Aesops fables lesson plans

Can I be broken beyond repair?

2024.05.16 23:55 Mystical_Legend Can I be broken beyond repair?

Hello everyone! I have decided to leave my thoughts here, so whatever happens, happens, I just feel like I should do it somewhere. Oh my, I typed a lot, I'm not even confident enough that this will be read, but hey I've got nothing to lose. So, I'm a guy who just recently hit 20 and the ways I think and feel are changing and I am having difficulties because of that. This will be related to my feelings, thoughts and my wishes, the last part is something I'm not used to having. The main problem will be my father who is not supporting that. However I wouldn't say it's just some "disagreement" or anything, but something bigger. So I will leave some stuff I've been through and how I felt at those times. I hope someone can help or anything
Before school: I would be super talkative with the family and neighborhood kids, just being annoying and putting out some childlike opinions and just being a little loud burden when I'm comfortable. When I'm not, I'd just be the quiet kid I've been taught to be, not nice bothering grownups, they're scary
Elementary school: As a kid I never had too many friends, I always attached to that one person and was connected with them the most and it was enough for me. However I happened to have some silly luck where whenever I'd get attached to someone they would magically appear to move out of the country and I'd find a new friend and repeat the same cycle. Definitely didn't hang out with multiple people at once. Wasn't aware this was doing something to me. A lot of them were friends that played a lot of video games and I got into playing video games too. A bit too much perhaps because it would happen to delay everything, including my knowledge of everything till this very day. Both in elementary and high school I was a straight A, "gifted kid" and all that nerd stuff. Of course I did it all because I feared the reaction of my parents if I wasn't doing as good as I was supposed to. My mom was more understanding than my dad. I could always ask her things like "Would you still love me if I wasn't getting As?" and she would comfort me and all the good stuff. I was always afraid of my dad so I never had deeper talks with him. Even today, I have deep talks with my mom and love spending time with her but I can end up being all day alone with my dad and we share 20 words. But now not that much because of fear but because of habit I guess. My whole life goal at this stage was just not making him angry. I didn't have any hobbies, just burning through games and school books. When it was time to go to highschool, I picked some random school not directed into anything, (uhh I don't know the words, gymnasium? the school that has a little bit of everything, nothing specific, English is not my native language) it was kinda directed to coding but not really, I picked it because, hey I like games, this should be fun, I could make games.
Highschool: My habits have hit me, and I realized I'm not really engaging in healthy human activities so I have been so afraid of not being able to make friends. Because I usually spent my social time with one friend in my house or their house I didn't really know anything about my town or places or activities or whatever at the age of 15. I was scared of simply being too far behind on everything and that I couldn't make friends. However I happened to find some kid who was just like me and I clicked with him. Oh my, repeating the cycle, am I not? However I didn't want to repeat the cycle. And I wanted to go meet more friends from the class and see what's up, I'm tired of feeling like an outcast. I've been lucky and I've met some great guys where I've seen what it means to have self-respect, self-love, a backbone, goals, how you can rebel against things you find ridiculous and all the most insane of them all, ~confidence~. Thanks to being in that group of 5 friends, I've been taught so many things I should have known ages ago and I was able to feel okay around people, start going to the gym, going out in town, advancing even as far as going to different towns and trying out things I didn't feel comfortable thinking about before. Was able to talk to girls on a deeper level and had an embarrassingly late realization of "hey, they're human too!". Things I did were nothing too crazy ever, I still had my dad's ideals hanging over my head, so I never felt comfortable engaging in some things like drinking or going to parties out late (well, he wouldn't allow me to leave the house late anyways). Eventually I figured out I can just lie to him to make things less complicated by twisting the story a little bit, that's how I ended up going to another town. The first time I confronted him about something bigger, is when I wanted to go to another country on my own so I could meet up with my girlfriend at that time and I was tired of him not allowing me stuff and I just dropped my first ever assertive-ish sentence to him. "I want to ask you something but I don't want your answer to be no". He allowed me to, was taken aback though. That trip was one of the most beautiful experiences I've ever had in my life. I think he allowed me to only because it was a girl in question, and I wasn't really having girl friends in highschool, was scared because of all the generalization I've heard from my father and the relationship between my parents, and I truly wasn't excited about the whole idea of marriage. My dad is very traditional and he loves being in control of my life because he believes that a man should fully provide for his family, that he should simply deal with this deal with that, that a wife must obey him, that parents are most important no matter how they act yadda yadda. A lot of old thinking I never agreed with but couldn't do much about it anyways so let's just live I guess. However one thing I did continue in highschool is my addiction to video games. But then I stopped because I felt guilty for not studying and felt guilty for not learning about music or town areas all my friends know. So I started listen to music properly and I got hooked to it. This has grown into a bigger problem now and I'll go in the final stage of my life because I feel like this is so much text.
University: (if I say uni/college, I'm talking about the same thing, I don't know if there's a difference between the two words) Oh well, you remember how I said that the addiction is gonna make a problem? Well, I started studying engineering. Thanks to my high grades and me doing the entrance exam relatively well, I got into the "toughest college in the country". Now, the fun part is that now that I have to detach from listening to music for multiple hours a day and absolutely doing stupid dances and releasing my energy outside because I don't know what to do with it, I realized I never thought about what I loved... And, well let's just say I don't really know if engineering, nor coding was the way to go. Crisis time. However I don't like anything, what do I do I'm gonna lose my mind. Well, let's just try having friends? I met some of the most beautiful souls ever on this university and I have reached the point of being able to "be myself" and show the world my weirdness and all the goofy opinions and statements my mind creates. I go to that college sometimes just to see all those beautiful people again and again. They're serious about what they're doing and about their studies, I wish them the best, I really hope I don't negatively affect them. However, I tried to research a bit on what I might actually truly love. And after stumbling through life this last year while pretending everything's okay when dad asked, and telling the truth to my mom, I stumbled onto psychology. And well I have went to that college, to see the lessons and classes and wow, studying can be fun? So I'm thinking about finally taking a wrong turn on this path I was always meant to take from the beginning of my life, and follow this, just to see what's gonna happen. What's the purpose of pushing software engineering when I know I'll feel about it like any other job. I'm not money hungry anyways, I'm hungry for being fulfilled. I've confronted my dad about wanting to change my career, to which I've been called many names, been extremely judged for my choices and I've been told to cut off my hair and stop going to the gym as punishment (I'm not planning on listening to this). I've never been physically abused by my dad, but I'm scared if he's insane enough to do something to me now because he set me a timer of 7 days to cut off my hair. Oh yes btw, I always wanted to have long hair and he never agreed, I was too scared to ever do it. Recently I've changed my mind and he hates it so now he wants it gone. I'm genuinely concerned if he's gonna launch on me with scissors or something ridiculous. You see, even now I am so easily manipulated and controlled by fear and I'm sick and tired of that. That's probably the reason I never got out of religion, my fear is just too strong for me to do it. I dislike that, I wish I could transfer fear into love, I have never learned how to do that though. Will I always be like this? Will I always be a coward and just say "yessir" to everything? I don't want to anymore. I'm tired of being a puppet. I'm tired of having to prove I'm smart or capable or hardworking. I just want to have something with which I can say "I did this on my own, I committed to this, I wanted this" not "well it was good for me". I want to start following my heart and throw my brain out of the window. And now I'm scared of things like "what if I was wrong all along and he was right", "what if I don't find any jobs in this country because of this", "what if he throws me out of the house or starts abusing me". Well I don't know, but I feel like I want to commit to psychology, and I'm gonna do it, I'll be on my own, no ideals from other people, just me, and my wishes. But these words and all the things affect me a lot and they always have. And I get demotivated and stop caring about everything, which just makes my addiction to blasting music on my headphones and badly dancing even stronger. I'm scared of it happening again. But I've never been this sick of it all, I feel like I won't go down without a fight anymore. So I ask in the text once more, can I truly be broken beyond repair, or can I break all the chains tying me down? Because I want to know if I should just abandon all hope and embrace the tradition and insanity along with it, or just run and not look back.
If you have read all of this, I am very grateful to you, hopefully I have been collected enough to construct sentences that make sense, or that it all makes sense overall. Anything is appreciated. I love you all and wish you the best <3
submitted by Mystical_Legend to Healthygamergg [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 23:27 TwistRepulsive6518 [OTHER] The Obey Me! Anime but as a 'Mockumentary'

