How far back do bank background checks go

You're always better off with a really good lie.

2011.03.23 03:51 jmains You're always better off with a really good lie.

The number one place to discuss and theorize on all things Pretty Little Liars (the series, the spin-offs, and the books). THIS IS NOT A SPOILER FREE ZONE !! PLL will be spoiled, do not spoil PLL;OS though >:(

2009.11.05 04:41 TheBiggestFaggot Harley-Davidson Motorcycles

Anything and everything related to Harley-Davidson motorcycles and the people who ride them.

2017.12.01 08:44 ArcadiaAoi 5-Toubun No Hanayome (The Quintessential Quintuplets)

Welcome to the subreddit dedicated to Negi Haruba's manga: The Quintessential Quintuplets, or 5-Toubun no Hanayome.

2024.05.14 19:11 HolidayAd7621 ABA is more than "I work with kids with autism"

I'm going to preface this with the stereotypical "I never post I usually just lurk" statement so apologies if I use the wrong tags or my statement seems out of pocket. But this is something that's been heavy on my mind lately and I was wondering how other folks in the field felt about it. I've been an RBT for three years and am six months out from finishing my masters in ABA. I have a bs in social work and using trauma informed care with recovering addicts and incarcerated women. However, after interning at a women's center and being sent on DV and rape cases I needed a break. I initially went into ABA with the thought "oh I'd love to help kids!". As I spent more time in the field my mentor introduced me to Acceptance and Commitment Therapy and my views started to shift towards a more radical view of behaviorism. I love ACT. ACT supports beliefs I held long before I knew what it was. I use it with adult and teen clients, have developed my own metaphors and teaching curriculum for adult social skills groups, and am one of those nerdy people who brings it up in conversation far too frequently. Now that I'm almost through my masters I am realizing that yes, I LOVE ABA as a science and the more I learn the more fascinated I am by the study of behavior. Why do we behave the way we do? How do our private events influence our observable behaviors? How does the environment shape our behaviors? It's fascinating stuff! But the majority of my coursework has focused on treating individuals with autism, mostly kids, and other cognitive or learning disabilities. But there's so much more to it than that! I feel stuck now because I realize I absolutely do not want to spend the rest of my career in a clinic getting slapped around by small children, sick every 5 minutes because kids are germ goblins, or dealing with parents and money hungry ABA corporations. The more I understand ABA, the more I want to switch my focus back to working with recovering addicts and incarcerated individuals, because I truly believe ABA and ACT would be beneficial to those populations. Does anyone have any input on this? Have you seen ABA used in these settings? Am I just burnt out? Have I made a terrible decision going back to school for ABA?
I'd love to know your thoughts and opinions! (Be kind please, I'm AuDHD myself and a very sensitive soul. If you can't say anything nice, please don't say anything at all!)
submitted by HolidayAd7621 to ABA [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 19:10 Douglasjm Magic is Programming B2 Chapter 1: Catching Up

Carlos was an ordinary software engineer on Earth, up until he died and found himself in a fantasy world of dungeons, magic, and adventure. This new world offers many fascinating possibilities, but it's unfortunate that the skills he spent much of his life developing will be useless because they don't have computers.
Wait, why does this spell incantation read like a computer program's source code? Magic is programming?
Here we go with book 2!
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Carlos lounged comfortably on one of the mayor's fancy sofas. At 23 years old with a healthy body he really didn't need cushioned upholstery, but he liked how it felt. Honestly, he was probably more comfortable with high quality furniture than someone of his relatively low-income background should be in this world. Spoiled by the mass production factories of modern Earth, I suppose. All of this stuff here is probably handmade. Er, make that definitely handmade. Unless they have magic factories I haven't heard about, or something. He mentally shrugged. There was no point trying to change his attitudes toward furniture now. While this world might have higher prices for a lot of things than he was used to, he was also a lot richer than he was used to thanks to having become a noble lord. People would expect him to treat fine furniture as cheap because of his station.
I might have the physical habits of a couch potato, but at least I don't look like one. Too skinny. Not as skinny as Amber, though. He smiled as he watched the young woman next to him on the sofa continue animatedly expounding on their recent adventures together. She was lanky, with few curves to speak of and spindly limbs, far from any conventional picture of feminine beauty. Her hair, a slightly lighter shade of brown than his own, was cropped short. He thought she was 18 or 19 years old, but wasn't sure. Have I really never asked her age before? ... Would that be a rude question here? Regardless of her age, she had grown her confidence a lot since their first meeting a few weeks ago. She'd found her footing in a new life that she'd seized with utter determination, and he saw no sign of the shyness that she'd first greeted him with. The way her potential was finally blooming was beautiful to watch.
Carlos turned his gaze to the sofa across from them and carefully held back from laughing at the expressions Trinlen was making as Amber wrapped up explaining the events and developments they'd gone through since their introduction to him at the Royal Mage Academy. Carlos had contributed a fair amount to the explanation at first, but Amber had taken to it with enthusiasm when she arrived, and he could tell she was enjoying it. The young man in front of them, newly graduated from said academy, was on the edge of his seat and leaning forward, hanging attentively on every word. His casual attire, plain and made of cheap materials, looked thoroughly out of place on the finely embroidered velvet of the sofa, but he'd shown no sign of even noticing the finery around him. Excitement warred for control of his face with surprise, disbelief, envy, and dismay.
Amber finished her impromptu monologue, and Trinlen slowly schooled his face into a neutral expression. His voice was tense and tightly controlled. "So... In short, you're telling me that in the mere two weeks since you met me, you discovered a mana-poaching conspiracy of nobles, were abducted right under the noses of two royal guards without them even noticing, absorbed mana so fast that you gained 6 levels in a day and a half - so unfair, by the way - somehow learned an obscure portal spell from just its name and description, found evidence of a conspiracy against the Crown, and personally met a princess." He paused, then threw his hands up as he wailed in frustration and disappointment. "And I missed it!?"
Carlos threw back his head and burst out laughing. He couldn't help it. Trinlen just sounded so much like a little kid who'd barely missed out on a candy store giving away its entire stock for free. It was such an incredible light-hearted contrast with how everyone else viewed these same events that the sheer ridiculousness of it was overwhelming. Amber joined the laughter a moment later, shaking her head in amused disbelief, and after a few more seconds Trinlen started chuckling too.
Carlos's laughter eventually trailed off, and he took a deep breath to settle down. "Thanks, Trinlen. It's been a very stressful two weeks, and laughing like that helped release a lot of it. Feels good. Anyway, what have you been up to? I thought you would take a whole month to graduate?"
"Technically I only said 'next month', not that it would be at the same point in the month. But yes, this is earlier than I expected. The normal graduation ceremony is still a week and a half away." Trinlen shrugged. "They didn't explain the reasons, but after what you said I'm guessing your meeting with the princess prompted her to do something. The vice headmaster called me to his office yesterday morning, a few teachers grilled me on my classwork, and they declared I'd passed my exams. Then they told me to pack because I'd be teleported to my new employers the next day, and here I am." He sighed. "Hmph. Now I won't get to humiliate Norla in front of the whole academy when she gives her speech." Then he perked up and grinned widely. "But it sounds like you two are going to be so much fun that I'll get over it in no time!"
"I'm not sure if I agree with your idea of fun, Trinlen, but if it motivates you to help us more then that's good enough for me." Carlos chuckled again. "Anyway, do you need some time to get settled in? You might need to think about lesson plans for us too. We don't need just catalogues of incantations to learn anymore, at least not for simple ones, but I believe you learned other things in the academy too. You mentioned creating your own spells, as I recall."
Trinlen nodded. "I did mention that, yes. I'm guessing your lack of need for a catalogue is because of your newfound ability to somehow pull entire incantations from thin air? You'll have to at least tell me about the limitations of that so I'll know what I still need to teach you, but yeah, there are other things. For one thing, there's your sloppy terminology! Why does no one outside of the academy care about properly distinguishing between the states of mana? Is it really that hard to understand that calling aether, mana, and essence all by the same term obscures your meaning and often causes confusion? Or are people so stupid that they can't even understand the difference?"
Carlos blinked and exchanged a look with Amber. His comprehension aid informed him about the distinction the instant Trinlen spoke the terms. That would have been nice to know earlier. The comprehension aid is a house secret, so we should let him explain. "At least for us, it's just ignorance. I don't think I've even heard the other two terms you mentioned, and certainly no one ever explained them. So, what is the difference?"
Trinlen paused, cocked his head for a moment, and slowly deflated after his impassioned rant. "Yeah, okay, that's fair. I don't think I ever heard about it before going to the academy either." He sat up straight. "Aether is what you've been calling ambient mana. It's thin like air, and it's everywhere. Its only use is converting it to mana or essence. Mana, using the term with proper precision, is thicker but still fluid like water. It exists primarily in people or creatures and is used as fuel to supply power for spells and magical effects. Essence is hard and solid. It is the material that soul structures are made of, as well as the forms of active spells and enchantments. Am I clear so far?"
Amber answered first. "Yes, I'm familiar with each of the forms you described. I have questions about more details - so many questions - but you should get properly settled in, and maybe eat lunch, before we really get down to it. Have you spoken with Mayor Stelras yet? Do you have lodging sorted out?"
"I went by his office first. He's having someone take my luggage to an inn. The Adventurer's Haven, I think? He said something about a 'low-value target' and having an empty suite already booked." Trinlen's eyes widened. "Waaait a minute. Is he putting me in the room you two were abducted from?"
Carlos shrugged. "Sounds like it."
"Nice! Think there'll be any evidence left of how it was done?"
"Haha! Probably not by this point, but you're welcome to look. Now go get unpacked, eat a meal, and start planning your lessons for us. I'm glad you're here, but we have some other things to do too."
Trinlen nodded and stood up. "Sure. I'll be back before you miss me."
Carlos waved as Trinlen sauntered out the door. He and Amber sat in companionable silence for a while as he felt the mana - or essence? - of Trinlen's soul moving off into the distance. "Well. That was interesting. It's good to have him, but I was expecting a bit more time to think and plan before he'd get here."
"Yeah." Amber stretched and then leaned back into the sofa's cushions, luxuriating in their soft firmness. "So, how much are we going to tell him? How useful will his knowledge even be for us, now that we have, what did you call it, the reference documentation? That bit about the states of mana is good to know, but is it really relevant and important, and how much more can there be that's not in the documentation?"
"Be careful talking about that out loud, remember?" Carlos relaxed and draped his arms across the sofa's back as he focused his mind on their mental bond through Purple, their friendly dungeon core. [On Earth, we made many languages similar to the language of incantations, and we had the reference documentation for all of them. We even published that documentation free for everyone to have. Teachers for those languages were still useful, and even critically important for many people. Having access to knowledge doesn't mean you automatically understand how to properly apply it. There may be related knowledge we have no idea even exists. There could be techniques and patterns for how to use the language that are simply outside the scope of the documentation. Perhaps most importantly, a teacher can use their experience to notice a student's mistakes and correct them before they become problems.]
[Hmm.] Amber bit her lip, thinking. [Like how I knew about making soul structures and synergies between them, but had no idea about the importance of being able to examine and fix them, I suppose.]
Carlos nodded. [Yeah. And that's a really simple example. I know some that are a lot more complex, though I'm not sure how many of them are even applicable for incantations. Inversion of control, dependency injection, factory patterns...] He shook his head. [Just the context knowledge needed to be able to fully understand those could take days or weeks to teach well enough for you to use them. I could maybe explain the basic ideas faster with some simplified analogies, but that would lose so many details that I doubt it would still be useful.]
Amber paused. [... Even my comprehension aid is baffled by the terms you just said. It translated the individual words that you said, but all I got for the phrases is a confusing jumble.] She chuckled. [Anyway, I concede the point. Trinlen will still be able to teach us important and useful things. We still need to decide what secrets to share with him.]
[A lot depends on how good he is at keeping secrets. We don't actually know him all that well yet. He's certainly fun, and he seems clever, but for assessing his integrity we're leaning pretty hard on just a janitor vouching for him.] Carlos frowned in thought. [In order for him to do his job, he needs to know that we can only "pull an entire incantation from thin air" if it's a simple one. He does not need to know the full details of help, however, and most certainly does not need to learn to use it himself. That secret is a very sensitive one, where even just letting too much knowledge of it spread would lose us a major advantage.]
[Definitely. No casting help where he can hear it, and don't say anything about it that's not directly relevant for his teaching, either. Not until he's earned our full trust.] Amber lapsed into silent consideration. [We should introduce him to Purple. We'll kind of have to at some point anyway, and the really valuable thing there is Purple himself, not just the knowledge of his existence.]
Carlos nodded. [True. I think that probably is the least sensitive of our house secrets, and being able to call him through a bond with Purple would be useful.] He chuckled. [And maybe his cleverness will end up producing some good ideas for Purple to use. See if he can find a more productive outlet than pranks for his creativity. And then... If he keeps that secret well enough for long enough, we can consider trusting him with more secrets.]
Amber sent back wordless agreement.
Carlos started sitting up, lifting himself out of the comfortable cushions. "Well, we should get some food ourselves, too. And maybe introduce Trinlen to everyone else along with Purple." He stood up and spotted a letter he'd set aside when Trinlen arrived. "Oh yeah, and what do you think we should do about Kindar?"
"Wait, what's this about Kindar?"
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Patreon has 5+ advance chapters if you want to read more.
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2024.05.14 19:09 thegxd_ USPS keeps lying about attempted deliveries..

