Worksheets about seasons


2020.01.11 07:19 vampedvixen SelfCareCharts

With the huge rise of anxiety world wide, we thought we'd make a slight pivot from general mental health to one focusing more on anxiety disorders with a probable underlying personality disorder. We'll use a mix of our traditional chart style graphics and add a Weekly Newsletter, Coping strategies, Video lessons, the latest research, inspirational quotes etc, all to try to make your day that much easier.

2018.02.15 18:33 phedre Spoiled Drag Race

/SpoiledDragRace is a spoiler-friendly discussion subreddit dedicated to past seasons of RuPaul’s Drag Race and it's various franchises. Spoilers, speculation, rumors and French Vanilla fantasies are all welcome, as are past episode discussions. All information here is rumor and speculation. SpoiledDragRace is not affiliated with or endorsed by World of Wonder, Viacom or any of its subsidiaries. It is intended for entertainment and community purposes only.

2011.11.18 17:49 chap253 Law and Order: Special Victims Unit

A place to discuss one of the greatest TV Dramas, Law and Order: Special Victims Unit.

2024.05.13 05:38 user101604371 if you're considering Science One...

Disclaimer: This post is merely to provide knowledge, and not to instruct you to do anything. Your choice whether to choose the Science One program at UBC or not is completely up to you. I hope this helps in making an informed decision.
I just thought I would contribute to the existing public knowledge of the Science One program already on Reddit here: My post assumes you already did basic research on the program and aims to contribute more knowledge that isn’t publicly available yet (here is the Science One website:
I am an alumni in the 2023-2024 cohort, but just a disclaimer that a few things will change in the program in the years to come (see below):
Just a few small updates to the previous Reddit post:
Note about grades: While Science One is promoted as a program where the students care more about knowledge than grades, while this is very true in my personal experience, I still think that grades played a large impact on our mental health, confidence, and our overall enjoyability of the first year experience. The reason I am including grades here is to allow you to have reasonable expectations about your grades and know that if you want to go into a very competitive specialization in second year, Science One may not be the right program for you. Note that the grades published on UBC grades ( is not representative of the actual class average. There is a policy where if a student failed two or more subjects in Science One, the credit for Science One will be broken down into its individual course components and the student will not appear to have been in Science One (it doesn’t show Science One on their transcript, rather the rough course equivalents). This raises the apparent class average reported. In my year, 3 people were removed, which changed the class average from 75% to 77%.
Alright, with that out of the way, I will be filling in the gaps of public knowledge specifically with the workload of Science One. Below is a (hopefully) unbiased perspective on Science One. My personal opinion will be stated later in this post.
Note: both of our biology professors (Pam Kalas and George Haughn) are no longer teaching in the program, so this subject may look very different
Overall: 3-10 hours of work per week depending on your thinking speed and how busy that week’s schedule is
Class average over the year: 71%
Term 1 Units: Great Bear Rainforest, Metabolism, DNA, Gene Expression, Genetics
Term 2 Units: Genetics (Continued); Phylogenies, Speciation, Population and Community Dynamics; Macromolecular Self Assembly; Regulation of Gene Expression; Biological Energy Transformation
Biology Tutorials
Note: One professor is no longer teaching in Science One (John Sherman), but the other is staying (Guillaume Bussiere), so this may be different in your year
Overall: 2-5 hours of work per week depending if there’s quizzes or assignments that week
Class average over the year: 75%
Term 1 Units: Chemical Bonding and Basics, Conformations, Stereochemistry, Thermodynamics, Electrochemistry
Term 2 Units: Kinetics, Quantum Chemistry, Intermolecular Forces (not really a whole unit, more like a supplementary lecture), Valence Bond Theory and Molecular Orbital Theory, Acid Base Chemistry, SN1 and SN2 Reactions
Chemistry Tutorials
Chemistry Labs (Chem 121, Chem 123 equivalents for term 1 and 2 respectively)
Overall class average (I forgot): around 85%
Overall: around 2-5 hours of work per week depending on if there’s quizzes, long assignments, or assignments
Class average over the year: 76%
Term 1 Units: Measuring and Modelling Motion, Motion and Conservation Laws, Thermodynamics, Rotational Motion, Special Relativity
Term 2 Units: Waves, Quantum Mechanics, Electrostatics, Circuits, Magnetism and Magnetic Fields, Stellar Nucleosynthesis
Physics Tutorials
Physics Labs (Phys 119, Phys 129)
Class average (I forgot): around 85%
Overall workload: around 3-6 hours per week depending if there’s assignments, and midterms that week
Class average over the year: 72%
Term 1 Focus: Derivatives and ODE’s
Term 2 Focus: Integration
Term 1 Project (partnered)
Overall workload: around 1 hour per week, but can be up to 4 hours when preparing for the presentation
Class average: around 85%
Term 2 Project (partnered)
Overall workload: anywhere from 0-8 hours a week depending on the complexity of the project
Class average: 75%
With that in mind, I want to provide some pros and cons of Science One:
Personal Opinion
While I did enjoy Science One at the start of the school year because of the pros mentioned above, over the school year, I started taking an interest in a competitive major, which put a lot of stress on myself to achieve high marks. It almost felt like no matter how hard I tried and how well I thought I knew the topic, my mark was going to be low anyways because the way the content is tested. I feel like I shot myself in the foot when it comes to getting into my major as the application process is completely based on grades.
While I don’t know if I would have done better in mainstream (I probably wouldn’t have had as many friends, and therefore my mental health would be worse, and possibly it means that I don’t have as much motivation), I definitely think that I could have done better in mainstream if I had the same motivation I do now as their way of testing and marking may be a lot more lenient. However, I am almost certainly sure that if my cohort were placed into mainstream classes in first year, we would have achieved much higher grades than we did in Science One. However, I don’t know if being in Science One could have an effect on my performance in the years to come. I do acknowledge that over the year, I was able to develop really good study habits to manage the workload and also learned to prioritize my health, which will be beneficial in the future.
However, I have also noticed that there are some “hell weeks”, where we absolutely feel like dropping out. In both terms, after term 1 and 2 conferences, where we were away at camp for the weekend (we didn’t have the weekend to do schoolwork), there was a week where there were many overlapping assessments, such as math midterms, chemistry quizzes, math assignments, and chemistry assignments, etc. These are the assessments that ended up having class averages which were below expectations, which I feel wasn’t our fault at all.
In fact, we were burnt out, but because of our wonderful Student Council, we were able to have some assignments pushed back to alleviate some of our workload and reduce burnout. Special thanks to our chemistry professors, as they were always open to planning the chemistry quizzes on days that weren’t as bad for us, and even asked us which day we wanted the quizzes. I can tell they really care about our wellbeing and our performance.
In addition, even though Science One is marketed as being prestigious, most of the people I talk to don’t even know what Science One is, and the few who do know it, know it for its intensive nature and harsh marking scheme. There is no special treatment for Science One graduates that I know of except for the occasional “wow how did you survive?”.
Generally, I don’t regret doing Science One, but if I had the chance to restart first year, I would have chosen to go the mainstream route. I feel I would have been a lot less stressed and have gotten much better grades. However, I did meet so many motivated and amazing people this year, and have generally enjoyed some aspects such as camp. Unfortunately, because of my desired major, I have seen Science One as something that may have limited my options in the future.
Do I think Science One is for you?
These are my personal opinions and please don’t take this section as the final decider for you. Be sure to do more research!
To succeed in Science One, talent can only go so far. At some point you will be challenged academically, and you will doubt yourself. But what follow is what really determines if you are a good fit for Science One. If you want to give up and do something easier, go to mainstream. If you want to persevere and to learn more, Science One may be the right choice for you. If just you want the prestige of Science One, don’t do Science One, it is not as well known as their website may make it seem. If you want to go into Computer Science, Science One may not be for you since it has little connection to Computer Science and really lowers your mark.
If you really are hard set on a competitive major which requires high marks, consider mainstream, since it is very rare and very very difficult to do well in Science One. If you really love to learn more difficult concepts, have a tight community to be by your side, to have good connections to your professors, to get some research experience, AND grades aren’t a huge concern for you, Science One is for you.
Again, take my opinion with a grain of salt. You are ultimately the right person who can make the right choice for yourself. You know yourself the best. I hope this helped and I wish you all the very best in your studies, whether you decide to go Science One or not. Feel free to DM me or reply below if you have any further questions :)
submitted by user101604371 to UBC [link] [comments]

2024.05.12 18:49 fakeaccountt12345 Amended penalities and more

So, like many others before me, I will start this by saying I am very illiterate about taxes. And I know at the end of the day, I am ultimately responsible.
With that being said, Ive been in good hands with a great CPA for over 10 years and he was a friend and responsive whenever I had questions.
Unfortunately, he unexpectedly died last year. His brothers are all CPAs at their own firm, so they were going to take over all of his clients for this tax year. That's the back story.
Right before tax season this year, I got an audit letter from the IRS about 2022. They were asking about my mortgage interest deduction. At this point, my new CPA already filed for 2023. This was in March. He said that he was too busy to deal with anything until after April 15, and to request an extension from the IRS, which I did. They wanted some documentation about my mortgage and asked to fill out a worksheet.
After the 15th, I finally got him to look at the IRS documents and we realized that my old CPA made an error in 2022. I bought a new home (which he was aware of) and deducted all of the interest as he normally did, even though it was above the $750k limit. I've had the same mortgage for over 10 years of dealing with him, and I think he just put in the new numbers without thinking about it. A clear error.
The new CPA just followed everything his brother did and filed the same way in 2023. Which was wrong. So he amended 2023 and refiled and I paid the difference.
So we finally did the worksheet and sent the documents requested by the IRS, but in doing the worksheet he realized that his 2023 amended form was wrong again. So he needs to amend again. I'm just furious at this point. It's another $1K difference but I paid a penalty for the first amended and now will have to pay another penalty for the new amended form. Total of $1100 in penalities. For less than month late.
And now I'm just waiting for the IRS to respond, even though we know what the error is. So that's the whole story. Here are my questions:
Should I really be paying for these two penalties that were clearly errors by this new CPA?
Is there a way to just deal with 2022 with the IRS as we know what the error was? Instead of waiting for weeks or months to figure it out? Will I have to pay penalities and interest on this as well?
Sorry for the long post, it's been a very frustrating few weeks.
submitted by fakeaccountt12345 to tax [link] [comments]

