Baby elf hat free pattern


2008.06.14 20:25 knittit

Warm, fuzzy, sometimes tangled. Due to the holiday season, it may take up to 48 hours for (1) a post to be approved/ reviewed (2) response to modmail/from a moderator. Regarding the API/blackout we're open again but also watching, listening, thinking hard. Whatever happens needs to happen thoughtfully. Please keep being excellent to each other.

2011.08.27 22:16 p337 Reddit Gifts Elves

A place for [redditgifts Elves]( to hang out!

2016.04.09 03:21 JosephStalin_

If you're reading this I hate you. Your family as well.

2024.04.29 07:45 Zachhcazzach Anyone get bummed on reinstall day?

I don’t know. I hate seeing how I look when I task my system off to do maintenance and such. I look so different and terrible. I don’t feel like myself at all. I let it air dry and wear a hat around during this hour and even then I feels wrong. Reminds me that I made the right call getting the system those years ago. The second it’s back on, BAM! I’m back, baby!
submitted by Zachhcazzach to HairSystem [link] [comments]

2024.04.29 07:44 _xLunaLunax_ If the Saints each had a job in Miitopia, what would it be?

I'm thinking about a whole new Miitopia game for the bajillionth time and want to put my Saints Row obsession into it. I can only speculate what each role each character would have. I haven't played the Reboot, so any characters from there won't be listed here, but feel free to talk about them in the comments.
# SR1 - Playa
You could put Playa in just about any role, seeing as he's just your custom character, but I'm just going to go with a default, so Warrior. Elf could be argued, because it's a job that does a little bit of what all the other jobs do.
- Julius
I have no idea.
- Johnny Gat
Tank. Maybe Imp? It'd be funny seeing Gat move as the Imp does in game, but I'm probably just going to go with Tank.
- Aisha
This one is pretty obvious for me, Female Popstar. You could argue Princess, though.
- Troy
Thief. Even though he wasn't too good at it, he did infiltrate the Saints. Somehow got to be Julius' right hand despite obviously being a cop.
- Dex
Scientist. I was thinking that he could perhaps he could be a more support centered job, seeing as he doesn't like to be in the front lines. (He even hides behind Playa so he won't get shot in one of the Carnales cutscenes lol) but I don't think of him as nice enough for that, despite how much he plans for the Saints. Mage, maybe?
- Lin
Thief as well. I have no idea what other job I would put her as.

# SR2 - Boss
Warrior could still work, but I feel like this Boss is not as easy to project whatever you want on. I might go with Imp just because of how chaotic Playa became.
- Carlos
I'd put him a support role, but I feel like it'd be a little mean to put him as Cleric. Chef maybe? Elf could also work.
- Shaundi
Cleric or Flower. Leaning toward Flower for obvious reasons;;
- Pierce
Seeing as Pierce kind of replaces Dex as the team's planner (though isn't taken as seriously), Scientist. He could also be a Male Popstar, though I feel like that belongs more to his SR3 version of himself. Cannot imagine him as a Mage like Dex, though.
# SR3 - Pierce
Male Popstar.
- Shaundi
Dunno. I don't think this version of her fits as a Cleric or Flower anymore, though.
- Kinzie
Scientist, Mage. She fills the role that Dex and Pierce used to have as the intelligent one of the gang. I could also imagine her (begrudgingly) being a support like Cleric. Imp also fits.
- Oleg
Tank, easily. I'm not saying that Oleg is like Gat, but Oleg could easily snap someone in half.
- Zimos
Male Popstar.
- Viola
Vampire :)
- Josh
I don't really like thinking of as part of the team, but Male Popstar or Vampire because of the whole Nyteblade stuff.
- Angel Warrior?
#SR4 - Asha
Elf, due to it once again being a class that can do a bit of everything.
- Matt
Scientist, Vampire (Nyteblade obsession)
- Ben King This one's hard to exactly place, like Julius.
- Keith David
Male Popstar. It's so weird that they put the VA as a character in the game, but Saints Row 4 is gonna Saints Row 4 lol. - CID
You could easily just put him as a support role, but due to his backstory of being a Warrior King who fought against Zinyak, I'd like to imagine him as a Warrior.
submitted by _xLunaLunax_ to SaintsRow [link] [comments]

2024.04.29 07:40 OccasionalCortexNPC Did I get it right?

Did I get it right? submitted by OccasionalCortexNPC to janellebrandomsnark [link] [comments]

2024.04.29 07:40 caledonivs Our (M) 3.5-year-old can't listen or be still, ruining outings/gatherings. Possible ADHD?

While we initially thought our (boy) toddler was just rambunctious and high-energy, it increasingly seems that he has a complete inability to sit still for any length of time, has no volume control (has become a huge problem since he now has a baby brother whose naps are often ruined) and has almost no capacity to listen to us and obey unless we threaten a punishment. It has been roughly this way since he was 2, and we basically told ourselves that it was "terrible 2s" but multiple teachers/guardians (both traditional public school and montessori) have implied to us that even relative to his peers he has trouble waiting his turn, sitting still, or being quiet - though this comes and goes, two of his teachers have said he has this issue but one seems to see no big issues.
With me and his mom, our requests for him to behave in a certain way are or to correct him when he does something he shouldn't are increasingly met with "lawyery" explanations of why it was necessary and how she and I are the wrong ones.
At the beginning, we tried gentle parenting, politely and repeatedly explaining things, etc, but as time has gone on it has seemed that only increasingly stricter and harsher techniques, threatening or enacting punishments, no snacks, no favorite activities, etc., have managed to curb the worst of this behavior. In short we find ourselves being much stricter and harsher parents than we want to because nothing else works, but harshness even only barely works.
Lately this has taken a turn for the dangerous, as he has taken to wriggling free from his stroller or our hands (if we try to hold his hand, he either goes limp or will incessantly wrest his hand free) and running into crowds whenever we are in public. Sometimes when we travel this takes place in huge crowds and open spaces where we risk literally losing him forever, and although we have explained this to him again (in child terms, of course), he still is attracted almost magnetically to whatever makes us get worked up and upset with him - some might say it's for attention or jealousy viz. his little brother (now 7 mos), but it seems like a clear extension of the same patterns of behavior that were going on beforehand.
The behavior essentially prevents us from having any kind of social life, because he either A) talks over us and prevents us from having any kind of conversation, or B) when we tell him to go in another room or go do something so that we can have grown-up conversations for a few minutes, he inevitably starts doing something he shouldn't, climbing on things, or generally doing something that forces one of us to pay attention to him.
The worst is meal times - he cannot sit in a seat for more than 4 minutes, without exaggeration. This is something that frequently gets him into trouble at school/preschool, and essentially prevents us from going to restaurants, period. We are as anti-screen as is reasonably possible, but have thought about handing him a phone or ipad in the restaurant just so we can have a peaceful conversation for once, but we know that in the long term it is detrimental. It is also a near-certainty that even if we give him something he was just loudly and incessantly ask us questions about it, defeating the purpose.
The most frustrating part about this is that we know he has the capacity to sit still and obey in other contexts, e.g. he has no trouble with my wife's parents. With them he can sit still and eat, has polite, exchanges, can sit still and do activities for hours. He was born during COVID while we lived with my wife's parents for 1.5 years (long story short, we were international covid refugees), my wife and I were extremely infantilized in that context (wife's mother has very hierarchical/borderline narcissistic tendencies), and we have always wondered if there is an issue of him seeing only my wife's parents as the real authorities and doesn't see us as authority figures. But we've been living outside their house for two years now, so I don't know if it's just really deep-seated or if it has nothing to do with it.
Can anyone suggest what to do? We know two sets of parents who have childen with ADHD, both have said that he seems to have it. We are seeing a pediatrician/child psychologist in June, but it's someone who will not diagnose ADHD before 5. We live in France where the medical system is very regimented and wait times are very long, so we can't just go shopping around for a bunch of other opinions.
submitted by caledonivs to Parenting [link] [comments]

2024.04.29 07:34 Arietis1461 Jake and Ziyal?

The writers shipping those two would've completely derailed the serialized plots in the show but probably in funny ways.
submitted by Arietis1461 to ShittyDaystrom [link] [comments]

2024.04.29 07:18 _StrawberryBunny [Already deleted] (NOT OOP) AITA for jokingly gagging when my friend told me she's pregnant?

