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TinyTrumps - Home of the Internet's pictures of Tiny Trump

2017.02.17 01:27 revolution486 TinyTrumps - Home of the Internet's pictures of Tiny Trump

A subreddit for photos of our 45th President, Trump... ᵇᵘᵗ ᵗᶦᶰʸ/TinyTrumps is the go-to origin of photos of the 45th President where the aforementioned is roughly 2 feet tall.

2008.08.29 00:01 /r/clemson

The Clemson Family's Home on Reddit.

2016.10.22 06:44 iamDanger_us Where is Julian Assange?

A forum to discuss current events with Julian Assange and WikiLeaks.

2024.05.14 06:28 137ng Need help navigating a json response in Node

I'm getting a json response thats arrays and objects mixed and I can't seem to start navigating thru it. I've dont this before but for some reason this time I cant get started.
const request = require('request'); const options = { method: 'GET', url: '', headers: {Accept: 'application/json'} }; request(options, function (error, response, body) { if (error) throw new Error(error); console.log(response.chart.result) }); 
No matter what I log it returns undefined
Where am I going wrong? I feel like as soon as I get in in a little bit I'll be able to find my way around
submitted by 137ng to learnprogramming [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 02:00 tempmailgenerator Handling SMTP Server Issues in Node.js for Strapi Email Dispatch

Tackling SMTP Server Challenges with Strapi in Node.js

When integrating email functionalities into a Node.js application powered by Strapi, developers often choose to use their own SMTP servers for a more controlled and secure email dispatch process. This approach, while offering benefits such as customization and privacy, also comes with its unique set of challenges. Setting up an SMTP server for email sending involves configuring various parameters correctly, such as the server address, port, authentication details, and security protocols. These configurations are crucial for ensuring that emails are not only sent successfully but also secure from potential threats.
However, developers frequently encounter issues such as failed email delivery, connection timeouts, and authentication errors. These problems can stem from incorrect server configurations, firewall restrictions, or even the SMTP server itself. Understanding the underlying causes of these issues is essential for troubleshooting and resolving them effectively. Additionally, ensuring that the Node.js application and Strapi framework are correctly configured to communicate with the SMTP server is paramount for a seamless email sending experience.
Command Description
nodemailer.createTransport() Creates a transporter object using SMTP server configurations to send emails.
transporter.sendMail() Sends an email using the transporter object created with specific email options.
Strapi.plugins['email'] Sends an email using Strapi's built-in email plugin, allowing for easy integration within Strapi projects.

Exploring SMTP Server Integration and Troubleshooting with Strapi

Integrating an SMTP server for email functionality in a Strapi application involves understanding both the SMTP protocol and Strapi's email plugin. The SMTP (Simple Mail Transfer Protocol) is a standard communication protocol for sending emails across the internet. It enables developers to send out emails from their applications by connecting to an email server. This process requires accurate configuration of the SMTP server details in the application, including the server address, port, and authentication credentials. When configured properly, it allows for the seamless sending of emails, whether for transactional purposes or email marketing campaigns.
However, developers often face challenges with SMTP server integration, such as emails not being sent, being marked as spam, or connection errors. These issues can be due to a variety of reasons, including incorrect SMTP configuration, ISP blocking, inadequate server authentication, or problems with the email content itself. To troubleshoot these issues, developers need to ensure that their SMTP server details are correctly entered, use secure connections to protect sensitive information, and follow best practices for email content to avoid spam filters. Additionally, leveraging Strapi's email plugin can simplify the process by providing a layer of abstraction over direct SMTP server communication, making it easier to manage email sending within Strapi applications.

Configuring SMTP Transport in Node.js

Node.js with Nodemailer
  < host: '',> < port: 587,> < secure: false, // true for 465, false for other ports> < auth: {> < user: '',> < pass: 'your_password'> < }> <});>  < from: '',> < to: '',> < subject: 'Test Email Subject',> < text: 'Hello world?', // plain text body> < html: 'Hello world?' // html body> <};>  < if (error) {> < console.log(error);> < } else {> < console.log('Email sent: ' + info.response);> < }> <});> 

Integrating Email Functionality in Strapi

Strapi Email Plugin
 < to: '',> < from: '',> < subject: 'Strapi Email Test',> < text: 'This is a test email from Strapi.',> < html: 'This is a test email from Strapi.
'> <});>

Deep Dive into SMTP and Strapi Email Integration Challenges

Integrating email functionality into applications using Strapi and an SMTP server is a critical component for many web projects, enabling functionalities like user verification, notifications, and marketing communications. SMTP servers act as the bridge between the application and the email recipient, ensuring that emails are correctly routed and delivered. This integration requires precise configuration within Strapi, where developers must specify the SMTP server details, including host, port, and authentication credentials. The complexity arises not just from the setup but also from ensuring the security of email transmissions, often necessitating the use of SSL/TLS encryption to protect email content from being intercepted.
Beyond configuration, developers must navigate potential pitfalls that can disrupt email delivery. These include dealing with SMTP server downtimes, handling spam filters that may block or reroute emails, and managing rate limits imposed by email service providers to prevent abuse. To mitigate these issues, developers can employ strategies such as setting up proper SPF and DKIM records to improve email authenticity, monitoring bounce rates to clean up email lists, and using external services or plugins designed to simplify email handling within Strapi. Addressing these challenges effectively ensures reliable email delivery, enhancing the user experience and operational efficiency of applications built on Strapi.

Frequently Asked Questions on SMTP and Strapi Email Integration

  1. Question: What is SMTP and why is it important for email sending?
  2. Answer: SMTP (Simple Mail Transfer Protocol) is a protocol used for sending emails across the internet. It's crucial for the reliable delivery of emails from an application to the recipient's mail server.
  3. Question: How do I configure SMTP settings in Strapi?
  4. Answer: In Strapi, SMTP settings are configured within the Email plugin or through custom server configurations, requiring details such as the SMTP host, port, and authentication credentials.
  5. Question: Why are my emails going to the spam folder when sent from Strapi?
  6. Answer: Emails might land in spam due to issues like incorrect SMTP configuration, lack of proper email authentication records (SPF/DKIM), or content that triggers spam filters.
  7. Question: Can I use third-party email services with Strapi?
  8. Answer: Yes, Strapi supports integration with third-party email services through its email plugin, allowing for more robust email delivery solutions.
  9. Question: How do I troubleshoot failed email deliveries in Strapi?
  10. Answer: Troubleshooting involves checking SMTP server logs, ensuring correct configuration in Strapi, and verifying that email content does not violate spam rules.
  11. Question: Is SSL/TLS necessary for SMTP email sending?
  12. Answer: Yes, SSL/TLS encryption is recommended to secure email communications and protect sensitive information during transmission.
  13. Question: How can I improve email deliverability with Strapi?
  14. Answer: Improve deliverability by using verified email addresses, setting up SPF/DKIM records, and regularly monitoring and cleaning your email list.
  15. Question: Can I send bulk emails through SMTP in Strapi?
  16. Answer: While possible, it's recommended to use dedicated services for bulk emailing to manage deliverability and comply with email sending best practices.
  17. Question: How does Strapi handle bounce and spam reports?
  18. Answer: Handling of bounce and spam reports in Strapi requires integration with email services that provide feedback loops and bounce management features.
  19. Question: Can I customize email templates in Strapi?
  20. Answer: Yes, Strapi allows for customization of email templates, enabling developers to create personalized email experiences for their users.

