim they don't have the tech or that their adversaries don't, belief of that position requires faith as they do not provide a logical argument for their hypothesis. But if we look back at the sightings throughout history it becomes more and more likely the sightings were of NHI origin.
Part two: Caveat
My personal caveat is that some FAQ's shouldn't have conclusive answers. Our scientific method which underpins our most prestigious and rigorous institution of science in the world; does not always conclude. Sometimes a question has multiple likely answers and it will take more information to reduce those to one answer. I emphatically preach this is an attitude we employ as Ufologists as ultimately we are a community of speculators and researchers. So let's leave faith at the door.

Q: Why can supposed advanced beings master interdimensional/intergalactic space traversal but then crash land on earth like amateurs?

A: This question usually has a very loaded and dangerous assumption which I don't think we can make without careful consideration. The question implies that UFOs crash landing is as problematic to NHI as it would be to us. If a military pilot crashes a plane, they may die and as an asset they are worth hundreds of millions to the government, big loss. Additionally the plane they used is extremely expensive too and may have trade secrets. For us, a pilot crash landing is a huge net loss in life and assets. When we consider the idea of UAP crash landing we are applying our human bias on them.
Firstly, the UAP may be being operated by AI, biological artificial intelligence, pilotless etc. Even if there's a biologic body inside it's very possible the actual sentient pilot was operating the body remotely the same way we operate robots remotely. The biological body left behind may be like a robot we left on the moon which we used remotely to navigate the lunar landscape. Our operators don't die if the robot is broken.
Additionally, the craft itself is likely not a multi billion dollar craft. It's probably extremely cheaply made with the avenue of advanced technology. The 4chan whistle-blower (whether you believe them or not) introduced a logically sound idea that a craft was in the sea making purpose built UAPs all the time and sending them on missions. The "mother craft" just mines the materials it needs from our sea floor and pops out a UAP, it's probably entirely automated.
Little fiction here but it paints a story which is good to consider. Imagine a un manned probe lands in the sea after having identified using photo spectrometry that our planet has certain elements. It lands and the AI finds a spot in the sea away from detention and starts mining for a probe craft. It mines and creates a probe craft. The probe craft goes out and does some recon and then either makes new craft for whatever but eventually instigates a protocol which fires up the organic biological 'pilots' which are either artificial purpose built intelligence or biological vehicles operated by remote consciousness which a sentient life form will operate from afar. Then these guys go and crash whether it's a magnetic anomaly or something else and the NHI doesn't really care and are hardly inconvenienced.
It's possible to encapsulate or hide or lock the main functions of their technology upon crashing in the same way that our advanced technology may self destruct if crash landed in a foreign land. There's also speculation that some secret key is needed to operate them.
That is all fiction, but it paints a compelling alternative to us just projecting our bias on the crash hypothesis.
Remember, to a civilization that in theory has automated its outreach reconnaissance, the most pristine system design for their drones and vehicles isn't to somehow guarantee 100% crash proof technology. But instead it's to assume crashes will happen and make sure they're not damaging nor give away their tech too much.

Q: Can we simulate or 'fake' UFO's in the sky?

A: Yes to an extent. Using lasers we have technology to create lights that can move. However radar is another matter.

Q: Why haven't we had material evidence of UAP's released to the public?

A: Grusch has kind of answered this by saying that destabilisation factors are too great.
And for those interested, this post comprehensively considers this angle and attempts to explain in layman terms why disclosure is so complicated for a government and what those reasons mean.

Q: Is there an alternative to official disclosure and catastrophic disclosure?

A: Yes, I believe there's a route forward that a community such as this one can start making progress on. With the introduction to a pragmatic disclosure which has a simple goal; remove the 'valid' reasons that disclosure is being hidden and it will no longer be hidden.
submitted by kris_lace to UFOs [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 13:12 sharma1229 Harmonizing Heritage with Modernity