[Already deleted] (NOT OOP) AITA for jokingly gagging when my friend told me she's pregnant? submitted by _StrawberryBunny to redditonwiki [link] [comments]

2024.04.29 07:17 toptrool there is no international right to an abortion, but there certainly is international recognition of the unborn child

let's be honest. there really aren't good arguments to justify killing an innocent baby. bigot's logic (denying full and equal protection to all human beings) is indefensible. the child neglect argument ("my body's my choice") is indefensible. so the next thing abortion advocates come up with is "my favorite non-governmental organization said abortion is a right!" or "the united nations said so!"
some abortion advocates believe that human rights come from press releases issued by non-governmental organizations (ngos). for example, abortion advocates like to point out that ngos like amnesty international say that abortion is a "human right," and thus it must be so. my question to those who actually believe this is if amnesty international put out a press release tomorrow stating that there is a human right for the authors of that press release to have their boots licked by you, how quickly would you kneel down and start licking their boots? surely they have a human right to have their boots licked by you.
others believe human rights come from more "authoritative" sources, such as the united nations. most people see the united nations as a joke organization. but it's not even true that the united nations or any of its treaties confer a right to an abortion.
to this day there hasn't been a single international treaty that says there's a right to an abortion. the word "abortion" isn't mentioned in any international treaties. instead, abortion advocates try to find a right to an abortion in reports issued by various united nations committees. these pro-abortion united nation committees are not judicial bodies nor do they have the legal authority to add to or alter the original treaties. all they can do is publish useless reports. so, to rephrase the question that was originally asked, if a united nations committee put out a report tomorrow stating that there is a human right for the authors of that report to have their boots licked by you, how quickly would you kneel down and start licking their boots? surely it must be so.
in fact, as i'll go into more details below, the legal instruments that are in effect actually favor the unborn child's right to life.

international covenant on civil and political rights

perhaps the most important united nations treaty is the international covenant on civil and political rights (iccpr). the treaty pretty much outlines what are known are natural, or human rights. here's how it starts off (emphasis mine):
The States Parties to the present Covenant, Considering that, in accordance with the principles proclaimed in the Charter of the United Nations, recognition of the inherent dignity and of the equal and inalienable rights of all members of the human family is the foundation of freedom, justice and peace in the world, Recognizing that these rights derive from the inherent dignity of the human person, Recognizing that, in accordance with the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, the ideal of free human beings enjoying civil and political freedom and freedom from fear and want can only be achieved if conditions are created whereby everyone may enjoy his civil and political rights, as well as his economic, social and cultural rights, Considering the obligation of States under the Charter of the United Nations to promote universal respect for, and observance of, human rights and freedoms, Realizing that the individual, having duties to other individuals and to the community to which he belongs, is under a responsibility to strive for the promotion and observance of the rights recognized in the present Covenant, Agree upon the following articles:
it's interesting how abortion advocates on one hand criticize pro-lifers for believing in silly things such as the inherent dignity of the human person, yet on the other hand have their pants pulled down to circlejerk to the the united nations even though they mean the same as the pro-lifer.
now, article 6 of the iccpr, the right to life, has two pertinent points:
Every human being has the inherent right to life. This right shall be protected by law. No one shall be arbitrarily deprived of his life.[...] 5. Sentence of death shall not be imposed for crimes committed by persons below eighteen years of age and shall not be carried out on pregnant women.
what this shows is that even joke organizations like the united nations recognize that the unborn baby is innocent. according to international law expert william schabas, point 5 was specifically added out of consideration of the interests of the unborn child. you cannot give the death penalty to an innocent baby.
abortion advocates will point to documents such as general comment 36 by the human rights committee that monitors implementation of the international covenant on civil and political rights. in the general comment 36 report on article 6 of the covenant, the right to life, the committee wrote that states "may not regulate pregnancy or abortion in all other cases in a manner that runs contrary to their duty to ensure that women and girls do not have to resort to unsafe abortions, and they should revise their abortion laws accordingly." but this language wasn't in the previous two reports that general comment 36 replaced: general comment 6 and general comment 14. so what changed? it certainly wasn't the international treaty that changed, but rather it was the specific united nations committee.
do abortion advocates seriously believe that the numerous countries that currently restrict abortions actually signed away their authority to restrict abortions when they ratified the international covenant on civil and political rights? if that is the case, then how come there are still abortion restrictions across the globe despite the fact that nearly all countries have ratified the international covenant on civil and political rights?
despite the abortion advocates' best attempts to hijack and re-interpret international law, this treaty still recognizes the inherent dignity of all human persons, including the unborn child.

convention on the rights of the child

the second legal instrument that strongly defends the unborn child is the convention on the rights of the child (crc). here's how it starts off (emphasis mine):
The States Parties to the present Convention, Considering that, in accordance with the principles proclaimed in the Charter of the United Nations, recognition of the inherent dignity and of the equal and inalienable rights of all members of the human family is the foundation of freedom, justice and peace in the world, Bearing in mind that the peoples of the United Nations have, in the Charter, reaffirmed their faith in fundamental human rights and in the dignity and worth of the human person, and have determined to promote social progress and better standards of life in larger freedom, Recognizing that the United Nations has, in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and in the International Covenants on Human Rights, proclaimed and agreed that everyone is entitled to all the rights and freedoms set forth therein, without distinction of any kind, such as race, colour, sex, language, religion, political or other opinion, national or social origin, property, birth or other status, Recalling that, in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, the United Nations has proclaimed that childhood is entitled to special care and assistance, Convinced that the family, as the fundamental group of society and the natural environment for the growth and well-being of all its members and particularly children, should be afforded the necessary protection and assistance so that it can fully assume its responsibilities within the community, Recognizing that the child, for the full and harmonious development of his or her personality, should grow up in a family environment, in an atmosphere of happiness, love and understanding, Considering that the child should be fully prepared to live an individual life in society, and brought up in the spirit of the ideals proclaimed in the Charter of the United Nations, and in particular in the spirit of peace, dignity, tolerance, freedom, equality and solidarity, Bearing in mind that the need to extend particular care to the child has been stated in the Geneva Declaration of the Rights of the Child of 1924 and in the Declaration of the Rights of the Child adopted by the General Assembly on 20 November 1959 and recognized in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, in the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights (in particular in articles 23 and 24), in the International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights (in particular in article 10) and in the statutes and relevant instruments of specialized agencies and international organizations concerned with the welfare of children, Bearing in mind that, as indicated in the Declaration of the Rights of the Child, "the child, by reason of his physical and mental immaturity, needs special safeguards and care, including appropriate legal protection, before as well as after birth", Recalling the provisions of the Declaration on Social and Legal Principles relating to the Protection and Welfare of Children, with Special Reference to Foster Placement and Adoption Nationally and Internationally; the United Nations Standard Minimum Rules for the Administration of Juvenile Justice (The Beijing Rules); and the Declaration on the Protection of Women and Children in Emergency and Armed Conflict, Recognizing that, in all countries in the world, there are children living in exceptionally difficult conditions, and that such children need special consideration, Taking due account of the importance of the traditions and cultural values of each people for the protection and harmonious development of the child, Recognizing the importance of international co-operation for improving the living conditions of children in every country, in particular in the developing countries, Have agreed as follows:
the crc not only recognizes that the child "before as well as after birth" has special rights, but it also demands that the signatory states enforce parental duties and obligations so that children can flourish.
for some reason, the united nations committee assigned to monitor this treaty was also able to "find" a right to an abortion in this treaty. don't ask me how—some mental gymnastics are impenetrable and incomprehensible to even the sharpest minds.

international criminal court

the international criminal court (icc), though distinct and independent from the united nations, nonetheless has a bona fide relationship with the united nations, which was established by article 2 of the rome statute.
abortion advocates often point to article 7 of the rome statute and claim that this is the silver bullet they've been looking for. article 7 ("crimes against humanity") says that "forced pregnancy" is considered to be a crime against humanity:
1. For the purpose of this Statute, "crime against humanity" means any of the following acts when committed as part of a widespread or systematic attack directed against any civilian population, with knowledge of the attack: (a) Murder; (b) Extermination; (c) Enslavement; (d) Deportation or forcible transfer of population; (e) Imprisonment or other severe deprivation of physical liberty in violation of fundamental rules of international law; (f) Torture; (g) Rape, sexual slavery, enforced prostitution, forced pregnancy, enforced sterilization, or any other form of sexual violence of comparable gravity; (h) Persecution against any identifiable group or collectivity on political, racial, national, ethnic, cultural, religious, gender as defined in paragraph 3, or other grounds that are universally recognized as impermissible under international law, in connection with any act referred to in this paragraph or any crime within the jurisdiction of the Court; (i) Enforced disappearance of persons; (j) The crime of apartheid; (k) Other inhumane acts of a similar character intentionally causing great suffering, or serious injury to body or to mental or physical health.
abortion advocates then somehow make a leap and take this to mean that all laws against abortions are crimes against humanity. but this is a confused account. abortion advocates skip the next point where it explicitly defines forced pregnancy as the "unlawful confinement of a woman forcibly made pregnant, with the intent of affecting the ethnic composition of any population or carrying out other grave violations of international law." the article also explicitly says it has no bearing on a nation's laws on regulating pregnancy:
2. For the purpose of paragraph 1:(a) "Attack directed against any civilian population" means a course of conduct involving the multiple commission of acts referred to in paragraph 1 against any civilian population, pursuant to or in furtherance of a State or organizational policy to commit such attack; (b) "Extermination" includes the intentional infliction of conditions of life, inter alia the deprivation of access to food and medicine, calculated to bring about the destruction of part of a population; (c) "Enslavement" means the exercise of any or all of the powers attaching to the right of ownership over a person and includes the exercise of such power in the course of trafficking in persons, in particular women and children; (d) "Deportation or forcible transfer of population" means forced displacement of the persons concerned by expulsion or other coercive acts from the area in which they are lawfully present, without grounds permitted under international law; (e) "Torture" means the intentional infliction of severe pain or suffering, whether physical or mental, upon a person in the custody or under the control of the accused; except that torture shall not include pain or suffering arising only from, inherent in or incidental to, lawful sanctions; (f) "Forced pregnancy" means the unlawful confinement of a woman forcibly made pregnant, with the intent of affecting the ethnic composition of any population or carrying out other grave violations of international law. This definition shall not in any way be interpreted as affecting national laws relating to pregnancy;
it should be noted that the only people forcing pregnancies are rapists. pro-lifers are also against rapists and forced pregnancy. a baby is not a rapist.
so far, then, abortion advocates can't rely on the icc to find a right to an abortion either.

