Smith-heimann x-ray scanners

Little Dark Age - Medicine

2024.05.14 07:49 Alfa-Romeo_ Little Dark Age - Medicine

Little Dark Age - Medicine
Images used in order:
• Hippocrates (Father of Medicine)
• Galen of Rome (Discovered arteries carry blood)
• Ibn Sina (Father of modern medicine)
• Vitruvian Man (painting by Leonardo Da Vinci)
• Edward Jenner (Invented Vaccine for Small pox)
• Louis pasteur
• The Agnew Clinic
• First book from Red Cross Society
• Dr. Roentgen (discovered X-Rays)
• Ivan Pavlov (explained physiology of Digestion)
• First use of Ether as anaesthesia
• Dr. Nikolai Korotkov (discovered Vascular Surgery)
• Dr. Sergey botkin (pioneered Post-mortem procedure)
• Alexander Fleming (invented penicillin)
• Zev Zilber (discovered fundamental Virology)
• Godfrey Hounsfeild (Invented Ct Scanner)
submitted by Alfa-Romeo_ to indianmedschool [link] [comments]

2024.05.12 18:22 aveey777 Travel the world with film

Hey. Soon i'm gonna travel the world with my gf. We're going to south america (columbia, brasil) and asia (thailand, vietnam, cambodia, japan, korea) When I think about traveling with analog films (X-Ray, CT scanner) and having them developed domestically, I get a headache. Plus in some places they are almost twice as expensive as here. 🥲
Have any of you traveled the world with an analog camera? Am I worrying too much?
I have a Ricoh GR III too, but i don't really enjoy photographing on a LCD screen (or digitally at all).....
submitted by aveey777 to AnalogCommunity [link] [comments]

2024.05.12 18:15 zain_ahmed002 Why GlitchMimic is true and why GlitchAfton is flawed (Long post)

Why GlitchMimic is true and why GlitchAfton is flawed (Long post)


Just to preface, this isn't an attack at anyone. This is purely related to the theories themselves and not at any person.
Just thought that it was important to get that out of the way as I don't want anyone to feel attacked, I just want to show how a certain theory just cannot work.
I've recently joined Twitter (it's actually going well, better that what I expected as I've heard a lot of "bad" things about FNAF Twitter), and it's a platform where a lot more people believe in GlitchAfton. So this past week I've been collecting information about the topic, posting them as threads to then compile it into a "megathread" which I've just released this morning, you can check it out here (this post is just going to be a detailed version of that tweet).
I understand that the consensus here on Reddit is that GlitchMimic is the right answer, but I recently made a poll and surprisingly a lot of people still wanted me to make this post.


It's important to establish what the main GlitchAfton argument is, which is that Glitchtrap looks and behaves like Afton so therefore it should be Afton. Which is a fair and simple conclusion to make.
Going a little deeper, the argument is that Glitchtrap says "I always come back", appears as a golden Bonnie suit, Glitchtrap in AR having UCN voice lines, and other things such as The Entity being Glitchtrap.
This post will refute these main points, there of course will be some other points here and there that GlitchAftoners might use, but we'd be here all day refuting every single GlitchAfton point. So it's just better to counter the main ones and then that'll hopefully convince some that the little points are also wrong too.

Circuit boards

GlitchAftoners believe that the circuit boards used for the HW game are Afton's Springtrap boards. However, there's a multitude of issues with this.
When we look at the description of the boards, we see that their entire purpose is to "digitally recreate" performances and personalities
"Using proprietary technology developed by Fazbear Entertainment, our VR development teams were able to use vintage control board, almost like plug and play, digitally recreating performances and personalities from the past in an instant."
The "Proprietary tech" is the scanner, used to scan the boards into the games. We know this as the whole concept of AR and what Tape Girl says is that the boards were scanned using FE tech. So they used special FE tech to scan the circuit boards' contents into the game.
People often overlook "digitally recreating". This isn't a "ctrl+c and ctrl+v" thing. It's creating it again, but in a digital environment. So the personalities and performances from the animatronics are created again using the boards as that's the boards specialty.
This is exactly what the Mimic Line was created to do, they didn't want to ctrl+c ctrl+v the code from one Freddy Fazbear to another, they wanted to make something that would watch and "recreate" the actions and routines of the OG band so that they can use it in other FE locations. It's a way to avoid "a lot of coding"
The Way Agony and Remnant work
This further solidifies the argument of Glitchtrap just being the Mimic. I made a Twitter Thread going into detail about how Remnant and Agony work, I strongly recommend that you take a look at it to fully understand this point.
To sum it up, assuming that Afton's boards were even used for the VR game and assuming that his Remnant/ agony was on these boards.. It still wouldn't result in GlitchAfton. Why?
Well, let's start with Remnant. As explained in the books, Remnant is the process of the intangible (memories) mixing with the tangible (object).
Afton in TFC adds to this by saying how both the body (current soul host) and emotion (pain) are needed for the "soul" to "follow" and find its "eternal home"
Some people try to hyper-examine the grammar and say how Afton is saying that ether or are required and both don't need to be present. If you look at the very next sentence and the overall scene as a whole you'll see that both are required as it's why Afton is cutting pieces of himself to put into the Funtime Amalgamation.
Also, you might've spotted that I said that the body is the "current soul host". The body acts as William's current soul host as he's still living and.. well.. The soul is obviously still in his body.
However, this changes when a soul moves from one possessed object to another. THIS DOESN'T MEAN THAT SOULS HAVE A CHOICE IN WHERE THEY CAN GO OR WHEN THEY CAN LEAVE. It just means that when the current soul host ceases to exist or is destroyed, the soul still follows the same procedure of the "host" being close to the object it's about to possess.
We see this in the Epilogues, where Andrew's current "soul host" is William, but when his body explodes and is destroyed, he possesses nearby objects as he still follows the same procedure as other remnant "cases".
What is this procedure?
Well, it's essentially:
(Memories + Emotion) + Current Soul Host + Object
The reason as to why I'm mentioning all of this is because Even if we assume that Afton's agony was on the boards used for HW his soul wouldn't end up in the game. Like I said, Remnant is the mixing of memories and emotions with the tangible. The memories and emotions latch onto tangible materials, like the metal or plastic in the boards and not the code.
It's WHY we see souls trapped in animatronics, bound by their coding. The MCIs can't enter the saferoom because of their coding. Elizabeth can't talk through Baby because of the coding, etc.
Souls don't mix with code, they mix with tangible things like materials. So EVEN IF Afton's boards were scanned, his soul would REMAIN on the boards and not in the game due to the boards being digitally scanned.
In the same twitter thread mentioned above, agony is also explained. "Agony" is actually an umbrella term for a range of negative emotions, like grief and rage. Each have their unique qualities.
Grief seems to "pour" the emotion itself along with a piece of that person's soul. The soul doesn't do much in terms of controlling things, it's more of the soul containing the memories of that person. We see this with Henry and the Charliebots:
Rage, however, doesn't pour the soul into an object. It just pours the pure emotion. We see this with the Mimic and the Springtrap "anomaly" seen in In The Flesh, where they refer to the person as their "father" due to them having no memories from them nor do they have a piece of their soul.
Afton, at no point, would be feeling grief. And if he did, his soul wouldn't do anything as shown in the Charliebots and as shown with the Remnant description, souls can't alter code. They can't change it nor can they form a super virus.
If Afton's rage infected the boards used, it wouldn't contain a piece of his soul. Taking us back to square one of "how is Glitchtrap like Afton", and the only other option given Hand Unit's description of the boards is that it's the Mimic.

