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Brilla Huatulco y triunfa Noruega en la 16° Copa Mundial de Triatlón

2024.05.20 21:21 enlacedelacosta Brilla Huatulco y triunfa Noruega en la 16° Copa Mundial de Triatlón

Brilla Huatulco y triunfa Noruega en la 16° Copa Mundial de Triatlón
* Huatulco brilla con la edición número 16 de la Copa Mundial de Triatlón, otorgando plazas olímpicas y destacando la participación de atletas de élite.
* Compitieron 24 triatletas clasificados a los Juegos Olímpicos de Paris.
* Tomaron la salida 20 atletas que ya han competido en Juegos Olímpicos.
* Más de 30 competidores dentro de los 100 primeros del ranking mundial.
Enlace de la Costa
La Copa Mundial de Triatlón en Huatulco reunió a triatletas de élite en una emocionante competencia por plazas olímpicas para París 2024. Noruega y Países Bajos lideraron en relevos mixtos, mientras que Richard Murray se coronó en la categoría varonil.
El 16° AsTri Huatulco, parte del Serial Premium de la FMTRI, contó con más de 800 triatletas de categorías por edad, clasificando para el Campeonato Mundial de Triatlón en Torremolinos, España 2024, y el Mundial Multisport en Australia 2024.
El éxito del evento se debe al apoyo del Instituto del Deporte del Estado de Oaxaca, el Gobierno del Estado de Oaxaca, el Gobierno Municipal de Santa María Huatulco y la Asociación de Hoteles y Moteles de Bahías de Huatulco.
Relevos Mixtos: Noruega y Países Bajos dominan
El viernes, la competencia inició con los relevos mixtos. Noruega se llevó el primer lugar con un tiempo de 1:20:08, ganando cuatro plazas individuales para los Juegos Olímpicos de París.
Países Bajos terminó en segundo lugar con 1:21:04, también asegurando cuatro plazas. Hungría completó el podio en tercer lugar con 1:21:16.
El equipo mexicano, conformado por Vladimir González, Nicolás Probert, Mercedes Romero y Luisa Daniela Baca, ocupó la sexta posición.
Competencia Élite Femenil
El sábado por la tarde, la competencia élite femenil elevó las emociones con la participación de atletas olímpicas.
La danesa Alberte Kjær Pedersen se llevó la victoria con un tiempo de 1:04:54, seguida de Rachel Klamer de Países Bajos y Solveig Løvseth de Noruega, ambas con el mismo tiempo.
Las mexicanas Sofía Rodríguez, Marcela Álvarez y Ana María Torres se ubicaron en los puestos 11, 14 y 20, respectivamente.
Competencia Élite Varonil
El domingo, Richard Murray de Países Bajos dominó la competencia élite varonil con un tiempo de 00:58:07, sumando puntos cruciales para su clasificación a París 2024.
Mathis Beaulieu de Canadá y John Reed de Estados Unidos completaron el podio. Vladimir González fue el mexicano mejor ubicado, en el puesto 21.
Historial de Éxitos Mexicanos
En los 16 años de historia de la Copa Mundial Huatulco, México ha tenido varios podios destacados:
2012: Claudia Rivas, bronce
2013: Irving Pérez, bronce
2014: Claudia Rivas, plata
2015: Irving Pérez, oro
Copa Continental y AsTri Huatulco
La Copa Continental también vio triunfos mexicanos, como Irving Pérez en 2017 y Rodrigo González en 2018.
En 2023, Anahí Álvarez ganó el oro y Mercedes Romero y Aram Peñaflor obtuvieron bronce.
submitted by enlacedelacosta to u/enlacedelacosta [link] [comments]

2024.05.13 01:35 Primary-Ingenuity819 FIT GIRL REPACKS E OS "FALSOS" POSITIVOS

A pouco tempo adquiri meu laptop gamer, um G15 5530 com a placa de entrada RTX3050 6GB e com 16RAM, tem sido um ótimo custo beneficio para mim mas como todo Brasileiro as coisas não andam tão fáceis.
Comecei a adquirir jogos do Utorrent e como uma pessoa receosa eu me preocupo de onde vou baixar os meus jogos, até o momento a fonte mais segura foi os jogos repacks da fitgirl.
Baixei alguns jogos do site que foram instalados tranquilamente sem nenhum problema com vírus, entre eles "Life is strange Before the storm" "Black Ops 2" "Days Gone" destes em específicos o Days Gone e o COD acusaram no meu antivírus dois arquivos ou 3, e eu removi e o jogo seguiu funcionando normal.
Recentemente to buscando joga Dying Light e Red Dead Redemption 2 e estou com várias dúvidas a respeito dos downloads, já me acusou o Hack Tool no BO2 mas eu descobri que é apenas uma forma de burlar o serial do jogo, e no Dying Light apareceu este arquivo> cls.mpzz.dll na parte "temp" dos meus arquivos.
Já me apareceu outro problema também no GTA 4 que foi acusado dois virus e não achei resposta para eles em lugar algum.
Como sou leigo no assunto prefiro buscar mais informações do que lascar meu único laptop que é bom.
OBS: utilizo uma versão do McAffe que tenho por 1 ano premium.
os arquivos da foto são do GTA 4, se alguém souber também alguns outro site alem da fitgirl para recomendar eu agradeço.
submitted by Primary-Ingenuity819 to pirataria [link] [comments]

2024.05.12 00:41 No_Revolution_2286 AYUDA.. Llevo mas de 3 dias con este codigo de un proyecto y no puedo solucionarlo

Se que muchos no estan interesados en dar ayudas, pero lo escribo esto de buena fe. Estudio ing mecatronica en 2do sem, no soy tan malo programando pero tampoco considero que sea muy bueno. En un proyecto final de Arduino en equipo yo me ofrecí a hacer la musica (en un laberinto) y aunque he logrado echarlo a andar, hay un problema que no me ha dejado terminar. Ire mas al grano, esto consiste en que cuando el sensor ultrasonico de la entrada detecta que el carrito entró, éste activa la musica de tetris infinitamente, cuando el sensor de la salida detecta que el carrito salio, se activa una musica de victoria. (todo con distancia menor a 10 cm). EL PROBLEMA principal ES que cuando la musica de tetris suena, la del final no lo hace incluso cuando el carrito ya paso el 2do sensor. He intentado tantas cosas, llevo ya dias con este problema, y creo que la prioridad es que yo mismo sea capaz de solucionarlo, pero ps ya me canse de intentar y pedir ayuda no esta de mas. Para aclarar, cada musica es tocada por un buzzer diferente (osea son dos sensores y dos buzzers). La ultima solución que se me ocurrio es que cuando el segundo sensor detecte algo, mandar un LOW al buzzer, aun asi no funciona. Les agradeceria si alguien me puede apoyar, porque mi proyecto es para el lunes:"). Adjunto codigo aqui ya que en comentarios no deja.
int trig = 2; int echo = 3; int trig2 = 4; int echo2 = 5; int buzz = 6; int buzz2 = 7;
bool estado = true; bool onetime = false;
int Do = 262, Re = 294, Mi = 330, Fa = 349, Sols = 415, La = 440, Sib = 466 , Si=494, Do2 = 524, Mi2= 660, Re2= 588, La2= 880, Sol2 = 784, Fa2 = 698, Sols2= 830;
int semifusa = 62; int fusa = 125; int semicorchea = 250; int corchea = 500; int negra = 1000; int blanca= 2000;
void setup() { Serial.begin(9600); pinMode(trig, OUTPUT); pinMode(trig2, OUTPUT); pinMode(echo, INPUT); pinMode(echo2, INPUT); pinMode(buzz, OUTPUT); pinMode(buzz2, OUTPUT); }
void loop() {
long duration, distance, duration2, distance2;
digitalWrite(trig, LOW); delay(2); digitalWrite(trig, HIGH); delay(10); digitalWrite(trig, LOW); duration = pulseIn(echo, HIGH); distance = (duration * 0.0343) / 2; //(duration * 0.0343) / 2 Serial.print("Distance: "); Serial.print(distance); Serial.println(" cm"); delay(1000);
digitalWrite(trig2, LOW); delay(2); digitalWrite(trig2, HIGH); delay(10); digitalWrite(trig2, LOW); duration2 = pulseIn(echo2, HIGH); distance2 = (duration2 * 0.0343) / 2; Serial.print("Distance2: "); Serial.print(distance2); Serial.println(" cm"); delay(1000);
if(estado && distance >= 1 && distance < 10) { while(true) { for(int cont = 0; cont < 2; cont++) { tone(buzz, Mi2, corchea); delay(400);//el delay es como el silencio tone(buzz, Si, semicorchea); delay(200); tone(buzz, Do2, semicorchea); delay(200); tone(buzz, Re2, corchea); delay(400); tone(buzz, Do2, semicorchea); delay(200); tone(buzz, Si, semicorchea); delay(200); tone(buzz, La, negra); delay(600); tone(buzz, Do2, semicorchea); delay(200); tone(buzz, Mi2, corchea); delay(400); tone(buzz, Re2, semicorchea); delay(200); tone(buzz, Do2, semicorchea); delay(200); tone(buzz, Si, negra); delay(600);
tone(buzz, Do2, semicorchea); delay(200); tone(buzz, Re2, corchea); delay(400); tone(buzz, Mi2, corchea); delay(400); tone(buzz, Do2, corchea); delay(400); tone(buzz, La, semicorchea); delay(400); tone(buzz, La, negra); delay(1000); tone(buzz, Re2, corchea); delay(400); tone(buzz, Fa2, semicorchea); delay(200); tone(buzz, La2, corchea); delay(400);
tone(buzz, Sol2, corchea); delay(200); tone(buzz, Fa2, corchea); delay(200); tone(buzz, Mi2, negra); delay(600); tone(buzz, Do2, semicorchea); delay(200); tone(buzz, Mi2, corchea); delay(400); tone(buzz, Re2, semicorchea); delay(200); tone(buzz, Do2, semicorchea); delay(200); tone(buzz, Si, negra); delay(600); tone(buzz, Do2, semicorchea); delay(200); tone(buzz, Re2, corchea); delay(400); tone(buzz, Mi2, corchea); delay(400); tone(buzz, Do2, corchea); delay(400); tone(buzz, La, semicorchea); delay(400); tone(buzz, La, negra); delay(850); } tone(buzz, Mi2, blanca); delay(800); tone(buzz, Do2, blanca); delay(800); tone(buzz, Re2, blanca); delay(800); tone(buzz, Si, blanca); delay(800); tone(buzz, Do2, blanca); delay(800); tone(buzz, La, blanca); delay(800); tone(buzz, Sols, blanca); delay(800); tone(buzz, Si, blanca); delay(800); tone(buzz, Mi2, blanca); delay(800); tone(buzz, Do2, blanca); delay(800); tone(buzz, Re2, blanca); delay(800); tone(buzz, Si, blanca); delay(800); tone(buzz, Do2, corchea); delay(400); tone(buzz, Mi2,corchea ); delay(400); tone(buzz, La2, negra); delay(800); tone(buzz, Sols2, blanca); delay(1500); noTone(buzz); } }
if (distance2 >= 1 && distance2 < 10) { estado = false; digitalWrite(buzz, LOW); if (!onetime) { tone(buzz2, Do2, semifusa); delay(150);//el delay es como el silencio tone(buzz2, Do2, semifusa); delay(150); tone(buzz2, Do2, semifusa); delay(150); tone(buzz2, Do2, corchea); delay(500); tone(buzz2, Sols, corchea); delay(400); tone(buzz2, Sib, corchea); delay(500); tone(buzz2, Do2, semicorchea); delay(300); tone(buzz2, Sib, semicorchea); delay(200); tone(buzz2, Do2, negra); delay(1000); noTone(buzz2); onetime = true; } } }
submitted by No_Revolution_2286 to programacion [link] [comments]

