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Wedging distance between my friends and I

2024.05.15 09:24 inversefalloff Wedging distance between my friends and I

I have a friend who has grown closer and closer to me within the last few years, mainly text, socials or phone. We’ve seen each other in person once in a while, but rarely. Since our friendship really blossomed before all lockdown restrictions were lifted, we were just used to these types of communication and not in person.
In the last year I’ve run into her several times amongst common friends and whatnot and she’s often used to coming straight up to me and behaving what I believe is normal for people who are as acquainted as she and I are. It’s difficult to get time away from her and she tends to follow me around the room.
Even though I understand this behavior logically because there is a familiarity with me, I loathe it. It feels too close, too familiar, too much. When she’s had moments where she doesn’t know other people, she clings to me at social gatherings and I absolutely need my freedom to flutter around and leave immediately if I want to. I also feel like she’s using my closeness to others as a way to also insert herself and I resent it. I want to be able to have my conversations and interactions aside from her but it’s sometimes not possible.
I recognize I’m being unfair, and am usually the one to include others who I see are alone or awkwardly trying to fit in, but that’s when with people who don’t know me very well and with whom I have not been vulnerable. I think she makes me feel exposed and this is where these feelings stem from. I believe because of my own shame with the vulnerability I’ve shared with her via text, I do not want her near me in public.
Maybe it’s a permanent vulnerability hangover?
Regardless, I found myself behaving aloof and cold towards her and I know she sensed it. She gave me space. I feel guilty to think she may think it’s her when it’s actually me just feeling too open and unsafe. I would hate for her to think I keep her as a hidden friend or that I’m embarrassed to be friends with her, that’s not at all the case. I really like her. I just don’t like how exposed her presence makes me feel.
Has anyone else experienced this? Have you been close to someone in one context and when it becomes overwhelming in another, you push them away? Did you ever tell them why? Did you want to?
submitted by inversefalloff to Disorganized_Attach [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 09:12 WearyPossibility9456 I love squire emblem three horses

I love this game alot. It’s almost been 5 years since it came out and it’s still…Just….Like my favorite thing. I think the storytelling is really interesting because of how the “author” never has an agenda about what the player should believe, only the characters do. So the values that are presented just genuinely conflict, and the ”author” never does anything to make sitting in the middle easy, so you’re forced to genuinely consider how you yourself feel about what’s going on. The game could have easily been ”Choose one of three characters to play as and observe the story through” but Byleth changes how the story plays out completely. And yes they’re a “self insert” for the player to relate to but they’re also way more than that. I love how through your first playthrough they really do feel like a self insert, but by your second playthrough, you know more than Byleth does— all of a sudden Byleth’s feelings are BYLETH’S alone, while the player experiences their own feelings. And this is really interesting because of what I said about the author having no “agenda”. Even if your knuckles are white and you absolutely don’t agree with the people you’ve sided with, Byleth will not remain neutral. Ultimately, they are their own character, and they don’t know half as much as the player or the author. So they can never offer a comfortable middle ground for the player to default to. This game is so difficult emotionally to play, because the author will never validate your feelings or your beliefs— and his characters will disagree just as much as they agree with you. The characters are so REAL because of this. And I said that makes it difficult emotionally but that’s part of what I love about it. It’s thought provoking. Genuinely. Obviously it’s not perfect I don’t need anyone telling me why I’m “wrong” because this is just my opinion, and the fact is that in MY opinion the flaws do not withdraw enough to go unappreciated for what is good. I don’t think that was a coherent sentence I haven’t slept right in like 5 days but if you’re still reading this I’ll take my chances and keep talking. I think that it does something with its storytelling that could not be explored in any other medium and it excels at it. The characters are alive. They are real. Because the “moral” of the story isn’t cut and dry, it doesn’t fully agree or disagree with anyone because the “point” is that everyone in the world is trying their BEST. Even the Agarthans, alot of people hate them because they’re “mustache twirling villains” but I love how 3hopes expanded upon them with Arval. Even if those pieces were added after the fact, these games (and every game) are made by humans, and the willingness to improve (exponentially) upon a story in a SPIN-OFF is, I think, evidence of just how much the people who made it care. And that’s what I love about storytelling. I love it when people care. And maybe that’s me praising the bare minimum but I don’t think thats a stupid thing to celebrate. And back to the “moral” of the story, people doing their best, this game is genuinely uncomfortable to play most of the time and I think that’s why people argue so much about it— but I think that the sheer emotion these arguments have is evidence of just how bizarre and POWERFUL the method the story is told in is. It’s unconventional. It’s not typically advised to make your “reader” feel like a horrible fucking person for doing what they believe in, and even if other stories follow a similar “morally-grey” narrative, I don’t think that alot of videogames really utilize the power of forcing the player to PARTICIPATE in those things. Or, when they do, the “author”— some perspective that is above the characters in the story— makes the point that “This is maybe not the best decision, but, in light of the circumstances, there isn’t any other way to get this done.” Three houses completely shits on that by avoiding the middle-man, there is no higher power telling the player how they should perceive what’s going on, so every time you play through a route, you are confronted with the fact that EVERYONE is convinced that their way is the ONLY way— and they’re RIGHT, because none of them, as people, would ever be able to settle for anything else. But there isn’t a narrator telling you that. The game is so uncomfortable because you have to realize that for yourself, even after playing one or more routes that you favor. That’s a valuable fucking lesson and it could not be portrayed to this extent in anything but a video game. And maybe I’m dumb for analyzing a video game based on its ability to tell a “message” but that’s what storytelling is for. Stories grow people. They teach them about themselves. They force people to look at the world in a different way. That’s what they are to me anyway. And three houses has changed me. Literally and I don’t care how fucking embarrassing it is to say that about a fire emblem game. I could write 5 essays on how the characters and themes in this game have made me a better person and I could write 10 more about how it got me through the worst years of my life. Part of me wants to just gush and write all 15 of those but ultimately I feel like I’d just be trying to “prove” myself to myself by trying to convince myself that it’s not stupid to care so much about a video game, but I don’t want to care anymore! I fucking love this game! I appreciate it! It makes me happy! And besides narrative and shit it’s so much FUN even when the map design is shit that hasn’t stopped me from playing it 12 times to come up with the dumbest fucking builds just for fun. Reunion at dawn is an ass chapter but i Just think that’s funny. I no longer fear hell after playing that shit on maddening 3 times jeebaleeba you can tell my brain is dissolving like a chlorine tablet because now all of my filler words are just swears. Fuck. Sorry. Thank you for reading. I doubt anyone will read this. But hopefully someone will. Thanks anyway. The way I see it, people should talk more about what they like just ’because’, I like hearing people do that so hopefully this isn’t just annoying. Ta ta. Tallyho gamer boys and gamer girls and gamers remember to stay hdrated and get sleep shnooooozzeee
submitted by WearyPossibility9456 to FireEmblemThreeHouses [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 09:07 Full_Drink_8427 What's the fortune for those born in year of rabbit in 2024? Any juicy details about their fortune?

In 2024, which is the Year of the Dragon, the previous zodiac sign in the Chinese zodiac cycle is the Rabbit. If 2023 was your zodiac year, you may have encountered some obstacles. So, how will your fortune fare in 2024? Let's explore.
As a Chinese astrologer, I often receive inquiries from foreign friends about whether using the zodiac to predict fortune is accurate. I can tell you that there is indeed a correlation, but it cannot solely rely on the zodiac. Instead, it must be combined with individual natal charts. After all, there are only 12 zodiac signs, but everyone's destiny is different. What we can provide is guidance on how to navigate your own path. Everyone's starting point and foundation are different, and the choice of path and the difficulties encountered along the way also vary. Our Zi Wei Dou Shu (traditional Chinese astrology) can help you find the right path. If you are a jeep, you won't fear muddy roads, but if you're driving a sports car, even the most luxurious car won't be able to take you to your destination. Chinese astrology teaches you to drive the right vehicle on the right path, avoiding dangers along the way, and reaching your destination.
Now, let's focus on those born in the Year of the Rabbit. How might your fortune fare in 2024?
You may find your father particularly troublesome this year. Perhaps it's due to conflicting views that make him difficult to communicate with, very stubborn, or possibly due to financial issues that worsen your relationship. Conflicts between generations are common and normal, but this year may be especially troublesome for you. If you have historical issues with your father, please handle them with care. Feeling entangled is just a phenomenon, and the outcome depends on the individual's natal chart. If there are too many ominous stars, you should be cautious as it may be a major challenge for you this year. If auspicious stars accompany you, it may just be a minor issue. If you need a personal natal chart analysis, please contact us.
If it's not conflicts with your father, then you should be cautious, as it may be issues with your boss or superiors in the workplace. This could affect your career. When everyone has different standpoints, viewpoints will naturally differ. This year, pay attention to managing upwards in the workplace. If you offend your boss, your career life may not go smoothly this year. However, sometimes differing standpoints may not necessarily lead to bad outcomes; it may even create opportunities for you. As with the previous issue, the outcome depends on the individual's natal chart. If there are too many ominous stars, you should be cautious as it may be a major challenge for you this year. If auspicious stars accompany you, it may just be a minor issue. If you need a personal natal chart analysis, please contact us.
Another tricky aspect is that there's a greater chance of financial losses. The opportunity may arise due to the need to resolve conflicts at home or issues with superiors, resulting in financial losses. So, be mentally prepared. Some money needs to be spent, but whether it achieves the desired results can be judged by the auspicious and ominous stars in your natal chart. Feel free to contact us for assistance.
These are the main issues mentioned. If you want to know about other aspects such as your romantic relationships, relationships with siblings, or whether you can cooperate with friends, feel free to contact us for a personal natal chart consultation.
Some daily solutions include: 1. Maintain a healthy lifestyle. Although this year may be challenging for you, it won't be tumultuous, but it may feel like a constant ache. You'll need a strong body and mind to get through this period, and good health can assist you. 2. Stick to your principles. Hardships can wear down your will. Without a firm heart and principles, you may veer onto the wrong path, make mistakes, or even break the law, which could significantly impact your life. 3. Try to avoid wearing clothes in bright red. Generally, choose clothes in yellow hues to improve your mood. 4. Yellow is the lucky color for this year. You can choose to wear a yellow pixiu, which can help ward off evil and attract wealth, stabilizing your financial fortune. 5. A black pixiu can also help ward off office politics. 6. If you want to maintain relationships with family members, it's advisable to communicate gently.
submitted by Full_Drink_8427 to EasternAstrology [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 08:59 OptimisticOtterz 19M. End of the road?