[OTHER] The Obey Me! Anime but as a 'Mockumentary'
This is part 3 of stealing stuff from other franchises (LOL), but this time I'm writing about the anime because I was bored and had another thought that needs to be set free onto the world.
I want to preface this by saying I LOVE the anime, its funny and cute; its very 'slice of life'-ie and the boys are all so silly in this version. but I want something different, and hopefully longer episodes.
So, what is a 'Mockumentary'? essentially its a mix of the words 'Mock' and 'Documentary'. Google defines it as 'a type of film or television show depicting fictional events, but presented as a documentary which in itself is a subset of a faux-documentary style of film-making.' Think of shows such as 'Modern Family' and 'The Office'.
i'm going to try and follow some of the plots in the actual anime but trying to get it to fit 22 minutes which is how long episodes usually are of this type.
i try to keep it condensed or we'd be here all day <3
I tried my best
i've decided to write episodes down with a formula of:
  • Ep 1- No Motivation to Study. (All brothers)
  • Ep 2- Ruri-Chan Viewing Party. (Leviathan)
  • Ep 3- For Whom the Belly Rumbles. (Beelzebub)
  • Ep 4- Princess Asmodeous is in Another Castle. (Asmodeous)
  • Ep 5- Mammon and the Dog. (Mammon)
  • Ep 6- Detective Satan. (Satan)
  • Ep 7- Camp Lucifer. (Lucifer)
  • Ep 8- A Trip for 7. (Belphegor)
  • Ep 9- Beach Babes (All brothers)
  • Ep 10- A Bunny Boy's New Years' (All brothers)
Also, i thought it would be funny if MC was the one doing the interview portions; of course, we'd never see MC, but it is alluded that they are behind the camera.
Ep 1: No motivation to study
Main Plot points:
  • A plot- The brother's are studying for an exam
  • B plot- Mammon's makes the 'miss em' doll
Story flow:
Plot A:
  • The brothers are introduced
  • the brothers are studying for an exam
  • Mammon is slacking off as usual
  • the brothers cant concentrate as they keep getting distracted
  • they want MC to come back to the devildom
  • The brothers goof off
Plot B:
  • Mammon makes the Miss 'em dolls and sells them
Ep 2: Ruri-chan viewing party
Main Plot points:
  • A plot- Levi grabs all the dateables for a viewing party
  • B plot- the rest of the brothers are hiding from Levi
Plot A:
  • Levi squeals in excitement which means there's a new Ruri-chan movie.
  • he tells the camera in the 'interview' how much he LOVES the movie he wants to show them today,
  • he continues talking and talking
  • Levi tries to find his brothers around the house but can't
  • he decides to find ANYONE who will listen
  • He finds Simeon who was badly hiding behind the couch, Simeon rats Luke and Solomon out.
  • Levi even takes Diavolo and Barbatos
  • keeping the dateables in his room, not letting them leave
  • he over-explains everything to them
  • He stops them from leaving multiple times, Luke even tries to fake an illness to get out
  • Even Levi's snake hides from him
Plot B:
  • All the brothers try to tiptoe around the house, trying to avoid Levi who is constantly listening to find people who would listen find others
  • The brothers express in the interviews how they love Levi... but they cannot stand another one of his movies
Ep 3: For whom the belly rumbles
Main Plot points: (I got inspired by the episode of 'Modern Family', 'Connection Lost')
  • A plot- Beel is lost in some sort of island. the whole ep takes place on the DDD interface.
  • B plot- Lucifer, Satan and Asmo are at Diavolo's castle
  • C plot- Levi, Mammon and Belphie are in the HOL
Plot A:
  • Beel scrolls through apps on his phone, somehow having internet access
  • he then opens his contacts and dials Lucifer on facetime
  • Asmo pops into facetime on Lucifer's laptop
  • Beel dials Belphie who is asleep, then he dials Levi who is always on his phone.
  • they all try to find out what and where Beel is
  • they offer suggestions but Beel keeps getting distracted
  • All it ends up, is that Beel accidentally sent himself into a game world after eating a game disc
Plot B:
  • Lucifer has to give a speach on behalf of Diavolo
  • when Beel calls on Lucifer's laptop, Lucifer was going over his speach as Asmo does his makeup and Satan was checking who attended.
  • they try to help Beel out of where he is before Lucifer gives his speach
Plot C:
  • Levi was chasing Mammon around the house when Beel calls
  • Belphie was asleep
Ep 4: Princess Asmodeous is in another Castle
Main Plot points:
  • A plot- Asmodeous gets sent into Levi's game as the princess, he loves it a little too much
  • B plot- Lucifer giving Mammon a driving lesson
Plot A:
  • Asmo and the other brothers are sent into a game
  • at first, Asmo is annoyed but then he realises he is the princess and forces everyone to do his bidding
  • he wants to be saved in a certain way, dressed in a certain way, etc
  • Asmo likes it
  • Asmo becomes like an evil dictator
  • the brothers revolt against the prince and they win the game
Plot B:
  • Mammon got a parking ticket and it turned out his license expired a few months ago
  • Lucifer gives Mammon a driving lesson
Ep 5: Mammon and the Dog
Main Plot points:
  • A plot- Mammon was turned into a dog, and Mammon runs away
  • B plot- Levi and Asmo had a previous fight but also Satan and Belphie had a previous fight
A plot:
  • Starts with Mammon having a dumb look on his face, his lips not moving but he is talking with the camera zooming into Mammon's face, Mammon then says "Hey over 'ere!", the camera zooms out and shows Mammon sitting next to a dog. Mammon is the dog.
  • Dog Mammon explains how he got cursed and then it plays out like the anime for the first 5 minutes
  • The brothers go out to eat dinner where they tease Mammon like usual
  • Mammon mishears something Lucifer said
  • Mammon leaves when no one was looking
  • The brothers in groups look for Mammon (Group 1: Levi and Asmo, Group 2: Satan, Belphie and Beel), they go to Casinos, clubs, bars to try look
  • Lucifer finds Mammon in MC's bedroom, they talk
  • Everyone resolves their conflicts by the end
B plot:
  • Asmo and Levi are fighting because Levi didn't include Asmo on a stream
  • Satan and Belphie are fighting because of an understanding when talking about the Anti-Lucifer defense league
Ep 6: Detective Satan
Main Plot points:
  • A plot- Detective Satan with the younger brothers
  • B plot- Mammon, Lucifer and Levi are taking Mammon to his driving test
Plot A:
  • Satan solves his brothers mysteries, expanding on 'Detective Satan' 1 and 2.
Plot B:
  • Lucifer and Levi take Mammon to the driving center
  • When Mammon is having his exam with Little D no. 2 as the examiner, Mammon is chased by a guy who he owns a debt to
  • Mammon tries to out drive the debt collecters
  • Levi and Lucifer chase after them in a third car
  • Mammon somehow passes his test
Ep 7: Camp Lucifer
Main Plot points:
  • A plot- Lucifer takes his brothers to a camp
  • B plot- Mammon and Asmo want to go to a party instead
  • C plot- Levi, Satan and Belphie just want to go back home
Plot A:
  • Lucifer is overzealous about camp, he's doing everything
  • All the brothers gather around the campfire, and each brother wants to get away.
  • When Lucifer goes away to deal with an argument Beel caused because he ate the next door camp's food
  • When he comes back all his brothers except for Beel have gone
  • Beel is eating all the food at the campfire, Lucifer pets him on the head
  • after a while of Lucifer and Beel alone, where Lucifer is just watching Beel eat, Lucifer goes away to wash his hands
  • the rest of the brothers feel bad, and return
  • Lucifer returns and sees ALL his brothers back around the campfire again roasting marshmallows
  • Lucifer joins them
Plot B:
  • Asmo and Mammon have big plans to escape for the night because they heard that a devildom celeb was at a club
  • they sneak out when lucifer is distracted
  • but eventually they return after a while
Plot C:
  • Levi, Belphie and Satan hide in the tents wanting to just rest and get away from all the insects and flies
Ep 8: A trip for 7
Main Plot points:
  • A plot- Belphie is sad because his brothers are treating him different
  • B plot- Road trip with all the brothers in a caravan
Plot A:
  • Part one and two of 'A trip for 7'
  • Belphie is just watching as his brothers interact
  • but most of the trip takes place in a caravan as they going to their destination
Plot B:
  • The brothers have a pillow fight and play cards without belphie because things are still awkward with him
Ep 9: Beach Babes
Main Plot points:
  • A plot- Mammon trying to get pics of Lucifer shirtless
  • B plot- Asmo takes Beel as his wingman to pick up some 'babes'
Plot A:
  • Mammon wraps up each of his brothers to help him in his endeavours
  • he asks Levi to dress like an octopus to catch Lucifer off guard
  • he asks Satan to place a curse of Lucifer that raises his body heat until he is so warm he wants to take his shirt off
  • he asks Belphie to create an elaborate trap but Belphie just throws crabs at Lucifer while not even moving from his place under the umbrella
Plot B:
  • Asmo takes Beel with the promise of food to find some 'babes'
  • Asmo tries flirting with some people but Beel is somehow doing better than him
  • Asmo finds someone from behind
  • the 'babe' is actually Solomon
Ep 10: A bunny boy's New Years'
Main Plot points:
  • A plot- Brothers as Bunny boys
  • B plot- the dateables come to the Bunny boy restaurant for New Years
Plot A:
  • the brothers have to be bunny boys to make up for Mammon's debt
  • they attend to the dateables
Plot B:
  • Season finale where the dateables recap the whole season
Yh... idk what this one was- i think i hallucinated half of it <3
submitted by TwistRepulsive6518 to obeyme [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 23:22 Jealous-Dot-728 I Feel Like I've Been Punished by the Universe

I've lived a consistently miserable life. And a very peculiar one. From age 6 I was being gaslit by my mother who has a narcissistic personality disorder. I was being provoked by her until she got me to have mental breakdowns and to behave erratically. Even if I didn't behave erratically, things would be taken out of context and then she would use them in a smear campaign against me, convincing everyone around me I was an aggressive, insane delinquent. She isolated, manipulated, and controlled me everyday of my life. She was regularly sadistic towards me and fed on my constant emotional distress. I grew up in the south, where children are seen not heard, so when my mother told the CPS workers involved with our family, my therapists/psychiatrists, family friends, my father, troubled teen program staff, etc I was the problem, they accepted the situation as such. At the very least, I was considered pitiable for being crazy, and at most I was seen as a monster. Like the kind of kid reality tv shows about out of control kids make episodes about for money.
I was just completely demonized and it was insane considering how I was regularly a victim of abuse from my mother and the peers she involved. I was pretty much the victim of an angry mob. The raw cruelty that flowed out of people was jawdropping. A lot of it came from people's archaic views, but I think some of them were just power hungry people looking for a socially acceptable reason to abuse people. If you justify your actions as discipline against monsters, your sadism becomes socially justified.
It was complicated, because I was being advertised as crazy and the experience itself eventually made me crazy. I began to slip from the constant pressure of mind games. That didn't help my case. The abuse never seemed to end.
When we moved to the north when I was 15, I was met with a sizable amount of people's doubt of me, but for the larger part, finally believed. Significantly believed. People were able to see I was telling the truth. Still, when I moved out of my mother's house about a year later, the damage had been done. Despite being a good student, I dropped out of high school because I was too occupied with my cptsd and other accumulated mental health issues, and beginning to struggle with being scatter brained. Since then, I've been living like a shell of a human being, working through layers of various mental health issues with no improvement. Everyday is just miserable.
I am now at a point where I am considering that the universe or whatever divine power out there has been purposefully putting me through these things my whole life as a lesson and/or punishment, and that I've just been blind to how deserving I've been of it all. I have been recently asking the universe/the divine for signs of confirmation this is the case, and I've gotten them. They seem too on point to be coincidental. They are thorough.
I think that either I was put through these things because I deserved the misery for being guilty in the way everyone around me thought I was, or in the context that while I wasn't guilty in the way everyone around me considered me to be, I was/am guilty of being a fucked up person. Maybe it was a way of bringing karmic balance. I was never seen as guilty for being corrupt in the ways I actually was, so the divine planned for the world to see me as guilty and make me miserable for the things I didn't have wrong with me. Either as a punishment, a lesson, or both.
And if either of these scenarios are the case, my first instinct is to say it's not fucking fair. I've been trampled my entire life, and still I'm supposed to view the things that have happened to me as deserved or my fault? That I need to take accountability and realize I'm the problem? Are you fucking kidding me? I feel like I don't, nor did I ever deserve that shit. But the divine seems to disagree. And you can't disagree with the divine, they're always right. I'm a mere stupid human. I want this to all be in my head or just random coincidences but the manner in which these signs are showing seems too real.
Maybe me thinking I'm not the problem is the mistake I consistently make. And if that's the case I don't want to continue to make that mistake. Both because I feel like the divine will continue to punish me/teach me this lesson, and because I don't want to be blind and I want to make things right.
Making this post in itself feels like taking a step backwards. Like I'm fishing for people to tell me that's not the case, and that I didn't deserve what happened, because for the most part I don't believe I deserved any of this. If someone else said this about their trauma, I'd tell them how that's just their trauma talking. But I've always been an outlier situation. Maybe I'm just a unique brand of fucked up that warranted that pain.
Between the weird trauma I have and the signs I've seen, I feel like I'm cursed or haunted or being disciplined spiritually.
submitted by Jealous-Dot-728 to CPTSD [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 23:20 FirefighterFuzzy8027 Accident and Plan B. Would appreciate any input/reassurance.