2024.05.10 19:25 billygoat_graf Help with XML Import Extension

I'm trying to import XML files following the format below. Specifically, I'm trying to select each of the items tagged as
I've selected the this XML file in the import extension and am at wits end to get my XPaths to return anything. No matter what I put in, I get "The XPath is invalid" or "The XPath entered produced no results"
I've tried:
  • /FacturaElectronica
  • //FacturaElectronica
  • /FacturaElectronica/*
  • /FacturaElectronica/DetalleServicio/
Is there something simple I'm missing here?
Thank you!
 50606052400310132057600100001010000011662152168713 123456 00100001010000011662 2024-05-06T19:40:15-06:00  Agro Huacas K.G Sociedad Anonima  02 3101320576  FOFIS LIQUOR STORE  5 03 04 01 200 MTRS NORTE DEL SUPERCOMPRO   506 26535067   ONDA CR LIMITADA  02 3102813718  01 01   1 2143900029900  99 088313010534  24.0 Unid Otros KERNS NECTAR MELOCOTON 330ML 486.7257 11681.4168  0.0 Sin Descuento  11681.4168  01 08 13.0 1518.58418  0.0 13200.00098   2 2143900010500  99 088313313048  24.0 Unid Otros KERNS NECTAR MIXTO DE FRUTAS 330ML 486.7257 11681.4168  0.0 Sin Descuento  11681.4168  01 08 13.0 1518.58418  0.0 13200.00098   3 6124500000000  99 HIELO GRANDE   5.0 Unid Otros HIELO GRANDE  2654.8673 13274.3365  0.0 Sin Descuento  13274.3365  01 08 13.0 1725.66375  0.0 15000.00025   4 6339200000000  99 TRANSPORTE A PLAYA G  1.0 Sp Otros TRANSPORTE A PLAYA GRANDE 7000.0 7000.0  0.0 Sin Descuento  7000.0 0.0 7000.0     CRC 485.0  0.0 7000.0 36637.1701 0.0 36637.1701 7000.0 43637.1701 0.0 43637.1701 4762.83211 48400.00221              vqDB0wawaRcb8SI1nqVsViBeaMzk5UZMun5cTYRxnoA=    y82Ms4zvE1aJSEhzdK7VkCSuZCW+fBkt6fU6qdQRnfY=    SIkfE6FVAl1rB0JovarrbVTBMliox7KYI+uxnXE+508=   jV55uDVWKVqAJzHb5cLyLN9LoRzlcwRKOHyY08QcR78/Lm1E+AkVQ5cG2gHwuhJZx/5yflvhyK27wAN4C9xG928QbtLeStijUvsmVCqFLZ02iq1OSVPgrd8hLeMHj/mFSLNBi4EPslc/GYECj8zUTmatRwCTyzbMiI5jwpGq9QaHwPlBx39eNxbnZmp1B5hCpIvxsixQhnFZAN8rZZgKFrrTyqm2Ac0EE4CW+4f6m5w9A8GnpBPX5XE5xMNp7V2ERqi9h9IkAQ/PzMzcBF6BB+vyZMhBF5OVJIG0s9viEdJsCfGxDk54LzybHhoLLWAFj4P2H6ftt3Y4uOZyDmKvvw==   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    rscGgXfhU0S3aUr55j/4K3BxG2XJQFlt3zoVWEFeBZuI6IpLWl1Xv/4lSNuugN6dyp7aaBM3c7FF1ORUxWUtSsouJeqZaYV//voN3YaFJRiavddvIGEIDBpYwuCAgjQ1ZjdOoZO7a4q+Cx0a2X5WcEyl+5itYuvonIsrvj/R1YRs05mrsgbDj335z6jSw4HCJbn3uEm8AxRapU3g1h/V2FBdbvaTepRcJp0sHpMQO5xPjdyrTlmbowMfxg6GNc+lWwuEJZkqoRhkWTeaL/fFk1gJJWN865i9jXRQCnH6WhkFUvvpaLomvYQgJp9RBd3n8cRsl0YIBZQotaU4mw== AQAB        2024-05-06T19:41:51-06:00     qOkFU6cG2D5sERAqVY7JhrYWZ2sCgVVQ1iS2Ovv1aNs=   CN=CA PERSONA JURIDICA, OU=DGT, O=MINISTERIO DE HACIENDA, C=CR 1701705956659       https://tribunet.hacienda.go.cdocs/esquemas/2016/v4.1/Resolucion_Comprobantes_Electronicos_DGT-R-48-2016.pdf     Ohixl6upD6av8N7pEvDABhEL6hM=       text/xml UTF-8        
submitted by billygoat_graf to Airtable [link] [comments]

2024.05.05 19:19 LivingLivid1088 Soy un farsante

No soy un programador real. soy un simple copypasteador serial de codigo. hice ingenieria en sistemas hasta 3er anio e hice una carrera en la universidad sobre desarrollo web fullstack. los ultimos anios desde que empece a trabajar en una empresa y ahora que me estoy especializando en Java Spring Framwork me di cuenta de que siguiendo los cursos y teniendo la data exacta de que hacer puedo copiar y pegar un formato de codigo....pero si tengo que pensarlo yo de cero por mi cuenta me di cuenta de que realmente me cuesta muchisimo pensarlo a tal punto de que no puedo hacerlo mentalmente solo....suelo copiar y pegar codigo porque me es mucho mas rapido y eficiente robar pedazos de codigo de otros que escribir desde cero todo o tener que pensar por horas.
Que puedo hacer ante esta situacion? no pienso dejar la programacion pero necesito por el bien de mi carrera y mi futuro aprender a escribir codigo como un programador de verdad. que harian ustedes?
PD: se sobre pseudo codigo, tambien sobre logica, arquitecturas, disenio, etc etc. las bases de la programacion las tengo.
submitted by LivingLivid1088 to devsarg [link] [comments]