convention on the elimination of all forms of discrimination against women

next, abortion advocates will try to find a right to abortion in the convention on the elimination of all forms of discrimination against women (cedaw). but, like the other treaties, there is no actual provision for abortion; the word abortion isn't mentioned here at all. yet, the committee in charge makes up recommendations to push abortion. this treaty doesn't grant a right to an abortion, and in fact, several parties to the treaty made reservations and explicitly stated that they do not interpret a right to an abortion under the treat. many countries that are parties to this treaty to this day have strict limits on abortions.
but don't take my word for it. even though the united states is not a party to cedaw, bill clinton's state department confirmed that the treaty was "abortion neutral." the united states' senate, which is responsible for ratifying treaties, in its report on cedaw, included language that explicitly stated that the treaty does not include a right to an abortion. even the pro-abortion national organization for women concedes that cedaw is neutral on abortion.
interestingly enough, several paragraphs in this treaty confirm that the interests of the child are paramount and prioritized over the interests of his or her parents:
Article 5 States Parties shall take all appropriate measures: (a) To modify the social and cultural patterns of conduct of men and women, with a view to achieving the elimination of prejudices and customary and all other practices which are based on the idea of the inferiority or the superiority of either of the sexes or on stereotyped roles for men and women; (b) To ensure that family education includes a proper understanding of maternity as a social function and the recognition of the common responsibility of men and women in the upbringing and development of their children, it being understood that the interest of the children is the primordial consideration in all cases. [...] Article 16 States Parties shall take all appropriate measures to eliminate discrimination against women in all matters relating to marriage and family relations and in particular shall ensure, on a basis of equality of men and women:(a) The same right to enter into marriage; (b) The same right freely to choose a spouse and to enter into marriage only with their free and full consent; (c) The same rights and responsibilities during marriage and at its dissolution; (d) The same rights and responsibilities as parents, irrespective of their marital status, in matters relating to their children; in all cases the interests of the children shall be paramount; (e) The same rights to decide freely and responsibly on the number and spacing of their children and to have access to the information, education and means to enable them to exercise these rights; (f) The same rights and responsibilities with regard to guardianship, wardship, trusteeship and adoption of children, or similar institutions where these concepts exist in national legislation; in all cases the interests of the children shall be paramount;
the abortion advocate's/deadbeat dad's argument that one could kill, maim, impair, neglect, and/or abandon one's child for selfish, convenience reasons isn't compatible with this treaty either.
so, not even in this pro-woman treaty can abortion advocates find an actual right to an abortion.

geneva conventions

like the iccpr, the fourth protocol of the 1949 geneva conventions states that pregnant women should have the same special considerations as children. this treaty also recognizes that there is an innocent baby in his or her mother's womb.
in sum, this whole time abortion advocates had their pants down and were circlejerking to various committee reports issued by the united nations rather than actual, legally binding international treaties. what is even more embarrassing for them is that a texualist reading of several of the treaties instead show that the unborn child is innocent, has a right to life, and is owed care!
submitted by toptrool to prolife [link] [comments]