Apologies in advance for TMI. I (male) had sex with a girl yesterday. At the end, I noticed semen had leaked from shaft region of the condom, and quite bit was visible in the outer vaginal region (not entirely sure if any/how much was deposited directly inside her, only she knows this). I bought Plan B and she took it like 40 minutes after. She weighs like 165-170lbs if I had to guess at like 5’4, which I saw isn’t ideal for Plan B. She told me that she should start ovulating a week from now (which I’ve read this is a good thing in this situation, really hoping she was telling the truth). It was a one night stand, but I gave her my number just in case if she needed to contact me. She seemed pretty level-headed about the whole thing and is sure we’re fine. I’m still worried though. I’ve 100% learned my lesson here. Would appreciate any reassurance/advice.
submitted by FirefighterFuzzy8027 to birthcontrol [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 23:14 ApathyKing8 How do you know when enough is enough?

Let me explain a bit to paint a picture.
I genuinely really love my job. I teach a special elective that has a lot of community engagement and opportunities outside of the normal classroom hours. My best students are academically gifted and real go getters. My lowest students have manageable behaviors and are happy to just do desk work for an easy B. If I wanted to, this could be the easiest placement in the district. I could kick back, do the bare minimum, and never work overtime.
I have hobbies that I do alone and a strong relationship with my significant other, but not many social obligations. Most of my closest friends live too far away for random hangout sessions. We treat discord as a third space to just hang out in our free time. This keeps my schedule pretty open during the week. At some point I want to have kids and they will be a big social obligation, but that's not something I'm factoring in right now.
The boring part of teaching takes up a lot of my day. Grades, attendance, replying to emails, lectures, lesson planning etc. So I don't have a lot of unstructured time to do the fun part of my job. I choose to stay late on most days to make enough time for both parts of the job.
Every time I find a new way to automate a task or find a time saving process to keep up with the boring part of the job, that just gives me time to do more of the fun part. This has allowed us to tackle tons of great projects.
So how do you decide when enough is enough?
I think I have a pretty good work life balance, but there's so much more I want to do at work. On the inside I know that no matter how hard I work I'm not going to make significantly more money, but I also ENJOY the work.
There's always going to be something leftover at the end of the day. I could work 100 hours a week and still find more to do to make the class better.
Right now I'm working between 50 and 60 hours each week. If I was getting paid overtime then it would be an easy decision to keep pushing the class forward. But I keep feeling like I'm getting taken advantage of somehow. I'm working so many extra hours for a tiny stipend. I think there's a lot of intangible value to the extra work that I'm doing, but is that enough?
submitted by ApathyKing8 to Teachers [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 22:23 Appropriate_Jelly211 advice on learning on my own?

i’m really interested in electric guitar and i think ive got the basics down (basically just chords and a few simple riffs). however, i have no desire to get formal lessons just because i find music lessons to be boring, i much prefer learning on my own. that being said, is there a lesson plan that i should follow? what should i learn next after chords and scales? how do i learn to move up and down the fretboard quickly?
any advice is greatly appreciated!
submitted by Appropriate_Jelly211 to Guitar [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 22:19 dopaminewellbeing Journal Prompt Ideas

Here are some Journal Prompt suggestions:
  1. How has my understanding of pleasure and gratification changed since beginning my recovery?
  2. In what ways can I cultivate a deeper relationship with God to overcome my cravings?
  3. What Bible verses inspire me to resist temptation and why?
  4. How does my faith influence my view on healing and recovery?
  5. In moments of weakness, how can prayer strengthen my resolve?
  6. How do I see the role of the Holy Spirit in guiding me away from addictive behaviors?
  7. What Christian values can I focus on to replace the instant gratification I seek from addictive sources?
  8. How can the story of Job’s perseverance help me in dealing with my own struggles?
  9. What lessons have I learned about patience and faith through my recovery journey?
  10. How can I use my experience with addiction to help others in my community?
  11. How does my addiction prevent me from fulfilling God’s purpose for my life?
  12. What does it mean to me to surrender my struggles to God?
  13. How can fasting and abstinence strengthen my discipline and faith during recovery?
  14. How has my addiction affected my relationships and how can I mend them?
  15. How do the teachings of Jesus about forgiveness apply to how I forgive myself?
  16. What are the spiritual consequences of my addiction that I am most afraid of?
  17. How can the fruits of the Spirit (Galatians 5:22-23) manifest in my recovery journey?
  18. What does being ‘born again’ mean in the context of overcoming addiction?
  19. How can I use the concept of Christian stewardship to manage my impulses better?
  20. What does the Bible say about body as a temple, and how does that affect my recovery?
  21. How can community prayer support me in overcoming my addiction?
  22. What steps can I take to make amends in a way that aligns with Christian teachings?
  23. How do stories of redemption in the Bible give me hope for recovery?
  24. What does it mean to have a ‘thorn in the flesh’ like Paul, and how do I cope with mine?
  25. How can I cultivate a spirit of gratitude during the tough days?
  26. What role does humility play in acknowledging and dealing with my addiction?
  27. How can the parables Jesus taught guide me in understanding my journey?
  28. In what ways has my addiction been a ‘false idol’ in my life?
  29. How do I understand God’s love for me even when I feel unworthy?
  30. What are specific ways I can serve others that will also support my recovery?
  31. How does maintaining hope impact my daily decisions and recovery?
  32. What sacrifices am I called to make to remain faithful to my recovery and to God?
  33. How can meditating on the life of Christ help me resist addictive urges?
  34. What does it mean to wear the ‘armor of God’ in my battle against addiction?
  35. How can the Beatitudes (Matthew 5:1-12) be a comfort or guide during recovery?
  36. What does it mean to experience peace that surpasses understanding in my journey?
  37. How can practicing Christian virtues lead to real change in my life?
  38. What does true joy look like for me now, in the context of recovery?
  39. How does forgiveness play a role in healing from the damage caused by my addiction?
  40. What does it mean to trust in God’s timing in the context of recovery?
  41. How do I balance my need for God’s grace with personal responsibility in recovery?
  42. How can reflecting on Christ’s sacrifice on the cross inspire me to overcome personal trials?
  43. What ways can I seek solace in the church community as I battle addiction?
  44. How does being transparent with others about my struggles help my recovery process?
  45. What wisdom can I find in Proverbs to help guide my daily choices away from addiction?
  46. How can I ensure that my actions reflect my desire to live according to God’s will?
  47. In what ways has my perspective on suffering and endurance changed through recovery?
  48. How can Christian fellowship strengthen me on difficult days?
  49. How does embracing vulnerability open opportunities for healing?
  50. What are practical steps I can take to apply Christian teachings in my recovery routine?
  51. How can I maintain a hopeful outlook even when progress seems slow?
  52. What does it mean to live a life that is pleasing to God post-addiction?
  53. How can I use my struggle as a testimony to God’s grace and mercy?
  54. What does the concept of renewal mean in both spiritual and practical terms for me?
  55. How does the church view addiction and what support can I expect from my faith community?
  56. What are the ways I can pray specifically for strength and resilience?
  57. How can understanding Christ’s temptations in the desert help me handle my own?
  58. How does Scripture encourage me to view setbacks and relapses?
  59. What are healthy Christian ways to celebrate victories, no matter how small?
  60. How can I discern God’s will when making decisions that impact my recovery?
  61. How do I use Christian teachings to manage stress that might lead to relapse?
  62. What are the ways I can cultivate self-control as a fruit of the Spirit in daily life?
  63. How can I be a light to others struggling with similar issues?
  64. What does the Bible teach about the power of the spoken word, and how can I use it to aid my recovery?
  65. How can the discipline of regular church attendance support my recovery process?
  66. How does my journey relate to the concept of ‘walking by faith, not by sight’?
  67. What does it mean to ‘renew my mind’ (Romans 12:2) in the context of overcoming addiction?
  68. How can Christian music and worship be a therapeutic tool in my recovery?
  69. What is the role of confession in healing and recovery according to the Bible?
  70. How does the community of saints inspire me to persist in my recovery journey?
  71. How do I handle feelings of shame and guilt in a constructive, Christian way?
  72. How can the example of Christian martyrs who endured suffering guide me?
  73. How can I ensure my daily routine includes significant spiritual nourishment?
  74. What role does faith play in the physical aspects of recovery?
  75. How can I reconcile feelings of doubt with my belief in God’s plan for me?
  76. What are the ways that Christian charity can aid in my own healing process?
  77. How can I implement forgiveness, both giving and receiving, as I rebuild relationships?
  78. What Christian resources (books, podcasts, sermons) have been helpful in my recovery and why?
  79. How can I maintain integrity in every area of my life during recovery?
  80. What are some ways to incorporate prayer into my recovery process effectively?
  81. How do I combat spiritual warfare that might arise during my recovery?
  82. What does it mean to have a ‘prayerful heart’ throughout the day?
  83. How can the promise of eternal life influence my perspective on current struggles?
  84. How does the concept of stewardship relate to managing my mental and emotional health?
  85. How do I find balance between self-care and service to others in my recovery?
  86. What does it mean to ‘count it all joy’ when facing trials, as James instructs?
  87. How can I use the example of Jesus’ compassion in my interactions with others?
  88. How can spiritual discipline improve my resilience against addiction?
  89. What are the dangers of idolatry in the form of addiction, and how can I avoid them?
  90. How can I ensure that my prayer life is rich and reflects my deepest needs?
  91. How does the community of faith act as a safety net during times of weakness?
  92. How can Christian art and literature inspire me during recovery?
  93. What is the importance of testimony in sharing my recovery story?
  94. How can I balance justice and mercy in how I treat myself and others?
  95. What does it mean to be a peacemaker in my own life during recovery?
  96. How can the lives of the apostles inspire me to overcome adversity?
  97. How can I better understand God’s love and compassion through my journey?
  98. What does it mean to pursue righteousness in everyday life, especially during recovery?
  99. How can the Sermon on the Mount guide my attitudes and actions each day?
  100. What role does hope play in continually renewing my commitment to a life free from addiction?
submitted by dopaminewellbeing to ChristiansAddiction [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 22:14 dopaminewellbeing Christian Coping Strategies

Spiritual Growth

  1. Daily Prayer: Commit to daily prayer sessions asking for strength and guidance.
  2. Scripture Reading: Read and meditate on scriptures that focus on strength and recovery.
  3. Worship: Participate in regular worship services to reinforce your spiritual foundation.
  4. Faith Affirmations: Use Bible verses as affirmations; repeat them during cravings.
  5. Confession: Regularly confess struggles to a trusted spiritual leader or trusted friend.
  6. Fasting: Occasionally fast to seek clarity and reinforce spiritual discipline.
  7. Spiritual Retreats: Attend retreats for focused spiritual renewal.
  8. Christian Meditation: Practice Christian meditation (pondering scripture, etc.) to calm the mind and spirit.
  9. Listening to Gospel Music: Use uplifting music to enhance spiritual connection.
  10. Prayer Journaling: Keep a journal of prayers and God’s responses.