2024.05.07 01:42 shaneka69 DEPRESSION: A NUMEROLOGY DECODE

Let's Decode What Depression Is And More

Today I will be going in depth about depression and decoding the word and reasoning with Numerology. We can already see that depression has a lot of repeated letters which shows there is too much of a focus on one thing and too much of something can usually hinder it or cause imbalance.
Let's break down the word DEPRESSION:
The word has E 2 times, S 2 times
Let's first focus on the obvious! This word has karmic debt numbers for the letters N, P, and S. Let's grab some context from a site that I will link below that explain what these karmic debt numbers mean in detail.
"The 14 Karmic Debt arises from previous actions where human freedom has been abused. Those with a 14 Karmic Debt are forced to adapt to ever-changing circumstances and unexpected occurrences. There is an acute danger of falling victim to drug abuse, alcohol, or overindulgence in sensual pleasures, such as food and sex. Moderation in all affairs is crucial to overcome this Karmic Debt." - credit goes to Karmic Debt Numbers in Numerology World Numerology
"The 16 Karmic Debt – in any area it appears in a chart - means destruction of the old and birth of the new. It is about the fall of the ego and all it has built for itself. It is a watershed, a cleansing. Things the ego has constructed to separate a person from the source of life, are destroyed.
Through the 16, reunion with higher consciousness may be achieved. This can be a painful process because it usually comes after much ego inflation, resulting in a struggle between the ego and higher ideals. Life will present challenges to your grand plans which you may resent and struggle against. It is a losing battle… and you will likely feel humbled in the face of the collapse that follows. However, humility is the key to later success, as you learn to follow the intimations of a deeper reality."
"A person with the 19 Karmic Debt will learn independence and the proper use of power. You will be placed in situations where you are forced to stand up for yourself (and often be left standing alone). One of the central lessons for people with the 19 Karmic Debt revolves around stubbornly resisting help from others. Much of your independence is self-imposed - you simply want to do it your own way.The 19 Karmic Debt can become a self-imposed prison if you don’t recognize the need for interdependence and the mutual need for love.Although you seek to stand on your own feet, you are inextricably connected to others and in need of the support and understanding that all people need - this is the most important lesson for the 19 Karmic Debt." And being personally connected to a lot of 19 energy, this is very true! There is one 19 person I watch on Youtube and he is using this energy pretty well.


Let's take a look at the word. You see it starts with the letter D which is ruled by the number 4 as the 4th letter in the alphabet. 4 energy is connected to privacy, home, family, discontent, restriction, and nonchalant energy. There is many more terms, but you can see where this is going. If you call certain companies toll free, listen to what they say you need to press number 4 for.
What just hit me as I looked at the word is the rest of the word after DE...PRESSION. Maybe there is something needing to be expressed(expression!) that isn't being expressed. All depression is, is suppression of something. D/4 can be suppression and withholding. That's why some jobs want you to fill out the W4 which is a withholding form! Depression comes when someone is choosing to withhold expression of emotions and genuine communication that can help. Taking caution to a whole new level and it ends up being destructive. 4 can point to dissipation which makes sense for destruction to mean what it means.
The word starts with the energy of 4 which is about withholding and suppression and end with the energy of 5 which can be conflicting.
All those letters and we only get to the number 5?!. This word is embedded with the energy of 1 and 9 which means that people who claim or feel depression CAN utilize their personal power to get themselves out of said depression. You have the right to process your emotions and once you do, you can start using your strength and power to overcome. Sometimes it starts with the mind.
Now, based on the letters and numbers with the word, let's see what numbers are missing!
We are missing 2,3,and 8! 2 gives a person a natural comfort within self. It can also make them loveable or easily cooperative with others. The energy of 3 gives a person natural optimism and majestic mental capacity. 8 gives a person a steadfast embedded powerful strength. This 8 energy gives a person unstoppable capability.
Getting over depression is about rising above a situation and having the capability of strengthening your perspective. Your confidence levels are something you have to personally master. Notice how depression ends with O and N which is 6 and 5. That's a backtrack. We're counting forwards, not backwards. 6 is about overcoming problems while 5 is the problems or insecurities. Depression ending with the energy of 5 is a thinkpiece. 5 deals with the uniqueness of a situation or action. You will have to do something different or new to wake up out of whatever this depression was about and understand that everyone's depression won't be the same!
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submitted by shaneka69 to NumerologyPage [link] [comments]

2024.04.30 05:40 millennialdebt Cross Country Move from PDX to ATL--how to choose between national lines?

We're moving from Portland, OR to Atlanta the week of July 4th. I know this is peak season and a full-service national van line is going to be spendy. We've budgeted $20k max for the move, not including shipping our cars. We are paying for it ourselves and we've come to grips with the expense.
All that said, we've had three moving companies come out and give us quotes, each affiliated with a national shipper-- Mayflower, North American, and Allied. I'm sitting with all three quotes and trying to make sense of them. All three are binding estimates. All three are based on an in-home walk through and include a detailed inventory sheet. All three have roughly comparable insurance.
We're moving a four bedroom house, but we're selling 3 bedrooms worth of furniture and our large sectional sofa, so its really a bunch of boxes and a relative handful of big items. We are doing all of the packing ourselves and purchasing packing supplies from uhaul. Using an online worksheet, I guessed our total weight at around 6,500-7000 lbs after we purge the stuff we're not shipping.
This is what we got back as quotes:
Mayflower-- 8,500 lbs (215 items, 1,214.3 ft³), $18,808 all-in (with no transparency about additional costs (e.g. insurance, shuttles)). NO DEPOSIT. BINDING.
Allied-- 12,305 lbs (324 items 1,893 ft3), $17,001 all-in (~$2,400 of which is broken out as specific fees for a pickup shuttle, insurance, a mattress bag, etc). NO DEPOSIT. BINDING.
North American-- 6,573lbs (172 items 939 ft³), $11,482 all-in ($460 of which is broken out as specific fees for insurance and a mattress bag but only a destination shuttle is included in the bid). 20 PERCENT DEPOSIT. BINDING.
The quotes all came from affiliated movers in the Portland metro area. They each have comparable YELP reviews (a mix of 5 stars and 1 stars that doesn't feel like a huge red flag).
North American also provided a decent quote for our two cars and they'll handle the whole thing in one transaction, which I like, but I'm pretty nervous about how much lower they were on weight than others. I also expect I *will* need an Origin shuttle, which will at $1300-$1500 on to the North American bid.
I have some time to make this decision. I can definitely ask more questions. What should I do?
After asking questions to all three van lines per the suggestions below, we decided on Allied. They offered the best dates and I liked how responsive the rep was. They also helped us figure out our car situation. The didn't move down on the weight on the cube sheet-- they are still *by far* the heaviest estimate, but the price per pound was low enough that we ended up with a higher weight but lower overall cost than Mayflower.
submitted by millennialdebt to moving [link] [comments]

2024.04.24 02:20 darkgoalie342ut Franchise Coaches and Coach Development year over year.

Franchise Coaches and Coach Development year over year.
System/ PS4 : NHL23
I have struggled to find the right coaches in my franchise. For my Team I brought back an old local minor hockey team to the NHL, with a current local minor Hockey team as my AHL team.
My Franchise:
(That was a frustrating process since just swapping a created team sticks me with an existing AHL team and now way to change that. I will say that figuring out how to get through the expansion draft, has taken me about a year of testing different things to get the roster I wanted – mostly historic figures from those two minor league teams that used to play in the old defunct IHL and AHL feeding the NHL from the 1980’s until the AHL team left in the mid 2000’s.) I had to create 35 of the players from scratch and a few of the others went on to be solid NHL players and end up on Alumni Rosters (mostly mid 80ish OVR). I used some of the recent local players who are on various AHL/ECHL/Euro rosters to fill in my AHL team. To keep things interesting in the league I added some Alumni teams (North Stars, Whalers, Sabres, and some others).
Back to the coaches.
  1. Budget: The best budget I could even get (restarting the franchise at least a hundred times) was 3-4 million on average. At the start of the franchise there are so few coaches even available this was a challenge. It was clear that I had to just eek out the first year.
  2. Coaches: I have been reading a lot of the forum posts about coaches, thanks to all of you have provided detailed and useful insights.
  3. Offseason 1 (Coaching Budget 4.353m): I used the trick to hire some coaches I thought were important and one I could fire for ridiculous money, spending my entire budget and then moving those coaches into the “non-critical” slots:
Coaches (I Hired to max out the budget)
· NHL Goalie Coach (Hired NHL Assoc Coach) With a Goalie Specialization A teaching and ended up keeping this coach in the position.
· AHL Associate Coach (Hired NHL Assoc Coach) This coach was a good fit - I kept with mind to use as future HC.
· AHL Asst Coach (Hired AHL Head Coach) I intended this to be my AHL Head Coach and ended up keeping as my Assistant.
· AHL Goalie Coach (Hired NHL Assoc Coach) this was my intended NHL Head Coach. Ended up making this my NHL Associate Coach.
4) Season 2 and Budget & Workaround: I used the trick left all my critical Coaching Spots Open. (NHL Head, NHL Assoc, NHL Asst, AHL Head) Budget increased to 8.605m!
  1. · NHL Head it gave me an expensive and very well rounded HC with a 4 year contract.
  2. · AHL Head it gave me an solid well rounded HC with a 3 year contract. I fired and rehired that coach to 8 year contract and extra 50k.
  3. · NHL Assoc, I moved my intended Assoc Coach here, he is B rated, so I figured good to learn from the excellent HC that the game hired for me since I have that coach for a 4 year contract. Then I will promote this coach to the HC spot.
  4. · NHL Assistant, I hired another NHL Associate Coach for 8 years.
  5. · NHL Goalie Coach I left in place, even though it was an expensive coach, helps me keep my Coach Budget maxed, since the unused funds do not buildup in a way that can be used later.
  6. · AHL Assoc, I hired a really good NHL Associate Coach, also on an 8 year contract.
  7. · AHL Assistant, I kept my intended AHL Head Coach, as he was Defensive and that rounded out my staff.
  8. · AHL Goalie Coach, I hired a coach that fit the remaining budget on an 8 year contract.
In my several attempts I have learned that there are not really good coaches until you get into the third off-season.
I put a lot of work into creating my team, creating the roster of historical roster (to the created team), and I honestly would create coaches if the game allowed. (Incomprehensible that with all the parlor tricks in the game, they don’t seem to care enough to add this tiny feature.) I would be unsatisfied going through the constant coaching carousel every off season.
After reading many great posts, I did not see a post talking about the coach development (one probably already exists). Hopefully someone will find this useful.
Tracking Coach Development
I put the information into a table on a excel worksheet to track the coach development and get a better understanding of how it was functioning in the game. This is not tracking the interaction or development of individual players. (Doing this for individual players would require weeks of data entry – so this is just a simple overview.)
After setting this up for the beginning of season 2, I have also finished season 2. (In the first season, I fired all the coaches. I did not learn about the budget trick until I had already started a second season. I was willing to replay the partial second season, but I was not going all the way back to start from scratch of the very first season of the franchise. So much of my time was spent getting the team with the correct roster of players, since as an expansion team with a created AHL Team – the options are, as well all know, frustratingly limited.)
On the individual coach profiles under the grades is the experience points. I have no idea how coaches get those, but clearly it is showing the skill grade C and under the C is 4201/5001. In my many restarts of my franchise it was clear the numbers were changing. (Don’t ask me to decode the specific coding in the game how those are determined. I am not that good on any day of the week.)
Predicting Coach Development???
Then I started thinking – could it be predicted how quickly a coach will develop year over year? I have calculated initial predictions based on the first year of performance using their starting stats as a baseline. I am currently in season 3. I will try to post a follow up once I have coach information from completed season 3.
I share a picture of my coach line up after completion of season 2/ start of season 3.
In the picture the predicted category experience points are in orange font.
submitted by darkgoalie342ut to EANHLfranchise [link] [comments]