Wrapping Up SMTP and Strapi Email Integration

The journey through setting up and troubleshooting an SMTP server for email sending in Node.js applications, with a focus on Strapi, covers critical ground for developers. The necessity of correctly configuring SMTP parameters, understanding the pitfalls that can lead to common issues like failed deliveries or security vulnerabilities, and leveraging Strapi's email plugin for streamlined email operations are all vital components. Effective email integration not only enhances application functionality but also plays a crucial role in user engagement and communication strategies. As developers navigate these processes, the insights and solutions discussed serve as a valuable resource for overcoming challenges and achieving successful email integration. Emphasizing best practices, security measures, and continuous testing will ensure that email remains a powerful tool within any application's arsenal.
submitted by tempmailgenerator to MailDevNetwork [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 00:13 joni1802 Unable to send or receive mails

Hello everyone,
I am currently using the standard mail stack (postfix, dovecot etc) and wanted to try stalwart as an alternative. I have tried the docker image with the basic configuration like described in the official docs. I added my domain and a user and set the certificate. But I am unable to send message or retrieve messages from my inbox.
When I am trying to send a message using port 587 with STARTTLS I get 501 5.5.2 Syntax error, expected: MAIL FROM: \[parameters\] when trying to set the MAIL FROM. Here is the whole output:
250-XXXXXXXXXXX says hello 250-SMTPUTF8 250-SIZE 104857600 250-REQUIRETLS 250-PIPELINING 250-NO-SOLICITING 250-ENHANCEDSTATUSCODES 250-CHUNKING 250-BINARYMIME 250-AUTH PLAIN LOGIN 250 8BITMIME auth login 334 VXNlciBOYW1lAA== XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX 334 UGFzc3dvcmQA XXXXXXXXXX 235 2.7.0 Authentication succeeded. mail from: test@XXXXXXXXXX 501 5.5.2 Syntax error, expected: MAIL FROM: [parameters] 
In the stalwart logs I can only see a handshake entry.
2024-05-13T21:49:42.504875Z INFO session{instance="submission" protocol=Smtp remote.ip="" remote.port=38854}: common::listener::listen: context="tls" event="handshake" version=TLSv1_3 cipher=TLS13_AES_256_GCM_SHA384 
Also fetching messages over IMAP port 993 (SSL) using Roundcube is not working. I can see that a message got receive by stalwart but the inbox is empty.
2024-05-13T21:50:34.660521Z INFO session{instance="smtp" protocol=Smtp remote.ip="" remote.port=33801}: common::listener::listen: context="tls" event="handshake" version=TLSv1_3 cipher=TLS13_AES_256_GCM_SHA384 2024-05-13T21:50:35.133467Z WARN session{instance="smtp" protocol=Smtp remote.ip="" remote.port=33801}: common::scripts::plugins::lookup: context="sieve:key_exists_http" event="failed" resource="" status=404 Not Found 2024-05-13T21:50:36.970610Z INFO session{instance="smtp" protocol=Smtp remote.ip="" remote.port=33801}: smtp::queue::spool: Message queued for delivery. context="queue" event="scheduled" id=174812376797577216 from="XXXXXXXXXXXXX" nrcpts=1 size=4587 2024-05-13T21:50:36.974055Z INFO delivery{id=174812376797577216 return_path="XXXXXXXXXXXXXXX" nrcpt=1 size=4587}:attempt{domain="XXXXXXXX" attempt_number=0}: smtp::outbound::local: context="deliver_local" event="delivered" rcpt="test@XXXXXXXX" 2024-05-13T21:50:36.974364Z INFO delivery{id=174812376797577216 return_path="XXXXXXXXXXXXXX" nrcpt=1 size=4587}: smtp::outbound::delivery: Delivery completed. context="queue" event="completed" 
Am I doing something completely wrong?
submitted by joni1802 to stalwartlabs [link] [comments]

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You are not recommended to try spells to bring a lover back if you are going through the following: You know that your relationship with your ex is toxic and the best painful option to take in this is to move on. It is not a good choice to be in a relationship that is un-natural, one that is built on witchcraft. The love spark as to be their at all times.
Even the most powerful love spell may not fulfill the things that are required for a real relationship to be in place. Love should be natural and if your partner looses interest in you, its better that you let them follow the heart. If one door closes, expect another open infront of you.
Therefore witchcraft or love spells should not be the ultimate solution to mending a broken heart in a relationship, one has to make love exist naturally by doing the right things to your partner, the things that will recapture the inner feelings of love and affection as you did in the start of the relationship.
Only if and when all has been tried and failed to work that one should order for my love spells that actually work, and indeed this will be the last nail in the coffin to fix your troubled relationship permanently.
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submitted by taitaigarvin to blackmagicspelling [link] [comments]

