White and silver ballerina prom dress

First topic Youhodler

2024.05.16 13:38 Fair-Establishment32 First topic Youhodler

I recently discovered a crypto platform named Youhodler i think its worth your time and you should try the platform what im doing right now is as follow :you dont have to do exactly the same but it works for me i go as follow before this i want to say i am not giving financiële advice i am just seeing and trying for me if you want to copy me and join my journey its up to you Good :) As follow I registerd for a Youhodler account After the process is done you will get Newbie statue on the app (Note those are levels where you get benefits like cloud mining and as you progress you get more benefits ) I filled the account white 100 euros worth of crypto in my case btc Wich gave me a new level its called basic Where cloud mining was a bit more and you get 10 arp on example euro Then i went to the section multihold where i places some little trades ofc i lost a bit of money in the process picuse i am still learning:) but i dont worry about that the main thing what came up to me is doing little investment getting better wich means more gain and after a while i got promotes on level silver wich makes you mining blocks more at worth note that it takes more time to mine those (its cloud mining not cpu so you know )doing this little investment while learning and winning/losing is good if you have a good risk management i recommend learning about stoppen losses after 2 days of work i am currently on gold wich i thinks very good i keep doing my Investment and save my mining wich can help me doing my little investment over again :) My schedule would be until 12 am i noticed its the best time for me to invest idk if its just me :) after 12 am i stop investing and i just activate my minee every 2 hours and save the profit for the day after to again invest to get my next level wich is platinum not that arp get higher when you get promoted Im gonna put my refferal link here so you can see for yourself i am honest i am getting 20 procent commission on those referrals but by Any means i dont want to sell a course you decide yourself :) Thanks everyone Refferal link :https://app.youhodler.com/sign-up?ref=LFR4AHUP
submitted by Fair-Establishment32 to Cryptohelp1 [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 13:32 EscootedHoon How Long is Too Long? Expired Black and White film

Hi, I have the opportunity to purchase some expired black and white fridge stored film. It is 18 years expired, fridge stored for its duration. It is 400 speed silver nitrate film, 35mm. Will it be foggy, need to be stopped down/overexposed, grainy or otherwise unusable?
submitted by EscootedHoon to AnalogCommunity [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 13:26 Desperate_Tourist_99 I’ve merged all your top 10 Charli songs into one