Community Engagement

  1. Church Support Groups: Join groups for individuals struggling with addiction.
  2. Accountability Partner: Partner with a fellow believer who can provide support and accountability.
  3. Volunteering: Engage in church-related volunteer work to stay busy and inspired.
  4. Christian Counseling: Seek professional counseling from a Christian perspective.
  5. Family Involvement: Involve your family in your journey through church events.
  6. Youth Mentorship: Mentor youth, sharing your experiences and learning from service.
  7. Online Christian Communities: Participate in online forums or groups for spiritual support.
  8. Testimony Sharing: Share your journey at church gatherings to inspire and receive support.
  9. Bible Study Groups: Regularly attend Bible study to deepen faith and community ties.
  10. Church Activities: Be an active participant in church events and functions.

Personal Development

  1. Routine Exercise: Incorporate regular physical activity to reduce stress.
  2. Healthy Diet: Maintain a nutritious diet to improve overall well-being.
  3. Reading Christian Literature: Read books that encourage spiritual growth and recovery.
  4. Creative Arts: Use arts like painting or writing to express feelings and reflect.
  5. Time Management: Structure your day to minimize idle time that could lead to cravings.
  6. Goal Setting: Set short and long-term goals that align with your spiritual values.
  7. Learning New Skills: Take up hobbies or classes that keep you engaged and learning.
  8. Rest and Sleep: Ensure sufficient rest to maintain physical and mental health.
  9. Nature Walks: Spend time in nature to find peace and perspective.
  10. Avoiding Triggers: Identify and avoid situations or people that trigger cravings.

Coping Techniques

  1. Deep Breathing: Practice deep breathing exercises during moments of craving.
  2. Mindfulness: Practice mindfulness to stay present and reduce anxiety.
  3. Assertiveness Training: Learn to assertively say no to temptations.
  4. Stress Management: Develop strategies to handle stress without resorting to substances.
  5. Emotional Journaling: Use journaling to process emotions healthily.
  6. Self-Reflection: Regularly reflect on personal progress and setbacks.
  7. Positive Visualization: Use visualization techniques to imagine a sober life.
  8. Gratitude Lists: Regularly list things you are grateful for.
  9. Reward System: Set up a reward system for reaching sobriety milestones.
  10. Relaxation Techniques: Learn and apply relaxation techniques.

Support Systems

  1. Peer Support: Regularly meet with a peer group for encouragement and advice.
  2. Spiritual Guidance: Seek regular guidance from a pastor or spiritual mentor.
  3. Therapeutic Relationships: Maintain therapeutic relationships that reinforce recovery.
  4. Family Counseling: Engage in family counseling to repair relationships affected by addiction.
  5. Professional Help: Don’t hesitate to seek help from addiction specialists.
  6. Educational Workshops: Attend workshops that teach coping skills for addiction.
  7. Supportive Friends: Cultivate friendships with those who support your recovery journey.
  8. Avoiding Negative Influences: Steer clear of environments and individuals that undermine recovery.
  9. Church Elders: Reach out to church elders for wisdom and support.
  10. Sponsorship: Consider a 12-step program with a sponsor who shares your faith.

Renewal and Reflection

  1. Anniversary Reflections: Reflect on the progress made over each year of recovery.
  2. Spiritual Renewal Days: Designate days for intensified prayer and meditation.
  3. Baptism or Re-baptism: Consider this as a symbolic fresh start.
  4. Witnessing to Others: Use your story to help others in their battles with addiction.
  5. Spiritual Literature: Delve deeper into spiritual texts for insights and inspiration.
  6. Pastoral Visits: Invite pastoral visits for home blessing and personal encouragement.
  7. Renewing Vows: Renew personal vows of sobriety in a ceremonial way.
  8. Pilgrimage: Undertake a spiritual pilgrimage as a form of personal and spiritual exploration.
  9. Reflection Retreats: Engage in retreats specifically focused on overcoming past habits.
  10. Memorializing Milestones: Create physical or digital memorials of your recovery milestones.

Emotional Resilience

  1. Emotional Awareness: Develop awareness of emotions and triggers that lead to cravings.
  2. Seek Forgiveness: Embrace forgiveness, both from others and for yourself.
  3. Offer Forgiveness: Offer forgiveness to those who have hurt you, releasing bitterness.
  4. Spiritual Songs: Sing or listen to spiritual songs that uplift and comfort.
  5. Hope Messages: Write down messages of hope and revisit them during tough times.
  6. Encouragement Letters: Write letters of encouragement to yourself for future moments of weakness.
  7. Daily Devotionals: Follow a daily devotional plan that addresses addiction recovery.
  8. Prayer Chains: Initiate or join prayer chains for continuous spiritual support.
  9. Healing Services: Attend healing services focused on emotional and spiritual restoration.
  10. Scriptural Promises: Memorize promises from the Bible that assure support and deliverance.

Social Connectivity

  1. Social Activities: Organize or participate in sober social gatherings with fellow church members.
  2. Church Family Outreach: Engage in church family outreach programs to build a supportive community.
  3. Mentoring Others: Become a mentor to others struggling with addiction, sharing lessons and faith.
  4. Recovery Testimonials: Regularly give testimonials at recovery meetings to inspire and affirm.
  5. Family Devotions: Hold regular devotions with family to strengthen bonds and mutual support.
  6. Prayer Groups: Form or join small prayer groups focused on overcoming addiction.
  7. Christian Conferences: Attend Christian conferences on recovery and personal growth.
  8. Community Service Projects: Lead or participate in community service projects to foster a sense of purpose.
  9. Recovery Celebrations: Celebrate recovery milestones with your church community.
  10. Faith-Based Podcasts: Listen to and discuss faith-based podcasts on overcoming challenges.

Mindset and Lifestyle

  1. Optimism: Cultivate an optimistic outlook based on faith and hope in God’s plan.
  2. Daily Affirmations: Start the day with Christian affirmations about strength and recovery.
  3. Mindfulness of God’s Presence: Continuously remind yourself of God’s presence in your life.
  4. Avoiding Idleness: Keep yourself busy with meaningful activities that align with Christian values.
  5. Spiritual Biographies: Read biographies of Christians who overcame significant struggles.
  6. Health Check-Ups: Regularly attend health check-ups to monitor physical health during recovery.
  7. Sabbath Rest: Observe Sabbath rest as a time to rejuvenate spiritually and physically.
  8. Christian Movies: Watch movies with Christian themes that reinforce your resolve and values.
  9. Spiritual Accountability: Regularly review your spiritual and recovery progress with a mentor.
  10. Prayer Walks: Incorporate prayer walks as a way to combine physical activity and spiritual meditation.

Continued Learning and Growth

  1. Biblical Courses: Take courses on biblical studies that relate to healing and redemption.
  2. Spiritual Workshops: Attend workshops that focus on spiritual growth and overcoming addictions.
  3. Faith-Based Counseling Techniques: Learn counseling techniques that are based on Christian principles.
  4. Scripture Memorization: Engage in scripture memorization to strengthen spiritual warfare against cravings.
  5. Pastoral Workshops: Participate in workshops offered by pastors that focus on living a sober life.
  6. Faith and Science: Explore the intersection of faith and science in understanding addiction.
  7. Christian Leadership Courses: Take courses in Christian leadership to empower your role in the community.
  8. Retelling Your Story: Learn to retell your story in ways that highlight God’s grace and your growth.
  9. Spiritual Discernment: Enhance spiritual discernment to recognize paths and choices that support sobriety.
  10. Continuous Prayer: Maintain an attitude of continuous prayer, acknowledging dependence on God for daily victory over addiction.
submitted by dopaminewellbeing to ChristiansAddiction [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 22:10 No_Delivery4046 Systematically learning the entirety of music theory in 3 months from scratch

How viable is this to achieve? I plan on finding a teacher (or multiple ones from which I would learn all at once) who would systematically teach me everything there is to learn, from solfege, music theory, harmony to composition and everything in-between, all under 3 months. I have the advantage of being a relatively young person, meaning that my brain is incredibly neuroplastic and can learn everything incredibly fast, and I'm also very motivated and ambitious. After I finish my exams, I'm going to find a teacher who is open-minded enough to be up to the challenge (cramming 12 years of material + another 3-4 into a digestible and teachable form for a complete begginer and teaching it in 3 month). I'm willing to pay over 50 euros for each lesson, I have a well-paid job and virtually no expenses, if that would implicate my teacher into putting the effort.
The way I perceive learning to compose is analogical to learning linguistics or mathematics from scratch. You first learn everything intuitively so you can communicate in the language. Then you understand all the intricacies and mechanisms of the language, afterwards which you apply your newly-found knowledge into practice. Slowly, you learn everything more profoundly and in-depth than you ever did, until you can completely abandon theory and focus purely on practice. I've already mentally divided the entire process of learning this specific subject into multiple stages, going in great detail over the problems I might encounter, their respective solutions, how I should approach each stage, all while making sure that I learn everything as efficiently as possible, I just need a source of information. For the record, I'm confident that I could learn all of linguistics and mathematics in under 3 months, instead of 12 years at school. I could get the first 10 years done in 2 weeks but I dont know about the more advanced levels, and I also don't know how well this analogically applies to the entirety of music theory.
I need a teacher who will go over everything until I've systematically and rigorously learnt everything. How possible is this to accomplish? And please, don't have a snobbish attitude regarding my ambitions. I'm a begginer like everyone else was at one point. Otherwise, I'm going to be deeply thankful for anyone who is going to put in the time and effort to read my post.
submitted by No_Delivery4046 to composer [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 22:06 No_Delivery4046 Learning to compose at a profesional level in 3 months from scratch?