2024.05.13 22:20 securimancer Day in a Life of a Principal Security Engineer

Day in a Life of a Principal Security Engineer
a securimancer working to keep Reddit safe and secure
Written by u/securimancer
Greetings fine humans. I’m here today writing a “Day in a Life” blog post because someone asked me to. I cannot imagine this is interesting, but Redditors tend to surprise me so let’s do this.
Morning Routine
Like many of us, mornings are when I take care of all the dependent lifeforms under my command. Get in an hour or so of video games (Unicorn Overlord currently) for my mental health. Feed the coterie of beasts (including the children), make coffee for the wife and me, prep the kids for school. Catch up on Colbert (my news needs comedy otherwise darkness consumes), check out what’s been happening on Medium and Reddit, and read a few of my favorite cybersecurity / engineering mail lists. Crack open the ol’ calendar and see what my ratio of “get shit done” to “help other people get shit done” is in store for my day. All roughly before 8am. And the beauty of working for a Bay Area company (if we can call it that, we’re so remote friendly) is that I normally have a precious few hours before people in SF wake up to get things done.
Daily Tasks
Each morning has a brief reflection of what I need to get done that day. I’m a big fan of the Eisenhower Method to figure out what I actually need to prioritize in my day. It’s exceedingly rare that I get a majority of my day focused on work that I’ve initiated, so prioritizing activities from code review and pull request feedback to architectural systems design reviews to pair programming requests from the team to random break/fix fires that pop up, all of that gets organized so I feel like I’m (at least trying) to do the most impactful work for the day. Reddit has a few systems to help drive queues of work: Jira for planned work and “big rock” items that we’re trying to accomplish for that quarter, Harold (an in-house developed shame mechanism) for code review and deployment, and Launch Control (Reddit’s flavor of Google’s LaunchCal) for architecture design reviews. Plenty of potential dopamine hits as “things to get done.”
It’s exceedingly rare that I have meetings that could have been an email (and if I do, they’re almost always vendor meetings). A lot of what my meetings tend to focus on are around conflict resolutions across teams as we try to achieve different goals or drive consensus to resolve problems that come up on various programs teams are trying to deliver. Working on Security, you can often get perceived as the “Department of No”, but in every meeting I work hard to make sure that isn’t the case. It starts with getting a shared context of what is the problem at hand, understanding the outcomes that we need to drive toward and inputs into the problem (timelines, humans, trade offs), and deciding how we move forward. Meetings are a terrible way to convey decisions as they are only as good as the individuals that remember them, so lots of these meetings are centered around decision docs or technical design reviews. Capturing your rationale for a decision not only helps make sure you understand the problem (if you can’t write about it, it’s hard to think about it), but also helps capture the whys and rationale behind those decisions for future you and other product and engineering staff.
There’s also meetings that I live for, those that are building up humans. We have biweekly SPACE (Security, Privacy, and Compliance Engineering) brown bags where we talk about new things we’ve shipped or some training topic that upskills all of us. We have biweekly threat modeling meetings where we pick a topic/scenario and go through a threat modeling exercise live, which helps build the muscle memory of how to do technical diagramming, and helps build a shared context of how the system works, what our risk appetite is, and how various team members think about the problem providing multiple viewpoints to the discussion (honestly the most valuable component). As a Principal Engineer, I’m keenly aware of my humanity and the fact that I do not scale in my efforts alone: training and building up future PEs is how I scale myself (at least until cloning becomes more readily available).
One of my super powers is being everything everywhere all at once, or so I’ve been told by my fellow Snoos. I’ve been told that I have an uncanny knack to be in so many Slack channels and part of so many threads of discussion that it’s “inhuman”. Being a damn fine security engineer is hard because not only do you have to have the understanding and context of the thing you’re trying to secure, but also know how to actually secure the thing. This is nigh impossible if you don’t know what’s going on in your business (and we’re still “small enough” size-wise that this is still possible for one human), so I’ve got Slack keyword alerts, channel organization, and a giant 49” ultrawide monitor that has a dedicated Slack tiled window to keep me plugged in and accessible. I also have developed over many years my response to pings from Slack: “Can I solve this problem, if not who can? Is this something I should solve or can I delegate? Can this be answered async with good quality, or is a larger block of dedicated time required to solve? Is this thread too long and needs a different approach?” This workflow is second nature to me and helps me move around the org. I’ve also been here almost 5 years and, as I’m in Security and have to know everything about everything to secure anything (which I don’t, but I am a master of Googling, learning, and listening), I’ve been exposed to pretty much everything in our engineering sphere. With that knowledge comes great power of helping connect teams together that wouldn’t have connected otherwise.
Do Security Stuffs
Occasionally I actually get to do “security” things. These past two quarters it’s been launching Reddit’s “unified access control” solution leveraging Cloudflare Zero Trust, moving us off old crusty Nginx OAuth proxies onto a modern system that has such groundbreaking things like caching and logs , among other things. But really, it’s the planning, designing, and execution of a complex technical migration with only a handful of engineers. I oversee security across the entire business so that requires opining on web app security, k8s / AWS / GCP security, IAM concepts, observability, mobile app dev, CI/CD security, and all the design patterns that are included in this smörgåsbord of technology. Keeping all this in my head is why I can’t remember names and faces and my wife has to tell me multiple times where I’m supposed to be and when. But the thing that keeps me going is always the “building”, seeing things get stood up at Reddit that I know are sound and secure. It’s not denying people’s requests or crapping all over a developer for picking a design they didn’t know had a serious security design flaw. We’re not a bank (either in terms of money we get to throw at security, or tolerance for security friction), we get to make risk tradeoff decisions based on Reddit’s risk tolerance (which is high except where it comes to privacy or financial exchanges) and listen to our business as we try to find ways to improve ads serving and improve our users’ experience. So I view myself like any other software engineer, I just happen to know a lot about security. And I guess not just security, I know a lot about our safety systems, our networking environment, and our Kubernetes architecture. It just comes with the Security space, that inquisitive mind of “how does this thing work?” and wanting to be competent when you talk about it and try to secure it.
Not everything is 0s and 1s, however. A lot of security is process, paperwork, and persistence. Designing workflow approval processes for how an IAM flow should look like. Reviewing IT corporate policies for accuracy and applicability. Crafting responses to potential advertisers’ IT teams on “how secure is Reddit, really”. Writing documentation for how an engineering system works and how other engineers should interact with it. Updating runbooks with steps on how others should respond to an incident or page. Building Grafana dashboards to quantify and visualize how a tooling rollout is working. Providing consulting on product features like authentication / authorization business logic across services. Interviewing, not only for my own team but also within other engineering and cross-functional areas of the business.
End of Day Routine
Eventually, I run out of time in the day as I’m beckoned away from my dark, cave-like, Diet Coke strewn office by the promise of dinner. Wrapping up document review, (hopefully) crossing things off my to-do list, and closing out Slack threads for the day, I try to pack everything up and not carry it with me after work. It’s challenging being an almost completely remote company with a heavy presence in the West Coast, as pings and notifications come in as dinner and kids’ bedtime happens. But I know not everything can be finished in a day, some things will slip, and there will always be more work tomorrow. Which is juxtaposed occasionally with bouts of imposter syndrome, even for someone as senior and tenured as I am. Happens to all of us.
After-hours work is restricted to on-call duty and pet projects. You don’t want to know how many on-call queues I’m secondary escalation on. Or how many Single Point of Securimancers services that I still own (looking at you, Reddit onion service). And pet projects are typically things that I’ve got desires to do: prototyping security solutions we want to look into, messing with my k8s homelab, doing routine upgrades. Nothing clears the mind like watching semver numbers go up (until you find the undocumented change that breaks everything).
Future Outlook
And finally, what's on the horizon for our little SPACE team? We’re still a small team coming out of IPO, and our greatest super power is networking and influencing our engineering peers. We got our ISO 27001 and SOC2 Type 2 last year and continue to ever increase scope and complexity of public accreditation. We’re close partners with our Infrastructure and IT teams to modernize our tech and continue to evolve our capabilities in host and network security, data loss prevention, and security observability. We’ve got two wonderful interns from YearUp that started and are going to be with us this summer, and we continue to focus on improving our team composition (more women and diversity, more junior folks and less singleton seniors). All of this work takes effort by this PE.
So there you have it, a “day in a life” of a u/securimancer. If you made it this far, congratulations on your achievement. Got any questions or want to share your own experiences? Drop 'em in the comments below!
submitted by securimancer to RedditEng [link] [comments]

2024.05.13 22:15 Lazy-Citron-643 Hire me for STATISTICS EXAM HELP on Reddit Take my statistics exam for me reddit answers Take my proctored exam for me reviews Reddit Take my exam for me Reddit My exam takers reviews Reddit Pay someone to take my exam in person Reddit Take my proctored exam for me Reddit Reddit Helper

Contact Hiraedu for any type of Academic Help:
Contact Details for Hiraedu Helper:
WhatsApp: +1 (213) 594-5657
Call: +1 727 456 9641
Website: hiraedu. com
Email: [info@hiraedu](mailto:info@hiraedu). com
  1. U.S. Citizenship Status: I have native-born U.S. citizenship status, an 100% authentic & natural U.S. American accent, and a verified New Jersey, USA residence. I can speak on the phone professionally in both perfect native U.S. English and fluent Canadian English.
  2. U.S. 212 Phone Number: I have a verified U.S. American business phone number with the prestigious 212 area code (212-380-1856 - Ext 3) that can both send & receive phone calls, texts, voicemails, photos, and website links.
  3. Social Media Verified: I have an active & verified online social media presence with my name and contact info regularly showing up on all major search engines including: Google, Yahoo, and Bing.
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  5. Team of U.S. Academic Experts: I and my team of dedicated academic experts complete all types of academic coursework for students in most math, English, science, business, humanities, social Sciences, computer programming, and foreign language classes on a 24/7/365 full-time round-the-clock basis. This is not some part-time gig for me. It’s literally my primary source of income. I can regularly make myself available to help students with last-minute & same-day academic requests.
  6. Essay Writing Skills: I can write essays & research papers in native U.S. American English and fluent Canadian English using APA MLA Harvard Chicago Vancouver OSCOLA IEEE formatting & citations.
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  10. Study Help Apps: I have over 15+ paid subscriptions to a wide range of study help apps, software, websites, and programs to help me solve exam & homework questions faster and more efficiently. Some of these resources include: Brainly, Chegg, CourseHero, Quizlet, SymboLab & WolframAlpha.
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  12. Test Taking Techniques: I have developed highly effective methods to determine the correct answers to questions that I’m not already familiar with including process of elimination, working backwards, quickly searching for similar questions online, and utilizing standardized test taking techniques taught only in elite standardized test prep tutoring programs.
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Considering the fact that you found my contact information online, it’s understandable to be skeptical regarding the legitimacy of my services. Therefore, I’m willing to do all of the following to help you feel more secure in trusting me with your academic needs:
At the risk of sounding arrogant, I consider myself to be at least marginally more intelligent (both academically & socially) than the average person. Therefore, if I ever decided to suddenly risk prison time, risk my reputation, and risk enduring the wrath of modern-day “cancel culture” by scamming people out of their money:
Contact Details for Hiraedu Helper:
WhatsApp: +1 (213) 594-5657
Call: +1 727 456 9641
Website: hiraedu. com
Email: [info@hiraedu](mailto:info@hiraedu). com
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submitted by Lazy-Citron-643 to Statisticshelpers_ [link] [comments]