Since no one is posting their top 10 anymore I’ve compiled all your lists (even top 10 lists found in the comments) and set points Eurovision style: 10 points for the top 1 song on each list, 9 for the second top song, etc.
I took the data from 46 top 10 lists posted here recently (there was a top 20 but I only took the first 10 positions). Bottom 10 lists were not taken into account.
  1. Track 10 (170 points)
  2. party 4 u (136)
  3. Vroom Vroom (101)
  4. Next Level Charli (92)
  5. visions (81)
  6. B2B (65)
  7. forever (64)
  8. Backseat (62)
  9. Gone (57)
  10. detonate (55)
  11. Roll With Me: (53)
  12. No Angel: (52)
  13. Unlock It: (50)
  14. Constant Repeat:(49)
  15. Silver Cross (43)
  16. Claws / Club Classics: (42)
  17. Delicious: (41)
  18. Paradise / Sorry If I hurt You: (38)
  19. Trophy (36)
  20. Hot Girl: (34)
  21. pink diamond (32)
  22. Lipgloss (31)
  23. Cross You Out: (29)
  24. I Got It / Secret (Shh): (27)
  25. Von Dutch (26)
  26. anthems / Femmebot: (25)
  27. Speed Drive / White Mercedes (24)
  28. enemy (23)
  29. Thoughts (22)
  30. Out Of My Head: (21)
  31. Drugs / I Don’t Wanna Know: (20)
  32. Good Ones / New Shapes (18)
  33. 2099 / Crash / c2.0 / Dreamer / the Von Dutch Remix (17)
  34. 3 AM (Pull Up) / Boom Clap: (16)
  35. Grins / Miss U / Move Me: (15)
  36. Hot In It / Lucky / Stay Away: (14)
  37. 1999 / Beg For You / Lightning / Used To Know Me: (13)
  38. 5 in the morning / February 2016 / Focus / Girls Night Out / Tears / White Roses: (12)
  39. Twice (11)
  40. Doing it / Set Me Free / Xcxoplex: (10)
  41. Boys / Black Roses / Emotional / Nuclear Seasons: (9)
  42. Click / How Can I Not Know What I Need Right Now / I love It / Spring Breakers: (8)
  43. Baby / Body of My Own / Fancy / I Wanna Be With You / Need Ur Luv / What I Like / Yuck: (7)
  44. Breaking Up / Hand in the Fire / i finally understand / Official / Out Out / Take My Hand / Taxi: (6)
  45. Porsche / Warm / Welcome To My Island Remix: (5)
  46. 1 Night / 7 years / Lock You Up / Selfish Girl: (4)
  47. Blame It On U / Break the Rules / ILY2 / Miami / You’re the One: (3)
  48. Caught in the Middle / London Queen: (2)
  49. Good Girls / Dream Glow / Round & Round / Spinning (A.G. Cook remix) / SuperLove / You (HaHa Ha): (1)
Here are the points given to each song (remember 10 here means it’s someone’s number one). I’m sorry if it’s a bit confusing, I just thought it would be interesting
1 Night: (4)
3 AM (Pull Up): 9 + 7 (16)
5 in the morning: 3 + 7 + 2 (12)
7 years: (4)
1999: 5 + 8 (13)
2099: 6 + 9 + 2 (17)
anthems: 8 + 10 + 7 (25)
B2B: 8 + 4 + 9 + 6 + 7 + 8 + 9 + 6 + 8 (65)
Baby: (7)
Backseat: 8 + 8 + 10 + 2 + 9 + 7 + 9 + 3 + 6 (62)
Beg For You: 4 + 4 + 5 (13)
Black Roses (9)
Blame It On U: 2 + 1 (3)
Break the Rules: (3)
Breaking Up: (6)
Body of My Own: 3 + 4 (7)
Boom Clap: 9 + 7 (16)
Boys: 4 + 2 + 3 (9)
c2.0: 7 + 2 + 4 + 1 + 3 (17)
Caught in the Middle: (2)
claws: 2 + 2 + 4 + 6 + 4 + 10 + 6 + 8 (42)
Click: 7 + 1 (8)
Club Classics: 4 + 1 + 8 + 6 + 8 + 4 +6 + 5 (42)
Constant Repeat: 10 + 1 + 10 + 8 + 3 + 2 + 4 + 5 + 1 + 1 + 4 (49)
Crash: 6 + 6 + 5 (17)
Cross You Out: 10 + 3 + 6 + 9 + 1 (29)
Delicious: 3 + 3 + 4 + 10 + 9 + 2 + 3 + 3 + 4 (41)
detonate: 7 + 5 + 5 + 7 + 9 + 10 + 2 + 10 (55)
Doing it: 2 + 8 (10)
Dream Glow: (1)
Dreamer: 3 + 6 + 8 (17)
Drugs: 5 + 6 + 9 (20)
Emotional: 4 + 5 (9)
enemy: 9 + 2 + 1 + 4 + 7 (23)
Fancy: (7)
February 2016: 4 + 6 + 2 (12)
Femmebot: 4 + 5 + 8 + 5 + 3 (25)
Focus: 3 + 9 (12)
forever: 8 + 5 + 7 + 2 + 1 + 10 + 7 + 7 + 2 + 10 + 5 (64)
Girls Night Out: 5 + 3 + 4 (12)
Gone: 5 + 10 + 4 + 7 + 1 + 9 + 5 + 1 + 7 + 8 (57)
Good Girls: (1)
Good Ones: 9 + 9 (18)
Grins: 1 + 8 + 6 (15)
Hand in the Fire: (6)
Hot Girl: 2 + 8 + 8 + 7 + 8 + 1 (34)
Hot In It: 9 + 5 (14)
How Can I Not Know What I Need Right Now: (8)
I Don’t Wanna Know: 4 + 5 + 5 + 6 (20)
i finally understand: (6)
I Got It: 10 + 3 + 4 + 5 + 5 (27)
I love It: (8)
ILY2: 1 + 2 (3)
I Wanna Be With You: (7)
Lightning: 4 + 7 + 2 (13)
Lipgloss: 2 + 8 + 9 + 1 + 1 + 10 (31)
Lock You Up: (4)
London Queen: (2)
Lucky: 6 + 5 + 2 + 1 (14)
Miami: (3)
Miss U: 10 + 5 (15)
Move Me: 4 + 4 + 7 (15)
Need Ur Luv: 2 + 5 (7)
New Shapes: 9 + 3 + 1 + 5 (18)
Next Level Charli: 5 + 9 + 5 + 7 + 6 + 10 + 6 + 9 + 8 + 8 + 6 + 5 + 8 (92)
No Angel: 10 + 9 + 4 + 7 + 4 + 10 + 7 + 1 (52)
Nuclear Seasons: (9)
Official: 1 + 5 (6)
Out Of My Head: 3 + 1 + 3 + 4 + 10 (21)
Out Out: (6)
Paradise: 9 + 6 + 7 + 5 + 10 + 1 (38)
party 4 u: 9 + 6 + 6 + 7 + 10 + 9 + 7 + 5 + 6 + 10 + 3 + 6 + 4 + 10 + 3 + 5 + 7 + 8 + 2 + 6 + 7 (136)
pink diamond: 8 + 5 + 6 + 6 + 7 (32)
Porsche: 3 + 2 (5)
Roll With Me: 1 + 6 + 8 + 9 + 2 + 6 + 2 + 8 + 2 + 7 + 2 (53)
Round & Round: (1)
Secret (Shh): 1 + 8 + 8 + 10 (27)
Selfish Girl: (4)
Set Me Free: 5 + 5 (10)
Silver Cross: 2 + 8 + 3 + 4 + 9 + 10 + 5 + 2 (43)
Sorry If I hurt You: 1 + 8 + 4 + 10 + 2 + 10 + 3 (38)
Speed Drive: 4 + 10 + 10 (24)
Spinning - A G Cook remix (1)
Spring Breakers: (8)
Stay Away: 8 + 6 (14)
Superlove: (1)
Take my hand: (6)
Taxi: (6)
Tears: 8 +1 + 3 (12)
Thoughts: 3 + 10 + 9 (22)
Track 10: 3 + 10 + 9 + 10 + 10 + 10 + 1 + 9 + 7 + 10 + 8 + 10 + 10 + 10 + 6 + 9 + 9 + 9 + 1 + 10 + 9 (170)
Trophy: 1 + 8 + 8 + 2 + 3 +4 + 3 + 6 (35)
Twice: 3 + 4 + 4 (11)
Unlock It: 8 + 3 + 2 + 5 + 9 + 9 + 10 +4 (50)
Used To Know Me: 6 + 7 (13)
visions: 6 + 3 + 9 + 4 + 7 + 10 + 5 + 5 + 8 + 7 + 9 + 8 (81)
Von Dutch: 7 + 4 + 3 + 3 + 1 + 6 + 2 (26)
the Von Dutch Remix: 9 + 2 + 1 + 5 (17)
Vroom Vroom: 10 + 1 + 3 + 10 + 6 + 3 + 10 + 2 + 3 + 10 + 7 + 9 + 8 + 10 + 9 (101)
Warm: (5)
Welcome To My Island Remix: (5)
What I Like: (7)
White Mercedes: 7 + 2 + 7 + 3 + 5 (24)
White Roses: 2 + 10 (12)
Xcxoplex: 7 + 2 + 1 (10)
You (Ha Ha Ha): (1)
You’re the One: (3)
Yuck: (7)
💖 u angels
submitted by Desperate_Tourist_99 to charlixcx [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 13:16 C0NNii3KiNS PS2 Laser adjustment