Located in the center of Pune, famed for its strong educational environment, the Symbiosis Institute of Foreign and Indian Language serves as a guiding light for those interested in exploring linguistic traditions. As India makes progress internationally, there is a growing need for people to have a good understanding and skill in its indigenous languages. In response to this need, the Institute provides extensive Sanskrit language classes and Hindi language classes, designed to cater to a wide range of learners including students, professionals, and cultural enthusiasts.
Reviving Ancient Echoes: The Sanskrit Language Course
Sanskrit, often referred to as the mother of several languages, holds a pivotal role in the cultural and scholarly fabric of India. The Sanskrit language courses at the Symbiosis Institute are more than just language lessons; they are a passage back in time to ancient wisdom and texts. The courses are meticulously designed to cater to various levels, ensuring that each student, whether a beginner or advanced learner, finds the pathway to mastery.
The curriculum is robust, encompassing not only the intricacies of grammar and vocabulary but also the poetic structures, philosophical texts, and scriptures that make Sanskrit a jewel of linguistic study. Students are immersed in an environment that combines traditional learning techniques with modern pedagogical strategies, facilitating a comprehensive understanding of the language and its applications in contemporary and historical contexts.
Modern Relevance with Traditional Charm: Hindi Language Courses
As the lingua franca of India, Hindi carries immense significance both in formal and informal spheres across the country. The Hindi language courses at the Institute are designed to break down the language barrier that many face, promoting not only communication but also a deeper understanding of the Indian ethos. From basic conversation to advanced literary appreciation, the courses are structured to address varying needs and objectives.
The faculty, comprising seasoned linguists and native speakers, employs a variety of teaching tools to make learning Hindi both enjoyable and effective. Interactive classroom sessions, multimedia aids, and language labs form the backbone of the instructional methodology. Moreover, special emphasis is placed on enhancing spoken fluency and written proficiency, which are critical in achieving true language command.
Top Reasons to Consider Symbiosis Institute for Language Learning
Skilled Educators: The instructors are not just teachers of language but also passionate custodians of culture. Their expertise ensures that learning is rooted in authenticity and enriched with cultural anecdotes.
Flexible Learning Modules: Recognizing the diverse backgrounds and schedules of its learners, the Institute offers flexible course timings, including weekend batches and intensive crash courses.
Cultural Integration: Learning a language is incomplete without understanding its cultural backdrop. The Institute organizes workshops, cultural festivals, and guest lectures that provide learners with a holistic educational experience.
Advanced Amenities: Equipped with modern classrooms, language labs, and an extensive library, the campus provides an ideal environment for language acquisition and practice.
Placement Assistance: For those looking to leverage their language skills professionally, the Institute offers guidance and support in securing placements and career opportunities where language skills are prized.
Enrollment and Opportunities
Prospective students can easily apply through the Institute's online portal, where they can also find detailed information about course content, duration, and fees. The alumni network is vibrant and often plays a pivotal role in guiding new learners through their language journey at the Institute.
The Symbiosis Institute of Foreign and Indian Language offers education that goes beyond the traditional boundaries of learning. Their Sanskrit and Hindi language courses are not just academic offerings but also gateways to explore India's rich linguistic heritage. For those who wish to connect or reconnect with their cultural roots while acquiring language skills that are highly valued both academically and professionally, this Institute in Pune is an ideal starting point.
Every lesson is steeped in history, and every conversation opens a door to new opportunities. Embrace the journey of language learning at the Symbiosis Institute where you can immerse yourself in the cultural and linguistic richness of India.
submitted by sharma1229 to u/sharma1229 [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 13:09 My-name-for-ever This makes me laugh. Appeal approved

This makes me laugh. Appeal approved
I may get hate for this but I don’t care it’s just advice as I was on the app since lockdown, lost my big account with around 8/9 million likes and the app didn’t help or respond to having my account returned despite doing nothing wrong apparently broke the community guidelines but didn’t tell me why… no option to appeal likely due to multiple people reporting my account, On my old account I never won appeals or they was never checked despite having a lot of followers and posting videos with my face constantly I even have multiple videos removed for being underage despite being an adult… now on this account I have realised Being a sort of troll with a faceless account that uploads photos of trending things or memes seems to be more beneficial on the app, all my comments go by ok or I win the appeals…I have never had a video removed yet, on my other account when I was nice to everyone I kept having videos and comments removed and got abuse contently with people criticising me and wanting to know about my life even trying to abuse my address and speaking of my dead family members eventually the account got banned… now after this I decided to make a faceless account as I was sick of it and didn’t want to start again and see how that goes and my account has been safe from anything being removed, not one person has mentioned my looks or personal information about me or my family, I don’t feel the pressure of posting content for people despite having 10k followers on there, none of them really know me and I’m glad they don’t… so my advice have a laugh and just use the app to watch content don’t show your face or try to tell people your personal life on there, the app seems to go against you for being yourself so play them at their own game. Also this video was about a young woman dating a much older man so I was referring to her getting money for him once he died. I only leave troll comments now and again for a laugh and because I can as no one will ever know it’s me so in term I can say anything I like within reason, no one from your life or work will ever find you now either so you can’t be embarrassed by what you post or them seeing it, it’s a win win situation really.
submitted by My-name-for-ever to Tiktokhelp [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 13:08 Boomer00002 Archewell 2024 donation, grant and publicity master thread

Archewell 2024 donation, grant and publicity master thread
I've left this comment on a couple of posts and someone suggested I make a post about it. I'm happy to do so in order to keep it all together in one place. I've even added a couple of new items.
These are results I got in Google after restricting the search from January 1, 2024 - May 10, 2024. According to the Daily Mail, "Records show it was declared delinquent in January for not filing its annual registration renewal fee reports or renewal fee since February 2023". [Archive link - https://archive.is/wgrzc] This would mean any publicity or donations / grants that were announced would have happened AFTER it was declared delinquent.
I did not even go into activities from Feb - Dec of 2023. The following items are just since Jan 2024. (Meaning the new 'check is in the mail' cover story is as legitimate as their foundation. [Archive link - https://archive.is/wip/fjOM8]) They are not necessarily in chronological order.

The Archewell / NAACP award for $100K was announced in March 2024:
"Prince Harry and Megan's [sic] Archewell Foundation has announced the new winner of an annual award meant for figures who have overcome racist and sexist biases in the field of artificial intelligence (AI).
Each year, the winner of The NAACP - Archewell Foundation Digital Civil Rights Award is awarded $100,000 to advance their work in civil and human rights."
March 14, 2024: https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-13199041/Archewell-Foundation-announces-NAACP-foundation-award-harry-meghan.html [Archive link - https://archive.is/FKRzS]
Question: Did Archewell give the $100K themselves?