2024.04.24 10:55 mattgdot Ghid de configurare Stremio+RealDebrid

Salut! Acum o lună am descoperit aplicația Stremio, care împreună cu Torrentio și RealDebird devine alternativa perfectă la serviciile de streaming.
Dacă înainte plăteam mai mult de 100 lei pentru Netflix, Disney și HBO, cu Stremio am ajuns la 14 lei/lună și am acces la toate filmele și serialele la cea mai bună calitate.
M-am gândit să postez aici un ghid de configurare Stremio + Torrentio + RealDebird și să explic cât pot eu de bine cum funcționează lucrurile.
În primul rand, Stremio este o aplicație open-source care poate fi instalată gratuit pe telefon, TV, și computer. După instalare, vă faceți un cont.
Stremio vă permite să vizionați filme și seriale prin intermediul unor addon-uri care pot fi instalate din secțiunea Addons.
Cel mai folosit este Torrentio, care caută torrent-uri din mai multe surse și vă permite să le vizionați cu ușurință prin intermediul player-ului Stremio.
Pentru a-l instala, mergeți la secțiunea Addons, căutați "Torrentio" și apăsați pe butonul de instalare. Veți fi redirecționați către o pagina web în care puteți configura opțiunile, dupa care apasati "Install".
Din acest moment, puteți urmări filme și seriale fără niciun cost.
Dar sunt câteva probleme:
Aici intervine RealDebird, un serviciu plătit care rezolvă tot ce am scris mai sus.
Funcționează ca un "pod" între tine și torrent, iar datorită cache-ului de pe serverele lor, viteza de încărcare va fi foarte rapidă indiferent de numărul de seeders sau de dimensiune.
Aici puteți să vă faceți cont la RealDebird:
(este link-ul meu de afiliat)
Dupa înregistrare, mergeți la secțiunea Premium Offers și selectați unul dintre pachetele:
După plată, accesați pagina si copiați cheia API.
Apoi reveniți la pagina de configurare Torrentio, selectați RealDebird ca "Debird provider" si puneți cheia in "RealDebrid API Key". Apăsați "Install" și din nou "Install" când sunteți trimiși in aplicația Stremio.
Gata! Dacă selectați orice film/serial ar trebui să vedeți mai multe optiuni de forma "[RB+] Torrentio - Calitate"
Alegeți calitatea dorită si sunteți gata de vizionare.
Pentru subtitrări, instalați addon-ul OpenSubtitles V3 de aici:
Dacă aveți nelămuriri sau probleme, va răspund cu plăcere in comentarii.
submitted by mattgdot to roFrugal [link] [comments]

2024.04.23 16:55 riverplate912eterno MOBILE LEGENDS BANG BANG REDEEM CODE STEPS MTC GAME

Si eliges comprar diamantes para free fire, el canje que te propone MTC GAME es la segunda mejor forma de cómpralo es aqui: Seleccionas que valor quieres, te entregan un codigo y un serial y canjeas el codigo en esta segunda pagina (DEPENDE DE LA CANTIDAD DE DIAMANTES COMPRADOS) (Si es codigo largo y en minúsculas) o (Si es un codigo corto y en mayúsculas).
submitted by riverplate912eterno to u/riverplate912eterno [link] [comments]

2024.04.23 16:25 riverplate912eterno FREE FIRE DIAMOND CODE MTC GAME

Si eliges comprar diamantes para free fire, el canje que te propone MTC GAME es la segunda mejor forma de compralo es aqui: Seleccionas que valor quieres, te entregan un codigo y un serial y canjeas el codigo en esta segunda pagina: un solo minuto bastará para tener la recarga en tu cuenta.

submitted by riverplate912eterno to u/riverplate912eterno [link] [comments]

2024.04.23 16:22 riverplate912eterno FREE FIRE DIAMONDS CODE MTC GAME REDEEM

Si eliges comprar diamantes para free fire, el canje que te propone MTC GAME es la segunda mejor forma de compralo es aqui: Seleccionas que valor quieres, te entregan un codigo y un serial y canjeas el codigo en esta segunda pagina: un solo minuto bastará para tener la recarga en tu cuenta.
submitted by riverplate912eterno to u/riverplate912eterno [link] [comments]

