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handball deutschland dänemark wo übertragen

2024.05.16 20:13 Objective-Log2584 handball deutschland dänemark wo übertragen

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handball deutschland dänemark wo übertragen
Handball-Übertragungsorte Deutschland
Handball ist in Deutschland eine äußerst beliebte Sportart, und die Fans strömen in Scharen zu den Übertragungsorten, um ihre Lieblingsmannschaften anzufeuern. In Deutschland gibt es eine Vielzahl von Orten, an denen Handballspiele stattfinden, sei es in großen Arenen oder in kleineren Hallen. Hier sind einige der prominentesten Übertragungsorte für Handball in Deutschland:
  1. **Barclaycard Arena, Hamburg**: Die Barclaycard Arena ist eine der größten Mehrzweckarenen Deutschlands und beherbergt regelmäßig hochkarätige Handballspiele. Mit einer Kapazität von über 13.000 Zuschauern bietet sie eine beeindruckende Kulisse für spannende Wettkämpfe.
  2. **Merkur Spiel-Arena, Düsseldorf**: Diese multifunktionale Arena ist nicht nur für Fußballspiele bekannt, sondern auch für Handballveranstaltungen. Mit modernster Ausstattung und einer Kapazität von über 50.000 Zuschauern ist die Merkur Spiel-Arena ein wichtiger Austragungsort für große Handballevents.
  3. **LANXESS Arena, Köln**: Als eine der größten Arenen Deutschlands ist die LANXESS Arena ein Hotspot für Handballfans. Mit einer Kapazität von über 18.000 Zuschauern bietet sie eine elektrisierende Atmosphäre für Spiele auf höchstem Niveau.
  4. **Olympiahalle, München**: Die Olympiahalle ist nicht nur ein Symbol für sportliche Höchstleistungen, sondern auch ein bedeutender Übertragungsort für Handball in Deutschland. Mit einer Kapazität von über 15.000 Zuschauern bietet sie eine beeindruckende Kulisse für internationale Handballveranstaltungen.
  5. **Sporthalle Hamburg**: Neben der Barclaycard Arena ist die Sporthalle Hamburg ein wichtiger Austragungsort für Handballspiele in der Hansestadt. Mit einer Kapazität von über 7.000 Zuschauern ist sie ein beliebter Ort für spannende Begegnungen auf nationaler und internationaler Ebene.
Diese Übertragungsorte sind nur einige Beispiele für die Vielfalt der Handballarenen in Deutschland. Sie bieten den Fans die Möglichkeit, die Faszination dieses Sports hautnah zu erleben und unvergessliche Momente zu erleben.
Live-Übertragung Handball Deutschland vs
Titel: Live-Übertragung Handball Deutschland vs: Seien Sie hautnah dabei!
Handball ist eine der fesselndsten Sportarten, die Fans auf der ganzen Welt begeistert. Und wenn es um das Nationalteam geht, ist die Aufregung noch größer. Deutschland ist bekannt für seine leidenschaftlichen Handballfans, die jedes Spiel mit Spannung verfolgen.
Die Live-Übertragung des Handballspiels Deutschland vs. [Gegner] verspricht ein aufregendes Erlebnis für alle Handballbegeisterten. Egal, ob Sie zu Hause sind oder unterwegs, Sie können das Spiel live verfolgen und sich von der Intensität und Dynamik dieses Sports mitreißen lassen.
Die deutsche Handballnationalmannschaft hat eine lange Geschichte voller Siege und großartiger Spiele. Mit talentierten Spielern und einem engagierten Trainerstab streben sie immer nach Spitzenleistungen. Ihre Spiele sind daher ein Muss für jeden Handballfan.
Dank moderner Technologie können Sie das Spiel bequem von überall aus verfolgen. Ob im Fernsehen, online per Livestream oder über soziale Medien, es gibt viele Möglichkeiten, das Spiel live zu sehen. Sie können sich sogar in Echtzeit über Tore, Spielstände und Spielerstatistiken informieren.
Die Live-Übertragung bietet nicht nur spannende Unterhaltung, sondern auch die Möglichkeit, Teil der Handballgemeinschaft zu sein. Sie können mit anderen Fans interagieren, Ihre Meinungen teilen und Ihre Unterstützung für das deutsche Team zeigen.
Also machen Sie es sich gemütlich, bereiten Sie sich auf ein mitreißendes Spiel vor und seien Sie live dabei, wenn Deutschland gegen [Gegner] antritt. Es verspricht ein aufregendes und unvergessliches Erlebnis für alle Handballfans!
TV-Sender für Deutschland vs
TV-Sender für Deutschland bieten eine Vielzahl von Programmen und Inhalten für Zuschauer jeden Alters und Geschmacks. Von öffentlich-rechtlichen Sendern wie ARD und ZDF bis hin zu privaten Kanälen wie RTL und ProSieben gibt es eine breite Palette von Auswahlmöglichkeiten.
Die öffentlich-rechtlichen Sender bieten oft Nachrichten, Bildungsprogramme und kulturelle Inhalte. ARD beispielsweise ist bekannt für seine informativen Nachrichtensendungen und hochwertigen Dokumentationen. ZDF bietet eine Mischung aus Unterhaltung, Information und Kultur, mit Sendungen wie der heute-show und Terra X.
Auf der anderen Seite bieten private Sender wie RTL und ProSieben eine Vielzahl von Unterhaltungsformaten, darunter Reality-Shows, Serien und Filme. RTL ist bekannt für seine beliebten Reality-Formate wie "Der Bachelor" und "Deutschland sucht den Superstar". ProSieben hingegen bietet eine breite Palette von US-Serien und Filmen sowie eigene Produktionen wie "Galileo" und "Germany's Next Topmodel".
Für Sportfans bieten Sender wie Sky und Sport1 eine umfangreiche Berichterstattung über verschiedene Sportarten, darunter Fußball, Basketball und Formel 1. Sky ist besonders bekannt für seine exklusiven Live-Übertragungen der Bundesliga und der UEFA Champions League.
Insgesamt bieten die TV-Sender in Deutschland eine vielfältige Auswahl an Programmen und Inhalten, die den unterschiedlichen Interessen und Vorlieben der Zuschauer gerecht werden. Egal, ob man sich für Nachrichten, Unterhaltung oder Sport interessiert, es gibt immer etwas Passendes zu sehen.
Online-Streaming Handball Deutschland Dänemark
Online-Streaming von Handballspielen zwischen Deutschland und Dänemark
Handball ist eine der beliebtesten Sportarten in Deutschland und Dänemark. Wenn diese beiden Nationalmannschaften aufeinandertreffen, entsteht eine spannende Atmosphäre, die Handballfans auf der ganzen Welt begeistert. Dank des Online-Streamings können Fans diese Spiele bequem von zu Hause aus verfolgen.
Deutschland und Dänemark haben eine lange Rivalität im Handball. Beide Länder haben starke Teams, die regelmäßig an internationalen Turnieren teilnehmen und um die Spitzenpositionen kämpfen. Wenn diese Teams aufeinandertreffen, erwarten die Fans hochklassigen Handball und packende Duelle.
Das Online-Streaming von Handballspielen zwischen Deutschland und Dänemark bietet den Fans die Möglichkeit, jedes Tor, jeden Pass und jeden Wurf live zu verfolgen. Die Übertragungen werden in hoher Qualität angeboten, sodass die Zuschauer das Gefühl haben, direkt im Stadion zu sein. Darüber hinaus bieten viele Streaming-Plattformen zusätzliche Funktionen wie Kommentare, Statistiken und Wiederholungen, um das Seherlebnis zu verbessern.
Für Handballfans, die nicht die Möglichkeit haben, die Spiele im Fernsehen zu verfolgen, ist das Online-Streaming die ideale Lösung. Egal ob zu Hause, unterwegs oder im Büro - mit einem Internetanschluss können die Fans die Action live erleben. Darüber hinaus ermöglicht das Online-Streaming den Zugriff auf vergangene Spiele und Highlights, sodass die Fans kein einziges spannendes Moment verpassen.
Insgesamt bietet das Online-Streaming von Handballspielen zwischen Deutschland und Dänemark den Fans eine bequeme und flexible Möglichkeit, ihre Lieblingsmannschaften in Aktion zu sehen. Mit hochwertigen Übertragungen und zusätzlichen Funktionen ist das Streaming-Erlebnis so nah am echten Stadionerlebnis wie nie zuvor.
Wo kann man das Handballspiel Deutschland gegen Dänemark sehen?
Wenn du das Handballspiel zwischen Deutschland und Dänemark sehen möchtest, gibt es verschiedene Optionen, je nach deinen Präferenzen und deinem Standort. Hier sind einige Möglichkeiten, wie du das Spiel verfolgen kannst:
  1. Fernsehen: Viele Fernsehsender in Deutschland und Dänemark übertragen Handballspiele live. Schaue in deinem Fernsehprogramm nach Sportkanälen wie ARD, ZDF, Eurosport oder den dänischen Sendern TV2 oder DR, um herauszufinden, ob das Spiel dort übertragen wird.
  2. Online-Streaming: Falls du keinen Zugang zu einem Fernseher hast oder das Spiel lieber unterwegs oder auf einem anderen Gerät sehen möchtest, könntest du nach Online-Streaming-Optionen suchen. Plattformen wie DAZN, Sky oder MagentaSport bieten oft Live-Streams von Sportveranstaltungen an, darunter auch Handballspiele.
  3. Öffentliche Veranstaltungen: Manchmal werden wichtige Handballspiele in Bars, Restaurants oder öffentlichen Plätzen auf Großbildschirmen gezeigt. Überprüfe lokale Veranstaltungskalender oder frage in Sportbars oder Kneipen in deiner Nähe nach, ob sie das Spiel übertragen.
  4. Offizielle Websites: Die offiziellen Websites der Handballverbände oder der Veranstalter des Spiels könnten ebenfalls Live-Streams anbieten oder Informationen darüber bereitstellen, wo das Spiel im Fernsehen oder online zu sehen ist.
Egal für welche Option du dich entscheidest, vergewissere dich, dass du die Zeitzone berücksichtigst, in der das Spiel stattfindet, um sicherzustellen, dass du es nicht verpasst. Viel Spaß beim Anschauen des Handballspiels zwischen Deutschland und Dänemark!
submitted by Objective-Log2584 to u/Objective-Log2584 [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 20:13 Curious-List2914 Lost need help