 I apologize if I do not meet the requirements of posting on here, as I am not in imminent distress 
(I do not self harm and do not plan on ending my life right now. I am scared of pain)
At 19 I feel like the world is collapsing around me, and I don’t feel the need to be alive. I wish I did not feel this way. I would like to dive into each aspect of my life so people know why I feel the way I do. I just need support or someone to talk to. Please do not judge.
My relationship: My relationship is rocky, and very complicated. I’ve tried breaking up in the past, but it only leads to anger on her part and an unwillingness to understand my point of view. She struggles with many mental health issues but I love her even so. I just don’t know what to do. I feel trapped. If I tell her how I feel, it always seems to backfire and be my fault.
Family relationships: My single mom is depressed as she tells me daily. My father has been abusive and is still harassing my mother. I luckily have not seen him since I was 18. He had left me and my mom homeless, but we had gotten back on our feet after years of harassment and physical abuse.
School: I don’t know what I want to do with my life. I’m currently enrolled to get a BS in Econ with a minor in psych from a small public university. I’m struggling with grades and it has been difficult for me to even pass my basic macro/micro courses. I thought I had a passion for consumer studies, but I’m second guessing my interests.
Friendships: Everyone has left me since high school has ended. I’m so lonely. I have one friend right now but it’s not like how it was in the past. Everyone has moved on. I used to be track+soccer captain and lead musical cast and business leader president, but nobody even says hi anymore. I’m burnt out trying to talk to anybody. I deleted my social media accounts that had hundreds of thousands of followers because I had thought they were cringy, and there was no point to any of it.
Routines: It’s summer now. I get up. Help around the house. And play video games. Ever since college has started I’ve been struggling with anxiety and depression. I take pills often now to cope. I’ve obtained a horrible p*rn addiction, and it’s been ongoing for a year or two now. I feel empty inside and full of lust. I don’t go out of the house anymore and have been experiencing a lot of body pains. I’m a small built guy, but I’m gaining weight since I have nobody to do anything with. My girlfriend calls me constantly and we hangout occasionally, but I hardly enjoy it. I don’t feel productive and I feel like I’m wasting my life.
submitted by OptimisticOtterz to SuicideWatch [link] [comments]



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submitted by shaneka69 to mytarotreadings [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 08:47 Frequent_Buy2431 Unlock Your Academic Success with 20% Off on Your Second Order at DatabaseHomeworkhelp.com!

Are you struggling with your SQL assignments? Do you need reliable SQL Homework Help to ace your coursework? At DatabaseHomeworkhelp website, we understand the challenges that come with mastering complex database concepts. That's why we're excited to offer an exclusive 20% discount on your second order to make your learning journey smoother and more affordable. Use the code DBHH20 and take a step closer to academic success!

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At DatabaseHomeworkhelp, we specialize in providing top-notch assistance with SQL and other database-related assignments. Our team of experts is dedicated to helping you understand the intricacies of database management systems, ensuring that you not only complete your assignments but also grasp the underlying concepts.

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Our team consists of seasoned database professionals with years of experience in both academic and industry settings. This ensures that you receive high-quality assistance tailored to meet the specific requirements of your assignments. Whether it's writing complex queries, designing databases, or optimizing performance, our experts have got you covered.

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We offer a wide range of services to cater to all your database needs. From SQL homework help to guidance on advanced topics like data warehousing and big data analytics, we provide comprehensive support to enhance your understanding and boost your grades. Our services include:

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The second-order discount is a special offer for our valued customers. After placing your first order, use the code DBHH20 at checkout when placing your second order to receive a 20% discount.

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What types of assignments can you help with?

We specialize in a wide range of database-related assignments, including SQL query writing, database design, performance optimization, data analysis, and reporting. If you have a specific requirement, feel free to reach out, and we’ll do our best to assist you.

How do I know my assignment will be handled by an expert?

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What if I need help with an urgent assignment?

We understand that sometimes assignments come with tight deadlines. Our team is equipped to handle urgent requests, ensuring that you receive quality assistance even under time constraints. Contact us to discuss your needs, and we’ll do our best to accommodate your request.

Final Thoughts

At DatabaseHomeworkhelp, your academic success is our top priority. With our expert assistance and exclusive 20% discount on your second order, we make it easier and more affordable to achieve your goals. Don’t wait—place your first order today, apply the code DBHH20 on your second order, and experience the difference that professional SQL homework help can make. Let’s embark on this journey together and unlock your full potential!
submitted by Frequent_Buy2431 to DatabaseAdministators [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 08:43 PrudentLycheeThe2nd That Expensive Hair Flip!💃

That Expensive Hair Flip!💃
I recently explored the Opulence Design & Concept website and found the Fornasetti collection to be an excellent investment. Additionally, the Carretto teacup and saucer sets caught my eye. I'm eager to see how Heart will style her table with these elegant pieces.
I greatly admire Heart's ability to embody and endorse opulence and glamour. While some may label this as superficial or materialistic, I appreciate beautiful things and the aspirations they represent. Heart excels at fulfilling these desires, though I find it difficult to fully articulate the nature of this connection. It's not the same with other celebrity endorsers.
Keep slayin' Heart, one step at a time. You do you.
It's almost June,
submitted by PrudentLycheeThe2nd to HeartEvangelista [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 08:41 Bounce_Arena_Reviews The Best Trampolines in Australia for 2024

We recently published a guide on our favourite models for 2024, based on both user feedback and our team's experience in assembling thousands of these models. This post is a summary of the guide (you can view the full version here).
These recommendations and scores are also incorporated into our Trampoline Quiz which guides you through the key decisions to make when choosing a trampoline and recommends the best options based on your preferences.
As always, we would love to hear your thoughts on any of these models, especially if you have experience owning and using them over an extended period.

Vuly Ultra Trampoline

The Vuly Ultra is a very popular choice in Australian backyards, known for its sturdy construction, excellent safety features, and good bounce quality. It offers a blend of durability and enjoyment, though it comes with potential challenges regarding assembly and additional costs for accessories.

Our Score:



Vuly Ultra Review

Springfree Trampoline

Springfree trampolines are renowned for their innovative springless design, exceptional safety, and robust build quality. They are a premium option that offers long-term durability and superior performance, though they come with a high price tag and can be challenging to assemble.

Our Score:



Springfree Trampoline Review

JumpFlex Flex

The Flex is an entry-level trampoline that balances affordability with quality. It features a robust frame and comprehensive safety features, making it a strong contender for families on a budget.

Our Score:



JumpFlex Flex Review

Vuly Thunder

The Vuly Thunder is an innovative trampoline with a springless design, focusing on safety and performance. It features a strong galvanised steel frame and advanced safety measures, although it faces challenges with assembly and some design flaws.

Our Score:



Vuly Thunder Review

Comparison Table

Model Build Quality & Materials Safety Features & Standards Bounce and Performance Ease of Assembly Value for Money Additional Features & Accessories Customer Service Overall Score
Vuly Ultra 7/10 9/10 8/10 8/10 7/10 8/10 6/10 8/10
Springfree Trampoline 9/10 10/10 8/10 6/10 8/10 7/10 7/10 8/10
JumpFlex Flex 8/10 8/10 8/10 8/10 8/10 7/10 8/10 8/10
Vuly Thunder 7/10 9/10 7/10 5/10 6/10 8/10 6/10 7/10
submitted by Bounce_Arena_Reviews to TrampolineOwnersAu [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 08:30 creepypond My mother wants to meet over memorial weekend, she wants me to fly out a day to visit before I’m getting married.