2024.04.01 22:44 ShadowManzo Error al compilar Marlin para Ender 3 PRO

primero que nada, perdon por no escribir la publicacion en ingles, ni usar google traductor para esto.
Estoy intentando compilar la ultima version de Marlin para mi Ender 3 Pro, placa 4.2.7, Cr-touch y Sprite Extruder, sin pantalla, ya que uso Octoprint, aunque en el archivo de configuracion mantengo la pantalla por default.
mi intencion es habilitar el cambio de filamento con M600 para probar impresiones en varios colores de manera manual.
al momento de compilar, me esta dando muchos errores que no entiendo como resolver, la configuración base la estoy comparando con un archivo configuration.h y configuration_adv.h del usuario u/minist3r usando Marlin, hay algunas diferencias, pero pense que si solo cambiaba las lineas de codigo que eran diferentes, no tendria problemas pero al momento de compilar, han saltado muchos errores que de verdad no se como resolver.
In file included from Marlin\src\HAL\STM32\../../inc/MarlinConfig.h:52,
from Marlin\src\HAL\STM32\HAL.cpp:26:
Marlin\src\HAL\STM32\../../inc/SanityCheck.h:825:33: error: static assertion failed: It is strongly recommended to set DEFAULT_EJERK >= 10 when using LIN_ADVANCE. Enable ALLOW_LOW_EJERK to bypass this alert (e.g., for direct drive).
825 static_assert(DEFAULT_EJERK >= 10, "It is strongly recommended to set DEFAULT_EJERK >= 10 when using LIN_ADVANCE. Enable ALLOW_LOW_EJERK to bypass this alert (e.g., for direct drive).");
In file included from Marlin\src\HAL\STM32\../../inc/MarlinConfigPre.h:37,
from Marlin\src\HAL\STM32\../../inc/MarlinConfig.h:28,
from Marlin\src\HAL\STM32\HAL.cpp:26:
Marlin\src\HAL\STM32\../../inc/../../Configuration.h:2124:58: error: expression cannot be used as a function
2124 #define Z_SAFE_HOMING_X_POINT X_CENTER (X_BED_SIZE - 10) // (mm) X point for Z homing
Marlin\src\HAL\STM32\../../inc/../core/macros.h:295:31: note: in definition of macro 'WITHIN'
295 #define WITHIN(N,L,H) ((N) >= (L) && (N) <= (H))
Marlin\src\HAL\STM32\../../inc/SanityCheck.h:1629:24: note: in expansion of macro 'Z_SAFE_HOMING_X_POINT'
1629 static_assert(WITHIN(Z_SAFE_HOMING_X_POINT, X_MIN_POS, X_MAX_POS), "Z_SAFE_HOMING_X_POINT can't be reached by the nozzle.");
Marlin\src\HAL\STM32\../../inc/../../Configuration.h:2124:58: error: expression cannot be used as a function
2124 #define Z_SAFE_HOMING_X_POINT X_CENTER (X_BED_SIZE - 10) // (mm) X point for Z homing
Marlin\src\HAL\STM32\../../inc/../core/macros.h:295:45: note: in definition of macro 'WITHIN'
295 #define WITHIN(N,L,H) ((N) >= (L) && (N) <= (H))
Marlin\src\HAL\STM32\../../inc/SanityCheck.h:1629:24: note: in expansion of macro 'Z_SAFE_HOMING_X_POINT'
1629 static_assert(WITHIN(Z_SAFE_HOMING_X_POINT, X_MIN_POS, X_MAX_POS), "Z_SAFE_HOMING_X_POINT can't be reached by the nozzle.");
Marlin\src\HAL\STM32\../../inc/../../Configuration.h:2125:58: error: expression cannot be used as a function
2125 #define Z_SAFE_HOMING_Y_POINT Y_CENTER (Y_BED_SIZE - 10) // (mm) Y point for Z homing
Marlin\src\HAL\STM32\../../inc/../core/macros.h:295:31: note: in definition of macro 'WITHIN'
295 #define WITHIN(N,L,H) ((N) >= (L) && (N) <= (H))
Marlin\src\HAL\STM32\../../inc/SanityCheck.h:1630:24: note: in expansion of macro 'Z_SAFE_HOMING_Y_POINT'
1630 static_assert(WITHIN(Z_SAFE_HOMING_Y_POINT, Y_MIN_POS, Y_MAX_POS), "Z_SAFE_HOMING_Y_POINT can't be reached by the nozzle.");
Marlin\src\HAL\STM32\../../inc/../../Configuration.h:2125:58: error: expression cannot be used as a function
2125 #define Z_SAFE_HOMING_Y_POINT Y_CENTER (Y_BED_SIZE - 10) // (mm) Y point for Z homing
Marlin\src\HAL\STM32\../../inc/../core/macros.h:295:45: note: in definition of macro 'WITHIN'
295 #define WITHIN(N,L,H) ((N) >= (L) && (N) <= (H))
Marlin\src\HAL\STM32\../../inc/SanityCheck.h:1630:24: note: in expansion of macro 'Z_SAFE_HOMING_Y_POINT'
1630 static_assert(WITHIN(Z_SAFE_HOMING_Y_POINT, Y_MIN_POS, Y_MAX_POS), "Z_SAFE_HOMING_Y_POINT can't be reached by the nozzle.");
In file included from Marlin\src\HAL\STM32\../../inc/MarlinConfig.h:52,
from Marlin\src\HAL\STM32\HAL_SPI.cpp:26:
Marlin\src\HAL\STM32\../../inc/SanityCheck.h:825:33: error: static assertion failed: It is strongly recommended to set DEFAULT_EJERK >= 10 when using LIN_ADVANCE. Enable ALLOW_LOW_EJERK to bypass this alert (e.g., for direct drive).
825 static_assert(DEFAULT_EJERK >= 10, "It is strongly recommended to set DEFAULT_EJERK >= 10 when using LIN_ADVANCE. Enable ALLOW_LOW_EJERK to bypass this alert (e.g., for direct drive).");
In file included from Marlin\src\HAL\STM32\../../inc/MarlinConfigPre.h:37,
from Marlin\src\HAL\STM32\../../inc/MarlinConfig.h:28,
from Marlin\src\HAL\STM32\HAL_SPI.cpp:26:
Marlin\src\HAL\STM32\../../inc/../../Configuration.h:2124:58: error: expression cannot be used as a function
2124 #define Z_SAFE_HOMING_X_POINT X_CENTER (X_BED_SIZE - 10) // (mm) X point for Z homing
Marlin\src\HAL\STM32\../../inc/../core/macros.h:295:31: note: in definition of macro 'WITHIN'
295 #define WITHIN(N,L,H) ((N) >= (L) && (N) <= (H))
Marlin\src\HAL\STM32\../../inc/SanityCheck.h:1629:24: note: in expansion of macro 'Z_SAFE_HOMING_X_POINT'
1629 static_assert(WITHIN(Z_SAFE_HOMING_X_POINT, X_MIN_POS, X_MAX_POS), "Z_SAFE_HOMING_X_POINT can't be reached by the nozzle.");
Marlin\src\HAL\STM32\../../inc/../../Configuration.h:2124:58: error: expression cannot be used as a function
2124 #define Z_SAFE_HOMING_X_POINT X_CENTER (X_BED_SIZE - 10) // (mm) X point for Z homing
Marlin\src\HAL\STM32\../../inc/../core/macros.h:295:45: note: in definition of macro 'WITHIN'
295 #define WITHIN(N,L,H) ((N) >= (L) && (N) <= (H))
Marlin\src\HAL\STM32\../../inc/SanityCheck.h:1629:24: note: in expansion of macro 'Z_SAFE_HOMING_X_POINT'
1629 static_assert(WITHIN(Z_SAFE_HOMING_X_POINT, X_MIN_POS, X_MAX_POS), "Z_SAFE_HOMING_X_POINT can't be reached by the nozzle.");
Marlin\src\HAL\STM32\../../inc/../../Configuration.h:2125:58: error: expression cannot be used as a function
2125 #define Z_SAFE_HOMING_Y_POINT Y_CENTER (Y_BED_SIZE - 10) // (mm) Y point for Z homing
Marlin\src\HAL\STM32\../../inc/../core/macros.h:295:31: note: in definition of macro 'WITHIN'
295 #define WITHIN(N,L,H) ((N) >= (L) && (N) <= (H))
Marlin\src\HAL\STM32\../../inc/SanityCheck.h:1630:24: note: in expansion of macro 'Z_SAFE_HOMING_Y_POINT'
1630 static_assert(WITHIN(Z_SAFE_HOMING_Y_POINT, Y_MIN_POS, Y_MAX_POS), "Z_SAFE_HOMING_Y_POINT can't be reached by the nozzle.");
Marlin\src\HAL\STM32\../../inc/../../Configuration.h:2125:58: error: expression cannot be used as a function
2125 #define Z_SAFE_HOMING_Y_POINT Y_CENTER (Y_BED_SIZE - 10) // (mm) Y point for Z homing
Marlin\src\HAL\STM32\../../inc/../core/macros.h:295:45: note: in definition of macro 'WITHIN'
295 #define WITHIN(N,L,H) ((N) >= (L) && (N) <= (H))
Marlin\src\HAL\STM32\../../inc/SanityCheck.h:1630:24: note: in expansion of macro 'Z_SAFE_HOMING_Y_POINT'
1630 static_assert(WITHIN(Z_SAFE_HOMING_Y_POINT, Y_MIN_POS, Y_MAX_POS), "Z_SAFE_HOMING_Y_POINT can't be reached by the nozzle.");
*** [.pio\build\STM32F103RE_creality\src\src\HAL\STM32\HAL.cpp.o] Error 1
In file included from Marlin\src\HAL\STM32\../../inc/MarlinConfig.h:52,
from Marlin\src\HAL\STM32\MarlinSerial.cpp:27:
Marlin\src\HAL\STM32\../../inc/SanityCheck.h:825:33: error: static assertion failed: It is strongly recommended to set DEFAULT_EJERK >= 10 when using LIN_ADVANCE. Enable ALLOW_LOW_EJERK to bypass this alert (e.g., for direct drive).
825 static_assert(DEFAULT_EJERK >= 10, "It is strongly recommended to set DEFAULT_EJERK >= 10 when using LIN_ADVANCE. Enable ALLOW_LOW_EJERK to bypass this alert (e.g., for direct drive).");
In file included from Marlin\src\HAL\STM32\../../inc/MarlinConfigPre.h:37,
from Marlin\src\HAL\STM32\../../inc/MarlinConfig.h:28,
from Marlin\src\HAL\STM32\MarlinSerial.cpp:27:
Marlin\src\HAL\STM32\../../inc/../../Configuration.h:2124:58: error: expression cannot be used as a function
2124 #define Z_SAFE_HOMING_X_POINT X_CENTER (X_BED_SIZE - 10) // (mm) X point for Z homing
Marlin\src\HAL\STM32\../../inc/../core/macros.h:295:31: note: in definition of macro 'WITHIN'
295 #define WITHIN(N,L,H) ((N) >= (L) && (N) <= (H))
Marlin\src\HAL\STM32\../../inc/SanityCheck.h:1629:24: note: in expansion of macro 'Z_SAFE_HOMING_X_POINT'
1629 static_assert(WITHIN(Z_SAFE_HOMING_X_POINT, X_MIN_POS, X_MAX_POS), "Z_SAFE_HOMING_X_POINT can't be reached by the nozzle.");
Marlin\src\HAL\STM32\../../inc/../../Configuration.h:2124:58: error: expression cannot be used as a function
2124 #define Z_SAFE_HOMING_X_POINT X_CENTER (X_BED_SIZE - 10) // (mm) X point for Z homing
Marlin\src\HAL\STM32\../../inc/../core/macros.h:295:45: note: in definition of macro 'WITHIN'
295 #define WITHIN(N,L,H) ((N) >= (L) && (N) <= (H))
Marlin\src\HAL\STM32\../../inc/SanityCheck.h:1629:24: note: in expansion of macro 'Z_SAFE_HOMING_X_POINT'
1629 static_assert(WITHIN(Z_SAFE_HOMING_X_POINT, X_MIN_POS, X_MAX_POS), "Z_SAFE_HOMING_X_POINT can't be reached by the nozzle.");
*** [.pio\build\STM32F103RE_creality\src\src\HAL\STM32\HAL_SPI.cpp.o] Error 1
Marlin\src\HAL\STM32\../../inc/../../Configuration.h:2125:58: error: expression cannot be used as a function
2125 #define Z_SAFE_HOMING_Y_POINT Y_CENTER (Y_BED_SIZE - 10) // (mm) Y point for Z homing
Marlin\src\HAL\STM32\../../inc/../core/macros.h:295:31: note: in definition of macro 'WITHIN'
295 #define WITHIN(N,L,H) ((N) >= (L) && (N) <= (H))
Marlin\src\HAL\STM32\../../inc/SanityCheck.h:1630:24: note: in expansion of macro 'Z_SAFE_HOMING_Y_POINT'
1630 static_assert(WITHIN(Z_SAFE_HOMING_Y_POINT, Y_MIN_POS, Y_MAX_POS), "Z_SAFE_HOMING_Y_POINT can't be reached by the nozzle.");
Marlin\src\HAL\STM32\../../inc/../../Configuration.h:2125:58: error: expression cannot be used as a function
2125 #define Z_SAFE_HOMING_Y_POINT Y_CENTER (Y_BED_SIZE - 10) // (mm) Y point for Z homing
Marlin\src\HAL\STM32\../../inc/../core/macros.h:295:45: note: in definition of macro 'WITHIN'
295 #define WITHIN(N,L,H) ((N) >= (L) && (N) <= (H))
Marlin\src\HAL\STM32\../../inc/SanityCheck.h:1630:24: note: in expansion of macro 'Z_SAFE_HOMING_Y_POINT'
1630 static_assert(WITHIN(Z_SAFE_HOMING_Y_POINT, Y_MIN_POS, Y_MAX_POS), "Z_SAFE_HOMING_Y_POINT can't be reached by the nozzle.");
*** [.pio\build\STM32F103RE_creality\src\src\HAL\STM32\MarlinSerial.cpp.o] Error 1
cualquier informacion que falte, con gusto la puedo facilitar. demas esta decir que tengo mas de dos años con la impresora y la he modificado bastante y siempre me ha dado buenos resultados, solo que ahora quisiera intentar el tema de imprimir en varios colores aunque sea de manera manual.
gracias de antemano por la ayuda.
submitted by ShadowManzo to Ender3Pro [link] [comments]