When I think about my life I have no clue where I want it to go but I know somethings I want to do. Am I holding myself back? Are there people in my life who are bringing me down unintentionally? Am I surrounding myself with people and habits that are really just limiting my life experiences. Am I expecting too much out of life?
Well when I think about life and what could make me “realistically” happy I think maybe not stressing so much on where I wanna be. Or maybe even pursuing a dream career. I’ve learned so far that anything you wanna do that makes you money that allows you to live is gonna either A. Be uncomfortable most days or B. Require a good amount of discipline and in most cases both are these are the outcome.
I often day dream about seeing Japan and perhaps even living there. I find myself gravitating towards things that come from Japan for example, my car is Japanese , the game consoles I love and collect are Japanese and i tend to even lean towards Japanese foods , games/ art , shows and music. I feel like Tokyo is full of night life and neon signs , things in Japan seem so cool , advanced and convenient. But to me not in a bad way more like a way that encourages a better life style. I have a passion to try to stay mentally , physically and spiritually healthy. And from the outside looking in the Japanese culture seems to really agree with that too. I tend to find myself thinking logically and not really stressing on the little stuff. I’ve never met a Japanese person but from what I can tell it seems like within the culture life seems full. Well…at least most of the time. Because I understand the concern and problem in Japanese culture has been similar too and or over working/work life stress and depression but on the other hand it seems like after work many people tend to go out to eat or socialize. People are competitive care about their jobs , hobbies and family. People just seem more discipline.
Now before I continue. Let’s talk about what a dream careelife looks like to me. 1. My relationship with God is good 2. I am fit and in shape 3. My job is related to or flexible with my forever changing interest and need to adventure and learn 4. I work on more of my own time possibly owning my own brand or business 5. I invest my money in things that allow me to continue to travel or freely indulge in my passions of cars , fitness and life 6. I am motivated noticeably more than I was was in the past and my discipline is on point! 7. When the time is right I find myself finally settling down with a women that is physically attractive and mentally there for me So what can we do? Well I feel like I know but don’t at the same time. I work in an automotive shop making more money than I ever have with the chance to make more (40k annually at 20y old) which to me isn’t terrible but I feel like am I only doing this because it’s better than working at Walmart or am I doing this because I went to school for it when I didn’t really know what I wanted out of life, but to be a successful artist/entrepreneur? When I begin to feel lost in life I tend to day dream about Japan / Tokyo and I think hm Would life be better if I just started over but isn’t that sefish? I have a mom at home who’s blind she needs help my dad runs a business? My brother is 27 but he’s still family… is it selfish to want to leave and start over is this what God wants of me is it against his plans ? I mean he gave us free will and as long as we trust him we’ll be okay right !? I. Don’t. Know. When I lean on him and try to knock my bad habits I find myself distancing myself from almost everyone in my life. I go thru spells of unemployment because I feel like I need to gather myself and be alone make a plan and work on myself. Sometimes I do things like social media and it feels like it’s lined up with God or it doesn’t or my music doesn’t but producing music does, or making videos about travel seems fun making a channel based on finding the meaning of life or how to find your passion seems fun but according to religion it seems like the meaning of life is GOD and your passion should be GOD and all eyes on GOD and you will be okay and that sounds great it sounds okay and fine. But I’ve tried and tried and I’m confused I’m very confused. I need help and I do ask God for help , I pray I talk to older people to pick their brain and I come to a conclusion that feels fake I don’t ever really feel satisfied. I feel like I’m allowing people to create my life. My job selection and school career just felt very “people pleasy “ like oh I’m doing this because it would make my parents proud. But now I want my own life and have been creating it but I’m stuck with the consequences of my past decisions so I feel like I can only go so far. I feel stuck I feel nervous I feel worried about my future I’m worried that I won’t be satisfied And I even try to live as if God with take the wheel and then I snap into reality of my physical world and then start worrying am I going in the right direction is this God or is this me doing bare minimum? Am I fulfilling myself? Is that supposed to matter ? I need help. Please! 🙏🏼
submitted by Curious-List2914 to needhelp [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 20:10 Curious-List2914 I need help please I am tired of feeling lost.

When I think about my life I have no clue where I want it to go but I know somethings I want to do. Am I holding myself back? Are there people in my life who are bringing me down unintentionally? Am I surrounding myself with people and habits that are really just limiting my life experiences. Am I expecting too much out of life?
Well when I think about life and what could make me “realistically” happy I think maybe not stressing so much on where I wanna be. Or maybe even pursuing a dream career. I’ve learned so far that anything you wanna do that makes you money that allows you to live is gonna either A. Be uncomfortable most days or B. Require a good amount of discipline and in most cases both are these are the outcome.
I often day dream about seeing Japan and perhaps even living there. I find myself gravitating towards things that come from Japan for example, my car is Japanese , the game consoles I love and collect are Japanese and i tend to even lean towards Japanese foods , games/ art , shows and music. I feel like Tokyo is full of night life and neon signs , things in Japan seem so cool , advanced and convenient. But to me not in a bad way more like a way that encourages a better life style. I have a passion to try to stay mentally , physically and spiritually healthy. And from the outside looking in the Japanese culture seems to really agree with that too. I tend to find myself thinking logically and not really stressing on the little stuff. I’ve never met a Japanese person but from what I can tell it seems like within the culture life seems full. Well…at least most of the time. Because I understand the concern and problem in Japanese culture has been similar too and or over working/work life stress and depression but on the other hand it seems like after work many people tend to go out to eat or socialize. People are competitive care about their jobs , hobbies and family. People just seem more discipline.
Now before I continue. Let’s talk about what a dream careelife looks like to me. 1. My relationship with God is good 2. I am fit and in shape 3. My job is related to or flexible with my forever changing interest and need to adventure and learn 4. I work on more of my own time possibly owning my own brand or business 5. I invest my money in things that allow me to continue to travel or freely indulge in my passions of cars , fitness and life 6. I am motivated noticeably more than I was was in the past and my discipline is on point! 7. When the time is right I find myself finally settling down with a women that is physically attractive and mentally there for me So what can we do? Well I feel like I know but don’t at the same time. I work in an automotive shop making more money than I ever have with the chance to make more (40k annually at 20y old) which to me isn’t terrible but I feel like am I only doing this because it’s better than working at Walmart or am I doing this because I went to school for it when I didn’t really know what I wanted out of life, but to be a successful artist/entrepreneur? When I begin to feel lost in life I tend to day dream about Japan / Tokyo and I think hm Would life be better if I just started over but isn’t that sefish? I have a mom at home who’s blind she needs help my dad runs a business? My brother is 27 but he’s still family… is it selfish to want to leave and start over is this what God wants of me is it against his plans ? I mean he gave us free will and as long as we trust him we’ll be okay right !? I. Don’t. Know. When I lean on him and try to knock my bad habits I find myself distancing myself from almost everyone in my life. I go thru spells of unemployment because I feel like I need to gather myself and be alone make a plan and work on myself. Sometimes I do things like social media and it feels like it’s lined up with God or it doesn’t or my music doesn’t but producing music does, or making videos about travel seems fun making a channel based on finding the meaning of life or how to find your passion seems fun but according to religion it seems like the meaning of life is GOD and your passion should be GOD and all eyes on GOD and you will be okay and that sounds great it sounds okay and fine. But I’ve tried and tried and I’m confused I’m very confused. I need help and I do ask God for help , I pray I talk to older people to pick their brain and I come to a conclusion that feels fake I don’t ever really feel satisfied. I feel like I’m allowing people to create my life. My job selection and school career just felt very “people pleasy “ like oh I’m doing this because it would make my parents proud. But now I want my own life and have been creating it but I’m stuck with the consequences of my past decisions so I feel like I can only go so far. I feel stuck I feel nervous I feel worried about my future I’m worried that I won’t be satisfied And I even try to live as if God with take the wheel and then I snap into reality of my physical world and then start worrying am I going in the right direction is this God or is this me doing bare minimum? Am I fulfilling myself? Is that supposed to matter ? I need help. Please! 🙏🏼
submitted by Curious-List2914 to LifeAdvice [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 20:08 cadet311 Heat pump quote advice - NJ

Hi all! We need to replace our AC system and we received the following quotes for AC and Heat Pump options. We are interested in the heat pump options, but this would be our first experience with them. I would appreciate any input on the equipment or scope of work provided by these companies. It is worth noting that Quote #3 is eligible for 0% financing for up to $15k through our utility company. The other quotes are eligible for financing but not at 0%. The third vendor did also include an option to remove the fiberboard ducts.
Quote #1 - $12,500
Quote #2 - $14,500
Quote #3 - $18,000 - $1,000 JCPL AC Rebate = $17,000
Quote #3 optional
submitted by cadet311 to heatpumps [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 20:07 anxietyprimepromax Swollen foot and insulin resistant???