In March it was also reported that Archewell had been funding a San Antonio Afghan refugee women's charity "since last July".
"San Antonio is one of the foundation’s 11 active Welcome Projects across the U.S." [Archewell archive link - https://archive.is/JWErN]
March 12, 2024: https://sanantonioreport.org/prince-harry-and-meghan-markle-visit-afghan-refugee-women-in-san-antonio/ [Archive link - https://archive.is/tRgsS]

Also from March 7, 2024 in Vanity Fair [Archive link - https://archive.is/7A8bS]:
"On Thursday, the Duchess of Sussex and the nonprofit Moms First are announcing the results of a study on television moms with the Geena Davis Institute on Gender in Media...
...The duchess is teaming up with actor Geena Davis and Moms First, a longtime charity partner of the Archewell Foundation, to raise awareness about the ways television depicts characters who are mothers, backed up by data gathered from programming across 2022."
https://momsfirst.us/news/gdi-motherhood/ [Archive link - https://archive.is/wip/yJeFD]

April 2024: "African-American art earned a royal endorsement when Prince Harry and Meghan Markle — also known as the Duke and Duchess of Sussex — hosted “An Evening of Art” on Thursday, March 21, honoring The Kinsey African American Art and History Collection at Sofi Stadium in Inglewood, California, where the exhibit debuted during Super Bowl LVI 2022. Last month’s event was the result of a partnership between the Sussexes’ Archewell Foundation and The Bernard and Shirley Kinsey Foundation for Art and Education." [Archwell archive link - https://archive.is/61uYX]
April 3, 2024: https://thegrio.com/2024/04/03/meghan-markle-and-prince-harry-amplify-black-art-with-a-star-studded-special-event/ [Archive link - https://archive.is/gdyiF]

May 10, 2024 announcement:
"What a joy to welcome to Nigeria our dear partners Prince Harry & Meghan, the Duke and Duchess of Sussex, and their Archewell Foundation team to celebrate our new partnership to provide mental and menstrual health workshops to teens and youth on an ongoing basis!!"
https://www.facebook.com/GEANCOFDN/posts/833274995502687 [Archive link - https://archive.is/wip/U3h8C]


As for publicity / PR in this timeframe (not including additional tie-ins with Invictus, Sentebale and BetterUp-related events), I found the following...

The Daily Express reported the following on January 14, 2024 regarding Harry being named a "Legend of Aviation":
"The Archewell Foundation, founded by The Duke and Duchess of Sussex, says it is 'categorically untrue' that any money exchanged hands concerning the 'Living Legends of Aviation' title."
https://www.express.co.uk/news/royal/1855510/prince-harry-publicity-stunt-living-legend-aviation [Archive link - https://archive.is/bGxVa]

Archewell sought publicity in February by announcing:
"Meghan Markle and Prince Harry's Archewell Foundation honored Black History Month with a group outing.
A new post on the Archewell Foundation website marked Black History, sharing that the team visited a photo exhibit chronicling the Civil Rights movement in Los Angeles."
February 27, 2024: https://malaysia.news.yahoo.com/meghan-markle-prince-harrys-archewell-163043509.html [Archive link - https://archive.is/rrHHZ]

Archewell was also name-dropped on April 2, 2024 when Meghan made an appearance to read at Children’s Hospital Los Angeles as part of the "Make March Matter Campaign", but I cannot find anything that mentions an Archewell donation or grant.
https://www.usmagazine.com/celebrity-news/news/meghan-markle-reads-to-patients-at-childrens-hospital-los-angeles/ [Archive link - https://archive.is/wip/0FG27]

Then on April 12, 2024 the Daily Mail reported:
"The Duke of Sussex is thought to be working with his PR advisers at Archewell to do all he can to manage photographs and videos from his public appearances - with any output being edited by Archewell or event organisers before being released."
https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-13300557/Prince-Harry-royal-experts-Archewell-Netflix-Meghan-Markle.html [Archive link - https://archive.is/GmilF]

New addition from the Archewell website [Archive link - https://archive.is/2kNu1]:
"On International Women’s Day, The Archewell Foundation co-hosted a keynote panel “Breaking Barriers, Shaping Narratives: How Women Lead On and Off the Screen” at South By Southwest (SXSW) in Austin, Texas.
Meghan, The Duchess of Sussex, and Co-founder of The Archewell Foundation, spoke at the festival’s keynote panel alongside fellow female visionary leaders Katie Couric, Brooke Shields, and Nancy Wang Yuen in a conversation moderated by The 19th’s Errin Haines."
"This session is presented by The Archewell Foundation and The 19th, the national nonprofit newsroom reporting on gender, politics and policy."
March 8, 2024: https://schedule.sxsw.com/2024/events/PP1145814 [Archive link - https://archive.is/4WMsU]