This is the third time in the past few months where they claim to have attempted delivery but no one was home. I have THREE doorbells (my family is on the first and third floor) and I guarantee he didnt ring any of these shits.
I’m working from home today, listening out closely for my package with my dog, and even my sister is home today. My doorbell is in the kitchen, and I was eating lunch at the supposed time of delivery. I heard my front gate though. Ran to check, only to see the USPS guy getting back in his truck. I figured i would give him a moment to update the delivery status. It goes to “attempted delivery.”
The amount of time he spent writing the note, he couldve just rang the bell and waited a moment, cus i wouldve flew down the steps.
I called my local post office and told them to stop doing this dumb shit and they just told me to schedule for redelivery or come pick it up.
How the FUCK am i supposed to trust the guy will ring the doorbell this time? And im bot going in there to pick that shit up because i didnt choose pickup. Honestly I wanna go to that USPS and beat the shit out of all of them.
What should I do? I kinda wanna call the police on them.
submitted by thegxd_ to usps_complaints [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 19:08 Rude_Caterpillar_174 Ragdoll Kittens for Sale

Introduction. Ragdoll Kittens for sale

Welcome to the world of Ragdoll kittens, where charm meets elegance in a furry bundle of joy. As an avid lover of felines, I understand the allure and fascination that surrounds these enchanting creatures. Ragdoll kittens, with their striking blue eyes and silky fur, have captured the hearts of many cat enthusiasts around the globe. In this article, we will delve into the enchanting world of Ragdoll kittens for sale, exploring their popularity, unique characteristics, and the responsibilities that come with owning one of these delightful companions. Whether you are a seasoned cat owner or considering adding a new member to your family, join me on this journey as we uncover everything you need to know about Ragdoll kittens and how to find the perfect match for your lifestyle and preferences.

The Popularity of Ragdoll Kittens for sale

Ragdoll kittens have gained immense popularity among cat lovers in recent years, and it's not hard to see why. These adorable felines are known for their striking blue eyes, silky fur, and docile nature. Ragdolls are often described as "puppy-like" due to their affectionate and sociable personalities, making them ideal companions for families, singles, and seniors alike.
One of the key factors contributing to the popularity of Ragdoll kittens is their gentle demeanor and tendency to go limp when picked up, hence the name "Ragdoll." This unique trait makes them great for households with children or other pets as they are typically easygoing and tolerant. Additionally, their stunning appearance and playful yet laid-back attitude make them a favorite choice for many cat enthusiasts looking for a loving and loyal companion.

Characteristics and Temperament of Ragdoll Kittens for sale

Ragdoll kittens are known for their striking appearance and gentle temperament, making them a popular choice among cat lovers. These beautiful felines have semi-long fur that comes in various color patterns, typically with blue eyes that add to their charm. One of the most distinctive features of Ragdolls is their tendency to go limp when picked up, hence the name "Ragdoll." This endearing trait makes them excellent companions for those seeking a cuddly and affectionate pet.
In terms of temperament, Ragdoll kittens are known for their docile and laid-back nature. They are often described as being friendly, social, and good with children and other pets. Ragdolls enjoy human company and thrive on attention and affection from their owners. While they may not be as energetic or playful as some other breeds, Ragdolls make up for it with their sweet and loving personalities. If you're looking for a cat that will be your loyal companion and provide endless hours of snuggles, a Ragdoll kitten might be the perfect fit for you.

The Responsibilities of Owning a Ragdoll Kitten

Owning a Ragdoll kitten comes with a set of responsibilities that should not be taken lightly. These beautiful and affectionate creatures require proper care, attention, and commitment from their owners. One of the primary responsibilities is providing a safe and loving environment for your Ragdoll kitten to thrive in. This includes ensuring they have access to fresh water, nutritious food, and a clean litter box at all times.
Regular veterinary check-ups, vaccinations, and grooming are also essential aspects of caring for a Ragdoll kitten. It's important to establish a routine for feeding, playtime, and socialization to help your kitten feel secure and happy in their new home. Additionally, investing time in training your Ragdoll kitten can help prevent behavioral issues and strengthen the bond between you and your furry companion. Remember, owning a Ragdoll kitten is a long-term commitment that requires patience, dedication, and love to ensure they live a healthy and fulfilling life by your side.

Where to Find Ragdoll Kittens for Sale

When looking to add a Ragdoll kitten to your family, it's important to find a reputable source that prioritizes the well-being of their cats. One of the best places to start your search is by checking with local animal shelters or rescue organizations. These facilities often have Ragdoll kittens available for adoption, giving you the opportunity to provide a loving home to a cat in need.
If you prefer purchasing from a breeder, it's crucial to do thorough research to ensure they are ethical and responsible. Look for breeders who prioritize the health and socialization of their kittens, as well as provide proper documentation and support post-purchase. Online platforms such as reputable breeder directories or websites dedicated to connecting potential owners with Ragdoll kittens can also be valuable resources in finding your perfect feline companion. Remember, taking the time to find a trustworthy source will not only benefit you but also contribute to the well-being of these beautiful and beloved cats.

Tips for Choosing the Right Ragdoll Kitten for You

When choosing the right Ragdoll kitten for you, it's essential to consider several factors to ensure a harmonious match. Firstly, take into account your lifestyle and living situation. Ragdolls are known for their affectionate nature and love for human companionship, so if you have a busy schedule or live in a small apartment, you may want to opt for a more independent breed.
Additionally, consider the age and personality of the kitten. If you're looking for a playful and energetic companion, a younger Ragdoll kitten might be the best fit. On the other hand, if you prefer a more laid-back and relaxed pet, an older Ragdoll cat could be ideal. Lastly, make sure to spend time interacting with different kittens before making your decision. Pay attention to how they respond to you, their level of socialization, and overall demeanor to find the perfect match that aligns with your preferences and lifestyle.


In conclusion, Ragdoll kittens are truly a special breed that captivates the hearts of many with their striking appearance and gentle demeanor. Their popularity stems not only from their stunning blue eyes and luxurious fur but also from their affectionate and sociable nature. As potential owners consider bringing a Ragdoll kitten into their homes, it is crucial to understand the responsibilities that come with caring for these beautiful creatures. From providing proper nutrition to creating a safe environment, owning a Ragdoll kitten requires commitment and dedication. When searching for Ragdoll kittens for sale, it is essential to do thorough research and choose a reputable breeder who prioritizes the health and well-being of their cats. By following these tips and guidelines, individuals can find the perfect Ragdoll kitten companion that will bring joy and love into their lives for years to come.Introduction
submitted by Rude_Caterpillar_174 to ragdollkittens [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 19:08 Grand_Reanimation Chapter 8: Four Turns