Hi. I am a fairly active person (due to work) and joined gym three months ago. I am in a calorie deficit and work out 3-4 times a week at the gym but didn’t manage to lose even half a kg.
I sleep poorly. I go to bed and take hours to actually fall asleep and I’ll wake up in two hours, and have trouble falling back asleep.
I miss my period every other month since January.
Since past three days my left foot has swollen up. It was after I had to “hike” for almost 6 km for work. I went to the doctor and doctor said it could be because of the walk, still got some blood test done. Platelets, liver, kidney all came back normal.
Came across an article jn that mentioned relation between insulin resistance and swollen feet. I was wondering if any of your guys have faced similar issue?
submitted by anxietyprimepromax to PCOS [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 20:06 joefrog003 Is this interior paint estimate reasonable?

Main Living Space/Kitchen/Dining- 1028 sq. ft.: $4,026
Entryway 216 sq. ft.: $972
Four interior doors @$100/each: $400
Subtotal $5,998
Tax $420
Personal Check or ACH total: $6,418
Credit card total: $6,610
All surfaces include prep, sanding, primed, and two coats. Nine foot ceilings throughout.
submitted by joefrog003 to HomeImprovement [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 20:04 Steel_Reign Are people sleeping on Ravenwing Black Knights?

I keep running the numbers and the points cost of these guys and they just seem insanely good right now. However, despite multiple local DA players, I've never seen anyone else run them and haven't seen any top tournament lists with them.
They're priced just above SM battleline/basic infantry units but can deal out way more damage and are tougher. They're also incredibly flexible with how to build them. Single 3-man squads are excellent at taking objectives/secondaries and can still cut down enemy infantry. 6-man squads threaten elites and 6-man + command squad can threaten anything smaller than a land raider.
If we look at 3 knights vs 5 jump pack assault intercessors (would fill a similar role): BKs have up to 9 ranged attacks and 9 melee attacks for up to 18 or 27 damage if supercharged while JP ints have 5 ranged and 19 melee attacks (if using powerfist) for 27 damage, however, all BK weapons have more STR and AP. BK technically have 1 less wound than JP Ints but have more toughness and a 5++.
If we compare a mega-block (6-man + command squad) to something comparable like The Lion (similar points), we get a massive 27 ranged attacks and 30 melee attacks for up to 90 wounds if supercharged. The lion will cap out at 4 ranged attacks and 16 melee attacks (8 strike would maximize damage) with a cap of 40 damage. Obviously The Lion is hitting more attacks and likely wounding easier, but the bikes do get dev wounds on 4's against vehicles/monsters on charge. We also have to consider that The Lion is harder to wound and has a better save, but he has significantly less wounds at 10 vs 30 and the command squad can bring back dead bikes, restoring 3 to 4 wounds per round.
There are some other benefits the the BKs that they have over other similar units such as a massive amount of OC. 2 per model standard or 3 with the command squad brings it to a max of 27, more than any other single unit in the game. Adding 1 to all charges and advances + free HI isn't nothing either. I've been playing DA in Firestorm Assault and a minimum 14" (up to 19") advance + shoot is typically getting you anywhere you want to go.
I know they're not optimal in every situation, but compared to most other light infantry or even elites (specifically terminators) these guys just feel like way more value than you would otherwise get for your points.
submitted by Steel_Reign to theunforgiven [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 20:04 AtmosphereOk7914 Why Investing in a High-Quality Pipe and Drape Backdrop Kit is Crucial for Event Success?

When it comes to organizing successful events, creating a visually appealing and professional atmosphere is of utmost importance. Whether you're hosting a corporate event, wedding, trade show, or any other special occasion, one element that can significantly enhance the overall look and feel is a high-quality pipe and drape backdrop kit. In this blog post, we'll explore the reasons why investing in such a kit is crucial for event success.
  1. Transform Any Space:
A pipe and drape backdrop kit provides versatility in transforming any space into an elegant and visually captivating environment. With adjustable pipes and drapes, you can easily create partitions, backdrops, or even hide unsightly areas. This flexibility allows event planners to customize the venue according to their specific needs and theme.
  1. Enhance Branding and Ambiance:
For corporate events, trade shows, or product launches, it is crucial to create a strong brand presence. A high-quality pipe and drape backdrop kit can be customized with corporate colors, logos, or personalized graphics, ensuring brand visibility throughout the event. Additionally, the right backdrop can set the tone and ambiance, enhancing the overall experience for attendees.
  1. Hide Unattractive Backgrounds:
Not all venues provide aesthetically pleasing backgrounds. Some may have distracting or unsightly features that can detract from the event's purpose. With a pipe and drape backdrop kit, you can easily conceal these imperfections and create a clean and professional look. This allows event organizers to focus on what truly matters without worrying about the venue's shortcomings.
  1. Versatile and Easy to Install:
Investing in a high-quality pipe and drape backdrop kit offers ease of use and convenience. These kits come with modular components that are easy to assemble and disassemble, making them suitable for both small and large-scale events. Whether you're a professional event planner or a DIY enthusiast, you can effortlessly set up and dismantle the backdrop without the need for extensive technical knowledge.
  1. Photography and Media Opportunities:
Events are often accompanied by photography and media coverage. A well-designed pipe and drape backdrop can serve as an attractive background for photographs, helping to capture memorable moments and promote your event through various media channels. By investing in a high-quality kit, you can ensure that your event receives the attention it deserves even after it's over.
Investing in a high-quality pipe and drape backdrop kit is crucial for event success. The versatility, branding opportunities, and ability to enhance ambiance that these kits provide are invaluable for creating a visually appealing and professional environment. Whether you're organizing a corporate event, wedding, or trade show, a well-designed backdrop will elevate the overall experience for attendees and leave a lasting impression. So, don't overlook the importance of this essential event component - choose a reliable pipe and drape backdrop kit to make your next event truly memorable.
submitted by AtmosphereOk7914 to u/AtmosphereOk7914 [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 20:03 wroseto12 Pine Creek Trip Report - 5/13-5/14 2024 - Ansonia to Slate Run