2024.05.13 22:08 billzor Do I owe discount and reductions?

My wife is pregnant with our 2nd child and has been having a lot of back pain so her OB referred her to a physical therapist near our home that, as far as I can tell, is in network of her insurance. We received a bill that says we owe $703.57. Right away I log into our portal to see the insurance situation on this bill to make sure it was correct and it just confused me even more.
From what I understand - The physical therapist charged $1,230 total (for 3 visits) - Discounts/reductions + what our insurance covered is a total of $1,052.86 - Which should leave us with a bill for $177.14 but instead it says our responsibility is $703.57 (that's the exact amount the physical therapist billed up)
I find it odd that the discounts/reductions are the same as what insurance says they covered so not sure if I am reading this correctly or not. For some reason there is currently no EOB for this claim and we haven't received it in the mail either. I tried to call on her behalf to get that sent out but this plan is from a new job she just started at the start of this year and I am not authorized on her account so they couldn't help me, but she is planning on calling Blue Cross once she has the time to.
I just want to make sure I am looking at this right and if so who should we call to get this straightened out if something is wrong.
submitted by billzor to HealthInsurance [link] [comments]

2024.05.13 21:19 thenewg00gle AITA? Mini not available

AITA? Mini not available
Email sent and store response
submitted by thenewg00gle to CrumblCookies [link] [comments]

2024.05.13 20:11 curious_duck8 Is this a fraudulent notification?

Is this a fraudulent notification?
Sorry if this is a stupid question…I’m from out of state but have lived in mass the past two years. I recently submitted an application for an MBA program at UML and received this email a few days later. The link doesn’t contain a .gov or anything so I’m a bit suspicious to click it, and to enter sensitive information. Does anyone know if this is legit? Thank you, friends!
submitted by curious_duck8 to uml [link] [comments]

2024.05.13 19:52 SirDoAlot [WTS]»»The Fleet Facto®y«« Hurricane LTI $179, Mercury Star Runner LTI $195, Retaliator Bomber LTI $219, Reclaimer LTI $279, 600i Explorer LTI BIS 2953 $315, Carrack LTI $355, Odyssey LTI $379 and more + upgrades and paints. Have a look!

Welcome to The Fleet Facto®y!