2024.04.29 07:16 wsppan Today In Phishstory - April 29th

# Today In Phishstory - April 29th Brought to you by tiph-bot. Beep.
All data extracted via The Phishnet API.


Phish, Friday 04/29/1994 (30 years ago) Boatyard Village Pavilion, Clearwater, FL, USA
Gap Chart, Tour: 1994 Spring Tour
Set 1 : Halley's Comet , You Enjoy Myself 1 > Fast Enough for You > Scent of a Mule , The Sloth , Divided Sky , I Didn't Know 2 , Dog Faced Boy , Split Open and Melt 3 > Sanity > My Mind's Got a Mind of its Own > Llama
Set 2 : Suzy Greenberg > Maze , If I Could , Reba 4 , Fee 5 > Uncle Pen , Mike's Song > I Am Hydrogen > Weekapaug Groove , I Wan'na Be Like You > Hold Your Head Up , Cavern
Encore : Fire
1 No vocal jam. 2 Fish on Madonna washboard. 3 Unfinished. 4 Simpsons signal. 5 Trey sang verses through megaphone.
Jamchart Notes:
You Enjoy Myself - Crazy, very strange version. (No B&D; or VJ.) Nice segue into "FEFY."
Fast Enough for You - Though not perfect, Trey gets paid by the note in this one, including during its mighty peak and conclusion.
Split Open and Melt - Excellent variation in the playing, including a nice quiet section, dissonance, pounding, and an amusing section with the band members all yelling "Yee Haw!!" No real ending but instead a > to "Sanity."
Fee - All band members play a flurry of notes several times before the > to "Uncle Pen."
Mike's Song - A typically fiery, intense '94 1st jam breaks into great rhythmic, medium intensity playing, which mellows into some super melodic Trey-led jamming with hints of "MLB." Collapsing to drums, the jamming returns to "Mike's" proper to conclude.
Show Notes:
There was no vocal jam in YEM, as the song melted into FEFY. I Didn't Know featured Fish on Madonna washboard. Split Open included teases of Ice Ice Baby and was unfinished. Sanity was played for the first time since May 17, 1992 (202 shows). Reba contained a Simpsons signal. Trey sang the verses of Fee through a megaphone.
Listen now at!
Phish, Thursday 04/29/1993 (31 years ago) Le Spectrum, Montréal, Québec, , Canada
Gap Chart, Tour: 1993 WinteSpring Tour
Set 1 : Split Open and Melt , Uncle Pen , The Sloth , Runaway Jim , Horn > Llama , Glide , Rift , Fee 1 , Run Like an Antelope
Set 2 : Chalk Dust Torture , It's Ice > Ya Mar 2 , Mound , Big Ball Jam > Reba , Mike's Song > I Am Hydrogen > Weekapaug Groove -> Makisupa Policeman -> Weekapaug Groove , Hold Your Head Up > Terrapin > Hold Your Head Up , The Squirming Coil
Encore : My Friend, My Friend 3 , Sweet Adeline
1 Trey sang verses through megaphone. 2 Funny stage banter as Trey tried to bring "Leo" in too early. 3 Beginning featured Trey on acoustic guitar.
Jamchart Notes:
Run Like an Antelope - Rocking version includes a brief jam on Pink Floyd's "Money" (4:45 - 5:20) followed by fantastic, very exploratatory jamming. Intense conclusion to the jam with Trey just shredding away.
Mike's Song - The strong 1st jam includes jamming that hints at "Crossroads," before breaking into a repetitive, grundge-like Mike and Fish-led groove. The 2nd jam sounds very much like an early stab at what would evolve into "Simple" the following year, played atop a similar groove to the 1st jam, and then ends in a ripping and intense manner.
Weekapaug Groove - Excellent jam with Theme From Bonanza and "NICU" teases, as well as strong and unusual melodic content -> to the first "Makisupa" in 320 shows (last seen on 11/26/90) before -> back to "Weekapaug."
Makisupa Policeman - -> in from "Weekapaug." "Makisupa" makes its first appearance in 320 shows (last seen on 11/26/90), amidst a strong "Weekapaug." -> back to "Weekapaug."
Weekapaug Groove - -> in from the first "Makisupa" in 320 shows. This section includes great "Can't You Hear Me Knocking" ("CYHMK") teases, exploratory jamming and a shredding peak. All in all, another great '93 "Weekapaug."
Show Notes:
Some of the fans cheered the mention of Quebec during Fee, which featured Trey singing the verses through a megaphone. Antelope included a brief jam on Pink Floyd's Money and a tease of Dance of the Sugar Plum Fairy by Page. Chalk Dust contained Money and Lazy (Deep Purple) teases from Trey. Ya Mar contained an I Can't Turn You Loose tease from Page and funny stage banter as Trey tried to bring "Leo" in too early. Page teased Gimme Some Lovin' in Mound. Sanity was teased in Reba. Hydrogen included a tease of Jingle Jangle Jingle, with a bassline somewhat akin to Happy Trails. Weekapaug included the theme from Bonanza and Can't You Hear Me Knocking teases from Page and an NICU tease from Trey. Fish dedicated Terrapin to his friends from Burlington who made the trip to see the band. Makisupa was played for the first time since November 26, 1990 (323 shows). The beginning of My Friend featured Trey on acoustic guitar. Mike teased the Beverly Hillbillies theme in the soundcheck's Reggae Jam.
Listen now at!
Phish, Wednesday 04/29/1992 (32 years ago) First Avenue, Minneapolis, MN, USA
Gap Chart, Tour: 1992 Spring Tour
Set 1 : Suzy Greenberg , Foam , Sparkle > It's Ice > Runaway Jim , Guelah Papyrus , Rift , Bouncing Around the Room , Take the 'A' Train > David Bowie > Secret Language Instructions 1 > David Bowie 2
Set 2 : The Landlady > Possum 3 , Mound > The Oh Kee Pa Ceremony > Llama , The Lizards , Mike's Song > I Am Hydrogen > Weekapaug Groove , Cold as Ice > Love You > Cold as Ice , Golgi Apparatus
Encore : Horn > Rocky Top
1 Simpsons, Turn Turn Turn, All Fall Down, and Random Note signals introduced. 2 Simpsons signal. 3 Random Note signal.
Jamchart Notes:
It's Ice - Another good organ rocker with great Mike.
Show Notes:
Trey teased Dixie in Foam. 'A' Train contained Stash, Yield Not to Temptation, and Sailor's Hornpipe teases. Mike teased 'A'Train prior to the Secret Language Instructions. The Instructions contained a "Charge!" tease from Page and featured Simpsons, Turn Turn Turn, All Fall Down, and Random Note signal introductions. Bowie contained a Simpsons signal after the Instructions and Possum included a Random Note signal. Weekapaug included a Raspberry Beret tease.
Listen now at!
Phish, Sunday 04/29/1990 (34 years ago) Woodbury Ski& Racquet Club, Woodbury, CT, USA
Gap Chart, Tour: 1990 Tour
Set 1 : Carolina , Possum , Ya Mar , You Enjoy Myself , Dinner and a Movie > Bouncing Around the Room , Uncle Pen , Divided Sky , Fluffhead > Walk Away , Love You > Hold Your Head Up , The Lizards , Fire
Show Notes:
Fluffhead was a birthday dedication to "Sarah." Walk Away featured Trey and Mike on the trampolines. HYHU was played for the first time since March 1, 1989 (167 shows).
Listen now at!
Phish, 1989-04-29 The Living Room, Providence, RI, USA
Tour: 1989 Tour
Show Notes:
Phish, Wednesday 04/29/1987 (37 years ago) Nectar's, Burlington, VT, USA
Gap Chart, Tour: 1987 Tour
Set 1 : She Caught the Katy and Left Me a Mule to Ride , Alumni Blues > Letter to Jimmy Page > Alumni Blues , Golgi Apparatus , Swing Low, Sweet Chariot , Fire , Skin It Back -> Cities , Lushington
Set 2 : Dog Log , Melt the Guns -> Dave's Energy Guide , Take the 'A' Train 1 , Halley's Comet > Quinn the Eskimo (The Mighty Quinn) > AC/DC Bag
Set 3 : Peaches en Regalia > Fluffhead , Good Times Bad Times , Anarchy , Makisupa Policeman -> Run Like an Antelope , Boogie On Reggae Woman , Timber (Jerry the Mule) 2 , Slave to the Traffic Light > Sparks > McGrupp and the Watchful Hosemasters > The Ballad of Curtis Loew 2 , Come On (Part One) 2 , I Am Hydrogen -> Who Do? We Do!
Encore : Fuck Your Face 3
1 First known Phish performance; Jeff Friedberg on saxophone. 2 First known Phish performance. 3 Debut.
Jamchart Notes:
Makisupa Policeman - This version features a short jam with nice interplay between Page on the organ and Trey starting after 2:30; it's lilting and pretty. Then it sort of plods along for a few minutes, but a nice second jam emerges at about 5:30. Good -> "Antelope," too.
Timber (Jerry the Mule) - Debut. First version includes a four minute jam before the final verse with that familiar dark vibe to it.
McGrupp and the Watchful Hosemasters - Another early version with a jam following the lyrics and composed sections. This one is quite rocking and has a great vibe to it.
Show Notes:
This show featured the debut of Fuck Your Face and the first known Phish performances of Take the 'A' Train, Timber (Jerry), The Ballad of Curtis Loew, and Come On (Part One). 'A' Train featured Jeff Friedberg on saxophone. The Fuck Your Face debut was in dispute for many years, though the setlist file seems to confirm that the song was indeed performed on this date.
Listen now at!
Phish, 1986-04-29 University of Vermont, Burlington, VT, USA
Tour: 1986 Tour
Show Notes: The Earth Day show that had circulated with this date actually occurred on April 25, 1986 according to a Burlington Free Press article.

Trey Anastasio

Trey Anastasio Band, 2019-04-29 Brooklyn Bowl, Brooklyn, NY, USA
Tour: Not Part of a Tour
Show Notes:
Trey Anastasio Trio, 2018-04-29 Terminal West, Atlanta, GA, USA
Tour: Not Part of a Tour
Show Notes: This performance, billed as "Sustain," was in memory of Chris Cottrell, and benefited the WaterWheel Cancer Fund.
Trey Anastasio Band, 2017-04-29 Stubb's Waller Creek Amphitheater, Austin, TX, USA
Tour: Not Part of a Tour
Show Notes: This show featured the TAB debuts of On the Road Again and Work Song. The horns teased Happy Birthday in On the Road Again, which was performed on Willie Nelson's birthday. Trey teased On the Road Again in Gotta Jibboo. In the soundcheck, Trey teased Rocky Mountain Way before Speak To Me and Iron Man before Rise/Come Together.
Trey Anastasio Band, 2005-04-29 Tom Lee Park, Memphis, TN, USA
Tour: TAB - 70 Volt Parade Spring 2005 Tour
Show Notes: This performance was part of the Beale Street Music Festival. Due to rain, this set began with a lengthy sequence of songs (Chalk Dust Torture through Waste) performed solo, acoustic by Trey.


Gov't Mule, 2006-04-29 University of Vermont, Burlington, VT, USA
Tour: Not Part of a Tour
Show Notes: Mike sat in with Gov't Mule for "Banks of the Deep End." This show was part of UVM's Springfest.
Everyone Orchestra, 2004-04-29 McDonald Theatre, Eugene, OR, USA
Tour: Not Part of a Tour
Show Notes: This gig was a benefit for the Pangaea Project, and featured music, poetry, and multimedia presentations. Two sets of largely improvised music were performed by multiple combinations of musicians, including an improvisational exercise led by Kai Ekhardt and full Everyone Orchestra jams conducted by Tye North. The main participants for the two shows were: Fish (drums); Tony Furtado (banjo, guitar); Kai Ekhardt (bass); Maya Dorn (vocals, guitar); Libby Kirkpatrick (vocals, guitar); Jans Ingber (hand drums, vocals); Matt Butler (drums, vocals); Julia Butterfly Hill (poetry); Tye North (conducter, bass, guitar); John Whooley (saxophone); Damian Erskine (bass); Asher Fulero (keyboards, DJ); and Scott Law (guitar). Special guests for this performance were Stephen Kent (didgeridoo) and Merry Prankster Ken Babbs (poetry, trombone).
submitted by wsppan to phish [link] [comments]

2024.04.29 07:11 lostlife27 Are demonic spirits actually in my life, and in my body?