Also consider the following dates in the above 2024 timeline.
Charles and Catherine's hospital stays and surgeries were announced on January 17th, 2024.
https://www.bbc.com/news/uk-68009259 [Archive link - https://archive.is/1U7rK]
https://www.bbc.com/news/uk-68010563 [Archive link - https://archive.is/t5sZr]
Catherine's cancer announcement was March 22nd, 2024.
https://www.bbc.com/news/uk-68641441 [Archive link - https://archive.is/yaf5K]

I'm sure there is more that I've missed so please feel free to add in the comments. I will try to keep this updated with any new information as I can.
Needless to say, for a foundation that has failed to file its reports and pay its renewal fee dating back to February 2023, they have certainly found the time in 2024 to seek publicity, put out public relations announcements, and solicit / spend.
submitted by Boomer00002 to SaintMeghanMarkle [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 13:06 bonniekbrown Plot Your Wellness Path

Plot Your Wellness Path
📌 Plot Your Wellness Path 📌
🌱 Every step you take, every decision you make, brings you closer to the vibrant health and well-being you deserve.
🌿At A Better Life - Health & Wellness, we believe that the journey to optimal health is paved with mindful, positive choices.
🥦 Whether it's choosing nourishing foods, dedicating time for physical activity, or cultivating a positive mindset, every choice counts. 🗺️ Let's embark on this journey together, crafting a personalized wellness path that celebrates your unique needs and goals.
🚶‍♂️Visit us at www.abetterlife.me to discover how we can support you in making each choice a stepping stone to a healthier, happier you. 💖
👉 Leave a comment and tell us your thoughts!
🚀 Learn how to fix your health and get to your best wellness possible with our 🆓 F.R.E.E. Health Assessment, 🆓 F.R.E.E. Recap Report, and 🆓 F.R.E.E Consultation. 💸 Plus, save 10% on all CellCore Biosciences products, prices & protocols.
🎯 Discover our Educational Training & Coaching Programs at A Better Life – Health & Wellness: www.abetterlife.me.
submitted by bonniekbrown to u/bonniekbrown [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 13:04 Ok-Owl-4778 Somali Resource Management and Development Initiative (SRMDI)

Project Name: Somali Resource Management and Development Initiative (SRMDI)
Location: Mogadishu, the capital city of Somalia
Objective: The Somali Resource Management and Development Initiative aims to harness Somalia's natural resources and strategic geographical location to promote sustainable development, economic growth, and national unity.
  1. Beginning (Year 1-2): The project commences with a comprehensive assessment of Somalia's natural resources, including oil and gas reserves, agricultural land, fisheries, and renewable energy potential. A multi-disciplinary team of experts is assembled to develop an integrated resource management plan, with input from local communities, government agencies, and international partners.
  2. Middle (Year 3-5): Implementation phase begins with targeted investments in key sectors, such as infrastructure development, agriculture, energy, and environmental conservation. Priority projects include the construction of irrigation systems to maximize agricultural productivity, expansion of renewable energy infrastructure to reduce dependency on fossil fuels, and establishment of fish processing facilities to add value to fisheries products.
  3. End (Year 6-8): As the project progresses, efforts are made to promote inclusive growth and equitable distribution of resources across all regions of Somalia. Capacity-building programs are initiated to empower local communities with the skills and knowledge needed to participate in resource management and decision-making processes. Additionally, mechanisms for revenue sharing and transparent governance are established to ensure accountability and mitigate potential conflicts over resource allocation.
Duration: The Somali Resource Management and Development Initiative is estimated to span over a period of 8 years, from inception to completion.
Funding: The project can be funded through a combination of sources, including government revenues, international aid and investment, public-private partnerships, and revenue generated from resource extraction activities. Transparent and accountable financial management practices are implemented to ensure efficient utilization of funds and maximize impact.
Expected Outcomes: - Sustainable management and utilization of Somalia's natural resources for the benefit of all citizens - Economic diversification and job creation in key sectors such as agriculture, energy, and fisheries - Strengthened national unity and social cohesion through equitable distribution of resources and inclusive governance - Enhanced resilience to environmental challenges and climate change impacts - Improved quality of life and opportunities for prosperity for all Somali citizens
Sources: - United Nations Development Programme (UNDP): "Somalia Human Development Report" - World Bank: "Somalia Economic Update" - Somali Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment: Strategic Plan for Resource Management - Consultations with local communities, government officials, and international experts on resource management and development strategies.
submitted by Ok-Owl-4778 to Somalia [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 13:03 FounderFolks How NoDegree Earns Up to $300k Empowering Job Seekers