The Entity, MXES, and how they're NOT Glitchtrap

Another GlitchAfton argument is that The Entity is Glitchtrap, and how that disproves GlitchMimic as the Entity is seen to work against the Mimic.
However, there's just a teeny tiny flaw with that.. The Entity being Glitchtrap is contradictory. Lemme explain.
Again, I've made a thread which explains it in more detail as well as some people replying to it with more info. The point is that when Cassie enters a wormhole thing in RUIN, we see the Entity's head consuming the screen to then reveal the PQ3 room
The entire room wants to draw your attention to the Princess' sword struck through the PQ3 arcade machine
This very clearly shows how the Entity is related to Glitchtrap's defeat, as I genuinely see no reason as to why Glitchtrap would proudly show it's victim that it lost.. Like what purpose does that serve?
The Entity also tries to kill us for using the mask for too long and when we try to deactivate the nodes, however the one responsible for giving us that mask to begin with was Glitchtrap.
At the end of HW2, we see that Glitchtrap is responsible for the "Helptrap" ending and how it sets up the events of Cassie receiving the mask (Linking Helptrap to the start of RUIN)
So Glitchtrap being the Entity means that:
  1. Glitchtrap sets up the events for Cassie to receive the mask (more about this later)
  2. Glitchtrap tries to kill Cassie as the Entity for having the mask
Like there's no correlation between either of their goals, as Glitchtrap could have just killed her as Maskbot or something. WHY GIVE HER THE MASK TO THEN TAKE IT AWAY?
It's self-contradictory.

"I always come back" + UCN lines

This links with a Reddit post I made a couple months back, explaining how the Mimic was fed the in-universe indie games before being implemented into the HW game.
post explaining how the indie games are based on the ones we've played
We even get hints of this in Pressure, where the indie games are named as "fables" that Luca speculated to be "true", we even hear Nightmare BBs voiceline said by BB:
Showing how to some degree, FE knew about UCN and the in-universe game had some of the same voicelines as the real UCN game we've played.
Showing how the Mimic would have been fed these games and how it would've known about these voicelines.


Now that GlitchAfton has been addressed and shown how it's not possible to be true, it's time to prove GlitchMimic and how certain things prove it.
Glitchtrap is a MASCOT COSTUME
"Mascot" is often referred to the Fazbear band, so it's not really something unique. But the fact that it's a costume and not an animatronic is unique. The costume idea really comes from the Mimic, as it's speciality is to fit inside the costumes as it becomes the end for it.
The whole Grimick ending of Ruin as well as the whole point of the Mimic Line and it's story is to show how it's linked with mascot costumes. Establishing a base connection between the Mimic and Glitchtrap


It's best to start with *The Monty Within (*TMW) as it explains how Glitchtrap does the things it does. It explains how AI can infect the left side of the brain, and that it can take over the mind completely.
The yellow highlighting is awful ik lol
We even see this happen with Kane, where the Mimic (as Monty) enters Kane's mind and slowly starts to take over his entire brain. Making its thoughts as Kane's thoughts, and gradually being able to move Kane's limbs and then kills Kane for going against his orders. Seems familiar, no?
In HW, we see that Glitchtrap's first victim was Jeremy, and that he sliced his face with the guillotine slicer. Some people theorise he sliced of the Vanni mask or whatever, that's a debate for another day. But even if he had the mask on, his face would have been severely injured. And the whole gist of the Jeremy sub-plot is that he dies from the slice and therefore it lead to a lawsuit.
Given TMW, and how it shows Kane being sliced in the head by a saw due to the Mimic taking control of his body, Jeremy also most likely died due to Glitchtrap forcing him to get sliced too due to Jeremy trying to go against Glitchtrap.
Glitchtrap also takes control of the mind just like the Mimic does in TMW, we see this with Vanessa and Gregory in GGY. It's able to control their movements and also their thoughts (more on this later)
However, there are a few who just deny that the Mimic is Monty from TMW despite the whole story outright showing how it is. But if you're in doubt, here's a Twitter thread explaining how.


Given that TMW explains Glitchtrap's abilities, GGY explains Glitchtrap's behaviour. In GGY, we see that Gregory is under the influence of Glitchtrap, the story takes place some time after the therapy tapes as the last therapist from SB was also murdered. Glitchtrap behaves extremely robotic at times, it's able to emulate a child's behaviour to an extent, but then says things that are extremely robotic:
This matches Glitchtrap from the games, where in the AR emails, it searches things like "how to induce compliance in human subjects?"
Afton's specific trait is that he's very good with his words, to the point where he can manipulate people with them. At no point would he ever say "human subjects" and "human being", as he was human himself once. This is quite clearly coming from something that isn't human, and given the nature of it's wording and lack of emotion, it's clear that this is coming from a robotic mind.
However, the AR emails also show how Vanessa tries to fight back at times by searching "help" and even in the SB therapy tapes, she's found a way to "lock away" Glitchtrap by "compartmentalising" it.
This links back to TMW with Taylor's logic:
Kane says how this "negative self talk" is the AI within, so this negative talk would be Glitchtrap and in Kane's case, the Mimic. Where it being "sidelined" results in that person becoming more free and better. It's exactly what we see with Vanessa, where she's sidelined him by locking it away.
Glitchtrap in GGY also observes a person for a really really long time, which is called out as not being something normal as well as being something uncomfortable:
Greg returned the wave. He smiled. Then he cocked his head and studied Tony for several seconds. For some reason, Greg’s scrutiny made Tony want to squirm
Again, this isn't something Afton would do as he's discrete in his manipulation, not outright showing it and being the most non-human you can ever be.
Also, look at the wording. "cocked his head and studied", it's the exact same wording used for Tiger Rock, further linking the Mimic to Glitchtrap
"Tiger Rock said, cocking his head and studying Kai like he was the most fascinating boy in the world"
Tiger rock also says how it loves learning languages, even saying "if it exists, I can learn it", which explains the PQ1 ending and also the wall code.
GGY also explains how Glitchtrap was coded into the animatronics themselves, which links back to the therapy tapes where Patient 46/GGY moved the Glitchtrap virus from the Pizzaplex's systems to the animatronics themselves which "cascades" into a bunch of subroutines that do the same thing the original virus does.
The funny thing with Tales is that the Pizzaplex-related stories all link together via attractions, it's how we can make a timeline of it. Link to the web of Tales is here, we can see that GGY has a lot of the same attractions as stories like Nexie, Tiger Rock, and The Storyteller.
This makes it abundantly clear that GGY takes place in the same timeline as The Storyteller, and in The Storyteller we see that the Mimic was in control of the Pizzaplex.
For both Glitchtrap and the Mimic to be in control of the pizzaplex, with the exact same abilities, the exact same "control", and in the exact same timeline. It just makes it clear that they are the exact same entity.
Otherwise, it'd mean that there'd be some sort of AI war, where each are vying for control. But there's not even an ounce of any sort of reference or implication of it. It JUST DIDN'T HAPPEN.

help"i" and HW2

This, I feel, is the most direct GlitchMimic can ever be.
Helpi (with an "i") is seen in both HW2 and RUIN. In Ruin it's shown that Helpi is infected by the Mimic, and Helpi comes from the VANNI mask showing that the Mimic also comes from the Vanni mask. And we KNOW it's the Mimic as it quite literally mimics things.
In RUIN, we see that the Mimic (in Helpi) is responsible for injecting an occipital transmitter. This, obviously, is connected to the Occipital lobe which is responsible for forming a visual image from the light rays our eyes pick up.
This is important as it explains how we can walk through glitched objects in RUIN. The objects were never there to begin with, they're made up by the Mimic manipulating the image the occipital lobe forms to make it look like there's objects there when there actually isn't.
Well it's because using the mask allows us to "walk through" these non-existent objects. It makes Cassie feel like she needs to wear the mask, as the only way to free the Mimic is through the mask as she needs to deactivate the nodes.
The whole point of RUIN as a whole is that Cassie is tricked by the Mimic into wearing the mask to free it, and it does this by the help of Helpi and therefore showing how they're linked.
Helpi also makes an appearance in HW2 seen here. And YES, this is Helpi with an "i" and not with a "y". It's the SAME Helpi the Mimic has control over.
This links with the HELPtrap ending, where the player (Cassie's dad) becomes Maskbot and therefore gives Cassie the mask. As I've shown earlier in this post, the entity behind the HelpTrap ending is Glitchtrap.
Linking Helpi to Glitchtrap, Helpi to the Mimic, and therefore Mimic to Glitchtrap.
Another thing to note is that the Mimic was connected to the Pizzaplex's systems during SB, we know this as it plays a scene from SBs camera feeds in RUIN, where Cassie says "Hey, that's my mask".
It also explains why the Mimic knows that Gregory said "I-I'm Gregory".. Nobody else would have known or seen that.. Just Glamrock Freddy.
Which leaves the only explanation of the Mimic being coded into Glamrock Freddy for it to have heard Gregory say that as well as the Mimic being in the Pizzaplex's systems due to the camera feed seen in RUIN.
Linking with the GGY point from above.