2024.04.23 17:31 CatWatt April 22nd Special Days - Featuring Earth Day Freebies!

April 22nd Special Days - Featuring Earth Day Freebies!

April 22nd is... Earth Day (1970)
-- Our planet and our homes are being neglected. Climate change continues unabated. There is a new ecological disaster happening almost every day. This Earth Day, it's time to mobilize our planet from the ground up to send a message the Earth won't wait!

Free Printables, Coloring Pages, Activities, and Crafts:

🌎 Earth Day Freebies and Offers
🌎 What to Expect From Earth Day Deals in 2020
🌎 Earth Day Sales, Freebies and Deals
🌎 Endangered Species: Save Our Species Coloring Book
🌎 Earth Day Printables
🌎 Earth Day Projects for Homeschool Families
🌎 Earth Day Activities For Everyone
🌎 - give and get free stuff - Free membership
🌎 7 Fast Activities for Earth Day and Free Printables
🌎 Earth Day Theme Activities and Printables
🌎 20+ Free Earth Day Printables for Kids Totschooling
🌎 Earth Day Archives Woo! Jr. Kids Activities
🌎 LEGO Earth Coloring Pages Little Bins for Little Hands
🌎 Celebrating Earth Day at The Holiday Zone: Printable Puzzles
🌎 Earth Day Archives - Buggy and Buddy
🌎 Home Composting – A Step-by-Step Guide to Getting Started
🌎 Earth Day Bingo - Wondermom Wannabe
🌎 Earth Day Posters NASA
♻️ Herman the Composting Worm's Fun Place
♻️ Backyard Magic - The Composting Handbook
♻️ Recycling Worksheets for Kids
♻️ Free Composting Printables and Worksheets
♻️ Composting 101 {+ FREE Printable} - Stacy Risenmay
♻️ Do the Rot Thing: A Teacher's Guide to Compost Activities
♻️ Composting Goes to School
♻️ A Kids' Guide to Composting
♻️ 31 Day Zero Waste Challenge - For Kids! - Going Zero Waste
♻️ 100Tips - Zero Waste Home
♻️ Composting for Kids - C.R.A.F.T. with coloring page
♻️ EEK! - Nature's Recyclers Coloring Book
♻️ KIDS: COLORING PAGES – Ottawa Valley Waste Recovery Center
♻️ Reduce, Reuse, Recycle Resources for Students and Educators
♻️ Caring for Earth and Earth Day Activities Printables, Worksheets, and Lesson Plans
♻️ Top 20 Earth Day Coloring Pages
♻️ 22 Earth Day Activities to Help the Planet
♻️ 8 Ways to Keep the Earth Clean
♻️ Quick and Easy Eco-Activities
♻️ Earth Day Resources and Activities
♻️ 25 Recycled Crafts Inspiration
♻️ Help Clean Up Your Neighborhood!
♻️ 11 easy ways you can help save the planet this Earth Day
♻️ FREEBIE: Learning about the Environment (ALL)

Earth Day Recipes:

🌎 Earth Day Cookies
🌎 50 Ways to Eat Green
🌎 Eat For The Planet This Earth Day With These 10 Recipes That Are Sustainable and Delicious!
🌎 Earth Day Cupcakes With A Surprise - Simply Today Life
🌎 Earth Day Food Ideas - 9 Best Snacks and Desserts for Kids and Party
🌎 Earth Day 2021: Tips To Make Your Kitchen Zero-Waste
More: April 22nd Special Days - Featuring Earth Day Freebies!
submitted by CatWatt to FrugalFreebies [link] [comments]

2024.04.19 17:31 RandoRedditor380 Help with determining proper withholding on W4

Hi all, my wife and I had a massive owe when we did our taxes for 2023 (~$5,000), and as a result would like to change our withholding so that the difference at the end of the year is not as big. While $0 owe/refund would be nice to achieve by next filing, to be within +/- a couple hundred dollars would be perfect.
I used the IRS calculator online, which asked for information for all three jobs and it said that I (the higher paying job) should withhold an additional $5,713, mark MFJ, and not mark any boxes in step 2. It said my wife should mark MFJ, no boxes in step 2, and no additional withholding.
I used the Multiple Jobs Worksheet on the W4 and it said that I should mark MFJ, nothing in box 2, and withold an additional $540. Therefore, my wife would just mark MFJ and nothing else.
However, conventional wisdom tells me to mark option c in step 2 because my wife's income is more than half of my income.
Do any of you guys have any advice? It seems like all three options above could yield wildly different results come next filing season. Like I said, I'm not trying to get a large refund, just get as close to 0 as possible. Also, any advice on people in person I can talk to? Seems like a lot of places that offer these services are more geared to businesses and don't talk to you if you're just an individual. I live in the DC area.
submitted by RandoRedditor380 to tax [link] [comments]

2024.04.19 14:50 CatWatt April 18th Special Days - Featuring Paul Revere Freebies!

April 18th Special Days - Featuring Paul Revere Freebies!

April 18th is... Paul Revere's Midnight Ride/Paul Revere Day (1775)
-- Paul Revere (Late December 1734 – May 10, 1818) was an American silversmith and a patriot in the American Revolution. On the evening of April 18, 1775, Paul Revere was summoned by Dr. Joseph Warren of Boston, to be given the task of riding to Lexington, Massachusetts, with the news regular troops were about to march into the countryside northwest of Boston.

Free Printables, Coloring Pages, Activities, and Crafts:

🐎 Paul Revere Facts and Worksheets
🐎 Paul Revere Word Scramble
🐎 The Midnight Ride of Paul Revere DLTK's Poems
🐎 Paul Revere Crossword Puzzle Printable
🐎 Listen to Paul Revere's Ride - Historian Jayne Triber reads Henry Wadsworth Longfellow's Paul Revere's Ride
🐎 The Revere Express - Bi-weekly blog posts keep you up to date with all things Revere related
🐎 Facts and Printables About the American Revolution
🐎 Paul Revere's Ride - Henry Wadsworth Longfellow
🐎 American Revolutionary War coloring pages Paul Revere's Ride
🐎 Paul Revere unit
🐎 Paul Revere Lessons
🐎 Paul Revere Craft Ideas for Children
🐎 How to Make an Americana Lantern Craft Warehouse
🐎 So you want to look like Paul Revere?
🐎 Timeline Worksheet: April 18-19, 1775, Paul Revere and the American Revolution
🐎 Paul Revere's Ride Stories Podcast
🐎 Free Paul Revere Printables and Worksheets
🐎 How to Make Colonial Hats Out of Paper

Paul Revere Recipes:

🐎 Paul Revere Potato Salad Recipe
🐎 Paul Revere Coconut Cake
🐎 Paul Revere Baked Beans Recipe
🐎 Paul Revere Chicken Recipe
🐎 Virtual Traditions of the Season at the Paul Revere House Recipes
🐎 Paul Revere's Kitchen - Colebrook Historical Society
🐎 Paul Revere's Mule Recipe
More: April 18th Special Days - Featuring Paul Revere Freebies!
submitted by CatWatt to FrugalFreebies [link] [comments]

2024.04.17 18:56 CatWatt April 17th Special Days - Featuring Bat Freebies!

April 17th Special Days - Featuring Bat Freebies!

April 17th is... Bat Appreciation Day
-- This is a fitting time for Bat Appreciation Day, as many bats wake up from hibernation around this time of year. Bats living in the Northern Hemisphere will migrate south for the winter. Most bats prefer to live in warmer areas near the equator. But bats live almost everywhere, except for a few islands, as well as in Antarctica and the Arctic. These scary creatures are vital in our environment, managing insect populations and pollinating plants. In fact, a bat can eat up to 1,000 mosquitoes in just one hour!