Steffie here from Founder Folks, with a recent interview I did with Jonaed Iqbal from NoDegree Inc.
Here is his story how he started and grew NoDegree Inc.
Name: Jonaed Iqbal
Company: NoDegree Inc
Other Founders: 3
Employee Size: 3
Technology Tools: Riverside.fm, Descript, Davince Resolve, Slack, Zoom, Fireflies.ai, Simplecast.fm, ChatGPT, Lobby.so
Revenue: Up to $300K
Founded: 2014
Website: ~www.nodegree.com~
Introduction My name is Jonaed Iqbal. I am the Founder of NoDegree.com and host of The NoDegree Podcast where I interview people without college degrees and have them share their stories. NoDegree.com helps people without college degrees find meaningful careers that pay well. We realize that just because someone doesn’t go to college, doesn’t mean they should be denied opportunity. NoDegree shares roadmaps on how to break into careers that don’t require degrees.
Before this, I was an actuarial assistant at MetLife. I realized I didn’t want to study hundreds of hours to pass exams for a career I wasn’t passionate about. I worked for a few years. I then worked as a Data Analyst for a NYC agency and then a Product Manager for a FinTech company.
The Inspiration Behind NoDegree Inc I was on Reddit. I saw a post on AskReddit with the title, “For those of you without college degree who make over six figures, what do you do and how did you get the job. I saw jobs like claims adjuster, surveyor, systems administrator, elevator repair, and web developer. I thought, “No one says they want to be a claims adjuster when they grow up.” People mentioned that they got the job through a family friend or someone in their community. Basically, they knew someone. I then thought. What if someone doesn’t know someone? Should they not be able to break into these careers?
And I thought, I could be that friend. I searched up NoDegree.com and put an inquiry in. A few days later, I got a response back and negotiated. I called 2 buddies and pitched the idea. We bought the domain for $1,520.
From Idea to Reality I spent a couple of years doing research with whatever free time I had. It was just learning about entrepreneurship, business, SEO, and other topics that would help us in the future. Eventually we incorporated and started to get the ball rolling. We used a law firm to help us with the process. I would have probably used a small accounting firm if I were to do it again.
Attracting Customers I started networking on LinkedIn. I gave free resume reviews to people. I created content aimed at job seekers. I let people know this is what I did. I did a lot of resumes for free. Eventually I started getting referrals. As I grew my account, I got more business. Since I have been doing it for years, I get regular business from referrals.
Overcoming Challenges in Starting the Business I have made a lot of mistakes. If I were to do it over, I would have waited to quit my job. I am still paying the price of not having any income for 15 months. I had issues with business partners who weren’t pulling their weight. We had disagreements and parted ways. I even got 2 jobs along the way (not at the same time). I got fired from both of them. It’s tough managing a business and a full time job. I’ve had some good months. And I have had some bad months. I have had clients who secured raises in the $100K+ range who didn’t pay the remainder of their bill. Entrepreneurship makes you value the people that support you and makes you bitter towards the people who screw you over.
Costs and Revenue My biggest costs are the workers I have. I have a podcast editor and an online business manager. I was making money doing resumes. I eventually expanded to include job search strategy, interview prep, LinkedIn profiles, and salary negotiation. I also started recruiting. At one point, I did less work for NoDegree because I had another virtual event business that was making money. We hit over a million in sales in that business. That business took a hit when in person events came back. I then went back to doing resumes. I started off charging $300-$500 for resumes. Now I charge double that. I typically spend 5-6 hours with clients. I am also making more money through online courses. My business recently started recruiting for companies so that has opened up another revenue stream. For 2023 and 2024, revenue has remained flat. However from 2022 to 2023, I had 100% growth in revenue. In 2019, the company lost money. We had small expenses and barely had revenue. Starting in Jan 2020, I started getting regular resume clients. The revenue was around $4K-$5K a month. It was sable for most of 2020 and grew from there.
A Day in the Life I don’t have typical workdays; I have typical workweeks. Since I work based on my clients' schedules, my work is scattered throughout the week. I typically engage in 2-3+ hour sessions with clients, with anywhere between 1 to 3 of these sessions per day. Some days, I spend over 12 hours writing resumes in front of my clients. In between, I manage to comment on LinkedIn and fit in networking calls, as well as meetings with my business partners, often scheduled for 10pm or later. Additionally, I aim to record 1-3 podcast episodes per week, although sometimes I fall behind and need to catch up.
I usually check my email and LinkedIn inbox around 1-3am, which can take up 1-2+ hours daily. Occasionally, messages and emails accumulate, requiring several hours of catch-up time. As I am not a morning person and struggle with Delayed Sleep Phase Disorder (DSPD), waking up before 12pm is challenging for me. Despite this, due to work demands, I occasionally find myself working on resumes as early as 9am, though I try to avoid this as it quickly wears me out. Networking calls typically take place between 10pm-2am, as I often connect with individuals from the West Coast or around the world during these hours. Given my preferences and natural rhythm, I find it more manageable to work on resumes at 2am rather than 9am, as that's just how I'm wired.
The Vision for NoDegree Inc My eventual goal is to compete with LinkedIn, Monster, Indeed, and other popular job boards. I understand that achieving this will take a considerable amount of time. Furthermore, I am committed to never seeking VC funding for my company; instead, I will maintain a bootstrapped approach. For me, the mission holds greater significance than monetary gain. I am fully aware that this endeavor may span 15 to 20 years or more, and I am prepared for the long journey ahead.
Guiding Principles for Entrepreneurial Success Build the runway first. I would have been much further along if I had some savings to start with. I always struggled just to stay afloat. Once I got a job, I was able to raise my prices with no issues. If I were to go back, I would have waited until I started making revenue on a regular basis before quitting. It took me 15 months to start making money after quitting my job. There were some things I wanted to do, but I couldn’t take the risks I wanted to because I couldn’t afford the downside scenarios. Also, make sure to choose your business partners wisely. Not everyone is cut out to be an entrepreneur. Set expectations and be ready to have tough conversations. I would have done things so much differently. I thought everyone was ready to commit like I was and make the sacrifices I made. For some people, the business is a hobby. For me, it’s my life. Thankfully, I have some great business partners now, and I wouldn’t be making the progress I am without them.
submitted by FounderFolks to Entrepreneur [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 13:01 FelicitySmoak_ On This Day in Michael Jackson HIStory - May 14th