This is a long read sorry!
Hi, I (22F) literally just joined, I have been on reddit for a while now, I post here or there but I really need the grace that only reddit seems to have, kisses but you know it's true. So, I guess, I am screaming into the void, because the truth is I am so gutturally confused.
Like the title says- I have always fantasized of being a flower child, a changeling, of turning towards the corner of the yard, the woods beckoning me to run away, the gentleness of which the coyotes would pick my bones clean. My childhood felt like a house fire only I could see.
My father's nightcap of whiskey got less and less watered down as nights were uncomfortable to spend on the family room couch. The one that he fiercely protects, once threatening my friend who mistakenly lounged in his spot. My mother's love felt scarce, a luxury only my younger sister could afford. Between that and her ambition to become the first nurse and college graduate of both families, I was more of my father's daughter. My younger sister and I were doll-like children, meek and polite to the price of our own dignity and self. To give a brief snapshot of what it was like being raised by them \~ even though "I'm remembering it all wrong, or not at all" I will try to go in chronological order, but you can quickly see most of these were not isolated incidents and I jump around:
-daily spankings because of crying during daycare drop off (fair technique)
-tricking us out of the "broken" car, in the rain on a dirt road "get gas" and proceeded to speed past us laughing as we ran after his taillights in the mud, we were in another country, on a solo trip with just our dad, we were both elementary school age.
-In elementary school and 6th grade I lived in a sweatshirt because when I hit puberty. I pleaded to my mother how hard it was to hear my father's constant comments about my womanhood and new body. He started to compare me to a hooker around this time, calling me a slut for trying to wear what my friends wore to school- leggings, shorts shorter than the knee but not offensively short I promise, though I strongly feel as clothing does not mean consent.
-For as long as I can remember, he would take pictures of us when we looked embarrassed then show it to family, friends, whoever in conversation in front of us then scold us when we inevitably felt bad or asked him to stop. He would also promise to delete the photo but would continue the previously mentioned above.
-So far, I have just been harping on my father, but the truth is they are a match made in hell, and though I feel like my mother is a victim in her own way. It was very hard to exist without their constant horrible comments about my appearance and character. They both shamed skinny children to be thinner, critiqued my body through puberty, and felt entitled to touch my body when and how they wanted. Examples include my father's frequent ass grabbing, and then allowing his adult male friend to do the same.
-They both would ridicule me for working minimum wage jobs in high school, while my father funnels out of my sister and I's joint accounts, only when we confront him does he fess that he required the money we earned for ourselves for the "mortgage". He continues as well as set monetary account goals, right before trips or plans, he would always be surprised that we had managed to scrape together enough money. He expects me to find a place that will fire and schedule me on a winter vacation, or to amount 5k in less than 3 months, while paying for my own necessities, thank you for teaching me to live on frugality as a means of survival.
-The name calling I touched on, but I would be the first to come home from school, my father would take his lunch to come home and berate me verbally of how much of a loser I am and will continue to be. The verbal arguments were daily, I fully admit to yelling back but in truth I couldn't leave his spewing red face hurling threats, I had to stay glued in place until he had his fill.
-Another solo trip with my father and sister, my mother had cleaned my room while we were away and had found my treasures- vapes, two beers. I got pulled out of the running shower to be beaten on and off through the night whenever my father took a break from tv, my sister sob in the room with my father to stop and I sat on the couch until morning. We had a tourist excursion the next day and I got it again before we left because I was not to "ruining the rest of his vacation with my bad attitude"
-They locked away my childhood cat, sick with cancer, to die alone in the basement so she would ruin their floors with her incontinence. When she passed, they did not tell me, they buried her in the woods behind our house, I wish I could lay beside her, I'm sorry little one.
-My father would come home and yell at me for not having dinner ready for him, because when my mother worked late or was not home, the next one responsible for dinner was my younger sister or me.
-He physically corners us or refuses to let us leave. Threatened my life when I tried to leave the house during an argument.
-Put his hand through the door a couple of times because I “gave attitude” by responding with ok. Readers, please note I am capable of attitude, but this was not the case, I was scared, and I just wanted to give him whatever answer he wanted
-I'm a summer birthday, so for my big 21st I had my cousin, bf and sister have a pool party in my parents' pool. No one told me the plan all day. I was told to just relax by everyone, because normally I would be running around serving people or helping my parents. No one told me anything, so we played some games in the yard, had some wine coolers and then swam. My father flies outside and starts yelling at me from the side of the pool to get my ass out and blow out my candles because he needs to drive my cousin 20 minutes home each way. So, I blew out my candles, soaking wet staring daggers because my father has always managed to underplay or make me feel bad on my birthday too? Another grievance from my 21st birthday is that my father grilled frozen steaks, and I truly do not want to seem like a stuck-up princess, but he proceeded to buy 300$ of food from my favorite restaurant and his favorite food is steak not mine. Note his birthday is the next day following mine.
I may post in regard to the tribulation that was my childhood in this thread again, but it takes a lot out of me, and I have already had myself a day sorry. Now you're all caught up and I just want you to know-
I have long ruminated over my own words and actions; though I have many regrets I do not feel ashamed of my choices or who I am because I try to treat everyone with kindness and most importantly respectability. I know the lengths my immigrant parents have gone through to build themselves a life. I know the struggles my father had with his father, the alcoholic who raised him with cruelty reserved for not even a barn animal. I know that my mother lived in the shadows as a neglected middle child hoping to find someone who realized all her good in the way her parents did not. I can see and understand that I carry the same wounds, and now it is within my responsibility to be better.
So, my relationship with my parents is strained right now. I have been in low contact with my mother and father for nearly four years, with periods of better contact. We have tried therapy, though it's difficult as my mother uses this as an opportunity to explore her wounds rather than our history or relationship. Though the therapist was helpful in directing the conversation back, I believe that the work can only happen with the person wanting to actually work on themselves, so I feel like I am at a frustrating impasse.
Every time I feel like I can take out a brick between the wall I keep between us, my mother will say something that makes me build another layer. I try not to be sensitive, yet I know my mother likes to cut with her words, though she claims otherwise. In a recent conversation my mother admitted that my father and she spent a great effort in making sure my beauty did not go to my head and did this in order to keep me humble.
For context, my mother’s side of the family does not like my father, and this along with other childhood issues festering into adulthood drove a wedge between my mother and her younger brother. His recent divorce and my mother’s empty nest have given them much time and space to rekindle their sibling relationship. So on our already strained phone calls she hits me with these metaphors of her brother and her relationship to ours. Am I off for thinking that those are two very different relationships, yet both have.. Jealousy? Furthermore, I feel a looney because I am fighting to keep them in my life, and they are fighting to be right.? To be absolved of the guilt and shame that maybe they did do the wrong thing.?
What gives them the right? When we all have to lay away at night with our guilt you want me to hold yours? I want a mother and they want a guiltless soul
Truthfully, I do not know what kind of future lies ahead for us. I think I grieve having bullies instead of parents, of what I missed out on and who I could have been. Like I said I am low contact right now, but after a normal phone call talking about the weather and our pets today, I had an anxiety attack to the point I fought to stay conscious. This has not been the first time I have fainted due to anxiety, mostly surrounding situations that remind me of them or things they punished or did to me in the past. The day after I wished my father a happy birthday after a year of no contact, I got two pills of ativan to the face after a ER visit in which they thought my poor bf was trafficking me. Though this is maybe too much, I am always sweating, my sides literally pour, my hands shake, and I can string together a sentence if I try. I feel like a different person, a moist, meek person.. which is not me, I self tattoo and pierce, I can and have tackled an attacking dog and I have punched touchy men square in the nose. I’m tough because I fought tooth and nail to be kind and gentle, we rescued cats and recently a possum, and we let out spiders and bugs, so our cats don’t terrorize them.
Here’s the thing… we’re getting married!
We’re tying the knot in the woods at the end of May, but I feel like an asshole because I have not told my parents. They know we’re engaged.
My mother, in a recent phone call, told me of this travel nurse that she had gotten close to, that was getting married soon, and invited my mother to go dress shopping with her. My mother told me how sad this girl felt that her family was all the way across the country, coincidently much like we are. This felt like she was guilting me, but she went so far as to send me a picture of a couple, I didn’t verify who it actually was.
Another issue is I am dealing with the guilt of getting a ring and bands elsewhere. My father is a high-end jeweler whose work has been showcased by celebs, my whole life I heard that my father was going to design and make my engagement ring. After long consideration, we picked out a ring from Madrid that felt more like me. When I look at my wedding rings I want to think of my husband not my father. I am more than happy with anything else, rings for other occasions, but it makes my skin crawl and my stomach curling because part of me feels as if it's more of a collar than a ring then.
My mother wants to meet over memorial weekend, she wants me to fly out a day to visit before I’m getting married.
I do not know if I should facetime them and break the news before, after or invite them. It’s already last minute so airfare will be expensive, but I know they are going to be so heartbroken. Part of me does not want them there either because I have felt alone my whole life, I figured I would do my wedding the same way, though it's hard because my fiancé's family will be there, and I will have no one. I wish I could hire a friend... lol typed that with a tear in my eye that's ironic.
Suggestions please
submitted by creepypond to raisedbynarcissists [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 08:09 Viraj_Awasthi Which microcontroller is best for kids?

The Micro:bit and the Arduino Uno are two excellent microcontrollers that I can advise.
Micro:bit: My ten-year-old kid has found great enjoyment in the BBC Micro:bit. Its straightforward design and integrated sensors make it incredibly user-friendly. My youngster rapidly made LEDs glow and constructed a simple game using the block-code editor Scratch. It's ideal for beginners and younger kids.
Arduino Uno: It is more capable and suitable for difficult tasks. Although the coding language is text-based, we discovered block-code editors that made the process simpler. We developed a smart dustbin together, and it's been an excellent device for advanced learning.
For younger children or those who are completely new to coding, I will advise choosing the Micro:bit. It is easy to use and perfect for simple projects. The Arduino Uno is ideal for more complex projects like creating robots for older children or those up for a challenge.
For children and beginners, both have been fantastic learning and creative tools. I am grateful to Robocraze for providing me with these boards at very low price and also for their skilled assistance of my project.
submitted by Viraj_Awasthi to u/Viraj_Awasthi [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 08:05 Quirky-swaggurl-420 I have no idea where to work and my appearance doesn’t help, any advice??