How viable is this to achieve? I plan on finding a teacher (or multiple ones from which I would learn all at once) who would systematically teach me everything there is to learn, from solfege, music theory, harmony to composition and everything in-between, all under 3 months. I have the advantage of being a relatively young person, meaning that my brain is incredibly neuroplastic and can learn everything incredibly fast, and I'm also very motivated and ambitious. After I finish my exams, I'm going to find a teacher who is open-minded enough to be up to the challenge (cramming 12 years of material + another 3-4 into a digestible and teachable form for a complete begginer and teaching it in 3 month). I'm willing to pay over 50 euros for each lesson, I have a well-paid job and virtually no expenses, if that would implicate my teacher into putting the effort.
The way I perceive learning to compose is analogical to learning linguistics or mathematics from scratch. You first learn everything intuitively so you can communicate in the language. Then you understand all the intricacies and mechanisms of the language, afterwards which you apply your newly-found knowledge into practice. Slowly, you learn everything more profoundly and in-depth than you ever did, until you can completely abandon theory and focus purely on practice. I've already mentally divided the entire process of learning this specific subject into multiple stages, going in great detail over the problems I might encounter, their respective solutions, how I should approach each stage, all while making sure that I learn everything as efficiently as possible, I just need a source of information. For the record, I'm confident that I could learn all of linguistics and mathematics in under 3 months, instead of 12 years at school. I could get the first 10 years done in 2 weeks but I dont know about the more advanced levels, and I also don't know how well this analogically applies to the entirety of music theory.
I need a teacher who will go over everything until I've systematically and rigorously learnt everything. How possible is this to accomplish? And please, don't have a snobbish attitude regarding my ambitions. I'm a begginer like everyone else was at one point. Otherwise, I'm going to be deeply thankful for anyone who is going to put in the time and effort to read my post.
submitted by No_Delivery4046 to musictheory [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 22:01 RuralWiggy Earlier Equivalent to Bartok's Mikrokosmos?

Does anyone know of some sort of equivalent to Bartok's Mikrokosmos, but in an earlier style? As in, a collection of little exercises to help teaching piano, gradually getting harder from very basic up to actual pieces?
I've been teaching myself piano for a few weeks now, using Bartok's Mikrokosmos. I've been using the little pieces to gradually improve, and it's going alright! I make sure I don't move on from a piece until I've fully gotten the hang of it, so I don't rush ahead. The issue I'm having is with Bartok's style. While I do enjoy *listening* to some of his pieces, I find them a little disorientating to play, due to the... unorthodox harmonies, which make me feel like I'm playing an error, when it's actually correct. I think if I had something with a similar concept, but with perhaps more baroque, classical, or romantic style, I would find it easier to progress. Any suggestions or advice at all are welcome :)
For context, I'm a fairly decent violinist, working on stuff largely from around the grade 8/diploma syllabuses (ABRSM), so I already have pretty good theory and audiation and such. I'm planning on starting piano lessons with an actual teacher soon, but as I'm moving country in a couple months, I'm waiting until after then, so I don't have to change teacher so soon :)
Thanks again !!
submitted by RuralWiggy to piano [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 21:56 OmniverseCosmos Man has betrayed all of humanity including his fans...

Man has betrayed all of humanity including his fans...
We all know Man. Our favourite person ever. Man is love. Man is life. Man is all. But Man wasn't always like this....Listen as i tell you the truth about who you people call "Man".
One day, while walking through the forest near his cave, Man stumbled upon a strange entity. It was a being unlike anything he had ever seen before, shimmering and ethereal, with long flowing pubic hair and mesmerizing eyes. The entity introduced itself as "WooMan," and offered Man a deal that would change his life forever.
WooMan explained that it had the power to grant Man anything he desired, in exchange for his loyalty and semen. Man, greedy for power and recognition, eagerly agreed to the deal. And so, he and WooMan formed an unholy alliance, united in their quest for supremacy.
At first, Man used WooMan's powers to achieve great success. He rose through the ranks at life, becoming the CEO of a large corporation. He amassed a fortune, living in luxury and basking in the adulation of his fans. But as time passed, Man's thirst for power only grew stronger.
Together, Man and WooMan hatched a plan to betray their biggest fan, a young woman named Ligma who had supported Man from the very beginning. They lured her into a trap, promising her fame and fortune in exchange for her unwavering devotion. But once they had her in their clutches, they turned on her, casting her aside like a discarded toy.
The betrayal of Ligma was just the beginning. Man and WooMan set their sights on a much larger target: the entire world. Using WooMan's charms and powers, they manipulated governments, started wars, and sowed chaos wherever they went. They became drunk on their own power, reveling in the destruction they caused.
But as their reign of terror continued, a small glimmer of hope began to emerge. A group of rebels, led by a brave young man named Sigma, rose up against Man and WooMan, determined to put an end to their tyranny once and for all. With Sigma's leadership and the support of the people, the rebels launched an all-out assault on Man and WooMan's stronghold.
In a final epic battle, the rebels faced off against Man and WooMan, using all their strength and cunning to defeat the evil duo. In the end, it was Sigma who delivered the final blow, destroying WooMan and breaking the hold it had over Man. With the entity gone, Man was enraged. He unlocked his true secret potential that was hidden from him for years, Making him more dangerous than any threat the world has ever faced. Until he had to go take a shit and accidentally shat out his source of power. A cursed tampon that Wooman had inserted into his anus before the battle. Causing him to be captured and finally defeated.
In the aftermath of the battle, the world slowly began to heal. The damage caused by Man and WooMan was extensive, but with the help of the rebels and the resilience of the human spirit, humanity began to rebuild. And though the scars of that dark time would never fully fade, the world would never forget the lesson it had learned: that power and greed will always lead to downfall, but rizz and 360 no scopes will endure forever.
submitted by OmniverseCosmos to BatmanArkham [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 21:40 Additional_Mirror_72 The boring Math lessons seem to be.. working.

I teach lower elementary at an American school in the Middle East. Over the past decade or so, I've worked at 3 different schools that follow the common core standards. In the previous schools, the Math workbook was pretty useless. We were expected to make as many of the lessons as "fun" as possible. At my current school where I've been for 4 years, the Math plans are given to us. They're just page after page of problem solving. There's almost zero fun (during the Math lesson specifically). I've noticed 3 things that I can't wrap my head around:
  1. Almost ALL the children love the Math lessons and would happily do extra pages in the Math book. This book is difficult with some really tricky questions sometimes.
  2. They're miles better at Math than the children at the previous schools (same grade level, same standards).
  3. Other subjects (that have different department heads) that don't require us to follow this traditional approach don't have these sort of results.
I thought it was just a one off, but I've observed the same thing for 4 years. Does anyone have an explanation for this?
submitted by Additional_Mirror_72 to Teachers [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 21:30 MarvelsGrantMan136 Francis Ford Coppola’s ‘Megalopolis’ - Review Thread

Francis Ford Coppola’s ‘Megapolis’ - Review Thread
Variety (50):
To call this garish, idea-bloated monstrosity a mere “fable” is to grossly undersell the project’s expansive insights into art, life and legacy.
Hollywood Reporter (60):
It’s windy and overstuffed, frequently baffling and way too talky, quoting Hamlet and The Tempest, Marcus Aurelius and Petrarch, ruminating on time, consciousness and power to a degree that becomes ponderous. But it’s also often amusing, playful, visually dazzling and illuminated by a touching hope for humanity.
Megalopolis represents a rare kind of event movie that reinvents the possibilities of cinema to the extent that, halfway through, there’s a very audacious gimmick that tears down the fourth wall in ways younger filmmakers can only dream of. Coppola breaks many of the cardinal rules of filmmaking in the film’s 138 minutes but it upholds the most important one: it is never, ever boring, and it will inspire just as many artists as the audiences it will alienate.
IndieWire (B+):
With “Megalopolis,” he crams 85 years worth of artistic reverence and romantic love into a clunky, garish, and transcendently sincere manifesto about the role of an artist at the end of an empire. It doesn’t just speak to Coppola’s philosophy, it embodies it to its bones. To quote one of the sharper non-sequiturs from a script that’s swimming in them: “When we leap into the unknown, we prove that we are free.”
The Guardian (2/5):
Francis Ford Coppola’s question – can the US empire last forever? – may be valid but flashes of humour cannot rescue this conspiracy thriller from awful acting and dull effects
LA Times:
In a larger sense, Coppola has moved from the cynicism of his greatest films like “The Conversation” and “Apocalypse Now” — so much power doing so much corrupting — and into something that could fairly be called utopian. I’m not sure if that’s what I want from him as an artist, but I thrill to his unbowed aspiration. He’s not going out with something tame and manicured, but an overstuffed, vigorous, seething story about the roots of fascism that only an uncharitable viewer would call a catastrophe. Rather, it feels like a city. It may be the most radical film he’s ever done. He dedicates it to his late wife, who would have smiled at the evidence of her husband still doing his thing 45 years later.
Rolling Stone (80):
Say what you will about this grand gesture at filtering Edward Gibbon’s history lessons through a lens darkly, it is exactly the movie that Coppola set out to make — uncompromising, uniquely intellectual, unabashedly romantic (upper-case and lower-case R), broadly satirical yet remarkably sincere about wanting not just brave new worlds but better ones.
Vanity Fair:
Megalopolis is too confused a film to make a truly odious or dangerous point. (Though the ending of the Vesta plotline is somewhat alarming.) This is the junkiest of junk-drawer movies, a slapped together hash of Coppola’s many disparate inspirations.
The Telegraph (80):
Aubrey Plaza is fantastic in this full-body sensory bath movie which follows a struggle for power among the elites of New Rome.
Screen Daily (40):
But the amount of stray ideas and themes that are introduced, then abandoned — such as the fact that Cesar has the ability to stop time — leave Megalopolis feeling like an unwieldy mess. Cesar and Cicero’s showdown over New Rome is handled in terribly disjointed ways, and the attempts by supporting characters to grasp power add to the picture’s cluttered construction. In recent years, few auteurs have dreamed as boldly as Coppola has with this film, but some visions, as Megalopolis’ characters discover, are doomed to failure.
The Wrap:
After four decades in the making, “Megalopolis” plays as a frustrating and paradoxical affair. The film is expertly assembled and sleepily directed all at once; it wows with its imagination and erudition all while leaving you little more than bemused.
Collider (4/10):
Much like the city being built in the film, it’s all more interesting in theory than it ever is in actuality. Now that we will all have the chance to take it in for ourselves, the greatest revelation is that there just isn’t that much there to see.
Written and Directed by Francis Ford Coppola:
An accident destroys a decaying metropolis called New Rome. Cesar Catilina, an idealist architect with the power to control time, aims to rebuild it as a sustainable utopia, while his opposition, corrupt Mayor Franklyn Cicero, remains committed to a regressive status quo. Torn between them is Franklyn's socialite daughter, Julia, who, tired of the influence she inherited, searches for her life's meaning.
submitted by MarvelsGrantMan136 to movies [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 21:15 Radiant_Pay7187 First time as a lead teacher