Well, thank you for coming this far, it just honestly makes sense for Glitchtrap to be the Mimic and not Afton.
submitted by zain_ahmed002 to fnaftheories [link] [comments]

2024.05.11 18:44 Swacket_McManus TRANSLATION REQUEST X-RAY AND FILM

Hello! I am going to be visiting Vietnam in the summer for the first time and I shoot a lot of film, this cannot go through the x-ray scanners in the airport and I need to make that very clear as to not ruin it, I have this template in english, any help would be awesome!
DO NOT X-RAY High sensitivity photographic film inside Do not open container Film is light sensitive Hand search ONLY
submitted by Swacket_McManus to Vietnamese [link] [comments]

2024.05.11 12:52 DeadFishCRO [H]Humble/Fanatical leftovers [W] steel rising, , offers, paypal

Region : EU
My steam profile with wishlist
IGS rep
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Final Fantasy Rebirth - Midgar bangle DLC (Playstation code)
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Syberia 2
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submitted by DeadFishCRO to indiegameswap [link] [comments]

2024.05.11 09:25 TerribleSell2997 Lung Cancer Screening Software Market is Dazzling Worldwide and Forecast to 2030

~Lung cancer screening software market~ is anticipated to grow at a significant CAGR of 19.5% during the forecast period (2024-2031). Lung cancer is a leading cause of cancer-related deaths globally, driving the demand for advanced screening tools. Advancements in imaging technology, such as CT scanners, enable more accurate visualization of lung anatomy. Early detection is crucial for better treatment outcomes and increased survival rates. AI integration in screening software enhances image analysis, pattern recognition, and risk prediction. Personalized medicine approaches emphasize risk stratification based on patient-specific factors. Regulatory agencies like the FDA and EMA play an essential role in approving screening software. Industry collaborations between healthcare providers, academic institutions, and technology companies accelerate the development and commercialization of screening software. Global health initiatives and public awareness campaigns additionally contribute to increased demand for screening software.
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The global lung cancer screening software market is enhancing healthcare providers' ability to detect and manage the increasing disease burden through advanced tools and technologies. According to the American Cancer Society, in 2023, approximately 238,340 individuals will receive a diagnosis of lung cancer, with 117,550 cases among men and 120,790 cases among women. Tragically, the disease is expected to claim the lives of 127,070 individuals.
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submitted by TerribleSell2997 to Nim2908 [link] [comments]

2024.05.10 11:19 Unusual-Link4427 New Apple iPad Pro launched at ‘Let Loose’ Event

New Apple iPad Pro launched at ‘Let Loose’ Event
Apple is back once again with its latest device, iPad Pro. On May 7th, 2024, Apple launched the iPad Pro in the ‘Let Loose’ event. Aside from that, the brand also announced a number of other updates. However, the major focus was on iPad Pro. So, if you want to learn more about Apple’s newly launched device, then read this post.
So, without any further ado, let’s get started…
Apple’s iPad Pro – The Introduction
The new iPad Pro is the thinnest device so far. According to Apple, the iPad Pro is even thinner than the iPod Nano. Moreover, this sleek and improved device will deliver 50 percent faster performance. All thanks to the new state-of-the-art M4 chip included in it. In addition, the iPad Pro will be four times faster than its predecessor. It boasts a range of impressive new features, which include dynamic caching, hardware-accelerated ray tracing, and hardware-accelerated mesh shading. The new iPad Pro will consume half the power. This is due to the inclusion of the M4 chip. Users can expect to enjoy extended battery life and have uninterrupted usage.
It has the Ultra Retina XDR display. In addition, the latest iPad showcases cutting-edge display technology called Tandem OLED. The device uses two OLED panels that are stacked on top of each other. This will allow users to have enhanced colour richness and deeper blacks. In addition, the new iPad offers users the ability to adjust the brightness levels up to 1000 nits for standard and HDR, as well as 1600 nits for HDR. Furthermore, the OLED panels have a sleeker design compared to LCD displays, thanks to their thinner profile.
The new iPad Pro also features a sleek nano-textured glass. However, this feature is only available in devices with a minimum of 1TB of storage or more. iPad Pro will have Ultra-Wide 12MP front-facing camera on the landscape edge, allowing for a wider field of view.
iPad Pro Tech Specifications
Apple unveiled its inaugural device featuring an M4 chip at the ‘Let Loose’ event. Compared to its predecessor, the Apple iPad Pro is the most recent model in Apple’s iPad Pro family. It comes with a number of enhancements and new capabilities that set it apart from its predecessor. Here are the specifications of the Apple iPad Pro introduced during ‘Let Loose’ event. Take a look…
iPad Pro Tech Specifications
➡ Display
The iPad Pro 2024 has a Liquid Retina XDR display. It provides a resolution of 2732 x 2048 pixels and ProMotion technology to ensure a fluid and responsive experience for the user.
➡ Processor
The new iPad Pro is powered by the most recent Apple A16X Bionic technology. This offers users enhanced performance and efficiency in comparison to the previous generation of processors.
➡ Storage
The latest Apple device is available in a variety of storage configurations, ranging from 128GB to 2TB. This gives users the freedom to select the capacity that best meets their requirements.
➡ Camera
This device has the most sophisticated camera system. The new iPad Pro 2024 comes equipped with an Ultra-Wide 12MP front-facing camera, a 10MP Ultra-Wide camera, and a LiDAR scanner for enhanced augmented reality experiences.
➡ Battery Life
The new iPad Pro is equipped with an impressive battery. Yes, this device has amazing battery life that, according to the brand, will last for the entire day. This will enable users to enjoy working on their iPads for longer periods of time without necessarily having to recharge the device. It is one of the best devices for gamers as well.
➡ Operating System
The iPad Pro is powered by the most recent version of iPadOS, which includes a number of enhancements and new capabilities, allowing users to have the best user experience ever.
➡ Compatibility
The iPad Pro supports 5G connectivity, enabling faster internet speeds. In addition, it is also compatible with Wi-Fi 6, which provides user with enhanced performance.
➡ Accessories
It is compatible with the Apple Pencil Pro, which enables users to improve their productivity and creativity. In addition, it is also compatible with the Magic Keyboard. The Magic Keyboard features a larger trackpad with haptic feedback, allowing users to have enhanced performance. Users would be able to transform their iPads into laptops using the Magic Keyboard.
➡ Suitability
Apple’s new iPad Pro is robust and flexible device. It offers users a variety of features and enhancements. This device is suitable for both business and entertainment.
➡ Pricing
Based on the reports, the new iPad Pro is priced at $999 for the 11-inch model and $1,299 for the 13-inch. Both models are equipped with 256GB of storage. For those who want to enjoy the benefits of 5G cellular connectivity through eSIM, there is an additional cost of $200 per device.
Last Few Words
So, this is all about Apple’s newest iPad Pro. This tablet is sure to deliver the most stunning features and enhanced performance to users. So, if you have been waiting to buy a new Apple device, then buy this one. This is one of the most advanced and best devices that can be used for both business and entertainment, including gaming.
Hopefully, this article has been informative for you and helped you gain deeper insights on iPad Pro.
Thanks for reading!
Stay tuned for more such articles!
submitted by Unusual-Link4427 to u/Unusual-Link4427 [link] [comments]

2024.05.09 19:53 fgflyer Rant: Film hand inspection denied

So I’ve saved up for a LONG time to go to Europe, and I brought along my RB67 along with 2 rolls of 220 Aerocolor (ISO 100), and one roll of Vision3 250D. After being in London for a few days, we are now flying out of Luton airport to Wrocław, Poland for the rest of our trip. Going through security, beforehand, I was told that my film can be hand inspected. Upon actually getting to security, however, I was firmly and rudely told by multiple security employees that it must go through the x-ray and that they’re “film safe”. For reference, these are the new CT scanners that are much worse on film than the older x-ray machines. So they had absolutely no idea what they were talking about.
I demanded to talk to a supervisor, and she confirmed that they do not do hand inspections for that. If I don’t want it to be scanned at security, I would have to go back and place it in my checked bag (which is gonna get scanned anyway). I relented and had no choice but to put my film through the scanner.
So that’s all of my precious memories that have been zapped by a CT scanner. I know for a fact there’s going to be noticeable base fog and it’s gonna be hard to fix. I’m absolutely LIVID, so please, do not fly out of Luton if you care about your film.
submitted by fgflyer to AnalogCommunity [link] [comments]

2024.05.09 15:50 Itsktbaby252512 Traveling with Omnipod for the first time.