Kind of long, but any advice or input would be greatly appreciated :)
I (22F) have been working in fast food/ retail since I was 17 and I’m finally ready to take that leap to leave my current job and find one that will help advance my career and give me at least some financial stability. I also live in NorCal for context (not sure if I’d be willing to move quite yet.) I’ve been at my current retail job since 2021 and was honestly just going to stay there until I was completely finished with college but I just received my AA and the current management im under is so difficult to work with and extremely offensive I can barely take it not to mention I’ve been in management for about 2 years now and have gone from at least 20hr a week (part time) to less than 10hr a week, less than some associates and they’re all 3 hour shifts so I’m not even allowed to take a 10min break though im not even sure if that’s legal??
I am very fortunate to not have to pay rent as I live with my parents and I only have to worry about paying for my car, gas, phone, school, necessity’s etc. So no rent is a life saver in this economy. With that being said I don’t necessarily need the highest paying job quite yet (willing to work my way up or gain helpful experience) though that would be ideal for anyone. I just want to be able to find something that fits with my personality/ needs and also doesn’t care the way I look. I know sometimes you have to do what u gotta do but I cannot take working somewhere I’m miserable at and I understand that is a privilege within itself so I’m just trying to use the time I do have to really find what I’m passionate about and not be scared to try new things.
I still want to go back to school to get my bachelors degree since it’s always been a dream of mine, but since I pretty much pay for everything out of pocket besides some degree of financial aide, I don’t want to just aimlessly transfer somewhere with no clue on what to study which has been my issues for some time. I feel like my interest haven’t changed much and neither have my dreams to further my education so I’ve pretty much been saying the same things since probably before high school and I still have no clue what exactly the direction is I should go. I would love to gain some first hang experience to know if getting my B.A. is even worth it for the field I want to go into or what major would benefit me the best.
I have many interests and ideas as to what I could possibly do but I feel like as much as I say them out loud no one really relates so I always feel alone or like there’s no possible job for me that I’ll feel happy in. I mean I think majority of people would rather not work and focus their lives on their hobbies and passions but unfortunately that’s not in the cards for most people and though I sometimes live in that dreamland that doesn’t change the fact that I’m extremely dedicated, hard-working and really want to make a difference in whatever field I end up in. So I guess I’ll leave a list of the things I’m interested in, in case anybody has some advice or input on any occupations I’ve listed or have experience in anything I’ve listed.
I guess another thing to mention is that I was recently applying to a lot of jobs in childcare and pretty much every interview I went to turn me down on the spot because of my appearance. Of course I hear the stories of looking less professional due to your tattoos, piercings, etc., which I never understand. I don’t even have a single tattoo or piercing, not even my ears, but I have bright pink hair and that has been such a downside for the interviewing processes, even some retail jobs like Box Lunch for example doesn’t accept colored hair when they’re literally a pop culture store and share the same company as Hot Topic. I don’t want to have to change my appearance for a job. I know it’s just hair but I was never able to express myself the way I wanted to and the amount of money and maintenance that goes with having colored hair would not be worth it to me to color black just to get a job. It would feel like I’m altering myself and changing something that makes me feel good about myself is unfair and already puts a bad taste in my mouth about the company because they are willing to look over my qualifications and work ethic due to one minor detail in my appearance. One of these jobs I even had two on the phone interviews that went amazing and was going to my final in person interview and was literally meeting with a family for a behavioral technician job and the first thing they (the company) told me was I would need to change my hair to even be considered and I had to eventually politely end the interview because they still wanted to me to meet a kid despite straight up telling me they will not hire me if I didn’t immediately change my hair… and I’d be working with a family, not even in a ‘ public setting.’ I would just love to be able to work in a community that embraces people for their differences for the way they express themselves, and encourages self expression.
Anyways, here are some of my interests and I’d be eternally grateful to hear any feedback! Maybe you’ve worked in some of these environments and have advice or horror stories, if you have similar interests to me let me know what kind of job you have because I’m sure I don’t even know the formal titles to half of these jobs, or even have other ideas that match my interests. Thank you thank you thank you!
TLDR: I have so many interests and have no idea where to go with my next steps in my career and schooling, and would love some advice based off of my interest and experience. My unnaturally colored hair gets me nowhere. My experience and interests are listed below.
My schooling/ experience so far: * 5 years of theatre under my belt (onstage/backstage/management) * Just graduated with my AA in Social & Behavioral Sciences (Random but was recommended to do so based on all of the same interest I told my counselor some odd years ago) * Most of my college classes were focused in sociology, psychology, and child development, which has been super interesting so I am willing to branch out from my interest because I did find a lot of interest in the classes I’ve taken previously. * Have worked in retail for four years; Pretty well received by people * A nanny to 4 kids (ages 4-16) for about 3.5 years as well
My personality: (not sure if this will help with knowing if I would be a good fit for any of the jobs listed )
i’m extremely bubbly and can have my extroverted moments, but I can also be introverted at times and when work needs to get done, I will figure out the best way to do it and get to work. I work pretty well with a team and always have ideas flowing and bouncing around, but I can also excel working on my own/have no issues being independent with my work. I don’t have a huge preference on a fast versus slow paced work environment. I would like something flexible, but I have no issue with getting into a routine. I feel like I am truly pretty flexible when it comes to my work environment, I just really want a place that I can express myself and be surrounded by a community of people similar to me. I love to be innovative and creative.
My interests/ ideas: (sorry kinda random and jumps around)
As you can see, most of my interest have to do with childcare and the arts, which are some of the lowest paying jobs/difficult fields to get into, but it’s what I most passionate about and what I can actually see myself being happy doing for a long time. i’m also not opposed to working in one certain field for a while and then branching out to something different or related further down the line, I just want to know what step I should take next so I’m not just floating around doing nothing and being/fill, I just want to know what step I should take next so I’m not just floating around doing nothing and being/feeling useless.
Thank you so much to anyone who responds with advice and kind words :)
submitted by Quirky-swaggurl-420 to careeradvice [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 07:58 tab_rick Navigating Bathtub Sizes: Making the Best Choice for Comfort and Space

Navigating Bathtub Sizes: Making the Best Choice for Comfort and Space
Finding the ideal bathtub size can be a difficult challenge when there are so many different sizes available. The typical bathroom is already so cramped that trying to comfortably fit everything in might feel like fitting pieces into a jigsaw puzzle. The bathtub has changed from being only a practical object to a focal point of bathroom design as a result of the rise in home decor trends and the focus on luxurious bathing experiences. This article will go deeply into the world of bathtubs, assisting you in choosing the right one for your needs and available space while also understanding the many different bathtub sizes and styles.

Different components of the bathtub

A typical drop-in style bathtub takes up more than 13 square feet of floor space and is a common fixture in many homes. Despite the fact that every bathtub is distinct, normal tubs have exterior dimensions that are roughly 60 inches long, 30 inches broad, and 14 to 16 inches high. These measurements are essential for the layout of your bathroom and the overall design. The material of a bathtub is also a component; alternatives range from fiberglass to cast iron, each of which offers a different bathing experience.


The Importance of Bathroom Layout

Space Management

The space in bathroom facilities is usually insufficient, especially in metropolitan settings. It follows that thorough planning of your region is necessary. Every inch counts,The location of the bathtub, its closeness to other fixtures, and ensuring mobility all depend on careful space design. Even in very small bathrooms, it’s imperative to leave at least 12 inches between the edge of the tub and any fixtures. As a consequence, the user feels more comfortable while still maintaining functionality.

Tips for Smart Positioning

When positioning the standalone tub, elegance and function must be combined. In smaller bathrooms with constrained space, it’s critical to ensure that the freestanding tub doesn’t impede mobility. The standalone tub’s edge should be kept at least 12 inches away from other fixtures. By having an open floor area that is at least 24 inches wide around the freestanding tub, the bathroom might appear bigger and less crowded. Never forget that striking a balance between design and utility is crucial.

Different Types of Bathtubs and Their Sizes

Alcove Bathtubs

Many homeowners select alcove bathtubs, which are identified by their location within a space limited by three walls. They are frequently the best choice for tiny or typical-sized bathrooms. These baths are normally between 30 and 36 inches broad and 5 to 6 feet long. The front panel of the design—often referred to as an apron—is typically finished, and the surrounding walls are intended to cover the remaining three sides. When thinking about an alcove bathtub, it’s critical to precisely measure the available space to make sure the tub will fit properly while yet allowing enough room for mobility. An alcove bathtub is set against the far side, so the two long walls form the ends and back of the bathroom.

Drop-in Bathtubs

Drop-in bathtubs have a luxurious appearance and are made to fit into a built-in deck with tile or similar material covering the top and exposed sides. In larger bathrooms, the tub deck can fit into a room corner and be left exposed on two sides. Drop-in bathtubs don’t have factory-finished sides like alcove bathtubs do. Instead, they are made to slide into a deck cutout, much like a drop-in sink slides into a vanity countertop. Depending on the size of your bathroom and your preferred design, these large bathrooms can be placed in a variety of locations. However, because the built-in deck can occupy a sizable amount of area, they work best in larger settings.

Oval Bathtubs

Oval baths are considered to be elegant and luxurious. They are available in freestanding or drop-in variants. Despite appearing to be large, they are often only wider than normal bathtubs, not longer. If you’re thinking about getting an oval bathtub, it’s important to consider the extra width, especially if you choose a drop-in model. This entails building a bigger apron for the tub to rest on, which may change how your bathroom is organized in general.

Whirlpool Bathtubs

Whirlpool baths are the epitome of spa-like indulgence. Many of these are available in typical alcove-ready sizes, but they may look bigger than standard tubs. Jetted whirlpool mechanisms can be installed without increasing the footprint. The jets in these corner tubs provide a massage-like effect, making them perfect for anyone looking for a peaceful bathing experience. When considering installing a whirlpool bathtub, it’s critical to consider the additional plumbing requirements and check that the bathroom has adequate space for the tub.

Corner Bathtubs

Corner bathtubs are all about luxury and relaxation. They are great for folks who prefer reading in the tub or watching television on the wall. Because they are often square in shape with one corner chopped off, these bathtubs are a good choice for large bathrooms with plenty of space. They can be configured in many ways, such as a triangle shell or a drop-in tub attached to a triangular deck.