If anyone is interested - I wrote a trip report from a recent trip a buddy and I did earlier this week. I highly recommend this trip if you’re in the area, it was well worth the 4 hour drive for us.
A co-worker and I from an outfitter down in Southeast PA decided to plan a trip to Ansonia, PA to Paddle Pine Creek. We planned the trip mostly out of the Keystone Canoeing book by Edward Gertler and information on the PA DCNR website. We originally planned to do a 2 night, 3 day trip. Pine Creek runs through a beautiful section of PA’s Grand Canyon, and is known for its beautiful views, good water, and amazing trout fishing. We met at our local outfitter at 6am to pick up our boats and get in the same car. By 6:30 we had our boats strapped down and our gear loaded and we hit the road. We stopped at wawa for sizzlis, energy drinks, nerd gummy clusters, and jolly ranchers which would serve as our road trip sustenance (we decided to eat super healthy this trip ;)). We had a 4 hour drive ahead of us which actually took a little bit longer since we stopped about halfway through for gas and a shit break. Aphex twin was the soundtrack of this road trip. At about 11am we rolled into the parking lot of Pine Creek Outfitters (PCO). Inside we were met with very helpful and knowledgeable staff, we also purchased a map there which ended up being super helpful as the maps we had from Keystone Canoeing weren't quite as detailed. The employees at PCO said the creek is pretty self explanatory but there's only one section we should be worried about which was Owassee rapid, they told us to just keep left and hug the bank. PCO directed us to a public canoe access no more than a quarter mile down the road where we would start our trip. We were on the water by noon and the views were not great at this point, as there was a large overcast and we were not quite in the depths of the . We had a quick flat paddle for about a mile or two until the water got going, and at about 12:30 we stopped to check the map. At this point we knew Owassee was coming up and we wanted to make sure we weren't surprised by it. The map noted that Owassee was preceded by a cabin with notable arches which we passed probably around 12:45. We pulled off towards the right side of the island at Owassee as PCO noted that the left side is known to have some killer strainers. We scouted Owassee for the next 15 minutes or so and crapped our pants. We were super nervous, this was the biggest water that either of us had run in a canoe before, let alone with all of our camping gear in our boat. The most daunting section of Owassee was a set of massive boulders to the right side of the channel which all of the water pushes you towards. Immediately following Owassee is a massive set of wave trains that I would (totally unprofessionally) eyeball to be 3-4 foot standing waves. Immediately preceding Owassee are a couple of flat boulders which are hard to see from the water so we were happy to scout and get a good look at it. I’d guess that at this water level Owassee was easily a Class 2+ or 3. We decided to take a line which stayed left pretty much the entire way until the big wave trains following Owassee where we could cut over to the right. At this point we headed back up to our boats to run it. It was a little sketchy, but not as bad as we thought it would be, a couple back paddles and keeping your bow pointed toward the island and you will be okay. The wave trains following Owassee were a little hectic, and we ended up taking on some water, especially me in my Heavy Old Town Discovery 168. We pulled off to the right after the Wave Trains to bail our boats and have a celebratory Miller Lite and Croissant (godly combo). We were in front of this awesome cabin called “Tiadaghton Lodge”, the cabin had a sweet foot bridge that crossed the river to allow for access to the cabin from the rail trail. At this point the sun had come out and we were officially in the heart of the PA Grand Canyon, the views were spectacular and it was just an overall phenomenal day outside. Once we were back on the water, we were super pleased with the flow. It was consistent Class 1’s with sprinkled Class 2’s pretty much for the rest of the day, it was a super enjoyable paddle and a pleasant challenge from the barely Class 1 water we were used to. We were now in the heart of the canyon and the views were just breathtaking, the vast canyon extending on either side of the creek really makes you feel small, and it was insane to think that this wildly different terrain was still in PA. The canyon was lined with awesome waterfalls that were really pleasing to see and hear along the way. Around probably 2 or 3 we stopped for a bathroom break and lunch. Up to this point we had only seen about 4 other people and none of them were on the river, 2 were riding horses and the rest were just hikers along the rail trail. By around 4pm we took a smaller channell to the right side of an island which turned out to be a good choice as we found an awesome little campsite here. We finished up clocking about 10 miles that day. There were two fire rings and a weird but cool table made by balancing a rock on top of a cut down tree stump, pretty cool. We spent the next hour or so setting up camp and then we relaxed in our hammocks until around 6 when we decided to make a fire and get dinner started. We struggled with starting a fire because of the rain that morning and the day before, but we got it started just enough to cook our food. I made Bombay Potatoes with Rice and some canned chicken and Owen (My coworker) made turkey sausages and canned tamales. We also made some warm fresh bread with some dough I had made when we got to camp. After eating we went into a food coma for a little until we decided to really make the fire big. We got it going probably for about an hour when we finished off all the miller lites we had brought. At this point we went to bed. I slept super well and was definitely warm enough despite only having a 50 degree bag, which is something I was worried about. I’m used to hammock camping, so having a tent was a super nice luxury to have. We woke up at about 7 or 8 am and took our morning nice and easy. We had planned to do an easy 15 miles this day and camp out at a campground in Cedar Run where we would try and figure out a ride back to our car. We took it easy, and ate instant oatmeal, scrambled eggs, and bacon spam along with instant coffee. It was an awesome breakfast although I could almost feel the heart attack from the spam. I definitely recommend Starbucks Via instant blonde roast for anyone looking for a good camping coffee option. I've been loving it so far, especially given that it's instant coffee. After breakfast we chilled in our hammocks by the water for about 15 minutes before we packed up camp and were back on the water by 10am. It was another beautiful day, atleast to start and the views were still just as stellar in the heart of the gorge. We had another nice stretch of river to start. We passed an awesome waterfall which I can’t remember the name of almost right after we left camp. We pulled over at about 11am to pee, make coffee and filter some more water. We pulled off next to this awesome waterfall that I used to wash some of my dishes from earlier and collect water that I could filter later on. We paddled for another 30 minutes or so until we saw a bald eagle chilling in a tree overhanging the creek. We stopped paddling and took out our phones to get some awesome videos of it. The eagle took off and flew around us and then up river with the crows in tail. It was an awesome experience. At this point the water chilled out for the most part, besides one more notable rapid called thread the needle, it was a super fun little bend and reminded me of a rapid back home. About an hour after this, the overcast came back and the wind really started to pick up. At this point the grand views from the gorge really seem to chill out as we started to enter civilization again. We passed the town of Blackwell and a nice little campground on our left side, there was a nice little canoe access there with some people hanging out and fishing. This would have been a good spot to end the trip if you just wanted to see the gorge. After Blackwell we passed Rattlesnake Rock where we saw some Mennonites hanging out and we asked them for some of the lore on the rock. They said that it was named by loggers back in the day when they found a ton of Rattlesnakes on it. The rest of the way was pretty mediocre water and we really ended up fighting the wind. We also passed a kayaker here who said that slate run (where we planned to get out) was only about an hour away. He ended up being wrong as it was about two hours but we paddled on, deciding to end the trip a day early and drive home that night. There were two more notable rapids before getting to slate run, one which must've been a Class 3 was notable due to the MASSIVE wave trains and a huge boulder hidden behind a standing wave, it must’ve been 4 foot standing waves we paddled through. The second was right before slate run, right next to a campground. Massive wave trains which swept you towards these massive undercut rocks which were super sketchy. These rapids were fairly easy to navigate as you can kind of avoid them altogether and were most likely larger than usual due to the rain the days before. We pulled into Slate Run at about 2pm. A local informed us that Slate Run is one of the best spots for trout fishing in the entire country, there was even a hotel basically just for trout fishermen across the creek from the We had no plan for a ride back to our care so we talked to some people at the Slate Run access asking for a ride. We also went up to the general store to ask some employees there. We got ice cream which was fantastic and then called PCO for a ride back. They weren't too happy with us as they usually require a reservation for their shuttle service and were getting ready to head home for the day, but they nonetheless gave us a ride. We made some coffee and instant ramen while waiting for the shuttle to arrive. Our shuttle driver was super nice and helpful and even took us the long way back to show us this cute little town of Wellsboro. She even offered us jobs in exchange for cheap NRS gear after seeing how easily we threw our boats around. She also showed us the way to get to an awesome lookout over the whole canyon. Overall I highly recommend PCO for any trips and if we ever come back will definitely be using them again, awesome people. After getting the car and boats loaded up, we headed up the canyon to checkout the canyon from the top. It was breathtaking, and a super cool and different perspective from what we saw from the water. After leaving the overlook we headed home. Stopping at Mcdonalds for some food along the way, and we rolled into the parking lot at about 11pm. Overall this was an awesome trip and highly recommended for anyone looking for awesome water, amazing views, or great camping. We will definitely be coming back.
submitted by wroseto12 to canoecamping [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 20:03 c0147 Ideas for backyard urinal drain

I'm looking to setup a back yard urinal for behind my garage and looking for ideas from any of you all that may have done this. I have predominantly well-drained sandy soils in my area
My initial thoughts are to dig a 3 or 4 foot deep by 2 foot wide pit. Then get a 5 gallon bucket and drill a bunch of holes in the bottom and side. Put bucket in the pit and fill the inside and outside of the bucket with gravel.
Somehow plumb the urinal drain into the bucket, not sure exactly. Then over it all up with some sand then landscaping fabric.
Any thoughts or idea on this approach? Is it over kill? Should I worry about soil clogging up the holes in the bucket?
This will not be a high usage urinal but possible heavy use during a BBQ or 2 over the summer
submitted by c0147 to HomeImprovement [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 20:01 SimpingForLexi Once a cheater always a cheater?(M19)(F20)