Est. 2946
Standalone Ships:
Type Name Melt value Upgrade value Price
CCU'd Vulture LTI $120 $175 $149
CCU'd Vulture LTI BIS 2953 $125 $175 $165
CCU'd Zeus MKII MR LTI $135 $190 $174
CCU'd Constellation Taurus LTI $135 $200 $179
CCU'd Vulcan LTI $145 $200 $179
CCU'd Hurricane LTI $130 $210 $179
CCU'd Terrapin LTI $155 $220 $194
CCU'd Railen LTI $160 $225 $199
CCU'd Constellation Andromeda LTI $155 $240 $189
CCU'd Scorpius LTI $140 $240 $189
CCU'd Corsair LTI $165 $250 $199
CCU'd Corsair LTI BIS 2953 $165 $250 $215
CCU'd 400i LTI $165 $250 $199
CCU'd Ares Inferno LTI $140 $250 $199
CCU'd Ares Ion LTI $140 $250 $199
CCU'd Mercury Star Runner LTI $155 $260 $195
CCU'd Vanguard Warden LTI $155 $260 $209
CCU'd Vanguard Sentinel LTI $160 $275 $219
CCU'd Retaliator Bomber LTI $160 $275 $219
CCU'd Apollo Medivac LTI $160 $275 $219
CCU'd Vanguard Harbinger LTI $175 $290 $225
CCU'd Eclipse LTI $170 $300 $225
CCU'd Constellation Aquila LTI $210 $315 $239
CCU'd Mole LTI $210 $315 $239
CCU'd Redeemer LTI BIS 2953 $205 $325 $245
CCU'd Caterpillar LTI $195 $330 $239
CCU'd Starfarer Gemini LTI $210 $340 $244
CCU'd Crucible LTI $220 $350 $255
CCU'd Endeavor LTI $220 $350 $255
CCU'd Glaive LTI $220 $350 $295
CCU'd Valkyrie LTI $220 $375 $259
CCU'd Galaxy LTI $225 $380 $264
CCU'd Reclaimer LTI $245 $400 $279
CCU'd C2 Hercules LTI $245 $400 $289
CCU'd Prowler LTI $255 $440 $299
CCU'd 600i Explorer LTI BIS 2953 $260 $475 $315
CCU'd Hull C LTI $265 $500 $325
CCU'd M2 Hercules LTI $285 $520 $335
CCU'd Hull D LTI $270 $550 $339
CCU'd Liberator LTI $300 $575 $359
CCU'd Arrastra LTI $290 $575 $349
CCU'd Carrack LTI $280 $600 $355
CCU'd Orion LTI $290 $600 $359
CCU'd Merchantman LTI $280 $650 $359
CCU'd Perseus LTI $300 $675 $369
CCU'd Odyssey LTI $325 $675 $379
CCU'd Hammerhead $300 $725 $369
CCU'd A2 Hercules LTI $300 $750 $374
CCU'd Polaris LTI $330 $750 $389
Special offers, limited numbers:
Type Name Upgrade value Price Quantity
Ship and Vehicle Upgrades:
Type Name Price
CCU 325A to Avenger Titan Renegade $10
CCU Reliant Kore to Avenger Titan Renegade $18
CCU Reliant Tana to Avenger Warlock $18
CCU 325A to Avenger Warlock $25
CCU 315P to Avenger Warlock $30
CCU Vanguard Harbinger to Eclipse $18
CCU M50 to Gladius Valiant $18
CCU Odyssey to Hammerhead $45
CCU Odyssey to Nautilus $45
CCU Valkyrie to Reclaimer $35
CCU Gladiator to Sabre $11
CCU Sabre to Sabre Comet $25
CCU Terrapin to Vanguard Hoplite $32
CCU Apollo Triage to Vanguard Warden $18
CCU Vanguard Hoplite to Vanguard Warden $32
CCU Sabre Comet to Vulcan $25
CCU Super Hornet to Vulcan $25
CCU Freelancer DUR to Ballista $11
CCU Liberator to Carrack $44
CCU Starfarer Gemini to Crucible $18
CCU Prospector to Gladiator $17
CCU Reliant Mako to Hawk $11
CCU Gladius to Hawk $17
CCU Sabre Comet to Hornet Heartseeker $19
CCU Super Hornet to Hornet Heartseeker $25
CCU Prospector to Hornet Wildfire $32
CCU Vulcan to Hurricane $18
CCU Taurus to Hurricane $18
CCU F7C Hornet to Legionnaire $18
CCU Mustang Beta to Pisces C8X $10
CCU Dragonfly Black to Pisces C8X $10
CCU Arrow to Spartan $11
CCU Hornet Wildfire to Super Hornet $17
CCU Sabre to Super Hornet $24
CCU Khartu-Al to Super Hornet $24
CCU Gladiator to Super Hornet $31
CCU Prospector to Super Hornet $45
CCU Vulcan to Terrapin $33
CCU Crucible to Valkyrie $44
CCU Endeavor to Valkyrie $44
CCU Gladiator to Khartu-Al $11
CCU Prospector to Khartu-Al $25
CCU Dragonfly Black to Nox $11
CCU X1 Base to Nox Kue $12
CCU Vulcan to San'tok.Yai $33
CCU Mustang Alpha to MPUV Cargo $11
CCU Razor to SRV $11
CCU Tracker to SRV $18
CCU Avenger Stalker to Mustang Delta $10
CCU 300i to Mustang Delta $17
CCU Andromeda to Ares Inferno $18
CCU Andromeda to Ares Ion $18
CCU Valkyrie to Genisis Starliner $44
CCU Nautilus to Hercules A2 $45
CCU Hammerhead to Hercules A2 $45
CCU Valkyrie to Hercules C2 $44
CCU 400i to Mercury Star Runner $18
CCU Andromeda to Mercury Star Runner $33
CCU Hawk to Buccaneer $17
CCU M50 to Buccaneer $17
CCU Mole to Caterpillar $25
CCU Sabre to Cutlass Blue $11
CCU Prospector to Cutlass Blue $32
CCU Reliant Tana to Herald $17
CCU 325A to Herald $24
CCU Dragonfly Black to Mule $11
CCU Andromeda to Corsair $18
CCU Starfarer Gemini to Endeavor $18
CCU Hornet Tracker to Expanse $17
CCU Sabre to Freelancer MIS $10
CCU Gladiator to Freelancer MIS $17
CCU Prospector to Freelancer MIS $33
CCU Spartan to Hull A $17
CCU Arrow to Hull A $23
CCU Cutlass Red to Hull B $12
CCU Perseus to Odyssey $44
CCU Tracker to Razor $11
CCU Freelancer DUR to Razor $17
CCU Hornet Ghost to Razor $32
CCU Razor to Razor LX $11
CCU Tracker to Razor LX $17
CCU Freelancer MAX to Razor EX $11
CCU Razor LX to Razor EX $11
CCU Retaliator Base to Razor EX $11
CCU 325A to Reliant Tana $10
CCU Arrow to Reliant Sen $17
CCU Reliant Tana to Reliant Sen $17
CCU 325A to Reliant Sen $24
CCU Gladius to Reliant Mako $10
CCU 325A to Reliant Mako $36
CCU Mole to Starfarer Gemini $41
CCU Starfarer to Starfarer Gemini $58
CCU Dragonfly Black to 100i $17
CCU Ursa Rover to 125A $17
CCU Avenger Titan to 125A $12
CCU 100i to 125A $17
CCU 125A to 135C $11
CCU 300i to 135C $17
CCU Mustang Gamma to 135C $17
CCU Andromeda to 400i $18
CCU Aurora CL to 85X $11
CCU Mustang Gamma to G12 $11
CCU Mustang Gamma to G12R Racing $11
CCU Avenger Stalker to G12A Military $11
CCU G12 to G12A Military $11
CCU G12R Racing to G12A Military $11
CCU Reliant Mako to M50 Interceptor $11
CCU Gladius to M50 Interceptor $17
CCU Dragonfly Black to X1 Velocity $17
CCU X1 Baseline to X1 Velocity $11
CCU X1 Velocity to X1 Force $11
CCU X1 Baseline to X1 Force $17
CCU Apollo Triage to Apollo Medivac $38
CCU Vanguard Warden to Apollo Medivac $27
CCU Vanguard Hoplite to Apollo Triage $18
CCU Aurora MR to Aurora LX $11
CCU Razor to Mantis $10
CCU Hornet Tracker to Mantis $18
CCU Hammerhead to Polaris $45
CCU 85X to Ursa Rover Fortuna $12
CCU Cyclone to Cyclone RC $18
CCU Cyclone to Cyclone TR $18
CCU Cyclone to Cyclone RN $18
CCU Cyclone to Cyclone AA $37
CCU Cyclone RC to Cyclone AA $25
CCU Cyclone TR to Cyclone AA $25
CCU Cyclone RN to Cyclone AA $25
CCU Ursa Rover to Cyclone $11
CCU Ursa Rover to Cyclone RC $25
CCU Ursa Rover to Cyclone TR $25
CCU Ursa Rover to Cyclone RN $25
CCU Ursa Rover to Cyclone AA $45
CCU 300i to Cyclone RC $11
CCU 300i to Cyclone TR $11
CCU 300i to Cyclone RN $11
CCU 325a to Cyclone MT $18
CCU Arrow to Cyclone AA $11
CCU F7C Hornet to Nova Tank $17
CCU Mustang Alpha to Ranger CV $11
CCU Mustang Alpha to Ranger RC $11
CCU Ranger CV to Ranger TR $11
CCU Ranger RC to Ranger TR $11
Ship Name Price
Aegis Avenger Blue and gold ILW 2950 $15
Aegis Avenger Solar Winds Paint $15
Aegis Gladius Solar Winds Paint $18
Aegis Gladius Blue and gold ILW 2953 $18
Aegis Vanguard Solar Winds Paint $22
Aegis Vanguard Blue and gold ILW 2953 $22
Aegis Retaliator Blue and gold ILW 2953 $22
Anvil Arrow Twilight ILW 2950 $15
Anvil Centurion Beachhead $18
Anvil Hawk Blue and gold ILW 2953 $18
Anvil Legionnaire Shadow Strike Paint $18
Anvil Hornet Blue and gold ILW 2953 $18
Anvil Valkyrie Splinter ILW 2950 $24
Anvil Liberator Condor $35
Crusader Mercury Fortuna $23
Cursader Spirit Crimson $20
Cursader Spirit Intrepid $20
Cursader Spirit Olympia $20
Cursader Hercules Blue and gold ILW 2953 $29
Drake Dragonfly Ghoulish Green $15
Drake Cutlass Ghoulish Green $15
Drake Cutlass Scull and Crossbones $19
Drake Buccaneer Ghoulish Green $18
Drake Caterpillar Ghoulish Green $22
Drake Herald Ghoulish Green $18
Drake Mule Ghoulish Green $14
Drake Mule Smokestack $9
Drake Vulture Ghoulish Green $20
Gatac Railen Hyaotan $23
Greycat STV Blue Steel $9
Mirai Fury Leatherback $15
Misc Reliant Blue and gold ILW 2953 $15
Misc Freelancer Paint pack ILW 2950 $23
Misc Starfarer Paint pack ILW 2950 $43
Misc Expanse Stardust $20
Origin 100i Blue and gold ILW 2953 $23
Origin 400i Fortuna $23
Origin 400i Penumbra $29
Origin 400i Meridian $29
Origin 600i Fortuna $29
RSI Lynx Moonrise $15
RSI Aurora Blue and gold ILW2950 $15
RSI Constellation Blue and gold ILW2950 $22
RSI Scorpius Stinger $35
RSI Scorpius Tiburon $27
RSI Galaxy Protector $25
Tumbril Cyclone Blue and gold ILW 2953 $15
Tumbril Storm Summit $18
BUKs, modules and more:
Type Name Insurance Melt value Price