Freestanding Bathtubs

Bathtubs that stand alone and are not confined by walls or installed in alcoves are known as freestanding fixtures. They can be purchased in many different designs, such as modern pedestal tubs and traditional classic models. They offer positional flexibility and could act as the centerpiece of a bathroom’s decor. Freestanding bathtubs may be a fantastic alternative for people with mobility concerns or areas with plenty of senior citizens. However, they do require more space all around—typically an extra 3 inches on each end and 4 inches on each side. Even though they provide for creative flexibility, they are therefore best suited for larger bathrooms or those with a layout that can handle a tub of this size.
Do you feel dazzled by too many styles? That’s okay, I’ve prepared a form for you to choose the bathtub that’s best for you based on your situation.

Type Features Advantages Disadvantages Best Used For Typical Size (LxW) Recommendation Index (1-5)
Alcove • Bounded by three walls• Finished front panel • Space-efficient• Common choice• Versatile • Limited design flexibility Small or standard-sized bathrooms 5-6 feet x 30-36 inches ✩✩✩✩
Drop-in • Fits into a deck• Exposed top and sides • Luxury feel• Design flexibility • Requires larger space• Deck construction needed Spacious bathrooms with custom designs Varies ✩✩✩
Oval • Wider design• Drop-in or freestanding •Luxurious•Elegant design • Requires more width• Not necessarily longer Bathrooms aiming for a luxury aesthetic Wider than standard ✩✩✩✩
Whirlpool • Jetted mechanisms• Often alcove-ready •Therapeutic• Spa-like experience • Additional plumbing• May require more space Those seeking therapeutic bathing Often standard sizes ✩✩✩✩
Corner • Square with one corner off• Spacious • Luxurious• Ideal for lounging • Requires ample space• Specific positioning Primary bathrooms with ample space Varies ✩✩✩
Freestanding •Standalone•No need for walls or alcoves • Design flexibility• Centerpiece potential • Requires more surrounding space Larger bathrooms or open layouts Varies + extra space ✩✩✩✩

Regulatory Guidelines on Bathtub Spacing

Code for International Buildings

It’s not just about aesthetics or personal preferences when planning the arrangement of your bathroom; it’s also about following the International Building Code (IBC). This code is more than simply a list of rules; it’s a well-thought-out framework meant to assure safety and functionality. The IBC frequently specifies the basic minimum distance between bathtubs, emphasizing the significance of user safety and comfort.
For example, the IBC may specify the exact inches of space necessary between the tub’s edge and other fixtures or walls. While these standards may appear to be strict, they are there for a purpose. By collaborating with them, you ensure not just a complaint but also a user-friendly and comfortable bathroom. Following these recommendations, in my experience, can save a lot of money.

Local Regulations

While international standards such as the IBC give a wide foundation, local building rules add an additional degree of complication. These regulations can be fairly varied, reflecting the distinct demands and considerations of many locations. They may go into topics ranging from plumbing complexities to the kind of bathtub materials considered suitable. These municipal rules might feel restricting at times, especially if you have a certain goal in mind.
However, keep in mind that they frequently result from the collective expertise of local specialists who understand the region’s particular issues and demands. Before starting a bathroom remodeling or installation project, especially if you want anything extravagant like a whirlpool or a custom-made bathtub, it’s a good idea (and often illuminating) to speak with local authorities or experienced builders. They can offer insights that blend regulatory knowledge with practical experience, ensuring your bathroom is both compliant and captivating.

The Future of Bathtub Sizes

Bathtub forms and types vary according to home. We should expect greater innovation in bathtub features and sizes as spa-like experiences and the tiny house movement grow more popular. Individuals looking to improve their bathing experience may find exciting alternatives in the future, ranging from eco-friendly materials to bathtubs with built-in digital capabilities. Whether you have a large or small bathroom, the market is likely to offer a bathtub that meets your needs.


Choosing the ideal bathtub is a highly emotional adventure, not merely a practical one. It’s about integrating a work of art into one’s life rather than just fitting a tub into a room. The key factor in your choosing is what resonates with you, even though your bathroom’s size, the design of your bathtub, and even the confusing local construction rules all play a part. There are a variety of options, each telling a unique tale, ranging from the snug alcove baths to the grandiose freestanding ones. I would advise someone who believes in the power of personal spaces to thoroughly research the many bathing possibilities while also listening to their emotions. Because your bathtub won’t simply be another feature in your house; it’ll become a beloved haven once you achieve that ideal balance between practicality and heartfelt design.
submitted by tab_rick to KKRsolidsurface [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 07:54 Quirky-swaggurl-420 I have no idea where to work and my appearance doesn’t help, any advice???

Kind of long, but any advice or input would be greatly appreciated :)
I (22F) have been working in fast food/ retail since I was 17 and I’m finally ready to take that leap to leave my current job and find one that will help advance my career and give me at least some financial stability. I also live in NorCal for context (not sure if I’d be willing to move quite yet.) I’ve been at my current retail job since 2021 and was honestly just going to stay there until I was completely finished with college but I just received my AA and the current management im under is so difficult to work with and extremely offensive I can barely take it not to mention I’ve been in management for about 2 years now and have gone from at least 20hr a week (part time) to less than 10hr a week, less than some associates and they’re all 3 hour shifts so I’m not even allowed to take a 10min break though im not even sure if that’s legal??
I am very fortunate to not have to pay rent as I live with my parents and I only have to worry about paying for my car, gas, phone, school, necessity’s etc. So no rent is a life saver in this economy. With that being said I don’t necessarily need the highest paying job quite yet (willing to work my way up or gain helpful experience) though that would be ideal for anyone. I just want to be able to find something that fits with my personality/ needs and also doesn’t care the way I look. I know sometimes you have to do what u gotta do but I cannot take working somewhere I’m miserable at and I understand that is a privilege within itself so I’m just trying to use the time I do have to really find what I’m passionate about and not be scared to try new things.
I still want to go back to school to get my bachelors degree since it’s always been a dream of mine, but since I pretty much pay for everything out of pocket besides some degree of financial aide, I don’t want to just aimlessly transfer somewhere with no clue on what to study which has been my issues for some time. I feel like my interest haven’t changed much and neither have my dreams to further my education so I’ve pretty much been saying the same things since probably before high school and I still have no clue what exactly the direction is I should go. I would love to gain some first hang experience to know if getting my B.A. is even worth it for the field I want to go into or what major would benefit me the best.
I have many interests and ideas as to what I could possibly do but I feel like as much as I say them out loud no one really relates so I always feel alone or like there’s no possible job for me that I’ll feel happy in. I mean I think majority of people would rather not work and focus their lives on their hobbies and passions but unfortunately that’s not in the cards for most people and though I sometimes live in that dreamland that doesn’t change the fact that I’m extremely dedicated, hard-working and really want to make a difference in whatever field I end up in. So I guess I’ll leave a list of the things I’m interested in, in case anybody has some advice or input on any occupations I’ve listed or have experience in anything I’ve listed.
I guess another thing to mention is that I was recently applying to a lot of jobs in childcare and pretty much every interview I went to turn me down on the spot because of my appearance. Of course I hear the stories of looking less professional due to your tattoos, piercings, etc., which I never understand. I don’t even have a single tattoo or piercing, not even my ears, but I have bright pink hair and that has been such a downside for the interviewing processes, even some retail jobs like Box Lunch for example doesn’t accept colored hair when they’re literally a pop culture store and share the same company as Hot Topic. I don’t want to have to change my appearance for a job. I know it’s just hair but I was never able to express myself the way I wanted to and the amount of money and maintenance that goes with having colored hair would not be worth it to me to color black just to get a job. It would feel like I’m altering myself and changing something that makes me feel good about myself is unfair and already puts a bad taste in my mouth about the company because they are willing to look over my qualifications and work ethic due to one minor detail in my appearance. One of these jobs I even had two on the phone interviews that went amazing and was going to my final in person interview and was literally meeting with a family for a behavioral technician job and the first thing they (the company) told me was I would need to change my hair to even be considered and I had to eventually politely end the interview because they still wanted to me to meet a kid despite straight up telling me they will not hire me if I didn’t immediately change my hair… and I’d be working with a family, not even in a ‘ public setting.’ I would just love to be able to work in a community that embraces people for their differences for the way they express themselves, and encourages self expression.
Anyways, here are some of my interests and I’d be eternally grateful to hear any feedback! Maybe you’ve worked in some of these environments and have advice or horror stories, if you have similar interests to me let me know what kind of job you have because I’m sure I don’t even know the formal titles to half of these jobs, or even have other ideas that match my interests. Thank you thank you thank you!
TLDR: I have so many interests and have no idea where to go with my next steps in my career and schooling, and would love some advice based off of my interest and experience. My unnaturally colored hair gets me nowhere. My experience and interests are listed below.
My schooling/ experience so far: * 5 years of theatre under my belt (onstage/backstage/management) * Just graduated with my AA in Social & Behavioral Sciences (Random but was recommended to do so based on all of the same interest I told my counselor some odd years ago) * Most of my college classes were focused in sociology, psychology, and child development, which has been super interesting so I am willing to branch out from my interest because I did find a lot of interest in the classes I’ve taken previously. * Have worked in retail for four years; Pretty well received by people * A nanny to 4 kids (ages 4-16) for about 3.5 years as well
My personality: (not sure if this will help with knowing if I would be a good fit for any of the jobs listed )
i’m extremely bubbly and can have my extroverted moments, but I can also be introverted at times and when work needs to get done, I will figure out the best way to do it and get to work. I work pretty well with a team and always have ideas flowing and bouncing around, but I can also excel working on my own/have no issues being independent with my work. I don’t have a huge preference on a fast versus slow paced work environment. I would like something flexible, but I have no issue with getting into a routine. I feel like I am truly pretty flexible when it comes to my work environment, I just really want a place that I can express myself and be surrounded by a community of people similar to me. I love to be innovative and creative.
My interests/ ideas: (sorry kinda random and jumps around)
As you can see, most of my interest have to do with childcare and the arts, which are some of the lowest paying jobs/difficult fields to get into, but it’s what I most passionate about and what I can actually see myself being happy doing for a long time. i’m also not opposed to working in one certain field for a while and then branching out to something different or related further down the line, I just want to know what step I should take next so I’m not just floating around doing nothing and being/fill, I just want to know what step I should take next so I’m not just floating around doing nothing and being/feeling useless.
Thank you so much to anyone who responds with advice and kind words :)
submitted by Quirky-swaggurl-420 to careerguidance [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 07:53 Rockstar-Wolf Help with Custom Dolls! (Obitsu sizes? head options?)