My PS2 fat boi hasn’t run the blue discs in about 10 years. Only silver and black PS1 discs. I’ve finally decided to do something about it, but have 2 questions I can’t find specific answers for…
1: By adjusting the white cog tediously one tooth at a time for the angle, I’ve managed to get it to read silveblack, sliveblue & blue/black, but not all 3… What could be the issue here?
2: I was going to try adjusting the skew, but stupid me didn’t mark the factory position on the angle to put it back to default… Does anybody know of or have an image of the factory position?
Any help appreciated. Please & thank you!
submitted by C0NNii3KiNS to consolerepair [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 13:10 ethanhunt8989 White dress and shades - IG May 2024

White dress and shades - IG May 2024 submitted by ethanhunt8989 to KaraDelToro [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 13:02 Lunar_Piglet Elite lorewise Vostroyan units and their colors

Elite lorewise Vostroyan units and their colors
So here I am, trying to do Vostroyans very LORE-WISE.
What I undestand: 10 ed. Army Rule:
  • All tanks can be easily painted Vostroyan, so I focus on infantry models.
  • Main troops are Infantry Squad (fits perfectly all non-cadian regiments, who had heavy weapons attached to them), added there so it would be different from Cadian Shock Troops if I understand this correctly.
  • Main HQ i Platoon Command Squad (same invented as different from Cadian Command Squad)
White Dwarf 318
White Dwarf 318
From official models for Vostroyans we have:
  • 6 infantry poses
  • special weapons: snipers, grenade launcher, flamer, plasma gun. There is no melta (Are there any lore, book or artwork ideas how meltas in XIX-ish tsarism style would look like?)
  • heavy weapons squad: lascannon, mortar, heavy bolter (there are no missile launcher and autocannon - same question as above. I know kitbashing, but I am not sure if vostroyan weapons shouldn't look more XIX-ish and wooden)
  • command squad with commander and veterans (vox caster, medic, standard bearer)
So that's all official.
What if I wanted to add elite characters like Kasrkin (or Stormtroopers as lore calls elite units of regiments)? They are specifically Cadian in style, so there are no Vostroyan Kasrkin, but are there any elite that would fit their Datasheet? I mean Kasrkin have elite better armor, vox-casters, melta mines, hot-shot lasguns, so they shouldn't look like vostroyan heritage weapons. Is there any lore-wise elite unit in Vostroyan Firstborn? Or is if proper for me to just add Cadian Kasrkin, painted in Cadian green-khaki colours,. so they are just "elite troops from outside our world of Vostroya". That's the only place I would think of using 3D prints - because modern artists create vostroyans wery ultra-tech, without Imperial Aquilas etc.
Ghamak look very ultra-tech, so may fit as kasrkin-unit
Or maybe these - all have gas-masks and sinister red-visors, they also would fit as elite infantry, compared to basic old models infantry.
What about Ogryns? I know there are Vostroyan Ogryn ideas in 3D Prints, but I want to ask you if they would be lorewise. Would they dress similar way like vostroyans or not.
Just tell me if there is anything in lore that gives me permission to bring such datasheet units to army or should they be dressed in outsider colors, because Vostroya does now have ogryns and kasrkin for example. The same way I will paint Commisars in boxart style, because they are outsiders from Ordo Praefectus, overseeing regiments. Same with Attaché.
Also - do Vostroyans have their rough riders or are they again delegalized and I just should use Attilans from outside worlds.
Is Imperial Guard becoming more of patch-work family like eldars with their aspect warriors etc. with only basic infantry being in standard colors of regiment? All elites are outside of our ranks?
Hope you understand my thoughts.
submitted by Lunar_Piglet to Vostroyan [link] [comments]

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submitted by AutoModerator to globalpromo [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 12:51 Piper-Jojo Need some help making a decision on drill pens.