• CCU = Cross-Chassis Upgrade. • Melt value = what you get if you decide to exchange your ship for store credits. • Upgrade value = this is the value you upgrade from if you decide to do that. • LTI = Lifetime insurance. • MI = Month insurance. • OC = Original Concept. • Prices include PayPal fees. PayPal invoice will be sent. • Buyer must be PayPal verified, I am since 2008. • I do not have a Discord account and I do not middleman! • HOW TO BUY: PM me what you would like to buy together with your PayPal email. I will then send you an invoice. Once the invoice has been paid the bought item will be gifted to your PayPal email. You will then receive a mail from RSI which contains a gift link. The link transfers the gift to your Hangar (RSI website, if you are logged in, or it will ask you to do so). • If you are interested - send me a PM. My down time is usually between 11 pm - 7 am UTC (CET) 
Have a good day!
submitted by SirDoAlot to Starcitizen_trades [link] [comments]

2024.05.13 14:24 Then_Marionberry_259 MAY 10, 2024 RIO.V RIO2 VIRTUAL AGM REMINDER

VANCOUVER, British Columbia, May 10, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Rio2 Limited (“ Rio2” or the “Company ”) (TSXV: RIO; OTCQX: RIOFF; BVL: RIO) wishes to remind its shareholders that its forthcoming Annual General and Special Meeting of shareholders (the “Meeting” or the “AGM”) will be held on May 15, 2024, at 11 a.m. ET. This will be an entirely virtual Meeting to be conducted via live webcast where all shareholders, regardless of geographic location, will have an equal opportunity to participate online. Shareholders will not be able to attend the Meeting in person.
The timing and process for voting are described in detail in the Notice of Availability of Proxy Materials mailed to shareholders and meeting materials available on SEDAR+ at and the company’s website at
The voting deadline is 11:00 a.m. (ET) on Monday, May 13, 2024.
Registered Shareholders and duly appointed proxyholders can participate in the Meeting in real-time online at by clicking “Shareholder” and entering the 15-digit Control Number located on the form of proxy. Duly appointed proxyholders can participate in the Meeting by entering an invitation code provided by Computershare before the start of the Meeting.
Voting at the Meeting will only be available for Registered Shareholders and duly appointed proxyholders. Non-Registered Shareholders who have not appointed themselves may attend the Meeting by clicking “ Guest ” and completing the online form.
Rio2 recommends shareholders log into the webcast at least 10 minutes in advance of the virtual meeting start time to ensure connectivity.
Shareholders who have questions about voting their shares or attending the AGM may contact the Company by email at
Your vote is important. Whether or not you plan to virtually attend the AGM, please vote as soon as possible by one of the methods described in the proxy materials for the AGM to ensure that your shares are represented and voted at the AGM.
Rio2 is a mining company with a focus on development and mining operations with a team that ‎has proven technical skills as well as successful capital markets track record. Rio2 is focused on ‎taking its Fenix Gold Project in Chile to production in the shortest possible timeframe based on a ‎staged development strategy. Rio2 and its wholly owned subsidiary, Fenix Gold Limitada, are ‎companies with the highest environmental standards and responsibility with the firm conviction ‎that it is possible to develop mining projects that respect the three pillars (Social, Environment, ‎Economics) of sustainable development. As related companies, we reaffirm our commitment to ‎apply environmental standards beyond those that are mandated by regulators, seeking to ‎protect and preserve the environment of the territories that we operate in.‎
To learn more about Rio2 Limited, please visit: or Rio2's SEDAR+ profile at
Alex Black
Executive Chairman
Tel: +51 99279 4655
Kathryn Johnson
Executive Vice President, CFO & Corporate Secretary
‎Tel: +1 604 762 4720‎
Neither TSX Venture Exchange nor its Regulation Services Provider (as that term is defined in the policies of the TSX Venture Exchange) accepts the responsibility for the adequacy or accuracy of this release.
Universal Site Links
submitted by Then_Marionberry_259 to Treaty_Creek [link] [comments]

2024.05.13 13:20 Content_Call5083 NSB (Straud Legacy) Gen 9 Ep. 70: A Cursed Day

NSB (Straud Legacy) Gen 9 Ep. 70: A Cursed Day
The Story of a Family
While Luigi was still coming to terms with sharing captaincy of the e-sports team, the universe gave him a bunch of new things to worry about!
He jolted awake early one morning drenched in sweat, with a lingering sense of terror fresh in his brain. Rising to grab a glass of water he noticed a strange book on the floor that hadn’t been there when he went to bed the night before.
Luigi was no mage, but he’d grown up around enough of them to know that this book was trouble. Picking it up he attempted to tear it in half, and when that didn’t work, he slammed it to the ground and stomped on it several times until it finally flew apart, disintegrating as if it had never existed.
Luigi was congratulating himself on a job well done when an awful headache struck out of nowhere. It came on faster than his usual anemia headaches, and he didn’t recall missing any iron supplements. With a sigh he popped a couple pain killers and settled down at his PC to do some work.
No sooner had he logged into his account than his laptop started to smoke, the ominous “blue screen of death” replacing his icons. It seemed nothing was going to be easy this morning! As he began repairs, he reflected that at least handiwork always reminded him of good times spent with Papa Jack.
Luigi was just finishing up when Noemi called to remind him that he’d promised to come to her gym that morning to play some basketball.
His head was still aching, but the meds were helping, and it wasn’t nearly as bad as before. Not wanting to disappoint his friend he told her he’d be right there, spinning into his athletic wear and heading out the door. Arriving in record time his stomach chose that moment to demand the breakfast that he’d skipped in his haste to arrive.
Noemi was happy to make a pit stop at the snack bar. Settling down to dig in, the soft fruit and yogurt parfait he’d grabbed somehow managed to cause a sharp stabbing pain in his mouth! Luigi groaned, answering his friends worried look with a quick recap of his fantastically terrible day so far.
She was sympathetic but encouraged him to power through it. A fitness loving sim like Luigi, Noemi found exercise to be a great natural pain reliever.
Heading upstairs to the basketball court they started with some quick free throws. Once warm and limber, Noemi upped the stakes by wagering 5 simoleons on a slam dunk contest.
Luigi went first, launching himself up in the air to attempt a one-handed dunk. He missed, the ball rebounding off the rim, his landing trajectory a chaotic tumbling mess. He tried to laugh it off and spring back to his feet like that guy at the bowling alley after prom… what was his name again?…
He only got as far as putting his full weight on his right leg when a red-hot spike of pain shot through his ankle. His jaw clenched involuntarily in surprise, which only caused a different stabbing pain to radiate outwards from the tooth that had started bothering him during their meal.
Luigi’s laugh turned into a curse as he used his arms to push himself to his feet and limped towards a nearby bench, Noemi following behind.
His ankle didn’t feel great, but it didn’t look terribly swollen. Rising he said “its not so bad. I’m sure I can finish the game if I’m careful”. That idea got Noemi’s pragmatic and immediate veto. “Sit your butt back down. Playing on an injury is an idiotic move that just takes you out of the game longer.”
Luigi sighed as he obeyed, joking that now she sounded like Professor Silva! Apologizing for ruining their fun he agreed she had a point. He was sure his injury wasn’t serious but regardless he should probably be done with basketball for the time being!
First a headache, then a toothache, and now his ankle… what was wrong with the universe today!?
Noemi pulled him close, telling him “don’t worry about it. Basketball isn’t the only way we can have fun here. In fact, since exercise is out as a means of pain relief, I might just have an alternative that’s sure to make you forget all your aches for awhile...”
Luigi liked the sound of that, returning her smile before slowly following her over to one of the saunas lined up near the food stand. For the next little while he did indeed forget his troubles as they basked in the super-heated air and each other's touch.
Luigi had enjoyed their hot and steamy adventure but when they were finished, he was ready to head home and get off his feet.
He kissed Noemi goodbye, thanking her for “making this bad day a whole lot better”. She replied “it was my pleasure. I will, however, expect that 5 simoleons in the mail soon – screwing up your dunk so bad you had to forfeit the game counts as a loss if ever there was one!”
I was honestly impressed with how cursed this day was for Luigi. A lot of what I ended up using in the episode came from mods or other in-game events, but I was impressed with the “vanilla” things that went wrong in game considering the team only had For Rent and Basegame to work with.
View The Full Story of My Not So Berry Challenge Here
submitted by Content_Call5083 to LetsPlayStories [link] [comments]