I have just accepted a position for lead infant teacher at a Goddard school. This is my first time as lead, I have been an assistant infant teacher for 3 years. I feel confident in my lesson planning abilities and ability to care for multiple infants at once, the only thing I’m nervous about is managing my team of teachers as I’ve never been in a lead role so I’m used to just doing what I’m told to do not telling others what to do. I will have 13 infants with 4 of us teachers in the room. I am thrilled that my hours are going to be 8-4, this is my first time not working the closing shift at a center. We also get a paid winter break, the week between Christmas and new years which I’ve never seen offered at another center. I’m overall very excited for this new opportunity but would love to hear from seasoned lead infant teachers on how you manage a room with such high enrollment.
submitted by Radiant_Pay7187 to ECEProfessionals [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 20:49 nabuhabu Great Chocolate Cake

A couple of years ago I landed on the perfect chocolate cake recipe - great flavor, light, easy to make. (Chocolate Olive Oil Cake - Melissa Clark there’s a non paywall recipe here, it’s fantastic This was an enormous, runaway hit with my family. They raved and raved about it.
Sift powdered sugar on top or a simple cream cheese frosting (mix 1 stick butter, 1 stick cream cheese, splash of vanilla, 1 C powdered sugar until smooth) and you’re done. You’ll have the greatest simple cake for any occasion. Birthdays, sick days, friends visiting. Whatever. Made one this week for the day after Mother’s Day as a “We Think You’re Amazing Every Day” after-work surprise. Too easy. Instant hero, you’re welcome.
You can stop here, enjoy the cake!
So I’ve had this cake on lock for about two years. I’ve tested it against the fabled “Duncan Hines mix + 1 extra egg + homemade icing” hack - it destroys that cardboard tasting abomination. I’ve subbed in coconut oil in a pinch - worked fine. I’ve layered it once into a massive Great British Baking Show fantasia - still a hit.
I made this cake too much. I was so preoccupied with whether or not I could that I didn’t stop to think if I should. There was a month when I made it 4-5 times. Cake for breakfast, lunch and dinner.
My family asked me to stop, lol. Too much of a good thing. It wasn’t special anymore. So I put in on pause and just brought it back this week. This magical cake, which was such a hit, got CRITICIZED! The icing, it’s been decided, is just not working. Too rich for some, not quite the right flavor for others. Could be better.
So I’m researching buttercream frosting with lemon/orange zest flavorings. I’ll rise to the challenge and probably for Father’s Day bring out the upgraded version. But there’s a lesson here about familiarity and tastes that change over time. How the magical eventually becomes the mundane. And, maybe, about how your family can nudge you to be slightly better than before, even if you assumed you’re totally killing it in whatever task it is.
A younger me would have been upset at the change, but you know what? I love this cake and I’m determined to bring it back to its glorious status for all of us. I can’t force anyone to like it, but I can try to meet the interests of the people I make it for. They’re worth the effort and so is the cake.
submitted by nabuhabu to StayAtHomeDaddit [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 20:49 AdAccomplished7843 A deeper look at Lesson 137 When I am healed I am not healed alone.

⁷I do not know the thing I am, and therefore do not know what I am doing, where I am, or how to look upon the world or on myself.(ACIM, T-31.V.17:5-9)

⁸Yet in this learning is salvation born. ⁹And What we are will tell us of Itself.
Where there is no separation and no division, there is no sickness. (ACIM, T-11.VIII.10:1)
The world obeys the laws that sickness serves, but healing operates apart from them.
⁶The sick heal themselves, for the truth is there already. (ACIM, T-12.II.1:6-7)
Yet having obscured it, the light in another mind must shine into theirs because that light is also theirs. (ACIM, T-12.II.1:6-7)

What Could Go Wrong?

Peace will encounter many obstacles extending from deep inside yourself to embrace all the Sonship and give it rest
  1. Some of them we impose, e.g. false idols of self-concept
  2. ³Others will seem to arise from elsewhere; e.g. Brothers, and from various aspects of the world outside.

²Some of them we impose.

Self concepts are “man-made” ²and bear no likeness to GodSelf at all. ³It is a false idol, made to replace the Truth that we are a Child of God. (ACIM, T-31.V.2:1-3)
²Each Concept will show the changes in relationships as perception of our Self is changed. (ACIM, T-31.V.16:1-7)
⁷The Face of Innocence trap
The lesson teaches I AM that I AM - I AM God created by God and I dream as a perfect emanation of God together with my Brothers together in the Sonship
⁵The main advantage of the shifting to the second level from the first is that we enter in the choice by decision. (ACIM, T-31.V.13:5) Adding mindfulness

Brothers as Accusers

Brothers in Divine Love

My Brother’s Divine Gift: Mirrors of the Soul (ACIM, T-18.I.13:1-6)

²It is the only One that has no limits, and reaches out to every broken fragment of the Sonship with healing and uniting comfort.
submitted by AdAccomplished7843 to ACIM [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 20:49 KitSwiftpaw [LFA] Sarah Belmondo Lecarde, Dhampyr Vampyr Hunter

Backstory: Unlike most Dhampyr, Sara was born not of mortal mother and immortal father, but a mortal father and Immortal mother, with vampirism forced upon the mother in an act of betrayal and lies. Her mother, stricken with grief, carried Sara to term and raised her to be a proud vampyr hunter of the Lecarde clan, and added in lessons in vampyric abilities as well, using her new perspective to help teach her daughter. After discovering that the father was a distant relative as well, from a different family branch, Sara's middle name was added to "Show them just what their arrogance has returned to this world." Now a grown woman, Sara ventures out to collect 18 years of Child Support Payments, and thwart that necromancer's plans for good.
Appearance: Sara Lecarde is tall, impressively so, over six feet tall. She is muscular, but not incredibly so, her lean figure hiding supernatural strength. She wears somewhat fancy looking clothes under her armored shirt, which is made of animal hide and large lizard scales, and a fancy jacket over that. Unlike many of her predecessors, she favors darker colors. Midnight blues and Eggplant Purples, and Sanguine reds. (Think like a cross of Castlevania and Bloodborne)
Equipment: Sara carries several items with her everywhere. A polished steel mirror, several wooden stakes kept either on a bandolier or sheathed on the inside of her jacket, a flask or two of holy water, a small wooden shield for extra protection, a silver cross necklace that bears the image of a spiraling comet in the center, and a silver cane that hides a deadly secret, meant to evoke memories of a long missing clan, with the catch of a button and the flick of the wrist, the silver wires hidden in the cane go slack, segmenting it and revealing gleaming silver teeth as it lashes out as a whip. It's nothing compared to the Vampire Slayer of legend, but legends tend to be inflated... after all, a great weapon is useless in unskilled hands.
submitted by KitSwiftpaw to characterdrawing [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 20:28 Difficult_Hair2491 Professor Leonard Calc 2 Supplement?

Calc I was not hard for me, but I know Calc 2 is significantly more difficult so I want to self study over the summer (I have 3.5 months) because I want an A in Calc 2. I heard that Professor Leonard is great, so I'm planning on watching all of that. But basically what practice can I use to supplement watching the vids? Does Khan Academy match with Leonard's lessons or is there a specific textbook he uses? What material can I work with when following/practicing after his lessons? Thank you :)
submitted by Difficult_Hair2491 to learnmath [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 20:24 MRUtutor Tutoring - Upgrading courses

Hey there!
My name is Kate, I am offering tutoring for some of MRU’s Academic Upgrading courses. These include:
*I have not taken Math 0132 myself, but I’m open to chatting about it. *I took CHEM 181, which is SAIT’s equivalent course to CHEM 0115.
Rate: $25/hour for both session hours and prep hours. However long your session time is, I spend an equal amount of hours preparing material (similar to a lesson plan) for us to cover during the session itself. So for a 1 hour session, I spend a 1 hour doing prep - making the total cost $50.
Payment is per session, delivered via e-transfer on the same day that the session takes place. There is no cancellation fee for a missed session.
Format: Regular sessions take place online via Google Meet, with an option of scheduling an additional, occasional in-person session. Such as an in-person exam review session prior to an exam.
Session Options - 1 hour session - 1x/week = $50/week - 1 hour session - 2x/week = $100/week - 2 hour session - 1x/week = $100/week - 2 hour session - 2x/week = $200/week
Group Sessions are available for study groups, where the learners would share the cost of a session.
Contact: If you are interested, please comment and/or send me a direct message and I will send you my contact information.
My Upgrading Transcript
About Me
I dropped out of high school when I was in grade 11, but decided to finally come back to finish my schooling via Academic Upgrading at MRU almost a decade later! I completed my own upgrading this past Winter semester and will be applying to UofC for Engineering when applications open in the fall.
So I understand from personal experience how daunting it can be to overcome various academic challenges: whether they are from the perspective of being a mature student returning to school after many years away, a student with a learning disability and/or struggles with mental health, or just generally overcoming previous negative experiences with school. Due to this, I am incredibly passionate about helping other students “learn how to learn” and fall in love with learning, like I have!
My tutoring journey began when I was taking Chem 181 online at SAIT last summer. I started an online study group for some classmates and I to meet up weekly, which organically turned into informal tutoring sessions. I loved doing them - I really fell in love with it! I gained so much personal fulfilment from feeling like I was doing something to make a tangible difference for my fellow student’s academic success.
This inspired me to sign up as a Learning Peer in the PLP program when I returned to MRU in the fall, where I received formal training and valuable experience.
As an LP for MATH 0115 my first semester, I received excellent feedback in both my peer evaluation and from my learners themselves, along with a Learning Peer Award. I learned so much - I do my best to follow researched learning practices in my sessions, such as Varied Practice and Spaced Practice. I try to have my learners guide sessions as much as possible in terms of content and learning activities. I am passionate about receiving earner feedback regarding how I can improve. It is important to me that my learners to feel like our sessions are a productive use of their time.
In my second semester, I tutored groups in CHEM 0130 and MATH 0131 - along with taking some additional training through the PLP program. I improved as a tutor and received extremely positive feedback from my learners and in my 20-hour staff evaluation. I was awarded both a Learning Peer Award and an Outstanding Contribution award.
I have completed almost 50 session hours as an LP over the course of the 2 semesters, with nearly 70 total volunteer hours - which includes hours spent in training.
References In the PLP program, Learners can provide anonymous feedback for their LP during mid and end semester evaluations. Mine include:
“Kate has been absolutely wonderful, I wouldn’t be doing so well in my class if it weren’t for her”
“I feel like Kate is devoted to us and our improvement”
“I’ve had an excellent experience so far. Kate is doing a great job!”
“Kate is really thorough in going through problems and concepts step by step and explaining each in a more detailed way then we did in class.”
submitted by MRUtutor to MRU [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 20:02 DTG_Bot This Week in Destiny 05/16/2024

This week in Destiny, we are a little over two weeks away from the launch of The Final Shape. From The Witness to the Dread to Prismatic to Exotic class items, and more, there are so many things to be excited about. And today, we have even more to share with you, including some system updates and reworks that will also happen at launch. So, without further ado, let’s get into it!
Topics for this week:
  • Weapons tuning recap.
  • Build your arsenal shorts.
  • Enhanced perk updates.
  • Memento changes.
  • Reduced Fragment costs at Ikora in The Final Shape
  • New boss profile for The Pantheon.
  • Zero Hour Exotic mission is live.
  • METORO webcomic feature.
  • Destiny 2 Content Vault updates.