Free Printables, Coloring Pages, Activities, and Crafts:

🦇 Virtural Tour of Bat World Sanctuary
🦇 Make Easy Slime Bat Slime Halloween Activity
🦇 Bat Connect the Dots printable worksheets
🦇 About Bats Games and Activities
🦇 Valentine Origami Bat – I am Batty About You
🦇 Bat Crafts and Activities DLTK's Crafts for Kids
🦇 Bats Free Printable Templates and Coloring Pages
🦇 Free Bat Printables and Worksheets
🦇 Bats Theme Activities and Printables
🦇 Math Ideas for Bat Theme - Making Learning Fun
🦇 Bat Printable Pack
🦇 Bat Printable for Halloween
🦇 Free Printable Halloween Bat How-To
🦇 Bat Archives - Free printables, coloring pages
🦇 Bat Worksheets
🦇 Frankie the Free-tailed Bat
🦇 Bat/Moth Game Ideas from our Naturalists
🦇 Hanging Around with Bats TPW Magazine
🦇 Night Friends – American Bats: Online Activity Guide
🦇 Printable Halloween Bat Mobile
🦇 Bat Paper Puppet RedTedArt
🦇 Bats Coloring Pages Coloring Pages for Kids
🦇 Kidzone Bat Resources
🦇 Bat Digital Magazine
🦇 25 Bat Crafts for Kids
🦇 Top 10 Spooky Bat Crafts for Kids!
🦇 Bat Craft Ideas for the Perfect Halloween Craft
🦇 Bat Crafts Videos

Bat Recipes:

🦇 Halloween Black Bat Wings Recipe Allrecipes
🦇 Batty Recipes - Bat Conservation International
🦇 Bat Bites Recipe MyRecipes
🦇 Cocoa-Cinnamon Bat Cookies Recipe MyRecipes
🦇 Asiago Cheese Bat Crackers Recipe Wisconsin Cheese
🦇 Halloween bat donuts - Taste
🦇 Halloween Bat Sugar Cookies - Entertaining Diva Recipes
More: April 17th Special Days - Featuring Bat Freebies!
submitted by CatWatt to FrugalFreebies [link] [comments]

2024.04.12 12:40 Valuable-Strike-6402 should i take o level a math despite having no knowledge on it? + general subject combi advice + general study advice?

this is gonna be long, since i rly wanna give a deep rundown of my plan and situation so i can get the most accurate feedback on 1. if taking a math is a viable or even good choice 2. confirming my subject combi before locking it in by registering for o level as priv cand (april 17 deadline) 3. whether my plan is on the right track.
ill try to keep it organised and concise. im just really unsure on a lot of stuff and a bit of a hot mess so if u take time to read ill be eternally grateful
[Why am I considering adding A Math?]
  1. I feel im inherently better at maths than any other subject, but i dropped it in sec 4 because it was so overwhelming and i hated not understanding the very thing i was supposed to be good at. but in the past few months, and during o's season 2023, i had a lot of classmates and saw a lot online about how a math is actuallt easier than e math. this makes me feel like i could do well in a math since revision for it is just practice and grinding questions, pyp, etc. similar to e math. I was capable of getting B3 for Emath last year with minimal prep (i dont think i did a single practice paper..) so I wonder if im capable of scoring in Amath. Am I wrong, and A math is actually very different and I shdnt even think abt picking it up w all the other subjects to juggle?
  2. A reason I wish not to admit is I dont feel confident that i can score to get my target result in my other subjects right now. My last year rationale for dropping was also to have less subjects to focus on and do better in but now I'm starting to feel the appeal most students have of having multiple subjects so u have more leeway if one subj is bad. In the end its to increase my chances of getting my target L1R4
[What are my concerns?]
first is that ill need to learn everything from scratch, i feel that its possible using the textbook and tys alone, but i am doing so for basically my other subjects as well and if have a chance to do better for a math then why not?
this makes me concerned on whether i have enough time. my plan rightnow (may change) is go through syllabi subject by subject. then weave in practice for the subjects that ive gone thru the entire syllabus for already while i go thru syllabus of other subjects. Then I'll slowly increase the amount of revision and decrease the amount of learning over time.
my subject combi is EL, chinese, emath, pure bio, pure geog, SS/lit (hook&eye)
[ What's my projected timeline? (to help visualise whether i have time for learning amath) ]
So this week i managed to learn half of the bio syllabus. i read thru textbook until i understood, then did any school assignments and worksheets i kept from 2022/2023 of that topic i just read (cuz i didnt do them before😭), then did topical tys with some assistance frm tb just to familiarise myself w the qns.
next week: finish bio syllabus and topical tys 22-26: do bio paper (so i can put into practice my past two weeks of work) and e math topical tys 28/4 till chinese olvl 27/5: grind chinese tys and memorise some model compos.
3 weeks of june: geog syllabus runthru+ topical tys (idek if 3 weeks is enough because geog doesnt come to me as easily as bio and math... ), every week do 1 bio pyp so my bio knowledge isnt lost and 1 emath paper. last week of june: chinese oral+lc prep
2 weeks of july: hook and eye (Elect Lit book) runthru, every week 1 emath+bio pyp 2 weeks of july: learn and practice SS question types (maybe skim thru tb, im not keen on memorising tb for the last few marks at the back) and relearn and practice poetry analysis/literary techniques. every week 1 emath+bio pyp, 1 practice essay for hook and eye
by here id be done w all the syllabus and i can get to full revision in august, in time for when most schools have their prelim papers. id still have the whole of september and a bit of october to identify weak points and such? this is assuming everything goes to plan
if i add amath, i would be pushing the timeline back by giving myself another 2-3 weeks to learn the syllabus and do topical and id have less time for revision. is it realistic, is it worth it, is it viable?
ive heard miracle stories of people coming back from c6s in like 1-2 months which makes me feel its possible given i put in the work.
btw if its not clear enough, im a private candidate retaking o's due to bad mental health in 2023. so very independent study this year.
also in this post, i use the word "learn" for completely new concepts that i missed out lessons on in past 2 years (which is 90% of syllabi), "revise" for more passively relearning concepts to make sure they stay fresh due to the forgetting curve, and "study" or "practice" for actively doing work to fill in gaps of my knowledge and really prepare.
So yeah, any feedback, advice, on if Im too ambitious, anything Im not accounting for, any major flaws in my plan, and whether amath is a good choice for me. Whatever the case, I dont think I'm as delulu as the guy who wants to do alevel and get into med school w a wife and job /hj , so pls dont flame me and be nice OK SORRY FOR TAKING SO MUCH OF UR TIME TYSM SGEXAMS i go back to the bio grind now 🫡
submitted by Valuable-Strike-6402 to SGExams [link] [comments]

2024.04.04 21:26 infinitecraftrecipes Exploring the Wonders of Infinite Craft

Are you ready to embark on a journey of endless crafting? Look no further than the captivating world of Infinite Craft! This incredible game allows you to unleash your creativity by combining elements in countless ways.
One of the most exciting aspects of Infinite Craft is the ability to craft unique items and structures that will help you thrive. Whether you're a seasoned player or just starting out, you'll quickly discover the joy of experimenting with different combinations to see what you can create.
As you explore the vast world of Infinite Craft, you'll encounter an array of materials and resources to collect. Each one holds the potential to unlock new crafting possibilities, so be sure to gather everything you find! You never know when that seemingly ordinary item might lead to an extraordinary creation.
Crafting in this game is an art form, and mastering the techniques takes time and practice. Don't be afraid to experiment and learn from your mistakes. The trial and error process is part of the fun, and it's incredibly satisfying when you finally uncover the perfect recipe for a new item.
Create any craft
One of the best things about Infinite Craft is the supportive community of players who are always eager to share their knowledge and experiences. If you're ever stuck or looking for inspiration, don't hesitate to reach out and ask for help. Chances are, someone else has been in your shoes and can offer valuable advice.
As you continue to dive deeper into the world of Infinite Craft, you'll discover that the possibilities truly are endless. From crafting stylish clothing and accessories to designing unique characters, this game allows you to express your creativity in countless ways.
So what are you waiting for? Dive into the world of Infinite Craft and start exploring all it has to offer. With its endless possibilities for crafting and creativity, this game is sure to keep you engaged and entertained for hours on end. Happy crafting!
Keep crafting
submitted by infinitecraftrecipes to Infinite_Craft [link] [comments]

2024.04.04 13:54 hellopriyasharma Preschool EVS Worksheets' Benefits for LKG Education

Preschool EVS Worksheets' Benefits for LKG Education
Preschool EVS Worksheets for LKG
A child's growth during the preschool years is vital because it lays the foundation for their lifelong learning process. Environmental Studies (EVS), which acquaints young children with their surroundings, is a cornerstone of preschool education. Worksheets designed by EVS specifically for Lower Kindergarten (LKG) pupils provide several advantages and are important for a child's overall development and education. We will go into great detail about the benefits of using preschool EVS worksheets for LKG education in this extensive tutorial, emphasizing the role these worksheets play in a child's formative years.

1. Early Learning Foundation: Building a Strong Educational Base

Preschool EVS worksheets serve as the cornerstone for a child's early educational foundation. They introduce young learners to essential environmental concepts, helping them develop an initial understanding of their surroundings. These worksheets often cover basic topics like animals, plants, seasons, and everyday elements of their environment.
The significance of this early exposure lies in providing children with a solid base upon which they can build their future knowledge. The concepts they encounter in these worksheets serve as building blocks for more complex topics they will encounter in later years of education.

2. Cognitive Development: Enhancing Thinking and Problem-Solving Skills

Engaging in EVS activities through worksheets enhances cognitive development in young children. These worksheets offer a multitude of opportunities for children to exercise their thinking skills. Through observation, critical thinking, and problem-solving, children begin to understand and engage with their environment actively.
EVS worksheets often include tasks that require children to recognize patterns, classify objects, and make connections between different elements of their environment. This type of cognitive engagement fosters essential skills that will be instrumental in their future academic pursuits.

3. Language and Vocabulary Development: Building Communication Skills

Language and vocabulary development is a crucial aspect of a child's early education, and EVS worksheets contribute significantly to this area. These worksheets typically include labels, descriptions, and questions related to various environmental concepts.
By engaging with these worksheets, children not only learn new words but also understand how to use them in context. This exposure helps them build their vocabulary, improve language skills, and develop the ability to express themselves effectively. Effective communication is a vital skill that will benefit them in all areas of life.

4. Sensory and Motor Skills: Nurturing Physical Coordination

Many EVS worksheets incorporate hands-on activities that stimulate a child's senses and fine motor skills. These activities often include tasks like coloring, tracing, and matching objects. These seemingly simple activities are, in fact, instrumental in improving a child's hand-eye coordination and fine motor control.
Furthermore, engaging with tangible materials and tools while completing these worksheets enhances a child's sensory development. This multisensory experience contributes to their overall physical and cognitive growth.

5. Social Awareness: Fostering a Sense of Belonging

EVS worksheets also delve into themes related to community, family, and relationships within the environment. By exploring these themes, children develop social awareness and a sense of belonging to their community. They begin to understand the roles and responsibilities of individuals within a broader social context.
This early social awareness is critical in helping children form positive relationships with peers and adults as they transition into more structured educational settings. It lays the foundation for healthy social interactions and empathy towards others.