For the past year I’ve been dating my gf. We met in 8th grade at the time she had a boyfriend so whenever I would make advances they’d just get shut down. We rekindled my senior year of high school when I discovered her instagram page. At the time I didn’t know if she was currently in a relationship and didn’t really care to ask. We made small talk here and there but never anything flirtatious or sexually suggestive. One day she texted me and asked if I wanted her to hook me up with one of her friends, so of course me being me I accepted the offer. She then proceeded to ask me if I was a cheater, I told her no. She then asked for my number to put us into contact and right after I sent it. She texted me on iMessage stating that she thinks we’d make a good couple. I had been tricked. And in this moment when I read her text I couldn’t help but feel like the nice guy who finished last and got what was left over. we started chatting again more frequently and this was probably at the peak of my “hoe phase” I had just recently got a car gifted to me by my loving parents. So as a horny teen who just recently graduated I was doing bad. Seeing girls daily (intimately) sometimes even two. So as you could imagine I was not in the mental head space to jump into a relationship especially seeing that I’ve never been in one. Mind you she knew the type of guy I was, Because during my “hoe phase” I would publicize me going on dates with various girls on my instagram story cause I thought it was cool and my buddies would always ask how can I maneuver so carelessly and still have women that still put up with me. Around this time we weren’t in a relationship yet so their wasn’t any consequences for my actions. She’d see it complain then brush it off. But seeing that I did use to like this girl a lot…and I mean a lot, Just to put it into perspective for you on how delusional and down bad I was. When we first started chatting again, I went to our old Snapchat messages and reread every single one which took about 3 hours and they were so cringey and sappy to me that I took the time to delete every single one. (She was one of those weird people who’d saved the messages instead of letting them automatically delete after 24 hours) I felt like I had to do this because I didn’t want her to have any recollection of that desperate version of myself. Fast forward a few weeks and we went on our first date. I decided to take things slow with her by limiting myself to only kissing and fingering her. Then About a month after that is when we first had sex. And it felt exactly like I expected it to…magical. It was like we were two bodies who were meant for each other that finally met. Fast forward a few more months now it’s time for her to go off to college and when she left I slowly started reverting back into my old ways of seeing multiple girls a week and being promiscuous. This continued up until about January the next year when I got caught. Long story short, she cried I cried and we both decided that we’d like to move forward. During this season of our relationship I was constantly feeling guilt so much to the point where I ever considered suicide. I was constantly in my head saying things like “is it even worth it” “she probably doing it too and you just don’t know” “leave her” “it’ll never work” “you won’t regain her trust” “our relationship is irreparable” “don’t waste anymore of your youthful years on this failing relationship”. And with due time these negative thoughts stopped consuming my mind and we actually started doing better. I quit my job moved in with her and started working remotely. At this point in my life I couldn’t be any happier. It felt like a dream come true. All it took was one weekend and all of this ended. At this point it’s around spring break so all the surrounding colleges are having parties. I devised a plan to pick all the boys and go on a little road trip. We hit different colleges daily to party, drink and smoke and the biggest of incentive all, to meet girls. Looking back on it, this was a recipe for disaster. On one particular night I uploaded a video of me getting twerked on my by a girl to my close friends on instagram not remembering that she was still included in it. And before I could even sober up and realize what the fuck I’ve just done she eventually saw it and messaged me stating that this is her last time and “we’re done”. In this moment when I read the text while being drunk & high I just couldn’t find it in me to care or fight for our relationship. So I just thought to myself “ok”. As the night proceeded I found myself in some random suite where a girl approached me and began express her interest in me and long story short I ended up cheating. When all the fun was over and I dropped all the guys back home. I was still tasked with having to drive my girlfriend m back to her dorm cause she stayed with family for the weekend. I didn’t want to take her but no other buses were departing and everyone who she could’ve possibly asked was already preoccupied or just didn’t feel like doing a 4 hour drive there and back. And plus before all this turmoil I had already promised to her that I’d drive her back. I go to pick her up and she’s all moody and for the first 3 hours of the ride she gives me silent treatment. And the first words out of her mouth were “you know when we get back to my dorm you’re packing your shit and leaving right?” At first I didn’t respond. I laughed actually, not hysterically but more of a “wow after all we been thru you’re really ending this?” Laugh. All types of thoughts started racing thru my head. Part of me wanted to serve the car in front of an oncoming 18 wheeler but then I remembered that she’s still here with me and as ironic as it sounds I’d never want to hurt her, especially in a way that could result in fatality. The laughing slowly turned into silent tears. The pain I was feeling in my stomach was so excruciating it felt as if I had just been stabbed with a 10 foot sword repeatedly over and over and over again. I eventually started uncontrollably crying and spewing out my feelings. While doing this I confessed to cheating on her and told how I’d been long before that weekend. I pulled over to the side of the interstate in the middle of nowhere with no reception got out and just started crying even harder so she couldn’t see. I felt like my life had been ruined and the only person I could blame for it was myself. I eventually got back in and started driving in silence again. After all that crying with the added partying the past week and weekend I must’ve been real tired cause I started to doze off which I usually don’t. I’ve taken the drive enough to become accustomed to it and have built up enough stamina to make it all the way through without having to fight the feeling of tiredness. She noticed this and offered to take the wheel which I respectfully declined. I then told her I’d be pulling over to the side of the road to catch a quick 2 minute nap. I typically do this whenever I’m on extra long drives and my friends know me for it. I set a 2 minute timer on my phone and let my body temporarily rejuvenate as much as possible. And chances are they usually fall asleep too. Because I’d literally rather trust myself to drive tired before I let one of my unlicensed friends behind the wheel. I put my head down for what felt like 10 seconds and woke up to her nudging my shoulder saying that 7 minutes have passed. This bothered me because if I was so tired to the point I myself didn’t hear the alarm she should have came to the realization that I was genuinely tired and let me rest a little longer. But because it was her birthday she probably overlooked this aspect of my situation because she was just tooeager to get to her own birthday party that her friends had started without her. I began driving again will still tired and now aggravated from being woken up. I began to speed at this point we’re 40 miles away from our destination. The tiredness began to take over again and before I knew it I wake up to the screaming of my name as the car is slowly drifting off the road and I’m stuck in mud on the side of the interstate. A state trooper and tow truck arrive to assess the situation and we end up taking a Uber the rest of the way. At this point I’m stranded. I spent my last on tow truck fees and don’t even have anything saved up to pay for the mechanic fees, let alone worry about gas money. We somehow managed talk and temporarily bandaid the under lying issue and sleep in the same bed that night but things progressively kept on getting worse and worse as the days went on. It got so bad to the point where we slept in different rooms, Or so I thought. The morning after I go into her room to check on her and see paper towels and her sitting up still crying in the same position she was the night before. I on the other hand actually slept pretty well. She then came into my room still with water in her cute pearly big eyes. And to my surprise sat down directly on my lap and told me how she couldn’t get no sleep. We hugged and talked and cried then ultimately came to the conclusion that our relationship is worth more than my stupid mistakes and I have some more maturing to do.
submitted by SimpingForLexi to relationship_advice [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 20:00 Flagg1991 Children of the Night (Part 5)