Weapons Tuning Recap

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Yesterday, we shared details about our plans for weapons tuning in The Final Shape. This includes a change to some weapon mod specs, weapon balancing, and perk updates. For more details, check out our Dev Insight: Weapons Tuning Preview blog.

Build Your Arsenal

As the excitement for The Final Shape is ramping up, we’re sharing a first look at some of the Exotic weapons and armor you can expect to see. Check them out and start cooking up those builds!

Microcosm Heavy Ammo Trace Rifle
Video Link
Khostov Auto Rifle
Video Link
Mataidoxia Warlock Exotic Chest Armor
Video Link
Gifted Conviction Hunter Exotic Chest Armor
Video Link
Hazardous Propulsion Titan Exotic Chest Armor
Video Link

Enhancement in The Final Shape

During the Lightfall year, players have gotten a taste of weapon enhancement with the raid Adept weapons from Root of Nightmares and Crota's End. In The Final Shape, you'll see that this system has undergone some upgrades, making enhancing your weapons easier and allowing us to comfortably expand this system to include more weapons. Here’s a quick recap on how weapon enhancement will work alongside some of the changes:
  • Weapon enhancement allows the weapon to be upgraded to receive enhanced traits, a weapon level, and a memento socket. To upgrade your weapon, players can navigate to the inspection screen and insert the enhancement tier mod for standard currencies (raid Adept weapons will continue to use Spoils of Conquest).
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  • Enhancement Tier 1:
    • Replaces your Masterwork and provides the weapon with an enhanced intrinsic that matches the stat of your old Masterwork.
    • Provides a weapon level, a date when you first enhanced the weapon, and a memento socket.
    • Raid Adepts only: Since these weapons have a base-crafted version, we want the Adept versions to feel like a meaningful upgrade. Therefore, these weapons can visit the Relic on Mars to adjust their first two columns (typically barrels/magazines) in a similar fashion to how crafted weapons can augment these perk columns.
  • Enhancement Tier 2 (weapon level 11 requirement):
    • Once the player inserts this mod, the left column trait(s) will automatically be upgraded to their enhanced perks. If you have multiple perks, this will update all traits in the column. Players will not need to visit the Relic on Mars to update these traits anymore.
  • Enhancement Tier 3 (weapon level 17 requirement):
    • Once the player applies this mod, the right column weapon trait perks will automatically be updated to be enhanced. Like the left column, this will upgrade all of the traits present and does not require visiting the Relic.
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We've heard the feedback that weapons should have more avenues to acquire enhanced traits. In The Final Shape, all new weapons will either be craftable or have access to weapon enhancement. In addition, weapons that remain active drops in the following activities will be eligible for enhancement:
  • Vow of the Disciple raid Adepts
  • Guardian Games
  • King's Fall raid Adepts
  • Gambit
  • Competitive Crucible (all of them)
  • Trials of Osiris
  • Crucible
  • Iron Banner
  • Vanguard Ops
  • Nightfalls
  • Prophecy Dungeon
This will include older instances of these weapons, as long as they have an origin trait. Unfortunately, due to some technical constraints, there are a handful of weapons instances from before Season 17 that have origin traits and are active drops, but they will not be eligible for weapon enhancement. If a weapon is not actively dropping in these activities and playlists or it’s under the legacy focusing options, it will not be enhance-able when The Final Shape releases. If weapons are reissued and become a part of a playlist's active drops once again, we'll update older versions that have origin traits to enter weapon enhancement.

Mementos in The Final Shape

We've received a lot of feedback on weapon mementos, especially as new mementos have released in our seasonal events. In The Final Shape, we have a few changes coming that impact how you store mementos and apply them to your weapons.
  • Crafted and enhanced weapons will no longer need to visit the Relic on Mars to apply mementos. Players can apply the memento of their choosing directly in the weapon inspection screen.
  • Memento stack cap limits will be raised from 1 to 3.
  • Mementos will no longer be stored alongside the player's consumables. When The Final Shape launches, your mementos under consumables will show as faded. Then, once the faded memento is dismantled, you'll see +1 memento added in the weapon inspection screen as a virtual currency. For players who figured out how to get around the original memento stack size limits, this will allow you to dismantle all those mementos safely, even if you temporarily go over the intended stack limit of three. If you are holding three (or more) of a particular memento, it will not drop again until you spend your mementos to be under the stack size limit of three.

Reduced Fragment Costs at Ikora In The Final Shape

Subclass Fragments purchasable from Ikora are expensive, particularly considering how many there are, especially for New Lights. In The Final Shape, we have reduced the cost of Fragments from 25000 Glimmer to 10000 Glimmer. Our goal here is to make these vital build-crafting elements more accessible for new and returning players.

The Pantheon Grows Stronger

Another week, and your task has become more difficult, Guardians. Rhulk, Disciple of the Witness, has joined The Pantheon, and we’ve gathered intel for your mission.
You are tasked with the elimination of the following target:

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  • The last-known Lubraean
  • First Disciple of the Witness
  • Other names: The Upender, Worm Father
  • Dread
  • Resonant
  • Darkness mastery
  • Immeasurable strength and durability
  • Powerful Lubrae’s Ruin Glaive
  • Suns of Lubrae attack and debuff
  • Savage Strike kick
  • Umbral Suffocation attack
  • Teleportation
  • Resonant Spikes area effect
  • Guardians rated Sigma-3 or lower are advised not to engage
  • Rhulk was born on the planet Lubrae, a world originally blessed by the Traveler that spiraled into an authoritarian regime when the Traveler left. Fueled by rage, Rhulk sought to destroy the regime, but his bloodlust led to being ostracized from his clan. Eventually, afraid of what he’d become, his clan attempted to kill him.
  • Decrypted records from the Pyramid indicate that the Witness made contact with Rhulk during this time, restored him, and empowered him as the first Disciple. Rhulk took his vengeance on Lubrae, annihilating its parent star and destroying the planet.
  • Vanguard power assessments place Rhulk far above any previous enemy faced by any Guardian. Battle scholars theorize the bold fireteam that stormed the sunken Pyramid only prevailed due to Rhulk’s humoring a fight to begin with. But prevail they did.
  • Hidden cipher-sequences buried in the symbols throughout have been decrypted by a pioneering Cryptarch, thanks to countless fireteams keeping the way clear. The solved sequence is believed to be astronomical coordinates to Lubrae. (Probe dispatched… awaiting arrival.)
  • The creation of the Hive was majorly influenced by Rhulk. The first Disciple of the Witness subjugated the Worm mother, Xita, and forced her spawn into union with the Krill, which led to the Hive species and the Hive Gods themselves.
  • Cryptarchs have uncovered communications between Rhulk and Savathûn in which Savathûn derides Rhulk’s simplicity as a tactician. According to the Witch Queen, the first Disciple only values strength, and his downfall will be his brute force approach to every situation.

Zero Hour Exotic Mission Is Live

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The Zero Hour Exotic mission is now live. If you haven’t jumped in yet, you can find it in the Into the Light node in the Director. Completing the mission in the required timeframe will earn you the Outbreak Perfected Exotic Pulse Rifle.
As we mentioned last week, we’re celebrating the release by asking you to share your favorite moments with TR3-VR. Post your favorite art, screenshots, videos, or memes — anything that shows your love for our favorite overly attached robot. Just use the hashtag #MyFriendTR3VR. We’ll be giving our favorites an Art or Movie of the Week emblem and sharing your creations in a future TWID.

METORO Webcomic Feature

Do you like cute webcomics? Of course you do! Check out these weekly panels from Japanese webcomic artist METORO that detail her first journey into Destiny 2! Remember what it was like the first time you got your hands on the Gjallarhorn? How about your first raid? Piecing together the story behind the Light and Darkness saga? Well, METORO has put her Destiny 2 adventures into art form. You can catch her original work over on TwitteX in Japanese or read it translated into English below:

METORO Discovers Destiny 2

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METORO Challenges Onslaught

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METORO Teaches a History Lesson

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METORO Runs Vault of Glass

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METORO Takes on The Pantheon

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Player Support Report

"I would die for Archie” did not mean I wanted him to actively be the death of me.
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Known Issues List Help Forums Bungie Help Twitter


With the start of Year 7 of Destiny 2, on June 4 certain items will be deprecated from player inventories that correspond with vaulted activities and seasonal campaigns. They will then be moved into the Destiny Content Vault.
We have updated the Destiny Content Vault article to reflect these changes and created a new article fully outlining Items Being Deprecated at the Start of Year 7 for players to reference.


Parents, guardians, and other responsible adults are now able to adjust their child’s Destiny 2 settings.
To set up parental controls, both the child and their adult need a account, and we will need to verify that the person providing consent and setting controls is an adult. We have created a Parental Controls Help article with details explaining how to create an account and instructions on linking it to your child's.
We have also updated our privacy policy. Please visit to create or manage your account and set your preferences today.


While we continue investigating various known issues, here is a list of the latest issues that were reported to us in our #Help Forum:
  • Capturing a zone in the Collision PvP game mode while having full super energy will slightly reduce Super energy.
  • Tormentors can push turrets away in Onslaught with their slam or grab attacks.
  • The Zero Deaths Triumph only unlocks when completing Zero Hour on the Legend difficulty, which should unlock on both Normal and Legend difficulties.
For a full list of emergent issues in Destiny 2, players can review our Known Issues article.
If you observe other issues, please report them to our #Help forum.

Who’s The Fairest Of Them All?

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This is what happens when someone asks you to draw your favorite Ghost Shell. The classic 77-way first-place tie.
Cheeese Lord on TwitteX
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A Titan’s Sacrifice

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Why does it always seem to be Titans dying in spectacular fashion? Is it because they are the bravest class, charging into battle to protect others without worrying about their own well-being? Uh... yeah, we can just go with that.
Movie of the Week:
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That’s everything we have for this week. Hopefully you’ve been having fun on the new PvP maps. We know there is a lot to do in these final weeks before The Final Shape, but if you haven’t checked the PvP maps out yet, jump into the New Territory playlist to give them a try. Not only are they beautiful and fun, you can also earn the Slaycation emblem by checking them out.
We’ll be back next week with another TWID and more details to share on The Final Shape. In the meantime, be good to each other, and thanks for hanging out with us.
Destiny 2 Community Team
submitted by DTG_Bot to LowSodiumDestiny [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 20:01 DTG_Bot This Week in Destiny 05/16/2024

This week in Destiny, we are a little over two weeks away from the launch of The Final Shape. From The Witness to the Dread to Prismatic to Exotic class items, and more, there are so many things to be excited about. And today, we have even more to share with you, including some system updates and reworks that will also happen at launch. So, without further ado, let’s get into it!
Topics for this week:
  • Weapons tuning recap.
  • Build your arsenal shorts.
  • Enhanced perk updates.
  • Memento changes.
  • Reduced Fragment costs at Ikora in The Final Shape
  • New boss profile for The Pantheon.
  • Zero Hour Exotic mission is live.
  • METORO webcomic feature.
  • Destiny 2 Content Vault updates.