So I fancy myself some of those nice drill pens with the curved shape that allows for a more comfortable grip, and they have those interchangeable metal tips for holding different amounts of drills at once.
Thing is, the listing I found offers different coloured metal tips, and the colour(s) of the pen(s) you receive are determined by the colour of the tips you choose.
Help me choose from the following options:
1.) Gold tips (purple, pink, blue pens)
2.) Gold tips (pink pen)
3.) Multicolour tips (purple, pink, blue pens)
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submitted by Piper-Jojo to diamondpainting [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 12:46 artsandfish First love confusion, am I bi?

I don't know what to do.
I am not out to myself or others. I only have one sexual experience that went further then flirting with the same sex and it has left me confused.
Me and a friend kissed when we were drunk one night when I was about 15. After that for a while everything was normal.After maybe half a year or less had passed and I was still friends with this girl. I started to watch gay TV shows and maybe had a crush on a teacher and also flirted with girls that I thought might be gay but I still declared myself as straight, I started to remember my kiss with her fondly and started to fantasies about having a relationship with her, things got really weird quickly from there. I felt so awkward around her I would get spiteful and bitchy and be very jealous when she made new friends, I would be mean to her but I still insisted on staying friends, I would glue myself to her invite myself round to her house and pretend everything was normal. I would keep asking her for reassurance that we were still friends.
I would indulge myself into fantasy's that we were in love etc I asked her once if we could kiss again which she refused saying that I shouldn't have told my other friends about our kiss.
20 years later I am still coming to terms with it all, I have dreams about her and my life has not been the same since. I try to distract myself with porn or play with the idea of being with girls I meet at work etc. I keep messaging her with the idea that I can bring it all up to talk to her about it. But end up just talking about normal mundane things.
I feel alone and isolated. I just came to terms with it this morning that maybe it was obvious that I was in love with her and maybe people around me are just waiting for me to admit it.
Should I ask her if she could tell I was in love with her? Something like "was I in love with you at school?". It is all abit of a blur and I don't know myself really but looking back on it does seem like I was in love with her.
It is so complicated relationships with girls because there is a power dynamic that comes to play which confused me. For example when we started hanging out she would copy me and dress like me etc but when she no longer needed me I felt bad and I was confused when she rejected me. Was I in love with her or was if just a complicated friendship and I was just emotional and sensitive at the time?Will coming out about this fix anything?
I don't know what to do? life is not black and white and it is what you make of it. I just wish she could tell me she loved me so I could understand my feeling were real.
submitted by artsandfish to bisexual [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 12:42 waybovetherest I got addicted to Pokemon Emerald

I first picked up the game last Sunday and by the time I put it down, 4 Hours had passed! And I couldn't wait to play again, how is it that addictive?! I had tried to play Pokemon Gold Pikachu Edition a few years back, but found it tedious and didn't get the hype for retro Pokemon games. But Emerald is very very addictive! I don't quite remember what the differences are between the two games, but it couldn't be that different right! And the only reason I picked up Pokemon was because Delta Emulator was recently launched on iOS App Store, and I chose Emerald because I really like Rayquaza. But now I have been researching what Pokemon games to play next, because I can't wait to play more of them.
So far my list is:
Is that a good list? would you recommend some other ones?
submitted by waybovetherest to pokemon [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 12:42 Responsible-North234 A Big Change From The Novels