As the last orange light of day drained from the sky, the living dead in Club Vlad rose. Max the skeleton and Jessie the…not skeleton…sewed up the gaping Y-shaped incision on Dom’s chest under Merrick’s direct supervision. Dom sat there, feeling nothing, thinking nothing. He’d woken with a headache and a feeling of cold, and even now, he could feel the dull throb above his left eye. It felt like someone was tearing his brain apart with a fork. He had told Merrick, and Merrick had nodded sadly. “Is my brain rotting?”
“Most likely,” Merrick had said.
There was a certain peace in the idea of losing his cursed humanity. As Merrick had said, he would feel no pain, know no quandaries. He would live only for the night and for his master. On the other hand, watching someone like Matt sit and stare into the distance, drool coursing down his chin and nothing happening behind his dead eyes, scared Dom. He didn’t want to be a braindead idiot. He didn’t care about keeping his emotions, he just wanted to function.
Like Merrick.
There wasn’t much he could do, however. He was dead and that was the end of it.
Once Dom was patched up and dressed in a pair of jeans and a hoodie, Merrick called his children before him. “I have done my best to love and protect all of you,” he began. “Jessie, you were miserable with your grandmother, were you not?”
“Yes,” Jessie said tonelessly.
“You were depressed, bipolar, and cut yourself. Now you’re happy.”
“Yes,” she replied again.
“Joe, you were a two bit nobody staring down a ten year stretch in jail.”
“Yes.” Thin yellow liquid dripped from his nose.
“But now you are free.”
“You appreciate what I’ve done for you.”
Merrick flashed then, slamming his fist onto the arm of his wheelchair. “Then why do you keep fucking up? The police were here earlier. They have messages between you and Jessie. I told both of you to delete those. Then I find out that you bit someone and turned them despite my orders. We have an endless supply of blood here but you still went off on your own. How many are there?”
“Just one,” Joe said.
“Are you being honest with me?”
Merrick sagged back in his chair, looking somehow older. “Joe, take Matt and go to her. Bring her back here before she causes any more problems. God alone knows how many people she’s changed. Too many vampires without a father will bring heat on us, and you know what happens in that case? We get pieces of wood shoved in our chests.”
Turning to Dom, Merrick said, “I have a job for you and Jessie. We’re nearly out of embalming fluid. You haven’t had your first dose and the rest of us are starting to get ripe as well. I have a contact at a funeral home. He texted earlier that the order he placed on my behalf has come in. I want you to pick it up and to pay him.”
Dom had never been picked for anything in his whole life. No one had ever wanted him on their team and no one had ever placed their trust in him the way Merrick was now. He was honored, proud, and would do anything to not let Merrick down.
“That cop who came here might be a problem,” Merrick went on. “We may have to deal with him, but we’ll leave that for another night. In any case, I want this place cleaned from top to bottom. If the police come, I want them to see nothing out of the ordinary.”
Now that everyone had their marching orders, they dispersed. Merrick handed Dom an evelope stuffed with cash, and Dom slipped it into the pocket of his hoodie. The other team - Joe and Matt - left, while the remaining vampires began tidying up.
A fleet of vehicles waited in the parking lot behind Club Vlad. Dom and Jessie took a black pedo van with no back windows. They drove in silence, the radio off. Dom did not want to hear music, nor did he wish to speak to Jessie. Their kinship was one of blood and circumstance, not one of words and emotions. He had no questions for her and wished to answer none of his own. The only thoughts he had were of the mission ahead and of the growing pain in his skull. He thought of the staring stupid Matt, of the decayed Max, and a shiver went down his spine.
What was left of his humanity recoiled at the idea of becoming like them.
The pain grew hotter, more intense. He forced it away and focused on driving.
The funeral home was on North Allen Street, next to a restaurant called Pepperjack’s. A tall, white house with dark shutters and a sign out front, it looked like a quiet, peaceful place. “Pull around back,” Jessie said.
Dom pulled the van around back and parked under a balcony, killing the headlights. They got out and went to the back door, Jessie in the lead. He assumed that she had done this before and that the seller would recognize her. She knocked, and a few moments later, the door opened. A youngish man with a shaved head appeared, wearing an apron and gloves. He saw them and tensed a little. Dom could smell, rather than sense, his fear, and his throat panged with thirst. “Come on,” the man said quickly. He stepped aside and allowed them to enter. Dom noticed that he walked behind them, wary of putting his back to them. “Do you have the money?”
“Do you have our order?” Jessie countered.
“Yes,” the man said, “I’m really risking my neck for this. They don’t just give embalming fluid away, you know. They keep track of it and if they realize I’m over ordering, someone from the state’s going to come down here and check.”
He led them into an embalming room. Three boxes sat on a table. Dom gave the man his money, and he and Jessie carried the boxes outside, loading them into the van. The whole time they were there, the man was edgy, like he was afraid they were going to attack him. Dom would be a liar if he said that the hot smell of the man’s blood didn’t excite him. Perhaps once his brain rotted away, he wouldn’t be able to control himself, but for now, he could.
A lightning bolt of pain shot through his head and he nearly dropped the last box onto the ground.
Once the man was paid, Dom and Jessie drove back to Club Vlad. In fifteen minutes, they were drinking side by side from two passed out partygoers, their reward for a job well done.
Meanwhile, across the city, Joe and Matt weren’t doing as well. They were standing outside of Heather’s apartment. Joe, slightly annoyed (anger being another emotion vampires could feel, along with fear) pounded on the door. He knew she was in there; he could smell the putrid odor of decay. “Let us in,” he said. “We won’t hurt you.”
Joe could barely remember changing her. He didn’t mean to, it just…happened. Like an unwanted pregnancy. You can bite someone as much as you want and drink as much as you want, but if you take too much at once and they die, you get the vampire equivalent of a baby. Joe liked the hunt. It was exciting. Having his meals brought to him Club Vlad didn’t arouse the same level of excitement. It was like shooting an animal tied to a tree. Or hiring a prostitute instead of wooing someone. No real satisfaction to it.
That was probably his greatest downfall. He had lured Jessie the same way, though Merrick was indeed interested in rescuing her from her grandmother. People you have saved obey just as well as people with no brains.
He felt fluid on his upper lip and sniffed. “Come on, let us in,” he said.
No response.
He looked at Matt and nodded to the door. Together, they rammed their shoulders against it. It shook in its frame. They were both dead and weak, but modern American architecture is even weaker, and the door eventually slammed open. The apartment beyond was dark, messy, and reeked of death. They searched high and low, and eventually found Heather huddled in a corner, trying to hide. She was naked save for a pair of panties, her body bloated and beginning to turn black. Her skin hung from her frame and her eyes were filled with blood and fear. It was a wonder no one had called the police yet. The smell was overpowering. “We’re here to help,” he said. “You have to come with us.”
She shook her head and trembled. Maybe she remembered that he was the one who did this to her. Maybe her memories had rotted away. Those were usually the first to go. Then your emotions, then your personality. Finally, your capacity for higher reasoning. “I’m sorry I did this to you,” he said. That was a lie. He was not remorseful. Nor was he proud, for that matter. It just happened. Like rain. “But I want to help you. We can fix you.”
No amount of coaxing or conjoling could induce her to move. Joe weighed his options. He doubted anyone would call the cops even if they heard the door coming down - people who lived in places like this rarely called the cops, which helped Joe and his cause immensely. Even so, there was the possibility. Every minute they spent here was a minute that something could go wrong, and Joe had a lot to lose.
So, too, did Merrick.
Giving up, Joe took out his cellphone and called Merrick. “She refuses to come,” he said simply.
The line was quiet for a moment, then Merrick’s voice came back. Cold. Calculating. “Then do what you must.”
That was the go ahead.
Hanging up, Joe looked around the apartment and found a wooden chair in the kitchen. He lifted it over his head and slammed it on the counter, shattering it into a million pieces. He selected the longest, sharpest, and sturdiest looking one. He went back into the room and directed Matt to hold her down. She fought, kicked, and spat, but she was weaker than even they were. They had been embalmed. She hadn’t.
Matt pinned her hands above her head and Joe straddled her. Animal terror filled her eyes and she whipped her head from side to side. Joe lifted the makeshift stake with both hands, and brought it down as hard as he could, driving it deep into her heart. Her eyes bulged from their sockets and a high, otherworldly scream ripped from her throat. She bucked, thrashed, and kicked her feet. Her resistance began to ebb away until she was twitching…until she was still.
Heather from OKCupid was dead.
Truly dead.
Joe couldn’t help wondering what it was like.
Pulling the stake out, he tossed it aside and got to his feet, Matt doing likewise. A soul petrifying scream might be cause for even the tightest of lips to start talking. “Let’s go,” he said. And together, he and Matt fled, leaving the poor, dead body of Heather behind.
As it turned out, one of Heather’s neighbors did call the cops. At 10;13pm, Vanessa Rodregiez arrived with two patrolmen and found the front door of Apartment 237 knocked down. Guns drawn, they entered, Vanessa at the head. The first thing she noticed was the smell. It jammed itself into her nostrils, shoved its tongue down her throat, and violated her - all without even buying her dinner first.
Vanessa hadn’t been at this as long as her buddy Bruce had, but she knew a dead, rotting body when she smelled one. They searched the premises, and sure enough, they found a vic in the bedroom, lying in the gap between the bed and the wall; it looked like the former had been moved, perhaps in a struggle. Vanessa knelt down to check the vic’s pulse, but stopped.
There was no need.
The vic - who looked like a female but could have been an overweight male - hadn’t had a pulse in a very long time.
Examining the body, Vanessa found a wound in the chest, just above the heart. Black, stinking goo leaked from it, and Vanessa gagged. She fisted her hand to her mouth, retched, and then ran for the kitchen sink. Her partner for the night, Jim Walsh, stared down at the stiff before him, and his face turned a sickly shade of green. He avoided puking because he didn’t nose fuck the wound like Vanessa had, but he wasted no time in getting out there, dry heaving in the hallway where the air was somewhat fresh.
After leaving her lunch in the sink, Vanessa radioed back to headquarters, and before long, the place was crawling with cops. The assistant medical examiner - who had taken over after Ed Harris quit the previous night - knelt over the body and studied it. A solidly built black man with a mustache, his name was Leon and he knew death just as well as his old boss, so when he said the vic had been dead nearly two weeks, Vanessa accepted it.
That begged the question: Who broke in and screamed just now? A relative? The caller clearly heard screaming and peeked out her door to see two males fleeing on foot. Maybe they found the vic and freaked out? Or maybe they were the killers returning to the scene of the crime. After all, the vic had clearly been murdered.
In fact, they found a likely murder weapon. A long sliver of wood soaked in black goo. Blood turns black after a while, but there was something different about this stuff. “What is it?” Vanessa asked Leon.
“I’m not sure,” Leon said and pulled off a pair of Latex gloves he’d donned to examine the vic, “could be blood or…”
“Or what?” Vanessa asked.
“Or something,” Leon said. “Give me a few hours.”
And a few hours it was. Just before 1am, Leon called Vanessa at her desk. “I think you should come down here,” he said.
Fifteen minutes later, Vanessa stood over Leon as he pulled the vic’s chest open with a pair of tweezers. “That’s the heart,” he said, “whoever stabbed her scored a direct hit, but this…this is what concerns me.”
He prodded a furry lump with the tip of his scalpel.
“What is it?” Vanessa asked.
“I don’t know,” he said, “it looks like mold.”
That word - mold - triggered a memory in her brain. “Ed said something about mold last night. He found it in -”
“The Mason boy,” Leon finished.
“Yeah. The one who got up and ran off.”
Leon turned away from Vanessa and looked at the dead woman - for it was a woman. Vanessa got the impression that he didn’t want her to see his expression. “I’ve known Ed ten years. I know something happened last night, but a stiff getting up and walking off? I thought he was confused. Now…I don’t know. That makes two bodies in 24 hours. And get this. The chest wound? It was done post-mortem. I can’t find a cause of death anywhere. Except maybe blood loss but it’s hard to tell at this point. And speaking of blood…”
“What?” Vanessa asked quickly.
“When I opened her stomach up, a whole shit load of blood spilled out. And a lot of it was a lot fresher than she is.”
Vanessa furrowed her brow in confusion. “You mean…?”
“It’s not hers,” Leon said. “I can’t be 100 percent sure until I run tests, but I’d put money on it.”
Vanessa’s head spun with information both new and old. You know that full, heavy feeling you get when a poo is brewing in your guts? That’s kind of what Vanessa was feeling, only in her head instead of her stomach.
Leon was just as mystified by the whole thing as she was and stayed up late to run a few preliminary tests. By sunrise, he had confirmed that the blood inside of Heather’s stomach was not hers. In fact, it had come from at least three different sources. “Is it human?” Vanessa asked over the phone.
“Yes,” Leon said, sounding troubled, “it’s human.”
In the cobalt hour before sunrise, Vanessa sat at her desk and tried to piece this whole thing together. They had:
  1. A corpse that (allegedly) woke up and dipped out
  2. A dead girl who’d been stabbed in the heart with a piece of wood after somehow ingesting the blood of three different people.
  3. Some missing kids
  4. Oh, and both bodies - the girl’s and the runaway corpses’ - had the same weird fungus in their heart cavities.
All of this - even the missing kids, Vanessa felt - was related. She just didn’t know how. The only answer that half way fit was that both of those bodies were vampires. Like…what’s a vampire but a dead body that gets up and walks around at night? And how do you kill a vampire? Why, you drive a piece of wood through its heart.
The idea that vampires were real was dumb, but the more she turned it over in her mind, the more she became convinced that it was at least an option. A lot of things people thought were fantastic and made up turned out to be real, so why not vampires too?
Shortly after 8, Bruce came in. He was just sitting down when Vanessa came in and slapped her report on the desk. “Buckle up, bitch,” she said, “things just got weirder.”
He stared up at her with one of those grumpy - but cute -expressions he was so good at putting on. As he read, however, his brow knitted. “Jesus,” he muttered to himself. He pinched the bridge of his nose and let out a weary sigh.
“I have a theory - kind of,” Vanessa said, “but I don’t want to say it.”
“You might as well,” Bruce said. “It can’t be more kooky than reality these days.”
“Okay,” Vanessa started, “what if - and I’m just thinking out loud here - what if there are vampires in Albany?”
She expected Bruce to give her a dirty look, but he chewed it over, actually taking it seriously. “And those missing boys are victims?” he asked finally.
“Yeah,” Vanessa said. “That girl’s been dead two weeks. Maybe she bit Dominick Mason and he came back for revenge after realizing he was cursed to be a goddamn shit sucking vampire forever.”
Bruce nodded. “Yeah, but who turned her?”
“I don’t know,” Vanessa said, “I don’t know.”
Before dawn painted the eastern sky, Merrick Garvis sat in his chamber like a withered king, a mess of IVs hooked into his arms and neck. The vault was silent save for the soft noise of the machines as they filtered out the old embalming fluid and replaced it with new embalming fluid. Embalming fluid always made him spacy, like a drug. The others had gone first, and even now lay near comatose around him like addicts in an opium den.
As far as he knew, Merrick was the oldest vampire in the world, perhaps, even, the oldest vampire to ever live. Though he was not fully honest with Dom, he was not lying when he said that vampires rotted like any other dead thing. Conditions considered, you had a few weeks tops if left untreated. There may be living vampires in remote corners of Egypt or the northern most reaches of Russia, where the climate preserved dead things, but unless you made it to one of those places, you were pretty well fucked.
Merrick was not a proud man, nor was he concerned with saving face - the dead have no need for that. He was being truthful when he said that he feared death. What’s more, he feared being helpless. Deep down, vampires are people, and people don’t exactly have the greatest track record with caring for their infirm. He read once that the first sign of a civilization was a broken leg that had healed, as it showed that someone stayed with and cared for a fellow human long enough for them to get well again. In Merrick’s opinion, that was true…and thus there was no civilization. Merrick was fifty-one when he died in the year 1982. In his lifetime, he had seen The Great Depression, World War II, and a million small acts of cruelty and selfishness in between. He’d seen beggars starving in the streets, abused children shuffled out of sight and out of mind, and disdain for the poor and the weak.
The living were awful, and the living dead were no different. Once their humanity rotted away, they cared only about filling their stomachs. They were like ticks - they would drink until their bellies literally ruptured…and then keep on drinking.
That left him in a precarious position. He was old, his body was weak. He couldn’t stand unassisted and if left to fend for himself, he would decay into a pile of bones within days. He would be cursed to lay in one spot for all eternity, aware and hungry, little more than a ghost tethered to a black and still beating heart.
He refused to let that happen to him. Thus, he had created a family, a clan of vampires loyal to him and to him alone. He did this through acts of simple kindness and understanding…but also through deception. He knew, for instance, how to preserve the brain. He’d figured out how to do it early on - you pickle it. Like a fetus preserved in a jar. He sawed off the top of his own head and filled it with a special solution that kept his brain - and his intelligence - intact. It slowly drained out through the nose and ears in a thin, yellow liquid, but it worked well enough. He couldn’t save everything, however, and had lost vital things in the process, such as most of his human memories, his sense of humor, and some motor functions. He shared this secret with only Joe, and a few others before, because he needed a strong captain. He kept the others in the dark because vampires - like people - are easier to control when they don’t think for themselves.
Right about now, however, Merrick was beginning to regret sharing the formula with even Joe. Joe had brought him nothing but grief. Joe, you see, could think for himself. He could make decisions. He could go behind Merrick’s back. Joe had something called free will, and free will is a worse affliction than vampirism. Free will is messy, free will is dangerous.
Free will could very well turn Merrick into a pile of bones.
That was, of course, if they weren’t discovered first. Joe had made several mistakes lately, not least of which was the turning of Heather. Sitting there in the predawn hour, attended by Tony, his gay bartender and human familiar, Merrick decided to have Joe killed. There are only two ways to kill a vampire: The stake and the flame. The latter seemed somehow appropriate in this case. After Joe, there would be no more captains, only him, one father with absolute power. That was how it had to be. One man, one vision. Democracies didn’t work. That was especially clear today. Everyone was so divided and nothing ever got done. If the humans had one strong leader, they might go in the wrong direction, but at least they would go somewhere. Instead, they stagnated.
Merrick didn’t particularly look forward to killing Joe, but it had to be done. To protect the family. To protect him.
And Merrick would do anything…anything at all…to protect himself.
Bruce kept coming back to that single wor, hoping each time that he would chuckle at the absurdity of it.
But he never did.
Did that mean he believed it? Not necessarily, but damn it, he considered it a possibility, and that alone was enough to make him feel like a fucking clown. All the evidence he had pointed to vampires, but then again, it might point to other things as well. Like aliens.
But let’s say the whole vampire thing was real. Who, like Vanessa asked, was patient zero? Who started this whole mess?
A name came to mind.
Merrick Garvis.
He had not had time to check into Garvis the previous day, but by God, he was going to do it now. He ran his name and social through the system and everything seemed to check out. Merrick Garvis was born on June 31, 1963 in -
Wait a minute. Weren’t there only 30 days in June?
Bruce checked, and there were, indeed, only 30 days in the month of June. Hm. Bruce did a little digging and found something out. Before 1987, social security numbers weren’t issued at birth. You had to sign up, using other forms of ID. Merrick Garvis applied for his in April 1984 and the date of birth on his state issued driver’s license was June 31. Bruce spent an hour on the phone with the DMV and learned that they had never issued a license to a Merrick Garvis. He then spoke to the Social Security Administration, and after much wrangling and frustration, he managed to get a photocopy of the license Garvis used to get his social security number. It was dated 1983.
The face staring back at him was almost exactly the same face he’d seen at Club Vlad, except maybe a touch less stiff and waxy. Though not as rough looking, there was no way in hell Garvis was 20 in that picture. It had to be a fake,
Bruce thought back to the events of the previous two days. Missing bodies, staked corpses, hearts that still beat after death.
Vampires didn’t seem like such a crazy explanation.
And if anyone was a fucking vampire around here, it was Merrick Garvis.
submitted by Flagg1991 to LetsReadOfficial [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 19:59 takes_many_shits The HMG is a lot better than you'd expect when used correctly and is extremely versatile. Its NOT a chaff clear weapon. Here is a list of some good ways to use it.