6. Appreciation for Nature: Instilling a Love for the Environment

One of the most valuable lessons that EVS worksheets offer is the opportunity to appreciate the beauty and diversity of the natural world. These worksheets often feature content related to animals, plants, and their habitats. Through these materials, children learn to observe, respect, and develop a sense of wonder about nature.
Appreciating the environment at a young age fosters a lifelong love for nature and conservation. It encourages children to become responsible stewards of the planet, instilling a sense of responsibility for preserving the environment.

7. Problem-Solving Skills: Encouraging Critical Thinking

Many EVS worksheets present real-life scenarios or puzzles for children to solve. These activities encourage critical thinking and problem-solving skills. Children are prompted to analyze situations, consider various options, and come up with solutions to environmental challenges.
By honing their problem-solving abilities, children are better prepared to navigate the complexities of life and academics. These skills are transferable and will serve them well in various contexts.

8. Confidence Building: Fostering a Positive Self-Image

Successfully completing EVS worksheets boosts a child's confidence and self-esteem. As children solve problems, learn new concepts, and master various skills, they experience a sense of accomplishment. This positive reinforcement is essential for developing a healthy self-image.
Confident children are more likely to be active and enthusiastic learners. They approach new challenges with a can-do attitude, which is crucial for their future educational endeavors.

9. Readiness for Formal Education: Bridging the Gap

EVS worksheets serve as a bridge between informal early learning and formal education. They prepare children for more structured learning environments in higher grades. The foundational knowledge and skills gained through these worksheets make the transition to formal schooling smoother and less daunting.
Children who have engaged with EVS worksheets are often better prepared to participate actively and succeed in school. They have already developed a curiosity for learning and have a basic understanding of academic concepts.

10. Parental Involvement: Strengthening the Parent-Child Bond

The use of EVS worksheets at home creates opportunities for parents to actively participate in their child's education. Parents can engage with their children while completing these worksheets, offering guidance, encouragement, and support and also parents can communicate with school through the school parent app.
This involvement strengthens the parent-child bond and promotes a positive attitude towards learning. It also allows parents to gain insights into their child's strengths and areas that may need additional support.
In conclusion, preschool EVS worksheets for LKG education offer a comprehensive approach to early learning. They play a vital role in a child's cognitive, emotional, and social development. By introducing young learners to environmental concepts and fostering curiosity about the world around them, these worksheets set the stage for a lifelong love of learning and environmental awareness.
Parents, educators, and caregivers all play essential roles in a child's educational journey by providing engaging EVS worksheets and encouraging exploration and discovery. In doing so, they contribute to shaping the future of these young minds and nurturing responsible, knowledgeable, and compassionate individuals who are well-prepared to face the challenges of the world.
Originally Published by HelloParent.
submitted by hellopriyasharma to preschoolwithpriya [link] [comments]

2024.03.28 19:44 tegan_willow I'm sure I'm going to get hate for this-- I'm a high school teacher of 17 years, and I simply don't police phones anymore.

Exactly like it says in the title, I'm an English teacher- have been for seventeen years, and I just cannot bring myself to prioritize caring about the inevitable phones in my classroom.
I'm not saying I like them; they can be a horrible distraction at times, but I also don't see fighting them to be a war I could possibly win. I don't have the energy or the mental bandwidth to constantly look over shoulders or scowl "put that away." These days, I'm content if they're not being an overt disruption.
I try to encourage kids to treat their phones as a tool and not a distraction, and I'd like to think most do. Many just like the option of doing classwork while hearing their own music. These kids- post Covid especially, live through their devices; whether we like it or not, that's the truth.
Right before Covid, our district began a 1:1 policy with chromebooks, which led me to going fully paperless. All worksheets and literature are in the form of interactive documents or pdfs now, meaning that in a pinch a kid can even follow along in my class with a smartphone. There really is such utility to a smartphone when your work and materials are presented in that way, and I don't think I'm ever going back to paper.
I don't know, I just think that fighting the existence of something as ubiquitous as smartphones is silly, especially when the lessons already actively encourage use of technology. Besides, their future work and lives will also be heavily based and reliant on technology.
I've found that by choosing thoughtfully the times that I ask them to put the phones away, it makes the times that I do ask them more urgent and serious in their minds. I'm less likely to get pushback, especially when I offer context for why it's important now; state testing would be an example.
Sure, with my lax attitude toward tech, I do catch the occasional kid catching up on the latest season of "One Piece" when they ought to be working, but for the most part it's been fine. I've found it's not only the easiest way to go, but also the only really reasonable long-term plan.
Am I being a bad teacher here?
submitted by tegan_willow to Teachers [link] [comments]

2024.03.21 14:25 rnelsonee How withholding works with a few (dozen) examples

Tax withholding can get complicated so here is an attempt to explain how it works, using different scenarios. All examples using 2024 figures, cover federal taxes only (states often mimic the older federal system with allowances, unfortunately), and the spreadsheet used for screenshots is archived here (it will ask you to make a copy) and the current W-4 is here.

How withholding works

An image showing the steps of withholding is here but it's just:
1 For reference, tax brackets based on total income, versus subtracting out standard deduction you commonly see, is below. This makes a bit easier to understand taxes in my opinion.
Single Married Rate
$0 $0 0%
$14,600 $29,200 10%
$26,200 $52,400 12%
$61,750 $123,500 22%
$115,125 $230,250 24%
The four levers of the W-4
The W-4 has four boxes for you to adjust withholding (outside of filing status and Step 2's handling of multiple jobs). You can move the amount you have withheld by raising or lowering your assumed annualized income, or by raising or lowering your withholding, dollar for dollar. Note when withholding goes up you net paycheck amount goes down, but your refund goes up (or amount owe goes down).
Amt withheld Assumed Income Withholding $ for $
Increases Other Income (4a) Extra withholding (4c)
Decreases Deductions (4b) Dep's/credits (3)
Item Time period
Dep's/credits (3) Annual
Other Income (4a) Annual
Deductions (4b) Annual
Extra withholding (4c) Per pay period
So in other words, say your income puts you in the 22% marginal bracket, meaning an extra $100 will cause tax to go up $22. Putting $100 in Other Income (4a) will cause withholding to go up $22/(pay periods), in Deductions (4b) will cause withholding to go down $22/(pay periods). Putting $100 in Credits (3) causes $100 less to be withheld over the year. Putting $100 in Extra withholding (4c) will cause $100 to be withheld every single paycheck.

Basic Examples

Say Alexis has a salary of $100,000, paid bi-weekly (26× a year).
Example Simple is just $100,000, Single. Tax computation if you don't trust me [is here] or paycheckcity is a good source, but is $13,841. Hence $532.35 withheld 26 times. And note in the screenshots, boxes with fill colors and dashed borders are inputs, the rest is computed.
Example Simple Pretax shows how pre-tax deductions lower withholding, but don't interfere with withholding accuracy. Alexis's $2,600 in deductions is $100 per bi-weekly paycheck. Alexis is in the 22% tax bracket, so that's $22 less withheld per paycheck. Annually, $2,600×22% = $572 less tax. $13,841 ([Example Simple](( minus $572 is $13,269.
Example Simple Joint shows how filing status alone also doesn't mess up withholding accuracy. Tax is lower for Married (filing joint, in all these examples), but the withholding algorithm knows this and computes tax on the Joint tables vs Single depending on what you put in Step 1 of the W-4.
Other Income & Deductions
Steps 4a & 4b (Other Income & Deductions) on the W-4 cover alternations to your work's annualized income.
Example Extra Income shows what happens if Alexis gets $300 in extra, un-withheld income, like bank interest. Her tax goes up $300×22% = $66. Example Extra Income Fixed shows how putting $300 in Other Income (4a) means she doesn't need to do that math -- it's taken care of in the algorithm. Even if her extra income passed a tax bracket, it's no issue. The algorithm will just lump Other Income with the rest of her income just how the 1040 does.
Example Deduction shows the opposite -- if Alexis puts $7,000 to her IRA, she would normally get 22% of that ($1,540) back. But she can put $7,000 into Deductions (4b) to lower her withholding (by $1,540/26 per paycheck) to get paid that money during the year which we see in Example Deduction fixed.
Note that your employer's instructions tell them to assume you take the standard deduction. If you itemize, only put the amount over the standard deduction in Deductions.
Example Itemize shows why: if Alexis's Schedule A total is $1,000 more than her standard deduction, she saves $220 on taxes. But she only should add $1,000 in Deductions to even it out as we see in Example Itemized fixed (see W-4 Deductions Worksheet).
Extra Withholding
Extra withholding is needed when you deal with the "Other taxes" on the 1040, usually reserved for high-income earners or people who have to pay penalties for early withdrawals or who owe from previous years. It's also often used as a buffer to make sure you don't owe. For example, if you don't know your bank interest or capital gains, you can put a value here to help keep from owing.
Example Extra withholding shows how a high-income earner has to pay an Additional Medicare Tax. The $540 in extra tax is dealt with $540/26 into Extra withholding. Note this box (4c) unlike the others (Step 3, 4a, 4b) works per paycheck instead of using annual figures.
The final of the four boxes we can alter on W-4, Step 3, is for credits. It's labelled Claim Dependent and Other Credits, so note it's for all credits like educational credits or buying an EV.
Example Credits shows a simple credit -- if Alexis gets a $2,500 credit, she can put $2,500 in Step 3 and she'll have $2,500/26 less withheld per paycheck.
Non-refundable credits -- treat as all other credits
A non-refundable credit will subtract from your tax liability but -- unlike a refundable credit -- won't cause your tax liability to go below $0 (and thankfully, refundable credits are subtracted after non-refundable credits).
Example non-refundable credit, full shows how a non-refundable credit on Step 3 works fine if the taxpayer has the income to support it. If Alexis (whose tax is over $13,000) buys a Tesla and gets the $7,500 EV credit, withholding works with Step 3 as well as always.
Example non-refundable credit, partial shows how a non-refundable credit also isn't a problem with income that doesn't have enough tax to take full advantage. In this case, with a lower income, some of the $7,500 is unused. Yet with $7,500 in Step 3, the taxpayer's income went to $0; and with a tax liability of $0 after the credit, things work out.
In other words, put your non-credits in Step 3 and don't worry if you take full advantage. And refundable credits don't have this issue, either, since they let tax go <$0.