On This Day in Michael Jackson HIStory - May 14th
1975 - Michael had a private meeting with Berry Gordy to discuss the Jackson Five's future & after being denied creative freedom once again, the brothers started shopping for a new record deal. The Jackson Five had begun to ask to produce, write and record their own material in the previous year but all their requests for creative control had been denied.
1985 - Michael met Ronald & Nancy Reagan at White House for the launch of a campaign against driving under the influence of alcohol. In the spring of 1984, Michael's team received a call from the Secretary of Transportation, Elizabeth Dole, asking for Michael to give "BEAT IT" as background music for a television commercial and a 35 second radio spot on the dangers of driving a car under the influence of alcohol.
Even though the initiative was initially rejected by Michael, once he meditated a bit, he explained to his representative, John Branca
"You know what? If I can get some kind of prize from the White House then I will give them the song. How about?".
Intrigued, Branca asked: "Like what?"
Jackson listed: "I want to know the White House. I want to be on a stage with the president and receive an award from him. I want an event with children. And I also want to meet Nancy. All that. Why not? Can you get it? "
Branca was given the task of obtaining a positive response in the shortest time possible, which was not entirely difficult due to the fascination of the Reagans with show business. And so, the meeting was scheduled for the morning of 5/14/84
For such an important occasion, President Reagan dressed in a navy blue suit, a gray and navy blue striped tie & a white shirt. Nancy,on the other hand, chose a white suit, Adolfo brand, adorned with buttons and gold stripes. Nothing too spectacular to overshadow Michael's attire: an electric blue sequined jacket, adorned with sequined laces, a band of golden sequins, and epaulettes with golden sequins. He also wore his famous white sequined glove.
Two thousand people in total, including officials, admirers and security met in the central garden to see Michael.
Once everyone was up on stage, the Republican president pointed out that:
"Michael Jackson is proof of what a person can accomplish through a lifestyle free of alcohol or drug abuse. People young and old can respect that. And if Americans follow his example, then we can face up to the problem of drinking and driving, and we can, in Michael's words, beat it."
- a brief speech of just 5 and a half minutes. Then he handed a plaque to Michael, a gesture that he thanked before the microphone with an even more brief intervention, saying a mere 13 words:
"I'm very, very honored. Thank you very much, Mr. President and Mrs. Reagan."
During his tour of the halls of the presidential residence, he showed his fascination with a portrait of Andrew Jackson, dressed in a military suit very similar to the blue sequins he wore that day.
Until Michael's visit, only Elvis Presley, received this distinction, in 1970, when President Richard Nixon opened the doors of the Oval Office. Michael would return to the White House twice more during the terms of George W. Bush, Sr & Bill Clinton
1985 - Michael Jackson received a royalty check from Epic Records for $53 Million for sales from his Thriller album.
1988- Michael is on the cover of Fresh! magazine
1996- Michael visits Chateau de Pierrefonds in Northern France, rumors were he wanted to purchase a French chateau.
The Château de Pierrefonds, classified as a historic monument and managed by the Center des monuments nationaux, was not for sale. Michael was aware of this so his visit was simply a pleasure visit.
The guides at the Château de Pierrefonds keep the memory of this arrival, completely unexpected, on 5/14/96. They speak with pleasure of this moment when the King of Pop arrived, surrounded by his bodyguards, to discover this castle worthy of fairy tales.
According to one of the guides, he arrived in a limousine which he parked in front of the village pharmacy. Michael, in fact, came in a station wagon type car which parked as close as possible to the entrance to the castle.
Wearing a red jacket and his mask, Michael arrived late in the morning when there were not too many people. However, it was school field trip time and a group of children were present. One of the guides explains that he then hid in a corner, near the stairs where the visit to the castle begins, so as not to be seen and disturbed
Michael paused for a long time in front of the model of the castle, located at the end of the guard room. Made in 1878 for the Universal Exhibition, this stone model built at 1/50 scale remains impressive (height: 145cm, width: 250 cm, length: 350 cm). Michael's bodyguards reportedly took a lot of photos and it is said that Michael asked for the plans of the model.
What is certain is that Michael had a model of the castle made for his Neverland ranch. It measured 269cm x 335cm x365 cm. A little larger than the model present at the castle. Michael's model sat in the middle of his living room, with, for a time, a framed photo of the castle on the wall.
The model was one of the objects that Julien's Auctions wanted to sell at auction in 2009, before Michael prevented this sale.
Although shy and discreet, Michael did not hesitate to pose for photos with the employees, who were quickly aware of his presence
Michael also leaves a strong memory of his visit with employees through his visit to the site's souvenir shop. He spent a large sum on history books, an amount which, according to the guide, “is not seen every day here” .
2004 - The Defense team, headed up by Thomas Mesereau, have decided to agree with the DA's Office of Santa Barbara to uphold the gag order in the case against Michael. Mesereau wrote that he and his client support the gag order and withdrew any objections to it made by Jackson's prior counsel.
In court documents filed , Attorney Theodore Boutrous, who represents the news organizations, criticized Santa Barbara County DA Thomas Sneddon's condemnation of the intense media coverage.
"Eliminating the gag order will ensure that more accurate information will be disseminated, and will reduce the amount of rumors, speculation and gossip about which the District Attorney complains," Boutrous wrote.
The news organizations have been annoyed by Sneddon's clampdown on information about the case. They have asked the California Supreme Court to overturn the gag order on the grounds that it violates the freedom of speech guaranteed by the U.S. Constitution.
Thomas Sneddon and Gerald Franklin, filed a motion earlier in the week, to the California Supreme Court to uphold the gag order in this case. He argued that the media was hoping to profit by pandering to a "gossip-hungry readership." He proceeded to write in his letter, "Despite the perhaps inevitable leaks, the public knows little more about the facts of this case than that Michael Jackson has been indicted on serious charges and that a jury will be asked to consider the evidence that may be presented to determine his guilt or innocence based on that evidence. And that's the way it should be."
Mr. Sneddon's letter was a response to the media's attorneys that wanted the gag order lifted which was imposed by the sitting judge in the case, Superior Court Judge Rodney Melville. The gag order prohibits participants involved in the case to discuss any particulars about the case to the media.
Sneddon argued in his letter that the news organizations have no standing to challenge the gag order because it applies only to case participants, not the media. He also said that such an order is required in a case that has drawn sensational worldwide attention.
"What is reported as fact becomes the nucleus of intense speculation, conjecture and discussion among commentators, particularly in the tabloid media and the audience they appeal to," Sneddon wrote. "Gossip -- and the 'news' tidbits that are gossip's grist -- translate into income."
2009 - In the last Family gathering Michael, Prince, Paris & Blanket attend Katherine & Joe's 60th wedding anniversary at the Indian Restaurant, Chakra in Beverly Hills with the whole family including all the grandchildren. Randy is the only one not in attendance. This is when most of Jackson siblings saw Michael for the first time since the 2005 Trial.This is also the last time Michael will see most of his family, including Janet & LaToya
2009 - AEG sent a 2nd email to Conrad Murray