2024.03.22 17:37 ColibriJack [WTS] Grand Seiko SBGX261

[WTS] Grand Seiko SBGX261 submitted by ColibriJack to Watchexchange [link] [comments]

2024.02.19 08:18 softtechhubus How I Made $1000 Monthly Using SmartBloks As A Beta Tester

How I Made $1000 Monthly Using SmartBloks As A Beta Tester

How I Made $1000 Monthly Using SmartBloks As A Beta Tester

How I Made $1000 Monthly Using SmartBloks As A Beta Tester

SmartBloks is an AI-powered no-code website builder and app creator launched by software developer Abhi Dwivedi. As someone who has been in online marketing for over 17 years, Abhi created SmartBloks to make it easy for anyone to create professional-looking websites and mobile apps without any technical skills.
During the beta testing period, I was fortunate enough to get early access to SmartBloks and really put it through its paces. In this review, I'll share my experience using SmartBloks as a beta tester over the past few months, including how I was able to generate an additional $1000 per month promoting and selling websites created with SmartBloks.

Features and Content of SmartBloks

SmartBloks packs in a huge number of powerful features for creating complete websites and apps. Here are some of the key things it allows you to do:

Website and App Building

With a simple drag-and-drop interface, SmartBloks makes it incredibly easy to construct responsive websites and convert them into mobile apps for both Android and iOS. You can start from hundreds of professionally designed templates or build completely custom designs from scratch.


SmartBloks integrates with all the major third-party tools you need like Google Analytics, Facebook Pixel, payment gateways, email autoresponders, CRMs and more. This makes it simple to track traffic, process payments, automate marketing and manage customer information.

Blogging and Content Management

It includes robust blogging tools to easily publish an unlimited number of blog posts. SmartBloks also has built-in SEO features, social sharing buttons and analytics to track what content is engaging readers.

Ecommerce Functionality

With SmartBloks, you can create fully-functional online stores complete with product listings, digital or physical items, various payment options, order management, shipping and promotion features like coupons.

Booking and Appointments

The booking and scheduling tools allow you to accept and manage reservations, appointments, ticket sales and memberships with integrated payments.

Benefits of SmartBloks and Who Can Use It

SmartBloks provides a powerful yet easy to use solution for creating professional websites and mobile applications without any technical skills or coding experience required. Here are some of the major beneficiaries:

Local Marketers

It's perfect for starting your own website development agency by finding local businesses like restaurants or gyms that need websites and creating them to earn payment.

Online Marketers

You can build niche authority sites for affiliate marketing, create sales pages to promote products and increase your reach with accompanying mobile apps.

Bloggers and YouTubers

A website created with SmartBloks is a great way to host your blog or showcase YouTube videos to attract more subscribers.

Small Businesses

Whether you need an online store, portfolio site, or appointment booking system, SmartBloks makes it simple to set up a professional website for your business.

Freelancers and Consultants

It allows service providers like coaches, consultants or freelancers to establish an impressive online presence and manage client bookings.

New Marketers

Even complete newcomers can create high-quality no-code websites and apps to promote offers using SmartBloks without any steep learning curve.

SmartBloks Pros and Cons

Here's a balanced look at some of the pros and cons in my experience using SmartBloks:


  • Extremely easy to use drag-and-drop builder for everyone
  • Publish mobile-optimized websites and native mobile apps
  • Integrates with all major third-party tools
  • Powerful features for multiple use cases
  • New templates and features added regularly
  • Lifetime website hosting and support included


  • Steep learning curve for more advanced customization
  • Limited design flexibility for some page types
  • Server performance could still improve a bit
  • Missing some niche-specific templates and features
  • Third-party integrations have room for more customization
Overall, the pros vastly outweigh the minor cons, especially considering its goal of being accessible to all without coding skills. I was impressed by how much it can do out of the box.

How to Profit from Using SmartBloks

As a beta tester, I was able to monetize SmartBloks and generate an additional $1000+ per month through the following strategies:

Create Websites for Local Businesses

I reached out to local service providers like lawyers, gyms, salons via phone and offered to build their websites for a fee of $300-500 each using SmartBloks.

Sell Niche Website Templates

I built tailored templates for niches like restaurants, dentists, realtors and sold them for $47-97 each on Fiverr with SmartBloks hosting included.

Promote SmartBloks as an Affiliate

When the official launch happens, I'll be promoting SmartBloks and can earn up to 50% commissions per sale through affiliate links.

Provide Ongoing Website Management

Many customers want me to update pages, add new services etc. I charge $50-100 per month for managed website updates and maintenance.
Overall, being able to easily create professional websites for others as well as resell templates has allowed me to monetize SmartBloks very well during the testing period itself.

How to Use SmartBloks

Here are the basic steps to start using SmartBloks:

Sign Up for an Account

Head to SmartBloks Website and register with your email to access the dashboard. It's free to use all core features.

Choose a Template

Browse through hundreds of pre-made responsive templates optimized for blogs, stores or any purpose.

Customize Your Website

Start editing by dragging and dropping elements, adding pages, changing colors using the intuitive interface.

Publish Your Website

Once done, publish your site and it will be live online with a free subdomain like “yourname. smartbloks. io”

Integrate Third-Party Tools

Connect Google Analytics, autoresponders and other tools via the integrated settings panel.

Update and Manage Content

The dashboard makes it simple to publish new blog posts, products or event pages over time.
That covers the basics. SmartBloks also has many advanced features for customization, design and apps which are easy to learn through guides and tutorials.

SmartBloks Funnel/OTOs

While the basic version provides immense value already, SmartBloks also has a strategic sales funnel with various OTO/upgrades available:

SmartBloks Ultimate

Unlocks unlimited usage, advanced AI features, unlimited sites/pages/videos and eliminates all branding.

SmartBloks Professional

Brings must-have features like website import/export, superfast speed optimizations and new integrations.

SmartBloks Enterprise

Enables users to launch their own website development agency business with ready tools.

SmartBloks Whitelabel

Allows reselling SmartBloks as your own software brand with full administration controls.

SmartBloks Done-For-You Services

The team builds websites, provides logo design and setup services for a hands-free start.
The funnel approach provides immense value while also allowing the highest earners to maximize profits easily.

SmartBloks FAQs

Here are answers to some commonly asked questions about SmartBloks:

Is SmartBloks easy to use?

Yes, it has been designed from the ground up to be intuitive for complete beginners with no coding skills. Everything is drag-and-drop.

What kinds of websites can I build?

Nearly any type - stores, blogs, portfolios, landing pages, membership sites, local business sites etc. across all niches.

Can I integrate my own domain name?

Absolutely. Simply add your custom domain after signing up and SmartBloks will route it automatically.

How much does it cost?

The basic version is a one-time $47 fee which unlocks all core features for life like hosting. Upgrades cost more for advanced functionality.

Is hosting and support included?

Yes, your sites are hosted for life on fast professional servers. Support is also provided via ticketing system and community forums.

What payment methods are accepted?

All major credit/debit cards as well as PayPal, American Express are supported through the JVZoo platform.

Do I need coding skills to use SmartBloks?

None at all. Even non-tech users can learn it easily through simple guided video tutorials and step-by-step blueprint websites.

Can I build e-commerce sites and accept payments?

Yes, SmartBloks includes the ability to sell digital & physical products as well as accept payments through integrations.
I hope these help address some of the common questions people may have about how SmartBloks works. Let me know if any other queries come up!