Chapter 8: Four Turns

Chapter 8: Four Turns

Abhi is shaken to the core, his walk gains a bit of tremble, he starts to breathe and sweat heavily, his eyes constantly trying to look back.
“Am I being followed…” Abhi Gasped audibly.
Abhi ignores the man on his trail for the time being, as it's entirely possible for the man to have the same travel route as Abhi, even though it is unlikely that someone had the same bus route as Abhi the man could still be going somewhere nearby and there just happens to be a small overlap.
A few minutes passed, and even after a few more turns and minutes of walking, the man was still on Abhi’s trail. Abhi’s expression grew more and more anxious, he was looking back at the mysterious man more and more frequently as time passed.
Abhi suddenly stopped, he noticed a city map plastered on the building. It covered all of Nixtom High City but the regions below or beyond the high city were left blurred or anonymous. While keeping a subtle look out for the follower Abhi used his finger to point at something on the map, he was pointing at the nearest police station which was a kilometer to the west. The mysterious man soon passed by Abhi but didn’t do anything.
Abhi kept staring at the police station symbol on the map perhaps contemplating his decision to go there. He then looked around and saw a pendulum clock inside an antique shop.
“7 minutes till 7 pm,” Abhi said to himself while observing the clock.
Abhi started walking but didn’t follow the western path to the police station instead he went opposite, towards the east where his bus stop was. Abhi had just recently requested a change in his job timings because of his school, he changed his shift at his job from a full-time day job to a half-time evening job. This shift change was quite major as it essentially changed everyone Abhi worked with including his superiors.
Getting a negative first impression on his first shift wasn’t just not ideal, but it would also lead to Abhi’s supervisors, managers, and other superiors making an example out of him via harsh punishment; therefore, it was essential for Abhi to reach his workplace on time. Taking detours such as visiting the police station in the opposite direction would involve the risk of not catching his second bus which only comes around every 30 minutes. Knowing all this, Abhi kept walking. There wasn't much to worry about as Abhi was already at the edge of High City so the bus station was nearby. As the mysterious man following Abhi had already passed by him and he wasn't too late for the bus, there was nothing to worry about.
Abhi strolled freely humming an old rhyme. He was finally close enough to see the bus stand’s landmark a few towns apart. Abhi sighed in relief “I can finally reach the bus stand safely.”
Suddenly he felt the same ominous present he had felt a few minutes ago, Abhi’s walk became more restricted his posture less confident and he slowly turned his head back without stopping his walk and immediately saw the same mysterious man in the well-designed suit right on his trail. Abhi started shivering in fear and anxiety, breaking cold sweat on a breezy evening. The sun was already almost submerged in the horizon, the atmosphere was dim and the street lights still weren't on. In the faint remnants of the absent sun’s light, Abhi kept walking while constantly looking back to observe his mysterious follower.
Fortunately, he was finally close enough to see his bus stop directly, but before walking towards it, he suddenly stopped, Abhi kept staring at the ground as if he was drawing in deep thought. He subtly looked back and saw the same mysterious follower standing just a few meters behind, pretending to check the menu of a cafe. “No… I can’t go home; mom is home alone.” Abhi spoke to himself. Abhi seemed to have realized that if the mysterious follower kept following him even on his bus, then he might end up finding out where Abhi and his mom lived. No man will jeopardize his mother’s safety for his own sake or for work.
Abhi was out of breath, shaking and sweating from the fear and anxiety of being followed, yet he stopped walking. He looked up, towards the dark crimson sky filled with blurry emerging stars, his gaze didn’t shake nor blink and soon enough the twinkling stars reflected in his eyes as a glimmer of hope. His breathing became calmer and his eyes colder. Suddenly he diverted from the straight path to the bus stop and instead took a left turn. Abhi started walking again only this time his steps didn’t echo fear but it resounded determination.
A few steps later, Abhi looked down and murmured something to himself, and then he started to recite something far more clearly… almost in a robotic tone:
“En Passant: Caution, Chapter 6: Stalkers, point 4:
In case, you think you are being followed but cannot tell for sure, there is a method to verify your situation. Note your starting position then take four right or four left turns while walking. The idea behind this action is that whenever you turn the same way four times, you end up in the same place you started at. So in case you have a suspicion about someone following you, you can verify whether they just happen to have a similar route to yours or if they are in fact on your trail as no innocent person will circle back to the same spot with you”.
Abhi had recited a passage from an informative book he had memorized. Following the book’s advice, he started by taking his first left turn. While walking, he looked back to observe the mysterious man who was still checking out the café’s menu.
“Garlock Gobbler Gamers”. “What a weird name for a café” Abhi had noted the café as his starting point.
While looking at the café he suddenly made eye contact with the mysterious follower. He quickly looked forward and started walking, he took another left turn and kept walking, this time he didn’t turn or look back at all as that might end up alerting the follower. He instead starts walking slightly faster and only looks ahead, he still tries to observe the follower by looking at mirrors and other sources of reflections to subtly check the areas out of his field of view. He takes his third left turn while still keeping an eye out for the follower through reflections and such.
Abhi slightly slows down his pace as he doesn’t notice anyone on his trail.
“Did I lose him? Or was he just coincidentally going to the same bus as me.” Abhi says to himself, then he walks with a bit less intensity. He takes his fourth and last left turn and uses this opportunity to check the entire street behind him, not seeing a single person in the entire street gives Abhi the last bit of assurance.
Abhi walked towards the bus stop and saw the “Garlock Gobbler Gamers” sign in the distance. He walked a bit closer and realized that no one was outside the café. “I guess that man just happened to have the same bus route as me. I didn’t think anyone other than me had the same bus route, but guess I was wrong.”
Abhi was finally free of worry and relaxed calmly walking towards his bus stop, soon past the café and kept walking. Suddenly a hand touched Abhi on his shoulder. “Oi! Kiddo what is you doin?”. Abhi slowly turned back in horror to see the same mysterious man appear out of nowhere while he held Abhi’s shoulder in his rough hand.
Abhi shook the man’s hand off of him and jumped back a few steps.
“What the fuck do you want!? Why have you been following me for so long?” Shouted Abhi while not taking his eyes off the man for even a second.
“Yo Chill out cuh. I was just gonna ask you the same, why have you been following me?” Said the man while wearing an elegant suit.
Abhi who looked a bit perplexed after seeing a man dressed in such formal attire talk in slang language and turn the ‘follower’ accusation back on him, replied:
“What? I’m not following anyone you were the one constantly on my trail, also why would I follow you? Who the hell even are you?”
The man looked and Abhi’s eyes and calmly replied:
“Me? I’m the principal of your school homie.”

submitted by Grand_Reanimation to GoldenFeathers [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 19:08 420_gaylord_420 I Want My Dad to Die

This is the 17th day my dad has been on hospice. Metastatic cancer - he lost the ability to eat solid foods months ago. Just after starting hospice, he lost the ability to even absorb the nutrients from the artificial feeding. A few days after that, he stopped getting water too. It's been about a week since he's spoken.
For four days, it was nothing but the "death rattle"--non-stop, loud gurgling. Yesterday, he barely breathed at all. That is, when he's not screaming in agony from the slightest touch, which makes changing and cleaning him even worse than it already would be.
This morning, screaming with every breath. We have to give him morphine every hour, day and night, on top of the two fentanyl patches. There is not enough medication in this world to free him from pain.
I haven't gone home (I am stuck four hours away with no car) for these 17 days. Sleeping on the couch within earshot of him. And all I can hear is his strained breathing and the roar of the O2 machine. For all this time, he's been "close," but he just doesn't die.
As far as I'm concerned, my dad has been gone for days. Now I just want him to die. I want to go home. I want to go back to work. I want to stop seeing my grandparents and step mom every second of every day for days on end. Whenever he stops breathing for 30 seconds I feel a wave of hope that it's all over, and then a wave of dread when the next breath comes. How many days do I have to do this? Sitting here, turning him, waiting for him to die with people I don't even like? I feel guilty but also I don't - I just want to go.
submitted by 420_gaylord_420 to confessions [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 19:07 Lumpy_Description_83 I ripped paint off my dorm wall during move out day.

For some context, I’m a freshman college student who just checked out of their dorm a few days ago.
I was getting ready to check out of my dorm with my RA in a couple of minutes. I took off these hooks I had on my dorm’s wall and I tried taking them off. Boom, they exposed the drywall. I was so terrified on what to do that I just sticked them back on and hid it behind the bed frame. My RA didn’t notice it so I was able to get checked out and leave. I know I fucked up, I should’ve reported it but I this is the first year and I had to move out less than 5 minutes, there was no time to go to Lowes or Home Depot to buy paint.
How deeply in trouble am I in?
submitted by Lumpy_Description_83 to internetparents [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 19:07 Your_BoyToy22 Is this stalking?

Ok so, I will be honest. I did have a part to play in this. And I may be finding out from my fucking around. But I’m genuinely curious about this. So it started on Scruff. I’m 25, black (that plays into things later on). And he’s like 64, white. So we’ve been talking over the app for the last year. I’ve always tried to keep it light and non-sexual. How’s your day, etc. But he always tries to push it towards a sexual realm. How black guys are better in bed, how he wants to send me his nudes even though I didn’t ask for them, how horny he is from working out.
Now I’ve never shared my facepic with this guy. Or my real identity. So I thought I had that barrier of protection. However, I did share what gym I went to. I also put that in my Grindr profile and my Scurff profile. Like, no one has ever shown up looking for me before. So I figured I was safe ‘case no one was really checking for me like that. Until this MF pops up. But I changed my gym schedule due to starting a new job. And the old guy was in a different schedule.
However, one day he said he popped up at my gym and didn’t see me. ‘Cause I wasn’t there. lol. Had something else to do and that time. The thing is, I didn’t tell him I wasn’t there. He just randomly popped up.
Then this happened: the guy changed gyms to my gym. Now that might seem small. However, the gym he used to go to is on the other side of town. Like a good 10-15 minute drive across town. You have to go out of your way for this.
And I would ignore his messages. And he would still tell me “Was at your gym today.” Or “I noticed you’re out of town today.” Or “back from cardio so horny”. Like, I would have 13 unread messages from him in 3 days. About showing up at my gym. How he hasn’t seen me lately. How he’s horny from cardio, if only he were 40 years younger, how he loves the color contrast of black skin on white skin.
Normally when I was there I wouldn’t see him. We would miss each other (thankfully). So I kinda forgot about it. Until about last week. So one day I show up at the gym. And I see him walking by towards the door. Now the gym is very crowded at this time. So it’s not like it was easy to see me. But I do notice that’s him and he has a friend with him. But they look like they’re walking out. Whereas I just got in. So I got lucky again. He also looks older than his photos.
Looking back I realized I was part of the problem. ‘Cause I messaged him after I got home and said I saw him at the gym. That did not help anything at all.
Fast forward to last night. Who do I see in the parking lot. The same guy! Like we’re getting out of our cars at the same time and we even parked in the same part of the lot. So I kinda wait back until he goes in. Then I walk in after I know he’s gone in. Just to make sure he didn’t see me. He didn’t stay long (he sent a message about dinner with friends).
So I message him last night (I’m part of the problem I know). But he said “We were 118 feet away from each other last night.” He doesn’t know what I look like. So he didn’t come up to me or look for me. Or could identify me.
But is this stalking? ‘Cause he knows I come to the gym alone. I don’t feel like I’m in any serious danger though. lol. What’s the worst that could possibly happen? lol.
submitted by Your_BoyToy22 to askgaybros [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 19:06 Organic-Manner-2969 Ripper - Alfalfa Male (Season 3)