More Advanced Examples

Bonuses are taxed just as ordinary income but withholding rules your employer follows are different. Note one-off or infrequent bonuses should have a flat 22% withheld. The other method of withholding is out of scope of this post.
Example Bonus shows if Alexis gets a $10,000 bonus, it add $2,200 to her tax. Her employer kept $2,200 back, so there's nothing to do.
Example Bonus, high income shows what happens at higher incomes or higher bonuses (it's all added together). Her $16,125 bonus now fills up the rest of the 22% bracket, and (a convenient!) $1,000 is going to be taxed at 24%. Since the whole bonus is withheld at 22% per regulation, she's going to owe 24%-22%=2% of $1,000, or $20. Putting $1 in Extra withholding will address this.
Example Bonus, low income shows what happens at lower incomes. If Alexis makes $50,000/yr, that's in the 12% bracket. So her 22% withholding on $10,000 means she's getting (22%-12%)×$1,000 = $100 back in a refund. She can correct this by claiming he shas a $100 credit, so $100 in Step 3 in Example Bonus, low fixed
Self employment
Self-employment can get complicated, so for Example Self Employment let's zero some things out, but we'll keep the $100,000 in Alexis's base job. She decides to do side gigs, expecting to clear $10,000 in profit (gross income minus deductions) by the end of the year. She's going to need to pay both income tax, but also self-employment tax, which is about twice the 6.2%+1.45% FICA tax that employees pay for Social Security and Medicare.
So $10,000 means $1,413 in self-employment tax. Divide by 26 to put $54 in Extra withholding. Now half of that is deductible, so we have $707 taken off her income (even without itemizing, this is called an adjustment), so we need $707 in Deductions. And thanks to something called QBI deduction (through 2025), her $10,000 gets discounted 20%, so that's $8,000 in Other Income. Putting all three items in the W-4 results in near-perfect withholding (amount due is rounding error from Extra withholding).

Multiple Jobs

For a few reasons, the W-4 does not communicate information about other jobs to your employer. In other words, the W-4/employer instructions assumes you only have one job, so you need to adjust other boxes to compensate. Failing to do so is common, and results in money owed.
Example Multiple Unchecked, a complicated one for those curious, shows why multiple jobs can mess up withholding. Each employer, acting as they are your only employer, subtracts the standard deduction from your annualized wages and starts at 10% for dollars above that. But because income stacks, one of those jobs needs to withhold more.
Step 2 on the W-4 deals with multiple jobs and you pick only one option:
  • 2a is the online withholding calculator. It's out of scope for this long-enough post.
  • 2b is the Multiple Jobs Worksheet
  • 2c is the Two Jobs Checkbox which works great if incomes are similar between two jobs
All options result in updating all W-4's. I offer simple solutions that don't in the Part time section below; but for full-time jobs, 2a-2c is better.
Multiple Jobs: The Two Jobs Checkbox (withhold as Single option)
Say Alexis gets married and her spouse also makes $100,000. They can both select Married Filing Joint on the W-4 and check the Two Jobs/2c checkbox, which says it's a good choice if the two jobs are within ½ of each other (so if one job is $100k, the other should be $50k-$200k). This is the same as the "Married, but withhold at the higher Single rate" checkbox on pre-2020 W-4's. In fact, it's the same math as if Alexis and her spouse selected Single and left 2c unchecked, thanks to the brackets for Joint being double that of Single (up to a high income anyway).
Example 2c checkbox, working shows how well the 2c checkbox works for two jobs of similar incomes. And it doesn't have to be for married couples, it works on Single earners as well (it essentially tells the employer to withhold half of what it normally would)
Example 2c checkbox, bad shows how the 2c checkbox fails if the incomes are different. The guidance about "half the other income" on the W-4 is good advice, but this shows what really matters is if each job is in the same Single bracket (accounting for the standard deduction). Some of Alexis's income was withheld at 22% when it will be taxed at 12% when filing Joint as her spouse had extra "ceiling" to fill up in 12%.
Multiple Jobs: the W-4 Multiple Jobs Worksheet ("MJW")
Example MJW Intro shows a candidate for the Multiple Jobs Worksheet, because the incomes are different (although note the Job 1 income is over $110,000, the last column the Worksheet uses). It works by looking up the two jobs on a W-4 table to get a figure, then dividing that figure by number of pay periods (really you should divide by number of pay periods left in the year) and putting that into Extra withholding. It essentially makes up for the fact that both jobs are subtracting out the standard deduction from their incomes.
The Multiple Job Worksheet works, but note the figures in the W-4 table are biased towards giving refunds. Taxpayers are generally happier getting refunds, and the IRS certainly doesn't mind not having to collect amounts owed.
Example MJW high shows the bias in a worst-case scenario -- if your incomes are both towards the bottom end of a column or row value (like $X0,000), it can result in very high refunds, which really means you had too much withheld from your paychecks.
Example MJW low shows the opposite -- with values on the high end of column/row values (like $X9,000) you get more accurate withholding and may even owe a little bit.
Multiple Jobs: Assigning credits to the higher income
Whenever you enter values for Deductions or Credits (steps 4b and 3, respectively) it may not matter on whose W-4 you put them on, but it's safer to put them on the W-4 with the higher-paying job. This is because you want there to be enough "room" in the normal withholding to absorb the amount the withholding will go down. For example, if a credit normally means $500 less withheld per paycheck, you want a job that withholds at least $500 without that credit. Since withholding can't go below $0, it would be inaccurate otherwise.
Example MJW No Kids shows two jobs with $0 owed or due with the Multiple Jobs Worksheet (Job 2 income is just what happens to get $0 result with the $99,000 Job 1 income). If the couple has/expects a child by 12/31, they will want to add a $2,000 Child Tax Credit (and you want this for the full year, credits are not pro-rated by months).
Example Credit assigned to high income shows how a credit assigned to the higher income works fine.
Example Credit assigned to low income switches Job 1 and Job 2 incomes and shows how a credit assigned to the lower income can cause issues. Job 2 only had $792 withheld over the year, so a $2,000 CTC causes a $2,000-$792 refund.

Part-time, seasonal, or not full year work

If you have part-time or seasonal work, or really any work where paychecks aren't similar the whole year, the W-4 can be very inaccurate, because the W-4 assumes you make the same amount each and every pay period for the full year. But there are easy solutions (easier than the IRS withholding calculator which you can always use)
With a full-time job
Example Main and Part-time job shows what to do if you have a full-time job, and you (or even a spouse) has part-time work: figure your total income for part-time work and put that in the main job's Other Income (4a). This job now handles all withholding, and now you just need to set the part time job(s) to $0 withholding. You can do this by marking the "Exempt..." box on those W-4's, or putting a large number, say $15,000 into Step 3. This works because a Single filer needs over $100,000 to have a tax of >$15,000.
With only part-time work
Example Part-time job shows what to do if you don't have a full-time job. For a part-time job, you can:
1) Estimate your total income for the year 2) Use any online calculator to estimate your tax due on that income (note some calculators ask for "taxable income"; if so, subtract the standard deduction from step 1!) 3) Divide that number by the total number of paychecks you expect to receive that year 4) Put that number in Extra withholding (4c) 5) Put a large number like $15,000 in Step 3 to make sure that the number you put in Extra withholding is the only amount withheld.
If you have multiple part-time jobs, you can do the same as above, but the math gets tricky -- the whole reason the W-4 fails with multiple jobs is not accounting for the fact income stacks. So if you have a second job, figure its tax on top of previous jobs.
Example multiple Part-time jobs shows how this can be done. Forgive the very simple numbers, it's to help illustrate the process. Using online tax estimators can help you figure the tax on Job 1, and then just add in Job 2's income, take the increase in tax, and use that for Job 2's basis. So $Job_1_tax/number_of_paychecks goes into Job 1's Extra withholding. Then ($Job_2_tax-$Job_1_tax)/number_of_paychecks_job_2 goes into Job 2's Extra withholding.
A note about varying pay
If your paychecks vary, then this will generally result in over-withholding (a refund). To see why, imagine there was just a $10,000 standard deduction and a flat 10% tax on everything else. Taxes on $60,000 would be 10% of $50,000 or $5,000. Taxes on $120,000 would therefore be $11,000. So we see tax on 2N is more than twice the tax on N. This is true for our actual tax brackets (progressive taxation)
Now if we assume perfect withholding, if you make $N one pay period, and $2N the other, withholding won't be based on 1½×N. The $2N paycheck over-withheld more than the $N paycheck under-withheld, so this means you had a bit too much taken out; hence a refund. Fixing this is very difficult, so you may want to use the IRS withholding calculator or just enter a value in Step 3 (Credits).
submitted by rnelsonee to personalfinance [link] [comments]

2024.02.29 19:58 CatWatt February 29th Special Days - Featuring Leap Year Freebies!

February 29th Special Days - Featuring Leap Year Freebies!

February 29th is... Leap Year Day/Leap Day
-- Leap Years are needed to keep our calendar in alignment with the Earth's revolutions around the sun. It takes the Earth approximately 365.242199 days – or 365 days, 5 hours, 48 minutes, and 46 seconds (a tropical year) – to circle once around the Sun. However, the Gregorian calendar has only 365 days a year, so if we didn't add a day on February 29 nearly every 4 years, we would lose almost six hours off our calendar yearly. After only 100 years, our calendar would be off by approximately 24 days!