SmartBloks Money-Back Guarantee

SmartBloks has an industry-leading 30-day money-back policy. This ensures customers can try out the platform completely risk-free:
  • Request a refund within 30 days of your purchase for any reason at all
  • Get a full refund of your purchase amount, excluding any one-time fees
  • No questions asked and you keep all the websites and apps you've built
I found their customer support very responsive about refunds. Very few conditions apply like the product not being resold. This long refund window makes SmartBloks an extremely low-risk purchase.

SmartBloks Pricing

Here are the current pricing plans available for SmartBloks:
  • SmartBloks Basic - $47 one-time fee
  • SmartBloks Premium - $67 one-time fee
  • SmartBloks Ultimate - $197 one-time fee
  • SmartBloks Bundle - $297 one-time fee
  • SmartBloks Agency - $997 one-time fee
  • Lifetime upgrades available too
Compared to other website builders and coding services, these prices are incredibly affordable for everything SmartBloks provides out of the box. Upgrades offer even greater value and benefits.

SmartBloks Bundle Deal

For a limited time, SmartBloks is offering an exclusive Bundle package that includes the Ultimate and Premium versions together at a heavily discounted price.
Key benefits of the Bundle include:
  • Unlimited website usage with all AI functions
  • Website importing/exporting tools
  • Advanced integrations unlocked
  • Over $1000 worth of value for just $297
If you're sure you'll use SmartBloks long-term, the Bundle is easily the best overall investment that saves thousands in the long run.

Who Created SmartBloks?

SmartBloks was created by serial entrepreneur Abhi Dwivedi who has over 17 years of experience in online marketing, software development and growing successful businesses.
Some key facts about Abhi:
  • Created 40+ top-selling online software products to date
  • Had multi-million dollar product launches on JVZoo
  • Awarded "JVZoo Vendor of the Year" 5 consecutive times
  • Top JVZoo affiliate with millions in affiliate sales
  • Author of bestselling online business books
  • CEO of ReelApps media company since 2010
With such a strong track record of success and experience, you can trust that Abhi and his team will continue supporting SmartBloks long-term.

When is SmartBloks Launched?

The official launch of SmartBloks is scheduled for February 27, 2024 at 10:45 AM EST.
I'd highly recommend promoting as the launch approaches to benefit from the huge pre-launch hype and success Abhi's launches are known for.

Which Platform Can SmartBloks Be Accessed On?

Since SmartBloks is a cloud-based software, it can be used from any device with an internet browser. The core platforms supported include:
  • Windows (Chrome, Firefox, Edge etc)
  • Mac (Chrome, Firefox, Safari etc)
  • iOS devices (iPhones, iPads)
  • Android devices
  • Linux computers
Additionally, the websites and apps you create can be accessed by any device too. This makes SmartBloks an extremely versatile solution.

Which Platform/Website is SmartBloks Launched on?

The official website for SmartBloks where you can purchase, learn more and get support is:
SmartBloks Official website
However, direct purchases are facilitated through JVZoo which is the largest digital marketplace for online courses and software.
So the primary sales page URL will be on where you can become an affiliate and start promoting SmartBloks once the launch date arrives.

Should You Buy It or Not?

In my opinion, SmartBloks is an absolute no-brainer purchase that should not be missed if you're looking to build websites for any purpose. Here's a quick summary of why:
  • Provides tremendous utility for multiple uses cases
  • Absolute beginner friendly drag-and-drop interface
  • Includes all tools needed like hosting, integrations etc
  • Constantly enhanced with new features and templates
  • Best value compared to alternatives that cost 10x more
  • 30-day money-back guarantee removes all risk
  • Top-notch founder and automation behind the product
  • Huge profit potential shown through the business models
Unless you have zero interest in websites or apps, I can't think of a valid reason not to invest in SmartBloks. At its low price point, the potential upside is enormous and risk is nonexistent.

Call-To-Action for SmartBloks

If you're ready to take advantage of the many opportunities SmartBloks provides, here is your call-to-action:
  1. Visit to learn more about the software and its features in detail.
  2. Sign up as an affiliate on so you can start promoting and earning 50% commissions after the launch.
  3. Mark your calendar for February 27, 2024 at 10:45 AM EST - the official launch date!
  4. Take advantage of the special Bundle Deal while it lasts to save thousands long-term.
  5. Check out the affiliates page and bonus offerings now to prepare your promotion strategy.
  6. Spread the word to your list today about this groundbreaking no-code solution.
It's time to take your online business to the next level without coding hassles or large costs. SmartBloks is the solution you've been waiting for - don't miss the opportunity.
Try SmartBloks

Conclusion on SmartBloks Review

In summary, SmartBloks is a revolution in website and app creation that finally makes it simple for anyone to build professional digital assets from scratch.
As a beta tester who monetized it monthly, I can confidently say it over-delivers on its promises while being very affordable especially with the current bundle pricing.
With Abhi Dwivedi's proven track record behind it along with top-notch ongoing support, I have zero doubts that SmartBloks will become the de-facto choice worldwide in this industry.
If you're serious about optimizing or growing your online business, customer acquisition, lead generation or revenue - you owe it to yourself to at least check out SmartBloks before others take advantage first.
It's definitely not something you want to miss out on or regret later. Take action now and I'll see you on the other side with your new SmartBloks sites and apps!
Try SmartBloks
submitted by softtechhubus to u/softtechhubus [link] [comments]

2024.02.17 12:07 Max_The_Player Can this run BeamNG?

Can this run BeamNG? submitted by Max_The_Player to BeamNG [link] [comments]

2024.02.15 19:58 RevolutionaryChef215 Got this plus premium trial with my new SSD, maybe someone wants it?

Got this plus premium trial with my new SSD, maybe someone wants it? submitted by RevolutionaryChef215 to playstation [link] [comments]

2024.01.30 02:57 2004torridredgto [WTS/WTT] Grand Seiko SBGA203 Spring Drive

[WTS/WTT] Grand Seiko SBGA203 Spring Drive submitted by 2004torridredgto to Watchexchange [link] [comments]

2024.01.24 02:37 ger392 Cargo no reconocido Santander

Que tal gente, les comparto mi reciente experiencia e igual aprovechando conociendo su opinión.
Sigo sin saber cómo pero de alguna forma alguien tuvo acceso a los 16 dígitos de una de mis tarjetas digitales, ya que hace un par de días por medio de un SMS me había llegado una notificación del banco diciendo El codigo de activacion para realizar pagos NFC con tu dispositivo en Google Pay es ++++. De no haber realizado esta solicitud notifique a Superlinea
A lo cual no le preste mucha atención, pero más tarde noto que llegó uno de esos cargos de comprobación de $20.00 por parte de Google temporary hold. Lo cual ya me empezó a generar sospecha y empiezo a revisar en mi banca web. Después de un rato me llega un cargo de una cantidad más fuerte y es cuando llame para levantar reporte.
Procedo a bloquear mi tarjeta en la aplicación y me compartieron un número de reporte, pasando un par de días me llegó por correo que mi reclamo fue improcedente. Llame al UNE del banco y solicite los argumentos del cómo habían determinado esa decisión, después de escuchar mis comentarios volvieron a generar otro folio para hacer una investigación más exahustiva.
Pasando un par de días, nuevamente me llegó por correo que mi solicitad había sido otra vez improcedente, en el correo viene un pdf adjunto que dice lo siguiente: La transacción detallada se realizó bajo el esquema de seguridad chip más NIP (número de identificación personal), elementos que son del uso y conocimiento exclusivos del titular de la tarjeta, esta lectura del CHIP comprueba la presencia física de tu tarjeta en la operación.
Lo cual no es cierto, sospecho que a raíz del mensaje de SMS sobre la alta de uso de Google pay fue este el método de pago que se usó. Lo cual me genera la siguiente duda, de ser cierta mi conjetura ¿Cómo pueden decir que la compra se hizo por medio del chip más el nip, si dónde aparece registrada la compra fue en una tarjeta digital? ¿Hay forma que yo pueda contra argumentar eso?
Edit: ortografía.
submitted by ger392 to MexicoFinanciero [link] [comments]

2024.01.10 05:53 _eunie_ Holy Smokes!!!

Holy Smokes!!!
I'm currently having the strawberry cheesecake flavor and it's AMAZING 🤩🤩🤩🤩
submitted by _eunie_ to aldi [link] [comments]

2024.01.10 01:32 Jasper371 [WTS]🇲🇽🌵🇲🇽 Mexico Mania! Veinte Pesos, Dos Pesos, Libertad's, Onza's, USVI Ingots, Engelhard Prospectors, Vintage, Sterling, Pours n More! 🇲🇽🌵🇲🇽

Proof Photo
Big truckload of Mexican silvegold for ya. Also letting go of some stuff that I've been holding for a long time. Anyway lets jump right into it.