The show kind of made the Starks more rustic than they where in the books. House Stark in the novels where not as wealthy as the Lannister's but they where a lot wealthier than the show.
First lets look at what they wear in the books which is nothing like there costumes in the show.
Side note Lord Rickard owned Steel armour and gold spurs.
When Arya is packing to go to Kings Landing she files where chest with silk and Sansa is fond of blue silk.
In Kings Landing Eddard looked nothing like what he did in the show, he always wore what he called his council silk. Ned also commissions a new uniform for his guards. Long cloaks of heavy grey wool decorated with white satin borders. Their cloaks are pinned with hands of beaten silver representing there Lords office as hand of the King. When he was on the Iron Throne Ned wore a white double embosomed with a grey dire wolf.
In Winterfell at the feast welcoming the King and Royal Family they all dressed grandly, including Benjen Stark. There are high born brothers in the Nights Witch from the north and south and I have never seen one dressed as well as Benjen at that feast, not even Lord Commander Mormont himself. He wears rich black velvet high black leather boots. His wide belt has a silver buckle and very heavy silver chain.
When Bran is attacked by Wildlings he is attacked for what he is wearing and he is second legitimate son and he is wearing a wolfs head broch of silver and jet. Jet is a gemstone and this is not a formal event this is just outriding in the woods.
Jon wears fine blacks and mole skin gloves which would not be cheap. At Winterfell harvest feast Bran is dressed quote, as befits a Prince and Robb wears a bronze crown and Catelyn describes her sons royal Kingly attire as quote magnificent.
Also Theon Greyjoy dressed very well when he was living with Stark in silk and Gold and Balon fears the Starks have made him soft. I doubt Greyjoy money was funding Theon's extravagant lifestyle. When he takes Winterfell he crowns himself Prince of Winterfell and orders and orders a new crown forged with black diamonds and chunks of gold. Where did he get the gold and diamonds if not from Winterfell's plundered treasury. And before Winterfell Bran and Luwin gave the Manderley's gold and build a royal fleet and mint coins.
At the Winterfell harvest feast
Now lets look at Winterfell it is much bigger and much grander than in the show this is a Castle built of granite which is an opulent martial.
Winterfell is a huge castle complex spanning several acres and encircled by two massive granite walls.
Remember the Castle is built over natural hot springs and as the wiki explains.
The water is piped through walls and chambers to heat them, making Winterfell more comfortable than other castles during the harsh northern winters.
Also from the wiki
Inside the walls, the complex is composed of dozens of courtyards and small open spaces. Weapons training and practice take place in those yards. The inner ward is a second, much older open space in the castle where archery practice takes place. It is located next to the broken tower. Inside Winterfell stands the inner castle, which contains the Great Keep and the Great Hall. Winterfell's towers and halls have diamond-shaped window panes.[6]
Inner Castle
The Great Keep is the innermost castle and stronghold of the castle complex. It was built over natural hot springs to keep it warm.[5] The Great Keep contains bedchambers for House Stark[5] as well as the solar of Lord Eddard Stark.[7] The building is connected to the armory by a covered bridge.[8] From a window on the covered bridge, one can see the entire yard.[9] Beneath the Great Keep are cellars with narrow windows.[10]
The Great Hall is used for receiving guests and the place where the household dines together, including the Lord of Winterfell. It is made of grey stone[11] and has wide doors made of oak and iron,[12] which opens to the castle yard, and a rear exit leads to a dimly-lit gallery.[12] Inside it can hold eight long rows of trestle tables, four to each side of the central aisle,[12] and the hall can seat five hundred people.[13] There is a raised platform for noble guests, and the walls are covered with banners.[11] The hall contains the high seat of the old Kings in the North. The seat's cold stone has been polished by the many lords who have sat upon it, and its massive arms are decorated with the carved heads of snarling direwolves.[14][15]
The small sept was built for Lady Catelyn Tully, a southron, by her husband, Lord Eddard.[16]
Courtyard and Other Buildings
The First Keep, a squat and round drum tower, is the oldest surviving part of the castle but is no longer in use. Around it lies a lichyard where the Kings of Winter would bury their loyal servants. The keep has gargoyles atop it.[17][6] Maester Kennet determined it was built after the Andals arrived.[18]
The broken tower, also known as the Burned Tower, was once the tallest watchtower in Winterfell. Over 140 years ago a lightning strike set it afire and the top third collapsed inward, but no one rebuilt it.[19][20] It stands behind the old inner ward. Crows nest atop the broken tower.[19]
The ancient godswood of Winterfell has stood untouched for ten thousand years, with three acres of old packed earth and close-together trees creating a dense canopy, which the castle was built around. At the center of the grove stands an ancient weirwood with a face carved into it, standing over a pool of black water.[16] Across the godswood from the heart tree, beneath the windows of the Guest House, an underground hot spring feeds three small pools, with a moss-covered wall looming above them. The godswood is enclosed by walls, and is accessed by a main iron gate, or smaller wooden ones.
The Glass Gardens[21] is a greenhouse heated by the hot springs, which turn it into a place of moist warmth.[5] It is used to grow fruits, vegetables, and flowers.[9][22] The garden has green and yellow glass panes[10] locked in frames.[8]
The crypt of Winterfell, located near the First Keep, is where members of House Stark are buried. The underground crypts are long and narrow, with pillars moving two by two along its length. Between pillars stand the sepulchers of the Starks of Winterfell, the likenesses of the dead seated on thrones, with iron swords set before them to keep the restless spirits from wandering, and snarling direwolves at their feet. The crypts are deep under the earth, cavernous and bigger than the complex above ground. They are accessed by a twisting stone stair and a huge ironwood door that lies at a slant to the floor. The stair continues below to older levels where the most ancient Kings in the North are entombed.[23][17][10]
The Bell Tower is connected to the rookery by a bridge. The bridge is covered and runs from the fourth floor of the tower to the second floor of the rookery.[6][8]
The maester's turret is below the rookery.[24]
The Library Tower houses the library at Winterfell. A stonework staircase winds about its exterior.[8]
The Guards Hall is in line with the Bell Tower, and further back, the First Keep.[6]
Winterfell has undercrofts and cellars.[25] The castle also has dungeons,[25] including tower cells.[26]
Winterfell is a huge castle complex spanning several acres, defended by two massive walls of grey granite with a wide moat between them.[4] The outer wall is eighty feet high, while the inner is one hundred feet high.[4] There are guard turrets on the outer wall and more than thirty watch turrets on the crenelated inner walls.
The great main gates[7] have a gatehouse made of two huge crenelated bulwarks which flank the arched gate[8] and a drawbridge that opens into the market square of the winter town.[27][28]
There is a narrow tunnel inside of the inner wall stretching halfway around the castle, allowing travel from the south gate all the way to the north gate without interruption.[19]
When Jon Snow becomes Lord Commander of the Nights Watch he considers building a glass building but thinks it will be costly and for such fine glass he would need to look Myr and by the freedom of a few glass makers.
We know Sansa loves lemon cakes and lemon trees do not grow naturally in the north importing lemon seeds to Winterfell from the reach or Doren would not be cheap. My guess would be the seeds came form Doren as one need only sail up the narrow sea than the up the White Knife.
Finally Maester Luwin has his own turret and mentions having servents of his own. The Starks top servants have servants
Not as wealthy as the Lannister but it clear Ned and Robb after him where unlike in the show 2 of the wealthiest man in the world.
submitted by Responsible-North234 to gameofthrones [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 12:20 ontheballoot Hailey Bieber's Baby Bump Photos: A Peek into Her Pregnancy Journey