I am doing a lot of traveling around over the next few weeks and it will be my first flight since getting my Omnipod/Deccom set up. Anything I should know? Can I go through security normally? Yes or no to the X-Ray scanners? Can my pods go through the scanner in my carry on bag?… etc.
I know when I was younger I just had to take my pump off, walk through, and put it back on… but obviously I can’t do that in this situation.
What all should I bring for a 5 day trip? What are some of your go to diabetes related things to pack or bring?
Any tips are greatly appreciated.
submitted by Itsktbaby252512 to Omnipod [link] [comments]

2024.05.08 16:51 -P4nda- What's been your experience going through airport security with film?

I recently traveled internationally and went through airport security in a few different countries. I think I was most surprised by how different the experiences were from country to country. For all of these, I had my film (35mm in all cases) in a clear Ziploc bag.
More than anything, I'm just curious to hear if anybody's had any outstandingly good or bad experiences bringing film through airport security. It's always interesting to learn from others' experiences.
submitted by -P4nda- to AnalogCommunity [link] [comments]

2024.05.08 11:29 AppropriateFruit2 Ferrite Core Transformers

Ferrite Core Transformers: A Comprehensive Guide

Greetings, fellow Redditors! Today, we delve into the fascinating world of ferrite core transformers, exploring their intricacies, applications, and benefits. Whether you're a seasoned electronics enthusiast or just starting your journey, this comprehensive guide will equip you with the knowledge you need to navigate the world of these essential components.
What are Ferrite Core Transformers?
Ferrite core transformers are a type of transformer that utilizes a ferrite material as their core. Ferrite is a ceramic compound with unique magnetic properties, making it ideal for various transformer applications. These transformers offer several advantages over their iron-core counterparts, including:
Types of Ferrite Core Transformers
Ferrite core transformers come in various types, each with its unique characteristics and applications. Some common types include:
Applications of Ferrite Core Transformers
Ferrite core transformers find applications in a wide range of industries and devices, including:
Benefits of Using Ferrite Core Transformers
Choosing ferrite core transformers offers several benefits, including:
Choosing the Right Ferrite Core Transformer
Selecting the right ferrite core transformer for your project requires careful consideration of several factors:
Ferrite core transformers are essential components in various electronic devices and applications. Understanding their characteristics, types, and benefits empowers you to make informed choices for your projects. Whether you're a hobbyist or a professional engineer, this guide provides valuable insights into the world of ferrite core transformers.
Keywords: Ferrite core transformer, transformer, electronics, power supply, telecommunications, audio equipment, lighting, medical equipment, efficiency, compact size, frequency range, cost, electromagnetic interference.
submitted by AppropriateFruit2 to UninfluencedViews [link] [comments]

2024.05.07 15:26 Powerful-Employee-36 Batman's intelligent and invention technology feats.