🚀🚀🚀 Vintage, Modern, and MORE Bullion! 🚀🚀🚀

  1. 1959 Veinte Peso's. Veinte is twenty for the uninitiated. These are actually my favorite low premium gold coin. $1000 each. 2 1 available.
  2. 1945 Dos Peso's. Do I really need to say what dos is? $110 each. 10 available.
  3. Mexico 2oz Libertad's. Back-dated big boys. Comps are sort of all over the place, if you find it cheaper somewhere else I'll do my best to price match. $80 each. 2016 and 2019 available.
  4. 1988 2oz Emiliano Zapata Tribute. $75
  5. 2oz Guerrera Tribute. $75
  6. Modern Mexico Libertad 1oz. $34 each. 11x 10x 2011, 2x 2022 toners available.
  7. Vintage Mexico Libertad 1oz. $34 each. 3x 1984, 3x 1985 available.
  8. 1980 Casa de Moneda Onza. Been a little bit since I've put any of these up for sale. Decided I simply have too many. Old ping test video for those that haven't heard that glorious RING. $33 each. 2 available.
  9. 1938 Mexico Un Peso Toners. Believe it or not, I actually had nothing to do with the toning on these. Once upon a time I had an entire roll of 1938 1 Peso coins, all with toning like these. They inspired me to try to learn artificial toning techniques. $20 each. 2 available.
  10. 2018 1/2oz Proof Libertad. Capsule has scratches but coin inside looks pretty good, check the album to judge. 7000 minted. $24
  11. 2019 1/4oz Proof Libertads. Scratches on the capsules. 2850 minted. $25 each. 3 available.
  12. 2018 1/10oz Libertads. 20,300 minted. $7 each. 3 available.
  13. 2018 1/20oz Libertad. Alright what's next? The 1/100oz grain of sand sized Libertad? Libertads that can only be viewed through a microscope? 17,900 minted. $5
  14. 1981 USVI A-Mark 1oz Ingots. The day has finally come for me to let some go. I hit my goal of 100 late last year, but in the process I picked up a few extra stragglers along the way. $40 each. 4 available.
  15. 1985 Engelhard Prospectors, Eagle Back. $30 each. 6 available.
  16. 1985 Engelhard Liberty Trade Silver. Lesser known round from MTB, minted by Engelhard. These were also available with Johnson Matthey mint marks, and a few others. Mintage around 10,000. $40
  17. 1/4oz Avon Sales Stars. Atta-girl tokens. Managerial head pats. Random Noahs Ark. $10 each. 10 available.
  18. Vintage Draped Bust 1oz Tribute Rounds. Natural dark toning. $29 each. 3 2 available.
  19. Desert Shield / Desert Storm Silver Lot. $56 for the pair.
  20. 2010 Frank Frazetta, The Barbarian 1oz. Beautiful piece, serial #962. Coin will come in capsule. No COA. Comps are much higher. $40
  21. Aries, National Refiners and Assayers. In original packaging. $29
  22. Silvertowne American Steam Locomotive, 4-4-0 Type. $26
  23. Rarities Mint, Liberty 1oz Rounds. These were produced sometime between 1983 and 1987 by Rarities Mint before they signed a contract with Disney and focused on production of coins for the Mouse. Somewhat curious, one of these rounds is missing the reeded edge. There's a number of ways that could happen, possibly an early strike before they decided to add the reed, or perhaps just a mistake and they missed it. $26 each. 3 available.
  24. USSC, The Green Turtle of the Vagabond Sea. Highly detailed engraving work for such an old art bar. Some USSC bars feature a serial number, which indicates this was a limited run. $44
  25. The Stagecoach, Madison Mint. $30
  26. Graduation 1976, by Madison Mint w/ Soldered Bale. Cool way to wear some silver as a pendant or on your keys. $25
  27. 1oz Silver Zombucks. Pandamonium and Kookaburied. $30 each.
  28. 1/2oz First National Mint Bars. You've probably seen some advertisements for these around the web, but you knew better than to pay the premium. For the price, you'd think they'd atleast be stamped or lazer engraved, but they're actually painted. The paint is actually weak enough that you can scrape it off with a fingernail or plastic scraper. They are all monogrammed "Chadwick" in varying quality. $13.50 each. 14 2 available.
  29. 1/2oz Port Ivory Silver Bar. $15
  30. 1984 National Refiners "For Your Wedding" $28

🪄🌋✨ Jasper's Frosty Pours n More ✨🌋🪄

Got a nice variety of pours available at the moment. I've been trying out some new techniques for the larger flat pours that yielded more intense looking white Leidenfrost and I'm also aiming for more interesting ripples. Let me know what you think down in the comments. Enjoy!

  1. 4.3oz Pour, Serial 051. Over half way to serial 100! $129 $125
  2. 4.3oz Pour, Serial 053. $134 $129
  3. 58 Gram Pour, Serial 014. From the vault! I was holding on to this one but decided to let it go to pay for all my other absurd spending. Really good early example, almost zero flux or imperfections present. $60
  4. 1 Ounce Sea Turtle Rounds. A picture of the die used for these can be found HERE, as well as an example of an original 2oz bar it was used to stamp. The engraver is the legendary H Alvin Sharpe, master engravepainter and inventor of the Mardi Gras doubloon. This would have been used in his art studio in the late 60's / early 70's. The 2oz bars that were stamped with this die are extremely rare, costing upwards of $800 for a 2oz bar. This is the ORIGINAL die used on those bars. $32 each. Serial 046, 047, 048, 049 available.
  5. 1 Ounce Elephant Rounds. A picture of the die can found HERE. This die was purchased from a former professional tool/die maker. He's since retired and sold off most of his spares, but he had this one and I couldn't resist. I just love what Elephants represent. Good fortune, abundance, protection strength, and wisdom. $32 each. Serial 061, 062, 063, 064, 065 available.
  6. 15 Gram Skull Slugs. I was actually aiming for 1/2oz on these so most of them are closer to 15.5 gram. They're small so no stamps. $14 each. 3 2 available.

📿💎🎇 Sterling Jewelry and Misc. ✨⛓️💠

  1. 5 Gram Geometric Object. I'm not counting the facets so that I can call it a dodecahedron or whatever, I'll leave that up to y'all. I get the feeling someone spent a lot of time putting this together, for what purpose I couldn't say. Maybe you hang it and put some herbs inside of it or something, who knows. $10
  2. 2.6 Gram Sphere Basket Thing. Looks like Israeli text? Not sure, and also not sure what its for or does. $4
  3. 9 Gram Mexico Clip-On Earring. No mate. Purchased to tear down and use the pieces for jewelry making practice, but not super active with that lately. $9

🗄️🗄️🗄️ Supplies 🗄️🗄️🗄️

  1. Cases for 1 Gram Valcambi Gold Bars. These have turned out to be a big hit so my 3d printer is running basically non-stop. Available in multiple colors and styles, and sized to fit inside an AirTite 1oz bar capsule. (Do note that due to the somewhat variable size in Grams from Combi-Bars, some bars may fit somewhat snug.) $5 w/ capsule. Black and White varieties available.


Shipping will be $5 for First Class Ground Advantage and $10 for Priority in the US. Tracking included, insurance costs extra. I highly prefer Zelle and Paypal F&F (NO NOTES), but I also have Venmo and CashApp. I am not currently taking trades unless you have some old stuff from H Alvin Sharpe or maybe South American silver bars.
submitted by Jasper371 to Pmsforsale [link] [comments]

2024.01.08 22:59 AgitatedSprinkles473 Best Buy SSD: Elevate Your Storage Game with Top Picks

Best Buy SSD: Elevate Your Storage Game with Top Picks
In the ever-evolving landscape of digital storage, finding the perfect SSD (Solid State Drive) can be a game-changer for your computing experience. Whether you're a tech enthusiast, a creative professional, or someone who simply wants a faster and more reliable storage solution, the world of SSDs has a lot to offer.
Unlike traditional hard disk drives (HDDs), SSDs boast lightning-fast speeds and enhanced durability, making them an ideal choice for those seeking top-notch performance. The market is flooded with various SSD options, each with its own set of features, capacities, and price points.
At Best Buy SSD, we understand the importance of finding the perfect balance between performance, reliability, and affordability. Our team has delved into the realm of SSDs, putting in the time and effort to bring you the top picks that will elevate your storage game.
Key factors to consider when choosing the best SSD include the storage capacity, read and write speeds, and the brand reputation. Our detailed reviews and analysis take into account these crucial elements, ensuring that you make an informed decision tailored to your specific needs.
Whether you're looking to boost your gaming rig's speed, enhance your laptop's performance, or simply want a smoother computing experience, we've got you covered. So, kick back, relax, and explore our curated selection of the best Buy SSDs that combine cutting-edge technology with unbeatable value. Upgrade your storage game, and let your digital world thrive with the right SSD companion.