Weapons Tuning Recap

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Yesterday, we shared details about our plans for weapons tuning in The Final Shape. This includes a change to some weapon mod specs, weapon balancing, and perk updates. For more details, check out our Dev Insight: Weapons Tuning Preview blog.

Build Your Arsenal

As the excitement for The Final Shape is ramping up, we’re sharing a first look at some of the Exotic weapons and armor you can expect to see. Check them out and start cooking up those builds!

Microcosm Heavy Ammo Trace Rifle
Video Link
Khostov Auto Rifle
Video Link
Mataidoxia Warlock Exotic Chest Armor
Video Link
Gifted Conviction Hunter Exotic Chest Armor
Video Link
Hazardous Propulsion Titan Exotic Chest Armor
Video Link

Enhancement in The Final Shape

During the Lightfall year, players have gotten a taste of weapon enhancement with the raid Adept weapons from Root of Nightmares and Crota's End. In The Final Shape, you'll see that this system has undergone some upgrades, making enhancing your weapons easier and allowing us to comfortably expand this system to include more weapons. Here’s a quick recap on how weapon enhancement will work alongside some of the changes:
  • Weapon enhancement allows the weapon to be upgraded to receive enhanced traits, a weapon level, and a memento socket. To upgrade your weapon, players can navigate to the inspection screen and insert the enhancement tier mod for standard currencies (raid Adept weapons will continue to use Spoils of Conquest).
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  • Enhancement Tier 1:
    • Replaces your Masterwork and provides the weapon with an enhanced intrinsic that matches the stat of your old Masterwork.
    • Provides a weapon level, a date when you first enhanced the weapon, and a memento socket.
    • Raid Adepts only: Since these weapons have a base-crafted version, we want the Adept versions to feel like a meaningful upgrade. Therefore, these weapons can visit the Relic on Mars to adjust their first two columns (typically barrels/magazines) in a similar fashion to how crafted weapons can augment these perk columns.
  • Enhancement Tier 2 (weapon level 11 requirement):
    • Once the player inserts this mod, the left column trait(s) will automatically be upgraded to their enhanced perks. If you have multiple perks, this will update all traits in the column. Players will not need to visit the Relic on Mars to update these traits anymore.
  • Enhancement Tier 3 (weapon level 17 requirement):
    • Once the player applies this mod, the right column weapon trait perks will automatically be updated to be enhanced. Like the left column, this will upgrade all of the traits present and does not require visiting the Relic.
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We've heard the feedback that weapons should have more avenues to acquire enhanced traits. In The Final Shape, all new weapons will either be craftable or have access to weapon enhancement. In addition, weapons that remain active drops in the following activities will be eligible for enhancement:
  • Vow of the Disciple raid Adepts
  • Guardian Games
  • King's Fall raid Adepts
  • Gambit
  • Competitive Crucible (all of them)
  • Trials of Osiris
  • Crucible
  • Iron Banner
  • Vanguard Ops
  • Nightfalls
  • Prophecy Dungeon
This will include older instances of these weapons, as long as they have an origin trait. Unfortunately, due to some technical constraints, there are a handful of weapons instances from before Season 17 that have origin traits and are active drops, but they will not be eligible for weapon enhancement. If a weapon is not actively dropping in these activities and playlists or it’s under the legacy focusing options, it will not be enhance-able when The Final Shape releases. If weapons are reissued and become a part of a playlist's active drops once again, we'll update older versions that have origin traits to enter weapon enhancement.

Mementos in The Final Shape

We've received a lot of feedback on weapon mementos, especially as new mementos have released in our seasonal events. In The Final Shape, we have a few changes coming that impact how you store mementos and apply them to your weapons.
  • Crafted and enhanced weapons will no longer need to visit the Relic on Mars to apply mementos. Players can apply the memento of their choosing directly in the weapon inspection screen.
  • Memento stack cap limits will be raised from 1 to 3.
  • Mementos will no longer be stored alongside the player's consumables. When The Final Shape launches, your mementos under consumables will show as faded. Then, once the faded memento is dismantled, you'll see +1 memento added in the weapon inspection screen as a virtual currency. For players who figured out how to get around the original memento stack size limits, this will allow you to dismantle all those mementos safely, even if you temporarily go over the intended stack limit of three. If you are holding three (or more) of a particular memento, it will not drop again until you spend your mementos to be under the stack size limit of three.

Reduced Fragment Costs at Ikora In The Final Shape

Subclass Fragments purchasable from Ikora are expensive, particularly considering how many there are, especially for New Lights. In The Final Shape, we have reduced the cost of Fragments from 25000 Glimmer to 10000 Glimmer. Our goal here is to make these vital build-crafting elements more accessible for new and returning players.

The Pantheon Grows Stronger

Another week, and your task has become more difficult, Guardians. Rhulk, Disciple of the Witness, has joined The Pantheon, and we’ve gathered intel for your mission.
You are tasked with the elimination of the following target:

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  • The last-known Lubraean
  • First Disciple of the Witness
  • Other names: The Upender, Worm Father
  • Dread
  • Resonant
  • Darkness mastery
  • Immeasurable strength and durability
  • Powerful Lubrae’s Ruin Glaive
  • Suns of Lubrae attack and debuff
  • Savage Strike kick
  • Umbral Suffocation attack
  • Teleportation
  • Resonant Spikes area effect
  • Guardians rated Sigma-3 or lower are advised not to engage
  • Rhulk was born on the planet Lubrae, a world originally blessed by the Traveler that spiraled into an authoritarian regime when the Traveler left. Fueled by rage, Rhulk sought to destroy the regime, but his bloodlust led to being ostracized from his clan. Eventually, afraid of what he’d become, his clan attempted to kill him.
  • Decrypted records from the Pyramid indicate that the Witness made contact with Rhulk during this time, restored him, and empowered him as the first Disciple. Rhulk took his vengeance on Lubrae, annihilating its parent star and destroying the planet.
  • Vanguard power assessments place Rhulk far above any previous enemy faced by any Guardian. Battle scholars theorize the bold fireteam that stormed the sunken Pyramid only prevailed due to Rhulk’s humoring a fight to begin with. But prevail they did.
  • Hidden cipher-sequences buried in the symbols throughout have been decrypted by a pioneering Cryptarch, thanks to countless fireteams keeping the way clear. The solved sequence is believed to be astronomical coordinates to Lubrae. (Probe dispatched… awaiting arrival.)
  • The creation of the Hive was majorly influenced by Rhulk. The first Disciple of the Witness subjugated the Worm mother, Xita, and forced her spawn into union with the Krill, which led to the Hive species and the Hive Gods themselves.
  • Cryptarchs have uncovered communications between Rhulk and Savathûn in which Savathûn derides Rhulk’s simplicity as a tactician. According to the Witch Queen, the first Disciple only values strength, and his downfall will be his brute force approach to every situation.

Zero Hour Exotic Mission Is Live

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The Zero Hour Exotic mission is now live. If you haven’t jumped in yet, you can find it in the Into the Light node in the Director. Completing the mission in the required timeframe will earn you the Outbreak Perfected Exotic Pulse Rifle.
As we mentioned last week, we’re celebrating the release by asking you to share your favorite moments with TR3-VR. Post your favorite art, screenshots, videos, or memes — anything that shows your love for our favorite overly attached robot. Just use the hashtag #MyFriendTR3VR. We’ll be giving our favorites an Art or Movie of the Week emblem and sharing your creations in a future TWID.

METORO Webcomic Feature

Do you like cute webcomics? Of course you do! Check out these weekly panels from Japanese webcomic artist METORO that detail her first journey into Destiny 2! Remember what it was like the first time you got your hands on the Gjallarhorn? How about your first raid? Piecing together the story behind the Light and Darkness saga? Well, METORO has put her Destiny 2 adventures into art form. You can catch her original work over on TwitteX in Japanese or read it translated into English below:

METORO Discovers Destiny 2

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METORO Challenges Onslaught

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METORO Teaches a History Lesson

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METORO Runs Vault of Glass

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METORO Takes on The Pantheon

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Player Support Report

"I would die for Archie” did not mean I wanted him to actively be the death of me.
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Known Issues List Help Forums Bungie Help Twitter


With the start of Year 7 of Destiny 2, on June 4 certain items will be deprecated from player inventories that correspond with vaulted activities and seasonal campaigns. They will then be moved into the Destiny Content Vault.
We have updated the Destiny Content Vault article to reflect these changes and created a new article fully outlining Items Being Deprecated at the Start of Year 7 for players to reference.


Parents, guardians, and other responsible adults are now able to adjust their child’s Destiny 2 settings.
To set up parental controls, both the child and their adult need a account, and we will need to verify that the person providing consent and setting controls is an adult. We have created a Parental Controls Help article with details explaining how to create an account and instructions on linking it to your child's.
We have also updated our privacy policy. Please visit to create or manage your account and set your preferences today.


While we continue investigating various known issues, here is a list of the latest issues that were reported to us in our #Help Forum:
  • Capturing a zone in the Collision PvP game mode while having full super energy will slightly reduce Super energy.
  • Tormentors can push turrets away in Onslaught with their slam or grab attacks.
  • The Zero Deaths Triumph only unlocks when completing Zero Hour on the Legend difficulty, which should unlock on both Normal and Legend difficulties.
For a full list of emergent issues in Destiny 2, players can review our Known Issues article.
If you observe other issues, please report them to our #Help forum.

Who’s The Fairest Of Them All?

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This is what happens when someone asks you to draw your favorite Ghost Shell. The classic 77-way first-place tie.
Cheeese Lord on TwitteX
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A Titan’s Sacrifice

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Why does it always seem to be Titans dying in spectacular fashion? Is it because they are the bravest class, charging into battle to protect others without worrying about their own well-being? Uh... yeah, we can just go with that.
Movie of the Week:
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That’s everything we have for this week. Hopefully you’ve been having fun on the new PvP maps. We know there is a lot to do in these final weeks before The Final Shape, but if you haven’t checked the PvP maps out yet, jump into the New Territory playlist to give them a try. Not only are they beautiful and fun, you can also earn the Slaycation emblem by checking them out.
We’ll be back next week with another TWID and more details to share on The Final Shape. In the meantime, be good to each other, and thanks for hanging out with us.
Destiny 2 Community Team
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