Free Printables, Coloring Pages, Activities, and Crafts:

🗓️ 2024 Leap Year Worksheets: Free Download
🗓️ Free Leap Year Printables Packet for Kids: Learn All About Leap Day
🗓️ Leap Year Worksheets
🗓️ Leap Year Activities, Printables and Articles
🗓️ Leap Year Activities
🗓️ Learning About Leap Year: Worksheets, Fun Facts, and More
🗓️ Leap Year Games and Activities: Comes Around Every Four Years!
🗓️ Leap Year Frog Headband for Preschoolers - Red Ted Art
🗓️ Free Leap Year Learning Packet Printable for Kids
🗓️ 16 Fun Things To Make For Leap Year!
🗓️ Leap Year Printables and Worksheets TPT
🗓️ 10 Activities for Learning About Leap Year and Other Calendar Oddities
🗓️ Leap Year Activities, Leap Year Party Ideas, Leap Year Crafts
🗓️ 12 Easy and Fun Leap Year Activities
🗓️ Leap Year Crafts Frog Bean Bag
🗓️ Leap Year Worksheets TwistyNoodle
🗓️ Epic Ways To Celebrate Leap Year
🗓️ 9 Leap Year Party Games And Printables

Leap Year Recipes:

🗓️ 9 Fun Leap Day Recipe Ideas To Try On Your Extra Day Of Cooking
🗓️ 7 recipes to celebrate the Leap Year
🗓️ Four-Themed Recipes for Leap Day
🗓️ Leap Day eats: Celebrate your extra day with 29 decadent dishes
🗓️ 28 Leap Year Foods
🗓️ It’s A Leap Year—use Your Extra 24 Hours To Make A Batch Of Pillowy Kolaches
More: February 29th Special Days - Featuring Leap Year Freebies!
submitted by CatWatt to FrugalFreebies [link] [comments]

2024.02.24 16:25 Emotional_Suspect_98 Older coworkers making life hard (retail)

I'm 21F working in a French skincare retail store. Sorry if I don't organize my thoughts very well, I'll try condensing a summary of my troublesome workplace. I'm super frustrated and don't have anyone to talk to.
I was hired by my previous boss (PB), who told me "I hired you because... don't take this wrong, we only have black workers, so I hired you to not seem biased". To be fair, I've been working here for 10 months and most of it was smooth.
I do have a massive issue with a 48F coworker Mia. She has been friends with PB for 12 years and was hired as a seasonal. But holy shit, she's been making life difficult for me. My coworkers, who rarely gossip, warned me that she was talking badly about me. She claims that I talk too much, but also that I'm too quiet.... she claims that as a 21 year old, I'm too young to work and I should quit.
First of all, I've been uncomfortable with sexually explicit topics. Mia kept talking about a man sexually abusing his wife (anal, kinks, gang r*pe, beating). Plus, she told me about being so drunk that she got arrested because she tried to commit suicide. Mia also brings a diary that says "dealing with my drinking pronlems" and one time she left it open. Saying stuff about how she's jealous of others having more stuff than she does. Apparently she's in deep credit card debt and has her mom pay $700 in rent for her. I brought it up to PB about being uncomfortable. But they've been friends, so I was brushed off.
Second, Mia was allowed to help PB with scheduling. After hearing that I complained about the sexual topics, she was scheduling me 4 hours a week only.
Third, Mia started falsely accusing me to PB. Claiming that I messed up the cash till. Even though I watched HER do it and she said "I'll take responsibility". Or claiming that I treat her like she's stupid -- even though she explicitly says "I don't know how to do this, can you teach me?"
Currently, I've been keeping evidence of her bad habits. We have these receipts that show what time we open/close the systems. Mia is supposed to open the store at 10 AM, but she only gets to work at 1 PM. We can clock in on our phone from any location, so I know she's been stealing time. Mia also claims she'll take the deposits to the bank. Then she conveniently forgets to do it, but comes back 30 minutes later with Chick-fil-A.
I'm having a hard time at work even though I'm keeping her at a distance? It seems that giving her less attention actually helps. Still, there have been times Mia slammed the table or gives me attitude. It actually scares me.
Besides that, my workplace is going to shit as we speak. PB got fired by a new district manager (DM). DM is absolutely horrid. (DM told us we weren't allowed to clock in if we were going to the bank or preparing the store. She wouldn't answer my calls when there was a snow storm, but we had no manager at the time and DM was the stand-in). The new boss (NB), who used to work for PB, comes in. Mind you, NB also doesn't care when I mentioned a hostile workplace.
Our wifi has been 1/2 broken for months, now fully down for 2 weeks. We can't do online or pick-up orders. We can't even take card payments. We can't do refunds. Inventory is all wrong, NB has never been a manager before. Much less a manager of 2 stores.
NB tells me I have to do online training modules. That can only be accessed by work computers.... that have no wifi. NB has a problem with me calling off work for court dates and being a care giver for my terminal grandmother.
Honestly? NB is a weirdo 60-something lady. She asked me if I knew how to use the broken machine. I told her, yeah my coworker taught me. Her response: "Your coworker taught you, but I taught them, so really I taught you, am I correct?"
I noticed she has a weird ego and she constantly asks me "am I right or was your previous boss right?" or saying PB deserved to be fired. NB tells me that corporate life will be like this, and that I should be glad I work here because she is "a very understanding person". Which she repeats everytime she sees me, so I don't think she's understanding lol.
Hell, NB is threatening me with write ups for doing my homework. Normally, we don't get customers for HOURS on weekdays. If I don't have any tasks or restocking; I always start some physics and chemistry worksheets. Customers never have an issue with this. In fact, I have good Google reviews & company reviews of me. I have several customer contacts and I've been tipped before. I am #2 in sales for both locations and people tell me I'm a good salesperson.
NB tells me it doesn't matter. "You're not paid to do homework, make yourself look busy even if there's nothing to do. You can play on your phone or watch Netflix, but you can't do homework because that's unprofessional".
At this point, I'm sick of everything. I'm sick of the bullshit. I'm sick of opening and closing the store solo. I'm sick of my new boss being a micro manager and being useless.
I'm considering finding a new job. I'm eyeing a hotel receptionist, security guard, or currency exchange teller. Most of them are allowed to use their laptops or use their free time they wish. They also pay bigger and allow you to sit down. In fact, my workplace tried to fire someone for sitting in a chair.
But otherwise, I'm trying to buy some time before I hear back from job applications. I guess I want advice about how to cope with workplace politics. How do you deal with coworkers like this? How do you keep your mental health?
Thank you so much for your patience. I wrote this haphazardly. I'm just disappointed that every workplace-- I expect older coworkers to be better. But maybe I'm just naive.
submitted by Emotional_Suspect_98 to WorkAdvice [link] [comments]

2024.02.17 16:25 Stipes_Blue_Makeup Any worship planners here? I’m trying to design a “worksheet” that’s accessible, easy to update, and clear.

In an effort to streamline things and make life easier for the person who drafts our bulletins, the proofreaders, and the musician, I’m trying to think about a “worship worksheet” that will have the readings, the prayers, and the music for each week.
This would be especially helpful, I think, when it comes time to plan fir the seasons, but I’m not sure if I’m making busywork or not.
Anyone have experience with something like that or a template they’re willing to share?
submitted by Stipes_Blue_Makeup to Episcopalian [link] [comments]

2024.02.14 18:01 LIS1050010 What to Do ASAP as a New Homeowner (“Future You” Will Thank You)

It's finally yours. Your very own home. You can paint the walls whatever you like. Heck, even knock out a wall! There's no landlord to fight you.
But if you're serious about developing good homeowner habits (so your home makes you richer, not poorer), you'll use this worksheet the minute you close on your home — if not before. Easier to do now than suffer some head-slapping regrets later.
If that doesn't do it for you, here's a *cheater* version done in the form of 22 tips. You only need to scroll:

Security & Safety

These are the very first things you should do after buying a house (for obvious reasons):
  1. Change locks. Spares could be floating around anywhere.
  2. Hide an extra key in a lockbox. Thieves look under flower pots.
  3. Reset the key codes for garage doors, gates, etc. The former owners might've trusted half the neighborhood.
  4. Test fire and carbon monoxide detectors. Who knows when the last time was. Definitely install them if there are none.
  5. Check the temperature on your water heater, especially if you have young ones, so it won't accidentally scald. Manufacturers tend to set them high (but the best temperature setting for hot water is 120 degrees).
  6. Make sure motion lights and other security lights have working bulbs.
  7. Put a fire extinguisher in the kitchen and each additional floor.

Maintenance Planning

Start your master maintenance plan (and good home-keeping habits) by setting reminders in your calendar to do these basic maintenance tasks:
  1. Clean out the dryer hose and vent yearly. Clogged ones burn down houses. And you don't know the last time the previous homeowner did it.
  2. Change your HVAC filters at least once a season. You'll save on heating and cooling — and your unit will last longer. (While you're at it, go ahead and stock up on them, too.)
  3. Schedule HVAC maintenance for spring and fall.
  4. Clean your fridge coils at least once a year. It'll run better and last longer. (Don't see any coils? Lucky you! Newer fridges often have coils insulated, so there's no need for annual cleaning.)
  5. Drain your water heater once a year.
  6. Clean your gutters at least twice a year.
  7. And if all items on your inspection report were not addressed, make a plan to fix them — before they become bigger and more expensive repairs.

Emergency Preparedness

You really really don't want to be figuring any of this out in a real emergency. Do it now. You'll sleep better and be less likely to ruin your home.
  1. Locate the main water shut-off valve. Because busted pipes happen to almost every homeowner at least once. And water damage is value-busting and pricey to fix.
  2. Find the circuit box, and label all circuit breakers.
  3. Find the gas shut-off valve, too, if you have gas.
  4. Test the sump pump if you have one. Especially before the rainy season starts.
  5. List emergency contacts. You already know 911. These are the other numbers you often need in an emergency. You should have them posted where they're easy to see. In fact, here's a worksheet you can fill out and post. Furthermore:
  1. Assemble an emergency supply kit. Some key items are:

Home & Mortgage Documents

These are in case there's a dispute with your mortgage lender or a neighbor over property lines, or if you're a bit forgetful about due dates.
  1. Store copies (the originals should be in a fireproof safe or safety deposit box) of important home documents so they're readily available. Go paper, cloud, or better, yet, both.
  1. Set mortgage and other bills to auto-pay so you're never late.