Ripper - Alfalfa Male (Season 3)
Hey all, I'm back. Been pretty busy over the last couple of weeks but I'll be back for now. Still working on Grand World Tour, and the release date will be announced shortly.
Ripper, Ripper, Ripper. The alfalfa male. Two sides of the same coin of RealRipper and FakeRipper. He was made so hateable in season one with the fart jokes, with the climax in episode 5, and mellowed out whilst still keeping his charm for the remaining episodes he was in. He had excellent dynamics with Chase and Zee. He contributed in challenges in an unique way, such as when he picked up Priya to go coast to coast for the skull and him and Chase teaming up in the very first challenge. Even during merge, his prowess shows where he was able to be one of the first to bring an egg back to Chris and almost won immunity the very next episode. In season 2, his character mellowed out a lot, and while he still had some of his charm, it was almost like he became a completely different person this season. He had a good first four episodes, with his peak being in the glass tile game where he got two right, but the last three he became Gidgette 2.0 with Axel, to distract Prileb (Notice how they were fixed in the finale.) All in all, still very humoring to watch this season.
Boy oh boy where do I even begin. Back in the Reboot, this man was very mean-spirited and gross to the point he would shamelessly pick on people. He will also use underhanded tactics to achieve victory, such as using Priya as a human shield and having Zee distract a cassowary only to leave him behind.
He shows off a more vulnerable and softer side when he forms a crush on Axel, whom he goes to great lengths to impress yet fails. He eventually succeeds and cares about her immensely, going against his mentality that caring about other people makes you look weak, to the point he chooses to leave with Axel when she's eliminated.
Plot/Story Ideas:
Some ideas that say it better than I could with Ripper, starting with u/Slayquil (Shout out to that one fanfic with Ripper and Axel's pregnancy). "I'd like to see his character arc finish. He already changed a lot from 1 to 2, so maybe 3 could close it out? I'd also want to see more of his friendships with Chase and Zee, and also more of the cute type of relationship he has with Axel later (not whatever the hell s2e7 was...that was uncomfy to watch). I've said it before but with the right writing, I feel like they have the potential to be really fun and certainly less toxic than Prileb." I'd love to see him close out his character for the first three episodes of the new season. It would be nice to see more of his interactions.
One big issue arises, which is how he outlasted Axel, and I really doubt that it'll happen for a third time. It's why, and due to his personality, that I do not see him going far.
Character Rankings:
I'm a really big fan of Ripper's character, and I find him rather underrated as far as the reboot goes. Aside from his fart jokes, his interactions are some of the best of this reboot, namely coming from the Trout Trio and Axel. He was enjoyable to watch with his demeanor showing off a change of pace from what we usually see from the show, and hes portrayed as such. Season 2 has a lot of issues, starting from his interactions being less interesting (which is a Rematch problem), and was flanderized in his final few episodes. His relationship with Axel, while the build-up being interesting, came off rather rushed in the sense that Rippers character kinda became a different person.
Personal Ranking: 10/16; Season 3 placement: Early boot (14th-16th?)
Let me know your thoughts on Ripper as a character and potential plots he can have. Also let me know if I missed anything and leave a comment!
submitted by Organic-Manner-2969 to Totaldrama [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 19:05 Metatroubleshooter We solved our Meta conversion campaigns this way after horrible quarter

So we have had serious conversion problems as many before us had and after reading that most companies struggle the same way one of my companies have struggled i wanted to share how I solved our campaigns:
Business: E-com, luxury interior design products Price range: $19-199 per product Market: Europe, US and UAE
Ad spend $300-1000/day depending on results.
I also want to share that i have another business which has not at all been affected by this total ad-fuck up that Meta has been having, however the goal is lead and we use a form in that business, not the same conversion goal as this business which has purchase as conversion goal. The other business is also contra cyclic and does better in bad times than good times which is not the case with this company.
Ad set up before the crash was simple, we did not use much adv+ and did mostly exclude everything except feed and stories which we found delivered most conversions. We used 2 ad sets one for 9:16 ads and one for 1:1 ads. Very broad, all countries in each ad set. No interests. Female only.
We use lots of creatives and different copy. We invest a lot of time in our ads and i recommend you all to do the same.
When the crash hit we started changing our creatives and copy but nothing helped. After a while we stopped our campaigns all together and started testing new ways, adv+, all formats, engagement campaigns, traffic, switching to add to cart and checkout as conv. Goals but nothing gave. Our cost per conv increased from $30 to $300 at the highest and we started loosing a lot of money.
The solve, CBO 6 ad sets (funnel) Conv. Goal=purchase
Top funnel (2 ad sets, 9:16 +1:1) Feeds and stories both fb & insta. 4-6 engaging ads to drive interest. Video and images mixed. Loosers get cut off, winners stay. No ads with discounts, we dont want to engage discount hunters. Female only Exclusions: add to carts, initiated checkouts & purchase 60 days. Video views. This entire funnel is building on with new potential customers only.
Mid funnel (2 ad sets, 9:16 + 1:1) Feeds and stories both fb and insta. Audience, website traffic, content views, Instagram + fb engagement, video views. Exclusions, add to carts + purchase 30 days. 4-6 ads. Ad mix, engaging ads and discounted products.
Bottom funnel (2 ad sets, 9:16 + 1:1) Feeds and stories both fb and insta. Audience, add to cart, initiated check outs. 4 ads. All ads are product focused. 3/4 with discounts. Catalogues are added as enhancement for 1:1 ads.
Our ad account is back to normal and we have our business back finally. Please note that we do not use any of Facebook’s ultra crappy ai tools, my experience is that this is just a way to give Meta your money for nothing in return. They are basically using you as beta testers for their algorithms which are full of bugs and issues and you are actually paying them for it. Do not do this.
We have now been scaling successfully for a while and do see drops when scaling but the conversion cost has been going down after a few days and stabilizes again.
I hope this solution works for anyone else, let me know if it did, it would really make my day and this post was then worth the time it took to write it.
Stay strong and positive 💪
submitted by Metatroubleshooter to FacebookAds [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 19:05 kidlowkeylb Life in France 90's generation

Hello everyone,
I hope you're all doing well. I'm here today to share a bit about my journey and seek some advice from this community.
So, here's the scoop: at 25, I packed my bags and made the leap from Lebanon to Paris (outskirt). Financially, I was starting from scratch – no cash in the bank, but thankfully, no debts either. I hustled my way through college expenses while grinding away back in Lebanon.
Started off my professional life as a FE developer, pulling in a modest 18k for the first couple of years. Then, in year three, landed a new job with a salary bump to 35k. But suddenly, I found myself facing monthly expenses totaling 1200e ( breakdown below ) by year four got a new job with a salary of 45k brut ( 2500 monthly net ) and 48k ( 2600 monthly net ) by year five, my expenses increased with the inflation that was impacted france.
Fast forward to May 2024, and my paycheck's now at 55k (3000 monthly net)
Here's the breakdown of my monthly expenses:
Then yearly travel trips for a total of 800e per year
Total: roughly 2000e per month and sometimes there's unexpected expenses ( family in need etc... )
So, here I am, sitting on roughly 8k that I managed to save over the course of 5years , feeling somewhat at a loss. Is France truly the right place for a loner like myself, especially with those sky-high taxes and social contributions? Do you think the system here favors families more? Maybe it's time to scout out a more budget-friendly neighborhood?
I've been toying with the idea of owning a small apartment, but no bank would give me a loan without an elusive 10% down payment even though once I stop paying rent I can surely afford to pay the loan.
Sometimes, I even entertain the thought of heading back to Lebanon, despite everything that's going on there. I just would like to have a normal life again, like back in Lebanon, have a roof over my head, be able to afford a car and have a dog :) but so far it seems impossible to do so in France without committing to a relationship and living with someone or having a roommate to save a bit of money.
Any insights or advice would be greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance!
submitted by kidlowkeylb to vosfinances [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 19:04 JMcSwagle Portfolio Advice

Hi all! I’m in the process of switching jobs right now and I’m working on my graphic design website, which I haven’t touched in 2.5 years. I’m an entertainment designer (mainly working with musicians, doing tour art and album covers) but I’ve also done print work, branding, and packaging projects that I’m very proud of. One part of my dilemma is how to showcase all of that in a clear, concise way. I’m looking to work at either an agency that does all sorts of things outside entertainment, or continue working at an entertainment agency. I live in Los Angeles and just started my search so I’m not really sure what’s out there yet, but I’m sure there are plenty of options.
The second part of this post is how should I best display different pages on my website. I have 3 different layouts and realize it probably doesn’t look super consistent across pages (a gallery of album covers, a page with links to case studies, and other links that go to PDFs). Should I just create Behance case studies for all of my work and have everyone be directed to my Behance portfolio? I’m worried that this will take them away from my website so they won’t come back and check out the other pages. Not sure what the best way to approach this is.
Here is my website at the moment, it’s a work in progress so be gentle!
Thank you all in advance :)
submitted by JMcSwagle to graphic_design [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 19:04 Febreeze_CE0 Is it worth taking it to a shop to get it checked out?

It started two days ago, we were coming back from a trip and we were driving for about 4 hours. I noticed the engine sounded pretty loud on the way back but I assumed it was because we needed an oil change so I planned on doing so once we got back. We were about 10 minutes away from home & we stopped at Publix to grab some things. When we got back on the road, the car suddenly couldn’t acclerate. It stopped in the middle of the road & I turned it off for a few minutes. I turned the car on after a few minutes & the car accelerated enough to get off the road but it still had trouble accelerating. When I checked the engine, it was low on oil so I added some & there was a weird clicking sound. My uncle checked it out & said it was a transmission issue. The mechanic checked it out & said it was definitely a transmission issue but that he doesn’t fix transmissions & only knows how to replace them. Should I take it to another mechanic that can take it apart & see what’s going on with the transmission or replace the transmission. Is it worth getting the transmission replaced or should we get a new car? It’s a 2017 Nissan Sentra The car is at 112,000 miles.
submitted by Febreeze_CE0 to askcarguys [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 19:02 rickanderson123 A Guide to Choosing the Right Multi-Risk Travel Insurance Plan

Are you planning a dream trip but feeling a little anxious about what could go wrong? Potential risks involve lost luggage, medical emergencies, and trip cancellations. There's a lot that can throw a wrench in your trip plans. That's where multi risk travel insurance plays a vital role. But with so many options out there, how do you pick the right policy? Let’s explore how to do that below in this piece.

What Even Is Multi-Risk Coverage?

Think of it as an umbrella protecting you from a lot of potential travel mishaps. Multi-risk policies bundle together coverages like:
Basically, it's a one-stop shop for shielding you from those "well, I wasn't expecting that" moments. No more juggling separate policies for every scenario.

Choosing Your Multi-Risk Travel Insurance Plan

So you know the tip - but how do you find the right plan that's just right for your trip? Well, start by evaluating a few key factors:
Travel Dates & Costs: Obviously, longer international trips with lots of pre-paid expenses require more comprehensive coverage compared to a cheap domestic weekend getaway.
Ages of Travelers: Let's be real, younger travelers may not need the same level of medical coverage as seniors exploring abroad. Know what makes sense for you.
Activities: Going scuba diving, rock climbing, or planning any other rad adventures? Double-check check they aren't excluded from coverage.
Compare, Compare, Compare: Don't just choose the first Multi Risk Travel Insurance plan you see. Insurance providers and coverage levels can vary drastically. Get quotes from a few different companies and read those policy docs thoroughly.