So we all know Bruce Wayan is one of the most intelligent super genius characters in the DC universe.
So let's talk about his intelligence first (then the tech invention)
Geoff Johns confirmed that Bruce Wayne is definitively the 2nd smartest person on Earth. This automatically makes him more intelligent than everyone on Earth save for Lex Luthor, with an IQ of over 250.
Has one of the greatest minds in the entire DC Omniverse - Justice League (2018) #23
So let's some common misunderstanding about batman IQ being just 192.
That was never attributed to Batman, only Ted Kord.
anyway Batman automatically for being the second (only behind Lex) IQ in the Earth out him above Ryan Choi who have IQ 200 and and Hiro Okamura who have IQ over 210.
So now we have Batman IQ over at 210+ and possibly 250.
Batman is an Omni-Disciplinary Scientist and martial arts(Master of every scientific field known to man i.e. Reed Richards, Victor von Doom, Lex Luthor), mastering “EVERY COURSE AND FIELD. EVERY SUBJECT AND TRADE.” and the worlds greatest detective and confirmed have all knowledge of science history.
He is the greatest strategist and tactician in the world.
Deduced what Brainiac 5 (most intelligent being in the 31st century Multiverse) missed.
Batman mastered every scientific discipline known to man, and beyond, of which there are between 600–800.
Figured out Zeta Beam (teleportation) technology in an instant that took the super-genius level Adam Strange years. 6th panel..
Batman is able to hack into a NASA satellite and transfer its information onto his servers.
He easily Easily hacked into Lexcorp and Darkseid's Hellspores.
Hacks Kryptonian computer in second and Hacks Apokolyptian computer.
Within seconds hacks an alien computer he doesn't even know the language of.
Hack even if someone discovered batman identity, he dosen't even worry about it, he just can manipulate someone fooling him on physiological thinking that he’s forced to put on the costume if he could fool that. Especially given how frequent mind-control is among Batman’s rogues.
He even once he’s exposed himself during a disinformation campaign.
Just one more crackpot conspiracy theory among a thousand others. More tabloid tittle tattle and craziness surrounding mad, bad Bruce Wayne. In a world where no one can be sure what’s real and what’s not.”
—Bruce Wayne
So firstly Batman is the one who build his technology by himself.
Just in the beginning, let me tell you Batman have created time travel Machine single handily and Program that Predicts the past, present and Future and every possibility.
Teleporter and Teleportation Via Watchtower he Designed
He created Haz-Bat a suit that Withstood the pull of a black hole.
Hack he created even his own element (feat like Tony Stark), Batman creates an element that has the same effects on Wraith that Kryptonite does to Superman(Yes, Superman says mineral, but Kryptonite is consistently classified as an element).
Built a device that can slow down time to the point that the Flash is barely moving or how he created Shrink Ray.
Batman tech.
1: Magnetism in Gloves for Adhesion.
2: Magnetizing Batarang (note: 3-D Collapsible Micro-Structure Material for Compact Storage).
3: Wallet-Sized Collapsible Suit.
4: Chemically Fueled Thrusters.
Proton Gun(A.K.A. Phaser, Disruptor, Particle Accelerator Gun, Ion Cannon, Proton Beam, Lightning Ray and Ray Gun)
5: Energy Pulse that Dismantles Mech.
6: Energy Cannon.
7: Gun Atomizes Concrete.
8: Ultraviolet Image Reproduction.
9: Microprocessor(7th Capsule). Clearly this is old and Batman has since upgraded.
10: Signal and Comms Jammer.
11: Voice & Sound Modulation/Duplication.
12: Finger Lasers.
13: Concussive Grenades.
ECM(Electronic Counter-Measures) Against Radar and Sonar
14: Radar and Acoustic Triangulation are useless.
15: Insider Suit Mimics [Flash’s Speed
16: Thermocouple for solar Energy Siphoning.
17: Energy Generated Constructs shields.
18: created Plasma Shield.
19: Decontamination of Irradiated Areas.
19: enchanted and night qmd Infrared and Thermal and X-Ray and heat vision and Ultraviolet Visions.
20: Life Detection.
21: Digital Invisibility.
22: Freeze Rays.
23: Echolocation.
24: Entire Electromagnetic Spectrum Vision
25: Underwater Suits.
26: GPS.
27: space Suit.
28: Space Adaptive Component.
29: Chest Mounted Sonic Cannon.
Remote Connection to Satellites, Phones, and Computers through the PAN(Personal Area Network
30: Gauntlets Absorb Energy.
31: EMP nullification Magnetic Rail Gun.
32: EMP equivalent to 50 Megaton Nuke (Most powerful Nuclear Weapon ever created) takes out OMACS.
33: Armor-Piercing Tasers, 200,000 Volt Tasers (between 20–75c what it takes to kill a human).
It able hurt Clayface.
34: Can Assume the Shape of Blades.
35: Holographic Emission Disguise and Holographic Projection into the Batcave
36: Holographic Emulation(Holographic Copy).
37: Holographic Projection Embedded in Gotham Street Lights.
38: Link to Batcave through Cowl.
39: Batman can simply wipe out the evidence of his identity by hacking though One of them is the supposed equal to Calculator who’s capable of taking over a super computer program, the other is the creator of Brother One.
40: The Batcave possesses multiple barriers that not only prevent teleporters from entering, but also prevents a hyper-intelligent Bizarro from taking over.
41: flying device with his normal suit.
42: Batman's cape is fire-proof that can also protect against other things.
43: Developing a cure for an alien virus:.
44: Developing a thing that can liquify Plastic Man.
45: Made tech (stolen by Future Aquaman) that prevents Green Lantern rings from working, (Justice League (2016) #29
46: Made tech (stolen by Future Aquaman) that stops Cyborg from moving, (Justice League (2016) #29
47: his cowl can see though invisible things.
48: His cowl automatically identifies people, has gadgets that can identify radiation and blood.
49: he Made a virus that disrupts atoms.
50: Has Cold Iron Fillings to disrupt magic.
51: Has a chemical that hypersaturates a person and can repair DNA.
52: his sound sonic Batarang and [hypersonic bomb like][
53: His suit is insulated from radiation.
54: created a Batarang that nullifies healing factors.
55: Boots that allow him to walk on ceilings.
56: Made a biometric scanner out of goggles in moments.
57: His suit can fire an AoE sonic blast around itself.
58: He created gauntlets that can hack into devices, and are capable of reading energy levels.
59: another set that enhances his hitting power.
60: his cowl/gauntlets grants him extra Superhumanly enchanted senses like hearing and seeing more.
61: Gauntlets that fire out energy blast that pierce through Deathstrokes suit that’s made out of “Promethium Chain Mail, (Deathstroke (2016) #34).
62: Electric Fisticuffs, (Batman Incorporated (2011) #1).
63: there was once Flash and implemented tech into his suit that allows him to vibrate and phase through things and remember what a Speedster do while vibrating as [thoughts molecules][
64: created a form of enhanced vision that lets him see through buildings and soiled stuff, (Talon #7).
65: Ultrasonic noise dampeners in his cowl that make him immune to the Canary Cryn (Vixen: Return of the Lion #5)
66: Hologram of a demonic bat, (Batman (1940) #464)
67: A unique gadget that mimics Darkseid's omega beams, but is line of wire that traps an opponent, (Batman The Dark Knight #2).
68: another Invisibility suit.
69: The Cowl also has x-ray vision - Detective Comics (2016) #937
70: Rigs explosives to take down a series of buildings - Batman and Robin Eternal #17
71: Blows up a large ice monster - Justice League: Endless Winter
72: created nth metal batarangs in case he has to fight incorporeal beings such ghosts - Batman Eternal #24
73: his Batarangs can disrupt energy shields - Deathstroke (2016) #32
74: Made a sonic grenade that nullifies a mind controlled crowd - Batman: Secret Files (2018) #2
75: created a device that turns any metal it touches into a supermagnet - Batman (2011
76: Batman cowl Can scan biology and in seconds know details of a foe down to the cellular level - All Star Batman #6
77: Can basically fly by gliding - Batman (2011) #10
78: An example of it in action - Detective Comics (2016) #988
79: [another Batman flight space-suit (yeah even though it look like, it's Have nothing with Batman beyond)][
80: another's advance one and also Batman cap have immunity to ice too.
Now all that above was some average batman technology feats but now the big cake.
1: Anti-matter Negative Zone Portal canon, literally it sends to Phantom Zone which is the infinite dimensionless void.
2: Re-created the Lazarus Pits in his Cave(Lazarus Pits can cure anything up to and including Death).
3: Perfected Cloning and Memory Transfers.
And this and this.
4: created Robot Duplicates of the Justice League with there powers.
5: Creates the AI J.A.R.V.I.S. for Pepper. It eventually becomes advanced enough to love, fully Sapient(Human-Like) Artificially Intelligent Alfred.
6: rebuild Asgard, Has a Base in the Moon and Base in Greece and Base in Prague and On Pluto and Crime Alley.
7: BATMAN created Omniversal Wormhole Inside of a Bullet, Capable of Ripping Apart Reality and destroy the source wall itself (and Omniversal feat).
8: Created a way to rewrite people cell by cell. Now a lot of people say that this is simply a side effect of Element X(Metal of Possibilty, capable of bringing the wielders will into being) but look at the three bubbles on the top right.
Yes, this chair. Built from Element X, allowed you to see people’s hearts....but then, you took it further, imagined greater. You built the Final Bat-Suit around the chair for yourself. Not just to determine people’s minds, but to change them, rewrite them cell by cell.”
This means that Element X allowed for reading hearts and minds, but so Batman went beyond and created a way to rewrite beings cell by cell. If it was just of Element X, it would have been explicitly stated.
9: Batman creates a universal translator which allows him to communicate with alien life in the universe.
10: He designs the Watchtower security system and then overrides it.
11: In Forever evil #6 Batman is able to break into the Watchtower by activating the manual override which he installed.
12: Created a compound that turns walls into liquid.
13: Anti-telepathy tech, Psychic Dampeners im his cowl.
14: Has made/acquired red solar guns, a large mech, magic chains and a formula that turns him into Doomsday, all to beat Superman, Batman/Superman (2019) Annual #1
15: His final contigency are a series of satellites that will turn the Sun red, Batman/Superman (2019) Annual #1
16: Planted slightly than moon-busting bombs on the moon just in case, Justice League (2018) #1
17: After having his memory wiped, the second time remeeting the Flash he had developed a device that violently sapped him of speedforce, Dark Crisis on Infinite Earths #5
this is consistent , Developed technology that mimics the vibrational powers of DC speedsters and speed force.
18: Psychic Invisibility.
19: Chip that can influence the mind and force illusions of endless battles.
20: with the help of Lex Luthor, injustice leagues batman was able created machine allowed travel to different other universes, Injustice Year 5 #39 & #40 (~note: keep in mind the mine batman is far superior to injustice counterpart~).
21: Batman built a flying Batcave back in the day so that he and Robin could operate their vigilante mission from anywhere at anytime, without having to head deep into Gotham to refuel. The spaceship held most of what was needed from the cave and offered a form of transportation for the duo as well.
22: Batman literally created Red Giants, which continues microscopic red suns, collected from dead solar systems as Weapon against Superman.
Batman : “You like the knuckles, Clark. Each pod contains microscopic red suns, collected from dead solar systems
Batman can literally harvest entire red giant stars in deep space, shrink them down and bring them to Earth, and he’s still struggling to find clean, renewable energy?!.
“Our applied sciences division has been working on a clean, renewable energy source.”
It's consistent as he have done this twice.
23: he created Insider Suit that can Invisibility and Heat Vision and Quasi-Green Lantern mode and accuse to the speed force.
submitted by Powerful-Employee-36 to PowerScaling [link] [comments]

2024.05.07 15:22 Powerful-Employee-36 Batman's intelligent and invention technology feats.