I’ve posted about my experiences so many times, but forgot a huge detail:
Sometimes I feel NAUSEOUS after waking up from nightmares, and a YouTube comment of a video of a guy feeling scared and nauseous at his job (dark restaurant by himself) and walked by a human face with big black eyes) the comment said that demons send out energy that cause nausea trying to possess you.
Because I’m so tired of retyping the same thing, I’ll just state the main symptoms:
Vivid nightmares: Has included seeing very clear and detailed, human-like beings, including an old man dancing around making surprised faces at me, mocking me for screaming in terror (screaming didn’t wake me up the first time) while my mom danced around in lingerie (at least the demonic old was fully clothed.
Another one was I was in my dark room (past house) and shined a light on this old man’s face. He had an unnatural, cartoon-like open mouth frown, white another guy was trying to remain hidden in the dark.
These were both nightmares where I woke up screaming at the top of my lungs, completely terrified, and felt like I was going to throw up, and seeing them stuck in my head and feeling like they were still there and I desperately prayed and read Bible verses.
Another was seeing this witch like creature (looked like Kamek from the Mario Bros. but with white human skin and black robe and hat instead of blue, definitely still had those huge glasses) LITERALLY PHYSICALLY INSIDE OF MY HEAD, like in my brain or my skull.
There was a black guy wearing a red top hat and, kind of like a musician dressed like Satan. I said “I rebuke you in the name of Jesus” and he disappeared so instantly I didn’t even see him disappear, I just looked down and back and he was immediately gone, like he was never there.
Another this Wiccan girl (I guess) summoned a demon (that actually looked like a demon) for a board game that was supposed to help us get ahead in life (not a Ouija board).
I’ve had many other very strange, vivid, uncanny dreams, some not necessarily bad, but feeling like I left reality and forgot I existed, weird glitch in reality stuff.
Intrusive thoughts: Keep thinking about hurting others, emotionally and physically.
Seeing demonic monsters, very clear and detailed, while wide awake, but not through my eyes or ears, only in/through my mind.
When I was 13 or 14 I literally woke up, got out of bed, ran down the hallway (not in control of it) and ran to my mom to tell her something was wrong. I suddenly started barking in her face, screaming out of terror, and it stopped after calling out to God.
I’ve also had episodes of suddenly speaking gibberish, my hand getting stuck in the air.
I could literally become possessed and controlled again and the police would just yell at me to stop and tase me maybe shoot me, and they’d just label me crazy and/or a criminal.
I even felt demons fill the room when I tried to pray to God one time, when I was 13-14 going through that serious, what was either spiritual warfare or bad medication side effect, but I haven’t taken that one in over a decade…..
But something I’ve been forgetting to mention is THE NAUSEA after some of this nightmares.
It’s getting harder and harder for me NOT to believe in the spiritual.
Maybe I just haven’t been convinced enough to sacrifice everything (current and potential) for God, but I still feel very hesitant and unwilling to just accept God’s will and plan and commit to things like willingly staying celibate/virgin (I don’t even want kids, this cycle needs to end, and don’t really see marriage happening for me, but I’m not asexual and don’t want to remain celibate for life or until my 30s or 40s, I’m 28).
I don’t know if I’ve simply thought so hard and deep about everything, that I somehow dug myself into insanity?
I have smelled what seemed like sulfurotten eggs, and something knocked my water bottle down and then my Uber Eats driver was literally named “Jesus” (a sign?).
On the flip side, I heard chanting in my head that translated to “god of death” or “devil of death”, and right after that happened to check this account, and had a DM that I had 666 karma, which I did, and today I reached 666 notes on my phone.
Also my parents found a huge orb on our security cameras, literally floating up and over the roof like it knew how to/where it was going on.
I’ve had plenty of nightmares that literally take place in my room and this house too, I recently saw my grandfather (who is alive, so it can’t be his spirit) open my door (after barely opening it at first, then fully opening to reveal it with him) and jump on me on my bed, wearing a toga made out of a bedsheet, and his face was disfigured, like, off, like kind of a pointed face and his eyes were kind of staring off and up to the side, like he was looking at me but not looking at me at the same time).
Also my sister grew a penis and flapped it around in my face while my parents just stood and watched.
An unseen person dropped a baby carrier (in the old house) and it was crying REALLY LOUD, like it was being tortured. I looked to check it was ok, and it was just a doll, and cried even louder and harder.
And usually I don’t even notice hearing any sound in my dreams!
The orb was real by the way, not part of a dream.
This suddenly worse last September or October,just suddenly feeling terrified and reality warping, feeling something trying to take control of my body again.
How can medical science and psychology possibly explain this?
I’m sure I forgot some details, but it’s impossible to remember everything.
submitted by lostlife27 to Christianity [link] [comments]

2024.04.29 07:08 WhatIsThisMod The Disappearing Witch Investigation, day 1

The Disappearing Witch Investigation, day 1
So for anyone who's read The Disappearing Witch Act, as you probably know from the big fat disclaimer at the top, that was a work of fiction, but it was based on stuff that actually happened... as in I pretty much just wrote down a bunch of stuff that happened in my world and then made up those other parts after that haha. Everything up to the part where the ocelot disappeared was true, but nothing after that. Rebound is fine.
So, I've decided to go back into that world and poke around a bit, just to make sure there actually isn't anything freaky going on. Here's the weird stuff that has happened already:
  • That weird mob hitbox my friend saw
  • The disappearing witch, as you probably know
  • That ocelot disappearing, though I still feel like it just despawned. Probably should have named it.
Now what has to happen in order for me to be able to declare that my world is spooky entity-free? Simple, I just have to actually find a witch near my house. I was thinking I'd wait until my friend could play again, but I figured she'd appreciate there not being some creepy entity in our world. I really hope I hadn't just written a creepypasta into reality, that wouldn't be fun. Now, onto the investigation!
First of all, Rebound says hi.
(gosh this world looks so different without the shader pack I was using-)
So the first thing I did was move Rebound up to the roof like I'd done in the story, I figured fiction-me was onto something there.
I then started to play the world normally, guessing that if something creepy is gonna happen, then it will happen. Also I just got jumpscared by a wandering trader spawning near my house as I was typing this section. I'm gonna put up a "no solicitors" sign.
About 1 in-game day in (world day 59 so I can remember this for later): The wandering trader started making this squeaky sound while he was drinking potions, and I've seen him drink potions without making the sound as well. This is strange, but not really related to the other things that have happened in this world so far. Unfortunately I can't study this anomaly further, as I just watched said wandering trader get killed by a baby zombie. Still not going to be taking down my no solicitors sign.
I also brought my brother on while I investigate for this session.
Nothing else out of the ordinary happened in this session, but I did accidentally kidnap an iron golem from a village while I was exploring on Rebound
submitted by WhatIsThisMod to MinecraftCreepypasta [link] [comments]

2024.04.29 07:07 xmiroyox Postpartum haunting??

TLDR; strange things have occurred to me postpartum and I’m spooked and searching for answers
Let me preface this by saying I’m normally not a very superstitious person, but some recent happenings have left me stumped. As for some quick background, I gave birth three weeks ago and have been triple feeding LO and running on very little fuel. My husband takes the night shift watching LO in a separate room so that at least at night I can just focus on sleeping and pumping.
One night as I lay in my bed alone trying to fall asleep in my first week postpartum, I felt my hair fall onto my shoulders as if it was lifted up and then dropped down on me. I didn’t think much of it at the time and figured perhaps my hair was caught on the pillow behind me and slid down somehow, despite it feeling very abrupt and unnatural.
Fast forward to tonight, I have a coat rack in my bedroom where we hang various hats, scarfs, jackets what have you. I was sitting on my bed about to get up to take a shower when I caught movement in the corner of my eye. I turn to see that one of the hats hanging on the rack was swinging violently (it was hanging by the chin strap) and this really freaked me out since all other objects on this rack was left undisturbed. For a second I thought I was having postpartum psychosis and becoming delusional so I quickly called in my husband who confirmed with his own eyes that the hat was still swinging slightly by the time he arrived. His initial response was that it must have been due to a slight draft since the rack sits by my window but his hypothesis was quickly shut down after we confirmed that the window was closed this whole time. After this, I decided to tell my husband about what happened just two weeks prior with the hair incident. Upon which, my husband, who is much more superstitious than me, quickly left my room with our baby and said to me “I always knew something was wrong with this room. I felt it ever since the first time I stepped foot in here”. Anyways, that certainly doesn’t help with my anxiety or the fact that I am sleeping in here tonight.
My questions are: is this just the sleep deprivation getting to me and I am thinking too much and letting my anxiety and subsequently imagination run wild? Has this kind of stuff happened to anyone else postpartum? Are people somehow more susceptible to freaky stuff when they’ve just given birth?
submitted by xmiroyox to beyondthebump [link] [comments]

2024.04.29 07:06 TacocaT_2000 Gojo Satoru in MHA (JJK SPOILERS)