Check The Fine Print

Speaking of policy documents, don't just skip them! Travel insurance has tons of rules, exclusions and limits hiding in the fine print. A few things to look out for:
At the end of the day, a great multi risk travel insurance plan lets you kick back and enjoy your trip without stressing every "what if" scenario. Do your research to find a reputable multi-risk policy tailored to your needs. It will ensure peace of mind for you on a highly desired trip.
Website -
submitted by rickanderson123 to u/rickanderson123 [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 18:58 stravvberryblonde [acne] looking for advice- start tretinoin + spiro OR continue with red light therapy / diet change

[acne] looking for advice- start tretinoin + spiro OR continue with red light therapy / diet change
So I am 23 years old and I definitely have some hormonal acne going on (as diagnosed from my last derm, I have been to a few since I was 19)
(23 f) I also was hoping for some validation that my skin isn’t that bad as far as permanent damage lol. The acne I have in this picture is definitely not near as inflamed as it varies even day by day. I started to wonder if it would be a dairy or intolerance or some other food allergy. Anyways, I have an appointment with another dermatologist coming up and with my dr that last saw me, she recommended either spiro route or accutane. I have wanted to avoid going those routes since I have tried to go a natural way for a while, but I almost feel regretful of putting off that so long because I am concerned that I have irreparable ice pick scarring. I admit it’s not as a bad as it could be, but my skin has been one of my biggest stressors for a long time and I have already spent so much money going to different drs.
Anyways, I wondered if maybe I should just start the spiro + tretinoin .0018 and see if that would do anything and have my new derm guide me the next few times I see her OR just continue my red light therapy through my mito panel and see how cutting out dairy does for me? I am curious to know if while taking those meds, if I should also discontinue the red light because I read those should not be used side by side?
Skincare routine at the moment- AM -Probiotic skin cleanser biojuve -hyaluronic acid -balm of gilead (tallow / Manuka honey moisturizer) -aloe vera gel -elta MD clear spf (I’ve been lazy about it because I wanted to see if being minimal about the routine would calm down my acne.. i know that’s bad for dark spots though.. adding it back into my routine after seeing the dark spots add up. I do have natural freckles too though!)
PM routine -basically repeat the same steps except I shower and alternate biojuve cleanser and a salicylic acid one -change my pillow case every other day. -supplementing beef liver, fish oil, probiotic, turmeric, ginger, vit c
submitted by stravvberryblonde to DermatologyQuestions [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 18:58 Nampuki Fans keep turning off

For about 3/4 years now I own my beloved Creality Ender 5 Pro.
Unfortunately a fan broke the other day so I ordered new ones. Unfortunately the new wiring was way too short, so I cut off old cable, and soldered it with the new cable. Everything is soldered perfectly. The new prints right after came out great and no issues! But after finishing my 5th print after the new fan. Some new issues came. I suddenly woke up from a nap with a loud siren coming off my printer ; Thermal runway error. I tried to figure out what had caused this. After a lot of trial and error I noticed my fan turning off completely when starting a print. When heating up they are on.
When I turn it back on to 100% in the control menu, it suddenly moved back to 53% out of nowhere after a few minutes.
I checked my slicer settings and noticed my Initial Fan Speed was on 0% so I moved it to these settings;
Looks good I would think.
So I just started a new print with these settings and AGAIN. When the print starts, fans go off. Now I changed it back to 100% in control settings on the printer but now I am literally sitting next to my printer to check if it doesnt move back ( so far so good tho..). Now im doing a test print which takes 1h but I cant camp next to my printer when running for 12-19 hours.
Any solutions to keep the fan on when starting a print? I use Creality Print slicer!
submitted by Nampuki to ender5 [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 18:57 DeadByDaylight_Dev 8.0.0 PTB

8.0.0 PTB
  • Progress & save data information has been copied from the Live game to our PTB servers on May 6th. Please note that players will be able to progress for the duration of the PTB, but none of that progress will make it back to the Live version of the game.
Note: Players will once again receive 6K Auric Cells on the PTB Build to explore Outfits and Characters in the Store. Both Auric Cells and purchases made on the PTB Build will not transfer to the Live Build.


New Survivor - Aestri Yazar

New Survivor Perks

  • Mirrored Illusion This perk activates after completing a total of 50% worth of repair progress on generators. Press the ability button 2 when next to a totem, chest, generator or exit gate to spawn a static illusion that lasts for 100/110/120 seconds. Then, the perk deactivates.
  • Bardic Inspiration Press the ability button 1 while standing and motionless to enter the "performance" interaction that lasts up to 15 seconds and empowers Survivors within 16 meters. Roll a d20. This effect lasts for 60 seconds if the performance is completed. When the ability is cancelled or the performance completes, it goes on cooldown for 90/75/60 seconds. 1 You scream, but nothing happens 2-10 skill checks give +1% progress 11-19 skill checks give +2% progress 20 skill checks give +3% progress
  • Still Sight After standing still for 6/5/4 seconds, this perk activates. Until you start moving, you see the aura of the Killer as well as all generators and chests within 18 meters.

New Killer - The Lich

Killer Power

Bound with the skin and flesh of men, the Book is packed with spells both forbidden and wicked. To select a Spell, hold the Ability Button to open the Spell selection. The Lich has access to 4 different Spells:
  • Mage Hand: Creates a magical hand that lifts a downed pallet or blocks an upright pallet for 4 seconds.
  • Flight of the Damned: Conjures 5 flying spectral entities that can pass through obstacles and injure Survivors.
  • Dispelling Sphere: Casts a moving invisible sphere that reveals Survivors and temporarily disables their Magic Items.
  • Fly: Gain a flying speed for a short period of time, allowing you to travel a long distance quickly and move over vaults and pallets.
Treasure Chests found around the map can contain Magic Items. Each Survivor can equip up to two Magic Items at once: one pair of Boots and one pair of Gauntlets. These Magic Items are each connected to a specific Spell, and activate when The Lich casts that spell.
  • Boots/Gauntlets of the Interloper: The Survivor sees the aura of pallets affected by Mage Hand and gains Haste for 3 seconds.
  • Boots/Gauntlets of the Nightwatch: The Survivor can see the auras of the spectral entities conjured by Flight of the Damned.
  • Boots/Gauntlets of the Archivist: The Survivor can see the Dispelling Sphere.
  • Boots/Gauntlets of the Skyguard: The Survivor can see The Lich's aura during Fly and for a few seconds after.
Rarely, Survivors can instead find the Hand or Eye of Vecna in a Treasure Chest. When picked up and used, Survivors gain a special ability while at full health. Using one of these special abilities costs the Survivor a health state and reveals their location with Killer Instinct for 3 seconds.
  • Hand of Vecna: When doing a Fast Locker Entry, the Survivor is teleported to a further locker.
  • Eye of Vecna: When doing a Fast Locker Exit, the Survivor cannot be seen by The Lich and gains Haste for 12 seconds.

New Killer Perks

  • Weave Attunement When any item becomes depleted for the first time each match, it is dropped. You see the auras of dropped items. Survivors within 8 meters of dropped items have their auras revealed to you. When a Survivor picks up a Survivor item, they suffer the Oblivious status effect for 20/25/30 seconds. Oblivious prevents Survivors from hearing or being affected by the Killer's Terror Radius.
  • Languid Touch When a Survivor within 36 meters of you scares a crow, they gain the Exhausted status effect for 6/8/10 seconds. This perk has a 20-second cooldown. Exhausted prevents Survivors from activating exhausting perks.
  • Dark Arrogance Increases the duration you are blinded and the duration of pallet stuns by 25%. Increases regular vault speed by 16/18/20%.

Killer Perk Updates

  • Deadlock Decreased the block duration to 15/20/25 seconds. (was 20/25/30 seconds)
  • Grim Embrace Decreased the block duration before reaching 4 tokens to 6/8/10 seconds. (was 8/10/12 seconds)
  • Pop Goes the Weasel Decreased the amount of progress lost to 20%. (was 30%)
  • Scourge Hook: Pain Resonance Decreased the amount of progress lost to 10/15/20%. (was 15/20/25%)

Survivor Perk Updates

  • Background Player Decreased the movement speed bonus to 150%. (was 200%) Decreased the Exhaustion duration to 30/25/20 seconds. (was 60/50/40 seconds)
  • Buckle Up Both you and the healed Survivor gain Endurance for 6/8/10 seconds. (Removed) The healed Survivor breaks into a sprint at 150% of their normal Running Movement speed for 3/4/5 seconds and leaves no scratch marks during this time. (New functionality)
  • Invocation: Weaving Spiders Decreased the time it takes to complete the Invocation to 60 seconds. (was 120 seconds) Increased the time it takes for an Invocation to completely regress to 90 seconds. (was 6 seconds)
  • Decisive Strike Decreased the stun duration to 4 seconds. (was 5 seconds)

Killer Updates

The Blight - Addons

  • Compound Thirty-Three Increases Rush turn rate by 11%. (was 33%) Increases Rush duration by 11%. (was 33%)
  • Iridescent Blight Tag Increases Rush speed by 10%. (was 20%)

The Cannibal - Basekit

  • Decreased the obstruction collision size while using the Chainsaw to 10 cm. (was 17.5 cm)
  • Decreased the base Tantrum duration to 3 seconds. (was 5 seconds)
  • Increased the base Chainsaw Sweep duration to 2.5 seconds. (was 2 seconds)
  • Increased the base Chainsaw Sweep movement speed to 5.35 m/s. (was 5.29 m/s)

The Cannibal - Addons

  • Award-Winning Chili Increases maximum Chainsaw Sweep duration by 0.2 seconds per charge spent. (was 0.5 seconds)
  • Chainsaw File Decreases tantrum duration by 0.25 seconds. (was 0.5 seconds)
  • Chili Increases maximum Chainsaw Sweep duration by 0.15 seconds per charge spent. (was 0.25 seconds)
  • Homemade Muffler Decreases tantrum duration by 0.5 seconds. (was 1 second)
  • Knife Scratches Increases Chainsaw Sweep movement speed by 1.5%. (was 2%) Increases time required to charge the Chainsaw by 10%. (was 12%)
  • The Beast's Marks Increases Chainsaw Sweep movement speed by 2%. (was 3%) Increases time required to charge the Chainsaw by 12%. (was 14%)

The Deathslinger - Basekit

  • Decreased the stun duration when a Survivor breaks free to 2.7 seconds. (was 3 seconds)
  • Increased the reel speed to 2.76 m/s. (was 2.6 m/s)
  • Increased movement speed while reloading to 3.08 m/s. (was 2.64 m/s)

The Deathslinger - Addons

  • Bayshore's Cigar Decreases the stun duration when Survivors break free by 0.75 seconds. (was 1 second)
  • Bayshore's Gold Tooth Increases the Speargun's reeling speed by 5%. (was 9%)
  • Chewing Tobacco Decreases the stun duration when Survivors break free by 0.25 seconds. (was 0.5 seconds)
  • Snake Oil Increases the Speargun's reeling speed by 2.5%. (was 5%)

The Mastermind - Basekit

  • Decreased the Hindered penalty when reaching maximum infection to 4%. (was 8%)
  • The Uroboros infection now resets to 1% upon being hooked. (was 50%)

The Good Guy - Basekit

  • Scamper is now only available while performing a Slice & Dice.
  • Hidey-Ho Mode cooldown reduced to 12 seconds. (was 18 seconds)
  • Scamper time reduced to 1.3 seconds. (was 1.4 seconds)
  • Added a 1 second cooldown after cancelling a Slice & Dice charge up.