Hailey Bieber's Baby Bump Photos: A Peek into Her Pregnancy Journey
Hailey Bieber and Justin Bieber recently sent shockwaves across the internet with the announcement of their first pregnancy. Now, Hailey has delighted fans by offering a glimpse into her life as a mom-to-be through a series of heartwarming photos shared on Instagram.

Hailey and Justin Bieber recently announced pregnancy.
In the photos, Hailey can be seen cradling her growing baby bump, radiating with joy and excitement. Sporting a glittering butterfly crop top paired with low-rise jeans, she exudes a glow of maternal bliss. The photos capture intimate moments of Hailey’s journey into motherhood, including candid shots of her sipping a beverage and cuddling with her beloved pet dog.
Accompanying the photos is a simple caption that reads, “the past few weeks have been..” followed by a string of emoticons, hinting at the whirlwind of emotions and experiences she has encountered since the pregnancy announcement. Among the many admirers of Hailey’s adorable maternity photos is Kylie Jenner, who couldn’t help but express her admiration with a comment that simply read, “Cutest.”
Justin Bieber also took to social media to share his excitement about becoming a father. His Instagram post featured a touching video depicting what appeared to be the couple renewing their wedding vows in a picturesque outdoor setting. The video offers glimpses of Hailey’s pregnant belly adorned in a white, lacy dress, as well as tender moments between the couple as they prepare for parenthood.
Hailey’s representative confirmed to Entertainment Tonight that she is “a little over six months pregnant,” adding to the anticipation surrounding the impending arrival of their bundle of joy. The couple, who tied the knot in 2018, has received an outpouring of love and support from friends, family, and fans since sharing their pregnancy news.
Among those celebrating the happy news is Justin’s mother, Pattie Mallette, who expressed her excitement on Instagram, exclaiming, “I’m gonna be a grandma!” Hailey’s father, Stephen Baldwin, also shared his joy, writing, “Love you guys. Blessed beyond words. Praise God…let’s get ready to have some fun y’all.”
As Hailey and Justin prepare to embark on this new chapter of their lives, their fans eagerly await more glimpses into their journey to parenthood and the arrival of their little one.
submitted by ontheballoot to u/ontheballoot [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 12:17 Adventurous_Head_384 How to maintain vintage clothes

As the title.. Especially white dresses and blouses. How can I ensure that they stay clean and fresh with limited wardrobe space? Can I store some of them in a box? At the same time, I worry they may grow mouldy as it is white humid where I stay.
Please share any advice if you have! Thank you :)
submitted by Adventurous_Head_384 to VintageFashion [link] [comments]

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2024.05.16 12:01 AutoModerator Daily Questions Thread May 16, 2024

This thread is for individual style questions that you may have, especially those that don't warrant their own thread. We all want a diversified opinion, so feel free to answer any questions (of which you know the answer).
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2024.05.16 11:58 4ZRA31 21[M4F] #Sweden/Anywhere - Let's try this thing called LDR shall we?

Hi! so i've been single for a bit now. and i have figured out that knowing another person cares is kinda kinda nice, and caring for another person is equally as nice if not more. texting someone good morning, always having someone to text and talk to, being affectionate with eachother are all stuff i miss alot.
A little about me: I'm from sweden, turning 22 this summer. i like to think i'm pretty respectful, nice and i love to solve problems. i have also kinda figured out i like to care for someone else. i work part time while looking for an8ther job right now. and for hobbies i like to game. i play a ton of league, overwatch and valorant at the moment. Whenever i don't do that i listen to music, read, i recently got into warhammer 40k, if you know what that it. I also like to exercise. i take pride kn keeping my body healthy and fit. and would be happy if you did the same.
For looks as i said, i'm pretty fit, tall, i often get called cute which i don't agree with but that's others opinions. Blonde, green eyes and white skin. i like to dress okay, pretty decent anyway. no fasion model but i don't think my style is bad.
i'm honestly on here looking for anymone matching my personality or compliments it. be around my age. i would say between 20 and 25 is a good range.
okay i think that's all. if you wanna stand out in a message why not send a short introduction? chances are i won't get alot of texts so don't be scared to send one away. you have a high chance of getting a response. but "hi" messages doesn't give me alot.
submitted by 4ZRA31 to ForeverAloneDating [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 11:43 circussilks Type me: maybe summer but not sure