So we all know Bruce Wayan is one of the most intelligent super genius characters in the DC universe.
So let's talk about his intelligence first (then the tech invention)
Geoff Johns confirmed that Bruce Wayne is definitively the 2nd smartest person on Earth. This automatically makes him more intelligent than everyone on Earth save for Lex Luthor, with an IQ of over 250.
Has one of the greatest minds in the entire DC Omniverse - Justice League (2018) #23
So let's some common misunderstanding about batman IQ being just 192.
That was never attributed to Batman, only Ted Kord.
anyway Batman automatically for being the second (only behind Lex) IQ in the Earth out him above Ryan Choi who have IQ 200 and and Hiro Okamura who have IQ over 210.
So now we have Batman IQ over at 210+ and possibly 250.
Batman is an Omni-Disciplinary Scientist and martial arts(Master of every scientific field known to man i.e. Reed Richards, Victor von Doom, Lex Luthor), mastering “EVERY COURSE AND FIELD. EVERY SUBJECT AND TRADE.” and the worlds greatest detective and confirmed have all knowledge of science history.
He is the greatest strategist and tactician in the world.
[Deduced what Brainiac 5 (most intelligent being in the 31st century Multiverse) missed][
Batman mastered every scientific discipline known to man, and beyond, of which there are between 600–800.
Figured out Zeta Beam (teleportation) technology in an instant that took the super-genius level Adam Strange years. 6th panel..
Batman is able to hack into a NASA satellite and transfer its information onto his servers.
He easily Easily hacked into Lexcorp and Darkseid's Hellspores.
Hacks Kryptonian computer in second and Hacks Apokolyptian computer.
Within seconds hacks an alien computer.
Hack even if someone discovered batman identity, he dosen't even worry about it, he just can manipulate someone fooling him on physiological thinking that he’s forced to put on the costume if he could fool that. Especially given how frequent mind-control is among Batman’s rogues.
He even once he’s exposed himself during a disinformation campaign.
Just one more crackpot conspiracy theory among a thousand others. More tabloid tittle tattle and craziness surrounding mad, bad Bruce Wayne. In a world where no one can be sure what’s real and what’s not.”
—Bruce Wayne
So firstly Batman is the one who build his technology by himself.
Just in the beginning, let me tell you Batman have created time travel Machine single handily and Program that Predicts the past, present and Future and every possibility.
Teleporter and Teleportation Via Watchtower he Designed
He created Haz-Bat a suit that Withstood the pull of a black hole.
Hack he created even his own element (feat like Tony Stark), Batman creates an element that has the same effects on Wraith that Kryptonite does to Superman(Yes, Superman says mineral, but Kryptonite is consistently classified as an element).
Built a device that can slow down time to the point that the Flash is barely moving or how he created Shrink Ray.
Batman tech.
1: Magnetism in Gloves for Adhesion.
2: Magnetizing Batarang (note: 3-D Collapsible Micro-Structure Material for Compact Storage).
3: Wallet-Sized Collapsible Suit.
4: Chemically Fueled Thrusters.
Proton Gun(A.K.A. Phaser, Disruptor, Particle Accelerator Gun, Ion Cannon, Proton Beam, Lightning Ray and Ray Gun)
5: Energy Pulse that Dismantles Mech.
6: Energy Cannon.
7: Gun Atomizes Concrete.
8: Ultraviolet Image Reproduction.
9: Microprocessor(7th Capsule). Clearly this is old and Batman has since upgraded.
10: Signal and Comms Jammer.
11: Voice & Sound Modulation/Duplication.
12: Finger Lasers.
13: Concussive Grenades.
ECM(Electronic Counter-Measures) Against Radar and Sonar
14: Radar and Acoustic Triangulation are useless.
15: Insider Suit Mimics [Flash’s Speed
16: Thermocouple for solar Energy Siphoning.
17: Energy Generated Constructs shields.
18: created Plasma Shield.
19: Decontamination of Irradiated Areas.
19: enchanted and night qmd Infrared and Thermal and X-Ray and heat vision and Ultraviolet Visions.
20: Life Detection.
21: Digital Invisibility.
22: Freeze Rays.
23: Echolocation.
24: Entire Electromagnetic Spectrum Vision
25: Underwater Suits.
26: GPS.
27: space Suit.
28: Space Adaptive Component.
29: Chest Mounted Sonic Cannon.
Remote Connection to Satellites, Phones, and Computers through the PAN(Personal Area Network
30: Gauntlets Absorb Energy.
31: EMP nullification Magnetic Rail Gun.
32: EMP equivalent to 50 Megaton Nuke (Most powerful Nuclear Weapon ever created) takes out OMACS.
33: Armor-Piercing Tasers, 200,000 Volt Tasers (between 20–75c what it takes to kill a human).
It able hurt Clayface.
34: Can Assume the Shape of Blades.
35: Holographic Emission Disguise and Holographic Projection into the Batcave
36: Holographic Emulation(Holographic Copy).
37: Holographic Projection Embedded in Gotham Street Lights.
38: Link to Batcave through Cowl.
39: Batman can simply wipe out the evidence of his identity by hacking though One of them is the supposed equal to Calculator who’s capable of taking over a super computer program, the other is the creator of Brother One.
40: The Batcave possesses multiple barriers that not only prevent teleporters from entering, but also prevents a hyper-intelligent Bizarro from taking over.
41: flying device with his normal suit.
42: Batman's cape is fire-proof that can also protect against other things.
43: Developing a cure for an alien virus:.
44: Developing a thing that can liquify Plastic Man.
45: Made tech (stolen by Future Aquaman) that prevents Green Lantern rings from working, (Justice League (2016) #29
46: Made tech (stolen by Future Aquaman) that stops Cyborg from moving, (Justice League (2016) #29
47: his cowl can see though invisible things.
48: His cowl automatically identifies people, has gadgets that can identify radiation and blood.
49: he Made a virus that disrupts atoms.
50: Has Cold Iron Fillings to disrupt magic.
51: Has a chemical that hypersaturates a person and can repair DNA.
52: his sound sonic Batarang and [hypersonic bomb like][
53: His suit is insulated from radiation.
54: created a Batarang that nullifies healing factors.
55: Boots that allow him to walk on ceilings.
56: Made a biometric scanner out of goggles in moments.
57: His suit can fire an AoE sonic blast around itself.
58: He created gauntlets that can hack into devices, and are capable of reading energy levels.
59: another set that enhances his hitting power.
60: his cowl/gauntlets grants him extra Superhumanly enchanted senses like hearing and seeing more.
61: Gauntlets that fire out energy blast that pierce through Deathstrokes suit that’s made out of “Promethium Chain Mail, (Deathstroke (2016) #34).
62: Electric Fisticuffs, (Batman Incorporated (2011) #1).
63: there was once Flash and implemented tech into his suit that allows him to vibrate and phase through things and remember what a Speedster do while vibrating as [thoughts molecules][
64: created a form of enhanced vision that lets him see through buildings and soiled stuff, (Talon #7).
65: Ultrasonic noise dampeners in his cowl that make him immune to the Canary Cryn (Vixen: Return of the Lion #5)
66: Hologram of a demonic bat, (Batman (1940) #464)
67: A unique gadget that mimics Darkseid's omega beams, but is line of wire that traps an opponent, (Batman The Dark Knight #2).
68: another Invisibility suit.
69: The Cowl also has x-ray vision - Detective Comics (2016) #937
70: Rigs explosives to take down a series of buildings - Batman and Robin Eternal #17
71: Blows up a large ice monster - Justice League: Endless Winter
72: created nth metal batarangs in case he has to fight incorporeal beings such ghosts - Batman Eternal #24
73: his Batarangs can disrupt energy shields - Deathstroke (2016) #32
74: Made a sonic grenade that nullifies a mind controlled crowd - Batman: Secret Files (2018) #2
75: created a device that turns any metal it touches into a supermagnet - Batman (2011
76: Batman cowl Can scan biology and in seconds know details of a foe down to the cellular level - All Star Batman #6
77: Can basically fly by gliding - Batman (2011) #10
78: An example of it in action - Detective Comics (2016) #988
79: [another Batman flight space-suit (yeah even though it look like, it's Have nothing with Batman beyond)][
80: another's advance one and also Batman cap have immunity to ice too.
Now all that above was some average batman technology feats but now the big cake.
1: Anti-matter Negative Zone Portal canon, literally it sends to Phantom Zone which is the infinite dimensionless void.
2: Re-created the Lazarus Pits in his Cave(Lazarus Pits can cure anything up to and including Death).
3: Perfected Cloning and Memory Transfers.
And this and this.
4: created Robot Duplicates of the Justice League with there powers.
5: Creates the AI J.A.R.V.I.S. for Pepper. It eventually becomes advanced enough to love, fully Sapient(Human-Like) Artificially Intelligent Alfred.
6: rebuild Asgard, Has a Base in the Moon and Base in Greece and Base in Prague and On Pluto and Crime Alley.
7: BATMAN created Omniversal Wormhole Inside of a Bullet, Capable of Ripping Apart Reality and destroy the source wall itself (and Omniversal feat).
8: Created a way to rewrite people cell by cell. Now a lot of people say that this is simply a side effect of Element X(Metal of Possibilty, capable of bringing the wielders will into being) but look at the three bubbles on the top right.
Yes, this chair. Built from Element X, allowed you to see people’s hearts....but then, you took it further, imagined greater. You built the Final Bat-Suit around the chair for yourself. Not just to determine people’s minds, but to change them, rewrite them cell by cell.”
This means that Element X allowed for reading hearts and minds, but so Batman went beyond and created a way to rewrite beings cell by cell. If it was just of Element X, it would have been explicitly stated.
9: Batman creates a universal translator which allows him to communicate with alien life in the universe.
10: He designs the Watchtower security system and then overrides it.
11: In Forever evil #6 Batman is able to break into the Watchtower by activating the manual override which he installed.
12: Created a compound that turns walls into liquid.
13: Anti-telepathy tech, Psychic Dampeners im his cowl.
14: Has made/acquired red solar guns, a large mech, magic chains and a formula that turns him into Doomsday, all to beat Superman, Batman/Superman (2019) Annual #1
15: His final contigency are a series of satellites that will turn the Sun red, Batman/Superman (2019) Annual #1
16: Planted slightly than moon-busting bombs on the moon just in case, Justice League (2018) #1
17: After having his memory wiped, the second time remeeting the Flash he had developed a device that violently sapped him of speedforce, Dark Crisis on Infinite Earths #5
this is consistent , Developed technology that mimics the vibrational powers of DC speedsters and speed force.
18: Psychic Invisibility.
19: Chip that can influence the mind and force illusions of endless battles.
20: with the help of Lex Luthor, injustice leagues batman was able created machine allowed travel to different other universes, Injustice Year 5 #39 & #40 (~note: keep in mind the mine batman is far superior to injustice counterpart~).
21: Batman built a flying Batcave back in the day so that he and Robin could operate their vigilante mission from anywhere at anytime, without having to head deep into Gotham to refuel. The spaceship held most of what was needed from the cave and offered a form of transportation for the duo as well.
22: Batman literally created Red Giants, which continues microscopic red suns, collected from dead solar systems as Weapon against Superman.
Batman : “You like the knuckles, Clark. Each pod contains microscopic red suns, collected from dead solar systems
Batman can literally harvest entire red giant stars in deep space, shrink them down and bring them to Earth, and he’s still struggling to find clean, renewable energy?!.
“Our applied sciences division has been working on a clean, renewable energy source.”
It's consistent as he have done this twice.
23: he created Insider Suit that can Invisibility and Heat Vision and Quasi-Green Lantern mode and accuse to the speed force.
submitted by Powerful-Employee-36 to powerscales [link] [comments]