The Good Guy - Addons

  • Strobing Light Decreases Terror Radius by 8m when Hidey-Ho Mode is in cooldown. (was 4m)
  • Pile of Nails Upon manually exiting Hidey-Ho Mode, Chucky remain Undetectable for 3 seconds. (was 5 seconds)
  • Yardstick Performing a Scamper reveals Survivor auras within 16 m distance for 3 seconds. (was 12m / 5 seconds)
  • Hard Hat Removed "and exits Hidey-Ho Mode." from description.

Toolbox Updates

  • Toolbox Increases sabotage speed by 15%. (was 10%)
  • Mechanic's Toolbox Increases sabotage speed by 25%. (was 10%)
  • Commodious Toolbox Increases sabotage speed by 50%. (New functionality)
  • Engineer's Toolbox Increases sabotage speed by 10%. (was Decreases by 25%)
  • Alex's Toolbox 18 charges. (was 24 charges) Increases sabotage speed by 100%. (was 50%)
  • Festive Toolbox Increases sabotage speed by 50%. (New functionality)
  • Anniversary Toolbox Increases sabotage speed by 50%. (New functionality)
  • Masquerade Toolbox Increases sabotage speed by 50%. (New functionality)
Toolbox Addons
  • Cutting Wire Increases the Toolbox's sabotage speed by 20%. (was 15%)
  • Grip Wrench Hooks sabotaged using the Toolbox take an extra 20 seconds to respawn. (was 15 seconds)
  • Hacksaw Increases the Toolbox's sabotage speed by 30%. (was 20%)

Map Updates

New Map - Forgotten Ruins

A new Map comes to the world of Dead by Daylight, found in The Decimated Borgo Realm. A tower standing tall alone, but what is above ground hides a new world underground. A prison area where Vittorio Toscano was thrown in for some time. On the other side of the dungeon, the Alchemist room is found, where a scholar can learn secrets of the world, or the dimensions that surround the universe of the Entity.

Decimated Borgo Realm Update

The red lighting was a big issue in the realm of The Decimated Borgo. The art and lighting team took care to make the realm more accessible to all players and bring a different ambiance to the maps.



  • Started adding search tags for Charms Only "Perks" and "Birds" for the moment.
  • New Item Preview Window Regular and Special Items will now display a short description of their effect inside a Trial by using a new item previewer window.

Bug Fixes


  • Archive challenges requiring killers to complete a Trial with no more than X Survivors living should now correctly update throughout the match as Survivors die off.


  • Fixed an issue that caused some of The Good Guy's voice lines to be cut in the Mori Preview.
  • Fixed an issue that caused the Nightmare's Jump Rope add-on to fail increasing Survivors grunts volume.


  • The names of the Bots that appear following a player disconnection have been corrected.


  • Fixed an issue that caused The Cannibal's Tantrum animation to sometimes not play after overcharging the chainsaw or hitting a collision.
  • Fixed an issue that caused male Survivors to be dropped closer to Killer than female Survivors when escaping the Killer's grasp by any means.
  • Fixed an issue that caused The Twin's Baby Teeth add-on not to inflict the Blindness status effect when attached to a Survivor.
  • Fixed an issue that caused Victor's respawn animation to play on Charlotte before his cooldown finishes.
  • Fixed an issue that caused Victor not to trigger the anti-camp meter when he was close to the hook.
  • Fixed an issue that caused The Blight camera to pan down after breaking a pallet during Lethal Rush.
  • Fixed an issue that caused Charles Lee Ray to be invisible during certain interactions.
  • Fixed an issue that caused the Cenobite's camera to reset when turning while using his power.
  • Fixed an issue that caused Survivors camera to snap back to the default position when exiting a locker.
  • Fixed an issue that caused the Plague to lose Corrupt Purge when being stunned by any means.


  • Fixed an issue that caused the Nightmare to be able to hide Dream Snares under the floor at the top of Killer Basement staircase in the main building of the Ironworks of Misery map.
  • Fixed an issue that caused the Nightmare to be able to hide Dream Snares under the floor at the top of the staircases in the Midwich Elementary map.
  • Fixed an issue in the Underground Complex where two generators could spawn in the same room.
  • Fixed an issue in the Underground Complex where a chest would spawn in rooms and clip with different elements of the environment.
  • Fixed an issue in Lery's Hospital where an invisible collision was letting players walk over the stairs going down the basement in the Doctor's Office.
  • Fixed multiple issues related to the Nurse blinking out of the Raccoon City Police Station map.
  • Fixed an issue in the Eyrie of Crows map where a collision near the hill would prevent players from navigating.
  • Fixed an issue in the Raccoon City Police Station map where Victor could climb on blockers.
  • Fixed an issue in the Autohaven Wrecker's Realm where an obstacle blocked navigation for the Killer.


  • Fixed an issue that caused Victor to be unable to receive noise notifications from the Call of Brine perk.
  • Fixed an issue that caused the Premonition perk to activate while being carried by the Killer.
  • Fixed an issue that caused the Bamboozle perk to trigger when Killers used their power to vault through a window.
  • Fixed an issue that caused the Bite the Bullet perk not to activate.
  • Fixed an issue that caused the Deliverance perk to sometimes not activate.
  • Fixed an issue that caused the Ultimate Weapon perk to sometimes not to activate the screaming animation from Survivor POV.


  • Changing presets in the Loadout Menu will no longer rotate the character due to different charm layouts.


  • Kill-switched items should no longer appear in Bloodwebs.
  • Fixed a crash that could occur while in a Trial when gaining Bloodpoints.
  • Fixed a crash that could occur while loading between the Play as Survivor lobby and the pre-Trial lobby.
  • Fixed a crash that could occur when a Survivor screams.
  • Spamming the unhook button no longer causes the hooked Survivor's camera to swing around repeatedly.
  • Fixed an issue that caused the Hatch Unlock progress to reset when cancelling the interaction.
  • Fixed an issue that caused Survivors to be unable to unhook a teammate if that hooked Survivor had previously unhooked themselves just before reaching the struggle stage.

Known Issues

  • It is possible for The Dredge and a Survivor to get stuck in a locker if another Survivor tries to hide in the same locker before the teleportation.
  • UI feedback is missing for some Perks (Languid Touch, Weave Attunement, Bardic Inspiration).
  • Survivors' Auras are revealed when swapping an item held in hands with an Item inside a Chest with the Weave Attunement Perk.
  • The Survivor screams and animation triggers before the result of the dice appears with the Bardic Inspiration Perk.
  • Rarely there is no lute or dice animations when triggering the Bardic Inspiration Perk.
  • When rolling a 1 with the Bardic Inspiration perk, the lute song will continue to play indefinitely until the perk interaction is attempted again.
  • It is possible to spawn a second illusion when there is already one active with the Mirrored Illusion Perk.
submitted by DeadByDaylight_Dev to deadbydaylight [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 18:57 Stack3686 How do you get where you want to go?

I have been consistently been able to AP 1-2 times per week for over a year now. Methods for travel have been somewhat unreliable for me. I try teleportation and it’s hit or miss. Sometimes it works and sometimes I end up back in my bed. I find that most of the time, if I “close my eyes” I end up back in my room.
It feels like I have been somewhat restricted because of this. There is an Amusement Park a mile from my house that I have been trying to go to for weeks and I can’t seem to make it work! I can even see the tower but can’t seem to “be there.”
I would love to hear how you guys travel, whether near or far. Do you have any tips on getting from point A to point B? So far I’ve been generally just exploring my neighborhood.
submitted by Stack3686 to AstralProjection [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 18:53 incandescent_walrus The Eras Tour Follies

The Eras Tour Follies

The Folly of it all: a Revue

Folly, from the French folie, means madness, extravagance, foolishness, lunacy. It has two dominant uses. One is madness or craziness as in folie a deux (a delusion shared by two people). The other meaning of folly is a musical revue, developed in Paris in the late 1800s at the Folies Bergere.
Revue in French means “magazine,” and the musical revue is meant to be the performance version of reading a magazine. A crucial part of the revue, cabaret, burlesque, or variety-show style of entertainment is the inclusion of commentary on current events, often satirical or parody. The Eras Tour provides a retrospective - a review, if you will - of Taylor Swift’s musical catalog. It tells several stories. And with the inclusion of The Tortured Poets Department set, it now also provides clear satirical commentary on Swift’s own story. It is not by accident that the TTPD set was added to the Eras Tour in Paris, the birthplace of the revue.
The initial concept for the musical revue at Folies Bergere centered on women and dance, but was not overtly sexual. American choreographer Loie Fuller, whose serpentine dance style Taylor Swift honored with the Dress performance on the Reputation tour, worked at the early Folies Bergere. Fuller also fought for artists’ control of their own work and lost a legal battle to copyright her choreography. She was also a lesbian.
You look like Loie Fuller in this light
However, revue overlapped and blended with cabaret, burlesque, variety, and vaudeville into the early 20th century. Elaborate staging and “small nude women” became the hallmark of the Folies Bergere under director Paul Derval; the Moulin Rouge was a contemporaneous music hall with a more sexual nature, and the American Ziegfeld Follies - inspired by Bergere - were known for their chorus girls.
The opening of the Eras Tour, with dancers using massive billowing seashell-shaped fabric and sunrise-like lighting, is a callback to Loie Fuller’s choreography style, as are the billowing Folklore dresses. It ends with the Midnights set, including the Vigilante Shit burlesque-style dance using cabaret chairs. Both the endcaps of the Eras Tour are intentionally choreographed Follies.