When used to clear chaff and for dakka like you'd use any other MG in most games, the HMG will suck because it has tiny ammo capacity (and arguably could use an ammo buff even for what I will highlight here). However thats not what the HMG is for, and we already have the Stalwart and standard MG for chaff clear. I have used the HMG a lot now against both bots and bugs and to summarize its the junior Autocannon in terms of how flexible it is, although with the lower total firepower considering its not a backpack weapon. A very important thing about HMG is to vary your fire rate to hit your shots or you will miss the few shots you have, I rarely go above 450rpm against bots. One thing people don't realize also is that adding the third person reticule for the HMG was a gamechanger since this thing is borderline useless in first person but very useable in third person. Armor sets that reduce recoil when crouched/prone are amazing to combine with this weapon.
With that out of the way here are some things about this weapon that make it useful:
submitted by takes_many_shits to Helldivers [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 19:59 casualpics New 16-25 GM or Used 16-35 GM?

Like I said in the title, debating between these two lenses - is newer default better? I can't really swing a GMii at this point. I don't really need the length on 16-35, would that be the only advantage? Mostly looking for a flexible wide angle with at least f/2.8 (don't want to go to f/4). I have an a7rv, I shoot mostly as a hobby but I love editing and printing for my home so I don't want to lose too much on sharpness or quality. At some point soon I'd love to try astrophotography. Thoughts?
EDIT: I do no video, only stills
submitted by casualpics to SonyAlpha [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 19:52 yadavvenugopal Science Fiction Inspired Designs and Inventions

Science Fiction Inspired Designs and Inventions
Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic - Arthur C Clarke
Science fiction has always been a precursor to science fact, especially when it comes to Science fiction-inspired designs and inventions. Most complex technologies begin with the germ of an idea in the mind of a creative person and more often than not, it's a science fiction writer.
Ideation is the first and most important and often the most complex part of any invention. This is why science fiction writers are always ahead of scientists when it comes to the conceptualization of future tech.
After envisioning a technology in detail you can bring the engineers to map out what needs doing and what can't be done. The next step would be building a prototype that is sufficient for testing and making it suitable for commercial production.

Science Fiction-Inspired Designs and Inventions

Here we will go through technologies that we take for granted today, but just a few decades ago were purely in the realm of science fiction.

1. Transparent Screen from The Twilight Zone

The Twilight Zone by Rod Serling was truly ahead of its time in terms of its sci-fi concepts, dense storylines, and amazing execution. This meant that great episodes used hi-tech concepts judiciously and presented them folded into a larger reality that blew the socks off the viewers.
The reason why it seemed so ahead of its time was that most episodes of this series were inspired by key science fiction authors such as Ray Bradbury, Arthur C Clarke, and Isaac Asimov.
One such awesome storyline involved a society with unique standards of beauty far in the future that had amazing tech gadgets. The episode is named Eye of the Beholder and is fantastically done.
The best piece of tech that stood out in this episode was the transparent screen that slid down from the ceiling and turned opaque during display.
Such screens are available only in 2024 ( and showcased in 2023), showcased widely only in the latest installment of Consumer Electronics Show (CES) 2024. The LG Transparent screen in 2024 grabbed a lot of eyeballs and was the belle of the ball in the display section.
Check out Star Trek: Lower Decks Animated Series: Cracking Jokes with Easter Eggs
The Twilight Zone series got everything right, from the form factor to the actual function of such an amazing invention decades ahead of its time!
Like this review? Subscribe to themoviejunkie.com for more!