I'm currently trying to make custom 1/6 scale dolls of Link and Zelda from The Legend of Zelda (Their Twilight Princess designs, specifically!) and I wanted to get an Obitsu body for Zelda, but I'm having a very difficult time navigating the world of Obitsu 🤣
One of the main things I'm confused about is the actual height of the doll body you're buying. For example, is the 27 cm body actually 27 cm? Or is that the approximate height the doll will be when you put a head on it? If it is the height of the body, does that include the neck peg, or is that just to the top of the neck? I wouldn't normally be so concerned with the exact height, but I want Zelda to be slightly taller than Link.
I don't really like the male Obitsu bodies because they look a little too mechanical and jointy to me (like the little wooden mannequins that come with art sets, lol), so I was going to get a YMY body for Link. The tallest one I can find is called the 25 cm, but in the measurements say it's actually 23.5 cm, so I guess it's about 9 1/4 in. That's fine, I just want to find a slightly taller body for Zelda, which is why I'm worried about the heights. I Thought the Ob 25 or 26 would work but now I'm second guessing the actual height. Do I need a 27? Too much? Would 24 or 25 be enough? Are Obitsu and YMY bodies similarly proportioned? Do they look in scale with each other? I truly have no idea. 😂 Any insight on actual Obitsu sizes would be extremely appreciated!!!
I'm also having a little trouble finding heads for these dolls. Elves and other fantasy creatures seem really popular with custom makers, so I figured it wouldn't be too hard to find some elven head sculpts, but alas. So far I've only found one that might work for Zelda, and that's the Parabox Fairy Head. I was hoping for one a little more mature and angular, but if this is the only one I can find, I think I can make it work fine if I paint it right. I definitely want inset eyes, so that's a point for this one, but if I find one I like better without holes for inset eyes I can always mod it, I suppose.
I haven't been able to find any head sculpts I really like for Link, though, elven or otherwise. I've never made a custom doll like this before, so it's possible that just have no idea where to look for doll heads. They're going to be fairly realistically proportioned, so I'm not looking for any chibi or excessively cutesy head sculpts. They will be a bit stylized though, so they don't have to be perfectly realistic, just in proportion with their bodies and each other. Are there usual places where people go to find Obitsu-compatable heads? Fantasy creature heads? Any ways to dodge Parabox's shipping that costs literally the same price as the head? I'm open to BJD heads or anything else (that isn't outrageously expensive), so let me know your go-to place for buying doll heads, or any elven sculpts that you'd recommend!
Sorry for such a long post! This is my first big custom endeavor, and I've got a lot to learn!
Tl;dr: I need to know if Obitsu bodies are exactly as tall as they're described, if they're in scale/proportion with YMY bodies, and where to find 1/6 elven head sculpts that work on Obitsu and Obitsu-like doll bodies.
submitted by Rockstar-Wolf to Dolls [link] [comments]



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submitted by shaneka69 to mytarotreadings [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 07:38 Full_Analyst2763 200 Hour Yoga Teacher Training Course in Bali - inneryogatraining

Are you ready to inneryogatraining on a transformative journey of self-discovery and empowerment? Look no further than our 200 Hour Yoga Teacher Training Course in the serene landscapes of Bali. Dive deep into the ancient practice of yoga and emerge as a certified instructor equipped with the knowledge and skills to guide others on their path to wellness.
Discover the Essence of Yoga
In our immersive training program, you'll delve into the essence of yoga, exploring its rich history, philosophy, and techniques. From asanas to pranayama, meditation to anatomy, our comprehensive curriculum covers every aspect of yoga, ensuring a well-rounded education that prepares you for success.
Expert Guidance from Experienced Instructors
Led by experienced yoga practitioners and instructors, our training course offers expert guidance every step of the way. Learn from seasoned professionals who are dedicated to helping you deepen your practice and refine your teaching skills, providing personalized attention and support throughout your journey.
Immerse Yourself in Bali's Natural Beauty
Nestled amidst the breathtaking beauty of Bali, our training location provides the perfect backdrop for your yoga journey. Surrounded by lush greenery, tranquil beaches, and vibrant culture, you'll find inspiration and serenity at every turn, creating an ideal environment for personal growth and exploration.
Join a Thriving Community of Like-Minded Individuals
Connect with fellow yogis from around the world and become part of a supportive community united by a shared passion for yoga. Forge lifelong friendships, exchange knowledge and experiences, and celebrate the joy of yoga together as you embark on this transformative adventure.
Embark on Your Yoga Journey Today
Ready to take the first step towards becoming a certified yoga instructor? Enroll in our 200 Hour Yoga Teacher Training Course in Bali and unlock your full potential. Whether you're a beginner or an experienced practitioner, our program is designed to meet you where you are and guide you towards your goals. Don't wait any longer – join us and embark on the journey of a lifetime.
submitted by Full_Analyst2763 to u/Full_Analyst2763 [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 07:36 collegethrwawayacc UW or JHU (accepted to both, making a decision)

Hi! I'm the bf of a gf who's been accepted to both JHU and UW Seattle for mech engineering. I'm super proud of her, and we've been weighing the pros/cons of going to each school, but it's been super difficult to decide. We're both from WA (I've also been accepted to UW Seattle for CS), so she'd be a in-state student. She's committed to JHU (just because the deadline is earlier than UW's, and she's heavily considering JHU), but still thinks about UW as an option. Some background, she's worked really hard in HS, taking on a contractor job at Boeing, has done a Museum of Flight program, done a bunch of 3D modeling/printing work. She's always been a learner, trying to learn more and doesn't want to stop learning. So that's where the line comes with UW and JHU. Here's what we have so far:
UW: - "meh" mech engineering program, she's heard that it's mostly theoretical (just design practice), less hands-on - unable to double major - about 15k a year, would commute for at least first year, considering other options in seattle after - grand total, 60k undergrad, 40k masters (?) = 100k for 6 years-ish
JHU: - 2nd in the country biomedical engineering (she is interested in that, along with mech) things like bionics is something she finds really interesting
I'm excluding the "we're gonna miss each other" part, but I want her to put her education and her aspirations before me.
From the start, she's liked both schools, as they both seem like really really good opportunities. Oh and also - her parents are willing to contribute about 10k per year to UW, and will probably do slightly more for JHU. Not covering all though, because 89k is a lot. She'd have to take out loans.
At this point, it's really about the cost, and the reward. Is the 89k a year worth it? She's also considered that at UW, she'll make it out of undergrad pretty much debt free, while saving up more during that time. NO financial aid from either school.
She's mostly scared that she's gonna miss out on a huge opportunity. So.. any advice, or has anyone gone through either of the programs?
Also - if this means anything as to what she can do, she got waitlisted at caltech. She didn't really apply to any of the Ivys, because she thought they were out of reach, and JHU was just one that she shot off an application to last second, just for the fun of it. She does regret not applying to other schools now, but that's a different occasion.
submitted by collegethrwawayacc to ApplyingToCollege [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 07:33 ImpatientDelta 10 Best Diamond Ring Shopping Apps for iPhone

10 Best Diamond Ring Shopping Apps for iPhone
In the digital age, diamond ring shopping has evolved with the advent of specialized mobile apps tailored to streamline the process. These apps offer a convenient platform for browsing, comparing, and purchasing diamond rings from the comfort of one's home. With features like virtual try-ons, customization options, and expert guidance, diamond ring shopping apps revolutionize the traditional brick-and-mortar experience, providing a seamless and personalized approach to finding the perfect symbol of love and commitment.

1. Tanishq (A TATA Product)

The Tanishq app, a product of the esteemed TATA Group, redefines the jewelry shopping experience. With its sleek interface and extensive collection of exquisite designs, the app offers a seamless platform to explore and purchase stunning jewelry pieces from the comfort of your home. From timeless classics to contemporary creations, Tanishq caters to every style and occasion. Features like virtual try-ons and expert guidance ensure a personalized and hassle-free shopping experience. Whether you're seeking an engagement ring, bridal jewelry, or a special gift, the Tanishq app delivers unmatched quality, craftsmanship, and convenience, making every purchase a cherished experience.

2. Malabar Gold & Diamonds

The Malabar Gold & Diamonds app brings the renowned craftsmanship and elegance of the brand to your fingertips. With a vast selection of meticulously crafted jewelry pieces, the app offers a seamless and personalized shopping experience. Explore a wide range of stunning designs, from traditional to contemporary, and effortlessly purchase your desired pieces from the comfort of your home. Featuring user-friendly navigation and secure transactions, the Malabar Gold & Diamonds app ensures convenience and peace of mind. Whether you're celebrating a special occasion or simply indulging in luxury, trust the Malabar Gold & Diamonds app to deliver exquisite jewelry that reflects your style and sophistication.