Bejeweled & Burlesque

American neo-burlesque, as championed by Dita Von Teese and others, seeks to reclaim burlesque as an art form for self-expression of sexuality rather than for consumption.
Among other hints, the music video for Bejeweled - released a week before the Eras Tour was announced - featured many Easter eggs per Taylor Swift herself. In that video, Dita Von Teese, with her iconic martini glass, teaches Taylor's character neoburlesque dance. Speaking to Out magazine of working with Swift, Von Teese said, “She knew everything about what I do and about burlesque.”
The background for Taylor’s own burlesque show in the Bejeweled video is a pink, purple, and gold sky very much like the opening of the Eras tour, and scallops line the floor. Taylor is sitting on the clock that was in the Mastermind lyrics video.
Clockwise from top left: (1) Bejeweled burlesque opening shot; (2) Eras Tour opening; (3) did I mention Loie Fuller was a lesbian who lived in Paris?; (4) what if I told you none of it was accidental?
As the dance unfolds, Taylor is surrounded by dancers holding fans and then lying on the ground encircling her in a kaleidoscope-like starburst, both images that appear in the TTPD set. She touches the clock to make it disappear as the light turns blue, and rainbow lights on the dancers encircle her, reminiscent of her dancers and backup singers in the Karma performance at the end of the Eras tour.
Rainbows and dancers and kaleidoscopes. Go Chiefs!

The Eras Tour: Taylor Swift Follies

As the dancers open each Eras Tour performance, orange, pink, and purple Loie Fuller-esque fabric billows. “It’s been a long time coming…” Swift’s disembodied voice sings, a reference to the years since her last tour, but I think also referencing also Fuller’s - and Swift’s - fights for artists to own their work. This performance will be a retrospective, but it’s a retrospective of a catalog that Swift does not yet fully own. It may also be a reference to a coming-out.
Swift bursts out of the billowing scalloped fabric, a shimmering musical goddess arising fully formed at an ever-ascendant peak, reminiscent of Venus, the goddess of love and sex - and also of victory and prosperity.
She then performs a magnificent three and a half hour retrospective of her work. But we need some kind of social commentary, parody, or satire to make this concept work. And what about the other meaning of folly?
Welcome to Female Rage: The Musical.
The Tortured Poets Department set is a spectacle. In stark white and black, it leans into the asylum aesthetic of Fortnight, and it is nonetheless the most over-the-top visual experience of the entire concert. The Tortured Poets Department album contains heavy themes of Swift navigating her fame (which I won’t explore much here), and the Eras Tour set is no different. The visuals represent an asylum, a high school pep rally, zombie horror, an alien abduction, war, and finally a Vaudeville-esque representation of The Eras Tour itself, in which a doll-like Swift performs an onstage costume change, reanimates and then proceeds to perform I Can Do It With A Broken Heart, a song as upbeat as it is seething about performing the Eras tour while depressed, mirrors reflecting the audience as they confront the decision whether to sing along to the line “All the pieces of me shattered as the crowd was chanting ‘more!’”
Have they come to take me awaaaaaay?
The allure of the folly was audience participation. Follies were madness because the audience became part of the story, swept up in it, performers surrounding them and transforming the entire venue to the stage. There was no fourth wall. Any modern concert will include audience participation, but Swift is a master at engaging her audience in a way that no other pop star is - and here, she tells us, it is perhaps to her own personal undoing. Are you not entertained?
Midnights is the final set of the Eras Tour, and Vigilante Shit is its climax. As she performs a burlesque dance, Swift sings “Ladies always rise above; ladies know what people want… the lady simply had enough…" "I don't dress for women / I don't dress for men / Lately I’ve been dressing for revenge / I don’t start shit, but I can tell you how it ends.”
Why is burlesque dance “dressing for revenge”? Perhaps because it is not burlesque but neoburlesque, which is done for self-empowerment. She's not "dressing" - performing - for others, she's doing it for her own reasons. Taylor Swift is reclaiming her own music - not only rerecording the masters, but in a broader sense too. TTPD lyrically expounds on this idea - Taylor Swift is making music for herself now. She started off making music for herself - she didn’t start this conflict - but she’s telling us how it ends, and it’s with her winning.
After Vigilante Shit, she stays in the same costume, with a segue into Bejeweled, and then Mastermind, finishing the concert with the lyric “I’m a mastermind” and immediately taking a bow.
See how the Bejeweled backdrop and the Midnights bodysuit look similar?
Karma, last on the set list, functions as a curtain call. Curtain call songs in musical theatre tend to summarize or reprise the story that the actors just told, coming back around**.** Karma is a song about Taylor Swift reclaiming her art, and so is the Eras Tour. Of course, Karma also being a possible lost album fits well with this.

What does all of this mean?

The Eras Tour is Taylor Swift’s neo-burlesque revue, it is her reclamation of her art, and it is the key to her claiming the key to her castle. As she performed this dance in the Bejeweled video, the countdown and her exile ended and the clock struck midnight.
We know with the countdown theme she's been doing, there's something coming that'll be "1" in the countdown. Re-recordings haven't counted so far, so I don't think it will be Rep TV or Debut unless they come with significant new material - such as Rep TV + Karma (which would be TS12) and then Debut + TS13. I have always thought Debut would come at the end of the Eras Tour, and with all of this analysis, I think that's likely to happen along with something that is a significant change for Taylor Swift.
I also think there might be something going on with the moon.
Whatever happens between now and the end of the Eras Tour, the clock will strike midnight, the performance will be over, and Taylor Swift will step into the dawn of a new era. We'll meet her at midnight.
Images from Bejeweled, Lavender Haze, Daylight lyric video, and the Eras Tour
P.S. The Bejeweled video also contained several easter eggs for Speak Now TV being the next re-recording. The music video for I Can See You, a Speak Now vault track, was released toward the beginning of the Eras tour. Joey King and Presley Cash, who were in the Mean video as children, were also in the I Can See You video. Taylor wrote on IG that she wanted them specifically. The video for “Mean” (2011) features Taylor Swift performing in a variety of music hall-style sets. Taylor spends most of the video playing banjo in a string band, and then transitions to a Broadway stage in a fringe dress, reminiscent of the Ziegfeld Follies era. 
Joey broke the banjo when she used it as a weapon to save Taylor from the vault
Loie Fuller’s break into show business was playing banjo in a Buffalo Bill touring show, from which point she went to New York. For her breakout role in a New York theatre, critics reportedly said she could sing but she couldn’t dance - similar to Swift’s inspiration for the song Mean. Fuller went on to be one of the most influential figures in modern dance. 
submitted by incandescent_walrus to GaylorSwift [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 18:53 NotHarveyKeitel Should I let this construction company file a Mechanic's Lien on my house?

I'm in Minnesota. There was damage to our house from a hail storm last August. We were solicited by a construction company to fix the damage, where they would work with our insurance company and the only thing we would have to pay is our deductible. The damage was: roof, windows, interior damage from leaking, garage door, gutters.
When the construction company/general contractor (GC) got into it, they said that there was more damage to the roof and windows than our insurance company (IC) was providing funds for. The GC and IC couldn't come to an agreement, so our GC told us that it would need to go to appraisal. The GC provided us with the appraiser they use in these situations and told us everything we should communicate to our IC. We made sure to get a supplement to our contract with the GC to ensure we would not have to pay for the appraiser. An award was given from that appraisal and the GC seemed happy with the result.
The GC then scheduled a subcontractor to do the work on the interior damage (drywall/etc.). When that subcontractor came, he said there was much more damage than what was provided in the scope of the claim, about $3,000, so he went back and worked out a new estimate/invoice with the GC, about $10,000, and then the GC and I went to our IC to get an addendum to the claim. Our IC refused, saying they wouldn't allow any addendums. The GC said this was odd since it's fairly standard to get addendums when additional damage is found. The GC suggested I talk with my IC agent to see if he could help.
I did that, and my agent seemed confident that an addendum would be possible and he went off to talk to the claims department. When he finally came back, he said he was previously confident because he didn't realize an appraisal was done, and that since the appraisal was done everything awarded in it was now set in stone. Since only $3,000 was awarded in the appraisal for the interior work, that's what we have to work with.
Our GC has now sent us an invoice for the balance due for work completed (roof and windows), but I explained if we paid them that invoice in full ($33,000) we would not have enough money to fix the interior damage (we only have $38,000 left from the claim money). He said that doesn't matter, you need to pay for work we've completed. We offered to put the money that's supposed to go towards the garage door and gutter replacements towards the interior work since the former is only superficial dings/etc and that the interior damage is more important to get fixed. They also talked to the drywall subcontractor and he was willing to come down too, but we were still $3,000 apart.
I asked why we were expected to pay for this out of pocket when we were only supposed to have to pay our deductible, and the GC said it's not their fault the appraiser didn't come on site to inspect the interior damage. I said it was the GC that said to do an appraisal and to use this appraiser, and we were never asked to coordinate anything so it should fall to the GC to make sure that happens. The documents the GC sent us from the appraiser also states the GC should be onsite with the appraiser when the appraisal happens. The appraisal also awarded some Overhead and Profit, and I suggested the $3,000 that we're apart should come from that since it was a failure in coordination which what Overhead is supposed to be. The GC said there was no O&P awarded in the appraisal, so I screenshotted where the appraisal award states that, and he replied he's not going to argue with me anymore about it, and that we need to pay for work done or "next steps" will be taken.
The only recourse the GC has suggested for us is to file a claim with the state commissioner. Our IC agent was skeptical this would do anything since everything the IC has done is above board.
The Payment Terms in our contract says that we need to pay them the initial insurance check plus the deductible upon delivery of materials, and then the balance is due upon completion of the work. I replied to their invoice email saying that work has not been completed since there's still the interior, garage door, and gutter work that is not done yet. They said they only invoiced for work they've done (true), and that they don't do everything listed on the claim, that they are an exterior construction company that does roof and window work, and don't do that other work. They work with our IC to get monies for us to so we can have that work done. That we need to pay the invoice for work done or penalties, interest, and liens will be issued.
I said their contract says that they will fix all damages laid out in the insurance claim, quoting back their contract to them that says:
"By signing this contract, you authorize [GC] to discuss the damage to your real property with your insurance company for the purpose of coming to an agreement on project scope and price. Upon agreement by [GC] to the scope and price as defined on the insurance loss statement provided by your insurance company, you authorize [GC] to complete the replacement of said damaged property with ~no additional cost to you except for the insurance deductible,~ subject to terms and conditions on the reverse side. Payments will be made as outlined above.
  1. Performance Guidelines. Contractor agrees to complete the Work set forth in this Contract in accordance with manufacturers' specifications for installation of all materials and all applicable construction codes. You acknowledge receipt before signing this Contract of these Performance Guidelines as required by Minnesota Statute 326B.809(b)."
I have not gotten a reply back from them after I sent that on Friday. Today is Tuesday.
I spoke with the appraiser and asked why an onsite inspection wasn't done so the interior damage could have been inspected and a appropriate award given for the damage. He said that even if the appraisal was done onsite, he would not have been able to award any more money than the $3,000 because the bid the GC put in for the appraisal only had $3,000 for the inside work. He's legally not able to award more than that bid the GC gave him.
So to me, it sounds like the GC made the mistake of asking for an appraisal without first getting an accurate estimate of the inside work, and because of that, we are stuck with only $3,000 for the inside work when it'll cost $10,000 to complete.
The contract says that we can pay contractors to complete work and deduct that cost from the contract price. The email from them discussing the invoice also says as much, that we can use the claim money to get the work done ourselves.
So I was thinking about saying we will do the rest of the work ourselves, and subtracting from the contract price ($85,000 that was awarded in the appraisal) the garage and gutter work that's in the claim, plus the interior estimate that the GC worked out with the subcontractor ($10,000), leaving a balance of $25,000 instead of the $33,000 they invoiced for. I'd send this check in the mail and consider the project with them complete.
I assume they'll file a Mechanic's Lien after that and will have to sue us in civil court to enforce it, and after researching it looks like I don't need an attorney in Conciliation or District Court to defend myself in MN. I feel fairly confident in presenting my side of things before a judge. The only concern I have right now is if the judge decides in favor of the GC and we have to pay for the GC's attorney fees. Otherwise I'm fine leaving this to a judge to decide. I understand where the GC is coming from, that they want to be paid for the work they've done, but to me it seems like it was their mistake that got us in this situation, and we're entitled to have our house's damage repaired just as much as they are entitled to being paid for work done.
What advice would you give me in this situation? Should I follow through with paying them $25,000 and allow them to file a lien? How much in attorney fees would you guess I'd be on the hook for if the GC wins before a judge? Is there a better option for me to take?
submitted by NotHarveyKeitel to legaladvice [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 18:52 wby9294 The Three Kingdoms Forever Legacy Set I by KAYOU