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submitted by LIS1050010 to selfreliance [link] [comments]

2024.02.11 21:16 AcuityTraining Mastering Excel: Your Ultimate Guide to Spreadsheet Wizardry 📊

Hey there, Excel Enthusiasts! 🚀
Are you ready to unlock the magical world of Excel? Whether you're a newbie looking to dip your toes into the spreadsheet pond or a seasoned pro seeking some advanced tips, this guide is here to make you an Excel wizard in no time!
📌 Excel Basics: A Solid Foundation
First things first, let's start with the essentials. Excel is like your virtual canvas where you can create, analyze, and organize data. Here's a quick rundown of basic terms:
🔍 Data Entry and Formatting
Now, let's jazz up your spreadsheet with some style!
🔄 Formulas and Functions
This is where Excel truly shines. With formulas and functions, you can automate calculations and data analysis.
📊 Visualizing Data with Charts
Data can be dry, but charts make it exciting! Here's how to create and customize them:
🔗 Working with Multiple Worksheets
Excel is all about organization. If you have loads of data, use multiple worksheets within a single workbook:
📂 File Management and Sharing
Excel doesn't live in isolation. Here's how to manage and share your work:
💡 Tips and Tricks
🏆 Practice Makes Perfect
Remember, the key to becoming an Excel wizard is practice. Experiment, make mistakes, and keep discovering new features. Excel is a vast universe, and you've just scratched the surface!
So, there you have it, your comprehensive guide to conquering Excel. Now, go forth and spreadsheet with confidence! 💪✨
Got questions or need help with a specific Excel task? Feel free to ask in the Quora space, and the Excel community is here to support you on your journey. 🚀📈 #ExcelMastery #Spreadsheets #DataMagic
submitted by AcuityTraining to u/AcuityTraining [link] [comments]

2024.01.30 16:02 gabrielbumanglag Twinkl's Lunar Legacy: A Journey of Wisdom and Celebration

Twinkl's Lunar Legacy: A Journey of Wisdom and Celebration
Embark on an enchanting educational adventure this Chinese New Year with Twinkl, where learning lunar beginnings unfold in a celebration of knowledge and fun! As your trusted online educational hub, Twinkl invites little dragons and scholars to explore the wonders of the festive season through engaging and free activities. From mastering the Chinese Zodiac to crafting mythical creatures, Twinkl ensures a blend of cultural appreciation and educational growth for every grade level.
  • Lunar Learning Globally: Twinkl's magic unites families worldwide in celebrating the spirit of Chinese New Year.
  • Masterful Educators: Seasoned artisans curate delightful resources tailored to your child's educational needs.
  • Resources for Every Level: Whether you have little dragons or scholarly pandas, Twinkl caters to all grade levels.
  • A Wealth of Topics: From the Chinese Zodiac to traditional customs, Twinkl covers a spectrum of subjects.
  • Countless Treasures: Explore a treasure trove of templates, worksheets, and activity packs for enriched learning.
  • Custom Creations: Request a personalized resource to satisfy your specific educational appetite!
Let the Chinese New Year Celebration Begin! Immerse your family in enjoyable and enlightening activities like an informative PowerPoint, a dragon fortune teller craft, Zodiac animal poster, Nian mask craft, activity booklet, 3D fortune cat paper craft, money envelope craft, Mandarin greetings PowerPoint, paper drum making craft, cutting skills activity, and much more!
Twinkl transforms your Chinese New Year into a spectacular blend of fun and learning! Dive into the festivities today by creating an account on Twinkl. With enriching resources, your celebration is bound to be a joyous exploration of cultural richness and learning. So, don your festive attire, gather 'round, and let the delightful educational adventure with Twinkl begin! Happy Chinese New Year!
Curious about traditions and hidden gems that add magic to the celebration? Discover it all by clicking here.
submitted by gabrielbumanglag to u/gabrielbumanglag [link] [comments]

2024.01.28 16:37 fil_series How do you deal with growing pains at a new PA firm? (Semi-rant)

Background: Worked for one PA firm for a majority of my career. Due to some medical issues, I ended up leaving that firm since the workload/stress were triggers for my medical condition. I went on to start working at a much smaller PA firm here in town with a more manageable workload but I'm having trouble adjusting to their methods and I guess overall attitude about workpapers and deliverables.
At my old place, we were always striving to be better each year. We would find some way to improve our workpapers or our processes even if that involved overhauling how we did certain things. Every staff member, no matter what your level, had a voice. If a first year had a great idea for improvement, we would implement it. This attitude was reflected in the quality of our work which continued to go up each year.
Here, though, it doesn't feel like anyone really cares. It was represented to me that we were a CPA firm when I was doing my interviews, but I recently checked the board of accountancy for my state and I found out that we aren't actually a CPA firm. Which means we don't get peer reviews. So there's never really been a need to be better as a firm.
There are so many issues that, from a professional standpoint, make me super uncomfortable. Some things to note:
There's so much more and I could go on and on. I didn't even cover the minor things like how we don't sign off or date our workpapers. Or how we won't try and explain where certain numbers come from so god forbid if you ever take over a tax return from another preparer. I have one coworker who doesn't even reference their workpapers.
And of course these things I ultimately don't mind. I don't expect a newer firm to be nearly as quality as my old firm that has been around for decades. What frustrates me to no end is the attitude. I do my best to bring these things up in a very collaborative and helpful manner but I'm ultimately shut down or straight up disregarded because they would prefer to stick to the ways they've done things. I create worksheets and spreadsheets that are vast improvements to what we currently use, but no other staff gives a shit enough to use them. At my old place, those worksheets would immediately be implemented by a large majority of staff.
It's incredibly frustrating and I don't know what to do. I was brought on at a senior-level position with plans to eventually head into a junior partner role which was great at the time. But after half a year here, I'm having second thoughts. It seems the partners don't care about the quality of work but instead the quantity of tax returns they can just pump out and bill to the client regardless of being right or wrong whereas the quality is just as important to me.
Have any of you ever dealt with this kind of culture shock? I really don't know if I should just leave after tax season, adopt their ways and just significantly reduce my standards of quality, or suck it up and continue to try and make improvements in the firm.
submitted by fil_series to Accounting [link] [comments]

2024.01.27 21:00 Zeddblidd Bad News Bears (1976)

2022-024 / Zedd MAP: 82.72 / MLZ MAP: 85.43 / Score Gap: 2.71
Wikipedia / IMDb / Official Trailer / Our Collection
A nerdy kid sits on his mitt in the outfield with his back to the diamond counting cars… “Red Buick LaSabre, same as Oldsmobile Delta 88, same as Chevrolet Impala” ((baseball sounds)) “Gold Mercury Cougar, same as Ford Thunderbird” ((louder baseball sounds)). The kid’s attention to local traffic patterns is broken by the unexpected appearance of a rolling baseball. He’s been out here in right field game after game, never has this happened before. He turns to see who’s thrown the ball at him and slowly realizes the game is still going and everything suddenly moves in slow motion. It’s clear this strange turn of events has confounded the tyke, nobody is surprised we he picks it up and walks it to the nearest player. What should have been an easy out or base-run at best becomes a home run.
From IMDb: An aging, down-on-his-luck ex-minor leaguer coaches a team of misfits in an ultra-competitive California little league.
Mrs. Lady Zedd looked confused as she was proof-reading, “I don’t remember that scene? Which kid was it?” I look somehow mischievous and innocent at the same time - it wasn’t a scene from the movie, it’s a scene from my youth. I’m not what you’d call athletic (although we both enjoy us some robot fighting time - who wouldn’t? It’s like robots, fighting and shit) but I did, in fact, play baseball. Well, I’m not sure “play” is the right word… more like “my parents forced me, saying it’d be good for me (it wasn’t), I’d pick up skill and coordination (I didn’t), and the sunshine wouldn’t do me any harm (ok, I have my moles checked regularly but the jury’s still out on that one - if anything, it reinforced my hatred of being out under the scareball’s rays but… I digress).
This one sits firmly in the “movies of my youth” category but it’s not one I’ve watched more than twice - once back in the day, once shortly after the 2005, Billy-Bob Thornton Remake - think what you will of Mr. Thornton, but he stuck with the moniker Billy Bob after he left the hills of Arkansas, and that takes a special sort of bravery in my book. On a side note, my family resided just south of Billy Bob’s starting point of Hot Springs and it’s just the way they roll out. To each their own. ((Wink-wink))
The movie has a decidedly low-rent feel, maybe even a bit exploitive of the children whose foul-mouthed dialog (which includes racial slurs, common back in the day) feels more spectacle than artistic but it becomes obvious in time it was intentional. These are, after all, the reject kids and Walter Matthau is a “drink beer, laced with whisky at 8am” sort. As the story develops, you can’t help but root for the underdogs, even as they don’t root for themselves. As things progress, somehow, the team comes together - aided by a new pitcher (Tatum O'Neal - who, at the age of 10 had stolen everyone’s heart in Paper Moon (1973) - a worthy watch in itself) and a jack-of-all-trades player (Jackie Earle Haley), whom the other coaches have written off as a juvenile delinquent (diamond in the rough, for true).
With the pieces in place, our drunk coach pulls himself up by his own socks and the team has a certifiable cinderella season - right up to the championship game. ((Spoiler Alert)) They lose, but in doing so, they win - this motley crew has somehow become a team. As the credits begin to roll, Mrs. Lady Zedd looked over to me as she began filling out the Movie Algorithm Project worksheet and opined, “…it’s proof you don’t need to spend millions and millions of dollars on special effects when you’ve got a solid story…” - a very Movie On sort of thought if you ask me, she always says the best things.
Side note: if you were worried about Little Zedd up there - forced to be outside and play America’s Pastime, you needn’t be… after a single season of walking the ball to other players, missing every ball while at bat, and watching the cars go by from the outfield - I… yes, I was responsible for our team’s championship win.
It was the last inning and our bases were loaded as I walked to the diamond - possibly the worst possible turn of events for our team. There was a very audible groan from the bleachers as they called my name. Bat in hand, the coach (not wanting me to be any more nervous than I already was) instructed me to just do the best I could… nobody expected much. “If we lose, we lose.” Words to live-by that… As I swung the bat, I wish I could tell you I followed the most basic rules of engagement - keep your eye on the ball - but in truth, I closed my eyes. I also dropped one hand from the grip and swung with one arm only. To my (and everyone else’s’) surprise, there was a loud ((cRaCk)). Dumbfounded, I simply stood there, only taking foot to first base when the coach gave me a mighty shove. The other team seemed equally confused (I never hit a ball all season) and the first baseman was too busy laughing to catch the ball - I rounded first and headed to second. Here the ball had been thrown well over that baseman’s head - yes, I was on my way to third. It’s the one and only time (in my entire life) that I had connected with the game. I was safe on third, but three other runners had come in… we won the game.
I admit, it might sound like a farce but that’s the true story of it. I was young, but I learned a lesson that day - it simply doesn’t matter how you win, just that you score those ‘Ws’ however you can when it’s do or die. If you’ve been around 500 Movies for any amount of time, you’ll know my writing exemplifies “ugly win over beautiful loss” any day of the week. :]
submitted by Zeddblidd to 500moviesorbust [link] [comments]