2012 - Katherine Jackson & Brett Livingstone Strong give an interview on Piers Morgan Tonight. They show some of Michael's artwork
Brett Livingstone Strong is the artist responsible for "The Book", the only portrait that Michael ever posed for
2013- Day 11 of the Jackson vs Aeg Live trial
submitted by FelicitySmoak_ to WhereWasMJToday [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 13:01 AutoModerator "Daily Request Assistance Post - Daily Mental Health Check in - May 14, 2024"

If you need help or are thinking about ending your life, Please reach out to someone in your life or comment on this post. We are here to support you.
Call 988 National Suicide Hotline - Press 1 for VA Crisis Line
Suicide and Mental Health Resources A comprehensive list of resources can be found here.
Veteran's Crisis Information
You can call 1800 273 8255, Press 1 or text 838255
1-877-927-8387 Open 24/7 VA Vet Centers offer counseling Vet Centers are local, community-based confidential counseling centers that support war Veterans, active-duty Servicemembers, and military family members with post-deployment readjustment services. The goal of every Vet Center is to provide a broad range of counseling, outreach, referral, and assessment services, collectively called readjustment counseling services, to facilitate high-quality post-war readjustment and reintegration. Readjustment counseling services at a Vet Center allow war Veterans a satisfying post-war readjustment to civilian life and provide active-duty Servicemembers a confidential resource for post-war assistance. Military families also receive no-cost marriage and family therapy and supportive services for military-related issues. Vet Centers provide bereavement counseling to surviving parents, spouses, partners, children, and siblings of Servicemembers, which include federally activated Reserve and National Guard personnel, who die of any cause while on military active-duty. Vet Centers provide confidential military sexual trauma counseling to all military Veterans and active-duty Servicemembers, to include federally activated Reserve and National Guard personnel, no matter their duty location, era of service, or whether the trauma incident was reported to authorities.
Veteran Wellness Allegiance can offer Peer Counseling and assistance
Military One Source - 1-800-342-9647
Please seek help if needed...There are behavioral health resources at your disposal both in the Military and out.
non VA treatment program for PTSD:
Vets4Warriors 1-855-838-8255
Veterans in acute suicidal crisis are able to go to any VA or non-VA health care facility for emergency health care at no cost – including inpatient or crisis residential care for up to 30 days and outpatient care for up to 90 days. Veterans do not need to be enrolled in the VA system to use this benefit. Literally any veteran can walk into ANY urgent care/ER for thoughts of suicide and they can get free care.
Any veteran experiencing food insecurity can call their primary care (PACT) team and have one of the PACT social workers conduct a food insecurity screen. These are websites veterans can use to find local food pantries, soup kitchens, and food banks. Food Pantries Soup Kitchens Food Banks
Veterans who are homeless or at imminent risk of becoming homeless can call or visit their local VA Medical Center where staff are ready to help.
VA Emergency Rooms/Services - VA Urgent Care
VA Health Chat
Free Legal Clinics
Free legal services for veterans
submitted by AutoModerator to Veterans [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 13:00 AutoModerator Daily Discussion Thread: spray/memes/chat/whatever allowed