2. Flat screen from Star Trek

The Star Trek TOS episode Requiem for Methuselah (Season 3, Episode 19) has a flat-screen LED TV that is complete in its design with the stand and thin bezels exactly as it is commercially available today.
Reyna, Flint's companion watches their guests on their video surveillance system on a Flat Screen TV that is amazingly identical to the ones in production today.
What I loved about this is that, just like the transparent screen mentioned above, it is decades ahead of its time and is perfect in how it has been visualized by the propmasters of the time.
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3. Geostationary orbit - Arthur C Clarke

Genre-defining science fiction writer Arthur C. Clarke proposed the idea of satellites that could take a Geo-stationary orbit serving the purpose of a radio relay station. This way a third of the Earth's surface could be covered for communication purposes by a single satellite.
This idea was first published in the Wireless World October 1945 issue authored by Arthur C Clarke.
Most of our communications networks across the globe today depend on such geostationary satellites, whether it's a smartphone network or a weather station. Considering that the first communications satellite using this tech was launched in Syncom 2 in 1963, Clarke was decades ahead of his time when he came up with this vital concept.
Check out The Original Lost in Space Series (1965-68) by Irwin Allen

4. The Cellphone - Star Trek Communicator

One of the most iconic symbols of science fiction is the communicator from Star Trek TOS. The unmistakable sound of flipping the communicator open followed by the distinct bird chirp will remind anyone interested in sci-fi of the brilliant device.
It probably inspired the design of the flip phone that was suddenly back in fashion after the introduction of flexible displays. Nothing was closer to this design than the Motorola flip phone or the Sony Ericsson flip phones of the '90s and noughties.
You can easily get a functioning replica online from a few stores.
Check out Upload Series: Are we Inching Toward this Dystopian Reality with Metaverse?

5. Transparent Aluminium - Star Trek

Star Trek IV: The Journey Home was an amazing movie with a lot of the cast from Star Trek TOS. The plot revolves around a bit of time travel and a whole lot of science- fictional or otherwise.
James Doohan as Scotty reprises his role as a close friend of Jim Kirk and a brilliant engineer in this movie and solves the problem of transporting marine creatures back to the enterprise. As payment, Scotty offers a unique form of payment to a manufacturing firm on Earth in the past - the formula for transparent Aluminium.
Star Trek introduced the world to transparent aluminum, a concept that was science fiction at the time. However, today, it is known as aluminum oxynitride (AlON), a material that reflects the very prediction of the film, the prediction of quality content.
As of today, transparent aluminum is available commercially across the world and used in applications ranging from armored glass to construction and drone tech.
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Wrapping Up

An invention takes a creative mind and every legendary science fiction writer is blessed with one. This is why most of their writing contains futuristic technologies fleshed out in amazing detail, sometimes right down to the production details.
So if you are looking for a high-tech solution to a problem you can always look to the all-time great science fiction writers for inspiration and invent your way out of your problem!
Like this review? Subscribe to themoviejunkie.com for more!
submitted by yadavvenugopal to themoviejunkiedotcom [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 19:50 koalaspam My boyfriend didn't get into medschool and now I am questioning this relationship.

I love my boyfriend with all my heart. My heart broke when I heard he got rejected again. Obviously, I am willing to support him through anything and I know everything will be okay. There's an issue though.
His parents!! His parents think any time he spends not working on his career and getting into med school is wasted time. So that means hanging out with his girlfriend or his friends is a waste. To the point my 23 year old bf has a cerfew of midnight, even tho he gets off work at 8-9pm. Most weeks we see eachother once for 4 hours. Or he comes to my work just to see me more. Which is sweet, but we don't get any quality time together.
Last night I broke down crying because we never get to sleep over or hangout. We're 22 and 23 and all our friends and their partners get to do so much together. He doesn't want to put his foot down bc he feels like he has to show his parents his respect considering he still lives with them. I get this.
He did tell me if he gets into med school, his parents would get off his ass but if he didn't, things would be stricter. Obviously I want him to get into med school too! I am not at all a bad influence and I do so much to try and support him. I still live with my parents too unfortunately but I am trying to save up for an apartment and maybe ask him to move in with me. I love this man too much to dump him, i know this is just a phase, but it's getting to me.
submitted by koalaspam to TrueOffMyChest [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 19:49 colleen329 Possible postpartum anxiety- convincing self have bed bugs.

Possible postpartum anxiety- convincing self have bed bugs.
As the title says, I’m about 4 weeks postpartum & having lots of anxiety at a baseline. I am meeting with my psychiatrist this week & scheduling with my therapist soon for support. But I am wondering if some of my anxiety around possible bed bugs is justified :/
My extremely well meaning husband brought home a rattan peacock chair he found driving around about 3 weeks ago. It was an older woman giving putting a lot of stuff out for trash & she said it was a great chair she just didn’t have the space for it. At first I was super excited because I love vintage/boho things but my anxiety immediately crept in & I mentioned my worries that it could have bed bugs. He left it on the porch & never brought it in the house. He begrudgingly stripped down upon getting home & we washed his clothes in hot water then dried on high. He did end up inspecting it on the porch that night— sprayed it with bed bug spray & steamed it. He never saw a trace of bugs & chalked it up to me being anxious about so much right now. We decided to try & give it away but it’s still been on our porch for 3 weeks. He also worked on it one more time & didn’t change after because he figured he had inspected it enough.
Well last night each time I woke up to feed my baby I noticed a new bump on my left leg/ankle/foot. About 5-6 total. I was up most of the night researching & in a panic. I feel like 3 of them are in a very spaced out line (see photo). I did find one small blood stain in our sheets but full disclosure we haven’t been good about household chores/changing sheets in general with the newborn & my husband has had lots of cuts recently doing house projects. I’ve also been outside a lot recently sometimes in bare feet so I’m hoping it could just be from another bug.
We tore apart the bed this morning & can’t find any bugs, feces or other stains. My husband has no bites. He really thinks this is coming from my likely PPA, but do you all think I should be freaking out? What would you suggest next? :/ I just want to enjoy my baby but am worried sick & can’t get it out of my head.
submitted by colleen329 to Bedbugs [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 19:48 ismokepretzels WKWSCI vs NUS CNM

hello i know that this question has been asked multiple times on reddit but i'm having a dilemma choosing between both programmes, hence it would be greatly appreciated if any students from these programmes could give me some advice with regards to which one i should choose!
more context about myself: i am interested in pursuing comms, more specifically media and film studies. however, i'm also open to trying diff aspects of comms n i want to gain a deeper understanding of what the subject really entails before specialising. from uni, i'm really hoping to build a strong foundation in comms, understanding not just what to do, how to do it, but also WHY we do it
here's how i've weighed both programmes based on my understanding, please correct me if i'm wrong abt anything as it would rly help w my decision making process:
My concerns:
My concerns:
as mentioned, i'm currently leaning towards NUS. but i feel like i'm making decisions based on vague feelings n impressions i have towards both schools, so if anyone has any advice n experience, please let me know.
also i feel that WKW communicates their programme a LOT better than NUS CNM. after reading their promotional material n attending their events, i have quite a clear idea of what to expect from WKW. but for CNM i still have q a few queries + their social media presence not v strong HAHA idk if this says anyth abt the quality of their programme, given that it's a comms department after all...
if you've read this far, thank you very much <3333 n i hope this will also be helpful for any future prospective students who are facing the same problems as me :) jiayous everyone
submitted by ismokepretzels to SGExams [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 19:44 stellar110 Price ?

There was a monstera aurea with 4 or 5 leaves (about a foot tall, maybe less) for $220. Was that a good price?
submitted by stellar110 to Monstera [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 19:43 KaIidin Lubber is back!

Lubber is back!
I tried a really fun build that I saw Jeef do. It was fun and successful. Lubber- Peggy - pirate that gives attack for spells - pirate that gives attack for spending money. Flexible after that. Really fun and refreshing. Stay on 4 and go. The 7 gold pirate spell makes it work. Cycle and try and get as many of those as possible.
I didn’t want to get Leeroy that high. Just never found anything else to replace it. I had to sell some things late to beat Devine shield shellemental.
Golden Peggy would have been huge. The pirate the gains healthy with stats would also work just fine.
Got the swipe pretty late and was still able to buff it quickly
submitted by KaIidin to BobsTavern [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 19:27 Confident_Fox9090 [LFG][NA][WP][Melee][Static] Melee DPS looking for world prog group in 7.0

Hello, I’m looking for a world prog static for the upcoming savage in NA but can consider other regions.
About me:
IGN: Nulli Point
Availability: Very flexible
Job: SAM/RPR, maybe NIN/VPR
(Main) https://www.fflogs.com/characteid/18748683
(Alt) https://www.fflogs.com/characteid/19905972
DM me on discord for more info: nulli
submitted by Confident_Fox9090 to FFXIVRECRUITMENT [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 19:25 Nerdytinder12 Is comfort and higher pay good reason to switch career?

Job 1- I work as a private equity associate at an asset management company where I have the opportunity to work with wealthiest middle east families. (super interesting work, but high pressure, and lack of flexibility)
Job 2 - I got an offer to work at US largest private credit firm, to support their back end function, monotonous work, collegiate environment, young crowd, higher pay and comfortable jobs.
Job 2 allows me to travel more earn decent money, but 4-5 years down the line it would get monotonous and i might not be able to switch. Job 1 gives me exposure, but lack of personal life and comfort (while everyone is doing wfh, I am going to office 10 hours a day 5 days a week)
I know job 1 is better in long term, but the hustle over comfort seems challenging
submitted by Nerdytinder12 to careerguidance [link] [comments]