2024.05.05 14:27 CivilGarbage6 Stripes in film from Tromso

Stripes in film from Tromso
Hi all,
I just developed my films (Portra 400, Gold 200 and Fujifilm 200) from my travel to Tromsø Norway and and received the scans.
I can see in some pictures some stripes and some are kind of underexposed. I'm pretty sure that I set the exposure settings right. And not all of the 36 pictures from the film show these kind of effects. The guy from my local labor here told me that this comes from the scanner at the airport. I looked up some pictures how x-rays affect the analogue film but it looks a little bit different to me. But then every picture should show these effect?
Can someone help me? Is it maybe of the camera? Thank you in advance!
I'll try to scan the pictures myself next maybe I can save some of them
submitted by CivilGarbage6 to AnalogCommunity [link] [comments]

2024.05.04 17:09 Deep_Application2592 Flying out of IAD with our 4 month old, what to expect at TSA

We've never flown with an infant before so no idea what to expect at security. We both have Precheck, or Premier Access via United status if that security line is any better for families. We're planning to bring a UB Vista + bassinet and have it gate-checked.
Does the stroller need to go through the x-ray machine? Can one of us go through the full-body scanner machine with the baby? Is there a special security line? Any first-hand experience/tips to share?
Thanks in advance!
submitted by Deep_Application2592 to nova [link] [comments]

2024.05.02 05:36 BigG26 Here are some shots I took in Japan! [Kodak Portra 400, Gold 200, 50mm f/1.8, Canon-AE1 Program]

Here are some shots I took in Japan! [Kodak Portra 400, Gold 200, 50mm f/1.8, Canon-AE1 Program]
These are some shots I shot in mainly Osaka and Tokyo, I’m looking for some constructive criticism on how to make my shots even better! Also, if someone could tell me if the 6th shot was affected by x-ray or some other developing issue, I’d be very grateful; I was forced unfortunately to pass my film through a “safe for film below 200 ISO” airport security scanner if that helps.
submitted by BigG26 to analog [link] [comments]

2024.05.01 12:23 BamboozledHamboozled Cornwall NQY Airport Security

Hey all,
Does anyone happen to know what kind of body scanners they use at NQY? Flying out of there later this year to Dublin and back to the U.S. - pretty nervous as a trans guy who packs (very post-top, HRT for eons). Hoping they just use x-ray scanners, but was hoping someone who knows would be able to advise. Thanks! :)
submitted by BamboozledHamboozled to transgenderUK [link] [comments]

2024.05.01 12:06 BamboozledHamboozled Dublin Airport security as a trans guy?

Hello all,
So my wife and I will be passing through Dublin Airport on a layover on our way to visit family in England later this year (coming from the U.S.). Would anyone happen to know what kind of body scanners they use? Been on HRT for around 8 years, post-top around 7 years (no bottom surgeries, I just pack). I'm super nervous, coming from a very transphobic country, so I'm not sure what to expect. I'm hoping they just use x-ray scanners but was hoping some of you guys could chime in with your experiences. Thank you :)
submitted by BamboozledHamboozled to TransIreland [link] [comments]

2024.05.01 08:26 Creepy-Seesaw-6102 Can Dexcom G7s go through airport x-rays?

I am new to having a Dexcom. I’ve been using the G7 for about a month. I saw a discussion on another thread about how Dexcoms should never go through the x-rays or full body scanners.
I fly about 2-4 times (round trip) per year and my first time flying with Dexcom is in a few weeks. I’m planning on wearing one and taking a few extra with me. Can I wear mine in the full body scanner and put my extras in my bag to be x-rayed?
If not, what should I do? I currently don’t use Pre check so I’m not sure if I can ask to use the metal detector.
submitted by Creepy-Seesaw-6102 to dexcom [link] [comments]

2024.05.01 07:52 Significant_Fee_Owed PTSD after motor bike wreck, may contain triggers, it would for me