2024.05.13 13:02 YahooFantasyCare 🤔🛠️ Tech Support & General Questions [Weekly Thread]

This thread is for members experiencing any issues with Yahoo Fantasy or members that just have general questions about Yahoo Fantasy Sports.
For technical issues be sure to check the "Technical Support" tab for common fixes before posting.
If you are a commissioner and have questions about or need help running your league check the "Commish Academy" tab which is full of answers to common questions before posting.
For any app issues please provide the following information in your post.
Have product feedback? Please check out our Uservoice forum for our top feature requests and other suggestions. If you find an idea you like, please vote or comment on it!
submitted by YahooFantasyCare to YahooFantasy [link] [comments]

2024.05.13 12:36 mulberrybushes [PSA] Amy Herzog Design Website

This email just in:
It’s with a heavy heart that I share that CustomFit and the Amy Herzog Designs website will shut down on June 15th, 2024. I will be sharing this information on the blog and socials shortly.
Two weeks ago, I shared an email containing a section about an intermittent issue with users being unable to sign in. In the days after the email was sent, the problem continued to get worse, becoming much more frequent. After countless hours of my own work, and in consultation with multiple outside consultants, we've come to the terrible conclusion that it can't be fixed on the current technology platform. Many aspects of the system are based on older technology, and the pieces just don't play well together anymore. To fix it would require significant reengineering - a task which, at best, would take multiple experts months and be very costly. CustomFit has barely been covering its operating costs for a while, so this isn’t a feasible step.
Until June 15th, the log-in experience will continue to be intermittent and frustrating, and I’m sorry that’s the experience things will end on. This error will look like a generic “something went wrong” error page. Generally trying again a few times, or waiting until later, will result in it working.
There are some logistics to know about the site shutting down, so please read the following carefully:
• The Amy Herzog Designs and CustomFit websites will no longer exist as of June 15th 2024. This means that you will not be able to access any of the information on the site after that date unless you save it to your computer. This includes any traditional patterns from Amy Herzog Designs or CustomFit patterns.
• You can, and should, download copies of your already-generated patterns before that date. On your Patterns page: these are the patterns under the section “Ready to Knit”. Under each pattern there is a button marked “Download PDF” – that’s what you want. I recommend placing the PDF in multiple locations, some in a cloud-based service with automatic backups, so that you always have a version of the file.
• You should also download copies of the measurements and swatch information that you’d like to keep. For measurements, there’s a “download PDF” button on the detail page for that measurement set. For swatches, either copy / paste the information into a text document or save each of the web pages to your local machine.
• Please be patient. I understand that with this date in mind, it might make the log-in issue even more frustrating. There may also be a lot of people trying to access the site, or generate patterns, at any given time, which can cause additional slow downs.
Subscribers, you should have received a separate email with additional details. Please check your junk mail and reach out if you didn’t.
submitted by mulberrybushes to knitting [link] [comments]

2024.05.13 01:39 Hot-Manager-3580 Yahoo Ads

Some years ago I advertised on what was then called Gemini which was the Yahoo, AOL etc ads platform. When I ended things with them, I still had some credit in my account with them.
I recently tried logging in with a view to advertise, only to discover that the company has changed hands and is now called Yahoo Advertising. My login is not recognised, when I click on their Contact Us option, I am invited to choose from:
  1. Yahoo's Demand Side Platform.
  2. Yahoo Properties (Sports, Finance etc)
  3. Native Ads
  4. Retail Media Network
I'd be grateful if you could tell me which of the above options most mirrors Google Ads and Microsoft Ads.
I've contacted them twice on a couple of the above options but no-one has got back to me.
Does anyone have a phone number for them, given that their website doesn't publish any number?
Thanks in advance.
submitted by Hot-Manager-3580 to PPC [link] [comments]

2024.05.12 23:36 Fenrir027 Please Help with my Notion Resume

Hi Everyone, I was wondering if you could assist me me on some feedback regarding my resume? Pretty much I have created to examples: Example 1 Resume and Example 2 Resume on Notion to try and standout more.
I'm trying to fill the gap of employment without showing my future employer I'm not going be there long as I'm trying pass my PT qualification so I can go self employed by the end of 2024. I'm open to all feedback both Positive and Negative, so I can improve increase my chances getting a better Job. As my current resume shows off my skill set but keep reminding my future employer of my PT business which I do volunteering for now, which scares them away,
Thank You in Advance
submitted by Fenrir027 to resumes [link] [comments]

2024.05.12 23:32 Fenrir027 Help on Fixing My Resume

Hi Everyone, I was wondering if you could assist me me on some feedback regarding my resume? Pretty much I have created to examples: Example 1 Resume and Example 2 Resume on Notion to try and standout more.
I'm trying to fill the gap of employment without showing my future employer I'm not going be there long as I'm trying pass my PT qualification so I can go self employed by the end of 2024. I'm open to all feedback both Positive and Negative, so I can improve increase my chances getting a better Job. As my current resume shows off my skill set but keep reminding my future employer of my PT business which I do volunteering for now, which scares them away,
Thank You in Advance
submitted by Fenrir027 to Resume [link] [comments]

2024.05.12 23:25 tempmailgenerator Handling Email Dispatch Issues with Python on Yandex

Overcoming Email Dispatch Challenges on Yandex with Python

In the digital age, email remains a cornerstone of communication, especially in professional and development contexts. Python, with its extensive libraries and straightforward syntax, has become a go-to for automating and managing email operations. However, integrating Python with email services like Yandex can occasionally hit snags, particularly when emails fail to send. This issue can stem from a variety of causes, ranging from incorrect SMTP server settings to authentication problems, all of which can disrupt the seamless flow of automated emails crucial for notifications, system alerts, or even marketing campaigns.
Understanding the intricacies of Yandex's email service and the Python email sending process is vital for developers and system administrators alike. This knowledge not only aids in troubleshooting but also in optimizing email delivery systems for reliability and efficiency. By delving into common pitfalls and advanced configurations, one can enhance the robustness of their email dispatch solutions, ensuring that important messages reach their destinations without fail. The following sections will explore how to navigate these challenges, providing insights and practical solutions for effectively managing email operations with Python on Yandex.
Command/Function Description
SMTP() Initializes a new SMTP connection to the email server.
sendmail() Sends an email message to one or more recipients.
login() Logs into the email server using the provided credentials.