Hana’s attempt to free Gojo failed, and the Prison Realm remained intact. Kenjaku’s plan for the Culling Games succeeded, but not in the way that he expected. Instead of the Merger fusing everyone with Tengen, Megumi woke up and sabotaged it, resulting in Tengen (as well as every sorcerer and curse in Japan) and their cursed energy being fused with humanity.
A few years later, a baby in Qing Qing City, China was born with a most peculiar ability. It glowed! Thus the quirk era began, born from the death of Jujutsu Sorcery.
Revolutions happened, villains emerged, and heroes rose up to stop them. Centuries later, it became a job that everyone dreams to have with hero academies teaching the next era to fight villainy.
Everything seems normal in the world until, in the Tokyo National Museum, a strange stone cube covered in closed eyes cracks.
Gojo spent what felt like years trapped in the Prison Realm. “When I get out I’m gonna find that son of a bitch who stole Geto’s body and kill him in the most painful way possible.” He muttered for what felt like the thousandth time, fighting against the skeletons that just WOULDN’T STAY DEAD!
“The only good thing about this”, he mused, “is that I’ve completely mastered Jujutsu. Hell, I’m even able to land a Black Flash on demand! TAKE THAT YOU NAYSAYERS! GOJO SATORU WILL ALWAYS BE THE BEST!” He shouted at what passed for a sky.
One day, among the mind numbingly boring routine of killing skeletons, something unbelievable happened. The sky cracked. Gasping in shock, Gojo began to grin. This was his chance! He could finally escape this boring hellhole! He could finally kill that bastard! Focusing his cursed technique, he launched a Hollow Purple at the crack. With precision gained over countless attempts, he waited until the exact moment the attack made contact before triggering his secret weapon.
A Black Flash is a phenomena that occurs when cursed energy is applied within 0.000001 seconds of a physical hit, causing a spacial distortion. The sorcerer’s cursed energy flashes black, and the destructive power of the strike is equal to that of a normal hit to the power of 2.5. Supposedly, no sorcerer is capable of using a Black Flash on demand. That is, until Gojo Satoru figured out the trick to it. But what if that phenomena could be applied to a ranged attack? What if that ranged attack was already a spacial distortion?
0.000001 seconds after the Hollow Purple made contact with the crack, Gojo induced a Black Flash. The power of Hollow Purple rose exponentially, and the spacial distortion distorted again. A spacial rend more powerful than even a black hole was created on the boundary between Gojo’s prison and Gojo’s freedom. The Prison Realm, drained of energy by the strain of keeping a sorcerer as powerful as Gojo Satoru contained for centuries, was pushed past the breaking point and shattered.
Gojo closed his eyes in the dark and depressingly gloomy Prison Realm, and opened them in the brightly lit exhibit of the Tokyo National Museum.
submitted by TacocaT_2000 to BokunoheroFanfiction [link] [comments]

2024.04.29 07:05 Curious_Shinae AITA for not going to my best friend's baby shower?

Hi Charlotte! I just wanted to say THANK YOU for being the comedic genius that you are! Seriously, your videos have been my go-to source of laughter for years now. You have this amazing ability to turn even the most mundane things into comedy gold. Thank you and stay petty always. Love you
To the post...
AITA for not going to my best friend's baby shower?
Let's call this best friend, Mary. So, Mary and I are best friends for 11 years now.
Context: I always wanted to have a decor company cause I always love the idea of decorating a space and all the DIY thing. So I planned to open one with my siblings, Mary and 1 other friend. Mary was mainly hired to help with social media as she is good with socials. I had some experience in decor planning and doing decors for small events like birthday. It started great, we would meet at my place and I would teach everyone how to do decor, like balloon garland and etc. We all were do our share on learning how to balloon garlands, flower arrangement and etc. But Mary was the only one who puts very low effort. I didn't think much cause she will handles the social media marketing.
But later, when we did had our social media up. She didn't do much, I always have to tell her to please upload something, as initially we planned to put 1 post per week. Like the bts or sample decor setup we did. I was bit upset with this cause I hired her cause she was my best friend, my sibling didn't like this too. I didn't know how to tell her as she always get defensive about it. After this on and off of me telling her to do things, I gave up and did on my own.
Few months past, she told us she was pregnant. Obviously, I was overjoy as she was my bestie and I get to be the god mother. But things turn worst as everyone was angry with her including the other friend. Our company was called to do a decor for birthday party happening at a restaurant. It was a unicorn theme. Pre event, we all took the roles to do, I told Mary that she don't need to carry in any big stuff and only asked her to help bring balloons. Mary came late to event, making it late for us to do the balloon garland and also when she was there she went to eat saying she didn't eat and that she was pregnant. Of course, I don't want her to starve and her being pregnant but damn she took more than an 1hr to finish the food. And after she finish she didn't even help us, even to tie the balloon. We were concern on not giving her heavy job but she didn't do the balloon tie itself. We gave up after. This kind of things happened for many events of her saying she is pregnant and she can't come/help or she has a curfew. We all collectively decided to either work on this and she can quit as she was being paid the same as the others and everyone felt unfair. She decided to quit.

Fast forward to 3 months before the baby shower, Mary called me to ask if my event company can do decor for her baby's shower. Of course, I said yes and also was all prepared to do things beyond and above as I wanted it to be best as she was my bestie after all. So I quoted her the amount (which was lesser than the quote I quote for others) but she told me it was a lot and she was going through a hard time. So I reduce it even further to this point, it's only covering the items money and hourly rate. To note, I do have to pay my sibling and my other friends as they are part of it. But she told me it's still ex. I told her nicely that I can't do even further down and this is the best I could do, even offered to give desserts (I bake). She declined it. I thought okay, it's fine didn't think much.

2 months before the baby shower, she called me to come to the baby shower and help with the decor. So I thought maybe like arranging the desserts and all. But this girl called me and other friend (who is the event company who is a mutual friend of ours) to help her do balloon garland for free as a 'FRIEND'. First, I wouldn't mind if she asked me to do this at first, but she tried to low ball me and even said at one point why the prices are high as we are new to this business. She also, rented all the items like the background stand, tables all from another company for $300 when she knows that my company has the items for rent, FYI, the amount I quote her for decor was $350. She also spent $$$ on food. At this point, I just felt so down on how my bestie was treating me, my business which I had so much passion for and not wanting to rent things and help our business but wants me to do the 'FREE' service.
AITA for not going to the baby shower as I felt not respected as a friend nor a business person? Oh yes, she made my other friend do the entire balloon garland for free which I thought how to do them.
submitted by Curious_Shinae to CharlotteDobreYouTube [link] [comments]

2024.04.29 07:04 kricketbiscuit78 Guilt for not having kids

First of all I just want to say how much I appreciate this reddit page. I have been feeling a little bit alone in my decision to not have kids so this page makes me feel validated and seen.
For context, when I got married to my husband, we both were set on adopting kids. As time has progressed, we have both come to realize that we don’t want kids AT ALL (I’m thankful we both came to the same conclusion). Here’s why:
  1. Mental health: I have depression and anxiety and I’m on medication for both. My husband has depression and adhd and has a family history of schizophrenia. I can’t even imagine the thought of passing our mental health issues onto our child. Also, some days I can barely take care of myself mentally. How the hell am I going to take care of another dependent 24/7?
  2. Desire: Ive always done what others wanted. Im a nurse and I’ve have had abusive relationships. For years, I’ve put my needs, thoughts, and wants secondary to others. I’m finally choosing to do what I want. I want a calm life where I can do my art, forage, take nature walks, and travel with my husband. A child would put my needs second. Also, I feel indifferent around children and babies. I feel that in order to be a good parent, you have to really WANT them. I just don’t have that maternal urge.
  3. Every time I see parents out with their children, it’s rare for me to see parents who look truly happy. They all look tired, miserable, and frustrated. I’ve also worked with a lot of women who have kids and they never say anything good. They say horrible things about their children. It’s heartbreaking. If that’s not birth control, I don’t know what is.
Because of the above reasons, I felt confident in my decision; however, the pressure and guilt I’ve felt over the last year has made me feel like a bad person for wanting a child free life.
Both my husband and I are the youngest of 4 kids and we both grew up in Christian households. All of our siblings have at least one child already. Because of that, it didn’t take long for my family to circle in on us. Every time we go to a family gathering, it’s “when are you having kids?” We say we don’t want kids. Then they ask why. With every reason we give, they say we will change our minds or “you’ll see” and “just wait.” It’s so frustrating being dismissed! Family has also guilt tripped me when Ive held my siblings babies. For example, one time I was holding my brother’s baby and my dad said “Look at you. You’re glowing!” I don’t feel any fuzzy feelings when I hold babies…If anything, I feel the weight of responsibility and then I feel uncomfortable. My parents also ask how many grandchildren my husband’s parents have and compare, as if it’s a contest. Overall, this whole thing has made me feel like my parents really don’t know me at all and that my worth as a human is lower for not wanting children. Like I’m not fulfilling a basic task in life and that something is wrong with how I’m wired. In the end, the topic of kids got so bad with my parents that I basically had to tell them that if they didnt accept our decision to not have kids, we would go no contact. Their comments stopped after that. Another thing that has been making me feel pressure and guilt is social media. This year was my 10 year high school anniversary and it’s jarring to see many people I knew who now have 2-3 kids. I know everyone’s life choices and desires are different but I think seeing those photos and posts makes me feel unsuccessful or that I haven’t accomplished enough, which I recognize is silly! I’ve spent the last 10 years going to school, undoing trauma, and putting my mental health first, and I’m proud of that. I shouldn’t feel bad for not having or not wanting kids. But society sucks and makes me feel like less of a person for not procreating.
I’m sorry about this rant, but I’m happy I could get my feelings and thoughts out into the universe.
submitted by kricketbiscuit78 to childfree [link] [comments]

2024.04.29 07:01 Curious_Shinae AITA for not going to my best friend's baby shower?