Welcome to /climbing's Daily Discussion Thread, a thread for questions and comments everyone wants to make but don't warrant their own thread.
Please note: if you see a post that is of low quality hit report under the post for automoderator action.
Have a question about what color carabiner speaks to your soul? Want to talk some smack about pebble wrestlers? Wondering how chalk buckets work? Really proud of that thing you did? Just discover a meme older than most of our users? Awesome! Post that noise here.
New if you are unaware, there are many other climbing subreddits. Here are links to them, please check them out! They need your posts and comments.
If you have a more serious question about climbing gear, technique, systems, etc. check out our Weekly New Climber Thread.
submitted by AutoModerator to climbing [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 13:00 Chibblededo My repair saga: yet more incredible stupidity from Lenovo

Dear all
     Here, here and here I reported the increasingly Kafkaesque business of getting Lenovo to repair a laptop. Here is a further installment.
     After agreeing to file a complaint on my behalf . . against itself, someone at Lenovo asked me for an invoice and for some email-I-knew-not-what. The invoice at issue was for the initial diagnosis of my laptop. The amount was £48. —If one goes ahead with the repair then that £48 is deducted from one's bill.— I supplied the invoice (even though it is Lenovo's invoice, i.e. Lenovo has it already) and asked which email was meant.
     Today I received a refund offer for . . £48. My repair bill was over £600. I surmise that the email for which I had been asked was the one that contained that latter, much larger bill. In an act of incredible cheek or perhaps awesome stupidity, I was being offered a refund only on the diagnosis fee.
     Here perhaps I should recall the main points of the past instalments. So: Lenovo had repaired the faults on my laptop but in so doing had broken it in further (and indeed worse) ways; then, after I got Lenovo to take the machine back, Lenovo had almost sent it back for the second time without fixing all of the problems that the first 'repair' had induced (I had to intervene to prevent that); and at one point Lenovo sent a courier to collect the laptop from me whilst Lenovo itself still had the laptop.
TL;DR: Even when offering compensation - for gross incompetence - Lenovo is grossly incompetent.
submitted by Chibblededo to thinkpad [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 12:55 Hyfrom2BD We should all be free to share our opinions here

What is this sub for if we can't all be allowed to post our opinions here as long as you're not insulting anyone or being racist/tribal,you guys really want all of us to be discussing about relationships and sex all day?
Some kenyans have sensitive issues they would want to post about eg religion,tribalism,illegal immigrants and corruption but you guys don't let them. If someone complains about racist immigrants-they get reported because to some kenyans that equals to xenophobia,you complain about a certain religion-you get reported,you complain about a certain group of people-you get reported even if its true
Just because you differ from someones point of view doesn't mean you should report them,if you think they're wrong go on the comments and tell them why you think they're wrong
You discuss about sex and relationships all day and think you're superior to X users who are busy fighting politicians and racist illegal immigrants,hilarious
submitted by Hyfrom2BD to Kenya [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 12:48 Puginator Walmart to reportedly lay off hundreds of corporate staff and relocate others

Walmart is cutting hundreds of corporate jobs and asking most remote workers to move to offices, the Wall Street Journal reported on Monday, citing people familiar with the matter.
Meanwhile, workers at the U.S. retail giant’s smaller offices in Dallas, Atlanta and Toronto are being asked to move to other central hubs such as Walmart’s corporate headquarters in Bentonville as well as Hoboken or Southern California, the report added.
Walmart will still let staff work remotely part time, as long as they are in offices a majority of the time, the report said.
Walmart employed approximately 2.1 million associates as of Jan. 31, 2024, according to regulatory filings.
The company has been making moves to shrink its workforce over the past year and had said in April last year that it expects about 65% of its stores to be serviced by automation by the end of its fiscal year 2026.
In February 2023, it shut three of its U.S. technology hubs and asked hundreds of workers to relocate to keep their jobs, pushing for more employees to report to work from office.
Walmart didn’t immediately respond to a Reuters request for comment.
Source: https://www.cnbc.com/2024/05/14/walmart-to-reportedly-lay-off-hundreds-of-corporate-staff-and-relocate-others.html
submitted by Puginator to stocks [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 12:46 Cool-Ad5520 Thoughts on skipping a grade?

My daughter is currently in kindergarten. Her teacher approached us and said she would like to put her in second grade next school year and skip 1st grade. My daughter started reading at 3 and everyone around has comment that she's advanced for her age. I'm obviously quite proud but a bit concerned about the social aspect. She's physically small for her age 25 percent on the growth chart. What are people's experience with having a kid skip a grade? I'm concerned about classmates being older, making new friends, leaving her old friends behind, bullying, etc.
My wife wants to do it cause my daughter gets bored at school right now.
submitted by Cool-Ad5520 to daddit [link] [comments]