Enhancing Email Automation with Python and Yandex

Email automation plays a pivotal role in modern software applications, enabling systems to communicate with users for notifications, verifications, and even marketing purposes. When utilizing Yandex's SMTP service in conjunction with Python, developers can create powerful, automated email systems that are both reliable and efficient. This combination allows for the sending of emails through scripts, which can be scheduled or triggered by specific events within an application. The flexibility of Python, combined with Yandex's robust email infrastructure, offers a scalable solution for email automation tasks. However, to effectively leverage these tools, it's crucial to understand both the capabilities and limitations of the Yandex SMTP service, as well as the best practices for using Python's email libraries.
One of the key considerations when sending emails through Yandex using Python is the handling of secure connections and authentication. Ensuring that emails are sent over a secure connection (using TLS) is vital for protecting sensitive information and maintaining the trust of the recipients. Furthermore, correctly managing authentication credentials is critical to prevent unauthorized access and use of the email service. Advanced features such as email formatting (HTML emails), attachments, and handling multiple recipients can also be implemented with Python's email libraries, allowing for the creation of more complex and interactive email content. By mastering these aspects, developers can enhance the functionality and professionalism of their email automation systems, making them an invaluable asset to any project or organization.

Email Sending Example with Yandex and Python

Python SMTP Library
import smtplib from email.mime.multipart import MIMEMultipart from email.mime.text import MIMEText # Create message object instance msg = MIMEMultipart() # Setup the parameters of the message password = "yourPassword" msg['From'] = "" msg['To'] = "" msg['Subject'] = "Subject of the Email" # Add in the message body msg.attach(MIMEText("Message body", 'plain')) # Create server server = smtplib.SMTP('') server.starttls() # Login Credentials for sending the mail server.login(msg['From'], password) # Send the message via the server server.sendmail(msg['From'], msg['To'], msg.as_string()) server.quit() print("successfully sent email to %s:" % (msg['To'])) 

Mastering Email Automation with Python and Yandex

Integrating Python with Yandex's email service for automation presents a dynamic approach to managing communications in applications and systems. This integration empowers developers to programmatically send emails, harnessing Python's versatility and Yandex's reliable email infrastructure. The process involves utilizing Python's SMTP library to establish a connection with Yandex's mail server, authenticate, and dispatch emails, which can be tailored with HTML content, attachments, and more. This method offers a scalable and efficient means to automate email notifications, system alerts, or even promotional emails, directly through Python scripts.
Yet, the effectiveness of such email automation relies heavily on adherence to best practices, including handling secure connections, managing authentication credentials, and optimizing email content. Developers must ensure the use of TLS for secure email transmission and safeguard authentication details to prevent unauthorized access. Additionally, mastering the nuances of email composition, such as setting appropriate MIME types for attachments and crafting engaging HTML content, can significantly enhance the impact and deliverability of automated emails. By focusing on these areas, developers can create sophisticated email automation systems that leverage the strengths of both Python and Yandex.

FAQs on Python and Yandex Email Integration

  1. Question: Can I send emails using Python with any email service provider?
  2. Answer: Yes, Python's SMTP library supports email sending with most email service providers, including Yandex, as long as you have the correct SMTP server details and authentication credentials.
  3. Question: Do I need a Yandex email account to send emails using Python?
  4. Answer: Yes, you need a Yandex email account or access to a Yandex SMTP server with valid credentials to send emails through their service using Python.
  5. Question: How do I secure my email communication with Python and Yandex?
  6. Answer: Use TLS (Transport Layer Security) by calling the starttls() method on your SMTP object before sending emails to ensure the communication is encrypted.
  7. Question: Can I send HTML emails using Python with Yandex?
  8. Answer: Yes, you can send HTML emails by setting the MIME type to 'text/html' when creating your email message object in Python.
  9. Question: How do I handle attachments in emails sent through Python with Yandex?
  10. Answer: Use the email.mime application and multipart modules in Python to create a MIMEMultipart message object and attach files using the MIMEBase class.
  11. Question: Is there a limit to the number of emails I can send with Yandex via Python?
  12. Answer: Yes, Yandex may have sending limits to prevent abuse. Check Yandex's documentation or your account details for specific limits.
  13. Question: Can I manage a list of recipients for bulk email sending with Python?
  14. Answer: Yes, you can manage lists of recipients in your Python script and loop through them to send emails individually or use the BCC field to send to multiple recipients at once, respecting Yandex's limits.
  15. Question: How do I troubleshoot errors when sending emails with Python and Yandex?
  16. Answer: Check your SMTP server details, ensure your credentials are correct, and verify that you're handling email content properly. Also, review any error messages for specific issues.
  17. Question: Can I schedule emails to be sent at specific times using Python with Yandex?
  18. Answer: Directly through Python, you would need to implement your scheduling mechanism, such as using a task scheduler or integrating with a Python scheduling library.

Wrapping Up the Email Automation Journey

Throughout this exploration of automating email dispatch using Python and Yandex, we've uncovered the importance of seamless integration between application logic and email services. The capability to programmatically manage email communications presents a significant advantage, enabling tailored user interactions and operational efficiencies. Key takeaways include the criticality of secure connections, proper authentication, and the nuanced handling of email content and attachments to ensure messages are both received and presented as intended. Moreover, the flexibility of Python's email libraries, when combined with Yandex's robust service, offers a comprehensive toolkit for developers. This not only simplifies the process of implementing email functionality but also enhances the reliability and effectiveness of automated email systems. As we conclude, it's evident that mastering these elements is indispensable for creating sophisticated and responsive email-driven applications, marking an essential skill set in the digital communication landscape.
submitted by tempmailgenerator to MailDevNetwork [link] [comments]

2024.05.12 22:28 Laquia what are your thoughts? (read in captions)

what are your thoughts? (read in captions) submitted by Laquia to Minecraftbuilds [link] [comments]

2024.05.12 20:36 Upstairsmaid Hive research (E Smith) - terrible privacy policy

Hive research (E Smith) - terrible privacy policy
Tried searching to see if this has been discussed but on my phone (not PC) didn’t find any posts. I read the “privacy” policy and it says they will collect from me and from the survey website so much information-I can’t believe it’s allowed. I returned it. Guess I will be paying closer attention to these forms going forward.
submitted by Upstairsmaid to ProlificAc [link] [comments]

2024.05.12 19:17 poeticdreamer415 Time to sign up and support our youth by sponsoring.

Time to sign up and support our youth by sponsoring. submitted by poeticdreamer415 to Louisiana [link] [comments]

2024.05.12 18:57 swa-mark Recent Southwest App & Web Improvements

Howdy SWA Redditors! Mark from the Southwest Digital Team. Sharing a few improvements we’ve launched recently to make it even easier to travel with us.
Also, sharing my deep thanks and care for Colleen Barrett who we lost this week. My condolences are with her family. She truly built the Heart and Soul of Southwest. Defining LUV, and giving so many opportunities to all of us. We are all so thankful for her and everything she did to make SWA something truly special. We will miss you Colleen!
Improving your shopping experience
Improving your account
Improving your day travel experience
Improving Disrupted Trip Experiences While we never want a disrupted trip - sometimes things happen. So we’re always working to make sure we can things back on track as quickly as possible.
Thanks to all our Cohearts who are working every day to improve your experience when traveling with Southwest. And thank you for your support of Southwest!
submitted by swa-mark to SouthwestAirlines [link] [comments]