AITA for not going to my best friend's baby shower?
Let's call this best friend, Mary. So, Mary and I are best friends for 11 years now.
Context: I always wanted to have a decor company cause I always love the idea of decorating a space and all the DIY thing. So I planned to open one with my siblings, Mary and 1 other friend. Mary was mainly hired to help with social media as she is good with socials. I had some experience in decor planning and doing decors for small events like birthday. It started great, we would meet at my place and I would teach everyone how to do decor, like balloon garland and etc. We all were do our share on learning how to balloon garlands, flower arrangement and etc. But Mary was the only one who puts very low effort. I didn't think much cause she will handles the social media marketing.
But later, when we did had our social media up. She didn't do much, I always have to tell her to please upload something, as initially we planned to put 1 post per week. Like the bts or sample decor setup we did. I was bit upset with this cause I hired her cause she was my best friend, my sibling didn't like this too. I didn't know how to tell her as she always get defensive about it. After this on and off of me telling her to do things, I gave up and did on my own.
Few months past, she told us she was pregnant. Obviously, I was overjoy as she was my bestie and I get to be the god mother. But things turn worst as everyone was angry with her including the other friend. Our company was called to do a decor for birthday party happening at a restaurant. It was a unicorn theme. Pre event, we all took the roles to do, I told Mary that she don't need to carry in any big stuff and only asked her to help bring balloons. Mary came late to event, making it late for us to do the balloon garland and also when she was there she went to eat saying she didn't eat and that she was pregnant. Of course, I don't want her to starve and her being pregnant but damn she took more than an 1hr to finish the food. And after she finish she didn't even help us, even to tie the balloon. We were concern on not giving her heavy job but she didn't do the balloon tie itself. We gave up after. This kind of things happened for many events of her saying she is pregnant and she can't come/help or she has a curfew. We all collectively decided to either work on this and she can quit as she was being paid the same as the others and everyone felt unfair. She decided to quit.

Fast forward to 3 months before the baby shower, Mary called me to ask if my event company can do decor for her baby's shower. Of course, I said yes and also was all prepared to do things beyond and above as I wanted it to be best as she was my bestie after all. So I quoted her the amount (which was lesser than the quote I quote for others) but she told me it was a lot and she was going through a hard time. So I reduce it even further to this point, it's only covering the items money and hourly rate. To note, I do have to pay my sibling and my other friends as they are part of it. But she told me it's still ex. I told her nicely that I can't do even further down and this is the best I could do, even offered to give desserts (I bake). She declined it. I thought okay, it's fine didn't think much.

2 months before the baby shower, she called me to come to the baby shower and help with the decor. So I thought maybe like arranging the desserts and all. But this girl called me and other friend (who is the event company who is a mutual friend of ours) to help her do balloon garland for free as a 'FRIEND'. First, I wouldn't mind if she asked me to do this at first, but she tried to low ball me and even said at one point why the prices are high as we are new to this business. She also, rented all the items like the background stand, tables all from another company for $300 when she knows that my company has the items for rent, FYI, the amount I quote her for decor was $350. She also spent $$$ on food. At this point, I just felt so down on how my bestie was treating me, my business which I had so much passion for and not wanting to rent things and help our business but wants me to do the 'FREE' service.
AITA for not going to the baby shower as I felt not respected as a friend nor a business person? Oh yes, she made my other friend do the entire balloon garland for free which I thought how to do them.
submitted by Curious_Shinae to AITAH [link] [comments]

2024.04.29 06:59 Interesting-Leg626 1 day down, it’s getting intense

1 day down, it’s getting intense
I did it! I finally did one whole day - no NRT, nothing. It feels intense right now, but I don’t want to do day 1 again so I am hoping that’s enough to get me through day 2 and so on. God this is hard.
submitted by Interesting-Leg626 to QuitVaping [link] [comments]

2024.04.29 06:43 Katerpillarluva1 Tara Brach

I went off my birth control 2 years ago and it sent me into a deep dark depressive and anxious hell hole. It turned my entire world around. Since then I’ve been doing what I can while not turning to medication. Genuinely, listening to Tara Brach’s meditations and podcast episodes have done so much for my life and learning how to move forward. If anything, I’m at a place now where I feel grateful for what I’ve gone through and the things I’ve learned. I was so hateful, self loathing, and full of projections that I could barely make a friend much less look at myself in the mirror. I would really recommend her work, as well as that of Thich Nhat Hanh’s audiobooks (many of them free on Spotify premium). Anxiety is truly just your brain trying to calm itself, trying to take care of itself. She really breaks down anxiety from a spiritual and neurological standpoint together as one. Could not urge you guys less. I would consider my depression to be in remission and my anxiety to be managed well. Self love thru the roof baby
submitted by Katerpillarluva1 to Anxiety [link] [comments]

2024.04.29 06:43 polyphonic_peanut Psychological Know-How As a Grandiose Defence

I watched Mark Ettensohn's Live from a few days ago. Thank you: u/buttsforeva for the link.
Dr Ettensohn described how in pwNPD, there can be a fundamental defence against being emotionally dependent on others.
My understanding is that, in early years, the normal dependency the child has on care-givers is thwarted and leads to many frustrations. The parent, for whatever reason, is not able to adequately tune-into and show care. So the baby learns to present to the parent in ways that enable care to be received. They show up as they assume the parent would like them to be etc.
I really relate to this.
One way I have learnt to do this is through my knowledge of psychology, and a self-sufficiency in practicing skills to help myself. I have done this since my teens.
Yes, there are benefits that have come from this habit. But it is getting in the way of the real therapy I need.
I show up "well" in sessions.
(Sorted, innit. 🇬🇧🤘🏻)
I - unconsciously - try to present as very self-reflexive and insightful. I know a lot about Schema Therapy, and have read books and articles that many therapists have never read. I draw my own mode maps and list my own schemas. I spot my maladaptive patterns and come up with ways to respond that are adaptive.
I direct the sessions. I make my therapist laugh. Damn, I look good in that Zoom window.
I know the lingo. I talk the talk and show, in many ways, that I walk the walk.
But - to a certain degree - this is yet another grandiose defence mechanism.
Tick. Gold star. The therapist looks happy with me. I have made her job easier, I think to myself. She likes me.
I'm such a good boy. 🐶
All is well.
I am repeating the same habit I probably developed as a baby.
My Mum looks happy with me, therefore I must be "good". I can be happy.
I am constantly on alert for external approval, proof that I am fine.
Better show up fine, then! Must show up fine.
(I'm fine!!)
How could someone with such a sharp beard be anything other than fine?
And yet ... I am not fine at all. I am really suffering. I don't think this is coming over enough in therapy.
I keep figuring things out prior to sessions, tying it all up in a bow and presenting it all to the therapist in a neat package.
On the outside, it looks like I am ... healing.
But on the inside, I am a mess. There are so many concealed wounds.
I need to let the therapist see that mess and have it cared-for.
I need to drop the defence of independence. I need to be dependent on her. I need to receive the care I never had.
Well done me for figuring this out. 😈😁🐒
submitted by polyphonic_peanut to NPD [link] [comments]

2024.04.29 06:38 TerribleSell2997 Japan Acoustic Transducer Market is Dazzling Worldwide and Forecast to 2030