Type me: maybe summer but not sure
For long I was taking colors from spring side, yellowish foundation, peachy lip color and blush but yellow gold never really clicked.
My roots are ashier but sun bleaches the lengths to a yellow shade. Silver works if it is very light shade, same light shaded gold. But then again I feel that my freckles are so warm that it feels funny to put cool shaded makeup products on.
My undertone is cool most likely but overtone is yellow / something peachy.
Dress picture is with no makeup, closeup eye has black mascara.
So thoughts or insight if I fit on the summer / spring category thank you 💜
submitted by circussilks to coloranalysis [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 11:41 Leather_Agency9743 HELP PLEASEE <3 MIL to be.

I am a little worried and would love some help/advise on how to control my emotions around some situations, or if i might be over reacting. My MIL to be can be rather overbearing and has an issue accepting boundaries. Over the past several months I have noticed that my MIL can be somewhat overly mothering and emotionally manipulative. She also seems to try to target me whenever my finance is not around, and when it is just me and her. i.e. She had a tantrum when I told her that she could not join us on a walk which my fiance and I wanted to do as a couple AS A DATE DAY. My fiance later tried to have a conversation with her about this and she described it as just being playful...
She also refers to my fiance, his two brothers, their partners and myself (as a collective) as children "Do you think the children will like this" or she will talk to my FIL in front of us as "The children..." - Bare in mind I am 30 in November - My own parents never categorize me as a child so I am somewhat shocked that she does this - All of the "so called Children" in my fiances family are 23 and over. At first I thought this was a term of endearment that she was just too used to saying, but after my fiance had a conversation with her about this asking her to stop saying this in reference to me, as it was making me extremely uncomfortable, I was asked so many questions as to why I didn't like it. I advised that I found it belittling and patronising as my own parents don't refer to me and my siblings in that way. And also that I was nearly 30 now and I find it a little offensive (I have my own house and worked hard for it, I have two degrees which again I worked hard for, and I have been through a lot in my life, I stopped being a 'child' a very long time ago)- I know that this could be me overreacting a little bit, but this is whole new territory for me as I have never been referred to as a 'child' in my adult life, not even by my own parents who refer to me either by my name, or as their eldest daughter.
I am sorry if anyone else has the same situation and is okay with it, but it just makes me uncomfortable. When I was explaining about how I was feeling she was smiling the entire time but looked so confused at the same time, as she couldn't understand why I felt the way I did. And she continues to use the word Children to describe me and my fiance. Even my FIL has told her to stop it, but she doesn't seem to understand or pay attention to it.
The big red flag for me was this: The other day my partner and I went to see his parents for a visit. He was in the garden in deep conversation with his dad, and I was talking to his mother in the dining area, the conversation was quite lovely at first... Until she started talking about buying fabric from a well know UK fabric and craft store to make some elegant dresses. She had a lovely royal blue material which she was showing me and advised that the both of us should go on a trip to the store together, as she really wanted to by the same type of fabric, but in emerald, green (WAIT FOR IT). She was going on about dresses and weddings, and my gut instantly knew where this was going. A few moments later, she says, “I would really love to make a nice dress in blue for *bother-in-laws wedding*” and then proceeded to say, “... and I would like to make something in the emerald green for your (and my fiancés) wedding” - HELL TO THE FRICKING NO!!! Please note, me and my fiancé got engaged in September of last year, and I happily told MIL and my fiancés family that I was not the conventional sort of gal, I never wanted to wear just white, or white at all. I showed them all, numerous times, the picture from my Pinterest board, of what I hoped my wedding dress would be or at least look like. And guess what colour that dress was and the colour I have wanted my dress to be ever since I can remember… IT’S EMERALD GREEN... I created my Wedding Planning Pinterest board in 2015 and I have always wanted to wear Green.
This conversation literally hit me to the point where I was either going to cry or blow up - Due to the share fact that she was so adamant that she wanted to wear the same colour as me, but also that she did this when it was just me and her in the room and no one else was around to hear it. Somehow, I just managed to keep my cool and I simply said, "NO. I am sorry, but you are not wearing the same-coloured dress as me on my wedding day. Absolutely not. And I am not meaning to sound like a bridezilla in any way here, but that is a very specific colour that I have had picked out in my mind for a long time now. No, please don't wear that colour, anything but emerald green" She seemed shocked at first, and then joked it off saying, “Well I don't have to wear emerald, green (DAMN RIGHT). I will wear blue or something.” And then she made a joke about the fact of me saying "on my wedding day" like "OOO MY WEDDING... OOO IT'S MY WEDDING DAY" . I didn't have the energy to question this so i just had to laugh it off. I later told my fiance about this and he was frustrated at the situation, and advised that she will not be wearing the same colour as me on our big day. It worried me that she does things like this when it is just me and her, sometimes it is very minor things, but they are noticeably overbearing and manipulative in my eyes.
She still treats my fiance like he is a teenager, and tried to do the same thing with me, like "oh let me clean you glasses for you" and "take a coat with you its cold" (I am always hot to the point I overheat, she is aware of this), "here you go let me do that for you" These are just examples, but she acts as though we cannot do things for ourselves at times, and her way is the best way. I have been very independent since I was 18 years old (and younger tbh - but 18 is when I moved out by myself etc) . So it is hard for me to see this as anything but patronising.
Do you think I am overacting or is it normal for me to feel uncomfortable? Any advise on how to tackle these issues would be really helpful. I have spoken to my mum and sister about this, and they are very hurt by the way I am feeling at the moment. I just wondered if this is how other people would also feel, or if anyone else is or has been through the same.
THANK YOU <3 And sorry again that it is so long. And if you have made it to this point. I appreciate it! x
submitted by Leather_Agency9743 to JUSTNOMIL [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 11:13 Yvon_ka Let's take a moment to admire these stunning Marie Classic Halo Earrings from Genevieve jewelry 💎