The Three Kingdoms Forever Legacy Set I by KAYOU
This time I brought you all the Forever Legacy set from KAYOU Three Kingdoms cards.
There were 16 cards which consisted of 8 regular cards and 8 special numbered 999/999 cards. The difference between the two kinds is that the limited edition card has a rough flashing process and the card surface design has been changed. The most obvious thing is that the card back no longer uses the pure blue flash logo design but is replaced by a more majestic black back moire pattern that fits the Three Kingdoms era plus the K-shaped card game anti-counterfeiting that will be launched in 2023 label, which shows that graphics card games cherish the Three Kingdoms series.
The Pale Heavens are dead; the Yellow Heaven arises.
Although Zhang Jiao has not appeared much in the works as a whole, from a game perspective, he plays the role of mini-boss for the early novices in their first battle. Apart from contributing to the growth of players, it has no sense of existence. However, as a religious con man with six figures of followers across eight states, it can be said that the eloquence and magic skills of the Great Sage Master convinced ordinary people. Such a capable person can be said to be no less capable than the princes, or even stronger. It's just that in an era when the poor could not break through social stratification, he did not receive the favor of heaven, and could not reach the step of becoming a prince, becoming a prime minister, or ascending the throne and proclaiming himself emperor. The natural outcome was that he was overwhelmed by the wealthy from all walks of life.
I would rather betray the world than have the world betray me!
It can be said that Prime Minister Cao's life has gone through political turbulence. In his early days, he was a debauched knight and made many friends. After Boss Cao passed the public examination, the Qing Province Yellow Turban Army defeated state militray force and killed Governor Liu Dai in Yan province. Bao Xin, the prime minister of Jibei, welcomed Cao Cao as the shepherd of Yan province. Cao Cao set up a surprise ambush and fought day and night to defeat the Yellow Turban Army. In winter, Cao Cao surrendered more than 300,000 soldiers with a territory population of more than one million. Cao Cao collected and reformed the elite troops of the Yellow Turban Army, named Qingzhou Soldiers. After that, Qingzhou Soldiers followed Cao Cao in his campaigns in the north and south. Since then, Boss Cao has the cornerstone of his hegemony.
The world can do without (Cao) Hong, but it can't do without you (Cao Cao).
In his early years, Cao Hong joined forces with Cao Cao to fight the Yellow Turbans and Dong Zhuo. At Xingyang's defeat, he sacrificed his life and gave his horse to Cao Cao to save him from danger. Hong followed the army to conquer all over the country, pacified Yan Province, and conquered Liu Biao. During the Battle of Guandu, he stayed behind and repelled Zhang He and Gao Lan's fierce attack. During the Battle of Hanzhong, he resisted Liu Bei, defeated Wu Lan and Ren Kui, and forced Zhang Fei and Ma Chao to retreat. Cao Hong can be said to be one of the pillars of the Cao family. Without Cao Hong, the Romance of the Three Kingdoms might ended very quickly due to Cao Cao's death. LOL!!!
Those who go along with it will prosper while those who go against it perish.
As an early warlord, Dong Zhuo sat in the position of Grand Master and was a powerful minister with 100% power in the late Eastern Han Dynasty.
In my mind, Dong Zhuo was a cruel, greedy, and authoritarian man. By taking control of the military, he deposed the Young Emperor of the Han Dynasty and established Emperor Xian of the Han Dynasty, thus taking control of the political power. During his reign, he allowed his subordinates to burn, kill, and loot, making the people miserable. In addition, he excluded dissidents and oppressed officials, causing social dissatisfaction and turmoil.
However, Dong Zhuo stabilized the situation in the late Eastern Han Dynasty to a certain extent. He had strong military power in the Xiliang area and maintained social stability by suppressing the Yellow Turban Uprising and the Liangzhou Rebellion. In addition, he also implemented some reform measures, such as selecting talents and reforming the currency system.
In any case, Dong Zhuo's ruling methods and methods aroused widespread dissatisfaction and resistance. His actions accelerated the further decline of the Eastern Han Dynasty, triggered separatism and melee among princes in various places, and ultimately led to the chaos of the Three Kingdoms period.
Me too!!!!!
ME TOO!!! it no the signature quote of Zhang Fei. The original source was from the 1996 version of the Romance of the Three Kingdoms. In the Oath of Peach Garden part, Zhang Fei said ME TOO after every words of Guan Yu. Recently, someone use that part in making TIK-TOK clips which got millions view. This must be one of the artist's joke of card design.
Hiding the moon, shaming the flowers
The sentence "Hiding the moon, shaming the flowers" was used by describing Diao Chan's outlook. She is one of the Chinese most beautiful ladies.
Wang Yun was dedicated to helping the Han Dynasty (consolidating power) and had great opinions on the Taishi Dong (Dong Zhuo). However, under the predicament of being disadvantaged in terms of political strength, old man Wang Yun used his knowledge to set up and killed the Grand Master.
Everyone knows that always leave the critical task to the experts. So Wang Yun looked for help from Lu Bu, a professional "godfather-slaughter". Diaochan followed Wang Yun's request and used her beauty to provoke a conflict between Lu Bu and Dong Zhuo. Finally, she took advantage of Lu Bu's anger and jealousy to kill Dong Zhuo, making great contributions to Wang Yun's elimination of dissidents.
After the incident was completed, Diao Chan prayed for Wang Yun and worshiped the moon in the garden. It happened that a colorful cloud covered the moon. When Wang Yun saw it, he said: "Diao Chan's beauty made the moon hide behind the clouds." According to this, later generations said that Diao Chan had the appearance of "closing the moon".
Four generations been a prominent force in the Han civil service
Boss Yuan has the strongest start. As a veteran rich man, the Yuan family could have crushed all the warlords during the Three Kingdoms era. Just like the signature of the card, four generations have been a prominent force in the Han civil service. Yuan's family held strong political power. Unluckily, Yuan's family was just like a family-owned business that ruled by generations and expanded nationally but went to bankruptcy due to the two brothers' conflict.
This card depicts the high-spirited and heroic boss Yuan in his early days. Viewed from a bottom-up angle, he is wearing a vermilion Hanfu, with a sword hanging from his waist, like the starry night sky in the background, and the heads of the Three Dukes are outlined in gold, making him look very noble.
Elai (beas) of ancient times!
The final card comes to our senior security bodyguard, Dian Wei, a familiar character but easily forgotten. Why? First, as a military general, there was a rank for them, like Lu Bu, Zhao Yun, Dian Wei, Guan Yu, Ma Chao, Zhang Fei, etc. He was not as popular as Lu Bu and Zhao Yun. Secondly, Dian Wei's death gave everyone a loyal impression. To protect his boss, he died of exhaustion, and even his enemies did not dare to come forward. His death came too early. Compared to Xu Chu, one of Cao Cao's senior military officers who always paired up with Dian Wei, Dian should be able to make a greater achievement. In the story, many characters got promoted and stayed close to the lord because those men took advantage of saving the bosses's lives. So did Dian Wei, but, the only difference that matters to the ending is that Dian Wei died!!!!!!
Okey-dokey, this is what I want to show everyone for today~ check my profile if you like the cards.
submitted by wby9294 to threekingdoms [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 18:52 Correct_Sometimes How do you guys blow off steam when a customer screws you over?

mostly just venting here but holy fuck I'm so heated right now it's insane.
I'm a sub who bids to millworkers primarily(solid surface). One millworker in particular is a very good customer. They're a pretty decent size company and have 4 project managers. 3 of them are great. 1 of them is an absolute fucking shit show. This dude is incredibly forgetful for a guy who's supposed to be a PM at a high end millworker. He's very much the face of that meme/joke where one persons lack of preparation should not suddenly become your emergency. He's good for "I forgot to send you this job how fast can you get it done?" on a semi-regular basis.
This guy had us make him a mock up for a project we have under contract with him. As far as we knew, the mock up was fine and everything is cool. Then he emails me and says "here's the updated shop drawings and your quote, I believe you have everything covered but we are now changing detail, please provide a change order for this"
I send the change order. a few weeks go by and we start doing the job and realize something is off. what they're asking for is requiring about $2000 more in materials than I ever figured. Come to find out, that detail previously mentioned was not the only change from the mock up. So i go back to him and ask, what happened here? the project was quoted like this per the architectural's, the mock up was made the same, and now the project is being done differently, to the tune of $2000 in materials? "I sent you the drawings and told you to update the pricing, if you missed that it's on you. It's not my job to point out the changes" is the response i got.
You sack of shit mother fucker you specifically told me what to change and that it was the only the change. I wish I could post the drawing I was sent without potentially doxing myself just to show how buried the new dimension in question was. If I didn't think it was pure stupidity and forgetfulness on his end, I'd think he was trying to sneak it by me on purpose. so of course now he refuses to pay for the additional material because I "missed" it and he can't submit another change order for it himself. Did I "miss" the fact that 1 dimension changed? apparently. but I was 100% misled by an absolute chode
submitted by Correct_Sometimes to estimators [link] [comments]