3. CaratLane - A Tanishq Partner

The CaratLane - A Tanishq Partner app is your gateway to a world of exquisite jewelry, combining the trusted expertise of Tanishq with CaratLane's innovation. With a vast array of meticulously crafted designs, the app offers a seamless and personalized shopping experience for every occasion. Explore a diverse range of jewelry collections, from classic to contemporary, and easily find the perfect piece to complement your style. With features like virtual try-ons and secure transactions, CaratLane ensures a hassle-free and enjoyable shopping experience. Discover timeless elegance and unmatched quality with the CaratLane - A Tanishq Partner app, your ultimate destination for luxury jewelry.

4. Joyalukkas

The Joyalukkas app is your one-stop destination for exquisite jewelry and unparalleled craftsmanship. With a vast array of stunning designs spanning traditional to contemporary styles, the app offers a seamless and personalized shopping experience. Explore an extensive collection of gold, diamond, and gemstone jewelry, meticulously crafted to perfection. From timeless classics to trendsetting pieces, Joyalukkas caters to every taste and occasion. With user-friendly navigation and secure transactions, the app ensures convenience and peace of mind. Whether you're celebrating a special milestone or simply indulging in luxury, trust the Joyalukkas app to deliver exceptional jewelry that reflects your unique style and elegance.

5. GRT Jewellers

The GRT Jewellers app brings the legacy of craftsmanship and elegance to your fingertips. Explore an extensive collection of exquisite jewelry, from traditional to contemporary designs, curated with utmost precision. With user-friendly navigation, the app offers a seamless shopping experience, allowing you to browse, select, and purchase your desired pieces with ease. Discover stunning creations in gold, diamond, and gemstones, crafted to perfection by skilled artisans. Whether you're searching for bridal jewelry, everyday wear, or special occasion pieces, GRT Jewellers app ensures you find the perfect expression of your style and sophistication, making every moment memorable.

6. BlueStone Jewellery Online

The BlueStone Jewellery Online app redefines the way you shop for exquisite jewelry. With a vast collection of meticulously crafted designs, spanning from classic to contemporary styles, the app offers a seamless and personalized shopping experience. Discover stunning pieces in gold, diamond, gemstones, and more, all at your fingertips. Featuring user-friendly navigation and secure transactions, the app ensures convenience and peace of mind while you explore and purchase your favorite jewelry pieces. Whether you're looking for everyday wear, special occasions, or bridal jewelry, BlueStone Jewellery Online app is your go-to destination for finding the perfect expression of elegance and style.

7. Engagement Rings

The Engagement Rings app is your ultimate destination for finding the perfect symbol of love and commitment. With a diverse selection of stunning designs and styles, the app offers a seamless and personalized shopping experience for couples embarking on their journey together. Explore an array of exquisite engagement rings, from timeless solitaires to intricate halo settings, meticulously crafted to capture the essence of romance. Featuring user-friendly navigation and secure transactions, the app ensures convenience and peace of mind while you browse and select the ring that resonates with your unique love story. Say "I do" with confidence and elegance with the Engagement Rings app.

8. VDB - Virtual Diamond Boutique

The VDB - Virtual Diamond Boutique app revolutionizes the diamond industry by providing a virtual marketplace for diamonds and fine jewelry. With its advanced technology, users can explore an extensive inventory of diamonds, gemstones, and jewelry from the comfort of their device. Offering comprehensive details and high-resolution images, the app ensures transparency and confidence in every purchase. Whether you're a retailer, wholesaler, or consumer, VDB simplifies the diamond buying process with its user-friendly interface and secure transactions. Experience the future of diamond sourcing and shopping with VDB - Virtual Diamond Boutique app, where luxury meets innovation.

9. I.D.Jewelry

The I.D. Jewelry app brings the world of fine jewelry to your fingertips with its extensive collection of exquisite pieces. From engagement rings to diamond necklaces, the app offers a diverse range of designs crafted to perfection. With user-friendly navigation and secure transactions, shopping for jewelry has never been easier. Whether you're searching for a special gift or treating yourself to something luxurious, I.D. Jewelry ensures a seamless and personalized shopping experience. Explore timeless classics and contemporary creations, all from the comfort of your device. Discover the perfect expression of elegance and style with the I.D. Jewelry app.

10. Glamira

The Glamira app is your ultimate destination for personalized jewelry crafted with precision and passion. With a vast selection of customizable designs, from engagement rings to bracelets, the app offers a seamless and immersive shopping experience. Explore an array of high-quality materials, including gold, silver, and precious gemstones, all at your fingertips. Whether you're celebrating a special occasion or expressing your unique style, Glamira allows you to create the perfect piece that reflects your individuality. With user-friendly navigation and secure transactions, the app ensures convenience and peace of mind while you browse and design your dream jewelry. Experience elegance and sophistication with the Glamira app.


With the convenience, variety, and expert assistance offered by diamond ring shopping apps, finding the ideal ring has never been easier. Whether you're searching for an engagement ring, wedding band, or special occasion gift, these apps provide a user-friendly and informative experience that empowers customers to make confident and informed decisions. Embrace the future of jewelry shopping with diamond ring shopping apps, where luxury and technology intersect to create unforgettable moments of joy and celebration.
submitted by ImpatientDelta to appmania [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 07:32 baikaldeep Q&A with the enthusiastic founder of a small business who is using all the wrong fonts and is doomed to fail

Hi EFOASBWIUATWFAIDTF, I had my first one-night stand recently. Afterward, he kind of rolled over in bed. I didn't know if I was supposed to leave, go to sleep, or be the big spoon. What's normal in this situation? Help! -Katia
Hi Katia! Whether it's romance or designing the next big revolution in SaaS for food delivery, you have to play to win! Set your eyes to the horizon, take what you want and pay for it.
That's how it was for me designing BOREAS. I needed access to the best consultants. Do you think it was cheap to dream up product names like iPhone or Fruitopia? No, I had to liquidate my 401(k). But you've got to go all in on yourself, go big or go home. In your case Katia, I'm not sure how close you live if you did go home or if the L was still running. But even if it wasn't, I recently learned that all of your expenses, whether an Uber ride home or pet insurance, can be deducted from your taxes if you own your own business. HTH! -Steve Lanston, founder and CEO of Saucily
Hi EFOASBWIUATWFAIDTF, I've been hanging onto some friendships with people who became snakes in adulthood. What do you do about toxic people you have become invested in? I feel like I'm going crazy! -Emily
Hi Emily! Great question. To be successful, you have to surround yourself exclusively with successful people. As the CEO of a potential fortune 500 company, I think about this a lot, because like you, I cannot afford to get dragged down. It's not you who's crazy, it's them.
This is the reason that I had the bittersweet task of firing my first employee. And it is why I am now in active litigation against him for undermining crucial intellectual property concerning features of BOREAS. Everyone knows that food delivery is huge right now: Door Dash, GrubHub, Uber Eats, etc. But SaaS to help these companies coordinate with each other so that customers can get sauces and toppings from other restaurants? It's a game changer. Eric knew what he was doing when sent those tweets.
Like me, you can't let injustice go unanswered. This may mean you have to go it alone sometimes. But you are the only person you can count on. Why do you think I bought a gaming computer to host our website from my apartment? It's because AWS is too unreliable. But I can count on myself. And so can you, Emily! HTH! -Steve Lanston, founder and CEO of Saucily
Hi EFOASBWIUATWFAIDTF, I am a consumate femcel (kissless, handhold-less virgin). I was recently accepted to a Master's program in NYC, and I am moving this fall (although I might defer til the spring). I want to reinvent myself, but I feel like whatever I do will look awkward and someone will laugh at me. What can I do to shed my ugly duckling persona and finally become a sought-after swan? I need your advice, please! -Cammy
Hi Cammy! One of the oldest truths is that life is full of hardships, but you have to face them head on and then pick yourself up and keep going. It's what we do when life throws us a curve ball that defines us. First ask yourself this: "Am I ready to be inspired?" Are you?
Are you ready to stop looking back and be your best self going forward? Are you ready to turning getting laid off at 46 and then losing your Amazon internship for taking home a bottle of Sriracha into a once-in-a-generation business? Every successful company has some kind of unfair advantage. What's your unfair advantage, Cammy? What asset or work ethic do you have that other girls will leave on the table? What's your secret sauce? Our secret sauce is Fire sauce from Taco Bell served on a Big Mac from McDonalds. It's one of those things that's obvious in hindsight. But you have to be the first person who sees that opportunity before everyone else follows.
I also want to say that your first sales are always the hardest. But just imagine, you start with one sale. And then two. Before long, your runway is growing, and you can afford to pay down the loans you took. Don't worry if they laugh at you, Cammy. Find your secret sauce and then lean into it. I forget who said it, but first they think you're crazy, then they fight you, and then all of a sudden you change the world. -Steve Lanston, founder and CEO of Saucily
submitted by baikaldeep to rspod [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 07:27 Reasonable-Math969 The Art of Detachment: Learning to Protect Yourself from Toxic People