I was in a nasty accident versus a pickup truck. Going opposite directions on a two lane, he swerved over into my lane, saw his headlights veered to my right, when I realized he was coming all the way over I leaned and laid it over hard to the left, gravel or sand got me sliding so I softened my turn, was lined up to bounce off his right fender, next thing I know I’m slammed against his hood with my scooter crumpled up around me and a nasty pressure on my leg that let me know I was going to be late to dinner. Slid off he truck as he came to a stop and flooped out of to the pavement still tangled in my scooter. Trying to extricate myself wasn’t working as my hands and left leg did t want cooperate. Waiting on emergency guys the driver did make an attempt to help. He got the scooter and me seperated as it was leaking massive amounts of fuel. That was about the time the dateline started getting overwhelmed by pain. I thought he was taking my leg off with the scooter. I couldn’t breath easy and knew better than remove my helmet but I just woant to release the strap. Hands weren’t working well enough to make that happen, Cops got there first and asked me a million questions about what I was on, drinking, smoking, didn’t even breathalyzer the guy in the truck. Let down and caused my wife and friends unecessary stress because they didn’t know where I was. My phone was blowing up but I could not get any of the first responders to answer it for me and let them know where I was and that things were being taken care of. EMTs cut every lick of clothing off of me except my boots. They unlaced and pulled them off. I told them to cut the boots too it hurt so much to pull them off!
So now im laying butt naked on the asphalt in a pool of 2 stroke mix with I’m not sure how big a crowd gawking at my undercooked shrimp and taters. And probably at the femur sticking out of my left leg. I don’t remember what the issue was but they couldn’t put me on the first ambulance and had to wait for a second. Something about needing a backboard or stretcher long enough for me maybe?
Finally loaded up in the van to go to the hospital, EVERY SINGLE SPECK OF SAND on the road let its presence be known to me. It was like a Tarantino production of the princess and the pea.
Though bits are fuzzy my brain was never friendly enough to let me black out and disconnect for a while: had so much blood lose they didn’t want to push any pain killers.
Finally got to the hospital! Fentanyl/Morphine/ketamine dream cocktail!!!! Some vague memories of trips up and down the halls to scanners and such. Woke up the next day with a giant external fixation Erector set jammed around my left leg and my left hand in a cast/splint arrangement and in lots of pain and not allowed to drink water.
Left patella kind of turned to dust, left femur exploded. Pretty much was missing about a six in segment. Mild break on one of the bones below my knee and some very mild break in my right big toe. They gave up on splinting it because I kept accidentally knocking it off. Left wrist broke radius and ulna and my fifth metacarpal. Right hand just hurt like hell but nothing showed on X-rays so they put that off as bruising. A few days later they removed the external fixation and put plates in along with something work to reattach things to what they could cobble back together or my patella.
Lots of blah blah blah. A week or so in Trauma, sent to an In Patient rehab facility where I spent another week or two. Told them I refused to leave until I could figure out how to wipe my own ass.
Coming home sucked. No weight on my left knee or my left wrist, my right hand hurt like hell. I had a walker with elbow rest so I could hop around on my one good food. Just going from the bedroom to the living room was exhausting.
Turns out the right hand had a broken scaphoid and just some general rearranging of the other bones. Femur refused to fuse. Insurance made me wait four months for additional surgeries. Accident was in October, the surgeries to fix my right hand and finish fixing my femur happened in April.
Two years later physically I’m steadily improving. Haven’t used a cane in months.
First time I drove I was angry at everyone the whole time. They put up signs and paint lines on the road for a reason people!!! If your coloring books all look like Jackson Pollacks maybe you shouldn’t be driving?
My wife is terrified of me riding. My big highway bike is getting sold at her insistence which is painful. Be easier if someone would hurry up and buy it so I could stop looking at it.
Little bikes she wants me to stick to group rides, daylight only, problem is it seems everyone I rode with kind of drifted away while I was laid up.
I come home tense and angry every night due to my drive. I try to just relax and cruise along but there’s always someone running a light, cutting me off because they forgot their turn, etc…
On to now, everyday in my head nonsense. Biggest is huge lack of motivation. I almost constantly feel like I’m interacting with the world from a third person point of view and questioning e veryone’s motives.
TLDR:dumb painful wreck, couldn’t do shit for over six months, can’t ride or drive without getting tense and aggravated, feel like I’m on the outside looking in.
Is this common PTSD feelings? Am I in the wrong room?
submitted by Significant_Fee_Owed to ptsd [link] [comments]

2024.04.30 23:56 MaleficentInsect6179 First time travelling (solo) to the Philippines

This will be my first time visiting the Philippines for 5D4N on the way to visit my home country (Korea). Before I book my flights and hotels, I have a few questions:
  1. Hotels around the airport (NAIA).
Right now, I am looking at Hyatt Regency, unless there are other recommendations around the area preferably cheaper and of decent quality?
  1. Airport staff/security.
I will be travelling with a film camera and a bunch of 35mm rolls. In most countries that I've been to, I usually ask the airport securty to hand-check my film because the x-ray scanners might damage it. I was wondering if there's a policy that is similar to the TSA in the US where you are allowed to request a hand-check on your film. Or is it up to the airport staff's discretion? IF this is not possible, are there any physical stores that sell 35mm film locally (preferrably around the airport area)?
  1. General courtesy and respecting the local customs/culture.
I will be taking a lot of pictures of the place, the streets, and the people in it. My Filipino friends tell me that most people are very friendly and nice, but better safe than sorry. I will be shooting in film, and if a person that is in the frame comes up to me and asks me to delete the photo, that would be impossible. Is it frowned upon to take candid shots of people on the streets? Any law-based restrictions? Also, I am somewhat young. Are there any age-based customs that I need to be mindful of? General dos and don'ts to not antagonize the locals?
  1. Food/restaurants/night life recommendations.
Mostly going on this side trip blind, so I will need recommendations. My friends have already given me a few mainstream touristy places to try, but I was wondering if there are any places that are lesser known or "only the locals know" around the area? Also night life, any cool places that has a nice view and good drinks for night time relaxation (no loud dance music, no dance floors, just good views and drinks)?
  1. Transportation.
I was adviced to NOT rent a car because apparently driving there is not very pleasant. And I'm totally on-board with that idea. I really want and prefer to go around the area on public transportation to feel like I'm actually in there. I was told to just use the Grab app for transportation, but I really want to ride a jeepney at least once for experience.
My Filipino friends told me that if I really really want to, I must follow these: don't wear jewelry, wear enough clothing you might get groped, don't bring your camera, dont bring your purse just bring enough cash, hold on to your phone like your life depends on it. They told me to do all that, and just use Grab back to my hotel, get everything I need and proceed on my day. I don't want to waste my time going back and forth, and I don't believe it is that bad. Is this real advice? Or are my friends exaggerating?
  1. General safety guidelines.
My friends have given me a lot of precautions and warnings (almost excessive imo) about travelling to the Philippines. I understand where they are coming from because I (22 F) am traveling to a foreign country alone and I don't speak the local language, but I feel like they are exaggerating a little bit. I am very extroverted and friendly. I like socializing and talking to the locals in my travels because I think that makes the trip so much more fun. BUT my friends told me to tone it down and to watch myself.
Basically I was told: dont be too trusting, dont be too friendly and touchy to the men, watch your words they might misunderstand you.
How do I interact with the locals safely? What are the general telltale or known behaviour for scammers? (I was reading Philippines today and it seems like there are a lot of random scams going on?)
submitted by MaleficentInsect6179 to Philippines [link] [comments]

2024.04.28 16:49 Novilix Tablet

I'm a first time flyer and hoping someone here can give me a solid, simple answer;
Can I bring one (possibly two I haven't decided yet) Samsung tablet with me in either my carry on or my personal bag?
The TSA website says as a carry-on/personal it'll just go through the x ray scanner, the airline website gives me nonsense about battires that means almost nothing to me, and I'm getting mixed reviews from people who have flown before. I do not want my devices to go as checked bags (I don't have a great way to protect them beyond their cases), and certainly don't want them taken by the damn TSA.
I just need the best course of action if I want to bring these.
Thank you to for the responses! This topic has been a debate between myself and my travel group as one of our goals was to minimize any potential problems- this is a stressful enough trip for us.
Most of what I had been hearing from around me was anecdotal at best and of course without context of which airline, is only so useful. The idea of going through TSA is more anxiety enducing then the idea of being on the plane. I've always been nervous about doing something wrong purely by accident, and all this red tape is intimidating.
But, I only have to fly twice and I hope that's the end of it, hah.
submitted by Novilix to americanairlines [link] [comments]