Fanxiang SSD 2TB Internal Solid State Drive SATA III 6Gb/s
Upgrade your storage with the fanxiang SSD 2TB Internal Solid State Drive, an excellent choice for laptops and desktops. This SATA III 6Gb/s drive boasts a 2.5" form factor, 3D NAND technology, and SLC Cache, ensuring reliable and high-speed performance. With speeds of up to 550MB/s, it enhances both system responsiveness and data transfer efficiency.
US: Fanxiang SSD 2TB EU: Fanxiang SSD 2TB


  1. Ample Storage: Generous 2TB capacity for extensive data storage.
  2. High-Speed Performance: SATA III 6Gb/s and 3D NAND technology deliver fast and efficient data access.
  3. Versatile Compatibility: Compatible with a wide range of laptops and PC desktops.


  1. Price: May be on the higher end compared to lower-capacity SSDs.
  2. Availability: Check for stock availability, as popular products may experience fluctuations.
Make the best buy for your SSD needs, combining capacity, speed, and compatibility seamlessly with the fanxiang 2TB SSD.

SanDisk SSD PLUS 1TB Internal SSD - SATA III 6 Gb/s
US: SanDisk SSD EU: SanDisk SSD
Enhance your storage capabilities with this SSD, tailored for optimal performance and reliability.


  1. High-Speed Performance: The SSD offers rapid data transfer speeds, ensuring swift access to your files and applications.
  2. Ample Storage Capacity: With a generous storage capacity, this SSD provides ample space for your data storage needs.
  3. Enhanced Durability: Designed for longevity and reliability, this SSD boasts durability for extended use.
  4. Seamless Compatibility: Compatible with various devices, offering versatility for laptops and desktops.


  1. Pricing: Depending on your budget, the cost may be higher compared to alternative SSDs.
  2. Availability: Check for stock availability, as popular products may experience fluctuations.
Optimize your storage experience with this SSD, providing a perfect balance between speed, capacity, and durability.

Kingston 240GB A400 SATA 3 2.5" Internal SSD
US: Kingston SSD EU: Kingston SSD 240GB
Upgrade your storage affordably with the Kingston 240GB A400 SATA 3 Internal SSD, offering a perfect balance of performance and budget-friendly pricing.


  1. Cost-Effective Solution: A budget-friendly option that provides solid performance without breaking the bank
  2. Enhanced Performance: Enjoy faster data transfer and improved overall system responsiveness.
  3. Ample Storage: With 240GB capacity, it's suitable for everyday use, catering to file storage and application needs.
  4. Backward Compatible: The backward compatibility feature ensures seamless integration with various devices.
  5. Versatile Connectivity: Utilizes Serial ATA (SATA) connectivity technology for reliable and widespread compatibility.


  1. Mid-Range Capacity: While suitable for general use, users with extensive storage needs might opt for higher capacities.
  2. Special Features: Limited special features compared to premium SSD options.
Optimize your storage solution economically with the Kingston 240GB A400 SATA 3 SSD, delivering a cost-effective and efficient upgrade for laptops and desktops.
submitted by AgitatedSprinkles473 to redditreviewed [link] [comments]

2024.01.06 07:44 croz_94 What is wanted?

What is wanted?
My toddler got in this box, and we just had to do this when she stuck her little hand out 😂
submitted by croz_94 to exmormon [link] [comments]

2024.01.03 23:19 Eastern-Decision-446 problema conm mi pc

Hola les platico mi caso, me compre todo para armar una compu procesador amd 5700G, Mother MSI 550 pro vdh wifi, 32 ram, dd 120 gb, gabinete y fuente, buueno al momento de armar por primera vez al momento de instalar me decia que habia error y me reiniciaba mi pc como le pedi a mi trabajo unas piezas para checar no me dijeron que no, si las regresdaba al fin de semana, entonces ya la arme y me di cuenta de que la memroria ddr que compre una ddr4 32gb platinum, esa es la marca, me fallo asi que decidi cambiarla y tardaron en cambiarla por amazon, ahora volvi a repetir el proceso y cambie mi memoria ddr por 2 ddr4 corsair duo, el problema es que en la prmera vez que puse la memoria con la premium, mi mother no la detectaba y me mandaba a decir que el slot lo cambiara de a1 a a2 y de b1 a b2 y vicebersa, el detalle es que ahora que que ya le puse la nueva corsair me sigue diciendo que cambie de slot de a1 a b1 y de b2 a a2 detecta las memorias pero sigue diciendo que no las detecta y cuando lo cambio a a1 y b1 no ensiende la pc si la pongo en a1 y a2 no enciende y solo enciende en a2 b2, tambien el detalle es que al momento de instalar windows me marca error al instalar, me faño dos veces el disco el cual tuve que formatear en mi trabajo y ahora que funciona con un windows7 me funciona pero se me apaga cada 20 minutos exactos y señalo esto por que mi hija me dijo dos ocasiones no dura ni un capitulo de su anime y me puse a checarlo y si desde que la enciendo tarda en reconocer todos los comandos, tarda 1.30 seg en cargar los comandos antes de entrar en la bios, de hay carga y SI carga todo me manda a windows y de hay 18 minutos y 1. Se reinicia, 2. se pasma o 3 se pone la pantalla azul con errror comun de memoria y me manda un mensaje de que error en memory read no me da ningun codigo y me dice que cheque una pagina que solo me manda a ayuda microsoft. el detalle es que cuando reinicia hay 2 cosas, 1. no inicia y nomas no carga y aqui aclaro como antes dije tarda en cargar los comandos me reconoce las funciones pero sigue marcando error en la memoria y ya no pasa a windows solo re apaga y la numero dos de plano no arranca nada y aqui como si prendiera el monitor sin prender la pc.
con piezas de mi trabajo intente checar que fallaba pero en la compu de mi trabajo no tiene problema solo en la nueva, de hay pregunto quien me pueda ayudar. mi w. es
submitted by Eastern-Decision-446 to u/Eastern-Decision-446 [link] [comments]

2024.01.03 23:17 Eastern-Decision-446 hola tengo un problema con la mother o con la memoria

Hola les platico mi caso, me compre todo para armar una compu procesador amd 5700G, Mother MSI 550 pro vdh wifi, 32 ram, dd 120 gb, gabinete y fuente, buueno al momento de armar por primera vez al momento de instalar me decia que habia error y me reiniciaba mi pc como le pedi a mi trabajo unas piezas para checar no me dijeron que no, si las regresdaba al fin de semana, entonces ya la arme y me di cuenta de que la memroria ddr que compre una ddr4 32gb platinum, esa es la marca, me fallo asi que decidi cambiarla y tardaron en cambiarla por amazon, ahora volvi a repetir el proceso y cambie mi memoria ddr por 2 ddr4 corsair duo, el problema es que en la prmera vez que puse la memoria con la premium, mi mother no la detectaba y me mandaba a decir que el slot lo cambiara de a1 a a2 y de b1 a b2 y vicebersa, el detalle es que ahora que que ya le puse la nueva corsair me sigue diciendo que cambie de slot de a1 a b1 y de b2 a a2 detecta las memorias pero sigue diciendo que no las detecta y cuando lo cambio a a1 y b1 no ensiende la pc si la pongo en a1 y a2 no enciende y solo enciende en a2 b2, tambien el detalle es que al momento de instalar windows me marca error al instalar, me faño dos veces el disco el cual tuve que formatear en mi trabajo y ahora que funciona con un windows7 me funciona pero se me apaga cada 20 minutos exactos y señalo esto por que mi hija me dijo dos ocasiones no dura ni un capitulo de su anime y me puse a checarlo y si desde que la enciendo tarda en reconocer todos los comandos, tarda 1.30 seg en cargar los comandos antes de entrar en la bios, de hay carga y SI carga todo me manda a windows y de hay 18 minutos y 1. Se reinicia, 2. se pasma o 3 se pone la pantalla azul con errror comun de memoria y me manda un mensaje de que error en memory read no me da ningun codigo y me dice que cheque una pagina que solo me manda a ayuda microsoft. el detalle es que cuando reinicia hay 2 cosas, 1. no inicia y nomas no carga y aqui aclaro como antes dije tarda en cargar los comandos me reconoce las funciones pero sigue marcando error en la memoria y ya no pasa a windows solo re apaga y la numero dos de plano no arranca nada y aqui como si prendiera el monitor sin prender la pc.
con piezas de mi trabajo intente checar que fallaba pero en la compu de mi trabajo no tiene problema solo en la nueva, de hay pregunto quien me pueda ayudar. mi w. es
submitted by Eastern-Decision-446 to soportepc [link] [comments]