Family and Friends are often seen as the cornerstone of our lives. We grow up with them, share memories, and build bonds that are supposed to last a lifetime. However, as we get older and experience different things, we come to realize that "not all" family relationships and friendships are positive and healthy. Sometimes, the people we love the most can also be the source of our pain and suffering.
It is a sad truth that there comes a point in life when we have to stop trying to mend things with them. We reach a breaking point where we can no longer tolerate their toxic behavior or their inability to acknowledge their mistakes. This can be a difficult decision to make. We often feel guilty for distancing ourselves from them, but sometimes, it is necessary for our own well-being.
I must add that as an adult during ,post Pandemic when i have going through very tough and challenging times, all my immediate family members supported me not just financially but even emotionally, to the extent of allowing me the liberty to transition through my career.
I am writing this post because recently when a conflict with someone arised which truthfully was based on something absolutely frivolous but dragged to look so big. I don't like dragging conversations when people have made up their mind that like always, they are always right.
The constant need to be right, the fragile egos, and the verbal toxicity were all traits that I couldn't ignore anymore.
Instead of having a mature conversation, this person resorted to personal attacks by namecalling. It was at that moment I realized that I could no longer keep trying to mend things with them. I couldn't continue to massage their fragile ego and tolerate their stubborn attitude.
It was a painful realization because I love this person and always wanted a close relationship, but I came to understand that sometimes, love is not enough. Toxic behavior should not be excused or tolerated just because they are family or friends or companion. It took me years to understand this and to finally put a stop to it.
But what was even more hurtful was the involvement of their child in this toxic dynamic. This kid, who used to share everything with me and considered me as their best friend, suddenly became distant and cold towards me. I couldn't understand why, and when I tried to talk to them about it, I was met with two worded response, while they pretended to indulge in their phone. I made a second attempt only to once again feel humiliated. It was as if I didn't exist anymore.
I spent couple of nights trying to figure out what I did wrong and how I could fix it. But the truth is, I didn't do anything wrong. Their behavior was a reflection of their own issues and insecurities.
It was at this point that I realized that I needed to protect myself. I couldn't continue to let their toxic behavior affect me. I had to learn the art of detachment – the act of letting go of toxic people and situations. It wasn't easy, but it was necessary for my mental and emotional well-being.
Detachment doesn't mean that you don't care about the person or situation. It simply means that you recognize your own boundaries and prioritize your own well-being. It is about creating distance from harmful relationships and learning to let go of expectations.
I had to learn that I can't control how someone i love treats me, but I can control how much I let their behavior affect me. I have finally stopped trying to fix things or constantly seek their approval. Instead, I am now focused on building healthy relationships with people who uplift me.
Detachment also teaches me the importance of self-care. I prioritize my own needs and take care of myself both mentally and physically. I surround myself with positive influences and activities that bring me joy. And slowly, I know I will heal from the pain and hurt caused by some people.
I have also learned to forgive them, not for their sake, but for mine. Forgiveness is not about excusing their behavior, but about freeing yourself from the burden of anger and resentment.
In the end, learning the art of detachment has been a powerful lesson for me. It has taught me to protect myself from toxic people and to prioritize my own well-being. It is not an easy journey, but it is necessary for our own growth and happiness.
So if you find yourself in a similar situation, remember that it is okay to distance yourself from them and focus on your own well-being.
submitted by Reasonable-Math969 to ToxicRelationships [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 07:22 lushgreenland meeting his family and friends

I have been struggling with a complex, spiritual connection with someone I cant be with for about a year now. Without going into too much detail, basically I have to move on from him despite us both loving each other very deeply. I have become dependent on him in many ways and our communication has become very minimal due to trying to restrict things to a friendship.
I have had two dreams about him this week that I would like to know what they mean.
  1. In the first dream I went to what I think was his house to meet his roommate/best friend. He was there and his friend had arrived after us but was distracted and doing things around the house. he wouldn't directly look at me or give me much of his focus but he wasn't mean or rude or anything. this was bothering my "friend" (for lack of a better word) and he seemed upset and tense that his friend wasn't talking to me. Later his mom appeared and was joining us all on a walk through what felt like a wetland type landscape. I said something that made her laugh and woke up to that feeling of her approval and gentleness. I felt a very loving sense from her. I've never met either of these people but his friend has been supportive of him through this process so I've heard a lot about him.
  2. In the next dream I was with my friend at a work event, traveling on some sort of bus and we decided to stop at my house to hangout for a bit. I knew the house was a mess and was embarrassed to have him over but let him come inside anyways. I was also nervous that someone else was going to come in while we were there. As I walked into my apartment it was like my real one but different, and the mess was really really bad. there were piles of things and bad smells and it was worse than any way my apartment has ever looked before. because of this I quickly moved him through and asked him to wait outside while I got ready. As he was waiting outside I was trying to get dressed and do my haimakeup but nothing was working. I couldnt fix my hair the way I wanted to and I felt super rushed and stressed out. Eventually I realized it was a dream and woke up.
I am at a very difficult time in my life right now and curious what information these dreams can provide me about choices I have to make.
submitted by lushgreenland to DreamInterpretation [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 07:21 TrueMetalSmiths Titanium VS Aluminum in CNC Machining

CNC machining is an essential process in manufacturing, and the choice of material can significantly affect the final product’s quality and cost. Titanium and aluminum are two popular materials for machining, each with its own unique properties and characteristics. This post will explore the differences between titanium and aluminum in machining and provide an overview of the key considerations when machining these materials.

Pros and Cons of Titanium and Aluminum:

Pros of Titanium for CNC Machining:

High strength-to-weight ratio: Titanium has a very high strength-to-weight ratio, making it an excellent choice for applications where high strength is required but weight needs to be minimized.
Corrosion resistance: Titanium is highly resistant to corrosion, making it a popular choice in industries where exposure to harsh environments is common, such as aerospace and marine.
Biocompatibility: Titanium is biocompatible, which means it can be used in medical implants without causing an immune response.
High-temperature resistance: Titanium has a high melting point and can withstand high temperatures, making it suitable for applications that require heat resistance, such as aerospace and industrial equipment.
Machinability: Despite its high strength and toughness, titanium is relatively easy to machine with the right tools and techniques, making it a popular choice for CNC machining.

Pros of Aluminum for CNC Machining:

As one of the most popular materials for CNC machining, aluminum gets a lot of advantages below:
Lightweight: Aluminum is known for its low density. That’s why it is ideal for applications where weight is a key factor. This is especially important in the aerospace and automotive industries, where reducing weight can lead to improved fuel efficiency and performance.
Easy to machine: Aluminum is a soft and ductile material that is easy to work with, making it ideal for CNC machining. It can be easily formed, drilled, and cut into complex shapes and sizes, allowing for a wide range of design possibilities.
Corrosion resistant: Aluminum is naturally resistant to corrosion, which makes it ideal for use in harsh environments. This property also makes it an ideal choice for outdoor applications where exposure to the elements is a concern.
Cost-effective: Aluminum is widely available and relatively inexpensive, making it a cost-effective choice for CNC machining projects. Its low cost also makes it an ideal material for prototyping and testing before moving on to more expensive materials.

Cons of Using Titanium in Machining:

High cost: Titanium is more expensive than aluminum, which can make it cost-prohibitive for some applications.
Difficult to machine: Titanium is notoriously difficult to machine, requiring specialized equipment and tooling to achieve optimal results.
High thermal expansion: Titanium has a high coefficient of thermal expansion, which can lead to issues with dimensional stability during machining.

Cons of Using Aluminum in Machining:

Lower strength: Aluminum is not as strong as titanium, which may limit its suitability for high-stress applications.
Corrosion susceptibility: Aluminum is susceptible to corrosion, which can limit its use in harsh environments.
Limited high-temperature capabilities: Aluminum has lower high-temperature capabilities than titanium, which may limit its use in high-temperature applications.

Comparison of Machining Properties:

Titanium and aluminum have distinct differences in their machining properties.
Workability: Titanium is known for its low workability, which means that it is difficult to deform and shape. This can make it challenging to machine, especially when dealing with complex shapes and tight tolerances. On the other hand, aluminum is highly workable, making it easy to form and shape into different geometries.
Machinability: Aluminum is considered one of the most machinable metals due to its low cutting force and low heat generation during the machining process. Titanium, on the other hand, is much harder than aluminum, which can cause higher cutting forces and heat generation during machining, leading to tool wear and premature tool failure.
Tool wear: Tool wear is a significant concern in the machining of both titanium and aluminum. However, the degree of tool wear differs significantly between these two materials. Titanium is known for its ability to wear down cutting tools quickly due to its high strength and hardness. In contrast, aluminum is a relatively soft material and causes less wear on cutting tools.
Surface finish: The surface finish achieved during the machining process is an essential factor for many applications. Both titanium and aluminum can produce a range of surface finishes, depending on the cutting parameters used. However, titanium tends to produce a rougher surface finish due to its low workability and higher cutting forces.
Chip formation: Chip formation is another significant factor to consider when machining titanium and aluminum. Titanium chips are stringy and tend to wrap around the cutting tool, leading to tool wear and breakage. In contrast, aluminum chips are generally short and easily broken, leading to less tool wear and longer tool life.

Surface Finish:

Achieving the desired surface finish is critical when machining titanium and aluminum.
  1. Titanium has a higher chemical reactivity than aluminum, which can result in surface discoloration and oxidization during machining.
  2. Aluminum has a smoother and more uniform surface finish than titanium due to its softer and more ductile nature.
  3. Due to its lower thermal conductivity, titanium can generate more heat during machining, which can lead to poor surface finish.
  4. Aluminum is more easily machinable, which allows for higher cutting speeds and smoother surface finish than titanium.
  5. Surface finish in titanium can be improved by using sharp cutting tools, lower cutting speeds, and the use of coolant to dissipate heat.
Both titanium and aluminum offer unique benefits for CNC machining, and it ultimately depends on the specific needs of the project or application. What material do you choose for CNC machining? The Beska team is willing to support you.
submitted by TrueMetalSmiths to BeskaMold [link] [comments]