Japan acoustic transducer market is estimated to grow at a significant CAGR during the forecast period. Japan Acoustic Transducer Market research report allows making important decision making essential for business growth. It helps key participants further in applying right business ideas to grow business and choose the right business doing strategy. Having complete understanding of what purchasers are looking for in the market and which factors can influence their purchasing decision greatly helps to make investment in the right product development and launch it accordingly. It is also crucial for major participants to understand the behavior of target customers to bring novel products into the market. This Japan Acoustic Transducer Market report serves as a blueprint to get thorough study of market competition, target audience and entire market.
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The major features of these transducers are their sensitivity, which is the ratio of electric signal voltage, current and sound signals such as electrical impedance and the directional pattern. Transducers produce an electronic signal that reproduces the time fluctuations of the related acoustic signal such as pressure and fluctuating particle velocity. Apart from these, some transducers measure average sound wave properties in which the Rayleigh disk and radiometers are include
full report of Japan Acoustic Transducer Market available @
· Market Coverage
· Market number available for – 2024-2030
· Base year- 2023
· Forecast period- 2024-2030
· Segment Covered- By Source, By Product Type, By Applications
· Competitive Landscape- Archer Daniels Midland Co., Ingredion Inc., Kerry Group Plc, Cargill
· Inc., and others
Market Segmentation
Japan Acoustic Transducer Market is segmented by Transducer Type

Japan Acoustic Transducer Market is segmented by Application

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About Orion Market Research Orion Market Research (OMR) is a market research and consulting company known for its crisp and concise reports. The company is equipped with an experienced team of analysts and consultants. OMR offers quality syndicated research reports, customized research reports, consulting and other research-based services. The company also offer Digital Marketing services through its subsidiary OMR Digital and Software development and Consulting Services through another subsidiary Encanto Technologies.
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Company Name: Orion Market Research
Contact Person: Mr. Anurag Tiwari
Contact no: +91 780-304-0404
submitted by TerribleSell2997 to Nim2908 [link] [comments]

2024.04.29 06:33 Alarming-List9762 THE DIVORCED HEIRESS

Amanda could not believe it. She had always known that Damian had never cheated on her but now it seems that she was wrong. "Don't worry, baby, it's just some idiot," he said lovingly. Amanda had witnessed how Damian talked to his family and friends, with a lot of care and love but when it came to her, he was always rude and arrogant. "I am hanging the call and if you want to cry go and cry unto your dead parents," he said before hanging up. She stared at the phone in her hands and laughed at herself. She was too naive. Too callow. How could she even think that he would one day notice her and reciprocate her feelings? Even though she was now in a bad mood, she wouldn't let it affect the party. Wiping her tears and reattaching her makeup, she later went downstairs where the party was officially taking place to avoid quarrels and dramas with her in-laws.
Can anyone tell me where I can read it free??
submitted by Alarming-List9762 to romancenovels [link] [comments]

2024.04.29 06:32 TheMcRedOne The Lottery Party Was A Disaster

Last month. Uncle Pookie went out and bought himself 9,000 Mega Millions tickets with his family's life savings, thousands in money he borrowed from us, his retirement fund, and the last of his inheritance.
We didn't know it, until it was announced at the grand Lotto party we were invited to. He already told his he won the big prize and that he was inviting us to a celebration, and for everyone to come wearing their best. I came wearing my finest tux and my fat baby mamma came wearing some cheap Ross/Rainbow/Claire's teen-crap dress she got on sale and showed off her pimply rolls and moley boobs.
When we all came over, some coming in from far and wide for the fanciest BBQ (there was even a whole-ass, fresh titty-suckling pig and everything that looked like my baby momma). That shit smelled good, better than my baby momma).
There was that good wine too, not that 7-11 b.s. It was like he was giving us a taste of the glamorous life. We could taste it.
Then Uncle Pookie came out in his best burial suit. He wanted to be buried in it, but said it was no longer necessary, though it was a little big. He lost a ton of weight, unlike my baby momma.
He said he gathered us together, and got us just tipsy enough so he could reveal that although he didn't win YET, he was sure to win with his 9,000+ tickets. He promised us mansions, yachts, and jets. He promised us good times. He promised me a baby momma that weighed 200 lbs. lighter because the fat-free chicks come to the one with the monnies who wont give birth to no fat-ass kids who eat all my money. I was waiting for my miracle. And he LIED to me. He lied to ALL of us. Even my fat baby momma, Uncle Pookie told her he was going to get her liposuction, Gucci bags, and a sex machine that could finally reach. Hell I wanted that sex machine. He let us all down.
Turns out, he didn't win the lottery at all, we had to watch as he posted the winning numbers he just received from the news and MADE us sift through his stock pile of tickets that he pre-signed. Not ONE winning ticket. Not even close. We were there for HOURS. And my fat baby momma just sat her CRISCO-ass down and ate shrimp.
Chaos soon followed. Uncle Pookie was punched in the face and then his Budweiser gut. His tittie-suckling pig was taken and thrown into the rented pool. Uncle Pookie bought a lot of sparklers, fireworks, and confetti for, I'm guessing his celebratory win, but people set them off randomly, alerting the neighborhood businesses and other parties close by. Shrimp puffs went flying. Uncle Pookie ruined his burial suit in a fight. Police were called. Uncle Pookie, Bob, and Ray Roy were thrown in the slammer after one threatened to murder the other because that borrowed money was never coming back.
It's all my fat baby momma's fault. If she just jumped and started the butterfly effect that worked in our favor, one of those tickets would have been a winner. Looks like we're going to have to settle for the $10 dildo special.
WHY would not one of the 9,000 tickets be a winner? It makes no sense. I'm sitting here sad with fat baby momma and her worn out vibrating friend. With NO reach. No machine for us. It hurts. It hurts so bad. It cuts me real deep. It's like my non-baby-momma momma always said, "the lotto is the root of all not getting what you want." THAT'S evil.
And Uncle Pookie, I'm never speaking to you again. We were just patsies who you bribed to do that hard ticket sifting for you and it was all for nothing. You wasted our gas, and you crushed my dreams. Harder than my fat baby momma.
submitted by TheMcRedOne to Lottery [link] [comments]

2024.04.29 06:32 BLACKROCKBLACKROCK Help me decide! Rice vs Cornell vs others for IP Prelaw

I'm currently planning on become a patent lawyer with a chemical or biomedical engineering background. This of course isn't 100% as there i could also possibly end up trying to go to med school or get a PhD, or even trying to break into IB, but the current plan is IP law. I am planning on majoring in Chemical or Biomedical Engineering with a minodouble major (depending on the university) in something more fun like economics, political science, history, etc. With that being said, here are the pros and cons
Rice Pros happy undergraduates residential colleges top 10 bme department i have undergrad research basically lined up MD Anderson i have family/family friends in Houston I could intern a lot at the Baker institute for public policy research as well very nice grade inflation received scholarship so its about the same price as GTech collaborative atmosphere cons not great econ department i don't love houston closest well known law school is in austin Cornell Pros dat ivy league status and prestige cornell is a well known ivy league law school feeder produces a crap ton of NSF scholars nice campus i know a few students there negatives most expensive school on the list, and i heard they only increase their costs as you go on pretty bad grade deflation in the engineering college can't realistically double major ithaca is literally in the middle of nowhere everyone says people are depressed there (idk how true that is) there is like no collaborative culture, everyone seems cutthroat i don't want to have to watch my back 24/7 for four years Johns Hopkins positives arguably greatest med school in the world tons of research opportunities technically the highest ranked school in this list very good foreign relations department Negatives baltimore everyone says its depressing i didn't apply to BME, and its nigh impossible to transfer into BME, so I would be in the ChemE department, which isn't really a chem e department so much as its a bme reject department everyone and their mom there is a premed university seems not to care about undergrads i have heard about a fair amount of grade deflation second most expensive school, not much cheaper than cornell no law school UT Austin pros visited and vibed with the whole thing seems super fun, Austin is fun in general very well regarded Chem E department law school on campus i heard once you start to attend if they like you they shower you in scholarships and make you in state somehow negatives pretty pricey for now, tentatively more so than rice very big school, easy to get 'lost' among everyone else obviously doesn't have the same name factor as the previous schools i have heard of some pretty bad GPAs coming out of UT Austin engineering Georgia Tech Pros any engineering you do will be top notch negatives there is nothing non STEM offered here Atlanta pretty bad grade deflation similar price as rice for much more non-personal treatment it seems to me like they don't care much for undergrads everyone there is kind of a industry obssesed engineer no law school, or even med school really (idk if you would count emory) Minnesota Pros arguably best chem E department here great scholarship that gives me in state, if not more could probably negotiate the scholarship higher Cons no-one hears Minnesota and thinks 'wow this guy is crazy good' its not really that great at anything beyond chem e tbh networking will be a lil mid Local State University pros ik for a fact it would be fun most of my friends are going there i would basically already know everyone i have significant ties to the university and would receive very nice 'baby' treatment i could easily be one of the best in my class basically free to go negatives no-name university ranked way worse than even top 100 pretty strong greek life presence wouldn't have competition which might lead me to not do much i would basically be required to get a graduate degree if i plan on doing anything beyond working for like chevron phillips i would be made fun of forever and ever i might get depressed idk
submitted by BLACKROCKBLACKROCK to ApplyingToCollege [link] [comments]