Let's take a moment to admire these stunning Marie Classic Halo Earrings from Genevieve jewelry 💎
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submitted by Yvon_ka to u/Yvon_ka [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 11:06 jennifer818 Mid aged Latino men who have been in the scene for 10 plus years, why?

I think this issue is magnified among the old guard salseros, those who've been around for 10 or more years. Now I'm not saying ALL of them, most older men are sweet, sometimes they want nothing but music & dance. But I'll say that some of these men or groups are trying to monopolize the newer, younger dancers, especially women in their 30s or younger non-Latina white women like us.
I've had experiences, and I wouldn't have noticed it if I had quit earlier. These men, particularly those aged 40-50, often chat us up right after a dance, complimenting our moves. While it's flattering, yeah, it's a pattern sure. Though I'll say that it's not just Latino men (so you "salseros bachateros" calm down) but men in that age range. Interestingly, the older guys, around 60, are mostly sweet though a few, but the 40-50 'silver foxes' I think can just be the ick.
And for women who are reading this, share with me too, iykyk.
An example, I do my best to follow but some of these men still use the same old moves from 10 years ago, I've seen the vid Jose.. Linear, dip, dip, linear. It's fine if you like the LA style of salsa, & I'm mostly fun with it, though there could only be so much dips I can take... But if you're going to teach me or correct my moves, maybe mix it up a bit?? And for 10 or so years, it's still these???
Juanito, a good acquaintance of mine. He likes to chat after a dance, most def to secure a second dance & also to flirt, while I don’t mind, he once grabbed my arm and turned me around so that my friend, a decent lead who’s new to this certain dance enclave, couldn’t ask me for a dance. That was really off-putting.
"You're really good at dance, again let's do a second??? My oh my good dance!". Like okay dude, are you here for you, you're literally in every single night and have been doing so for a decade. What is it FOR you types?? Do you like maybe also cultivate the community?? There are newbie leads who wants a chance, what's it with you targeting women who seem to be younger, fresh off in the scene and stick with them as much as you can, like do you get off dancing with us is that your thing??? And if you like dancing so much why the damn same moves. Is this the only dance you do out of more than a decade???? Are you for the community or is it your ego or something?
To the more passive men, thank you for being humble. In smaller, cliquey salsa communities, I'll call little enclaves, egos can inflate, especially near the DJ's floor. You might feel like you have to fight for dances, but please don’t copy these rude idiots. Don’t grab us by the arm and pull us away. It’s disrespectful. Just a rant I needed to share.
My friend told me, it didn't matter if he was about to ask me this other lady for a dance, this 40 year old dude literally pulled her by the arm. it can really be tough when the ratio is bad & 80% of the dancers are acquaintances or friends with each other.
Last rant, these guys with their slick, gelled hair with moves heavily cumbia centric. I came for salsa, & while I enjoy a cumbia or two, I can't help but frown when they insist on dancing cumbia to popular salsa songs. I understand that many of my good Mexican friends have more experience with banda & cumbia, and their eyes light up when the DJ, who specifically announces a salsa night, plays cumbia. I enjoy it too & never turn down La Chona especially in quince's (I help teach sweet 15s dance) however, these slick-haired, & sometimes too greasy looking guys target newcomers and chat them up. They’ve been doing this for over 10 years. So I have to ask... why? I'm fine with it to an extent, but if you’ve been part of a small salsa community for a decade, and you still have the same style, the same type of dance, and the same ego approach, what are you trying to achieve with your life?
Dedicated to my actual good friends Juanito, Jose, Cesar (but Cesar's Colombian) tip for ladies, have a good posture, sometimes these types of men (again not exclusive to latinos so calm down) would really feed off of your type of vibe. Be firm and strong, most guys will get it & categorize you as just an avid salsera & so you just dance & draw in the better types of people after 2 months or so. The silliest part is when you realize the players just start leaving them alone and it's the nightlife whatever but things can change.
submitted by jennifer818 to Salsa [link] [comments]

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